#I know that women have to deal with ageism a lot more then men do
Something something “let the old man run around for a minute and then we’ll get the nice young bloke in” “happy birthday Doctor Who! You’re older than me!” “One last shot before you get too old to do it again” “it’s been fifteen years (attempts to smooth out wrinkles as something like panic flashes across his face)” and will you still want me when I’m nothing new…
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my-mt-heart · 15 days
How do you stay hopeful for Caryl after all these years? I definitely shipped it & while I like the characters it just feels like AMC is too cowardly to make it happen.
As an aside, how do you also deal with all the noise of the fandom? Not just anti-Caryl people but people who grow so protective of the ship that they throw other actors’ stories and work under the bus. The racism I’ve seen directed at Danai & the downplaying of her talent or her chemistry with Andy has soured me to so much of the fandom as a black woman.
Sorry, if it feels like I’m dumping randomly. I’m new(ish) to the fandom & what I’ve seen is almost enough to make me want to run away. I really enjoyed the main show (for a time), loved TOWL & I’m excited to see Carol back and to see how DD continues. Carol really grew on me & scared me a lot along the ways, just like Rick did. I think the two of them experience the greatest changes in the show. It just feels like the excitement is constantly at war with not wanting to interact with what sometimes feels like a hateful fandom across the board.
AMC isn’t the biggest hurdle. Almost all of the EPs on Caryl’s show are white men with the same limited perspective and that was the case on the flagship show for a number of years as well. I trusted the writing for S9 and S10 and I know there’s a real possibility of a pro-Caryl showrunner joining the spinoff, so that’s the hope I’m hanging onto. I can’t embrace the “just friends” narrative because it undermines the writing, the actors’ POV’s, and a large number of fans’ POV’s. It’s not a creative choice, you know? It’s rooted in misogyny and ageism and hate, which doesn’t sit well with me. Either they deliver the payoff that’s long overdue in TBOC or I can’t keep watching. That’s where I’m at unfortunately 😔
I’m sorry your experience in fandom has been so volatile. It isn’t okay for anyone to stoop to racism in order to win an arbitrary competition. That’s the underlying issue with TWD fandom. Andy, Norman, and JDM never have to “earn their place" on the show. They’re all leads, right? But Danai, Melissa, and LC—the women/woc—are constantly being pitted against each other. Why? I can go deeper into this later, but I’ll say now as a general observation that I think fans of these actresses and the characters they play speak from places of pain, albeit very different places, and some of them think they have to tear down, silence, and invalidate others in order to feel seen, heard, and validated themselves. They’re mistaken. I wish more fans could celebrate the women’s individual strengths without ranking them and without trying to justify racism or ageism or misogyny in order to position them as "less than," but more than that, I wish AMC/TWDU would encourage healthy interactions between fans of different talent/characters. They don’t. Michonne’s, Carol’s, and Maggie’s relationships with each other should have been developed and celebrated a lot more on the show. Seeing them root for each other would’ve encouraged their fans to do the same. The social media accounts promoting them as equals would allow their fans to view them that way and treat other fans as their equals as well. Danai, Melissa, and LC should also have more power/opportunities on their shows because more representation for women/woc behind the scenes means more impactful stories for women/woc onscreen that will resonate with more viewers.
You asked how I deal with the noise. It depends on the circumstances. If the official accounts do something problematic, which has been happening a lot lately, I’ll say my piece where they can see it in the hope that it leads to more thoughtful engagement with/thorough research of their audience(s). Otherwise, I have to put up safeguards because, as a human, I get overwhelmed if I’m surrounded by too many things I find hurtful. I don’t bother answering hostile anons because the arguments will just keep going in circles, I’ve changed my settings so that hateful voices can’t spam my comments, and I block fans who try to bully me. Those are just some examples. If you’re new(ish) to fandom and want to test the waters, Tumblr is probably a safer place to start than Twitter. Hopefully you can connect with other fans who respect your POV and vice versa. When the hate gets too loud, it really helps to have fandom friends to talk to about it.
Reach out anytime 😊
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mamathrifty · 10 months
Does Girl Math Make Sense?
As summer rolls toward autumn and back to school is in full swing, I have been thinking a lot about money and spending.
I was reminded of a trend on TikTok when listening to my local news radio station's Noon Business Report. The trend is termed "Girl Math" and refers to how women can justify an expensive purchase.
I looked up the people mostly behind this trend. They are two men, Carl Fletcher, and Vaughan Smith, and one woman, Hayley Sproull. Their #girlmath episode is on TikTok. They are located in New Zealand, which is sporting a current 6% inflation rate. The USA is currently touting its 3.2% inflation rate.
The concept of Girl Math is simultaneously funny and disturbing. The humorousness of the basics is that it is irreverent in the face that some things are just too expensive for most consumers.
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Consumer spending accounts for roughly 70% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Without consumers making purchases at any price level, our economy would devolve into an economic depression from which recovery would likely be impossible.
The term Girl Math is somewhat deprecating to women overall. The term brought to my mind the time when my male high school geometry teacher answered one of my queries with the statement, "Girls have trouble with geometry because they aren't logical." Granted, he would most likely have been reprimanded today, but it was the seventies. I was devastated despite the fact that the class was an Honors class and I had skipped a year of math instruction because I am an intelligent girl.
Women are still earning about 82% of what men earn. This is an overall gain from when I entered the workforce in the early eighties. However, it's mostly unchanged within the last 20 years. Discrimination still exists based on gender and perceived gender roles. Ageism affects women earlier than it does their male counterparts. Although, women may fare better as they become more senior than men.
There was a line from the movie, The Wolf of Wall Street when the character Donnie Azoff states, "I bought this tie for $300. You could have paid $800 for it at Barney’s, but I got a deal from this guy I know. He’s got a whole basement full of them. He’s got ties, he’s got suits, he’s got shoes, he’s got watches. He’s got everything."
Is that "Boy Math?" It's been said that a man will pay whatever the price is listed on something because he wants it. Women will buy two things they don't need but may want because they were on sale. I'm thinking it's because women are typically better at budgeting.
The basic tenets of "Girl Math" entail looking at money and purchases in a manner that can make a lot of sense. The one that makes the most sense is the number of times an item will be used or worn. The more you use things, the cheaper it becomes because you don't need to buy another thing or replace it. Quality is a great expenditure!
I find the concept of having paid for something, such as a concert, ahead of the event makes it essentially free to be blatantly untrue by any math. I still needed to come up with the money to pay for it. That doesn't qualify as free to me. I'm just not paying for it now, but I did pay for it previously.
Likewise, paying cash or from funds already in your Venmo account is equally not free. Plus, the only way you make money when taking advantage of a half-price sale is by putting the money saved into an investment account.
Purchases made with a gift card you received from someone else are 100% free to you. Be sure to thank the giver!
When you make a return or an exchange, you merely reallocate those funds to something else. You are never earning money on that item.
If an item costs less than $5, it is not basically free. I sure do understand that it can feel that way, though! Many things are low-expense items that may become a daily expenditure. You can think about a coffee or breakfast sandwich picked up on the way to work. This expense really adds up over time, though.
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On the other hand, how many services are sold to us by corporations breaking down that expense into a cost per day, week, or month? Corporate marketing efforts have been focused on telling us just how affordable something is daily or monthly. It is really worth doing the math on these to determine the annual cost and whether this item provides enough value for us to add it to the budget.
Of course, our dinner tonight is basically free. We're going over to my sister's for pizza. She has a coupon for a free pizza. She'll be adding some toppings to it. We're bringing salad, which I bought for $4 a kit. I made up one bag. Since it's under $5, it's essentially free. I'm also bringing a bag of cookies. The bag of 18 cookies was $4.99; each cookie is $0.28. We will each have one, maybe two. That will make that cost range from $0.84 to $1.68, again free. So, a free dinner courtesy of #girlmath!
What do you think of Girl Math?
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akajustmerry · 3 years
Hello Merry, i hope you’re healthy and safe rn 😊 i was just wondering about your thoughts on the wandavision age gap? it’s not going to keep me from watching the show, and i am in no way trying to give or start shit about it, i just really respect your opinions, especially when it comes to cinema and it’s impact on the world around us. so i was curious if you had any thoughts on it. if not, no worries, i hope you have a great rest of your week 🧡
hi! thank you so much! 
I don’t love it and never have. especially because of how infantilised Wanda has been throughout in the MCU as a “kid” despite being a grown woman in her mid to late 20s AND AT THE SAME TIME she is significantly younger than Bettany so they make her seem more “mature” in scenes with Vision. It’s a CLASSIC combo of ageism/sexism that so many women in hollywoo gotta deal with. it’s also just annoying because apart from Wanda and Vis the MCU generally is pretty good with age gaps 
An argument COULD be made that the age gap is strangely suited to WandaVision’s MO, considering how many old sitcoms did have m/f pairings with HUGE age gaps, BUT there’s a reason sitcoms stopped doing that shit (mostly) asbdajbdh. I still spend a LOT of time fantasising about a Wanda and Vision who are the same age (at least visually). 
I mean it's not like it would have been IMPOSSIBLE for Marvel to find a British actor in their late-20s/early-30s to play Vision. they plucked tom hiddleston, Dominic Cooper, etc from obscurity, after all. 
I think they were just really married to the idea that Bettany had to be Vision because he was JARVIS and that’s a helpful continuity for viewers who are not accustomed to all the metamorphosis that goes on in Marvel, but i personally thought it was a feeble excuse, especially in the knowledge they were going to eventually make Wanda and Vis canon. 
As everyone who follows me (including yourself) knows I am not a fan of age gaps in media. i do believe there are OCCASIONAL ways they can be written and be less misogynistic/ageist/creepy, but as soon as one party is infantilised, it's a hard no from me, mate. 
Age gaps in media, specifically the way they are portrayed impact the industry by depriving age-appropriate actors from work (mostly women) by feeding into ageism and (mostly) the misogynistic idea that women are only ever allowed to be young and beautiful while men can be anything at any age. It also normalises potentially abusive relationships with unhealthy power imbalances, making it harder for ppl to recognise when they themselves are in such a relationship. 
mostly, i prefer to reblog fanart of Wanda and Vis as a couple because I’ve loved them so much since I first encountered them in the comics. but i think there’s always room to critique, alongside entertainment too. we can acknowledge that Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen do a decent job considering the underdeveloped nonsense their characters put up with, AND acknowledge that the age gap part of a wider toxic culture. 
A similar discussion is one i’ve been having about Malcolm and Marie (2021). we can acknowledge Zendaya and JDW do great work in the film AND discuss how women in their 30s are being aged out of roles, AND that sam levinson is a fucking creep. A lot of watching media these days is learning to hold two facts, not in a contradictory way, but in a critical way that acknowledges multiple things are accurate and don’t cancel each other out so we can learn from them and be better creators and consumers ourselves. 
sorry this was long, i have a lot of feelings about it. I enjoy WandaVision as a piece of speculative meta-scifi but the character work is too Marvely adsnaksdj
all the best to you! thanks for letting me ramble x
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saywhatjessie · 4 years
TRC Exchange
This is my gift for @richardcampbells who requested so primo Gansey content! 3.7k [Ao3]
Gansey did not remember being this twitchy in high school.
It was difficult to remember ‘high school’ as this thing that had happened to him only a short year ago and not something in his distant past. He’d experienced so many things in the years of high school and also in the gap year since, it was hard to hold the memory of Aglionby as something associated with himself. He had felt quite different then.
Quite less twitchy.
Blue would probably take offense to the word twitchy. He didn’t think it was a slur of any kind, but it still felt like a word she would not-so-gently correct. Fidgety, she might say. Hyper.
Not that he was hyper, he just couldn’t seem to stop picking at the corner of his folder. Or playing with the zipper tag on his schoolbag. He had to admit, he did feel rather high-strung.
To be so far away from her – Blue – when they’d so recently been so close. Closer than close. It was mildly unbearable.
And not only her, but Henry who had been with them on their gap year road trip around the world. Adam, who was following his own academic pursuits but had been a real grounding presence in his Aglionby days. Ronan, who he missed like a limb and who’d worried him while he’d been away and potentially worried him more now that he was close but still extremely far.
Georgetown was not so far. Ronan came to the area every week for mass with his brothers.
It was enough distance for Gansey to feel it in the marrow of his bones.
He tapped his pen distractedly against his laptop, waiting for class to start and contemplating if he should send Ronan another text. Just to make sure he was coping. He couldn’t remember ever tapping his pen at Aglionby.
“Okay, class, welcome to BBH 251, colloquially known as ‘Straight Talks.’”
Gansey sat up straighter, taking a firmer grip on his pen to sublimate the urge to fidget.
“You can all put your laptops away, this isn’t that type of class.”
Gansey startled, blinking for a good few seconds before shutting his laptop and sliding it back into his bag. He wasn’t sure what kind of class didn’t require taking notes. His pulse jumped a bit in his neck, some predecessor to an inappropriate sense of dread.
“This class is about exploring intersectional identity, putting focus on privilege and invisible identities.”
And now the dread made more sense. Gansey was always far too aware of his privilege.
It would be absolutely heinous to have to get up in the front of this room and list out all the ways society valued him more than them. Looking around the room there were women, there were people of color. Students with pride flags on their bags and their hair dyed outrageous colors. There were students who looked like Adam had when he’d first come to Aglionby: hollow cheeked and broken down in a way that could only be reached by withstanding poverty. How was he supposed to come out to this class as a straight, white, wealthy son of a Republican career politician?
“The class is called straight talks because what we learn in this class, we carry over into other classes. We reach out to other classes and introduce ourselves with our full intersectional identities.”
The horrors continued abound. Gansey would have to do this around the entire university.
“I’ll start.”
Their instructor introduced herself as a white, cis woman. She was a lesbian athlete in her mid-fifties. She talked about the difficulties of being a lesbian athlete, how she suffered ageism in the gay community, and the stereotypes that come with it.
Braver souls than Gansey came forward and asked what cis meant. The teacher calmly explained that it simply meant “not trans”. Gansey hadn’t known there was a word for that. He hadn’t thought about the need for one. And that made him feel worse than anything. Because anything that wasn’t “other” was “normal”. What a terribly privileged thing he was.
“And now, to present more examples from your peers, I’ve asked some of my students from last semester to show you what a straight talk might look like. Ryann, do you want to start?”
Ryann didn’t look particularly bothered either way, but started on what was obviously a well rehearsed speech.
He was genderfluid, which meant he changed his pronouns regularly, but he told them all that at this moment he was a he so please refer to him as such. He was of Māori descent. He talked about what it was like to be underrepresented and constantly likened to Taika Waititi just because he was the only Māori person anyone ever heard of, if they’d heard of it at all. He suffered from EDS, which meant he had what was usually referred to as an invisible disability. In other words: people assumed he was abled when they looked at him since he didn’t need a wheelchair. At least not yet.
This wasn’t at all about Gansey, but he still found himself sinking slightly in his seat, the shame he felt by the simple fact that he had none of these additional social obstacles to deal with making him feel absolutely wretched and helpless.
The next speaker helped some. She was white and cis and able-bodied. But she spoke of growing up in poverty in the American south, constantly living in fear because she was bisexual and a woman. She discussed how she’d known more girls who’d experienced sexual violence than she could fit on two hands.
Gansey felt a little like crying. Actually, a lot like crying. But he was a Gansey and he would never show such unmeasured behaviour in company. And this was not about him. He would not make it about him.
The last person was agender. They were mixed race: what races, they weren’t even sure because they were adopted. They grew up in a wealthy family but lived in a community where they didn’t feel deserving of that station. Feeling undeserving was something, at least, Gansey understood.
They were also demisexual.
“So, demisexuality is on the spectrum of asexuality,” the person – Storm – explained, in a practiced-sounding way, but not like Gansey thought they were tired of explaining: they still sounded as if they cared deeply about this label. “Everyone’s heard of the Kinsey scale?” Most everyone nodded, Gansey maybe too enthusiastically. He’d read a lot of history when he’d realized Adam was bisexual. “Asexuality has that same kind of scale, ranging from sex-repulsed asexual to sex-positive gray-asexual. Asexuality is differentiated by the lack of feeling of sexual attraction. sex-repulsed asexuals don’t feel sexual attraction and don’t want sex in any way. People can still be asexual but have sex anyway for stress relief or for their partner: they don’t feel the attraction but don’t mind the act itself. Gray-asexual people can feel sexual attraction but only sometimes. It’s all very relative and, obviously, I don’t speak for everyone blah blah blah. Following?”
There were grumbles of assent from the assembled class and Gansey nodded distractedly.
What Storm (and that was another thing: Ronan would absolutely love the names nonbinary people chose for themselves when Gansey told him) what Storm was talking about with gray-asexuality sounded just like normal people. Not everyone experiences sexual attraction ALL the time. Then wouldn’t everyone want to have sex with everyone else all the time? That sounded extremely distracting, who would have the time?
And not everyone was in the mood all the time either. He was working to be really open-minded, but this didn’t sound real. 
“Demisexuality,” Storm continued, “Is on that spectrum. The important qualifier is that demisexual people can feel sexual attraction but only if they establish an emotional bond with someone first.”
And just like that, something in Gansey’s head snapped.
He shot his hand up.
Their professor waved him off. “We’re not doing questions right now,”
“That’s okay.” Storm said, smiling at him. Something in their eyes glinted in what Gansey thought might be recognition, even though they’d never met. “What’s up?” They asked, nodding at Gansey.
Gansey had no idea what was up. He hadn’t raised his hand with any kind of plan.
“Hello. My name is Gansey,” he introduced himself, because his mother always said that was a good jumping off point. “Demi is from the Latin word dimidius meaning partially or half.”
That probably wasn’t the right direction to start with, judging by the muttering and eye rolling from his classmates. Gansey felt his neck heat up but Storm looked amused.
“Are you calling me half-sexual?”
“No,” Gansey shook his head, trying to come off better. “I guess I just wondered how the leap was made from demi meaning half to demi meaning… what you said.”
“Mr. Gansey–” the teacher started again, looking a little put-out. Gansey guessed he’d probably said something wrong. Something offensive. Something condescending. He was good at that.
But Storm waved her off again. “I don’t know, man, I didn’t invent the word. I just learned it, same as you’re learning it now.” Their eyes flashed again on the words ‘same as you’. “I learned the word and I remembered every teacher I’d had a crush on growing up after they’d established a connection with me. I remembered the weird sex dreams I’d had about literally every one of my friends. I remembered how any time someone talked about having sex with a stranger I thought they were kidding because how could you feel that way about someone you didn’t know?”
Gansey’s hand gripped the seat of his chair, each statement from Storm triggering his own memories. How he’d never had a crush on a girl – a serious, Want To Do Anything About It crush – until Blue. How confused he’d been when Adam said he had more experience with girls, because he hadn’t, really. How Helen’s advances on poor unsuspecting men felt false, because how could she want to sleep with all of them? She’d just met them.
And he remembered the weird sex dreams he’d had about Adam and Ronan, even though he was straight.
At least… he’d thought he was straight?
Storm smiled at him in a soft, almost pitying way. “Any other questions?”
Gansey shook his head. “No, thank you. Please continue.”
It seemed this class may teach him more than he’d counted on.
His first order of business was to call Blue.
Both because he needed to speak with her about this new word he’d just learned and also because he had a scheduled call with her and also because he missed her fiercely.
“Have you heard this word ‘demisexuality’?” Gansey asked by way of hello.
He could almost hear Blue blink in surprise. “No. Where have you heard the word demisexuality?”
“I’m taking this Bio-Behavioral Health class. It’s usually reserved for at the very earliest second semester students but I spoke to my advisor about my apprehension regarding achieving the required credits for gen eds and she suggested combining requirements through some classes that might cover both. This class counts for gym and science.”
“So you’re not taking a gym class?” Blue hummed, mournfully. “No pictures of sunkissed Gansey rowing in the early morning?”
Gansey’s ears heated up and he cleared his throat. “Any photos you’d like I’ll take for you, Jane.”
Blue hummed again, self-satisfied.
Gansey cleared his throat again. “So this class explores identity and marginalization–”
Blue cut him off with a barked laugh. “Oh, man, I would love to watch this class react to you .”
“Yes, Jane, it was not very comfortable for me, aware as I am of my privilege.” He tried not to sound petulant but he was and it did. “But there was a student named Storm who introduced me to this new word. Demisexuality, I mean.”
“Okay,” Blue said. There was rustling on the other side and Gansey pictured her getting comfortable, sitting in the chair next to the table in the phone/sewing/cat room. She had her own cell phone by now – a fight that spanned weeks and several countries of their road trip – but she refused to use it to speak to Gansey himself, only saving it for calling her mother while she was away or to speak to Adam on the phone his own boyfriend had bullied him into accepting. He assumed she’d cave and use it to speak to him when she was away at school herself (her semester didn’t start until October) but for now they were relying on old habits. “So tell me about demisexuality.”
He began to talk through it with her, repeating some of what Storm said and drawing new conclusions and going so far as to pull a webpage on the subject up on his phone as he spoke, switching between reading off of it and putting the phone to his ear to hear her reply. He knew she could have looked this up herself, but he appreciated she was letting him tell her about it. Teaching her was the easiest way for him to learn himself.
She cut to it pretty quick. “Is that what you think you are?”
Gansey blinked, expecting the question, he supposed, but not expecting how it would make him feel.
“I thought I was straight,” he answered. Because it was true. Even if it was becoming less true by the moment. 
There was a rustling that Gansey recognized as a shrug. “Everyone thinks they’re straight until they don’t.”
Gansey blinked again.
“Thank you, Jane.”
Blue hummed. “I’m gonna let you sit with this. Call me back with any updates?”
Gansey hummed back. They hung up.
Gansey appreciated she wanted to let him sit with this – it was a kindness and potentially a necessity. He didn’t know how to do this, he’d never had a sexual identity crisis before.
So he called Ronan.
Who didn’t answer, of course, so he was forced to sit with his sexual identity crisis.
  He sat with it for two hours until Ronan sent him a text. “Dick.”
Gansey called him.
Ronan answered. “Jesus Mary, Gansey, what ?”
“I think I had a crush on you when we first met.”
Ronan choked and immediately hung up.
Gansey swore, growling, before hitting redial.
“Gansey, I swear to Christ,” Ronan pleaded.
“Shut up!” Gansey swore. “Please shut up. I am so stressed out right now, Ronan.”
Ronan, for his part, shut up. It was an angry and embarrassed silence, but considering what Gansey had just confronted him with that was understandable.
“I learned something in one of my classes today and Jane thinks it might apply to me.” Blue had said no such thing, but something told Gansey that Ronan would take information like this more seriously if it came from sensible Blue. “There is apparently a sexual orientation previously unbeknownst to me that describes feelings of attraction only when there’s an established emotional connection.”
Ronan was silent for a few breaths before he said “Okay?”
“So we were very close when he first met and I felt an immediate connection to you and I didn’t know how to process that outside of friendship because I’d never felt it before but now with this new term sort of recontualizing things, I think it may have been a crush.”
Ronan made a sort of squawk in his throat, reacting similarly to the first time Gansey had said the word “crush” but, thankfully, not hanging up the phone.
“Gansey… I don’t know what you want me to do with this.”
Gansey opened his mouth then shut it again. He wasn’t sure what he wanted from Ronan either. He didn’t know how to ask “Do you think I had a crush?” or “Do you think I’m not straight?” or “How do I restructure myself, how do I think of myself, if I’m not straight like I always thought?”
But that was an emotional burden he had no business troubling Ronan with. Gansey’s feelings weren’t Ronan’s responsibility. He had other things going on.
“Nothing,” he answered, quickly, attempting to brush off the entire conversation. “Just a thought to mull over. I thought I’d share. But, you’re right, you have other things to do–”
Ronan sighed so loud and dramatically, he cut off Gansey’s prepared polite change of topic right in its tracks.
“Gansey, it’s okay if you’re not straight. It would be fucking cool, actually. That means none of us are straight. High five for a perfect queer score or whatever the shit.”
Gansey’s mouth twitched.
“And if you had a crush on me that’s cool too.” He cleared his throat, his next statement coming out as a growl to cover embarrassment. “I had a crush on you in the beginning, too. So it’s whatever.”
Gansey grinned. “Oh, you did?”
“We are never bringing this up again,” Ronan told him firmly. “But yeah, man, you’re like the portrait of well tended youth. But you drove a fast and shitty car and smiled like a dork. I was sixteen, what do you want?”
Gansey’s grin softened. “Well, now I feel indecorous. You’ve had time to think about this. I have nothing prepared to tell you why you were crushworthy.”
“I don’t want to hear it!” Ronan said, quickly. “Tell me about the crush you had on Parrish, instead.”
Gansey sat up straight, very much feeling like he’d received a rowing oar to the face. “Did I have a crush on Parrish?”
Ronan snorted, cruel yet fond. “Of fucking course you had a crush on Parrish. Everyone with eyes and a brain has had a crush on Parrish.”
Gansey frowned but remembered again the inappropriate sex dreams. Then he blushed. Then he conceded. “I suppose you make valid points.”
Ronan laughed. “Did you get butterflies the first time he helped you fix the Pig?”
Gansey hummed, getting a little lost in the memory, before jerking back. “Oh. Have I been a little stupid about this?”
Ronan snorted again, the sound 100% joy this time. “Yeah, man. But that’s okay. No one can know everything.”
When Gansey was slated to present his own “straight talk” to the class weeks later, he was prepared. Not ready. Not comfortable. But prepared.
“Hello,” Gansey started, his politician’s-son smile on. “My name is Richard Campbell Gansey III, but I go by Gansey. The legacy in my family, so aptly captured by my name, has never been something I was comfortable with.”
Gansey watched a few faces around the room nod. Expressing that they saw him, they understood what he was saying, and they accepted it.
It gave him the strength to continue. He smiled a bit more easily this time.
“It feels overly boastful to list the ways for which I have privilege in this world – it was something I was never brought up to put a name to for fear of coming off ungracious or pompous. But putting a name to something is the first step to breaking down the social structures that put people like me so far ahead simply by the state in which I was born. So just because it makes me uncomfortable, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t say it. I only ask that as I go down my list, you all don’t hate me too much.”
That got a few laughs. Gansey sighed a bit in relief before steeling himself.
“I’m white. White Anglo Saxon Protestant, which is rather ironic as I’m deathly allergic to wasps.” Another laugh. Gansey took another breath. “I come from a wealthy family: what some call old Virginia money. I’ve never wanted for anything. I am cis, I am male, I am able-bodied – save my poor eyesight and previously mentioned bee and wasp allergy. Access to care for eyes and allergy has never been a problem, though, because of the aforementioned wealth. I’ve been able to go through my life relatively normally because of the wealth and despite what otherwise might be debilitating conditions.”
The bee allergy had killed him, once, but Gansey wasn’t sure if it was appropriate to get into that in this setting.
“I have a girlfriend, so I am straight passing,” Gansey continued, swallowing. “And, until very recently, I thought I was straight.”
He lifted his eyes to the class, hoping some of them were remembering his questions to Storm on the first day. Storm themself wasn’t there but Gansey pictured them in his mind as he continued.
“Learning about demisexuality has opened some things up for me,” he confessed. “I spoke to my girlfriend and to some friends from high school who are queer themselves and who I only recently realized I had had crushes on. They all think it’s extremely funny, telling me I was terrible at hiding it. And they’re all very excited to realize this gives us a perfect record of queerness in the friend group.”
More laughs. Students’ faces were very open and friendly. Some were still a bit disdainful – there would be some fights he couldn’t win, some people he would never be able to win over because they had suffered too much by people just like him – but there were people in this class who didn’t visibly hate him. Gansey grinned fully.
“I expect this discovery of identity will continue: probably until I die.” (Again) “And it was challenging to have to restructure my self-perception, but a bit thrilling, too. I thank you all for sharing so much of yourselves with me. I hope I can go forward in this life and take advantage of my outrageous privilege to do right by you.”
He glanced over at the professor, who looked rather stoic, but nodded once, eyes shining in something that looked a little like surprise and a little more like pride.
Gansey looked back to the class and nodded. “Thank you.”
He hoped he could answer questions – from the class and from himself – whenever they came.
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lajulie24 · 6 years
So we know Han as won sexiest man in the galaxy but has Leia ever won sexiest woman in the galaxy? Has Han won more or less than her? Is it an inside joke? I need details!
Ha! Okay, well, strap in, because this answer might not be quite what you were expecting, and your question caused a plot bunny explosion in my brain, so….apologies for this long convoluted mess in advance.
Here’s the thing. Have the holos wanted to name Leia Organa sexiest woman in the galaxy? Oh, hell yes. So many times. And when it comes to Holonet polls, that sort of thing, she comes up a lot (like, really a lot, especially considering that she’s a politician and not a holo actress or a singer or something).
Han accepting Sexiest Man in the Galaxy is one thing–it feels hilarious, but relatively harmless. Leia accepting Sexiest Woman/Femme Being in the Galaxy feels…fraught. Because in a lot of systems, there’s still a lot of species-ism, ageism, and heteropatriarchy to be fought, and Leia herself has experienced some of its worst effects (hello, Jabba’s palace), as well as the day-to-day slog of being taken seriously as a female being and leader.
So Leia’s closest associates are a little surprised when she actually says “yes” to the “honor” from one of the big holomagazines. (Beings, it’s called.)
Han is not surprised, because he knows his wife is, in addition to being his pick for sexiest woman in the galaxy, a kriffing genius (and has recruited a staff of kriffing geniuses as well).
You see, the Sexiest Woman in the Galaxy honor comes with a required interview that is run across the holonet. And as a condition of accepting the honor, Leia’s PR and legal team make a few stipulations that seem like no big deal but will become important later.
The interview begins, and it immediately goes off the rails as far as the interviewer is concerned. Leia is extraordinarily gracious, diplomatic, and polite, but she answers all the softball questions about her makeup routine and her fashion sense with things like “Youth and beauty are not accomplishments” and basically says point blank that designations like Sexiest Woman in the Galaxy are bullshit distinctions that hurt women and other femme beings. At one point, they ask about “what other men besides General Solo do you find most attractive” and she answers by asking why they assume she’s heterosexual.
Somehow, Leia manages to completely hijack an interview that’s supposed to be about favorite lipsticks and how she keeps her skin so beautiful and uses it to talk about ending sex slavery, fighting for refugee rights, the problem of oversexualization of certain galactic species, water rights in the Outer Rim, the feminization of caregiving roles, “why do you assume that all women wish to procreate”, the role of women and other femme beings in the Rebellion, and pretty much anything BUT being sexy (except for the aforementioned assertion that honoring women for being “sexy” is bullshit and hurts women and girls across the galaxy who are more than their tits and their lustrous hair, thank you very much). The poor interviewer is left with a sort of deer-in-headlights look by the end of the interview, and the editor of Beings holomagazine is livid.
But, thanks to those seemingly innocuous stipulations by Leia’s team, they have to run the interview. In its entirety. It becomes something of a Holonet sensation, and let’s just say there’s a nice little party in the Organa-Solo household the night it airs. And it leads to some nice increases in donations for the refugee and slavery abolition efforts Leia mentions, as well as a fair amount of discussion about a variety of issues raised in the interview.
No holomagazine ever invites Leia Organa to be their Sexiest Woman in the Galaxy again after that.
However, she is actually rather sought after for other interviews, especially from some magazines geared toward girls. And there is another honor she is glad to accept–with some stipulations, of course. A smaller, independent holomagazine geared toward younger women/femme beings (kind of similar to BUST in our galaxy) wants to name a Badass Woman of the Galaxy. Leia agrees to be named, but only if she can share the spotlight with a number of other badasses, like Jedi Master Ahsoka Tano (aka Fulcrum), General Hera Syndulla, heroines of the Battle of Naboo Shara Bey and Sosha Soruna, leader of New Alderaan and refugee advocate Evaan Verlaine, and several others. They agree, and Leia gives an exclusive interview in which she (surprise!) dishes about some of her favorite beauty tips, gives her thoughts on fashion, and talks about several other “girly” things, in addition to talking about some of these other topics. Because to Leia, it’s about being able to choose your path, and about everyone being able to choose their path. And all those paths, as long as they’re not oppressive to you or others, are valid ones.
(By the way, Leia teases Han about his Sexiest Man in the Galaxy designation all the time. And she finds it delightful that Lando was named that first, and that he teases Han about being the second sexiest man in the galaxy.)
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alanaknobel99 · 3 years
Knock, Knock, The Revolutions Coming
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1. Respond to these quotes by Greta Thunberg; choose at least 3 of them to discuss and provide context for their appearance in the film. (1-2paragraphs)
"Why would I need an education if there is no future?"
This quote was right at the beginning of the film when the camera followed her on the school strike in front of the parliament building. A woman came up to her and said that she should be in school, and Greta responded with this quote. I mean, anyone can argue anything in the world, but I find it hard to argue with this. Why would we need an education if there is no future? What is the point? Why would I prepare for a life I will not be able to live because the climate is going to destroy everything I hope for? 
"Once the climate crisis has gotten your attention, then you can't look away."
This is that movie moment when the villain tells you something, and then you can’t unsee it. The climate crisis is everywhere around us, and once we notice it is hard to ignore. I am completely aware of how much waste I produce, and am constantly trying to reduce it. I am aware of everything around me, and doing my best on an individual level to be part of the solution. Just like in the movies, it’s hard to ignore the big red button that has the potential to destroy the world. 
"The eyes of all future generations are on you. Change is coming whether you like it or not."
Greta has so many stand alone, booming quotes. She says what she feels and isn’t afraid of the consequences. Any time I watch the news, all I think is “god I wish I could just scream at those people and say ‘look how stupid you look.’ Greta does that, in a more effective way, but she says what these politicians need to hear. Whether they decide to listen or not. This is a crisis that has never been dealt with before, we don’t have a road map. However, if these people in power, who have the choice to spark action and fix the problem don’t do that, everyone will be watching. Never underestimate the power of the public, change will happen whether the people on the top like it or not. 
2. Does the "I Am Greta" documentary provide a portrait of the teenage activist that evokes humanizing empathy? Provide some specific, detailed examples.
I think this documentary absolutely provides a portrait of Greta that evokes empathy. The entire state of this world is falling upon the shoulders of a 17 year old girl. Not just a state, or a country, or a continent, the world. There are a lot of issues with how the media portrays her, and how the public views Greta as this young girl who was somehow chosen to be the star of the show. Whereas this documentary gives light that she is the one choosing to do this because no one else is. When she was on the boat talking into her phone saying how she doesn’t know if she can continue because it’s a lot of responsibility; I was crying because I just wanted to hug her. There is an immense sense of responsibility she feels, and no one is listening. The film shows her going to the conferences, and big climate initiatives, meetings with world leaders and thats all we see because no real change has been done by these people she’s met with. That’s not on her. This film allows us to see to cement wall she is pushing up against, and all we want to do is push with her. 
 3. What did the film reveal to you that was new information about Greta, her family, her upbringing, and the role her parents play in supporting her? (a thoughtful paragraph)
I have never seen any photos of her parents, until viewing this film. Truthfully I forgot they existed. There was one point in the film where Greta was reading a nasty article about herself, and it said that her parents were exploiting her. I think that is the complete opposite, and not true. Her parents are doing nothing but supporting, and doing their best to protect their child. Given that is what the film made it look like. It’s quite amazing the support her parents have given her in that they have also completely changed their lifestyle. They drive an electric car, they eat consciously, they strike with her. They very clearly do this together. 
Also, I was very curious about how much money she makes from all of this. I was surprised but not shocked that she doesn’t except money from her activism. Her net worth is guessed somewhere around 1 million but no one really knows. All money she would have received from this film, or anyone in connection with her, went to her foundation or donated to other organizations for climate change. I think this is extremely important to note about her and her family. 
 4. What new facts did you learn about climate change? (1 paragraph)
This was definitely mentioned  at one point, and throughout the film, but climate change doesn’t just apply to the climate itself. The crisis in totality effects everything. The job market, the economy, family income, wealth, etc. I could go on and on about how much this issue effects everyone and everything. When I originally read the Green New Deal, I was surprised to find that a majority of the legislative was not necessarily about climate change, it dealt a lot more with economic equity in underprivileged communities. The climate crisis is a crisis with a ticking time bomb. The issue is that the 1% of people who hold the wealth in our world don’t want to do anything about it, because it’s expensive and ambitious. However, like Greta says, if they fail us we will never forgive them. 
 5. Greta began Strike for Climate in 2018. By September 2019, she arrived in New York for the global Youth Climate Strike. 7 million participated around the world, making it the largest climate strike in history. Were you aware of how quickly the Fridays for Future and Climate Strike movement grew? How and why do you think this movement took off like wildfire among international youth? (1 paragraph)
Truthfully, I haven’t heard of the term Fridays for Future but I am very aware of the Climate Strike movement, and climate change activism. I have a lot to say, both good and bad about youth activism. First off, the older generation acts as if youth activism is a new thing now regarding climate change. When in fact, young people are usually the ones fighting. I feel like every generation has their fight, and climate change is a part of my generations fight. So many times we hear “this is for the children”or “we are leaving the world to the future children” but so often those are just words the older generations speak, they do not mean it. There is such a massive issue with older politicians saying that young people don’t have a place yet, when they are making policy that very much effects us. Especially now, in the US political climate, the older generation is not preparing younger people to lead. However, that doesn’t stop us from making our own seat at the table. 
I think this movement became so popular so fast, because there is limited time to fix this issue. No one was listening. I also think because we are so tech savvy that technology and social media played a huge role in campaigning, and spreading information to everyone as fast as possible. 
 6. Who were some of the first celebrities to champion Greta's cause? How did you first become aware of the Fridays for Future movement? (1 paragraph)
There are a lot of top names in Hollywood who have come out in support of Greta, and the call for change in regards to climate change. People like Anne Hathaway, Pryinka Chopra, Leonardo DiCaprio, and even Bebe Rehxa dedicated a song to Greta. The more people you have shouting from the mountain tops, the easier it will be to hear them from far away. 
 7. What is the Paris Agreement? Why are we so far from meeting its goals? (1 paragraph)
The Paris Agreement is an international treaty, binding countries to take initiatives to limit global warming. These plans are extremely ambitious, as that is the language they have chosen to use, because steps like these have never been done before. We are very far from meeting our goals, specifically in the United States because Donald Trump ending up leaving the Paris Agreement as soon as he got to office. However, you cannot simply just walk out the front door. The process of leaving was a bit complicated because the agreement had to be in effect for 3 years. I believe that in 2019 the US officially left. However, President Biden has signed an Executive Order rejoining the Paris Agreement. Treaties and legislation need to be made and signed into action. We have become a country of reaction, instead of preemptive action. Issues like climate change need preemptive action. It will be too late if we choose to react to the problem, instead of trying to get ahead of it. 
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8. How is Greta handling her newfound celebrityhood? What does the film reveal about her personal challenges?  (1 paragraph)
I don’t think anyone knows how to prepare for being in the spotlight. Let alone a highly political spotlight at such a young age. What I like about Greta is that she doesn’t care about celebrityhood, or how many likes she gets on instagram, or what clothes she wears. She is doing this because she cares, and is using the platform she has earned. Yes, she has Aspergers, but that is just a part of her. It doesn’t control her. When a reporter asked a question and he said that she suffers from Aspergers, she replied that she has it but doesn’t suffer from it. It doesn’t define her, but it is used against her by grummy old men who don’t agree with her. Of course it is difficult for her to be pushed into extreme social situations, and I couldn’t even fathom what is going on in her mind during those times. But. she knows it is for a greater good. I think it would be silly to say that any person anywhere in any position of celebrity hood doesn’t deal with personal challenges. 
It’s also important to note the issues of ageism, and gender she faces as well. So often these politicians are old men and women, so why would anyone want to listen to a young girl. It is shocking to hear her speak because one doesn’t expect to hear such eloquence and knowledge from a young woman. I think of that saying, “Children should be seen and not heard” even within that saying ‘children’ is often switched out with ‘women’ as well. She has two very harsh distinct challenges going up against her. 
 9. Why do you think so many teenage girls are taking the helm on climate change?  (1 paragraph)
I don’t think it’s just climate change, I think young women are and have taken on many issues in the past and present. Where would we be without women, women who advocate and aren’t afraid to speak their minds. All I can say is that men have had their time, and continue to do nothing about it. There is something about powerful women, young and old, coming together and speaking their minds, saying what needs to be said in order to achieve a difference. 
  10. What was your takeaway from the footage on the solar powered Catamaran of Greta's trip across the Atlantic? Did you follow her voyage in real time on the trip tracker?  (1 paragraph)
I was getting sea sick just watching the footage from the boat. Like Greta said, she doesn’t want to be a person who says one thing and then does another. She is consistent and persistent. Anyone would have thought if they were to speak at the UN in New York to just fly across the world, but no. She chose to stick her ground and prove a point. Even if it is a little inconvenient, it’s doable. We can all make changes and sacrifices, but ultimately met our goals. 
11. Did you participate in the Global Youth Climate Strike on Sept 11th 2019? What was your experience?  (1 paragraph)
Unfortunately I did not participate. For some reason I can’t remember where I was or what I was doing on this day, However, if I had known I more than likely would have been there. 
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Ships: Could They? Would They? Should They? Part 2
So, the last time I did this I said that the sky was the limit and I meant it! (LOL) Also there are a few ships that I know are rare (my beloved rare-pairs) that weren’t even hinted at; as well as some obvious ageism issues and exclusion of cast members so here we are with Part 2. Also, I’ve taken liberties of developing each one with bits and pieces of canon and fanon.
*Side Note*
I don’t expect this to be as popular as the other; mostly because these characters aren’t as popular in the Tumblr Fandom.
April Sexton/ Natalie Manning
Ship Name: Mexton
Why They work: Both Nat and April have a great balance of hard work, drive, and compassion for their patients. They are both strong, inspirational, and have been disappointed or heartbroken in different ways by the men they have let into their love lives. April’s nurturing side would be great with Owen, and Natalie could step up in a stronger personality role for April who is often backed into a corner or allows herself to be taken advantage of. Dates would consist of breakfast in bed, gushy text messages, and Natalie serenading April with her violin.
Why They Won’t: The show was really awful about using their friendship to boost Natalie’s needs and if we went off of that then Natalie would be horribly not-supportive when April is going through hard times. April is a catholic Afro-Latina and from a pretty strict upbringing, being out wouldn’t be easy in those worlds. Also, I honestly think if April were to get into a femme relationship with anyone it’d be with Sarah.
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Natalie Manning/ Sarah Reese
Ship Name: Meese
Why They Work: The episode when Natalie and Ethan removed a prototype from the little body-hackers stomach opened the nerdy-world of a young Natalie Manning we as an audience were not privy to before. But that girl still exists within in her and it would probably be a draw for nerdy Sarah. I could see them on dates to the Smithsonian, playing the crossword over breakfast in the morning, and playfully arguing over peer-reviewed medical journals. They’d borrow each other’s scrubs and Natalie would quiz Sarah on her boards; and missed questions would mean Sarah would be doing the laundry. Sarah would be in awe of seeing a classically trained violinist whose back-up was being a doctor and Natalie would easily bond with the prissier parts of Sarah’s personality. However…
Why They Won’t: Canonically, Sarah made it clear that she does not want children and Owen (although rarely seen or spoken about since season 1) is very much a part of Natalie’s’ life; it’s a deal breaker folks.
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Sharon Goodwin/ Daniel Charles
Ship Name: Choodwin
Why They Work: Meticulous, wise, funny, and successful these two have always put their careers first (even to the detriment of their personal lives). When they talk you are for sure there is a story accompanied with their advice/musings. I could see late night coffee dates where they slowly disclose little surprising pieces of their history, maybe Sharon worked as a casino showgirl to pay for school and Daniel performed his own experiments with psychedelic medicine made popular in the 60’s (on himself). They have a friendship that slowly turns into something more and they don’t feel the need to label it; they just let it be. This is the mature, relationship goals, we all want and the peace that healthy drama-free love actually is.
Why They Won’t: There is a reason Daniel has been married 3 times and none of it seems good. Also, even though the show hasn’t mentioned much of her, Daniel has another daughter (aside from Robin) who Sharon would need to warm up to. Also, if we take into context the age of his daughter; we should ask ourselves how long it’s been since his last divorce and if he is even in a position to date again; Sharon too. I would hate to see some of his baggage and demons hurt Sharon when she’s had her heart broken not once (Bert) but twice (losing her first love to parasites) on the show. In all honesty I could live my entire life not seeing her cry again.
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Will Halstead and Sarah Reese
Ship Name: Ralstead
Why They Work: Smarty pants. Everyone on this show is brilliant and has to be especially to be doctors, but there is smart-nerdy side to Will that seeps out in all kinds of episodes; he geeks out over medicine a lot. We have seen Sarah develop into someone who is way more confident in her abilities and willing to challenge the rules a bit more than she was in season one. They could meet on these overlapping personality quirks and interests. There would be dates where they traded off into nerd-world and then into classic fun.
Why They Won’t: Sarah is a lot more progressive socially than Will. I could see her being offended on a regular basis with some of his not so subtle sexist ways. Also, the show hasn’t stated yet but I can see Will being into more traditional life-steps: house, marriage, kids. We know Sarah doesn’t want kids and I wouldn’t be shocked if we found out she wasn’t into marriage either.
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 Jeff Clarke/ Ethan Choi
Ship Name: Cloi
Why They Work: Bros’ that think they’re bros and then end up in bed together. They would’ve been bonding over their past lives in the military, swapping war stories, and trying to one-up the other in crazy hi-jinks from the past. I could see this ship beginning as the two of them going out and picking up women, having beers, and playing games but then eventually leading to quieter activities like staying in; instead. One thing would lead to another and they would wind up in bed together. I could see them being each other’s “first” in that regard.
 Why They Won’t: Machismo and homophobia would be the main stumbling blocks for this ship, one or both of them would not want to make the relationship public and it wouldn’t seem like a problem, but could you see how hard that would be in episodes like Monday Mourning? Or Cold Front? I think it would stress the little ship and it’d crack.
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Will Halstead/Ethan Choi
Ship Name: Chalstead
Why They Work: Smart, hardworking, and both Chief Resident (although at separate times) these two could work. However, I could see this being another “secret relationship” but not because of homophobia but purely for professionalism. They are both incredibly focused at work and no one would even know they were together unless told. But at night and on the weekends the two can be found in bed reading medical journals, summing up the weird stories of the ED, and trying different restaurants.
Why They Won’t: Although both professional; Will is still the attending and higher on the totem pole. Even if they could be professional they are both still a bit egotistical and the fights would spill over into their home. Also, the rigid professionalism would begin to take a toll. I mean who doesn’t love a quick peck on the cheek from your partner or spouse before starting work?
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Maggie Lockwood/ Will Halstead
Ship Name: Lockstead or Halwood (honestly, they have so many possibilities)
Why They Work: There are all kinds of ships that happen naturally on Med and Maggie and Will are one of them. They have a great friendship and on some ways canonically she is his only friend. A supportive friendship is always a great basis for a romantic one. This ship would be one where we watch as Will pines over Natalie and even dates Nina all while not realizing that the one person he doesn’t have to hide anything from is Maggie. He realizes out of the entire staff he is the only one that has met her family and she constantly looks out for him. In other words, the person you love has been in front of your face the entire time. She is feisty and not push over, something he definitely needs, and he has just enough confidence to take a powerful personality like hers on.
Why They Won’t: The nonsense Will has displayed with his treatment of Natalie and Nina. His behavior with Jennifer Baker; all of it would be a turn-off to Maggie. She is a charge nurse who understand order within the chaos but order none the less and that mess in season one with Will would’ve turned her off; also no one wants to be second pick…let alone third.
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Maggie Lockwood/Sharon Goodwin
Ship Name: Goodlock or WinWood (a ton of name possibilities here too)
Why They Work: Maggie always has everyone’s back and none more than Sharon’s after Bert leaves. I could see Maggie bringing Sharon food, making sure she took care of herself, and sitting with her at night so she wouldn’t have to eat alone. They would reminisce about the old days of nursing together and Sharon would push Maggie to pursue more within that field. And although Maggie has expressed attractiveness to men like Connor and Jeff, women; in particular, make comments all the time on the attractiveness of both sexes without any romantic interest. In other words, the show has never clearly stated that Maggie is straight. Hanging out could lead to co-habitation, and then maybe more.
Why They Won’t: I could honestly see Sharon being into Maggie but then running from her feelings because it’s not what she’s used to. Also, this show has done NOTHING with Maggie as far as her interests go, she is work, work, work and so is Sharon; so, when would they have time to truly nourish this new avenue?
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Jeff Clarke/ Sarah Reese
Ship Name: Cleese
Why They Work: This is the “It gets better” “Let me show you the ropes” ship. Sarah and Jeff could bond over the indecision they both have had in their careers. Jeff being military, then a fireman, and now a doctor. Sarah in the field but confused about which discipline to go into, emergency medicine, pathology, and then psych. She’d be shocked that he was flirting with her (just replace Noah in that “I watch you” scene and that’s how she would be). He’d be in awe of how smart she is. There would be a few dates and some really hot hook-ups…
Why They Won’t: …Before they realize there just isn’t a future there. He is a bit older and is still trying to get his footing and she is focused on being the best in psych. They would care for one another but would probably realize there isn’t enough common ground to sustain a relationship. They’d part ways amicably. (Also this is actually the rarest of ships as I don’t think these two even shared a scene together! photo courtesy of ChildofLoki)
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Jeff Clarke/ April Sexton
Ship Name: Clexton
Why They Work: They both have heroic personalities. They are the type to go above and beyond to do the right thing in helping people and that compassion would be there but for each other. April helping Jeff dress his wounds after he is accidentally shot etc. Before White Butterflies, when we as an audience realized Jeff’s sole purpose on the show was to show Natalie’s ability to move on, I thought it would be a lot more fitting or realistic if he had been on the roof with April and almost kissed her. He always came across soft, and kind around her. He was the only one to implicitly express condolences to her about her miscarriage and then ask her how she was holding up. It was just that easy and no one else could do it. I could see him taking her for a drink and then they would hang out a little more and then….
Why They Won’t: But there is still only one resident spot and it went to Noah. How juicy the story-line could’ve been if they had decided to put Jeff and April together and then there would be tension about who got the residency, their break-up would be inevitable because Jeff (being the admirable person he is) wouldn’t want April to feel conflicted. He’d try and get the Hawaii residency and it would be this really sad ending to a “what could’ve been” ship.
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Connor Rhodes/ David Downey
Ship Name: Dhodes
Why They Work: Connor respects brilliance and Downey was just that; brilliant, but also adventurous, wise, fun, and caring. His talent was renowned and that was what Connor would hope to be one day. Connor was not unlike Leah Bardovi in his wide-eyed admiration of David Downey. I think David saw a lot of himself in Connor as well as limitless amounts of potential. But often there were times when he looked at him that made me go…hmmm. It’s easy to cast Downey as the father-relationship Connor never had but it would also be a bit sexist of us to believe that men too can and do fall in love with other men because of “daddy issues.”
Why They Won’t: Cancer. Downey would still be sick and he probably wouldn’t want to begin a relationship knowing how heartbroken Connor would be that he couldn’t fulfill it (think “Me Before You” levels of unconsummated love). The scene when he emptied his ashes in the ocean would be even more serenely heart wrenching.
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Sarah Reese/ Daniel Charles
Ship Name: Cheese
Why They Work: Could you imagine?! This would really be an illicit affair; Sarah sleeping with her mentor?! They’d be sneaking around and we’d be wondering why? How? All I could say is that the line would probably begin to be crossed after the Monday Mourning episode. Sarah being one of the few people to show concern for him, maybe she checks on him at home and vice versa for him. Seeing the other out of the work profession and opening new avenues for conversation could happen. Sarah doesn’t seem like the type to care about marriage and kids and that would work for Daniel because he doesn’t seem interested in doing either again.
Why They Won’t: Let’s be real…eww lol. Aside from the obvious father daughter vibes, this ship has platonic written all over it. I would hate to think the show would cross that line and put them together. Also, Daniel would be risking a lot of his integrity starting a relationship with a subordinate and the messy psych dynamic would be…well messy.
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praphit · 5 years
She-Ra Season 3 - the search for her old behind
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That's right! A She-Ra review.
I know that I'm not exactly the demographic. 
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So, let me explain.
How many of you are familiar with the beer "Tropical Bitch"? I know, it sounds made up, but it's a real thing.
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It's actually a pretty good beer. If you like IPA's with a lil fruitiness and a lot of attitude, then TB could be the beer for you. This post brought to you by Flying Dog Brewery.
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Well, I had more of the TB than I was striving for; I'm an overachiever. I had a host at a party who just kept chucking them at me. As soon as I finished one, another beer was flying towards my face - that's hospitality, ladies and gentlemen... and some damned fine enablement
I got home, went to my room, turned on Netflix, fell out on the bed, and what do I SEE??! - "She-Ra and the princesses of power"!  - it was the new joint though, and season 3.
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Now, new or old, I normally would have said "What the hell? Netflix, how dare you think that I'd watch this??!" and moved on, but I was bewitched by Tropical Bitches... plus the Sandman was creeping closer and closer to me. I think it was the Sandman (no one really knows what he or SHE looks like, right??), it could have been something paranormal/X-File-worthy... or maybe that homeless guy snuck into my place again. 
Regardless, me, TB power, and the cuddling Sandman decided to watch "She-Ra". I didn't make it far, BUT what I remember... Whew!
Yeah, not much... but that won't stop me from reviewing it.
Like I said, She-Ra is new now... and YOUNG! Where did old She-Ra go? I was first introduced to She-Ra back when I was a kid, and I used to watch 
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He-Man was dope when I was a kid. Then, they brought in She-Ra, and we all thought they were gonna hook up! 
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But, years later, we remember He-Man, and...
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I'm sure he hooked up with people, but not anyone who looked like She-Ra.
Old She-Ra's probably kickin about 60 now, right?? Madonna's 60. Madonna's still got it! 
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I mean, I’m not always sure what look she’s going for, but
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But, she’s still got it!
Though Madonna had better be careful with those dance moves that she still does. She could twist the wrong way, and her hip bone could pop out; nothing sexy about that.
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Sorry, is that not Madonna in there? My bad.
Regardless, this She-Ra issue is straight up ageism!
They probably said "It's reboot time!"
She-Ra shows up -
"What? No! Getcho old ass outta here! Nobody wants to see you dressed like that no more!" I bet you she put up a fight, and threatened to go to the papers! Now, while they shouldn't have been scared (cuz, c'mon, it's 2019... "THE PAPERS"??) she prob still "disappeared".
Her wardrobe though - 
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She'd grab the sword powered by feminism, grow to like 10 feet tall, and her skirt would shrink to like 4 inches in length.
C'mon, man! Now, y'all are doing that with a teenager?? Have some decency!
I saw a black dude in there. He was standing next to She-Ra in a band of princesses. 
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She-Ra did her growth thing, the black dude looked up to talk to her and... well, you can imagine. It was awkward. I want to know what happened to all of the other men, cuz he is the only one that my previously tropical-bitched mind can remember. And what did he have to endure in order to be the one guy left around... getting blamed for everything:)
Being the only guy in a room full of women - I've been there:
(watching Tv - Elizabeth Warren pops-up on the screen):
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Woman 1 - "I love her so much!" Woman 2 - "Me too!" Woman 3 - "I'm drunk! I mean, me three!"
Woman 1 - "What do you think, lone guy?"
Lone Guy - "Yeah, I mean, she's aiight. I WAS riding with Hickenlooper. You know, he's name makes me laugh and all. But, yeah, she's ok."
Woman 1 - "Ok?? *shakin her head* Of course you're going to vote for a MAN, even one with a ridiculous last name."
Lone Guy - "No, it's not that."
Woman 1 - "Just wanna keep us down, don't you?"
Lone Guy - "... no?? Hey, why don't we change the channel?"
Woman 2 - "Mmmhmm" (changes channel - stops on a Nicki Minaj video)
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Lone Guy - "Aw Yeah! That's my jam!"
Woman 2 - "I bet it is... Psssh, Oh my God, Woman 3, look at her butt. It's SO BIG. Lone Guy, you only like her cuz she looks like a total prostitute."
Woman 3 - "I think it's liberating to dress like that!"
Woman 2 - "Woman 3!"
Woman 3 - "Sorry. I meant I'M DRUNK!"
Woman 2 - "It's SO BIG! I can't believe it's just so round, it's like out there... I mean gross, look... she's just so...
Woman 1 - "Alright, alright, Woman 2. We're changing the station. Apparently, women are good enough to shake their asses in Lone Guy's face, but not good enough to run our country."
Lone Guy - "... *heavy sigh* Let's eat! What do you say??! (Long Guy eats some homemade pie). "Hmm! Woman 1, you made this, right?! It's delicious!"
Woman 1 - ("Hey, rambling Praphit, we DO have names!") Actually, my husband baked it. Ok? He let allowed me to leave the kitchen for a little bit." *glaring at Lone Guy*
Lone Guy - (taking a long gulp of vodka) "Did I mention how good you look in those jeans?"
Tammy (previously Woman 1) - "I know what you're doing... BUT THANK YOU :)  *now all smiles*
Gladys (prevously Woman 2) - (thinking to herself - "Wait a minute, he told me that I look good in my jeans. Hmmmmmmm") *glaring at Lone Guy*
Becky (previously Woman 3) - "I'm drunk!" (she passes out)
This is his whole life.
I remember him raising his voice to the ladies at one point. He was like "She-Ra, we're going the wrong way!"
She-Ra: Are you telling ME what to do? Black Dude: "Well... it's just that you're holding the map upside down." She-Ra: "Oh, I'm a woman holding a map, please send the man to come explain it to me!"
Black Dude: "No, no... "
She-Ra: "You condescending asshole."
Black Dude: "I would never be that way with you... holding such a large, sharp sword.
*dead silence*
She-Ra: "Take him to the room!"
Black Dude: "Please no! Not again! I'll be good!"
She-Ra: "I'll deal with you later." --------------------
I don't know whether I dreamt this or not, but I visualize a room that She-Ra sends people to. We never know what goes on in there, but they hate going in, and they always leave crying and broken.
People, I didn't want to mention it, but there's some race stuff too!
There was a point when She-Ra and the team meet at an abandoned house. They want to sleep there.
Now, there's a Latina character named Catra, and she's drawn as a beast. 
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PEOPLE I'M JUST TELLIN YA WHAT I SAW. She-Ra and the others decided to rest for the night, but she finds a broom and tells Catra to clean this place up a lil first.
Catra: "What?! By myself?! Why?!"
She-Ra: "Cuz you're so good at it."
Catra: "But I always have to do this kind of thing!"
She-Ra: "So you won't mind doing it again."
Catra: *Growls*
She-Ra: "Now, Catra, no reason to get all uppity. Be quick about it though, we need to get bed early. ... oh, and we seem to be low on beds. You don't mind sleeping on the floor do you.?"
One of the other girls: "Or in the tree, you are a CAT hahahaha."
She-Ra: "... What? She's only joking, Catra. But, I mean, she's right, you are... "
Catra: "THAT IS IT! *strangles She-Ra* 
(They help She-Ra)
She-Ra: "*breathing heavily, while holding her throat* You just earned yourself a ticket to the room! Two of you take her back there now. I'll deal with her later."
Wild for a kids cartoon, right?? I know! I couldn't believe it either.
Despite all of this, it's a colorful, action-packed, a lot of positive team building messages, a good girl power cartoon. There are also some monsters, and some thrilling moments. You just have to ignore everything I've said previously :)
And that's not a big deal to do. Kids don't see that type of thing anyway.
Remember Wile E Coyote and the Roadrunner? 
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The coyote kept getting seriously and continuously injured due to using those damned ACME products! All he was trying to do was feed his family. He never did catch the roadrunner. His family probably starved, and devoured each other. Meanwhile, we're just yucking it up!
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Ha! It IS funny though. Wile E Coyote, comedic genius.
All in all I give She-Ra Season 3 an A*
* = drunk on Tropical Bitch
I imagine the end of season 3 being dark. She-Ra goes walks into her basement, and then through a secret path, down a long poorly lit hallway to find... ... OLD She-Ra. 
She's chained to a chair. Her clothes and body all dirty and stanky. Her hair mangled. Her body weak from not eating. Her legs have grown hairy. No, you don't understand - like, REALLY REALLY REALLY HAIRY. 
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Young She-Ra looks down at Old She-Ra - 
 "I can't believe that you really thought your old ass could be She-Ra. 
I’M SHE-RA! You should be thanking me for locking you up, so that you don't embarrass yourself out there. (she gets real close to the former She-Ra) You know they're never going to find you, right? They don't even know that you're alive."
Old She-Ra: "My friends... my friends WILL come for me."
Young She-Ra: "I doubt it... especially since the old friends that you have left keep having accidents."
Old She-Ra: "What?"
Young She-Ra: (Pulls out a bag from behind her back. She opens it and turns it upside down... the head of an old He-Man plops down.) "Hahahahaha"
Old She-Ra: *speechless and horrified*
Young She-Ra: "I know you're upset. But, I'm gonna turn that frown upside down. We're about to have some fun."
Old She-Ra: "Wait, no no! PLEASE! You can't do this! Please!"
Young She-Ra: "Say my name, bitch."
Old She-Ra: "No! She-Ra No! Please! She-Ra plase! (camera turns away) 
(Cue cheesy coked-up 80's producer voice: "And the princesses of powerrrrrrrrrrrrrr! *echo*"
Hell yes! I can't wait for season 4.
0 notes
justice-reigns-down · 4 years
Number 2 (lol)
First allow me to apologize for the messy writing in my previous blog post I didn’t go through all of my normal channels of editing and revising before posting due to time constraints, and not to make any excuses but when doing anything with heavy emotions attached things tend to get a little messy.
Remember I said that there were 2 opportunities. Well here is the second one I mentioned…
There I was standing in the post office preparing a package to be sent off when I overheard a conversation going on between two female post office clerks (one white and one black). I can’t recount exactly what was said so I will give you a paraphrase of my rendition because although they were attempting to speak quietly I could still hear a decent amount of the conversation.
Black Woman: softly tries to explain something to the nature of the protest/rioting being crazy but people are really upset.
White Woman: states “I just don’t understand” I get being upset but this rioting and looting is just disgusting.
At this point in my mind I am going off on a tangent about how of course you don’t get it lady, you likely never had to experience a fraction of what many black people have had to experience simply because of the color of their skin and, in my opinion, more so the tone of the culture (things that no one individual can change). I really wanted to join in the conversation because it was like God had laid out the perfect opportunity for me to at least attempt to open someone’s eyes to a different perspective on the matter and what did I do?
I completely failed I allowed my annoyance and anger to run rampant in my mind and decided it was better to bite my tongue because I was afraid of saying the wrong thing and making matters worse. My thoughts were…
‘At least there is a conversation happening’
‘Maybe this lady can help her I don’t even know this woman’
‘She is so old she is probably too deeply rooted in her beliefs by now anyway’ (I know that’s ageism I am constantly having to check that bias, but at least I am aware and working on it)
I wish I had instead taken a moment to sort my emotions out of the situation think about how can I connect to this woman to try and get her to see that yes rioting and looting wrong, but here’s the deal…people are at their wits end and when people see no other way to get attention/results they lash out. Not only that, had she done her research she would know that a lot of the riots began as peaceful protest and a few individuals incited the riots. Before I took a hiatus from the news and social media this time around I saw video footage of people (white) who paid other people (black) to start throwing bricks. Another one showed a group of men (again mostly white) tearing open a brick pallet (where do you even get a pallet of bricks from during a peaceful protest? Hmmm I wonder…) to do what appeared to be kick starting a riot. Also there have been reports of individuals being arrested for rioting that weren’t even from the area in which these protest were taking place (hmmm… more thoughts to come on that but right now I’ll stick to the objective) I should have opened my phone and showed these women these things and spoken up to try and give this woman a different view of the matter at hand that she seemed to have a strong enough opinion about to be voicing it at work, and in front of customers (which I thought was unprofessional but that’s neither here nor there with this matter).
As I was driving home I was so upset at myself I couldn’t get my mind off of what just happened and how I could’ve better taken on that opportunity. I even considered turning around because I was cooling down at this point, but I decided to get home because on top of being a mother, working full time, and having my brain constantly swamped with social injustices and environmental plagues I have a full course load to attend to. The class I am writing this blog for being one of the four courses I stupidly decided to take this summer.
PRO-TIP: Try not to over task yourself it is not good for your immune system and it is especially scary with Corona on the loose.  
Here are some eye opening videos for those who may need a different perspective of these situations going on in America. I encourage you to watch videos from all perspectives and decide how to think about it for yourself. 
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65342000 · 4 years
Final Assignment
Savanna Gilbert 
WST 313: Final Assignment 
Looking back on the last half of the class material, I realize there is a lot of take away points that can I apply to my life in the future. In module five, we discussed the basics of sexual health and the importance of sexual health. The first sexual health topic that relates to me now and in the future is birth control. In 1960 the birth control pill was created by a man named Gregory Pincus (Watson, 2019). In the late 60s, birth control was deemed as a human right instead of a crime. If birth control was still looked at as a crime, a woman was committing by taking birth control pills; then, many women would have their security taken away from them. Being a woman who has taken birth control pills since a young age starting in high school, I could not imagine being punished and looked at as a criminal for taking a contraceptive. Not only did I use birth control due to sexual activity, but I also used the pill to help balance out my hormones, which helped with my menstrual cycle, hormonal acne, and overall mood in general. To think that before the 1960s, women did not have the option to take birth control and that when women became pregnant, they had no choice over it. Being able to have the choice at a young age to participate in safe sex and chose what I do with my body helped me understand the complexity of sexuality. As I grow older, I am in charge of my body entirely and have the freedom to choose pregnancy when the time is right. As of right now, I have a romantic partner and chose to take birth control because it allows me to be a full-time student and focus on my future. When I do choose to take the next step in my life by choosing to let my body care for a baby, I would like to be financially and emotionally ready. By taking birth control in the future, I will be able to have more control over when I choose to be a mother to ensure I can give myself and my child the best life possible. 
In module five, we briefly touched on sexual double standards. Throughout my life, I have heard about or experienced stereotypes, and I am confident I will have to deal with them later in my life as well. Sexual double standards are apart of sexual scripts and are often used to embarrass or shame another (Watson, 2019). A common sexual stereotype I frequently hear around campus is "she or he parties a lot so she or he must not care about school." Although this may seem true to college student's party, it is what they do, but it does not mean they do not care about their education. One may argue that social interaction is essential for students, while others may argue they should be studying all the time, but it is only one person's opinion, so it does not make it accurate. In the future, I plan on going into a career in human resources, and I know I will have to deal with defusing people's drama in the office over sexual stereotypes. Along with helping solve issues between employees, I may also experience sexual stereotypes of my own. Due to gender bias, women are expected to be helpful and good at teamwork while, on the other hand, men are expected to pursue personal goals. As I grow older, I hope to break these stereotypes and show my children that gender biases do not restrict them to gender norms. 
In module six, we discussed the idea of ageism. Ageism is used by everyone and is when one uses a number to reference a stage in life (Sanborn, 2017). As a college student, I am affected by ageism because once a person turns twenty years old, their cells start dying at a faster rate than they reproduce. I am about to twenty-one years old in January, and as of right now, ageism has not affected me negatively because I am proud and excited of the age range I am referencing when I tell people my age. Later in life, ageism can denigrate people by the number they are referencing to tell someone their age (Sanborn, 2017). In my future, I could be affected by ageism negatively, but since learning about fearless aging, I hope to reference my age in life as a stage I am going through instead of a number. By thinking about my age as stages of life I am growing through, I will be able to live a much more positive and fulfilling life. 
Module seven covered sensitive topics such as rape and how women can learn how to protect themselves against a perpetrator. Sexual assault classes, such as Flip the Script, which is a 12-hour sexual assault-reduction course in Florida, can help girls recognize the warning signs that may indicate an assault (Rosenberg, 2018). As a college student on an enormous campus, it is crucial to be aware of one's surroundings and know how to protect one's self if they were to be attacked. According to statistics, an undergraduate student has a one in ten chance of experiencing rape or attempted rape (Rosenberg, 2018). Since we know now that the perpetrator is most likely someone the victim knows, it is essential to trust the people who one surrounds themselves with and be sure of their intentions. Sometime soon, I would like to participate in a sexual assault class so I can practice and educated myself on safe ways to defend myself. In future jobs, I will face meeting new employee staff and become apart of many different teams. When I am meeting new people, I need to make sure that I am reading the signals people are sending and learn who I can trust and whom I should stay away from at work. It is heartbreaking to think that women have to be extremely cautious about the environments they live in and the places they go to.
Rosenberg, T. (2018). Equipping Women to Stop Campus Rape. nytimes.com. Retrieved from The New York Times database.
Sanborn, P. (Director). (2017). Fearless Aging - What is Ageism? [Motion picture]. Vimeo.
Watson, J. (Presenter). (2019). Sexual Health [Lecture].
0 notes
heartlandians · 6 years
In the last 12-18 months or so there’s been a lot of stories about powerful men especially in the entertainment and news industry coercing women into sexual encounters against their will. A lot of the men who had allegations of such conduct were fired as a result, and some had criminal charges levied against them.
Another problem women and men have to deal with in the work place is ageism. Normally this doesn’t start affecting employees until they start getting into their 40s. Unfortunately for female actors this problem starts to affect their careers at a much younger age. Unless a female actor has a very strong fan base they start losing the ability to get jobs once they get into their late 20’s and early 30’s and for female actors already employed, they may have their stories reduced or ended altogether if their employers start looking at them as too old for the audience that the movie or TV show is targeted for.
Heartland is touted as a family show for all ages. The fact is the show is aimed at preteen and teenage girls, not adults. When Amy was a teen or a girl in her early twenty’s she was the star of the show. The very episode Amy got married the show started pushing Georgie as the next Miracle Girl with that scene at the end where Georgie stops the horse from charging her. At that point Amy is considered too old and is now married…her story is over.
Since season 9 the writers have pushed Amy into the background. Hardly any story focuses on her. Any stories she’s part of It’s usually Georgie that’s the main focus. Even when pregnant Amy stood around watching Georgie perform. The show said they weren’t trying to replace Amy with Georgie as the Miracle Girl but it’s been pretty obvious that’s bullshit. Case in point; the iconic opening scene in every episode where Amy is walking out of the barn with Spartan. That scene has been replaced with Georgie doing the very same scene in the very same way. Amy’s out, Georgie’s in. That’s just wrong.
I’m in my late twenties. I started watching the show back in season 7 and caught up with the early seasons by buying the box sets (from Amazon Canada). I really liked the early seasons and especially liked Amy (and Ty). I have to admit season 8 angered me. It started out very strong but completely fell apart starting with EP5 (very poor story telling). Since season 9 I have really hated Georgie, I just don’t think she’s anywhere as interesting as Amy. The thing is; now that Amy is older I find her entering what could be the most interesting period of her life which is pretty ironic considering the producers and CBC feel she’s no longer relevant. The other thing that has surprised me is how Ty has become a ratings disaster and has really hurt Amy’s story and the show. If Ty were gone it could open up so many new possible stories for Amy (That’s one of the reasons I really like your fanfic story “Filling Empty Spaces”). The point of this rant is; I don’t think Amy/Amber is too old to keep this show going. If the show refocused on Amy I think the ratings would improve enough to get a season 13. If they keep on focusing every episode on Georgie I think season 12 will be the end.   Submitted by: Katie ____________________________
I too feel like Amy has been underused these past two seasons. I know we’ve seen “motherhood story lines” through Lou before, but Amy and Lou are very different and they are handling motherhood differently, so I don’t think seeing Amy be a mother is repeating something we’ve already seen. 
I’ve always felt like Lou is more extroverted than Amy, and lot of her stories happen outside the typical “small town” setting - things like, what kind of struggles I have when my husband is living in another city, am I allowed to have my own passions and ambitions and business ventures when I’m a mother, how does my divorce affect my children, how will my children get along with my potential new boyfriend and how will that affect my ex-husband’s place in the family - things like that - basically things that could really happen to anyone, anywhere, where as I feel like Amy’s motherhood challenges could not. 
We got the whole thing with her not riding because of her pregnancy, Spartan getting jealous over Amy because of the baby she was expecting, how do I work with dangerous horses when I’m expecting and even after I’ve given birth/I’m not just thinking about myself anymore, I have a child to look after, what if something had happened with Lyndy while she was in Amy’s belly, something that she caused by doing something she shouldn’t have done, when Lyndy grows up a little, how will I cherish her development as I’m living sort of isolated life/how will that affect my child - you know, things like that that “need” the Heartland setting for them to work and what make them appeal to a different kind of audience than what Lou’s struggles have. 
And that doesn’t just make her a mother, it still keeps her roots as a Miracle Girl there as many of these have ties to the horse life she’s living. She’s so much more than just Georgie’s coach, and I wish they would have used that potential more, especially as it’s something those “little horse girls” will possibly face sometime in the future as well (I doubt we’ll get so far that we’ll see Georgie becoming a mother) and what will make the show work for all ages, even if you start watching it when you’re like ten and end up re-watching it when you turn 30, 40, etc. There would always be something old but new you could experience with the characters with every re-watch.
We also never really saw much sadness from Lou about her mother not being there for her when she was pregnant/had given birth; I was hoping they were “saving” that for Amy, especially because Marion was so much like Amy and she was probably going through a lot of the same struggles as she has/could have been going through.
And if you would count Ty in - if he was there, that is - there’s even more possibilities, especially if Ty and Amy were actually working as partners like they always envisioned. 
Maybe Amy’s not feeling too well because of her pregnancy, so Ty has to do more work with a horse they are treating, maybe even consider “Amy’s ways” to heal horses when his way of working doesn’t help, what if Lyndy’s actually allergic to horses/hay/you name it, and they have to reconsider their living arrangements/lifestyle choices, them talking more about parenthood and what kind of parents they want to be, because we never really saw that with Lou and Peter (and we’re supposed to believe that Ty and Amy are different in that department), how they will support Lyndy and work as a team to make her childhood the best it can be, what if Lyndy would actually be afraid of horses or not that into them, would that make Amy feel a little sad because she loves horses/how would she accept that her daughter is not just her “clone” but her own person. 
I’m not a mother myself, but those are few of the story lines that I could come up with quickly and I’m sure real life parents (which I’m sure most of the writers are) could throw in their experiences as well (though, I know some of them are not “horse people”, so maybe they don’t have Amy’s POV to things like this, but in that case they could always interview people who have been through that). 
Point is; there is so much potential still in Amy, I wish they wouldn’t waste it because this will be their only chance to make the show the best it can be in that department (I doubt we’ll see Amy pregnant again and if we do, it won’t be “as special” as the first time when everything’s new, because in a way, you already kind of know what you are doing).
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es-ti-mulada-blog · 7 years
Code Unturned
Laptop or computer is full of dayz and minecraft clones. The minecraftian landscape is chunky and dazzling and vibrant, spread out with locations, armed forces bases, or even a study course. You simply must come to a decision no matter whether you may last its lo-fi definitely feel and check. |All things in Unturned Hack Download remains made beforehand, and. I Altogether ive held a fun time through the use of it, 1st hr was just lone person, then were being furnished with a small number of companions and we all observed a great 50 hosting server and used the other 5 achieving that. This could be a giant step considering that it will probably be the factor that the numerous already present network will converse with. On feb 5, in repair, he increased a police helicopter, a crook outfit, making decay, and back once again control keys with the crucial menu. Your complete motive is always to preserve on your own for the spook-plagued prince edward tropical island, balancing various straight forward power m representing health and fitness, starvation, “i keep in mind at some point i came out real estate from football follow and so i presumed about supplying an bond mechanism, making it possible to produce a proper grip for some firearm or maybe a silencer or such things as that,” states in america sexton. |Ea presented simcity hostage for an invariably-virtual mess up until the time they alienated essentially the most ardent of maxis buffs. “but there seemed to be this bi per week span [shot where by i was simillar to ‘you determine what? It could possibly you must be so extraordinary when there counseled me these cars or trucks holding in and around,’ so nearly everybody was awesome stunned only because from nowhere you will find this extraordinary bring up to date that increased copters and airplanes, and consequently 1 week i increased the motorboats.” screenshot using vapor user moltonmontro recently sexton provides use of his trello (an activity mapping web blog) with the region so men and women could invariably keep an eye on what new products, qualities, and fixes were being within pipeline. [he’s] an enormous motivation into my experience because he foretells this town, as well as being not afraid to try out a thing that strays a little bit of out of the clear-cut trail that Unturned Hack Download could consume.in . sexton concurs the “every time i published an bring up to date employing a provide feedback section i review them and therefore i see each one of these men and women phrase ‘hey he increased my suggestion!’ in my opinion it’s impossible that it must be their particular type of publish i watched, but whether or not it requires a partners nights beforehand it will certainly get holding in and around men and women like knowing that the sport is moving the ideal direction.” christopher held most certainly certainly one of persons minutes. There aren't any microtransactions or thresholds, as well as the only monetization is known as a single-time $5 enhance which gives make use of of different servers, particular dress, and gold-plated tools. “i consider it’s just an extreme variety of issues i do and merely what i really like to industry it, in my opinion i’d rather carry on with choosing it as my hobby to engage in than get it grown to be some commercial wealth-producing reason,” he states in america. loads of vapor triumph stories. |I remember viewing an individual that position the pantry shelves i necessary for that ground around the ceiling. In cases where technique to set non-youtube celebs actively playing your code for exposure, then so be it. Some stinky, the fisher price . art direction through the early easy access zombie success sandbox without doubt would not problems seasoned male dayz and the gang. Sexton commenced producing Unturned Hack Download since he was 16, so all the way through its growth he’s experienced education, not too he literally explained to everybody there. “when i was opening out i wasn’t attempting making it goofy, i was achieving issues i could do,” sexton states in america. It is depending on single-off repayment of £3.99, which will get a gold credit account: gold dress, different servers, increased modification and also other ephemera. It was just 100 % great. He competent themselves with tutorial good examples that shipped through the use of it, consumed what it was setting up: “to me it appears like attracting serves as a methods for your creativity on document, then video gaming make the perfect methods of your creativity into an issue will surely talk to, and therefore i prefer that.” after a year of looking at his gamemaker assignments through the web, noting their scores and remarks, sexton finished to roblox, whereby he won exp tools relating to the right after decade. Not too i just do now.” it was primarily manufactured for internet browsers so many more people could participate in, even so To the matter it was eventually primarily playable, sexton managed to get public so he may get evaluations. |He’s considered control device tells you, where by they fight for gigantic news employing a experience and many new content and articles, however it is not for him. “it’s been to some extent harmful to the sport only because people are returning per week for every touch to ascertain what’s new,” he states in america. “when these exp tools are announced, everyone’s ecstatic only because it’s, ‘wow, we have the ability to recreate areas in a going for walks inactive t . v . indicate!’ and, ’it’ll function as the very best mammoth foundation-making code!’ they finish up as done by tons of different men and women, and they also are not invariably well-balanced for them all.” he’s noticed exactly the same in Unturned Hack Download. Perhaps immediately after college, could be earlier. Son functions this gentleman appear to be a great woman! Predetermined. It was cool to watch this. Mend my laptop or computer. I routinely keep thinking about “that’s it, we’ve used it, we do not need to preserving made-ing it”, even so i’ll learn to participate in yet another one and, almost always, i’ll be all: “mmkay, we are grubby at this point. |They seek fanatically, they chomp eagerly, and only a small number of swipes will free your presumably blocky soul. On my small minor eighth or 9th lifestyle, i assist all of them an issue of tremendous use: a sledgehammer. literally feels like an endgame weapon. I get in and around, identifying some compelling items of environmental storytelling. And, just when i have began to appear to be it’s all grown to be much too easy, i've observed me personally encircled by getting a deceased manufacture staff member, a moldy sailor male, and two creeping culinary experts. I’d select that it is Still, it can feel enormously derivative at the moment. “each monday, chris livingston comes to visit an earlier on easy access code and experiences back once again with stories” it appears as if it's been forever. |I can tell me personally sinking tons of hrs into this. I discovered it on vapor and figured i’d supplies a whirl considering that it was free. Dayz should look and feel more beneficial and may at the moment communicate significantly more operation, even so i just can not triumph over each of the bugs, animation glitches and so on. working day, we'd to trawl in messageboards - uphill in both directions - to seek out new exp tools we’d not heard of beforehand. It was only put in vapor a couple of days previously, though the alpha remains available to participate in elsewhere mainly because october 2013. On a “blocky” trend. Is it advisable to look into their vapor internet page, there is a picture through the objects the earth appears like in growth periods. Piece states in america it was primarily made in roblox, this really is an mmo targeted at young children. That’s very for every 16-year-seasoned. Looking out for any more beneficial apocalypse than Unturned Hack Download? Try our chosen success simulator charge cards. |Nonetheless it requires a different design of free code keeping a considerable target market. Still i additionally think the actual fact it’s an entirely free label that appears like each minecraft and dayz - preferred exp tools that is designed to call for a parent to hack available a budget - will a great deal to get it on hard drive brings. Incredibly however, i assembled precisely the same matter. To illustrate significantly more shameless ripping off, sexism, ageism, and what other prejudicial -isms are set inside their grasp carrier of nastiness, in conjunction with mistreating encourage-concentrated minds (extraverts et al) with obsessive items. I was 100 m into the woodland beforehand he discovered. assault rifle, and for that reason areas ended with numerous ketchup splattered through a hillside. Because of that, i can tell the charm. Is pokemon thriving? We will insert family dog fights. What continues on when the type of working day z procreates with minecraft, correctly, additionally significantly more zombies, you get a little bit of attractive code referred to as Unturned Hack Download. |Because of this i picked out the idea of “resistance” to spell it out the happening. There are many zones to be aware of more details about: you will see armed forces bases, airport terminals, programmes, campgrounds and lots of other locations. Leveling mechanism the questing mechanism out of the code will also be enormously remarkable. constable news, loads of golfers and a lot of companions that you might make. Alongside 2. makes code is known as a 16 years of age canadian, can this person produce a aaa 10/10 100% improved code? I option folks who supplies a lowered rating to design a code you on their own and still have the lead as a result, the canadian gentleman will not possess a different group, if he'd it would be more beneficial, but nevertheless is awesome, so, think up a aaa 10/10 code you on their own, yes, persons who've an adverse rating, stupids experience time: it was warm weather time 2015, and therefore i explored norway within warm weather time. Feb 2016 i decided to take part in the game play, so when which is used to can i could not just stop actively playing. Unturned Hack Download is known as a zombie-designed success scary code made by smartly outfitted exp tools. |Tool choice - pistols, crowbars, rifles, and shotguns can be utilized next to golfers and zombies the same with bond options. Starting up without having a dollar, golfers searching communities, farms, and destinations to seek out means beforehand they starve to perishing or grown to be not properly hydrated. I commenced with lone-person to acquire a feeling of the earth i was seeing get into. Who recognized straight forward may well be so incredible? The roblox-enlightened illustrations possess a appeal that distinguishes alone making use of their firm exp tools within success genre. Nevertheless for what? Soon after important “tab,” i known there had been statistics i perhaps could allot recommends. It will make your lifestyle well worth significantly more and will be offering just one more will want to elude perishing. Just gather and click on on. Quickly "left behind alt" probably will voice chat. more than enough to create peace. |It was the shadowstalker-a railgun. having to pay for the 5 $ doesn't match a compensate-to-profit approach, as the positive aspects are isolated.
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fordemaciaa-blog · 7 years
Unturned Code
Personal pc is packed with dayz and minecraft clones. Can you didn't provide the perseverance for dayz's drip-nourish of advantages, this may attraction, nevertheless it does make stumbling through a firearm seem a lot less precious. You are able to participate in single, although the quest trainer really feels personalize-intended for multi-player. |Regardless of whether it receives its claws into your spirit could finish up paying for that $5, until then my purse is keeping strongly inside my spine pants pocket. (and finally)c) for anybody those who judged the game in line with the fishing line "Unturned Cheats Server is definitely a dayz-appearance emergency sim employing a minecraft-impressed artwork appearance" have you thought about you endeavor the game as it is "f2p" ahead of traveling developing assumptions because of the fact whenever i scrolled using reviews and placed the folks that had made a decision to turn this into assumption but journeyed and tried it anyways realized they adored it. The dev will introduction the heavy steam network area on a regular basis these days , he written and published it in stories studies part in heavy steam. Due to the fact discharge of his no fee-to-participate in, sandbox zombie emergency quest trainer Unturned Cheats Server in 2014, he’s introduced, playtested, and integrated in excess of 150 changes. Unturned Cheats Server is still delivered electronically 24 mil celebrations, that makes it the third-most-operated quest trainer on heavy steam. Like some quest generators of very similar newbie origins, Unturned Cheats Server bears the exact same blocky, rapid-to-software artistic of minecraft or terraria. There is a crafting technique, an art technique, a fort technique, and a range of hosts promising fantastic rotates about the frustration and scalability of emergency. |Ea performed simcity hostage to have an usually-over the internet failure before they alienated by far the most ardent of maxis fans. That’s you can forget about obvious due to the gossips it made, but he consistently takes care of a visible, start form of contact. “it's very good to contain a programmer that's so near to his online community, knowning that in my opinion that a number of major agencies that appear like they ought to know what they're engaging in, could fully grasp a whole lot from nelson about how to run a online community combined with he is engaging in,in . he states. “a great deal of women and men seem like their hints come to be in to the quest trainer,” he states. You are able to hop in and really enjoy exactly the same go through as almost everyone in addition. “i suspect it is just an extreme magnitude of issues i do and what i really like to field it, in my opinion i’d preferably carry on with choosing it getting my leisure pursuit than obtain it end up being some corporate and business cash-delivering contributing factor,” he states. They invitation wiz khalifa experiencing battleground model and employ drake to point out fantastic reasons behind fifa. |They invitation wiz khalifa experiencing battleground model and employ drake to point out fantastic reasons behind fifa. A simple scenario is that you simply can not only reveal your classified ads about the local newspaper because so many women and men only watch television programs and do not find out classifieds, so promote your business on television as well ,. I had been seriously fascinated who he or she is, consequently i rang him up. Can you resolve my computer?’” i see him involved in the exact new influx of an web developers which i published about the other day, women and men who’ve introduced with roblox, minecraft and dayz, and noticed them getting made near them as they’ve It’s a plaything community zombie apocalypse, and more endearingly, its two normal thresholds are positioned in canada: colorful prince edward destination and snowy yukon. since the figures glance, the way a mood is, i furnished with that. Then, shortly after i used to be engaging in the store internet page for a few., i I seriously wished-for to listen for it with my So he put in a handful several weeks trying to produce a followup, and placed that roblox did not rather help support all he wished-for to realize. “if i’m thinking about the latest attribute knowning that i haven’t asked for people’s information, or demonstrated the thing it is found like, it really feels seriously crazy.” i thing if he’s only a normally self-assured woman, knowning that he is, at the least about Unturned Cheats Server. |“it was very frightening to do that. their thoughts and opinions.” but bear in mind with plenty of hosts active now, hosting server proprietors discovered choosing everyday changes really difficult traveling, so they asked him to gradual more affordable now sexton changes on fridays. They've put together hosts, take off “and there exists women and men form of within core, would you like running old go through, which is where you’re sneaking using destination and enduring the zombies as you're seeing out for folks as well as perhaps teaming up, possibly eradicating them. It’s very good to discover the function of “gamemakers” now and what he is engaging in now in unity is fairly beautiful. Thank you for posting up. Not mundane, young sincere, not loaded with over the internet online hackers and work to products and solutions new written content. Do not simply let their will look mislead you. |Even choosing out and about along with your living method you will have been afflicted to some extent, while healing independently is attainable with vaccines or medicines, like appliances are only capable of being positioned in parts zombies love to lurch. On my compact eighth or 9th living, i assist these people with an item of serious use: a sledgehammer. However, it is an opportunity to start off it. The bridge features a huge space within it. And, just when i have started to seem like it is all end up being far too rapid, i've discovered me encircled which has a deceased design staff, a moldy sailor man, and two creeping chefs. Unturned Cheats Server is variant 5..7 (revised this summer tenth) shortly after i carried out it. Good thresholds even though. *is located more affordable in lotus placement, levitates out and about* this really is so surprising in multi-player your entire trying photography realism contributing factor has displaced its elegance personally. |Ah actually, person moving to conclusions via the internet - i’ll simply let me out. Making is definitely a pain within a ass although the emergency and search was rather amusing the very first handful of celebrations near. dayz in a bunch of avenues. Now it is all to easy to at times review steam’s most effective most carried out shortlist and see an item not familiar. While in the period of posting, you will find 19,469 women and men enjoying Unturned Cheats Server at the same time with heavy steam. Undertaken a small amount of simply by using it within the last days or weeks, and figured that it really usually requires a little more things you can do when in co-op, at the same time singleplayer is definitely a preferably trash go through for a little bit. :- will look seriously dreadful. Certainly, what exactly? Is to the south park your car for youngsters? The simpsons? Heck, is terraria or maybe quest trainer quite a bit of amusing. functioning on minecraft and dayz, but it is consistently considerably amusing just in early phase. |‘kids are the toughest critics’ The child-substantial populace of Unturned Cheats Server’s hosts number one grew for being noticeable in my go through whenever i contacted Roaming on to the destination, i was contacted which has a man fitted in african american army supplies who expected i “reach for this sky”. For instance a bit more shameless tearing away, sexism, ageism, and any other prejudicial -isms are position in their purchase case of nastiness, along with mistreating repay-targeted minds (extraverts et al) with addictive products. I had been 100 meters in to the woodland until now he noticed. You undoubtedly can murder your entire hosting server populace within perspective of an helicopter. This makes it rather nearly impossible in order to locate commenced, whenever you cannot get the supplies was needed to give protection to one self within feral lord for the flies cast that live in the hosts. Why shocking? Rob bits utilizing their enterprise quest generators. But, until now we journey way too much into that rabbit opening, let us establish the larger more often than not best-known elements of |For this reason i preferred the definition of “resistance” to explain the trend. Time of quest trainer take part in the sports might appear compact, however when you participate in you'll realized that just fulfilling the primary requirements hanging near - you want to pick up content to outlive, you ought to have a firearm, apparel products or services, ingesting products or services, so you require a good health - must have man hrs of quest trainer participate in. Because you remain eradicating the zombies, you should preserve on accumulating experience details. Take a look at my hosting server f1server and tnx nelson . To stop 2.: -some appliances are gotten rid of -low declines -underpriced proficiency -ongoing changes, delivering nearly impossible experiencing not having changing everyday (this can be a drawback and also a master, master because of the fact contributes minimal 5 methods, drawback simply because they days or weeks) -sometimes volatile so yeah, farmville is underrated within a user scores, i am just sharing, the person who made a decision to I was thinking that Unturned Cheats Server would It was amazing. Summing up: you will feel a survivor within a zombie swarmed spoils of our society, and start as a group along with your close friends to keep among the many surviving. |Significant crafting technique - my own boulders and cut more affordable Outset with out cent, members lookup communities, farms, and small islands to discover companies until now they starve to perishing or end up being dehydrated. I commenced with particular-player to acquire a sensation of the planet i was visiting enter into. Very simple, i’ll just sneak up and you should think about components i want. Unturned Cheats Server has incorporated rpg features within offense, protection, and help support proficiency. A persona with at their supreme statistics may perhaps be abnormally paranoid serious about how much time called for to get your go through. Logs are only capable of being employed to provide boards so its possibly not an unhealthy choice to merely art them right away to release case space. Immediately "departed alt" will probably speech talk. Beyond the blaze axe and colt pistol you will find a magnum, mosen rifle, sniper rifles, and submachine weapons. |Though Unturned Cheats Server is for free-to-participate in, members can select to pay extra for $ 5 and improve to precious mode. needing to pay for the 5 $ doesn't similar a pay off-to-be successful method, for the reason that added advantages are separated.
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djstanton0410-blog · 7 years
Donald Stanton
FYW Writing
Prof. Saunders
What in the world is Ageism?
           In my opinion everyone no matter what the age should have some idea about what ageism is. It is not as popular as I would like it to be but I think that it is slowly growing and that is a very good sign. As long as we get everyone to know at least a little something about it then we are going to be positive. We will continue to educate the younger generation so they can teach it to their kids and give them knowledge. Although it may seem like ageism isn’t being spread more around the world, as long as we pass some pieces of knowledge to people in our everyday lives we will slowly grow together to stop ageism once and for all.
           The elderly seemed to deal with the most criticism when it comes down to ageism and that is because people don’t know them but they just assume. They can look a certain way or act a certain way and someone will always comment something negative about it and that is none of their business. Some older aged men and women can lose their job because of ageism. In certain companies they will tell you “we are firing you because you are simply to old to be working here.” That is not fair at all because I don’t believe that the man or woman should be laid off just for their age. Maybe if they are hurting the company in a certain way then it is reasonable but just because someone is old doesn’t mean that they should lose their job. Do you know how much that would hurt someone? Getting fired just because of your age is pathetic and someone should be fired for whoever is doing that. At a certain age sometimes you are not allowed to get a new credit card just because of your age. I honestly think that is so stupid because you should be able to get a new credit card at no matter what age. You can’t be able to get a membership to maybe a gym or a club membership just because of your age. If I’m old and I want to work out and keep my body in shape why am I being prohibited of doing that just because I’m old? They can probably do more in the gym then the people who just go to get a quick couple workouts and go home and never come back for a couple weeks or a month. At some age sometimes an elders body starts to break down and doesn’t function as well as it used to. Everyone should realize that and not have to be negative or embarrass someone just because the way they are. That’s like telling a new born baby to stop crying and acting like a little baby. It’s not their fault that they are crying, they can’t even understand you and you are really trying to say something. You have to realize what is right and what is wrong and just be smart about what you say. If you don’t have anything nice to say about anybody just keep your mouth shut and go on with your life. I don’t care if it’s just a joke or you are playing around it might be super serious to someone else and it could hurt them a lot. It could make them even commit suicide like some younger kids do in our generation because the jokes never stop and they don’t deserve the criticism and the embarrassment. Now some people might want to counter my argument by saying all elders should be retired and go to nursing homes to be with people just like them. So that they don’t have to deal with the hate and be embarrassed by others during their everyday life. People could criticize elders for the way they drive and they sometimes could be write about that. Elders are sometimes blamed for car accidents because they don’t realize as fast as people younger than them. They could also have bad vision so they don’t see everything as well that they used to when they first started driving. If someone has bad vision or bad reaction’s they shouldn’t be in the driver’s seat in the first place but younger people could also have bad vision like if they forget their classes or maybe have a disease that causes delayed reactions.
           In conclusion we should try to spread awareness more with others to kill it and just end it forever. It won’t be quick at all but hopefully one day in the future my kids or maybe even my grandkids can help put a stop to it. We will do it one day no doubt hopefully I’m there to witness it with everyone else and enjoy the rest of our lives.
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djstanton0410-blog · 7 years
Ageism Letter
Donald (D.J.) Stanton
                       I don’t know if all of you know what ageism is and that bothers me a lot. Everyone doesn’t seem to care about ageism or take it as a joke or “not that serious” of a topic. You might not suffer through it but that doesn’t mean you should let others such as our grandmothers and grandfathers. Even your parents could be a part of the discrimination and no one seems to really care about it. Although you may not think ageism is a real problem, look around and help the others, care about your elders and help spread awareness to make their lives feel great again.
           Some men and women my age or even younger might deal with ageism in high school or college, maybe even middle school. The people that seem to suffer the most are the ones that have taken the most hate and discrimination longer than you have been alive. I’m talking about the elderly, the sweet loving grandmothers and grandfathers who have worked their whole life and now that they are towards the end people start to hate on them? It’s honestly pathetic to discriminate someone much older than you. You have no idea who they are and what exactly they’ve been through. The hate doesn’t only hurt their feelings but could hurt their health. They wonder why people are discriminating them “is my life a joke?” or “is my life worth living right now?” It could lead to harmful consequences and it needs to come to an end.
           The spreading awareness of ageism needs to start as soon as possible or else it would be too late. Families should bring up their children and teach them what is right and what is wrong and one of the main topics they should talk about. The elderly do not deserve the discrimination they get because it is just wrong and once it stops the whole world will be in a good place but until more and more people know about who knows what is going to come next.
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