#It's pretty magical to remember I can press some buttons and strangers the world over think it worthwhile enough to ponder
silvensei · 1 year
How goes the time travel fic?
On hold while I may or may not have covid (probably from the holidays) and also half a gallon of epoxy resin to use before it goes bad (definitely from the holidays), but I'll put some words to paper right now just for you 🥂
Today, I made a mushroom pyramid :)
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
aw, sweet loceit in the evening sun. logan is actually super good at explaining healthy relationships and boundaries and stuff actually, i betcha he could recognize abuse no problem
…aye remy! REMY!! HAve you thought about going to that gay bar more often? who knows, maybe you'll encounter someone nice, make friends with like-minded people, hear some disco, the full nine yards. janus might be there, remus might be there. (just look around for the guy with the blue tie, he's a great guy, if he's not wearing it he'll look like he has that blue tie kinda energy! you could totally just get drunk and unload your grievances on him and i bet he won't even mind!)
(Mentions of U!Virgil but I say beforehand when that happens so those who don’t like U!Virgil can enjoy the rest of the fic up until then)
(Words: 4100)
Remy wiped away a tear while looking at your message. The cold light from their phone was the only thing brightening up the room. Virgil was sleeping beside them, his arm was laid around their waist.
"You just like tots gave me the greatest idea! I'm gonna invite Rem out to the bar! It's gonna the funnest thing like ever! Thanks girl!!"
2 days later Remus was dangerously close to eating the moss straight from the gay bar's wall. He had been left without supervision for over 15 minutes while he sat outside waiting for his friend to show up, what else was he supposed to do?!
Remy came towards him as fast as they could. They had on a short leather skirt, a neon mesh crop top and a leather jacket over it.
They did a little turn "I just like felt a bit glamorous today!" 
Remus choked on his own spit "The world must be a dark place when you aren't feeling glamorous"
"Awwww babbbe"
He sent them a big grin. He'd just put on his usual oversized dysphoria hoodie and matching oversized (:O) sweatpants.
Remus' smile disappeared in an instant as he noticed dark bruises all around Remy's neck. Shades of purple and green collided against each other.
"Ehm did a vampire come and attack you last night? Seriously are you alri-"
"JUst a reminder that it will be loud in there" Remy interrupted.
"Oh. Right!"
He fumbled around in his bag after his headphones. After putting it and a chew necklace on he did a thumbs up. Remy took off their sunglasses and leaned down so they were face to face.
Their face was so close he could feel their breathe against his lips. They put the sunglasses onto him and sent him a soft smile.
“There’s like lots of bright lights too” They explained.
Remus’ heart fluttered. He didn’t understand why “T-thanks”
They moved their arm around his shoulders as they went into the bar. It was past 12 am so some of the daytime furniture had been moved to make place for a dancefloor. There was indeed lots of neon lights flickering all around the bar and fast pop music was blasting through the speakers.
It was hard to see any details of anyone around him so Remus quickly forgot about the bruise. In this lighting it just looked like a weird choker anyway.
A guy with a see through shirt bumped into Remus. He had top surgery scars. For a moment they looked at each other in the most knowing way. The stranger looked away and continued talking with whoever he was with.
Remus whole body seemed to vibrate. There were so many butterflies in his stomach it felt like he was going to puke, in a good way.
Remy sat him down on one of the tall barstools and slumped down right next to him “So whatcha gonna drink?”
“The squashed down organs of my enemies!!!” He shrugged “Soda?”
They burst out into laughter “What? You catholic or something? Not allowed to drink alcohol?”
He slumped in on himself and started fiddling with his necklace “I-I dunno-”
“No. No babe I was just like joking. Like a stupid bitch. It’s okay” They waved at the waiter “Your most alcoholic fruit mix and your finest coca cola please!”
Remus leaned in to whisper “With salt”
“With salt? Please!”
He kept vibrating like an overexcited weasel. After getting their drinks he kept tapping the glass to stim some of the happiness out.
“Honestly I’ve never been to a gay bar before. I’m digging it. Just like how I’m digging graves”
They playfully hit his shoulder “Then I’m tots gonna try my best to make this the  ultimate first gay bar experience! I can’t think of any other lil fucked up gremlin buddy I would wanna have by my side!”
"Muhahah!! I am officially assigned ultimate gremlin buddy-”
“Greetings” A voice suddenly came from behind them.
Both of them flinched away. Remy let out a short yell and Remus was close to throwing his drink in the person’s face when he saw it was just Logan.
He had on jeans and a black button up with the top button unbottoned. He had with him iced coffee from starbucks because he had to drive home later.
“LOGIE!!!” Remy threw their arms around his neck to pull him closer “Babe this is the Log-legend. Once he was like sooo drunk so when he like tried to kiss me puked on my shoes instead!”
Logan grimaced “I am still very sorry about that”
“Oh I already know him through Janus” Remus replied. 
“Oh my gawd babe” Remy looked between them all “So like we all know Janny?! Wig! Sad he isn’t here then”
Remus held up his cola “Cheers to J-anus!” The other two held up their glasses in agreement.
“He is very pretty and charming and cute” Logan dreamily sighed. He stopped himself from continuing to say compliments.
“Yeah” The other two sighed back in unison.
Logan sat down on a chair next to them. Remy looked around the bar before squinting at him “No Patty?”
He instantly started looking like a Very sad seal “Sadly my wife is away on a convention with her magical girl anime fanclub this whole week. I estimated that going to the bar would make me feel less lonely”
“You have a WIFe??? Like a real one???” Remus exclaimed, his eyeballs were close to popping out from surprise.
“Yes. This may be a controversial opinion but when I marry someone I prefer them to be physically real” He replied druly.
He got a smug grin on his lips “Does she peg you?”
“She does far more than just peg me”
“Nice!” His eyes went even wider “IS That a stim toy??!”
He pointed at the tangle Logan kept between his fingers “Correct. If I do not have something to relieve my focus onto I can easily go into senso- OH a chewie?”
Remus nodded while showing of his chew necklace. The two of them started rambling about their favorite stim toy. Until they went off into special interests (star trek/astronomy and art/animal biology respectively).
Soon enough Remus was showing pictures of the animal bones he’d found. Logan ooeh and ahhed at all of them before asking the most nerdy of questions (where he’d found them, their bone density, if any damage had been done to them) which only made Rem infodump which made Lo infodump which made them both happy stim.
Meanwhile Remy sat beside them completely zoned out. They got time to drink 2 more of those fruit mixes and a few shots. The room was starting to spin.
The loud music wasn’t keeping out the yelling. They dunked their forehead against the bar table and covered their ears to try and get it out. The music was supposed to keep it out! Why was nothing working! The bruise ached. Their throat closed in on itself until they couldn’t breathe. 
“Remus” They gasped out. They looked over to their friend with a desperate look in their eyes. They just needed a distraction.
“So my theory for why you keep finding bones in specifically that part of the woods is because of the kind of dirt making it take longer for them to deco-” Logan was explaining while Remus nodded along.
“Rem! L-let’s like go up and dance or something. Please” 
This time it caught Remus’ attention. He looked over to them “Sure- are you feeling alright? Did you drink too much? You’re looking like a mummy”
“Yes. No. I just like- Like- They’re playing Charli xcx of course we gotta like dance!!”
“I will protect your belongings then” Logan added.
Remy stumbled up on shaky legs. Remus sent them a warm smile that made them want to cry before taking their hand. He let them lead him out to the dancefloor. Honestly he was pretty nervous about it, but being with them always made some of the anxiety melt away.
They stumbled on their own feet and fell forward. Their friend took ahold of their wrists and pulled them close to his chest. Their faces were so close to each other. So so close.
He didn’t let go. They couldn't remember him ever letting them hold him this close. Their chests pressed against each other. Their arms around his shoulders. His hands on their back. 
"You’re right. It is a good song. Good to crash a car too" Remus said absentmindedly.
Remy let up into shaky giggles from how sudden he’d said it “Yeah. Yeah I guess” 
They kept giggling. He chuckled back. He started spinning around on the dancefloor. They moved with him. His arms wrapped closer around their waist. Their cheek leaned against the slope of his neck (even though they had to lean down to get on his height level).
Remy quietly sang along to the music which made Remus start yelling along to it. The enby threw their head back from laughter. They took his hand and intertwined their fingers.
Remus moved his hand out and spun them around before pulling them close again. Their cheeks were flushed red, his was as well. He playfully dipped them down when the song ended.
It continued on into a song neither of them knew but they kept dancing anyway. They didn’t stay as pressed close to each other but they always had some contact. Holding hands. An arm around a waist. A head leaning against a chest.
When they finally got back to the bar table they were both panting. Remy was completely leaning on Remus since their body had started to hurt, but even through the pain they were both bubbling over with so much happiness they kept breaking out into bouts of giggling.
To their surprise Logan wasn’t sitting alone. A tall person with long dark hair sat on the chair beside him. Xir hand was on his thigh. The nerd had a soft smile on his face as they leant close to talk.
“Uh Lo?” Remus had to wave his arms around to get his attention.
His head shot around to look at them “Hello” He glanced to the person “These are the ones I was protecting belongings for” He stood up and held out his hand “Shall we?” Xir took it. Logan waved at his friends before going off to the dancefloor with the stranger.
“Huh. Good for him” 
“I guess”
Remy ordered another high alcohol fruit mix. Remus happily chewed on his necklace while humming along to the music. Between their chairs their hands hang with their fingers intertwined. Holding their hand had started to make Remus feel all funny in the head for some reason.
The enby watched on as Logan and the stranger danced for a bit before moving to a corner to make out. When the stranger started to lead him towards the bar’s bathrooms Remy turned to their friend.
“Yeah okay he’s not coming back for like a while. Smoke break?”
“Of course!”
They finished their drink before leaving the bar. The pair stopped right outside. Remus sat down on the side of the pavement. Remy tried to sit down but they stumbled over themself and fell flat on the ground.
Remus got up to help “Are you okay? Are you sure you haven’t drank too much?”
“I’m fine. I’m fine” They laughed out.
He sat them down on the pavement while dusting off their clothes. He patted them on the head while pouting “You should get some water”
“Naaaah babe. I’m good”
In the moonlight the bruise was visible again. That horrible dark purple bruise around their neck. It looked like it hurt.
Remus put his hand on their shoulder “Beanie are you alright? I do know it wasn’t some halloween monster that got you that bruise”
For a moment their whole body tensed, they forced a smile “It’s fine. me and my boyf just tried like some new kinky shit in the bedroom y’know. Nothing more” They lied.
They took out a cigarette pack and a lighter from their bag. They traced their thumb over Remus’ lower lip and opened his mouth just slightly. Remy leaned closer while putting a cigerette between his lips. They lit it.
Remus took a deep breathe. It’d been a while since he’d last smoked. He leaned so close the cigarette nearly touched Remy’s skin. They parced their lips as he breathed out the smoke right into their mouth.
A smile spread on their lips. He held the cigarette over to them but they shook their head. They looked around in their bag again and took out a small poppers bottle.
“Should you really take that. Won’t your brain melt out of your ears?” Remus asked “I really don’t wanna have to slorp up your brain juice...yet”
“Relax babe. It’s like not dangerous as long as I don’t like take too much and I only take when partying” It took a moment before they quietly added “And I only party when I need to get out of the apartement”
They forced on a bigger smile “What?”
Remy moved the popper up to their nose and inhaled as much of it as they could. It took a few seconds before they let up into a giggle. It was in a higher tone than their usual bubbly laugh, it almost sounded like cackling. They could see stars.
(U!Virgil mentions from here on out)
“Y’know my boyfriend gave me like a flashback or whatever last night” They giggled while swaying from side to side.
Remus gently grabbed their shoulders and moved them to lean against him so they wouldn’t fall over “Uhu. Did you stab him?”
“No silly. He just. He’d been soooo sweet all weeek and I just I just ruined it ‘cause i like overeacted to some joke he made while like we were washing the dishes” They were barely even aware they were speaking “And like it just kept going until we were like screaming at each other”
Remy was still smiling and giggling between every word but tears started to form in their eyes. Their fingers felt numb. Bile was rising in their throat.
“And he just like threw the plate he was holding down on the ground. And it like didn’t hit me. He wasn’t even aiming at me. He was just throwing it at the ground. But it shattered and it was so stupid and overemotional and stupid and pathetic but I just I just curled up on the floor and like had a panic attack like a stupid baby”
They smeared their hand across their face to try and get the tears away. They felt sick. Remus quickly put out his cigarette, it didn’t feel like the right time to smoke.
“And I just like- Is that normal? Is that fine? Like throwing stutff like that? I-I- he’s never done it before. Or I mean like not plates” They looked up at Remus “Is it fine?”
He gulped while fiddling with his hoodie sleeve “Well uh did he apologize?”
“Mhmm. He like- like for some minutes he like kept yelling ‘cause he thought I was just like faking a panic attack to like I dunno manipulate him but then he like comforted me and like calmed me down and like held me and cuddled all night until I fell asleep and- and he said sorry a bunch of times and like he said it would never happen again. He uh usually doesn’t lie”
“Well ehm then it should be fine right? Right?” They both shrugged at each other “I mean everyone can make mistakes! And it was during an argument! Everyone does drastic things during an arguments! So it’s fine. I think”
A shaking breathe of relief left Remy’s lips. They stretched themself over his lap and he moved his arms around them. “Thanks babe. I was like tots worried for a bit but y’know i was thinking like that too. So it’s fine”
“Yeah” He combed his fingers through their hair “You do know you can vent to me whenever right? I promise I won’t gross you out with details about how to pull out rabbit teeth ever again so if I can hold that back then I can also listen to stuff! I can super listen!!”
They closed their eyes. They felt so tired. So tired and sick and horrible. “Mhm. I know babe. I know”
Remy sent him a soft smile before suddenly puking. Some of it came on his pants but mostly on the ground. Remus stood up and carefully moved them down to a sitting position.
He rubbed up and down their back with one hand and held their hair back with his other. Their shoulders were shaking and they were taking in shallow breathes between every sudden throw up.
“It’s okay beanie-boo. Breathe. Breathe. You got all the time in the world. Until the sun blows up at least”
“I-I took- too much- too much” They slurred out before lurching forward again. It seemed to stop for now.
“I’m aware” He carefully wiped away some of the puke left around their mouth with his hoodie sleeve.
They leaned back against his chest. They closed their eyes and focused on breathing. He held them so so gently. As if they would break like glass otherwise. He pressed a kiss to the top of their head.
“There you are!” Logan said as came through the bar entrance “What a relief. I assumed you had left without me because you thought my actions were unacceptable” He noticed how pale and shaky Remy looked and got a worried look on his face “Is everything alright?”
“They feel like someone has slammed a fish into their stomach. Not good” Remus replied.
“I see. I suppose it woud be best to get them home”
Logan picked Remy up with ease to carry them to his car. He was quite sure he’d carried dogs that weighted more than them. Remus anxiously followed along.
He sat them in the passenger seat. He shook their shoulders until they opened their eyes. They let out a quiet whine.
He held up 4 fingers “Remy how many fingers am I holding up?”
“Fuck yourself”
They moved to the side and seemed to pass out again. Logan closed the door before turning to Remus.
“Did they take anything?” He whispered.
“Only a popper”
“Good. Do you need a ri-”
“Okay” Logan was about to go but stopped midstep and lowered his voice even more “Oh and Rem...Could you please not ask Janus to hang out next weekend? I am planning a surprise...I hope it will make him happy”
“Good luck comrade....Please text me once Remy is home safe. Please?”
“Of course”
He did a little nod before leaving. Logan got into the car. He couldn’t stop looking at the bruise around their neck. Remy continued to sleep for most of the ride until they they were 5 minutes or so away from their apartment. They suddenly flinched awake.
“Stop the car!” They gasped out. 
“Are you still feeling the same?”
“Logan stop the fucking car!” There was fear in their eyes. 
Logan stopped by the side of the road. The road was barren and dark. It had to be past 3 am at least. Remy crawled back into the backseats while their whole body shook.
“Don’t. Look. At. Me”
“Sure” He stared down into the steering wheel to not accidentally see their reflection in the glass.
“I just. I just have to change clothes. I just. I don’t want Virigl to call me a whore again. I mean. He won’t. But what if. What if he gets mad. I just. I just have to change” They slurred out.
They stumbled out of the car after changing into a pair of long pants and closing their leather jacket. A cold chill went up Logan’s spine. He quickly stepped out of the car as well.
“Okay bye bye Logie!!”
They tried to move but Logan grabbed onto their shoulders. He forced back a choking feeling in his throat “What do you mean by your boyfriend getting mad?”
“Pff! It’s nothing! I’m drunk!! Byyyeeeeee”
They started to stumble away but Logan easily followed along “It did not sound like he called you a whor-...you know what...with your consent. I am simply going to remind you that calling a partner things like that is not okay. Not in any circumstance”
Remy’s expression turned cold. They walked faster “I don’t like what you’re implying”
“I’m not implying anything”
“Yes you Fucking are!”
“Exscuse me for being worried about your wellbeing. What you just said sounded like a very bad sign”
“Yeah exactly it only SOUnded bad! My boyfriend isn’t bad!” Remy snarled out.
“I am not saying he is. He doesn’t have to be bad to say awful things, as long as he changes”
They shoved their hands into their pockets. Their hands moved into fists “You don’t know a fucking thing about me. You tried to kiss me once when you were drunk and that’s all. We don’t know each other”
Logan took a deep breathe “I don’t need to know you to see red flags. Remy-” He searched for words “Remy you’re bruised. How- you can’t expect me to not get worried”
Remy suddenly stopped and turned around to meet his eyes. “MY BOYFRIEND ISN’T ABUSIVE! I-”
“I’m not necessarily saying he is. I just wan’t to talk-” His voice started to sound desperate.
They looked like a cornered animal. Tears were brimming at the edges of their eyes “YOU DON’T KNOW A THING!”
He tried to sound soothing “Remy please take a deep breathe-”
They stormed away. For a moment Logan was frozen in place before he forced himself to run after them to try and make sure they would be okay.
“I am not-”
Remy looked at him for one last time. The look in their eyes made him feel cold. It was pure hatred.
“Logan get the fuck away from me! I am drunk and high and alone on a street with no one but you who is sure as hell fucking stronger than me and all you’re doing is spouting bullshit! So please get why I want you to leave. And why I don’t ever want you to talk to me again!”
He stopped dead in his tracks “...Right....Yes....I am so sorry”
Remy didn’t even respond. They simply turned and walked away. Logan stayed and watched to make sure they got home to the apartment safe before going back to his car.
He slumped down in the seat. His heart was racing and his thoughts were for once an illogical flurry. He sat motionless for several minutes before finally getting some semblence of an idea.
He took out his phone and dialed one of his usual numbers. It took several signals before Emile Picani picked up.
“Mhm? Logie bear? I can’t today I have clients in the morning” He yawned out.
“This is about one of your patients. I am fearing that they are in danger”
In an instant all of the sleepyness in Emile’s voice disappeared “In danger? Physical? Is it urgent? Do I need to call someone? Which patient are you even referring to?”
Logan hesitated. If Remy had reacted that strongly to him just attempting to ask about his boyfriend it was very likely that they would stop going to therapy if Emile brought it up. His throat tightened, he didn’t want to put them in any more danger.
“I....Nevermind Emile....This was just a far too gone joke...Someone dared me to call you. I am sorry. Have a good night”
He ended the call. He leaned his forehead against the steering wheel and let out a long sigh. His hands held onto the wheel so hard his knuckles whitened.
Logan had no idea what to do. No idea at all. All he knew was fear. Fear for Remy’s safety. Fear for their well being. Fear that anything he did would only make their situation worse.
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rubykgrant · 3 years
I’m gonna write out little high-lights of my RVB Monster AU for Halloween reasons~ Things happen in a mostly normal-world modern setting, but obviously with monsters/fantasy creatures and such. Things plot-related happen almost the same way, but some stuff is earlier/later, shuffled around to work for my own purposes (so some of the key moments still happen, but occasionally in a different order). Here is the beginning, which as always, starts with two morons asking a big question-
“Do you ever wonder why we’re here?”
“Well, that’s one of life’s great mysteries, isn’t it?”
The two men were standing on the rooftop of an old warehouse. The building had gone through several owners, being used as a storage facility, a garage for fixing up cars and various vehicles, a shipping business, a veterinary clinic for large animals and livestock, a recycling center… and possibly some kind of drug lab at one point. It was none of these now, but if a stranger saw the inside, they would assume the new owner was a combination a mechanic/pet doctor, using the left-behind equipment (and considering how shady everything appeared, a stranger would also probably assume this was a front for yet another drug lab). It was still none of these things. In truth, it was much stranger.
One man stood slouching with the late-afternoon sun on his back. The other was leaning against a vent that came out of the roof, in the shadows. He had a red long-sleeved button-up shirt on (despite the hot temperature), and black jeans. His shirt was neatly tucked-in, and his matching red hair was trimmed short in what was decidedly a “going to a job interview” style. His eyes were two different colors. Once, they had both been a soft brown, but now one was glass, the color of the iris some kind of magenta… or maroon. The other eye (the one that was still organic) was a golden-yellow. He looked like somebody who had gone through a growth-spurt some years back, and still hadn’t settled into himself; too lanky and gawky for his own good.
His companion in the sun was a little shorter, and considerably larger, but completely at ease with his shape and his weight. His skin was mostly a warm copper brown… but he had several patches of mis-matched skin tones on his left side; around his eye, his chest, his arm, his leg. Each area also showed several scars, signifying that it was the result of surgery and skin-grafts. His dark brown hair was parted in the center, falling down around his shoulders in long curls, and stubble on his chin. His eyes were so dark, they almost looked black. He wore an old faded baseball shirt (once white with orange on the collar and short sleeves, now a dingy-peachy color), and loose gray jeans that were worn-out at the knees. They were quite the odd pair, opposites in many ways that were obvious (and more that were evident in their interactions), yet it was clear they were used to each other’s company.
“Why ARE we here?” the man in the sun continued, answering the question from his friend in the shadows. “I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence, or is there really a god watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night…”
“WHAT?” the other man stood up a little straighter, but remained behind the vent. “I meant why are we out HERE, in broad daylight? Sarge KNOWS it’ll burn me, and there’s not even anything for us to do! The only reason he sends us out to keep watch is because there’s that building over there he thinks is haunted, but we can’t see anything from here… and if there WAS anything going on over there, like ghosts or whatever, they could definitely see US! We don’t have any cover on the roof, but whoever might be over THERE is hidden behind the windows!”
“Oh… uh, yeah…”
“What was all that stuff about god?”
“You sure?”
They both decided to just skip it, and move on.
“But seriously, why ARE we out here, and why does Sarge care about that building so much?” the taller man waved his arm, gesturing to the building in question.
“I guess he wants to try catching ghosts next, or something?” the shorter man shrugged.
“Then we should just GO OVER THERE, right?”
“Pfff… nah, are you kidding? Just standing around, looking at a building? This is the easiest job I ever had,” he sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Grif, you- OK, first of all! This isn’t a JOB, we aren’t getting paid! Second, you don’t even remember most of your life before a few months ago, you have no basis of comparison!”
“Fair point, but come on Simmons… seriously? What job could I have possibly had that would be easier than this?”
From his spot in the shadows, Simmons looked away for a moment, thinking.
“Hmm… well, I remember reading about people being paid to take part in sleep studies. You just nap and keep a dream journal, or whatever…”
“Oh man, are you kidding!? I WISH that was my life!” Grif kicked at an old rusty can, causing it to fall off the roof. “Instead, here I am, stuck in this stupid building, in this stupid town, in this stupid canyon-”
“Where we have to look at a potentially haunted building, at random intervals, day and night…” Simmons added.
“All because Scruffy the Vampire Slayer is paranoid!”
Despite himself, this caused Simmons to snort laughter. Grif grinned, pleased that his pun was appreciated.
“Even if that building IS haunted… it doesn’t seem like something bad, you know? I never see anybody running out of there screaming bloody murder. If we just ignored it, what would happen? Nothing. It would just be a boring building with boring ghosts, and we’d just be another boring building with boring… whatever we are,” Simmons leaned once more on the vent, glaring up at the sky that was still dangerously bright.
“I think monsters sums us up pretty good,” Griff suggested.
“Right, monsters who don’t do anything. Over there are ghosts who don’t do anything. Whoopty-fucking-doo…”
“You gonna actually SAY that to Sarge? Hmm? Gonna finally stand up to him, use your big-boy voice, and tell the crazy old man you don’t wanna follow orders anymore? Is this beginning of your rebellious phase?” Grif reached over, shoving Simmons lightly on the arm.
“Well… no… but! I’m gonna remind him that me being outside in the day is a bad idea! YOU should get the day shift, and I should get the night shift. It just makes sense,”
“Aww, but Simmons… then we wouldn’t get to spend quality time together, having all these deep and meaningful conversations!” Grif gave him a look of fake-concern, like he was hurt and might start crying.
“Oh, right. I forgot. We’re philosophers discussing the secrets of the universe, life’s great mysteries, right?” Simmons smirked.
“Exactly… like, if you could only taste one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? No matter what you ate, it has the same flavor?” Grif asked.
“That’s a stupid question for a vampire, man. Everything I eat DOES have the same flavor now. It all tastes like blood, because guess what? I have to drink blood. Because I’m a VAMPIRE,” Simmons shook his head.
“No, but I mean, if you could magically taste something ELSE, whether you were drinking blood or eating a salad, or whatever, what would you pick?” Grif pressed on. “I’d want everything to taste like chocolate. Milk chocolate. That’s my favorite, and I’d never get sick of it…”
“Jeez… it would’ve been impossible to get you to chill out if you tasted chocolate every time you tried to eat a person!” Simmons replied, remembering how it had been with Grif when they first found him.
“Yeah, I don’t know what those other zombies were on about… brains and human flesh is GROSS. Chocolate, though? MMM, I could do the zombie-shuffle-walk for days to get some good chocolate,”
“Uh-huh, and  that’s EXACTLY how we caught you!” Simmons almost reached out to return the arm-punch, but managed to hesitate and stop in time… Grif was still in direct sunlight, and Simmons would get scorched if he left his little patch of shadow. Grif seemed to realize this, in that quiet and easy way that caused both of them to somehow pick-up each other’s habits. Grif leaned over to nudge Simmons with his shoulder, and they both laughed together.
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enkelimagnus · 3 years
A Castle in the Forest
Percy x Vex’ahlia, Chapter 6, 3943 words,
A Modern AU, in which Vex is a park ranger taking over the Alabaster Sierras post, and finds much more than she bargained for
Read on AO3
Back to Vex, on her path to hunt a fiend...
“It’s fine, thank you anyway.”
Vex slams the red button on her phone, as if clicking on it harder will make her frustration known to the world. She wishes she had an older phone so she could slam down the handset onto the base. It would be like slamming a door at the end of an argument; a physical show of her feelings.
She’s been on the phone all morning, trying desperately to get some answers on what she’s supposed to do with the fiend now that it has killed at least one person. Not anyone, at that, someone trained to take things down and keep parks protected. If Regae was anything like her, he had put up a fight before dying. But the creature had prevailed.
The one thing she was told about was the Grey Hunt. Not only did the Pale Guard officer tell her about it on the crime scene, but pretty much everyone she’s tried calling told her to ask them. Except they don’t exist anymore. They haven’t in years.
There are no records of previous members either. Vex wants to scream in frustration. For the first time since she’s arrived, she realizes how alone she is. She wasn’t so alone before. In Shademurk, she could ask Saundor and if he was in a good mood and if she played her cards right, he would use his amazing influence to help her. Here she has no one. She almost misses him.
What? No. She doesn’t miss him. She can’t miss him, she won’t. The fact that he was supposed to love her and that she had to bargain with him, the very sovereign of Shademurk Bog, to get him to do anything for her, from dishes to actually working with her to make Shademurk better.
She doesn’t miss him. At all. Her new home is completely clear of him, empty of memories of him. She’s not going to choke on his presence every time she looks somewhere. It’s better here. She’s better now than she ever was before.
If Saundor was here, he would take credit for her strength, for her work. He would say he made her, shaped her into the ranger he is today. He always used to say that. She used to believe him.
Vex stands from her chair and paces a little into the cabin. No Grey Hunt. No Pale Guard. As far as she knows, Pike Trickfoot and Grog Strongjaw are still willing to go hunt a fiend with her. That’s all she has. Her own limited abilities, a cleric and a goliath. And no Vax.
She told him to stay in Westrunn a little. She was hoping to have the fiend problem sorted before he arrived, to be honest, so she wouldn’t have to ask for his help. He’s helped her way too much already.
Besides, she’d rather know he’s with Gilmore, enjoying himself and his boyfriend. They don’t see each other enough. She can manage without him. She should be able to. She’s a strong, capable person.
In the bathroom, she splashes cold water onto her face, forcefully clearing her thoughts. When she looks up from the sink to look into the mirror, she swallows, hard. She looks tired. There are dark circles in the brown skin below her eyes. Her lips are cracked, from the cold. She’s forgotten to put on lip balm. Her hair is dirty, greasy.
It’s been three days. Three days since she’s received that call on the forgotten radio. Three days and she’s already forgotten to take care of herself. She’s really holding on by a thread, isn’t she?
Her nails dig painfully into her palm and only then does she stop staring at her own tired face.
She walks away and slams the door behind herself. The force makes the wall shudder and it feels right. Vex smiles a little. That was the first hint of satisfaction she’s felt since her arrow shot through Donovan Clarence’s hand.
The cub at her feet whines a little, turning over from where he’d been napping.
“I’m sorry,” she says softly and crouches to pet the dark brown fur. “Slamming the door woke you up, huh?” She asks softly.
The cub leans into her hand like he’s starving for touch. He’s always going to forgive her for these things, isn’t he? Her smile widens slightly, growing more relaxed and genuine.
Her phone buzzes and she reaches for it, before sitting on the floor next to the cub. It’s a text from Vax, with an image attached. She opens the image first.
It’s a photo of the inside of a shop, large and filled with glass-covered shelves. She can see the shine of gold and silver and precious gems behind the glass. Her eyebrow raises. The fact they’re still behind glass and not in Vax’s sneaky hand is surprising. She looks over at the caption of the image.
Exercise in restraint: Gilmore’s shop. Many trinkets, none for me.
About five different dirty remarks come to Vex’s mind but she pushes them back. Vax is a bit uncomfortable with discussions of his sex life, joking unfactual remarks or not. She’s not going to make him uncomfortable now.
She takes a picture of the cub snuggled in the space between her crossed legs.
I saw this one and couldn’t help myself… Trinket addiction running in the family?
She sends the picture but looks down at the cub with a thought. Trinket is a good name. She likes it. Loves it, actually.
“May I call you Trinket, darling?” She asks. Giving him a name means keeping him, but she’s far past that point now. She’s known it, deep down for a while.
The cub doesn’t seem to mind it. Vex presses a kiss to the furry head with a smile, the biggest in a long time.
They say rangers often find companions. Vex has just found hers.
They meet at the mouth of the trail, the way they’d originally planned. It’s a few days later than expected, yes, but Vex has been busy desperately trying to get some sort of official help. She was hoping not to have to ask Pike and Grog.
She sees the goliath before the gnome, the giant axe hanging heavy over the man’s shoulder. By his side, the cleric looks way less aggressive. Vex doesn’t know which one will be more useful. Divine healing or brute force. Either way, she’s incredibly glad to have someone by her side right now.
“So,” she smiles nervously. “Thank you for coming. I apologize for pushing back the date of meeting. I was hoping to get some sort of professional help, but it seems like Whitestone doesn’t have the infrastructure.”
The cleric, Pike, nods. “The city has seen a lot of things.”
Vex doesn’t know what that means, really. She doesn’t ask. Not right now. She’ll ask later, once they have a dead fiend and a victory under their belt. People were much more likely to spill secrets if adrenaline and serotonin were flowing through their veins.
Sometimes, she’s almost ashamed of the many tricks she’s learned throughout the years. And then she remembers it was people like the Syngornian Elves and Saundor who made her learn these things,and she stops feeling like she should have somehow stayed innocent through all the shit they put her through.
They start on their way, not to where she initially sensed the fiend, but to where the body was found. It’s more likely that they’ll find usable traces there.
The winter cold bites at her cheeks, but the goliath is shirtless. She raises an eyebrow, both respectful and thinking him mad to be out there like this. They start climbing up the trail in relative silence, with the crunching of their boots and the jingling of the cleric’s chainmail.
Vex doesn’t know what kind of small talk to do now. This is not a light-hearted situation, and she just wants the creature out of her woods.
“Have you killed fiends before?” The goliath asks after a moment.
Vex looks over at him over her shoulder. “Not a fiend, no. I’ve killed other things. Fey, mostly.”
Pike raises an eyebrow. “Fey? Were you around the doors to the Feywild before you came to the Alabaster Sierras?”
Vex hesitates for a moment. It’s a lot of information to give to complete strangers. She shrugged the paranoia off however. “I was. I was tasked with keeping an eye on a part of the Verdant Expanse, that, just like Syngorn, can switch between the Feywild and our plane. I lived in the Feywild for a part of my time there.”
“That’s so cool!” Pike grins and Vex can’t help the smile that tugs at the corner of her lips.
It is pretty cool.
The Feywild is somewhere most people have barely heard of, let alone visited. And Vex, though in pretty horrible circumstances, has been able to call it home for a moment of her life. On the way up the trail, her two companions manage to coax her into recounting the Feywild.
She tells them of the permanent dusk, of the sun that’s always at its most beautiful, its most reddening and purpling state duskward of Shademurk. She tells them of the dark of the night on the other side, of looking at the sky and never knowing exactly the time. She tells them of age-old trees that hold secrets they only tell the worthy.
She tells them of dryads and naiads and the howling of lycans. She doesn’t tell them of Saundor but she tells them of Fenthras.
One day, she’ll reach under her bed, take it out and shoot. It’s still the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen, the wood alive and the power tangible. She still dreams of wielding it, as she runs free through ever shifting woods, laughter on her lips.
When they make it to the campsite where the body was found, she feels lighter than she has in a long time. Both the cleric and the goliath are smiling lightly. They exchange a look, and then get to work.
Vex sits on a stone and starts expanding her consciousness as Pike runs identifying and tracking spells on whatever magic trace they can find. It’s hard to tune out her kind babbling or Grog’s regular deep-toned comments, but Vex finally manages and exhales.
With her breath goes her mind and soon she finds herself floating, drifting, one with the wind and with nature. She barely has to wait to find the fiendish presence. It pings on her mental radar loud and clear and close.
Way too close. They’re close to its lair.
Vex’s eyes open wide and she comes back crashing into herself. She barely gives herself time to come back into her body before she shoots to her feet and shares her findings. Grog takes his giant axe out. Pike unclasps a mace the size of her body from Grog’s back.
Vex takes her bow in hand and notches an arrow, ready to draw and shoot. They start walking in the direction where she can still feel the echoing presence of the creature. It rests heavy on her back of her neck, a pressure she can’t shake.
They walk into higher grass off of beaten paths. Vex slips into the underbrush with ease, but it’s far from the case for the two accompanying her. Pike in particular makes great noise and gets caught in almost every weed she can possibly get caught on. Vex huffs. Here goes the effect of surprise.
They find the lair empty, and her heart tightens in her chest. Fuck. It knows they are there.
A shape moves from the shadows overhead and Vex immediately reacts. Her body moves without her thinking anything through. Her arrow shoots through the air and hits right in the middle of the creature’s chest. It screams in pain. Vex smirks. She’s good at this.
The creature has stopped long enough for all of them to see what it is. It’s tall, Vex’s size. Its skin is spiky, barbed, horns sprouting from its skull. Its scream makes the air around it shiver with heat.
The scream is immediately answered by one from Grog. The goliath steps forward with bloodshot eyes and angry determination. He swings his axe forward and pounces on the creature. Maybe his rage has distracted him, because his axe swings wide, the creature too fast to be hit by the massive weapon.
The cleric immediately jumps into action, hands shining with divine light as she reaches up with her holy symbol. Vex can see the wings of Sarenrae carved onto the metal before they disappear behind the burning white light. It shoots out of the symbol and hits the creature.
It screams again as the radiant light engulfs it, lighting it up and burning it with divine power. If they were in darkness, it would be obvious to all of them now. There’s no way any of them are going to miss their next hit against it.
Grog has gotten too close to the creature however, and though it’s still burning with light, it takes no time to attack the giant target the goliath makes. It swipes at the grey-skinned man, one hand missing before the second catches the goliath in the chest, dragging into the skin. Vex winces, but the goliath seems more okay than expected.
The creature tries to hit him with his tail but Grog dodges it with a shiver-inducing grin. “Come on, devil devil!” He taunts. “Is that all you can do?”
Vex’s eyes cross with the creature’s and she takes the opportunity to Hunter’s Mark it. She reaches for another arrow, but her fingers rip against her quiver, shaking lightly now that she’s realized what they were facing. She curses. Pike sends her a slightly worried look.
Grog retaliates against the clawing he’s just received. The axe cleaves a giant gash into the shoulder of the fiend. The goliath immediately reiterates, hacking at the shoulder. The arm of the fiend is now hanging by tendons. It seems to be in incredible pain.
Reaching up with its good arm, the creature screams, warmth radiating from it. Flames erupt from the hand of the creature. Both tries miss the massive target of Grog. The creature seems confused. That’s what pain like the one being inflicted to it does.
Vex notches in another arrow. It grazes the creature but is deflected by its spikes. She groans in annoyance. None of this is working. Why is she so useless right now?
Grog’s axe finally cuts off the creature’s arm, but it doesn’t seem to slow it down that much. Another ray of blinding light hits the devil, however. Pike is breathing hard, but her spells are finding purchase and Vex is incredibly thankful for that, even if they do not do a lot of damage.
The goliath keeps taking a great amount of injury from the furious and in pain devil. Fire burns onto the grey skin, scorching it and a sickening smell permeates the air around them. Vex wants this to end, but she knows it won’t be that easy.
Vex’s next arrow finds purchase right as the great axe slashes through the devil’s chest. A handaxe flies by Vex and hits it square in the thigh. The wounded creature turns around, tail whipping at Grog, before pouncing in with one undamaged arm, missing the goliath entirely with the last two.
They keep hammering at the creature, arrows and great axe wounds and additional mace wounds from a determined Pike hacking at its defenses and crushing its bones. Vex is sweating, she’s a little unfocused, and the screams of the goliath’s rage resounds in her head.
When it finally falls down, it’s one of Vex’s arrows that lodges itself in its eyeball, deeply. It gurgles as it falls, twitching for a few seconds until it stops moving entirely. Vex exhales. She feels like the combat has lasted hours when it’s probably only been minutes.
Pike rushes to her friend and heals him immediately, the burn and other wounds healing and disappearing from the grey flesh as Vex watches. A little unsteady, she finds somewhere to sit and to search.
She waits for a while, searches for something she could have missed, but all fiendish presence is gone from the perimeter of her searching abilities. Relief floods through her system and she finally smiles. It was hard, but they did it. They killed the fiend. The Alabaster Sierras are safer now than they were before.
Vex’s entire body unravels suddenly, her shoulder slumping. They’re fine. She’s fine. They’re all alive and safe and the fiend is gone and she didn’t die killing it. She looks at Pike and Grog. They both look messy and fight-tousled. Vex imagines she looks like that too.
“Thank you,” she says. She means it.
Grog smiles at her, a warm smile. He’s nice. Big and scary, but nice. “It was really fun.” He probably means it too.
Pike nods. “It was!”
Vex is a little more surprised at that, but she can’t help the grin that stretches over her mouth. They start walking again. Vex invites them for tea or coffee. They both ask for alcohol and she chuckles.
They settle around Vex’s table. The cabin feels a little cramped with the two of them. Vex manages to find three containers for the strong old whiskey that Regae left behind. They cheer and drink.
“I’m from Westrunn. The Everlight brought me here,” Pike says when Vex asks if she’s from Whitestone.
“I’m from Westrunn too,” Grog smiles. “And I follow her.” There is unbridled affection in the way he looks over at Pike.
“My brother’s currently in Westrunn,” she points out. “Spending some time with his boyfriend.”
Pike nods. “That’s sweet! I hope he enjoys the city. It’s a little quiet, but it’s a nice place.”
Vex doesn’t say that she doesn’t expect Vax to do a lot of sight-seeing while with Gilmore. The three of them share some food, the rations they’d taken for a possible camping in the mountains, had the fiend evaded them for much longer.
The camaraderie wraps around her like a warm blanket and she finds herself laughing more than she has in years. When she herself starts to feel a light buzz from the alcohol she’s been very careful not to drink too much of, she shifts and prepares herself to start asking questions.
“Have you spent a lot of time here in Whitestone?” She asks after a moment.
“It’s our first time here, actually,” Pike smiles. “We usually stay in Westrunn, or travel south, not north. There is not much for us here.”
Vex raises an eyebrow. “What changed?”
Pike shrugs. “As I said, the Everlight. I’m a cleric, and when my deity calls, I always answer.”
Vex tries to figure out if that’s true, if Pike always answers to Sarenrae but the gnome is hard to read, her blue eyes staring right back into Vex’s as she speaks. There is a steadiness about her though. Something Vex usually senses in the druids and clerics and acolytes of this world, and also in some arcanists, who have faith in their studies the way others have faith in their gods.
Vex wonders how she feels to people. Is she steady with faith? Or is she chaotic and unstable? She wishes, in this moment, that she could see herself through someone else’s eyes. She wants to know what she is to others, so badly.
“What did the Everlight tell you to do here?” She continues.
Pike’s eyes grow a little sharper for a moment, before she smiles again. “There is something for me to heal here. A soul yearning desperately for redemption. My goddess is the patron of healing and redemption, of second chances. This is what I am here for.”
Vex swallows. “Would that be related to the De Rolo Massacre?”
“Maybe,” the gnome shrugs. “Or maybe not. If we had all the details of what exactly our deities want us to do, all these divine quests wouldn’t be quite the challenges they are supposed to be.”
That’s true, she guesses. Vex is definitely not faithful enough for this. She smiles anyway, leaning back against her chair.
The gnome keeps talking. “Maybe the fiend we killed was that soul. Maybe someone we’ve crossed paths with in the street. Maybe it’s you.”
Vex freezes.
“Many people would ask questions about someone like you deciding to live alone this way, in a cabin in the forest,” Pike shrugs. “It’s none of my business, of course. And I will never fault anyone for unconventional life choices.” She hums. “But you ask many questions.”
Kind, warm, but very perceptive. Vex holds up her hands. “You got me,” she huffs. “Just trying to get answers about what’s going on in this city. No one will answer my questions.” She’s tired of it now. So fucking tired. “It was incredibly difficult to find people to help me with this fiend business because no one will talk to me about anything.”
Pike reaches for her hand. “You are a stranger to these people, Vex’ahlia. Give them time to get to know you. For all they know, you have bad intentions. I come with the symbol of my goddess, and that opens some doors to me, and to Grog.” The goliath nods at the mention of his name. “You don’t have that. Unless you’re some deity’s chosen or champion… But you don’t seem like it.”
Vex almost gets offended by that. But the gnome is right. Vex came into town with suspicious eyes. That’s not something people can trust.
“I’m sorry,” Vex sighs. “For the questions I’ve asked. You didn’t have to answer them.”
Pike shrugs. “I didn’t really mind. I’m here because I need to be. And Grog’s with me because he always is, and always will be.” She smiles at that. “You’re here for a reason too.”
Vex huffs. “Right,” she shakes her head. “Did Sarenrae tell you that?” She asks sarcastically.
“You’re not a believer,” Pike chuckles. “It kinda comes off of you like waves. That you don’t believe in anything.”
Vex lost her reason to believe when a dragon burnt her home village to the ground, taking her mother with it. Every snide remark from Syngornian elves, every time she had to fight for Saundor to do anything for her, those were all nails in the coffin of her faith, in gods or in people.
“I think… I think you should start the way back to Whitestone. The road is long, and I don’t want you to get caught by the night. There are creatures.”
Grog huffs. “We can take them on. You fought by our side, you have seen our power.”
Vex doesn’t reply. Pike gets the memo. She gently pushes Grog into getting up. Vex walks them to the door and to the trail and bids them goodbye.
She sits back down at the table. The cabin is small but it feels huge now that she’s alone. Sounds seem to reverberate now that it’s only her breathing, only her body. She wants to run off and tells those two kind people to come back, to stay, to not leave her alone like this. She doesn’t though. She exhales and she starts preparing for more work, and for a good night of sleep.
Did she get any answer? No she didn’t. But at least she’s killed a fiend. The Alabaster Sierras are a bit safer than they were when she arrived.
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atiny-ahgase · 4 years
The Magic Of Love
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Author’s note: Hey everyone it’s Gabby again. I’ve had this idea for a while now, but I just didn’t have time to write it, I hope that you all like it. I’m not really familiar with Witchcraft and honestly, I’m not familiar with anything even remotely mystical but I just got this idea and thought that it was cool. So, this is it, hope you like it.
Summary: Y/n is trying their best to balance being a witch and university student at the same time. While they were out shopping for materials they bump into a rather handsome stranger. Small talk revealed that they actually had some classes together like Medieval History and Literature. They soon became hyper-aware of his presence and began wishing for his company. Not trusting your own charms to impress him you decide to conjure up your charms ‘if you get my drift’. What happens when you turn to magic to solve your problems?
Pairing: Hongjoong x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 4.8k
Genre: Fluff, School au
Contains: Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Magic but not really, Gender Neutral Reader,
Releasing a loud sigh as you feel your perspiration dripping from your brow. “Why did I have to go shopping on literally the hottest day of the year?” you thought as you took a left down the alley slightly tripping over a piece of trash. “There is a trash can like 1 centimetre away, what the hell?” you state while looking at the trashcan in question. With your attention focused on the sheer laziness and disregard that individuals had for their surroundings and the environment as a whole you didn’t notice that you were walking while not exactly looking where you were going. The fact only becoming aware to you when you bumped into someone, causing you to drop along with all of your brown paper grocery bags onto the cold street floor.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry,” you begin while looking up at the stranger whom you collided with. Looking up at him the first thing you realized was his bright blue hair. The cold hue contrasting with the warmth of this eyes. His hair reminded you of the crystal clear skies, vast and beautiful, deep and mesmerizing. His eyes like the brown tree trunks that bordered your childhood home; a brilliant brown filled with life and warmth. “No it’s my fault,” you heard the stranger say, the cheerful tone in his voice catching you off-guard. “Are you okay?” he inquired while bending down to help you up from the spot where you had fallen.
“I’m fine, thanks,” you begin, “I’m a lot tougher than I look”, you beamed at him. You had never seen anyone as handsome as he was; surely you would have remembered. Looking up at him you smile brightly as you hear him release a soft chuckle at your comment, his dazzling smile shining like the midday sun, beautiful and blinding. You grasped his hand in yours, face heating up as you feel the warmth of his hand. Rising up from the floor you quickly dust off your jeans and palms before thanking the kind stranger.
“Thank you, and it really wasn’t your fault,” you confessed, “I just zoned out for a minute.” “Well as long as you’re okay then I guess it doesn’t really matter who’s at fault it is,” he replied before shrugging slightly. Stooping down you begin to retrieve all of your fallen items, placing them back into their bags. As you stayed on the floor you heard the steps of the blue-haired boy begin to fade, guess he’s leaving now.
After collecting all of your things you stand up, holding the paper bags in your hands once more. “I think you forget something,” you hear a voice just a few steps ahead of you. “This one must have gotten away from you,” he joked before handing you a silver can. The sun shone off of its ridges, reflecting the light onto the dark, dismal alleyway walls. “Thank you...again,” you say shyly before taking the can and placing it in your bag. “I’m Hongjoong by the way,” he says while extending his hand to you before pulling it back towards him, a look of embarrassment clearly on his face. “Sorry, your hands are full, you couldn’t shake my hand anyway-,” he began blabbering more to himself than to you. “I’m Y/n,” you interrupted. 
He flashes you another smile as you begin to walk forward, you had finally finished shopping for all of the ingredients that you needed. Not wanting to endure the heat of the day anymore you were heading home to study your potion brewing. You had a big exam coming up and you need to pass if you wanted to be promoted to a higher rank, but at the rate, you were going that seemed almost impossible.
You had been practising witchcraft for about 5 years now; learning about it from your deceased grandmother. Things were incredibly difficult for you at the beginning as you tried to catch up with your peers. Everyone seemed to be better than you, granted you did start later than everyone else but the school board clearly didn’t care. Because of this, you struggled to make friends and eventually just gave up on the idea as a whole realizing that it wasn’t worth it. 
Usual school wasn’t as difficult to make friends but the relationships never seemed to last long, every time you even tried to get close to someone the relationship acted like a castle of sand, crumbling the moment you try to grasp it. So you cut yourself off from that part of life completely, finding the work unnecessary and the pain too detrimental. Choosing to solely focus on your studies in both usual school and magic school, convincing yourself that relationships were unnecessary especially love. Falling in love was like basically signing your own death wish, like falling off a cliff to your rocky demise.
You were now entering university as well as still furthering your studies in the art of witchcraft. You knew that it was going to be difficult but you weren’t willing to part from either aspects of your life just yet. You had a huge exam coming up and needed to study your potions and spell casting, hence the reason for your unusual shopping trip. You were never really the best at potion making always seeming to choose the wrong ingredients or quantities almost always resulting in an explosion.
Hopefully, you’d have better luck in university; you were just starting a new year at a whole new school filled with a bunch of new people. You are really excited to start especially since all of your past peers opted for going to a school outside of your district. So you didn’t have to worry about your old bullies rearing their ugly heads at you.
While walking you noticed that Hongjoong was going in the same direction as you, which wasn’t too odd considering that it was a pretty small town; there weren’t many places to really go. But that was one thing that you really loved about it, you found comfort in its familiarity. “So are you a local here?” you hear Hongjoong ask from beside you, probably tired of the deafening silence which had formed. “Well kinda”, you began “, I moved here when I was really young and I’ve been here ever since.” 
You both seemed to click almost instantly and you welcomed his company, it had been such a long time since you’ve actually had a real conversation with someone. For being a complete stranger he knew more about you in the few minutes that you both walked together than anyone else in your life. It was amazing how he just broke down walls that you hadn’t even realized you had formed, turning them to rubble before your very eyes. You could honestly talk to him for hours and never get bored, he made every topic sound so riveting, you found yourself hanging off of every word that escaped his lips.
To your dismay, you spotted the bright red roses of your apartment garden much sooner than you had wanted. You couldn’t hide the small frown that had spread across your face once you were hit with the realization that you’d both me parting ways soon. “This is my stop,” you state while gesturing to your apartment building. “Well, I guess that I’ll see you around the Y/n,” he chimes in, sending you another one of his stunning smiles which you immediately return.
You both say your goodbyes before you walk up to your brick staircase and enter your apartment. Upon closing your front door you lent against the cold wood, back pressed up against it you released a soft sigh. He was nice, really nice, it had been so long since you had last enjoyed having a conversation with someone. Most of your conversations lately consisted of bickering with the other witches in your class or defending yourself against the bullies in your school. You had forgotten just how much you had missed pleasant conversations like that, the last time you had smiled so brightly was when you had told your grandmother that you had gotten into magic school. She was so happy, her face lit up like the brightest star on a Christmas tree. That was one of the best memories that you had shared with her; she was always a lively spirit, her young soul would often rub off on you, convincing you to look at the world in a more exciting light. You missed her, you truly did but you’d never forgotten everything that she had taught you, all of the time that you had spent together.
The blaring sound of your morning alarm cut through the silence of the early morning like a knife through butter, shattering your pleasant dreams. Sighing loudly you rollover smashing your hand against the screen in a few futile attempts to turn off your alarm. You groan as you rise from your bed rubbing your eyes in an attempt to remove all remaining sleepiness. Today was the first day of school and even though you weren't really planning on trying to impress anyone you still wanted to look good for yourself. Rolling off of bed you readied yourself for the day deciding on is a simple button-up shirt with your favourite pair of blue jeans and converse sneakers. Your jeans were slightly rolled at the ankle allowing your mismatched socks to be seen, they were honestly your favourite parts of the outfit. Flinging your leather bag over your shoulder you grabbed your phone and keys before exiting the door. The journey to university wasn't that long since your house is fairly close to the campus.
Once you had arrived on compass you unzipped your bag in search of your schedule for the day. The edges of the paper blew violently due to the strong winds you were experiencing. Clutching the paper tightly in an attempt to keep it from flying away, you quickly skimmed through the page in search of your first classroom. Reading over your schedule you notice that your 1st class of the day was , Medieval History, the second floor of the history building room 208. Carefully placing the paper back into your bag you zipped it up before briskly walking to your class. Passing numerous students and faculty members you finally made your way to the large brown building. “How long was this building established?” you wondered before pushing open the doors to enter the Hall.  
Walking to the elevator you pressed the button and waited for it to reach your floor. Standing there you rocked on the soles of your feet mind aimlessly wandering before you heard an all too familiar voice. Looking away from the closed elevator door you notice a fluffy head of bright blue hair. “Are you stalking me, mister Joong?” I enquire, a slight playfulness in my voice. He chuckles from beside you before replying “So you’re really walking around here thinking that my first name is Hong and my family name is Joong?” he queries while cocking his eyebrow at you. 
Smiling brightly you turn to him, “I actually have no idea what your last name is but I had already committed to the sentence so there was no turning back”, you reply. “So you go to school here?” he continues while entering the elevator. “Nah, I just like to take pictures in front of the art wall,” you joke while standing beside him. You reach forward to press the elevator button but your hand stops midway when you realize that your floor has already been pressed. “You heading to room 208?” you question, noticing the textbook in his hand, it's the same textbook that you have in your bag. It was seated comfortably between your journal and binder. “Who is stalking who now?” he jokes, smiling brightly while leaning against the shimmering silver of the elevator walls.
Heading into class, you both sat next to each other at the front row closest to the door. Not long after your arrival, your lecturer began well...lecturing. Retrieving your book from your bag you began diligently taking notes, your attention hanging off of every word that he spoke. Glancing over at Hongjoong you see him slightly hunched over his deck, eyebrows slightly furrowed in concentration as he writes in his book. The class was fairly short as it was the first day and before you knew it you were packing up, getting ready to head to your other class. You and Hongjoong walked side by side discussing the lecture as well as all of your other classes. “I have History now what about you?” he inquired as you both reach the ground floor of the building. “I have a free period now but I have to go to the main admin building to sort out some stuff,” you responded. “Ugh I envy those guys at admin, they get to spend more time with you,” he spoke while nudging you gently. You couldn't help the blush that crept up on your face, heating up your body. “I’ll see you next class right,” you continued before exchanging numbers with each other.
“Okay, so I add this powder to the base and the liquid should turn from clear to purple right?” you ask yourself while standing over your pot. This was the 5th time you were trying this out with no success. This was not the time to be messing up, your potions exam is in 1 week. At this rate, you'll never be promoted to a higher rank. Looking down at the pot you sigh defeatedly “, Still clear.” You slumped down onto the pillowy cushions of your mint green couch allowing your body to be wrapped in its soft embrace. “This isn’t amateur hour Y/n, it wasn't supposed to happen like this,” you spoke softly and you were right. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, you weren't supposed to spend all your time with him, you needed to study and you knew that but then why? Why were you so drawn to him? This had never happened before so why now? Why him?
You've been in university for 2 months now and you'd hardly studied for anything whether it be magic-related or not. But do you know what you have done? Hang out with Hongjoong a lot, you both went to the movies, campus café and library under the pretense of studying but you both just ended up talking about your favourite authors and guess what? You both liked the same writer. You had never meshed with anyone that well before. You felt like you could talk to him for hours about everything and nothing at all. He made you feel, for lack of better words, like you were floating. You could talk with him for hours and it would only seem like a few minutes to you. If you should spend your entire university life next to him you would.
But you knew that you couldn’t because he's way too popular to want you by his side 24/7. This thought became clear to you when you had agreed to meet up with Hongjoong at your University Café. Walking into the quaint little shop you were greeted by the smell of freshly baked banana bread; your favourite. Scanning the shop you quickly spotted Hongjoong sitting in the corner with 7 other guys, seemingly causing chaos in the once quiet shop. You smiled brightly as you waved at him, gulping down that feeling of social awkwardness you always get around large groups you sat next to him. He had saved a seat for you.
After ordering your coffee the guys all started to have what appeared to be a very lively conversation but you couldn't focus on anything they were saying. It was something about a party that was happening later in the week that was surely gonna have a bunch of really attractive people attending. That was kinda when you zoned out, Hongjoong was out of your league and you knew it. He was smart, sweet, talented, handsome, caring and so much more. Meanwhile, you were struggling to keep up with your workload, your hair was a mess and you have to mentally prepare yourself before even raising your hand in class to ask a question. He seemed to be so put together while you were just falling apart more and more each day.
But still, you wanted to be beside him even if it was only for a little bit longer, you weren't ready to let go of him yet. Releasing a loud sigh over how absolutely stupid you were being you plopped yourself down; rather clumsily I might add, unto your couch causing the book which was hanging on for dear life to fall onto the cold wooden floor. Bending down you realize that it was one of the magic books that you had borrowed from the library. Picking it up you see a piece of paper slip out from between the pages. Grasping it in your hands you carefully unfold it and read the words. “Love Potion”, you read “, Upon consumption, the subject will confess to the first person they see.” You rub your eyes briskly to ensure that what you were seeing was right. A potion that makes you fall in love with the first person you saw? Surely that was too good to be true. If you were to use it on- no you can't even think about using it on Hongjoong. What were you even thinking? Practicing unsanctioned magic was against the rules. But...why was that the only thing stopping you from making this potion? You are pulled from your thoughts by the ringing sound of your cell phone.
“Hello?” you answer, too preoccupied to look at the caller ID. Listening through the phone all you hear is hushed mumbling. Looking at your screen you realized that it was Hongjoong, but why would he be calling at this hour? He was supposed to be at a party with the others. He must have called you by mistake, you deduce. Readying yourself to end the call you stopped when you heard an unfamiliar voice come through the phone. “I like you,” it said. In that instance, you felt as though your entire world was crashing down before you. He was being confessed to? Why did this even shock you? Someone like Hongjoong would surely find someone to date in a matter of time, he's just that wonderful. Of course, people would fall for him, you definitely did. “Sorry,” you hear him say in that oh so sweet voice that you loved so very much “, I have my plate full with school so I don't really think that I should be getting into a relationship”.
That was all that you needed to hear. Sure you felt sorry for the person that had confessed, at least they had the balls to do it, unlike a certain someone. That was when you had finally made your choice, you were making that potion. You didn't care if you got caught by your magic teachers, Hongjoong was worth the risk. Reading over the list of ingredients you ransacked your apartment in search of everything that you needed. Thankfully you had everything since you had gone shopping for more supplies only days before. Looking over your instructions again you noticed a small disclaimer at the bottom of the page. “Disclaimer: Potion will be ineffective if the subject is already in love; there is no force stronger than true love”. Were you really going to do this? Yeah, you were.
Everything was finally in place. You had made the potion and mixed it in with cupcake batter in order to mask the taste. You had invited Hongjoong over for a study session which he immediately accepted because even he knew that you needed all the help you could get. Placing your hand over your heart you attempted to calm your breathing before he arrived. Too late. The ringing of your doorbell caused you to jump from your seat. Trying to keep your cool you opened the door and smiled at him. He wore his blue hair slightly wavy which gave it this adorable fluffy look, he looked so cute. He had a bright yellow barrett and matching yellow turtle neck which he wore under his opened coat. Upon seeing you he returned your smile before stepping into your apartment.
“Something smells good”, he states while resting his coat on your coach. “Yeah I baked cupcakes,” you chimed in while trying to sound excited. “Shouldn’t you be studying instead of baking,” he inquired while quirking a playful eyebrow at you. You chuckled at his playfulness before heading to the kitchen to grab 2 muffins. “I just wanted to thank you for coming over to help me. You didn’t have to so I really appreciate it,” you said before handing him the muffin. “What if I want that one?” he asked while pointing to the muffin in your other hand and pouting. “I picked this one out for you because it has the most blueberries and they remind me of your hair,” you whined at him. You could of sworn that you had seen him blush. “Thank you,” he mumbles before taking the muffin from your hand and taking a bite. In those moments you thought that your heart was going to explode. This was what you had been waiting for and it frightened you so much more than you had expected.
“Y/n I love”, he began while wiping the muffin crumbs off of his mouth “, these muffins”. You felt your heart sink and you knew that Hongjoong could tell. If the potion didn't work there was only one reason why; he had liked someone else. You tried your best to play it off but there was honestly no hiding your disappointment. You ate your muffin before you both sat on the couch to go over your notes and begin studying for your upcoming exam but Hongjoong knew that you weren't feeling it. “Let’s take a break okay Y/n,” he said before standing up to stretch his legs. You, however, stayed completely still on the couch, your mind somewhere else completely. 
“When exams are over Mingi is gonna hold a party, well it's more like a little get together. Do you wanna come?” Hongjoong asked from beside your window sill. The silver moonlight illuminating his face so flawlessly. Your mind wandered back to the party that Hongjoong had gone to previously, the bad memories of his confession eating you up inside. “How was the last party?” you asked, catching Hongjoong off guard. “Same old same old I guess. Would have been more fun if you were there,” he smiled at you, an uncertain look in his bright brown eyes. “So nothing interesting happened?” you pushed, you had no idea why you were pestering him. You were just so mad and disappointed in yourself that you had to let it out. Granted absolutely nothing was Hongjoong’s fault you still needed to get out your frustrations and he was the only one here so...
He paused for a moment, attempting to recall the events from that night. “San and Wooyoung threw Sangie into the pool. It was pretty funny,” he smiled at you. That had always been your weakness. He had always been your weakness. Even in your shocked and disappointed state he still managed to make you smile. You were so jealous of the person who had his heart, you hoped that they would cherish it the same way that you did. The rest of the night carried on with no hiccups, Hongjoong thought you, you kinda listened and kinda stole glances at him every chance you could get. Just because he was in love with someone else didn’t mean that you weren’t still in love with him. After about 5 hours of you being almost completely lost, Hongjoong decided that it was time to call it quits for the night. Although you were happy that you could finally be alone with your thoughts you also dreaded this moment because you had to now be alone with your thoughts. There was no Hongjoong to distract you from well...Hongjoong. You both said you goodbyes before he pulled you into a hug, one hand resting on your back as the other one stayed on the back of your head, rubbing it gently. You rested your head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. You hand never hugged him before, he smelt of cologne and vanilla. You were determined to engrave that scent into your memory because you probably weren’t going to be getting any more hugs from him after what you were about to do.
So what if the potion didn’t work? So what if he loved someone else? Honestly, who cares? The only thing you cared about was him and you needed him to know that. You couldn’t just sit around and mope about it, you needed to let it out, otherwise, how would you heal? You gripped the back of his shirt when you felt him begin to pull away. “Just a moment more,” you thought. You felt him stiffen in your arms but he simply wrapped his arms around you once more and pulled you even closer to him. That was all it took for your heart to burst. All of the emotions that you had harboured for those 2 months, 1 week and 2 days were finally breaking through to the surface and you could do little to stop it. You felt a single run down your face, its warmth paling in comparison to the warmth of Hongjoong’s embrace. You opened your mouth to speak, thinking that it would be easier for you to confess if you didn’t have to see the disappointment in his face. But he beat you to it.
“If you keep doing things like this I’m going to get the wrong idea,” he whispered, arms engulfing your body in his own. “If you keep breaking down my walls I’ll be left defenseless,” he continued as he nuzzled his face into your neck, his warm breath tickling you slightly. Were you hearing correctly? Was he actually saying this to you? You gripped his shirt even tighter, nails slightly grazing the skin on his back, but he didn’t seem to mind. “I-If you’re defenseless,” you began while swallowing the lump in your throat, your voice shivering in anxiety “, then I’ll protect you. That’s the deal; my heart for yours.” You thought that it was impossible for Hongjoong to hold you tighter than he already was but Hongjoong always seems to find a way. “No take-backs okay? Once I give you my heart it’s yours forever,” he spoke pulling away from you, his eyes searching yours for any ounce of uncertainty. Finding none he gently cupped your cheek, his thumb aimlessly drawing circles on your skin as he smiled at you, but the smile never reached to his eyes as his hand slowly shifted down your cheek to allow his thumb to caress your lips. They quivered at the contact as your body froze under his intense gaze. You had never seen him look that way before, and the fact that he was looking at you made this moment even more unbearable.
“Joong,” you squeaked out, eyes silently pleading for him to do something, anything. Once you had broken the silence that was the last straw, it was as though your voice was the last raindrop that broke through a dam of emotion. His hand stayed on your cheek as the other wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. In direct contrast with the hasty movements of his hands his plush lips glided across yours with such gentleness, it felt as though you were kissing a feather, light and airy. You both eventually pulled away from the kiss, in desperate need of air but that didn’t stop Hongjoong from placing small, breathless kisses along your neck and literally, anywhere he could attach his lips to. You chuckled slightly as his hair tickled your sensitive skin. Placing your hand on the nape of his neck, you caressed his head, fingers tangling in the blue ocean of his head. “I love you so much Y/n,” you hear him mumble from against your neck. You couldn’t stop the blush that had crept up your face at his words. You had dreamt about him saying those words to you for so long and now that he had finally said it you feel as though your heart was going to explode. But you couldn’t let that happen, your heart was his now. “I love you to Joongie,” you softly whisper as you wrap your arms around him.
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bluefire12348 · 4 years
Jen 10 au
(this is a small scenario in my Jen 10 Dimension) (in this world Kevin and the rooters are still bad guys who have been going after Jen since she was 10, Gwen and Jen are plumber partners and are good friends. yes Gwevin is still going to happen in this Dimension,  This is just going to give you guys a view of Jen’s dimension. I might write some more, depends on what you guys think)
  It was supposed to be a nice quiet day. Jen was on her way to work at Mr.Smoothies. She parked her car on the sidewalk trying to make sure she doesn’t take up to much space. When she was satisfied with her parking she stepped out of the car then grabbed her Mr. Smoothies apron and hat. 
  Closing the door, she walked up to the back door of the building. “Jen!” before she could step into the building she heard a familiar voice from behind her. Turning around, she spots her partner and good friend Gwen running up behind her. Gwen reaches up to her panting. “The Rooters are after you” she said panting.  Jen gave her a puzzling look, “umm yeah they have been since i was ten”. She gave Gwen a deadpan look. Gwen grabbed her shoulder “They are sending Kevin and the Amalgam kids.” Jen still didn’t look worried.
 She moves Gwen’s hands off her shoulders, “Gwen it’s fine, i can handle Kevin and his gang”. She said while holding up her Omnitrix and opening up the back door to the building. Gwen glares at her and sighs “fine, but I’m going to stay close in case you run into trouble” Gwen says while putting her hands on her hips. Jen rolls her eyes and walks inside the building.
  Gwen groans and walks to Jen’s car. She unlocks the front door with her spare key Jen gave her. She climbs in the front seat and shuts the door. She opens up the glove compartment and pulls out an old spell book she stole from Hex. As soon she opens they book she doesn’t notice a blue car pulling up in front of Jen’s car. 
 In the front seats was Kevin and Pierce, and in the back was Alan and Helen. Kevin pulls out an ID mask and puts it on his face. His skin turns into a light tan and his hair turns short blonde while his eyes become a dark blue. He looks into his rear view mirror and sees Gwen in the driver seat of the car behind them reading a book. Alan looks behind in the back window and notices what Kevin is looking at. “Hey, Kevin it’s your girlfriend” He mocked. Kevin turns his head and gives Alan a cold glare. “she is not my girlfriend” Kevin said in a dark tone. Alan chuckles a bit “I’m sorry Kev, but I can’t take you seriously when you look like that.” Helen joins in on Alan’s chuckling. 
 Kevin groans and looks back into the rear view mirror staring at the unknowing plumber. “Keep an eye on her while I go capture Jen” Kevin said while turning off his car and unlocking his door. “if she notices something or tries anything, you know what to do” He said while climbing out “Don’t worry Kevin, we’ll keep a good eye on your girlfriend” Helen teased while Alan tried to keep in his laughter. Kevin groaned and rolled his eyes “she is not my girlfriend” The he shut the door. He glanced back at Gwen one more time before walking towards the Mr. Smoothies building.
 Jen hands the Customers drink and food to them “have a great day”. Jen sighs as the customer leaves. She looks outside at the window were Gwen was reader her magic book. Somebody walks up to the her and she puts on her best fake happy face. “Hi, Welcome to Mr.Smoothies, Would you like to try our Blue-Strawberry Special. We have for only a limited time. How can I Help you today?” she said in a very cheerful voice. She looks at the face that she has never seen before. She notice the stranger gave a weird smile that almost seemed familiar. “Yeah, I would like to take your Omnittrix to go please”. Jen stares at the stranger in confusion and narrows her eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t Quite get that, would you say that again?” she said notice the strangers hand started to become the same matter as the table. “Sure, I said i would like to have your Omnitrix to go please” He said now staring into her eyes. “and i would also like for you to give up to the rooters.” As soon as he said that Jen presses the button under the table, making an alarm go off so that the people would get out in time.
 Gwen hears the Alarms and so did the Amalgam kids. Gwen puts down her book and jumps out of Jen’s car. She start to run to the building till she feels a fast force push her down and land on her. “Sorry Gwen,it’s nothing personal, but can’t let you ruin this mission” Helen said while pinning Gwen’s arms behind her back. Gwen blast a ball on energy at Helen, pushing her off. Gwen gets up and runs shouting at Helen “Sorry, nothing personal” and runs off to help Jen.
 Kevin burst through the wall, almost landing on Gwen, his ID mask broke. Jen steps out in her luchadora tetramand form.”esto está saliendo de mi cheque de pago” She said in Spanish, which in her tetramand form she can only speak spanish. Glaceing at Gwen she notice Manny charging at them. “Gwen mira!” she said while punching the small tetramand hybrid in the face. Manny Tries to punch back but Jen catches all four of them and throws him through the whole in the wall.
“escucha, no estoy de humor para ser secuestrado hoy Kevin“ Jen said while lifting Kevin up and dropping him down, “golpear a alguien a través de la pared podría hacer que me despidan“ she continued. Kevin looked up at her in confusion “you know when your in that form I don’t understand a word you say” he explained hoping to get her guard down. Jen hits the omnitrix on her chess making her transform back into her original form. “I said, punching someone through the wall could get me fired”. she explained again but this time in English. Kevin smirked and looked up at her (he was sitting on the ground) “well you wont have to worry about that pretty soon” Kevin said while glancing behind her. Jen has a look of confusion on her face till she turned around to see what Kevin was looking at, But it was too late, when she turned around pierce shot a quill at her arm, knocking her out instantly. She falls into Manny’s arms and he holds her up.
 “JEN” Gwen yells as she sees them capture her partner. When Jen was busy dealing with Kevin, Manny, and Pierce. She was fighting Helen and Alan. Gwen put a force field between her, Helen and Alan then pushed them away from her. She turned to the other three keeping a knocked out Jen hostage. “let her go” Gwen said in a dark tone. Kevin smirked “Sorry, but kinda need her” he said walking up to Gwen. 
The piles of bricks and other stuff from the wreckage started to float around Gwen, “Let. Her. Go. Kevin” She said through gritted teeth. Kevin started to notice the floating objects but decided to ignore. Gwen’s eyes glow pink. 
“Kevin i am giving one last warning, let her go” 
Kevin and Gwen both stand still. Suddenly Kevin absorbed the concrete from he ground and started to charge after her. Gwen changed into her anodite form and used a force field to push Kevin back. Kevin lands on his back. Gwen flys down to him and puts her face inches in front of his “LET. HER.GO” Gwen shouts in his face. Kevin has a slght look of fear till it was replaced by anger. he glares at Gwen the snaps his figures. 
Manny and Pietce look at each other then Manny gently puts down a now waking up Jen. Jen sits up “What happened?” she asked looking around. Now noticing an Anodite Gwen hovering over Kevin. She soon starts to remember what is happening and quickly get up and backs away from Manny and Pierce. 
Her hand overs over the omnitrix “back off” she said while choosing an alien. She slams her hand down on the omnitrix and her body streches and morphs into her Kineceleran form. Noticing Kevin was going to grab Gween The screen goes down and she races of to get Gwen. Moving Gwen away from Kevin. “Sorry, but her was going to adsorb your mana” She said in her now scratchy, higher voice. “Thanks” Gwen said looking away. 
Suddenly a fog surrounds them. Jen puts down her face shield then grabs Gwen. Moving them both out of the fog and into clear air. As soon they were in the clear the Amalgam kids were gone. 
The omnitrix times out and Jen transforms back into her normal form. “Were do you think they went?” Jen asked looking at Gwen “I don’t know” Gwen said while turning back into her human form. 
“Thanks for helping me though” Jen looked at Gwen. Gwen doesn’t look back “Your my friend and partner, its my job to look after you” Gwen looks back and smiles. 
“but why were you in your anodite form? I know for a fact you could’ve taken care of them without using your full power-” Jen then suddenly relized something and smirk “or is it only Kevin that can a rise out of you like that” She said teasing Gwen.
Gwen’s face turns red and she pushes Jen away from her “no, i just overreacted was all” She said looking away. Jen shrugs her shoulders and walks away to talk to her boss about the giant whole in the wall.
Translations (please note, I used google translate for these. so they are not exact translations)
“esto está saliendo de mi cheque de pago“
“this is coming off my paycheck“
“Gwen mira”
“Gwen look out”
“escucha, no estoy de humor para ser secuestrado hoy Kevin“
“Listen I'm not in the mood to get kidnapped today Kevin”
“golpear a alguien a través de la pared podría hacer que me despidan“
“hitting someone through the wall could get me fired"
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Tumblr media
Car - Even after 6,000 years they still need a bit of a nudge. Maybe the Bentley can help with that.
Everything went to shit the morning Crowley parked the Bentley across from the shop, music blaring so loud that it shook the panes of every window a block down and drew him a record number of dirty looks. Crowley grinned at all the little humans, enjoying the feeling of hot metal against his arm and the vibrating base. When Aziraphale stuck his head out the door with a comically offended expression, well. Crowley most certainly enjoyed that too.
“Hello, Aziraphale!” he called. His voice had to rise past the capabilities of normal vocal cords to be heard.
“Turn that down!”
“Turn it down, Crowley!” Azirphale’s arms did a funny kind of pressing motion.
“Yeah, no, really didn’t catch that. You’ll have to speak a bit louder!”
Which resulted in Aziraphale puttering across the street to join him because the day his angel raised his voice above a gentlemanly reprimand was the day the world ended.
And as they now both knew, that was permanently on hold.
“Enough,” he growled, reaching across the steering wheel to press uselessly at all the knobs. Crowley shut the music off himself with a secretive snap. “Are you trying to deafen every one of my neighbors? Or summon the cops? Really, Crowley, the last thing we need is them poking about when I still have texts whose placement here I can’t exactly explain in writing. Do you want to tell them why there is a Georgian Bible without a paper trail?”
Crowley just grinned and set himself to the task of enjoying this interaction. It was all a little goldmine: Aziraphale’s arm pressed against his chest in an effort to reach the controls. How his hair lifted slightly at the tips because he tended to unfurl his wings when annoyed and even across dimensions those could produce a breeze. The way he still, after centuries, had no real idea how the police force worked. Yes, Zira. They’re going to respond to a noise complaint and then segue into breaking down your door, terrorizing a pouty bookshop owner purely for the fun of it.
...actually, that sounded like a lot of coppers Crowley knew. Maybe Aziraphale understood more than he gave him credit for.
“Sorry, angel. Just got real into that song.” Crowley wouldn’t have been able to name the song if his immortal life depended on it. He’d just let the Bentley pick whatever on the way here. “Up for a spot of lunch?”
It was their routine. A planned interaction that Crowley knew by heart and was thus safe to indulge in. He’d show up ‘unexpectedly’ outside the shop. Do something to invoke Aziraphale’s ire. He’d then spend a few moments memorizing his reactions like after 6,000 years there was anything left to learn (there was). Then Aziraphale would make his token protests, cave, and off they’d go. In the face of change—of the biblical sort. Of the “We’re on our own side now” sort—Crowley sometimes felt like routine was the only thing holding him together.
So something cracked when Aziraphale ignored his question entirely.
“Zira?” Crowley leaned out the window to get a better look. Aziraphale was now circling the car with a staggeringly guilty expression, hands twisting at the lowest button of his vest. Crowley was a second away from tumbling out and finding whatever had put that look on his angel’s face when he began to speak.
Not to Crowley though.
“I am so very sorry, my dear,” he said, seeming to address the Bentley’s hood. “I was quite cruel to you the other day, wasn’t I? Hardly sparing you a glance when you went up in flames like that. Yelling at Crowley to hurry things along. Oh... it must have hurt. Did it hurt? I’d imagine so. But please know that wasn’t at all an accurate representation of my feelings for you. Those were some rather extreme circumstances and I fear I was a bit out of my depth at the time. You see, I was forced to possess a woman by the name of Madam Tracy—a rather harrowing experience, all things considered—and there was an angry man pointing a gun at us, and the world was just about to end, you see, though I suppose you probably already knew that part—”
Crowley stared. Aziraphale was apologizing to his car.
Aziraphale. Was apologizing. To his car.
By the time he was done (finishing with a kiss to the front left light) Crowley had slithered down into his seat and was desperately trying to remember how to function.
“Whatever are you doing?”
“Suf—? Really. You show up here doing damage to all our eardrums and have the nerve to talk about suffering? Are you taking me to lunch or not?”
He’s perfect, Crowley thought, fumbling with his keys. He’s perfect and he just gave my car a more passionate love confession than I could ever hope to get.
If the Bentley seemed to have more of a purr to its engine that day Crowley chalked it up to his damaged hearing.
Scratch that, everything went to shit the day his Bentley realized they’d escaped the end of the world.
“It’s not alive,” a child had once told him, staring as Crowley yelled at the car for daring to stall on him. That was in the early days of their relationship. Winter of 1926, before they’d crossed many thousands of miles together, outrun other demons, discovered a shared love of music, had that wonderful romp across the Thames. Walking on water? Please. Try driving on it. Watch and weep, Jesus Christ.
That was far in the future though. Crowley had grown soft in his old age—really—and 1920s him wasn’t quite as forgiving. He’d figured a good reprimand was better than just magic-ing the problem away. This new Bentley needed to learn who was boss.
And here was this kid saying the stupidest things.
Crowley had looked her over. Wealthy little thing if that coat and frock was any indication. She’d been sucking a lolly and watching him like she’d ditched her shopping-obsessed mother and now had nothing better to do. Which was probably exactly what had occurred.
“How old are you?” he’d asked.
“Twelve years old and you’re saying nonsense like that?”
She’d gone so far as to stamp her foot, cheeks bulging from candy and indignation. “It’s not nonsense!”
So Crowley made a faulty approach—damn ice patches—and knelt down in front of her. He pointed upwards at a chaffinch. “That bird alive?”
“Well of course,” she’d said.
“Don’t ‘of course’ me, I’m about to blow your mind. Is the tree it’s in alive?”
“Uh huh.”
“Yeah, right, both agreeing on that. Okay, how ‘bout the sun shining through its branches?”
For the first time the girl had hesitated. Crowley jumped on it.
“Ah ha!” he crowed. “Bit tricker, eh? Lots of science folks out there who might try to make that case. Is a river alive? Maybe not, but if it is does that make the rain alive too? All the pretty things it freezes into?” Crowley scooped up a handful of snow, dumping it over the girl’s head. She had jumped and squeaked but didn’t run. “Life’s a messy thing, kid. All those blurry lines for metal and heat and water and light. So if I take those blurry things and change them up until they’re a car—” he waved both arms at the Bentley. “Don’t you think the car’s a bit of a blurry thing too?”
The girl had bit into her lip. It was red with cold and nibbled raw. “...Maybe.”
Crowley nodded. “Last question: am I a man or a snake?”
“A man!”
“And that’s why you don’t go telling strangers their cars aren’t alive.” Crowley stood. He made a sound like a buzzer in the back of his throat. “Wrong answer, kid. But you’re asking questions so I guess you’re not all bad.” He’d miracled up another lolly and shooed her off. “Go find your mum.”
Crowley never had the slightest doubt that his Bentley was alive. Maybe it appreciated that certainty because their relationship got a whole lot better after that. Ninety-three years and no more stalling.
Today, in 2019, Crowley wished dearly that the Bentley was just a hunk of metal.
“Surely this is bebop,” Aziraphale said. Crowley resisted the urge to lay his head on the steering wheel and just give up completely.
Actually, who was he to deny himself anything?
“Please watch the road!”
“You watch the road,” Crowley mocked, swatting Aziraphale’s hand away as he attempted to gain control. During it all Diana Ross crooned from the speakers.
Two hearts, Two hearts that beat as one Our lives have just begun...
He didn’t own any Diana Ross. He hadn’t turned on the radio. The song was just there as soon as they’d started off and Crowley was this close to selling the Bentley for scrap metal.
Because it had been doing this for days now. Anything Crowley wanted to listen to while out and about on his own? Sure. That was just fine. When Aziraphale decided to join them?
Cheesy love songs galore. Crowley’s hands tightened until his knuckles went white. He hoped the Bentley could feel it.
“Angel, do you have any concept of what bebop actually is?”
“Well...” Aziraphale faltered. “I know all the young kids are into it and this woman’s voice is quite risqué.”
“Literally none of that is right. Not a lick of sense. It’s 2019 how do you even function?”
The music increased in volume.
'Cause no one can deny This love I have inside And I'll give it all to you My love, my love, my love My endless love
“I’m setting you on fire again,” Crowley growled and pretended like he couldn’t hear Aziraphale humming along as the song repeated.
The next day Crowley opened the Bentley to find a bedazzled BEBOP charm hanging from his rearview mirror. The tacky monstrosity caught all the light as it slowly, spitefully rotated.
With a yell he chucked it into oncoming traffic. It was back again by lunch.
Aziraphale loved it.
(So fine, yeah, he guessed it could stay.)
After that more changes started to appear. Things that Crowley had never even thought about, let alone purposefully brought into existence. His Bentley suddenly had a cupholder for Aziraphale’s mugs of tea. There was extra space in the back for transporting books. One minor, throwaway comment about the sun being too bright and suddenly there were tinted windows, for heaven’s sake.
Crowley understood that his Bentley was alive, but it wasn’t supposed to have agency. Theoretically none of this stuff was bad, but who the fuck did the Bentley think it was, coming up with it all first?
By the time Aziraphale was commenting on how soft the seats were Crowley had had enough. He drove the blessed machine out to Tadfield with the express purpose of accosting an eleven-year-old.
“Did you give my car free will?!”
Adam was, objectively, the child most used to dealing with weird shit in his life. (Outmatched only (perhaps) by a young man named Warlock who’d had the dubious honor of growing up with a literal angel and demon over his shoulder. Both of whom were fools.) After coming into unfathomable power, nearly bringing about the end of the world, watching your not-Dad rise from the Earth in a fiery display, and then re-writing said world back to its basics, having a scrawny man yelling about free will while you were trying to eat ice cream didn’t even make the list of Top Ten Things I’m Dealing With Right Now.
So Adam dug more forcefully into his soft-serve. “Hey, Crowley.”
“Yeah. Hey. Nice day I guess.” It had occurred to Crowley right after he’d nearly hit the low wall of the Madisons’ garden and started shrieking at a group of children that this display would, perhaps, not be well received by the locals. And who wanted to deal with locals? So he reigned it in a bit and tried for a cheery wave at Mrs. Madison.
She scowled like a pissed-off peacock.
“Aren’t you going to say hello to us too?” Pepper demanded. She sat on the grass between Adam and Brian, the three of them trading ice creams every few moments. Adam now had the popsicle while Pepper had the soft serve and Crowley was decidedly not imagining him and a certain angel doing the same.
Wensleydale was off collecting ants to do Things with later.
Crowley sighed. “Hey, Piper.”
“What was your name again? No wait, never-mind, really don’t care. You. Antichrist—”
“Adam. Did you mess with my car or not?”
Adam took the cup of cookie dough from Brain and exchanged a Look. The sort of Look that only children could pull off after numerous adventures together, filled with an hour’s worth of conversation boiled down to just a few ticks and movements of the mouth. He then exchanged the same with Pepper. Wensleydale was still too far off to hear the conversation, but he looked back as if hearing an unvoiced call, giving Adam a thumbs up. Throughout it all Crowley stood with hands halfway mashed into his pockets, shifting weight from foot to foot. He could feel Mrs. Madison boring into his back.
The moment was a short one, but what passed within it was given a great deal of consideration and weight. See, the Them hadn’t the slightest clue what Crowley was on about and Crowley, it seemed, was working under a number of assumptions that led to him not explaining himself one bit. Cars? Free will? Adam’s eyes strayed to the Bentley and while he could admit that it was a very nice looking car—if old—that was really all he had to say about the thing. He hadn’t exactly composed an itemized list of everything he’d wanted during the confrontation at the airbase. The only thing he’d been able to articulate within his mind was a Dad, Daddy, my Daddy in a voice that had sounded far younger than he actually was. Everything else had just been a ripple coming off of that. Now Adam experienced the same feeling as when Mr. Fell had called him up to thank him for the new books and Adam had responded with a “Wut?”
What the Them did know was that this was all very important to Crowley. Adam’s potential involvement got him riled.
So Adam gave the only logical answer he could in that moment.
“Yes,” he said.
The result was, to use a phrase, bloody spectacular.
Adam got back his original soft-serve. Pepper had the cookie dough. Brian the strawberry pop. They ate contentedly as Crowley went on a surprisingly creative rant about how kids could not and should not and in the future would not be messing with his car. Off to the side Wensleydale pulled out his phone to record the display, taking time to zoom in on Mrs. Madison’s expression.
Adam was still pretty out of his depth, but after a detailed account of all the Bentley’s new behaviors he felt a niggling suspicion and was compelled to say, “Kinda sounds like it’s trying to tell you something. Maybe you should listen?”
Crowley turned the same shade as his hair and Wensleydale, cackling, started uploading to Youtube.
“Dear, Adam tells me there’s a record of you on one of these social media sites. Would you perhaps show me how to—”
“Don’t click that!”
One week later the Bentley stalled.
Crowley stared in shock as it inched a couple feet, a couple more, and then stopped completely, out in the middle of goddamn nowhere. Well, not really. After hearing a highly edited version of Crowley’s visit to Adam, Aziraphale had insisted on a proper get-together the weekend following. Now here they were, partway between rural visit and urban home. There’d been food and drinks and piling far too many people into Anathema’s little cottage, all the things that might have interested a demon if Crowely had been able to focus on anything other than the smell of Aziraphale’s skin.
Another new cologne.
“Ah, Crowley...?” He spoke now, light and hesitant. “Did you mean to stop here?”
‘Here’ was a deserted stretch at 9:13pm, the stars their only light for miles. 
“Can you—?”
Crowley knew it with a certainty that set his teeth on edge. He couldn’t just miracle them going again. The Bentley wouldn’t allow it. Maybe it really was the influence of a kid capable of warping reality in ways no angel or demon ever could. Maybe it was just the result of decades spent in the presence of occult and celestial entities, soaking up a bit of power then and there until it had something worthwhile. (And if that was the case Crowley was terrified to think about what Zira’s bookshop might be turning into.) All he knew for sure was that his Bentley was different now.
Acting like a goddamn, meddlesome brat.
Aziraphale had shifted this way in his seat, that way, perhaps finally acknowledging to himself that he knew nothing about cars and therefore could do very little to help. Crowley heard a few more noises on his left and then, “The doors are locked.”
Of course they were.
Something about Aziraphale’s tone made Crowley pause. Swallow down the rising excuse and finally look at him.
It was quite the sight. Aziraphale’s cheeks were pink from Anathema’s wine and one of his curls was plastered to his forehead, a victim of the heat. Through the window Crowley could see the play of shadows along the fields, the stars he’d help hang, the moon nearly full. All of it paled in comparison to Aziraphale’s eyes though. Crowley figured 6,000 years, an unknowable amount of time before that... he’d still never seen anything like them. Most days he chalked it up to Aziraphale being all angel-y. On rare occasions he acknowledged that none of the other wank-wings’ eyes looked like that.
Love had a tendency to color the things it touched.
“Are you perhaps trying to tell me something?” Aziraphale whispered, a soft smile playing at his lips. It drew Crowley’s gaze.
He swallowed. “Not me.”
“Uh-uh. It’s the Bentley’s doing...”
“Ah, I see. Well, we wouldn’t want to disappoint your precious Bentley now would we?”
Aziraphale moved first. Six goddamn millennia and now he crossed the divide, pushing himself into the driver’s seat and half into Crowley’s lap. His hands made a beeline for his hair and cheek—one thumb tracing up towards the tattoo—and Aziraphale only paused for one more moment, six millennia plus one, his expression one of absolute rapture. Then he sighed and closed the gap.
Their first kiss tasted like something ineffable.
The Bentley began slowly making its way back towards London, leaving its occupants free to continue what they’d finally begun.
“I think,” Aziraphale laughed, pulling back as the scenery flashed by. “That this is the perfect speed for us.”
180 notes · View notes
stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, @callofthemoon!
Happy Holidays! Hope you enjoy the fic!
Read on AO3
Lost and Found
"Focus on me, okay?"
A deep voice cuts through the haze of panic, like a light shining down into the well of despair his anxiety has thrown him into.
"Hey, you're safe."
Warmth. A hand on his. A warm chest under his palm, the heat filtered through a thin layer of soft fabric. He can feel a heartbeat, steady and strong.
"Breathe. Come on, breathe with me."
The voice—the male voice—might as well have asked Stiles to turn water to wine, breathing seemed just as impossible. He knows it isn't. He manages fine most days but most days he isn’t....
No. Don't think about it. Not yet. Not now. He's safe. The man said so and there's something about him that feels familiar, something about his soul that Stiles's magic recognizes.
He inhales on a gasp, exhales a shaky breath.
"That's it. That's good. Just like that. In again."
Stiles breathes in. He blinks and the world comes back into focus. He sees blue, brilliant blue eyes set in a handsome face framed by stubble. The man smiles, showing off a pair of bunny teeth that take nothing from how blindingly hot the stranger is.
"And out. Good."
Each breath shared with the stranger brings the rest of the world a little further back into focus. He's in a convenience store, the little shop three blocks from campus. It's night. Late night, if he remembers correctly, after midnight. He'd been studying at the library and he wanted midterm supplies before he went back to the dorms.
"Hi, there," the stranger says. He's wearing a blue police uniform. The name tag says 'Hale.' Stiles wonders if he's related to the Beacon Hills Hales. He wonders if this one is also a werewolf. "Back with us?"
Stiles nods. He pulls his hand away from the officer's chest with reluctance. He wants to curl into the safety of the stranger's arms, but most people would consider that rude, or at the very least, creepy and weird.
"S-Sorry." His voice comes out rough and reedy.
"Nothing to be sorry about," Hale says. He sits back on his heels, putting some distance between them. "Do you know where you are?"
He nods. "S-Store."
"Do you live nearby?"
Stiles nods again. He's feeling a little steadier. The uniform helps. It reminds him of his dad, even if it's the wrong color. He wants to call his dad but if he's not working then he's probably asleep and Stiles doesn't want to risk waking him if he is. He glances down at his turned-out pockets. He also doesn't have his phone to call with.
Stiles releases a long sigh and runs a hand through his hair. His chest hurts. The brief lack of oxygen is giving him a headache. "Yeah," he says. "At the dorms."
"Do you want a ride back? I can take your statement in the morning. We don't have to go through everything right now."
Officer Hale is being too nice. They need his statement now if they want to catch the robber. It'd be sharper in his memory, assuming he could remember anything past having a gun shoved in his face.
They probably don't intend to catch the guy. Most trivial robberies go unsolved. If Hale is a werewolf, maybe he's going to try tracking by scent? That seems unlikely.
Stiles slumps back against the ice cooler. His student ID was in his wallet, which he no longer has either, which means he can't get back to his room, assuming Scott would even wake up if Stiles knocked to let him in.
This really isn't his night.
"No, I need my wallet and keys to get in."
"Okay." Officer Hale nods easily. "Do you want to wait at the station? You can use the phone at my desk to call someone. I've been told our coffee isn't half bad."
He could call Lydia, she's probably awake, but he has one of Deaton's books in his backpack and three unfinished papers on his laptop that he hadn't backed up. He doesn't really want to wait and risk the robber selling off his stuff.
If he wants his belongings back, he's going to have to do it himself.
Stiles looks up at the shelves. There's not a whole lot to work with but he's the king of improvisation, though half the time he only does it to watch Deaton's face twitch.
Officer Hale offers him a hand up. His palm is warm. Stiles wants to hold on forever, but again, trying not to be a creeper. Hale doesn't pull away immediately either, so maybe it's not just him. He glances up at Hale and smiles when he catches Hale watching him.
Later. He can hit on the handsome police officer later.
Stiles reluctantly releases Hale's hand and peruses the shelves. He grabs a bottle of iced coffee, a container of salt, a lighter, and a travel map. He brings his haul to the counter where the clerk is watching him strangely.
"Want your money back?" The guy nods. "Then comp me this and let me borrow a knife."
Officer Hale raises a very judgmental eyebrow. "You have a license to practice magic?"
Stiles smirks at Hale. “I’m more than just a pretty face.” He holds out his hand. “Stiles Stilinski, Spark and Emissary to the McCall pack.”
Something hot and electric spreads from where Officer Hale’s hand grips his. “Derek Hale.” His eyes flash blue and Stiles bites his cheek to keep from drooling. “Beta of the Beacon Hills Pack.” Derek runs his eyes over Stiles and there’s a hunger in his gaze that lets Stiles know he’s not the only one with some instant attraction going on. “I’ve heard of you.”
Stiles smiles and looks at Derek through lowered lashes. “All good things, I hope?”
The clerk scans everything in, presses a few buttons, then pushes it back with a pointed cough.
“Right. Knife?”
Derek pulls a folded blade from his pocket and hands it to Stiles. “Here. Use mine.”
Stiles arches an eyebrow. His lips twitch into a wry smirk. “Don’t you have...?” He mimes claws.
Derek shrugs. “Sometimes you don’t want to get your hands dirty.”
Stiles carries his goods out onto the sidewalk in front of the shop. He unfolds the map and holds it down with the lighter, salt, knife, and coffee, one in each corner. He pours a circle of salt around the map, then uses the lighter to sterilize the blade. Once the blade cools, he cuts his palm and makes a fist over the center of the map, squeezing his blood out over the map.
He closes his eyes and concentrates on his missing backpack. He’s used it to carry so many things that have been touched by his magic. There’s a durability charm sewn into the bottom and each strap. He’s got a lighter, candle, and mountain ash in one of the pockets. He’s got a woven protective charm on a keychain and a spelled coin in his wallet.
He opens his eyes as his magic gathers in the items before him. The salt swirls into a miniature hurricane, lifting the map up as his blood soaks into the paper. The map folds itself into an origami bird. The salt disappears into the folds.
The bird flits around Stiles’s head twice. Stiles points to Derek and the bird moves to flutter in the air in front of the officer.
Derek stares at the bird with wide eyes. He looks somewhat awed when Stiles hands him his knife back and picks up the rest of the supplies.
“What’s the coffee for?” One of the other officers—Boyd, according to his nametag—asks.
Stiles twists off the cap and takes a long chug. “I’ve been up since eight in the morning and magic uses a lot of energy.”
The bird flies a short distance away and hovers, waiting.
“Shall we?” Stiles asks.
“Get in the car.” Stiles doesn’t stifle his giggle well enough when Derek does the whole hand on the back of the head thing while helping Stiles into the back of their cruiser, judging from the look Boyd shoots him from the passenger seat.
The bird takes off and the cruiser follows. Stiles’s magic is sentient enough to know to pause for red lights and stop signs. They pull into an apartment complex.
“Stay here,” Derek says, his voice holding the warning growl of a territorial werewolf.
Stiles smiles and turns to lay down in the back seat. “Yeah, sure.” He waves his hand in a grand gesture. “Do your thing. I’m gonna take a nap. Please lock the doors on your way out.”
Derek snorts a half-suppressed laugh. He doesn’t ask why Stiles doesn’t want to come in with them, and Stiles kind of loves him for it. He’s not being arrogant when he says he’s an amazing magician, one of the strongest Deaton’s ever encountered.
He's strong. He's taken down Darach and wendigo and rogue Alpha werewolves with a laugh and a heavy dose of snark and sarcasm. But ever since one of his asshole classmates went crazy when he was in high school and shot up the Sheriff's Station while Stiles was visiting his dad, he's had a thing about guns. A very strong, very panicky thing about guns that sends him into an anxiety spiral like that one that Derek pulled him out. So he'll gladly stay in the car and letting the mostly bulletproof werewolf—werewolves?—deal with the asshole that stole his stuff.
He doesn't actually expect to fall asleep, but it's been a long day.
He wakes to someone tapping on the window above his head. Stiles blinks up at Derek. He flails, grabbing for something to help lever himself back upright. Once he's seated, Derek opens the door and sets Stiles's backpack on the seat next to him.
"Your phone, wallet, and keys are inside." Derek taps the front pocket. The paper bird is perched on Derek's shoulder. It nuzzles against Derek's stubble. Derek sighs in a way that suggests this isn't the first time the bird's done it and Stiles kind of loves him a little more. "Can I give you a ride back to the dorms?"
"Yes, please!"
Stiles pulls his phone out and unlocks it, checking his messages while Derek drives them back to campus. Stiles points him to the correct dorm. Derek gets out first to open the door for Stiles.
Stiles grabs Derek's arm before he can get back in the car. "Hey, can I ask you something weird?"
Derek raises an eyebrow but says nothing. The bird ruffles its wings and settles into a round, happy lump on Derek's shoulder.
Stiles holds out his phone with a new contact form open. "Feel free to tell me to fuck off if you're not interested, but would you like to go out sometime and if so, can I have your number?"
Derek's answering grin shows off those adorable bunny teeth. He ducks his head slightly as he takes Stiles's phone. "Yeah, that's... I'd like that."
As soon as Derek passes back the phone, Stiles shoots off a text so Derek has his number. "So, it's kind of midterms right now, but I'm free after Thursday and could really use something that doesn't involve studying or taking tests to kick off the weekend."
"I think I can manage that. I'm off on Friday."
"Cool." Stiles's grin is out of control. He bounces on his heels. "It's a date."
"Yeah," Derek grins back at him. "Looking forward to it."
Boyd raps on the window.
Derek jerks his thumb behind him. "I should go. Finish my shift."
Stiles gives in to impulse and raises up on his toes to drop a quick kiss on Derek's cheek. "My hero." He waves to Derek and the bird as he swipes to get into the dorm.
Despite his panic attack, he has some very good dreams that night featuring a blue-eyed officer.
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roseamongroses · 4 years
W.A.L: “Devil’s Food” (23)
s u m m a r y
Eden was the lowest of the low, a monster, hardly human, and was set to be executed. Roman was on trial, perpetually stuck in time until it was time to atone for his families sins.Neither cared much for staying trapped.So when a Stranger offered freedom, offered peace, offered power, it was hard to say no.Even if it put them on the wrong side of history.
v i b e s
time is irrelevent, homophobia who?, magic and beasts, demigods
w a r n i n g s
Imprisonment, Mentions of execution, Blood/ injuries,  Mentions of past Death, repression, cursing, some  dissociation
c h a r a c t e r s
Deceit(Eden) Sanders, Remy Sanders, Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Emile Picani, Elliot, Kai, Lauren, Dot
Ship: Roceit
1) (2)   (3)  (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
(18) (19) (20) (21) (22.1) (22.2)
“Janus,” Roman slurred his name, half awake and slumped against Deceit.
It wasn’t out of the ordinary by any means, but somehow something was different in a way he couldn’t quite pinpoint. Maybe it was how their sleep-rough voice was so much more vulnerable, the magic laced in his tone more-so an innocent suggestion than a command.
Or perhaps Deceit was drawn to Roman’s blatant display of trust--how his oversized sleeping shirt was carelessly hiked up revealing how Roman’s freckles grew into swirls and smears that shaped his abdomen into something distinctly inhuman--as if the forest had been branded across their skin. Maybe it was the way Roman’s legs pressed into Deceit--skin a never-ending furnace, maybe...
But none of that was new.
And this--whatever this was, clearly was new because--
“Janus, what time is it?” Roman yawned, arching his back before sighing into the comically large pillows again.
Somehow Deceit found it the most distracting thing in the world. Sleeping with Roman had never been suggestive, at least not in any serious way. And even if Roman had gotten into one of his moods, Deceit was pretty comfortable with ignoring any fleeting attraction he felt.
Then again, it was easy to kill desire when you were constantly reminded why you never deserved it to begin with.
“What?” Roman sniffed, sitting up and pulling the blanket around his shoulders.
“It’s near noon,” Deceit answered instead, “The brats have that competition today...” he eyed Roman cautiously as they seemed to nod off, “Are you good for today?”
“‘Mmm good,” Roman nodded, smile sleepy, “I feel really good,”
Deceit leaned against the headboard, “Are you…” he narrowed his eyes, “drunk?”
“Mmm, my Sanders genes are too strong-- can’t get drunk,” Roman said, slinking back into the bed, “But the room... it’s really quiet here… ” he sighed, “Are you sure we can’t stay in?”
“And do what?” Deceit entertained.
Roman looked up through half-lidded eyes, “I have a few ideas,” he purred before bursting out into snickers.
“I’m waking up the brats,” Deceit said, rolling his eyes when Roman whined in protest, “Attempt to be dressed when I get back,” he slid out of the bed, making his way to the door that connected the rooms.
After gently waking up Elliot and not so gently dragging Lauren and Kai out of the bed, Deceit made his way back to their bedroom. He was pleasantly surprised to see that Roman did indeed get dressed. The simple, white turtleneck elaborate, frilly skirt a stark difference to the military blazer, embroidered with gold from the night before.
While Roman messed with his hair, Deceit inspected the different outfits pulled out for him, “Got any preferences?” he asked, picking at a black dress.
At this point Roman had put his hair up into twin-buns, slicking back his edges, , “Maybe a more traditionally feminine shift?” he mused, turning from the mirror to give Deceit a considering look.
Deceit nodded, letting his features soften and round out, but he kept his hard line of muscles. Pushing the longer hair behind his ear, he tugged off his clothes and picked up the dress, quickly realizing the simple dress had a trail of gold laces and buttons trailing it's spine. Not completely intimidated, Deceit unbuttoned it, but upon sliding the dress on, he realized he wouldn’t be able to reach all of the buttons.
Roman caught on to Deceit’s struggle quick, “Let me,” he said, slipping behind Deceit. His hands reached inside the dress, barely skimming Deceit’s skin as he pulled on some ties on the inside and started lacing Deceit up.
“Why are clothes so complicated,” Deceit complained, keeping his face straight.
Roman pulled the dress taunt, “I mean...” his hand rested on Deceit’s waist as he leaned down slightly, breath brushing Deceit’s ear, “It does look so good on you,”
Deceit shivered, “You…” he cleared his throat, “You’ve been teasing a lot this morning.” he said, keeping his voice steady.
Roman immediately pulled his face away, “Is it a problem?” he asked. Even though he didn’t remove his hand, Deceit knew for a fact that all he had to do was ask and it’d be gone. It’d be so easy, so simple, but--
“No,” Deceit said, “I don't mind….I….I didn’t want to give you the wrong idea,”
Deceit could feel them staring, “...Of course,” Roman finally said after a while, starting to button the dress without further question. Still, something about his tone was too gentle. He was too close and yet, Deceit couldn’t push them away.
He could do so easily before, but now…
Deceit distinctly felt his little wants grow into something too strong to ignore.
Compared to other wonders found at The Offerings, the room hosting the competition for the younger Apprentices was oddly mundane. It was a disorienting mixture of too-bright fluorescent lights and the squeaking of sneakers.
Kai rushed past the unassuming attendant holding a clipboard, his energy palatable. Elliot followed after, ducking into the bleachers.
Lauren walked behind the two distractedly talking to Roman, “It’s just so boring, why does there need to be an entire chapter about white symbolism,”
Roman followed after, “I don’t--” he stopped abruptly, clipboard blocking his way.
“Only mentors are allowed to enter,” The attendant said, not looking up.
Deceit stiffened, ignoring Roman’s tightening grip, “Excuse me?”
“I said--” The Attendenet looked up and sputtered, wide-eyed, “Uh- You’re the Heir,”
“Yes, yes he is,” Lauren said, eyes narrowed, “Can they come in now? It's starting soon”
The Attendant ignored her, “I’m sorry, sir,“ he didn’t sound sorry, but at least he had the decency to sound afraid, “I still can’t let you in unless you’re a mentor and um… you’re not a mentor. ”
Roman fixed on a polite smile, “Can I ask why?”
“No you can’t--” The attendant froze. Roman wasn’t sure what Deceit did, but it certainly got the attendant to talk, “Uh, sorry it's just-- it’s to prevent councilmen from poaching on each other’s Apprentices-- I really can’t let you in. It ends at 5 though, so you can come back then?” the words rushed out all at once, as they shrunk behind their clipboard.
“Of course,” Roman said, eyes redirecting to Lauren, “Be good.”
“Sure,” Lauren grumbled, making her way to the bleachers.
Seeing that Lauren found Elliot, Roman tugged Deceit along back to the staircase.
“What a shame,” Roman sighed, “I wanted to see if Kai got himself kicked out,”
“I could convince him to let us in,” Deceit said.
“We wouldn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention,” Roman retorted, head conveniently tilted in the direction of a video-only security camera, “Plus, you’re dead, remember?”
“That only means I’d be harder to trace,” Deceit said, contemplatively and Roman laughed.
The two wandered around, peeking into rooms that ranged from sprawling parks to more… intimate spaces. Roman had only vaguely mentioned what he was looking for, but Deceit was content with exploring.
Exploring the shape of Roman’s hand in his, their slender fingers light to the touch and unnaturally smooth. Exploring how their pin-straight posture hardly faltered and how even their most graceless steps still had poise. How in the light their eyes weren’t simply silver, but always had a barely perceptible shifting shimmer of colors. And his lips-- Deceit could never get their lips right.
He could never get Roman right, at least not by himself. It was always evasive, something more ethereal then simply copying the paleness in their eyes and the dimples in their smile.
The one time he’d gotten close was when he was prepping for the Duel. Roman spent most of the night correcting Deceit’s errors until he could replicate every feature with near perfection. He remembered how Roman coaxed his magic into something far too significant for Deceit to even imagine and how this mimicked magic burned deep, an endless coil that was never satisfied.
Roman had been worried about how long Deceit could handle maintaining the illusion, Deceit had been worried if he’d ever wanted to stop.
It hadn’t been the first time he had been lost in the allure of becoming, but this was different. Beforehand, it was a cheap trick The Stranger taught them. A throwaway spell, a stupid game if you will. Switch faces, switch lives, and for a little while, Deceit got to play the prized son, adopted from the streets and raised with love while Eden got to play at being invisible.
Even when those damn vials got involved, it never felt this dangerous. Deceit understood that now. By himself, he could take the shape, he could take it all eventually--the voice, its cadence and accent, how they smile, how they laugh. But Roman’s influence made the illusion real--he made it believable with little corrections that stood as commands themselves.
They worked well together. Too well.
The Stranger had wanted them to be close. That asshole had always wanted Deceit to keep an eye on Roman, to tend to Roman, as if trying to enforce control over something that didn’t need to be controlled. It was too intentional and Deceit didn’t like that one bit.
Deceit would uphold his part of the agreement of course. He’d be The Stranger’s glorified dog, who kneels and growls when told, who lies until there’s nothing left. But that didn’t mean he had to let The Stranger influence his relationship, even if they ended up at the same place in the end.
It scared him a lot; this desire, this love, but what scared him more was the prospect of it no longer being his to choose.
Roman had found the library with a few hours to spare before the competition ended. He had wandered away from Janus after awhile, scanning titles in the Foreign Language section with a critical gaze.
He’d been trying to work out Janus’s accent for a while now. Sure he could just ask, but Roman liked the thrill of investigation and he loved the thrill of being right.
Right now he figured that Janus had lived in Italy for a little while-- seeing as whenever they spoke Spanish it was always just a little off in either vocabulary or how they pronounced words. Roman also suspected a few others like Romanian and German, but right now he was looking into Slavic languages.
He spotted a set of translation books near the top shelf and pulled up a chair--and when that wasn’t enough, he stacked another chair on top of that chair. He wasn’t short but compared to other Drak’on’s you could argue he was stunted. Still, even with his heels and the chairs the bookshelves in this library were freakishly big.
Roman briefly considered untucking his shirt so his wings could help out, but before that could be a thing he stumbled trying to catch the book while simultaneously forgetting to keep his balance. However, before Roman hit the ground two steady hands caught his waist.
“Can’t I leave you alone for two minutes?” Janus murmured, raising an eyebrow.
Roman grinned sheepish, leaning back against their chest, “It isn’t recommended,” he said half dazed. “You can…” Roman squirmed in their grip, “You can let me go now,”
“I’ll consider it,”.
“What do you mean you’ll--” Roman squawked as Janus scooped him up, “Janus,” Roman pouted, “Lemme goo-,”
“I thought you liked being carried?” Janus mused, making his way down the aisle.
“I…” Roman slumped defeated, “Shut up,” he groaned, pointedly watching the carpet as Janus carried them past the rows and rows of books to a smaller alcove nestled in the back. Upon seeing the stack of books already there, Roman squirmed out of Janus’s shoulder falling into the pile of pillows, “Aw you picked out my favorites,”
Janus settled next to Roman, “You gave me a list,” he said, dry.
Roman thumbed the spine of Alice in Wonderland, “You follow directions wonderfully,” he shrugged, “Did you see anything you liked?”
“I don’t read for fun,”
Roman blew out his cheeks, “I never said it had to be a book,” he huffed, leaning against Janus’s shoulder, “There’s plenty of stuff around here, I’m sure you could find something for a souvenir,”
Janus frowned, “....Souvenir?” he echoed.
Roman paused, briefly confused before realization hit, “A keepsake, memento if you will,” he tried to articulate, “Something... physical to remember this place.” Janus nodded in understanding, “So did you have anything in mind…?”
For a split second, Janus’s face was unbearably soft before it smoothed into hardened resolve, “I do,” he said, vaguely, but before Roman could question them further, he had grasped Roman’s chin, drawing their full attention, “Kiss me?”
Roman’s mind short-circuited, “What…” he frowned, “ Can you what?”
“I want to kiss you,” Janus said slowly, “Is that okay?”
“Yes…” Roman stuttered, “Of course it is, but…” he didn’t want to ask, but he had to, “Would it just be a one-time thing? I’d still care about you, but I don’t think I could..it’d be…”
Too much.
Janus’s answer was to close the distance.
The kiss was tentative-- brief, but terribly gentle, “I want this,” he promised, brushing a stray curl from Roman’s face, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I want you, I enjoy being with you. I wouldn’t play with that.”
“Then…” Roman bit his lip, ”Why now?” he asked, voice small, “I thought you couldn’t…”
“I’m not used to being wanted,” Janus admitted, and Roman looked up startled, “And when I was wanted it never meant something good, it still doesn’t, but...” he sighed, “Before….It was easy. I could walk away from everything and not have any reason to go back, but,” He blushed, “I can’t walk away now and I certainly can’t pretend everything I feel is platonic I just...I want to choose you. Again and again and again.”
Roman didn’t say anything for a while.
Roman’s face was one of quiet contemplation that slowly melted into a cat-like satisfaction as he leaned in close, fingers hooking into the top of Janus’s dress as he pulled him into a kiss. He kissed Janus like the world was going to end and Janus returned the favor, letting the burning wrap around him, not caring if they ever let go.
And when Roman finally did, breathing heavy with smudged lipstick and ruddy cheeks, Janus kissed him again. And again. And again. And again.
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Word count: 4638
Ice cream isn’t exactly a priority during the apocalypse. 
Especially if you’re an amputee.
And yet at the moment, Herman’s main problem is whether or not he can fetch a second helping of banana soft serve. 
And well, if he could stop watching the Bee Movie right about now. 
“Sorry if you don’t like banana,” Dr. Salmaki said, spooning out more ice cream. “But it’s not like dairy products can last very long these days.” Laughing, she pulled out the gold flower from her hair and tucked it back in at the crease behind her ear; an odd look for a woman in her mid-60s. Even more strange was that sunflowers still existed in this world. It was small, a blossom you would drive by on a summer afternoon but never know the name of. Unfitting to the world right about now, but it blended right into her hoarding garden Herman examined with the turn of his eyes.
Shrubs, trees, vines shrouded the room like a terrarium, except this time he wasn’t looking from the outside in. He was part of the lizards or bugs, trapped, with its wild chirp lost from the sense of overwhelming security. There was no need to try and survive. 
He could sort of understand why those lizards died so quickly now. 
Then again, he wasn’t a lizard.
“Not a fan of the Bee Movie?” Dr. Salmaki asked, turning the television off. Barry and Vanessa disappeared from the boxy screen with a blink of light, their animated voices cut off with a high-pitched click. Dr. Salmaki reached for her cane and pressed the eject button on the remote control, the VHS sliding out and hitting the ground. 
He had forgotten how much he missed technology.
He shook his head, nonetheless. 
“I’m not a fan of cartoons in general, I guess,” he replied. 
“You get used to them once they are the only source of entertainment you have.” She paused. “Too literally in this case, considering it’s the only cartoon I have.” She chuckled again. 
What was so funny?
“I’m never really home, so I guessed this crappy kids’ movie would be enough if I ever had to stay here at home for more than a day. Now look at me, my television is only useful to watch some anthropomorphic bees destroy the environment.” She said, smiling. He remained quiet, not sure how to respond. 
“Not much of a talker, hm?” She asked, raising an eyebrow. Herman sipped up whatever was left in his bowl. 
Melted bananas. His new favorite food. 
“There’s not much to talk about,” he replied simply. 
A pause of silence. Dr. Salmaki smiled, snickering as if he was some sort of pet. 
“Looks like you’ve got a story, though.” She remarked, tapping his one foot with her cane.
He instinctively grabbed what was left of his right thigh, a burning shot firing down his limb. 
Herman’s heart raced.
The pain disappeared once his fingers made contact with the leg. 
He was the butt of his body’s own sick joke. 
“Please don’t do that.” 
Another pause of silence. 
“I used to have friends.”
Dr. Salmaki set her cane to the side. 
“I wasn’t sure what happened to them now, especially after the meteor. Perhaps they could afford government-funded panic rooms, with their suburban wealth and all. Our family could’ve been a part of the system, too, if it weren’t for me. 
Some, like my sister and I, stayed in communal panic rooms. These shelters were offered by local folk who supposedly took pity on us and our pleading parents. 
There was only enough food for two more people, so mom and dad offered to go find some more for themselves and the rest of the group.  
Fate had better places for them. 
I never contributed much to the team. I focused on sports in school, so I wasn’t as smart as the others. At least my sister could go out and scavenge. She had a pretty voice, and combine that with our dusty, out-of-tune guitar and there you go, sanity was restored for a few hours. 
It wasn’t my fault I didn't contribute anything to the group.. I couldn’t magically grow a limb back, and my body rejected the prosthetics available. But the other panic room members were generally sweet and frankly quite pitiful, sharing some of their food with me. 
Food, like clothing and medical supplies, was among some of the first materials to  run out. 
As many other groups of people during the apocalypse did, we organized a scavenging party. My sister volunteered to go, despite the fact that several people urged her not to. Probably because of me. Nonetheless, she left, humming the tune to a song I have long forgotten the title to. 
I may have not spent that much time with her than I should have, but I knew certain facts about her that others were slow to catch. One thing for sure, if she was absolutely silent, she was absolutely scared. It was unfair in a way, how she could just grow up so fast while I was stuck here, still living off of other people’s pity. Either way, it was neither of our choices to do so. 
I began wondering if it was the common fate for whoever stepped out the metal door to never come back. 
Panic grew. One left and again, never came back. Rations got smaller. I found out meetings have been pushed to nighttimes when I’m asleep. 
“They’re planning to EAT you.” A pitiful woman whispered ruefully one day. 
The metal door creaked open. I fled.
Surprisingly, no one dared to mess with me. No matter how menacing they looked, they’d just look away after glancing at my missing limb. It may be the apocalypse, but it takes a long time to just lose the pity from someone. 
The most conflict I ever got was when I encountered some sort of gang along the way. They laughed at my amputation crudely, and they threw me some food like they were feeding some birds at a park. They said they’re not heartless to the point they would kill a cripple, immediately after shooting one of their members for 'wasting ammunition’.
...They showed me how to get to a place that would offer some food and shelter for a short time. When I thought I couldn’t go any further, I just saw an old woman with a flower in her hair.” He finished his story. How he got to a place where he could eat vegan ice cream for eternity. 
“I mean, who knew that person would be some sort of apocalypse millionaire?” Herman asked, laughing emptily. 
Dr. Salmaki, after listening quietly with a couple of cynical remarks, laughed wholeheartedly. 
“I'm something, but not a millionaire.” 
She sighed, a smile lingering on her expression. 
“Well, perhaps it’s not the happiest story, but it’s one indeed,” she said. 
“I guess.”
“I don’t want to waste too much of your time, y'know, listening to me, but I used to have a grandson.” 
“What happened to him?”
“Oh, wasn’t fortunate I suppose. He contracted a disease and medication wasn’t good enough for him. Perhaps it’s my fault, I promised his parents I would take care of him and yet I was always out, investigating in the laboratory.” 
They both sighed. 
“Dr. Salmaki, I don’t want to sound rude, but maybe it’s best to keep the past in the past, you know? I mean, I used to have two legs, but it’s not like I try to remind myself of it everyday. It just... helps to think about something else. Especially when you can’t do shit to help yourself with the current problem.” 
She rested her head against the seat of the plant-occupied couch. Her green eyes lost its usual inspired twinkle, but as soon as she made eye contact it was back. 
“Yes, that’s a good idea. It's no use reminiscing!” she exclaimed, laughing wholeheartedly. 
“What should I be calling you? I just realized I’ve been eating ice cream with a complete stranger.” She asked. 
“It’s Herman. I was named after a Greek god, apparently,” he replied, shrugging.
“It’s better than Artemis. You would’ve been named after a goddess of virginity.” 
They laughed.
"I’m done with angsty talking, we're not characters in a YA novel, now. How about some music?” She asked. 
Dr. Salmaki stood up, stretching out her joints. Herman grimaced internally of how many cracking sounds her body was making. 
She walked over to the counter and from the dark, seemingly pulled out a radio and something else. She carried it back to the couch and set it between the two of them. She pulled out the disc box and took out the disc inside, handing him the box. While she was figuring out how to get the old radio to work again, he examined the empty case and its flashy writing. 
Lysa and Ellie’s Playlist for the Apocalypse
It seemed to be written on plain letter paper with markers. He flipped it over to the back, and there was what he assumed was a list of the songs in this playlist. 
Perfect Illusion
Government Hooker
Paper Gangsta
Bad Romance
“I didn’t know you were a fan of Lady Gaga, Dr. Salmaki,” he said, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m not. I used to be a camp counselor for this one science camp a coupla’ years ago. It was called “Apocalyptic Science”, you probably know what it would be about based on the name. I hate prepubescents, but I was fond of these two girls, Lysa and Ellie. I dunno, they just reminded me of who I was when I was their age, maybe that’s why. Anyways, they asked me if I was a fan of Lady Gaga, and I said no. Not sure how they were able to burn a CD with explicit music at a limited technology camp, but they handed this to me on the last day as a gift.” She explained, pressing the play button. 
“What a coincidence, isn’t it?” She remarked.  
The machine whirred and clicked for a good half-minute before it finally decided to play some music. 
“We are the crowd, we’re c-coming out, got my flash on it’s true….”
He froze. 
“What’s wrong?” Dr. Salmaki asked. 
“Oh, um, it’s nothing,” he replied. 
“Your expression tells otherwise.” 
“It’s just that… I didn’t know this was the song that my sister was humming before she left, you know? I can’t believe I’m just recognizing it right now.” 
He paused, trying to figure out how he was feeling at the moment. How could he forget? She was always talking and singing about Lady Gaga. Did he simply not care to remember her favorite songs, maybe even try to share that single interest with her? 
The two of them have been through thick and thin, and yet they barely even knew each other. 
Or was it just him who knew nothing about who she really might have been?
“I feel so dumb,” he said, his voice hardly more than a whisper. 
Dr. Salmaki sighed. 
“It’s a feeling you get used to with time. I can’t know everything, even if emotions say otherwise,” she responded. 
“But anyway, there’s no use reminiscing. You’ve even said that yourself, didn’t you?” she confirmed, smiling. 
He let out a forced breath of laughter. He couldn’t contradict himself. 
“You’re right, there’s no point sulking about what I can’t change. Gotta enjoy the moment.” he replied. She laughed heartily. 
“That’s the spirit! Do amputees dance, or what?” she asked, lending him a hand. 
He smiled, using her hand and his crutch to stand himself up. 
“Of course.”
It’s been a few weeks since he’s been staying with Dr. Salmaki. He's learned that she not only does she have an indoor garden as her home, but she also owns a small farm of animals in her shed. Well, it’s more of a home for her pets, since she never uses them for food. But at this point, he has gotten used to a vegan diet, and it wasn’t like it was his position to complain anyway. 
“Hey, Herman, get over here for a sec.” Dr. Salmaki hollered from the other side of the house. He stopped his doodling and walked to where her voice came from. 
She was standing by the metal door, where her inventory was located. It was always locked for safety purposes, but he had no reason to step in there. But he respected her choice nonetheless. He wasn’t planning to build suspicion by asking about it any more than he needed to, anyway. 
“What do you want?” he asked, watching as she punched in the code for the door. 
“Remember when I said this was my inventory? Well, surprise surprise, that was a lie.” 
After opening the heavy door, she turned on the lights to reveal some sort of laboratory. 
With mixed emotions and disordered questions, he hoarsely replied, 
“Hey, do you want to see something cool?” 
Without even waiting for a response, she filled up an empty tank with tap water and mixed in a large amount of salt with it. She then proceeded to pluck the signature flower from her hair and drop it into the water. 
The blossom seemed to shrivel for a moment, as it sunk wistfully down to the bottom. 
As he was about to ask how this was supposed to be ‘cool’, the flower’s petals suddenly began to thicken and spread out. It had bloomed as if it was an early spring morning. 
Immediately it started to form suction cups you would only see on octopi all around itself, and soon it found its way towards the glass wall and stuck itself to it. It slithered around, the new creature's tentacles feeling around its territory. 
He watched, awestruck and but mostly disgusted. 
“It’s like a… a-”
He tried to think of the right term.
“A starfish? A squid? Close but no cigar. That’s what you get when amalgamating a Maximilian sunflower with a typical octopus,” she explained. She observed with dull eyes as if this was nothing new. 
“But how? I don’t understand how someone could just so easily do this.” he said, confused. 
“I used to be a genetic engineer. Heh, sorry lying about my profession again. But did you really think I was a BOTANIST?” she asked, chuckling softly. 
“But that still doesn’t explain how one could possibly do this. Isn’t this… I dunno, impossible?” he asked. 
“Impossible, yes. For Earth, that is.” 
“Goddamnit, that doesn’t explain anything! What are you saying, what, you’re some kind of alien?”
“Ha, I wish. We’re wasting time, Herman. Do you really want to hear this stupid story?” 
“Uh, yeah, especially now that you’re saying that we’re ‘wasting time’ for something I have zero knowledge about.” 
Dr. Salmaki sat down on one of the metal stools.
“Ugh, fine… Well, to begin, I was appointed by the government to figure out ways for people to go through the apocalypse without, ya know, dying.
We had our astronomist, botanist… pretty much the cream of the crop from each field of study. Hell, we even had a pastor. That’s how desperate the government was. We grew close, but we knew enough not to depend on each other too much. They were all intelligent people, smarter than me at least. But even the smartest people couldn’t figure out how to make the quality of living better while still remaining under budget. 
I think we gave up on what we could do with what was left of the Earth once we focused on the meteor. 
From what was concluded from the research, the meteor couldn’t have fallen ‘accidentally’ or ‘naturally’. It was either thrown by some galactic giant or was just a meteor with a very strange orbit defying all laws of physics. Both seemed pretty unlikely. The meteor was also releasing a whole new element to the environment, a substance rebelling against the laws of nature. Too bad the press barely even existed anymore, it’s a breakthrough that would’ve shocked everyone. 
We conducted all sorts of experiments with it, but with our limited resources we could only go so far until we hit another brick wall. We put safety before anything, but it’s difficult to balance security with discovery. We weren’t finding anything with lab rats. Exposing them to the meteor's element would only create some sort of gooey mutant. And we couldn’t risk losing possibly the only species alive by using something other than our abundant rats. No one wanted to die, either, despite their half-baked statements of sacrifice for the greater good.
The greater good only sounds sweet if it doesn’t involve yourself, after all. 
I think at one point the government got tired of our shindigs and complaints, so they decided to cut whatever rat’s tail funding and resources that went to us. As if the world is gonna repair itself. 
After packing up whatever I brought to the laboratory, I decided to stop and talk to the pastor who for whatever reason stayed with us until the end. 
“Why didn’t you just leave?” I asked. 
“Who am I to go against God’s will?” He asked back, calm despite the uneasy silence. 
“So it’s god’s will to set you in some safety net with guaranteed food and rest? While everyone else is suffering out there, scrambling and murdering each other for a morsel of food? Got it.”  
He chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” 
“Not a fan of Jesus, I assume?” 
“I mean, do you think I’m in this field just to worship some entity I have no knowledge or proof of its existence?” 
“It’s the whole point of faith. It’s the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” 
“Well, assurance from some outdated book isn’t enough for me. I need concrete proof, a hypothesis I’m 99 percent certain would be correct. I suppose that’s why religious people don’t make sense. You see them do ridiculous acts like bombing a village or flying into provenly dangerous lands all in the name of their gods.” 
“Precisely. Some perform dangerous crimes or actions, blinded by faith. But we are all blind in a way, since we are all sinners. What differentiates us is what leads us through that darkness and where we go because of it.” He explained. He walked into his room and came back with some sort of yellow flower in a plastic cup.
“That’s a Maximilian sunflower. How did you manage to grow it?” I asked, holding it by the makeshift pot. 
“I’ll be honest, it got a little boring to just watch everyone continue with their studies. You can keep it.” He responded. 
“I mean, thanks, but why?” 
“The sunflower symbolizes loyalty. They’re always facing the sun, even though ffor humans the sun is too bright to the point it blinds them. I feel like that was how loyal you are to science and your field. I admire it, how you proceed step-by-step to make sure the experiment is safe for all.” 
I rolled my eyes. 
“I may be passionate, but it’s not like I’m brilliant. I mean, if you’ look back you can obviously see that we haven’t seen any benefits to the new element, despite our efforts.” 
“True. So perhaps it’s time to take a leap of faith. You all have been so caught up in the hypothetical dangers of it up to this point.” He said, walking towards the door. 
“Whatever your choice may be, I have faith in you.” the pastor said, and left the laboratory. 
I looked back at the unused specimen, stored in their glass cages, tanks, or whatever environment they needed to be kept in for basic survival.
Government workers were going to come in tomorrow to clean and take everything that belonged to them. 
Quickly, I took everything that I could carry in my car. The sun has already set, and I needed to hurry if I had to make a second trip. 
It was time to make a leap of faith.” 
Dr. Salmaki finished her story. 
“And look where that leap of faith took me,” she said, pushing the curtain away and turning on the lights to the opposite side of the laboratory.
All this time, Dr. Salmaki has been hiding a plethora of animals and organisms, several of which Herman had never even seen before. 
“The meteor’s element, when used correctly, seems to have the power to amalgamate one organism with another. Strangely, it knows what traits to keep and what to throw away. It knows what characteristics have helped each organism survive in its habitat.” she explained. She walked to one glass tank and motioned him to follow. 
Inside was an egg, its shell resembling a tortoise’s.
“Of course, I’ve had failed experiments that didn’t lead me anywhere. But it just helps me learn what not to do, I suppose.” 
It seemed to crack and split open, only to reveal its exact same form. 
“An amalgamation of an unhatched chicken egg and a tortoise. This is its entire form. A shame, ain’t it? Well, it does what it does to survive, I suppose.” She said, soon dragging me to another glass crate. It seemed to be a regular hamster, except with the face of a pig. 
He grimaced. A pig’s snout just didn’t belong on a hamster. 
“The hamster’s food pouches helps it conserve food for an amount of time, and its snout can easily find food in its habitat. The tusks can help fend off predators, and its small size is helpful when escaping them. The swine’s social side and the hamster’s independent side seems to coexist. I’d consider this new species an ambivert, y’know, whatever that means to you..” She explained. 
“The most contrasting the two amalgamating organisms are, the better. Look at the egg and the tortoise, they both shield themselves with thick shells to survive. And they would. But they wouldn’t last long. Natural selection would take the best of them, considering their lack to reproduce. At least that’s what I hypothesize.” she added. She led him into another room, its door hidden behind a pillar made of amalgamations tanks stacked against each other. 
If Dr. Salmaki’s living space was overshadowed by plants, then her true laboratory was overrun by wires. 
“Don’t electrocute yourself,” she remarked jokingly. It didn’t help with his growing panic at all. He fumbled over the hazardous thicket while she weaved her way through the web she had somehow made. 
Approximately a third of the room was blocked off with glass on the opposite side. It was the only area he’s ever seen in this house empty, with the exception of a couple of unfamiliar machinery here and there. 
She sat down on an office chair, its leather wearing down into stripes of black and exposed cotton. Behind it was a long desk, just as discorded as the floors and walls. 
“Jesus Christ, Do you ever clean up, like at all?” he snapped out of anxiety. She shrugged. 
“It only wastes time from what’s really important,” she replied nonchalantly. 
With a simple hit of a button on her computer, the glass slowly began to swing open. 
“The glass worked as a divider between me and the two organisms, so I wouldn’t get amalgamated with them. But I suppose we don’t need it now, do we?” She asked, chuckling softly. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Think for yourself.” 
He took a brief moment to collect his thoughts to bring a conclusion. But what he came up with didn’t make sense at all. 
“You’re going to… amalgamate yourself with me?” he asked carefully, hoping for a correction. 
She nodded, unable to hide her smile.   
Questions flooded Herman’s mind, yet at the same time he didn’t want to know anything.
“At first glance you might be the last person anyone would ever want to combine themselves with. No offense, by the way.” 
Herman was too baffled to be insulted. 
Dr. Salmaki stood up and marched right over to the one-legged boy. She seemed to take his silence as a ‘“none taken”’, as she continued on. 
“My grandson died from a common cold, Herman.” She said, a bitter undertone lying hidden from her nonchalant fashion. 
“It doesn’t make any sense how you could survive for this long. There’s something special about you, something DIFFERENT from all the others.” 
He tried to think of a solid reason as to convince her not to do this, to just go along with their lives as they had before. He could forever be under her command, a silent servant paid with unstable mercy. Or he could be her new grandson, immediately, almost forcefully adopted into a madhouse family. Either way, it would be difficult going back to his golden peak of the apocalypse. His golden peak ever in his life. He thought Dr. Salmaki was the person that finally understood him. 
“You’re being irrational.” He finally argued. 
With her signature cane, Dr. Salmaki struck Herman’s right foot. Without his own physical support system, he fell right into the rubbery nest of wires tangled across the floor. 
The mad scientist pulled down a lever, a periwinkle gas escaping from the vents once contained beyond the glass door. 
She crouched next to the amputee, taking his hand and holding it firmly as if silently saying goodbye. 
“There is no rationality in faith.” 
The gas, after slowly travelling across unfamiliar territory, finally reached the two human figures. 
Wind flies through the ever expanding gaps in my body. 
It’s chilling.
It would take more than a billion years for Earth to reset if humans were wiped out from the planet.  
Not to boast, but it only took me seven years. 
A tedious period of time, yes, but in the end I’ve got the job done. Who knew a monster born in a messy, purple clogged laboratory would be so beneficial to life?
And all it took was a meteor. 
To be honest, humanity was doomed. Even if Earth had gone back to its Garden of Eden, there would be no way people could live in harmony, whether that would be between nature, extraterrestrials, or themselves. What would be the point of moving to another life-sustaining planet, if all humans would do is turn it into a self-obsessed cacophony? A human is a toxic cycle with no end, spiraling to their own demise. 
That’s why their new home is not earth, mars, or any other undeserving planet, but my mind. They live in an imaginary world, an exact replica of a world without the meteor strike, minus the memories of the horrifying apocalypse. 
It’s not fun. Their little society is an infection. 
Somehow, I can amalgamate with anything and everything, even without the element extracted from the meteor. Except my physical body tries to reject anything and everything I try to amalgamate with. So whatever the amalgamation may be is temporary, until I’ve had enough of it and eject it out of myself, turning whatever organism that was once part of me into lifeless waste. Quite literally. The first human I ever tried to amalgamate with was spit out as some sort of foul and nasty slush. 
I’ve learned to take better control of when that happens. 
That’s why this time, the purge of this once major amalgamation is all controlled and consented by yours truly. 
Lucky for them, this isn’t going to be a complete wipe out of humanity. 
Just a ‘natural disaster’ so that, for now, the amalgamation would be a bit more bearable. I’ve envisioned it several times. A meteor would fall to earth. Everyone except a small minority dies either directly or indirectly. 
Society is in crumbles, and society is quiet for once. 
And so I do it. I close my eyes, focus on the little Earth I’ve created, and send out a lonesome shooting star toward them. 
A horrible discord rings, pulsates through my mind and through the tips of my limbs, and it stops after a few seconds. 
I open my eyes, stand up, and walk over to the hoarding garden I call my home. I pluck a couple of bananas, prepare and blend them, and put them in the freezer for a familiar dessert. 
Ice cream isn’t exactly a priority when you have destroyed society. 
Especially if you are, quite literally, one of a kind. 
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damn-daemon · 6 years
Healing and Heartache - Part 5 Nick Jakoby x Female Reader
See Part 1 here.       See Part 2 here. See Part 3 here.       See Part 4 here.
A/N: Hello my pretties! I am back! Oh gosh I hope you guys like this one. Feels of all varieties up in here!
Warnings - no smut, slight angst, nose abuse
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Sometimes, affection is not so hard to believe in.
Dating an orc hadn’t been something you’d considered growing up. Like every other girl in town, your far-flung preteen fantasies had consisted of cute, human boys. There had been the occasional elf, but the stuck-up personalities most seemed to possess quickly killed that affixation. But there were never orcs. Apart from your father’s farmhands, who were more family than anything, you hadn’t known any growing up. The orcs in your town kept to themselves, and were homeschooled.
Maybe, you wonder, things might have been different if they went to school with you.
Then again, maybe not.
You don’t know why you’re thinking about this. It’s just another random thought in a series of thoughts that have been flooding your nerve-wracked brain since you woke up.
After a couple weeks of sorting, shifting, and bending over backwards, you and Nick finally found a decent amount of time off to allow your proper date to happen. Honestly, you can’t remember the last time a date caused you so much trouble or emotional response, albeit the last legitimate one was somewhere after college graduation. Since then, it had been a series of single serve meals and one night stands to get you through the real tough weeks. Which was fine. You never thought of yourself as lonely. Just tired as hell mostly.
Now Nick was making you question everything.
You kinda want to hate him for it, but you know you can’t.
“C’mon, (Y/N), you already bore your soul to him once,” you whisper to yourself, tilting your head. “More than once. Dinner should be nothing.”
And it might have been if your nose wasn’t completely bruised and bandaged.
Honestly, the fact that you had hoped nothing physically damaging was going to happen to you in the ER before a major personal event proved you were still, in some respects, utterly naïve.
You take a breath, through your mouth of course, and move to open the door of your truck. A broken body had never stopped you before, and it wasn’t going to stop you now.
Dinner is at Nick’s. He insisted. Obviously, he meant that he would be cooking a meal, but somehow you’re still surprised to see a clearly flustered orc with oven mitts on when the front door opens.
When his gaze immediately fixates on your new facial feature, you shrug. “Like I said before, relatively good condition.”
“You weren’t kidding,” he says.
“No, I was not,” you reply with a smile. You give Nick a once over. Oven mitts aside, he’s dressed rather stylishly in well pressed slacks and a light blue button up shirt. Oddly, it doesn’t clash with the markings on his skin. It compliments them, in fact.
The silence becomes a bit too drawn out for your taste. “May I come in?”
Nick snaps out of his reverie. “Oh, yes, yes, sorry, come right on in. Make yourself at home.”
He had been mesmerized by you; he couldn’t help himself. You’re absolutely stunning in your lacy red dress. It shows off your figure better than anything else he has seen you in, a lot better. Your hair is beautiful, framing your face perfectly. And even with your nose all wrapped up, which he has no problem with – it reminds him of the things you do and how far you’re willing to go for strangers, your face is still the loveliest thing he’s ever seen. Your eyes are bright, filled with joy despite whatever pain you might be in, and your smile is all for him.
It makes him feel horribly self-conscious. You’re an incredibly attractive human, and you’re here, with him, an unblooded, universally hated orc.
How fair is that to you?
His gaze trails after you as you enter his home, gazing around with great interest. He catches the way your hips sway and has to take a breath and look away.
“I know I was here once before,” you start, gazing over the furnishings in his home. Everything is incredibly well kept, neat, orderly, a far cry from the mess hiding in your apartment. The furniture is older, but sturdy, classy, family pieces perhaps. “But I, uh…I didn’t really get the chance to actually look. It’s a lovely place.”
Nick chuckles, standing beside you as you gaze up at a small painting on the wall. “Now, I can’t take credit for any of this, really. My mother hunted down everything in this house, wanted to make it feel just right. My dad and I never had the heart to change anything after she passed.”
The tug returns, and you turn to say something, but Nick has already ducked back into the kitchen. You hear pots and pans being shuffled, and him muttering under his breath. Suddenly you wish you could smell through your nose without feeling the urge to cry.
You move over to his bookcase, hand gently running along the spines of his books. He has quite the collection, most of it nonfiction. History, botany, and quite a bit on magic, theories, practices, how it’s influenced the modern age. And then your fingers come across a small collection of worn westerns.
You smile. Cops and robbers to the very end.
“I want to thank you…for earlier,” you call out, glancing over old photographs of a happy family. Nick could not have been very old, five or six maybe. His dad was dressed in classic workman’s clothes and his mom was nothing but style in a sundress. The next picture had an older Nick, preteens, but only his dad was there. The smiles were much less enthusiastic. “I know it couldn’t have been very easy.”
“There’s no need,” Nick starts, his gaze fixated on the boiling water in the pot before him. “There’s no need to thank me.”
He looks over all the food he’s prepared, wondering if everything is ready to go, and then he hears you approach, your heels clicking against the wood floor. That’s a sound he hasn’t heard in a long time. It almost saddens him.
You’re leaning on the doorway for the dining room and kitchen, watching him work. He’s made quite a bit, and it all looks incredibly good. Though you suppose anything is better than hospital food and lean cuisine.
“Of course there is,” you say, surprised he would say such a thing. Well, maybe not surprised, just saddened. “I have friends who wouldn’t do what you did, and I’ve known them a lot longer.”
“They don’t sound like very good friends,” he says, not turning your way.
You shrug. “Different friends for different circumstances. I wouldn’t take you lingerie shopping.”
His ears twitch, and he stumbles ever so slightly. You smile.
“The point is,” you continue, sitting at the table. It’s more of a breakfast nook, lit with two candles. You’d never had a dinner by candlelight. “You deserve to be thanked. Some days, it feels like there aren’t enough good people in this world. Let me recognize you for that.”
There is a strange look in his eyes when Nick looks at you. You can’t quite decipher it, but you know it’s something deep, personal.
It sends a chill up your spine.
An alarm goes off. Nick jumps, fingers fumbling to shut the oven off. He curses in orcish before remembering one very important fact about you.
Sheepishly, he glances over his shoulder. “Sorry.”
“Hey, you should hear me when I stub my toe at night,” you reply, watching him balance multiple tasks at once. “I’d offer to help, but I still have to cross my fingers and hope nothing gets set on fire when I preheat my oven.”
Nick chuckles, finishing a few things. “I don’t have much left anyway. Just a few spices to put in, nothing you could do much damage with.”
“Don’t challenge me. I’ll win.”
He laughs again and sits down to the meal.
Dinner is amazing. The company is even better.
The two of you talked for hours, even after the food was finished and the leftovers grew cold. Eventually, you helped Nick clean up the dishes before taking the conversation outside.
It’s a warm, clear night, and though the light pollution keeps you from seeing the stars, you still gaze up at the sky in wonder.
You’re on the porch steps, beer in hand, heels discarded somewhere behind you. Nick is right beside you. Despite how comfortable the evening had been, he still sat with a respectable amount of distance between the two of you. You almost instantly closed the gap. Your arms are pushed against one another now, knees brushing. He tensed at first but quickly relaxed into the closeness.
“What made you want to become a cop?” you ask during one of the lulls in conversation.
Nick blinks, and then thinks. He’d been asked some version of that question a thousand times before, but under far less agreeable conditions. He has to stop himself from saying the automatic response he has trained himself to say, monotone, without a hint of hesitation. He’s not out to prove himself anymore. This is only a curious question that deserves an honest answer.
But how does he go about it?
He shrugs. “I just always wanted to be one.”
You shake your head. “That’s not good enough. Everyone has a reason.”
“And what was yours?”
“Easy.” You take a drink from your beer. “When I was about eight, my friend wrecked her bike, split her chin clean open. There was blood everywhere and she was crying, and I couldn’t calm her down. I didn’t know what to do. I panicked. And ever since that day, I never wanted to feel so helpless or useless ever again. I wanted to be able to look at any injured person and say ‘I can do something about that.’”
“You practice that in the mirror?”
You smile, taking another drink. “Every night before I go to bed. Your turn.”
Nick turns to his own bottle, watching the beer slosh around inside. “I don’t know. I just…always had this idea in my head. The police are supposed to protect people, be what separates right from wrong, and that appealed to me. Always has.”
He pauses. “You, uh…see a lot of things growing up around here, things that might have turned out differently if someone had just done something. And for me, becoming a cop is the best way of doing just that.”
You watch the emotions play out across his face and wonder to yourself what it must have been like growing up for him. It was clear his parents had done the best they could to shelter him from the worst of it, but eventually reality hits everyone.
But you don’t want to focus on that.
“I saw those westerns of yours.”
He chuckles, slightly embarrassed but also touched that you noticed. “Yeah, that might be what started it. Bedtime stories weren’t kid’s books for me. It was about outlaws and bandits and that lone cowboy saving the helpless travelers. Dad always told me that if I was ever in a position to help something, then I best do something about it.”
“He sounds like a good man.”
Nick nods, remembering a strong, proud orc who didn’t need a clan to find his place in the world.
“My father worked construction. He did it all his life. It was in his blood, and he was good at it too. It was hard work, but it kept him busy and kept food on the table. Jirak didn’t need to be blooded, so neither did he.
“And the humans that worked there, they respected him too. They were all close. Some even had dinner in our home. And they made him foreman too.
“Then things changed. Someone bought out the company he worked at, and the first thing they did was fire him. Didn’t matter what anyone else said. No orc was going to be working for them. And no one else wanted him either. All of his skill and knowhow didn’t matter. All they saw was a freak with tusks. It broke him.”
Was there ever going to be a conversation where Nick didn’t completely break your heart?
You just stare at him, at a loss for words, and he turns to you, and you see this deep, unending sadness in his eyes. It’s the kind of pain that never goes away. It dulls, only to sharpen again when you least expect it.
“He’d be proud of you, Nick.”
He turns away, unable to handle the honesty in your eyes. “That’s…nice of you to say.”
And there he goes again. All the self-doubt and lack of confidence tearing apart everything encouraging you say. It’s not going to happen. Not tonight. Not ever again.
You place your hand on his cheek, turning him back toward you. He tenses under your touch, but you hold him firmly in place.
“They’ve got you all twisted up inside, don’t they? You can’t even see your own value.”
How do you know him so well? He can’t fathom it.
Nick can’t hold your gaze. It’s too much. The adoration and care, and dare he say something more than that? Can he even hope for such a thing? You long ago stopped being a human who happened to be nice, but what he’s thinking of is so much more. It almost scares him, the possibility alone.
You sigh softly, placing your free hand under his chin. Nick doesn’t fight the movement, as he meets your eyes again.
Your hands burn where you touch him, but it isn’t a painful sensation. It just leaves him wanting more, a consuming desire that blows through him like a wildfire. You’re so close to him. All he has to do is reach out ever so slightly…
You smile. “You think too much.”
Then your lips meet his, slowly, carefully, afraid you might scare him away with anything more. You’re almost convinced you have when he doesn’t initially respond, but then you feel it, the relaxing of his shoulders, the happy sigh that blows past his lips to yours.
One of his hands grabs your hip, holding you steady as the other gently grasps your cheek. It shakes at first, but calms as you deepen the kiss, dispelling that doubt that lingers in his mind so much.
He tastes like dinner and the beer, and honestly it’s the greatest thing that’s ever met your lips. Distantly, you wonder how this could have happened had his teeth not been filed, but you push the thought aside, preferring the comfort of a mind adrift in pure bliss.
At some point, you break apart. It could have been seconds or an hour; it didn’t matter. What did was that dazed look on Nick’s face as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings again. You bite your lip as you watch him, ego enjoying a small boost.
“That was…” Nick trails off. How could he describe it? There was no possible way to describe it. He’d kissed before. He had, but it wasn’t…that. It wasn’t tender or soft or intoxicating; it had been awkward and something he’d wanted to end as soon as it started. But this, this was something he could have done for all eternity and been completely content with. Yet he can’t bring himself to say those words. “That was good.”
You laugh, and for a brief moment Nick wonders if he hasn’t offended you, but the look on your face tells him otherwise. Then you touch your nose gently and he has to wonder. He must have bumped it several times.
“Did…did that hurt?”
You’re laughing harder now. You lay your head on his shoulder. The laughter shakes his body.
“So much.”
As you continue to laugh until tears form in your eyes, Nick wraps his arm around you. No hesitation, no tenseness. Just comfort, and the need to hold you closer.
“So, I take it that’s a yes for a second date?” he asks, and you can’t help but notice he sounds more confident as he says it.
“That is a definite yes, Officer Jakoby.”
A/N: Alright guys, just a couple parts left. And I think a special edition type one where we follow the reader through certain events during the movie. It’s been a fun ride!
Tags! @xxdarkdarlingxx @homra-the-red-clan @frankie2902 @littlemessyjessi @ivannesque @isisnicole @notaliteraltoad @the-great-irene @beenerdish @cheshagirl @kitsu-hime @annwoods91 @ever-hungry-aria @robotic-loser @sullybot @uknwwhttheysayboutthecrzy1s @fireflyloki28 @tentacles-and-coffee @j-watsonia Did I miss you? Do you want to be added? Do you hate my guts? Let me know!
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Hellish Encounter
By Drazzilder
Chapter 16: Amusement
F: “You’re really taking us to Disney World? Oh my gosh, I can’t wait!”
E: “I can’t take all the credit, it was (Y/N)’s idea.”
N: “If it was his idea, then why didn’t he just teleport us instead of driving there.”
(Y/N): “It’s part of the fun, the family road trip!”
S: “But you’re not even family.”
(Y/N): “Ouch….”
E: “Shoto, don’t talk to (Y/N) that way.”
F: “It is because of him we are together at all, remember that.”
S: “Yea….”
(Y/N): “Don’t worry about it Enji, he isn’t wrong. I’m technically not part of the family. I’m just glad we could give Hina a day off while having some fun. Look, there it is.”
As Enji turns into the main entrance, Fuyumi couldn’t keep her face off the window while the boys the waited silently. Enji was too busy trying to figure out parking while everyone else looks at the fun they will be having. As everyone leaves the car, Enji is about to make some rules for the park but you stop him.
“Don’t make such a big deal about this. Fuyumi is old enough to watch the boys, don’t worry so much about it. Plus, Zaheer and I can sense the children. Here.” You take your finger and place it on each of the kids’ heads. They feel a small tingle as Zaheer marks the kids. “There, now I will know where you are at all times.”
N: “Really, you’re tracking us?”
Z: “It’s for your safety or would you rather be with your father all day?”
S: “He does have a point.”
N: “Fine.”
E: “Since when could you do that?”
Z: “We can always sense people, but marking them makes it easier to track. It’s nothing new but I forget that it’s a ‘quirk’. We even marked you a long time ago.”
E: “Umm that’s kind of creepy.”
(Y/N): “We only plan on using it in case of an emergency.”
E: “Ok. Just promise to meet us by Space Mountain for lunch?”
F: “Don’t worry dad, I’ll make sure these two make it. Come on, I want to go on the Jungle cruise.”
The kids go running into the park to have the time of their lives while you and Enji stay back. He is nervous about leaving the kids alone but he knows that the three of them together will fine.
“Enji, aren’t you worried that people will notice us?”
“Not really. One the park is really full today because of summer break; and two, people hardly know what I look like without my flames let alone with sunglasses on.”
“Ha, that’s true. I don’t think anyone has seen you with sunglasses. It makes it nice they we can be together without hiding it too much today. What do you want to do first?”
Looking at the map “Pirates of the Caribbean? Does that sound good?”
“Anything sounds good as long as I am with you.”
“Now, don’t make me blush, little flame.”
You couldn’t hide your blush at that moment. You’re so happy be with Enji and to make his children happy. The entire morning was filled with lines, rides and the occasional food pit stop. Enji was right, no one recognized either of you as the day went on. It gave you both the confidence to hold each other’s hands in the park. In the lines, Enji would stand behind you and wrap his arms around you while resting his chin in your head. You even kissed a twice in the morning; nothing could be better. Your alarm went off as it was time to meet the kids. You find Fuyumi completely decked out with Disney apparel: t-shirt, hat, balloon, sun glasses and more. Shoto just has a set of ears on while Natsuo only had a souvenir soda cup. At least everyone was smiling, something you don’t see often. They didn’t even lose their smiles when you both come. Even Enji is smiling from excitement and happiness.
F: “Now I see why they call this the happiest place on earth, even dad is smiling and not that weird fake one he does.” She laughs
E: “I can be happy sometimes. It just is most of the time when I am with (Y/N), but I am glad you guys get to see how happy he makes me.”
N: “It’s kind of weird.”
S: “I’ve seen stranger things. So, are we going to eat first of go on Space Mountain?”
F: “I vote ride first.”
Everyone nods in agreement as they get in line. Fuyumi can’t help but giggle when she sees Enji wrap his arm around you as he pulls you in for a kiss. The line went quick and luckily the cars were big enough for Enji to just squeeze in. You quickly find out why the big guy doesn’t do roller coaster; coming out of the exit Enji’s face is green. You find the nearest restroom and help Enji. He didn’t get sick but he got close. With Enji still looking ill, you decide to go somewhere lite to eat so he doesn’t get sick.
F: “Sorry dad, we didn’t know you couldn’t handle rollercoasters”
E: Still a little woozy “It’s fine…” as he tilts his head back in the chair.
(Y/N): “Here.” You remove his sunglasses place a damp rag on his forehead and pet his head to try to comfort him. “I’m glad we didn’t eat before otherwise you would have actually thrown up. On the positive side, it looks like we did learn something new about your father.”
N: “That he’s a big baby when it comes to rides.”
(Y/N): “Not exactly….”
Z: “Natsuo watch your mouth, I am still here after all.”
S: “Now you have done it, you made the demon mad.”
E: With the rag still on his head. “Fine, I’m a big baby on rollercoasters. Any suggestions that are a little less…. intense?”
S: “I’ve always wanted to go to the arcade.”
F: “That sounds like fun. Let’s finish up and go.”
Off to the arcade you went. Shoto and Natsuo almost ran over some kids trying to get to the new racing games while Fuyumi went for the tickets to try to win the giant plush Mickey. Enji looked lost in all the lights and sounds so you took him to a game you always wanted to try.
“Dance Dance Revolution?”
“All you do is hit the arrows to the beat. It starts of easy but you can make it harder. You have good reaction times in battle so you should be pretty good at this.”
You couldn’t be any more wrong. The first song went pretty easy, only give him a note every few seconds. After a little bit of this, he upped the difficulty and that’s when he kept failing. The man is too stiff in his movements, pressing each button without flowing into the next. After a few failures and many dollars later, you gave it a whirl. You started slow but quickly begin to get the hang of it. After some songs, you pick the hardest song in the hardest difficulty and your feet are flying. You are practically floating as your feet move from one button to the next in perfect form. It gets so intense at one point a crowd of kids forms behind you. After you finish the kids all cheer and give you high fives. Enji looks displeased but you come up to him and give him a hug.
“I didn’t mean to one up you, I was just having fun. You can’t be too stiff playing that.”
“I was more worried those kids might recognize us but so far nothing.”
“That’s good. I think it’s been long enough, let’s find your children.”
You come to see Shoto cheering after he won for the numerous time, Natsuo has his hands on his face in disbelief that he lost that much. Finding Fuyumi wasn’t hard because she managed to make the jackpot alarm go off and win thousands of tickets. She had just enough to get the doll and gave it to you.
E: “You know they sell those in the gift shop. It would be cheaper if just bought it there.”
(Y/N): “That’s not the point, she earned this for me. It makes it more special. Thank you.”
F: “See dad, he gets it. I’m happy I got it for you. And I heard Shoto beat Natsuo badly in his favorite racing game series?”
N: “I don’t want to talk about it….”
You all laugh.
The rest of the day was filled with more laughs and fun. You went on the teacups and the kids while Enji was happy to just watch. A few more rides and dinner fill the afternoon till it was time for the parade. The night was filled with the lights and sounds of the parade floats. Even Enji couldn’t stop himself from being wrapped up in the magic of the night. Luckily you two were standing in the back of the crowd because he couldn’t help himself. He pulled you in for a big kiss as the fireworks went off.
“This day was amazing. I’m so glad we did this.”
“I am too, I don’t want it to end.”
“I love you, Enji.”
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
Next Chapter: R18/NSFW
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Don’t Forget - Part II
Kai Parker x Reader word count : 4 999 summary : continues the story from  PART I keep reading after the cut ☺ * not my gif __________________________
Kai hated seeing Y/N like this. It had taken a lot for him not to compell her to get inside the house with him and put a boundary spell around it so she wouldn’t leave. He had explained to her that they know each other and asked her to come back inside with him so he can prove it , promising to let her go if that’s what she wanted. However , he doubted he’d actually be able to let her go. Ever. Specially not in that moment , when Y/N had no idea who she was or who anyone was really. Kai let her sleep in the bed by herself , taking the couch downstairs. He spent the entire night awake , listening in on what was happening upstairs. Y/N was tossing and turnining in her bed for a couple of hours and then fell asleep. Kai , however , didn’t get a wink of sleep. All night long the events from the day before kept repeating in his mind and he wished there was a way to change things. There wasn’t a spell to get her memory back , he couldn’t compell it to return either. Unfortunately that’s not how things worked. Magic and vampirism could do a lot of things but apparently helping someone get their memory back wasn’t one of them. In the morning , he climbed upstairs and waited sitting on the desk chair until she woke up. His hand reached inside his pocket where he had left the engagement ring. He looked at it for a moment and then returned it in its original box , placing it in one of the desk drawers. Y/N was waking up and he didn’t want to risk it. Part of him wondered if this morning when she wakes up her memory would be miraculously back , sadly no such luck. “Morning.” she said sleepily. “H-have you been here all night?” Kai smiled at her , shaking his head. “No. I just woke up downstairs a few minutes ago. Came to check up on you.” Y/N studied his face for a moment before pulling the covers off her. Her feet found their way in her favourite fuzzy slippers and she walked towards the window to see the sun just about to raise over the house on the other side of the street. A sigh left her lips. She could feel Kai’s eyes on her the entire time. The pain in them was so visible it added a crack to her heart. “Do you want to go downstairs ? Get something to eat ?” he asked. Y/N nodded. A few minutes later they were already downstairs , sitting in the kitchen. Y/N wanted to learn more so she kept asking him questions. Kai was more than happy to answer all of them. It took a bit of effort but she was making sense of them, slowly putting the pieces together in her head. “So … you are my boyfriend ?” she asked , wrapping her hands around a cup with white tea with lemon. Kai nodded. “And we have been living here , together for four years.” “Yes.” he managed a small smile. He sat on the opposite end of the table , barely taking his eyes off her , as if at some point she might suddenly decide to run away again. “After we had to leave Mystic Falls after my sister’s wedding.” Kai had skipped on the parts about him murdering his entire family and all about the Prison Worlds. He could see her mind spinning at all the things he had already told her and didn’t want to push it too far. Google wasn’t very explanatory and Y/N didn’t like doctors so he thought he’d wait it out a few days. Perhaps her memory will return on its own. “Why did we leave?” she wondered. “Family drama.” he said. “We didn’t get along and it was best for us to leave. But its fine. I don’t really miss them. You are all I ever wanted and all I will ever need.” He smiled at her. “Do you want a sandwich ? It’s been quite a while since you have eaten.” “No. I’m actually in the mood for a giant steaming hot oatmeal bowl with nuts and chia seeds and -” “Dried mango , coconut , papaya and banana chips?” he finished smiling. Maybe she hadn’t lost her memory completely after all. “And a drizzle of maple syrup , in the form of a spiral.” “How did you - ” “It’s your second most favourite food after chocolate chip pancakes with coconut whipped cream and maple syrup.” he smiled looking at her amazed face. “Give me a few minutes. You will love it.” Y/N watched this stranger , the person he said she loved and tried to remember. The more he talked the more she believed him. He had said they had had a fight and she stormed out of the house , crashed her car not too long after. Details were a bit fuzzy for her , but she remembered the car crash. Sort of. Y/N remembered pain , feeling like she was dying and then someone had shown up , but the rest had been deleted from her memory. Kai had shown her pictures and promised to show her some of their home videos later. Y/N wanted to remember him , to remember what they had had before someone pressed the DELETE button and took it all away. Her mind was fighting to bring even a snapshot of a memory but nothing came to her. The following days were pretty much the same. Kai had insisted on sleeping on the couch until her memory comes back. He didn’t want to overstep or push things. It wasn’t like he could sleep in the first place either. Y/N losing her memory had been the last thing he had expected to happen. It hurt him seeing her like this - wondering around the house , looking at things and not remembering any of it. They’d talk for hours , looking at pictures. Kai would point at the people and tell her stories about the events on them , skipping on the whole supernatural world bit. Sometimes something flashed in her eyes for a split second but it vanished as quickly as it had appeared. Their blonde neighbour stopped by a few times the following two weeks but he didn’t even bother to open the door. Kai could hear her coming even before she had left her house and had no intentions on having anything to do with her. Specially not when his girl was this fragile. “Aren’t you going to open ?” wondered Y/N , listening to the doorbell ringing. “Must be important…or some family relative coming for a visit. Your sister maybe ?” “It’s just some bible salesman or something.” he said looking at her with loving eyes. “I would much rather sit here with you than deal with them.” Kai’s eyes hadn’t moved away from her the entire time they had been watching one of the home videos from the first days when they had moved into the house. Apparently they both loved working with the camera a lot , because there were dozens of movies to see. Just recently they had caught up on everything they had shot before leaving Mystic Falls. It was mostly walks through the woods or hanging out at some bar or in one of her friend’s giant houses. Kai had told her the giant house belonged to the Salvatore brothers , old friends of hers. Y/N appeared to have so many friends back home , it made her realise how much she must’ve loved Kai to leave it all behind as quickly as he had said.
Y/N had climbed up on top of a ladder at the far end of the room , to get a bird sight view of the room. Kai was sitting on the other end , holding his phone in his hands not taking his eyes off his girl. “We are going to tear that wall down.” said Y/N , pointing at the front wall of their bedroom. There was a moderately big window there but she wanted it bigger. Lots of light so she can draw there and enjoy the sunshine first thing in the morning. “The bed will go here and -” Kai dropped the camera at the far end of the room , catching Y/N in mid-air a split second later. “Thanks.” she smiled at him. Y/N had reached a little further off the ladder losing her balance. “How many times Y/N?” he scolded her , but it was a loving tone with a few pinches of worry added to it. “BE CAREFUL. What if I had been downstairs and you had fallen , breaking your neck?” “That’s never going to happen.” she smiled at him. “I know you will always be there to catch me.” her lips pressed to his briefly , only Kai appeared to want more.
Y/N blinked a couple of times trying to figure out how he had gotten to her so fast. It felt like a special effect but it wasn’t. Kai had dropped the camera on the floor , ending somehow angled sideways towards her and caught her less than a second later. No one is that fast. “How - how did you do that?” she wondered scooping out some of her ice cream. “Is it a special effect or something?” “Erhmm no.” he laughed nervously. “Look at me , but - don’t be scared. I’d never - I’d never bite you unless you want me to. Never had , never will.” “Bite me? What- WOW !” Y/N moved a few inches away from him seeing purple black veins flashing under his eyes and fangs coming out. He looked ready to sink his teeth into her neck in a split second. Only instead of fear , she felt surprise and excitement. Kai looked even hotter in that moment , she noticed. “I’m a vampire.” he said , lifting his hand in the air and a moment later one of the books from the bookshelf landed perfectly in his hand , as if he had reached for it and gone there to get it personally. “And a witch too. It’s complicated and a really long story.” “I’m dating a vampire.” she whispered. “My 17 year old self must think I am so cool right now.” Over the past few days she understood why she had fallen for him. Wasn’t because of his looks - though that had a lot to do with it. Kai was charming , like really charming. He talked a lot about pretty much everything , mostly about their lifes together telling her how they had met , how they had fallen in love. He always knew what to say to get her to laugh , and was so kind and sweet to her. Y/N could tell he felt guilty about whatever it was they had fought over before she had left. Like it was his fault she had lost her memory. It wasn’t his fault it had happened , that much she knew - the road had been slick , she could’ve crashed her car that day and lost her memory anyways. Y/N scooted over closer to him , leaving her ice cream on the coffee table. “Show me again.” “Show you what again ? The magic or this?” His vampirism showed again and her face changed , showing a look of complete awe. Her fingertips traced the purple black veins under his eyes and she scooted over even closer to him. Kai fought the urge to snake his hands around her waist and pull her close to him. Her eyes were fixed on his and he could hear her heart racing but then suddenly she pulled away. For a moment there it had felt as if Y/N , his Y/N had returned , or maybe he had imagined it. “And you can heal people with your blood?” Kai nodded. “What else can you do ?” she asked with curious eyes. He couldn’t believe she hadn’t jumped backwards and ran away like the first time he had mentioned vampires to her. All he could see in her eyes was curiousity , surprise and weirdly excitement. “Why don’t I show you ?” asked Kai , getting off the couch , reaching his hand for hers. He expected her not to take it but she did. They walked outside through the back door and into their backyard which led into a forest. “Can I .. um … Can I hold you?” “You are my boyfriend.” stated Y/N , a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Why would you ask me if you can do that ?” He smiled nervously. “Because you don’t have your memory and you might not want me to.” “Why wouldn’t I want my smoking hot boyfriend to pull me into his arms?” she wondered , taking his hands and placing them on her waist. “I might not remember us but that sounds ridiculous.” The moment Kai’s hands wrapped around her , she could feel a tingly feeling spread through her body. His chest pressed against her back and Y/N could tell his breathing was uneven and feel his breath on her neck. It all felt familiar yet not familiar enough. It was as if all her memories had been shoved through some door and were banging on it , screaming to get free but no matter how many times she checked her pockets and everything around her , she just couldn’t find the key. “You might feel a bit dizzy , but its a good kind of dizzy. I promise.” he whispered to her. A blink of an eye later they were running. More like Kai was running , wind swirling around them and everything seemed to blur - the trees had turned into a green / brown blur with a hint of orangy light seeping through them. She wanted to close her eyes but also didn’t want to miss a second of it. “Ta-da.” Kai let her feet down on the ground and Y/N felt her head spin for a moment. Her eyes took in the new surroundings - lots of trees behind them and ahead of them only the trees in front of her were in the distance. They were standing a few metres away from the edge of a cliff with a clear view of the valley ahead. “Wow ! That was AWESOME !!! … You are not planing on pushing me down that pit , are you ?” she teased, sitting on the ground and trying to catch her breath and calm down her stomach a bit. He had been right - she felt dizzy , but it was a good kind of dizzy , an exerilating kind. The view was breath taking. Sun was setting and the sky was every shade of yellow to orange to red , each color overflowing into the other. Over head there was a single star shining - Venus. Always the first one to show up. Tiny clouds around the sun looked like they were on fire. “Can I have your phone?” she wondered. Kai smiled reaching in his pocket. “Thanks.” Quickly Y/N took a few pictures , feeling Kai’s eyes on her the entire time. He was smiling at her , looking at her with curious eyes. “No. Never. Not unless I am jumping with you and I’m holding you the entire time.” he winked at her and sat down on the ground next to her. Y/N gave him back his phone. “Have we done this before?” “Maybe 10 or 15 times.” he winked at her , opening the camera app again and taking a picture of her. “Sorry. I couldn’t help myself. You look really pretty in that light.” “Why do you keep apologising and asking for my permission ?” she wondered. “I … I don’t know.”
They sat together , Y/N moving closer to him until her head rested on his shoulder. It felt really nice being in the fresh air , seeing all the pine trees and the clear sky. After the sun had set , Y/N laid on the ground , her hands clasped over her stomach as she stared at the night sky. Her shoulder was lightly brushing against Kai’s every time he or she moved. Weirdly the stars she remembered. It’s her life that came out blank. “Look. Its Ursa Major.” she pointed at one of the brightest stars on the horizon. “And thats Venus over there. - Why are you looking at me like that ?” Kai sighed. He had taken her to a doctor earlier that day (somehow she hadn’t forgotten her fear of them) and they had said that her memory might return in a week or a month or a few months. Kai wondered what her reaction would be when her memory comes back. They were spending more and more time together each day. Last time they spoke before her memory disappeared , it had felt like she doesn’t want to even have him near her. Everything was so strange and confusing in that moment. “Its … its just so strange seeing you like this.” he said softly. “You are still you. You like the same things , but its …” “Painful?” Kai nodded. “Can I tell you something ?” “Anything. Everything.” he said brushing his fingers through her cheek. Y/N didn’t move or push his hand away. “I don’t know .. um… ” she laughed nervously. “I don’t know what we had fought about that night , but whatever it is I think - I think we can figure it out.” “You really think so ?” “Yeah. I mean , its weird. I have this feeling .. I don’t even know how to explain it , but I just feel that what we had was stronger than whatever happened.” she smiled. Kai felt a wave of relief wash through his body. Whenever her memory returns , at least she’d remember the past 2 weeks and a half. Y/N would remember her words and everything they had done together. Maybe they still had a chance. “Do you want to go home?” he wondered. “No. Not yet.” she said quietly , gazing at the night sky again. “5 more minutes…” He smiled , knowing her 5 minutes would end up being ‘all night long’. “I really wish I remembered it all.” she whispered.
* * *
Kai had left the house for half an hour to go to the story near by and do some shopping before Y/N wakes up. He had left her a note on the night stand telling her he’d be back soon. Only she had woken up before he had come back , finding his note first thing when her eyes opened. She turned the note in her hands , her eyes falling on the way the sunrays had fallen on the carpet. The way the light danced , mixed with the shadows of the tree branches outside sparked something inside her. Y/N got up , rubbing her eyes with her hands , her feet barely lifting off the ground , more like dragging themselves on the carpet. She sat on the comfy desk chair , her hand reaching for one of the pencils in the pencil holder , making sure its a 3B one. She searched for a sketch pad or a notepad on the top of the desk but found nothing. Her feet pushed back the chair she was sitting on and she bent over a little looking in the drawers. “There it is.” smiled Y/N taking out a sketch pad out of the top left drawer. There was something on it , she couldn’t quite pull the sketch pad out as easily as she thought. Her hand reached inside , her fingers wrapping around a tiny black box. As if from a distance she heard the sounds of the door downstairs open and close. However she had been lost in thoughts. Had Kai been about to propose before the accident? Y/N opened the tiny box looking at the ring inside. “You weren’t supposed to find that.” sighed Kai standing a few steps away from her. He wondered why Y/N’s eyes had lit up and she was smiling at the ring inside. “I -” “Yes.” she said turning towards him. “What?” he wondered shortening the distance between them , unable to hide the surprise in his voice. “Yes!” she repeated. “Kai .. I …I love you.” “Wait did -” “No. It hasn’t come back.” she said , her gaze falling at the ground for a second before meeting his eyes again. “I fell in love with you all over again..and eventually my memory will come back or not. Either way I want to be with you. Forever. I-” Kai hadn’t felt this happy since the first time she had said yes to him. He cupped her face in an instant and his lips smashed against hers. It had been nearly two months since the last time he had kissed her. Y/N’s hands hooked around his neck pulling him closer to her. Something stirred inside her , waking up after a long nap. “Don’t I get to ask the question at least ?” he said smiling widely , his eyes had started to water but he didn’t mind. Y/N was standing right there with a smile on her face , her eyes gleaming. Kai hadn’t imagined the day starting like this. He had planned to wait until her memory returned to try again. Y/N nodded and Kai took the small box from her hands , dropping down on one knee with a wide smile on his face. He took her left hand in his while not moving his eyes away from hers. Weirdly he felt nervous , even more nervous than the first time he had proposed to her. “Y/N , I love you. I was at my darkest when we met , and you - you showed up , turning into my light in the darkness. Meeting you changed my entire life. I wouldn’t be the person I am right now without you. My life without you has no meaning and I have loved you and will always love you , for a thousand years and even more. For all eternity. You are the most meaningful thing I’ve ever had in my life and … you are my entire world. There is no one else for me out there , no one who could even remotely touch my heart and soul the way you had. You have always been the only one for me and always will be I never want to be apart from you. Ever. Will you - will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and spending forever with me ?” Y/N had started crying , tears streaking down her cheeks. She would’ve said yes if he had just asked ‘Marry me?’. It seemed like he had prepared a speech specially for that moment. He looked so nervous and happy , Y/N could barely contain herself from saying YES before he had finished talking. Her life had been turned upside down and if it hadn’t been for Kai she would’ve died in that accident. It appeared he kept saving her - metaphorically and literally. Her heart fluttered and her cheeks flushed , feeling a swarm of butterflies flap their wings in her stomach. “Yes. Yes , a thousand times yes.” she said smiling , a moment later Kai put the ring on her finger getting up and pulling her into his arms. Kai wasn’t sure if he had let the moment take him , maybe he should’ve told her what they had fought about before asking her the most important question in his life. Only in that instant he didn’t care. All he cared about was Y/N was in his arms , her lips on his and she had said ‘yes’ to him.
* * *
Y/N and Kai were in the kitchen cooking dinner together when the doorbell rang. They had spent the day cuddling and kissing , talking and laughing. Making plans for their honeymoon trip even tho they hadn’t even set a date for the wedding. If it depended on Kai , they’d get married that instant but he wanted to wait. Perhaps her memory would return though he didn’t know what that would mean for them. Kai kissed her deeply before going to open the door and it appeared whoever it was standing on the other side, he was not happy to see them. “Get your hands off me.” he said raising his voice. “You are the reason my fiance lost her memory. God , damn I wish I could kill you.” He sounded upset and there was no doubt in her mind whoever it was standing at the door would get their neck snapped. Y/N took a few steps carefully taking a peek through the kitchen door. Kai was talking to some girl , that much she could see. Her hair was blonde and by the looks of it , she didn’t like the welcome she was receiving. “I love her and you … you are by far the worst person to ever walk into my life. Even my father couldn’t destroy everything - ” said Kai taking a step to the left. “ - How dare you even show your face here after everything you did ? Or did you think I’d forget how you lied saying you wanted to ‘borrow a cup of sugar’ and instead jumped on me?” Y/N finally saw the girl’s face and it was like a switch went off in her brain. Her jaw clenched and she wiped her hands in the towel she was holding , tossing it on the couch on her way to the door. In a few large steps she got to them. Y/N held onto Kai’s arm , her heart racing like never before. Her mind was spinning and she was starting to feel dizzy. Twenty somewhat years of memories had returned all at once , bursting through the door they had been shoved behind. It was a lot to take in at once but above all memories , one surfaced clearer than the others. Kai looked at her with a look of confusion in his eyes , even more so seeing her smile innocently at him. “Oh hey Y/N. How are you?” said the blonde girl running her fingers through her hair. “I heard you lost your memory. Thats a bummer.” A bummer? thought Y/N tilting her head , looking at the girl from head to toe and turned towards Kai , stepping in front of him. “Do me a favour , hold me so I don’t break her pretty face?” “What?” asked Kai confused , starting slowly to put the pieces together. The girl’s smile faded away quickly from her face. Y/N felt anger burn through her veins. So thats what had happened. Now it all made sense. Kai would never cheat on her. How had she been so blinded by emotions that day not to realise this sooner ?! “You know what. On a second thought … step away from me.” she said smiling wickedly at the girl ,turning around and kissing briefly a very confused looking Kai. “This thing and I are going to have a little chat about boundaries… and if things go sideways, well. I have more Kai in me than I ever thought.” “You got your memory back. ” whispered Kai smiling , grabbing her from behind and twirling her around. Then quickly put his hands on the blonde girl’s shoulders. “Go home. Forget about me and Y/N and move at least 500 miles away from here.” He shoved her through the door , closing it with magic afterwards. “You robbed me of the great satisfaction of kicking her butt out my-” Kai’s lips crashed against hers , not letting her finish. This day just kept getting better and better. First Y/N had 'yes’ to him and now… he pulled away so suddenly from the kiss , she almost stumbled over. “Y/N, I am so sorry.” he said , his hands taking hers. What if she hates me now ? he wondered. “I should’ve never opened the door that day. That was my first mistake. I am so sorry for causing you so much pain. I never meant for any of this to happen and I feel so bad about -” “Kai..” “- everything that happened. She showed up barely two minutes before you did , I should’ve -” “Kai..” “- tried and compell her the moment it happened. It’s all my fault. I should’ve never let you go out through that door. If I had been late and you had died I never would’ve forgiven myself. Y/N , I love you. I love you more than I can put into words -” “Will you stop -” “ - and you mean the world to me. Without you my life has no meaning , but I’ll understand if you -” “MALACHAI PARKER!” Kai froze on the spot, looking at the ground. Of course she hates me. he thought. I hate me too. Y/N took a step towards him , cupping his face , lifting it up until their eyes met. “Damn you talk too much.” she smiled , a moment before pressing her lips onto his. “I should’ve listen to you. Shoud’ve given you a chance to explain. Instead I let emotions take over and nearly got myself killed.” “Wha- what are you saying?” Y/N placed her hand on Kai’s chest ,right where his heart is. His heart was beating so fast as if trying to run out of his chest. She slowly backed him against the wall. “We have to burn the couch.” she said starting to laugh a second later , her fiance laughing with her. Kai placed his hands on her waist slowly pulling her towards him. “You are an idiot.. but you are my idiot and I love you.” “You don’t hate me?” “I could never hate you.” she smiled pressing her lips to his. Kai pulled her into a deep kiss , lifting her feet off the ground and spinning her around again. He let her feet on the ground a few moments later and pressed his lips to hers. “I love you.” he said smiling ear to ear. “I love you too sexy eyes.” she smiled. “Come on , we have so much to talk about. Starting with picking a date for our wedding.”
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imaginaryelle · 7 years
dipsykoo replied to your post “There are days that I’m grateful that I started writing on paper, for...”
I don't entirely understand what happened based on this post. But I agree a lot on learning to know oneself or other people better. I believe it's important! However, I hope everything is okay for you. If you need someone to talk to and you're comfortable with it, I'm always here! Well at least when I'm awake!
It wasn’t really one thing, it’s a pattern of behavior I’ve been seeing played out over and over again these last few months. I know there’s a lot of fear and anger in the world today, and I absolutely believe that we should acknowledge problematic and harmful aspects of the media we consume, but I have seen a lot of attacks on both fandom and professional creators, always with the expectation that the creator should have known better and shouldn’t even try to do something unless they are able to execute it to someone else’s standards. 
It’s like we forget that it’s possible to be critical of something and still enjoy it. It’s possible to recognize problems and use them to educate yourself and others without a judgement of someone’s worth as a person. “Problematic” only means that something is complicated and prone to problems. That’s a very human thing. That is all of us. And I see it waved around as a banner of justice, a label that says another person or their work is wrongwrongwrong and implies that the person doing the waving is entirely in the right. And that’s just not how humans work. We are all flawed, complex beings. It’s possible to be disgusted by something and still recognize that there is a human being on the other end of it. And sometimes we have to acknowledge that problems for us are not problems for other people. That they have their own problems they’re working through.
An example would be the reaction to ME:A’s number of mlm romance option available in-game, or the trans npc deadnaming to a stranger, or Gil’s storyarc. Are there problems in these things? Yes. Absolutely. Bioware and EA are big established companies, and they have the resources to spend time on these things, and they have the ability to do better. They have done better in the past, at least a little bit. But there were attacks against individual programmers and writers. I’ve seen blanket statements that Bioware is trash because of one character, that Bioware hates mlm. And I understand people’s rage. It’s disheartening to see these misrepresentations and mistakes in something many of us have spent a decade loving. But I think it’s important to remember that media is not a punch-card machine. We can’t click buttons that say we want men loving men, we want it in space, we want it to be 100% healthy, we want it to reflect our personal lived experience, we want it to treat trauma seriously, we want sarcasm and banter, and oh, throw in a bit of on-screen sex for good measure, and just get a game or a story or a piece of art handed to us that meets all of these desires. Media is created by humans, and informed by the creator’s own perceptions. Someone, somewhere, will create that thing, but they will do it because it’s important to them, personally. Not because someone else demanded it. Consuming media responsibly means that we all have to practice both examining it critically and allowing that media to exist with flaws. And I say this because:
What I very rarely see is people acknowledging that we are in a period of change. That all of us, consumers and creators alike, are learning to redefine how we see the world, and what we deem is acceptable and what is not. We can only work with what each of us has seen, experienced and consumed, and especially on a mainstream level I think it’s important to acknowledge that none of us has a wealth of good representations of, for example, healthy, fully-fleshed-out gay and bi men, to draw from. We don’t have a wealth of fiction that treats heavy topics like rape and child abuse with a sensitive hand. We don’t have generations of books and music and videos that regularly allow women to be complex human characters and not markedly different from their male counterparts. We don’t have a decades-long stretch of Hollywood movies and mainstream western television shows that depict the stories of non-white people as important on their own merits, or that are told in their voices. Instead what we have is pretty much the opposite of these things. And we have all consumed it since infancy. Being a professional writer, artist or game dev does not automatically grant someone access to some new utopia of media and resources to draw from in creating new works. We all have things to unlearn, or to reframe in our minds. And that’s going to be a process. Everyone is going to be in a different place in that process, professional and fan alike. And as part of that process, we’re going to create things that are flawed. 
That’s okay. That’s literally how we learn. We have to try. Even rich old white men have to try in order to learn, no matter how much power they have. And if we spend all of our time yelling at creators for their attempts, we will never get the media we want. It won’t happen. We’ll just beat those creators down until they get resentful, and then they’ll stop trying.
Big companies can take that beating. They have the PR machines, they already have respected outlets for communication, they can respond and be heard. They can change their product and be respected for that change. Or, they can essentially press the mute button and keep creating things with exactly the same flaws, and because other people don’t see them yet, they’ll still make money. I don’t think it’s good to give them the beating (I think constructive criticism that lays out several options for improvement will always get us further than angry yelling), but what is most disheartening for me is when I see exactly the same behaviors--the yelling, the declaration that a creator must hate a certain group, etc, directed at fan creators. People who are not making any money, who are creating because they love a thing so much they want to share, and sharing is literally the only reward they get, and who are often very new to the entire process of creating.
There are a few reasons this upsets me. One is, as I said in the previous post, that it spreads fear and doesn’t allow people to learn, and turns new creators away from creating. Holding fans to the same or higher standards as professional media completely devalues them as a person who is in their own process, and it puts the power of deciding what is right and acceptable into the hands of the fan who has the biggest following. It’s not about the quality of their arguments, or the morality of their judgement, it’s about how many friends or hangers-on they have who are completely willing to jump in and bash at someone without even stopping for a moment to consider whether they should. And nowhere in all that gatekeeping do I see people allowed to grow, on either side. Nowhere do I see anyone acknowledge the hypocrisy inherent in hitting someone else for their inability to prepare for every possible audience expectation while never doing any self-examination to acknowledge that person’s point of view or context. Either the attacked party complies and acknowledges that they are the scum of the universe and apologizes, or they are deemed trash, and likely attacked further just to drive the point home. Most of the time no one even tries to just talk to the creator privately first, to resolve things quickly, calmly, and quietly, with mutual respect. Instead I see vagueblogging, or worse, named call-out posts, that villify someone for something they may not even realize is a problem, or that they may know is a probem but have no idea how to fix. I’ve seen it in a few different fandoms for rape and pain-porn stories in the past three weeks. And every time I want to say: “Yes, I get it. These are difficult topics. They affect real people. But. Do you know how long it took me to recognize the rape in Anne McCaffrey’s work? Do you know how long it took me to recognize the toxicity of some of the power dynamics in Tamora Pierce’s work? These are stories I read as a child and loved because they had dragons and magic and kickass women and just enough romance. I had to live more to realize that they had problems, too. Do you remember how long it took you to first recognize the flaws in something you loved? Do you remember how hard it was to look at your own mistakes in your own creations?” Because we can only ever work from what we’ve been exposed to, and if the majority of society and media we’ve been immersed in glorifies rape and devalues women, if it tells us pain is secondary to pleasure, if it tells us that the abused fall in love with their abusers and that makes it okay, that is what we are going to create. Is that a problem? Yes. But it’s a problem created by a culture, not an individual. An individual can change, and as enough of us do, we reshape culture. That’s how society works.  And yet, I almost never see anyone in fandom offering resources to help people change to create the culture we want. I don’t see posts that say “hey, if you’re writing about rape, here are some articles that can help you address the physical and psychological effects of it” or “I’ve noticed people writing abusive relationships lately, and I want to offer some notes on both short-term and long-term effects that those relationships can have on people” or “If you’re wanting to write about a POC character, here are some great blogs to check out so you can avoid making caricatures and be respectful of POC’s lived experience” or “here’s a resource list for writers who want to write mlm stories that aren’t based on stereotypes.” I know these things exist. I have seen them in original fiction communities. I’ve written some of them. But in fandom? I just see posts attacking people because they should know better, and telling them not to try until they fit the attacker’s idea of acceptable content. Has everyone just forgotten that they have the power to not engage with content they think is terrible? To cut it out of their experience without drama?
Another reason this whole pattern upsets me is that when I joined fandom, part of its generally acknowledged purpose was to address things that the canon did wrong, or poorly, and to create the content we wanted to see. For example: this is why I write Gil. Because there are many, many problems with his presentation in-game, but I want a story where he has more content, I want more interactions between him and Ryder and him and literally anyone. I want there to be a fun sci-fi story about a gay guy who wants bio-kids and gets to raise them. I want there to be a story about a gay man who has a best friend who’s a woman and to have that not be a potentially abusive and toxic relationship. So I’m writing it. Because I learned pretty early that I couldn’t just wait for the world to hand me the perfect story, and because I know that being shouted at only makes me want to ball up and ignore the whole world somewhere safe. And yet, most of what I see in any fandom these days has more to do with policing than content creation. I see people spending more time shouting at professional writers and each other than they do on making their own content or even supporting content that is what they want to see. Why aren’t we building each other up? Why aren’t we setting examples? Why don’t we offer help? Why aren’t we creating the space we want to live in, instead of expecting others to create it for us? This isn’t just limited to fandom, this is all forms of media. Instead of creating or celebrating good things, a lot of people seem to spend the majority of their time tearing others down. And I’m just left sad and confused, because I don’t understand how anyone thinks that destructive behaviors like fandom policing and gatekeeping and  hate-mail are going to result in more cool fun things to enjoy for anyone. Isn’t it exactly the sort of behavior we abhor with things like GamerGate? Why do we emulate this? Do people really think that screaming at someone they know nothing about for a piece of fiction is the best avenue to change things? I can’t imagine that anyone actually finds it fun, and aren’t we here in fandom to have fun? To enjoy ourselves?
Apologies for the wall of text. I thought I was done with this last night, but apparently not. I appreciate the offer, but I’m really okay. Also, @nalufaraday, thank you for your kind comments :) @retro-sci-fi-songbird, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been so discouraged in your writing. If you ever want someone to look something over for you in private, you’re welcome to contact me. I’ve been there. I hope you do keep writing, because I really do believe that doing more and trying new things is the only way any of us can get better.
And because I know I’m writing this in this very climate, I will say again: I do think people should be notified of problematic behaviors, and why it’s a problem. I just think they should also be offered avenues of change, and granted basic, fallible humanity in the process, and I think that if someone feels the need to call someone else out, they should also be willing to engage in some self-examination of their own. Shaming a writer or artist on the internet about their fictional creation is not the same as punching a nazi who has literally advocated for the death of millions of people. The lone creator on the internet is not a threat unless you make them one, and their flaws do not make the person who attacks them an intrinsically better person. If you cannot be part of a process of learning and growing, in a positive way, the simplest and easiest way to deny power to people you disagree with is to deny them a platform. Block them, warn others that there might be something triggering in their work if you’re feeling especially strongly, and disengage. 
And then go make something that reflects the world you want to see.
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yoongicedcoffee · 7 years
MAGIC MIKE (Jimin: Rated M)
Word count: 5.5k
🍫’s note: I was really inspired to write this when I saw a tweet about an outfit of Chim. He was wearing a bondage harness for fuck’s sake was instantly reminded of how sinful he looks like. LET’S UNLEASH CHRISTIAN CHIMCHIM FUCKERS (btw it’s been years since the last time I wrote sthmng so don’t be a bitch 😂)
Summary: One of your friends is about to have her bridal shower and God knows how much you needed it. The world seems to be a little harsh on you these past few days and you see this as the perfect time to loosen up. Plus, you’re definitely not a hoe but who knows. Especially when that man with the bondage harness appeared.
Once you stepped inside the club the different colors of strobe lights instantly hit your eyes. It’s been months since the last time you came to somewhere like this to party and you definitely can’t believe it’s happening in Vegas. People are just literally everywhere jumping, dancing and grinding with each other’s hips to the beat of the music.
“Sin City, huh.” you can’t help but mutter to yourself. Simply amazed. How long have you been hiding in the dungeon of yours, anyways?
The sight before you caught you in so much awe you almost missed a call from the soon-to-be-bride herself. Grabbing your phone you slid your finger over the green button. “Don’t tell me you’ll be turning down my invite for the nth time?! It’s my party you should be here with m—”
“I am here, idiot. Like literally standing inside a club in Vegas to attend that damn party of yours.” you said cutting off her nagging.
Despite the loud music bouncing off the walls of the club, you heard her excited squeal at the end of the line. Hearing that, you can’t help but smile to yourself. “Quit it. You’re in VIP room 013, right?” you confirmed. “Yes! Faster!” then she hung up.
After excusing yourself and making way through the ocean of hyped people for how many times you successfully reached room 013 and entered it without much hesitation. Louder music blasted within the corners of the room and the strong smell of alchol entered your nostrils instantly giving you butterflies. Are you excited? Well fine, you gotta admit that somehow you really are.
“Sweetie you came!” now you’re face to face with your friend who’s going to be tied down soon with his rich ass fiancé. Lucky and truly deserving. You smiled and gave her the biggest hug while congratulating her. “What the hell. This VIP room is enormous and the party is going well. I hate you for this.” she chuckled at your remark and said, “I know what you feel is exactly the opposite. You love me.”
You gave your surroundings another glance and realized that probably half of the guests are some of your long-term girl friends and the other half would be complete strangers. “Earth to Y/N!” your friend snapped her fingers in front of your face stopping your train of thoughts. “You look like shit just a few seconds ago. Chill.” she grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the counter where all the drinks are located, “Here. Let’s do shots!”
Okay. Calm the fuck down. Remember Y/N you came here to get wasted. You’re in Vegas don’t be a pussy and waste this rare moment in your life.
No one is, will, and can stop you.
Agreeing with yourself, you instantly grabbed a shot glass full of vodka and downed it to your heart’s content. The burn sliced through your throat traveling to your chest. You missed this. You missed being wrecked. Fuck work. Fuck your boss. “That’s what I’m talking about!” you both giggled and knew that it will be one of the best nights of your life.
And you weren’t exactly wrong because in fact you were so damn right.
Whenever you drink, the alcohol never disappoints you. It always boosted your confidence and that’s when the dancing of yours starts. You on the dance floor swaying your hips from side to side wouldn’t be a bother to you. With you continuously finishing a couple of shots now and then after every dance, the loud music and blinding lights inside the room, it was impossible for your mind not to feel hazy but who cares?
No one.
Or maybe someone does?
You gripped the glass you were holding and stop dead tracks on the dance floor. It’s very strange. It’s as if someone is watching you. But you are sure that every person in this damn room is busy with their own lives like who would wa— then your eyes fell on a young man standing across from you several feet away. Your eyes wandered from his leather shoes up to his black slacks which screamed his thick thighs to his white button down that reveals a little skin of his milky chest and of course up to his beautiful face plastered with a silly smirk.
He is looking, no, watching you. Every damn move of yours.
Now you started to feel flustered, battling whether to just shrug off his piercing gaze or continue the staring game with the fallen angel. You try your hardest to look for answers at the back of your head until the lights and music slowly faded catching you off guard, making you break the eye contact and direct your attention to the mini-stage where your friend is. She is holding a microphone and the spotlight is currently on her. Maybe she’s about to give some speech shit or what but being the selfish person you are, you let yourself be distracted and attempted to direct your attention to the young man again. Only to find him nowhere to be seen.
He was definitely standing there a few seconds ago.
“What the fuck? Where is he?” you twisted and turned your head to find him in the crowd full of ladies but you simply failed.
Did you just hallucinate? No. You were sure he was really there. Yes, the alcohol already made its way in your system but you’re a big girl, you can handle yourself. Your mind can’t be playing tricks on you.
But that man being an illusion isn’t impossible. He’s too beautiful to be a human anyways. You shook your head and just listened to whatever your friend is saying, this night is all about her, you need to stop being a selfish bitch.
She went on with her speech like thanking her guests for coming and all. Y/F/N also mentioned that all of you would be playing games after her talk. Like games, as in dirty games. You know, typical bridal shower rituals. “Everyone should participate. I wouldn’t take no for an answer!” that’s what she exactly screamed at the microphone. “AND I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR ALL OF YOU. I know you guys should be the ones surprising me but I honestly don’t give a fuck.” you couldn’t help but giggle. Seriously, you still can’t believe she’s about to get married.
Just like what she said, you immediately started playing games after the speech. You were laughing your ass off at every game. It’s dirty yet funny to play at the same time. She made her guests do crazy things and you are one of them.
“This is crazy. You’re crazy fuck off.” you muttered in between your laughs. Your body feels drained after playing several rounds of the games. Good thing it’s over now. “I get it asshole.” she said while chuckling with you, “But seriously, you’re going to love me forever because of my surprise” she exclaimed, grabbing your arm to drag you up on the mini-stage. You noticed there were three high chairs not that far from each other and two other girls were already sitting down on it. The middle high chair is left abandoned and that’s where she pushed you down for you to sit. “Or not,” she said, finishing her sentence then leaving you there alone with the two girls.
Your expression screamed ‘what the actual fuck’ but you’re too stunned to move or even react to what’s happening and when you just successfully collected your mind, a remix of Chris Brown’s Sweet Love played then the people went wild. A guy’s hand snaked from your behind landing on your stomach giving you a tight grip. A shiver ran down on your spine when you felt the heat of his body radiate on you.
His right hand stayed on your stomach then the other one interwined with your left hand. Honestly you don’t have the guts too look back and face the man behind you, not when your face is lightly sweating out and flaming red. He was lowering himself a little behind to have your back aligned with his chest so that he can press it on your upper back. There were two layers of clothing separating your skin from his but you can feel it. You can feel the hardness of his chest grinding on you. The man behind you gripped your left hand even tighter when he slowly raised your clasped hands up to his lips giving it a few gentle kisses. He let go of your left hand just to guide and leave it on his hair for you to grab on. The softness of his hair made you automatically run your hands on it. “Look at me, doll face.” he sensually whispered on your ear. Being nervous is an understatement and you didn’t want to follow him but the alcohol in your body kicked in once again, helping you gain confidence. With the help of his soft but manly hands on your jaw, you twisted your head to look at him making your lips suddenly part due to astonishment.
Anticipation and excitement rushed to fill you all the way down to your core. You felt the sudden gush of wetness stain your lace panties. The young man from earlier, yes the fallen angel, my beautiful illusion or whatsoever is infront of me only some centimeters away. A realization hit you like a truck. So this explains why a gorgeous man was in the middle of a room filled with women only. Maybe he was waiting for his performance.
“I wanna do you baby” he unexpectedly blurted out along with the lyrics of the song. Like before his gaze piereced through your soul but hearing those words come out of his plump lips up close, you want him to touch you. You won’t fucking care even if he does it infront of these people.
You want him. Badly.
He bit his lip hard and untangled himself away from you. All of a sudden, a disappointed whine came stumbling out of your mouth. You’re pretty sure you heard him chuckle darkly while he was moving to stand properly in front you. Now you can see the whole him. Beautiful. Just beautiful. His clothes are still the same when you saw him earlier the only difference is that his white button down is matched with a bondage harness. You were wearing a tight skirt, “Call me Jimin, baby girl.” that’s why when Jimin forcedly open your legs for him to stand in between startled you so much you needed to hold onto his shoulders.
Jimin grabbed the back of your knees to raise it higher revealing to him your lace panties marked by your wetness. Heat spread like wildfire on your cheeks painting them even more red than it can possibly be. He started grinding on your exposed thighs switching on every side once in a while. Breathing became harder and you felt like the oxygen around you is lacking. Like Jimin is taking it away from you and he really is. When you thought he couldn’t get any sexier, he proved you wrong by harshly pulling you really close, wrapping your legs around him causing your chest to rest on his and then that’s when he started doing body rolls hitting you with the waves his body is producing. You automatically gripped his shoulder blades to have him closer and shamelessly tilted your head back. Jimin took that chance to bury his face in between your throat and collarbone then start giving smooth hip thrusts straight to your core.
Before you can even stop yourself a quiet moan left your lips only for Jimin to hear. The angel himself became a devil hearing your moan and gave out harder thrusts giving your pussy an indirect contact with his crotch. You don’t know if Jimin could feel it but you are so wet you wanted to be taken care by him right then and there.
The music slowly came to an end making the both of you loosen your grip with each other but seemed to never wanna let go. The song ended with his crotch pressed so closely onto your clothed pussy with the two of you panting heavily.
You don’t know if it’s the alcohol or just him but your mind went really numb and little by little you realized how embarrassing the situation is. Especially the position you’re in. Everyone in the party cheered showing that they enjoyed what the 3 men performed. Now you can feel the shame run through you and probably your facial expression says it all that’s why Jimin whispered, “It’s oka—” but even before he could finish his sentence you found yourself breaking the eye contact with him, moving away and running down down the mini-stage. You needed to be alone and calm every nerve in your system.
Good thing this VIP room has its own restroom, you didn’t need to go too far to be able to hide. You rushed towards the sink and hurriedly splashed some water on your face to shake off the heat Jimin made you feel. Staring at your reflection on the mirror, “Okay Y/N, just relax. Whatever your reaction up there was normal. Surely the two other girls were like you. Hot and bothered as well.” you said, trying to comfort yourself. After a few moments of silence and walking back and forth, contemplating whether is it alright for you to go back in there already, you finally had the courage to step out of the restroom to face everyone simply muttering a single, “Fuck it.”
Just when you thought things wouldn’t get any worse, the mere sight of your friend hopping before you proved you wrong. She’s excited again, something’s wrong. “I was looking for you all over the place!” your friend exclaimed, completely clueless about the fact that you just encountered one of the most embarassing moments of your life minutes ago. Now, she’s dragging you again who knows where and it’s starting to traumatize you. If you just don’t love her swear you’ll be leaving this damn party already.
Y/F/N brought you closer to a group of girls who kept on squealing and giggling trying to fake their feminine behavior. Oh please. These girls should give you a break. What’s with the attitude anyways? With the endless, “Excuse us.”, “Please make way.”, “Soon-to-be-bride comin’ through.” of Y/F/N they gave the both of you enough space to walk on.
Regret and humiliation once again tainted your chest when you saw the main reason why your not-so-nice friend dragged you again. You knew it. You fucking knew it.
It’s because of him.
Why is he still around? Their performance was done already, right?
“Honey, we have them for the whole night. You think really loud you know.” you snapped your head to your friend’s direction when she answered the questions floating inside your brain. Jimin was sitting on a chair along with the two other performers and they were surrounded by the guests who are all girls, of course. The three of them were pure sin and beauty you can’t blame them.
You felt uneasy- but thrilled- at the same time when his eyes lingered on yours. His expression was blank and heavy but you saw the glint of playfulness in his eyes. Here you go again with the staring contest with the gorgeous specimen. You were the first one who broke the eye contact because you know that his beauty might just kill you and swear you didn’t mean to trail your eyes elsewhere. His button fucking down is open exposing his toned chest and stomach. Jimin is still wearing the bondage harness doing a crisscross on his skin teasing everyone on this room.
Especially you.
Staring at him for eternity won’t bore you even for a second. You were definitely ogling him too much for your liking but just enough for his. Yep. Good luck with your ruined panties. Wearing your favorite one for tonight was a wrong decision.
“We were playing a game while you were away,” for the first time in your life you are thanking God for your friend’s nonstop blabbering. “Another game? What game?” you were talking to your friend but your whole attention was on Jimin. That man is still watching you. “See for yourself.” she said pointing to one of the performers. You carefully eyed him as he took a slice of lemon and rested it in between his lips and watched how a girl placed a pinch of salt on the guy’s neck, “You get to pick the body part.” all of a sudden, with a swift motion she licked off the salt without any hesitations then downed the tequila in her hand. “Here comes the best and hottest part.” the girl bent down to level herself from him, snatching the lemon from the boy’s lips. “Easy, right?” she remarked with mischief covering her voice.
She’s obviously challenging you. “I know you want that guy. Own him.” she advised while looking at Jimin- who is busy gawking at you- elbowing your side afterwards.
“IT’S Y/N’S TURN!” she yelled out of the blue followed by a harsh nudge on your back making you stumble forward to Jimin. Now everyone’s attention is on you. You promised yourself that you’re going to plot your revenge after this.
The guests started cheering right away when Jimin openly positioned the lemon in his lips. They were screaming and squealing words you can’t comprehend anymore due to the fact you’re standing in front of the man who humped you just moments ago- and if it isn’t obvious you liked it. You inhaled and exhaled deeply attempting to think of an innocent body part. With shaky hands you held out his arm, grabbed a pinch of salt putting it on top of his wrist consequently. You didn’t spare Jimin a glance. Not even once. Embarrassment eating you out from head to toe.
It’ll be over soon just fucking do it.
You felt his gaze boring into you again as you moved closer to him. Filled with hesitation you slowly ducked down to lick off the salt resting on his pulse. The moment he felt the warmth of your tongue, good heavens you promise you heard him release a low growl. Your mind felt hazy and every brain cell of yours is sure that it’s because of Jimin and not the alcohol. Who are you kidding?
Before you can lose the control over yourself, you quickly drank the tequila not bothering with the burn it set in your throat. Maybe everyone else were stunned just like you when Jimin grab a hold of your arm with his one hand and your jaw with other tightly. Soon you found his lips hovering yours to transfer the slice of lemon on your parted lips.
His mouth stayed on yours a little longer than it should be. You fought the urge to jump on him and make out with him in front of your friend’s guests. Jimin decided to move away from your lips but stayed close enough to face you.
The electrifying chemistry between the two of you is becoming hard to deny. You dared. You dared to lock eyes with him and look through his soul as well. He trapped his lower lip in the middle of his teeth then released it seconds after. Those lips were really warm and oh the things you would do just to feel them again. “Such a good girl,” Jimin whispered, a silly smile painting his lips.
“Come with me?” he asked, surely absorbed with your presence. He didn’t even flinch when the girls around you started gasping out of shock.
I’d even cum for you.
Of course you didn’t say that but you’d do it. Pervert.
You answered him with a nod and he immediately interwined his fingers with yours and made a run for it. “That’s my bitch!” your friend proudly squeaked somewhere behind you. “Okay ladies calm the fuck down you still have two attractive men before you.” she explained. Let’s see if you’ll be thanking her after tonight.
Truth to be told, you didn’t know where the both of you are going but the other thing is you don’t care as long as you’re with him. The both of you stopped in front of door with a sign that says ‘Authorized Personnel Only’.
“I’ll have you on my bed next time but for now, this would have to do.” he winked at you. So there would be a next time? Butterflies swarmed inside the pit of your stomach at the thought of it.
Jimin opened the door and let you in, following you right after. The soft click of the lock behind you echoed in the confined space of the room. You turned around to face Jimin and hurriedly connected your lips to his. The kiss was so messy and heated with all the sucking and biting. Your soft hands made its way on his bare chest traveling down to his abs, feeling the muscles tense under your fingertips. “Why are your clothes open out there?” you looked at him, slightly squinting your eyes. “It’s the game.” he said getting really defensive. “Some of the girls placed the salt on my chest and sto–” before he could even finish his explanation, you pushed him on the nearest wall and gave his chest some wet sloppy kisses. “Fuck,” he cursed while grabbing a fistful of your hair.
Jealousy radiated out on you as you continued making out with his chest down to his abdomen, avoiding the leather of the harness that blocks his skin . You don’t want to hear or even imagine what the girls out there did to him. It should’ve been you, the whole fucking time.
But you’re a pussy. Serves you right.
Of course, other girls probably got to taste him already. Especially in his line of work. But tonight will be all about you.
Only you and Jimin.
Tonight you want to own him and him to own you. Even just for this night.
He gripped your chin and made you look up to him. “Feisty and eager, aren’t we?” he smirked then lowered himself to attack your mouth with feverish kisses, the two of you taking your own turns in moaning between them.
“Strip for me baby girl,” Jimin ordered, eyeing you intensely.
All of a sudden you felt insecure and awkward without much alcohol flowing in your system after hearing his order. Jimin might have noticed this hesitation of yours and whispered, “You’d do it for me, right beautiful?” Then he smiled genuinely, warming your heart.
And core. Instantly.
Untucking your sleeveless top from your skirt you slowly raised it over your head to fully remove it, quickly followed by your tight skirt piling up somewhere in the room. “So so beautiful,” Jimin muttered, talking to himself more. His eyes screamed adoration when they raked over your slightly naked figure. He glided the back of his fingers on your skin to absorb how soft and smooth it feels, just as much how it looks. The second his hand touched the valley of your breasts a small moan escaped your lips and you involuntarily arched your back to ask for more. “You like it here?” he questioned, his voice dripping with lust and eyes snapping up to look at your pleased face.
The atmosphere was really heavy and thick making you lose your breath. Due to lack of oxygen and lust your face was already painted with crimson red all over but despite it, you nodded without uncertainty. You saw the way his wrist twisted, soon you found Jimin palming one of your breasts through your lace brassiere. “Like this?” he asked, throwing another question at you then clutching hard the soft muscle between his palm and fingers. “Yes! Yes, just like that!” you managed to confess tilting your head to catch more air as Jimin continued playing with your chest. There’s a layer of clothing resting between his hands and your breasts but you can feel the warmness of his skin.
Jimin looked so sexy wearing the bondage harness but you wanted to see him naked that’s why you decided to take it off along with his button down adding them to the abandoned clothes on the floor. Right before you could toss away his harness, he caught your pulse snatching it from your slim fingers. He took a bite on his lower lip then teasingly grinned at you. “Arms up sweetheart,” he commanded. You followed what he said, not wanting to disobey him. Jimin swiftly slid it down on your body, adjusting it to your size afterwards. The leather felt very tight around your upper body but its tightness was enough to let you breathe just fine.
“Fuck you’re so sexy,” he praised as he stared at your now emphasized chest since the leather was doing a crisscross exactly on your cleavage. He hooked his fingers in the ring at the middle of the harness and pulled you towards him enclosing the small space between the two of you. Jimin lifted your bra cup releasing your breasts then lowered himself to lick a stripe on your hard nipple. Your hands instantly flew on his nape urging him to suck and bite. As if on cue, he did what you are hoping for leaving trails of saliva and red- turning into purple- hickeys on your skin.
While he was busy taking care of you, your eyes fell on his pants and automatically bit your lip when you saw his painfully hard erection. You rapidly undid his belt and dragged down his pants showcasing his thin boxers before you. Jimin stepped out of his pants and knelt down leveling his face in your stomach. He moved his face closer to bury it in between your thighs and you stiffen as you watched him inhale your scent.
“You smell really damn good.” he told you grasping the sides of your upper thighs then licking them after.
Your legs started to shake out of anticipation as you watched him praise every inch of your body, “Now I can’t help but wonder how sweet that pussy of yours is.” he spoke while having an eye contact with you.
Jimin hoisted each of your leg on his shoulder blades where he let your thighs sit while your back rested on the wall. His face is literally just centimeters away from your drenched core. When did you become so light that he was able to hold you up in a position like this?
You weren’t given enough time to think of an answer, he just dived straightaway on your covered pussy instantly driving you insane. His skillful tongue assaulting your lace underwear to bury it further inside your slit. A loud guttural moan resonated from your mouth. You felt Jimin moved your underwear to the side so he could pull on your clitoris freely. Before you can even register it in your mind, you already found your hips maneuvering along the movements of the warm and wet muscle between his teeth.
Different sounds and profanities continuously fell out from you and Jimin, proving that you’re not the only one enjoying but him as well.
“Jimin baby please,” you begged, not knowing what you are trying to beg for. You just want to come so bad.
He removed your legs off of him and stood up to face you again. “I want to cum so bad,” you sobbed against his lips. Another offensive language rolled off his tongue at your frank confession. “Please make me cum,” you added, making Jimin completely lose his control over himself. He removed his boxers hastily, kicking it away when it landed above his feet. You mimicked his actions, patience running very low and arousal spiking up.
His erection stood proudly hitting his lower abdomen with pre-cum leaking on its tip dripping down to his shaft. The very sexy sight made you thirsty resulting you licking your lips. “Eyes up baby.” Jimin said, absolutely pleased with the way you ogle his throbbing cock. He picked up the back of your thighs to raise you up in the air and sink you back down on his erection, entering you easily due to your dripping core.
“O-Ohh shit,” you swore while wrapping your arms around his neck to keep you steady.
Jimin being inside you made you feel really full. His cock stretched you so nicely that pure bliss is only what you felt. Then he started rocking you up and down on his erection earning a loud growl from him. It felt so good you didn’t notice that you were already clawing his back looking for help with the overflowing pleasure you’re currently feeling. He embraced your hips using his left hand and yanked the bondage harness you’re wearing from behind with his right hand, cutting off some air from entering your lungs.
You automatically gasped trying to breathe in more oxygen you can. Jimin went on with a faster pace, his cock hitting the deepest parts of your core. “You’re fucking drenched and I can feel you sucking me in really great.” you were very amazed at how Jimin can still have the ability to construct a sentence because when it comes to your mind, all you can think of is pure sin.
Attempting to experiment you rocked your hips in circles, your clit bumping constantly on Jimin’s hip. Pleasure shooting right through the pit of your stomach making you clench around his dick. His groans become louder with the feeling your pussy tightening on him. This encouraged the both of you to go harder and faster to the point where you can only hear are the sounds of panting, grunting, moaning, plus his balls hitting your ass. You enclosed the space between the two of you and locked lips. Jimin fought for dominance against your tongue then succeeding after a while. Your hips and his are constantly moving in sync, you bouncing downwards and him thrusting upwards in a very brutal way.
The instant Jimin caught your nipple to softly bite and suck on it, you sensed the coiling of your stomach. He was starting to whine and you were already screaming his name not caring whether the people outside are bothered with your noise. With the steady but severe feeling of his shaft going in and out of you and the contradicting effect of Jimin adoring every inch of your skin, you lost yourself in pure ecstasy releasing the bubble formed in your lower abdomen. You kept riding his cock clutching and chasing the aftermath of your climax then you felt Jimin’s load protruding the walls of your pussy, warming your insides. He thrusted and thrusted nonstop until the both of you are shaking due to oversensitivity.
You slowly climbed down still holding onto Jimin asking for help and he promptly hugged your body to calm your breathing so that your muscles can relax. He ran down his thumb on your spine, your body reacting right away leaning on his touch.
“I never asked any client of mine this kind of question but,” he said, his voice faltering and eyes falling on your lips. “can we not be a one time thing?” he asked continuing his sentence, voice still enlaced with worry.
His grip on you turned firmer as he waited for your answer. Jimin was definitely scared with you giving him a 'no’. The job can be one factor for you to turn him down and yes as of now you are still holding onto him but you can let go anytime. He can’t even decipher your facial expression and it’s making him even more anxious than he is— but then you brightly smiled at him, heat spreading across his chest. “Okay. But your job. We need to talk about it soon.” you told him honestly, giving his cheek a kiss subsequently.
“Of course,” he agreed, smiling back as well.
Damn you almost forgot.
You still need to thank your friend.
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hopevoiceacting · 7 years
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
 [This RP takes place within the Vampire: The Masquerade universe,based on the game of the same name. Where the Main Character is a newly sired vampire introduced into this underground world of Vampires settled within Los Angeles, with their own government and factions, meeting all different kinds of vampires,ghouls,monsters,etc. This type of vampire is somewhat similar to the traditionally seen vampires of lore, paler skin, fangs (though not particularly noticeable), sunlight can kill, but here is where things differ, Garlic does nothing for obvious reasons, running water does nothing, crosses do nothing,while smaller firearms don't do much, higher grade firearms will harm a vampire, members of different clans have different attributes, like Nosferatu can go invisible and look more monstrous, while Tremere can use magic,etc. I am looking for CANON characters of the series to interact with, I highly recommend checking out the game and wiki. I am also looking for Romance to take place in the Roleplay. I hope we can have a bit of fun together! OH! I have another prompt where it follows the story of Caine, the Father of Vampires returning to The Masquerade, check it out below.]
 Ya know, when you think of the lair of a vampire, you'd probably think of a dark cave or a big mansion, not some crappy apartment in Los Angeles. He could remember the night it all happened, when he was turned into a vampire...He was hanging out with his girlfriend, they had been going pretty steady for a little while, ya know,meeting up for nightly dates, going on long walks, making out, the kind of thing. But it all changed one night, he could still feel the sharp press of her fangs pushing into his flesh. When his transformation was complete, the first thing he recalled was being stabbed in the heart with a stake. When he awoke, he was in front of a audience of vampires, next to him? His girlfriend. Some rich asshole going on about how unofficial siring was something they couldn't have...So they cut off her head,killing her and leaving me in this unknown world of monsters called Kindred (it's what they call Vampires,it's more 'polite'). The man was named Prince LaCroix, he seemed in charge of the faction called the Camarilla, he let Xander live 'mercifully' so he says...Tch.
 From what he's learned so far,there were plenty of different factions, the Sabbat, The Anarchs, the Camarilla. There were also plenty of Clans, he was part of something called the Tremere Clan, the Mages of the Vampires. To Xander all of this was a pain, a life he hadn't asked for, he didn't ask to watch his girlfriend get beheaded and become some Prince's little bus boy. Having to go around trying to increase influence or go blow up a warehouse, beat down on human, go into clubs, deal with crazy women with duel personalities, the fucking Sabbat always hounding him. Ugh, it was such a pain. Apparently there was something big coming as well and he was smack dab in the middle of it all. 
 The Fledgeling(new vampires) sighed as he just moved into The Asylum, a club run by 'sisters', but he soon found out that the sisters were actually the same person with duel personalities. Or maybe they were spirits in the same body. He didn't know, nor did he want to get wrapped up in all of that. He just needed a bit of time to clear his head. He sat down at the end of the bar, looking down into his glass of water. God damn this sucks. He had been taking a sip from his glass of water until a familiar scent came through to his nose, his head suddenly looking to the side to see who it was that coming towards him...Oh, it was them.
Vampire: The Masquerade - The Return of Caine
 [This RP takes place within the Vampire: The Masquerade universe,based on the game of the same name. Instead of following the main premise of the game, I'd love to play one of the mythical characters of the game, Caine, the Father of all Vampires returning. It shall be centered in this underground world of Vampires settled within Los Angeles, with their own government and factions, meeting all different kinds of vampires,ghouls,monsters,etc. This type of vampire is somewhat similar to the traditionally seen vampires of lore, paler skin, fangs (though not particularly noticeable), sunlight can kill, but here is where things differ, Garlic does nothing for obvious reasons, running water does nothing, crosses do nothing,while smaller firearms don't do much, higher grade firearms will harm a vampire, members of different clans have different attributes, like Nosferatu can go invisible and look more monstrous, while Tremere can use magic,etc. I am looking for CANON characters of the series to interact with, I highly recommend checking out the game and wiki. I am also looking for Romance to take place in the Roleplay. I hope we can have a bit of fun together!]
 The Legend of Caine had been spread throughout all of vampire-kind since it's birth, the Biblical son of Adam and Eve who slew his own brother Abel, cursed by god to walk the earth for the rest of eternity, the Father of All Vampires. With many of the texts regarding Caine having been destroyed by time, many did not know of his first sire,Enoch, the slaughter of the second generation by the third, the curses he placed upon the Kindred Race so many years ago..But most did not know if the being even still lived, or had simply faded with time...Becoming a simple myth. 
 For over two hundred thousand years, he had walked the face of this world. He's explored the depths and peaks of this dimension and further beyond. He has seen the Abyss and the Light...He had ruled his own paradise, along with watching it's destruction along with the slaughter of his childe. But now? He was drinking. Prying the bottle of wine from his mouth, he ran his tongue along his tan lips. Sighing in satisfaction, he looked himself over,making sure none of the wine got onto his form. He didn't exactly wear the most extravagant clothing, a sky blue button up shirt with a gray coat over shoulders, matching dress pants covering tan legs. Though, the oddest part of his attire was the cloth that he wore around his forehead, it seemed to be held tight against his skin as if to conceal something. Looking to the young bartender, he smiled a bit,running his fingertip along the other's chin,meeting their gaze. "Thank you for the drink,hun. I'll be off now, but don't worry. I won't be a stranger." He muttered to them,his voice having put the bartender in a trance,making them Caine's slave until he left.
 Los Angeles, he's heard quite a lot of buzz going on around that area, The Camerilla, the Anarchs, the Sabbat. Three groups he had been watching quite closely, he must say, he was a bit disappointed in his children, having hoped they would of come together long ago after the slaughter of his childe. But he supposed that deep down, they were all human, that humanity comes with conflict,greed, lust, envy. He knew of the masquerade creation, but did not care about it. He sighed as he stood in front of the Cinema, one he knew was the home for the Kindred's meetings, simply prying the door open, he moved inside silently. He could feel the life force of the undead nearby,with each step, he could feel himself growing more and more eager to meet the kind he had created after so long! How had they changed? Were they different? How did they evolve? Had the government change much? Entering the theater, he remained in the back,pressing his back into a corner as he listened to the Prince go on about what they could do. Spotting many different leaders of different factions in their seats up front.
 A faint breath leaving him, he had concealed himself from his own kind for so long, this is what they had made of themselves? He simply wished to let himself be known, he was not here to get into politics...Consider him...Stirring the pot a bit. He sat himself down right behind a Malkavian and a Toreador. He was sure they might be able to feel the eerie air that came off of himself. He listened to the Prince go on and on about some boring topic, not that he had any interest in what he had to say in the least. He decided that now it was best to stir the pot, he smiled as he brought his thumb to his lips, bringing his canines down on the skin, piercing it and letting the beautiful crimson liquid flow,the scent hitting the air around him,causing him to smirk.
 "Daddy's home..."
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