#I want to adopt him
zenibaa05 · 3 months
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S3 E02
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kibutsulove · 5 months
autism wins again, teen ozai redesign
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I can’t find the exact outfit I referenced, but it looked something like this? Just, a lighter blue and the shoulders looked like the one in the drawing.
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It’s not exactly accurate, I will admit, it’s just that I wished to give his outfit more of a fire nation, martial culture tone
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irradiatedwarlock · 7 months
Do you enjoy vampire flicks? Do you love poor little meow meows?
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Might I suggest Renfield. After all, it is the perfect time to watch vampire movies. Already saw it 6 months ago when it came out in theatres? It's streaming so why not rewatch it?
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Nicholas Hoult as Robert Montague Renfield is the Poorest Saddest Wettest Littlest Meow Meow!
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so so soppingly wet pathetic (He is downtrodden and absolutely miserable. He also needs someone to clean and brush him.)
skrunkly cute (He is played by Nicholas Hoult. Beauty, adorableness, and those anime eyes are part of the package.)
morally grey (He brings Dracula food, so he's essentially a mass murderer. But Dracula exercises psychological control over him. He's trapped in a toxic relationship.)
He is such a sad, little (6'3" 190 cm) man. He is morally ambiguous, to put it gently. (He really isn't a good guy.) He is ultra-violent:
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He is servile. He catches prey:
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But have you seen his sad widdle eyes?
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Most importantly, he wants out. He doesn't want to work for Dracula anymore. He sets about constructing a new life for himself. He gets his own studio apartment and decorates it in nothing but bright colors and kitty print fabric. He cleans himself up.
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He gets himself some new colorful clothes.
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He is so proud of himself and I just want to hug and squeeze him. He is a mess. He is a homeless kitty cat and I want to rescue him.
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hawkflight427 · 7 months
Geez... the Smith family really does not deserve Morty... It broke my heart in the newest episode how the family treated this poor kid over spaghetti of all things... he deserves better for sure. It really speaks volumes to his character how he much he still loves them despite the way his own parents always neglect him and say such awful things to him. I really hope they explore this more in the future.
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ecogirl2759 · 7 months
Let's see Chihiro!
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
I will be referring to Chihiro as a boy, so minor spoilers for those who don't know why. Just wanna let people know that before we start lol
Now that that's out of the way, let's jump right into the pictures!
(I think y'all get that this is a long one lol)
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Look at him :D
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Chihiro's trying his best guys
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Bunny Chihiro :3
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Would you accept Chihiro's gift?
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Idek what to say, he's just so adorable :)
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0.0 what he coding?
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AJSFGGFHJWBKGH he's so concerned
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Uh, I think there's been a mix-up here...
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Chihiro just wanted to train :(
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If it wasn't obvious, I really like Chihiro :)
I couldn't even find any silly pictures of him in here since they were usually just really cute or kinda derpy lol
This is the first of my non-requested characters, and I'm going to keep posting in a semi-random order from now on. I'm still taking RQs though, so lmk if there's anyone you wanna see next!
This now marks 7/16 students done :D
Next up: Sayaka Maizono!
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franklysirius · 23 days
Marauders aren’t’ stupid :
• James is a little prick that is quite good at a lot of subject but he only master the one he actually likes
•Remus need to study to have good grades he’s clearly not gifted but manage to have the best grades
•Pete got anxiety so it’s really complicate for him to work, if he got motivation and is in the mood to work he will neglect all his body’s basic need until it’s done
• Sirius seem like the one who never work, people never saw him open a book to study a new subject, at one point peter was really curious because this b*tch have one of the best grades of the class and that is not possible. So he just ask the question one day and Sirius is surprised because « didn’t you study the school program when you were a kid ?” And James Peter and Remus are so confused because wtf.
But yea basically Walburga stole sirius and Reggie’s childhood by making them learn all the fcking program in advance and because she’s such a great mom sirius had no choice than to know word by word every subject so yea this man isn’t a genius he’s just a children that try to survive and make his mother proud.
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tripecake · 1 month
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I wish grounder could hug me like that.....
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soulman133 · 6 months
Blursed Elwood doll
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for-the-love-of-avo · 2 months
I have the unfortunate trait of consuming edit videos through an IV from the tiktoks and since I got back into the RTTE fandom I've seen every Viggo Grimborn edit ever made.
I'm also chronically on tumblr.
Which means when I'm writing this man my perception of him fluctuates between:
A) sexy, dangerous villain. BAMF with major IQ and big dick energy
B) transmasc catboy who's so touch starved. Put that thing in a wicker basket and set it by the fireplace. Put those big brown eyes away before you hurt someone. Yes, he's done morally reprehensible things, your honour, but have you considered he is baby.
One paragraph he's strangling a child, and the next he's embodying one of those crying cat memes, there is no in between.
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bastionbibi · 5 months
Conan needs to shut the fuck up because every time he goes super saiyan with the fake childish voice i got this urge to put him on my hip with a soft wrap cloth and bounce him lightly to sleep while I cook curry stew for his dinner with my free right hand
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glucosegaurdian · 10 months
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uweiy · 9 months
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Cutest undead person ever
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zerocksout · 2 months
SOS! Eclipse. I might adopt him....
Help, I am working on my next chapter for Dancing Through Space and I'm at the point where I want to adopt an Eclipse for myself.
Can I just give the crazy boy a hug and take him home?
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picas-art · 1 year
Happy new year in advance everyone!! 🎊🥳🍾
As a new year’s gift, have a preview for the next Lost & Found page that will be posted tomorrow:
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akamikazae · 1 year
thinking about tiny baby sasuke and nothing else
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misterier · 2 years
Hello!! I adore your writing and I was wondering if you could do platonic yellow guy and reader headcanons?
For example yellow finds reader as their second parent and finds comfort in their company, is that ok for you?
| yeah fs!! this is adorable bro☹️ I sprinkled some angst abt you but it's for the sake of fluff ig, maybe short(?) Idk. I hope you like it tho <3 sorry if it got off topic💀
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- yellow absolutely adores you and his attachment is almost immediate as your one of the only people to treat him even slightly respectfully
- once he begins viewing you as a parental figure he begins to doodle you constantly in his family portraits, or he just draws things you've done together like bake cookies
- you quickly take to the roll as yellows second parent, tucking him in at night (if he asks), reassuring him that nightmares are just bad dreams and everything will be back to normal in the morning, hanging up his drawings, having cute pictures of you guys doing things in the family wallet,
- you try to be the parent you never had and yellow guy loves you for it, he just latches onto you no matter what and looks up to you
- he often depicts you as a superhero
- sometimes he doesn't even realize he's having panic attacks, they just happen and the house (+ roy) brush over it
- you obviously do your best to help him
- poor boy is traumatized
- he needs someone to love him
- you do <3 /p
- because he's still young he tends to just run up to you, look up, and ask you the most confusing questions that he just expects you to know the answer to
- "why are waffles some times square, and sometimes round" "why did dad eat that weird family" "why is green not uh a creative color" "why do they make blue straws and green straws in one box"
- hell if you know 💀
- you do your best to give him half answers you hope will satisfy him
- also asks you huge math questions and gets confused when you don't know it off the top of your head
- loves when you read to him and constantly begs you to read him to bed just like on the tv
- if you do he gets super giddy and makes you read about four books before he finally passes out
- just likes hanging around you because he wants to savor every moment in case you get hurt or go away
- you try to reassure him you won't go away, he nods but never fully believes you
- just likes when your around honestly
- slipped up and called you "mom/pa/ (is there a gn version for parent? dose giddy count? Idk)" and never spoke of it again
- you get ecstatic but choose to pretend it never happened in front of him
- if someone asks if he's your child you either nod or pretend you have no idea who he is
- it depends on whether or not he likey committed some sort of crime
- he probably did
- if you parent him you probably get sucked into parenting his friends aswell but that's just who you are and he and his friends need someone's who's at least slightly more stable than them
- probably asks you to watch movies with him for hours
- loves when you draw/color with him
- he banned markers though, because he doesn't like the way they bleed through his paper
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