#I know she does get time like that (she has some v cute dynamics with the Professor)BUT STILL
kalloway · 2 years
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this isn’t new art (it’s a couple months old tbh, whoops) but i have a backlog of things I haven’t shared so I figured i could fill in some gaps in the meantime while I remain decidedly unproductive hahaha
just a little friendship idea between @magthemage‘s OC Carmilla and Miriam! By all rights (afaik), it’s a miracle Cammy isn’t (outwardly) a trainwreck given how busy she is, the high-stress environment and field of work... her *Boss* being who he is... etc etc. (at this rate maybe u could argue she’s more of a ‘boss’ figure than the Professor is LOL)
aLso i think at the time i had a second panel idea that’s punchline was just gonna be Cammy being like ‘Okay, 5 coffees it is’, but I didn’t sketch it hahaha
i gotta draw these two more tbh... or at least Cammy (I draw Miriam all the time tbh), I love her a whole bunch 😭
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zutarawasrobbed · 3 months
ALTA Live Action Season 1 Initial Thoughts (Spoilers)
I just finished the season, and holy shit!
Quick things that need to be addressed/debunked:
“Sokka is no longer sexist”
I dont know what people were talking about when they talked about Sokka’s “sexism” being removed. It’s still there! But not in the overly exaggerated comical way it was in the original.
In fact, it’s more in line with ancient practices of indigenous tribes where men are seen as protectors and providers while women are expected to nurture. It’s not the same “boys are better than girls” narrative in the original.
Additionally, Suki still beats the fuck out of Sokka and humbled him really quick. They’re super cute by the way. And I love Suki’s “I like my men a little stupid” vibe. She’s great.
“Aang doesn’t run away like the original!”
That is not true. He does run away, but not because he’s trying to get away from the temple but instead to get some air because he feels overwhelmed. He’s more like taking a quick break and planning to come back. It’s not exactly the same, but almost. It also is done in a way where his guilt feels more justified.
“Katara doesn’t talk about her mom anymore like the original”
This is true… BECAUSE THEY SHOW INSTEAD OF TELL. I was honestly not prepared to see the death Kya in such graphic detail and how Katara was in the room hiding when it happened. It’s honestly really sad and more heartbreaking.
The timeline seems to be ambiguous compared to the original series where it was “end of current year.” In fact, they repeat “three years” a few times, which makes me think if the series get greenlit for more seasons, it would be over a three year period.
Jet is still villainized but given more nuance and not a simple "good v bad" way like the original.
Zuko’s story about how he got his scar has additional lore that makes him come across as even more selfless and compassionate. The additional context of the platoon he advocated for in the war meeting, becoming his current crew, really added to the story.
Eradicated the nepotism baby plot point with Pakku only training Katara when he finds out he used to date her grandma. Instead, Katara proves herself and ends up teaching the other male fighters the techniques she learned from watching other benders use their elements and mimics them.
This season doesn’t have Aang learning any waterbending, but rather facing his trauma and the consequences of his actions. He get roasted by all his past lives. Which is an interesting choice, but I think it works well in how they executed it.
This season seems to actually be Katara focused and her journey of learning waterbending which I honestly loved because it really hits home the element of “water” being the story of an untrained waterbender learning her element. But, I do think Aang could’ve learned a little bending. It felt a little off.
Katara ends up advocating for all waterbending women and ends up leading an army of both men and women during the siege. She’s really bad ass and is given the title of master without being formally trained by Pakku. She made herself a master.
I think the timeline is a little wonky because of how much they had to fit in with the limited episodes they had.
Kuruk is given respect! I loved that.
June actually seems into Iroh which I thought was a funny but cool way to flip the script from the original.
The relationship between Zuko and Iroh is really beautifully executed. I love the depth they added with flashback scenes and their bond prior to the Agni Kai. It also wasn’t as frustrating watching Iroh and Zuko’s dynamic because Iroh communicated with Zuko in a way he could understand with straight answers rather than seeming to actively sabotage him with cryptic puns and shenanigans like the original.
They changed the love triangle with Yue Hahn and Sokka to be very healthy. They gave Yue autonomy and a choice in her relationship- which- again- is much more in line with indigenous cultures. Also, Hahn and Sokka’s relationship is really supportive and full of respect and no ill will.
They way they handled grief and the realities of war with the loss of life was very well done and really drove home the point that this is a war and these are child soldiers.
There’s a lot more but these are my initial thoughts. Will probably post more later.
Kataang is all but removed. Literally DOA. There is no indication of a crust on either side. It’s painted like a sibling relationship, which is like the original, but this time everyone seems to be on the same page. But, I swear the writers had to have read ZK fics because damn.
They canonized a popular Zutara theory/hc about the cave of two lovers and how the crystals would light up once it went completely dark instead of a “kiss” activating the crystal glow.
Speaking of the Cave of two lovers. They keep the Oma and Shu story with red and blue coloring. Making it come across more as foreshadowing than a direct link to the present tunnel story.
Sokka is put in Aang’s place with Katara in the tunnels and turned it into a story about the love of family and sibling bonds. Aang wasn’t even present.
Zuko and Katara share a meaningful look when they first see each other and continue to have a Katara centric scene followed by a Zuko centric scene and vice versa.
The scarf scene. I will not be elaborating further. If you know, you know.
Zuko and Katara fight scene in the North is epic. He still taunts her with almost the exact same dialogue but it’s so sassy- I love the banter.
Suki and Sokka were really cute and the actors had great chemistry. I think Yue and Sokka was really rushed and didn’t really feel anything about them, honestly. But I attribute that to lack of episodes to develop all that plot.
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iluvnewports · 5 months
Canary | Part II
part I here
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Tumblr hates posting my foremats!
18+, minors dni
You’ve been walking around with a head held high lately and it’s not hard to see why. 
It may or may not involve a certain driven English bastard turned wanted murderer. And the couch. And that one time in the car. Maybe also, possibly, a subway bathroom stall. 
You’ve both agreed to keep this whole situation to yourselves and while you think you’re acting completely nonchalant, you can’t deny there’s a certain pep in your step. Same for him. He’s been a little less brutish than normal. 
Things have been calm, as calm as things can be when you’re one of the most wanted criminals in the country, but you’re not sure what else you’d call it. Starlight—Annie—has been trying to get her hands on a sample of Compound V, per the plan that Butcher didn’t really care for. He doesn’t really like Annie on account of being a Supe, but you like her just fine. She’s funny and sweet, though she can act pretentious at times. But Butcher can’t see past the fact of what’s in her DNA.
Just another stark difference between the two of you, you suppose. 
Annie got a lead from Stormfront's laptop about the Sage Grove Center, explaining why you and the rest of the group are now standing about ninety yards away, half of you dressed in orderly scrubs. You, Butcher, Hughie, and Annie decide to hang back just in case while M.M, Frenchie, and Koniko go inside. 
You and Butcher sit atop the van’s roof, Butcher flat on his stomach looking down the scope of a rifle at the building as you sit criss-crossed beside him, eyes squinting as you look up to the sky, hair blowing back into your face. You two haven’t said much to each other but it’s okay. It’s a comfortable silence. 
You know he’s in a mood right now since Annie is here helping physically. He can do with her leads, sure, her undercover work, but he hates having to be around her. You’re hoping your presence can at least help some to put him at ease. You look over, watching Annie and Hughie awkwardly flirt. Their dynamic is so odd, but can you really say anything? Even if it’s odd, it’s sort of cute. 
“Are they in?” You ask, unable to see much because of the distance. 
“Yeah, looks like it.” He lowers the scope, poking up a bit. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You know what’s bothering him and you don’t expect him to talk about it or share it with you first. Sometimes you have to poke the bear. 
“What about?” He asks as he looks back through the scope, surveying the area. You smile to yourself; yup, just as you expected. 
“Maybe the fact that you’re not too happy with Annie being here.” You poke at him. 
“Oh for fucks sake, are you all on a first-name basis now? Braiding friendship bracelets while you all suck off the Supe?” Butcher scoffs as he looks over his shoulder at you. 
“Yeah, I made mine in green.” You flash your wrist sarcastically as you prop your knees up more comfortably. “You know we wouldn’t have this lead without her.” 
Butcher purses his lips, lowering his scope as he furrows his brows in thought. You’re right and he knows it. He opens his mouth to talk, but just as he does, a loud boom sounds throughout the sky. Flying. Butcher quickly picks up his scope, waving his hand at you to get low and you comply. 
It’s Stormfront, landing just close enough that she doesn’t see the giant hole in the fence that Annie had made. You watch in horror, grabbing the walkie from near Butcher. 
“M.M, Stormfront is here, be careful.” You warn them quietly, not expecting a reply as you scoot towards the edge of the roof, Annie offering a hand before you jump. You gladly accept her help with a smile and a small ‘thanks’.
Butcher lowers his scope as he mutters a curse under his breath, shaking his head as he notices you standing down with Starlight which he doesn’t like. “Looks like Stormcunt is here.” Butcher huffs. Always a wrench in the plan, some way or another. 
“Oh God, what do we do?” Hughie panics slightly. 
“Nothing, that’s what we fuckin’ do.” Butcher stands up, rifle in hand as he nears the edge. Annie offers her hand to him which he ignores, jumping down as he leans into the open van door to grab his handgun just in case, cocking it and placing it in his belt behind him. 
You hear Annie sigh and you shoot her an apologetic look as Hughie looks more pitiful than anything.
Your walkie crackles and you pull it from your waistband, holding it up between the four of you. Butcher’s ears perk up as he turns, all waiting and looking at one another as the radio static continues. 
“They’re experimenting on… on the patients. Compound V. Against their will,” crkkkkkk, “this is so fucked.” M.M whispers as you hear a commotion on the other end. “They’re just… killing them.” Another radio crackle. 
Your brows furrow as you raise your head to look at Butcher with an equally worried—or angry—face. He goes to snatch the walkie from you but you jerk your hand back, slapping his hand away with a head shake. Anger bubbles within his chest, scoffing at your hand slap, as if he were some sort of child. 
You say nothing as the walkie-crackles cease, placing it back onto your pant’s waistband. You all stand in tense silence, looking at one another as Butcher fumes silently, ready to pop a vein as he looks at Annie. 
Butcher suddenly points his loaded rifle straight at Annie’s face, Annie gasping as Hughie immediately starts panicking, shouting, “Woah!” Your jaw drops.
“Real fuckin’ convenient that as soon as we get here Stormcunt shows up. But it’s just a coincidence, right?” Butcher looks down the line of the barrel, steadying it so it’s pointed directly center of her forehead. “And now they’re sayin’ they’re experimenting on people, killin’ em. You Supes, all the fucken same.”
“Butcher, she’s on our side!” You try and reason with him, shouting at him in hopes he’ll listen.
Annie’s eyes glow brightly as you can feel the electricity crackle within the air, your body hair standing up on end. “Get that thing out of my face.”
“Or what? You’ll kill me?” Butcher laughs coldly, shrugging. “I’d like to see you try.”
“Butcher—!” Hughie tries to interject.
“Oh shut the fuck up, Hughie.” Butcher spits venomously. “You’re just as bad seeing you’re banging the cunt. Sleeping with the enemy, eh?” 
“Billy!” You finally shout which causes him to lower his gun and look at you. You breathe in sharply, slicing your hand through the air firmly. “Put the goddamn gun down.” 
“Oh so you’ll only listen unless you’re fucking one of us, that’s great to know.” Hughie laughs bitterly.
“Hughie…” you trail off. 
“No.” He shrugs you off, shaking his head. “Just shut the fuck up.” Your heart aches in your chest at his sudden coldness, your brows furrowing as hurt morphs over your face. You’ve never had him snap on you like this, despite everything you two have been through. “You want to talk about sleeping with the enemy? How could you be with someone like him? He abandoned us!”
Butcher notices your silence, watching the way hurt paints across your features. He lowers his gun down by his side as he goes toe to toe with Hughie, towering over him. “Watch yourself Hughie.” He warns.
Hughie throws his hands in the air, laughing before stepping forward, seemingly not backing down. “Fuck you, Butcher.” 
It’s now you and Annie trying to talk both of them down, pull them apart, but they won’t budge. “Guys—!”
An alarm rings out loudly, causing everyone’s head to turn as you turn on your heels and grab the walkie. “M.M? Is everything okay?” 
No response, an explosion going off somewhere within the building. And that’s when Butcher clocks Hughie straight in the jaw who falls like a sack of potatoes, Annie diving down to comfort him as he holds his bleeding nose. Butcher points at him, his voice falling very low. “You don’t fuckin’ talk to her that way. Not around me.” 
You’re embarrassed by the encounter, watching the way your two friends look at you as they lay on the ground. Your face burns, too blindsided by rage and betrayal to fully comprehend what he had just said. You immediately snap your walkie off your hip and push it into his hands, tears welling in your eyes as you send a look of apology towards your hurt friends before climbing into the van without another word. All you want is to be alone right now. 
Butcher scowls at your action, calling back to M.M on your walkie, which you can’t really hear as it’s so muffled behind the closed door. You lean away from the door, looking in the other direction of the van so no one has to see the angry tears slipping down your face. God damn, he’s such a fucking brute. It’s a different conversation within the bedroom, but he should know better than anyone else that you don’t like to be submissive anywhere but. You’ve always hated the way he needs to assert himself, and now you’re directly involved.
The way Hughie looked at you… you can’t stop thinking about it. He looked so hurt, so betrayed. You two have always been like siblings, you always had each other’s backs. He took it so hard when Butcher seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth. You were too, but you were strong, for him. If you’re Butcher’s canary, Hughie’s yours. 
The leather is sleek against your clothes and you can almost slip around in your seat as you try and pose yourself away from the door, knees dipping down towards the left. It’s silent outside the van and you can only assume that they’re all staring at each other intensely. It is Butcher’s specialty, after all. 
You’re brooding in silence, ready for it all to be over, hoping your friends are safe. 
Until it’s not. Until you hear shouting. And before you can look behind you, the van is suddenly flipping onto itself three times over, rolling about in the empty field. Your body thrashes around the metal van, throwing you into the back of the van as you’re thrown around, hitting all walls and corners as your body contorts and bends in ways you didn’t think were imaginable. It all happens so fast, it’s all such a blur, that you can’t comprehend it until you’re lying on your side as the van tilts and steadies right back up on its wheels. 
You slowly push yourself up, arms wobbling beneath your weight as you grunt out. Everything is so heavy, so blurred, so dizzy. You hear your name being called by three separate voices but the ringing in your ears is too loud to get past. You weakly push the doors open as they’re pulled, stumbling out onto the grass and almost falling to your knees as you look around. 
“Y/N…” Butcher looks as Annie gasps to herself, Hughie covering his mouth as you hold your hands out, trying your best to focus on what’s in front of you. Your torso is itchy, you feel itchy and you feel warm. 
You look down to your stomach, a large fragment sticking through the upper right of your stomach, your torn skin jagged and ripped apart as crimson clots around it slightly, thick crimson pouring down your frontside. You cough, your knees buckle. 
You collapse.
“Oh my god.” Annie gasps as Butcher jets down to scoop you up into your arms, carrying you bridal style as your head lulls back limply. All chaos and anger are put to the side, enemies become allies as they set aside their differences for the common goal of saving you.
Butcher looks down at your stomach, blood staining his clothes and palms as his worried eyes scan your colorless face. “Can you cauterize it?” He looks up to Starlight, who stutters over herself, gesturing to your wound. 
“Maybe—! I-It won’t last long!” 
“Do it, for god's sake, just do it.” He shakes his head, lifting you up at an angle so she can have access to your torso. She burns the wound with the fragment still inside, stopping the bleeding—for now.
“What about them?” Hughie asks, referring to M.M and them. Butcher shakes his head, immediately rushing forward towards the way of the road behind the thick woods. 
“Fuck them, they’re on their own.” He shakes his head as he looks down at you, the inner conflict of the situation settling across his features. You’re in between unconsciousness and reality at this point, slipping between the two gradually. Hughie and Annie follow closely behind Butcher, both unsure of his plan but following along anyway as they hold worry within their hearts. Hughie regrets snapping on you if only he could take it back. 
Then you wouldn’t have been in that fucking van. 
“We need a car,” Butcher says thickly, pulling you closer to him as fingers hook from beneath and wrap around your body. Your cheek rests against his inner forearm, groaning with furrowed brows. You’re so beyond frazzled that the pain is instead a dull, uncomfortable throbbing throughout your body. Tame, yet enough to drive you mad.
The three of them eventually flag down—or really, carjack—someone’s car on the road, leaving them behind with a card for Susan Raynor with him as Annie speeds down the road, Butcher holding you close in the backseat.
“Please let me do this. You gotta’ let me do this one fucking thing for ya’.” Butcher whispers to you, rubbing at your cheek as he holds your face. Your legs lay across his lap as you lean against the car door, Butcher leaning forward just enough so he wasn’t putting any weight on you. “You’re going to be okay.” It’s more of a plea to God himself than reassurance. 
He tucks a stray hair behind your ear, somehow bloodied deep red. Your face is so pale, so drained of life and color as he holds your face, wiping his thumb over your cheek again just to feel you. He repeats his soothing mantra to not go insane. 
“You’re going to be okay.”
You’re somewhere calm, in a serene field that stretches for miles, perfectly cut grass with small flowers. You look down; you’re barefoot, wearing a flowing dress that cuts off just above your knees, loose sleeves comfortably falling down your arm until it elopes around your wrist. You’re clean, comfortable, calm. 
You place two hands on your stomach, smoothing down your dress as you lift your head. There he is, in all his glory. Butcher, standing about six feet away from you, same beach shirt with the two buttons popped open, glistening chest expose with chest hair poking through. 
“‘Ello gorgeous.” He walks towards you, grabbing your two hands as he gives you a once-over. Everything is perfect; you don’t feel nervous, embarrassed. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” 
You smile, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. You don’t need to question why you’re here or where you are. Everything is perfect.
The scene changes and suddenly you’re laying on your back, plush grass pillowing your back as the collar of your dress is pulled down beneath your chest, wetness coating your nipple as Butcher’s tongue swirls around your left breast, sucking slightly as you sweetly moan into the air around you, fingers tangling within his thick black hair. Your leg is exposed as he pulls your leg up against his side, fingers gripping and digging into the flesh of your thigh as he grinds against your cotton underwear. 
He kisses your neck, lapping his tongue upwards and suckling on your ear. His heavy breath sends chills down your spine and your skin ignites in chills when he whispers in your ear in response to your moans, “I know sweetheart, I know.” 
Everything changes again and you’re now on top of him, dress hiked up your legs as you grind on his cock. His hands grip your hips, pulling you back and forth, cock wedged up your cunt as you bounce slightly, head lolled backward as your pants are met with the breeze of the open sky above you. Butcher sits upright, pulling you into his chest as you gyrate back and forth, cock plunging deep within you and causing that amazing friction you know all too well. His tongue finds its way back to your breast, suckling on it as you moan out. 
You’ll never get used to how big he is, it’s as if he breaks you in every time, stretching you out for his liking. He bites down on your breast, causing you to wince as you grab both sides of his face, forcing him to look at you. 
“Sorry love,” he smiles, lips parting as he watches you ride him with such intensity, such need. Your back arches against him, his arms wrapped around you as he pushes into the arch of your back further against him. The light-headed feeling is slowly making its appearance, the burning between your legs becoming more intense as your lower stomach bubbles, your panting picking up and you moan out into the air. Your ears ring as you’re pushed over the edge, straight into the arms of your climax, Butcher gripping a fist full of hair as your eyes fall shut. He nips at your throat, giving you the perfect balance of pleasure and pain as you cry out, cock rubbing into you and hitting the spot as you feel his cock twitch inside of you, spilling his seed as you clench around him, tip repeatedly hitting your cervix with a dull pain that can only be described as feeling right. 
Eyes shoot open and you’re faced with a white ceiling, the feeling of IVs stuck in your arms making you cringe as you lay up in a hospital bed fit with a gown. You’re disoriented, bright light blinding you as you sit up with a wince, your hand flying to your stomach as you collapse back down. You can feel the rough stitches beneath your gown’s thin fabric. 
Looking around, you notice Butcher facing the window, his back to you as he stares silently, lost deep in thought. The sun is setting. It’s nice to see it from this height instead of being stuck in some dark, wet basement. 
“Are you okay?” You ask him, knowing what sort of things he can get into when he’s left in that mind of his. As soon as he hears your voice he immediately turns, his features relaxing as he gives you a once-over. 
“You get impaled and almost die and ask if I’m okay?” Butcher chuckles as he walks over to your bed, placing two hands on either side of your cheeks and planting a lasting kiss on your lips. 
“How’re you feeling?” He asks in a whisper as if you’ll break apart into his hands if he’s too loud, allowing your face to relax as he sits down across from you. 
You shrug nonchalantly with a hum. “Little sore.” 
His hands still haven’t let go of your face, eyes flickering between both of your own. “Yeah?” He humors as if to say no shit. 
“Kind of stupid to bring me to a hospital.” You wrap your hand around Butcher’s forearm as you rub against the rough skin, his arm hair soft against the pads of your fingers. “It’s a miracle I didn’t wake up handcuffed to the bed.” 
You watch Butcher’s face contort into a smirk, just watching the dirty thoughts run across his mind. You tsk, and when he opens his mouth, you put your finger up and press it down to the pad of your thumb, signing “no,” as you hum with a brow raised. He releases a breath in humor, smiling as he tilts his head. Hands slide down your face, one resting on your shoulder as the other rests within the crane of your neck. His face suddenly falls, now looking at you solemnly. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He shakes his head, brows furrowing and he can’t even look into your eyes, instead looking down between you. “This should’ve never happened. None of this was supposed to happen.” 
“Butcher…” You trail off with a small sigh, shaking your head as you place your hands atop his in comfort. “It isn’t your fault. Shit like this is just inevitable, in our position, our line of work. The way we live. It’s our hand dealt.” 
“I know that.” Butcher turns stern. “Jesus fucking Christ, you don’t think I know that?”
“It’s too dangerous.” He shakes his head. “I don’t—I can’t—“
He can’t even speak. He almost lost you today and he honestly can’t handle it. You shake your head again, placing your hands on his face as you force him to look at you. “Billy,” you say gently. His empty eyes look at yours. He’s already lost so much, you know that. “I know. But we’re in this together, yeah?” You shake your head to encourage him.
“We’ve been through a lot these past couple years, and even before we…” He swallows. Hearing him speak so gently isn’t something you’re used to. “I’ve always cared for you, you know that. With everything we’ve been through the past year, these past couple years, this is the first time I’ve ever considered quitting.” Butcher’s eyes switch between yours as your thumb strokes his beard, your eyes heavy with sadness as your heart aches. 
His hands fall from you as he recoils, regressing away so he can collapse in on himself. He looks away again. “I don’t want to lose you.” 
“Hey, hey,” you whisper, grabbing his rough hands and pulling him closer. “You won’t lose me. I’m here, I’m still here.”
He nods, though you’re not really convinced. You decide to take a different approach.
You lay back into your bed, patting beside you. Your bed is just big enough to allow it and all you want to do is use this moment to reassure him. Fuck Homelander, fuck Vought, fuck everything right now. All you have right now is each other. Butcher complies, crawling up and collapsing next to you. You both face forward, your head falling to rest on his shoulder as you take his hand in yours. It’s silent, but that’s okay. 
Everything is falling apart, but amid the chaos, you want to ground yourself in a moment to appreciate what you have. You don’t have a lot, but you do have people who care for you. And honestly, for the moment, that’s okay. It’s worth it to have moments like these. 
“I had a dream, just before I woke up.” Everything’s so heavy, so you decide to turn to something else. 
“Oh yeah?” He leans his head down onto yours. 
“It was you and me in a field. It was beautiful. I was wearing a dress and you were in your stupid beach shirt.” You giggle to yourself as he scoffs. 
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” He’s offended. You snort. 
“Yeah, I’ve heard beach shirts are all the rave in England.” Butcher rolls his eyes. 
“We were in the field, it was nice. Calm.” You smile with a shrug, remembering how it made you feel. “Then we were fucking.��� 
Butcher’s eyebrows lift as he turns his head so you can see him, pleasantly surprised. “We were banging? In a field?”
You nod with a smile. “Better than a car, hm?” 
“I’ll say. Maybe after all of this is over we can go there, yeah?” 
You turn back to face the door as you lean back into him, eyes closing gently as you daydream of it all. “As long as it’s far away.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
You smile with a hum, stroking against the back of his hand, catching some hair beneath your thumb. You don’t want to bring up what he said earlier in fear of him shutting down; you know how he is. You hope you can talk about it later, if later ever comes. 
Despite his need to constantly be strong for others, you want to be strong for him. And that’s why you can’t admit, you won’t admit, that you’re scared too. The two of you constantly tiptoe around death every day. But today was too close of a call. You’re scared, even more than you were before. You’ve always known you could die; That’s not the issue. The issue is that if you do, you’re finally realizing what you’d be leaving behind. 
And upon that realization, you’re scared. Butcher has already lost so much that maybe you take into consideration that your loss may be too much. And you don’t know what to do with that fact. 
You pack it away for later. Because for right now, all you want to do is absorb what is now. Who knows how much of it you even have left? You take a deep breath as you memorize the way his hand feels beneath yours right now or the way his soft breaths feel against your temple. The way his beard scratches your skin slightly. 
“Me neither.”
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toomuchracket · 9 months
love when we are thinking about d word. my favourite thought right now is getting coffee or lunch delivered to the office when she’s working and he’s out of town. just as a version of looking after her because she can let stuff like that slide if she’s really busy. and flowers i feel like reception would be sick of the delivery people there (just kidding everyone loves girly in my mind and they think it’s sweet)
when you and matty are getting to know each other and he's in the office, i think you definitely do coffee/lunch hangouts together every day - one day, probably mid end of financial year stuff, i think he comes over like "hey do you want to go for lunch" and you don't even look away from your computer like "i'm so sorry but i'm too busy to take a break rn. but i'll come and find you later for a tea if that's cool", and matty's like "yeah no worries darlin', i'll see you in a bit". the hours pass, and you don't leave your desk; only when everyone else is packing up their stuff to go home do you run over to matty like "god i am SO sorry i lost track of time trying to get everything done i hope i haven't upset you", and he's like "it's alright sweetheart! i didn't want to interrupt you. but i can give you a lift home and we'll get some dinner on the way, yeah? surely you're starving, you missed lunch". and you're like "ok yeah i'm a bit hungry", so you end up getting pizza and eating it in matty's car and chatting lol. the next day, at lunch, he's like "i know you're busy but i thought you should probably eat something so i got you some soup" - you look up at him, all starry-eyed and genuinely touched, like "thank you for taking care of me", and matty's like "s'ok. i like making sure you're alright". and it becomes a thing when you're really busy and matty's around, him dropping off lunch for you and refusing to let you pay him back for it (he's like "the reason you're so busy is because you're sorting our shit out, sweetheart, it's the least i could do to thank you". but you give him little gifts to even the score, regardless). it continues when you actually start seriously dating, although it often becomes matty sliding a tupperware of leftovers from the dinner he made you last night over to you before you leave for work, and he sets up a deal thing with the cafe near the office you both like and frequent so that you get lunch delivered during any really busy periods when he's not in london and able to drop you something off. and i also think matty would be like "i don't ever mean to patronise or baby you, darlin', i just wanna make sure you're healthy", because he's conscious of the potential power dynamics and imbalances but also he really does just want the best for you, bless him. and the flowers! i wrote about him getting you a bloom & wild subscription for at home while he's away, but i think he'll send a little bunch to the office every so often for your desk, too. you and the girls at reception have a laugh about it - you go in on monday mornings and they're like "another bouquet for you, babe", and you roll your eyes and do that "you're joking. not ANOTHER one?" bit from the bbc news before you're like "what's the verdict on them", and the girls will give their opinions lmao. you apologise for the constant extra deliveries addressed to you, and they're like "nah it's cute. and flowers are more fun to get than office supplies lol". you tell matty about this whole bit, and whenever he's home and he personally comes in with flowers for you, he has to stop at reception to show the girls before he takes them up to you lol - to be honest, i think he's less known to them as "matty" and more as "your boyfriend", despite the fact he's worked at/with dh longer than you lmao. v sweet <3
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beangusu · 10 months
Please please please share your reinako fic recommendations! I absolutely adore all your art of them 💗
THANK U SO MUCH <3 AND OMG I HAVE SO MANY... u have unlocked my reinako fic floodgates but i will try to be normal and keep it to like 5-10 recs
just a warning, two of these have nsfw in them (In The Corner of Her Mind and Heartfelt Obligation) but are skippable, so if you’re like me and aren’t a fan of that then you can just skip the chapter!
In The Corner of Her Mind - this ones an oldie but i read it time and time again bc it breaks my heart in the BEST way possible especially since its set in the PGSM universe :'D if u want an amnesia reinako au fic, this one ticks all the boxes Point Not Taken - also a really old fic, but oh my god Victoria G's fics make me kick my feet and giggle and knowing they were a co-writer for the Carmilla web-series just makes so much sense bc i was obsessed with hollstein..... pls read their reinako fics they make me wanna throw up (affectionate) Through the Fire (Through Whatever, Come What May) - this one's not finished yet but the way the author writes the reinako dynamic is SO THEMMMM 🥰🥰 i adore when people write the reinako dynamic just right and this fic hits that spot for me red on my tongue (the red of your tongue) - i am so obsessed with fics that are abt present reinako finding out abt love affairs between silver millennium mars & venus which either cue their realization moment or push them to confess :3 this one has to be my fav out of all of YNK’s reinako fics, it made me tear up so bad at some parts like they are so Soulmates it makes me insane. pls read all of YNK's reinako fics after this i promise u wont regret it Heartfelt Obligation - ofc i had to link the mandatory princess/bodyguard au set in the silver millennium where they dislike each other at first but then slowly start catching feelings :33 it's incomplete but i love the silly banter and how they warm up to each other in this fic, its so cute 🥺 i like the burning sun (because i'm running with you) - small oneshot thats also so cute where they're just normal teens with crushes on each other,,, minako is so whipped for rei and rei is so stupid god bless
She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire - the gay yearning in this one is so UNBELIEVEABLY off the charts it's so sweet and fills that slice of life highschool trope hole if u like that!! minako does get stoned in this one, not during the whole fic, but i figured i would warn anyways in case that makes anyone uncomfy Past Loves And Current Problems - ending this with this cute fic of minako finding out about greek mythology regarding mars and venus being lovers teehee ^_^ this fic also talks about ace's "curse" on venus from the codename sailor v manga AND I LOVE THAT i wish more fics talked abt that.... i have so so so many more i want to talk about and show everyone but i feel bad for this wall of text so i will leave that for a pt2/pt3 in the future mayb... i am filled with reinako brainrot and its never going away im so sorry u guys 💔
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ipsen · 1 year
Eto Character Analysis
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Big long post coming. Couldn’t help myself.
Admittedly, I’m mostly stealing from this post from the old ages (it’s crazy good and turned Eto into my favorite character), so you can read that and honestly get the same information. But I figured I’d take a swing at the behemoth myself.
Also wanna preface the analysis with the fact that I’m using the official translations as my source, as I can’t access the original scans and also couldn’t read them even if I did (cursed by monolingual tendencies).
Under the cut!
Eto is, unfortunately, a character that is built mainly on subtext crammed into very few chapters. Figuring her out is very difficult and a lot of her more nuanced traits can go over most people’s heads (it’s easy to call her insane, for example, and while she does have a few issues up in the old cranium, i’d hardly call her that).
The most important thing about Eto to keep in mind when discussing her is that she has been failed, and as a result of that, she also believes that she has failed those around her.
Her father left her in what is basically a literal shithole, especially for a baby. Her mother, though she died without really knowing Eto, did leave a journal behind, and Eto’s singular insight to the work regarding herself is that she is just a “byproduct,” and her foster parent got killed (presumably) protecting her from V, punting her to an orphanage where she’d have to steal money to survive (see: re 62), and presumably pretty often at that.
She got insanely lucky with the writer gig and shiono, who-- side note-- means a lot to her. Finally, a positive adult figure in her life! Unfortunately, he is a) only human, and b) her editor/coworker, so his positive influence, while welcome, is limited. still, she picks up his cute little hand gestures and I, personally, appreciate that (see: re 62 and compare it to TG 114).
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Just the greatest.
Where was I... Ah, Eto being failed by those around her. And where does that leave her? Look no further than TG 98:
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“A replacement is merely a replacement.” Eto doesn’t believe in found family, because she never actually found one.
And within the context of this chapter, we learn another thing about Eto. Whenever she interacts with someone and “breaks” them (the Yasuhisas, Kanae), she heavily projects onto them (because she recognizes their situation; notice how she only ever targets people who are both relatable to her and weaker than her) and breaks apart the “lie” the target tells themself, even if it isn’t entirely accurate:
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(re 43) This is a false statement; Kanae does wish for Shuu to recover, he’s just upset it’s happening like this. Because who wouldn’t be, in his situation? Despite everything that he and the others did for Shuu, the only thing able to bring him out of his depression is the very thing that caused it. But I digress.
Back on track, there’s also Haise’s analysis of her work, the most personal thing she has, to consider when discussing her in re 39:
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Once again, the void rears its ugly head.
Hopelessness. Emptiness. Filling it with anger and bitterness, and it’s never enough, but it’s all she has. Because the void can only be filled by the things she can never have.
So she throws herself at the CCG, banging her head against its walls with small raids alongside some fellow ghouls and then taking on the special investigators by herself. She’s 14, she’s a kakuja, and she’s mad. Mad at the world that failed her, mad at V for making it the way it is, and mad that things haven’t changed for a very long time. She has Ukina’s journal; she knows how stale the “narrative” is.
Of course, her raids don’t work very well, but she’s basically just a kid. She is as old as Hinami during TG.
Then, she’s finally thrown a bone, and is worse off for it:
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Something I’ve noticed when factoring Arima’s influence into Eto’s character is that there is an assumption that the power dynamic between them is equal. It isn’t. I cannot stress this enough; there is a hierarchy at play here, and Eto isn’t the one on top. How do we know this?
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(TG 139)
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(re 52)
Kaneki was the new toy to replace Eto, the old one.
The ultimate plan is “the One-Eyed King will destroy the egg of V’s world and make something new.” By the time Kaneki does take the throne, this plan has been going on for 13 years. Kaneki was chosen as a candidate at the ten-year mark; he had to have been a non-factor before then. So who is left to become the king instead?
The age difference between her and Arima is roughly 4-5 years. Remind you of another relationship?
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(TG 14)
To reiterate, Eto is a 14-year old kid who has been abandoned by everyone who could possibly love her the way she wants. She desires parental love, protective love, the kind of love that makes her feel safe, when she has only ever fought to defend herself.
Enter someone who is far stronger than she could ever be, someone who could actually offer her the protection she so desperately wants. Unfortunately, Kishou Arima is the endgame mindset of Black Reaper Kaneki, to put it simply: someone who is impossibly distant, wants to die, and craves the approval of everyone.
Let’s expand on Arima for a brief moment. “Craves the approval of everyone,” specifically. He is both the One-Eyed King and the greatest ghoul investigator that ever lived. He doesn’t pick one or the other, and when he dies, he doesn’t have to pick. He is mourned by the CCG, and Kaneki, ever a puppet in someone else’s game, carries on his legacy and “wish“ for coexistence.
Eto is no exception to his godly levels of charisma. She is one of Hinami’s foils, and we know how quickly and easily she latched onto Kaneki. It’s safe to assume that something similar happened with Eto and Arima.
And Eto failed him. She doesn’t become king; someone else does. Someone very similar. And yet, when faced with this new person:
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(re 56)
Well, then.
Eto also does everything in her power to give Kaneki the information he needs to break the eggshell. She freely gives away information about V, the Washuu’s involvement with them, the connection to the CCG, everything. Or as much as she can give him while under Cochlea’s surveillance.
So what’s the game here? Why does she support Kaneki, the one who basically stole Arima's approval, something everyone around him wants, from under her nose? Better yet, why is she aiding the search for her “replacement” in the first place? Because remember, even before Kaneki registered on her radar for a candidate for the OEK, she and Aogiri were searching for Kanou, the one-eyed ghoul maker specialist man. Aogiri wanted to use Kanou to make as many possible candidates beyond just Kaneki. So even without Kaneki in the picture, Eto wants a replacement. She wants this. Why?
Well, here’s what I think she actually wants:
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(re 53)
There’s no other explanation that I can think of for why she would willingly get herself arrested and leave Aogiri to be fully exterminated on Rushima (the One-Eyed Owl totally could have turned the tables of that battle). She’s only lived as long as she has because she doesn’t want to leave anything unsaid. This is also the reason why she reveals herself as a ghoul as Takatsuki; she’s effectively destroying her own career while simultaneously giving V a huge middle finger.
This desire to close off everything she’s built up until now and pass the torch to Kaneki is also represented in her haircut; she’s literally shedding her burdens to give to someone else. Someone similar to her, but kinder than her. Better than her.
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(re 52)
I’ve said what I’ve come to say. Thanks for reading!
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scuderiahoney · 15 days
okay so i read part six when i was out of town (I WENT ON A SAFARI I SAW 18 LIONS) and here are my thoughts
1. i was on the edge of my seat for the enture starting scene thinking ohhhh fuck yhis is the angst lee talked about FOR THEM TO GO ON A MUSEUM DATE 😭😭
2. love how bunny is like, its oscar. the literal embodiment of a polite cat, no bone in his body is capable of being a situationship fuckboi
3. They fuck like bunnies i imagine (i yhought of this and laughed so hard because it was so badd)
4. the sprinkler in the park thing is straight out of a cheesy romcom that you watch when you need comfy movies during your period
5. I LOVE. LOVE. LANDO AND MAX. Theyre so chaotic.
6. Idk why i expected charles to be the most oblivious person in the team, BUT HE CAUGHT ON FIRST??, I imagined like alex or lily being first (Like just WALKING IN ON THEM HALF DECENT) imagine charles being a thirdwheel on EVERY OCCASION 😭😭 like grocery shopping? Its charles oscar and bunny, oscar and bunny are feeding eachother samples and heart eyeing eachother and charles is like eugh love.
8. hey better charles walkinh in than someone else (cough cough seb cough cough)
9. im so interested in vic and bunnies dynamic i would love to see more of them (like in the extra smaus you do)
11. drunk max x mad max x over protective max = oscar shitting his pants
12. OSCAR I WILL FOGHT YOU (Im very superstitious)
13. sex ban? boy you fuck like bunnies stfu
14. Also i love that when they have intimate moments, like the kiss on the cheek, the kiss at the end of this chapter there is some evidence of it? like the blue paint and the lipstick on oscar? Its like that one taylor swift lyric (cant remember which) it just makes me so soft that they carry that little reminder of it with them for atleast a little while
P.S Ive been compiling this list over the last WEEK. I haven't had the time to send it to u im sorry for this late react!!
hiiiiii! a safari?? how cool!! i’m so jealous you have no idea.
my response under a read more bc it got long:
1. hehehe idk to me Oscar is just a v good communicator. so he wasn’t gonna let that slide.
2. again. would’ve been off brand for him!!
3. i agree just agree & as the person who wrote it… that means it’s canon (you are so funny actually)
4. the cheesiest!!!
5. the absolute chaos of the both of them. combined they’re an unstoppable force
6. see like. lando and max are TOO invested & so they’re caught up in every little detail & missing the big picture. charles, on the other hand, cares, but he knows better than to rule Oscar out immediately. max & lando see bunny as a friend & assume that’s how everyone else on the team sees her. charles knows that’s not necessarily true (not talking about himself, just. in general.) the grocery shopping is such a cute idea omg
7. YES
8. oh my GOD can you imagine
9. the way that I see their dynamic is a little bit like this- max def sees bunny as basically his sister at this point. she’ll never replace Vic but that’s the vibe. & Vic knows this & loves max, and bunny, for it. They both like knowing max has someone else looking out for him. & one time bunny rolled her eyes in J*s’ face and she earned big brownie points for that
10. !!! you know i had to!!
11. Oscar in that bathroom helping get lando patched up but internally panicking like “wtf did I get myself into”
12. same!!
13. he would last less than a day
14. i think to me, bc everything is so secretive and hidden and just the two of them, it’s nice to show these little reminders that it really does exist outside just the two of them (& charles) like if bunny had any doubts, she could just look and see the lipstick and feel a little better knowing it was hers!
your thoughts are so worth the wait 😘💛 so glad you enjoyed it!!
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Spoilers. Duh. Book and show
Annabeth being there to witness the moment Luke tried to kill Percy is a FUCKING GAME CHANGER. To me, it says that Annabeth suspected Luke & made a plan to make both Percy and Luke think that she would be with Clarisse. When she intended to follow them and protect Percy if need be.
I’m not mad about it. It’s a big change. But it makes sense for her character. It will make her and Luke’s dynamic later in the series a little different. Maybe instead of Annabeth blindly wanting to believe that Luke is good and couldn’t possibly do evil things, it will be more nuanced. She knows he’s done horrible things. She’s seen it. But she still can’t help but remember who he used to be. She hesitates in key moments. Let’s him get away. He takes advantage of those moments and escapes. Not intentional on Annabeth’s part. She tries to be calculated. But her emotions get the better of her. I can see this working out quite nicely.
And it still allows her to be the one at the end, in heroes of Olympus, to be there, advocating for Luke. Telling Percy to give him the knife. OH THIS IS GONNA BE GOOD.
Okay but Walker Scobell is such a good fucking Percy Jackson
Leah Jeffry Savies is such. Good fucking Annabeth Chase.
And aryan is such a good fucking Grover Underwood.
Okay but the searchers license being a literal flower?? How are you gonna convince me that Grover wouldn’t anxiously eat it like he does tin cans??
I am so so fucking glad that we got the sword fight training scenes. We really needed them. The scene shifts of Percy fighting Ares and Percy training with Luke are spot on. And it sets up the friendship and mentorship with Luke & Percy even more. Making the betrayal so much worse. It build up perfectly.
Gods I wish we had a longer season.
Again with things being directly told to Percy. “You’re a leader among the halfbloods now,” Chiron tells him.
The bead at the end of the season when he’s leaving camp
And the fact that next year, all FOUR of them will return to that spot. Percy, Annabeth, Grover… and Thalia.
Annabeth’s hairstyle in the final scene was supers cute
The scene of Percy seeing his mom after she returns from the Underworld WAS SO CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND THEN KRONOS FUCKED IT UP. I love it. Chefs kiss.
Clarrise looked so fucking badass in her pan shot with her arms crossed. Like yeah she totally could’ve fucked some shit up with the gods
I love the beach scene with Percy v. Ares and how confused Annabeth is about the helm situation cuz she wasn’t there lmao
I kinda liked that Ares got cocky and kicked his opponent, the SoN of the FuCKinG SeA GOD into the OCEAN. Percy rolled through that little puddle and I screamed OH ITS OVER FOR YOU.
Walker’s micro expressions are fucking ICONIC AND I CANT WAIT FOR THE SCREEN RECORDS
Your honor I love them. Yes this post has devolved. No I won’t stop.
I gasped when Alecto was there at Montauk instead of Sally. But yeah. She showed up. I just forgot.
I love how Percy has just started calling people out on their shit. “You were always after the helm, weren’t you?” And telling Zeus he’s a shitty dad
OKAY BUT POSEIDON SHOWING UP TO PROTECT PERCY. I GASPED. I LOVE THIS CHANGE SO MUCH. it shows so much more compassion and gentleness of Poseidon. Yes in the books we get some glimpses. But the show isn’t holding back his favoritism.
okay but we were robbed of more Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl quips.
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It's so cute to think about how if Chrissy was included in the scooby gang/survived the attack, she and Eddie would've been joined at the hip. And then when Chrissy was distracted by something else, Steve would ask Eddie, "hey, what's with you and Chrissy Cunningham?" Eddie would be like, "what do you mean" and Steve would be like, "she's stuck to you like glue and have you seen the way she looks at you?" And Eddie wouldn't believe she likes him back because like Joe said, there's a vulnerability there and a need to be accepted.
So sorry for the late reply anon, been really busy with work and other stuff.😔
It's funny cause I've been thinking about this scenario these past few days, not with Steve, but Dustin.
Dustin, being the wise man he is, will notice that something's not quite right with Eddie whenever they hang out at the hellfire club or other places, but he could never tell what it is exactly, not until the day when Chrissy finally comes to Eddie's hideout gig. Dustin's also there that day, for some reason, ya know, cause Eddie probably demanded him to be there, for obvious reason😏 and Eddie's just completely smitten with her the whole time and then Dustin's like oh shit 👀👀👀
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After Chrissy went home, Eddie still in a trance, Dustin will just be like: so, we gonna talk about it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✧
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and Eddie "the nope" Munson absolutely did not want to talk about it.
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And if it's between Steve and Eddie, Steve would probably just try to teach him everything he knows while Eddie sits there be like, taking note: "gotta have chest hair chicks dig them okay got it✍🏻.." and it all didn't work out because Chrissy simply loves Eddie for who he is (◡‿◡🌸)
anyway on a more serious note lol personally I prefer and L O V E the idea of Chrissy hanging out with Eddie's little lost sheep gang more than anything else. Not that the dynamics between Chrissy Steve, Nancy, Robin etc would be bad, it's just that the unlikely friendship trope does things to me😇. I always think about how happy and content Chrissy would be when she goes to see Eddie and his band perform at the hideout, she'd probably be a bit shy at first, but then just dancing and vibing alongside the five drunks lol Because I think, deep down, Chrissy is also a little lost sheep, a little “freak”, and it would be so wholesome to see the queen of hawkins high sits at the same table as the outcasts, giggling at their silly jokes or nerdy stuff she has no clue about, while the rest of the school goes 🤯😱, and don’t even get me started on how sweet and beautiful the relationship between Chrissy and Wayne Munson would have been!🥺😔
And about the vulnerability of Eddie...Yes.
You see, I think Eddie and Chrissy's story is just absolutely tragic if you look at it from Eddie's pov, like, the more I think about it the sadder it gets lol
That cocky, pretentious and synical Eddie Munson in the cafeteria suddenly became this coy little teenage boy when he's in front of Chrissy, who he probably had a crush on ever since middle school, who he could only secretly admire from afar. Because the freak and the queen? Surely that's never going to happen? And Eddie probably knew that better than anyone else. But still, he longed to be remembered by her, to be noticed by her. "You know, this isn't the first time we've ..umm..hung out. You don't remember🥺?" (´•̥ω•̥`)
And Chrissy probably longed for him too, she just didn't really know it then.
the moment when Chrissy did remember him, the joy 🥳
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And when Eddie realized that he was able to make her smile, he just went all in, boy's desperate lol
Also remember, Chrissy feels safe(enough)with Eddie (◡‿◡🌸)
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Anyway, It's just gut-wrenching that the day when they finally crossed path again, the day that's supposed to be the start of something for them, was also the day they lost each other, especially for Eddie(´•̥ω•̥`)
so yeah, ended up writing a book and I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore lmao. Anyway I hope this kind of makes sense? and sorry for any grammar errors etc, not a native speaker lol
And thank you very much for the ask! It's been eons since I got a ask like this so I appreciate it very much🥺
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darlenicy · 1 year
Headcanons Driven? 👀
Sorry, that it took me so long, anon! But I really wanted to take time and sum some thoughts up! And I swear that won’t be my last post about headcanons of them!
Firstly, the basics: zodiac signs: I headcanon Darcy to be (totally) Scorpio. It’s just the vibes she gives. She is dark and mysterious and can be very mean (Scorpios have a sharp tail after all and it shows.) Riven is totally Aries to me, stubborn af and headstrong, and very convinced of himself. Not gonna lie, they have power couple energy.
As long as everything goes to plan, Darcy is very sovereign but she can’t deal with spontaneity – losing control is something she fears. So in the end it turns out that we have the good girl/ bad boy dynamic to an instant after all
→ Riven gets that really quick and loves teasing her that way because he finds her cute when she goes all wahhh *panick* stop that
Talking about that: Riven likes both sides of Darcy. He doesn’t mind getting saved like in 1x8 but (and he prefers) to be the one to do so (like in 1x9. He totally doesn’t mind taking care of her when she needs help).
According to that one above – I headcanon to be both 17+ in the beginning of s1 keep that in mind – both tend to be dom in bed (I like writing couples that way and I totally should consider writing them at some point)
However aside from going after the dragon flame and taking over the universe, Darcy is a devoted student and is definitely someone who learns. A lot and hard. So, it happens quite a lot that she goes to the big library in Magix to study for a presentation etc and Riven just likes watching her learn. She hates it and gets all blushy and can’t concentrate whenever he comes with her and after teasing her enough with his presence he will go and wait for her outside usually with a coffee or something like that
Darcy has totally trust issues. I did not yet have imagined why, but she does. She hates to let go and give someone power over her by doing so.
→ so, in the beginning, she never stays overnight because she just hates being vulnerable when sleeping. After all the beef in s1 I headcanon them to still have their mental bond and because of that getting closer again. However, in that reunion, it will be the first time she trusts him enough to stay overnight and actually fall asleep
→ this is obviously a big step for both of them. And again Riven is a watcher because Darcy looks so innocent in her sleep *v*
Talking about their mental bond: the time in which Darcy was always leaving after ya know making out, Riven would always send mental messages like: Darcy, Darcy. What? Sweet Dreams and she’ll always be like, don’t use this for things like that but will be happy.
Darcy is in general happier when she is with him. For her, it’s a tiny part of normal life she just doesn’t have otherwise (ya know, world domination and stuff)
@ mental bond again: As I said, it stayed after they broke up in s1. The bond wasn’t working in light rock obviously because the Trix had these mind-control headbands there but after that, the connection was back. Riven had tried for a time to contact her out of curiosity. And I imagine that this works as reaching mentally for some kind of mental way to the other person. There was no “way” for him to contact her in light rock because the “way” was blocked but afterward the gate was open again. Sensing that the way is open however doesn’t mean that the person who is to be contacted will inevitably notice that someone is reaching for them. So in fact Riven is the first one to notice that the mental gate is open again. Of course, Darcy is a master in Occlumency but she has to pay attention to notice and as she simply doesn’t think of the possibility, she doesn’t notice until he says her name with makes her going jdkfjkdffdjkdfh omg fck
After they develop that mental bond again and talk from time to time (Darcy has to be careful because of Darkar and her sisters) they notice very quickly that they are definitely not over each other AND from then on, they will always give each other longing glances anytime they meet.
They also avoid fighting each other in general.
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ravenadottir · 2 years
Based on looks alone, how would you rank the season 4 love interests as someone who has never play it?
oh i actually love this!!
'cause i don't even know, for instance, which girls besides angie and najuma are li's, so if you allow me, i'll just rate everybody lol
i think i'm just gonna do it alphabetically to make it easier.
angie. hot, cute, great tattoos. she reminds me of the hot girls i wished were li's on the 'choices' app. also i like her pose but she gets a boot for the hair. it's not great, i don't care for it. 9/10
bruno. this might be the biggest meh for me... hate the hair, HATE IT. what happened?? what went wrong? why did they make his face match the size of his neck? the face is not as generic looking, but it's not great either. the outfits are... gutted. oh my god, they're bad! solid 5/10.
cora. SUPER CUTE. i love the buzz cut, the hair color, her face is just absolutely adorable, cute style. she's hopefully an li?? 'cause if she wasn't y'all were robbed. a boot for the star on the hair (i don't really like buzz shapes on hair). 9/10.
dylan. rotted. gutted. beast. down the drain. most generic looking bitch in this entire cast, BUT IN A BAD WAY. weird ass legs for an athlete, awful face, looks like the type who says "you're just a lesbian because you hadn't had good dick". MANSPLAINING KING. HATE THAT FACE specifically, what a waste of torso design. and i HATE that smirk. gross. solid -3/10. i can't stress this enough, I HATE HIS DESIGN SO MUCH. all of it.
hazeem. HOT!!!!! so fucking handsome, hello??? and i know he's not an li and that was a d-i-s-s-e-r-v-i-c-e. mustache could've been trimmed on the sides but i still think he's hella attractive. i don't mind body hair, and his looks actually good. a boot for the mustache but he was gonna be a 11/10, so 10/10.
james. cute, handsome, good body, but he doesn't make my panties twist you know? i think it's because he looks kinda boring. granted i've never seen any scenes featuring him, so i might be wrong, but he just looks like he would recite poetry and talk about books on the first date. i hate that, it's so tedious. but i love guys with long hair, no matter what texture it is and the bun does it for me. 9/10. hate the glasses and the shorts though.
juliet. NO. she reminds me of the mexican actresses that played villains on telenovelas when i was growing up. BIG SORAYA ENERGY, holy shit. love the eyes, but everything else... it's a no from me dog. hate the diaper she's wearing as a bikini bottom. don't like her, she's not cute. 3/10 and i'm being generous. she looks like she would say she's 40 and people would be like "you don't look 40" but lowkey she's supposed to be 40, you know?
kelly. quirky, cute, looks like would be fun to hang out, probably really flirty. the lip bite is the most they've ever done for a character on any of these ads and it looks good. 10/10.
kobi. great body, good face, but those trunks were a disservice. he looks like the type who would mansplain though, there's definitely an energy there. personally i don't think the "i'm a confident and dynamic guy" is attractive at all. some girls get wet by listening to them, i'm yawning, and he gives me that energy. 8/10.
lexi. i don't see what you guys are talking about. she looks fine but she's not out of this world. the body is ten times hotter with someone else's face. she looks like the lip injections went a bit too far. wouldn't give more than a 6/10.
najuma. SEE, NOW WE'RE TALKING. thicccc, gorgeous face, gorgeous body, gorgeous hair, amazing style. those eyes???? MA'AM, SPARE THAT HAND IN MARRIAGE. truthfully the hottest person in the entire cast and i haven't seen the others yet. 12/10.
oliver. YEP, HE DOES IT FOR ME. beautiful face, good body, hate the tattoos, he gets a boot for that, but he seems like the type of guy who talks to you all night and falls asleep on your lap after sharing stories and laughing about nothing. i love the vibe. he also strikes me as the type who can get a little shy. 11/10.
thabi. gorgeous face, cute style, cute hair, cute glasses, lovely energy. i personally think she's the type to like... laugh timidly about things and that's what i like. i just like how bashful and adorable she looks. she really does it for me too. 10/10.
tiffany. um... i don't know... something's off about them. i think it's the head? or the head-to-the-body position? something is definitely off. i do think she's cute though, and the body is a 10/10 for me. she gets a boot for the wonky design but she's gorgeous! 10/10.
tom. very meh. face is generic looking, and he has no lashes??? it's like they said "let's give him a strong jaw to make him look masculine" and it just looks... wrong. hate that hair, it's not the best let's be honest. the body just doesn't go with the face... the design is not designing, there's a disconnection for sure. i don't like it. also, not that it's bad, but he looks like he has a mommy kink, which added 2 points for him lol 5/10.
valentina. see now that's a bombshell! holy shit. great pose, hot. hair on point, face? amazing. love this one but she gets a boot for the tattoo. also, she does look like a dom/top and that energy makes anyone look ten times hotter, and she's already there. 10/10.
will. my-whole-damn-type! oh my god, long hair on guys is a different level. the tattoos though, are such a BOOT. i hate all of them. this is definitely the only character we can all agree it would be a downgrade if he got another tattoo. hair, face, body, it all does it for me. will is gorgeous and it's not even a discussion, but he gets two boots for the tattoos. 10/10. he was supposed to be a 12.
youcef. hate the hair shape, hair color... go back to party city where you belong. hate the outfits, hate the lips, hate the jaw. oh my god, what did they do to this boy?? body? 10/10, but what the fuck is this face??? why does he look so... weird?? he looks in pain when smiling, i- 3/10 and i'm being super generous. you know i am.
and can i talk about something else for a second? WHO THE FUCK DECIDED ON THEIR OUTFITS???
they're horrible! with the exception of will's night outfit, thabi's and najuma's, i don't think there was anybody else's i was into. the clothes are NOT IT.
valentina's dress was a trip to the gyno. girl... you move one inch i can measure your uterus. i also hate angie's... that fabric? so shiny, and in a very bad way. and i hate the sleeves. juliet's... the diaper? the blue dress?? i don't even... i don't... i-
moving on.
cora's blue something is fine but it's not gagworthy. i prefer the neon pieces and i hate neon. she just pulls it off really well and the cut is super cute. i love it.
CAN WE JUST BURN EVERY OUTFIT BRUNO HAS EVER WORN IN THIS SEASON. GIRL, NO. THOSE SHIRTS ARE SO UGLY! just 'cause you're a comedian... dude, tell me the jokes, don't wear them.
youcef's too. what the fuck was that suit??? why are you wearing a bow tie on a vacation? what is... i don't... i- and again, go back to party city where you belong. you look like you borrowed sam winchester's white wig from the last episode of supernatural and gave it a cut yourself. get kobi here, ASAP, it's an emergency.
don't get me started on tom's. it's so corny to wear something that's not... occasion appropriate. that makes the entire outfit misplaced and why the fuck do you have a handkerchief in your pocket? jacket and sneakers, how very ellen degeneres of you. HATE HIS OUTFIT.
dylan can rot in hell. he's the most basic looking motherfucker and i bet he thinks he's the last vibrator on the shelf. BET. white shirt and jeans? GROUNDBREAKING.
kobi's is fine, not much going on but i kinda prefer that over whatever was going on with the others'.
james' i like because it's pink and pink on dark complexion is UNDERRATED. personally i think it took TOO LONG for a dude to wear it. *thinks of rahim and bobby in blush pink*
i just don't think i missed out on much by not playing this season.
the islanders... appearance alone, because i haven't played any episodes, those are my opinions. i remember being so TORN when i first started season 2. gary, rahim, noah and bobby WERE DOING IT FOR ME, you know?
when lucas and henrik came along, same! the only people that didn't cause any stir with me were rocco, jakub, felix and elijah, but the others?? HOLY SHIT. i had to play on different accounts, i just had to.
this art style is not it. what was wrong with s2's?
also, it does look like multiple artists, from different backgrounds, worked on this season's characters and it absolutely shows. some of them look 2d, some 3d. some of them have some bounce to their hair, some look like they're wearing a helmet (*clears throat* YOUCEF AND TOM).
god, they didn't make one effort did they? anyway. those are my scores based off appearance alone.
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the-cat-chat · 3 months
February 17, 2024
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
A high-school boy, Cameron, cannot date Bianca until her anti-social older sister, Kat, has a boyfriend. So, Cameron pays a mysterious boy, Patrick, to charm Kat.
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JayBell: I don't know if it's the nostalgia, but it seems everyone everywhere loves this movie. So since I had never seen it, I was excited to finally watch it for V-Day 2024. And I was shocked.
So here it is: 10 Things I Hate About 10 Things I Hate About You
Heath Ledger's character. It has almost 0 redeeming qualities. Not only is he a deceptive liar, the movie never gives him a sympathetic reason for him to accept money to date Julia Stiles' character in the first place. I kept waiting for the movie to say he was poor or he needed the money for school or a sick mom to help us think better of him. But no. Also, when Julia's character is suspicious, he gaslights her into thinking she's an insecure bitch for questioning his motives (like what???). Why do we like him?
The inability of any character to apologize. Heath Ledger is the one in the wrong. But in the end, Julia's character gives this "romantic" speech as if she wasn't the victim of the plot? And his apology? Oh yeah I bought you a guitar. AND instead of apologizing at one point, he just tries to force kiss her? Also where is the sister's apologies?
The physical gags. Why were they in the movie at all? The bike accident, the gym teacher getting hit by an arrow, a guy getting hit by a golf ball, the dad throwing the exercise equipment into a neighboring yard. WHYYY. It wasn't funny in the slightest and felt out of place.
The dynamic between the sisters. At one point, the sisters get a nice moment of vulnerability where Julia Stiles' character reveals something significant. And her sister is an insensitive, uncaring brat about it. And then the movie never shows their "reunion" or a moment where they actually come to an understanding. Instead the sister is selfish, cries about it on a swing, and all is better.
David Krumholtz's character. It hurts me to say cause I was a Numb3r's fan, but wow was his character not easy to watch in this movie.
The entire plot. Okay I get that they were adapting Shakespeare. But the original deal is that the girls can't date until they graduate. And then the dad's like nevermind it's when your sister dates. The change makes no sense. Why does everything depend on the sister? How is that fair?
The English teacher's behavior. He has it out for Julia Stiles' character because she has opinions? Anyone that engaged would normally make a teacher happy. Also he kicks her out of class after like 2 minutes multiple times for seemingly no reason which is so odd.
The flashing scene. I think the fact that her character would do that is so weird. I know this is probably an outdated "joke" that just doesn't resonate today. But the idea of flashing your teacher and whole class is just gross to me and not funny in the slightest.
The guidance counselor or principal or whoever she is. Why is she so horny? This might be another case of humor not aging well cause none of her actions or jokes quite landed.
The relationship between the sister and Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character. JGL falls for the sister on first sight and defends her to everyone. I wish that JGL wasn't a new student but a guy who had a crush on her for a long time. I think that would give more weight to their feelings.
Now that I'm looking back at this list, maybe I just hated all of the characters, the jokes, and the entire plot? Which is crazy for how much people love this movie.
Rating: 3.5/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I was going to be cute and make my review like the little poem and like 10 things blah blah blah. I can’t. I honestly can’t. Every time I’ve thought of writing my review my mind was entire overwhelmed by how physically affected I have been by Heath Ledger’s hair in this movie. God rest his soul but I want to go back in time to this movie set with some shampoo and a hair brush. I know he’s a rebel but plllssss does that mean his hair has to be greaser than the rats hanging out in the Burger King dumpster???? Anyway. I feel better now. And I’m sooo peeved bc Heath Ledger!!! Little baby me loooved Heath Ledger. And Julia Stiles. The Prince and me??? Hheeeeelllo??? Gawd I’m an idiot we should’ve watched that. Ugggg. Okkk. Baby JGL???? Forget it. Okkk. I have to say- I never read the entirety of The Taming of the Shrew, but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say even in Shakespeare’s day it wasn’t this offense. Bc it is. And I now know that the odd feeling of false memories that I had “seen” this- weren’t “false” at all it was my sweet, kind brain once again trying to protect me from myself. Okkk so now that that’s out we’re speed running the review.
1. Pls let me shampoo HL’s hair.
2. The guy from Numbers. no. It’s a no. I can’t stand him. Idk why. I can’t. I think it’s Santa Clause related- can’t be sure.
3. What is the dad’s actual malfunction? He needs therapy and chill pills. Bc his obsession over his daughters becoming pregnant is so insane.
4. Also no back story really on the mom leaving thing??? Right? I’m sure it’s totally related to the dad’s nutso thing.
5. Everyone needs to lay off Kat? Like seriously. And the teacher??? Bc she’s got an opinion? And the stoopid model guy. And her sister?
6. Yes model guy gets his own spot.
7. Yes her sister gets her own spot? How could she not?
8. And this whole plan???
9. And the whole reason she hates model guy??? I’m sure you’d tell your sister that if she actively going after him???
10. And the whole Kat finds out/peter buys her love and forgiveness back/ but at least they’re self aware about it????
Ga. Oh make it 11 things I hate.
11. The scene where her and her sister “fix” things??? Just non existent- but sure show us numbers guy flying off the hill with his scooter.
12. We can’t forget Ms. Perky. Whyyy??
13. The more questions the more I honestly fell I need to read taming of the shrew just to understand.
14. Ohhhh. And how did it literally take to the last scenes to learn HL character was called Peter?? (Patrick). Is that on me or was it never talked about? I’m sure it’s me.
Gaaaaaaa. 14? 😬
Rating: 4/10 Cats 🐈‍⬛
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Yugioh Main Girls Ranked
(Like actually ranking their characters this time, not roasting their hair.)
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Because I've decided I shall rank these shows in every possible way besides the shows themselves until I'm ready for that behemoth. Lead girls first cuz that's way easier for me than ranking the main protagonists. (No idea how to rank Yuma, Yuya, and Yuga right now to be honest.) And also cuz I'm a gentleman and ladies first and all that jazz. This ranking is just based on how much I like them as characters, not how well or poorly they were handled by the writers, which is blatantly obvious from the fact that Romin isn't number 1 on this list. Sorry Romin, you are the objective factual best, I’m just biased. (Also I’m using whichever name I’m more used to using which is usually the sub, deal with it.) Here's the list:
7 Tea Gardner
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You know, I love green tea. It's a tasty drink. It's actually a bit of a comfort drink for me. This Tea however is not comforting or a drink... Whatever the hell the latter means.
Anyways, Tea is fucking boring and annoying. She does nothing but spout generic friendship speeches and nag and be in two stupid love triangles. The closest thing she has to a character arc is that love triangle bullshit which isn't even resolved at the end. I don't like her.
In DM at least, she's honestly okay in Dark Side of Dimensions, I like that she actually pursues her dream of dancing and yeets herself away from her friends to get there. That's nice. She's still the worst though. Yeah, I think even Kotori was an improvement. Speaking of which:
6 Kotori Mizuki
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Kotori basically has the same problems as Tea but is executed a little better. Her love triangle of basically just her and Cathy fighting over Yuma is actually resolved this time with her and Cathy even becoming friends which is really cute. I really like their slow burn friendship, it's a nice detail. And Yuma and Kotori are also friends. Like we see them as friends, it's not just Kotori watching him and thinking about how hot he is like Tea does. They actually have like a legit dynamic and have back and forth banter.
Still, Kotori is pretty boring on her own, she has a bit of personality in Zexal I but that starts to fade away and all that's left of her that's interesting is her friendships with Yuma and Cathy which are at least cute. (The fanservice shit they do with her sucks though. That’s not on her as a character, that’s on the writers but still, it’s gross.)
5 Yuzu Hiiragi
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Yeah I know I said these aren't ranked based on how badly the writers fucked up writing these girls but out of every girl that had potential and got fucked over, Yuzu is the only one whose personality was drastically altered during this fuck up. She went from a courageous hot-headed fighter to a cowering husk very suddenly and for no explained reason after she's defeated by Sergey. She still shows flashes of her original personality but it becomes sparser and sparser until that character I loved so much in the first half was just... gone. Not just literally gone but in a metaphorical sense too. It sucked.
People complain about Aoi or Akiza or Asuka being screwed over by the narrative and I do agree they all were in some way but they at least still felt like the same characters all the way through. Yuzu meanwhile... I love who she was in the first half of Arc V but man... that depiction in the second half just broke me.
4 Aoi Zaizen
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Aoi got fucked over by her show too I'm not gonna act like she didn't, I was actively frustrated with how they were treating her (particularly that Spectre duel, her losing in that way still pisses me off to this day) but she was still treated far better than the YGO girls before her (besides maybe Asuka?).
I like how she's this shy quiet girl in real life and basically a celebrity in Link VRAINS. Then as the show goes on she transitions from a celebrity just duelling for fun to a warrior duelling to protect Link VRAINS and her friends/family, even duelling alongside her brother, who was previously overprotective of her. Oh and before that, she also went behind her brother's back to fight for what she believed in. She is great, her story is good, it's just under-focused and she's not allowed as many victories as she deserved.
3 Asuka Tenjoin
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This isn't me being biased towards GX. I swear. 🥺
Okay yeah Asuka's character arc isn't as good as Aoi's, I just... Really like her sassiness and I think duelling wise she's treated a bit better than Aoi and... yeah okay I really relate to her story in season four. I relate to all their post graduation anxieties but my god how did they know my exact struggle of choosing between staying with the people I know and moving abroad to further my career?! How was GX that perceptive?! Oh yeah also she's a woman who chose a career over potential romance and I don't see that enough in fiction so thank you Asuka. I will now like you for those semi arbitrary reasons and the fact that you're funny.
2 Romin Kirishima
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Like I said, Romin is the objective best lead girl. She has a complete character that's given an appropriate amount of focus, great relationships with the other characters that aren't romance based, enough wins to make her look skilled and match her growth as a duellist/character and enough losses that it evens out and she doesn't feel overpowered. Romin feels like a real person and even has a hobby outside of duelling: music and I love seeing her combine the two. She's a really fun likeable character on top of being treated well by the narrative FINALLY. If I ever needed to show an example of how to write a good female character, I'd point to Romin first. If I was going purely based on logic and wasn't so ungodly attached to my chosen favourite, Romin would be number one. But uh...
Yeah you all know who I put at number one.
1 Aki Izayoi/Akiza Izinski
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I go back and forth on her name since I fell in love with her subbed version but continued to love her when I saw the dub (which in the case of 5Ds, I mostly prefer).
As I said, I fell in love with her during Fortune Cup when she was first introduced. There was such an air of mystery to her and the way she spoke (both her numb voice and her words) made it very clear to me she was traumatized/abused by her family and the world around her for things she couldn't control. She was viewed as a freak/monster just because of something she was born with...
I refuse to go into detail about why I relate to this, just know that I do and Aki's reaction of masking her true self from the world was very similar to how I reacted. So as you can imagine, I'm very personally attached to her and couldn't imagine putting any of these others over her. It's not just because I think she's hot. She is but that's besides the point. I relate to her narrative in Fortune Cup/Dark Signers which sadly had a really botched resolution and if I start that shit again here you'll never hear the end of it. Just go find the post, it was something like "I have some concerns about Aki's arc."
Anyways, botched arc resolution aside, I still really love her. She had this adorable awkwardness to her after redemption and I loved seeing her learn to Turbo Duel. It's one of my favourite episodes in any YGO, it's just so sweet and precisely written. We see every step and fumble and rise back up on her journey and in the end, she gets a great victory and achieves her dream. If only WRGP had done anything with that... Still, I’m glad she was able to find happiness.
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franstastic-ideas · 7 months
I guess I’m numbering these!!
LACONIC WANDERER. I learned a whole new word from you, honestly that synonym works better than saying “silent” or something, it adds a new layer of mystery. Maybe the style and spelling and vibe of the word. Ignis hehe, Latin for fire, that one sure is popular, granted I’ve only seen it used one other time, but def much nicer than other fire based English names.
Kotone, ah the Johto games always gave off a more justice vibe to me. I had to erase a whole spiel I accidentally went off on here, but it definitely captures the passion in those games. Even TR acknowledges that about the protagonist. Cute Pokémon name too!
Haruuukaaaa my 2nd fav, ugh weren’t those Pokémon Evolution episodes SO good for her and Leaf? Adventurous Darling!!! Oh she SO is, under the SEA into SPACE, the varied climate for Hoenn is BUILT for adventure. And v cute too, very lovable. Steven got roasted by his dad and Zinnia over the better newer Champ AND by Hoenn Radio, only game to have it too I think? I’m biting my lips to not launch into a rant about every girl and their region, you’re activating my Pokémon Fanatic side and this CAN get into deep meta territory if I’m not careful.
Candeloro!! Yes, Blaziken, giant candle, I can see it, very shaped. The whole loro at the end is very nickname-y, and I wonder if I feel that way bc of the nickname Toro by her manga counterpart from Pokespe.
Congrats to BW for being the only game to deliberately call the protagonist a hero of something of prophecy. Very battle-ready, good ol’ Unova where they demand active students for competitive programs but god forbid you actually fight for social change. You said every girl’s personality was different and honestly I see it, and it fits them and where they grew up perfectly. Throw them in a room together and it will be so interesting how the dynamics work. Gretchen? I had to look that one up, and it’s interesting. Even if someone didn’t know the meaning of any of these names, just the way they roll off the tongue feels like a name that matches each girl’s character. Vowels and consonants and all that.
I’m scared of this thing refreshing on me so I’ll continue in another ask.
So! Leaf was in fact the last of the girls to receive her title. I knew I wanted to use the adjective 'Laconic', but no matter where I looked, there wasn't a word to describe someone who happens to appear at the right place at the right time.
And that's kind of what she does? Leaf didn't set out to track down Team Rocket, she kept arriving at just the right moment to interfere. But Wanderer works well for her, because that's what she loves to do. Leaf travels at her own leisurely pace, that's her approach to life too. She enjoys stopping to sniff the Roselia, so to speak.
Kotone's was another one that took some time. I wanted a title that conveys her strongest quality, her compassion. She is ceaselessly gentle and kind, no matter how combative and rude Silver is towards her. Her patient attitude towards him also contrasts well with her friends' feelings. Hibiki is easily intimidated by him, and Kris thinks what the redhead needs most is a good kick to seat of the pants.
Even though Kotone is almost always shown with Chikorita as a partner, I think Typhlosion is best for this AU's incarnation of her. Kotone's Typhlosion, Eva (who is actually male), his name means 'life'. Fire doesn't have to only bring destruction. It can also bring warmth, and I feel that's something which matches Kotone's outlook. She tries to see the good in everything and everyone.
Haruka, I've always described how I see her as 'the perfect blend of tomboy and girly girl'. She can be both! She's traveled all across the region and has even gone to space, she's become the strongest trainer in Hoenn, she also collects Poké Dolls and performs onstage as a beloved Contest Star.
Similarly to Kotone more often than not being shown with Chikorita, Touko usually is given Tepig/Emboar as a partner. Without looking at who her partner is in Sisterhood, one may assume from her title that this is the case here as well.
However, a Serperior is her starter! The 'Hot-Blooded' in Touko's title pertains to her being Reshiram's Chosen instead. I think if someone were to tell her that a Fire-type suits her better, she would respond with something like,
"My partner may not have flames on the outside, but that doesn't matter! The flames of passion burn bright inside her!!"
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Home
Burt and Carol are such a wholesome couple. Prob the healthiest on the show lol.
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These two are iconic. I also love how Kurt adds the armband bc even in a uniform, he needs to personalize it somehow.
He’s so supportive of Mercedes here... sadly not as much rest of the ep.
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But also his expression at being told he has hips like a pear... awe. He’s so tiny though.
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Cowboy wallpaper... *Kurt shudders*
Also, seems like ages since the Finn crush was a plot. And wow, Kurt going strong. 
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Can I just say how happy I am they’ve started styling his hair? The bangs were cute, but like. This looks much better.
And yikes, Kurt... Mercedes is doing the right thing here, she’s having a very healthy lunch! And Kurt took the criticism so seriously like omg can he please eat real food. I get that he’s happy to not be bullied for once but like. Babe pls.
All Kurtcedes fights are in the cafeteria, apparently.
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“Act as translator” Kurt, I thought you were doing well in your classes.
I love how protective he is of Burt. He really stepped into the caretaker role and even when their relationship was more strained, they both love each other and protect each other and I love it.
“Fate brought them together” gee Kurt, when did you change your name. I find it hilarious that this was all his scheme but it resulted in Burt and Carol being so besotted with each other. Who knew they could bond beyond just having dead spouses?
I am curious wtf Kurt’s plan was here. Like, did he think he’d get to spend more time with Finn but then Burt and Carol would break up? Was he hoping they’d get married?? This is such dumb teen boy logic. And I’m really not having the whole ‘predatory gay’ stereotype bc we don’t need to see that
He is very intense here. Like Kurt. Finn is clearly not comfortable here. and omg when he refers to Burt and Carol as ‘Mom and Dad’ like sweetie. No.
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Again, Kurt is way too much here but omg the way he looks at Finn and then Puck mouths ‘Are you gay’ and I can’t stop laughing. 
But I do like how he sings the song, much smoother than Defying Gravity. ANd Mercedes is smiling at him and Brittana cuddle bc they like the song too, v sweet.
Not my fav Kurt song? But it’s nice. And I do like Kurt’s singing better than Finn’s. I find in general Finn does well at the upbeat/rock songs, but not a fan of the more ballad style.
Kurt’s crying at the end, he’s legit so in love. It’s also probably hard that he has just... no one to really talk to about it? We never see him discuss it with anyone. His dad is not ready for that kind of talk. And with the girls him being gay is fun for them bc he can talk about fashion etc, but lowkey him being gay is rarely about him liking boys? I mean, everyone knew bc of his clothes etc, he has never shown interest in an actual boy before. Him having feelings might break the illusion of the girls seeing him more as an accessory. 
I do wish he could talk about it with Mercedes though. She’d be a good voice of reason, and him having some sort of outlet could be helpful so he might be less intense around Finn.
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I do appreciate that as soon as Finn is a threat to his dad, crush is on the backburner bc *Danger Danger Danger*
And you know it’s not intended as an insult, but how Burt brushes Kurt off and is so excited to talk sports. And you can see it on Carol’s face, that she spots it too and has sympathy for Kurt, while also happy for finn to have a fatherly presence. Ugh, this whole family dynamic, all 4 of them, best writing in the show.
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Every Kurt and Burt scene is just a masterpiece. Kurt being passive aggressive, but Burt will call him out, try to talk it out.
And I love how you can see here that Burt is still in his beginning phases. ugh when he says “guy talk” and Kurt is just “I’m a guy” my heartt. Bc he is a guy but he’s a different type of guy and bc of that everyone treats him differently and just.
Burt is trying so hard, but he still makes these mistakes. And even though he accepts his son, he still has that ‘let’s just each do our own thing’ mentality.
But I am glad he does call Kurt out, asks why he fixed him out with Carol. Bc Kurt was being selfish about it, setting them up to get close to Finn, and now backtracking bc he feels like he’s losing his dad.
Bc his dad always comes first and just. Kurt s1 is so flawed bc he’s such an angsty/dumb teen and it makes him such a real character and fascinating to watch. Plus, his heart stays int he right place
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Crush aside, s1 had some of the best Finn and Kurt interactions. I love how Finn knew right away that Kurt was hurt by Finn bonding with Burt. And Kurt isn’t even offended here by Finn not wanting to live with him bc right now his dad is his priority.
I’m so glad the whole ‘let’s break up our parents’ didn’t turn into a drawn out scheme. They quickly see how happy their parents are and accept that they’re together.
Bc different eps focus on different characters, I like how a lot of plots are wrapped up within the ep. The show has character arcs etc throughout, but I find I’m not a fan of certain plotlines going on for way too long. Like the fake baby, or Puck being the father, ugh or the student election. Those all had me like ‘just get on with it’ whereas character arcs, like kurt and his dad, the mercedes/troubletones, etc are much more interesting.
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Aww I love them. And Kurt immediately says “I was wrong” and owns up to his mistake, yay.
So glad Mercedes got another song, but oof I want more of both of them performing with the cheerios! Only a few eps left of them on the team... And!! Apparently they cut a song from the ep?? Kurtcedes and the Cheerios were supposed to do Fergalicious (there are some pics of behind the scenes) and the fact that we missed out on that actively angers me.
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K but first off, they’re at Finn’s house? Why was Kurt there? Was he visiting Carol? Did he just walk by?? I need answers bc it’s lowkey creepy lol
At least Finn has learned how Burt is legit the best dad and is happy to hang with him. And it’s well done, how Finn’s part is pretty wrapped up, but there’s still Kurt on the outside, bc it’s not all perfect yet.
I’ll say it every time. The best Glee writing went to this family dynamic. Mainly Burt and Kurt, but really the 4 of them together. I love it.
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cartoonemotion · 2 years
if we were able to get another fethry episode in ducktales, what would you want it to be about? or, alternatively, things u wish we got in ducktales but never did
I REALLYYYY REALLY WISH THEY COULD HAVE MADE FETHRY IN MERVANA WORK.... i know it's probably because there were just too many characters or maybe his stuff with the mermaids was just too distracting from the main stuff of the ep but he would have just been so perfect for it like literally. hippie free love friends of the ocean sharing is caring mermaid society. these are his people fr. i think i also just kind of wanted fethry as a part of group family adventures bonding with everyone at large more in general like honestly not a whole lot it's a big cast to balance ! but can you not help but feel bad for the guy he was at the bottom of the ocean for 4 and a half years. invite him to some stuff
as far as things i wish we had got i do really wish we could have gotten more of a scene of him and gladstone reuniting with della :v[ LIKE i know with pacing and time you have to pick and choose what you focus on and moonvasion was just completely jammed packed but on the other side of things she was on the moon for 10 years like everyone thought she was probably dead and nobody told either of them she was back 😭 i just wish there had been a cousin group hug at the very least...
as far as prospective ep ideas that's a little less specific fbshsishgh !! anything that explored more of fethry and huey's parallels would have been really great !
i figure gladstone (kinda ? technically but not really ?) got play chaperone to team magic, so fethry being group chaperone to huey, boyd and violet would have been really cute ! and violet gets to be in both groups because she's great-- and she's a junior woodchuck, along with huey and boyd ! fethry has his jwcgb under his hat just like huey does as we know, maybe it could be some fun little adventure stemming from that :v]
i would have loved to see him and webby team up too !!!! i just think their energies would have matched really well ! both of them have such unbridled enthusiasm and passion for literally anything they're doing, and i think they also share a certain kind of sense of empathy and sensitivity, theyd just be such a good choice to bond as well i think
and more broadly thinking i would have loved more group cousin shenanigans. i knowww the comics have plenty with don gladdy and fethry but what they DONT have is della, and she would have been a perfect addition their dynamic to really round everything out and it would have just been so fun to watch. what could have been
i also kind of wanted della to give scrooge a flying elbow from the top line for leaving fethry at the bottom of the ocean but i'm mean ! to that old man in specific ! so it is what it is
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