#I wonder if I could sign this
lover-of-mine · 1 year
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
You gave the dog to a shelter instead of giving it away to a new home?
My preference would have been finding a new home ourselves, but there’s a clause in the agreement we signed when adopting him from the shelter that in the event of a rehome we must consult them.
Because he’s a puppy they’d prefer to take him back to place themselves rather than letting us find a new home for him. The shelter we went through is a really fantastic local one that’s a very beloved nonprofit. Our adoption fee isn’t refunded and they’ll be able to collect another when he finds his next home as well as monitoring his health, so it does make sense.
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pinacoladamatata · 4 months
I'm still so mad about the Wyll rewrite actually
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shotbyacowboy · 13 days
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He's bloated and frozen, Still there's no point in letting it go to waste
DO NOT reupload, repost or use my art is any way without expressed permission.
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mrgaretcarter · 11 months
Barbie seeing a man: 😐👍🏻
Barbie seeing a woman: 😊🥰😘
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son1c · 3 months
maybe i'm missing something but does cohost not show any numbers at all? i know i've gone on record saying that numbers (likes and reblogs etc) don't really mean anything, but it's definitely... weird... to have them be completely absent. somehow it makes the whole "posting experience" feel even more isolated and quiet than it does on here. i don't like it
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ganondoodle · 10 months
someone commented on an old post of mine that sonia wasnt fridged bc shes relevant to the plot and i have been thinking about it for an hour bc i dont think thats an actual get out of jail card for that .... also ... what does she do? be raurus way to cement himself as da king? give some half assed advice to zelda, that has no pay off unless you count zelda time reversing a bunch of weapons*, and then immediately dies just so zelda can essentially replace her and make rauru regret he didnt stab ganondorf right when he showed up in their temple i guess ?? (which is questionable on its own imo)
(*its not a good pay off for powers she was suddendly revealed to always have had(tm) and also is only ever used to .... welll, get zelda out of the way back in time, reverse a few weapons and .. idk create a ham fisted way to give the player her gimmick?)
even if she doesnt technically meet the requirements(lol?) to be called fridged like .. she is spiritually at least for how irrelevant and cheapely killed off she was
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wizardsimper · 6 months
Nobody talks enough about how Gale is likely a pianist since he has a piano in his tower in his act 2 romance scene
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hauntingblue · 1 month
Gear 5 luffy's laugh is so contagious I just hear the drums and go insane how does this work. What did he do to me
#i still cant believe how much this new opening theme goes off.... DREAM SAVE ALL OF US 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH 💥💥💥💥💥💥#wait a second. the robot attacked 200 years ago. the void century was 800 years ago no????? what#oh see it was made 900 years ago.... but why did it attack 200 years ago then.... what happened#it is still so funny how they made evegapunk einstein but with some cunty long legs#200 years ago they gave rights to the gyojin!!! i see i see ✍️✍️also i still wonder why law and kuma have similar hat and pants designs#like there is NO WAY that much similarity isnt done on purpose. NO FUCKING WAY!!! I NEED ANSWERS!!!#are they annihliating cp ships akdhakskd yeah vegapunk letsgo#also the opening song is about dreams and the end one is about luffy reaching shanks...... havent got a clue why but there it is#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1098#also is lucci named lucci bc it kinda sounds like luffy. SERAPHIM KUMA HAS HIS DEVIL FRUIT???? vegapunk could only make zoan fruits????#also wdym when cp0 acts it means its some historic event. lucci is like 25. where are the experienced people here#sentomaru works for vegapunk??? maybe i forgor about this tbh also do theu have a doffy seraphim??? the fact they have animal names....#stussy letting kaku get hurt akdhsjsn oh atlas has lamb ears..... and lucci said she is is prey... no..... the foresahdowing :(#lucci you fucked up she just gave luffy food... that a death sentence look what happened to kaido#episode 1099#<- oh my god btw. god. jesus.#why is akainu telling the cp0 what to do or thinks he can do that... thats the world gov... also thinkng about how garp should fight him#and not luffy.... because of ace you know... i still wonder how did sengoku know who ace's father was... there is only one man who knew....#everyone trying to stop them from fighting ajdhsksjks two rabid dogs fr#LUFFY TAKING OFF HIS JACKET WHEN LUCCI ASKS FOR HIS WANTED SIGN!!!! GO OFF KING!!!! SLAY!!! THE CREW SAW HIM!!! FINALLY!!!#i have been smiling since he started the transformation this is so sick...... i have got a case of the luffy brain#zoan fruits steal the personality of the user when they awaken ✍️✍️ luffy???? nami being the only one who saw gear 5 <3 twins manifesto#robin being so shook about luffy being a god ajdbjansk wdym devil fruits exist because people wish for them. fairy magic real????#WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE FROM ALTERNATE REALITIES WHERE SOMEONE DREAMT ABOUT THEM??? DOES HE TRAVEL THRU REALITIES FOR THEM???#jinbe has been making this face 😧 every episode three times it is amazing ajdhaksnsk poor man... now he sees a kid angel version of himself#after seeing hia captain turn into a god... he is gonna get a stroke OMG SENTOMARU WE JUST GOT YOU BACK#episode 1100#<- CRAZY. INSANE. OH GOD. ONLY 12 LEFT. THATS A WEEKEND!!! I CANT DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mafaldaknows · 6 months
Mafalda, the erroneous use of y’all and the reference to the brood of vipers was pretty telling to me. Don’t want to name any names but there’s only one person still alive around these fandom spaces who remembers in that much detail the ss and uses y’all like the wannabe american she desperately wants to be. And I’m gonna bet it’s not a charmie or an armie fan at all lmao.
Unless she still considers herself his fan :D even after all that supposedly happened to her.
Hello, Anon:
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Well, bless her heart. 😏🤣
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Thanks for your observation. 😏😉🎪🎟️🤡😂
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im-an-anthusiast · 2 months
Far Too Sweet
A sickening something lives in my throat
It makes my neck bulge, and I start to choke
I pray that it goes, though I know it won’t
It has been there ever since I first woke
A gap in reason, and in my insides
They are what it causes, and where it hides
Hard to breathe, yet even harder to think
Choking on my blood – thick and black, like ink
Always comes back, after I swallow it
Teeth rotten black, for it’s all sickly sweet
Can’t find a way, to stop feeling like it
Tongue burnt away, for it’s all far too sweet
A sickening something squirms in my throat
I claw at my neck, so that I won’t choke
It evades my fingers, will not be caught
My collar turns red, as it starts to soak
A billowing smoke, caused by doubts and fears
Spews up and out my throat, then disappears
Wipes the slate clean, gone is thought and worry
Erases the sight, that was once blurry
Without regard for myself, or for it
My lips are scarred, for it’s all sickly sweet
I hear words hushed, which I fear to repeat
My jaw is crushed, for it’s all far too sweet
A sickening something feasts in my throat
It constantly grows, and it makes me choke
My neck follows suit, as it starts to bloat
Airway blocked up by all the ink and smoke
A pit yawns open, awaiting my fall
If I were to beg, would that help at all?
My wounds yawn open, at touch of my own
My body sags – cold and heavy like stone
I am untouched, and yet, I have been hit
My gums, all cut, for it’s all sickly sweet
Lost on this street, though I grew up on it
Now, I can’t eat, for it’s all far too sweet
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pisshandkerchief · 2 months
we have a new driver at work and she's hot and autistic and a lesbian
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sounwise · 2 years
[“Fixing a Hole” is] a very simply constructed song, built around a harpsichord and a bass guitar. Even before we got into the studio, Paul wanted to use a harpsichord as the mainstay of his rhythm; even so, the bass line is more important than the harpsichord line. Paul had to play bass guitar on it, because nobody could (or can) play that instrument quite like him. That meant somebody else was going to have to play keyboards. This was unusual, because Paul always liked to play his own keyboards on his own compositions. The part of honorary stand-in keyboard player to the greatest group in the world was offered to me. It wasn’t too difficult, and it didn’t seem likely to tax my non-virtuoso technique too much. Paul let rip with a superb and melodic bass line—something that was rapidly becoming his style. He used the instrument like a voice: he was never content to just use the dominant and tonic—the normal plodding sequences of a bass—as many others did. He wanted to make that bass sing. Whenever he had something to say, he said it most eloquently using the instrument he loved the best. […] Of all the Beatles, Paul was the most talented musician. When I first met him he could not play the piano at all. It was a very short time indeed from then to ‘Lady Madonna’, which is a very complicated and extremely good piano track played entirely by Paul, and a measure of his musicianship. Paul could play the drums, technically, better than any of the others, including Ringo (although he could never get anything like the distinctive sound Ringo got from his kit). So, by default, Paul took over the most difficult instrument to play with any originality in a rock ’n’ roll band: the bass guitar.
[—from With a Little Help from My Friends: The Making of Sgt. Pepper, George Martin]
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berensteinsmonster · 1 year
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Done and done! Finished making my “AJJ - Junkie Church” comic with my silly ocs story in them :) It’s a story about Planetman (They/Them) and Butterflyguy (He/She) and an incident in their life where Butterflyguy got hospitalized and Planetman is suffering from survivor’s guilt from being there. (She survives btw, this was just very traumatizing for Planetman)
It was pretty nice making this whole thing and it was a huge step outside of my comfort zone with how big this project is :0
btw once I was finished making this I immediately redesigned them (see below doodle) so uhhhhmmm just pretend they have their updated designs in the comic heheh..
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(reblogs are highly appreciated!)
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
What’s your opinion on Janet and Jack Drake?
Phew that’s a tough one!
Ok so I’d like to reiterate that most of my knowledge comes from reading fanfic and looking up some canon events on the internet. I haven’t read too many comics yet >.<
A lot of fics (mine included because it’s a nice plot device for Tim angst) depict the Drakes as horrible people who are much more abusive/neglectful than they are in canon (at least from what little I know).
But even without that they left Tim behind for months at a time, didn’t realize he was sneaking out into Gotham AT NIGHT when he was like—- nine? to take pictures and I don’t think he had an actual babysitter either? But feel free to correct me here.
And yeah, Tim is/can be a very independent person but interestingly enough there’s something called “hyper independence” which is something neglected kids may develop as a consequence to not having an adult to rely upon.
Which doesn’t mean that Janet and Jack don’t love Tim. I’m actually pretty certain they do, in their own way, but neither of them is or was equipped to raise a child. They prioritized their globetrotting business over providing a safe and healthy environment for Tim.
Being a parent is a full time job and they didn’t even put in the bare minimum beyond providing him with money, a roof over his head and some occasional check ins. Being back in Gotham once every couple months to spend some days of quality time with your kid just doesn’t cut it.
So to sum it up I think Janet and Jack Drake are horribly neglectful parents whichever way you look at it. And sure, they could be worse, but neglect isn’t a competition. ✨
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