#I wish it was a real game T_T
merakiui · 1 year
Okay hear me out... You need money fast for some reason so you decide to sell your body - you'll get to have fun while also getting the cash you need. You go to Azul for a few pointers on how to run such business and while he might give them to you for a price, once he has Floyd amd Jade find out just what kind of business you need, he decides he needs to be the first in line. Like please take his virginity. He will pay you well. Hell, he might just pay you enough so you stay with him only...
Other part of the scenario is that your business is now open and all the boys that have been crushing on you are standing in line now. (this is just me wanting to take Azul's and Riddle's virginity... I want to take good care of them)
Omg he's a loser!!! T_T he needs to be the first and last in line, by which he is the only one in line. He probably tells the twins they're free to have fun with (beat up) anyone who even tries to make use of your little business. He is getting laid no matter what and it's going to be with you!!! >:( He boasts it so proudly that the twins can't help but laugh and tease him about his enthusiastic determination. If it isn't a business opportunity or new blackmail, then it's you who has him so eager. He would absolutely make you his contract lover. >_< so pathetic tako... the type to say "it isn't love" after you've signed his contract, but one of the stipulations is that you have to act like you're his loving partner and aaaaa he's so in love and so bad at navigating it with real, truthful rizz.
Open for business yes!!!! Could you imagine Riddle is one of the first in line and you don't expect to see him and he's so embarrassed and growing even redder by the minute!!!!!! orz he absolutely tiptoes around the real reason he's there and tells you he's not here to sleep with you and that he only wishes to take you out on a friendly outing (a date), so if you would be so kind as to indulge him just this once and maybe then... he's rambling and rambling and it looks so cute to see the usually eloquent Riddle flustered and fumbling over his tongue. You'll entertain him with a day's worth of fun things (tea party, croquet games, tending to the flamingos and hedgehogs, taking a stroll through the rose maze) and at some point in the evening you'll find yourself back in Riddle's room. He is incredibly nervous, but you're so patient with him. <3
It's probably really sweet and soft and slow sex because Riddle's settling into a pace that suits the both of you and it's also his first time so you want it to be endearing and memorable for him. Nothing hardcore or painful for the first time, but you can be certain that after that night he will find himself at your doorstep yet again. And again and again. Bad habits are hard to break, but even more so when you've become a crucial part of Riddle's schedules and he doesn't have the heart to write you out of it. Once the both of you are more comfortable in the bedroom, you will see many fun sides to Riddle (sides you never knew he could have, and from the way Riddle seems surprised even he was unaware he possessed such exciting sides).
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nerdynuala · 3 months
Hi, love your hcs from last time! Could I make a hange request? I'm intrigued to think about random real life situations of her. Like, I feel like at least once is her life she was bullied, humiliated? Why do people do that with all nerds lol. how do you think she deals with those situations?
Also, (teenage or youth edition) about how is her relationship with her friends, what habits she has in her daily life, I don't know, I leave you free creativity space!
Hello please forgive me, I don't even know how long this has been sitting in my inbox T_T
I haven't been thinking or writing headcanons lately, but I'll give you my best try because heck you sent this so long ago I definitely owe you at least an attempt lol
Sorry again, I hope you can enjoy this anyway.
I've decided to focus on the prompt of Hange being bullied or humiliated more than anything else, but I threw in some things about childhood/youth friendships (truth is, I don't think Hange had many friends as a child or teen) and some veterans
Here we go:
- a classic, Hange wearing glasses since a very young age, she got called four-eyes ever since she started hanging out with other kids. Did it hurt her? Well, she never would admit it, but until the age of 12/13 she did wish her eyesight was better just so that kids would stop making her feel different, in a bad way. She used to laugh it off when people teased her, but in the privacy of her bathroom at home she would squint at her reflection in the mirror and wish she could walk around without her glasses.
- Being a very curious and somewhat savage kid, with a passion for every kind of bug, did not help her making friends. She was called a weirdo for collecting bugs, showing them to every kid, and knowing all the weird names of the insects. But it was her passion, in this case she really couldn't care less what other kids thought of her. She did befriend a boy who also loved bugs and they used to go looking for them in the forest.
- Hange used to get along better with boys. Girls talked behind her back and found Hange dirty and wild, they used to tell her she "should have been a boy". Hange did not care for "being a girl or a boy", she was "just Hange, take it or leave it". Boys did like Hange's company though, they could play more competitive and sporty games with her and she did enjoy every bit of pinecones and stones wars.
- When Hange grew up, as a teen she often wished she could fit in better with girls in her environment, but she caught some of them talking behind her back, saying Hange was not feminine and an intense nerdy weirdo and that no one, boy girl or wathever, would want to be with her. Hange was really independent at the time and was not looking forward to any relationship in particular, but it still hurt because she only wanted someone to be able to talk to and that would listen to her and talk to her with the same passion she put into things she liked. She stopped talking to the girls she overheard, but she never stopped smiling and waving at them when they crossed paths. Hange did not want them close in her life anymore, but that didn't mean she would stop being kind even though they had not been to her once. Hange understood she was kind of different and that these girls probably weren't open-minded enough to understand that not everyone has to be the same.
- What hurt Hange the most, however, happened in her early adult life. Being a scout, a Squad Leader, and most importantly a Titan Researcher, she once had to present her advances in Titan Research to a large crowd of Scouts and MPs, even higher ranks. She put much effort into it and she was sure that, this time, she had a lot of new information about Titans that would thrill and help everyone out. She did present and, in the middle of the presentation she heard some people giggling and making comments she couldn't hear. It bothered Hange because, heck this was a serious matter and it was important to her and to anyone interested in defeating the Titans. She was interrupted by someone from the Military Police who raised his hand to ask, quite literally, "who the dickhead that let her funds for this bullshit was". The dude even had the courage to say that the money would have been better spent for "hiring some sluts to lift the spirits of the Scouts". It was the first time that Hange was at a loss of words and couldn't bite back. She felt like crying from anger and feeling helpless. She normally dealt with people belittling or bullying her by biting back with some sarcastic remark, but her mind went blank. She couldn't finish the presentation like she had in mind and felt depressed for a whole month after that. Her job, her research and the passion she put into it was the most important thing to her. She could deal with people making fun of her for being weird, for being "not feminine", for wearing stupid glasses... But not with people thinking her work was worthless, she discovered.
After this episode, Levi offered Hange a lot of late night tea and even let her rant a lot. He even asked how she knew that titans don't poop.
Also, a few weeks after that, Hange heard rumors that the MP dude who interrupted her presentation was beaten up by a short guy who ended up being stronger than 5 men all together. They said the guy was probably raised in the underground, as he fought like a thug from down there.
Side note, Erwin subtly raised funds for Titan Research and provided her with a brand new laboratory and named Moblit her assistant, officially. Moblit helped her to find the spark she had lost after being humiliated, he gave her a collection of new Titan drawings that were bound together in a new book, which had a lot of blank pages to fill in with new research. Mike and Levi also promised, without sounding too grumpy, to capture a Titan so that they could study them better.
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noranb · 2 years
Dont feel pressured to respond to this as I don’t want to add to the discourse by any means, but as a counter point to the other anon, I never really got how it was ‘wrong’ to have characters who are properly aged up/consenting to be the focus of nsfw content? Cause like, it is fictional on one hand, and also, on the other, no singular entity stays a child forever. So long as they are of appropriate age and the context is there for it, it’s hard for me to find any ‘good’ reason to be against it.
I’ve seen this sort of argument destroy creators, fans and fandoms before, and it’s just not worth it honestly. people need to learn that if they’re uncomfortable with stuff that it doesn’t mean it’s necessarily bad or immoral and they need to just move on. People who can’t understand that distinction yet might not be ready for any sort of nsfw content in general, so I think that honestly, whatever you choose to do is fine.
People will find reason to poke and complain regardless of what you do, but I think you should do what you like and whatever makes you happy. I am sorry though that you’ve gotten negative messages about these sorts of things before, as no one should be harassed over how they ship a thing. Ever.
Anyways, wishing you a pleasant day, and know that I’ll support you regardless. I just wanted to like write and show that I understand where you’re coming from and that people will get it too, even if they don’t say anything
I agree! Like it'd be fucked up if people were to do this to real kids but fictional characters are. fictional lol their whole purpose is to tell stories through them, I don't see why that story should be contained to "sfw" content even when they're adults in it. Thanks for the support ;u;
(more asks under cut)
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"they exist at the age you're depicting them just as much as they exist at the age they are in canon" <- put it in words better than I could, thank you ;o;
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right, I feel like the only time this would be bad to do with existing fictional characters is if the original creator of the characters expressed that they don't want fan creations involving nsfw etc etc but hoyoverse doesn't give a crap so!!
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omg kind of mind games are they playing on tumblr dot com T_T
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lapinlunairegames · 4 months
hello!! i found you through sci-fi yonara which. i adore so much - aside from sci fi being far and away my favourite genre - you masterfully portray the setting in a down to earth way and the whole concept of planned obsolescence of whole planets is as intriguing as it is terrifying T_T
recently played ur entry for the anti romance jam, three things, and i am just thoroughly impressed by your effective use of twine and the beautifully worded introspective thoughts that arise from the process of translation...... translation is such a delicate process and the decisions the translator makes reveals just as much about them as it can reveal different aspects of the text and this piece is brief but extremely effective!!
your writing is evocative but somehow never too much AND OF COURSE!!! your UI is absolutely amazing!! feels real and like it belongs in-world, and more than that makes clever use of twine to aid your storytelling
hello hello! thank you so so much! This ask is very deeply kind and I am sorry it has been hoarded in my inbox for nearly a year now XD
I'm so glad you enjoyed sci-fi-yonara and three things - and pleasantly surprised to hear that you found me through sci-fi-yonara! I bit off a little more than I could chew with the scope of that game in the timeframe I had to work on it, but returning to flesh it out is very much on the roadmap. The planned obsolescence setting is very near + dear to me and I'm excited to share more of it!
And you've hit everything I wanted Three Things to make a player feel right on the head! Translation is such a nuanced endeavour and it means the world to me that you felt the gameplay handled it so well.
I'm glad you like the UI too! It's one of my fave things in the whole process. There's something satisfying about seeing everything come together in a nice little box - even if troubleshooting UI bugs makes me wish I didn't get so intricate with it sometimes, lol!
This is such a lovely ask - thank you again.
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hazeisblue · 29 days
I should have posted this maybe five months ago (especially because I kindly got tagged by some mutuals for tag games and I never got to answer I'm sososo sorry T_T) but today is the first time I opened tumblr on desktop mode (!) I've been on tumblr on and off since 2011 but I only got back to the app a few months ago.
I'll use @callivich intro post :) ty for creating it!
Name: I just go by hazeisblue :)
Age: Mid 20's
What made you fall in love with Gallavich? Their realness. I've been on and off on many different fandoms and I've never seen a portrayal of a romantic relationship as real and raw as gallavich. Cameron and Noel's acting is amazing as well and I believe a huge part of gallavich success comes from their chemistry.
How long have you been a fan? I saw a shameless tiktok in early 2023 on one of those accounts that upload movies in several parts. I think I was familiar with Fiona or Debbie's storyline at first but then I got into gallavich and just ended up binging the compilation of their scenes in youtube lol. Then I went to check their tag on AO3 and well, here I am.
Favourite Gallavich moment/scene? Them meeting in jail and everything not shown that lead up to that moment. The relief in Ian's eyes, Mickey's smile, Frank Ocean playing in the background, the kiss! I truly believe that the gallavich plot could have ended there and I would be happy. In a way, that could have been their happy ending.
Favourite Shameless character apart from Ian and Mickey? Lip. I'm a huge fan of Jeremy Allen White's portrayal of Lip and Carmy (The Bear). I might relate to both characters a bit more than I want to accept. I also like Mandy and I wish we got to see more Milkovich siblings interactions.
Do you write or draw or make edits? I haven't posted anything but I have a few ideas floating around on Google Docs :) I'm not an English native speaker, so I'm not very confident with my English skills but maybe someday I'll try to post something here.
Favourite type of Gallavich fics? I love everything gallavich related honestly. I check the AO3 tag everyday and I'm starting to venture into fanfiction.net again to check some old works. I especially love fics centered around their married life after S11, but I also really like AUs (college AU, sports AU, i'm down for everything).
Favourite Gallavich quote? I'm drawing a blank here because I've loved every one of their little interactions, from their more meaningful ones to just their banter.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself? I've been a fan for my entire life lol I've gone from tokio hotel/cinema bizarre/emo bands to visual kei/jrock to anime to kpop/k-indie/k-hiphop, and lately, to shameless/the bear/succession. I love getting into new fandoms so I love a good rec or just to chat about any of the above :)
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep14
"Does an Amazon Queen beat a Warrior Princess" sjfhdhdbd
"Thought I was dead, didn't you"
That's a bad idea, Valeska
OOOOH, WHITE EYES. Is she taller?
Xena pushing Gabrielle down
Oh damn she's OP
Xena just wants Gabrielle safe 😭
Oh she's weakening... She can't go on forever
Xena saved Ephiny as well!
Gabrielle will for sure suggest a "Give me to her then you can all live" plan
Ngl I wish I could pull off boots like that
Now Valeska is queen of a bunch of burning huts and smoke ig
The amazons wanna fightttt
XENA DISLOCATED HER ARM? And put it back in... 😂
HAND ON SHOULDERRRR they're so touchy
"I've never been hunted" T_T
A rat? Whooo... CALLISTO!???
Wait when did Callisto turn immortal. Did that happen in Hercules or...
"I know how much this hurts you" "No you don't" THEY'RE FIGHTING, NOOOO T_T
Poor traumatised Gabrielle
Velaska is stalking the forest
NOOOO EPHINY. This is 100% a ruse
Gabrielle is worried for her gf :(
Callisto gained a scar, hu
She looks a bit more unhinged than usual
"You may be immortal, but I can still do damage" Hihihihiii
Oh Callisto likes the ambrosia
"Oh me too, thanks for asking"
ANY NEW HUSBANDS wow that's fucking rude
Ooookay she just stabbed herself... She's very... Eh XD
There are so many emotions here
Velaska the goddess of chaos
"Ahaaa, and then it's you and me and the Ambrosia"
Callisto is enjoying this a bit too much XDD "Now?? :3"
"She just switched sides..." -_- Great
"And who are you?" "I'm insulted"
Callisto is gonna get mad and attack her like that sbdgdhd
Sword fightttt
Callisto is so pissed Valeska tried to kill her sjdfhdh
Aaaand she's buried for the time being. I feel like that won't stop her for long...
"Patience is a virtue" and she leaves. XD
Uh Callisto is gonna be rude
"Just played a game of truth or dare and she's not very good at it."
Every time they discuss a plan in detail it WILL go differently. Simple story telling
"It's your precious little Gabrielle she wants" sbdhdhd "I know..." T_T
Shfhfd is she tornadoing herself
"Looks a little like home, remember"
Sacrificial lamb sjfhds
Noooooooo... Xena will run to her rescue
"Don't let go, I'm coming" yeah that
The calm before the storm...
AND there it is
"I'm the bait"
Yeah I too would like to dump Callisto AND Velaska
"Go away" Noooo, Xena
"Yes. I don't want to die." yessss
Gabrielle nicks the Ambrosia
Pls Callisto is so unhinged I love her sbdhdd in the same way as Missy XD
Uh oh. Now we have two goddesses
"Here comes trouble" I will not inspect why I heard Here comes mother at first...
Oop they both fell in
HOLY SHIT XENA They somehow climbed back up. NICE
"For eternity I hope" Oh absolutely they'll come back
"If I can't forgive her I can't move on" real
Niceee, those two will absolutely come back again.
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igglemouse · 11 months
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @cactusblossom, thank you both for tagging me and I guess I am getting at this late but here it is!
What’s your favourite Sims death?
The old age death because it means a sim has lived like and are gently passing on! I also love that they give a little salute like “It was fun while it lasted but PEACE!” if I have a chance to give a salute and famous last words before I die I know I would!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match not because it looks better but because it blends in with the game.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
Do you use move objects?
I imagine it is hard not to when you are a competitive sims player lol.
Favourite Mod?
Hmmm, this is hard. I will say Wicked Whims though. I know, I know, you all think i’m super horny over here but really sex is a big part of life it is, one can argue, one of the most important aspects of life itself as one must have sex to create life (kind of at least) so WW really expands on that. Just get rid of the sex animations it adds, ignore that completely, it still adds an indepth menstrual system, attraction system, fertility system, etc! 
WW actually determines how many kids my sims will have for example since some are naturally more fertile than others so yeah!
2nd place is MC Command which is great for just having more control. I mostly use that to make over townies when I see them lol.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
The first one they released? It was either Luxury party or the camping one right? Whichever was the first one lol.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
Oooh, I actually don’t make many sims since I play legacy and just rely on genetics but I will say Araceli! I made her when I relaunched a legacy and I spent so much time on her! I loved her! I thought of bringing her back in some form so we might not have seen the last of her actually!
Have you made a simself?
I have for the fun of it but i’ve never played it. I hardly make myself in games. I just always think of a character I guess.
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Dark brown.
Favorite EA hair?
If you go back I had a vampire in my story named Edda, she wears it. It’s the real short one but ummm, the short one. Most people know by now I do love short hair lol
(EDIT: Not sure why I referenced Edda...Laverne wears this hairstyle lol. There, that is a more recent sim) 
Favorite life stage?
Young Adult! EA just put all the fun in that phase though. 
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I am not that good at building...
Are you a CC creator?
I’ve made poses years ago!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I have simblr friends but part of no squad. I feel like a mostly outsider or lone wolf in the simblr community but im nice to everyone!
Do you have any sims merch?
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I don’t think it has honestly lol.
What’s your origin id?
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Hmmm, I don’t know! 
How long have you had simblr?
Since 2014 since the game launched in 2014 and I literally had a post the first day it launched.
You can even see this post here!
I’ve been a Sims 4 OG as the kids would like to say and my simblr has really flunctuated in all that time. I’ve had posts getting 100s of likes to now just around 10 lol, I’ve come full circle!
It’s kind of sad because @floofymilk-blog was a real good online friend I had known for years and she was someone you saw constantly liking my posts and commenting at first and she has completely disappeared from like...everything. So yeah T_T, from discord, from steam, from switch, and I always wonder what happened to her and seeing that post and seeing her in the notes there just makes me sad but...she was the biggest AC fan I’ve ever known T_T and a big Sims fan too!
She was Japanese and disappeared before the release of Snowy Escape and I wonder if she would have loved that pack :/
How do you edit your pictures?
I used to do A LOT more but honestly, I just gave up lol. Now I just use a reshade, add a border, and move on. Lazy, I guess? But I’m posting legacy content. What is called a Plotacy. If I hung up on editing every single picture it would slow me down a ton. You can see the story content I tried it was a lot more edited!
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
Hmmmmmm seasons, yeah, Seasons!
I will tag @joannebernice - @mysimsloveaffair - @wolfavens - @wannabecatwriter - @lollipopsimblr - @thereesespiece
If you have done it already or dont want to no worries!
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Oh yeah, I saw that most pathetic twst boy poll contest and lemme tell you, I was very confused how a teenage boy who managed to run a successful business, studied his butt off, became friends with two of the shadiest dudes in the cast and managed to scam a lot of people into working for him, all of that despite a rough start at life is even more pathetic than the grown ass man who makes teenagers do his dirty work and procrastinating sending the MC home. Like, damn, boyo cries one time and for understandable reasons and suddenly everyone forgets his accomplishments.
[Reply to this post!]
Right?? T_T I mean, I guess character popularity played a role to an extent because otherwise, everyone would root for Crowley lmao but .. yeah, it's something that I can't control. That we can't control. People will interpret Azul however they wish to because it's what they took away from the story or they are busier with real life and can't dedicate all their time and effort to really getting to know Twst.
But at the same time, I believe that if you're going to take the time to write about Twst, you do the necessary research and readings before you share. There's a pleasure and excitement to writing ooc things, I acknowledge that. And I acknowledge that in one's excitement to get into a game, you may end up writing before really thinking (because ngl that's kinda how my blog started off). But when it's something that many people are sharing about, it tends to drown out what a character is really like. And that's what is happening to not just Azul but to pretty much the entire cast.
So yeah, even if I may end up repeating myself again in the next four months or so, I won't regret it. Because I want to be that person to remind everyone that Azul is not a crybaby, he's someone who's grown to be a stronger person. And more than that, I also want to remind everyone that crying is not a pathetic thing to do. Crying is a form of expression. Crying is catharsis. In some way, by calling Azul's crying pathetic, the narrative that crying is pathetic is perpetuated. Let that narrative die, even if it's in a relatively small space like the Twst fandom.
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isilrina · 6 months
— 10 Characters
My sister, @valkblue tagged me on another game, yay! I love those ^^
Rules: pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
Tagging: who ever wants to share the love for their story/universes/characters.
(Some of those have been translated from french, are still waiting for me to edit them or written 10 years ago so please be gentle T_T) 1. First character is James, from 'Dreamscape'. He and Artie are what I call background characters as their first purpose is to make the world they live in seems more real and not empty.
As Daniel and the young lady passed by the makeshift setup, the two boys greeted her in unison, both tipping the brim of their respective hats. "Gentlemen," she replied, still uncomfortable with the terms used since her arrival in Steelport. At that word, the one they called "the kid," Artie, his mouth still full of a bite of bread, elbowed his neighbor. "Y'hear that, James? I reckon I'm a fine gentleman now!" he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. James smirked and leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest. "Shut it, kid! If you're a gentleman, then I must be the most notorious gunslinger this side of the Steelport basin!"
2. We have Daniel also from 'Dreamscape':
"It's important to hold dear our inner world as much as the one 'round us." When he turned his attention back to Emily, she was frozen in amazement, and he offered her another smile. "I…," she hesitated, smiling sheepishly once the surprise had passed. "I didn't expect so much poetry coming here." Beside her, Daniel chuckled softly. "Life out here might seem rugged and raw, Miss Hastings," he replied, turning to the campfire where a young boy and an older man were now seated. "But the slow passage of time brings ponderin', and with it, poetry and philosophy." He allowed a brief second of silence before adding: "Even if it be a whole different world from them city-folk's ways." Emily now observed him openly, mesmerized by his words, and she let her attention wander to his profile, seeing him truly for the first time. He seemed a few years younger than her, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six, and his skin, tanned by the sun, was adorned with beauty spots. His nose, with its perfect bridge, ended in a slightly upturned tip that gave him a mischievous look. His lips, thin, still wore that same calm smile. "Sure, we ain't got all them machines and fancy know-how," he continued, turning his face towards her again, observing her with his brown eyes, now amber in the sunlight. "But we got this." And with a calm gesture, giving her all the time to withdraw if she didn't want to be touched, he lifted her hand with his own to guide her a few steps away, towards one of the four horses that hadn't left with the caravan a moment ago. Still without any sudden movements, he placed the young lady's slender fingers on the animal's coat.
3. Next is Erel'Vrae from 'Woven Destinies'. I have so many good ones from her. This one is from a chapter I haven't posted yet.
“What might be the ideal magical item you'd wish to possess, Erel?” he then asked, curiosity evident in his voice, eager to hear her response. A mischievous glint danced in her gaze as she recalled an ancient saying, and she quoted a phrase in her native Drow dialect, "L'alurl faerbol zhah mrann d'ssinss." Gale looked at her, an amused expression playing on his features, his brow arched. "I have a feeling that wasn't about the necklace." Erel'Vrae's smirk deepened, her voice dripping with humor. "Oh, you're right. It means 'The best magic item is a male lover.'" Gale chuckled, his interest piqued. "Is that so? Well, I suppose I should be flattered." Erel'Vrae laughed, a playful edge to her tone. "Indeed, wizard. But don't let it go to your head."
4 & 5. The next two characters are Kyôsuke (the Shogun) and his soon to be daughter in law Selini from 'Empires'.
"Have I taught you nothing, unworthy son? Is this how one behaves in front of a beautiful young lady?" The Prince forced a strained smile and bowed with a respect that seemed hypocritical to the young redhead. But she said nothing and merely smiled, her cheeks reddened by the compliment she had just received from her future father in law. "You'd better conduct yourself well in front of her, Takahiro," continued the old man, whose tone indicated impatience. "Leave it, Father. Don't force him. I would be more offended if he did it under your command than if he showed disrespect toward me." Behind her, the crowd murmured with offense, and Sophocles gave his daughter a light tap on the back to silence her. But, unexpectedly, the shogun nodded and said to his son, "Listen to the voice of wisdom speaking through your future wife. You are not yet married, and she already defends you. Learn from her humility, ungrateful son!"
6. Next are from 'A Dance of Blades and Shadows'. Takehiko first
The sound of Takehiko clearing his throat disrupted the archduke's chain of thoughts. "You may speak, Takehiko. What are your thoughts?" the princess prompted, redirecting her attention to him. "I believe, your highness, there may be a magical underpinning to their gathering," he ventured. Surprised, she scrutinized the profile of the young man, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Go on." "I have heard whispers in town, your Highness. People claim that the gods themselves have unleashed these beasts upon us. Strangely, both pagans and Swonce'viarzy share this belief. But it is true that these creatures have always existed within those lands. Tales of werewolves, strigas, basilisks, and ghouls have been passed down in Bogdankrajzy folklore for generations. However, the scale of their current convergence is unprecedented. While winters have always been harsh in Bogdankraj, previous years did not witness such an effect on the beasts. I suspect something or someone is orchestrating this gathering for unknown reasons."
7. And Mani'herja:
The weight of his father's legacy bore heavily upon Takehiko's shoulders, his gaze drifting downwards towards the stone steps beneath them. The actions of his father, unknown to him until he reached the age of twenty, had cast a shadow of shame upon his identity. Though the Emperor had discouraged Takehiko from assuming the mantle of leadership, he himself had no desire to inherit a tainted throne. "Look at me," the princess demanded, her voice cutting through the dark thoughts that swirled in his mind. Mani'herja's order drew his attention, prompting him to meet her gaze once again. Their eyes locked, his almost black orbs searching her colorless ones, and a gentle smile graced her lips. "You don't have to be ashamed of the things your father did. You're not responsible for his decisions," she reassured him, her voice carrying a note of understanding. "Now you have to live for yourself and try to be a better man than him."
8. This comes from a very old NEWS fanfiction with vampires I wrote 12 years ago that is called "All Always Starts on Rainy Days" and the character name is Tsuki.
"What do you want from me?" "I'm here to talk about the disappearance," the redhead said with a slight smile. "How did you get in?" She chuckled softly before responding: "I opened the door. How did you get in?" He looked at her, surprised, and she sighed. "Okay, it was through the roof door, but… never mind. What do you know about… that?" she said, pointing to the papers on his desk.
9. Next one is Jessica from an old story called "Nightmares", it was a cyberpunk detective story. There is barely a chapter but snipets of the story lived in my head for a long time so it feel like I had written a lot more ^^
"Welcome to the LAPD, Officer Maxwell. I'm Captain Yutaka, and as you can see," he said, gesturing toward the sign on his desk, "I'm the one who asks the questions and gives orders around here. Clear?" "You couldn't have been clearer, sir," she replied, offering a new salute. "Good. Now, what can you tell me about this case that would shed some light?" he asked in a challenging tone. "This is a classified file, sir," she said calmly. "So, I need to read it first to understand what we're dealing with. But initially, my suggestion was to take about five minutes for a cup of coffee outside." He looked at her, furrowing his brow, and she continued: "I know what you're thinking; that I'm a lazy KeyHolo and that you'll send me back behind a SIT screen with a box of donuts. But you'd be mistaken. Why did I suggest a break? It's simple. Because you've been sitting at that desk, grappling with numerous things, but you can't discern which evidence is the most crucial. You can't see anything because you've been staring at this brown file for too long. You need to step back and look at it from a different perspective. And for that, I recommend you explain the case to me while relaxing over a cup of coffee. I believe I'll gain better insight into these murders hearing it firsthand from the head police officer in charge of the file, rather than from an impersonal piece of paper."
I had forgotten how she came on strong XD
10. And finaly last one is Logan in 'Hopes and Dreams'
“You know, Doctor Lewis really misses you two.” he carried on, not answering her question. “I don’t give a fuck!” she yelled. “Leave us alone!” “Language, kid!” Mr. Howlett growled without looking at her. “You heard the kid? Leave them alone, or else.” The soldier smiled and asked: “Or else what?” “Or else I’m coming for you, bub!” answered Howlett through gritted teeth as six metal claws popped out with a light 'shink' from above his knuckles; three on each hand.
I'm sorry I can't choose between those two so here you go, have another one:
"I… I'm sorry, Logan…" were the first words that escaped her mouth in a rasping voice, her throat sore from all the crying. "I… All those awful things I said to you…" He stroked her hair, soothing her. "It's okay. I know." he whispered in her ear. "You didn't mean them." Amalia shook her head against his white wife-beater. "I didn't want to hurt you." she carried on, between sobs. "But I couldn't stop myself. I thought you would… You would see right through me. I couldn't tell you how I felt. I thought you were going to push me away. So I…" "So you did it yourself." he said, finishing her sentence making her nod against him. "Oh god! You don't know much about life, but you sure know how to hurt a man, Amy."
I spend all day finding all of those quote, re-reading old stuff it made me so emotional and freaking happy at the same time.
It was very very hard choosing only one quote for each.
I hope you enjoy them :)
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dilf-in-peril · 6 months
🌟 for the director's cut ask game!
Something Punk I guess... Had to check what my most popular Punk fic is and it's "Kayfabe" and I think that's kind of neat, because it's that fic which is explicitely not kayfabe, which is obviously a line some people don't want to cross, but a line I like to play around with. All the unrealities of wrestling are so inteteresting, people playing just versions themselves, real injuries, false pain.
So this was prompted by Pepsi Phil being on CFFC commentary during his first banishment at AEW and Cult of Personality came on and he said what he says in the fic too “Man, it’s like the bat signal. Feels like I should be doing something.” Which you know... T_T
The other thing is that I think since reading "Mark On You" by wheatfromchaff, and you know, seeing Max's rueful eyes after he's wrecked Punk in the ring, he's the dom drop guy for me.
And a lot of this fic I guess comes from that melancholy feeling back then, will we ever see our boy again, will he ever wrestle again, is CMJF all over? .....But I'm over it now, I'm over it (*not over it).
The final important element to this fic is "god I wish that were me" and "I need wreck that old man pussy."
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i should replay endwalker and cry again 🥺
#tag later#i can't even remember if ng+ is alrdy out for 6.0+ but#im looking at some of my screenshots again n these words really resonate w me#'all of us lost in a sea of chaos searching desperately for purpose and meaning...but it shldnt be just an extension of anothers.#it has to be ours. it has to be'#i love n relate w the twins sm aaaa#+ alphy is that whole scene...my beloved frfr#i kin him sm#n emet ffs!!!!!!#'a slave to sentiment even after an eternity'#yk that bit where hyth walks away. 'my new old friend' FUCK THIS GAME#wah alphinaud my bb boy#i wna give him a lil kiss n tell him that im proud of all he's done#emet's so kind#i love him sm#and hyth T_T 'to help them realize their dreams' i wish hyth was real >:0#AND VENAT PLS HSJFJDJKA I LOVE HER SM shes my inspiration n my love#and urianger.....'the poems of platitudes of wiser men. musings on sadness and loss...studied and memorized#...and meaningless in the moment'#in our hearts we always know...yeah#'not sorrow...but hope. and love...' brb tears in my eyes#oh man theres still sm we dont know about life#so many things we'll never know...and that in itself along with the hope and pain it comes with is so beautiful n oddly painfully comforting#you see this is why ffxiv conforts me sm fuck im nearly abt to cry again it all hurts so much but#love. hope. though despair may be overwhelming i will always forge ahead unto tomorrow !#'if strength is the courage to confront your failings and accept that you are worthy of another chance...#...to rise from the ashes while the fire still burns...bloodied but unbowed...#THEN MY FRIENDS HAVE MADE ME STRONG'#yk venat saying bye always makes me fucking cry#i cant do this bye im gna go cry /pos
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
hello hello, its sibling angst anon again ^^ i loved your response so pls dont apologize for the long ramble, bc i get like that about it too!! also, im glad you liked my song recs <3
speaking of those sibling slideshows i mentioned, for some reason tiktok has filtered them out so when u look them up, they dont show up??? you just kinda get them on ur fyp one day. or atleast thats what happens to me. but if u look up sibling webweaving here on tumblr, ohhh boy. its basically an amalgamation of different types of media be it poetry, song lyrics, shows and movies, and book excrepts all packaged as one that pertain to a theme. my fav is those about mothers and siblings, so unequivocally human. its like walking down a museum tbh.
and agh, i loved your thoughts on the demon bros sibling dynamics. plus yeahhh, its kinda hard to take anything seriously since it is an otome game, BUT who says u cant come up with your interpretations and thoughts? whos gonna stop you? anyway, each brother has a level of depth that is screaming to be fleshed out, but its all very surface level on game. belphegors burdening shame and regret from watching lilith die in front of him, and by extension beelzebub having the same feelings and/or his own guilt. (i remember belph talking about his trauma and the immersion immediately breaks off when an option pops up on the scream, "ask him to kiss you." LIKE. place and time!) asmodeus and lucifer, their entire relationship T_T speaking of which, satan and lucifer?! they're brothers, or say they are and the rest just kinda go with it. but does no one else wanna bring up how satan was even brought to existence? he was literally birthed from luci's wrath during the celestial war. thats like, a gateway for someone to write a long philosophical analysis about him and what it symbolizes. aghhudhwdhwhd i wish i could say more, but i'm literally out of words rn. if i was mc, i'd have to fight everyday to keep it together without breaking down and crying about this. espeically having to live under the same roof as them...ooofff
speaking of complex siblings dynamics, have you see succession? its a show on hbo. its about an ultra rich and powerful family that is ultimately, dysfunctional. theres four siblings and their relationship mean sooo much to me. i wont drop any spoilers just in case you dont know anything, but when i say dysfunctional i meant it!! one of the things i like about this show is that it doesnt have any flashbacks or show the backstories for most of the characters, rather they kinda drop pieces of information randomly and you just go ??? that happened ??? youd think it wouldnt be a good storytelling strategy bc how are you going to emotionally connect the story to your audience? but somehow, the show does it really well. for example, one of the brothers, roman, was heavily abused. and sometimes one of his siblings would go, "yeah i remember when dad used to heavily beat the fuck out of you" offhandedly, like its a cute little fun fact. and youre sitting there like....when did THAT happen??? ofc they wouldnt show it, but if you watch how roman and his father interact on show (roman is so submissive and scared next to his father) it starts to make sense. its like the "show dont tell" but they switch around to "tell and show." subtle interactions like that fully exposes a characters psychology. subtle body language goes a long way. theres also the eldest brother connor, whos seen as the father figure bc their real dad is so neglectful. but tbh connot gets shit on a lot and uuyfuefehfe theres more. i would talk about this all day. sibling angst got me on a chokehold.
anyway, sorry if i made 0 coherent sense but heres the end of the ramble T-T have a good day :3
(if i come back, can i be  🧬 anon?)
Welcome back! And of course you can be 🧬 anon, I will add it to the list!
Oh man, so I did a search for sibling webweaving and I was like woah what is all this lol. I had no idea there was a term for stuff like this, but I'm fascinated! I must not be getting the TikTok videos... admittedly my use of that platform is limited lol.
The thing about the otome game not delving into things means that we all get to speculate and come up with whatever we want. It's a blessing and a curse lol. On the one hand, I like being able to come up with my own interpretations. But on the other hand, it'd be nice to have just a little more depth that what we have.
I have thoughts about Belphie and specifically what happened in the OG with him. That was definitely a situation of, there is so much more going on here than they're bothering to get into. I also get that they can't really do a ton of that, partly due to the medium and partly due to the amount of characters they have to deal with. Like I think they can only choose to flesh out certain characters and the rest kind of end up on the back burner. Which is annoying because there's so much potential for so many amazing stories!
I also have a lot of thoughts about Satan and his relationship to Lucifer and everybody. It's like they give us just enough to make the story dramatic, but in the end everybody loves each other and so on and so forth. I'm not saying both Satan and Belphie shouldn't be able to reconcile what happened to them and move on, but it just happens so fast. It seems too easy. So I kind of headcanon it as, they hide everything. Not just those two, but all the brothers have a certain level of trauma that they just bury deep or at the very least don't display in front of MC. I know they make MC out to be the demon therapist, but nobody resolves their issues in one session and that's all they're normally limited to. But of course they don't have time to get into things that deeply in a mobile otome game lol.
I have not seen Succession! It sounds pretty intense. I think it's always interesting when media use different techniques to tell their story. Of course I have very little knowledge of how TV scripts are written, but for story writing, the way a character reacts can imply all kinds of past history, even if you don't know exactly what happened. Flashbacks are helpful, but I think it's interesting to have a bit of a mix. A character is always going to tell the story of their past a little differently than how it actually happened. And I find that it can reveal a lot about character just to see what they change or leave out when telling it. Of course, who they're speaking to can affect that as well. But it's definitely an interesting concept!
No worries, you made plenty of sense lol! You are always free to come back to my ask box if you so desire! <3
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It might be a stupid question, but is it okay that I prefer V route to Ray's? I just see so many people praising Ray route and his AE so much, I feel like my choice to prefer V route and AE is not valid... It almost feels like choosing V over Ray is somehow wrong.
I hope this question doesn't sound rude. I am so glad I found your blog! It is so nice to meet a Ray/Saeran fan who isn't hateful towards Jihyun. T_T
Sigh. This again? I thought people were finally going to get past the idea that there's a True Ending or a True Route. Listen, the route that is true is the one that you choose for yourself. Whoever you love and whatever you choose to follow is what's canon to you. An ending that is mine isn't going to look like an ending that's yours.
There's never a true ending because we all experience our own ending.
There is no canon thing that you can pick that is the "real" ending. There is no "real ending" for a game that is an Otome and meant to give you a very specialized ending to have depending on who you romance! If you love Jihyun Kim and his route, then your reality is based on V Route. You live on that Route and you follow that story. That's true for you.
You are 100% allowed to prefer any route you want! That's the point of the game! Anon, don't let anyone tell you that you're wrong for this because you're not. You are valid. You are okay. You are alright in this. You aren't doing anything wrong. You can prefer anything you want and nobody can take that from you. If you prefer V Route, that's your route. That's what you love and that's your comfort reality. Nobody can take that from you.
Just because I love Ray and Ray Route doesn't mean that I'm right or that I'm doing the best and true Route. It just means that I love Ray! I love being with Ray and Saeran! I like being on his Route so I can be a partner to him! If I lived in that reality, I would live through his Route. It would be real for me. I wouldn't experience V Route, but that does not mean V Route is wrong or not right. It literally just means that I've picked to romance Ray.
That's all it is.
The only Route that's true is the one you pick for yourself. Your reality is your truth. There is no right or wrong choice in an Otome. It's all about your choice. So, love Jihyun Kim, and never let anyone make you feel like a lesser person for liking his Route or loving him. I enjoy a lot of aspects of V Route, too. I love writing in that reality sometimes!
Why do people feel the need to bash other routes or characters? I'm so tired of discourse. It's been six years but people still do this crap. Anon, you're fine, okay? You are allowed to enjoy whatever you want. Also, I'm so sorry you've seen Jihyun hate. People are allowed to not like characters but I wish they'd tag hate and criticism with warnings so it doesn't flood character tags up when all people want to see is a bit of comfort.
Hell, Jihyun Kim is at my top 3 even if that's hard to believe since I'm so focused on Saeran. He's behind all the Saerans and Saeyoung, but still. As frustrating as V can be sometimes? I still enjoy his character and I love reading and writing about him. He's interesting and there's a lot about him that makes me think hard about why he is who he is. The same can be said for Rika, honestly. I don't really hate anyone in this game...
Unless we're talking about my mortal enemy, Saejoong Choi.
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writernopal · 1 year
WIP Loot Box Tag Game
Tagged by @autumnalwalker! Thank you for the tag, this one was really fun to come up with ♥️
Below is what you would find in a "As A Stranger Or A Friend?" Book 1 lootbox (man do I wish it was real T_T) if money and reality were no object:
A replica of the brass tin Axtapor carries around. It contains a portrait of his grandma, Lady Fisla, and Mariel's spent matchstick. (IYKYK, i cry)
A replica of Mariel's shieldstone (not the real one bc reasons)
A deck of cards
A taxidermized bee in a bottle
A bonnet pin
The recipe and ingredients for a good old fashioned Holtepian Clay Pot Lamb
Tagging (gently): @lynnedwardswrites @kyuukhya @incandescent-creativity @mariahwritesstuff and anyone else who wants to join in!
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Tumblr media
@katyspersonal So you wanted to know more right ?
Ok so for once that was really quite a "normal" dream. Like nothing weird and all. I could have totally imagined that while being awake/half awake (and I already did imagine stuff like this lol). That's why I have doubt about it being a real dream. Maybe I was half asleep.
Basically it was new Gehrman & Doll interactions if the hunter would have arrive much earlier into the timeline I guess? So (way) before the events of the game? (or just more interactions please!!!) Like some might knows I already have quite a few hc about all of this x)
The 2 interact and talk together to the hunter, wow amazing. (I don't remember all the details but it's either cute or a bit sad). They talked a bit about the gravestone for ex, but still with mysteries and it's sad T_T
The Doll is like : "It was someone really dear/important to Gehrman, a long time ago... A hunter, a really long time ago... It may be strange but I feel that I (always) knew this person. I feel some kind of connection...(I mean I don't remember exactly, sorry for the phrasing. And also the idea that they were a hunter but didn't really died as being a hunter? if that make sense. But a hunter will always kinda be a hunter so)
(I mean if she's indeed a morning doll like I explain here, (sorry I love this post so much. I'm really proud of it) she was probably placed a lot next to the grave hehe more of an hc too but anyway)
And Gehrman is in front of the grave looking sad : "I'm so sorry... I only wish things would have been different..."
So yeah... and the habitual things about how he's old and I wish Laurence & the others were here. And having really different approach to help the hunter.
Sometimes he awake from a dream/nightmares and have no idea when/where he is anymore he saw the doll and is like :
"Maria! :D *hug* and afterwards : wait hold on a second. Oh... (he feels something is off, look at her hand and it's windows loading screen. She don't mind any of this)
Yep I sure have have so much stuff I've made up about them (I probably didn't share half of it too XD)
So a lil bonus headcanons before the creation of the hunter's dream (much closer to the MP beckon than Maria's death too) :
Despite all that happened, our retired first hunter is often quite lucid lol but some times he just completely loose it. He tries to have really serious conversations with the Doll (like it was Maria at times) (He already talked alone or to the Moon and stuff way before all of this happened too). And people are either completely astonished and horrified by that or they don't care or "at least he looks happy so that's cool if that help him". And you have dumbasses like Ludwig or Micolash who even join him ! "Guys, could you please not encouraged him !!" So yeah the teas parties might have been quite interesting... and this kinda happened at some point too...)
Yes, I wish I could have the story of the depressed and half-crazy old man bounding with his victorian mourning. Like you said @heraldofcrow that would be quite a story to tell. so I decided to do it myself
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perexcri · 1 year
Leah. Leah I’m shaking and I am literally crying rn. I’m so happy for them. I know they’re not real, but they got their happy ending. They deserve it and the way you’ve written it is so soft and lovely and I’m so. Emotional over this ex-prince-knight and his not-a-prince-consort (also Screaming over that ilu ilu iludndkfkdkcke).
Their vows. Their vows are going to live rent free in my mind forever. “It has been a lovely thing to grow together, and I look forward to doing so until we are both taken back into the arms of the universe, where we will surely meet again.” This is so lovely and wonderful and if real life romance isn’t a quarter as lovely as Mike saying this to his love, then what even is the Point. Just.
As I’ve said in the past, I’ll say again. Magic with words. You craft with words the way Will crafts with starlight.
And if you ever do decide to publish this as a novel I’ll be there on opening day proud and buying a copy and saying I knew you when. But even if you never do, I’m so happy I got to experience this and fall in love with this story and just.
You are a wonderful writer. I don’t know how else to say it😭💕 I can’t wait to see where you go next🥰
Happy Friday!!
YES!! they got their happy ending!! i was committed to that angst with a happy ending tag!! it took them a while to get there, but they finally did, and i'm happy with how it turned out. like you said, it was very soft, which is exactly what i was going for. i wanted only healing and light for them, and i feel like that's what they've been left with :]
MIKE'S VOW LINE okay okay okay. i think closer to christmas i did one of those ask games for my fics and you submitted some questions and one of them was for what my favorite line from this fic was. AND THAT WAS THE LINE!! i couldn't say it in the ask obviously because i didn't want to spoil it, but that was THEE line. i honestly think some kind of lovesick ghost possessed me when i wrote it because after i typed it out i kinda just stared at my screen muttering "where the hell did THAT come from??" regardless of how it ended up there, i'm glad they got to say such lovely things to each other T_T
i am kicking my feet and sticking your "you craft with words the way Will crafts with starlight" compliment in the special little box i keep in my head for keeping my spirits up 🥺 thank you Veeeeee!!
if something ever does possess me to work on this more as an original idea and turn it into something that can be published and not shot down by copyright law (unless i want my next story to be That One Time The Duffer Bros Sued Me), you'll be first in line to get a copy 😌 tbh i'll personally hunt down every person who left a kudos and shove a copy under their doors. like i said, this fic is very special and dear to my heart, so it makes me happy that people have accepted it with open arms T_T
as far as other ideas: um. so i'm working on Mike pov scenes for this fic because i just think he's neat, and then we're swinging violently between "right person wrong time" angst and flirty Will. so. it's any guess what'll end up finished and posted next 😩
and maybe some day i'll actually finish proofreading that Jonathan one shot right 🙃a girl can dream
thank you so much Vee!! this fic literally wouldn't be finished without your encouragement, so thank youuuu!! i am wishing you a lovely weekend!! :] 💜💜💜
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