#I kinda wanna make an ask blog for them but I already have so many
shortcakelils · 8 months
Lily and Cup as Stolitz makes so much sense and idk why 😭
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voidpumpkin · 2 years
A Guide For New Users Fleeing From Twitter, From A User Who Needed One When They First Started:
Hi to everyone fleeing from twitter, Elon Musk is shit and he already has had an actively harmful effect on the site, one that will only get worse. So, welcome to Tumblr, it can be kind of intimidating, given its reputation and how many different features there are, I was certainly confused and intimidated when I first logged on and as I'm active on both I sympathise with y’all, so here’s a guide to anyone new:
Put your hashtags in the hashtag section. This is the only way they’ll actually have any sort of effect, or appear when you search for something. Don’t post them on the post itself.
There is a character limit for hashtags and a quite high hashtag limit. Go wild. Writing entire speeches is common. 
Don’t tag lots of unrelated stuff to your posts, that’ll get you reported for Spam and just hated in general
Don’t censor words, users are fine with swearing, doing so especially with triggering content makes it hard for people to limit their exposure to said triggering content.
There’s no such thing as ratioing.
We don’t have quote retweeting, every reblog, comment, etc counts to op’s post. They can see it all, and will be notified depending on their notification settings.
Change your icon, people will think you’re a bot if you use the default.
Give yourself a bio, it’ll make you look like a person.
Follow people and tags, that’s the only way you’re gonna see the content you wanna see. The foryoupage isn’t to be trusted.
Actually reblog stuff, liking has no effect, reblogging is the only important thing here as there is no like based algorithm. Doing so will also make you appear human.
You can hide your likes and who you’re following. Doing so is not frowned upon in the slightest.
You can block tags, similarly to muting words on twitter.
You can have multiple blogs tied to one account. 
You can customise your blog, go wild.
There is no word limit, you can write as you want. But if it gets too long make use of the keep reading feature, (the three dots beside the add gif feature)
There is an image limit of thirty, up from the former ten, though for some they may be stuck at only using ten, tumblr is kinda inconsistent. If you want to add more you’ll have to reblog your own post. 
There is no reblogging limit when it comes to a post, though there is a daily posting limit, go wild, only your followers will be upset.
You can have videos, gifs and pictures in the same post.
You can just post audio.
Adult content is still banned, but actual moderation and enforcement is spotty, especially if it’s written. 
Spam liking and reblogging isn’t a thing. Go wild.
You have an ask box that people can submit stuff to. You can respond or just delete the post. You can remove anon capability from it (which will get rid of most of the hate), or outright bar it.
You can’t private your account but you can restrict commenting and reblogging. Edit: I’ve been informed that you can in fact make your blog password protected, it’s just that it’s a rarely done thing and not widely known.
Block whoever and whenever, it’s not a big deal. Though if someone you’ve blocked has reblogged and added to a post and someone you follow reblogs that, their commentary will still be included in the post you see.
We don’t have muting, only blocking.
Yes, direct messaging is a thing (it’s the little smiley face)
The only way to promote your is through ‘tumblr blaze’, you pay a certain amount of money and your post will be promoted, but not targeted, so no invasions of privacy. You are subject to the employee’s whims on whether or not it gets promoted and unfortunately hate speech has been allowed.
Tumblr has tendency to hide/consume comments, posts and asks, don’t be surprised if they go missing.
Tumblr searching a blog relies on tags, words in the post and the users name, keep that in mind.
Posts will remain after you delete your account or the original post if they have been reblogged.
Years old posts are still circulating and that is considered normal.
You can queue up posts to be released when you’re not using your account. Or you can just post whenever you’re active. Go wild.
Wizards exist and are very popular on this site. Accept it.
There are posts with no notes that will never gain any more than a sing note for your like. Accept it.
There are posts will no op. Accept it.
Trans and autistic people dominate this site.
Don’t get pissy when someone tags a post ‘tw (insert slur)’, or any trigger warning for that matter, most are just being considerate of their followers who may be triggered by such content.
Twitter discourse is regularly mocked, it’s not gonna fly here.
No, we don’t call each other oomfs, or anything like that. We just have mutuals.
Tumblr in general lacks a lot colloquialisms that began on twitter.
We do have ‘blorbo’ ‘poor little meow meow’ etc.
Trying to go viral or trying to corporate is frowned upon.
Tumblr has a tendency to blacklist things tagged like ‘crowdfunding’ so bring that kind of logic you use for twitter posts over to tumblr.
We don’t have twitter circles, co-posting, etc.
Tumblr is surprisingly good at recommending blogs.
There are no verified accounts, and your follower count isn't visible. This is a good thing, trying to change it will get you laughed at.
People are going to just make up stuff, don’t believe everything you see and if it’s a claim about someone, investigate it rather than just believe it.
You can edit your posts after you’ve posted them, but the versions reblogged before said changes will still circulate. This editing of the original has been used as a spruce of comedy
If your worried about people seeing your potentially triggering, or even graphic content and they haven’t blocked the tags you’ve used you can use the keeping reading feature to put the content under the cut and post a warning at the top.
And this is quite important:
Stay anonymous and have fun. There isn’t an expectation to constantly expose inner details of your life, you aren’t expected to use your real face, your real name, age, etc. You’re not even expected to be truthful here. Exist however you wanna exist and have fun, that should be the point of social media. 
Also keep in mind that tumblr has its own distinct culture that is going to take some getting used to. As well as a history any user who’s been here a while will at least somewhat understand.
Also I'll be editing the post with additional info and corrections provided to me.
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botnasty · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara X reader
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Summary: You've finally moved on from the man, but did he?
Words: 1,3k
Warning: Angst, mention of miscarriage, big intimidating man, it's just sad people.
Note: Thank you so much character Ai for giving me the idea. Go check out @ fairybaby on c.AI. Also please do tell if I am missing some warnings^^
Please DNI if you are under 18! This is an 18+ blog!
Also, please don’t steal my work, on any other platform, unless you have my authorisation
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It happened so fast. One moment you were kissing your new boyfriend goody-bye and the other you had a big scary spider in your living room. Well, a “wanna-be-scary" spider, because that man was your ex-boyfriend.
You sighed removing the high heels you wore to that date. “What are you doing here, Miguel?” When he said nothing, you scoffed. “Can you even have the decency to remove your mark? It’s not like I don’t know your secret.”
“You left your window unlocked.” He said in that deep voice of his that used to make you melt on the spot. He removed his mask, His eyes were glaring at you. He looked the same as the last time you had seen him, which kinda made you sad. You thought that the break up would affect him as much as it did you, but you should’ve guessed. Nothing fazed Miguel O’Hara except for his Spider business. “How many times have I told you to lock it?” You rolled your eyes, but said nothing. instead you stepped closer to him and looked straight in his eyes, something not a lot of people were able to do from how muscular, tall and intimidating the man was.
“You already found another boyfriend?” Miguel asks, there’s almost a sneer on his face. “You can’t even handle being single for a month.”
He doesn’t even mean what he’s saying, but he hates seeing you move on. Miguel’s self-aware enough to know he’s in the wrong. He wasn’t a good boyfriend. That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to move on, though. Isn’t it obvious he still wants you? Why do you need some other guy? Just come crawling back to him like you always do.
You took a step back, fighting the glare of the man with our own. “You are not my boyfriend anymore. You can’t dictate what I do in life.”
When he hears that, Miguel has to bite back a snarl. He's livid that she's not giving an inch - he's not used to that. He's always been able to be the dominant one in the relationship.
"Sure, sure. Fine," his tone is cold and bitter. "Do whatever you want."
“Yes, I will. Good bye, Miguel. Please close the door once you’ve left.” You turned around and started to walk to go get a drink. You were in deep need of one after seeing him.
“Come home.”
He hates this so much. He doesn't want to be the one to lose control, but it's happening anyway. And it's all his own fault. Miguel can feel himself start to boil with rage. His fingers flex as his fists clench.
As you turn to walk away, Miguel grabs your wrist, spinning you around. With a sneer on his face, he glares down at you. "I told you to come home. I am not a man who begs, so just do what I say. And come back home with me."
You tugged your arm off his hold. “And I told you that I don’t belong to you anymore. You can’t control me Miguel. I’m not like all those other Spider people you can just control around to do whatever you like. I am my own person and that is why we aren’t together anymore; because you only see me as this doll for you to manipulate.”
His head snaps back a little bit as you yank your arm away, but he doesn't let go and instead he steps forward, his eyes blazing. Miguel's never been in this situation before - losing control to someone other than himself. His hands wrap around your wrists with a painful grip as he glares down at you.
"You think you're better than them?" He growls. "You're nothing but a pathetic human, and you belong with me."
“You’re hurting me.” Your eyes started to get glazed with tears. Your wrist hurting from his powerful hold and by his claw digging into your skins.
Miguel's eyes widen when he realizes he's hurting her. He lets go and steps back, taking a second to regain himself and calm his temper. "I'm sorry." He says, but he doesn't know if he really means it, or if he's just trying to be a good person.
You rubbed your now slightly bruised wrist, trying to soothe the hurt. Fury and pain were clashing inside of you. You didn’t know if you wanted to cry or slap the man for having the audacity. “I know you aren’t, Miguel. Please leave me alone. This is the exact reason I broke up with you.”
"You broke up with me because I get angry easily?" Miguel repeats, with a scoff. "That's ridiculous." He steps back to cross his arms across his chest, glaring down at you. "You just don't like people standing up to you - and I was the only one who did."
“You call that standing up to me? I call this abuse and over-protectiveness. You weren’t in love with me Miguel. You just liked knowing you had someone you could control.” Your eyes were frantically looking in between his brown one you used to love staring at in the morning.
Your words sting. Miguel winces, taking a few seconds to let out a frustrated growl. His head snaps back for a second before he takes a deep breath. His tone is calm, but cold, "I did love you."
"You just never let me prove it."
“I gave you plenty of chances, Miguel. And every time… you just proved me the opposite. Where were you when I had my miscarriage? Where were you when I needed you the most? You were just out there being Spider-Man, Miguel.” Tears were now flowing down your eyes.
He knows you are right, but part of him doesn't want to admit it. Miguel felt his temper start to boil again, his eyes narrowed in anger.
"That's what I had to do," he growled, defensively. "I have responsibilities. I couldn't be there for you."
Miguel knew he was wrong. He was terrible to you. But that didn't mean it was easy to admit that she deserved more.
“You are right. That is what you need to do… Spider-man has taken a big part of your life, Miguel. I don’t see where I fit in anymore.”
You sighed. “I'm done with this conversation. Good bye, Miguel.” You pointed at your door.
He's left with two options at this point: he can either let you leave, and face the reality that he's lost control over you... Or he can try to stop you, and maybe, somehow, get you back. And that's the option he chooses. The more he thinks about it, the more it seems like he can't stand the thought of walking out of that door.
"Wait!" he calls out, stepping towards you. "Can I- We can talk about this-"
‘No, Miguel. There is nothing to talk about this. Please.” You placed a hand on his biceps with a sad smile. “If you love me like you say you do… let me go. Let me be happy.”
He wants to argue, but he knows she's right: he can't keep her against her will. You have good reason to leave him - and you really want to.
Miguel lets out a pained sigh and steps back, crossing his arms across his chest. "Fine." He says, in a bitter tone. "Do whatever you want. Just... take care of yourself." He's obviously holding a lot back - he wanted to tell you everything - but he's not going to force you to listen.
“Thank you… this is goodbye, Miguel. And don’t worry, your secret is safe. Take good care of yourself.” You smiled at him one last time then opened the door and left.
Miguel watched her go for a moment, his arms crossed over his chest, before sighing and burying his head in his hands, a mix of emotions running rampant through him as he contemplates what's just happened.
After a while, he sighed, and looked to the open door, looking out into the city that he's spent so little time in these days. He knew that, if he didn't want to lose her... He had to make some changes.
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timetobeaghost · 7 months
The Noah hate mob is so much worse than I thought. Finally saw the story pic going through someone's blog. Cluelessly I had kinda figured a "sticker" is something you can add to your pic, like a filter. And I thought he might have made a dumb sexy pose maybe with a hot dude and put "zionism is sexy" on it. I thought he might have been somewhat douchy and insensitive, because that seemed IC to me, making a dumb post in a serious situation.
But no. He is making a selfie with a friend who seems to be involved in anti-antisemitism activism and wears a (literal, yeah everyone but me knows what a sticker is, I guess) "Hamas is ISIS" sticker, which is a very important message (because people did not use to like islamists cutting off people's heads and raping girls back when it wasn't happening in Israel, maybe they could remember that feeling) and holding Stickers in her hand that apparently read "Zionism is sexy", which is meant to proudly support Israel and Israeli jews, which is healthy and understandable considering it is a reaction to a horrible terror attack on Israel and to a reminder that its very existence in in danger. No, Zionism does NOT mean war! Zionism does NOT mean ethnic cleansing. To say this is antisemitic trash. Jews wanting the tiniest bit of land to live in peace and thrive is the farthest thing from evil. Do you know how many Jews used to live in the Middle East. Do you know where their offspring is now? ISRAEL. And nowhere else because they were ethnically cleansed out of everywhere else.
And no Israel is not perfect, radical settlers and a right wing government supporting them and all that. That needs to be solved. That in no way means Israel's existence and with that Zionism is evil.
Now still those ZiS stickers could be criticized as dumb, I guess. As flippant in a serious matter, but any hate boner can only be explained by antisemitism, and Noah really didn't do shit to deserve anything. And then he was told he should be put in a blender by Hamas. Hamas being a terror organization who really does specialize in slaughtering jews in creative ways. For context.
The only proper reaction is 💯 support for Noah!
If you are part of a hate mob you are those people, oh they had good reasons for their spontaneous anger, I am told. Spoiler alert: history has already decided you suck. And I can guarantee you the Duffer brothers deepest revulsion. No one dreams of appeasing you people! Leave ST fandom and enjoy your jihadism fandom, if that's where your priorities lie.
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If you are on the side of: "Yes I know he kinda deserves criticism, but lets not overdo it. Bullying is not nice either", congratulations for being human, but you are the majority Germans in the mid 1930s and you can do better.
Because someone asked me what I say to a 6-year -old Palestinian being murdered in the US, I say this is utterly VILE. It was a crazy, violent murderer's reaction to the terror attack and it is endlessly tragic that this happened. It was not a reaction to solidarity with Israel's people. The pos was reacting to the actual event. Peaceful, loving support for the victims is the antitheses to that. I wanna ask back what you think of hundreds of children being brutally murdered or kidnapped in Israel on October 7th. Can we agree that this shit is utterly vile as well? Can we agree THOSE HOSTAGES NEED TO BE BROUGHT HOME? Btw?
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bi-fi-network · 10 months
Hello! I saw a different creator doing this, but I did not like their headcanons. I like the headcanons about Ghost and König on you recent post and thought I´d ask you. Could you give us some headcanons abut Ghost and König when subbing/topping (sepperatly)? Feel free to ignore!
Of course I can do that. I hope you like my headcanons ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
(I tried making this gender neutral as much as possible :))
König + Ghost when subbing or dominating (Bottom / Top) reader!
TW! Sexual Themes, like Sub/Dom and other BDSM!
Dominating (Top):
As I already said, this man usually doesnt 'fuck'. He makes love
Hes usually really gentle and careful, trying not to hurt you because he knows how strong he is.
If you tell him to go faster, he will tho.
Loves to have you grabbing on to him or scratching him.
Loves fighting for dominance. (Doesn´t care if he wins or looses, he just want´s to please you.)
Loves to see you beg for your orgasm. (usually let´s you cum right away tho.)
Moan his name and he´ll cum instantly.
Subbing (Bottom):
This man is the biggest switch you´ve ever known 🤭
LOVES recieving hickeys (saw another blog have this headcanon so credits to you. I agree.)
He just wants to show the world that he´s taken.
Tell him, hes a good boy and he´ll cum.
Holding Handsssss (also when he´s on top tho)
If you tease him or don´t let him cum, you´ll get him to start begging. (He never thought he would be begging his partner for release in this lifetime, but you learn something new about yourself every day I guess.)
Dominating (Top):
Yes, you can get him to dominate you.
After dominating you for the first time, he was kinda insecure about how he did, but when you tell him he did good, he´s gonna wanna try again in the future.
Still prefers to bottom.
Sloppy Kisses <3
I can see him loving sleepy sex, late at night or right in the morning.
If he´s feeling confident he would bend you over his desk and fuck you right then and there.
He would not call you degrading names, but would degrade you differently. "Always so needy, wanting my cock inside you, huh?"
As you can see he wont really degrade you, he´ll just tell you how needy you are (telling you you´re a slut for him in a nicer way).
This man is PACKING so prepare your neighbors. 🙏🙏
Subbing (Bottom):
I know I´ve already told you... but let me remind you. Mommy Kink. (I don´t think he would have a daddy kink with a male reader)
When giving him a blowjob, you can try all you want. He wont fit into your mouth completely. Try all you want.
This man is KINKY
Handcuffs, Blindfold, Rope, anything.
Loves Hickeys.
Choke this man pleaseeeeee
He loves it!
He definetely prefers being a bottom, because of many reasons one of them being the view he gets.
Seeing your tiddies bouncing. (sorry for the non-fem readers)
He loves licking and sucking on your nipples.
Want´s to be degraded too (loves degrading names.)
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 7 months
Stumbled across this blog and ah, my heart is blessed! If you’re still taking request, is it possible for you to have Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoody, EJ, and Jeff celebrating the teen!reader’s (kinda like unofficial siblings) birthday?
So many sibling asks lately!
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Tim's never been a birthday guy, but he wants yours to be special
And so, he wakes up a little earlier than usual, throws on some clothes, and hops into his car to go to the store
He picks up your favorite cake mix, your favorite icing, and last but not least, your gift
He then heads home and begins to set everything up
He bakes the cake as best he can, and it actually doesn't look half bad
He throws on some candles, and then gets to work on wrapping your gift
By the time he is done, it is late enough into the morning that you should be awake
He walks up to your room and knocks, when he receives no response he opens your door and finds you sound asleep
He walks over to your bed and shakes you gently
"Hey, wake up" he mutters to you
As you begin to wake up, he tells you to close your eyes as he leads you to the kitchen
Once in the kitchen, he uncovers your eyes
You smile at the scene around you
"Do you like it?" He asks, still standing behind you
You nod and go to sit at the table
He lights the candles and brings you your cake "make a wish" he says, leaning against a chair next to you
You think for a moment, before blowing out your candles and smiling at your wish
Tim stands and grabs a knife "alright, since its your birthday you get the first slice. I also cant promise that it'll still be here by the time you come back for more, you know how Toby and BEN are." He says with a chuckle as he cuts you a slice
You eat your cake cheerily and open your gift, before heading back up to your room to plan what you wanna do for the rest of the day
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Hoodie loves birthdays
He ends up being the party planner for most birthdays because of how well he coordinates them
So when your birthday comes up, he gets super excited
He'll decorate your entire room while you're asleep
Streamers, banners, balloons, you name it, it's there
After he's done decorating he goes and makes you a homemade cake with your favorite flavors of icing and mix
He then goes out and buys your favorite snacks and drinks for your mini party
And he's already had your gifts for months now, just waiting to be given to you
When you wake up, he suprises you with your favorite breakfast in bed
Then its onto the gifts
And in the afternoon, you get your cake!
Accompanied by some of the creeps you are close with, singing you happy birthday
Speaking of the other creeps
Expect to get lots of "happy birthday y/n!" Alllllll day
Yeah, brian has not stopped ranting about how excited he is
So now almost the entire manor is aware of your special day
You might even get some more gifts from those who are close to you!
Eyeless Jack
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He's not super huge into birthdays either, but since your his sibling, he'll make an exception for you
He makes a quick run to the grocery store, getting a premade cake and a few decorations
He then gets permission from slender to reserve the picnic table in the garden all afternoon for just you, him, and a few other friends of yours
He sets the cake, few decorations and drinks up, and then goes to get you
Honestly his gift would probably be a book 💀
"You can never learn too much"
Don't worry, all your friends bring you gifts too
Ones you'll actually use
Definetly the most boring one to celebrate your special day with
Im sorry 💀
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Jeff the Killer
Jeff gets really excited about birthdays
Usually his most excited about his own
But he makes an exception for you and Liu
His parties are kind of half assed though
He gets a store bought cake and just grabs something random for a gift
"Oh wow jeff thank you! its a....app controlled heated blanket??"
"I saw it and thought of you 🫶"
Liu is more thoughftul
He gets you something you actually want
And if he isn't sure what you want, he just gives you a bunch of cash so you can get whatever you want
Jeff would also be adamant that you go out on your birthday
He knows you're only a teen, but he would love to take you out to a concert
Which if course, teens can go to concerts
But the older members of the manor aren't exactly too fond of the idea
He doesn't care though
Fuck those old people
Hed totally get you tons of merch
You'd come back really late at night, totally partied out
But boy was it fun
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Ticci Toby
Toby gets really excited for your birthday
Since youre the only family he has left, he wants to make sure that your special day is, well...special!
He gets a ton of decorations ahead of time, as well as a bunch of gifts (as many as he can afford)
The day of, he will spend the entire morning making sure you stay out of the ballroom while he and a few other creeps decorate
He goes all put throwing an amazing party for you, making sure it would be up to your standards
He invites all of his and your friends to come celebrate with you
He tries to make a cake, but hes not a good baker so it turns out a little ugly
But other than that the party is perfect!
All of the attending creeps sing you happy birthday, and you almost drown in a sea of gifts
Also, so many pictures are taken
So many
By toby himself, and other creeps
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the-fiction-witch · 5 months
I'm Listening
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
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Requested: Hey really love your blog <3 I'd like to request a Jack dawkins one where she is autistic and has a meltdown because she got overstimulated + too much emotions and Jack maybe panicking a bit because he doesn't know what's wrong and she is rocking and kinda hurting herself through stimming. Just hurt/comfort stuff. Kinda specific so only if your comfortable with it but would be very happy about it. Thank you ♡
Warning: Panic Attack / Overstimulation / emotioanal meltdown / stimming / Nail picking / Nail biting /
I sat, my knees pulled to my chest, my mind a flood with thoughts, feelings, and every other thought in the world. Everything had just overflowed so I had run up to our room and hidden away from the world. Tears flooded down my cheeks, picking at my nail beds beyond the point of it being painful, my body uncontrollably moving back and forth to rock myself. I heard the door open and immediately didn't want to have to deal with explaining myself. 
"Ahh, There you are Y/n." Jack smiled as he shut the door, "I've been looking all over the hospital for you," He laughed as he came over and kissed my forehead, which was enough for me to almost scream and move away, he noticed and put some space between us. "What have I done?" he asked but I didn't have the strength to speak, "Ohh come on sweetheart what have I done? You have to tell me you know I hate you being upset with me."
"Y-You haven't done any-" I forced as I tried to speak,
"Have you been up here all afternoon?" He asked and I nodded, "Then talk to me, what's made you so upset?" He asked, "And please stop doing that y/n." He said trying to make my hands stop picking my nails, but I slapped his hands away "Please, I don't know how to help sweetheart. You have to tell me so I can-"
"Enough!" I yelled putting my hands over my ears and trying to just sit quietly,
He was silent and sat on the bed keeping a distance between us, he was slow and gentle with his breaths keeping loud enough that even if absentmindedly I began to follow them, he waited for a while before he spoke up, softly and gently. "I just wanna help." 
"I know... I know... I'm sorry,"
"You don't need to be sorry. I know you... get like this sometimes." he said, "I guess this is from, Everything down there."He asked and I nodded, "Alright, I wanna help. Just tell me what you need me to do, take as long as you need." 
"I'm sorry-"
"It's Alright, my fault for not noticing you were like this. We can talk. I can help. or we can just sit in silence whatever is gonna help." 
"Silence. for now."
He nodded and for a while the two of us just sat together with the only sound of our breathing, the room darkening as the evening rolled in, after a while, I took his hand and set it on my head. He smiled and gently stroked my hair "You ready to talk?" he asked and I nodded, "Okay, I'm listening."
"Today just... got to be too much."
"That's okay, it has been very hectic today. I'm proud of you for coming up here and taking time for yourself." He smiled, "Come on you talk as much as you need to I'll be here to listen."
I let out a sigh, "It's all been too busy, so many people and they are all complaining about nothing, and the nurses are getting irritable with me because I can't find anything where they moved the cupboards around last week, and it all got so loud, and hot, and I couldn't find anything, and I was already uncomfortable being on my own all day and my socks are very tight and it's uncomfortable!" 
"...You done? That everything?"
"I think so."
"Okay," He nodded, "It's all okay sweetheart, it's over now. No more work, we can sit here in the dark together if that's what you want. I'll even leave you alone if you'd prefer."
"No, I'd like you here."
"Then I'm very happy to stay" he smiled, "You wanna sit in the dark?"
"Yes please,"
"Okay, No worries. I like the dark." He smiled still slowly stroking my hair, "I know this is hard for you, and I'm happy you let me in even after a little while, I feel terrible I keep kinda forgetting what you like sometimes."
"It's okay. not on you to deal with my nonsense."
"It's not nonsense. It's you. and I love taking care of you sweetheart." he smiled, "I know what might help." he said briefly grabbing something from the side, "Would sock owl help?" he asked giving the small owl made from old socks and fabric cuts in his hand I nodded and took the little owl giving it a squeeze feeling the various stuffed fabrics move a little as I did, "There, better?"
"Yeah thank you, Jack." I smiled,
"You're welcome." he smiled, taking my hands and kissing my fingers where I had picked them so much they had bled, he gave each a kiss before cleaning my fingers and wrapping them up in bandages "There, all better." He smiled, "It worries me when you get this bad, you know it's the one thing I don't like you doing. You need your hands, and your cute little fingers, we work and live in a hospital sweetheart you need them, and it's the place most in contact for infection, I know it... what you feel you have to do. But you have sock owl, and me, I'd just really rather you try working on some other types of stimming when you're like this. Okay?"
"I'll try Jack."
"That's my girl." He cooed, "You think you're okay enough for a cuddle?"
"Yes." I nodded giving him a tight cuddle,
"Aww hi, sweetheart." he smiled kissing my head, "You feel better?"
"Much better, now you're here."
"I'm glad I could be so helpful to you, and I'm glad you feel better Y/n." 
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kolsmikaelson · 2 years
hi !! i’ve been going through ur acc and i love ur writing you are so so talented. i saw that requests were open for jeremiah fisher and he is literally the loml so i was wondering if you could write a hc about what it’s like to date jere?? and just have it be like super fluffy. it can be fem!reader or gn!reader i don’t mind.
dating jeremiah fisher headcanons
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gif is not mine. full credit to owner.
follow my library blog, @rodrickhefley , to see the rest of my works.
a/n — hi there! thank you so much for the compliment as well as the request <3. i hope you enjoy this as much as i did!
word count - 597 | join my taglist | warnings - not proofread
do not copy or repost my works, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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— he’d be the sweetest guy ever!!
— jeremiah had probably seen you around before he actually met you.
— he would meet you through belly, maybe she invited you to the house for a swim and he comes out and sees you.
— immediately is enamored by you, and tries to flirt with you but fails miserably.
— as soon as you leave, belly is teasing him about his failed attempts.
— “really jere? thought you were smoother than that.” she’d nudge him with her elbow.
— would confide in belly about wanting to know you better and how he likes you.
— when he asked you out, instead of being confident and flirty, he’s stumbling over his words and a blush covers his face.
— “would you- um do you wanna maybe go out with me sometime?”
— he would play it cool when you say yes but when he walks away and thinks that you aren’t looking, he pumps his fist into the air in celebration.
— jere would definitely take you to the beach for your first date, maybe it’s for a bonfire or when the beach is much less crowded he’d set up a picnic for the two of you.
— is so supportive of everything you do. you wanna learn how to surf? he’ll teach you. you finished a new book? tell him all about it, he’ll buy the next book in the series. got some new clothes? go try them on and show him!
— “i don’t care what you wear, i can fight.” !!!!
— he would make you feel so comfortable if you’re wearing something more revealing or out of your comfort zone.
— obsessed with calling you ‘my love’ and ‘sweetheart’.
— watches the sunset or the sunrise with you and gives you his jacket to keep you warm.
— loves seeing you and conrad get closer and be friends.
— he’s scared to introduce you to his mom (and laurel) but when you’re laughing with the two women within minutes of meeting he feels as though a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
— “y’know i think they like you better than me.” he pouts.
— will always want to be the designated driver if you’re coming to a party with him and the guys.
— “i want my baby to have a good time tonight.” he’d say when you try and protest, telling him steven already agreed to drive for the night.
— keeps an arm around you at bonfires, so that other guys know you’re together.
— always wants you to be his partner at beer pong, very rarely will he ask someone else.
— serenades you with your favorite song (like he did to belly with ‘summer nights’ from grease on her birthday).
— he’d probably drag conrad or steven into doing it with him too.
— he would get you matching bracelets for your birthday, with charms of each others initials on them.
— definitely keeps a picture of the two of you in his wallet.
— adores seeing you in any clothes of his.
— if you’re going to the debutant ball you best bet he’ll be there.
— “thought you swore off these kinda things?” conrad jokes when he sees him all dressed up for it.
— gets a special present for your special night, it would be something you’d been eyeing for a while but hadn’t purchased for yourself.
— loves when you come over to his for movie nights, because he not only gets to see you in one of his hoodies but for who knows how many hours you’d be pressed into his side cuddling in his bed or on the couch downstairs.
— overall the best guy you have ever met and loves you with his whole heart !!
© joelsfarabees 2022
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Splendorman headcannons; catchup edition
General hcs plus some of the prompts that I did for multiple characters!! Idk how this is gonna look but we'll see (I tend to write these notes before writing the actual... post..) so!! Yeah!! I've been meaning to expand the base list of characters I do for hc posts; esp since it's so small and I dont feel comfy writing romantic stuff for a lot of the popular characters in this fandom <\3
Anyways! I'll have this split off into like. Segments. One for basic hcs, and different areas for prompts I did in the past (ex. Pet names, plushie stuff, ect!!)
This is gonna be a looooong post
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General hcs;
To be fair, I'm still fleshing out how I want to interpret Splendor, and how I want to write him into my au
Obviously he's going to be related to Slenderman; as well as Trenderman (whether or not I add trender to this blog isnt decided yet, since I feel like not many people would be interested)
Most days he couldn't hurt a fly even if he wanted to.. however on the off chance he does need to fight/defend himself; he will
He can be just as, if not more, devasting than his brother
"The devil shivers when a nice guy loses his temper" except its splendorman and he actually is a nice person with a rare but hot temper
Usually his ugly side doesn't show itself unless someone tries to hurt those who are innocent
Perfect segway into the concept idea I have for him in general/in the au; but I like to think of him as a guardian
Now I may be getting silly, since he reminds me a bit of itward from fran bow; but I wanna use itwards whole imaginary friend/whimsical being as a basis for splendor
Also this is propaganda for fran bow; go play it, it's a nice game and it's been a hyperfixiation of mine since it released
Carrying on
But for splendor, rather than solely appearing to children, he appears to all
Bros like an anti dementor; adds life into a room
Actually he's kinda like scp 999
Guys can you tell my minds all scattered with vague ideas
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Similar height to slenderman; about 11-12 feet by default but he can also shift his height around for intimidation/convenience
Going with the hc that he has bells on his tentacles; you can hear him walking around/j
Said bells are also semi sentient; they still bend to his will most the time but sometimes they can snip at people... lil bites n stuff; like you know how bells usually have those lil.. gaps? In them? Idk what they're called but the X shaped things on them; that's the "mouth" for each bell
Actually unlike slenderman, you can actually see splendorman walk around, whereas slenderman just. You blink and he's moved.
Gives the absolute best hugs; also does the thing LJ does, and snakes his arms all up around you
Adding onto the idea that splendor is basically itward/scp 999, he basically shows up for people who need company, or need their spirits raised
Torn between giving him an actual face, or making it a blank face line slenderman where the smiley face is just markings; if he does have a face I'm also torn on whether to give him a perma smile or not
I like both ideas
Has clown/magician logic. Can pull next to anything out of his hat and/or suit sleeves/pockets
Reaction to s/o having plushies;
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Doesnt mind it one bit!
In a way he finds it cute, and endearing!
Would never ever make fun of you for it; in fact he wouldn't make fun of you ever
Seemingly manifests plushies and accessories and all that for you
Does one have a stain or tear? Hes already working on fixing it!
Makes you handmade plushies as well; they have that charm to them, some having mismatched fabric patches, button eyes, ect
Yes he WILL smooch each of them if you ask him to, even if you ask as a joke
AND he will tuck them in!!!!!!
What he calls you/wants to be called;
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He calls you: sweetheart, sunshine, my dear, sunflower, schnookums and similar dumb lil names! I feel like those would be more teasing/joking
He wants to be called: he has no preference, as long as the term is endearing and meant for him, hes happy
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Off days with Splendorman usually are filled with fun and activities
If you want to spend time outside, he will pull something together. Gardening, picnics, stuff like that! Unfortunately, since hes still considered... a monster, he needs to remain out of sight, so walking out in broad daylight is a no go for him, unless the area is isolated - so that does make things a little limited in terms of time and location :(
But if you want to spend time indoors, he's more than happy to stay!
Baking, arts and crafts, ect ect! If it's something fun that at least two people can do together, its an option!
I feel like he would have lots of fun reenacting things with you; like dramatic retellings of your favorite books or movies or whatever
He gives a passionate performance
Ideal Partner;
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Like most the other characters in the other post I made on thing, he doesn't have many preferences when it comes to partners: both in regards to personality and looks
Looks really mean nothing to him, you could be tall or short, fat or skinny or buff, guy or gal or anything else, and he wouldn't care so long as you're you
Personality? As long as you aren't a bully or otherwise cruel, he can love you with his whole being
That's really it, Splendorman isn't very picky
Just don't be a jerk and you're set
Though he will be thrilled if you share the same energy as him; though it's not required
Perfect date;
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I covered a lot of things in the downtime section, so this spot isn't going to be too long, as to avoid me just repeating the same thing reworded
But this dude has a list of ideas as long as he is tall; he is not picky!
He doesn't really have a "perfect" or "ideal" date, as he's down for anything and everything
Well almost
Anything that puts ANYONE in danger in an immediate and hard no, same goes for if it puts anyone in emotional or physical distress
Otherwise anything else is possible! He's free to let you pick and take the lead; however he'll hardly mask his excitement if you tease the idea of doing something he very much enjoys/wants to do
It's kinda like watching a dog get excited after mentioning a treat or a walk
Romantic hcs;
Writing this first before I have the chance to forget: but when hes about to leave, he'll kiss you.... and when he turns around to leave, he'll let the lil bell monster things on his tentacles kiss you all over the face as a extra bit of affection
Now onto how I wanted this segment to start
S tier partner, out of the (creepypasta) characters that I have written for thus far, at least in my opinion
Great listener and willing to give advice, amazing comforter, and generally adds an air of excitement to life while also keeping things stable
Moving on
He gives the best hugs, as mentioned in the segment above, his can snake his arms around you in a similar fashion that LJ does
Speaking of that segment, depending on how you see his face working kisses can go multiple ways
If he does have a face, kisses go as expected; but if he has a perma smile it can get awkward since his face is constantly pulled into that large grin
But if its the "the smiley face is a group of markings" route, he can't really... kiss you.. at least not in the traditional sense
He'd approach it the same way slenderman does and imitates the act by gently nuzzling/knocking his lower face against you
He loves quick little pecks; on the cheek, forehead, and mouth, nose, loves it all
Always gives you flowers; usually defaults to sunflowers and daisies but if you have any particular favorites he'll provide it
Likes using that hat trick of his to present gifts
Takes off his hat, puts his hand in it, and BOOM ! He pulls out a bouquet of flowers for you
If you get sick he'll be a mother hen and fret over you; won't back off until you're back at full health, and even then he'll hover over you for a few days afterwards just in case
He always let's you know how much he loves you; he'll remind you at least once a day
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danieyells · 5 days
Hello, Haru simp here! The one that asked for his affinity lines (thank you very much!!!) (*`▽´*) need you to know that so many thoughts have plagued my mind after reading them many times that it's become obligatory every time I come across your blog while scrolling through the driest tag on tumblr known as tokyo dubunker 😭 I wanna take care of him so badly! Make him get all the rest he needs and eat 3 full balanced meals every day >:(
Maybe I should punish him by edging him, you know? Only good boys who get the necessary amount of sleep and don't skip out on meals get to come ✨️ if he begs enough, maybe I'll give him what he wants (definitely not gonna overstimulate him so badly nooo couldn't be me *rubs hands together evilly or some shit*) this is so fucking mild, but yeah :) feel free to hand over any thoughts of yours please 👀
belated HELLO WELCOME BACK HARU SIMP! :D and kdsjhfiueh WELL NOW I FEEL BAD THAT I HAVEN'T PUT THEM ALL IN. I mean I already felt kinda bad about i tbut. I'll get around to that and you can have a few more crumbs, although usually when I left out lines back then it was because they weren't as interesting imo haha. BUT YOU NEED YOUR CRUMBS.
I don't really go through the tags because. I already don't have enough time for the things i wanna do lol and i'd probably get annoyed by negativity in there since i'm here for a good time. But it's a pretty small fandom and we go a month between updates(and the game pretty much just came out what last month?) so it's understandable that there's not usually much going on in the tags!
I think he'd appreciate the intent but he'd ABSOLUTELY DODGE THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR ATTEMPTS TO MAKE HIM TAKE BETTER CARE OF HIMSELF he's ~too busy~ for quality self care, anon!!! Disregard that he goes out and gets drunk on like a nightly basis. . . . But I get the care urges anon. By god I need him to eat properly at the very least. Especially since his stigma causes him to like have a weakened immune system? or was it always weak i don't remember what exactly Nicolas said. like BUDDY YOU NEED TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.
hehehe mild thoughts are also welcome anon. just because i'm a bit of a filthmonger doesn't mean i don't enjoy mild kinks or sweet things. You might have to trick him into it a little bit, but he'd probably think it's clever/funny of you to try and force him to eat or sleep by denying him or overstimulating him! It's not like he's doing it on purpose! He can't just not be busy no matter how much you overstimulate him!!! He can't just find free time even if he doesn't get to cum! Wouldn't it be better to feed him while you have sex and then let him take a nap after he cums!? You can stay for sleepy cuddles if you want-- Or maybe you can help him or bring him food or convince Towa and Ren to help, then he'll have a little more time!
If he can't convince you into another strategy, he'll let you have your way and let you try and edge him--but you're gonna have to be committed. He's got a lot of patience and stubbornness--and he's kind of used to being disappointed so edging him is a slow process. But with enough time and effort he'll start to squirm a bit. He's leaking all over your hand the whole way. Little by little he starts to squirm and buck and his cock starts to twitch and he starts to say less and less. Occasionally he whinges or groans or tells you how unfair you're being about all of this. He knows you want him to beg but he can't compromise on this, he can't, it's better that he just tries not to talk at all because if he opens his mouth he is not going to be able to stop begging and he doesn't think he can uphold a promise to take better care of himself--but eventually he breaks and starts begging once it gets to be too much. He's so sensitive after everything, he doesn't think he can do it but he has to come so if you want him to beg you can hear it!!!
When you finally get him to agree to try and eat and sleep enough tomorrow and let him cum it's a lot. You almost think you overdid it the way it sounds like he might be sobbing from relief totally not your fault he's stubborn though-- between the shaky moans and cries, but he just kind of. Conks out after coming. He works too much and that was a lot on his body. But, hey, after he wakes up from his post-nut nap and gets you both cleaned up he sleeps through the night! It's a start!!!
(this care effort lasts maybe a day before he's back to the usual, of course. No rest for the weary! There's just too much to do!! You'll forgive him, right?)
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sukugojo · 9 months
don't answer if you don't want to!!
why did you start shipping sukugojo? i am a sukugojo fan for approximately a year now, i've written many fics for them but like seeing that you're entire blog is dedicated to them, i just wanted to ask why you wanted to ship sukuna and gojo together?
i don't think i could tell u why i ship them if i'm honest. i'm the type of person of who doesn't really have reasons for shipping things haha i just see something and if it tickles my brain, then i go ooh!! i like that!!! and that would be the case for sukugo too :D they just make me happy <33
but i guess i could talk about what i think makes them a really great ship
like, the thing about sukuna and gojo is that they're strong. the strongest. both the strongest from their respective times. and that leads to a lot of fun parallels between them and their positions and their ways of being (things that are now being explored in canon!). which means that they're the only ones who truly get each other.
they're equals. and in a world where they have no equals, a life where they are at the pinnacle of everything, the lonely (and boring!) top, where no one else seems to truly get them, to truly challenge them and bring some semblance of excitement, of feeling, into their lives, but then now there's this other person who is finally finally able to give them what they want, what they need. someone who can actually contain them, give them enough to get them to their breaking point, or take enough from them and not break. it's a joyful thing!!
(and the fact that the manga directly uses the term love to make reference to that oh my god. they found love in each other. that's textual.) (i seriously went feral crazy insane when i read that anon)
i think one thing that does factor in inside my love for them is that gojo is my fave and i love breaking him and doing all kinda things to him, so i saw sukuna and it was like oh. he might be able to deal with him :)
and another thing is that they're just fun!!! their dynamic is super fun!!! both their personalities mesh so well together (don't think anyone in-universe would agree haha, but i mean that in the sense that both their personalities are incredibly fun together, they're very entertaining to watch)
like i love love love how their fight is just them having FUN. u can SEE the joy in their faces, u can feel it in the playful jabs, the smiles and grins. they're beaming. what a joyful thing for them to finally have found someone like that.
not to mention that they keep flirting!!!!!! every single interaction between them is loaded with sexual tension, they're all smiles and banter and sensual touches (im looking at you, gojo) (tho sukuna is very much not blame-free either). they've been like that since the first fucking moment they met like............guys we get it...... u wanna fuck, just get on with it already.
also they're just hot together let's be honest. sukuna sexy, gojo sexy. add them both together. extra sexy. they just need to fight and fuck and fight-fuck and crush the world with the sheer sexiness of their combined selves (tho they kind of already are fjdshkasdg)
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worldlxvlys · 1 month
ik so many people have already asked, but how should i get started writing? i am so inspired by your work, and i really badly wanna start it up. also, how do you do the little pictures on the very top of the blog? sorry if this is a bother! 💕
no it’s not a bother !!
i honestly started off just making texts and then ppl kept asking me to write so i just kinda started but you could try just starting with bulleting the ideas you have, kinda like headcannons and go from there
the hardest part of writing for me is the transitions and wording things the right way, which is something you don’t really have to worry about in the text messages
but i’d say just do it, and try not to underestimate yourself !!
also for the pictures i literally just add them into the post i don’t use collage makers or anything like that
hope this helps <333
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nijigay · 11 months
hiiii :3 I noticed ur one (of a few) ppl who ships boniji on tumblr, and I wanna know if you know any accounts/artists who ships them so I could follow them to satiate my boniji fixation >.< Also, some bocchi x nijika questions I wanna personally ask: what songs do you recommend that reminds you of them? Also, what are some boniji fanfics you recommend/like? I probably already read most of their fics but I wanna know what others like. Lastly, ur personal boniji headcanons if you don't mind sharing... 👉👈
I only ask blogs rarely cuz I'm shy so no need to answer immediately...
I'm just brainrotting over boniji so much! im so normal about them (◔‿◔)
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AWAWAWA i love boniji like so much like too much like its become my main personality trait!
but youre right!!! it feels like boniji fans are mostly japan natives and there dont seem to be many english speaking boniji fans! ohhh i wish there was more of a following! imagine a boniji zine in the west! i would pay money to get involved with that
im kind of embarrassed about shoving my ships in ppls faces all the time and this might get long and its just me like rambling about my OTP so like .. gona put it under a read more lol. seriously this post is like almost 2k words long thats longer than my average fanfic chapter
i hate to be a shill but im going to be a shill for my fic recommendations:
ive been working on a lowkey corny boniji hanahaki fic on AO3 and some other oneshots, so maybe you would be willing to check my own stuff out?? (if u want .-. im really amateur with this stuff despite being an art student lol) its been on hiatus for like half a year but im just adhd af and keep restarting. im still working on it frequently tho and im secretly hoping to start updating on a consistent basis soon. but i also liked fics like "Midnight and Daydreams" and "Bubblegum Detergent" and "A Sellout Night" and "Just Enough to be Enough" and "A Kiss is Not A Cure". MANNN i remember that last one fucked me up bad when it was posted. it was only the second ever dedicated boniji fic and like I LOVE angst but with how small the sample size of fics was at the time it was like AUFHAUIJKADGF. all those fics are super super good though! i also love the third one, i love the trans bocchi HC personally
umm as far songs songs tho, i guess the ones i associate with boniji most are:
"veil" by keina suda, i remember drafting some animatic for an angsty AU of Hitori living on post-Kessoku
"STEP&CLAP" by yoshino aoyama (aka yoppi aka bocchis VA <3), i think yoppi making the song speaks for itself but its a rly cute song and i love thinking of Hitori and Nijika like tap dancing to it?? check out the rest of yoppi's debut album too!! her voice is so pretty and i was so happy finding out that there are 11 songs with her voice, instead of the 1 from the anime
idk why but i also think of them a lot when listening to PMMM's ost by yuki kaijuri, like "desiderium" and "not yet" and "mada dame yo"? these r kinda a stretch though but idk!!
i also like compiling music that reminds me of them into spotify playlists, if youd like some inspiration for your own! this one and also this angstier one
i have a lot of boniji headcanons but i feel like its hard for me to like list them all in one spot because they usually come to me with context during relevant conversations?? but ill list whatever i can think of!:
this ones not necessarily boniji but i was thinking about it like an hour ago, but i really like the idea of Seika being a huge boniji supporter. like in the source material she already finds Bocchi really cute, so I get the impression she would really like to be an older sister figure for Bocchi (and probably gets jealous of Kikuri for holding that spot in Bocchi's life lol), and so Nijika being a potential love interest for Bocchi would make Seika double down hard on supporting boniji. she'd probably be the one who brings Bocchi up to Nijika more than Nijika would bring her up to Seika?? i also like to imagine that for Seika she has a similar complex to Yoyoko. but instead of "Bocchi is stealing my spot as Hiroi's younger sister figure," it would be "Kikuri is stealing my spot as Bocchi's older sister figure" LOL . if that makes any sense at all
this ones actually taken from a japanese twitter user, but they moved on from boniji after the anime ended. but they had some headcanons that REALLY stuck with me. my favorite was the idea that Bocchi and Nijika both have inferiority complexes with one another. iirc their (translated) words were along the lines of "Bocchi thinks of Nijika as a pure, comforting light in her life, one that could be muddied if Bocchi got involved with her. On the other hand, Nijika thinks of Bocchi as a reliable hero who outshines an ordinary girl like her." i just REALLY like it. it also reminds me of this conversation that Yoppi and Suzushiro had on the BTR podcast, about Bocchi and Nijika's first meeting! like nijika literally brought light into Bocchi's life awdsfsgdhgfjh
actually that same user above also made a tweet that is the reason why i associate Keina Suda's "veil" with boniji! they made a tweet about an AU idea, where, in the event that Nijika would ever pass away, Seika would give Bocchi her ribbon, which Hitori would wear from that point onwards as she continues to play music to honor Nijika's memory. they also suggested that in the opposite event of Hitori passing away, Nijika would possibly do something very rash out of despair but thats dark hahaha!!!!
i kinda think this goes without saying and i think its actually a fairly common HC for BTR characters in general, but I can definitely see Bocchi being trans
I like to imagine that shortly after Volume 2, Bocchi and Nijika would probably have another conversation
eventually, i'm sure if Bocchi and Nijika pursued a relationship that they'd eventually move in together (or like into the same room? if Kessoku Band had a sharehouse?), and since both Bocchi and Nijika tend to be minimalistic with their room decor, their shared room would again become filled with a ton of Ryo's clothes and items and instruments, like how Nijika's room at Seika's apartment is
i think they'd both end up being really touchy with each other, especially when nervous? Bocchi kind of already does this when she's in new places (eg bringing Kita to Shimokitazawa, or going to FOLT for the first time and being dragged by Nijika), but I think it would grow to them finding comfort with each other?
idk if this is necessarily a HC but i really like how Bocchi and Nijika emotionally support each other, even in source. Nijika is shown to have a really good read on Bocchi (to the point of Bocchi worrying that Nijika is actually a psychic), knowing Bocchi's common thought processes, and picking up from Bocchi's mother during her first visit to Kanazawa that karaage chicken can bring Bocchi out of her anxiety attacks, and seems to be the only character who actually comments on Bocchi's growth as an individual and actively tries to facilitate it; but she also doesn't lovebomb Bocchi with praise, striking what seems to be a good balance for pushing Bocchi but also being a reliable confidant for her too.
one of my favorite details from the anime that i really feel doesnt get talked about as often as it should is when Nijika finally notices that Bocchi is guitarhero! she definitely wasn't the first to notice (Seika noticed first, but it seemed like Seika only knew about guitarhero via Nijika. When she notices that Bocchi's playing sounds familiar, her thought process immediately goes towards wondering why Nijika isn't noticing, and then she just tells them to get back to work) but she was the first one that Bocchi admits it too. but my favorite part is how Bocchi says that she wanted to change and grow as a person before telling them the truth, and she says that she especially wanted to grow before Nijika in particular found out! its just really cute, i love how Bocchi was worried about disappointing Nijika. and i like how, after some growth, Bocchi's dream turns from "becoming popular" to "making Kessoku Band the best band it can be" which is like almost basically the same as Nijika's dream! and so it's really nice when Bocchi doubles down on that goal by not remotely entertaining the idea of leaving Kessoku Band, even when goaded by promises of popularity.
last headcanon! because i ran out of thoughts and just came up with this on the spot. but i also like the idea that as the years go on, Bocchi and Nijika in particular may kind of become more similar in personality. i mean, they'd definitely still be distinctly them, but i like to think that Bocchi would eventually start picking up more optimistic habits and stop grimacing all the time, while Nijika would eventually become a little more lax and not reflexively try to dismiss her own negative feelings via looking at the silver lining. i thought of that when Nijika kinda dismisses her family dynamics with her mother's passing and her father's neglect after Kessoku's first real performance, as well as Nijika seeming to admit after inhaling Bocchi Dust(?) during her and Kita's Kanazawa visit that some of her optimism is performative
ok another one Nijika seems to have her art skills commented on sometimes so i like to imagine she has doodles of Bocchi in her sketchbook (alongside everyone else but mostly Bocchi). like think of like Miles Morales drawing a ton of Gwen Stacy like that kinda deal but with Nijika drawing Bocchi. and like Bocchi finds the sketchbook and Nijika freaks out and Bocchi actually doesnt look bc she doesnt want to do something wrong. but then Ryo or Kita take it and look instead and then show Bocchi and Bocchi melts into a flustered puddle
wowwow this got long! sorry! i really mean it when im like OBSESSED with these two like i think ive thought about them on a daily basis ever since the episode aired where Nijika bought Bocchi a cola. isnt that cute, too!? she picked up on Bocchi's favorite soda so quickly! and her buying a box of energy drinks for Bocchi despite not understanding why at all! girlfriend behavior
i really really want to make more boniji content, i'd like to be more active in posting my fics and drabbles and drawings, someday soon. right now most of my boniji content is just illegible sketches in my sketchbook lol
also thank u so much for like sending this ask im like BEGGING internally all the time to be given the chance to talk about them! i dont think theyre like a rarepair or anything, especially with them seeming to be like the second most popular BTR ship in japan, but i do think that not many people talk to them in the english side of the fandom! theyre super super cute and have really good chemistry.
this entire post is probably like a total carwreck i hope its even readable
ill also use this post as an excuse to post my own HCs for a Kessoku Band's relations chart. it's a bonus for reading this far. i'm sorry for draining 22 HP from you with this brain dump
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bigmack2go · 5 months
Yes my name is spelled with a j at the end. I know i have many typos but that is not one if them. Its pronounced the same way (almost. but most people just pronounce it like mack)
Its hungarian.
Its rly important to me because 1 im from hungary and 2 bc the letters have meanings!
On that note! I just realised i never made an intro post so i guess here u go!
Short version
I am mackj
I speak german and english (Hungarian amd a little Swedish)
Multi fandom
Newsies (main atm)
Pjo (always loved it but new to the fandom)
Starlight express
(Oractically any musical)
Currently going to fashion school and hope to become a designer or actor one day…
They/them/any pronouns/ask for pronouns
(I just prefer they/them most of the time)
dyscalculia fucked my career
Adhd asf and weirdly gatekeep-y about it.
I love turles w my life
Writer, musician, dancer, ACTOR
(But i can’t do long choreos bc i have a limb since i was eight and my leg will start hurting and i have a criculation disfunction)
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The reason that i talk funny isn’t that english isnt my first language but simply because i want to, okay. Fuck u.
...use my headcannon!
...use my OC's
... post or talk about my book
...make headcannons for my book
... make OC's for my book
...come up with faceclaims for my characters
... ask me stuff
... ask about fashion school
... request shit
... ask about my disabilities
...ask about my stutter
… ask about my Tic‘s
... use my promts
...use my ideas
...use my fic's
... summarise my book
... repost my art on other platforms
... use my poetry
...use my music
...use my choreos
... ask if i do commisions: i used to but fashionschool said nono. what is freetime? never heard or it. requsts? yess. Absolutely. Because i dont have to promise shit with that, dont need times etc
... be unconstructive w criticism bc i WILL cry
... ask me if i can sew your wedding dress
... inform me of shit i already know like "isnt hungary queerphobic" like bitch im aware but what do u want me to do? un-be hungarian?
…ask me whybi pretend to have touretts?? Cuz??? Wtf kinda question is tht??? And why do i getvit at so often??
DO ,IN FACT, INTERACT IF UR HOMOPH0b!c; I NEED A FIGHT!!!MY FINGERS R TINGELING Be ready to have a regulated debate tho!
Aka on this blog EVERYONE is welcome, even himophobes but only if they wanna fight
Idk what else to say…
My tags:
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bugthebugsblog · 1 year
hey everyone! i’ve been feeling a lot of negativity in the fandom lately and wanted to make a quick appreciation post especially for some of the ask blogs that we have now! excuse me if i miss any, and if i do please let me know and i’ll add it on :D
1. @jalph-speaks i may be a little biased on this one because mack is the mod, but i’ve always enjoyed how the storyline of this blog keeps so many people invested. it’s without a doubt one of my favourite ask blogs in the fandom, truly a godsend
2. @adventures-of-maurice another one of my favourite ask blogs in the fandom. i love the storyline with the ring and with maurice and sam’s past friendship.
3. @wavesovergraves i LOVE this blog so much, kara (the mod) is so sweet and the art is amazing. i love the way she writes all the characters and how we interact with them in return.
4. @ask-the-feral-boys i love how this blog is based on the island, and how each of the boys can respond to our asks. i think it’s really smart how it’s been confirmed that the boys think the asks are just voices in the head. it makes a lot of sense with how they’re mental states have to be declining over time on the island
5. @thief-and-bloody-swine this blog is run by two wonderful artists, i literally cant get over how amazing both of their art styles are plus i always love high school au’s with the boys
6. @naval-officer-x-parachute-man i don’t even have to say anything. this ship is literally GENIUS.
7. @lotf-dance-au HDHRHRHRHHRHR THIS MIGHT BE MY FAVOUROTE ASK BLOG IM NGL i LOVE seeing the art of the boys dancing it’s just sO GOOD
8. @ask-lotf-high another amazing high school au with some amazing creators. i love seeing the art on this blog, it’s just beautiful
9. @lord-of-the-clue i’m personally getting to help with this blog along with mack and kara and it’s been so much fun. coming up with the lore and the different relationships has been awesome, so i wanna thank these two especially for letting me help with this
10. @ask-the-lotf-boys this is another au with the boys on the island. it just recently got started and i’m already in love with it. i love the overall vibe of the au and i love how it’s centered around the hunters
11. @lord-of-the-mermaids this also recently just got started and it’s already so cool???? i never thought of an au like this but i’m enjoying reading some of the asks so much
12. @lord-of-the-summer-camp this is another really cool concept!! i love how so many creators are coming up with these ideas and giving the rest of the fandom an oppourtunity to interact with them
13. @lovely-dead-children this is another blog where i really love the overall vibe, it’s got a very cool aesthetic and i always love post-island aus
14. @ask-lotf-simon this is my own blog (my bad 🤭🤭) but we always need a lil self appreciation 😤😤💪 it’s the first lotf au ask blog ive done and ive already gotten a lot of asks and it’s really great that people are showing interest
anyways, i know that i kinda ended up rambling but i’m just really passionate about all these blogs. i think it’s important that we show these creators support because they’re making all this effort to make this fandom a better place for all of us!
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Rules and Description :P
Hi! I"m Skylerfurmaniac! Or Skyler/Sky for short (if you wanna ask me a question). And welcome to my blog (also sorta ask blog but it isn't really much of one anymore, but you can still do it! I love getting asks)! This blog is where I reign and spread my chaos and love to people lol. I'm just a chaotic little rainbow furbean >:3! My pronouns are they/them, and I'm omnisexual/romantic!!
Rules of the blog:
things you WILL get ban for:
NSFW asks or stuff that are similar. You can make jokes, but nothing too weird
Being rude to any community in the asks. Such as furry community, lgbtqia+, or black etc.
Asking for personal information
faking to be someone famous and try to make them look bad/ if you start to not respect my distance or stuff. If you aren't my friend and start asking for a lot of stuff or stuff I don't share with strangers
pls, if you want to vent to me or something, you can dm me, but pls don't do it in the asks or send like self harm photos
And that's everything! If you follow these, then you will have a very fun time here! I will make sure to respect everyone who asks something in this blog, but I may tease you, just a warning.
Edit: I kinda forgot to put some stuff about myself, soooo
Hi! You already know my name and pronouns, But I want to put some personality stuff in here
I also will not be doing commissions, too much work for me right now. But, if you want, I love to do an art trade! But at some moments, I may not be able to due to what's going on, or I have too many art trades.
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BRO HE'S COOL (and cute) OKAY
And thirdly, I have a second blog that interacts more with @drowninnoodles, @thenocturnenarrator, @tranquil-slaughterhouse, @ludrii-alt, & more! Some people didn't really like what I was posting with them, So I made an alt. account. If you want to follow that one, it's called @hellagang
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I really like making new friends, so don't be shy to ask!
Also, tell me if you like picrew, cus i do them here and there, and I would like to tag you!
link to all my art repost! (lol don't use that its kinda weird, I have an art tag now XD)
Edit: lol I forgot about my tags I know this is a newer edit then the next one, but I feel like it should be put here
sooo my tags!
#skyler's art: my art!
#sky's chaotic reblogs: my reblogs from other people lol
#sky's random rambles: just random stuff I say
#sky's serious reblogs: the more serious of reblogs
#not my art: reblogs I make that aren't my art
#skyler/Skyler art!!!!/skyler's ref/FANART!: lol art of my persona that other people made of me or stuff that I made of my persona :D
yeah :3
immmm just going to add these
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anyways, feel free to use these!
I made a server for tumblr undertale/deltarune artists!
my discord username is skylerfurmaniac, dm me if ya wanna join! (And if you want, you can add tumblr friends!)
also, that's if the link doesn't work (which is it doesn't can someone tell me pls?)
here is the link!!
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