#Just in case you were wondering
luminaxandra · 7 months
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"FINE! TAKE WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT! SO LONG AS YOU HELP ME SAVE HIM!!" OwO)/ happy Halloween, this is my contribution to spooky day.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 2 months
im booping all of you bisexually btw
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mieczyhale · 1 year
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bucky barnes - tumblr posts [5/?] / memes [27/?]
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whenthesunrosedown · 1 year
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morning titty pics are my favorite
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ironychan · 1 year
Things we can assume about dinosaurs, based on their modern descendants:
They were warm-blooded and had feathers.
They liked to roll in the dirt.
They could not hiccup.
They danced to impress girls.
The girls they were trying to impress needn't be the correct species.
Not even vaguely. I once saw a peacock trying to woo a pond full of deeply unimpressed flamingos.
They looked very silly when they ran.
They would seize any opportunity to be a gratuitous asshole, particularly when food was involved.
They woke up very early in the morning and started the day by screaming.
They were capable of being very stupid, then shockingly intelligent, then dumb as a bucket of mud again within ten seconds.
They tasted delicious on a bun with spicy mayo.
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paradisecitizens · 2 years
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ayoarticulate · 10 months
i love and need sydcarmy to happen so bad, that i find it extremely difficult to read stuff where it’s “carmy x reader” or “carmy x oc” or literally anything in that realm.
do i need professional assistance?
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jordanraye47 · 1 month
”Axel is duncney’s child!”
“Wayne is Lyler’s child!”
caseoh is ozzy’s child
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welcometothejianghu · 2 months
I just want to thank you for your 'W2 Tells You What You Should See' posts. I have taken up at least two TV series because of your recommendations. I really appreciate that you are able to share your enthusiasm for a show but also, at the same time, be critical wherever it is problematic. I look forward to your next 'W2 Tells You What You Should See' post!
Thank you for saying so! These posts take me a stupidly long time to cobble together, but I have a lot of fun doing it.
At the risk of giving away too much of my real-life identity, I'm an academic who deals with problematic texts all the damn time. The best thing is just to be honest! The worst thing is to believe that you can only love something if it's ideologically pure and perfect, and that everything you love must therefore be treated as though it has no flaws. That's a dangerous attitude that will have you excusing a lot of awful things just because you've decided that your own identity is so wrapped up in something (like a media franchise, or a sports team, or a political candidate, or a romantic partner) that you must defend it even from accurate critique.
Fuck that noise. In this house, we love problematic things, because we ourselves are problematic things that deserve love.
Anyway, for any of the rest of you who are interested in finding something new to watch, the whole W2 Tells You What You Should See set can be found at that link! Be sure to let me know if you wind up liking something you try, especially if it's one of the lesser-known properties. If you discovered that you enjoy Nirvana in Fire because of something I wrote, well, sure, that's the correct response to Nirvana in Fire. If my humble little House Haunters rec led you to become a fan of the beautiful catastrophe that is Psych-Hunter, we should be friends.
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arkhayn · 14 days
nothing he says is canon to me unless I SAY IT IS. white men don't tell me NOTHING.
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aggravateddurian · 15 days
I've disabled my Discord for now. It's mostly for my own good at the moment.
If you want to reach me (god knows why) my messages on tumblr are still open.
I'm mostly shifting to liking and reblogging. I can't create anything at the moment, not the way my life is turning out, and anything I do create, I hate it. I despise it. Might come back later when things have stabilised, but otherwise I'd rather keep my personal stuff personal and not have it leak out onto the internet.
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deathlessathanasia · 19 days
„And to have sex with a god or goddess or to be penetrated by a god [in a dream] signifies death for a sick person. For, on this occasion, the soul prophesies meetings and intercourse with the gods, that is, when it is about to leave behind the body in which it dwells. But for rest, if they delight in the intercourse, it signifies benefits from their superiors, but if they do not delight in it, terrors and disturbances. And to have sex with Artemis and Athena and Hestia and Rhea and Hera and Hecate alone is not beneficial, even if one delights in it. For the dream prophesies doom for the observer after no long period of time. For these goddesses are hallowed, and those who lay a hand on them, in my view, will receive nothing good from [their] attempt.” (Artemidoros, Oneirocritica 1.80)
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For the three-sentence fic meme: Combeferre and Grantaire.
"Fae are but man's wildest, purest, most hedonistic instincts: remember Snow White's iron-red shoes, Erzebet's virginal baths, Rebecca Black's parents, and recall that this is merely the seelie court's slow Tuesday; in 1896, Homer's thirst defined the law of the land until Oliver smote it down 58 years later: it is from this that we derive our understanding of 'fair folk' and their estimation of that blind, calculating lady we call Justice; if I were seated as judge on this lucky court, I would cut her bindings, slash at her blindfold, and undo her gag; alas, that steadfast and fickle foe numbers (that is to say, my GPA) held me fast from my Ivy-laden dreams of law, and I am barred from serving that most judicious duty of the land alongside my peers."
Combeferre stares at Grantaire a long beat before announcing, "I'm still checking out the lights under the hill."
"Swag, right behind you."
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strangesickness · 4 months
i think richie tozier is really into glam metal. i think as a preteen he was really into rock n' roll because bill was really into rock n' roll, and i think bill would mostly listen to very core rock n' roll, not branch off into sub genres too much, he really appreciates the early stuff i think. but richie, at like 11 years old hears livin' on a prayer on the radio and he's immediately hooked. his parents buy him slippery when wet for his birthday and a bon jovi poster. his parents are pretty clueless about this stuff so wentworth takes him to the store so they get the right one. maggie's pretty sure bon jovi's for girls, but is just excited she isn't going to have to deal with her son playing the same three records over and over again anymore.
when richie's twelve the bon jovi poster gets moved to his door, so that it's hidden when he has it open. he feels guilty when he looks at it. it's his favorite poster though and it gets rotated around his room a lot.
when he's fourteen there's a bon jovi concert in maine and he convinces his parents to let him go so long as his sister goes with him to chaperone. it's a pretty life changing experience for him. his sister ends up really liking the music too, so thats cool. he gets a t-shirt that quickly becomes faded and soft from constant wear.
all the lights and effects and just the energy really flips a switch for him. it's not just bon jovi anymore, he's spending hours in the record store, he gets a job so he can buy a CD player, it takes a ridiculously long time to get to that point.
he also gets big into KISS because of course he does. he probably spends more time looking at the cover of his paul stanley album than he does listening to it. he may spend an unhealthy amount of time gazing longingly into paul stanley's eyes but his favorite is probably ace frehley. he has a ridiculous amount of magazines that he just got for interviews with them. this is the era of glam haircuts for richie. it takes him at least two years to figure out he actually has to style it though, so that's fun.
he tries to make his own music but he's hot garbage at it, he moves on to trying to play his favorite songs on guitar, which he also sucks at, he eventually gets desperate and tries to play on bill's mom's piano. he is swiftly removed from the household. he gets really good at singing his favorite songs though.
i'm not really going anywhere with this. richie tozier likes glam metal. it awakens something gay in him.
you can find some relevant images and some more of my commentary under the cut.
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slippery when wet, the first album richie sought out on his own, and the beginning of the end of his heterosexuality.
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i'm not going to say this is the poster, because i don't know enough about this stuff to confirm if this poster would've been sold around the right time. but you get the picture. ideally it would be this exact poster, but i'm not picky. i think richie comes home from school one day and looks at this poster and has a fucking. biblical experience. like it's just a normal school day, and then he just goes home, closes his bedroom door, turns around to take off his shoes, and stares this man straight in the eye and just thinks "holy shit he's beautiful" i think the poster sleeps in the closet that night.
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this is the paul stanley album i'm talking about. i think this is also richie's main haircut inspiration, but it takes him years to figure out what hairspray is. lucky for him his hair is naturally curly so he didn't look too stupid, but things weren't ideal.
i think he takes a lot of style influence from various musicians, but he's never willing to part with his dear patterned button ups, so his workaround is: obnoxious button up + leather jacket as we saw in the movie.
he really likes cinderella, and feels a little betrayed when they change genre direction in the 90s. i think he sees tom keifer
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wearing a lot of jewellery and decides he also wants to wear a lot of jewellery but ends up either hating it, or forgetting it, he also never convinces his parents to get his ears pierced. if he ever manages it, it's because bev did it herself, she probably screwed it up pretty bad too, and he just ends up with some pretty gnarly scaring on his right ear.
originally posted january 27th. reposted january 29th.
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johnsbleu · 3 months
john beats someone up in the next chapter :)
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