#I punched a boy in he face + broke his nose and got a slap on the wrist
violetarks · 2 months
megumi's parental figure, early 20s! gojo satoru, comes in to discuss with you, first year teacher as 'ms l/n', a little mishap that has occured between the young boy and someone else in your class. a fight had broke out in the midst of recess and, while on your break in the teacher's lounge, you were called to the entrance of the room with the two boys, both with their fair share of scratches and scruffed up clothes.
the office had to tell the respective parents to come in to talk after school, while you stood with the boys in the sick bay, helping the nurse clean their wounds.
megumi grunts, "don't call gojo..."
"i have to, sweetie." you retort, placing a bandaid on his cheek from the bark that scratched his face when he was pushed into the ground. megumi frowns even more. "it's the school's policy. i'm sorry."
he only nods his head, eyes pricking with tears as the kid beside him bawled his eyes out about getting in trouble with his parents
you know it's megumi's so-called 'immature, loud-mouth, waste of time and effort' guardian when he comes bursting through the hallway in some kind of uniform, glasses on his nose and fringe messily sticking to his sweaty forehead. not the man you had pictured taking care of megumi.
"megumi! megumi!" he calls, rushing up to you and the boys. they sat in the chairs outside of your classroom while the rest of yours kids were painting. megumi groaned, covering his face in embarrassment as satoru kneeled down in front of him and badgered on. "what happened? i came as soon as i got the call!"
megumi, unwilling to answer, only glares at the boy beside him, who does the same thing.
you sigh, "your son and his classmate were in a physical fight today, mr gojo."
satoru looks to you for a split second before doing a double take. his blue eyes peak over his glasses and you find yourself clearing your throat to gather your nerves again.
as soon as satoru turns back to megumi, he's worried again. "oh god... megumi, please, tell me, did you win—?"
"mr gojo!" you harshly whisper, slight chuckle in your tone at the question. he glances up at you. "please."
so now you sit with both of the boys' parents — megumi and his legal father, satoru (who hasn't stopped smiling at you since he walked in, which is a step up from his not-much-older sister coming in to fill in for their parents), and the other boy, ibuki, and his parents, mr and mrs sawamura (who were of high paying jobs).
the mother and father duo look unpleased to be there, whilst satoru just keeps sending you the warmest gaze. the boys are glaring at each other, clicking their tongues and looking away.
"i apologise for the inconvenience this has caused." you explain, hands on your lap as your sit on your chair at the head of the classroom, "but i'm afraid the school's contacted you on such short notice due to the events of today."
you begin to explain what you know from the boys and what other teachers have told you. megumi and ibuki have never been friends due to clashing ideas, but today, ibuki pushed megumi onto the floor at the playground in the middle of playing tag when megumi was 'it' and tagged ibuki. as a result, ibuki made a comment on megumi's absent parents.
the ravenette, in return, pushed ibuki back and told him to apologise, only for ibuki to throw the first punch. a minor brawl occured, with slapping, kicking, punching and bark throwing whilst other kids watched. nothing was severely damaged, but scratches and light bruises were evident on the boys.
in the end, neither of the boys wanted to apologise.
"what could my son have possibly done?" mrs sawamura questions, crossed arms. the two have been hostile since the start, but you don't react.
"mrs sawamura, ibuki put his hands on megumi and pushed him to the ground whilst insulting him." you reiterate, "i'm sorry, but all accounts state this."
"ibuki, did you do such a thing?" mr sawamura questions, glaring at his son.
ibuki, baffled and nervous, begins to sputter out, "i—well, megumi...! he—he bullied me and said i was a slow runner!”
"i wasn't making fun of you, i was stating a fact." megumi retorts, shaking his head. satoru smirks.
"if anyone should be punished, it should be that bully of a kid!" mrs sawamura exasperates, "goodness, what kind of child resorts to such hostility? children say anything these days! what are you raising?"
satoru turns to her with a roll of his eyes. "a kid with common sense. maybe the reason your kid is so jealous of megumi isn't just because he's smarter than him or cooler, but because megumi knows to cover mouth when to sneeze rather than on other kids at the christmas concert."
"it was an accident!" ibuki cries out, wiping his tears.
"you told all the boys you were gonna' do it!" megumi retaliates, rolling his eyes as well. the resembalance is uncanny.
"nonsense!" mr sawamura exclaims, standing from his chair. you rub your temple, headache ensuing. mrs sawamura only shakes her head as her son sticks her tongue out at satoru. "ibuki would never be jealous of someone like megumi!"
for the first time since he began, satoru's smile drops. he stands as well, towering over the other man. "what's that supposed to mean?"
"okay, let's dail it down, please." you say, standing up as well. you watch as the two men do as you say and seat themselves, all the while glaring at each other. "now, it is a two day suspention. no exceptions. and the kids will have to complete all assigned work i have for them. here."
you give the two boys a folder each, filled with a short workbook and other things, and you don't even allow mr and mrs sawamura to complain before you stand up and bow your head.
"both children are in trouble for participating in the fight." you explain calmly, furrowed brows, "however, this is not the first instance ibuki has been caught talking about other people's privacy. i believe this is an issue to be solved at home."
your last sentence makes satoru giggle and stare at the couple, judging them. they, in return, begin mumbling in their placesnamd crossing their arms.
"thank you for taking the time out of your day to discuss this unfortunate event. i shall see you kids on thursday. good evening." you say blankly, already grabbing your belongings and heading out the door.
satoru is quick to catch up to you before you get into your car.
"hey, ms l/n!" he calls, holding megumi's hand as he gets dragged along in the carpark.
"mr gojo." you reply, expecting him to start explaining megumi's actions.
"thank you for standing up for megumi today." he says, making you stop, "it's good to know that he has someone looking out for him at school."
"oh... i, uh, i don't mind. he's my student, and he does very well in my classes." you explain, smiling at the kid, "how's your cheek, megumi?"
"doesn't hurt at all..." he retorts, looking to the ground. you only grin.
satoru then holds out his other hand. "you can call me 'satoru'. i want to take you out for dinner as a 'thanks' for helping out megumi."
you stop before shaking his hand. "i'm y/n. i'd love you, but..." your eyes drift to megumi, who only turns away with a pout. "i try to keep my work life and personal life separate."
satoru lets out a small chuckle before nodding his head. "i understand. thank you, ms l/n. you're megumi's favourite teacher."
"hey!" megumi grumbles, jabbing at the white-haired man's stomach, "ugh! let's just go home!"
you wave as megumi drags satoru to a nice black car, and they drive to the school gates as you enter your own vehicle.
you're incredibly surprised when you are informed by the principal that fushiguro megumi is leaving the school after only four months of being under your care. you begin to question why he was leaving. were you not a suitable teacher for him? what was wrong with your teaching style?
megumi explains to you that he's upset he's leaving because he actually doesn't want to go. he wants to stay, and he has never complained about you to satoru. you asked why he's moving schools, and he only shrugs and says satoru told him he would be.
when satoru comes to pick up megumi, you make sure to stand at his side with your arms crossed. the man is pleasantly surprised when he sees you with an annoyed expression.
"ms l/n, lovely seeing you again." he says, patting his adopted son's head. the boy scowls and pushes his hand away, stepping closer to you.
"mr gojo, i'd like to ask why you are making megumi move schools when he is perfectly fine here. is this a problem with me? is my way of teaching not up to your standards?" you begin, looking at him dead in the eye.
satoru chuckles, hands in his pockets, "not at all, y/n. megumi actually does pretty well under your care."
"so what is it?"
"i don't want him to be your student." he hums out, shrugging his shoulders, "because you don't mix work with your personal life, i figured i'd take us out of your work life. if megumi is no longer your student, then i can be your boyfriend."
your stilled, frozen as he smiles dumbly at you. any teachers or parents close enough to hear your conversation stop to giggle behind their hands, enjoying the short display of romance. you furrow your brows before uncrossing your arms, tilting your head to the side.
"i—" you begin, pursing your lips and covering your face a little. he lets out a small laugh. "satoru, you can't just..."
"if you care that much about megumi's education, you're more than welcome to come over for dinner and we can tutor him." he offers, grinning at you with such softness that you immediately hum in agreement, "that's great! c'mon, megumi, you can see ms l/n saturday night. say 'goodbye' to your friends and we'll go."
megumi then runs off to bid his friends 'goodbye', all of them crying out about never seeing each other again. in the meantime, satoru stands at your side, hands in his pockets.
"so," he begins, "can i take you out for dinner this weekend? megumi will be out of this school by then."
"i don't appreciate you taking megumi out of this school just because you wanted to ask me out." you huff out, tilting your head at him.
satoru smiles wider, bumping his hip with yours. “just imagine all the other things i’m willing to do to score a chance with you.”
“whatever.” you chuckle, looking back to him, “one date, i will give you one chance.”
“that is all i need. thank you, y/n.” he responds, winking at you. he turns back to megumi, waving his hand. “c’mon, kid! time to go home!”
as they leave, satoru shoots you one last smile and you swear you can hear your heartbeat quicken.
that was the last time megumi was ever your student and the first time satoru made you swoon.
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zhonyua · 24 days
Hurt Heart
wriothesley x reader
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notes: hello. long time no see, huh... welp i’m not dead and i will keep posting fics here bc i am very bored.
i will post fics about wriothesley and ratio as well, not only neuvillette and zhongli, so... be happy.
context: you’re mad at your boyfriend, wriothesley, because he always comes home hurt.
content: pet names like baby and bunny; slight hurt but with comfort; wounds, bruises and light injuries like that, also mentions blood; kisses kisses; wriothesley is just a silly boy, please take care of him.
“ouch!” the man flinched at the exact moment your hand was touching his cheek with a piece of cotton, while he leaned his back on the bathroom sink. “ah, careful there.” he said in a playful tone but you didn’t find yourself laughing.
his face was filled with bruises and he had a small cut on his lips. his nose was bleeding before you cleaned it and he had a dark-toned bruise on his left eye.
“come on, are you mad at me?” he smiled but when he saw your stern look, he sighed, reaching his hand to touch your cheek. “i already told you i’m sorry.”
you completely ignored him, slapping his hand away. you resumed putting the medicine on his bruises with the help of the cotton. suddenly, he grabbed your wrist, stopping you from your actions.
“y/n, stop ignoring me.” his voice sounded harsh and pleading at the same time. his eyes stared right into your soul. you scoffed and rolled your eyes, a frown forming on your face.
“are you serious? you don’t want me to be mad at you? even after you come home like... this?” you pulled your wrist back. “you must be joking with me.”
you put the cotton aside, ignoring his surprised look. you turn away, ready to leave the bathroom, but he stops you by grabbing your arm. his grip is strong, but not enough to hurt you.
“let me go.” you said, trying your best to speak in a firm voice. your eyes looking seriously at him.
“no.” it was what he said, speaking in a lower tone than usual.
“wriothesley, let me go.” you tried to pull your arm to yourself, but he pulled you closer to him, locking you in his strong embrace.
as much as you squirmed in his arms, trying your best to free yourself from his grip, he would just squeeze you even tighter.
“wriothesley!” your voice sounded muffled since your face was buried in his chest. you tried to punch his arms but of course, he was much stronger than you, so it felt like a kitten’s punch.
“don’t be mad at me.” he whispered in your ears. his voice was low, since his head rested on your shoulder, making your legs weaker and weaker, but you didn’t want to give in to him so easily.
“i’m mad because i’m worried!” you tried to say but your voice got stuck in your throat when he squeezed you tighter, you just let out an annoyed grunt.
“you don’t need to be worried. i’m fine.” he said, still close to your ears. his hair brushing on your cheek.
“how can you say that? you’re hurt..” your voice got low and broke when tears began to form in the corner of your eyes.
wriothesley noticed almost immediately, pulling away from you just enough to look at your face. you looked away while tears rolled down your cheeks and you sniffed like a child.
“baby, don’t cry.” his hands quickly reached to your cheeks, wiping away your tears. his brows frowned in concern.
“why do you insist in hurt yourself like this? ... why do you keep fighting and getting hurt?” you choked on your own words, trying your best to speak properly. you felt when wriothesley left quick and soft kisses on your cheeks, trying desperately to soothe you down.
“i’m sorry, my baby.” he mumbled, still leaving kisses on your cheeks and nose. “please, forgive me. don’t cry.”
“promise me you won’t hurt yourself again.” you grabbed onto his shirt, looking at him with pleading eyes. “please...”
he felt his heart sinking into his chest. he hated to see you cry. he always thought that he needed to protect you, so seeing you cry right in front of him made him even more upset. his hands rested on your cheeks while his eyes stared sadly into yours.
“you know i can’t .” his hand reached to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him, burying you against his chest. “i can’t stop it, it’s part of my job.”
“then get another job!” you said, grabbing his shirt firmly and hugging him tighter. “do something else...”
“you know it’s not easy, bunny.” he chuckled nervously, caressing your scalp, trying to calm you down. “ i can’t just leave.”
you kept sobbing against his shirt while he patiently caressed your hair. after a long time, you sniff and breathe in. you keep sobbing very lowly, your body slightly trembling under his gentle touch.
“are you feeling better now?” he asks, his voice sounds soothing to your ears and you nod slowly, without raising your eyes at him.
he gently reaches his thumb to your chin, raising your face so that you can look at his eyes. he looks a bit pathetic with his bruises and his lip cut, but to you, he looks majestic.
he doesn’t say anything, he just leans closer to you, placing his lips on yours. his gesture was so gentle that it seemed like you would break if he moved too fast.
you closed your eyes, feeling how his hand slid to the back of your neck, pulling your face closer to his while the other hand rested on your waist.
you could feel a slight metallic taste of blood, coming out from the small cut on his lips, but you didn’t mind.
his hand squeezed your waist softly and gently, sliding under your shirt to caress your skin with his thumb. you let out a sigh between the kiss, showing him how much you liked this gesture.
he pulled away, just a few millimeters away from your face. you let out a whimper when he did, immediately feeling the absence of his touch.
“easy there. my bunny still needs to breathe, right?” he chuckled. his voice was like honey to your ears and it made your heart skip a beat. you realized that your breath was getting heavy.
you leaned into him, resting your head on his chest, listening to his heart beating like a melody.
“take care of yourself.” you said, a pouty tone in your voice. “if you keep hurting yourself you will get ugly. i don’t want an ugly boyfriend.” you said, a small smile perking up on your lips. of course you didn’t think that he could get ugly someday.
he laughed. a warm laughter that made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
“oh, don’t worry that’s impossible.” he said, kissing the top of your head.
“i know.” you said in a whisper.
©ZHONYUA, 2024. Do not copy, translate, and repost without my permission.
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hiii, merry christmas!! (if you celebrate) 🫶 i loved ur dating lo’ak hcs and i was wondering if u could write something based on patching him up after a fight like you mentioned in the hcs?
Cuts and Bruises
Tags: Lo’ak x Reader, Oneshot, Fluff, Avatar 2, Female!Reader, After-Action Patch-Up
Warnings: Cuts, Blood, Bruises (Not Too Explicit), Punch Fight, Swearing
Lo’ak got into another punch fight with the boys from the Metkayina clan, so you help tend to him afterwards.
Merry late christmas ♥ tysm for the ask lol I’ve been dying to write more about Lo’ak, he’s so cute ^^ I absolutely love the idea of him constantly getting into trouble and you’re the one who has to force him to take care of himself LMAO
Edit 2: I was going to beat the shit out of my laptop because it decided to shut down when I was in the middle of writing this and I hadn’t saved it. So! 🥰
* ˚ ✦ 665 Words • Read below the cut
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╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-╰┈➤ ❝ [26/12/22] ❞  
“Your girl is a freak!”
Lo'ak was furious, trembling from anger. All he could see when those words escaped Aonung's lips was red. Aonung could ridicule him for his appearance and tease his siblings, but you? Now that was pushing it.
Lo'ak struck the boy, and a brawl broke out near the rocks before he realized it. Lo'ak pummeled Aonung in the face with a barrage of punches; tails were being pulled, and blows were being exchanged. It was a bloody spectacle, to say the least. Lo'ak only ceased his heinous attacks when an outraged Neteyam hauled him away from Aonung mid-punch.
Lo'ak spat out the blood that had gathered in his mouth, and wiped his wounded lip with his battered fist. Aonung stood up, stunned, but a smile danced across his lips nonetheless. Neteyam pointed a finger at Aonung and ordered him to back off, then dragged Lo'ak away from the scene by the bicep before he could worsen the situation.
Aonung jeered and slapped his friend on the chest in a fit of laughter. “Pfft. Freaks go together, no wonder they’re dating.”
Lo’ak twisted out of Neteyam’s grip and stalked over to Aonung again. “Don’t talk shit about my girlfriend, you fish lipped dickhead!”
Neteyam sighed deeply as Lo’ak punched Aonung. Again.
To say the least, you were gobsmacked. Lo'ak looked dreadful, and seated across from you right now, he appeared more downcast than anything else. He'd just returned from a stern talking to with his father, which had left him looking distraught.
“Are you okay? What happened to you?”
Lo'ak refused to meet your gaze. You delicately took his hands in yours and brushed your thumb across the ridges of his knuckles. You noted how he grimaced at your touch, and frowned when you realized how much his hands were injured. You sat up to search for the first aid kit in his modest home; you know where it is now, as embarrassing as that may be, because you've patched up your boyfriend more times than you can count.
Lo’ak’s voice carried over in the space between the two of you. “I just wanted to protect you. He called you a freak!”
You suppressed a laugh. You, a freak? What did you even do to be insulted so ludicrously? You assumed Aonung had said that to get under Lo’ak’s skin, which he clearly succeeded in, as that word was a soft spot for him. Now he was seated away from you, waiting to be tended to.
He spoke dejectedly. “All my dad thinks of me is that I’m a troublemaking failure.”
Your heart hammered in your chest at his words. “You’re not a failure, Lo’ak. You’re the kindest person I know, and beating the shit out of Aonung to protect my name proves that.”
You nestled in Lo'ak's lap, dabbing a cloth with antiseptic. You cupped his cheek, pressed a tender kiss to his nose, and proceeded to pat the damp cloth on his injured lip. You then moved away from him and did the same to his knuckles, delicately tending to his wounds. Lo'ak grumbled.
“Sorry.” You murmured.
As you continued to treat him, you nibbled on your lower lip, and he sighed. You reached for a roll of bandages. Finally relaxing his muscles, Lo’ak laughed at your focused expression. 
He observed your deft fingers. “Do you think I shouldn’t have punched him?”
After unrolling the bandages, you wrapped his hand in them, securing your work carefully. “Only partially.”
Once you were done, Lo’ak raised his fist to examine your workmanship. He praised your first aid skills, and you laughed.
“I wouldn’t be so good at it if I didn’t have to do it so much.”
Lo'ak hummed in response to your statement. “Sorry, I know it must be kind of annoying you have to do this all the time.”
“Don’t be. I love spending time with you.”
He smiled softly at that, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. “Me too.”
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
We Can Be Scared Together(18+)
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Word Count: 7.2k
Summary: enemies to lovers, you and Ellie are high-school classmates who despise each other but then one Friday night you go to a party and play an interesting game of spin the bottle. There's quite a bit of angst, but a happy ending bc I'm a sucker for love :D
Cw: fighting, use of slur (dyke), homophobia, readers parents kinda suck(mostly dad), disappointed father, parents fight briefly, caring/worried mom, underage drinking, brief mention of eating disorder, brief mention of weed, heavy make out session, smut!, boob stuff, oral, Ellie is a munch ig?
A/n: it took me so long to write this oml 😭 also this is my first time writing smut so sorry if it isn't great but I think I did a pretty good job on it. Anyways enemies to lovers is my favorite trope so I absolutely loved writing this, hope you enjoy!
You sat in class, bored out of your mind as you stared at the wall in front of you. There was some dumbass inspirational poster taped to it, something about 'what's popular is not always right what's right is not always popular blah blah blah.'
Everything was going as it usually did, but then the teacher called out your name. She had some question written out on the board, and apparently you were going to be the one to answer.
"Y/n, what would our answer be here?" She asked, crossing her arms as she stared you down.
You tried to peek at the boys paper beside you, knowing he was smart. But of course, he covered it with his arm, asshole.
"Um, I- I don't know." You finally admitted, tired of all the eyes on you.
You could hear someone laughing in the back of the classroom, you turned your head to see who. And lo and behold, it was Ellie Fucking Williams. God, you hated that girl. You squinted your eyes at her with hatred.
"Bitch." You muttered under your breath, somehow she'd heard you because her laughter stopped and her brows furrowed.
"What'd you say?" She asked, now standing from her seat and walking over to you.
You looked up at her for a minute before standing yourself, you had a few inches on her so now you were the one in control. Carefully, you took a step closer, your chests brushed against one another as you did so.
She looked up at you, clenching her jaw as she held tight fists at her side. Your jaw was relaxed, but you also had your hands in fists.
"Ladies." Your teacher warned, but neither of you were listening.
Before you knew it, you'd punched her square in the nose and she got you right back. Not in the nose though, she went for your mouth. Fortunately, none of your teeth broke, but you did bite down on your tongue hard enough that it was gushing blood. And your lip was also split.
Ellie has two thick red lines of blood trickling out of her nose, running down her chin and staining her white tank. You laughed at the sight, bringing your hand to rub at your jaw as it ached. The smile on your face was bittersweet.
"You stupid bitch!" You shouted, and then about three seconds later and she was on the floor helpess as you were on top of her.
You were practically straddling her, and to make things even better you'd held both her arms down above her head, a rather intimate position. You wouldn't notice though, because you were too focused on beating the girl that was beneath you.
After a good slap to her face, you got distracted by some idiot guy in your class.
"Yeah! Take your top off!" He'd shouted, sounding all giddy. [Kind of a mean girls reference lol]
God he was probably so bricked up right now. You scoffed, climbing off the poor girl and standing on your own two feet. She practically jumped up, and the look on her face just said pissed.
She quickly expressed that physically, by shoving you harshly into the wall with her hands on either of your shoulders. You groaned as your head pounded against the brick wall, damn you couldn't get another concussion. Now she was the one smiling.
Before she could get any kind of hit in, you were pulled apart by the school security guard. You were breathing heavily as a hand came to the back of your head, which was throbbing in pain.
After a while, the two of you were now seated in the office. You were particularly shocked that they let the two of you sit beside each other. Your arms were crossed, and you were silent. Ellie sat relaxed, her arms resting on her chair as she manspreaded with zero shame.
It wasn't until about ten minutes later that the vice principal came from his office to call one of you back to speak to your parent on the phone you assumed. Thankfully, he'd called Ellie’s name first, you were not at all ready for what your mom would have to say about this.
She came out after about fifteen minutes or so, a sour look present on her face as her arms were crossed. This time when she sat her legs crossed tightly. Damn, her dad must've been really upset. You looked over to her, the to the vice principal as he called for you. Your eyes widened with fear and you made your way into his office, taking a seat.
"So," he cleared his throat, "we have a zero tolerance policy with violence here, as you know I'm sure. I will now inform you of your punishment and the we will call your mother. You will face lunch detention for one month, minimum, that's if you can behave. You will report here after school to do community service for two weeks. And you and Ms. Williams will meet with the school counselor once a week, together." He read it all off some yellow sheet, then picked up the phone to dial your mom.
You groaned in agony, community service wouldn't be horrible but weekly meetings with the counselor? God, just kill me now, you thought. Then you panicked as the phone rang all but once before your mother picked up. You began chewing at your nails as he explained what happened then handed you the phone.
"Mom?" Your voice was quiet and shaky, you were terrified.
"Y/n Y/l/n, I cannot believe this. What happened?" She scolded, clearly upset.
"I- I don't know." It was the best answer you could give, and mostly true.
"I mean I don't get it, you've always been my good little girl." She sounded... sad?
"Yeah, well maybe I'm tired of being good!" You shouted, frustrated.
It was difficult, being held to such high expectations. You were far from perfect, but that's all she wanted you to be. Her and your father both, but you just weren't.
"Y/n... that's not true" She sighed, "your father is going to be furious, even more than I am."
"How do you know its not true, huh? All you and dad want me to be is this perfect girl with amazing grades and cool friends. Well I'm not. I'm tired of all the pressure you guys put on me, I can't take it anymore!" You shouted once again before shoving the phone back into the vice principals hand then storming out of his office.
Tears welled in your eyes, and you'd be damned if you let Ellie Williams see you cry, so you bolted for the schools back doors and ran to your car. Once you were there, you drove as you blasted music to drown out your thoughts. You weren't going home, no, but where? Eventually you decided to head to your favorite park, you'd always go there to get high.
Why not continue the tradition? You figured there was no point in staying sober, besides a joint would definitely help with the lecture you'd be receiving from your parents tonight. Mostly your father, but still.
You brought your hands to your face, wiping your tears away. Then you grabbed a joint from your empty glasses case in the pouch on the back of your seat. Afterwards, you made your way to the swings and lit it up.
An hour or so passed and your phone started ringing, you picked it up and of course it was your mother yelling frantically about how worried she was. Rolling your eyes, you hung up without a word and drove home, high as a kite. You pulled into the driveway and every bone in your body told you not to go inside, but you had to, so you did.
You were met with your parents asking you to come sit in the living room, as they stood across from the couch. Your leg bounced anxiously as your father started to speak.
"To say we're worried about you would be an understatement y/n, we are beyond worried. I don't know what has driven you to this new wave of violence, but we won't have it. You're grounded for at least one month, and you can only have your phone during school in case you need to contact one of us. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Truly, I do not know who you are anymore. I do know one thing though, you're sure as hell not the my sweet little girl anymore. Now, give me your phone and go to your room." His speech was finally done, and there had been a tear or two that made its way down your face.
Your eyes rolled as you gave him your phone, then ran upstairs to your room. Not even bothering to get any schoolwork done, you changed into some comfy clothes then got into bed. You kept your lights off as you got warm underneath your covers in the dark. You let out a heavy sigh as tears started to wet the bedsheet beneath you, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
When you woke up the next morning, you had no motivation to even get up. But you did, knowing you were already on thin ice so there's no way you'd get to stay home. You were silent at the dining table during breakfast, only muttering a thank you to your mother when she handed you your phone as you were walking out the door. You drove to school in silence.
The day went by surprisingly well, and thankfully the meetings with your shit counselor didn't begin until next week. Everything was going smoothly until gym class, you were in the girls locket room changing into your gym clothes. The teacher decided on basketball today, which you quite enjoyed.
You went about your business as usual, not even looking in Ellie's direction. You figured it was better to just leave things alone. Everything was going fine until some popular bitches had to start talking.
"Oh my God, Stacy, she's totally looking at us." The blonde one didn't even try to whisper, giggling.
"Ew, I know. She's so gay. Like im totally uncomfortable right now." Stacy replied, also laughing.
"Seriously, she should just use the boys locker room." The blonde one spoke again and the pair laughed even harder.
You rolled your eyes, knowing they were talking about Ellie. Not that you cared, but today it was getting on your nerves. You'd had enough.
"Can't you guys just shut the fuck up?" You asked, your voice slightly raised.
Ellies brows furrowed at your response, definitely unexpected.
"And who are you, the dyke defender?" The blonde one asked, her sass more present than anything.
"No. But I know you guys are making a big deal out of nothing." You spoke at a normal tone now, taking a step closer to her.
"It's weird!" Stacy shouted from beside her.
"Oh my God, no it's not!" You shouted back, "besides, Stacy, you're one to talk. I find it weird how the two of you are always running to the bathroom together after lunch. Probably throwing up your salads, bulimic bitches." You insulted the two girls, and they were left speechless.
The two of them just gasped and rolled there eyes at you before exiting to the gym. You let a small smile creep onto your face as you turned around, facing Ellie. She smiled at you but you just stared at her blankly, then made your way to the gym without a word to her.
You were out on the basketball court now, the game was going rather well. Your team was winning by three points, and you had scored once or twice. Then, your gym teacher blew her whistle for a break. You started to lightly jog towards your water when somebody shoulder-checked you harshly enough to knock you to the ground.
And of course it was Stacy. Bitch.
"Whoops, sorryyy!" She shouted sarcastically.
You sighed, propping your elbows up on the floor behind you. Before you knew it, there was a hand holding yours and helping you up. Much to your surprise, it was none other than your arch nemesis Ellie.
"Thanks." You meant to sound genuine, but failed miserably.
"Yeah, no problem. Hey, can I waterfall your water? Forgot mine today." She brought a hand to the back of her neck, which was dripping in sweat.
You took a nice, long sip of your ice cold water. Then you shrugged, handing it to her.
"Sure, why not?" Your tone had slowly become kinder and less passive aggressive.
You watched as she tilted her head back, then let the waterfall past her lips. A single drop spilling down her chin. You might have hated her, but damn. There was something about the way she looked with her hair pulled back, all sweaty and hot. It was like, sexy? No, no. You hated this girl. She wasn't sexy, she was just a bitch.
Once the school day was done with, you headed home and the whole drive there all you could think about was Ellie. Ellie fucking Williams, and how you'd thought she was hot and sexy. It made absolutely no sense. You'd spent years upon years hating this girl, and now you were attracted to her. No, there's no way.
You were beyond thankful to come home to an empty house, both your parents still at work. They couldn't take your phone if they weren't home. But, it didn't matter because they'd set s screen time on it so you couldn't use it anyways. You let out a groan of frustration and annoyance. Then, you decided to actually do something responsible. You got all your homework done while watching TV in the living room.
Quickly, you collected your things and ran to your room when you heard your parents pull up in the driveway. You hadn't wanted to see them, not unless you had to. As they walked in the door, they seemed to be arguing about something.
"Honey, you're overreacting." Your mom spoke softly.
"No, I'm not. She's an embarrassment to this family! She is my greatest disappointmen! And I dont want to hear about it from my own father." Your father argued, his voice rough.
"She's your daughter, how can you say that?" Your mother replied, taking offense.
You only realized now that he was talking about you, that definitely hurt.
"I don't care, you know sometimes I wish she wasn't!" Your father shouted, and your mother gasped.
You ran from where you were listening at the stairs and slammed your door shut, immediately climbing into bed to cry. You could hear your mother start to yell at your father, but you didn't bother to try and make out what she was saying. You stayed in your room for the rest of the night, going to bed without dinner.
You woke up to the sound of your alarm, the loud beeping bringing you agony as always. You slam the button down so hard your tiny digital clock falls to the ground, groaning you sit up. After rubbing the tiredness from your eyes, you get out of bed. As much as you were dreading school, at least it was Friday. Your parents would be going out of town for a family event, which you were not invited to.
This was the result of their argument last night, your father winning and now you were staying home while they met with your grandparents. You knew you hadnt been the best kid lately, but it never occurred to you that you were now your fathers greatest disappointment. Not until last night at least.
Doing your best to push those thoughts to the back of your mind, you left for school early that morning. You didn't do much with your spare time, just sitting in the parking lot with your car still on.
The school day was mildly boring, nothing interesting happening. That was until you overheard a conversation between some guys in your fourth hour.
"You going to Josh's party tonight?" The first guy asked.
"Mm, depends. Josh D or Josh P?" The second guy answered, with a question as well.
"Ugh, Josh P obviously." The first guy replied.
"Alright. Then yeah, what time?" Guy number two asked his friend.
"Like eleven I think." His friend responded.
"Alright, cool." The other guy answered.
You felt excitement bubbling, a party would be fun. And another chance to disappoint your father. That wasn't your goal though, mainly you just wanted to get shit faced and forget your sorry ass life for a night. You weren't really close with Josh P, but you knew where he lived. You'd definitely be going to that party at eleven.
[Fast forward to later tonight, you're getting ready for the party]
The outfit you'd chosen for school definitely wasn't going to cut it. You opened up your closet, skimming through your clothes. Eventually you settled on a navy blue dress, it was just short enough to get you checked out. It also had a flattering crewneck and a tanktop build at the top.
You smiled at yourself in the mirror, it hugged your curves exceptionally well. Then you took a seat at your vanity as you did your makeup. Nothing too outrageous, just the basics. Eyeliner, mascara, blush, highlighter, and lip gloss.
Once you were done you slipped into your favorite pair of shoes, specifically for parties. They had light stains, due to that fact, they were your go-tos in case anyone threw up on your shoes or anything like that.
You drove over to the party, it wasn't too far so you didn't leave until eleven. Plus, you didn't wanna be that weirdo who showed up early. Thankfully when you got there, there had already been a decent amount of kids your age inside. As you walked in, you were immediately hit with the stench of booze and the sound of loud music blasting in your ears.
It was slightly euphoric, but maybe that was just you. You'd always felt that way, taking your first steps into a party, like you were on top of the world. Everything was going decently well, and you were down two drinks when you had gotten into a game of beer pong. This knocked you down a couple more drinks, and you were ready for another round when a certain someone caught your eye from across the table.
Ellie. Ellie was here, your breath caught in your throat as you swallowed hard at the sight of her. She wore a black lacey crop top, that was basically a bralette. And she wore loose-fitted jeans that dipped below her stomach, the lining of her matching black underwear creeping out the sides. You bit down at your bottom lip, darting away to the bathroom.
If the thought that she was hot came to your mind sober, lord only knows what's to come when you've been drinking. You sighed as you shut and locked the door behind you, squeezing your eyes shut as you slid down the door and sat on the cold tiles, bringing your head to your hands.
You let out a defeated sigh, you couldn't hide out in here forever. But it wouldn't hurt to stay for a while. After finally getting your shit together, you stood to wash your hands under cold water, giving you a slight sense of adrenaline. You exited and left the door open as you walked back out to the living room. Beer pong was done with, and a circle was being formed for spin the bottle.
I mean, come on, you had to play. And you saw Ellie take a seat, which, for some odd reason, just made the game more intriguing. Besides, who were you to pass up a drunk kissing game at a high school party? It'd be lame if you had.
Smiling, you sat crisscross applesauce between two guys, one sat comfortably and calm, the other seemed terrified. Dudes probably a virgin or something, the way he was practically shaking at the thought of having to just kiss someone. You shook your head lightly, chuckling at him a bit.
"Alright, who's up first?" Josh, the host, asked as he took a seat and set an empty bottle in the middle of everyone.
Nobody was eager to volunteer, and you were about to lean forward to take a spin, but somebody else cut you off.
"Guess I'll go." Ellie spoke so nonchalantly, it drove you insane.
You could feel your heart pick up as she leaned forward to spin the green bottle, giving you a perfect view of her boobs. You swore you could've been drooling at the sight. Your eyes locked in on the bottle as it spun rapidly, shaking a bit, and as it slowly came to a stop, you were silently hoping it'd land on you. And no. fucking. way. It did.
Her eyes met yours, a playful smirk finding its way onto her face. You smiled sheepishly, turning your head slightly as your cheeks flushed red and you licked your lips. Taking a deep breath, you got on your hands and knees to get face to face with her, she did the same.
Just before she brought her lips to yours, she leaned to the side to whisper in your ear. The way her hot breath felt against your neck drove you crazy.
"Let's give em' a real show, huh?" Her voice was low and husky, sending a shockwave to your core.
Finally, she brought her lips to yours. Almost immediately, her hands found their place on the back of your neck as she pulled you in deeper. You took your hands to her bare waist, letting out a small moan as she slipped her tongue into your mouth.
She tasted faintly of strawberry, mostly of alcohol and a little bit of weed. It was so addicting, the way her tongue ran against every corner, every crevice of your mouth. Then, you just couldn't help yourself as she bit down on your bottom lip just enough to make it sting. Pushing her back, you crawled forwards and straddled her.
Somehow you were still breathing, even after not having pulled away for one second from what might've been the most magical, intense kiss of your life. Ellies hands moved down your body, now cupping your ass. She gave it a small squeeze and a smile formed on your lips, she chuckled against your lips as she felt it.
A string of both your mixed salivas formed as you pulled back just slightly, but it didn't last long as Ellie brought her lips back to yours in an instant. Everyone else had been cheering and clapping, going insane over how hot and heavy you guys got. Finally, you climbed off of her and took your place back in your seat.
Flustered, you brought a hand up to lightly stroke your hair. Ellies cheeks flushed red as she wiped at the corners of her mouth, which were all wet from your hot, sloppy kiss. You shot her a smile, and she returned the favor. You felt butterflies in your stomach, swirling around at an incredibly fast pace.
"Well, that's gonna be hard to beat." Josh said with strong laughter.
Somebody else would spin the bottle and the game continued for a good while. Josh was right though, nothing came close to what you and Ellie had. Eventually, the game ended when vrigin boy next to you chickened out and wouldn't kiss the rather cute brunette he'd spun on. Everyone booed and called him lame. You didn't care all that much, seeing as you were satisfied with the results of the game. Everyone dispersed and went on to doing other party activities.
Since you were already decently drunk, you skipped out on any kind of drinking games. Instead, you found yourself sat on the red couch in the living room, some couple of the other side of it were making out and borderline dry humping. Uncomfortable, you pulled out your phone just so you could have something to stare at. Then, after a minute or so, you felt somebody plop down next to you, their body leaning into yours without hesitation.
And what do you know, it's Ellie because of fucking course it's Ellie. She tried to say something to you, but you couldn't hear her due to the insanely loud music playing. You just looked st her confused, then your face heated up and she leaned into you even more, bringing her head to the side of yours and her hand to the other side of your neck as she talked into your ear, sending chills down your spine.
"So, how about that kiss huh? Pretty hot." You could just hear the smugness in her voice, and you were sure she had a stupid smirk plastered across her face right now.
"Sure was. Too bad we're not playing spin the bottle anymore." You joked, hoping she'd catch on. And she did, because she's not an idiot.
"So?" She said at first, leaning back and just giving you a sweet peck on the cheek, "if you wanted to kiss me again, I'd let you."
You let out a small sigh, God Damn she was so hot.
"Oh yeah? Well we better be careful, because the way you were grabbing my ass earlier gave me the impression you wanted a little something more." You were a bit shocked at your own words, they were the result of all your drinks, you knew you'd never say any of this sober.
Ellie laughed, it sounded so sweet from the proximity of her mouth to your ear.
"Well, I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong. Maybe we don't have to be so careful, if that's what you want, of course." She was bold, confident, sexy. The whole damn package.
You didn't give her another word, just backing up so you could pull her into a kiss. Your previous position returned, but now she straddled you. It was absolutely hot the way she didn't hold back, and you swore you heard her moan at the way you whimpered as she gripped your hair, tugging at it slightly.
Slowly, you were becoming strikingly similar to the couple that had made you so uncomfortable a few minutes ago. You couldn't give a single fuck about that though, because the way Ellie kissed you was downright addictive. You wanted more, no you needed more. After a minute or so, you pulled away then leaned over to whisper in her ear.
"I don't want to be careful. I need you Ellie, so bad." Your words were breathy, and you meant every single one.
Ellie let out a small groan at how forward you'd been.
"Ok princess, let's go to my car. I've got tinted windows, can't promise nobody will hear us though. Can you keep quiet?" She whispered back.
You bit your lip,
"I'll try my best for you." You smiled as she stood and took you out to her car, having you climb into the backseat before she got in with you.
Immediately she locked the doors before climbing on top of you to resume your heavy make out session from inside. You loved the way she moved her hands up and down your sides, gripping at your hips as she rubbed her hands over them. You felt hot all over, and the wet spot forming in your panties was becoming more and more evident.
She broke your kiss and started peppering kisses across your jaw before she sucked at your neck hungrily, it didn't take long for her to find your pulse point that made you let out a loud moan. Quickly, you bit down on your bottom lip to quiet yourself, along with bringing a hand to your mouth as the other one held you up. Ellie slowly made her way down to your collarbones, then she brought her hands up from your hips to your dress.
"Can I pull this off baby?" She looked up at you with lust filled eyes as she spoke so softly, so sensual.
You nodded eagerly in response, the way she was treating you, you'd let her do whatever she wanted. She let out a low chuckle, pressing a kiss to either of your shoulders.
"Use your words, pretty girl." She encouraged, still gripping at your dress.
"Yes, please." You whined out, and she pulled your dress down, along with your bra in one fell swoop.
She immediately latched onto one of your tits, taking the other in her hand as she toyed with your nipple, they peaked hard and you let out a breathy moan as she flicked her tongue over the one. The other was kneaded between her fingers like dough, and God it felt amazing. After a minute she switched so her mouth was on the other, giving it one small suck before she kissed further down your chest to your stomach, now pulling your dress all the way down to your ankles.
You flushed red, feeling a little embarrassed at how exposed you were. Instinctively, you pushed your legs together. Ellie shot you a smirk, taking your knees in her hands to spread you apart.
"Come on baby girl, no need to hide, you're so pretty." She complimented you as she brought her head down to place light kisses on your inner thigh.
Then she sucked a few harsh kisses into them, gripping at your ass as she did so. You let out another moan as she worked your thighs with her mouth, the fact she was so close to where you'd needed her so badly was driving you insane. After a minute you couldn't take it anymore, reaching down to pull off your underwear yourself before grabbing her by the back of her head and guiding her towards your dripping core.
She let out a small moan at your sudden impatience, and she let you have your way. When her tongue finally met your clit, you couldn't help the pornagraphic moan that escaped your lips. You brought a hand to your mouth, biting down on your pointer finger to silence yourself as she lapped her tongue.
She took it slow at first, but after you'd given her hair a light tug she started eating you out like there was no tomorrow. She absolutely devoured you, like you were her last meal, and she savored every drop. It didn't take long for you to get that familiar feeling in your stomach, knowing you were close.
"El-ellie, mmnph- fuck I'm gonna-" You sucked a breath through your teeth as she went even faster, "ah fuckkk.." You moaned out.
She broke away for just a second, causing you to let out a rather pathetic whimper.
"Cum for me baby, come on. I got you. That's my girl" she was back on you in seconds, and you came in no time after those words of praise.
You were a moaning mess as you reached your release, bringing your other hand down to grip onto her hair as she didn't stop. Not even forming coherent sentences at this point, you couldn't even tell her to stop because you were starting to feel overstimulated. Instead you just pulled her back from you, she stared up at you with a smile. Your chest rose and fell quickly as you panted.
She climbed forwards, her hands coming down at either side of your head as she went to kiss you. You let out a small moan as you tasted yourself on her tongue. She brought a hand to caress your cheek softly.
"You did so good baby, so proud of you." You giggled at her words.
"Thank you," you blushed, "do you want me to... do anything for you?" You asked shyly, she'd just given you an earth shattering orgasm so the least you could do was return the favor.
But, she shook her head.
"Nah, I'll be fine." She smiled down at you, placing a kiss to your cheek then the conrer of your mouth.
"You sure?" You asked with furrowed brows, not wanting to leave her high and dry.
"Next time, pretty girl." You flashed her a smile, the thought of there being a next time had you excited.
"Mkay." You brought a hand to the back of her neck to pull her in for another kiss.
Once the two of you broke apart, she helped you pull your panties back up from your ankles as well as your dress. You smiled at her sweetly, she sat back comfortably, patting her leg for you to come sit. You sat between her spread legs, smiling as you rested your head on her shoulder and her arms wrapped around you, rubbing soft circles into your tummy.
The two of you sat like that for a few minutes, merely enjoying each other's presence. You let out a small sigh of frustration when her phone started going off and she removed one hand from you to check it.
"Ah, shit. I've gotta get home. Did you need a ride or anything?" She asked, as she pushed you off her and was ready to get into the driver's seat.
"Um, I'm pretty shit faced so yeah that'd be great." You sat in the backseat as she got into the driver's then took you home.
She said goodbye with just a small wave. You did the same, just trying to match her energy. You couldn't help the dumbstruck smile on your face as you walked into your house and upstairs to your room. You squealed into your pillow after jumping onto your bed. You were in shock, it was hard to believe that really just happened, but it did. Tonight was one of the best of your life.
As tired as you were, you still managed to remove your makeup and get changed into some comfy clothes for bed. You shut off your lights and got comfy under your covers, giddily replying the events of tonight as you closed your eyes to fall asleep. It didn't take long for you to basically passed out, mostly because of how many drinks you'd has. Before you knew it you were out like a light.
Throughout the weekend you were on a high, still thinking back to everything that went down on Friday. Monday morning came along, and you were actually excited to go to school for once. You didn't see Ellie until science class, but you could wait. Even if it felt like you couldn't. Once you got there, she was definitely acting weird.
You smiled at her, even waved a little, but she didn't so much as glance in your direction. You were confused to say the east, but you just figured maybe she had a bad morning or something. It's not like you guys were that close so you didn't really know. You tried your best not to let it cloud your mind, and if didn't. At least not until your teacher told you to pick partners and you walked over to Ellie.
"Hey, Ellie, do you wann-"
"No. Um I'm gonna find someone else, thanks though." She was so quick to answer, and with a no?
Ok, what the hell happened over the weekend. Surely there must've been something. Maybe she had a boyfriend you didn't know about? Or a girlfriend. Either way, whether she was or wasn't in a relationship, she could've at least disclosed that to you. You ended up stuck partnering with Stacy because her blonde friend wasn't there that day. It was seriously hell on earth, and this was a week-long project.
Once class ended, you tried to talk to Ellie, but she seemed to get away from you as fast as she could so you didn't get the chance. You let out a small sigh of defeat, maybe you could try again in gym class. The time rolled around and you were back in the locker room, Stacy learned to keep her mouth shut thankfully.
You got changed quickly, then walked over to Ellie. Leaning against the locker beside her, you tried to read her gaze. What was her deal?
"Can I help you." She spoke after a moment, her tone was anything but welcoming or kind.
"Um, yeah. I just wondered what's up I guess, you're just being kinda weird." You answered timidly, shocked by her hostile state.
"Look, we're not friends so I don't know why you're acting like it. Just drop it ok?" She answered, somehow her voice had gotten even colder.
Your teacher called for everyone to come out to the gym, you stopped Ellie though so now it was just the two of you.
"Ellie, come on. What are you saying, what are we?" You asked, genuinely wondering.
"Nothing. We aren't anything." She answered with a shake of her head as if it was obvious.
You scoffed harshly,
"Oh, ok nothing, really? I don't know about you, but the other night sure as hell didn't feel like nothing to me!" Your voice raised slightly as you were growing angry.
She sighed, bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose out of frustration.
"Look, y/n. The other night was a mistake, and we were both drunk. If there hadn't been drinks involved, nothing would've happened." She spoke so clearly, as if it really meant nothing to her.
Tears grew in your eyes, but you did your best to shive them down, that all too familiar lump forming in your throat.
"Bullshit" you spat out, "bullshit because I'm stone cold sober right now and I can't stop thinking about kissing you again." You argued.
"Well, sorry but that's just you" She looked down, avoiding your strong gaze, "I don't have feeling for you."
You couldn't stop the tears that fell from your eyes at that statement.
"Ok, then look me in my eyes and tell me. Tell me you feel absolutely nothing for me." You demanded, crossing your arms.
"Y/n, please don't do this." She pleaded, as if she couldn't do what you were asking.
"No, look at me and tell me. Then I'll believe you." You stated, the anger blooming in your chest as more tears fell.
Her eyes met yours and she almost looked sorry for making you cry, but clearly not sorry enough.
"I dont-" She stopped for a moment, tears no welled in her eyes, "I don't have feelings for you." She spoke clearly and coldly, meeting your gaze so directly.
"Ok, then I guess we're done" You sniffled, wiping at your tears that just continued to flow, "see you around, Williams." You sighed, getting your things together as you headed for the back doors.
You left school early, skipping out on the rest of your classes. When you got home in the middle of the day, you were surprised to find your mother home.
"Y/n, what are you doing here? Why aren't you in class?" Shit.
"I got a fever." You lied through your teeth, but she just let you because she could tell you'd been crying.
"Ok, you want me to make you some soup?" She asked, her motherly nature kicking in.
"No, I'm good. Thanks mom." You shook your head, then ran upstairs to your room.
You were silent for the rest of the evening, only going downstairs for dinner before you went back up to your room and cried yourself to sleep. Fucking deja vu.
The next morning your alarm went off, and you just felt empty. There was no way in hell you'd go to school, so you had another fever today. Your mom called you in sick, coming to say goodbye to you before she left for work. You lied in bee, facing the wall as you recalled the hesrt wrenching conversation with Ellie from yesterday.
"Hey sweetie, just came to say bye" Your mother announced as she came and sat on your bed, "I know you don't have a fever, wanna tell me what's really going on?" She asked, bringing a hand to rub your arm soothingly.
You sighed, maybe it'd help to talk about it.
"There's this girl. I thought she liked me, but-" Your breath hitched, "I was wrong." You sniffled as your tears began to wet the bedsheets beneath you.
"Aw, honey, that girl just doesn't know a keeper when she sees it then" she leaned down and planted a sweet kiss to your forehead, "there's no medicine for a broken heart, but I promise it'll get better in time. I'm sorry sweetie." She stood and left, you were happy to be alone but hated it at the same time.
You spent practically the entire day thinking about Ellie, wondering why she'd gotten so cold. Just racking your brain for something, anything you might've done wrong. It was no use, nothing came to light. You were stuck in the dark.
You'd only gotten out of bed to use the bathroom and get a little something to eat, you stood leaning against the kitchen counter in just an oversized t-shirt and underpants as you microwaved some noodles.
Then, there was a knock at the door. Your brows furrowed, probably a package for one of your parents you left it alone as you waited on your food, but then they knocked again, you sighed and walked over to the door. As you swung it open, you felt like you might crumble and fall to the floor. It was Ellie. Ellie with a bouquet of flowers in her hand... what the fuck.
"Hi. Look, I don't wanna take up a ton of your time because I was a dick to you but I'm sorry. It wasn't fair for me to treat you that way and I'm just really fucking sorry" She extended her hand out, handing you the flowers, she brought her hands to her pockets as she stood awkwardly.
"Ok, well an explanation might be nice..." You spoke quietly, holding the rather beautiful flowers in one hand as the other rested on the door handle.
Ellie sighed.
"Looks, y/n, I really like you. I don't understand how I went from hating you for years, to being in love with you and- shit. I probably shouldn't have said that. Uh- anyways, I really really like you and I guess I'm just scared because I don't really know how to be in a relationship, and I dont want to mess this up. Because I really like you. Like, a lot." Her confession was heartfelt and genuine, it was real.
You smiled.
"Well, for starters, I suppose I can forgive you. Secondly, I don't wanna mess this up either, and I understand that you're scared. I'm scared too. But, maybe we could be scared together. As long as you won't shut me out or get all cold again." You gave her a stern look at the end of your own confession.
"I promise. Also I hope you like the flowers, I wasn't really sure what to get. I'm not used to apologizing." She chuckled awkwardly.
"I love them, now come here you idiot." You set the flowers down and brought your arms around her, bringing her in for a kiss.
The two of you shared a warm embrace afterwards, your head finding comfort in the crook of Ellie’s neck.
"Oh, and by the way" you whispered into her hair, "I'm in love with you too."
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mxdimitrescu · 1 month
Unexpected Love
Synopsis: Echo just returned back to her hometown from the Army to land herself in another war between the Cullens and the Volturi.
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Rosalie Hale x Echo Clearwater
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After hearing someone call out my name, I was instantly tackled to the ground, which made me let out a grunt. I turned around in the person's hold and changed our positions. I pressed the person's head hard and I heard laughters around me. I looked up to see several Native Americans standing, laughing and pointing.
I immediately recognized the people and looked down to see the person was in fact Jacob. I shook my head and slapped Jake on his head, "What the hell? I just got here and you tackle me bruh?"
I got up from the floor, handing out a hand for Jake to grab and pulled him up. I brushed off the dirt from my clothes and waved at everyone.
"Hey guys! No time long see," I chuckled.
This brought on cheers from everyone and each of them gave me hugs.
"Welcome back," Sam said.
"Bout time you're back," Paul said, punching me in the shoulder.
"""You're back!""" Quil, Embry, and Jared cheered, giving me pats on the back.
""I missed you,"" Collin and Brady, the two youngest shifters, murmured while hugging me tightly. I looked after the two boys when their moms were busy as if they were my own children.
I smiled softly, hugging them tightly, "I missed you both too, kiddos."
We broke the hugs and the boys stepped away for me to see the last two members, Leah and Seth. They stood there for a moment until I opened my arms for them which got them to jump at me, hugging me.
"I missed you guys, my baby brother and little sister," I hugged them tightly, kissing each their foreheads.
"I missed you too, E," Seth murmured while Leah nodded in agreement.
After few moments, we broke the hug and turned to face the group. I studied each one of them and noticed something.
"Brady...Collin...you're tall?" I was a bit confused.
Everyone suddenly got serious. Sam stepped forward with a serious face, "We have a situation and it's bad."
I frowned and nodded. We all went into the pack house where Sam and Jake explained what was happening.
An hour later, I found myself sitting in the recliner chair in disbelief.
"I've only been gone for two years in the Army and I come back to a potential vampire war between the Cullens and their vampire government?"
"Yup.""Pretty much.""Yes.""Correct."
Everyone chimed in.
"So, there are more vampires each day which caused Brady and Collin to phase despite their young ages?" I frowned.
"Yeah, but it's totally fine. I mean, it's awesome that we get to be huge wolf shifters. Although, the patrolling sucks and the smell of the vampires is horrible, it's cool," Collin explained with a smile while Brady nodded in agreement.
I just chuckled at Collin and Brady's nonchalant attitude about shifting and the whole vampire situation. I stood up from my seat and looked at Sam.
"What do we do now?" I asked.
"You take the alpha position back. I was just holding it for you until you come back or Jake takes it but he doesn't want to," Sam said.
I nodded and looked at the pack, "Alright, let's go see the vamps."
Everyone cheered and exited the house and shifted, leaving shredded clothes all over the place. I sighed and shifted, thankfully not tearing the clothes. For some reason, the clothes I wear melds in with me, allowing me to shift freely.
'Let's go!' I spoke into the pack link and we ran off into the woods.
I was in the living room, chatting with Tanya and Kate when we heard the howls. Everyone in the house snapped their attention to outside when we heard the snaps of the branches as the wolves emerges from the forest. We all headed out onto the patio as the wolves sat in line. I growled softly as their horrible stenches wafted through my nose.
Damn mutts.
Edward, have heard my thoughts, sent me a glare which I replied back one.
Get the fuck out of my head.
Edward shook his head and looked back at the wolves while Carlisle stood forward, "Hello, is there something you need?"
"Sam said that the alpha would like to meet us," Edward spoke for the pack.
Carlisle frowned, "I thought Sam is the alpha?"
Edward shook his head, "Sam said that he was holding the position until their alpha comes back and they did, just today."
Carlisle nodded, "Of course, are they willing to speak with us?"
With that, the wolves parted, allowing the alpha to walk. They were huge, towering at 8 feet tall, with the black fur coat and white tribal marks all over its body. The wolf has bright red eyes, which was a huge contrast compared against the other wolves. Soon, we saw her fur slowly recede, revealing deep tanned skin.
This wolf can shift with clothes? I've never seen that.
The wolf turns out to be a girl, a very tall girl standing at 6'5 feet and shoulder length black hair. She is wearing black loose shorts with light beige baggy shirt and no shoes. From what I could see is that she have multiple tattoos all over her body. She walked up to Carlisle and handed out her hand.
"Pleasure to meet you. I am Echo Clearwater, the alpha," she finally spoke, her voice was deep and rich like honey to my ears.
"Hello Echo, it's nice to meet you. I am Carlisle, leader of the Cullen Coven. These are my family, my wife Esme, my sons, Emmett and Edward, Edward's wife, Bella, and their daughter, Renesmee. And lastly, my daughter, Rosalie. I have two more but they are currently out of town," Carlisle introduced us to her as she examined each of us.
As soon her eyes connected with mine, I instantly felt something shifted inside me and I could tell something happened to her as her jaw drops and her pack starts whining.
Mate. Shit. Fuck.
I frowned and broke eye contact with her, turning my attention to Edward whose eyes were wide when he read our minds.
"Uh...nice to meet you. I-I just want to know the plan for when the vamp government comes," She stuttered.
With that, Carlisle and the others talked about the battle plan while Echo nodded, giving some inputs. It took about an hour before we concluded. During that hour, I spent my time stealing looks at Echo and half of the time, she caught me and vice versa. Echo looked back at the pack sending them a signal and they left leaving her alone.
Carlisle and the rest stared at her confused while Echo stared at me. Edward, being the mind invader, took the hint and spoke, "Let's go in and leave the two alone."
The others were confused until Edward made eye motions between me and Echo which caused them to finally understand and smiled widely. They shuffled into the house leaving me alone on the porch and her on the ground.
"Um, w-would you like to go take a walk in the forest?" She asked, rubbing the back of her neck.
I sighed and nodded silently, jumping off the porch and walked past by Echo into the forest. I could hear her shuffling behind me as we trek deeper into the forest, away from the vampire hearing range. I saw a log sitting in the middle and took a sat on it, turning my attention on her.
Damn, she can be quite scary. But, scary hot.
"So, um, you're a vamp...and my mate."
I groaned silently.
Like who the fuck says that? Why am I so fucking awkward? God, first time I talk to her and I go, you vamp? I just wanna die. Shit. I hope the pack doesn't see this or Imma kill myself.
My inner turmoil was interrupted by a beautiful sound, I looked up and saw that she was laughing. My breath was taken away. Her blonde hair shone brightly, her face filled with adorable crinkles, and her golden amber eyes glitter with amusement.
Even though she's laughing at me, she's absolutely gorgeous.
After my fumble, we actually manage to get a conversation going. It was late when we realized that we spent 8 hours chatting about everything. I can absolutely tell you that I was smitten by this girl. I stood up from my spot and brushed off the dirt from my pants from sitting too long. Then, I reached out my hand for her to take which she did.
I decided to walk Rosalie back home and during mid walk, we had our arms down and occasionally, our hands would brush against each other. After couple times, I finally took the initiative to capture her hand in mine and squeeze it softly while staring ahead.
I could feel her gaze at my head and out of the corner of my eye, I can see her look forward with a small smile on her face and she squeezed my hand. We finally ended up at the house and I stopped at the edge of the forest.
"So, I'll see you later?" I asked hopefully, rocking on my heels.
She chuckled softly and nodded, "Yes," stepping into my space. I looked down to see her face while she looked up. It took a second before she stood on her tippy toes and land a soft kiss on my cheek.
Then she backed away and headed for the door, leaving me there stunned while holding my cheek in awe. Before she opened the door, she turned around and gave me a finger wave and entered her home. I smiled widely and in my excitement, I accidentally shifted. I turned around and headed home.
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luthien-under-bough · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Yes, the rumors are true - I'm finally working on the next chapter of maybedaddy au! [ao3: i got a bad desire (baby i'm on fire)]
Here's a little sneak peek - something a bit more lighthearted before the chapter gets into the heavy angst.
Content Warnings: mentions of violence, Targcest - but for the uninitiated, Daemon may or may not be Rhaenyra's father in this
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He has to blink a few times to make sure he isn’t seeing things, but it’s Rhaenyra alright, storming into the pub looking like she’s ready to fight. Daemon’s eyes flit to her clenched fist—looks like maybe she already did.  She heaves herself up onto a stool in front of him at the bar, slapping her bag down in front of her. Flinging her arms out in front of her, she flops down on top of her bag, all the breath leaving her in a tired sigh. “Tough day?”  Rhaenyra looks up at him with wide, wet eyes; she’s either been crying, or is on the verge of it. And she’s shaking slightly, he notices. She flexes her right hand open and shut, flashing red, raw knuckles smeared with bits of congealing blood. The sight of it ignites his primal need for violence, to inflict pain and misery upon whoever hurt his baby girl. He doesn’t even care what the circumstance was; he’d be on Rhaenyra’s side even if she murdered someone in broad daylight.  He takes her hand and turns it over carefully in his, examining for any signs of more serious damage. She seems unharmed, save for the superficial cuts and scrapes. But lack of any physical injury doesn’t mean she isn’t hurt. “What happened?” he asks, his pulse pounding in his ears and throat.  She blinks up at him. “I punched Criston in the face,” she says matter-of-factly. Daemon has no idea who the fuck Criston is, but he’s sure he deserved it. Daemon’s already met one of Rhaenyra’s friends, and Jason Lannister certainly deserves far more than a punch.  “Who? What did he do?”  “You know, Criston. I told you about the boy I used to…you know. Before.” Oh, right. The boy she used to hook up with. Before. Before him. The boy who couldn’t please her. The boy who was too stupid to realize he had the most perfect girl in the world in his grasp. What a moron.  “Right,” he says tightly. Daemon sets her hand down gently and sets to work scooping some ice into a clean dishrag. “And…?” “Well, he made some very impolite comments about me,” Rhaenyra explains as Daemon configures the rag into a makeshift ice pack.  “What kind of comments?” Daemon growls, setting the ice pack against her bruised knuckles.  “Oh you know, pretty standard stuff. Accused me of things I didn’t do, called me a slut. The usual.”  What is wrong with all the boys Rhaenyra hangs out with? Daemon is going to have to fight her entire school, at this rate. “And then he had the audacity to mention mum, and—” her voice breaks. She looks down, sucking back a sniffle. “I didn’t even realize I was doing it until my fist was already in his face.”  Pride swells in his chest, even as he tries to keep a straight face. His fierce girl. He hopes she broke his fucking nose. “I think strictly speaking, I’m not supposed to condone violence,” Daemon says, reaching out to tip her chin up. “But I’m glad to see your jab is still as sharp as ever.”
*divider by @ saradika
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milkiane · 3 years
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love you back; jj maybank
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summary: the three times jj maybank told you that he loved you, and the one time you said it back.
warnings: brief (unwanted) sexual comments, profanities, mentions of blood, mentions of fighting (?), gif credits to @bellblake
word count: 2240
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there was yet another kegger at the boneyard, courtesy of the pogues who were all too bored out of their minds to waste the night away.
kiara was with pope, talking to a group of tourons about their never-ending facts, and somehow, it kept them entertained.
john b and sarah were dancing along with the blasting music, bodies swaying despite the music being upbeat.
and you, you were sitting on a log, a red cup in hand. you watched as the waves crashed on the shore. the salty breeze of the air whipping across your face, goosebumps slowly spreading on your body. the night was beautiful despite everything that’s been happening, the moon and twinkling stars reminding you that there’s beauty amidst the chaos.
you sighed, standing up to get another drink when the familiar shouts of jj caught your attention. you dropped your cup on the table and rushed over to him as you saw a group of kooks spit harsh insults at the boy.
knowing him, he’ll never back out from a fight, more so when he’s drunk. jj and the kook already had a threatening range between them, chests puffed out and fists clenched, but before any punches could be thrown, you got between the both of them and placed your hands on jj’s chest, “c’mon, j, let’s go.”
“fine piece of ass you’ve got there, maybank,” the kook laughed, eyes trained on your butt, “maybe i could get a taste after you’re done with her.”
although before jj could lunge at him, you beat him to it. you threw a perfect punch directly at his nose, making him stagger back. his friends went to help him out but he pushed them away. clutching his bleeding nose, he raised a finger at you, “you bitch!”
you slapped him across the cheek as he made the move to do so, “leave, now.”
his friends navigated him away from the boneyard, and you shook your throbbing hand, “holy shit, i didn’t know it was that painful to punch someone!”
jj had a look of adoration on his face, he placed a kiss on your hand and leaned forward to kiss you. your arm immediately wrapped around his neck, as his went straight to your waist.
you didn’t know whatever this thing you had with jj was, you’re more than friends but less than lovers. he never placed a label on your relationship, and you couldn’t help but wonder what this meant to him, if it held a big part of his life as it did in yours.
“that was hot,” he mumbled against your lips, words slurring with intoxication, “god, i love you.”
if the circumstances were different, you would’ve said it back. you would say it again, and again, and again, and you would never get tired of saying it to him, but instead of answering, you brought his lips back to yours. hands roaming across each other’s bodies. you hoped that the intensity of the kiss would make him forget that he ever said that.
it’s been at least a few weeks since that fateful night. jj never got tired of bragging how badass his girl was, bringing up how you broke the guy’s nose.
the two of you were currently snuggled in bed, silence surrounding the both of you with the excerpt of the soft music playing from the radio. your back was against jj’s chest as he continued to trace shapes on your bare skin.
he didn’t know if you’re awake, but he continued to appreciate your existence. the moonlight was shining over the both of you, he moved your stray hair aside and peppered soft kisses on your shoulder. he whispered a soft, ‘i love you’, before letting the music lull him to sleep.
unbeknownst to him, you were wide awake. staring at the blank wall as you felt your chest rise and fall in sync with his. a heavy feeling landed straight to you, swallowing harshly before trying to get sleep to overcome you.
you and jj were at the dock beside the chateau, legs dangling over the water as you watched the sun set into hues of oranges and red.
your head was rested on his shoulder, hands intertwined. he tilted his head to look at you, there was a small smile adorning his lips.
you could feel his stare practically burning a hole on the side of your head, you grinned teasingly, “you know, rumor is, it’s rude to stare,”
“not when i’m looking at the most gorgeous girl in the outer banks,” he kissed your forehead, “you know i love you, right?”
you hummed uncomfortably, removing your hand from his.
“c’mon, y/n. i’m not drunk, you’re not asleep, so what’s the matter?”
you tensed up beside him, and this time he watched you carefully. you took a deep breath, choosing to stare at the dimming sky instead of the man beside you, “you don’t mean that,”
he scoffed unbelievingly, “i do, i do.”
you remove yourself from his side, shaking your head as you let out a quivery breath, “no you don’t. you’re in love with the idea of us, with who you become when you’re around me, you’re in love with the moments we have… not me,”
“no, because that’s exactly the reason why i love you, y/n!” he stood up, running a hand through his hair, “i love who i become when you’re around, i love how you balance me out, i love how well you know me,”
“jj, can’t you see? you love how i’m such an asset to you, you think that i could change you when it’s supposed to be you!” you interjected, “i’m not even your girlfriend, jj. you never asked me to be, and even if i was, you’d have no reason to love me!”
“see now that’s just unfair!” he threw his arms up.
“what’s unfair? that i want to know what’s going on between us?” you scoffed, folding your arms, “jj, you can’t tell me you love me if we haven’t established whatever’s going on.”
he sighed irritably, tugging at the strands of his hair, “why are you so stubborn? when will you accept that my heart beats only for you?”
“jj, you don’t even know what my favorite color is!” you exclaimed, rubbing your arms together as a harsh wind blew.
he froze, his mind whirring, trying to figure out what it is, “i-”
“exactly my point,” you sighed, turning around to walk back into the chateau.
“i don’t know what your favorite color is but i know how you like your coffee, i know that you get grumpy in the morning because you have a hard time falling asleep at night, i know that you braid your hair when you’re nervous, i know that you hang your mother’s ring in a chain because it’s too big for you, i know that you hate sitting next to john b during lunch because he chews too loud but you don’t want to say anything because you’re scared of hurting his feelings, i know that you hate how your voice sounds on tape but i love how you sound, i know that you often compare yourself to sarah, or kie, or some girl, but you’re perfect just the way you are! and i know that saying it back is at the tip of your tongue but you’re scared,” jj spoke up, his chest heaving up and down from saying it in one breath. he watched you stop on your tracks, with one more sigh, he whispered softly, “what are you so afraid of?”
he walked past you and left, leaving you alone at the dock with your thoughts.
what were you so afraid of?
one. part two.
it’s been weeks since your last confrontation with jj.
you’ve been avoiding him, and the pogues like a plague. you spent the last few days moping around your room or spending early mornings out for a walk as your mind whirred with your never-ending thoughts and possibilities.
a knock from your door caught your attention. you sighed, turning your gaze away from your television. the background of friends still went unbothered, “come in,”
your little sister went inside with a sad look on her face. you frowned, opening your arms to invite her in, “what’s wrong, bubba?”
she sighed, nuzzling her nose at the crook of your neck, “i think boys suck,”
“what happened?” you asked, rubbing her back soothingly.
“marcus said he liked me but i saw him holding chrissie’s hand at the park,” she said, playing with the elephant stuffie jj has given you, “i wish i could find someone like your boyfriend, y/n.”
you furrowed your eyebrows, “boyfriend? you mean jj?”
“yeah,” she looked up at you, “it’s like you’re his princess, he looks at you like you’re the most beautiful thing in the world. kind of like those disney movies.”
you hummed, “well, jj and i aren’t talking right now,”
“what, why?”
“things are a bit complicated right now. he said he loves me,” you smiled softly at your sister, who’s listening to every word you’re saying.
“really?” she perked up, “did you say it back?”
you looked up at your popcorn ceiling, “no,”
“y/n, why not?”
“i don’t know, really, i just-” you sighed, were you really going to talk about your love life to your 7-year-old sister? “i feel like i’ve loved him my whole life and when he finally said it, everything sounded so unreal, you know?”
“i don’t,” she blinked, she placed the stuffie on your lap, “but do you love him?”
“maybe? i don’t know,” you sighed, stressfully running a hand through your hair.
“i don’t think love is a maybe, y/n, it’s either a yes or a no. you love him or you don’t love him,” she shrugged.
you looked at her in disbelief, “and when did you get so smart, missy?”
she jutted her bottom lip out, “heartbreak changes you,”
you chuckled, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. you raised the volume of the television, letting her lounge in with you as you thought of what she and jj said.
what are you so afraid of?
you love him or you don’t love him.
the thing with jj was, everything happens so unexpectedly. the moment you kissed him for the first time was you signing up for the start of a summer romance. you had some expectations that you hoped would happen. but with him, sometimes it was more than you could ever ask for.
you didn’t mind if he was a bit closed off, or if he was a bit too rowdy. you didn’t mind that he often steals from your plate, thinking that you wouldn’t notice, you didn’t mind that he gets protective over you and his friends that it often meant getting into fights and you patching him up, you didn’t mind him waking you up at 4 in the morning because he got into another fight with his dad, you didn’t mind that he’ll suddenly open up about everything all at once, and you didn’t mind the least that he loved you.
you didn’t mind.
because despite his flaws, you’ll still love him.
you’re in love with jj maybank.
the pogues were all at the back of the chateau, having a light conversation as the campfire in the middle crackled.
their head snaps toward your direction, and jj shot up the log, rushing towards you.
“y/n, what happened? are you okay?” he panicked, hands cupping your face as he tilted it, looking for any injuries.
“i’m sorry, i love you, i love you,” you breathed out, placing your hands on top of his, “i love how you send me songs that remind you of me, i love how you always have the disposable camera with you, i love how passionate you are, i love how you never fail to make me happy, i love how you care so deeply for your friends, i love you everything about you, jj maybank, every bit. i love you,”
“-and i’m sorry for not saying it sooner, i was so scared of what could possibly happen with us at the next stage of whatever this is but i’m not now, so i love you.” you heaved, now just noticing the shocked expressions of him and your friends. now that everything calmed down, you realized that you practically yelled in front of them.
your cheeks heated up as john b, pope, and kiara stood up, muttering something about giving the both of you some space.
“i’m sorry, jj. i-”
he cut you off with a kiss, wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer than you already were. lips locking with profound love, before slowing down into soft and sweet pecks.
your eyes slowly fluttered open to see him looking at you with a soft gaze in his eyes. he pulled you closer into a hug, your fingers playing with his hair.
when he pulled back, he had a teasing smile on his face, “you love me,”
you laughed softly, and pecked his lips, “yeah, i do,”
“y/n loves me,” he sang, twirling you around, “my girlfriend loves me!”
“yeah, you’re it for me.”
“well, i can’t possibly say no to that,”
“you’re stuck with me for life,”
“forever and always.”
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neopuppy · 3 years
Regular-Irregular: Part 1. (M)
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Preview: “Is there anything you need from me? Anything I should prepare?” You asks Lucas nervously.
“Well..hah..” Lucas nods down to his crotch, pouting his lips with a smirk. “Nothing can prepare you for this, but if you can get past me.. you’ll be perfect here.” Johnny and Lucas bursts into laughter. Your brows furrowing together, but nodding with a smile none the less.
“Thank you for this opportunity alphas. I won’t let you down.”
Pairing: Female omega reader x alpha Lucas ft alpha Xiaojun
Word Count: 2.7k
Genre: omegaverse, straight up PWOP, pure FICTION.
Smut Warning: degradation, humiliation, big alpha cock, teasing, fingering, knotting, slick, voyeur, cumshot
Second Interview
Red. Form fitting. Tight.
“Something red will impress.” Repeating the words over in your mind admiring over the wine red silky dress. Would this be enough? This felt so wrong, opposite of your usual sense of style. Whatever style that of a broke college graduate with huge student loans could be considered.
“What if he’s not impressed?..” you continue to question pulling into your assigned visitor parking space. “What am I even supposed to do today? I really need this job..” huffing out to no one but yourself as you pull a mirror from your purse.
“You can do this. You got this. Mr. Suh loved you!” You mentally shout out words of encouragement, applying a sheer tinted balm, smacking your lips together.
“Lucas seemed nice right?” Mumbling to yourself, riddled with too many thoughts as you walk toward the elevator. “Yea, I think he liked me? He was excited about me interviewing..” nodding your chin forward, punching the button for the 10th floor. Slapping your own hand away from your mouth before you could nibble over your freshly manicured nails. The doors ding open loudly interrupting your spiraling thoughts.
“Woah..” two alpha’s stand at the floor entrance, looking you up and down. Your pace falters as you step out of the elevator. Nerves shooting about, exploding out of you like fireworks. You pause, with a small bow in their direction.
“Hello.. I’m here for an interview with the HR manager?” you stammer out, gripping at your purse.
“HR?” The shorter alpha questions, fingers stroking across his chin with a smirk. “Hah...second interview?”
“Y-yes...with Luc..”
“Lucas.” The alpha with black hair smiles, displaying bright white teeth. “Love the dress by the way..” he moves to your side, arm resting on the dip of your waist. “Allow me..” he nods, directing you forward.
You swallow following his lead, sweat pooling at your nape. The cold air conditioning blowing across your exposed skin, making it even more obvious how hot you feel. The alpha directs you toward a large room, hand palming at the small of your back.
“Love the pedicure too. Great choice.” He bites down on his lip, pushing the door open.
“Ah, Jaemin you’re back finally... and you’ve brought a gift” Johnny holds out his arms, face brightening up with a smile. “Please come in, bring her to me.”
“Of course boss.” Jaemin directs you toward Mr. Suh, pushing into your back to encourage you forward. Eyes around the conference table all follow your figure, eyes of predators. Eyes of hungry wolves.
“You’re gonna do great, I can tell.” Jaemin leans in, mouthing words directly onto your ear. He shoots you a wink, taking a seat near Lucas. The other alpha lifting his brows pleased with your appearance.
“Let me get a look at you..” Johnny pulls you forward, large hands wrapping around your waist. The heat rushing across your flesh so fast, you’d be a pool of sweat if not for the central air.
“Don’t start without me!” The other alpha from the entrance runs in, shutting the door behind him.
“We should. So you can learn to be on time Haechan.” Johnny says shooting the alpha a glare as he seats. Eyes returning to focus on you. Johnny’s fingers skim up the fabric of your dress, reaching toward the flimsy straps.
“A bra..” he tsks displeased. “Never saw the point in those things, all they do is get in the way.” Johnnys fingers trace beneath your dress, pulling off your bra straps. Hands swiftly returning to your waist, pulling your back into his built chest. He faces you toward the table, nothing but alphas surrounding. Eyes all gleaming with interest, some breathing heavy, others getting more comfortable in their seats.
“You sent the contract back very quickly. You read everything correctly yes?” Johnny tightens an arm around your stomach, hips shoving forward into your ass. He moves your hair to the side, nose running across your neck. Another alpha leans forward on the table biting on his lip. Johnny’s fingers stroking down your upper back removing the clasp from your bra.
“Y-yes..alpha..” you stammer out squeezing your eyes shut. The embarrassment too much, overwhelming your body. Muffled words of disapproval sound out around you. Johnny pulls your bra free, hardened nipples clearly exposed through your dress.
“Keep your eyes open sweetie.” His fingers skim across your jaw, tilting you neck back. “We don’t bite.”
“Yet!..” a deep raspy voice calls out. Your eyes flutter open looking into Johnny’s. The alpha smiles proudly, finger smoothing across your lower lip.
“Good omega’s always do as their told.” Johnny turns your face forward, making sure all the alpha’s see you with your eyes open.
“They follow rules.” Lucas emphasizes tapping a finger into the table. “They don’t argue. Good omega’s listen to everything their alpha’s say.”
“Isn’t he right?” Johnny licks at your earlobe, grinding his hardening length between your ass.
“Yes alpha’s..” your eyes flutter blinking away the moisture gathering up.
“Good omega’s know their place here. You’re nothing more than a stupid fuck hole to take our cum.” The alpha leaning forward closest to you voices out. The rest of the alpha’s nodding in agreement. Your thighs squeeze together, vision blurring behind the pools of tears you try to hold back.
“She likes it..” Johnny’s smile widens, nose digging into your cheek. Forearm gliding down your stomach, hand reaching under your dress. His fingers push between your thighs, squeezing around your mound.
“She’s so wet Jaehyun.” He responds to the alpha leaned on the table. Your own eyes locking with his, receiving a nod of approval.
“Of course she likes it.” Lucas stands up, pushing back his seat. Hands working on removing his belt with ease. “These omega sluts all know deep down inside the only thing they’re good for.”
“Might want to keep this one for myself Lucas” Johnny glares at him, roughly thrusting against you. Lower half bouncing forward into his hand with every movement.
“Aw come on Johnny! It’s been weeks since the last one quit. We’re fucking bored!” The alpha from earlier- Haechan, whines out smacking at his arm rest.
“You’re funny man.” Lucas head shakes, removing his blazer. Lustful eyes roaming over you, working the buttons around his wrists open.
“I’m being serious.” Johnny presses a finger into your slit, thin fabric of your underwear drenched in slick already. “I think I could conduct this portion of the interview better than you.”
“Is that right?” Lucas unzips his pants, pulling out a dick girthy and long enough to pull a shocked gasp out the back of your throat. “Should we grab a ruler?” The alpha smiles proudly with hands on his hips, cock laying against the table. Johnny sighs, pecking over your cheekbone.
“Get through this, you’ll be mine tomorrow.” He murmurs lowly into your ear. Gripping your flimsy underwear with a harsh tug up. Folds wrapping around the soaked fabric.
“Being the boss can be so exhausting.” He groans, shoving your body in Lucas direction. You fall clumsily landing into the alpha’s lap sat near Lucas. His jaw tightens, lifting a thick sharp brow.
“Xiaojun... help me out here.” Lucas snaps fingers at the alpha wrapping arms around your waist. Xiaojun gives you a look, swiping away a tear that finally breaks free.
“I love when they cry.” He grins full of mischief. Something mocking in his tone. You suck in air swallowing down a hiccup nervously. Xiaojun stands up, holding onto the back of your thighs and waist.
“Where do you want her?” He asks with a glance around the room.
“Set her down right here.” Lucas points his chin to the spot on the table in front of him. “Won’t distract you too much from your work, right boys?” The alpha taunts out with a laugh.
Pleased grunts and responses follow. Johnny focuses on setting up a power point, clapping hands together for attention from the group of alpha’s. Xiaojun lays you down in front of Lucas. The alpha grabbing onto your calves, pulling you in closer to fit between your legs.
“Red’s my favorite” Lucas smirks, long fingers gripping your knees, parting you open. “We won’t be needing these.” He bunches your dress up, ripping off the sides of your panties.
“Give me those!” The alpha that led you here- Jaemin calls out with grabby hands. Xiaojun rolls his eyes picking up the slicked up fabric.
“He’s kind of strange.” He peers down at you, shoving the underwear toward Jaemin seated to the side.
“What are we?” Lucas laughs out, hands squeezing down over the meat of your thighs. “Damn, you really are wet.” His brows waggle, fingers pulling your folds open. You squeak out in embarrassment, feeling slick slide down to your ass thick and heavy.
“You’ll never fit in there..” Xiaojun whispers staring between your legs from over Lucas shoulder. The alpha circles around your entrance curiously.
“..but she’s so wet” his forehead creases down the middle. “You taken real alpha dick before baby?” Lucas looks into your eyes with question. Your chest rises rapidly, digging nails into your hands. You lick at your drying lips, trying to regain moisture in your mouth, weakly shaking your head. Lucas sighs, prodding at your entrance.
“You can take it.. “ he pushes a finger inside you, long enough to reach deep in you. “Damn..” Lucas smile widens, pressing into your walls.
“Come here..” he mumbles, pulling you up by your shoulder with his free hand. Lucas leans in gazing at you with lazy desire filled eyes. Another finger working way in you, thick lips pouting out floating near yours.
“If you can’t take my cock, you won’t be hired.” The alpha lowly whispers against your face. Pouty lips skimming up your cheek, pulling your earlobe in. “How badly do you want this job?” Words muffle into your ear between sucking and licking. Lucas pushes a third finger inside you. They’re so long and thick already, the size of his cock can’t even compare.
“Yes alpha..” your face scrunches up in pleasure, fingers working you open. “I want it. I need it.” The high paying position, the alpha’s incredibly fat cock, whichever.
Xiaojun’s hand reaches between your bodies, fingers finding your clit quickly. The alphas work expertly, Lucas thrusting lengthy fingers into you, spreading open and stretching. Xiaojun circles around you clit, squeezing the bud between two fingers. Your head falling forward into the alpha’s chest too overwhelmed and shy to voice out anything.
“You have to take my knot too..” Lucas bites your earlobe, tongue lapping over the abused skin. Your eyes widen, neck weakly lifting. His smile turns vindictive, forehead pressing into yours. “Most omega’s can’t pass this interview.”
“I will.” You purse your lips swallowing down a whine, a fourth finger pushing your walls open. “Fuck..” your head drops forward into his chest again, biting back a moan. Pleasure passing through your stomach with each thrust.
“That’s right..” his fingers slip out, shoving away Xiaojun’s hand. Lucas lifts you off the table, returning to his chair. He turns you around like you weigh nothing to him, biceps flexing through his dress shirt. Lucas sets you on his lap, hard very hard cock nestling between your thighs. An alpha with a hidden forearm below the waist is what he was.
“You ready?” Lucas turns you to look at him, large hand covering the entire side of your face. You hesitate squirming about his lap before stiffly nodding. He holds back a smile digging teeth into his lower lip. Xiaojun swivels his seat closer to Lucas, gripping at the top of your dress. He gives you no time to react, pulling the garment below your breasts. Cold air kissing at your erected nipples. Groans sounding out from the alpha’s less focused on Johnny’s presentation.
Lucas gathers your dress up to your waist, lifting you up enough to prod at your entrance. Cock head sloppily sliding and poking between your heat.
“Fuck yourself on my cock.” He grunts out behind you, keeping you held up. You drop your head for a better look, reaching down gripping around the base of his length. Finger nails barely meeting around him. You swallow in trying to relax with determination. If there’s one thing you had, it was the will to fight for what you want.
Lucas lifts his hips impatiently, cock head pushing past your opened entrance. You squeeze at his base tighter, panting out for air. Slowly inching down the fat length, teeth grinding together in exertion. Head falling back against his shoulder releasing your hold around him. Xiaojun leans in lapping over your nipple, earning a jolt of surprise out of you.
“Fuck.. I’m already half in” Lucas drops back against the chairs head rest. Jaw hanging loosely soaking in your clenching walls. Xiaojun’s fingers return to your clit, stimulating the bundle of nerves with quick rubs. You finally cry out, trying so hard to not break. Trying so hard to not appear weak. Lucas let’s out a cocky laugh, thrusting up into you completely. Slick coating around his size with Xiaojun’s help. They play you like a toy, like the helpless little omega you are.
“How’s that feel?” Lucas wraps a hand around your entire neck, pulling you flush against him. He grinds up into you, cock fucking deep past what you even thought possible. Your eyes roll back letting out a deep cry, a pathetic wanton mewl. “Come on, I said fuck yourself on my cock.”
Your eyes squeeze, tears pooling out over your cheeks. Head nodding rapidly- good omega’s always do as their told. You reach a hand out gripping the ledge of the table pulling yourself up. Cunt so stretched and full, slick covering the entirety of Lucas slacks. You fall back down on the size ripping you open, eyes locking with an alpha across from you. His mouth hung open, tongue out like a dog. It’s filthy, a group of attractive alpha’s treating you like nothing but a hole. It’s hot, it’s beyond your wildest fantasies.
“Ugh..” you grit out, working into a speed. Ass slapping back against Lucas. The wet fabric of his shirt uncomfortable against your skin. He lifts his arms behind his head, watching you put on a show.
“Fuck, good omega. Taking all that dick.” The alpha inside of you moans out. You ride him faster, grind against him, balls squishing into your ass. Lucas moves his hands around your neck from behind. He grinds up as you circle around him. Xiaojun bites over your breasts, rolling a nipple bud between his teeth.
“Shit, I’m gonna cum. Pussy’s too good.” Lucas hisses out, he sinks into the seat, thrusting forward roughly. Strong, fast, relentless chasing the urge to knot. You gasp in harshly, fingers gripping at the table. Getting fucked into so good, sensors overloading in lust. Your mouth falls open, walls clamping as much as possible around the alpha. Crying out as slick pours around his size.
“A-alpha!” Your stomach sucks in deep. Lucas jerks in past your orgasm. His face glistening under the lights with sweat. He thrusts in deep one, two, three more times with force. Knot expanding into you, hands around your neck the only thing keeping you in place.
“Fuck! Fuck!!” He cries out raspy, deep and manly. Loads of cum shooting into your womb aggressively. A mixture of many different groans passing through your ears. Lucas sighs, releasing your neck. Body weakly flopping back against him.
“Get her on the table. I’m about to cum.” Xiaojun pants out from beside you. Lucas grunts, standing up with you hanging off his knot. He lifts you with hands under your knees settling you down on all fours. You squirm around, heated cheek pressing into the cool metal. Lucas pulls out, knot only barely starting to go down. Cum spilling free out of your gaped hole immediately.
“Fuck fuck that’s hot.” Xiaojun screams out from behind. Sounds of jerking, slapping his cock over your ass. “Oh shit!” He cums with a shout, shooting in between your ass. You whimper, vision blurred under moisture. Room spinning with alpha’s in suits gazing at you like you’re their next meal. Which you just may be.
“You two done yet?” Johnny questions Lucas and Xiaojun. Lucas shoots him a wide smirk, tucking himself back into his pants.
“She’s hired.” He finishes with a thumbs up before stepping out of the room. Xiaojun’s eyes stay focused on your ass. Pushing and squeezing together your cheeks watching large amounts of cum drip down to the table.
“I’ll get her account connected for direct deposit right now.” You hear Xiaojun’s voice from behind you. He slaps at your ass one final time, nodding Johnny’s way.
The rest of the alpha’s make to head out with Johnny ending the meeting. All slowly walking around the table to get a look at the mess you’ve made. The mess you’ve become.
“You’re going to be a great addition to the team.” Jaemin expresses with a loud lip smack against your ass cheek. “Can’t wait to have fun with you.”
Part 2–>
@seuomo @unknown5tar @nanascupid @doieclayed @johnjaespeach @eggbutnotyolk @skittlez-area512 @jaehyunluvcult @lauraneuuh @hyucksslut @woofie-nctzen-fanarts @sweetmoonlight9 @multifandombtvh @notsooperfect @lenaluvs @hyunsannie @reinventingpersona @kawaiiayasan @resceluwu @winwiniee @hemlockbeauty @jaeminielovebot @aaaaalex05 @sheytanni
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sukirichi · 3 years
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You had no intentions of becoming acquainted with the clan your family had cut ties with, but when Naoya Zenin himself is willing to teach you a lesson and you’re determined to show him what you’re capable of, it becomes a silly game of power and dominance.
REQUEST. naoya putting reader back to her place
WARNINGS: Naoya Zenin, rough sex, orgasm denial, face fucking, slight voyeurism, degradation, slight bondage, cowgirl riding, manhandling, spanking, hate sex
WC. 5.4k+
NOTES. Because Naoya is my favorite, his fic is the only one I’ve ever edited, LOL. Even though this is requested, this is written out of self-indulgence, purely because I love Naoya and even though he’s nasty, he’s my comfort character. And freaking FINALLY I have written more for this man. I worship this King 👑
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There were so many ways this day had gone wrong. First, your shower broke. Second, the maintenance men couldn’t come until late in the afternoon, so you had to drive all the way to school looking like a half-mess. You weren’t a slob, of course, but you were beyond irritable at the thought your hair felt greasier than most.
So when an unfamiliar mop of blonde hair sat at your place, the sight of pierced ears meeting your gaze as you smiled at the young man, you had to clutch your bag tighter. No need to be harsh to anyone; you reminded yourself.
“Hi,” you greeted as politely as you could.
The young man in your seat was handsome — terribly so — feline eyes emphasized with an eyeliner, and stunning green eyes that peered up at you with utmost boredom. He looked familiar, but you couldn’t pinpoint where you’d seen him before.
“I believe you’re in my seat.”
You expected he’d kindly take another seat since the hall was empty, but he only leaned back in your seat, brow raised with a slight smirk. “So?”
Your mouth fell agape, hands falling at your sides. Who was this guy? “What do you mean, so? Get the fuck out of my seat.”
“Women,” he rolled his eyes, “Always so tempered and dirty mouthed,” the words felt like stinging slap in your face, and he easily read through you when he snickered to himself, waving a hand in the air as if he was swatting a fly away. “I’m already sitting here, so go find someplace else. I came here first.”
“You little — who do you think you are?”
“Who do you think you are for speaking to me? Did I give you permission?”
His condescending voice made you lunge at him if not for your friend’s hand wrapping at your arm, shooting worried glances over the guy. His smirk deepened when your friend pulled away, the words mutter under her breath. “Come on, let’s go,” she tugged you away despite your protests, pushing your shoulders down to make you sit. Once out of earshot, she rolled her eyes. “I seriously hate that guy. Don’t you ever involve yourself with him.”
“Who’s that prick anyway? He acts so high and mighty like he’s some rich daddy’s son. Look, he’s totally claiming my seat as his!”
“That’s Naoya Zenin, and yeah, he is some rich daddy’s son,” she confirmed, shivering at the mere mention of his name. “He’s an absolutely big misogynist. Don’t be fooled by his pretty face — he’s the worst fuckboy to ever exist. That dick of his isn’t worth getting fucked over. He’s already made half the women in school cry and run after him like a horde of lovesick zombies,” your friend gagged with a shake of her head, “It’s terrifying, actually.”
“Fucking asshole,” you hissed under your breath, sending side glances at the corner of your eye.
That stupid guy was still in your seat, a bored expression on his handsome face, his long lashes fluttering against his cheeks at every blink. He just had to be a sexist pig with that gorgeous face — no good men existed anymore. “Whatever. He’ll get a taste of his own medicine soon.”
“Whatever it is you’re planning, I wouldn’t recommend it.”
“I’m doing this for all of us,” you announced with your spine straightened. “I’m not letting a man walk like that acting like he’s got the whole world at his feet. I’ll teach him a lesson or two.”
“You do know he can sue you if you punch him right?”
“Who said I was going to punch him?” a smirk painted your lips at the same time he felt your eyes burning holes at the side of his face, your expression even more triumphant when he tilted his head to the side, eyebrow cocked at your gaze. He must’ve assumed you’d fallen for his looks judging by the satisfied smile on his face, making you laugh because it would be fun to teach him a lesson.  “No, I have a much more interesting plan in mind.”
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It turned out that Naoya wasn’t that much of a stranger.
You had his reputation to thank for — people spoke his name left and right that it was nearly impossible not to know of him. It had you wondering how you managed to live through university so long without knowing him when the name drowned you; he was a Zenin.
No wonder that name was so familiar.
The Zenin’s were a close business partner of your family, but they cut off ties with their company years ago due to them having an intolerable attitude. Clearly, it ran in the blood, and their heir manifested it so well.
Thoughts of Naoya and his stupid face were soon drowned out by expensive champagne, the golden liquid sparkling in your hands. You had to attend this dinner gala where businessmen and powerful families alike conjoined for a formal opportunity of forming connections and solidifying deals, pressuring you to be at your best behaviour lest you wanted your black card to be cut off.
You made your way through the crowd to get another one of those hors d oeuvres, opting to just sit in the corner while you watched your family plaster on big, fake smiles with even louder, faker laughter.
It was quite sad, really, that people had to do stuff like this, but who were you to complain when it was what fed you on a silver plate all the time?
For now, you just wanted to enjoy the new dress your mother had gotten you, the silk black material hugged around your curves delectably. Pearl drop earrings hung to frame the sides of your face, legs lengthened and accentuated with stiletto heels.
You felt sexy — especially when you got lingering gazes from men who were slightly older and definitely richer, though you made no move.
The last thing you wanted was to become someone’s trophy wife when you could become so much more.  Plus, only your parents had the task of befriending people and building trust with others. You were only here to help represent the name somewhat with your pretty face, not really having much of an intention to be acquainted with anyone.
You swiped another glass of fizzy alcohol from the waiter that passed by, glossy red lips pinched around the glass when a sultry voice mused at your ear, “Still can’t find a seat?”
Swirling around so fast that the contents nearly poured out the glass, you weren’t surprised to see Naoya fucking Zenin stood before you, his tall stature draped in only the finest and hand-stitched three piece suit.
He looked absolutely delectable this way, earrings glimmering under the golden chandeliers and eyes lined with kohl, the aura of elegance that perfectly concealed his less than pleasing personality excessively charming.
You were beyond appalled.
“Still can’t find a brain?” you retorted with a roll of your eyes, eyes still narrowed at Naoya’s displeased ones as you dunk your drink in one go. “What are you doing here, pig?”
“I’ll let that comment slide once — only because you look hot tonight,” his predatory gaze ran over your form, the careful pattern of him pausing at the swell of your breasts sliding to the curve of your hips heating up each inch of your skin. “And it’s Naoya for you. Naoya Zenin, the rightful heir of the Zenin Corp—”
“What’s that scent you’re wearing? Baby powder? Fitting for your cute face, actually.”
Naoya’s jaw clenched, clearly unaccustomed to people cutting off his holiness, and you had to bite down on your lip to prevent the chuckles from slipping through. “It’s Tom Ford.”
“Hmm, why am I not surprised? My horrible ex also wore the same scent. Maybe it’s a trademark for all limp losers, huh?” Naoya opened his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it, stepping forward to grab at the space between his tie to pull him down. His face was mere centimetres away from you, close enough that his breath ghosted over your lips, the intense anger flaring through those eyes hot enough to burn you. “You act so smug and defensive, Naoya. Trying to have a big man personality to conceal a small dick?”
“I have nothing to prove to you.”
“You don’t need to prove me anything,” you glanced down at his pants with a smirk, ignoring the heat pulsing in your veins because the sight contradicted your words. There was a noticeable bulge inside those shiny black slacks, though the last thing you wanted him to see was the way your mouth watered in anticipation. “I already know what I need to know.”
“Yeah? You and your shitty girlfriends can’t stop talking about my dick?”
You shrugged sarcastically, “You know women. We’re tireless complainers.”
Naoya’s jaw ticked upon you using his words against him, his hands coming up to caress at your neck, his nails scratching behind the thick silver chain you wore.
From afar and in the eyes of others, people would’ve thought you and Naoya were simply getting a little too heated, his lips dipped to graze your ear while his slender fingers pressed a little tighter into your air pipe. Your positions could easily be mistaken for Naoya seducing you, and you supposed he was, since your body responded differently from your verbal protests.
“You should watch what you’re saying,” he warned, voice low with warning. “I could easily dump your body into a river and no one would even notice. In fact, maybe the world might even thank me for doing them a service and ridding them of a spiteful woman like you.”
“Oh, pretty boy,” you chuckled back and stood to your tippy toes. One of your hands wrapped around his neck to forcefully tilt his neck to yours, nose pressed above his collar to inhale the intoxicating masculine scent he wore. “You’re all bark and no bite. Why don’t you show me what you’re capable of? If you’re as awful as they make you out to be, maybe I’ll shiver enough to drop my panties for you.”
You didn’t miss the way Naoya’s hands gripped at your waist to pull you close, enticing you to continue with your insults because maybe Naoya liked this a lot more than he let on. Could it be his superiority complex didn’t always like submissive women, after all?
Well, it would make sense; everyone always liked a little challenge, didn’t they?
If that was what he wanted, then you’d be generous enough to grant it to him.
“Wouldn’t you like to get a chance to put me in my place, to teach me a lesson for defiling the oh-so-mighty Naoya Zenin?” you purposefully toned your voice down to a more breathy tone, your chest swelling with pride when Naoya sucked in a sharp inhale beside your ear.
God, he sounded beautiful — and you hadn’t even fucked him yet. Now, you were eager to hear what else those disgusting lips could be capable of other than degrading you.  
Pulling away from him just to bat your lashes at him, heat pooled straight into your core when Naoya’s gaze had completely darkened, dark orbs pooled with lust and anger. Only he could make such an expression look so good.
“You don’t scare me, Zenin. You’re nothing but a small boy wearing big man pants.”
For a moment, your smile widened, believing that you’d won this time around. Naoya was still breathing hard at each brush of your stomach to his now hardening erection, but then he smirked and gently pushed you away from him. “I’m not fucking you here,” he stated calmly, not even bothering to keep his voice low. “You’re a lot dumber than I thought you’d be if you really think I’m whipping my cock out during this dreadful dinner.”
“This dreadful dinner you speak of is an opportunity for people like us to establish connections. I would’ve assumed you wanted nothing more to impress others but it seems I was wrong. If you hate this event so much, why bother coming here in the first place?”
“Just had a feeling I was going to meet a little minx,” he watched you seductively, his smirk adorned with his tongue peeking out to lick his lips — in turn wetting you in places he promised to make his by the end of the night. Curse him, you chanted in your head, curse him for being so attractive. It would’ve been easier if he was ugly. “And as always, I’m right.”
You tilted a brow, slightly impressed. “So you’ve done your background check on me. That doesn’t explain why you’re still here though. Surely a woman couldn’t be enough for a reason to make a man like you go all this way?”
“You’re right, a woman would never be a good enough reason, but I wanted to put you in your place,” his eyes flickered back up to you, now twinkling with danger and something else entirely. “Bad little girls need to be a taught to a lesson.”
“So what’re you waiting for? Go ahead and show me your ways, Zenin.”
“I will,” he nodded to himself, “I’m about to,” Naoya was nothing but confident as he strode your way until his arms was locked with yours, his breath tickling your collarbones that had unknowingly exposed itself at each heated touch. “You’re not that bad for a slut. You look like one, smell like one — I bet you also feel like one.”
A dry laugh left your lips as you fisted his shirt, mirroring his smirk to show that if a match was what he looked for, then a match he’d find indeed. Only this time, you would be worse.
“Why don’t you go ahead and find out?”
Naoya, despite being an absolutely poor excuse of a human being, was somewhat redeemable for being a man of his words. Find out he did, and he wasted no time into shoving you inside his McLaren, barely able to keep his hands off you the whole way up to his penthouse.
It was a blurry mess from there.
Moans spilled from your lips while he ripped your clothes off, not bothering to apologize that he’d just ruined one of your most prized possessions, his lust-clouded haze mumbling that he’d just buy you another one.
It was the last thing you expected to hear from him, but you couldn’t protest, not when he’d angrily snapped the buttons of his shirt away, a low growl mixing with your breathy whines as he loosened his tie.
Your eyes widened at the sight, legs rubbing together as you imagined what else he could do with that pretty tie of his.
Would he tie you to his bed, fuck you stupid and call you useless? Or perhaps, you could do it?
Naoya cut off your train of thought by pushing you back to his mattress, his hands tugging at his belt before he pulled his boxers down, his thick length slapping at his abdomen. Your mouth immediately watered at the sight. You were beyond wet from nothing but your sloppy make-out sessions, but would he fit?
Just the thought of him giving you that burning stretch made your legs spread beside his sides, the sardonic laughter ripping from Naoya’s lips absolutely disgusting.
“Fucking pathetic. You’re just like everyone else; submitting to me at the sight of my cock, but that’s not true, is it? Moment you saw me, I knew you were clenching around nothing,” he gripped at your jaw to force you to look at him. You glared up at him from his bruising hold, your cheeks squished under his rough hands. “But that’s okay; wanting me is not something you should be ashamed about. Although you should be thanking me I’m even letting you near me like this.”
“I’m so honoured. Come on, Naoya, let me feel you — let me make you feel good.”
Naoya, too lost in his ego, missed the sarcasm dripping in your voice. “So eager to be my cock sleeve, huh?” he grinned, tugging at your hair to push you deeper into his mattress.  “Get on your knees. Now suck.”
He was too harsh in his pace, determined to exert his dominance over you. You could feel every ridge of his vein as he continued fucking into your mouth, his abs rippling above you. It felt like witnessing a Greek god come apart, and you took pleasure in being his ruin, prompting you to hollow your cheeks and bob your mouth up and down on his cock harder.
Naoya’s chuckles were broken and often mixed with curses of fuck, you feel so fucking good, his nails now scratching at your scalp.
Soon, Naoya stilled inside you, his hold around your head deadly to keep you in place. Tears flowed down your face as he kept thrusting inside, making sure to hit the back of your throat before his muscles tightened. Spurts of warm cum followed after that, but instead of swallowing it like you expected he’d command you to do, Naoya whipped out his cock and came all over your face, his seed shooting all over your cheeks and lips.
You took it all obediently, just enough to give him the false pretense of submissiveness that he was so willing to force from you.
While he was occupied pumping his still rock hard cock, eyes closed and massaging your scalp almost soothingly, Naoya failed to notice your hurried movements of standing from the bed, fingers looped around his tie.
A small wail resonated from him when you shoved him down onto the bed, knees locked at either sides of his waist before you tugged at the cloth wrapped around his neck. Naoya kicked his legs behind you as you tied his wrists to the bed hard enough that Naoya winced, the tie only forming tighter at each lame grapple of his.
You looked back at how he got more beautiful laid out in front of you like that, chest heaving up and down while he struggled against the restraints, face flushed with anger — no, this wasn’t anger anymore — he was furious.
“What are you doing?! Get this off me — how dare you!”
“How dare you,” you spat back, discarding your lace bra off to wipe his cum away from your face, gagging when the bitter cum left a tang on your lips. “I just got my skin appointment last week and you came on my face like that?”
Naoya kept fighting back before he realised it was a futile attempt, leaning back down onto the pillows, though that didn’t soften his heated eyes on yours. You cooed at how adorable he submitted to you, running a finger down the sides of his jaw. “Aw, don’t look so angry, baby. I’m just starting my fun,” you purred, “You should’ve known better than to mess with me, Naoya. I’m not as nice as the others. And I’ll show you just how awful I can be.”
Naoya’s breath hitched when you shimmied out of your underwear, a dark glint in your eyes as you stretched the elastic into a fake arrow until it snapped into his face.
“You fucking bitch,” he growled, turning his face away from your panties soaked with arousal. “Once I get out of here, I will ruin you.”
“Huh, yeah, sure,” you mumbled incoherently, too lost in the pleasure as you sunk down on his cock. You were right, he was fucking thick, stretching you out better than any of your toys could. Plus, he was warm and leaking with pre-cum that he slid in easily, erotic groans leaving both your mouths once he was finally seated inside you.
Naoya was growling at you to let go of him when you laughed, lifting your hips up slowly before sliding back down on him just as slow, almost as if you made love to his cock the same passionate way you did with a lover. “You do have a wonderful cock, though. I’ve never felt this good in my life,” you leaned down to lick a stripe down to his neck, allowing him to hear the needy pants you graced with him. “You feel so good, Naoya, oh. If you weren’t such an asshole, I might even fall in love with you.”
“Go faster. This is unfair!”
Naoya tried thrusting deep into you, evidently unsatisfied at this torturous pace you set, but you only gripped at his thigh in warning, your eyes no longer sweet as you glared at him.
“Nothing’s ever fair in this world, sweetheart,” you reminded him, shivering every now and then as you bounced on his cock, his length slipping past through your walls magically. “Like how such a gorgeous face and amazing dick is paired with the most disgusting personality ever. No, it’s not fair, indeed...”
You closed your eyes with your head thrown back, placing your hips flat on his pelvic bone instead, fingers rubbing at your clit while Naoya throbbed inside you, desperate for release.
The little whines you gave were nothing but mocking. You knew that Naoya suffered through this position, but did you care? Absolutely not. With Naoya’s cock stretching you full and his tip kissing your most sensitive spots, in addition to your fingers rubbing and tweaking at your clit, this was the most pleasure you’d ever gotten from sex.
You were stimulated everywhere, your other hand reached up to tug at your hardened nipples.
Your walls clenched around him, signalling him that you were close and you let out a broken moan, falling forward to gyrate your hips around his cock to push you over the edge. It wasn’t enough to get him off since you were mostly still fondling with your clit, the sounds of your moans like torture to his ears.
“No, don’t you dare cum, I swear if you—” Your orgasm washed over you comfortingly like a warm blanket. Instead of seeing white, it was like your vision cleared, the sight of the sweat that made Naoya’s hair stick to his forehead in clumps crystal clear. You prolonged your orgasm by thrusting your hips in a sickening rhythm of thrust, pause, thrust, stop ­— and by then Naoya was losing his mind.
Naoya lost control as he snapped his hips upwards inside you hard enough that you winced in pain, pushing off his dick until he’s left humping the empty air, his body drenched with perspiration. “No, no, no, fuck you! Get back here you useless slut!”
You lay beside him, giggling in post-orgasm bliss. Just to tease him, you rolled to his side to press a kiss to his cheek, laughing harder when your lips came in contact with his flushed skin.
“You’re so adorable like this,” you cupped his face tenderly, perfectly aware that Naoya had begun to growl, his wrists almost bruised from how hard he brawled against his tie. “If I didn’t hate you so much, I would’ve let you cum inside me,” you offered with a pat to his chest, moving off the bed with wobbly legs.
“Well, whatever, that was fun. I would say we both had the most sensual sex of our lives, but that would be a joke for you, don’t you think?” you snorted as you inserted your arms to his discarded suit jacket.
Naoya stayed still on the bed, his cock still painfully hard and slick with your cum. “Don’t look so angry, Naoya. You had it coming for you. Don’t worry, though, as a thanks for letting me cum that hard — though I mostly did all the work — I’ll keep this between us so you at least get to keep whatever’s left of your dignity,” you blew a kiss his way, “Bye, sweetie. At least now I know people weren’t exaggerating when they called you a good fuck.”
Not bothering to slip your heels back on, you looped your shoes into the curls of your fingers, about to button Naoya’s jacket as you made your way to his door.
You never got halfway across the room when strong arms suddenly lifted you off the ground, your vision transitioning from his door to the pads of his feet, your body slung across his shoulder. Naoya gripped at your ass in warning when you kicked your legs, leaving him with no choice but to hug your thighs with one arm.
The next thing you knew, he slammed the balcony doors open with one hand and slammed you on the pool table. His rough hands yanked his jacket away from your body, the chilly night of the air bringing a shiver down your spine as it hit your drenched core.
Naoya had pinned your arms flat on your back in a painful angle, making you cry out just as he kneed your legs open, his free hand that wasn’t pinning you down aligning his cock against your hole. You were a moaning mess underneath him, the pain only an intoxicating addition to the pleasure he was pounding into you. Naoya then leaned to whisper your ear, the sudden movement making his cock slide deeper into you, the pleasure overwhelming.
“Oh, Naoya, fuck—”
“I am not just a good fuck,” he corrected you, “I am Naoya Zenin — and you will do well being silent and submissive while I fuck you, do you understand?” You were too lost in the feeling of him rutting deep into you that he had you seeing white this time around. When you didn’t answer, Naoya slapped your ass, your yelps echoing from the dead night. “I asked you a question.”
“No,” you bit back, “I refuse to—” you were silenced when Naoya hit your sweet spot, laughing at your state that you were too fucked out to give him a proper answer.
Naoya’s pace was merciless as he fucked deeper into you, the hand on your ass moving up to grab at your waist to keep slamming you back to his cock. He watched as your lips sucked him in so tight that he didn’t know whether you were pushing him out or refusing to let go. Turning your head to the side to gasp for air, you opened your eyes, only to be met by the sight of men crowding on the building across yours to witness your undoing by Naoya’s hands.
“I’ve barely started and you’re already so wet for me,” he mocked in your ear. As if on cue, squelching sounds accompanied your desperate moans, hands grabbing at nothing in particular. “Shall I try upping my speed?”
“N-Naoya- there are people looking.”
“Let them see,” he seethed, using one arm to lift your other leg up to the table to gain him more access into your warm, wet cavern. The sudden stretch made your muscles ache until you lay there limp; jaw clenched at the pleasure Naoya drowned you with. “Let them know how much I’m making this pussy mine. Gosh, can you hear yourself? You sound like a dirty fucking slut,” another slap landed on your ass, hard enough to leave a mark there for tomorrow. “You claim to hate me, so then why are you dripping all over me, huh? Pathetic whore. You women are nothing but cum dumps to me.”
Naoya spread your butt cheeks open, laughing at the silly way you clenched around him every time he pulled out, your puffy lips sucking him back again until Naoya buried himself to the hilt. His dick did wonders in letting out the most erotic whines and whimpers you never thought you’d be capable of, leaving you a drooling and panting mess under him.
“You little fucker, don’t even think about cumming inside me, I will literally castrate you and feed your balls to yourself.”
“Such a dirty mouth. Though that’s expected of a nasty woman like you,” he sassed, his thrusts faltering while his hand clenched your flesh tighter. That was enough to send you over the edge when Naoya slammed his hips harder and more desperately this time around, his cock twitching against your walls. “You wish I would cum inside you. But I have a better plan in mind.”
All it took was one rough hand for him to pull you before him, pushing you down into your knees again as he came inside your mouth. You could feel your cum and his dripping onto his dark marble tiles, the white pool of liquid shining.
Naoya thrusted lazily into your mouth, a sickening grin on his face while he kept you down there. His glare deepened when you tried to pull away from him. “Swallow, you slut. Or I’m fucking your face until I break your jaw.”
Furiously, you swallowed around his cock, Naoya groaning at the feeling of your walls convulsing around him. The moment you gagged from when his tip poked the back of your throat, Naoya pushed you off him until you were left choking on the ground. You gasped for air, hands clasped around your neck, sure that you were going to have a sore jaw and a fucked throat tomorrow.
You kept glaring at Naoya, but this didn’t deter him from gripping your chin down, humming to himself upon seeing that his cum was now gone in your mouth. “Hmm, so you did swallow it like a good girl. I’m glad I’ve disciplined you well.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’m King there already, baby,” Before you could retort, his arms encircled your waist until you were heaved in his arms again. You pounded against his back because you were too done, you couldn’t do another round. Naoya sighed as he threw you in the bed as if you were a ragdoll, disappearing in the bathroom for a while before coming back with a wet towel, which he rudely flicked your way. “Clean yourself up and then leave. Take the back elevators. I don’t want the staff to see a whore leaving my place.”
“You’re the one who brought me here.”
“Only because I had a duty to put you in your place,” He stared at you with his smirk now permanent in his face, admiring the bruises he left on your body.
“We’re not over yet, Zenin. I’m going to break you one way or another.”
You rolled your eyes at him, walking to his closet to wear one of his shirts. Naoya was silent the whole time as he watched you button his shirt with trembling hands, his presence hot on your heels as he followed you out the large room.
As you were about to leave, you picked up the towel you used to clean your cum with and threw it right at his face.
Naoya dodged it easily, eyeing the towel with a scoff. “Still resilient, I see,” settling down on one of his lounge chairs like it was a throne, Naoya rested his cheek on his fist as he stared you down. “But fine — I accept your challenge. A true man never backs down from a challenge, after all.”
“Oh, honey, I’m more than just a challenge,” you sneered.
Naoya’s gaze left your eyes to stare at your perky nipples that poked through his shirt, feeling his cock swell all over again. But he was a man of control and dignity — he wouldn’t do anything more with you, not when it was clear you’ve had enough for tonight.
It didn’t bother him though, he knew he’d have more opportunities to put you in your place.
“We’ll see about that. I’ll be the one to decide your worth,” he declared oh so smugly, the mere sound of his voice pushing you to slam a fist to ruin that pretty face of his, though you held your ground, far too tired to move a muscle. Naoya saw this too, and he smiled to himself, head tilted to the side as he studied the mess he’d made of you. “Tomorrow, same time same place?”
There was no telling what pushed you to agree, but the words left your lips far too confidently for you to even wonder why.
“Be ready for me, Zenin.”
“I always am.”
All the way back to the back elevators that Naoya had directed you at, you pondered on how you’d be able to tell your parents you suddenly needed a ride home when they had no idea you left the dinner gala in the first place. But most of all, how were you supposed to tell them you’d acquainted yourself with the Zenin clan all over again?
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huenjin · 4 years
and they were roommates.
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summary — who would have thought that a very naked sight of your best friend and a torn shower curtain in the rainiest of weathers could start romance? or in which you start falling for your childhood best friend, lee minho, unaware that he’s always been in love with you.
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pairing — lee minho x reader, ft. binsung.
genre — fluff, smut, crack | roommates!au, bff2l!au
rating — 18+
word count — 11k words.
note — smut warnings under the cut, ofc! i suck at making summary adagafga!! but but but, i promise this story is adorable, okay, minus all that smut, my lame humor and those bit of rushed parts? this took forever and i'm so sorry for all that had to wait, especially the one who requested this uwuwu. 
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smut warnings — a lot of kissing, a lot of swearing, mentions of naked exposure, fingering, cunnilingus, riding/reader on top, penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it before you snap it), choking. there isn't a loooot of smut either, ah! so enjoy the fluff ride.
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"You idiot," you scream, loud enough for your neighbours to hear. You pull out the keys that hang outside in the key hole and pull open the door. "How could you leave the keys outside, Minho?"
"I mean, what if someone stole it?" You throw your keys and Minho's into the small box on a ledge by the door. Removing your shoes, you put on the pair of your house shoes by the side and walk further into the apartment. "Or what if someone broke in? You could get killed, you dumb hoe! Or worse, our new television could get stolen."
You hear no response and just the loud sound of shower running in the bathroom hits the walls of your shared apartment. You walk to your room, passing by the common bathroom, after throwing your bag on the sofa. You talk on the way, yelling in hopes that he would hear.
"Did you walk back in the rain? There's no other reason as to why I did not see you after college. Jisung was searching for you too, Minho."
You change into a pair of shorts and black camisole, pulling your hair up and knotting it, all while your ears pick up the small humming from the bathroom. You shake your head at the fact that since it's Lee Minho in the shower, he is probably going to take his own time to come out. After all, he is the reason why your water bill is so high. 
"Yah, Lee Minho!" You walk outside and hit the door with your fists to bring at least a little of his attention towards you. "Do you want the leftovers or should I get food delivered?"
"Delivery!" he screams back, hearing the shower sounds lower and you yell back in response, "Okay," and walk back to the living room, falling back and plopping down on the comfortable rexine covered sofa. 
Your phone rings in the next minute and you are pulling it from your pocket quickly all because you are bored out of your mind. It is also because your stupid best friend from the god forbidden age of five to till this date, takes forever to get out from the shower.
It's Jisung. Not that you would have a doubt even if you had picked up without looking at the name on the screen — your friend circle is that small. It has just been you, Minho and Jisung majorly for almost three fourth of your life, the other one fourth of it with you having your parents as your best friends. Jisung had always been the annoying kid in the playground that pushed you off the swing because he wanted to play and Minho had always been the knight in shining armour in your local playground, the defender of all things right as he saved you from Jisung's frustrating taunts. 
And then your mother — oh dear, she is the reason why you are still stuck with Minho's rich arse (mostly because she thought too that this is the finest her very antisocial daughter would ever find in a man) — decides that since Lee Minho was so kind to save her poor damsel-like daughter, he might as well do it forever. Fast forward to present day, and you are still cleaning up after him. 
"Did Minho reach home?" Jisung asks as soon as you answer the call. You roll your eyes and shift your position to one that allows you to stretch your leg against the length of the sofa.
"Oh, hi, Y/N," you fake your tone, mocking Jisung's ignorance. "Did you reach home safely? Did you get caught in the rain? Oh no!" And then quickly changing it back to normalcy, "Yes, Jisung. I reached home safely. The rain did get heavy as I walked back home but nothing to worry. Did you reach home safely?"
Jisung is laughing loudly on the other end. "Sorry, Y/N," he makes a weird kissing sound and you pull your phone away from your ear. "I presume Minho's safe at home, else you would be the one to crash my phone with the endless calls in worry of his safety. Ha!"
"He got caught in the rain," you sigh. "I hope he's okay though. I would have mentioned how he was, had he just come out of that goddamn bathroom but no! It almost seems like he is rebuilding the whole bathroom." Jisung laughs so loud that you have to pull the phone away from your ear again. 
"Dude, dude, dude," Jisung calls out for you through the line.
"You and Minho are totally like my parents fighting." 
"Do you want to get punched in your face, Han Jisung?" You sit up straight, folding your leg across each other and bending forward, your elbow digging into your thigh as your hand supports your head. 
"And my boyfriend would punch yours if you punched mine," he huffs and you know he is talking about Seo Changbin. At a good five feet and six inches, the shorter male befriended Jisung and then wooed him over in grade eleven with some weird shining universe experiment for a science project and the Han Jisung you had always known, fell for the gesture immediately. They began dating a week after, making Changbin the only other human being you willingly chose to become closer to.
"Like Minho would let that," you click your tongue and Jisung laughs again, mumbling, "How have you guys not slept with each other yet? You guys are roommates."
"I'll kill you, Han Jisung."
"Like you would." The minute Jisung taunts back, you hear a loud noise of something crashing down and the sound is from the bathroom. You jump upwards, quickly hanging up without even telling Jisung that you were leaving as you drop your phone and rush towards the bathroom, taking huge steps to reach before the door in less than a few seconds.
You slam your fist against the door, over and over again, yelling, "Yah," to draw his attention before asking, "Minho, are you okay? I'm coming in," and you pull open the door to the common bathroom. A decision you wish you had not chosen but one you had to take for his safety.
Before a very surprised you lay a very, very naked Lee Minho, groaning with his back against the cold white tiles of the bathroom, neck lifting his head above to instinctively avoid hitting the floor. His hand holds a huge piece of the shower curtain that he must have tried holding onto before falling and as the colour drains from your face, lips wide apart, staring at your naked best friend in shock who is staring back at you, it dawns upon you quickly.
You immediately slap your hand over your eyes and scream as loud as you could possibly, "Fuck, fuck. I just saw your schlong, oh my god!"
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"Are you not going to look at me at all now that you saw my dick?"
Minho rolls his eyes at you as a soft groan leaves his lip while he tries to make himself more comfortable on his bed. This time, he is fully clothed, black shirt over his torso and navy blue shorts. You are sitting on a small chair by his side, Chinese herbal medicinal mix in a white ceramic bowl, a tub filled with warm water and a towel and long white bandages on the table by the bed. The Chinese herbal medicinal mix was something your mother specifically ordered you to prepare for the boy before you.
You hand him a cup of warm water first which he takes and is about to swallow it down when you look at the wooden bedpost behind him and mumble, "But I saw your womb raider." Minho chokes on the water before coughing and you quickly pat his back which leads him to cry softly in pain and you are left apologising over and over again for being reckless.
He places the cup on the table and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he narrows his eyes at you and questions, "Womb raider? What the fuck?"
"You know, your schlong," you look away, heat rising up to your cheek. "I saw your schlong, a womb raider."
"I can't believe you call a dick that," he groans, rolling his eyes as if he has completely given up on you, "After having your womb raided enough by many womb raiders."
You look away, taking the ceramic bowl in your hand and mumbling, "None of them were long and thick enough to be called a womb raider though."
"Did you say anything, Y/N?" 
"Nothing," you yell and glare at him, cheeks still hot with the image still vivid in your head. "You can't look disappointed in me," you frown at him, "I should be disappointed. You tore the shower curtain."
"It was a mistake!" Minho gasps and tries to sit up but quickly ditches the plan when he feels the spin surge through him. You place the bowl back on the table and push yourself forward to help Minho sit up, your arms wrapped around his waist, your chest against his as you slowly pull him up. Minho explains himself, "If I didn't hold onto that, I would have gotten injured worse. I'm almost perfect now. It's just the slight—" You press your palm against his back and he seethes in pain.
"Slight pain, indeed," you scoff and finally let him rest against the bedpost. "This should do the magic though." You lift the ceramic bowl again and wave it before him, shoving the weird smelling green substance right in front of his nose. "My mother totally said it would work. She also said that you would have to be on the bed resting the whole day."
"You'll be my maid the whole day," Minho lights up, face instantly shining and you sigh, "Do I have an option? After this day though, we are going to buy shower curtains and you are going to pay for it because you tore it." You accuse him and he clicks his tongue.
"Remove your shirt now," you order and he looks at you, a teasing glint glistening in his eyes and he smiles, moving slightly closer.
"Why? Are you going to call my abs washboard now? That you could do laundry on them?" He purses his lips and leans forward and you push him back, his aching back hitting the bedpost again and Minho is crying with pain on the soft impact, albeit this time, you worry if it is fake. "Y/N," he cries, clamping down against his lower teeth hard, "Can you go easy on me?"
"Then stop teasing me!"
"Fine!" He huffs and looks away, "Help me out of this shirt now."
"What? Why? You put the shirt on fine. Can't you remove it on your own?" You question him, the ceramic bowl securely on your lap. Minho stares at you for the longest time ever and you stare back.
Has his eyes always been this tender? Has his skin always been this soft? Was Lee Minho always this charming and pretty to look at?
This is all because you saw his stupidly good dick, argh!
Minho finally answers, "It's harder to remove a shirt than to wear it." You shake your head and your eyes narrow to crinkled slits as you watch your best friend for a second more before placing the crucible back on the table and bending yourself forward to hold tightly the ends of his black shirt. You lift the black material up and remove it from his torso, exposing his abdomen and chest to the warm breeze in the air. 
He stares at you and you stare at him back, only till you take the white ceramic bowl again and hopefully the last time and you raise an eyebrow at him, mocking him, "Aren't you going to give me the classic Wattpad naked white male line?"
"What line?" 
He looks confused and you laugh, holding the bowl tightly, "You know, the—" You try to lower the pitch of your voice and to sound as cocky as possible, smirking, "Like what you see, baby girl?"
Minho laughs with you till he calms himself down a little, tilts his head and in the most guttural voice you have ever heard your best friend ever go, he repeats, "Like what you see, my baby girl?"
Your heart should not have sped up. Your fingers should not have tightened against the cold white crucible. You should not have pressed your thighs against each other. You should not have had your throat dried up at his very words. But it did and you are staring at Lee Minho in an angle you had never seen him. 
When did that stupid five year old boy who thought he could save the whole world grow up into this man?
"Uh, Y/N," Minho waves his hand in front of you, trying to bring your attention back. "Are you going to apply the medicine or? I mean, it's cold."
"Oh yeah," you stutter. "Yeah, yeah, I was about to. Can you turn back so that I can apply it on your back?"
"Yeah," he nods and pressing his hands into the mattress, he shifts himself, turning a one hundred and eight degrees away from you so that his back is facing yours. "This okay?"
"Yeah," you agree. You bend your arm forward to take the cloth soaked in warm water and you press it against his back. Minho bites his tongue in pain, eyes watering before he can't take it anymore and he turns back to face you. 
"Can I do that thing you allowed me to do whenever I was in pain and you had to take care of me?" He asks, unsure, "Am I allowed?"
You nod, softly, smiling warmly at the man before you and you lift the chair up slightly. Minho quickly wraps his arms around your waist, his face buried into your soft chest as he edges closer to you. You place the warm cloth again on his broad back and Minho does what he has always done to combat pain.
He bites into your flesh softly, hard enough to trigger something weird within you at this age but soft enough to not cause any pain. 
Your eyes widen and your thighs tighten a bit but Minho is unaware to all this as he snuggles into your warmth, head fuzzy with the pain that throbs through his entire back. After a few minutes, you place the cloth back on the table and hold the crucible tightly. You dig your forefinger and middle finger into the green mix before applying it on his back, soft circles to calm him down and Minho lets go of your flesh, although he still continues to snuggle into you, his thick arms tightening around your frame.
"You're comfortable to hug," he mumbles as you apply the medicine all over his back, his face occasionally pressing against your breast and you gulp, reminding yourself that this is your best friend, that this is the kid you've seen in all his embarrassments. 
"Of course, I am," you laugh. "It doesn't pain that much, does it?"
"Not anymore."
"Good," and you apply another layer over the existing one. "Because if you say anything else to my mother, I swear to God, Lee Minho, I will—"
You don't complete. Minho laughs — soft, precious laughter that fills the air and engages your ears. He tilts his head to look up at you from his lower angle. You look down only to come in direct vision of his bright, glistening eyes that hold the stars behind them and his oh-so-flawless skin that you are envious of. Your heart beat escalates and you are about one hundred percent sure that Minho is aware. After all, he did have his ear against your chest in this position. 
"Fine, fine," his voice is airy and you could listen to it the whole day. "I'll tell your mother that her daughter took care of me perfectly, alright?"
"Perfect," you smile. "Now sit up straight. I need to bandage you up, just in case." Minho begrudgingly pulls back, a soft whimper leaving his lips before he huffs, folding his arms and sitting straight, looking you in the eyes and you gulp. 
"I'll be fine in a day, Y/N," Minho whines and you shake your head, mumbling, "Just in case." You turn your body to grab hold of the white roll of bandage before you beckon for him to come a little closer as you wrap the bandage over his torso, covering the medicinal herbs sticking to his body now. 
"You, in fact," you chuckle as you tighten the bandage and Minho seethes in pain at having his muscles pressed. You rub his hair affectionately before continuing, "You, Lee Minho, should be ready enough to cash out money for the shower curtain."
"Fine, fine, fine," Minho huffs only to break out into a smile as he looks at you. "We'll go as soon as I don't think I'll die if I stand up and straighten my back, okay?"
"Perfect," you laugh and pull yourself away from your best friend, clipping the bandage in the exact manner. You help him lie back against the soft mattress. You pick up the crucible and the tub of water as you stand up. 
"Y/N," Minho calls out for you and you turn, your head gliding against the joint and your eyebrows rising up in question.
"Thanks," he smiles, eyes closed and face so soft that you do want to hold it.
"For what?"
"For taking care of me, doofus. What would I have done had you not been there? You are my knight in shining armour now."
You laugh but your heart is furiously beating against your chest, thrumming against it so loudly that you can hear the beats. Your cheeks flush with heat and you look away, mumbling, "It's nothing," and walk away. You close the door quickly and fall against the vast wooden door finally, away from his presence and you hold the bowls close to you.
Fuck. When did your heart start beating this hard for the same man that you once knew as the stupid five year old with elephant print trunks? When did your heart start thrumming so loudly against your chest for your only best friend?
Either ways, you are doomed. Inevitably.
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Jisung: baby, i think it's about time Changbin: for what? Jisung: you know, how we always said those two should probably fuck Changbin: yeah? Jisung: the sexual tension is too high. can we get it over with already and have them date already? Changbin: you've been trying this forever and you failed. Jisung: don't remind me. you're my boyfriend, support me. Changbin: fine! go, sungie!! i love you either way though.
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It is exactly three days after the I-exposed-my-cock incident that Lee Minho agrees to go with you to buy the shower curtains. 
"Can't we just buy it online?" He had whined, arms folding against each other as he scrolled through his phone. You stand by the sofa, head shaking in disappointment as you reason back, frustrated, "The material," and you hit his arm. Minho winces. "The material is important. I won't compromise on that. Plus, you promised that you would come with me to buy something that you tore. Isn't that only fair?"
Minho does so. After bargaining with him for one tub full of mint chocolate ice cream that you will never understand why he loves so much. 
That is exactly how you find yourself here in this shop, shopping cart in your hand and Minho by your side.
"We are only buying the shower curtain," you tell him, staring at the half full shopping cart. "So I don't understand why we need all these."
Minho smiles sheepishly at you. He then points at the two tubs of ice cream and says, "One for you, and one for me. I even chose your favorite flavor!" He continues to point at each article and tell why he needs them very articulately and you stand there in surprise before breaking his speech.
"Fine, fine!" You push the cart ahead. "Now let's just go and get what we came here for." Minho follows you, his one hand on the shopping cart handle to keep pace with you. The two of you stop right in front of the array of curtains in different colours, some on display and some packaged and you smile, whispering under your breath, "Tada." Minho looks at you softly, at the small voice of joy that escapes your lips and he just watches you light up in fascination at something as simple as shower curtains.
Fuck, he loves your domesticity.
"Let's take this," Minho announces as he stretches his arms out to hold onto a pretty blue shower curtain. You hold it in between your fingers feeling the texture before announcing, "No."
"But why?" Minho whines, following your footsteps as you hold onto another shower curtain. 
"Because it's polythene," you frown at your best friend. Minho looks at you, confused, his eyebrows furrowing as they look at you like you have grown another pair of hands and legs.
"And so?"
"You could tear it again!"
"It happened once," he sighs, frustrated. "Once. It's not like I'm waiting to fall in the shower, tear the curtain and have you see my dick all the time, babe."
Your cheeks flush at his announcement and the tag he calls you by, your eyes looking away from his pretty face for a split second. Minho shakes his hand, taking a step forward to check a few other shower curtains out when the two of you hear a very familiar voice from behind, in the most professional manner ever.
"Sir, the one you chose is perfect. It is very durable and doesn't stain on contact with water—"
"Han Jisung?" Minho turns, the words of shock leaving his mouth almost instantly. You turn impulsively, eyes wide.
"What the fuck are you guys doing here?"
"Hey," you narrow your eyes at the other male. "I could file a report for bad customer service about now, Sungie."
He folds his arms and looks at the two of you suspiciously, "What are you guys doing here?" He raises an eyebrow at you, scoffing at you, "Like you would."
"What does it look like we're doing here, Sungie?" You bite back jokingly and Jisung laughs, gaze shifting between the two of you.
"I don't know," he runs a hand through his hair before folding his arms again, his fluorescent yellow uniform crumbling with the shift in his arms. "Is this some sort of a new way to date?"
"We aren't—" You quickly start when Minho pulls a curtain forward and breaks your sentence before you can complete as he asks Jisung, "This isn't polythene, is it?"
"Are you stupid?" Jisung frowns before he laughs. "That's clearly polythene. Minho, dude, you're a chemical engineering student. You have got to be kidding me if you can't identify polythene."
Minho doesn't pay heed to Jisung's words. You, on the other hand, stare at your best friend who walks away from you to examine more shower curtains. Did Lee Minho really ask Jisung, a literature student, whether that was polythene — What in the world?
"Y/N? Earth to Y/N?" Jisung snaps your attention back to the present. "Are you going to buy shower curtains today?"
"But your shower curtains were fine the last time I came home." You understand Jisung's surprise because the last time he did come home was five days back and the shower curtain was in a perfect condition. "What happened?"
You stretch your arms and point at Minho. The very culprit rolls his eyes before raising his eyebrows and sighing, voicing in the most dramatic voice you have ever heard Minho take, "Yes, Y/N. Yes, Ji. It's me. I tore the shower curtain because I fell in the shower."
"Ouch," Jisung acknowledges Minho's injury before walking past the two of you and taking a shower curtain. "Here's one. You might like this, Y/N."
"It's not PVC, Sungie."
Jisung wants to hit your head, terribly. Perhaps it's your adamance that is the reason as to why your friendship is this tight and strong but in moments like these, he likes Minho more. Minho stands by the side, arms folded and back resting against the wall as he trusts your judgement.
"Are you not going to tell her anything?"
"She handles all this at home. Give her what she wants, Ji," he laughs, fiddling with a few more shower curtains by his side. Jisung shakes his head in disappointment before mumbling, a soft frustrated groan leaving his lips as he throws his head back, "Definitely a married couple," and takes a few polyvinyl chloride made shower curtains. 
"Here," he presses his lips. "Don't blame me if the designs aren't that great. You don't get that many good designs in PVC. People go for polythene because it's more available."
"PVC doesn't tear and it's easy to clean!"
"Seconding this as a chemical engineering student," Minho chirps in from behind. You and Jisung turn to look at the man who is on his phone currently and shake your head lightly. "What?"
"He remembers his major now!" Jisung clicks his tongue. "All say, praise the Lord."
"I'm agnostic." You frown.
"More reasons for you to say it easily!"
You find a plain one in the ones he showed you and you take it. Jisung smiles finally, mumbling, "You're a frustrating customer."
"Nah," you scoff. Minho pushes himself off the wall as soon as he sees you done with the selection. "I just know what I want exactly. You, on the other hand, sweetheart," you poke his chest and Jisung chuckles. "You're a pathetic salesperson."
"Of course," he laughs the insult away. "I'm a literature student. I should be working in a publishing company as a part timer."
Minho takes the shower curtain from your hand and puts it in the cart by the side. He comes back, throwing his arm over Jisung's shoulder and frowns, "Apparently publishing companies care a lot more about who your parents are than your resume."
"It's just that publishing company," the other male looks down. "I'll try applying for another one soon."
"Do you want to grab a drink at our place tonight?"
"Can I?"
"Sure," Minho agrees. He drops his arm from Jisung's shoulder and holds the cart handle back, pushing it forward slightly. You take big strides to stand by Minho's side, also holding the handle slightly. Jisung raises his eyebrows at the two of you and with a smile that you don't think twice about, Jisung laughs.
"I'm coming over tonight."
"Sure," you throw your thumbs up at him, stretching your arm. Minho smiles softly at you, his eyes lingering a little longer at your happy figure and he feels his heart beat a little quicker at your sight. Your hair strands framing your face so beautifully, eyes shining the minute you find the exact thing you've had in your mind and your lips curving upwards in joy. 
Lee Minho finds the calmness that spring brings him every year in him all over again with you by his side.
"Bring the soju. Beer is on us!"
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Jisung: binnie, binnie!! Changbin: yes, baby? Jisung: i think i have a plan. Changbin: let them be, babe. Jisung: we let them be all these years! they pinned after each other without even knowing and we had to see that painfully! Changbin: i guess you make a valid point there Jisung: is it going to rain today? Changbin: it's been raining for the last few days, sungie. it could. just because i study geography as my minor doesn't mean i can forecast weather. hey! Jisung: fine~ i'm going to get them to confess tonight 👀 Changbin: don't mess up. istg Jisung: trust me 🥺 Changbin: i do. more than ever ❤️
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Jisung reaches your doorstep at sharp nine. With two bottles of soju in his hands, you see the stains of the droplets of rain falling onto his shoulder. 
It is drizzling for now and you worry if it is to rain heavily in a few minutes as the forecast mentioned. You hate the thunder. You hate how the weather changes drastically and worsens to a point that it frightens you and makes you anxious. It's a phobia you have managed to hide from everyone for fears of being treated weaker.
Jisung makes himself at home. He always has. He places the soju bottles on the kitchen countertop and Minho smiles to himself as he walks towards the point where Jisung has happily seated himself. Minho and you are on the other end of the counter while Jisung sits on the adjustable chair, swirling in it before stopping and facing you, Minho and the bottles of soju before him.
"Did it finally hit him?"
"I think?" You whisper back.
"I'm right here!" Jisung yells and you smile. Minho pulls the chair from under the counter and sits himself opposite the other male, pressing his lips together and trying to not laugh. He opens the bottle of soju after shaking it and hitting it against his elbow for a while. It clinks open, the metal hitting the glass before falling onto the table and you watch the two, as Minho pours a drink for Jisung.
He downs it in one go, letting out a loud sigh before stretching his arms and demanding a second one.
"Go easy, Sungie. You have the whole night."
"I don't," he huffs. "Now, please."
Minho pours it again before looking at you and you shake your head to indicate that you wouldn't mind a few. You grab hold of one of the empty cups on the counter before stretching your arm too. Minho laughs – a soft chuckle, so airy and light that you find yourself holding your breath for a small second there – and he pours you your drink. 
You twirl your drink, watching the liquid glide against the surface of the cup. Your best friend gets up and walks a little into the kitchen to open the fridge and grab a box of leftovers of fried chicken that you bought a few days ago. He pulls open the microwave to heat it and as he waits, he turns to look back at Jisung and asks him finally.
"Do you want me to drop a word to my uncle?"
"He heads the Cheongsam Publication," Minho reveelas, pulling out the chicken from the microwave. He places it before the two of you and almost like you and Jisung were zoomed in, in an American sitcom, both of you gasp dramatically.
"Am I really your best friend?" Jisung yells and you narrow your eyes at Minho. Faking tears in his eyes, he persists in questioning,  "Do I not matter to you, Minho?"
"Why are you rooming with me when you could possibly afford a whole room on your own?"
"Yes, Jisung," Minho sighs and sits back on his chair. You bend forward, arms folded against the table as you stare at your best friend in betrayal. "Also, Y/N, don't you love having me around?"
He laughs and rests his head on your shoulder suddenly, causing you to stiffen them in response. Your eyes drift to the left, trying to not make it overtly obvious that Minho's sudden reaction has taken you by surprise. Your eyes land forward on Jisung who looks at you as if he knew this all along, as if he wanted exactly this. The man has a goddamn smirk plastered on his face.
Jisung downs two more shots and you look at him with a raised eyebrow, mumbling, "Slow the fuck down. No one's chasing you."
"Yeah, my goddamn plan," he mumbles before coughing and taking another. Minho sits up straight, finally lifting his head from your shoulder. He stretches his arm to pat Jisung's shoulder in comfort.
"I'll drop a word."
"Now, don't you dare go and say that you want to earn it and all that bullshit," you sigh. "It's the fucking Republic Of Korea. Nepotism is the norm."
"Not planning on saying that," Jisung glares at you. Clearly, Jisung is slightly tipsy, having been the only person to keep drinking. You and Minho opt to just watch over Jisung for the night. Your best friend puckers his lips in Minho's direction and blowing kisses, he says, "I love you, Minho."
"Changbin wouldn't like you saying that to another man though," you scoff and Jisung flips you the middle finger before downing one more and standing up. The thunder rattles the three of you exactly then and you grip the table, face turning pale instantly. Minho's attention darts to you quickly in concern.
"You okay?" You hum in response, unconvincingly though to Minho whose gaze lingers on you in worry for just a while more. That is, till Jisung rips it away by dramatically placing the back of his hand on his forehead and playing the damsel in distress as he gasps so loudly, staring at the big window.
"It's raining heavily," he sighs and you shudder, afraid of another thunderstorm as you grip tightly on the side of the table.
"So?" Minho asks, both eyebrows raised at the man before him, looking at the two of you with doe eyes.
"I'm staying over, thanks," he rushes and runs to your bedroom, quickly shutting the door and latching it and you and Minho stare at each other. As soon as the realisation of what could happen dawns over you, you rush to your closed bedroom, fists banging against the wooden door.
"Yah, Han Jisung," you turn to look at Minho who watches you in amusement. "Open the fucking door."
"No. I don't want to go back home in the rain. You and Minho can share the bed. I am never opening the door. Good night."
"What the fuck? Yah, Sungie, stop acting like a child. Open the door now." You hear no response. "Sungie? Answer me. Open the door please." Minho walks over to you, and tries knocking too, in vain however because Jisung has no plans to open the door.
You look at Minho, the man slightly towering you as he stands by your side and you gasp. You had to share the bed with the same man you just realised you could, perhaps, have developed feelings for?
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Jisung: it finally seems to be working, binnie! luck's on my side this time. Changbin: oh baby. just please don't be disappointed if it doesn't work out this time either. Jisung: i won't be because it's definitely going to work out. eeeee! i'm so excited! 
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Another thunderstorm ripples through the air.
Your heart beats quicker in anxiety, eyes squeezing shut as you grip tightly on the pillow, a light whimper leaving your lips. You feel the mattress shuffling underneath you and in the next minute, your ears are covered by Minho's hands. You stiffen as he edges closer to you, his chin resting on your shoulder as his palm pressed against your pinna, covering your ear completely to protect you from the loud sounds of the thunder.
"Minho, what—"
His hand on your right ear slightly shifts to the side as he bends forward to whisper into your ear, to amplify the sounds enough as a way to distract you.
"You never ever told me you were scared of thunderstorms."
Lee Minho is way too close to you to think straight. You feel his body pressed against your back, heat radiating from him to you through your oversized hoodie. His breath is harsh against your skin as he leans close to whisper into your ear. And all this in an attempt to forget the thunderstorm.
So far, it's working like magic. 
Your voice is almost small when you inform him, "We never happened to be in the same place during one," and Minho swears to God, he could lose it completely. All the self control to not confess and take you there is so ready to be shoved out of the window that all he can do is try and focus on worrying about your fears.
"I'll protect you," he mumbles so softly that you turn around to look at him. His eyes are bright in the soft lights in his room and as he lies by your side, so close that you can hear his heart that beats faster and his breath that is shallow, your lips part and you watch him.
You are fully justified for falling in love with this man. 
A man that tells you he'd protect you from your fears, god alone knows how, but the fact that they don't seem like empty words. A man that you know like the back of your hand and the same man that seems to have protected you all throughout your life, even if you have done the same. It was inevitable. Falling for Lee Minho is inevitable.
And that's why you kiss him. Because you're in love with him so badly that all you can zero in is him, him, him.
Your lips press against his, so softly for a split second. As if you are unsure. As if you know you could be ruining years of friendship over something the two of you could consider a mistake. 
You kiss him and suddenly it's the only thing that matters to you right now. Him, him, him. Your lips are slow and soft against him. It is almost as if you are reminding yourself that there has been nothing more morbidly right than this. To fall in love with your best friend. Minho's hand slowly lifts up to rest below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as your breath mingles only for a split second — one filled with hesitance and uncertainty — before you pull away, looking at your best friend.
It is just a second of a kiss and with Minho so stiff by your side, you panic, and ramble. "I'm sorry. I should have thought it could be unrequited. I like you and I should have asked—”
Minho crashes his lips on yours, so quickly that it takes your breath away and cuts your sentence in half, but you don't care. He pulls you towards him, hands cupping your face tightly and angling it to kiss you, encasing your lower lips in his as he moves against your pink ones. You let out a small gasp as you deepen the kiss, running your fingers down his spine, holding him as close as possible until there is no space left between the two of you. It is just you and him in this small room. Just you and him in focus. You can feel the beating of his heart against your chest. Loud, clear and unknown to you that it beats for you in this minute. That it has always been beating for you.
Minho presses his tongue to the seam of your lips and, the minute you let him in, he delves inside your mouth, tongue chasing after yours. Minho kisses you like he has finally achieved the greatest thing ever and he never wants to let it go. Minho kisses like he loves you and you feel it. You feel every ounce of it.
Your arms move up his back and tangle around his thick, strong neck. Playing with the ends of his roots, you suck on his lower lips before he pulls away and finally tells you, "I've always been in love with you, Y/N. Always."
Kissing you again, his thumb digs into the skin by your jaw as he delves deeper, as if he never wants to let you go. The air in the room heats up when your hand moves under his shirt, feeling his muscles under your skin and you moan against his lips. Minho lets go of your lips only to kiss the side of it and then your cheeks and then your jugular before he is littering kisses all over your neck. You moan explicitly, gripping on him and slightly grinding on his thigh. You feel your core heating up, arousal sticking to your panties and all you can think is,
“I want you.”
Minho swears to God that he has always loved confident women but when you shattered right before him and built your confidence right back up — that is the hottest thing he swears he has seen. That, and the fact that you had always been hot before his eyes.
“Really?” Minho lifts himself up and hovers on top of you.
“Really,” you decide to respond before you cup his face and pull his face closer to yours. You don't pull him in for a kiss just yet. Your eyes zero on him, trying to cancel out the loud thunderstorms in the background and just focus on the man before you that you love, that you've been in love unknowingly for a while. 
You just hold his face and learn. You try to remember every single detail of his face that you never focussed on before.
You realise over again that his eyes are your favourite thing. They are black as charcoal and yet still shimmer as if stars are trapped and enclosed beneath them. And when he narrows them to look at you with a daze, your heart throbs and you gulp. They make your heart hurt whenever they fix on you.
You know his skin is soft as you touch. As creamy and velvety as they are, you can't stop touching him. 
His mouth is a pretty shade of coral, plump and pouty and honestly so kissable it hurts to look at it for more than a few seconds. You wonder how you haven't driven yourself to kiss him yet. All these years.
Everything about his face is soft and delicate, that is till he turns a little to the side and angles it perfectly, his head backward and you can clearly see the sharpness of his jawline; the distinct manly cut that makes your mouth dry and your heart beat faster. 
“You are perfect,” you gulp, your eyes back on him and Minho smiles widely. His warm breath caresses your face and his forehead is pressed against yours immediately.
“You know what else is perfect, baby?”
“No,” your voice is airy, even though you already know what he is going to say. You know it and yet the thought causes your heart to skip a bit, and flutter a lot in your chest.
“You and everything you have to offer. You are not average. You are one of the most perfect women I've seen in my whole life, Y/N,” he says. As soon as the words spill from his mouth, your lips are on his, claiming his mouth, the same ones that whispered into your ear that there is nothing to be afraid when he's right there by your side.
He gasps loudly as your hands leave his face and move to his hair to pull him down towards you — you need him so close to you. Your fingers get lost in his thick locks as you tug on them, forcing him to bend a lot forward and gladly welcome the intrusion of your tongue.
His lips are as soft as feathers and they feel like what you think heaven feels like. The warmth you experience is so much more than the tingle of first kisses and those innocent butterflies have nothing on the wanting void of a pit in your nether regions and the slick in between your thighs. 
His hands slide down from your hips to reach behind your back and pull you upwards, only to tightly clasp around the curve of your bottom cheeks.
“Minho,” you groan against his lips after he pulls away from you. His lips are red and swollen, slick and shining with your saliva and so incredibly inviting you all over again and you fear that you may never want to stop kissing him for as long as you are breathing. You fear getting too addicted to this human – more than you already are – to a point where you need to be attached to him by the hip, to never let go of him.
Minho's lips move from your swollen lips to the curve of your jaw, down to the curved edges of your neck, sucking and kissing every exposed skin. 
His hand moves from your clothed arse to under your hoodie, hand pressed against your back as he pulls you closer and forwards, until your chests are pressed against one another. His mouth is everywhere and god, you feel infinite and powerful.
His lips hover on yours. He smiles widely and you think it's cute. He inches his chin forward, flicking your nose a little with his own, a shy smile on his lips as he silently asks the permission to claim your lips anew; all over again.
You nod your head to signal yes. You hold your breath and your eyes flutter shut, awaiting him and his warmth.
Minho's kiss is slow and delicate at first. It is drawn out in a way that makes you want more, so much more, that you want to pull him in and suck the life out of him and yet, at the same time, it is precious and laced with not only the passion of the moment but also the tenderness of a first time together.
It makes your insides twitch and your heart lunge and it fogs up all of your thoughts to the point you feel yourself drowning in the sensation of his lips, pressed tightly on your own. 
Your heart is beating quicker than ever in your chest, against your ribs, and you pull him even closer, so tight your chests have no choice but to heave against each other with every single breath you take. You don’t want to let him go, not now, not tomorrow, not ever.
Minho is something you desperately want to hold onto in your life. He knows your secrets, your everything. He knows what you like and how you like it. He seems to know everything and the thought of letting him go aches your heart and constraints your throat with a sob you wouldn't dare to let out. You want him to be completely yours.
And these thoughts turn you desperate. They force you to make the kiss deeper, to lick his lips and bite them down, to gulp down every sigh and whimper that comes out of him and make them your own. To make him yours.
Your eyes flutter shut, taking in the way his mouth moves over yours, arching further into him. You groan into his mouth and his grip on your back tightens instantly.
“I want you so much, Minho,” you whimper against him after your lips part from his. You lick your lips and gaze at him with your partially closed eyes. “So fucking much.”
“Then, have me. Take me,” Minho purrs against your exposed skin. In a minute, he pulls the oversized hoodie over you, leaving you in just your undergarments as he discards it to the side. His mouth moves over the skin above your breasts and his hand traces the bra you are wearing. He gazes at it and mumbles before latching his mouth back on your skin, “You are so fucking beautiful. Always have been.”
You gleam in pride and your body arches at the contact of his mouth on your skin. Your hands are on the side of his face as you pull him away.
“Can I?”
“Have me? Yes. Completely,” he smiles. He wonders if you are confident. That's all that he hopes when you look at him so unsure and so doubtingly. 
You wet your lips again quickly, your breath coming out in hot puffs of air. Your hands immediately rush to his top, roughly pushing it above. Minho helps you out and pulls it completely away. You are blinded by the passion burning inside of you, your hands eager to explore and touch every expanse of his glowing skin. You want to touch, feel, have a complete experience. You want Minho to remind you of everything you are missing out on.
Your lips attack his neck in a hurry, all rough and passionate on his tender, soft skin, blooming red roses that turn purple against it. You repeat your actions till he’s softly moaning out your name, almost purring them out that you feel yourself becoming slicker. His hands on your back pull you closer and into him so that you won’t stop tainting his flesh and slowly, his soul, in the best ways possible.
Minho whines and sighs and grunts for you. He doesn't hold himself back as his lips leave appreciation for who you are. He closes his eyes as he parts his lips to whimper out your name with every new thing you find that excites him and it drives you absolutely insane. 
You know you should not but you can’t stop wondering how he would sound like as you fuck him hard, rock on his cock to milk his orgasm, make him beg not to stop. You desperately want to break him and draw all these nice sounds out of him, but you know it would most probably be the other way round. Minho allows you to take control occasionally but you know he wants the lead. He wants to be the one to break you apart and pull you back together. 
He pulls back from you, his hands leaving your back and resting on either of your sides. Minho's dark hair brushes over his crescent lidded eyes and nearly shields the hungry, desperate gaze of them. His hand plays with the strap of your panties as his gaze flickers between affection and lust. He cocks his head to the side before asking, “You do want this, right?”
You nod, hoping it would be enough and that he would resume.
“I need to hear you say it out loud, baby,” he firmly says and you gulp.
“Yes, yes. Minho, fuck, I want this. I need this,” you whine, your eyes glassy, as you grip his forearm to lift yourself up and grate and move against the evident bulge on his jeans. 
Minho merely needs that verbal confirmation. He pulls away your panties, resting on your hips and you groan. Still hovering above you and his hands over your pubic mound, his fingers trail lower and you tug at your lower lip in anticipation. Easily, he finds your clit, and begins to rub in slow, languid, lazy motion, up and down, waiting for the moan he so loves to hear from you to spill from your mouth. He grins when he hears those little whimpers and you feel your legs lose mobility from the pleasure he brings you with just a flick of his finger. 
Your back slightly arches off the soft mattress upon the bed when his finger leaves your clit to draw a line up your wet slit, collecting as much of your arousal as he can before slipping his glistening fingers out to admire them in the light. Your cheeks taint pink in embarrassment.
“Fuck,” Minho moans, taking his coated finger into his mouth to suck your juices from it. His eyes flutter shut as if he’s tasting the sweetest aphrodisiac ever known and your lips part at this sight. Lee Minho looks irresistible and you want him, completely.
“God,” he groans. Minho slides himself down your body until he’s in level with your pussy. His eyes gazed at it in sheer adoration and your hand slapped against your mouth. He takes two fingers to spread your lips apart for a better view. “You’re dripping, baby girl.”
You wail as he drags a finger up and down your slit, playfully teasing your fold, making you whine his name out loud. The way you plead for him, beg for him, grind down on his teasing fingers, all set a fire inside you. This has been what you had been craving for so long. The ability of this man to cloud your thoughts and set your body on fire makes you yearn for him even more.
“Minho,” you cry out, whimpering underneath him. “Fingers. I need you. Please, Minho.”
You gasp, your voice airy, when the tip of his finger tentatively slips into you while your fingers dig at his shoulders between your thighs. “Minho, I want you. I just really want you. I need to feel you. Please.”
He drags his finger out of you before you clutch onto him, feeling the need to be overwhelmed. He presses his thumb on your clit and a whimper leaves your mouth. 
“Minho.” And he slides his digit in again almost as if on cue. He pumps his finger in and out of you as his thumb harshly rubs circles on your clit. Your hand leaves your mouth and grabs your hair as the other digs further into his shoulder. 
His mouth leaves hot air against the skin covering your acetabulum and you shudder. His lips graze from there till your thigh before biting on them, sucking them deliriously and leaving you as a whimpering mess.
“Minho, fuck!” You scream, your fingers grabbing your hair to hold control of your body. 
“That's it, baby,” he says against the skin of your thighs. “How I've wanted those beautiful lips to scream out my name from when I've felt them.”
Minho adds another finger and your eyes are screwed shut as he curls them within you and you gasp at the feeling of being widened. You are elated and you feel your arousal leaking down your thighs. He rubs your inside and your clitoris faster and you push your hips towards him, moving with his pace. Minho is also leaving beautiful purple marks in a trail on your thigh and you gape in awe.
You find it all too much. Your emotions are all over the place and your hormones rise up. The movement of his fingers inside you and around your clit, his lips attacking your erogenous spots, kissing, biting and licking short stripes on them. It finally gets to you and you scream his name out in pleasure. Your first orgasm comes crashing down upon you, blinding you. You release all over his fingers and Minho helps you ride out your high as he drags his finger repeatedly but this time, slower than what had been. 
Your head lifts up and hits the pillow slightly as it tilts away. Minho moves upwards, hovering over your face and smiles. You smile back. You are so happy and you do not know how to put it into words.
“For what?” He looks at you quizzically. 
“That was my first orgasm in months now that wasn't brought about by my own fingers,” you smile wearily and Minho leans forwards and kisses your forehead.
"Should have come to me," he laughs.
"Didn't know if I'd be ruining our friendship."
"Pfft," he scoffs, before kissing you again, his lips gliding against yours and piecing in as if they were always meant to be against yours. "I've been in love with you forever."
"Took me a while to know my own feelings," you mumbles. “Also,” you continue, hoping he listens to your request. “Can I . . . ride you?”
Minho is stunned. There are so many things about you that stuns him and maybe it's the way you try to take control that make you look so much hotter before his eyes. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” you plead. “If that is not a bother to you.”
“Why would it? Your wish is my command, but only for this night. Next time, my love, we do this my way,” he teases and winks and your core throbs at his words.
Minho pulls himself away from your body, pulling his shirt over his head and his denim down and away. As he flings his clothes aside and relaxes against the mattress, his cock springs free against his stomach, leaking with milky precum. You sit up beside the space Minho has taken over and watch him and his cock deliriously and lustfully.
You sit up, crawling over to straddle his lap, nervousness setting into your stomach. You’re really doing this. You gulp and swallow the saliva as you look at Minho, whose gaze gives you comfort and confidence. The muscles in your arm stiffens as you grip his shoulder for stability and Minho notices.
“It’s okay,” he reassures you, sensing your reluctance and worry. He pushes back the stray hair falling over your eyes. “You're doing wonderful, babygirl. You are finally all mine. What a pretty girl and all to myself now."
You nod, biting down on your lower lip, and tugging at it harshly, cheeks heating up at his words, arousal gushing out as you look down before aligning with his cock. You want this. You needed this release.
As your folds, dripping with thick, sticky arousal, brush the tip of his hardened cock, you feel a shudder run down your spine. You instinctively allow yourself to lower further, taking the rest of him in you swiftly with the help of your arousal. Sinking down around his dick and feeling him fully wrapped around your clutching walls has you moaning out his name, gasping and panting for air, “Fuck, Minho.”
You rock your hips into him, trying this as you picture it to be, already finding yourself tightening and clenching around his thick length. He fills you up so nicely, stuffing you perfectly full and you salivate. Your lips parts and you find your hips moving on their own accord.
As much as Minho wants to give you complete power over this, it isn't like him and he wishes he could be better. Minho takes your hips in his hands, taking control of your movements to raise you up, leaving you empty and whining. You clench around nothing but air and your own walls, desperate to sink back down. “Minho,” you whine, your lower lip puckers forwards and you feel sad.
As his hand grip around your hips to get a better hold, he slams you back down on his cock, hard, causing you to scream. “Minho, ah!”
He continuously guides you in a rhythmic movement, throwing his head back into his pillows and groaning. You are glad he is helping you out because you know you could not have done it on your own after having just ridden out your high.
The sheen of sweat glistening on his chest catches your eye as he pants. The way his eyes clenched shut and his mouth hangs open with pleasure only makes you move faster around his cock. The sight before you makes you want to see him fucked out further. You want him to crumble under you because of you. 
You ride him, bouncing on his dick and clenching when you feel yourself reaching your climax for the second time that night. Minho’s finger moves down and slips between your sweat soaked bodies to rub your clit, pushing you even further over the edge. Minho knows how to make a woman putty in his hands and you are a living witness of this.
“Are you going to come?” He asks, breathlessly, his voice airy and light, almost floating away. He pulls his head forward to kiss your collarbones, sucking harsh bruises against your skin, continuing further down the existing purple bruises.
“Y-Yes,” you sigh, lacing your fingers through his hair and tugging on the dark strands. “Mhm, fuck, you feel so good, Minho.” You lean forward and the motion causes Minho to whine. You quickly catch it as your lips fall on his. His lips enclose yours and he kisses you slowly and passionately as you move on his cock, lazily.
Words, unfiltered and raw, spill out from your mouth after your lips leave his as you feel the high that is creeping up slowly within you. “Minho, fuck. Oh fuck, you feel so good.”
“Then, come.”
Minho moans against your neck as he feels you, his finger rubbing your clit, “Babygirl, oh fuck. Come all over my cock.”
Minho’s other hand that is not occupied leaves your hip and moves upwards to find their place on your neck. His fingers gently wrap themselves around your neck and his eyes flicker a mischief that makes you wetter than you already are. He presses his fingers against your neck with pressure and you choke. Your mouth opens wide and your tongue falls out slightly resting on your lower lip. Your eyes roll back and your walls clench around Minho’s cock tightly.
Minho learns that your dirty liking for choking is incredibly hot. Seeing you like this is what he knows would get him to come when you are not around. Your fucked out expression as you gasp for air makes Minho plunge into you harder and you choke harder.
A final flick of his finger over your sensitive button and a bit more pressure over your neck are all it takes for your body to flood with pleasure and ecstasy. Your legs tighten around Minho's waist, curling in as you ride out your high for as long as possible, still moving your hips against him. His fingers let go of your neck and you breath loudly, taking in huge gulps of air.
Not long after your undoing, he comes inside you, coating your walls with his seed as you feel his length pulsate within you.
Once your body falls limp against his chest, equally fucked out and panting for air, you feel him going soft inside you. He lifts you up, slowly slipping out of you and gently laying you by his side. His fingers rub small circles on your hips after pulling you closer into him. 
“Hey,” you say and smile. 
Minho kisses your forehead and then, the peak of your nose, and finally, kisses your lips, softly. It isn't lustful or anything. Just plain passion seeping from him to you. You feel his admiration and an emotion you fear to mistake for love. He pulls away and smiles, “Hey, beautiful.”
He comes closer and licks the side of your neck, where he had wrapped his fingers out. The one fantasy that you are so in love with. He peppers soft kisses around it and mumbles an apology. 
“No,” you quickly stop him. “That was everything. I— I really like you." Pausing, the thought crashes your head, post your high and you mumble, "Fuck, I fell in love with my best friend." 
You nuzzle into his chest after he pulls back, your arms wrapping around his body as you calm yourself. Minho chuckles into your ear, "Yes, yes. You clearly did. What do we do now?"
"Take responsibility." You mumble as you slowly find yourself feeling sleepy. Your eyes are slowly drooping and your voice lowers in tone, words drifting away almost, “You better take responsibility for my feelings and take care of me.”
“It'd truly be my honour,” Minho mumbles, lifting you slowly to push his one arm beneath your neck. He uses the other hand to push your hair away from your face. Kissing your forehead, lips lingering for a while, he smiles to himself, laughing slightly as he asks you, "Was the schlong good?”
You laugh softly, snuggling into his chest, fist against it as you try to fall asleep, thunderstorms long forgotten. Kissing his chest, you giggle, "Best ever schlong I have ever had, baby. All mine to keep now."
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Jisung: can you pick me up? Changbin: this late? Jisung: i just wanted them to confess. not fuck like bunnies. useless fact i learnt today: they are both loud in bed. Changbin: i'm laughing off the bed literally!!! also!!! Jisung: yeah? Changbin: and they were roommates! Jisung: god, they were roommates. 🙄❤️
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Season 16 (Part 1)
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Summary: After being captured by Michael while Dean was under his control, the reader has spent a very long time locked away waiting for someone to come and find her. When the day finally comes that the door opens, it’s not a familiar face she’s greeted with. Somehow the impossible is standing right in front of her but there’s no time to think about that. Something is terribly wrong and the reader needs the help of this strange young man if she wants to stop what Michael’s put in motion and have a chance at seeing Dean alive again...
Pairing: Dean x reader
Square: Free Space
Word Count: 3,600ish
Warnings: language, SPN season 15 and series spoilers, injury, mention of main character deaths, mention of torture, angst, fluff
A/N: This series takes place post season 15 and follows canon (i.e. if it happened in the show, it happened in this story’s universe). This series is told between the reader and Dean’s POV. This was also written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story bingo!
Reader’s POV
You just about had a heart attack when the door opened. It’d been such a long time since it’d been opened. Years and years and years. You’d lost track of the days quickly but it was long enough for you to accept that it’d been a very long time. Long enough to accept that when Michael took over Dean and threw you down in the windowless little room, Dean didn’t win that fight.
The only thing keeping you going aside from the spell Michael had put up to keep you permanently trapped, body stuck in time, was the desire to save Dean. Or what was left of him. You’d been alone for years, body having taken a beating by Michael when he first captured you. You were still covered in bruises, broken ribs that wouldn’t heal, pain in every breath. You didn’t sleep, didn’t eat. Solitude, cut off from the world, that was your main form of torture. Dean though...who knew what hell he was going through trapped with a psychopath like that for all these years.
You readied yourself, a dark figure walking inside the room. The room was pitch black to a certain point before you were trapped under a bright light you’d yet to figure out how to turn off. The figure stopped as their feet hit the brightness, a pair of brown boots and slim dark jeans all you could make out. They mumbled something and you felt the air shift slightly. You dared to reach at hand out to where the invisible wall keeping you trapped had been.
Your hand waved right on through it and you suddenly felt cool, clean air hit you. The person jolted when you sprang up, running away as you bolted for the door. You followed them up a flight of stairs and straight out into the foyer of a very nice house. You could see it was a man now and tackled him, straddling his hips and grabbing your knife from your waistband of your loose shorts, holding it to his throat. He breathed hard as you stared at him, cocking your head.
He was the spitting image of Dean. Mostly. His eyes weren’t green and there was something about his nose that reminded you of your own. The biggest tell of all though was the genuine fear in his face, the confusion. 
“What’s your name,” you said. You held up the knife for a moment and tucked it away when you saw he was only focused on it. The young man, no more than twenty years old, took a deep breath. You yelped when he threw his legs up and wrapped them around your waist, yanking you off of him. He scrambled to his feet but you were on his tail, grabbing at his jacket. He spun around and popped you in the face, sending you to the floor.
You whined and cupped your cheek, the young man frozen in the doorway with a horrified look on his face.
“Who punches their own mom!” you shouted. He ran out the door and you went after, growling at your bare feet as he took off down the gravel driveway. “I’m gonna find you!”
You stomped your foot on the cool concrete front path, glancing to your right and spotting a sports car. You jogged back inside and found a pair of women’s sneakers, a little too big but you tied them tight and found some keys on a front table. 
About two minutes later you were pulling up beside the guy on the road and hopped out of the car, the man running into the nearby treeline. You pulled out your knife and threw it, catching his jacket and pinning the sleeve to the tree trunk. He stumbled and fell down as you walked over, staring up with wide eyes. You sighed and ran a hand over your face. 
“Can you at least tell me your first name?” you asked. He shook his head and you crossed your arms. “I bet your name is Lyle, isn’t it.”
“How’d you know that?” he asked, voice a bit higher than Dean’s but it made you smile, something warm and familiar to it.
“I’ve had a lot of time to think recently. Lyle is my top name for a boy if I ever had one,” you said. “So. Lyle Winchester.”
“That’s not my name,” he said. He stood up and pulled out the knife, carefully holding it out to you.
“You look just like Dean and me. You’re my son...somehow,” you said.
“Fine. My name is Lyle and that’s all I can say about myself,” he said. “I’m serious.”
You recognized the tone, that edge to it, the roughness but laced with an undercurrent of worry. Part of you wanted him to tell you everything about him but you knew he couldn’t, instead letting yourself give him a simple nod.
“I’ll make you a deal Lyle. I won’t ask questions about you that you can’t answer if you tell me how and why you got me out of there and answer anything else I want to know about this little situation.”
“Or else what?” he scoffed.
“Or else someday when you’re a teenager I won’t let you do anything. Lyle.” You took the knife from him and put it away, taking a deep breath. You stepped back out to the road, leaning against the car. You shut your eyes, something heavy draped over you. You peeled one eye open, Lyle leaning back against the car next to you in a blue flannel and dark gray t-shirt. His black hooded jacket was over your shoulders and you slipped your arms through the sleeves, wrapping them around yourself. You squeezed your eyes tight, shuddering before warm arms embraced you, Lyle almost as tall as Dean holding you close to him. “How did you know I was down there?”
“I can’t answer that,” he said.
“What year is it?” you asked.
“2089.” You froze, staring up at him. “Well, 2089 where we are right now is.”
“Lyle. It was 2018 when Michael took me. That’s not possible.”
“I can’t answer that either.” Tears welled up in your eyes and he hugged you again. “Sorry.”
“Dean was thirty nine the last time I saw him and it’s seventy one years later? He is dead. Sam is dead. They’re all dead so explain to me how the fucking hell I have a son with Dean!” you shouted. You pushed him away and ran your hands over your face. “Years. Fucking years I’ve sat down there waiting for him to come and get me. Him or Sam or someone. Fucking seventy one years!”
“Y/N,” he said, sounding a bit awkward but he cleared his throat. “I can’t answer everything because I don’t know everything. But I exist and that should tell you something.”
You wiped off your face with his sleeve and looked around, turning back and staring at him.
“I’m at the start of whatever this is and you’re way down the line,” you said. He nodded with a slight smile.
“I don’t understand it but this, where I’m from, this has already happened to you.”
“You’re from the future then,” you said.
“Not exactly,” he said. 
“A different universe?” He looked at you like you were nuts and the air shifted, Lyle freezing. You turned and saw Jack, a smile on his face. “Jack?”
“Hi Y/N,” he said. He stepped over and gave you a big hug, a little bit of ache inside you easing finally. “Don’t worry about him. He’s just on pause.”
“Jack I don’t understand fucking anything. What’s going on?” you asked. He pursed his lips and sighed.
“Well you already figured out Lyle is your and Dean’s son. I didn’t think I could slip that one past you. But it had to be him that came and saved you.”
“Dean’s in heaven. Has been for 69 years.” You broke away from him feeling like you’d had a punch to gut and making you breathless. “I probably shouldn’t have told you that with the whole decades worth of trauma thing happening right now.”
“Did Michael…” you trailed off.
“No. A piece of rebar on a vamp hunt,” he said.
“He what?” you said.
“Yeah got pushed back on it. Sam was okay though. Oh and Dean had a dog for a few months.”
“Dean fucking died from that? That’s what kept him down?” you said. Jack nodded and you looked down, blinking your eyes. “Disregarding what is going on in my head right now about that, why didn’t you heal him? Or Castiel?”
“Well Cas was in heaven helping me rebuild after he sort of died and I brought him back. I kinda am the new God,” he said with a smile.
“I’m proud of that but again, why didn’t you come down here and heal Dean?”
“I’m sort of hands off in that regard,” he said. You were about to go off on him for that when it hit you.
“Jack how long have you known I was alive,” you said. 
“2020 when I took over, I got these extra-”
“You knew I was alive and  left me in a hole in the ground for over seventy years?” you said. 
“Like I said, I’m hands off,” he said. 
“I was your fucking mom! I took care of you! I protected you! I almost died for you more than once and when you find out I’m still alive you say fuck that bitch, she can deal with it on her own? What the fuck is wrong with you!” you shouted. You slapped him in the face, Jack pouting as you sank down to your knees. “I want Dean.”
“I want Dean and Sam.”
“I want Dean!”
“I can’t-”
“Fuck you! You’re as every bit as evil as that devil father of yours after all,” you said. You forced yourself to your feet, tears prickling in his eyes. “Oh did I hurt your feelings? Tough fucking shit! Do you realize that I have not only been stuck waiting for years but my body got stuck too. I’ve been sitting with broken ribs for seventy years. Every single breath excruciating.”
You yanked up your shirt, deep purple and black skin radiating across most of your abdomen. Jack reached out a hand and you moved back, dropping your shirt.
“I thought you were hands off. I don’t want your-” you said before warmth trickled through you, the pain gone, body feeling so strange at being without it. 
“I don’t have to touch to heal you,” he said quietly. He swallowed and bowed his head. “I tried to let people live their lives without my interference and sometimes they’re messy but I’ve come to realize recently that’s wrong. A bit of help here and there is good. It gives people hope and maybe I should have done things different.”
“My family’s dead and I don’t want to wait around decades more to see them again in heaven. You’re going to-”
“No I won’t. Lyle’s life counts on you doing exactly what you’re supposed to as do your two other children’s. I can’t just put you in heaven. You can’t die right and you have to wait to see Dean until things work themselves out. Lyle’s going to be with you for a while and help get some things settled. It’s already set in motion so go with it,” he said.
“Jack I want Dean. Please,” you said. “Please Jack. Just five minutes.”
“Would you rather have your family back in the near future, alive, or would you rather have your and Dean’s souls torn apart and you never see him again, dead or alive? Rather he over there doesn’t exist? Rather no one exists?”
“I didn’t say that. Of course I would rather have them back alive-“
“Then be patient.”
“Jack. You gotta give me something. Something please.”
“I’ll talk to Lyle, tell him he can loosen up some. But I can’t tell you what to do. You have to follow your gut. Listen to Lyle and it’ll work out,” said Jack. You squeezed your eyes shut, Jack carefully resting a hand on your shoulder. “Do you hate me?”
“I hate that our family was ripped apart. I hate that you didn’t tell the boys I was alive once you knew. I hate that the last time I saw Dean alive we argued. I think what I hate most of all is that you treated us like everyone else. We’re not, Jack. We’re your family. All of us deserved a chance at normal and we didn’t get it.”
“Sam did.”
“How many years did Sam live without us? Without his brother?” you asked. Jack glanced down and you nodded. “You said you became God? Why didn’t you get rid of the monsters altogether Jack. Don’t tell me you don’t have that power.”
“I thought...I thought it was the natural order.”
“Yet you know there are other universes with no monsters at all. You could have taken the monsters away. Shit turn them human for all I care. The boys didn’t have to keep hunting after you took over. You could have been hands off and changed that one fact and saved so many lives, improved so many lives.”
“No. I couldn’t have changed it. Not back then.”
“Why the hell not?” you asked. He pulled his hand away and you found yourself in some clean clothes, Lyle’s jacket folded on top of the car.
“Because when I became God, I learned a lot. It sucks knowing that certain things have to happen and that I had to ignore when Sam prayed to me in that barn because things had to happen this way.”
“But why?”
“Because if I didn’t, if I’d intervened then and there, this universe, all of the ones I’ve been busy rebuilding, the way I’ve been rebuilding heaven...it’d be gone. Destroyed and I wouldn’t be able to put it back. It’s a temporary pain even if it doesn’t seem like it. So please, Y/N, please, listen to Lyle. Work with him. It’ll work out and things can be okay. You can have everything you ever wanted and more. You can have the freaking apple pie life and the no monsters and all of it but please understand you have more shit to go through first and whatever happens, do not let Lyle die.”
“He’s my son. I wouldn’t let that happen to him,” you said. Jack nodded and you grabbed his arm when he turned to leave. “You’ve grown up Jackie.”
“I’m still a baby by God standards,” he said.
“The guys take care of you after I was gone?” you asked. 
“Yeah. I missed you though,” he said. “I accidentally killed Mary and sort of lost my soul for a bit. Things got bad for a while.”
“Do you see Kelly in heaven sometimes? Mary?” you asked. He nodded and you smiled. “Kids can fuck up and your parents will forgive you.”
“I’m sorry it has to be this way, Y/N. If I could snap my fingers to fix it all, stop it from ever happening, I would.”
“I’m going to trust that it had to be this way,” you said. “But give me a ballpark figure here. When do I get the guys back?”
“That’s relative. You’re going to end up breaking the space time continuum so it’s hard to answer that correctly.” You stared at him and he shrugged. “Not too long. A few days at most. I promise.”
“Wait is that how we have a twenty year old son?” you asked.
“Yes. The next time you see Dean he’ll be younger than the last you saw him. Just trust your gut and Lyle. Next time I see you I hope things are much better,” he said. You opened your mouth but he disappeared. You shook your head and turned around, Lyle now wearing his jacket, standing closer to the passenger seat door. For a long while you both simply stared, Lyle looking as if he’d just had his own long conversation with Jack. 
“You can call me Y/N if that makes it easier,” you said. He nodded and you took a deep breath, going to the driver’s side. “So. What’s the next move?”
“Jack just said after I got you out we had to go to Lebanon. He didn’t tell me anything more than that,” he said.
“Any idea where we are?” you asked.
“San Antonio,” he said. “So we go North?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “Mind taking the first shift driving? I sort of haven’t slept in like seventy years.”
“No that’s fine,” he said. He walked around the front and you made your way to the passenger side, climbing in and sighing. He got behind the wheel and took a deep breath. “You and dad run a construction business.”
“That’s nice,” you said, smiling to yourself. “Dean’d be real good at that kind of thing. He’s really smart.”
“I know. Most guys can’t call up their dad for help on their architecture homework,” he said. 
“You go to college?” you asked, Lyle nodding. “Do you know about...this stuff?”
“I’m still not convinced I’m not insane. I just got home on a friday night. We had dinner and everyone went outside to have a bonfire in the backyard. I went in to use the bathroom and Uncle Jack stopped me before I could get back outside. He said a lot of crazy stuff I didn’t believe but the fact you were in that basement...you and dad are only like forty but you’re obviously too old right now to have had me when that would have made sense and Uncle Jack said space and time is gonna break and-”
“Lyle,” you said, holding up a hand. “Relax. I just want to know, do you know what hunting is?”
“Dad doesn’t go hunting,” he said, narrowing his eyes. You smiled and nodded to yourself. “We don’t even own a gun.”
“I doubt that. But that must mean that something happens to the monsters along the way too.”
“What do you mean monsters? And why were you kidnapped in a basement? And what the fuck is going on? You’re supposed to be my mom that runs the family business and you kick ass in your soccer league in the summer and you can’t cook to save your life and that’s okay cause you’re really good at baking and pies and shit and I just don’t understand who you really are.” His face was flush, eyes fighting back tears. You smiled, reaching over and cupping his cheek.
“You’re a good guy Lyle. We obviously did something right,” you said, wiping away a stray tear that fell. “It’s scary. It’s really scary. I’m not your mom yet but I will be someday. I promise I will tell you everything you don’t know when I catch up to your time. Dean and I will. But we need to go to Lebanon and the faster we can go there and figure out what we have to do, the faster we can get you back home where you belong.”
“But can’t you-”
“This world isn’t safe, Lyle. It is very unsafe for a Winchester especially. Please drive now,” you said. You put on your seatbelt and he closed his eyes. “Please.”
“I was supposed to be having a smore right now,” he said.
“I know. But saving the world is kinda cool,” you said. 
“I don’t want to save the world. I want to go home and not see my mom be beat to shit. I want my dad to go back to teasing me at dinner and not being dead,” he said. 
“If we do this right, you can go back to that really soon. It hasn’t happened for me yet. We can talk all about this when you come back. The night you come back we can talk through it all. But we have to get going. The sooner we go, the sooner it goes back to normal.”
“It’ll never be normal again.”
“Yes it will. I promise.”
“How do you-“
“Because I just had this really bad thing happen to me but someday I’m going to have you and everything I ever wanted with Dean. So it sucks right now but it’ll be better eventually. I know it will. You’re here so I know it’ll be normal.” He nodded and wiped off his face, starting the car up again.
“Y/N. Are you okay after...you know...being down there beat up all that time?”
“Not really,” you said. He took off his jacket and handed it to you. You stared before he rolled his eyes, laying it over your front.
“Sleep. I can drive.”
“Y/N. Rest. It’s safe. I got this.”
“You take after your dad.”
“Take after someone else too,” he said. You smiled and nodded, resting your head on your shoulder, closing your eyes. “I’ll wake you up for breakfast.”
“Egg and-”
“Cheese on a biscuit, two breakfast burritos, extra hot sauce and a small hot latte.”
“At least my road trip order didn’t change,” you said, quickly relaxing and falling asleep for the first time in ages.
A/N: Read part 2 here!
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luimagines · 3 years
He Accidentally Hurt You Pt. 1
Takes place while in the group, written as a platonic relationship.
this one got away from me entirely, so I had to split it up
“I’m telling you, we need to head west!”
“And head straight into enemy territory? I don’t think so!”
“Wild’s right, Warrior. We can’t just sit around here and wait for them to come to us or the people of the town. We’re the only ones who can do something about it.” 
“Need I remind the both of you that we’re all tired as hell as well? We have no potions or healing items, our weapons haven’t been tended to in over a week because of the constant fighting and everyone has an injury in one way or another. We can’t afford to keep going at this rate. We’re lucky enough to have enough food as it is.”
You glanced at the W Trio. Wild, Wind and Warrior.
They’ve been going over the map and strategies for the past hour and it’s getting tiring. That normally would have fallen to Time and Twilight to talk to Warrior about it but they went ahead as the currently strongest of all to secure the perimeter.
It hasn’t been going great.
You sighed and stood up, making your way over to where they were.
Warrior was getting worked up and his gestures became more agitated and pronounced.
They needed to stop.
“Ok, guys, take five and a breather.” You started before your head snapped backwards.
The arguing stopped instantly.
“Oh for Din’s sake! Are you ok?.” Hands covered your own as you felt your face trying to pry them off to get a read on the damage done. “Oh course this has to happen.”
You took a step back and plugged your nose for good measure.
Wild and Wind both look tense and looked between the two of you, expecting something to blow up in their faces.
“Well that was unnecessary.” You spoke after a tense beat.
Warrior bit his lip, warring within himself to both step forward to comfort you and too afraid of pushing your boundaries more than he already has. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. Does it hurt?”
“I’ll live if that’s what you’re asking me.” You raised an eyebrow. “I was going to say that you should all take a break and leave it for a while. Maybe take a nap and come back to it once Twilight and the Old Man can have a say. Because yeah, we’re all tired as hell. I don’t think you liked the idea though.”
Warrior had the decency to look ashamed. “That was unintentional.”
“Regardless, I think I’m bleeding.” You smirk. “You’ve got quite the arm Captain. Last time I checked, a backhanded slap was usually reserved for-”
“Please don’t make this any worse.”
You laughed.
“Wind! Get down from there!” You called up the tree.
Mr. Sticky Fingers had taken something important from you, not that he knew what it was and you didn’t plan on telling him it’s importance since it was mostly sentimental value but the kid turned it into a game instead.
“I’m not going to climb after you Pirate!”
“I guess it’s mine then!” He taunted back.
You glared at his smirking face and snapped your head to the group. “Excuse me Wild Child, care to lend a hand? You’re the best tree climber among us and I’d really like to get my item back.”
Wild looked up and spotted Wind in the tree. He shrugged and stood up, making his way over. “I can make that climb. Sure.”
“Uh oh.” Wind huddled into himself on the nearest branch before making a mad dash through the tree.
Wild followed closely and you stepped under the tree to get a better view of the chase. The multitude of branches and leave and twigs made it hard to see through and you didn’t see make the executive decision to jump down.
And it seemed as if he didn’t see you either. 
You both landed on the ground, a sickening crack following shortly. Your cry of surprise quickly turning into one of pain.
Wind jumped off of you as if you burned him but stayed close, handing your item back as if that would fix the problem.
The boys crowded you instantly. Hyrule led the charged followed by Twilight and Time. Warrior pulled Wind aside to give them room, Wild jumped down from the tree and Legend chose to stand closer to Hyrule to get a look over his shoulder. Four and Sky held back, concerned faces mirroring each other.
“I think you broke my arm.” You gritted through your teeth.
“I didn’t.... I didn’t mean-” Wind spoke up but bit his lip, cutting himself off. He knew there was no saving him.
“What on earth was so important that it had to come to this?” Time glared at the both of you. You would have felt a little more embarrassed because it was easily avoidable but at the same time, it was your dominant arm and now you struggled to sit up.
“Wind took an item of mine and refused to give it back. To keep me from getting it back, he climbed up a tree and I asked wild to help me out. The kid jumped on me and this happened. End of story.” Hyrule looked up at you questionably before snapping the bones back into place. A scream tore through your throat before you could stop it. “‘RULE! A little warning next time?!”
He grinned sheepishly. “Sorry. It’s better if you aren’t expecting it.”
“What’s so special about that item anyway, if you don’t mind me asking?” Sky came a little closer to rub comforting circles on your back. Hyrule took that as his cue to begin healing the injury properly. “Is it magic?”
Pain clouded your judgment slightly. “No, not exactly.”
“What is it then? It doesn’t look like anything special.” Legend gripped the tip of it and you pulled it closer to your chest, away from the others. “It’s defiantly not magic.”
“Not in the traditional sense.” You agreed. The pain was slowly fading away now, but with the quickening of the healing process, it looked worse than it did before. You turned your eyes away from the black and blue mess.
“It’s... the last gift my mother ever gave to me.” You admitted. “It’s a special kind of magic that only means something to me.”
“The sentimental kind.” Four smiled sadly.
You nodded in agreement. “But it’s not like it does anything. It’s only a token really. However... I’d rather die then let anything happen to it.”
The group stood around you silently, taking in the information.
“I’m sorry.” Wind stood before you. “I didn’t-”
You held your good hand up. “It’s not broken, I knew you would never try that and I got it back. I’m not even mad, just don’t do it again.”
He looked worse after your words, as if it was the worse news you could have told him. You knew the feeling. You felt like maybe it would help him feel better to get yelled at or something equivalent of a punishment but it wasn’t in your nature.
Once that mess was cleared up, he stayed to close to you but was unusually quiet.
You made it a point to make sure that he knew you were still on good terms by the end of the day.
“I wonder if theses are ok to eat.” You mutter to yourself. Poking at a berry bush that was near your camp, you heard (and felt) your stomach rumble. “Wild would probably know. Hyrule might know as well but....”
Something was imbedded in your leg.
“OH MERCY ME!” You fell over, narrowly avoiding the berry thorn bush and looked down. “FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY-  WHAT IN THE WORLD-!”
An arrow.
An arrow was just... sticking out of your leg.
Rustling came from the bushes beyond and out popped a twig and leaf covered head of hair. A scarred face came next that expressed confusion to immediate concern and shock. Wild jumped over the bush and made a mad dash to your side.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I thought you were an animal.” He crouched down by your side and hovered his hands around the offending object.
“Why on earth did you think I was an animal?” You nearly cursed him then and there. 
It hurt. It hurt and hurt and he wasn’t doing anything!
“I heard a growl.” He admitted, a bright blush on his face.
“No, that was me and my stomach. I’m hungry man! I was just checking if those berries were edible.” You growled and tried to move over but your leg wouldn’t cooperate without sending bouts of burning static up to your hip.
“That was a crap shot anyway. It wouldn’t have taken the animal down regardless.” Wild muttered to himself.
“Excuse you but I’m the one who was shot. Take it out!”
“Ok, ok, ok, hold on.” He placed a bracing hand on your leg and grip the arrow in the other. “Deep breath. Ready? One. Two.”
“Here.” Wild handed you a potion. You recognized it as a healing item of his, even if the bottle was wrong and uncorked it, gulping it down with vigor.
“You owe me Champion.” You crossed your arms when you finished, handing the bottle back to him. 
“I’ll cook you something. Anything you want.” He nervously scratched the back of his head. “Those berries aren’t edible anyway.”
You blinked at him and the berries, not pouting at all. Your glare hardened at the plant. “I blame you.”
“The plant?”
“I just wanted to eat something!”
You couldn’t believe it.
There he was, sleeping in your bedroll.
You were tired as it was and didn’t have the energy to put up with it. Instead of anger though...It was mostly confusion.
Why was Legend asleep in your bed roll?
Was he really that tired that he just didn’t care? Probably. The nightmares were bad the night before and he was working nonstop the whole day.
You couldn’t fully blame him. He probably didn’t even notice.
You were exhausted as well and you refused to take his spot.
You walked over and shook his shoulder.
You stumbled backwards and eventually fell over, your hands covering your face. 
Legend sat up blearily and blinked for a solid minute before realizing his fist was still raised. 
“Legend!” You yelled at him. “What the heck man? You can’t punch to save your life!”
“That’s my bedroll, dumb bell. I would like to sleep please.” You crossed your arms and stared him down. “Also, I’m telling Twilight you can’t punch for crap.”
Legend pushed himself up and looked beneath him. “Oh. Sorry. Wait. What about my punching?”
”You suck at it.”
He glared at you for a moment before taking a swing in your direction.
You dodged it easily and grinned. “Your form definitely needs work.”
“Shut up!”
Part 2
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cades-outsider · 3 years
Older Johnny Lawrence X Reader
Warnings: TW: Toxic ex
Bloody Rose
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  "I just don't understand why i can't go out with my friends" You mumble, awaiting for the seat to swallow you whole.
  "I already told you, you're mine and what's mine i own" Your boyfriend grits his teeth, as his hands grip the steering wheel.
  "You don't own me" You say confidently as he pulls up to one of the minimarts in reseda.
  He aggressively slams one hand on the steering wheel "damnit! I said your mine and I forbid you of going out" he yells.
  "Whatever! You never let me do anything!" You yell angrily as you get out of the car, slamming the door.
  Let's be real, the real reason he was so jealous, possessive, and angry was because he was insecure as he's already said previous times before, but you couldn't help but think that it was all just a fun game to him.
  He steps out of the car and repeats your steps previously of slamming the door and walking forward to you puffing out his chest. "I don't want you cheating on me! What do you not understand?! If you listened to me we wouldn't have this problem" He groans.
  You go to walk into the mini mart only to be pulled back by your boyfriends hand gripping your waist tightly.
  You turn around and slap him as a reflex causing his face turn right with the impact as his neck cracked a little.
  Just then someone gets out of their car and slams the door "hey, what do you think you're doing man?" The mysterious man questions as he walks closer to the situation.
  He has golden blonde locks, blue piercing eyes, and a grey shirt with a black and white checked flannel. He still doesn't let go of your hand "and who are you?" He questions trying to look big and bad.
  "That's my sister and I don't appreciate you touching her like that" The man states.
  "Yeah right" Your boyfriend scoffs.
  The last thing that could be heard was a fist coming in contact with his face, which you could have swore you heard a crack.
  The guy grabs your hand and rushes you behind the building as your boyfriend lays on the cement groaning in pain.
  "We're over a*shole!" You yell as he stumbles up and rushes into his car scurrying off.
  "Thanks for that" You say sweetly.
  "It's no problem, I'm Johnny" He holds out his hand for you to take to which you do.
  "I'm Y/n" You greet.
  Over the course of a couple weeks you and Johnny had kept in contact through messaging. He had learnt some things about you while you learned about his karate dojo, his students, and pretty much his life.
  It was nice, Johnny was a great person to talk to. You even felt yourself staring to fall for him, it was weird seeing as you just got out of a toxic relationship but something good came out of it and it was Johnny.
  You were actually having a conversation with Johnny over text once he asks a random question out of the blew, which read; "hypothetical question...what would you say if I asked you to swing by the dojo for a couple of lessons? Free of charge of course" he questions.
  You raise both of your eye brows and wait a minute before reply, finally you decide on sending a simple message, which read; "I'd love to! I could definitely use a few pointers if that's alright?"
Finishing up the conversation you had agreed to stop by his karate dojo named cobra Kai for a couple lessons, you didn't quite have an idea of what to wear so you just picked some workout clothes so they wouldn't get in the way of 'training'.
You only lived a couple blocks away from the reseda strip mall, so you were there in less than five minutes.
The sound of the bell goes off once you enter the dojo, "welcome to cobra k-" Johnny starts, walking out of his office until he sees it was you.
He smiles taking the towel he had in his hand and throwing it on the dummy's head "Hey, Y/n it's nice to see you here" he comments.
You let out a breathy laugh "it's nice to be here... Sensei" You tease playfully, causing him to let out a chuckle.
"Alright so, we can start whenever you'd like" He gestures to the mats.
"Are you free now?" You question, wanting to make sure.
He turns to look at the clock on the wall "oh yeah, yeah class doesn't start for another 2 hours or so" Johnny reply's.
You slip your shoes off and Johnny brings you over to the mat, "that gi looks great on you" You playfully smirk.
He looks down "I'm impressed" he states referring to you knowing it's a gi and not 'pajamas'.
"Alright so, first things first we need to get you into the stance" he says walking behind you.
He hovers over your left arm "is this alright?" He questions before continuing, you nod.
He continues on his mission and places your body into the correct stance, "alright now-" Johnny leads you over to the dummy.
"Punch this thing as hard as you can" He puts his hands on his hips.
You go to punch but he stops you "easy there, punch like this and you'll break your thumb-" He grabs your hand and moves your thumb gently so it's overlying your other fingers "-punch like this... you'll break a nose" he smiles.
Though he doesn't let go of your hands for a moment, seeing as you had both got lost in each others eyes. Johnny's eyes were so piercing, you could see all the emotions behind his eyes... and you know what? He didn't hide it.
You snap into reality and look down bashfully "thank you" you reply.
"Oh uhm- yeah no problem" he clears his throat "-well go on" he gestures to the dummy.
You strike one punch then look at Johnny for confrontation, he nods his head 'yes' so you continue throwing punches until he moves you over to the next course.
"Alright so, if someone tries punching you what do you do?" He questions.
"Block the punch" You reply as if it was common sense.
"Yes correct, what do you do next?" Johnny questions once again.
"You know I haven't got that far yet" You say sarcastically causing Johnny to let out a little laugh.
He walks over to you and puts out his hand, grabbing yours he forms it into a ball and puts his hand over yours. "When rolls are reversed you want to twist the enemy's hand-" he gently twists your hand, but not enough to hurt you "-and cross their arm over their neck and pull them closer to your body" he instructs, pressing your back up against his front.
"Next you want to keep a firm grip on their hand and pull as hard as you can on their neck-" he gently puts a grip on your neck with your own arm "-this will make your enemy pass out once you hold it long enough" he says.
He lets you go and you turn to face him "now try it on me" he says as he gets into his stance.
"What I'm n-" you don't even get to say anything until he lets a punch out that goes to your face, with fast reflexes you grab ahold to his hand, twist it and cross it over his neck, bringing his body closer to yours.
"That's it!" He encourages as you go to let him up.
"Wow that happened so fast.." you let out a breath, trying to calm down your beating heart.
"It usually does, but you did good now that can work for anything even if they haven't tried to punch you but if they grab ahold to your hand you can do the same" Johnny informs.
"That was... very fun" You smile.
"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it" He chuckles.
"Thank you really" You praise.
"Oh it's no problem, anytime" He states.
Once again you feel that same pull once you stare into his eyes, he must feel it to seeing as he was pulling closer to you. Eventually your lips meet and you place your hand on his jaw as he does for your waist.
You both pull away slowly.
"That was...nice" You compliment sweetly.
"Yeah it was" Johnny smiles, until you both hear a bell and the dojo's door open.
"Uh sensei?" A young boy asks walking into the dojo.
"Hey Miguel! This is um Y/n, Miguel this is Y/n" Johnny introduces as he clears his throat a little.
"Hello, it's nice to meet you" You say feeling your cheeks heat up slightly.
"It's nice to meet you" Miguel says with a shy smile as he puts his backpack down on the ground.
"So I'll just go.." You smile awkwardly.
"Yeah okay, I had fun. It was uh that was- okay yup" Johnny stutters.
You smile and send a small wave to the both of them before returning to your car and eventually heading home.
Night soon arose and it just crashed that you needed some groceries, so you decided to head to the mini mall at the strip mall to grab some things.
So that's what you did, on your way out of your car you locked the doors and began walking to the entrance, but before you could someone puts their hand over your mouth and and pulls you into the alleyway behind the mall.
They let you go and you face towards them to see it was your ex boyfriend "what do you want?" Your eyes widen.
"Oh come on don't be like that, I just want you" He goes to put his hand out to you.
"Well I don't want you" You say grabbing his hand and twisting it like Johnny taught you, hearing a crack as you do so.
You were more so worried about getting away from him so you kicked him with his now broken arm still wrapped around his neck causing him to fall.
You take your chance and run back into the eye of the strip mall, you run to where Johnny's dojo is and pray that he was still their as you open the door.
"I'm sorry but we're close-" he starts before seeing it was you.
His eyes widen as he rushes towards you "what happened?" He question worriedly.
"That technique... definitely works" You pant, before taking a deep breath.
"It was my ex" You roll your eyes.
"Where is he?" He goes to walk outside but you stop him.
"I broke his arm" You cringe.
"Ouch... he had it coming" he tilts his head to the side, whilst you nod in agreement.
"Are you okay though?" Johnny questions coming to check you for any bruises or marks.
"I'm great thank you" You thank great-fully.
"For what?" He questions, furrowing his brows.
"The move, as you can see it helped a lot" You chuckle "-and... and the kiss, it was great" you add on.
Johnny smirks slightly "oh yeah? You wanna reply that moment?" He questions playfully.
"I think I do"
This was requested by @peachymelon69
274 notes · View notes
whereisten · 4 years
One Day
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Summary: you and your best friend Mark flirt all the time by making suggestive jokes and teasing each other endlessly. But one day...things get—serious
Pairing: idol and childhood best friend!Mark X female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, smut, a tinyyyy bit of angst (I promise it’s nothing serious)
Warnings: car sex, oral sex (male receiving), slapping, fingering, penetration
Word Count: 2.6K
(A/n: this is my first EVER Mark smut haha so thank you for requesting this anon, I hope you enjoy!!❤️)
“Nice one, Mark.” You laugh as Mark misses the 13th hole while the two of you play mini golf.
“Maybe you’ll find the hole next time?”
You turn to him and give him a wink.
Mark chuckles and shakes his head. “I know you’ve missed me but don’t throw your horny jokes at me.”
Mark is your childhood best friend, but he left your hometown as a teenager so he could pursue his dream of becoming a pop star. The thing is..he had to travel halfway across the world to Korea.
Yes, the two of you were *just* friends. But you couldn’t deny the fact that you had a growing crush on the brown haired boy. You were gonna tell him..one day. Your timing was never right and you didn’t want to ruin the close friendship you had.
The two of you remained close and always spoke with each other when you had time. Mark FaceTimed you when he was getting his hair or makeup done or visiting new places. You hung out 24/7 when he came back home it felt like there was more..but you still couldn’t find the right moment.
Mark grew up right before your eyes and it became more and more difficult to not wish that he was your official boyfriend. You were head-over-heels in love with him and the two of you were doing couplish things but what would it take to make things..real?
“Hey! stop day dreaming about me, it’s your turn..” Mark smirked.
You swung the golf club and watched as the ball landed inside another hole.
“Wow, you’re really good at this..” Mark chuckled.
“I can teach you how to get it in..if you want.” You have him another wink.
And that was another thing. The two of you constantly teased each other with dirty jokes and glances but they were never met with anything. Just a few awkward chuckles and that’s it.
You went about your conversation as if nothing happened. It was another aspect of your friendship that you had both grown comfortable with.
“Oh yeah? Come here then.” Mark walked over to the next area of the course and posed. You quickly walked up behind him and gently placed your hand over his. He grasped the club tightly. You almost felt him shiver at the feeling of your soft, small fingers over his.
“Why are you so bad at this?..relax..” you tip toed while guiding his hands so his posture would be corrected. Your breath hit his ear and the back of his neck.
“You have to..stand like this, Mark.”
Just the sound of your delicate whisper saying his name made his heart beat faster. The fruity smell of your hair and the feeling of your lips grazing his neck made him weak. He had a soft spot for you, and being close to you like this only made him weaker. But he wasn’t sure if you felt the same way, he too was afraid.
“W-Wait, this feels weird..shouldn’t it be the other way around..” Mark stood up straight and turned to you.
You tilted your head.
“The man is supposed to stand behind the girl” Mark smirked.
You scoffed “well, the man is also supposed to be better at this but here we are.. you’re losing and I’m-“ you started but Mark took your hand and spun you around. He stepped forward and put his hands over yours now, running it down the metal of the club.
Your mouth fell open as you felt Mark’s toned chest on your back, had it not been covered by his T-shirt and a flannel, you would’ve felt every muscle clearly.
“Like this..” Mark said huskily, his breath now hit the back of your neck as he bent down and nuzzled himself in the crook of it.
“I know what you’re doing, trying to distract the competition huh?” You giggled as you pressed your butt into his pelvic region.
Mark continues to rub his hands over yours and licked his lips, they grazed you skin lightly as the scent of his cologne filled your nose.
“Is it working?” Marks chest felt heavy on your back, he was getting hot and so were you. You could tell by the sudden seriousness in your tones. Mark’s voice was low and sexy, you rarely heard him like this.
“If you find the right hole, maybe it will..” your sentence trailed quietly into silence as you realized what you said. Maybe you pushed it too far this time? Your eyes widened as you silently cursed yourself.
“Oh really? What about this one?” Mark Traces his thumb over your bottom lip and watched you carefully, his facial expression was filled with curiosity and neediness. He couldn’t stop himself, he always watched your plush lips and thought about them.
The way they’d feel against his lips and skin.
And here they were, slightly parted, opened in surprise.
You both stared at each other for a moment as Mark’s careful dipped inside your mouth. You sucked it before letting your tongue dance over it. Mark’s mouth dropped open at the sight of you and the growing tension in his pants. Your eyes big and bright while his words played throughout your mind over and over.
You felt his growing erection against your back.
Your heart and body screamed ‘yes,finally.’ But your mind was still unsure.
And unfortunately, Mark felt the same way.
He pulled his thumb out of your mouth and quickly lifted himself off of you. He backed away and looked around anxiously.
“Y/n..I’m..I’m sorry..” Mark’s voice came out in a a whisper before he hurried away outside of the mini golf course.
“Wait..” you started but he didn’t stop. Was he embarrassed? Did he not want you anymore? Did he regret touching you?
You gathered your clubs and handed them back to the cashier at the front before leaving, it was nighttime so luckily it was only the two of you in the glow-in-the-dark golf course.
You walked outside and stopped. Mark was inside his car, the only one in the parking garage. His head was against the steering wheel.
And you knew your best friend, you knew he thought he messed up big time.
So you hurried to the car and let yourself in.
You sat in the passenger seat while letting out a loud sigh.
“Do you always just leave your girls all hot and bothered like that in Korea?” You tried to lighten the mood.
Mark chuckled, his head still against the wheel.
He swallowed hard. “I’m-I’m really sorry about that, y/n. I shouldn’t have—“
“Mark..I enjoyed it..like a lot.” You held his chin and tilted his head to the side so that he could look at you.
“Please tell me..things won’t be awkward between us.” Mark’s large eyes pleaded.
You shook your head.
“of course not, Mark, I mean it was a little weird haha, but we’ve been friends for longer than I can remember..I..I wanted to tell you this before you left for Korea actually. But I..like you Mark. And I feel like..”
“We’re dating?” Mark finished your thought.
You licked your lips and nodded. “Y-yeah. So can we..”
“Make it official?” Mark sat up straight and looked into your eyes now.
Your eyes widened and you nodded again.
“The truth is, y/n, I never stop thinking about you..no one knows me like you do.”
Mark ran a hand through his thick hair.
“I’ve wanted you for a while now..”
You smiled and you swore you heard all the angles singing “hallelujah!” outside of the car somewhere.
“Wait, are you blushing? Did I just make you blush?” Mark chuckled.
You punched his arm lightly. “Shut up, loser. Who the hell gets a hard-on at mini golf?”
The two of you burst out into laughter inside the car.
Mark leaned forward as you reached out and held his face. The two of you kisses for the very first time and once again, it felt like professional sopranos and altos were singing just a few feet away.
Mark’s lips felt just as good as you had imagined for all these years. They were so soft and plump. His tongue caressed yours as your heads turned and your heart danced around your chest.
He ran his hand up and down your thigh slowly.
You whined into his mouth while helping him take off his flannel. You tossed it to the backseat then unbuckled his jeans while panting. Mark liked to kiss like it was a battle and he refused to let go for air.
Your hand dipped into his jeans and gently stroked his hard member.
Mark grunted into your mouth as the feeling of your delicate fingers on his most sensitive area made him tremble.
Your lips were still attached to his as you cupped your hand and moved it up and down to spread the precum.
Mark was growing restless. Your teasing, the feeling of your pillowy lips, and the growing heat of your two bodies got him so aroused, he felt himself nearing his climax already.
His hips buckled into your hand, but you kneeled on your seat and broke the kiss off.
You licked your lips and breathed heavily while unbuttoning your blouse.
“Oh—fuck, y/n.”
You chuckled and shook your shirt off to toss it in the back with his flannel.
“You’re so beautiful, why did I wait so long?” Mark gulped at the sight of you in your bra, kneeling in only your mini skirt in the passenger seat of his car.
You went back to kissing him again, he was just too cute for you to resist.
You let go of his lips and lowered yourself so that your lips hovered over his aching tip.
“All these years..you’ve been keeping this from me?”
You gave him a playful wink before kissing his tip all the way down to his base.
Mark chuckled, his head fell back and he groaned.
Mark bit his lips as you took him in, you bobbed you’re head up and down. Nothing about this was neat. You worked hard to please him, allowing your spit to mix with his precum as you tasted him.
You moaned while licking across every vein. Mark nearly lost it when you rubbed the tip along the plush surface inside your cheeks then lifted your head completely off of him to allow his pre cum to drip down your chin.
“You taste good..” you licked your lips and looked into Mark’s eyes knowing it would make him flustered.
He bit his lips. “I love that dirty mouth of yours.”
You smirked then went back to swallowing him, this time you allowed him to reach your throat, you knew you would choke and gag, but you didn’t mind. Just as long as he kept moaning your name.
Your butt was in the air as you brought Mark to ecstasy with your mouth, so he brought his hand to your ass and gave it a smack while he watched you blow him.
You whispered as you jerked forward with the unexpected attack.
“You like that?” Mark asked as he ran his fingers along your covered slit, feeling the response from your body as you grew increasingly wet.
He slapped you again, then rubbed his hand gently over the area.
“Mmmmm” you hummed as your eyes closed tightly. You felt your knees become weak.
Your throat closed around Mark, but now you had to focus on your essence running down your legs.
Mark then moved your panties to the side and pressed his fingers along your slit while you moaned.
You let go of his length when he pressed two fingers into you. “Shit.. that feels good Mark.”
Mark smirked then smacked your ass again to listen to your cries and feel your wet pussy clench around his fingers.
“I found the hole..”
You chuckled. “You’re such a—“ you started but Mark smacked your again before putting a third finger inside.
“Come on, baby girl, you’ve got a job to do.” He raised an eyebrow, watching as he disappeared into your mouth once again, your cheeks hollowing.
His fingers moved in and out of you at the same pace that your mouth worked on him with.
You gagged as he placed his other hand on the back of your head and thrusted into your mouth. His fingers then pumped in and out even deeper, he curled them into your body to find your sweet spot. Your moaning grew louder and he smirked to himself. He was satisfied at his ability to find what made you weak.
He thought about your silky walls around his fingers and knew he had to feel them around his cock.
“F-fuck. Get on top of me.” He demanded, his fingers leaving you empty and clenching around nothing as he withdrew them suddenly.
He quickly pushed the seat back as you unbuttoned your bra and tossed it to the back too.
You climbed over his lap. He held your waist with both hands while he stared at your perky nipples. Your hands rested on his shoulders, your chest rising up and down rapidly in anticipation.
You sank down on him slowly. You both gasped and relaxed as he finally filled you up completely.
Mark gripped your ass tightly and guided you up and down his length, moving painfully slow at first. He liked to hear your squeals and feel you struggle to go slow.
“Oh..fuck, Mark.”
Mark looked up at your clenched jaw, tightly closed eyes and beautiful breasts. He never thought he’d see the day where he’s have you like this. He would have wet dreams and imagine that it was you in the videos sometimes. He felt all of his fantasies finally come to life.
He thrusted up into you hard to watch your breasts jump. You whined and fell forward onto him.
He painted while bringing your ass down to his hips faster.
You became dizzy as the feeling in the base of your stomach grew stronger. You clenched around him without control now. You were close and he knew.
He fucked into you hard from below now, wrapping his arms around your waist to keep your body still as his hips moved faster. You held onto the back of the seat with one hand and pressed onto the car window with the other.
He pounded into you as you leaned down to kiss his lips.
Your cries and his grunts grew louder and you were so thankful to be in the middle of a parking garage.
“Sh-shit.where-“ Mark’s movement stuttered.
He looked up at you questioningly as sweat formulated on his forehead.
You nodded and moaned. “It’s okay, it’s okay..”
He held your ass tightly, his nails digging into the soft skin as he came into your trembling body.
You cried out his name while clenching around him for the last time. Your orgasm fell over you like rain on a dry, hot day in the desert.
You fell forward onto his chest and breathed heavily, your chests both moving at the sam rate.
When you finally regained your strength, you lifted yourself off of him and fell back into the passenger seat.
Mark fixed his pants and brushed his hair back with his hand.
You went to grab your shirt but Mark stopped you.
“Here..take this instead.” He turned to the back and grabbed his flannel. He draped it over you as you blushed.
He smiled widely. “Did I just make you cum AND blush? I’m on a roll today.”
“Ugh, shut up.” You smiled and rolled your eyes. You held onto the flannel tightly while drinking in the scent of his cologne that stuck to it.
Mark pulled out of the parking garage and started to drive back to your place. You held onto his hand as the other gripped the wheel.
You were both in a post-sex high as he drove, everything felt right.
Mark turned to you while you were at a stop light, his eyes still big and adorable. He held your hand up to his lips and gave it a light kiss.
“So..you still wanna be my girlfriend..right?”
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What If...? I // Alive!Luke Patterson
Summary: The story of Sunset Curve if someone had been able to stop them from the fatal street dogs. A rock and roll family legacy, the reader meets Luke at a concert where he decides she is his endgame, this is a story of their life together.
Warning: Swearing, fluff, female!reader, do street dogs count now??
Words: 3.0k
Requested: By @beautifulblogsblog . The request was detailed so this request with be 5 parts and shorter since I have no clue where 3.0k came from?! Enjoy.
A/N: Interesting fact about the stand where the guys get the streets dogs is the name of shady business is a play on words. Say the name fast and you’ll catch on.
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Los Angeles, Early 1990s
Sunset Curve started as a fun little project for a group of four teenagers from all walks of life and different stories. It came about when a kind blonde boy was trying to find a socially acceptable way to hang out with someone he was currently seeing. It worked because Alex had learnt drumming as a way to work his frustrations out, he didn’t feel like he could punch someone, so boxing was a no go. Luke, the guy he was seeing, had received a guitar from his parents and self-taught himself how to play. The Patterson parents believed it would be a phase and he’d get serious about education.
The duo found out that an acquaintance had been having taken guitar lessons for several years, as a date Luke and Alex discovered him in the music room at school. Somehow another guy, Bobby, joined and then when the relationship between Alex and Luke mutually ended the band floundered. Alex, however, refused to let the breakup affect their friendships. Luke refused to give up the band. Sunset Curve was then forever changed to a permanent band.
In 1993 Luke attended one of his favourite local bands at a venue where he bumped into you. Chemistry and attraction instantaneous between you two, unlike anything before. IN that few second you both knew that you had see the other again.
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“Hey! Sorry!” You called out over the loud music glancing over his shoulder at your friends grinning in response. After a bad breakup, Jay and Ro had been pushing you into failed blind dates.
“No worries!” Luke replied, “Gnarly song, hey?”
You nodded glancing at your friends once more, “I better get back to my friends.”
Luke frowned as you gave no indication you felt the spark, he did in the minute of interaction, but he hoped he could change your mind. The encounter settled in his mind as the concert finished, and the clock struck midnight.
Ro and Jay hounded you for leaving a gorgeous guy with the same music taste, but you just felt wrong to lead him on. Sure, you felt something for the guy but look how the previous relationship turned out.
“After James…”
“He’s an ass,” Ro spoke frowning at the tone you used for your ex. A two-year relationship with a guy you thought would be your forever love, “Girl, I would date you in a second! You’re a strong woman who doesn’t need a man. But that doesn’t mean having a little fun…”
“He’s gorgeous.” Jay supplied looking over at the boy whose attention was sucked back into the music by the band Weezer. The band is an inspiration for his music, “Look at his arms. Cut off muscle shirts were explicitly made for him.
“If I see him again. I’ll think about it.” You sighed chuckling as Jay made a face at the song being played. Jay didn’t like this kind of music, but she loved you too much to not be there when you were still hurting.
A few weeks later in a bookstore, you waited for your Aunt’s book club to end so you could help close the store and go home. The sound of a guitar brought your head over the couch to see that guy with a band from the concert; all of them playing instruments. Godlike he couldn’t get any more perfect, then he started singing. You were a goner.
“You should try the cheesecake bites.” You spoke coming up behind the guy at the snack table, “So you like Weezer, play guitar in a rock band and you sing?”
Luke was surprised at the sight of you, “Hey. I..uh…yeah. Always been a fan of rock.”
“I grew up on it. My parents met at a Rush concert, and a year later they were married.” You spoke leaning back against the wall, “Dad’s on the road right now.
Alex noticed Luke talking to a girl across the room as he packed up his kit, a pinch of sadness felt, but he pushed it away. They ended for a reason, and they just didn’t care about each other the same way. Alex was happy for his friend.
“Is he in a band?” Luke asked glancing at the band shirt you tied into a crop top and a pair of shorts. It was gorgeous but straightforward on you.
“Yeah. The tour bus was kind of my first home, I guess.” You chuckled looking at the guy, “Hey sorry for being standoffish at the concert. It was lame of me.”
Luke smiled, crossing his arms and smiling when he noticed your eyes wander to his arms before you met his gaze again. He usually wasn’t so confident, but God, there was something that drew him to you. He’d hoped he would bump into you again.
“It’s cool.” Luke shrugged, “If I say something really cool, could I get your number?”
You smiled, grabbing the sharpie in your back pocket before gently taking his arm. Scribbling the number on his arm to glanced up to his awed expression.
“Call me.” You replied before pushing off the wall to head to the where your Aunt was starting to close up, “I have a personal line.”
Luke beamed happily following Reggie out the door, a grin that didn’t leave his face. He called. After a date, he called nightly, and a relationship was born.
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Your converse slapped on the sidewalk as you sprinted to the band studio beyond excited to see Luke after two weeks of family time on the road. You missed him. He was coming out of the studio they rented when he glanced up. He stumbled back when you slammed into him full force.
 “Whoa!” Luke yelped as he caught his balance and squeezed you close to him, breathing in the scent that was just you, “I missed you so much.”
“Me too.” You breathed hurriedly kissing him in response, “I just got back, and I had to see you.”
The entire world fades away as you guys kissed as if you hadn’t seen each other in months rather than a few weeks. His one hand moving to cup the back of your neck and the other squeezing your hip. Yours wrapped around his neck.
Your heads tilting to deepen the kiss when a voice interrupted you.
“Gag me with a spoon.” Bobby spoke, walking by with a grimace, “Nice that your back so Luke will stop moping but too bad since I’ll have to see that.”
“Oh, shut up, man.” Luke shoved him playfully before he picked up his abandoned guitar case and held your hand tighter, “You’ll understand when you find someone.”
Reggie and Alex waved as they continued on, Reggie would have to endure a tense supper with his parents, and Alex had family plans as well. Luke, however, was bringing you home to see his parents; out of his life choices, Emily and Mitch adored you.
“Come on.” Luke smiled, kissing your cheek as he tugged you to the sidewalk refusing you let you go on the walk to his place. Luke listened as you told stories from your time with your parents; he had allowed to meet them. Every time, however, last-minute details kept Luke from meeting your father.
“So, I have some news…” You playfully said coming to a stop at the front door of his house with a grin. Luke’s little grin appeared at how happy you looked and the sunburn on the tip of your nose.
“You know Poison Monarchy, right? The club.” You questioned moving to lean against the brickwork, you were expected to see his reaction. Luke’s eyes brightened at the mention of a famous club that jumpstarted a few bands.
“Of course! The guys and I snuck in to see this radical band. We got kicked out, but man it was such a cool night.” Luke grinned slipping into the memory of being where local bands got big, and most went on to place The Orpheum.
“Luke.” Luke’s dad Mitch spoke from the open doorway with a look of displeasure at the guitar case resting at the teen’s feet.
Luke automatically straightened his posture at the sight of his stern father waiting in the entrance. His hand keeping yours when it started to slip out.
“Dinner is getting cold,” Mitch spoke, turning his attention to you. His stern expression breaking into a genuine smile, “Y/N, it’s nice to have you over.”
Luke was led into his own house by you as you enthralled Mitch in a story about something you saw on the road. His Mom was putting the last dish on the table when the kitchen livened up with the new additions. Emily was quick to tug you into a huge before everyone washed up.
Luke was kind to walk you home after dinner with his parents where he could breathe again from the expectations in his home. His arm slung around your shoulder, humming a new melody that had been in the back of his mind.
“So, I hope you guys are free Friday.” You spoke nestling further into his side content in his jacket he had draped over your shoulders.
“Why?” Luke questioned, tilting his head to kiss your temple. His fringe tickling your forehead as he did so.
“The regular band isn’t able to play, and they were looking for a replacement. My Aunt-“
“-who owns the book store you finally talked to me at-“
You chucked at Luke’s words, “Anyways, her brother-in-law went to high school with the owner, and I may have dropped your band, and well you have a gig.”
“I love you,” Luke exclaimed stumbling back at his words. Your eyes widened in response, “Oh god. That is not how I wanted to tell-“
“You love me?” You shyly spoke, staring at the boy that held your heart in his hands ever since the first real conversation. Luke’s face turned bright red as he stuttered out mindless words. Something in your eyes changed that, and the confidence returned with a shade of shy.
“Yeah. I do. I have for a while, but I know how that loser broke your heart, and I didn’t want to rush you.” Luke spoke cupping your cheek in his hand, “But I really love you. Like, not some puppy love either. I see two things in the future. Sunset Curve and you.”
“And I know it’s only been a year, and we’re barely seventeen, but I’ve only been sure about two things in my life. You don’t have to-“
“Luke! I love you too.” You laughed, reaching up to kiss him with all the love you could pour into it. Love you loved him, and God help him, he adored you, “Well Rockstar, better plan your setlist.”
You breathed cradling his hands still cupped on your cheeks each bearing a grin of pure happiness because this was a perfect moment; just Luke and you in love. That was all that was needed.
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Two years flew by for Sunset Curve and your relationship with Luke did as well and with every relationship came ups and downs. After a nasty fight, you came to a compromise to never go to bed angry, Luke had spent the entire night on your porch. He got sick, and you made up. After performing at Poison Monarchy, the first time they had monthly gigs there, they would busk on the street for extra cash. Luke bought you a promise ring with his busking savings just before the big blowout with his parents on Christmas.
“Luke?” You yawned opening the door to a sobbing teenager. You were quick to yank him in the house out of the cold.
Luke broke down that night after running out on his Mom for the usual argument he had based on his dreams. The next few months he would alternate staying at Reggie, Alex’s or your place if your parents were gone. The subject was too sensitive, so you ignored the elephant topic in the room instead of addressing it.
“Babe, we did it.” The glee in his voice was by far one of your favourite things to listen to. You were sitting on the bar with him leaning back between your legs. Both your eyes scanning the empty area of The Orpheum.
“You guys did it.” You breathed, “You pour yourself into this band. You guys finally get the accomplishment.”
The rest of the band had joined you guys in complete silence to take in the monumental moment in their lives. Something you didn’t want to tell the boys was that with a little nudging, your father had spread the word of an up and coming band. His words would be bringing people in the business tonight.
“So, I’m thinking we close with Now or Never.” Alex offered, “It’s our high-level energy song, and to close with it would be perfect.”
“Our third song could be ‘Home is Where My Horse Is’ and go int-“Reggie cut himself off when the band gave him the usual look, “Oh come on! We need to give a little taste for when we dropped a country album.”
“I-“ Luke shook his head disregarding the same thing that happened at every gig they had done, “We’ll start practising. See you in a bit.”
Luke swiftly kiss you before shoving around with the boys to the door backstage glancing over with a heart-stopping smile. You watched intently as they began their soundcheck for the gig buzzed on the excitement.
“They’re good.” A beautiful girl spoke wiping down the counter beside you—her brown eyes watching the band perform.
“They are. I’m Y/N.” You grinned as she introduced herself as Rose, “The two on the ends are single.”
Her chuckle spoke for itself as she moved away to put glasses away behind the bar, her tight curls bouncing as she walked. You see Bobby and Reggie had their eyes pinned on her while Luke’s head was in the clouds or his eyes meeting yours.
“So, the restaurant is ready when they are.” The gritty voice spoke from behind you. Standing in the flesh was your father who you immediately jumped at.
“Dad!” You exclaimed happily that he had finally been able to come to see the guys play. It was always a wrong time when he was supposed to meet the band.
It’s what happens when he happens your father happens to be in one of the biggest rock bands around. Little people knew who your father was, even Luke just knew he was in a band and called him by his last name out of respect. He had never met him face to face, however.
“So, the frontman is Luke?” Lancaster, Lance for short, questioned his daughter leaning beside her, “Remember when your type was a football player?”
You snorted at his words since he had never liked your ex-boyfriend James. Lance had heard stories from your mother and you about Luke. Lance so far liked the teenage boy. He trusted you wholeheartedly to make responsible decisions.
“Oh, shut up.” You spoke, pushing his shoulder, “How was London?”
“Same as usual. Met up with the guys.” The sombre tone was enough for you to know he had been celebrating a close friend. Even with Freddie’s illness, your father hadn’t been able to leave his side and even four years after the death of Freddie Mercury, it still cut Lance up.
“I’m happy you’re home.” You spoke smirking when the band finished their soundcheck heading to the waitress immediately after. Bobby, no doubt flirting while the other searched for you, “Man, this is gonna be good.”
You raised your hand to your boyfriend, who quickly made his way over with a huge grin and heavy breathing.
“Man that was as exhilarating as our-“
“Luke!” You nervously chuckled quickly kissing him before he could embarrass himself in front of your father. Luke frowned at your tone before he glanced over to the side. Alex and Reggie making their way over, “Guys, things aligned perfectly. I want you to meet my father.”
Luke’s eyes widened as it clicked that he had almost told his girlfriend’s father he was sleeping with her. His Adam’s apple gulped at the fear that flooded his veins. The father in question turned, and the band as a collective released the most hilarious gasp of shock.
“Lance Y/L/N. By your expressions, I assume you know my stage name.”
“Lancaster Jameson.” Alex squealed having to grab Reggie’s arm to keep himself upright.
“Your father is Lancaster Jameson?!” Luke exclaimed, “You didn’t tell me you’re a literal rock legacy!”
You could hold back the laugh waiting to fall from your mouth at their reactions to your family history. The excitement was overpowering everything else.
“He just watched us perform.” Reggie breathed, hitting Alex in the chest, “My dream has been reached. My goal is finished.”
“While they calm down, I’ll see you later,” Dad spoke kissing the side of your head as he whistled his way to the entrance. The group was collapsing almost only regrouping to make fun of Bobby. You are tugged with them.
“Ok, well, I’m thinking we fuel up before the show. I’m thinking of street dogs.” Luke announced happily, whereas you made a disgusting face.
“No.” You shook your head at the suggestion. There was no way you were going to down a street dog before their gig.
“It would be fitting.”
“No. I have a feeling that street dog would have been your last. The place is called Sam N Ella’s guys, if you say it fast, it comes out salmonella.” You spoke glaring at Reggie went to say something, “No. We’ll head to have food with my folks and some of their friends.”
“Getting food with a rock legend? Heck, yes!” Alex spoke already heading for the door with Reggie right behind, “Street dogs are in the past!”
It was a beautiful night. Sunset Curve got a ton of offers, and many demos were taken from the group as well. They also didn’t die.
@safehavenmuse​ @siennanoelle01​ @whiterose291​ @mell-bell​ @blackhood5sos​ @ficrecsideblog​ @ifilwtmfc​ @deadpoolgirl23​ @crappy-unicorn​ @sunsetcurve-h​@elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals​ @popcrone818​ @lolychu​ @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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pretty-face-breaker · 3 years
Cold, Humourless
Hey guys! I’m back from finals week(s) and here with a followup to this piece. After this, I want things to be linear for a while as the boys finally escape both with Nick’s help and dubious intentions.  
c.w. restrained with ropes, caning, pretty brutal beating, death threats, talk of murder, whumpee thinking he’s going to die, fucky guilt-tripping, possessive whumper, possessive touch, abusive relationship
“I’ll admit, you got good at lying to me, but only because I let you.” 
Muddied droplets trickled to the ground from a pipe across the warehouse. The leak was his clock, the puddle of water forming on the ground his indicator of how long it had been going on. Besides his ragged breathing, there wasn’t much else to listen to but if he tried very hard, he could hear angered mumbling behind the door. Eladio, signing his death warrant. 
Hayko lowered his eyes as Nick passed by him again and raised the cane. He tried to suppress the shudder as sweat rolled down his nose and fell to the ground in a perfectly translucent drop - one he was grateful couldn’t show him his reflection. The lower he looked, the worse the pressure on his wrists became. Suspended tight in the air with his toes barely grazing the ground. Shivering in anticipation of the next hit. Setting his teeth to avoid biting his tongue when the pain came, biting and merciless. 
He-... couldn’t remember anything from before. 
How had he found out? 
Does it matter anymore? 
The edges of his vision were darkening, portent, and an answer. Nick struck him in the stomach and he cried out but the noise seemed so much further away than before. Shaking as he felt the thrill against his skin, Hayko thought of how familiar this dance was for them. It was just like old times before he had gotten on his good side, moreover before Nick had realized just how precious his little pet was. 
How many other uses he actually had. 
Just like old times. The thought came affectionately, though tainted with delirium and pain and terror, because it hadn’t been like this for a long time and here they were again, dancing again, and he was suffering beautifully and Nick had to be enjoying it as much. Except now, he wasn’t. The hit came without warning and Hayko threw his head back and whimpered high in his throat as it bruised a deep cut where he felt blood slowly starting to well.
“Three months in, I thought I had beaten the disobedience out of you but you kept proving me wrong, again and again.” He lined up the cane over one of his shoulders and cracked it down, expressionless as he bucked and screamed. “You know, I found it endearing from some point.” Nick leaned in and Hayko flinched, hearing the grinding of teeth.
On instinct though, he looked up. “Never did any of it for y-you.” 
Nick’s eyes were on him in an instant, beneath them boiling something different, colder. Anger. Overwhelmed by the intensity, Hayko looked behind him instead and closed his eyes like he had before Nick had beaten that out of him too. Hoped he could shut out the blistering pain in his back, the pressure on his wrists, hoping he could just disappear.  
 “Hayko,” he purred. “All this time and looking away from me never did you any good.” So miserably, he lifted his head. 
“You fucked up,” Nick hissed, and he meant it. 
Hayko trembled in earnest now, realizing that this wasn’t at all their old dance. A chill bore deep into his core and wiped over the pain. It was too fast and he couldn't pull back, only choking down a scream as the cane hit his chest again and again until he was gasping for air and pulling at the restraints that would creak but wouldn’t give. Tried to hold himself up through it but each one made him reel, the force behind it, and all of a sudden, he recognized that this wasn’t sadism but simply anger. Real anger.
Nick wiped his forehead, just as Hayko prayed he’d gotten enough, and laughed  before his eyes widened and he wound back his arm.
This time, Hayko threw his head back just in time to muffle the pained noise, refusing to hand himself over. He could take a beating from time to time, but he’d only ever apologize if he’d done something to Nick personally. This was far from those times. It wasn’t as personal as it was targeting everybody at once and now, every gun was turned on him. 
Then again, maybe he had wanted it to be that way. 
Nick gripped his jaw hard, digging the dull ends of his nails into the skin. “Don’t ever say you never resisted for me. You resisted plenty. You did it to test how far I would take it and I let you know. over. and over. again.”  
He hit him beat on beat and each time, Hayko’s fists clenched and pulled at the bar his wrists were tied to but it only creaked, never giving. 
 It’s been an hour since it began. 
About eight hours since he had helped Santiago disappear from this life. Eight hours since he had fled these horrors and possibly less than one left before he could leave the horrors too.  
Hayko grimaced and weakly tilted his head up, his tongue suddenly bleeding from fighting the screams. “H-He deserved to get away from you and that fucking-” The hit caught him off guard and he gasped, savoury iron spreading in his mouth. “He’d been trying to get away for months. You didn’t even know-” The slap pulled a whimper from him. 
“Of course I knew, you fucking idiot,” Nick hissed, closer than before. “I know everything about you and that miserable shit. But rest assured, your efforts paid off. I knew you lied because I always do. He’s probably halfway out of the country already but you? You’re here and I get to do whatever I want to you.” 
Hayko blinked away the spots dancing in his vision. “I-I won’t- won’t tell-.” 
“Yes, you will.” Nick fixed his stare on him for a few seconds, until he shifted from whatever terror that look could still incite. “You will, baby, because when Eladio tried to reach him tonight and he didn’t answer, and when they turned up to his doorstep and didn’t find him ready-to-please as he always fucking is, you’re going to give me his location so they can rip him apart.” 
Hayko bared his teeth, feeling a twinge in his chest. “Santiago isn’t-” He got no further before Nick brought another lash down and stunned the words. 
Nick’s voice comes with a cold, cautioning cadence. “Talk again and I’ll cut your throat.” 
He should have killed him when he had the chance. For months, all the nights he lay beside him, an open target, and let him sleep and live to see another day. Somehow, he had him convinced that he wouldn’t kill him and how fucking stupid had he been to believe that? 
How stupid had I been to do something like this and think I would live? Live to do what? This is what I am now. 
And Nick had let his guard down, not because he was careless but because he knew he’d be too weak, too desperate and miserable to even try. He had been there where Nick had needed him to be for months and watched him kill, torture, and break everything he sunk his claws into, and had watched Santiago break at the same time, and done nothing because he was no better than him.
Saving Santiago had been an attempt at repenting. 
I’m still an accomplice.  
Nick spoke through venom, jolting him back to reality. “They’re hunting him now. It probably won’t take long because when they find him, he’ll be cut to ribbons on sight.” He snorts. “Faster fate than I’ll be giving you.”
His heart pounded and then froze all at once. 
The cane hit the ground with a half-hearted clatter and the shadow on Hayko’s face grew as he approached. He let his eyes slip shut, feeling a tear slip down his cheek. 
“What the fuck have you done?” Nick muttered. “You know what they expect me to do now, right? He’s a rat because he ran away and by extension, so are you.”  His face was contorted with disbelief sooner than anger now. “Why, Hayko?” 
Hayko couldn’t respond because the answer wouldn’t mean anything to him. He had done it on a principle only he understood between the two of them and lord knew that didn’t mean a fucking thing to whatever Nick was. 
At the start, he was looking around the empty warehouse in search of a distraction. Now, he looked for a saviour. He dropped his eyes for a moment, still wide with a renewed horror. “Y-you can’t.” He stated it like a fact and realized then how ridiculous it sounded in his mouth. 
Telling a killer that he couldn’t kill. 
“Oh, I can.” Nick reassured with a cold, humourless laugh. 
Hayko didn’t see the next blow coming, not from the cane but from his fists. Nick couldn’t restrain himself as he closed to lunged onto Hayko and piled on the blows, raining hits down onto his face and grabbing him over the shoulder to land one in his stomach just when he thought he could escape to breathe. Skin broke from the rings on the sight of the punches.
“I did everything for you,” he hissed, driving his fist into his stomach.  
“Sto-op-” Nick tore his hair back when Hayko turned away, “Pl-ea-,” breath knocked out as another punch sank into his ribs. “Ple-nngh.” The next hit nearly spun his vision black and he wobbled on the balls of his feet. He had to breathe in gasps through his bruised lip, trying to keep up with the rapidity of the hits, trying to make sense of the world through his swollen eyes but the hits came like a shower. Unceasing.
Nick grabbed his bloodied face rough enough to hurt. “I did everything for you and now they want you dead.”  
He couldn’t even pry his arms in front of him to defend himself. 
When Nick eventually stopped, he hung between wake and consciousness. Everything hurt and it was going to hurt all the while and up to- 
Hayko teetered, trying not to succumb to the restraints that were beginning to numb his wrists. There was a painful shifting in his chest that brought a new wave of agony each time, neurons firing away at the categories of damage and the overwhelming taste of iron sat rich, heavy on his tongue.  
“Wai’, Nic-...” he slurred at finding an opportunity, catatonic, barely there, and uncertain whether this was really it. Whether the past few months had been real. Whether he was really lying when he told him he loved him, and again and again and kissed him and told him he was perfect for him, that he’d never let him go. “Before you k-... Please... don’ let him die. I was just trying to s-” 
Silence. He could faintly hear ragged breaths, hushed by his ear and made a strangled noise in his throat when a hand touched his bare chest and another hooked under his armpit. His thoughts swam with the introduction of the gentle touches until he registered that Nick was holding him up from the pressure on his wrists. He choked with relief. 
“Save him?” he said dismissively. “Idiot.” 
Despite every word out of his mouth nearly seething, Nick did his best to alleviate the pressure on his arms. Even with the effort, his grip still hurt. Hayko winced as his nails dug into the flesh of his arm. “I did everything I could to keep you alive. Do you even know what measures I had to go to, how many people I had to kill just to keep you alive for this long? Can you take a guess of how many fucking liabilities I tied up so I keep you-” 
He wasn’t listening, or couldn’t rather. All he knew was that this was it. Maybe whatever God still watched him, the one he had chosen to abandon years ago, held some mercy for him still to let it be quick when the finishing blow came. The guilt almost choked off his breaths when his mind supplied that he had only saved Santiago to save himself from all of this. It might be for that reason that it wouldn’t be painless. 
I should feel the pain they’re going to put him through if they find him.  
As the restraints were loosened, Hayko moaned in pain, trying to keep his wrists still despite hardly registering his surroundings let alone figuring out what Nick was trying to do to him now. Though the sudden surge of pain as his arms fell finally tipped him over to a scream. 
Nick caught him as he collapsed. “You should have thanked me every day of your miserable life that I got you out of what you put yourself into. I saved you. Don’t ever fucking forget that.” 
Hayko held onto his shoulders, not knowing where else to turn that didn’t hurt. “Tha-nk-” Nick’s scoff cut off the attempt at gratitude.  
“I don’t want it now.” He held him tightly for a moment and his arms jerked from haphazard holding to fully circling his back, pressing him tight into his shirt. Possessive. “No, I want you grovelling at my fucking feet for what I’m about to do to save you for the tenth time already. Even though you don’t deserve a bit of it.” 
A hand grabbed and jerked his hair to turn his eyes upwards, blinking away tears, and Hayko groaned but met Nick more willingly now. Suddenly, it appeared that Nick had fixed his posture, collected himself and his raw anger had been replaced with smugness, almost relief. It was still there though. What set it apart was that it was now eagerly calculating as if…
This had been his plan. 
Nick sighed, shaking his head with thinly veiled pity at the wide eyes, beautifully lost despite his own rage. “Even though you don’t fucking deserve it, I’m going to save you from them too.” He tightened the hold on him, not that he would have been able to move anyway. Hayko felt the outline of a gun in his jacket.  
“Told you I’ll never let you go, right, love?” 
Tagging @doveotions @heathenville @thewhumpstuff @thatsthewhump @adamantem-rose @lonesome--hunter @whumpsorbet @whumpasaurus101 @lektricfergus @downrivergirl914 @burtlederp 
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