#I was and I remain so bad at naming things. very few of my toys had names growing up. I cannot name ocs for shit.
heckling-hydrena · 2 months
when I was a kid I had like a shitty virtual aquarium mobile game on my phone and I made it my mission to obtain & name 1 of every fish. being as young as I was, I was both very unoriginal and also entirely unfamiliar with english slang. anyways I bought a horned boxfish and I named him Horny. still think about him sometimes
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written-in-flowers · 5 months
So Unlike You (Yunho x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: Jeong Yunho x fem!reader/ Side pairing: OT8 x fem!Reader
Word Count: 6k
Genre: smut sprinkled with fluffiness/ AU: sugar baby, idolverse
Summary: After hearing about you and Wooyoung, your sweet puppy makes a very surprising request, and you're eager to oblige him.
Warnings: cnc, consensual non consensual, rape play, edging, bondage, light bondage, spanking, pussy slapping, rough oral sex, oral sex, cream pie, unprotected sex (wrap it, but it's also discussed beforehand that they don't use one), pet names, mean names, roleplay, ripping clothes off, groping, polyamorous relationship, established relationship, poly!ateez, poly!reader, sugar baby au, idolverse au, dirty talk, super dirty, like damn. Sex toys, nipple play, nipple clamps
Previously on Idol Companion
Yunho was the sweetest, most gentle man you know. This was saying something considering your other boyfriends were equally sweet. He never hesitated to help or comfort you. You remembered him waiting on you hand and foot when you’d gotten sick. He’d driven you and Mihee to her ex-boyfriends’ house in case they showed up. Yunho never showed you anything other than respect, kindness and compassion. Yunho was your mood maker, your gentle giant, the other half of your “Twin Towers”. He rarely showed his “bad” side in front of you; you almost denied he even had one since he rarely rose to anger.  
So, his request certainly caught you off guard. 
You’d both come back home from a simple date night of arcade games, pizza, and a stroll down by the river. Yunho’s calming, laid back energy always felt refreshing after particularly rough days. You spent an afternoon wrangling toddlers, talking to parents, helping your friend Mihee settle into her dorm, and talking to your mom about your cousin's birthday party. Ending your day with your sweetest boyfriend relieved you of all the stress on your shoulders. Walking into the apartment together, you remained as quiet as possible to not disturb a sleeping Yeosang, so you both drank a glass of wine in the kitchen. 
“You know that I love you, right?” Yunho asked nervously, sitting across from you at the island counter. 
This phrase became popular amongst your boyfriends, since they typically followed it up with something suspicious. Still, how bad could it possibly be? It was Yunho.
“I’m aware,” you gave a sweet smile, “But you can always remind me, if you want.”
He gave a nervous laugh, running his fingertip around the rim of the wine glass. You could see him thinking it over in his mind, turning it around and around for the right words. Several scenarios crossed your mind as you watched him think. He’s ill. He’s in debt. His family is in trouble and he needs your help. There are so few things that could be wrong, but you hoped it wasn’t so bad. 
“Yuyu-ah,” you reached out for him, concerned now, “What’s the matter? You can tell me. Are you sick? Is your family okay? You don’t need to hesitate with me, you know that.”
“It’s nothing like that,” he shook his head, taking your hand gently. “Really,” he insisted, “It’s…Wooyoung told me you and him tried something new in bed a while back and…”
A relieved smile came across your face, “And you wanted to try that too? Yunho, you don’t have to be scared to approach me about trying new things. I trust you with my body every time, don’t I? I didn’t think you’d like free use play, but if you’re curious about it, we can give it a go.”
“That sounds nice, but that’s not what I wanted to ask you about.”
“Then what?”
“I wanted to see if you…if you…”
“If I…?” 
“If you’d ever like to try consensual non-consensual play with me.” He blurted out the words before drowning them back with wine. 
The request stunned you a moment. You sunk deep into your thoughts to try comprehending the suggestion. Not that you’re against rape play. You’ve heard of other people doing it, and you’d done it once with another client in a safe, trusting environment. But, you expected such suggestions from that person, not from Yunho. You pictured Yunho, taller and bigger and stronger, pinning you to his bed and harshly pounding into you while you whined and pleaded with him to stop. He’d have no trouble overpowering you if you truly fought back. Unlike other clients before him, you knew Yunho would only do it if you gave a firm, certain ‘yes’ and after a long discussion over ground rules and safety colors/words. Seeing his large hands, you remembered each time they went around your throat or sharply slapped your ass. Yunho could be rough and dominant if he truly wanted. 
“You want to do that?” you asked, dumbfounded still. 
“Um, well…” he smoothed a hand through his black hair, scratching the back of his head, “I’ve always wanted to try it with someone, but I never dated anyone long enough to feel comfortable asking. Since we’ve done kinky things together, I thought, maybe if you wanted to and felt certain, we could try that?” His puppy eyes met yours, and you melted. “I swear I won’t be upset if you say ‘no’. Please, don’t feel you have to agree with it because you’re my Companion or anything. We definitely do not have to do it, if you’re uncomfortable with that. I only thought I’d ask. It’s okay. It’s totally okay if you don’t want to do it.”
“Yunho,” you ran your thumb the back of his hand comfortingly, “If there’s anyone I’d feel comfortable doing that with, it’s you.”
A light pink brightened his cheeks, and he giggled, “Really?”
“Yes,” you nodded, “I’ll admit I’m surprised it’s you who asked me. I expected Hongjoong or Jongho to ask, if any of you ever did.” 
“I know,” he blushed, “But I thought you might say ‘no’ because it’s not something we’d normally do in bed. It’d be different from the usual dominant stuff we do, and a bit rougher.”
“You want to wreck me, Yuyu?” you teased, laughing softly when he turned away again. “I don’t mind. I trust you to take care of me, and I think it's a new thing for us to explore.” 
“Really? It's honestly okay if you don't want to,” he repeated. 
“Yunho, yes,” you assured him, walking around the counter and into his arms. “I'd like to try it too. You want to do that now or another time?”
“No, not now,” he shook his head, “When Yeosang goes to see his parents. That way he doesn't over hear it and think that I'm actually hurting you. Besides,” he pulled you closer and smirked, “That way you can be as loud as you like.”
A laugh was muffled by his kiss. After getting his confirmation, you and Yunho discussed exactly what he wanted to do. He asked if you both could do “the entire act” which included you refusing sex and him not taking a “no” scenario. Nothing too elaborate, yet enough to set a dynamic and tone. You both decided on a color system, and your usual safe word “Buttercup”. Being a toy user, you told him you didn't mind the toys or if he decided to restrain you somehow, which led to a discussion about ropes or handcuffs that you left up to him. You agreed to a day and time that would be best for both of you, then went to bed together. 
“Bye, Yeosangie!” 
You kissed Yeosang for the hundredth time that morning, trying to capture as much of it as you could. He'd be gone for three days to see his parents, so you cashed in as many kisses as possible. Yunho’s request did excite you, so perhaps you appeared a bit eager to get him out the door at the same time. 
“I'm going to miss you,” you pouted in his arms. 
“I'll only be gone three days, babe,” he laughed, hugging you tightly still. “You have seven other boyfriends to keep you company until I come back.”
“But none of them will watch reality shows with me,” you said, toying with the strings of his hoodie. “Who's going to talk shit about bitchy housewives with me?”
You recently managed to get a VPN to watch reality tv shows from other countries. Yeosang quickly became your reality junk buddy after a Real Housewives episode.
“We can stream them online, and watch them together that way,” he replied. “We do live in the age of technology after all.”
“It's not the same,” you whined, hugging him. 
“YN, he's not going off to war,” said Yunho from behind you. “He's coming back.”
“What if a war happens and he has to go before then?” You joked, mocking a sad tone and burying your face in Yeosang's neck. “I'll never see him again.”
The three of you laughed before Yeosang gave you one more kiss, then released you. You'd offered to drive him to the station, but he insisted that you stay home. A part of you wondered if Yunho hinted at the afternoon plans. The both of you let him leave, waving goodbye until he closed the door behind him. You tiptoed to kiss Yunho’s cheek, then went to clean up the breakfast dishes. 
Your eyes paid attention to the time while you washed dishes. Yunho said he'd like to do it around noon, since that gave you both plenty of time before, during and after, so you suspected he was preparing his room right now. The anticipation left you thinking of all the possible things Yunho could do to you. You never experienced a mean Yunho before, but the members said it can be scary. You told him he didn't have to hold back with you; it's his fantasy and you'd be fine with whatever he decided. Since it's his first time doing this, he said he'd be gentle but once that arousal boils up, that might disappear. Finishing up the counter space, you looked at the clock to see it was half past noon. You worried Yunho might have been too nervous and backed out. Even though it was his idea, you told him if he ever changed his mind you wouldn't be upset and he said vice versa for you. You’d moved to wait in the living room when he appeared in the kitchen doorway. 
“Hey you.”
Yunho stood there in a long black shirt and shorts. His face bare and hair free of product, Yunho stripped down to his real self. You often said how you preferred them without all the makeup and hairspray. The stylists always made their skin a lighter shade, and they covered up Yeosang's pretty red wine birthmark. Seeing Yunho as himself, wearing simple clothes, flustered you more than his stage outfits. He leaned against the counter, eyes already peeling off your clothes. Heat rose up from under your shirt at the sight. It reminded you of the villains in dramas, who ooze sex appeal and wickedness at the same time. The kind that are hard to root against because they're so damn good looking.
“Hey,” you kept your tone light and casual, “I just finished cleaning up. I was going to watch this new movie I found, if you want to join me.”
“Nah,” he shook his head, eyes focused on your chest, “I have something else I want to do instead.”
“Game?” You suggested innocently. 
“No,” he drawled, shaking his head. He walked around the counter towards you, eyes glinting with lust. His hands rested on your waist, while he leaned into you, “I'd like to do you.”
“Yunho,” you sighed, sliding from his warm embrace, “Not now. I'm tired, and not really in the mood.”
“But…” Yunho scoffed incredulously, “That's your job though.”
You hesitated. You never thought such words would come out of his mouth. “Yunho…”
“You're a Companion,” he continued, “Fucking me is your whole job. Sure, okay, we go on dates and all that, but at the end of the day if I want some ass, you're supposed to give it to me.”
His words. The irritated look in his eyes. Intimidating and standing taller, you couldn't help being flustered by the change in him. He should do more acting. 
“I don't have to if I don't want to,” you argued back, yanking your wrist from him. 
“Yes, you do,” he roughly grabbed it back, “It's not like you don't like it. You give it up to Hongjoong all the time. You let us gangbang you in front of cameras, and at home. I'm not going to ask you to do anything you haven't done a hundred times before.”
You made an attempt to escape his grasp, but he really did hold onto you. Quickly, he pulled you to him as you struggled and planted a hard kiss on your lips. He told you he wanted you to truly fight him back; he assured you he wouldn't hurt you too badly. You lightly slapped his shoulders, wriggling in his hold as the kiss deepened and he forced his tongue into your mouth. A soft groan escaped him as he trapped you between himself and the counter. You swatted at him, trying to scoot free as he kissed and nibbled down your neck. The bulge grazed against you kindled a fire inside you, but you forced it back down. 
“Yunho-ah, stop it,” you scoffed, pushing him away briefly. When you slapped him lightly, he glared. It aroused you further. 
“No,” he grunted, hands wrapping around you once more. You squeaked at the hands squeezing your ass, feeling it through the thin shorts you wore. “I'm horny, and your job is to fix that. Let me see these.”
You tried blocking his hands from sliding under your top to lift your shirt, but it didn't work. He lifted the tight top above your breasts, which he immediately kneaded in his hands. Yunho’s jaw dropped at the sight of them in his palms, your nipples hardening against his palms. You’d opted out of a bra today, and you’re glad you did. The sudden intrusion made you gasp. Using one leg to spread yours, Yunho groaned as he cupped both breasts. 
“Stop,” you said, trying to cover them from view but purposefully failing. “I'm going to call Hongjoong,” you threatened. 
“For? For him to come watch?” He smirked, flicking at one of your nipples. “He loves watching, and I normally don't mind, but I want to keep it just you and me today.” You grabbed his wrists when he moved down to your shorts, shaking your head and breathing heavily. “Let me see you,” he ordered, “It's mine, after all. I pay for it.”
“I don't want to,” you shot back, though you did not appear as confident as you sounded. “Leave me alone.”
You gasped when his hand grabbed your sex. Long fingers sliding fully over your shorts, he massaged it in circles that had you frozen in place. 
“Gosh, it's so warm,” he moaned, his other hand going back to fondling your breast. “And it gets wet so easily. I only have to rub it a few times and it's soaked. We really hit gold when we got you.” 
“Let go,” you demanded, but didn't move. 
Yunho then turned you around, pressing you into the counter once more, and continued feeling you up. His hardon brushing your ass now, he let out a low moan when you instinctively pushed back. Soft panting filled your ear as he lightly touched you. You pushed against his hands, trying to tear yourself from him, but he kept a firm grip on you. 
“Yunho, I mean it. Let me go.”
“Ugh, shut up already. It's not like I haven't done this before.”
“I will tell management. I'm not kidding.”
He yanked your head back, forcing you to look at him over your shoulder, and scowled. “Go ahead. I'll tell them you asked for it and they'll believe me. Nobody believes sluts like you,” he grabbed your chest again and pinched your nipples, “I’ll even tell them you didn’t wear a bra. ‘Well, hyungmin, YN wasn’t wearing a bra, and I was only giving her what she wanted’,” he said in a mocking tone, his voice tickling your nerves, “‘Noonanim, YN wanted it a little rough’. Honestly, YN, who do you think they’ll listen to?” 
This empty threat made you hold back a giggle. You never expected him to be so in character. 
“Buttercup,” you snorted, unable to hold it in.
“What's wrong?” His concern dropped once he heard you giggling. “What? Is it too cheesy?”
“No, it's you being so in character.”
“I did work on a drama once. I guess you can say I'm an actor,” he kissed beneath your ear, “Do you want me to dial back the realness?”
“A bit.” 
“Alright. Time in?”
“Time in.”
Returning to his character, Yunho took your arm and started dragging you to his room. Your heart started racing, a breath catching in your throat at the sudden roughness in him. He brought you into his room, slamming the door behind him and threw you onto his bed. 
“Yunho!” You exclaimed before he forced himself on top of you. “Yunho, stop it!”
“No,” he grunted, taking hold of both your wrists. “You're my girlfriend. You're supposed to fuck me whenever I want, and right now, I want it.” 
“Yunho, please!” You added a whimper at the end as you let him take your wrists. 
He grabbed a belt from beside you and wrapped it around your wrists. You still wriggled beneath him as if trying to escape, but you made no real escape attempt. The adrenaline sent blood rushing to your core. Every single nerve in your body tingled each time his body brushed against yours. Holding down your arms, Yunho kissed you deeply again and grinded into you. His hardon pressed lightly against your thigh each time, and he followed it with a soft groan. You let out more whining, even turning your head before he grabbed your chin to roughly kiss you. One hand putting your hands onto a hook on the headboard, the other slid up your body to your breast for a soft squeeze. Unable to free your arms, you could do nothing but move around as Yunho kissed and caressed your body. Large, warm hands slid up to your breasts, cupping and squeezing them through your shirt. 
“Give me clothes you don't care about. I want to rip them off you.”
You'd left an old tank top, shorts, and underwear in his bedroom last night. When you got them this morning, you saw he'd made small slits in each piece to rip them easier. He'd cut into the tank top by the neckline, which he took a hold of now. He stayed on top of you, grabbing your tits while he continued grinding into you. You never realized how much stronger Yunho is compared to the other members. Mingi, Jongho, San and Yeosang worked out often, so you expected it, but Yunho had size on his side. He kept you firmly pinned even with the belt and hook aiding him, and he made sure your hips did not move too much. 
“I don't know why you bother with clothes,” he grumbled, “Whores don't need clothes.”
You yelped when the sound of ripping fabric followed, exposing your bare chest to him. Hungrily, Yunho took one nipple in his mouth to suck while his other hand pinched the opposite side. He continued grinding into you, groaning softly. You loved how you could feel his dick through his pants, hard and pulsing in his boxers and into your center. 
“Yunho, please stop,” you cried, giving a sniff. “Please, don't do this.”
“Shut up,” he growled, kissing further down your body. 
“-I said ‘shut up’, slut,” he repeated firmly, slapping your cheek lightly. “You don't speak again unless I speak to you first, got it?”
“Yes,” you sniffled, pouting and giving him doe eyes. 
“Sit up.”
He helped you into a sitting position where your mouth came to level with his crotch. With a swift tug of his waistband, his semi-hardon stood inches from your face. Yunho removed his shirt, and you took in his lean form. Not as defined as the others, you still wanted to kiss and feel every inch of him. Yet, despite your clit pulsing from the sight, you pretended to push back and away from him. Shaking your head, you purse your lips as Yunho brought your head back into position. When you didn’t immediately open your mouth, Yunho pinched your nose and slapped his tip against your lips. The light tapping combined with the instinct to breathe caused you to gasp. A gasp that Yunho instantly snuffed out with his dick. Grasping your hair, he kept you in place while he smoothly went in and out of your mouth. You continued whimpering and trying to get away, but not too hard. Yunho’s pulsating cock slid over your tongue, and tempted you into touching yourself. You heard his haggard breathing getting heavier, moans starting to escape him as he stared down at you. Soon, Yunho was thrusting himself into your throat. Your humming vibrated around his tip, and he chuckled. 
“That’s right,” he said through gritted teeth, “Hum around my cock. Go ahead. I know how much you like it.”
You gave a fake sob as he started gagging you. Each deep thrust ended with you gulping and gasping when he pulled off you. Thin streams connected your lips to his tip, and Yunho used this connection to smear himself on your chin and cheeks. Both hands on your head, Yunho forced you to the hilt and stayed there at least a few seconds at a time. 
“Yunho, stop,” you coughed, “It…It hurts.”
“It doesn’t seem to hurt when Seonghwa does it,” he grunted, “So take it.” 
You hadn’t said ‘buttercup’ again, so Yunho did not stop. Purposefully, you didn’t hollow in your cheeks to suck him. When he saw you simply keeping your mouth open he scoffed. 
“No, no, no, suck it,” he ordered, pushing himself into your throat. When you didn’t suck, he poked his tip to your cheek and slapped it. “Suck it right, slut,” he slapped you again, the sting mixing with the ache in your throat. “Don’t act like you’ve never sucked dick before. Hollow out those cheeks and-Fuck, yes, like that.”
Whimpering, you started sucking him properly. This made him give your throat a break and focus on rubbing himself on your tongue and lips. You wriggled around on the bed as your own arousal started throbbing between your thighs. A bundle of his sheets against your sex tempted you into grinding against his mattress, eager for a form of relief. Yet, you knew you’re meant to not want this, so you kept yourself firmly planted on the bed. Yunho chuckled through a groan. 
“Look at you,” he mocked, smacking your cheek again as he pushed against your inner cheek. “Filthy, dumb slut getting turned on by me using her mouth.” When you let out a muffled wail, he plunged deep into your throat again, “Don’t act like you don’t like it. It’s what you’re paid to do. I’m only taking what I pay good money for.” 
He kept you planted there as he started fucking your mouth roughly. A slight pain burned in your throat after a while, making your eyes swim with tears that came down your cheeks. The cheap mascara and eyeliner you’d applied colored the tears with black, a look Yunho asked for specifically. Your clit throbbed while your walls clenched for something to grab onto; your nipples tingled and hardened from imaging his mouth and hands on them. Yunho, seeing your nipples erect, reached down for one as he continued abusing your mouth. Index and thumb fingers rolled it in between them, the twinge of pain adding to the burning pleasure. Sharp slaps to them every so often made you whine around the cock ravaging your mouth. 
Without a word, he pulled you off him and pushed you back onto the pillows. “I know exactly what to do with these,” he huffed, reaching into a box beside the bed. 
You laid there, coughing and clearing your aching throat, as he shifted through a selection of toys, unable to keep yourself from wriggling around underneath him. When he withdrew a chain of nipple clamps, you widened your eyes and shook your head. While the sight of them usually excited you, you pretended to fear it as you struggled to get away from Yunho. This only made him hook your bound wrists back to his headboard. Straddling your thighs, Yunho bent down and greedily sucked one of your nipples. He cupped and squeezed while teasing the sensitive peaks with his tongue. 
“Yunho-ah,” you cried, sniffling and shaking your head, “Please, stop it.”
“Shut up,” he snapped, spanking one of your tits for emphasis. 
“Yunho, please don’t put those. They hurt a lot-”
“Do I look like someone who gives a fuck? Shut. Up. And. Take. It.”
His meanness only turned you on more. You watched him prepare you for the clamps and purposefully moved around to make your breasts jiggle. Yunho looked over at you for a moment. You saw him admiring your hands tied to the headboard, seeing the drool and tears left on your face. You pouted, giving him a pleading look that made his jaw drop. He wanted you to be pathetically helpless against his big, strong body. He wanted you pleading for mercy and saying ‘no’ until the very end. He bent down over you again, pecking your lips softly and nuzzling your nose gently. Neither of you said anything, but you still sniffled and whimpered as he went back to sucking and biting your nipples. You often tried keeping whichever breast he chose from his mouth before he grabbed them harshly and kept you in place. The clamps brought a never ending wave of pleasure that you forced yourself to restrain.
“Just as pretty as I thought,” he gave a self-satisfied smile as the chain pulled your nipples. He slapped the sides to see them bounce against his hands, “They’re prettier covered in loads of cum.”
He roughly grabbed your chin and squeezed your cheeks to keep you quiet, “You just don’t know how to shut up, do you? How many times do I have to say it?”
“Yunho,” you sobbed.
“Ugh, you’re so annoying,” he scoffed. Going back to the box, he took out a dildo-gag. Only a few inches, it wouldn’t go to your throat but it’d certainly keep you quiet. “Open up.”
You shook your head, rolling your lips closed.
“I said ‘open up’, slut.”
He pinched your nose again, and you tried holding your breath as long as possible until you gave in. The second your mouth opened, the gag went inside. He strapped it securely behind your head, enough to keep it from coming loose but not so tight it truly hurt you.
“There,” he said, “Maybe now you’ll finally shut up. You’re prettier when you’re not talking.”
The toy in your mouth caused saliva to build up around it, which you tried swallowing down to keep it from coming out. That didn’t prepare you for what he did next: Yunho went further down your body to your shorts. He roughly and hurriedly tugged them off you, and groaned at the sight of your wet panties. Your pussy ached when he heatedly tore them enough to reveal your sex and ass, the cheap fabric hanging by the elastic bands. When you tried closing your legs, he forced them back apart and sat between your thighs to keep you spread out. Your heart started racing in anticipation, sensing his hard cock close to your dripping sex, and expected him to go inside right away. But no. Yunho planned to drag this out. 
Lifting your legs up by the ankles, he pressed your knees to your chest and swatted your bare pussy. The stinging pain added to the clamps on your nipples, and you thought you might cum if he continued spanking you. Yunho’s quick, hard slaps teased your exposed clit, the brief touch sliding across your pussy each time his hand came down. Seeing you trembling on the bed, Yunho stopped spanking and rubbed your sore lips gently. 
“I know you’re not about to cum,” he said, a threat in his voice. “I know you’re not about to cum before me. I didn’t say anything about you getting to cum first.” He spit right on it, swirling it around slowly, “No, no, no. We’ve told you before that a proper slut would let us cum first. This is for my pleasure, not yours,” he slapped your pussy particularly hard to which you gave a muffled cry, “I don’t pay you to have orgasms. I pay you to give me orgasms.”
You attempted to plead, but your gag kept you quiet.
“What’s that?” he cocked his head to hear you, “You’re going to be a good toy and let me fuck you however I like? Hm, that’s good to know.” He laughed when you reverently shook your head, “Oh, you know you love it. Your pussy certainly loves it.”
He grabbed his dick and started tapping it against your pussy. The teasing motion stirred the pot boiling inside you. You could feel your orgasm slowly rolling to the front, about to explode right onto his wet tip until he’d stop. When you’d calm down, he’d go right back to teasing his length against your pussy. It became absolute torture. If you ever stopped being wet enough, he’d spit right where you both met to keep you slick enough for him. You took the moment to watch his body tense up at the flickers of pleasure grinding into you gave him. One hand gripping your thigh, the other made sure his dick moved exactly how he knew it’d weaken you. You saw the veins in his hands from the pressure, and wanted them inside you. You wanted them knuckle-deep, pushing in and out and wiggling deep within. His fingers always looked better around your throat or stuffed in your holes. But, he didn’t use his fingers. Not once. 
When he finally did enter you, he gasped in surprise. “Oh no,” he said, smoothly gliding in and out of you, “Looks like I forgot a condom.”
Another thing you’d both discussed and cleared on before starting.
“No, don’t do that,” you tried saying through the gag. “Don’t cum in me.”
“Huh? What?” he cupped his ear, starting to rub your clit with his thumb so you mewled loudly. “You want me to cum in you?”
“No! Don't!”
“I bet you do,” he started pumping in and out of you faster, “I bet you love when Hongjoong fills you with cum every night. I’m surprised you’re not pregnant already with all the times he’s creamed your little pie.” He took hold of your thighs and kept them spread further apart. “But, don’t worry. I’ll cum in you,” he sneered, “Maybe I’ll leave you here and call the other members so they can fill up your pussy too. You’ll be so full of it, we’d have to take you to the clinic the next day,” he laughed.
The idea of him taking his own fantasy a step further had your thighs quaking in his grasp. Yunho kept the same steady pace throughout, only stopping when he sensed your orgasm drawing near again. A cocktail of pain and pleasure once again filled your insides, and you realized how much you enjoyed it. You liked mean Yunho. He exhibited a sadistic desire to bring you close to an orgasm, only to deny it to you at the last second. Your disappointed and frustrated whimpers delighted him, usually resulting in him taunting you as he pounded his hips into yours a few times. He meant it when he said he’d be merciless. He proved it when he flipped you onto your front, lifted your head up by your hair, and started pounding your pussy relentlessly. Any plea or cry you gave went unheard underneath the sounds of his skin slapping yours. When the bed banged against the wall, you thought that usual shyness might come out, but it only encouraged him further. 
“Please, please, please,” you cried through your gag, tears watering your eyes again. “Please stop. It hurts so much.”
“Shut up,” he growled, tugging your hair and thrusting faster. “Shut up and take my cock.”
“I said ‘shut up’, bitch.” He pushed your face into the pillow, the dildo going further into your mouth and silencing you right away. “Fuck toys don’t talk.”
You sobbed into the pillow, your nose poking out enough for you to breathe. Your eyes rolled back right as his tip started pushing your g-spot. Each thrust sent you closer to the edge once more. You thought you’d go insane from the feeling alone. You felt nothing but the desperation growing inside you. The need to meet his hips with yours, the need to be clenching and squeezing him through an orgasm became far too deep. You lost all sense. The only thing you focused on was pretending to squirm out of Yunho’s strong grip. 
What pushed you the closest was when Yunho’s moans became breathy and erratic. By his tightened grasp, his feverish thrusts and incoherent streams of curses, you knew he’d finish soon. You clenched him tightly, which made him quicken his pace. Soon, a distinct hot sensation spilled inside you and you almost came with him. Yunho continued going until he pumped every last drop inside you. Quivering, your body tensed up in effort to stay on the edge. 
“Tak-Take it,” he groaned, huffing as he squeezed out a few more drops, “It’s the least you can do after…after rejecting me…”
The second he withdrew from you, you weakly scrambled away from him.
“And where do you think you’re going, huh?” 
He roughly pulled you back into his grasp. Restricting your arms with one of his, he parted your legs with his knee and started rubbing your sex again. The tips of his fingers rapidly gliding over your clit had you trembling and clutching Yunho’s arms. Your body caved into itself, a burning tightness building the longer he kept you in his grasp. You tried closing your thighs together and moving from his hand, but he only forced them further apart and went faster.
“That’s it,” he said in your ear, still toying with your clit despite the sensitivity settling in, “Cum all over yourself like the pathetic slut you are. Go ahead. Do it.” 
You shook your head as if keeping yourself from giving into his demands. 
“You know you want to,” he said, stopping to bring your knee further up and then continuing, “You wanted to a little bit ago. Am I not good enough for you to cum for? Huh?” 
You put your hands on his wrist, trying to move his hand away but not doing a good job of it. This time, he didn’t do anything else. He only rubbed; his fingers caused his warm cum to mix with your juices, getting the mess everywhere, but you didn’t care. You came in seconds. The blinding climax made every muscle in your body seize up, and you screamed around the dildo in your mouth. You could do nothing but lay there as Yunho teased an orgasm out of you. Being completely at his mercy, tied up and clamped, you laid there and came hard until the very end. 
When you finally finished, you desperately chased whatever bit of air you could get through your nose. It wasn’t until Yunho undid the gag that you sucked in more air. Keeping you in his arms, Yunho carefully unbuckled his belt from your wrists and tenderly rubbed them for you. He peppered the side of your face with soft, brief kisses as he gingerly removed the clamps to rub your sore nipples. The two of you laid there in the afterglow of this new experience, content to listen to each other’s breathing gradually steady over time. You stayed still when he started wiping the mess from you with a wet cloth, drying it for you right after. A shower or bath would be for later. Neither of you felt up to it at the moment. 
“Did you like it?” he asked in the silence, not having moved an inch away from you. “Was I too rough? Not rough enough? I didn’t want to overdo it with you.”
You shook your head, “I really liked it, actually.” 
“You liked it, huh?” he teased, giving you a gentle squeeze. “Even when I hit you?”
“Yes,” your cheeks grew warm from the confession. “I’ve never seen you that way before.” You turned over to face him, remaining in his arms still, “It really turned me on.” Talking made you realize your throat did itch slightly. You’d need some tea to soothe it at least. 
“Oh?” he lifted your leg to his waist and put his arm around you, “Maybe I should be mean in bed more often.”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” You then asked, “Was I…I don’t know how to say it…Fighting back enough? I didn’t want to make you think I really wasn’t into it, but I know you wanted me to kind of fight back.”
“You were perfect, babe. It was exactly like I imagined,” he insisted, kissing you softly. “Thank you,” he said, moving hair from your face, “For doing this with me. I thought it might scare you or you would see me differently when I asked you.”
“Never,” you assured him, clearing your throat. “I’ll admit I was surprised by it at first, but it was something new for us to explore.” You chuckled again, which bothered your throat, “But I did think you getting so into it was funny at first.”
“I wanted to do it right,” he laughed. “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“You wouldn’t have,” you coughed. “You wouldn’t have disappointed me. We would’ve just had normal sex or no sex or whatever we both felt like doing.” 
“Oh, baby,” Yunho immediately perked up, “Your throat. It must hurt. Is it really bad? I shouldn’t have done it so much.” 
“It itches a bit.” 
“I’ll make you some tea then,” he peeled himself away from you and sat up. Ruffling his hair, he reached for his boxers on the floor and said, “And an ice pack too?” 
“Yes, please.” 
You knew once you really started moving around, you’d know which parts of your body will need to be iced. Yunho gently pecked your lips, then left the bedroom. Sinking further into his bed, you felt yourself drifting to sleep. The events you replayed in your head gave you chills. Nobody looking at Yunho would think he enjoyed such a taboo act; though, you’re not bothered by it at all. A part of you wondered if he'd do it again, since Yeosang won’t be home any time soon. 
You’d definitely have no objections. 
A/N: hey hey friends! Sorry this one took so long. Like with all my current wips, I've been having trouble sticking to one and finishing it. I hope this one makes up for it though! I have a Seonghwa one coming up soon too! always like and reblog, it keeps us going <3
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visforvengeance · 6 months
944 miles
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Requested by: no one<3
Notes: Hi! So sorry I took so long to post this lmao. Um this will be a series. I haven't worked out how many chapters there will be but I do know how I want at least the next two chapters to be. If you've seen my last post where I posted a snippet of it, then you know I had an OC named Rue Winston. That will be changed and the only thing that will remain is the last name and no character description will be involved but do know I had black!reader in mind. Thanks for reading <3
Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x Reader
Warnings: cursing? she/her pronouns. i think that's it. it's only the first chapter so nothing too crazy going on.
Fatima rushed to the Berzatto Family Salon door with her young daughter by her side. Fatima wouldn’t have been late if it weren’t for her babysitter canceling at the last minute. The poor child was just too young to care for herself. 
As Fatima frantically searched around the building for Donna, her hairstylist, Y/N sat idly by. She played with the toys her mother had gotten her for her 5th birthday, which was just a few months before. When Fatima’s eyes landed on Donna’s, they reflected a range of emotions. 
Donna felt bad for the young mother, having three kids of her own, she knew what Fatima was suffering. Donna’s eyes traveled to the playing toddler on her floor, not a care for the outside world. She reminded her of her own child, Carmen, the youngest. 
“Donna! I’m so sorry I’m late. My babysitter bailed last minute and I had no one else to watch her,” Fatima was on the verge of tears. This wasn’t the future she imagined when she found out she was with child. 
Her husband, Ezra, had walked out on his family when their daughter was 2 years old. He had claimed he never wanted a child in the first place. 
“Ok ok ok, Hun. Just take a deep breath, it’s fine. I have a son who’s around the same age as her. He’s here with me today, they could play together!”
She rushed through the door, ignoring everyone except for Carmen. He sat on his bed watching his best friend bounce around in his bedroom. 
“It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!” She squealed while clutching the unopened envelope to her chest. 
Carmen was dreading the day when they received their acceptance letters. He hadn’t told her that his college of choice was in New York. He knew that she’d d be attending college in Chicago, but fucking Carmen. He always had to strive for the best. 
He felt like shit, but the pure excitement on her face was infectious. He couldn’t help his smile as they switched envelopes, now holding each other’s futures in their hands. 
“I’ll go first, you ready?” He watched as she bit at her nails anxiously, she nodded. 
Carmen opened the letter, he spared one glance at her before he began reading. 
“Dear Ms. Winston, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as an official student of the English Literature and Arts Department…” Rue’s hearing had faded as she allowed the words to process. 
When it finally hit her, she rushed into Carmen’s arms. Her tears soaked into the cotton of his shirt but he didn’t let that deter him from telling her just how proud he was of her. When they pulled away, he held her face in his hands as she took deep breaths to calm herself down. He looked into her eyes, silently asking if she was okay. She nodded, looking back into his blue ones. 
Y/N carefully tore into the letter, her eyes scanning over the paper. The Institute of Culinary Education, 225 Liberty Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10281. New York? No, this can’t be. He’d tell her if he was going to New York, right?
She cleared her throat and began reading, “Dear Mr. Berzatto, we are very pleased to offer you admission into The Institute of Culinary Arts.” Her throat ran dry as she read. What the fuck?
“Why didn’t you tell me you applied for New York?”
“You’re the one who told me not to tell you,” he huffed, suddenly feeling defensive at his lack of mentioning. 
“It’s fucking New York, Carmen! I meant don’t fucking tell me if it was in the goddamn state. I thought that was obvious. Why there, anyway?”
He felt strings tugging at his heart as her voice cracked. Why did he choose New York? A 944-mile drive away from his home? His family? From the girl he loved? When making his decision, She was the last thing on his mind at the time. Mikey not allowing him to work at the family restaurant fucked with Carmen’s nerves. 
Lack of communication led to him believing that his brother thought he wasn’t good enough. So, Carmen figured “Maybe if I go to this prestigious school and become the world’s greatest chef, he’ll think I’m good enough then.” 15-year-old Carmen had made up his mind, everything else be damned. But, nothing would prepare him for the moment it came time to tell his best friend that he was leaving her. 
“It’s the best culinary school in the state,” her eyes began to water. She felt fucking elated that Carmen was getting into the school of his dreams, but it being 14 hours away was breaking her heart. She didn’t want to make him feel bad or ruin this moment, but the way she could feel herself start to sweat was overwhelming. 
She decided to drop it. She didn’t want Carmen to feel bad about his decision. Willing her tears to dry, she quickly smiled. “I’m so proud of you,” She was genuinely so proud of Carmen. She wanted nothing more than for him to succeed. If his succeeding meant she had to cheer him on from Chicago, she’d do it proudly. 
Carmen could feel the sadness radiating off of her. He knew what she was doing. The switch from being on the verge of tears to smiling brightly was a reaction he’d seen far more than he liked. Being the reason wasn’t something he liked too much, either. But, when she said that she was proud of him, he believed her. He always believed her. 
The last few days of school had been so tiring with graduation and Carmen leaving for NYC soon. She and Carmen spent as much time with each other as they could. Fatima worked a lot and Donna always had something that needed her attention. Everyone was busy. Summertime was approaching which meant Mikey had to prepare. He’s still not letting Carmen help, though. 
She sighed as she felt her back hit the mattress beneath her. She hadn’t had time to relax and take a deep breath until now. She was home alone, with no plans and a severe and excruciating lack of Carmen. She saw less of him after the pair read their acceptance letters together. She didn’t know whether it was because of the news he shared or he was just extremely busy. 
Regardless of whether they were fighting or not, Carmen never avoided her. There was no reason for him to be mad at her and she wasn’t particularly mad at him, but there was a dark cloud that hung over them. An unwavering force that bullied its way between them, you could practically see it. 
She wanted to be happy for him, but the negative feelings always crawled their way back up. Was she overreacting? This wasn’t the end of them. They could always call, visit each other, or text. It wasn’t like he was moving to another country. 
He was leaving her today. She began to panic at the thought but forced herself through it. She gathered all of the items she wanted to give to him before he left. His favorite shirt that he’s always searching for (she stole it), the matching bracelet that he’d leave on her dresser so he wouldn’t lose it, and a painting that she made for them. The painting was of them together. She spent the entire school year working on it, she made it for him after he practically begged her to do a painting for him. 
After she was done, she made her way next door. The constant ruckus could be heard outside of the door. Donna is yelling for Mikey to help his brother, Sugar and Richie are fighting over god knows what. She pushed herself through the door. It was warm inside, and it smelled like apple pie and cinnamon. It always smelled like something delicious at the Berzatto house. 
Donna noticed her first, rushing to her while calling for Mikey to come and grab the (not heavy) box from her. Donna pulled the younger girl into her warm embrace, bombarding her with questions as she always did. It never bothered her as she knew what Donna was like and loved her dearly. Donna always treated her as if she was her child, she’d look after her when Fatima was busy with work. She’d invite her on family trips, she was an unofficial family member like Richie. 
“How are you, sweetheart? You hungry? We made a little something for Bear before it’s time for him to go,” Donna held her face in her hands as she spoke. Her heart warmed at Donna’s actions. Despite her doing things like this since the moment they met, it always made her smile. She politely declined, though. She wanted to be alone with Carmen for a while. 
“I’m not hungry at the moment, Mama D, but I promise I’ll eat before I go,” Donna nodded and gave her cheeks a small pat. They spoke a little bit more before Donna left her to continue doing what she was doing. She had a habit of minimizing her emotions when something big happened. She kept a straight as she walked up the stairs to Carmen’s room, but her mind was racing. She didn’t want to think about the bad things that could happen while she and Carmen were apart. 
She pushed the door open, standing in the doorway as she watched the two brothers talk. “Dude, you’re doing it the wrong way-“
“I think I know how to properly tape up a box, Carmen.”
“You’re literally doing it wrong.”
She couldn't hold in her laughter as they bickered back and forth. Their heads snapped toward her, startled by her presence. “Jesus, fuck, bunny. You scared the shit out of me!” Mikey set down the box he was holding to rush over and hug her. She hugged him back, squeezing him a bit as she did so. “Sorry, Mikey. I wanted to see who’d get hit first,” Mikey chuckled. 
She and Mikey had a special kind of bond. She had a unique bond with each Berzatto child. But, the two of them were like siblings. Mikey was like the big brother she never had, always to her rescue if needed. When Carmen couldn’t be bothered, she had Mikey and Sugar. 
Before he could respond, Carmen cleared his throat. Mikey looked between the two, gears turning in his head. You see, Michael knew of his feelings for the girl. He was constantly trying to get Carmen to step up and admit his feelings for the girl but Carmy was always too nervous to do so, afraid he’d lose her. He couldn’t risk that. 
Mikey nodded, raising his arms in defense and he backed off, “I’ll leave you two to talk.” She sat on Carmen’s bed, looking around his room. It looked nearly empty, aside from the furniture. “Did you get a chance to look at the things I brought?” Carmen looked over everything except for the painting. He’d seen her art before, he knew how talented she was. But he feared that if he looked at it now, his heart would break all over again. 
“Yeah, everything except for the painting.” She felt her body twitch as their eyes locked. His expression was unreadable as she wondered why he hadn’t taken a glance. “Promise you’ll take a peek when you get to your dorm?” She thought she sounded fucking pathetic. ‘Please look at this painting that means so fucking much to me, it’s the least you could do.’ She wanted to throw up. 
In reality, Carmen didn’t want to look. Not because he feared he’d hate it, but because then he’d be forced back to reality. The reality that he’s in love with his best friend whom he’s about to leave for four fucking years. The reality is that he’s loved her since middle school and now it’s too late because he’s a coward. “Promise.”
She and Carmen had spent their last few hours together in his bed. The sun had fallen, and everything was packed up and ready to go. Carmen said his goodbyes to everyone, except her. She lingered somewhere nearby, watching as he hugged and kissed his family. They were both trying to prolong their last few moments together. “I’m gonna miss you,” she could hardly speak. God, did she not want to cry right now. 
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Carmen’s facade was starting to crack. He allowed it to, he only allowed himself to feel in front of her. “And don’t forget about me, either.” Her tears were streaming down her face, heavy drops landing on her shirt. Carmen couldn’t handle it anymore as he pulled her into a tight hug. Their tears soaked into the other’s shirt as they cried together. They stayed like that for what felt like hours until Mikey called for Carmen. She watched as her best friend drove away. She’d never believe you if you told her that she wouldn’t hear from him for 2 years.
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greensimp · 1 year
IF YOU UHM TAKE REQUESTS: could you do Gyutaro x extremely near-sighted s/o who refuses to wear glasses (only uses them occasionally) ?? I love your writing 🫂
Ayyy now there’s a handicap I actually have. Although I rarely take my lenses off, even when I sleep (if you wear glasses DO NOT DO THIS IT’S BAD FOR THEM). Thank you for this request, I was hoping I’d finally get one soon 😊.
Gyutaro With A Near-Sighted Reader
TW: foul language, trauma, implied/referenced bullying
A/N: reader is AFAB coded. I gave this one a lil "how you met" story before doing the headcannon stuff.
You hate wearing your lenses. In the past, you’d be relentlessly teased for having them. You’d be called an old lady, a freak, a defective, just about everything under the sun. When your father decided to sell you to the Kyogoku house, he refused to allow you to wear them as it would hinder your chances of being accepted as a courtesan. You didn’t want to be sold, but you didn’t have a choice. Your father’s farm had a bad year for crops, as a disease ravaged about 80% of them.
Without your lenses, you were a beauty in the eyes of the public. Most people didn’t recognize you from your childhood, as you looked very different without them on. Over the years, you’d grown to navigate your extremely blurry world somewhat gracefully, but you still had your difficulties.
And that’s when you caught the eye on him.
Daki hadn’t exactly noticed how you stumbled over dips in the floorboards that a normal person would have easily spotted, nor had she noticed how you used your arms to feel how close objects actually were to you. But he did. He noticed how you’d need to lower your face just a few inches from papers to read them. Had he been spying on you in your room to gain this little morsel of knowledge about you? Maybe. His interest had been piqued after all.
Near sighted young people were extremely rare at this point in history. He wanted to devour you. He wanted to see you as pathetic. He wanted to toy with your emotions.
While you were away at the markets one night, Gyutaro rummaged through your belongings. His suspicions of your defective eyes were confirmed as he revealed a pair of lenses in the very back of one of your drawers. Obviously, you had not used them for quite some time. The excitement he felt at this discovery gave him a sick pleasure as he knew what to do next.
He waited for you to return, standing in the darkest corner of your room. Once you entered and sat on your mat, exhausted from having to avoid bumping into everyone and everything in the bustling entertainment district, a low, terrifying giggle startled you, causing you to fall to your back with a squeak.
“Look at you. So helpless, Like a little mole rat.”
A wobbly male voice teased you from the corner. Your eyes shot toward the source, but the only thing you could make out was a dark amorphous figure shrouded in shadow.
“W-who a-are you? A c-customer? I’m sorry b-but I’m done with s-services for the night-“
The male giggled louder, cutting you off.
“What’s the matter? Can’t see me?”
Your breath caught in your throat.
Did he know? How could he know?!
“Of c-course I can’t! Y-You’re in the d-dark!”
Annoyance was bubbling through your fear. You’ve had some creepy clients, but this one was just plain rude.  
You couldn’t tell he was moving closer to you until a pair of glowing orange orbs began to come into focus.
“You sure it’s just the dark, sweetheart?”
The sickening tone he used for the name he gave you sent a shiver down your spine, but you remained still. Partially out of fear, partially out of indignance that this guy was invading your personal space.
“Just what d-do you think you’re doing? Stay back! I told you my room is closed for the night!”
This isn’t the first time a man has intruded on you. Most of the time when you’re firm enough, they tend to just scoff and leave, promising to complain to the house owners about your “behavior.” However, you were growing increasingly aware of the dangerous aura of the man that was now about 5 feet away from you. In the dim candlelight, you could finally make out a fuzzy green blob framing the orbs you noticed moments ago. Was that his head? Green is such an unusual hair color.
“I don’t think I wanna leave just yet. Not before I have some fun.”
Your heart sunk. He was right in front of you now, and you could finally see just how tall and imposing he was. There was no way you’d stand a chance against him. You thought about calling for the Oiran, who was merely a couple of doors down from you.
“Oh, I wouldn’t start screaming if I were you, hehe.”
He crouched, his blurry form still seemingly towering over you, but his face was becoming a bit clearer. If you squinted, you could even maybe make out some black markings inking out the sickly grey color of his skin.
“W-What do you w-want from me?!”
You tried to back away, but your body refused to cooperate with you. Then, a rectangular shape began swinging in front of your face.
“Why don’t you slip these on for me, girl? Take a good look at who you’re talking to.”
You recognized the case he was dangling in front of you. It was close enough to even make out the familiar patterns in the fabric. Your breathing became erratic as the traumatic memories that came with that case started to surface in your mind.
“G-Get that thing away from me!!! How did you find that?!”
You began cowering, but not from him. Your arms shielded your face as you expected a rock to be chucked your way like all those years ago. All those cruel, pretty girls that treated you like dirt because of those stupid, ugly things.
Confusion suddenly washed over him. He hadn’t expected such a visceral reaction from you. At least, not before you put the lenses on. He narrowed his eyes at your shrinking form, frowning, and hummed to himself.
Somehow, this was becoming a lot less fun.
“Y’know, I was expecting this after you put these on, you pathetic girl. The hell is wrong with you?”
His words made you pause.
“Wha-what do you mean?”
He growled, becoming frustrated. He brought his fingers to the opening of the pouch and fished out your lenses before shoving them your way.
“Put em’ on and find out.”
The sight of your lenses brought a tremble to your fingertips.
“I… I can’t”
He scowled and shook his hand up and down.
“Whaddya mean ya can’t?! Are ya stupid or somethin’?!”
You felt your eyes mist over at his words, causing you to wrench them shut and shake your head.
In mere moments, your hand flung through the air and knocked the lenses to the ground.
He just stared at you in disbelief, his hand still outstretched to you.
A string of broken sobs erupted from your lungs as you crouched forward.
“I can’t wear them! I can’t wear them!”
Your fist banged the ground.
“They turn me ugly!”
“They make me weak!”
“They make me defective!”
Right before your fist was about to make contact with the floor again, a large hand wrapped around your wrist and forcefully pulled you up to your feet.
You yelped in pain, but another hand covered your mouth.
“Listen here, girl. You have no idea what you’re talkin’ about. You got it pretty good, ya know. Look at your skin, not a blemish or scratch to be seen anywhere. Ya got pathetic men from all over the district wantin’ you every night. You’re a lucky one. And I’m gettin’ tired of your pathetic blubbering. Now.
As you struggled and grabbed at the arm that had your face in a vice grip, you felt something be forcefully slipped onto your face.
“Look at me.”
He let you go, causing you to tumble to the floor.
The second you opened your eyes, you gasped at the clarity of the room. Your eyes strained against the corrective properties of your lenses, having not been used to them after so many years of not wearing them.
Then, your gaze snapped to the man… no… thing towering above you. The crystal clear visage of his sickly body froze you in your place.
It all became clear to you now. His strength, his glowing eyes, his hair color…
He was a demon.
A demon here to eat you, no less.
You hadn’t realized he was talking to you until he spread his arms out wide, scowl evident on his face.
“… what? Got nothin’ to say?! What’s the matter, stupid girl?! Worm!”
You couldn’t pinpoint what exactly you were feeling in that moment, but it wasn’t fear. Something in his mannerisms, his tone, you just couldn’t detect the malice from before. He was frustrated, now. It was as though he was repeating lines from somewhere.
The only thing running through your mind…
Was that this was the most beautiful creature you have ever seen.
Perhaps it was the first clear image of someone you’d witnessed in four years, or the adrenaline high you were coming down from, or maybe just pure survival instinct, but you couldn’t help but just… stare.
You’d expected to be terrified of demons. And maybe you should be running as fast as you can right now.
He crouched in front of you with that angry scowl of his, now balling a handful of your hair in his hand and bringing his face right up to yours.
“Go on, wench. Tell me how ugly you are now. Tell me how defective you are now. TELL ME!”
He snapped, but you didn’t flinch away. You just stared into his eyes with your wide, glassy ones.
Then, before you even processed what you were doing, you brought a hand to his face and brushed a finger over the largest black splotch that ran over his cheeks and nose.
He felt time stop at your touch, his face falling into a confused frown.
“I see you.”
Your gentle voice, now free of fear and trauma, talked through him. His eyes widened.
Now it was his turn to shiver.
Letting go of your hair, he shot to his feet, a foreign surge of emotion jolting his spite and spreading throughout his chest and throat.
Not a trace of fear showed itself on your features like he’d expected it too. No. It was almost as though you were… liking what you were looking at.
Endearment if you will.
Before you could stop him, he bolted out of your room, now overloaded with conflicting feelings and no one to take it out on. He certainly wasn’t going to take them out on you. He needed to understand your mysteries. He needed to prove that no one on this planet was just naturally inclined to look at him like that. The world was cruel, and he deserves to take from it for how it’s treated him…
You’re just a common whore. You’re just like everyone else. He’ll prove it.
At least… that’s what he tells himself.
Headcannon time!!! Do with your little origin story what you will, now it’s time to skip to the fluffy stuff.
You still refuse to wear your lenses most of time.
Once you’d tell Gyutaro about your past trauma (probably after he’d start courting you), he’d understand, but would insist that you let him guide you around.
You’d become frustrated that he would demand such a thing, claiming that you’d managed all these years without his assistance, but the moment you saw his downtrodden face you quickly relented.
He didn’t know it himself, but Gyutaro’s urge to protect his sister from the world was also extending to you.
Once you’d discover that the Oiran was actually Gyutaro’s sister, you’d still be cautious around her, but now there was a sense of familiarity with her.
Daki would find out about your poor vision through her brother very quickly. She’d be confused and a little angry that Gyutaro would waste so much time on you but would relent to his desire for you. After all, he gets what he wants and vice versa.
She’ll behave and treat you like an acquaintance, but nothing more.
You never expected to fall for a demon. Hell, you were still kind of skeptical about their existence until Gyutaro came into your life. And yet you managed to catch the heart of one of the most dangerous demons in existence. All through just… seeing him.
Gyutaro is the only being in existence that you’d ever put your lenses on for.
On lonely, rainy nights in particular, when you miss him the most, you have your lenses ready at your side for when he comes to visit. And when you hear his faint “hello, sweetheart,” you excitedly slip your lenses on just to see him.
Gyutaro had to admit, he’d grown to love the look of you with your lenses on. The way your face lights up when you can truly see him gives him just the right rush of emotions to smile. Not a creepy, malicious smile. A genuine, happy grin.
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moonice20408 · 1 year
If You're Interested
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Pairing: Emily Prentiss x SubFem!Reader Category: Lil bit smutty. Nothing graphic, but still 18+ ONLY PLEASE Summary: You’re exhausted after back to back cases, and some friends ask if you wanna ‘hang out’ that weekend. Seems like the perfect way to destress. Then you run into your boss at a sex club. Content Warning: Brief mention of a missing child case, Dom/Sub dynamics, talks of non-penetrative BDSM scenes, submissive relationship to a male/female couple, Bi reader, oral, sex toys. Word Count: 2981 A/N: So I posted this forever ago, then lost ~everything~ on my memory card. But, I managed to recently save a few things, this being one of them, but I lost everything else I wrote for it, so for now, it will remain a one-shot. Someone was asking where it went, so I thought I'd at least post the first chapter. ALSO the names James and Natasha are also used for characters, just in case that happens to be your name. Cause seeing my own name in a fic throws me sometimes.
To say you were tired was the understatement of the century. The team had gotten back from one case, only for Garcia to meet you in the bullpen with an apologetic look and a file in hand. JJ, Matt and Rossi had excused themselves to call their families before joining the rest of you in the briefing room. And it was a bad one. A kid had gone missing that afternoon. From a park in the middle of the day. You had until the jet was refuelled and you were off again. Thankfully, and against what all the statistics told you, you found the boy after two days alive. He was scared and hungry, but you’d been able to reunite him with his family. Given the police presence, the unsub hadn’t managed to do anything to the kid; too scared of getting caught. When you found the scumbag, you’d managed to give him a black eye as he tried to escape, and then watched as he begged for some kind of mercy while he was taken way in cuffs. The exhaustion of it all seemed worth with when JJ had pulled up to the scene with the boys parents, and they ran out to embrace their son. The case ended as well as it could of done given everything, and the entire team passed out when on the jet home.
It was a Friday afternoon when you got back, and Emily had instructed you all go straight home, and not to come back till Monday. No one argued. You opted to call a cab. Two demanding cases, very little sleep, and your diet for over a week now had been mostly coffee and whatever was in the closest vending machine. You figured it’d be best not to drive. Upon returning home you had dropped your bag at the door, kicked your shoes off and promptly fell forward onto your couch, falling quickly to sleep.
After a few hours though, the awkward way you fell overpowered the need for sleep, and you woke up stiff and unsure of the time. Taking a deep breath, you forced yourself up. You stretched your hands above your head, and brought them down to rub your face. You took advantage of the burst of energy you now had, knowing it wouldn’t last long, and set about doing the laundry from your go bag, and heading for a decent shower.
Clean, dry and now in comfier clothes, you head back to the couch, find something to watch and order takeout for dinner. You had just finished the food when your phone buzzed.
Your stomach dropped. You almost didn’t want to look. The dread of a new case coming up and Garcia was calling you back in. But, reluctantly, you reached out for the phone, and let out a sigh of relief when you saw the message was from James.
James: Hey, me and Nat are going out tomorrow night. Would love for you to join if you’re free?
A smirk crossed your face.
You: Great timing. Would love to! Normal place?
James: Actually, we were thinking somewhere new. Been a few times, you’ll like it, promise ;) Will send you the address x
You had met James and Natasha not long after you’d moved to the area. After settling in, at home and work, you’d decided you should look into places that helped you… de-stress. You had a stressful job after all, and what better way to relax then to get back on the scene?
It had taken a little research, but you had found a few clubs around. Then on your free weekends, you’d sampled them out. It was just in the second club you’d met James and Natasha. You had been taking a walk around, just checking the place out and maybe sticking around some rooms to watch the couples or groups in there. They had been by the bar when you’d ordered a drink, and James came over, had complimented your dress, and pointed out he’d never seen you around before.
“Well, I’ve just moved here.” You smiled at the man. “So am scouring the local scene.”
He nodded. “Ah, well then welcome! I’m James, very nice to meet you.” You shook his hand, laughing a little with him. Then he pointed to a little table, where a pretty woman was sat watching the two of you. “And that over there is Natasha.”
You gave her a little wave, and she smiled at you as she sipped her own drink.
“And, if you like,” James continued. “We would be interested in showing you around.”
You had stayed with them for most of the night. The three of you made polite conversation while you finished your drinks, and they gave you a tour of the club. During said tour, they had quickly expressed their interest in having you join them some time. You had learned they the two of them were also in a romantic relationship, and while on the scene, James was dominant, while Natasha was a switch. They were looking for someone who would like to be a submissive to the both of them when Natasha was in a dom mind set. And given the fact they were both very attractive people, and you fell naturally into a submissive role, you too were interested in the proposal. You still wanted to get to know them a little more before agreeing, to which they agreed, so when their small tour was over, you had written down your number, and let them get on with their plans for the evening.
You got a text from Natasha the next day, asking if you were still interested, and if you’d want to meet up to discuss things further if you were. Texting back right away, they’d met you for lunch that same afternoon, and you’d talked more about limits, and set up some rules and boundaries. The main thing for them was that it wasn’t sex. You understood, they weren’t just BDSM partners, they were in a romantic relationship, and neither were comfortable with the other having sex with someone else. Oral and the use of toys were on the table, but no penetrative sex. Not having any issue with that, the conversation moved to your own limits. They had agreed with you on most of your hard limits, and took careful note of the soft. You’d gone over your sexual health, and had agreed to meet them for a proper scene the following Saturday.
It was pretty light compared to some of the stuff the three of you do know, but they hadn’t wanted to push you too much too soon. But it was amazing.
All that was about a year ago now. Your relationship to the couple only grew stronger in that time. You could trust them in a scene like no one else. And as the trust grew, you had been willing to try out new stuff for them. They acknowledged that you did still want to have sex, and so long as you let them know and got tested before you’d meet up with them again, they were okay with it. They always stayed with you afterwards in case you dropped, and they never got mad or upset if you got called in for a case last minute. They didn’t know exactly what you did for a job, just that you could get called away at a moment’s notice. Eventually, Natasha had even been submissive alongside you sometimes, with James in control of you both. So when James text you about a new place, it didn’t worry you in the slightest.
They were both waiting outside for you. And from their posture alone, you could tell it was only you being the submissive one tonight. The though made you grin as you rushed over to them.
“Well don’t you look pretty.” Natasha put her hand under your chin. The gesture giving you that warm, dizzy feeling. The stress of the past week had been a lot, and you were more than ready for tonight. As a result, you slipped into a sub space pretty quick, and they could tell, as you leaned into Natasha’s touch.
James smirked. “Eager tonight, are we sweetheart?”
You just hummed and nodded, your hands reaching out to them both.
They lead you inside, and James took you to a small table in the corner. Natasha had gone to the bar, and grabbed the three of you a quick drink. Nothing alcoholic. James had strict rules about going into a scene sober. Natasha had drunk hers quickly, then left the table, telling you she was going to get the room ready. The glint in her eyes as she spoke made you giddy, and you wrapped your arms around James.
“What are we doing tonight?” You asked.
“Well, we’re in room five.” He grinned at you, putting his arm around your shoulders.
“And what happens in room five?”
“Depends on whether or not you behave.”
You faked a gasp. “I always behave!”
He just chuckled at you.
As you finished your drink, you set the glass on the table with the other two.
James rubbed your back. “How about you be a good girl, and take those back to the bar, hm? Then we can go find Nat.”
You bit down on your tongue at the pet name, and were quick to move, collecting the glasses carefully in your hands and making your way through the crowd. The bartender smiled at you as you put them down, and you turned back. Walking straight into someone as you did.
“Oh I’m-” The words stuck in your mouth and your stomach dropped, as you looked at the woman in front of you with wide eyes.
Emily Prentiss.
Your literal actual boss. Eyes also wide in surprise.
You snapped your mouth shut. “I, erm… Hello.” You gave a nervous smile.
“Hey...” She said slowly.
“So… This is happening…” Your eyes wondered down her body, suddenly very awake of the tight, revealing black outfit she was wearing.
It looked good.
No! Stop it. She’s your boss.
…Your boss in a very well fitted outfit at a sex club!
“Apparently.” She said, her voice seemingly calmer than it was a second ago.
Your eyes snapped up to hers, realising you were staring at… not at her face. She smirked a little bit, and you could feel your cheeks getting warmer. Any trace of shock or surprise had vanished from her face, and she was looking at you with a amused glint in her eyes.
“Umm… I’m not sure what I’m supposed to say here…”
“Don’t think there’s anything you’re supposed to say.” She raised an eyebrow and took a sip of the drink in her hand.
She was acting so casual about this. Like you’d ran into her at the store.
How was she being so calm about this? So composed?
“You’re a dom?” The question was out of your mouth before you could stop it. And you immediately smacked a hand over your mouth.
She huffed a laugh. And you noticed the way her eyes quickly looked you up and down “You think I’d be anything else?”
You shrugged, dropping your hands. “I dunno!” You flapped your hands at her. “You’re my boss. I not supposed to think about that.”
She stared at you, and bit the tip of her tongue. “Not supposed to, hm? Not don’t?”
You blinked. “What?”
Her tongue ran across her lower lip, and her eyes bore into you. “You said you’re not supposed to think about it. Not that you don’t think about it. Just an interesting choice of words.” She lifted her shoulders slightly and gave you a smug look.
“I-” You found yourself speechless again. “I mean I…” You took a deep breath. “I have to go!” And you went to stomp passed her.
Of course you’d thought about it, had she seen herself? Can’t say you ever had the whole sleeping with your boss fantasy before you joined the team. But you couldn’t admit that!
“I have.” You froze. “For what it’s worth.” Spinning back on your heel, you looked back to see her shrug, taking another sip of her drink nonchalantly. She didn’t break eye contact.
Was she saying that she… No. There’s no way. She thought about you? Like that? Like this? No. She’s just in a dom space while she knows your in a sub space. She’s playing. Just taking control of an awkward- and potentially job-jeopardising- situation?
Your mouth opened and closed a few times, and your heart was hammering inside your chest, as you tried to figure out a response. She only smirked behind her glass as she waited.
Then two hands came down protectively on your shoulders.
“Everything okay here?” It was James.
You span around to see him looking at Emily.
“It’s fine, I promise!” You assured him, and he looked at you to check for any deception. “We just, um, know each other…” His body language shifted. Running into people you know from else where was something that was better sorted out sooner rather than later. You never had until now, and you certainly never expected it to be your boss if it did happen.
He gave Emily a quick look again, who was apparently unfazed by the man. She looked him up and down, before her gaze fell back to you.
James nodded at you. “Nat’s almost ready.”
“I’m right behind you.”
James gave your arms a quick squeeze, giving you a moment.
“Seems nice.” Emily said once he was out of ear shot, in a way that you couldn’t tell if she was being genuine or not.
“Yeah, he is. They both are.” You told her, though your mind was stuck on what she said a moment before.
“Both?” She raised an eyebrow, a tone of surprise to her voice.
You shifted a little bit, looking down. The team didn’t know about your sexuality. Not that you thought they’d think badly of it if they did, it just never seemed to come up at any point. And the longer it went that you didn’t tell them, it just seemed to be more awkward to bring up. “I, um, yeah… James and Natasha.” Taking a deep breath you looked back up to Emily. “I met them not long after I moved here. They were looking for a sub, I was looking for a new partner, so…” You trailed off, giving a small shrug.
She hummed. “You moved her over a year ago, why have we not run into each other before?”
That’s what she was taking away from that admission? “Um, well we normally go somewhere else.”
“Ah, well then.”
Silence fell over the two of you, and you didn’t really want to leave James and Natasha waiting any longer. You were her with them afterall.
“So, um,” You fiddled with the hem of your dress. “Do we just… pretend we never saw each other, or..?”
Her face dropped, only slightly, but you noticed. She narrowed her eyes. “Is that what you want to do?”
“I want…” You averted your gaze.
You had always found Emily to be an attractive woman. Anyone who couldn’t see that was a fool. But she was your boss. Your boss in a job where you couldn’t let personal feeling get in the way. So you pushed your little crush aside and ignored it. Right now however, the way she held herself when James came over, and the way her eyes remained on you, and the fact she had admitted that she’d thought about you in this sort of environment…
So no, you didn’t want to pretend you didn’t see her. It’s not like either of you spoke about your sex life around the team, so that wouldn’t change, surely. But you could talk about this with her. Exploring this with her was what you really wanted, but you weren’t sure if that’s something you should admit to her. Like you already said, she was in a dom mind set right now, she could just be playing.
But you could play too.
At the thought of playing with her, you felt that dizzy feeling creep over you.
You looked at her in the eye, and given the once over she gave you, she could tell you were slipping back into a subspace.
“We’re gonna be in room five.”
She paused, as if waiting for you to take it back. When you didn’t, “Five huh?” She smiled at you.
The smile reassured you, and you bit your lip. “Yup. Door’s open. Y’know, if you’re interested.”
Then you turned and walked away from her, and to James who was waiting at your table for you. He raised his eyebrows at you as you approached and you just shrugged innocently. Rolling his eyes with a smirk, he placed a hand on the small of your back and lead you away.
“Thought you said you’d be behaving tonight?” He joked.
As much as you would love to talk more with Emily about everything, you were James’s and Natasha’s tonight. So, you shifted your thoughts back to them. You focused on the feeling of his hand on you, and thought about whatever it was him and Natasha had in store for you.
James however, looked back, and caught Emily with her eyes still on you. Drinking her drink a little faster.
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Police Dog: Bigby Wolf x Fem!Cop!Reader - Chapter 1
Welcome to the rewrite :)
I made a reference to another game series, lmk if you guys spot it ;))
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You stared at your monitor, the dim screen barely reflecting back into your near-lifeless eyes as you mindlessly scrolled and robotically clicked through the usual files only to have to actually go into another file to really make any work at your mind-numbing task. Why were you even given this bullshit to begin with? You leaned back in your horribly worn chair, the spine and back cushion creaking eerily as the wheels squeeked against the “polished” stone floor. You picked up the paper cup filled with coffee to take a sip, only to sneer and place the flimsy cup back down. Your coffee had grown to be ice cold, there was a strange grittiness to the brew and it tasted like someone had replaced the coffee with ink.
You heard the constant rushing of other officers in the background, whatever your cubicle really allowed you to hear past the tall wood and styrofoam walls really. Mindless chatter, the bubbling of the water cooler, some cop banging the shit out a vending machine, that horrible fucking fax machine you wished the captain would put out of its misery. You were going to hear those grating sounds in your nightmares for the rest of your mundane life.
At least it wasn’t too bad, today. Normally, the oh so “charming” lifestyle New York City made things pretty ridiculous sometimes. The main office was pretty quiet today, so much so you could hear the very faint classical music playing overhead you normally couldn’t hear over the rambunctiousness of your fellow officers.
That was, until the bullpen was let out.
Just hearing that door slam open and the cops inside spilling out almost made you knock over your nasty ass coffee onto your keyboard. You slouched in your chair, leaning back as you finished your work finally after doing this boring nonsense all week. You took out the usb drive with a content sigh, toying with it in your hands as you listened in on what the others were saying. Something about a shoot out somewhere in the South Bronx caught your ear when you saw a reflection move past on your monitor screen when it stopped behind you. Turning, you quickly saw the tall and brawny figure of one of the sergeants who was casually leaning at the entrance to your cubicle.
“The captain’ll have your knees for leaning,” you turned back to your monitor. You were about to mindlessly pretend to look through stuff just to get him to go away, but he didn’t seem to get the hint. Turning back around after a few minutes, you noticed the stupid smirk on his face that you wanted to smack off so badly. “What?”
“He’s been havin’ ya on paperwork for the past two weeks. Don’tcha think somethin’s up?” his thick accent teased.
“Considering I’m the only one who knows how to do things the way he likes them, not really.”
The sergeant gave you a pointed look before shrugging.
“Whatever you say, rookie.”
“I’m not a rookie, I’ve been in this department for almost a year now.”
He ignored you and sauntered off, definitely eyeing one of the female cops that would bat their lashes at him to get out of work for the day. Just as you started fiddling with the usb drive, your stationary phone started to ring. You picked up the phone, noting how you needed to fix the coiled cord as it somehow became tangled yet again.
“(L/n),” you greeted with your last name.
“Officer (Y/n),” the captain’s smooth voice greeted you from the other end of the line.
“I finished all the paperwork, sir, I have the usb dr-”
“I know you have, you always get the job done. Please bring the drive to my office, and hurry. I have another assignment for you.”
The phone cut off with a monotone buzz. Placing the cradle back into the receiver, you stood from your squeaky chair and started for the captain’s private office which was past the bullpen that still had some cops. The few that remained inside eyed you as you neared the captain’s door, their voices hushed as they started bickering about what it was you could’ve done.
You didn’t need to worry.
You knew that if you had fucked up, the captain wouldn’t have hesitated to call your ass out from over the intercom and demand to come to his office louder than any military drill sergeant.
His door was closed and the blinds were drawn shut which was a bit odd unless he was speaking to someone important. You stopped before the door and knocked promptly, eyeing his placard with his name written in dark ink across the golden plate.
“Come in, Officer (L/n),” the captain called out.
“Are you sure that-” As you opened the door, the conversation that was just going on had cut off.
Aside from your captain who was in his seat behind his grand desk, there stood another man. Tall and broad but fairly thin, he was imposing for sure. Dark, slicked back hair. A tan tailcoat hiding the strength you knew this man had. And when he turned to you, you couldn’t help but feel a little threatened under his intense gaze. His eyes looked as though he’s seen some fucked up shit, he looked fucking tired too, like he hadn’t slept in days. His grown out stubble also showed that as well. He eyed you up and down, not saying anything, his face was hard to read.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but here’s the flash drive,” you spoke up, offering out the usb drive to your captain.
You captain stood from his desk and beckoned you to sit in one of the chairs provided, but not before accepting the drive from you. Your captain sat back down at the same time as you, but the other man in the room just stood. He moved away from the desk a little bit, his chest to you but he was now looking back at your captain.
“Excellent work, like always.” Your captain turned towards the stranger, giving him a look you really couldn’t read either. “I promise you, Sheriff, she is the right officer for the job.” Sheriff? He didn’t look like the sheriff from the boroughs, and especially not any deputy. Was he maybe from upstate?
“I’m still not sure about this.”
His voice was deep and gravelly, like something out of an edgy comic book turned into media.
“Nonsense, Sheriff Wolf.” There it was again. Your captain turned towards you once again. “Officer (L/n), I’ve asked you here to see if you were willing and able to help Sheriff Wolf here with… a delicate situation.” You eyed the two back and forth slowly, confusion painted obviously all over your face. “You can back out at any moment if you wish to do so, but I must iterate the importance of keeping something this delicate between you and yourself alone. Nobody else must know.”
You eyed the “sheriff” warily once again. There’s no way your captain would do something stupid like leading you off with this guy. There has to be a reason.
“Okay?” You cocked your head in question. “What delicate thing are we talking about?”
You saw the stranger pull something from his pocket but you couldn’t tell what it was as it rested in his hand.
“Are you aware of what societies live along with us?”
“You mean cults?” you cocked a brow.
Your captain laughed, the stranger stayed quiet and unmoving.
“No, but that was a good one.” He regained his composure. “Let me rephrase this: Do you believe in the supernatural? The unknown?” You eyed your captain as though he were just some crazy loon. “There lives another society among us, a good portion of said society live right here in New York City across the five boroughs. Sheriff Wolf here is the- uh, peacekeeper for said group. You were the first officer to come to mind for this position.”
“What kind of secret society are we talking about?”
“Fairy tale creatures.”
A part of you never stopped believing in that kind of stuff, especially with some of the weird things that have popped up on the news recently. Photos of creatures that can’t be explained, videos that weren’t ever proven to be edited, miracles that just seemed to pop out of nowhere.
You eyed the stranger again before nodding to your captain.
“Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll help.”
Your captain’s shoulders slouched a bit in relief before he smiled at you.
“Thank you, Officer (L/n).” He motioned to the Sheriff as he stood. “You’ll be reporting to Sheriff Wolf here until this situation is done. He will give you all of the details.”
Sheriff Wolf pocketed the item - which, now that you got a good look at it - looked to be a perfume bottle? He walked towards the door and opened it, waiting for you to get up and pass through before he followed soon after. You uttered a soft ‘thank you’ before you both walked together towards the elevator.
You both stood in silence as the metal shaft rolled down. You stared at the numbers ticking down, wondering to yourself about what you possibly could have just gotten yourself into. You worried at the inside of your cheek and figeted with your hands until the doors swing open at the chime. You both started off for the front door of the station.
“Not here,” he cut you off. He flinched at his own words. He stuck his hand out to hail a taxi. “Not here, there’s too many people. I’ll explain it all when we get there.”
A taxi driver finally caught sight of the sheriff and quickly pulled up to the curb. You were about to start for the other side when he opened the door for you once again. You couldn’t help the little flutter in your stomach at just a normal gesture as you quickly climbed in.
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The Woodlands. You glanced at the seemingly solid gold plate slapped onto the stone pillar as you wait for Sheriff Wolf to pay for the taxi. You peered through the wrought iron fencing at the towering building. It looked as though they were luxury apartments and nothing more. It could use a good powerwashing, though. Other than that, from what he barely told you in the taxi, this would be where you were going to stay for a little while if you wanted. You honestly wouldn’t mind it; No crazy traffic, not getting wet when it pours, you get to stay in bed longer.
“So you’re all, um, fairy tale creatures?” you tried to strike up a conversation.
“Yeah.” Something told you he wasn’t exactly the type for small talk, but the silence between you both was suffocating. The sheriff opened the gate for you as you both walked towards the front doors to the apartment. “Gonna stop by the Business Office. Snow will wanna meet you if she’s still there.”
You beat him to the entrance this time, holding the door open for him to which he gave you a semi-amused look. As you stepped inside, it really was a shock at how dated the lobby was. Hell, it even had a security guard asleep at the front desk, slumped over the desktop, hat covering his bald spot as he drooled on his tie. The carpet was so discolored from packed on dirt, the wallpaper was stained from years of neglect, the chandelier in the center had a few bulbs that were that spiders had claimed to be their new homes.
Maybe you wouldn’t stay here…
“Snow? As in Snow White?” you asked as he called in an elevator.
How bad would that be if the lobby looked like this? Did you just sign your death certificate?
The sheriff hummed in agreement as he pulled out a carton of cigarettes, a brand you’ve never seen before: Huff n’ Puffs. He tapped the bottom so only one cigarette popped out the top and he took it with his teeth. He fished out his lighter but stopped before he could light the flame, eyeing you.
“You good if I smoke?” he asked you rather politely.
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
He lit the cigarette and pocketed his metal-plated lighter, making sure to blow the cigarette smoke away from you. You could smell that the cigarette was stale and a little old, but the way he scrunched his nose a bit drove it home.
‘What fairy tale creature was he?’ you couldn’t help but think.
 He didn’t look like any you’d recognize.
“Are you also a- uh- fairy tale person or…?”
He eyed you, throwing his brows up before puffing out another plume of smoke.
The elevator finally opened up, allowing you both to enter. You watched as he hit a button and the doors closed with an eerie creak before it jutted back to life. You were lying to yourself if you said you weren’t afraid of the thing collapsing underneath you and plummet into the basement.
“We never properly introduced ourselves.” You wanted to smack yourself across the face. Really? You bring that up now? He looked at you out of the corner of his eye, puffing out another plume away from you. “I’m (Y/n).” You stuck your hand out for him to shake. “You don’t have to say the whole Officer (L/n) schpiel, just (Y/n) is fine.”
He eyed your hand before he took it, and holy shit, his hand was big.
It was big and warm and calloused, and very strong. You could tell he was being gentle when he shook your hand.
“Bigby Wolf.”
Bigby? You never heard of a fairy tale character named Bigby Wo-
“Oh! You’re the big bad wolf?” you blurted out as your hands parted.
You felt like an idiot for not getting it earlier. Wow, just looking at him now, it kind of makes sense. But how was he… human?
“You got it right,” he gave an airy chuckle. “It took your captain a minute to get it.”
The elevator came to a direct stop, nearly toppling you over as the doors swung open. You quickly exited the damn thing, telling yourself you’ll take the stairs from now on as you followed Bigby down the halls.
“So - if you don’t mind me asking - how are you… human? Is that correct?”
“Normally, Fables that aren’t human need something called a glamour to make ‘em look human - to fit into the Mundy world.” He stopped and looked at you. “Mundies are people like you; Human.” He continued down the hall. “I didn’t need one after what Snow did to me before we all came here.” You briefly wondered what she did, but he filled in the blank for you. “She stabbed me with a special blade covered in werewolf blood.”
So he’s a werewolf? Like, a big, tall, hairy wolf man werewolf? Does he go crazy on full moons? Is that something you have to worry about now?
“Oh,” was all you could say. Your eyes briefly went to down to his coat pocket to see the faint outline of the perfume bottle. “Do you mind if I ask you another question?” He looked at you, stopping before a door and putting his hand on the door knob. “You had like a perfume bottle in your hand back in the captain’s office. What was that for?”
“It’s some magic shit the witches on the thirteenth floor concoted. It’s supposed to knock whoever out for a few minutes and make them forget about Fables. I would’ve used it on you if you said no.” He turned towards the door, looking at you barely over one of his broad shoulders. “Brace yourself, this isn’t shit you see everyday.”
What could he mean by that?
He opened the door and your jaw dropped. The place was fucking massive. Not only was it large enough to fit an entire circus in, it was also towering! You swore your entire station could fit in here with room to spare. You walked in, passing Bigby who was looking at you amused with his arms crossed. Your eyes scanned the towering bookshelves of books magically moving around and sorting themselves, spying the magical trinkets and statues that lined the carve outs of the wall. And the fucking ship. You watched as a fucking pirate ship lazily floated on by, the wood softly creaking as it turned in the air like it had down for so long.
“Holy shit,” you whispered. “This is your office?” you gawked as you looked back at Bigby.
The sheriff laughed. He actually laughed, the cigarette nearly falling from his mouth.
“Fuck no. My office is basically a glorified broom closet,” he walked past you. He eyed the three empty desks in the middle of the floor with a short frown. He sighed through his nose and took out the now near-burnt out cigarette before he snuffed it out on the heel of his dress shoe. “Stay here,” he looked at you, “I’m gonna go see if Snow’s still here.” You nodded silently, quickly wondering why he looked up at the ceiling as he walked away. “And don’t be scared if a green monkey with wings falls from the rafters, he’s just drunk.”
Your eyes widened as you watched him disappear behind a bookcase. You turned around, looking at all of the magical items that littered the room in awe.
You understood why something like this had to be kept a secret, but holy shit, this was wonderful.
You spied something out of the corner of your eye and slowly walked towards it. Stashed in between two rows of bookshelves laid a large mirror with a very intricately wound golden frame. It looked to be freshly dusted unlike most of the other items in the room. As you approached it, you quickly found yourself slightly dizzy as the mirror swirled to life with hazy green swirls. A theater mask appeared before you, no face or body attached. It blinked at you and smiled softly as the mirror hummed with life.
“Welcome home, such as it is. This squalid office, these corrupted streets, they are yours now, and are bound to them.”
It was hypnotizing, your body relaxing in the green glow as you stared at the mask before it quickly faded away. You blinked, seeing that the mirror had returned to just that, and Bigby was now standing next to you.
“I never understand the damn thing,” he grunted and looked at you. “Snow isn’t here, probably went out for the rest of the day doing Deputy Mayor shit. I need to do some paperwork on you before we can actually start, come on.”
You were hesitant to leave the office so soon but you figured it wouldn’t be wise to make a bad impression on your first day. You followed him out and back down the office before stopping before another door similar to the Business Office. The same standard door with the same color of frosted glass for the exception of the writing of just his name.
He stilled his hand on the doorknob before looking at you sheepishly.
“I wanna start off by saying that I’m sorry for the mess. I wasn’t expecting to actually get the help I need.”
“Oh, don’t worry. You should see what some of the cubicles look like at my current station.”
“Oh, I know,” he wore a look of disgust, “I smelled the shit the second I stepped into the building.”
“My old station had worse.”
Bigby shuddered, his thoughts now running rampant at just the smells he could conjure up. That was horrifying.
He turned the knob and opened the door, still holding a little bit of embarrassment on his face as you fully saw his office.
It wasn’t bad, but it also wasn’t great either. The walls which probably were painted white originally were now stained yellow probably from his smoking. You spied an extra large ash tray that looked to be from the 70’s when smoking wasn’t yet linked to so many horrors filled to the brim with a tower of snuffed out cigarette butts. There were files everywhere, some opened, most were closed. The file cabinets all sat overstuffed, his desk was covered with mugs of half-drunk coffee, his metal-mesh trash can was filled with dead pens and crumbled up paper balls. His poor office didn’t even have a window to even air out the smell, just a rinky dink fan in the corner.
There was something nailed to the flimsy drywall on the back wall, a plaque in the shape of the typical shield used for law enforcement and military. A gold panel had his name scripted, and underneath commended him for-
Three centuries of service?!
How old was this guy?
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chandeliermichel · 1 year
Hi there! Do you still take ikemen prince headcannons? If so could I request Gilbert, Silvio, Keith, Clavis, Chevalier, Rio and Nokto react to a smart witty MC who is like a comedian, knows how to win an argument, and has thebbest comebacks.
For example at a party some nobles were belittling MC because she was a commoner, but she roasted them so bad they dared not to look down on her again and clavis had to see a doctor because he almost died of laughter. 🙏🙂
Thank you
╰┈➤ A Sassy MC ¡! ❞
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pairing; gilbert, silvio, keith and nokto x reader (gender neutral)
ink's note; yes ask box for headcanon requests is open all the time ^^ and thank you for sending this in because it was very fun to write! tagging @sullimanscat because she helped me in coming up with one liners! hope you like it <3 i will write for the other princes separately :3
warnings; mc being sassy LMAO
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People were stupid, that was a given. How come some nobles thought they could come and bully you? Call you names? Perhaps, they had simply forgotten who your lover was.
Of course, that could be the only explanation.
In all honesty, Gilbert would have marched towards you with that easy going smile on his face and would ask, "Are we having any issues?" Oh boy, he would love to see the terror on their faces when the realization would hit them.
But that had to wait, he thought with a small smile on his face. Gilbert knew that you were strong and could handle yourself. So, as much as he wanted to stride up towards you and handle the situation himself, Gilbert remained standing in the shadows, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.
"I don't understand. What is a lowly peasant like you doing in the castle? Sure, Prince Gilbert might fancy you a little, but I am sure he's only toying with you...ahaha, oh it would be so funny when he will leave you."
This woman was getting on your nerves. How could someone say so many stupid things in such a small amount of time? But sadly, you had the chance to deal with a lot of people like her.
Your lips curled up into a small smile, "My lady," you said, voice dripping with honey, "that makeup of yours is very pretty."
A confused expression came over her face, "Pretty fitting for a clown...I would say."
She let out an offended gasp, hand immediately covering her mouth. "How dare you!"
"And oh," you began making your way towards where you were supposed to meet your lover, "you should let go of your dreams about snatching Gilbert from me. You might be a noble in Obsidian, but I am not letting that guy go."
From where he stood observing the view, Gilbert let out a quiet chuckle, seeming very delighted about the entire situation.
"My little bunny, always so cute."
"Oi, woman."
"You can try calling me that again, my Prince. I have a name."
"Uhh, yeah...whatever."
Silvio might have a sharp tongue and swear like a sailor, but even he knew not to mess with you. You could come up with smart responses on the spot and make the person in front of you regret all of their life decisions. So...he didn't want to experience that again.
When he saw some foolish nobles coming towards you with those fake smiles plastered on their faces, Silvio knew what was going to happen. Being really honest, he felt bad. Not for you but for those poor souls that didn't know what awaited them.
A few moments passed and Silvio could see that you were growing annoyed. He could see the two men laughing with each other after one of them said something to you and...
"Sir, that horse of yours outside might make you feel like you are above everyone else but not even that could raise that IQ of yours."
Silvio might or might not have choked on that drink of his... because that was a good one.
"I am glad I wasn't the one receiving it..." he muttered, looking at you.
Nokto would genuinely find it very amusing and hilarious and would wait for you to say something. He thinks that you could put nearly anyone in their place and weren't afraid to defend yourself and the people that you loved, which was amazing in his eyes.
It's another quality of yours that he loves and Nokto wonders how someone as sweet and loving as you could have such a sharp mind and tongue. Truly mind boggling.
But still, he would find chances to tease you and fluster you because Nokto thinks that you are adorable.
And not only that but staying in the castle and interacting with members of royalty meant that you had to maintain a good and positive reputation. You being able to get your points across was actually a very remarkable thing since not many people were able to do it.
You were very warm and nice, that's what Keith concluded. You could also be witty and say such lines...but that was only when someone was being mean, so Keith respected you.
He was someone who had troubling talking to others and opening up, so to see you who was so smart and knew what to say at every time, without even a hint of hesitation was something Keith admired.
You were never like this with him though. Sweet Keith and you giving him sassy come backs? Never! He was simply too adorable.
But oh boy, his heart fluttered so much when you stood up for him that one day. Some people had decided to 'quietly' talk about how unfitting Keith was to be a prince. You knew he could hear them, but he gave you a small smile and asked you not to pay it much attention.
But how could you not? They were openly saying such nasty stuff about such a kind person. You were not going to have that! So, you calmly walked towards them and very nicely said what was on your mind.
He...might have fallen for you because when you came back, Keith's cheeks were a bright red and he told you about how cool you were.
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fandxmslxt69 · 2 years
Okay hear me out-
Imagine Jake's out driving, working or whatever, taxi driver stuff yknow, and he's just chillin' bickering like brothers talking with Steven and Marc because it's a slow day today. And then- he gets a text from you. Obviously he's very excited because !!!!!! it's you!!!! and yknow it's the usual begging-him-to-come-home-because-you-miss-him sorta stuff but he won't give in, this is like the fifth time you've done it and he won't give in this time he has self control. No he doesn't
anyway THEN he gets another text from you and this time it's an image (dun dun duuuuuuuuuh) and when he opens it up- surprise surprise, it's a nude you sent. He nearly chokes and dies right then and there because this is in fact the first time you've ever sent any of them a nude. Usually, when Steven is at work, he gives in after like a couple dozens texts and comes home, Jake takes a bit longer but he gives in (he can't say no to his baby) Marc doesn't even work so whatever.
But this time, this time you went a step further. Marc and Steven are losing their minds. Jake's not sure how to react so he just keeps driving.
But you just keep on sending them. You picked up on a wave of confidence and you're riding it until you hit your destination. Videos of you playing with yourself, moaning Jake's name (and occasionally Marc and Steven because you know they could persuade him easily), photos of the mess you made on the bed once you had finished and of your godly body. And they just keep on coming and Jake is losing it.
He tries, he really really REALLY tries not to give in, he parks somewhere and takes deep breaths trying to stay calm, but god the moans and the way you're fiddling with yourself or playing with those damn toys all at the thought of him has him on edge and so so hard and Steven and Marc are NOT helping. Steven is just whimpering like a pathetic needy baby, telling Jake to replay the videos over and over again (And Jake happily complies) and Marc is just yelling at him to turn around and go back home because a) they're horny b) Steven's gonna lose it soon and c) you "should be punished for this continuous behaviour" (words that would normally very much entice Jake Lockley but he's TRYING not to get too excited. Spoiler alert: he fails).
Jake didn't reply to any of them. You can tell he had seen them, but he wasn't saying anything, and you were panicking, because what if this weirded him out? what if it was a step too far? But it's alright, all worries aside, because the next thing you know you've got a horny and slightly angry Jake Lockley barging back home and oh were you prepared for this (despite the the overthinking, you still hoped he'd come so you remained prepared), because he runs into the bedroom to find you laying on the bed with maybe a few toys pulled out and ready for some fun. And boy does he (and the other two) deliver.
So now you know their weak spot. Anytime you get too needy, too impatient, or just don't want them to leave, you've got a trick up your sleeve. And they always give in.
Yeah anyway so this idea hasn't left my mind since last night (yes I went to bed with this thought circling through my head) and now I've got my google docs opened and oh boy. This-....I'm gonna regret this. But I'm a whore, and this is good filth yknow. So like. Why not.
so yeah. God this is gonna be so bad but whatever.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Golden Like Daylight | Diasomnia
Synopsis: Malleus couldn’t make it to the party in Scarabia that Kalim invited him and, as usual, Diasomnia falls into quiet sadness and frustrated thunderstorms. He thinks about all his parents taught him and how the world can really be cruel sometimes. But after the most violent storms in the nightfall, there are little glimpses of daylight as well.
platonic diasomnia family / angst with a comfort ending / based on ch10, vol 2 comic anthology ft. my own lore hcs / 1945 words
Notes: Since half of this fic deals with my hcs about the Valley of Thorns in general, I made a separate post that will summarize it so we don’t have long ass author notes~~ Also, it’s based on that chapter from the comic anthology but apart from context, it’s not a need to read it to understand this story Hope you enjoy it!
Golden Like Daylight
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Malleus has been alone for much longer than anyone could have imagined. Born into a family of noble blood, all he could remember from early childhood was a lot of people around him, caring and watching over his well-being. His parents always had a glimpse of his special power and told him stories of the glory days of the Valley of Thorns.
But the more time passed, this special and happy atmosphere ended up like wood consumed in the fireplace. Lilia’s presence was one of the few things that truly remained unchanged.
The Lady of Thorns’ gaze grew colder every day. The countenance of the Lord of Thorns, direct son of the Queen, harder than stone. Malleus wanted to believe that they didn’t ever realize how much they left their son aside to deal with the affairs of the kingdom — without rest, just gathering together at dinner. Still, he was almost always aside.
Not that he didn’t understand why. His father worked as second-in-command for the Queen and his wife dealt with diplomatic issues. It was amazing how a place so isolated from the world could have so many problems. 
It was only a hundred years after the Last Great Fairy War and they were just organizing the policies of coexistence with neighboring human villages and trying to maintain the peace between the two fairy valleys in which a lot of blood was shed to achieve.
As a prince, Malleus had everything at his disposal. Toys, books, comfortable clothes, access to quality lessons. But he had only one wish. A simple, even silly wish.
“Go outside?,” his mother repeated his words in a confused tone.
The Lord of Thorns took his eyes up from the treaty papers of the new diplomat of the Valley of Flowers, Florian Braginsky — which he was being forced to read — in order to face his son.
“Malleus, why are you talking about this?,” he asked.
“I wanted to see what the eastern mountain village looks like, it is near here. Lilia could take me there.”
The sound of his former tutor’s name made the Lord’s blood boil. How revolting it was to see the man who taught him everything he knew lower himself and abandon all his ideals, those he used to deeply believe. He was right when he said, that night a hundred years ago, that Lilia had lost more than one wing in the Battle of Dornröschen. 
“I do not see why you should go. There is a cruel and terrible world beyond the mountains that surround our kingdom. Not even among our own can there be anything greater than mere alliance. These fairies should be grateful every day for the good fortune of being in our presence and keep living,” the Lord of Thorns put down the papers on the table.
The hard thud made Malleus cringe a little. His mother took the papers and arranged them better in a perfect pile. 
“Malleus, you know that our species is very rare and therefore, it is not surprising that the other fairies fear us. We don’t want these people to say bad things about or to you. Therefore, above all, you must stay in this castle,” she said to her son, perhaps not as docile as she thought her tone would come out.
The marriage between Mephisto and Tauribeth was, as with Malleus’ grandparents, a way to keep the dragon-fairy species alive. There were really few such families around the valley, the most powerful House managed to rise to the throne — and these were the Draconia, the center of everything being the Queen of Thorns.
Still, Malleus wondered how the most powerful and feared fairies should need to hide from others. Malleus knew about the scars that the human kingdom nearby, now not so numerous, had made in the fairy valleys. His species was one of many clans that still held grudges against them.
However, he wasn’t going to a human village. It was a place inhabited by faeries. Lilia would be next to him, he would be well protected. 
“No more talking about it,” his father cut off before Malleus could try to argue once more.
“Yes, sir my father.”
There was a brief sound of doors opening and, for a moment, Malleus had a glimmer of hope as he saw his grandmother enter the dining room. The air around her was heavy but elegant, full of ceremony and honor. As a queen should be — what the young prince should have become from there many hundreds of years ago.
In general, the Queen of Thorns was a little more compassionate to the wishes of her grandson than his parents might like. However, this didn’t mean that she didn’t share the opinion and hesitation of keeping him inside the castle rather than showing the kingdom beyond the heavy wooden doors.
‘Well, well, well,” she said as she sat down on the other side of the table, in a large, thorn-adorned chair just like the one her son was sitting in.
The Queen looked tired and perhaps a little frustrated that Lilia was planning yet another future trip abroad — a distant and sandy land, something alike — in yet another of his usual “whims”.
“What were we talking about?,” the Queen of Thorns asked.
“Nothing, madam my mother,” the Lord said, giving his son a sideways glance to remain silent.
  But Malleus had already given up hope of mentioning the village he wanted to visit again. 
Over the centuries, he began to wonder at certain times if his parents were not right. Well, they were no longer there with him to face him and silently state how obvious it was. That realization was a sad thought two hundred years ago, not so much nowadays. It was neither time nor age that mattered in the present to Malleus.
The day before, he had been invited by Kalim to a party. 
And it folded as it would usually happen: Malleus missed the event due to a mysterious circumstance. Sometimes he didn’t really notice the time, other times others forgot about him. 
At the time, Cater forgot to tell him that Kalim’s banquet night had been rescheduled at last minute to that same night. Since Lilia had orchestrated for Malleus to participate in his place, he also couldn’t have known about this sudden change. 
In order to help Malleus make friends on his own, things got complicated. As per usual.
Because of this, strong thunder crackled through the skies in Diasomnia and a torrential rain fell on the outskirts of the castle, becoming a misfortune for any student who was outside the dormitory at that moment.
Lilia would like to say that the situation wasn’t so bad because Malleus distributed all the treats and souvenirs he bought in Sam’s store to the students, but his aura didn’t change at any time. Each gift was delivered as if they were objects rescued from a disaster or belongings of deceased soldiers being returned to their families.
It was undeniable that Malleus had a special sense for gifts of the highest quality — of this no one dared to complain. Sebek’s voice competed with the storm outside in all his praise of his generous veteran and sovereign prince.
But Malleus was still in his worst “Nihilleus” form. 
Nothing made sense, everything was worthless. That was what his eyes of emerald flames said, burning low. How many times had he been through these situations? How many more would you have to overcome before fate is satisfied with his humiliations?
The world always abandoned Malleus, and he no longer strove to try to hold its sands in his hands. In his thin, light marble fingers there was only loneliness. The nothing. His grandmother sometimes held those same hands and repeated the words of their family.
A Draconia can only trust a Draconia. A fae can only owe to a fae. 
He was alone in that vast world that pushed him away with fear and distrust. Just like his father said they would. Malleus sighed, asleep in his own thoughts as he sat on the sofa in the Diasomnia lounge. The place made him feel at home — but sometimes, that was exactly the problem.
His parents were right. He would never leave the confines of the royal castle. He should not, that was his world. The only place where he would be safe and well received. Still, none of this comforted him. Not only would he be completely ignorant of the human world and the other fairies around him, he would be alone.
Always alone, as if trapped in a long night of eternal sleep. For eternity, eyes closed. The rest of his semi-immortal days would be a mere drop in the greatest of oceans. Would he ever die? Impossible. Few things can hurt faes, especially dragon-fairies. 
Sitting on his throne of thorns, nothing could reach him. Not even death. Much less life.
“Malleus-sama? Could you teach me more about this gargoyle?” 
Malleus awoke from his deep thoughts as if awakened by a kiss of the dawn. Soft morning rays passed gently across his face to bring him out of that dreaded darkness. Thus, Malleus faced Silver who was holding a miniature gargoyle in his hands. 
Ever since Lilia had brought that little human into their life, Malleus had wondered what his parents — mainly his father — would think of Silver if they could have had the chance to meet him. 
Silver with his crystalline eyes, lilac as the most delicate wildflower. Dedication to the prince of his people — because he was raised among thorns — in every action. A human he could trust.
Malleus knew Silver had pity for him, but there was something in his mercy that didn't make him feel completely ashamed. He then noticed how Sebek continued to praise him, his words worthy of the best books in the Royal Thorns Library. Nearby, Lilia gorged himself on sweets.
A small smile appeared on Malleus’ face almost at the same moment when the rain outside slowed down.
“Well, Silver, this one is a pretty simple model, but…”
Malleus always felt good about talking about gargoyles, maybe that was the benefit Silver had in mind. He remained silent and paid attention to Malleus’ words as much as he could — at least, to understand part of the matter. Soon after, Sebek joined Silver’s side as an avid spectator.
“Um, it reminds me that I had saved some cookies that I made last night,” Lilia suddenly commented. “Let's rock this party, boys!”
The young fellows suddenly jumped off the couch to go after the old fae, trying to convince him that he didn’t need to do this — and “the wise words of the Young Master about gargoyles will feed our hearts enough!!”, as Sebek said.
Watching them closely, Malleus let out a soft laugh. He was incredibly grateful for the company and patience of those three.
They were golden like daylight. 
The thin rays of sunshine that appeared after the gray clouds of rain stopped its dreadful crying, slowly making it into a new time to step outside. Of course it wouldn’t be enough forever. Malleus needed to learn more about the world around him, make new friendships and understand the purpose of his own existence.
But sometimes all he needed was his family. Maybe not exactly his grandmother or his parents. Just Lilia and his awful cooking skills and jokes. Just Sebek being this tall, endearing and energetic child. And just Silver being like the morning dawn, sleepy but gently welcoming to view. 
Not his servants or soldiers but his friends. Malleus’ friends. Precious lives he loved with all his heart.
Special notes: yes, this is a tiny little reference to “Daylight” by Taylor Swift. It was meant to be a Silver fic, then turned out to be more suited for Malleus, then it just got too deep… And I’m planning on doing a little omake about Lilia’s cookies. I just thought that randomly inserting some comedy would break the flow here (and it would be too long lol), so I’ll let it for another time. But thanks for reading 🩷
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flock-from-the-void · 11 months
Get to know my OC II
I was tagged by @gummybugg here! I encourage everyone to check out what Blair and Elijah said about themselves!
Tagging! @heavensfallenfaction, @chuuyas-beloved, @aether-wasteland-s, @silverslipstream and @fire-but-ashes-too too! i thought it was funny ok
Check out past contestants! Guan Zhuyu from MoS
For this one, I choose the main from And May the Moon Shine Over Your Ways, my little guy, Tiv!
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Behind the sea of golden crops, I saw an auburn bush. I chose a shortcut and after a moment, the rest of the elf was revealed. They were lying on the dry grass, reading a book. Even though they were pretty tall, they looked delicate. Without me asking, they softly said “how can I help you?”
“Ah. It’s pretty easy. You don’t have to go anywhere,” I added, as they were getting from lying to sitting. “I’d like to ask you a few questions, that’s all.”
“Oh? That sounds… fun?”
“It will be fun, I promise. Let us get started.”
1. Are you named after anyone?
That’s… not really a thing we do. Usually, we get names after some special events of talents. I have two! My first name ever was Tiveor’fiehuhue, it’s after an unusually warm winter day, when I was born. The second is Ipsenel, I got it as a child after helping a lot in something, I… I’m sorry, I don’t really remember what that was. My father should know, maybe try asking him?
2. When was the last time you cried?
*laughs* That was a bit cringey… My little sibling broke their tiny toy horse, the poor animal lost its head. When I saw it, them crying and the horse decapitated, my eyes got wet. It was such a cute toy, you know? 
3. Do you have kids?
awkward silence …No.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
While talking with my older sister, yes. She deserves some stings. quiet giggle
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I’m a bit interested in cloth-making, so clothes.
6. What's your eye color?
Brown. Sei, I mean my sister, could probably tell you more. She paints a lot and is so good with colors! You wouldn’t believe how many different colors she can make.
7. Any special talents?
I’m decent at lacing. See? Not that bad. shows the lace at the end of his sleeve
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. I… love all the stories, somehow.
9. Where were you born?
points at a close mansion Here!
10. What are your hobbies?
So nice of you to ask! Beside the laces, I make embroidery and knit! I practice Rhetoric, some tiny fun stuff. Usually things for my little sibling and their friends, spending time with tiny stars is inspiring beyond comparison. Of course, I read a lot of books too, of any genre like I said.  
11. Do you have any pets?
When I was younger, we had a cat. She was brown and fluffy, and I used to hug her all the time. I’m not sure if she liked it though… Now we don’t have any. I think we should, it’s good for the children.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Sei knows a lot of sports and she tried… actually still tries to find something perfect for me. I can ride a horse, but that’s hardly a sport, just a basic transportation method… Oh, I know, ice skating! I enjoy that a bit! I guess the summer made me forget that.
13. How tall are you?
Uh… pretty tall? About as tall as my mother, we’re both just a dot taller than most.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Rhetoric. Talking to flowers and rocks was always fun for me!
15. Dream job?
Helping Sei. That’s probably what I will be doing, lucky me! Some villagers suggest that I should go to the capital and pursue Rhetorics but I… I’m happy with what I have. I want to leave that possibility for my younger sibling as well, we don’t have enough to send off two children. Ah, and above all, Sei won’t manage to be an acceptable ruler without me. laugh
“And that would be all!” I say, clothing my notebook. “By the way, what are you reading?”
“It’s a very convoluted romance. It made me cry so many times… The main character…” [the remaining 50 pages of Tiv’s blabbering was cut out by the redactor]
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Ps, have I ever mentioned how much I love this tag?
ammsoyw taglist: @gummybugg, taglist is always open!
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duckyfruitbat · 5 months
Fami-Clone Consoles: Now Available at your Local Walmart!
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Have you ever heard the term fami-clone? The name comes from the Nintendo Famicom and it refers mostly to plug and play systems. These systems tend to advertise an absurd number of games in one console. These consoles are loaded with mainly 8 bit games but with something altered, usually the title but also some assets switched around or even changed entirely. These games can look absurd, there is one Sonic bootleg but it replaces Sonic with Mario, with another version that's just pikachu. Other games on these systems are sometimes just the same game but the levels are separated and labeled as separate games, which is how they get the numbers so high. There are even a couple downgraded titles floating around such as Angry Birds.
A few years ago I ended up finding a bunch of these at Walmart, one of which was just a GameBoy going through its emo phase. It was of course loaded with all the usual fami-clone titles, Mario broken up, re skins of B grade NES games, and some 16 bit games.
Now it is possible to get a license from the original IP holder to resale these games, but given the trend that most of the fami-clones tend to follow, it is doubtful that the majority of these manufacturers are operating within the law. Nintendo for example is fiercely protective of their IP, they don't even let themselves port their own games. This is probably why a lot of the games are modified in some way, hardly enough to avoid any copyright law.
Hardware wise, all the fami-Clones are in the clear. The patents on these gadgets were filed in the 80's and ran out in the early 2000's. Now I haven't found anything on if Nintendo has successfully sued a fami-clone manufacturer on copyright issues. Every time I think I found a case, it was either in the 90's before the patents expired, or the link is dead. The closest thing I have found was a one paragraph article on a lawsuit Nintendo has filed over a patent violation, didn't even say which patent. So time for some speculation!
Nintendo and companies like it are very well aware of the games that are on these bootleg systems. However, these ports are actually pretty bad as far as ports go, and there is no way to mistake most of these for officially licensed ports, they don't even get the titles right. What does that mean? It means that it's just not worth it, besides, the fami-clones are already well known for their stigma of being just cheap knockoffs you find in street fairs that may or may not outlast the gold fish you dropped into the cotton candy machine. This is the only reason I can think of why these things are still around, as far as them being in stores like Wal-Mart, someone probably just absent mindedly approved of it.
To make that last point I want to point out another thing I found at Wal-Mart. I was walking past the toy aisle and I noticed this mini arcade cabinet made for the American Girl dolls. It had a try me sticker and when I turned it on I found the usual 1000+ game selection screen and a Christmas game that is well known for being in these fami-clone consoles. I can safely conclude that fami-clones persist out of apathy, on the original IP holders, on the sellers, the manufacturers, and the end buyers. Most of the fami-clone companies tend to remain in obscurity and are often forgotten.
Before I forget, piracy is illegal and I don't condone it. Gotta cover my legal bases, BUY GOLD!
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juliettedunn · 1 year
Just a Harmless Memory (Part 1)
While stuck in the human realm, a conversation about one of Luz’s plushies makes Amity reluctantly open up about a bad memory from her childhood. Now Luz is determined to help give her some of the fun and affection she was deprived of.
Hey everyone! This fic is angsty, but it is sandwiched between Lumity fluff. Content warnings for emotional abuse and abelism.
Part 2 can be found here
Part 3 can be found here
Amity was kissing Luz, and somehow, she wasn’t surprised by that fact. Somehow, beyond all reasoning, she had gotten to the point where feeling her girlfriend’s lips against hers, her warm hands gently cradling her face, had become normal. 
It was funny to think that the first few times they had gotten more exploratory with their kisses, Amity had accidentally nipped Luz with her  fangs. When she drew blood she had felt so bad that she had been reluctant to try again for a while. But Luz had insisted they would work it out, and they did. Now, kissing Luz was always something safe, easy, and oh so wonderful.
Luz was playing with one of her ears while they kissed, knowing that it was a ticklish spot and making it flutter outside of Amity’s control. In retaliation, Amity fixed her with a mischievous stare, then pushed her onto the bed. Luz giggled as she dramatically flopped backward, throwing her arms around Amity’s neck and pulling the witch down with her.
Amity landed awkwardly on top of her girlfriend, and Luz’s breath rushed out of her lungs with an “Oof” sound.
“Sorry! Are you okay?” Amity asked, hurriedly sitting up.
“Hermosa, I have a cotton candy haired goddess on top of me. I am perfect.”
Amity flushed, hating that she could actively feel the heat rising to her face. Why did Luz have to be so ridiculously smooth and romantic? Despite Luz’s assurance, she adjusted her position, propping herself up on her elbows and then preparing to meet her girlfriend’s lips once again.
“Wait, wait!” Luz cried out, and Amity pulled back.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, but I’m crushing Sir Roary!”
Luz pulled a sparkly purple plush dragon from underneath her and gave it a quick kiss and a pat as she set it gently to the side. Amity had seen this dragon plenty of times before; it always had a place near Luz’s pillow during the day, and once she even caught Luz giving it a kiss. But this was the first time she heard its name. “Sir Roary?”
“Oh come on, I named him when I was six!”
She’d had this plushie since she was six? Certainly it was very tattered; the stuffing all collected in the middle rather than spread out evenly, making its legs pathetically floppy. Its wings still had some remaining golden sparkles, but a lot had rubbed off, revealing plain black beneath. Amity hadn’t known it was possible to have a plushie long enough that it could get so worn.
“My dad got him for me! I used to think dragons were real, and…oh, well I guess they are real. But back then I thought they were real in the human realm, and a kid told me they weren’t. I asked Papá and he told me that sometimes even if something is fiction, it can make real life more meaningful. That if we didn’t have fantasy stories, humans wouldn’t be able to live. And then the next day he got Sir Roary for me.” Luz laughed. “Of course, dragons being physically real is way cooler, but…it meant a lot to me. He made me feel like my stories and things weren’t stupid. Even if they were just pretend.”
Amity had been given toys. Several. One, even, by her dad. But Luz still had hers…
Luz smiled, presumably at the memory she was thinking in her head. “Anyway, sorry I’m rambling.”
Amity looked at her tenderly. “Hey, you don’t need to apologize. I like hearing about your past.”
Luz cuddled Sir Roary close to her chest, leaning down to give him a kiss and then pausing to sniff with a frown on her face. “Oof, I think he might need to go in the wash, though.”
Her face was adorably scrunched up, looking at Sir Roary with affectionate disgust, and Amity took the moment of distraction as a chance to playfully tackle her, pinning her down and showering her face with kisses.
“Amity!” Luz laughed. “That’s not fair!”
“Sorry, mi tesoro but…estoy loco por ti.” Amity stumbled over the words, blushing and hoping that she had them right. She had figured out that Gus wasn’t the most ideal of teachers about human language, and had been using more reliable sources of late.
Luz’s eyes all but physically sparkled. “Amity…did you just call me tu tesoro?”
“Yes, I…I hope that’s a normal term of endearment this time?”
Luz’s cheeks darkened. “Tú también eres mi tesoro.” 
Amity slid her hands into Luz’s soft brown curls. She had liked Luz’s hair before, but ever since she had started to let it fall naturally in thick waves, Amity had been captivated, and didn’t understand why she hadn’t always had it like this.
Luz made a cute little hum as they settled into slower, deep kisses, and Amity somehow flushed deeper at the sound. How was Luz this cute? Every time their lips touched, she melted further into the sensation, getting lost in the warmth and comfort, the bad feelings forgotten.
After a good while, the two pulled apart, Amity brushing away the beads of sweat that had gathered on her forehead. She tucked her head against Luz’s chest and Luz cradled her, fingers gently running through her hair.
It was moments like these when Amity could feel entirely safe and content. Luz, so chaotic and accident-prone in her typical movements, was always incredibly tender when she touched Amity, and the softest of scratches against Amity’s scalp had her shivering.
As a child, Willow was the only one in Amity’s life who hugged her with any sort of frequency. There might be a rare hug from Ed or Em after a particularly bad day with weapons testing, but nothing that could ever be expected. After her friendship with Willow was destroyed, Amity had learned to live without physical affection, and the idea of it became awkward and uncomfortable.
Luz’s first few hugs had caught her by surprise, even scared her. But as she grew to trust the energetic girl, Amity had begun to remember just how nice it felt to be hugged, and had even started to tentatively reach for affection from Luz on her own. The first time she caught herself reaching for Luz unprompted, she had been ashamed. Blights weren’t supposed to be so needy; if anyone noticed how clingy she acted, she would be revealed as a weakling.
She never thought she’d reach a point where she could not only hug, but kiss and cuddle Luz every day, a point where if she were to reach for Luz’s hand, or lift her head for a kiss, Luz would give it to her, with no hesitation or judgment.
Though, somewhere at the hidden edges of her mind, edges that Amity had done her best to shove and fold further and further back, she couldn’t help that old fear. That somehow, one day, she would mess this up, and Luz would push her away and fix her with that awful, familiar disappointed stare.
Amity wished these feelings would vanish; she knew Luz cared about her, but Amity wasn’t the only voice in her head. There was another voice, a sharp, smug, critical voice, one that had been growing duller and duller of late but still made appearances. Seeing Luz’s stuffed dragon had awakened that voice, reminding her of that one terrible night; one that shouldn’t have stuck out to her so intensely given all the far worse things that had happened to her, but remained, somehow, sharp where other memories had mysteriously faded or vanished.
She opened her eyes, looking at the plushie that sat next to Luz. “Does your mom know you still have Sir Roary?”
“Hmm?” said Luz, continuing to gently massage Amity’s scalp. “Of course.”
Of course. It had been a silly question. Camila came in here; she would have seen. And Amity knew how kind Camila was. But still…of course. Like the idea of hiding something like that was out of the question.
“She even helped make a little storybook about him. Papá helped come up with the story, and mapá did little illustrations.” She laughed. “I remember being so proud to write my name on the cover.”
“That sounds…really nice.”
“Yeah…Did you have any favorite toys?” 
Amity’s smile faded. “Yes. I did.”
Luz gasped, shaking her hands vigorously before dutifully returning to Amity’s hair. “Oh my gosh, what were their names? What kind of animal? Do you still have any? Tell me all the lore and backstories!”
“I…I don’t remember very well. I didn’t get to have them as long as you.”
Luz once again paused in playing with Amity’s hair, though this time not out of excitement, but concern. There was a long silence, and Amity knew she was waiting for a response, but Amity didn’t know what she was supposed to say. She didn’t like that she had somehow fallen into such a conversation. 
Finally, Luz asked, “Did you want to keep them longer?”
“Yes. I didn’t have the best childhood, remember. But that’s why I’m lucky to be here now.” 
Amity glanced up and her heart sank. Luz was looking at her, equal parts concern and burning curiosity. She was clearly struggling to suppress the urge to ask as many questions as possible.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want, but I’m here for you, okay? I’ll listen if you need me.”
 “I know. It’s just…not that big a deal? It seems kind of embarrassing given everything else.”
“You don’t have to be embarrassed with me.” Luz leaned down and gave her the gentlest of forehead kisses, then an even gentler kiss on the nose, and finally her lips. “And you can cuddle my stuffed animals whenever you need.”
Amity froze at the tender expression on Luz’s face, extreme affection mixed with a deeper worry. It was moments like these that Amity wondered if maybe Luz would react well to her saying the three words she had been mulling over in her mind for so long. If maybe, there was a possibility Luz might say them back.
“Thank you,” said Amity, and she self consciously reached for Sir Roary, cuddling it close just as Luz had done. It did stink, but she didn’t mind. “I had a bunch. My dad got me one of them once, actually."
“Alador got you a stuffed animal?”
“Yeah. He wasn’t…he wasn’t always neglectful. Sometimes he was really nice. But it didn’t last.”
Luz didn’t say anything else, just continued to wait patiently. What did Amity ever do to deserve someone so patient and caring toward her? The voice at the edge of her mind added its thoughts. Nothing, that’s what. You’ve done nothing but cling and whine to her since you became friends; how long do you think she’ll put up with that? How long until she realizes you’re not worthy of someone like her?
Shut up, Amity thought, and she gripped Luz’s jacket tightly. She was always telling Luz to open up to her. Maybe she needed to do the same.
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll tell you the story.”
The next chapter is a flashback, and the last one will be a very cute and fluffy Lumity date.
Part 2 can be found here
Part 3 can be found here
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mangoisms · 8 months
WAITTT, I just saw ur reply to my previous comment. I didn't like Tim too (lmao). The debates between Tim and Damian fans can (and do) get so annoying that I just started disliking his character (not the greatest). Reading Red Robin on a whim was when I started to warm up to his character, he was just some weird dude. The sentiment about him being a chew toy...so real, and perfectly captures how I feel about him. He is so cringe-fail to me.
To touch upon Red Robin relationships...I wish I could peek into the writers' brains and conduct experiments to begin to understand what they were trying to accomplish...Tam, then Lynx II? Rekindling moments with Steph, and I always forget the last girl's name... I just never understood why they thought giving him so many love interests was necessary for the plot (he is quite literally spiraling, absolute rock bottom, can not go any lower, and yet forced so many women into his life; were they expecting me not to feel bad for them?). On top of that whole mess, the last few issues were like a fever dream, I can not properly summarize them for the life of me if asked.
On a side note, Circle K has also inspired me to pick back up my reading on Steph. I started in the summer, and the summer session (I completely forgot I signed up for classes?) completely ruined that for me...
Very random but, what are your thoughts on WFA? Everyone on Twitter is fairly convinced it's absolute garbage. I never read it myself, but I see complaints about characterization all the time. It also seems to be a lot of people's introduction to Batman-associated characters and content, so I can understand why people are upset if it truly is inconsistent with canon writing.
Young Justice anon (as always, hope you're doing fine and that school is manageable and well!!)
it’s so interesting that red robin 2009 is what softened you up to him because that run still remains a sour point for me HAHA like he is compelling but he is sooo annoying </3 getting into his origins in a lonely place of dying and then robin 1993 was what slowly got me, though he still actively annoyed me for a lot of it… it’s Weird i know i like him in a silly weird way where he annoys me but. yeah. he is my chew toy ❤️‍🩹
oh absolutely it makes NO sense that he had so many love interests and. Ok rant incoming let me also put this under the cut because this got LONG
the thing that bothers me is that none of it was EVER addressed. for sure it was a questionable decision on the writers’ part but none of them had the thought to maybe address the fact that he was flip-flopping so badly? i consider tam to be the strongest out of all of them (as in the one with the most chances to have been with him) and even tim acknowledges that at some points and YET. he kept having those weird moments with lynx. like obviously he and tam weren’t necessarily in a relationship but There Was Something There and of course while tam remains ‘loyal’ to him, tim just gets to mess around with other people… and then when he needs something he relies on tam’s affection to help him out… and then of course the way their falling out was set up was sooooo obvious and i don’t think certain plot decisions are necessarily Bad when they’re obvious but they were clearly gunning for the usual ‘superhero withholds important information from the civilian love interest and they break up’ and i just feel like There were so many OTHER things they could’ve had a falling out over 😭😭😭😭 like Come on…
okay that got longer than i wanted sorry for the impromptu rant 😭😭😭😭 i just. argh. most of my grievances with it is the treatment of the female characters LOL but it’s honestly par the course for tim, he has a long string of love interests and those relationships have been. interesting. quality aside my favorites are probably tam and ariana, if only because they had So Much Potential. anyway!!!!
STEPHANIE MY BELOVED <3333 once you find the time (and i hope you do so you can rest! good luck with your classes <3) i would HIGHLY recommend batgirl vol 3, it’s her batgirl run and it makes up for all the shit that went on in war games (which i didn’t actually read, well i did read some of it, mostly steph’s parts, which i wouldn’t recommend because it is… heartwrenching) and it’s just SOOOOO good i have SOOO many thoughts on it. one of my favorite runs i’ve ever read!!!
umm i’m kind of in the middle on wfa. i read it when it initially came out and it was pretty neat! i liked the art for one. but i’ve stopped keeping up since then. as an elseworlds comic with no bearing on current canon, it can be fun! and it has some things i would like in canon (like them keeping babs as oracle, when current canon refuses to do so), but thats hmmm probably it? and honestly it’s not totally my taste, if only because characterization can be a bit iffy (there was one moment with jason early on that kind of turned me off a bit because. i’m sorry. He would not say that. but in fairness to wfa we have a lot of that going on around now in current comics! wrt him, dick, tim, etc) and well. i like drama HAHA. i have also seen that it is the ‘easy way’ to get into the bats and yeah, there’s nothing wrong exactly with that being someone’s introduction, but it should be kept in mind that it’s not canon and things aren’t like that at all in current canon at all! but yeah not everyone does that and it does admittedly get kind of annoying 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
it is kind of funny in that initially wfa wasn’t a true representation of the ‘batfam’ (at the time it was coming out. i think anyway) and more of an ideal glossy one that, well, ignores a lot to get it to that point. but now we seem to be having that go on in current comics, at least with their attempts to try and absolve bruce of his abuse (which i think they are doing in a dumb way that does absolve him of responsibility and agency and thus makes it. well. redundant. because he isn’t owning up to it and it ignores years of him doing it) so it is kind of. equally bad. except that wfa is elseworlds so it honesty can get away with it but uhhh. current comics don’t have an excuse and that’s. well. Hngh. kind of creates double the bad effect but ANYWHO!!!!!!
SO. YEAH. those are my thoughts. many thoughts. so sorry about that i just got carried away 😭 anyway!! good luck with your classes!!! thank you sm i am doing better too ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 i hope you’re doing well, take care of yourself!!!!
(also i am gonna go ahead and make a tag for you ^_^ under yj anon … if u have any emoji preferences lmk i was trying to think of something yj-relevant but not sure…)
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doomedandstoned · 2 years
Cassius King Gives Voice to the Night in ‘Dread The Dawn’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
By Billy Goate
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Listening to CASSIUS KING, you get why metal remains such a powerful and moving medium of expression. What began as a solo project of ex-Hades/Non Fiction riffian Dan Lorenzo (guitar), soon attracted a formidable frontman in Jason McMaster (vox), formerly of Watchtower/Dangerous Toys. The powerful heartbeat is supplied by Jimmy Schulman (bass) and Ron Lipnicki (drums) who, besides spending time together with Dan Lorenzo in Hades, are also tagged to grissly Jersey doom outfit Vessel of Light.
It's honestly a joy to listen to new material from Cassius King, and not just because they're so nicely recorded. At the core, 'Dread The Dawn' (2022) is filled with exuberance and inventiveness. You can tell these guys approached their second LP with the kind of confidence that comes from decades of artistic achievement and collaboration.
Songs will often greet you with a lot of groove ("Pariah to Messiah") and sometimes go for sheer metal god glory ("Back From The Dead"). The title track is about as dreary as you can ask for, but in a very cool way (think Trouble and Solitude Aeternus). Then there's the melting vocal harmonies that end "Bad Man Down." Cassius King's approach to doom is thoughtful, convincingly bluesy, and down-to-earth.
There are creative choices I appreciate in the songcraft, as well. For instance, instead of a flashy guitar solo to up the ante on "Abandon Paradise," we're given the tuned-down and swampy treatment. I adore this grungy, doomy, bluesy "anti-breakdown" from Flotsam and Jetsam guitarist Michael Gilbert, who guests here. "As I Begin to Turn" also stands out with its twisted atonality that crawls like thorns over the relentless central riff.
Some of you may be wondering, what's with the name "Cassius King"? Most bands in the scene have a story behind their name, and sometimes incorporate themes from history, philosophy, religion, and science, so of course I gave this some thought. "Cassius" means "hollow," so does their name actually mean "Hollow King"? In my mind, I conjured images of an ancient Roman usurper to Caesar's throne.
Turns out, the answer was right in front of me the whole time: Cash is King. "I moved out of my house when I was 21," Dan Lorenzo told me this morning when I finally broke down and asked. "I was extremely poor for 10 years and my grandmother's wealthy husband used to always say to me: Cash is King."
All told, Dread The Dawn is an exhilarating listen. Cassius King unleashes these 11 tracks on Friday, October 21st (digital pre-order here) and the record gets a CD release from MDD Records in Europe and Nomad Eel Records has it on both compact disc and cassette. This is the Doomed & Stoned world premiere.
Give ear...
Dread The Dawn by CASSIUS KING
'Dread The Dawn' track-by-track with vocalist Jason McMaster
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In the lyrics, I tried hard to bring into view the idea of being forced to leave everything behind, to stop living the life dreamed and built from hard work. It can be as bad as you think or even just a bit of having to do without something vital to a happy life. Definitely open to some interpretation.
Of course, not literal, or flesh and bone, but a ghost of (or a whisper of) what was with someone or a group of people you spent time with. Imagine the times that something you were told by a loved one, a friend, or family member, where they were extremely emotional. Maybe a phrase , a word, a whispered secret, or a threat. Then that person is gone, dead, exiled, moved away. But every time you hear that phrase or see something related, you think of and hear them say it again and again. They almost appear, like a haunting. I relate to this one a lot.
This lyric is a hydra of sorts. A few meanings shine through at different times. I was going for a story line where it seems some of us root for the villain. “You can’t kill evil” kind of a thing. Humans do crazy things to other humans. There is guilt and then there are those who do not feel, or deal with any emotion or empathy, so they continue the journey or path, to just go without brakes. The reaper is a character that lives in theater, comedy, tragedy depictions. Always there. When the girl you want always runs away with the sinner, the bad kid down the street. Beaver Cleaver always loses and settles for less, or so they think.
Important to know, is this idea was sent to me by Jimmy. His ideas are coming from a super dark place. His inspiration for writing is different from mine...maybe? I interpreted this in a couple of ways. one as a hand of cards, of course, but also a somewhat vision of the hand of Lucifer guiding man through life. Each turn there are decisions to be made. Make good choices and you will live a happy spirited life. Play your hand badly, take too many chances, and life turns out a bit twisted. Played out based on past choices.
The verse that I talk of the deck Dan Lorenzo here, my wife was reading me a story from a magazine about elephants and she was reading and the words Dread The Dawn were in the article. I had just finished writing the music to the song and I told Jimmy that I love that line.
This, along with “Doomsday Hand” , were ideas sent to be by Jimmy. Super dark. descriptions of pictures of fear of the dawn and sunlight. Sleeping late became a new meaning to me after this. This is vampirical, but is not about just that. This can be taken by many different forms. To become friendly with the dark, and live with it like a lover, is incredibly powerful. If you or I are called by the name of “Dread” and you are in bed with “Dusk” or the turn of night or dark. You are a powerful witch or soothsayer or magician of dark and light. This is a sort of love affair with these mixed as a cold drink. It might not taste very good, but you are stuck in this by your own choices.
Imagine Darwin-ism before an early man spoke a word. Maybe the sounds of trees falling is all and if.. any living thing of flesh was to rise from the sludge. I speculate the craft of gasses and other single cell animals fusing together like a Frankenstein’s monster, or worse, and crawling from mud, to rise up and become hungry and hunt and kill just to become hungry again and repeat. the beginning of just surviving, and what for.
I was watching a history program, or documentary about a protest of some kind, and actually was completely derailed from the true content and name of the show, etc.. when i heard this title over the TV speakers. I had gathered what the fodder was all about, and was interested in the angry moments of what was protesting from two sides.
The derailment ended in me fading away from it with pen and paper to start writing this lyric. This shows both sets of eyes. The protest starts and ends for both. There is a winner, and a loser, but by this wording in the song, you cannot tell who either are. Who is ruling? Who shouted the loudest? Who had the bigger guns? It didn’t matter. The insurrection happened, people were hurt and killed. Nobody won anything. No rules were changed.
Ok, my facts are not checked and I am prepared to be called out by history buffs. The slaughter of Native Americans (or any other continent of early indigenous humans) by the new order, the visiting looters, who think they “found it first.” This is the basics of this lyric. Based on fact or fictional early American lore. Genocide. White man getting in good with some, trading or exploiting by the introduction of gunpowder (“boom stick”) and whiskey (“fire water”). I gather some history books (not all) would tell the truth.
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tehuti88-art · 3 months
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3/15/24: Join me in an attempt to revisit a childhood world I've put away for decades, even longer than the Trench Rats (which I'll still be developing, don't worry). I'm not sure how far, if at all, I'll get with it, but recent events have me longing to share.
Firstly, the Toyhou.se folder that helps set the scene, I'll link but will copy the info here as well:
"The Animals" was a favored childhood "storyline" of mine. Whereas other children played with their friends, I was lonely and isolated outside of school, and so spent much of my time playing with stuffed toy animals, and little toy plastic animals. The former group is informally known as the Bed Toys; the latter are known simply as The Animals.
The Animals were very loosely based on/inspired by The Smurfs, which I watched religiously. The animal characters were miniature creatures who lived in the Animal Village deep in the forest (Mrs. Cow lived in a tree toy of mine, the Kenner Tree Tots Family Treehouse), and were always being threatened for some unknown reason by Bad Guy and his minions, Merganser, Black Rabbit, and a woman whose name I no longer recall (I call her simply "Woman" for now). (Fun fact, I only just now remembered Black Rabbit, who was a ripoff of January Q. Irontail from Here Comes Peter Cottontail.) Over time, probably well after I'd stopped playing with the toys, I attempted coming up with an explantion for their existence, and concluded that they were some sort of friendly brownies (small household beings from Scottish folklore, though my Animals weren't specifically Scottish).
My play with The Animals ended some time after I lost Turtle, one of the main characters, for the final time (he had a habit of going missing yet showing up again). Multiple cleanings of my messy room never resulted in me finding him. For a long time, for some odd reason, I had an intuition that he'd ended up in our basement, in a specific area directly under my room, where an unused kiddie pool full of my junk long ago was. Over the years the basement which I used to play in flooded repeatedly, had a sewer leak, was taken over by spiders and pests (a frog lived down there for years), and then my dad did his woodwork down there so sawdust coated everything. When he recently died, I crept down to the basement for my first look at it in years. It wasn't as bad as I'd suspected, but was still in poor shape. The area with the kiddie pool was now full of wood and junk and inaccessible. Relatives arrived to clear everything out. I hoped they would retrieve a few relics of toys and belongings of mine that my dad stored improperly down there years ago, some of which I'd rescued but some of which were lost, yet there was almost nothing left to be found. In an old preserves room/root cellar I'd never explored before (and had recurring dreams that it led into hidden tunnels, crypts, or even to an outdoors land), I did find one thing: the remaining part of the old Kenner Tree Tots Family Treehouse.
I got my first look at the cleared-out basement. It had never been that empty in my memory (over forty years). The entire area beneath my room was now cleaned out. I peered into the far corner where my imagination had repeatedly told me Turtle would be found. Alas, he was not there. He's still gone. Two interesting details emerged, however. Firstly that the heating vent to my room had come loose. Secondly that there were spaces visible around a cinderblock in the wall directly under the corner of my room; I could see daylight through them.
What if Turtle fell down my heating vent long ago, and did indeed end up in the basement corner below my room, like my imagination kept telling me?
What if he escaped through the cracks around the cinderblock?
What if he's still out there...?
Not long before my dad's death, I started digging into my genealogy. I'm largely German through my dad's side so far, though other branches are sadly lost for now. I traced my surname back through the Pennsylvania Dutch to 1500s Hessen. With the clearing-out of the basement, and learning at last that Turtle is not down there, The Animals popped back into my head. I'd bought replicas of these toys online previously and found that my set was incomplete or else others had been lost over time. I'm feeling a nostalgic urge to resurrect the childhood story that brought me so much comfort in my loneliness long ago. While I do have Scottish ancestry through my mother (I found my gateway ancestor through the Dutch and Scottish), maybe The Animals are not actually brownies. Maybe they're German household spirits known as kobolds. And maybe their "forest village" isn't quite in the forest at all, just that the toy treehouse convinced them it was. Maybe the treehouse is evocative of something else much older and more mystical. Maybe The Animals' existence isn't quite what they always thought it was. Maybe Turtle didn't go missing, maybe he went in search of the truth...?
I'm not sure of all the details yet but here are my budding efforts at taking another peek at this childhood story almost lost to time. Everything is very rough, tentative, and open to change.
I miss my dad.
I had a little spare time to doodle. Here is Kitten, the main character alongside Turtle. Kitten was a good toy, never got lost. Was always left behind when Turtle went missing. He's probably still somewhere around (I collected most of my little toy animals in a bin and stashed them away, I think, maybe upstairs, which needs work like the basement...I fear lots of pest damage). Still loyally awaiting his best friend's return. I'll share some more info about him on Toyhou.se soon. As I drew him from memory (I'd intended to reference duplicates of the toys I've since purchased), some details are subject to change, and it's just a rough sketch for now as this whole world is still quite fluid.
I drew also Turtle. He'll be next in his own entry. There are others to come, should I get to them. I'm unsure yet.
Let's see where this may go.
[Rough Kitten Sketch 2024 [‎Friday, ‎March ‎15, ‎2024, ‏‎5:01:15 PM]]
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charlieho1030 · 7 months
[please help!] [four hounds #attack] Three weeks ago, at around 10:15 am on 29 October 2023, it was the darkest Sunday of my life and the lives of my whole family. It was the saddest day that four unattended hunter dogs mauled my beloved family kitten to #death and bit my mum’s hand in our front garden in Belle Vale Liverpool. 
I was out picking up a supermarket grocery with my partner when I received a call from my niece in an extremely panic voice: Charlie (our kitten' s name) was dying and grandma was badly wounded. We rushed home and saw the #blood spilling all over our front garden pavement, our mum’s still #bleeding hand, and our terrified and deformed Charlie. We talked with our neighbours who were at the scene and they mentioned the [‼️four dogs ‼️]  were seriously out of control and they ran away just before we arrived.
We were really shocked but our remaining consciousness brought us to drive our mum and Charlie to the walk-in centre and the emergency vets respectively immediately. While I was accompanying my mum seen by a doctor in the walk-in centre, my partner brought Charlie to the vets. Charlie was in a really bad condition, my partner passed the information to me through the phone, and I finally couldn’t stop my tears from pouring. My partner signed Charlie’s informed consent 💔 for a very expensive and extremely low chance of success operation, and I thought and still thinking if it was me I would do exactly the same thing. At the same time, the doctor at the walk-in centre said mum’s wound is too deep that she needs to be transferred to an A&E. My partner came to the walk-in centre to pick us up and we drove my mum to the A&E. After a few hours, when my mum was treated by the doctor at the A&E and when the vets called and said Charlie's operation was quite successful, we had the slightest hope that everything was going to be all right. My partner picked Charlie up and transferred him to a pets ICU, and picked mum and I up. Around 7pm, we had our first meal at home. There was no words between family members during eating. I know everyone was traumatised but didn’t want to show the sadness and make the others even more sorrow. #trauma
The next morning 6:30 am, my partner and I rushed to the pets ICU still with a slight hope because the doctor said Charlie had a few episodes during the night but now seems good. We imagined a thousand of times that if Charlie can survive we' ll buy him the best toys & food he like, and hug & kiss him every chance we have. 😭😭😭 We were too optimistic. Charlie's condition dropped off the cliff when we arrived and the doctor said Charlie was having a serious postoperative complications and he’s in a great pain. There was very slim chance that he could survive another operation and we had to euthanise him. He passed away in my arms so quietly 😭😭💔💔💔and the memories of every moments with him flew through our minds: the first time we brought him home, the fist time he jumped onto my legs when I was reading, our first Christmas with him, his first birthday… We brought him home, this time to bury him in our front garden. 
‼️ If there are any possibilities, I would use my life to exchange my mum's safety and get charlie back! ‼️💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
We talked with our neighbours  again and wider community who of great help (which we will be grateful for our lives) and provided some very useful information which we start to put the jigsaws together. We have the CCTV footage of the whole incident that we are able to identify the dogs. We have neighborus who saw the dog owner who stood at the scene tens of metres but ran away with the dogs after the incident. [‼️He was THERE! And KNEW everything!] 
‼️Please step up if you have any information that you think might help us. We are educated people and we just want a talk with the dogs owner and discuss a solution. There are beloved cats and dogs, and kids and elderly parents in the community, in other communities in Liverpool and in the UK. We just want to raise the awareness of people that if you really love your pets, be a responsible owners. If we all be responsible, we can prevent similar tragedies from happening again. Next time could be another elder people or young children‼️💔
‼️❣️Last but not least, can you please help us spread the word, and help identify the four dogs and their owners. ❣️If you recognise anything, can you please either contact with the #policeofficer: ❣️[email protected]; #police +44 151 777 4976;❣️or message me please? All info will be kept confidential. 🙏
Thank you so much for taking time on reading this and helping us. Truly grateful. 
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