#I think it IS betty trying to be nice to him.. like ‘ur my friend! I���m gonna save my guy. we can fuckin save ur guy too…’ like!!!
kzele · 9 days
Just read ur post abt Sha-Shan & THANK YOU for giving her some content/credit.
Now I'm curious to hear if you have any thoughts on Liz, MJ or Aunt May. If you don't then that's fine. Again, I appreciate how you aren't afraid to call out Gwen's flaws.
Sha-Shan is an underrated gal, for sure. No one talks about her and it makes me really sad because I loved her execution.
Well, like many fans, I think that Liz was done dirty by the writers. Especially after that thing w/ her brother. She and Peter had far better chemistry and they made him incredibly OOC in order to get him to dump her. Liz's character is faithful to her comicbook counterpart's crush on Peter, but the way they've redone Peter's side is not. I've read the comics and once Peter was dating someone, he committed to the relationship. The reason Peter and Liz never got together in Lee-Dikto is that he was dating comic Betty Brant (terrible girlfriend and paranoid mess who was forever freaking out over Peter leaving) and never really thought about other girls seriously until they broke up. Liz's evolution is good so there's not much to say about that, but they should have either (a) kept her crush unrequited, (b) have her and Peter break up about issues that had nothing to with Gwen, or (c) kept them together and worked out their issues with Liz as a pattern-breaking love interest.
EDIT: Also, when she and Flash broke up over (in part) her interest in Peter, she showed later showed signs of confusion over Flash and Peter. The same confusion that Peter had over her and Gwen. Both she and Peter have that parallel over letting go of someone they cared for and moving on. That is also something that people gloss over. They made similar choices in that scenario but no one gives Peter credit for letting go or Liz crap for not being able to decide.
MJ is a character I love. She is faithful to her comic self and has far better judgement about things than other characters. She warned Peter that Eddie was bad news and gave him the specifics of that horrible date. She helped save Gwen from Venom and there's hints that she at least suspects Peter of being Spidey like in the comics. MJ is straightforward in letting the guys know what she wants right now. However, my main issue with her is trying to break up Peter/Liz for Peter/Gwen. I know Gwen is her friend but breaking up the relationship of the sister of the guy you're dating isn't really. . .nice. Of course, MJ sees all dating through a non-serious/jaded lens so it makes sense that she doesn't feel why that would be a big issue, but still.
May is the best. Some criticize her for the curfew and getting involved in Peter's dating life, but it's easily understandable because Peter is the only one she has left in her family so of course she worries about him. And she never forced him to date MJ outside of that prom date. She's overprotective and nosy, but also. . .she's a single parent with a lot of responsibility who's trying not screw up with her baby. Name a good parent who hasn't meddled with their kid's life.
I have many more thoughts but I'd be typing till doomsday to write them all down coherently.
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minalblood · 9 months
Been a looong while but I'm back with a new episode commentary. 1x09 here we go!
The instant recall to finale of spn s 1 is just as delicious and jarring this time around. Find it very very interesting that it's the vampires that mimic the Winchesters here and do so in order to learn their fate and fulfil it. I'd definitely call this a dark mirror to begin with.
I also adore these vamps, they're sooo fun looking.
John and Mary really came out of that near death experience losing no time in getting together.
The appreciation of Dean being paralleled to the appreciation of Baby is just... sooo funny considering the sheer amount of connections there.
Soo Kyle is instantly suspish here. Not even hiding it, damn. You can tell the shift in personality just based off his demeanor. I also think the little hand gesture he does as he walk away is interesting, it's almost like he's saying "im washing my hands off this bullshit". It subble enough that you could think it's jealousy.
The little hints at Lata and John friendship! My beloved!. Also Lata is suuuch a gossip I love her!
I once more am asking John Winchester to stop trying to be subtle, it aint his strong suit. But alternatively, I sorta get it? Like I can understand why it would be confusing if u don't get where Mary is coming from, since she has no problem letting strangers (and exs) on the street see them together, but not their close friends? But I also completely get Mary as well, she's actually lived as a hunter her whole life which means bagage already, then the fact that their relationship is new and fragile. Plus both her parents and his haven't had the easiest time with relationships. Cautious makes sense.
Ah yes, "fate is what u make it". Dean hearing it from John who heard it from Millie. All of them have their very personal reasons for that saying to apply, but also... Dean saying he didn't expect where things got when he "pushed that first domino" reminds me of Cas and him talking after the 1st Apocalypse that wasn't and about how free will sometimes means things aren't really gonna go the way you like them.to or expect them to (peace or freedom?). It's sorta funny then (read:ironic) that in both John's life (SPN!John) and Dean and Cas after Swan Song the outcome was actually quite tragic over all, John's life literally going out in flames with the rest of it being a living nightmare and in Dean and Cas' case Sam is dead and Heaven is starting a Civil War. This episode then does something really nice in subverting that expectation by setting up the tragedy (John is to die, can't change that) and allowing him to survive and not just that but ending it with him getting exactly what he'd wanted here in the beginning of the episode, getting to freely be with Mary.
I adore how Carlos calms down the driver, showing once again the full range of their skill as hunter and empathy as person. Love them so so much!
Couldn't get a hold of John, says Mary, being more suspicious then if she and John had shown up together... I find that hilarious!
Also also, love that this clarified that fangs are still teeth aka u can identify people (vampires here) based on them. I love love love that!
Uuuù Betty is suspish about Mary.
God! Dean had to have loved the vampire robbers. Vobbers? Rompires? Vambbers?
Oh noooo John! Don't be ur children! Don't just pick up random amulets like a moron! (At least we know who they got it from?)
Carlos is almost just as bad, my God! You see ur friend drop it like it hot and you just bend to.pick it urself?! Ah, Carlos, the range you got babe.
John dying by vamps begins my headache of the night because it is 1000% a callback to Dean's death in 15x20. And I wish that wasnt the case.
Ok let's talk Ursitoare (Uhr- see-too-ah-reh) a sec. So this is Romanian myth. To give an overview of it, the myth largely relates to the Ursitoare (or Fates you could say) blessing or cursing a new born after they've been born. Usually the legend states that the mother or midwife would have to leave out gifts (generally food like bread or water or salt etc) to basically appease them and make sure the baby gets a good destiny foretold. It's also states that those who eavesdrop on them as they tell the childs destiny shall die. They are also said to be quick to anger if spurned. Another interesting think tho about the myth is that (while there can sometimes be 7 or 9) the 3 ursitoare are generally known as Ursitoarea, Soarta si Moartea (aka the One who Wishes your fortune, Fate and Death) again the Greak Fates work very well and there's def overlap between the myths here. But importantly, Ursitoarea is the oldest and Death the Youngest (or othewise simply stated as the 3rd).
Now based on this we have a few things to keep in mind, mainly our vampires. They esentially eavesdrop on John's fate here and get exactly what the legend states - killed. In other news, the Ursitoare are very much neutral beings generally. They can be plied with offerings sure, but overall they just spin the thread as it goes. Its only ever an active role when wishing the newborns destiny. Now John's our newborn here, new to hunting at least, reborn once already after the war and a second time after confrunting everything he has since hunting became his life. More importantly, in some versions of the myth, the ursitoare give either the mother or the midwife dreams the night after the baby is born that need to be carefully interpreted afterwards - exactly what the Gem does here.
To wrap this part up a bit, I am.endlessly happy about the way they tackled this myth. SPN had sadly a bad bad record with Romanian mythology and lore - 1st with the witches in s7 which I'd argue was ... 'inspired' by rromani mythology rather than Romanian which is its own culture and as such its own racist connotation to that whole mess. And 2nd with the Imaginary Friends in s 11 aka Zanna .... which has absolutely nothing to do with Romanian mythology beyond slapping a horrendous mispronunciation of Zână onto a piece of lore that doesnt exist in Romanian mythos - we don't have any imaginary friend stuff, its literally all imported from the US. So this lore here? This is fucking aces! It actually makes sense, is actually a Romanian myth that is still being invoked nowadays - especially in the countryside as tradition of baptising/birth and it works very well in the context of the episode. Now, it would've been perfect if they didnt add that shh sound in Ursitoare making ir Urshitoare... Like its funny a bit cuz I constantly think of bears (urşi - ursh is plural for bear in Romanian) but its ok since its just that. I can live with a minor mispronunciation. I will say the Gem itself is fully made up tho for TW.
To answer Carlos tho, the Ursitoare themselves tell u 2 things: the future and also a future they are willing to bless or curse you with. It's essentially both. They show u the future, ur life as it's meant to be exactly, no deviation, but only in pieces or really a piece as a dream and, importantly the sorta end result of ur life which they wish upon u as newborn. How u get to that wish is up to you. The Gem.appears to have merged these two.
I also love love love the show of community that hunters have, that a hunters network is important to getting the job done. It makes me strangle SPN!John worse because he actively isolated himself aaand his kids. Ffs!
Awwwweee I like Betty! I mean shes a cop soo... not great but shes nice and cares so much and is worried :((
Millie does a good job here I think. She's not dismissive of Bettys concerns, but shes also careful to dispel them if possible. She shows once more how good she is at manipulating people, tho admitedly this time it isnt anything malicious or even generally negative.
I also gotta say that Betty (and id say John by extension) is very naive to think that war could in any way shape or form help with the issues John had had. Like he had trauma from his fathers abandonment and his mothers general treatment afterwards, had trauma from the disfunctional relationship the two had before Henry died/left, which all was underscored by deep-seated guilt that he let out as rage. Like all war would do is make it far far worse. It shows just how young Betty is truly and how she really hasn't lived through too much yet. And i said John too because Im fairly sure he also thought going to war would help in a similar manner.
I also headcanon that Betty was very inspired by Millie... but thats just me.
Carlos continues to be a dumb dumb about Anton... unsurprising, but omg.
I forgot the stone was carved from the Ursitoare's ribs... is it just me who though of the birth of Eve here??? Also yes, Il Soarta is def Italian I realize now. Do i question why an Italian cult was obsessed with Romanian myth.. absolutely not.
Im think that the 'most times not'part of what destiny the Gem shows u is due to essentially the stone acting as ... well... an eavesdropper. Literally. It was given to specific people to use by the Ursitoare as recompense for their worship - so good fate; but then as time went on it became a useful artifact for the benefit of Il Soarta so it became a way to eavesdrop on destiny so said destiny changed in them because that worship became.in name only. As mentioned, the Ursitoare arent patient and dont take well to being spurned or used in this case.
God the drip on the vamps, love them so much!
I would also argue that fate ultimately doesn't care about anyone if the whole universe is in jeopardy and uve a bigger destiny like John Winchester does.
I agree with Mary calling Millie here. Especially since she actually.knows what it's like to just ... lose someone like that. John does too, but he's also the one in the middle of it.
Ironic that Mary says "even if i have to kill every vampire in the tri-state area " ... a version of her actually does do that... for her kids. And simultaneously, its ironic also that another version of John will tell their kids that vampires are extinct (which could get them killed fyi).
Millie and Dean would be horrible together... all theyd do is work in the garage and shittalk research... and I kind love that for them.
I also like that Millie does in fact tell John bout Betty and also basically tells him.to not bullshit a bullshitter. This convo between Millie and John might be the 1st truly empathetic one we've had for them. Like yes, John's defenses go up instantly and he immediately assumes that Millie agrees with Betty and is judging him, but Millie, this time, doesnt do that. She just wants to check-in on how he's doing. And does so softly. And believes him more importantly.
And of course, back to the tried and true Winchester feelings avoidance after we've just had a helluva emotionally vulnerable talk.
I live for Carlos being disappointed in the vamps housing choices. I too would judge that. (So would Dean tbh)
Aaaaand Carlos once more gives us the biggest puzzle piece to where the vamps are.
While Lata is once more absolutely delighted by the magic lockpick like the wonderful nerd she is.
Millie to John "Dont do what u always do, not today" --> leads him directly to the room hes gonna die in. Irony at its finest.
A lot of irony in this episode, i realize now...
God I adore Carlos v vampires fight scene, its soo good. And its followed by the equally as fantastic Mary v vampires. Ahhh, I love them all so much.
Ppl really shouldn't fuck with Mary Campbell when shes pissed and worried.
I will miss the vamps tho... i really liked them :(
Ah yes, Winchester ingenuity at its finest... 🙈
I like what this ep says about how dead mans blood works? It implies that vampires literally drain the life force through the blood because the dead mans blood only came into effect once John did actually die - a few moments after he got bit thus implying a certain supernatural link between the blood just ingested and John's lifeforce. I vibe with that.
Ah yes... the full context - still drives me.mad. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN ROBBIE?! Especially with all the parallels TW has to SPN.
I appreciate the CPR not stopping until only after they think he really did die for good. U DONT stop CRP for dramatic pause ( advice to othee shows/movies or in ro aviz amatorilor)
Anton and Carlos!!! 💓💓💓 yay!
And they're using their words! They're communicating guys 😭 im so proud
Damn... Mary and John are being cute too 🥲
Dun dun dun!
Betty and Kyle and Kyle is Akrida! 😱
Sorry, i dont got anything revealing or deep to say about the ending here 🤣🤣🤣 its all plot and relationships.
Aand so we reach the end of another episode, 4 more to go!
I will say time and distance made this episode easier to watch for me. 15x20 had fucked me up before and made it very hard to watch without refering back to it. It has several parallels to Dean and dying specifically. The main one ofc being death adjacent to vampires. But it also has John killing himself for the sake of the hunt which sadly doesn't bode well either because it reminds me of a really bad couple of weeks back in 2017 when i had the realization that Dean has literally been shown as suicidal every single season (and i can name the ep, its so clear) and then Advanced Thanatology hit the Tv screens on nov 9th 2017... not a fun realization and def not a fun series of events afterwards. Sorry to bring this up here, but well... its relevant sadly.
Thankfully tho, this episode works well to deconstruct that and to subvert the spn finale by allowing John to live and to fully embrace his realtionship with Mary.
In other news, next ep will anger me a bit... for.multiple reason, some having already been discussed by people better equiped to talk about it then me. But rest assured, ive shit to say outside of that too, so see y'all for ep 10. Im aiming to have that up by the end of the week.
And thanks to @noybusiness and @shallowseeker for encouranging me to continue this.
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listening to august on repeat and thominho august au
what are your thoughts on this, queen tea?
(also since ur sleeping when i send this i hope u have a nice day tomorrow!!)
my beloved nix, your honor, i've got more thoughts on this than you might like.
interestingly enough neither of my folklore triad hcs contain thomas, which is real weird for me but it's how it is.
i've got nalby as the cardigan-betty relationship and august as minho's pov.
cardigan - newt's pov
august - minho's pov
betty - alby's pov
i think it's just that cardigan, esp. the line "you drew stars, around my scars, but now i'm bleeding" is so quintessentially nalby to me. works real well for their canon relationship and its ending ( :''''''''''') ), but also for AUs honestly. bc nalby to me is some sort of sweet connection (not as in sweet, a little pretty but meaningless, but sweet as in genuinely good. maybe they're each other's first loves, or their each other's first loves where it is good, and real and honest.
but the pain has got to be there, so honestly i find the folklore triad works for them. minho is august bc i believe minho would be the type to take what he can get, with no regards for his own feelings and who'd realize much too late just how bad he hurt himself. :')
and alby would get away from newt / start up a thing with minho bc he's got this idea that he isn't good enough for newt. and minho kinda is the easy way out there, and it's easier for alby to be with him bc he doesn't really love him. :''''''''''''') . pain. my good friend.
imagine "your back, beneath the sun, wishing i could write my name on it" and it's minho singing it about alby. YES.
and then the other hc i have is brenderesa as the cardigan-betty relationship and minho, again, as augustine :'''''''''''') look minho just FITS augustine, okay. for the reasons elaborated on above.
cardigan - teresa
betty - brenda
august - minho
where "james get in, let's drive" becomes "bren get in let's drive". :')
and it's not that brenda doesn't like minho, she does, but she's not in love with him the way she's in love with teresa. and brenderesa worked well for a while, but when brenda saw teresa dance with gally at that dance in the gym, she felt her world come crashing down around her, and realized two things, 1) the way she's in love with teresa she can get hurt so, so badly, so she should get away, 2) both her and teresa would be better off with men bc homophobia and difficulties etc
this of course is a tragic train of thought but a realistic one imo and it'd be so much fun to explore this. especially bc this triad can end "happily". (not for minho. but he'll get better.))
so this (i mean either or both of these) could be really fun to write bc songfics are easy and neat, reaching a symmetry-happy conclusion satisfactorily and prettily. i don't know if i'll ever do one of these, but i've sure thought about them. rn i'm trying to focus on thominho week anyway, then i've got those other ot3 fics, and honestly vikings and athelstan x ragnar have been front and center on my mind, so i might just never do these.
lol. you got more than you bargained for here bb, i'm sorry alksdjflksad.
feel free to share your august thominho headcanons though!! would it have a happy ending in your mind?
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toxophilitis · 4 years
Daddy’s Little Girls cont.
Lynette felt weak but very wonderful when Olive helped her back up onto the couch. She felt very giggly good as she sat and talked with the sexy woman.
"That was so great!" Lynette said. "I never thought I'd like eating pussy, but once I got started I just couldn't stop. You sure do have a big clit, Olive. Do you think mine will ever be that big?"
Olive was leaning back comfortable on the couch, with her eyes half closed and her legs spread apart. Her cunt hair was matted down from Lynette's kisses and from her own over flowed juices, and her cunt could be clearly seen. Her cunt had long, thick, deep pink lips, and between them was the tip of her clit that Lynette had sucked on with such gusto. Her tits, big and globular, hung down heavily. Lynette sat close beside her, looking with pride at the woman she'd learned so much from, and whom she'd satisfied just as much as she'd been satisfied herself.
"Exercise, that's what does it," Olive said. "Lots of fucking, lots of sucking, and someday your clit will be as big as mine."
"But I'll never have tits as big and nice as yours. Could I touch your tits again?"
"Be my guest. But don't expect to get anything out of it. After this morning with Russ and this afternoon with you -- you sexy doll -- I'm bushed."
"Such big tits," Lynette sighed, lifting and fondling her two tanned tits, gently fingering their big brown nipples.
"Believe me, you're better off with tits. Big tits like mine can get in the way. On the other hand, big tits like mine attract men. But even with your sweet tits, you've managed to attract hell out of my boyfriend. He wants to fuck you, Lynette. And he knows how to fuck a gal, believe me."
"Why would anyone want me when they already have you? Is it okay if I touch your clit again?"
Olive obligingly parted her legs wider and said, "It's time you had a real man's cock in you. Russ is okay, but he doesn't really know what he's doing yet."
"Is your clit getting bigger? Oooo, it's so nice and slippery and warm! And, Olive, it tasted so good!"
"I'll make you a deal," Olive said. "I'll arrange for my boyfriend to show you a really good fuck if you'll help me with a nice sex party here."
"Sure," said Lynette. "Whatever you say Olive? Could I just taste your clit one more time? I've got to go home and cook dinner for Betty and Mark, but before I go, could I just taste your clit one more time?"
Olive gave her permission and Lynette kneeled on the couch. As she bent over the big thatch of hair on Olive's cunt, Olive fondled and squeezed Lynette's tits warmly. The tip of Lynette's tongue was tickling the tip of Olive's clitoris as Olive said, "You get your cousin Betty over here with me tomorrow, and I'll take care of the rest of it. Then I'll give you some real fucking, and if you take to that as well as you've taken to cunt-kissing, you'll be one of the damnedest sex pots in the world."
When Lynette went home, Betty and Mark were already there. They were on the couch in front of the TV, holding hands and sitting close together looking with smug satisfaction at, Lynette. Lynette was dying to tell Betty what had happened to her that afternoon, but of course it was no time to do so when tattle-tale Mark was there. Instead Lynette started dinner, looking forward to telling Betty later, when they were alone in her bed. Lynette might also demonstrate some of the things she'd learned from the next door neighbor.
Betty insisted that Lynette serve them dinner on the couch, where she fed Mark his meal bite by bite while he sat there with the same smug grin on his face. Betty kept kissing and hugging him all through dinner and continued to do so while Lynette cleared the dishes away. Mark kept trying to put his hand inside Betty's blouse or up under her skirt, and Betty kept giggling and pushing it away, and then whispering into his ear. It wasn't even nine o'clock when they got up from the couch and said they were going to bed, once again warning Lynette that if she said anything at all about what had gone on at the house, they'd get her in a great deal of trouble. And it was Mark's bed they went to, and Lynette was again left alone.
She put on her pajamas and sat down to watch television. She was feeling very good. It didn't bother her a bit to pass by the door of Mark's bedroom and hear her brother and cousin giggling away. Promptly at ten o'clock she turned out the lights and went to bed, but before she had fallen asleep, she heard a tapping at her window. Olive Cook was out there, smiling and motioning her to raise the window.
"Hi," she said, leaning her arms and her big, heavy tits on Lynette's windowsill. "I was sort of expecting you by for another visit."
"I didn't want to bother you."
"You'd never be a bother to me. Mind if I come in? I wanted to tell you it's all arranged for Betty's coming out party tomorrow, if you can get rid of your brother."
Lynette helped Olive in through her window. The brunette was wearing the thinnest, sheerest, altogether sexiest black lace negligee Lynette had ever seen. She sat down on Lynette's flouncy pink bed and told her about her plans, holding Lynette's hand as she did and eliciting many soft giggles from the red-haired teenager.
"It sounds like a super plan!" said Lynette. "And it's just the right thing for Betty."
"You sure do look pretty in those green pajamas, Lynette. Me they made out of silk?" Olive asked, feeling the material from Lynette's knee to her groin.
"That's an awfully nice negligee you've got on," Lynette responded. "Real sexy."
"Your skin looks best on you," Olive said, an she began opening the buttons of Lynette's pajama top. "I sure would like to play with your tits before you go to sleep, honey. Do you mind?"
Olive shivered and moved closer to Lynette, and began sucking on her tits. The woman's hands were very hot on the girl's tender flesh as she felt the contours of Lynette's waist and eased her pajama bottoms down over her hips. She moved up to fondle the times she was kissing. Lynette was quickly becoming excited, but in her inexperience, she was afraid to make a move. She felt her cunt getting wet and her ass getting itchy and her tits swelling up in Olive's mouth, while, the warm, slithery tongue of her newest and dearest friend swirled and lashed at her pebble-hard nipples.
When Olive at last sat up, she looked more aroused than Lynette felt. She was panting and her eyes were glinting as she said, "Lift up your hips, pretty baby, and let your lover get these pajamas off?"
Lynette did as she was told. Olive's hands were all a tremble as she stripped the girl. Olive flipped on Lynette's bedside lamp and had the girl stand before her, as she sat on the bed and ran her hands over Lynette's slim body, gazing up at her adoringly.
"You're the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world. If I had any sense, I'd keep you all to myself."
"But you promised," said Lynette. "Your plans for tomorrow, and then getting your boyfriend to fuck me."
"I know. I know. And I'll keep my promise, unless you let me out of it. Unless I can prove you don't need any other kind of fucking but the kind you cap get from me."
"Tongue-fucking? That's great. But I think I'll always like cock-fucking better."
Olive grinned and pulled Lynette down on the bed beside her. "Those aren't the only ways to fuck. I know another way that you'll like even better. I'd show it to you, except it's so bad."
Olive nodded her head. She hugged Lynette and kissed her mouth and tits and said, "It's so bad I ought to be spanked for even telling you about it. But it's so good you'll forget all about wanting a cock in your cunt when I've done it to you."
"Then you'll do it?" said Lynette. "Now?"
"Sure. If you'll spank me first."
"Spank you? Me? Spank you? What for?"
Olive fidgeted about, still caressing Lynette's naked body. "A nice spanking gets me in the right kind of mood. Especially when it's done by a pretty thing like you. You don't have to do it if you don't want to. But if you do... look out, cause then you'll get a fucking that will make you forget all about big old cocks."
Lynette just laughed. "Oh, that's silly. How could I forget about something I think about all the time? But if you want a spanking, I'll give it to you."
Olive shivered hotly and stood up. She slipped the straps of her lacy black negligee down and let it fall, and the moment Lynette saw her big, naked tits she forgot about spankings and fucking and everything, till she'd liberally kissed and sucked Olive's tits. Olive was hard-pressed to stop Lynette's kisses. But when she did, she had Lynette sit well back on the bed. Then she lay stomach-down across the girl's thighs.
"Gee, you have a nice bottom, Olive," said Lynette, as she felt her naked ass cheeks. They were so very round and soft, so beautifully shaped, reminding Lynette very much of Olive's tits. Olive's ass was almost blubbery in its softness, but each time Lynette took her hands from her ass, they bounced back to their perfectly spherical shape. They were big, and they were so very soft and nice that Lynette could quite easily part them widely with the fingers of her hand.
In the very bottom of the deep groove between Olive's tanned ass cheeks was her asshole, a deeply puckered orifice, delicately tinged with brown. Olive moaned and writhed on Lynette's lap as the girl touched her asshole. "That's the first place I ever got fucked," said Lynette, and she pushed her finger inside.
"Ahh! Oh, my God! Oh, you angel!" Olive gasped, twisting and turning on Lynette's naked thighs and clutching hard at the bedspread.
"Do you like to be fucked in the asshole?" said Lynette, worming her finger in and out of Olive's tight asshole, pleased at the way she was making Olive excited.
"Ur-r-rgh! Ah-h-hgh! Jesus... Christ!" Olive muttered, writhing still harder on Lynette's lap.
"I like it best right here," Lynette told her, and taking her finger out from Olive's asshole, she inserted it and one other in Olive's very wet cunt.
"Ur-rgh! Ur-rgh! Ur-rgh!" Lynette could feel each of Olive's very rhythmic moaning as well as hear them, for each time Olive moaned her belly got hard as a rock against Lynette's thigh. Lynette giggled softly and kept working her fingers around in Olive's fever-hot cunt, and then massaging her.
"Still want me to spank you?" she asked.
"Uh! Oh-h-h! Yes!"
If she wanted a spanking, Lynette was willing to help her out. Olive's ass cheeks quivered and shook under the forceful blows of Lynette's open hand. Olive was all but tearing up the bedspread with her fingernails and toenails and teeth, apparently in great pain, but still raising her lovely ass up for more of Lynette's hard spankings. Lynette kept it up till her hand was sore and Olive was up on her hands and elbows, whimpering and moaning and rubbing hard at her big, hairy cunt.
"You've had enough now?" Lynette said.
"Ur-rgh! Ah-h-h! Oh-h-h!"
Lynette slipped out from under her and went to the closet, where she got a section of the fishing pole her father had given her for Christmas. It was nice and limber and about a foot and a half long. As Lynette laid it smartly across Olive's lovely soft ass cheeks, they seemed to do an enchanting dance.
Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat!
"Eek! Oh! Yes! I love you! I love it!" screamed Olive.
"Keep quiet or Betty and Mark will hear." Splat! Splat! Splat! Splat!
"Mmf! Nng! Mrnf! Mmf! Mmf!"
"That's better."
Olive's ass was all red and raw. And her finger must have been sore, too, for several times Lynette's fishing rod had cracked against them while Olive was up on her elbows and knees, madly rubbing at her cunt and her asshole. But Olive showed no signs of team at all when Lynette tossed aside the fishing rod and jumped onto the bed beside her. If anything, the very brisk spanking had increased her ardor for Lynette, for she dragged the girl down beside her and covered her giggling face with kisses, saying, "Good God, what a beautiful spanking! Now you're going to get a fucking you'll never forget! It'll change your life." Olive grabbed a pillow, which she placed under Lynette's ass.
"M-m-m-m. Mm-m-m-m. Beautiful!" Olive said through her kisses, at the sight of Lynette's red-fringed cunt sticking up into the air. Olive's glowing, hot ass remained high in the air as she kissed Lynette's cunt in a fever of passion. She twitched and jerked and moaned as Lynette pinched and patted her ass.
"This is nice," said Lynette, lying back and stretching languorously under Olive's sucking kisses. "It's real nice. But I thought you were going to fuck me."
Olive stopped kissing Lynette's cunt and said, "You bet your sweet ass I am! Spread your legs and hold still... for now."
Lynette's long, slim legs were spread wide open, and Olive kneeled between them, rapidly rubbing her black-thatched cunt as she did so. Olive's hair was in disarray and there was a wild look in her eyes, but she was still a lovely sight to behold as she moved cunt forward, her big tits swinging toward the eager, smiling girl.
"Now hold your cunt lips wide open. Like this." Olive showed Lynette how, parting her thick, crimson cunt lips widely with her finger and thumb, fully exposing her outlandishly big clitoris.
Lynette followed suit, spreading out her tight, pink cunt lips and fully revealing the sweet, tiny nubbin of her pretty clitoris. "I still wish mine was as big as yours."
"It's big enough. Hold still."
Lynette was able to hold still, but Olive was not. She was in such a state of agitation that her hips were twitching and shaking as she carefully lowered her pelvis down on top of Lynette's, looking avidly down as their cunts came together like widely parted mouths.
"Ah-h-h," Olive sighed, as their clits made perfect contact, made more perfect still by the circular movements of Olive's hips. "There! Isn't that the greatest?"
"Feels nice!"
"Let's fuck!" Olive said, and she began to move her body.
Olive's fine body was arched back like a bow to make better cunt-to-cunt contact. Her position gave Lynette ample opportunity to play with her lovely, big tits. This, plus the clitoral contact, already had Olive in a lovely state of constant orgasmic pleasure, a state which Lynette was quite willing to share with her.
"Oh, Olive! It does feel nice! And getting better all the time!"
"Nng! Nggg! Ahh!"
Their cunts were squelching together wetly, very hot and very open. Olive's clitoris was rubbing wetly and directly against Lynette's while Olive continued to cum and cum.
"I'm on fire! My cunt's on fire!" said the gasping, sweating Olive, fucking the supine girl with ragged vigor.
"Your clit feels as big as a finger!"
"UR-R-R-R-RGH! Oh, R-R-R-R-RGH!" Olive's orgasms became too intense for her, and she suddenly toppled off Lynette's thrusting body. Rolled up in a ball on the bed, she continued to cum by herself as she clutched at her cunt with both hands. Lynette spread her knees and squatted down over Olive's contorting face, taking full advantage of Olive's raging passion as she rubbed her cunt against Olive's hot mouth. Finally, Olive collapsed in exhaustion.
"That was just super," said Lynette, when her passions were sated and Olive was lying on her bed in a smiling daze. "I like cunt-fucking a lot, but I'd still rather have a cock in my cunt. You better go now, Olive. I want to get plenty of sleep so I'll be ready for Betty's party tomorrow."
Lynette had to help Olive out the window, and the naked brunette walked unsteadily home.
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mediocre-riverdale · 6 years
Riverdale Can’t Develop Relationships Rant
Ok so this is going to be long, sorry for that.
Choni (Cheryl/Toni)
• Don’t get me wrong, I like Choni and I think it’s good that Cheryl has someone who loves her but this relationship lowkey came out of nowhere.
• Lets review: they have a few very short conversations (if you can even call them that) in which Cheryl says something rude, Toni says something along the lines of ‘I know you’re acting mean for a reason’ and Cheryl basically responds with ‘I’m popular, totally fine, and totally straight ha ha ha 👀’. Other than that they don’t really spend much time together until the Love Simon scene.
• The Love Simon scene: so, Cheryl is outside this theater and is going to see the movie when Toni shows up and offers to see it with her. Cheryl accepts, which is odd because up to that moment Cheryl had been pretty clear about how she felt about Toni and the serpents. There’s really no reason for Toni to want to spend time with Cheryl either, they didn’t know each other well and all their previous interactions were unfriendly.
• (Toni highkey just wanted to get into Cheryl’s pants, but that’s a story for another time).
• (Also was Cheryl planning to go see Love Simon alone?? she was going to sit there, in the back, completely alone and in the closet and return home from just crying in a theater by herself?? That was her frickin Saturday night plan)
• After the movie they go to Pop’s and Cheryl comes out to Toni which partly doesn’t make sense. I realize Cheryl was emotional that night and she didn’t have friends to come out to, but why would she come out to this random serpent of all people? Did she know Toni is bi, and if so, how? It seems very odd to me that Cheryl would out herself to a gang member she saw ONE movie with.
• Once Cheryl comes out, Toni calls Cheryl sensational. Remember how I said earlier that Toni wanted in Cheryl’s pants? Well, here’s an example of that. THEY HAVE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR LIKE LESS THAN A MONTH. There is no way Toni could know if Cheryl is sensational or not, though it was a nice thing to say.
• Also it was kind of a weird thing to say. Sensational?? To some random north side redhead that made ur gaydar ping? Really Toni?
• Anyways, they have some flirting moments which are actually pretty cute, Toni saves Cheryl from conversion therapy (damn Toni gets attached real quick) and they seem genuinely good for each other but the premise of how they get together is weird.
• They go from 0-100 in a very short period of time. Over the course of a few episodes (maybe a month or so in Riverdale time) they go from being lowkey rivals to sending heart eyes at each other and we haven’t seen a lot of screen time between them since the show deleted a lot of their scenes. Them deleting the scenes makes no sense because they could’ve easily fit them into the episodes and it would have made Choni seem a lot more developed, but nO.
• Cheryl becomes a serpent near the end of season 2 which I kind of understand more than SOME people in that gang (ahem, Archie) but still, Cheryl has hated the Serpents for most of her time on Riverdale and now she’s one of them. It makes little to no sense. She wouldn’t have joined if it weren’t for Toni and again, she’s only been dating Toni for maybe a month or so?
• Either way I guess the Cheryl Hating the Serpents storyline is dropped now, so thanks for the inconsistency Riverdale.
Bughead (Jughead/Betty)
• ok, let me rephrase
• So if u watch the show u definitely know bughead since it’s the most popular ship in the show. They’re also the Ship of Going to the Extremes.
• If I go in depth about this it’s going to be way too long so I’m just going to list how Bughead evolved over these two seasons: it starts with Jughead and Betty being cute, Jughead climbs in her room and calls her Juliet, wears this tux and smiles at her, and they do normal teenage first relationship stuff. Then shit gets crazy.
• Season one is relatively tame to be honest. They seem a little too into each other for a couple that had been dating for about a month or two, but whatever they’re 16 and I can understand getting overly invested in each other when you’re young like that.
• It’s a very rushed relationship. In the first and second episode Betty has a crush on Archie, cries about him, seems heartbroken when he says he only thinks of her as a friend. By like the seventh episode (there were only 12-13 episodes in the season, I’m sure, so Bughead happened within ten episodes) she has completely forgotten Archie (who she liked for years and had been previously been best friends with, though she barely hangs out with him in current episodes) and is kissing Jughead.
• As per usual, Riverdale takes Bughead from 0-100 in the blink of an eye and competely changes how they act.
• For the whole first season Jughead actively does not want to join the Serpents and is very clear about that. However, at the end of season 1 he gets a Serpent jacket and all that changes. While Jughead is off doing this, Betty is being the typical ‘girl next door’ and has that crush (but lmao, they ditched that storyline too sO). There’s one episode where this football player, Chuck Clayton, lies about Veronica giving him a Sticky Maple (some Riverdale sexual act, put the dots together yourself) and so to get revenge B & V decide to tie him up in a hot tub and burn him until he admits what really happened on the date, while filming. This gets weird very quick because Betty shows up in a black wig and lingerie and says that ‘Betty couldn’t make it’ (Taylor Swift is sueing), then once Chuck confesses she tries to drown him, pours maple syrup on him, calls him Jason, and tells him to apologize to Polly.
• so instead of Bughead staying the cute relationship it is in season one the show makes them bring out the worst in each other and act like they’ve been dating for years. They’re obsessed with each other. It’s kind of unhealthy, they literally make each other worse.
• Jughead becomes the Serpent King and Betty becomes his Serpent Queen, despite having little to nothing to do with the south side besides her connection with Jughead.
• yep, another Riverdale gf joining the Serpents for their significant other
• They’ve also only been dating for a short while and go from being two damaged, trying their hardest teenagers to two gang leaders (Jughead literally skins a woman) and it seems they just keep going further and further which each other, increasing all the dangerous crap they can do.
• How did they get to this point? No one knows. A couple kisses and some longing looks quickly turns into this crazy ass gang relationship where they both do terrible things and the other is completely okay with it.
• Betty does this Serpent initiation dance in front of a bunch of old men and her mom, it’s very sexual and she’s in her underwear on a pole. She also starts wearing her Dark Betty (black wig and lingerie outfit from when she tried to drown someone) to bed with Jughead and briefly becomes a cam girl.
• Season 1 Betty would never do this
• They totally change both of their season one personalities to help fit the plot and are suddenly ready to do absolutely anything for each other, despite the fact that Betty had a HUGE CRUSH on Archie about 3-5 months ago
• If Jughead kills someone, Betty will be there to cover it all up and wash the blood away, previous storylines and character development be damned
Varchie (Veronica/Archie)
• I honestly don’t have much to say about these two because while they’re underdeveloped, they aren’t the most underdeveloped couple on the show and actually have some good moments together
• But anyways, the show starts when Veronica comes to Riverdale. Archie sees her at Pop’s and immediately likes her (they end up kissing in a closet at a party early in season one) and every viewer can tell that they’re going to date because it’s just so obvious. He has heart eyes from the moment he sees her. Veronica seems to like him too but she holds off for like two seconds because of her best friend (? not really, B & V don’t interact ?) Betty.
• Most season 1 relationships are fairly wholesome tbh.
• Yes, they have their drama because it’s Riverdale but no one is doing anything too drastic yet
• Archie is a COMPLETE fuckboy for the first season. For a lot of the season he dates this teacher, Ms. Grundy, and they have these sex scenes that I guess are supposed to make us think a teacher/student relationship is cool? Which, no. She tells him to stay away, he won’t leave her alone, and eventually Ms. Grundy has to leave to go screw other students/get choked out. So Archie moves on. He dates Valerie (one of the forgotten Pussycats, don’t worry u don’t need to know her name since Riverdale will give her zero screen time) for a hot minute and I forget why they broke up but I remember she throws a drink in his face so that happens. He also kisses Cheryl one time but isn’t really into it. When Bughead starts dating he throws weird jealousy looks their way even though he said he only liked Betty as a friend, it’s clear this dude can’t make a decision.
• Surprise, surprise, in season 2 this all changes and Archie starts making decisions. Which isn’t exactly a bad thing, but he becomes very committed to Veronica (again, keep in mind he’s only known her for about 3-6 months)
• Suddenly he’s ready to become hubby material and meets her dad, who he has a weird relationship with. Veronica’s dad is in the mob or something and Archie kind of joins his business (he’s like an unpaid, crazy intern) and runs around doing whatever Mr. Lodge asks him to. He’s a total obedient puppy. He makes promises to risk his life protecting Veronica, runs after a robber who stole something from her (possibly a necklace, idk I haven’t watched that episode in a while) even though literally everyone tells him not to and that it’s dangerous, gets kidnapped by her old (boy)friend, and says I love you first.
• Not all of these are bad changes but they’re sudden, out of the blue changes. He goes from kissing like 4 (?) girls and being jealous over Bughead to being totally committed to Veronica over the course of a few weeks. Seriously, it’s like at the end of season 1 he’s kinda fuckboy Archie and then in season 2 he’s willing to throw himself in front of a truck to protect her.
• Throughout this Veronica lowkey joins the mob or something. The show isn’t very clear about what’s going on with her family, except that it’s bad and Veronica goes from not really wanting to be in it to wanting to run the business to just wanting to be a normal family again. It’s very on and off.
Other Relationships (do I really need to name them, they’re so in the background that I literally can not remember who’s with who outside of the core four and Choni)
• Kevin gets to kiss a couple guys in the show, one of them being Moose. What’s going on with Moose? I can’t remember if he’s out or not but since they’re kissing in the season 3 promo I guess something is happening with them. I don’t really know because throughout the whole show they’ve gotten like 1-4 min of screen time. I feel like the show is going to have them kiss randomly (no one really knows what’s going on with them so any kissing between them is already kind of underdeveloped) and not talk about it for the rest of the season
• ARE REGGIE AND JOSIE A THING OR NOT? They flirted (weird because they’ve never spoken to each other in the show before then) and a lot of people shipped/still do ship them but we haven’t seen much from them. What was the point of having them flirt if you’re not going to do anything with it, writers??
• BETTY AND CHERYL: they’re relatives and while sometimes they’re nice to each other, other times they’re just terrible with each other. They’ll go from smiling and being friendly to arguing and hating one another within seconds. Betty actually blackmails Cheryl with her brother’s murder video (more evidence of Bughead changing each other) in one episode but there’s been episodes before/after that where they seemed friendly together.
• BETTY AND VERONICA: take this romantic or platonic, which ever way u want, but they screwed over this pairing. The first 3 episodes they’re calling each other BFFs and saying how they need each other in their lives and then they just kind of... ditched each other. They barely interact and when they do they’re arguing, which is very different from how Season 1 was.
• Riverdale DOES NOT know how to gradually change someone’s actions/personality or how they interact with friends/significant others. For a lot of the characters their season 1 selves are almost completely different people from their season 2 selves.
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ariesbilly · 6 years
the ep i downloaded doesnt even have the first like 5 minutes and i honestly do not care enough to go find a proper dl lmao the less i know the better
you may be presenting me f*lice in this scene but all i want is for fp to fuck tom to keep him off his tracks
betty being a serpent pisses me off and like its not even in a way i should be pissed off lmao like im just thinking if i was a serpent and this preppy ass bitch came rolling in like ~oo i wanna join ur gang 4 mi bf~ id slap her
this is TVD levels of anger all over again i thought i was past this point in my life. i am not. 
i dont believe any of these men are italian (except maybe the fat man on the left, he looks like he could be one of my great uncles) so i dont know what is with this italian mafia music 
that man is not italian i take it back. he looks make scandinavian 
oh his last name is scandinavian lmfao im a detective 
“i wasnt gonna let them disrespect you” archibald shut the fuck up
fp wears that damn flannel all the time because it reminds him of his last peaceful moment.... which he shared with fred. in this essay i will explain-
fp and alice are so much more fun as bickering siblings like why did yall have to go and make it sexual jfc
penelope wearing black lace will ALWAYS be a mood. go on and get it my hot goth wife!
“act normal, right?” since when does that include getting a fucking serpent tattoo i HATE SO MCUH ALL THE TIME !!!!
i cant hear the name darla without thinking of Just Friends. “your names are CLARKE and DARLA ??” iconic
fred gets to be wholesome with jughead and fps gotta kick archies ass lmfao what is this show anyway we love dads coparenting!
i support darla sending the coopers and jones to prison
what bank is gonna let betty take out 10 grand ??? how do the coopers have 10 grand ?? idk how money works im poor
im sorry whomst the fuck is tryna make me believe hermione is afraid of hiram and isnt doing all this of her own volition like ??? fake news
since when does nana rose give a fuck about cheryl come on now
yall dont get woke points for this conversion therapy plot lmfao nice try sweaty
um i hope you plan on fixing that door you just smashed down you teenage delinquent 
but like no one in the neighborhood noticed a gang of serpents busting through alices door ?? no one called the cops ???? irresponsible neighbors. see something say something
do bed check ? what? my mother has never in her life checked on me. probably because she passes out at 9 and my ass is up til 3 but ya know. shes doing her best
not to like rain on the gay parade but am i the only one thinking this choni storyline is moving a little too fast ??? i mean i know the whole uhaul lesbian stereotype but my god
dark circle or mortal kombat? i just dont know
so anyway fp and alice discussed their repressed homosexual feelings have a nice day
also i guess in the five minutes that were cut off from this ep i missed the lodge/andrews scene lmfao whoops part of me wants to see it but also i missed the floplice hallway scene and noooo thank you! you lose some you win some more ya know
how are you gonna explain a shiny new car to your father archibald
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seekerstone · 3 years
riverdale thoughts s1e4
- after a little break i’m back at it and NOT JUGHEAD COMPARING THE MURDER OF A REAL PERSON TO THE MOVIE DRIVE IN CLOSING??? jughead i understand you work there and it’s a treasured spot of the town but someone DIED the two are NOT the same
- archie’s dad making innocuous remarks abt ms grundy is so funny like sir PLEASE ur son is trying to keep his very illegal relationship with her under wraps and you are going to ruin all his hard work 
- please don’t date teachers if ur a student or students if ur a teacher
- okay but it would be so fucking funny if archie’s dad started dating ms grundy & then archie had to be like Hello dad’s girlfriend :| to his ex fling
- archie going O_O behind him was the highlight of the episode though i can already tell 
- “the drive in closing is just one more nail in the coffin that is riverdale” ok jughead sweetie. why don’t you have a milkshake or something and maybe you’ll calm down
- is there anywhere else to eat in this entire town that’s not pop’s. no hate it seems like a nice dinner but why is everyone and their mother -- literally -- there tonight
- archie defending himself to betty while veronica is just there like YES HOE GET SOME!!!! is... interesting vibes. oh to be kevin and jughead safely ensconced inside the dinner eating french fries while the Love Triangle Trio hash it out 
- veronica, upon finding out her new friend is having an affair with the music teacher: (sighs, shakes head) “oh, archiekins...” 
- betty’s fingers were typing like 200wpm and the screen was typing like 4
- literally no one in this show can hide at all. theyll be like Hmmm where should i conduct my highly suspicious activity that i would have a hard time explaining... how abt right here, in the middle of town where everyone can see me
- are they insinuating that ms grundy has had flings at her previous schools too bc oh my GOD?? 
- betty is so good at detective work i love her 🥺🥺 go girl expose that stolen identity! 
- sidenote did ms grundy STEAL SOMEONE’S IDENTITY? 
- god poor archie. imagine having to moan out “geraldine!” 
- wow no way.... the riverdale mayor is sketchy.... is taking bribes from a lodge... wow i am so shocked right now the edits i watched in no way prepared me for this...
- that being said why was that interaction so sexually charged though 
- archie logic: why yes i think i WILL confront my gf/teacher abt her fake identity when we’re alone in her house :) after learning that she has a gun and is possibly implicated in jason’s murder :) this is a smart decision 
- former abusive relationship is so good as a story bc no one, myself included, wants to be like Oh but you’re making that up right? that’s fake? like i don’t trust her but also i’m not abt to victim doubt here, you know ?
- kevin’s dad being all cute and supportive with his “you got a date? [no] is there not a nice gay kid at your school?” okay sir i see you!!! that’s two good dads in this show now hot damn we are on a roll 
- “son i support you and your queerness but last time you went to have sex with someone you found a body. let’s stay out of those woods tonight” 
- that’s paraphrased by the by. the rest of the quotes are legit but that one is heavily paraphrased @ jenny 
- i hate betty’s parents so much dude. when does her dad become a serial killer and get arrested (?) i want her mom to suffer :( 
- veronica writing a letter to her dad abt how the drive in went: and then everyone clapped B) true story btw
- at what point in my riverdale liveblogs does it stop being acceptable to say “so much is happening” considering i perfectly well what i was signing myself up for. anyway there’s so much happening rn
- FUCK YEAH KEVIN GET IT!!!!!! i hope he actually does start dating the delinquent boy that’s amazing
- my fist to mrs cooper’s face i can see it now... oh what a world that would be
- oh SHIT who ransacked the sheriff’s office????? the twists just don’t stop coming in this show 
- archie dad hug that’s so good?? stop showing me betty’s mom flat out telling her she gets no privacy bc of polly, go back to archie dad hug 
- wait oh my god does he not have a home?? was he literally living there??? MRS LODGE GIVE IT BACK HE’S GONNA BE DESTITUTE NOW
0 notes
bughead-fic-request · 7 years
if you take fic requests could you maybe do a bughead one with betty getting hurt and jug being super cute and protective of her idk love ur blog tho
All Dogs Go To Heaven
Summary: After Betty’s dog dies Jughead throws a get together to make her feel better. 
Words: 1,256
Warning: Mention of cruelty to animals, hurt, comfort, fluff. 
A/N: I’m not a fan of traditional hurt/comfort fics in the vain of someone is physically hurt or attacked and the other takes care of them. So this is my take on the hurt fic. This is also some therapy considering I just lost a dog, at least I can make something cute out of it. The story of how Betty finds her dog is a real story based on how my mom found her childhood dog. 
I edited this myself so there is most likely errors. 
Betty Cooper looked at herself in the mirror and frowned at her appearance. Her eyes were swollen and bleary and her nose red and raw. She had been crying non-stop for nearly a week and she wondered if it was ever going to stop.
The door opened and she looked up in the mirror. She tried to smile when her boyfriend, Jughead Jones, came in. He was dressed in a suit that he borrowed from Archie Andrews and didn’t quiet fit. He wasn’t wearing his signature beanie that day, he had brushed his hair back to match his current attire.
“You look nice.” He walked towards her and placed a lingering kiss at her hairline.
Betty smoothed out her black dress. It was pleated, fell just above the knee, had long sleeves and a high neckline. “Yeah, I’m sure I look gorgeous.” She rolled her eyes and sighed, grabbing a kleenex from her bedside table and blowing her nose for what felt like the millionth time that week.
“Everything’s ready downstairs.” Jughead told her pulling her in for a hug, softly rubbing her back.
“You don’t think its stupid we’re doing this?” Betty asked trying to fight back tears. She didn’t know she would have this many to shed. “I mean a wake for my dog?”
“Absolutely not, we all need to have closure and if this is how you get yours then this is exactly what you should be doing.” Jughead reassured stepping away and grabbing her hand. “Let’s go.”
Betty followed Jughead downstairs and she stopped at the bottom in shock. It was only supposed to be a small get together but there was easily fifty people in her house. In addition to all the people there was about twenty-five dogs running around and hovering around the tables filled with food.
“Jug?” Betty said, bring her hand to her lips and tears filling her eyes. “What is this?” She asked.
“You said you wanted a way to celebrate Coco’s life and lay her to rest so I made that happen.” Jughead smiled and showed her the front room which had a large photo of her beloved golden retriever on an easel next to her urn.
He led her to the other room to where the food was. There was delicious looking finger food and desserts laid out and on a smaller table there were plates of bone shaped cookies and smaller cakes. People were feeding them to very happy dogs.
“What are these?” Betty asked picking one of the cookies up, smelling it.
“I had Veronica go pick up treats for the dogs. There is a bakery in Boston that specialize in baked goods for dogs.” Jughead placed his hand on the small of her back.
“Oh my god, Jug!” She said with a little bit of a laugh.
“The dogs were her friend too. It seemed unfair to exclude them. I also like dogs more than most people.” He added with a chuckle.
“Why are there so many people here?” Betty asked spotting Cheryl, Reggie and Veronica talking in a corner drinking from cups with bones on them. “Did you force them to come?”
“You weren’t the only one who loved Coco.” He smiled and went to greet Josie, Melody and Valerie who had just entered.
Archie came around the corner with red eyes and pulled her into a hug. “I’m so sorry to hear about Coco, she was the best dog.” He tightened his arms around her.
“Thank you for coming, Arch.” She said as he let her go.
“Do you remember how she would play hide and go seek with us in the woods when we were kids?” He smiled fondly.
“Yeah and she would smother you with kisses when she found you.” She smiled and sighed. “There will never be another one like her.”
“No there won’t.” Archie sniffled. “If you need anything just let me know.” He squeezed her shoulder and disappeared into the crowd.
Betty started greeting her guests, thanking everyone for coming and introducing herself to every dog at the party. Betty found herself laughing for the first time in days and being with her friends and loved ones lifted her spirits.
Her eyes kept finding Jughead’s. She didn’t know what she did to deserve such a wonderful boyfriend. He hated socializing, he hated being at parties and he had done just that for her.
He excused himself from Betty’s other neighbour, Mrs. Fava, and walked over to her. “How are you doing?” He asked.
Betty smiled. “Really well, I’m feeling a lot better.”
“Do you want to say anything? You don’t have to, I just know people would love to hear you talk about Coco.” She smiled supportively.
Betty looked away from him and nodded. “Yeah, I probably should.” She walked over to stand by the picture of Coco and Jughead started clinking the side of a glass. Everyone quieted down and looked at Betty.
“Hi everyone, thanks for coming.” She started, wringing her hands together, suddenly nervous. “Coco was the best dog. I found her when I was four. Some mean older kids were trying to drown her and I saved her. After a bath and a lot of convincing, my parents let us keep her. She was there to play, for every laugh and for every tear and I loved her so much.” One tear ran down her cheek. “I was so sad because I had lost a friend that loved me unconditionally and it’s so comforting and heartwarming to see you all here.” Her voice quivered. “Even though I lost one friend I know I have so many other amazing ones who are still here to support me. So, please eat some food, have a good time and pet a dog cause it’s the best.”
Everyone clapped and went back to socializing.
Jughead had a cupcake for her when he approached him. “That was great Bets. Short and sweet just like you.”
“Thanks Jug.” She blushed, wiping under her eyes before taking the cupcake. “I can’t believe you pulled this off.” Betty said taking a bite.
“What can I say, arranging dog funerals is my calling.” Jughead smiled pulling Betty to him. “But keeping you happy,” he said, wiping frosting from her nose, “is the only thing I care about.”
Betty smiled warmly and looked into his striking green eyes. “I love you so much.” She angled her face upward to kiss him.
Jughead leaned down and placed a soft tender kiss on her lips. “I love you too.” He smiled. “And maybe, in the fall, when we go away to school we can get a dog of our own.” He shrugged like he had put no thought into it.
“Really, you would want to do that?” She asked with surprise.
“Yeah we could get a dachshund and name it General Von Long Body.” He suggested.
“Or a Scottish Terrier named Max.” She countered.
“Or a puggle and name it Casanova Frankenstein.”
Betty grinned and narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t get to name our kids, okay?”
Jughead laughed. “At least let me have the middle name. John Hieronymus Jones has a nice ring to it.”
Betty took what was left of her cupcake and offered it to him. He took a bite. “No.” She replied with a sweet smile and went to speak to her guests.
Jughead chewed, watching her go, taking comfort in knowing that he was going to spend the rest of his life with his soulmate.
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heidissswritingsss · 7 years
Crossing Paths- Chapter 6: First Date
read on AO3  
The next morning Betty and Jughead walked to school together, which is something they had started doing in the past week on the days where their first class was the same, and it was becoming Betty’s favorite part of the day. They always had really interesting conversations on their walk and they were slowly getting to know each other very well.
“Hey so I was texting Archie last night, and I kind of brought up how we were thinking about visiting them in Springfield sometime soon and he invited us to come the weekend after next, and I was wondering if that worked for you?” he asked as they turned into their classroom.
“That sounds great, I can’t wait to see them!” she smiled excitedly and hugged Jughead as she practically bounced to their seats.
“Awesome, I’ll text Archie later to tell him”
The professor started the class and told them to pick a partner to proofread their essays in rough draft that were due at the end of the week. Obviously Betty and Jughead immediately looked at each other, smiled, and started shuffling through their bags to get their essays.
“Oh my gosh Jug, you are the most amazing writer I have ever met! How do you do it, even this stupid boring assignment is really interesting to read in your words.”
“Thanks” he said blushing “But you're one to talk, I don’t even think I’ve ever heard the word peregrinate, but it sounds cool, you have such a vast vocabulary”
“Thanks, I try” she said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, but she was genuinely touched by his compliment nonetheless.
“It is so nice to be friends...I mean know.. Or hang out with or whatever with someone who appreciates writing like I do” he said not knowing what to call them. I mean they definitely were friends, but were they maybe more than that? It’s not like they had talked about it.
She gave him a look of sympathy knowing exactly his feeling, she had been a little pressured by Lex to put a label on them, but she didn’t really know what they were. Before she could say something, the professor started talking again and they had to pay attention to him instead of each other which was to Jughead’s great disappointment as he was hoping Betty would respond.
He decided he should ask her on a date and see how that goes, see what she says. That’s what you do when you are dating someone right? Maybe that would push them to the next level, or clear something up?
That day at work Jughead was very nervous and frantic because he had been trying to figure out how to ask Betty on a date all day and he had told her he would meet her at the coffee shop after work so they could walk home together when she was done with her shift. He eventually decided that he just needed to do it as soon as possible without too much overthinking so he wouldn’t have to keep worrying about it.
When he walked into the coffee shop after work, he sat down near the back, but still in view of the counter and ordered his usual black coffee. He pulled out his laptop and started editing his essay even though Betty had insisted that it was perfect, but he was just trying to keep busy for 30 minutes until Betty finished her shift, but it was becoming increasingly hard because he kept glancing up at Betty and realized that she was also trying to make secret glances at him, but it wasn’t really working that well because they kept glancing at the same time and ended up just smiling at each other and blushing.
“What's up with you two?” Lex asked, observing their glances
Betty was turned to the side from Lex making a latte and just shrugged, trying to hide her smile.
“Are you guys like..together?” Lex asked
“Not really...I mean kind of?” Betty replied
“Have you guys kissed?”
“Oh my gosh Lex you’re like 12 or something, I swear” Betty said brushing off the question.
Lex just raised her eyebrows at Betty, clearly still waiting for an answer.
“Ok fine, we have..” Betty said reluctantly
Lex just started jumping up and down while clapping excitedly.
“See, 12 year old” Betty said rolling her eyes
“I’m sorry but you guys are so cute. You know I’m rooting for you.” Lex said
“Yeah” Betty said sighing and smiling at the ground. “It’s just a weird stage, cause I don’t know what we really are, and we’re going on a little roadtrip in a couple weeks to see our friends, and I kind of don’t know what I will tell them we are”
“Then figure it out girl, it can’t be that hard” Lex said returning to the front counter to take someone’s order.
Betty finished her shift, and went over to Jughead’s table.
“Hey, shall we head home?” she asked
“Yup, I just finished” he said closing his laptop and standing up to head out. He opened the door for Betty and briefly put his hand on her back to guide her out. She noticed and blushed a little.
They began their walk home when Jughead took a deep breath before saying, “Betty, I was kind of wondering if.. you maybe....wanted to like go out to dinner tomorrow night?” he said looking a little flustered.
“Are you asking me on a date?” she asked
He stuttered a little before looking at her face and seeing the big smile that was spreading across it, a hopeful smile, and he responded with “Yeah” sounding satisfied
“That sounds great, I would love to” she said continuing to smile
He let out a sigh of relief before looking back to her, “That’s great Betty, I can’t wait”
They walked the rest of their way home and Jughead walked Betty to her door. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7” he said
“I can’t wait” she said before leaning up and giving him a quick kiss on the lips and closing the door before he had a chance to respond.
He just stood outside her door for a couple of moments before turning with a smile on his face and walking back down to his apartment.
Once Jughead got inside his apartment and popped a frozen pizza in the oven for dinner, he pulled out his phone to text Archie.
J: Hey, I asked Betty about visiting you guys the weekend after next and she said that sounds great.
A: Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!
A: Sorry I let Veronica see the text and she kinda grabbed my phone… Anyway, I’m really excited to see you guys, I miss you bro.
J: wow ur sappy, but ya I’m looking forward to spending some time as the four of us, it will be nice.
A: How are you and Betty? ;)
J: Uh good?
A: you know what I mean ;)
J: you’ll see when we visit
A: Ok ;)... sorry I’m just curious cause you guys are both my friends
J: Ya I get it :). See you guys soon.
A: See u soon
The next day Jughead woke up extra early so he could go get two coffees before he met Betty outside their building.
When Betty walked out of the building she walked up behind him and gave him a hug. He almost dropped their coffee but didn’t and turned around to greet her.
Betty gasped “I didn’t know you were holding coffee, did you spill any?”
“No, but you scared me a little. Here” he said handing her the coffee
“Thanks, your so thoughtful” she said taking it and smiling.
He put his arm around her shoulders and they walked to school. When their class together was over, they walked together out of the classroom and into the hallway.
“I’m really excited for our..date Juggie”
“Me too Betts, remember I’ll come get you at 7”
“Yup, I can’t wait” she said
He hugged her tightly and when they leaned back they stayed in each other arms, smiling at each other until someone walked by in the hall and bumped into Betty’s back, slamming her into Jughead. He caught her in his arms and yelled “Hey!” At the guy who was already down the other end of the hallway.
Betty just smiled at Jughead and raised one eyebrow at him.
He glanced down at her “Sorry, I just hate when people interupt...this…”
“What, our hug?”
“Yeah” He smiled and pulled her in for another hug.
Later that day, Betty was at home getting ready for her date with Jughead. She was really excited but also pretty nervous, she really liked Jughead and was really happy that he decided to take them to the next step, because she didn’t think she could wait that much longer for him. She was doing her hair and decided to leave it down instead of putting it in her usual ponytail because it was kinda cold outside. She put on a pair of nice jeans, black ankle boots, and black sweater with a tiny gold necklace. While she was putting on her perfume and about to grab her purse, there was a knock at her door.
When she opened the door she gasped. Jughead looked amazing, and he was holding a rose. He seemed to be thinking the same thing because they just stared at each other a while before saying anything.
“You look beautiful Betty” he finally said letting out a breath
“You look pretty amazing yourself” she replied
“This is for you” he said handing her the rose
“Thank you, It’s beautiful. Let me just put it in some water then we can go”
She walked out the door where he was still standing when he put his hand around her waist and they walked out together.
“So where are you taking me?” she asked as they were stepping into a taxi
“You’ll see” he said as he was showing the driver the directions.
They drove through downtown for about 20 minutes before the driver finally came to the destination. Jughead jumped out and went around the car so he could open the door for Betty. Once he paid the driver, Betty grabbed his arm and wrapped hers around it as they walked inside.
Once they sat down and ordered food, they could finally relax and enjoy their first official date.
“This is so nice Jughead, thanks for asking me out”
“To be honest I was so nervous the day I asked you out, but I’m glad I did”
“You are actually so romantic, I don’t think many people realize it, like wait ‘till I tell Archie, he won’t believe me”
Jughead smiled “I guess I just never had anyone that would appreciate that side of me until you”
Betty blushed “So do you see your dad often anymore?”
“About once a year around Christmas usually”
“Do you talk to Jellybean”
“Yeah I try, it’s hard though because my mom doesn’t really approve of her talking to me or dad.”
“That sucks, she’s lucky to have a big brother like you” Betty said
“Thanks. I can’t wait until she’s 18 and can come visit whenever she wants which will still be in a couple years”
“Yeah, I would like to meet her sometime”
“Do you still talk to you parents?” He asked
“Yeah, my Mom mostly because she texts me all the time to remind me to be taking my medicine, or ask if I’m exercising. It’s really annoying and controlling, I thought it would be better once I moved out but it really isn’t that much better. My dad doesn’t bother me much though so that’s nice”
“Your mom was always kinda like that, I remember even from the brief times I spent with you in highschool, I’m sorry. Do you still talk to Polly?”
“Yeah, all the time actually, we facetime at least once a week, I’m hoping I can visit her soon”
“That’s good” he said
They spent the date talking, flirting and smiling at each other.
Once they stepped back into their apartment building Betty decided she didn’t want their date to end.
“Hey, do you want to come over to my place and hang out for a while?” Betty asked
“Sure that sounds great” he said smiling
When they got up to Betty’s apartment, they both took off their jackets and shoes and Betty told Jughead to go sit on her couch. Betty brought over a couple of sodas and sat down herself.
“I’m so glad we finally went on a date” Betty said
“Me too, I didn’t want to ask too soon, but it was killing me”
“If you would have asked me the first week I moved in, I probably would have said yes. From the first time I saw you in the hallway, and when you offered to help us, I started liking you…” she said starting to feel kind of shy
Jughead just smiled and pulled Betty closer on the couch.
“I really like you” he whispered
“I really like you too” she whispered back, turning herself to be face to face with him.
She leaned towards him and kissed him. This time he had time to react and started kissing her back. It was slow and romantic, the way Betty had imagined it. After a while she leaned her head on his shoulder and he kissed her ear.
They watched a movie and cuddled on the couch for a couple hours. When the movie was over they were snuggled up together under a blanket.
“I don’t wanna move” he said putting his face in her hair
“Then don’t” she said
They laid there for another 10 minutes cuddled into each other.
“I should let you sleep, we both have class in the morning”
“Then sleep with me..right here” she said snuggling closer to him
“Ok” he said leaning into her again
They fell asleep together on the couch. The next thing he knew he opened his eyes to Betty gently shaking his arm. She was just out of the shower, and was dressed, but still had a towel on her hair.
“Hey you don’t want to be late for class” she said softly when he opened his eyes.
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jugggheadjoness · 7 years
from afar pt five // jughead jones au
from afar // the one with the brother
summary: (Y/N) needs a wedding date. jughead is the only one available. small problem-they aren’t on good terms.
words: 1,328
(((author’s note: i’m v sorry for the late upload, i was v busy with a job interview and writing this essay up! I hope you enjoy this part, its quite rambly ngl)))
“So why does my sister call you Forsythe if you hate it so much?” Josh raised his eyebrow as he sat opposite Jughead, his eyes never leaving Jughead’s.
“You make exceptions for the people you love.”
“So you love her?”
“You could say that.”
“Archibald, I need you to drive us around Boston tonight.” (Y/N) smirked “Betty, Montana and I are about to hit the town.”
“God, we’re too old for that saying.”
“I’m not exactly in bar hopping clothes.” Archie frowned.
“Good thing we’re in Manhattan and we’re fully grown adults.”
“So how long have you been together?”
“Ten months. She didn’t want to introduce me to you all just yet but she realised if she turned up alone, your family would be trying to pair her off.”
“She’s right. She’s had to go through five weddings within three years. If I were her, I wouldn’t have coped past the second one.”
“I’m sorry if you weren’t expecting me, I told her she should’ve warned you.”
“It’s odd though. Ten months and she’s never mentioned it to me.”
“I mean she didn’t tell Kevin until two weeks ago.”
“How do I look, Mon?” Betty asked, stepping out of the dressing room in the dress chosen for her.
Archie grinned, biting his lip, earning a playful smack from the dark haired girl sitting next to him.
“If only I could show my excitement like Archie, I would.” Montana commented, causing the blonde in front of her to laugh.
“Can’t wait to see you try yours on, (Y/N). Yo’ man betta tie you down before my weirdo cousin, Jackson, tries to make a move.”
“So do you work?” Josh smiled at the dark haired man before him “I’m sorry, just brotherly things that should’ve happened earlier in the relationship.”
“I write a column for the Riverdale Journal. Nothing major, I’m hoping to publish a book soon.”
“Hope it works out for you, man.”
“Thanks.” There was a slight pause “You know, I just want the best for (Y/N), right?”
“I understand. I also want the best for her. She’s one of the few females in the family. You’re lucky that you haven’t had the chance to sit down with Niall yet, he’d question you into the ground.”
“(Y/N)’s favourite cousin, right?”
The sound of a camera shutter pulled the girls back to reality, their heads turning to Archie immediately.
He responded with a shrug “Thought Jug might’ve want to see how good you looked.”
“Mon, I can’t believe you’re getting married next week.”
“Girl, I can’t believe it too. Got me feeling older than Morgan Freeman.”
Jughead smiled to himself as glanced down at the picture Archie had sent him.
archie: ‘cant wait to see ur cute little butt in a cute little dress’
archie: u waited long enough ;)
“So it’s a girls night but I’m driving you around?”
“Pretty much, we’re going to get wasted and not worry about how to get home.” Montana clapped as she shuffled around in the back seat, trying to change into something less business looking.
“You’re a decent guy.” Josh sighed “I wasn’t too sure about you at first. She spent so many nights, ranting on the phone to me about her douche-y hot roommate. God, I think she even cried a few times.”
“I never realised how much of a dick I was being. I’m not really good at handling my emotions and I guess I turned my liking into this hatred.”
“There’s a thin line between love and hate and you crossed it. She was so convinced you were plotting her murder.”
“She hung out with Reggie too much.” He rolled his eyes.
“You’re lucky she never mentioned it to our cousin, Niall. He would’ve come down to RCU and broken your legs, you would still be limping to this day.”
“She never told him?”
“No, in all honesty, I think she was crushing on you at the time but I’m not 100% sure.”
“Your family seems protective of (Y/N).”
“Well, when theres twelve of us and only two are female, you tend to develop no tolerance for bullshit when it comes to them.”
She took another shot, feeling the liquor burn her throat as it went down. (Y/N) couldn’t really remember the last time she had drank, having promised Reggie she’d go through a month of no alcohol.
“You’re one hundred percent tipsy.” a voice commented from behind her, causing her to turn around.
She frowned at the sight of her ex standing at the bar, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Would say it’s been nice seeing you, James, but that’s a lie.”
“Here, how about I buy you a drink and make you change your opinion?”
“Sure thing.”
“I guess I always knew that I didn’t hate her. I met my best friend through her, whether I want to admit that to her or not, it was the truth. Archie was constantly checking up on her and we became friends because of that. He was like you, at first.”
“Slight weary of your relationship with (Y/N)?”
“No, slightly weary of even speaking to me.”
“It makes a lot of sense. Archie’s always looked out for (Y/N) and I doubt that will stop any time soon. I’m just glad both, you and Betty, understand their closeness and don’t try to prevent it.”
Archie’s brows furrowed as he made his way over to the bar, spotting James inching closer towards (Y/N) but before he had reached her, she took the drink from the bar and sent a smile James’s way before turning away and heading over to him.
“Arch!” she giggled “I love free drinks.”
“You know, you’re going to be the death of me right?”
She nodded, wrapping her arm around his waist. “How’s Montana?”
“In an even worse state than you.”
“Guess I better drink up then.”
“It’s getting late and I’m off to bed.” Josh yawned “I’m so sorry about all the questions.”
“I get it. Brother things.”
“Yeah.” He smiled “By the way, there’s no point on waiting up for them. Mon texted me earlier that they went out for drinks. Drunk (Y/N) is a handful, if you need help, don’t hesitate to wake me.”
“I’m so glad you barely drank anything.” Archie chuckled as he held a stumbling, drunk (Y/N) tightly to his side.
“I knew this would happen. (Y/N) hasn’t drank in months and I assumed you would need help when it came to her. What I didn’t expect was for Montana to be worse than her.” Betty spoke, as she led the dark haired girl towards the direction of the car.
The four made their way into the house, trying to make it to their rooms without waking anyone up.
“Shhh, Archie. You might wake Josh up.” Montana giggled
“Tana, we’re in the living room.”
She giggled as she poked his face, earning a soft mumble to escape his lips. He turned around in the bed and saw Betty pulling her away from the bed.
“Let him sleep, (Y/N). Let’s get you changed.”
“Hey, I’m starting to s-sober up.”
“I know, sweetheart, but it doesn’t mean you should wake him up.”
“I just want to tell him his dad is hot.”
Betty let out a laugh, her hand rushing up to her mouth as she noticed him, pushing himself up.
“Betttttt, admit it. You agree. FP Jones is a hot human.”
“I’m sure he’ll be flattered.” Jughead commented, switching the light on.
“Shhh, you’ll wake him.” (Y/N) hiccuped
“God, she’s past gone isn’t she?”
Betty nodded her head. “Sorry for waking you.”
“No, it’s alright. You go off to bed. I’ll take over.”
“Just wash her face and make sure she drinks water before she sleeps.”
“Come on, sweet cheeks, let’s get your makeup off you.”
“Why do you not like me? Did I do something?”
“No, sweet cheeks. You’re mistaken. I do like you. A lot more than you think.”
tags: @meratt2000
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Riverdale request!!: something with Jughead having a bad Bad cold and sneezes all over betty while she takes care of him and she ends up getting Sick. Thank you!! Idk if you're taking requests so I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you!!
(Yo anon! Since my Jughead is aro/ace, or maybe gray aro, this is platonic Bughead!! :)) Hope that’s cool with you!! Anyway, thanks so much for the prompt, it was fun writing it! I absolutely love Jughead and Betty interactions and I think they work so well together!! Also anon ur not disturbing me, silly! I loved it!! I’m always up for your requests!)
Jughead sneezed harshly into his t-shirt for what was probably the hundredth time that morning. The process of sneezing over and over again was exhausting and he felt so drained from the repeated process.
Archie winced  as he watched the boy weakly muster out his sneezes, despite how weak he clearly was his sneezes still came out with brute force, which clearly didn’t help his weakened state.
Jughead had been sick for about two days at this stage. He had given off the odd extra sneeze and cough here in there to begin with, then his voice became a little stuffy and Jughead initially blamed it on allergies, then went to bed. The next day he had a full blown cold, and had gone to school. Archie found him standing outside his history classroom when he had gone to the bathroom sneezing his lungs out, and then learned that he was kicked out of the test because of how much he was disrupting the class.
“I don’t want to leave him alone like this, dad,” Archie expressed to Fred who was standing a few feet away from him.
“Neither do I, Archie. Maybe we can postpone–”
Jughead shook his head violently, “No! Don’t! I know how much seeing your mom means to you, Arch–trust me, I would know–and it’s honestly just a bad cold. Nothing that can kill me.”
Archie did not look convinced whatsoever, “Still! You look dreadful, Jug.”
Jughead shot him a thumbs up, “Thanks dude.”
Fred raised an eyebrow, “Jughead, you know what he means. But still, it doesn’t feel right to be leaving you here..”
Jughead groaned loudly, “Guys, honestly, I’m fine.”
“What if you died?!”
Jughead grinned, “Then I’d be the first person to die of a cold! Wouldn’t that record look great on the mantle??”
Archie looked genuinely terrified.
Jughead rolled his eyes, “Oh my god, Archie. It’s a joke. I’ll be fine–if anything goes wrong, I’ll call the Coopers who are literally next door.”
Archie nodded, while obviously still anxious, “Okay, fine.”
Fred nodded as well and whipped his car keys out, “Okay, so we’ve left you more than enough money for the weekend, money for food, medicine and some snacks..but there is enough soup and other easy to heat up food, and enough medicine and Archie loaded you up on snacks. And I think you’re okay on refills.  Uh, yeah, ring us if there’s anything wrong.”
Jughead shrugged and smiled, “Honestly, I’ll be fi–” he was cut off by an abrupt, loud sneeze he barely managed to turn to the side, and grinned sheepishly, “fine. I’ll be fine. Have a good weekend, you guys.”
Archie gave him a smile, but the congestion laced in his hoarse, baritone voice as opposed to his usual tenor got him super worried so he ran to him and gave him a huge hug, for good measure.
Jughead pretended to vomit, “Eugh, I’m going to get the Andrews disease.”
“Please don’t die, Jug,” Archie laughed and gave his hair a ruffle and followed his dad to the doorway.
“Yeah kid, look after yourself, okay?” Fred smiled as he left the house and unlocked the car.
Once they took off and were out of his sight, Jughead leaned back and slumped against the cough, pulling the fleece blanket tighter around his shivering frame. As he rummaged around, he accidentally hit the remote and switched the channel to a Transformers film, and instantly, his nose began to twitch and an extremely intense tickle began to brew in his nose.
Now that he was alone, he really didn’t care about how stupid his pre-sneeze expression was, and how ridiculous his twitchy nose looked, and how loud he was hitching. He also didn’t care about how explosive and loud his release was, the fit lasting for about 5 sneezes. He didn’t bother covering either. He made a face at the mist he saw forming before him and shrugged.
He glared at the shitty movie before him, “I’m fucking allergic to your bullshit, Michael Bay.”
Jughead hadn’t even realised he had been dozing off–he didn’t realise he could, the Big Lebowski was on–until the doorbell rung out. He jolted awake and sniffled, wondering who it could have been. He figured it was some advertiser dude or someone trying to get him to convert to some religion, and he really wasn’t up to that. Hopefully he would scare them away with how awful he looked.
Jughead padded over to the front door and opened, only to be surprised to see the bright and bubbly Betty Cooper, holding a pink bag that resembled a Children’s Nursing Kit.
“..Betty?” Jughead stammered, not even sure if what he was seeing was real or if this was some weird fever illusion.
“Jughead! You look worse than I thought,” She frowned as she took in his sickly appearance.
Jughead sniffled, wiping his nose quickly on the back of his hand, “Hm, didn’t think I could possibly downgrade even more, thought I was already at rock bottom in terms of the look department.”
Betty looked shocked, “Juggie! Don’t say that about yourself–”
Jughead laughed at her softly, “Betty–I don’t care about that sorta thing, it’s cool. Just a joke.”
“Anyway, how did you know I was–Archie,” Jughead growled, groaning loudly at the very thought of Ginger Judas himself.
“Well I’m glad he told me, Juggie! I wouldn’t want you all sick by yourself,” Betty exclaimed, taking in his features and pressing the back of her hand against his cheek, frowning.
Jughead rubbed at his nose, his eyes growing hazy as he turned away from Betty and sneezed harshly twice into the crook of his arm and turned back to see her worried eyes. “M'fine,” He said stuffily, not sounding very convincing.
Jughead stepped back to let her in and flopped back at the couch, resting his head on one of the pillows. Betty walked into the house and put her bag down.
“Archie called me like 10 minutes after I saw him and Mr Andrews leave the house panicking because he was so worried about you. He thinks you’re going to drown yourself in your own snot,” Betty explained, taking off her jacket.
Jughead raised his eyebrow at his friend’s antics, “..Well, I’m flattered.”
Betty shrugged as she pulled a container of homemade soup out of her bag, “He’s only worried about you, Jug. So am I, actually. But hey listen, I’m here to make it all better!”
Jughead gave her a small smile, “Your everlasting sunshine and youthful glow is seriously withering my dark and gloomy aesthetic, Betty but I–is that soup?! Did you make me soup?! Jesus, you didn’t have to!”
Betty tutted, “Don’t raise your voice! That’s not good for your throat. But I know you love my soup when you have a cold, with my secret formula and things! That’s why it took me a little bit to get here.”
Jughead chuckled lowly, “What’s the secret ingredient? Mr Krabs’ secret formula?”
Betty simply rolled her eyes as she made her way to the kitchen to retrieve a spoon, “I’ve got to text Archie that I’m here, he’s probably making Mr Andrews’ brain burst at this stage!”
Jughead could picture that perfectly–Archie spluttering and spitting out nonsense and gibberish at his dad, making Fred seriously reconsider his choices. Hopefully Betty would text him soon, for Fred’s own sanity, of course.
Betty came back with a spoon and gave Jughead the bowl with the spoon, throwing another blanket around him as she noticed his shivering, and how the bowl seemed to rattle when she placed them in his shaking hands.
“Are you warm enough?” She asked gently, for Jughead to nod in response.
Jughead dipped the spoon into the soup and placed it into his mouth, despite his congestion and impaired taste sense, he could taste the signature creamy, flavourful goodness of Betty’s soup.
He smiled at her, “Betts, you never cease to amaze me.”
Betty shrugged, opening up a packet of chips she had taken from the kitchen ,“It might just be because all you eat is fast food junk so this is a nice change for you.”
Jughead rolled his eyes and continued to eat his soup, and changed the channel as Ratatouille came on.
Betty raised an eyebrow, “I didn’t know that film noir, art house film loving Jughead Jones would be into Pixar.”
Jughead huffed, “They’re particularly good on sick days! I don’t want to spend my sick day trying to decipher the hidden meaning behind some Nicolas Winding Refn film.”
Jughead’s breath began to hitch and he turned his head to the side, away from Betty and raised an arm to his face. He pitched forward twice and caught two explosive, wet sneezes into his arm.
Betty jumped, “Jesus! That was..quite a sneeze.”
Jughead sniffled and laughed softly, “They’re the absolute worst and I hate them. I can’t for the life of me control them–it’s awful when you’re someone like me who doesn’t want attention. I try to stifle sometimes–but then I just can’t stop!”
Betty smiled fondly at him and reached over to ruffle his hair, only noticing that he was without the signature grey beanie. It was still a little odd to see him without it.
“They’re fine, Jughead. No one really pays attention half the time,” She reassured.
Jughead’s eyes grew distant once again and his breath hitched once again, inhaling sharply, but found that the sneeze just wouldn’t come out and he was left continuously gasping for breath and nose twitching like a rabbits. He let out a tiny groan before looking up at a window, and once the light hit his eyes the next two sneezes came out.
Betty looked oddly impressed, “You’re one of those sun people!”
Jughead laughed a little at her excitement and rolled his eyes, “Yes, I’m an alien from the Sun. I come in peace–I only wish to learn about the human’s odd, odd ways.”
Betty hissed playfully and whacked his arm, “Ugh! You know what I mean!”
Jughead laughed at her, “Yeah yeah, one of those sun people. My body hates me, we’ve all established.”
Betty munched on her chips and watched as Remy the rat began to roam Paris, “Uh, I know this is a little awkward but..are you okay?”
Jughead grinned, “My entire body is consumed by what appears to be a plague but otherwise, yes, I appear to be functioning and not on the brink of death.”
Betty sighed, “No, Jug. You know what I mean.”
Jughead laughed, “Oh, you mean that my best friend has gone off to see his mother who loves him with his father who is stable enough with said mother that they can be in the same room as each other?? And I can’t have that? Y'know because my mom hates me and my dad loves me but is still deadbeat and also in jail?”
Betty bit her lip, knowing that Jughead used humour as a coping mechanism and that it was probably the fever talking. Jughead was also known for his darker humour, but one thing she couldn’t ever know despite knowing him since childhood was wether things were affecting him or not.
“..Jughead, you know that none of these things are your fault?”
“Yeah, I know that. I genuinely do Betty.”
She still looked concerned.
Jughead sighed, “Betty, I’m doing better than I’ve been in a while. Yeah it sucks and sometimes it makes me really anxious and sad but today..everything’s fine. Well, I have an awful fucking cold but aside from that, I’m fine.”
“like meds help–like I was so against it to begin with because Fred is paying for it and I hate the fact he’s spending on me, but it helps, Betts,” Jughead said, a lot more genuine and slow.
Betty smiled at him, relieved and more relaxed, “I’m glad Jug. We’ve all been so worried about you these past few weeks..”
Jughead chuckled, “You and Archie, you mean?”
Betty shook her head, “No! Veronica and Kev too. Honestly Jug, your self esteem is almost as low as..as..Veronica’s height.”
Jughead burst into laughter, “Fuck! I wish I had recorded that! I’d kill to see her face if she knew you called her that.”
Betty flushed red, “You wouldn’t tell her, would you?!”
Jughead raised an eyebrow teasingly, “To blackmail you, maybe.”
Betty groaned loudly and smacked Jughead on the head playfully, ending up grabbing at a curl and twiddling it around her finger. She seemed a little impressed.
“I didn’t expect your hair to be so soft?” Betty commented.
“Makes up for my cold hard, stoic exterior,” Jughead replied.
Betty scoffed and chuckled lightly, “You are a massive softie at heart, Jughead Jones. Who went to Kevin’s little cousin’s birthday party and bought her a present because she had a crush on you?”
Jughead went slightly red, not wanting to admit how soft he genuinely was, “It was just..uh..Kevin pressured me.”
Betty laughed, knowing full well that was not the story. The gang had all gone to Kevin’s house, who was surprised by his little cousin and aunt being at his house. His little cousin clearly took a liking to Jughead and drew him a picture. Jughead’s heart burst but when confronted by his friends, he pretended he didn’t care.
Betty left it for now, and took the bowl from Jughead who had finished his soup and took it to the dishwasher. Once that was done with, they spent the remainder of the movie in a comfortable silence, with a few interruptions from Jughead’s coughing and sneezing, as well as a few funny comments here and there.
As the two moved on to Inside Out, Betty pulled out her bag to retrieve a bag of chamomile tea.
Jughead raised an eyebrow, “Since when have you become Nurse Joy?”
Betty laughed, “I figured we should do the thing when we were kids and we played sick and I always took care of you. In fairness, you were sickly then, so chances were you probably were actually sick.”
She left the room to make the tea in the kitchen and by the time Riley had acquired all of her emotions, she returned with the tea and the medicine Fred had left.
“Don’t dry swallow these, it’s why I made you the tea,” Betty warned, and passed him the two objects. Jughead obliged.
Jughead reached for the toilet roll to blow his nose when Betty slapped his hand.
“No way are you using that! That’s awful for your nose, here, I brought you the nice lotion ones,” Betty explained as she pulled out her pink bag and passed them over to Jughead.
Jughead raised an eyebrow, “Is that Mary Poppins’ bag? What else do you have in there?”
He then proceeded to pluck one out and blow his nose, wincing at the sound and chucked the tissue into the bin. He then took the tea back and continued to sip at it.
“Speaking of bad tissues, look at your nose, Jughead. It’s literally bright red and chapped! Here, I’ve got something that can help..” She pulled out some ointment out of magic bag.
Jughead looked impressed and also shocked, and hadn’t had time to react until Betty was standing before him and applying ointment onto his already tender, sensitive nostrils.
His nose reacted quickly, his nostrils beginning to twitch as a result of the rubbing. His nose tickled so bad but he couldn’t quite cover his nose because he was holding onto the rather large tea mug and couldn’t put it down anywhere without spilling it everywhere.
“B-Betty..please..I’m gonna..hhh..!! I really need to..hehh!!snn..” He hitched breathlessly, trying to scrunch up his nose and withhold his sneeze. His disobedient nostrils kept twitching with desperation, desperate to sneeze.
Betty laughed softly, “Jug! You look like a little bunny..”
“B..be..betty..p..p-please!! hhh..” Jughead pleaded but alas was too late, his body fully committing onto the sneeze, inhaling sharply, eyes shutting as he let out a loud, harsh sneeze that caused the tea to rattle and spill a little bit on his lap. The worst thing is that he knew that that sneeze certainly was not dry in any sense of the word.
“Fuck–Betty im so–” This time Betty did move to the side so he could aim his sneezes elsewhere and sneezed three more times, so harsh and powerful they completely drained him of energy. He was exhausted when he finished.
“Bless you!” Betty exclaimed, competely unfazed by the entire debacle.
“Betty, I’m so so sorry, that was so gross and horrible! I’m so sorry, you’re gonna get sick now, I’m really–”
“Oh my god Jug, stop. It’s fine, honestly. Honestly it was my fault, I didn’t move out of the way, but your pre-sneeze face is just so cute??”
Jughead gagged, “Eugh, how can any aspect of sneezing be cute? But now you’re going to get sick and–”
Betty shrugged, “I was destined to get sick the moment I stepped into this house. It’s fine, Jughead, really. I want to help you.”
Jughead sighed, “I just don’t like it when people are nice to me at their own expense, it makes me feel awful.”
Betty tutted, “Hey, c'mon Jug. You’d do this for me. You’re always such a giver, sometimes you have to be a taker! And stop with this I don’t deserve kindness bullshit, you deserve it just as much as any of us. Now shut your emo ass and let’s watch Inside Out, okay?”
Needless to say, Jughead was right. Betty had done Jughead a good at her own expense, and about three days later Betty had come down with what he had. Granted, her better immune system made the illness not quite as bad as he had it, but the illness was dreadful, so of course it was still miserable.
Jughead made his way up the stairs, still at complete disbelief on how he was even allowed onto the Cooper household. As a child he had never been able to step in, on very few occasions he was, but rarely. Alice didn’t want FP Jones’ son in her house. However, Hal was the only one home, so perhaps that would explain it.
He knocked gently before walking in to see Betty curled up in bed, blankets strewn about as she watched a rom com on her laptop. The room smelled of tea. She was pale and sick looking, but Jughead didn’t really care. He really wasn’t one for appearances anyway.
“Hey, I’m so sorry about this, this cold sucked,” Jughead expressed guiltily.
Betty looked up and when she saw it was him she smiled, “Really, Jughead. It’s not a problem. Actually..as awful and dreadful as this is..My Mom wanted to bring me to some lecture about Good Behaviour and Respect today, and I would actually die if I had to go. Now I have an excuse.”
Jughead scrunched up his nose, “..Yeah..I’m sure this cold isn’t as miserable as that.”
Betty laughed hoarsely and gestured towards her bed, “Here, sit over here. We can continue our Pixar Marathon. You were right, Pixar is great for sick days.”
Jughead grinned, “What are we watching?”
“All the Toy Story’s. Wait, what’s that,” She asked, pointing at Jughead’s hands.
Jughead turned a little red, “..Uh..it’s soup. I figured that it was only right since you got me soup. Um, it’s not that special or as nice as your soup. I-it’s Campbell’s, actually, but uh..”
“Its soup,” Betty chuckled and took the bowl from him and dug in. She coughed softly, and moved over a little to give Jughead some space.
“It’s not bad,” Betty commented.
Jughead shrugged, “You’re just saying that so I don’t tell Veronica you said she was short.”
Betty laughed, “But she is. She’s like a little cupcake, adorable, but tiny! She can try all she wants to be tall with killer heels, but there’s no escaping the fact she’s a tiny little fairy!”
As she finished her sentence, Jughead pressed ‘stop recording’ on his phone.
“Jug..oh my god, Jug! Delete that!” She squealed.
“No way, Josè!” Jughead laughed, as the two began to play fight and ended up a giggling pile of mess.
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simplyleez · 7 years
If you pretend so much it feels real - Archie/Betty/Veronica - Part 1/7
Betty really doesn't want to be forced into a relationship by her mother so when she's forced to a formal event to find a significant other she lies. She tells the suitors that she's taken only she isn't consistent with her story, telling one she has a boyfriend and the other that she has a girlfriend. In her time of trouble she turns to the only people she can think of who can pretend to be her boyfriend and girlfriend - Archie and Veronica.
For the Riverdale Kink Meme - Betty fends out an unwanted suitor by saying she has a girlfriend. She fends off another by saying she has a boyfriend. The unwanted suitors each discover what she said to the other, and one or both of them confronts her and accuses her of lying. Betty insists that she does have a boyfriend AND a girlfriend, that she's part of a happy "throuple," and she ropes in Archie and Veronica to back her up. This can go one of two ways: A. Smutty one-shot, maybe all taking place at a party, and ending with Betty, Archie, and Veronica hooking up for real (possibly getting caught). Doesn't have to lead to them dating for real, but could. B. Story with more plot that actually does lead to them becoming a proper triad. Smut would be welcome but not necessary. Also it would be fine to make Veronica the one fending off the unwanted suitors at the beginning.
Find prompt here
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (to come)
Betty resented her life now. Sure she was bright, had all of her qualifications, had a fabulous job which earned her a decent wage. Yet, here she was. 23 years old, single, still living with her parents, and utterly miserable. And when she thought it couldn't get worse it did.
Her mother noticed, obviously, that she was lonely, well not necessarily, but she knew Betty was single. Alice attempted to talk boys, and on a few odd occasions girls, at any point in conversation in some hope that her daughter had finally found someone. She didn't want her daughter alone forever, and some more grandchildren would be a plus.
And so her mother invited her to some formal event to celebrate some important date of some important event in the town. According to Alice ‘absolutely everyone’ was attending, but having ranted to her friends she found that it was a niche upmarket event full of rich people who all pretended to want to celebrate the event but had alternative intentions of wedding their young off with some other rich ponce.
The thought of being in a ball room in a posh frock with rich pricks everywhere made Betty’s skin crawl and she visibly shivered from her place on her bed. It was around nine at night, her computer open on a spreadsheet long forgotten as she stared into space thinking of her day to come. With a frustrated groan Betty flung herself back into the bed so she was lying down, her hand reached to her bedside for her phone and as soon as it was in her reach she was complaining to the group chat.
Betts: I. Am. Ready. To. Die. This. Event. Will. Kill. Me.
Archiekins: XD XD XD
Juggie: well same but
Ronnie: It’s not going to be that bad, you’ll survive.
Betts: Will I though?!?! All those hours in a room full of pricks I don't think I'll manage.
Juggie: you survived for years with pricks as friends so I'd say you've had qualified training \_(^ ^)_/
Betts: That's not the same. You guys are nice pricks :)
Ronnie: Aw how sweet of you, you've won my heart.
Archie: Just idk think happy thoughts??
Juggie: not thoughts of murdering everyone in the room.
Ronnie: Just get wasted.
Archiekins: Ronnie no.
Betts: Ronnie yes.
Juggie: WOW great advice…
Archiekins: Just get some sleep rn then go out and face your fears!!!
Juggie: how inspirational
Betts: Ugh fine Arch, night guys.
Archiekins: Night.
Ronnie: Good night.
Juggie: night.
Betty wanted to throw her phone against the wall but thought best of it, instead putting it on charge along with her laptop. She quickly changed into her pyjamas and got into bed, hoping an early night would remove her worrying thoughts of tomorrow.
Betty woke to the sound of silence. No one was up yet, all sounds of birds and lawnmowers muted by her window. Half of her thoughts suggested she go back to sleep but the other thoughts were already up, jumping around her head shouting ‘today's the day!’ Her stomach sank, today is the day. The day her mother will force her to find someone that she should spend her life with.
Her heartbeat quickened, her palms grew sweaty. She flung the covers off her body before she felt like she would explode from overheating.
This was a life changing decision. A big, massive decision. A decision that will impact her future.
Unless she lied.
She could lie to her mother, the the suitors, to their parents. Say she's already taken. But Betty can't. She's a bad liar and her conscience is too moral for her own good.
“Betty dear, are you up?” Alice’s voice was muffled from behind the door, “Yeah Mom I'm up.” Betty eventually stood up, stretching her hands above her head, and walked over to open her window. She let in the noise of outside, it didn't help her calm realising the world was still functioning normally so nothing would disrupt her perfect evening.
Her phone pinged with a text message notification but she decided to ignore it, instead opening her wardrobe. She picked out plain grey leggings and a pastel pink tank top, remembering her mother booked a beautician to do their hair and makeup later so there was no reason to dress to impress, well not yet.
Passing back past the window, movement caught her eye. Betty moved backwards until she was looking out of the window, there in the house over was her long term best friend (one of) and golden boy - Archie Andrews. He’d been moving about with a music company recently, them ‘giving him a try’ before bringing up any contracts, but he'd come back to Riverdale for a break, for his friends, and to help his dad out at work.
Archie was currently standing in his room, that bright smile constant on his face, he was gesturing to his phone. Betty got the message, holding a finger up to gesture that she'd be a minute, and grabbing her phone from the bedside table.
Archie had privately messaged her.
Archie: Good luck for today, sending you good vibes.
Betty couldn't help but smile at his text, Archie always tries to be supportive and he's succeeding so far today. She walked back over to the window, smiling at Archie who was still there.
Betty: Thanks for the vibes Arch I'm definitely going to be needing them today :/
Archie: I'm sure you’ll b fine. You can text me for moral support :)
Betty: I'm sure I will if I don't die first.
Archie: You're so dramatic but I love you for it :)
Betty decided not to reply, her heartbeat jumping as she read and reread the text, Archie said he love her but her rational side told her he was being sarcastic. She looked back up to see Archie watching her intensely, she held her phone up to the window in an animated fashion showing Archie that she was locking it then throwing it onto her bed. He gave an over exaggerated frown but quickly smiled and gave Betty a thumbs up to show his support. She rolled her eyes it return and stuck her middle finger up at him before moving out of view.
Betty resisted going back to see if Archie was still there, instead she tied her hair up in her usual ponytail and grabbed her phone before making her way downstairs. Alice was standing against the kitchen worktop, Betty assumed she would be doing nothing today but waiting for the beautician.
“Morning Mom,” Betty commented, walking past Alice to make herself some toast. “Don't forget Chloe is coming later, you're going first because you need to look perfect for this evening,” Alice spoke nervously but didn't command Betty, as if she was giving her daughter a way out. Betty felt obliged not to take the way out, instead just nodding as she buttered some toast.
Around two hours later there was a knock at the door, Alice made a move to open the door to reveal, who Betty assumed was, Chloe. Betty gave her a tight smile, attempting to be polite even though she'd rather be anywhere other than here.
Betty decided to share her worries with Veronica, even though the other girl will be squealing with joy over her friend getting a proper makeover.
Betty: Beautician is here. It's oh so real.
Veronica: Yessss B!! You’re going to look so good.
Betty: Still… it’s going to be hell >:(
“Betty.” Her mother's voice broke her away from her texting; Chloe set up her equipment on the kitchen bench, a stool pulled out for Betty to sit on.
Betty: OMG. The tools look scary af. Save me.
Veronica: They're not scary they're magical. They'll transform you into a new woman.
Betty: Are you saying I'm not fine the way I am?!?!
Veronica: No B ur beautiful <3
Betty could feel her face flushing as she put her phone down, sitting on the stool she was mentally preparing herself for the treatment that was to come.
It took a drastic, long hour just to do her makeup, then another half an hour to do her hair but Betty had to admit it looked good. Her foundation was flawless, her eyeshadow a light grey, and her lipstick a rosy pink. Meanwhile, her hair was curled and she was sure there was half a bottle of hairspray in it.
“Go put your dress on Betty, we’ve got just under few hours but I want us to be ready early and get there before the others.” Her mother’s voice got more distant as Betty ascended the stairs, trying not to touch her face or move her hair too much. She felt the need to flop onto her bed, already emotionally exhausted, but she resisted, instead pulling open her wardrobe to reveal her dress she was to wear tonight.
Among the pastel blues and pinks, the creams and whites, stood a long black mermaid dress. Betty inwardly cringed at the contrast of colours, black wasn’t her usual go to option it was more Veronica’s style but Betty had little say in the matter, her mother ordering it online and defending her purchase when it arrived saying it’d make Betty look ‘slimmer’ and ‘irresistible’. Quite frankly Betty didn’t want to be any of those things, she just wanted to be herself.
But today wasn’t exactly about her, it was about finding her the perfect person to spend eternity with. Just then her phone pinged in her hand, another private message from Archie.
Archie: You ok? You’ve been staring at the same place for ten minutes now…
Betty: Stalker.
Betty: I’m still just worried I guess. Looking at my dress just makes it all feel so real, I’m really going to try and find the ‘love of my life’ ew.
Archie: If you don’t want to go then don’t your mom can’t drag you there.
Betty: I don’t know about that. I’d bet she would try.
Archie: True.
Archie: Just go don’t overthink things, if you don’t like anyone there then at least you can tell your mom you tried.
Betty: Too true my friend, well wish me luck.
Archie: Good luck even though you don’t need it. Call or text if you need anything.
With that Betty put her phone back onto charge, closing her blinds as she passed the window. She quickly stripped of her casual clothing, then struggled to get into the tight dress. The dress was plain and strapless, it trailed on the ground without her heels on yet, and it left little room for movement. Messing around, for more minutes than she should have, putting her essentials into an impractically tiny clutch purse and putting on her heels, then Betty was all set to go.
“Mom,” Betty called from the stairs, attempting not to fall down them in what must have been 6-inch high shoes, “I’m ready… I guess.” Upon not receiving a reply Betty sat on the sofa, pulling her phone out of her clutch, and texted the group chat.
Betts: Makeup check. Hair check. Dress check. Heels check. Clutch check. Will to live. No can’t find it.
Juggie: since when did you replace me in being the miserable one
Ronnie: OMG YESSSSSSS. B send a selfie please, I NEED to know what you look like rn.
Betts: Omg Ronnie no.
Ronnie: Please B :’(
Betts: FINE!
Betts: *click to view image*
Ronnie: YES B! You look fantastic anyone would be lucky to have you.
Archiekins: It’s a great look Betts.
Juggie: glad to see you’re embracing the dark colours
Ronnie: I also appreciate the dark aesthetic ;)
Betts: For one night then I’m back to myself again thank god!
Betts: Got to go rn, wish me luck!!!
Archiekins: Good luck!
Juggie: luck is overrated
Ronnie: You don’t need luck with that outfit B.
Betty slid her phone back into her clutch, her mother having come downstairs and was putting her own bag together. “The car should be here any minute so we’ll get their slightly after doors have opened but we can get prime spots to search for potentials” Alice’s tone was somewhat playful but it still couldn’t dislodge the feelings of disgust and regret in Betty’s stomach of agreeing to go to such an event.
Okay, Betty would admit she’s being somewhat melodramatic but when Betty doesn’t want to do somethings then she really doesn’t want to do something. But if it made her mother happy that she’d at least try and not be single for the rest of her life what is one stupid event in the grand scheme of things.
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evalocity · 7 years
Wild Truth part 2/2, a Veronica x Reader Fanfiction
Part 1 here
Summary : It’s the gang’s junior year and you’re the new girl at Riverdale High. As you quickly get along with Archie, Betty, Kevin, Jughead and especially with Veronica, you can’t help but wonder where will this all lead.. 
Warnings : None ! Except (minor spoiler for the end) that the end is a bit cheesy but just a bit .-. 
Y/N : Your name
L/N : Last name 
Number of words : 1019
Taglist : @riverdalexoxo @forever604 @under-dah-sea 
enjoy guys I love you !
“Ronnie, may I have a word, please ?” A fancy woman asked, likely Veronica’s mom. 
You were so embarrassed that when your friend tried to make an eye contact with you before disappearing with her mother in a room nearby, you looked away and left without a word. 
Outside were Kevin and Archie, going to the redhead’s car and, remembering that you needed a lift home, you decided the best option was to go with them.
“Archie ?” You asked as the guy turned around to look at you. 
“Y/N ? I thought you were sleeping at Ron’s place tonight.” 
Answering no by shaking your head, you got in the car without the boys’s approval, letting them with confused look on their faces as they got in too. 
“Soo..” Kevin said, trying to break the awkward silence as Archie was driving. “Did you like your night new girl ?”
“Yeah" you answered, not really paying attention. 
“Betty and Jughead were completely red when they got out of the closet you really missed something !”
“Uh-Huh” You replied, looking through the window and thinking about your lips kissing Veronica’s..
“And you know Veronica has this huge crush on you..” Kevin added.
“What ?!” 
Turning around quickly to look at him with a confused look, the tall guy nervously laughed. 
“Woah, jeez breathe girl, I was only kidding to catch up your attention. Are you alright ?” 
With an eye roll, you saw Archie stopping in front of your house and left with a soft “goodbye”.
“What is wrong with her tonight ?” You could hear one of them say as you closed the car’s door. 
Opening the front door of your house, you took a glimpse of your mother in the kitchen, looking at you with a curious look.
“Y/N ? Weren’t you supposed to have a sleepover ?” 
“I was, mom, but I didn’t feel well so I came back home..” 
As you were going to climb up the stairs to your bedroom, your mother took you by the arm, forcing you to turn around and face her.
“Honey, what’s wrong ?”
“Nothing I just --”
“Y/L L/N what is on your mouth ?” She asked, cutting you off and looking at your lips. 
“Why do you have lipstick on your upper lip ?”
You could feel yourself blushing and your face being the same shade as Veronica’s lipstick that you had forgotten to wipe up. 
“Y/N ? Why is there lipstick on your mouth ? You weren’t wearing makeup when you left. Did you --”
“Leave me alone mom ! I just want to go to sleep gosh.” 
And a few minutes later you were laying on your bed, still feeling the touch of Ronnie’s hands under your shirt. What the hell was that ? You never felt anything this intense this quick for someone before, especially for a girl. Just as you were closing your eyes to try getting some sleep for tomorrow, your cellphone vibrated, indicating that you had a message. 
555-6789 : Hey its ronnie, u gave me ur number at the party and i wanted to check up on u cause u left in a hurry.
You gave her your number ? Well, you were really drunk..
You : Hey, I’m fine thx. 
555-6789 : is it gonna be awkward tomorrow ? 
You : No dont worry  
555-6789 : aight great, gnight xox
You closed your phone, letting air out of your lungs. It was going to be so awkward tomorrow. 
You didn’t speak to your mom in the morning or in the car. It was terribly awkward just as you predicted but to be quite honest, it was better than what your day at school had been like.
Even though everything was supposed to be fine, you didn’t once look directly at Veronica nor did the two of you speak. That was until, once you got out of the building after class to wait for your mother, the raven haired decided to take the matter into her own hands. 
“Y/N ?” 
“Hey, Ron..” 
“Listen, can we talk ?” Veronica asked with puppy eyes. 
You looked around, nervous and unsure, and after taking a deep breath you nodded. 
“I know it’s awkward to talk about, and I know we were drunk..” She began “But I still enjoyed what happened a lot and I couldn’t stop thinking about it after--”
“I enjoyed it too” you said, cutting the girl off. “I don’t know what I consider myself as but I know that if you feel the same way, maybe we could see where this goes..” you added, cursing yourself for pushing it so far. 
Veronica smiled. “I’d really like to see where this leads us too...I talked to my mom and I think she’s fine with it..?” She replied as she chuckled. “What would your mom think of it ?”
As you were going to answer, you noticed Ronnie that was looking at something over your shoulder, blushing. Turning around, you saw your mother, looking at the both of you with a tender look on the face. 
“Hello” your mother said as she leaned to shake the raven haired girl’s hand. “You must be Veronica ?” 
“Yeah, nice to meet you mrs L/N”
Your mom then looked at you. “Y/N are you ready to go ?” 
“Yeah, I am mom” You answered as you smiled awkwardly and waved at your friend. 
The car ride was quiet for a few minutes until your mother spoke up. 
“She seems nice” she said. “And she has good taste in both lipstick and girls.” 
“Are you mad ?” You asked confused. 
“Of course not sweetie” Your mother answered as she put her right hand on yours and smiled. “I always kind of knew.”
Just as you smiled back, you felt your phone vibrating. 
555-6789 : is it too bold to say that i like u ?
You :  is it too bold to say that me too ?
555-6789 : no i think its fine ;) see ya tomorrow Y/N
You : see ya xx
This was going to be so crazy but it was also going to be so great. 
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juniperhillpatient · 7 years
Summary: Veronica and Reggie bond over shared feelings 
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff with a side of emo 
Pairing: Veronica/Reggie 
"Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You can't have too many friends because then you're just not really friends” - Truman Capote. 
Friendship. Loneliness wasn't a common phenomenon for a Lodge girl. Lodges were adored by all. That's what Veronica's mother always told her anyway.
Yet Betty was out at dinner with her parents, Archie was hanging out with Jughead, and Veronica didn't want anyone else to know she didn't have anything planned for a Friday evening.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. The rain was pattering on the roof, and pouring down the window Veronica was sitting beside like a waterfall. She ran a finger through her dark hair, twisting it.
Her phone dinged and she was a little faster to look than she normally would have been.
"Hi Ronnie, wyd?" the text read. 
It was from Mantle the Magnificent. Ugh, Reggie Mantle. He'd put his number into her phone under that name. What a piece of work. This was clearly a bootie call. How embarrassing. She sighed, typing back.
"Soon, going to the Twilight Drive-in with you I hope. How to Marry a Millionaire is playing."
"Be at ur place in 5"
She rolled her eyes, standing to go to her closet to find an outfit other than the jeans and blouse she had worn to school. She decided on a red cotton dress with a black belt and a little pair of boots with heels. 
As she pulled the dress over her head there was a knock at the bedroom door. Before she could pull the dress all the way over her head the bedroom door opened. She hurried to get the dress on and looked up to glare at Reggie Mantle who's expression was a staged mix of amused and embarrassed. Like he hadn't done that on purpose. 
"Don't you knock?" she snapped, straightening the fabric of the dress. 
"Well," he said, approaching her so that he was standing over her. "To be fair, I did." 
"Yeah," she said, shoving him away as she leaned down to put on the shoes. "And didn't even wait for an answer." 
"Ronnie," he said, meeting her eyes as she stood up. "I'm sorry. Really." 
"Fine," she said, grabbing her purse. "You ready?" 
"Actually," Reggie said, hesitant. "I'm not really in the mood for the Twilight? Maybe we could just stay here and watch something?" 
"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Veronica said. "This is not a Netflix and chill date Reggie Mantle, because I do not do Netflix and chill dates." 
"Hah," Reggie leaned against the doorway, spreading out his body and trying to get her to look him up and down the way he was her. "You'd be lucky to Netflix and chill with me. I just wanted to hang out. With just us. Really." 
"Okay," Veronica said, suspicious. "My parents aren't home," she told him as she put down her purse. 
Reggie raised his eyebrows. He was still leaning against the door frame, and maybe her eyes wandered just a little to the flesh peeking out at the bottom of his shirt hem. 
"So we can use the living room!" Exasperated, she hit him in the arm with her pillow before tossing it back onto her bed. 
He followed her down the spiral staircase, and into the living room where he sat down, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Casual, she picked up his feet and put them back on the floor. She walked over to the shelf of DVDs. 
"Breakfast at Tiffany's?" she asked, holding up the DVD. 
"I was thinking more like Sharknado, but you're the hostess so whatever you want." 
She shook her head in dismay as she put the DVD in, and turned off the light before sitting beside him. She shivered. She'd been planning on bringing a blanket to the Twilight Drive-In. 
She scooted closer to him, and he did that lame yawning move where he stretched out and put his arm around her. She hesitated, and leaned against him, relaxing against his perfect build. He ran a hand through her hair, casual and relaxed as always. 
"You know," he said. "I thought you'd be doing something for sure tonight. A girl like you everyone in town wants to be around you." 
"What about you?" she asked. "I thought you were always referring to yourself as the best piece of Action in Riverdale?" 
"Well duh," Reggie said with a chuckle. He was still running his hand through her hair, and it was really nice. She was only half watching the movie. She'd seen it many times before.
She felt safe and warm with her head resting against Reggie's chest and his arm around her, fingers in her hair. She felt like she could be honest with him. 
"Sometimes," Veronica admitted, "It feels like I'm always surrounding myself with people that admire me for my money and my looks just to avoid the fact that deep down, I'm all alone." 
"I know the feeling," Reggie muttered. 
"You do?" Veronic asked, sitting up a little to look at him. He avoided eye contact with her. 
"Well, you know," Reggie said. "Only because I'm so awesome. No one could ever love me as much as I love myself." He forced a laugh, but Veronica could hear the sadness there. 
"Yeah," she said, leaning against him again. "But sometimes it's like....Like yeah, I have money and looks but my parents are always out of town. What good is all this nice stuff if I don't ever get to see my parents?" 
"I get that," Reggie said. He was back to stroking her hair. "You know I've only seen my dad once this month? And when I saw him, this is so dumb. but I-" Reggie cut himself off in the middle of the sentence. He repositioned so he could look her in the face. "I swear to God Ron, if you ever tell a soul about this, even Betty, I'll tell everyone I gave you a sticky maple." 
"Jeez I won't tell a soul," Veronica said, holding up her hands to show that her fingers weren't crossed. 
Reggie met her eyes and nodded. 
"Anyway," Reggie continued. "I was so excited that he was coming home and I planned this whole Father and son night. We were going to go bowling and then watch an action movie. But when he got home he walked int the door and he looked at me and he said," Reggie changed his voice to a fake deep level to imitate his dad. "Hi, son. I wanted to let you know you'll need to be out of the house tonight because your Mother and I are having company." 
"Ouch," Veronica said. "That stings." 
She wanted to ask him if this had been tonight. Maybe that's why he'd texted her. He needed to get out of the house. 
"Yeah," Reggie admitted. He looked away from her, uncomfortable. She put her hands on his shoulder, trying to get him to face her again. 
"Hey," she said. "I've never told anyone this, not even Betty. But you know that car my Dad got me for my sixteenth birthday?" 
"Yeah of course," Reggie said. "That's a swell car. You were so proud of that beauty when you got it. You showed it to everyone." 
"Yeah," Veronica agreed. "Well, he only got it for me because he totally forgot it was even my birthday. To overcompensate, he got me the car last minute." 
"Ouch," Reggie said, echoing Veronica’s reaction to his story. 
They shared a look that was filled with all the emotions they were both trying to hide. 
"Hey, Reggie?" 
"Yeah, Ron?" 
"I'm really glad you decided to come over tonight." 
"Me too." 
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neopuff · 7 years
riverdale ep 1-3
these twins always make me >___>
oh yeah i knew jason was gonna die
this is very artsy
i thought he was murdered
oh......a mom for veronica
what is a...chocolate shoppe? and why? does it sell? burgers?
is veronica the new kid
the gay kid gweiopubgoewgnew
the acting in this is terrible
the archie actor is clearly not a real ginger so i approve of this casting lmao
“to pass time i started composing poems in my head” shut up archie
archie: says anything betty: amazing!
betty: ive been thinking about us- archie: is that a hot bitch i see
“we do, both of us, together”
oh....archies dad
thats not archies dad
archies dad got that fat gut
“im a sophomore’ BITCH NO UR NOT
im still dying theyre supposed to be 15 gwenpiubgewo;gwe
“gay, thank god, lets be best friends” im gonna piss and die
love these pussycats
“ive had every flavor of boy except orange” its better that
im pissing im
shes the music teacher
why wouldnt they just make up a new teacherniogwepng;ew WHY IS SHE MS GRUNDY!!!
archies dad/veronicas mom have a....history
“chose the rich kid”
so many divorced parents
outdoor cafeteria
when will i see a high school that has one of these forreal
i assume its a west coast or south us thing
kevin: refers to cheryl as a widow me: i called the JOKES
“is cheerleading still a thing?” “is being the gay best friend still a thing”
the dialogue in this show is terrible its so funny
im glad betty/ronnie is a good ship
grundy is all turned on by archies music
this is so gross and im DYING
“i dont think thats a good idea” cuz u fucked a 15 year old bitch
theyre not talking about the fucking
did cheryl murder her brother
why doesnt just one of them say it and not mention the other
bitch ur the only one who’d get in trouble ur an ADULT
that was so lackluster
like yeah....not the kind of heat i meant :\
im glad cheryls the villain i always hated her
veronica: i know who u are [has known her for 2 minutes]
this dialogue is so unnatural and bad its cracking me tf up
get WRECKED cheryl
veronica: betty and i come as a matching set
i bet u do
time for football
“what you got something better to do” dont be rude
“why did you defend me” just accept the kindness u fool
i like mr lodge
this is very awkward
was polly a character in the comics i dont remember her
“both of us” gewinouogbewgew
in the headspace
“archiekins” gweinouobgweo;ngew
“cheryl blossoms cheerleading squad.......”
bettys mom is so annoying
she sounds familiar
mr lodge just sent a lotta money their way
why did the coach call his dad
he said hed give him a day
impatient ass
archies dad is just like :\
these actors dont look related at all
which is funny to me
oh good its the pill in ibiza song
i love that veronica is the speech giver in this show
moose/kevin gwiuebogiwgew
where is REGGIE
my SON
openly talking about the illegal secrets at a big party
i just realized reggie is the asian guy
i didnt hear his name and couldnt figure out who tf that was gweopiubgwe;ngwe
im a fool
whered ronnie go
dancing with the gay guy, god
“i have this fantasy of us as a power couple” who asks someone out like that
this is super awkward
cheryl is gonna murder...everyone
they could just
“cheryl blossom truly is...the antichrist” just all her a bitch like a normal person
“we’re not just friends we’re best friends” shut up archie
hes NEVER FELT for betty
if these two make out i s2g
once they kiss cheryls gonna open the door
foolish children
ronnie dont DO IT
what how tf would she know they made out
did they not come out at exactly 7 minutes
ok but wheres betty
oh hey jughead
i like jugheads not-crown
now shes goin straight for love
“of course i love you” hes being so...obtuse
ok now its about not being good enough
did they find jayjay
and look at that
he got shot in the head
probably by his sister
its obvious cheryl did it
im sure theyll switch it up like somehow it was secretly jughead
but it was cheryl
ok ep 2
why were they even fuckin at 6 am
cant believe they made moose gay
i forgot his gf’s name in the comicsniguwebgew
the actor that played jason was so uggo
maybe someone shot him for being so openly incestuous with his creepy sister
i know its like plagueing archie now but i feel like this should help him
“are you up?” “no” “youre killing your mother”
he went to grundys house
and hes shirtless
“you could be expelled” “we could go to jail” NEITHER OF THOSE THINGS WOULD HAPPEN TO HIM!!!
pedophilia is not a two way street
bettys mom is...the worst
betty plz dont talk to your bitch mother about your life
i love archies eyebrows
i hope this is the end of archie/betty forever
“sardonic humor”
bye jughead
is kevin not out to his dad
“the yellows for friendship” sure
veronica is so aggressively into this friendship
the otp stays together
betty u are a fool
that is your future WIFE
hi mr weatherbee
cheryl is wearing a spider pin gewoinubgewlngkew
archie and mr weatherbee just gonna
make eyes
jughead: archie you KILLED him
no jughead i was just fucking the hot prof
jughead: ew
kevin moose is your new bf
“fate throws us together” ok
why is he rejecting moose
because hes in the closet???
hes clearly trying to come out cmon
everyones terrified of cheryl now so thats good
bettys mom
“i ship it” why
“moose has an official girlfriend...mitch” i feel like i heard this line wrong
oh, betty
dont cry sweetums
“im supposed to say yes” THE DIALOGUE
ronnie is trying so hard with these dramatic white ppl
they couldnt even keep weatherbee fat
is this channel afraid of fat ppl
does this bitch just sit in her empty ass music room all day
is she not really even a teacher
bitch get a dog and leave teenagers alone
this is not high school cheerleading
one of the girls here actually looks like a high schooler
cheryl just called herself exoticgewiongewiogew; CUZ YOURE A GINGER? BITCH
i die
betty why
betty dont do this
cheryls a crazy ho
i know theyll make up by the end of the ep but still
“like we were meant to be best friends” gweniguebwg
2nd grade tutor
“oh, little archie-” little archiewgn;klew I DIE
references are what i live for
i cant believe betty let cheryl into her house
wheres her mom to scream and chase her out
there goes that
betty dont let her into ur HOME
whats betty doing
terrible thing to say
are they not friends because archie stood him up
i guess bettys mom coulda killed jason
“sometimes a friend is better than a boyfriend” actually, always, not sometimes
oh reggies finally doin something
gonna keep up the reggie/jughead rivalry
“you wanna d the right thing” the way archie said that made it sound like he wants to fuck her and she doesnt want to
but whatever
so does jughead and bettys friendship not exist in this universe
nod like douches and mutually suppress our emotions
this dialogue is still awful its so funny
i hope it never improves purely for my amusement
out door pep rally...
good shit
cheryls having a Time
god the kid that plays jason is so uggo
bye cheryl
finally getting a genuine emotional response from her
were they gonna fake his death for attention but then he was actually dead
make up
veronica is over here like “betty and i were destined to be friends” and betty is like “im sure we wont know each other in a week”
aww archie and jughead back 2gedda
does jughead know betty or not
wheres the jughead/betty brotp of my past
veronica and jughead: interact me: yes...
im glad that, unlike in the comics, archie is not dating both girls at once and then also every other girl he meets
where ya goin weatherbee
i doubt a school like this would have a chalkboard instead of a smartboard
did she do it
im sticking with my fake death for the attention theory
im enjoying this show
but i dont think i could take multiple Dramatic Teen Shows
how could cheryl be wearing that skirt in public school
“the plan was bananas”
jason just wanted.....to leave
thats fine
who got shot
in my neighborhood it wouldve just been the hunters
is archie gonna have a shiner for the rest of the show
is betty not poor as shit in this universe?
i shouldve guessed from her moms outfits
“a lois lane type like you” nice and ronnie can be clark kent
omg leave grundy alone so she can die in hell
why didnt you just say that you were alone
a date....
hes hot
good call, ronnie
“hes kind of a player” dont be racist, betty
he is hot as hell tho
awww “juggie”
finally jughead and betty are 2gedda
jughead you need shit for your college applications
oh right, dilton
“im not ten years old” but you are 15 which is not very different
so if chuck is in the show is nancy gonna be around too
ronnie/chuck is a good ship
“to OUR relationship” shut the fuck you youre a pedophile
the sticky maple....
chuck was cute
ronnie is gonna tear him apart
why does chuck have to be a dick!!! chuck was always a nice guy
betty: [COVERS FACE]
destroy him
why is chuck a villain im bothered but also hes the worst destroy him
this terrible au version of chuck is terrible
“nothing is off the table...except for my body” weiugblewnkg
i love the pussycats
is this every other girl chuck did this to
its ethel
hi cheryl
go away
whose this kid
ok jughead
dont steal his ice cream
dilton shot a gun gwoinegbpweo;nglwe
survivalist?!?! DILTON
why do the pussycats roll their eyes at josie
“a bnd with b&v”
did they find...ze book
so the football players dont even fuck the girls its just about getting a date and a selfie???
cheryl, doubting her brother
just take the book
why not...just take the book
bettys rly lucky her mom isnt violent
(for now)
she looks super awkward in that
the sound of bettys lil demons in her head
“and a hot tub....”
this is such an awkward conversation
just imagining this with real 15 year olds is ridiculous
oh hey ronnie
chuck youre so fucking stupid
shes wearing a swimsuit and heels this is CLEARLY A TRAP
black is not a good hair color
ronnie: im so turned on
i just realized why archies dad is so familiar
he was on generator rex AND clone high
love it
part of me always liked archie/josie
15 is not late wtf
“slut shaming...its what they call it when sluts get shamed” wow
when does bettys mom get murdered
are they gonna burn him
shes fine shes just pissed
dads gonna support u now
must be NICE
gweoniugbweo;gew bettys face when ronnie said she called chuck “jason” was so funny
are they gonna do some she went off her meDS OO---OOOHHHA AAAHHH TERRIBLE BEAST
#burn it
cheryl tryin to make up for ze past
i still hate her idc
omg when does grundy get murdered too im done with this pedophilia subplot
dilton you fool
im happy juggie and betty are hanging out
dont mention ms grundys car
im tired of this pedophile plz shoot her next
ok im all caught up
whens the next episode
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evellyynn7 · 6 years
A Night in Another Life
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                  I woke up to an annoying alarm clock that read "6:20"It was time for me to wake up and start another day of boring school at lakeside high. I always end up encountering rude people or teachers that don't do they're job and mark me absent for no reason. But today was different.. I opened my eyes to a whole new room! I noticed I was sleeping on a bigger and more comfortable bed then my original bed and everything was so aesthetically pleasing. My closet was opened and inside were so many cute clothes and shoes, along side was my other necessities and cute decor. I also heard yelling downstairs coming from 2 teenage boys. I was so curious that I got up and got dressed cause I didn't want to look lazy in front of 2 random guys
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As I walked down the stairs I was shoved my Cameron Dallas! "Oh my gosh!" In my head it hit me and I realized I was in my dream world! So I went along with it "Sorry liv, watch where ur going next time" Cameron joked and then ran off laughing with Grayson "Kids! Stop playing with the football in the house! I've said this many times so your both grounded!" My new mother Alice took their laptops and football for the day and told us to eat breakfast She reminded me a lot of my other mom. I walked to the kitchen and poured myself some cereal and observed everyone, still trying to get a feel of it all. Everyone was all talking and seemed to busy to even notice me until my dad spoke up and asked why I was being so quite "Hun, what about you? Your really quite this morning, did you not sleep well?" My dad asked me looking concerned "Yea dad I'm fine I'm just tired" I smiled to him assuringly "Mom how much longer do we have to do these family Tuesday breakfast things" Grayson asked with some lack of care for the whole family thing. "Until you kids show some interest into our family.. especially after what happened with hannah's parents" mom said seemingly distracted "Yea yea mom we get it just don't remind us about her, we know the story" Cameron said
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"Okay I should be going to school, I'll see you guys tonight" I said but got cut off by my dad who reminded me of my cheerleading practice I left the house and went into my black g wagon. I looked absolutely gorgeous in my car and my body was sooo hot!!! i had a toned stomache and arms and thighs. i was wearing cute clothes and just felt so confident in myself.
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I picked up my friends alex and Jessica, Betty would meet us at school cause he mom was always skeptical of me "a teenager driving her precious daughter " around so we always just meet up. "Hey bitch!" Jessica jumped into shot gun and seemed super happy this morning "Heyyy girl!" I turned up the volume of my aux cord to clout 9 and we were jamming in the car on our way to alex's As I got out of the car to greet Alex's dad.. (like I have to do every morning cause he's strict) his dad greeted me with a smile and muffin which I declined and just got alex and went to the car He wobbled in the back with his cane and we drove off to school. As we entered the zoo we call liberty high school, I saw Bryce, Zachary, Justin, and Monty by the lockers checking me and Jessica out as we walked in. All I could hear were cat calls and in the back of my eyes I could see Bryce and Zach playing around as if they were hitting us from the back
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"Ooo damn babe your looking good today, I'm totally down to bang if your up for it" Monty said coming towards me and cornering me to the lockers. I felt so uncomfortable and he could tell but seemed to like that so he got more aggressive pushing himself on me more, it was obvious I didn't like it. All of a sudden I heard a deep voice and firm hands pull off Monty. "Hey what the hell man!" Monty turned around almost about to hit the older looking guy until he noticed the age difference. He said fuck you man as he was about to leave but then Dean started talking firmly to him. " this doesn't look like mutual young man, why don't you leave this pretty girl alone and run along" dean said with a nice grin, he looked so hot but what was he doing here?
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I looked at the handsome stranger and couldn't help but blush and feel myself get closer to him. His body was nearly touching mine and his scent was intoxicatingly good I could also feel his hand brush against mine as he looked up at me concerned
"How are you? I noticed him making you uncomfortable and wanted to check on you, you gotta watch out for guys like that cause they love to play with pretty girls like you." He said with a small grin
"My name is Dean... I mean Mr. Winchester." He said the second part more nervous cause he knew he messed up with saying Dean.
"Hi I'm Olivia, are you a new teacher here?"
"I'm actually the new toilet scrubber" He started laughing and began speaking again quickly after
"I'm totally kidding I'm the new science teacher"
I laughed at his joke and asked what room he's teaching in, he said room 537
"I actually have that class 5th"
"I'll see you in my 5th period class then ms Olivia, I have a lot in store" he winked and walked away. I watched him walk away and damn it was hot! His hot body and toned ass in those work pants looked amazing!
Before he walked in his classroom he caught me looking! He gave a small chuckle and then closed his door.
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Suddenly I felt someone grab my ass and whisper in my ear.
"Just cause he got in between us then doesn't mean he can stop us after school."
"Monty! What the hell?!" I shoved him back but he quickly grabbed my hand and pushed me on the lockers with his body. His hands roamed under my shirt and he was squeezing my boobs.
"Monty get off!!"
He just kept pushing himself on me and kissed my neck very hard, I felt him grow hard under me since his body was literally glued to me. Suddenly the bell rang for class and the principal came walking down the halls
"Shit! I'll be finishing this after school" Monty winked and rushed off. I felt sick but somehow I kind of liked it... what was going on with me?? I walked to my first period and went through the day happily until 5th hit, then I became so excited I rushed to class.
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As I walked in the class was empty.. guess I was a little too eager.
"Hi Olivia, how was your other classes?"
"It was great thanks" as I stood next to him talking he became so interested in me. His stare was strong on me that I could almost feel his eyes on my body but he was also such a great listener and actually cared. The class started filling up and I had to grab a seat but with that he said
"My class should be your favorite by the end of today" he smiled and went to the podium. I took my seat and some kids were staring like they knew something I didn't. I started feeling nervous or uncomfortable so I asked Jessica who had this class with me and sat in front of me.
"Hey why is everyone staring at me?"
She looked at me and examined my neck.
"Maybe cause you have a big hickey on your neck.. how did you get that you don't even have a boyfriend?" She looked at the teacher and back at me noticing I was pretty early for class today.
"No way jess! I wouldn't! That's the teacher cmon!" I said already knowing what she was thinking
"Well everyone here is probably thinking the same thing.. okay if it wasn't him then who did you hook up with during school?"
"No one I swear!... wait omg I remember Monty getting really aggressive with me in the halls, I tried to push him off but he was too strong" I told Jessica but she got pissed and was angry at Monty the whole time in class, sending him dirty looks since he had that class too. After class Mr Winchester told me to stay after (like any usual teacher student bond in movies)
"So how did you like your first class mrs Martinez? You seemed very interested"
"It was great I just don't understand how the chemical bond between certain atoms can connect" I said flirtingly cause I knew the answer I mean I was the smartest kid in that class, just wanted some extra help if you know what I mean.
"Oh if you want I can help tutor you"
"Olivia!!! Your gonna be late for practice we have a big pep rally tomorrow!!" Chloe yelled at me seeming stressed.
"Chill chloe it's not the end of the world I'll be right there."
"No now!!"
"Sorry Mr Winchester looks like a certain cheerleader is asking for me... I'll take you up on that offer later" I winked at him and left feeling him stare at me as I left.
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As I walked into the locker room to change I saw the girls already dressed and talking so I decided to hurry up. I had a nice body but even then I still would take my time take off each article of item at a time but this time I was rushing so I was only in my bra and underwear until suddenly I heard a scream. It
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