#I know I shit on Taiwan a lot but believe me Taiwan has a lot of good parts too - it's just that it focuses too much on those now xD
qqueenofhades · 2 months
The thing that confuses me about the "don't vote" left (not the "I don't want to vote", I'm talking explicitly the "don't vote" left. I don't agree with the "I don't want to vote" left either but I can understand their logic) is they lose me at the final step of the logic. I've tried to connect the logic here, even if I don't agree with a political position I do try to understand where people are coming from (empathy for someones situation is not the same as cosigning it), but I just can't connect the dots here in a way that isn't deeply cruel. Does United States politics prioritize the lives of those in the US (and often white) over those in the Global South? Yes, it's a fucking atrocity. We should continue to make noise about it, cus Biden has used less drones and that shows progress, even if it's not enough. The part where I lose the plot is where the conclusion to this injustice is to let even more people die? Cus that's kinda how I see the idea of not voting: I can pick between shit and more shit, and at the end of the day, I'm picking whoever allows the most people to make it to the next day. Given Trumps stance on everything but specifically climate change, I feel like Biden is pretty significant harm reduction.
I don't think both things can't be true: that every life lost is a travesty we should not forget AND the more people we can save is worth fighting for.
The thing is, I have seen nothing among the "don't vote" far left (and I am talking here specifically about the people who both loudly announce their intention not to vote and try to convince others to do the same) to convince me that they actually care about harm reduction or stopping genocide. They only care about what makes them look the most Correct and/or superior to the Democrats. They yelled bloody murder about Obama using drones, they went dead quiet about Trump using them even more (even when he nearly started WWIII by assassinating the Iranian general Soleimani with one), and then said nothing at all when Biden reduced the drone program to almost nothing and withdrew the US from a failed war in Afghanistan it had long ago lost. Now they will yell all day about Israel/Hamas (something that Biden did not start and has had no direct military role in responding to) but they don't care about Russian genocide of Ukraine and Syria, Chinese threats to invade Taiwan, etc, because those governments are "anti-western/anti-American" and therefore should be defended. Their opposition to human suffering is extremely conditional and rests on whether they can look good out of it, and they never interrogate the hypocrisies of their own ideology.
Likewise: every country in the world prizes its own citizens above those of other countries. It's just a basic fact. Yes, the US has a grim history of intervening in other countries and causing untold civilian damage (especially during the Cold War and then in post-9/11 War on Terrorism). Yes, that legacy is complex and needs to be acknowledged. But literally none of that will be fixed, not to mention all the vulnerable people in America itself who will be punished, by Trump getting into power again. Biden is not just a grudging "lesser evil," but has done a lot of truly good and helpful things, regardless of the Online Leftists' constant lies, misinformation, and misrepresentation. If you spend all your time announcing what a champion you are for non-American marginalised people and/or those undergoing terrible suffering, and then deliberately and knowingly adhere to a course of action that will increase that suffering tenfold not only for those people but your own neighbors, friends, and family, then no, I don't believe you are a brave champion of social justice. You just want to know what categories of people you can gleefully and righteously punish and make to suffer for not believing the same things as you, that makes you just as dangerous as the right-wing fascists, and I can and will call out your ass accordingly.
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transboysokka · 4 months
So my favorite character in The Brothers Sun is Taiwan. Like yeah Taiwan has its own shows and movies but it just feels Different to see Taiwan in a big international/American show! It’s SO cool actually and so um here are some thoughts I had and things I Noticed about different Taiwan scenes and things in the show idk
Episode 1
the opening shot of Taipei tells us this is a Thursday- the top of 101 is green and is a different color every day of the week
that corkscrew-shaped apartment building we see Charles living in is kind of an urban legend here in Taipei. They say it’s the most expensive place to live in the city, that each apartment has its own swimming pool, and that there’s an elevator specifically to bring cars up to display in your living room. No idea if the interiors look like that for real though
I was gonna say it’s pretty crazy he has an American-style oven in Taipei bc nobody does but actually in that apartment… yeah he probably would
afaik there’s not a way to (“legally”/officially) stream any of those famous British baking shows here rip
I do wonder if they actually filmed the opening scene in the corkscrew building or if they just really pay attention to detail because the skyline seen out the window matches up to what it would really look like from that part of the city
the shoes, I mean we all know about shoes-off houses but yeah
豆漿. Soy milk. Yeah
They definitely eat Hi-chews in one of these scenes
Episode 2
It makes way more sense for the guys to have snuck out for shaved ice as kids than youtiao… I’m just saying… like would *I* do that yes but it’s usually just like. A thing you eat with soup or breakfast
Episode 3
“Are you sure you can handle-“ “the heat? I’m from Taiwan.” lmfao BITCH Taiwan has some of the blandest cuisine I’ve ever tasted (he does think it’s too spicy tho lol)
“Keelung. A fishing village just north of Taipei.” Okay like I can see how the older generation would call it that but it’s actually a whole ass city…
Episode 5
Not a Taiwan thing but the Maotai made me laugh. It’s like the Coca Cola of Chinese baijiu and imho it’s just as awful as every other brand
Episode 6
ok the episode that made me want to make this list
the Costco shit IS funny because vitamins, baby formula, that’s all the good stuff you want to bring back from abroad BUT actually we have Costco in Taiwan and can easily get a lot of that stuff? This concept imo would fit a lot better for China than Taiwan. It’s still very much a thing to load your suitcase up with baby formula on the way home to China, and there’s actually a huge smuggling business bringing it in through Hong Kong but I digress
Idk why I’m happy to hear Changhua and Douliu mentioned in an American TV show… Seriously, I don’t know. They’re kind of like nowhere places I’ve never even been. I just feel like everyone’s grandparents live there.
Even the way they film Mama Sun on the plane. Like the Mandarin music in the background with the announcement for Taoyuan airport… to me it feels specifically like a transpacific flight to Taiwan lolol but that’s definitely like a bias probably
Okay not to be SO nitpicky but so when she looks out the window on the plane to see Taipei 101 etc I’m not sure about that? The airport is actually in another city and I feel like I usually come in around and over the ocean or something?
But WOW the taxi scene my favorite scene it’s SO visceral and SO Taiwan… the street, the lights, the Cosmed/Mos Burger/7-Eleven, the street noises, like I can FEEL Taiwan through the screen and HER FACE taking it all in I WANT TO SOB
The temple, beautiful like this episode makes me believe Michelle Yeoh is Taiwanese lol
I appreciate the viscerality of the night market shots too but it seemed a bit empty
Okay so Mama Sun’s mom is super rich too based on where she lives which I guess it makes sense. But what I am curious about is the story about why they’re speaking Cantonese because Taiwan has a lot of languages but that’s not one of them like officially at all. I wonder if there’s a character backstory there or they just like. Didn’t want to bother teaching Michelle how to speak Minnan or something
The cemetery too is so fancy, I mean it fits but wow that’s expensive real estate
In the hospital scene, Taipei 101 is lit blue out the window, making it a Friday. Has everything in the show so far happened in only 8 days?
Episode 7
“Last night the Boxers made their move” 101 says it’s Tuesday for anyone keeping track
I LOST it at the Foodpanda driver assassin the first time I saw this… So Taiwan
Big fancy church in Taipei? I know they exist but I’ve never seen one in person (like 2%? of the country is Christian)
A mom bringing back tea as a souvenir from Taiwan? 100% real
Episode 8
RAW is a real restaurant in Taipei. It’s very fancy and very expensive and had I think two Michelin stars. I don’t know ANYONE who’s actually been there lol
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unhetalia · 2 months
this is really weak of me but I really do have to headcanon the Nations as having nothing to do with their governments and at times actively working against them because otherwise the atrocities are Not Fictional...
and anyway these beings hundreds of years old absolutely know that governments do not always have the people's best interests in mind. Do not always take care of the land. Nations believe their role is to take care of their land and their people, and maybe the older Nations tried to work with those in power in the beginning, but quickly learn their lesson.
because of this headcanon, I imagine the Nations all have 'departments' they belong to that focus on a certain issue. It would be impossible to have one individual try to have intimate knowledge of every single issue a country faces, and I love the implications this has on how much the Nations rely on each other, and how much their relationships are not reflective of human politics, because their purpose is not to reflect their people but to protect them and the land they're on.
SO finally, to the point of this post.
Here's what I think certain Nations do:
England and Russia are in charge of information gathering AKA espionage, as both have infiltrated their own governments at a very high level. Arthur is in MI6, Ivan is in the KGB-turned-FSK-turned-FSB. They're valuable assets to the rest of the world because they tend to have information on what everyone's governments are doing. Some other Nations who work in this department are Hungary, Philippines (F), Canada, Cuba, Ukraine, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
A lot of Nations work on environmental issues - Sweden, Finland and Denmark focus on governance as a way to mitigate environmental issues, while Australia, New Zealand, South Africa are focused on conservation, Brazil, Colombia, Congo focus on deforestation and air pollution, the Pacific Islands on rising sea levels and ocean pollution.
China, France, Ireland and Turkey are focused on food security - each one focuses on a specific aspect of it. China on availability, Ireland on access, France on utilisation and Turkey on stability.
Social welfare is headed by Austria and Belgium, with Spain, the Italies, Greece and Portugal focused on it.
Internal security is handled by the Germany brothers and Switzerland - this is the protection of the Nations themselves. Arranging identities, extraction of Nations who land themselves in trouble, and also the keeper of their arsenal.
America heads the research and development department that connects everything together - they develop the gadgets used by Arthur and Ivan's team, help develop technologies and conduct research focused on the environment and food security, help trial new ideas on addressing poverty, hack databases in order to help create identities for Nations. This department includes Japan, South Korea, India (F), Taiwan, Tony (not a Nation but heavily involved), Liechtenstein, Hong Kong, Belarus, Netherlands, Estonia, Mexico (F).
EDIT: I have to re-think a lot of this because I keep thinking about how very little countries there are compared to shit happening in the world and it messes with this universe a little bit. SO. WILL BE RE-WORKED.
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mrooops · 15 days
ok guys, no jokes, but what the fuck?
i want to touch a really really serious topic in pink floyd fandom rn and i want you all to listen to me at least once. i would really appreciate it if you spread this information. thank you
if you're the type of person who writes "well, waters is still better than gilmour", then just please unfollow me forever the fuck out
but it's ok i'll explain you why
well, a little backstory
while many believe that roger's political views are now quite correct, i want to remind you that he supports an aggressive invasion of the country where i live (Ukraine). if you are still interested, then yes, the war in Ukraine is still going on even if in the west now no one wants to pay attention to it anymore. for your understanding, on average we have 100 air raids in the city per month, at least once a week i definitely hear explosions and, yeah, i don’t live in a hot spot. and this guy just goes out and does an interview where he openly says that he supports the aggressor country. yeah, that's right, he was also allowed to speak at the UN council, where he said that the conflict was provoked. very smart. the same guy who said a couple of days before the war that those who believe that it will start are “out of their minds”
ok ok, but how does this relate to gilmour?
very simple. his daughter-in-law is Ukrainian. and her mother lived in a city that was one of the first to be attacked by the russian army. if you have never seen footage from Kharkiv in the first days of the war, then believe me, it was a terrible sight, people tried to help each other as best they could
and it is still going on
i don’t think it's cool to talk shit about one person who supports israel but then turn a blind eye to how another openly says that Taiwan should belong to china and Ukraine to russia and say "well, he is based", "he's better than gilmour"
if you have any other information about gilmour, you can share it with me.
i know you all really like young waters and i see a lot of positive things in him too, but i really can't stand the fact that now people only really look at how he feels about Palestine, even if i see a lot of articles and posts from adults, who say his support for Palestine is also twofold. don't wanna say anything bad about that because i haven’t studied this topic, but i think you can google them yourself, they always just come up
don't get me wrong, i'm not stopping you from sending pictures of him or drawing him, i'm just asking you not to write that he's better than someone else at something when he's not
oh yeah and one last thing...
if you are a supporter of communism, then get the fuck out too, because communism led to the fact that in the 60s in my country they killed almost all the poets who did not write something in support of the state. in history they were persecuted and killed because they wrote in their native language and mentioned Ukrainian culture. communism led to three great famines in our country, when people had so little to eat that they resorted to cannibalism. it's very scary, but it's true. this is what the government has led to when it wants to bring communism to life
communism is not a cool thing. it's cool in words, not on practice, read history
thank you for your attention
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iriswritesstuff · 1 year
This is a ramble from 2 a.m. and probably has a lot of typos and grammatical errors, so bear with me.
I don't know about u but i am a sucker for monologues. I have a degree in English, and monologues are the only thing I find interesting about Shakespeare's plays. And a monologue that has a special place in my heart comes from Midnight Mass. The character Riley talks about what happens after death. And the choice of words for that monologue is so clinical and matter-of-fact but so poetic and beautiful at the same time. I believe it's called a pantheist perspective? I'm sorry if ur religious. I totally respect that and im sorry if this offends u, but I think the concepts of afterlife in religions is just a trick humans design to trick ourselves into not doing horrible things to each other. There's no heaven or nirvana. If u don't behave you'll be locked out of heaven's gate and burn inthe fiery pits of hell and shit. It's the same as "don't point your finger at the moon or you'll lose your ear" but for adults.
Also just the concept of paradise or heaven and shit and being blissfully painfree for eternity just sounds so fucking boring to me (yes i know i sound melodramatic). And some people may say the concept is above us and impossible for human's tiny little brains to fully grasp, but i just can't believe in something that i cannot see at all.
What i can see and feel and smell and hear is the air that sustains me, the grass beneath my feet, the stars high in the sky, the sand between my toes, and the waves that draws it out. And i don't know about u but being part of all these things after death sounds pretty fucking awesome than being stuck in some wonderland for eternity. Being nothing and everything all at once or to quote the monologue "scatter across the goddamn cosmo."
There's a contentment in gazing at the stars and knowing that it's possible that nothing and no one is lost forever and it's right in front of u and all u need to do is to look up (from somewhere with less light pollution ofc).
Death should be equal, fair games. And the concept of heaven seems exclusive to humans as far as I know. But from a pantheist pov, what happens after death is the same for all, not just humans.
I believe in aliens, and I like to think that out there in the boundless cosmo, they are also looking up at the stars but because of the position or alignment and stuff like that, their constellations look completely different from ours, and among the billion celestial objects visible in their sky, maybe they can see the tiny speck of dust we call earth. And all that has come before me and will come after me and myself are part of that speck of dust, being admired from lightyears away. Aliens may not even have the same senses as humans at all. They may not be able to see. But if they can sense the stars with their tentacles or antennas or whatever the hell they have, then I can still be content in that connectedness.
(FYI, the don't point at the moon thing is smth we tell children in Taiwan, so they won't be rude by pointing at random shit.)
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cksmart-world · 2 years
The completely unnecessary news analysis
by Christopher Smart
August 9, 2020
Well, this is embarrassing, two of our Republican congressmen, Chris Stewart and John Curtis, are praising Dragon Queen Nancy Pelosi, otherwise know as the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. Here's the thing, no matter what district Republican candidates live in, they all run against Pelosi. GOP strategists have spent 20 years vilifying her until her name is shorthand for left-leaning stuff like taxing the rich and pushing for universal healthcare — how unAmerican can you get. And the fact is she's not a man and can't be trusted and is always outflanking her male Republican colleagues — what a bitch. So it's pretty crazy that Stewart and Curtis are praising the Dragon Queen's recent trip to Taiwan. “I thought it was actually a very important event and a very important time,” said Stewart. It has irked the People's Republic of China (PRC) to the point where Dear Leader Xi Jinping reportedly has developed a severe case of diaper rash — the cure for which is firing lots of missiles over the island nation of Taiwan. Still, given the gnarly mood of the GOP and their Trumpist base, Stewart and Curtis' praise for Pelosi could risk a serious flogging by the MAGA mob, if not the gallows built for Mike Pence. Someone must have slipped them Reverse Kool-Aid. How else can you possibly explain it.
In the card game Hearts one winning strategy is called, “Shooting the Moon.” The Democratic Party's ploy for the November mid-term elections could be called, shooting yourself in the head. Ordinarily in Hearts a player avoids taking any hearts and the queen of spades. To Shoot the Moon, however, a player must take all the hearts and the queen of spades — losing so bad you win. The Dems scheme is to give big bucks to hard-right candidates in Republican primaries because — we shit you not — they would be easier for Dems to beat in November. Gambling that GOP election-deniers would lose in the fall isn't exactly a strong bet in the age of Trump. Russian Roulette, anyone? Beyond that, it's pretty damn cynical to champion democracy after underwriting fascism. Case in point, moderate GOP Rep. Peter Meijer, who voted to impeach Trump, was narrowly defeated by election-denier John Gibbs. The Dems spent $435,000 on ads to get Gibbs on the November ballot. That sucks said maverick Republican Adam Kinzinger. “[D]on't keep coming to me asking where are all the good Republicans that defend democracy and then... spend half-a-million dollars promoting one of the worst election-deniers out there.” Shooting the Moon in Hearts is risky, but not even Evil Knievel would try it in politics.
Utah statesman and former motivational speaker Burgess Owens and 50 of his bigheaded Republican colleagues in Congress are demanding that President Joe Biden submit to a cognitive test immediately because he's losing it and wants to pass legislation to help middle-class Americans. That's pretty rich coming from Owens who embraces QAnon and believes Donald Trump is a stable genius. Owens added his signature to a letter authored by Trump toady and former White House physician Ronny Jackson, known as “the Candyman.” The letter tells Biden: “[Y]our moon-walk would make Michael Jackson spit up and your rendition of “Billy Jean” is an impeachable offense, you even forgot some of the lyrics...” Remember Trump bragging that he passed his test with flying colors, repeating: “Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV” — a sure sign he was ready to deal with the pandemic, Vladimir Putin and climate change. “And they say 'that's amazing. How did you do that?'” Trump told a Fox reporter. "I do it because I'm cognitively there." Indeed, just like Owens who wrote a book titled, “Liberalism or How to Turn Good Men into Whiners, Weenies and Wimps.” Owens says he will never be a wimp and will follow Trump off any cliff anytime, anywhere. Cognitively there? No doubt about it.
Post script — That's a wrap for another stellar week here at Smart Bomb were we keep track of Alex Jones and all those other hate mongers so you don't have to. You're right, Wilson, Alex Jones should choke on the $49 million a Texas jury awarded the parents of six-year-old Jesse Lewis. He was one of the 20 small children and six adults murdered in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary by a deranged gunman with an assault rifle. Since 2014, over and over again, Jones insisted on his InfoWars radio show and website the that Sandy Hook slaughter was a hoax and all the dead kids were really actors. “I’ve looked at it and undoubtedly there’s a cover-up,” Jones had said, “There’s actors, they’re manipulating, they’ve been caught lying, and they were pre-planning before it and rolled out with it.” In response, some of his followers shot up the house and car of the youngster's parents, Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin. Jones has made millions on hate speech and conspiracy theories, according to courtroom testimony. “Take him out,” attorney Wesley Ball told the jury. "We know that everything the man said on the [witness] stand is a lie. When he breathes he lies." And then there's Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reily, Glenn Beck, and on and on. Free speech? Really. Sonsofbitches.
Well Wilson, talk about ending on a sour note — but what's a mother to do? You're right, without BAD we wouldn't have GOOD. Let's just keep telling ourselves that. And if it's worth doin', it's worth over doin' — so get the guys in the band and take us to the dark side:
I see a red door and I want it painted black No colours anymore, I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by, dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes I see a line of cars and they're all painted black With flowers and my love both never to come back I see people turn their heads and quickly look away Like a newborn baby, it just happens every day I look inside myself and see my heart is black I see my red door, I must have it painted black Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black I see a red door and I want it painted black No colours anymore, I want them to turn black I see the girls walk by, dressed in their summer clothes I have to turn my head until my darkness goes
I wanna see it painted, painted black Black as night, black as coal I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, painted black
(Paint It Black — Rolling Stones)
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terubakudan · 3 years
This may be an old article from 3 years ago, but these cultural aspects/observations still apply even today. And though this is strictly a Chinese perspective, a lot of these everyday life bits are observed in Overseas Chinese communities in countries such as The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. as well as countries heavily influenced by Chinese culture like Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.
I've always liked learning about other cultures and making comparisons between how things are done East vs West. Which probably stems from growing up with two cultures and Mom raising me on American movies xD
So the irony is if you asked me how many Chinese, Taiwanese, or Hong Kong actors I know, chances are I know as much as you do xD Like Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, and that's about it. But if you asked me about Western (specifically American and British) actors, then I have a useless brain dump of movie trivia and who was with who in what movie xD
Hmmm, both Taiwan and the Philippines are two distinct cultures but both look up to a certain country and are fascinated by that. In Taiwan's case, Japan and the US for the Philippines. In both cases, this is due to being under the rule of those countries in their history. Taiwan being under Japan for 50 years, and the Philippines being under Spain for 300+ years, followed by periods of American and Japanese rule. To put it simply though:
Taiwan is "mini-Japan with a very Chinese culture".
The Philippines is "former colony of Spain with lots of American influences".
But unlike the author, I've never set foot in any Western country, so my understandings are strictly what I've observed in media, which while it can be accurate, doesn't compare to actually experiencing the culture.
Some further elaboration on most points:
#1 We quite literally use chopsticks for everything. We use it to pick rice, viands, vegetables, fruit, smaller desserts, almost all the food you can think of.
But where do you put your chopsticks when you're not using them? Just put them on top of your bowl or flat on your plate. But do not ever stick them vertically. It's taboo, since it looks like incense sticks, which we use to pray for those who have passed, like our ancestors or during funerary services.
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#3 The majority of Asia is obsessed with fair/white skin. In my time at the Philippines, I grew up watching all these Dove Whitening commercials and my classmates often commented on how fair my skin was, how they envied it etc. In Taiwan, girls often say they don't want to 變黑 (biàn hēi) 'become dark'. Japan and Korea too are not innocent of this either (if their beauty/skin products weren't a dead giveaway).
People here at Taiwan often mistake me for being from Hong Kong or Japan (as long as I don't speak Mandarin with my heavy accent xD). A Taiwanese classmate of mine joked that she often gets mistaken for being from Southeast Asia due to having a darker complexion. And while I laughed it off with her at that time, looking back, I now realize she was lowkey being racist. xD
And believe me Filipinas have mentioned literally being told 'your skin is so dark' here in Taiwan, or being given backhanded compliments like 'you're pretty despite having dark skin' and...*facepalms*
My point is, beauty is not exclusive to skin color. People who still think that are assholes.
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#5 Not to say we don't have salt and pepper, but yes soy sauce and vinegar are the classic condiments you see on the table, be it at home or at a restaurant.
And if I may add, Taiwanese love their pepper. xD If you ever get to eat at a night market or a smaller "Mom n' Pop-style" restaurant here, some dishes/soups tend to add quite an excessive amount of pepper. Not like anthills, but quite liberally and way more than average. Enough that you see traces of pepper at the bottom of the food paper bag or swirling in your soup. xD
#6 I know this all too well from personal experience. In my years of studying at Taiwan, I always had roommates. 3 in my first school (I graduated high school in the Philippines pre K-12 so I had to make up 2 years of Senior High), followed by 2 in college, with the exception of 1 in freshman year.
My college did offer single person dorms but at around 9000 NTD ($324) per month compared to around 6000 NTD ($216) per semester. Because I wanted to save, the choice was obvious for me xD. But ah, this doesn't mean I don't value personal space, in fact I love having the room to myself, and since both my roomies would go home to their families every weekend, weekends were bliss for me xD
And you don't have to be friends with your roommates (that's an added bonus however), you just have to get along with them. I was quite lucky to have really great roommates all throughout my schooling years.
#9 In the Philippines, we do. Owing mostly to American influences and maybe being predominantly Catholic? xD
#10 *sigh* Chinese parents and parents from similar Asian cultures tend to put too much emphasis on grades, so much that kids could get sent to cram school as early as elementary. This is because what school you get into could literally affect your future job opportunities, and while that's not exclusive to any particular country/culture, I feel it's especially pronounced here in Asia. I'm really lucky my own parents weren't that strict about it. However, if your parents don't point the mistakes out to you, chances are you'll do it yourself, if you're an Asian kid like me anyway. xD It just becomes a habit.
#11 My family is an exception to this. xD We do say 'I love you' directly, but complete with the 'ah eat well ok?', 'don't scrimp on food', 'sleep well' and similar indirect words/actions of affection. We were doing 'Conceal, Don't Feel' before it became popular. xD
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#13 I'm kind of confused about this but this has sort have changed over the years in which eye-contact is now more encouraged. But don't stare, especially at elders and authority figures. Sometimes it's just shyness though. xD And I've observed this with my own Taiwanese friend, especially when I'm complaining or ranting to her about something. xD I'm a person who likes to express my opinions strongly, which tends to scare/alienate some of the locals here, as doing so is kind of frowned upon. Thankfully, she does listen and offers her take on things.
#14 Ah this. xD In the Philippines, this is a common greeting known as beso-beso, and I freaked out too when an auntie did that to me. xD Needless to say, Mom lectured me later on what that was. ^^"
#16 Along with #3 another crazy beauty standard. In my view, people always look better with a little meat on them and when they're not horribly thin. Asia still has a loonng way to go with accepting different types of bodies if you ask me. This combined with modern beauty standards has made the pressure for women especially to 'look beautiful' higher than ever.
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I know many people love them but please, starving yourself or glorifying eating disorders is never OK just to get this kind of 'ideal' body. I'm not part of the Kpop fandom, but even I think when idols get bullied just for gaining the least bit of weight among other insensitive comments, that's really going too far.
#17 'If you want to make friends, go eat.' <- I couldn't agree more. In the Philippines we have a greeting: 'Kumain ka na ba?' (Have you eaten?) . Similarly in Taiwan, we have 吃飯了沒? (chī fàn le méi), both of these can mean that in the literal sense but are often used as greetings instead. By then which invitation to having lunch/dinner together may or may not follow. Food really is a way for us to socialize and to catch up with what's going on in each other's lives. Not to say we don't have regular outings like going out to the mall, going shopping, etc. but eating together is a huge part of our culture, be it with family or friends.
And while I'm at it, some memes that are way too accurate good to pass up xD
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Parents, uncles, aunties alike will fight over the bill xD
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You just space out until your name is called xD
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My parents are guilty of the last one. Logic how? xD
#18 True. xD I like giving compliments out to people but I have a hard time accepting them myself, though I've learnt how to accept them much more now than before. We're kind of raised to constantly downplay ourselves so we often say things like 'ah no no' or 'I'm really not that good'. The downside of this of course is that it can come off as somewhat fake. xD
Again from personal experience, that same classmate who made the lowkey racist remark, she was good, she was on the debate team, was a honor student, knew how to mingle with people, but she downplayed herself way too much, while praising me but I honestly thought that she never really meant it from how she treated me. She wanted to keep me around her yet make backhanded compliments at me and she didn't want me socializing with my other classmate who is now my friend. *sigh* It was only after discussing this with one of my roomies did I realize how this 'excessive downplaying' might come off to people like me who more or less grew up with a more 'Westernized' mindset. I'm not saying brag about your achievements but don't be overly humble about them either, which can also be a turn off.
#20 We do tend to be a lot more realistic on how we view things, neither entirely optimistic nor pessimistic. We try to think of things practically and often analyze things on pure logic. A downside of this however, is that Chinese people can be overly practical. Taiwanese for instance don't like to 'find inconveniences' and generally keep to themselves, meaning, they won't help you in your hour of need even when they do have the capabilities. Sounds really harsh I know, but in my 6 years of living in Taiwan, while this doesn't apply to all the people, a lot of them really do only find/talk to you when they need something.
So for some people saying Taiwanese are 'friendly', that's BS xD If you ask me, Filipinos are infinitely more friendly, and again while not all, generally make more of an effort to help you when you need it. I really felt more of a real sense of community during my years growing up in the Philippines compared to Taiwan.
#21 Children do tend to stay with their parents well into college and adulthood, since Chinese families are indeed very family-oriented, in a lot of cases, grandparents often live under the same roof as us as well! And it really does save a lot of money. I see there's a real stigma in the US when it comes to "living with your parents", but that's starting to change especially because of Covid and having more and more people move back in with their parents.
Housing unfortunately is pretty much hella expensive no matter where you go, and Taiwan is no exception. Steep housing prices and the very high cost of raising a child (schooling + buxiban fees, etc.) contribute to a very low birth rate and thus an aging population like Japan. It's not uncommon to see both parents working in Taiwan.
#23 I'm an overthinker myself, but I totally agree with the author that the best is to strike a good balance between these two. Which I guess is why I love drawing or any other related creative attempts, it helps me be more spontaneous or well, creative! I like to remain intellectually or artistically inspired.
#24 Is French high school really like that? xD My friend did watch SKAM France and more or less got a culture shock from what was depicted on the show. I can confirm however that most high schools both in the Philippines and Taiwan require students to wear a uniform, only in college is everybody free to wear casual/civilian clothes.
#26 Ah this is part of our Asian gift-giving etiquette xD We always open gifts later after the event/meeting and in private. Never open them in front of the person who gave it to you or in front of others. This is to prevent any 'shame/embarrassment' that may result both to yourself and to the gift giver. I know this may come off as something weird since some people may want a more honest response or immediate feedback when it comes to gift-giving, but that's just how it is in our culture. You're always free to ask us though (in private) if we liked the gift or not ^^"
#28 I want to say the same goes to drinking, partying, and drugs however xD Those are things which are still frowned upon in our culture. And to be honest, whenever I see those in movies, it does kind of turn me off xD It doesn't mean that we're "uncool" or "boring", we just think that there are much better or healthier ways of "having fun".
#31 Is this true in France?! Man I would kind of prefer that instead of people being on their phones all the time xD This kind of goes with #20 in that Chinese are overly practical or logical, and don't read fiction as much as nonfiction. My Taiwanese friend is an exception though, she's a bibliophile who loves the feel of paper books compared to e-books, and it's a trait of her that I like a lot. Both the Philippines and Taiwan however have a huge fanbase when it comes to manga and anime though.
I'm all for reading outside of "designated reading" at schools especially. Reading fiction improves your vocabulary too, and can be quite fun! It helps you imagine and really invest in a world/story, and if you ask me something that I feel Westerners are better at, they're more in touch with their emotions and creativity, and are thus much more able to write compelling or original stories. Believe me, I've seen a fair amount of Chinese movies that rip off Western movie plotlines xD
#33 Nothing much to add on here..except that since I'm a "weird" person, Mom often jokes that she got the wrong baby from the hospital. xD
#35 True. While I agree with the care and concern that your fellow community can give you, the downside of this is we tend to only hang out with our own people, e.g Chinese with Chinese, Taiwanese with Taiwanese, etc. I've seen too that it's especially hard to make friends in Japan and Korea as a foreigner. Not only is there the language barrier, but the differences in culture too. In a way, Asians can be pretty close-minded on getting to know other cultures or actually making friends with people from other countries. I know this all too well being half-Taiwanese/half-Filipino, being neither "Filipino" enough nor "Taiwanese" enough. xD It's more of people here being too used to what they're comfortable with.
#36 Oh this is something I feel that Chinese students and other students from similar cultures should really improve on. xD How will people respect you if you don't speak your mind?
I felt bad especially for my Spanish teacher in college, granted it was an introductory course (Spanish I and II) but the amount of times that our teacher had to prompt a student to recite/speak even with clear hints already made her (and me too) extremely frustrated. The thing is, these are college students, I personally feel they don't have any reason to be so shy of speaking and technically by not doing so they're slowing the pace of the class too much and a lot of time is wasted.
Unfortunately you can't always be very vocal with your thoughts and opinions in most Asian cultures. I would say strive for that, but at the same time, play your cards well, especially if you're in a workplace setting.
If you made it to the end, thank you for reading and here's a cookie! 🍪 I'm not perfect and there's bound to be something I missed so please let me know if you spotted anything wrong. Feedback/questions are very much welcome and please feel free to share about your country/culture's differences or similarities!
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
July 2021 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Golden Blood Ep 5 - honestly only Thailand would dare be this soft with a flipping bodyguard romance. Seriously? GAH. Plus PitchBank doing their cat & mouse thing. (Cat & puppy? Eh, whatever, it’s nahlak). Then they hit us up with sing feelings + musical montage flashbacks (and I’m sad). Ya win some, ya lose some. There were some nice almost kisses and a few fun tropes (lie on the ground, sleep on shoulder). Next week (since this is an 8 ep arc) is our ep 11 drama-doom? Weeee.
The Best Story Ep 3 fin - i liked it, but I prefer YinWar being messy university idiots over sweet angsty high school boys with coming out issues and family drama. I really hope we get the full version of Love Mechanics or similar from them. I believe that they can hold down a longer series. Anyway, this ended up being a story of lost love and separation, so not technically a romance, old school BL instead, so for modern BL watchers NOT RECOMMENDED. Sorry all. 
My Boy the series Ep 4 - dropping, even though we got some actual relationship development...
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The Yearbook Ep 2 - we learn about the first split (hit close to home, disappointment in a friend not living up to their potential is real hard). I stand by this being the pulp version of ITSAY. It’s pretty angsty, but fine if that’s your thing. 
Top Secret Together Ep 11 - it felt like we suddenly went right back to the beginning with some of these couples in a “wait, is this really ep 11?” kind of way. And ooof is this series SLOW. Honestly, this should have been 10 eps or so total - and I don’t say that often. 
That said anyone reminded of Sarawat in this bit with Copy’s dad? 
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Anygay, I was deeply charmed watching Nampu dance around the subject with Copy’s dad, while Copy is right there all "my cat-boyfriend doesn’t give a shit about being out or not” PANIC MODE. And Nampu buckles under the closet for Copy and hurts because of it, but communicates that to Copy. A nice subtle bit of acting I did not expect from a pulp. 
Incidentally, miss translation on the captions in this scene. Copy’s dad doesn’t use him pronouns when referring to Nampu dating. The captioner should have been using singular they. Will someone please teach the ESLs about singular they/them? 
Back to the drama. Sorry, apparently i have a lot to say about TST this week. The coming out bit was cute, very gently handled. 
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Also I kinda adore the fact that basically all CopyNampu’s friends know about them and Copy is not fooling ANYONE least of all his engineering buddies. 
I seem to be falling into the KhunKaow Brothers trap with TST where, in the end, CopyNampu are the only couple I care about. Do I need to do myself a CopyNampu bootleg? That is the question. I guess that I have 4 more eps to decide. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Ossan’s Love (Hong Kong) Eps 10-15 fin - found the rest on DC, it hooked back into the weird timeslip relationship advance of the Japanese original and that’s not a drama style I enjoy. It reminds me of Aeschylus (follow me here) in that all the action occurs off stage and then we are told about it later. Not that I wanted to see Tin/KK action (yech). Anyway, despite a superior cast, yet AGAIN I must conclude that this franchise is not for me. NOT REALLY RECOMMENDED.
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan) Ep 11 - apparently while mosquitos leave hickeys in Thailand, bees leave hickeys in Taiwan. Softest episode 11 ever? I think so. Will anything dramatic happen in this drama? I think not. Do we care? Nope. 
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Given (Japan) Ep 2 - didn’t show up on DM or DC by Friday, but BL out of Japan can be a pain to find so I am hopping it’ll drop over the weekend. MDL said Ep 2 aired. 
Monster in Law AKA Mẹ Chồn Dâu Cáo (Vietnam) - on hiatus? Ended? Who knows. 
Light On Me (Korea) Ep 7-8 - Korea holds onto its record as the #1 distributor of second lead syndrome. Which is to say an excellent love triangle has landed (rare in BL). I don’t love a love triangle but if you’re gonna do it, this is the way. Bring on the pain. The most interesting thing to me is that if anyone needed a seme looking after him it’s DaOn - I wonder if the drama knows this? 
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BL News & Gossip 
Delightful rumor that AiNi (everyone’s favorite gay advice himbos from Tonhon Chonlatee) are getting their own show. We support this message. 
The company that was producing KinnPorsche isn’t anymore. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International subs accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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{Hetalia Platonic Ships Week 2021} Day 7: Free Day - Iceland & Latvia
A/N: Submission #7 for @hetaliaplatonicshipsweek!
Aaaaand the last day! I was originally planning to do Canada and Cuba (a platonic pairing I just adore) for this day until I realized I didn't actually have any solid story ideas for them :')
Sooo I chose Iceland and Latvia instead, because I imagine the two to be pretty good friends. This is just a high school au (bc as many of y'all know I'm a sucker for them) that I came up with one day while sitting in class lol. You can choose to see this as taking place in the same universe as the fic I wrote for family week (the Anko Family submission for Day 5, Embarrassment) if you wish, bc everything lines up pretty much to a T. Also, my demiboy Iceland hc is back, so he/they pronouns again.
Also, here's the reference for human names again (though most of these characters are only briefly mentioned):
Emil - Iceland
Raivis - Latvia
Leon - Hong Kong
Michelle - Seychelles
Mei - Taiwan
Lili - Liechtenstein
Ok, I hope you guys enjoy!
»»————- ➴ ————-««
Being a librarian's aide at a high school wasn't nearly as bad as it appeared on the surface—well, at least for Emil it wasn't. It was always nice and quiet (for obvious reasons, since it was a library), and it allowed him to get out of a couple of boring classes which he didn't even need to take since he'd already received all the credits for them. Plus, the librarian herself was always very nice and even gave him free coffee and donuts from the teacher's lounge on most days. So, needless to say, Emil actually liked being her aide very much.
It wasn't even that much work, honestly. Not that much work at all. Usually just stacking returned books back on the bookshelf and taking out papers from the printer and giving them to students and teachers. Emil didn't have to interact with too many other kids as there were only a couple of other aides—a senior girl who was the librarian's secretary, and a boy named Raivis who Emil was pretty sure was a sophomore. Raivis basically did the same tasks as Emil, placing books on the bookshelf and whatnot.
Raivis was a curly-haired brunet who was very short for his age, barely even coming up to Emil's shoulder; he had a round boyish face that added to his middle-schooler look. Though he seemed to be a pretty quiet kid, just like Emil, since the two worked together they evidently had to communicate with each other sometimes—and honestly, Emil really enjoyed talking with him. He seemed to have a lot of the same interests as Emil—video games, indie music, hell, he even liked science fiction novels too—and a similar personality to them. Emil wouldn't exactly consider themselves close enough to Raivis to consider him a friend, probably just a very good acquaintance; however, they definitely saw the potential for friendship. It was there.
Sometimes Emil wondered if Raivis even had any other friends, as they'd never seen the boy really talk to anybody else. They wondered where he sat at lunch and tried to recall countless times if they'd ever seen him at lunch with anybody else (at their school, all juniors and sophomores had the same lunch period, so Emil knew that they had lunch with Raivis).
Anyway, on one Thursday morning Emil and Raivis were in the library, organizing books in the—what do you know—science fiction section. They had set their uneaten donuts and coffee on a nearby table and were just talking and laughing among each other, as well as sharing some of the good books they'd found that they happened to have read in the past. Emil made a mental note of all the reading suggestions Raivis had given him. I'm gonna have to check out those books when Mrs. Newman lets me pick some out again, Emil thought to himself (Mrs. Newman referring to the librarian). Another perk to being a librarian's aide was that they got to pick out more books than the other students, about three to five every other week.
Everything was going okay until these two boys who Emil had never seen in the library before casually walked up to the table that had the two's donuts and coffee and sat in the chairs.
However, Emil just kept their attention on Raivis, who was laughing as he told them about this one dystopian book, holding it up so Emil could see. "Yeah! And the best part is when—" Raivis stopped talking abruptly when he noticed the two boys there; his eyes grew wide and he got a...scared look on his face? Hurriedly, he shoved the book back in its spot on the shelf, averting his eyes from the boys and holding Emil's arm loosely, trying to guide him away from the section they were at. "Um...how about let's go sort out the encyclopedias," Raivis suggested quickly.
Emil cocked his eyebrows, now very confused. "But what about our food?"
However, Raivis didn't respond and instead continued to try to push Emil away from the boys.
"Hey, short stack!"
Raivis visibly cringed at the voice of one of the boys. This prompted him, as well as Emil to lift their heads up. One of the kids was cackling annoyingly, while the other one had carelessly taken a bite out of one of Raivis' donuts.
Seeing this latter action immediately caused Emil to furrow their eyebrows. "Hey, what the heck?" they said sternly. "That's Raivis' food."
The kid who'd eaten Raivis' donut snickered. "Yeah, no shit, Dad."
"Emil, just leave them alone..." Raivis said quietly, still holding onto their arm.
Emil ignored him and, though his heart was pounding nearly out of his chest with nerves, he continued to try to set the two boys straight. "I'm going to tell Mrs. Newman if you two don't stop," he threatened.
The other boy, who'd started to drink Raivis' coffee, set his cup down and made mocking jazz hands. "Ooo—Mrs. Newman. I'm so scared," he said sarcastically.
Emil shot the two one last glare and went up to the front of the library to do what he'd just said he would do—tell Mrs. Newman. As he began to walk, he heard the sounds of pounding footsteps, splashing, and then a high-pitched wail that could only belong to one person. Emil whipped his head around and gasped. The kid with the coffee had dumped the entire beverage onto Raivis' head; it was dripping from his hair, and onto the floor.
Now simmering with anger, Emil stomped up to the two kids—he was about to yell something until he heard one of the boys snort loudly and then run up to place the now-empty cup of coffee into Emil's hand. The ash-blond didn't have time to be too confused; he was much more concerned for Raivis at that moment. He prepared to yell at the two boys to get the hell out (he honestly didn't care at that point that they were in a library) before he heard a voice behind him: "Hey! What are you two doing?"
The teens all looked toward the voice and saw Mrs. Newman standing there, hands on her hips, her expression very angry looking—though not at Emil and Raivis, rather at the boy that'd spilled coffee on Raivis' head, as well as his friend.
The two boys, though they'd just mocked Mrs. Newman a mere few minutes prior, stood there, scared, until they glanced at each other briefly and then dashed out of the large library doors. Emil smirked internally as they saw this. Now they're afraid, huh? they thought to themselves.
Mrs. Newman stared at the boys like a hawk as they ran out into the halls, but once they were out of eyesight she turned to Raivis, her face instantly growing from full of anger to full of concern. She walked up slowly to the boy, gently placing her hand on a part of his arm that'd been untouched by the coffee. "Oh, sweetheart," she said, "I'm so sorry that happened to you."
Raivis shrugged his shoulders slowly, his face looking so solemn, so pitiful. "It's fine..."
The tall blonde woman turned to Emil then. "Honey, will you take him to the office to get a fresh change of clothes?" she asked. "He will probably need to use one of the showers in the gym too...can you walk with him, please?"
Emil nodded instantly. "Yeah. Sure thing."
Mrs. Newman smiled back. "Thank you."
Soon, the two teens were walking off to do just that. Raivis was very quiet all the way to the office—which Emil could understand one hundred percent. Poor kid must've felt so embarrassed. He decided he wouldn't make the situation any worse for him and kept his mouth shut, too. They swiftly went to the office to get some spare clothes and then got the clear to go down to the gym bathroom so Raivis could wash up.
The two got to the gym and were standing in front of the door to the bathroom; Raivis glanced up at Emil, his face a little pink. "Um," he began, holding his hand out a little, "could you give me the clothes?"
"Oh, yeah," Emil replied, handing Raivis the sweatpants and t-shirt.
Raivis nodded his thanks and headed on in. After he shut the door, Emil just decided to sit against the wall and wait for him while he showered and changed.
Nearly thirty minutes later, Raivis finally came back out. Emil looked up, put his phone back in his pocket, and then stood up. "How was it?" he asked the sophomore.
Raivis sighed deeply; his eyes were very close to watering, even though he looked and smelled as fresh as a daisy. "Um...okay I guess," he answered, voice quavering a little. "There was a lot of coffee on me."
Emil nodded, but tsk-tsked. He began to walk out of the gym, and Raivis followed close behind. "Who even were those kids?" Emil asked.
Raivis shrugged, looking down at his toes. "Eh, just some kids from my grade. They're jerks."
Emil bit his lip. "Seems like it. I can't believe they put that coffee cup in my hands like they were trying to frame me or something," he said. He laughed, a bit bitterly.
Despite himself, Raivis managed to chuckle a little. "Yeah. Don't they know Mrs. Newman has cameras in there? She could've checked them if she really wanted to."
Emil snorted. "I know, right?"
It was silent for a moment afterward, with Raivis gulping loudly every now and then. Emil turned their head, noticing this. He cocked an eyebrow, concerned. "Are you okay?"
Raivis (who Emil could tell now was definitely on the verge of crying) sniffled and rubbed at his face. "Yeah," he answered, voice hushed. "It's just...thank you, Emil. No one has ever stood up for me like that."
The boy's voice was so sincere that Emil had to grin. "It's no problem—really."
"You're a great friend," Raivis added.
Emil's heart was warmed at that—they didn't know if it was just the way he said it, or the knowledge that he actually thought of them as a friend. He answered warmly nonetheless. "Thank you. You are too."
Raivis glanced at him and gave the most genuine smile Emil thought he'd ever seen on the younger teen.
"Hey, where do you normally sit at lunch?" Emil asked Raivis, just out of curiosity.
Raivis' smile fell a bit. "Oh...well, I normally just sit outside," he said quietly.
"Alone?" The word seemed to echo in the empty hallway, though it might've just been Emil's imagination.
Raivis nodded a bit solemnly. Emil grew the same solemn expression for a moment before asking, "Hey, would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"
Raivis looked up then, eyebrows shooting up. "Really?"
Emil nodded, cracking a small smile. "Yeah. I sit with my best friend, Leon, and then my other friends, Michelle, Mei, and Lili. Leon's really cool; Michelle and Mei might seem a bit...much at first, but they're really nice and cool too."
Raivis' expression slowly began to brighten the more he heard Emil talk, until he paused. "...Are you sure that's okay? I wouldn't wanna ruin your guys' lunch..."
"Trust me, you won't," Emil assured instantly.
The sophomore paused for a minute, as if thinking. "...Okay. I'll sit with you guys."
Emil grinned. "Good. I'm sure they'd love to meet you."
The two continued to walk back to the office to get passes for their next class in comfortable silence, the content feeling one feels after finding a new friend overwhelming both of them.
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lockefanfic · 4 years
Business Trip - Pt 12: Answers
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Mina’s eyes finally lift from her notebook, and you are struck the beauty of the young woman - it is a beauty that would not be out of place in a fashion magazine or in a painting in some Japanese history museum. The young lawyer is wearing a short black dress with a plunging neckline, and you found your eyes wandering a little towards the delicious looking cleavage and the creamy, pale vanilla skin of her upper chest.
“I’ve already told you this, but boys aren’t my preference,” she says with a soft tone, “although I do make an exception here and there for… special men.”
“This is our proof.”
 At your nod, Park Choa clicks her mouse, bringing up a picture on the large flat screen TV mounted to the meeting room wall. Seated around the large table in the middle of the room are yourself, Choa, Momo, Seolhyun, and Mina; sitting opposite your team are Tzuyu and Sana, the former with an unimpressed, arrogant look on her young features - the latter with a blank, emotionless look on hers.
 On the screen is a picture of a battery pack - one of relatively common design, at least externally. But on the side is a small label; such a small thing, but something that would have a massive impact on the fate of two companies and the lives of many dozens of its employees.
 “This device,” you continue, “was lent to me by one of your employees several months ago. As you will see, the label reads: Minatozaki Sana.”
 A hush falls over the room at the revelation. There it was, clear as day - proof that Tzuyu’s company’s tech was stolen, and proof that Sana was complicit in the theft of said data from Seolhyun’s company.
 “We have reason to believe that this device actually contained a hacking program that used the connection my cell phone had to our network to break into our servers and steal the intellectual property that you presented as your own yesterday.”
 “That’s not proof at all,” Tzuyu retorts, “that could be any battery pack. There’s no proof whatsoever that it’s any sort of data theft device. For all I know, you bought that this morning and slapped a label with my employee’s name on it.”
 “I figured you’d say that,” you answer, and you nod once more to Choa, who switches the display to show a Skype window. On the screen is a young woman, her blue-green hair and circular rimmed glasses making her look a little like she stepped out of an anime or video game.
 “This is our IT analyst, Yoo Jeongyeon,” you say, “and she has had some time to retrieve the device from my apartment and analyze its contents. Jeongyeon?”
 “The battery pack has been modified to house a hacking device,” Jeongyeon begins, adjusting the large glasses on her nose, “it’s been programmed to hack into the network of any portable device it’s plugged into, before identifying, copying, and transmitting selected data from the host device’s network to a secure server.”
 “Jeongyeon, was there any specific data on the device that indicates where the data was sent to?”
 “Yes. Server records indicate it was sent to a secure server in Taiwan. I’ve contacted internet service providers both here and in Taiwan, and they have corroborated the transfer of data. The secure server is housed in a building that is owned by Chou Tzuyu’s company. This is all indisputable, unedited hard data that I can send to anyone who wants to see it.”
 All eyes turn to Tzuyu, and it was obvious that the young woman was expending a significant amount of effort to remain composed in the face of her accusations.
 “Thank you, Jeongyeon,” you say, and the aloof young woman on the screen nods before taking a swig of what appeared to be an energy drink and closing her connection.
 “This is preposterous,” Tzuyu says, dismissing Jeongyeon’s statements with a wave of her hand, “and downright offensive. We don’t have to sit here and listen to your baseless accusations. We came here out of professional courtesy, but we don’t have to sit here and simply take this.”
 The young woman rises from her chair, anger twisting her youthful features into a scowl.
 “Let’s go, Sana,” she says, looking at the seated Japanese girl next to her, who thus far had been silent and wearing an expressionless mask.
 “Before you go,” Seolhyun says, the anticipation of revenge palpable in her voice, “you should know that we are planning to sue the shit out of you for hacking a private server, intellectual property theft, and whatever else the fuck it takes to make you regret ever messing with me and my company.”
 “Miss Miyoui, if you will,” you add, and at that Mina, who is also present, reaches into her folder and produces a thick stack of paper, which she slides across the table.
 “We will see you in court,” Mina says, her tone as confident as ever, “and I will beat you.”
 “You? You think you can beat a multi million dollar team of lawyers in court? You, alone?” Tzuyu says, the words almost a hiss.
 “Yes, me,” Mina retorts, her face as serene and calm as ever, “I will wipe the floor with you and your company, no matter how many stuck up, expensive lawyers you throw at me. And when I’m done, your company won’t want anything to do with someone who did something as stupid as steal a rival’s tech. Not only will you never work in this industry again; I’ll also make sure you end up in jail.”
 “Not to mention that public opinion will against your parent company very quickly,” Hirai Momo adds, “we’ll put our proof out into the public. Social media will take it from there, and not only will your division lose any sort of foothold you may have gained in this industry - your entire parent company will take a reputation hit it probably won’t ever recover from. You’d be making some powerful enemies.”
 Tzuyu’s hands have balled into fists. She is furious now, the last remnants of her discipline struggling to retain her composure. Beside her, Sana has not moved an inch, her face still expressionless.
 “There is a way out of this,” you begin, “a solution that will result in a favorable result for all parties involved.”
 “Oh yeah?” Tzuyu retorts, “and what might that be?”
 “We will buy out your division of your parent company. That includes your entire staff and intellectual property, including, of course, the intellectual property you stole from us. We then announce the acquisition of both your division and FNC Inc. at our presentation tomorrow.”
 “If we buy your division, we promise not to divulge your little theft to the public,” Momo adds, “and we gain a new division of staff and an office here in Taiwan. You gain the privilege of, well, not going to jail for intellectual property theft.”
 “That’s blackmail. You still haven’t proven that we did anything. You can’t force us to sell our division to you just because you’re accusing us of theft,” Tzuyu says, although the desperation in her tone betrays the cracks in her initially impenetrable armor of confidence.
 “We’re giving you the opportunity to get out of this scott free,” you answer, “everyone in this room knows you stole the tech, and we have ironclad evidence to prove it. Your choice is simple. Either throw away your entire career and face possible jail time, or swallow your pride and join our company. Who knows, you might even like it.”
 The young woman bites her lip, looking very much like a cornered animal. Her fists are still clenched, her brow furrowed as she contemplates her options.
 “We’ll get back to you in two hours,” Tzuyu says, and without further word, she gathers her laptop and bag before storming out of the room. Beside her, Sana rises, her face still blank - but when you lock eyes with her for a split second, you notice that her eyes have an unbearable sadness about them that breaks your heart.
 The Japanese girl walks slowly to the door and leaves the room; involuntarily, your hand rises as if to beckon her to stay. But then she is gone, leaving you staring at a closed door once again.
 “We have those bitches!” Seolhyun exclaims as soon as Sana leaves, “They’d be stupid not to take that deal. I really wanted to make introduce the tech myself tomorrow… but I’m just happy they’re not getting away with what they did to us.”
 “Me too,” Momo agrees, “speaking of which, we need to get some logistics ready for tomorrow - assuming they take the deal, of course. We’ll need to set up the presentation to introduce both FNC and Tzuyu’s division as our new acquisitions.”
 “We’ll also need to take care of the legal paperwork,” Mina adds.
 “Right. Momo, you take Choa and Seolhyun and work on the presentation. Mina and I will stay here and wait for Tzuyu’s decision. In the meantime we’ll work on the legal paperwork and have a contract ready for them to sign.”
 “Roger that, boss,” Momo says with a smile and a mock salute, glancing at both you and Mina before adding, “you two have fun.”
 You catch a hint of suggestiveness in your girlfriend’s smile and the weighted look in her eyes - but you don’t have time to question her as she takes Choa and Seolhyun and leaves the room.
 You let a sigh out and lean back in your chair as the three girls exit the room. You weren’t enirely sure how Tzuyu would react to your claims, but you were thankful that it at least looked like she was going to consider your offer.
 “Well, I’m glad that’s over and done with - the rest is up to Tzuyu now,” you say.
 “Agreed,” Mina replies, her expression as calm and stoic as ever as she jots down some notes in her notebook, “that went as well as we could have hoped. There’s no way they reject that deal. They’ll accept it.”
 “A lot of it will be thanks to you, Miss Miyoui. You scared them out of taking us to court.”
 “It wasn’t scaring them. It was a promise. I would have beaten them, no matter what they threw at me.”
 “I believe it.”
 “And also,” she adds, “please. Just call me Mina.”
 “Sorry, Miss- err, Mina. You’re not officially an employee of JYP, so I didn’t want to assume anything. And while we’re on that topic, I know you were hired to take care of the legal matters related to our acquisition of FNC, but I’m sure you could have a job with JYP if you wanted it.”
 A slim smile appears on her lips, but Mina’s eyes don’t leave her notebook. 
 “Why, so I can join your little group of women that you fuck at will on a daily basis?”
 You are taken aback slightly by Mina’s frank statement, although at the same time you weren’t surprised given her forthright nature.
 “My relationships, personal or otherwise, with my colleagues are purely consensual.”
 “I’m sure they are,” Mina replies, “and I didn’t say I have a problem with it.”
 Mina’s eyes finally lift from her notebook, and you are struck the beauty of the young woman - it is a beauty that would not be out of place in a fashion magazine or in a painting in some Japanese history museum. The young lawyer is wearing a short black dress with a plunging neckline, and you found your eyes wandering a little towards the delicious looking cleavage and the creamy, pale vanilla skin of her upper chest.
 “I’ve already told you this, but boys aren’t my preference,” she says with a soft tone, “although I do make an exception here and there for… special men.”
 “Is that so,” you answer. You smile slyly. You liked where this was going.
 “Tzuyu says we have two hours. Better make the most of it.”
 “And what did you have in mind, Mina?”
 Mina rises from her chair, a slim smile on her perfectly shaped lips as she approaches your chair. With no further prompting or pretense, she reaches for your tie and with swift movements, she undoes the knot and slips the tie from around your neck.
 You are wondering exactly what she has in mind when she folds the tie in half and presents it to you, as though she were giving you a gift.
 “If you impress me, I’ll consider joining your company,” she says, “Tie me up. Strip me. Make me wet. And then, you can fuck me.”
 You weren’t exactly a bondage enthusiast, having only indulged here and there with light experimentation in your younger days, but you weren’t one to turn down a gift when it was given to you, and certainly not a gift from a woman as beautiful as the one right in front of you.
 You take your tie from Mina’s hands as you rise from your chair. Her eyes meet yours, and notice that her eyes are beginning to show signs of something other than businesslike indifference - there is a little bit of lust there, a little bit of need beginning to show beneath her prim, proper exterior.
 You can’t resist anymore; you lean forward and bring your lips to hers. Your lips press hard against each other for only a moment, before Mina’s tongue slides against your mouth, and before you know it your tongues are duelling, pressing and swirling around each other. Her kiss is frantic, fierce, the complete opposite of her demure personality.
 Mina breaks the kiss and you lock eyes with her for a moment before you are suddenly very aware of the tie in your left hand, and with a quickness and aggressiveness that surprises even you, you grasp the young woman by her slim shoulders and turn her around. Grasping her wrists, you bring them behind her back and begin to tie up her hands.
 “You like being tied up, do you, Mina?”
 “Mina?” she says to your surprise, “It’s Miss Miyoui to you,” she finishes. The smile on your lips widens.
 “Do you like being tied up, Miss Miyoui?” you ask, finally finishing the double knot that is binding her hands together behind her back.
 “Yes,” she answers, her tone a little breathier than usual.
 You bring your hands to her shoulders, relishing the feel of her soft, blemishless skin - like perfect vanilla, smooth and pale. Mina’s head falls backward slightly, and you hear a soft breath of air escape her lips.
 “Strip me.”
 Your fingers reach the neckline of her thin, black dress, and you slowly draw the fabric down her shoulders.
 “Do you like being undressed, Miss Miyoui?”
 “Yes,” she answers, her tone now a soft gasp, desire building and threatening to break down the last vestiges of her demure exterior.
 Finally, you draw the dress far enough down her shoulders until it is just barely covering her nipples - and with one last pull, you draw the flimsy dress down past her breasts, her soft, small mounds escaping the fabric with a small bounce.
 Mina is squirming now, her arms still bound behind her back, her naked shoulders and small, perfect breasts now exposed. Your arms snake around her small frame, and you grasp both her breasts in your palms, enjoying the feel of her warm flesh in your hands. You smile as you feel her nipples hardening, her buds poking against your palms.
 You capture both of her nipples with your index finger and thumb, and give the hardened buds a slight pinch.
 Mina moans - the first outright sound of pleasure she has allowed to escape her mouth since you started.
 “You’re mine now, Miss Miyoui,” you whisper softly into her ear.
 You press forward on the young woman’s back, bending her forward until her upper body is pressed against the table. Wasting no further time, you grasp the hem of Mina’s dress and pull it up over her upraised ass, revealing more perfect, vanilla skin - and the absence of underwear. You take a moment to burn the image in your mind of the young woman bent over on the table, her hands bound behind her back, her naked save for her black dress bunched around her waist.
 “No underwear, Miss Miyoui?”
 “No,” she answers, pausing slightly before adding, “Eat me.”
 You weren’t one to keep a woman waiting, and you drop to your knees and admire the soft, glistening flesh of Mina’s pussy for a split second before pressing your mouth to her lips and giving her a long, slow lick.
 The moan that leaves Mina’s mouth tells you that she has finally cracked - gone is the demure, reserved young woman you knew from meetings and office presentations - the woman that you were currently tongue deep in was a new woman now. A wanton, lustful young thing.
 Her moan encourages you, and you dive in the same way you did with the other women in your life, pressing the flat of your tongue against the lips of her pussy before dragging it up and down, stimulating her sensitive flesh with long, broad strokes. You bring a finger up to her crotch and, with your middle finger, search for and quickly find the hardened, erect bud of her clit.
 The dual stimulation has turned Mina into a mewling, moaning mess, every vestige of her demure exterior now long gone - there was only pleasure now, emanating from your tongue and fingers and coursing throughout her young body. Her naked breasts are crushed against the table, and she rubs her chest on the cool wood of the table in some attempt to stimulate her nipples given her bound hands.
 “Fuck! Fuck you’re so good at that,” she says, “now I know why Momo loves when you eat her out.”
 You want to answer, want to tell her that wasn’t the only thing she liked about you, but you decide instead to redouble your efforts, driving your tongue as deep as you can inside her pussy and bringing your ring finger up to join your middle finger in stimulating her clit. Her juices are flowing freely now, and you gladly gather them on your tongue, the bittersweet taste of her body staining your mouth.
 Your eyes are closed as you dive into her pussy, focusing all your attention on tonguing her pussy, but when you open them your eyes are drawn to the tightly clenched ring of her asshole, not even inches away from your eyes.
 “My asshole,” Mina hisses, as though reading your thoughts, “my ass. Do it…”
 You give Mina’s juicy, heavily leaking pussy one last lick, savoring the juices on your tongue one more time before raising your head slightly and angling your mouth to match Mina’s rear entrance. And with no further hesitation, you press forward with your mouth, your tongue reaching out and giving her clenched asshole a long, soft lick.
 “Fuck!” Mina yelps at the first contact of your tongue and her most private of areas, “Yes! More!”
 Your tongue almost moves of its own accord, and before you know it you are tonguing Miyoui Mina’s ass, her clenched muscle loosening slightly as she becomes used to the stimulation of her asshole. All the while, your fingers are playing with her clit, never stopping rubbing and swirling around her hard bud, the juices making her flesh slick and magnifying the pleasure emanating from her clit.
 “Oh God!” Mina moans, “Oh god! Eat my ass! I’m gonna cum! Yes… right there…. Ohhh!”
 Mina’s squirming, wriggling body suddenly goes taut as an orgasm wracks her young body. You continue to tongue her ass and finger her clit, albeit with a slightly slower pace, encouraging aftershocks of pleasure in her body without making her uncomfortable.
 Miyoui Mina is a far cry from the ladylike, reserved lawyer she was a half hour ago - now she is a disheveled, half naked mess, bent over on the boardroom table, her juices leaking freely from her pussy and making her thighs glisten. Her face is pressed against the table, but she still finds the strength to make her next demand.
 “Fuck me.”
 They are words you have been waiting to hear, and you rise quickly, undoing your belt and zipper, finally freeing your fully erect shaft from your boxers. You grasp Mina’s bound wrists with your left hand and your shaft with your right, pressing the cockhead against her drenched lips, lubricating it with her pussy juices.
 Mina lets out a soft gasp before she speaks with a lustful tone, “My pussy… is only for girls.”
 It takes you only a split second to put two and two together. Then, adjusting your angle slightly as Mina lowers her hips to allow you better access, you press your cockhead against her tight, clenched asshole.
 “...but… you can fuck my ass.”
 You didn’t think there were any more arousing words in the English language, and you move your hips forward slightly, pressing your hard shaft against Mina’s ass, before you finally feel the tight ring of her anus begin to give way to you. You didn’t have too much experience with anal sex aside from your first time with Momo last week, but you were certainly eager to increase your knowledge.
 Soon half of your shaft is now embedded within Mina’s ass, every square millimeter of penetration drawing a lustful moan from her lips. Your grip on her bound wrists tightens, and you pull backward slightly on your tie, pulilng her wrists and upper body back against your hips as you thrust forward - simultaneously, the thickest part of your shaft finally eases into Mina’s tight ass, and you have finally fully impaled the young woman’s asshole with your hard, thick cock.
 “Fuck,” Mina says, the curse word escaping her lips in a long, drawn out hiss as her body adjusts to the new feeling of fullness. She had told you she usually slept with women, so this must have been a new or rare experience, although it occured to you given how much Momo enjoyed anal sex that it was likely not Mina’s first time.
 “Enough,” Mina says, interrupting your reverie, “Fuck me already. Show me what a man can do. Fuck my ass until you fill it with cum.”
 You want to say something, something that is bold or cocky, but you decide to answer her challenge the best way you know how - with action. And to that end you draw your shaft out of her body, and when only the cockhead remains, you thrust forward again, impaling the young lawyer’s asshole with the full thickness of your shaft. With Momo you took it slow, careful not to cause your girlfriend any pain or discomfort - but Mina didn’t seem to have any difficulty allowing you into her body, and so you quickly find yourself pumping in and out of her bent body with the same speed that you had when fucking another woman’s pussy.
 A long, drawn-out string of moans begins to leave Mina’s mouth, accentuated at the end of every thrust into her asshole with a loud gasp as your hips meet the firm flesh of her asscheeks. Soon you are thrusting hard enough that your balls are slapping against her drenched pussy with a wet smack - Mina’s ass was much easier to fuck than Momo’s, which wasn’t surprising given Mina’s seeming comfort with anal sex.
 “Oh God,” Mina says, her body rocked with each thrust on the table, “That feels so good! Your cock… your cock is so deep in me! So deep in my ass! Yes! Keep fucking me!”
 You are slamming in and out her tight, hot asshole now, truly fucking the young lawyer with long, smooth strokes of your shaft, enjoying the sight of her body as it is bent over in front of you, the perfect skin of her shoulders and back flexing with effort as she absorbs each thrust.
 You pull backward on your tie, pulling her bound wrists backward and lifting her upper body and shoulders slightly from the desk. Her breasts are freed from being crushed against the table, and you curse the fact that you are unable to watch as they bounce erotically with each thrust into their owner’s body. You content yourself with watching her full, round ass cheeks giggle as they are rocked with each slam of your hips into hers.
 With your free hand you grasp her right butt cheek, squeezing the firm flesh, spreading it outward slightly to give you a better view of your shaft as it plunges in and out of Miyoui Mina’s tight ass. You realize that while she was comfortable with anal sex, the fact that she usually slept with women meant that she probably mainly penetrated by sex toys.
 “You like… being filled with cock, instead of some toy?”
 “Yes!” is Mina’s immediate reply, “A toy… a toy can’t fill me with cum.”
 Her words are so erotic, so lusty, that you are momentarily taken aback by the vulgar, wanton young woman Mina has suddenly become. You decide to reciprocate, and ensure that you had fully broken her outer shell of propriety.
 “You like being tied up and bent over a table while a man pounds this tight little ass of yours?”
 “Fuck yes!”
 You decide to take things into your own hands, so to speak, and you pull back with your left hand, pulling Mina’s upper body off the table completely until her body is almost upright - simultaneously you move your right hand around her torso and grasp her naked left breast, grabbing the entire mound with your palm and squeezing. You find yourself disappointed yet again that you weren’t able to taste her breasts earlier - but you content yourself with the fact that your new position could at least allow you to whisper directly into Mina’s ear.
 “You like having your ass fucked, Miss Miyoui? You like being with a man?” you hiss.
 “Yes! I love it… I’m so full.. So full with your cock. You… You’re gonna make me cum!”
 “You’re such a proper little lady at work,” you hiss, pulling back even more on her bound wrists, driving her torso into an even more upright position as you tighten your grip on her breast, “but you’re not like that at all when your hands are tied and your ass is being fucked, are you?”
 “No… I… I’m so close…”
 “You’re not such a proper lady right now, are you, Miss Miyoui?”
 “No… I… I….”
 You fuck her a little harder, drawing startled little gasps from her pretty mouth. You were almost there, almost at the point of fully breaking her little facade…
 “Then what are you, Miss Miyoui?”
 “I’m your fucktoy! My ass is yours to fuck whenever you want!”
 Mina’s reply is loud, and if you weren’t balls deep into her tight, clenching asshole then you might have been afraid that someone passing by outside would have heard. But at the moment you didn’t care - the CEO of your companies could have walked in the room and you wouldn’t have stopped fucking the young, quivering woman in your arms.
 You are satisfied that you had finally broken through her demure, ladylike exterior and exposed her true nature. Now it was time to concentrate on pleasure.
 “Good… I’m going to be fucking this ass quite a bit, Miss Miyoui. Do you like when I’m so deep in you?”
 “Yes… I love it when I’m stretched out… Oh… Oh god. I… I’m gonna cum!”
 Her slim, tight body would have been too much to handle during normal vanilla sex, but with her half clothed, arms tied behind her back as she is bent over a table, and with your shaft buried in her asshole as she is on the brink orgasm, it is far too much to handle. And it embarasses you a little bit, how quickly you have found yourself so close to orgasm yourself, but given the circumstances you weren’t exactly surprised.
 “I… I’m gonna cum soon too, Miss Miyoui,” you admit, somewhat shamefully. Your shaft never stops pistoning in and out of her clenched ass, however, not that Mina minds as she nears the brink of orgasm.
 “Then cum… cum with me! Fill my body with your cum... Cum inside my ass! Oh! I’m cumming!”
 Mina does just that, the combination of your hand on her breast and the hard, thick flesh pistoning in and out her body driving her into an orgasm that leaves her trembling and spasming in your arms. You pull back on her bound wrists like it was some sort of leash, all in an attempt to drive yourself deeper into Mina’s willing, wanton body.
 It is too much for you to handle, and you are struck with an orgasm that takes you completely by surprise - usually you knew when you were about to cum, knew when to expect that wonderful plateau of pleasure - but not this time. It is an orgasm that strikes you completely unprepared for it, and before you know it you are buried balls deep in Miyoui Mina’s body as you release stream after stream of thick, hot cum into her ass, both of your hot bodies trembling with pleasure.
 You black out - nothing else exists except the pleasure that has overtaken your body. You feel the semen leaving your shaft, feel Mina’s asshole tightening around your cock, you are even aware of Mina’s long, sultry mid-orgasm moan that fills the room, but only barely - above all, there is the pleasure.
 Slowly you both wind down from your mutual orgasms, and you are both left bent over the table, both breathing heavily. You gather your wits enough to slowly withdraw your softening shaft from Mina’s tight ass, savoring the feel of her body squeezing every inch of it as it exits her, leaving behind a mess of thick white semen that begins to flow slowly from her freshly fucked opening.
 You grasp the young woman’s shoulders softly and turn her around so that she is facing you again, her hands still bound behind her back. You run your tongue over your lips as you notice her bound hands have thrust her chest forward, presenting her naked breasts, the firm mounds pushed up by the black dress bunched beneath her breasts.
 You lean forward, bending slightly, and take her left breast in your mouth, savoring the feel of her sweat misted skin and the hard nub of her nipple on your tongue.
 “Momo always said you were a boobs guy,” Mina says as she lets her head fall back, still happily stuck in that wonderful post-orgasm haze, enjoying the new sensation of your tongue on her breasts.
 “I wanted to taste them, but I couldn’t with you turned around,” you say softly between licks. You bring your other hand up and squeeze her right breast, not wanting it to be left unattended.
 “Maybe next time,” Mina says softly, “I won’t be turned around. Because maybe… it’ll be my pussy you’re fucking.”
 “We accept your offer.”
 Tzuyu’s words come as a definite relief, even if you knew they were the only real choice the young woman had of avoiding the fallout of her decision to steal Seolhyun’s tech. There is an audible sigh of relief in the room, at least from the women on your side of the table. You note, however, that Sana was absent from the room.
 “We will commence formal talks after this conference. I presume your lawyer here will preside over the legal aspects?”
 “I will,” Mina confirms, and you relish the fact that her normally pale skin was still a little flushed from your recent exertions.
 “I also demand that I and all my staff members receive complete immunity from prosecution.”
 “Done,” you answer.
 There is a look of defeat on Tzuyu’s face that almost - almost - makes you feel sorry for her. Despite he audaciousness if her plans, she was still just a young girl that was trying to make a name for herself in a competitive industry, even if her methods were suspect.
 “And how did your parent company take this news?” Momo asks.
 “Not well,” Tzuyu replies, “I don’t think I’ll be invited to the Christmas party this year.”
 “We’ll ensure they don’t do anything to harm you or your staff, Tzuyu. And you can be assured that no one else in our company will be aware of what you did. You’ll have a fresh start with us at JYP,” Momo says, surprising you a little bit with her apparent compassion. Perhaps the older woman was feeling a little sympathetic towards the vulnerable girl in front of you.
 “Good. They have a reputation of being rather… cutthroat. It’s how they did so well in other industries.”
 “We can take them on,” Seolhyun boasts, “there are only two other companies I know of that could possibly threaten us in this industry. Unless it’s one of them, they won’t be a problem.”
 “It is,” Tzuyu says with an ominous tone, “if they decide to, they can wreck JYP without lifting a finger.”
 “Then who are they?” Choa asks. Tzuyu pauses for a moment as she prepares to reveal the identity of her parent company.
 In an empty meeting room elsewhere in he conference hall, Minatozaki Sana is having a hushed conversation on a cell phone.
 “Everything is going according to plan. Tzuyu’s plan was foiled. The targets found the hacking device as planned and my name on the device implicated us, as expected.”
 “No, they still believe I’m a part of her staff. Tzuyu isn’t suspicious of me. They purchased our division as part of our plea bargain, so I’m now once again part of JYP.”
 “Yes. I will proceed as planned. You can tell Joy she can send me the stealth hacking program when it’s ready.”
 “Yes, I understand. Good bye, Irene.”
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 11
Words Count: 3.3k
TW: None
Link to Chapter 10
Link to Chapter 12
I went out of the bathroom feeling fresher than ever. Jimin’s bathroom was so extravagant, equipped with almost everything including a bathtub. I spent a good hour making a spa session out of it. When I went out, I didn’t see Jimin anywhere in the bedroom. I frowned then sat myself on the edge of the bed, staring out the large paned window. It was already dark outside. Can’t believe I spent the remaining of the evening having heated session with Park Jimin. I was about to head out when I heard voices outside. I froze from behind the door.
“Jimin honey- I already made a reservation at a Japanese restaurant. You promised we’d have a dinner together this week.” A woman’s voice. Who-?
“I can’t, Mom.” I heard Jimin’s voice replying. Fuck- my hands went towards my mouth. Shit shit shit Jimin’s mom is here and I am completely naked with only towel around my body, in his son’s bedroom.
“I told you there’s no use coming here.” A man’s voice. Please don’t tell me that is his father.
“You have plans honey?” His mother asked sweetly.
Oh crap. I was literally stuck in this room. I paced back and forth in the room and I had no idea how but my feet bumped into the edge of the bed and I unconsciously let out a small scream. Shit- my hand went across my mouth.
It was silent outside. Please don’t tell me they heard me.
“Jimin honey- who’s that? You have a guest over?” His mother asked. My eyes widened. I cursed myself and bit my lips so hard from anxiousness. Shit. What if his mom or worse- both his parents decided to come inside to check and found me in this state? I’d have the word slut stamped over my forehead forever.
“Excuse me a moment.” I heard Jimin saying. Then I heard his footsteps nearing and soon the door swung open. There stood Jimin in his black jeans and casual black shirt. He laughed at the sight of me on the floor, holding my bruised toe.
“Babe what are you doing?” He smiled as the door closed behind him. “Come on, get up. Get dressed. I need you to meet my parents.”
My eyes widened in shock. “I need to- what? No no no no, I am not going out there to meet your parents.”
He frowned. “Why not?”
Oh he had the audacity to ask me why. “Because I am naked, I’m only in a towel and what do you think they’ll think when they see me walk out of your bedroom in this state?” I spoke so fast I felt myself ran out of breath.
He rolled his eyes. “They know I’m old enough to know what I’m doing.”
I glared at him. His answer wasn’t helping and it sure as hell didn’t help ease my anxiety at all.
He chuckled. He tugged my wrist to let me stand and then pulled me towards another door beside the bathroom that I totally didn’t notice before. The room was filled of fitted closet and I immediately deduced this as the closet room. “You can wear any of my clothes. Just be quick, okay?” He smiled.
“Wait- no, don’t leave me!” But it was too late. He already disappeared behind the doors. Fuck. What am I supposed to do?
I drew a huge breath. Alright. Calm your tits, Hana. This isn’t the time to be having a mental breakdown. So I set for a hunt for any clothes to wear. It took me a good 10 minutes to find something I can wear. I settled for his hoodie that was a bit too large for me. Next, I hunted for some pants but I couldn’t find any that I could wear. Screw it. Luckily the hoodie was large enough so I pulled it down further and was able to cover almost half of my thigh. I looked at myself in the mirror. I hoped I looked presentable enough. I gulped and drew my breath as I stepped out of the closet and the bedroom.
There wasn’t anyone in the living room. I assumed they were in the dining area so I darted silently towards the area. I was right as I finally heard their voices as I neared. There was no door connecting the dining area with the living room but only a wooden framed arch. I stood by the frame and saw the three of them sitting on the dining table right below the chandelier. There were teacups in front of them. Jimin must’ve made some tea for them.
His parents sat facing me but his mother noticed me first. “Oh, she’s here.” She said then glanced at Jimin. Jimin turned to look at me and his father looked up as well. I grew even nervous and I felt my fingers reaching the hem of the hoodie trying to pull it down further.
Jimin smiled at me as he raised to his feet and went towards me. I stared at him as he made his way towards me. He briefly winked at me before turning and placed his hand on the small of my back, pushing me forward gently.
“Mom, Dad. This is Kim Hana..” I glanced at Jimin briefly then turned towards his parents. I bowed to them.
“Annyeonghaseyo, Mr and Mrs Park.”
“Ah~ so polite.” His mother gushes and smiled sweetly at me. I could see that Mrs. Park is a very beautiful woman. Even with slight wrinkles at her temple, she was still as stunning as ever. She stood up and went to hug me. I froze at first but her embrace was so warm and genuine that I hugged her back. She reminded me of my own mother. When she released me, she winked and smiled knowingly at me.
My eyes widened in surprise. I glanced at Jimin and he just smiled at me too. What is going on?
His dad stood up too but his expression remained serious. “Are you his girlfriend?”
His question threw me off guard. My eyes widened as I panicked and I tried to open my mouth but no words came out.
“She’s my study partner, dad. The one you set me up for. She always scores in her exam.” He answered his father lazily.
“Ah~ is that so?” His mother’s face lit up.
His father threw a skeptical look at me and I looked down, registering the fact that his father must’ve not liked me.
“Jimin, I need to talk about our client from Taiwan with you.” His father said as he left the dining area.
“Yes dad.” Jimin turned to wink at me before following his father.
No- Jimin please don’t leave- me... And he left. And I was left behind with his mother. I turned to face his mother and she just smiled down at me.
“So.. Hana.. right? What does your parents do?” She asked me gently as she sat down and gestured me to sit beside her.
“Um.. my mother... she’s in Ilsan.. and she’s an English teacher.”
“I see.” She nodded. “What about your father?”
I gulped. Do I tell her the truth? Do I tell her that my father cheated on my mother for another woman? Do I tell her that he was as good as dead to me? “My parents.. separated.” I found myself saying.
She smiled sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
I shook my head. “It’s- it’s fine.”
“How do you always do so well in your studies?” She asked. I noted at how softly she speaks. I immediately fell for her elegance and sophistication.
I shook my head. “Oh no no, Mrs. Park. I’m just.. doing my best.”
“Oh no, don’t be too formal with me. Just call me eomoni.” She smiled fondly at me.
My eyes widened slightly. How could she be so accepting of me? I am literally half naked in her son’s house, fresh out of his son’s bedroom.
“Well, I’m glad Jimin has you. He’s improved a lot in his studies and I also learned that he doesn’t skip classes often these days and I believe you had an enormous role in that.”
“Th-thank you, Mrs. P- eomoni.” I corrected myself quickly and she just chuckled at me.
“What do you think about my son?” She asked, suddenly.
Is this a trick question? I gulped before answering. “Jimin is very smart and hardworking. I didn’t really do much.” She seemed genuinely interested in my words.
She just smiled down at me. “Is that the only thing that you think about him?”
My eyes widened. Shit- don’t tell me his mother was trying to address what I did with-
“I think my son likes you.” She said and I gasped.
“No, no, no Mrs. Park, I’m pretty sure he doesn’t-“
“Yeobo!” The sound of Mr. Park calling for his wife interrupted my words.
“Yes honey!” She shouted back. To me, she whispered, “It’s okay,” and winked at me before raising to her feet. She immediately exited the dining room to find her husband. I tried to recompose myself and exited the dining room too. I saw Mrs Park was already beside her husband near the front foyer. Jimin turned to look and smiled at me. I saw his mother eyeing him. I suddenly felt heat spreading all over my face as I stood beside him.
“Don’t forget about the date this Saturday.” His father said and turned on his heel.
Date? Jimin’s expression turned hard. Apparently his mother noticed it too because she was eyeing his son then her eyes flickered to me. Then she gave me a warm smile before approaching me and gave me a kiss on a cheek.
“See you around sweetie. And please call me eomoni.” She said to my ears.
She then turned towards his son and kissed him on the cheek too. “See you around too honey.”
His father just nodded curtly to his son and then they disappeared behind the door.
I then let out a huge breath as I finally felt the anxiousness lifting off me. Jimin just chuckled at my reaction. I shot a glare at him.
“I’m sorry okay. I didn’t know they were coming.” He then went near me and pulled me into his embrace.
“I like you wearing my shirt. You look cute and sexy at the same time.”
I looked away, trying to hide my red face. He then cupped my chin and lifted my head so that I turned my gaze towards him. He planted a soft kiss on my lips, this time very tenderly. And at that moment too, I felt a rush of unfamiliar emotion enveloping me. Am I really falling for Park Jimin..?
Days passed and just like that, summer holiday had ended. I didn’t see Jimin anymore after our amusement park date - hang on. Was it a date, really? He didn’t mention anything about that. Anyway- and the embarrassing encounter with his parents. I still curse him every day after that for letting me meet his parents in that situation. Could it get anymore worse?
Jimin already told me that he’d be very busy for the rest of the week that’s why we didn’t have any study session for the rest of the summer although that one study session turned into something different.. but he texted me a few times over the holidays so I still slept with stupid smiles all over my face.
“And you know- I tried so hard, so freaking hard to refuse him? But he just ignored all that? Like, we were set up by our parents for fuck’s sake! We aren’t supposed to fall for each other! We need to rebel! Otherwise he’d think it’s all fine for my younger brothers.” Ah Young said in full anger. We were standing by our locker as soon as we finished our classes. It was the start of new term and I took in the air that seemed like a set of new air.
The story was, Ah Young’s parents had been setting her up on blind dates with the sons of their clients or business partners or family friends of that sort. And then there was this one guy, Cha Eunwoo, one of the blind dates victim whom she met up with over the summer. He was tall, good looking and smart as Ah Young described. Of course, as the first date commenced, my bestfriend was determined not to bat an eyelid towards him. She was damn sure he wasn’t interested as well. But he proved her wrong. He was a flirt, yes but he was gentle, careful and took a good care of her although she tried so hard to rebel (wearing casual clothes to an expensive dining, being rude as fuck during dinner, I stopped her from spilling all the details). And ever since then she couldn’t stop thinking about him because he was not a brat, arrogant and spoiled like all her previous dates. That guy had no problem running with it too. He’d shown affection towards and this had turned into a dilemma for Ah Young because she’s afraid that he was playing around.
“So what do you think? Should I come for the dinner tonight?” She pouted.
I smiled down at her. “I think you should. It does sounds a little bit off that he’s showing affections right of the bat, but maybe he likes you since the start? Maybe he’s heard from his parents? Although yes, of course, anyone would doubt since who would fall for someone crazy, rude, spoiled-“
“Yah!!!” She smacked my arms.
I laughed. “I’m just joking. But you wouldn’t know if he’s being sincere if you don’t give him a chance. Athough I’d suggest you keep your feelings at bay first. Don’t fall hard on before he does.” I raised my brow at her.
“Wah.. since when did Kim Hana became the love expert?”
“That would be $300. I’d send the bills to you. Next patient please!” I joked and earned another smack on the arms from her.
“Anyway,” she leaned closer towards me. “How’s it going between you and him?”
I frowned. “Him?”
She rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Park Jimin, of course!”
“Ahh...” I stood awkwardly, unsure of what to answer. I noticed Jimin was across the room, at his very own locker. His best friend, Kim Taehyung beside him.
She pouted together with me. “Aww, baby girl. It’s okay. He’ll open his eyes soon enough.”
“Yah! We’re not in that kind of relationship!”
She laughed but then she smirked at me. “But you do have a crush on him, right?”
I glared at her but mentally, I gulped. Unknowingly, my eyes darted towards him. My thoughts filled with the words he said to me before. He was so sure I had a crush on him. But who doesn’t? Everyone does. Despite him being a bad boy, obnoxious, vain, arrogant and whatnot, no one can deny his charms, the way he easily has people wrapped around his fingers. But do I, really? Or was it just the pretty face?
“Anyway- did you know that we have new girl in our year?”
I looked at Ah Young, frowning. “How the hell do you always get these news so fast?”
“Hey, everybody already knew. Except for you, I guess.” She rolled her eyes.
And then I saw it, from the corner of my eyes. A girl went towards Jimin, and immediately flung her arms towards him. My eyes widened at the sight. When she released him, she leaned against the locker and I was able to get a good look at her. She was stunningly pretty. I wasn’t familiar with her face. I assumed she was the new girl Ah Young mentioned just now. Even from afar, I could see her radiating with beauty and by the way several guys turned to look at her confirmed my thoughts. Her hair was blond, medium length as it stopped right at her shoulder. She even has a good body proportion too. Her legs were long and slender, enunciated by the short skirt she was wearing. She seemed to be only a few inches shorter than Jimin. She even casually talked to Taehyung as she clung onto Jimin’s arms who had turned around to face my direction although he wasn’t looking at me.
I have no idea why but I felt a stabbing pain in my chest. It was as if the world had just crumbled behind me. Why..? Why do I feel this way..?
“Heol~ that new girl is completely pushing herself onto Jimin! Don’t you think so, Hana-yah?” Ah Young looked at me.
I couldn’t think of an immediate answer as my mind went blank. I froze to the spot.
Her hand gripped my arms. “Yah! Why are you so pale? Are you okay?” She almost half shrieked.
I tried to shush her because I don’t want to attract any attention but it was too late. Park Jimin’s gaze were now on me. For a second, I was unable to look away. His expression unfathomable. I watched as the girl followed Jimin’s gaze and her eyes landed on me as well.
“Ah Young-ah, I’m-“ I paused, finding it hard to utter words. “I’m not feeling well, I’ll just see you tomorrow.” Before she could say anything, I ran. I had no idea where to go. I wanted to head back home immediately but tears were threatening to flow and I don’t want people to see me in a mess. So I ran straight towards the toilet. Thank God the stalls were all empty. I went in one, pulled the lid down and sat myself on it. My hands clasped my face and unknowingly, I felt tears welling in my eyes.
Why? Why am I like this? Why am I so affected by this? I was mad at myself for being weak and vulnerable. Most of all, I was angry for letting this upon myself. This wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t put any hope, Kim Hana..
“Yah- I guess the girl that finally fits Jimin has come. We don’t stand a chance now.” I heard people saying as they entered the toilet.
“Yeah well, at least it’s not Kim Hana.”
I froze.
“I heard that bitch is damn rich-“
I stood immediately. I wiped my wet cheeks. I think I’ve heard enough. I went out of the bathroom stall and the two girls just now gaped as they saw me. I casually washed my hands as if their words didn’t affect me the slightest. They didn’t make any effort to apologize either so I just silently exited the toilet.
“Gahhh!” I screamed then buried my face into the books. I had been reading the same line over and over again for the past hour that I grew so frustrated with myself. I couldn’t concentrate and I knew exactly why. I felt tears threatening me again. Why am I like this..? I asked myself for a thousand times. But deep down, I knew the answer to it.
Because as much as I tried to deny it, I knew he had somehow made his way into my heart.
Was it just the pretty face? No. I don’t think so. I’ve met tonnes of good looking guys (although yes, none of them are as delicious looking as Jimin, but still) most of them were mere eye candy. I momentarily thought about Jungkook. But Jimin.. somehow he seemed like a different Jimin in front of me. Unlike the persona he laid open for other people to see. His small gestures, his warm smile, the way he protected me, his little touches, his kisses..
Eventually I gave up studying. I lifted myself off my chair and dragged myself towards my bed. I let myself fell flat on the bed. I stared at the ceiling as I scoffed at myself. Kim Hana, another stupid girl that had fallen for Park Jimin.
Link to Chapter 12
Posted on 200727 11:11AM
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haillenarte · 4 years
uniqlo x ffxiv collab;
Here are translations of the Uniqlo x FFXIV advertisements that hit Japanese stores in December 2019.
Wait... What? An announcement was posted on Lodestone today that tapestries (basically just banners) of FFXIV characters would be displayed in select Uniqlo stores in Shinjuku and Ikebukuro.
I’ve heard of Uniqlo, but I don’t know what it is... Uniqlo is a Japanese fashion brand that’s pretty much known for selling basics — think single-color shirts, sweaters, pants, coats, and scarves. While I won’t speak for everyone, and I’m sure some people have wildly different opinions, my personal experience is that in Tokyo, Uniqlo is thought of as a very basic, bargain-bin place to buy clothes: yeah, it’s normal to shop there, and pretty much everyone has some item from Uniqlo in their closet somewhere, but it’s not really considered fashionable, and it’s honestly a bit uncool to wear Uniqlo from head to toe. In New York, however, Uniqlo is generally thought of as basic but trendy — people tend to like the quality of the clothing even though individual items can be pricey. In the end, a brand is a brand. If they operate in your country, you may as well head to their website to get your own idea of it.
So this is basically just an advertising campaign? Yes, and a very limited one. If I understand correctly, the ads are only running in three Uniqlo stores in all of Tokyo. They’re pretty big stores in trendy neighborhoods, but not the flagship store or anything. (Their flagship store is in Ginza, which is very nice, but rather mature and austere.) Also, they are specifically advertising Uniqlo’s “HEATTECH” clothing line, which, I don’t know, uses science to keep you warm or something. I have never tried HEATTECH clothes, though I have other pieces of clothing from Uniqlo, but I am told that they are pretty warm.
How weird is this for Uniqlo? Honestly, not that weird — Uniqlo does a lot of collaborations with popular series, mostly thanks to their T-shirt line that’s collaborated with such characters and series as Mario, Gundam, Pokémon, Hello Kitty, and all manner of mangas. I don’t know whether or not they’ve run fake testimonials from characters before, but the testimonial-based ads themselves are just a thing that Uniqlo does. I’m pretty sure they’ve done comparable campaigns in Singapore and Taiwan, albeit with real people giving their opinions and not Final Fantasy characters. Their “Voices of New York” series was somewhat similar as well — they got a bunch of famous New Yorkers to wear Uniqlo and do little interviews, basically.
How weird is this for Square Enix? Honestly, not that weird — I mean, will anything ever be as weird as when they decided to have Lightning and other characters from FFXIII model for Prada and Louis Vuitton? FFXV had fashion collaborations with Vivienne Westwood and Roen built into the game, too, although that was a little more... serious. I’m actually just disappointed that they didn’t whip up a Uniqlo HEATTECH shirt for the characters to actually wear.
How weird is this, like... generally? Oh, it’s very silly, but character collaborations are all kind of a big joke anyway. And, to be honest, they do get nerds to get into their stores and buy shit.
Photos were taken randomly off Twitter. Thank you to everyone who visited Uniqlo just to share the banners with social media.
As for the text itself, I... I don’t want to talk about it...
HEATTECH x FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE The reason I wear Heattech every day...
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ESTINIEN Former Azure Dragoon Heattech lover for 5 years.
Under my armor, I’m always wearing Heattech. Has it already been 5 years, now? 'Twas Ser Aymeric who originally recommended to me these garments. At first, I was half in doubt as to the veracity of his claims, but once I equipped mine own apparel, I was stunned by how well it performed. It doesn't matter how high I jump through the frigid air of Coerthas — I never get cold. Now I can't even imagine fighting in the skies without Heattech.
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ALPHINAUD LEVEILLEUR Academician of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 1 year.
In Heattech, I'm warm from the tips of my fingers down to my toes. During my journey through Ishgard, a companion of mine recommended that I wear these curious garments to stay warm, and I have not been parted from them since. Even as I gathered bits of brush and kindling in the Churning Mists for our campfire, I felt not the slightest chill.
ALISAIE LEVEILLEUR Red Mage of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 1 year.
When something red catches my eye, I just have to have it. And each time a new Heattech product comes out, I'll add it to my wardrobe without hesitation. These garments don't get in the way during frenzied combat, and they provide the ease of movement that I need in the heat of battle. They come in so many tempting colors that I do find it difficult to choose between them every now and then — but in the end, I always pick red!  
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Y’SHTOLA RHUL Sorceress of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 6 years.
Every sorceress worth her salt keeps a few secrets... and Heattech is one of mine. Naturally, these vestments will keep you warm, and I particularly appreciate that they feel smooth to the touch. ‘Twould be an exaggeration to say that I could forget that I am wearing them, but... I do find myself advantaged by the way that they do not obstruct the flow of magic. As Master Matoya has chosen to reside in a rather dark, chilly cave, I thought it prudent to send her a selection of Heattech raiments. I wonder how well she found them.
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CID NAN GARLOND President of Garlond Ironworks Heattech lover for 9 years.
Heattech is our company's hidden uniform. Garlond Ironworks engineers often work in cold environments, so Heattech garments have become indispensable to our performance. Anyone who's ever flown an airship knows this well: when you're at the helm, you're at the mercy of the winds, and those winds are cold. That's why every engineer in our organization is provided with a Heattech undershirt. And you? Will you join our number?
NERO TOL SCAEVA Freelance Genius Engineer Heattech lover for 9 years.
This is something I might engineer — which is how you know it’s good. Garlond’s Heattech undershirt is naught but a simple garment, whereas mine is fitted with a magitek weave that promotes superior heat retention!
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KRILE BALDESION Archon of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn Heattech lover for 3 years.
Do you suppose we might call this... the power to transcend the cold? Thanks to the raging aether surrounding the isle, Eureka Anemos undergoes volatile changes in temperature, making Heattech an absolute necessity for exploring the more frosty areas of the Forbidden Land. Even that obstinate Ejika hides an undershirt beneath his robes, you know! I myself am rather partial to sporting a good pair of Heattech short pants whilst on expedition. I don't believe even the brightest minds at the Studium could have conceived of such practical use for this technology.
Please note that Sharlayan lore isn’t my strong suit, and I never set foot in Eureka, so it is possible that there are better ways to interpret some of Krile’s remarks here.
also here’s my version thank u good night
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armyhome · 3 years
Make it Right | Kim Seokjin| Eng
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⇢ pairing: Seokjin x Reader.
⇢ genre: Cute, sad, funny, healing.
⇢ word count: 5.5K
⇢ warnings: Maybe this will make you dream with eyes open.
⇢ Portuguese version: Make it Right (PT-BR)
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When (We met for the first time)
I remember very well how it was the first time we met, I mean when I met him. Grandpa put a bowl of Jjajjangmyun in front of me, the smell was amazing, he smiled at me, we had decided to do a gastronomic backpack in Asia two years ago, to celebrate my high school graduation and we finally started it, last week in Yokohama Japan. Now we were in Seoul, Korea, then we would go to Taipei, Taiwan.
              -I want you to learn to identify nuances, even with strong flavored foods! Ready Sol? - He raises the chopsticks and I raise mine - Lets Go!
              The thickness and texture of the noodles in Asia was different, probably because of how it was prepared, did the black bean paste have a bittersweet flavor? Perhaps because of the mixed red meat, I had never eaten a bean that was sweet ... My analysis is interrupted by a boy drawing on my face.
              He was not drawing literally on my face, but on the mirrored glass in front of me, he was accompanied by two more friends in the prank, he drew a rose, like that of Beauty and the Beast. We could be the inverted version of the fairy tale, because that boy was so beautiful that even if I were even remotely beautiful.... He stops drawing and looks at his work of art. At that moment it seemed that he could see through the mirror and could see my eyes staring with a piece of macaroni out of the mouth with bean paste in her corner, my heart giving a jolt and choking.
              Grandpa gives me a glass of water I try, drink it but the cough stops me, the man who took care of the cashier gets up because of the noise I was making and ends up seeing the boys, I finally manage to drink a big sip of water, ceasing my near death, when I look at the street again, only the rose was the owner screamed in front of the restaurants did not understand things, Grandpa gives slaps.
              - Eat slowly, Sol! You look like me when I met your grandmother ...- He ends up laughing, my cheeks are burning as if there is fire running under her skin, the idea of falling in love at first sight was ridiculous , I had just been enchanted by the boy's beauty.
              - Have you always been so romantic , Grandpa? - He nods smiling - Wow, Grandma is a lucky woman! - I say and eat again.
              -Who knows that boy can't be lucky too? - He wasn't going to give up, he needed to distract him with something that really changed his focus.
              -Grandpa... this pasta is really different, texture, taste .... How to do it?
              -Then during the preparation of the dough ...
When (We know each other)
              Ten years later
I walked into Enrico's restaurant, he really had found a nice spot in New York to open it. The rent for that penthouse two blocks from Times Square should be at least a left kidney!
 The location was beautiful, one part was open and there was AN ARTIFICIAL LAKE! Who had Enrico killed to achieve this ? Metri asks to guide me to where he was, I just nod, I can't remember how to speak english, that place was a palace , where he had learned so much about oriental interior design?
              As soon as he sees me, Enrico gets up from the table and walks up to me with open arms smiling, I hurry up the steps and the hug, which I miss my friend.
              -Who did you kill to have this here? - I whisper to him.
              -As I am not a murderer, I ended up giving the blow to the chest - He points to the boy at the table, he looked like an MMA fighter because of his big and strong body, but his face was kind as a child's when he sees me smiles and his eyes become a fine line, he beckons us - Come on, you need to meet Jaemin and his friends! They are famous, can you believe? I doubt you know who they are, after all you live locked up in restaurant kitchens around the world and writing on that blog.
              -You mean, that blog that can destroy your restaurant's reputation with just a few words? Didn't even debut and already wants to close the doors Erinco Vigolini? - He looks at me with wide eyes.
              -Who taught you to be a snake like that? - I pointed to him who puts his hand on his chest, pretending indignation and then smiles - Okay, that may be a little true!
              Their table was in an open area , it was summer in NY and there was little wind, at most it had a brief breeze, they were all talking, but when Jaemin got up to greet me, everyone turned to do the same.
              My eyes must be broken, I can't believe it, it's not possible, a decade later, I'm facing that boy, now a man, in front of me the difference is that now he can see me. His hair was pink, it matched the delicate features of his face, he smiled kindly at me, I sat facing him, if my heart beat a little faster I would die.
              -Enrico talked a lot about you Sol - Jaemin begins - He told me that you are a very important gastronomic critic in the culinary world and that is why he became your friend in college, for you to give high marks to our restaurant! - Enrico gives a playful slap on the shoulder - She knows it's a joke love!
              -Enrico knows how fair I am in all my criticisms , regardless of my personal connection with the person and that my criticisms have no intention of hurting or belittling the owner, but that he self-evaluates and makes improvements that he may not have noticed because he is so immersed in the project, I usually send a summary of the criticism first to the owner then put it in full on the site ...
              -See Jaemin, I'm a friend of an angel! - They cross their arms and Jaemin lays his head on Enrico's.
              -I think we will be a little excluded from the conversation now - Comments one of the boys in Korean.
              -Sorry - We asked Jaemin and I at the same time, they looked at me in amazement.
              -Since when do you know Korean? - Asks Enrico.
              -I learned during high school, I was hoping to meet someone but, I didn't know if he would know English, so I decided to learn her native language to make sure we could talk! - Enrico claps enthusiastically.
            -I don't believe that Sol Macedo's heart of ice ever had anyone inside! - I roll my eyes and take a glass, Jaemin pours me some wine.
              -Enrico told me that everyone here is famous, what do you do?
              I believe that in this world there were no people more excited about what they did and more kind, they performed one by one, including Seokjin, so they told me about their songs and performance with such education and happiness, Enrico made sure to score all the records of the seven boys in front of me but, the simplicity that emanated from them made it difficult for me to assimilate them into popstars, I can't stop looking at him every thirty seconds, breathe Sol, now he is a superstar, your life runs in ways very different.
              -Is that you? How is the life of a critic ? - He, Seokjin, asks.
              - Hum, sometimes it is difficult to choose the right words, to not deeply offend someone and also, some people are not willing and know themselves and do not take what I have to say seriously, prefer to blame the fail on business on me them have not worked or grown but, food is not just about something that was written on my website, not everyone reads, in fact only those who know the branch are aware of my website and some passionate, but with so much fast food, people no longer cares about food made by real people... But I have my personal rewards, like now, I'm in a beautiful restaurant, eating the best of Korean cuisine, with the biggest boyband today ...
              -It's GROUP, not boyband! - Corrects Enrico.
              -The biggest male group of Korean pop music - I correct myself being extremely emphatic in every word, making everyone at the table laugh, I tie my hair in a ponytail, when I raise my arms and the sleeve goes up revealing my tattoo , which was not small , why did I make that rose covering half of my forearm?
              -Does it mean something? - Seokjin asks with a raised eyebrow, is it not possible that he remembered it?
              -Hyung looks like those drawings you did everywhere! - Affirms Namjoon, thanks man, thank you for sinking me into shit for good! -Seriously, he drew this all over Seoul!
              -Oh, what a coincidence, it was there that I got the idea of ​​this tattoo, ten years ago my grandfather and I did a gastronomic backpack, I saw a rose like this drawn in the restaurant we went to! - I speak quickly as if I were narrating a football match, and have a glass of wine at once.
              -Come on, kids, it's time for Kina Grannis to perform in there, everyone already eaten right? - Enrico called.
              He takes us to the opposite side to where we were , we were at the far end of the people who were dining there downstairs, did I say that this place was incredible ? Enrico should be charging a fortune for each dish! Kina was a special attraction, she was elegant as the whole environment but she was, only she and her guitar which brought a touch of simplicity, when she started singing Can't Help Falling In Love, everyone in the room made "own" together .
              Jaemin and Enrico danced together, would that ever be? For so long I waited for when I graduated, to have a good job, a boy who drew a rose for me ten years ago who has now become a completely untouchable person ...
              -I remember you - Whispered in my ear, he puts both hands in the pockets of the beige blazer he wore, leans over and repeats - I remember you Sol! That day, I saw you and your grandfather, taking a picture in front of the restaurant! Did you see me drawing on the mirrored glass?
              I can't feel my legs... help. 
When (We fall in love)
   Five months later
              I go into the kitchen and find Seokjin without a shirt, yes, cooked, imagine if a drop of the hot oil in which he was sautéing the rice falls on that smooth, smooth skin of him, he turns in my direction, I jump to him, I am very in love on that man. He uses his left arm to wrap my waist on tiptoe and he bends me over to give me a peck.
              -Don't burn the garlic - I comment, he grimaces and goes back to cooking, I hug him and support my head and his back - How long until the comeback?
              -Love, I don't want to think about it, it's only been two days since I arrived, to think that in two weeks I'll be back to train and I won't see you for how long it hurts me - I hear him fill the pot with water and put the lid on, he then turns to me - I deeply love the army, my work and you! It hurts not to be able to reconcile the three!
              He holds my face in his hands and kisses my forehead, then rests his face on my shoulder, I kiss him on the cheek and he sighs.
              -What movie are we going to watch today? - Change the subject, I didn't want to make him sad.
              -Can we just be together today? - He says in the morning , a smile grinning.
              -Nothing against, who insists on protecting false virtues here is you! - He looks at me angrily - The speaker is not here anymore!
              He started the timer and we lay on the double bed, our 3X4 loft as I called it, because everything was in the same room, it was in Nagoya in Japan, Seokjin wanted to buy an apartment but, I had spent all my savings to open my restaurant, contrary to what many people may think, a food critic doesn’t earn much, we don’t die of hunger because we need to eat to write and usually the owner of the establishment invites us. It wouldn't be worth it either, our stuff was in Korea, we 'd only have three weeks. 
              -What was the first thing you thought of when you first saw me Sol? - Man, it was difficult to create a line of reasoning with him speaking against my neck.
              -Hum, "if my heart beats faster I might die" - He laughs, universe you are proof that I am trying not to attack this man - And you, what did you think when you first saw me?
              - "How can I tell her that we are getting married without scaring her?" - I give a slap on his arm, washed-out liar, he laughs - I am completely in love with you and that time had something in you, I can not explain without being corny, I just wanted to be able to stay there with you, looking at you! I think it was our destiny if we ended up going back to each other! - He grabs my arm and puts his thumb on my tattoo - As soon as I leave the obligatory service I'm gonna do my!
              -Will make the whole army infarct! You don't have to, this is my thing! I know how to handle bad one in Korea if you do this, it was hard to sell me the location of the restaurant! - I take her hand and give her a kiss.
            -We can make a red line on the little finger, I can use a ring or makeup to cover ...
              -You have to promise me Seokjin, it will continue to be so romantic even after we get married, I don't want to know if three hundred years have passed and our souls can't stand sharing the tomb anymore ! Kim Seokjin will always say things like that to Sol!
              -Only if you promise to look at me like that forever - He holds my earlobe between his thumb and forefinger.
              -I never learned to look at you any other way!
              He brings his face close to mine, I can feel his breath against my face, how is it possible to be so desperately in love with a person, before we could kiss the alarm warning that the rice had cooked rings. UNIVERSE STOP MAKE FUN OF ME!
When (We brake)
              A year and a half later
              I think if it had been gradually I would not be suffering so much, I know he is busy, the person busiest in the world, but it just stopped responding messages, said nothing on the day the restaurant opened, I sent a lot of messages of support when you had the comeback but, nothing, no emoji! I watched each video, looked at each photo, bought the album, cried over it, how could he lie using such sincerity? Would it be better to go home?
              No, never! I will not give up on my dream, just because of a broken heart, nobody dies of it! Whoever doesn't want me, doesn't deserve me! Focus now in a little while, I'm going to do the first television broadcast about cooking and restaurants in my life. I must be brooding over this subject, because I wanted him to be here and tell me he was rooting for me, but that's not it, period .
              I look at my reflection in the mirror, nothing can break you to the point where you stop working! You are a chef, now awarded, with a renowned restaurant in Seoul, you lead projects that propose to bring quality food to all corners of the world, especially those that have no access at all. You are a good person and you have done nothing wrong.
              -Miss Sol? We are ready to start you! - I smile and follow the boy.
              The interview went very well, the reporter makes me feel comfortable to speak, let's go from my training, my blog, the construction of my restaurant in Seoul, my projects with NGO's and if I want to marry an Korean guy it was very fun, almost like talking to one of my friends, I don’t even notice the time of the interview passing, when I find myself finished.
              I leave the studio, enter the parking lot and when I'm almost there in the car, Jungkook appears in front of me all frisky and smiling at me offering a cup of coffee, it was freezing outside so I open the car door, to enter and call the heater.
              -I missed you, Sol noona! - I smile, he was very cute.
              -I also missed you kookie, how are you?
              -I'm fine, we're going to the United States to receive an award, can you believe? - I nod, they had already won before, but now it was a prize given by an academy.
              -I am very proud and cheering for you all! - He pats himself on the head as if he was amazed at the memory of something.
              -I'll be quick, because if not soon the FBI will be looking for me - Not being dramatic at all - Hyung saw that day that the NGO's director declared to you! And in his mind, that was the best thing for you, how can he decide that on his own, I don't know? He said something about never being able to stay around for a long time, you need someone better, all this litany that I don't fall for, if it were true you wouldn't send messages to him, me and the other boys, cheering, saying that you are proud and talking who misses him for him, even after a year! He's being stupid but, it's because he loves you so much! He wants to see you one hundred percent happy! He thinks that a present boyfriend would do that .... Well let's spend two and a half weeks in the USA, it's not fair that I ask you to forgive him after he just disappears but, you two are suffering! Think about it noona, we were watching your interview hidden, you were beautiful - He gives me a kiss on the cheek - Don't tell hyung!
            -Lend me your Jungkook cell phone - He hands it to me without thinking too much, I type the number of Seokjin I know by heart, one ring, two ...
              -Junkookie where are you? The broadcast starts in twenty minutes! - I hold my heart when I hear his voice.
              -Who gave you the right to decide for me? - My voice comes out tearful, I get angry, I feel weak, no one answers on the other end of the line - Kim Seokjin answers me, I've spent more than a year dealing with your silence, not knowing what I did wrong ....
              -You did nothing wrong my love ....
              -Don't call me love, you put me in a hell Seokjin, I was banging my head against the wall wondering what had happened! Watching your videos, watching you get thinner and thinner, are you eating by any chance? Are your back hurting from training? Did you have ginger tea when you had a sore throat? You can see all of these messages on your phone later! I am so hurt, all our promises, all our confessions, on hold, because you thought you could decide what is best for me! Well here is your answer Seokjin, me in pain, heartbroken! But, even if I miss you, I won't take a step towards you! Is it your duty to clean up this mess you cause yourself do you understand?
              -Yes ... I miss you too Sol! - Your voice is choked.
              -So do something about it, but do it fast! I'm going on a mission to Myanmar in a week, I'm going to spend four months there, that's more than enough time for you to decide what you want out of your life, but I can't guarantee that I'll be here for you when I get back too! It is your responsibility now to save this relationship or let it die for good ...
              -I see, I can't love anyone but you ...
              -You'll have to prove it to me now! Since you made a point of complicating what was already difficult !
              -I promise, I will!
When (We Grow)
              Two months later
              It is one thing to see photos, videos over the internet, it is quite another to see an undernourished child feeling that a human being can break with his touch is tormenting, the civil war in that country had wiped out all drinking water resources and food, all that arrived was fifty percent confiscated by the army to keep soldiers and the other half was not enough for all civilians.
  -The supplies will run out in two days if we do nothing Sol - Sandy comments while analyzing his table, massaging his temples .
              -I can't find a solution, even if we buy food, the army will take half, we don't have enough budget to buy so much, doctors are also running out of resources ... How far has humanity come! - I throw myself in bed, besides, why is this place so hot? It's only been five seconds since I showered and I want another one.
              I open my cell phone, go on twitter, look at pictures of Seokjin and the boys, of course, I needed to distract myself a little from all that unfortunate situation , every step I took made me feel guilty for living so well and healthy , like the people who finance this war they sleep, how the lords of arms managed to kiss their wives and children at the end of the day knowing that they were supporting the death of so many people? Seokjin's name flashes on the screen as if he heard my thoughts from the United States.
              -Hiii- I force an animated voice.
              -What is happening? Are you alright? I saw in the newspaper that there was a terrorist attack today in a mosque, Sol tells me that you are fine! How long until you get out of there? You've helped enough! - He doesn't even stop to breathe .
              -I don't know if I can get out of here, it's two months before the end of the voluntary project but - I take a deep breath, I had already thought about it a few times but thinking is one thing, verbalizing, another completely different - Everything these children need to go through is so unfair, hunger, abuse, mourning after mourning, I don't know if I will be able to return to Korea in two months ... Except that I also don't know if I will be able to stay, our supplies are running out, we have no idea how to change this situation, the army takes half of everything, it's revolting! - I let some tears escape - How can I live well after knowing all this?
              -'You have no blame for the misery of these people Sol ... But I understand how you feel, at times received letters from armys or tweets of them, venting things horrible for which they have gone through or are going through, the sense of responsibility overwhelms me, I imagine that watching people go through this must be even worse, but always keep in mind Sol, it’s not your fault! - I take a deep breath, I need to absorb the information, those words are all I have.
              -How's the tour going? And the preparation for the comeback?
              We talked for so long that I end up sleeping in the middle of the conversation, my body was so tired his voice was undoing every knot inside my head that kept me awake, his physical presence or not, excited me, made me feel good things, like light from a lighthouse in the middle of the rough sea.
              -Sol, I would like to say that no matter how hard you hug this pillow, it will not become the Seokjin - Sandy comments sitting on the end of my bed - Wake up sleeping beauty, the charming prince sent you a gift , in record time! Is he a real prince ? Why in less than twelve hours!
              -What's going on Sandy? - I sit on the bed still dizzy from waking up.
              -Seokjin sent the supplies we were in urgent need, in addition to making the situation publicized by the mainstream media, food arrives from all over the world! - She puts her hand in her pocket and pulls out an envelope - This is just for you!
-Thank you - I take the envelope, inside it has a polaroid photo of us, in our 3X4 apartment, wearing matching gray sweatshirts, my heart loses time, as always when I see it, on the back of the photo it is written:
              "Maybe you love me, but I sure love you, I can make it work!"
When (We love each other) 
              Two months later I did not return to Korea .... It had been a year since that and three months since Seokjin was summoned by the Korean army, which greatly reduced our calls and messages.
              I was unable to return to Seoul, the feeling of unfinished work dominated me every time I thought about it, little by little even in the midst of the declared civil war, I was able to maintain a supply of good food. We eradicated the miserable line between children, with the help of doctors and volunteer teachers even in difficult times and having to teach children how to act when there was a shooting in the middle of the class, we had evolved a lot since we arrived.
              Today the Korean, American and Brazilian peacekeeping fleets arrived with drinking water, food, books, notebooks and medical tools, the volunteer leaders including me went to pick them up at the helipad, the sun was so strong that we could n't even see the helicopter, but the noise announced their arrival, three of them, giants landed, when the soldiers went down we helped to get things out of there.
              I took the first box of rice, analyzed its condition, the expiration dates, everything was correct, secure in the side handles and pulled it towards me.
              -You can carry this alone? - Ask the Korean soldier behind me, for the kindness in his voice, I know that he does not intend to be sexist, he only really cares, after all, there were about twenty kilos of rice in that box, I lift it some more to show that I am fine with that weight. 
              -No need to worry, I'm used to it! - I say turning to show him, the box slips out of my hand as soon as I put my eyes on it.
              Seokjin smiles at me and my heart falls apart, he laughs at my expression, some tears were streaming down my cheeks, he was there, he had walked up to me, flown to be more specific , whatever, he was there! He walks over to me and hugs me.
              -I love you, are you listening? Only you, close your eyes, even if everything changes, it won't change! You are my love and I am your love - Humming in my ear, reference to Descendants of the Sun, one of my favorite dramas of all life, I try to keep control and not grab that man right there - Come on we need to keep doing our work but, what do you think of a date tonight?
              -Sure! - I answer more excitedly than I should, which makes him laugh again, I don't care, he was there, laughing for me that was all my brain can assimilate.
              I spent the whole day between doing chores and checking for Seokjin's presence, I spent more time at the army camp that day than in those almost two years of volunteering. Nothing in this world can compare to Seokjin's beauty now, nothing in the universe can compare to Seokjin in uniform! And that red cap on his head, it's so hard not to look at him! I hope he has taken so many photos, I want them all!
              At the end of the day he stops by to pick me up at the dorm, he was beautiful in jeans and a social T-shirt, smelling like only he can be, I can't even blink, it seems he can disappear at any moment, he praised my baby blue dress says that it matches his shirt, I almost reply that his mouth also matches mine, but I restrained myself to a simple thank you.
              -You know that blinking is healthy, right, Sol? - Says sitting in front of me at the restaurant table, I nod and keep looking, he picks up the menu - I will not disappear, love, you can rest assured, I will finally be able to stay by your side!
              -I don't want it to be a dream, if I blink, you can disappear, then I will realize that I'm crazy talking to myself in a beautiful restaurant! - I whisper to him, Seokjin holds my hand, the heat was real, he kisses her back, he was real.
              -I'm not going anywhere! Unless you decide that you don't want me anymore, that you don't want me a bit if you do, then I'll leave you alone! Those years were with an eternal night with no light, seeing you inside that helicopter was like watching the dawn, Sol - He intertwined our fingers - Can I hold this hand forever? I can do it right this time! All the roads in my life end in you Sol!
              I get up and walk over to the chair beside him, sit down and hug him to the side, he puts his arm around my shoulders and holds me against him, like he was warm, smelling, soft, what the hell are we doing in a restaurant anyway? I scoop my hand up to cover my mouth and approach him, who tilts his head.
              -I love you Kim Seokjin, let's do it right this time! - He smiles and kisses my forehead.
              Yes it would work that time.
When (We make it right)
              Fifteen years later
              "Kim Taeri, don't forget to take a snack to eat on the way to school! Every day, you will sleep late and miss school time, I'll take that phone off you, young lady!" - Scream from the kitchen, Yeojun laughs at the table finishing his coffee - You too, good guy, if I see another warning on my cell phone about bad behavior at school, I will sell your video game!
              -Omma! - I zip over my mouth, indicating that I don't want to hear anything else, he snorts and leaves the table to put his sneakers on.
              -I'll see you two later, straight home, no cheating on Secretary Han okay? - They do so even sulk with the scolding that I was given, I open my arms to a collective hug them, Seokjin appears and embraces the three together making us laugh - Have a good day my loves!
             They leave and my husband hugged me by the shoulders, I rest my head on his chest, enjoy those seconds before squeezing me into the restaurant kitchen until late at night, my performance was not so agile and I was not so physically fit, but I prefer to die to stop doing what I love, same thing with Seokjin, he still made films, soap operas met the boys to sing.
              -You do not 're being too hard on the twins? - One thing that you need to know in a relationship, to make it work is really literal, both sides need to strive to keep it working, if it would not collapse, like a sand castle, when the twins were born it was the most difficult time that we had, Seokjin and I had been created in very different ways and that generated a lot of conflicts, nobody warns about it.
              -If I am not, who will be Seokjin? You? - He hugs me tighter and kisses my shoulder, that was a dirty game - I would appreciate it if do the bad guy once, you know? I always have to be the villain of the story!
              -I was born to be a love prince, my face doesn't match that of a villain, no matter how much I've already played some! Beautiful by the way! - I turn to face him and slap his arm - Oh it's a joke, you look like a princess too! My princess! - I still give slaps but without putting force, then he holds me in a hug and kisses me for a long time, then I can only miss work today? Of course you can, you are your own boss, have you forgotten?
              I wrap my arms around the shoulders of Seokjin who picks me up, I wrap my legs around him, will we ever be like this one day? Probably, one day our bodies will not have the same disposition or beauty so only the essentials will remain, our love!
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Chapter 14 - Korea Or Canada Or Maybe Taiwan
Seattle Washington, December 7 1989
(Andi is 19, Chris is 25)
ANDI: "...boiler room song? Chris what the - ?" I giggle as I stand in the doorway to the little water heater closet where Chris was tapping different spots with his drum sticks on the large water heater.
"It fuckin' sounds cool right?" Chris says excitedly looking back at me for a second, then continues on tapping various spots on the water heater again.
Xana and I had moved in with Chris and Andy about a year ago, since we practically spent every single second together. Aside from the few times that I had time slipped, the episodes seemed to have calmed down once more and I haven't had a slip since July. The last slip I had was when Chris gave me the jet black Gibson guitar and of course it was hard for me to believe that with his salary from working at Ray's Boathouse, that he could afford it. Needless to say that I did give him shit for it - well I sort of just told him not to do that again, and secretly loved how he did that for me.
Soundgarden has made a little headway with their first major label record, finally settling on signing with A&M records and releasing 'Louder Than Love' in September. They have a few gigs booked here in Seattle with 2 nights in Hollywood California at the Whiskey A Go-Go which is being recorded for a live video release, the record company's idea to help boost sales for Louder Than Love.
Soundgarden has also received a nomination for Best Metal Performance for Ultramega OK in the 1990 Grammy awards that are being held in this coming February. I think it's freaking amazing while Chris thinks it's just all about the record companies trying to capitalize on the so called 'Grunge movement' that has recently garnered attention here in Seattle, and that 'Ultramega Ok is not Metal at all, that they aren't even a Metal Band, but if the Grammys say they are then well...
I still think it's an honor and that he should be proud and he is... he just doesn't like the attention so much. Needless to say we aren't going to the ceremony since the Best Metal Performance category isn't even being televised and Chris is definitely not interested in going to the pre-show dinner and neither am I. That is definitely not our scene at all.
On a strange note, that I thought would never happen in a million years, Susan and I have actually become quite close as friends. There was a little hiccup in getting to know her for a while there, me being my usual apprehensive shy little self and somewhat feeling intimidated by Susan, but I really had nothing to worry about. It’s just business and that’s it.
"...shit I gotta get this on tape... babe, can you grab me that little recorder in my night stand drawer," Chris says stopping for just a moment and flipping his curls to look up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes full of excitement. 
"Uh, yea," I say and turn to walk up the hallway to our bedroom.
It was a crazy miss mash of mine and Chris's guitars, posters plastered all over the walls of our favorite bands, my little shitty amp with the small little pre-amp that sits on top, his amps that he uses for Soundgarden shows, surrounding the room and one little corner that has all my 'girly stuff' that he calls it - which is just my makeup vanity and dresser. I quickly run over and open the nightstand drawer, pull out the little cassette recorder that I found for him in a thrift store downtown and then head back out of the bedroom, to see Chris tapping a tribal groove on the water heater and the walls surrounding it. As I click the record button, setting the recorder down by Chris as he continues, lost in the groove, the phone begins to ring. I then turn and head back down the hallway to the kitchen to pick up the phone, still hearing Chris from down the hall drumming away.
"Hey sweetie... how are you?"
It had been just over 2 years since I heard from my father. The last time we spoke was when I had decided to move to Seattle for school and ever since then I had made a few attempts to call him, but he was always on the road and I could never catch him.
"...I just wanted to check in, see how my baby girl's doing," He says with a chuckle.
"Dad... daddy I'm uh, I'm doing great, really great. Oh my god I haven't..." I started to get emotional, my voice becoming a little shaky and I think he could tell.
"That's good sweetie... I'm actually in town, got a gig with the band. Our first west coast gig and so I thought I'd give you a call, see if you wanted to come out and see us," He says.
"Dad... I'd love to... when?" I ask, wiping away a tear. It was so good to hear his voice.
"It's tonight actually... I hope that's not too short of notice,"
"No, no daddy it's perfect," I giggle as Chris's tribal drumming sound bellows out from down the hallway.
"Alright... it's at The Mecca. We play at 9:00pm tonight, but um... you want to meet up earlier? Grab a bite or something? I'd love to catch up with my girl before the show, only if you want to of course," He says and I could hear a little nervousness from his end. 
"Yea, yea dad that sounds great, um..." I trail off as Chris appears behind me who still has yet to put a shirt on, grabs a beer out of the fridge. He pops off the cap and takes a drink, glancing at me confused as I continue on the phone.
"... yea.. Chris... yea... yea... daddy... you sure...?"
Chris finishes his sip and raises his eyebrow at me as I look up at him while my father continues on the phone. 
"...alright... bye daddy," I say and hang up.
"So... what was that all about?" Chris asks taking another sip of his beer.
"My uh... dad wants to meet up tonight. He's playing here in town and um... wants to meet up for food and to meet you before and wants me to see his band tonight and - " I begin explaining a little fast only because I was still so shocked that he called me.
"Andi... baby hey, slow down. What about tonight?" Chris asks setting his beer down on the counter, then flipping his curls out of his face to look at me.
"My dad wants to meet you tonight before his gig... or something," I say.
"Ok, where?"
"At The Mecca... he um... wants to get together before for some food and... to catch up I guess and meet you," I say still so nervous about the fact that my father wants to meet Chris.
"Ok baby, it's no big deal. I'll meet your dad. There's nothing to worry about," Chris chuckles. He places a kiss on my forehead and I touch my hand to his bare chest, then grabs his beer off the counter and heads back down the hallway. As I watch his beautiful tall frame, his curls swaying with his movements, I realize that I may just be over-reacting a little bit. He is the first boy - man that I've ever introduced to my father so I just hope it goes smoothly.
The Mecca Bar and Grill, Seattle Washington
ANDI: It was later on that afternoon and Chris and I had arrived at the bar to meet up with my father for the first time. It's been so long since I have seen him, I wasn't sure if he would even look the same. I made sure I looked presentable enough in my skinny ripped jeans and my Doc Martens, my favorite Black Sabbath shirt and my leather jacket. Chris, looked especially good in his plain black T-shirt, baggy black shorts and Doc Martens like mine with his leather jacket and his dark curls down passed his shoulders, which were much tamer than usual. I'll never understand how he can wear shorts in the winter but he has always been on the warm side in terms of body temperature.
As Chris and I walk into The Mecca, Chris holding my hand with his fingers laced through, I suddenly see my father at the far side of the bar, sipping on a beer, chatting with a few of his bandmates as they set up for the night. He looks exactly the same. You would never guess he is 42 with his shaggy golden curls to his shoulders. He still seems so young with that same beard now so much fuller than before, but showing subtle hints of grey, and his tall 6 foot 5 frame that makes him seem larger than life. 
They always say girls tend to pick men just like their fathers.
John O'Riden glances my way and smiles as he sees me for the first time since I left home to make Seattle my new one. I wish I could explain the mix of emotions inside me right now. I feel just like that little girl who was always excited to see him, always attached to his hip refusing to ever let go.
"How's my girl?" He smiles in his deep voice that I missed so much.
"Hey daddy," I say quietly as I let go of Chris's hand, my father embracing me in a big hug. His cologne that he always wore since I was a little girl filling my nostrils. After a few minutes of our embrace I slowly let go and he glances at me with that fatherly smile.
"You get taller? I swear you're so much taller now," He says and I giggle.
"No dad, I'm still the same as I always was," I say and he laughs. After a few moments, he glances up and sees Chris and I feel awkward that I totally forgot he was with me.
"Oh um, dad... this is Chris... Chris Cornell and um - "
"John O'Riden," My dad cuts me off as he extends his hand for Chris to shake.
"Nice to meet you um sir," Chris says and I'm completely taken aback by how formal he was.
"Sir? Oh fuck, don't call me that, call me John. Chris Cornell... I've heard a lot about you. Soundgarden right?" 
Chris gives me a quick glance and then back to my father.
"Uh yea..." Chris trails off for a moment as they still shake hands.
"You've got that '70s Sabbath thing going on mixed with that punk style... it's good. A lot better than that fucking hair metal crap anyways,"
"Dad..."I say giving him a look.
"Lets grab a table, you drink Whiskey Chris?" He asks as he takes the last sip of his beer.
"Yea," Chris replies and glances down at me and I raise my eyebrow at him. My father turns to the bartender and orders a few shots of whiskey to bring to the table that was near the bar. We then follow him over to the table and he and Chris seem to continue on their conversation while we wait for our drinks.
As I sit beside Chris, my father opposite of me, they carry on, practically leaving me out of it which is fine - it just makes me sip on my whiskey a little faster than normal. At first it almost seemed like my father was trying to interrogate Chris but then as Chris was able to come back with answers confidently, my father let up a little bit and began talking about all things music. As we eat, they talked about both of their bands and how my father was actually a bit of a fan of Chris, citing how incredible his voice was. After finishing our food, as soon as the waitress takes away our plates my father turned his focus onto me, asking me about everything that has happened since the last time we spoke, how my playing is coming along, how school is going, and how Chris and I met.
"... Mother Love Bone?" John chuckles taking a sip of his now third Whiskey shot.
"Yea dad... and we've been together ever since," I giggle as I feel Chris glance back and forth between us as he takes a sip of his Jack straight up.
"You um... you haven't told anyone about your...y'know... have you?" John says glancing down at his shot glass.
"Daddy it's ok... Chris knows. In fact all of my friends know now and they're ok with it," I explain as I feel Chris lace his fingers through mine under the table.
"You're still slipping then?"
"Yea, but it hasn't happened in a while. I'm ok daddy really..." I re-assure him.
"She used to scare the shit out of her mother y'know... disappearing and then popping up again somewhere or somewhen else," John says glancing at Chris as he twirls his shot glass in between his fingers. Chris gives him a half smile.
"Fuck how I just wish sometimes..."John starts looking down at the shot glass but then catches himself. I could see a little glimpse of regret of how he left that night. I don't blame him anymore. I never really did. I just hated the fact that my mother always started their fights and just never accepted who he really was. It broke my heart that he left but I knew he had to. She tried to change him so many times. 'Stop playing, stop touring and be with your family' she would say. It never made sense to me because that's what made her fall in love with him in the first place. 
"Well this is not how I intended this to go before my gig let alone meeting up with you," John chuckles dabbing his eyes that have welled up with tears.
"It's ok dad..."I say and I reach across the table and he reaches out for my hand. He takes it in his, my hand completely engulfed and he looks at me with nothing but love.
"Chris... I like you. You remind me of myself about 20 years ago," He says with a chuckle. "I want you to take care of my little girl here. I can see just how much you love her and if you ever hurt her - "
"Dad," I say shooting him a look.
"Don't worry John, I won't. I promise," Chris says and glances at me.
"Yo, John! Soundcheck!" Someone calls from the stage area as some more people begin to come through the doors of The Mecca.
"I guess that's my cue... you two gonna hang and check out the band for a bit?" John asks as we all rise from the table, Chris tucking his chair back in.
"We'd love to," Chris smiles.
"Alright, well in case I don't see you after the show, it was great to meet you Chris," John says as he extends his hand to shake and Chris takes it.
"You too," Chris smiles and my father pats him on the shoulder.
"And you... " My father turns and gives me that silly smirk he always does, and I embrace him in the biggest hug, just like when I was little.
"I love you so much, baby girl. I'm so proud of you," He says low in my ear as he holds me tight.
"I love you too daddy," I say, my voice shaking a little and I didn't want him to let me go. After a few moments, he places a quick kiss on my forehead and then turns to head towards the backstage area to get ready.
"See...? I told you he would like me," Chris smiles at me as I glance up at him and shake my head giggling. 
A/N Hello lovelies! Alright, so I wanted to right a feel good fluffy part with Andi and her father so I hope you guys like it. I also picture Andi's father as Jason Lee when he played Jeff Bebe in the movie Almost Famous
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putschki1969 · 4 years
You say keiko seems like someone who keeps her distance from fans the most out of the 3 of them, but how would you explain her being the one who would post on the blog the most often by far out of the 3 of them back in the day? Like you said, she posted almot daily and that blog was a platform with the exclusive point of interacting with fans. I'm not attacking you, I actually agree with you otherwise but this part of it has always confused me and I was curious what your take was
Hi there!
OMG, this reply is SO late. I don’t even remember what exactly you are referring to in your ask. I think you sent it after I made THIS post here but I am not sure. Anyways, forgive me for taking so long, things have just been really hectic.
Don’t worry, I am not seeing this as attack or anything. Your point is actually valid, it does seem a bit contradictory at first glance. I’ve got a few thoughts on this topic so let me explain a bit.
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It’s true, Keiko did blog a lot back in the day (although Hikaru actually wrote more posts than Keiko) but let’s not forget that blogging was pretty much part of her job, a requirement so to speak. It always happened in a controlled environment, it was pretty much a one-way street. I am sure she didn’t mind it (she always seemed very genuine) but that sort of blogging ensured that she was able to keep her distance while still making fans believe like they got closer to her.
There are three types of “stars/idols/etc” I think:
The ones that revel in the attention and who will literally go out of their way to show their gratitude to the fans
The ones that are grateful and who will kindly do all the things that are required of them but other than that they simply do not care all that much because it’s just a job for them
The ones that don’t give a shit about their fans and who are generally assholes
I believe Keiko belongs somewhere in the second category. Whenever she describes her personality in interviews, she always says that she never really had an interest in other people until she met Wakana and Hikaru. I guess you could say she is a little bit arrogant or at the very least quite self-centred. Keep in mind, this is coming from a hard-core Keiko fan, I am not saying this to make her look bad or anything, that’s just how she is and it’s totally fine, I am certainly not judging her for it. But I think this lack of interest is also reflected in the way she is distancing herself from her fans.
Singing is a form of expression, a form of communication. As such, it can be a great way to connect with the audience. Whereas Hikaru and Wakana have always been very expressive singers, Keiko has never really shown a lot of emotion during live performances. She is certainly a fantastic entertainer and she can put on a great act but she pretty much used to be a paint by the numbers kind of singer without a lot of expression. Throughout the years that changed slightly but still, for me it always felt like she was the most distanced among the three.
I am not sure if you have ever attended one of their lives but if you did you might have noticed that she hardly made any eye contact with the audience. It’s not just something I have noticed, many fans have told me they had made the same observation. There is also the fact that she doesn’t want to show her vulnerable side to the audience, she tries her best to hide her tears, in many ways that also distances her from us, there is pretty much an emotional barrier between us.
Last but not least, her behaviour in situations like the airport greeting in Taiwan clearly showcases that she very much prefers to keep her distance (which is her prerogative of course!) She has no interest in interacting with us since it is not a controlled environment. In contrast, I heard she was very open and kind during the fan club event.
So yeah, if you combine all of that I do think she is the most distanced Kala-member and it might be one of the reasons why she has not launched her own SNS account yet but that’s just speculation and as we all know, I am not a big fan of speculation.
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goalkepa · 5 years
2k followers appreciation post💙
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I did the appreciation post when I reached 1k probably a year ago. And I feel like I need to write this again, not only because I keep this as part of the memories but also because I regard it as a chance to show my gratefulness to every single one of you who has become my friends or just simply support me, unconditionally. This post will be pretty long I guess. You can just scroll through as long as you feel annoyed. But if you have time, especially those who I will mention later, I hope you can read it word by word, because you guys really take a big part in my life. Without further ado, let’s get started!
I’d love to mention some *old* friends first:
@thomas-partey :
Probably the one that has been there for me from the beginning of this journey? I always enjoy the time when we have talks, Yerika, about Atleti, about life. You are such a sweet and brave person, who will put all your efforts to reach the goals you set for yourself. That’s what I admire A LOT. Although we didn’t talk that much like we used to, because you’re not online pretty often anymore, just want you to know that I’m still here for you, always. And I feel like I’ll write you a message very soon🙈Thank you for always backing me up. Much love to you.💙
@coolsaul :
Awww Julie my superb French bean out there😍 I still remember when I traveled to Paris, I messaged you about some stupid questions like I was so worried that if I couldn’t find the location of Boutique FFF or if I went there and the store was not open etc. But you were so nice and patient to me at that time, and even now you will still answer ALL the things about Les Bleus and even share your amazing memories (like meeting all those French idiots) with me, which makes me feel so so honored and happy. Oh and not to mention how awesome you are as an Atleti’s fan and how ambitious you are as a beautiful lady. Wish everything goes well there in UK. Much love to you💙
And now here comes some *new blood*. I think I’ve talked to more people after World Cup compared to the time before this tournament. The reason? I don’t know. For me, this needs a lot of courage and I’m extremely glad that I sent the simple “hi” message to some of my mutuals (or few of you sent me first), who are all so freaking nice to me. I wrote the order randomly. In case I forgot to mention some of you, I’m truly sorry. It only means that I’m a dumbass and I honestly don’t know how to put my feelings into words. Anyway, I thank all of you a lot. Here we go:
@niguezsaul :
Needless to say, the funniest Colchoneros I could not ask for. When the game is live and you post your live update, it’s really entertaining. Sometimes it could be hilarious, or just so close to the truth. Your love for Atleti is very valuable and precious. Although I believe you’ve experienced the hardness of supporting this color, you will never give up, right? When the next season comes, you’ll definitely witness our spirit by yourself. Trust me, Karo. You won’t regret for being heartbroken for them over and over again. Much love to you💙
@the-place-to-sparkle :
Let me introduce you a sweet, kind, caring and beautiful lady. Her name is Cami. You’d better write it down. Girl, your love for the things you adore is the purest thing on this planet. Not only football, but also the way you dream of living in your life. On this site, there are too much hatred and negative things. But you are never affected by this. You’re always the one who shares positive stuffs, post some good vibes and reblog all those gentle reminders, which are helpful for those who need, including me. What makes you become such a unique person in my heart, is that you never hide the true side of yourself. This is why all of us love you, Cami. We love the real you and you should never change for anyone. Keep on sparkling✨ my lovely bean. Much love to you💙
@diogodxlot :
Okay so please let me say this again, you are so fucking beautiful ngl (Hector should open his eyes honestly😏) I really really love those locksreens you made, all of them. You have a good taste in aesthetic. I hope I can reach 1% of your level😂 And the thing that you said you cannot choose a single player to print on the jersey? That’s the cutest shit ever, Charvi, really. I hope you get yourself a jersey very very soon. Manchester United owes you one. And good luck to the last exam. You’re gonna SMASH IT. Much love to you💙
@lidah-itsme :
The most gorgeous Italian on this planet goes to…. Teresa🥳 You don’t know how much I love the story behind the name “Lidah”. This is not only such a cool thing but also a meaningful way to represent yourself. I love it. Also your love for Liverpool and Trent amazes me every single day. You’re such a nice fan, only focus on your team in a positive way. That’s what we need on this site✊🏻 By the way, I remember you love Eden Hazard, right? Maybe we should talk about how this happens, privately👀 Much love to you 💙
@draxla :
So, Nathália, my Atleti’s and Chelsea’s mutual. Becoming part of the Blues is not in my plan but here I am. And I’m so glad that there is someone who can experience the pain with me🤣 We haven’t talked too much, but I like you and your point of view. Your thoughts are so close to mine most of the times. I feel grateful for that. At here, there are too many different opinions and finding a person who thinks the way we do is such an awesome thing. I believe you can feel it too. Thank you so much for being my friend. Hope our teams still stop disappointing us for the rest of the season🙏🏻😂Much love to you💙
@erikscn :
Let’s first talk about the Gremi thing, joking😜 But this is probably the reason why we started our conversation. So, I guess, thanks to that😂You’re talented in writing. Your work for my boy Paulo is such a beautiful masterpiece. Promise me that you will never stop showing your talent, alright? What I adore you the most, is your personality. Those stories you told me give me clues about which kinds of person you are. And this IS the Greta I LOVE😌 Don’t ever feel that you’re dumb or not good enough. Being who you truly are is the reason why you’re on this post, and he knows it too! Much love to you💙
@holdmyhopeinyourhands :
First of all, thank you for being my coolest mutual askjsanjkn🙈 I honestly never saw anyone shares their deepest thought of players like you do, Mona. Those post you dedicated to specific players are enjoyable to read💞 And your love for PSG and Roma is the most supportive I’ve ever seen. They are lucky to have a fan like you. Never stop doing what you’re doing, including writing the umbrella academy fanfic. You have the rights to decide how to manage your blog and I’ll support you no matter what✊🏻 Much love to you💙
@avsensio :
Who is the funniest person on this site? Lexi. Whose posts always make me choke? Lexi. Who is the master of using memes? Lexi. I’m not going to give more clues about how awesome this girl is🤷🏻‍♀️ I still remember our first talk. It was an unforgettable night for me. After time goes by, we found out so many mutual points, like we are both March baby, our love for France NT and we both adore Lauv’s music etc… the things we share really cannot describe by words🥰 And remember you told me to not stop what I’m doing, to not affected by others? Your words sill impact me nowadays. And now it’s my turn to tell you, do not fucking change yourself for others. Yea it’s impossible to let everyone like you but you will always have my support. ALWAYS✊🏻Much love to you 💙
@fcsonny :
Nicole💞✨ Can’t believe we met on tumblr when you were at Taiwan. I noticed you because you reblogged my post of the football journal and said you are able to understand the content. My first thought was like “oh shit there are people who can understand what I’m rambling in the journal😱” and then I thought “wait you speak Chinese?!?!?😍” so we talked and this is honestly one of the coolest experience ever, not to mention how nice you are to me. Thank you for that and next time when you visit Taiwan for the fourth time, message me in advance so I can show you around👌🏻 Much love to you💙
@paudybalas :
I’ll never ever forget that you came to my ask box and told me I’m the reason why you decided to create a football blog😭That was definitely one of the warmest compliments ever happened in my life. And you know what? You’re meant to become an awesome football blogger. I may inspire you but you are the only one to make your blog perfect and honestly, I feel like a proud mom🙈Those gifs you made are art. Those personal stories we share with each other will forever be part of the memories in my heart. You inspire me as well, Ellie🥰Thanks a lot. Much love to you 💙
@football-laeli :
Don’t want to sound dramatic but you are absolutely one of the sweetest human beings here🤧 Positive vibes only, always trying to convey some good energy and that’s amazing, Janna. Also, I’m so glad that you decided not to hide your support for you club Ajax anymore💞You changed for your boys, is there anything more powerful than this? I guess none. You’re such a sweet lady, and I wish one day all these good things you give us could all go back to you, because that’s what you deserve😉 Much love to you💙
@disappointment-fc :
So, you are a special person to me. First, you support Real Madrid and you once tried to convince me to love Sergio Ramos😂 This...is honestly quite cool and you are a nice madridista, which surprised me the most najksjnjas🙈 Second, you like Jeremy Lin (right?). Please take care of him🙏🏻Third, you are my kid and I’m your mother. You never go to bed on time, which means I could spend more time talking to you so I’ll try not to ask you to sleep early in the future👀Anyways, you’re one of the few that sent me messages first and have always been nice to me since then, including encouraging me when my team falls down. That’s the kindest gesture I could not ask for more. Thank you, Chloe💞✨Much love to you💙
@theblxefox :
I’ll never stop saying how much I thank you for inviting me join the Chelsea family👀🤧 Without you, my love for Kepa would just remain the original level (now it’s unstoppable😏) I love the way you deal with Chelsea’s disaster, being sarcastic but the love is still strong. Also, on this site, you not only care about football, but also global issues, sometimes even political aspects. You are not afraid of speaking your thoughts. Meanwhile, you stay respectful and let others convey their opinions. We need more people like you, Tommer🙏🏻 You’re that kind of person I dream to become. A kind of person who is beautiful both inside and out. Much love to you 💙
@footballgotmeoncrack :
The only person I already met in real life before having a talk online✨ This is not a coincidence, Angie, I always believe it’s not. The story happened between us is the most unique, ever. I remember you because you were nice to me at the stadium, and you are still nice to me, every second since then. Your love for goalkeepers, like Hugo, Gigi and Iker, is so pure and strong. I could not quite understand why goalies needed to be loved before I also become a fan of a goalkeeper. That’s why I admire you a lot, because you already started to protect the most important and underappreciated role on the pitch✊🏻I’m so glad that you’re able to see your team Spurs this summer. I’ll pray for you to get Hugo’s autograph or even a chance to talk to him🙏🏻You deserve it, my bestie. Also, good luck to your studying in advance. Much love to you 💙
@madtimer :
My beloved Taiwanese mutual here🥳 It’s hard to find a girl who loves football in Taiwan. That’s why I feel grateful to meet one here, not to say how sweet this girl is. Your love for BVB and Milli reminds me of my love for Atelti and Grizi. They are quite the same. Being disappointed but we never give up on them, right Lisa? And all those gifs you made, the way you support your team, is something I want the most from a football fandom (tho I still haven’t download PS because I’m too lazy skajnskj) also you are the one that writes journal related to football, like print some players’ photos and puts some thoughts on it, which makes me so happy because I’m not the only weirdo doing this👀 Anyways, thank you for always being there for me when I need someone to talk in Chinese😜 Much love to you 💙
@hazantowifey :
Potato’s wife, sometimes I really want to punch your face when you said cruel things about football but sadly😂 I can’t, because those are the truths, and you help me accept it. I will never forget that day you commented below my post saying that I’m important to you. Like, I’m shocked because we didn’t really have a lot of conversation but you already regard me as your friend. I still can’t believe it really happened to me😭 You can never make me mad, because you always know how to make my heart go like “aww” by sending me Kepa’s gifs🤦🏻‍♀️ And I HATE you for that. Hope one day we can meet in real life. Maybe go to THE 1975’s concert or a football match, Belgium vs France, so you can wear your Hazard’s jersey and I can wear my Anto’s jersey😜 I’ll look forward to that day to come. Much love to you💙
My dearest 🐰 , the one that sent me messages first when I need it the most. An important person who always knows how to cheer me up. A person who will send “good morning” to me. A person that truly regards me as a real friend in her life. You take a big part in my heart, 🐰. No one can replace you. Your kindness is the reason why I opened my heart again, to make me believe that there are people I can trust on this site, to make me believe there is someone who will understand my feelings even tho they didn’t know me before🙏🏻 Except for talking about football, I love the time when we share our lives more, oh but maybe also when we are pouring our love for Kepa janskjnskdj🙈wow I really drag you into it I’m 👀 so proud of myself. Your reaction when you said you wanna dance with him in the rain, gosh this is the cutest thought EVER (oops I’m exposing you again 😬). You’re such a clever, independent woman. You’re much more amazing than you expected. Anyways, 🐰, thank you for becoming my best friend in life. Much love to you 💙
For the last one, it will go to my forever soulmate @footballffbarbiex
The one that joined me from the beginning of this journey. The one that has saved me from depression over and over again. We have been through many hard moments and shits together, which others will hardly understand. There are a lot of times when I only sent you a simple sentence, but you got it all. I don’t really have to explain anything you just know me too well. I don’t know why I’m so lucky to meet you in my life, to have you as a friend, a family. Besides being my soulmate, you’re a blessing to this fandom. First, I love your writing, a lot. You have to admit that you’re so talented at this part. That shhhh seires? Masterpiece. That Kepa’s one shot? Masterpiece. I won’t go on for the smut ones because that will expose myself ajsnjnaksjn😜 Second, you have a great interaction with your readers. You listen to their opinions, talk to them and always being so nice. We should all be grateful for those beautiful works you’ve provided to us. Third, you always care about our feelings and always being so respectful to everyone. You deserve love and love only, Amy💞 Words will never be enough to describe my thankfulness. But meanwhile I’ll never stop saying this, thank you, for being one of the most important people in my life. I’ll love you forever and ever💙💙💙
At last, thank you all those who came to my blog and left some sweet, kind messages. Thank you all for liking my stuffs, giving me encouragements or sharing your thoughts with me. It literally means a lot to me🙏🏻
It’s such a pleasure to be on here and I sincerely hope I can bring more joy and positivity to all of you in the future 💙
Love you guys so much,
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