#I would love to see them address this in its own movie or at least an animated series episode
warning-heckboop · 4 months
No but I really, truly believe that Viva and Clay's friendship/relationship before the Bros and Poppy show up and Clay escapes with them is pretty damn toxic. It's not like Viva wants to cause Clay harm by keeping him trapped within the golf course--quite the opposite, actually. She truly has good intentions that stem from her own trauma and desire to keep him safe. But good intentions can certainly still be toxic.
Honestly, it doesn't just apply to Clay. It applies to all of the Putt Putt trolls. By being their leader, Viva is ensuring their fear and paranoia festers and grows to no end, rather than ever making any effort towards healing from it. It's such an unhealthy living situation for all of them, which makes me even more upset that we see so little of the community in the movie, because there is so much potential conflict that we never get any sort of resolution for.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think Viva is a bad person, or that her relationships with Clay and the rest of the Putt Putt trolls are unsalvagable. But there are points of conflict that certainly need to be explicitly addressed before any of those relationships can become healthy moving forward.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 3 months
Hi! Can you please write part 3 of bale batman x assistant reader as his wife? And how he handles jealousy after their marriage? Thank you 😊
I actually wrote something about this a little while ago, but because I feel like just linking the post is a bit of an asshole move, I'll add some of my thoughts!
I hope that's okay <3
Here's my previous post :)
~Fi 🐝
(My inspiration for Bruce has been dwindling, I desperately need to watch the movies again)
Part 1 ♡ Part 2 ♡
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He will always, ALWAYS call you his wife. More than your actual name. He has to keep reminding people that you're unavailable and that you're his and his alone. Bruce perks up immediately whenever your name is mentioned. He's policing all of his employees at this point lmao
maybe someone talks about you to a coworker about how innovative you're thinking for the company is, that you're kind and exactly what this industry needs and Bruce just pops up out of nowhere like "who are you talking about? Hm? Oh, my beautiful, amazing, perfect wife? I couldn't agree more."
He gets so stealthy after being in the batman business that he scares them half to death because he's just there all of a sudden. After hearing some of the complaints the employees make (you're not at work as often anymore after Bruce insisted you focus on some hobbies instead) you're seriously contemplating putting a little bell on him just so you don't have to worry about anyone getting a heart attack.
He always has to be touching you in some kind of way. His go to is a hand on the small of your back or on your thigh when you're sitting down, he loves holding your hand, too. His thumb will brush over the cool metal of your wedding band and it puts his mind at ease.
Every single employee knows not to flirt with you, even as a joke. Not after Jake suddenly disappeared after Bruce caught him sweet talking you... (he may have a received a strongly worded letter from his landlord ((Bruce)) and, what do you know, for some reason, any other living opportunity in Gotham is unavailable right now)
He brings you flowers at least once a week (or until the ones he gifted you before can't hold their own anymore and wilt). They're always fragrant and bright in color, whatever is in season right now. And they stand nicely on your desk in a beautiful crystal vase that catches the light perfectly. He catches himself looking at them more than he he would like to admit.
Or, more specifically, he wants to see if he can catch you admiring them. He's gotten a new appreciation for these small things since you came into his life. They way you cup the delicate blossom and inhale its sweet scent is a picture he will dream of forever.
Bruce makes sure that you're only addressed as Mrs. Wayne (unless it's someone close like Luscius or a very nice coworker of yours) making it clear to everyone, again, that you're his. He gifts you a necklace with his name on it, which you wear proudly, and Bruce can't help but grin when he sees his name glint in the sunlight against your skin.
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I'm so sorry for kinda half-assing my Bruce posts lately, but I can barely write anymore 😭
I usually write at night but I'm tired then too so I'm like "Oh, I'll just write during the day." BUT GUESS WHAT I'M ALSO TIRED DURING THE DAY
Fucking iron deficiency istg
I basically sleep all the time and when I do write, it's not a lot bc I'm literally falling sleep halfway through so yeah
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Why do a lot of SW fans dislike the Prequel Jedi?
This was going to be the conclusion to this answer about "why a lot of people dislike Mace"... but it's just too long, so I decided to make it a post in its own right.
So why is Mace-- scratch that, why are the Prequel Jedi considered to be "unlikable" by a big chunk of the fandom? Especially when compared to Anakin "I killed a group of children twice" Skywalker.
Overall... I'd say it's three things.
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1) Some fans had different expectations.
I touched on this in a recent post: older fans, who are now at least in their 40s, grew up seeing Luke as the ultimate Jedi.
He's Campbell's Hero With A Thousand Faces, up there with King Arthur and Superman. He's, for lack of a better term, the chosen one.
So when the Prequels were announced and they knew they'd get to see the Jedi Knights in their heyday, they expected to see something like the Knights of the Round Table.
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A collective of errant warriors who go on exciting adventures, providing aid from place to place. Like Luke Skywalker.
Instead, they got this:
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"A bunch of monk/diplomats who sit around talking about taxations and trading routes and measure the Force based on cell organisms."
"They're nothing like Luke Skywalker! What the hell?" (I address why this is inaccurate here)
Then the second film comes out:
"Wait, Jedi can't get married now? So were all those EU books about Luke and Mara Jade bullshit?" (also addressed in above link)
Then the third film comes out:
"Palpatine is right there, why can't they sense him or read his mind? They're Jedi!" (explanation why here)
Also Luke is no longer the Chosen One apparently? Anakin is? How does that work?
Plus, the way they speak, their jargon, is waaaaay too formal, gone are the OT characters talking informal English with American accents and quips. Even the way these new characters speak - and not just the Jedi, the Queen too - seems detached from reality and makes them harder to relate to. (but we're talking about diplomats and royalty, so how else would they be talking?)
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2) How adult audiences perceive "morally pure" characters.
Even if one didn't have the pre-concieved notions about the Jedi... they don't seem to impact the adult viewers the right way.
Then again... neither does Barney the Dinosaur.
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Many are the conspiracy theories and negative discourse surrounding him (there's even an upcoming documentary about it). You know why? Because he's not meant to be a character for adults, who have outgrown morally black or white characters and are unable to relate to them... his target demographic is children.
They see him and go "I love you, you love me". We see him and go "What the fuck is this guy hiding? What darkness lies beneath that mask of optimism and joy?"
Same goes for the Jedi.
So I'd say what we have, here, is a similar situation as the one in the recent Rick and Morty episode, "Juricksic Mort".
In the episode, a bunch of dinosaurs return to Earth and it turns out they're incredibly selfless, diplomatic, moral and spiritually advanced (kinda like the Jedi!)
Rick's reaction is - you guessed it - "what the fuck are they hiding?"
The dinosaurs turn Earth into a utopia, ending all wars, removing all conflict, bringing about world peace and giving everyone the chance to go on vacation... and everybody hates them for it and eventually wants to see them fail and step down from their pedestal.
The writing emphasizes their superior virtue so much that they actually come across as uptight and patronizing. This is done intentionally, so that it's difficult to find them likeable out-of-universe, and we relate to the earthlings in-universe who react the same way.
Why do the audience and the characters react this way to characters who - again - are good and moral?
Because as Moriarty says in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows... hidden within the unconscious is an insatiable desire for conflict.
It's why the presence of conflict is so crucial in storytelling.
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It's why every scene in good movies presents some form of internal, external or philosophical conflict.
It's why protagonists need flaws to be interesting and relatable. Because we're flawed as well.
Also, the protagonist will eventually have overcome their flaws through an arc.
More importantly, the basis of all conflict, in storytelling, comes from something being out of balance.
And the Jedi are trained to not be that :D !
So on the one hand we have Anakin, a flawed, conflicted character who struggles with his inner balance, and on the other we have the Jedi, who are essentially presented as flawless and balanced.
What will a chunk of the audience do? They:
Won't like the Jedi.
Will project a flaw onto them (more on that in the next section).
Side with Anakin, the one that's as imperfect as the audience is.
Sometimes all of the above.
But the thing is, though... the Jedi we see in the Prequels are not flawless or perfect.
They are, for the most part, characters who have already completed their character arcs, characters who have already confronted their own inner flaws and overcome them.
And whenever these flaws resurface? Well, they've conquered them once, and they have the training, so they do it again.
Example, here's Yoda confronting and overcoming his hubris and inner fears:
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Has he done it before, in his almost 900 years? Probably, yeah. But it's not a one-and-done sort of thing.
But the Prequels are not their movies. They're about Anakin.
He's meant to be the more interesting character. And they're meant to be the ones with less flaws, because they're mentor archetypes and the Prequels show an interesting situation wherein the protagonist fails to listen to the mentors and fails to overcome his own flaws, which leads him to - instead - be doomed by them.
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3) Issues with the writing.
So, for the people who didn't like the changes but want to like the Prequels, there's a headcanon that seemingly fixes everything:
"The Prequel Jedi... are intentionally written as arrogant, hypocritical moralists. They are meant to come across as dispassionate. I mean, isn’t that what being a Jedi is, apparently? You purge yourself of attachments aka emotions, and act only logically (which was typically-encouraged behavior for a long time, in the US). They've become too systemic and lost their way." And guess what? With this interpretation, "Luke is special again! He's like Qui-Gon in that he found a middle ground between the unfeeling Jedi and the Sith, who have become slaves to their emotions. Like, sure, Anakin can be THE Chosen One, whatever, but Luke? Luke has found the balance, he succeeded where Obi-Wan, Yoda (who wanted Vader dead instead of believing he could be redeemed) and the other Jedi failed. So that's what the Prequels are about: the Jedi's failure."
The issue is, though... it doesn't align with what George intended. (as explained here and here).
But it does use most of the ingredients the films give us. Which - short of unleashing a barrage of George Lucas quotes, interviews and videos - makes it hard to disprove.
Because - seeing as the films aren't about the Jedi, they're about Anakin and his own inner demons - we don't see enough of the Jedi's culture and lifestyle and day-to-day unless it directly relates to Anakin.
So George's very clear idea of how awesome the Jedi are is never truly conveyed or fleshed out and as a result they feel like a group of people who always say "no" to the protagonist. The flawed, passionate and more relatable (by contrast) protagonist.
We get glimpses of it in The Clone Wars, but then it's tarnished by the fact that the Jedi are at war.
Then there's the reads that could easily be disproved... had George been more explicit about what he was going for.
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"The Jedi Council bully a 9-year-old." This read could've been avoided had the scene ended with the Jedi telling Anakin that being afraid is normal, but his fear must be conquered otherwise it'll lead to the Dark Side. Which, they do, but in a vague way rather one with a kind empathetic smile.
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"Obi-Wan is always berating Anakin, their relationship is tense." The whole movie partially features an arc where their relationship is on the rocks, so removing the tension isn't an option. However, the interpretation that it's been like this for a decade (rather than recently because Anakin reunited with Padmé) could've been avoided if, instead of just a minute-long elevator scene, we maybe saw a set-piece of them on a mission, maybe showing them working in tandem and joking as they escape that nest of gundarks.
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More could've been done to frame the Jedi in the positive light thy were meant to be seen under. But again: the movies aren't meant to be about the Jedi.
Though it seems that a lot of people wanted them to be. And maybe that explains the hate re: the Jedi.
Older audiences wanted to see Campbell's Hero they grew up with again, they had a preconceived notion that the Jedi would be wandering, exciting adventurers... instead they got a bunch of "stale" diplomats whose whole job is to avoid conflict and adventure.
So instead of taking the story for what it was - a movie for kids - they projected a "morally gray" narrative that said these characters were flawed and weren't how they were supposed to be in-universe, when the truth is they weren't happy with the characters they witnessed out-of-universe.
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physalian · 1 month
Evil MacGuffins (Or an excuse to gush about Lord of the Rings)
It’s kind of crazy how so much of Tolkien’s worldbuilding has defined fantasy. The default for Elves and Dwarves, fantasy kingdoms, character archetypes, themes, and motifs come from Tolkien’s works.
But you know what’s rarely ever redone in modern fantasy? The One Ring. Probably because works piggybacking off the success of their predecessors rarely understand the themes of what made the original so legendary *cough* teen dystopia *cough*.
So—the One Ring.
Addressing the infamous Eagles “plot hole” once again for any stragglers who still think *gotcha* for this masterpiece: 1) The Eagles were busy. 2) The Eagles are not subtle at all and this mission required absolute stealth, because the one place the One Ring can be destroyed is in Sauron’s house, thus the closer they get to destroying it, the closer Sauron gets to just reaching out and taking it. 3) There were 9 Nazgul and Fellbeasts in the way. 4) The Eagles are basically gods, second only to the actual gods of the world. This makes them deeply inadvisable to go anywhere near the One Ring.
Why? Yes the Ring gives you some random powers like invisibility and slower aging but its purpose is temptation and political power. As you can see in the movie’s prologue, all the Rings of Power were subservient to Sauron’s master ring, the One Ring, to bend to his will… to varying degrees of success.
The power of the One Ring is proportional to the power of its wielder, giving you social and political influence over all your followers. So if you’re, say, a king of men, and you become Sauron’s minion, you’re going to lead your kingdom to ruin doing his bidding whether you realize you’re doing it or not. If you have no political or social power, like, say a hobbit? The Ring doesn’t have much use for you and you, seeing no benefit to world domination, are more resistant to its beguiling.
All this to say: The story makes it very clear that Frodo has to be the ring-bearer because he’s impervious to the Ring’s wiles. Anyone more competent, like Aragorn or Legolas, or Gandalf, are more susceptible to its power. The more power you have, the more destruction you will wreak under the Ring’s influence, and everyone bends to the Ring’s will eventually, no matter how good your intentions.
Eagles are great. Evil Eagles would be very, very bad.
Gandalf is great. Evil Gandalf looks like Saruman, and we all saw how that went.
That is a built-in plot armor I never see in modern fiction—Why?
One of the many messages of LOTR is not “good always triumphs” but instead “evil always loses”. The difference being here that it’s not necessarily the Power of Friendship that defeats evil, it’s evil’s selfish and self-sabotaging nature that eats itself to its own demise.
Example: Neither Frodo nor Sam strike the killing blow on Gollum. Gollum falls fighting Frodo for the Ring and can't let go of it to save himself. The Power of Friendship saves Frodo, but it doesn't destroy the Ring.
The One Ring is a MacGuffin like no other in that it’s not just a cool inanimate and useless object that only holds meaning to the characters that want it—the Ring is its own character enticing all these people to lust after it and fall on their own swords doing so.
Obviously, if you find the enemy’s magic weapon in your possession, you’re going to want to use it against them, which is exactly Boromir’s argument. Any other story and you’d have a difficult time justifying why your characters wouldn’t seize this golden opportunity. In this story, by the weapon’s very nature, trying to use it is exactly what it, and its creator, wants.
The point of the Ring, and at least my interpretation of its meaning, is this: When you’re going up against the evil and corrupt, you cannot let yourself become corrupted trying to defeat it, or else the cycle will never be broken. Or, “Hate can­not dri­ve out hate; only love can do that.”
I almost wish we had seen it seriously tempt the more powerful characters—like seeing Aragorn forced to use it in an emergency the way Frodo does several times. See what it does to him and how hard it is to resist this beguiling weapon’s siren song.
“Evil weapon is super conveniently powerful and would solve all our problems but alas, it has some nasty side effects” has been done before, frequently in anime. Usually, though, that weapon isn’t the centerpiece of the story. It’s the edgy side-character’s Hail Mary when things have gone Very Wrong.
Most LOTR copycats focus on the cool species and the magical lands and the magic systems and a generically evil villain who wants world domination. Yes, Sauron is, by modern standards, pretty one-note. He wants to rule the world. Why? Because he’s Evil and Prideful. There’s nothing wrong with a pure-evil villain, they can be highly entertaining without angst dragging them down.
However, Pure Evil villains work best when either they’re incredibly charismatic, like Disney Renaissance villains, or they’re just the face of the metaphor. Ozai from ATLA does not need character development, Netflix. He may be the face of the Fire Nation, but it’s his regime and this one element’s unbalanced crusade for world domination that’s the “villain”.
Sauron isn’t even a giant, corporeal eye in the book. He’s just this disembodied entity represented by the eye in visions. His influence and how it motivates legions of orcs, humans, and anyone else tempted by power, is the “villain”.
The One Ring serves as his thematic proxy. It’s not just a magic ring, it’s a cosmic mousetrap waiting to spring on anyone proud enough to think they can overcome it.
And I just never see that in modern fantasy.
TLDR; There is no MacGuffin quite like the One Ring and no, the Eagles aren’t a lazy or forgotten deus ex machina. When you’re coming up with your heroes and villains in fantasy and sci-fi, consider something like the Ring as this double-edged sword that has everyone gunning for it either unknowing that it’s exactly what the villain wants, or too proud to think they can fall victim to it.
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soracities · 1 month
Hi Mim,, I wondered if you or any of your followers have words/advice on going long-distance with a beloved partner. I have to move far away from my love of 9 years(!) to attend my dream PhD program and we won't be able to reunite for another 3 years while he finishes his schooling. Every day takes me closer to the move and has me more heartbroken even though this is what I want and I believe we can make it through. Any words of comfort from the soracities community is so welcome and needed. <3
I have no experience with long distance relationships so there really isn't much advice I can give, but what I can tell you anon (if you haven't already) is: plan, plan, plan!!! Long distance is always going to be difficult and there's no way around that difficulty so one of your best bets is for both of you to work as hard as you can to maintain open, attentive, consistent, and deeply honest communication.
Figure out how much communication you need and what kind you value most--what about your partner? What are the ways you can make time and space for these despite the distance? Then sit down with your partner and work out a schedule for phone calls, video calls, daily (or weekly) check-ins etc and, most importantly: hold each other (and yourselves) accountable to them. Set out a game plan for how you will tackle conflicts over long distance: if you both are having packed school weeks, or feel you really need to talk about something, agree on a code word that says "I know you are busy but I desperately need you to make some time for this issue / for me" and then agree on a timeframe in which the other person will address it.
For example, you can schedule it so that you both ensure you have at least one weekly catch-up, and one fun date, on separate days that you always keep to: if you can manage something extra, great, but if not: have a baseline minimum you both honour alongside your commitments to your work and education and daily lives (you can even just have a study date where you both do your work together via video call)--your dates can be anything: you can do a weekly movie night with Hyperbeam or Teleparty (or visit the cinema on the same day to watch the same film and then call each other to talk about it), if it's feasible, take a walk together when you're on the phone and make a whole thing of it: pick a nice scenic spot in your respective places, plan your route, let the other know what it's like where you are, bake something together over video call, etc. Whatever routines and rituals you had together, see if there is a way you can carry them over remotely over the next 3 years, or even vary the things you do to make up for the fact that it is remote for now.
I think one of the hardest things to contend with is the sudden lack of physical proximity to each other, and the loneliness that follows especially if you see people around you in relationships having that, so I would also recommend finding stand-ins for that physical closeness. You said you won't be able to reunite until your partner finishes his own schooling--I don't know if that means quick weekend visits are out of the question (either through sheer distance or financially) but if they aren't, absolutely see if you can plan a visit either from your end or his. If not then maybe, along with your virtual dates, write each other letters, or send each other small tokens, postcards, silly little missives, anything to offer a physical piece of yourself to each other but also to remind the other that you're thinking of them and missing them and they can physically touch and hold those thoughts in a physical form.
I can absolutely understand your fear, anon, and it is definitely not easy and incredibly daunting, but I think it is something beautiful that you have had 9 (9!!!!!) wonderful years with your love already and the fact that you are brave enough to take this leap for your own dreams AND have such faith and trust in your relationship and its strength is a true testament to what you have built together over these years. You both should follow your dreams and fulfill them and I wish nothing but the best for the future awaiting you both where you get to combine those dreams and continue building another chapter of your lives together 💗💗💗
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bluegalaxygirl · 8 months
A sight you shouldn't see (Law X reader)
Plot: You have to head back to your old school run by your aunt to help out with money issues. The heart pirates want to see your old school but you refuse. after being away for too long Law goes looking for you the crew demanding they come along. What they find is another side of you they have never seen before
Law X reader, reader is female (Sorry), established relationship. Got reminded of an old movie i used to watch over and over again, i love it so much, St. Trinian's. Listen to the playlist on youtube its awesome and i wrote this while listening to it.
Warning: Bad language, Crime, Blood, violence, seduction
Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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Packing your bags was hard with the heart pirates asking to come with you every few minutes, it didn't matter how many times you said no and that men weren't aloud at the school they still asked. You refused to give them the name of the school since it was quite well known and not for good reasons. Finally, packed you headed out your shared room with Law and down the hall Bepo, Penguin and Shachi following behind you still try to convince you to let them come "That's enough" Laws voice echoed thru the Sub standing at the main door "Leave her alone. You're not going" The three signed their eyes shifting to the floor and muttering a sorry. "At least tell me where your going" Law asked as you walked over to him and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "I can't but if anything happens the address is in this." Handing your captain a sealed small latter which he gladly took "I'll be back in three days. Try to get some sleep while i'm gone" Your concerned about him and his bad sleeping habits, most nights you have to drag him away form his desk to sleep. Law scoffed at you looking away seeming embarrassed by your words. "Well i better get going". Opening the door your met with a cool breeze and a very large island with a bridge going over to another larger island. "Come back safe Y/N" The crew called as you stepped off the sub and onto dry land. You waved back at them a hand grabbing yours and pulling you forward lips crashing onto yours. Law wasn't big on PDA so it was rare for him to kiss you in public, you leaned in nonetheless running your fingers threw his hair and under his hat. He pulled away first locking eyes with you, he didn't need to say anything, he eyes told you everything you needed to know, he loved you and he wanted you to stay safe. Kissing the tip of his nose he took his hand off your wrist and watched you walk away the crew behind him shouting their good bye's.
You loved your crew, but they didn't know about the school you used to go to and the fact that miss Fritton, the head mistress was your aunt. Your parents found you too much to handle and sent you to the privet all girls school with a reputation for taking on the most troubled youth. You might think that a school like that would be strict trying to convert the violent and foul-mouthed girls but it was actually the opposite, Your aunt and the teachers wanted to enhance those skills, teaching you all how to fight, scam, lie and cheat your way thru life and that's why you didn't want any of your crew to know. St. Trinian's was known all over the globe mainly because some of the biggest scam artist and thief's come from that school. The heart pirates saw you as sweet and kind-hearted happy to lend a hand to any crew member for what ever reason. Of cause, you could fight and hold your own but you weren't the type to kill a man while he was down and had no weapons. You used your skills to help the crew with money, you did small scams now and again to rake in more Berries if you were running low but made sure the others didn't find out. The only thing they do know is to never play you in any card game, you always seem to win either by siking out your opponent or out right cheating without getting caught somehow. You've been chased out of casinos for winning too much and taking the money the crew helping you with the bags of Berries back to the ship.
3 days went by and you weren't back but the heart pirates did receive a letter stating you will be staying a few more days and you'll meet them at the next island. Law didn't like you being gone for so long and with no phone call only a letter, it made him wonder if you were ok. The crew were getting upset with the thought of leaving you behind and moving to the next place, their complaining voices sent the Captain over the edge yelling at them to shut up and let him think heading to his office to get his head straight. A few hours later he made a decision stating that he would head out tomorrow morning to the location in the letter, the letter didn't have the name of the school on it just the address and a phone number with a small note saying not to call the number since no one will answer. The crew of course argued back wanting to come with, the crew booing their captain making his anger boil over again but it ended up being Bepo who manged to convince the captain to let them all come with. Law hated yet loved the cute fluffy white bear and those big puppy dog eyes filled with tears made him unable to refuse hiding his blush and small smile under his hat.
The next morning the crew set off, the crew ended up pulling straws to see who had to stay behind with the sub, it ended up being Bart, Uni and one other crew member who stayed behind while the others walked behind their captain. Heading over the large bridge Shachi ran up next to the captain looking a little concerned "Urm captain, i didn't realize it until now but i think i know this place" Catching the captains and the crew's attention he carried on "There's only two big school in this place and one of them is St. Trinian's" He whispers the last part as if it was the worst word in the wold but a few of the other crew started laughing wiping tears form their eyes "Oh come on man" Penguin ran over pulling Shachi into a head lock "There's no way were heading to that school, Y/N too sweet for that place" he laughed as the man under his arm struggled to get free. "Knock it off both of you" Law glared at the two making Penguin let go the two walking behind him again. It was a long walk but they soon reached an over grown winding road spikes sticking out of the trees with strange skulls attached to it. A large sign on the open black metal gates reading Danger keep out in bright yellow letters and a carved stone plaque with the school name on it, St. Trinian's. "Are you sure this is the place, Captain?" Bepo asks looking over the mans shoulder to see the piece of paper in his hands, it was the right address, this is where you were and this is the school you used to go too. Law couldn't help but be shocked he's met a few girls form this school and all of them were nasty almost demon like in nature but you were nothing like that. Swallowing the lump in his throat he walked past the gates and down the road soon reaching a large castle like building, very clean and well maintained for a place with such a reputation. Making their way closer to the school Law heard your voice, it sounded so sweet a tone you have never used on him before and in a way it made him jealous. Slowly opening the cracked open door of the school revealed a strange sight, the front office didn't have much at all, on the left side of the room is a large wooden table with a lady sitting in the chair painting her nail, she doesn't even look up to notice the crew there just waves her hand in a way that says get lost. Tiled floor leading up to a wide stair case going up and behind the woman at the desk. At the far end of the room a suit of armor against the wall with painting that have clearly been graffitied over multiple years. On the right side is a ratty old couch and coffee table directly across form the desk with you and a man on it. Law froze seeing you loom over the stranger, the mans tie in your hands twirling it around your fingers to get a tighter grip on it, your foot on the mans thigh too close to the mans crotch for his liking, the skirt you were wearing riding up slightly on your thigh a state of shock and anger filled his body until you did the something he's never seen you do before.
You loved being back at your old school and seeing your aunt, it was also great to meet the new head girl, both of you became quite close over three days and worked together to come up with plans. Your aunts school has been suffering for a while and the booze they make and sell in the basement isn't enough to sustain the old building and its students. The Bank demanded money becoming more confident over time that they could take on the school with your Aunts growing age. She still had a temper though and with you around to fight for her she knew the school was in safe hands. Your aunt never married or had kids, there was only you and her but you were never interested in taking over the school, and she didn't want to stop you form doing whatever you wanted, she was also very proud of you, the first St. Trinian girl to become a famous pirate alongside a war lord but the world didn't know where you came form it didn't matter though, you're well-loved by most of the students and teachers for your accomplishments. You didn't mind having to stay a few more days, the money you made wasn't enough for the bank and someone was going to come round the next morning bringing some kind of letter. You requested a female do it since the girls her are more than happy to rip apart a man on sight or try and flirt with them.
The first class was in session and you were wondering the halls dressed in almost school uniform, a white blouse with rolled up sleeves and three top buttons undone, a black short skirt just touching the middle of your thighs and black see thru stockings that almost touched the hem of your skirt. Your black high heals taped on the solid tiled floor only being interrupted by a loud male voice from down stairs yelling about something. Making your way down the steps you leaned on the railing soon seeing a man in a suit clearly form the bank yelling at the young lady at the desk, Jenna was her name, she didn't care much about her job only doing the bare minimum, but she was good at not taking shit form people, popping her gum Jenna leaned back in her chair popping her feet up on the table and looking behind her, up at you looking down at her form the stairs "I'm sure she can help you instead" Jenna has some kind of sixth scene about her maybe she somehow knows Haki with being able to sense what's around her without even looking. You fake smile and walk down the stairs the mans eyes unable to leave your figure "Hi, i'm Y/N Miss Fritton's niece" You round the corner of the stairs holding out your hand for him to shake. It takes him a second to stop staring at you and take your hand "I'm sorry... i'm with the bank, i'm here to deliver this to Miss Fritton" The man reaches into his briefcase and pulling out a large envelope. You snatch it and open it while he watches your every move and your face turn form a flirty smile to an annoyed look. In large red letters printed on the paper it read "Foreclosure notice" you whispered the words as you read out loud "You're trying to close us down?" Your eyes shift to the man your look making him back up slightly.
Ripping the letter up and throwing it behind you onto the floor you push the man onto the sofa a think layer of dust floating into the air. He tried to get up but your heal goes to his thigh digging in as you bend over him grabbing his tie, your face now back it its sweet flirtatious smile "I'm sure Mr... sorry i didn't get your name" the man looks up at you with fear but also a bit of lust "K-Kent" he stutters unable to his eyes off yours "You know we have a rule here... no men on the property. You see anything can happen" you say in the sweetest voice you muster almost like soft caramel, Kent's breath quickens as you lean in to his ear "Things can get a little... messy, people get hurt " you pull away a almost evil smile threatening to appear on your face "I-i would never hurt you o-or one of your girls" Kent stutters watching you laugh lightly pulling on his tie a little "Oh i know sweetie... the rules not in place for our safety... it's for yours" On your last word you pull the tie as tight as it can go strangling him. he tries pushing you off but you keep your grip while your foot keeps his leg down heal digging in almost piercing the mans skin, he struggles to breath grasping at his neck and your hands trying to loosen the tie. "Shhhhh, its ok... just let this happen" you sooth keeping your voice sweet as his eyes looked at you in horror a evil like smile forming on your face.
"That's enough Y/N, don't kill the man" Your aunts voice calls out making it down the stairs and looking over at the door to see Law and his crew looking at you in shock "We have guests" she calls smiling at them, she's never met a war lord before and hopes it will be interesting. You take a few more seconds before letting go and stepping back watching the man fall onto the floor pulling his tie off and taking a deep breath trying not to pass out. Your eyes shift form the man to the door the smile fading form your face and heart stopping in your chest, Law your lover and most of the crew were there looking at you in shock. "Law?" you ask hoping you were just seeing things "Welcome." Your aunt says walking over to your side "Jenna be a dear and help Mr Kent into the other room" the girl at the desk blows on her fingers before walking over to the man and helping him up with her dry hand walking him thru to one of the back room. "Well, isn't this exciting, a War lord of all people at this place. Iv heard a lot about you and your crew. Please come, lets have a drink" Your aunt smiles wide hugging you form the side as she walks away with you down the hall and into her office.
Law and the crew couldn't believe what just happened, if it weren't for that woman you would have killed an unarmed and defenseless man something you have never done before. "C-Captain?" Penguin asks placing a hand on the man's shoulder gaining his attention as you left with the woman down the hall. Law didn't know what to do or how to feel. You shocked him but a part of him liked it, the way you dressed and how you dealt with the situation made his heart flutter a little. "What do we do?" Penguin asks after not getting an answer, Law sighs and looks away tilting his hat down "Come on" The captain commanded walking into the building and down the hall you went down into a large room with two big sofa's facing each other a desk with papers stacked high and a small bar in the corner. "Please sit" The lady form before gestured to the sofa across from the one she was sitting on, You walk over from the bar handing a glass of what looks like Whiskey and black ice to the lady holding another one in your hands.
Law walks over his crew following as he sits on the sofa, the crew looks around the room leaving Law, Bepo, Penguin, Shachi and Ikkaku the only other female on the crew to sit on the sofa, law in the middle one leg crosses over the other. You walk over to him and hold out the the glass in your hands to him refusing to look him in the eyes. He hates the look on your face, shame shouldn't be something you feel, your a pirate, hurting people and being a criminal is part of the job so why are you ashamed. He reaches up taking the glass in his hand letting his thumb run over your fingers prompting you to look at him. Law smiles up at you moving over a little patting the now free spot for you. You wanted to cry at that moment, even after seeing how cruel you can be he still wants you at his side. Sitting down next to him his other arm goes around your waist his hand resting on your hip as he pulls you closer to him. "So... it is true." Your aunt spoke up snapping your eyes away form Laws and to her "You two are together." she finished sipping on her drink. You look down at your lap smiling a little trying to stop a blush from forming on your face "So you know about us?" Laws asked his thumb rubbing your hip giving you some kind of comfort "Of course, My niece never stops talking about you lot" you blush harder giving her an angry look "Auntie" you yelled out the others looking at you before laughing "Man Y/N" Shachi laughs slapping you on the back lightly "You love us that much" he laughs your blush growing brighter as you turn to face him "Shut up Shachi" Law can't help but smile seeing you back to normal, well the normal he see's on the ship, a sweet and kind girl who is easily teased by his crew but you could never hate them.
"So what's going on here?" with the laughter dying down Law spoke looking across the room at your aunt "Well Y/N do you think they can help?" she asks looking at you trying to take your attention away form Shachi who your almost having an angry staring competition with. Giving up you turn to face your aunt then Law. He squeezes your hip leaning in a little closer a subtle way of telling you he's there for you "The schools been late on payments for years only now demanding payment since aunties getting older. I paid it in full yesterday but their still threatening to close us down" You explain the rest of the crew listening "The man from before came with a Foreclosure notice and..." you stop yourself form saying more only for Law to let out a small laugh, it shocked you a little wondering why he would be laughing at this "So you tried to kill him?" the blush came back to your face as he looks down at you "NO... i mean yes but.." You tried to say more but got cut off my Laws face getting closer to yours "That's my girl" he whispers your heart pounding in your chest at the look he gives you, it would scare others but you loved it, it made you want to kiss him right there and then but you know he doesn't like that kind of things, not in public anyway. "Im sure we can help right Captain" Penguin smiles looking at Law while the others cheer along hoping their Captain will agree "Im sure we can do something to help" Law answer pulling away form your face to look at your aunt who smiles back at you and the crew.
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alornights · 1 year
hihi!!! i would like to request kyle dating someone who (somewhat) is a hikikomori?? (social anxiety and or awkwardness, desire to be in solitude, etc..) tyyy!!
in which kyle dates someone w/ social withdrawl !
characters︰kyle brovloski
warnings︰ isolation.
notes︰i tried my best and did a bit of research so i hope this is good!
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*·῾ ᵎ⌇hikikomori; a person who avoids social contact.
before the two of you started dating he had never noticed you much, especially since half of the time you weren't at school.
but after dating you, he begun to worry.
you'd just disappear for a week or two with no traces. no one knew where you went or what you were doing. to make it worse he had no idea where you lived and you just never responded.
eventually you came back to school and he was not having it.
"you had me worried sick you know. i though you died or-"
it took a lot a reassuring for him to calm down and a hell lot more time to explain where you were and why you didn't respond.
he didn't really understand it at first since he was a much more out-there person and loved seeing the world and what it offers.
but after a bit more explaining he starts to understand. though you do end up giving him your address and the location of your house key so if you do disappear he can at least find you.
he also did hella of a bunch of research just to make sure he knows everything he can to help you.
whenever you do close in and not show up to school or answer his texts, he ends up going straight to your house.
tries to to get you outside of your room as often as he can.
if you do come out, he makes sure to take you out to all his favorite places and introduce you to some of his own friends. (except cartman of course...)
makes sure his friends are on their fucking best behavior and if they aren't bros going full jersey mode.
also understands that if you don't wanna talk to them for any reason at all, he'll make them all leave. no matter where they are
makes sure to take you to calming places before anything else so you can get used to environments gradually.
takes you on the most romantic and cheesy dates possible.
like on a beautiful sunny day, he takes you to a beautiful place filled with flowers and a stunning waterfall for a picnic.
or maybe perhaps he manages to get stan to let the two of you use his backyard to watch a movie under the stars.
if you don't end up coming out, he slips a heartfelt letter under your door for you to at least know he's there for you whenever.
will just come to ur house to give you these letter. and its different shit every day, sometimes he even leaves little gifts.
he may even get to manage his friends (who are now your friends, he says so) to write you letters occasionally.
he just cares so much. even if he can't fully help you recover he sure tries his damn best.
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feelyourrush · 3 months
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A Sonny Disposition || Tim LaFlour x F!OC || Chapter 001
Synopsis: Sonny, a freshman at Stratford University, is a bubbly and hyper-feminine fashion design student all the way from Australia. She's excited to be on her own for the first time, but settling into independence is proving to be more complicated than she anticipated. Thankfully, fellow student, piercing-lover punk, and hockey ingenue Tim LaFlour lives in the same apartment building as her and is more than willing to lend a helping hand—even if they seem to be from completely separate worlds. What will they learn from each other? What will they have the patience to teach each other?
Genre/tags: Pure fluff, no smut. A friends-to-lovers slow burn romance with mutual pining. Imagine two golden retrievers crushing hard on each other p much!! Slight age difference, big size difference.
Word count: 1,850
A/N: My first fic in the Matt Lillard tag! My first fic on this blog! My first fic in a long, long time. And of course I couldn't help but start a new series. Aiming for this to be a novella/shorter chapter book. Hope y'all enjoy and please leave feedback if you have it!!
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"Honestly, Auntie Steph, Uncle Benny—" I let out a grunt, hoisting a large suitcase and out of the back of their trunk— "Don't worry too much about me. I'll be fine, and I know who to call in case I need any help."
They followed behind me, with Auntie Steph carrying a large dress form and Uncle Benny pushing a dolly with the rest of my things. "We know, love. We're just one call away, and your Auntie Steph has some clients downtown," Uncle Benny addressed me from behind the pile of moving boxes atop the dolly as we walked into the apartment building.
"Right. I'm down here at least twice a week," Aunt Steph said. She was a consultant for an interior design firm, handling top-tier clients. Famous actresses, hockey players, the like. I held the door open as best as I could, practically squished between the door and the railing of the small staircase up to the apartment building.
I was a few days away from starting my freshman year at Stratford University in Toronto. I was a late registrant, so by the time I got accepted, there was no housing left in the freshman dorms. Instead, I was assigned to an apartment typically reserved for the upperclassmen. It was still maintained by the university, but I supposed I still had perks. Living with the older students probably meant a bit more freedom, not that I was planning on doing much besides schoolwork.
My aunt and uncle were just like my parents, worrywarts. Except, I could at least dodge my parents somewhat; I came all the way from Australia where I've lived for the last... well, my whole life. They were busy with work so all they could do was drop me off at the airport. Between then and about an hour ago, when I met up with my aunt and uncle at the airport, I traveled alone and enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, and I appreciate having people who cared about me a lot—but my goodness, could they be overbearing!
I was trying to hide my anxiousness to get rid of my aunt and uncle, but I wasn't so sure how well it was working. "I know. I've got you both on speed dial," I said, flashing them one of my signature megawatt smiles as we careened my things inside.
Like in the movies, students were bustling across the lobby, traversing its small space with ease. They looked grown up, if that makes sense. I felt intimidated, to say the least, and had half a mind to pay a visit to the chancellor's office or find someone else in charge to see if they could squeeze me into one of the freshman dorms. I would take an air duct if it was all they had.
My apartment was upstairs, at the very end of the hall on the third floor. The building seemed older, less well-kept and modern like the rest of the university. The dusty spiderwebs in the corners of the ceiling and the scratched linoleum in my room gave the whole place a nice charm, though. It was lived-in, and felt grown-up, too.
I could feel the excitement set in as Uncle Benny emptied the dolly. Eventually, they plopped onto the sunken-in, emerald green couch in the middle of the living room. I laughed, watching them take their exaggerated breaths. We were a theatrical bunch.
"Somehow, we did it," Auntie Steph said.
Uncle Benny checked his watch. "Alright, honey. It's almost lunch time. We'll get out of your hair so you can get something to eat. Remember what we said."
"Of course," I said, giving them hugs as they stood up from the couch. Real good hugs, too, like the ones I'd given my family right before I got on the plane. It was a bittersweet moment, one that marked the end of my phase as that little kid who played dress up with her Barbie dolls and the beginning of my new chapter as a fashion design student. "I love you both."
"We love you too," Aunt Steph said. "We'll send our wishes."
After they left, I was so exhausted from my long journey that I thought I'd better rest, too. With a deep breath, I landed on the couch—and heard a crack of wood underneath me. I sank a few inches.
"Thanks so much," I said while signing my name on a piece of paper. I looked up at the gentleman with a polite, expectant smile.
"Are ya sure you don't need our help carrying this up?" he asked, raising his eyebrow at me. Behind him, a small crew of movers were transporting my new couch into the lobby.
"Umm..." I sized the couch up and down. It was about the same size as my old one, with three cushions. Knowing my parents, they ordered me something a bit hefty so it would last longer, made of real wood and all. I had the upper body strength of a squirrel, probably, but I didn't want to look stupid in front of the movers. I was grown up, after all, doing big girl things now. Surely I could move a couch by myself. Giving them all a thumbs up, I said, "I should be able to handle it. Got some friends coming soon to help me."
"Alright," the gentleman filed my papers away and gave his crew a shrug before walking out. "Have a good day, miss."
It was just me and a couch in the lobby now. "Hmm." I circled it, feeling its plastic wrap. At least I wouldn't have to worry about the cushions flying off while I was carrying this thing. I glanced over at the elevator, which was much too small to fit the couch on (and it probably would've been over the weight limit). Then I looked up at the stairs.
Not realizing I was taking up the space in front of the main entryway to the building, I heard someone clear their throat behind me, startling me.
"Uh... need a hand?"
I didn't know where to look first, because it certainly wasn't his face. He was a tall guy, at least a foot taller than me, bleach blonde, and he wore these giant black combat boots, faded gray jeans that had more than a little distressing on them, and a cut-off t-shirt that said The Ramones on it. He had a cornucopia of piercings on his face. Their silver beads reflected under the fluorescent light. I'd never seen anyone like him before.
I was probably gawking, because a second later, he spoke again. "You okay?"
I picked my jaw up off the floor. "Yeah! Yeah, totally. I just, um..." I chuckled awkwardly, patting the top of the couch.
"Did you order this thing?"
"Yes, I did," I said confidently.
"You know, the apartments come with their own couches, right?" He couldn't hide his smile.
"Yeah," I said, not so confidently anymore. For a scary-looking guy, he had a big, friendly smile. It caught me off guard, just like the rest of him did. "Mine, um, broke."
Despite his smile, I thought he was going to chew me out and tell me to move. But he looked the couch up and down, and then looked at me at least up (my lower half was covered by the back of the couch) and said, "Right. Well, I'm cool with it being here but I don't know if the rest of the guys will be."
"Rest of the...?"
Before I knew it, a slew of boys—men? students?—flooded into the apartment building, vaulting over the couch and brushing past me to go upstairs. They were all the same size and stature as him and for a second there, I was worried I would get trampled, so I stayed completely still, scrunching my face.
They were all carrying duffel bags and hockey sticks, dressed in Stratford jerseys and sweatpants. I put two and two together. When the dust settled was around the same time I realized I could ask them to help me carry the couch up, but they were already gone by then. I looked over at the guy and we seemed to be on the same wavelength.
"Do you think I could—"
"Hey, do you need—"
We chuckled, realizing we talked over each other. He said, "I got you." Then, he hollered up, "Hey! Sammo! Bowman! Could use a hand."
They spawned from above, almost racing each other to the bottom of the steps. I couldn't help but laugh at how rowdy they were.
"Oh, we got a new couch for the spot, eh?" asked Sammo, whose name was on his jersey. Bowman splayed across the couch for a laugh before hopping back up.
"This is..." the blonde guy looked over at me, furrowing his brow.
"Sonny. I'm Sonny," I smiled.
"Tim, you caught yourself a girl from down undah?" Sammo teased.
The blonde, who I knew now as Tim, continued. "....Sonny, and she needs our help carrying this to her apartment. Apartment...?"
"Damn. That's all the way at the end of the hall, isn't it?" Bowman asked.
"C'mon, boys. Sonny's new around here. Let's be polite and make her want to stay," Tim said. It was then that I noticed he also had a duffel bag and hockey sticks, which he set down outside. They each took a side and I went to lift my own, but I was met with a hand up from Sammo.
"Don't worry about this, me'lady. Don't want you liftin' up a finger." Sammo grinned.
So, I took careful steps behind them, figuring I shouldn't insist to be in the way, and watched them pivot with every bend of the staircase. This was a whole lot easier than careening this whole thing up myself. I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I let those movers leave.
Finally, they set the couch down in the middle of my room. It seemed to be no effort to them at all. I wore a warm smile.
"Thank you guys, so much," I said, holding my hands together.
"Ah, don't mention it. C'mon, Sammo, let's go." The pair left my place, and me and Tim, alone.
I chuckled, feeling a bit awkward. "You really saved the day," I said. "Sorry about that."
"Don't be sorry," he told me. "Looks like we were at the right place at the right time." He smiled. "Well, Sonny, it turns out I'm actually in the apartment right underneath you. Number six. So if you need anything else..."
A sort of dread filled my stomach. You could hear every step you took in this place thanks to the creaky wooden floors. I was already a bit worried about bothering my neighbors with my endless nights of sewing and my impromptu dance parties, now I had to think about not bothering Tim. Strange and yet adorable and super helpful Tim. I tried to hide how horrified I was with a smile right back.
"Cool. I'll keep that in mind," I said. "Thanks again, and, um, see ya around."
"See ya."
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somuchyoudontknow · 10 months
Feel free to disagree, but there has to be a reason why, as your one anon put it, they continue to poke the bear when they could just not.
think about other celeb couples that were controversial or hated by fans; Harry and Olivia, Sebastian and his gf, Henry and his gf, ana and Ben affleck (not sure if hated but annoyed a lot of ppl lol during Covid).
What did all of these couples have in common? They all continued to push through even tho fans reacted so negatively (usually the fan base on the male counterpart side). Sebastian got vilified by his own fan base and it was quite similar to the CE stuff. His own fans became his worst haters and he was canceled at least a dozen times. He ended up leaving SM likely due to it and there was a ton of times you could tell he was having a meltdown due whatever what was happening. The main difference between him and CE was that Sebastian made it more obvious he was seeing all the hate (he literally captioned an IG post, thanks for the love, thanks for the hate) and then made comments on interviews that ppl were stalking him (not untrue). But he continued to show up with ale despite getting attacked everytime.
Henry put fans in their place and keeps showing up with Natalie. I think his situation is a bit different but maybe also the same.
Harry and Olivia kept showing up with each other but during don’t worry darling press it looked like they barely ever interacted (did anyone think that was odd they did a whole press tour and I don’t think they interacted once? But she kept showing up in pap pics with him later).
Ana and Ben got made fun of relentlessly due to their Covid pap walks. But they didn’t stop. The comments were relentless on every tabloid and ana clearly was scarred by it all, but she still had to push through and keep showing up with Ben.
This is my theory:
CE continues to be associated with AB despite the backlash because he, like all his predecessors, have to be.
He just doesn’t want to have to be seen with her unless he has to be.
His reserved list of friends continue to allude to spending time with her and her crew. AB also doesn’t appear to want to address CE publicly, but continues to let herself be associated with him and hide unless it’s to let people speculate she’s with him.
This is their way of pushing the narrative instead of doing pap walks.
They did do one and you could tell, I think, that AB has never done anything like this before. She looked completely out of her element and CE did not look like he wanted to be there at all. He’s hiding his face behind a mask outside. They got made fun of by fans and tabloids alike. To my knowledge, they haven’t really done one since.
I think they can’t make it believable but they need to, just like all those other couples. So this is their only route. They have to continue pushing the envelope, despite backlash and despite fans getting so upset and more and more rabid.
It’s the same formula, but you’re not seeing them “together” because either one or both sides refuses to flaunt it, so it’s causing some team real to make assumptions they’re just private.
No, real privacy - you wouldn’t know a thing. CE doesn’t live in LA. He could keep his dating life on the DL which he apparently had all these years after breaking up with Jenny S. Its only when he dates an actress or HW person that these things don’t remain on the DL.
I’ve always thought that if AB was a real thing, those ten months leading up to their public reveal would have given him/them reason to not go public. He and his family were harassed so much that they all retreated to hiding away. The comments about AB, just rumors, were abhorrent. I think they could have kept it secret and just kept on keeping it secret.
But they didn’t. Which tells me, they had to make it public and they have to use it for publicity. He had to let her show up to his movie premiere because it was big press for him, first movie of the year. If they wanted to keep it private, she could have not attended. But she showed up and pretended he didn’t exist and vice versa. By contrast, Ana was happy to be papped with her bf on the same day of the premiere, but we don’t get that with AB. Just her showing up looking like she played dress up in her mom’s closet.
This may now be a very unpopular opinion, but I think everything that’s happened this past week gives more reason for PR than not.
You can disagree, but this is what I’m seeing. They have to continue this and this is CE’s workaround. I don’t think he’s an idiot. I think he is much smarter than people give him credit for. Also, I’m thinking him having to show up with her in CP and post those IG videos probably had him cringing for weeks after. All the comments coming from haters probably has him sick to his stomach and it’s probability why he looked so solemn and nervous the first day of that comic con. I also think for the fans or I guess haters? That are sticking around, you’re going to be here for a while. He’s stuck in this and I think it’s going to continue, like you, mod, have said - until it’s run it’s course.
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I agree 💯 I don't have to add anything :)
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts on Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it (SPOILERS) pt.1
Before I even start let me say that they should've just made it another 12 or 10 or hell even an 8 episode mini series
Should've opened with Isaac instead of Liam and Hikari in Japan smh. He was the last one to have the triskele box, how tf did Liam get it? (I do understand that Daniel Sharman couldn't be in the film but still...at least give me an explanation)
I don't care what they say, Hikari was supposed to be Kira and Hikari wasn't supposed to even exist. Liam and Hikari are clearly what Scott & Kira Should've been, minus the restaurant in Japan, if they'd done the right thing and brought Kira back in the last season. He said he'd wait for her😭. (Though I Stan the actress for not coming back when they were going to pay her white female castmates more than her. Honestly fuck them for that)
Why does Liam own a restaurant in Japan. How did we get here in our lives. Liam u supposed to be protecting Beacon Hills. Also idk what career I though Liam would get but it definitely wouldn't have been restaurant owner. I can see him as a coach maybe (at Devonford Prep in honor of Brett; huh maybe I did know what career I thought he'd have🤔)
Damn y'all really keeping Nogi with teas and spices. Ig hiding it in plain sight works idk 🤷‍♀️
Why Liam fall like that 😭
Damn Nogi really reminding me of the Witch from Narnia when she appeared in that ice wall thing in the second movie
also if Nogi can talk through that thing, why hasn't he manipulate someone into setting him free already
Though that Nogi was like a regular fly, not a firefly...
Scott being call "The Alpha" like they'll never know🤫 also like I thought Monroe went international w/ her hunting. Ain't no way Scott's just chillin all carefree enough to put his name on a business.
Yeah Scott save that doggie...oh and the little grl too. Also this would've been better plot wise if this was a flashback of Scott saving a little Hikari, it would explain how she's randomly apart of the pack now
Love how Scott's animal clinic looks like a mixture of Deaton's vet place and Derek's loft
Scott talking about having kids one day was how I knew they'd give him Eli at the end. Like wtf, he should be raised by his family, by other born wolves who know about the werewolf history that Derek did. Like hello we got great uncle Peter, auntie Cora, and hell even cousin Malia. Derek WOULD NOT want his SON raised by an ARGENT!
"I didn't see it. I took my eyes off the road for like two seconds to change the song on my ipod"
Wooo spooky 👻
I said ah oop jump scare Chris "I never use the front door" Argent
Poor Chris no parent ever deserves their child to die before them
Bardo! and who stayed up all night doing research about Bardo for you, huh, Mr. McTruealphaman. KIRA!
Yes papa Argent, say fuck
Well Jeff Davis said he wanted the timeline to work out so that Eli was born before Derek returned to Beacon Hills in an interview (idk where it is and I'm too lazy to find it) and after the series finale timeskip in the last season it was 2017, its now 2026 so technically it's been 11 years Scott my boy
Look at me out here fixing the timeline for everyone😁
"I got a feeling the real answers are in Beacon Hills" Yeah no shit Chris, everything's gotta do with Beacon Hills
Scott your the alpha. Be the alpha. Quit asking other people to to decisions for you, for the love of God
So Scott I understand why you left Beacon Hills but are we going to address what happend to Monroe and the internatipnal hunters Corp? No?...okay then
Chris why did you leave mama McCall. Jeff u really out here breaking everyone up. Should've got w/ Papa Stilinski so Scott and Stiles could be brothers fr "oh what could've been"
Why the pack break up? not gonna give me an explanation again...okay I'm sensing a pattern here
Yeassss!!! Business woman Lydia, we knew u could do it. And she looks very snazzy in that white outfit with her ponytail if I do say so myself. Funny how the banshee's business has to do with sound lmao it's perfect.
Lyd!😭 Thats Mrs. Martin-Stilinski to you! Shit at least call her Lyds so that you don't sound like your calling her a lid💀
Damn u think Lydia would've learned to look at stuff by now before handing it out. Nah but on a real note I feel like she should have a better understanding of her abilities by now, and have expanded on them, and had more control of them but that might be just me
I SAID ITS MRS. MARTIN-STILINSKI Ray or whatever ur name is!
Oooo the automatic writing again
Yayyy Eli Hale! In my head Eli is a nickname for Elijah, just like Derek is a nickname Frederick (if you known you know🤣)
Hale Auto?! Ain't no way. Derek ain't a mechanic. I refuse. Terrible career choice for the man. He's rich, he ain't even gotta work
Maybe Malia could be a mechanic but I doubt it, ooo a Park Ranger would be perfect.
Love how Eli just hotwired that jeep😂. Oh and just let me say this here and get it out of my system. Eli is similar to both Stiles and Scott when they were younger but he is NOT STILES. Yes he's sarcastic and a little delinquent but do you guys know how many teenagers are sarcastic little delinquents? Alot. It's a teen thing. I was the same way (minus the crimes😂) and still am sarcastic af. Love Eli as Eli, not a mini or replacement for Stiles. Love u guys to death but we went into this knowing there was no Stiles.
Jeff Davis: No Stiles.
Us: No Stiles?
Jeff Davis: No Stiles!
Boys gonna pop a damn wheelie in fucking Roscoe
Love how Parrish just calls Mason instead of tailing him
I'm fucking dead💀they was all too scared to tell Derek (me too thou bc sourwolf is scary😶)
Why is Mason a deputy? Feel like he should be working at Lydia's, like he's right under her is what I'd say he should be doing. I could see Corey, his husband, maybe being a deputy though. *gasp* or a cute little school teacher🥺
I stand by what I said earlier, Malia should be a park ranger and I add to that by saying that she should be the consultant and not Derek (though i understand they had to reintroduce his character) she spent a lot of time in those woods, and she's more intune with her animal side than anyone else
Derek still sexy af
serial arsonist...wolf pack also has a serial arsonist. I swear to God they should've just made it a spin off instead of its own thing
You definitely should call Stiles, he's head of his own supernatural devison in the FBI👍
Love how Derek was like a fugitive for most of the series and now he works w/ the police. Eli taking up that criminal mantel now😂
I mean...is it really grand theft auto if he took it from his own dads shop🤷‍♀️🤣
Derek's got ptsd from the jeep
Eli wanted to race that grl, I now headcanon that's how he flirts. Just like his daddy he's like haha look I'm better than you at something "you wanna see some real speed bitch" (flashbacks to when Derek flirted with Paige by being an ass with that basketball, like grl just wanted to play her cello in peace and quite)
Love how Derek just like slashed the tires. Really said "i don't think so. My names Derek hale. I go way back" (I'm so sorry to anyone reading this)
Part 1-5
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thetylercxle · 2 months
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Moulin Rouge!
5/5 (Spoilers)
First things first I’m gonna address my bias. I am an absolute sucker for musicals, and I honestly have yet to see one I haven’t liked. (If there is a really bad one I should watch please let me know)
This film however, knocks it out of the park in every aspect. There wasn’t a single moment in this where I wasn’t interested of what’s going on.
I could go forever listing all of the good things about this, but I think I only need to say a couple things.
Firstly, I adore how Moulin Rouge! looks. I am a huge fan of the Victorian aesthetic, and they do it in a way that is interesting and more importantly fun to look at. From the set design to the costumes and everything else, the vibrancy of it grabs at me throughout.
Secondly, the casting was incredible. Kidman and McGregor are great leads, and the rest of the cast felt like they were really in their roles and convinced me that they are these characters rather than someone playing them. Also, as expected everyone has extreme talent when it comes to singing, and the mixing together of all these wildly different voices came together in a beautiful medley of sound.
Third, the wackiness of this kept me in. I absolutely love that it isn’t afraid to be zany and over the top, and I don’t think the movie would have worked without it. The zaniness is easily one of my favorite parts of the film.
Fourth, despite being comprised largely of covers, none of the songs felt like covers. Each song had its own character and unique spin that kept me listening. They also did really well blending the songs with the dialogue; it was seamless.
Last is my favorite detail, and what truly puts it at a 5/5. In one of the beginning scenes they do a musical number essentially telling the entire story of the film in a few minutes. I noticed it was very obvious foreshadowing. Normally I don’t think I would care for the movie telling me the whole plot of itself at the beginning, but this did it in such a fun way. Most of all as I kept watching, I found myself more and more into a story that I already knew the ending of. I think that’s something that is really hard to pull off, and they did it very well. I didn’t care that I knew how it would turn out,l and how they would get there because it was so interesting to see the story unfolding, and exciting to realize what part of the story I’m at.
There’s so much more that I like about this film, but I’d rather recommend watching it if you haven’t already seen it. If you have, watch it again. I’ve watched a good amount of musicals, and after my first watch of this one it’s at least top 5, if not top 3 for my favorite. I could not recommend this more.
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nattikay · 2 years
Have you already read Avatar: The High Ground, and if so, what do you think about it?
I finally got to read it just the other day actually! Though I’m probably gonna have to read it again because tbh I found it a little hard to follow at times; the art style makes it a little difficult to differentiate between some of the characters.
That said though, here’s some thoughts/observations from my initial read, under a read-more since it contains spoilers (not only for The High Ground but also potentially for the movie itself since it’ll discuss a few fan theories):
Lo’ak failed his first attempt at Iknimaya and wonders if it has to do with him being “too human”—he’s sensitive about this because while Neteyam and Tuktirey look pretty much like native Na’vi, Lo’ak looks more like an avatar, which a lot of the other Na’vi seem to lowkey judge him for (I doubt he’s outright bullied per se, at least not in the Omatikaya clan, but he does express that “everyone assumes my failure is because I’m too human”), which in turn makes Lo’ak very self-conscious and he’s a bit angsty about it. Based on what we’ve heard so far, it seems this perception as “outcast” will be a major part of Lo’ak’s arc in the movie.
Kiri has been raised by Jake and Neytiri since infancy, she loves them very much and does consider them to be her “real” parents; however, she is aware that she’s adopted. She doesn’t show a ton of curiosity about her biological parents in The High Ground, however, in a preview clip for WoW we do see her curiously watching some of Grace’s old video logs and addressing Grace’s inert avatar as “Ma”, which raises a lot of questions about her origins and how much she knows about them. Which brings us to the three main Kiri-origin theories.
We know for sure thanks to an interview with Cameron that Kiri was “born of Grace’s avatar”; however we’re not really sure what exactly this means. There are three main theories:
One is that Grace’s avatar happened to be pregnant when she died, and Kiri is simply her biological daughter, with a random clan member being her father. This one, while I guess technically not impossible, I find by far the least likely as it just seems out of character for Grace to have been gettin’ it on with a random clan member (plus the whole “mating for life” thing and the fact that unlike Jake she hadn’t been properly inducted into the Omatikaya clan and thus wouldn’t have been permitted to take a mate among them).
Also the fact that Kiri looks so similar to Grace makes me skeptical that their connection is as simple as biological mother/daughter. If you look at Jake and Neytiri compared to their biological kids, each one of them has a completely unique striping pattern. Kiri’s, however, is exactly identical to Grace’s. Plus the fact that they’re played by the same actress, which again seems too intentional to be merely a regular daughter. There’s gotta be something more going on here.
The second theory is that during the attempted consciousness transfer Grace’s avatar was somehow impregnated by Eywa immaculate conception style. This theory is intriguing in that it would certainly explain Kiri’s uniquely close connection to Eywa; however, the main issue with it is that we’re not sure if that’s something that’s within Eywa’s scope of abilities. I mean, it might be—we just don’t really know for sure at the moment.
The third theory is that Kiri was some sort of clone of Grace’s avatar that somehow received its own consciousness (possibly through Eywa shenanigans), or some sort of early recom prototype. This is the one I’m currently leaning toward most because we know for sure that it’s possible in this universe and would explain the identical stripes etc., though because of her special connection with Eywa which seems to be very important I’m not fully discounting the second theory either.
tl;dr Kiri is a huge mystery owo;
Moving on: Spider. Despite being initially marketed as “Jake and Neytiri’s adopted human son”, it seems that, unlike Kiri, Spider is not really formally adopted into the Sully family so much as simply being very close friends with the kids. He refers to Jake and Neytiri as “Mr. and Mrs. Sully”, not “Mom and Dad” like Kiri does. In the comic we learn that his biological mother, a solider named Paz Socorro, died during the final battle of the first film and his father is unknown, thus leaving him a war orphan. He is technically currently living with a human foster family in Hell’s Gate, though emotionally he connects more with the Na’vi than the humans. We also learned in a recent interview snippet with his actor that Spider was raised exclusively by humans until the age of four, hence why unlike the Sully kids he does not speak English with a Na’vi accent (though he is also fluent in Na’vi). He seems to be particularly close to Kiri in the comic, as well as to Lo’ak according to other sources.
Neytiri…doesn’t like Spider much. She doesn’t trust him due to prejudice against humans, and tends to blame him when the kids get into trouble (which Spider is rightfully bothered by). Jake, meanwhile, mostly feels bad for the kid and wants to cut him some slack/give him a chance.
also worth mentioning that the comic confirmed that Spider’s real name is Miles Socorro. Friendly reminder that “Miles” was also Quaritch’s first name. Make of this what you will…
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black panther: wakanda forever. after i saw this one, i noted that reviews for it seemed pretty mixed--but i loved it. not because i felt like it was a perfect follow-up to the first one, but because it didn’t try to be that. it couldn’t, so it went in a different direction. and as messy and excessive as i did think it was in parts, pretty much all of those problems to me seemed caused by the curse of the mcu, which i certainly wouldn’t expect any filmmakers inside the system to be able to escape.
what i mean is, this movie had to accomplish three major things all at the same time: honor chadwick boseman’s memory and say goodbye to the beginnings of this series that he established; introduce a new black panther and situate that character in his place, with all the complications that entails; and introduce a new antagonist AND a whole new world that he originates from, that will be incorporated into the mcu going forward. that’s too much for one movie to do well! it just is. 
so they do all the things, but it feels obvious the whole time that we are witnessing a new antagonist who isn’t going to be conclusively beaten like  killmonger was, and that he isn’t stronger and smarter and more unusual because it actually makes sense for the movie...at least to me, it just felt really forced, them cramming this new marvel world and character into this sequel, to drive their phases of the mcu forward whether it would be what was best for the black panther series or not. 
but again, i don’t blame the movie for that--i think it’s well-established by now that any movie that does well enough in the mcu to gain a sequel will be expected to then stretch those sequels to fit whatever unrelated marvel nonsense the corporation has decided needs an introduction. the best they can hope for is to accommodate what’s required of them (to get to make the sequels at all) without completely ruining what made people love the originals enough to wish for sequels in the first place. and given the givens of this movie, which was also going on without its originally intended star, i thought they did okay.
so, a major part of why i loved this movie is that i knew they would have to address the absence of t’challa, but i didn’t know what to expect from them in doing so. i’m especially fond of media that allows characters to die when their actors do, because there’s something really moving and painful and cathartic and honest, when actors are channeling their own grief that way. but in a superhero movie, i could see that being too heavy, so i wouldn’t have been surprised if they did something different.
instead, i basically started crying when the opening title rolled--i was NOT prepared for the marvel logo to be comprised of slices of chadwick-as-t’challa--and then i didn’t really stop, so much as pause for long stretches in between many other moments scenes that had me crying right up through an end credits scene. 
this movie is about superheroes, sure, but even less than the first one was--and that one was about politics and family and responsibility and power, not just a guy in a suit who could fight. the biggest reason why i loved this movie is because more than anything, it felt to me like a meditation on grief. and that is probably not what most people wanted from this movie, or what they want from superhero movies in general (i wouldn’t really know), but i was not expecting that at all and i didn’t realize how much i needed it until i was in it.
if you set aside the Big Conflict in this movie between the new antagonist and Wakanda broadly (and the royal family more narrowly, then down to Shuri specifically), it’s just a story about loss and how it impacts all the characters we know and love from the first film--how it changes them, what they do with it, what they learn and how they reach out toward each other in attempts to heal. i found it honestly incredibly heartbreaking when even MORE loss was piled onto shuri during the events of the film, but all the parts of that narrative made sense to me.
it was like, if you sliced out most of the excessive time spent establishing the underwater world and any other villain had achieved the same results in destabilizing wakanda and the family, you’d have a tighter story that stuck to its core point: the black panther was never meant to be just one man. t’challa couldn’t live forever. but t’challa was the center of his world not because he was the black panther anyway; he was beloved for the kind of person he was, and that was a lesson his successor would have to learn in the face of losing him.
so, yeah. i loved everything they did with characters grieving and comforting each other and trying to face a new future after a terrible loss. i was still in the middle of my own grief-induced depression when i saw this, and it meant a lot to me that they did not hold back about any of it...like the movie was a farewell to t’challa and also chadwick but it also kind of felt like an invitation to collectively mourn whatever we all lost during the pandemic, somehow. together. 
and beyond that, tbh, i don’t remember much else. i know they also introduced a young female character, but much like the waterworld people, she felt shoehorned in, somebody it was hard to care about when important stuff was happening to the characters i actually came to see. re: the waterworld people, i should say that i didn’t dislike them or this movie’s antagonist--his motivations made sense and and the actor seems cool. he brought depth to his portrayal. marvel is the real villain here! (lol.) 
i firmly believe they did both waterworld (i know, i know, it has a real name, but i don’t remember the details a year later and refuse to google them because then it would seem like i did remember) and the black panther world a disservice by introducing it this way. i think if marvel wants to keep their ‘universe’ going until the literal universe dies someday, which seems to be the plan so far, they should be required to introduce the different worlds and major characters in standalone movies, like they started out doing. 
if they had done that with this new waterworld, and let black panther 2 be about everyone figuring out how to move forward after t’challa’s death, this movie could have still focused on shuri’s journey and everyone’s grief and wakanda’s ability to stand strong against america and the rest of the world--and it could’ve done so without also needing to adding so many other layers of battles and introductions. that was the only part that really felt messy to me, when the first film was so well-crafted.
other things i can add that i do remember: the fact that waterworld’s initial introduction in this movie feels like a scene from some other genre, and was absolutely terrifying for me (i hate underwater scenes in everything, i have drowning fear); the music was of course great but i expected nothing else; and the performances were (again expectedly) fantastic. this franchise is the kind where basically every character is my fave, so i loved seeing them all in top form again, fighting or offering wisdom or standing strong.
so this is a movie i can only recommend if you’re in the mood to face your feelings about death, and with the awareness that you’re kind of going to be watching two movies in one...which funnily enough the poster hints at, i guess. when i remember watching it, i remember it fondly, which is why i would still recommend it--but i think i remember it that way because in my head it is so sharply separated into ‘black panther things’ and ‘everything else that could’ve been in another movie’ and i really did enjoy it on those separate levels.
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black-velvet-lady · 2 years
Reboot VS Avatar Comparison Part 1
A little while ago I stated that Reboot did much of Avatar the last Airbender’s tropes and beats a lot better then the show and I suppose I should put my money where my mouth is and explain why I think such.
Reboot was eleven years old when Avatar first came on the air and was somewhat of a children’s show rock star at the time. Especially in North America. It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine the show runners being at least a little inspired by the show. One can actually see how influential the series was when they take into account the very striking similarities between Mad Max Fury Road and the Mad Max the Road Warrior inspired episode of Reboot titled Bad Bob. Both plots involve the protagonist driving a transport truck down a deserted post apocalyptic highway, hauling a fuel source while the antagonists attempt to stop them. And then you look at the writing staff and realize Brenden McCarthy, who worked on the art during the production of Reboot, Co-wrote Mad Max Fury Road. An episode of a children’s show went on to influence a movie twenty years later.
Enough padding though lets get down to the comparison.
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The Hero
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Bob from Reboot and Aang from Avatar
Both main series protagonists are very similar. Both are goofy at times and serve the role as the main hero often coming to blows with the early villain. The part I find striking is that both have humanitarian values preferring non violent solutions to defeating their enemies. With Avatar Aang he uses the removal of bending, Bob uses reformatting of the core programming. These are later called into question as to whether they are worse or better then actual death by other characters. Reboot actually had time to bring up the reformatting of viruses and call into question that such an act erases some of victim’s personhood during the shows run time. It even presents Bob with this question and it wouldn’t be addressed until years later In the Avatar series with the advent of Amon, even still we would not see Aang confronted with this very same question until the Imbalance comic.
Heroic Siblings
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Dot and Enzo Matrix vs Sokka and Katara
Both siblings have the sister being the more parental figure of the group as well as being the love interest of the main hero, while the brother suffers from an inferiority complex brought on by being less capable then the people in his life and an older male figure in their life whom they admire.
While Katara suffers from parentification due to her being the younger sibling, Dot is not quite so burdened being the MUCH older sibling. Dot is already a responsible adult with her own thriving business and a good head on her shoulders when she is forced into the position of being a parent to her brother Enzo after the death of their actual parent Welman Matrix.
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Not the only parallel. Welman is the father but shows a kind and supportive nature while having a very close bond with his daughter Dot. He does die in a round about way, Sprites after deletion tend to turn into little slug monsters called Nulls that absorb energy like a leech. Its a rather bittersweet reunion when his consciousness returns in the form of a collection of Nulls forming a humanoid body. Dot spent a desperate amount of time trying to bring her father back and now that he’s there, she can’t even hug him cause his new form would drain her of energy.
Enzo in a similar vein to Sokka is left feeling inferior no matter how much he may try to help. He lacks in ways different from Sokka’s non-bending, he’s a kid surrounded by adults. Enzo aspires to be a successful business-man like his older sister Dot, just as much as he aspires to be a guardian like his Hero Bob. Eventually he gets his chance when Bob is sent off into the web via betrayal. Much like Sokka who desired to be a warrior and leader like his father Enzo flounders at first but gets the hang of it quickly with a unique style of his own that is not quite like Bob but is something akin to his hero.
Villain Siblings
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Megabyte and Hexadecimal vs Zuko and Azula
Personality wise Megabyte has closer comparisons to Ozai than Zuko but in a sibling Dynamic Hex and  Megabyte have closer ties to Zuko and Azula. And I would be remiss if I ignored it for character personalities. One of the closest similarities is that they both share a violent sibling rivalry but will join forces if the need arises, one gets a redemption arch while the other comes back as a more dangerous villain with a grudge, the sister is shown as more mentally unstable, both have a royalty motif throughout their design, etc etc... but how do they compare on an individual level?
Megabyte much like Zuko was a much more frequently shown villain than Hex. He has aspirations to higher power and it often brings him into conflict with the heroes as he attempts to use the main hero and their assets to achieve this end. He also has a very violent rivalry with his sister often resulting in his humiliation. This ultimately culminates in an arch where the brother has his sister captured and restrained and made to co-operate under threat of violence. Sound familiar yet?
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In this case, Megabyte is placed in the wrong clearly by the narrative, but with avatar the shoe is on the other foot. Hex and Azula deserve their on parallel page cause there is a lot to cover.
Next time.
Main Female Villain and the Treatment of Mental Illness
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
Well, didn’t get to actually watch Dogma tonight after all. Maybe tomorrow or Friday night. But I got the memes sent and answered! Besides that: - Bean is losing weight but she’s still feisty and her poops are still fairly regular and healthy which indicates she’s still eating and drinking well enough. - I kinda wonder what sign language system comics Makkari uses? I think the one in the movie uses ASL like her actress (MCU Makkari probably knows multiple sign languages across time and geography, much like the others would know spoken languages) but in the comics, she only recently became D/deaf, and since that’s not otherwise a thing with Eternals that we know of, they wouldn’t have a pre-existing sign language. My guess is it’s ASL again, since Makkari has basically lived in the US since the 1940s since the comics. Which means, since Ajak talks back with her, Ajak knows ASL. And I kinda love that. - On the subject of both Eternals and religion, no one asked/cares but I really love when the Celestials are written as just. . .alien and incomprehensible. Like, Lovecraftian almost, not in a “horror” way but as in “we fundamentally can’t understand these beings or their motives or the scale they work on” because I think that’s how “space gods” should be. I mean obviously there are the gods like Loki and Thor and so on, but like. . .the Celestials are something different and I think that’s how they should be written. Like I really liked how the Dreaming Celestial essentially couldn’t explain to Makkari why the other Celestials imprisoned him in the Earth not because it was a secret but because it involves concepts that even Makkari, an Eternal, doesn’t have references for, and likened it to explaining concepts like democracy, tyranny, and comedy to a bacterium. And it wasn’t being insulting. It was actually genuinely doing its best in this conversation to communicate with him. But they’re just too far removed from anything humans---or even Eternals--can truly understand. At least, in some writing. The above example is how Gaiman wrote them, and he did it REALLY well (he also did a good job reminding us that the Eternals too are fundamentally inhuman, and that Makkari and Sersi are just kinda weirdo outliers who are unusually like us because they hang around us so much and they’re the ones we see the most but they’re EXCEPTIONS) which is why it’s disappointing to me when other writers make them just. . .very understandable, and explain everything, and so on. Like the writer (Knauf, I think) who followed up Gaiman’s run had the Dreaming Celestial give a very understandable, comprehensible reason why he was imprisoned by the other Celestials, that he attacked Arishem for culling Deviants because he thought Arishem was violating protocol, it’s really simple. And like. . .I don’t think they should be simple. I think they should be baffling. But I’ve noticed a big Thing in comics, or at least Marvel in my own experience, is this NEED among writers to explain, explain, explain. They’ll live a million plot hole unfilled and characterization inconsistency un-addressed, but boy do they like eliminating a mystery where it actually WORKS. - In Gillen’s run, it’s established that when Ajak speaks the language of the Celestials, she sounds like a choir of angels to humans. . . and a yokel with a mouthful of straw to Celestials. I love that detail so, so much, it’s perfect. 
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thothxv · 1 year
Computers in Media
Hi! I'm a CS student. I'm going to talk about some things with computers in them. What I think they got wrong, and what I think they got right. This will be shamelessly biased. And we'll be talking about accuracy, but as we'll see, accuracy is not always my priority. I just felt like rambling for a bit.
Well, you knew it was going to be here, the infamous scene from CSI:NY. And it gets so much wrong in just 15 seconds, and in a single sentence:
"I'll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic, see if I can track an IP address."
This is a bad sentence for multiple reasons. If you are a domain expert, you recognize that this sentence, inasmuch as it means anything, is just an absurd thing to say in 2008. If you're on the middle of a murder investigation, you don't make GUIs for something there are already many standard tools for. In addition, tracking an IP address through technical means in the context described (I read a plot summary for this) would be basically impossible. Getting the IP address would involve pulling log files and then getting the ISP to map that to a customer and location if they can. All of that is a legal process, not a technical one.
But this is also bad for a much worse reason: it's meaningless to a non-technical audience. Most of the people who look at whatever you make aren't pedantic little shits like me. They're people who don't understand the domain. They might have heard the term "IP address" before, but the rest of this is just fancy gobbledygook designed to wow them.
If you don't know what you're talking about, say nothing. "I'll try to track where the posts are coming from" would have been a better phrase to use here. No technical details, but if you know how that would be done, you can fill in the blanks. If you want some more technicals, "I'll try to get the IP address the posts are coming from so we can figure out where they are" is fine. If the audience already knows how IP addresses might be used you can obviously leave off that last part. This all works when computers are on the periphery of your story, of course. If they're central, you might need more detail.
Sneakers is a thriller movie from 1992 with comedy elements. It's about a quirky team of penetration testers (for those who don't know, penetration testers are groups companies pay to try and break their own security) who get hired by the government to go steal a mysterious box from a mathematician. It's a fun movie.
Except for a level of technical accuracy that is just plain weird. Sneakers takes liberties, plenty of them, usually for the purpose of giving the audience more of a show, but everything about its fundamental premise, everything about its macguffin, is just... correct?
The below scene is spoilers for Sneakers:
I love this scene, and I especially love the music, which is just great. As for the technical aspects, I have no idea what a "quadrant" is supposed to be, and the way the team would make the discovery would, in real life, be a lot more boring. But that quick, two-sentence explanation of how all this is happening, that is correct, and I don't think I could have said it better. And as the movie goes on, it becomes increasingly clear that they probably have a specific unsolved mathematical problem in mind that this box solves. At least, I have my suspicions. I don't think it's a coincidence that Leonard Adleman was asked to consult on the film.
But, they don't bother to explain any of that. They clearly did research, despite taking a lot of liberties and implying lie detectors work. But they don't talk about it onscreen, because to the audience, the technical background doesn't matter that much. It's the inverse of that CSI scene.
Funnily enough, the tale of Sneakers' production begins with another movie about hackers. One less interested in reality, but much, much more influential in shaping it.
I don't care to rank things, so I won't. But WarGames is the most important movie on this list. Arguably, it's one of the most important movies about computers ever. For better or worse, WarGames shaped public policy, gave the public indelible images of what a hacker looked like and what they could do, and left a permanent imprint on hacker culture. DEFCON (the convention, not the US Armed Forces Defense Readiness Condition) is called DEFCON because of this movie. Wardialing is called wardialing because Matthew Broderick used that technique in this film. This movie had a direct impact on US security policy and on the development US laws around computer hacking. Kevin Mitnick was held in solitary confinement for a year because a prosecutor told a judge that if he got near a phone he could dial up NORAD and launch a nuclear missile, and the court bought it.
WarGames is a story about an AI that has been put in charge of nuclear missile launch control and could be dialed up over the phone. The AI could almost certainly not exist in 1983, and even with the lax security of the era it is extremely unlikely it would be connected to the public telephone network. WarGames doesn't care, because it's much more interested in its narrative and message than being accurate. And rightly so: it's a great movie as a result. But those choices had consequences that the writers probably couldn't have foreseen. it raised awareness and fears about computer security that were honestly kind of justified, but it also lead to the kind of mania and warped public perception of hackers that could lock someone in solitary confinement for nonsense reasons and result in overly harsh laws around computer crime.
But for all WarGames gets technically wrong, it also gets a lot of things right. Once again, the writing time consulted with all the right people, hackers and other computer experts. Approaches like wardialing were real, as were important computer systems exposed over the phone to anyone who bothered to dial in. The techniques used to crack passwords were and are very real, and can be quite effective.
And then there's the message. The idea that human judgement must be in the loop on major decisions, that trusting a machine alone is not acceptable, especially in the context of the madness of nuclear brinkmanship, where the wrong choice could literally end the world (although WarGames also takes a pretty explicitly negative stance on nuclear brinkmanship as a whole...). Sensors can fail, inputs can be wrong, someone has to actually look at the outputs and say "...really?" And this is exemplified by a scene in WarGames, right near the end, where Professor Falken has to convince the military to call off launching the missiles. He argues that what's on the monitors makes no sense, that the only logical reason for it all is a systems malfunction.
I bring this up because WarGames released on June 3, 1983. Three months later, on September 29, 1983, the world was saved by Stanislav Petrov arriving at the same realization when Soviet nuclear early-warning satellites detected incoming missiles that weren't there. If that's not chilling, I don't know what is.
For all its tangled legacy in popular culture, at least this new fear of random kids dialing into computer systems will mean they'll be made more secure.
...it will mean they'll be made more secure, right?
Why are you looking at me like that?
The Cuckoo's Egg
I keep bringing up this book, because it's great. The Cuckoo's Egg is different from everything else I've discussed, because The Cuckoo's Egg, despite reading like a bit like a zany cold war spy thriller, is non-fiction. This really happened. In 1986, an astronomer-turned-sysadmin at UC Berkeley really did discover and track down a computer hacker trying to break into US military computers to find information to sell to the soviets.
This does mean I don't need to talk about whether or not this book is accurate. It is. What stands out about The Cuckoo's Egg, in its depiction of computers, is its ability to be read by a lay audience. Unlike every other good example I've covered, which are movies that took a basically correct technical idea and ran with it while working hard to get the big stuff right and create a veneer of reality, The Cuckoo's Egg has to get into the nitty-gritty of some relatively technical subjects. The emacs movemail exploit, the differences between BSD and System V, password cracking, other technical subjects are key to the story and need to be explained. And it's very good at this. It explains enough to understand the story, but doesn't fall into the trap of overexplaining. It's very good at picking the right details to cover and the right ones to simplify or not discuss. And you can see the difference between it and the paper that the author wrote discussing the incident for a technical audience.
Jurassic Park
"It's a UNIX system! I know this."
In Jurassic Park we see a quintessential example of the Hollywood Computer UI. Everything is flashy 3D and UIs that make little to no sense in reality as something you'd actully use but look cool and scan easily on the big screen. Nobody in their right mind would use a faux-3D file explorer like this one. It's full of slow, clunky transitions, and that awkward slowness is fantastic for cinematic tension but miserable in real life. With a famously special-effects heavy movie like Jurassic Park, you can imagine that time and budget that went into making this fancy 3D visualization.
That's right, zero time and budget. I think this is more common knowledge now, but that 3D file explorer is a real program. It's called fsn, and it would have come packed in with the SGI graphics workstations that were being used to animate them dinosaurs, as a way of showing off the machines' 3D graphics capabilities. Of course, it's a total toy, just a demo really, and nobody would use it on a daily basis. It's real... but unrealistic.
Mind, I don't care. Film is a visual medium, and it's not a crime to use some visuals or visual metaphors that normally don't appear on real computers. Like I said, accuracy is not my primary concern... so long as it's not jarring or immersion breaking. And while it would never happen as depicted, hunting through the filesystem to try and guess the command to do something is something I've definitely done.
Mr. Robot
Didn't watch it much, but I feel like it would get brought up if I didn't mention it. Mr. Robot was well known for getting technical details correct. From what I've seen, it does in fact do this.
The same is true of all of the following:
Silicon Valley
The technical consultants don't want to be yelled at on Reddit. Apparently some people who work in Silicon Valley have had to take breaks from the show because it got too real for them.
Halt and Catch Fire
I remember a story I heard on a podcast about a programmer who wanted to watch this show with his son, and his son asked if there was normally this much sex in computers (the answer was no), and apparently just seemed bored by all the sex and asked if they could watch something else.
This more or less summarizes my opinion of Halt and Catch Fire. It seems to be pretty accurate from what I saw of it, but I stopped watching because I got tired of all the boring, boring, boring sex and related drama.
Okay, back to things I want to talk about.
Speaking of notorious hacking sequences:
...What could I possibly have to complain about? This is the best thing ever.
This is really a great example of those terrible nonsense UIs I was talking about. And that random pseudo-rubik's-cube visualization? Why? And don't get me started on "cyber nukes."
Like I said, visualizations are fine, but this is just silly. Even someone who knows nothing about computers would know this is silly. Maybe that's the point but it just... really pulls you right out of the scene. This would have worked way better if they were more vague about the specifics of the "hacking" and focused on the conversation and personal stuff.
In conclusion: Masterpiece. 10/10, no notes.
In 1982, the academy award for best visual effects went to... E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The Saturn Award went to E.T. as well, and only the BAFTA Award for Best Visual Special Effects even nominated Tron.
This is because the Academy believed that using computers for visual effects was cheating.
We've talked about real things, realistic things, and stories that don't care about being real but want to feel real. Tron is none of those things. Is it realistic? No! Of course not! It's nonsense! But who cares? Tron basically wants to be a digital Alice in Wonderland. It's just using computers to paint a cool world inspired by videogames. I wouldn't say there's much deeper meaning.
But it just looks cool.
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