#I'm 3 weeks out and I started doing some chores last week even though I shouldn't be
menlove · 9 months
oh another top surgery thing people don't talk about but I've seen a few posts along the lines of "don't just take one week off, take two!" but unless you're getting keyhole, which most people are not, you need a full entire month off from work and chores after surgery. like your doctor will not clear you to work that quick and believe me you do Not want to be working after two weeks. you aren't even allowed to drive for 3 weeks. 1 week is when you get your drains out but you are by absolutely no means done with the healing process after a week or even two. you can't lift more than 5 lbs for a month and that strikes out many many jobs.
so do keep that in mind when you're planning on how much money you need to save up bc you will not be able to work for at least a month
unless you work a desk job or something really low energy in which case ask your surgeon about your limitations but if you do anything that involves any movement, you need a month.
if you can't afford to do that, which is understandable, I would say at the very very least wait 3 weeks. that's when you're able to drive again and they have that limitation for good reason bc you don't want to be in control of a moving vehicle if you have nerve pain etc. if you can't afford That and go with 2 weeks, I'm begging you to advocate for yourself and make sure you won't be lifting more than 5lbs at work and have plenty of allowance to sit down and rest. and talk to your surgeon.
if you can't afford two weeks off at the absolute minimum and you're doing double incision the choice is yours but it will be miserable and I would suggest waiting until you save up enough to take more time, even though that sucks
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lialacleaf · 10 months
To Care For A Woman
Chapter 4
Simon Riley x Reader
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Summary: You join the army as a last-ditch effort to avoid destitution, but when you sustain an injury protecting Lieutenant Ghost and earn yourself a medical discharge, you're stuck all over again. Or maybe not...
Warnings: Tension, Simon wants to care for you, small reader, a little bit spicy but not NSFW, man worrying about a woman's safety, typical cannon violence, deception, I'm sorry it's unedited...
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
You were beginning to feel like Simon was hiding something. When he went out on missions he was insistent that you didn’t contact him. At all.
You never once wondered if there was another woman involved, Simon was too good to you for it to be that.
He was just so closed off when it came to the topic of work, and you weren’t sure why. Maybe he was battling PTSD, and trying not to let it color your relationship.
It had been six months since you had married Simon, two of which he’d spent deployed somewhere. Your parents had asked if you were coming home for the holidays, and you told them you would be working.
They still believed you had a job. In a way you did. When Simon wasn’t home you did light house chores, now that Dr. Radcliffe had cleared you for more movement.
Your leg was still weak, and running was out of the question. You’d begged Simon to let you get a dog but he’d bit his lip, given you a pained look, and explained that it wasn’t fair to the animal if you couldn’t care for it properly.
You’d nodded in agreement but it had hurt all the same. You were lonely when he was gone.
“So what are we doing for the holidays?” You asked as Simon washed the dinner dishes and handed them to you to be put away.
He shrugged as he scrubbed pasta sauce off one of the plates. “Haven’t celebrated in a while,” he admitted, handing you the next clean dish.
“Do you ever visit your family?” You asked.
“Have you ever been to Cambridge?” He went about scrubbing the cup your tea was in.
“I’ve never been to the UK, just the parts of Europe the 141 has taken me. Is that where you’re from?” You asked in excitement.
“No, I grew up in Manchester,” he said, passing you the cup.
“Is your family in Cambridge now?” You asked, feeling as if the conversation had gotten slightly off topic.
You blinked in confusion. “Wouldn’t it make more sense to spend the holidays in Manchester with your family?”
“It doesn’t have to be Cambridge, London is nice too,” he added, drying his hands on the spare dish towel. “We’ve got a few weeks to decide anyhow.” He gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before disappearing into the bathroom.
You gaped slightly, blinking in confusion. What just happened? Had he really just swept your questions about his family under the rug with the distraction of a holiday vacation?
Maybe it was only fair. You’d made no effort to introduce Simon to your parents, but that was different. You were a daughter, not a son. If your parents found out their little baby girl had been injured, and married off to some strange man, your father would blow a fuse.
You knew very little about Simon though. The only thing you knew about him was his strange relationship with Ghost. Why was someone as sweet as Simon even mates with someone like Ghost?
Simon had started taking you into town once a week. He didn’t like to keep you cooped up, and Dr. Radcliffe had warned him you’d end up in trauma therapy if he kept you isolated during recovery.
Simon was relieved you didn’t display much interest in going to the mall. You were perfectly happy to go to the park and pet dogs, or go to the bookstore for hours on end.
You were begging to accumulate a small library, and sooner or later he’d need to build you a bookshelf.
“Out for the weekly book haul I see,” Jesse, the store owner said as you approached her counter, most of your books in Simon’s arms. You grinned at her as she scanned your latest finds. “You’re practically keeping me in business at this point.”
You shrugged and gave Jesse a bright smile. “You had new stuff in the gardening section, thought it might be helpful for the herbs we just planted,” you said, flashing Simon a grin.
He didn’t give you much of a reaction, but that was normal when he was in public. He wasn’t exactly fond of strangers, but he tolerated Jesse for the free cups of tea she bestowed on the two of you when you sat down to read in her cafe.
She’d never asked for the details of your relationship with Simon, but she always chuckled softly when he handed over his debit card without so much as a grumble for your somewhat expensive taste in books. A man that supported his partner's love of books was a good man in her opinion.
Jesse placed your books in a bag and handed them to Simon with a smile, unbothered by his flat expression and aversion to talking more than what was necessary.
“Have you decided where you want to go for Christmas yet?” He asked as he helped you load into his truck.
“Maybe we should stay home this year. I was just thinking it’d be harder to travel with my leg, and you already don’t like crowds, I can’t imagine how busy London must be this time of year…” you trailed off as Simon buckled into the driver’s seat. “But I would like to put up a tree!” You added.
Simon raised a brow at you as if he were amused by your declaration. “A tree?”
“Yeah! A Christmas tree! And we could have some of your teammates over-“
“They’ll be with their families,” he stated quickly.
Your smile fell. Oh. Right. “Maybe just the Captain then?”
Simon bit his lip but nodded. Price was aware of the situation, and the least likely to spill the beans. He supposed inviting his Captain over for a holiday meal would be alright.
“Speaking of family,” you began carefully, “Can we stop by the post office next week? I’d like to ship my parents' Christmas presents,” you requested softly.
Simon glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. “Would you like to see your family?” He asked, and you shook your head.
“No, I…” you trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“You haven’t told them.” It wasn’t a question. He’d heard your phone calls with them. They still thought you were working for Price.
“It’s…it’s not that I don’t want you to meet them. It’s just that I don’t want them to worry, and I know that they will.” Simon nodded, grasping your hand gently in his. “I’ll figure something out…eventually.”
“I have to go for a mission next week, but I’ll be back before Thanksgiving. We can put up the tree when I get back. I’ll…leave the truck with you, you can make it to town on your own?” He asked.
Your eyes widened in surprise. You hadn’t expected him to even offer, but now that you thought about it, it was a little ridiculous to expect you to stay put while he was gone. It was your left leg that was injured after all, you could still drive.
“Yeah, I know the way. Thanks, Simon,” you said, offering him a brilliant smile.
“Just be careful,” he reminded you. He’d leave a pistol with you just in case. The holidays were always more dangerous. He was starting to regret not getting you that dog. He would have to look into putting up a fence, but that was a long term project that he’d need a longer break from work to accomplish. Like hell he was gonna pay some stranger to come out to his home where his wife was to do the job.
Once the truck was parked and your books were unloaded, Simon went about doing his chores while you made lunch. At some point you heard the buzz of his saw outside. He seemed to always have some sort of project going.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the other night as you went about piling chicken salad on two croissants. Why was he so closed off concerning his family?
You eyed you bedroom door, wondering if you should just leave it alone, or put your detective skills to work.
You left your plates on the counter as you slipped into your bedroom. Simon didn’t keep many personal items, therefore your nightstand was always a little more cluttered than his between your laptop, medications, and other odds and ends.
You weren’t exactly sure what you were looking for. All you really knew about Simon was his name and that he’d grown up in Manchester. Your search would likely yield little result.
At least that was what you thought until you were starting at a death record. A death record for Simon Riley, bearing the same date of birth and identification information that was on your marriage certificate.
“Y/n?” You jumped, your head shooting up to see Simon in his sweaty work clothes standing in the doorway. “Gonna hop through the shower before lunch…everything alright?” He asked, noticing how pale you’d gone.
“I…um, yeah, yeah I’m fine.” You sputtered, closing your laptop screen. “I’ll go finish lunch,” you said, limping back into the kitchen.
Simon watched you, his head cocked to the side, before he shrugged, and stripped down to get a shower.
You tried to ignore the knots forming in your gut. Simon Riley was dead, and you had no unearthly clue who this man was. Did Ghost know? Had he unwittingly sent you right into the arms of someone dangerous, or was Ghost well aware of who Simon really was?
Your hands shook as you went about finishing the lunch preparations, and you quietly set the table, hyper aware of the other person in the house.
Simon was still in the shower, you had time to go back for your laptop. You quickly made your way into the bedroom, lifting the screen as you sat on the bed.
Your eyes scanned over the obituary with concern. Simon Riley…served in the royal army…died in a fire…no body…wait…no body?
You scrolled down a bit until you got to the photo at the bottom of the page. It was your Simon. You felt your throat tighten.
Why was your Simon supposedly dead? It made no sense. The man in the picture, albeit a little older, was currently showering in the bathroom.
You scanned through the rest of the obituary, noticing the mention of his family. Each name was highlighted, and you risked clicking on the name of the previous Mrs. Riley.
You felt like you were going to hurl when you were greeted with an even more morbid obituary. His entire family was gone. Murdered. Stolen right out from under him. It suddenly made sense. His overprotective nature was simply a trauma response. It still didn’t explain the falsified death certificate, but it was a start.
It wasn’t until you were staring into the photographed eyes of Tommy Riley that it clicked.
Tommy had brown eyes, practically identical to Simon’s. There was one other person you knew of with those eyes. One other person who’s voice sounded so similar to Simon’s, even if it was a little rougher.
Was Tommy…Ghost?
AN: OOOOOH Ya'll excited? We get spicy next chapter...
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cyber-night · 7 months
Fyodor needs help sometimes even if he doesn't want it
Content Warnings: Self-neglect, degradation, humiliation, (Neither of which are particularly "sexy" it's more just Fyodor being put in his place through his own stupidity), this... isn't healthy for Anyone...
no smut today, sorry :( there Is a part 2 to this with smut. So if you want to see the pathetic, problematic, and malnourished, twink getting railed come back in a bit :3
You sigh as you look at Fyodors pill bottle. You'd recently put a cap on it that had a timer telling when it had last been opened. You suspected that he hadn't been taking his meds. The timer showed that it had been over two days since Fyodor had taken his medication, and even then, he only took it because you brought it to him.
You head up to his computer room where you find him hunched over his keyboard, typing away at lines of code. "Hey Fedya?" He hums as if he hears you but isn't listening. You continue anyway. "You haven't taken your meds in a few days... how are you feeling?"
"Fine," He says without looking up from typing. "When's the last time you got up to eat or use the bathroom?" You ask worriedly. Fyodor sighs. "I do not need you babying me. I can care for myself, you know." He says flatly. "You haven't taken your meds in two days... I worry about you. When's is the last time you slept in a bed and not at your desk?" He stops typing and pinches the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Not all of us get to sit around and do nothing you know some of us have actual work to do." This makes you pause irritation boiling under your skin. "Excuse me? I do plenty thank you very much. I'm the only one who does anything around here." You snap he has never been this expressly disrespectful to you. "You do nothing but annoy me and take me away from my work! I don't need your help! I realize you are too dumb to understand how important what I'm doing is, but you can at least have the decency to let me do it. As for what you do around here, you do nothing but take up space and money!" He snaps angrily you pause your eyes wide, all the times you've made sure he had water and tea as he worked, made sure he was eating, brought him food if he hadn't eaten yet, brought him his meds, all of that to him was simply an interruption? An irritation? Not to mention you took care of most of the chores, though he helped with a few such as the trash ...Fine then if that's how he saw it. "Very well, then I'll stop." You sat icily your eyes narrowed. "Since you will be fine without me helping, I'll leave you be." He seems pleased at that. "Good." Is all he says before he turns back to his monitors. You don't hesitate to turn and leave.
True to your words the next four? Maybe five days? You don't do anything for him. You knew when you two started dating, he needed something akin to a caretaker as he was oblivious to his own health, unable to feel hunger, thirst, or even exhaustion the way most do. It stemmed from his autism and you were willing to help him out of love for him. You never thought you'd have that affection thrown back at you in such a volatile way. You haven't seen him for a few days making no effort to seek him out.
You are sitting in the living room reading a book quietly when he stumbles in. He looks terrible. He hasn't showered in about two weeks at this point, hasn't had his meds in a week, and God knows when the last time he ate was. You only barely glance at him before returning to your book. You watch him lean against the counter as he makes his way to where his meds are stored. Once he get his hands on them, he looks at the caps timer, showing him its been almost a week since he's taken them. His hands shake as he struggles to open the pill bottle, the childproof cap, making it impossible for him when he's this weak. You watch him from over the edge of your book. He is genuinely struggling, but you can also tell he's putting on a bit of a show to garter pity from you to make you feel bad for leaving him to fend for himself. You don't give him any instead of going back to actually reading flipping the page. After quite a bit of time, he finally stumbles over to you and holds the bottle out to you. "Open this." He says gruffly. "You don't need my help. You should be fine." You say not looking up at him though you can see his hand trembling in your peripheral. Your words make him pause.
He tries to open the bottle again with no luck he stands there swaying slightly, his pride not letting him admit he was wrong or that he needs help. He tries to pull your book down, but he is too weak to succeed. You watch him sway again before he crumples at your feet, the pills bottle rolling away from him. You still don't look up from your book as you flip the page. If he wants anything from you, he needs to put his pride aside. He sits there, trembling at your feet for a few minutes before weakly whispering, "I'm sorry..." It's makes you laugh a little inside. "Pardon? I didn't hear what you said. Would you like to repeat that?" You ask without looking up from your book. "I'm sorry..." You nod. "Hmm, that's a start. What are you sorry for?" His eyes are unfocoused, and he's barely keeping himself upright. "I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"...And I was wrong."
"I was wrong, I do need you..." You nod again as you flip the page. "Yes, you do, don't you." He waits for a moment before he continues "...Are you going to help me now?" You laugh finally closing your book. "And why would I do that? You've done the bare minimum." Fyodors eyes widen, "please..." He whispers weakly. "Please, what?" You ask with a smirk as you watch him sway on his knees. "Convince me." He takes a shakey breath. I'm looking like he might cry. "Please help me... I feel like I'm going to pass out, and I can't... I can't take care of myself right now." You tilt his head back so you can observe him better. "It's almost a pity I have to put you back together... I kind of like you like this. Weak and pathetic, not that you aren't weak and pathetic normally, but... it's just you look pretty when your half way from deaths doorstep." He whines a hint of fear in his eyes. Sure, he could kill you with a touch, but the idea that he is weak and pathetic normally makes him uncomfortable. "I really should make you work for my help... but I'm feeling... Generous. So instead, I'll only make you beg. Sit back on your knees and put your hands up to your chest like a dog. I want to see you beg like one. After all, I have to care for you like a pet."
Fyodor shudders but does it his body barely stable for very long as he holds his hands up in an imitation of paws he looks at you, embarrassment evident in his face. "Good enough, I guess." You sigh idly, he whimeprs, letting his body relax so he doesn't fall further to the floor he rests his forehead on your knee. "Please~" He whispers meakly. Finally, you move him onto the couch and lay him down with a sigh.
You go get his meds, water, and soup since you don't trust him to keep solid food down right now. You come back to him asleep, and you almost feel bad about having to wake him up, but you know you need to. He needs to eat and drink. You carefully nudge him awake and set about nursing your brilliant moron of a boyfriend back to health. You wake him up not as gently as you usually would. You shove the pills into his mouth, then yank his head back and force him to drink, double tapping his cheek once he swallows. "T-thank you... my love..." You help him eat the soup since his hands tremble. "You wouldn't be in this mess if you simply listened to me, you know." You sigh as you pet his hair the soup bowl finally empty "If you had just been a good boyfriend and accepted my care you would fine, but no you have to be a selfish stubborn brat." He looks up at you with glassy eyes. "I'm sorry... I'll try and be better..."
You shake your head and sigh, carrying him to lay down in bed. A shower will have to wait till tomorrow. "Sleep, you can make it up to me tomorrow, Fedya." He nods and nuzzles into you, clinging to you out of anxiety that you'll abandon him again. You kiss his forehead as he drifts off.
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AITA for debating hiring outside help for my husband and I's house because we can't keep up alone?
For context: My (26 Fae ftm) husband (28M) live very happy and healthily together. While I'm unable to medically transition due to a bunch of reasons we'll get to, he has been nothing but a solid rock in my life and the one person that has always been on my side. Through dragging me out of an abusive household to helping me with my chronic illness, he's been an absolute angel despite dressing like the devil himself (he's goth). So I don't want any hate on him.
He is ADHD and I'm Autistic. Yes, hello, we are that couple~♡ This does cause us some issues tho as he is unmedicated and I'm just struggling in general with sensory issues for certain chores. So far we keep each other some what afloat, having him do chores that my sensory issues can't handle and my doing ones he can't focus through.
However, as previously mentioned I'm chronically ill. I won't get into many details but it's basically I'm internally bleeding at random intervals. And before people think I'm talking about just my period, no it's so bad that I have once had to go to the ER for a blood transfusion due to this internal bleeding and had times when I was bleeding for over 4 months straight.
My husband and I because of this condition are pretty much struggling financially. I can work but it makes me extremely fatigued since I'm essentially working with constant Anemia. It gets bad enough some days that he can't wake me up without over an hour of effort, even after I've slept 10hrs. The fatigue is REALLY bad. He works just as much as I do, sometimes more because his work is so shortstaffed and he likes to pick up extra shifts to try and save up for the surgery that would hopefully fix everything.
This has culminated though in us both being extremely exhausted near 24/7 for the last year-ish but we have finally hit a break. I recently got a huge pay increase (nearly $200 a week increase) so we are hopeful for the first time in months. We're starting to pay down my extreme medical debt and being able to just go get dinner when he doesn't want to cook.
Here's where I may be kind of TA... Despite this hope, my condition recently did get worse. I've now gone another 3 months still bleeding and having to suffer my Anemia symptoms and medication. This has caused me to fall massively behind on what should be my chores, and while my husband doesn't begrudge me it, it has caused our home to start becoming very, very unhygienic. As someone who grew up with a clean freak mother, it kinda upsets me. He's focusing more and more on me and less on the house so even his chores are falling behind too.
None of that is his fault. He loves me so much he wants to help Me first but it has gotten to where we are both going "we really need to clean the house..." but neither of us have enough battery to do so. Me becuz of my condition and he becuz he's stuck caring for me.
We have enough that we might be able to afford to hire a cleaning service to help us out, but it would cost us some of the freedom and paying down medical bills. I think it'd only be a temporary thing, once I recover from my current episode, we can probably get better... but I don't know how long it will be.
On top of this I'm worried paying for this service will further put off my surgery as we struggle to save up for it again... We've already had to tap into that savings cuz my current episode lost me 2 days at work.
Is it unfair for me to ask to use our new extra money for essentially my not wanting to have to bother doing basic chores? I know I'm tired but I've lived with it so long I could and should probably just push through.
What are these acronyms?
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collapsedglasshouses · 9 months
Consequences || Noah Sebastian x Reader [Part 3]
Part 1 - Part 2
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Summary: After not hearing from Noah for weeks, Y/N finds herself at a wedding with the boys.
Warnings: swearing, a tiny bit of angst, tension, mentions of previous sexual events, MDNI, alcohol consumption, let me know if I forgot something :)
A/N: Hello my beautiful people. I wrote this chapter last night. All at once. My head was completely empty after that. Please don't hate me for the cliffhanger ._. Please let me know how you liked this chapter! Enjoy c:
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It’s been two weeks since the eventful night that ended with you under Noah’s bed. To your surprise Nick didn’t catch you, not even when you nearly sneezed because of the dust under Noah’s bed. But to your disappointment you didn’t talk with Noah about this whole thing. In all honesty you didn’t even talk at all. The day after the event, you got called by your landlord that your apartment was ready to be lived in again.
That's way you were now, two weeks later, on a thursday, sitting in front of your computer and answering work emails while listening to your upstairs neighbors screaming at each other repeatedly.
When you looked at the clock, it told you it was already time for bed since tomorrow was going to be an important day. One of your childhood friends was getting married this weekend and invited you as well as the boys, since she knew almost everyone out of the group personally except Jolly. But since he almost became everyone's 'service human' she invited him as well.
When you shut down your PC and stretched your back, you couldn't help but think about Noah. You hadn't heard from him in a while. While your brother told you they were working on planing another tour, even going to Europe, you felt kind of sad that he didn't tell you that himself, since you fucking crawled under his bed to escape being caught by your brother.
You almost started to feel something like regret when you stepped into your shower, your mind still infested with the thoughts of Noah's and your 'adventure'. Even though you knew better, you couldn't help feeling like he just used you. It wasn't like Noah had no options, he was the fucking lead singer of a popular metalcore band and looked like the reallife version of Eren Yeager.
It wasn't like you hadn't any options too, having your families genes, but something about Noah just made you feel different.
When you stepped out of the shower, you wrapped a towel around your body before swiping over the fogged up mirror and looking at yourself. Work drained you the last couple of days and you really looked forward to tomorrow since you would be away for almost three days.
So when you packed your bag and finally lay down on your bed, you tried to think about the break you had from your life here for the next couple of days.
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Your alarm woke you up at 8 AM. While your plane wouldn't take off until 6 PM, you knew the boys and yourself well enough to give you some extra time to arrive to the airport.
You stood up, put on some music, that being your Bring Me The Horizon playlist today, and began to get ready. First you did your chores and cleaned everything that needed to be cleaned before you would leave for the next days.
Than you made your way to the bathroom at around 11 AM, brushing your teeth, putting on some light make up and than packing the last bit of the things you needed for the wedding.
You almost danced into the kitchen to finally make yourself breakfast, still wearing nothing but a very tiny crop top and mickey mouse panties.
"Time stood still the way it did before" You sang while opening your fridge to grab a milk to pour inside your filled cereal bowl. "It's like I'm sleepwalk-... AAH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"
Out of fear you let your bowl drop to the floor, it making a loud shattering noise while the whole content spread across the kitchen tiles. The intruders, outing themselves as Nick, Folio, Noah and Jolly, laughed violently.
You cursed them out while starting to clean your kitchen and at the same time trying to cover yourself up. "What is wrong with you, guys? I could have been naked! You know I have something called a bell which you can ring to make yourselves known instead of breaking into my stupid apartment, you little fuckers?!"
"That would have been a sight." Jolly joked while standing up with the other boys to help you clean up the mess. "I'll kill you, Karlsson. They'll have to find another guitarist and buy a new guitar because I'll smash yours at your fucking beautiful head." You cursed while wiping up the milk with a rag. You heard Noah laugh behind you, who made it his task to prepare you a new cereal bowl.
"Here you go." He handed you your breakfast. "Sit down and eat, we'll clean the rest."
While you still wanted to set them on fire, you bit back you anger and thanked them for their help before sitting down to eat.
"We wanted to come here early since normally you're always the one being early." Folio explained while sitting down next to you. You took the last spoon. "It's fine but if you do that ever again, I'll take the key from my brother, break it into four pieces and show it up your asses."
"Arousing.", Jolly joked again, causing you to throw the paper work, laying on the kitchen counter, at him.
"Oh, we didn't tell you." Nick started his sentence. "Davis is waiting outside in the car. He offered to drop us of at the airport."
You sighed while cleaning up your bowl, before making your way to your bedroom, getting dressed in something comfortable, grabbing your bag and your dress for the wedding, before heading out of your apartment, not even looking back at the boys. They quickly followed you.
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At 5:45 PM you found yourself getting onto the plane and soon realised you were seated next to Noah, meaning you would spent the next five and a half hours sweating out of nervousness.
The first thirty minutes you didn't say a word. Just looked straight ahead and thought about not thinking about Noah which resulted in (oh wonder) thinking about Noah.
The next thirty minutes you tried to listen to music while reading a book, but after you read a spicy scene while listening to The Death of Peace of Mind, you gave that up too.
The next ten minutes you shifted uncomfortably from left to right, causing Noah to finally break the silence. "Are you okay?" His tone gave away that he was in fact slightly annoyed by your actions.
"Why shouldn't I be okay?", you asked finally sitting comfortable and looking him in the eyes. "Because you ignored me for the past hour?" - "Do you have something to say to me?" He stayed silent. "That's what I thought."
You looked straight ahead again, trying to ignore the confused gaze Noah shot you. When he didn't look away for the next five minutes, you glared at him again. "What, Noah?" - "Why are you like this?" He tried to stay as quiet as possible. "Like what?" - "Almost... bitchy?" Your mouth fell open, startled by his words. "What did you just say?" You almost hissed at him. "You heard me." - "Maybe you should think about your own actions before calling me bitchy, Mr. Davis." -
"Oh, don't 'Davis' me, Ruffilo." He shot back and now fully turned to you. You really didn't know how you managed to keep it quiet until now. "Oh, I'm going to continue to 'Davis' you until you realise not messaging someone for weeks who gave you head and than hid under your bed, isn't really 'Noah-worthy', don't you think?" You whisper-shouted at him and were glad that so many people were talking on the plane that the others surely didn't hear your argument.
With that sentence of yours his attitude was slapped out of his body and he began to back down a bit. You knew Noah had a big ego but it was definitely not as big as yours.
It went quiet between you for another thirty minutes, before Noah sighed. "You know, I'm really sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to hurt you. I never would want that."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms before your chest. "But you did." You heard him take a deep breath before he placed a hand on your thigh, instantly giving you goose bumps.
"Please let us talk about this when we come back home. I don't wanna fight with you." He requested honestly, causing you to shortly look at him before gnashing your teeth in consideration. "I don't wanna fight with you either."
He squeezed your thigh for a short moment before smiling at you lightly.
The next hour you spent avoiding the big topic hanging between you and decided catch up since you didn't hear from each other personally for almost two weeks. You didn't even know when it happened but the next thing you knew was when someone pushed your hair out of your face.
"Y/N, you need to wake up." Noah whispers into your ear, causing your neck hair to stand up. "We'll land in a couple of minutes."
When you opened your eyes, you noticed you had leaned against Noah's shoulder in your sleep. You quickly sat up and stretched your back before shooting Noah a shy smile. Out of the corner of your eye you saw that Jolly had noticed what had happened and now was smirking to himself.
When you arrived at the location, which was a mansion-like hotel only booked for the wedding party over the weekend, you were quickly assigned two rooms for the five of you. Since you were all tired and drained from the flight, you decided Nick and Folio would share a room and the rest of you would get the other.
You quickly changed and fell onto your single bed when you got to your room and slept in to the sound of Noah and Jolly chatting before sleep.
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You woke up before the boys and decided to get ready before their alarms would go off. So when you came out of the bathroom, showered and only dressed with your towel, you didn't think to hear a 'Good Morning' from Noah, considering it was about twenty minutes before 6 AM.
"Morning." You mumble, slightly overwhelmed by the sight of him. He didn't wear a shirt, fully displaying his tattoos. His arms were crossed behind his head and he shamelessly checked you out.
So while you gathered your clothes, you couldn't help but look at him a couple of times, before returning to the bathroom. Right before you were about to close the door, Noah slipped into the bathroom as well.
"What are you doing?" You whisper-shouted at him, before putting your clothes on the bathroom counter. He also put down his clothes and his towel next to yours.
"If you don't mind I would shower while you put on your make up." He said and before you could answer, he turns away from you to strip out of your clothes, making your eyes widen. "What if Jolly wakes up? What the fuck do you tell him than?" - "He won't wake up" After that sentence he climbed into the shower while you stared at him through the shower glass.
"Sometimes I hate you, Noah Sebastian." - "No, you don't."
You were halfway through your make up when Noah came out of the shower. You swallowed hard while trying your utter best not to stare at him but when he wrapped his towel low around his waist, you couldn't help but shoot him a glance. The way the water drops found their way down his torso sent a wave of heat down your core.
"Do you have something to say?" He asked teasingly. "No, you?" When he said nothing you took a deep breath before applying mascara while he put on some underwear. Right when you placed the mascara back into your make up bag, you felt his hands on your hips, making you sigh.
You closed your eyes when you felt his breath on your neck. "You already look so beautiful, I can't wait to see you in your dress." I can't wait for you to take it off of me. You thought but quickly regained control, clearing your throat and opening your eyes to see Noah already looking at you through the mirror. "You look really good yourself."
"I'm not even wearing clothes." - "As if you don't know how gorgeous you look right now." That was the moment. The first time you saw Noah's cheeks turn into a slight pink color before a small smile crept onto his face. In all those years, this was truly the first time you left him speechless.
He squeezed your hips one last time before mumbling a small 'Thank you.' Than he left the bathroom right in time for Jolly's alarm to go off.
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About an hour later the three of you were almost ready when there was a knock on the door.
"We are late." Your brother announced when Noah opened the door for him and Folio but stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing there while braiding a strand of Jolly's hair. "I don't even ask"
"What? Have you seen him? Have you seen his hair?" You defend your actions while you secure his small braided strand with an elastic. After Jolly thanked you, you turned to fully face you brother.
"Wow, you look amazing, Y/N." Nick states while admiring your dress. The motto of the wedding being 'Black/White/Red' gave you the idea do base your outfit off of the iconic Morticia Addams. You wore a long black dress that flattered your curves with slightly too long bat sleeves. Your fingernails matched with your lipstick, both being the same shade of dark red.
"More than amazing." Noah added shooting you an honest smile that made your stomach twist with joy.
You all hurried to make it in time for the ceremony, not having time to catch up with old school friends, since you were already late.
Even though you weren't that close with the bride and groom, only remembering her from school, you had tears in your eyes by the time they exchanged their vows. This didn't go unnoticed by Noah, who slowly but surely grabbed your hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze.
No matter how delusional that sounded, for a brief moment you thought if there was any future where you would be standing up there with Noah. You quickly shook the thought out of your head by how imaginary the thought sounded but you knew one thing, even if you weren't the wedding couple, Noah would be standing up there with you. There was no way that a universe existed were Noah wasn't in your live. As confusing this whole thing had gotten, there was this one thing you were sure of and from which you would never let yourself be dissuaded.
So you looked at the man you had known for so many years and gave him a smile while squeezing his hand in reassurance.
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Around six hours and 30 half-hearted conversations later, you found yourself sitting next to Jolly at your assigned table. "If another person asks me how i've been since school ended, imma drown myself in sparkling wine." You complained to your friend who chuckled at your statement. "I feel with you." You both let your gaze wonder over the party room. A lot of people were pretty wasted, including the bride who was currently dancing to Gangnam Style with her maid of honor. When you looked to her right, you almost choked on your drink. "Fuck, Jolly. You know who this is?" You slightly point your finger at a guy standing at the bar, talking to the groom. "Uhm... no. I don't know anyone except you guys." "That is Michael fucking Baldrow." "Who?" "She slept with that guy when she was... let me think... 18?" Noah answered for you, scaring you a bit before sitting down next to you, looking absolutely done.
"Naaah, was he the one who picked your cherry?" Jolly teased bumping his arm against yours. You almost immediately looked to Noah and with that your fate was decided. You couldn't stop Jolly from putting 1 and 1 together. "NO FUCKING WAY."
You tensed up, shooting a glare at Jolly. "Shut the fuck up." - "Noah and you... No fucking way. This story is getting better everyday." - "I told you to shut up." - "Noah fucking took your virginity?! I can't even breath."
You grabbed Jolly's arm and looked him dead serious in the eye. "If you don't calm down I assure you, this will be your last breath."
Jolly hold his laughter while apologizing to you. You took a deep breath before looking at Noah, who smirked at you. "What, Noah?" - "It's been ten years, I think it is okay if we finally let someone know."
"Nick doesn't know, does he?" Jolly than asks while searching for your brother in the crowd. You all found him standing at the bar, talking to one of his old friends. "No, he doesn't and I think I like it that way." You took a sip from your glass.
"He also doesn't know about the last weeks, does he?" Jolly than asks while smirking, causing Noah and you to ultimately choke on your drinks.
"What did you say?" - "I talked about the fact that you two were definitely fucking on his birthday party." He said that with such a lack of emotion that you weren't sure if he was joking.
You and Noah's eyes met and for a couple of seconds you both seemed to try to process what your friend just set, when he added: "No need for excuses, I also heard that Noah showered while you got ready this morning."
You shot Noah the 'I told you so' glance but before you could defend yourselves, 'Sweet Child of Mine' by Guns 'N' Roses started playing and Jolly forced the two of you on the dance floor, leaving no room to protest.
On the way to the dance floor he managed to catch Folio and Nick and you found yourselves in a circle, dumbly fidgeting around, but with every second passing you forgot about the fact that you couldn't dance and just let go of your worries.
You were here with your bestest of friends. That was everything that mattered to you in this moment.
And than. Than Noah came close to you and whispered in your ear.
"Meet me at our room in five."
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
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Actually, I might have too many reasons.
I'm afraid it has been a really difficult few years for me and my family.
Our beloved corgi, Otis, developed a terrible condition (degenerative myelopathy) that made him lose the function of his back legs. Once his quality of life diminished passed the point where he could no longer experience joy as a dog and only had hardship and suffering to look forward to, we had to put him to sleep.
In February, despite taking painstaking measures to stay safe, my entire family contracted COVID and I also developed a kidney stone at the same time. Unfortunately, my mother was on medication that made her immune system pretty much useless. She died a horribly lonely death in the ICU. The last time I got to speak to her was over the telephone, with a nurse holding the phone up to her face. She was confused and scared and could not breathe despite being on two different breathing aids. All she could do was ask if my dad and I were okay. She was more worried about us than herself. Then they had to put her mask back on and she kept trying to talk even though I couldn't understand her. All I could hear was the fear in her voice. I tried to tell her how much I loved her one last time, but I have no idea if she could hear me.
She lost consciousness soon after and never woke up. Eventually her heart gave up and she passed. I only got to see her once briefly through a glass door. Her body was still alive, but she was already gone at that point. Just an unconscious vessel attached to machines.
My father has kidney failure and heart failure. He is being kept alive by dialysis 3 times per week. He hates going and it wipes him out every time. We hope he has a year or two left, but it's impossible to know for sure.
I am his caretaker even though I am also disabled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Narcolepsy. I do my best to make sure his needs are met. My brother has been almost no help at all. A few friends and my aunt come by every once in a while to help with chores, but it's pretty much just me alone taking care of the both of us.
I have no idea where I am going to live if my dad passes away. I have no plan. I have no energy to make a plan. And that fear makes it hard to sleep many nights.
Then I was having these horrible stomach issues and lost nearly 30 pounds (in a bad way). The discomfort got so bad at one point I became suicidal. My dad feared for my life and so he called the police and EMTs. They admitted me into the hospital. After 2 days in the ER, being stuck in a small room because they had no other place to put me during COVID, I was finally admitted to a psychiatric ward for observation. Weirdly my stomach issues started improving and my suicidal thoughts passed.
I'm honestly not sure if I would have taken my own life if I had not been admitted. But I will say those two days in a tiny ER room did not do much to improve my mental health. It is sad that in this country with all its resources, there is no such thing as urgent mental healthcare. They just stick you in a room and make sure you can't hurt yourself as you wait in line to get the actual help you need.
Thankfully I was able to adjust some medication I was taking and resolve my stomach issues. That seemed to relieve me of my dangerous thoughts and I have been okay in that regard ever since.
My dad had a serious infection in July that placed him in the hospital. He lost the ability to walk, his heart stopped briefly, and he started having horrible hallucinations. At one point I wasn't sure if he would ever return to reality. Nothing he said made any sense. Thankfully once they treated the infection and he got decent sleep he returned to lucidity. But he had to go through brutal rehab in order to walk again (with a walker and only short distances).
He was in hospital and rehab for over a month. After what happened to my mom, I promised myself that my dad would not be alone in the hospital. So, no matter how bad I physically felt, I pushed myself to visit him and be at his bedside every day and all day until they kicked me out. It was grueling for both of us, but I don't know if he would have recovered if I hadn't been there. Partly because I kept his spirits up, but also because I was able to get him better care as an advocate. I had to push to make sure he got the tests and medication he needed and saw the doctors that could help him. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done.
The only bright side of his hospital stay is that we rediscovered our love for St. Louis Cardinals baseball. We bonded over it and ended up watching every game. We were very sad when they were quickly eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. But it was a magical season as two fan-favorite players were playing their final season and they had amazing and emotional sendoffs. (Albert Pujols and Yadier Molina) It is my hope that my dad has at least one more baseball season left in him.
My health took a serious downturn earlier this year. It happened on the very same day that my best friend Katrina came to visit from Florida. I got so sick I could barely appreciate her presence when she was here. I had been looking forward to seeing her for a very long time and my stupid chronic illness ruined it. I was counting on that visit to give me a mental health boost.
I recovered a few weeks later, but my health has never been the same. I had to adjust to a new normal and adapt and find ways to take care of my father despite being further impaired.
I also lost my last creative outlet--writing. I enjoy researching and writing long and humorous political essays, but since my health declined further, I have not been able to write like that ever since. I'm really hoping I can regain that ability, but I'm unsure if that will happen.
One of my best friends is trans and I have many trans friends and followers and I am just really scared for them right now. The laws that are being proposed and passed are unjust and cruel. I have never witnessed such an effective campaign of hatred in my lifetime. I mean, I know there has always been hatred of the marginalized in every era of modern human existence, but this seems to go beyond just the conservative hate-mongers. It is not couched in subtext and dog whistles. It is overt and very "out loud." And I'm seeing people who claim to be progressive join in this hatred.
They are suddenly super worried about sports they never used to pay attention to. They think bathrooms are suddenly dens of danger despite trans people existing long before this concentrated hate became popular and bathrooms being perfectly safe beforehand. And now people believe that helping trans kids with proper healthcare is akin to child abuse. They think accepting trans kids is "grooming."
I see Twitter and Reddit threads filled with transphobia and it often brings me to tears to see people openly and comfortably hate the people I love so much. They hate people who have no tangible effect on their lives. People who just want to exist and be respected.
I just don't know how people can hate my friends so much without even knowing them.
Also, I'm just... really really lonely. All the time. It feels like a constant punch in the gut. I miss seeing and hugging my friends. I miss romantic companionship. And I've got a 20+ year streak of being sexually frustrated and am completely unsure how in the world to address that.
And finally, I decided to watch The Handmaid's Tale which is just full of rape and sadness. I figured I'm already horribly depressed, so a show probably isn't going to do much more damage. But it is still a tough watch.
That's the major headlines of my depression.
I'm just trying to survive and find little ways to cope. Mostly I am leaning on my support system and amazing best friends to keep me propped up and functioning.
Best I can do right now.
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zayndrivesmeinvain · 9 months
The One That Got Away - Part 3
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A.N. - Part 3 is finally here! I apologize for the delayed upload but unfortunately work and life got in the way of things but I'm hoping to create a consistent posting schedule soon!
Pairing: Single Dad Harry Styles
Summary: Alena finallys gets a night out on the town with her friends, but will it go as planned or will surprises and feelings arise?
Word Count: 3.1K
“Fine, I’ll come.” my phone has been buzzing non stop. 
This weekend's one of the first weekends that I am going out in a long time. I typically use my weekends to catch up on chores or run errands since Harry typically has Aria for the weekends, but this weekend my friend’s convinced me to come out with them and have a girls weekend. We’ve all been preoccupied with life and what better way they thought to come together and go out and have some fun. 
I’m not much of a partier if I do say so myself, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t indulge in it ever - back when I was younger, the weekend parties were something I looked forward to - the drinking, the music, the friends, the games, the angst - EVERYTHING. However, that was short lived because by the time I was just at that age to drink and do things legally, I was blessed with my baby girl and responsibilities and motherhood took precedence over the weekend parties. 
“Yay! Alena’s hitting the town.” My friend Molly was on the other end of the Facetime call laying on her bed with a face mask on. 
“Ugh, I don’t even know what to wear though - I’m sure anything I have probably doesn’t fit anyways.” I was rummaging through my closet which is 90% of lounge wear, 10% of business casual clothes in which I recycle once a week to wear to work. “I don’t even own half of my wardrobe before Aria, Mol.” my voice probably sounded defeated but I am trying to stay hopeful for my friend because I know she’s looking forward to this outing of ours. 
“Lena, come on! You have to have something hot and flirty in that closet of yours - I know you do!” Molly’s a long-time friend of mine - she’s been around through the thick & thin of mine, however, our lives are the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Where I am on mommy duty 90% of the time, she is out free and living her life. She is a radiologist at our local hospital and due to her schedule, she has just enough time and energy to have a great balance of work and play. I truly believe that she is the one that keeps me young. 
“Do you think leggings and a baggy sweat-shirt are acceptable for dinner and bar and club hopping?” I flashy a cheek smile across my Facetime screen and Molly gives me the biggest eye-roll. “Lena, if you’re not at least wearing something that’s tight tonight, I am going to beat your ass sensely.” Molly makes her way to her bathroom and takes her phone with her. “Lena, stop acting like a mom for once and be free - shake your ass and show your tits off! Maybe even make-out with a guy - honestly when was even the last time you got fucked?” Molly places her phone down just in time for me to flash her my middle finger. 
“ Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know getting fucked was supposed to be on the agenda while also picking my daughter up from school, providing for her and basically making sure she doesn’t die.” I shut my closet door and make my way to my kitchen because I’m starting to get a little hungry and a snack doesn’t sound too bad right now. 
“Lena, I love you but step out of the mom role, even for one night - you are still allowed to have your own personality and be your own person, I promise you, you going out for one night will not make Aria love you any less. Plus, who doesn’t love a sexy milf.” Molly has a way with words, that’s for sure. 
“Plus, word around town is that your baby daddy has been seeing someone. Don’t you think it’s time for maybe you to get out there a little bit and meet a few people that could even be remotely interested in you?” Molly’s words sting a little, but I’m not sure if it's because she brings up Harry seeing some or if it’s because it's the “word around town” and I feel somewhat protective of his privacy and his business because he’s the father of my child.
“Yeah, I already knew that.” I take a bite of my toast. “He asked me the other day if it’s okay to introduce Aria to her - from the sounds of it they seem to be getting serious. I’ve been talking to Anne a little bit and she tells me that he seems to be happy and gets this - he hasn’t been seeing anyone else.” 
“I’m sorry - you’re telling me that he asked for your permission to introduce Aria to his girlfriend and you agreed?” Molly seems to be severely taken back, her face  expression if not her tone says it all. 
“Yeahhh… why wouldn’t I be? He is Aria’s father and I am trusting his judgment, so if he thinks it was the right call - then it was the right call - point, blank, period.”  
Truth is, it did and still does bother me that he wants to introduce Aria to someone he is seeing. What if she likes her better than me? What if she grows attached to her? What if she starts calling her mom down the line? The thought of Aria calling someone else mom makes my stomach queasy, however, I can’t worry about the “what ifs” and just hope and pray that she isn’t mean to my baby girl. 
Harry’s and I’s relationship is complex, on the one hand I want him to be happy and find someone but on the other hand I want someone to hurt him the way he hurt me so he can truly understand what it feels like to put your absolute all into someone, just for them to take - stomp on it and give it back to you in bits and pieces and I truly believe if it weren’t for Aria, I would have stopped all communication with Harry Styles years ago.
The rest of my day consisted of cleaning up my house, working on organizing and cleaning out my fridge and finally deciding on outfit for later on tonight. I even had some time to get a home-work out in. I guess just subconsciously knowing that I am going to be wearing something tight tonight makes me feel as though an hour work-out is going to give me my pre-baby body back but I know it's just a ploy to make myself feel better. 
While rummaging through my closet I was able to find a tight body-con midi dress that I wore once and apparently still fits - however, when I say this dress is tight - it is tight. The last time I had worn this dress was right when I was just about 3 months pregnant with Aria and I had more than enough room in this dress to hide my little bump, but now, I am fuller in places I wasn’t before. For starters, my breast feel as though they are up to my chin at the moment and my ass has probably doubled in size since I last wore this dress, but this dress seems to be the best and if not only option I have that can be worn tonight because Molly made it very clear that I was not to dress for comfort tonight. 
“Alena, holy fuck you look hot.” I have just arrived at Molly’s apartment where our other two friends are as well. Molly is dressed in a cute spaghetti strap mini dress and has paired it with sparkly pumps, my feet just hurt looking at the height of them. 
“You don’t have to exaggerate Mol, I’m still coming out with you.” a chuckle escapes my lips as I make my way into Molly's apartment. I know her reaction was genuine but I also am not privy to the fact that she’s trying to boost my confidence a bit as well. 
“Oh I know you’re still coming out - I would actually drag you out of your house if you tried pulling a fast one on me!” Mol’s slightly intoxicated but her genuine personality and sassy attitude is still peaking through which I absolutely adore her. 
My other two friends Vanessa and Maria are just right around the corner making some cocktails as I make my way further through Molly’s apartment. It’s a beautiful apartment, two beds, two baths with a spacious open floor plan and a beautiful view of the city skyline. Her apartment is decorated mostly with whites and grays with a hint of pink throughout used as her accent color which matches with her personality graciously, she's one of the girliest of girls there is. 
The four of us mingle for about another hour as we get a few cocktails in and catch up on life before the actual night begins. Throughout the last hour, the biggest thing I have realized is that all of our lives are so different but the biggest difference between my friends is that I am a parent and they are not. Where they worry about whether or not they will be able to get up in the morning because they stayed out all night and drank - I have to worry about whether or not my daughter has everything prepared for school the next day on top of getting myself ready for work. By no means is this a complaint, but it does make me wonder what my life would be like if I was just out on my own? What if I too didn’t have another human to be responsible for? 
The night was definitely still young - but the night life was out. We’ve been waiting in life to get into the first club and we’re just now getting close to the front. The night was warm but definitely had a beautiful breeze which made the wait outside to get in not so bad. My three friends and I are slightly tipsy from the few shots that we had back at Molly’s place and right as we got dropped off by the Uber we shared a blunt - you could say I was high on life right now and just riding the wave. 
My phone buzzed in my pocket and it was a text from Harry. He sent me a snapshot of Aria sleeping in her bed at his house in Anne’s arms. I replied back with a little red heart and slipped my phone back in my purse. I promised myself that tonight I was not worrying about anyone else but myself - it’s time for me to be a bit selfish for once. 
“ Hey there pretty lady, can I see your ID please?” 
I pull my I.D. to show to the bouncer and he gives me a quick nod informing me that I was able to go in. He was a tall man with a broad build and dark features, he was pretty sexy if I do say so myself. He was filled with tattoos from the neck down it seems like which is such a turn on. I hope I get to see him later on tonight. 
“ Okay ladies, let the night begin!” We interlock hands and make our way into the nightlife - I feel like a teenager all over again, just me and my girls and no worries in the world, no responsibilities, no care! 
The night club is gorgeous, it definitely one of the more popular clubs in our area, and what is even better is that all the people here seem to be around our age or even slightly a bit older, many eligible bachelors seem to be out on the town as well. 
“Let’s grab drinks!” I yell out at my friends as the music is beyond loud and has the club thumping. 
We make our way over to the bar and we spot an opening close toward the end of the bar, where it seems to be empty. We make our way over there and take a seat, waving over to the bartender signaling that we would like to order. 
She’s a petite girl, with gorgeous blue eyes and short blonde hair that hits just at her shoulders. 
“What can I get you to drink, babes?” 
“Can my friends and I get a round of tequila shots please?” she flashes me a quick smile and a nod, a minute or two later she brings the shots over to us but mentions that they were paid for. Before I can even ask who, I spot the bouncer from the door staring in my direction. 
“Ouu, looks like someone is interested in you, Lena.” 
“He probably does that to a lot of girls, I’ll thank him later.” I wanted to play it cool but the simple gesture has me melting inside a bit. 
The night was absolute perfection, the music was perfect and our bodies were moving - I truly haven’t had this much fun in such a long time. My feet were starting to hurt but I was not stopping anytime soon - my friends and I were truly enjoying ourselves. Molly has run off to the corner of the club with some guy that came up to her to dance - he’s a nice looking guy, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. From what I could gather, his name’s Alex and he’s in finance. He seems enough from what I can tell but I wasn’t going to become too invested in learning too much about him, because from what I can tell - this will be a quick hook-up and probably won’t proceed for much more after the night. 
Vanessa, Maria and I make our way over to the bar again for another round of drinks when I feel a hand grip my shoulder. 
“ I wanted to formally introduce myself - my name’s Tommy.” the same bouncer who asked for my I.D. as well as the one who paid for our first round of drinks came up to introduce himself. His smile was cheeky but inviting, seeing him up close again definitely has my stomach in a knot. 
“And I wanted to formally thank you for the drinks, I’m Alena.” I put my hand out for him to shake it, and his grip is stronger than I could have ever imagined. 
“ A pretty name for a pretty girl - would you like to take a seat? I have about a 30 minute break before I have to get back to my shift.” 
“I think I could spare 30 minutes of my time.” I look over to my friends and they are both giving me a nod of approval, I can not wait to tell Molly about this later. 
Tommy leads me away from the bar, to a more secluded and a bit quieter section of the club. The seats back here seem to be more for dining, but the atmosphere and aesthetic isn't much different than the main area. It looks like he had some food pre-ordered and delivered to the table back here. The table has a single lit candle on it with two drinks, an cheese burger cut in a half with a side of fries, and a side order of onion rings. 
“Do you bring all of your muses back here?” I take a seat at the booth and Tommy sits across from me. He’s even more handsome under this light. 
“No, just the pretty one that caught my eyes tonight.” His smile makes him even more likable. 
“Oh, is that so? When will she be joining us?” a chuckle escaped his lips as he was taking a sip of his drink. 
“ A girl with a sense of humor, I like it.” 
I was feeling a bit proud of myself - I don’t normally get this social with a guy after just meeting him, but I think the alcohol is still lingering in my body and I am feeling good tonight. I feel confident, sexy and empowered and no one can take that away from me. The conversations are light, mostly just fun-facts about ourselves and how we occupy our time when we aren’t here on a random Saturday night. I find out that he works as a fire-fighter and works here to fill his time and his weekends and he gets a more steady schedule. From what I can gather from our 30-minute conversation, and quick dinner, he seems like a genuine guy that I would be intrigued in getting to know, however, I am still going to be very cautious in getting to know him. We have similar interests in music and movies and we both seem to be more introverted than anything, even though he works at a nightclub. 
“Unfortunately, my break time is now just over and I have to move upstairs to the lounge for the second half of my shift, but I’d like to take you out on a proper date sometime if that's okay?” The thought of going out on a proper date makes my heart skip a beat, but he can’t know that just yet. 
“Yeah, I’d like that, Tommy.” I ask for his phone and place my number in it, and save it as “Alena” as that is my name, but it’s up to him if he would like to change it to something else later on. 
As Tommy walks me back into the main area of the club before he goes off to the second part of his shift, he looks down and leaves a kiss on my lips. It wasn’t the most romantic kiss I've ever had but it definitely left a mark. 
“I’ll see you later, pretty girl.” 
When walking back into the main area of the club, I was not expecting to see who I was currently staring at. There he was, 6 foot tall stature, curly brown hair and emerald green eyes - they looked sad. However, I couldn’t focus on that because if he was here, then where is our daughter? 
“Harry, where the hell is Aria?”
Tagged List: @gurugirl @wittlecritter @kathb59 @betchyharry @styles1999 @indierockgirrl @kittenhere
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Hi!!! This is the first time I've EVER requested anything, so I'm super excited to be asking you. Would it be OK if I could have headcannons with some of the ikevamp boys? If you're comfortable with it, could I have Arthur, Comte, Isaac and Leonardo with and mc who has ADHD? I completely understand if you don't, feel free to completely ignore me. Thank youuu 😊😊😊❤❤❤
Characters: Arthur Conan Doyle | Comte De Saint Germain | Isaac Newton | Leonardo Da Vinci x GN!Reader  Rating: General.  Word count: 819 words  Warning/s: Reader has ADHD, mentions of procrastination, hyperfocus, not enough focus. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, I’ve had this on my mind for a very long time, and I even thought about doing Isaac’s route to write him more accurately but work has been killing me so I didn't get to open the DSM-V collecting dust in my shelf for this one :c
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[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
There are quite some things he can understand about your symptoms. The main thing being procrastinating. 
Listen, he is a writer, and he is not perfect, and there are moments where inspiration poofs out and he is forced to stop with his writer's block, or sometimes he feels stuck in a sentence and decides to do everything except finish his next chapter, so he can empathize when you go through periods where you keep pushing certain activities until the last minute.
He still worries about your well-being, even if he is not a doctor anymore; he is curious about the treatment you had back at your time and home. 
He is sweet and understanding, despite having some pet peeves, he does his best to understand how it's something that is part of you and can work with support. And he wants to be that support.
Arthur also finds relatable the moments where you are stuck with your hyper-focus periods, and you happen to do your and Sebastian’s chores for the day on your own, though he is hurt by you mostly ignoring him those awful days when he wants nothing but to pamper you.
[୨୧] — Comte De Saint Germain
He is a wonderful and understanding man.
I can imagine him having a lot of pet peeves with people getting distracted too easily or drifting off and, part of loving you is the imperfections you embrace of each other and, they make you perfect for him as anyone. 
He is careful of the periods where you either procrastinate too much or hyper-focus too much to not exhaust yourself with the chores you take or by making you overwhelmed by taking care of the mansion and its inhabitants. 
He will listen to your weekly obsession without trouble. Do you want to tell him about 30 crow facts you learned? Tell him. Did you find a new way to make Sebas flick your forehead? He frowns. Do you want to tell him about your comfort fanfic you know by heart because you can’t read it anymore? He will listen.
If you fidget too much, and if you ask, he will get someone from his multiple contacts to make a “replica” of the fidget toys you used to have back at home.
[୨୧] — Isaac Newton
I have been seriously thinking of this since I got this ask because it seems too funny even if I haven't read his route: Consider, you don’t shut up.
Isaac strikes me as the type who wants to study in peace and quiet.
So maybe your relationship is quite a bumpy ride at first. 
What amazes him is your capability of telling him about 100 things that interested you in the span of a single week.
Your conversations flow at random, so he would often be working on his stuff to suddenly be whisked away by you to tell him about that one thing you found out about hedgehogs for 3 hours. 
Sometimes you are the cause of some of his frustrations. Last month you started knitting? He found some yarn with a texture you like and bought it as a gift, thinking you could make something for yourself.
He came back to find your knitted sweater half done and forgotten, and now you are learning how to bake. 
And it is an ongoing cycle, but he finds a bit of happiness in you trying new things, as you often drag him along, which means spending more time together.
Maybe your relationship is the answer to what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
[୨୧] — Leonardo Da Vinci
Avoid tasks? Hyperfocus? Not enough focus? This man is a master at all those (and at dozing off)
He doesn’t mind you procrastinating, he has been avoiding to clean up his room for the last century, so he can’t complain. 
Now, if you forget or get distracted about other things, now that’s a different story. Did you feed Lumiere in the evening and forgot to tell him, and then he fed him that same day, and now you have a chubby cat? 
That’s funny, but no. 
Aside from that, he doesn’t have trouble with your condition; he is still a loving man. He always is and has been when it comes to loving you. 
And he likes your energy and how you keep him awake, in a sense, always making him try new things together, like dancing! Which he is not the best at, but he doesn’t mind trying your interests. 
If you take an interest in one of his multiple areas of expertise he’d definitely teach you and not be bothered if you happen to drop your interest in the activity, in fact, he invites you to try other things.
Beware, he is a strict teacher, so he doesn’t want your attention wandering off too often.
He enjoys…, grounding you, lets say. 
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misscongeniality18 · 1 year
Okay I have some thoughts for a Peter x reader fic. Peter and reader are officially dating and the reader begins to notice that Peter does kind and thoughtful things that none of her previous romantic partners had done before. Like, Peter buys medicine on the way home and makes soup for the reader when she’s sick, does all the house chores when she’s extra tired, and remembers the little things she says about a book she wanted to read or movie she wanted to go see. One day, the reader’s talking to Peter on the phone on her way home and she tells how she’s had a terrible day and feeling down. When she arrives, Peter cooked her favorite and put on her favorite series to make her feel better. Reader starts to tear up and Peter thinks he did something wrong, but reader tells him that it’s just no other guy had loved and cared for her as much he does, and how lucky she is to have him in her life
This! Ugh, perfection, because we all know Peter would 100% do this. (I'm also so sorry that it took me so long to get this out, Memorial Day weekend was my only time where I didn't have to do anything, so I took the opportunity to rest my mind before I start summer classes. You're amazing, I love you. <;3)
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I Do - Peter Sutherland
Synopsis ! Peter knows finds out you've had a hard day, so he decides to make you feel better. Pairing ! Peter Sutherland x fem!reader Genre ! Tooth-rotting fluff Warnings ! language, depression, kissing, Peter being such a good boyfriend if that counts, I also made this way too cheesy Word Count - 1079
" Never understood why People always say, love chooses you Now I do Now I do " - I Do, Aloe Blacc & LeAnn Rhimes
Masterlist Request Guide
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As you slid into your car, the tightness in your chest didn’t leave. Your job was stressful, to say the least, and it didn’t help that your boss was a first-class demon from hell, not to mention a total bitch. She asks you to come in on your days off and stay at least an hour after your shift is supposed to end without being paid overtime, and while on that subject, you were severely underpaid. You were practically doing your boss’s job for her because she spends ninety-percent of her time scrolling on her phone.
With your hands on the steering wheel, you rest your head against the cool leather, trying to catch your breath. Today had been particularly difficult. You had your own shit to do, but you couldn’t do it because you were taking over your boss’s workload, and when she found out that you didn’t get your own work done, she blew up at you, practically calling you worthless.
Before you pulled out of the parking lot, you called the only person who could make you feel better—your boyfriend.
Peter’s voice came from the car’s speakers, filling the small space with your favorite sound in the world. “Hey, babe, you on your way home?”
You could already feel the tension begin to melt from your shoulders at his clear, upbeat tone. “Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“What’s wrong?”
Damn, he could hear how stressed and exhausted you were.
“It’s been, uh, it’s been a hard day,” you said, trying to hold in your tears.
“Oh, babe, I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want to talk about it, so I won’t ask.”
Peter knew you so well, it made you want to cry. You still refused to, though. “I’ll be home soon, okay?”
“I’ll be here. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You hung up, and it took everything within you not to speed.
Peter was an angel from above. He was kind and thoughtful and attentive and loving, unlike your past partners, and he would do things just to make you happy. One time, Peter remembered how you wanted to see the movie adaptation of one of your favorite books, so he surprised you with tickets. You thanked him with endless kisses.
He also takes care of you even when you can’t. Last week, when you dared to be sick, Peter picked up medicine on the way home from work and made you chicken soup because you couldn’t keep anything else down. And during that time, he even cleaned up the apartment because you didn’t have time to do your regular chores.
In your mind, Peter was perfect.
You arrived at the apartment, and your feet felt so heavy that you worried you wouldn’t make it down the hallway. When you opened your door, the smell of garlic and bacon and absolute heaven greeted you. “Peter?” You called out, peeking your head around the corner to the kitchen.
There Peter stood, spoon in hand, stirring something on the stove. He turned when he heard your voice, his eyes lighting up when he saw you. “Hey! I made your favorite for dinner; carbonara. Well,” he sighed. “I tried. It’s not going to be like Mariano’s, but it’ll be close.”
You blinked up at him when he mentioned your favorite Italian restaurant located just down the street, a place you could eat at for every meal.
Peter saw the expression on your face, and he quickly put the spoon down and rushed to the television. “I thought we could watch Bridgerton, too! I know how you love that show, and with the new season coming out later this year, I thought…”
He trailed off as he noticed the tears welling up in your eyes, a few streaking down your cheeks.
“Oh, babe, what is it? What did I do wrong?” Peter asked, panic in his voice, and he strode over to you, placing his hands on your cheeks and wiping away your tears with his thumbs. “Baby, I didn’t mean to make you cry, I wanted you to feel better, and I thought I’d make your favorite dinner and put on your favorite show—“
“Peter,” you interrupted him, putting your hands over his and holding them to your chest. “You are making me feel better. Even if you didn’t do all this, you still would. With everything going on at work, you are my only stress reliever. You did everything right. You always do.”
You closed your eyes, the feel of his skin against yours calming and cool. Pressing a kiss to his palm, you whispered, “God, I don’t deserve you.”
“Hey,” Peter murmured, swooping down to wrap his arms around you, his face level with yours. “Do you trust me?”
Sputtering in confusion, you nodded. “Wha-what does—Yes, I do.”
“Then trust me when I say that you deserve everything. You are everything. You are on my mind when I’m awake and when I’m dreaming; you are my everything, and I love you.”
You met his eyes, seeing the sincerity and love within the depths of them, and you couldn’t believe how you had managed to find each other. “I love you, too,” you whispered.
His lips pressed to yours, soft and sweet and soothing. When Peter kissed you, it was as if the world faded away, and you existed only in this moment.
You drew him closer, pressing your body to his, one hand moving to the back of his neck, and then your stomach started to growl. Peter pulled away, chuckling and grinning that wide, toothy grin that always made your heart flutter. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
Peter shook his head. “We have time for that later. You’re hungry, so we’ll eat. Here, come taste my attempt at cooking.”
Leading you by the hand to the stove, Peter pulled out a fork and twirled some noodles for you to take a bite. You moaned as you chewed, nodding in approval.
“You like it?”
“I do,” you replied, mouth full.
Hearing those two words made Peter’s heart skip, and he leaned forward, kissing your cheek still full with food. He enjoyed those words not only because they told him he did a good job at cooking, but because he knew you would be saying them at an altar one day with him in front of you.
The only thing left was to get the ring out of his bedside table and ask you.
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Hi there, 15 increment time traveler here. Relativistic Scheduling got in touch with me in the future, present, and past, and in all 3 had previously (and has and will tell me) TO mention the 2025 incident, which I didn't know but after getting told to apparently rewrote the message I sent because of new knowledge and all that really fun headache inducing timeline shenanigans. As the preparation time given to the Office is what actually made it so that they could sort it out. Dreamwalker part was on me though. Sorry.
Anyways, turns out I'm getting ripped through time because I pissed of a wizard in the future. They threw a few dozen things at the wall, but looks like I'll have to wait a while while they sort it out. Apparently I'm interesting enough of a case a few high standing Temporal, Thaumaturgical, and a few other fancy words ending in "al" that I can't spell want to study me. Or maybe it was just one who was all of them. My memory started getting fuzzy 7 pages in.
Anyways, sorry for causing the scramblers to go haywire. Weird situation with that. Shouldn't have caused them to trigger that hard given what I know of scramblers.
Yeah, I….ugh, I hate nonstandard chronological tenses. I had apparently at some point in the past week had already received a report about this on my desk, and flipping through it is a chore. My intern is trying to turn the pages and they’re….out of order? Not really out of order. Relativistic Scheduling has an esoteric numbering system to catalog when items are meant to be in their proprietary ordering system. It has something to do with measuring subjective time against an objective measurement they have in their office. Page one seems to go to page six, but then seven and eight just fine, but then it goes to page….three hundred and twenty, but this is clearly a twenty-page stack. Then it loops back to page 2. I don’t even have to read page 3, I apparently had already read it yesterday. You really pissed that guy off. Amanda set aside time in her schedule last week to interview you, so look forward to that. She’s usually too busy. She often brings pecan cinnamon rolls, I miss those.
Wait…why did that set off my scramblers? It’s supposed to be just coghazzes and things above my clearance, and I have…a lot of clearance.
Jenny, can we - yeah, again. Please. Chou isn’t allowed to block my messages. Thank you.
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Hi everyone! Hope you're having a good day/ night.
Soooo, I've got a little storytime of the amazing evening I had last weekend with someone. Online! That's what's still so surreal for me!!! I didn't plan on sharing this here even though he suggested it, but I knew I had to get it out cuz I cannot get the whole thing out of my mind since it's happened. Also, excuse me for the typos or bad grammar, English is not my first language. The colored texts will be out of our conversation, and the red ones are messages that made me lose tiny bits of my brain, for those of you taking hints. And last but not least:
This will be NSFW and 18+ content, so read at your own risk.
This man, A, almost twice my age, messaged me earlier in the past week commenting on a picture of mine. For me, it was around 3 AM and I was horny. But nothing really happened besides me giving away my sc and him threatening to r@pe me as I sleep and that I'm just a cvmdump for older men.
When we messaged again after some days, he told me I answered like a pet. It confused me because it was just a simple question, asking me what I was up to when we didn't speak. He then asked me what I was up at that moment and to send a pic. It was around 2 in the afternoon for me, so I was in the garage enjoying the fresh breeze, wearing only underwear and a top. This was A's reaction:
You're not chilling in the garage like that. Is someone coming to r@pe you or something? Has to be. You're baiting to just be r@ped like that.
I wish someone would.
I'd want you to dress up for me though. It won't be so easy for you, but I'd still rape you. Say it. Someone would do what?
I wish someone would rape me right now - for being dressed like this.
Take your tits out and slap them.
Right now and here?
Would a r@pist think? Now I'd start with a slap to your face instead.
I've never hit myself before.
Could be a good start. Show me.
For the first time in my entire life, I've been slapped on my face. And I did it to myself, no less! And filmed it?!
See? You look like a pet, too. So helpless. But pretty.
(After some minutes) You didn't slap your tits next. How long do you think I would take to get there?
Around 10 at night, we spoke again. I told him I still wanted to do it. I was just eager for it - to record myself slapping my tits and share it to please this man. He asked me why I stopped replying and if I have a discord (the answer on thay is no, btw.) I told him I slept for some hours, did my chores, and I then showered.
I should have watched you shower. I'd definitely joined in. And if you begged properly I'd have probably given you a golden shower..before cumming in your mouth. What are you wearing?
I sent him a pic and confessed that I've been curious to experience a golden shower.
You should pour some water on you. So it looks like I peed on you. Get that little top all wet, exposing your erect nipples. Giving me a sign that you're ready to be r@ped. And make a discord, too. I want to watch you like I have a secret cam on you.
I sent him my pic of a soaked shirt. And said no to making a discord account.
This makes me want to bruise you up. You would never say no if I were around. Pretty sure I'll make porn with you and show off to people. Get your tits out now.
I sent a pic with my shirt up.
Good girl. Now time to start pinching those nipples. And then slap them.
I made and sent my video, unable to bite my lip in it. My nipples erect from the wet shirt and cool. They were so sensitive at that point.
You're liking it a little too much. I'd have turned your tits red now. I'd be much much rougher. I want you to look around for things that you can suck on, like it's a dick. Suck on it, moving around like a good pet.
I suspected I would like it, but it turned out feeling even better. There's nothing around to suck on. What about my fingers?
Show me around. There has to be something. You have no idea. You'd love everything I do to you. You'd only want to be a full-time pet for me.
Are you from far away? You're only making me curious.
Unfortunately, yes. But maybe someday I'll be close enough to you to abduct and r@pe you.
Sounds like a fantasy dream come true.
It would be. Doesn't mean I need to be there to use you.
Can't show you around. I'm not in my own room tonight and with risk allowing you to see more. (I was in our living room because I gave up my room for a guest we had sleeping over that evening.)
Ooh. Scared, aren't you? How about you take your panties off and shove them down your throat.
I took a picture of pushing my shorts down to show I wasn't wearing any.
Now it's time for cunt slaps. Would you okay with playing with an icecube too?
Yes. Ice cubes first? Or spankies on my privates?
Spankies first. Don't call them that. Call them your holes.
Spankies on my...holes.
Good girl.
I shared the video of me slapping my cunt through my shorts. I felt the slaps, but barely. He told me I needed to be rougher because I had shorts on. So I did it again. Harder this time and it started making me squirm. Slapped myself 3 more times in this video.
Look at you starting to like it. Now, slap bare cunt.
I have to show you my holes?
You're scared or shy?
You'll love showing off then, little r@pedoll.
I did the same, slapping myself 4 or 5 times on my cunt, only this time I was bare and the impact made me gasp and squirm. And I might even have rubbed my clit to prolong the good sensation.
Can I play now?
Get ice. (And he gave me instructions) I'd love to watch it all on call, but if you want to just snap, that's okay.
I want to try it...on call.
I asked some questions while he tried to convince me. I felt so nervous and shy and wanted to please him, knowing it would please me. I'd played with ice cubes before, but never like he told me to, and my nerves for the best of me. I told him that I couldn't do it.
You'll forget about all your nerves once you start. Just like those bare spankies. But if nothing, you can record and share.
Yes, this please.
Get started then. And don't stop until the ice melts. You'll be such a mess. I wish I could just best your ass on call.
Beat my backside for speaking politely?
Backside? Say it like it is. You can be polite. But you need to serve your role as an obedient little pet first. So, of course, you'll get punished and beaten.
Of course. Not that you'd need permission, but yes, you can spank my ass whenever I'm not pleasing you enough. Like that?
How dare you use your brain when you're supposed to be my pet. Next time you won't dare to think.
We'll see about that, mister.
Don't be so smart when you were just slapping your cunt on command. Now decide quick and start playing.
First, I had to rub the ice cube around my nipples over my shirt. Even through it, my body reacted instantly. And it made me curious and eager to play with it on my bare skin.
Look at how your tits are responding. Those tits aren't yours anymore. Your body isn't yours anymore.
Then I had to pull my shirt up and rubbed slow circles around and on my nipples. I knew it would feel incredible and cold, but I wasn't prepared at how much actually. Before I even realized it, the cube slipped out of my fingers and slid down my body, and rested right at the inside of my thigh. Making me gasp because OMG!!! I was not prepared for that!
Then I took another cube because the other had melted already. And this one I had to rub around my cunt before sliding it from my wet pussy to my clit, and back again. Feeling that made me jump and sit upright, not that that helped me at all. I was squirming and biting my lip to keep from moaning. Refraining to beg A to let me stop all together or let me hurry it up.
This is how needy you'll be for me. All this when I'm not even there.
Next I had to put the cube in my cunt. And right when I pushed it in, it slid right back out, resting exactly against my asshole. It was completely accidental, but it made me think about teasing myself there with the cube. Though I absolutely did not dare do or ask for it. The ice cube melted almost immediately when I put it in again because it had mostly melted when I played around my privates. Ahem..I mean, my holes.
Good little cunt. Don't stop now, I see you twitching. You're so horny now, you'd bent over on the road for me.
He was so right! But I was also so nervous! The feeling of an ice cube in my cunt was new to me, so foreign. But I was curious to experience it again. And I wanted to please A. So I had put in three more with my legs pushed up. My pussy felt so tight but the cubes slid in like a hot knife through butter. None of them were pushed out, and I felt so proud of myself because I could feel where the cubes were exactly, in a row very close to my entrance, almost like beads. Ones I felt melting with every passing second. And as you must know by now, it made me squirm and I let out moans I couldn't hold back, as much as I wanted to keep them in. I pushed my finger in and the last one, just small and flat like a candy the moment right before it dissolves in your mouth, slid out. As small as it was, I still felt it against my asshole and how it melted right there. I felt so needy now, so I asked if I could finally make myself come now.
A wanted to video call while I did it and the idea still made me feel so nervous but I was just so needy that I'd do almost anything to get myself off. And he already had said yes, cum for me so I thought 'might as well let him enjoy more of the show he was orchestrating.' Only thing was, I was finishing the show. And myself literally, haha. I set up my phone so A could see me from the neck down because I just could not get myself to reveal my face as I was about to masturbate for this man.
The call was 3 minutes 15 seconds.
I was not so slowly rubbing clit when A answered. He had his camera off one moment and the next I saw him stroking his cock while I rubbed myself. It was sooo hot to see how hard I made him and I just needed something inside of me. He was too far away to do something about it himself. Was around 1 AM for me and I think I saw daylight on my screen. Put in my middlefinger in and my cunt felt so tight because of the ice that had melted there. Was fingering myself now, dangerously close to coming. Then I saw A swinging his cock?! Slowly at first which had me moaning through my blurry sight. He did it more and more, faster now and I finger fucked myself harder. I even tried to put another finger in because I still felt empty but couldn't because of how tight I already was. So don't you ask me how his big cock would fit in me. Maybe he'd just force it into me with his hand on my mouth to keep me from screaming. Or moaning. Or both? Yes, definitely both. A had turned his camera off but seeing his hard cock swinging was seared into my brain. Thinking of him right there with me, fucking me with that big cock instead of my tiny finger. Slapping me on the face, spit on it, spit on my tits and slapping them, too. Which would make me moan from the unexpectedness slaps, but oh so good!!! I was biting my tongue now. I wanted to moan, as if that would magically bring A to me. Felt myself getting tighter just thinking about it. Also in the back of my mind, I thought how anyone from the house could get up and see me playing with myself in the living room. While I was on a video call with a mean stranger. It was all too much and I came, biting my lip to keep silent. Just held my fingertip on my clit as I came, my body quivering like it had its own earthquake. I put my finger back in to taste myself and LORD!! I kid you not, I think I was even sweeter than when I'm masturbating on my own. Got in for more, twice or three times with two fingers now. Tasting myself on them, thinking about sucking his cock clean of our combined juices. My cunt literally twitched at the idea of that. I had this huge smile on my face when I was done.
I hung up because I didn't hear or see anything. But as I was catching my breath from the orgasm I just experience and the fact that I'd done it on video call, I heard his message. He told me how happy I looked when I finished and even thinking back now, happy was an understatement. I felt like I had wings, flying through the clouds. We spoke a little more. How he could see some of my mixed feelings but also how my body reacted to whatever he told me to do.
I went to clean up and took a shower where I was smiling from ear to ear the whole time. Or talking to myself. With a huge smile on my face. "Holy Jesus Christ shit! I did not just do that. Yes, I did. It was fun, wasn't it? Excuse yourself, more than fun. It was freaking out of the world hot. Still not over seeing him swinging his dick for me. I think that was THE hottest thing. Congrats, M. You've officially made a slut of yourself now."
When I got back, I noticed the wet spot of the dripping ice and my orgasm. I sent A a pic, saying this was the wet spot I'd have to sleep on because of what we did. After some minutes, when I was already starting to shut down, he laughed and said "but it will be a nice fulfilling sleep."
That was sooo true. I fell asleep within minutes, without even saying goodnight. I was bothered by the wet spot for the 2 to 3 minutes I was still awake. So satisfied and sleepy to do anything about it or even get up to sleep on the couch. And I slept like a baby. Didn't wake up throughout the night or hear anyone up and don't even remember dreaming.
Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, that was it. Thank you for coming to my therapy session. I'm already feeling better and horny now. If you've read this far, let me know if I should share some of the pics.
~ Xoxo, M.
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j2lx · 2 years
I promise… We'll be ok (Naoya Drabble)
Sypnosis: You're a servant for the Zenin Clan and that's all you are… or so you think. You would never have thought that the infamous Naoya Zenin would've fell in love with you, and changed himself for the better just to be with you <3
(Some context for one of the parts in the fic: (this isn't canon, it's just what I came up with so this would make more sense) Naoya was from Kyoto Jujutsu Tech, and met Shoko during the Goodwill Event when they were in high school)
Ship: Naoya x Fem!reader
Warnings: Misogyny (not Naoya to reader though!), physical abuse, angst to fluff, Naoya is rlly down bad for reader and put his life on the line for you 🥺 (pls he calls you "princess" he's so in love with you)
A/n: I decided to get out of my comfort zone and start doing drabbles instead of my normal short fics and headcanons! This is my first drabble so =") Also I've had this idea since last year and I'm finally writing it down!!
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Naoya, who thinks that women are nothing and only exist to serve men. He thinks that they shouldn't have opinions, and should walk three steps behind men at all times. That is, until he met you.
You were just a new servant in the clan but he fell absolutely head over heels for you. He was down so bad for you that he became so well mannered and kind to you. He even made you his "personal servant" just so he could protect you from the clan elders, who could potentially abuse and exploit you, which he had witnessed them do to other servants before. It was the only way to protect you, and he made sure no one else could put their hands on you.
He confesses to you with a bracelet, cheeks flushed a rare red that you won't usually see. But he loved you way too much, and he couldn't help wanting to express his feelings for you. Of course you accepted, because he treats you so well and you really love him too.
Naoya lets you sleep with him on his bed every night, often helping to coax you to sleep when you just can't sleep. He drapes a blanket over you both, but often gives up most of the blanket to you, so that you won't feel cold from the air conditioning in his room. He pats and strokes your back whenever you get nightmares, pressing his lips against your forehead to tell you he's there for you.
He cooks for you too, much to the surprise of the other servants. He would never admit to what he was actually doing, even though he could silence them not to tell anyone else, and often used the excuse that "he enjoys cooking and should be allowed to do what he likes". And he really does love cooking, especially when he sees how happy you are when you eat the food he cooked. Honestly, he would do anything to make you happy.
Naoya, who brings you out at least twice every week, telling the elders that you're helping him to "run errands", while he "supervises" you. And that's all a lie, of course. He brings you out on dates to nice places he knows you'll like, and gets really affectionate with you. His hand always intertwined with yours, lips on your forehead every now and then.
He took you out on a week's long trip on your birthday week, and during Valentine's Day and White Day, just so you both could have some time away from all the clan stuff. He made sure to make you feel as loved as possible, and he even bought you a small bunny stuffed toy for you for your birthday. The bunny was like a symbol of his love for you, it being there was a reminder that he would do anything in the world for you.
Naoya never lets you do chores that are too strenuous either. He leaves his room as tidy as possible, and helps you with the chores most of the time. The last thing he would want is for you to injure or overstrain yourself while trying to help him clean up. And after all the chores are done, he often showers with you, helping rub any sore spots you have while lathering soap all over your body.
He knows you were insecure about your relationship together. He knew you wanted him to get together with someone of more power, of a better standing in life, because it would benefit him more. But he didn't care. Whenever you came to him with such worries, he would constantly hug and reassure you that he loves you and only you, and that he can't picture himself with anyone other than you.
Because he truly loves you. He knew he wouldn't be like this with anyone else. He knew he was only this vulnerable and open because it was you. So he vowed to protect you, to leave the clan with you so that you both didn't have to live with the expectations and in fear of the clan elders.
He didn't know what threats there were that the two of you would have to face. He didn't know you could be taken from him so quickly. When the elders found out that you were in a relationship with Naoya, they took you to a secluded area in the clan building and started beating you up. It was almost as if they were trying to kill you, to get rid of you so that Naoya could fall in love and marry someone else.
Luckily, these kinds of things don't go without Naoya not noticing. The moment he found out that you were gone and the other servants told him you were sent to "run some errands", he got suspicious. After all, you were his "personal servant" and no one else should be allowed to order you around. He panicked, heart thumping furiously as he ran to find you. And when he did, he found you bruised and slightly bloody, the elders looming over you while you cowered in fear.
But before any of the clan elders could hurt you again, he threw himself in front of you to protect you. He didn't care how hurt he got, all he wanted was to protect you. The elders flew into a rage, horrified that the next heir to the clan would stoop that low just to protect a woman, a lowly slave no less. Naoya didn't care though. He continued taking hit after hit, he didn't even care if he died. He just wanted to protect you from more harm.
When the elders realised that he wouldn't stop protecting you from all the hits, they stopped. Naoya took the opportunity and used his jujutsu technique on the elders and drove you both to Shoko at Jujutsu High, so that she could treat your injuries.
Shoko didn't expect the arrogant heir to the Zenin Clan to show up at her office with tears streaming down his cheeks, clutching your figure in his arms, begging her to treat and heal you. She examined both of your bodies, only to find that Naoya was even more bruised and was bleeding slightly too. She started treating the both of you with no hesitation, internally glad that Naoya finally found someone to love, that someone having changed his view on the world and society.
After all that, Naoya snapped. He went back to the clan and started packing all of his and your belongings. He did anything he could, even putting his life on the line, just to get the elders to let the both of you leave the clan. He threatened to kill himself or kill all of the clan members, just so the both of you could leave that hellhole and have a better life. And they relented, in fear that he would really wipe them all out.
He went back to your shared apartment that he had bought a month before the incident (he was planning to leave the clan soon so he decided to plan early), his car full of both of your belongings. He wrapped his hands around you and pulled you into a tight embrace, lips meeting yours for the first time.
Handing you your stuffed bunny, he carried you in his arms, placing a small kiss on your hand. He sat down on the couch, letting you rest on his lap. Stroking your head gently, he smiled as he said, "We'll be ok now princess. I love you." <3
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(Context for the kissing in the last part: You always told Naoya not to kiss your lips because you didn't deserve it so he told you he wouldn't until the both of you were out of the clan. Him kissing you on the lips in that last part was him telling you that the both of you were free <3)
Yay I finally did my first drabble! I really liked this idea of mine and I'm planning on turning it into a series soon =) Hope you all enjoyed some soft Naoya fluff
© @j2lx, 2022
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undertheknightwing · 1 year
just finished s2 and finally met Jon-El!
rip to whoever the writer for this season was but I'm different. Au in my head where Jon-El's horrified "I've never killed anyone before" actually mattered in the show, the Kents managed to convince him that he wasn't broken and he didn't have to keep doing things he didn't want to do, and suddenly have triplets instead of twins <3
Even if the show didn't go down that path it's absolutely absurd that Jon-El didn't start poking at Jon's insecurities and all the ways the Kents had failed him to try getting Jon to merge! Especially if Jon-El was manipulating Jon not out of a place of malice, but because he genuinely believed that merging could "heal" both of them. That could have been so interesting to see on screen! And that's just the tip of the iceberg; as an angst writer myself, I can think of so many amazing plotlines and arc ideas for Jon-El and I'm genuinely baffled that the writers didn't try to pursue any of them.
But anyway, love Jon-El, and he can commit all the crimes he wants because he's amazing and has all the rights <3
Taking a billion points of psychic damage from that alone, but then Clark never actually talked to Jon when he was upset about it?? AHFDKJHADSKJFHSAKJFHKSBG. absolutely murdered me. okay. I genuinely cannot get over the way Clois acted, mostly around Jon but there were some bad moments with Jordan too; their lack of parenting skills this season left a really bad taste in my mouth at so many parts. I might have to rewatch s1 to remind myself why I liked them at all in the first place tbh
Anyway, I'm glad that this season gave us sweet moments between Jon, Jordan, and Nat. I'd love to see more of the three of them being chaotic siblings in the future.
You just described the perfect ending 😭
I wanted to see Clark trying to save Jon-El from his self-destruction so badly. He only tried once to get Jon-El to see what he was doing was wrong and it was a lame attempt at that.
And really why should have Jon-El believed Clark? He's currently being manipulated by a cult leader who's so strong she has a hold over thousands of ADULTS, who he sees as a person who truly cares about him, and has most likely been emotionally abused by a man who looks just like Clark. Of course he's not listening or caring about Clark's attempt that was pretty much just "hey you're bad right now, but if join me and you'll be good". But considering Clark can't even talk to or understand his Jon, it's not a surprise he can't reach Jon-El, who's just a darker parallel of his son.
Also I just wanna say that Jon-El's "I never killed anyone before" line reminded me so much of Gar's "I bit him" line AND THAT SHIT HURT.
Jon-El was done so dirty storyline wise, they took this tragic and complex character and turned him into Jordan's villain of the week to beat up. He didn't even get a proper send off, he just got beat up in a school gym and that was it. Never see or hear from him again. Such a waste of a character.
I don't think him wanting to merge was ever out of malice in canon. He did genuinely believe merging would fix him, that's what Ally made him believe. She made him see himself as broken and without purpose, told him he'll only be fixed/healed if he merges with Jon, so he saw Jon as the last thing that would save him and wouldn't let anything or one get in his way. Jon was a lighthouse in a raging storm to him.
And as badly as I think Jon-El wanted to merge, I just want to point out that after rewatching his episodes a few times I noticed there was many times Jon-El could have killed the Kents but he didn't even though they were keeping him from Jon. He never threatens his bizarro family with death either, only tells them to disappear.
I think he has no problem throwing punches as warning or threat to stay out of his way but killing his family? even if they aren't his family. I don't think that's a line he could cross. If did have no problem crossing that line he would have killed Clark with the kryptonite shard but he didn't, he left him there with Lana who he had to know could have saved Clark before he died.
I agree 100% I support Jon-El's rights and wrongs <3 but also want him to go to therapy and heal.
Clois' parenting damaged me in so many ways in season 2. It was such a huge mess. Even the official S&L insta joked about Clark ditching Jon to spend time with Jordan instead which isn't funny. Especially after a scene where it seemed like Jon was hinting at having concerning thoughts.
Such a weird season with an even weirder storyline.
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finyx7733 · 1 day
Affirmations: I am worthy of love I am capable of great things I am not a burden I am made of stardust and magick
So I woke up today with a lot of anxiety, I'm restless and I feel an overwhelming sense of dread, my limbs feel as if they are filled with sand, they are heavy and weighted down. All I want to do is cry or scream. Maybe break something, but I know that isn't going to help make me feel any better. I'm going to try and turn it around, and do things today that spark joy and make me feel productive. My therapist V gave me some journaling prompts to help me when I am feeling like this, one of them is called P.I.E.S. I think I will follow the prompt and see if it helps.
How do I feel physically today? Physically I feel drained, I didn't fall asleep until 2:30-3:00am and I woke up super early, so I am exhausted. My limbs feel as if they are weighted down and I am having trouble concentrating. My mind is racing and I can't seem to keep my thoughts straight. I know it's part of my mania but that doesn't make it any easier to overcome. I am hyper-fixating on the stupidest of things and I can't seem to focus on anything for a long period of time. It's just frustrating.
Am I intellectually stimulated? Today I am going to try and do some research on different things, I want to learn more about my BPD and Paganism. I think that will stimulate my brain and maybe help me focus some of this energy.
How do I feel emotionally today? Emotionally I am feeling good. My mood is really high and even though I feel anxious I'm in good spirits. I do feel a bit restless but I think I just need to do something physical, maybe go for a walk or clean something to get out this energy.
How do I feel spiritually today? I sat out in nature and just listened to some soft calming music, it made me feel at peace, though it is 105 degrees out today, and after a while, I got too hot to just sit out there so I came inside. I started watching videos about paganism last night, it was really interesting. I'm going to take notes and I will share what I learn.
Today is kind of a slow day, I have a therapy appointment at 1 pm which I'm a little anxious about, I don't know why V is really nice but I've only met with her one time and I'm afraid we are going to go into some heavy stuff and I don't know how it's going to affect me. I have been manic for two days now, I think I've had 7 hours of sleep in two days. Last night I didn't go to bed until 4 am and I was awake at 7:30 am because the dogs had to go out and they were barking. I'm not tired though nor am I grumpy so I will take the win. I'm hoping I will be able to sleep tonight but I suppose only time will tell.
Mimi had to go to work today, she is working at a Dude Ranch in the kitchen and she absolutely loves it. She says the staff are amazing and her boss is just lovely. I'm glad she found a place to work that brings her joy, she is such a kind and caring person she deserves some happiness in her life.
Before she got this job we would do the household chores together, we would pick one day out of the week and just get shit done, but now that she is working I don't think its fair for her to have to clean the house on her days off and since I'm not working I decided that I would surprise her and do all the chores myself. Trying to get them all done in one day alone was difficult, so I made a list of chores and broke them down. To keep myself from getting overwhelmed I picked one chore and assigned it to a day of the week. So while she is at work, I can do something productive and help out around the house.
Mind you there are some things I do daily, like the dishes, feeding the dogs, make my bed and declutter our living space. Here is what my chore list looks like in case anyone was wondering. Sunday: Bathroom. (toilet, sink, mirrors, floors, and trash) Monday: nothing. Tuesday: Laundry (wash and dry, put away) Wednesday: Bedroom (trash, vacuum, wipe down surfaces) Thursday: Closet (declutter, vacuum) Friday: nothing Saturday: nothing
I had my appointment with V and everything went really well. She listened to the goals that I've created to make sure they were reasonable goals and then she suggested I tried yoga. She said it is all about breathing and being intuned with your body. So I'm going to give it a try and see if it is something that piques my interest. I have several walking videos I have saved, so I am thinking maybe I'll do yoga 4 days out of the week and the walking videos the other 3 days out of the week. That way I move my body everyday, this will help me to lose weight. Mimi will be home soon and then we will probably start dinner, I'm not really sure what we are having tonight but whatever it is will be great. Mimi is a really good cook. I have some videos I want to watch so I think I'm going to go take the dogs out and do a little research. Ta for now.
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bbybearcubbs · 2 months
How does someone manage to piss off someone else before that other person is even aware they're awake???
I just became aware of the world around me for 30 seconds max and you've already managed to make me wish my heart stopped while I was asleep. Because why are you mad at me for you having to iron your own son's school pants??? You're mad you have to iron it even though you gave yourself that task??? You said yourself that you'd handle the ironing of clothes since everyone else had other things to get ready for in the morning.
"That phone you love so much? You go loose it. Because you really pissing me off." EXCUSE YOU?!?
Idk if you haven't realized but when was the last time you could complain about the floors being dusty? When was the last time you could complain about the dishes being dirty? When was the last time you could complain about the stove being dirty (right after food was finished being made mind you) When was the last time you could complain about dirty clothes? Or the closest being a mess? Or not finding your shoes under the bed?
I'm stuck at home with the two youngest kids NOT EVEN BY CHOICE and I make it a point to try and keep the place and tidy and neat as possible for 24 hours EVERY DAY because YOU REFUSE to take me to go apply for jobs! I can't do that on my own because I don't have a fucking cent to my name and to get to town I need money because transport costs money!
Don't start ranting early in the mornings as if I haven't been doing shit the entire time I'm home! The only motherfucking thing I don't do is cook and it's only because #1 - I fucking can't and #2 - I'm scared I'll end up wasting ingredients if I tried cause we're broke as fuck, which is no ones fault but you and our moms, and I don't wanna waste anything.
You're recalling the ONE TIME I didn't do the dishes on time in the last month and 2 weeks and blaming it on a phone I didn't have until a week ago?!? You're upset because in the rush of constantly cleaning, dealing with screaming kids on behalf of my mother so she can rest after work and my own screaming mind that never shuts the fuck up, I didn't secure my brothers school pants? Okay yeah I could've hung it up but I didn't think of that, yk why? Cause I was thinking about the living room I needed to clean and the kitchen I needed to clean and the clothes I needed to wash
I forced myself into a sleep schedule so I can do things at a more convenient time for everyone else even though it fucking kills me to be doing anything during the damn day. I work better in the late hours but that's not convenient so I tried to fix the problem and you apparently don't see that. I was up doing chores at 1-2am because our pipe lines suck and we never get running water every day so I needed to refill everything in the house while I could. I also needed to wash as much clothes as possible before they water left. I went to bed at 3 in the fucking morning after having maintained a sleep schedule that has me knocked tf out by 12am.
I was a fucking MESS the next day but STILL managed to follow the fake routine I'd built up. Nothing I do is a routine. I have to actively make the decision to do all those things because adhd is a fucking bitch. And maybe I do rush some days to get back on my phone but that's because I have to play housewife as the oldest kid and haven't left my house beyond going to the shops in the neighborhood twice a week AT MOST. I'M LOOSING MY FUCKING MIND HERE YOU PRICK!!!
Why do I have to walk on eggshells in my own house around my own father because he's a narcissistic, selfish, dumbass??? I'm not supposed to make any mistakes at all??? Name five fucking things I did in the past month that you can consider a problem and I'll stfu.
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firespirited · 11 months
Today was the usual mixed bag. Readmore for animal death (not my pets)
Ended the day with another Barbie bad cam viewing as a palette cleanser, noticed more outfits this time around. Such a delight.
Started the day with quick chores then tomorrow's grocery pickup by the replacement carer we managed to find for a full 2h a week 🙃. (Usually we pay someone happy to work off books but thought this agency might be a little more thoughtful). It just is, so we're making do.
I walked one dog after the other at daybreak. I've been slowly taming the very scaredy Gargouille, he now comes slowly close for scritches and a peanut.
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Yesterday someone left out a bunch of near new shoes and I carried them home (a small part of why my shoulder hurts) as they were roommate sized. She kept 4 pairs.
The rest was bagged and ready to go to the second hand store. I left the sandals, marrocan slippers and some large boots. As with all previous clothing or electronics dropoffs, they were thrown into the bin even though we have multiple clothes bins and second hand drop off points in town.
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I find that very odd, someone clearly wants to share their cast offs and someone else doesn't want that left out more than half a day and tosses it instead of using the two second hand stores (clothes are less than 5€ each like 5€ would be for a coat, the point is to reuse and teach folks repair)
On the second walk for Lily (i can't handle both dogs, they both walk very differently because of the age difference and both have strong temperaments), the walk goes by the cemetery and sis had said she'd seen someone complain about a dead cat. So I went to the bins opposite the gate and there he was, a large ginger cat, flattened by a car and rotting under the bins. We're supposed to take them to the vets for incineration but I'm not able to and he'd been there a while. I acted on instinct, grabbed him with a dog poop bag and placed him inside the bin 1 and started looking for bags to wrap him in. In bin 3 there was a ripped bag of school papers and junk so i emptied it out and gently placed the cat in it, tied knots in the top and tear. It's not the burial or sanitary incineration he deserves but it felt so disrespectful to see him just decaying on the tarmac.
Bin 2 contained 2 stainless steel branded dog bowls - they'll go to one of the local animal rescues. I didn't dig further, I was feeling drained from a dozen different emotions about that ginger cat. This is a caravan parking lot on weekends so it could have been from abandoned dogs. We're a small tourist town on the road to large tourist destinations.
Last week I found a muzzle and collar at the car wash and I don't know if it's one of the dogs that's been spotted loose in town. Animal control has already caught two who are now up for adoption since vacations started in july. The stray cats and dead cats are adding up as people who rent their house out for the summer leave for *their* vacations and holiday makers drop off their cats during a pit stop.
They'll probably do another massive "catch, spay and release" for the cat population in autumn.
As much as I rant about outdoor cats killing wildlife and our neighbours who let their dog roam at night (she's a sweetie who sits most of that time on their doorstep), the fact is that it's easier to talk about than the culture of disposing of pets. Even if the best case scenario works out, it's a huge amount of volunteer work and the new owners have to discover the animals quirks and fears instead of a simple form and a small fee when you surrender them.
The law is very slowly catching up.
I'm far happier with the new age of no-consent laws but it would be nice to see some lawmaking about pet owning : some basics to agree to before you buy and fines for not just the cruelty but the chaos for animal control, drivers, vets and shelters during the summer hols.
I got Lily in july 8 years ago from a local shelter. Talia was a surrender to the same shelter around Christmas. So so so worth the expenses and work.
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