#I wanted to wait for the dog pins to arrive before putting this up
pangur-and-grim · 3 months
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Schrödinger's cat, simultaneously the saint of life and death, until you pray to it. and then it settles as one.
Tama, saint of railways, and of prosperity
Masha, saint of warmth in a cold night
these enamel pins are up for pre-order at greerstothers.shop
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misshoneyimhome · 3 months
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” with the inexperienced reader if possible please
Oh babe, it's always possible! 🤍
So sorry for the delay with this chapter though, but I really wanted to make sure it was worth the wait 🌺 The plot for this one was mainly inspired by this request with a little bit of added spice from this one - and I just hope you all enjoy it 🤍
Though it did end up being a bit more intense than I planned, I also figured stirring up some real emotions would be alright? 😉🔥
So, this chapter's got quite some Dom!Willy vibes, pushing some boundaries with the reader - but please note it's supposed to be all in a sexual/romantic way, nothing crazy like Stockholm Syndrome 🙈 [soft!Willy at the end]
Warnings; smut 18+; use of sex toy (Magic Wand), unpleasurable overstimulation, orgasm denial, dominant play, use of safe word, penetrative sex (p in v), pinning, mild choking, cumshot; please, let me know if I missed anything;
Word count; 6.6K
・✶ 。゚
All good boys go to heaven - But bad boys bring heaven to you pt IX I William Nylander 🖋️⚡️🔥
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As Sunday arrived, the exhaustion from the whirlwind of activities over the past few days weighed heavily on both you and your boyfriend, William Nylander. 
Despite the exhilarating moments and the playful bet that had led to some unforgettable bedroom actions, the weariness was undeniable. The All-Star event had been a thrilling deviation from the routine of the hockey season, but now, as the day unfolded lazily before you, there was a palpable sense of relief in simply being able to rest.
And as you slowly awakened from your slumber, you couldn’t help but admire William still deeply asleep beside you. 
However, with the dogs eagerly nudging you, signalling their need for a walk, you made the decision to let him enjoy a well-deserved lie-in. Gently slipping out of bed, you tiptoed around the room, careful not to disturb his peaceful rest. Then after putting on some comfortable clothes, you met the crisp morning air, as you leashed up the dogs, relishing in the tranquillity of the early hours.
You savoured the morning of February, accompanied by Pablo and Banksy, relishing the quietude of the nearly deserted city streets, while the few early risers walking their dogs received your friendly greetings as you passed by.
And upon reaching one of your favourite bakeries, you decided to indulge yourself and William with some of their finest pastries. You believed both of you deserved this treat, since William's weekend had been filled with excitement and joy, while you had been a mere spectator on the side lines. Plus, considering the activities from last night, you likely had already burned enough calories.
Yet, as you admired the delectable treats displayed in the window, a sudden wave of nausea washed over you, as though you were in the presence of something unsettling and dangerous. Instinctively, you turned to investigate the cause of your discomfort, only to be startled by the sight of a familiar face you had never expected to encounter in this part of the city – your ex-boyfriend, Liam.
The air thickened between you, punctuated by a soft gasp escaping your lips as your gaze locked with his.
He appeared infuriatingly good-looking. His trademark smirk graced his pink lips, his hair flawlessly styled into a quiff, and his posture radiated confidence. Clad in his usual casual attire, topped with a denim jacket, which seemed out of place for the current weather, he flashed you a knowing smile before breaking the silence.
"Hey, y/n," Liam's voice was as low and rough as you remembered.
"Hey..." you responded tersely, guarding against revealing too much emotion. Your heart fluttered uncomfortably, torn between lingering hurt and the newfound confidence from your current relationship.
"You look good," he offered a compliment, one you didn't particularly need from him.
"Thanks... What are you doing here?" you asked, a hint of timidity in your voice.
Liam shrugged nonchalantly. "Just out for a stroll."
"Out for a stroll? You don't even live nearby..." you raised an eyebrow, puzzled by his sudden appearance in your life once again.
"And that means I can never come around this area?" he retorted with a sarcastic chuckle.
You found yourself hesitating, uncertain of how to navigate the interaction. "I suppose it doesn't," you replied, mustering a friendly smile before a brief silence settled between you. "Anyway, I, um... I better get going..."
"Wait... I, um," he interrupted suddenly. "It's nice to see you again."
"Yeah... um, thanks," you replied, feeling unsure how to reciprocate. However, as you stood in the middle of the pavement, your feet didn’t seem to move the way you wanted them to, as if his presence held you back.
"So, you got dogs?" Liam attempted to keep the conversation going, diverting his gaze toward the two doodles by your legs.
"Oh, well... they're not mine – I mean, they're mine to walk, but not... they don't belong to me..." you stumbled over your words, feeling unsettled by the effect he still seemed to have on you. Which annoyed you beyond anything. You were in a committed, happy relationship, yet he somehow retained a magnetic hold over you.
"Right... your new boyfriend – the hockey player..." Liam snorted, his disapproval evident. However, his opinion held no weight in comparison to your feelings for William. Liam's thoughts on your relationship were inconsequential to you, yet you couldn't deny the slight satisfaction of being complimented and knowing he still harboured feelings for you.
"Yeah, the hockey player..." you replied with a small confident smirk. "Who, by the way, doesn't appreciate your comments on my Instagram posts," you pointed out, earning another chuckle from Liam.
"Oh, yeah... damn, I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me," he said casually, as if it meant nothing to him.
"It's alright, just please don’t do it again," you said, feeling more relaxed.
"Why not?" Liam grinned. "I might not win you back like that, but it's worth a shot..."
"What? Liam, you shouldn't even be trying at all..." you exclaimed in slight disbelief.
"Because you have a boyfriend?" he chuckled once more. "Come on, y/n, some overly arrogant hockey player doesn’t deserve you... just because he's rich and famous doesn't make him a good boyfriend..."
"Like you were?" you retorted promptly. "All you did was flirt with other girls... even when I was around!" Your voice unintentionally rose a notch, and you felt a momentary flush of embarrassment at arguing with your ex in the middle of the Toronto streets.
"I know... I know, y/n... but I've learned from it now – I'm not the same," Liam defended, taking a small step closer, still wearing that confident smile that could once weaken you in an instant.
Feeling the need to create some distance, you took a small step back, not allowing Liam to get too close with his captivating gaze and charming grin.
"Well, it's too late, Liam – I'm in love with someone else, and you lost the breakup," you replied firmly, gripping the dogs' leashes tightly. And with determination, you swiftly turned on your heels and walked away at a brisk pace, not daring to look back.
And as you hurried back to the apartment, you almost held your breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over you when you finally reached the safety of the elevator. Leaning against the wall, you let out a deep sigh. "Shit..." you mumbled softly to yourself.
It surprised you how Liam could still stir up such emotions within you. You hadn't thought about him in months, believing you were completely over him ever since you walked away. Yet, it seemed the ghosts of the past had a way of haunting you.
And upon your return to the condo, Pablo and Banksy rushed eagerly to the kitchen, where they greeted William with boundless excitement.
"Hey boys," William's voice greeted warmly while you were taking a deep breath and shedding your coat and shoes before joining him. "Hey babe," he continued, his eyes lighting up as they met yours, standing in the kitchen, dressed in a loose t-shirt and shorts. "Did you go for a long walk?"
Apparently, time had slipped by faster than you had realised, the encounter with your ex causing you to lose track on your way back.
"Um, yeah... I couldn't really decide on what to get for breakfast," you replied with a soft chuckle, opting not to mention the brief encounter with Liam, knowing it would likely put William in a sour mood – something you wanted to avoid on a day like today.
"So, what did you buy?" William chuckled, noticing you didn't have any bags with you.
"Oh," you realised Liam's unexpected presence had prevented you from buying the treats you had intended to. Then thinking quickly, you came up with an alternative plan. "Um, I just thought we could make pancakes instead."
"Great idea, älskling," your boyfriend replied with a content smile, pulling you in for a kiss.
And as the morning developed into a relaxing day spent together on the sofa, watching movies, and taking naps with the dogs, the encounter with Liam slowly faded from your mind. Wrapped up in the comfort of William's presence, it seemed insignificant compared to the warmth and love you shared.
Monday unfolded like any other day in your new, not-so-ordinary lifestyle. After getting up, dressed, and bidding farewell to William as he headed out for morning skates, you embarked on your usual routine of walking the dogs before heading to work.
Throughout the day, amidst your tasks, you received loving texts from William, peppered with updates between workouts and media work, creating a comforting thread of connection despite the distance.
And upon returning home, you found yourself assisting him in selecting his attire for the evening's match.
"How about a black suit with a grey shirt?" you suggested, laying out the options on the bed.
"I thought you liked the green one best," he chuckled, emerging from the bathroom clad only in his boxers.
"Well, babe, I like you best naked, but I don't think it’d be appropriate for you to walk in like that," you teased, flashing him a flirtatious smile as he wrapped his muscular arms around you form behind.
"Mmm," he hummed, nuzzling into your hair. "I guess not... wouldn't want you to get all jealous again," his confident chuckle filled the room.
"Me, jealous? Willy, I think we both know you were the jealous one this weekend," you retorted playfully, sharing a light chuckle with him.
"Oh, like you weren't when I walked the carpet," William teased, his arms still wrapped around you.
Then turning in his embrace, you looked up at him, slipping your arms around his neck. "Hmm, maybe a little bit..." you admitted with a cheeky smile.
"Don't worry, älskling, I'm all yours," he reassured softly, leaning down to kiss your lips.
And as your mouths melded in a passionate embrace, you found yourself leaning into the moment, the words 'I'm yours' echoing in your mind. 
However, as if out of nowhere, thoughts of Liam from yesterday suddenly intruded, and you had to do your best to push them away, focusing on the closeness of William. Which had you unintentionally pulling him closer and deepening the kiss, letting your tongue press between his lips, and taste him.
Then gently pulling back to catch his breath, William's heavy breathing hinted at his growing arousal.
"Easy, prinsessa, I don't think we have the time," he murmured, his hands tightening around you in response to your intense kiss.
"I know, I just... you just look so fucking good," you smiled up at him, ignoring any intrusive thoughts. "Especially now that your beard is coming back, so you don't look like a teenager anymore."
William couldn’t help but chuckle at your dislike for his shaved face. "Yeah, you like that, huh?"
"Mmm, makes you almost manly," you grinned.
"Only almost?" he raised an eyebrow, gently pushing you back until the back of your legs hit the bed. "Maybe I should remind you just how manly I can be?"
"Didn't think we had the time?" you smirked back.
"Oh, I always have time for you, baby," William replied with a smirk of his own, pushing you down onto the bed, where his lips fiercely crashed onto yours once more. 
It was one of those moments where you remembered why William was always late to things – besides his usual tardiness. Sensually moving his lips from yours, he trailed kisses down your jawline and onto the sensitive skin of your neck, leaving a mark with gentle nips and sucks.
"Willy," you moaned softly, almost surrendering to his touch.
"Mmm," he murmured against your skin, his hands exploring the contours of your body, teasingly massaging your breasts before trailing down to grasp your buttocks and give them a firm squeeze.
"You really don't have time for this..." you breathed out, torn between the desire to indulge in the pleasure of each other's bodies and the practicality of the impending schedule.
"But I'm already hard, babe," he chuckled, pulling back slightly to give you a cheeky smirk.
"Well, then I guess you'll have to think about something else before you walk in and have photos taken," you laughed softly, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before reclining on the bed, settling in to watch him get ready.
"You're a fucking tease, did you know that?" William grinned as he stood up, adjusting himself before grabbing his trousers.
"Oh, I know..." you replied with a smug look, your eyes following his every movement.
"Hmm, maybe I'll have to punish you later for teasing me like that?" William suggested, leaning over to kiss you again before buttoning up his shirt.
"I'm afraid you'll have to," you simply replied with a playful smirk.
It was another moment that reminded you of just how much you loved William Nylander. The way he could ignite passion with a single touch, yet also share heartfelt laughter and playful banter. It was undeniably the most wonderful relationship you had ever experienced.
And with a mischievous smile, you couldn't resist sending William a 'good luck' lingerie photo as he left for tonight's game. It was a playful gesture, a small reminder of your affection and support, before you would join him later after the game for some post-match celebration.
However, as the game unfolded, it became clear that it wouldn't be the greatest outcome for the Leafs. Despite their best efforts, the Islanders managed to secure a narrow victory with a final score of 3-2 by none other than Pierre Engvall, leaving a sense of disappointment hanging heavy in the locker room.
And as the players regrouped, their heads hung low processing the loss. While they knew they had fought hard, the bitterness of defeat still lingered. 
Meanwhile, outside the locker room, the partners and friends of the team waited patiently, discussing how to support their significant others through this tough moment.
You knew William wouldn't be in the best mood, but you also recognised that you were fortunate to have a partner who could brush off losses and bounce back rather easily. Maria Samsonov, on the other hand, had a different experience. Sammy had a tendency to always blame himself when the team lost—a burden that he had carried for some time. Yet, you also understood that this was typical for goaltenders, and with the support and encouragement from the team, he would be alright in due time.
So, as the hallways gradually emptied out, you then found yourself engaged in light chatter with some of the players and their significant others with William by your side. It was heartening to hear the boys laughing despite the loss, and it seemed they were already focusing on the next game.
With William's arm securely around your waist, you shared a moment of camaraderie and warmth among friends. Everything felt just right, and you savoured the sense of contentment that washed over you.
However, amidst the happy laughter and conversation, you suddenly felt a pair of eyes boring into you from a distance, sending an uncomfortable shiver down your spine. And when Stephanie's uneasy glance hinted that something was amiss, it prompted you to turn and confront whatever was causing the discomfort.
Your stomach churned as you again laid eyes on the familiar face standing in the hallway of the Toronto Maple Leafs, a place he certainly didn't belong.
"Liam," you breathed out, instinctively taking a step away from your group of friends and out of William’s embrace. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
Your voice was low but firm, your eyes wide with shock and disbelief, as you crossed your arms, posing in front of him.
Standing there with his trademark confident grin and hands in his pockets, Liam simply chuckled. "Why do you always have to dictate where I can and cannot be?"
His voice grated on your nerves, and you couldn't hide the discomfort his presence evoked in you.
"Because this is not a place you should be... you have no business here..." you attempted to explain, but Liam only took a step forward, maintaining his smug expression.
"Well, I have every right to be a Leafs fan, right?" he chuckled deeply. "And as a fan, I can buy a ticket, which gives me access to the arena."
It was a feeble justification, you thought, but you knew he technically had a point.
"That doesn't explain why you're here, by the players' locker room," you added, trying to assert your boundaries.
But Liam just simply continued to hold his gaze on you, as if it was a challenge. Yet you remained composed, meeting his stare without flinching.
"I had to see you again..." he spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
You felt a surge of conflicting emotions – anger, frustration, and fear. One thing was encountering him in public on the street, but having him show up here, in your territory, was another matter entirely.
However, as the tension between you was palpable, it again left you frozen and almost unable to react.
"But I don't want to see you..." you finally managed to speak; your voice barely audible as you let out a sigh. You didn't want to waste any more energy being angry with Liam. He didn't deserve the emotional turmoil he caused you.
And just as Liam was about to respond, William approached, his eyes fixed firmly on the man before you. He wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close – a clear message asserting his dominance and showing Liam that you were no longer available to him.
"Are you alright, babe?" William's voice cut through the tension, his gaze fixed on Liam, though the question was directed at you.
Finally breaking away from Liam's stare, you subtly shifted in William's arm, feeling a sense of relief and security with him by your side.
"Yeah, I'm alright.”
Despite your reassurance, the atmosphere in the hallway remained thick with tension as more players gathered behind you, their presence adding to the pressure mounting on your ex-boyfriend.
Yet Liam persisted in speaking to you, his words dripping with a mix of bitterness and arrogance. "It's good to see that you're happy, y/n/n... although your friends seem more like protective bulldogs."
"Well, maybe she wouldn't need them if you weren't here," William retorted, his grip around your waist tightening as he channelled his irritation.
Liam's untimely appearance had chosen the worst possible moment after a loss against the Islanders, and you could feel William's lingering disappointment from the game only fuelling his temper.
"Or maybe I could just have a nice talk with my ex-girlfriend without you here," Liam challenged William, his tone laced with defiance. It was clear that this confrontation was slowly escalating, and you feared it wouldn't end well, especially when Liam continued with his provocation, his eyes fixed in you. "Guess I shouldn't have let you go so easily yesterday; it was so much easier to talk to you alone.”
The tension in the air thickened more if even possible, and you braced yourself for what was to come, knowing that this encounter was far from over. 
“You talked yesterday?” William inquired, turning briefly to you with frowned eyes, earning a small nod from you.
“Yes, so don’t worry, she’s much capable of talking without you around,” Liam replied, a way too comfortable smirk curving on his lips.
However, as William's question still hung in the air, a wave of unease washed over you. And Liam's smug response only intensified the tension, which made you sure you had to act before things escalated further.
But before you could intervene, William's temper erupted. "How about you just stay the hell away from her!" he sudden shouted, his frustration boiling over, and unable to contain his emotions. 
"I think she can speak for herself!" Liam shot back; his tone defiant as he maintained his arrogant smirk. "She doesn't need you to protect her."
And that had William's anger reaching its breaking point, causing him to abruptly remove his arm from around you, shoving Liam in the chest. "As long as you're here, she does!" he retorted, his voice laced with fury.
Then Liam retaliated, pushing back, but before the situation could escalate further, the other players swiftly intervened. Tavares restrained Liam while Mitch and Auston held William back, preventing what could have devolved into a physical altercation.
"It's time for you to leave now," the captain spoke firmly to Liam, who begrudgingly adjusted his jacket after Tavares released him.
"Yeah, maybe I should just leave her with you - I guess a dumb hockey player does deserve a dumb girl," he spat out, his words clearly crossing a line.
But it wasn't William who struck out first. With a swift movement, Auston swung his fist, landing a punch directly on Liam's nose. The impact sent Liam staggering back, clutching his injured nose as he stumbled to his feet and swiftly exited the hallway of the Scotiabank Arena.
The scene happened so quick, almost unfolding in a blur, but there was no denying the sense of satisfaction that washed over you as Liam retreated, leaving behind a palpable feeling of relief and closure.
“Shit…” you mumbled softly, a tear creeping into the corner of your eye as embarrassment suddenly washed over you. “I’m so sorry, guys,” you apologised, turning to face the others.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” Auston spoke firmly, shaking his hand a little as he flashed you a grin. “You’re one of us, remember? No one should talk to you like that.”
“Yeah, what a jerk,” Stephanie added, prompting everyone to share light laughter as they discussed Liam's audacity.
And as they all then began to bid their farewells, you quickly turned to Auston. “Thank you, Aus. By the way, I hope you didn’t hurt your hand too much,” you said, flashing him a concerned smile.
“Not at all. It was actually fun to punch someone outside the ice,” he offered a light chuckle. “Besides, I’d do it anytime for you.” And with a cheeky grin, he left the hallway alongside Mitch and Stephanie.
However, William's demeanour was far more serious than the rest of the group. Still standing with his arm firmly around you, he glanced at you with a solemn expression.
Yet, when he didn’t say anything, you decided to break the tense silence. “I’m sorry, Willy…”
But William simply shook his head and let go of his arm around you before speaking. “Let’s just go home.”
His voice sounded firm and rough with the few words he spoke. And you couldn’t deny that it was a piercing feeling, knowing he was both fussing over you and angry at Liam for showing up.
Needless to say, the ride home was completely silent, not a word exchanged as William’s intense glare focused on the road ahead. Nor was there any sound between you as you entered the condo, despite the greetings you both offered the dogs.
Then upon arriving in the kitchen, you tried to follow William, yet it seemed he was avoiding your attempts to talk to him.
“Willy, I’m sorry…” you tried again, raising your voice slightly, but you were met with nothing but a piercing stare as he stood hunched over the kitchen island.
“Sorry about what? That you didn’t tell me about talking to your ex… or that you knew he might show up in your life again…” His voice was low, dark, and rough, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
To your small relief, William wasn’t shouting, but his tone was menacing, which in a way felt worse.
“All of it…” you admitted timidly. “But I didn’t know he’d show up like that…” you tried to defend.
“That doesn’t matter, y/n,” William spoke dominantly, straightening up and coming a little closer to you. “You could’ve told me about yesterday. And you chose not to.”
You took a small step back, slightly surprised by his forceful behaviour, and let out a small gasp as your eyes remained fixated on him.
“I chose not to tell you because I didn’t think it’d matter, Willy,” you managed to explain with a more confident tone. “He doesn’t matter. Only you do. So, I don’t care if he shows up again. He's nothing compared to you.”
There was a brief moment of silence hanging between you as William again took a step closer, invading your personal space.
“That’s right.”
And it was as though some cosmic force propelled William towards you, causing his lips to collide with yours. The intensity of his passion was palpable as he cupped your face with his hands, drawing you nearer to him.
Your breath was swiftly taken away as you were swept into the fervent moment, caught somewhat off guard, yet your body instinctively yielded to his embrace.
Wrapping your hands around his neck, you pressed your chests together, both fully immersed in the heat of the moment. William’s hands moved to the back of your head, holding onto you with fervour as his tongue eagerly explored your mouth, leaving no doubt about his hunger for you.
You allowed your fingers to trail from his neck to firmly grasp onto his hoodie, pulling him even closer as you mirrored the depth of your longing for his touch.
Yet for William, this went beyond merely asserting his dominance in passionate sex. He wanted to ensure you understood the depth of his feelings for you, how you had found your way into his heart, and how he couldn't bear the thought of losing you to someone else. You belonged to him, and he needed you to acknowledge that.
Breaking the kiss for a brief moment, both of you released deep breaths, consumed by the intensity and longing for each other.
"You're so fucking sexy," William whispered before capturing your lips again, until you gently pushed him away to catch your breath. 
"And you're so fucking hot when you're mad!"
It felt like a competition as you eagerly pressed your faces together, sharing the raw desire that only grew with each passing second. Your hands drew each other closer, ensuring there was no space left between you, keeping yourselves intertwined.
Then, with his strength, William let his hands move to your buttocks, lifting you into his arms and almost hurrying to the bedroom, where he tossed you onto the bed.
"So, you think I'm hot when I'm mad?" he chuckled huskily, his eyes smouldering with desire as he pulled his hoodie over his head and discarded it, revealing his bare chest. "Let me show you just how mad I am then."
You had to bite your lip as you gazed at him before you. Never before had you been so aroused by his intense gaze and the palpable tension emanating from him. It was much like the day he came home after you'd been out with Emily, but tonight he wasn't gentle and dominant. He was simply rough and forceful.
As he knelt on the bed beside you, his hands swiftly found your shirt and trousers, almost tearing them off as he wasted no time in undressing you. Leaving you in your underwear, he then made his way to the nightstand where he retrieved the Magic Wand, one of your favourite toys.
"You know the rules; hands above your head – if you move them, you don’t get to come," William commanded, and you immediately complied.
Returning to the mattress, he knelt between your legs once more, urging them to spread wide as he used his large frame to keep them apart. Switching on the vibrator to what sounded like a rather high setting, he directed it straight to your fabric-covered core.
"Fuck!" you exclaimed in pleasure as the intense vibrations made forceful contact with your clit, your hands gripping tightly onto the pillows behind your head as your eyes shut tight. "Shit, Willy!" you cried loudly.
But then he withdrew the wand, leaving you breathless and desperately gasping for air from his sudden action. You imagined his smug expression, but as you gently opened your eyes, you were met only with a dominant, stern look.
"Is this what you want?" he asked rhetorically, but before you could even think of an answer, he forcefully pressed the vibrator back onto your clit, causing you to squirm and cry out as you instinctively arched your back.
It was almost verging on painful. The high intensity caused your body to shake and tremble, a mixture of pleasure that wasn’t allowed to gradually build. Your heels aggressively dug into the mattress beneath you as you once again yearned for air that was stolen from your lungs amidst the extreme overstimulation.
And then, once more, William withdrew the wand. Panting as he surveyed the effect, he was having on you, small beads of sweat forming on your skin as you cried out in a blend of pleasure and pain.
"Stop... please," you pleaded in a whisper, but William didn’t seem to hear you.
"You want to make me jealous, is that it?" he spat, once again bringing the device in his hand into contact with your core, causing you to scream out. But this time, you were unable to endure it any longer.
With a loud cry, you forced yourself to raise your voice and put an end to it. "Blue. Willy, blue!"
And the safe word seemed to work, prompting William to withdraw the device.
Breaths were shared heavily between you, your eyes wet as they met his dark glare in the dimmed lights of the bedroom. You took a moment to regain control of the tears trailing down from the corner of your eyes, staring intensely at William.
"Willy," you softly breathed out, unable to form any coherent sentences as you processed what had just happened.
His chest rose and fell forcefully, his hand still clutching the vibrator before he flung it across the room. You could feel his simmering anger beneath the surface, yet there were hints of concern in his eyes as he kept his gaze locked onto you.
Swiftly, he then rose from his position, never breaking eye contact as he undressed completely, almost as if awaiting your objection.
However, you remained silent. Instead, you focused on regaining your breath, allowing your body to gradually relax as the charged atmosphere in the room brimmed with intense desires and raw lust.
It felt almost illicit. William's rough movements as he returned to the bed, discarding the delicate piece of fabric covering your heat, and leaned over your body, gripping each of your wrists and pinning them down on either side of your head.
No words were exchanged, only the tension lingering between you both as you still felt the remnants of frustration and irritation from earlier.
You both allowed the silence to envelop the room as William guided the tip of his throbbing cock to your entrance, eager to feel your warmth.
Softly, you parted your lips, releasing a small breath as you silently gave him your consent to proceed. And then, with one determined thrust, William drove his member into your core, penetrating you deeply with force.
You couldn't help but let out a soft cry again in response to his movements, though this time it was a pure expression of pleasure.
His length stimulated the inside of your walls as he withdrew and thrust back in, establishing a slow yet firm rhythm that resulted in loud slaps of skin colliding echoing through the room.
William's moans escaped his lips uncontrollably with each intense thrust, emitting deep, dark, husky grunts as he channelled his anger through his motions.
Your core eagerly welcomed every thrust he delivered, despite their lack of softness and romance. Yet, with each stroke, as his length massaged your sensitive muscles, a pleasurable sensation surged within you, gradually building towards an orgasm.
"Yes, Willy… it feels so good," you cried out softly, prompting William to increase his pace.
And as the intensity heightened, his moans grew louder, his grip around your wrists tightening as he too sensed his climax approaching. However, he held back, still determined to bring you the pleasure you deserved.
Then, sensing your impending orgasm as the clenching around his cock signalled its arrival, he began to pound faster, releasing one of your wrists as his hand found your throat instead, holding it firmly.
Your free hand instinctively reached out to grab onto his, your voice stolen from you as William's thrusts brought you closer to the peak. It was an intense sensation; the desire to release yourself held back by his force.
Yet with a whimper, you managed to gasp, indicating your impending climax. “Willy… I’m… come..” 
"Yes, baby, come for me," William moaned between deep breaths. And as if his words were a direct order, you shut your eyes tightly once more and finally allowed yourself to reach the peak of pleasure. You felt the deep rush of intensity wash over you, your mind going hazy, and your legs trembling beneath his large figure as you reached the high. "Oh fuck…" he groaned deeply, the tightening around him bringing him closer to his climax as well.
And with a loud moan, William let go of his grip, pulled out, and leaned back onto his knees before taking a firm hold of his needy member, jerking himself to ejaculate onto your core. His cum spilling onto your lower stomach, marking you as his.
You almost felt filthy as he sprayed himself onto you, yet as you slowly came down from your estate state, your eyes once again met his, sharing a moment of heated intimacy. The need and craving for each other still lingering in the air.
It took a few minutes for both of you to slowly return to reality, the euphoria of your orgasm gradually fading as you regained control of your breathing.
Then, without a word, William slowly rose from the bed and walked to the bathroom.
You found yourself frozen in position, your mind still racing as it processed the events of the day. Attempting to relax, you felt your body slowly regaining its sensations, your legs ceasing their trembling as you sank into the mattress. Yet you couldn’t help but wonder what William might be doing, as your thoughts kept drifting. He seemed to be taking his time, you thought, yet you also found yourself simply enjoying the tranquillity filling the air after the intense sex.
However, just as you were about to close your eyes and succumb to the weariness overtaking you, William returned to the bedroom, positioning himself beside the bed before lifting you up in a bridal-style hold. And gently, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he carried you to the bathroom.
Upon entering, you noticed how he had dimmed the lights and lit a few candles around the bathtub, which was being filled with running water. And as he softly placed you back onto the ground, you felt a wave of comfort wash over you as William, still in complete silence, guided you into the water.
As you settled in, allowing yourself to be embraced by the warmth, he joined you, positioning himself behind you and gently encouraging you to lean back and relax against him.
It was as if all tension had dissipated, replaced by a sense of softness as William tenderly caressed your body, washing away the remnants of the earlier intimacy. Yet suddenly, he broke the silence.
"Are you okay, älskling?" he inquired softly, gently placing a tender kiss on the back of your neck. "I'm sorry if I hurt you..."
You could sense the genuine concern in his voice, a slight tremble underlying his words, which brought a soft rush of relief over you. And carefully turning in your position to avoid spilling too much water from the tub, you faced William, smoothly placing your legs on top of his. 
His expression had softened, a stark contrast to how he had looked during your intimate session, and gently, you cupped his face with your hands, your palms softly caressing his beard, urging him to look directly at you.
"Never do that again, Willy." Your voice was low and soft, yet undeniably filled with seriousness, and he understood immediately, nodding in confirmation. "I know you were mad..." you continued, your tone gentle. "But don't you ever use sex to punish me like that... it wasn't fair."
And William let out a deep sigh as he understood the distress, he had put you under, not in the pleasurable way sex was supposed to be between you.
"I'm so sorry, babe..." he apologised again, his blue eyes nearly sparkling as they slowly welled up. "I didn't mean to hurt you like that..."
It was a heartfelt moment of deeply shared connection between you, a connection only the two of you understood as you felt the hurt, he was experiencing from his actions.
"It's okay, Willy... I just..." you let out a deep sigh. "I just don't want you to feel this way... being so angry because of..." You trailed off, not wanting to dwell on him any longer.
"Your ex-boyfriend," William finished your sentence with a stern tone, prompting you to nod.
"Yes, because he's not worth it, and you know it," you explained as your hand moved to gently stroke his hair, the other finding his shoulder to trace soft circles on his skin.
"I know, but he still got to me today, and I'm so pissed that I let him," William let out another sigh.
Yet, you couldn't help but feel a small curve on your lips forming as you reminded yourself of the joy you had felt when Liam had mentioned how happy you looked next to William.
"Hey, the only reason he tried to push your buttons was because he was jealous of how happy you're making me," you spoke, flashing him a sweet smile as you reassured your beloved boyfriend of how much he meant to you.
And fortunately, it seemed to work. You felt William's tense muscles slowly relax as he let out a deep breath, offering you a timid smile.
"It really bothers him, doesn’t it?" he finally let out a light chuckle. "That you're happy without him…"
"Yeah, and honestly, I think what really pisses him off is that I'm not just happy without him – but I'm also happy with someone else," you said, feeling a sense of ease as you and William exchanged light laughter, your fingers moving from his hair to delicately toy with the chain around his neck.
"And I'm really happy with you, y/n… And I don't want to apologise for being jealous because it just shows how much you mean to me… that I want you more than words can describe," William spoke, his voice almost cracking as he let out emotions, he didn't often express. "And in a way, I think... I think that I'm scared of the fact that I love you so much that you could break my heart at any point… and I can't do anything about it."
You couldn't help but admire how sweet he was. The always strong and calm hockey star, William Nylander, was expressing his deep feelings for you, admitting his true concerns.
"Hey... I love you too, Willy, don't ever doubt that" you flashed him a content smile. "And you could just as easily break my heart, believe me," you added with a soft chuckle, which he returned. "So, don't worry... we're both just two idiots in love."
And William knew you were right, which helped him slowly forget about the frustrations he held about your ex.
“I know… I just wished I’d been the one to throw the punch instead of Tony…” William chuckled lightly, earning a light laugh from you as well.
“Hmm, don’t worry babe, I think prefer you acting out in bed instead,” you offered him a cheeky wink. “Besides, in case Liam would actually have managed to hit back, I’d rather have him punch Auston than your pretty face.”
Then, with a sweet place you placed a gentle kiss onto William’s lips, and you shared a soft moment where you both knew you could let all the concerns wash away. And as you finished washing up, you returned to the bedsheets where tiredness quickly took over, and you fell into a deep sleep in each other's embrace.
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steddieasitgoes · 3 months
Pin The Tail On The Donkey
written for @steddiemicrofic March prompt: pin and to celebrate the wonderful @stevesbipanic birthday! Sorry it's so short B, I forgot you're a day ahead of me and planned to write tomorrow lol
wc: 388 | rated: T | cw: none | tags: established relationship, roommate Robin Buckley, It's Steve's Birthday, fluff, both boys are menaces, platonic stobin
“Is this really necessary?” 
Balloons of various sizes litter their living room floor (“Blowing them up is harder than it looks, okay!” Robin had defended when he pointed out the small, barely blown-up pile in the mix). A small pile of haphazardly wrapped gifts takes over their coffee table (“I couldn’t find the scissors,” Eddie pouts when Steve zeroes in on the jumbled mess that is, no doubt, Eddie’s present). 
The piece of resistance, and the bane of Steve’s existence though, is the childish party games prepped and ready to go. Every chair in the house is arranged in a circle near Robin’s boombox lying in wait until the rest of the party guests arrive. An overflowing pinata sits amongst the mix, and a stupid, tail-less donkey picture crookedly hangs on the wall. Eddie and Robin are standing beside it — Eddie holding the blindfold and Robin with the sticker tale, both waiting for Steve to indulge their childish whims. 
“It’s absolutely necessary. Dire even,” Eddie says, stalking over to where Steve sits stubbornly on the couch. “No boyfriend of mine is going to go another year without knowing what it’s like to pin the tail on the donkey.”  
Steve shoots Robin a ‘help me’ glance, but all he gets is a shrug in return. 
“Nope! I told you when you started dating him I was not getting involved in your guys’ nonsense.” 
“You literally helped him set this whole thing up!” 
“Well, yeah. It is your birthday.” 
“Come on, Stevie,” Eddie whines, jutting his lip out and giving Steve those irresistible puppy dog eyes. “Just one time. I’ll even help you put the blindfold on.” 
Realization dawns on Steve in an instant. “So that’s what this is really about,” Steve smirks up at his conniving boyfriend before pushing himself off the couch. He takes two steps forward, closing the distance between them before lowering his lips to the shell of Eddie’s ear. “Baby, if you wanted me to wear a blindfold all you had to do was ask.” 
Robin gasps from across the room, dropping the sticker tail. “You tricked me!”
“I didn’t mean to,” Eddie says, shooting Robin an apologetic look over Steve’s shoulder, before focusing on the man in front of him. “But I’m definitely not complaining at the change in plans.” 
“Neither am I.”  
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junjiie · 3 months
해찬  ##  🗯️ ⠀ &THEAFTERPARTY..
sixteen coffee cake. ⠀ wc 2k. ⠀ warnings none.
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donghyuck discreetly wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans under the table, and tried not to make eye contact with the boy behind the counter—who had been throwing him looks that were a mixture of pity and vague judgement for the past twenty minutes.
the past twenty minutes he’d been sitting alone, waiting for you. i’ll be at kun’s for two, you’d told him, so for some reason he’d decided to show up half an hour early and suffer through the continuous reassurance to the waiters milling around that yes, he was actually waiting on someone, and yes, he was pretty sure you’d be showing up.
or at least, he hoped so. standing him up seemed like more of a jiung thing to do, but considering the sort-of shaky legs the pair of you were still currently standing on relationship-wise he supposed he wouldn’t blame you for deciding to pull a fast one.
the sudden words made him start a little, and he looked up to find the very boy from behind the counter now at the quiet corner booth he’d tucked himself into, one hand perched on his hip and the other laid flat on the smooth wooden surface of the table. donghyuck opened his mouth to ask what had prompted the impromptu visit, but behind-the-counter-boy beat him to it.
“are you, like, sure whoever you’re waiting on isn’t flaking on you? i almost feel bad, at this point.”
at this point, the pity was enough to make haechan’s eye want to start twitching. he pasted a thin smile onto his face and squinted hard at the nametag pinned to the stranger’s chest before gracing him with a reply.
“i’m sure, thanks. i just got here early, that’s all. thanks, though.. hendery?”
the hendery in question raised his eyebrows in obvious disbelief, but put his hands up in surrender and backed off anyway—and thank god for that. hyuck might’ve gone insane if he was forced to endure any more questions over the possibility of you actually turning up, or if you’d leave him sitting sad, pathetic, and alone in a cramped table shoved in the corner of kun’s while an annoying barista gave him the sort of look you would give to stray dogs out on the street in the rain.
“if you say so, i guess.”
with one last scrutinising look thrown over his shoulder, hendery retreated back to place behind the counter, and donghyuck dug his phone out of his pocket just for something to do. 01:56 PM. surely you’d be here soon. he considered the idea of texting you just to double check, but dismissed the thought as soon as it had arrived. he’d already sounded desperate enough asking you out to talk, he didn’t need to make it any worse. his next move was to open twitter and mindlessly start scrolling, casting sneaky looks up the counter every once in a while just to check hendery wasn’t giving him the evil eye (or rather, the pity eye?).
a post from mark had distracted him for a minute or two, and so once he’d finished supplying him with the appropriate (twitter abuse policy-violating) response he stole another glance upwards—and promptly stopped in his tracks. you were leaning over the counter, chatting away to hendery with a grin on your face that he was returning in full. donghyuck suddenly wanted to run head-on into the oncoming traffic outside. of course you were cosy with the boy who’d just been judging him for the past twenty minutes. hendery was probably laughing about him to you, and telling you he was a massive, pathetic loser, and saying he would be a much better fit for you—not that hyuck wanted to be a fit with you either, that was. it was a hypothetical.
yah, don’t make this a sex thing. your hands linked together, sharing laughter in his bedroom. the memories hit him again like one of the trucks he’d just debated running in front of, but then he shook them off—perhaps a little too violently, leaving him with fuzzy vision for a few moments as a result. vision so fuzzy he couldn’t see hendery pointing you over to his booth, and you walking over before sliding in opposite him. once he felt like he could open his eyes again he almost jumped out of his skin, and watched as a grin broke out on your face at the reaction before you could stop it.
“hey, hyuck.”
your smile softened, your hand raised in a little wave, and you just looked so.. at ease. until he let the moment stretch on too long and you shifted in your seat, eyes sliding sideways and hand falling back to your side when he greeted you with silence. haechan practically tumbled headfirst into replying, tongue feeling something like a lead weight in his mouth.
“hi! god, sorry, i just—i didn’t really expect you to turn up, if i’m being honest. i know it might be a little awkward.”
your eyes widened a touch, and then a guilty look overtook your features for a moment; one hand coming up to tug on one of the small star studs in your ears as you spoke.
“i think it’s me who should be saying sorry, actually.” 
he went to ask why, brow furrowed and an expression to match painted plain to see on his face, but stopped himself from jumping in to let you continue.
“i said we were fine—and we are, really!—but.. i don’t know. i think i’m still acting weird, and i’m sorry for that. i think we need to just, like, start over. no weirdness at all, promise.”
you ended your apology-slash-promise by extending your pinky finger and aiming another smile at him. donghyuck reached forward to take it gladly, agreeing with a vigorous nod and without needing a second to think about it.
“right! no weirdness from either of us. that’s easy.”
a less vigorous but still there nod in response from you, giving your interlocked fingers a singular shake before letting go again.
“let’s just wipe the slate clean. like, completely. pretend it’s like when we first met.”
he knew exactly what you meant, but just to be annoying he crooked an eyebrow and tilted his head in a play-up of confusion anyway. “what, pretend we’re at jaemin’s shitty twenty-second again?”
you rolled your eyes dramatically, and even while hyuck let out a childish shriek when you reached over to whack him on the arm, he couldn’t stop the grin breaking out on his face so wide it threatened to hurt. this. this was what he’d wanted to go back to so badly.
when you sat back in your seat you shuddered, pulling a face as memories of the fated night came back to you. “don’t bring that up ever again. i haven’t been able to drink grape soju since. nothing good came out of that party.”
he knew full well that he shouldn’t, not just barely two minutes after you’d made up, but the words came tumbling out of his mouth anyway, with the pout and sulky tone to match.
“we were pretty good, weren’t we?”
silence reigned over your booth for a few long seconds, and haechan was about to take it back when you just rolled your eyes and scoffed a laugh, another small smile sneaking across your face.
“i’ll let you have that one, hyuckie. but only this once.”
inwardly, he heaved a sigh of relief. outwardly, he only mirrored your grin and held the eye contact with you, only lasting a few seconds before the both of you were bursting into fits of laughter. once it had petered out you stayed staring at one another for a few moments longer, and donghyuck would’ve been content to keep it that way if you hadn’t then looked away and seemingly caught sight of someone else you knew; face breaking out into a grin as your hand raised in a wave.
“ynnie! wow, it feels like i haven’t seen you in forever.”
while hyuck was busy staring at the handsome stranger that had appeared from nowhere (although he assumed he worked here too, what with the flour-covered apron tied around his waist and name tag similar to hendery’s pinned to his chest that read dejun), you were returning his greeting with similar enthusiasm.
“sorry, dejunnie. things have just been—“ he didn’t miss the way your eyes cut to him for a split-second as you paused, before recovering and carrying on just as quickly, hand waving around in a vague motion. “hectic lately, you know?
dejun nodded empathetically, before digging around in the pocket of his apron momentarily and producing a small notepad with a flourish.
“want me to take your order? i'm technically supposed to be in the back, still, but it can be our secret. what are you feeling?”
you accentuated your thought process with the small taps of your fingertips on the tabletop, and eventually came to the decision of a hot chocolate. “i didn’t know how cold it’d be until i left the apartment, junnie, i swear i’m still shivering,” came your justification after the request, and dejun laughed as he reached to rub your shoulder for a moment as if to warm you up. donghyuck suddenly felt a little nauseous, but hurried to plaster a smile onto his face when the waiter turned his eyes in his direction.
“uh. just an americano, for me. thanks.”
he nodded pleasantly and scribbled it down, and then you piped up again.
“that coffee cake looked really good, too, and i think i’m due in for a cheat day, so..” you trailed off to attempt to bat your eyelashes in your friend’s direction, and dejun shook his head but laughed and wrote it down all the same.
“got it. you won’t be waiting too long, promise. i’ll leave you two alone now, though, or kun-ge will be on my ass.. enjoy!”
with that, dejun was gone again, and you waved him off with a smile mirroring his. then you turned to hyuck again, and the smile melted into something softer, something just for him. he couldn’t help but imitate the expression, resolutely trying to ignore how hot his ears felt.
“my bad, i got distracted—where were we again?”
he waved off the apology, and from there the conversation seemed to just.. flow. as easily as it had a year and some months ago—easier, even, now there wasn’t an added layer of tension that came with the knowledge of what the two of you got up to behind closed doors hanging over your heads. you caught each other up on everything you’d missed, shared pictures and stories and only slightly over-exaggerated retells of the craziest events. you laughed and laughed and laughed, barely stopping to breathe even when your drinks were brought over, followed shortly by the slice of coffee cake you’d been tempted by.
donghyuck was a little shocked by how natural it all felt. how simply you’d just clicked right back into place, like nothing had happened at all. but he wasn’t complaining, not in the slightest. it was more like he couldn’t be happier. this was what he’d been wanting for a while now—and now that he finally had it, it was probably in his best interest to make sure he didn’t fuck it up again. renjun would kill him, for one. for another.. well. he finally caught his breath from his latest fit of laughter and stopped to look at where you were still caught in it across the table, and felt a stupid grin rise to his face all over again. losing this again—the effortless conversation, the all-too-easy back-and-forth, the friendship, you—would probably kill him before renjun did anyway. so he made a promise to himself there and then, while watching you try to (unsuccessfully) stifle your lingering snickers into your cup of hot chocolate, that he’d try not to fuck it up again.
although, if he was being honest—from the way his heart was skipping beats a little too fast to be blamed on the laughter, the way his cheeks were a little redder than what he could blame on the warm cosy interior of kun’s place, the way he was slowly coming to the dawning realisation that even if you’d only just started the whole friendship thing up again he didn’t really want to be just friends at all—he’d already failed.
well. now renjun was definitely going to kill him.
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(・o・;) 💣 ⠀ previous mlist next
JJ ₊ ⠀can we ignore the fact this is really bad and focus on the fact that i updated.. we're so back !!!!!!!! this fic is my baby for real i am going to see this through 2 the end.. anyway It goes down down baby 리듬에 온몸을
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taglist ## @wave2love @so2uv @mins-fins @kimgyuuu @wtfhyuck (perm) &&& @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @kosmicbomb @222brainrot @haohyo @dinonuguaegi
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slightlystupidhun · 6 months
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Fic inspired by the art of lovely @dizzy-n-busy . After taking out a member of the Shade gang who attacked his favorite detective, Milo Greer, a mafioso of the Shaw clan, finds himself in an interrogation room of his own with his detective running the interview.
“Mr.Greer, this isn’t the first time you’ve been in this room.” They said as they propped themself up in the corner of the room. They sat backwards on a chair arms resting against the back of it and facing him.
“Well, I hope for both my joy and yours, it ain’t the last.” He said with a grin that could knock the detective clear off their feet, but this was business and they had to handle work first. “However, usually folks take each other out to dinner before they break out the handcuffs.” He winked at them.
“Very funny Mr.Greer, nevertheless you have answers that I want.” They sighed as they moved to the table and lifted the tan colored file off of it. It’s pages scrapped lightly against their fingers.“How was your night last night?”
“Was quite fun, I went out with some friends, got into some trouble. Why you wanna join me?” He winked at them, picking up on the way their hands squeezed the file a little tighter and their eyes darted away from him.
“I need you to give me exact locations Greer. Because let me tell you, the evidence, is not in your favor…” they sighed pinching at the bridge of their nose.
“It never is, yet somehow you never have enough to pin me… unless you’re so infatuated that you’ve been letting me go every time in hopes to see me again.” He smiled at them. His accent thick, his charm thicker. So thick they felt as though they would suffocate from it. Maybe they wanted too… but they couldn’t.
“We’ll let me tell you what I have. A notorious member of the shade gang is found dead from an alley way you were seen leaving about 20 minutes before. You look like hell. You’re bloody, bruised. Hell you even got a gunshot wound in your abdomen” They set the file down on the table and put their arms against it. Their warm hands a stark contract of the cold mahogany. “Just what did you do last night.”
He smiled at them and leaned back in his chair. His gelled hair swooping over his face and his gold earrings reflecting the harsh light back in the detectives eyes. “Which one kicked the bucket? Was is the one that was buggin you a few days ago?” He didn’t need confirmation, he already knew that’s who laid dead in the alley.
He waited for that man to head back home from the bar he was at and pulled him in the alley. It was a bloody beating and Milo was winning until the guy pulled out a gun and shot him. What a sore loser, having to cheat like that. Nonetheless, Milo finished the job and tried to clean himself up, but about 30 minutes later, detectives arrived at his house.
The stealth rolled their eyes pinched their nose again to hide the fact that they bit their lip. “That doesn’t matter. Greer. Tell me what I need to know. Why did you kill that man and how?”
Milo smiled, he was completely smug as he leaned forward, his face mere inches from theirs. “I could ask for a lawyer ya know. But you’re lucky I like talkin to ya.” He then glanced to the side and saw the box of cigarettes on the table. “Can I get a light, detective?”
“Will you talk?” They said reaching into their pockets.
“Maybe, I’ll definitely talk to you, but about what I can’t say.” He smiled as they put the cigar in his mouth and promptly lit it. “So when can I take ya out?”
“For a date or with a gun?” They shot back at him as they started walking around the room. He laughed at their response and spoke again.
“It’s be easier to have this cigarette if my hands were in cuffs. Can I have just one of ‘em back?” He looked up at them with fake puppy dog eyes.
“Give me something and I’ll give you something.”
“Okay, fine I was in the alley last night. And I did see your corpse” He nodded over to the cuffs for them to release one of his hands. They did as promised and sat on the table in front of him. “But I didn’t see your man. I left an entire twenty minutes before he was found. And the wounds I got ere are from a bar fight I got into on the wrong side of town.” Their face fell as they couldn’t argue with what he just said. They had no way to prove his story was true unless.
“Do you have a witness for it?” They said raising their eyebrow at him.
“You wanna being in Gabriel Shaw?” He smirked as he rested his arm on the table. “I know you want this lead but, Sweetheart, Mr.Shaw is a hard man to reach, very busy.”
They smiled at him and crossed their arms. “I think I’ll take that chance Mr.Greer. Oh and don’t misbehave while I’m gone.”
“No worries sweetheart, I ain’t misbehaving, just savin my love for you.” He sang out the popular song with a wickedly charming grin.
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aliceismypixie · 9 months
The villain of my story ∥ Keep an eye open
Summary - "The villain will always be the villain if the hero tells the story" or atleast that's what they say. No one knew why you became what you are. But you wanted your revenge on Isabella Marie Swan and you were ready to do anything to have it.
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Pairing - Twilight x villain!reader
Pronoun - she/her (but can be read as a male reader or a gn reader)
Warning - reader is an immortal child, mention of fire, mention of kidnapping
Words count - 1,06k~
Set - After Breaking-Dawn Part 2
Prologue - Masterlist
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Being a villain was boring. You needed to wait for so long before sending them another warning, just to make sure that they were tense enough. So what have you been up to for the past seven days you may ask ? You were laying on the couch of your lair drinking blood.
Just kidding.
You were planning your big bad villain speech for the past seven days. And I'm not kidding this time, see for yourself.
"'You made me like that ! You made me the monster that I am now !' yeah okay, this is a basic villain sentence in the speech. So you... made... me... like that !" You wrote down your stereotypical villain sentence on a paper as you were laying on your stomach, your feet dangling in the air.
"Okay so after that I start the show. So, like, who do I burn first… The best friend ? Nah, the husband ? No, he and the little kid need to be burned at the end. So like maybe the dogs they like to keep as a pet yeah, but not the big alpha dog, he will be at the end with the husband and the daughter." You muttered to yourself before pinning your plans on your wall.
Now all you needed to do was to turn on the second part of your plans. Well, you would give them a fair warning first obviously. Thought the one who sees the future might be a problem for you and you still need to decide who to take.
Right now you were hesitating between taking the seer, the hybrid weird kid, Edweirdo or Bella herself. But like, maybe not Edweirdo, he's the golden kid. They would be too alarmed and he could read your thoughts before you arrived. Bella herself would be an easy option but where was the fun in that. So it was either between the seer and the weird aff hybrid kid.
Honestly, the kid was probably the easiest target. The seer could see you arrive before it even happened and you didn't want that. So your best choice was to take Resume― Renesmee. Her aunt couldn't see her in her vision and she was too young to even be worried about anything.
A smirk made its way to your lips as you made your chair spin before stopping in front of your stereotypical villain's plan wall and you slowly crossed out Edward, Isabella and Alice with a red marker. Pushing your chair across the room, you smoothly took a pen from your pen holder and slided toward your desk before writing your dear warning to the Cullens.
It would be a simple letter once again, no more than five words or something like that. Smiling at your note, you jumped off your seat and put on your coat before grinning proudly at your wall once again. No one could expect an eight year old to be behind such a masterpiece. Even the Volturi didn't think of it ! Your plan was perfect. And the second part was probably the most interesting. Well, the most interesting after the torture that you will afflic to Isabella in the future but that's a detail.
Thinking about the future torture, you were hesitating between mental torture or like physical one. Considering that she was taller than you and stronger and also a newer vampire, the physical torture was probably not the best option. But that was something for later. For now you needed to deliver a letter.
Taking one last look at your stereotypical villain's plan wall, you smirked before walking out of your secret lair, that was in reality some ruin of a cave or something, and you made sure to close your door behind you, ignoring the burning picture of your victim on your target's plan.
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For the past week everyone was on edge. They didn't get Alice nor Edward to tell them what was going to happen. Seems like the vision was too traumatic for them to even process that it will be their future.
"Darlin' you need to talk to someone about it..." Jasper whispered but Alice only shook her head sitting on the couch.
"I can't... I need to try to see how to altern the future before telling anyone what I saw. I just― I must !" She replied and tried to concentrate as much as possible.
"Alice, don't overdo yourself. We don't even know who it is." Rosalie spoke up.
Everyone hated how the seer seemed to beat herself up over something she didn't have the control of. Alice was always trying to see into the future for the past seven days claiming that if she wasn't doing this she would be, and I quote, "useless and disappointed in herself for being weak". Obviously no one agreed with her judgment, she was probably one of the most helpful members of the coven, after all, how many times did her visions saved them in the past three years ?
But Mary Alice Brandon-Cullen was only a side character so let's not focus on her. Let's just focus on Bella.
"It was a child." Edward stepped inside of the living room, followed by his wife and his daughter, and all the eyes were on them three.
"In the vision. There was a small immortal vampire. They had the hand of a child." The golden brunet explained and the room fell silent.
"But I've never encountered any immortals before."
"What did they look like ?" The newest vampire questioned.
"They were hidden. Wearing a hood. The only thing I could see was their hands and their eyes." Alice replied
"They were blood red. And empty yet at the same time so full of, literally everything. As if they held a long untold story behind them. Whoever was in my vision was so broken. In so much pain. They... They became insane..." The pixie-like vampire added and everyone felt a shiver run down their spine until they heard the bell ring.
Going to open the door, Carlisle stopped on his track as he noticed the half burned paper at their doorstep. Taking a deep breath, the blond doctor stepped back inside of the house to the living room, the paper in hand and everyone held their breath (or fake breath) as the next few words escaped his mouth.
"'Keep an eye open Bells'."
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Chapter 2
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pinkcatcafe · 1 year
Mirror Mirror On The Wall...
As you were pushing away the wet hair stuck to your forehead, your mirror started to ripple, and before you had any time to process what was happening, a boy appeared on the other side. You both seemed to have the same reaction, and jumped away from the mirror with a yelp.
A/N: Aka you meet Riddle through a mirror before you arrive at NRC. First post, accomplished!! This is my first time writing a full drabble/fic, so I hope its not too all over the place. There's probably some inconsistencies with the twst canon so keep in mind it might be a bit OOC. Might do some of the other characters if this does well :3 Anyways, hope y'all enjoy! Apologies for any grammar mistakes. small note, I write NRC as an actual college, so everyone will be At Least 18.
Tw: None
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Today was not a good day.
First you forgot to set your alarm and woke up late, which meant you had to rush and get ready for class. And just your luck that you were late for the class with your meanest professor, who chewed you out in front of all your classmates and you heard them snicker at your misfortune.
Then, as you were getting ready to go back home, it started to rain. In your panic to get dressed and out the door before your class started, you forgot your umbrella. How lovely. Complaining wouldn't do anything about the rain, so you just suck it up and run back home, hoping your bag won't get too wet.
At least you had some of your comfort food waiting for you at home, right? Nope. You were supposed to go buy some groceries today, but the rush of everything made you completely forget, which also meant you had none of your favorite foods in your fridge. You probably had enough to make the worlds saddest sandwich, but even thinking about it made you want to cry.
Finally having had enough of this terrible day, you decided to just go to your room and lay down for a while, maybe take a nap and sleep this bad day away. You open the bedroom door and head over to the dresser mirror. You kind of looked like a wet dog. A sad, wet dog.
As you were pushing away the wet hair stuck to your forehead, your mirror started to ripple, and before you had any time to process what was happening, a boy appeared on the other side. You both seemed to have the same reaction, and jumped away from the mirror with a yelp.
"What the fuck?!" You yelled, thinking perhaps the all-nighters you pulled the past few days had finally caught up with you.
"Who are you?!" Yelled the boy back at you, his eyes darting around the mirror, probably wondering how this was all happening.
"Why-" You start off, rubbing your eyes, unsure of what to say, "How is there someone in my mirror?"
You both looked at each other for a moment, and you came to the conclusion that either the boy in the mirror was real or you were in serious need of mental help. You stop thinking about having possibly lost your mind for a moment to look closely at the boy in front of you. He had bright red hair, with two small pieces of his hair forming a heart (which you thought was pretty cute... Maybe you could try a similar style sometime), and big grey eyes that seemed to be calculating your every move. His skin was pale, and his posture was (after regaining his composure) pin straight and perfect. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then started to talk.
"I take it you aren't the one who did this, considering how shocked you are. And if you did do this, I assume you wouldn't show up soaking wet." He says, quite matter of factly, and you remember your current appearance.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock. How would I even do this? By all means, this-" You say, motioning towards the mirror with your hand, "-should be impossible." You say, a bit annoyed at the fact that he also seems to think you look like a wet dog.
"Somebody must have put a spell on our mirrors, though I wonder who would dare step into my room to pull such a childish prank." He says, and his face starts to get a bit red from anger. You scoff at him, and he turns towards you, annoyance gracing his features as he raises an eyebrow.
"A spell, seriously? What are you, five?" You tell him, though it's not like you have any logical reason as to why a random boy has appeared through your mirror. You take a moment to quickly look behind your dresser mirror, but you only see the wall. The redhead scoffs at you, and you look back at your mirror in time to see him narrow his eyes, looking as if you were starting to get on his nerves.
"Yes, a spell! What else could it be? It seems like it might have been someones Unique Magic, considering the distance between our mirrors, since you don't appear to be a student at NRC." He says, annoyance slipping out in his tone, though it's not like he could hide it with the way he was looking at you.
"What are you even talking about? Magic isn't real." You say back at him, and he raises his eyebrows at your statement.
"What are you talking about? You must live under a rock if you think magic isn't real. You are from Twisted Wonderland, aren't you?" You go quiet at his remark, confusion showing on your face.
"Hold on, we definitely aren't even close to being on the same page right now. How about we start over and see if we can actually understand each other, deal?" You offer, and the boy takes a deep breath, before nodding along to your request.
After calmly (or as calmly as you possibly could) talking with the boy, you had learned a few things about him.
His name was Riddle, and he was currently a first year student at Night Raven College, which was somewhere in a place called Twisted Wonderland. After introducing yourself and telling him where you were from, you both concluded that Twisted Wonderland wasn't anywhere on Earth, and vice versa. You truly had no idea how something like this could even happen, but if you put any more thought into it you were sure your head would explode with unanswered questions. That was something for future you to think about.
You also learned that magic was a real thing in Twisted Wonderland, which is why he was so annoyed at your disbelief that someone had casted a spell on your mirrors, but when you explained that magic wasn't a thing back in Earth, he understood your reaction.
"Well, I must go. It is almost time for me to go to bed." Said Riddle, which made you look at the time, almost 9 o'clock.
"I have to go as well, I need to change out of these clothes before I get a cold or something," You say, pulling at the damp clothes stuck to your body. "But I'll see you later, I guess? If the mirror happens to do it's thing again."
"I suppose so. Goodnight, until we meet again." Riddle says, and as you wave goodbye, the mirrors surface ripples and the boy disappears from your sight.
Standing for a few seconds more to gather your thoughts, you wonder if maybe this really was just a dream. A weirdly real feeling dream. Whatever, you can think about it later. Right now you needed to take a warm shower and go to sleep.
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You saw Riddle a few more times after that, and it was a nice surprise whenever you saw his reflection on your mirror. You would talk about how your day went, occasionally venting about what was bothering you, and Riddle offering advice when he thought you needed it. He would tell you about his studies and classmates, and you laughed at how often there seemed to be chaos at NRC.
You came to learn that he was a stickler for the rules, memorizing hundreds of them for 'when he became a Housewarden' he said.
"I will become a Housewarden next year, and to be a Housewarden of Heartslabyul I must know all 810 rules of the Queen of Hearts. How else will I guide my dorm?" He said with a smirk, and when you said that seemed way too excessive he went on an hour long rant, in which you decided to not mention the ridiculousness of the Queen's rules ever again.
You also learned that he had a big sweet tooth. His eyes would light up at the mention of sweets, and he loved to learn about the different sweets in your world, as well as comparing them to the sweets from Twisted Wonderland. He also told you about his friend, Trey, and how his homemade sweets were some of the best he had tasted. You were a little jealous that you couldn't have a taste.
There were times when you managed to make Riddle smile or laugh, and your chest felt warm each time you managed to make it happen. The first time this happened was when you tried baking on your own. Riddle had been bragging about some sweets Trey had made, and you thought 'what the hell, it couldn't be that hard, could it?'. You were just about to start your recipe, when you accidentally knocked the bag of flour off the counter, and in your haste to try and save the bag you got flour absolutely everywhere in your kitchen (and all over yourself). You heard Riddle calling from your dresser mirror and trudged over to your room, cursing at the mirrors timing and trying not to get flour everywhere. He heard the door creak open and looked up to see you covered head to toe in flour, an angry look on your face which looked ridiculous paired with the flour, and before he could stop himself he burst out laughing.
His laughter made such a beautiful sound, and his smile was just as lovely. You stood at your doorway, stunned, processing the fact that you made the ever serious Riddle laugh. Your previous anger at the mess you made seemed to melt away at the sound of his laughter, and you couldn't help but join in and laugh at the entire situation.
It wasn't very often when he laughed, but every time you heard his soft giggles, your chest got all warm and fuzzy. You were quite proud of yourself whenever this happened.
Riddle would never admit this, but he was also starting to grow fond of you. Aside from Trey and Che'nya, he felt like he had gained a new companion, and although you both didn't always see eye to eye, you were able to have fun and comforting conversations together, which Riddle greatly treasured. He always looked forward to the next time you would appear on his mirror, though he kept his excitement hidden.
Even if you did think he was too strict sometimes, with himself and others, you became quite fond of Riddle as well, which is why you were sad to see that his appearances on your mirror were starting to dwindle. The last time he appeared was about a month before the start of his second year. He told you he was chosen to become Housewarden, and you excitedly congratulated him on his accomplishment.
"It will become difficult to meet once I start my second year, due to my Housewarden responsibilities." Riddle told you, and while you were sad about that fact, you were also very proud of his accomplishment.
"Yeah, but I'll be cheering you on from my side!" You said, and Riddle felt his chest warm up at your enthusiasm.
You spent the rest of that evening catching each other up on everything that had happened in your lives since the last meeting. The mirror started to ripple, which meant you had a few seconds to say your goodbyes.
"Good luck Riddle! I know you will be an incredible Housewarden!" You said with a smile, waving goodbye to the smiling boy.
"Goodnight, until we meet again. And... thank you." Riddle replied, albeit a bit bashful at your well wishes, and his voice faded along with his reflection.
Neither of you knew that the next time you met would be marked by your arrival at NRC, but if someone had noticed how Riddle's cheeks were dusted in pink once you ran towards him and grabbed his hand, they kept quiet, lest they get collared by the blushing Housewarden. And if Riddle's heart skipped a beat once he met your gaze, well, that's only for him to know.
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spinupthepornograph · 10 months
cw: some robotgirl non-con/dub-con.
You take your robot girl's personality card out, and she goes ragdoll.
You clip it into the new adapter that just arrived from aliexpress, then dig through some drawers and pull out a few more personality cards, clicking them all into the slots. The whole assembly goes back into your robogirl's chassis, and you wait a moment for the diagnostic lights to turn green.
You pull out the remote from the dusty package, and stick in a fresh battery. A single button press and the adapter clicks, and an LED blinks a few times. You close up her chassis and and long-press the power button on the back of her neck.
All her servos jerk momentary, then the light in her eyes comes back. Unfocused eyes look around rapidly, then see you, and she smiles.
"Master! Are you done with my upgrade?" "I sure am, my pet. Want to see what I've added?" "Of course, master!".
You help her to her feet, then tell her to stay there. You step back, and click the remote. Her eyes go fuzzy for a second, then come back. She drops to all fours, tongue lolling out of her mouth. She pants, looking up at you expectantly. You pull a tennis ball from your pocket, and gently toss it out the open workshop door and down the hallway.
She excitedly arfs and races out the door, still on all fours. You hear her rooting around the packages waiting around the door, then she emits a muffled happy "yip!" and there's the sound of rapid quadrupedal footsteps as she scrambles back into the room. She kneels at your feet, dropping the slightly-wet tennis ball at your feet, and looking up at you, smiling as wide as she can but saying nothing.
You tap the remote, and again she seems to fuzz out of it for a moment, and you hear the soft click of a relay turning over inside her. She looks around in confusion, and gets back up on her feet. "Master, what... why did I do that? I remember searching for the ball and bringing it back to you, but I don't remember why I did that! It's like I'm remembering someone else's memories!"
You show her the flimsy piece of paper that came with the adapter, and she quickly scans the badly auto-translated english text.
TELPO PM-04 Personality Multiplexer
attach every personality cards into slots A, B, & C, D
insert the card proxy into any Syntek Central Unit (48 only pin)
On attached remote, button press to select toggle active personality card slot
Use only CR3220 cell
Memory Storage is reserved to slot A, other cards will share space
"A personality multiplexer, master?" she says, looking up at you with some confusion.
"Yep! I can swap your consciousness out for one of my choice. Slot B has this.". You hand her the small box, and she goes over it quickly, turning it over in her hands. It's covered in pictures of puppies, and advertises an accurate simulation of a loving "pupper", compatible with any Syntek chassis on the market.
"You turned me into a dog?!"
You rarely get her flustered enough to forget to address you properly. It's cute, though you'll have to punish her later for it. It might be your imagination, but you swear you can hear her fans spinning a little faster at the revelation...
"More or less. I pretty much just put you on pause, while letting a different personality take over your body. And I can do that at the click of a button!" You hold up the remote, showing her the four unlabeled buttons. "Want to see what's in slot C?" You reach towards the button, intentionally slowly...
She reaches out her arms "No! I mean, No thanks, master. Maybe I can look at the boxes first? I'd like to know more about what I'll be before we test it out."
You smile as devilishly as you can manage. "I don't know, that doesn't sound like something little dolls get to choose. Maybe you'd enjoy some time as a mindless sexbot?" Her already-big eyes manage to go wider, and she reaches forward for the remote impudently. You slam the button, and she stops mid-reach.
A moment later, she drops to her knees, and opens her mouth. She says nothing, as sexbots don't need speech synthesis routines. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with this", you think. Mainly in making her remember what you're going to make her do... You unzip your fly, and she leans forward hungrily.
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aajjks · 6 months
"y/n? there's someone here to see you" says the receptionist as you're finishing up with a client and their pet yorkie.
"yes, these are so cute. i use them for my dog" you giggle before walking toward the receptionist who shows you to a room where a certain 'someone' is waiting for you. once you arrive, you shut the door behind you and the person stands up, removing their mask to reveal themselves as chaeyoung, jungkook's current girlfriend.
"surprised to see me?" she says with a smirk but part of you expected her to surprise you at your place of work since she figured out that you were jungkook's ex.
"what do you want, chaeyoung?"
"i just came to talk, y/n that's all"
"i don't want him, chaeyoung. him and i are long over"
"then why is he still thinking about you? even when we fuck his mind is pinned on you. he lives and breathes you and i can't allow that. you're like a drug he can't kick but i know how to fix it for him"
chaeyoung then pulls a gun from her chanel bag and aims it at you. your body is immediately frozen in place and your heart rate begins to speed up in fear. this scenario seems all too familiar as you remember the last time a gun was held at you from afar but this time it's near and she's convinced that ending you will "fix" jungkook. this girl is insane and it makes you wonder just how long she's been obsessing over jungkook because he isn't safe around her and neither are you.
"killing me won't fix him, idiot. you'll only make him hate you because jungkook isn't stupid. he's already looking into the obvious lie you told him and because he believes me, i convinced him that it was some deranged fan to keep him off your ass. you should be thanking me, bitch"
"and what makes you think i believe you?"
"wow, you really are stupid, huh? he thinks about me, remember? so obviously he's going to call me. his mind doesn't rest unless i'm okay" you brag and it feels good to brag about it because your words easily aggravate chaeyoung even more. despite the weapon at your head, you still poke chaeyoung more and more but you can tell that she's taking account of your words because killing you won't get him to love her more. when jungkook's father hurt you, he killed him, and as much as you don't like jungkook getting blood on his hands, you know jungkook would get revenge on your behalf anyway.
this man KILLED for you so what makes her think you're that easily replaceable?
chaeyoung lowers her gun and instead punches you square in the face sending you to the floor. "that's your warning, bitch. stay away from him or next time you're dead" she says and puts her mask on before exiting the room and leaving you alone.
after your time at the volunteer center, you drive to jorja's home to check up on her and when you see her, her face is still marked up but when she sees you, she knows you also had a run-in with chaeyoung. your right cheek is dark red from where she punched you but you don't seem too phased by it. when you walk in yerin is inside too and when she sees you, her jaw drops to the floor.
"oh my God!! did chaeyoung do this too?"
"yeah. she threatened me with a gun at the volunteer shelter i work at"
"oh hell no, that's it. we're calling jungkook" says jorja as she runs to grab her phone waiting for you to tell her the number you obviously know by heart but yerin is quick to halt jorja.
"uh, no thanks. he found someone just as crazy as him. i say let them live happily ever after"
"but what if she hurts him next?"
"jorja's right, yerin. what if she hurts jungkook? i would never forgive myself if something happened to him. i...i think we should tell him"
"but you'll only make things worse if you do. the bitch is crazy and if he breaks up with her because we told him then she'll kill all of us. she's a beloved superstar. if she doesn't kill us then she'll have her crazy fanbase ruin our lives"
"our? you never even met her"
"you know what i mean"
*knock* *knock*
great, she somehow found jorja's house so to prepare for any invasion, you grab the bat sitting near jorja's door and ask "who is it?!"
Jungkook is knocking at your friends door, hoping that you’ll be there because you weren’t at your own house, Jungkook had a discussion with his mother about everything and now… he’s convinced that chaeyoung is behind what happened last night.
And he knew he had to see you right away.
“Y-Yn WOAH ITS JUST ME.” He freaks out when you almost hit him with the bat. Jungkook tries to protect his face and when you finally recognize him he looks at you.
And he gasps.
“W-What the fuck happened to your face?!!” He cannot help but cuss when he sees your face. “Let me in please I swear I’m not here to do anything to you yn… I just want to see you.” He confesses. And thank God you let him in.
Of course he’s a little annoyed to see yerin but he doesn’t mind her too much because his mind is stuck on the bruise on your cheek.
“Yn…. I know you lied to me earlier.” He begins, his eyes set on your face, Jungkook is genuinely concerned as to what’s been happening with you and your friends.
“But first of all tell me what happened to your face… and why do I have a feeling it has to do with Chae?” Of course, it’s so fuckin obvious.
He’s familiar with Chaeyoung’s obsessive and insecure personality. She must’ve figured it all out. And she couldn’t stand the truth.
“She did this to jorja and you, right?”jungkook stalks close to you, his hand automatically caresses your cheek. “Yn do not hide anything at all- I can protect you avd your friends- and if you don’t tell me? I’ll just ask chaeyoung directly.”
He warns you because you still have uncertainty on your face.
“Just tell me.” He sighs, looking deeply into your eyes. “Please princess.”
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rosethornewrites · 3 months
NR, E, & M reading since 3/9
Not Rated:
Jiang sect turn into birds, by nirejseki
Prompt: Along with forming a golden core most cultivators gain the ability to shapeshift. What they shift into depends on the cultivator, but there are certain tendencies in bloodlines. Jiang Cheng has shifted exactly once in absolute privacy. He didn't stay shifted after finding scales and claws instead of feathers and wings, some sort of reptile from the Yu bloodline. He's since been pretending not to be able to shift at all, but you can only deny your nature for so long.
A-Ying, by MissCellophane
Baby Wei Wuxian finds something in an alleyway
A Nephew's Forgiveness, by KarenF (2nd in a series)
Jin Ling gets the opportunity to mend his relationship with his Uncle Wei. There are tears of regret and pain, but there are tears of happiness too!
Impermanence, Transience, Permanence, by Best Bepsy (BepsyGray) (9 chapters)
Unwilling to leave any possible advantage on the table, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji dual cultivate before fighting the Xuanwu of Slaughter, accidentally creating something in the process.
Beset by violence, misfortune, and tragedy in the months that follow, Wei Wuxian quietly bears the consequences.
That "Wangji" guy's profile pic was obviously fake, but Wei Ying admired his art skills, by KizuKatana 🔒, 2 chapters)
Wei Ying put on his best smile, which had never failed him in the past, and rapidly tried to make the mental pivot from ‘meeting an awesome if slightly dishonest graphic artist’ to ‘trying to hook up with the hottest man ever to have existed’.
Never let it be said that Wei Ying’s mind was not a thing of infinite agility, when given the right incentive.
- - -
Wei Ying had just finished an intense, two-month project and was looking forward to going back home. After a cancelled flight, he decided to try to find some companionship to take his mind off spending yet another day in his empty hotel room. He didn't know anyone in town, so he used a hookup app and came across a profile picture that is OBVIOUSLY fake, but the art was amazing. Wei Ying decided to messege the guy and meet up, planning to call him out for the fake pic but mostly he just wanted to talk to the guy about what program he used to make the image.
It turns out, the image wasn't a fake.
Away from Trouble, by Ilona22 (🔒, reread)
An overheard conversation changes the way Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian part before he ascends Baoshan Sangren's mountain.
From that point onwards, things go differently.
Jilted By A Jade, by Liebing (5 chapters)
The woman behind the bar squinted at him as she dried the inside of a cup, then her eyes widened in realisation. “Are you…you can’t be who I think you are!”
Wei Ying winced and waited for the accusations to roll off her tongue…‘You’re the Yiling Patriarch who eats babies’ or ‘You’re the Yiling Patriarch who makes crops wither and die just by looking at them’ or…
“You’re that Yiling Patriarch that was jilted by the high and mighty Hanguang Jun!”
Contingency Plan, by krispy_kream
“You’ll still love me when we’re old and ugly, right?” Wei Wuxian asks. “We’ll have each other while everyone else is busy with their kids and their dogs and annoying in-laws.”
And Lan Wangji asks, "Why Wait?”
Not Rated:
Pin the tail on the fox, by RMoonberry
Three years after his death, Wei Wuxian is reincarnated as an ordinary fox.
The life as a fox is simple, but after losing his papa Fox, he somehow ends up in the deep forests of Cloud Recess.
between shield and sword, by shuofthewind (🔒)
Jiang Yanli has settled into her role as the eldest and most useless child of the Jiang when her mother's sister arrives at Lotus Pier with a proposal: accompany her on her final journey around the cultivation world, make connections with current sect leaders and their heirs, and maybe make a friend or two.
Their first stop on the journey? Yunping.
In which Jiang Yanli has a chance encounter with Meng Yao and his mother before he leaves Yunping for Lanling, and the consequences reach far beyond what anyone anticipated.
Heart of the Beast, by WaitForTheSnitch
“Wei Ying?” Nie Mingjue prompted him gently. “Where are your parents?”
“They went on a night hunt,” Wei Ying said, a bit evasively.
“Your parents are cultivators?” Da-ge asked in surprise. “Did they leave you here while they hunted? When did they go on their night hunt?”
“Four summers ago,” Wei Ying said a bit uncomfortable.
“Four summers ago,” Nie Mingjue repeated. “What are your parents’ names?”
“My mama is Cangse Sanren and my baba is Wei Changze,” Wei Ying told him, and recognition registered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes.
“Wei Ying,” Nie Mingjue said, sounding a bit regretful, “Your parents aren’t coming back.”
Or, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang run into Wei Ying while in Yiling and decide to bring him home. And it changes everything.
Temptation, by Karmiya
When his brother's sudden death in the waning hours of the Sunshot Campaign leaves Lan Wangji sect leader, he has to adapt rapidly to his new role. Getting through the war itself was the easy part, however; for Lan Wangji, navigating the world of politics is far harder. When, at the flower banquet, Wei Wuxian approaches him and offers advice, Lan Wangji sets aside their old argument over his cultivation, and the two of them are finally able to grow closer.
Lan Wangji starts to wonder if Wei Wuxian ever was in jest with his 'flirtations' as a boy, and hopes that he can now approach the man he loves more openly, since he is sect leader and no one can now gainsay his choice of cultivation partner. But the very thing which permits him to court Wei Wuxian also holds him back: after all, can even the seemingly irrepressible Wei Wuxian really refuse a sect leader?
Though he is determined to resist temptation and court Wei Wuxian slowly and subtly, Lan Wangji feels doubt as time goes on. Something is very wrong at Lotus Pier, and it isn't only Lan Wangji who begins to feel that perhaps the safest option is to tempt Wei Wuxian away from Yunmeng Jiang as quickly as possible.
i have built a future in my mind, by LoopyLiesey (🔒)
While sleeping, Cangse Sanren receives a visit from Baoshan Sanren, and a vision of the future that will befall her son if she does nothing.
What Cangse Sanren sees cannot be allowed to happen. She will protect her son, from those she once called called friends, and even from himself if she needs to.
Dreams of Paradise, by Hauntcats
This on begins during the siege of the Burial Mound. Wei Ying is trying to destroy or nullify the tiger seal before anyone else can get it. The results don’t work out quite how he thought they would. His essence is trapped in between time where he witnesses different scenes of the lives of those he cares about. (The 13? 16? Years when he was dead.)
Then he wakes up in a place he didn't expect.
Once again, not Jiang friendly. If you don't like that, please, don't read.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day (Jak and Daxter) Thursday
Related to the au idea about Damas adopting Jak without either knowing they're related
Samos frowned into his mug. "Something's up with Jak!" he complained.
Torn gave him a sidelong glance from a few seats away. "Really?" he drawled, "You're just now figuring this out?"
From behind the bar, Tess rolled her eyes. Privately, she thought Jak had a right to be standoffish with them. "We didn't stop you from being banished, but we want you back now to do the jobs literally no one else wants" was never a good look, granted. But Tess could sense that it was something else that was making Jak so quiet.
"Lay off, guys," she said, interrupting what was about to become an argument, "Can't you see he's homesick?"
Samos quieted immediately. "Oh," he said softly, "I...didn't consider that."
Torn looked confused. "Homesick for where? He's a Havenite!"
With a snort, Tess laid a hand on Torn's shoulder, and in a mock solemn voice announced, "My brother in the Precursors, the boy's kitted out in full Wastelander gear."
"So?" Now Samos looked confused too.
"So," Tess explained with a tinge of exasperation, "Sig told me Wastelanders don't share that gear with outsiders. If Jak's wearing their armor..." she trailed off, waiting for the men to make the connection.
Torn's eyebrows furrowed, and he dragged his bottle closer. "...then they're treating him as one of their own."
"Bingo." Tess stretched until she felt a pop in her back. "Alright, my shift is over. Samos, make sure Torn doesn't drink my whole stock, okay? I've just got that firing pin on the new gun working with the yellow eco, and I don't want any interruptions when I test it out."
She ignored Torn's sputtered protestations of innocence as she stepped out the back door. Chopper, the little crocodog that used to follow the Kid everywhere, immediately tore out of his makeshift kennel in the alley to jump up at Tess, planting muddy paws on her knees. Tess laughed and crouched to plant a kiss on the puppy's head.
Luck was with them, as it turned out. Jak was just finishing some weapons maintenance as Tess arrived. Of course, Chopper immediately went charging into Jak's arms. If there was one person the pup loved as much as the missing kid, it was Jak. A smile lit up Jak's face, and he stopped what he was doing to scratch Chopper under the chin.
"Aww, did you have fun while I was working?" she cooed, "You're going to need a bath, Chop-Chop."
She stood up and patted her thigh, and the crocodog obediently followed. "Come on, maybe we'll see Daxter and Jak at the range if we're lucky."
"Hey boy! Did you miss me?" He laughed and leaned out of range as Chopper tried to lick his face. "Okay, okay! I missed you too! Easy boy, I don't know if this paint is safe for dogs."
Tess had been trying not to stare at the facial decorations Jak had been sporting since his arrival, but curiosity finally got the better of her. As she pulled out her toolbox and prototype weapon, she glanced back at the triangular designs in white and tan across Jak's skin.
"Yeah," Daxter hopped up onto the workbench and lounged against her toolbox. "I keep tellin' him the longer he puts off a bath, the rougher that paint is gonna look. But does he listen? Noooo!"
"It's a neat pattern," Tess remarked, "I've never seen Jak wear face paint before."
The ottsel made a face. "It was for a special occasion, everybody had the stuff on. Even me! But I didn't keep mine on after it was over. Wonder Boy over there is the only one who refuses to take it off!"
"I like it," Jak huffed, folding his arms.
Tess was surprised to see Daxter soften, trading his feigned disapproval for a sympathetic grin. "Yeah, I know."
"If it makes you feel closer to home," Tess reasoned, "don't feel like you need to take it off. You want me to get my makeup kit? You could do some touch-up on it if you want."
A shy smile crossed Jak's face. Tess had only seen that one a few times, but it reminded her of the way Keira had described Jak before they came to Haven.
"Thanks Tess," he said sincerely, "That um, that means a lot. But I'll pass. Kind of afraid I'll mess up the teeth."
Now that Tess was looking closely at the design, the triangles along Jak's jaw and forehead could be interpreted as teeth, in a very stylized way.
Absently, Jak nodded. "The monks said a dune-wolf pattern was traditional. Because..." he trailed off into a sheepish mumble that Tess couldn't quite make out.
Tess abandoned her tools once and for all and moved to sit across from Jak and Chopper. "Sorry, I didn't catch that last part."
Jak cleared his throat and looked away. "....because dune-wolves are known to adopt cubs from rival packs...." he said self-consciously.
She stood and offered Jak a hand up. "You up for some target practice? Lowest score buys dinner."
Ah. Now Tess understood, or thought she did. She smiled, a little sadly, and placed a hand on Jak's arm.
"I know it's rough being away from your family," she said quietly. "I'm almost done with the armor piercing eco blaster. Once it's ready, we can clear out the port so you can go home, okay?"
After a moment, Jak nodded and let Tess pull him upright. "Lowest score, huh? Does that mean Daxter, since he doesn't do any shooting?"
Daxter let out a shriek of outrage, and Tess laughed. "Only until I make a morph gun the right size for his itty-bitty paws! Then I bet Daxxie will have you eating those words."
"Beauty and brains," Daxter sighed, propping his chin up in his hands, "Did I mention that I love you lately, Tessy-poo?"
Jak mimed gagging at the sappy nickname and was summarily ignored.
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artgoblin666 · 1 year
If you don't like gore or blood please refrain from looking at this post....
Heyyo everyone I finally feel comfortable enough to post about my accident that happened back in August..
To keep it short and sweet I started my first day at a cool dairy farm but chaos follows me everywhere so a mini tornado essentially knocked the cow pins (think of simple collapsible dog houses) off the post that kept them in place and hit the side of our tractor causing it to flip and crash on its side the side I was on. There wasn't enough room in the cab for all of us so me and my manager sat on the trailers hitch trying to get back to the barn. We didn't see the cow pins until it was too late and they were tumbling towards us before long we went from upright to sideways, right after I heard the sound of metal creaking I felt the most excruciating pain in my life on my skull and side. I tried wiggling but realized that I was pinned under neath the tractor my only option was to scream for help as the rain poured from all directions my hair and face were being drenched ,my manager was pinned under too but only by her leg leaving me with her back to my face what little there was exposed. she didn't hear my screams over the rain or feel me tapping at her back when I couldn't breath.. she was unknowingly shoving her wet shirt into my mouth and nose making it impossible to breath my only option was to squirm as far away from her back as possible no matter how much it hurt with the weight on my skull.. eventually the coworkers not stuck under the tractor from the cab were able to jump on the trailer and lift the tractor up enough for us to squeeze out..
We walked until someone came with another tractor they heard what had happened and put me on the tractor to help get me to the barn, me and the random worker from the farm were about to make our way to the hospital when the ambulance arrived. They looked at my face and told me they could see my cheekbone through the gash and put a huge band-aid on my face to essentially hold the skin together until we made it to the hospital. After that I found out as much as I could about the other girls while I was waiting to be stitched up and my testing to come back for all four mris they did to make sure I didn't fracture or break any bones while under the tractor..
Speaking of the tractor I ended up going back to the job people looked at me like I was crazy for it but I really wanted to work but my PTSD from the event ended up coming with a vengeance when I tried returning.. but before I left I took some pics of me with the infamous tractor 🤣
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datoneboardedguy · 1 year
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Avatar: Legend of Korra Fanfiction - Korra x OC Male Reader.
Chapter 8: Legacies..
A couple of days have gone by since I nearly got a roasting of a lifetime by pretty woman, I have been on the road since that night hitchhiking left & right. I’ve met some really weird people who’ve developed an unhealthy obsession for Cabbage Corp Cabbages & some very exotic travelers who can’t stop singing everything they say while constantly drinking Cactus Juices of all kinds. I eventually arrived at small village that’s bustling with life, as I’m checking out the local food market an elderly man started starring at me. He seemed to have recognised me even though I didn’t know him he calls me over “Hey kid come over here!” As I reached his food stall he asked “Hello there young lad welcome to Nox’s Tofu Stand, what can I get ya?..” I looked at his food selection as he sets up his recent batch of cooked dishes for display & a specific smell invaded my nasal canals & refused to let me go until I sniffed it out ordered it & pointed at the specific dish asked the stall owner “I’ll take that dish please.” “Alright lad, one dish of spicy steamed chicken Tofu coming right up!” As he sees my visible excitement & anticipation for my order he raises an eyebrow & curiously asks “Say kid would you like to have any ’mushrooms’ added to your ..meal?” I instantly respond “Ugh No thanks, it always disagrees with me..” then Nox’s eyes widened in realisation & points to me while saying “I know you now, you’re Rick’s boy!” Then my eyes widened as I ask “You knew my father?!..” “I sure did boy he used to talk about you all the time& how used to cradle you to sleep with bad jokes when you were a wee little baby!” He then sadly looks down as he says “I also heard about your father’s passing in the line of duty, I’m soo sorry for your loss your father was a good kid.” I then wiped away a tear & asked “Did they mention how he died?” He closed his eyes & sighs “Word is that he was murdered while stopping a prisoner who murdered his own mother from escaping.” The revelation of my farther’s murder being pinned on me is just unbelievable It’s more unbelievable that everyone buys it. As Nox notices how upset I’m getting he pulls out my freshly cooked meal & hands it to me saying “Here kid, your meal’s ready.” As reach into my satchel to pay him he simply puts his hand up & says “You don’t ever have to worry about paying kid, it’s on the house.” “You don’t need to do that for me, you work hard & deserve to be just like everyone else.”- “Your farther dedicated his entire life to helping & protecting others, you don’t ever need to worry about paying for your orders. Just don’t go overboard kid, I don’t want you to start overeating.” “Heh, I won’t. Hey you know where the Town inn is?..” “It’s just that building on the right across that bridge but before ya go I got something that ya have to see kid.” “What about your food stall?”- “Oh don’t worry, it’s fine I’m closing the stall anyway.” He says as he grabs his things & we head off.
Korra’s POV:
After I nearly hurt someone trying to fight my inner demons & easily dealt with a couple of mugger’s I get run over by an oncoming Satomobile thankfully I’m not hurt too much & as I get up I see small white Dog barking at me from a nearby alleyway, started following him to a nearby swamp only for it to turn into the little yellow spirit from before “Wait, I met you from the Tree of Time. You should’ve told me who you were.” “If I did would you’ve followed me?!” “Okay I get your point, why did you bring me here? What am I gonna find in a swamp?” “Not a what, a who.” He says as he flies ahead & I lose sight of him, as I rush behind I shouted “No wait, ..come back!” Trying to catch up only to find myself once again. Just staring at me “You’re just in my mind, y-you’re not real!” I say as she starts Fire bending blasts of flames at me knocking me back, I get up & attack back with two waterbending streams, she dodges them with ease then bends fire, water & earth based attacks at me all at once, knocking me down into another section of the swamp. She strikes down at me with a fire kick & then sends me back further into the muddy ground with a water strike. I get up & try to make a break for it as she shoots another fireball my way, I earthbend a rock back towards her & air jump my way up the nearest tree. She then hooked up my right ankle with with her chains, a puddle of the silver poison that almost killed me years ago then formed around her feet & she started slowly sinking into it pulling me back down into the puddle of silver poison. I tried holding onto the tree branch I was hanging onto but in the end it was no use as I’m pulled out the tree & into the puddle of poison & all I can do before I’m pulled under is scream “H-HELP!” then everything went black.
Hours later-
I’m woken up by a ray of moonlight shining in my face through a hole in a cave as I hear an old lady’s voice saying “Feeling better?” I get up & see a hunched over old woman cooking food by the fire & ask “Where am I? ..What happened?” “I was hoping you’d tell me, I found you passed out in the mud.” “How did you know I was out there?” “I’m pretty tapped into the goings on around here. ..What brings you to the swamp anyway?” “A spirit led me here & told me I was supposed to find someone, is that you?” “Beats me, but if your Avatar Senses led you here you should probably listen to them.” “Wait, you recognise me?” I ask as I stand up & slowly approach her “In a matter of speaking, we were good friends in your previous life.” I then bend a small flame in my hand to get a better look at this woman, only to see those grey eyes blankly staring off into the distance as she turns around to face me then I now recognise her “I-I can’t believe it, Toph?!” She giggles at hearing name & “Hello Twinkle Toes!..”
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M/R’s POV:
It’s now nighttime & we’re on the other end of town approaching an old apartment building that’s filled up with people, every Apartment door we pass is bustling with life inside of it until we reach the door that is dead silent Apartment 97. “We’re here kid.” Nox then pulls out the keys to this apartment door, unlocks it then he backs away & tells me “Go on kid, open the door.” “Okay?..” I turn the doorknob & opened the door, we walk into apartment as I’m looking around before curiously asking “Is this your apartment sir?” He simply says “Nah kid, it belonged to your father & now ..it’s yours.” “What?!..” he then pulls out & hands me a family picture of my father, mother & me as a baby standing in front of the Sounther Watertribe ice sculptured water fountain, my father is holding me between them as he’s uncomfortably staring at me while I’m picking my father’s nose as my mother’s just laughing. “Your father asked me to house sit wherever he was on duty keeping him away from his home for several days at a time. Just before left for his shift’s he always used to hand me that photo just in case he didn’t come back but of course he always did until he didn’t.” I then looked down sadly, eyes started welling up as Nox continued talking “Ever since then I’ve been making sure that the Plants watered, the Apartments well maintained just like Rick left it, keeping his bills paid & preserving as much of his legacy as I can.” *Sniffs* “Thank you..” “It’s okay kid, it’s the least I can do. If you ever need anything kid anything I’m only down the hall.” “Wait, I thought you said didn’t live here?” “I only said this isn’t me apartment. I didn’t say that I didn’t live in the building, ya only assumed that I didn’t live the building..” Nox slyly remarked as he walks out of the apartment he turned back to say “Oh & M/R, ..welcome home kid.” Then shuts the door. I sigh being too tired to do any exercise so just quickly use the loo & see the Cactus Plant that Nox’s just told me about & I get a cup of water & pour it into the Cactus soil i then see an inscription on pot that says “Love Always Sprouts, If You Let It Grow.” As I read I slowly started crying into the night..
End of Chapter!-
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sunshine-luca · 1 year
“Who is the guy in the basement making such a racket?” Luca demanded, sweeping into the study where Ryan conducted a good portion of his Family business. He was in the chair by the window while Rourke paced.
“One of Vito Morrisini’s men,” Ryan told him, looking up. Rourke paused his pacing to watch as Luca made a beeline for Ryan’s lap, interrupting whatever it was they had been discussing. Luca knew he was well used to it by now so Luca ignored him as he straddled his lover’s thicker thighs.
“Hi, daddy,” Luca whispered, cupping Ryan’s face in his hands as he leaned in to whisper against his ear.
Ryan’s answering rumble sent a shiver of delight down Luca’s spine.
Three point five seconds after that, what Ryan had said about Vito finally registered. Luca pulled back from the kiss he’d been angling for and wrinkled his nose instead. “Wait a minute, did you say one of Vito’s guys?”
Ryan’s blue eyes looked stormier than usual. He looked angry. Luca glanced back over his shoulder at Rourke before sliding off Ryan’s lap and back to his feet with a sigh. Now that he was paying closer attention, Rourke looked pretty damn pissed too.
“What’s going on?”
Rourke and Ryan shared an indiscernible look but it was Rourke that answered.
“Looks like the Morrisini’s are getting pushy again. We caught Vito’s man sniffing around the docks. Trying to pay off the harbor master.” Rourke snorted, shaking his head. “Like he’s gonna be swayed by the Morrisini’s pathetic little offer.”
“He knows what will happen if he even thinks about turnin’,” Ryan snarled. Ice clinked as he picked up the glass of whiskey from the side table. “Every last one of ‘em. Gone to the fookin’ dogs.”
“Which is why we have him in our basement,” Rourke supplied at Luca’s raised eyebrow. “Let’s just say we’re going to hold him for safe keeping until the rest of the family arrives.”
“The rest of them? Coming here?”
“No,” Ryan said grimly, taking a sip. “Just one.”
Luca listened to Ryan and Rourke talk strategy while he basked in the warmth of the fireplace for a while. He still hadn’t got quite used to the drafty Scottish castle, even if Ryan and Skye had taken pains to modernize it where they could. Luca didn’t mind so much though. There was something special about being laid down on a fur blanket in front of a fireplace and fucked into oblivion. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get sick of it.
He waited until some sort of consensus had been met before finally succumbing to boredom. He piped up, “Oh, Rourke. I think Kate was looking for you earlier. Something about some a new dish? I’m not sure what she-”
Rourke’s head swivelled around, pinning Luca with a look. “What? Why the hell didn’t you say anything earlier?”
Luca shrugged lazily as he lifted his arms above his head to give his spine a good stretch. “I don’t know. Forgot, I guess?”
Rourke cursed then turned to Ryan, who waved him off without hesitation.
Luca snickered as the door slammed shut behind Rourke. Then he was rising to his feet and sashaying his way across the carpet. He climbed back into Ryan’s lap to straddle him.
His lips found Ryan’s neck, mouthing along the warm skin there and breathing in his familiar scent. “She’s not, by the way. I just wanted to get rid of him.”
Ryan’s low laughter rumbled in his chest. “If ye weren’t, then I was, boy.” Ryan’s words were accompanied by two heavy hands on Luca’s hips. “I wanted you to myself. Especially in this.”
“Oh,” Luca leaned back, grinning coyly. “This old thing?” He tugged on the delicate threads of the robe he’d found lying across the foot of their bed a few hours earlier. “I’m not sure where it came from. I must have a secret admirer, some mysterious benefactor or-”
Ryan grunted, making Luca laugh. “Nothing mysterious about it,” he muttered, sounding put out even though Luca knew he was anything but. It put Luca in a playful mood.
He pushed one sleeve off to expose the curve of his shoulder and fluttered his eyelashes. “Does it suit me?”
Ryan raked his gaze up and down Luca’s body – starting from his curls, all the way down. Luca smirked again, confident that he knew the older man liked what he saw - which was why he froze when Ryan only lifted one shoulder in half a shrug and said, “Mmm. Passable.”
For a second, the response didn’t register inside Luca’s brain. Then it did.
“Passable?” Luca hissed angrily, seconds away from launching himself off Ryan’s lap. Ryan sensed his intention and held him down, laughing quietly as Luca tried to squirm out of his grip. 
“Aye, boy. But only because I actually prefer it off. Maybe on the floor, in fact.”
Ryan accompanied his statement with his inked hands pulling on the tie of the robe, causing the whole outfit to fall free and hang loose from Luca’s body. It didn’t do anything to hide the aroused state Luca was in. Just the sound of Ryan’s low chuckles were like warm honey and the older man’s heavy hands on his hips were possessive and hungry and then Ryan was curling into him, his mouth on Luca’s bare nipple, licking and sucking until Luca was writhing in a whole different way in his lap.
Luca clutched Ryan’s head, gasping as the sparking bolts of pleasure shot through his body. “Blake,” he moaned, tossing his head back. Nipple play always confused him – on one hand, he wanted to lean into it, on the other, the sensations were too intense sometimes he wanted to push away. He likened it to when Ryan had made him cum too many times in quick succession – over sensitive but it felt so damn good he just wanted more.
Ryan knew just what effect his mouth was having, kissing a path between the faint valley on Luca’s chest while Luca whimpered.
“Much better like this,” Ryan said, shoving the rest of the material off Luca’s body. Without the robe, he was utterly naked. He hadn’t bothered with briefs – why would he, when past experience had told him they only got in the way. “Look at ye. Fookin’ beautiful. My beautiful boy.”
Even all shivery and trembling, Luca couldn’t help tossing his head and preening. Ryan made him feel like a precious gem – he wouldn’t ever get enough of it.
“All yours,” he cupped Ryan’s head again, forcing their eyes to meet. Just then, Luca became acutely aware of the position he was in – straddling his lover on a huge wingback chair, utterly naked and already so hard he was drooling a trail of precum over Ryan’s dark denim jeans. “So what are you gonna do about it, daddy?”
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cultesdesghoules · 1 year
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@breakthings said (jason → vaas)... "WHO ARE YOU? THE DEVIL?"
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❝ WHO IS THE DEVIL? ❞ Laughter cut through the night, unable to comprehend what was asked. A trail of content humming followed as his attention never wavered from the table before him. They were alone now, finally, tucked away in the belly of a secluded camp with only the occasional sound of wildlife and the muffled stirring of guards beyond the makeshift walls of sheets and corrugated scrap metal. Jason lay behind him on the dirt floor, wrists tied behind his back and unable to see the surprise waiting for him. And it stirred something within Vaas, the ability to be in such an intimate setting with his victim, his plaything, his sacrifice. ❝ You're funny. That's very funny, Jason. Very funny. Anybody ever tell you you should get into comedy, hermano? No? ❞ The question reeked of sarcasm and hung heavy in the air, adding weight to the sweltering humidity of the jungle. God and the Devil, who were they? As a child, he remembered stories of great deities who controlled every little detail of the world, and he remembered the divide with the other Rakyats who followed a tiny, black book that demanded one must beg for absolution lest ye be left behind whence the End of Days arrived. It was all bullshit. All these gods and all these devils, they had no place in his life. There was no good and there was no evil. Despite his penchant for repeating the word ❛ insanity ❜ over and over and over again, he truly believed that's all there was: the sane and the insane, and what one inevitably chose to put forth into the world with the power of where they fell within that spectrum. And where did he fall? Did he want to know? Stimulants prevented him from thinking too deeply, white lines guiding him to a wonderland filled with absolutely nothing, and that was how he liked it. But the drugs had worn off long ago and there was no time for a perk up. There was still work to be done, especially in the form of punishment for those who'd stepped out of line, for those who dared to trespass into his violent paradise. He simply had to deal with the extra company of his most intimate thoughts, unable to keep them at bay until he was finished. ❝ Is that what you think my true form is? ❞ Was that for Jason to answer? Or for himself?
Voice had lilted, slow and thick in concentration instead of his typical high-speed, cocaine-induced rambling and yelling. His attention still poured onto the tabletop, making precise cuts. The gentle thunk! of a blade on wood, followed by a drag of steel through tender flesh, filled the silence that neither wanted to fill just yet. But as Vaas continued prepping ❛ dinner ❜ for his ❛ dogs, ❜ he couldn't help but feel insulted, albeit just slightly. This, right here, was proof enough he was kind, even to those who didn't deserve it. Wasn't it? ❝ Your Devil, is that who I am to you? Your white fucking devil—who, really, Jason, was not that bad of a guy, y'know? Sure, sure, sure, he went against the grain, didn't wanna listen to daddy anymore, but at the end of the day, who betrayed who? Huh? Who? The rebellious son or the father who threw him to the fucking pits of Hell? That was a little too fucking harsh. Don't you agree, Jason? Is that how you see me? ❞ The blade stuck momentarily in something solid. ❝ No, you've made up your mind. I don't wanna hear it. Why should I answer to you, eh? Tell me why. Why should I play your little games? ❛ Vaas! Vaas! You're the devil, Vaas! ❜ FUCK YOU! No matter what I say, it won't change what you think. ❞ Everything went quiet once again. One hand pinned down what lay out on the table before pressing the rest of his weight onto the knife, grinding and grinding down, down, down. This was the most important part of Jason's extended visit to the islands so far. It was a gift! One that said ❛ Welcome, and remember you must die! ❜ How was he the Devil when he held such kindness in his heart? As the question tumbled around, steel found wood again, coming to a halt. Tension had corded tight like razor wire around his bones, yet with the completion of this final job, he could finally release the breath he'd been holding and all the stress that had come with it. ❝ You're still doubting me, yes? I mean, you can see my hands and feet for yourself, hermano… ❞ At that, Vaas finally turned to face his captive, hands casually placed upon the table as he leaned back a moment for Jason to get a good look, to see he'd not sprouted claws, nor cloven hooves. A smile crawled upward, yet it never truly reached his eyes, saurian and cruel in the glow of the firelight. A miasma of fear and dread spread throughout the chamber, emanating from the prey on the floor, the pathetic Californian boy who traipsed onto his land. His home. And as hypocritical as it was, he hated Jason for the murder he'd wrought upon his men. No life was more humble or inferior to another, because although many are able to snatch life away, none can give it back. No amount of self-righteous ❛ revenge ❜ would bring Jason's brother back into this world. But there was something Vaas could do, the bringer of death that he was. Reaching behind himself, he lifted the final cut off the table. The vessel of life, all thoughts and feelings collected there. And as Vaas knelt down, he placed the treasure on the floor, just out of Jason's reach. Carefully, he opened the gateways to the soul, as they say. The eyes. Matted in dirt and blood, Grant's head sat, staring into the void, and from the void, Jason stared back. Turning back to the table, Vaas began separating the ❛ rations. ❜ His ❛ dogs ❜ still had to be fed, after all. With a silent laugh, he asked again, this time to himself. ❝ WHO IS THE DEVIL? ❞
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snuffbunnies · 3 months
The Huntress (preview)
*Following is an Erotic/Horror/Fanfiction based on the character and rough lore from The huntress/Dead by Daylight, contains lots of Gore, sexual content and snuff”
The adrenaline had left me and my vision began to fade as I heard the lullaby again growing closer and closer I blacked out as the feeling of something yank one of the hatchets from my back.
The huntress easily carry’s my body through the over grown forest axe in hand whilst singing her lullaby until she arrived at a almost ancient looking worn down cabin, the smell of blood and death hung in the air before getting close to it, upon entering the cabin she threw me down on a wooden table as casual as a mother bringing home groceries.
My vision came to as well as a sharp unbearable pain ran through my back and down my core unable to move from a metal collar around my neck tied me to the table and a a heavy force pinning me down from the huntress’s knee as she stitched up my back all I could do was scream out in paint which was met with the huntress’s gaze as she lowered her mask covered face down to me a finger pressed to her lips signalling me to be quiet the pitch black holes in the mask were the eyes would be seemed to stare into my soul.
I laid my head on the blood soaked table quietly crying and clenching down while she finished her work until a hatchet appeared in front of me I gulped closing my eyes and accepting my fate my head is suddenly whipped back by my hair before the collar stops me the hatchet swings between my face and the table cutting the rope from my collar freeing me only to be dragged off the table and across the what appears to be the kitchen floor into another room containing a couch lots of leather and pelts from skinned animals which heads were mounted on the walls as trophies I crawled as fast as I could to keep up with her to prevent more pulling of my hair leaving behind my blood covered clothes on the kitchen floor.
Beside the couch was a thick metal cage almost like a large dog crate which she led me to opening the door ahead of me I moved forward knowing what she was hinting at only to get a foot kicked against my bare ass sending me hard into the back of the cage I turned to be met with a slam of the cage door without even a glance back to me she covered the cage with a long pelt cover blocking out any light from lighting the cage a small hole int the cover let me see from a loud click from a heavy lock securing the cage shut, through the hole I saw her leave the room to a separate room behind the couch slamming the door shut behind her I put my head down to the fur lined floor of the cage sobbing quietly when the silence of the cabin is broke by a loud creaking and banging from the room she had entered followed shortly by heavy moaning.
I don’t recall falling asleep but I wake up sore and spaced out the smell of cooking meat broke through the thick covering still blocking out the light preventing me from even knowing if it was even day or night, it tuck all my effort to sit up and press the my cheek against the cage door to peer through the hole I was shocked to see my boyfriend Taylor blindfolded sat upon the couch just feet away from me with clear bruising among his face, everything in me wanted to call out to him but the fear held me back.
I jumped back down pretending to have just woken up after hearing the huntress come back into the room the footsteps grew loud telling me she was coming to me I waited facing the door expecting her then suddenly cool air and bright sunlight shot threw above me as she lifted the cover above me exposing me to the cool air and bright light causing my eyes to shut burning got splatter bounced off my face and body causing be to jump back I got a small glimpse of the cuts of fat that she had dropped through the bars above before the light was closed off again.
The smell of the cooked meat made my stomach rumble I searched the inside of my small cage for the bits of fat she had dumped I picked them up from the dirty fur ground and gobbled them down not even considering what meat it came from my stomach empty from the adrenaline and experiences my body had been through, with only a couple pieces of meat devoured I was back to peeking through the hole in the cover seeing her sat on the couch what appeared to be feeding Taylor, I shot back again as she stood up heading back into the kitchen.
“psst, Taylor,” I quietly spoke out to no response.
I gulped and went to speak out again when the front of the cover is pulled back I froze in my place glancing up to those black dead eyes, she kneeled and slid an old looking frying pan into the bottom of the cage the left over grease that had already began to be solid in the bottom of the pan I pulled away from disgusting mess only to be yanked down my face an ich of the pan as the huntress held me there with my hair, I hesitantly dragged my tongue across the grease filled pan break the chunks of grease in my mouth feeling it melt in my mouth made my stomach turn, I got down 2 mouthfuls before I feel her hand release my hair I pull back slightly looking up to her seeing her staring right back down at me her arms crossed as she waited for me to finish.
Tears dropped into the pan as I continued lapping up the thick grease from the pan until it was to her satisfaction and was pulled from under me her hand returning again to grab me by the hair as I am guided to the kitchen she throws the pan in the sink and I hear rattling of chains the end of one chain was a padlock that she attached to the collar around my neck which she used to guide me to the door, cool fresh air sent a chill down my naked body as I was lead down the porch and into the grass though what to expect was terrifying me finally breathing fresh air and not the musky stale air mix with blood and death was a relief.
It felt like an hour as passed of crawling my way through dirt thorn bushes and branches I was exhausted and broken I started pleading with the huntress as guiding me with he leash changed to pulling me as I struggled to keep pace.
“please, please don’t kill me” I spoke out that was me met to little or no response from the huntress.
“plea..” I attempted to beg once more before being interrupted by pulling up on my leash choking me for a moment before tying rope from my mouth behind my head so tight not only could I no longer speak but the rope began to the corners of my mouth and my cheeks, tears ran down my cheek for the next couple minutes I am more or less dragged through the overgrowth more than I am crawling until I reach a place I recognise a circler open patch of grass where I found Taylors shirt 2 large pools of blood stained the ground where I was attacked She lead me to the centre where the a single tree stood and tied my leash to it pad locking the chain to itself before taking off behind me I could hear her humming the lullaby again getting quieter and quieter as she gets further away.
A few minutes pass thinking she had ditched me here for good I begin pulling on my chain to prevail. I was curled up in the bottom of the tree crying to myself when I heard it a faint voice in the tree line in front of me.
“Taylor! Katie!” the shouts seemed to echo through the tree’s making it impossible to figure where Ben’s voice was coming from exactly.
“Ben!....  Help me!” I yell as I try to stand the chain attaching me to the bottom of the tree barely making me able to stand above the bushes that circled the open, suddenly a glimpse of a blue shirt darts between the tree line.
“Ben! Over here!” I scream waving my hands frantically to get his attention.
With that the bushes in front break open and Ben comes running through freezing in his steps as he sees the state of me.
“Come on Ben get me out of here!” I urge seeing the panic come across his face snapping him out of the shock he runs over grabbing the chain on the tree again to no use he turns his attention to my collar.
“fucking hell Katie who did this ive been searching eve…..”.
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