#I would add clay and bake but I’m not sure how the paint or eye gloss would hold up
keskeaa · 5 months
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BREAKING NEWS: crack found on olive the otter.
so today I kinda maybe sorta dropped her down some stairs. I think i just gotta fill the gap with glue and paint over it? The whole head is still one piece thankfully, just cracked on one side. Also somehow the paint job survived the ordeal!
If anyone has any ideas or tips on fixing her, lmk!
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27emailsicantsend · 2 years
the rina headcanons are endless!! it would be verrrryyy cute if we ever got rina baking together. it is very necessary to see them having a flour fight and having a frost-off to see who can ice the GF cupcakes better (my money is on Ms. Porter those turkey cupcakes looked expert level). we also deserve to see ricky teaching gina how to skateboard in this summer montage bc imagine him holding her by the waist gently while she holds his shoulders and her knees are kinda locked bc she’s nervous and is completely padded up…yeah i like to suffer with these thoughts.
also random but i would loveee a proper halloween episode bc we absolutely NEED to see rina in a haunted house bc yes gina would be protecting ricky. hes so malewife i cant 😭. one of these days i may have to slip out of anon mode and dump all my ideas on you privately haha but hiii it is me bday anon 🧁!
the expo gave us SO much i can’t even process what all this means for s4 but seeing the chemistry between sof and josh as rina is so heartwarming they work so well together i already know rina are going to be the most annoyingly cute couple when they finally get together. can you say ‘IT couple!’ and im totally projecting here bc i always wanted to do this but all the guys i ever dated were losers but i would d-word for a scene where rina are doing face masks together!! idk something about that is so sweet to me, especially if its gina smearing clay mask on for him and ricky being totally into it. (!!!) and since josh likes to paint his nails, it would be a cute nod to that if gina ever polished ricky’s nails. like imagine him with the cucumber slices over his eyes ike a diva while gina is giggling as she paints his nails in some pastel color. very bestie-turned-boyfriend energy! <33
BDAY ANON I MISSED YOU!!! Thank you for always showing up with a little cupcake 🥹
Ok but for real how did she frost those turkeys that well?? I’m literally a decade older than her and I do be struggling making anything meaningful in my kitchen lmao (and I eat mostly gluten free too so I just KNOW those were not easy to make). Also, completely unnecessary side note, Sofia is gluten free so they added that in as a call out to her IRL. They didn’t need to specify the cupcakes were GF so I thought that was a cute little shout out :)
And OMG I am like 90% sure I saw someone do a fan art of her standing on his skateboard and holding onto him 😭 (I can’t remember if they were kissing in it or not but how CUTE would that be, especially with their height difference!)
AND THE HALLOWEEN ONE IS SO GOOD. Like imagine him just quaking and crying and she has to lead him through, but then she gets a little scared sometimes and they call each other chicken again 😭 where I live (not sure if other places are like this) every one of our haunted houses end with someone chasing you through with a chain saw (no chain) 😂 it is the most traumatic and funny thing and the amount of screaming and panicking that happen in the end is so funny. I know it’s to get people to get out of the haunted house quickly but BOY is it funny. I would d*e if I saw them both run out in absolute fear from the ✨fake✨ chainsaw man
We were FED at D23. There was NO REASON for them to add the triangle to the choreo in their performance outside of fan service and you want to know what? I ate it up EVERY time I watched! And I’ll do it again!!
And trust me I totally get that!!! I 100% live vicariously through my rom coms and books so I don’t blame you 😂 (sorry you dated jerks though- I hope you find your own rina type love story some day 🥲)
And that is SO cute and we absolutely know ricky would do it. He would probably be the one who keeps bugging gina to go shopping for the supplies, asking her a million questions about the spa night, and would proudly brag and wear his colored nails. TBH it reminds me so much of Jim and Pam. Like we KNOW Jim would literally wear the dumbest outfit or do something that makes him look silly if Pam asked. And Ricky just RADIATES Jim energy. I’m so obsessed with these ships like I’m down BAD!!!
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I always LOVE seeing customized Furbies, whether it’s more simple or extreme cutomizations, I’ve always admired and wanted to be more involved in the Furby Community. For a while, I didn’t quite know how to go about it, especially with deciding on how I would customize a faceplate, but I’ve recently been able gather the materials and figure things out. So here’s my first ever Furby!!! (つ >▽< )つ ·₊˚☆
I definitely view him as some sort of oracle or prophet, so I’ll call them ⋆*⊹☽⍋  Scryer  ⍋☾⊹*⋆ especially because of how it’s eyes look similar to scrying mirrors. 
It may be a little trivial and unimportant, but I usually try to incorporate the pronouns of my creations in the paragraphs I write about them in my posts. But to state it a little clearer just because ¯\_ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ_/¯ (and for my sake in remembering), I’m feeling like xe/xem/xir (or xyr), he/him, it/its and they/them are what fit well (plenty of other neopronouns would fit well too, but that would be kind of a long list to write, so these are the main ones I have in mind). 
He has a very obvious cryptid-theme as well, and I was particularly inspired by the jackalope. For a while, I was thinking of giving them a pair of long rabbit ears to really lean into the jackalope theme, but I decided that would probably be a bit too busy, in terms of potential visual clutter. 
⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋
Using photo references, I made the faceplate, antlers and feet with polymer clay, the antlers also have wire in them for strength. Xir eyes are two black glass marbles. I made the eyelids separately from the rest of the face at first, I modeled them around the marbles, then carefully pulled them off (retaining the shape) and baked them with the other clay components. The ears, antlers and faceplate have wire sticking out of the ends to aid in attatching them to the body securely (I actually stuck the external wire in after baking, but it would have been best to add the wire beforehand). 
After baking the clay, I gave everything a few coats of paint (especially because it took me a few tries to get the colours right). I made the ears out of brown felt on the inner part, and some furry yarn layed and glued around he edges and along the back side. After the parts were finished and assembled, I hot glued them onto his body. 
The body it a simple oblong, rounded shape that I crocheted with furry yarn, since I didn’t have any furry fabric. I’ve used this same yarn in quite a few other projects before, but I got a lot of it for a past birthday and it’s what I have ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I also stuffed the body with some rocks near the bottom, to keep it weighed down and avoid top-heaviness. The clay feet also help keep balance. 
⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋ ☾ ⍋ O ⍋ ☽ ⍋
I’m really proud of how xe turned out! It made me really happy and excited to see it all coming together, and the final result is much more than I could have hoped for!!!  Σ>―(〃^ω^〃)→ ♡♡♡
I definitely would like to make another Furby in the future, ESPECIALLY a long Furby. Once I’m able to find a decent amount of furry fabric that I like, that will FOR SURE be a project that I’ll want to do. 
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juliandev0rak · 3 years
Into The Wild  
Chapter 3: Goldenrod
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✧ Into The Wild Series ✧ playlist ✧
Words: 3055
“Willa! She took my beads!” 
“Willa, Lucio told us there are sharks in the lake, is that true?” 
“Willa I got a paper cut!” 
Willa takes a seat at the front of the arts and crafts cabin and takes a moment to breathe and re-center. She’s been at Camp Vesuvia for two weeks now, and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t exhausted from being constantly on. Someone always needs something from her, and there's only so much coffee one person can drink to stay energetic and peppy through it all. 
She gives herself thirty more seconds to wallow a bit, and then she’ll get back to the campers. Willa breathes in slowly as she watches the little hand on her watch tick out the seconds, and exhales. Thirty seconds are up.
“Ok campers, gather up!” Willa calls, her enthusiasm only slightly fabricated, her smile only slightly tired. 
Thirty minutes later, the campers are happily working on their art projects and Willa has another chance for a break. She likes to give them free choice most of the time, they can do anything they want with the supplies in the cabin. Some of the campers are painting, others making bracelets, and one kid in the corner seems to be making a spaceship out of modeling clay. It's chaos, but Willa likes to think it's the organized kind, or at least the fun kind. 
She steps outside to check on a group of campers making flower chains, humming as she walks. The hum gets stuck in her throat as Willa stops, looking around the empty clearing in confusion, and then panic. The kids she’d seen only five minutes before have vanished, and though it's not unusual for campers to wander off to some other activity, they’re supposed to tell her first.
Willa is about to call Nadia for help when she hears a camper’s voice say, “Is that a wolf!?” 
The word “wolf” puts her on alert and Willa hurriedly follows the sound of the camper around the side of the arts and crafts cabin. She sighs in relief at the sight of the kids she’d been looking for. And sure enough, they’re busy petting a large black wolf. 
Her first instinct is to pull the campers away, but the wolf looks up at her with kind eyes and Willa realizes that she knows this wolf. “Inanna! What are you doing here?” She scratches her behind the ears and Inanna sniffs at her hand happily. “Is Muriel around?” 
Inanna stops licking her and turns towards the building next door, a storage shed with a door ajar, and Willa realizes that Inanna is giving her directions. She turns towards the campers first to give them a quick lecture on not approaching unfamiliar animals, especially wolves, and sends them back inside. Muriel steps out of the storage shed and nearly hits his head on the top of the door frame in his surprise as he sees Willa.
“Muriel! Over here!” she calls, waving him over. For a moment it looks like he’s going to walk away, but he finally turns towards her. He stops several feet away and Inanna trots over to his side.
“Can I help you with something?” Muriel asks.
“I was just wondering what you’re doing,” Willa smiles, leaning down to pick up a flower one of the campers had dropped on the path. It’s a dandelion, some people would call it a weed, but Willa has always liked those sorts of flowers best. 
“I’m working.”
“What are you working on?”
Muriel looks at her warily. “You ask a lot of questions.” 
“Yes, I’ve been told that before,” she laughs, her fingers busy twirling the stem of the flower.
“I help Nadia sometimes, around the camp. There was a light out in the shed,” Muriel explains, pointing back towards the small cabin he’d just exited.
“Oh, we’ve got a lightbulb out in the arts and crafts cabin too! I uh, couldn’t reach it and i couldn’t find a ladder or I would’ve changed it myself,” Willa turns towards the still open cabin door. She points to the back corner where a lightbulb flickers faintly. “If you’ve got a minute, could you replace it?” 
Muriel regards her for a moment and then turns to walk away in the opposite direction. She watches him incredulously and walks back into the cabin with a huff, “How rude.”
A few minutes later, Willa is busy helping a camper with a tangled bracelet when Muriel enters the cabin. A few of the campers greet him as “Ranger Muriel” and Willa can’t help but smile at the way he greets the campers back. He knows a lot of their names and seems interested in the projects they’re working on.
“Where did you go?” Willa asks as he approaches her table.
“To get a lightbulb.” He holds it up to show her and crosses over to the left side of the room where the dead light is.
“Oh,” Willa says, feeling bad for assuming he was being rude. “Thank you.” 
It takes him only a minute to change out the lightbulb, but when he’s done he doesn’t leave. Instead, he walks over to where Willa is sitting, awkwardly hovering for a minute before she notices him and looks up.
“What are you working on?” he asks. It takes him a minute to get all of the words out, as if the question took a lot of effort to ask.
“I’m making a friendship bracelet!” She holds it up to show him. It’s a design of her own making, a repeating pattern of different kinds of leaves all made in green thread. If a certain green-eyed park ranger was the inspiration for the color palette, she’ll never tell. 
“It’s nice.” 
“Thank you!” Willa says proudly, setting the bracelet back down carefully. “Would you like to make one?” 
Muriel takes a step towards the door. “I should get back to the station.” 
“Of course. Feel free to stop by any time!” she smiles. He gives her a nod as he leaves, and Willa’s attention is soon pulled away by campers.
Later that evening, Willa finds herself huddled over the fire pit mourning the loss of yet another marshmallow. She can’t seem to toast a marshmallow without catching it on fire. Asra comes over to watch as she tries again, and this time goes marginally better, she’s able to blow the fire out before her marshmallow burns to a crisp. 
“I wouldn’t eat that,” Asra says, eyeing the charcoal colored marshmallow. 
Willa adds a piece of chocolate and smushes it between two graham crackers without a care. She eats the s’more in one giant bite, wiping chocolate off of her chin as she chews. “Well, it’s a good thing that was my marshmallow then.” 
“You’re bad at s’mores,” Asra frowns.
“There’s no wrong way to s’more, Asra, you’re a marshmallow snob!” Willa points the end of her metal marshmallow skewer at him and he backs up, holding his hands up defensively.
“I am not, I just prefer my s’mores to be edible.” 
“Perhaps my tastebuds are more developed than yours,” Willa teases, “I can appreciate the delicate flavor of blackened marshmallow.” 
“Sure, you just keep telling yourself that,” Asra laughs. He walks off to join the rest of the camp staff on the other side of the amphitheater, leaving Willa to her marshmallow pyromania. 
“You’re too impatient, you have to cook it low and slow,” the now-familiar gruff voice comes from behind Willa, startling her.
She turns towards Muriel, her face pulling into a grin at the sight of him, “You came!” 
Muriel’s lips pull up into the barest hint of a smile as he looks back at her, but his eyes quickly shift away. “You’re a fire hazard, I had to make sure you weren’t going to set the forest on fire.” 
“It’s not my fault all the marshmallows spontaneously combust!” 
“You’re too impatient,” Muriel repeats.
“I am not impatient!” Willa frowns and shoves another marshmallow onto her skewer, nearly stabbing her hand on the pointy end. 
“Careful,” Muriel eyes her cautiously, keeping a safe distance away from the sharp end of her stick.
“Fine, if you’re so good at roasting marshmallows show me how to do it.” Willa holds the skewer out to him and he grabs it, their hands briefly touching as she passes it over. They both recoil as if they’ve been burned and Muriel clears his throat as he turns away from her and towards the fire. 
“Hold it over a smaller piece of wood, away from the fire.” Muriel demonstrates, holding the marshmallow low over one of the smoldering logs instead of putting it directly into the fire as Willa does. She watches him intently, but she’s looking at his face rather than the marshmallow lesson. In the firelight, she traces the sharp line of his jaw with her eyes, marking the shape of his nose, his eyebrows, his lips. 
“See?” Muriel hands her the skewer, breaking her out of her daze. Sure enough, the marshmallow is perfectly golden brown, not a burn mark in sight.
“You’re a wizard, this has to be witchcraft,” Willa marvels. But even magical marshmallows need to be eaten. She prepares a s’more and hands it to Muriel, who seems quite surprised to be handed the sweet treat.
“It’s not magic, it’s patience.” Muriel takes a bite of the s’more and Willa watches as his eyes close halfway and his lips pull into another rare smile at the taste. He must like sweets, Willa makes a note to remember that. Maybe she’ll bake him something. She notices a bit of chocolate on his cheek, next to his lips, and reaches up to brush it off without a thought. 
“You had chocolate on your face,” she explains as Muriel pulls back in surprise. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok.” Muriel looks away, but the fire is just bright enough to illuminate his blushing face.
“Alright, I’m gonna try it,” Willa changes the subject, sparing them both the awkwardness. She prepares another marshmallow, gently rotating it over the log as she’d seen Muriel do. 
Her marshmallow is not quite as perfect as Muriel’s was, but it still tastes great. Whether it's the amount of sugar she’s had or her proximity to Muriel, she feels more awake than she has all week, and bolder too. “I made you something.” 
“You— what?” Muriel’s eyes widen as he looks at her.
“I made you a friendship bracelet.” Willa reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls the bracelet out. She doesn’t know when she decided to give it to him, but it feels like he should have it. 
“A friendship bracelet?”
“Yes! We’re friends, aren’t we?” Willa holds it out to him and he takes it, holding it carefully as if it’s breakable.
“I guess.” 
Willa laughs, shaking her head at his comment. “You saved me from a bear, that makes us friends.” 
Muriel holds the bracelet in the palm of his hand, his eyes still glued to the green woven threads. “You don’t have to give me this, are you sure?” 
“Of course I’m sure, I made it with you in mind,” Willa admits. “Here let me help you put it on, if you want.” 
Muriel holds his wrist out, and when Willa’s hand rests on his arm they both freeze, looking at each other briefly before their eyes move away. She tries to focus on the task at hand and carefully ties the bracelet onto his wrist. His skin is so warm against hers, and his hand is calloused. Willa resists the urge to run her fingers along the lines of his palm, but she still lets her hands linger longer than they should. 
“There. I think it suits you.” Willa takes a step back and sits down on the amphitheater bench, stretching her legs out in front of her. Muriel hesitates for a moment before taking a seat next to her, closer than she would’ve expected. They sit in companionable silence for a minute until two campers run up to ask Willa a question. 
“You’re good with them,” Muriel comments after the kids have scampered off.
“The campers are sweet, most of the time,” Willa smiles, thinking of some of the more mischievous kids she’s met over the last few weeks. “I think it must be hard to be away from your family for so long, eight weeks is a long time for a child.” 
“Mmm,” Muriel agrees. He busies himself with tracing the leaf pattern on his bracelet, his fingers working their way around the trail of leaves and back around again. 
Willa leans back, tilting her head up towards the sky and the stars which are just starting to appear. “I was shy as a kid, and I pretty much only had my family since we lived in the middle of nowhere. I think a camp like this would’ve been good for me. I did go camping with my family a few times, but that’s not the same. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?” 
“Do you have any siblings?” 
“I never knew my family,”  Muriel replies, looking vaguely uncomfortable at the admission.  
She turns to look at him, but he keeps his gaze fixed to the ground. “I’m sorry.” 
Muriel nods at her sympathetic comment and turns to look up at the sky. He shoves his hands into his jacket pocket and sighs, his voice a bit softer as he asks, “Do you have siblings?” 
“I’ve got two brothers, one older and one younger,” Willa replies, her thoughts turning to the family she left behind to move to the city. It's been years since she last saw her brothers, and being in a place like this makes her miss them more than usual.
“Do you miss your family?” Muriel seems surprised at his own question, as if he didn’t mean to say it aloud.
“I miss my brothers, but my parents... well, I think we get along better from a distance,” she sighs. “Things are complicated.”   
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s ok.” For a moment Willa thinks about saying more. She wants to tell him everything, where she’s been, where she wants to go. She’s pretty sure that he’d listen. But Willa’s not ready for that yet, she doesn’t want to ruin the fragile friendship they have, so she changes the subject again.
“A few of us are going into town later since we have tomorrow off. There’s a little bar that does karaoke on Friday nights, Asra and Portia roped me into it. You could come with us if you want.” She has a feeling she already knows what his answer will be, but she doesn’t want to miss out on the slight chance of spending more time with him. 
“I don’t sing.” 
“Well, I must warn you, if you don’t go you’ll be missing out on Asra and I dueting every song in ABBA’s discography, complete with choreography,” she says. To her surprise Muriel laughs, the sound deep and gravely and somehow very comforting. Willa joins in with him, unable to stop the smile spreading across her face.
“I hope you have fun.” 
“If I come back tomorrow with my voice gone, blame Asra,” she laughs, looking across the fire at her friend who is busy talking to Nadia. 
A few moments pass in silence as Willa watches sparks fly from the fire, bright spots of gold standing out against the dark sky. Finally she looks up at Muriel, her breath catching a little in her throat as she tries to think of something to say. She wants to ask him to stay, to spend more time with her, but instead she says, “Thanks for showing me how to roast the perfect marshmallow.” 
She playfully nudges his shoulder with hers and Muriel looks down at her. He stiffens a bit but doesn’t pull away as she lets her shoulder rest against his arm. Then suddenly Asra is standing in front of her and Willa pulls away from Muriel, trying to hide the way her face flushes. 
“Willa, you ready to go?” Asra asks, giving her a teasing grin.
“Yep!” Her voice is a tad too loud and she winces at the squeakiness. She stands up and brushes dirt off of her jeans, turning back to look at Muriel again. “You sure you don’t want to come?”
“I’m sure.” 
“I’ll see you around, then.” Willa turns away, taking a step towards Asra.
“Willa, wait,” Muriel calls, and her heart leaps into her throat as she looks back at him.
“Thank you for the bracelet. It’s nice,” he says, just loud enough for her to hear him.
“You’re welcome! We’re friends, that’s what friends do.” She gives him one last smile and turns to follow Asra and Portia out of the amphitheater.
“So, ‘friends’ huh?” Asra teases.
“Shut up or I’m not singing Mamma Mia with you,” Willa grumbles.
Asra puts his arm around her shoulders, giving her a quick squeeze. “You wouldn’t be able to resist.” 
“I hate that you’re right.”
“I’m usually right. And am I also right in guessing that you have a crush on Muriel?” 
“Oh please, that’s not a guess, that's just an obvious fact,” Portia adds. “Even the campers know about it.” 
“They do!?” Willa’s eyes go wide, wondering how the whole camp could possibly know when she’s only just figuring it out herself.  
“Yeah, earlier I heard a camper say that they ‘ship it’,” Asra laughs. 
Willa puts her head in her hands, shaking her head in dismay. “Oh no.” 
“So...you’re not denying it?” Asra asks. Willa’s car comes into view as they walk up the hill towards the front of camp and she tosses her keys at Asra.
“You can drive.” 
“Answer the question,” Portia prods as she gets into the back seat of the car. 
“I’m not denying it.” Both of her friends turn to look at her with mouths wide open in surprise and Willa flushes red, focusing her attention on buckling her seatbelt. 
“So you admit it then, you have a crush on him?” Portia grins. “Oh, I definitely have a crush on him,” Willa sighs.
“And what are you going to do about it?” Asra asks. 
“Honestly? I have no idea.”
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
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So I’ve been asked “HOW DO YOU EVEN. DO THAT. GOD.”  and other questions approximately in that area.  Well, you can find out, through the power of the ridiculous number of progress photos I took while making these!  I’m pretty much self-taught, so some of these steps might be a bit weird and convoluted, I’m just out here trying my best.
Alright, let’s start out with materials.  Most of the construction is done in Super Sculpey Living Doll, which is the creepiest possible name they could have given this clay.  It ends up slightly translucent when baked, and it’s surprisingly durable as well, which is excellent if you are like me and drop it on the floor constantly.
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First step, schematics.  I was intending these as scale drawings, but then I decided not to go through with the larger size and more complicated joint system.  Having a sense of the shapes you’re going for does make it a lot easier later on.  I ended up leaving out the double-jointed knees, as well as changing the shoulder and ankle joints somewhat as well.
For the rest of the materials, I’ve got superglue, something to spread the superglue with, pliers, pencil and eraser, sewing pins, felting needle, pipecleaner wire, ruler, acrylic paint, matte varnish, watercolor pencils, paintbrush, purple marker, aluminum foil, non-serrated knife, fork, and permanent markers.  You can use something closer to actual sculpting tools, or more paint, but this is just the stuff I had lying around the house.
I bought a couple of kind of sketchy molds off I’m not even sure where on the internet anymore.  They are not intended for doll-making, they are intended for those little sugar figurines you put on cake.  Do I care?  No.  I mostly hand-sculpted these guys anyway, and here are the major shapes I ended up constructing.  Particularly for Jack, some of the pieces are sculpted around an aluminum-foil core.
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Here’s a view of my desk, partway through the sculpting process.  This posture is not recommended for sculpting, but I had found a hat and wanted to feel like I was some kind of noir detective.  
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Heads are a pretty simple shape.  Sculpting the face basically consists of sticking on a triangle for a nose, then smoothing in the edges and poking it around a little bit to create the vague idea of cheekbones, eye sockets, and so on and so forth.  Sculpt in some collarbones if you are, like me, very emotionally invested in collarbones.  This is perfectly normal.  
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Before baking the clay, make sure to poke a hole in all the joints to glue in wire later.  The first diagram shows where these need to go.  DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS.  (I forgot to do this.)  This is a cross-section of how the wiring for the neck will sit eventually.  (Except in the case of Stephen, because I forgot to do this.  If you also forget, this situation could probably be fixed by drilling a hole with a very small drill, but I’m very afraid of power tools and instead spent an inordinate amount of time doing foolish things with knives, and his head still won’t stay on.  Be better than me.)
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Another view of my desk.  Craft pipecleaner wire is fairly sturdy, and I haven’t yet found an alternative to removing the fluff with pliers and using that.  It is very tiring and time-consuming, make sure you have snacks and maybe a video to watch.  Stay hydrated, nutritioned, and entertained, and remain calm.  This is a long and torturous process, do not torture yourself more if you don’t have to.  Also, you’ll live if you get superglue on your fingers, but be careful anyway.  If possibly, work in a ventilated area as well.
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The process of joint creation went largely un-photographed, as I was engaged in the more attention-consuming process of cursing at tangles of wire and cloth tape for hours upon hours.
I wrapped the wire connections and the ends of the clay pieces in some sort of cloth tape I found in a closet, and where necessary, filled in some gaps with wool and pieces of craft foam.  (Very Small Jack is about 30% craft foam, which means he is Huggable and Pleasantly Squishy.  Tiny Stephen only has these adjustments around the knees, and he is, in comparison, Stiff and About As Huggable As A Desk Lamp.)
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The process for shoulders is slightly different.  Instead of a wire connecting the two clay pieces, the arms have wire hooks connected directly through the torso by a tiny rubber band.  (Dental rubber bands are truly fantastic and I don’t know what I would do without them.)  I’ve added some cloth tape wrapping here as well, for added stability.  
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Next up, hair and faces.  I’ve added some color around the joints in watercolor pencil, added eyes and so forth in permanent marker, and painted in the hairline and eyebrows with dubious paint I got from my neighbor.  A little bit of color on the cheeks in watercolor as well, particularly for Jack, and scars in white watercolor pencil.  I added a little bit of matte varnish on the fingernails for some contrast.  (I had leftover clay, so I also ended up making a tiny dragon, which shows up in a couple of the photos.)
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The hair is made of brushed yarn (I’ll make a separate post to talk through that, as it’s a bit of a process in its own right.)  I’m gluing on longer pieces in a spiraling pattern.
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Gluing on hair, bit by bit.  He looks a bit like Henry Le Vesconte and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
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After some trimming and styling, he’s looking good!
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Now, my favorite trick here is what can be done with a lavender marker.  This is just a fairly light-colored standard purple felt-tip, but in combination with the slightly translucent clay, it makes really nice false shadows that add a lot of depth to the faces.  Go crazy with it, it’s fun. 
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So yeah!  That’s how I do what I do!  This got quite long, so I think I’ll do the the rest of the explaining (clothing, shoes, etc.) in a separate post sometime later.  Hope this was helpful, and thank you so much for all the love and kind words, it means a lot to me!
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justvibings-things · 2 years
Hello everyone, welcome to my furby tutorial this is how I make my clay faceplates (oven baked) part 1 first, you will need!
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3 things of clay 1 coloured 2 white clay 3 a colour for the beak of course and if you you would like you can also have a colour for the eyes and black for the eye ball too. Otherwise you could just paint them. :) A pair of scissors, a flat (clean!!) surface and a cylinder shaped object for rolling. Or just a roller but I don’t have one so I have to use this toner bottle.
Step 2: Get your coloured clay and round it into 3 balls 2 the same size and one smaller. you can choose the sizes of these balls but I recommend going not to small cause it’s easier to make that way.
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Step 3: put your finger in each of these circular shaped clay and move it around until it has a perfect hole in it. Now is the time that I recommend you put your hair up and make sure your hands are clean and dry cause you don’t want to cook your faceplate only to realise there’s a hair cooked into it!
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Step 4: put your beautiful 0s aside and pick up more of your coloured clay. Grab some and roll it on your flat surface until it is flat
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Next, grab your flat pancake and cut it till it looks something like this
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Now you can place your weird caves of clay on your flat pancake and add a between eye sphere!
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Now it is eye time! So put aside your weird creation and take out your white Clay! Pick out two similar amounted white clay and roll them into spheres! My white clay is dirty so I’m going to paint it after I cook it
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Now simply place your spheres on the eye holes and create the sphere with your beak colour and round it into a sphere too! Then grab your scissors and cut into it to create that lovely open beak look!
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Anyway, this does it for part one because tumblr won’t let me add any more pictures
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yeochikin · 4 years
pottery class. | c. san
a/n: thank you @s1ardusk for requesting. ngl i loved writing this aaa 🥺🥺🥺 also heheheh chamomile and strawberry hehehe 👉👈 dfhjdfh anyways, hope you enjoyed it! as usual, do excuse any mistakes as this has not been proofread! ✨💖
soft music played through your earphones as your eyes were focused on the notes you had written down, head nodding up and down softly to match with the beats filling your ears. your lips moved absentmindedly as you read through your notes, pursing them occasionally upon seeing the slight mistakes you had written which you made quick work of fixing them right away. you are in your own little world.
on the other hand, a pair of curious dark brown eyes peeked into your room, half of their body being hidden from the outside. san, the owner of said body, slowly crept up towards your seemingly unguarded figure, hunched over your desk. his hands reached up as a mischievous grin settled itself upon his lips before starting to part them, taking a deep breath. 
“what do you want, san?” came your nonchalant voice, turning around in your seat to look at the male who was frozen with his hands in the air.
huffing, san’s arms came down to rest at his sides as his eyes glared down at your own unamused ones. ‘no fun’ he whispered underneath his breath, causing you to laugh lightly, playfully poking his side.
“y/n, my best friend, my whole shining star in my darkest nights, my little-” he started.
“you need something, don’t you?” you deadpanned, crossing your legs on top of the other, eyeing him knowingly.
san, pouted at you, a look you know all too well from the years of being friends with him. 
“so i saw this thing…” he started, now walking to sit on the edge of your bed, leaning on his elbows that were resting on both knees as his fingers were intertwined.
“san.. what exactly is this ‘thing’?” you interrupted, the male quickly shushing you. with a roll of your eyes, you leaned back against your chair and urged for him to continue.
“i’m not gonna tell you that but all i know is that it’s a new thing the both of us are gonna like.” he said confidently, grinning his dimpled smile. 
tongue against the inside of your cheek, you caught the glimpse of excitement twinkling in his eyes. you hesitated. from the years of knowing san, he is described as the ball of energy in your life while you are the hermit of this friendship and would much prefer to stay indoors, your safe haven as you will. it wasn’t because you’re lazy but trying new things would always create so many thoughts and conclusions running around in your mind, even though you had never tried it. 
sensing the hesitation, san walked up to you, and grabbed both of your hands into his larger ones, thumb rubbing against your knuckles as if to ease the anxious feeling bubbling up in your chest. san always knew the slight panicked look in your eyes, no matter how much you tried to not show it. but he is always there by your side, giving you time to calm your nerves, even if it took days for you to finally be ready. and by the time you needed to actually do it, he would stay behind you and offer praises to you, saying how well you are doing, and how.. ‘awesome’ you are, as he worded it. with both eyes casted on your hands being held, san spoke up, effectively gaining your attention. 
“it’ll be okay, i promise. you have me.” he spoke, voice all soft that managed to make your shoulders relax as you feel the tension that was built slowly fading away. finally making up your mind, you looked up at san who was already anticipating your answer, his lips curling up into an ecstatic grin upon seeing the nod of your head.
“so, this is what you wanted to show me?” you said, looking up at the sign above the doorway to what seems to be a studio, decorated with hand painted flowers along with little leaves.
san, who was excitedly bouncing on the balls of feet, nodded his head before placing his hand on your lower back to urge the both of you to enter.
turns out, the thing he wanted the both of you to try was a pottery class. his friend, wooyoung, had suggested it while the two were hanging out one day. the class managed to pique his interest, immediately having the image of your mini mug collection back at your place flashing in his mind. he didn’t exactly understand why someone would have a collection but he shouldn’t comment on that considering he has his own collection of plushies in his room. so he thought, why the hell not? you loved mugs and having to make one of your own? surely, you would love it.
and here you are, listening intently to the instructor who had her fingers shaping the clay almost effortlessly, courtesy from the long years of experience of doing so. though, you couldn’t say the same to yourself. you emitted a low at the way your clay almost falling off of the pottery wheel, managing to catch it before it landed on the floor to create a mess in your station. sadly, even though you caught it, the slab of clay was squished in between your fingers at the tight grip. 
san, who was sitting beside you and witnessed the whole thing can’t help but to burst out in a fit of giggles. you could only pout over at him before starting over yet again, wetting your fingers slightly and turning the wheel, this time careful not to let the clay fall off once again. your eyes widened ever so slightly in awe from the way the clay was moulded into the shape you want, grinning victoriously at the result.
while you were occupied, you failed to notice a pair of eyes from a certain raven haired male watching your every movement. san’s fingers were running up and down the clay absentmindedly, though he should be focusing on the instructor’s voice, you were far more entertaining to the boy instead. he couldn’t help but to coo internally from the way the tip of your tongue had peeked out at the corner of your lips with your brows creasing in concentration, the little smile on your lips as a sign of you mentally praising yourself caused san to feel his chest swell up in happiness.
he knew that you had a bit of a difficulty in stepping out of your comfort zone, and he is always prepared to stay by your side, knowing how much you needed the reassurance at times. even if you had a strong front, the years of growing up with you made him see right through it easily. it is when you finally started to ease up in new situations that made san feel proud. proud of you to try things even if you had a slight fear of them, proud of you to open up in seizing brand new memories with him. 
and even if you didn’t enjoy them, it was okay. san would bring you to your favourite tea place the next day, not only for the pastries and baked goods there, but he knew how much you liked to watch the tea maker make your teas with such grace before pouring them into the many themed tea sets she kept. he won’t even miss the fact that you would silently gush over the woman with her significant other whenever they called each other chamomile and strawberry, as cheesy as it sounds.
consider it as a reward for you to still embrace new experiences in life whether you like them or not.
“san, you’re supposed to make a mug, not a plate!” your voice cut his train of thoughts, immediately snapping his gaze down at the clay before gasping out loud. the clay he had shaped into a perfect mug (as he claimed it) was now a large flat clay still spinning on the pottery wheel, eliciting a frustrated groan from the male.
this time, it was your turn to laugh at him, said boy playfully glaring at you and lightly dipped his fingers into the water next to him, sprinkling the drops over at you in retaliation, much to your displeasure. and so began a mini water fight between the two of you. that was, until the instructor cleared her throat. the both of you stopped your little war and turned to look at her, suddenly acting all innocent as if you didn’t almost cause a huge wet spot in the back of the room. 
“as much as the two of you are having fun back there, i would appreciate it if you didn't sink my studio.” she said, both of you muttering your apologies before the instructor fixed her large framed glasses that were hanging off on the bridge of her nose. 
“sorry, ma’am!” the both of you said in unison and went back to moulding your clays, of course, with hushed teasings being thrown in every now and then.
by the time the class ended, you and san made a quick glance of each other’s mugs, both bursting out into a short laughter from the way your mugs had looked. both mugs had a slight crooked shape to them, a clear reminder of how inexperienced the two of you are, along with it being messily painted on. yet you didn’t mind, you were proud to add this little guy into your mug collection. by now, both of your clothes held traces of the events that had occurred earlier, from the smudge of paint on your sleeves to a little bit of clay was smudged on san’s shirt.
“so..” san started as he walked alongside you after exiting the studio. At his voice, you raised a brow.
“did you enjoy the class?” he asked, eyes wide while waiting for your answer.
“well, aside from us almost making a huge mess in the studio along with us struggling with the clay..” san grimaced at the memory.
“i enjoyed it, i won’t lie.” you added, flashing him a bright beam.
returning the grin stretching over your lips with his own, san reached a hand up to playfully ruffle your hair, him playfully cooing down at you as if talking to a baby, laughing once you slapped his hand away with a whine.
“i’m glad you enjoyed it and look, you even have a new addition to your collection!” he pointed out, the mug you held being hugged close to your chest as if it was the most precious thing in the world.
which to you, it really is the most precious thing. 
the two of you continued your walk home, san walking a few steps in front of you, then stopped as his name reached his ears. turning around to look at you, he quirked a brow up as if to acknowledge the call of his name from your lips. 
“you think we can go to the tea house tomorrow?” you asked, causing san to blink a few times from the unexpected question, then having his expression soften up.
with a shrug, he nodded his head. 
“i don’t see why not, i’m craving for their strawberry tarts anyway.”
perking up from the response, you jogged up to catch up with the male’s pace, starting to plan about the little trip tomorrow and of course, teasing each other during your time in the studio.
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
This is fresh and the structure isn’t anything, but it’s our beloved @crash-bump-bring-the-whump‘s birthday and I will always write Jim content for him. Other tag team: @lonesome--hunter, @iaminamoodymoodtoday, @wildfaewhump, @ishouldblogmore, @lektricwhump, @that-one-thespian, @raigash, @burtlederp.
The bedroom had barely changed, Ty thought, in the time he'd been away. The cluttered desk, which Ty had once used for his doctorate studies, still stood under the window with its row of little herb pots. The spare chair was piled with clean clothes waiting to be put away. On the dresser was a variety of dusty hair products that Ty no longer had the locks to utilise, and a variety of other miscellanea from their morning routines. The wardrobe took up most of one wall, separated cleanly into the halves for Ty and Jim. The bed was the centrepiece, cleanly made every morning in a way they'd never used to do.
 Nothing significant had changed. It was as if, while Ty had been gone, Jim had been gone too.
 "You changed," he said, when Jim asked what was wrong one evening.
 "I did?"
 Jim was sitting on the sofa, up against the corner. Just out of arm's reach were the shelves of cookery books and magazines he stored, mixed in with other reference stuff from Ty's old courses and general accumulations from life. On the closest edge of shelf was a cork coaster, upon which rested his glass of water. It was an arrangement Ty had seen countless times.
 "Yeah. You're different. Since...while I was gone. It's not," he added, seeing Jim frown, "it's not a n-negative thing. It kinda just, mm, makes me sad."
 The admission drew full attention and sympathy from Jim instantly. "What made you sad?"
 Ty sighed silently. He was sitting on the armchair, legs up to his chest, blanket around his shoulders. The armchair always used to be his usual spot, but now it was his, unchanged and untouched. No cross-contamination between himself and others, whichever one his trauma thought was worse that day.
 "Do you still make stuff?" he asked, after a moment.
 "Yeah. Did you finish learning to knit? Or the, the resin thing?"
 "Oh, that. No, I never really went back to that."
 "Why not?"
 Jim leaned back, gaze moving to the ceiling. "I dunno. Too busy. Too expensive."
 They had plenty of materials. Jim must have been saving them for when they could be replaced. When Ty had returned barely able to hold a conversation, let alone return to work... That time hadn't come.
 "Could you do something now?" he suggested.
It wasn't like Jim was doing anything fulfilling. He was reading a magazine he had definitely read before. But he looked down at it, then over at the box of craft materials, and pulled a face. "I'm kinda tired. Don't worry though, I'm fine. I don't mind."
 That was the other thing that had changed, or worse, reverted. Months of gentle conversation and help had eased Jim's instinct to deflect attention. Ty had been so insistent on giving him that attention, vividly and enthusiastically and in many different ways, that he'd given up and accepted it. Now...the walls were back up. He didn't answer with his feelings.
 He'd lived alone here for nearly two years. No husband, few local friends. Bibi had visited him sometimes, she said, and his parents... But there wasn't really anyone else. Instead, Ty had left his husband a kitchen assistant and come back to a sous chef. Jim had poured everything into his job rather than spend time in his empty flat.
 A year and nine months of waiting would have changed anyone. Ty wished he could take Jim back to how he was before.
 The feeling was probably mutual.
 It didn't have to be that way. Jim wasn't exactly new to having trouble relaxing; it had been a feature of their relationship since day one, where he picked up an extra shift at work on the day Ty had asked him on a date. They laughed about that now, but it was a marker that formed part of a pattern that had persisted until...
 Until Ty was taken. Now, it was back.
 "If it's okay," Ty said, after the silence that gave Jim a breather from the emotional weight, "could we do something like that? Something with our hands?"
 Jim raised his eyebrows, surprised. "Yeah, of course. Use any of the stuff you want."
 He shied away from attention without even realising. Ty smiled carefully. "It's not so much the...doing things, as it is doing them with, with you."
 "...Oh." Jim blinked at his lap for a moment, and then looked up. "You sure?"
 "Okay, uh, what do you want to do?"
 Ty widened his eyes, just slightly doe-like. "Can you pick?"
 "I guess I can, yeah, but tell me if you don't want to do it. Alright?"
 Apparently satisfied that he was taking care of Ty, and not the other way around, Jim got up and went to look through the cupboards. Ty watched him consider and reject modelling clay, knitting and, after a hesitation, their old faithful painting. Instead he picked out a kit from his mum. Soap making.
He smiled self-consciously. "Chemistry and crafting together, right?" Jim said, as he placed the tray on the windowsill for extra help solidifying. "I asked her never to get me candles again, so she got this. I think she got tired of getting them back for her birthday."
 He turned shyly with the kit in his hand. "Is this okay?"
 Ty smiled. "Of course. Let's make one each." He patted the sofa cushion beside him, and Jim sat down at a safe distance and began unpacking the box.
 They looked through the materials together, compared the essential oils, and on a whim, Jim hopped up for some dried lavender from the kitchen. Gently, they melted the base, stirred in the ingredients. Ty kept a distance from Jim at all times, but he was cheerful about it, teasing Jim about considering herbs to use and threatening to add lime to the lavender...and then laughing when Jim called his bluff and declared it an acceptable combination.
 Eventually, the mixture was poured it into the muffin baking tray to dry. Ty sat down at the table, a little winded from twenty minutes on his feet, ribs protesting.
 Jim leaned against the counter, and smiled shyly at him. "Thank you," he said quietly, once the tray was on the windowsill. "I know you did this for me."
 Ty smiled back. “You figured it out.”
“Mm. You were trying so hard to get me to relax... I’m so grateful for you, Ty.”
Ty bit his lip, smiling more widely. Then he cocked his head to the side. “And now will you tell me why you stopped? For real?”
Jim inhaled. The air was lavender and laundry powder. Home. His home, their home. Together.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
929. Now I know where half my wardrobe went.
This story was prompted by a lovely anon! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
Nines was anxious to begin. In front of him lay several wooden planks of various sizes, cardboard-boxes, tubes of glue and buckets of paint. He didn’t quite know how to begin; he had only bought what several websites suggested and had returned home. Killing time really wasn’t his strong suit. He didn’t know how long he stood there as a message came in. What r u doing tin-can? Gavin laid stretched out on his sofa, head hanging over the edge stretching his neck tense from work and bad posture. He held his phone in front of his face in a position that could as well be yoga. Enjoying my vacation in piece and silence, Nines send back, picking up a plank trying to “see” something in it like the articles had described. Aw, come on, what did I disturb that has you this pissed? Gavin grinned at the screen. It would be fun to get to know a more personal side of the toaster. What had him so frustrated? I’m trying to find a hobby, as you instructed me. A hobby different to making fun of you. Nines laid the plank down. There had to be easier ways. He grabbed the cardboard and stared at it with his best interrogation face. Oh, baby’s first hobby? Can I come over? Gavin didn’t want to miss Nines stumbling into humanity at any cost. For what reason? The android put down the cardboard too. Gavin coming over was something he wanted to avoid. Not to get it wrong, he liked the guy. It was pleasant to work with him and he actually was a nice conversationalist once he had completed his Gavin-English dictionary. But having him over to watch him fail a seemingly easy task wasn’t how he had planned his day to go. Hey, I’m human, I have hobbies. Maybe I can help you. Gavin wasn’t dumb, he realised the RK900 wanted his distance. But by God, if Gavin wasn’t a stubborn pain in the ass. And on top of that all: bored. Fine. Gavin had nearly texted an enthusiastic “hell yeah!” but stopped himself rolling off the sofa and very pointedly not run, just hurry a little, to his room to find something decent to wear.
He arrived at Nines apartment, knocking on the door and having it opened to the android out of his Cyberlife jacket. It was a bit taken aback by that; he had never seen him without it in his life. Maybe that was his idea of wearing something comfortable at home, who would know. ‘Err… Hi!’, Gavin greeted him and was let in with a simple ‘Detective.’ ‘Hey, you know we are not at work, you can just call me Gav- woah.’ Nines had closed the door behind him, leaving him to look into the living room full of wooden planks and other bulky material as well as tools. ‘Hey, toaster, you trying to build all the furniture for someone?’ ‘… No. Is it too much?’ ‘Depending what you want to do with it’, Gavin shrugged, kicked off his shoes to the side of the hallway and hung up his jacket. ‘If you want to re-furniture my brother’s mansion, then it would do I guess.’ ‘I planned on experimenting with basic woodwork and model making’, Nines explained a bit shy. ‘I don’t have anything else to do during the vacation you pressed on me.’ ‘Hey, don’t make me look like I’m the bad guy here. I’m sure Fowler won’t complain having you at the precinct without me.’ ‘He does complain. I went to work this morning and he told me to “go find a hobby”. You said the same to me, so I wanted to at least give it a try.’ ‘You actually went to- you know, never mind. What do you want to build?’ ‘I don’t know.’ ‘Well that’s unfortunate’, Gavin laughed. ‘You should have some idea.’ Nines sighed. He had known it would end in the man making fun of him. ‘If you came here just to see me fail, I would advise you to leave.’ Gavin looked at him startled. ‘Hey, Nines, I came here to help you. I mean it. Sorry that I laughed. It’s just… You prepared to build the Cyberlife tower life-sized with this and have no idea what to do. Normally people start smaller.’
Nines looked at the man marvelling at his mindless creativity. ‘That’s actually a good idea’, he nodded and didn’t pay the frowning human so much as a glance as he started picking up pieces of wood again. ‘What have I-‘ ‘Take a seat, Det- Gavin.’
It was fascinating seeing Nines work away with robotic speed and precision on a wooden block, until a few hours later he had completed a perfect replica of the Cyberlife tower. ‘Wow, that’s super impressive, Nines’, Gavin cheered. ‘It looks exactly like the real thing!’ The android smiled. Whether it was from the [mission successful] blinking in his HUD or from the praise he didn’t know. ‘And what are you going to do next?’, Gavin asked him. To Nines it was clear as day. ‘Why refurnishing your brother’s mansion when you can build a whole city?’
Nines had worked the whole day on his project and recreated belle-island. Gavin had sat there with him the whole time, just watching him and cheering whenever a building or tree was added to the bunch. One time he had ordered take-out and ate it and Nines hadn’t even batted an eye at it. Afterwards he had helped, gluing the buildings to a plate the android had cut to without doubt resemble the exact soil conditions over there. The man had left him only late in the night yawning and thanking him he had been allowed to come over. Nines accepted it, knowing well he should have been the one thanking him.
The next days he tried out a lot of different hobbies. Later, when he had made his mind up about how much he liked the different activities, he would continue with his projects. Gavin had only been there for some days and activities, enjoying his vacation only to come over when he was bored. Nines had begun caring after plants he had bought. He started cross-stitching. He took up cooking on a day Gavin was over for the practical reason of having someone to taste it only of course. He had tried puzzles, singing and foreign language learning. When it had come to magic tricks Gavin had been there as an audience for him. The last activities on his list were bread baking and pottery.
Baking was something simple, without much reward for him except for a nice smell. So it was on the same day he unpacked clay and set to work on a simple vase. He started up the electric potter’s wheel and started, fascinated at how the clay changed under pressure. Until he experimented too much with pressure and speed and the whole thing came suddenly flying at him landing across his chest. So much for pottery…
Frustrated he had been so stubbornly determined on trying it the human way without any program-guidance, he stood up to change into a clean turtleneck and wash the one he wore. Interestingly enough his wardrobe was empty. His spare upper-body clothes gone. Nines cocked his head to the side and closed it again. Had he left his spare pair at work? He didn’t care too much about it, as he went to the bathroom and pulled off his shirt to wash the clay away. He could always order new ones from Cyberlife as they had been produced in advance for the army he was supposed to become. When there were two-hundred-thousand jackets with his number on it, he wouldn’t shed any tears over it.
He put more interest in evaluating his experimentations. He disliked pottery. Cross-stitching was relaxing but felt inefficient to him. Caring for plants was too easy. At least with the plants he had bought. Puzzles were too little of a challenge too. Same with learning a new language, as he always could just download another patch. What he really liked had been cooking and building the model city. And doing the magic tricks with Gavin. What was the connection between them? Maybe if he found one, he could discover new hobbies with that trait more easily. He had liked Gavin’s reaction to his card and coin tricks. That was also true with cooking. And if he was honest with himself that too was the case with the model city. With a bit of shock, he realised that maybe he didn’t like these hobbies more than the others. Maybe he just liked that he had company. No that couldn’t be. That was so irrational. That wasn’t like him at all. But it was true.
He was faster out of the door that he could realise he had forgotten to fetch his jacket on the way out. A short drive through town he ended up in front of Gavin’s apartment hacking his lock to be let in. He had to tell him this weird development and needed a human to explain it. As far as he knew a hobby couldn’t be a person. He barged into the living room to face a terrified human wearing- ‘Is that my jacket?’ ‘I swear it’s not what it looks like!’, Gavin cried out, stumbling over the words. ‘Now I know where half of my wardrobe went’, Nines mused. ‘Wait, how does this look like?’ ‘Ahh, dunno, sorry! You can have it back!’ He scrambled off the sofa while pulling it off hurriedly. He finally got out of his Cyberlife jacket and had the seams of the turtleneck between his fingers as Nines gently put one hand on top of his with a pained look on his face. ‘Keep that on… please.’ ‘Err… okay. This is awkward as hell, sorry. Wait- half your wardrobe? I stole two things…’ ‘I don’t have to change. I don’t sweat. And my clothes never… They rarely get dirty.’ ‘Okay, we definitely have to go shopping someday’, Gavin uttered, still uncomfortable with being caught. Nines wanted to disagree, but then closed his mouth at the realisation that would mean he got time to spend with Gavin. So, he nodded. ‘Okay, after that weird start, what did you break into my home for anyways?’, Gavin asked. Nines straightened his back. ‘Is it possible for a hobby to be a person?’ The human laughed. ‘Heh, well, normal people would call that friendship or something, but… maybe? Why?’ ‘I tried out every hobby I had on my list. In the end I compared them all to find my favourite. I found out I had to add one.’ ‘Really? Then come on, tell me! What is it?’ ‘You.’
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no6secretsanta · 5 years
Happy Holidays @jefferytheghost​! I hope you enjoy your gift!
- @silver-eyes-hair-ties
The holidays were coming up.
Shion knew by watching the snow storms roll in; Inukashi had him washing the dogs indoors to keep them from freezing in the cold before they could air-dry.  The day’s work was done shortly after dusk, and Shion felt the telltale scratching of hunger beginning in his gut.
“I’ll bring one of the dogs for you soon, Shion,” Inukashi called from the worn staircase as they tossed a small bag of coins his way. A medium-sized brown dog sidled up to Shion and nudged his hand for pets. “Take that one with you, it’s dark and I don’t want Nezumi on my case about keeping your airheaded ass out of trouble.”
Shion smiled and waved on his way out the door, pocketing the coins and attempting to muffle their jingling with his hand wrapped around them.  
The wind was crisp and chilled him to the bone on his walk back to their little underground room.  The barren landscape, devoid of trees or plants or even abandoned buildings, allowed the gusts to build to a steady stream, buffeting his chapped cheeks.
“What do you think, huh, buddy?” he asked the dog padding at his side. He absently scratched at the spot where the parasitic bee’s chrysalis had been and counted the days til spring.  Soon. Too soon.
He didn’t even know if people in the West Block celebrated Christmas–the center of town looked the same as always, full of sights and sound but devoid of sparkling tinsel garland or twinkling lights.  He had to remind himself sometimes that people here were more focused on survival than the wasteful excess of holiday celebrations.
He took the stone steps carefully down to their secluded rooms and found that the door was open.  Nezumi was standing carefully over the stove, watching a pot of something come to a simmer over the burner.  He didn’t even turn when Shion entered, opting instead for a noncommittal “hm.”
“All the dogs are clean and dry,” Shion pulled his coat and boots off at the door and peered into the pot Nezumi was tending.  “Hopefully Inukashi’s customers will appreciate having them clean for the holidays.”
Nezumi chuckled. “Not that they’d notice, what with their own stink,”  He stirred the thick stew, coaxing a few chunks of meat to the top to test their firmness.  Before Shion could protest his sour attitude toward Inukashi’s customers, Nezumi took the stew off the burner and moved it to the table.
He made a sweeping gesture with his arms, announcing: “Your meal is served, Your Majesty.” with a little smirk.
Shion enjoyed his theatrics, especially in these mundane moments when he was tempted to remember people and times long ago, where he was safer, noticeably warmer and enjoying his Mama’s cooking.  Sometimes, if Nezumi happened to add certain ingredients, he could close his eyes and imagine he was back in Chronos, no, Lost Town, with his mother and their little shop and his simple job and his simple life–
“Hey,” Nezumi barked, clapping his hands together.  “Earth to Shion! This stew won’t stay warm forever and I think you’ll enjoy it more before it cools.”  
Nezumi scooped a large portion into a bowl and offered it to Shion with a puzzled look in his eyes.
“Th-thanks,” Shion stumbled over his words–he wanted to cover up his temporary lapse into nostalgia, to keep it from Nezumi before he perceived the change and began berating him for his innocence and–
Nezumi pulled him down onto the sofa beside him.  For a few moments, he blew on his own bowl, not even opting for a spoon and tilting the bowl to his mouth to catch the gravy on the lip.  Shion didn’t understand him sometimes–he was so focused on the rhyme and meter and precision of a Shakespearean sonnet, but he also liked to lick his bowl clean.  His reasoning and his whims were lost to Shion, and while he was coming to know him, slowly, he felt more than ever that he’d never know the real man beside him.
Nezumi’s soft voice brought him back.  “What has you so serious tonight?”
Shion took a mouthful of stew to give himself some time.  He always seemed to make a fool of himself in front of Nezumi.  The rich flavor of beef, garlic, and thyme met his tongue and he sighed, knowing that Nezumi must have had a good day at work, or had saved for something like this.  His chest warmed. Why was he so worried?
Shion pulled his socked feet up underneath him on the sofa and settled in, coincidentally leaning his shoulder against Nezumi’s own.  The touch didn’t seem to bother him.
“It’s getting close to Christmas,” Shion murmured.  He looked at the grain of the table, the carrots sitting atop the pile in his bowl, allowing Nezumi the time to question him.  He didn’t.
“Do you celebrate Christmas, Nezumi?”
The other man shook his head.  “I haven’t really had a reason to, not since I was young, and I don’t remember those times as much as I’d like.”  Nezumi watched Shion’s shoulders sag.
“I guess it wouldn’t really make sense, around here, huh?  People have a hard enough time just living.” Shion sighed and took another bite.
For a few moments, neither said a word.  The rats scurried to the foot of the table to ask for scraps and bits, and Nezumi picked a carrot and a potato out of his bowl to offer to them.  Shion watched them nibble on the pieces, almost too big for their little hands.
“Tell me what it was like.”
“What?” Shion asked.  Nezumi’s eyes were trained on him, and a fond smile was pulling at his lips.
“How did you celebrate Christmas, with your Mama in No.6?”
Shion couldn’t form words.  Normally, Nezumi couldn’t even mention the city without a sneer and a snarl, but now he was waiting patiently for Shion, his chin resting in his hand.  Shion set his bowl down.
“Well…” he began.  He could feel Nezumi’s ever-sharp eyes boring into him, but not with their usual intensity.  It was… interest? Curiosity?
“We had this little tree, barely taller than me, that fit in the upstairs room at our shop in Lost Town.  It was a little thin on branches, but we had a box of ornaments from before the war that Mama let me put up.  Some were mirror glass in different shapes, some were handmade out of clay or wood or pinecones…” Shion giggled.  “There was a day at school where we painted pinecone ornaments in the shape of flowers by pulling some of the scales away, and I made so many that we gave them away as presents that year.”
Nezumi grinned.  “That definitely sounds like you.”
“On Christmas Eve, we’d be so busy making doughs and pastry fillings fresh for Christmas that we usually ate as we went.  My Mama made a spiced cinnamon bread, just for the holidays, that tasted the best straight from the oven.” Shion gestured with his hands. “They were shaped like wreaths, braided and topped with cinnamon sugar. They were essentially dessert, but it didn’t really matter what dinner was during the holidays, you know?”
Nezumi looked thoughtful for a moment.  “…Were there little lines carved into the dough, like leaves?”
Shion pulled back to look at him, confused.  “Yeah, how would you know that?”
“I think I had some.”  Nezumi met Shion’s eyes and pressed forward.  “It was two years ago, a few days after Christmas.  Some of the stalls in town, they sometimes sell food smuggled from No.6’s trash.  It’s almost always baked goods and sometimes day-old produce, you know, things that don’t really go bad and are easy to pilfer.  Well, I passed by a stall and paid a few copper for a piece of bread, and when I bit into it, it tasted like cinnamon and cloves…”
Shion’s mouth hung open.  “…You… You tasted my Mama’s bread?”
Nezumi nodded.  “It was a hunk, about a quarter of the wreath left and a little stale, but I remember the cinnamon and sugar.  It was… Really good. It was all the food I had that day, but it was worth it.”
A weight settled in Shion’s chest.  He could feel his eyes misting over.  
“Nezumi, that’s… That’s unbelievable.  That something of mine made it past the wall, to you.  That we shared something, even though we didn’t know it…”
Nezumi wrapped an arm around Shion’s shoulders, pressing his face into his hair.  He knew that Shion needed this moment to think and to reflect, to remember the things he missed so much.  
After a few minutes passed and Nezumi ignored the few tears trailing down Shion’s smiling face, he decided it was okay to continue.  
“What else?”
Shion sniffled.  “Christmas mornings were always nice.  Mama and I would make the coffee, then start the ovens so we could get all the cases in the window filled early.  Then we’d open our gifts from each other and just… Enjoy the day. Every once and a while we’d have a line of customers, but most of the time we just chatted and remembered other Christmases.  Sometimes we got gifts from regular customers, like casseroles or homemade blankets. Lilly’s mom always made us each a pair of cozy socks, and they always managed to last all year.”
Nezumi gathered the empty bowls and set them inside the empty pot, choosing to ignore the dishes for now.  Nezumi was leaning back against the arm of the couch with Shion’s head resting comfortably on his chest. He only hoped Shion was too focused on Christmas memories to listen too close to his heartbeat.
Shion felt Nezumi’s fingers carding gently through his hair.  “So, what would you like to do this Christmas, then, Your Majesty?” he murmured.  Shion looked up to him, curious and a little baffled.
“We’re going to celebrate it… here?”
Nezumi chuckled.  “Unless you’d rather we let it pass by unannounced.”
Shion thought for a moment, then placed his hand on Nezumi’s chest.  
“Do you…know any carols, Nezumi?”
“I don’t know any, but I’m sure there’s a few books that might be helpful, if we look.”
Shion smiled.  “I’d like it if we invited Inukashi and Rikiga, maybe even Karan, Rico, and their mother.  Make a real celebration; sing songs, share food, read stories.”
Nezumi could feel Shion’s excitement–it was like a current against his skin.  “As long as we don’t invite the whole West Block, I suppose.” he allowed.
The relaxation in Shion’s shoulders was growing steadily with Nezumi’s fingers in his hair and their breaths matching in the cool night, and Shion could feel Nezumi beginning to relax, as rare an occurrence as that may be.  He treasured these gentle moments, precious as they were.
“Could I ask one more favor?”
“Ask and ye shall receive, Your Majesty.”
“I’d like to send a letter to my Mama, if the rats can manage it.”
“… Let her know we both miss her bread.”
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qedavathegrey · 6 years
Hark, witches! I had a(nother) dream.
And because it’s long and I’m a pal, I’ll do everyone a solid and add one of these.
I was somewhere arid, where the streets were made of sun-baked clay. Simply walking, I found myself on a deserted street and a man came following behind. He paid me a compliment and I turned to find quite possibly the most beautiful man I have ever seen: a tall Arab gentleman, lanky with the most captivating brown eyes. I spoke to him, but just as I did there came a loud crack from the sky. He beamed and excitedly dragged me to the nearby plaza (everything was made of the same, almost-pink sandstone) where, in the center, stood a massively tall tree (though not impressively wide). It was situated in a perfectly square courtyard of its own, lower by a story than where we stood and surrounded by teal water. Climbing and covering the entire surface of the tree were beautiful, fuchsia blooms on purple vines and, as we approached, the tree split near the trunk and began falling over. The beautiful man (henceforth called ‘my companion’) explained that when this tree splits (it had a name but I do not recall), it signals the opening of a door, it presents an otherwise unimaginable possibility. He clarified that if one can follow the attendants, that they will lead you to (a spirit whose name I cannot recall, but will return later). At the base of the tree it seemed like people in all white were swarming, trying to fight their way to the split, but as the tree righted itself and fused back together, these people became only white blossoms on the nest of foliage that cradled it.
Provoked by this sign, my companion took me to the shack at the edge of the desert where a very small (but broad) man resided. I’m not sure how we got there, it just seemed that we had appeared by magic. This small man (no more than 4’5) with a peculiar haircut clarified that he was not an attendant of the spirit we were looking for, but instructed us to cross the desert and keep the setting sun at both our back and to our left simultaneously. How this was possible, I’m not sure, but we did it and came to a house that was very out of place.
It was tall, narrow and looked unmistakably European. It was dark and dilapidated, looking as if it had been built of soot, mold and moss. We entered to find an attendant sitting carelessly in an armchair with legs draped over one arm, wearing tattered fishnets, a grimy short skirt and a t-shirt with what might have been cigarette burns. The irony (which was obviously not lost on her) came from the mask she wore, which looked as if made of marble and had been taken from a Greek (or otherwise ancient) statue. She motioned with a single finger “up,” both doing her job and communicating the past. It was clear from this that she, and the others, used to be held in high regard, but now they live in squalor. Though what was less clear is whether this was by choice or circumstance.
My companion and I took the staircase, which was oppressively small and constricting, fitting in the confines of a coat-closet, but not lacking in opulence. It had wainscoting and gold sconces, but the walls were painted a rather off-putting shade of green. We followed the instructions of the other attendants (numbering 17 in total) until we came to the penultimate room nearest the top.
This was a bedroom, or so I thought, but looked like the entire contents of a one-room Puritan home. Lots of stone, low ceilings of dark wood, a big hearth, but also a wall of windows through which you could see the rather fantastical desert landscape outside. The small man was there, and congratulated us on making it so far, but it was his duty to try and convince us to turn back. He confessed that part of this had to do with the fact that he had ordered food to be delivered and did not want to miss the alarm. My companion assured him that we would under no circumstance turn back, and through the ceiling I could hear the spirit’s voice. The small man suggested that he open the door near the hearth, that there were gifts for those who made it so far, that there was no need to speak to “him,” the Spirit. This I found particularly interesting, because the voice coming from what must have been the attic was most assuredly feminine: it sounded just as one would expect a witch to sound, nasal, cronish and cackling. It seemed to come down from the vents, which only belched black soot into every room.
My companion opened the door and found that it appeared to be a clockmaker’s studio, though fitting with the period of the rest of the room. I heard him voice his amazement and looked into the door to find him inspecting the artifact on the long, wooden table. It was bizarre, but beautifully made and describing it might be a little difficult. In the simplest terms, it was a guitar (or perhaps sitar, or ngoni) broom-clock, in what looked like walnut. The body was rounded at the back, and the neck was long, but the base had black, broom bristles that seemed to be the host to any number of green-grey fungi. But it was a beautiful creation no less, and in the hole was an antique clock face. With little coaxing, the bristles firmed and the entire thing began levitating in the table, the clock ticking loudly. Upon hearing this, I pulled a pocket watch from my pocket (go figure) and looked at the time, then feverishly to the horizon through the big window. The sun was setting (or rising), and I asked the small man how long the meeting with Him would take, and he smiled, asking why I would ask such a ridiculous question. To which I responded that I had many things to do, at which point I woke up.
And I was understandably mad that I didn’t get to meet whomever it was on the other side of the attic door.
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badsleeptwins · 7 years
Shine, part one
Magical AU started for Ashe’s birthday. Reaper76 with a child McCree. Work in progress.
"His magic's gone feral," the Sheriff told them. "Burned a house down. Burned the carriage they tried to take him in. Local Academy won't even bother to come and get'em."
"I worry if this is wise," Jack says, guiding their carriage to the fields along the outskirts of town.
"Can't burn fire," Gabe says confidently.
The Sheriff said they'd know it when they found him. When they reach a field turned brown from heat and see a half-burned old barn out in the distance, the red of its paint baked to a faded clay color, they know they've found the place.
They pull the carriage off on the side of the dirt road and take to field on foot, Gabe taking the lead with a basket of food. The dry grass crunched under their feet, the packed earth kicking up dust with every step.
The make it all the way to the wooden fence of an animal pen before they hear a shrill cry of, "GO 'WAY!"
"We aren't here to hurt you," Jack says loud enough to be heard, stopping where they are and keeping their hands visible. Gabe holds up the basket like an offering. "We've brought you food. We just want to make sure you're alright."
"If he's going to be a stubborn cuss..." Gabe mutters, making to drop the basket there. Jack hushes him, though he smiles.
"Can we leave the food for you?"
"I'm leaving it anyway!" Gabe shouts, hanging the basket on the fence by way of a rusty nail.
"We'll come back tomorrow," Jack adds.
"Yes, we're coming back!" Gabe shouts again, snickering.
"Gabriel, stop arguing with him. He's just a child," Jack scolds, though he's trying not to laugh himself.
They leave, following the same path through dead grass, and climb into their carriage. They have supper in the tavern and stay the night at a quaint little inn.
The next day, they go back again with another basket of food. They see that the basket left yesterday has gone missing.
"I have more food!" Gabe yells before Jack can stop him.
"Show us that you're okay, first," Jack says.
Gabe starts matching toward the barn. "I'm bringing you food! Come out here, or I'm coming in!"
A small figure runs at the open barn doors with a savage little scream, glowing against the semi-darkness inside. His hands light up and he hurls little flares of radiant fire toward them. They hit the ground at Gabe's feet and set the dying grass ablaze.
Still, Gabe marches forward, right into the fire. It extinguishes under his steps, the smoke curling up from the ashes to wrap around him like a shadow.
The boy howls and flings his fire again, desperate to stop Gabe from coming any closer. They hit true this time, striking Gabe over the chest and along his arm, but instead of bursting into flames, they only leave scorch marks on his clothes. His flinch is minuscule, noticed only by Jack, as he keeps coming for the boy. Gabe's eyes glow red, like embers glowing within him, and he smirks at the child's growing awe.
"You... you made my fire go out," says the child, looking up with wide eyes as Gabe comes to loom over him.
The fire fades from Gabe's eyes and the smoke whips away on the breeze. "Can't burn fire, little man," he says confidently. He tosses the basket down at the boy's feet. "You hungry?"
By the telltale grumble of his belly, he definitely is, but it seems he'd much rather look up at the man before him. "How did you put it out? Water doesn't always put it out. But... how did you?"
Gabe kneels down to eye-level with the kid and pulls up some of the dried grass. It goes up in flames in a split second, leaving ash and smoke to carry on the wind. "I'm a Fire Mage, too."
If the boy's eyes could get any bigger, they would.
Jack, knowing that he's much more susceptible to fire than they are, is cautious as he moves forward to join them. He takes in the boy's thin frame and matted hair, his sun-faded and scorched clothing. The deplorable outlaws that call themselves the Deadlock Coven haven't been in custody for more than a week, but the boy looks like he's been neglected for far longer.
"Would you like to learn?" Jack asks, keeping his tone soft and easy.
The boy startles at finding Jack closer than before, but doesn't light up. He shakes his head and backs away instead. "No," he says defiantly, "Because I'd say yes, an' you'd juss dump me inna 'cademy!"
Gabe growls and Jack finds himself humming softly to calm the vitriol in his partner before it surfaces. "Academies are prisons and no place for children," Gabe grits through clenched teeth.
"Trust us, we've been there." Jack's tone is solemn as he kneels down beside Gabe, putting himself at the boy's height. "If you want to learn, we'll bring you home with us to our Coven."
"Academy is never an option," Gabe adds.
The boy eyes the two of them warily. "An' you'd teach me?" he jabs a finger at Gabe.
Gabe's nod is firm. "Everything I can."
"An' no 'cademy, not ever?" he asks of Jack.
"No academy, ever," Jack promises.
Squaring up his shoulders, the boy huffs and picks up the basket. "I'll think 'bout it. Come back t'morrow," he says, casual as could be, as he turns and heads back for the barn.
Jack is left speechless. Gabe, however, laughs hard, until tears spring to his eyes.
"I like you, kid! What's your name?" Gabe shouts to his retreating back.
The smile the kid throws over his shoulder is brighter than sunshine and full of pride. "Jesse McCree!"
"Then we will see you tomorrow, Jesse McCree!"
When they ready for bed that night, Gabe feels ichy and sore where Jesse's little flares had hit him. Removing his shirt, they find Gabe's skin has blistered and cracked, left dry as earth baked in the desert sun.
"Can't burn fire, hm?" Jack levels him with a glare.
"Well, we know he's definitely not Earthen fire," Gabe says, looking over his arm. "But what other fire is there?"
"That's the question now, isn't it?" Jack sighs, rummaging for in their luggage for a salve. As he rubs it into Gabe's skin, Jack nuzzles gently at his temple. "Does it feel strange, not being so unusual?"
Gabe laughs and pulls Jack in for a kiss. "Oh, I'm still unusual. I'm just not the only Fire Mage we've ever seen anymore."
To be continued...
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juniperallura · 7 years
The day was hot, oppressive with summer humidity. The sun beat down on his mop of black hair, making it feel like his head was a mud brick being baked into scorched clay. Beads of sweat rolled down the back of his neck, the side of his face. His muscles ached from the weight of the full watering can, which swung in his hanging arms like an unbalanced pendulum. Warm water sloshed over his sneakers as he tipped the can toward the patch of dirt dotted with little mounds that reached up toward the summer rays.
“Careful, Takashi,” his mother cautioned, pushing up the edge of her wide-brimmed hat to watch him pour. “We don’t want the seeds to drown.”
“Sorry.” Shiro tightened his grip on the handle, brow knitting and tongue peeking out from his lips as he concentrated on sprinkling the garden evenly. Finally his mom nodded and he set the watering can heavily on the ground with a huff. He wiped his wet hands on the front of his shirt, already streaked with dirt like the knees of his pants. He gave his mom a wide-eyed look, silently asking what she knew had been on his mind since they had come out to that sunny corner of his aunt’s yard three hours ago.
She sat back on her ankles, surveying their work for a moment before she picked up her trowel and stood with a smile. “Yes, we can be done now.”
Shiro grinned, abandoning the watering can as he bounded ahead of her toward the house. He couldn’t reach the blessed shade quick enough. As soon as he burst into the entryway he kicked off his damp shoes and collapsed against the chilled tile floor. A great sigh of relief escaped him.
A minute later his mom appeared from the now blinding summer light, closing the front door and encasing them in cool darkness. 
“It’s so hot, Mom,” Shiro groaned from the floor. “We were out there for forever.”
She chuckled at him, fanning herself with her hat and sweeping the curtain of dark hair from her neck. “You’ll be happy we put so much care into the lavender when it grows big and beautiful- and your aunt will be happy when she can make her soaps,” she said, holding out a hand for him to grasp, “Besides, it’s honest work. Doesn’t the tired feel good?”
Shiro stood up, considering the ache in his arms with a frown. “I dunno. I guess.”
His mother just smiled, patting him on the shoulder. “Go shower before dinner, you’re filthy.”
“—Shiro, how’s the humidity level now? Is the heat okay?”
Shiro moved off his knees into a crouch, inadvertently wiping his dirty hands (gloves having been discarded in favor of the tactility of palms on soil) on his t-shirt. He blinked, looking around before he remembered that Pidge was up in the rafters, tinkering with the room’s atmospheric levels. “Feels great, Pidge! I’m sweating already,” he called up, shielding his eyes against the modified lights that shone almost as bright and hot as the summer sun.
“You’re telling me- I’m the one up here,” he heard her mumble.
“Thanks again!” Shiro chuckled as a distant reply wafted down before the catwalk door snapped shut. He sighed contently, looking down at the rows of sprouts that stretched happily toward the sky. Some kind of alien herb, what Hunk referred to as ‘space basil,’ was coming in well enough, but Shiro had a hunch that it would really take with a little extra sun.
His mother’s words rang in his ears, talking about the good kind of tired that came from honest work. It certainly had been work; his back ached from bending over with his trowel all afternoon, and sweat beaded on his forehead just like it had all those years ago in his aunt’s garden. But she was right- a warm sense of pride swelled in his chest. All around him, the turf floor, almost as soft as real grass, was spotted with alien plants poking out of their beds of imported soil. They were odd colors and shapes, but there was something so familiar about their orderly rows all stretching and reaching for life that struck a peaceful chord somewhere deep within him.
“-Hey, watch where you swing that thing!”
“It wasn’t even close to you, don’t be a baby-”
Shiro sighed, turning to where Keith and Lance were (supposed to be) hammering in fence posts around a newly planted soil bed. “Hey, hey, you know the rules,” he cautioned them with a smile, “No fighting near the tubers. It stresses them out.”
Both paladins opened their mouths to retort but just then the door slid open and in strolled Coran and Allura, bearing glasses of pink liquid dripping with condensation.
“How’s it going, boys?” Coran called, “What’s this I hear about anxious tubers?”
“Just the usual,” Shiro said, “Another peaceful day in the garden.”
The Alteans glanced over to Keith and Lance, who had resumed their bickering. “Well, I guess we came at the right time. A treat, from Hunk.” Allura snickered, holding out a glass for him. “How are our flowers doing?”
Shiro accepted the drink gratefully, dragging his arm across his forehead and taking a long, refreshing draw to ward against the heat of the room. “They’re great! The Cedarian pansies just bloomed the other day,” he nodded toward the center of the room, where a circular patch of soil blossomed with delicate pinks and yellows. It had been Allura’s idea to add flowers to their collection of herbs and produce; the mice helped her paint the short picket fence that surrounded the bed and came out to help both of them tuck the seeds into the soil. 
“Oh, wonderful!” Allura beamed, “I’m sure it will be just lovely when they all bloom.”
“Yes, you’ve got quite the production going, Shiro!” Coran clapped him on the shoulder, “In a few months we’ll have enough food growing in here for a feast!”
“-If I may, team, a word before we eat-” Allura tapped her knife gently against her glass, raising herself off the picnic blanket onto her knees as the murmurs of conversation faded. 
A soft breeze rolled off the lake that stretched out behind them, its rippling waters reflecting the towers of the Castle, sitting only a short distance from where the group had set up for dinner on the newly liberated planet. Allura looked appreciatively at their surroundings, then turned a warm smile to her comrades. “First, I suggest we raise a glass to ourselves for a job well done. Congratulations on another successful mission, Team Voltron-” 
A cheer of agreement rose from the group as everyone clinked their glasses, Lance adding that no, it was alright, he was a humble guy, the superstar of the mission didn’t need his own toast. Everyone rolled their eyes but no one could resist a smile. 
“Now, as always, we must thank our culinary mastermind for another delicious meal. Hunk, you’ve outdone yourself.” Another clatter of glasses as Hunk waved away her praise with a satisfied smile. “-And lastly, I do believe that we owe Shiro our thanks as well, for providing us with this lovely spread of fresh herbs and vegetables. He- what is your phrase? He is a green thumb!”
Shiro chuckled, shaking his head as the rest of the team raised their glasses and Pidge elbowed him in the side. “Please- thank you, but I can’t take all the credit. It was a team effort, like it should be.”
Everyone exchanged grins, seeming to share the same proud feeling. Hunk called out, “Let’s eat!” and Shiro leaned back as everyone starting digging into dinner, letting his eyes wander over the grassy hills that rolled into the distance. He sucked in a chestful of warm, fresh air, holding it for a moment before exhaling slowly. The grass beneath his hands was soft, the scent wafting from their picnic spread enticing, the laughter ringing among his friends sweet and light. A smile curled over his lips. He sat up and grabbed a plate, digging into the rewards of his honest work.
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missredbean · 7 years
For You I Call: Episode 1 Arachnids - PART 2 (2)
It's Monday! It's been a busy time in work lately, because it's close to financial year end in Japan, and everyone want to get the money report right (urk). Updates will be slower from time to time because I want to take my time to find inspiration and write good story. I don't want to publish something half-baked for my readers. Even so, forgive me if my best is still half-baked!
"...I know you’re strong, but I bet you can’t move as fast as her.” I realize my mistake when I see a glint in Vert’s eyes as she flexes her well toned arms. Damn. How could I forget that this is the girl who can jump down three stories while carrying me with one hand? I shouldn’t have mentioned anything about physical prowess. “Wanna find out?” Vert asks as she steps forward. “Does that involve you hurting me?” I ask back, half-conscious of my own feet taking a step back.
Summary: After three years of hiding and recovering from a traumatic experience, Argent Cross' life finally starts heading for the better—only to have it turned upside down in one night. He wakes up ten years older, without a clear memory of what happened in between, in a warring country that sees him as their enemy's spawn. Prologue Episode 1: Arachnids Part 1 (Chapter 1 & 2, Chapter 3 & 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8) Episode 1: Arachnids Part 2 (Chapter 1)
© 2015-Current Miss Red Bean All Rights Reserved
“Are you fine with it?”
My question seems to catch Vert off guard.
“You seem to love this place. I’ll feel bad if you keep putting my needs over yours.”
Vert smiles wryly. “There’s no need for you to feel bad. I did what I did because I want to. But you’re right; I don’t want to leave before we actually live in here. Let’s see how it goes first. We can consider moving out if it’s not working for us.”
“That’s—“ another booming sound, “—a good idea,” I manage to say, but my eyes twitch and Vert notices it. She smirks.
“It seems like you need to get used to the sounds first. Don’t worry. It won’t take long,” she assures, patting my back with an abnormal amount of force. I just laugh along and say nothing.
I really hope we will be fine, living this close to two threats.
Episode 1 Arachnids - PART 2 (2)
In the end we never move out. We grow attached to the mansion and find living there unexpectedly fun and comfortable. Vert falls in love with the garden further as she tends it while the mansion’s wall and ceiling paintings capture my attention. Their damaged state bothers me and I start taking my brush to fix it whenever I’m idle or taking a rest from researching on how to go back home. 
“You like painting?” Vert asks one day. She is taking a rest in the dining room where I am working on a mural depicting a princess, accompanied by her entourage of ladies in waiting, reaching out to pat a white pegasus. The colors are warm, like it was shined by invisible sunset, and they blend well with the rest of the dining room’s cream colored wallpaper.
“Yes, I did.”
Vert raises an eyebrow.
“You did?” 
“I used to love painting, but due to some…incidents, I grow to fear it.” 
“If you’re scared, then why are you painting now?” 
My brush freezes in midair as I stop to consider the question for the first time. 
“Maybe because I don’t have anything else to do. I’ve read or walked around the mansion and garden to fill time, but my hands are just itching for some activity.” I take a glance at the pegasus I am working on, noticing the color slightly getting over the line, and add with a sheepish smile, “I’m out of practice though.”
“But this is pretty good. How can you draw so well?” Vert asks enviously. That’s just asking me to tease her.
“It’s love, dear sister.” 
Vert gives me the look. 
“Okay, it’s mostly practice and a good teacher. My mother is a good painter and a superb make-up artist.”
“Make-up artist?” Vert blanches like it is the most disgusting profession ever. Figures this Vert would have an allergic reaction to anything feminine too.
“Not what you imagined. Besides beautifying, her make up is very useful in—” how do you explain movies to someone who’ve never seen TVs? “—epic theatre plays and such. She can make the young look old, transform someone plain to ethereally beautiful or disgustingly ugly, create fake wounds and burn marks that look so real that someone mistook it for a real wound, and the best: make an animal mask that looks so realistic even though she doesn’t use real animal skin or hair.”
By the end of my explanation, Vert looks at me with intrigue and wonder.
“That sounds amazing. Can you do the same? It will be useful if we have to hide next time.”
“Urk. Why didn’t I think about that?” I mumble.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing. Just berating myself. To answer your question, I know some basics, but not like my mother’s level because it involves some sculpting skills. If I try making a figure of this pegasus, it will end up like this.“ 
I show Vert my clay eraser, the one I fiddled with this morning. It looks like a balloon-shaped cow. 
Vert pats me sympathetically on the shoulder.
“You better stick to drawing, brother.”
I shake my head. “No. I won’t give up.”
Vert gives me a look that she reserves for someone taking a futile quest and consoles me.
“It’s alright. Everyone has weaknesses. My real brother is a great dancer, but sucks at singing.”
Now that is something I can’t picture, because my body control is abysmal.
“Really? I bet he looks like a spinning duck when he dances.”
I don’t know how it started, but every time we talk about our real siblings, we turn it into a bragging competition. Now is no different.
“Of course not. He’s the best, even better than the court dancers. While you—“ Vert pokes my chest “—and your sister may be the spinning duck.”
“I am,” I admit right away. “But Ver is no spinning duck.” 
I have started calling my real sister Ver to avoid confusion. It’s her nickname anyway, so it’s quite easy to switch. 
The Vert in front of me raises an eyebrow in a challenging manner.
“Oh, why is that?”
“Because she’s no duck. She’s a graceful beast—tearing through the field like a cheetah, intercepting opponents like a bolt out of the blue, untouchable even when there are five people crowding around her. I know you’re strong, but I bet you can’t move as fast as her.”
I realize my mistake when I see a glint in Vert’s eyes as she flexes her well toned arms. Damn. How could I forget that this is the girl who can jump down three stories while carrying me with one hand? I shouldn’t have mentioned anything about physical prowess.
“Wanna find out?” Vert asks as she steps forward.
“Does that involve you hurting me?” I ask back, half-conscious of my own feet taking a step back.
Instead of answering, Vert shoots an arm to my face, and I reflexively bring my hands up to stop them.
Only to discover I am still holding my wall-paint palette. 
Oh shi—
Vert’s hand hit the palette and both of us shout for different reasons.
“Damn it!”
“My palette!”
Vert’s hand is now covered with paint and my palette is now two palletes. It’s a disaster for both of us because Vert needs her hand clean for handling the herbs and while I only have one palette that I can hold comfortably for a long time.
“Why did you put that up?? My hand will smell like paint now!”
“Don’t blame me! You’re the one who attacked so suddenly! Besides, you better wash that fast. The smell will last for days if the paint stuck on your skin.”
Vert curses as she runs to the sink. I sigh and go looking for two clean rags. When I find them I dab one rag on the paint thinner and wet another with clean water. Then I approach Vert, who is scrubbing her hand furiously under the cold water.
“Come on, let me clean that up for you.”
Vert turns and shows her hands to me. I dilute the unwashed paint with the thinner soaked rag, then wipe it off with the water soaked rag. I work carefully, making sure there’s no paint left in nooks and crannies or under her nails. Then I move to her face, where some paint has splattered on her cheeks and nose. I can’t help but chuckle when I start dabbing rag on her face.
“What’s so funny?” Vert asks, half curious and half offended. She thinks I’m laughing at her situation.
“Nothing. It’s just…this kinds of reminds me of Ver. She always comes back home covered with mud, and she always forgot to clean up her face. I have to clean it up for her because she’ll plant that face on my sheets and pillows.”
Suddenly I was struck with homesickness. I want to see them. Mom, dad, Ver, Azure, Aureolin, Tenne, our neighbor grandpa Cor…even Illey. What are they doing right now? Illey I can guess easily. He must be happy that he finally got rid of me. But the rest…
I shake my head and focus on cleaning up the paint. There’s no merit thinking about it. I have no way of knowing and it does nothing to change my situation. Worse, it drives me crazy because once I start thinking, I’ll come back to that vague memory of Ver’s funeral. 
“Don't you want to go back?”
My hands stop moving. So my feelings shows on my face, huh?
I resume dabbing her cheeks as I answer, “I still want to, but probably not as much as before.” 
Vert gives me a questioning look, so I elaborate.
“I’ve thought about it long before you asked. I miss my family, friends, and even my bully a lot. I want to lay on my own bed, playing games my own sister watching beside me. I want to eat my mom and dad’s cooking. I want to hang around with my friends and go to school with them. I had it all planned, you know? Getting rid of my fear, live normally like before, and maybe make peace with my old friend—eventually.
“But I don’t remember what happened to me before waking up, except for flashes of my sister’s death. And the more I thought about it, the more scared I become. What happened after that? What if something even worse happened? I mean, whatever events that led me to be chased by military and forget about it must not be good, right?”
Vert laughs at that.
“What’s so funny?” I ask, offended that she’s laughing at my deepest concerns.
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect that you and I are actually in a similar situation.”
“Similar situation as in beside the fact that we are fugitives?”
“Yes, regarding our real siblings. I mentioned before that my brother was missing, right?” I nod. “You’re wondering if your real sister is really dead while I am wondering if he’s still alive or not. I find it funny that I didn’t notice this faster.”
“I see.”
She’s right. Why didn’t we notice it faster? Perhaps dad is right. Sometimes talking about your problems with other people can give us new perspective.
“In any case, I can see why you think it’s better to stay here and let forgotten memories stay forgotten. I wish I could do that too.”
Now that’s surprising. Vert is strong. Sure she looks sad sometimes, but what can be so bad that she want to forget it?
I start making guesses. I don’t think it’s about her brother, so it must be something else. It comes up easily enough.
“Do you want to forget your time as a soldier?” Vert never straight out said if she worked in the army as a soldier, but she left enough hints to deduce.
Vert closes her eyes to allow me cleaning her eyelids. “More than that. I want to forget I am a soldier. I can’t stop wondering if my friends are alright.”
Apprehension dawns upon me. I often catch Vert looking towards the nearby base when we can hear the sounds of battle. It must be torturing her conscience—her enjoying an easy life while her friends are betting their lives out there, close by, every day. If I were her I’d want to forget too.
“I’m sorry.”
Vert doesn’t disagree with me like usual. She keeps silent and still as I finish cleaning up her face. Gradually, a calm and peaceful atmosphere settles between us. Vert seems to enjoy the feeling of rags wiped on her face, eyes closed like a cat being groomed, while I find the simple task of cleaning surprisingly soothing. I can’t help but chuckle at the thought. Dad is right. It takes a little to be happy.
But how much longer can we enjoy this peace?
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craftsguide · 5 years
57 Easy Crafts To Make And Sell
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57 Easy Crafts To Make And Sell
Learn easy crafts to make and sell here, so you can start your own Etsy account and put your craft skills to good use earning some extra cha-ching!
Easy Crafts To Make And Sell For A Crafty Entrepreneur
1. DIY Beaded Bracelets
DIY Beaded Bracelets You Bead Crafts Lovers Should Be Making Photo by DIY Projects
Making custom bracelets is fun, especially when you can customize it in any color and size you want. So take your pick which beaded bracelet here to make and sell, because they’re all beautiful! Beaded bracelets are one of the most popular products at any craft fair, too.
2. DIY Necklaces
Stunning DIY Necklaces for All Occasions Photo by DIY Projects
If bracelets don’t appeal to you, try your skills with these DIY necklace ideas. But you can also make both–a matching set of bracelet and necklace. Quite an idea, we think so, too! Jewelry is always a go-to for easy crafts to make and sell, you know!
3. Homemade Dog Biscuit
Homemade Dog Biscuits Recipe and Instructions Photo by DIY Projects
There’s no better way to spoil a furry friend than by baking them homemade treats. And there’s a way for you to market to pet owners with a lot on their hands. If you can whip up more, sell them to pet lovers in your neighborhood. You may also supply a pet shop, if you’re lucky, too!
4. DIY Makeup Bag
How To Sew Cute Makeup Bags Easy Sewing Patterns Photo by DIY Projects
Clinique bags are enviable, but not always affordable. This easy tutorial of DIY makeup bag will give the same style without the hefty price. It isn’t a signature brand, but cute and handy, nonetheless.
5. DIY Tote Bag
Two Great Tutorials on How To Make A Tote Bag Photo by DIY Projects
Love bags and sewing? Here’s a project that utilizes the two things you love. Make two versions of this DIY tote bag and say goodbye to pricey store-bought tote bags. You can also design it with prints and add it to your list of seasonal holiday crafts.
6. DIY Picture Frame With Mosaic Tiles
DIY Picture Frame Craft Ideas with Mosaic Tiles Photo by DIY Projects
Customize and design regular picture frames and sell it for a premium price. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun crafting while earning with this DIY picture frame with mosaic tiles. Home craft ideas for adults are some of the things that sell fast, after all.
7. DIY Flower Crowns
How to Make a Flower Crown Photo by DIY Projects
Going to a music festival? It’s the perfect opportunity to have fun and earn by selling these lovely flower crowns. It will be a hit DIY craft for teens! You can also make it a profitable Valentine’s Day craft by using roses.
8. DIY Color Block Crayon Candles
Make Your Own Color Block Crayon Candles Photo by DIY Projects
Candles are the perfect way to add accents to any room. These color block crayon candles are a fantastic addition to any space, and they’re one of the best-upcycled craft ideas for recycling broken crayons.
9. Fat Quarter Pillow
Fat Quarter Throw Pillow Photo by DIY Projects
Every bedroom needs a pillow. So, learn how to make a fat quarter pillow and make it in every color you want. You can turn this into an upcycled craft for old clothes and bedsheets, then, start your small pillow business!
10. Decorative Throw Pillow Covers
How To Make Decorative Throw Pillow Covers In 7 Easy Steps Photo by DIY Projects
With a pillow craft idea, throw in these decorative throw pillow covers to jazz it up! You needn’t worry about your sewing skills because this beautiful sewing project is quick and easy to make. If you’re looking for Christmas crafts to sell, you can decorate the throw pillows with Christmas trees.
11. DIY Wooden Dowel Lamp
How To Make A Lamp From Wooden Dowels Photo by DIY Projects
There’s always a space for one more lamp in the house, especially if it creates such a stunning light effect. This functional handmade home decor is perfect for any room and is one of the simplest crafts to make at home.
12. DIY Bath Bombs
A great gift idea and perfect for a night of relaxation. With endless possibilities too, because you can customize it in a variety of styles, scents, and colors. It’s a sweet gift for Mother’s and Father’s Day to help them unwind.
13. DIY Fabric Dog Collar
How to Make a Dog Collar Photo by DIY Projects
Sew up some dog collars to start selling crafts! Make them in various colors and patterns to give style to any furry friend. I’m positive any pet lover would love to have it as a gift for their four-legged pals.
14. Gold Foiled Pencil Cup
Easy Rose Gold Foiled Pencil Cup Photo by Damask Love
This chic gold foiled pencil cup will add decor to any desk and it’s a cinch to make. Start by spraying white paint on a glass tumbler. Once the paint has dried, apply thin strips of double-sided tape. Then, peel off the backing and stick on the foil. Finally, unravel the foil, and start photographing your beautiful masterpiece.
15. Monogrammed Clay Keychains
DIY Monogram Clay Keychains Photo by Homeyohmy [HOM]
When making these keychains, start by cutting the clay into your desired shape. Then, stamp your letters on using a clay emboss kit. Once you’re done, poke a hole at the top and bake it in the oven until the clay has hardened. When it’s ready, insert a jump ring through the hole on top, then loop in a smaller jump ring as well as a key ring after.
16. Gold Dot Champagne Flutes
DIY Gold Dot Champagne Flutes Photo By Lulus [Christina_Ulsh]
This easy DIY is one of the classiest crafts for adults. These DIY champagne flutes would make super elegant wedding gifts. Did I mention all you need to do is to place a few gold dots using pointed Q-tips and gold nail polish?
17. Chalkboard Calendars
Colorful Chalkboard Calendar Photo by Hawthorne and Main
When making this homemade calendar, remember to place painters tape on the sides of the board first. This will help you mark off the chalkboard area. If you’re looking for crafts for kids, try making this DIY project with them!
18. DIY Crystal Geodes
Make your own handmade crystal geode with an eggshell, food coloring, glue, and alum powder. This tutorial uses fake eggshells from Walmart, but if you’d like, you could opt to use real eggshells instead. Be sure to be very delicate when handling and selling them as they tend to break easily.
19. Flowery Perler Notebook
Flowery Perler Notebook Photo by Eilen Tein
Feel a hint of nostalgia as you set your eyes on this flowery Perler notebook. Add it to your list of kids crafts and make it with the family. By the way, don’t forget to place a weight on top of the Perler while waiting for it to dry.
20. Scrappy Key Fobs
Tutorial Variation: Scrappy Key Fobs Photo by Karin Jordan Studio
These handmade key fobs are a cute way to store your keys! They’re perfect for someone like me, who tends to lose their keys in the bottom of their bag, I highly suggest picking a fabric in a striking color so it’s easier to find. This is surely one of the easy crafts to make and sell since everyone uses keys!
21. Clothespin Picture Wreaths
This picture wreath is a great homemade decor to show off your photos without stocking up on too many picture frames. Remember, your main item for this project are the clothespins. So the more you have, the more photos you can display.
22. Washi Tape Clocks
DIY Washi Tape Clocks Photo by Tell Love and Party
Upgrading an ordinary clock with a few strips of washi tape places this on the list of easy crafts to make and sell. Let out your spirit for arts and crafts and go crazy by picking out a design with all sorts of cute and funky patterns.
23. Metal Roses
DIY Metal Roses Photo by The Happier Homemaker
If you’re looking for alternative Valentine’s Day gifts that’ll last longer than a bouquet of flowers, try these handmade roses. These DIY metal roses look so punk chic–perfect for Valentines, indeed. I especially love how the embossing tool gives a unique texture to the flower petals.
24. Cutting Board Clocks
Easy DIY Cutting Board Clock Photo by A Beautiful Mess
Looking for recycled crafts ideas for your kitchen? Get a new homemade decor by upcycling a cutting board into a DIY clock. You could do this easy DIY with any scrap board you have at home as well.
Tip: Don’t forget to leave a few points or marks for easier time references such as 12 noon, 3 pm, 6 pm, and 9 pm.
25. Convertible Harvest Apron And Produce Bag
DIY: Convertible Harvest Apron Produce Bag Photo by Adventures in Making
This crafts DIY is one of the best craft ideas you’ll come across because of its dual purpose. You’ll have an easy time selling this handmade craft because a ton of gardeners will be interested in this kind of apron.
Tip: Get rid of those pesky fraying edges by sewing on a zigzag stitch.
26. Lace-Up Flats
Give plain flats extra flair by attaching laces on them. They’ll look perfect when paired with a knee-length skirt. Make sure to sew on pieces of ribbon for the loops. They’re much easier to thread through compared to a suede cord.
27. Upcycled Paper
Up-cycled Paper Crafts Photo by In My Closet
Did you know you can create your own paper from recycled strips? You can even place some leaves or flowers on it. This is one of the easy crafts to make and sell that you can customize! In fact, it’s one of the handmade products that sell well. It could also very well be one of the top-selling homemade crafts.
28. Cactus Pincushion
Cactus Pincushion Photo by A Beautiful Mess
You’ll have an easy time selling crafts like these cactus pincushions because of how adorable they are. Remember to fill the cushions with a good amount of stuffing to help the cactus stand upright.
29. Wrapped Pencils
How To: Designer Wrapped Pencils Photo by Sisoo
These pencils look so elegant when wrapped with pretty strips of origami paper. You can also try your own design ideas by using other types of paper for this easy DIY. Here’s an idea: Try selling them in packs of three or more!
30. Gold Dipped Magnets
DIY Gold Dipped Magnets Photo by Gina-Michele
Ensure a clean line by laying a strip of tape down the middle of the nugget. Place a layer of gold paint and wait for it to dry. Then, attach a small magnet to the back and have an easy time selling this eye-catching decor!
31. Felt Ball Necklaces
DIY Felt Ball Necklace Photo by Lia Griffith
These felt ball necklaces are one of the lightest necklaces ever. Another great thing about this arts and crafts project is its endless possibilities. See for yourself by experimenting with different lengths, colors, and patterns.
32. Mini Succulents
Mini Succulent Planters Photo by Live Laugh Rowe
DIY a succulent people can use in their homes as decor. This is one of the best craft projects for upcycling because it uses egg cups as planters. Remember to make a  cactus mix with potting soil, pumice, and coir because it’s the best soil for succulents.
33. Double Decker Quilled Jewelry Box
Double Decker Quilled Jewelry Box Photo by Vikalpah
This jewelry box is a gem on its own because it holds three layers inside. The cup can be used for storing earrings, while the medium and small discs can hold bracelets, necklaces, and rings.
34. Handmade Bezel Resin Hearts
These handmade bezel resin hearts are so intricately designed, with its use of beads, cabochons, and various jewelry pieces. Don’t worry about using too much glue in this DIY, as the glue will turn clear once dried.
35. Prism Sculptures
DIY Prism Sculptures Photo by Crafted Sparrow
If you already have an air cutting machine on hand, then this prism sculpture project will only cost you about $3 to make! Just imagine how much you could sell them for online! All you need to do is cut 6 pieces for a cube prism and 3 pieces for a pyramid prism.
36. Anthropologie-Inspired Matchstick Earrings
DIY Anthro-Inspired Matchstick Earrings Photo by Jamie B. Hannigan [JBH]
The secret to making these Anthropologie-inspired matchstick earrings lie in the hammering. If you hammer until the frames lay flat, the earrings will be stronger and won’t bend easily.
37. Nautical Coasters
Easy Nautical DIY Coasters Photo by Love and Marriage
If you need coasters at home but don’t want to buy them, try making your own! All you’ll need for this project are some cork coasters, paint, vinyl, stencils, and a paintbrush. This easy DIY uses both the silhouettes and its cutouts to make the pattern on the coaster.
38. DIY Time Out Stool
Time Out Stool Tutorial Photo by Christiney’s Crafts
This project is a way to make time-outs more bearable for you and adorable, too. They will surely be a hit among hands-on parents. This DIY time out stool project is bound to be a great conversational piece that would be an easy craft to make and sell.
39. Seat Belt Pillows
DIY Travel Seat Belt Pillow For Kids Photo by The Frugal DIY Mom
Kids love falling asleep in the car. Make sure they’re extra cozy with this easy craft idea. It’s comfy and the kids will absolutely love it. It’s perfect to keep the kids comfortably tucked in the car.
40. Amigurumi Cactus Crochet Pattern
Amigurumi Cactus Crochet Pattern Photo by Hopeful Honey
This Amigurumi cactus is absolutely adorable and you’ll have an easy time selling it. A cute matching pair would be one of the best Valentine’s Day ideas to sell. You can also make a family set and sell it as the perfect gift.
41. Braided Headband
Braided Headband Photo by PS. – I Made This
A quick and deceptively easy, yet stylish, handmade braided headband can make a big difference in giving your outfit a trendy twist. DIY ideas like these are definitely great for selling at any craft fair or festival.
42. Strawberry Lip Balm
Homemade Strawberry Lip Balm Recipe Photo by Soap Deli News
Swipe on a touch of pink with this homemade lip balm recipe. It’s super easy to make and has a delectable scent. Add a touch of strawberry flavor oil and an optional pink colorant to give lips a sheer wash of color.
43. Alcohol Ink Coasters
Alcohol Ink Dyed Coasters Photo by The Crafted Life
If you want a customized set of coasters, you can have fun making your own! A cool set of colorful coasters is great functional decor in any home. Get your base tiles and take a look at the bonus guide to start crafting these handmade coasters!
44. DIY Body Scrub Bars
DIY Lemon + Peppercorn Body Scrub Bars Photo by Burkatron
Who doesn’t love homemade body scrubs? The best part about craft ideas like these is that it’s all natural. Don’t you want more easy crafts to make and sell that are good for your skin? Have fun selling these body scrubs and trying them out for yourself!
45. Cute Charging Station
Charging Station Photo by Eingemachtes
A lot of people have smartphones and this cute charging station will surely help you get started with your crafty entrepreneurship. This is one of the more ingenious DIY ideas you can sew in a flash. Get creative when choosing the fabric designs.
46. Superhero Comic Book Magnet
Superhero Comic Book Magnets Photo by Crafts by Amanda
Deny it as you may, there may be a comic book nerd deep inside you. If you’re planning to go to Comic-Con, why not make a batch of these easy comic book magnets? You can sell them by piece or as a set!
47. DIY Jeweled Headband
DIY Jeweled Headband Photo by Pearls and Scissors
This is a super easy craft project that isn’t just a headband but can double as a necklace as well. Let your inner princess rejoice at this super cute DIY jeweled headband/necklace! You can also make it match your handmade beaded bracelets and braided headband.
48. Easy Knit Produce Bag
Easy Knit Produce Bag Photo by Delia Creates
With a lot more people going green, this is one of the easy projects to make and sell that will be a hit at supermarkets and other stores. Crafty DIY projects like these are great for the environment or your crafting business.
49. DIY Wine Cork Charms
DIY Wine Cork Charms Photo by Evite
This will make great giveaways for parties and even intimate gatherings. The best DIY crafts are the simplest ones and something you can make at almost no cost at all. This decorative piece is definitely great for business!
50. Crafty DIY Rope Bowls
This rope bowl only looks pricey and hard to make, but it’s actually made only with some inexpensive bowls, a length of rope, and a glue gun. Make your own rustic rope bowls in minutes and you will be able to create a ton to sell in no time. Experiment with different types of rope and jute so you can present your customers with a variety of choices.
51. Chevron Pallet Mounted Hanging Mason Jar Vase
Chevron Pallet Mounted Hanging Mason Jar Vase Photo by Unoriginal Mom
Looking for DIY mason jar crafts to sell? This Chevron pallet mounted hanging mason jar vase offers a perfect touch of rustic beauty, making it a highly marketable piece. If you have some spare mason jar and pallets, you must give this craft a go!
52. Reversible Coffee Cup Sleeves
Reversible Coffee Cup Sleeves Photo by Crafty Staci
These adorable, customized coffee cup sleeves are bound to be a big seller because they are brightly colored and machine washable. Every coffeeholic will surely love to get their hands on one of these handmade cup sleeves!
53. Wooden Photo Display
How to Print Pictures on Wood Photo by The Art of Doing Stuff
Print pictures on wood with just wax paper and an inkjet printer. It’s that easy and it comes with amazing results! It’s the perfect DIY to give your home some unique decor. You can do this on most types of wood, too.
54. Yarn Ball Bookmarks
Yarn Ball Pom Pom Bookmark Photo by Design Mom
These yarn ball bookmarks are so chic and cute sure to become a bookworm’s favorite. What’s great about this craft? Aside from being very easy to make, these are normally small in size, so you can make your materials go a long way.
55. Etched Cutting Boards
Etched Cutting Board Photo by Design Mom
Sharpen your wood burning skills and create some etched cutting boards. You could even personalize them for special orders. Remember to buy the cutting boards in bulk and on sale so you can cut down on costs.
56. DIY Pallet Plaques
DIY Pallet Plaques Photo by Oh My Creative
One of the best rustic wood crafts to make and sell are these pallet plaques. Upcycle wood pallets and turn it into a cool picture frame or a clipboard. This fun piece of wooden art will be a perfect addition to home and a profitable project as well.
57. DIY Ceramic Tiles Water Color Coasters
DIY Watercolor Photo by Sharpie
Do you have leftover ceramic tiles from your last bathroom project? Well, don’t just throw them away. You can still make awesome coasters out of them. All you need is watercolor and a bit of creative juice. This project is definitely one of the most artistic sellable craft ideas you can do this weekend!
Looking for primitive country crafts to make and sell? Watch this video from The Sampler Maker Farmhouse to learn how to make clothespin angels:
There are plenty of cool creative things to make if you want to start your first foray into entrepreneurship! All these easy crafts to make will surely get your artful hands tingling with excitement! Set aside a weekend for these easy crafts to make and sell. Try to make a few batches and sell some of them at a nearby crafts fair. After all, it wouldn’t hurt to try making some cash off of your DIY hobby, right? Enjoy DIYing easy crafts to make and sell and let your business take off!
Which of these easy crafts to make and sell will you start you little crafty business with? We’re excited to know! Let us know in the comments section below.
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 30, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
The post 57 Easy Crafts To Make And Sell appeared first on DIY Projects Craft Ideas & How To’s for Home Decor with Videos.
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Wheatfields with Crows
Vincent van Gogh, 1890.
It’s been a while.
I know, I know. I’m regressing back to the state where I’m about to put “writing” inside a drawer that I’ll open once in a blue moon. I’m trying not to do that, because I genuinely enjoy the time that I spend typing away on the keyboard. It’s decompressing in a sense. Ironically, I thought I wouldn’t have anything to say prior to writing anything, but it turned out that it was just something that I needed to do for the familiarity.
I’ve written so much about one experiences that I’ve decided to divide my travel posts into different parts, starting with this one on a special dinner with my friends.
I’ve been a lot more active recently in terms of being a nomad, and so about three weeks ago, I’ve had the opportunity to meet up with my friends at the one and only Las Vegas. It’s funny, because I’ve coordinated the trip with them since March, and at that time we thought that the end of October is a hefty distance away.
Time seemed to fly within a blink of an eye.
(Note: It was also the first time I’ve been to Vegas during Halloween, but since it landed on a weekday, I was more or less exploring on my own. That explains the painting I’ve selected from Van Gogh.)
Caesar’s Palace: Restaurant Guy Savoy
Ever since two years ago, my friend and I have had an ongoing conversation about going to Guy Savoy’s restaurant…one day. It happened when I was asking her for Las Vegas restaurant recommendations. She is the type of person anyone would call a fine dining connoisseur, but definitely not in a snobbish way. She’s just pretty passionate about food, making her the ultimate source to ask for recommendations.
On the other hand, we’ve both been to Joël Robuchon (@ MGM Las Vegas) as well as é by José Andrés (@ Cosmopolitan Las Vegas) so it was an overall great experience to explore somewhere new with someone I adore. I should really write about those two restaurants one day, too, as they were fantastic as well.
Therefore, when we finally get to visit Guy Savoy on the 28th of October (thanks, iPhone album) – it was appropriate to get the Prestige Tasting Menu. I think all of the individual dishes deserve its own picture, so I’m going to post that instead of bundle all of them together to do them as much justice as I can.
Amuse-bouche (Foie Gras)
Amuse-bouche (Salmon)
French butter (imported, looks like ice cream)
Bread cart (freshly made daily)
Amuse-bouche and carbs. Lots of them. They were freshly made so I ate a lot.
Without further ado, here is the start of a wonderful and filling menu (that might be my own problem though):
Kushi Oyster Concassée, Lemon and Seaweed Granité
I’m a huge fan of oysters – and in recent years, raw ones, even though I don’t know much about them yet. Raw oysters and lemon is a match made in heaven, and the seaweed gives it an additional texture. I may be biased, but it’s a good start.
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Osetra Caviar, Crab Salad and Heirloom Tomato Gelée
Honestly, I can’t really tell the difference between caviar quality, but I’m pretty sure the restaurant uses finer caviar. It’s still quite a light dish that introduces more flavors and a great successor to the oyster. I’ve decided to display three photos, because of the intricate detail that goes into producing the dish. The red nest on the top is made out of beets (lightly fried, if I remember correctly), and meshes well with the crab, caviar, and tomato once it softens with the liquid; it also provides more texture within the dish.
The most impressive detail of this dish was that the liquid the waiter poured down the dish was actually salt water from the sea if I remember correctly. I’m sure they’ve purified it somehow. The octopus was cooked perfectly – it wasn’t too tough to chew, and the additional croquettes add an extra crunch to it. Not to mention it was one of the most visually stimulating dishes from the entire menu.
Salmon Iceberg
My friends and I were trying to figure out the concept of this dish after it has been placed before us. The waiter rolled the cart over to us, placed the salmon on a huge slab of ice, and told us that the idea behind this dish is to play with extreme temperatures. The salmon is placed on ice at first, then on individual dishes with stock poured over it to heat it up.
When we ate it, the salmon wasn’t fully cooked inside (which was completely fine for us, as we all like Japanese food), which explains the disclaimer on the website menu. I’m still not too sure about the entire idea behind it, but the salmon was quite fresh and the stock was sweet.
  Red Mullet, Fregula Sarda and Jus Corsé
This was the turning point for me. The dishes were getting stronger as evidenced in the jus – it was much thicker than the stock with the salmon, and the crisps on the top were the red mullet scales. If I remember correctly, the vegetable below the fish was spinach, and the fregula sarda (a type of round pellet pasta) was al dente.
As usual, everything went well together – whether it’s regarding texture or taste wise.
Seared Foie Gras and Unagi Napoleon, Cherry Extraction and Green Almond
Yikes. There’s no need for further introduction for foie gras – albeit its controversial nature. Unagi is the Japanese word for “eel”. I have to admit, I’ve never had a dish combination with foie gras and eel, both on the heavier side of the palette. The cherry extraction and green almond counteracts the oil and overwhelming greasiness that one gets when he / she takes the first bite out of foie gras.
Artichoke and Black Truffle Soup, Toasted Mushroom Brioche, and Black Truffle Butter
This was the second time I’ve had artichoke in the entirety of my life, so I can’t say I’m a good judge of it. However, oh my goodness – the biroche had the perfect crunch, and went well with the thick soup (think: pumpkin soup consistency). The black truffle wasn’t the only dominating flavor, and I have to say that the two make a pretty good duo.
Hazelnut Crusted Sweetbread, Summer Squash Variation and Roasted Veal Jus
If I were to pick, this would probably be one of the least memorable dishes in Guy Savoy. It’s not because it wasn’t good – everything was exquisite in the restaurant, but it is because of my own unfamiliarity for the ingredients that were used to create this dish.
The sweetbread provides an extra type of “crunch” to it, although I wasn’t aware of what it was until I was doing my research and searching for it for more accuracy of the dish. It’s not a big deal though, because I’m more or less and adventurous eater. The hazelnut provided a sweeter taste to it, balanced out with the squash and veal.
Pluma de Bellota Iberico, Textures of Corn, Basil, and Roasted Jus
Oh, Iberico. I was already in love when I saw that on the menu, but after further research, “Pluma de Bellota Iberico” is actually a type of cut from the pork, which is located at the end of the loin, and is one of the juicer parts of the meat.
What is so special about Iberico pork is that this type of pigs eat sweet acorns and grasses as their main diet, and they also get to roam around the range freely. This results in its unique texture and flavor as well as its marbling.
Overall, the pork, combined with the jus and sauce on the side was robust in flavor, and the fried slice of corn on the top added the crunch that accompanied well.
Petit Basque Cheese, Textures of Pear and Saffron
The waiter recommended that we eat the entirety of the dish in one singular bite for the flavor. It was a huge bite, with a serious crunchy texture on the outside along with softness inside (think: fondue thickness). I can’t really recall any flavor but cheese.
“From Beet to Sweet”
Beet lovers, rejoice. This was a dish full of beets, and perhaps a transition of savory to sweet. On the side there were diced and fried beets, and beet mousse enclosed within candied beets.
I think this dish was innovative and highly focused on beets. It was creative, and the presentation was beautiful and impressive. Not so impressive for one of my friends who really isn’t a huge fan of beets though.
In terms of taste, it was great, but not my favorite out of the entire menu as it was focused on one singular ingredient.
Fig, Mediterranean Flavors
Here’s another ingredient I’m not familiar with. Taiwan isn’t a place that has a lot of figs, and the ones that I’ve had here that were grown locally were pretty much tasteless. The local figs here are basically watery sacs over here, so I’m pretty much indifferent about them.
However – the dessert had a mixture of sweet and tartness, so it wasn’t sickly sweet. I’ve come to realize and accept the fact that my sweet and salty tolerances are declining (or maybe my taste is just getting more and more refined), so this is a delicate balance.
Dry Age Pineapple, Baked in Clay, Scent of Lemongrass, Mellowest Aloe Vera
This one is pretty neat, as one of the pastry chefs came to our table to explain the dessert while working on its plating.
What the restaurant has done was to basically dry age the pineapple (like how beef would be dry aged), and the size of the pieces as shown above were reduced severely due to dehydration. This resulted in bite sized, flavor packed pineapple squares. The chef was breaking open a pineapple shaped clay mold (if I remember correctly) to reveal the pineapple we were about to eat.
To be honest, I’ve never been a huge fan of eating pineapple by itself because of the stinging sensation it brings my tongue whenever I try them. There is a reason behind the “sting”; pineapples have an enzyme that breaks down called “bromelain” that breaks down protein (meaning it digests protein). This explains that there’s that feeling on the tongue whenever one eats too much pineapple. It also explains why pineapple is used as meat tenderizer as a culinary ingredient.
Again, I dug in (even though I was super full by that time) and finished the entire plate. Perhaps it was the dry age – the pineapple provided the tart with a smudge of sweetness that paired well with the ice cream. It was a refreshing dessert.
Cocoa “Pie”
I can’t say “no” to chocolate, even though I was so stuffed I could just pass out from food coma then.
The chocolate flakes on the top balances the sweetness of the pie on the bottom with a dash of bitter, which would’ve gone really well with the coffee and tea that the restaurant offered, but we were all planning to drink later, so we politely declined.
Dessert Cart: Fall (Halloween) Macarons 
Last but not least, despite having a stomach that was about to burst, we were offered desserts on the cart. There was a hefty selection of freshly baked and made dessert, but ultimately I picked my favorite macarons to try, especially because it was close to Halloween and I do like seasonal desserts.
I guess I can save the others for next time with the same company or different.
The jack-o’-lantern looking macaron was of course, pumpkin flavored, and the cobweb black macaron was sesame flavored (I believe…? I forgot, really). They were both tasty, but I preferred the pumpkin flavored more as it was a flavor that I’ve never had.
So, was the restaurant worth the price tag?
I suppose it really depends on the person.
Personally, I am more than okay with spending money on experiences, whether it’s by myself or with my loved ones, so in my opinion, I’d say this meal was worth every penny spent. I also think that my palette has evolved throughout the past couple of years by getting the opportunity to travel and experience new cuisines – and not just fine dining, but also street food.
The ingredients, effort, and service was impeccable, not to mention the decor and ambiance of the restaurant.
I haven’t had the opportunity to try to wine tasting, but I would do so next time, as when we were offered the wine list, the server rolled a cart over with what looked like a dictionary or an encyclopedia on it. I can’t imagine how the list would be.
This is definitely somewhere I’d look forward to visit some other time in the future.
Food & Travel: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. (Part I – Fine Dining) Wheatfields with Crows Vincent van Gogh, 1890. It's been a while. I know, I know. I'm regressing back to the state where I'm about to put "writing" inside a drawer that I'll open once in a blue moon.
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