#I love the fact that the Danny Phantom fandom just made up a character and he fit so well into the show that he’s just taken as canon now
its-rat-time-babey · 1 year
There’s an important detail about Wes that everyone overlooks.
This man plays sports. We see it in the picture that started it all.
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He’s a part of the Casper High basketball team with a jersey and everything.
I think that could easily play into his motivations, goals and lore in general.
Because that brings up the possibility of Wes being an A-Lister. A good chunk of the people in Dash’s friend group are a part of some sports team. Wes, as a part of Casper High’s basketball team, easily fits those requirements.
Hell, he doesn’t even need to be an A-Lister. He could be just slightly below Dash and the others as a sort of B-Lister. After all, he plays basketball while all the A-Listers are a part of Casper High’s football team. Two different sports.
But A-Lister or B-Lister doesn’t matter in long run, point is, he was a popular basketball player at some point. Sure he was known for believing in a bunch of conspiracy theories and cryptids, but nothing crazy or enough to damage his reputation.
But then he learned about Danny being Phantom and tried to tell other people. Everyone thinks that the Danny Fenton is Phantom theory is outlandish and conspiratorial and doesn’t believe Wes (especially since Wes already believes in several conspiracy theories and cryptids, so it’s a bit like a “boy who cried wolf” scenario), Wes is willing to die on the hill that his claims are true (because they are) and eventually Wes loses his popularity and credibility and is kicked out of the A/B-Listers
This gives Wes motivation to prove that Danny is Phantom because now, proving that he’s right will restore his lost popularity.
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Fic Masterlist
Because Tumblr search features are shit. Fandoms, Fics, and Series are organized in alphabetical order. Each link will send you to the Tumblr version but there will be a link to the AO3 version within that post. If you would rather go straight to AO3, my account is linked in the post pinned on my blog.
Assassin's Creed:
Of Blades and Parchment Series
Tumblr tag: #Of Blades and Parchment
Altmal AU where Malik never became an assassin and instead works as a crippled bookseller. Series is in progress.
Here's Where You'll Stay (3082 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Here's Where You'll Stay
"As John stared at the door preparing to get his face mauled, he couldn’t help but incredulously complain that this was not how he wanted his weekend to go. He had plans! He supposes that he would be willing to put them on hold for Phantom’s sake, but he wasn’t agreeable to the incoming face mauling. "
When Phantom comes down with Core Sickness it's up to John Constantine to save the ghost from fading.
Nothing Says "True Love" Like Being Given The Soul of Your Murderer (1510 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #nstllbgtsoym
Addition to a post by @nelkcats
"Another snarl caused him to lose his staring contest with the Bat. Nightwing was now standing between the two of them and appeared to be trying to placate the crime boss while Red Robin made the bloody stupid decision of trying to sneak up behind him. Red quickly paid the price for his folly, finding himself flat on his back pinned underneath Hood's boot while he honest to God snapped at Nightwing like a rabid dog.
"It's my gift! He gave it to me. Now fuck off before I m̶a̷k̸e̸ ̵y̶o̸u̶."
Yeah. Someone should probably interfere before they pissed him off anymore.
"You should corral your kids before one of em' loses a hand."
"Hngh." Batman leaves to break up the fight with Nightwing's aid. Hood scampers off to one of the corners of the cave, cradling the violet ball in his gloved hands as if it was the most precious thing in the world. It sounded like he was purring. John was suddenly very tired."
Rending Flesh From the Bone (3093 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #RFFTB
Dick wasn't so sure about Jason's "gut feeling", but what are brothers for if not to support each other during paranoia episodes? Now, deep underground in an abandoned subway tunnel, Dick is starting to have regrets as he watches the scene before him.
TW: Gore, Cannibalism, Vomiting, Zalgo Text
Slap a Bow on It (4752 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Slap a Bow on It
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
 "Contrary to popular belief, Danny wasn’t stupid. He could be a bit oblivious, but he always got there in the end. So when Danny woke up the next morning and realized that last night wasn’t a dream, he had an epiphany. He was being courted by the super hot and apparently undead crime lord who ran the haunt on the other side of the street."
TW: Danny is thirsty as hell, mentions/allusions to nsfw but nothing explicit
Star Shoes (2772 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #Star Shoes
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
"Things had been going so well for him lately. He should have expected the other shoe to drop. Or the metal pipe in this case."
In which Danny and his totally normal boyfriend who is definitely not Red Hood are abducted by cultists. Danny is super concussed, but he's got the spirit.
The Double-edged Blade of Chance (5309 words, 1 chapter)
Tumblr Tag: #The Double-edged Blade of Chance
Dead on Main ship, written for Dead on MAYn 2024
Not everyone gets to meet their soulmate. It was just a fact of life. There was always a chance, but chance was a double-edged blade. 
Jason quite literally runs into his soulmate at the young age of eight.
“Sorry! I thought you were a ghost!”
"Why would I be a ghost?”
TW: Major Character Death, Child Neglect, Mentions of Abuse, Mentions of Drug Addiction, Depression
Unnamed fic (ghost chirps/unintentional ghost adoption au fic)
Tumblr Tag: #ghost chirps/unintentional ghost adoption au fic
Addition to a post by @starwrighter
Fic is currently a work in progress with only a minimal amount released to the public under the Tumblr post. Once it's completely written chapters will be posted and linked independently.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
How do you think TOH will hold up in the future? I imagine it will still have die hard fans aggressively defending it in spite of all its flaws. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that audiences are fickle. They’ll praise something like it’s a sacred masterpiece one minute, then turn a 180 and treat it like overrated trash the next.
So my immediate response was that it would end up like Danny Phantom or Kim Possible where some people will still love it so much as to make it what they do, some will remember it fondly and most will just forget about it and never bother going back for it. And I say that as a fan of both shows. Just... They didn't become cultural touchstones. It's very hard for most cartoons to do that. One could easily argue we haven't had one (for a new IP especially) since Gravity Falls or Steven Universe and you'd probably have a decent case for saying Gravity Falls still doesn't count compared to Steven Universe. This is probably what's going to happen to Amphibia even just because there's a lot of media out there so getting picked up as a household name that isn't forgotten is hard.
But... I think TOH will just kind of get forgotten. For most, the most special part of it is either that Luz made them feel seen, and for those the show will never fade, or the specific ships they cared about which will eventually get replaced. But I actually don't want to try to assume how the fandom will be in five years. Let's actually talk about, now that the show is said and done, the simple question of: How do you pitch watching TOH's final product? Because even the CURRENT fandom constantly has to use excuses for the storytelling. To justify it being special, they already have to narrow its scope like "the first gay main character in a Disney television cartoon" or they have to cherrypick what they're aiming against, like saying Belos' death is good because they don't like the SU ending or that Luz getting to keep her found family is unique because the only other isekai they've watched is Amphibia. That's all really hard as far as pitches in general go.
So what do you tell someone looking to get into it from the perspective of a fan? Do you warn them that some plotlines don't get resolved properly because of the shortening? How many elements do you have to prepare a new viewer for with that excuse? What's worse is... TOH is just a worse product now that it can be binged. Those who watched S1 before S2 came out got to revel in the best versions of these characters. Any potential Amity had though is crushed like her necklace two episodes into S2 and only becomes more and more obvious as the season goes and you don't have months of waiting between those two versions of Amity. You don't have multiple hiatuses between murder happy Collector and "What's death?" Collector which would make the contrast MUCH WORSE and much harder to ignore. In fact, because so many of TOH's character arcs rely on revisionism to just make an audience forget who a character used to be, binging it's going to make that process much harder in general. Future audiences are just more likely to notice the lack of effort in so many elements just because the whole show will be fresher in their minds.
And most of them won't have the fandom and the like to pull them along or tell them why certain things are the way they are, though not even the fandom always has answers. Why isn't the Grimmwalker reveal setup AT ALL unless you're combing literally ever element of each episode? And even then only once? Well... *shrug* But it's a big deal now so you better just be okay with that.
Frankly, as much as I don't want to be mean about this... I think being forgotten besides by the rose tinted glasses of the fandom is its best fate. Or that it will be known as a show that had a really good first season, a good first half of S2, and then dive bombed in quality, especially in S3, and that the only really notable thing about it is the sapphic ship between the main character and her love interest.
It is a show that only functions if you know the FULL context for it coming out. And even then, like with how much the fandom contracted during S2, let alone with each special of S3, that context wasn't even always enough to keep people watching.
So yeah, I think the fact that a lot media gets to just gracefully retire with its fans nowadays, since being a classic is so much harder when there's SOOOO much more media being produced, is probably going to be a boon for The Owl House. It can just be that little witch show for those who loved it and for those who disliked it... Well, something is always new on the horizon. I know I'm keeping my eyes out.
Okay so I wrote this last night. This morning I had errands to run and my sister helped me since she has a car. She convinced me to pick this up.
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Looks cute. I was warned it gets dark eventually which... *looks at the goth art style* Totally couldn't have guessed. Also before anyone even thinks it: The comic originally began being published in 2015.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
hi i wanted to let you know i have been into miraculous literally since PV days but have strayed from the fandom since around season 2-3 when "salt" stuff started getting really popular. i was tired of seeing my favorites being mangled beyond recognition to fit some weird revenge fantasy, so i just stopped. recently though i missed the blorbos. its people like you who genuinely love the show and the characters that have made my more recent experiences incredibly lovely and fulfilling. thank u :]
Aw thank you honey :’) truly as someone who got a little in to ML in 2016 and enjoyed the cute fan content and saw how much fans praised it but didn't keep up with it, only to come back to it a couple of seasons later and see how insane the fandom had become over those few years .... it is truly exhausting and baffling to see what people do to the show now. Ig this is the danger of too much self-projection and a lack of critical thinking. Even people who claimed to be done with the show in season 4 continue to run blogs obsessed with """criticizing""" the show for the stupidest and most petty things possible on a daily basis, instead of just ... walking away from it if it doesn’t appeal to them anymore. It can really give you a headache.
But it all makes me think of that one quote from the end of Ratatouille (the movie which is indisputably Pixar Animation Studios' magnum opus): "the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so." ML as a show means so much to so many people of all age groups and backgrounds across the world. ML is far more meaningful and loved and contributes far more to the world than any random schmuck's salt post/fic/comic/video essay about it on the internet. ML is a sweet show! It's a cute and fun show! It's a kind show about emotions and relationships (platonic and romantic) and the power of love but isn’t designated as a Girls Show(TM), as shows with these themes often are, so boys are watching it too! And it shows us a male superhero being soft and sensitive and a hopeless romantic and in touch with his emotions without shame and a female superhero who loves him for it! Which is so important!
Similar kids cartoons when I was growing up, things like Danny Phantom, always had the romance as not an A or B or even a C plot but basically a Z plot. Literally on the back burner. An afterthought. Not something that was created out of passion and a belief that the characters would love each other and rather just thrown in because a main heterosexual relationship for the protagonist Has to be there, for some reason. Romantic moments would be limited to The Romance Episode(TM), wherein the "romantic development" is just like ... the characters accidentally held hands or kissed or something, and would often boil down to "this boy and girl are friends so OBVIOUSLY they have to like each other," without ever really showing me why they actually love each other. And don't get me started on allll the pieces of media with a forced heterosexual romance that is little more than "this male and female character have romantic and sexual tension because they're a male and female character." Or all the pieces of animated kids media where the main male character immediately likes the main female character because she's The Pretty One (As much as I love ATLA and k/ataang, even ATLA did this in the first episode). This all always felt so lacking to me as someone who was so enamored by love even as a kid.
Then comes along ML. Chat Noir didn't fall for Ladybug because he saw her and was taken with how she was Pretty. We know he thinks she's beautiful but he was completely unaffected by this fact when he first met her!!! It wasn't until he saw her stand up to evil that he fell for her! A male character falling for a female character not because Wow She Pretty but because of her bravery and cleverness and determination to stand up to evil and do good? That shouldn't be groundbreaking but it is!!! And it's beautiful!!! And Marinette didn't fall for Adrien because he was The Hot Guy or The Cool Hero or just because he's the male character and she's the female character so she just Has To. She fell for him when she saw his vulnerability and kindness!!! I would've LOVED to have grown up with a show like ML.
God the romance? I’ve never seen so much delicious Yearning in any other western kid’s cartoon. The door scene? Hoowee.... The way each of them so desperately wants the other to see both sides of them. The ending scene of Glaciator, when Ladybug is supposed to be “rejecting” Chat Noir and Chat Noir is supposed to be giving her a platonic cheek kiss, and yet it’s one of the sweetest and most utterly romantic scenes in the show. The sad undertone of Ladynoir, of being best friends but not being able to know a single thing about each other’s lives. The pure romance of the umbrella scene. The coup de foudre.
And it doesn't matter if the episode is romance-centric or not because ML has given us a male and female hero duo with so much genuine love and affection for each other that it's palpable in every episode from the very first season (especially if you’re watching in French lmao). Just... the sweet way they talk to each other, where you can hear their fondness for each other in their voices. The way they tease and roast each other. The petnames. The way they support and protect and take care of each other in and out of battles (specific moments like Ladybug looking after and reassuring Scaredy-cat Chat Noir in Reverser and Chat Noir putting Ladybug’s yo-yo over her mouth for her so she could breathe underwater in Truth make me so insane). The whole concept of “them against the world.” The way that even while loving Ladybug, Chat Noir has no problem telling her when he disagrees with her. The way they will have disagreements/conflicts that are completely in line with their established character traits and weaknesses, but aren’t able to stay mad at each other for more than a minute because of their softness for each other, and always come back from it because above all else they care about and love each other. It’s so unmatched. That’s love bitch
Speaking of how their conflicts are completely in line with their established character traits and weaknesses - the characters are incredibly deep and human and consistently written with motivations and personalities and flaws that all make so much sense! And they’ve developed so much since the start of the show! And the two protagonists mean so much to and resonate with so many people, kids and adults alike. Plenty of people have gone in to the depth of Adrien’s character and why he’s meaningful to people for paragraphs on end so I won’t repeat that, but I rarely see people talking about the beauty of Marinette’s character so I just have to point out like... A female superhero who is not a Strong Flawless Girlboss Who Needs No Man but one who is basically a female Peter Parker? A female superhero who is awkward around her crush and kind of Ridiculous and a hopeless romantic who makes stupid lovestruck faces at pictures of said crush and likes girly things and the color pink and wants to hold her boy’s hand and barely has her shit together and sometimes makes bad choices but is ultimately trying her best to balance her Great Power and Great Responsibility with her civilian life and relationships? Like, I’m not in to comics so sorry if this is inaccurate because I’m only pulling from Spider-Verse, but even Marvel’s attempt at making a girl Spider-Man through Spider-Gwen made her this cool badass with an undercut. I don’t want another Black Widow or Captain Marvel or whatever!!!! I love that ML basically gave us a female Spider-Man who is just as much of a complete disaster as Peter Parker was (talking specifically about Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield versions). I love the way both Peter and Marinette fuck up and make mistakes and bad choices and struggle to balance their two lives and accidentally end up hurting or pushing away the people who are close to them while they’re trying so hard to do what they think is right and protect the people they love with no real guidance. The loneliness of keeping their identities a secret through all that knowing that one slip up could put everyone they love in grave danger. Not to mention Marinette��s very blatant neurodivergent coding that is so clear in everything she does? Seeing her ADHD brain basically become her strength when she’s Ladybug through the bizarre connections she can make with random objects in a split second, just like how someone with ADHD would go on seemingly bizarre and random tangents mid-conversation because their brain latched on to something and quickly made a whole bunch of connections in a short amount of time while the other person was talking? Chef’s fucking kiss baby.
And I love the episodic adventures format!!!! Lots of people do!!!! The rewatch value of every episode is so good!!! Not everything has to be a 10-ep-per-season HBO drama where each 1 hour long episode is solely focused on moving the plot? People who ask for which episodes are important and which ones are “filler” that they can skip when starting ML are so weird. The fun of ML is watching all of Ladybug and Chat Noir’s fun adventures together in every episode? I love watching them just Being Ladybug and Chat Noir while they fight bad guys and have their banter. Episodes can just be Fun!!! Episodes can just exist to BE fun and silly or to explore a specific friendship or relationship rather than being focused on the main villain plot and that’s not a flaw!!!!
tl;dr: ML is a fun and cute show with very relatable, human characters and shows a beautiful, deep, powerful loving relationship between its male and female superhero leads that a lot of similar cartoons and even movies aimed at adults can’t pull off and a lot of people genuinely love this show because of it.
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millieueu · 7 months
🌟 millieueu’s intro! 🌟
(Active only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays)
Haven’t introduced myself sooo here we go!
Hi!! My name’s millieueu (pronounced as “mill-lulu”). I prefer if you just called me “Millie” instead. I’m a 14 year old introvert who suffers with low-self esteem and is an artist who’s trying to improve! <3
I’m female (pronouns : she/her). My birthday is September 12th. I have a non-identical twin sister!
In this blog, you’ll just occasionally see me reblog Danny Phantom and MLAATR stuff :p
I might even post my art here whenever I can! (Art tag : #millieueu )
I do both traditional AND digital art. My favorite kind of art is lineless art. I mainly draw fanart of cartoons I like!
Cartoons & Anime
Family & Friends
Movies/TV Shows/Books
Danny Phantom <3
Tumblr, Youtube & Instagram
Pepperoni Pizza, Twisters from TGI Fridays
Anti Gacha
The Gacha Community (neutral)
Silly drama
My sisters fighting over dumb things
Nickelodeon (They have good cartoons but they suck ass)
Cringe culture
Just so you know that I’m only active on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays due to school (unless if it’s a special day).
I tend to get in a really bad mood and act aggressive when someone tries to start an argument with me, so be cautious and try to treat me decently
I have low-self esteem. I care a little too much abt what other people think of me. Please remember to be nice when giving criticism.
I don’t mind adults interacting with me as long as they don’t say anything inappropriate to me or act weird around me
I block NSFW accounts
Please do not ask to vent on my page. I only allow close friends to do that. I’m not the problem solver for everything
Do not bring up the topic of “blackwashing”, I have no say in it
If you have a suggestion or tips for my drawings to be improved, please feel free to send me a DM.
Basic DNI Criteria (Why do I need to list them anyways? It’s common sense to know who SHOULD and SHOULDN’T interact with me)
Interested in politics
NSFW accounts
Pompous Pep (DannyxVlad) and BillDip (BillxDipper) shippers
Seiusa (SeiyaxUsagi) shippers and Usagi x Demande shippers
Anti Gachas
Z10n1$t$ (I’m pro-palestine, which means I’m in full support of Palestine and I’m against the genocide that has happened to them. If you are a z10n1$t trying to start drama and spread lies here, please get the fuck off my blog or I will block you).
People who support cringe culture
People who know me irl (These people are exceptions though)
People who are part of the floptropica/floptok community (I’m sorry but their jokes make me uncomfortable. They aren’t funny at all neither are they are quirky for doing it. It’s very repetitive. Their “history” is made up nonsense too. If you’re part of that community please stay away from me or I will block you immediately)
DaBoyzz (They are just as bad as the floptropicans)
ClareLaBelleRose (Had an argument with her on my old account (Melonz 🍉), accused Naoko Takeuchi of being a “pedophile”. Falsely assumed that the Sailor Senshis are “white” *they are ASIAN*. Falsely accused Sailor Moon of racism *Toei Animation should be blamed for that, not the entire franchise*. Immature)
Fandoms! :D
Danny Phantom
MLAATR (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Sailor Moon
Invader Zim
Supa Strikas
Kim Possible
ROTTMNT (Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Comfort Characters <3
Danny Fenton/Phantom
Jazz Fenton
Valerie Gray
Sam Manson (Guilty pleasure)
Sheldon Oswald Lee (Guilty pleasure)
Rei Hino
Ami Mizuno
Usagi Tsukino
Chibiusa Tsukino
Anne Boonchuy
Examples of my art! :D
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Fun Facts (Some of them aren’t that “fun” though :/)
I used to be a TodoDeku shipper 💀
I used to love Bakugou Katsuki, not anymore though.
I was a huge fan of DOAWK and used to simp for Rodrick XD
Drawing Danny Fenton is my coping mechanism <3
Strawberries are my favorite fruits
Fictional Crushes :
Rodrick Heffley (I was so down bad for his emo ass, I no longer have a crush on him though).
Katsuki Bakugou (Also another one of my old crushes. I hate him now >:( )
Danny Phantom (My current crush XD)
Social Status :
Green = Active
Orange = Semi-active
Red = Inactive
Tumblr (You’re literally on here rn, XD)
TikTok (Permanently inactive due to my stress of being a multifandom).
(This can change sometimes!!)
For more info, please consider checking out my carrd
Feel free to ask to be moots/friends! ^^
That’s all, thank you for visiting my profile! :3
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💚💔 forrrr either prime defenders or danny phantom >:}
💚- literally the way the fandom as a whole characterize danny. considering the fact that apparently 70% of the ppl in the tag have not actually watched the show (this kills the me. every time i think about it), nobody actually knows What The Main Character Is Like . hes supposed to be an awkward quippy annoying 14 yr old boy. of course hes gonna say and do stupid shit!!! hes not some capable noble hero who always does the right thing and is nice to everyone. hes a kid who has a big heart with a crippling sense of responsibility. head in hands
💔- this might be cheating bc hes only a minor character and existed for exactly one (1) episode but.. fucking Gregor. i haaated double cross my heart that episode sucks so bad. lets just. remove the whole thing. also its really funny i had to google his name because i just kept thinking of grefgore (<< npc from the jrwi vampire campagin who is my angel the light of my life). would the fandom kill me if i said wes weston. hes not even a real guy it wouldnt matter if he was removed.
EDIT I JUST REALIZED THE PROMPT LITERALLY SAYS MAJOR CHARACTER. FUCK. uhhhhhhhh idfk. i guess if i HAD 2 pick. maybe clockwork? as much as i fucking love clockwork he was not utilized enough. he couldve been such a cool mentor character working in tandem with frostbite in season 3 and he just. wasnt. god hes so cool i wish they wouldve done more with him. but also if he didnt exist neither would my favorite ever episode. FUCK this is HARD
💚- NOT ENOUGJ PEOPLE UTILIZE WIWI BEING A PETTY JEALOUS LITTLE BRAT. THIS IS A FUNDAMENTAL PART OF HIS CHARACTER AND I AM SO ANNOYED ANYTIME IT IS SANDED DOWN. honestly? also? any time anyone writes william as being. 100% Automatically Morally Good. if dakota wasnt there his ass wouldve gone full villain arc halfway through season 1.
💔- i????? honestly???? dont know if i would remove anyone??? i genuinely cannot think of someone i wouldnt be super distraught about not having. maybe like. idk. Bacon Man. but bacon man is sweet bc hes a character bizly made up when he was a kid and im weak for including old ocs in current projects bc i think its fun. I CANT EVEN SAY LIKE. PARTY CITY GHOST. BC I LOVE THE PARTY EPISODES.
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stratumgermanitivum · 6 months
I've honestly wanted to tell this story for years, and for some reason I never did, but today seemed as good a day as any. It's very likely no one will care, and this post will sink into the abyss of tumblr. There's even less chance the one who should see it ever will. But it lives inside of me, waiting to be spoken.
About twenty years ago, when I was too young to legally (or emotionally) be on roleplaying message boards, I was on roleplaying message boards. I started out lying about my age on Neopets, and soon moved on to lying about my age on Proboards and the like, infesting fandoms like Sonic and Teen Titans with my particular neurodivergent brand of elementary school social skills.
This particular story took place in the Danny Phantom fandom. I logged on every single day after school to plop my not-even-tweenage butt into as many channels as I could, throwing my super special Mary-Sue into every thread, solving plot points in a single sentence like the awesome story-telling fifth/sixth grader I was. Everyone loved me.
(Narrator: They did not, in fact, love them).
One day I logged on to a message from another user. It's been decades and I no longer remember her name. It may have involved Phoenixes, but that could also have been any number of members I harassed befriended in my youth. For convenience, we will call her P.
P was the leader for one of the threads I had invaded. The other members had reached out to her in desperation. They were sick of my magic Mary-Sue, of my godmoding (I had not yet grasped the concept that roleplaying was not like writing stories, and not all the characters were mine to play with), of my inability to allow a plot to develop because I solved all problems immediately, and especially of my tendency to message them that the online users list had held their name for fifteen minutes now, why had they not yet replied to the RP thread?
P was, as gently and kindly as she could, informing me that I was no longer allowed to participate in the RP thread. The other users had had enough. I made everyone uncomfortable and unhappy, and I was no longer welcome.
I handled this with all the maturity an elementary school child could, by which I of course mean I argued with her furiously.
P said, "I want to tell you a story."
She told me the story of WormmonABC, a younger fan just like me, who had been so excited to find message boards, and who had shared all of my fun habits. For some reason, P's username escapes me, but I have never, ever forgotten WormmonABC.
WormmonABC, P said, had also one day been told she was no longer welcome. WormmonABC had also been devastated, had also fought and begged, and had also been denied. And then WormmonABC had grown up and become P, and she was so grateful to have had her nonsense stopped so she could learn from her mistakes, and one day I would be so grateful too, and she knew I'd be better and find a place in fandom where I was happy and so were the people who knew me.
I handled this exactly as well. I was a friendless neurodivergent child stuck in a horrible homelife, and these message boards were the only place I felt good, and I was terrified of losing them. I told her I would NOT be grateful. I told her she was a bully. I outed my age for the first time ever and told her she had made a child cry, and didn't she feel bad about that? I begged again to be allowed back.
P remained, patient, kind, and unyielding. I was not allowed back. I was wished luck. And then she stopped responding to me.
It's been twenty years, and I still think about P. It's been twenty years, and I wish I could tell her:
Thank you. And you were right. I started improving soon after that (although I did have a brief stint of 'making my own roleplaying board, with blackjack and hookers' first). I no longer made those same mistakes. I grew up. And I am so, so grateful, and I wish I could tell you face to face.
P will never see this. I get a fair bit of interaction on other sites, but tumblr is not my domain. This post will get one or two likes, and then fade into obscurity. But I had to say it. I had to get it out.
So if you were once a little girl called WormmonABC, if twenty years ago you were a member of a Danny Phantom roleplaying message board, and if you had to kindly but firmly tell a young, ungrateful child to fuck off (My username is lost to the depths of trauma-gapped childhood memory, but I may have been going by Kitkat at the time): That child grew up. They remember you. And they are sorry, and grateful, and you changed their life for the better.
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emcscared-whumps · 2 years
WiJ 2022 - 01: (Re)introduce Yourself
WiJ 2022 Navigation Post
Hi, I'm emc, and I write whump of original characters in original settings! I've had this blog since some time in August last year (2021), and in these short few months, I've come a long way in the whump community. Everyone I've met here is wonderful and friendly and I've enjoyed every second of whumpblr and whump discord.
I've had at least a vague awareness about my taste for (fictional) blood since I was a kid around 5 or 6, but I first remember seeking the whumperflies in my teens (I'll get more into that in tomorrow's post :3c), and later still, I discovered Whumpblr posts through Pintrest, and joined a whump discord server a few years later, and then made this blog a year after that ^-^' . Getting into whump is the best thing I've ever done tbh, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
(I can now run off whump derived dopamine instead of trying to be happy!! /j/j/j/j)
Some fun facts are... I'm Australian, I do karate, I'm in the Danny Phantom fandom, I have an interest in cutting gems and other semiprecious stones, I have three cats, I love plants and gardening, and my favourite colour is unironically a deep, cool red. I also draw!
Project Updates!
Since joining the community, I have made tremendous progress on my nearest and dearest project Shifting Phases! Not only do I now have a rough idea of how to get everyone to the end scenes, I've actually started writing it!!! I'm super excited! I want to get it beta read in its entirety before I post it though, so it's a long way off yet. (As a byproduct, this means that I'll never post the fic unfinished lmao)
This story has spawned an AU that somehow manages to be darker. It's still in the ideation phases (brainrot spam to all of my whump friends on discord, rip them), so it'll be a little while before you see much posted about this one :3
My friend I recently made a lot of progress on Satanus Magus! We have basically the whole plot figured out, it just needs to be beefed up with some scenes. I look forward to writing that all out in the word doc void :)
My friend and I actually hope to publish this irl one day, so, That's A Thing!
It's an older idea of mine, it spawned in around 2018... But getting out of school and into this community has really boosted my creativity (bouncing ideas around is a powerful tool). It's like an action movie, but instead of guns and explosions, it's elemental magic and explosions!! It's not an outright whumpy fic, but ofc bc I'm involved, there are definitely a lot of whump themes.
Lastly, I have a new fic idea kicking around in my head involving a vampire and a human. It's still veeeerrryyy early days for it, but I'm already in love with the concept, and I have been sorely lacking in vampire whump for many years. I look forward to working with Malté and Corwin >:3c though I'm sure the same eagerness is not extended back -rubs my evil little handses together-
My Favourite Whump Tropes! Oh man...
Especially when they try and fail to get up again
A whumpee getting tangled and/or ensnared in something they can't get out of
A painful mobility impairment as a result of a traumatic injury
Delirium and panic where they don’t recognise their friend/caretaker, maybe they’re waking up from a nightmare, and they lash out at their friend/caretaker-- most fun with nightmares/night terrors ;DD
I'm recently getting into fucked up mental health shit >:)
Ab00se (but like, not romantic relationships)
Nonhuman whumpees (mer and vampire/demon whumpees are where it's at tbh)
Painful transformation (and the aftermath, especially if the whumpee ends up Different than they were Before)
Bonus points for terrified, horrified, and very uncoordinated bb getting used to their new body and having an awful time
Secret based whump where bad things happen if anyone ever finds out whumpee's secret
An injury jeopardising the secret-- the secret needs to be revealed it to treat the injury
A whumpee going stupidly far to hide a secret, leading to a dramatic collapse and injury/scar reveal :D
A secret reveal gone badly never fails to give me whumperflies <3
I love it when circumstances are what leads to the whump. Not all of my whumpees have whumpers at all times, and where the whump comes from often fluctuates, but a common theme of my works is that the whump is primarily a product of circumstance that enables my characters to be whumped, whether by another person (whumper), or otherwise.
A happy, or at the very least, a bittersweet ending
#These are a few of my favourite things#
Also, Tumblr just fucking ate this draft when I was 99% done, and I was a fool who did not frequently save, and now I'm starting from nothing but a (shit) memory so... I'm not angy, I'm just sad and tired lol, apologies if there're any dumb phrasing/grammatical errors lol I can't even think straight anymore gkjdhfg
(The beta post editor may be easier on my poor eyes, but It has a habit of eating things on occasion...)
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ursaspecter · 1 year
Before I get into it I just want to give a disclaimer: this is not a personal attack on anyone or me trying to gatekeep Danny Phantom. I am simply just airing some frustrations. This is all my opinion based on what I've seen from the current state of the fandom.
Also I'm writing this at 1am.
Now that that's out of the way, I'm really frustrated with the way this fandom acts at times. I've been a fan of this show for around 10 years now and only relatively recently came back to the fandom after being away for a while. It's nothing like what it was when I first got into the show, and I think that comes from the fact that a lot of people in the fandom haven't actually seen the show and have only read fanfics. And that is where I think the problems start to come up.
Now, ok, the show isn't for everyone. It's loud, has flashing colors, and certain parts haven't aged particularly well since its run from 2004-2007, and that's perfectly understandable as to why someone wouldn't be able to watch the show. I'm not faulting anyone for that. I only take issue when someone has a popular headcanon and a majority of the fandom acts like everyone agrees that it's canon and then get all up in arms when someone says they don't like that particular piece of fanon. I know in the grand scheme of things it's not that big of a deal, but it really bothers me whenever I see something like "I love how we all agree that [fanon]" or "so we all know how [fanon]"
Little things like ghost cores, haunts, obsessions are whatever I don't care that much, but when it gets into the territory of replacing fundamental aspects of the source material is where I have a big problem. See, I got back into Danny Phantom because I wanted to explore a darker take on the story that's a little more grounded in reality, but when every other thing is angst or torture or just treating Danny like a punching bag (most of the time written out of character), the idea really started to lose its luster ans made me hesitant to share my ideas.
The biggest issue I have though is with Wes Weston. Gonna be honest: I never liked him. I thought he was unnecessary from the moment I saw him. Then someone (I'm so sorry I forgot who it was) pointed out that Valerie was the perfect character to fill the role of the skeptic that tries to expose Danny, but the fact that the fandom wanted to focus more on an unnamed background character who happens to look like Danny was very telling.
Obviously I'm not saying that if you like using Wes that it automatically means you're racist. There's more nuance than that. I think what Wes does reflect though is just how much of the fandom just rejects the show? How so many people probably didn't even know about Valerie because perhaps she just wasn't in the fanfics they've been reading? Hell, I see more focus put on Dash than Valerie sometimes. Another one-dimensional white boy minor antagonist instead of a complex black girl anti-hero who is probably the best antagonist Danny has in the show AND the best love interest.
Also the overabundance of DC crossovers where Danny gets adopted by Batman are really annoying. I blocked every possible tag that could've gone with the crossover, but still somehow whenever I go through the main tag one sneaks through. Seriously between Frostbite, Clockwork, and now Batman why are y'all so obsessed with giving him a new father figure when you can just give Jack a better personality. Oh right because then you won't be able to write him vivisecting his son if he actually cared about him. Silly me I almost forgot!
Anyway thats why I only follow like 5 dp blogs and like 2 of them dont even post about dp most of the time. And schnuffel-danny my partner in chaos and shitposting. Gonna start a petition for a Danny Phantom reboot on the CW and make it the most edgy cringy shit ever and it'll have blackjack and hookers and Wes Weston is not invited.
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fishoutofcamelot · 3 years
BBC Merlin - in particular, its fandom - really ought to take on the Danny Phantom mindset when it comes to secret-keeping.
For context, Danny Phantom is a show about a boy who gets turned into a ghost, but must hide this from his parents who happen to be ghost hunters by pretending he's still fully alive. Obviously he keeps this a secret from them, for fear of what they would do to him if they ever found out what he was. Secret-keeping hijinks and glossed-over angst ensue.
And trust me, if you think the magic in BBCM is a queer allegory, just wait till you watch Danny Phantom.
Never in the series is Danny's secrecy viewed as a bad thing. In fact, both canon and an overwhelming majority of the 'phandom' are in agreement that even though his parents wound up accepting him in the end, their anti-ghost rhetoric made him feel extremely unsafe - and on that basis alone he was under no obligation to tell them his secret. The narrative isn't framed as Danny being responsible for his parents' views - instead, the responsibility is on his parents alone to abandon their prejudices and become better people.
Thats not to say Danny is free from accountability, of course. While DP is far from perfect, one thing it does rather well is explore the ways families can drift apart, and how maintaining relationships is a team effort. Danny pushes his parents away - and for good reason - but in the process he also pushes away any opportunity for reconciliation, assuming the worst of his parents for his own safety even in the face of their personal growth.
Sound familiar?
Likewise, Merlin is also constantly surrounded by dangerous, harmful rhetoric against himself and people like him. Arthur in particular is often either actively espousing or remaining passive in the face of this rhetoric. Like, I really do love Arthur, but it would be a disservice to his character to pretend he was always entirely in the right. And we could go in circles about whether or not Arthur deserved to know, or what he would/wouldn't have done if he found out Merlin's secret. The bottom line is, Merlin didn't feel safe. Arthur's words and actions directly contributed to Merlin's uncertainty, which in turn fed his fear.
Just like with Danny Phantom, Merlin isn't responsible for Arthur's views and opinions. Arthur is a free-thinking adult who can make his own decisions. And sure, blah blah blah, Arthur only ever encountered evil sorcerers and dark magic, so he never had the chance to challenge his views - but Danny's parents were also consistently exposed to evil ghosts wreaking havoc, yet they found it in themselves to change anyway.
(And to add to the parallels, "Sins of the Father" from BBCM and "Reality Trip" from DP both feature instances where Arthur and Danny's parents respectively grow from their harmful misconceptions and accept that which they used to hate. But then Merlin and Danny take actions to restore the status quo, resetting any growth they may have had - textually because they thought it was for the best, but subtextually I would argue it was because they were still scared of change and exposure and rejection, and the status quo made them feel safe. Was this the right thing to do? Probably not. But their actions are entirely understandable given the circumstances. Idk, i just thought that was an interesting parallel worth mentioning.)
TLDR - Merlin lying to Arthur wasnt a bad thing, BBC Merlin and Danny Phantom are uncannily similar, and both Merlin and Danny deserve lots of hugs
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pitch-pearl-void · 3 years
(The borderlands anon from however long ago)
So, I finished watching the show a couple days ago, because there were a couple things that showed up consistently in fics i that I didn’t understand (blood blossoms, some of the baddies, a handful of fenton inventions, etc)
First off, I still very much prefer pitch pearl to amethyst ocean or whatever the hell it’s called
And also, do you know where pitch pearl as a ship came from? I know there’s the episode with fun and super, but is that all there really was? Or were there more early fandom headcannons that supported them as separate beings?
Hello again! Sorry this took so long, I wasn’t sure how to answer 😅
Canon did a poor job with AO. I would even say it did it dirty, but it's popular enough it doesn't need that kind of support lol. If you really want to give it a fair shake I’d recommend reading fanfiction for it, but I understand everyone’s preferences are different. I personally don’t ship it because shipping best friends is something I have real issues with, but it’s not a bad ship if you want something that’s soft and makes you feel all warm inside.
Onto pitch pearl tho!
Tbh, I’m not entirely sure myself how pitch pearl as a ship started. I don’t believe it was because of the Fun and Super episode, largely because those two are rarely used in the ship. 
I asked someone else, and they thought that moment in What You Want when Phantom was first torn from Fenton as this colorless ghost might have been what started the concept they weren’t one whole person. Because, honestly? This ship goes far, FAR back. A lot of the older fics made Phantom into a voice in Danny’s head or a spirit that could separate from him at will without the need of the Ghost Catcher in order to offer Danny comfort. They had no rules because there weren’t any set way yet. The fact that Phantom could move and think independently from Danny was enough to get people thinking. It wasn't all romantic, most of it was borderline at best. They mostly focused on hurt/comfort and self-love, finding a balance between human and ghost with the occasional kiss thrown in.
Then there’s TUE, where Danny meets his evil future self and learns that his ghost half killed his human half after merging with Plasmius. It definitely gave more credence to the idea there might be more to Danny’s ghost half than simply having ghost powers. It aired before Identity Crisis, so it set the stage with a BOOM and had a much bigger impact on the ship. Phantom being seen as his own person is a bit more credible when he’s willing to kill Danny. It helped that TUE was a VERY popular episode. It drew in a huge crowd, and everyone was curious about what made the ghost half snap like that if he’s supposed to be Danny.
Supporting that idea is that a lot of the older art and fics took a darker view of Phantom in general, seeing him as Danny’s darker half or a ghost out for revenge after being imprisoned for so long. Even the name “pitch pearl” was created with that in mind. I always thought of it as “white hair/black hair” in the same vein as AO taking inspiration from Sam’s purple eyes and Danny’s blue, but when I went searching for the origins for the name, the old explanation set Danny Fenton as white pearl and Phantom as pitch black. The reasoning for that was partly their jumpsuits pre- and post- accident, but also because Fenton is human and “pure” while Phantom is a ghost and dangerous--because without Fenton, Phantom became Dan and destroyed everything.
For obvious and somewhat personal reasons, I don’t subscribe to that. But it does make all the art where Phantom looks evil while holding Danny make sense. I don’t like dark romance, and I’m personally thrilled we moved away from such a dark beginning, but it likely had a hand in the early popularity of pitch pearl.
If I were to guess how else it started when the source has them as one person, I would say it was most likely the fanart? Putting Fenton and Phantom side-by-side has a yin-yang appeal, and when they interact in art, you get the sense that these are two characters, not one. This was really popular when the fandom was much bigger than it is now.
For instance
Tumblr media
Save Our Soul by nycken isn't a shipping piece by any means, but it could very easily give rise to the idea, especially if someone is new to the fandom.
They did not shy away from it being a self-cest ship back then, though. The idea that Phantom wasn't Danny was there, but I don't think anyone looked for evidence in the show to support it. That seems to be something the ship has evolved into rather than something it started from, and it is honestly my favorite way to see it.
I do have many headcanons about how they aren’t the same person in canon if you're interested! There’s the out of sync transformations, the title sequence and how Super and Fun are shown to separate in the Identity Crisis episode, Vlad’s inability to clone Danny, the way Danny talks to himself, just all kinds of things! If you want to hear more about those I'd be happy to answer 😁 (they'd probably be easier too lol)
But yeah, I think it was TUE and fanart. There may have been other factors (I think this was around the time Yu-Gi-Oh and puzzleshipping was popular too) because fandom doesn't exist in a vacuum, but I really couldn't say for sure. It's a ship that means different things for everyone who ships it. I like the psychological questions when they start off as "one" (the bonded peeps version) and enjoy the aus like soooo much, but others like it only for aus, and others like it as a crack ship, and then there are even others who like it as something dangerous. Some people love it for Fun and Super in Identity Crisis because they're just fun caricatures. It's hard to find the origin point when it has so many branches lol
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alifeofred · 2 years
In defense of Phantom Planet
Okay so common discourse I see among the DP fandom is a general hatred for Phantom Planet and I just don't get it.
Do I think it's a great episode, of course. Do I think the first half should have been fleshed out more so that calling it the final episode could have justified. Of-fucking-course.
Be that as it may, it's still a great episode. Sure, I prefer Reign Storm and The Ultimate Enemy because those two were stronger episodes that are beloved by the fandom. But Phantom Planet gets a bad rep. And that's unnecessary.
I'll highlight the reasons why it didn't work before talking about how it did work.
Why it was bad
The first half undid a lot of character development for Danny, Sam, Jazz and Tucker. The team was angry at Danny and said a bunch of stuff, Sam in particular, about what a colossal idiot Danny was. And people did not jive with it.
Danny was being an angry bitch and made a stupid mistake just because Vlad was bruising on his ego.
The asteroid crisis came out of nowhere when we still had a lot of unfinished plotlines that could have been way better as a finale.
The entire first half made Danny seem like a joke and I did not like the continuous underwear reveal gag. That did my boy dirty.
Vlad became a bit too much of a maniac. Which he was, but he was always a calculated maniac before who was always ten steps ahead of Danny in every confrontation. But in PP he was just plain stupid...But considering the movie Don't Look Up, I think Vlad was right on the mark. Still, a stupid plan.
The ramifications of team Phantom snapping at Danny and then not making it up to him was not lost on me.
There's also the fact that I wanted to know what happens after because so much was left up in the air. How would the world treat Danny now? What about the Guys in White? What happens to Vlad? And what does Valerie really think? I mean, he did betray her like Vlad did. I want answers!
And finally, we already knew that Danny didn't want the world to know he was Phantom. And all that time he never once cashed in the Phantom popularity wagon, but was instead terrified of it. He liked his anonymity. And we saw just how much a few episodes prior in Forever Phantom in one of his best dialogues "And I just wanted to be left alone. But if we don't figure a way out of this, I don't think I'll ever be left alone again." With the Phantom banner as a visual aid to how severe the consequences of the world finding out he's phantom would have been. But that wasn't taken into account and I want answers!
Why it was great
In iteration with the last entries. I'll say that yes, Sam and Jazz and Tucker may have been hard on Danny. But that was how it always was. He messed up. And they got angry with him. He then makes up to them by being better. There have been so many examples of that in prior episodes so I wasn't bothered by it that much.
Danny was being a jerk but he always did that before there was a lesson he needed to learn. And he always did. Either on his own, or through the help of his friends and family. So I forgive him his tantrum.
It made sense that Danny gave up his powers and that scene was awesome. I understood his reasonings and they were on par with his character. He'd done so plenty of times before. Just because he was impulsive and headstrong and he wanted the easy way out. We've seen him do that countless times, so this time wasn't new. That was a great scene and I stand by it.
The first half may have been slow, but the second half, from the moment Danny gives up his powers, was great.
The asteroid crisis may not have been the ending we wanted, but the show needed to end on a grand scale, and this was it. And it worked.
I understood Sam's frustration because she never pulled her punches with Danny and this time was no different. Their conversation on her steps was the best dialogue exchange on the show. I loved it.
Danny's motivations were validated as well. Because up to this point he always went the extra mile to protect those close to him. He was always overprotective. So this move that he made, was in direct conjunction with that impulse. I can see him letting go of his powers to protect those he loved. And he drove home that point when he talked to Sam about it.
But point is, I understood Sam's point as well. Danny took the easy way out. And he gave up on fighting for what's right. And he didn't care about any of it. Which is what she hated because he's done that before. But this was permanent. So she snapped. And good for her.
Aside from that conflict, Phantom's comeback. And the events that followed were superb. The plan. The kiss in the snow. The fear of what he had to do. Almost failing. Everyone thinking he's dead. But he comes back. And he saves everyone. That was beautifully done.
That scene when he reveals his powers was so beautiful that I'll forgive any mistakes the episode made. His hesitation. Everyone understanding and being there for him. The standing ovation. It was so... beautiful!
And the kiss! The kiss is worth everything. I loved it. Both of them had gone so long without confessing their feelings that this moment felt earned. And it was shot so perfectly. Both of them were hesitant and shy. But then...nothing else mattered than telling the other that they mean something. More than something, maybe a whole lot of everything. And we got what we had been waiting for for so long, at last.
Plus, the ending shot and their talk and the second kiss. Totally solid ending.
So you can say what you want about Phantom Planet. It was still a solid way to end the show. Sure it had it's flaws, but the level of vitriol it gets is unwarranted and I hope you all realize all the good in that episode.
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bitch-i-migth-be · 2 years
A Sound Like Hope: Chapter 01
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling // Danny Phantom
Relationship: Danny Fenton & Lily Potter
Characters: Lily Evans Potter; Danny Fenton; Harry Potter
Lily had never been one to sit idle.
Time didn’t change this.
Death wouldn’t either.
Posted on: AO3
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, --
Lily had never been one to sit idle.
The mere thought had her skin crawling with restlessness.
It had been like this as long as she could remember and nothing about the war had made it change one bit. If anything it just made it worse.
So when someone said that there was nothing more to do than hide and ask merlin for stenght of whatever nonsense wizards did, she couldn’t find a proper way to express the amount of sheer scorn and slightly murderous urges that invaded her.
And James was great, he had grown into a fine man through the complete bull that was their Hogwarts years, she wouldn’t have married him otherwise, and he was pretty nice to look at, half blind and broom haired as he was. But there had been times, after the damned prophecy had come to mark and serve as an ultimatum, where she couldn’t help but feel frustrated with him.
Because they couldn’t seem to reach an understanding when it came to deal with this absolute nightmare and it was driving them both up the wall. She could tell. But she loved him. And he loved her. And that fact alone seemed to soothe something inside of her. Something erratic and wild. Always ready to pounce at the jugular. But James made it bearable while making her want to strangle him, that gorgeous fool .
God she loved him.
So she decided.
— not settled, never settled —
‘When this is over,’ she thought, ‘we will talk. We will sit down, even if I have to sit him down , and we will talk it out like proper functioning very much married adults.’
Because she would be damned if she let her marriage fall through because they didn’t communicate .
She had already lost a sister because of that.
She wouldn’t lose her husband, the father of her beautiful gorgeous babe because of such a dumb — painful — completely avoidable reason.
Except she had.
She had lost him.
And even if Harry had lived, even if she had managed to accomplish that little miracle,  she might as well have lost her child too for the good she could do for him like this.
Because no matter how much she screeched and begged and tried to tear the world apart to get to him she couldn’t even touch him.
Harry couldn’t even see her.
Because she was dead and he was still so full of life .
And she would thank every deity of every pantheon for keeping him that way even if it hurt him.
And she would curse every single one of their names too for allowing her to stay and be so helpless, so damn powerless in the face of his sadness.
Because she would give him the world if she could.
Because she had given him everything already.
And it still wasn’t enough .
It was her fault.
Somehow. No matter how much she thought circles around it there was always something. Something she could have done. Something she shouldn’t have. The maybes. The what if’s.
Maybe if she hadn’t given up on her sister she wouldn’t treat her own nephew like this. Maybe she wouldn’t have married such an awful man.
If she hadn’t left her behind.
If she had tried to help Sev.
If she had trusted Remus more.
If she had convinced James to make Sirius the keeper. To make someone else the keeper. anyone else-
If she had realized dumbledore was- that he was-
If she had searched harder. Fought harder. Loved harder. Been smarter-
There was always something. It never stopped. And she had years of silence to fill with no company to speak of. Because not even when Harry made it to hogwarts did it change. Because apparently not even the other ghosts could see her.
That had been the one time she had been glad that Harry couldn’t hear her.
Because the sound that had scaped her lips had been gut curling.
It had scared her.
She had been scared for a long time after that.
This time, though, it wasn’t only for Harry.
But then- then she heard it.
Because even if she couldn’t be heard she could still hear them . And boy did they love to talk .
‘Did you hear?’
‘-new blood. Powerful blood.’
‘Right of conquest, he won- ‘
‘There hasn’t been one in millennia.’
‘-different from the last one-?
‘No. Not this one- No. He cares. They said- they said he cares.’
‘When-? Where-?’
‘who are they-? Who is He?’
‘The king-‘
‘It’s Phantom’
“Phantom.” her lips tried the name tentatively even before she fully registered it. A ghost named phantom. Silly. It would have sounded silly. if the name hadn’t sounded like hope . Because-
The living couldn’t.
Ghosts couldn’t either.
But .
A king?
maybe a king-?
A ghost king.
The ghost king.
‘They said he cares’
A strangled gasp left her and even if someone could have heard it they wouldn’t have found the source.
She was already gone.
She had never been one to sit idle after all.
And not even death could change that.
I didn’t check grammar apologies if it hurts ur eyes I’m half sleep and my brain hurts.
Hugs and cuddles to u all I guess
And purrs from kittens or barks from pups if u prefer
Lovely all
-.-.-.- In case any of u is wondering: no. I’m not planning to stop writing any of the other works I have posted, but I am hurting a little bit right now and I scattered myself over a lot of things and I can’t give u guys anything if I don’t have something for myself.
I’m honestly sorry for those of u that hoped that some of these fics would help u through something. I hope you are okay and find something to make u giggly and feel good and gooey soft. We are gonna be okay love ❤️
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, --
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For the happy fic writer ask! 11 & 12 👀
11. Who is your favorite character(s) to write about and why?
My favorite character to write about in Danny Phantom is Paulina Sanchez and my favorite in Encanto is Mirabel Madrigal. For Ben 10 it's Gwen Tennyson. I have 10k word WIPs about each of them respectively.
For Paulina it's because even though we see so little of her she's so interesting to me.
She's egotistical and rude but she also makes a point to stay positive as we've seen in her introduction episode and she can be very sweet when she wants to be, like when she centered her Quince around a meteor shower so everyone could make a wish.
She's also interesting in the way that she falls head over heels for a guy who pays genuine positive attention to her (by pulling her out of mortal peril one of which she doesn’t even remember) all of two times. What must her home life be like?
Also I just think she’s special and adorable
I like writing for Mirabel because I think she deserves the world. I think her role in the family is very interesting especially when you play up specific parts in it.
How her dynamic with the family changes when you focus on the fact that she’s been stuck in the Nursery her whole life when in that family specifically having your own room means being an adult who is capable of making decisions and respected. She is loved but not well thought of displayed even by the minute detail of all the other women in the family having gold earrings and hers are more than likely hand made.
What if you focus on the blame that is put on her when things go wrong. The engagement dinner technically wasn’t her fault but it’s pinned on her. The cracks, Bruno leaving, the weakening Miracle are all verbally pinned on Mirabel, which yes was in a time of high stress and by one person, but Mirabel was five when Bruno left, how often do you think she must have been associated with bad things for that to even leave someone’s mouth? And we know Alma’s behavior influences everyone so who else has been associating Mirabel with bad things unknowingly?
I like writing for Gwen because every series (besides the reboot) gave her all this stuff and just never used it. She’s the responsible one, the example. She’s expected to be at peak performance at all times. She’s expected to teach classes at her own school. Even the people who know she does a lot put stuff on her or expect her to handle stuff. It’s Not Easy Being Gwen really touched on it and I thought, with my idiot brain, that they would adress that, that all these things she has to do would make her falter and start an arc about constantly being at service to other but NOPE. At the end of the episode she’s just always dependable Gwen.
Then in Omniverse she goes to college early, I don’t like a single thing they do with her character after that but that specific thing intrigued me. Of course her parents would want her to go to college early but I think she specifically went to get away from them and Bellwood and and everyone there.
12. What is your favorite theme/subject matter/trope/ship to write about? Why?
I guess my favorite theme is rediscovering and my favorite subject is using forces unknown to the character previosly; death, guilt, body horror and unknown otherwordly forces are my favorite way to explore that theme.
I do like Pink Astronaut (Paulina x Danny) very much as I am a huge fan of dramatic irony but as you can probably tell I don’t put romance in a lot of my stories. I don’t hate romance but I don’t think there’s always a place for it, I think fandom in generel would be much better if it focused less on ships and more on interpersonal relationships. That’s my jam.
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
Anon’s idea about fandom apologists for Chloe, Starscream, etc.: it’s the result of “cognitive dissonance”, holding contradictory thoughts at once. In THEORY, progressive fandoms stick up for abuse/bullying victims and poor people (Marinette, Emma Swan, etc.). But in PRACTICE, they identify with and relate to rich/wealthy abusers/bullies (Chloe, Regina Mills, etc.). So how to “resolve the contradiction” between their ideals and their faves? Argue privileged assholes are “The Real Victims Here.”
It might not even need that many steps. It could just very easily be the fact that they identify with these bully characters alone. "Chloé/Starcream has to be good/get better, because I'm good/I got better!" Like, I get it, some people cope with stuff by projecting onto fiction and sometimes it's a healthy coping strategy and sometimes it makes your mental state worse when you project yourself onto the wrong show. So then you claim that the show told its story wrong, actually, in order to protect your projection.
As a former bully victim, I applaud Miraculous for not going the age-old route of having the bully just be a poor, misunderstood woobie, who just needs to be treated with enough kindness and they'll magically get better (Gravity Falls, a show I actually adore, did this repeatedly). Or the route where the hero has to prove they're brave and noble to the bully to earn their admiration and the right to be treated with basic respect (Digimon Frontier and some versions of Spider-Man). Or even just the route where the bully never changes their ways, the other characters just decide that their circumstances excuse their actions and that this abusive a-hole is their friend because they grew on them like a fungus (Hero Academia). There's even a bunch of 90's-early 2000's revenge fantasy flicks that end with the kid who took revenge on their bullies apologising for daring to stand up for themselves because now they're the bully (even Mean Girls leans into this a bit although it tried to make the point of bullying being a social power dynamic that other people perpetuate in addition to the actual bully).
In fact, just generally, media that has the "loser" protagonist be bullied by the entire school, only for them to secretly be a well-loved superhero implies that, if the protagonist was indeed just a loser and not a secret superhero, they'd actually deserve to get bullied (Danny Phantom is so guilty of this by treating the bullying of "losers" outside of Danny as just funny hijinks, including that of Danny's own best friend). Bullies need to be punished in the narrative, otherwise the writers are excusing them or, even worse, agreeing with them on how socially different people should be treated.
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Like, I can recommend this many options to people who wanna project onto bullies that could give them the validation they crave. Just let us bully victims have one piece of media where the victims aren't made to be responsible for their own bullying by not being kind enough to their bully or admirable enough as people to deserve human decency.
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burninghoneyatdusk · 3 years
fic writer interview
I was tagged by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold, thanks love! ❤️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
23, but soon to be 24 when I publish my next prompt in a few days
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
843,766. I first published in February 2019 so not sure if that’s impressive or just sad. Given the prompts I still have I’ll probably hit a million soon.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I’ve only written for bellarke. Once I finish my prompts, if I can find the time, I’d like to write for Kanej and Jiara.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. All Because of You : Clarke is knocked up by her best friend’s brother. Alternating timelines. In the past, they grow closer as they handle the unplanned pregnancy. In the present, Clarke gets engaged to someone else and they’re forced to face their feelings and the fact they’re more than friends and coparents.
2. Voices in the Water : At the behest of Heda, the Azgeda Princess Clarke is arranged to marry the Trikru King Bellamy to further cement the cold peace between their clans. Unbeknownst to Heda and Trikru, Clarke serves her aunt and queen as the feared assassin Wanheda and her true mission isn’t to marry Bellamy - it’s to kill him.
3. Religion’s in Your Lips : Clarke is secretly an Omega, living as a Beta thanks to suppressants. Her senior year of high school, her best friend’s Alpha older brother finds out her secret, unraveling what she thought she knew and wanted.
4. Homesick (It’s a Bittersweet Feeling) : Clarke and Bellamy are step-siblings who have never gotten along, living in the small town of Arkadia, South Carolina. Forced to work together on a school project, they grow closer. As their walls come down, they realize that maybe there was a reason they always kept each other at arm’s length.
5. The Graduation Pact : Bellamy and Clarke are childhood best friends and neighbors who made a pact at 15 - if neither of them loses their virginity before graduating high school, they’ll lose them to each other. A week before graduation, they’re both surprised to discover that the pact still stands.
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sigh. I used to reply to comments and wish I still did, although tbh I don’t care if writers respond to my comments so I assume it’s not a big deal to other readers too? Honestly it was one of those things that I let them go for too long and then had so many comments to respond to that it was overwhelming so I just didn’t reply to any (classic reaction am I right). If people tell me they’re hurt by my lack of responses then I’d try again but I’ve never heard anything of the sort. I kind of assume that my readers would rather I spend the time I would spend on responding to comments on writing more instead.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I am a firm believer in angst with happy ending stories, especially in fanfic, so honestly I can’t even think of one where I had an angsty or sad ending because it’s not my style. I think all my multi-chapter fics have had solid angst throughout, probably Voices in the Water the most. I also felt pretty emotional writing fall on me (with all your light), which I still consider a happy ending but maybe more bittersweet than my other endings.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers have to have the characters from other universes, right? In that case, I have not. I have written AUs of other universes, like my Danny Phantom AU I feel like a hero (and you are my heroine). But there aren’t any DP (or non-t100) characters in the fic.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not really. I’ve been lucky compared to the trash some friends have received. The only hate comments were early on in All Because of You because they were so pressed Clarke was temporarily in a relationship with Cillian lol. Anyway, here’s your reminder that if you don’t like a fic, all you have to do is close the tab.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I’ll put it this way - only 2 of my 23 fics do not have smut lol. I wrote smut in my first fic, which was probably bad because it was my first, but I’ve always written it as long as I’ve written fic. I guess my reasoning is simply because I like reading fics with smut so I’m going to write the type of fics that I would want to read.
I’m not sure what what kind means. I guess most of it is just…normal smut. The most k!nky I’ve gotten is probably my a/b/o fic Religion’s in Your Lips and Made Your Mark On Me, a Golden Tattoo, which has a bit of daddy k!nk. I think I also inadvertently slip praise k!nk into most of my fics, but we won’t get into that 😅
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
A user on asianfanfics.com was stealing a bunch of bellarke fics and posting them as another ship, and a couple of mine were included in that. We reported it and that account was deleted, but who knows what else is out there 🤷🏼‍♀️
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware of!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! And tbh it doesn’t appeal to me at all. I like to bounce ideas off friends but I’m too much of a control freak to co-write with someone. I did write chapter 15 of @wreck-jroth-club, but I don’t know if that counts since I wrote the chapter alone. That was more a collab than co-writing.
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Bellarke, obviously lol. Bellarke is the reason I discovered fic and the only ship I’ve read fic for and written fic for. But just in general, these are some of my past and current favorite ships: jiara, kanej, helnik, spelivia, jeresa, percabeth deckerstar, shirbert, olicity, tiva
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I hate the idea of not finishing a fic, but I’m toying with the idea of not finishing my DP AU I feel like a hero (and you are my heroine). I only have a chapter published and the thought of continuing to write an unpopular fic (which I absolutely expected bc it’s a niche topic lol) for an already dying fandom is just…not appealing. Not to say that you shouldn’t write just for you, but in this case it’s a matter of me having other things on my plate and wanting to shift my focus to other fandoms and original works.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Going off comments I’ve received, I think I’m best at characterization and writing relationships and stories with emotional nuance. I think I also have a solid handle on dialogue and find it easy to write.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
WORLDBUILDING. Honestly this is largely why I fell into fic - I’ve always loved writing but get stumped at the world building (specifically fantasy), so fic was an easy way to tell a story without worrying about that. I also struggle with more complex, non rom-com plots. Writing Voices in the Water was an exercise in both, but I’ve still got work to do and it’s what I find most daunting and challenging.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Hmm. I’m not sure I’ve read any dialogue that wasn’t the t100 Grounder language in fic, which I think is different from writing in a real language. Honestly, writing in Grounder language bugs me as a reader unless it’s written for a purpose (like both the POV character and reader aren’t supposed to know what was said, or it’s revealed later and important to the story). Anytime I have to scroll down for translations of the Grounders language in the author’s notes, and for no apparent reason, it takes me out of the story. That being said, I think that real languages would be different because of the fact that nobody actually speaks Grounder language lol.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
First and only was t100/bellarke.
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I think Voices in the Water is the one that I’m most proud of.
Tagging: @stealing-jasons-job | @sparklyfairymira | @eyessharpweaponshot | @pawprinterfanfic | @mylifeiskara | @andromedabennet | @nakey-cats-take-bathsss | @icantloseyou-too | @bookwormforalways | @carrieeve | @useyourtelescope | @the-most-beautiful-broom
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