#Inspirational Birthday Messages for Sister
peggieprints · 2 years
Inspirational Birthday Messages for Sister
Use these hyperlinks to leap to a precise section, or scroll down the web page to see the complete series of birthday costs & desires for sisters. You'll locate the nice birthday messages and charges for sisters on this page. Whether you prefer a message that is humorous or from the heart, and whether or not it is for your older or youthful sister, we hope you will discover a birthday desire it truly is ideal for your sister!
Happy birthday to someone who has enriched my life in too many ways to count: my amazing sister. I am so glad that I have a sister who always fills my days with moments of cheer.
Even though we didn’t grow up with much, I always remember my childhood as being bountiful. That’s because it was full of priceless moments spent with you.
You have given me so much in life: support, care, and adoration are just a few. The most important would be the unconditional love that you always give me. Thank you for always believing in me.
Sister, you are always my rock in life. You have an inner strength that I admire so much, and I hope that you realize how much I love and respect you. Happy birthday!
I hope your birthday is filled with only the sweetest things life can offer: cake, candy, and a loving sister. I’ve got that loving sister part down, so I’m leaving the cake and candy parts up to you!
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asim254 · 10 months
Happy Birthday Wishes for Everyone
100+ Happy Birthday Wishes and Messages Birthday is a very beautiful event. A birthday comes once a year, and the birthday of your loved ones can be the most anticipated moments in your life. As this day approaches, you may want to make it special by surprising them with a gift, organizing a party, or simply sending a heartfelt birthday message! We are presenting some happy birthday wishes and…
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chuluoyi · 8 months
Could you do a brother’s best friend!Megumi x reader?
like her brother being overprotective, but being oblivious of his best friend’s crush on her sister?
(not the) best kept secret
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- fushiguro megumi x reader
cool, brooding and handsome. your crush on your brother's best friend is a secret you only keep to yourself. little do you know, he too feels the same. and so, your love story—and the trials and tribulations that come with it—begins.
genre/warnings: college au, reader being yuji's little sister and him and your family being protective, fluff, mutual pining, tiny weeny angst if you squint? with happy ending ofc!
notes: awww anon, this ask is so cute and so hidden love-coded! did you watch hidden love too? because this piece draws inspiration from that ehe. and uh it turned out longer than i expected and i haven't proofread it but pls enjoy!
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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You have had a crush on your brother’s best friend, Megumi, for a while now.
Actually, scratch that. For a long time now, since you were in middle school, in fact.
In your eyes, he was really cool. He was reserved and not very talkative, which was a stark contrast to your brother Yuji, who could talk a mile a minute every day. It always baffled you why the two could be bosom friends.
And he treated you well. Megumi may have bonked Yuji’s head at any given chance, but with you, he was different. He was gentler, kinder, and overall just considerate. Sometimes he would even pick you up in your brother’s place, and your heart would beat out of your chest from sheer giddiness.
Little did you know, he too didn’t quite see you as a mere sister of his friend.
It started with head pats. You heart would flutter and he would be more conscious of his actions. Yuji had furrowed an righteous eyebrow at the sight.
“Oi, Fushiguro, that’s some favoritism there!” he whined. “I helped you with homework and what did I get—”
“Shut up, Itadori.”
And then the text messages. You didn’t know how or why you ended up texting him on daily basis. He was the one who texted you first a few months ago, having obtained your number from a mutual friend in your circle to ask about the best gift for Yuji’s birthday. And somehow up until now, you found yourselves telling him how your day went, and he the same.
you: i've just finished my class today. so tired megumi: oh? mine is still in session. quite boring you: i see. well, ganbatte!
Those little interactions made your day, and for now, you were quite satisfied with them. But when your phone buzzed once again, signaling a new text, you couldn't resist the urge to swiftly open the messaging app to expect the expected.
megumi: wanna grab lunch later?
It was so incredibly childish, but you felt like winning.
Lunch invitations were often. You spent the whole duration of lunch with him almost every day at this point. The two of you talked about many mundane things, and he would have this small smile whenever you griped about your hard tests or annoying classmates.
Head pats. Texts. Lunches.
And then there was Nobara.
Now, don't get me wrong. You adored her—she was a fun person, pretty and you even looked up to her as your role model at some point. If Yuji somehow ended up with her, you were sure to give them 200% of your blessings.
But seeing her with Megumi was another story. Sometimes you envied your brother's close knit group of three. They had been friends since middle school, and it was granted that Nobara would spend a whole load of time with both your brother and Megumi. With Yuji, she was harsher and didn't take him seriously, but you couldn't deny what your peers had been whispering and what you yourself found very plausible—she and Megumi would make a fine match.
It wasn't your intention at all, but ever since you saw him and Nobara at the toy shop together, pulling for popular merchandises in gacha box, you started losing confidence in yourself and inadvertently put this distance between you and him.
At first it was subtle, Megumi didn't even realize it. But when your replies were few and far in between, he decided it was time to address the problem.
"You don't answer my texts," he stated one day, barely catching you at campus during the lunchtime. Now that he thought about it, you kept denying his lunch invitations too. "Are you avoiding me?"
"I, um," you stuttered. You didn't anticipate running into him, to be honest, and so you were at loss of words. "It isn't like that..."
Megumi figured that he had done something to make you feel like you should avoid him, but he didn't want the two of you to be in this awkward situation any longer, so he led you away from the crowd to your usual place of hanging out after lunch—the rooftop.
"Have I done something?" he asked warily. "It's okay, you can tell me."
"No, Megumi, I—"
"I don't want us to be like—this," Megumi said, his face contorting with a deep frown. "I don't like it at all."
Typically, he regarded friendships as a pain, but not with you. Not with the girl he had been pining over for who knows how long now.
Yuji's sister. He had to remind himself of that fact so many times and yet his heart didn't seem to get it. You were his best friend's dearest sister, and yet he fell for you regardless. If Yuji knew, he would definitely had some opinions on this.
And so for the last few months, he kept it hidden under his sleeves. He approached you, befriended you, took you out on lunch dates—acting on his growing feelings for you and yet he didn't have the courage to confess still.
But enough was enough. If not confessing meant losing you altogether, then he was willing to take the risk. At the very least, if you did reject him, he would have gone down with a fight.
"Y/N, I don't know if you're already aware of this or not, but..." he gulped. Apparently this wasn't as easy as he thought, especially when you met his gaze with your cutely confused ones.
"I have feelings for you. I... like you, quite much."
His voice was clear, without any hint of doubt. You were taken aback and widened your eyes out of surprise.
"You do...?" you shyly asked him back, finding it hard to believe. Fushiguro Megumi, the boy you've been crushing on since you were 15, when you were only able to hide behind Yuji and saw him from afar. The boy who once was indifferent to you, was now confessing his feelings for you? He liked you back in the same way you liked him?
"I do," he replied with clarity, and then a smile. That small smile that always made your insides do somersaults. "I want to ask you out for a while now, but since well... you know... out of consideration for your brother, I felt like I couldn't simply whisk you away."
To his surprise, you laughed, and Megumi found himself breathless. The way you laugh was so mesmerizing in his eyes, reminding him why he could fall in love with you in the first place.
"I like you too, Megumi."
And that was all he needed. Apparently that confirmation was enough to forget that you were the sister of his long-time friend, and that it was fine even if you were. After all, since when was it a crime to romance your best friend's sister?
Still, you two decided to keep it under the wraps first. Springing this on Yuji would startle him, you reasoned, and he agreed. It was more convenient this way anyways.
Your relationship with Megumi was a happy one. He was curt, but never failed to look out for you. He remembered things you liked, and would take you out on places you wanted to go. Arguments were there—granted, sometimes he was just too stubborn, so you may have a clash of opinions—but in the end, the two of you always managed to work it out.
But there was always something melancholic in Megumi that you weren't sure you could touch at all. Perhaps it was due to his upbringing—his incomplete family. You tried to fill that gap, giving him many fun and happy memories, hoping it would replace his sad ones. He was grateful for that.
Nonetheless, the reality persisted that your brother, Yuji, remained completely oblivious to all of this. Yuji still thought that you were his innocent younger sister, and Megumi was his best bro. Sometimes you felt bad to do all this behind his back, and yet you made no move to rectify it.
“Hey, let’s ask Fushiguro to join too!” Yuji would say, and you would agree. And then, in front of him, you and Megumi would refrain from being too friendly, and he would be none the wiser.
All things have karma. You have built your karma too, for deceiving your kind and sweet brother.
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"Fushiguro! How could you?!"
When Yuji's fist collided with his jaw, honestly Megumi had given up on fighting back, because one, there was no chance of winning against him, and two, your scream pierced the air, filled with worry for him.
You two just had to be found out in the worst way possible—while making out. It was wrong in so many levels in the first place. Why and how did you even initiate making out in your house that you shared with your brother?
"It could've been anyone," Yuji fumed with anger, his teeth clenching. "Anyone at all! And yet it has to be Y/N—my own sister! Fushiguro, have you ever considered the magnitude of betrayal this is to me?"
"Yuji! Please stop!" you tried to intervene. "He's not at wrong—it was me who—"
"No, you don't get any say in this!" for the first time, you saw your kind brother got angry and it made you quiver in fear. Yuji had never been angry, not to you. "You too, Y/N. How could do this behind my back? The least you could do is telling me!"
"I'm an adult!" you stressed, now irritated at this display of protectiveness from him. "I can date whoever I want and you can't just punch the man who happens to be my boyfriend!"
Honestly, if asked, Yuji wasn’t like 100% against your relationship with Megumi. He and Megumi practically grew up together, he knew the best and worst parts of him, and overall he still considered him decent.
But what made it hurt was that the two of you decided to leave him out. It made him doubt everything he knew about his best friend. How could he trust his sister to someone he found hard to trust?
He turned to Megumi, who was still slumped on the floors of his garage. “No. If he really likes you that much, then he will willingly accept this.”
Megumi understood, if his own sister was dating… let’s say, someone like Gojo, whom he trusted but not at the same time, he too would definitely beat the crap out of him.
And so he willingly endured all the blows. Yuji had to let off steam, and this pain was worth everything if it meant he would give his blessing for you.
Yuji was taken aback that his friend actually let him do this. When Megumi got thrown one last time and almost passed out, Yuji finally decided that it was the end.
His best friend and his sister… it was almost laughable if he didn’t feel like the biggest fool between the two of you.
He saw how you immediately sauntered towards him with tears in your eyes, muttering several apologies. Yuji wanted to snort, but then Megumi took a hold of your hand that was on his bruised cheek, and smiled, saying that it was okay.
And despite himself, his heart felt warm. Seeing the usual gruff and cold Megumi be this… soft with you seemed to open his eyes to something more.
Looking back, he could’ve had realized it when Megumi started to get touchy with you. He completely missed that the head pats were actually his subtle way of expressing his fondness for you.
Yuji decided to leave you be. At least he had made his point across, and he hated to say it outright, but perhaps, it was okay after all for you to be with him.
Okay didn’t mean you two had obtained his full blessing, though. But another event soon changed his perspective.
“Itadori,” Megumi’s ragged breaths was what he registered first through the sudden phone call. “Please come here—Y/N—she was—”
It was Yuji’s first time to witness pure panic from Megumi. He proceeded to tell him how you had been in pain and then collapsed, and that he had brought you to the hospital.
When Yuji arrived at the hospital, he once again saw how restless his friend was over your wellbeing. He could no longer deny it—the sight moved him.
“Hey, you awake?” Megumi’s face was the first you saw when you awoke at the hospital bed. He looked so concerned, a frown creased deep in his face. “Are you not in pain anymore?”
No, not quite much anymore, you wanted to say, but your throat felt so dry and you only managed to shake your head lightly.
“That’s good,” he let out a relieved sigh, and that was when you notice your brother at the corner of the room, looking at you two with a somewhat exasperated expression, but then he smiled.
Who knew a severe case of appendicitis would lead to Yuji giving his complete approval for you to date his best friend, huh?
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But life is nothing if not full of obstacles. The next obstacle you faced after Yuji’s finding out was your parents.
“Look Y/N, we know. Megumi is a good guy,” you mother started. “We've known him for a long time, of course, personality-wise, we have nothing against him.”
You bit your lower lip in frustration. Beside you at the dinner table, Yuji kept his silence, but listened attentively too.
“It’s just… the matters of his family,” your father added, carefully choosing his words.
“His father is never in the picture, is he? And there are also rather unsettling news about him too.” Your mother was always the one being more straightforward.
Both you and Yuji knew it already. As of now, Megumi only had his stepsister, and last you heard, his father was gambling somewhere and then became a convict. Megumi said he had cut ties with him, but there was no such thing as an ex-father. Until forevermore, Fushiguro Toji, a criminal, was his biological father.
“Mom, I know your concern,” Yuji had finally decided to step up, and you were grateful for that. “Fushiguro won’t end up—”
“Yes, we know,” your mother emphasized, letting out a sigh. “But we are your parents, Yuji, Y/N. If there’s even the slightest chance, we worry. We want the best for you. Always.”
You were at a loss.
You were young, and yet you already saw him in your distant future. Being with Megumi felt so right and comfortable. He was your safe space as you were his.
But you also understood where your parents’ concerns came from, or at least tried to. At least until you found out how your father approached Megumi to talk him into thinking your relationship over.
"How could you, Dad?" you asked, aghast. "You're... practically intimidating him into breaking up with me!"
"Y/N, listen—I never meant it like that," your father tried to explain himself, and yet you were already too heartbroken to hear him, and so you shut the door to your room, not giving him any chance.
Why did your relationship suddenly become everyone's business? Why couldn't they just let you be an adult?
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Megumi could still hear your father's words rang in his ears.
"Y/N... we raised her with love and care," your father said with a forlorn expression. By all means, Megumi knew that he meant well. "She's always spoiled, my only daughter... Megumi-kun, you must understand, it's not easy for us too."
He knew that his rather colorful past would get in the way one way or another, and he had come to accept it. But it still stung, because of course, he wanted full blessings from the family of the girl he fell in love with.
You were like a ray of sunshine in his dreary life. Like Yuji, your presence had made an impact on him. Your cute smiles, pouts and vulnerability around him... he loved them all.
He would get upset when you looked sad, just as you were now.
"It's really okay... Y/N." He swiftly wiped your tears with his thumb, as you sniffled. "I didn't take it to heart. Your father is just worried about you... I can understand that."
"But still—h-he shouldn't do that," you replied amidst your small sobs. Above all, you didn't want your father to have spooked him. "Megumi... I don't want to break up with you."
And honestly he didn't expect that. You were afraid of him... leaving you?
He, who did everything he could, just to have you to be by his side?
"Sir, I know where you are coming from. As of now, I don't have much. But I can say this with confidence—I... love your daughter very much, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she is happy."
"Stupid," he huffed, putting a hand on your head, before messing up your hair. And gosh, you were so cute, glaring at him through your lashes.
"I won't. I've told your father that too actually."
"Just give me two years," Megumi added with unwavering voice, staring at your father earnestly. "After graduation, I'm getting my life in order. I'll secure a stable job and do my best. I'm... going to prove it to you, and you can be the judge if I can finally deserve Y/N or not."
He was 16 when he knew you, seeing you as nothing but a little girl too timid to approach him. And he was 19 when he realized that you were everything he wanted in a girl of his dreams.
At one point in his life, Megumi thought it was okay to be alone. But ever since getting to know you, he realized that loving and being loved by you were the greatest happiness of existence.
"Thank you," he muttered afterwards, as you were still starstruck that he apparently had the balls to declare something like that before your father.
"Thank you for giving me so much love. Because of you, I realized that I too deserve to be loved."
You could feel tears glassing your eyes once again. “You are. I’m glad that you finally think so.”
And that was it—your love story. Something that had started when you were 15, and ended ten years later when you were 25, with swearing your love for each other in front of the sacred altar before your closest family and friends, and Megumi by your side.
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wishes1234 · 2 years
Happy Birthday wishes for Sister | Short Birthday wishes for Sister
Happy Birthday wishes for Sister | Short Birthday wishes for Sister
100+ Birthday Wishes for Sister | Birthday wishes for elder Sister     Happy birthday wishes for sister: Sisters, either Younger or elder, are a major factor in siblings having more positive feelings. People with sisters witness lower guilt, loneliness, and passions of fear overall than people without sisters. Sometimes your best friend is your sister that grew up right beside you. No matter…
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joonsytip · 1 year
Anonymously Yours || Joshua Hong
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Pairings: Joshua x Fem!Reader Genre: Fluff, Angst, Humour (broken coz mine), high school au, enemies to lovers au, strangers to lovers au, anonymously yours au. Synopsis: After an accidental text message turns into a digital friendship, you and Joshua start crushing on each other without realizing you both see each other frequently in real life. Notable Mention: You both hate each other's guts.... Word Count: 18.6k Inspired By: Mexican Flick - Anonymous yours. Warnings: profanities, Joshua acts dumb one big time, mentions of periods, tears and tears but mostly fluffy, protagonists don't know how to act around each other (lmk if I missed any) Banner credits to my baby @wannabeyourshua . Also, it's your birthday present from me, hope you like it! Taglist: @wannabeyourshua @hoeforhao @kimmych @chocolatekdramakpopfreak @starlight-night0 @alyssng @imsjane @i-dont-give-a-fok @gaebestie @meowmeowminnie @hanniehaeism
Please heart, comment and reblog, would really help to keep me going <3
[SVT Flick : Fic Masterlist] [SVT Masterlist]
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Unknown Number:
[3:05 AM] Hey!
It was great meeting you! Maybe we should meet again sometime soon :)
What do you think?
[3:09 AM] It's 3am for god's sake???
You got the wrong number!
Unknown Number:
[3:10 AM] Haha, not funny! It's me.
You gave me your number at the party :(
[3:12 AM] They gave you the wrong number obviously.
Now stop right there & let me sleep!!!
The blaring sound of the alarm is hurting your ears and adding to your headache.
"Ugh, I can't even sleep without getting interrupted.", you groan but manage to lift your body to do two trivial things. One, stopping that goddamn alarm. Two, checking your phone.
8 AM. The time glares back at you.
You have a class at 9, well assignment submission to be more precise and you're still in your bed, half awake, half grumpy.
Next half an hour goes in a blur as you gobble down your breakfast and smoothie that your mother makes daily, it's almost like a tradition and good part is that you don't hate it. The only bad part is that the same conversation that follows everyday of them insisting you to join the family business and you dismissing them because you have a passion that you want to turn into profession.
Currently you're waiting for your best friend, Hyerin, who's never not late to pick you up.
Some insights on Hyerin, she's your best friend, have been your friend since when you knew could pronounce that term. She's pretty, easy going, quite popular and star player of the school's tennis team.
Hyerin Calling....
You don't have to pick up that call so rather you are running straight down the block knowing that she's waiting there with her jeep.
"Babe, I'm late because of her.", she says as she points at her younger sister, Hyejoo who is seated in the backseat.
"I admit. But you know the other 99 times of 100, we're late because of whom", she immediately quips back in her defense.
You roll your eyes, bored of their banter and turn on the radio to have a vibe to jam to till you the reach the school.
As soon as you cross the threshold of the school, Hyerin is hijacked by Jeonghan, her tennis partner and Hyejoo situates herself with basketball teammates when she spots them.
And you're left alone.
And you're used to it.
The final bells rings indicating that you should be now sprinting to the class to avoid the grudges of your literature teacher.
You are with your full concentration tangling the wires of your earphones around the phone while climbing up the stairs when you suddenly bump into someone.
Your head whips up to see the other person, glaring at you having his shirt stained in coffee which he was supposed to drink.
"Sorry, very sorry", you take out your handkerchief and just as try to dap on the shirt, that person backs away.
"Please give your number, I'll pay for the dry cleaning.", you say politely.
"No need, I can pay for myself", that person grumbles, "Do me favour and from next time keep your eyes open while walking."
He says and walks away leaving you speechless and infuriated.
"What an ass, I was trying to nice.", you mutter before sprinting to the class.
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Joshua is already having a bad day so when the only thing he was looking forward to, coffee from his favourite café got spilled on his shirt because of some girl who can't walk straight, he is vexed.
Fortunately, he doesn't have classes within next hour so he goes straight to basketball ground. He has been enrolled into this high school recently so he has no friends, neither he intends to make any.
He fishes out his phone and taps on a contact who's name he doesn't know and proceeds to send a text.
[9:35 AM] Hey, sorry for waking you up last night.
[9:36 AM] No worries, I fell asleep right back.
A heavy sleeper it seems lol.
[9:37 AM] You can say that. And whoever did this to you is so mean, they could have told you no instead of doing this.
[9:37 AM] Ikr. I was at this party last night when my best friend insisted me to ask her number coz according to him I was checking her out.
[9:40 AM] Didn't work out for you :(
"Hey cutie, are you new here?", Joshua who is now quietly watching the match is called out by Hyejoo.
"I am.", he responds right away.
"Wanna play with us?", Hyejoo asks twirling the ball on her index, a sly smile set on her lips.
"Yes.", Joshua simply says and jogs down to the play arena.
"Before we get started, I'm hosting a party today and you're invited.", Hyejoo says, her expecting eyes staring at him.
"Thanks for the invite but sorry I won't be attending.", Joshua replies and extends his hand, asking for the ball.
Hyejoo immediately backs down, tossing the ball , "Then you don't get to play."
"What?", Joshua's face twists in a mix of confusion and rage.
"You heard it right.", Hyejoo taunts him further.
"Are you being serious?", Joshua chuckles in disbelief, "Such a spoilt brat."
Hearing this, Hyejoo's friend Jisung walks upto him and grabs his collar in aggression, "What did you say?"
"Exactly what you heard. You're her bodyguard or what?", Joshua smirks.
And the next second a hard punch lands on his face. Just as he was about to retort the sports coach shouts, "The group over there, you're all going for detention."
A series of groans are heard.
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You look around in utter disappointment. Well, detention room could and should never be appealing to anyone.
It's your fault you're here because you couldn't cure your curiosity when you saw a text from the familiar unknown number and your hands immediately to had respond back even after getting two warnings from the teacher.
Sitting idle never does you good, so you deck your bag on the desk which is going to act as a makeshift pillow and next you rest your head on it.
Joshua enters the room and the first person he spots is you, who had deprived him the privilege of drinking morning coffee.
With a scowl set on his face, he walks past you and sits on the corner most seat.
Next, a smile plasters on his face as he takes out his phone goes through the conversation between him and the stranger.
Mrs. Yoo walks in with all her glory knowing she's very much despised by the students not because she's an ass of a person but for her detention projects she puts everyone through.
You heave a sigh, unbothered to greet the teacher.
Her heels clanks sharply against the floor as she walks to the teacher's desk and taps her finely manicured nail against the table with a sickening sweet smile plastered on her face, sweet enough to make everyone else present in the room barf out.
"I'll get to the point straight. Block your calendars for Saturdays & Sunday, 2 to 5, every week.", she orders, unphased by the string of protests coming in.
You exchange glances with Hyejoo, who looks equally terrified.
"But I have classes", you speak up, "And I guess everyone has some or other sort of commitments as well."
"That's for you and everyone else to manage. Should have thought before.", she points her eyes at you and moves on, "I'll create a gc and add everyone of you. So the venue of next meetup will be shared across. And I want full attendance.", her voice holds the authority and every single being present there knows that they would be attending otherwise the wrath of Mrs. Yoo is not something anyone would like face.
Sundays are no more Fundays.
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Hyerin's are rich rich. So whenever her parents are out of town for business, both the sisters throw parties and invite the whole town, okay not whole but they'll be almost there soon.
And you are present in each of them, as a pure obligation and to be a good friend to Hyerin.
Parties are not your thing, it never was and it's safe to say it will never be. Because your social batteries are weak and that's why while everyone is doing beer pongs or fuzzy duck or whatever questionable things, you sit by the pool, in calm, legs dipped in the cold water.
"Oh there's my girl!", you hear Hyejoo as she sits beside you.
"Congrats, you found me.", you shrug and swing your legs lightly in the water, making a brief eye contact with her.
"Thanks for coming.", she says leaning on her shoulders, "I know parties are not your thing but your presence matters. And thanks for these dresses? Like I don't know how you do it everytime, you have magic in your hands ."
"Don't go all sappy on me, Joo.", you chuckle and lay your head on hers, "But thanks for the words."
"Anything for you, love.", she smiles and closes her eyes basking in your presence until she hears a call of her name.
"Gotta go.", she immediately gets up and sprints to the hall as she yells, "Tell me whenever you wanna leave, I'll drop you off!"
You shake your head and take out your phone.
[9 PM] You there?
Unknown Number :
[9:01 PM] Hey!
Just pulling a marathon of Victorious.
[9:02 PM] Cool! Cat Valentine my love.
Do you like parties?
Unknown Number:
[9:04 PM] Depends on the people, both accompanying and hosting.
What about you?
[9:05 PM] I don't exactly like parties.
I'm that miserable wallflower :(
Unknown Number:
[9:07 PM] Come on, you're not miserable, it's just that you don't feel it, you're not into it.
You :
[9:09 PM] Maybe....
Joshua stares at the phone screen a little longer before chucking the phone on the bed. He sighs and his thoughts drift away to the same old wistful thinking.
There's a knock on the door and he hums in acknowledgement, allowing the person to enter.
"Make space for me, I'm tired.", Mingyu is already nudging Joshua who lets out a grunt but shifts anyway.
"If you're tired, go to your home and sleep on your bed.", Joshua remarks in an agitating tone but both of them know that he's actually far from that.
Mingyu laughs and snuggles closer to him, "That's not how you treat your best friend.", he playfully quips, "I have a match on Sunday, you're coming right?"
"When have I missed any of your matches?", Joshua rolls eyes, "Mixed Doubles?"
Mingyu nods, "The practice is thinning me tired.", he then taps on Joshua's arm and the later extends his arm so Mingyu can lay his head on.
"How's new school?", Mingyu asks.
A bit of silence before Joshua answers, "It's okay."
"Made new friends?", Mingyu asks with concern.
"No. Don't wanna.", Joshua says, "I'm just doing it because I have to."
"Tried talking to your mom about this?"
"Gyu", he trails off even though he has so much to say.
"I'm all ears Josh. Even if it's the same old talk, I'm willing to listen. Please tell me.", he insists.
"I had promised dad, that I'd become like him.", Joshua stills when that exact memory flash in front of his eyes, "After his death, I have fully devoted myself to studies so that I can get accepted to the best law academy. My mom always keeps on encouraging me and I know she wants to keep my dad's profession alive through me because she thinks I'm as much interested She's not at fault for doing so but..."
Mingyu waits with all the patience in the world, just for his friend to pour out everything, so that it hurts him less, so that his suffocation lessens even if in miniscule amount.
Pouring out is always better than bottling in.
Joshua relents for a moment but he knows that the listener is never going to judge him, that he's always there to share the burden so he continues, "When I was younger it was fascinating, I wanted to become lawyer but in recent years I don't feel the same. Heck, I don't even know what I like or what I'd like to have in as a career but it's definitely not something in law."
Mingyu listens and he worries a lot about his best friend because he knows that Joshua isn't particularly vocal and impulsive. He's neither outspoken nor indecisive.
If it had been him, Mingyu would have relayed his thoughts to his parents and worked a way out but it's not him.
It's Joshua.
It's Joshua, who would never willingly hurt his mother, even if it costs his mental health and choices.
It's Joshua, who on Mingyu's fifteenth birthday gifted him a Yonex Racket because Mingyu wanted one from long time but his parents weren't interested to invest in such an expensive racket. It had costed Joshua all his savings. It also costed Joshua his ears for all the scoldings he got from his and Mingyu's parents.
Mingyu is perceptive.
Joshua is also perceptive except for times when it comes to himself.
"Take your time Josh. We're too young to be worried about stuffs.", Mingyu says and turns to the other side, "Set the alarm at 6. I have practice."
"You're so bothersome.", Joshua quips with no seriousness instead setting the alarm on his phone but only after kicking Mingyu on his shin, "Go change into something comfortable atleast."
Mingyu just hums and Joshua pulls over the comforter.
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Mrs. Yoo stands patiently and all the students wonder why in the world they are standing outside an abandoned playground.
"I am gonna divide everyone in teams of two and you're gonna paint the walls of this playground.", Mrs. Yoo smiles wide as she sees the distress showcasing on the faces of her students, "and do gardening."
"What's the meaning of us doing all this?", you voice out in genuine concern.
"To make you all aware of the privileges you have been availing all your life.", Mrs. Yoo answers, "And I decide when the detention will be over so behave accordingly."
As if it wasn't already nauseating, Mrs. Yoo decides it's best if you pair up with Joshua Hong.
The same Joshua Hong who can't look at you without glaring.
"So let's start with making the soil bed", you say not looking at him as you two manage to gather some wooden sticks and tie the ends together.
Joshua hums disinterested and suddenly pours the bag containing manure into the bed without soil.
"Stop! what are you doing?", you scream as if facing a mid life crisis and he glares at you again.
You sigh, "That's not how it's done. We'll have to put a layer of soil and level it first --"
"Fine.", he cuts of you and starts pouring the soil bags one after one.
Your eye twitches and you think Joshua Hong can't be this dumb. He is definitely trying to stress you out.
"You're not helping at all, if you're doing it wrong.", you relay your mind to him and it irks you more when Joshua's response is same, it comes in form of his glare.
You glare back at him and he finally says, "Okay, do it yourself then."
He walks away and you're actually relieved because being in his vicinity is becoming the bane of your existence.
Suddenly your phone dinges and you smile looking at the notifications.
Unknown Number:
[3:26 PM] I'm having a really bad day ಠ_ಠ
[3:28 PM] Yours wouldn't even compare to mine.
There's this boy whom I really can't tolerate but we keep on meeting.
Unknown Number:
[3:29 PM] Lol Same! There's a girl and I don't want her to even breath in my direction.
You: [3:30 PM] Damn, we're in same predicament huh.
Unknown Number:
[3:31 PM] Guess so... Gotta go, bye.
[3:32 PM] Bye bye! He's coming towards me again, gosh ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Unknown Number:
[3:32 PM] Goodluck, I guess...
Joshua laughs as he sends the text. The lingering smile on his face immediately vanishes when his eyes lands on you.
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"Do you prefer to paint with brush or rollers?", you ask Joshua who's busy watching something on his phone.
He presses pause button on the screen and looks at you, "First of all, I can't paint to save my life.", he states, "So brush or rollers doesn't matter. It's same for me."
You nod and hand him a roller, "You won't be much help here too, so please do a favour and with start painting the walls these rollers, roll up vertically please. Don't change the direction."
"Who are you to order me around?", Joshua glares at you.
You think you are going to get hernia because of stress he's giving you lately.
"I'm someone who knows how to paint so instead of running your mouth why don't you try utilising those hands of your?", you spat out and turn around walking to the opposite side.
Joshua sees red.
He thinks he's going to have appendicitis because of the stress you're causing him.
You smile looking at the beautiful hues in the paint buckets.
Atleast something is able to calm your nerves.
"Don't you think he's handsome?"
Suddenly an arm is thrown over your shoulder that almost causes you to topple to the front.
"Who?", you quirk your brows questioningly at Hyejoo.
"Duh, who else your  partner. Joshua Hong.", she answers and turns you around so now you have to look at Joshua again.
You squint eyes at him, "He definitely looks good but he's an asshole."
Hyejoo smirks, "Really? I thought he's a cutie. Anyways, I like him."
You make gagging noises, "You have had not less than thousand crushes and that's totally cool but please not him."
"As if I'd listen to you."
"Yeah whatever. Maximum a week and then you will get to a new guy as always.", you mumble, "So fine."
Hyejoo leaves after Mrs. Yoo warns her to not pester anyone.
You sigh in relief and take out your phone.
[4 PM] Whatcha doing'
Unknown Number:
[4:01 PM] Something I don't know how to do...
[4:02 PM] Lol why?
Unknown Number:
[4:03 PM] Pure Compulsion.
[4:03 PM] Ugh sucks.
Unknown Number:
What sucks more is when you have no one who understands you.
[4:04 PM] Know that feeling.
I feel like no one understands me as well.
Unknown Number:
We have been talking for few days now and we don't even know each other names.
So may I know your name?
You stare at your phone screen, re-reading the text that had just appeared. Suddenly a pleasant idea pops in your mind and you happily type that away.
[4:08 PM] I have an idea.
We won't share our names, any personal details, voices messages or pictures.
We'd be anonymous and get to know each other for real.
What say?
Joshua's face morphs into something that's both confusing and amusing. He doesn't think much finding it fun to try something new.
[4:10 PM] Let's that do.
Anonymous, saved.
Anonymous :
[4:10 PM] Anonymous, Saved :)
Joshua stands up holding the roller and tries to follow what you said. He dips the roller into the paint bucket containing orange paint and starts rolling it up vertically section wise.
He is having fun, too much fun that he accidentally spills the colours on the white tee shirt he is wearing underneath the jacket.
"What the hell?", he grunts, looking at his now stained tee, "Why doesn't anything work out for me?"
He feels emotional all of a sudden. He feels vulnerable, every thoughts that were pushed at the back of his mind starts to resurface.
He remembers the day he lost his father.
He remembers the moment when the girl he liked left the city one day and never came back.
He remembers --
"Hey, are you okay?"
Joshua hears you and falters at the tone of concern in your voice.
He simply nods and faces the wall.
"I can help you", Joshua stiffens but immediately relaxes when you say further, "to fix your tee."
"Do you have spare clothes?"
Joshua turns to face you and nods.
"So go get changed now and give me this tee.", you state and he throws an incredulous look.
"Are you planning to ruin my tee?", he asks, "What are you gonna do with it?"
"You'll see.", you say rolling eyes, "Hurry up, we don't have forever."
Joshua gets changed and hands you the tee.
You search your bag and take out your sewing kit.
Joshua sees your hands skim through the bag again and this time you fish out a bunch of cloth patches.
Next hour passes in a blur as you cut the ends of threads with scissor.
"It's done I guess.", you sigh and look at Joshua, "Manageable? Looks descent?"
He gapes at the tee in your hand and then he gapes at you.
You think he's cute with those bambi eyes resembling that of deers.
He is shaken out of trance by your light nudge.
"Woah, you're....", he manages to speak out, "so good... You gave this tee a whole new look and it's obviously trendier then the previous one."
You smile at his compliments. A smile that doesn't reach your eyes.
"Glad you liked it." you hand him the tee and start to assemble all the scattered tools and clothes putting them in your bag.
Then without another word, you get up and start to walk away.
Joshua ponders as he sees your figure diminishing from his sight, "Why did she look sad even if I was complimenting her?"
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"Damn, did you see that!!", you scream absolutely astonished when Hyerin & Jeonghan won the break point of the game, leading the first set 5-3.
"That's my sister!", yells Hyejoo and looks at you, "She's so good, if she wasn't my sister, I'd have been a fan."
The next game starts soon with Jeonghan doing the first serve and that ends quickly both of them sweeping the game with 40-0. Mingyu and his partner Seji are down by a set.
"Come on Mingyu! You can do better than this!"
You heard a very familiar voice not from far and crane your neck to see Joshua cheering up the opponents.
Must be his friends from previous school, you think.
"Oh my god, Josh's here too.", Hyejoo squeals and you roll eyes choosing to ignore her.
You are recording the match when you feel Hyejoo fleet from your side and it doesn't take a genius to figure out she's going to Joshua.
With the camcorder still recording you turn and through the lens you see a very agitated Joshua who's constantly ignoring whatever Hyejoo is saying.
A smile creeps upon your face.
Joshua suddenly turns and your gazes meet through the lens.
And you freeze.
Joshua squints his eyes at you before walking away and towards the players resting area which makes you realize that the opponents won the second set and you should be doing the same.
You hurriedly run over only to see a pissed off Jeonghan which is scary because the guy is always full of mischiefs and is a moodmaker.
"What happened Han?", you ask and the stare he gives you is enough to regret speaking up.
"Seji, she's his ex Y/N.", Hyerin explains further, "They used to play together and since they didn't end up on good terms it's kinda hard for him to see her and play against her." That clicks, why Seji seemed so familiar to you.
You give a nod of understanding and next you're crouching in front of him and he looks at you in confusion, "Whatever that happened must have happened for a reason and it's all in the past Han. I think it's an opportunity for you."
Jeonghan perks up, "Opportunity?"
"Yes opportunity.", you pat his arm, "For you to get over her and to discard all those lingering feelings. Also to get the cup and lift that trophy. You could have it all sorted Han, it's your now or never moment."
Hyerin listens to you mesmerized and Jeonghan cracks an all toothy grin.
"Thanks Y/N.", he acknowledges, "For making me see things clearer."
You get and huff, "I don't want your thanks. Just win this match and treat me to BRs."
"Okay deal.", Jeonghan extends his pinky and you hook yours to his.
"There's still time, strategize your play", you say looking at the timer, "All the best guys!", and you run away.
"Thank God, Seji has gone to washroom.", Mingyu sighs in relief, "She's already pissed off since she knew we're playing against Jeonghan and if she heard all this, I'd be in trench because you can't motivate the shit to Seji like that girl did."
Joshua glares at his best friend, "Why is this falling on me? Neither I'm playing with you, nor I'm the ex boyfriend. So keep me out of it. If Y/N impresses you that much why don't you ask her for motivation directly."
Mingyu smirks, "Oh Y/N it is. Joshua Hong why do I get this feeling that you're not on good terms with her? I mean your tone says that."
Damn Kim Mingyu for knowing his best friend so well.
Joshua scoffs, "I think you have better things to worry about.", he gets up, "If you loose today, I won't allow you crash at my place for a month."
Mingyu dramatically gasps, "Are you in your right mind? You're scaring me Josh, please don't do this."
"So win this match.", Joshua smirks, 'Think this as your motivation to win."
Mingyu and Seji loose the match.
While you are celebrating with your Hyerin, Jeonghan and Hyejoo, Joshua is getting pestered by Mingyu.
"Are you serious right now?", Joshua asks in disbelief, "You just lost to them and know you want to know if Hyerin is single?"
Mingyu nods quietly liked a kicked puppy but he has no shame at all.
"Really?", Joshua asks again to confirm and when Mingyu doesn't respond he kicks his shin, "Fine. I'm going."
Joshua trudges through the crowd to find someone.
He finds you.
"Hey", he greets and you just nod at him.
"Uh can you help me with something?", he tries to sound as polite as possible, "I just wanted to know something."
"Go ahead."
Though he's cursing at Mingyu in his mind, nonetheless he asks, "You're good friends with Hyerin right?"
"Yeah we are best friends.", you say proudly looking at her as she holds the trophy and chats with Jeonghan.
"Is she single?"
The smile drops off your face and you throw a death glare at Joshua.
"Why do you wanna know that?"
Beads of sweat accumulates on his forehead as Joshua stumbles upon his words, "I-I, well-- It's..", and he finds this sudden urge within himself to explain it you before you misunderstand further, "Mingyu, my best friend, he wants to know about her."
"Didn't he just loose a match?", you ask him while your questioning gaze is fixated at Mingyu.
"Exactly! That's what I told him", he explains, "But he's like that only so if you could tell me.."
"She's single.", you respond to shut him up.
Joshua quietly cowers away.
"She's scary.", Mingyu laughs, "I thought she was going to bite off your head."
"Asshole.", Joshua quips, "She's single. Go shoot your shot."
Mingyu's eyes twinkles and skips away immediately.
Later, Mingyu manages to get Hyerin's number.
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Mingyu and Hyerin are dating.
"Please Y/N", Hyerin literally corners you in your own bedroom, "It's just a double date--"
Your face contorts in distaste, "And with whom? Joshua Hong. No. Never. We both can't tolerate each other."
"Oh come on darling", Hyerin tries to persuade you, "I have talked to him, he seems good. Plus I've heard he was the star player of his previous school's basketball team. A heartthrob, you can say."
"He's good to you, because you're his best friend's girlfriend.", then you declare, "Otherwise he's an asshole."
"He's cute.", Hyerin corrects you.
"You know Hyejoo has been crushing on Joshua for sometime right? Why don't you ask her?", you sort to your last resort.
"Please, I don't her around when I'm chilling or on dates.", Hyerin sighs, "You know she's hard to handle and we both get her but other people can be uncomfortable sometimes. Last time at practice she said something ridiculous to Jeonghan, ofcourse as a joke but it was really off.", she shudders at the memory, "Jeonghan's always laid back so he let it pass."
"Okay. But why do you need us? Go on dates alone, spend time with each other."
"Because I want you to know Gyu and Josh better and same for Gyu.", Hyerin says grabbing your hands and sighs when she sees confusion written over your face, "Look even though we have just started dating but I think I like him. So I want you to know my boyfriend and his friend, you know, so you it's fluid between the four of us."
You understand. You are happy that you're her confidant. Everything makes sense except Joshua.
But when Hyerin gives you those puppy eyes, who are you to deny her.
"Fine. I'll go with you."
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Mingyu gapes at Joshua in disbelief.
"What?", Joshua almost mewls and chucks a pillow at Mingyu, "Stop staring okay?"
Mingyu sits up on the bed, "So you have been talking to someone you don't know and what if that person turns out a psychopath."
"She's not a psychopath, Gyu", Joshua is immediately retaliates.
"She?", Mingyu is amused, "What if it's a he and a 50 year old weirdo?"
That sends Joshua off. After some moment of contemplation he says, "Whatever. They don't even know me and it's fine we just share our minds with each other."
"Dude you always that I'm crazy but I think it's you. You're the crazy one.", Mingyu pouts and scoots over to where Joshua is seated, "So about the double date...."
"We're not having this conversation again.", Joshua retorts.
"Why?", Mingyu now lays on Joshua's lap and looks at him, "Y/N is such a cool person Joshy. You'd love it. She's definitely better than that person you're chatting coz we know her."
Joshua rolls his eyes and places a hand over Mingyu's mouth, "We don't get along at all so no."
Mingyu bits his hand lightly and Joshua flinches in pain.
"Do me this favour Joshy, please.", Mingyu pleads, "We'll have a lot a fun I promise."
"I'm seeing her everyday Gyu, courtesy detention class. I have no will to see her more."
Mingyu's phone dinges a notification and his eyes narrow into slits as he reads it and Joshua knows it's definitely not something beneficial for him because--
"Y/N agreed to it.", Mingyu announces almost shoving his phone to Joshua's face as the later read the text from Hyerin saying the same.
He slaps away his friends hand, "Still a no."
"I thought we are best friends.", Mingyu says sadly as he gets up and takes his bag, "But seems I was wrong. Anyways, I'll get going."
Joshua knows Mingyu is pulling the best friend card yet he let's himself indulge into it once more.
"Fine.", Joshua hollers, "If I don't have a great time, I'll really cut you off Kim Mingyu."
Mingyu grins from ear to ear.
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"Y/N, we got a call from your school.", your mother says. You don't like where this conversation is going.
"They informed us about your detention.", your father adds, "Why didn't you tell us?" "It's just a detention dad which will be over by the end of this week.", you say taking a bite of your sandwich even though your appetite was gone. "Y/N", your mother places her hand on yours, "You need to be serious about your studies. Your grades gonna decide your university. Remember that you'll have to take over your father's Pharma company because it's for you. This is our legacy." You are tired of the same old conversation. "I don't want to", your voice cracks as tears prick at the corner of your eyes, "I want to study fashion technology. I want to be a designer!" "We already had this discussion Y/N.", your fathers alerts and you are getting off the chair. "Getting late.", you say slinging your bag over, "Bye." Your parents look at each other solemnly. You can't pinpoint which part of the day went fine for you till now. Because everything was going wrong. First the conversation with your parents during breakfast, second Hyerin informing you about not attending classes today at the last moment over a text, third being late in the class and hearing a earful from the teacher and lots more to account for. Now, as you got some free time before the detention class starts, you decide to sew the remaining series of sequences on the piece of cloth you are currently working on.
You are pulling the needle from the backside when it pricks your index finger.
You're immune to this, it doesn't even sting much but your eyes are teary and you curse out in mumbles.
The tears start to roll your cheeks, you sob silently hiding your face behind your palms.
"Why did you agree to this double dating thing?"
You could see Joshua towering over you but don't raise your hear.
"I could have managed Gyu but just because you agreed I couldn't do so.", Joshua says angrily, "You are so annoying you know--"
"I'm sorry", you stand up, raising your head and your gazes meet.
Joshua instantly freezes when he sees your bloodshot eyes and hears your body racking sobs.
"I know I'm annoying. I'm sorry.", you cry out, "I-I'll just do something."
"I'll cancel out on them last minute with some excuses. I promise.", you are wiping your never ending tears as you continue, "So that from next time if they propose something you can always shut them up by saying that I bailed out last time."
"Hey please stop crying.", Joshua gently holds your arms as he crouches to look at you eye to eye, "Please tell me what do I need to do so that you can calm down?"
You don't respond and Joshua renders in panic as he feels you shaking under his touch.
Before the gears in his head could start turning he pulls you into embrace.
And when you still don't stop crying he gently rocks you and hums a soothing melody. His one hand strokes your hair and the other firmly hold you to his chest.
Your cries reduce to sobs until it stops.
"It'll all work out.", he says still rocking you and your hands fist on his shirt at the back.
"But it never works out", you whisper meekly.
"It will. I promise.", his says softly and with so much sincerity that it makes you want to believe him.
You pull away and ask, "You think it will?"
Joshua smiles as he wipes your tears and cups your face. His response comes in form of a soft smile and a firm nod.
"Now sit right here", he backs you and sits you up on the chair, "I'll be back quickly. Don't leave!"
He runs off halfway and calls Hyerin to know what's your favourite food or drink or anything that you make your mood shift even a bit.
And around 20 minutes later he returns with a bag full of cheese puffs, strawberry juice cans and butterscotch flavoured ice creams.
He pants but is relieved to see that you are still there and most importantly not crying.
But your rummaging through your bag.
"What are you searching for?", Joshua asks and sits beside you.
"Band-Aid", you sigh in defeat, "Of course I don't have it today. What a shitty day to be alive."
"I have it, wait a minute.", he fishes out one strip and asks, "Did you get hurt?"
"I pricked my finger with the needle.", you say extending your hand and he looks at you in concern as he applies the ointment and then wraps the Band-Aid.
"Don't worry, I'm used to it.", you try to lessen his worry, "If you do sewing with hands, you're gonna get a lot of it."
Joshua's wide eyes meets your as he realises what you're saying is correct and you find him adorable.
"Here", he hands the bag, "I got these for you."
You tear the seal and a broad grin sets on your lips.
"How did you manage to get all these?"
"Called Hyerin and run to nearest convenience store."
Your heart swells a bit, "You really didn't have to but thanks. I really mean it."
"I hope this helps you get through the day.", Joshua says and takes the ice cream stick you're offering him.
"It definitely will.", you thank him again, "I'll repay you by cancelling the double date. I promise."
Suddenly the idea doesn't sit well with Joshua.
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You rack your brain hard to come up with an excuse so that the double date gets cancelled.
Looking at the time, you're about to pull your hair in frustration when your phone rings.
Hyerin calling ...
Panic surges within you causing you miss her call. You immediately call her back.
"Hey love, meet you at the arcade. I'm loving this dynamic between you two.", her suggestive tone confuses you, "I wanna know what's going on between you and Josh. Start getting ready, Josh will pick you up at 7 sharp. Bye."
"Wait what?", you squeak out, "Hello?? Rin?? Hello??"
What does she mean by that, you thought.
It was already 6:30 PM and you don't even have Joshua's number.
"Let's get ready Y/N.", you say to yourself, "If Joshua comes then fine, if he doesn't come the possibility of which weighs more, still fine you get the wear the dress you have made."
Your mood instantly lifts and you search through your wardrobe for that one dress which you have been meaning to wear for a while now. You had completed stitching the dress last month. It turned out really pretty, more than you had expected.
You had cried tears of pride and finished two tubes a butterscotch flavoured ice creams that night.
When you spot it, you caress the dress with gentle hands before taking it out and laying it on the bed.
It's a simple wrap dress, except for, you have recreated the whole dress using some torn out velvety clothings from your mother's old garments. You favourite part is that tie around which you reconstructed from a bodice and put the sequencing overall.
Green always looks good on. You're confident this one also would.
Putting on the dress, twirling around in pure joy and after being done with the makeup and pairing it with your favourite shoes you waited for Joshua.
Sharp at 7, your doorbell rings and you sprint down the stairs grabbing your sling bag to open the door.
"Wow", Joshua blurts out, eyes wide and mouth agape.
He's enchanted.
Your soft giggles breaks his reverie and he curses himself for being so obvious.
"You clean up nice too.", you actually word out the complement because Joshua is really damn good looking.
With his hair brushed back, you can see his exposed forehead and fine lined brows. The blue polo shirt that has been half tucked under the white chino pant is definitely enhancing him.
He's glowing under the strip light and you're sure he'd glow even more under the moonlight.
"Thanks", Joshua breathes out.
"Don't you have something to tell me?", your lips curl up as you say stepping out and close the door, "I was surprised when Rin--"
Joshua doesn't step back.
So when you turn you're words stuck in your throat as you almost bump into him.
But you don't bump into him. Rather there's hardly an inch of gap between you both as you stare at each other wordless.
You think he has kissable lips.
Joshua thinks you have beautiful pair of eyes.
You think his cologne smells nice.
He thinks no one ever did justice to any shades of green as much as you.
You think he has beautiful pair of eyes.
He thinks you have kissable lips.
So he leans down slowly and you don't back off. His breathes fan over your face and your hands find his.
He entwines his fingers through yours and you close your eyes.
He dips down further and is within the cusp of having luxury to put your lips together when the shrill ringtone cuts the atmosphere.
You open your eyes wide and Joshua yanks his hands backing off. You are frozen in place for a few seconds until Joshua's call of your name shakes you up.
He clears his throat and scratches his nape when you look at him.
"Gyu called.", he looks at everything and anywhere except your eyes, "They have reached and waiting for us. Let's go."
You grimace at the sudden change in atmosphere.
It's awkward and suffocating.
You both don't talk to each the whole time Joshua drives you to the arcade.
"Hey love, hey Josh", Hyerin greets as soon as you enter followed by Joshua.
You clinge to your best friend's arm and wave at Mingyu. He waves back with a huge grin.
"Guys", Mingyu calls out, "I checked the bowling ally and booked us the next slot. Let's go."
You have to unwillingly let go her arm when Mingyu extends his for her to hold.
But just before she goes, she whispers in your ear, "Did something happen between you two?"
Your eyes go wide for a moment but before she could catch up to it, you deny it. Her gaze lingers on your face trying to find any inconsistency but thankfully Mingyu ushers her away.
You and Joshua are left behind.
Joshua isn't looking at you at all and you ponder over the fact if you're going to have a good time it has to be with Joshua and this dynamic between you two has to change immediately.
"Do you want to go there?"
Joshua perks up and follows your gaze to the bowling alley where both of your best friends were having fun.
"Well.... actually no. Don't wanna interrupt them", he says, "I want to try basketball though."
"That's my favourite!", you are grabbing him by his hand, "It's that way."
Joshua smiles and he thinks that he could get used to your presence.
"You try first.", you say as you buy the tickets.
"Fine. Next round's on me.", he say taking his position infront of the machine.
You take your camcorder out and just out hold the device when Joshua scowls, "It's illegal to shoot without permission."
You realise that he's right and you mutter a quick sorry before switching off the device and shoving it into your bag.
When you look up again, Joshua is rolling of the sleeves of his shirt and while doing it he's looking damn hot  for some reason.
You gulp nervously and look away.
When you're courageous enough to back at him, he's brushing his hair with his hand.
Again, for some reasons he's looking damn hot.
You think you'd combust if you stay there another moment so you say, "I'll be waiting there", and fleet away.
No matter how much you try, your straying eyes lands on him and you get a whiplash from his chiseled jaw. He must have had his side profile sculptured.
You wonder if Joshua had been always this easy on eyes or it's your hormones talking all of a sudden.
Trying a way out of distraction you decide to text Anonymous.
But before you could apprehend your fingers type away a text that makes you groan upon reading it.
[8:07 PM] How do you know if you like someone?
The lack of response comes from the other side makes you ponder if you had asked an invasive question.
Did you come out too cringey, you sigh in defeat and rest your phone on the table.
"Y/N!", you hear Joshua yell, "You gotta come here."
You would have waved him off if not he had that cute little pout set across his lips.
"Don't tell me you're not able to cross level 2", you laugh straight at his face.
"As if you're the highest scorer.", He retorts.
"So naive", you tsk taking your position in front of the machine.
Joshua goes to recharge the card and returns quickly to tap it on the scanner.
You swiftly pull him beside you and he looks at you startled.
You think he's startled because he's clueless.
He is startled because of the proximity between you both.
"W-What are you doing?"
"Obviously, we're both gonna play.", you say casually, "Otherwise there's no way to crack this unless you climb on this keep on keep ducking the ball in & out."
"Wait what?"
"Look as soon as the balls start rolling, keep on picking and throwing them up.", you set aside your sling bag and tie your hair up in a messy bun, " One thing try to aim when the basket slides to your side, I'll aim on mine otherwise other balls would collide with each other and fall off."
Joshua blinks.
You wait.
Joshua is still confused.
"Look, I have wanted to try this with someone for so long.", your pleading tone resonates with Joshua.
"You haven't tried it before?", he asks, "The way you gave the instructions I was pretty much sure you're a pro at it."
"I did try it with Hyerin.", you lament, "But given she's into sports, her arcade skills are zero."
Joshua snorts at this and gets ready to fulfill your wish.
"We're gonna beat this machine today.", he raises his fisted hand for a fistbump and you gladly reciprocate.
Your cheat key fails at Level 5 but you are happy.
Same for Joshua because he couldn't recollect when was the last time he had this much fun.
"Are you sure they don't get along?", Mingyu asks with a huge grin set on his lips.
"I don't know about Y/N but Joshua upped himself by delivering himself at her door today.", Hyerin smirks.
Mingyu rolls eyes, "Don't you think I didn't notice Y/N literally giving hearty eyes to Joshy."
Hyerin doesn't comment anymore, she just smiles.
That night after dropping you off at home, when he basks in the memories of the spent evening, Joshua realises he has got a text from Anonymous.
[8:15 PM] How do you know if you like someone?
[10:45 PM] Sorry, had a busy day today.
Do you like someone?
[10:47 PM] I'm not sure???
I think I like him, the same boy whom I used hate.
[10:48 PM] Should I be happy? What about me?
Kidding! Feelings works funny because I think I'm starting to like the girl I told you about before.
[10:49 PM] Oh? Should I be happy?
We're really in same boat lol.
Hope we can sort it out.
[10:50 PM] Touché.
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Detention classes are going to end today.
You should be feeling ecstatic but you have a glum aura around you as you splash the paint on the wall for one last time.
"You're amazing you know."
A small smile forms on your lips but Joshua doesn't need to see that.
"I just complimented you, are you seriously gonna ignore me?", Joshua bumps his shoulder to yours but you don't budge.
"You are gonna keep doing that?", Joshua let's out a sound of annoyance, "Fine, just remember I had no other choice."
Before you could ask or ignore, you are being turned around in a moment, in the next you are being dragged you have no idea where.
Mrs. Yoo smiles as she watches you both. She just wanted you both to stop hating on but what seemingly she's a getting a lot more than she bargained for.
Hyejoo glares at the two of you and though she isn't sure if she's serious about her feelings for Joshua, a green monster of jealousy starts to invade her mind.
You are pulled inside an empty room which you never knew existed and now you're being cornered by the guy who's causing your hormones to react horrendously whenever around him.
"W-What are you doing?", you gulp nervously, looking everywhere but at him.
"Why are you ignoring me?", he says in a desperate tone and it makes you feel bad.
Because I get nervous around you, I think I like you.
You want to say it all loud and get everything off your chest but you don't.
"I-I'm just being moody", you lie partially, "I have gotten my periods."
Joshua looks relieved, "So you're not particularly being hostile towards me? Oh that's fine. I get it."
You sigh in relief.
Then, his worrying gaze is scrutinizing your face, "Are you in pain? I shouldn't have dragged you here, really sorry. Do you need me to buy to anything? Do you want to eat ice creams--"
You hush him by putting your finger on his lips, though you wish if you could put your lips on his instead.
"I'm fine Josh.", you tell him, "Since today detention classes are ending do you wanna go somewhere with me afterwards?"
Joshua agrees in a beat.
Mrs. Yoon has a teasing grin across her lips when you both stand side by side waiting for her to give you the slips which marks the end of detention.
"I'm impressed how you both went from almost plotting murder to gardening together real quick.", she says with an underlying tone, "Oh, painting too. You've learned to breathe in each other presence, that's what I wanted. You're free to go."
You both quickly mutter a thanks to her and head towards the exit.
You wait for Joshua as he goes to where his bike is parked.
And he groans when he see Hyejoo waiting for him there.
"What do you want?", he asked bluntly, as he pulls his bike and wears the helmet.
"I want to sit on that bike of yours.", she says coyly, "Can I?"
"No.", Joshua says as he prepares to flee, "As I have told you before I have no interest in you. Please stop seeking attention from me all the time."
Her gazes turns shearer as she asks, "So who do you have interest in? Y/N?"
Joshua stiffens for a moment before deciding to ignore her wholly and riding away.
"He didn't even deny it, wow", she scoffs, "Fine, let's see how this goes."
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"Such a beautiful place exists and I didn't even know about it?", Joshua laments, "How did you find this place?"
You smile looking ahead, sound of the waves calming you in an ineffable way.
"Accidentally.", you say after sometime, "But this is where you'll find me if ever you couldn't get in touch with me."
Joshua's heart tightens within his chest as he asks, "Why are you showing your safe place to me? Who else knows about this place?"
You don't respond right away and Joshua waits patiently.
"Hyerin, Hyejoo and someone I used to know, knows about this place.", you look at him with warmth in your eyes, "Now you know it too."
Joshua had never imagined that a person who got his coffee spilled, became his detention partner would also be the one who would cry in front of him because of having bad day to be cheatmates at an arcade game.
Joshua never got the slightest intuition that the person whom he hated the most would also become the person he'd be liking the most.
"I want to become a fashion designer. But my parents want me to manage our family business of pharmaceuticals.", your words, tone, aura, everything is emitting sadness, "I have tried to convince them since the day I found out about my passion but they won't let me. The discussion goes nowhere."
Joshua listen, not entirely but somewhat relating to the situation.
"Tell me about you, Josh."
Joshua finds you staring at back him.
He thinks for a while, trying to put together the words for you to make sense and then speaks, "My dad was a lawyer. And I respected him a lot, so I think because of that I found law intriguing.", he pauses and heaves a sigh, "After his death, I promised mom that I keep his profession alive through me. It was an impromptu decision I had made. I was barely 12 years old then."
You listen and empathize with him. You could take a guess where this is going and if not entirely, you can also somewhat relate to him.
"As I grew up, the realisation gnawed at me. I didn't find law intriguing anymore, I don't wanna be a lawyer anymore."
Joshua sounds so dejected that you wanna put his head on your shoulders and wrap your arms around him in an embrace.
But you only caress his back.
"I have tried to tell mom about it but I didn't yet have the courage to actually tell her yet because she's still so immersed in dad and the memories he left. She doesn't even change the old television we have which barely works coz it was one of dad's favourite possession."
He suddenly blinks almost comically, bambi eyes getting rounder and lips parted in awe.
"You're really cool you know!", he emphasises on the adjective for you to get the sincerity of it, "You already have a passion and you know what you want to do. Unlike me."
"You realize it's never too early or too late to find one's passion. We are too young for figuring out our entire life. There's time. There always a right time.", you too emphasize, "Maybe you don't know today but maybe you'll know it tomorrow or someday."
Joshua finds your words oddly comforting and true.
"You can try to make your mom understand little by little. Like how about convincing her to replacing the television or anything else that could be replaced. When and if she agrees find the right time to bring in the topic and get it to her slowly. She'll understand, after all she's your mother."
What you just say, tastes bitter in your mother maybe because you wished for your parents to understand you as well.
Joshua must be knowing how to read minds, because he says, "I would like you to use your advice to yours as well. Show your parents what you wanna do and why you wanna do it. Show them your dedication."
"I'll try.", you smile at him.
"I'll try as well." he echoes you.
When he left home today, he had a mission on his mind that was to get your number.
Because when he asked Mingyu for the same, he quoted something along the lines,
"You need to get it yourself. How long until you don't suck at getting numbers?"
Infuriating, cocky of a best friend Joshua has.
When he drops you at your doorstep, Joshua had those words on the tip of his tongue until you pull of his helmet and kiss his cheek.
Joshua.exe has stopped working.
It's too late when Joshua comes back to this realm because he hears a door slam and you're have successfully sprinted into your house.
Next time definitely, he promises to himself.
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[6:30 PM] shared a playlist
[6:35 PM] I just went through the songs list and I must say you're a music nerd fr.
[6:37 PM] That I am. This playlist represents me so I just gave you a glimpse of what I am.
[6:39 PM] FYI your playlist has many of my favourite songs as well. We're so similar.
"Are you texting that random stranger again?", Hyerin grimaces as she situates herself between your legs, trying to take a peek at your phone.
When you ignore her she asks again, "What's going on between you and Joshua?"
"Nothing.", you answer simply, knowing Hyerin won't buy a penny of it.
You shift so that Hyerin falls flat on the bed and you lay beside her.
"Rin, even though I have been talking this guy--"
"Don't have no idea whether you're talking to a guy or a girl or a bot or whoever!", Hyerin huffs, "Look I know you like talking to them, share interests and all but can you seriously think about Joshua. You like him, don't you?"
You sigh in defeat, nothing goes past your best friend, "I do like him, Rin."
"I freaking knew it! You both are so obvious!", Hyerin laughs, "And cute."
"I'm going to tell him someday maybe.", you say, "Even if he rejects me, I can console myself saying atleast I tried."
"Before you do that, why don't you meet this Anonymous.", Hyerin suggests, "I mean look, I know you have crated an attachment towards them. So meet them in person, get to know each more and do tell them that you like Joshua."
You blink at her owlishly.
"What I mean is, sort things out. First go meet Anonymous so you know they're not some weirdo and if they're not great you got another friend. Then confess to Josh about your feelings.", Hyerin expectant gaze falls on you hoping you got what she's trying to say.
"Okay!", you say and she can almost see that see a lightbulb going off in your head, "I'll meet anonymous first, then... then we'll see."
"Then you'll confess to Josh, if he doesn't do it first.", Hyerin scoffs, "Please we know the amount of time you're both spending."
"What about Hyejoo?", you ponder, "Doesn't she also like Josh?"
"Look, I'm very much surprised Joshua made it past a week okay? But I really want her to see Jisung's the one for her. That poor boy, I don't know how many heartbreak he suffers everytime my sister chooses a new crush, chooses someone who's not him."
"And tell her to spend a day without Jisung, she'll go berserk.", you continue to add points, "I wonder how long until she realises it's been him all this time."
"I know right, she's so goddamn stubborn.", Hyerin laments, "Hope she doesn't pull something stupid to get to Joshua because he doesn't even have an ounce of interest towards her."
"Good for me I guess?", you shrug and get an 'aww' on return.
You immediately pull up your phone and send a text.
[7:25 PM] I was wondering if we could meet up?
[7:30 PM] What about your rule of not knowing each other personally ?
[7:31 PM] The one who made the rule is trying to break it, so .....
[7:32 PM] Ok cool, let's meet.
[7:33 PM]
Okay day after tomorrow, 5 in evening at Crimson Café. Sounds good?
[7:33 PM] Fine by me.
How are we going to recognise each other lol?
[7:34 PM]
I'll be wearing a purple beret hat with a bear logo on it.
[7:35 PM]
I'll be wearing a green sweatshirt with Los Angeles written on it.
[7:36 PM] Noted. See you on Thursday!
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Next day when you cross the threshold of your school canteen, it's not Hyerin who gets hijacked by Jeonghan.
He hijacks you.
"What does the school heartthrob want from me?", you quip nonchalantly, "And you have a treat pending so...."
Jeonghan rolled eyes, "Oh my god, fine. After classes end, let's go to that bakery shop nearby. I heard they sell the best black currant cakes."
"Deal!", you bump his shoulder, "I'll be waiting by the exit. Will drop a text."
Jeonghan gives a nod, pats your head and part ways to attend the class.
Joshua has been occupying mostly of mind nowadays and you wonder if he was just a mere crush anymore. You also realise that you could have texted him asking if he's attending school today or not but you don't have his number.
You ask him for it next time, you take a mental note.
As promised, Jeonghan takes you to the bakery and after placing your orders Jeonghan finally ask a favour from you.
"It's the final project and I have no clue how to design the cover.", he tells you, "So could you please help me with it?"
Jeonghan knows you would definitely help him.
"Han, look to be honest, I have a lot of assignments and project to deal with", you explain, "So there's a limit on my end to provide you support. It shouldn't be taking long, we need to decide specific days and anyhow get it done by that."
Jeonghan sighs in relief, "Y/N you could have literally said no but you're an angel.", he grabs your hands and expresses his gratitude, "I'll mail you all the details and you have a look. Then we can decide on the rest."
"Sounds like a plan and you know I'd never not help you if I could.", you assert, "You are a good friend."
Jeonghan would never admit but his heart swells with emotions. For him too, you have been a good friend. Not always in touch maybe, but the one he can confide to anytime.
You let out a yelp when your pulled against his chest, as Jeonghan gives you a side hug.
"Dude what's gotten into you?", you scrunch your nose looking at him with pointed eyes.
"Well definitely not someone who goes by Joshua Hong.", he teases.
You gasp, almost scurrying away from him.
"Hyerin that little snitch!", you gruff in disbelief and Jeonghan laughs.
Joshua doesn't see you in school. He searches but you're neither in the canteen, nor with Hyerin or any of the classes he thought you'd be.
"Looking for Y/N?"
He hears a familiar voice and doesn't like it at all.
Hyejoo stands in front of him, her lips curled up in a smirk, arms crossed over her chest.
"If you know then tell me or mind your own business.", he deadpans.
Hyejoo definitely knows where and with whom you are because she had overhead you two while passing by and the absolute joy she got because that would definitely be a fuel to fire.
Joshua decides to walk off but what he hears next cause him to halt.
"Be careful Josh. Y/N maybe not be all what she seems to be.", Hyejoo says.
She continues on realising she has successfully garnered his attention, "I'm only saying because I care for you."
"What are you trying to imply here?", Joshua asks.
She chuckles, a mocking tone cutting through which Joshua fails to notice, "Did she ever breakdown in front of you?"
Joshua stills. A moment later he nods.
"You'll often have to handle that, not a big deal", her lips curl down as if in worry, "But as days goes she'll be blaming every irrelevant things on you. You won't be able to tell her that things are not working out for her because she's not trying."
Joshua is rooted to ground, he only listens.
"I assume you already know about her safe place."
Joshua feels like someone had poured a bucket of ice water on him.
"Your face says you know it.", Hyejoo taunts, "It's always like this. She's difficult to handle."
"What do you mean by always?"
"It was same with Junsik, her ex.", she utters hurriedly.
Joshua doesn't know what he's gonna do with all these information he just acquired.
"Let me take you where she is now."
That's how Joshua finds himself standing outside the bakery. Through one of window walls he sees you laughing at something Jeonghan was saying.
His hands balled into fists as he watches Jeonghan pulling you into his embrace.
You look so happy that Joshua's mind lingers back to the memories shared between you two and he doubts if you were ever this happy when you were with him.
When he sees Jeonghan feeding you, his heart constricts too tightly in his chest.
He realises that he doesn't like the intimacy between you and Jeonghan.
He realises he wants to swap places with Jeonghan, that he should be the one who gets to hug, to feed you or hold your hands.
He realises that he likes you.
He likes you a lot.
"You like her, it's so obvious", Hyejoo says impassively, "But does she like you back?"
Joshua has his minded clouded with all sorts of nonsense Hyejoo fed him with that anger seeps through his veins and clutters in his heart as pain.
He blames himself for believing that you would have some sort of liking towards him and he is indignant because you acted as if you would reciprocate his feelings.
Joshua leaves with a heavy heart and he might not have noticed the tears that were pooling his eyes.
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Your eyes stray in anticipation everytime you sense someone passing by your table.
You wait for Anonymous as decided at the Crimson café with lot of expectations and only one hope for the person to be not any weirdo.
[7:10 PM] I'm already in here.
Took the table nearest to the counter, the view looks good from here :)
You quickly send the text and rest the phone on the table as you take out your sketch book and start doodling.
Joshua is still heartbroken for which he really looks forward to meet Anonymous.
Today, he just wants to forget everything and have a good time.
To get you off his mind, to push back the career choices, he only wants that.
He heaves a deep breathe standing outside the café and his lips curl up as he reads the text he just received notifying that the one he's going to meet has already arrived.
Joshua pushes the door, walking in.
All hope dissipates instantly when he sees you, wearing a purple beret hat with a bear logo, sitting at one of the two tables nearest to the counter, other one being empty.
Joshua doesn't think anymore, he just sprints out of the café.
You sigh bored, finally getting your head out of your sketchbook and check the time.
[7:24 PM] You didn't forget about meeting me today right??
Are you stuck somewhere?
It's 8 now, neither do you get a response of your texts, nor does Anonymous shows up.
[8:03 PM] Are you still coming?
Did something happen? Are you okay?
Please just drop a text whenever you get this, I'm worried...
The clock strikes 9 and you're dragging your body out of the café.
You are worried. You are exhausted.
Not trying to read much into it, you coax yourself into believing that there must be a valid reason for Anonymous to take a raincheck on you. That you'll get a response and may be an apology later.
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Next day when you wake up, the first thing you do is check your phone.
No messages.
You huff in annoyance but don't let it ruin your mood because today you have a mission.
To get Joshua's number.
Not a big deal, you could have easily gotten it from Hyerin but you believe it's best to be a little brave and get it from the person himself.
Generally, you have often bumped into him for the past few day but today, somehow it's hard to find him. You even doubt if he's attending school today.
But that doubt dissolves when you see him in the canteen, snacking on a snicker bar and scrolling through his phone with a bored expression.
A grin sets on lips as you walk up to him and occupy the seat across him.
He lifts his gaze from his phone and his heart drops when he sees you.
"Hey", you say, "I have been searching for you."
Suddenly, there's a screech and Joshua is dragging out his chair as he stands up.
Your curious eyes try to meet his but he doesn't look at you.
"I have a class now.", he says and leaves.
You are confused and you are worried.
If he's having a bad day you want to help him, as he had done for you.
If he's bothered by something, you want him to eat up your ears by ranting it all out.
If he's tired, you want to put his head on your shoulder.
"I'll let him have his space for today.", you mumble in distaste, "But I miss him. I'm so miserable."
Next day you bump into him in the hallway.
"Hey Josh", you greet, smiling wide.
Joshua is stoic and you notice it.
"I have some work at library.", he says and just as he was about to take a turn you grab his wrist.
"Did something happen?", you ask with uncertainty, anxiety creeping in you slowly.
"Can you unhand me?", Joshua quips sharply, "If you haven't noticed it, I'm feeling uncomfortable."
You immediately release his hand and take a step back "I-I'm sorry --"
"Save it.", he says, "What do you want anyway?"
Your mind runs thousand miles on the memory lane to come up with anything you could have done to upset Joshua.
But nothing comes up. Absolutely nothing.
"I just want to get your number."
There you just had to say it when Joshua is vexed at you.
A scoff leaves his lips and he glares at you, "What are you playing at? Don't you already have my number. Stop messing with me."
You think you're hearing everything wrong. You look at him as if he has grown another head and a pair of lips which are uttering absolute nonsense.
"How could you do this to me?", he asks, his gaze peering into your soul and wrenching at your gut, "I feel like you're always breathing into in my neck. And it's suffocating."
"What did I do, please tell me." , you plead in helplessness, eyes glistening with unshed tears and you all get in return is a condescending look.
"Stop pretending, oh my god", Joshua whispers in a threatening tone, "I don't want to see to you anymore.", with that he leaves.
You suck in a sharp breathe and close your eyes letting those tears fall. A sob throbs out of you and you are unbothered with the looks you're getting from those passing by.
Your mind only reels the words Joshua had spat out, the bitterness and hatred from them getting to you.
Joshua is the only good thing that has happened to you in a long time so you refuse let him go just like that.
Whatever it is, you're going to fix it.
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"Mrs. Hong?"
You chest tingles in mirth as you ask, "How have you been?"
"Been good dear.", she answers in her calm voice, "What about you?"
"Okayish, I'd say.", your voice wavers, "Just stressed with finals and career choices."
"You should do whatever you feel like doing.", she advices, patting your head.
"My parents want me to handle the family business which I don't want.", you ramble, knowing that ranting about it to everyone won't change anything.
"Then fight for it", Mrs. Hong says, "Go to hell and back, take all of it. It's always better to try than to have regrets for life."
You nod, somewhat finding new confidence to have the conversation with your parents again.
"Your son must be lucky to have you as a parent, Mrs. Hong.", you comment with sincerity, "You know there's one thing I have always wanted. For my parents to ask me what do I want."
You place all your items on the checkout counter and solemnly tell her, "Mrs. Hong, you should also ask your son what he wants. You know as we grow up, we discover new interests, our choices change. You're a sensible parent so I want you to be the cool mom and support his descisions, whatever it maybe be."
Mrs. Hong stiffens for a moment. Her mind reels back to a lot of things and she has been complacent with Joshua on this matter.
"Mrs. Hong?", your concerned voice reaches her, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."
You are suddenly pulled into her embrace and she thanks you.
"You might have unknowingly done me a huge favour.", she whispers on the top of your head.
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"He has been cranky lately", Mingyu hums as he recollects, "Mostly cooped up in his room, doesn't even open up to me."
You and Hyerin grimace at his words.
"Did he shout at you?", you ask in hopes that it's only you but it's just a phase and Joshua is mad at every one.
Mingyu pouts because he knows the answer he's gonna give you is nowhere going to make you feel better.
"No, actually we went to arcade yesterday. He blew off his steam at that poor basketball machine but we're good. Like normal, just he's a bit more serious nowadays."
You slouch down and Hyerin glares at her boyfriend.
"It's okay, love. I think you should confront him asap.", Hyerin wraps her arm around your shoulder as she throws pointed eyes at her boyfriend.
Mingyu seems to take the hint and says, "I'm there to help you, just tell me what I need to do."
"For the starters, give me his number.", you insist, almost on verge pleading, "If I can't get through him, then help me to meet him alone."
"Okay ma'am!", Mingyu immediately takes his phone and sends you Joshua's contact.
"Thanks Gyu", you say and getting up sweep a glance at the couple, "Gotta go, I need to help Han to design the cover."
"Keep us posted Y/N."
You nod in acknowledgement at Mingyu's words.
Walking down the alley, you contemplate a lot of things, life is tough, yours is toughest.
Nothing seems to work out for you.
You want a career, your parents don't resonate with you.
You like a guy, he suddenly starts to hate your entire existence.
Taking out your phone you open Mingyu's chat to save Joshua's contact.
Just as you proceed to add it to a pops up appears.
Do you want replace the contact name from Anonymous to Joshua?
Your eyes go round like saucers as you re read the sentence again and again.
You trace back and confirm that it's actually Anonymous.
Joshua Hong is actually Anonymous!
"What are you playing at? Don't you already have my number. Stop messing with me."
Joshua's words ring in your mind and everything made sense to you now. That also meant he had come to the café and left without meeting you, misunderstanding the whole situation.
You immediately call Jeonghan only to cancel on him.
Next, you're calling Mingyu and as soon as he picks up you say, "Gyu, please anyhow bring Joshua to that old park, I need to talk to him, it's urgent."
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Joshua is startled when Mingyu suddenly barges into his room and starts tugging on his sleeves.
"I need a help from you Josh", he says and Joshua could sense the urgency in his voice, "We have to be somewhere."
As an unsuspecting and good friend he was, he immediately agreed on it.
Suddenly he is dropped off outside the park with Mingyu saying, "Go inside and you'll know it", before riding away in his bike.
Joshua stands there for a moment, utterly confused but anyways walks into the park.
You wait for him, biting off almost all of your nails.
You figure out his silhouette approaching and you could also see his face morphing from confusion to distaste on seeing you.
"Is this some kind of prank?", Joshua yells out, "Very irritating."
You are prepared to hear all the harsh words and off word gazes you're gonna get.
You are also adament to dissolve the misunderstandings and confess your feelings for him today.
"I think there's a misunderstanding, you need to listen to me.", you speak stepping ahead.
Joshua doesn't respond and you take it as your cue to continue.
"I asked Mingyu for your number today.", you continue carefully, "That's when I came to know you are Anonymous."
Joshua scoffs, "You really think I'm gonna buy it? What do you take me for Y/N?"
"I'm not lying --"
"Oh so you're telling you bumping into me right after I texted you that night is pure coincidence? Pairing up for detention classes was also a mere coincidence? Don't you know it's quite weird, how I got to see you each and everywhere, often, more and more just after I hit you up with those texts.", Joshua's gaze is enough to cower you down, his words just added to his condescendness towards you.
"What are you getting at?", you ask bracing yourself for another set of insults you knew that are going to come your way.
"You clearly knew that it was me the whole time.", he spats out, "You just wanted some attention because of the petty princess you are. Oh did I mention attention seeker too?"
"You're not in your right mind Joshua.", you warn him, "Don't say anything you're going to regret later."
"I'm not gonna regret anything. The only thing I regret is meeting you. Do you always do this?", he asks rather accuses you and you shot him a look.
"Do what?"
"Make guys believe that you like them and them tangle them into a trash relationship?", he chuckles bitterly, "I almost believed that you like me until I saw you with Jeonghan. Are you gonna take him to your safe place too? Were you gonna treat us the same as you treated Junsik?"
You freeze on hearing that name.
"How do you know about Junsik?", your eyes sting and voice falters, "What do you know about him?"
"Does it matter now?", he disregards you totally, "You are really sick for playing me like that because I really liked you..."
You perk up at his words, the pain in your heart never subduing but tearing it into infinite pieces.
"But fortunately, it isn't too late.", his words are venomous, more than he could realise, "I want to see you ever again. So do me a favour and never show your face again."
Your sobs doesn't stop until you're biting your tongue to the point where the metallic taste fills your mouth.
You lift your gaze to look at him past your wet lashes, "I also liked you Joshua, like a lot. Gosh I might be in lov-", you fist your hands focusing on them to not break down, "But your wish is granted."
You only say that much before walking past him.
The door to your heart, through which Joshua was making his way is cemented now.
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"He said what?", Hyerin is raging and you are the one actually keeping her in check instead of getting comforted.
"Kim Mingyu what kind of bastard your best friend is?", she yells at her boyfriend, "Why are you even friends with him?"
"I still can't believe Joshua could say all this.", Mingyu mumbles, "I was quite sure that he liked you back and he obviously liked talking to Anonymous which turns out to be you."
"Leave it guys", you speak meekly through your sore throat, "It's all over--"
"It's not over, how dare he bring up Junsik?", Hyerin is sure she's going to commit manslaughter today, "What does he know about him?"
"I wonder", you sigh and lean against her shoulder.
"And he thinks, you were gonna double time him and Han?", she throws Joshua another punch at the gut in her head, "Who does he think he is? That bastard I'm-- I'm gonna ugh!"
Mingyu breaks into cold sweat on looking at his girlfriend, grimaces on watching you and fumes in anger when thinks about Joshua.
"Something must have happened, he ain't always like this.", Mingyu comments and is met by a death glare from Hyerin but he continues, "We need get it out of him."
"Whatever guys", you climb on your bed, laying down, "If you want me as your friend then never bring up Joshua ever again. I'm being serious right now.", you pull over the comforter and point your index towards the door, "Thanks for coming but now you both please get out."
Once the door slams shut, all the tears you've been holding stream down as you indulge in self dejection and that broken heart of yours bleeds in scarlet red. A colour so beautiful yet vicious.
A colour that Joshua gave you so brutally.
Joshua Hong was cruel to you and you pledge you're not going to give him the luxury to hurt you again, you're going to be unbothered, apathetic and indifferent to him.
Joshua Hong is a just stranger to you now.
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Joshua doesn't immediately leave from the park. He takes a seat on one of the rusty swing and cools down. And while doing so his mind lingers back on the recent episode he had with you.
Joshua is generally a calm guy, a bit cranky but mostly calm. So when his own voice echoes in his mind saying those words to you, he topples with guilt.
He knows he went overboard and he was the actual sick one for bringing up your ex into the conversation.
But words once said cannot be taken back.
Letting the emotions get consume you is never a wise choice and Joshua made that mistake today.
His heart constricts when he remembers your tear stained cheeks, hurt eyes and maimed demeanor.
"I also liked you Joshua, like a lot. Gosh I might be in lov-"
He laughs. He is humored at how sincere you sounded when you were lying.
A Jack of Fools.
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You are watching an interesting movie on your phone when someone taps you on your shoulder.
You crane your neck to see Jeonghan, seriousness ghosted over his face.
"What happened?"
He heaves a sigh and takes the sit across you.
"Before you start", you say getting up, "Let me bring something to eat."
Joshua enters the canteen and is displeased to see it extremely crowded. He searches and gladly he finds an unoccupied seat which he quickly takes.
On sweeping his gaze he finds Jeonghan occupying the table in front to his so he seats with his back faced to the later.
That's when he sees you passing by and hears a screech of chair. You place the food tray on the table as you take the seat opposite to Jeonghan's, and behind you is where Joshua is seated.
You don't notice Joshua.
"Spill.", you say, passing him a plate.
Jeonghan relents. He stays quiet for a moment before he's speaking, "It's about Seji."
You nod and wait for him to continue.
"We've been talking again.", he says and he wants to say a lot more but he cuts it down to, "My feelings are resurfacing."
"Your feelings for her were never gone.", you shrug poking the food on your plate you continue, "Look I don't get what the concept of being on & off is, so either you both get back or cut each other off. Otherwise I'm sorry but this looks very toxic to me."
"You're always so brutally honest", Jeonghan mops, "and have a clear conscience that's why I always confide in you."
"Oh, it's nice to hear that, someone just called me liar, sick and all sorts of synonyms it could go for.", You say meekly.
Joshua who has been eavesdropping, in his defence he had no choice as they sat behind him, it was all audible.
Jeonghan gasps in disbelief, "Who do I need to chain on? Tell me."
You give him a knowing smile and Jeonghan understands.
"Joshua berated you?", he ask gently, "I thought you were going to confess your feelings to him?"
Joshua freezes.
Then he hears a sob.
"Please, please don't cry. I don't know what happened but he doesn't deserve your tears.", Jeonghan rushes over to you as he hands you his handkerchief, "Gosh, I can't believe someone could hurt you so much. Promise I won't ever bring him up again, stop crying please."
You shake your head, wiping your tears, "I-I liked him a lot Han. And he said I was gonna double time with you and him."
Joshua hisses, he's ashamed.
Jeonghan sees red when he hears this, "He said what? No, I need to find him and beat the shit out of him. What a jerk, good riddance Y/N. Curse him all out now."
"Please Han", you tug on his sleeves, "He doesn't deserve any of this attention. I don't even want to hear his name anymore."
Jeonghan seethes but he decides to let it go for now. He would definitely deal with Joshua later.
"How about I take you that bakery? We can have everything you want!", he tries to cheer you up.
But you shake your head in protest, "You already bribed me so much for a mere cover design Han. I shouldn't rob you anymore."
Jeonghan rolls eyes, "Please it's not a mere cover, it requires so much effort and even though you're crammed with your tasks, you decided help me diligently."
"Fine.", you say, "You better sort things out with Seji and I'll text you when I work over on what discussed on before."
Joshua is this close to turn around, the apologies being on the tip of his tongue.
But you are leaving and Jeonghan follows you not before throwing a glare at the back of the person about whom you both just had a conversation.
Jeonghan knew about Joshua sitting exactly behind you this whole time.
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"Hey mom", Joshua greets as he sits on the tool, "You wanted to discuss something?"
Mrs. Hong is standing by the kitchen counter, your words have been ringing in her head since that day and she wants her only son to know that he doesn't need to feel burdened if at all he has been feeling so.
"I want to ask something and I'm expecting an honest answer from you."
Joshua straightens in his seat as his attentive eyes fixates on his mother.
"What do you want to do Shua?", she elaborates when she see creases on his forehead out of confusion, "As in your choice for a career?"
Joshua's eyes goes round, as this was totally unexpected to him, something he had been meaning to bring this topic but never had the courage.
It suddenly felt like a blessing as he collects his thoughts and frames the sentence in his mind before speaking out.
"Mom, I don't want to be a lawyer.", he says and waits for his mother's reaction.
Mrs. Hong falters a bit but she quickly regains her composure.
Joshua notices, it's natural and expected, so he continues, "I don't know what I want to do but it's definitely not law mom. Just for clinging onto it because it was dad's profession, I don't wanna regret it later, have depression and blame everyone for it."
Mrs. Hong walks over to her son and pulls him into her embrace, "Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I wanted to mom but I didn't have the courage to break your heart, knowing how much you treasure everything related to dad.", he whispers, voice wavering, "But won't dad be happier if I follow my passion and live in content?"
"Yes, he'd be so happy. I'm sorry for being so ignorant", Mrs. Hong sobs, "I should have been more attentive. You're allowed to do whatever you want Shua."
Joshua smiles in relief, a big weight being lifted off his chest.
"Thanks mom.", he say sincerely, "Thanks a lot."
"We both should be thanking that girl.", Mrs. Hong laughs, wiping her years and also patting her son's back.
"Who?", Joshua quips up.
"Oh you wouldn't know her." she says, "She made me realise that parents often take matters related to their children for granted and for providing them expect something in return."
"Please thank her on my behalf.", Joshua requests.
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Next day, Joshua reaches the classroom as soon as he could because it's the only class he shares with you.
He just wants to see you.
You enter the class minutes after he does. Joshua's gaze is on you, you are aware but your gazes never meet, not when you walk past him and sit in the back.
In today's class, you are gonna get to know the project topics and will be assigned partners for completing the same.
Joshua hopes he get paired with you.
You pray to get assigned with anyone but Joshua.
"You can choose your partners.", the teacher announces, "In groups of two."
You groan, definitely luck not your side because you knew no one except one and the one you knew you'd never pair up with him.
Joshua is sure that universe is giving him a chance and with his new found confidence, he walks upto the walks to your desk.
When you see Joshua walking your way, you think he's gonna pass by but instead he halts infront of you.
You are going to be unbothered, apathetic and indifferent to him.
"Hi Y/N..", he says with hesitancy.
You don't even spare him a glance.
Even though he's sweating and up on his toes, he asks, "Will you be my partner for this project?"
"No.", you say resting your face on the palms of your hands, still not looking at him, "Thanks for asking though."
"I'm sorry Y/N.", he just wants you to look at him atleast but you don't make any effort to do so, "I went overboard that day. Said many things I shouldn't have. I just--"
"You have said all the things you wanted to say because you wanted to hurt me.", you crane your neck to lips curl up in a mocking smile, "You don't have to apologise to look good to yourself specially when you don't mean it. Don't be a hypocrite and let's pretend to not know each other from now on."
You are standing up, grabbing your notebook as you continue, "Since you don't want to see my face, don't talk to me."
Joshua's words are coming to bit him back as pure venom.
You take out your phone, "Look here, I'm doing this infront of you so that you can get assured."
Joshua's curious gaze falls on the screen and his heart drops when he gets your intention.
"See I'm blocking your number.", you press on the block button and your thumb hovers over the delete button, "And now I'll delete your contact. Rest assured, you won't be bothered by me."
Joshua stays rooted to the ground until the teacher calls his name.
Fortunately, you don't get paired with Joshua.
"I don't want to see his face, let alone talk to him", Hyerin barks, literally barks, "You're calling in for your best friend's murder, I'm warning you."
Mingyu agrees that he's hypothetically plotting a murder by letting his girlfriend meet his best friend.
"Babe, when I said we need to get the root of this, we are gonna do so.", Mingyu warns Hyerin, "Now, when Joshua walks in through the door, I'll talk to him. You only speak when needed."
Hyerin huffs, "Lucky that I love you."
Mingyu grins and pecks her lips.
The door creaks open and Hyerin scoffs, "Here comes the idiot."
Joshua doesn't have a good feeling, specially seeing Hyerin who's constantly glaring at him and he thinks that's enough to drill holes into his skull.
"Hi guys", he tries to initiate a conversation, "Why did you wanna meet?"
"First, what you did Y/N was very lowly", Mingyu says, "I'm very disappointed in you."
Joshua sits quietly, hanging his head low.
"What do you know about Junsik?", Hyerin interrogates, "How do you know him?"
Joshua fiddles with his fingers and sits wordless.
"We're not here to look at your face, you better open that stupid mouth of yours like you had done that day.", Hyerin barks again, her patience wearing thin.
"Hyejoo told me about him.", Joshua says and looks up at her.
Hyerin stiffens, all the words she was about to gurgle gets stuck in her throat.
Joshua finds an opportunity and he relays everything that happened to the couple.
"You should have asked me about Jeonghan atleast.", Mingyi sighs, "And how could you bring up Junsik when you don't even know a thing about him?"
"Junsik was Y/N's first, well only boyfriend till now", Hyerin reveals, "who had dumped her over a text because he fell in love with a new chick in the school he just got transferred to. He just threw away a relationship of two years just like that."
"She has been aloof since then. Always reluctant to make friends, didn't show interest in other guys", she looks dead in his eyes, "Until you came along. But it's her bad luck, you also turned out to be a douche. And she was so excited to meet Anonymous until you intently stood her stood. I hope karma to be an actual bitch to you."
Joshua feels like he has been pushed into the trench, like what he deserves.
Hyerin feels humiliated because she had never thought that her sister could be so much of a menace.
She gets up and Mingyu looks at her alarmingly.
Placing her hand on his hand in assurance she tells, "Hyejoo needs to be taught a lesson so I need to go. I'll drop by Y/N's to apologize to her."
"Babe, don't blame yourself okay?", he says affectionately as he wraps his arms around her waist, "It's not your fault. Just go & handle the things your way."
She turns to look at Joshua, "I wonder how long you have known Hyejoo to believe all the shit she uttered that day."
The door slams and Joshua breathes out.
"I like her a lot, Gyu.", Joshua says in distress and Mingyu scoffs.
"Who, Hyejoo?", he counters, "Because that's the only plausible option I can think of."
"Right, I deserve to be mocked.", he admits, "You're so dumb Joshua Hong."
"Stop being miserable than you already are and if you are ready serious about Y/N, then make it up to her and confess your feelings.", Mingyu suddenly grins as he says, "I hope you get rejected five times before she accepts you."
Joshua could only grimace at his words. You couldn't pinpoint since when it started but you have been receiving some items with a cute note everyday. First time it was a mini bouquet that was kept in your locker with the note saying-
Like a bouquet tied with twine, I can be yours if you will be mine.
From, Your Anonymous
You didn't read much into, thinking someone must have mixed up the locker numbers. Next day, you found a miniature panda with another note saying- In a room full of basic brown bears, you are my panda.
From, Your Anonymous This time the gears in your brain turn harder when you reread the note. A lightbulb goes off and you find the literal meaning of the words at the end.
Your Anonymous means Your Anonymous in literals who is none other then Joshua Hong. That note and the teddy goes straight into the trash can. Third day, you find a strawberry juice can and a note which makes you snort.
You're the grenadine in my tequila sunrise. Without you, I'm just this strawberry juice.
From, Your Anonymous. "Now he's playing on my weakness.", you mumble eyeing the can, not having the heart to chuck it into the trash can.
Joshua watches as your stand there in dilemma with a grin set on his lips. The strawberry juice can ultimately doesn't show up in the trash can.
One day, you are climbing up the stairs reading an article on your phone when you bump into someone.
Very surprising, you find Joshua in front of you.
"Can I talk to you for a moment?", he asks and you dismiss him immediately turning to go on a seperate way when he says, "It's urgent, please."
You tail behind him as he leads to you a random empty class. You lean against the wall, Joshua stands at a distance.
"Tomorrow is my mom's birthday and I bought her a dress.", he starts explaining, "I accidentally tore a button...."
Silence fills in the air and Joshua watches you intently for any reaction. He watches your eyes go wide in absolute disbelief and next you're hitting him on his arm,   "Such an idiot", another hit, "Where's the dress? We need to fix it soon." Joshua is overjoyed but he doesn't show. "It's at home.", Joshua says, "Do you want me to bring it to school?" You roll eyes, "Have you thrown the remaining 1% of your brain in gutter?" Joshua nods, resembling a kicked puppy. An adorable kicked puppy. Your heart twists abnormally in your chest, no he's not the guy you like anymore, get a grip on yourself, he can be all cute but it doesn't effect you anymore-- "Y/N?" "Yes?" "So..."
"Oh yeah-- I don't have classes anymore so if it's okay with you then we can go now.", you offer curtly, "Since her birthday is tomorrow, we don't have time." You awkwardly stand in the middle of the hall as Joshua goes somewhere seeking for his mother. You hear their voices, not able to make anything coherent out of it as the padding sound of footsteps against the floor increases. Joshua walks in followed by his mother so when you see her you almost shriek in shock, "Mrs. Hong?" "Y/N?", Mrs. Hong, pushes her sone aside and runs to hug you, "Oh my, what a pleasant surprise!" Joshua stands as confused as ever as he watches you both gush about each other. "Shua", his mother calls, "I was talking about her, she's you were seeking for. Thank her yourself." Joshua feels all the air leaving his lungs at once. It's you, again. The same girl who he had trash talked straight on her face. The same girl who is present in his house just to help him. The same girl who he likes loves. He leads you to his room and the entire time you could sense the sudden shift in his aura. Crossing threshold of his room, hits you with a surge of Joshua. You look around, watching a large poster of LeBron James pasted on the wall adjacent to his bed. A huge stack of books about economics pilled up on his study table and a neatly made bed. "Here", Joshua lays the dress on the bed and hand you detached button, "How long will it take?" You deadpan, "Hardly 5 minutes." His face falls like tons of brick and it's so obvious that you had to stiffle a laugh. The dress is beautiful, you think but it's plain, too plain for your eyes and your hands itch but you should have no business with dress apart from stitching that button back. Joshua notices and he knows what's going on inside that mind of your. He trusts you, he wants you stay longer so he plays it down, "Don't you think the dress is simple. I bought it because that colour is beautiful and rare." You perk up at his words and Joshua swears he could melt into puddle if he'd stare at your doe eyes one more second. "I could stitch a flower towards the left flange of the dress.", you ponder over and ask, "What's her favourite flower?" "Daisies", he answers. "Oh that will be comparatively easy", you clasp your hands in excitement, "A simple satin stitch would do." Joshua looks at you with all the attentiveness in the world. His heart swells and he realises that it's been long he has stopped crushing over you. His heart yearns for you and maybe that's the reason he was hurt and raged seeing Jeonghan with you. He admits to loving you, he hopes that you'd give him another chance just to show that how much you mean to him. "Give me the dress", you are already searching designs on your phone, "It will take around 4-5 hours. Come and get it by 9." "Can I be with you?", he asks and you shot him a look. "What are you gonna do, except for bothering me?", you quip back, "Don't you hate me?" "I lov-- I won't bother you promise. Just let me be with you." His underlying tone resonates in your ears and heart does flips when you look him in the eyes. Brimming with emotions (read: love) "I don't have any other choice, do I?"
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"Can you stop staring at me?", you finally blurt out, "Also, if you could not breathe on my neck!" Joshua doesn't bother listening to you, he's just having the time of his life watching you closely, basking in your presence. You are almost done with stitching the embroidery and Joshua yet again raises his hand to your mouth urging you to eat the pastry, one of the enormous amount of items he bought for you, emphasizing it's his way of saying thanks. "I can eat it myself--" "But both of your hands are occupied." This reasoning would take you nowhere. He has been acting as a lovesick soul, touch starved body and happy fool around you. And it's certainly not helping your heart in keeping check. You have finally embroidered the daisies and it turned out prettier than you had expected. "You can work magic on fabrics you know.", Joshua sincerely complements you, "Thanks a lot Y/N." "No big deal.", you smile, "Mrs. Hong is an amazing woman, she deserves all the love." Joshua gleans but suddenly remembers the purpose of crashing in your place. "Hey, there's a basketball game at my previous school on this weekend and I'd be playing, would you like to come?", Joshua asks. You look at him with a scowl on his your face, "Why don't you ask your Hyejoo to come with you?" Joshua almost scurries but it will be a lost battle if backs down now. "Am I not being obvious?", Joshua asks all seriousness ghosting over him. "What?" "Am I not being obvious with my feelings?", Joshua asks again. "What are you insinuating?" "I want you, only you, and no one else to come to my match. You matter to me because..", he breathes in, breathes out, shuts his eyes, open them just to say-- "I love you, Y/N." He does it. Says the words he had been meaning to tell you, the words those set themselves on the tip of his tongue whenever he saw you. "Josh..." He smiles at the slip of his nickname from you and leans in to you. "I was so mad when I saw you with Jeonghan, because I was jealous.", he admits, "I wanted to be the one feeding you, wanted to be the one hugging, to be the only one to closely watch that beautiful smile of yours." You are rendered speechless. But Joshua has so much to say. "The outburst I had, it was only because I realised I have been in love with you and the possibility of you not reciprocating, was hurting." He rummages through his bag and you see him taking out a jersey. "You don't have to say anything now.", he smiles and pats your head, "Think through and", he hands you the jersey, "Let me know on the match day." You lay the jersey on your bed and see a 17 imprinted on white below the name Joshua. Joshua is by the door when he calls your name, "Whatever your decision is, I'll respect it.", and he's out of your room and house. You don't know much about basketball but you know when a player gives their jersey to someone prior to a match, what do they want and what can the indications be. You let out a scream and immediately fetch your phone to dial a number, "Hello, Rin...."
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It's matchday. Joshua is nervous. Partially because of the game, partially because of you. When Seungcheol, a good friend and teammate of his from previous basketball school team had requested him to play one last game before they officially strike out his name from the team list, Joshua agreed instantly. A farewell game, he thought. The team does warm ups and stretches before the game starts. Joshua steals glances at the courtside every now and then but fails to find you. He's afraid that you won't come at all and his heart would shatter into millions. "Hey, looking there often won't make her magically appear.", Seungcheol knows and he teases, "I never thought our best shooting guard would be playing shooting hearts too." "Oh juicy juicy", Soonyoung, another teammate, who's also the centre of their team quips in when he overhears the two, "Joshua Hong is in love!!!", he shouts a little too loudly out of enthusiasm and now the whole team knows. The warm up is over and the game starts in twenty minutes.
Joshua checks his phone for one last time to see no notifications of your name and remembers you have his number blocked and contact deleted. Dejected, he switches off the device and deposits it to the collector, heading to change into his jersey. The game is already into the second quarter and Joshua's team is leading by only four points. Soonyoung slips causing his dribble to be cut and the opponent's point guard steals the ball and scores a two pointer. Soon the whistle blows and both the teams head to their respective locker rooms. As soon as Joshua enters the room, he's slammed against one of the locker by Seungcheol. He groans in pains at the sudden impact. "Listen dude, I get you're vagued but please don't let the team down. Coach is already contemplating on substituting you.", Seungcheol is frustrated, but he cares, "I want the best shooting guard within the entire school to score points. Stop being diverted and focus on the game." "Sorry", Joshua gruffs out, "I will--" "What the hell? Unhand him right now Mr.!" The whole locker room pivot their attention on the source of the voice. Joshua thinks he's hallucinating when he sees you standing in front of them, hands crossed over and brows cocked. Wearing his jersey and having his jersey number, 17 painted on your left cheek. Seungcheol looks at you, then he looks at Joshua to get the confirmation he needs. "It's her guys.", he announces with a huge grin as his hands free Joshua. Suddenly the locker room fills with  whistles, hoots and hollers. "Hi! Thanks for coming. I'm Soonyoung by the way.", a guy with questionably dyed hair greets you. "Hi, I'm Y/N...", you greet him back and gulp nervously when you realise all pair of eyes are on you. "We don't need to be here anymore it seems.", Mingyu tells Hyerin and the later nods, the two leaving to occupy their seats at the courtside. "Thanks in advance for saving the match.", Seungcheol comes to you and says, "And I'm Seungcheol, the captain." Then he looks at Joshua, "You have 10 minutes", and announces, "Clear out the room guys!" Everyone follows, all of them greeting you with huge grins making their way out. Now the two of you are left and the atmosphere turns heavy. You walk upto Joshua and grab his arms to shake him out of the trance. "Hi", you giggle. "You came...", Joshua whispers. You are about to say something but suddenly you feel yourself loose a footing as you are slammed against the locker, hands pinned over it. Joshua hovers over you, his body pressing yours and if you entire focus isn't on his lips, you could have heard both of your hearts beating rapidly. "Can't believe you agreed to be all mine, I don't deserve you ", he whispers leaning closer. "Just kiss me & seal the deal.", you bite your lips, gaze flicking to his eyes. "Gladly.", he smiles and closes the gap. Your lips are just touching when the whistle blows. You laugh, giving him a slight push, "Times up." Joshua tries to get back on you immediately but you manage to run out his grip and the room yelling, "Earn your kiss, babe!" And Joshua takes it personally. You never knew basketball matches could be this exciting and you regret not attending them previously. Oh the man, Joshua Hong is, your eyes are glued to him as he runs around the court with that sweat glistening glow on him. The game is now into it's last quarter and you squeal as Joshua scores a two pointer extending the lead. Everytime he scores, his teammates cheered looking at you and you're sure that the whole arena knows that Number 17 of home team is either trying to woo you or you both are already a thing. It's a few seconds until the game ends and opponents foul Joshua. All the players stand behind the three points line and the free line extension. You are brimming in anticipation as you see Joshua taking position at the base of the line. The home team needs their shooting guard to score the three points from the long shot. The long field goal which would seal the win. The referee blows the whistle, a cue for Joshua to shoot his shot.
Joshua takes a deep breathe, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The arena is pin drop silent all eyes on the man on the line. You breathe hitches when Joshua raises his hands holding the ball and looks at you. "This one's for you!", he yells and releases the ball looking forward. You swear the time slows down as the ball revolves on the ring, you admit dramatically, before it falls into the basket. The arena blasts with cheers and Joshua is already hurled over on his teammates' shoulder as they hail his name. You see him. He sees you. Then you're running down the stairs and jumping over the partition to reach him. The team hollers when they see you in the court. Putting down Joshua, they push you to him, circling the two of you as they chant in delight, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" You grin looking at him which turns into a gasp when he suddenly grabs your hips and lifts you up. "Am I worthy of getting a kiss now?", he asks, smiling cheekily. Your response comes in form of you dipping down and placing your lips on his. You feel him smile against your lips as they slot into each other perfectly and he holds you to him tighter. "Get a room!" You both hear a yell, knowing it came from Mingyu. You are the one who breaks the kiss but Joshua pecks you one more before putting you down. The teases never simmer down for the rest of the evening.
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"Thanks for all backing me up the whole time I was talking to them, my parents even started looking for universities for fashion technology courses.", you sigh in content, resting your chin on your palm. "You did a lot more for me. Talking to my mom, making me signing up for the varsity training program and whatnot.", Joshua makes sure you know how grateful he'll always be. "Oh by the way I changed your contact back to Anonymous.", you inform him. "You can't do this your boyfriend!" Joshua props beside you, with pouty lips and doe eyes. "I can. I already did.", you deadpan. "Why should my contact be saved as Anonymous?", he tries to snatch your phone, "Change it to babe, love, sweetheart anything. "You glare at your dramatic boyfriend, "Because that's where it started. You are my Anonymous." Joshua grins, finding it somehow cute and romantic at stance. "Anonymously Mine.", you say. "Anonymously Yours", he echoes.
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Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
1K notes · View notes
*= smut
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Car shenanigans *
Dancing with our hands tied *
Secrets gets spilled during an afternoon drinking beer with your best friend’s brother 
Erectile dysfunctions
Since you and Rafe had sex, he's unable to fuck other girls
He should’ve been here
Rafe doesn’t show up on your birthday (inspired by The moment I knew by Taylor Swift)
Home alone
When Ward send you and Rafe back to Kildare to close down Cameron Development, you take advantage of the empty house
You and Rafe get kidnapped by Carlos Singh
Old habits never dies
You and Rafe reunite after a month of radio silence from him
My best friend’s brother (multi-part) * discontinued
You go on a boat trip with the Camerons…and get a little more than what you came for
Rafe returns to Outer Banks after going to rehab and getting his shit together
Summer loving
You and rafe have a summer fling. You get attached (inspired by August by Taylor Swift)
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Camping trip
Don’t die on me
You and JJ fight against the captain. JJ falls over and almost dies
Drunken kiss
You and JJ share a drunken kiss at the boneyard
Father, dear father
JJ always sees his dad when he least expects it
A house is not a home if nobody's there
After a reunion with your family and lots of hugs and 'I missed you's, you go to JJ's house to check on him because he has no family to go home to when they get back from the island
Hot tempered, but loyal
JJ got fired from his job
I don’t want perfect
You get a new boyfriend, the perfect boyfriend. But you don’t want perfect (inspired by The way I loved you by Taylor Swift)
I still love you
Mr. Cameron *
You get a job at Cameron Developpement...as Rafe's personal assistant
Nothing ever go according to plan
The plan to get the cross back turn sour and JJ end up putting his life on the line
Not like the movies
You and JJ have sex on the beach
JJ is in love and the Pogues like to tease him
Secret affair
JJ sees Sarah's sister in secret
They’re alive
The Pogues gets a message from an unknown number: John B and Sarah are alive
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skeelly · 7 months
"trust that you betrayed, confusion that still lingers"
i see you've decided to suffer by checking my blog so-
hi! welcome to my blog! :)
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉
: ̗̀➛ i usually post about: taylor swift, sometimes one direction, books i haven't actually finished, rarely rants, sometimes harry potter/other shows I've watched and honesty just anything i see on my feed.
: ̗̀➛ i love/enjoy: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, conan gray, one direction and all it's members, harry potter, HORSES, writing//reading, money, poetry, football//soccer (sports in general), memes or anything funny, painting my nails, that one guy in my sister's class, being annoying and most importantly the sturniolo triplets.
this is a safe place for everyone!
@crysten is my second acc that i has no value and use. if you know me irl, i suggest you just stop looking at my blog :)
: ̗̀➛ things about me: my name is kristen. i go by she/her. im from the philippines. im a capricorn. intp-t. its hard for me not to make typos cause i send messages without thinking twice. i hate school. if we don't count online friends then im practically friendless. im in a science curriculum but can't understand physics. i love writing. i can fluently speak 3 languages but i want to speak more. i look like an absolute mess no matter the time. im 100000% ambivert. i don't like people who can't work the same pace as me (i know that's toxic, i swear im trying to fix it). my birthday is after christmas. i embarrass myself in ways not even god thought would be possible. im a confusing little biatch so im sorry. OBVIOUSLY, i live off of pinterest and i guess tumblr. proper grammar = non existent. i will give you anything you want, just give me a horse and grayson hawthorne. i love making friends so please don't feel shy to interact with me and i am a minor so please don't be weird <3
i reblog my posts to my other acc because im funny and yes, i keep adding to this intro because i find this thing fun and im kinda bad at keeping up with posts im mentioned in, so im sorry if i dont reply. oh and this intro is heavily inspired by @svnflowermoon & @stvrlighhttt <3
: ̗̀➛ some special people:
@mqstermindswift @stvrlighhttt @remingtonreputation13 @what-about-wendy @dumbass-lesbian @themidnightarcher @astraeasparrow @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @lucinda-008 @niallermybabe @coco6420 @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpss @swiftieannah @reminiscentreader @hathorneheiress @xyzinthearea-1 @glitterfuturisticmortally @blocked-zombieartist @philomenacunkstan1 @real-human-shana-nicole @newromanticslut @holdmyteaplease @my-mind-is-frozen @zuzanna-jadw1ga @starchasers-stuff @chilipowder9 @iwanttomarrynoahshaw @evermore-4-life @lovliestars @urbanflorals @sl33py-angel @antlerbullets @rohza-is-a-bit-gay @mickeywheeler @reyna-obsessed @13callisto @nqds @maketheshadowsfearyou @crowgenius @in-a-state-of-crisis @cc-horan @bookishswiftie1989 @ava-taylors-version @pranav03 @thislifeissweeterthanfiction @mickeywheeler @waiting-down-the-hall-for-me (apparently i reached the max ments on a post)
: ̗̀➛ dni: racists//homophobes//proshippers//does not stand with palestine//over 30 (respectfully)
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anki-of-beleriand · 6 months
Bad Liar ch. 11
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: It was Agatha all along, America confronts Wanda, and you and Wanda are walking on thin ice about ready to break.
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 11
Setting Expectations
The Winter Festival was one of the most important festivities celebrated in the school.
It had been the founders tradition, your grandmother had always inspired others, and was always ready to give them a chance to shine by showing on their leadership and creative thinking. The fact that you were paired up with Wanda Maximoff so many years after the tradition started was something you never imagine possible. Her ideas, as well as her willingness to always be kind made of that year one of the most impressive festivals ever.
The week had been divided into seasons, and each day held a different kind of decoration as well as different offers of cultures, food and entertainments that resembled Christmas in different parts of the world. The students had been lucky enough to share the colours of Spring, Summer and Autum so far while Winter was reserved to the last day of the week and when the Winter Yule Ball would be done.
Wanda had been so proud to see the school decorated and enjoying the different activities you two had planned. For her it was always a joy to see the fountains decorated with LED colours while the stands were filled with food and games, with movies and music representing the world and showing the students the diversity of the world. Natasha and the rest of the school board had been impressed, Tony was already trying to convince Wanda to be part of his engagement team and Thor and Sif had asked Wanda her skills to organize birthday parties.
The young woman found herself soon being praise by these people she had just gotten to meet a few months ago. A part of Wanda was amazed at what she had missed most of her life, the doubts would come into her mind from time to time, but she was always ready to quiet them down by looking at all the progressed she had made. Wanda’s mind drifted towards the divorce papers she had signed, along with the documents for the full custody of the twins. Her life had certainly changed, and now all she got to do was to live her life to its fullest; and in this very thought, she couldn’t help but see you there.
Wanda allowed a tiny smile to show on her face, America shifted on her chair glancing at the message that you had sent a few moments ago to let your sister know you had arrived at the school grounds. America had gotten used to you coming over, every day you had been there ready to supervise that everything was working as it was supposed to, Maria would send you some notifications to your mobile to keep you up to day to the office but most of the time you found yourself sharing your time with the woman and the children that had, little by little sneaked inside your heart and life in ways you or your sister never imagined.
The sound of laughter filled the classroom, America jerked around when a hand fell on her desk and she could see Loki giving her a knowing glance. The young woman sighed turning to her friends then to her teacher that was writing the assignment for the Winter break on the board.
“Are you going to do it?” Loki almost whispered, Yelena tilted her head shooting America a quick glance before returning her attention to her notebook.
“I think so, yes.” America cocked her head, she bit on her lower lip before turning to Kate.
Kate offered a sympathetic smile, she hesitated before placing her hand, “do you want us to stay over?”
America glanced at Kate’s hand then back into the girls eyes.
“Nah, I think this is something I need to do alone. You guys go on ahead and I’ll meet you in the park.”
Just as America was saying this Wanda turned around wearing a grin, her hands placing themselves on the desk while her eyes swept around the room. Everyone was already packing their stuff, many of them talking and laughing while watching their watches and the door. Wanda rolled her eyes with the same smile still in place.
“Well, guys, seeing as everyone is ready to just run out of the window,” Wanda snorted when there were some cheers from the back, she lifted her hands waving at them, “yes, I know everyone is excited for the dance and the festival, so I will give you these ten minutes and see you tomorrow.”
“Professor Maximoff!! You are the QUEEN!” Sam Wilson screamed from the back and soon he was leaving the room.
The group all glanced at one another before everyone grabbed their things, Wanda had busied herself with her phone wearing the all-familiar smile the teens had come to associate with the conversations she had with you. Kate stayed behind her hand firmly placed around America’s one.
“I’ll wait for you outside, good luck.” The young brunette hesitated before leaning in and kissing America on her cheek, the both of you shared a timid smile before Kate also left the classroom.
Soon the classroom was empty with only Wanda and America in it.
America sat with her back completely straight up, her dark eyes focused on the young woman sitting by the professor’s desk. She had played with these thoughts for more than a week, the decision to actually have a conversation with her sister and with Wanda taking form after America had find out about the past of her teacher. She had never had the need to intervene in her sister’s personal life, America understood her place but also the limits of her relationship with her sister and while the both of them listened to one another and advice one another, they had never dared to go this far.
This was the reason of her doubts.
To actually step closer and have a conversation with Wanda, even before anything had happened would risk everything Y/N had been working on to gain. America knew her sister was more than a little attracted to Wanda, she knew Y/N so well she was pretty certain the older woman was already far too in love with Wanda to back down now. America let out a heavy sigh, she grabbed her bag and stood up making her way to a now shocked Wanda.
“America, is everything alright? Do you need something?” There was something in the seriousness America was wearing that made Wanda nervous. She tried to look casual, following with her eyes as America sat down putting her back on the floor.
“America?” Wand asked tentatively.
America took a deep breath, “I’ve wanting to talk to you, professor.”
The request caught Wanda by surprised, she leaned over furrowing her brows and trying to hide her nervousness with a half-smile.
“Sure, is there something the matter? I mean, this is quite surprising.” The question this time around came insistent, her voice strained as she tried to gauge America’s intentions.
For more than a minute America remained silent looking everywhere but at Wanda. The other woman tapped on the table before leaning forward, her lips twitching slightly trying to hold back how strange this moment was for her.
“America, you are kind of making me anxious here.” Wanda finally stated leaning forward. “Did something happen with Billy and Tommy? With your sister? With you?”
“I’ve been planning this conversation over and over, and I think there is not a right way to start it,” America sighed leaning back while dropping her head back, smiling with her eyes now totally focused on Wanda, “my sister is everything to me, you know? And I know how much she has sacrificed for me and for herself. Right now, you and her…well, something is happening, isn’t it?”
There was a deep tense silence all around the classroom, Wanda was left speechless with her eyes slightly opened and the air leaving her lungs. America just waited for the shocked to leave Wanda, perhaps to hear her give the explanation she was looking for.
“America…” Wanda started but she could not say anything else, this was something she knew she would need to confront sooner or later. But she just didn’t expect for America to be the first one to bring the subject up.
Though, Wanda shouldn’t be surprised, America and Y/N had a sisterly relationship that had deepened after their parents death. Wanda had seen the overprotective nature of Y/N when talking and helping America, and she had seen the way America was always trying to protect her sister and make sure that happiness was something possible for her.
“Look, I know you and Y/N had not talked about anything at all, but I’m not fool, you know? I have seen you and I just…” America clamped her mouth shut before speaking again, “do you like my sister?”
The question was finally out there, and while Wanda had already been confronted by Hope and Natasha, she was now facing a different person that actually could be affected by Wanda’s answer. The woman took a deep breath not able to hold America’s eyes any longer and instead looking right outside the window.
“I know you do, you know? I mean, it’s pretty obvious, really.” America rolled her eyes when Wanda turned sharp, green eyes her way.
“Obvious?” Wanda almost stuttered and America merely smirked.
“You have spent most of your time with us ever since Tommy got sick, and I have seen the way you are around Y/N, I just want to make sure that you’re not going to hurt her.” America shrugged resting her elbows on the table while looking outside the window as well. “I want my sister to be happy, and you know? You have made her happy as of late, so…”
“Is it really that important for you to know?” Wanda dropped her face furrowing her brows, “if I answer your question things may change, you know? And I’m not sure…I don’t think…”
Wanda trailed off unable to finish her sentence, there was a long silence once more in which America had thought about the conversation. Not many things were aid, and yet she knew she got her question answered, Wanda did like Y/N she was still unsure on how to proceed. Which was not surprising, America had the feeling this was the first woman Wanda had been attracted to. With more courage that she really felt America decided to finish the conversation with what she had really come to say.
“I understand. You don’t have to say anything to me, Professor.” Wanda lifted her eyes, dread filling up her mind the moment she crossed eyes with America, there was something in the serious façade of the young woman that was making Wanda nervous.
“What else do you want to say to me, America?”
America leaned back and, after a moment of doubt she spoke, her voice deep and concern broke into Wanda’s mind like a bucket of cold water.
“I know you are still married, professor, and that the reason you are here is because your husband is a bad man.” America could see her words affecting Wanda, but once she started she couldn’t stop. “I know that you are hiding from him, and I will assure you, Professor, that your secret is safe with me, I would never put you or Billy and Tommy in danger.”
The air around Wanda was sucked into a void, the world around her eyes turned blurry and unsteady just as she opened her mouth to say something. She couldn’t say anything, though, she just sat there trying to comprehend what was happening.
“I know that your husband is a bad man, and that he hurt you and the twins so bad that right now he has a restraining order against him and a petition of divorce on your part, and full custody of your children.” America clamped her mouth shut, waiting silently as Wanda processed everything she just said.
The silence that followed America’s words was deafening.
Tension grew in between them, Wanda had her eyes fixated on an invisible spot hearing the blood bombed through her ears. She could feel her lungs filling up with air, only for it to leave as soon as it was in, the world started spinning around and she was just grateful of being on her seat. Her hands clenched tightly, with her brows knitting together.
“How?” Wanda was confused and extremely annoyed. Did Y/N know about this? Was she aware of Wanda’s situation the whole time? Did she send her sister to talk about this?
Questions like these ones ran through her mind, she was getting red in the face and being it by shame or anger she was not sure anymore. America could see the overwhelming range of emotions crossing on Wanda’s face waiting patiently for the final outburst.
“I---I suspect something was up with you, and my sister…” America trailed off tensing the muscles of her face. “Look, Professor, I love her so much, she is the only family I have left. She may not show it too much, but she really is like a marshmallow inside hot chocolate.”
Whatever anger or confusion Wanda felt at the moment was soon diminished by this comment; it had been the best description she could heard of you.
“She really is…she likes you, a lot,” America continued, “and you are this new person with two kids, you were a mystery in itself, I need to make sure you are good enough for my sister.”
“By violating my privacy, America?” The question came with a cold reproach.
America winced lifting her hand to scratch the back of her neck, much like her sister did whenever she was nervous.
“I…I just…look, everything pointed to something strange, and the twins, well they did help some by telling me things they shouldn’t. Probably.”
Another uncomfortable silence fell between them, Wanda leaned back holding back the tears that were threatening to leave her eyes. 
“Does she know?” She finally asked in a thin voice.
America opened her eyes wide, shaking her head.
“Y/N doesn’t know I couldn’t tell her!”
“But if you could tell her…” Wanda pressed but America scoffed, still denying this with gestures.
“No, I love my sister but this is not my story to tell, Professor.” America shrugged before continuing. “Look, all I know is that in the last couple of months you and my sister had become closer, and as time passes I can see the affection she holds for you and the twins, I don’t want her to get hurt because she has done so much, and she has also suffered so much I just want to make things as easier for her as she does for me.”
Wanda was not sure how to react to such a confession. On one hand, she felt her trust betrayed by her student, she had trusted America from the very first time Natasha recommended her and hearing this invasion to her privacy made her doubt the young woman in front of her. On the other hand, she understood why America had done it, it didn’t excuse her, but Wanda understood.
“I know what I did was wrong, and perhaps I should have asked you first.”
“You should have, yes.” Wanda replied cooly, America winced shrugging.
“I know, but I did it and I just…” America trailed off lowering her eyes. “I’m sorry you have to go through all of that, Professor. I’m kinda glad I know this mainly because now I understand Tommy and Billy better. And even you.”
Wanda shifted on the chair lowering her eyes, America continued knowing she didn’t have much time of this conversation.
“Now, Professor, my confession to my crime comes also with a demand.” America made sure to never back up from the glare Wanda was sending her way.
“Do you think you are in position of demanding something of me?” Wanda inquired with a hint of disbelief; America nodded curtly.
“My sister deserves to know everything, Professor.”
Wanda dropped her jaw at such demand, but America didn’t change her posture or the glint of determination in her eyes.
“Y/N really likes you; I don’t think this is a secret, and as such, I think she deserves to know everything about you and the situation you are in.” America gulped leaning closer. “I promise you won’t regret it, and I know Y/N would be able to help you, she won’t let anything bad happen to you and the twins. But before you and her cross that line you and I both know you will cross, I think she deserves to know everything.”
Wanda sat dumbfounded on the chair, her mind processing everything that America had just shared with her. The fact that America knew everything, all the gross details of her past with Vision, of her divorce, of the court orders; Wanda felt her life exposed in ways she never thought possible. Her past was something she tried to protect from shame and fear of it coming back to haunt her and repeating itself. She was afraid of falling into Vision’s hands again, but more so of his threat of ending the life of her children while taking her to places where she could never escape.
Wanda was no fool, she knew sooner or later this part of her life would come out into the light, it was part of the process of healing and facing her demons. But she wished it had come out on her terms, she lifted her face and could see America was getting nervous, the guilt hidden behind her overprotective nature. Wanda understood why America had done what she did, it was quite obvious America didn’t let pass the strange events at the very beginning of her career as a babysitter to the twins, or those scars she could have seen when helping them getting dress, or even Wanda’s erratic behaviour at the very beginning.
“You betray my trust, America.” Wanda all but whispered, her voice breaking at the very end making America winced. “When I first came here I only trusted Natasha, and then you came in like an angel to help me with the twins, and now finding that you went out of the way to find about my past, it is disappointing.”
America’s face fell, “I know.”
“I understood why you did it.” Wanda continued frowning. “I just wish you have come to me first, I don’t know what to say or do now, I just…”
“Professor, there is nothing to do or say, I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have and that’s why I’m telling you this.” America hesitated chewing on her lower lip before continuing, “I really love Billy and Tommy, you know? And then, when you start spending more time with Y/N, I just knew that I need to know you were good enough for her, then after finding out everything I…I give it a thought and well, is not my story to tell, is yours, Professor, that’s why I want you to consider this and tell my sister everything.”
Wanda was taken aback; she shook her head, opening her mouth in disbelief.
“You want me to tell Y/N this? Why would…” Wanda started but America stopped her by standing up and approaching the older woman.
“Professor, my sister is everything to me,” America started without letting go of Wanda’s eyes, “and you have become everything to her, she needs to know and believe me when I tell you that you won’t regret it. You won’t lose her. If anything, I think this is the last piece of the puzzle to make whatever you two want to happen.”
“You are asking too much, America.” Wanda looked away scowling.
“Do you love my sister?” America pressed over; Wanda felt her cheeks burn but she refused to back down. “Are you in love with her?”
“I don’t think…” Wanda stood up as well, “I think you are overstepping…”
“Please, Professor,” America dropped her stance, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears, “I know what I did is wrong, don’t punish her, please…I…I’m risking everything by telling you this, and is not fair that once more she has to sacrifice her happiness because of me. I just…think about it, please? Believe me, you won’t regret it, she will still love you regardless of your past, just…I’m sorry, ma’am.”
America sat down again, Wanda could see the tears rolling down the young woman’s cheeks and the confused stare in her eyes. It was quite evident she had not planned this conversation in the way it had come out to be. 
“I did plan to tell her, America, just not yet.” Wanda passed a hand through her hair, not really knowing what else to do or say, “this is not easy for me.”
“I know.” America mused over her own reasons before speaking again. “You and her had become close in the last couple of weeks, she is always out there protecting me and making everything in her power to make me happy, Just this time, I want to make sure she is happy.”
Whatever anger Wanda felt at the sudden invasion of her privacy, and whatever fear she held for her past and what it meant to her dissipated under the soothing statement coming from America. The both of them sat quietly for a moment, both of them going over their thoughts and what they should do next. 
“Y/N is getting here soon,” America finally broke the silence, she lifted her stare but Wanda was looking at some invisible spot on the wall, “I guess I better get going, Professor.”
The young woman stood up grabbing her bag pack again, she turned around but stopped at the door when Wanda called to her. 
“This won't change our relationship, America.” Wanda measured every word, gaging the reactions from the young woman, “it may take some time to process this, but I do understand why you did it.”
“Do you promise you won't hurt her? Can you promise that?”
The request came with a heavy load, Wanda could see that behind those simple questions America was trying to make sure you wouldn't be left in the dark with something as important as Wanda, Billy and Tommy's past. It was not fair to you and even with them if, whatever was happening with you and Wanda was built on a lie. Or a half true. 
“I won't hurt her, America. I couldn't.” Wanda hesitated before closing the conversation with a last confession. “She has become part of my world now and I couldn't bear to see her suffer because of this.”
America opened her eyes, she opened her mouth before nodding curtly and leaving the classroom. 
Wanda was finally left alone, she rested her back against the chair. Her eyebrows knitted together trying to comprehend what just happened. If she were to be honest with herself, she was not angry, upset yes, but not angry. Closing her eyes, she tried to identify the emotion navigating through her system, it made her limbs lighter with a glimpse of tranquillity in her mind. 
Wanda was relieved.
However they had found out about everything, however America had decided to get that information, the secret was out and Wanda was relief. She had feared the reaction from others but all she got from America was understanding and acceptance, she didn't see blame or disgust, or worse yet, a card they could take advent age of. 
Wanda glanced out of the window, she knew she needed to have this conversation with Y/N, it was something she had come to realize after that Saturday afternoon. With a heavy heart, and a tingle of anticipation, Wanda grabbed her things and went outside ready to meet with you. 
She would tell you everything. Soon. 
The afternoon was cold, filled with newcomers that wanted to enjoy the Christmas Market that the school had opened for not only their local population but by those living around the city. You smiled proudly at the people coming in and out the place, everyone happy to shop and enjoy not only the different products but also the games and the entertainment you and Wanda had organized for that week. 
Natasha stood by your side, she turned a half smirk your way putting her mobile away. 
“You two really did a good job with this festival.” Natasha eyed you carefully, her arms resting at her sides. “And what you did in the auditorium, let me tell you they are going to love it.”
You chuckled putting a hand on your pocket, your head tilting slightly while your eyes travel around the sea of people coming in and out the school grounds and the street. 
“Well, we did try to make our best and Wanda was magnificent. She was the one who really came up with most of these ideas.”
Natasha arched her left eyebrow her lips twitching upwards. It had been a while since she heard that tone of voice in you, and even now it sounded different. There was not only affection by gentleness in there, but your whole features also softened while your eyes gleamed contentedly. It had been like that from some time now whenever you talk about Wanda or the other woman was close by. Natasha was happy to discover this newfound affection, she had seen it from afar and, while she had been a sceptic about Wanda wanting to go in a relationship with a woman, after having been with the both of them in meetings for the Winter Festival the older woman didn't have any doubts. 
They were standing on thin ice, waiting for the tension to be unbearable until the only option left would be to say what they need and they want from the other. 
There was one topic that bothered Natasha and that had been the Jarvis topic. She hated leaving you in the darkness about the man, but Maria had assured her everything was going according to plan, though as of late the man had been acting strange trying to get far closer to you. Asking questions about your whereabouts and where you live, about your family. Maria had been quite good at avoiding the direct confrontation, but this only showed both women that the man was not used to someone saying no to him. 
“Hey, earth to Tasha, are you here?” You waved a hand in front of her eyes, the woman blinked clearing her throat. 
“Sorry, I zoned out for a moment.” Natasha tried to ease your concerns by offering a wink. “Maria was asking me to be early today.”
“Ah, I see, hot sex with the wife.” You replied wiggling your eyebrows Natasha rolled her eyes slapping your shoulder playfully. 
“Jealous much?”
“Humph, please, why would I be jealous of her or you?” You winced noticing the smirk on the other woman's face. 
“Perhaps because I am getting some while you're still dancing around Wanda?”
“Shut up.” You tried to cover your blush, but it was too late. 
Natasha knew you well enough to know she was right. You dipped your head to the side, your eyes finally finding the woman you had been looking for. Natasha stood by your said leaning in she let her words sink in making sure the seed of longing was well-sow inside your heart. 
“There she is, smiling at you and her eyes lock on you. You should stop dancing around and go for it, Y/N, you two can be so happy if you just… Let go.”
Natasha stood to the side letting Wanda come right at you, just as you met the other woman half-way. Your heart leap inside your chest, with a horde of butterflies fluttering in your lower abdomen when Wanda sneaked her arms around you hugging you tightly. You fluttered your eyes closed enjoying the smell of her shampoo, the warmth of her body, and the overall affection she usually held in those green eyes for you. 
“Hey, you're here early.” Wanda whispered, stepping back before turning to Natasha. “Hey, what do you think. Natasha? Did it meet your expectations?”
“It exceeds them, Wanda, I told you that. I have always thought you were good at this.” Natasha couldn't hold back her smile watching as Wanda stepped closer to you, not leaving a lot of space between the both of you. 
“This is all thanks to Y/N,” Wanda turned to you smiling shyly at you when you grabbed her hand shaking your head while placing a single kiss on her knuckles. 
“She is being modest; this is all Wanda's idea.”
Natasha rolled her eyes lifting a hand to stop the reply from Wanda. 
“I knew you two were good for each other, I'm glad you guys are getting along just fine.”
Natasha kept the smirk on her face unfazed by your glare and Wanda's blush. 
“Now, if you excuse me, my wife is waiting for me and your children are coming this way.”
You kept your glare in watching as Natasha left leaving you with a blushing Wanda who was looking everywhere but at you. 
“Mommy!” Tommy came running until he was hugging Wanda tightly, Billy was also making his way to her but the other boy was slower with his eyes down. 
“Hey, sweetie, how was school today?” Wanda heard Tommy with her eyes falling on Billy who was now sniffing seeking with his hand that of America. 
“Hey, you didn't come by the classroom, where were you?” America asked you narrowing her eyes at you. 
“Making sure everything was working okay.” You nodded to Billy who was standing closer to your sister. “Is he okay?”
“I think he is coming down with the flu or something.” America turned to Wanda and both of the crossed stares before America turned to you. “You guys stayed until late yesterday, I think that didn't agree with the little guy over here.”
“Oh, Billy, how are you feeling?” This time around Wanda knelt to look at her child who was now pouting. 
“I'm fine.” But he sounded weak, with traces of a sour throat. 
Wanda frowned turning to you then to America, with Billy sick it would be almost impossible to stay there. Tommy stood by the side glancing at the scene with a concern frown. 
“Oh, baby I think we need to go home.” Wanda said standing up, she turned to you smiling apologetically. 
Ever since that almost confession on Saturday, the both of you had had a hard time to actually be alone or get a nice conversation. Wanda had chosen that day because of the storytelling event; it would be the perfect moment for you and her to just do something different. Just the two of you. 
“I think you're right.” You turned to America who could read you like a book, she rolled her eyes stretching her hand to you. 
“I'll take care of it.”
You grinned hugging her tightly while whispering in her ear. 
“Thank you, lil sister.”
“What…what are you..” Wanda started but you shrugged leaning closer to her, Wanda's breath caught in her throat when your hand sneaked inside her pocket and you grabbed the car keys in there. 
“Let me take you, Tommy and Billy home.” You spoke. “You can go in the back and I can drive you home and to the pharmacy if needed.”
“You don't have to do it.” Wanda replied in a weak tone, though her heart tugged painfully at her chest. 
“I know, I want to.” You turned to America. “Be careful and write me or call me. Don't be late.”
“Yes, yes, go on then, Billy really is not looking well.”
You knelt in front of the boy leaning in. 
“Billy, can I carry you?” 
Billy huffed grabbing America's hand, he glanced at you then at his mom, with a pout he nodded. You smiled thank him before picking him up in your arms, you turned to Wanda then fixing the boy in your arms letting your eyes go from Wanda to Tommy. 
“Okay, let's go home guys, and once there we can make dinner and make sure Billy feels better, you like that plan, Tommy?”
“Yeah.” Tommy replied shyly grabbing Wanda's hand. 
America watched as the four of you left the crowded field, she chewed on her lower lip think back on her conversation with Wanda for a moment she played with the idea of going with them but America decided against such an idea. She was being overprotective of her sister and the twins, she had come to love them and she would hate for them to be hurt in any way. The same went for you, America knew you were a fool sometimes, and even if you liked to make others think you were strong and untouchable in reality you were a romantic by heart, and a softy in general. America wished she could see the end of this growing relationship between Wanda and yourself for now she would need to be patient. With time the both of you would either stop dancing around one another or you would end up as good friends. America felt her phone vibrate and just as she was about to grab it she saw a woman with her phone out taking pictures of the road leading to the parking lot. 
America frowned but before she could see what the other woman was interested in her phone rang and she pick it up with a smile. 
“Hey Kate bear where are you at?”
The drive back home was filled with Tommy's babble about his day and what he and Billy had done with the rest of the class in the festival. You would glance to the trio sitting in the back of the car every once in a while, your questions directing Tommy to a new subject that would distract him from being overly concern for his brother. 
It didn’t take too long for the twins to be put to bed; Wanda would fuzz around with you trying to hold her back while helping out Billy to get into bed after taking his medicine. Christine had been kind enough to provide the instructions, and a quick diagnostic based on the symptoms, with a promise to be there by the next morning. Wand was not sure how she could thank you for the attention, or what she did to earn your help and your affection.
The young woman leaned against wall; she was watching as you continued telling the story that was supposed to be shown that day to the rest of the students. Billy was drifting on and off to sleep while Tommy was listening attentively holding his dino plushie tightly against his chest. Wanda observed attentively to your gestures, the attention you pay to her children and how amazing you were being with them at all times.
Wanda knew at some point she had fallen for you.
“He doesn’t have a fever anymore.” Wanda blinked confused, she didn’t even notice when Tommy had finally fallen asleep or when you had stoop right in front of her.
“What?” You cocked a brow smiling at Wanda.
“Billy doesn’t have a fever anymore, are you alright?” Your whole face softened; your hand lifted to cup Wanda’s face. “He is going to be okay; you know? Some rest, and medication and he will be as good as new tomorrow.”
Wanda crossed her arms offering a weak smile, her thoughts had drifted away focusing in her relationship with you.
“Thank you, for being here.” She whispered leaning into your embrace, her face resting on your shoulder with her eyes closed.
“Hey, I don’t mind at all. I really love them, you know?” You whispered back, your words carrying with them a meaningful secret that Wanda was not yet ready to face.
At least, not that night.
“I know.” She straightened up, her face filled with unshed tears. “What do you say if we go for a cup of tea and watch something on the TV?”
“I think that’s a fantastic idea!” You grinned widely, following Wanda out of the twins room and into the kitchen.
It had become a routine to just fall into easy conversations about your day or hers, getting to know one another while sharing opinions on an specific topic. You loved it whenever you were able to rail Wanda up just by sharing a controversial opinion about something she liked, it was amusing to seer her eyes flame up and the words pilling out on her mouth while discussing and maintaining her point of view. That night could be like any other, if it wasn’t for the fact that you and she were dangerously close to one another, that Wanda had not stopped her casual touches on you or let her eyes drifted away from you for far too long. If it wasn’t for the fact that you were dying to just break the distance and kiss her they way you meant to kiss her last Saturday. The memory of that night still haunting you.
“That’s so no true!” She exclaimed hitting you with a pillow, you kept laughing lifting a protective arm to evade the pillow hits.
“It is!”
“How can you say they were on a break?!” Wanda huffed pointing to the TV in which you had paused Friends while making a face.
You lifted your arms, putting a leg on the sofa to face Wanda better. The tea had long been forgotten on the table, and Wanda was really looking offended at you though it was easy to guess she was quite amused by the whole discussion. It had been the only time during the afternoon and the evening that you could make her forget about her concerns, Billy had woken up twice now and while he didn’t have a fever, his throat and head had been hurting a lot.
“Look all I’m saying is that it was not clear, okay? Ross shouldn’t have slept with anyone no less than twenty-four hours after the ‘break’,” in here you made a quotation sign with your fingers, your lips tugging upwards, “but still, it felt like a breakup so really Rachel shouldn’t be complaining.”
“Now you’re just saying that to placate my wrath,” Wanda narrowed her eyes, you lifted your hands in a peace gesture shaking your head.
Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips finally breaking into a smile she had been holding back. You rested your head on your hand, your elbow on the back of the sofa; Wanda kept her eyes on the TV then turned to you.
“Do you think…” Wanda stopped thinking about her question, you dipped your head waiting for her to continue.
“What?” you asked curious.
“Do you think they should have ended up together?” The question came with a whisper, your eyebrows shoot up while you leaned back trying to catch the real question.
Wanda was not looking at you, instead of that she was playing with the hem of her shirt while waiting on your answer. You contemplated the possibilities that came with your answer, and what exactly was Wanda looking for. Without knowing exactly what you were getting into you cleared your throat straightening up to grab your mug filled with lukewarm tea.
“I think sometimes we do not chose who we fall in love with,” you kept your attention on your tea, out of the corner of your eyes you could see Wanda looking intently at you, “they were not good for one another the first time, and they had to work a lot in their relationship, but I think in the end they realized that love was not enough, you actually have to work for what you want and make sure that you do everything in your power to make it work.”
“My, Y/N that was quite deep.” Wanda teased though when you locked eyes with her you could see something else there.
You offered a weak smile chuckling, “I guess that’s experience, right?”
“I’m not sure, my own experience was…different.” Wanda replied wincing, you furrowed your brows but Wanda didn’t elaborate.
“And you, Wanda, do you think they should have ended up together?” You asked back, Wanda hesitated for a moment before sitting closer to you.
Your body went completely rigid, her hand rested softly on your knee and you could swear she was moving closer to you. Your heart was thumping so fast and so hard, you could almost make the tapping sound inside your ears, and you were pretty sure Wanda could hear it too.
“I think they gave themselves the chance to love again, and they found out that they really do work together.” Wanda’s voice was almost a whisper, and she squeezed your knee tenderly calling your attention and your eyes back to her face. “I think they should…be together, perhaps…hat time around everything will work out in their favour.”
You nodded leaning closer, “so, love is enough?”
“No, I think both of them are enough…”
You chuckled nodding while leaning closer as well, you could almost make out the shade of green in her eyes. How soft her skin looked, as well as the soft pink colouring of her cheeks and the timid smile on her puffy lips. Being this close to her was everything you had dreamt off for quite some time, and you knew the moment you close the distance you wouldn’t be able to kiss other lips or to think anything else but to try and make this woman happy. Wanda dropped her eyes to your lips then back to your eyes, she parted her lips and waited for you.
“Wanda…” You started but before you could close the distance, your phone rang.
You jumped startled, and Wanda just jerked away from you with her face a deep shade of red. You sought your phone while cursing lowly to the responsible for the interruption; your hand found your phone and soon you were glaring at the name of the screen. You lifted your face offering an apologetic smile that Wanda tried to return weakly.
“Hey, Hope, how you doing?” Your voice sounded strained, but you tried to pay attention to what your best friend was saying.
Wanda offered a weak smile before standing up and leaving you alone in the living room. She let her hands rested on the counter of the kitchen, closing her eyes she tried to regulate her heartbeat while making the mental image of you and your lips, of what almost happened.
“God, what am I doing?” She whispered knowing full well that all she wanted to do was to kiss you, to lean in and let your lips touch yours and perhaps forget all about the past and start living in the present.
Wanda placed a hand on her face, the memory imprinted in her mind smiling softly until you appeared in the kitchen clearing up your throat. By the look in your eyes, Wanda could teel you were leaving.
“Sorry, Hope was trying to help me out with something, and now it seems I will need to go.” You lifted a hand to scratch the back of your head, your eyes wandering around until the fell on Wanda. “But if you need anything at all…”
“I…I will call you, don’t worry.” Wanda tried to hide her disappointment but she couldn’t, you approached her taking her face in your hands.
The young woman gasped with her eyes going big, she leaned forward into your touch with anticipation. You gulped wanting nothing more than to kiss her, to finally close the distance and offer a chance to her and to you. But you stopped yourself before you could do something that you both regret; you kissed Wanda at the corner of her lips, lingering just enough to enjoy the soft touch before stepping back.
“I think we need to talk before we give in.” You offered a weak smile, and Wanda nodded trying to return the smile.
“Yes, I think we should.” The conversation she held with America that day fresh in her mind.
“I will like for you to be my date tomorrow, Wanda.” You couldn’t stay any longer, but you needed to know that tomorrow would be the day.
Wanda blinked chewing on her lower lip, “but we are chaperones and…”
“And you can still be my date and give me one dance, right?” You asked pouting lightly, Wanda melted right away fully aware of what you were asking of her.
“Yes, I will be your date and we…we will talk, right?”
“Right, then…see you tomorrow, Princess.” You stepped back almost falling on your ass, you chuckled and Wanda just rolled her eyes. “Call me if Billy needs something, see you.”
Wanda put her hands on her face, the scene of moments ago still replaying in her mind knowing full well that it would haunt her all through the night the same way that her almost kiss with you on Saturday made her spent a sleepless night. Wanda opened her eyes looking at the lonely kitchen, her heart jumping in her chest at your words.
Tomorrow would be another day, and this time around neither you nor her would let the conversation and the tension to go unsolved. Whatever this was about, you and Wanda were done playing the game.
And this was something that scared and excited Wanda to no end.
Next Chapter: Wanda and Reader finally close the distance, America and Kate kiss, and someone had been watching the pairing closely forming a plan to bring everything to a fatal end.
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thesimperiuscurse · 6 months
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happy birthday @lazysunjade
it's ya boi, back from the grave, to wish you a merry birthday or whatever. this time he's a cyberpunk assassin inspired by your fave fighter games 🎵
another birthday, another year of shenanigans and being the amazing, inspiring, funny as fuck big sister/light of our lives/pensioner you are. it's been so many years of knowing you that the message is getting repetitive, but it's true every time—i can't express how grateful i am to be friends with you, and the wonderful imagination & talent you continue to grace us with. you've leapt from success to success this year with all your hard work and creativity, which is super exciting, both now and going into the next year. you're incredible. love ya 🖤
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buddieswhvre · 2 months
Maybe it's Sunday in some part of the universe lol. Here's a wip of a buddie fanfic inspired by cherry magic.
Tagged by @honestlydarkprincess
A series of notifications on his phone broke the trance that Buck was currently fixed on. He didn’t even need to look in his phone to know what the messages were. For what could they even be except ‘Happy birthday Buck' or ‘Happy birthday, now you're an old man’ from someone. It’s true that birthdays are supposed to be happy but Buck doesn't remember the last time when he celebrated his birthday. What was there to celebrate? The fact that the last time he saw or even heard from his sister was 5 years ago? Or how he was so deeply incapable of being the one that someone would want to spend their life with? How his 30th birthday which should have been a milestone was nothing else than just another day on the stupid calendar?
Not even bothering to open his phone, he went to the kitchen to drink some water when his eyes fell on the bottle of ‘Cherry Magic’ wine. Chimney had gifted this to him as a joke since he was practically now a 'wizard'. Something about how 30 years of not falling in love makes you a wizard? Now Buck does believe in the most random things one could find but this was far-fetched, even for him.
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haitaniapologist · 2 years
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pairings — king! sano shinichiro x fem!reader.
genre — fluff, lightly angst.
warnings — reader is draken's older half sister, world heavily inspired by medieval europe, c*ckwarming, yn and shinichiro are from different social classes (so thoughts about that), insecurities, mentions of s*x, a hint of br*eding k*nk.
word counting — 9.5k
notes — this is both for shin's birthday, @1900-aria collab REGALITÀ & MAGIA and her birthday too !!!! if you don't want to see me being sappy for my twin, just skip the message i'll left for her at the end of the fic <3 anyways, i hope you guys will enjoy !! likes and comments are appreciated, and this isn't in the same universe of my other royal aus!!!
join the taglist !!!
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“i want to be to princess emma what the king is to you, sister.” 
you almost choked on the food you were eating when hearing such words leaving your baby brother's mouth. what was ken saying? it couldn't be possible, could it? 
“care to explain, kenny?” you asked, trying to remain calm under your younger brother's inquisitor gaze. if kenny knew, other people knew too — and you hoped such things wouldn't reach the ears of the counselors or even of princess emma, or else you would be losing the job you worked so hard to have. 
“i can be only thirteen, sister, but i can tell apart when a man looks at a woman he loves and at a woman he doesn't care about.” you almost giggled at his posture, arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows raised — as if he was the older sibling, trying to know who was the man who kept you awake during most nights to fight him if he ever hurt his sister. 
you hummed, mouth full of food. ken kept looking at you, waiting for you to say something, and you swallowed it quickly. “yes? and how does the king look at me?” 
“like you hung all the stars on his sky.” 
you met shinichiro sano when you both were young, the prince was fifteen and you were fourteen — life didn't treat you kind, being the daughter of a prostitute and having a younger half brother to care of, since your mother died as soon as ken was born. you were used to having people looking down upon you and your brother, sneering at you for your attempts to not follow into your mother's footsteps — even if you lived inside a brothel — and give your brother the childhood you didn't have. but everything was worth it when a lady from the brothel, one that always treated you and ken as her own children, managed to get a job in the palace and took you and him with her. 
the first you noticed when you arrived at the palace was the prince. he was there to welcome the new staff members, and even if you were holding your five-year-old brother close to your chest, he still managed to jump from your arms and run towards the prince to ask if he wanted to play. 
you were so embarrassed — ken didn't know yet, but he was the son of a prostitute, someone that wasn't even supposed to touch the crown prince. but shinichiro was kind and held him like you were doing, while you're blushing and panting, saying how sorry you were for your brother's lack of manners. but he only laughed and smiled at ken, asking his name and saying that he and his baby brother would be the bestest of friends. 
you could only stand dumbfounded, watching your brother and the prince interacting, before his attention turned to you. you felt your cheeks growing even more hot than they were already, and kenny was looking puzzled between you too — but before any of you could say anything, the head of the staff members called for you, chastising you for bothering the prince and not listening to your superiors. she took you and ken from the prince's presence, and you thought it would be the last time you would see him. 
but prince shinichiro sano was already in love with you.
two nights after your first encounter with him, the prince appeared in your room, late at night — with nothing but a few sweets and his favorite drink. you couldn't leave kenny alone, so you two ate what he brought with whispers and rushed laughs surrounding you two. you didn't understand why the prince seemed to like you that much, but after saying goodbye to him with a whisper of your name and a kiss to his cheek, you knew why you liked him that much. 
you became princess emma's babysitter two weeks after starting to work in the palace, and you knew it had the prince's fingers on it — but you had always been good with children and the youngest sano was a delight to be around, so you didn't complain. ken also became prince manjiro's companion and best friend, and you knew you could sleep peacefully, knowing that your baby brother would have a different childhood than you did. you were more than grateful to prince shinichiro because of it. 
ken and you became honorary members of the royal family, at least to the three siblings and their mother — the king, their grandfather, had always been too unapproachable for you, and you knew the siblings weren't too fond of him too. 
alongside being an honorary sano, you became one of the prince's companions when you weren't taking care of his sister. you became friends with takeomi, wakasa and benkei too, to shinichiro's delight — the three of them knew about their friend's hopeless crush for his sister's nanny, and, while they knew such a love could not have a happy end, they encourage the prince to act on his feelings. 
and he only did it at twenty, when his grandfather passed away and he was crowned king. 
you were there for him throughout the whole day — either taking care of emma or just being near him, trying to lighten his mood a little before the crown was out on top of his head. and shinichiro couldn't help and attack your lips as soon as you two were alone on a balcony on the coronation ball. you were already beautiful in the simple dresses you wore on normal days, but wearing jewels and a tailored dress was a sight that rivalled the moon and the stars. 
“be mine.” he whispered against your lips that night, eyes dripping with love and cheeks flushed, making him look even more adorable. 
“i've always been, shin.” you whispered back, but, at the deepest part of your heart, you knew that whatever you two had going on, would end soon. 
but three years later you were still meeting him every night in his study, back always pressed against a wall while his hands wandered around your body as if you were a poem he was trying to memorize. 
“he does not look at me like that, ken.” 
“of course he does, sister! when you are going to see that big bro shin loves you?”
you smiled sadly at him. when you are thirteen, everything in life seems easy — you knew that very well. “even if he does love me like you say, kenny, we can not ever be together.” it shattered your heart to say that out loud, but you should take such thoughts from ken's head. 
he, too, wasn't the match for princess emma, even though their young love made you feel like a teenager again. “he is a king and i am merely his sister's nanny. we are from different worlds, baby.” 
you didn't want your brother to go through the same heartbreak you knew soon you would go through. 
but the look in his eyes showed you that he knew that very well. you opened your arms and ken snuggled on them, and you wondered when he had grown so much. he could be heads taller than you, but he would always be a baby to you.
“it will be alright, ken. someday we will know how to deal with this pain.”
it was already routine for you to knock on the king's door three times after putting his sister to sleep. if you didn't appear, you should expect a pouty and whiny shinichiro following you around in the next day, and you couldn't let that happen — he was the king now, he was supposed to do his duties instead of chasing your skirts through the castle. 
you entered the study as soon as you heard shinichiro's voice, sadness inside your chest. you wished you could protect your brother against all the bad in the world, but even if shinichiro wasn't against a possible relationship and marriage between him and emma, the council was still a hard step to overcome — wakasa, takeomi and benkei would be agreeing with the king, but the older counselors would be against it. and being the majority, they would win. 
“what is upsetting my pretty lady?” you didn't even notice that you were standing in front of shinichiro until his hand was cupping your cheek. 
you sighed. you couldn't tell him what was plaguing your mind — because he would soothe it with empty promises. “i just noticed how ken is growing up so fast.” it wasn't the whole truth, but it wasn't a lie either. 
shinichiro nodded, his free hand bringing your body close to his, making you fall on his lap so his arms could hold you close to his chest. he would do anything to see a smile on your face again, understanding where you were coming from. manjiro and emma were growing up too quick to his liking too, but such feelings were the curse of older siblings. he kissed your cheek, then your lips — a quick and sweet peck, that left you breathless nonetheless. 
it was shinichiro's gift, to make you breathless.
your hands were soon on his hair while his lips traveled to your neck, kissing and biting to make his so beloved whines to escape your lips. “s-shin, stop teasing.” 
he smiled on the flesh of your neck, hand skillfully undoing the laces of your corset. “i still have some paperwork to do, y/n/n.” you knew what he meant by that, and your pupils widened with lust. 
your hands soon reached the tent on his trousers, unbelting them and springing his cock from the confines of the fabrics. shinichiro groaned at the feeling of your hand around his length, and he didn't waste no time to lift your skirts and put your underwear aside, helping you to sink down on his cock and stay still until he told you to move. 
your arms were soon around his neck, face pressed on the sensitive skin, and shinichiro swore he could die like that — having you around his arms and his cock inside your warm walls. he still couldn't believe how lucky he was that his feelings were reciprocated. he always thought takeomi or benkei to be a better fit for you, as they weren't kings and wouldn't pressure you to be something you didn't want. shinichiro knew you would be a perfect queen, far better than all the princesses his council wanted him to marry, but he would never pressure you to be one. 
you tried to move your hips a bit, the feeling of being full was a bit overwhelming to you, taking shinichiro from his thoughts. he patted your head, a small smile gracing his lips. “you know you can not move yet, dearest. i am finishing these papers, and when i’m finished i promise to take care of your needs, alright?” 
a nod was what you could give him, and shinichiro tried to fight the urge to smile and kiss you — you were too adorable, and such cuteness had enchanted him since the first time you looked at him with big and teary eyes.
he couldn't wait until he would finally call you his for everyone to hear. 
princess emma was the cutest person that ever graced the earth. 
you didn't know if it was because she grew up alongside three loud older brothers, but she was a delight to have around. always trying to make everyone feel better, or even taking care of them — and you were always there to remind herself to take care of her, too. it was a advice that you were supposed to follow too, but you were always forgetting about it. 
and the tears on her face made your heart hurt, too. she wasn't your blood sister, but you were the one who raised her — you first started to take care of the princess when she was three, almost four, and you were there for her when she hit every single milestone of a woman's life. 
but you weren't ready for her first heartbreak. because you knew you were, indirectly, the cause of it.
“he said… that w-we can n-not see e-each so m-m-much…” oh, ken. if you knew, you would never have said such things to him. you were only trying to prevent him from the same pain you were feeling, but it seemed as if you brought it earlier to him. your hands stroked the princess' blonde curls, trying to soothe her, while emma's head was resting on your lap. 
it was funny, wasn't it? how both you, shinichiro, emma and draken were bound to the same destiny. it seemed as if manjiro was the only one saved from it, and you hoped he would find happiness with someone he could be happy with. 
“did i… did i do something wrong, y/n?” the despair in her voice made you flinch, and if you could, you would feel her pain for her. you didn’t mind suffering twice, even thrice, if that meant nor ken or emma would be like that.
“of course not, emma.” your voice was gentle, as you remembered queen sakurako's to be, and you hoped you could ease her heart. “you two are young, but i know ken loves you. and, sometimes, just loving someone is not enough. you do not understand it yet, but carrying such a title like yours, it is necessary to make some sacrifices.” 
the sacrifice of one's happiness wasn't supposed to be acceptable, but if you and your brother had to watch both king and princess marry another person and be happy, so the people of the country would be happy, at least you would have each other. 
what was the happiness of just one in comparison with a whole kingdom? 
“this is why brother does not marry you?” 
your hand suddenly stopped its ministrations, and emma rose her head from your lap, a curious glint in her eyes. 
“he denied every single one proposition that reached the council, and i think it is because he wants to marry you.” she explained, and you tried to not raise false hopes inside your chest. “i want him to marry you, so you can be my sister i can marry ken.” she pouted, and you chuckled, bringing her smaller body closer to yours. 
your head rested on top of hers, mind spiralling with thoughts. as much as you wanted to believe emma's words that shinichiro was denying all proposals because of you, the most realistic thing was to believe that he just hadn't found someone worthy of being his queen. what you two had was bound to end someday, and both of you would move on from this childhood love, have families and be happy. 
you kissed her head. “what if i bring some sweets to cheer you up?” you proposed. maybe you couldn't feel her pain for her, but you could try to amenize it. 
emma nodded excitedly and you giggled at her reaction, making your way to the kitchens. 
you wish you hadn't.
“did you hear that the king finally accepted a marriage proposal?” was what you heard when you first put a step inside the kitchens. “he is going to announce it in a week.”
you stopped in your tracks, heart racing. that couldn't be true. he would've told, wouldn't he? you were one of his best friends before being his lover.
“i heard it was from princess akane. she is really beautiful, is not she?” the main cooker commented, unaware of the sound of your heart shattering inside your chest. 
“and she is kind, too!” her friend added. “she will be the best queen our kingdom will have. we always knew the king was just waiting for the best bride— oh, y/n, we did not see you there, darling. what the princess want?” 
you tried to smile at them, fighting the tears. 
princess akane was everything you weren't, and even if the thought of shinichiro loving another was too much for you to bear without wanting to scream from agony, you were happy for him. you only heard good things from princess akane, and you would gladly step away so shinichiro could focus on her — you would never be a mistress, after all. 
“i was thinking about some strawberry tarts. the princess woke up a bit sad today.” 
you were late. 
shinichiro tried not to think much about it. he was aware that something transposed between emma and ken in the morning, and you were probably attending to his sister's needs or comforting your brother. he would never make you choose your family over him, but it left him worried, nonetheless — you were quite distant throughout the day, and he was afraid something worse had happened. 
he couldn't pinpoint what he was feeling, but it wasn't a good thing. he felt as if he was in the shore, watching as a big wave, with an enormous destructive power, coming, and he couldn't do anything to prevent it from destroying everything he held dear to his heart. 
his door opening put his mind at ease, but you were too quiet — not coming to sit on his lap or even hugging him from behind, peppering his face with kisses, like you always did. shinichiro raised his eyes from his paperwork, and the look you were giving him was worrisome. you were determined, but it seemed as if such determination was eating you alive. the agony on your eyes could rival atlas' one, and shinichiro wondered what you were carrying on your shoulders. “y/n, dearest, what happen—” 
“we should stop this.” 
“what?” he asked, promptly rising from his chair and walking towards you. shinichiro couldn't believe what he was hearing. yesterday you seemed fine, cumming on his cock twice and even leaving him to come inside you and fill you up — whispering how much you loved him and how good he made you feel.
“it is what you heard, your highness.” the politeness of your words was strange, like the first taste of a foreign fruit. but you would grow used to it — he wasn’t your shinichiro anymore. “i no longer love you, therefore i am ending what we have.”
“you are lying.” you never saw shinichiro looking so desperate in his life, and you bit your lower lip in order to keep the tears away. “you love me. what are you saying? what happened, y/n?” 
“i only used you, your highness.” you tried again, a lie you rehearsed so many times inside your head before meeting him. “to g-give my brother a better life. now he has o-one and i… i do not need you any more.” you cursed the wobble of your lip and the wet on your cheeks — shinichiro would know you were lying. 
and he did. 
the feeling of his hands on your face was a cruel reminder that soon they would be doing the same for another woman, that you would never be yours to hold again — princess akane was really a lucky woman, and you wished she could cherish what she was going to have. 
you shook your head, getting away from shinichiro's warm fingers. the hurt on his face was too much for you to bear, your feet wanting to take you back to your chambers as soon as you could. 
but the king stopped you, a hand holding your wrist as if you were made of glass. “why are you doing this, my love?” 
the pet name and the tenderness in his voice brought even more tears to your eyes and you closed them, failing to notice shinichiro's own tears streaming down his face. you were so close to him yet so far — he felt as if he was running eternally, yet he couldn't reach you. 
“to prevent us from more heartbreak.” you tried to keep your voice calm, but it was proving to be impossible — not with shinichiro's warmth so close to you. “i love you, shinichiro, but i will never be able to call you mine. i have come to terms with this already, but i will not keep you like an oath while i am nothing but a dirty secret to you.” 
shinichiro didn't understand what you were talking about. it didn't make sense on his head, not when he already had a ring and an almost finished speech to proclaim his undying love for you for the whole kingdom to hear in the following week. 
“this is over, your highness. please, let me go.” you tried to push your hand back towards you, but shin's hold only tightened around it. you took a deep breath — it would hurt to walk away, but it would be a pain that you would grow used to it. 
another scar to your already scarred heart.
“please, shin.” you whispered this time, silent tears wetting your cheeks even more. 
“i can not let the love of my life walk away.” he tried to reason with you, because nothing was making sense inside his head. surely something happened that made you think it was better to not act on your feelings for him anymore. “what happened, y/n?” he asked, resting his head in the crook of your neck, arms hugging you by your middle. 
a single kiss on your skin was what made you break down, and shinichiro held you while you cried. every tear and every sob that left your body was like the enemy's arrow piercing his skin, and nothing hurt more than seeing you suffer without being able to ease it.
when your sobs became just whimpers, you started to talk — but your mind was already made up. “i do not want to be an obstacle for you to love your future wife, your highness.” you smiled sadly, feeling him stiff on your neck. “i came to terms with the fact that i will see you falling in love with someone, and i am happy for you already.” you turned on his hold, holding his face and brushing your lips against his. 
a kiss that would be the last, that tasted of tears and sorrow. 
you broke the kiss, and before shinichiro could say or react, you ran from him — hushed steps and a new wave of fresh tears down your face.
the king could only watch as you fled his study, as if you were a criminal. and maybe you were.
you broke his heart like nobody did, after all. 
“oh, lady y/n! there you are!” you heard the voice of one of emma's maids calling for you and you tried to clean your wet cheeks. you couldn't reach your room before you broke down, crunching down on the ground and trying to disappear. 
you nodded, getting up from your place near a window. “does the princess need me?” 
the maid nodded, and you took a deep breath, smiling. you could put your suffering aside if your princess needed you — her wellbeing had always come before yours, and you needed to learn how to live with that pain. you followed the maid, your steps not as quickly as they used to be, your body still trembling with a few sobs. the gazes of the maid made you feel even worse than you were feeling, but you thanked her when you reached the princess' room. 
emma was sitting on her bed, as if she knew what had happened. “some servants saw you, y/n.” you couldn't believe you were feeling so small under the voice of a twelve-year-old, but you felt like a child being caught by her mother. “why did you choose to suffer alone?”  why? you never tried to know why you always preferred to suffer alone. maybe it was because people always needed you to be strong so they could receive your comfort — or maybe it was because you never had someone who would be willing to comfort you.
“i do not know, emma.” you explained. “i am sorry.” 
she smiled at you, patting her lap. “you comforted me this morning, so i think it's time for me to return the favor.” 
you shouldn't have followed her orders — but emma was your princess, and it would be treason to not do what she said. besides the tears of sadness because of your situation with shinichiro, you were happy. it seemed like you raised emma well, at least. 
with your head on her lap and her hand on your hair, you cried for what you lost — a lover, a friend, a future. you always knew you and shinichiro would never be together as a couple. it wasn't possible. you were just a maid, someone that was the daughter of a prostitute. you weren't a match for the king, and you would never be. but you were stubborn and hopeful, and always dreamed of walking down the aisle with ken by your side to meet shin in front of the altar. now, however, you would see another woman doing what you've always dreamed about. 
you didn't notice when emma helped you change into sleeping gowns and lay down with you on her bed, just like she used to do when she was younger — her head safely tucked in your chest, her arms hugging you as if you were her personal pillow. 
“i don't know what is hurting you, y/n, but i know it'll pass. or i will fight it for you.” 
you tried to smile at her, because it wouldn't. it would only pass if you left the castle for good, to not see shinichiro falling in love with someone else. 
maybe that was what you were supposed to do. 
everyone could notice how the king wasn’t being himself. 
the staff was buzzing with news of a marriage, but the king didn’t look as happy as a future groom should be. he didn’t smile at them anymore, always locked inside his study — only his close companions being allowed to be there with him. nobody knew what happened to make the king behave like that, but all the staff could see how the princess’ nanny wasn’t on her best days either. 
you tried only to stay with emma, always trying to convince her that you two should have lunch and dinner at the balcony, or having breakfast at the garden — you said it would be better for her to not see ken for a while, but it was because you didn’t want to see shinichiro. you knew that as soon as your eyes landed on him, you would immediately ask for his forgiveness and crawl back to his arms. but you shouldn’t and you couldn’t. everyone only talked about how excited they were with the alliance between the sano and inui dynasties, and you wouldn’t be the one who would end it. 
you hadn’t heard from shinichiro since the day you broke things off with him, but you knew how he was because of emma and, especially, draken. it seemed like your little brother was making sure that he would always mention the king when you two were talking about — how swollen his eyes seemed during breakfast, or how he hurt himself during a sparring session with wakasa, saying that he wanted you to patch him up. your heart always broke knowing how your actions were breaking him and his heart, but whenever someone said anything about princess akane and her beauty, you knew you were doing the best thing.
six days had passed, and you dreaded when the seventh would arrive — the day when shinichiro would announce his engagement with the foreign princess. 
you reached your room, hoping that ken would be already sleeping, as you always made sure to leave before he was awake and arriving when he was already sleeping to avoid talking about the king — because you knew what he did to you, he did to shinichiro too — but the laugh coming from inside it and the light coming from the crack of the door told you otherwise. 
entering it with careful steps, you prayed it wasn’t the king with him, but you doubt shinichiro would be laughing like that. 
inside the room were your brother, prince manjiro and takashi — the three musketeers, as you nicknamed them. you smiled warmly at the boys, and ken got up to hug you, kissing your cheeks and holding you against his chest. you didn’t know what could have triggered him to act like that in front of his friends, but you smiled and hugged him back, surprised at how his muscles seemed bigger than before. 
“what is this all about, kenny?” you asked after a few moments of him hugging you, and you giggled at the boy’s chuckles coming from the table you two had in the room. 
your brother didn’t answer you at first, and you looked up to see a tint of red painting his cheeks. you looked puzzled at him and he turned his head to the side, which earned more chuckles and giggles from you and his friends. “it is just… you will look beautiful as a bride.” that only made you more confused. 
“takashi said he’ll make your dress, big sis y/n.” you heard the prince saying, and you tried to give a confused look through ken’s body. 
“if she wants, that is.” takashi replied. 
“well.” you tried to get away from ken’s hold but he only tightened his grip on your waist, despite your confused whines. “i would love for takashi to make me my wedding dress, but i do not even have a groom to marry.” 
“you will have if you say yes, y/n.” 
you didn’t hear the sound of the door opening nor the heavy footsteps entering your shared room with your brother, probably muffled by the sounds of boyish laughter from his friends — but now the way ken was holding was making sense. because if he wasn’t, you were sure you would've run from the room as soon as your eyes landed on king shinichiro.
he looked like a broken man, as if when you broke up with him, you had taken away all the good things in his life with you. however, you could still see a glint of hope dancing in his onix eyes — you never saw them so lifeless before, not even when his mother died, and you couldn’t forgive yourself for being the cause of it. you didn’t know how much time you two spent just looking at each other, but you were taken away from your trance when the three boys left your room and you heard the princess’ giggles from the corridor. 
“what is this about, your highness?” he looked like a rejected puppy at the sound of his title instead of his name, but he walked towards you, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when you didn’t flinch or walked away from him. shinichiro was determined to walk out of your room with a positive answer, because he didn’t know what to do if you didn’t accept his marriage proposal — he would do anything to be yours again, even give up on his title and handover the kingdom to manjiro. 
“exactly what it looks like, my love.” he answered calmly, watching as your eyes got glossy at his proximity and the endearment name. you didn’t deserve such treatment, in your opinion, but shinichiro had always been a kind man — but you didn’t deserve to be treated with kindness. he got on one knee and your eyes widened, hands trembling in front of you when he took a beautiful ring from his shirt pocket. it was a simple gold band, but with a clear stone in the middle of it. 
was it the ring he was going to propose to princess akane? was he just rehearsing how he would propose to her? 
“i love you.” he took your right hand on his free one, bringing it to rest on his chest. you could feel how quick his heartbeat was, and knew its pace only mirrored yours. “these days without you were the worst i had in my life, and to know they only happened because i was a coward only makes me angry at myself.” you looked down at him puzzled, because it had never been his fault. he was just fulfilling his duties, and you would never make him choose between the kingdom and you. “i was supposed to do that months ago, before any weird rumors started to appear.” 
he held your hold even more tight against his chest, as if it was the only thing keeping from anchored and not letting him from breaking down. “marry me, y/n, and ease the pain in my heart.” 
your first instinct was to refuse. you just shook your head, eyes closed and tears streaming down your cheeks. “i c-can not, shinichiro… w-what about princess a-akane? the whole kingdom expects her, not m-me.” you managed to say through your tears, their flow only growing when you felt his hands tenderly holding your face. his duty was to marry a princess of noble blood and have more noble heirs that would take his place and his siblings’ place, not marry a prostitute's daughter that would taint the sano bloodline with her impure blood. 
his warm chuckle reached your ears and you slowly opened your eyes, his fingers wiping the tears that were falling through your eyelashes. “there is no princess akane, my silly girl. i’ve refused her marriage proposal last week.” he reassured you, touching his forehead to yours. “and i do not care about who the kingdom expects me to marry. i am already a good king, and having someone like you as my queen will only make me better.”
you only nodded, lips brushing his, but not fully kissing him. you knew that, if you accepted, your relationship would face a lot of hardships — the older counselors wouldn’t accept the union at first, people would look down at you, because they wanted a princess and not a nanny, and maybe they would never accept you as their queen. but would you be able to let the love of your life walk away again? 
“i will ease the pain in your chest, shin. i will marry you and be yours for the rest of my days on this earth.” 
your life made a 180-degree turn. 
shinichiro announced your engagement first to close friends and family. you never saw takeomi and wakasa smiling so brightly, nor did benkei ever hug you so tightly as he did. it was good to be accepted by your lover’s circle of close friends, even though they always knew about your shared feelings — but they were nobles, and nobles with a great influence in the kingdom’s counselors, and having their support would only do good. 
emma started to cry when you showed her the ring that once belonged to her stepmother, and even mikey teared up. you hugged them as tightly as you could, and shinichiro soon joined the embrace — they had always been your family, but now it was more real. you would marry their brother, it wasn’t just a daydream that you had while combing through the princess' blonde locks. even after the hug ended, emma still stayed between your arms. you knew what that represented to her, and the first thing you would do as queen was to fight for hers and ken’s happiness. 
after them, it was now time for the young knights and companions of the prince to know about it. you and shinichiro left your brother last at his request, and you wondered what your fiance was planning. the cheerful squeals that left the boys mouths were so cute to see, and takashi was already making plans with hakkai about your dress — pah and peh were excited about the party, keisuke, haruchiyo and kazutora already thinking about the beautiful women with beautiful gowns. mana and luna, takashi’s little sisters, and yuzuha, hakkai’s older sister, were already thinking about their dresses, and you couldn't wait until you could put them under your wing. 
the last one was ken, of course. shinichiro insisted on having a private dinner with him, and you giggled seeing the flush on your little brother’s face — he knew about the whole engagement thing, and you wondered what shinichiro wanted to do. he didn’t need to try to impress your brother or anything like that, because ken already saw him as a type of hero since he was a small kid. 
dinner was pleasant, and you smiled seeing how shin chose all ken’s favorite foods and sweets as the menu. your brother seemed flattered by it, and it was good seeing a happy glint in his eyes — because when you were suffering, he was suffering too. you knew he and emma were still not talking as much as they did before, because he was trying to get rid of his feelings for the princess, but you hoped that now, he wouldn’t feel this hopeless.
shinichiro squeezed your hand under the table, and you looked at his face, puzzled, he just gave you one of his boyish grins. “so, ken.” 
“yes, your highness?” you brother replied with his mouth stuffed with chocolate pudding and you almost cringed at his lack of manners. 
but shinichiro just smiled. “you know that tomorrow i will announce my engagement to your sister.” ken nodded, a sparkle of excitement shining in his dark eyes. it made you happy, to know what being queen, your brother wouldn’t have to need to worry about anything else in his life — that was what you always wanted, to give him what you hadn’t growing up. “but i also want to announce two more things, but i need your permission to do that.” 
shin almost giggled seeing two similar pairs of eyes looking at him with the same expression. you and ken were more alike than you could ever realize. “and what are they, your highness?” 
shinichiro only brought your linked hands to rest on top of the table, and you felt your cheeks warm. you had always been affectionate with him, but not in front of others. it was something you would need to grow used to, especially after tomorrow. “i want to make you a duke.” as soon as the words left shin’s mouth you felt tears in your eyes and, before you or ken could protest, the king continued. “and make you my sister’s betrothed.” shinichiro squeezed your hand again, hearing the quiet sniffles that were leaving your mouth. “what do you say, draken?” 
you knew it was your brother's decision to make, but you were nodding as soon as he looked at you for guidance — this was more than you ever dreamed of giving him. you just wanted him to have a good and happy life, a life that he didn't need to worry about if he would have food to eat the next day, a life where he would sleep and wake up in warm blankets and a fluffy mattress. being a knight would guarantee that, but shinichiro was transforming your deepest dreams into reality. he was willing to give your brother something that would make life and his offspring's life so much better, and giving a chance of being happy with someone he loved. 
“yes, of course, your highness, i could not dream of anything better than this!” the smile on both of your faces could rival the sun, and the tears were coming down your eyes freely. oh, how you loved shinichiro — you couldn't put into words your feelings for him, and you doubt you ever could someday. “does that mean my sister will be a duchess? i do not want her to suffer with any bad repercussions about your engagement to her, your highness.”
“you are a smart boy, kenny.” shinichiro said while he wiped the tears away from your cheeks. “this will make both yours and your sister's life easier, and this is the least i can do for you both.” 
“stop this, shin, you are making me cry!” 
the room was filled with laughter, and you swore you never felt so much happiness inside your chest. ken left the room to find emma, and you found yourself trapped between the king's arms, his hands stroking your hair and his voice almost luring you to sleep. tomorrow would be the hardest day of your life, you were sure of it.
the day shinichiro announced his engagement to you was a difficult one. a happy one, but still difficult. 
as expected, no one believed that their king was going to exchange the marriage with a prestigious princess that would bring riches to the kingdom to marry the princess’ nanny. the counselors were furious with shinichiro’s choice and you could see it in their faces — but he held your hand through the whole time, and trying to make you less nervous and anxious. that seemed to work for a while, but then, you started to hear the whispers. the staff in the castle knew what your childhood had been, who your mother was and where did you come from, and they didn’t seem happy to know that someone that was born even below them was going to be their queen. 
the people took it better than you thought, especially the lowborns just like yourself. the nobles were quite skeptical about the arrangement, thinking that someday the king would grow tired of you and they could make their daughters a royal mistress, but nobody except you and shinichiro knew how deep your love for each other was. but they grew into their idea, nonetheless. in the end of the day, shinichiro was still the king and, if they wanted to fall into his good graces, they would need to accept you. 
the acceptance with the nobles came easier than with the palace’s staff, but you couldn’t do much. they would start to like you in their own terms, and you tried to shield yourself with those who had always liked you — takeomi, benkei, wakasa, princess emma and prince manjiro, your brother and the boys, mana, luna, yuzuha. they made your days better, and you couldn’t be more grateful. emma and the girls were helping you with etiquette lessons, and how you should act as a queen, takeomi taught you the basics of the kingdom, such as its economy and difficulties, while benkei and wakasa — and sometimes the prince, your brother and the boys, too — were helping you with self defense and horse-riding. 
shinichiro knew you wouldn’t need any of that to be a good queen, but it was cute to see you so invested in your new duties. 
while you were busy with your queenly duties, you were also making the preparations for the wedding. shinichiro let everything in your hands, since it would be your day — both your wedding and coronation would happen in the same afternoon, and he wanted everything to be to your liking. sometimes he would join you, giving his opinion about the decoration or the flowers. emma would always chastise him, saying how both he and draken didn’t know a thing about a woman’s mind, and that you were always more rational than them. 
you only giggled every time such a thing happened. shinichiro would playfully roll his eyes, watching with fond eyes how emma and draken would bicker as if they were already married. 
as promised, takashi was the one who made your dress. for a knight, he had such kind and talented hands, and he didn’t let anyone but himself work on it or even see your dress. you wanted to see shinichiro’s reaction seeing you for the first time in the aisle, even though you probably knew what was going to be — his boyish grin trying to hide the tears coming from his eyes. you were also excited to see ken’s reaction, since he was the one who was going to walk you down until you met your future husband.
your brother's reaction to you as a bride was everything you expected of him — him fighting back his tears while he tried to smile at you, but sobbing on your shoulders when you hugged him. takashi made sure that the dress was comfortable enough for you to be able to move freely, especially to hug others, but he still kept the fashion aspects the kingdom demanded of you. if his career as a knight wouldn't prevail, you would make him the official royal tailor. 
ken's arm intertwined with yours was what kept you away from walking away — the thousand pair of eyes on your figure when the doors of the chapel opened was too much, but you could see shinichiro waiting for you at the end of the aisle. you kept your gaze fixated on him for the most part, watching as his shoulders trembled and takeomi gave them some pats, the crown on top of his black curls shining brighter than anything. sometimes you would steal some glances at your brother, still not believing that he was now a duke, and you were going to be a queen. 
your brother offered you to the king, tears streaming down his face. you were glad you had a veil — albeit thin — covering your face, because you were sure you were a worse crying mess than your brother and your future husband. shinichiro kissed your hand, leading you to the designated place. “you look so beautiful.” he whispered in your ear while the priest said his blessings, and you giggled. you just squeezed his hand, that was still intertwined with yours, not knowing if you would be able to say anything without crying. 
the priest said his blessings over the rings you two would share as testimony of the alliance being made through your marriage, and shinichiro was finally able to get a glimpse of your face. emma took the veil out of your face with grace, and now everyone could see how bad you were crying — it was a bit embarrassing, just a few minutes from being crowned queen crying in front of such a big crowd like that, but you could only focus on shinichiro and the smile on his face. you two exchanged rings, kissing each other's hands after it, and you knew now it was time. 
your brother was the one carrying the crown and the sceptre, and in the place of the priest were now two chairs — yours and shinichiro’s thrones. he sat on his and you kneeled, doing what emma had taught you. the kingdom hasn't had a queen coronation since the day queen sakuraro married king makoto, shin’s and mikey's parents, but you weren’t even born to remember it. you knew all the eyes were on your figure, but you kept yours glued at shinichiro’s hands. 
“look at me, my love.” he whispered, hand softly caressing your chin to lift your face. you were looking at your husband now, and the thought made your heart race even more. husband and king. 
the act started, a tradition made long before you and shinichiro even thought of existing — you had the words memorialized by heart, and you said them with ease. it started with an oath, of how you were going to dedicate your life to the kingdom and its people, then a profession of your love for your new husband. it ended with shinichiro putting the crown on top of your head, and handling the sceptre. your husband helped you to get up, mana and luna ready to assist you with your dress so you could sit on your throne without any complications. with linked hands, you first looked at shinichiro, who was already looking at you, hearing the crowd cheering for their new queen — just after a wink from him that you had courage enough to look at the crowd, seeing some familiar faces, but all of them seemed eager and overjoyed with your coronation. 
“i can not believe you are my wife.” shinichiro said as soon as you two arrived in your now shared chambers. 
the feast was amazing. the food was, as always, amazing too — you almost cried seeing all the cooks addressing you as their queen, making all your favorite foods and smiling when you praised them. it was still strange to have people bowing at you when you were the one bowing at them once, or hearing how pompous their words were for you. but both you and shinichiro had fun, laughing and dancing with each other or with your friends. 
but the night was over, and now you were in your new rooms. 
it would be strange not sharing a room with your brother, and you knew you would miss his company — but ken would be just a few floors below you, until he came of age and received his own state. you knew he was excited about that, because then he would be able to marry emma and have his happily ever after. 
“wife, wife, wife.” shinichiro chanted while you tried to take the jewels and other ornaments from your body, taking care to not damage any of them, especially your crown. 
“and you are my husband.” you replied, getting up from your dressing table and walking to the bed, where your husband was laying comfortably — he had lost his coat in the feast, only wearing his white shirt and trousers. his cheeks were slightly flushed due to alcohol consumption, and his eyes were shining with the purest emotions you ever saw. “then be a good husband and help me take this dress out, will you? i am aware you can not wait to see what is beneath it.” 
ever since you were betrothed to him, you two stopped seeing each other in more intimate situations. both because you were too busy and just wanted to sleep peacefully when night arrived, but also because shinichiro didn’t want anyone to think he was marrying you just because you had sex and you were forcing him to do it. 
he was on his feet in no time, skillful hands undoing the laces on the back of your corset, doing movements that he knew like the back of his heart. you missed having shinichiro’s fingers on your back — they were always gently, ghosting your skin as if he was afraid of breaking you. 
he finished his ministrations with a kiss on the nape of your neck, hands wrapping themselves around your waist and bringing you to rest on his chest. he sighed contently on your neck and you smiled. you would never have thought you would marry him, like your teenage self always dreamed about. it was too good to be true, and you were afraid someone would try to take such happiness from you.
“i can not believe you are finally mine.” he said after a few moments of feeling your skin under his fingertips, lips pressing light kisses in the exposed skin of your neck and shoulder. 
you giggled at the feelings of his lips on your warm skin. “i have always been yours, shin. it is just official now.” you turned around on his hold, holding his head between your hands. he kissed your palm and you smiled at him.
“like i have always been yours too, y/n.” he confessed, resting his forehead against yours. you closed your eyes, lips brushing carefully against his. “can i kiss my wife?” he asked playfully and you just squished his cheeks before pressing your lips against his. 
you didn’t notice how you arrived in your bed, only focused on the feeling of shinichiro’s hands roaming your body and how good his kisses tasted now that they weren’t prohibited. your back hit the mattress, your dress already on the ground, leaving you only in your undergarments — shinichiro was, too, only with his trousers on, his shirt on the floor alongside your dress. “you are the most beautiful woman of this kingdom.” he whispered against your lips, mouth traveling south to suck on your collarbone, hands cupping your clothed breasts. “the poets will sing of your beauty for years to come, my love.” 
he always knew how to make you embarrassed and a blushing mess under him with his sweet words. 
“and the girls will dream of having a love story like ours, shin, just as the poets will write.”
you would never grow tired of seeing your husband interacting with your daughter. 
you were sure sakurako was conceived on the night of marriage, if your calculations were right — she was such a blessing in both yours and shinichiro’s lives, arriving in a snowy day, with a strong cry and big black eyes and a small tuft of hair inherited from her father too. as soon as he held the baby girl in his arms, his mother’s name came from his mouth. you didn’t care, of course. you knew queen sakuharo just from a couple of years before she died, and she had always been nothing but kind to you, being one of the main reasons why you became emma’s nanny. 
naming your daughter after her was the best thing to do. 
shinichiro was the best father in the world. you knew he had experience with children due to his younger siblings, but it was different. sakurako was nothing but a daddy’s girl — a mommy’s girl too, but her bond with shinichiro was something else. she always smiled the brightest when he was around, always babbled more excitedly when she was with him than when she was with her uncles and aunt, and always wanted to be in his arms.
but she was still a mommy’s girl, after all. 
“i can not believe she did not want to be held by me.” shinichiro pouted from his place on the bed, arms dramatically over his head. 
you held sakurako closer to your chest, rocking her while you walked around your chambers. “do not be dramatic, husband. she loves you, but sometimes only mama can comfort her.” you looked down, smiling at her sleeping form. she wasn’t even one year old yet, two months away from her first birthday, but you could tell that despite having shinichiro’s looks, her personality was from you. her small hand was holding tightly the neckline of your dress, her cheeks pressed against your collarbone. 
averting your eyes to your husband, you smiled seeing him already looking at you. shinichiro never stopped looking at you as if it was the first time he saw you, always a lovestruck and boyish glint shining on his eyes even after almost two years of marriage. “you are such a good mother for her.” he whispered, getting up from the bed and  embracing you gently, to not startle the toddler between your arms. he couldn’t understand how his daughter could find comfort in the fabrics you used as clothing, but maybe it was your smell that calmed her — you always smelled like home to him, and sakurako probably inherited that from him too. 
you never thought about your motherly skills, not like your husband seemed to do. you had a previous experience with both your brother, princess emma and prince manjiro, but they weren’t infants when you started to take care of them — well, ken was, but you still had help from the ladies in the brothel until he started to walk and talk. “you think so, shin?” you bounced sakurako a bit before leaning on your husband's chest, head resting on his shoulder while his arms rested in your hips. 
he hummed. “sakurako thinks so, too. everyone does, and everyone is amazed how good you are with her.” he praised you, eyes observing his sleeping daughter. “maybe a little prince would be good now, do not you think?” you gasped softly, eyes widened at the thought — but it wasn’t an unpleasant idea. “emma and ken, and mikey are too young to have children, and i doubt my friends are going to marry soon.” he argued, kissing your cheek. “sakurako needs a company.” 
mana and luna were already her company, but you understood where your husband was coming from. “well, maybe i could drop her off to her nannies if you want to start now?” you suggested, giggling at the feeling of his lips nibbling the skin of your neck. 
“can we stay like this for a little while?” he suggested back and you nodded, closing your eyes and leaning even more on his body. shinichiro kissed your forehead, humming a lullaby you recognized as the same one you used to sing for emma — and sometimes ken — when she had a nightmare and couldn’t sleep. 
you were right. shinichiro couldn’t wait until the poets wrote about the everlasting love between the two of you.
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for aria — i don't have words how important you are for me, bby. you're my twin, someone that is always here to listen to me ranting about my crushes or here to listen about my heartbreaks, someone that have such a beautiful light that i know brightens all the room you're in. you deserve only the best things the world can offer, okay? happy 21st birthday, my twin!!! i can't believe we're finally the same age ehehe i love you so much, and you know this!!!
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taglist — @1900-aria @softbajis @tooweirdforyou @etheralyonn @lonnie19 @rayfuyu @chronic-claire-universe @aqualesha @winterv-black @nanamis-wifey-reye @sureconfused @sanzuhachoo @furiousturtlespyfire @rinsie @sanzu-s
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dreamersbcll · 7 months
Chinese Satellite
instead i look at the sky and feel nothing
1/4 - inspired by this
Tara didn’t need anybody’s help. It was just her, the vacant bodies beside her, and an empty echo that made its home in her head. Over and over again. Repeat until death.
She wasn’t always like this. Cynical. Cold. Careful. Withdrawn. There was once a sweet little girl inside her, one who lived and breathed for family, bedtime stories, and sleepovers with her friends.
There wasn’t a particular moment where Tara realized that everything had changed— that everything wasn’t exactly what it seemed. She was a good girl, obedient, even to a fault. All she wanted to do was please her family and be just like her big sister.
Sam was an excellent big sister. She made Tara dinner every night and kissed Tara’s face all over. Nothing was better than the ages of five and ten, innocent to the world around them. Mothers could be good. Fathers could stay. Everything was going to be alright.
But around Tara’s sixth birthday, she suddenly understood and grew a conscience. Her father wasn’t always there, and Mami wasn’t all that nice. She understood why Sam had her listen to music on her iPod at night and why she never spoke to her father until he spoke to her.
The most confusing part was how everything was smoothed over, a rug over a million little toys. The Carpenters never spoke of their irregularities, their lack of proper family. They barely talked to each other in kind language, as the house was divided into three groups: the father, the mother, and the prodigal daughters. Tara didn’t understand why they weren’t the parents she thought she knew. She also didn’t understand why they didn’t talk about it.
Yet the Carpenter family was good at doing one thing together, and that was going to church. They went to church on Sunday, and the girls went to bible study every Wednesday.
There were so many rules. So many hymns. So many confusing messages. Tara was overwhelmed each time she crossed the threshold, her body tensing and her breathing growing ragged.
Somehow, Sam could see Tara’s cowardice and her fears, so her big sister took care of her. The two learned how to talk to God, how to pray, and how to listen for the voice that they yearned to receive.
Together, never alone. Two sets of bony knees hit the wooden floor, two sets of elbows pressed against unforgiving pews. Two heads bowed in unison, and two mouths moved quietly to words they hoped would save them one day.
Soon enough, Tara knows the rules inside and out. She must keep her head bowed and let the stiffness of her body in prayer become a permanent fixture in her body and mind. Eyes averted, preferably closed, but at least turned away from God’s sight. She wasn’t worthy of his glance.
However, it was the last part of prayers she was awful at. No matter how hard she tried, it always ended in numerous Hail Marys and lashings from her mother, all for the sake of correcting Tara’s sinful behavior. God wanted her arms up, hands grazing the heavens, close enough to touch but never meant to be touched.
Tara thought that was ridiculous. She knew better. It was all about making sure God knew that she was raising everything in her life up to God, letting him know that her piggy bank, her teddy bears, and even Sam were all offerings of surrender to God. She raised her hands to God, hoping he would reach down and touch her, even bless her sinful skin.
It didn’t make sense. She can’t touch God.
She’s not sure she would, even if she could.
But she couldn’t deny the hold that religion had on her. The comfort and safety of something that would always be there, even when Tara turned her back on it. Nobody would ever stay with her like religion had, as her father soon left two years later, taking Sam’s heart with him. She soon realized that her mother was never her friend, and she couldn’t depend on her comfort once Sam decided that Tara couldn’t worship her anymore.
Religion would always have her. God would always be there. Or so she thought.
God, to her, was Sam. It was the way Sam smiled at Tara when she did something right. Or how her big sister’s hands could soothe Tara’s worries and fears with the touch of a hand. God shined through Sam and bathed Tara in light and unconditional love. Sam loved her the way God was promised to love her— even though he never could rival her big sister’s love.
And then Sam leaves in the middle of the night, vanishing into the unforgiving darkness she would never be able to fight through.
Tara’s suddenly alone, no one else around her to care for her or love her.
Her Mother tried to reason with Tara, and tried to force her to understand that Sam’s departure was actually a blessing in disguise.
Christina would find Tara in the dead of night, staring out the window to a starless sky, trying to find her light. Her mother would wrap a hand around Tara’s shoulder, nails digging into the skin that she made.
“You don’t need your sister anymore. She is a sinner, and sinners choose their destiny. Do not follow her down the devil’s path. That only leads to pain and destruction,” she whispered, her mouth grazing the edge of Tara’s ear, forcing goosebumps to grow down her body.
“Samantha made her choice, mija. It’s time for you to choose now: God or the Devil. You know what the Devil wants. You know where he lives. Don’t be stupid. Ve con Dios.”
Tara tries to ignore her mother’s relentless demands and efforts to force her down the path she lived. She knows that God isn’t real because why would someone like that strip Sam away from her? Why would God take away someone that Tara believed in more than him?
The answer was clear. God wasn’t there. The Devil wasn’t real.
But damn it to hell, she would be lying if she said she didn’t pray anymore.
God ripped it all from her hands, all her hopes, dreams, and love, and swore it was all gone. She only had him now, and she had to trust in him if she ever wanted to feel loved again. Nobody else would ever love her unconditionally as he did. Tara had to give in. It was all she had left.
God ripped out all she had just to say that he had won.
God won.
But she gave him all.
And it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.
Religion was futile. It was an echo. Nobody was there. Nobody was going to save her. Why bother? Why pray for her sister to return when Sam left her just like God did?
Yet, Tara still finds herself at the mercy of the book and a chain of heads dangling from her hands.
She knows, and she knows well, where this path leads her. An echo in her head, words falling on ears that were never there. Always the disciple, never the divine. Always the believer, never the chosen.
And yet, she still sank to her knees and lowered her head, signing her fate away to someone who wasn’t listening.
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asim254 · 2 years
Birthday Wishes for Sister
Birthday Wishes for Sister
100+ Birthday Wishes for Sister – Happy Birthday Sister Sisters are the life lines for brothers and all family members. A sister will fight you like a child and yet care for you as a mother does. None will support and understand you as your sister does. When it comes to her birthday, it becomes your responsibility to bring smiles to her face by wishing a warm birthday message. Let your sister…
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vilandel · 12 days
Sister's Gift
Summary Instead of a lonely birthday, Nozel has the surprise to greet Noelle on his balcony.
A/N A little oneshot I wrote for Nozels birthday last year. I know, it's not his birthday, but it is still Fluffmay and this is a little oneshot with sibling bonding between Nozel and Noelle, plus I really love this one, so I decided to share it 💘 Little inspiration was this adorable fanart by this artist.
Ao3 link
There was never something special for his birthday since his mother died and Nozel had no intention to change that. It was his way to punish himself. Besides, except Fuegoleon, no one actually remembered his birthday, not even Nebra and Solid. Only for them to get in a panic during the last day of the year afterwards and getting him last minutes presents on the first day of the new year. Plus those presents he got each year since a decade, only put on his bed without any message.
There was no reason why his birthday this year would be any different. But when Nozel entered his bedroom after a long day of work, he heard a strange noise coming from his balcony, as if someone had a rough landing.
Opening his balcony door quickly, what he discovered surprised him greatly.
“Hello, brother… Ah, sorry I landed so unfitting for a royal, I actually got better with flying a broom, but not really, but I couldn’t take my Valkyrie Armour this time, in case I lose control, plus I had to transport things that are easier to transport with a broom than an armour spell, although I still don’t understand why, but Vanessa said that and I know I should have taken my own opinion about it, but-“
“Calm down and come in first.”
Nozel hold his sister the door open while Noelle gathered all her stuff. It was strange to see her, but he refused to complain. Their bond had gotten better after Spade and Nozel refused to let slip any occasion he could spent with his baby sister. He did so many mistakes before. Not anymore.
It meant the world to him. And to his biggest surprise, it also meant the world to Noelle. During her last visit, she bluntly told him that she loved spending time with him and Nozel had seen in her eyes that she didn’t lied just to make him feel better. She meant it. He still believed that he didn’t deserved her kindness, but making his beloved little sister happy was now more important than punishing himself.
Noelle put a cake box on his office table, a big present and a strange, almost creepy tissue doll that looked exactly like her. Nozel frowned. What was that supposed to mean? Should he be offended that someone dared to sew such a thing with the image of his little sister or would he offend Noelle if he would point it out?
Noelle turned towards him and took a deep breath, as if to give herself some courage. “Happy birthday, brother. I know you don’t celebrate your birthday, but I actually find it sad since I got birthday parties with the Black Bulls and I really wanted to give you my birthday gift personally this year.”
“Wait… during all those years, those secret presents… They were from you?”
“Yes! I really hope that you’ll liked those. Besides, you also gave me birthday gifts in secret during all those years, it’s only fair I show you the same kindness. And I really wanted to give you something on your birthday, since only captain Fuegoleon seemed to remember that the 30th December is your birthday.”
“You knew it was me?”
“I saw you once sneaking into the palace in secret, when I was seven years old, with a huge bunny plushie. And I got that very same plushie for my birthday the day after. So, yes… I knew from quite some time. Does it bother you?”
“No, not at all.”
Nozel just didn’t know what he should say. For so many years, Noelle actually knew that he was the one giving her birthday gifts in secret during all those years, even after she joined the Black Bulls.
“The Black Bulls were always surprise when I got secret birthday gifts, they are even taking bets. All of them already lost those, but they don’t know. I only told Vanessa, because she noticed that I never was surprised about those gifts and she tickled me, until I spilled the beans. She was surprised when I told her it was you, but she promised me to keep the secret. Vanessa actually finds it cute, so-“
Noelle suddenly interrupted, because Nozel pulled her into a hug. It might be awkward, but Nozel didn’t know what else he could do to thank her. And his mother always hugged him when she wanted to thank him for something, so there was that.
He felt his little sister freeze in his arm for a second, but she immediately gave in the hug. Nozel could tell that Noelle was happy. He made her happy with this hug. This was more than he ever dared to wish before.
The hug lasted a while, before they sadly had to break it. But Noelle absolutely wanted to give him this year’s birthday gift.
“Sorry for the doll, but when Gordon somehow found out that I was going to make you a birthday gift, he insisted that I give you this creepy doll. It’s not a spell or anything, it just looks creepy and Gordon always means well.”
What Noelle didn’t told her brother yet was that Gordon also made her a Nozel doll and that she was sleeping with said doll in her bed. Along with an Asta doll.
“Well, mother always said that the gesture means a lot, so it would be rude of me to refuse that doll.”
And having some kind of Noelle plushie didn’t seem so bad in Nozels books, even though it looked kinda creepy. But if it was made with love, the doll also seemed a bit comforting, thank goodness.
Nozel sat down on his bed to open the gift, Noelle right next to him. She seemed pretty excited and also nervous. It was clear that she certainly put a lot of thoughts in this gift.
Three books appeared soon after. Three books from the same writer. And not just any writer. It was from Aciers favourite novelist. Romance novels, but certainly some of the best ones.
Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion and Sense & Sensibility.
Did Noelle knew that the writer of those novels was their mother’s favourite?
“I really hope it’s okay for you. I saw you once read a novel from this author so I thought it was fine? Except Finral and Gordon, no one of the Black Bulls men appreciates romance novels and make even fun out of it. And I wanted to get you the other three from this writer, but sadly I couldn’t find them at the bookstore. Okay, I could have searched in other bookshops, but I’m sure I couldn’t find prettier covers like those and I wasn’t really patient, and-“
“Noelle, it’s okay. I love this writer. Actually… it was the favourite novelist of our mother. And Persuasion was her favourite novel.”
The happy on his sister’s face was one of the most beautiful things Nozel ever saw. He couldn’t help but hug her. She gifted him so much more than three wonderful novels.
“Nozel, are you ready for the cake? Charmy made it and it’s one of her latest creations. Lavender cheesecake. Trust me, it is delicious.”
“I would love to try.”
Noelle was right, that lavender cheesecake was one of the best cakes Nozel ever tasted. Sweet and soft and even refreshing.
It was a nice birthday, just staying with his little sister in his bedroom, chatting a bit more openly and eating a delicious cake. Nozel wasn’t sure still if he deserved it, but Noelle was so happy and he couldn’t help but feel happy and at ease too. It wasn’t bad at all.
Maybe one day, Nebra and Solid could join them. Maybe one day, they could heal enough to have proper birthday parties.
They still had a long way in front of them, but… maybe one day, they could become the family they always should have been, like their mother always wished. 
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wildbornsiren · 10 months
Hello all, I've had a few people message me, and a few of my friends. I'm here-ish. I'm struggling with my brain being mean to me right now. Two of my friends are going through something rough, and I've been really focusing on them and wanting to take care of them. My dad has taken a couple of tumbles, and takes it all as a fucking joke, and my brother, sister in law and I are all fed up beyond belief and have had some heavy discussions with him, and he still seems to find everything funny. I experienced my first ever sub drop in a consensual sexual encounter and really struggled with that (I am in a safe space, and have recovered.) I'm a top leaning switch and felt comfortable and relaxed with this person to try something new. But they listened, were respectful and gave aftercare. But I'm not in the place for that type of dynamic. (or any relationship right now beside dating) and that's okay. I also have been dealing with a stomach bug that just won't quit for two weeks. I ended up staying overnight in the hospital with extremely low sodium levels. I'm doing a little better, but even today my stomach is sour and the soup I made for breakfast is sitting in my stomach hours later. My birthday was the 4th and I struggle around the date. I'm working on it with my therapist. I haven't been inspired creatively in any capacity. Writing, journaling, anything creative. Even listening to music is a struggle right now, and that's my main language honestly. I'm safe, I'm taking my meds, eating when my system allows me to, and minding my hydration. But. I'm here. And I appreciate everyone who has reached out or checked in. xo Shells.
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eretzyisrael · 7 months
By Lior Zaltzman
I keep thinking I might be done crying since October 7, and then I realize, as more and more news keeps pouring in, there will always be more tears. Today, those tears are thanks to Rachel Goldberg, a dual American-Israeli citizen who talked to the U.N. about her son, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was kidnapped by Hamas from the Supernova festival in Re’im, where almost 300 were killed.
It has been both devastating and inspiring to see how the families of hostages are sharing some of the most eloquent, prescient words to describe the situation they find themselves in, even with all their fear and grief. Through sleepless nights, they are finding a kind of endless energy to fight these battles. For Goldberg, these battles have led her from her home in Jerusalem, where she got two text message from her son — “I love you” and “I’m sorry” — hours before his phone was last geo-located across the border in Gaza to the U.N. in New York this Wednesday.
Goldberg, who is originally from Chicago, described, in as much detail as she could, what happened to her son, who was  celebrating his 23rd birthday at the festival, during that terrible day almost three weeks ago. Everything she knows she managed to glean from a few survivors who were near Hersh at the time, hiding under stacks of bodies and pretending to be dead.
“Here I live in a different universe than all of you,” she explained to the U.N. “You are right there… but I, like all of the mothers and all of the fathers and husbands and wives and sisters and brothers and loved ones of the stolen, we actually live on a different planet.” She went on to say the cruelest of questions is one that they get asked unwittingly, without malice, every day: “How are you?”
While she and the rest of the families of the over 200 hostages, who hold citizenships from 33 different countries, are in their “planet of agony… this planet of beyond pain, our planet of no sleep, our planet of despair, our planet of tears,” she asks, “Where is the world? … Why is no one demanding just proof of life?… This is a global humanitarian catastrophe,” she cried.
Goldberg also talked about “the hatred showered on Israel.” She said that she felt an article she read put it best: “When you only get outraged when one side’s baby is killed, then your moral compass is broken, and your humanity is broken.”
She implored people to ask themselves, “Do I aspire to be human or am I swept up in the enticing and delicious world of hatred?” She understands that “hatred of the other, whoever we decide that other is, is seductive, sensuous and most of all, it’s easy.” But, she said, it’s “not helpful, nor is it constructive.”
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