#I thought it would look stupid but once I added it I loved it haha
madsraa · 24 days
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I’ve been meaning to paint a gray, cloudy botw/totk piece for so long!
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misseviehyde · 6 months
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You could tell Sophie REALLY wanted your festival ticket to Bitch-fest. She wanted it sooo badly. It was the greatest festival of the year, and only you were going. She hated that.
You could see your little sisters eyes jealousy fixated on the blue wrist band you were wearing - but too bad for her there was no way to remove a band once it was put on. The security tagging would rip and tear if anyone ever tried to remove it.
But that didn't stop Sophie willing the ticket to be hers. You could see the naked desperate desire to have it oozing out of her. She would stare and stare and stare at your arm. You could see her visualising the ticket on her own wrist. Willing it to manifest.
It was kind of freaky.
Then the day before the festival was due to begin Sophie was staring at you so intently, you thought she was in a trance.
All at once your arm began to itch and Sophie suddenly gasped. "Wh.. what... something happened. I felt something," she gabbled excitedly.
"It's as if by concentrating I could begin to truly imagine the wrist band on my arm. I almost felt it start to happen. It was becoming mine. I was stealing it from you."
You shook your head at your dumb little sister. She had always been smaller and weaker than you. Always prone to weird fantasies and strange ideas. What a loser.
But now she was staring again, this time really concentrating - her face ecstatic. All at once your arm began to itch again. Then to your horror you saw the wrist band begin to melt and fade to nothing on your wrist. Meanwhile with a triumphant shout of glee, Sophie held up her arm where a blue wrist band now hung.
"H... how did you do that?" you gasped in horror. It was perfectly wrapped round her wrist as if it had always been hers.
"OMG I can't believe it worked. It seems so easy now I know the trick," gasped Sophie.
Putting her hands on her hips she giggled. "What else can I steal from you? Hmmm, how about a bit of your age?"
Your body began to tingle and you squeaked in fear as you began to grow younger and shrink slightly. Sophie groaned, her hips suddenly cracking out and her body stretching up as she put on a few years. She now looked nineteen or twenty. She was now taller than you, her once scrawny body womanly and developed. She looked toned and muscled. You suddenly realised you were probably weaker than her.
"Oh my GOD. This feels amazing. Now I'm the older sis and you're my little sister. I love it. Now when I go to Bitch-fest I can drink, smoke and mmmh fuck hot boys. Mmmmh I feel so fucking horny already."
"No!" you sobbed. "You can't do this to me."
Sophie laughed, "I can do what I want. Haha I'm not even done yet bitch. Now give me your tits. I wanna be bigger."
Sophie stared and you felt your chest itch. The two large C-cup boobs you had always been proud of began to tingle and shrink. Smaller and smaller they deflated until you were as flatchested as a boy only with larger nipples.
"Ohhhh my fucking GODDDD!" moaned Sophie as her tits inflated. With your attributes added to hers, her chest was now spilling over her bra and pushing up and out. She grabbed her boobies and giggled as the magnificent DD titties now hanging from her chest jiggled and wobbled enticingly.
"Haha look at how flatchested and stupid you look. No more bras and bikinis for you loser. You barely look like a girl anymore. In fact once I take your ass from you - you'll almost look like a boy."
You sobbed as Sophie slapped her bottom and spread her ass as her behind got firmer and rounder than it had a right to.
"OMG this is sooo cool. Look at how hot I am."
Stretching - Sophie strutted to the mirror and touched herself. "All the boys are gonna wanna fuck this body. I can hardly blame them. Hmmm my hair is kinda short. Not for long!"
The last vestiges of your visible feminity were sucked away as Sophie shook back her lustrous hair that now fell past her shoulders. You noted she had even stolen your signature blue streak. She looked hot, horny and ready to party.
"Too bad you aren't going to make it to bitch-fest," purred Sophie. "But don't worry sis. I'll make sure that I have a good time."
Picking you up effortlessly she moved you out of her way and strode to the door.
"I think I'll ask your boyfriend to go with me. I doubt he'll be interested in you anymore, not now you're a flatchested, boyish looking loser."
Sophie was definitely going to enjoy her new body and attributes and who knows. Maybe if you practiced hard enough eventually you'd learn the trick to drain them back.
Somehow you doubted it though...
For @cottonundiestf
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emissaire · 2 years
him - ran haitani x reader
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first part
warnings/includes: angst, bonten! ran, cheating, toxic relationship, use of the word "slut" (once), dilf! ran, milf! reader, ran is an asshole, rindou is a feminist, and reader is a girl boss, hinted mitsuya x reader
note: haha here's part two finally? this seems so rushed so i might change the ending depending on how i feel about it after a few days hehe. i just really wanted to put this out here, i made you guys wait long enough lol :")
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You've caught him doing it once, you were so mad you threw the vase of freshly arranged flowers he got you three days prior to the revelation of the year: Ran was cheating on you. The second time was on his birthday. He told you he got caught up with work so he would be running late. As the kind and understanding wife that you were, you came to his workplace to surprise him along with the gift you've been saving money for, for at least a year. Turns out, he's the one who got a surprise for you when you see him getting pleasured by a brunette woman, on her knees, and he was looking like he's having the time of his life. The third, fourth, fifth— at this point you couldn't even count how many times you caught him cheating on you but regardless, you stayed. He knew that you would stay no matter how much he fucked up because you loved him… and he loved that. Not you. Just the fact that you will always turn a blind eye to what he's done because you were too afraid to lose him.
You were a fool. A stupid girl who kept hanging on the thin thread of memories you shared with him when you were younger. Simple hugs, quick and half-assed apologies, a bouquet of roses that is not even your favorite— just like that and your world was revolving around him once again. Slowly but surely, your deteriorating relationship with Ran only got worse when he started to stop coming home, telling you he would be staying with his brother or co-executives. Excuses, excuses. You wouldn't say you weren't hurt because by god, you were and it tore you apart.
Years and years of pain before the realization dawns on you that no matter how long you wait for him to come around, it'll always be the same. It's an excruciating process, accepting reality and healing yourself for the sake of your child, Ren. God, the thought of your swaddled, innocent baby brings you so much joy— a feeling so incomparable that everything else just vanishes as if it's just you and him in the world. 
You learnt to be on your own, explored the world with your child and spent your time meeting people that you later on become great friends with. It was Yuzuha at first, the pretty and independent woman that you met when you were out buying clothes for you and your son. Ren adored her as much as she did him then came along Hakkai who was at the time dragging around a man in purple mullet in the shop who he called "Taka-chan".
He was a wonderful man, polite and always kept a goofy grin, Mitsuya. You officially met him when Ran asked you to pick up a few clothes for women that aren't even for you, which wasn't surprising anymore at all. 
"That's a lot of bags. Do you need a hand?" Were his first words to you when he saw you struggling to carry all the stuff out of his store. It's been six months then and you're currently in the same shop, helping sort a few fabrics while he sews away in the back room with Ren entertaining him with his silly and cute stories about his daycare adventures.
"When will you ask Taka-chan out?" The youngest Shiba sibling asks, his tall frame playfully nudging your body. You can hear the teasing in his words but you ignore it even though there's a smile on your face that the man beside you doesn't miss. 
"Oooh, so you really like him!" You look at him briefly, biting the insides of your cheeks as if it would stop the flustered look on your face. 
"Shiba-kun, shut your mouth," You say through gritted teeth before adding, "Respectfully." This makes the latter snicker and dodges the hand about to swat him on his shoulder. 
"What's going on here?" Without even noticing it, your posture becomes rigid at the thought of Mitsuya possibly hearing what his lanky friend just said. You turn to look at him and immediately, the sight melts your heart more than it should. Ren looks so comfortable all cuddled up in Mitsuya's arms.
"Nothing!" This time, the currently jobless-got-no-shoot-no-sponsors-no-nada model (it's what he called himself earlier when he barged into the shop) skips towards his precious Taka-chan and starts poking your son's cheek. "Was just asking her opinion about the shirt I'm wearing. I'm gonna wear it for my date next week."
Mitsuya looks in your direction, asking for confirmation and for a moment, you see his eyes flash in endearment before it vanishes and gets replaced by amusement. "Please tell me you told him the truth because it's horrible."
You stifle your giggles, mostly because you don't want to embarrass Hakkai after his loud offended gasp. "Don't be that way, Mitsuya-kun. It doesn't really matter what we think, we're not his date after all. Who are we to judge?"
The youngest clicks his tongue at the both of you, stomping like a petulant child despite his height, broad shoulders and all. "The both of you are so mean, really. Your rotten attitudes are going to rub off on Ren!"
"Now don't bring the child into this." Mitsuya chuckles, his eyes emanating that of warmth and fondness as he looks over at you and ruffles your son's hair at the same time.
It feels so oddly beautiful. The moment is so invaluable as you return his smile. It feels so familiar, that giddy feeling gushing through your veins and making your heart pound. You may not know what this peculiar but very much welcomed sensation that is starting to bloom between you and the beautiful man carrying your child as if Ren was his own, but one thing is for sure, this moment has become one of your treasured memories that will surely be reminisced whether the day is good, the day is bad or just enough. 
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"Ran, I don't think this is a good idea." Rindou chastises his older brother, brows furrowed as he eyes his brother's figure who is seated on the passenger's side of his car. The both of them have been waiting outside of your apartment building for three hours now but luck doesn't seem to be on their side as they haven't even seen your shadow. Rindou doesn't know why he agreed to drive his brother to your place when he's aware that the interactions between you both have never been peaceful since the divorce.
"You're repeating yourself." Ran mentions with a huff, noting how many times his brother told him about how this isn't a good idea, that his ex-wife wouldn't be happy if they— he showed up unannounced yadah yadah, but honestly he couldn't care less.
"And I will keep repeating myself until you stop bugging her. Honestly, why do you keep making Y/N's life miserable? Haven't you had enough?" This time, Rindou looks at his brother seriously, a hand on Ran's shoulder as if that would deter the latter into changing his mind and finally letting you live in peace. As much as it hurt him to say those things towards his brother, the only family who had his back since then, he had to pull Ran's head out of his own ass. Enough is enough. 
Y/N was a wonderful wife to his brother, a caring sister to him and a loving mother to her child. She doesn't deserve a shit show of a relationship with a man who didn't even bat an eye when it comes to hurting her— even if that man was his brother.
Ran shrugs his hand off and continues to watch the street as if he didn't hear anything, a heavy frown marring his face. "Shut up."
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"You didn't have to drive us home, Hakkai." You smile at the younger man sheepishly as he parks in front of your apartment. You're hugging Ren's sleeping body closer to you.
"You should've said so earlier." He chuckles teasingly, watching as you coddle your son.
"You're such an ass." You laugh, shaking your head in amusement. He pokes your shoulder before exiting his car to open the door on your side and helping you out. In his arms are your things and three bags from Mitsuya's shop that contain yours and Ren's new clothes.
You had so much fun during the day, spending time with the Shiba siblings in Mitsuya's shop. You're sure Ren had fun too, he almost didn't want to leave Mitsuya so he ended up crying until he fell asleep in your arms. 
Turns out that the 6'3-tall man that Ran was accusing you of sleeping with was Hakkai who was only taking you and Ren home out of the kindness of his heart (and the persuasion of Mitsuya). Of course, your ex-husband didn't have to know that. He has no business prying into your personal life now that you've cut ties with him.
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"Yes, and these clients have been with me for a long while. I'm really grateful." Mitsuya tells you with a smile over dinner. It's just the two of you in your apartment with Ren still away on the trip with his father and uncle. He invited you out for lunch to celebrate the milestone of his career but you were waiting for your son to come home. Ran's supposed to drop him off in a few hours, but you also didn't have the heart to decline Mitsuya's offer. He sounded so happy sharing such a joyous moment of his life with you that's why you offered to cook meal with him at home.
"With how talented you are, it's well-deserved." You're grinning as you compliment him, heart swelling with pride.
"Thanks." The man chuckles, cheeks dusting with pinkish hues. The moment is so peaceful and light if it weren't for the constant ringing of the doorbell.
"That must be Ren." Mitsuya notes, nodding his head towards the direction of the front door. His eyes are shining with a different light, looking so excited. For what reason, you don't dare guess but you know that you're just as excited to see your son after two days and nights of being apart from him.
There's a bounce in every step you take, face stretched into a bright smile as you open the door. The sight of Ran carrying your son welcomes you, making your smile dim a little but you push back the sense of negativity to greet your son.
"Hey, baby. Welcome home." You coo softly, arms outstretched to take your son into your arms from his father. Said father hesitates to give Ren to you but doesn't say anything though you can feel his eyes on you, the atmosphere so uncomfortable you want to shut the door in his face.
"Hello there, bud!" The voice of another man causes Ran to frown, neck tilting to see who's inside before Mitsuya appears behind you.
"Kashi!" Your child happily bounces within your arms before jumping out and into the arms of his precious Kashi-san.
Your ex-husband clears his throat, reminding you of the current situation and what it may seem to imply— not that you care anyway. "Who's that?" He asks, tone accusing and malicious.
"Nice to meet you, man. The name's Mitsuya." The latter reaches over and offers his hand but your ever rude ex-husband ignores him.
"Y/N, can we talk?"
You sigh, nodding your head and dismissing the worried look Mitsuya is giving you before urging him to go back inside with your son. He pats your back before closing the door, leaving you and Ran outside of your apartment.
"You're really something, aren't you?" He says, chuckling humorlessly.
"Look, I'm not in the mood to argue with you right now so just say whatever you want to say." You say with no sign of any indignance. 
"Since when were you such a slut? Jumping from one man to another like you don't have a child?" He accuses with so much anger you can barely look at his face— he looks scary like this. "I know I was an ass but doing this just so you can get back at me is pathetic."
His words ring through your ears, they repeat again and again over your head like an annoying tick until it snapped. That single thread hanging on for dear life was at its limit— you slapped him across the face. You strike him with all your might until your palm is numb and red. Fucking pathetic, he is. 
"You think so highly of yourself to even think that I'm dating other men just to make you jealous. There's not a single ounce of shame in you, Ran," you're panting at this point but you have to make your point across, "Just admit that you're nothing without me. You're empty because no other woman would settle for garbage like you. I don't even know why I stayed with you, doing charity work for years when all you're ever good at is running your mouth when you don't get what you want like a pathetic little boy, but you know what? I'm so glad I dumped your ass when I did. So fuck you, fuck everything about you— oh and do me a favor, go fuck yourself." You don't let him say another word, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of having the last words as you shut the door in his face. Your heart is pounding so fast as if you've run a marathon but the sense of contentment after the heated argument with your ex-husband dwindles within your soul. That felt so good. 
"You okay?" Mitsuya's voice startles you, a kind smile on his face as he walks over to you with Ren following him like a little chick. 
Seeing your son calms your heart somehow and eases the pain. "Yeah, I'm all good." A small and tired beam makes its way on your face as your son hugs your hips, nuzzling his button nose on your stomach. The warmth that Ren emits gives you so much comfort—  its familiar warmth providing you solace in your messy world despite the identical eyes twinkling in adoration as he stares up at you. He looks so much like his bastard father but everytime you look at him, you only see your precious son. He's so beautiful, the love incarnate itself. 
"If you need anything, I'm here." Mitsuya offers, gentle hand patting your back. He must've heard the ruckus outside.
You shake your head dismissively, that same serene smile still on your face. You appreciate the sentiment but right now, you don't want to talk about it— right now, you don't need anything or anyone but Ren. Just him. He's more than enough to bring light into your life. 
"Thank you, Mitsuya-kun, but I have everything I want and need."
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花 ‧₊˚ general tr taglist: @sugusshi @haikyuuswhore @hxked @ahnneyong @rinrinchin @souyatr @rinsie @rietvellld @dilf-city @angelmitsuri @crapimahuman @wakasa-wifey @1818cigarettes @ranilingus @zoroxjin @paradisarchives @nyapnyat @snoopysxng @somerandompipzsxh @ramens-posts @captainsbaby @rinny-babe @scatoru @amaejiki @rvrindousvpet @manjiroscum @bekky06 @medusalovessnakes @lordbugs @hanmascult @savantsoulfinder @berranurates @serenareiss @neeheehe @haitanilove @q-the-rockaholic
© emissaire 2022 all rights reserved - plagiarism is a crime
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jazzycurls · 1 year
You belong to me - part 3.
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Summary: It's a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni! Cheating, angst, hurt & comfort, smut, masturbation (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi, you guys! I guess I'm not new to writing anymore, but I'm still a newbie. All feedback is welcome. Be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Love you guys, and thank you so much for the support, hope you enjoy ❤
Word Count: 6,445
You slam your front door and storm up the steps to your room. Your mom is at work, so you don't have to worry about being quiet coming into the house. Your mom is pretty laid back, pretty much giving you free rein to do whatever you want as long as it's within reason.
Yanking off your clothes, you stomp over to your bathroom and cut on the shower. You step into the stream of hot water, letting it flow over you. Sighing in relief as the water massages you, temporarily distracting you from your thoughts of Eddie.
You stay in there longer than you normally would, feeling slightly calmer than when you first got in. You put on a pair of pajamas, the ones your mom and dad bought you for Christmas when they were still together. It was the last Christmas you had as a family, and they had quickly become a favorite of yours even though they were getting to be too small for you.
You sat down on your bed preparing for sleep when you heard a knock at your door. Glancing at the clock on your bedside table, it read 12:45 a.m. 'Who's knocking at my door at this time of night,' you wondered.
You knew it wasn't Clara. She and Steve were likely having some aggressive cuddling right about now. Something that you were kinda jealous of right now if you had to be honest. Walking down the stairs, you grabbed a baseball bat out of the closet your mom kept for emergencies.
You stood on your tip toes, peeking out of the peephole. Your stomach fluttered in surprise at the sight of the back of Eddie's curly mane. Feeling a little petty, you called out "Who is it" through the door with a smirk on your face.
He turned around facing the door "It's Eddie," he answered.
You paused before replying, "I'm sorry, don't know an Eddie. You must have the wrong house," your tone was snippy with a hint of humor.
Eddie's face turned to confusion as he looked around. Could he have gotten the address wrong? "I'm sorry, does Y/n L/n live here," he questioned anxiously. It was late, and the thought of being in the suburbs made him uneasy. He didn't want someone to call the cops on him for a simple misunderstanding. Eddie wasn't stupid, he knew that the parents of Hawkins didn't like him and wouldn't hesitate to call the cops on him.
A moment of silence passed as he waited for the person on the other side to answer. Just as he was about to turn and walk away, he heard "Wait," and the clicking of the locks and deadbolt. The door slid open, and there you were.
He was stunned into silence when he saw you. You always looked beautiful to him but the sight of you in your girly pajamas, simply put, was the cutest fucking thing he ever saw. His cock began to stir in his jeans and he willed it to go down, this was not the time to sport a raging boner.
"How do you know where I live," you ask, leaning against the door frame.
Eddie looks at you for a moment before looking away bashfully "I may have followed you home once or twice before. But it was only to make sure you got home safe y'know? Just on the days when you had to walk home," he added quickly. 
"Okay, that's totally not creepy. You know what, I don't care honestly. Why are you even here Eddie," you question, you can feel that your patience is starting to wear thin.
"I um—," he starts nervously before clearing his throat. "I wanted to apologize." He twists the rings on his fingers as he tries to keep eyes on your face.
"You could've just called then," you responded shifting your weight to one foot and resting your hand on your hip. Eddie's gaze follows your movements before snapping back up and meeting your eyes. He blushes at the smirk on your face knowing you just caught him checking you out.
"I thought it would be more sincere if I did it in person," he said sheepishly shrugging his shoulders, mentally kicking himself for not thinking this through.
You stand there silently in contemplation. "C'mon you say, turning around and walking back into the house with Eddie following close behind. It's chilly outside and you'd rather do this in the house than stand outside in the cold. You walk over and stand near the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Eddie as he closes the door, and walks over to you. You cross your arms as you raise your eyebrow expectantly.
"Right," he says scratching the back of his head. "I'm sorry Y/n, I was an asshole—,"
"An inconsiderate asshole," you interrupt with a smirk.
"An inconsiderate asshole and I wasn't thinking clearly. I just got so jealous when I saw you with that asshat Billy that I just reacted without thinking. So I'm sorry Y/n, please forgive me," he finishes in one breath, dropping to his knees and clasping his hands underneath his chin.
You roll your eyes at his dramatics, stepping closer to him causing him to look up at you. His eyes like usual are big and wide, immediately catching your attention. Although his gesture is playful his eyes are filled with sincerity. Realizing that you've been standing there staring into his eyes for a while, you cough as you look away, embarrassed.
"I forgive you," you whisper, still looking away. Eddie grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a hug. Your heart lurches, and you look down at him in shock. A smile slowly spreads across your face, and you bring your hands to rest upon his hair. He presses his face into the softness of your belly, and you hum happily, temporarily forgetting that you two weren't on good terms.
With a deep inhale, Eddie takes all of you in, feeling drunk off of the smell of you. You remind him of the floral baskets that his mom used to buy before she got sick. There's also a hint of your natural scent that teases his senses, making him wish he could bottle up your fragrance and keep it with him at all times.
You look back down at Eddie as he glances back up at you. Something about the way you have him on his knees for you has you clenching your thighs together. A motion that doesn't go undetected by Eddie. One moment you're staring at each other and the next your lips are crashing together in a heated kiss full of tongue and teeth.
Eddie's hands slide up and down your waist finally settling to cup your ass, kneading and massing it playfully. The loose cotton of your clothing allows him to push your cheeks up and apart. The movement causes your panties to slide up as your lips spread apart sucking the fabric in greedily. He does this a few times making you wet in the process.
Your grip on his hair tightens and a low moan tumbles from his lips, eliciting a wave of arousal to flow from you, drenching your panties. Eddie stands up taking you with him as you continue the kiss. Your legs wrap around his waist as he walks you both towards the stairs.
It's a miracle you both make it up there in one piece. Pressing you up against the wall, the kiss becomes more heated and you pull away, feeling lightheaded as you take in a shaky breath. Eddie doesn't stop there, now seeing an opportunity to lay claim to your neck that's now exposed to him. He licks a stripe from the bottom of your neck to your hairline before placing a sweet kiss behind your ear.
You moan in response and he attacks your soft skin sucking it between his lips sensually. His fingers are gripping your hips tight as he presses you further into the wall. Your mind is no longer your own as you grind your hips against his suggestively.
"Shit Y/n, you're going to be the death of me, baby. You know that?" he mumbles against your skin.
"My room— it's over there," you motion with your head, ignoring his question. You know that if you don't go to your room right now, the possibility of Eddie taking you, up against this wall is very likely.
Eddie moves you both again, headed in the direction you pointed him in. In no time, he's standing beside your bed and dropping you down onto the soft mattress. You squeak in surprise and before you can protest, he drops down on top of you, crushing his mouth against yours once more.
Eddie feels as if he's going insane. His mind is consumed with only you as he attempts to devour you. One second he's licking into and around your mouth, the next he's sucking and nipping at your exposed chest, leaving bruising marks along the way.
You're just as desperate, as your hands feel and grope him wherever they can reach. Committed to hearing those sweet moans tear out of his throat whenever your hand grazes a sensitive area. "Eddie," you whine as your hips rut against his. "I need you."
Eddie looks up at you with a devious grin "Where are your manners baby? That's no way to ask for something," he chides, thrusting his hips up into yours, earning a gasp from you.
"Please Eddie, I need you," you whimper, tears collecting at the corners of your eyes. The lack of orgasms you've been experiencing for the past couple of weeks makes you feel desperate and needy.
"Awe my poor baby needs it. Well, what baby wants baby gets," Eddie replies as he leans up and shrugs out of his jacket. You whine at the loss of contact. Eddie shushes you and you sit up on your elbows watching him undress. He's down to his birthday suit in a matter of seconds and you stare at him unabashedly.
"Like what you see," he grins, shaking his erect cock at you.
You look away embarrassed, a heated flush creeping along your neck, settling onto your chest. Eddie descends upon you again taking your chin between his fingers "Eyes on me sweetheart," he mumbles giving you a chaste kiss.
You look back at him, watching as he presses kisses down your throat, stopping when your shirt gets in the way. Dragging his hands up your sides he removes your shirt and you lean up a little as he pulls it up and over your head.
He continues slowly, taking his time as he presses soft kisses and licks into your skin. You shift your pelvis against him impatiently, earning a stern look from him. "Behave," he demands, stopping his movements altogether.
Your heart hammers in your throat and you nod warily at him. You're not sure why but whenever you're with him, your instincts are always geared toward listening to and pleasing him. A reaction you've never had with anyone else.
Satisfied with your response, he moves down to your shorts, pressing his nose directly into your center. "Fuck, how do you smell so good," he groans, grinding himself into your mattress.
You shrug your shoulders, even though he can't see you, and grind your hips into his face. His nose bumps against your clit deliciously. Pleasure shoots through you and your hips began to move erratically, desperate for more.
Eddie leans away again and he makes a tsk tsk sound with his tongue. "Such a needy little slut aren't you?" He snatches down your shorts and panties, throwing them over his shoulder. "Here I was, about to give you some pleasure with my tongue and you're being ungrateful."
He climbs back up the bed up to your face. You shake your head at him "No Eddie, I didnt mean—,"
Eddie silences you with a kiss that takes your breath away "Shhh baby, it's okay. I know what you need and I'm going to give it to you right now," he says rubbing his member along your wet folds before pushing deep inside of you. Your hands fly onto his shoulders gripping him tight as your face scrunches up in pain. He gets halfway in before he's stopped unable to go any further.
"You're a virgin," he asks surprised, you had never mentioned it before, so he had assumed that you weren't.
You shake your head no "Once before but he wasn't as big as you," you manage between labored breaths.
Eddie groans, fingers holding your hips tight as he restrains from driving his cock deeper into you "Shit, Y/n. You should've told me, this changes everything," he mumbles in a strained voice against your lips.
You clutch him tighter against you, afraid that he's going to leave. One of his hands leaves your hips, slipping between you both as he rubs slow circles into your clit. Your reaction is instant as whines and moans fly from your mouth in a voice that surprises you. Eddie pulls out and pushes back in slowly when he feels you beginning to loosen up. Arousal seeps out of you, coating his and your thighs generously.
Switching his ministrations, he starts to rub faster into your clit in a side-to-side motion. Your orgasm creeps up on you with no warning and Eddie drives his cock into you up to the hilt. The pain blending with pleasure only heightens the intensity of your orgasm as you come with a breathless cry.
The feel of you has Eddie's hips faltering. He swears that this is what heaven must feel like as your gummy walls squeeze him over and over again. He keeps up his pace as he fucks you through your orgasm, his fingers relentless on your clit.
Leaning down his lips captures yours in a heart-stopping kiss. It's sloppy and erratic but so full of passion that it steals your breath away. You've never felt like this before, the intensity of this mutual desire between you scares and excites you all at once.
He wants you to come again, he needs you to. He wants you to feel as good as he does right now. "Fuck Y/n, tell me your close baby," Eddie begs, his voice hoarse and deep. He can feel his orgasm creeping up and it's taking everything in him to hold it off.
"Yeah, I— I'm close Eddie," you stammer, wrapping your legs around him and pulling him deeper inside of you.
Eddie grinds into you, his pubic bone rubbing against your clit repeatedly. Your legs begin to shake as you reach your peak, wave after wave of arousal crashing over you. Pornographic moans flow from you as you ride out your high.
Your cunt tightens, clenching Eddie's cock in a death grip, quickly sending him over the edge. His hand grips yours tightly and the other is resting on your throat squeezing lightly. He comes with a pretty moan, grunting as he twitches and jerks inside of you.
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I meant to pull out," Eddie says as he starts to panic.
You shush him, pressing your finger against his soft lips "It's okay.  We'll just get a plan b in the morning okay?"
Eddie nods, visibly relaxing once more. His breath is shaky as he rests his weight gently on top of you, pressing kisses all over your face. Your hands caress his back gently, enjoying the feel of him inside you and the sticky mess you both created. Slowly he pulls out of you, collapsing onto his side. With one arm propped behind his head, he pulls you closer to him, cuddling you close.
Your eyes are hooded and relaxed as you incline into his touch. 'You look so beautiful,' he thinks, rubbing his hand up and down your side. His heart feels full and his stomach feels as if it's twisted in knots. He's nervous, not sure of what to say next. He wants to tell you that he's leaving Chrissy and that he wants to be with you instead. But the peaceful look on your face stops him, his words wither and die on his tongue. He doesn't want to ruin the moment, so he tucks you to his side, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You let out a sigh of content as you relax in his arms. You fall asleep quickly. You dream of Eddie kissing you as he tells you he loves you. With no hesitation, you tell him that you love him too.
Eddies heart soars when you tell him you love him too. Feeling brave enough to confess while you were asleep, he didn't think you could hear him let alone respond. He kisses your lips once again before falling fast asleep.
You sat at the lunch table and pushed around the food on your plate with a small smile. After what happened after the party this weekend, you were in better spirits than you had been in a long time. You held back a laugh as you thought of the morning after with Eddie.
Your friend had come over to your house the next day to check up on you and your mom had gotten off early, so they had both arrived at the same time. Thankfully, Eddie hadn't parked directly in front of the house, choosing to park across the street to avoid suspicion if your mom were to arrive.
He scrambled to put on his clothes, giving you a lingering kiss before hauling ass out of the window when the coast was clear. You had just dived back under the covers to hide your nakedness when your best friend waltzed in. With a raised brow she had asked why you were nude. You responded that it was too hot to be bothered with clothes, even though fall was quickly approaching.
She stifled a giggle as she told you that she just wanted to come to check on you after what happened at the party. Word had gotten around pretty quickly about the altercation between Eddie and Billy, with you somehow in the middle of it all. You had given her as much information as you could without letting on exactly what your relationship with Eddie was. The disbelief in her eyes told you that she knew that there was much more than you were letting on. She didn’t pressure you for the truth, only telling you that she was here if you needed her, to which you had given her a hug and a smile.
So here you were, lost in your thoughts, oblivious to your surroundings. Suddenly, it seemed that all sound had ceased within the cafeteria, causing the room to go eerily silent. You raised your head in confusion, only to find Chrissy standing beside you at your table with an unreadable expression on her face. All of the students at the other tables had stopped talking to watch the interaction. It was as if everyone
could sense something was about to happen and were tuned in.
“Um, Hi Chrissy. Did you need something?” you asked politely, confused as to why she was just standing at your table, not saying anything. Anxiety began to fester within you, causing your palms to sweat as your nerves started to get the best of you.
“I don’t think you can Y/n. You see I have this problem, it seems that my boyfriend is fucking someone else! Is that something you think you can help me with?” Chrissy asks you in a condescending tone.
Your throat runs dry at her words as you glance around the room nervously. Your eyes glance over to the Hellfire table only to find Eddie's seat empty. You notice his friend Gareth is staring at you with a concerned look on his face before getting up and running out of the cafeteria.
You look back over to Chrissy, her expression is one of pure hatred as she looks down at you. “Chrissy, can we go talk about this somewhere else,” you plead, conscious of the many eyes now directed at you. Your stomach begins to turn, sick with embarrassment from the scene unfolding before you.
“What’s the matter, you don’t want everyone to know what a slut you are?!” Chrissy yells causing you to jump in your seat.
“Chrissy, please don’t do this,” you choke out, as a sob escapes from you.
“No, fuck you and stay the fuck away from my boyfriend!” she shouts as she slaps you across the face. Your head swivels to the right from the impact and you hold your stinging cheek in shock.
Your friend Clara jumps up from her seat beside you and shoves Chrissy backward. “Back up bitch… I mean it! You made your point, now leave!” she threatens, her eyes raging with fury.
Chrissy looks between you both before turning and walking away with her head held high. Her friend throws a glare at you before turning and following after Chrissy. A symphony of hushed whispers begins to circulate around you. Your entire body is hot with humiliation and guilt. You can feel the blood rushing to your ears, making it hard for you to understand what your friend is saying.
She sees that you're unresponsive and your eyes are unfocused. Her hand grabs yours and pulls you up, throwing an arm around your shoulders in comfort. You both walk out of the cafeteria, heading towards the school's entrance when you see Eddie running down the hallway shoving people out of the way.
He skids to a stop in front of you, resting his hands on his knees from the exertion of running full speed across the school in seconds. "Y/n, what happened? Are you okay? Talk to me please!" he yells out breathlessly.
"Eddie, go talk to your girlfriend and leave Y/n alone. She'll call you when she's ready. If you care about her, then give her that at least." Clara's tone is harsh and leaves no room for any argument. Her only concern is getting you out of this God-forsaken school and to your house in one piece.
Eddie's face is full of emotions, he opens his mouth to protest but one look at your face has him closing it in an instant. Your eyes are watery with unshed tears. The look on your face is unreadable but shakes him to the core enough to agree that you need to get out of here as soon as possible.
He turns to your friend and nods his head, silently agreeing with her. He gives you one last look in hopes that you'll acknowledge his presence. Your face is stoic, still holding the same blank stare as before. He grabs your hand and gives it a quick kiss before Clara has the chance to protest.
"Call me, please Y/n," he whispers into your ear before letting go. Clara takes hold of your hand again, pulling you gently towards the double doors as Eddie watches you walk away.
You stare blankly at your tv as you lay in your bed. Your mom was currently at work on the graveyard shift, usually something that you hated, but you were eternally grateful for it at the moment. You weren't in the right headspace to deal with questions about why you left school early.
Clara had brought you home a few hours ago and had stayed with you awhile before leaving to go home. You were quiet as she comforted you, promising that everything would be okay. You had managed to hold back your tears, letting them break free once she was gone.
You had cried for hours, wallowing in pity at the situation you had allowed yourself to get involved with. You also cried at the fact that even though you had just gotten into an altercation with Chrissy, Eddie was still at the forefront of your mind.
A soft thump from your window startles you, pulling you from your thoughts. Your mouth opens in a silent scream and your body tenses as you prepare to run like hell. You relax when you see that it's Eddie at your window sill, hanging precariously by the lattice secured against the siding of your house. Within that same breath, you're back on edge again as you make your way over to the window.
"Can I come in Y/n," Eddie pleads. His brown eyes are big and wet as he peers at you from behind the glass.
You sigh in disbelief and let up your window.
"Why are you here, shouldn't you be with Chrissy?" Your tone is cold and bitter as you sit back on your bed hugging your knees to your chest.
He walks over to you slowly lowering down to his knees onto the soft carpet. He cranes his neck in an attempt to meet your lowered gaze. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Y/n. What Chrissy did today— you didn't deserve that. It should've been me, I'm the one to blame," his words come out choked as he attempts to hold back a sob.
"I tried to stay away. I tried so fucking hard to but I can't! You've got this hold on me and even now after everything that's happened, I don't regret it, not for one second. I'm just sorry for all the hurt I've caused everyone." His head lowers onto the bed beside your feet as sobs began to wrack his frame.
Your forehead is pressed tightly against your knees as tears roll silently down your face onto your thighs. Minutes pass before you finally respond, allowing your hand to blindly seek out his. Your hand finds his soft curls and you stroke them gently. Comforting him and yourself at the same time.
He leans into your touch, turning his face onto the palm of your hand. His lips are soft against your skin as he presses a delicate kiss to your palm.
Your breath hitches "Eddie I— We can't. We've done enough damage already," you whisper.
"I know Y/n, I'm sorry. Can I at least hold you? No funny business I promise." He looks up at you with puppy dog eyes and his lips formed into a small pout.
Your heart twists, wrenching out all of your bad emotions and leaving a warm feeling in its wake. You nod your head and scoot over, making room for him on your bed. You lay down as he quickly shucks off his shoes and jacket, sidling behind you at a respectable distance. He slips an arm around your middle "Is this okay," he whispers.
"Yeah," you respond wearily, the impact of the day finally catching up to you. The sounds from the tv drones on, providing the right amount of noise to distract you from your thoughts. You feel yourself begin to nod in and out as you fight to stay awake.
Eddie lays his hand on yours, rubbing his thumb across your knuckles soothingly as he thought of what happened today. He hated that Chrissy attacked you for something he had initiated. He had tried to break things off with her over the weekend but she wouldn't accept any of his calls. He was foolish enough to believe that he could do it at school but that proved to be harder than he thought. Chrissy had avoided him like the plague that entire day. When lunch came he was behind the school making a sale when Gareth came to tell him what happened. He would never forgive himself for not being there to protect you.
He feels your body relax as you drift off to sleep. His senses are heightened at being so close to you and naturally, his body begins to react but he ignores it completely. Now is not the time and frankly, it may never be again. He just wants to enjoy this moment with you for what it is, happy that he's finally giving you some semblance of peace instead of taking it away. After a while, he too falls asleep with his hand linked tightly to yours.
You wake up to the sounds of Eddie's light snores. His breath fans across the back of your neck with each exhale leaving goosebumps in its wake. Sometime during sleep, the gap between you had closed and his body was now flush against yours as he cuddled you close to him.
You take a deep breath, allowing yourself to enjoy the feel of his arms wrapped around you. The events of yesterday still linger within you but the sting of hurt and sorrow is less than before. A sense of peace washes over you as you lean back into his touch. The sun is just starting to rise and you guess that you have a few hours before school starts.
"Hmmm," Eddie's deep voice reverberates through you. He pulls you in even closer, kissing the top of your head. "Good morning, sweetheart," he murmurs sleepily, still not fully awake.
"Morning," you reply softly, pressing your face into your pillow. The knowledge of going to school today weighs heavy on your shoulders.
Your sudden movement jostles him awake, and he scoots back from you, putting space between you both once more. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get so close. Sometimes I tend to cuddle in my sleep."
"I kinda figured that out the last time you were here," you smirk. You pause for a moment before continuing "how did you know that? Shit— I'm sorry, you don't have to answer that, it's none of my business."
Eddie clears his throat fully awake now. "Um‐ I might've cuddled Gareth and Jeff by mistake before at a sleepover but let's not talk about that," he says changing the subject hastily.
You let out a laugh that sounds more like a creaky bedspring. Eddie turns your body over to face him, a big smile sits on his face. "There she is," he whispers excitedly taking your hand into his, and giving it a soft squeeze. You squeeze back, giving him a soft smile.
"Are you going to school," he asks tentatively. He hates to ruin the moment but the thought was nagging him incessantly.
Your smile drops from your face immediately turning into a frown. "Yeah, I have a big test today and I can't afford to miss it," you reply.
"Whatever happens today, just know that I'll be there for you. I swear it." Eddie looks at you, his brown eyes are filled with warmth.
You hold his gaze and you can tell that he is being genuine. Nodding your head you exhale shakily, mentally prepping yourself for what's to come. Eddie lifts your hand to his face and stops, hovering near his lips, silently asking you for permission. You nod your head and he kisses each knuckle, lingering on the last. "I love you," he says pressing another kiss into your skin.
Your heart skips a beat and soars at his words before quickly plummeting back down. You can't accept his confession, not like this. Not at someone else's expense. "Eddie I—," you began slowly.
"Shhh, I know baby. You don't have to say it. I'm going to make things right like I should've done a long time ago." He lets out a deep breath before letting go of you to sit up. You instantly miss his warmth and it takes all of your strength not to pull him back down beside you.
"I gotta go and get ready for school. I'll see you there okay?" Eddie says as he kneels to tug on his shoes.
You nod your head once again, too afraid of the emotions threatening to escape if you open your mouth. The look on your face makes his heart twist and he finds himself in front of you, pulling you up into his arms. "I'm sorry if this is too much but you looked like you could really use a hug." Selfishly he holds you close, relishing the feel of your body pressed to his.
Your arms hang limply at your sides and just as he's about to let go and apologize, you wrap your arms around him, squeezing him back just as hard. He sighs, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. You hold each other for a moment before letting go. He presses a kiss to your forehead and walks over to your window. "See ya soon," he promises as he lets up the window and climbs down the lattice.
You quickly walk over to your window, watching him as he crosses your lawn to his van. Before getting in, he looks up at your room, giving you a wave when he sees you standing at the window. With a smile, you give him a small wave as he climbs into his van and drives away.
The smile on your face fades once Eddie's gone from your sight. You turn around with a sigh as you start getting ready, the thought of going to school after what happened feels you with a sense of dread. The only thing preventing you from ditching is wanting to maintain your grades and knowing that your best friend and Eddie would be there for support if you needed it. You repeat that fact as it gets closer and closer to the time for you to leave.
Eddie skids into the school parking lot, parking crookedly into a spot just as the first bell rings. Cursing under his breath, he quickly jumps out and runs through the double doors toward his locker. After making the fastest pit stop in history, he makes his way to your locker, bumping and pushing stragglers out of the way. He looks around when he doesn't see you. He had wanted to make sure you were okay first thing this morning, knowing that he wouldn't see you again until lunch.
Letting out a frustrated grunt he kicks one of the lockers, startling a few people standing nearby. "Freak," they mutter and whisper to each other as they walk by hurriedly. He rolls his eyes as he makes his way to class, he's debating on whether he should stop by and peek into your class or not when he bumps into someone causing them to stumble.
"Whoa, sorry about that," he says, the apology dying on his lips as he realizes the person in front of him was none other than Chrissy. "Hey— we need to talk." His tone is dull but sure as he keeps his gaze level with hers.
"Yeah, we should. Look, Eddie— whatever thing you had going on with Y/n, I'm willing to overlook it okay?" She holds her books close to her chest, nervously fiddling with her car keys clutched in her hands.
"I'm sorry Chrissy, I just can't— I can't do this anymore and it has nothing to do with Y/n. Things have been the same with us for a long time and you know it." Eddie replies firmly.
"Eddie, I need you," she yells out tearfully. Her shrill voice echoes down the now empty hallway, the tardy bell rings announcing that they are now late for class.
"I'm sorry Chrissy but it's—" Eddie begins but Chrissy cuts him off before he can finish.
"My dreams, they're back and it's getting worse. I think he's back Eddie and he's going to finally win this time," Chrissy whispers, keeping her eyes trained on the floor.
A bolt of fear shoots through Eddie piercing him through the heart. It couldn't be. No way. They had defeated Vecna and he was gone for good. But what if he wasn't? Then that would mean Chrissy was right and she did need his help. How could he abandon her when he was the only one close to her that understood what she was going through? His thoughts turned to Y/n, you were so close to finally being his and now once again it seemed as if something was keeping you apart.
Fat drops of tears sit at the corners of her eyes threatening to fall. Eddie remains silent, his thoughts running rampant, jumping from one thing to the next. A noise from the other end of the hall catches Chrissy's attention.
She flies into his arms, knocking him backward in surprise. Her arms wrap around him and she clings to him possessively. Too stunned to react, he stands there as she holds him, resting her head on top of his shoulder.
Unbeknownst to him you just walked through the school entrance. You were making your way to your locker, when you stopped in your tracks, shocked by the sight in front of you. You could feel your heart breaking in two as you watched Eddie and Chrissy embrace each other. Your feet began to move you closer as your mind screamed for you to leave and go back home to the comfort of your bed. As you get closer, you notice that Chrissy is staring directly at you with an eerie wicked grin on her face.
The look is ominous, making you gasp in shock at the sight. You'd never known she could look so evil, aside from yesterday she always had a smile on her face.
The sound you make catches Eddie's attention and his head turns your way, eyes locking with yours. His face is pale with what looks like fear and his eyes are dull. For a moment you want nothing more than to comfort him and tell him that everything will be okay but in a flash, it's gone. All you can feel is hurt and betrayal at his broken promise.
You keep your head high and walk past them toward your class. You don't dare turn back, not even when you hear Eddie's pained voice calling out for you. Not even when the tears start falling once again.
Taglist: @bibieddiesgf @tlclick73 @seventhlevelofhell @emmysuebull22 @adequate-superstar @vintagehellfire @sidthedollface2 @blue-eyed-lion @hazydespair @fly-on-the-wall @nicolaj1978
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imbeingchokeholded · 1 year
Missing Suds
Haha, I'm back to write more Soap and reader because I'm desperate and I love him lmao
Anyway, continuing on!
Warnings!: Female reader, fluff, smut, cursing, Soap being Soap, and again, warning for Bad Scottish cause im stupid. Also like...voice kink?
So sorry if this is bad I'm used to writing for cowboys lmao
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You smile to yourself as you turn the water on to your bathtub. It's been a long day, a really long day.
Your body seems to scream at you with every single movement. You've been up since the asscrack of dawn, and you hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.
The tub fills in front of you and you decide "fuck it" and dump some bubble bath solution into the water, right beneath the faucet, watching as the bubbles begin to form as the running water mixes it.
Quietly you strip from your clothes, feeling gross from the days work, you toss them to the ground and then step into the bath, feeling the heat of the water on your ankles.
You settle into the bath, sighing as you submurge yourself into the steaming water as it rises up.
After only a few moments you turn the faucet off and sit in the silence of the bathroom, the sound of the water sloshing when you move is the only thing that keeps you from believing you've gone deaf.
Your eyes close and you lean your head against the back of the tub, letting the heat of the water sink into your muscles, your bones, feeling relief begin to come over you.
When you open your eyes you look at the surrounding bubble suds, you'd seemingly added just a bit much of the solution.
You sigh and pick up a bunch of bubbles with your hands, and look at them bringing them towards your face.
Your mind thinks to your handsome fiancé, and his stupid military nickname. Soap, known for 'cleaning house'.
The stupid Scottish bastard. First he had to make you fall in love with him, and then he had to go get deployed somewhere, he could die, be shot to death, and all you'd recieve would be a call or a visit from Captain John Price.
You blow the bubbles out your hands and lean back, your mind now occupied with thoughts of Johnny MacTavish, wondering if you'd ever actually get to have your first name lined up in front of MacTavish.
"Stupid idiot...come home already." You mutter the words aloud, not thinking about it as they leave your lips. You know it's not fair to call him an idiot, it's not his fault he has to be deployed, but you can't help it.
"Idiot hmm?"
You look to your right, towards the bathroom door where Soap now stands, his arms crossed as he leans against the frame.
"Tha's not very kind of you lass."
"Johnny!" You nearly get out of the tub to rush to him, but remember you're nude, and instead opt to lean against the tub, reaching your arms towards him. "Johnny! I missed you so much!"
"Sounded like it, calling me an idiot!" He snorts, and walks towards the tub, crouching down in front of you, placing his hand under your chin as he offers you a kiss. "I missed you too bonnie."
"When on earth did you get home? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
"Ah, Y/N, don't you believe in surprises?"
"Not when it comes to you." You huff and lean back in the tub, looking up at him as you cross your arms. "Surprises are not allowed when it comes to you."
He snorts quietly and watches you as you look up at him with a mixture of worry and love.
He crouches down once more and grabs your chin again.
"Aw Love, don't look at me like tha'." He smiles at you. "You know I'll always come back home to ya Lass. Dinnaé worry."
"It's hard not to worry Johnny. You could die every time you leave."
"I know, but I can't die. Not with you at home." He smiles, showing off his pearly whites.
You roll your eyes and huff, trying to pull away but his grip on your chin is fairly tight, and he refuses to let you look away.
"Lass, Y/N," he corrects himself. "I'm serious, I do my damndest out there to stay safe for you."
"I know." You mumble, leaning into his palm. "I know, but it doesn't mean that you'll always be able to stay safe."
He sighs and nods, letting go of your chin before he stands and begins to undress himself.
You simply watch in silence as he removes everything, shoes and pants, shirt and dog tags.
You take in the sight of his form, well sculpted, muscled, but not too muscled, a few scars littering his skin from missions in the past, none quite as prominate as the scar across his eye though.
He turns around and faces you, making a motion with his wrist flicking his fingers towards the opposite end if the tub.
"C'mon, scoot Love."
You oblige, and scoot forward as he climbs into the bath behind you, letting out a little groan as his body hits the hot water.
The two of you find a way to settle together in the tub, and you lean your back against his chest, grabbing his hand under the water.
"I missed you Johnny..." you mumble.
"Aye, and I missed you bonnie."
Silently you lift his arm above the water, looking it over gently. You twist it left and right, watching for any new marks.
Soap chuckles at this, it's routine for you, he knows as soon as the two of you step out of the bath you'll look the rest of him over too, checking for new scars, new bruises, cuts. Anything.
"Nothin' new." He hums. "Swear it on my life."
You lower his arm back into the water and lean back once more, not fully convinced of his words.
He's silent as he kisses your neck gently, his lips dragging along your skin slowly, languidly.
"I really did miss you Lass...Y/N I missed you more than I can put in words, always do." He says in a hushed tone.
It sends a tingle down your spine, his voice always gets to you, it's already low as is, quieting it and adding in that accent of his...it always got to you, since the day you met him it got to you.
"Always?" You question. You know you always miss him, and realistically, you know he more than likely does too, but theres a second part of you that wonders if it's true. He's got far more important things to do than miss you.
You sigh and turn your head to look at him, a smile crossing your face at the look in his eyes. He's got love in his eyes, too much for you to dare dispute.
"Always mo ghràdh."
You move and gently place your lips on his, glad when he seems eager to return it.
When you break you find his hand has traveled from your waist, lower, towards your thighs.
He always gets this way the first night he's home from a long mission.
Not ever in a bad way. Never a bad way. For you when he got handsy, you took it as that being the only way he knew how to properly express himself.
He often told you that, told you he wasn't very poetic, good with words and expressing emotions.
So it was through actions that he showed his love.
A kiss on your cheek or forehead, one on your shoulder, on your knuckles.
Or he's spend a night with you, saying things in a hushed voice, mostly that he loved you, while the two of you made love.
Other times, if the mission didn't go particularly well, it was less of a making love and more of a fucking.
Not that you minded.
He brings you back to the present with a kiss against your shoulder, his hand moving ever closer towards your inner thigh.
"Love, this okay?"
"Always Johnny."
He chuckles quietly, offering your shoulder another kiss as he gently brings his fingers to your heat.
His tumb moves slowly around your opening, not daring to jump right in.
You sigh at his touch and twist your head just slightly, kissing the part of his neck you're able to reach, which earns you an appreciative hum in return.
He lowers his voice, leaning his head into yours, keeping his lips near your ear.
"Can't wait to have you properly," he mumbles. "Squirmin' at my touch, beggin' for me..."
"It doesn't take much with you Johnny..."
He smirks, you can feel his mouth begin to upturn against your skin.
"Aye, cause I'm such a charmer?"
"It's mainly your voice..." You admit.
"Mhm....what about it?"
Your face warms and you smile, reaching your arm up and wraping it around the back of his neck, you feel his fingers finally begin to push into you, stretching you nicely.
"It's deep..." You sigh. "I live how deep it is, and when you lower it, its better...and your accent obviously..."
"Really lass....that so?"
You nod, and let out a small sound as he curls his fingers the right way.
"You sure there's nothing else Love?"
His other hand sneaks up on you, grasping your throat gently, pushing your head back to allow him a better angle to kiss beneath your jaw.
"Shut up Johnny."
He laughs, low and nearly taunting.
You respond by simply giving a soft moan of his name.
He's an expert with your body. He knows it better than you, and he knows exactly what to do and when to do it.
Every kiss to your neck or jaw, every movement of his fingers, every low word spoke in your ear, they're deliberate and well timed.
"Aye, mo ghràdh, so damn beautiful, I truly missed you, I did." His voice is a whisper, low against your ear as he picks up the pace of his fingers, listening to the sounds that fall from your lips, paying attention to the way you move your hips, bucking up into his hand.
"C'mon Love," he mumbles. "Cum for me."
With his fingers moving and his words in your ears it doesn't take much longer for you to do just that.
He helps you ride through it, squeezing your neck gently and mumbling "I love you Bonnie" in your ear, waiting until you're finished squirming, laying your head against him with a deep sigh.
He kisses your cheek as he removes his fingers and then brings them to his mouth, licking them clean.
"Tha's been overdue." He sighs himself, and wraps his arms around your waist. "For me an' you I'd say."
You laugh and close your eyes, feeling the warmth of the water around you, enjoying the feeling of his skin against yours.
"I love you John."
"I love you Y/n."
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Two Birds on a Wire
Fandom: Helluva Boss Summary: After getting trapped with his ex-boyfriend in Greed, Blitz ends up saying a lot of stupid stuff that makes his life better in the long run. Warnings: Past underage sex, pregnancy, trans male pregnancy, mpreg, and kidnapping Word Count: 4,883 Ship(s): Asmodeus/Fizzarolli and Stolas Ars Goetia/Blitzo Buckzo
Archive link!
A/N: Another fic for my wonderful mutual(@lovely-number-7)! They give me so much inspiration for this and encouragement to keep going. I added some surprises for them so everyone is going into this fic on an even playing field, haha. I hope that you all enjoy it! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Blitz’s day had already been going pretty terrible when he ended up getting into a fight with someone that had been very important to him over a decade ago.
Not only did seeing Fizz bring back memories of when they were in the circus together and everything that they had shared before the fire, but it now also reminded him of how awful the Loo Loo Land Fizzbot had been to him. The taunts and jeers from the back of the already sparse crowd still haunted his dreams and shot down his confidence when he was trying to cheer up his office or kids. Of course that was when the jester thought that it would be a great idea to pick on him and reference the stalkers that he had, which Blitz would never associate himself with.
After the fight, Striker had captured them to prove to Crimson that he was a worthy investment. Blitz had always known that being in his line of work would result in something like that happening to him, he just hadn’t accounted for Fizz being thrown into the same cage as him. At least Striker had finally gotten the sense to cater to who he was capturing instead of assuming that Millie wouldn’t chew her own leg off, beartrap or not, to save her husband.
He had been bound in normal rope, something that he couldn’t hope to wiggle out of because of the friction that it was causing on his skin and suit. Fizz, on the other hand, was bound in what looked to be duct tape so that he couldn’t do anything with his robotic arms and legs.
Even the memory of the fact that Fizz had prosthetics instead of his natural limbs made years and years of guilt come swimming back at him. He wanted to snap and fight back to get the feeling to go away, but he also knew that it would lead to nothing good for either of them. He had been trying so hard and for so long to better himself so that he could be a good example to his girls, but it was a slow going process. Being around the man that had started and ended everything in his life had regressed him back to where he had been fifteen years before.
Fizz started to whine and look around the cage for a way out. “Oh, chill out Jester,” Blitz spoke without meaning to. The words all just tumbled from him and into the open air without his mind even taking a second to process them. It was what had gotten him into the mess that was his life and would likely be what took him out of it as well. “It’s like you’ve never been tied up before.”
“Ugh,” Fizz grunted as he continued to try and pull at his bindings. “Sure, but not by a bunch of psychos.” He fell forward so that he smacked into the hard metal floor of the ground, “Arg! And a piece of shit.”
Blitz narrowed his eyes at the man that was once his best friend as he tried to figure out what he was talking about. “Fi- Okay… okay, am I the psycho or the piece of shit?”
“Both,” Fizz snapped.
“Ah, that checks,” he sighed. He should have known that even when they were in a dangerous situation Fizz wouldn’t be open to listening to him, just as he hadn’t been for years. He had tried so hard after the fire, when they were both trapped in that satanforsaken hospital, and then again through letters for nearly a decade and a half afterwards.
“How is this happening?” Fizz whined as he straightened up again. “I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling!
Anger boiled inside of him. Blitz had been in situations like that more times than he could count and he had never spent as much time whining as Fizz had. They hadn’t even been drugged or interrogated yet, they were just waiting for money to exchange hands. “Oh relax. I’m sure your big royal chicken isn’t going to let anything happen to his peppy little fuck doll.”
“Oh, playing that card, huh?” Fizz snarled. He had just as much anger and vitriol as he had back when they were snarling at each other in Ozzie’s. “Okay, well what about you? Seems your taste has gotten more… regal, lately?”
Again, his brain spoke before his mouth could. “Stolas and I aren’t like that, alright? We might have been able to try out dating if you hadn’t fucking shamed him in front of countless people at what was supposed to be our first date.”
“First date? I knew that you were bad with that whole romance thing but I didn’t consider the fact that you only take a guy out when he’s been railing you into the mattress for months first,” Fizz snarked back. Gone was the boy that looked up to Blitz with all the earnestly of someone that was the golden child of the circus. He no longer had that compassion and tenderness that Blitz had fallen for all those years ago, at least not for the very imp that had protected that in him.
“I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” Blitz seethed. He had worked so long and so hard to try and make his relationship with Stolas healthier for the sake of their children. He knew that he was bad at picking partners and starting things off, the fact that Verosika still hated him for using her credit card to pay for the twins medical bills when they got the hellflu. Fizz didn’t have the right to mock him for his romantic relationships when he was the one that had damaged Blitz into making bad decisions in the first place, though.
“I think that I do!” responded Fizz. “I was the first guy to earn a date by pounding you into the mattress for months, remember?”
“You know, that’s not really a claim to fame,” Blitz snarled. “Not that you really need anything else to boost your notoriety, right?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
His cheat was heaving with the emotion that was spinning through him like a bullet. He knew that feeling very well, he had gotten shot more times than he cared to admit in his line of work. When it was an emotional bullet instead of a literal one, the pain was so much more intense. A literal bullet would pierce the skin where it had been shot and then destroy the nerve endings in that specific spot, echoing the pain from that location. A metaphorical bullet, on the other hand, tore through the entire body all at once and lit every single nerve on fire. He could feel it twisting and ripping at his heart, making memories from a long time ago arise in his mind the way that an exorcist blade might on a sinner.
Blitz focused on what he was doing instead of saying something. If he kept talking then he was going to say something incredibly stupid. He couldn’t afford to do that when he was surrounded by people that very obviously wanted to use him for their own gain. He wouldn’t be surprised if they had already sent a message back to Stolas letting him know that Blitz had been captured, or if Stolas had been able to feel it the same way that he had with the demon hunters.
With thoughts of his Goetia lover rattling around his mind instead of the memories of what had happened that fateful night of the fire, he was able to focus. He jerked his foot backwards on the rough metal floor of the cage that they were in and removed the knife that he stashed there for moments such as this. He picked the blade up with the edge of his fingers and then turned it around with amazing dexterity, something that he had picked up when he was in the circus, not that it had done him any good. Maybe he could have gotten a job at that cat-themed gambling place if he had just been a bit older when he applied.
He deftly cut through the ropes that were binding his hands and then did the same to the ones on his arms and legs. “What was that supposed to mean, Blitzo?” Fizz demanded again, as if he couldn’t see that Blitz was trying to get them out of that cage so that they never had to face each other again.
He knew that he shouldn’t have said anything, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut and protected the little pocket of joy he had carved for himself with his own claws and teeth, but he couldn’t. “Oh, nothing. I’m just glad that you managed to find someone that you could knock up and not want to abandon this time around,” he replied. 
“What in the ever loving fuck is that supposed to mean?” Fizz demanded as he turned around towards Blitz.
They didn’t get the chance to keep fighting about what he had said because Striker was there at the cage, grasping at Fizz and threatening him. Blitz had seen how ruthless he was when he had been preparing to take down Stolas, so it was a surprise to everyone there that he didn’t just perform the kill immediately. Part of him wanted to be grateful to Crimson for reminding the bigot that they were a valuable asset that had to be returned in one piece, and the other half of him was so angry that he could barely see straight.
Blitz felt like an idiot, talking about the pregnancy that he had detected from Fizz’s goading earlier and putting his ex-boyfriend in trouble because of it. He knew what it was to be a child that grew up without a parent and to raise a child without the other half of one’s heart, he would never do that to someone else. He hated Fizz with every fiber of his being for what had happened during the fire and afterwards, but most of his heart was just clinging to that anger so that he didn’t have to feel the alternative. Somewhere deep inside of him, in a place that he had buried and decided to never return to, was the sorrow that tried to choke him out every second that it got.
He could barely think about the guilt that he was feeling over that. If he had any luck left in him then they wouldn’t have to worry about Striker or Crimson in a little while. He supposed that being a Prince of Hell and a Sin meant that Ozzie would be able to hire good security for his lover when he found out what had happened. Stolas didn’t have that luxury since he was one of seventy-two Ars Goetia and often ignored by his family, which was why he had resorted to using Blitz as a bodyguard even though the imp wasn’t very good at that. 
He had to get them both out of the warehouse or he would never forgive himself. He knew that he still held resentment for Fizz, but that was only there because of the massive swell of love that existed for his childhood best friend. So he flipped the knife around his front when he had finished cutting the ropes around his arms and sliced it off his legs as well. He worked silently as he got the sharp blade through the duct tape and let Fizz be free as well. He did something convoluted and stupid to get them down from the cage, but it also managed to distract all of the goons around them so that several of them were fighting each other.
While they were working together, Blitz learned several things about his ex-best friend that he never thought he would have been given the chance to. Fizz was incredibly flexible, likely because of the prosthetic arms that he had gotten after the fire at the circus. He was still able to do everything that he had when they were kids despite the fact that they were nearly thirty, which shouldn’t have really been a surprise. Despite the fact that he had bionic limbs and had been famous for over a decade, the bastard knew nothing about fighting.
Blitz had to pull the slack for both of them because while Fizz was able to avoid getting shot pretty well, he couldn’t shoot anyone else to literally save his life. It ended up working out well when Fizz picked Blitz up and used his stretchy arms and flexibility to help the other imp get some of the harder shots, which resulted in them finding the window that eventually got them out.
After another explosion and some acrobatics that he hadn’t done for years, he managed to get them to a point where they were both safe for the time being. He let out a low breath and nearly collapsed as the adrenaline began to melt from his body. “I know that you hate me, but can I borrow a phone from you so that I can call my girls?”
“I want to talk to you about that before I let you go,” Fizz shook his head. The world around them stank like burning rubber and melting metal from the fire that they had started on the junkyard, but it felt oddly poetic in some way. Their entire relationship had gone up like a trash fire so they might as well talk about it while surrounded by one.
He had always known that it was a possibility that he and Fizz would have this conversation one day. He had known the second that the doctor came in with the confirmation that the pregnancy had lasted through the fire, he had known the second that the test had come back positive, he had known the second that they had decided one time without a condom would probably be fine. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he finally managed to make his voice say.
“What did you mean when you said that I got someone pregnant and then abandoned them? This is my first time having a kid, Oz and I were really excited when we found out,” Fizz said quietly. He looked so forlorn and scared when he did it, that it actually made Blitz’s heart ache in his chest.
He turned his head to the side and tried to blink away the tears that had gathered there as he explained. “You know how we were dating back when we were sixteen and we thought that one or two times without a condom would be okay? Well, I got knocked up. When I tried to tell you I got sidelined or told to fuck off every time. I thought for sure you knew.”
“Why would you think that?” Fizz asked, holding his hands out to the side of him like Blitz had told him that he thought the living world’s moon was made out of cheese. He knew that his ex-best friend would react to that situation in that specific way because it had happened when they were thirteen, the first time that they had gotten drunk together.
“Because I tried to tell you a dozen times! I mean, the first time really didn’t work because I passed out at your party and then when I woke up everything was on fire,” he sighed.
Fizz tightened up when he heard that. “You passed out? While pregnant? Were you okay?” he asked.
“I mean, I’m okay now. At the time I was actually really anemic, having them almost killed me,” he shrugged. “But I did try to tell you about the twins, Fizz. I wrote you letters after the security gave me a bruise on my ass because of how hard they tossed me out of the hospital.”
“No one ever told me that you came to visit while I was in the hospital,” the other imp whispered. He had tilted his head down for the first time since the explosion, staring at the green flames still licking at the trash below them. It was beginning to peter out already as it had consumed everything that wasn’t just melting. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his one usable arm around them, his tail completing the circle. “I wanted you to visit me so badly. I was so scared and I didn’t understand why you ran away from me after you had seen me.”
“I didn’t really see you,” Blitz shrugged. He tilted his head forward and dug his fingers into his eye socket. He was able to see the absolutely disgusted face that Fizz gave him before he marveled at the glass eye. It had enough tech in it that it could help widen Blitz’s peripheral vision and give him his depth perception back, but it didn’t have anything high-tech. If he had wanted that then he would have had to go with VoxTech because Asmodean prosthetics tried to focus on actually being usable. “See? My eyes were totally fucked for like a week after the fire, I had to make the nurses give me an extra ultrasound so I had a chance to see my own babies since I couldn’t when they checked the first time.”
The other imp was quiet for a while longer, Blitz knew why. He had put together towards the beginning of their conversation that Cash and Mammon had worked to keep the two of them apart, especially since Cash was the one that had originally told Blitz that the fire was his fault and that Fizz didn’t want to see him. Both the older imp and the sin had to know about the twins and had kept Fizz from that knowledge on purpose.
“So you were pregnant and tried to tell me, but they didn’t let you because they wanted to keep exploiting me,” Fizz finally said the silent part out loud. Blitz had known that Mammon was abusing his best friend since he had attending the first show he had to work in Loo Loo Land. The robots were made poorly because of the demand for them, which meant that they only resembled his friend to some extent. He knew that none of that money was making it back to Fizz, at least to some extent, because otherwise he wouldn’t have kept working for the bastard as long as he had.
“Yeah, pretty much. I’ve been raising both girls on my own for a long time, there’s a lot of shit I wished you had seen and even more that I’m so glad you didn’t,” Blitz said. His pregnancy had been a fucking disaster, what with him being out on his own and absolutely covered in slowly healing burns for the entirety of it.
“What do you mean by that?” Fizz asked. It seemed like that was what he was asking most often, likely because Blitz was telling him something convoluted and overwhelming. He only had to ask for clarification when Blitz could actually get the words he needed to say forced out of his mouth.
“Well, it wasn’t pretty after I had the girls. I was mostly working odd jobs that were part time so that I could be home with them for the majority of the day. I even had to take up doing maintenance of my building so that my landlord would drop the rent to something that I could actually afford. Stole a lot too, usually baby clothes and formula because your kids sure know how to eat, Fizz. I guess that’s the one thing that I’m actually grateful that Cash taught me how to do,” Blitz rambled on.
While they talked, he shimmied towards the main part of the crane that would let them travel downwards. Fizz followed after him, coming down to the ashy ground as well despite the injury that he had on his arm. It felt almost like the fire had never happened and they had never been separated for those long fifteen years. He wondered what they would have been if they had that time instead of what they had received instead. They might have turned into what Blitz’s parents had been like, in love once upon a time but miserable and together only for their children. Perhaps it was for the best that they had been separated, so they could both grow as people and become better for their children.
They reached the bottom of the crane without either of them falling and then embarked further on their journey as they tried to get out of the junkyard. The fire had thankfully turned into nothing but warmth and foul smoke by the time that they actually descended and hadn’t caught the entire place on fire.
Thankfully, Blitz was used to his van giving out and stranding him wherever the most recent part had chosen to break. He was used to having to walk through cramped, foreign city streets until a payphone was found. He slipped into it and rigged the machine by hitting it in just the right places so that the coins inside jingled but didn’t fall, which was something that could only be done in greed. He rested his head against the grimy box as he listened to it ring a couple times before someone finally picked up.
“Blitz? Are you alright? Oh please tell me that this is actually you and not another one of those kidnappers trying to taunt me,” Stolas rambled. Blitz should have known that he was going to be an absolute mess when they were able to talk to each other again, but it still warmed his heart and the lower half of his belly to know that he had someone who cared that much about him. The part of his brain that carried Stolas’ voice with him like a protection ward told him that the only reason his lover hadn’t come to break him out the same way that he had when Blitz had gotten caught in the living world was because the politics in Hell were more complicated.
“I’m alright, Stolas. Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to get us out of there? I hope that you didn’t pay those fuckers any of your money,” Blitz said.
“I was preparing to, darling, if I’m being totally honest,” Stolas replied. He sounded a little sheepish when he spoke and Blitz could almost see the blush covering the lower half of his face. In the background, the imp could make out someone else talking but couldn’t quite discern what the words were. He just knew that the tone was familiar. 
“Stolas! What they were asking for was totally fucking ridiculous and you know that Striker still has a shit ton of money from when Stella tried to have you killed,” Blitz scoffed. The memory of how injured his boyfriend had been after that incident still made his entire body feel as though he had been doused in ice water. He hadn’t been able to go to the hospital because of the trauma that he had from his first pregnancy and post-fire, which meant that he had to deal with a lot of things completely on his own on top of battling the guilt at not being there to defend his partner. He couldn't wait until their case got through the courts of Hell and they were able to put the bitch in her place by taking Via from her and giving her nothing in return during the divorce.
Stolas chittered in that way that he did when he was blushing and preparing to say something mushy, “There’s no price in the Nine Rings that’s too high when it comes to making sure that you’re safe, my dear. Both of you.”
Blitz’s hand moved down to the bottom part of his stomach, which was already beginning to swell with whatever baby had been implanted in him some months ago. He and Stolas hadn’t even been aware that it was possible for a member of the Ars Goetia and an imp to reproduce, so they hadn’t been as careful as they could have been. That was, of course, what had gotten him into trouble with his twins back when he was nineteen with the very imp that was standing outside the phonebooth. He couldn’t bring himself to regret it either time, though. The only thing that he did regret was being the first to do it because the absence of knowledge about how that worked made them both worried. They had no idea if Blitz could handle delivering an egg, like what Octavia was born in, or if he would go into labor and deliver live babies the same way that he had with his twins. There were a lot of questions and very few answers to be found, which had to be half of the reason that Stolas was so worried about the kidnapping.
He couldn’t help the smile that crossed over his face as he said, “I’m okay, Stolas. You know that I can handle this kind of thing.”
“But we don’t, Blitzy,” Stolas replied. “You could have been very hurt if your balance was off when you were trying to do one of your action hero moves. Let me know where you are and I can portal you right home.”
“Are you with Ozzie right now?” Blitz asked. It was awkward to have to refer to the man that his ex-partner was now embroiled with, but it was important. Stolas had said that he was going to request an Asmodean crystal for Blitz so that they could make their relationship official. If it was known that a Goetia was allowing his lover to use such a powerful magical artifact without permission from Paimon, the leader of the Ars Goetia, then they could both get in serious trouble. Blitz refused to give up his work even if he was just manning the office with his eldest daughter until the baby came, in whatever form that was.
“I am, in fact,” the other replied. “Why?”
Blitz went quiet for a while. He let out a low breath to try and settle the nausea in the back of his throat. He was glad for the pregnancy, for once, because it allowed him to blame that feeling on the fact that he was growing another being instead of it being about the idea of telling Fizz. That was stupid anyway, since he had already told the other imp and the reaction that he had feared didn’t come to pass in the way that he had feared it. 
He straightened up in the phone booth and then waved at Fizz to make sure that the other was okay. “I want you to bring me and someone else to their palace. I, um, I finally told the twins father that they existed and I think that we should discuss when they’re going to meet for the first time.”
“Do you think that he’s going to try and fight for custody?” Stolas immediately asked.
“I don’t think so. And you know my feelings about how custody should work,” Blitz replied. Via had been very worried about what would happen to her when her parents finally settled in the courts. She didn’t want to have to go stay with her mother every other week, not when the woman had soured so completely since Stolas had cheated on her. Apparently her bad attitude had now transferred to being directed at her daughter instead of being reserved only for her ex-husband. They had managed to work in a clause that Via would get to choose where she wanted to go and who she wanted to be with. She wouldn’t get carted around based on the whims of her parents or a court system, she would have autonomy for who she got to be with.
Stolas agreed after a bit more poking and prodding, then got the coordinates that he needed from Blitz. The portal opened and they were permitted to step through onto the plush carpets of Ozzie’s mansion. It was decorated the same way that everything else in Lust was, with massive windows that let in the hazy pink light and blues thrown just about everywhere. 
As soon as they were safely through the swirling bit of magic, Fizz launched himself off the ground and into his boyfriend’s arms. Blitz could barely even think about being jealous or envious of what they had because his own boyfriend was smothering him with affection. He knew that things were going to be okay, even if they would be weird and out of the ordinary. He hadn’t been loved the way he wanted during his first pregnancy, but he was getting it now. And Fizz would get to know what it was like to watch his children grown in the belly of the man he loved, even if that had to be with his third child and Ozzie instead of his eldest girls and Blitz.
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dyns33 · 2 years
Flufftober 25 - Deadpool
Wade Wilson x reader 
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           "This must be your favorite day."
           "Because you're a freak."
           "I think he understood. Unless he's stupid."
           "Haha. You guys are sooooo funny. Halloween, my favourite day, because I wear a mask all the time, and under the mask I look like a moldy avocado. Nobody never said that to me. I think someone did, to Batman, so I'll take that as a compliment."
           "You're not as handsome as Batman. With and without the mask."
           "Thank you, Yellow, you're adorable."
           "More than you, for sure."
Wade didn't know why he kept chatting with the boxes. They were never nice to him and they didn't deserve his attention.
Maybe it was because no one else wanted to talk to him. Despite his best efforts, people still ended up finding him weird, crazy, and dangerous. This was incomprehensible to Wade, who thought he was the best friend in the world.
Loyal, funny, ready to kill if asked, for money or a hug.
According to Spidey, Red, and Moon-Moon, the only heroes who agreed to spend some time with him, he didn't do it well. He was too intense and he had to stop threatening people, whether it was to protect the people he loved, or to ask the people he loved to love him back.
And all of that was when he had his mask on.
No normal person ever gave him a chance seeing his face, running off before they tried to get to know him.
It was a bit hurtful, but Wade could understand. He had already vomited and passed out after seeing himself in a mirror. At the same time.
So even if they said that to be mean, the boxes weren't wrong. His scorched pizza face could only come out on Halloween, because people thought it was a disguise then, and everyone praised him, saying he was really awful, which was so cool. Just for that day.
The other days it was just awful.
           "We could enter a contest. We would win a prize."
           "At the end, they will understand that it is not a costume and they will throw tomatoes at you while laughing, like Quasimodo."
           "Even Quasimodo is more handsome."
           "He's not with the girl at the end."
           "And Wade is single, I don't see where the problem is."
           "I want tacos !" declared Wade, who was tired of listening to them, even though he knew they were going to follow him wherever he went. They were silent only when he shot himself in the head, and never for very long.
It was nice to go out without the mask for once. He decided to put on a cap anyway, to avoid attracting too much attention. If someone asked him, he was a sexy zombie, and a famous one, but incognito, so he didn't accept photos, thank you.
On his way, he passed an ice cream shop, and eating ice cream before the tacos seemed like a good idea. It all ended up in the stomach at the end, the order didn't really matter.
It was a little cold, so there weren't many people in the shop. Some stared at him, both frightened and fascinated, smiling shyly at him when he greeted them.
It was that stupid gesture, to wave his hand to embarrass strangers, that changed his life. Well, maybe not his life, but at least his day.
No, yes, his whole life.
Wade's hand passed very close to the girl who was patiently waiting her turn behind him, touching her hair, and they both jumped at the same time.
The poor innocent backed off, while he immediately apologized, explaining that he hadn't done it on purpose, and that she had no reason to be afraid or disgusted, he wasn't sick or contagious, just ugly.
           "Well, I guess there's reason to be disgusted, I have a special face."
           "Oh. No, sorry, I was surprised, I was thinking about the ice cream I was going to choose, I thought something was falling on me, like an insect."
           "If I was an insect, I would be a dung beetle. Often screwed up, but very useful for the whole world."
The boxes told him he was ridiculous, but that made the young girl laugh. They then told him that she was making fun of him, while she added that he was funny, with a charming smile.
           "My name is Y/N." she said, holding out her hand, as if she wanted him to shake it. He couldn't do that, she was way too pretty for him to touch.
           "Wade Winston Wilson. Triple W. My dad was an alcoholic, he wanted to call me Georges, but eventually he gave the dog that name, and he loved him more than me."
           "I hope that's not true."
           "The name story isn't. Shall I buy you ice cream?  To make up for almost slapping you. Really sorry, I'll never do that. I'll cut my hand off rather than hit a woman. I've fought women before, but they were bad guys, I mean bad girls, and I think it's pretty feminist of me not to discriminate, but I won't hit a helpless woman who didn't do anything wrong. I'm actually hired to hunt down guys who do this, and sometimes I even do it for free."
This made Y/N laugh again, and Wade considered that she hadn't understood that he was serious.
Not to scare her away, he didn't insist. She had accepted that he pay for her ice cream, if in exchange he agreed to stay a little with her to discuss.
           "I thought you wanted tacos." White reminded him.
           "But now he wants Y/N."
           "She's too good for him. Just like Esmeralda with Quasimodo."
           "She's much prettier than Esmeralda."
           "What ?" Y/N asked looking at him in surprise.
           "Nothing, I... I'm talking to myself, I was thinking of something else. So, not dressed up for Halloween yet ?"
           "No, not yet. I'm not sure I'm going out tonight, the streets aren't safe, and I have a date."
Wade did his best to hide his disappointment, so very badly. This made the young woman laugh again.
           "I mean, I have a date with my sofa, my television, a blanket and some chocolate."
           "I think we have a date with the same person tonight. It's terrible, they're cheating on us, we should get revenge by going out together !"
           "Haha, yes, why not."
He had said that as a joke, really. It was one of the only non-serious things he had said since the moment he saw her sweet face and his heart almost stopped beating at so much beauty, and now Y/N had just accepted a go on a date with him.
           "No, she's joking too."
           "Yes she didn't understand that we were really ugly."
           "I'm really ugly." repeated Wade, pointing his fork at his face. "It's not a mask, I look like it all year round. And I'm really hired to punch bad guys, or worse."
           "I know. You're Deadpool. You sometimes work with Spiderman and other heroes, I've seen you on the news."
           "... And it's okay ?"
           "Yes." simply replied the angel who was eating her ice cream in front of him.
White yelled at him that they were probably dead again and dreaming while he was regenerating. Yellow whispered to him that it was a cruel joke, or that she was a Hydra spy who wanted to capture him to study his cells. Wade watched the rainbows and butterflies floating in the air, hearts in his eyes.
Obviously, Y/N didn't see the little hearts, taking his silence for a rejection.
           "If I was too quick, I'm sorry, I... You're nice, and funny, and I had a great time with you. But if you're not interested, or you already have someone, or...'
           "No ! I'm having a great time too. It's much better than tacos ! I wanted to eat tacos before stopping here."
           "Really ? We... We could go have some together?  Then I don't know. We'll see. Do you have a number ?"
Convinced that she wouldn't call him, he gave her his personal number. The one he had given to his pals of the Team Red of the Moon, and that was it, because all the other people he knew didn't deserve to know this number, with its brilliant voicemail where he imitated Ryan Reynolds, only knowing his professional phone, where he was making farts noises.
Except that Y/N immediately sent him a message, while they were still together.
           "Here. That way we can schedule another date."
           "Another date ?"
           "Yeah... I mean, unless we don't consider today to be a date. Sorry, we'll schedule a first date."
           "I don't know if White and Yellow are right, but I don't care."
           "What ?"
           "Nothing. Shall we go and eat tacos ?"
Leaving way too much money for the waitress, Wade hopped happily alongside Y/N who was still smiling like he didn't look like an idiot with a ravaged face, and Wade thought to himself that Halloween was maybe actually his favourite day. And that eating ice cream before the meal was a great idea !
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brunnerasposts · 2 years
"Halloween Bash" pt. 1
S.H. x Female Reader
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Summary: You and Steve plan to spend Halloween together when he ditches you to attend Tina's Halloween Bash with Nancy. A few hours later, you find yourself having to take care of a very drunk Steve.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: st2 spoilers, underage drinking, swearing, slight angst, fluff, best friends to lovers, mutual pining
Additional Notes: I only have the inspiration for Steve and Eddie fanfics rn so I will most likely be writing those for a while, haha. I hope you enjoy this Steve fanfic! Likes, comments, and reshares are greatly appreciated :)
pt. 2 will be linked here!
"What are you getting all dressed up for?"
You were currently sitting on Steve's bed, watching in confusion as he picked out things to wear.
He didn't respond right away, changing his shirt before adding a jacket over top.
Steve reached for a pair of shades, sliding them on his face before looking to you.
"What do you think?"
You couldn't help but smile. "I think you're a tad overdressed for Halloween movie night."
Steve removed the sunglasses, hooking them onto his shirt. "I thought it would be really fun if we went to Tina's party tonight."
Arching an eyebrow, you began to cross your arms. "Why would we do that when we've already made plans to watch movies and get really sick on Halloween candy?" You asked with a small laugh before it slowly dawned on you.
Now that you knew why, you groaned in annoyance.
"Steve Harrington I know for a fact that you're not trying to bail on me for Nancy Drew." You spoke sternly, slightly peeved with him for even wanting to cancel.
This was your last Halloween as highschoolers!
Every year for Halloween or Christmas, you and Steve would get together and spend the day just watching films and snacking on holiday goodies. It was your way of bonding and winding down from the pressure of society.
Why would he want to cancel if not for his girlfriend?
"Oh, come on! It'll be fun I swear!"
"No, Steve. You promised me that we would spend the night just sitting on your couch with a bunch of rented tapes of horror movies!" You frowned, eyes traveling downward as Steve got onto his knees.
"But I already promised Nancy I would go with her and act like stupid teenagers! Come on, I know you and her don't get along, but this could be my chance to really get her to relax after Barb." He spoke, his words practically gutting you like a knife.
You hardly ever argued with Steve when he wanted to hang out with his girlfriend, but this was a tradition night for you both. He wanted to break tradition for Tina's stupid party?
It was true, that you and Nancy didn't really get along but that's because you were constantly battling for time with Steve. You really only ever saw him in school now that you had a job, but even in school he was wrapped around Nancy's little finger.
Sure, you were jealous. You had been smitten for Steve for three years and only realized during the summer that you were madly in love with the boy.
The feeling wasn't reciprocated obviously as he spent all his time with his little journalist.
They were either doing homework together in the library, making out next to her locker, or sitting together at lunch.
It was never just you and Steve. Now that you two finally had a chance to hang out, he was bailing on you? For Nancy?
"You promised her?" You asked softly, Steve sighing a little as he heard the hurt in your voice. "When?"
As he tried to come up with an answer, your anger over Steve never having the time to hang out with you suddenly boiled over.
"You know what?" You got up from the bed, grabbing your shoes, "I don't care. Clearly you're so invested with Nancy all the time that you dont even want to hang out with me anymore." Once your shoes were on your feet you began to make your way downstairs.
Soon enough, his feet followed. "No, come on! Y/N, wait." He pleaded, speeding past you to block the front door.
"Steve, let me out." You demanded.
"Y/N, listen to me! It's not just Nancy, every senior is gonna be there! You can come with us, hang out for a bit, ya know?" He suggested, you staring at him in disbelief.
"Sometimes you can be such a dick." You whispered, hurt spreading across his face. "Ouch, Y/N. Really trying to hammer down my ego huh?" He tried to joke but you weren't having it.
"Yes I am." You announced, silencing him. "When are you going to wake up and realize that Nancy has her head so wrapped up around Barb that the only reason she's with you is for comfort?" You questioned, leaving him flabbergasted.
It was a heavy subject, you knew, but Nancy didn't seem all that interested in Steve until Barb went missing. The timing was all too weird to you.
"She doesn't love you Steve. Nancy is quite the actress, I'll say that." You reached behind him for the doorknob, his hand grabbing your wrist.
"No, you're wrong Y/N. Nancy loves me." Although he wanted it to come off strongly, he sounded slightly worried. Almost as though he didn't want to believe you. "She doesn't, Steve." Your voice was gentle now, your eyes shifting from his to his lips.
"There are some people in this world who actually love you unlike her." Was all you could say before you opened the door and walked out.
This time, he didn't follow.
You didn't have your car with you, so you walked home. Traveling past the many children out in the streets trick or treating, your anger began to dissipate and the shame took its place.
Why did you say that to him?
In the many ways you pictured confessing to Steve, never had you wanted it to be done that way. It didn't seem like he understood either way which made you a little relieved.
As you arrived home, you grabbed the bowl of candy your parents had left out for kids and brought it inside with you, claiming it for yourself. Once you got inside, you found the house to be eerily quiet. It was unusual, making you turn to the cabinet near the front door. A note laid on it, written in your mom's handwriting.
Apparently they were having an 'adult' Halloween party at the Henderson household. You knew it wasn't much different from the ones in highschool so you shoved the note into your pocket before trudging up the stairs to your bedroom.
This night couldn't possibly be any worse. Not only did you get ditched by your best friend, but you left the rented movie tapes at his place and all you were stuck with was your small collection of books and a bucket of candy. You could sit like a fool on your porch and just pass it out, but if some kid from school was walking around with their sibling, you'd literally die of embarrassment if they saw you sitting at home instead of being out of the house either with Steve or at Tina's party.
Reading and munching on candy it is.
For the next three hours, you listened to Halloween tunes on the radio and read Dracula while eating a few different candies here and there. That is until a ringing of your doorbell sounded, making you groan.
Didn't kids know that there was no candy out on the porch?
Realizing you had left the front porch light on, you huffed and got up from your bed before making your way downstairs.
The doorbell rang a couple more times, your annoyance growing. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" You shouted as you went down the last few steps. You unlocked the door and opened it, except there was no kid at the front door.
It was Steve.
"Jeez, I thought you were some random kid trying to get candy." You sighed in relief before noticing his stance.
He was leaning an arm above his head on the doorway for support, eyes cast to the ground. His eyes seemed red, either from exhaustion, or crying.
"Hey," You spoke softly, slowly reaching forward to place a hand on his arm, "You okay?"
Steve didn't reply, eyes still fixated on the floor. A singular tear rolled down his face, causing worry to spread across your own.
"Hey, hey," You cooed, wrapping your arms around his waist to hug him. "It's okay, Steve. You're alright." Speaking softly was always the key with Steve when he was upset. It kept him calm, focused even.
If you panicked, he'd shut down. That was the last thing you wanted.
Steve practically slumped his body against you, making you drag him inside. Closing the door with your foot, you continued to comfort him by stroking his hair.
His usual minty scent was replaced with the muskiness of alcohol. "Jeez, Steve how much did you drink?" You asked him, not really expecting much of a response as you dragged him up the stairs and into your bedroom.
"Five...teen?" He mumbled, making you roll your eyes before gently sitting him down on your bed. "I'll be right back, okay?"
"No, no, no..don't go." He whined.
"Steve, I have to go get a trash can and some water for you." You told him, smiling a little as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Just stay right here." Steve wasn't going to let you go and that was certain. "Okay, let's get you comfortable, yeah? Then I can go get you some stuff?" His head slowly nodded up and down, making you sigh a little in relief.
You helped him remove his coat, laying it across the foot of your bed before looking to his shirt. Noticing a small stain of red liquid, your eyebrows furrowed. "Punch?" You asked, him nodding again.
"Arms up," He complied and you removed his sweatshirt, your cheeks warming as you gazed at him for a moment. Clearing your throat, you reached into your bag from earlier and pulled out Steve's Halloween themed shirt that he traditionally wore.
"Wanna tell me what happened?" You asked as he pressed the side of his face into your stomach, hugging you close. It didn't really bother you, you were just glad he wasn't about to throw up all over your duvet.
"Nancy um," He began, rubbing his eyes. Your attention was instantly back on him, waiting to hear what you were beginning to think.
"Nancy doesn't love me. You were right." He sniffled a little, making you sigh. As much as you enjoyed being right, this wasn't a time to show off.
"How do you know? Did she break up with you?" You couldn't help but ask, gently stroking his hair back so you could see his face more.
Steve's eyes were casted towards the ground, his grip on your sweater tightening. "No, she uh..she got really drunk and spilled punch on herself." He spoke slowly, his story sounding like himself right now.
"I tried helping her in the bathroom and she just started claiming how...bullshit I am. That we try and act like everything's normal when Barb is missing and that we act like we're in love-" His voice hitched.
"Oh Steve," You frowned, sinking down so you could properly wrap your arms around his neck while his remained wrapped around your waist. His head leaned against yours, foreheads pressing together.
"I'm so sorry Y/N," He spoke as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one who went off on you which was totally unfair. I'm the one who should be apologizing." You argued a little.
Steve gripped you tighter, making you chuckle a little. "No, God, no. I'm so stupid. I should have realized that she didn't care for me. That she didn't love me." He huffed.
"And here I was abandoning you on our traditional holiday movie night just to hear that from her."
"Hey," You gently cupped his face and pulled his head back so you could make eye contact with him. "I'm not upset with you anymore. I shouldn't have even argued over it to begin with."
"I'm still sorry," He spoke, letting you go so you were free to move. Taking the chance, you helped him get situated under your covers, tucking him in. Once he was situated, you walked over to your radio and lowered the volume so it could barely be heard. "If you fall asleep, that's okay, okay? I won't be far." You promised him, giving him a soft smile before leaving the room.
As you went downstairs and into the kitchen, you began to worry about earlier events. He didn't know what you meant before when you mentioned there were others who loved him...right? He was drunk and too caught up with Nancy's drunken confession that maybe he'd forget you ever even said anything.
Once you grabbed two waters, you held them in one arm and grabbed the empty trash can with the other. You quickly made your way upstairs, quietly entering your room. "You're still up, huh?" You smiled a little as you looked over to Steve who had been staring at the ceiling.
"I can't sleep without you," He huffed, your cheeks warming. "Scared of nightmares coming?" You asked as you walked over to his side of your bed, him nodding and beginning to sit up.
You then opened the water bottle, helping him take a slow yet long sip. "Better?" He nodded as you took back the bottle, closing it tightly before setting it down on the nightstand.
"Y/N?" He whispered so quietly you almost didn't catch it. "Hm?" You hummed, setting down the other water bottle before looking to him.
"You love me right?"
His question completely threw you off guard, your eyes widening slightly. In fear, you chuckled nervously. "Love you? Of course. You're my best friend." You told him, the male beginning to shake his head.
"No. No, I mean like..love, love. Not that bullshit love. Do you really, really love me?" He asked, gently grabbing your hand before rubbing circles on the back of it. His actions and his words were making your heart race a little.
"Steve," You gulped a little, eyes unable to look into his as he was gazing at you in a way you weren't used to with him. God why did he have to be under the influence right now?
You wished he wasn't, that way you could tell if any of this was real.
Before you could continue, his hands found their way to your waist, gently bringing you closer to the bed. "Steve," You began again, though you weren't even sure what you were trying to say. Did he ask you a question? You couldn't remember.
All you could focus on were his hands as one stayed on your waist while the other brought itself up to your face. He cupped your cheek gently, your eyes finally meeting his. "I like when you say my name."
As he leaned in, you lost all sense of clarity, letting him press his lips into yours. When he began to move his lips, you did too. You practically melted under his touch, your fingers brushing through his hair so you had something to hold onto.
He groaned a bit into your mouth, making your stomach do flips. Steve was kissing you.
This was wrong. You knew it was.
He was in pain and wanted you for comfort. As much as you wanted to cherish this kiss, it couldn't go any farther than that.
Quickly, you parted from the kiss, placing your hands on his shoulders to keep him at a distance so he couldn't try and do it again.
"No Steve," You panted, "As much as I want this, you're hurting. If this is gonna happen for us, I want it to be done right. I don't want to be Nancy's sloppy seconds, okay?" You told him.
"You're not, Y/N. No, trust me that's done. She and I are done." He leaned in again only for you to back away. "Steve, you're drunk and heartbroken. I don't want us to get together this way."
You inhaled shakily, still adrenaline high from the kiss. You watched him for a moment, seeing his slightly swollen lips part as he wanted to argue. "I don't even know if any of this is really you or if it's drunk Harrington taking over," You sighed, removing his hands so you were at a comfortable distance again.
"Steve, sweetie, get some sleep okay? It's late and you need to sleep off the alcohol." You helped him lay back down, kissing his forehead.
"Lay with me?" He whispered, making you hesitate. It wasn't like you and Steve have never slept in the same bed before. Your parents knew how close you two were and always allowed sleepovers. But after the kiss and with Steve being drunk, you weren't sure.
God damn it.
Going around to the other side of the bed, you pulled the duvet back and got into the bed. Once the covers were pulled back over you, you watched as Steve rolled over so he faced you.
"Sleep now, okay?" You asked him, the male nodding slowly before closing his eyes.
You did the same, allowing the radio and Steve's breathing to lull you to sleep. Before you could really get into a deep sleep, Steve called your name quietly.
There was a moment of silence before he finally answered.
~ ~ ~
"Morning sleepyhead." You smiled as Steve made his way down the steps and into the kitchen where you stood by the stove making bacon and eggs. "Smells delicious." He yawned, walking over to one of the cabinets to search for headache medicine.
"Third shelf."
"Thank you," He grabbed the bottle and opened it, taking out two of them. His attention was on taking the pills, but his eyes were watching you.
How could you be so peaceful after what he did to you yesterday?
"Do you feel better this morning?" You asked, looking over to him after you scrambled his eggs. "Physically? No. My head is killing me. Tina definitely overdid it with the punch this year." You couldn't help but giggle at his words.
"Emotionally? I've been better, but I am better than I thought I'd be." He sat down at the island counter. "Oh yeah? Well that's good. Maybe some sleep helped." You suggested, plating his and your bacon.
"Yeah..sleep." He agreed slowly, eyes still fixated on you. At this point you could feel his stare, making you look back over to him.
"What's up, Harrington? Is my hair messed up or something?" You joked, making him crack a smile.
"No, I'm just looking at you is all."
Your eyebrow arched, but you decided he was just being weird so you shrugged it off and continued to cook your eggs.
As his eyes bore into the back of your head, you could feel his eyes again and it was beginning to make you nervous. Why was he staring?
"Harrington, what's up?" You asked, plating the eggs. You then turned the stove off and turned around, arms crossed.
Steve's eyes widened slightly in surprise, quickly beginning to shake his head. "No, no, sorry. I must still have alcohol in my system." He explained, letting out a nervous chuckle.
"Well you're able to hold good conversation now. So, I don't think the alcohol is really taking any effect here." You walked over to the island, leaning against it.
"What's going on Steve?"
He seemed hesitant, mouth opening and closing almost like a fish as he couldn't find the words. It made you wonder if he remembered what happened with Nancy.
After a minute, you said his name again, making him come back to reality.
"Yeah, um, I guess I just have a question to ask?" He seemed unsure, but you decided to go with it anyway.
"Okay," You turned and grabbed the plates before placing his in front of him. You set yours down in front of yourself, just wanting to keep it from getting cold.
"What exactly happened last night? When I got here, I mean. I remember Tina's party, and I remember ringing your doorbell but that's about it." Steve got up to go grab some utensils, his back to you which gave you the opportunity to facially express your nervousness.
You squeezed your eyes shut for a second, mentally cursing yourself. You opened your eyes again, trying to find a quick lie.
"Last night?" You began, "Well, you showed up to my house and I practically had to drag you inside."
Steve chuckled as he made his way back over, handing you a fork. You thanked him and began to pick at your eggs with the fork. "Then I brought you upstairs, helped you get out of your sweater since Nancy spilled some punch on you, put you in your Halloween sweater instead, and then we went to bed."
The lie came out a lot easier than you expected. Maybe it was because you left out the impromptu kiss.
As you met Steve's eyes, you could see the confusion in his face. "That's all that happened?" He questioned, eyebrows furrowing. "Did we talk? I feel like I remember talking with you in your room." He said, rubbing his temple a little.
"I mean, you told me what happened with you and Nancy, so that could be it." You explained, really hoping he would just drop the subject before you died of embarrassment from the replaying memory of Steve's lips on yours.
"And that was all we talked about?"
You were hesitant. Why were you even hesitating in the first place? It wasn't like you'd never lied to Steve before. They were just smaller lies. Like, Tammy Thompson is an excellent singer or that new kid Billy Hargrove wasn't the new king of Hawkins High.
"Yeah. That was all."
Steve watched you for a moment before shrugging and eating his eggs. Your shoulders relaxed and you began eating as well.
God, this was gonna come back to bite you in the ass.
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eoues · 2 years
shadows﹒scaramouche x gn!reader, hurt/comfort to fluff ?? ig ??, mentions of death (not really explicit) and his old name, spoilers (this happens after his defeat in sumeru), bathing together (but not sexual/explicit), off-screen confession so established relationship yea !!
note﹒this is so bad sob, anyways reblogs appreciated :)
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you hid in the darkness,
betrayal. a word that he loathes so much. his experience with feeling betrayed was excruciating. why did he have to suffer like this? why did he have to be the puppet without a heart? did he deserve this? was it his fault? question after question he thinks to himself and yet, still no answer.
with unanswered questions, he hides his emotions behind a mask. a mask of darkness. “there is no such thing has ‘feelings’ to me — they are useless, i will never allow myself to be sentimental” he pauses, “i am just a vessel with no heart”. this is what he believes, everything in his life crumbled bits and bits, so what is there to have emotion?
and you captured me
after his fight with beur, the traveler, and you, he falls. total defeat, but he accepts this. this is how he dies, he can’t truly do anything now. his fate is sealed — he’ll hit the ground and everything over with. all he has to do is accept.
before he could predict his head hitting the ground — he felt a pair of arms. who caught him? he looks up to see your face — your eyes, they’re filled with tears. don’t cry, this is his fault right? he harmed so many people, he even tried to kill you and the rest, so why feel sorry for him?
fell into a dream so suddenly
after the events in sumeru. scaramouche felt out of place. some people would give him looks, some would just ignore him like he’s not there. he scoffs, he acts like he doesn’t care but he wish he did — he knows he cares of who or what judges him. but you — you’re different.
the later days, scaramouche felt at ease. this ‘feeling’ felt so new, it was calm, like sitting on grass planes admiring the sky and clouds. he liked this feeling.
you were different. you took care of him, you feed him and bathe him. you smiled at him even if he would give you mean looks or call you names like “idiot” or “weird. he liked how gentle you were with him. this newfound feeling turned into something new over the past few months.
shadows in the trees,
“scaramouche” you called him, but he can glare at you. “don’t call me that, i told you i abandoned that name” ge snorts, scooting closer to you.
“i thought it was kunikuzushi” you jest “both names” again, that glare he gives you never fails to make you smile just a tiny bit.
“okay then, what can i call you?”
silence fell upon both of you, he shifts where he sits and falls back onto the bed, in which, you do the same.
“how about, ‘wanderer’” scaramouche suggests, turning his head to face you. his gaze softens once he sees yours. what a pretty face he thinks. “that’s a stupid name” cocking a brow.
scaramouche raises from where he was lying and sneers “okay well do you have any other idea know-it-all?!” you smile brightly, so bright that he feels disgusted “nope”. “and this is why you’re an idiot” scaramouche face palms as you continue laugh. “hey maybe you ‘idiot’ should be a name for you too haha”.
all these jokes make scaramouche frustrated (but not actually) but seeing you all cheery puts a smile on him, though he’ll never admit it — he loves seeing you happy like this. you both stick with the name “wanderer” all though there are times you call him by “kunikuzushi” and he dislikes that name but since it’s you; it’ll make an exception.
play tricks on me
“how did nahidas teachings go?”
“horrible, it felt like hell” scaramouche eye twitches. dear archons does he hate nahidas lessons how to be ‘nice’ and ‘polite’.
“well you certainly need it” adding on, you take off his hat and settle it near the nearby couch. “tsk, maybe you need it too”
“oh wow, maybe we should raise the hours of your lessons, shall i tell nahida?” you mock him. “no! please wait! he grabs your wrist which (he didn’t realize) accidentally makes you fall on top of him.
“sorry i-“ he cuts off — meeting your gaze. wow, he’s amazed at how beautiful you are. to think that seeing you so up close could leave a tint of red on his cheeks. embarrassed he raises his body and which you do the same. “sorry i didn’t mean that” his voice is more quiet, sounds like a bunch of mumbles. “it’s okay” you both are a blushing mess! gosh why did this happen to him.
cloaked like a phantom in the shade
today was cold outside and you had everything on besides on simple thing everyone wears on a cold day.
a jacket.
nahida has called you to a local restaurant to catch up on how scaramouche is doing and you forgot your jacket at your place. you pray the restaurant is warm.
meeting scaramouche at a gift shop stand, you wave at him while he waves backs. oh of course he has a jacket — this feels like a joke right now.
“well y/n, it seems like you don’t have a jacket right now! haha are you trying to impress me that you can stand the cold” he mocks, archons you want to slap him right now.
“shut it or i’ll increase those lesson hours” threatening him as you shiver from the sheer coldness. “now now let’s not do that” nervously asking he follows you to the restaurant.
scaramouche hands you his jacket and you proceed to take it “thank you” you smile. his face turns red and looks away “don’t mention it”.
you’d lie and watch me disintegrate
he was nervous. you bathed him before but never in the same tub with him! he’s a nervous reck he just prays to the archons he doesn’t make you uncomfortable.
you get into the tub and settle in between his legs. the closeness is suffocating, he’s such a blushing mess!
“do you want me to scrub your hair?” he questions “if you want” and so he does.
“you know, this feels nice” he stops his movements and leans a little forward, wrapping his arms around your bare body. “what’s gotten into you?” you laugh, yet he stays silent.
“i just- wanted to do this”.
fell into a dream so suddenly
scaramouche lies in bed thinking: would everything be different if he did die? still, questions never to be answered. you walk towards the bed sitting at the edge “is everything okay?” again, you’re met with silence.
“let’s go to bed, it’s late” shifting to lay on your side of the bed — scaramouche turns to face you once again. “sometimes,” you continues “i feel like everything would be different if you didn’t save me back then”.
“well of course, you’d be dead” stating, you reach your hand over to take strands of hair and tuck them behind his hair. “do you think i deserve death? i mean, the countless people that died and controlled by me. do you realize how much of a terrible person i am?” he ponders, will he finally get his questions answered?
“i don’t like the fact that you harmed so many people, but you were given a chance, by a god, by me” you inched closer to him and he adds “but you don’t understand i-“ “i don’t, but i want to” you cut him off and he’s speechless.
“kuni, you were given a second chance, and what you’re doing can atone for all that. do you know how much you’ve grown? so much ever since, and you’re continuing to grow, even without a real heart”.
“and, i love you so much that i’m happy for you”.
scaramouche doesn’t say anything, that answers so many things he questioned himself for so long — he loves you too, he wish he could say it. maybe he should. one day.
shadows in the trees
it was cold and dark out and the moon was bright as ever. moonshine glows on yours and his skin, he can almost see the prominent features stand out which he admires.
yes, right now he couldn’t fall asleep, but he doesn’t want to leave the bed. he doesn’t want to leave you, he feels safe and secure in the arms that saved him long ago. what can he do without you anyways? he loves you a lot, he’s so happy.
wow, he’s feeling even more emotion than ever, who would’ve thought a creation like him that kept his emotions hidden and thought they were meaningless would have them again?
play tricks on me
eyes start to feel heavy, and his movements falter — he puts his arm atop of your waist and leans in close to your chest — he can hear your heartbeat and he blushes at the sound.
if only he could have a heartbeat like that but for now, it’s better to hear yours instead.
it took three betrayals, and he hopes — no — he knows that he’ll never have a fourth.
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© heartlvc ! do not copy/steal/translate
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kazutora-lover · 2 years
Title: Defeated (Part 1)
boss!Wakasa x secretary!fem!reader || Part 2
Genre: fluff, angst, 'friends' -» enemies -» lovers (kinda-ish?)
Summary: working in your boss's gym as his secretary, just why did he always have to put up a fight?
Warnings: mentions of food and eating, cursing, Waka is stupid and mean (for now, he has his reasons - please bear with me here) :(
Notes: 1st gen Black Dragons are part of the story hehe and of course, everyone is alive because I'm saying so ~
Word count: 2.2k +
a/n: I didn't even plan for it to have multiple parts but it felt kinda appropriate to stop it here haha, gotta keep y'all on your toes. Also, why am I doing this to myself? She said she's simping for him and what does she do? Inflict pain on her already shredded and shattered heart lmao. The angst just 'pspspsed' at me and I couldn't escape its grasp.. Anyways, I hope you guys will like it. I was kinda anxious about posting this ngl lol.
a/n pt.2: I apologize for any grammatical errors, English is not my native language. I didn't entirely proofread it yet either, will do that later :).
..... Friday.....
Friday nights, usually loved by everyone due to the simple fact of being able to rest as soon as one comes home, not the slightest worry about having to get up early the very next morning.
It's easy to assume that you loved Fridays too, right?
Well, you did love them but now that your boss decided to act like a prick, you started to hate them with a burning passion.
You don't even remember how or when it happened, Wakasa just started to act completely different around you. One day really can make a huge difference, huh?
Laying in your bed after another energy draining day at the gym, you got lost in your thoughts. Your boss, who used to be nice to you, understood when you felt sick and didn't come to work or checked in later than usual, the person who made sure to bring you food once he bought himself something, the same man who shared his coffee with you, started to act completely different overnight.
Said man didn't spare you a single glance except for when you really needed something from him and even then, he tried to keep it short and told you to only talk to him if it's work related.
He made you wonder if you did or said something wrong. If you didn't know any better, you would think the two of you have never been friends to begin with.
That's right, you've been friends with him for years and even befriended his own friend group, you guys grew closer and closer and did so many things together just for the man who brought you joy to throw it all away out of nowhere?
Tomorrow would be another one of those Friday's, another one where you wouldn't be able to relax on the weekend because Wakasa decided to keep you more than busy, making you stay right past the ungodly hours.
The man you once considered a very close friend didn't even seem to care about the fact that your mutual friends were just as confused as you were. He didn't tell them his reasons and even went as far as slowly distancing himself from them too.
You remember your most recent conversation with Shinichiro and Benkei - "Y/n, did you find out what's going on with Waka? He has been quite distant with us lately" Shin had questioned you.
"If only I knew, it's as if he changed personalities, he won't even look at me properly when I talk to him and he's become unusually harsh at work"
Benkei hummed at what you had said and added "I also came to notice that and everytime I would ask him what's going on, he would brush me off and tell me to mind my own business and that I should concentrate on training the others"
It was weird and you would lie if you said that it didn't hurt you but you had to be professional at work, this is not about your seemingly private problems.
Were you able to catch up on some sleep? You wished you did, but your never ending thoughts kept you awake and anxious. It didn't feel good and you wished to find out what bothered him.
When you arrived, Wakasa was already there. He looked distressed and tired but his attitude changed the second he saw you enter the gym.
"L/n, I don't know if I haven't made myself clear enough but didn't I tell you yesterday to finish the paperwork on time? I gave you enough time didn't I?"
He doesn't even feel the need for a simple 'good morning', huh? "I finished everything in the evening and put it on your desk Waka, didn't you see it?"
Looking at the boxing gloves embracing his hands, he retorted "First of all, since when do we call each other by our first names at work? And second of all, I texted you to finish the other pile on my desk, you didn't do that, did you? I need you to stay longer today, I need everything finished by 11pm!"
You couldn't believe your ears, you were supposed to meet up with Shin, Takeomi and Benkei for dinner later "Waka, we are supposed to meet up with the boys today, can I by any chance finish this tomorrow when the gym isn't open?"
It didn't even take you one second to see that he wasn't pleased with your answer, the glare he sent your way proving your point. "Do your work properly or I'll have to find someone better than you, do you understand? One more thing, try to call me by my first name again and I'll have you suspended"
With that he left you alone, leaving you and the huge pile of paperwork behind. You don't even understand where all of this came from, did he collect and hide them from you to set you up? This doesn't make any sense.
You've been sat in your office for hours, completely forgetting about the time. You felt so tired, ready to fall asleep but you weren't even halfway done. Sighing frustratedly, you ran your fingers through your hair and decided to take a look at your phone. '4 unread messages from The BD Squad' - your groupchat with your lovely friends.
"It's past 9pm Y/n, where are you?"
"We were supposed to meet at 7pm, even Waka arrived on time, haven't you been at work together? Where are you?"
"Weren't you the one who was all excited to try the new restaurant? Didn't think you'd ditch us"
"Do you want us to bring you something? Are you at home?"
You sighed again, it was past 10pm by now and you didn't seem to make it home any time soon. The frustration you felt made you want to scream and then cry. How come Waka met up with them after distancing himself in the first place? Did he want to keep you away from them? Was he fed up with the fact that you were around all the time?
Right when you wanted to text them back, saying that you were busy, Shin called you.
You picked up the phone and were greeted by his voice which was laced with worry "Hey Y/n? You didn't answer us so I decided to call you, are you okay? We're worried about you"
If you didn't feel like crying before, you sure felt like it now "Ah yes I'm okay, I just got some paperwork to finish. I'm so sorry for ditching you guys! I really didn't mean to, I just forgot about the time and then-"
Shin had heard enough and decided to interrupt you for good "Did you eat something yet? Are you hungry? We can come over to your place and bring you some food" he sounded hopeful, knowing fully well that you've been neglecting your needs once again.
"I'm okay, really! I'm still at the gym so there's no need to go over to my place. Again, I'm really sorry that I didn't inform you guys earlier - I'll make it up to you!"
Shin clicked his tongue in response and that's when you heard a second voice in the background "Stop distracting her, she has work to finish". It was Waka's voice, of course it was.
After a small pause on his side Shinichiro spoke up once again, his voice soft "Stay there and don't run away, we'll come and take you home" and with that he hung up abruptly.
It was strange but you couldn't allow yourself to get distracted now, Wakasa had reminded you once again how 'important' it is to finish this.
You must've fallen asleep because when you woke up, you weren't sitting at your office table anymore. You were lying on the sofa in your office with a thin blanket draped over your aching body. "What happened here" you asked yourself rather than anyone else but what you didn't expect was for you to receive an answer which made you shriek in surprise.
"So you're awake, sleepyhead?" It was Shin, accompanied by Benkei. "What are you guys doing here?" You asked as your eyes were still heavy with sleep.
"I told you we would come over to take you home but when we arrived you were fast asleep so we decided to let you relax a little bit - why are you even here at such ungodly hours?"
You pondered a little bit until you decided that enough is enough "Wakasa made me work longer, this has been going on for weeks but today has been the first time he actually got mad at me. Earlier he scolded me how I shouldn't call him by his first name at work and if I did it again, he would get me suspended. When I asked him if I could finish the workload tomorrow because of our plans to meet up for dinner, he told me to do my work properly or he would find someone better than me".
The shock on the both of their faces was more than apparent and it quickly changed into disappointment. They weren't disappointed in you, not in the slightest, but rather in their friend whom they didn't seem to know any longer. Benkei looked at you with sympathy "You should quit - don't get me wrong, I love that you work with us but you shouldn't let him treat you like that".
"Yeah, you should show him what he's going to miss out on - might as well steal you from him and get you to work at my shop. He doesn't seem to be able to show you the appreciation you deserve"
You knew they were right, you knew it but it hurt to even think about. What happened for Wakasa to hate you so much? Did he find out how you feel about him? Is that the reason he's doing all of this? Are you at fault that he's keeping his distance from his friends? You were so deep in thought that you didn't even notice that Shin had moved to embrace you in his arms.
He felt so warm and safe that you let it all out before you could stop yourself. You told them everything, every single thing that has been making your heart ache and they listened intently, not daring to interrupt you in the slightest.
About two hours later you had found yourself at home, well saturated due to Benkei and Shin who threatened to feed you themselves if you didn't eat what they brought you and freshly showered, ready to fall asleep in your cozy bed.
The next morning was pure comfort, it was the first time in a while that you didn't wake up to your ridiculously loud alarm but the warm rays of sunshine glowing on your face instead.
Checking your phone, you saw that you've got 2 messages from Shin but not a single one of your old boss, Wakasa. He really didn't care anymore, did he?
You closed your eyes for a second and recalled the events of yesterday evening - you had told Shinichiro and Benkei everything that has been going on and they got so mad on your behalf that they started to write your letter of resignation themselves.
When they were done, they made you read it and asked for your approval to put it on Wakasa's table, his office was next to yours after all.
There was no way he didn't see or read it yet, both men made sure to write the letters as bold as possible. But that's okay, you thought, it's not like you could force him to interact with you any longer, you parted ways and now you're nothing but strangers again.
The once lovely stranger who took you and your heart for granted. The stranger who once called himself your friend, who made you feel strange things for him. Versatile, is what you would call the feelings you harbored for him, such strong but strange strange feelings bubbling up in your heart.
With chaos in mind you got up and made your way to your bathroom, wanting to get fresh and ready for the day. What you didn't expect was for your doorbell to ring - someone really has one kind of a timing. You didn't even expect anyone nor had you made any plans so who was it?
Whoever was at the door definitely owed you one, they interrupted your chance of emptying your bladder. Right as you made your way to the front door to look through the peephole it had knocked two times, effectively making you jump.
Finally checking who it was, you spotted Shinichiro with a bag in his hand. With the corners of your mouth betraying you, you invited him in, your smile surprisingly bright "I didn't expect to see you, what brings you here?"
Looking at you comically, he retorted "My motorcycle, what else?" You watched him intently, judging him for what he just said but couldn't stop the giggles escaping your lips.
"Did you just fall for me?"
You scoffed, your smile not fading in the slightest "Keep dreaming pretty boy, I was laughing at you". Said man feigned a shocked expression and gave you a light push into the direction of your bathroom, shaking the bag in his other hand in the process "Get ready sleepyhead, your personal delivery man brought lunch and he wants to eat it warm".
.......to be continued
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madricat · 1 year
I wish I would have seen you in the bakery…
summary: Carlos has had a crush on y/n for a while and hopes to see them throughout his days, but will he?
authors note: reuploading since last one got deleted. dont worry nothing bad has happened to y/n btw
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Carlos pov:
Ay, I cant believe mama dragged me into going to the bakery with her this time. Something about “going out” and “see people”, whatever that means. Honestly, why would I? There is no one here that I care about except for y/n.
“You know Carlos, you really need to get out into town more. Without causing mischief” she added.
“I’m perfectly fine without doing so”
“Ay Carlos”
With that we enter the bakery. The smell of fresh pan entered my nose. I smell pretty good actually, I may just come next time. As long as I get to smell this heaven while ma’ deals with the people part of coming here. 
I hear the front bell ring but could honestly care less. Wait, are they cutting the line? Of hell no. who in the world would have the nerve- y/n?
“Hello Mx. l/n! Here is your order”
“Thank you” they said. Something's off. Wait…they didn’t smile for once. That’s weird, they usually always smile at others. Anddd they’re gone. 
“Carlos!” she snapped in my face. “Come on, it’s time to go!”
Did I really zone out? Damn it.
We started walking back to Casita, which was our last stop. Why can't I stop thinking of them? I wish you would've smiled in the bakery. Or sat on a tatty settee at least. All they did was just pick up their order and leave!
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It’s been a week since then and now I'm At some mutual friend's gathering.  Technically it is one of mine and Milo's childhood friend, but i’m not as good a friend with him as Camilo. Almost everyone around our age is here. Can’t believe I got dragged here. The only reason I agreed to come is to see them. 
Camilo is busy talking to others, maybe now is my chance to slip away to look. Maybe they are-nope. Where could they possibly be? I thought he told me they would be here. And the more I keep on looking, the more it's hard to take the thought that maybe they didn’t show up. Maybe Love, we're in stalemate. Perhaps To never meet is surely where we're bound to be forever. I mean, There's one in every town. They are Just there to grind you down. Make you feel like love is hopeless and everything. Why us tho?
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“Carlos!!! Ven aquí!!” papi yells out to me from downstairs. 
Now I have to get out of my room, stop what I was doing and see what he wants.
“que pasa?”
“You're coming to the post office with me. Now come on” 
“Did mama tell you to do this?”
“Haha, no. I thought we could go out together, that’s all”
“Okay then…”
We started walking there. He started talking a lot. Telling me a bunch of things. Wait. he never told me why we are going?
“Why do we need to go in the first place?” I interrupted him.
“ oh! Your abuela had some letters she needed to be posted out to someone. She was busy today, and you know how she is. She isn’t exactly young. To far for her”
“I see”
“Speaking of the post office, we made it. I have to go and wait in line to hand this in. You can either stay with me, or go look around”
“I think i’ll just go look around”
I start walking away, maybe I can go look at those postcards over there. I’ve heard they are really beautiful.  
I started looking at the cards. They weren’t that bad I thought to myself, whoever did them clearly had a talent. That’s when I heard the front door bell ring, but I paid no attention to it though.
“Well well well, if it isn’t the Madrigal himself” I heard an all to stupid voice from behind me.
“ No sabía que dejaban entrar animales aquí” I quickly rebutted
“¿Tú eres el que habla?” 
“ Listen here you little-” all the sudden I was cut off with my name being called.
I saw mi papa start walking over to me and quickly grabbed my wrist and dragged me out of there. He didn’t say anything to me, because technically I hadn’t done anything wrong yet. Instead, we just kept walking to our next stops. But man I wish I would've seen you in the post office. Well maybe I did and I missed it. Afterall, too busy with the mind on clever lines. Great! Alone with my thoughts again, the most wonderful thing.
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Well today is Sunday now. Time for Luisa’s weekly rounder's pitch game. Usually I get to sleep in and stay home, but I had other plans. Today was the day of the big match in the town, surely they had to be here?
Throughout  the whole game I couldn’t keep my eyes from wandering round and round in search for that familiar face. But nothing. I guess I was so out of it that I missed Luisa’s team won.
“ Let us go to la señora’s new canteen place to celebrate this wonderful victory.” abuela announced to the family. 
Everyone was excited, we’ve heard good things about there, but never had the chance to go.
Everyone was eating, faces lighting up with joy (although I believe it was cause they were so hungry). But once again, I kept searching the window in hopes to see a glance of them.
It had been a few days since then. I had nothing to do, so I layed in my bed, faced the ceiling, and thought to myself. My mind was blank for a while, until I started realizing all the places I hadn’t seen them. Why not the rounder's pitch or the canteen this weekend? Surely they’re always out on the weekend. You're slacking love, where have you been? I haven't seen you for a while after all. Maybe I Just had to go and wait until tonight. Camilo had invited a bunch of kids to go to the arcade. Luckily it was a friday night so they sure had to be there, AND it was half price day! How could they say no?
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Me and Milo arrived a bit late, something about “making his hair look presentable” whatever that means. But then again, it did look like a bird’s nest this morning. 
Everyone kinda split a bit off and went to go and play games with each other. I played a few skill games, but I kept losing right at the end. I swear it’s rigged!!
“Hey Carlos! Wanna go grab some lemonade with me?” Camilo came up to me, after I just lost another game.
“Why? To scared to go alone”
“NO!!! If anything, you looked like the lonely one!!”
“I do better working alone thank you” rolling my eyes at him.
“Just come on” he said as he started walking off, leaving me no choice but to drag myself behind him.
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“Two lemonade señor” he said while leaning against the counter.
“Coming right up” the dude said as turned around and poured some into the cups.
“Soooo how’s it been so far?” ‘milo pipped up.
“Not the worst,” I hesitantly replied.
“ Is something wrong? If there is I can fix it and-” 
“Camilo!” I interrupted him. “Nothings wrong, okay? Just getting tired of losing, that’s all”
“Are you sureee? Oh!” his face lighting up with joy “is it a certain someone then?” he said with the widest ass grin on his face.
“Geez okay” he said while throwing his hands up in the air. “ I'll let you be! Clearly someone gets a bit touch after loosing”
That’s it! I’ve never wanted to punch his stupid face more until now-
“Well I challenged armando to a game of hoops, you can watch if you want” he stated while picking up his lemonade in one hand and using the other to point backwards. 
I just stood there. Watching the other. I wish I would've seen you down in the arcade. Maybe sipping on a lemonade In the paper cup they served it in, and chewing on the straw. A habit I noticed they had.
But once again, the world was unfair to him…
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New day, new task. Today I was given the simple task of going to the bakery for some sweets. I only agreed though because I was told if I did I would get to choose whatever I want (obvi not something huge). And I wish I'd seen you in the bakery this time. 
But if I'd seen you in the bakery by chance, knowing my luck You probably wouldn't have seen me…
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xiaosenthusiast · 2 years
08. kind of makes this trip suck
before you could all start walking into the carnival hu tao spoke up.
“so how are we doing this?”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean how are we getting into groups?”
you hadn’t really thought about it, but you could see who wanted to be partners with who. lumine was looking at a certain someone, he was looking back. xiao was also looking at lumine but she was looking at one of his friends. albedo.
“albedo do you wanna be partners?”
the first group was formed, lumine and albedo.
after lumine paired up with albedo, xiao had a disappointed look on his face. you got closer to him and you felt his hair tickle your face.
“hey, don’t be so disappointed. i mean…we can be partners?”
he turned to you and his face became even more disappointed. but he agreed.
“okay then that leaves me and kazuha..why’d i get him?”
she grumbled before walking into the carnival. lumine smiled at albedo and they held hands while walking into the carnival.
xiao, being annoyed, grabbed your hand and followed closely behind them. “what ride first?”
while xiao listened closely into their conversation, you just stared at your hand intertwined with his. you felt your heart beat quicken and felt your face become hot.
soon enough he was pulling you along with him, right. we’re following lumine and albedo.
‘yn snap out of it! you’re only holding hands!’
although you were trying to focus on lumine and albedo, you couldn’t stop staring at xiao.
he just looked so…pretty.
the first ride was bumper cars so you got in a car with xiao and he immediately aimed for lumine and albedo.
to be honest you were getting kind of annoyed with how persistent he was.
i know he has a crush on lumine but can’t he at least acknowledge me? i’m still his friend.
when we got on the ferris wheel, you saw hu tao talking to the ride operator…and giving him some extra money?!
you gave her a look and she just gave you a smug smile.
you weren’t at the top when the ride stopped but you were kind of at the top…do you get what i mean?
but anyways, turns out hu tao slipped him some cash so that you would all have the best fireworks seats.
you were amazed by the fireworks, they were so pretty!
you turned to xiao but all he seemed focused on was lumine and albedo, who were in the cart in front of us.
you sighed and grabbed his chin, making him face you.
“yn?! what are yo-“
“xiao. i get it. you like lumi, but you can take a break from stalking her every once in a while yknow?”
“oh please, i don’t-“
“xiao, you’ve been focused on them this whole evening. it kind of makes this trip suck.”
he looked at you with wide eyes and let out a sigh. he gave lumi and albedo one more glance before fully facing you.
“i’m sorry..i didn’t realize that you were trying to have fun..i was just so focused on them i forgot why you came in the first place.”
“it’s okay..just make sure you have some fun too. you don’t have to watch over them 24/7 haha.”
you gave him a soft smile and turned your attention to the fireworks again.
after the ferris wheel you got on more rides with xiao and he seemed to be enjoying himself more. although you guys weren’t holding hands anymore, you were happy he finally had fun instead of stalking lumine.
at the end of the trip, you realized you still had to drive xiao home.
what a pain in the ass
extra !
“soo…lumine likes albedo huh?”
“yeah…sorry i didn’t tell you..”
it was quiet for a while until he started playing txt.
“are you gonna move on? or are you gonna ‘fight for her love’ haha”
“don’t worry i’ll move on w u bby gorl”
he bit his lip and made that stupid face
“wha- hey! don’t joke around with me!”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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a/n -ˋˏ✄┈┈ i love adding clichés theyre sm fun to write
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
*Knocks on door* heard we could ask for director's commentary on our punishments...would like to know what you were thinking for the Es Quest Bad End in more detail....
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Haha, sure 😂 It's all under the cut, my rambly thoughts in pink!
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You open your eyes. 
I'm a sucker for the repetitive loop starts, I had to open with something recognizable :) Writing in second person present tense was a really new and fun project for me, haha. Also, not that this took a long time to draw, but it gave me a new appreciation for you adding a drawing to pretty much every update omg >:0
The temple looks the same as it always has. The thought usually comes as a relief – after a particularly difficult hero, the return to routine is a blessing. Seeing everything back in its place always fills you with a sense of peace. God once explained that all of existence is a circle. Something about eternity and cycles and perfection. You didn’t quite understand, but you enthusiastically told Him that you did. You didn’t want to appear as a clueless child. And anyway, you grew to love the loops. 
My attempt of channeling autistic coded Amane... both seeking the familiar/routine no matter the cost, and trying to act more knowledgeable to avoid the shame of not understanding :( Both in canon and in esquest I'm so emotional about how Amane finds comfort in things that normally are healthy -- religion, community, family, rules -- but they aren't healthy in her case. I tried to paint the loops/eternity as something good here, planning on flipping it around by the end.
(Also, I went with the catholic practice of capitalizing He/Him for God -- I know Amane isn't catholic but I liked the effect)
But not now. 
This time, your head whips around, looking for something that should be here. Well, it shouldn’t be here, but you expected it to be.
You pace the chamber’s echoing floor, but there’s no sign of it. Did you really expect it to be here? Did you really get your hopes high? You should not have been so naive. The hat isn’t here. How could you have been so stupid?
Ah, the painful divide of being hopeful, but trying to convince yourself you were never hopeful in the first place, or that it was wrong to be, so that the disappointment stings less :(
“What are you looking for?”
You nearly startle at the voice. God stands behind you. He does not sound pleased. 
The word come out in a panic. Then, as you’re struck with the realization that you just lied to God, your eyes drop to the ground. “I mean… it’s nothing of importance.”
She's just a kid!!! Kids lie on instinct when they panic!!! (I mean, adults lie on instinct when they're panicked too...) I wasn't sure how rebellious you view her in the story, but I felt like she loved/feared God enough to immediately try and correct her mistake without necessarily admitting to it. A smooth cover up so that she doesn't feel guilty but also doesn't get in trouble. I feel like she'd be toeing this line a lot...
He steps closer, and you shy away from His suspicion. 
Despite the glare He shoots up at you, God’s voice is even. “Are you sure?”
Once again, I'm sure how omnipotent he is in your version, but I pictured him knowing absolutely everything. He knows how high she had her hopes. He knows what she's hiding from him now. But he's playing it cool and making her come out and say it.
“Y-yes. I thought… last time there was…” You take a moment to collect your thoughts. God pauses as you do so. He is always patient with you. He loves you, after all. You inhale. “The last hero tried to change things, but they did not. I knew they couldn’t,” you lie, “so I was just seeing the proof.”
“Yes, they failed. There is nothing to look for here.”
“Of course.”
I debated on having Amane actually witness Es defeated, had proof of some kind. I decided that leaving it up to God's word made it hurt more -- readers (myself included) would still have hope that maybe is Es really is coming back, and God is just saying that to keep her complacent. The unknown makes it even more painful to watch Amane give up that hope and turn her back on the possibility.
God leaves you, then. The temple drops into silence. He is right. There is nothing to look for. You aren’t quite sure what emotion you’re left with. Your chest feels as empty as the chamber around you.
The next hero, however, finds out exactly what you were feeling. They take one step into your cell, and you tear them apart. 
I was trying to keep these are drabbles but honestly there could have been a whole fic focused on this in-between time: how long did it take before the next hero came? What did Amane do when God told her she'd have to do it all again? I wanted to make her Big Choice having to do with accepting punishments, but I could have easily made this the Big Final Choice. What was it like, walking down to her cell and locking herself up, after everything? Is the new hero painful because they remind her of Es, they are nothing like Es, or she doesn't even give them a chance to find out?
It all happens in a moment. It shouldn’t be them walking through the door. You scream, accusing the flailing hero of things they never could have done. You cry, accusing yourself of things you never should have done. You let your claws tear however they please. 
Looking at the mess before you, you feel like the monster everyone feared you were. 
You don’t really care. 
Brief moment of showing just how much pain she's in but still can't process her emotions so she lashes out in violence, but also.... one (1) moment of catharsis as a treat. Go Girl Fuck Em Up! Also giving the audience a brief taste of hope that she's accepting herself and realizing how powerful she is (hinting towards her using that power to stand up for herself) only to drop it immediately after ;-; sorry ;-;
That is, until God appears once more. He looks on the scene with disgust. It’s the type of face the villagers would flash your way before turning away to whisper something. It’s the look you saw from your parents, a silent warning about what was about to follow. You knew this situation was no different. 
You were monstrous, and you would be punished as one. 
“This type of behavior is not why I chose you.” God says. “I chose you to be special.”
This was the closest I could get to the sting of "I'm not mad, just disappointed." I think if God was openly angry or cruel Amane would challenge him much easier, but she's so busy caring if she made people proud, if she didn't disappoint them, if she was good enough for them, that those things hurt the most to hear.
“I understand.” 
“Come with me.” 
This was right. This was just.
Once again a little catholicism while knowing Amane is her own religion -- there's a prayer at the beginning of mass where you chant "It is right and just [to give thanks to God]" It sounds pretty normal on its own, plus I might get to jumpscare people with it lol
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Your feet remain stuck. Es...
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No. You do need to do this.
For most of my planning process, I was set on using a little photoshop so that the final, desperate ask would come from you, actually! But I was really committed to the emotional pacing of the ending, and nothing takes someone out of the rhythm like "I would not fucking say that" 😅 The same thing stopped me from asking some of the typical commenters to send stuff in (plus I didn't want to implicate them in my crime 😅)
It was really fun considering ways that a fourth-wall voice may influence my story, but I knew the most emotional route was just some simple pleading right at the end. I wasn't sure it it would still hit as hard with the second person pov -- would it really feel like Amane was turning her back on You if you were already immersed as Amane? But I tried anyway asdfsdf
These voices, they were wrong last time. Only one person had proved undoubtedly correct this whole time, and you should have listened to Him from the beginning. 
There is a reason everything is circular. The loops make sense. Routine means perfection. Change never brings anything except pain. This time, you will be good. You will be good enough. 
By this time, I wanted the cycles to suddenly feel suffocating to the reader, and reminding them of the many, many more loops Amane will be trapped in after this ends. And I'm still breaking my own heart with how she values "being good" over being treated decently...
You follow God.
Your chin is held high. You need no saving form heroes, or voices, or anyone. You’re right where you’re supposed to be. You’re special. You may not be perfect, but that is why you must endure these lessons. God must love you so much, since he is willing to teach them again and again. How patient he must be.
She is special, and is strong, and not just a weak child who relies on others to save her, but!!! In this case she does need saving!! She needs people looking out for her and protecting her!! That's not a shameful thing to admit! Even putting God's manipulative love aside, I feel like her insistence in canon to never be treated like a child just shows that she can't accept needing any help whatsoever -- to do so is the exact same as admitting she's weak/a failure/etc.
He turns his face away, in time to miss one last tear that slips down your cheek. You hear the smile in his voice. 
“There’s a good girl.”
Just. Reminding everyone. And hurting myself. About how Amane will literally sacrifice herself physical and mental safety just to hear that said about her. Ah.
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kaerichan-yatta · 1 year
Don't mind me running to your inbox when you announced that requests were open. I've been having the worst obey me brainrot and I couldn't help myself akdhjsjdjs
So, could you please write anything with lee Levi?? He's my absolute fave! Feel free to choose the ler x3 And no pressure ofc!
Have a lovely day!
Top priorities chart
(Levi, Mammon & Lucifer)
Summary: a brand new game finally came out, and Levi had been waiting for it since weeks. However, as soon as he starts playing, it becomes his first priority, bringing his brothers to worry about him gaming for days straight. But no worries, Levi's top weakness against videogames is here to help!
A/N: GDHUAJDUS I'M SO SORRY I'VE MADE YOU WAIT FOR SO LONG😭 my health got in the middle and messed up everything and i even thought i had lost your request cause i was worried i accidentally canceled the fic💀but nope it was safe in my drafts ehehe. (ALSO MERRY -REALLY REALLY REALLY- LATE CHRISTMAS even if we already exchanged wishes many times lmao)
A/N2: also ignore me brainrotting about lee!levi with a hyper sensitive arms and spine and being L O U D when being tkled...
Hope you like it!! Enjoy!<3
"Oi, Satan. Where's Levi?" Mammon asked, his mind clearly up to something silly with money involved.
"I don't know, probably in his room playing videogames, as usual I'd say..." he answered, his eyes still fixed on the book he was reading.
"Again? It's been a whole day...damn. I wonder what he finds so interesting about gaming for so long"
Even if this was his idea, he went down the corridor, opening Leviathan's door without permission.
"Ah, little brother! Guess wha-"
"GAHH! OH NO, NOT AGAIN!" he screamed, both in pain (metaphorically) and for the nearly heart attack he had from Mammon's sudden entry into his room.
"Woah, what was that for?! What are you screaming about, I did nothing wrong!"
"YES YOU DID!" he pointed at the screen "Look at that! You scared me and I lost the match!"
Mammon's expression changed from surprised to annoyed.
"...really? That's my fault?"
"Yes!" he sighed. "Just, just leave me alone! I gotta play another match to win the final tournament!"
"But I needed to talk to you!"
"Later, c'mon! Don't make me lose again!"
Mammon closed the door behind his back, leaving his room. "How rude...!" he said to himself.
meanwhile, in the kitchen
"Lucifer, it's been two days and Levi still has been gaming non-stop" Beel said, adding carrot slices to the soup he was cooking for the dinner.
The eldest rubbed his forehead.
"There's not much we can do, however. I think you all know how Leviathan is made, and what he thinks about this"
"But it will have an extremely negative effect on him!" Asmodeus added, taking plates from the drawer, and taking one for Leviathan too, still hoping he would come at least for dinner.
"Oi, Lucifer, how about we go checking on him after dinner? He must be scared if it's you!" Mammon said.
"I doubt that, but for once I'm in with your idea"
"Levi, are you still awake?"
"Of course he is..."
"Ah, yes sure I am! Come in but be quiet" he sounded really nervous.
Lucifer opened the door.
Lucifer's eye twitched, he and Mammon looked at each other, then sat down on the floor at each side of Levi.
"That's it, that's it! Aaah! That's the boss! See how big and strong he is but HAHA! I prepared the best team ever and I won't let ANYONE and ANYTHING destroy my perfect path!"
"Why is he pointing out words...?" Mammon whispered to Lucifer.
"Well, you know how he is"
"Hey, I heard that, Mammon!"
Lucifer and Mammon exchanged another look, both of them clearly annoyed by his behavior.
"Levi, could you-"
"Bless of the New Moon!"
"Have a taste of my sword!"
Lucifer almost gave up in trying to convince him turn down the console volume.
"Leviathan...could you at the very least try not to scream so much?"
"What are you talking about?! I just won the ultimate tournament!"
"That's not the point...I think you need to revise you priorities" Lucifer said.
Levi blinked. "Huh?? Priorities?"
"Yes, in fact, you've been in your room for-"
"Oh, wait! Final showdown, I forgot! I gotta do this!"
"He's not even listening to you, Lucifer"
"Ah, see? How can that game be you first priority?"
Then, an idea popped into Mammon's head.
"Hey, Lucifer! Guess what I'm thinking about" he looked at his brother, his gaze playful, craking his knuckles.
"Well...that could be a good idea"
They closed up on their brother as he was keeping on playing, unaware of what was about to happen.
"Eh, Lucifer. What was that you were talking abAAH!" he suddenly arched his back, missing a button on the joystick, his character jumping instead of attacking.
Lucifer simply kept on poking and squeezing his sides. "Mammon, do you remember?"
Levi's character began to run all over the ring as he lost control of his own fingers, the cause? Mammon's fingers tracing along the inner side of his arm, going up to his armpit, then back down, and again.
"Ah, no! Sorry Lucifer, looks like I forgot...! Levi, can you remember?"
Levi immediately blushed, his character now jumping off the roof and dying. "NOHOHO! GAH- COHOHOME ON!" he laughed harder Lucifer's fingers found their way under Levi's shirt and scratched at his ribs.
"W-WahAHAIT! It W-WAHAS about p-priohohoritIHIHIES?!"
"Ah, right. I think you didn't exactly understand what are your top priorities, Levi. That's why we came here" he stopped for a moment.
"Guh- haah! Ehehahaha! W-whahat do you mehehean?!" he squirmed and giggled as Lucifer still slowly tickled his ribs, making him ten times more nervous about the conversation.
"You've been in your room for three days now, skipping meals and sleep, because your top priority was the game. But that should be less important than your health"
"B-buhuhut! The gahahame just cahahame out! And I was s-so excitehehed!"
"Ah, you're not even trying to understand!" Mammon paused the game in the middle of the fight, which was probably going to be a loss for Levi, since two more of his characters had died.
He tackled his brother down, sitting on his legs, scribbling at the sides of his tummy. Oh, a really bad spot.
"GAHAH- MAHAHAMMON!" he kicked his legs behind his back, shaking his head and trying to block his wrists, but his efforts got stopped by Lucifer blocking his hands under his knees, fully exposing Levi's arms.
Now Levi was in big trouble. Each of his brothers knew how his arms were sensitive.
Scribbles, feathers, tracing, even kisses from his beloved MC could get him there.
"I'm sorry, Levi. But I'm firmly fixed on the topic before" he brought wiggling fingers down.
"NOHOHOHO!" he twisted his torso, in a desperate attempt to free himself, but it was useless. Tickles could weaken him in no time.
"This is were it gets you for good, hmm?" Lucifer said, tickling the inner sides of his elbows.
"GUH- AHAHAHA! Q-QUIHIHIHIT THAHAHAT! IT TIHIHICKLES!" his laughter rose as Mammon started digging his finger into the back of his ribs.
"Well, that's the point. Since you wouldn't try to follow the conversation, that's one of the easiest way to make you" Lucifer said, in a slighty smug tone.
"Too much already? Aw, you're seriously that ticklish?" Mammon teased.
He panted heavily, his eyes closed, his face red.
"Well now, Levi. Are you ready to follow the conversation?"
"I t-think I am..."
"Good. First, I want you to know gaming must not be your priority, even if-"
Lucifer was almost immediately stopped by Levi.
"But Lucifer! This game is super- no, hyper! Hyper important!"
Lucifer sighed. "I suppose I have to resort to forced measures..."
"T-thihihis is insahaAHAne...." he laughed.
The current situation was indedd insane. Leviathan down on his stomach, Mammon sitting on his lower back, and Levi's shirt up so his back was uncovered.
"Let's try to convince you this way, shall we? So, top priority is health, then studies"
Mammon wrote "Health" on Leviathan's back, letter by letter, with his fingertip, giving a little tickle here and there just to tease him more. Levi kicked his legs and tried to muffle his laughter behind his hands.
Then, he wrote "Studies".
Leviathan's body spasmed as Mammon wrote the "S" and the "U".
"Then let's see..." Lucifer said.
"M-MC! MC is a p-priohohority..." he spat out between his giggles, the position he was in making it hard to take a proper breath.
"Right, I see you're starting to understand. Add that one, Mammon"
"W-whaHAHat about gAHAHames?!"
"Well that's one of the last I think...or maybe I could bring that one up...alright, that's a bonus"
Mammon wrote "Games" over his back, sending Levi into hysterical laughter.
And among all the priorities he was listing, Leviathan himself took a mental note about another priority. A good one that would probably save him in the future.
"Always listen to your brothers whenever they're feeling mischievous enough to tickle you to pieces!"
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jamiesfootball · 6 months
18 and 22 (or any you want to answer if you've already done them!)
18. What was the hardest fic to title?
The Vacant House Behind Our Home. I wanted something referential to the fact that it was inspired by Welcome to Night Vale without being on the nose. I ended up going with a loose riff of 'the hole in the vacant lot out back of the Ralphs' with a dose of The House That Doesn't Exist. What I ended up with was this echo of the motif: that these are all people who have been displaced from their realities, ending up in a place that's similar to their home while being horrifyingly different. Like it's a house right next to their house, one that doesn't seem like it should exist but here it is. Now they're all trying to make do with that the best they can and help each other. The more they bond together, the more it becomes unclear to them- which is the house now and which is the home?
22. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene
I don't believe I've talked much about the fight scene from oh god, you're gonna get it (you have not been given love). So I'mma talk about that.
While it was a struggle to write (particularly the second half), I enjoyed the emotional arc of it: how it goes from oh Roy's angry, to haha this is kind of silly to oh, oh no, something is wrong.
So here is an excerpt from the 'this is kind of silly' part:
"Careful," Jamie complained, jerking against the grip on his arm as Roy dragged him down the pavement. "It's a new hoodie."
Roy ignored him. They marched past the line and the lingering crowd; this didn't need to make the social media rounds. When they rounded a corner, the ambient light of the building dropped into thick shadows, too dark for Roy's night vision to decipher the expression on Jamie's face.
He tugged him further down the pavement where a lamppost beckoned off the corner of a side street. "This way."
Once they were under the light he let go. Jamie stumbled a bit in surprise.
Roy drew in a deep breath of muggy London street air. Sighed, "Alright. Let's do this."
Jamie raised his eyebrows. With his mouth set in a mulish frown, he scrubbed a hand across his face, and his rings winked at Roy under the light. "What, here? Under a spotlight where anyone could see us?"
"It's safer." They had a match coming up. Even if Roy's eyesight wasn't for shit, they weren't doing this in the dark. With their stupid luck, Roy would end up accidentally knocking out the twat's eye or something. "C'mon now. I'll let you take first swing."
His consideration fell on deaf ears. Jamie stepped backwards. He frowned. "I don't wanna take a swing at you. I want you to quit being such a dick."
"I wasn't being a dick. You were being a dick."
"You started it!"
Roy held up a hand. “Hold it, let me take my jacket off. It’s my favorite jacket.”
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Jamie spun on his heel, pacing two steps and circling back. "It's your only fucking jacket."
Roy bundled his only fucking jacket into a fucking ball and threw it at the base of the fucking lamppost. Bare against open air, his skin prickled with awareness and the sensation swooped through him, overwhelming his vision. For a moment he felt disconnected from his body—unattached from the odd paleness of his skin under the glow of the streetlamp—but then the feeling passed, and he was slammed back inside, his hands shaking with pent up adrenaline.
After a brief moment, Roy added his keys and wallet to the pile.
Jamie waited for him to finish, bouncing on his toes with his fists buried deep in his pockets. Roy studied him and after a moment's thought said, "You too. Put your stuff down so you don't lose your keys."
He looked at Roy like he’d gone mental.
Roy nodded towards the lamppost.
Jamie crossed his arms and glared.
He thrust his chin at the pile of stuff, getting impatient.
Jamie flung his hands in the air, like Roy was the one being unreasonable. He fished his keys out and tossed them on the pile. "There. Happy?"
Roy sized him up. "And your jumper."
"Oh, fuck off!"
"You said it was new."
"Yeah, well, I'm cold," Jamie complained, narrowing his eyes like this was Roy's fault.
Roy grit his teeth, the tension worsening the already deep pounding in his head. "It's summer."
"It's spring!"
What a fucking child. "Fine, but it's your fault if you ruin it."
Jamie stuck out his chin, petty and ready to argue, and the sight of it settled some of the nerves crawling under Roy's skin, because at least Jamie was making eye contact again, and that was better than Icarus on the couch and the guilt eating a hole through his stomach and the fucking question mark of a Red Bull commercial that wouldn't stop tapping him on the shoulder, mocking him for something he'd been too bullish to notice.
They needed to bury the hatchet, and if a string of concern thrummed under his skin, because they've fought before but they've never fought, then he needed to bury that too.
He tensed his shoulders, mirroring Jamie's stance.
Jamie stiffened.
“Am I allowed to fight you now? Don't need to take off my shoes or my belt?” asked Jamie. His eyes darted about. His face ran through a complicated series of contortions before landing squarely between stubborn and brat. “No.”
“'Cause I don’t want to now. You ruined the mood.”
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you-will-return · 2 years
For once, I'm actually doing what I said I'd do in a timely manner.
So this will be jacket post part two: electric boogaloo, bc I didn't want the other one to get too long.
Anyway so yesterday I finished all the sewing (you'll see what I mean) and on Wednesday I finished the painting at Maxi's place (who btw came over and helped me finish my uni stuff so everybody go thank Maxi bc otherwise I'd still be sitting here crying over my shitty printer.... anyways)
Let's get to it
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Here we have the front of the jacket (I'll show the collar area in more detail in a sec). On the right pocket I added my LOTSAD pin (yes, I still think the abbreviation is funny), originally I wanted to put the Blind Channel one there but then I realized 'sewing inside of a pocket sucks ass, as does sewing through two layers of jean fabric at once', so here we are. The sewing doesn't look very clean but fuck it (it's just rock'n'roll, okay I'll shut up). Maxi told me 'It would've looked better if you had cross stitched it' to which i replied 'Honey, I'm just glad that it's on there'. Anywho underneath the ghost, between the buttons I added the word(s) 'care fully' (which can be read as one or two words and I kinda like that. It's a Mitski reference but also I just love playing with language).
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Here we have the LOTSAD pin (and shitty sewing job) in more detail and as you can see I finally added the GIANTS pin above the Get Up coward.
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The Joonas smiley got some company. Tbh sewing the beads on like this was so much easier than trying to sew on the pins.
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More beads!!! I decided to make the rays two-colored bc why not? And I know the bead placement is a bit on the nose, but eh who cares? Also I added the birds last minute bc freedom and the sea and all that (in my heart they're evil lil seagulls).
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(This is nothing new but I just wanted to show it to y'all colored in)
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From bottom to top: The knife (!!) is finally colored in and I couldn't be happier. Imagine walking by someone and then boom KNIFE!! (I hope you can tell how much I love this stupid bloody knife). Above this I added one of my favourite songs off of the new album. But yeah it has a star in the middle, bc they're burning (again lost an arm and a leg on the creativity). And you might notice that these beads are different, and that's bc I did this arrangement at home, where I had a greater variety available :)
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My favourite part of the jacket, still. It's so simple and yet it just works. Again, I know that you've seen this before but I just wanted to show it outlined and coloured in :)
Now for the back:
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Top to bottom: since my collar is usually down, I put the Watching Over Me mainly here for myself, but it's for good reason. This lyric really means a lot to me on a personal level and it's from the first MCR song I ever listened to (so it's double special), so no one but me (and you guys now haha) has to see it or know it's there, but I still wanted it to be included. Secondly: the Bad Idea back piece is done!!! Yaay!! And the roses don't look like colored in 8s anymore (double yay!!). I'll admit it looks pretty edgy (what about this jacket doesn't) but I really enjoyed painting it. I think I might have also done it out of spite for my 9th grade English teacher, who, after I had done a presentation abt MCR, told me:"Nice presentation. But Anna, all that blood and gore? Is that really necessary?" Yes, yes it is ma'am.
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Lastly: the rest of the back. Yeah I kinda just went ham with the beads and pins, but it was fun (for the most part). Bottom to top: The 747 is finally colored in, bc of its position it's kinda reminiscent of an incomplete license plate but if you knew my history with this number, you'd agree that it makes this just that much more fitting.
Above it the Blind Channel beads, kind of as a summary of everything above them.
Then we have Balboa (why is there a heart bead? Bc Maxi had some lying around and I thought it looked pretty). I really like this song and I would give a lot for that skeleton Breakdowns for Breakfast t-shirt.
Above Balboa we have a part of glory for the greedy. No deeper reason for why it's here just 'mwah'. This was the first bead arrangement I sewed on btw and lemme tell you it was a struggle.
Talking about struggle we have the Don't Fix Me pin arrangement that made me want to throw myself into a river. I struggled so much with this but I ended up really liking it. Pink + edgy??? Fuck yeah, that's what I live for. I know the song itself is not everyone's favourite, but I've been listening to it on repeat ever since it came out so lol
Lastly we have the Left To Die beads (yes alive or only burning, again, that song has been living in my head rent free ever since I first listened to the album and not just bc of the jupiter line haha). When I first heard the chorus I was like 'huh' and then i thought about it some more and I was like 'hUH?!?', anywho needless to say this lyric hits me every single time (:
Soooo.... that's the jacket. Edgy, wonky and with a certain.... diy-charm.
Hope you enjoyed this journey and its outcome as much as I did.
Bonus: The diy saftey pin necklace (by me) and saftey pin earrings (by Maxi), that I'll probs wear at the concert. Alongside a Revenge bracelet that I wanted to sew onto the jacket but sadly didn't know where to put.
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