#I’m a lot more formal and a lot worse at socializing when I’m online
maplesyrupbloodfeud · 25 days
For years now, one of my friends has been telling me to watch Mob Psycho 100 because I’m “just like Reigan”. When my bff since kindergarten started recommending it to me, I asked her about it and she said, “You know, I wouldn’t have thought about it but yeah. That really fits.”
So now that the subbed version is on Netflix, I’ve finally been watching it and it’s been. An Experience.
Before watching mp100: haha con artist, twink, baby girl. Idk if she’s right, but it’s nice that she’s thinking of me.
After watching the first season: *sniff* I think that’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me 😭 Also *deep sigh* yeaaaaaahhhhhh. I don’t want to see it, but I absolutely know what she’s talking about.
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awetistic-things · 1 year
it's funny how most of the times i tell myself "i'm doing it just for attention" or that "i'm just faking it" or whatnot (i'm not diagnosed, i'll have my very first therapy session in two days, pretty anxious about it tbh but anyway) but literally i never talk to anyone about how i feel/my thoughts/my struggles/etc. and i actually have always kind of suffered from being considered "weird" because of my "quirks" or because i've never been as social as my peers and i went as far as self-convincing i was actually extroverted and enjoyed parties/social events in general when they literally make me anxious and i always try to look confident and pretend my awkwardness is just me being funny (i am actually funny tho lol) and i always try to pretend i'm "normal" (who defines normal anyway but okay) .
and anyway it's not like i saw some random post i related to and proclaimed to the world i'm autistic. i made my research and i think there could be the tiniest teeny possibility i might be autistic (tbh i don't feel comfortable with self-diagnosing exactly because i already feel like i'm pretending even if doesn't make any sense. i support people self-diagnosing when "people" isn't me lol).
sorry for the vent :") lately i've just been struggling with the duality of "accepting i have symptoms of autism even if i'm not diagnosed" and "shut up you're just pretending you have them for clout" (even if i know it doesn't make any sense and i'm just making myself feel worse than i actually should).
hello !! :)
i completely understand where you’re coming from. self-diagnosis is tricky to come to terms with, but it’s important to remember that it’s really okay
being self-diagnosed is okay, being formally diagnosed is okay, being self-suspecting is okay, it’s okay
you including yourself in this community isn’t excluding anybody else, there’s room for all us and more some
i get that it’s a lot easier to support self-diagnosed people and go “yeah ! you’re valid !” while also thinking of yourself as a fraud because you are also self-diagnosed, but it’s really fine
at the end of the day, we’re all just autistic people, and some got a doctor to agree with them when they say “i’m autistic !” which is super cool, but another super cool thing is hearing someone say “i’m autistic !” and just them agreeing with themselves
either way, is totally fine
let yourself breathe for a moment, ‘cause at the end of the day you are not a bunch of symptoms, you’re you, and forget anybody that tells you that you’re in the wrong for how you choose to address yourself (including yourself !! you gotta stand up to yourself sometimes and tell them to stop being so mean !! you’re trying your best and that’s absolutely gobsmackingly wonderful and i’m very proud of you for it !!)
just give yourself a break from the “will they won’t they’s” of self-diagnosing, and just do whatever you can to help yourself out
look up advice for autistics online and see if it helps, dump your heart out to your new therapist about anything and everything, just take advantage of any opportunities you see and give yourself a helping hand, because you very much deserve one <3
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bifurious-rex · 3 years
content warning for addiction, overdose, ableism, classism.
since apparently nobody on this godforsaken website knows how to google things or engage critically, some of yall been usin harm reduction in completely irrelevant ways that misconstrue what harm reduction actually is and, believe it or not, that fucking hurts people.
harm reduction: is the idea that moral judgement is not a productive aspect of addiction care and accommodating drug users. it's any practice designed to minimize the potential negative consequences of drug use and prioritizes overall well-being over stigmatizing drug use any further.
harm reduction is a relatively new idea that's only been put into practice in the past few decades, which is pretty fuckin sad considering the majority of it is common sense and was already practiced unofficially in certain marginalized communities.
what does harm reduction include? a whole lot of shit
needle exchange programs
decriminalization of drug usage
community support and outreach programs
access to naxolone (also known as Narcan,) which can reverse the effects of an opiate overdose
recovery programs
supervised injection sites
access to related healthcare without threat of discrimination or legal action
harm reduction is a wide-ranging field of strategies, it boils down to respecting drug users, meeting them where they're currently at, and keeping all involved parties as safe as possible.
addiction is horrifically stigmatized, and this stigmatization leads to families being ripped apart, people overdosing, incarceration, and a host of other consequences. for many of us, addiction is a reality that we cannot ignore. it's ourselves, our loved ones, our communities. as it stands, marginalized communities are disproportionately affected by the stigma of addiction and drug usage, especially communities of color and poor communities. i am from appalachia, and while i'm not personally in recovery, i was raised by a mother who is. i grew up going to 12-step programs, and i've seen the way the system and its view of addiction destroys lives.
i say this to show the stakes. harm reduction is the first time that the needs and humanity of addicts and drug users has really been formally considered by organizations, much less local governments. it's potentially game-changing for many people. harm reduction saves lives. it keeps kids from being raised by grandparents or in the foster care system. it keeps people from OD-ing in the streets. it gives the chance for addicts to be treated like the people they are, in a world that does nothing but vilify and kill them. every overdose could be preventable. anything that gets in the way of that costs lives.
why is this relevant rn? because people online have a habit of taking serious terminology and diluting the meaning to prove their own point. i'm telling yall right now, you cannot be doing that. i don't even want to get into the specific case that i just witnessed, because point blank, yall cannot be using this to win arguments in fandom or shed accountability. harm reduction is DEEPLY stigmatized in many of the communities its most need in. in 2015, 25 to 40 year olds in appalachia were 70% higher in terms of fatal overdoses than those outside of appalachia. (source) overall, for a lot of social and political reasons, the stigma is worse in places it's needed more. (example)
can harm reduction be used in other contexts? yes!!! absolutely! (for example, it's also utilized by sex workers.) it should be used in other contexts, when it's appropriate and productive.
do you know when it isn't productive? when you're diluting the meaning by using it when talking about fandom shit. for real, if i ever have to see this shit again i'm going to lose my mind. please understand that the misunderstanding of what harm reduction is kills people. it is not a toy for you to play with. undermining the actual purpose of harm reduction gives politicians and opponents to harm reduction more leverage to block life-saving programs that are desperately needed and sorely underfunded.
this shit is particularly relevant rn because the pandemic has led to overdose rates skyrocketing. alright? ok.
reading you can do: (this is not extensive, i'm fuckin exhausted from writing this shit out. if you have suggestions hmu. also they're biased towards wv and appalachia bc. hick.) Understanding Harm Reduction (available in English, Chinese, Punjabi, Farsi, French, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese) Reducing Stigma in Appalachia Sex Work + Harm Reduction Stigma Free WV How the Closure of Harm Reduction Changes Rural Healthcare IHRC 2019 Reading List NHRC Resource Center
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abbyofthecosmos · 3 years
How I study Spanish
I started learning Spanish in school 9 years ago, but I only did it for 3 years. I’ve tried to keep up with the practice since then, but life always seems to get in the way of really dedicating myself to it. Here are a few things I do to keep it ticking over. These tips are aimed for Spanish learning but most can be applied to any language!
The main thing to get down is vocab. Even with limited grammar knowledge, you can understand a a great deal if you have a lot of vocab under your belt. So if you’re like me and don’t have an awful lot of time to spend studying, make vocab your focus. The grammar will come too with time, but don’t hold yourself back by trying to understand every single conjugation or new tense that pops up.
Pretty much all language learning boils down to the more content you consume = the more you know. So make sure you’re keeping on getting that input as that’s the way you’re going to improve.
You can find loads of free short stories online just by googling, for example The Fable Cottage has a bunch of traditional stories, and you can choose whether to hide or show the English translations.
People advise differently when it comes to reading: some say read a whole chapter without looking things up, others say try and understand every single word before moving on. My preferred method is read the whole thing once through to see how much I can understand, maybe reread it a second time to try and understand even more, and on the third time through look up any vocab I’m missing.
Any new vocab I find I make flashcards for: Anki is great for this if you don’t use it already – and it’s free to download on desktop!
Your next great source of free content for keeping up that input is YouTube! Whether you’re watching vlogs in Spanish, 5 minute grammar/vocab lessons, or shows designed for beginners like Extra, there are so many different options. Have a search about and you’ll definitely find some channels that work for your way of learning. Some channels I like to watch are Spanish Playground, Why Not Spanish and Spanish Like a Pro.
The next tip that you’re bound to hear on any “How to Learn a Language” advice page/video is to talk to people in that language. Now if you’re extremely socially awkward like me, this is easier said than done. I can’t think of anything worse than talking to strangers in my terrible accent and getting all of my words muddled! So the ways I get around this are:
Join online groups on social media such as Tumblr and Discord. Talking over text is way less daunting than in person, and if there are native Spanish speakers in the group you can also pick up on the way people talk casually to each other (rather than the formal speech that is taught in textbooks), ask for tips on anything you are confused about, as well as pick up some internet speak!
Talk to yourself! This might feel a bit awkward at first, but just having a ramble to yourself when alone is a great way to practice speaking without actually having to talk to people. Narrate what you’re doing, talk to an imaginary person about your day, or as I sometimes do, have a one sided conversation with your pet!
Another easy thing you can do to increase your exposure to the language is to change the language of your phone. Chances are you’re familiar with where everything is located anyway, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to navigate even when it’s in a different language. You can always switch back if you get confused!
Linked to the tip about talking out loud, is when reading, say it out loud as well. While reading stories or sentences in your textbook, say the phrases out loud to get a feel for the pronunciation. This also gets you more used to speaking, and makes what you’re learning sink in better. I personally really like Duolingo (they also have a really good Spanish podcast if you haven’t checked it out!), and I find it helpful to repeat the sentences out loud when doing lessons. You can also try echoing people when watching videos – pause and repeat phrases you hear to try and echo the proper pronunciation as best as you can.
Finally, one tip that I really need to listen to myself, is write! Writing for 10 minutes about your day is a great way to pick up on any gaps in your vocabulary, and put everything you have learnt in to practice. It’s also really fun to go back to earlier entries and see how far you’ve come since then!
I hope these tips were helpful, and happy learning! 💫
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vinceaddams · 4 years
obvs feel free to keep this private, but I got recommended the UFH channel by a friend of mine, haven't gotten around to watching anything from it. I trust your judgement on the content, but my friend considers it her main resource 🙃 of course, since you only watched a few videos you might not be able to answer this, but was there any specific really bad/unacademic approaches I should keep my eye out for that my friend might have adopted? we work on a historical festival together so im concern
(I was going to answer this privately but then it got really long and turned into a post I want to post.)
Oh dear! Well, It appears that the lady behind that channel only cares about the 20th century, so maaybe she’s got good stuff on the 20th century at least? I don’t know, but the 2 videos that I saw were so incredibly awful that I’m highly suspicious of all her stuff. 
The first bad thing about her channel is that her videos all have a one or two sentence caption and nothing else. (I clicked on a few more just to check) No sources listed, no links of any kind except to her merch store. I don’t recall her mentioning any particular sources for any of the things she said in the videos either, she just declared them very matter of factly. 
Good historians cite sources! Bernadette Banners’ video on the history of PPE has so many source links she ran out of room in the description box and had to put the rest of them on a page on her website.  (Oh poo, now I feel a bit bad because I love Karolina Zebrowska but she really needs to do better with leaving source links. But she does talk about doing research, talk in a more nuanced way, and doesn’t present herself as an expert or academic, unlike the UFH lady.)
Good historians also embrace nuance, and aren’t afraid to say “I don’t know” or “I was wrong”. Presenting things in a “this person did this one big thing, and then this happened, and that caused this” kind of way isn’t good because history is more like “all these things happened and as far as we can tell it appears to have influenced this, which was also connected to this other stuff that we don’t know all that much about”. History is foggy and complicated, no matter how much the general public wants it to be simple.
Her description of herself also seems a bit... misleading? In her about page on youtube it says “Amanda Hallay, a college professor specializing in fashion, costume, and cultural history.” but if you look at the CV linked on her website the only degrees she has are in creative writing and art history. I’m not saying a person can’t be really knowledgable about something without a degree, but her whole online presence is about being a “professor” who teaches this stuff so I find it weird.
And if the 1850′s-60s video is anything to go by, she presents things in a shockingly unprofessional way. She starts off by saying she thinks these fashions are ugly and ridiculous and that she has some “theories of her own” on them. @marzipanandminutiae has a post with a lot more about what was wrong with that video, and a few others I haven’t seen. She claims that hoop skirts were oppressive cages when in reality they were a liberating garment that allowed women to achieve full skirts without the heavy layered petticoats they wore previously. 
She posts a photo of a naked lady and says “Now lets start with a beautiful naked lady and cover her up with ugly and unflattering clothes. Now this sexy naked lady isn’t so sexy” I wish I was making this up but that’s almost word for word what she said. Along with a whole lot of untrue or exaggerated stuff about Victorian modesty. She says dresses with layered flounces were called “pagoda dresses”, which isn’t a term that anyone has ever used for those dresses. She says this is cut down from a longer video she uses for teaching class, and I find the thought of this being presented in a classroom quite appalling.
After spending about 95% of the video talking about womens fashion in an extremely condescending and disdainful tone of voice, she posts what appear to be the 5 biggest and most extreme examples of 19th century moustaches she could find, presenting them as if they were what every man looked like.
This part really grinds my gears, because she says “I haven’t said anything about menswear because there’s really not much to say.” She posts photos of suits from 5 different decades and says they’re basically all the same, and also basically the same as a modern suit. Excuse you, there is A LOT of difference between menswear of the 1850′s and the 1890′s. Yes the changes over the decades are more subtle, and the colours are often more subdued than in centuries past, but it is absolutely not (as she claims) “the century when men stopped doing fashion”.   I personally am not hugely interested in 19th century mens fashion, and can tentatively date things in the first few decades but after the middle of the century I can’t. But people who are interested and who study that era can tell the decades apart. Because they’re different. And there is SO MUCH to talk about! Suits for different levels of formality, accessories, waistcoats, sportswear, sleepwear, knitwear, swimsuits, loungewear, underwear, etc. are all extremely different from their modern equivalents. 
It’s perfectly fine to only study womens fashion if that’s what you’re interested in, but it is not okay to then declare that the history of mens fashion is worthless and nonexistent. Simply not being interested in a thing is no excuse for publicly shitting all over it. (I’ve seen people do this more than once. We already have so few men who do historical fashion stuff! Stop putting off newcomers who might be interested!!)
The fact that her online presence is so closed off is also highly unusual. Comments are turned off for her videos, and the only social media link she has is to a private facebook group. (There is also a link to a fb page, but it appears to have been deleted.) Turning off comments is of course the personal choice of the one posting the videos, but the fashion history side of youtube usually tends towards pretty decent comment threads, and people often have nice little discussions and learn stuff in them. Here it looks like she doesn’t want discussion, doesn’t want to be contradicted or asked for sources, doesn’t want to learn new things.
I had never even heard of this channel until I saw @marzipanandminutiae mention it, nor have I ever heard any of the many historical costumers/youtubers I follow mention it, yet somehow it has 55k followers? I don’t know the demographics that watch it (especially not with the comments turned off!) but I’d wager that videos like the 1850′s-60′s one I suffered through are mainly watched by people who like hearing things trash talked, rather than people who actually want to learn about fashion history. The same sort of people who loved that Beau Brummell twitter thread, which was also full of lies and unsourced garbage. People like to believe the past was way worse and grosser than it was because it makes them feel like we’re smarter and better now.
Lastly, the whole premise of the channel is just bad. Calling any one thing “The Ultimate Fashion History” is a bad idea. Her channel trailer says “Youtube’s number one channel for original fashion history content” “we’ve got it all, fifty thousand years of fashion history”. You can’t have one channel that’s the ultimate resource for ALL of fashion history! It’s a huge, HUGE subject, and even if she did do actual good research she’d barely be able to scratch the surface of fifty thousand years. That’s like saying one channel is the ultimate source for all of science, or all of music, or all of cooking. No one thing can come close to covering all of it. I will deign to admit that she’s at least right to call it “original”, because she has some very original lies I haven’t found anywhere else. 
Most people who study fashion history/historical sewing have one or several eras they like best and find most interesting, perhaps with occasional jaunts into other eras. This way we can focus and get a much better understanding of the eras that we find most interesting, rather than just a vague notion of everything. 
For example: I’m most interested in 18th century menswear, and so far have mainly researched and sewn 1785-95 stuff, and more recently some 1730′s. I usually focus on fashionable civilian clothing, so I don’t know as much about working class clothes, and next to nothing about military and other occupational dress. Even with this narrow area of interest, which I’ve been obsessed with for many years, I still have so much to learn! I could never make anything claiming to be the ultimate source for 18th century menswear, because I’m just one person focusing on some aspects, and there are other people out there who research other aspects of it and their work is just as important. It’s all so big and so much, even if you narrow it down to one era.
Amanda Hallay is basically holding up a bucket of saltwater and calling it the ocean.
I haven’t watched any of her 20th century videos, so maybe they’re better than the older ones I watched. I don’t know. (But even if they’re actually good they still don’t have source links.) Edit: okay, nope, turns out they’re just as bad! They appear to make up the vast majority of her videos, so if she’s most interested in the 20th century then maybe she should just... make her channel more clearly 20th century focused instead of trying to paint it as a channel for all eras?
TL;DR, the main bad things about that channel are:
Lying and making ridiculous claims, not citing ANY sources. Spouting easily debunked myths.
Stating things matter of factly without any nuance, even though history is foggy and complicated.
Being extremely judgemental about historical fashions and talking about how much she hates them and thinks they’re ugly, which really isn’t appropriate for a fashion history teacher. You can hear the disgust in her voice and it’s awful and I hate it.
Comments turned off on all her videos, leaving no way to communicate or have public discussions. Unknowing viewers are left to accept her statements as fact without any outside opinions.
Claiming one channel is the ultimate channel for an incalculably enormous subject. Says it covers 50,000 years of fashion history when it’s mostly just the 20th century.
I would like to add that I am not what I would consider an expert either, and have no formal education in fashion history beyond the one college class that was part of my 2 year sewing course. I have learned mainly from books and the internet, and as I said earlier I still have a huge amount to learn. I’m sure a more knowledgable historian could put things better than I have. 
But I’m confident in stating that primary sources are needed to back up a claim! Sometimes even widely accepted beliefs turn out to be entirely unfounded myths, like that one about doctors using vibrators to treat “hysteria”. Total nonsense someone made up in 1999.
Wow this post got way longer than intended. Anyways, yes, I do not like condescending slideshow lady.
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dessarious · 4 years
Guilt and Consequences
Okay, so this is just something that wouldn’t leave me alone. It has absolutely nothing to do with my other fics and may actually be a one shot. (We all know that’s not something I do but hey I can hope). Anyway, I’ve always hated the way Lila’s character was done. For so many reasons. The biggest issue I had was that there’s never any explanation for her personality. Sure, there is a small percentage of people that are straight up evil, but not many and it’s lazy writing to make a character, villain or otherwise, with absolutely no reason to be the way they are. If you’re not going to flesh out a character don’t make them a focal point period. Okay I’ll stop ranting now. This is in no way canon, nor is it meant to be.
AO3   Next
“You told her what?!” Adrien flinched as Lila yelled in his face but she didn’t care. This idiot had completely destroyed all her plans with no thought what so ever. How had things gotten so bad?
“It doesn’t do any good to put more pressure on the situation. I told Marinette that you’d come around once you got the attention you wanted, so she should just let it go. Take the high road.” She was dangerously close to punching him in his sanctimonious face. The only thing stopping her was that getting arrested for assault wasn’t something she wanted to experience right now. Not to mention she now had to try and fix this insanity.
“That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Ignoring things may work with paparazzi but that is not how you should deal with anything else. More often than not ignoring a problem just makes it worse.
“I’ve been ignoring Chloe’s bad behavior for years and she’s getting better.” Lila felt like her head was going to explode. As good as Adrien was in science he apparently didn’t understand causal relationships. The boy was far too dense to survive in the real world.
“As I understand things, Chloe didn’t start improving until Marinette stood up to her and Ladybug called her out on her bad behavior. Your enabling simply allowed her to continue what she was doing without consequences. People don’t change without a reason Adrien. Most need a pretty enticing incentive to do anything out of the norm.” She couldn’t deal with this anymore. Lila knew that she wasn’t going to make him see the error in his thinking. Everyone thought of Adrien as a ray of sunshine but she’d seen first hand how hard he held onto ideas even when all the evidence pointed to the opposite conclusion. Instead she turned and walked away as he yelled justifications at her back. She knew he wouldn’t actually follow her because his ride should be there any second. He wouldn’t risk getting in trouble, no matter how much he wanted her to agree with him.
She didn’t even know where she was going at this point, just wandering randomly while she thought. Everything had gotten so out of hand. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before and she had absolutely no idea how to fix it, or even if it could be fixed. She didn’t think so. It’s like the perfect storm of stupid, incompetence, and compliance had coalesced into this mass of insanity that she couldn’t see a way out of. Why did everything have to be so complicated? She’d done the same thing dozens of times with the exact same result. Why did things have to turn out so differently this time?
Before she knew it Lila was standing in front of a building she had no wish to enter. She knew she had to, but honestly she would rather step into traffic. Still, if there was any hope of salvaging things this was where she had to start. She just hoped she’d be able to get out some sort of explanation before they threw her out. She took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Good morning! What can I do for you dear?” Lila hesitated. Surely Marinette had told her parents about what was going on, right?
“Madam, my name is Lila Rossi. I was hoping to talk to Marinette.” There was absolutely no recognition in the woman's eyes. What the hell kind of alternate reality was she in? From everything she could gather Marinette had a great relationship with her parents. Even if she had let Adrien talk her into staying quiet at school, why would she hide what was going on from them?
“Of course, and you can call me Sabine dear, no need to be so formal.” She followed as Sabine led her up the stairs at the back of the bakery and into a little apartment. Lila had lived in a lot of places, but not one of them had ever said home the way this tiny space did. “Marinette’s room is up there. I have to get back down to the bakery, just knock before you go in.” Lila could only stare at the woman’s retreating back in panic. There was no way Marinette wanted her of all people anywhere near her room. She’d expected Sabine to get her to come out here. She looked back at the trapdoor with no idea how to proceed.
Eventually she worked up the nerve to climb the stairs. A few minutes and many attempts later, she managed a timid knock. There was a muffled ‘come in’ and Lila almost had a heart attack. Now what? Against her better judgement she slowly opened the door and poked her head up. She saw Marinette hunched over her sewing machine, not paying any attention to who had entered. But what caught her attention was the bruise on Marinette’s cheek and a strip of gauze around her forehead. Lila’s anger from earlier reignited with a passion and before she knew it she was in the room standing directly behind the girl.
“How could you listen to that moron’s advice?” She winced the moment the words came out of her mouth. That was not how she wanted to start this. Marinette jumped and actually fell off the chair. Lila flinched back at the fear in the girls eyes when they registered who she was.
“Wh- What are you doing here?” Marinette’s eyes were darting every which way, looking for escape routes or something to defend herself with most likely. It hurt knowing that this was all her fault.
“I… I didn’t mean to scare you.” Then why did you yell at her dumbass? “I’m here because…” Why exactly was she here? She really should have planned this out, or at least had any idea of what she was going to say. “I’m here because I need to apologize to you, and I think you deserve an explanation for why I apparently destroyed your life.” Marinette’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Lila couldn’t blame her.
“You want to apologize to me?” The skeptical tone caused her to break eye contact. It was well deserved but Lila didn’t even know where to start. She was a selfish creature by nature so apologies didn’t come naturally, but this was something that needed to be done.
“Yes. I’m sorry for everything that’s happened to you because of me. I never thought…” She couldn’t continue. No apology and no explanation was good enough for what Marinette had gone through because of this mess. Lila didn’t even know everything because apparently the class had been bullying Marinette for over a month but they’d kept it from her because she was too ‘nice’ and wouldn’t have approved. How did you even begin to make up for something like that?
“You never thought what? That your plan to take away all my friends would affect me? That you making my school life a living hell would hurt me?” The girl sounded pissed and Lila couldn’t blame her but the tone sent her into her defensive mode anyway.
“I never thought anyone would believe the garbage coming out of my mouth!” Marinette blinked at her in confusion, all the fight suddenly gone.
“What?” Lila sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Where did she even start? None of this was going to make sense to Marinette. Honestly she wasn’t certain it made sense to her anymore either.
“I should probably start at the beginning.” Marinette motioned her to continue. “My mom is a diplomat, that wasn’t a lie. She’s something of a fixer. Basically when a situation has escalated too far they bring her in to smooth things over. Because of that she gets moved a lot more often than most. I think the longest we’ve lived in one place is about nine months.”
“And that makes it okay for you to lie and bully people for no reason?” Bully? She hadn’t considered that before. From Marinette’s perspective she understood why she said it though. Especially after the bathroom incident. Lila winced.
“I didn’t mean to… The lying has a purpose but I’ve never had to escalate things before. It’s not an excuse, I should have considered things better. I just…” She just what? She’d just been so focused on her goal that she hadn’t bothered to look at the collateral damage. Hadn’t even considered that there would be. “Look just let me explain, then you can yell at me.” If she didn’t get this out now she wasn’t sure she’d be able to.
“Fine.” Lila shifted nervously as Marinette’s full attention was focused on listening to her. Having that much animosity directed at her was extremely uncomfortable.
“So when I was little the moves were more frequent. Because of that my mother hired tutors and enrolled me in online classes rather than try to attend school. There didn’t seem to be any point in having me adapt to a new place and teachers every couple of months. About three years ago things slowed down a little and she decided it would be good for me to socialize with other kids. Despite my best efforts, I was enrolled in school. I hated it.” That was a vast understatement. The curriculum wasn’t advanced enough and the kids were all immature and annoying. The teachers were boring too. Not to mention that she was used to learning at her own pace and having the ability to choose subjects that actually interested her. School was basically torture.
“I wasn’t happy and told my mother so but she thought I just needed time to adjust so she basically told me to suck it up and deal with it.” She’d had a perfectly researched and reasoned argument but her mother wouldn’t even listen to her. “A couple days later a boy was annoying me. He refused to leave me alone after I’d told him many times to stop and eventually I snapped and punched him in the nose.” It had felt really good at the time.
“Really?” Marinette sounded somewhere between horrified and amused and was obviously trying to keep a straight face.
“Really. I was sent to the principal and he called my mother. I was expelled because they had a zero tolerance policy for violence. My mother was not happy with me and lectured me about solving my problems in a different way, but she let me homeschool again because she wasn’t certain how long we’d be there and didn’t want to go through the effort of finding another school. I thought I’d won, until the next time we moved and she put me in school again.” Once again she’d argued to be allowed to stay with homeschooling. Once again her mother had ignored her.
“Let me guess, you just walked up and punched someone the first day?” Lila let out a snort of amusement and shook her head.
“No. Mother made it very clear that physical violence had far too many repercussions, so I had to get creative. I read the school rules trying to find the easiest way to get thrown out. I tried disrupting class constantly, but that just landed me in detention. So then I tried stealing. That got me thrown out quickly enough, but it also could have had legal ramifications that I didn’t understand at the time. My mother made it very clear to me after though.” Yet another fun conversation where her mother talked at her and wouldn’t let her get a word in edgewise. Lila couldn’t understand how she could be such a good diplomat and still have no idea how to listen to her own daughter.
“So you got to homeschool again?” She blinked at Marinette for a moment before nodding. She’d gotten lost in her own thoughts. “But I’m going to assume it didn’t last.”
“No. Every time we move she tries again. I don’t understand why she bothers. The next few schools I refined my technique. I found out that lying was the easiest and least complicated way to get thrown out quickly. They just don’t want to deal with it. Each school has slightly different thresholds but I found that obvious misinformation coupled with lying about medical conditions usually got me back home within a week. I thought I had it down to a science, until we moved here.”
“So wait… you’ve just been trying to get expelled this entire time?” Marinette was looking at her like she’d grown another head. Lila wasn’t surprised. To anyone else what she did sounded insane and maybe it was a little. But it worked and she was a very results driven person. “What about the Akumatizations?”
“What about them?” Lila couldn’t figure out what that had to do with anything.
“If you wanted to be found out, why were you so upset you became Volpina and Chameleon?” Lila winced. She’d watched the limited footage and remembered how she’d reacted after. She’d been disoriented and confused and had just lashed out.
“I was expecting Adrien to call me out. The necklace I showed him came from his father’s line after all. I misjudged how involved he was in the industry apparently. I wasn’t expecting or prepared for an actual Superhero to call me out. I’ll admit I reacted badly, but in my defense I didn’t know then how little it took for Hawkmoth to Akumatize someone.” That had been a less than pleasant realization. Maybe she should try and apologize to Ladybug after this as well. It wasn’t the hero’s fault that Lila couldn’t deal with normal social interaction and lashed out when she felt threatened.
“And Chameleon?” Lila winced at the soft question. She still didn’t know what she’d been thinking when she’d threatened Marinette. Well that wasn’t completely true but she didn’t realize how far she’d gone until she saw the Akuma.
“You were the only person who seemed to have a spine and didn’t believe the bullshit I came up with. I was trying to push you into reporting me to the teacher or convincing everyone else that I was lying. I’ve never been in a situation where people actually thought that my lies were real before. Looking back it was a stupid thing to do.” And wasn’t that an understatement. “After I left I realized how harsh I’d been and was coming back to make sure you were okay when the Akuma phased through the wall and straight into me. Apparently my being mad at myself for overreacting was enough to let him in, again.”
“Why keep lying though? You had to have realized it wasn’t working at some point so why keep doing it?” That was a really good question and she didn’t have a good answer. Lila ran a hand through her hair in frustration.
“At first I thought that I just needed bigger lies. I also expected the teacher or principal to call my mother and verify the ‘disabilities’ I said I had. Other than that I guess it was just habit. It’s what I’ve always done in that situation and I didn’t know what else to do if I’m being honest. Everyday I’d tell myself that today was when everyone would see through the bullshit. That’s also why I started lying about you.” Once again, in hindsight it was an extremely stupid move. Marinette looked confused.
“You’ve been lying to the class about me thinking it would make them realize what you were doing?” Yeah, it was a really stupid plan.
“Yes. I did my research. Everyone loved you. You were the class rep for crying out loud! I thought that lying about you would get them to at least think things through. I mean they’re supposed to be your friends. They’re supposed to know your character well enough to question it when someone says you’re doing something so completely off track from your normal. I didn’t expect them to believe me without question and I absolutely didn’t expect them to retaliate and hide it from me.”
Marinette’s head snapped up in shock. She was looking for something in Lila’s eyes but Lila wasn’t sure what it was. The girl's expression softened suddenly and before she knew it, Lila was on the receiving end of a crushing hug. What the hell?
“If you’re trying to suffocate me there are easier ways to do it.” The words just popped out and Lila winced again. So maybe her mom had a point about her needing more social interaction. It still didn’t mean she should be forced to endure school. She felt Marinette let out an amused huff and pulled back.
“So what brought on this need to come clean?” Lila’s eyes automatically went to Marinette’s injuries before snapping away to the wall.
“Alya slipped and told me what they did last night. I went to Adrien first since he knew Ladybug called me out to try and get him to make the others see sense, or at least help you protect yourself. That’s when he told me what he said to you.” She felt her anger resurfacing just thinking about that conversation.
“That’s what you meant.” Lila just blinked at Marinette in confusion. “When you first got here you yelled at me about taking a moron’s advice.” Lila winced at the reminder but nodded. “Apparently you’re not the only one prone to making mistakes and snap judgments.” Her tone was dry but still held a trace of amusement. Lila wasn’t certain what to make of it.
“I’ll text my mother and have her come here after work so I can explain what’s going on to her and your parents.” It was the least she could do. There was no way to fix this, but at least she could come clean.
“You can’t do that! What if one of them gets Akumatized over it?” Lila just frowned at Marinette. She couldn’t be serious. Her worried expression said otherwise.
“You can’t keep letting people hurt you because you’re scared how they’ll react. Hawkmoth is going to keep using people and that’s not your fault. It’s not your job to make everyone happy, especially not at the expense of your physical and mental well being. They need to know what’s going on so you can get out of that toxic school environment.” Marinette actually rolled her eyes.
“Just because you don’t like school doesn’t mean it’s a toxic environment.” Lila stared at her in shock. Marinette was serious. The phrase ‘what the hell’ was quickly becoming her new mantra.
“You’re kidding right? Your teacher avoids her job at all costs by making the class police itself. She blames the victims for things they have no control over because it’s easier than actually confronting someone. The principal hasn’t once tried to call my mother to verify absences or illness. That’s not even including your classmates who have gone full Lord of the Flies over a bunch of lies.” How could she possibly think any of this was okay? Marinette seemed confused as she mulled over Lila’s words. How long had this shit been going on?
“I suppose it may seem that way to someone walking into it, but I think your prejudice against school in general is part of your viewpoint. Things have always worked themselves out before and I’m sure everyone will come around eventually.” She was going to have an aneurysm. Apparently Marinette was just as bad as Adrien at holding on to things despite the evidence. She reached out and gently touched the gauze on Marinette’s forehead.
“They could have killed you. Alya especially is prone to acting without thinking things through or caring about the consequences. It’s why she posted all those ridiculous interviews. Honestly I’m surprised she hasn’t been sued yet. I took care of the site though.” She wasn’t even paying attention to the words coming out of her mouth, too focused on where Marinette’s blood was seeping through. This was all her fault.
“What do you mean you took care of the site?” Marinette’s tone was off but she couldn’t place the tone.
“Hacking is one of the things that I actually like doing. I took down everything with me and purged it from her harddrive. I also took down that stupid picture of Ladybug and Chat kissing after Oblivio. It’s not much but it’s as much of an apology I could manage to Ladybug even if she never knows who did it.” Alya had ranted for days about the Heroine’s denial. It was beyond annoying at the time.
“Why do you want to apologize to Ladybug?” Lila blinked at her before letting out a sigh.
“After my Akumatizations I said some things… let’s just say I wasn’t in a great headspace. I tend to go feral when I feel threatened. Add that to the whole lying and keeping in character to get expelled… She has enough to deal with without hormonal teenagers mouthing off at her.” Marinette was studying her again and Lila couldn’t read her expression at all. It made her more nervous than she would have thought.
“I still don’t think we should tell our parents. Maybe we can turn things around ourselves.” Damn it. The girl was out of her mind.
“That school is a breeding ground for bullies and narcissists. The administration needs to be held accountable for their neglect or who knows how many others could get hurt. There needs to be consequences or things will never change.” There was no way they could fix this themselves. She wasn’t even sure teams of lawyers and therapists could fix this at this point. Marinette was frowning again. Lila wanted to convince her this was the right thing, but if push came to shove she would tell the Dupain-Chengs the truth so they could do something about this. Her mother would just want to bury it to keep Lila out of trouble. Marinette’s parents would do what they had to to protect their daughter, at least she hoped they would.
“I don’t want anyone else getting hurt… Maybe we can talk to the principal. If we say we’re going to look into a lawsuit or call the police, maybe he’ll change.” Lila rolled her eyes.
“He won’t take anything seriously coming from two teenagers. Look, I realize your self preservation instincts aren’t very strong but you need to tell your parents what’s going on. If nothing else you can transfer schools. Honestly, you probably should.” She looked devastated at the thought and Lila’s guilt came back full force. She knew that she couldn’t control the actions of others, but if she hadn’t worked them up they never would have gone after Marinette of all people. They say ignorance is bliss for a reason. Marinette probably would have been perfectly happy not knowing what her classmates were capable of.
“I can’t just leave my friends.”
“What friends? The only person who has bothered to tell me to back off is Chloe. Something about you being more fun to square off with when you actually have a spine.” That girl was at least what she seemed. Lila could respect that far more than Adrien’s fake personality. In his defense she didn’t think he was doing it out of spite, he’d just been playing a part most of his life and probably had no idea who he was, let alone how to be himself.
“They didn’t mean it. I’m sure once they understand the situation they’ll calm down.” There had to be a way to get through to her, but Lila was getting far too frustrated to think things through properly. As usual, her mouth went into gear before her brain.
“If we tell them what’s going on now they’ll just transfer all that anger to me, assuming they don’t think you threatened me into backing up your story that is. Sadly, I have a feeling that it’ll be the second.” She would be fine with the first honestly. It would give her a reason to have her mother pull her out of school. Unfortunately given the class’s track record she couldn’t chance it. Alya could easily whip everyone else into a frenzy if she decided Marinette was forcing Lila to back her version of events. The girl hadn’t been able to find the truth yet so there was no reason to think she would come to her senses now.
“I suppose you’re right. I wouldn’t want them going after you.” She couldn’t have heard that right.
“What you did was wrong but you don’t deserve to be bullied for it. I don’t want to be part of the reason that would happen.” Her supposed friends attacking her didn’t phase her at all, but the thought of those same friends bullying the person who’d set them on her in the first place caused her to pause. Lila would never understand that mindset.
“So can we at least talk to your parents about what’s happening? This has gone way past too far and I really don’t think we’ll be able to stop it by ourselves. Please.” Marinette finally nodded and Lila felt a tightness in her chest loosen. It wasn’t enough, but it was a start. 
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malachi-walker · 3 years
Hi - this isn't something I expect you to want to answer so its totally good if you don't, no worries.
I've been talking with a psychologist for a while for a number of things, and we began discussing autism recently, and the possibility of me possibly getting diagnosed with it.
I mainly follow you for she-ra and the swords (love the swords), but I noticed you discuss autism and if I recall correctly don't like autism speaks because they're not helpful for autism and treat it as a diesease?
In our talks he brought up treatment (as in get better treatment) and gave me handouts from autism speaks, and while he doesn't think I'm autistic he says a working diagnosis would probably be 'social (pragmatic) communication disorder - something he described as 'the social aspects of autism minus the repetitive behavior', because not sure if I would qualify for that.
I guess I'm just asking for your thoughts as you're someone I've seen discuss this and it's kind of throwing me for a loop.
Again, I completely understand if you don't want to answer this it's a weird ask - hope you're doing well.
Not to scare you, friend, but I think you need a better psychologist. The reason why Autism Speaks is so maligned by the autistic community is because they claim to speak for us (despite their being plenty of autistic adults fully capable of speaking for ourselves), they've only ever had one autistic on their board and he quit in disgust at their policies, and further all of their money goes towards seeking "treatment" instead of actually helping or advocating for autistics. Their latest pet project is mapping the human genome so they can find the "autistic genes" and remove them.
Autism is a condition that causes a lot of changes in the brain on a very basic level, and everyone's presentation as an autistic is different. It isn't possible to "fix" that, nor should people want to. My autistic traits, my perception of the world, my entire personality is irrevocably intertwined with my autism. If you took that away, you would have a completely different person, and I'm thankful every day that such a thing isn't possible. And I think Autism Speaks knows that, or they wouldn't put all their money behind making sure people like me aren't born anymore.
I'm not even exaggerating a little when I say the only reason why Autism Speaks hasn't been formally recognized as a hate group is because the anti-vaccers tend to hog the spotlight. They're just as fucked up in a much more insidious way. Much like the nazis, they champion eugenics. And they prey on the parents of autistic kids by promising them the fix they want, but not what any actual autistics want.
It's your life, friend. I can't tell you what to do. But I would strongly suggest getting another psychologist. Even if you aren't autistic, the fact that he is either shilling Autism Speaks knowingly or just doesn't know what they're up to (when the information is easily available through cursory level research) tells me that he is in no way equipped to handle autistic patients, and if he did diagnose you there's a good chance he would recommend treatments that would only make it worse. And honestly, while I don't want to scare you, that makes me scared for you.
I would strong recommend doing some research of your own. The thing about the autistic community is because actual psychiatric study of Autism and helpful treatment (in the sense of helping us manage the rough sides like sensory processing disorder without trying to get rid of our autistic traits) are still relatively new, that means we form communities and trade tips with each other to compensate. And most importantly we know how hard it is to get a good diagnosis and treatment, so in my experience we're open to people who have a feeling they might be autistic or are even self diagnosed. The autistic community is open to sharing information and helping you out.
Anyway, sorry I'm a little flustered (not because of you, but because your psychologist worries me) but if anyone reading here knows some good online resources for this, please add them! Most of my study has been through physical books because I did my master's thesis on helping teacher's understand and better teach their potentially autistic students, so if you wanna check a library Neurotribes and anything by Temple Grandin is also a great resource. And I really hope this helps you out! And if you wanna check out a group actually by autistics, for autistics, I recommend checking out the Autism Self-Advocacy Network. Be safe, okay? And have a good day!
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spectrumed · 3 years
10. contact
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The key to success is networking. Oh, God, how am I ever going to succeed? Networking? Talking to other people? Making friends? That’s not me, that’s not me at all. I don’t want to make superficial connections with other people just so that I can one day use my connections to get ahead in life. I don’t want to force myself on others, trying to convince them that I am some decent guy that’s totally worth getting to know and be friends with. I don’t know if you’re going to like me or not. I imagine some people would like to be my friend, and I imagine some people would hate to be my friend. I’d rather just forget about the latter group, and not torture myself trying to make friends with people who are fundamentally at odds who I am as a person. I’d rather have a small circle of close friends than a thousand acquaintances. But the key to success is networking.
I’ll never be an insider. This is not me just doubting myself, not some decision to undermine myself. I know that making statements about things that are impossible for you to achieve comes across as very self-defeating, but I know that I will never be an insider. I will never fit into a social clique. I am not going to be part of the boys’ club, yucking it up with my mates. I’m not going to be in any gangs, no bands, most certainly no crews. I am a solo-player. I prefer to work on my own. All my life, I’ve kept to myself, one way or another. I don’t ask for help. Growing up, my sister used to get a lot of help from my mother with school assignments, because she wanted it and she asked for it. My sister and my mother would spend a lot of time together making sure that my sister’s schoolwork turned out well. Looking over spelling, fixing grammatical errors, making sure that the text was easy to read and had a flow to it. Normal parental stuff, really. Kids are supposed to get help from their parents, it’s part of the learning process, no-one gets by all on their own. Well, except for me. I never asked for help.
I actually found it really unbearable to have my mother look over my schoolwork to see if I made any errors. Not because I am such a horrid narcissist that I refuse to admit that there were any errors, but rather because… well, it felt invasive. Like as if you spot someone spying on you through your window. It made me feel very self-conscious, in a way that I realise now is similar to how I feel when I make eye contact. Yes, I am bad at making eye contact, especially when I am speaking at the same time. I don’t mind making eye contact when you are speaking, but I don’t want to make eye contact with you when I am speaking. Is that funny? Is that odd? Well, the way I feel about it is that eye contact is intimate, it’s almost like touching. It’s mental touching. If you share eye contact with somebody you are sharing a connection. You are mind-touching each other. Oh, well… I guess that maybe it’s not quite like that, but I still don’t find it easy.
At times, I find much of the discussions about neurodiversity online somewhat off-putting. Especially when it comes to those people who are really keen on being all out positive, all the time. Those people who see any shade of negativity as outright hazardous. Don’t bring up the fact that being neurodivergent can be difficult, don’t mention the difficulties that come with being on the autism spectrum. Engage with self-empowerment! Celebrate what makes you different! Go out there and be proud of yourself, be happy about your autism, it is cool to be autistic! And, sure, I understand the importance of injecting optimism into the neurodivergent community. We need optimism, we need to profess our desire to be happy, to show the world that you don’t need to be neurotypical to be content with your life. No-one wants to be around a sourpuss just wallowing in their discontentment. But, sometimes things just suck, okay? Having a positive attitude may project confidence, may make others think you’ve got it together, but be wary when that positive attitude just becomes a mask you hide behind.
Look, we live in a society. Whether you like it or not, you live in a society. We need to rage against this society, because this society is no good. Things may look good to some people, but those people are wrong, and I am right. I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore! Let’s have ourselves a little revolution and see if we can piece a new society together, one that doesn’t commit to the same mistakes as the last one. Oh, wait, how do we do that? And how do we make sure that we win the revolution, we could easily lose, and that might actually just make things worse for us. What if this society we live in got even worse? Yikes, that’s a thought too scary to even really consider. Can things get worse? I don’t want things to get worse. Maybe I just shouldn’t rock the boat. Let’s calm down, and let’s not make any rash decisions here. We can overthrow society at some other point. For now, let’s just have some tea.
Yes, society stinks, but what can you do about it? It is absolutely the case that neurotypical people have it easier navigating modern society than neurodivergent people. Others expect you to function just like they function. If you wish to fit in, you are required to act more neurotypical. People expect that from you. Learn to adapt, to hide amongst them. Trick them. Make them think you are one of them. Be the wolf in sheep’s clothing. They’ll never know the truth of who you are. An outsider that managed to get on the inside. You stand by the watercooler, and by gosh, you make yourself laugh at their jokes even though you’d rather not be there at all. You partake in the small talk, talking about the weather, feigning interest in the footballs, and pretending to be an all-around wholesome compatriot. You’re not at all secretly some kind of anti-social misfit, who’d rather stay at home sitting behind a monitor and playing strategy games on your own. Do you want to come and join your workmates for a drink or two later? Oh, yes, of course you’d like that, but you might need to limit your alcohol intake so that you don’t get too drunk and begin to let the mask slip. It’s too easy getting into hyper-specific rants about obscure topics no normal person would care about when you’re inebriated, so let’s not risk that.
“Be yourself.” Pfth, bah, humbug. Neurotypicals love to state empty platitudes. You don’t want me to be myself. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t want me to be myself. Call me a cynic all you want, but you can’t get nowhere in life simply by being yourself. For better or worse, authenticity is nowhere near as desired as some people make it out to be. Name a single really successful person who is truly themselves. Fake-authenticity does better than the real deal. True sincerity, of the kind that’s naked, shameless, ugly, and challenging, it is difficult to love. And that’s not all bad, it’s just a fact of life. We all need to cover some things about ourselves up, and need to keep some secrets, because that is what is expected from us. Just as we wear clothes to cover up our naked bodies. No shame on the nudists, they’re free to embrace whatever alternative lifestyle they want, but I don’t want to see your naked body. Don’t get nude in front of me. I already struggle with eye contact, I sure wouldn’t struggle less if you stood in front of me nude as well.
Actually, to a certain extent, these social rules we all conform to can actually be quite appreciated by those of us who are on the spectrum. It is easier to know what you must do in a formal social situation than in a casual social situation. Casual people, they’re just so… unpredictable. Sticking their casual bits everywhere, acting like guests at your house who don’t seem to understand that your home is not their home. Even as a kid I hated having friends of mine over at my place. They’d play with my toys, place my toys where they don’t belong, or even worse, they may break some of my toys. Don’t touch that, it’s mine. Don’t put your icky hands on my bed, I sleep there. Don’t rip pages out of that book, it’s my favourite book. Don’t breathe in my room, I breathe in my room. I just can’t handle you coming here and disturbing the peace. I had it all ordered, I knew where everything was, and I liked it. Now you brought with you the forces of chaos, and dealing with that is just now what I had in mind for today.
I could never be a freemason. Sure, I have some good ideas for how to secretly rule the world, but if you’re a freemason, you’re expected to be part of the team. There’s no “I” in freemasonry. The secret cabal that controls all of the world’s governments, they don’t want independent folks like me to show up thinking that I can do my work assignments on my own. The Illuminati is run by a committee. You don’t get far in that world by being some freewheeling bohemian incapable of getting along with others. You don’t establish a New World Order by promoting self-reliance. Institutions are great for those who like to get chummy with their pals, the gregarious sorts who know exactly who to talk to in order to advance in the ranks. You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. Favours for favours. One of the reasons why I inherently distrust many institutions is because they are rife with nepotism. You know that whoever gets to sit on the high council of the Illuminati didn’t get there via competency alone. No, they knew a guy, who was cousins with this other guy, who used to work for this guy, and y’know, you pull one string and suddenly there you are on top of the social hierarchy. Most often people get promoted, not because they do good work, but because they happen to know the right people. But again, maybe I’m just being cynical.
I’ve had a recurring fantasy, in the past, of being a lighthouse keeper. Living out somewhere all on my own, not having to deal with any human relationships. Maybe I could befriend a seagull, but even that seems a little too much. Seagulls can be very needy. No, I’d just get on with whatever I’d most like to be doing, writing or making art, just enjoying my solitude. I imagine that the toughest thing about being a lighthouse keeper is the loneliness, but the loneliness is only a plus for me. I’ve long ago decided to like being lonely. I don’t want to face the fact that I too yearn for company, I like to pretend as if I am fine with being alone. So the fantasy of being a lighthouse keeper is perfect for me, I could get far away from society and I could earn a living not having to give a fuck about what others think about me. I could allow myself to get as weird as I would want to get, not having to wash my image, acting like I’m all rational and well-adjusted. It would just be me and my seagull. How simple life would be. Too bad I think most lighthouses are automated, these days.
Maybe being the perpetual malcontent cynic incapable of fitting with mainstream society isn’t all so bad. In some regards, I have made that my brand. Generally, I like to think that I don’t take myself too seriously, but like a lot of people, I’ve turned those edgier parts of my personality into armour that I wear to protect myself from the scorn of others. You can’t accuse me of being a miserable piece of shit when I’ve decided to make being a miserable piece of shit my thing. It’s what I am, and I am not going to change. I’m not really all that mean, or nasty. I am fairly cynical, but I don’t act like some asshole. I don’t think anyone is upset with me for how I act. I’ve only occasionally gotten told off for being too gloomy. But the problem here does not lie with how I end up treating others, but rather how I end up treating myself. I don’t want to make cynicism part of my sense of self. I don’t want to be this person, this misanthrope who only sees problems, and never celebrates the good things in life. I should engage with self-empowerment. I should be happy.
It’s okay being neurodivergent! Sure, you may find other people strange or foreign, with their yapping mouths and their over-eager desire to look you directly in the eyes, but just ignore them! Neurotypicals are just so last century, the future is all neurodivergent! You’re on the right side of history, bud! You’re cool, and radical, and you’re absolutely a sexy little cupcake. You either learn to love yourself, or you lose yourself. Make funny memes, find some online community to be a part of. You can absolutely be a freemason if you want to be a freemason. Don’t let your diagnosis get in your way, so long as you’ve got that inner fire driving you, you can be anything you want to be. Go ahead and rule the world, babe. Remember, what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger, and right now, it’s good vibes only.
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PSA: Please do not reveal your birthday online!
I'm not just saying this as a random old (tm) but as somebody who has formally studied a decent amount of cybersecurity.
I keep seeing people here on Tumblr saying "oh it's my birthday today!" with their age listed prominently in their bio. Please don't do this!
Your date of birth is used as a proof of identity in many real-world institutions including banks and healthcare providers. Giving this information away to potential identity thieves is not good and could cause you a lot of headaches or worse down the line!
Do you know how easy it is for hackers to socially engineer their way into your accounts such as your bank account or mobile account (redirecting your texts to them)? Very easy! And they're not doing it for any directed malice against you but rather just to make a profit either stealing money from you directly or selling your identity on the black market.
Same goes for full name and address. And when I say address, I'm including pictures of the outside of your house. For a cybersecurity assignment (please note we did this with permission), me and a friend found our lecturer's exact former address from the photos posted to his Facebook from one party. It only took a few hours! And that's somebody who's already cybersecurity conscious!
So, TL;DR: Please don't post any identifying information about yourself on the open internet. This goes double for anyone under 18. What seems to you like some innocent tidbits of your life spread out over years can be used by money-hungry hackers against you. Generalisations should be fine, such as state/large city or vague age range ("mid-20s" is probably alright), but anything more specific please keep to private spaces with only trusted people.
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nikkoliferous · 4 years
Sorry to interrupt this riveting Loki Dickscourse...
I was wondering if you could share some points about why Biden isn't a good person. It seems like he's close to a win now, but whilst everyone is going gooey eyed over him, he isn't gives me bad vibes. I tried looking online but couldn't find much at all. Then I thought of you, so if you feel like to, could you maybe list a few articles or something idk. I'm pretty clueless here, all I know is that Biden is Not It.
Ooh boy. So, however bad you’re guessing Biden is, he is almost certainly worse. I actually started a post that’s still in my drafts of all the reasons I could never vote for him. I never posted it because it was already so close to the election by the time I started compiling it and because it just didn’t feel worth the “you’re helping Trump!!!” headache that I’ve already gotten so much of over the past year. But it was basically a huge masterpost of articles about how horrible Biden’s record actually is.
It’s gonna be way, way more than you’ll ever want to read for the rest of your life, but I’m just gonna paste those links here and you can pick and choose which ones you want to read. Not to overwhelm you, but think of it like an anti-Biden buffet. I definitely don’t expect you to feel like going through them all, because it’s... a lot. 💀
Environmental Justice
Joe Biden Touts Endorsement From the Guy Who Poisoned Flint, Michigan
Joe Biden’s Sketchy Climate Record
Joe Biden Tells Climate Activist To Vote For Someone Else
Biden: ‘I Am Not Banning Fracking’
Foreign Policy
Joe Biden Championed The Iraq War
Joe Biden’s Iraq Problem
Let’s Be Real: President Biden Would Probably Be More Hawkish Than Trump
Biden Says Stay in Mideast, Increase Military Spending
Obama’s Far Right Foreign Policy
Obama’s Dumbest Plan Yet
Yemen: The Graveyard of the Obama Doctrine
America Dropped 26,171 Bombs in 2016
Libyan Slave Trade: Is Obama to Blame?
Joe Biden Supports Unelected Juan Guaidó in Venezuela, Says U.S. Should Keep Sanctions Against Cuba
Air Force Veteran Confronts Joe Biden For Enabling Iraq War
Yes, Trump Is An American Monster, But So Is Biden
‘Middle Class’ Joe Biden Has A Corruption Problem
Joe Biden Serves Wall Street, Not Main Street
Joe Biden To Rich Donors: ‘Nothing Would Fundamentally Change’ If He’s Elected
Super PAC Backing ‘Middle-Class Joe’ Is Led by Lobbyists, Corporate Consultants, and Democratic Fundraisers
Biden Inc.: How ‘Middle Class' Joe’s Family Cashed In On The Family Name
Bidencare System Will Kill 125,000 Through Uninsurance
Biden Suggests He Would Veto Medicare For All Over Its Price Tag
Biden Open To Cutting Social Security And Medicare
Dems Begin Signaling A Post-Election Surrender On Health Care
Democrats’ Big Coronavirus Idea Is to, Uh, Subsidize Health Insurers?
Crime & Punishment
Joe Biden's 1993 Crime Bill Speech Is Worse Than You Think
Biden Repeatedly Pushed ‘Police Officer’s Bill of Rights’
As Calls to Defund the Police Grow Louder, Joe Biden Wants to Give Them More Money
Civil Liberties
The Many Times Joe Biden Took Credit For Writing The PATRIOT Act
Nearly 500 Former National Security Officials Formally Back Biden
Obama Wins The Right To Detain People With No Habeas Review
Obama Administration Has Declared War On Whistleblowers
Biden Campaign Lashes Out At Facebook Over Lack Of Censorship
Immigration & Race
Joe Biden's Terrible Record on Immigration Should Haunt His Campaign
Fact-Checking Biden On The Use Of Cages For Immigrants
The Deportation Machine Obama Built for President Trump
Biden Under Fire for Telling Immigrant Rights Activist Demanding End to Deportations to 'Vote for Trump'
Biden Campaign Doesn’t Consider Latinos ‘Part Of Their Path To Victory’
Joe Biden Can't Stop Praising Vicious Segregationists
Joe Biden Didn’t Just Praise Segregationists, He Also Spent Years Fighting Busing
Joe Biden’s Stunningly Racist Answer on the Legacy of Slavery Has Been Overlooked
Joe Biden Has Repeatedly Let African Americans Down
How Obama Destroyed Black Wealth
Joe Biden’s Record On Racial Integration Is Indefensible
Joe Biden: Everybody’s Chum
Biden Backtracks Comments Contrasting Diversity In Black And Latino Communities
Joe Biden Has Built a Career on Betraying Black Voters
Everything Else
Joe Biden’s Campaign Is Making It Very Clear: They Will Push Austerity in the White House
Joe Biden’s Role In Creating The Student Debt Crisis
Biden: ‘No New Taxes On Those Who Make $400k Or Less’
When Joe Biden Voted to Let States Overturn Roe v. Wade
Obama’s Fiscal ‘Grand Bargain’ Is A Great Betrayal of America’s Most Vulnerable
Joe Biden Keeps Lying — But You Won’t Hear It From Liberal Media
The Obama Years, In No Particular Order
All the Times Joe Biden Has Been Accused Of Behaving Inappropriately With Women
Biden's Decency Is Being Greatly Exaggerated
We Need To Talk About Joe Biden’s Cognitive Decline
Joe Biden's Fundamentally Wrong View Of Politics
The Democrats’ DNC Plans Show They Aren’t Even Pretending Anymore
The Treason Of The Ruling Class
I could probably list even more? But, well... you get the idea. I trust since the election is over now, people won’t feel the need to come in here all pissy at me for showing who Biden really is.
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othercat2 · 4 years
Jam: Egg fic with worldbuilding but no title 1/?
So this is a thing I’ve been putting up on the homestuck gang discord. I decided to play with the “oviparous trolls” au thing. As you do. As usual, I have no idea of what I’m doing, and there’s a lot of worldbuilding.
He's fussing (he is not fussing this is his first clutch okay) with the temperature controls of the incubator. Four eggs was  a reasonable sized first clutch and they were all on the small end. (But perfectly acceptable Zahhak!) Karkat snapped pictures of the speckled eggs and sent them to their genetors with his usual message of "red and blue slurry still does not make purple grubs." In honor of some of the most idiotic questions he'd  been asked by someone supposedly not a subadult. (Zahhak was lucky his matesprit put up with him.)
After egg coddling was breakfast and waiting for his attendant to arrive with his schedule. (And check his work.  Fucking up temps for a clutch could alter their projected caste or render them nonviable.) Karkat was hoping Kanaya was going to be bringing him good news from the medics; he's been on rest for what feels like forever and wants to get back to his work out. He checks the news feeds and catches up to social media. He also does a lot of shit talking at various internet hate friends. He's  doing some online shopping when Kanaya turns up. He's about to offer her a muffin and some coffee but...
"Kanaya are you okay?" She did not look okay.  "The Cavern Matre called me into her office," Kanaya says in a numb little voice. "Something terrible has happened."
Karkat felt a little thrill of panic at that. "Did something happen to my genitors?" He asked. “Zahhak doesn't  message too often but usually I'm exchanging stupid smilies and emojis with Megido by now."
Kanaya shook her head. "No this is something else. Worse."
"Worse?" Karkat asks. Kanaya nods. "The other attendants are speaking to their genetrices," she says.
"The Matres felt this would be better than simply announcing this during assembly."
"Announce what Kanaya?" Karkat asks.
Kanaya takes a breath. "Despite the strictest security measures we've discovered there's been trafficking of a genetrix bloodline."
"Holy shitfuck." It was easy to see why it hadn't been announced during assembly there would have been a fucking riot. "How?" Cavern security by necessity was tight for the very purpose of preventing kidnappings. Genetrices were trained to fight or take more extreme measures if taken. The punishments for attempting a kidnapping were gruesome.
"We don't  have all the details yet. The Church hasn't been very forthcoming."
"Of course. Mother Grub forbid they give a full report to the ones it's  relevant to." Kanaya gives him a look of reproof. Or tries to. Karkat's pretty good at staring her down.
"I'm sure we'll know more soon. There could be a reason behind the with held information."
Karkat did not agree but also didn't  want to argue. The reproductive and attending castes relative independance was hard won. It was also fragile. He knew that in the early days of his castes creation there had been total chaos until the early prototypes, led by the Signless had proven  it was more trouble than it was worth for the highbloods to try to keep their own little pet genetrix. The idea of an entire bloodline having been stolen was an immense blow. ( And horrifying purely from a stance of compassion. ) After breakfast Kanaya checked on the eggs temperature and the development of the embryos.
She checks his notations and makes a few of her own. Karkat tries not to fidget too much. They go to assembly next. Karkat takes his sickles. Out in the corridor are other adult genetrices and their attendants, all armed. The mood is too tense for the usual greetings and shit talking. Everyone heads into the assembly hall.
The Matre of the Cavern, flanked by the Matres of Medical, Education, Support, Assessment, and Genetics were on the stage. As a group they bowed. "By now you've been informed of the crime," the Matre of the Cavern says.  "We still don't have the details.  What we do know is that since  our Cavern is closest the genetrices will be brought here."
There was a flurry of questions, but the Matre of the Cavern signaled for quiet and  the Matre of Assessment stepped up. "The line has three living members. A third molt adult, a gravid adolescent and a two sweep old child. We don't  yet know if there were others that were sold elsewhere or culled."
"What's going to happen with the traffickers?" one of the older genetrices asks in a hard voice.
The Matre blinks. "They're ours of course. As always."
"Clowns," the genetrix points out as if this alone was an argument.  (It probably was. Fasces' most frequent genitors were a kismesis pair who were deacons in cult of the twin messiahs.)
The Matre's mouth twitches like she's  trying not to laugh. "I don't  think convincing them to turn over the criminals or what's  left will be a problem," she says.
More questions were asked about the situation and plans for the bloodline. Most of them were deflected, though Support indicated plans for housing and integration if possible were being discussed.  Karkat knew he wasn't the only one to shudder at the "if possible."
Assembly turned to other subjects such as the graduation of the most recent brood from the trials, the up coming Ascension for the next brood, and the Fete of the Last. (Karkat was on the decoration and planning committee for his sector of the Cavern.) There was also an announcement that due to the discovered theft, the Caverns had called off the Lottery and all genitors who hadn't taken vows were being asked to leave early. No one was especially happy about this.
After assembly was a doctor appointment where Karkat was approved for "light exercise." The doctor from long experience with her patient told him that extended sets with his sickles did not constitute light exercise. Twenty minutes a day, with a three minute increase over the next twelve weeks. "This is a monumental load of feculence in the backed up sewers of stupid bullshit I have to deal with," Karkat griped.
"I don't caaare," Zheydh almost sings. "This is what you get for over exerting yourself while gravid! You fainted and probably traumatized the class you were teaching Vantas. Then you wouldn't take my advice because quote 'you're not the one whose a waddling troll turducken.' Now I get to have my revenge."
"I hate you so much," Karkat says. "Shut up Kanaya."
"I didn't say anything," Kanaya says, amused.
"I can hear your I told you so," Karkat says, giving his attendant a glower.
"I doubt you're developing telepathy Karkat," Kanaya says teasingly.
 After the doctor appointment Karkat teaches his Lit class and goes to lunch. Then he attends  a section meeting where the main topics are morning assembly and the next environmental failure drill. (They were past due for a bolide emergency procedure. There was also strong argument for an actual raid drill.)
The meeting ran over, but he didn't get into very much trouble with his supervisor in the creche over it. The wigglers however were very sad he was late and manipulated extra story time out of him. After creche was dinner, which he shared with Kanaya.
The next few days were much the same except for an underlying simmer of anger for the traffickers. They still hadn't found out how it had happened, still weren't sure if the clowns were going to turn them over. Assembly was generally full of shouting that the Matres couldn't quite mediate.
The clown ship finally docks in the Cavern bay. It's surprisingly small and sleek and for a Church ship. (The cult had its  own shipyards and from what he'd heard their ships tended to be much bigger than standard Imperial ship  classes.) It's  painted with multicolored eyes and wings that spiral from bow to stern, and it's  maybe a quarter  the size of a cathedral ship. The ship is disturbingly named  Dance of the Angel.
Karkat is very very surprised when the Cavern Matre sends him a message that he's been asked to come with her to the ship and meet with the   Grand Highblood. "What the fuck?" Karkat asks. He waves his shelltop at Kanaya. "What is this? Am I reading this right?"
"I...it would seem so," Kanaya says. "The Grand Highblood wants to meet you."
“Why?" Kanaya gives him a look as if he's being deliberately obtuse. "Perhaps for some reason he feels is related to your Ancestor?" she suggests.
Karkat stares blankly back. "My Ancestor and nine caegars can get me a vaguely historically accurate romance novel."
"Karkat," Kanaya says. "I don't know whether you're being prickly about your Ancestor or you really believe that."
"It can be both!" Karkat says. "It's not like I have any special rank or responsibilities. Isn't it even in his will? 'If I should have a Descendant or if such should still exist in the future generations, put no burdens on him he doesn't take up.' I mean I'm  pretty sure there was a whole thing about it."
Kanaya smiles at Karkat. "Maybe that's something you could bring up with him.
 Karkat snorts. "Right I'm sure that's going to go over well," he says. There's a certain amount of fussing and preparation before Karkat is judged presentable for his meeting. Despite Kanaya's best efforts, he's never had much in the way of formal attire. There are some festival clothes, casual clothes, clothes for socializing or meeting with his genitors. But nothing really formal.
Kanaya ends up putting him into his favorite black velvet divided skirt, bright red long sleeved tunic, and a darker red robe with a wide black fabric belt. Also included were low leather boots, and a veiled hat. His only jewelry are some steel rings, and an ear cuff. He arms himself with his electric dart device (concealed) and his sickle (very much not concealed). Kanaya of course, is already dressed and perfectly made up. Her colors are the traditional jade green and black, though with  accents of genetrix bright red. She has no obvious weapons, but Karkat knows she's carrying.
"Ready?" she asks. Karkat nods, and  they both head out the door. They're met at the ship by the Matre of the Caverns, and a huge indigo, obviously a Church deacon.
"Karkat," the Matre says by way of greeting. "And Kanaya."
"Matre," Karkat and Kanaya chorus, and give a salute. They give another salute to the deacon.
"All y'all follow me," the deacon says, and heads up  gangway of the ship.
The Matre heads up first behind the deacon, followed by Karkat, with Kanaya taking up the rear. The inside of the ship is decorated much the way the exterior is. Eyes and feathered wings and spirals in rainbow hues. There are more indigo crewmen, who step aside as they pass. Karkat can hear conversation, and music, many voices singing.
The deacon leads them down several passages, and into something between an office and a sitting block. There  are low chairs and multicolored cushions everywhere, and a small dais where the Grand Highblood is sitting on more cushions in front of a low desk with books and readers scattered everywhere, along with a high end computing device. He's huge, and his paint is strangely simple. Flat, blank white, which seems to mean something to the Matre, because she gasps.
The three of them start to bow, but the Grand Highblood waves. "Sit yourselves down," the Grand Highblood says. When they've done so, (with some hesitation) he continues with, "Let me give you the full debrief," he says. "My word to your ears. There were rumors of undocumented crew and false papers. It was the legislacerators game at first, thinking it was stolen eggs or stolen grubs and wigglers, subadults. But it turned to something more heinous. A high barrister brother was bribed with a genetrix, and being not an idiot called on the church. We took over and rooted them out."
"You found only three?" The Matre of the Cavern asked. It was an oddly blunt question.
“That's on me," the Grand Highblood says. "The traffickers killed most of them, trying to destroy evidence, like they thought we wouldn't wring the truth from them. There was just the oldest of the line, the one the oldest  locked himself in a bitty room with, and the wiggler given to the barrister."
As he speaks, there's movement by the Grand Highblood's lap, behind the table. What seemed like another pile of colorful cloth turns out to be a troll. An adult genetrix, with white hair wearing what looks like second hand Church motley. He's long limbed, and skinny instead of the usual blocky build of most genetrices, and if he were standing, would be almost as tall as the Grand Highblood. He blinks sleepily at them.  "Sup."
There is a look of unmistakable fondness on the Grand Highblood's face. "You went and fell asleep on me again, thinking I'm a relaxation platform."
"No, I'm being sultry as fuck," the genetrix says.
"More like a underfed purrbeast," the Grand Highblood says. "We're at the Cavern. These are all to being your kin." The gentrix's eyes flick from the Matre, to Kanaya and Karkat. "I'm Matre Markstar, the Matre of this Cavern," the Matre says. "This is Kanaya Maryam, and Karkat Vantas, how should we call you?" "
Dhuvid Straid," the genetrix says.
"We're still in pursuit of some of the traffickers, who went on with a whole cloning lab and canisters of frozen tissue, but the most of them we'll be handing them over," the Grand Highblood says. "All mostly in one piece."
The Cavern Matre bows where she sits. "We thank you for rescuing our charges."
The Grand Highblood's mouth tilts in a slanted smile that reveals the curves of his fangs. "All I did was do my duty toward the children of the Mother, didn't I?" he casts a glance toward Karkat, deep indigo-purple eyes have a certain gleam to them. "Clever motherfucker, your Ancestor," he says to Karkat. "We the last children of the mother have a duty to each other and the future He was all sneaky talking about the castes outside of his newly formed one. You have his miraculous way with words? You've been quiet enough."
"With all respect, Highblood, if you want an argument with my Ancestor, you should hire a necromancer," Karkat says in a flat tone. The Grand Highblood laughs quietly. "It's the Descendant I wanted a word with," he says. "I promised Dhuvid his kin would be safe and together, and I won't turn them over to anyone who'd keep them apart or harm them."
Matre Markstar looks momentarily offended by that,but she recovers. "Sir, are you implying you want Teacher Vantas to mentor or take custody of the genetrice line?"
"Sister, I want him to have the care of Dhuvid's little brothers," the Grand Highbllood. "As I promised him."  A beat. "There being a matter of serendipity between us, such that I would take over his care."
"Frail and wilting flower, that's me." Dhuvid says. "I need the gentlest and sweetest pale pity."
"You speak more true than you know, rattle bones," the Grand Highblood says, amused. "With your permit I'd get to doing that, jade sister. My Descendant's taking over the hunt for the traffickers and all Church duties so I settle Dhuvid in."
 "Accommodations may be arranged, Highblood," Markstar says. "I will have the Imperial suite prepared for you."
"I'll be put up with Dhuvid by wherever Vantas is," the Grand Highblood says.
"The genetrice apartments are separate from the genitor and admittance suites," Markstar says. "Genitors generally do not go there, for obvious reasons." "Quadrants and the genitors that take vows do," the Grand Highblood points out.  "I want to see where you'll be mewing up my diamond, and see all how you'll be treating him and his kin. I'll take whatever vows the genitors that don't leave do."
"That would mean you don't leave," Karkat blurts over whatever probably more polite version of "what the fuck," Markstar was about to voice. "It is not actually like Servitors of the Genetrices down in the genetrice apartments," Karkat says, naming a series of porn videos that everyone has been warned about. (Since genitors often got weird ideas, especially the older high caste trolls still around from the last Mothergrub's broods.) "The imperial suiteblock is supposed to be all fancy and shit, according to your station. Dhuvid and his line are probably going to be in the infirmary getting checked over before anyone gets moved anywhere, anyway."
"You think I don't know what I'm asking for?" The Grand Highblood asks, voice hard."I'll stay by him, where ever he's put up."
"Enduring great privations and all that shit," Dhuvid says. He's leaning up against the Highblood's side, and despite the bland tone, there's a certain amount of tension in his shoulders. "Boss, explain me a thing, what's this argument about?" a beat. "You said it was goinng to be safe here."
"So I did,"  Grand Highblood says. "And it is, there's just these little particulars."
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jisungyah · 4 years
Dream State - 19 : type of drunk?
Minho had just picked up the two boys. Hwa riding shotgun, San in the back as he drove. He was a better driver than San was expecting but was still cautious, not wanting to disturb him. 
So he was forced to quietly sit, mindlessly going on his phone since Seonghwa didn’t seem to be paying attention to him. San thought maybe he could ask Mingi if something happened. Mingi, who was clearly active on twitter, didn’t respond though, also avoiding him.
Although he did expect it from Mingi, San felt worse than when they’d leave him for their roleplay accounts. “Uh... Sanni you okay?” Hwa asked, looking into the rearview mirror to check on him. A simple nod came from San, a glimpse into the mirror to make eye contact but Seonghwa was quick to look away, like he was trying to hide something. 
San could sense Minho knew something was off about Hwa as well, a puzzled look sent through the rearview mirror confirmed it.  
“Are you.. okay Hyung?” 
Seonghwa gave a rushed nod before returning to his phone to type a message, possibly to Mingi. San knew it wasn’t a tweet because he had notifications on for all his friends’ accounts. 
The two roommates began their walk to the party, at most being 25 minutes away if they took their time. Joong was warning Wooyoung about drinking too much, the younger arguing that he wasn’t even thinking of it. 
Other than that short conversation, Joong noticed Wooyoung was quiet. Not like his usual self, who would’ve been the one pushing the other out the door, getting hyped for the party. It was weird but what made it concerning was Wooyoung seeming nervous and jittery.
Past parties he would get pumped. Although he didn’t have people he considered to be his friends he was quite the social butterfly, friendly and enthusiastic. Even before alcohol was involved. 
Joong thought maybe it was because Yeosang was around, almost forgetting about San. ‘Would Wooyoung really be this panicky over someone on the internet?’ he wondered, deciding to ask Wooyoung directly. 
“Where are we meeting Yeosang exactly?” they were about halfway to the venue now. 
“Um.. I just said we’ll see him there” 
“okay... what about San?” 
Wooyoung forgot that his roommate knew about San being in Seoul. He tried his best to think of a reply, not wanting to seem suspicious or something.
“We don’t even know if he’s coming to the party...Yeosang just said he was in Seoul” 
“With that tone, I’m pretty sure you’re lying.. I’m guessing he goes to our uni too?” 
“Yeah ... and that’s all I know can you stop asking about it now?” Wooyoung tried to speed walk away from his companion but he was caught by the collar of his jacket, bringing him back to the same speed as before. 
“We did say we were gonna talk about this later and-”    “You asked about Yeosang not San?!” 
Joong could tell Wooyoung was more apprehensive about San, when before he was just annoyed by Hongjoong’s speculations about his relationship with Yeosang.  
“Well I think this is about San now...” a hand now wrapped around Wooyoung’s shoulder, waiting for him to confess as they continued their journey side by side. 
Awkward silence filled with light radio music accompanied the rest of their drive. Until the three ‘we gotta TOUCH’ boys finally arrived to the venue. Surprising to them the party was a lot quieter than they imagined. 
“Maybe we’re early” Minho remarked, stepping out his car after checking the time on his watch. 
It had just turned 6pm yet no party seemed to commence. Minho stared up at the apartment block waiting for a sign, ‘did we get the right place?’ he thought turning to the two still in the car. 
Seonghwa joined Minho outside, San left in the car to watch them through the windows. He saw someone approaching from the right, long blonde hair with dark roots, the boy dressed simply, black jeans and a mustard cardigan. 
The stranger bowed to his hyungs, shyly greeting them. Minho speaking to him while Seonghwa was signaling for San to come to his side. 
San took a deep breathe in, “Here we go” to himself after he exhaled. Preparing himself for the night, stepping out to cling to Seonghwa. 
Tumblr media
Ten minutes of what could’ve been peaceful walking, instead was Wooyoung confiding in Joong about San. 
He was smart about it though, not mentioning the full details, like his crush on San. Only admitting it would be weird to meet the person he’s been flirting with all this time, how that could ruin their first expressions of each other. Hongjoong seemed to agree and believe his words. 
Now coming up to the apartment block, they created a pact. The terms being they would leave each other alone during the party, minimal interactions. Joong also wanting to spend time with Yeosang but Wooyoung persuaded him. 
Quiet, as they made their way up the flight of stairs to the party. The faintest sound of music was heard as they ascended. Wooyoung could already tell the party was arranged by ‘the snobs’ from the arts department. 
Arriving at the door, they both shook hands sealing their agreement before entering. Heading in different directions as soon as they stepped through the doorway, greeted by the people around, Wooyoung recognized some from his classes.
 He knew Hongjoong had his own friends from his music course, seeing his white-haired friend find his way to Byounggon.
 Now not having to worry about his hyung, Wooyoung was set on finding Yeosang. 
Before he could, Hyunjin entered gaining some attention. Unexpectedly the ‘prince’ came from behind Wooyoung, to speak to the startled boy. 
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you Wooyoung.. it’s good to see you! how have you been?” Hyunjin started after a small giggle at Woo’s surprised reaction. Wooyoung gave a plain “good and you?”, while trying to escape Hyunjin’s conversation but Hyunjin followed beside him. 
“I was wondering what English classes you’re taking this year? maybe we’ll see each other around?”
Wooyoung gave a patient smile while answering the questions, still on the look out for Yeosang. 
Once Hyunjin got his response he excused himself, leaving Wooyoung’s side with a pat on the back. Wooyoung kept his eyes on Hyunjin, seeing the boy dashing to his friends, surprised to see Yeosang sat at the couch Hyunjin was approaching. 
Yeosang stood from his seat once he noticed Wooyoung staring back at him. They were reunited with a hug, rushing into each others arms with wide smiles. 
“You could’ve texted me! I was starting to think you got kidnapped, which is more of a possibility at this time of night” 
“Pfft .. you’re starting to sound like me now, but I’m here now!” 
Yeosang paused for a second, eyebrows raised when asking, “and who was your friend you were talking to?”, his straight face quickly faded to a mischievous smile. 
“Not a friend, it was just Hyunjin”
“I remember you calling him royalty” 
“Why? are you jealous?” Wooyoung returned a cheeky smile, nose scrunched, face nearing the other’s, who giggled with embarrassment while shaking his head to reply. The drink in his hand threatening to spill due to his movement. Wooyoung noticed, helping Yeosang steady his hand by holding it. 
When Yeosang calmed he was still tainted red, hands touching, his only thought was hoping people hadn’t noticed his awkward-self. 
Hands still held, Wooyoung pulled Yeosang along to the kitchen to grab a drink of his own. 
“So tell me what kind of drunk are you? I need to know before I start hanging out with you all night” 
“I won’t get drunk, it doesn’t seem like the party to get drunk but if you really need to know... I get quite giggly? and kinda touchy”
Wooyoung gave a quick wink as a response after pouring his own drink. Yeosang a bit panicked, pushed him away playfully at the gesture. 
“and for your info, the snobby class reps from my department organized this, that’s why it seems more like a formal event than a college party.” Wooyoung told, taking a sip of his drink, beer was provided but he indulged in some cheap white wine, noticing Yeosang had some. 
“Ahh...” Yeosang nods as they began walking around the somewhat crowded apartment to find a vacant area. “What did you do with Mingi by the way?” Yeosang whispered in the others ear. 
Wide eyes from Wooyoung in reply, quickly getting on his phone, first checking his notifications. 
Woosang Hours: Open 
Will the WooSang hours last tho?? i suppose we’ll see.. 
feeling like many secrets are being kept, and not only by Wooyoung.. 
such a mess already and we haven’t even started the real drama..
pt.18.75 < Masterlist > pt.20
[ Social Media Woosan AU:
Having finished his first year of college, Wooyoung spends his summer with friends.. online friends mostly., friends made through his Lee Donghyuck parody acc..
Will he be ready to spend his second year with these crackheads ? and what if his twt crush starts attending his university ? ]
a/n i’m lowkey stuck cause of school work getting in the way of my creative/crackhead ways of thinking but we’re getting through it! also can’t wait for halloween, i’m not doing much but wouldn’t facetime and some netflix with a whole group be fun... i might be dropping some hints soon too.... oop
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w1986 · 3 years
Harassment by Russian security services
I got into trouble with the Russian security services.
This happened approximately in 2015, 2016. The original motivation for the Russians initial approach to try and coerce/intimidate me is not known for sure, but it's most likely related to a political blog I was writing here in Finland from 2013 to 2016 approximately. The other equally plausible candidate reason, has to do with my brother, who I think is almost certainly working to benefit the Russians. He is a fairly big chief in the banking business, responsible for a dozen or so banks in the Southern Finland.
What was it like at first getting into trouble with the Russians?
Preparatory phase I believe there was a groundwork phase in this which involved collecting so called "Kompromat" or material to be used in extortion later. This kind of extortion doesn't work on me, due to my personality. But of course they couldn't know that in advance. Anyway, I think I got under surveillance by the Russians somewhere around 2014, but I did not suspect anything at this point, and there was no cue whatsoever that would've aroused my suspicions at the time.
Soft initial approaches or probes The first concrete interactions with the Russians occurred somewhere around late 2015 and early 2016. This involved fairly subtle things like people contacting me on social media and saying weird stuff, but I didn't really suspect this had something to do with the Russians, I only came to realize this later. Additionally in the spring of 2016 there was some in person approaches which were fairly distant, but they were kind of like testing how I would respond to certain things I'll skip explaining this time.
Actual recruitment/whatever effort When I went to this construction school which lasted 2 years it was also attended by an Estonian-Russian person named Andrei. He was first of all a really big guy, somewhere between 190-200 cm, and probably well over 100 kg. He wasn't a jerk or anything, though, but his behavior was a bit strange. Anyway I believe the plan for the Russians was to recruit me, and that it was this Andrei persons task to get it done during this 2 year education. And this involved subtle harassment and intimidation, like veiled threats and such, and they were pretty tricky, like bystanders wouldn't detect it very easily. This was achieved by using material collected elsewhere to substantiate the intimidation, basically hacking my computer and monitoring my online activities, and that sort of thing, provided material to use for the intimidation effort.
This I think didn't go so well, because first of all i suspected something was going on, but I didn't know what. But my initial attitude was that I tried to reject these approaches. Like when this Andrei person would ask me to do something with him, or something like that, I basically politely declined.
Escalation of matters So basically I started thinking that this person is probably related to the Russians and their security services, and later I came to realize the things that had happened earlier, were probably related to the same problem. First of all I started talking to people saying that this person is probably related to the Russian intelligence, like the KGB/GRU type of people. I didn't really know much about the entire topic at the time, but I think the Russians tried to misdirect me and kind of lead me to think that it's about something else. Well this kind of backfired too, coz I started talking about how they're trying to misdirect me, or basically something like that. And I wasn't 100% sure yet, that this was really the correct explanation for what was going on and as I developed alternative theories, like maybe I was just targeted online by some hacker, and the rest is just some weird coincidence.. Well the Russians tried to reinforce that, by trying to mess with me online making it look it was just some random hacker. Except, it didn't look like it was a random hacker, but instead, more like someone was trying to make it seem like that. So that didn't work so well.
This whole thing also caused me some anxiety so I tried to seek some help regarding that. Luckily though, or unluckily, depends how you look at this, I was already rather well-read on psychology and such matters, like I had watched/listened to hundreds of hours of lectures, read several books, and could name various disorders and understood a lot of stuff related to that. I wasn't exactly an expert in that I didn't have a formal degree, but for a random person, I was fairly knowledgeable.
Discrediting strategy So basically when I sought help for this anxiety problem, the Russians picked up another approach, they decided to try and make it look like maybe I was just imagining it, and instead incorporated these aspects into the harassment, which kind of sounded like if you'd try to tell someone about it, they might think.. well is that really what's going on? Or is that just what this person thinks is going on?
So that became their number one approach. Regardless of what I would believe about the case, they wanted to make sure, no one else would believe me. Or at least they'd be suspicious and think there are some alternative explanations to what's going on.
This sort of worked, except, it didn't, because I never really started to question these entirely logical and empirical observations, but it worked in the sense that if I would go through these events only superficially or not to a great enough detail, then people wouldn't understand why it is that I even thought it is the Russians. Like I would literally have to explain details about what this Andrei person said, and what some other person did, and what happened online at the same time, etc.
Literal death threats So the most concrete of all the threats and intimidations I've received, was during a time when this Andrei person said literally the following phrase - although it was in Finnish - "We are going to kill you". So, you might think maybe there was some other reason for him to say that, or isn't that just kind of odd approach for intelligence to begin with? Like they wouldn't be that foolish, would they? But it was complacency from the Russians part, they had this context set up that would kind of work as a cover story, but regardless it wasn't a very smart thing to do. Whatever their approach is, the fact to the matters is, that there's a person I think is probably related to the Russian security services, who I think has tried to intimidate me, who is Russian speaking and ethnically Russian, and who literally told me they're going to kill me. Whatever explanation you're trying to cook up for this, well.. it would be kind of strange that this had nothing to do with the Russians, yet at the same time, this event took place.
There were some other threats but it was more like a psychological game, in which the Russians tried to balance the threat so that, it wasn't exactly clear if they really wanted to threaten me, or was it more like they just wanted to make a subtle enough threat that I could interpret it that way, but when I would try and explain it to someone else, they might be like.. well maybe that wasn't an actual threat, like maybe it was just a coincidence? And so, I didn't think it was with intent, it was more intimidation, without truly meaning the threat aspect.
Contacting the authorities Anyway this whole problem developed several years and there are all kinds of things that happened, which of most I'm just skipping, but basically I contacted the police and the counter-intelligence for the first time in February 2020. So that's already over a year ago, but considering how early this issue actually started, it's quite late.
This is mostly because I didn't want to contact the police. I figured that if I'm dealing with the Russians, my problems might just get worse if I start to make a really big fuss out of it. Additionally I wanted to create an incentive for the Russians to leave me alone, and sort of allow this thing to de-escalate. However, that wasn't what the Russians wanted, and so the things eventually escalated anyway. And I went to contact the police, regardless of thinking that rationally, it's probably not the correct decision.
However, when I went into the police station, the Russians had arranged for a couple of people to wait outside the office and subtly try and discourage me from making my report. Well, I ignored them. The police officer was dismissive and their attitude was that I should probably just leave, until I mentioned that well there was also this literal death threat, which kind of impelled them to have to try and take it more seriously. But anyway, they just gave me like an email address, and I figured that if the police can't handle this case, I mean they clearly had zero structure or policy in place, which would allow them to be capable of dealing with something like Russian intelligence. So I basically just gave up on trying to deal with the regular police. Although I did call the police later, and explained generally what was going on, but they said they can't do anything, because of the nature of the case. Like there's too many people involved, the part played by each individual is too small, they can't really investigate a single person, and they don't know where to start. I mean they just couldn't do anything.
However, I also contacted the counter-intelligence. And well, my first impression was that the Finnish counter-intelligence is pretty amateurish and hasn't even taken into consideration really basic stuff, like how do you actually submit information about a case like this, and they hadn't made it possible, to give information, in a way that was secure. Like basically they said that okay tell us about your case and send us an email. So, like isn't there a small chance there would be a motivation for revenge, from the Russians, if I just start emailing details about their activities to the counter-intelligence?
Also how do I even know that the emails reach their destination? And that the contents are correct? I mean I've had some cyber harassment in the process, which involved my computer being clearly hacked. It seems like this could be an issue.
But anyway, they didn't have a solution for that, and didn't even seem to understand this is a problem. So I guess our Finnish civilian counter-intelligence, just kind of sucks, unfortunately.
But regardless of me being severely disappointed in our society, and in our authorities, I did eventually supply them with some details about the case, and they told me I should supply them more details, which I've considered doing, and for various reasons have sent some emails and such.
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Look. Your reply to me was really great, I'm really sorry if people misunderstood what I was trying to say, words can be really difficult sometimes. I really like you (you actually remind me a lot of one of my high school friend) but as I said I have BAD social anxiety and I really feel unsafe about your followers so I think it's better we just leave it there...I'm sorry for ever bringing the subject up, I wish you well and hope your novel will be great.
Anon I'm so freaking sorry that my followers and our little disagreement of sorts made you feel that way! I also have (somewhat mild) social anxiety in pretty much any situation but being online and I completely understand the feeling to a degree. It's really freaking hard to put yourself out there and I commend you for doing it, even when faced with the not so greatness of our situation.
It's perfectly fine of you to have brought this up. History nerds all have different opinions on the same topics and we all need to learn to treat them respectfully, even if you think differently. I never wanted to start anything and I feel even worse that you've had a bad experience. Talking about something you believe in isn't wrong and that is the last possible way I wanted me or my followers to make you feel.
I feel the need to formally apologize. I completely understand if me or my blog are no longer of interest to you. I feel so awful that I've made you feel this way over something that shouldn't be a big deal. I ought to be more respectful and mindful of others and the way what I post makes them feel. This has been a good lesson on my part and I will keep it in mind in the future.
I also apologize on behalf of my followers. For some weird reason there are a few who are VERY attached to me and want to stand up for me no matter what. However, by doing so they made you feel unsafe, which is absolutely not ok. I'm sure that was not the intention, but it still happened and that's something I regret.
To all my followers: please remember to be kind and respectful at all times. I would hate for a situation like this to arise again and get even more out of hand.
Thank you for the well wishes. I hope someday we're able to put this behind us and move on peacefully. Perhaps there will come a day when you feel comfortable returning to me or my blog. Until/if that day comes we'll be waiting with a better, more welcoming attitude. If that day never comes I'm terribly sorry for putting you through an ordeal.
I'm so sorry to anyone who got caught up in this exchange and I'm sorry for the spam of ask answers. This will be my last public post on this issue. Any farther comments can be sent directly with me to be dealt with. Hopefully we can all be respectful in the future and avoid any more conflict.
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bathedinobscurity · 3 years
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//OH BOY. 2020.
It’s been a year, hasn’t it y’all? I know for most of us it hasn’t been a good one by a longshot, including myself. Most of us have been on lockdown since March or April, some more so than others. And of course there’s all the other things that happened in 2020 that I can’t even begin to list here.
But ignoring all of that for a moment, a few big things have happened to / with me this year. And I figured I might talk a bit about those. Under the cut because it’s long [in hindsight, it’s REALLY long hsddfkjfkjf] and goes into some personal stuff not everybody is gonna want to read.
I wouldn’t call it a vent exactly, but both negative and positive stuff is talked about in this in a lot more detail than I’ve gone into otherwise, so beware of that.
Of course, the first big change was me choosing to archive @alchemyready​ and move here. I think it was the right choice, because I really was losing muse for Varian, and honestly... Tangled the Series was my life for an entire year, but I was getting burnt out. I needed a change.
Funnily enough, when I switched blogs, I never even predicted that Infinity Train was gonna take over my life. I had fallen headfirst back into one of my first three main fandoms- the RPG horror game Ib. That lasted for all of about a month before I caved and finished Infinity Train.
I’m super happy I got into Infinity Train, even if I really wasn’t ready to switch main fandoms when I did. I’m still really hoping it’ll get renewed soon. I have a lot of hope for a book four, but not so much for books five-eight. But you know what? We’ll see. Maybe HBO will surprise us.
Then there’s the second thing, which has less to do with the blog and more to do with me. I finally hit the milestone I’ve been waiting to hit for the last two years- I turned eighteen. That happened back in September.
I didn’t post about this a whole lot, but I was having a lot of problems with my mom prior to that. She’s been one of those parents that’s over-paranoid about the dangers of the internet, and she didn’t know I was on social media until late 2018 when she forced me to show her everything I was doing online.
Ever since then she was constantly threatening to make me give her all my login information so she could read what I was doing, which I did Not want to do, and I’ve been waiting for baited breath to be legally allowed to say no.
Now that I’ve passed that milestone, she’s stopped asking. I’m so thankful for that, ‘cause this year has been too stressful to deal with that on top of it.
The rest of the year has been kind of scattered ups and downs. I’ll be honest, my anxiety problems have gotten worse. I don’t talk about this a lot here either, but I’m nearly constantly dealing with that. I haven’t been formally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, but I know I have at least one if not multiple.
I struggle with health anxiety and social anxiety, as well as some anxiety issues I’m not entirely sure what to call. I deal with intrusive thoughts and anxiety attacks, and tbh some of my frequent bouts of writer’s block have a lot to do with this problem.
The lockdown has been dragging me down quite a bit. I’m under more restrictions than I’d really like to be under because I have yet to learn how to drive, and my mom is determined to keep us totally locked down for the most part. I haven’t been to any public business since February, and it’s extremely draining.
But, I’ve also discovered some things through the pandemic. I joined a survey website that gives me points to redeem for digital gift cards once I do enough surveys, and I’ve been getting more of the arts and crafts supplies I’ve really been wanting to get through that.
My brother got me a $25.00 Amazon gift card for my birthday, and I suddenly realized I could order a lot of stuff through there, which is what I’ve been doing. I finally got a couple of sets of Ohuhu brush markers which I’ve really been wanting to use with my traditional art.
My art has improved in leaps and bounds since the beginning of the year. I didn’t realize it until I went and looked back at some of my Tangled the Series art from January-February in comparison tor recent OCs and Infinity Train stuff I’ve drawn, but I have gotten SO much better. It’s wild.
I discovered new YouTubers to watch that I’ve really been enjoying. ZeRoyalViking and ChilledChaos caught my attention via Among Us videos, and I’ve been watching a lot of them lately. Also, I finally remembered to actually SUBSCRIBE to Ethan (Crankgameplays) which I should have done a long time ago LOL.
The Christmas season was difficult because things were so different, but I still had fun. I managed to get my family (meaning my parents and brother) some better gifts through Amazon than I usually do, and they all seemed to be really happy with what I got for them.
I got an Infinity Train shirt which I swear I will take a picture of me wearing at some point or other. As well as more arts and (mostly) craft supplies that I’ve been wanting.
ANYWAYS. I’ve rambled enough, I think. Kudos to you if you actually read this far. I wish you a very happy New Year, and I pray that 2021 is a much, much better year for all of us. Here’s hoping for a miracle and Covid-19 leaves us much sooner than expected.
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Survey #268
“i got a switchblade wit that cuts like a bitch, and i think you two should meet.”
What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? If you’ve never been in a relationship before, do you watch Scrubs? Jason and I knew each other like... I think two or three weeks? We clicked so fast. Are you a fan of inside jokes or do you tend to stay away from them? I... don't feel a particular way? Do you have any theatrical experience? If so, what have you done? No, I'm not into theater. Which movies currently out in theaters do you want to see? I don't know what's in theaters right now, but I don't think anyone does rn lol. Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? If it's seriously incessantly, yes. There's not a lot you can say to have a conversation when they just ramble about the person, especially when you don't even know the partner. How close would you say you are to your relatives? Not very. What’s your favorite Pokemon? Ninetales. If you could have anyone to do your eulogy, who would it be and why? Well, I'd assume my parents will be dead by that point, so. Probably my best friend. If you play the Sims games, which one is your favorite? I've only ever played Sims Animals, which I looooved back in the past. I haven't played it in years, though. If your parents searched your room, would they be mad at what they’d find? No. Ever taken a picture kissing somebody? Yes. Sex in the morning, afternoon or night? Morning is a great start to the day, but only after your teeth are brushed. I cannooooot do morning breath. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed? Aggressive. I am such a sub lmao. How serious are your feelings for the person you like? I DON'T KNOWWWWWWWWWW Ever had your driver's license suspended? Don't have mine to begin with. Does the person you like know that you like them? Yes. How frequently are you inclined to read, and how much? Somewhat rarely lately, less than I did some months back. I would read some pretty big chunks. When was the last time you questioned the direction your life was taking? LMAOOOOOOOOO I'm not exaggerating at all when I say that's like, a daily occurrence. What small things have the ability to get under your skin? I'm trying to think of something I haven't said before, but I'm not sure. OH, it may seem like a small thing, but letting balloons go outside. It's littering. Many end up in the ocean. What is something small that has the ability to cure a bad mood? A car ride riding shotgun with music blaring. I fucking love it. What was the last big change through which you went? Some moral beliefs altered. ^ Do you deal well with change, typically? Have you always? Fuck no. It blows up my anxiety. How do you feel after spending a great quantity of time online? I used to feel kinda guilty, and I actually still do, but it's more subdued. It's just too normal by now, to the point when I'm bored, I sometimes briefly forget there are other things to do that aren't on the computer. God it's sad. What do you consider to be the biggest drawback to being you? I'M BIG SCARED OF EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! What do you consider the best part of being who you are? I'm really understanding and can relate to people's pain well. What kinds of things do you have on display in your room? Christ, a lot. My room is STUFFED with decorations that make me happy.  There's posters, some artwork, all my Silent Hill game cases or manuals + more SH stuff, meerkats galore, Venus is in here, I have this "shrine" for Teddy... I've got a load of stuff. What do you think your room and its contents say about you, if anything? I love a lotta stuff, ig. Animals, music, dark stuff, games. When was the last time you felt insecure about something/some situation? UMMMMM I should have a question for this fucking immediately. I'm sure it was something when I was at Ashley's inlaws for Mother's Day. What is something about which you are very confident or self-assured? My knowledge of meerkats lmaooo. Which emotional sensation inconveniences or bothers you the most? FUCKIN ANXIETY. Do you ever find it awkward to compliment another being? No, I love love love giving compliments!! When was the last time you had a new experience? What was it? Hm. I guess nightmares where I literally flail and attack shit while shrieking. Do you dress more for yourself, or to the expectations of others? I dress entirely for myself. What is one way you cope when you feel like crap? Binge music I can relate to. Which can make it worse, but sometimes helps. I'll usually get to the point of being teary and cry a bit, but then I start feeling better. Name an insult you regularly receive, if there is one? I guess it's not really an... insult, per se, but I hear "you're too quiet!" all the time. What is something you used to believe about life that you no longer do? Everything happens for a reason. Nope. What is something you hope you never have to do again? Deal with another Jason-level heartbreak. Of the many different American accents, which one is your favorite? I'm actually not sure. Not a fan of any that I can think of. Do you know anyone who had a kid before they were financially stable? Oh yeah, plenty normal nowadays. Is there anything hanging from the doorknob in your room? Yes, the pink bead necklace from my sister's baby shower for Emerson. Sometimes I hang my purse there too. Why did you move to where you're living now? We got evicted for not being able to keep up with rent and needed a cheap but semi-decent place to live. What was the most severe punishment your parents gave you when you were growing up? I remember I was grounded from the computer for at least a week, maybe more. My punishment was always taking technology away and/or spanked or popped on the arm. I remember she once hit my arm so damn hard that I had her handprint there for a while. My mom was horrible at *keeping* me and my sisters grounded, though; she'd normally calm down within a few days and things would return to normal. What was the topic of conversation the last time you spoke to a sibling? Ummm I don't remember. I should, I saw one just a couple days ago. Are you currently looking for a new job? I don't have a job currently, but while Mom has cancer and surgery coming up, I'm not really looking, but pondering opportunities. She'd have to drive me, which just can't be done right now, and I'm also not comfortable leaving her home alone right now. Who is the person you are the closest to? (emotionally, not physically) Mom. What was the last caffeinated drink you had? Do you drink this often? Strawberry Sunkist, and ugh, too much lately. Whose photo did you last look at? I was on Facebook a bit ago, so someone's on there. Who was the last person to pick you up? You mean like, physically? I don't know, probably Girt because he got a kick out of our height difference and he would do that when we hugged. What are you wearing around your neck? Nothing right now. Have you accidentally mistaken a stranger for someone you know? Oh my god, yes. I did that at the tattoo parlor once at a guy that looked like my sister's ex, who I got along with well. He looked at me like "uhhhhh" and it will haunt me forever. Who did you last blow a kiss at? Venus. I do that and wave a lot when she comes out of her hide and looks my way. Have you ever seen lava in real life? No. Who did you last bite? Um I don't just casually go around biting people lmao. Probably Jason. Do you remember the date of your prom? Ha, it's honestly surprising to me that I don't recall the date of either, considering how I remember, y'know, a weird amount of obscure details through our entire time knowing each other. Was your last kiss long and sensual or short and sweet? Why’s that? Short and sweet, because it was just a goodbye kiss. When kissing, do you like to be on top or bottom? Good Lord, am I a bottom. I hated being on top because I felt he had a better view of me and my body, and I was self-conscious as shit even when I was fit. Does your boyfriend/husband know what size your boobs are? UHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't have a boyfriend but I've sure never actually talked about it with any. Do you have hair extensions or do you think those are strictly for the scene kids? ..... No? I don't wear extensions, never have, but wearing them doesn't tie you to a label??? List all the things you have from your boyfriend at your house right now? Not everyone has a boyfriend, friend. Last time you exercised and for how long? I DON'T WANT TO THINK OF THIS lkja;dslkfjwe Last girl who called you hot/sexy/something else of the sort? I shared a picture of myself on Facebook for once just the other day, so let's so. *checks* HAHA MY MOM. #1 cheerleader, friends. OH I should probably clarify she said "gorgeous," but I guess that counts? Was she hitting on you? Jfc no. Last guy who called you hot/sexy/something else of the sort? Does getting a comment from Ian of a Spongebob screenshot of Squidward with heart eyes count? lol Was HE hitting on you? *shrugs* He's very open with sharing love for his friends though, so it very well could've been just friendly support. Have you ever taken the 5,000 question survey? Parts of it, and God did it get stupid. What would you do if your boyfriend/husband got drafted into war tomorrow? I. Am single. And not everyone. Is interested in guys. But hypothetically, I would fucking panic. I physically wouldn't be able to handle an s/o in the army; I would constantly, absolutely constantly, be actively fearful. We'd have to find a way to get him out of it. Has a guy ever touched your butt without permission? If so, how did this make you feel? I don't believe so, thank God. How many formal dresses do you own? Sun-dresses? I have two prom dresses (which I'm finally comfortable enough to get rid of at some point) and I think like... one or two other black knee-length dresses that I could now never fit into? What do you hope you grow out of? Social anxiety. It ruins many parts of my life. What is the healthiest and unhealthiest thing you do on a regular basis? Healthy? Oh fuck. I, uh, usually have one bottle of water, I guess? Unhealthy, definitely drink soda. I need to stop. When looking for a SO, what three things are most important (besides looks)? Kindness, patience, and compassion or understanding. How much do you judge a person by their appearance? Define "judge" here. Like, I can conclude someone is impoverished or well off in many cases, but I don't judge them as people. What is the most embarrassing thing you own? Hm. I'm unsure. What is the strangest habit you have? I don't think I have odd habits. What movie made you cry the most? The Notebook or Old Yeller, I think. What was one of the happiest moments of your childhood? Realizing I was getting a dog for Christmas. Fuck, I miss Teddy. What belief do you have that most people disagree with? I'd rather not get political right now. Who or what inspires you to be a better person? I fucking hate admitting it, but Jason. The last thing he told me was to stop saying "I'll try" but rather "I will," and I actually recently almost had a breakdown about it because I shouldn't put SO much value into what he says, make it holy "rules." I treat him like a god in so many ways. Still, in my stupid head, his word is law. I still want to make him so proud. What’s the TLDR description of your last relationship? Long-distance was getting extremely hard, but I think the bigger factor was that we both have problems we need to work on before we can properly support one another. If you found out your current life has been just a dream, would you choose to wake up? (You don’t know if your real life would be better or worse.) I guess... no. I'd be too afraid of it being any worse than it already feels. What dumb thing did you believe for a really long time? Political and religious beliefs I don't at all like admitting I had. Where would you like to retire? Hell if I know, that's a long whiles away. What brings you the most joy in life? Oh yikes. Family and close friends, probs. What was the last song that got stuck in your head? "Blush" by Jeffree Star is on repeat ahhhh What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Drawing people. I don't really do it BECAUSE I'm not very good. In art in general, I have a hard time with proportions. Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Strawberries, apples, a lotta other fruits, broccoli, there are these granola and cashew bars I LOVE, salad can be good, scrambled eggs... now I'm blanking. Like there are a lot of foods that can be on either end of the spectrum, depending on how they're prepared. Do you ever eat dry cereal as a snack to munch on? Any particular kind? No, generally too crunchy and dry. When you run out of something to drink & are thirsty, are you quick to retrieve a new beverage or are you lazy about it? It depends on how thirsty I am and what I'm doing at that moment. What is your favorite part of a slice of pizza? BITCH all of that motherfucker. What was the longest power outage you ever experienced? Two or so days. I was so, so scared for Venus because it was in the winter. Poor girl was scared. I had to let her inside my hoodie and shirt to use my warmth for a lengthy period at a time, there were blankets draped over her terrarium... I was genuinely afraid she was going to die. But nope, my baby is good and thriving. :'D Do you believe that children should do all of the chores around the house, or do you think the parents should do them? Or do you have an entirely different opinion? As someone who was raised with chores poorly enforced and now I suck at doing them, they should ABSOLUTELY be a required thing. Children shouldn't do *all* the chores though, of course, especially those involving serious chemicals. Have you ever painted a pet’s nails, or known someone that has done such? Do you think that is cruel? I haven't, but I suppose it depends on whether it's toxic or not and if the animal doesn't mind? I do know people who have. What is something you did as a child that you didn’t realize back then was “wrong”, if anything? I didn't know interracial relationships were perfectly fine. It's funny, I don't recall me seeing black as any less than whites, I just thought it wasn't supposed to happen. Being raised in the South does that, ig. Do you get an excessive amount of bug bites during spring/summertime? Are you one to itch constantly or can you control yourself? No, I've heard because I have A-type blood. Whenever my sister (O-type) and I used to play outside, she would always come in COVERED in mosquito bites, and she's still a magnet for them today. Supposedly bugs don't prefer A, but O the most. I do itch, though. Holy shit, do I itch. Do you own any sports equipment [balls, basketball goals, mitts, etc] that you rarely use? No. Could you ever willingly hunt down & shoot an innocent animal for sport? Over my dead fucking body. Would you be uncomfortable changing someone else’s baby’s diaper? Ugh, I have twice I believe, and I hated it. Have/would you ever want to own a pet frog, or do you think they would be too boring? I don't think I've ever caught and kept one? I don't mind "boring" pets, I just don't desire one. What internet/television provider do you use? Fucking CenturyLink. Stay away from it. Are you uncomfortable going out in public with leg stubble? Even if it’s so light that no one would notice it unless they were looking for it? That much, no. Now I literally haven't shaved my legs in over a whole year because it's not like anyone sees them, but holy fuck would I be mortified if someone did lol. Have you ever lived in a mobile home? No. I'm terrified to because of tornados. Have you ever had your bedroom in a basement? No. What’s your favorite piece of furniture in your house? ...? If someone gave you a kitten, would you keep it? I'd want to, but it'd be Mom's decision. Favorite type of cracker: Cheez-Its. Animal you like to watch but sort of creeps you out: Spiders, especially when they're making their webs.
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