#I hope your poetry class has been going well
sugaryplum · 8 months
broken ankles and middle names
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader summary: after a silly accident involving the hogwarts' infuriating moving stairs, you're found by a certain quiet boy (whom you not-so-secretly adore). warnings: no good exposition whatsoever, language mistakes, chaotic+flirty reader i want to be her!!! notes: this is part of a bigger story that i will probably never finish writing, let alone publish, so if it seems completely out of context, that's why. this is also the first thing on this tumblr blog and the first written thing i'm ever showing to tumblr besides poetry!!🤭 i hope you like it 🤍 let me know
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“what on earth happened to you?”
the situation is silly and absurd, so you laugh, despite the sharp pain that almost makes your eyes water. theo is kneeling beside you with a confused expression on his face, looking from your swollen ankle to your face.
“can you help me to the hospital wing? i can’t walk.”
all you have to do is look at him and he carefully picks you up from the cold floor. you put your arms around his neck for support. “i was walking up the stairs. and then the stairs moved. and then i fell. you know, i’m glad you’re here, there’s not a single soul on the corridors at this time of day, i was just going to get some books, i have free period–”
“you should watch where you’re walking.” his voice sounds like honey and if you weren’t basically laying in his arms right now, your knees would definitely go weak. but you act unbothered. “maybe i should’ve. but then you wouldn’t carry me. maybe this is a win after all.”
“you’re infuriating.” the small smile that cracks on his face doesn’t go unnoticed, especially when you can see his lips from up close.
“infuriating is my middle name.” there’s a lot of things you can see from up close. his eyelashes are long and he has more freckles than you thought. you like how the ends of his hair twist and fall on his forehead.
“middle name.”
“stop with the middle names.”
after no more than a minute of silence you speak up again. “you’re so quiet.”
“you think so?” a normal person who doesn’t talk to theodore on the daily basis, probably wouldn’t be able to tell if he’s being sarcastic or not. but you are not a normal person. you pay way too much attention.
you come up with a response and giggle before you even get the chance to say it. “you could say that quiet is your middle nam–”
“if i dropped you right now, i bet you'd be whining like crazy.”
“there’s no need to test that.” you hold on to his neck a little tighter. “besides, you’re lucky i’m not whining right now. i’m in enormous amounts of pain.”
“i can tell. your ankle is twice its normal size.”
“you seem to know my ankles pretty well.” theo chuckles more audibly at your words and your heart flutters.
“that's my secret. i've been staring at them since fifth year.”
you gasp, pretending to be shocked. “i never knew my ankles were so desirable! now you got me worried, that fall might’ve been a threat to my beauty…”
“oh, very much so. you're lucky you had me there to carry you and take care of you in such a tragic moment.”
you never thought hogwarts' insanely big castle was exactly convenient. you’re constantly late for classes, walking takes up half of your daily life and you never know what is creeping around the corner. but now, when you’re being carried through it by the boy you like so much, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise?
“how far away is that wing?” you ask in a whiny tone just to get this attention, but in your mind and in your heart you thank merlin for the long corridors.
“don't you dare even start to complain now, after i carried you all this way.”
“i’m not complaining about you, i’m complaining about the castle. although i’m sure i could find some complaints about you…”
“oh?” he looks at you, slightly amused. “go ahead, do your worst.”
“well, for starters, you make weird comments about my ankles.”
“your ankles are my favorite thing about you.”
“that’s an insult.”
“you’re an insult.”
he sighs and he calls you insufferable and you smile. you can expect the hospital wing right around the corner, but you wouldn’t mind staying in the pretty boy’s arms for a little longer.
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Can you write how Geo would deal with a mc that is always sick? (Totally not cause I'm sick too)
My Remedy for your Malady. (All x Sick! MC/Reader)
Anon. First and foremost, I made you wait 5 1/2 days. I am truly, wholly sorry for this *humbly bows*. (▰︶︹︺▰)
Secondly, I decided that I'm gonna do this for all 7 of our characters, because Jess, Brit and Deryl deserve more attention. I hope you may forgive me for my lateness, and enjoy this fic nonetheless (btw get well soon if you're not already <33).
Also I know that Jess especially is shorter (literally teehee) than the others, but I'm gonna get the hang of her eventually. Same with Deryl. >:]
ALSO, you're in an established relationship with them, so that's why they have (very legal) access to your residence!
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Remedy: a medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
Malady: a disease or ailment.
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Geo was concerned when he found out you were ill.
When you didn't show up to school for the last few days, he texted you to find out why; to which you bluntly told him you felt like utter shit.
He doesn't pick up on the fact you're sick until you straight-up tell him.
Depending on what type of sick you are, he'll get the appropriate medicines/remedies and speed his way towards your home, hell, he might even skip archery, and he *never* skips archery.
Would rock up with food he knows shouldn't cause any problems or nausea for you and will probably make soup.
And you better fucking eat it.
He will feed it to you (reluctantly, but if you seriously can't do it yourself, then he'll manage).
Will ask you how the hell you fell ill anyway, and depending on your answer, he'll be either: Pissed (if you caught it from someone else), Or exasperated (if you stopped taking care of yourself or didn't equip yourself well enough to deal with the weather).
Will take care of you either way.
Will read to you in Japanese to help you sleep.
Will try to not lie near you if possible, unless absolutely needed. He does not plan on catching shit.
Will remain at your residence until you recover; unless he has classes that are either critically important and/or ones you're also in.
Will lend you his notes.
Will also take them back after a few days.
Will also just probably talk to you while you're bedridden, unless you cannot, in which case he'll simply watch you sleep, occasionally stroking your head and hair to try and comfort you.
He's trying his best, okay?
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Sol will freak when he finds out you're sick.
Doesn't care what he's got on next, he's gonna go take care of you.
Will probably feel bad for not telling Hyugo anything about suddenly vanishing
, but he'll understand right?
Will spawn outside your home with: - Medicine, - Your favourite comfort food (if you can eat it without the fear of vomiting), - Probably will bring poetry and art with him, so you both have something to do (that's not him) when you're bedridden.
Will try and hold you if possible, doesn't mind if he gets your blessed germs on him.
You'll have to tell him that you'd worry for him if he fell ill, so he'll respect that.
But he will feed you. You don't have a say in that.
You're being babied now.
He's gonna make sure everything you want (and can have when sick), you'll have.
Is honestly okay with not going to any class, he'll just ask Hyugo for notes if he hasn't been MIAing.
Covers you in blankets if you've got a cold.
If you have a fever? Ice cream. >:]
Essentially tries to uplift your mood as much as humanely possible.
This guy will do anything for you. <33
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Crowe will ensure that when he arrives at your home, you'll have everything you'll need.
Will cook your favourite food.
Will make you eat soup and light foods that are easy on the stomach.
Won't touch you, he doesn't want to fall ill, but will read to you.
He's got a soothing voice I just know it.
And he's 110% going to put you in a coma from how tired you feel when his voice hits just right.
Or maybe you're just fatigued because of your body waging a war against god-knows what kind of virus.
Will make you all forms of beverages to suit your illness, will also go out of his way to purchase any, after all, he's got the funding.
Will still go to classes, and takes extensive notes for you.
Will also tutor you the content if you're up for it.
Will stroke your hair if it's not sweaty, as a form of comfort.
Will make you feel as loved as possible.
Because that's what you deserve.
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Brittney will be appalled.
How did you get sick? More importantly...who got you sick?
She's gonna yell at them.
Or fight them.
Maybe both.
Will buy a bunch of goodies for the both of you.
She can't cook for shit, so she'll just get takeout as food and order a fuckton of cough drops and Panadol.
You're both gonna be painting each others' nails.
And spilling gossip. Oh my god, she always had gossip.
Will give you notes to subjects that are majors, or ones you share.
Other than that can't offer much.
Will sit away from you to not get sick, but she'll 110% be supporting you emotionally.
Will probably give you a massage when you get better.
Idk she gives the vibe that she would.
Is the most aggressively supportive girlfriend ever.
She only wants you to recover ASAP, and to feel as content as someone who's sick can be. <333
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Jess will be focused solely on you recovering as swiftly as humanely possible.
Is upset when she finds out you're fallen ill.
She'll drive to her home, grab the best shit she has and drives to your home.
Stays with you for days on end.
You've become her priority now, after all.
Jess is a very devoted (and lonely) girl, what can I say.
Will try and comfort you via reading to you, or listening to you talk about literally anything.
She just loves your company and you. Poor girl's been neglected her whole life.
She'll try her hardest to take care of you, and she does a very good job. (Ask Brittney teehee)
You're more than glad to have her.
And she to have you.
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Hyugo will be astounded.
You? Got sick?
Did someone make you sick???? (if so teehee someone's getting food poisoning~)
He's at your home, with everything.
Literally everything.
Blankets, movies, games, medicine, puns, your favourite food and whatever else he deems necessary.
Will hug you if you're not aggressively sneezing/coughing.
Will watch movies with you on the couch with you lying on his plush fucking thighs.
Says the most stupid shit in Japanese (such as teaching you how to hide a body) and making it sound like flirting.
Tells you jokes and puns to make you feel better, until you laugh too hard that is and almost die.
Will make food for you.
Will ramble on about random shit to you, or listen to you talk (if you can).
Literally just seeing you content is more than enough for him.
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Deryl will be SHOOKETH.
He will sprint to your fucking house. He doesn't care.
You're his only priority now.
Will magically appear at your home, and immediately hugs you.
You can be fucking dying, he doesn't care.
You're getting squashed.
Will be asking if you're okay 24/7
Until he realises he forgot to bring food.
Then he runs to get it, along with tablets, Panadol, all that jazz.
Like RUNS.
Then he gets tired, so by the time he gets to the store, gets the food (and the 'goods'), he's gonna just call a fucking cab and crash at your place. (he forgot takeout existed lol)
He doesn't mind, and frankly, neither do you. The food and snacks was awesome (well, what you could eat anyway).
Will try his absolute best to take care of you, but often gets carried away with his energy. Often talks and rambles to you while you happily lay in bed next to him and listen.
Will call Geo or Jess for how to make a warm soup to feed you.
Then it becomes 'we've got Masterchefs at home'.
Shit goes crazy when Deryl's around tbh.
And you're more than happy to enjoy the ride (in more ways than one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).
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onigiriico · 11 months
Kazui audio drama (t2) - English TL
[ links: Spotify / Youtube ]
I cannot believe my hs philosophy class came in handy as I was translating this. Thanks Milgram your references never fail to astound me
Aaanyways you know how it is,, feel free to send an ask or hit me up on Twitter if you’ve got any questions or other feedback re: this translation etc 💪 (<- sincerely hoping that Twitter DMs still work these days)
⬇️ translation under the cut ⬇️
(door opens)
E: I’ve kept you waiting, Kazui.
K: It’s been a while, Warden-kun.
E: Yeah… It has been.
K: Things have gotten pretty tough inside the prison, but… well, you’ve probably heard all about that from the others already, haven’t you?
E: Yeah… I heard that you protected other prisoners from Kotoko. I owe you my thanks.
K: That much is only natural. However… she really is strong, isn’t she? I mean, I’ve experienced some fights myself, but [going up against] a woman like her was a first.
E: Hm… Is she strong enough that even you can’t stop her from doing harm?
K: Well, in cases like this, it’s generally the heavier person who ends up winning. After all, if she really does have proper killing intent, I can’t afford to let her injure anyone. It’s difficult, isn’t it.
E: Is that so…
K: I was afraid that it’d come to this from the very beginning. There’s a lot of young kids here, too. It’d be hard for anyone to keep a decent mentality in a situation like this.
E: …You’re pretty rational.
K: I wonder. Maybe it’s because I’m used to violence. Even so… I couldn’t make it for Shiina-chan. I feel responsible for [what happened to] her.
E: …
K: Well, rest assured, though. As long as I can move, I’ll be protecting [the others]. After all, it’s pretty much just me who can fight her on equal terms.
E: Mikoto, too.
K: Ah… yeah. Like back when he went out of control, right? I can’t quite read him, though… If both of them were to attack us, it’s possible that we’d suffer a total defeat. 
E: A total defeat…?
K: If that happens, this prison game would probably come to an end as well. All of that depends on your judgment, right, Warden-kun? Who will be forgiven by you and who won’t be…
E: What are you trying to say?
K: If at all possible, I would like you to choose a method that will not get any more people hurt. That’s what I’m saying.
E: So you’re telling me to forgive you?
K: (laughs) Oi, oi…! Don’t look at me like that.
E: I’m the Warden. If I forgive you, I forgive you. If I don’t, I don’t. There’s no other factors to it.
K: (sighs) Wouldn’t it be okay? I mean, this situation with prisoners being hurt wasn’t what you wanted either, was it?
E: …
K: Just pretend that you’re looking at our sins, and make your judgment with the protection of the prisoners in mind. After all, nobody can read your mind – so that much craftiness would be fine, don’t you think?
E: Hmph. That’s a very “you” kind of pretentious solution.
K: It’s the most natural conclusion, isn’t it? Do you think it’s a sin to lie in order to protect people?
E: That would be Kant.
K: Kant?
E: A philosopher who stated that lying is inherently a sin, no matter the circumstances.
K: Huh…
E: Apparently, even if your friend is being chased by a murderer and the murderer asks you about their whereabouts, you shouldn’t lie, according to Kant.
K: That’s ridiculous. If you can save someone by telling a lie, that’s what you should do.
E: However… You killed someone with your lies, didn’t you?
K: … Ah… You forgave me, didn’t you? Aren’t you being especially strict towards me?
E: Am I?
K: Mmh, it’s obvious. You said you would figure out my murder by watching the footage of my mind. Is this the result of that?
E: You were unfaithful, right? That’s stupid.
K: Hmm…
E: The reason I forgave you was because I was lacking details. I still don’t understand your true feelings or how things got to that point, either.
K: I see.
E: It was extremely hard to understand. Even with all of that poetry, though, your self-absorbed nature was more than obvious.
K: Ohh my… That’s quite the sweeping generalization, even though you forgave me.
E: It’s a personal dislike of mine. People who act based on their sexual urges like that, that is.
K: It’s personal?
E: Yeah. That’s right.
K: That’s strange. I did think that, despite being neutral as a Warden, you had some things you dislike, but…
E: …
K: Isn’t it unusual to openly reveal a personal dislike as a personal dislike?
E: You’re splitting hairs.
K: Seems like you really disliked my crime… I get it! Maybe it was because you’re so young, which is to say… …
E: Hah? Stop staring at me so openly. It’s disgusting.
K: …
E: …! (punches him)
E: (sighs) Now I feel better.
K: — Ow…! What are you doing all of a sudden…?!
E: It was an instinctive reaction. Don’t take it personally.
K: Would you stop just punching me in the face without hesitation? … (sighs) Anyways… that’s how it is, huh? That’s how it is…?
E: Hah?
K: I didn’t even consider this a possibility… Personal impressions sure can be scary.
E: If you say any more things than this that I don’t get, I’m hitting you again.
K: Geez, cut out the hysterics… Hmm, if it’s like this, that explains some things, though. I don’t have kids, but I’ve heard that this is what it’s like.
E: Hey. Stop blabbering on while looking like you know it all. It’s obnoxious.
K: Hahaha! But you know what? You’re wrong.
E: …? What are you talking about?
K: You’re wrong.
E: …
K: You said I was unfaithful – in other words, that I cheated or committed adultery of some kind.
E: Yeah. That’s what I deduced from your footage.
K: It’s not true. It didn’t even turn into infidelity. It didn’t turn into anything like that. For me… In my case, you see.
E: … You’re married… You’re a married man, aren’t you?
K: Hm? Yeah, that’s right. Oh, right, I never told you, did I?
E: You’ve taken off your ring.
K: … Right… I did take it off, huh. Right…
E: Yeah.
K: Mh. … I do carry it with me, though. See? – I was forgiven. My feelings were validated. So… maybe that means that I don’t have to do this anymore? Thanks to that, I was feeling better when the second trial started… I really do feel sorry about that. Towards my wife.
E: If that ring is a symbol of punishment to you… There really is nothing that could possibly be more cruel towards her.
K: Mmh.
E: Marriage is something that both partners want equally, isn’t it? It’s something you can’t do if only one person wants it. Deciding to treat it as a punishment all on your own… You’re making a mockery out of it.
K: I really am. Ah… She must have thought so as well. My wife, that is.
E: I’ve said this before: You’re a liar. Those lies have killed a person.
K: (sighs)
E: I forgave you. While I wasn’t sure yet, I thought that it didn’t seem like you killed her directly, and with all sorts of things taken into consideration, I judged that your murder was not a sin. However. That doesn’t mean that I’m praising your nature as a liar.
K: Yeah. I believe you’re right about that.
E: In short – between love and hate, [I would say] I hate you. Remember that.
K: … I get that.
E: Huh?
K: I despise myself for lying, too. Being a liar, you see – it’s painful.
E: Heh. Then just–
K: So I’ve tried to change! I’ve tried to change. I have tried to stop lying to myself and others!
E: …
K: I’ve confided in others. I’ve tried to be myself! I’ve tried to just be the way I was born!
E: …Hey, Kazui–
K: It’s not my lies that killed her. She’s dead because I stopped lying to her! If I had just kept lying- She wouldn’t have died…!
E: Kazui…
K: I can’t live unless I lie. That’s how I was born… I’m pathetic, aren’t I?
E: (sighs) I really can’t seem to understand you.
K: …
E: Just when I thought you weren’t letting out any of your true feelings and cleverly hiding your actual emotions… Now here you are, drowning in self-loathing like this.
K: (weak laugh) An old man in unstable condition… that’s not something you’d wanna see, is it. Sorry about that.
E: You know, about Kant…
K: Ah, the one who said you shouldn’t lie even if your friend might get killed.
E: From his point of view, if your friend dies because you didn’t lie, there’s no causal connection between the two… or so I’ve heard.
K: I don’t think so, though…
E: Even if you don’t lie, your friend might survive. And if you do lie, your friend might end up dying on a different occasion. That’s the reason why you’re supposed to always tell the truth.
K: …That’s convincing.
E: It’s not really.
K: Yeah, it’s not.
E: It may not be, but… I thought that for someone who has failed in their attempts to be honest, it might be a [saving] grace so they won’t end up doubting honesty in its entirety.
K: …
E: I still don’t know what happened, but… isn’t it okay to be proud that you made an effort to be honest in the first place?
K: … You’re so kind all of a sudden.
E: I just said what I was thinking. And besides – I forgave you. I made it as if your sin wasn’t a sin at all. And yet, you don’t seem the slightest bit relieved.
K: I know right.
E: Everyone else seems more or less liberated by the fact that they were forgiven.
K: That’s right.
E: Just from that… I understand that having your feelings approved of by someone else can have a major impact on the development of one’s personality.
K: …
E: However… You have not forgiven yourself. That’s why you can’t change.
K: …
E: Alternatively, even if your lying self was forgiven… it would still do nothing to help you.
K: …Aah, you really are impressive. You think so much.
E: I am watching over ten troublesome prisoners, after all. Even if I don’t want to, I’m being relied on.
K: I haven’t forgiven myself… even if my lies are forgiven, it won’t resonate [with me]. It might just be both of these. All the lies I’ve told are tying me down. Ever since I was little, I’ve never truly opened myself to anyone. But in the end, people can’t be saved if they don’t [open up]. And by now, it’s gotten to a point where I can’t do it by myself anymore…
(machinery whirrs, bell rings)
K: I did think Milgram would be able to force its way past that, though.
E: Is that an attempt at provocation?
K: You didn’t manage to reach my sin.
E: …
K: Even though I want you to… Milgram isn’t so great after all, is it?
E: …Heh. Don’t push yourself too hard, after all that whining from earlier.
K: Ha. [This is] the wish of a liar who’s reached a dead end – come and figure out my lies, Milgram. And, Es… please, free me from these lies.
E: Yeah. Leave it to me. – Prisoner no.7, Kazui. Sing your sins.
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bull-shit-suji · 2 months
kuro modern au stuff that i word vomited into my notes app
kind of a Vincent summoned sebastian to save ciel so ciel doesnt actually owe sebas anything
amnesia? idk
single dad moment! except theres this other dad whos kinda find.. (cough agni)
i think vincent was like do NOT let ciel know ur a demon so sebastian keeps it a secret but he doesnt have a good handle on like. Humans. so he kinda does a bad job and ciel definitely knows that he's weird but doesnt say anything. will go out of his way to gaslight you when sebastian does weird shit because he thinks its funny
"hey uhh is your dad levitating?"
"he's flying above the school rn"
"that's a bird"
u think suddenly being a butler is hard? have fun being a dad bitch
alois is there but thats complicated. claude and hannah are DIVORCED but on decent terms (i think claude is like. toxic alpha male podcast type guy) and claude sees alois on alternating weekends!
are they demons? i dont know
i think ciel and alois can be friends. platonically. alois would probably say yes if ciel wanted to be romantic but i Promise you he does not. they are just pals :)
im saying ciel has a crush on elizabeth because i can (she's not his cousin here). emo boy x sunny church girl. said sunny church girl has to ask the mcdonalds employees for the blue raspberry slushie they forgot to put in ciel's order because emo boy is too scared.
grelle is actually living her best life transitioned with anne so they are ciel's aunts on his late mom's side. i think grelle likes ciel. mom figure moreso than anne is.
ciel owns four bongs and definitely a vape or two. come on now
he's also probably got celiac and is lactose intolerant he is just a feeble boy i think
he listens to twenty one pilots. sorry! sorry.
ciel is goth alois is punk those r kinda just the rules
ciel is insanely smart top of the class this shit is easy for him.
yells at sebastian daily. figured out what happened with his real parents around the age of uhhhh 12 or 13? has been an absolute terror ever since
"it was really nice of your dad to bring cookies for the field trip!"
"i hope he fucking chokes on one"
sebastian and claude are pta rivals.
"is this lemon bread store bought? my, how... efficient!"
"you made these from scratch? i can tell."
"i've never seen an interesting looking salsa! very exciting."
ciel purposefully invites alois over constantly bcus it pisses sebas off. alois is Terrified of that man.
"go grab the chips from the kitchen"
"but... what if mr michaelis is in there?"
"mr m- you mean my dad? tell him he can shove a faucet up his ass"
"id rather die on the spot"
sebastian will yell at ciel and is maybe a little emotionally unavailable but he's trying!!! it's hard :(
does that Dad thing where he comes into ciels room and is like hey bud......... what r u up to..
ciel and seiglinde r also palls. the smartest people in school
lizzie is a JOCK. she plays softball.
alois is a theater kid come on now
ciel is best at writing and literature analysis, specifically fiction. enjoys history, language, and Some sciences as well.
au where myspace is still a thing ciel has a myspace account
he definitely writes shitty poetry
wants to major in business
alois is a glee and pitch perfect truther
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in1-nutshell · 9 days
Hi! can you do request of Tf Crossover of these Buddies And also them meeting each other?
Ophelia (TFP Megatron's daughter w/ the opposite personality), Ironhold (G1 Megatron's kid), and Fearless Buddy
The children finally meet! Interdimensional space siblings!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy meeting Ophelia and Ironhold
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight romance (for corresponding Conjunxes), Human reader, Cybertronian reader
G1/MTMTE/Rid 2015
Au no one knows each other.
Fearless was minding their own business in the poetry club room when everything happened.
Well, that’s what they called it anyways.
They were waiting for Megatron to be done with his latest class and was running late. Probably trying to explain Riptide what he did wrong on his test again when portal appeared on the wall next to them.
Fearless grabbing the desk with a death grip.
Out pops two bots when the portal closes.
One is clearly a minibot who was rubbing her helm after landing on her face.
The other taller bot had landed much more gracefully on their pedes in a superhero pose.
Fearless looks at the pair confused, they could see the others were just as confused.
The tallest bot walked over to the human and picked them up.
“Human, where am I? I promise nothing will happen to you if you tell me the location of this… are we in a ship!?”—Tall one
Fearless eyes go wide when they see the Decepticon insignia on their chassis.
The minibot also sees this.
“Hey! Put the human down!”—Small one
“I assusre you two nothing bad will happen when Megatron—”—Tall one
“Megatron?!”—Small one
“Why would Megs—”--Fearless
“Megs?!”—Tall and Small one
“Okay… I think I know what’s going on. You, the tall one, put me down on the desk first.”--Fearless
The taller bot gently puts them down.
Fearless dust themselves and looks at the pair.
“Now, golden question. Is the war still going on?”--Fearless
“Of course, the war is still going—”—Tall one
“Of course, the war just ended—”—Small one
The two Cybertronains look at each other shocked.
“There it is. You two are from another dimension. The war has been over for a bit here.”--Fearless
The tallest is still processing it.
“It’s over… its finally over? Here?”—Tall one
They sit down in one of the chairs while the minibot pats their leg.
“It has been since Megatron renounced Decepticonism and became and Autobot—”--Fearless
“FATHER’S WHAT?!”—Tall and Small one
All three look at each other in shock.
“Megatron’s your father?”—Small one
They nod.
“And he is yours as well?”--Ironhold
“Same here!”--Fearless
Fearless breaks into a wide smile.
“Do you know what this means!?”--Fearless
“Umm—”—Tall one
“I got interdimensional siblings! Wait—what are you guys’ names anyways? I’m Fearless!”--Fearless
“That’s a human name I haven’t heard of.”—Small one
“It’s not my Earth name, Whirl picked it. He said it fit better and its just stuck since then.”--Fearless
“I’m Ophelia.”--Ophelia
“I like that name.”--Fearless
“I am Ironhold. Going back to my previous question Fearless, where are we?”--Ironhold
“We’re on the Lost Light on a quest to find the Knights of Cybertron. Rodimus knows more about the details than I do—”--Drift
“Rodimus? I haven’t heard a name like that?”—Ironhold
“Me neither.”--Ophelia
“Rodimus? Like Rodimus Prime—”--Fearless
“PRIME! What happened to Optimus?!”--Ironhold
“Oh, this is going to take a bit…”--Fearless
After a bit of talking and explaining briefly about their universe, Fearless wants the others to meet Megatron.
Ironhold and Fearless were a bit confused on why Ophelia didn’t like the idea too much.
She briefly explained her Megatron and what he had done to her in the past.
Ophelia is now slightly regretting telling her new siblings about her Megatron.
Ironhold has a steely gaze with their servos in fists.
Fearless looks like they are going to offline someone with a paperclip.
But Fearless reassures the pair, mainly Ophelia, that this Megatron was going through his redemption and was a nice bot.
Anyways they promised they would jump Megatron with their Amica before any damage came to her.
The trio walked out of the classroom and followed the human to the bridge using one of the longer ways.
Everything was going well until someone nearly ran over Fearless in their speeding alt mode.
They would have been hit if Ironhold hadn’t scooped them and Ophelia up and jumped over the speedster.
Fearless grasping their digit and heart.
“You sure… know how to make a save Hold’s.”--Fearless
“I’ve had practice with my Conjunx. He always gets into trouble, and I usually have to get him out of it.”--Ironhold
Ophelia and Fearless perk.
“You have a Conjunx too! I have one as well.”--Opehlia
Ironhold smiles continuing the walk.
Fearless grumbles a bit.
“How come the youngest gets married and I don’t even have a significant other yet...”—Fearless
“You do know I’m older than you by thousands of years, right? If anything you’re the youngest.”--Ophelia
Fearless points at Ironhold.
“Ironhold is the oldest, I’m the middle child and you’re the baby.”--Fearless
“That doesn’t seem—”--Ophelia
“I don’t make the rules that’s just how it is.”--Fearless
“But that—”--Ophelia
“Hush, the eldest speaks.”--Ironhold
“You too Ironhold?”--Ophelia
Ironhold just smirks and continues the journey.
Surprisingly not many bots reacted to Ironhold holding Fearless and Ophelia.
 Probably because Fearless and Ophelia were covering their Decepticon insignias.
They finally reached the bridge.
Rodimus, Megatron and Ultra Magnus were there talking about something.
Fearless let out a whistle catching the three bots attention.
“Fearless what are—Who are you two?”--Megatron
Ophelia’s grip on Ironhold tightens a bit as Ironhold realizes that this Megatron was bigger than theirs.
They were practically looking optic to optic.
“They’re my interdimensional siblings! You got more kids out there Megs!”—Fearless
“I have wait?”--Megatron
Megatron freezes hearing this.
Rodimus takes a bit to understand this and lets out a bit of a laugh at his Co-captain’s expense.
Magnus is wondering what to write up Brainstorm for this time.
Ironhold straightens up a bit when Megatron comes closer.
The former Warlord notices the Decepticon insignia on their chassis.
“… The war is still going on in my dimension sir. But I have no intention of hurting the humans.”--Ironhold
“… The war just finished not too long ago.”--Ophelia
Rodimus seeing Fearless’s face of ‘Roddy distraction! Please!’ swoops in.
“How about we talk this over at Swerve and a cube of engex?”--Rodimus
“Rodimus that is not—”--Magnus
Magnus spots Fearless’s pleading look and gives in.
“Also, no engex for the youngest here.”--Fearless
There is understandable a crowd around the newcomers when they enter Swerve’s.
Ironhold and Ophelia were floored with the amount of energon and engex available and not rationed out.
The pair answered the questions best they could while downing the energon after Ratchet made sure they could.
The crew was surprised to see that Megatron had two other kids in different dimensions.
They especially couldn’t believe that Ophelia was his kid.
Speaking of Ophelia, when her past was brought up, both Ironhold and Fearless told her that she didn’t need to tell if she didn’t feel comfortable. She told them either way.
The army of the ‘Ophelia protection Squad’ had grown in numbers that day.
Megatron gave his personal apology for his counterpart’s actions.
Ophelia told him it wasn’t necessary seeing that he was a greater mech than her Megatron would ever be at this point.
They were happy to hear about her being newly Conjunxed and happy to a mech that she had known for a while.
“Wait, his name is really Steve?”--Fearless
She had a warm smile saying his name.
Fearless turns to Ironhold finishing their 10th cube.
“Didn’t you say you also had a spouse? Who are they?”--Fearless
For the first time since they had gotten on the ship, Ironhold looked a bit bashful.
Fearless nudges them a bit.
“Ooohhh! I bet it’s someone we know! Is it someone here?”--Fearless
“No… but a can bet a good portion of the bots here know who he is…”--Ironhold
“The suspense is killing me!”--Whirl
“Spill the beans as the humans say!”--Whirl
Ironhold shyly looks down.
“…Its Rumble.”--Ironhold
Ravage appears out of nowhere startling the bot.
“Ravage? You’re here too?”--Ironhold
“Your Conjunxed to Rumble? Did you hit your helm before making that decision?”--Ravage
“You know… you, Frenzy, Megatron, Starscream, and almost everyone told me the same thing. But no, we decided to do it a year ago and we’ve been happy ever since.”--Ironhold
Megatron in the meantime is happy to hear that his interdimensional kids have wonderful Conjunxes, well at least having a good relationship. Then he looks over at Fearless who is intently listening to their siblings’ lives.
Fearless look at him.
“Megs? You, okay?”--Fearless
“… You don’t happen to find someone on board of… particular interest, right?”—Megatron
Fearless nearly spits out their drink.
“I’m just saying—”--Megatron
“Fearless has the hots for someone?!”--Whirl
“Whirl no!”--Fearless
“Whirl yes! Who is it? They’ll have to win me in a duel for your hand.”--Whirl
“Whirl this isn’t the olden days. Wait where did you even hear that from?”--Fearless
“You don’t need to know.”--Whirl
“I feel like I should.”--Fearless
Sooner than anyone would like, the portal comes back.
Fearless instructs the pair to just jump in, it worked for them the past few times.
There is a bit of a tearful fair well for the pair.
Megatron gives Ophelia a small hug, which nearly makes her short circuit, but is going to treasure that hug for a long time.
He gives another to Ironhold who stiffens a bit before reciprocating.
Fearless with a watery smile tells them that they are welcomed back anytime and if their respected Megatron’s ever give them trouble, to call them.
They would crawl inside his armor and tear him apart with a pair of tweezers and a spork.
Rung has some new appointments made after that comment.
Then the pair jumped into the portal.
With Ophelia…
Ophelia lands on her behind in the scrapyard.
“I can never get a good landing, can I?”--Ophelia
“Ophelia?! Ophelia is that you?!”--Steve
Steve turns the corner only to get floored by his Conjunx, who was just hugging him tightly.
He reciprocated just as hard.
“Primus Sweet Spark! Where were you?”--Steve
Ophelia hugs tighter.
“It’s a long story Stevie. I think the whole team might want to hear this one.”--Ophelia
With Ironhold…
Ironhold groans as they land on their back in the middle of the main room.
Megatron and Soundwave immediately go over.
Megatron and Soundwave help them back onto their pedes.
“Ironhold! Where on Cybertron have you been!? DO you have any idea—”--Megatron
Ironhold pulls them both into a hug and sighs in relief.
The two Cons are confused at the sudden physical contact before they let go.
“Where’s Rumble?”--Ironhold
“Rumble: habsuite.”--Soundwave
Ironhold begins running before turning back.
“I promise I will explain everything later!”--Ironhold
“Iron—and they’re gone.”--Megatron
Ironhold was running to their habsuite passing by several startled mechs.
They slow down at the front of their habsuite and gently knock.
“I told you Frenzy leave me alone!”--Rumble
Ironhold’s spark tightens hearing her Conjunx voice waver at the end.
They gently open the door.
Rumble has his back turned to the door.
His pedes up to his chassis with his arms around them making him look smaller than normal.
“Frenzy I swear if you don’t—”--Rumble
He looks back ready to through a pipe when he stops.
There was Ironhold standing in the doorway, gently closing it giving the two privacy.
They look down at their pedes a bit nervously before looking at him with slightly glossed optics.
“Hey Love, sorry for keeping you waiting.”--Ironhold
Rumble drops the pipe, stands up on the berth and launches himself at Ironhold.
They just had enough time to catch him and quickly fell back onto their berth holding him close.
Rumble breaks out of the hold suddenly and digs a digit into their chassis.
“HOW DARE YOU! Do you have any idea—any idea what… what…”--Rumble
He goes back to hugging, seeing their face with a sad smile.
“Don’t… do that again ya numbnuts…”--Rumble
Ironhold just hugs him back, just happy to have their Conjunx back in their arms.
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ageofbajabule · 10 months
Dawn of Love | Chapter 1
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Josh Kiszka x F! Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Fluff, Anxiety talk?, (i don’t think i’m truly missing anything. if i am please let me aware!)
Series Masterpost
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Author’s Note: (18+ themes further on in the series) This series is going to be my baby, my pride and joy. I’ve been putting so much time and thought into this, and I truly do hope you all enjoy it and what I have planned. Please understand no themes relating to 18+ will take place until Josh and Reader are of consenting legal age in the series. Other than that, I do hope you enjoy this series.
October 2013
You had moved around different school districts thanks to your father being in the military… But this move was the final one. He had retired from the Air Force and decided to move to a small town. Known by the name Frankenmuth. It was a Bavarian town, everyone knew everyone and everyone was friendly.
Fitting in wasn’t typically hard, but being a new student in school also put you in the spotlight. You never really made the time to make actual friends considering the situation you grew up in being a military family. So this time around, you had to make the effort to find friends. All day you had the boring classes of general studies. But the class you couldn’t wait for was poetry - something about poetry just spoke to you, it always gave you the feeling of a welcoming home.
It wasn’t always just poetry that caught your eye, film and theatre also held a special place in your heart.
Something about the way Shakespeare wrote always called out to you - specifically Macbeth.
The bell rang indicating your Math class had finally ended. And your last class of the day was Poetry. Making your way there, you had entered the classroom. It was a smaller class, giving it an elective course. There was about 9 other people, you sat near the front of the classroom. The first bell had rang, the teacher waited for any last minute students. And sure enough a boy with shoulder length wavy hair cane sprinting in.
“Sorry! I got stuck in a little traffic jam there in the hallway.” The brunette boy laughed,
“Mr.Kiszka… This isn’t anything new. You need to do better on being on time.”
Mr.Zawalski motioned for him to join the class. He ended up sitting at the desk beside you.
“Last week we finished up our readings from Emily Dickinson, we will be starting with Edgar Allen Poe today. I’m sure most of you are well aware of his work, he had a very different approach than most poets.” Mr.Zawalski spoke as he started parading around the classroom. Everything about Poe, he wasn’t typically your style, but you had grown to like his work.
“He’s kind of a bore… I wish he was a bit more enthusiastic when teaching.”
The brunette boy had leaned over to whisper to you, chuckling as he saw you jump at the sound of his voice, making you giggle softly.
“He has a very monotone voice… Makes me want to fall asleep.” You shifted your body so more of you turned to face the stranger beside you.
“I’m sorry. Let me introduce myself, I’m Joshua Kiszka. But you can call me Josh. What’s your name?”
“I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N, but you can call me Y/N.” You smiled at him softly.
“Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Are you new here?” Then you heard Mr.Zawalski clear his throat, “Mr.Kiszka this isn’t time for mingling. Would you care to enlighten the classroom on what Poe’s poems were inspired by?”
Josh’s cheeks turned a shade of pink, then turned towards the teacher. “His own childhood trauma. At least that’s what most researchers have gathered.”
Seeming to be satisfied with Josh’s answer, Mr. Zawalski nodded and proceeded to carry on with his lecture - leading you and Josh to giggle quietly.
Before the end of class, Mr.Zawalski had announced there would be a project. And you had to pair up with somebody. Being you had been a new student and the only person you really clicked with was Josh, it was obvious who your partner would be.
“Well I guess we’ll be partners then?” He turned towards you,
“If you’re okay with that?” You smiled softly.
“Of course. Here is my number so we can start working on it.” He smiled taking your phone to type his credentials in, you sent him a text right away for him to save your information. “I’m free whenever. Except for this Wednesday night, I have theater tryouts.”
“I’ll be there too!” You smiled at him.
He chuckled softly, your smile turned wider. “Oh really? That’s great.”
You felt a blush creep onto your face.
“So what part are you trying for?” The bell then interrupted your conversation, “Guess you’ll have to find out at tryouts.” He smirked, getting up.
“That is a whole two days away!” You groaned getting up from your desk.
“I’ll tell you what, come over tonight so we can start working on this project. And maybe I’ll run a few lines to give you a hint at what part.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Fine. You better stick to your word.” You giggled softly, walking towards your locker.
“You can come over around 5, join my family and I for dinner. My mom always makes enough to practically feed the neighborhood.” Josh spoke as he followed behind you, smiling from ear to ear as he spoke.
“Sure, as long as she doesn’t mind.” He shook his head, “She’ll be thrilled.” He smiled, then he was being pulled by a brunette guy who looked similar to him. But his hair was like a Justin Bieber style cut.
“Josh, we’re gonna be late for band practice.”
“Jeez, Jake I would’ve been right out!” Josh shouted, you looked between the two of them confused. “Sorry Y/N. This is my brother Jake.”
He smiled at you, “Twin brother actually.” Jake chimed in,
“But I’m older by 5 minutes!”
“Will you ever live that down?”
You giggled softly at them bickering. “It was great to meet you, but I don’t want to keep y’all from band practice. I didn’t know you were in the school band.” You smiled softly.
“No. Not a band for school, we have an actual band. We’re just getting started still…” Jake shook his head as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.
“Oh. I’m sorry… Well, have fun, and I’ll see you later.” You flashed a smile before leaving the two of them to go on with their business.
You had luckily gotten your license recently before moving to Michigan and asked to use your mom’s car to drive over to Josh’s house to work on your project tonight.
The drive wasn’t too far from where you lived, in fact you only live a couple blocks from each other. You could’ve probably walked. When arriving you parked on the street out front of their house, making way to the front door. You knocked softly, hearing some yelling behind the door - a girl who looked close in age to you answered the door.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. Is Josh here? I’m here to work on a school project with him.” You spoke offering a small smile.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Veronica but I go by Ronnie. I’m his younger and only sister, he is actually finishing up practice with the guys. You can come in.” She motioned for you to come in.
“If you want, we can go out to the garage. That’s where they practice.”
You smiled, “Sure, why not.”
Ronnie nodded and took you out with her to the garage. As you walked in the guys were in the midst of a song, Josh was singing, Jake was playing guitar and there were two other boys. One looked similar to Jake, assuming it was another sibling of theirs. He was playing bass, and the other was playing drums. Ronnie and you had sat on the couch in front of them.
They sounded really good, for being so young. Josh had finally noticed you as a blush crept on his cheeks, he averted towards Jake as they finished up the song, and concluded their practice.
“That was better than the last run. We’ll resume back to this tomorrow.” Jake directed to them, “Sam, we got to tune that better. And Danny, we’ll have to try and rig the snare.”
They all nodded, making way to head into the house.
“I didn’t expect you to come out here.” Josh had chuckled softly.
“Ronnie asked if I wanted to. And figured why not.” You smiled softly, “So how many of you are there?” You whispered to him - in hopes that his siblings wouldn’t hear.
“There are four of us. Jake and I are the oldest, Ronnie is the middle and Sam is the youngest. And Danny, he's Sam’s best friend. But we consider him a brother, he’s been around for so long.” He smiled, a dimple peeking out.
“Dinner is probably ready, we should head in before my mother starts calling.” He chuckled softly, you followed behind him into the house. He led you to the dining room, it was big enough for everyone that was present. Once you stepped foot in, all eyes were on the two of you.
“Mom and Dad this is Y/N. She is new to our school, and my partner for our class project. But also a new friend.” He smiled at you.
“Oh it’s nice to meet you dear! It’s always great to meet one of Josh’s friends.” She beamed with excitement, “Please sit anywhere you’d like. I made grilled cheese and a family recipe of tomato soup.”
She motioned for you to sit. Josh pulled a chair out for you, that was next to Jake, and you sat down as Josh sat in the seat next to you.
Everyone had eaten, and once your bellies were full to content. You and Josh had decided to head to his and Jake’s shared room to work on the project. Both sides were different from one another, Josh having anything film related where Jake had music related posters.
“Jake and I are forced to share a room, while Ronnie and Sam get the luxury of having their own rooms.” He chuckled softly motioning for you to sit on his bed as he sat on a chair from his desk.
“It’s okay, my sister and I were forced to share a room when we lived in Oregon.” You giggled softly remembering the tiny two bedroom house your parents had gotten when your father was stationed on a mission again.
“Oregon? How did you end up all the way here?” Josh chuckled softly.
“My dad was in the military. We moved around quite a lot.” You responded nonchalantly.
“Oh wow. So you’re settled here in Frankenmuth, Michigan?”
“It's a cute town.” You giggled softly.
“We’re really known for Christmas. Whole town goes overboard with all of it, really. But it is nice. I do enjoy Christmas here.” He rubbed his hands together.
“So where are you originally from?” He questioned you.
“Florida.” You said flatly.
Honestly, you didn’t miss it - especially given the fact you had lived close to Orlando for quite some time, you hated the tourists all year round for the 9 years you lived there.
“Sunshine state… Hm. I think I’ll nickname you Sunshine. How does that sound?” He chuckled softly, a blush crept on your face.
“Now, what role are you trying for Mr.Kiszka?” You impersonated Mr.Kiwalski’s voice. Earning a chuckle from Josh he shook his towards you.
“Don’t laugh.” He chuckled, “But I’m going for Wonka.”
You smiled at him softly, “I think you’ll fit perfectly…you have the characteristics for it.” You giggled softly.
“And how about you?”
“Veruka.” You giggled, sitting up straight.
“Well I guess we’ll just wait and see.”
December 2013
Ever since that poetry class, you and Josh had been inseparable. You finished your project earning an easy A on it. And then got the roles you had both wanted for the Willy Wonka play. Josh had been working on a film script for the last couple weeks, having you help assist him with it.
“You know you are quite the genius Sunshine.” Josh smiled at you, you smiled back. “I’m just doing what I can! I told you I’ll help film, and help with costumes as well.”
You finished writing in your journal with all of the plans for Josh’s film that was coming up early next month.
“Do you think it’s silly?” He scratched the back of his head.
“No, not at all. I think it’s going to be brilliant. You have a very creative mind Josh. You need to stop doubting yourself.” You replied, shaking your head to give more reinforcement to your words.
“It’s just I care a lot about film, and this band stuff with Jake sometimes can be a lot…” He sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed.
“Josh… Jake has told you that he would help in any way.” You sat next to him.
“Yeah, but this is his dream… He’s always wanted to be a rockstar. And I want that for him. Me, I'm just a silly old film guy.” He chuckled as you nudged him softly.
“Aaand he would want the same for you. Don’t beat yourself up. This film is going to be amazing. Now come on, we have a Christmas party to attend.” You stood up, putting your hand out for him to join.
Once he took your hand in his, it felt like electricity had gone through you. During the short time you’ve known Josh. You’ve grown to like him more than just a friend…
He stood up from his bed, dropping your hand from his slowly.
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks Y/N…” He smiled softly.
“Of course Josh, that’s what friends are for.” You smiled mentally slapping yourself. You wish you could tell him how you felt. But you also didn’t want to freak him out.
The two of you made way to the basement where the party was being held, Jake smiled and walked over to you giving you a tight hug. With how close you got to Josh, you got close to his twin as well.
“About time you two showed up. Was starting to think you were sucking face.”
Josh gave him a glare as his cheeks turned to a crimson. You blushed, staring at your feet. “No, we were just working on the last touches of the film Jacob.”
“Sorry…” He gave Josh an apologetic look, they had some sort of twin telepathy way of communicating. You just went with the flow of it all. Josh ventured off to some other film friends that you would eventually join.
“Hey I really didn’t mean to embarrass you guys…” Jake had spoken to you quietly.
“It’s okay Jake, really…” You fiddled with your hands.
“No, no it's not… Has Josh said anything to you lately?” You gave him a questioning look.
“Said what?” You grabbed a can of pop.
“Forget it…” Jake went to turn, you grabbed his arm.
“You can’t say anything.” Jake mumbled as he turned to face you.
You gave him a look, “Cross my heart and hope to die.” You giggled doing the little promise. He pulled you aside.
“Josh really likes you… But he’s just too afraid to admit it.” He said quietly to you, only audible for you to understand. You felt butterflies in your stomach.
“R-really…” You looked up at him.
“Yeah. Why do you think he’s been up your ass so much lately.” He chuckled softly, “But you didn’t hear this from me.” He gave you a stern look.
“Jake, I won’t say a word. Besides… He hasn’t even made a move…” You looked over at Josh watching him talk with your other friends.
“Give it time… He doesn’t really know how to go about these things. He might need a little push, but. He’ll do it.” He patted your back softly.
“Thanks Jake…” You smiled and walked over to your friends and talked about the plans for the new year.
January 2014
“Josh, how the hell did you book a hotel room for the weekend for this film? Don’t we have to be at least 21 to book?” You shot a glare as you settled your bags into the room.
“Sunny, you underestimate my skills… Have I taught you nothing.” He sighs, acting like he’s been hurt. “Okay. Maybe I did, but just a tiny bit.”
You giggled softly setting up your equipment - while Jake came into the room with the rest of their friends.
“Okay, so I totally did not cause a scene in the lobby…” He said nervously.
“Jacob, I swear if we get kicked out of this damn hotel before we even shoot anything. I’m kicking your ass.”
“Some idiot tried fucking with our equipment, what else was I suppose to do.” He defended himself, causing the two of them to bicker.
“Alright! It just better not result in anything bad…”
The remainder of the evening you had set the room up for the liking of how you were filming this short film that Josh had in mind. Jake was one of the main roles, along with their friend Grace. Filming was going great, you had everything pretty much under control so Josh could focus on filming and getting the right angles while you adjusted lighting, make up and props.
After a couple hours of shooting Josh figured it was time to call it a night. You had helped clean up the room while Jake and Grace had finished up their last shots, and proceeded to help clean as well. Josh had already started editing the clips from tonight, and said that we would pick it back up tomorrow.
The twins ended up sharing a bed, while you and Grace had shared the other. It's not like you and Josh haven’t slept by one another before. You had passed out on the pull out sofa bed in their basement a few times when you’d stay over late working on a project. But Jake didn’t want to make Grace uncomfortable.
The next day filming had picked up, but Jake was in a mood as he was tired of filming the same scene for the past hour.
“Well Jacob if you’d actually put effort into it. We wouldn’t have to keep shooting this take!” Josh threw his hands up in frustration.
“How about we take a lunch break!” You suggested taking your headphones off.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” Jake huffed grabbing his things, “You want to hit that Sub shop Grace?”
She nodded in agreement following Jake, leaving you and Josh to yourselves. Josh had put some things away grabbing a microwave.
“Joshua, what are you doing with the damn microwave?” You crossed your arms staring at him.
“I want to make stir fry. And I’m not trying to burn the room down, so to the hallway we go!” He made his way to the door, but he could open it considering his hands were full. So you opened the door, following behind him with your camera and other supplies.
Deciding to sprint to be in front of him, you took a picture of him with the microwave. “You’re something else Kiszka.” You giggled, getting to the end of the hallway. He plugged the microwave into the outlet, preparing the meal he had planned.
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“Is this even going to be any good?” You gave him a concerning look.
“You have to live on the edge, a little mama.” He chuckled, mixing it together and placing it into the microwave, turning it on and setting it to whatever time and power he had it set as.
“Sir, what are you doing?” One of the maids had questioned him.
“Just making a five star meal. Care for some?” He smiled.
“You can’t do that out here. Why is it even out of the room?” She had questioned him, with her arms crossed.
“What do you mean? It was already out here.” He played a great character.
“Sir, I can assure you that is the room microwave you need to put it back in its rightful place. Or I will have to report you to the hotel staff.” She huffed watching him.
“It’s almost done cooking. It’ll be out of the way shortly.” Josh replied, smirking.
“I suggest you take it back now.” She then started to walk away to clean a room. Josh sat there letting it continue to cook.
“Josh, she seemed pretty serious.” You looked at him with worry.
“Sunshine, you need to liven it up!” He chuckled softly, as the microwave went off he unplugged it and walked back to the room with it.
“You Kiszka’s sure have a way…” You giggled softly, sitting on the bed.
“I can’t tell if that’s a good thing, or a bad thing.” He chuckled softly sitting beside you with his plate, taking a bite he spit it out quickly. “Oh that is mortifying.” He made a gagging face.
“Not so bright Joshy…” You giggled softly.
“Come on, let’s go get some real stir fry.” You patted his back, he nodded, throwing out his creation.
The two of you found a local Japanese restaurant not too far from the hotel. Taking in on dining there, you let Jake and Grace know where the two of you went in case they came back earlier than you two.
“So, the Valentine’s dance is coming up.” Josh had said nervously.
“Yeah, have you asked any special girl?” You smiled softly, taking a sip of your water.
“No, not yet…” He put his head down, like he was ashamed.
“It’s okay Josh, you don’t have to show up with a date. You can just go with friends.” You smiled softly at him.
“Uh actually. Y/N, I was wondering if maybe you would be my date for the Valentine’s dance.” He looked up at you nervously with flushed cheeks.
“You want me to be your date?” You smiled as your cheeks became a tinted pink.
He nodded, smiling softly, “Yeah. I’d really like it if you would?”
“Yeah, I’ll be your date…” You trailed off with a smile, giving him a small reassuring nod.
He smiled, chuckling softly, “I thought I was gonna walk out of here like a sore loser if you said no.”
“I would never say no to you Josh…”
February 2014
It was Friday, school was a complete drag the past week. They had a spirit week in honor of the Valentine’s dance tonight. Ever since Josh had asked you to be his date, the two of you had been inseparable. You had been working on the last touches of the short film you worked on together. It was nearing completion but Josh decided that the two of you should take this week off from editing, since the dance was taking up a majority of the time.
You had joined the student council prior to Christmas break, and helped the council decorate and plan the dance. It was senior year after all, you had to make some memories while living the last of your childhood. Josh knew how much it meant to you to partake in this, since you were never able to do much like this before.
You had been getting ready at home, finishing the last touches of your hair and makeup. You kept your makeup rather simple, not doing too much of a glam look, and your hair had some loose curls.
You went to your closet pulling your dress off from the hanger, it was an indigo dress that rested against your knees and had some slight rhinestone embellishments on the edges of the dress. You slipped it on looking at yourself in the mirror, content with your look you put your heels on and grabbed your small satchel heading downstairs.
Josh was at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you with your parents and sister.
“You look absolutely stunning.” Your mom beamed.
“You look amazing, sweetie.” Your dad chimed in, agreeing with your mother.
Your sister smiled, clapping her hands together. She opted on staying home instead of going to the dance tonight. She was in the same grade as Sam and Danny and you have tried multiple times to get her to hang out with them.
“You look beautiful, Sunshine.” Josh came in front of you holding a beautiful white rose assortment corsage, with a boutineer to go with it.
You smiled softly in response.
“You look dashing.”
Your mom smiled coming over to aid the two of you with putting his boutineer on. Then Josh slipped your corsage onto your wrist.
“Okay! In front of the fireplace, we have to get pictures of you two.” Your mom beamed, as your father ushered you into the living room. Josh and yourself stood in front of the fireplace, as he placed his hand on the small of your back you felt butterflies in your stomach placing your arm around his back. You both posed and smiled for the millions of pictures your mother insisted on taking. Then took a couple with your parents.
“Guys it's not even prom, it's just a regular dance!” You giggled softly after taking enough pictures.
“Yes you’re right dear, but it’s your senior year!” Your mom beamed at you.
“We should really get going, otherwise we’ll be late…” You looked at the time.
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’m late to a function!” Josh chuckled softly, you giggled in agreement.
“Yeah, but I think for once you should be on time.” You smirked and started to head to the door with him.
Before leaving your father gave Josh a whole spiel on his rules and when to have you home by. Typical dad move, but he just wanted to be in good hands.
“Dad, he’s a good guy. Besides I think Mrs.Kiszka would be on him if he didn’t abide by your rules.” You giggled softly as Josh nodded.
“Yeah, my mom would have my butt canned.”
The two of you then left your house, he opened the passenger side to his car letting you get in before he closed it getting to his side. Once you buckle your seatbelt he had gotten into the car buckling himself in the driving over.
After arriving, Josh had parked next to Jake’s car. Jake had gotten out and let his date out of the passenger side. He had asked Valerie to be his date, she was more than thrilled when he had asked her. Valerie was this sweet junior who was a part of the cheerleading squad and Jake was absolutely crushing on her.
“You guys look amazing!” You smiled at them, hugging Jake and then Val.
“You guys look great too!” Jake beamed.
“Well we should head in, it’s freezing out here.” Josh had motioned for everyone to make their way, as he kept his hand on the small of your back.
Once you entered the high school gymnasium there was a photo station off to the left, then a table for water and punch.
“Do you want some punch?” Josh looked over at you.
“Yeah, I’d like some.” You smiled.
“Grab a table and I’ll meet you there.” He wandered off to the refreshment table as you made way to a small table in the corner. Jake and Val had already ventured to the dance floor, making the most of their night.
Josh had returned with two cups of punch, setting yours down in front of you on the table, he smiled softly at you.
“My lady.” He chuckled softly, sliding into the chair beside you.
“Well thank you kind sir.” You giggled softly, taking a sip of the punch.
“You guys did really well with planning all of this.” He smiled, taking a sip of his punch.
“Thank you, I was nervous they weren’t going to like my ideas…” You slouched a bit - suddenly feeling a wave of nervousness hit you.
“Are you kidding! Sunny you are brilliant. Who wouldn’t like your ideas?” He smiled softly at you, you returned a smile as your cheeks flushed.
After conversing for a bit, the two of you decided to hit the dance floor joining Jake and Val. You guys had danced the night away, laughing and acting like complete idiots. But it’s all you ever wanted at this moment.
The DJ then turned things slow for a remainder of the evening starting off with All of Me by John Legend. Josh had you pulled you close to him, wrapping his arms around your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. Smiling softly at him, you giggled to yourself softly.
“What is it, Sunshine?” He chuckled softly, catching your giggle.
“Nothing…” You blushed, placing your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as the two of you swayed.
“Your heart is beating rather fast Josh…”
You giggled and turned to look up at him, he then moved his one hand to caress your face.
You looked at his face, he licked his lips nervously.
“Yeah Josh…”
He studied your face, before zoning in closer he then pressed his soft plush lips against yours.
‘Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you’
You were taken by surprise, but immediately kissed him back softly letting your lips move in sync. Soaking in this moment together. After a moment the two of you pulled away, smiling while giggling at each other.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long…” He shook his head, sighing softly.
“I think you should do it again.” You smiled brightly at him - he then captured your lips once more with his, giving a few little pecks before detaching his lips from yours.
“Y/N… I. Well, what I’m trying to ask.”
“Yes, Josh. I’ll be your girlfriend.” You giggled softly, rubbing his arm to soothe his nerves.
to be continued
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cinnamontimecrunch · 1 year
OO OO, if you have the time how about whatever twst boys you feel would be fun to write w/ a reader who REALLY loves valentines (I.e. changing their wallpaper & pfps to match the holiday, going all out w/ valentines for everyone they love whether platonically or romantically, etc)
Reader Who LOVES Valentine’s Day
[Includes Rook Hunt, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, and Ace Trappola. Gn!reader, established relationship]
[a/n: okay so this definitely turned into vague Valentine’s Day headcanons instead of focusing on the reader loving the holiday. I'm so sorry I got off-track, I hope it’s still okay! Also sorry if it isn’t written that well, I’m not accustomed to writing in the headcanon format!]
Rook Hunt
It really works out that you love Valentine’s Day, because you’re getting dragged into his antics either way.
A whole day dedicated to showing his love for you?? Sign him tf up. He’s already showering you with love on the daily, so expect all his usual behaviors to be amped up to 100.
As soon as you wake up he’s already at your doorstep with a bouquet of your favorite flowers that he’d grown himself, reciting poetry he’d written months prior and memorized for this exact occasion.
The type to take you out for the entire day. He’s taking you on a picnic and hand-feeding you various pastries he’d coerced Trey into helping him make. He’s taking you to a local theatre production but spending the entire time focused more on you than the actual play.
He’s not usually that active on his social medias, but he will absolutely change his pfp to match yours without you even having to ask. He’s posting more that day than he has in weeks.
Leona Kingscholar
He’s never exactly been interested in Valentine’s Day before dating you, and honestly even while dating you he doesn’t feel much different about it.
That is, of course, until he sees how happy you look when he begrudgingly agrees to match phone wallpapers with you. Seeing your face light up in excitement had his attitude do a 180 about the holiday. Not that he would put in too much effort to show it, however. 
You’d have to be the one to lead the daytime activities, though he would absolutely insist on paying for everything. He’d let you drag him to cute cafes, secretly snapping photos of you as you energetically show him the various heart-shaped items for sale.
He’s definitely buying you gifts from wherever you go, insisting all the while that he only bought it because he didn’t want you to whine to him about not getting any gifts. (He used this excuse for each of the like 20 gifts he bought you)
At the end of the day, when you’ve tired yourself out, he’s definitely pulling you into his bed to cuddle, saying you owe it to him for making him walk around so much, and sighing contently the moment he feels your arms around him. 
Vil Schoenheit
How he reacts mostly depends on if your relationship with him is open to the public or not, but there are a few things he’ll do regardless. Whether or not you two are openly dating, he will match phone wallpapers with you if you ask. He will also clear the day to spend with you, and he will spoil you with various gifts,
If your relationship isn’t known to the public, the two of you are likely going to have an indoor date doing whatever you want. As long as it can be done out of the public eye, the activities you do are up to you. He will bake with you, he’ll  have a spa day with you, anything. He’ll also spoil you with gifts he’d bought over the course of the last few months. He’ll definitely spend as much of the day as possible in your arms, and he’ll end the day doing skincare with you.
If your relationship is known to the public, he’ll take you out for the day and have pictures with you up on his Magicam. Vil will dress you up in clothes he bought for you beforehand, and will insist on doing your makeup (if makeup is something you’re into). He’ll take you to high-class restaurants, designer stores, wherever you want to go. He’ll make sure to hold your hand the whole time. 
Ace Trappola
Will definitely poke fun at you for how much you enjoy the holiday outwardly, but inside he loves how happy you look. He’ll joke about how obsessed you are, but he’ll do anything and everything you want. Matching pfps? Done. Cutesy Valentine’s Day wallpapers? Pick some cute ones because it’s gonna be his wallpaper for the next month and a half. You wanna spend the entire day going out on picnics or to restaurants or whatever you feel like doing? He might not be able to spend a ton of money, but he’ll make it work.
Definitely the type to buy you a gift and then tease you for how excited you get over it even though he bought it two months ago because he wanted to surprise you. Will take pictures of the two of you while out but keep all the best ones to himself, insisting on posting the most cursed ones he has to his Magicam.
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kirimoochi · 10 months
Hi Kiri! I hope you've been well these days, and also I love all of your masterpieces! Can I send a request where reader were getting jumpscare while watching horror movie together with Kazuha? Thank you and feel free to ignore if you don't like this request 🙏
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₊˚ ᗢ kazuha x gn! reader, modern au.
⤷ what is he like, when watching horror movies?
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When it comes to watching movies, the last thing you could expect is Kazuha at the front of your door. He smiled at you as he lifted a few copies of popular horror movies, with the other hand carrying a bag of take-out food. Your favorite take-out food. The one that you and he always get after classes. Or the one you always talk about going to whenever you’re hungry. Whatever it is, he has it. And it’s also been on his mind to watch a few movies with you. 
He’s always been a sucker for adventure movies. The kinds with the cheesy plot twists but amazing fight scenes. Maybe that’s why he’s so adamant about having you watch all the Dwayne the Rock Johnson movies with him last summer. Tomo dropped out after watching his third Fast n Furious movie, Heizou couldn’t stomach the cheesiness that came from a few of his older films (however he had to applaud his role in Central Intelligence), and Scaramouche gave up after watching Toothfairy (Kazuha called him a wimp under his breath). 
He’s not one for slashers because he thinks the art of gore has been pushed too far to enjoy. Watching Terrifier 1 and 2 left him with a bad taste in his mouth. How could you stomach all of that excessive violence? It takes someone with an iron gut just to sit through the first 10 minutes of the movie. It’s not to say he doesn’t like horror. The only slasher he liked was the Fear Street trilogy, and he can appreciate the classics like The Conjuring.
One thing is consistent though: Kazuha chooses the weirdest films. Not entirely weird, per se, but he has some questionable choices. He always finds good movies. He also finds the worst ones. He has with him Ethan Hawke’s Black Phone, The Taking of Deborah Logan, and Winnie the Pooh's Blood and Honey. Why does he even have the last one? He shrugged and placed the take-out food on your coffee table, saying it sounded funny. 
He doesn’t get scared when he watches these films. Mostly because you know in his head, he’s most likely thinking about what goes on behind the scenes. How did they shoot this shot? How many hours did the actors spend on makeup? Why is Winnie the Pooh such a god-awful movie? Who approved of this? 
You try not to giggle when you see him intensely staring at certain scenes, his hand covering the lower half of his face as he squints his eyes. He’s focused on analyzing every part of this movie. It’s a cute habit. He loves to rave about his favorite movies (even to the point of calling you after leaving the theater to give you his review). 
When you get to parts where the scenes grow dark, and there's that unsteady playing of the violin, he wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. He nibbles on the tip of his thumb, his fingers padding against you as he holds back a small gasp. He’s not a screamer but he’s certainly the kind that flinches at jumpscares. He’s also a lot more touchy when you watch horror movies. Whether or not it’s because he’s scared or just looking for an excuse to hang onto you is up for debate. 
If you are scared by the movie, he would tighten his hold around you, peering down at you with a cheeky smile. He would tease you for a little bit before resting his head against yours, pressing a short kiss on your crown. He’ll put both arms around you this time, holding you tight as the movie continues. When things get a little too intense, or too gory, he will place his hand over your eyes, whispering a few of his poetry to distract you from the sound of a chainsaw. 
“Why is Winnie the Pooh covered in honey, but at the same time, is starving?” He mumbles, narrowing his eyes at the screen. “What is going on in this movie? Do you like this?” “You’re the one who chose the movie…” 
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
part 3 of poet!billy & dyslexic!steve
part 2
it’s a stupid argument. petty, even.
still, it sours steve’s mood and the evening that was supposed to be filled with movies and cuddling turned into another lonely night after he told billy to get out of his house.
he avoids the blond the next day at school, even though he can feel those blue eyes burning into the back of his head in class and the side of his face during lunch.
billy doesn’t try to talk to him, though. which makes steve feel disappointed and then annoyed at himself for being disappointed. of course billy wouldn’t be eager to talk to him after last night, why would he? steve was a bad boyfriend. always had been, and apparently always will be.
he’s so busy attending his own pity party that he doesn’t see the person leaning against his car in the lot, not until he’s only a few feet away and he looks up from the ground to see billy looking at him with a pinched expression.
“uh,” steve says dumbly, “hi…”
billy doesn’t say anything, just holds out his hand, where a folded paper is pinched between his fingers. they’re trembling a little when steve takes it from him.
he eyes billy for a moment, who’s shifting his weight between his feet and staring over towards the middle school, clearly waiting for steve to read the note and pretending to look for max.
with a mildly annoyed huff, he unfolds the scrap paper and smoothes the wrinkles away, reading over the black ink quickly. too quickly, because he has to start over a couple times and take a calming breath when his frustration mounts.
you’re a firestarter
the match to my desire
igniting the hope
that you won’t snuff me out
when my anger stokes yours
well. fuck. steve looks up and sees billy staring back at him, looking uncomfortable and maybe upset but also not. it’s hard to read him sometimes.
but, not always. “is this about last night?” he asks quietly, watching billy twist his mouth and look away, giving the smallest nod imaginable.
a soft sigh leaves steve as his shoulders drop, all anger leaving him as he steps closer to the blond, who’s staring at him through his thick eyelashes.
“let’s just forget about last night, hm?” steve murmurs, “we were both being assholes and, don’t worry, a stupid little argument isn’t going to, like…make me not want to see you again. that would be stupid.”
billy considers it, quietly, until he tilts his head a little and eyes the pocket of steve’s polo, “yeah. yeah, i’d like that. i…” his brows furrow and he looks into steve’s eyes again, that familiar fire once again behind them as he mutters, “i’m not great at apologies and shit, either. so. yeah.”
steve smiles, something knowing and soft, and it’s enough to make billy give a small one of his own - a twitch at the corner of his mouth as they stare at each other.
“c’mon,” billy finally murmurs, “let’s go for a drive.”
“if i’m good, will you read me this yourself?” steve grins as he waves the poem between them, which billy quickly snatches out of his fingers and gives him a playful look.
“if you’re very good, sure,” billy hums, tucking it into the pocket of his denim jacket, “now let’s go, pretty boy.”
steve is good. very good. and the sound of billy’s poetry is so much sweeter when it falls from his mouth between breathy sighs and quiet moans.
part 4
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
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ft. sakasaki natsume
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: love potions
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Love in a bottle.
A fairly simple creation, Natsume thinks, all things considered. Especially for a magician of his calibre. The ingredients are straightforward enough to obtain, should you know where to look (as he does): the heart of a dove, an angel’s hair, a single speck of stardust, and the moon’s weeping tears.
Of course, it’s not all that easy as he makes it seem. Love is a hard enough emotion on its own, but to replicate it, fabricate it? It takes precision and finesse.
Still, Natsume has learnt under the tutelage of Wataru-niisan and his Mommy, two of the most knowledgeable magicians to walk the Earth. This little potion may be a little more time-consuming than he’d like it to be, yes, but it’s nothing compared to some of the other concoctions he’s had to create under Wataru-niisan’s watchful eyes.
As he waits for the potion to set, he finds himself thinking of you.
This has been happening rather a lot lately. He sees you every day in class and you always smile at him when you notice him. He doesn’t quite know what to do with these distracting feelings. Perhaps that is why he’s spent the past few hours holed up, attempting to take his mind off of you–though not as successfully as he would’ve hoped.
The potion begins to bubble up, distracting him from his thoughts as he attempts to salvage it before it tips over entirely out of the cauldron. Slowly, slowly, he transfers it into a little glass vial. It shimmers when the light hits it, a kaleidoscopic array of colours that signifies a job well-done.
He sets the bottle aside, taking a moment to stretch. His back lets out a satisfying pop and he hums to himself, pleased. His throat feels rather sore, though, so it might be best to get himself a drink of water. Kanata-niisan is always nagging at him about hydration…
By the time he gets back (he swears he was only gone for a minute!) he notices the door to the secret room is ajar. He peers in cautiously, and sees you standing there in the center of the room, something glittering clutched in your hands. Upon closer inspection, he realises it’s the bottle.
The bottle of love potion.
Oh, no.
“Natsume,” You say, slow and careful when you catch his gaze, setting the bottle down. Natsume braces himself for the inevitable confession. To watch you shape the syllables with your lips, to hear you lilt the words like birdsong, saying: I love you without truly meaning it, compelled by the whims of a false Eros. “Natsume, I’m sorry!”
“I’m sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to…” You blink, moving closer so you can place your palm against his cheek. “Are you okay? You look…”
“Y-yes, I’m fiNE.” He assures, leaning away from your gentle hand. Why aren’t you throwing yourself at him? Why aren’t you blabbering meaningless poetry, miscellaneous lines about the hue of his eyes and the shade of his hair and the curve of his lips?
The potion is targeted. Its aim is to cause the recipient to fall in love with the first person they see which, in your case, would be him. He knows his potion works, he’s brewed it enough times for it to be so, and yet? You don’t seem affected?
“Natsume?” Your expression is soft, confused.
“It’s nothiNG.”
You reach out to touch him once more and he ducks, feeling your fingers lightly graze against the side of his face as he stumbles awkwardly backwards and makes his escape.
He can feel your eyes on his back, bewildered and maybe a little hurt at his brusque dismissal, but he refuses to turn around and look.
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Natsume keeps a close eye on you for the duration of the next week. He’s certain that the first day must have been a fluke, an accident, a minor setback–now that it’s over, things will begin to work the way he expects them to. The love potion will run its course, he’ll spend a week fending off your desperate attempts and then things will go back to normal and you’ll remain a regular annoyance.
But no.
For some reason, you still treat him the same. As you always do, all gentle smiles in the hallways and casual waves and hey, Natsume-kun, how are you?
It irks him to no end.
Why isn’t it working? Did he make a mistake, add too much of one ingredient or too little of another? No, that can’t be right. He made sure to measure it out perfectly. So then, why won’t you fall in love with him? Well, it doesn’t have to be him, of course, but it seems like it’s the most likely option.
(Maybe it bothers him–that you might be giving your heart to someone else. But no one else has to know that.)
He itches to solve this mystery, but he’s not going to run to Wataru-niisan as soon as there’s a simple problem he can’t figure out.
On Monday, he tries tailing you around discreetly. Yet you show no difference in how you treat your other friends and how you treat him. (He won’t admit–he was hoping for some preferential treatment.) Maybe you’re a little nicer to him, more gentle, more…soft–around your friends you snap back, just as snarky and unwilling to pull punches.
Still, you do notice him in the end and invite him to sit with you at lunch. He’s not once to pass up the chance to ‘do more investigating’ (to spend more time with you) and he agrees.
It’s nice, he might admit if he were to be held at gunpoint. You’re more chatty, but you listen to him when he speaks and offer your own opinions thoughtfully.
He can tell that your friends (specifically Baru-kun) have something to say about your abrupt change in behaviour but are kept quite by the force of your glare and Hokke-kun’s neverending jabs at the orange-haired boy, distracting him.
Lunch speeds by, and he feels like he hasn’t gotten enough time to talk to you. You invite him to sit with you and your friends again tomorrow and he agrees readily. After all, he needs to get to the bottom of this mystery.
On Tuesday, you’re paired up with him and Oogami-kun for a project. He doesn’t expect it, but you and the silver-haired boy get on like a house on fire. The two of you spend half the lesson chatting excitedly to each other about his dog, and it’s starting to annoy him.
(So what if he threatens to turn Oogami-kun’s hair orange if he doesn’t stop blabbering and start working? He’ll just match his beloved dog.)
(And it got you to laugh, so Natsume takes it as a win in his book.)
On Wednesday, he’s starting to suspect you may be putting up a front. He thinks he needs to get you isolated, perhaps, away from other people so he can gauge your reactions. He asks if you’d like to spend time with him after school. You agree, albeit a little confusedly. And that’s it. He takes you out for a little shopping, waiting for you to slip up.
But you don’t?
Nothing really happens on that outing
He just takes you to a little cafe–him seeing how your eyes sparkle when you look at the Specials menu has nothing to do with it, he was just feeling rather hungry himself!–and he pays for your drink and he wipes off some crumbs on your cheek (you blush rather cutely when he licks it off his fingertips). After, he walks you back to the dorms and you tell him you had a lot of fun and he agrees because he did and perhaps you should do it again sometime.
You give him a grin.
(His heart beats a little faster.)
By Thursday, he’s slowly losing it. Every theory he’s had has been proven wrong, and he’s no more close to finding out the truth then he was at the beginning of the week. Maybe there was a mistake in the potion after all?
Natsume decides to confront you once and for all, knowing that it might be the only way he gets any answers. At the end of another one of your little outings–he’d taken you to a little park and the two of you had enjoyed a picnic–he takes you aside. “Y/N, I have something to ask yOU.”
He feels…nervous? Which is strange, because there’s really nothing he should feel anxious about. It’s just you. You, someone whom he considers a friend, of sorts. It’s just you.
(Perhaps that’s exactly why he’s nervous?)
His only consolation is that you, too, look nervous. You’re fidgeting in place, unable to meet his eyes. “I, um, sure. What is it, Natsume-kun?”
It’s now or never. “Why aren’t you in love with ME?”
“H. HUH?!”
“The love potion, you drank it, but you haven’t been acting much differeNT? And you aren’t in love with me and I can’t figure out wHY.”
“The, the love potion?” You blink, confused. Then realisation hits you. “Oh. Oh, it was a love potion?”
Natsume is flabbergasted. You didn’t know?
“Maybe the reason I haven’t been acting any different is because the love potion didn’t need to fabricate my emotions.” You shrug, playing with your hair awkwardly. “And I thought you felt the same, but I guess not. Um, is that all you needed from me, Natsume-kun?”
Natsume, who has just spent the past three minutes speedrunning every interaction he’s ever had from you trying to see where the emotions you’ve mentioned come into play, jerks his head up to stare at you wide-eyed. “You–you like ME?”
“I do.” You huff a laugh. “I thought you were aware. I mean, you took me out on a date. Two, actually, if you count this one.”
“I didn’t intend for it to be that wAY.”
“Yeah,” You nod. All of a sudden you seem a little…sadder? And it hurts, to know he made you feel that way.  “I know that now.”
“But,” He hesitates, because this is a pretty big step for him to take but he hurt you and he wants to make it up to you, somehow. And he doesn’t know if he loves you or not but maybe he could, with enough time. After all, all it took was a week spent with you and that was enough to get him all giddy at the sight of you. It isn’t a stretch to assume a month could make him fall in love with you. “If you’re okay with it, maybe the next one will be a real daTE?”
You grin, just a little. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
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WC: 1.7k words
reze txt natsumeP’s stay winning wtf i think this mmight be the longest thing i’ve written so far???!?!? kinda surprised i wrote a natsume fic where he didn’t call y/n kitten once but. eye dee kay bro. actually this was gonna be angst but. i decided to be a lil nicer to u guys :) only for now tho so stay prepared and uh. enjoy ig <33
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sery-chan-13 · 2 months
Letters and Poems in the Drawer
Ch.9 of “My Sunshine” [TreechxReader]
Ok, so most of these are super cute and sweet. Some can be interpreted as a bit… lewd in a way. And I guess they kind of are? So I guess;
Warnings: some mildly risqué poems. And Treech being a simp-
The boy I shouldn't miss
Because he was never mine. But I can't stop myself from imagining myself in his strong arms. Wearing the stupid hat he wears everyday cause I stole it. Can't stop my stupid lovesick thoughts of kissing him soon as he steps off that damn train. He's the boy I shouldn't miss, but I do. He's the boy I shouldn't be writing poetry about, but I do. He's the boy I shouldn't love, but I do.
I love like a dog. Not the cute puppy way, with eyes that plead for you to love me... but in the mutt way. Begging for even a scrap. Loyal to the bitter end. I love like a dog. Staying even when I know there's nothing but hurt ahead, I'll lay in my bed without so much as a whimper, hopin' you'll look at me with the scrap of love I beg for. I love like a dog.
Treech softly played with the corner of the paper and considered burning the piece, something about how vulnerable the piece was. He glared at the paper, as if it was the paper’s fault he wrote all that. He put his head in his hands, and remembered how much you loved reading poetry. Especially the poetry that gave off so many feelings. He softly put it into the drawer.
Dear Treech,
You are not going to believe the audacity of this man. I mean, he's always been an asshole, but it pissed me off today. Festus Creed has been a pain in my ass since I moved here. He's always poked fun at me for being district, but I never paid him mind. Suddenly, I'm back in the class after summer break and he's flirting with me!!! Can you believe it, I mean seriously. Does he think I'm dumb? He plays with my hair in class and passes me notes I don't read. His hand writing and spelling are absolutely atrocious, so I wouldn't even be able to read it even if I wanted to. Anyway, I hope your day was great. Mine was. I got to punch Festus Creed in the face. It was during stage hitting practice, and I took the opportunity. I mean I started the waterworks and they all fell for it. Even Creed. I think Dean Highbottom knows... but he likes me, says I’m his favorite student, isn’t that silly? I mean with powers like these? Life is crazy.
Sincerely, your friend,
There's a fine line between jealousy and obsession. I think I'm on the edge of it. I don't really know why. I mean I know you have friends. That doesn't bother me. It's... the way people look at you like they own you. Like you're already theirs. I might say that you're 'mine' but I know that you aren't something to own. I think... what upsets me the most is that you look like they've sucked any joy out of your life. You smile... but it's not real... I guess I'm just... I don't even know at this point.
He scribbled on the page and groaned in frustration, upset that his words didn't string together the way they usually did. He crumpled it up and threw it in the small bin he had before sighing. He picked it out and smoothed the paper, folding it and placing it in the drawer.
Dear sweet sunshine,
I've been holding the necklace a lot more recently. I have it hidden usually. Firstly so it doesn't get damaged, and secondly because I don't want anyone to try and take it.
I look at it and wonder if you look at yours. You know, that ring was my grandfather's. My grandma gave it to him as a proposal. Isn't that so cool of her? Said she wasn't going to wait forever for him to propose and did it herself. Well, grandpa gave it to me because dad didn't want to have the ring. He said I was to give it to my special someone when the time came. And even though it definitely won't fit you, I think it's cute. I mean, I'll give you your ring back and maybe it will count as that. We were much too young to be thinking of all that, I still think no one deserves it more than you. When you come back I'm making sure it's perfect and shined up.
Much love,
Treech /\
Dearest Treech,
Yeah yeah it's the first time I actually use your name in one of these. Suck it up buttercup.
You won't believe what some kids tried to do today. I mean I know Capitol kids aren't the nicest, but this goes too far. With all the fine things they have, they tried to take my necklace! Some of them tried to stop the others. Like Pup Harrington. He ain't mean I guess... never says much but doesn't step in. Until today. Asked them why they wanted my necklace when they had nicer things. I mean I guess that was supposed to be insult? I don’t know. Hate Clemensia. She’s so mean. Said that it might be nicer, but mine was one of a kind. Coriolanus, his name is a mouth full, said she was acting no better than a district kid. Was it mean? Yeah. Insulting? Above else. But it made everyone stop. Sejanus scoffed a sarcastic sentence about us district kids acting better than the Capitol kids. I mean the teacher stood there! She didn’t do anything! I’m glad it’s my last year with her. Next year, we start the last four years of Academy.
Anyway, just needed to rant about them. Love you!
(Y/N) ♡
I think about you. All the time. I try not to, you distract me. I mean, your dad makes so many public appearances, it’s hard not to stare at you on the screen. You’re gorgeous. So fucking pretty. Sometimes you talk, and your voice is so sweet… And I have to stop myself from thinking to much about it. I work alone most days, so I try not to get distracted. At night, when I’m alone in my room I can finally let my mind run and wander across everything. I mean it’s stupid. I sit at my desk and try to write but end up fantasizing about you and I. What kind of life would we have? Together, I mean.
There’s lots of things I’ve written I will avoid giving you. I don’t want you to know that I’ve been thinking about you in any way that might scare you off. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Love poems are one thing, no matter how embarrassing it is a guy like me writes them. The rest are thoughts and things I kept for fear of anyone reading them. If you asked me, I bet all it would take is one look from your pretty begging eyes, and I’d give in. Staring at the ceiling is pointless so I close my eyes and imagine you’re here with me.
Oh my darling, I will never find anyone as wonderful as you. The things I wrote poems about will come to fruition with you. You are now and have always been the subject of my poetry. You make me swoon, and my heart race. Your words are saccharine sweet when I hear them in my head. Butterflies flutter in my stomach and you made it easy to talk to you. I am completely comfortable around you I want to give you all of me all that I am…
You blushed writing the last lines, hiding your face in your hands. Was it even right thinking of him like this? Did he ever think of you like that? Were you both thinking of each other at the same time when your eyes flutter shut?
I’d beg till my voice goes hoarse, if you told me to
I’d drop everything, if you told me to
I’d fall to my knees in second, if you told me to
I’d take anything. All the pain, all the pleasure whatever it might be, if you told me to
I’d listen to every command, every wish, every fantasy, and make it come true. If you told me to.
Because I want to be just yours. All that to say I want to be yours. Your darling, your sweetheart, your beau, whatever you want to call me.
Your boy, only yours
How could I ever want anyone else?
Hehehe imagine simping that hard couldn’t be me anywayyyyy-
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penmansparadise · 2 years
Eddie Munson ~ Sonnet 18
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Tall Male!Reader
Word Count: 3.9k
Warnings: Mild language
a/n: If I told you about the kind of week I've been having you would probably not believe me.  But before I get into that, here it is, the Eddie Munson x Male!Reader requested from my Wattpad.  As you all know, I was traveling.  Well, the good news is I arrived safely.  The bad news is literally days after arriving, I get COVID.  I mean, it has been a whole whirlwind.  So, now I'm going through the worst part of this and have been feeling like I got hit by a train.  So, in short, I'm fighting for my life.  Anyway, I hope that everyone enjoys this one and can forgive me for taking so damn long to post it.  My next post will be a Steve Harrington oneshot!  As always, thank you all for the support!!!
Ms. O’Donnell droned on about Shakespeare and his impact on literature as you twirled your pencil between your fingers. Usually, you paid attention. In every class, you were an A+ student and were even projected to graduate in the top ten percent of your class. But when you got to Ms. O’Donnell’s class, things were different. Although you enjoyed Shakespeare’s works, your attention was captured by something much more interesting – a head full of perfectly sculpted ringlets and a denim vest that looked like it had been to war and back. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and propped your head in your hand. Sitting just a few seats in front of you was Eddie Munson, the kind of man that would make anyone want to write poetry.
Since elementary school, you had shared at least one class with Eddie. Which meant that your crush on the boy started at a very young age. But he never gave you a second glance. You had always assumed that, just like everyone else, he believed you to be the quiet weird kid simply because you had good grades and paid attention in school. But he didn’t know the real you. The guy who drove a little too fast while blasting hard rock through the speakers of your beat-up Honda CRV. Eddie didn’t know the guy who spent an hour every day after school lifting weights to sculpt his body into that of the Greek Gods. Eddie didn’t know a thing. And instead of embarrassing yourself and making the first move, you resorted to side-long glances while passing the boy in the halls. That would just have to do. Because despite your confidence, you just couldn’t bring yourself to ask Eddie on a date, let alone tell him how you felt about him.
You continued twirling your pencil as you stared at Eddie. It didn’t matter how many times you saw the boy; you always found something new. It was like a game. And you were so invested in discovering something new about Eddie that you almost missed Ms. O’Donnell’s statement.
“You will have the week to complete the project before presenting it next Monday.”
Everyone let out a collective sigh that earned a chuckle from Ms. O’Donnell.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” she said, waving the class off. “But, lucky for all of you, this is a partner’s project.”
At that statement, you groaned while the rest of the class perked up in their seats. You were used to doing group projects by yourself, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed it. Ms. O’Donnell smirked.
“But you don’t get to choose your buddy. I do.”
The hushed chatter silenced as everyone stared at Ms. O’Donnell. She walked to her desk and picked up a piece of paper. Then, slowly but surely, she began to work her way around the classroom, pairing people together. Here and there, a student would grumble in disdain at their partner while you waited in anticipation. Then, finally, Ms. O’Donnell looked up from her paper and looked right at you.
“Mr. Y/N, you’ll be paired with Mr. Munson.”
It was as if time had stopped. Your heart began to beat like a race horse, and your body felt numb. In all the years you two had been in school together, you had never been paired to work together. Eddie had never even asked you for help on an assignment. You turned to face him, only to be met with his big brown eyes. He gave you a small smile, and you were a goner. You knew that there was no way you could work with Eddie. You could hardly pay attention in the classroom, and there was absolutely no way you’d be able to focus when it was just the two of you.
“Now,” Ms. O’Donnell began regaining your attention, “you’ll be discussing a piece of Shakespeare’s work. It can be a play or a poem. I don’t care. All I ask is that you make it interesting and have fun.”
With that, students began to rise from their seats to move by their assigned partners. But you didn’t move. Instead, you were trying to figure out a way to get around working one on one with Eddie. But while you were trying to formulate a plan, Eddie had already made his way to your desk. Your eyes were trained on the tile floor in front of you until a pair of beat-up white Reebok sneakers came into view.
“Y/N, right?” He asked.
You raised your head to look at him and had to reel in your emotions. For years you admired the boy from afar, and now he was standing directly in front of you. He was even more amazing up close. You could see little beauty marks on his fair skin that you never saw before. You were able to see the messy stitching on his denim vest and knew for a fact now that he did it himself. His lips were turned upward as he waited for you to answer him, but all you did was nod, unable to create a sentence. Eddie chuckled nervously as he grabbed a chair and pulled it up to your desk.
“I don’t think we’ve ever really been introduced before. I’m Eddie,” he said, straddling the chair.
You stared at him for a split second before finally gathering your wits and squaring your shoulders, your normal confidence returning.
“We’ve had at least one class together since elementary school,” you said, leaning in a little with a playful smirk. “I know who you are.”
Your sudden change of demeanor surprised Eddie, and you could see his cheeks turn a bright crimson.
“Right,” he said, nodding a little too furiously, “right.”
Neither of you said anything for a minute. Instead, you shared nervous glances and awkward giggles.
“So, do you-”
“I was thinking-”
Both you and Eddie spoke at the same time before falling into a fit of laughter. The sound was something you could never get used to, but you wanted to hear it over and over again. Eddie ran a hand through his curls and gestured toward you.
“You go first.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said with a light chuckle, “go ahead.”
You leaned back in your chair and folded your hands behind your head, stretching a little. Eddie’s eyes fell onto your toned arms, and you smirked.
“I was just gonna say I think we should do a poem.” You shrugged and sat up straight again. “It’ll be a little easier.”
“Okay,” Eddie said, his stare finally moving to meet yours. “Do you have one in mind?”
You chuckled.
“No, I don’t.”
Eddie looked down at his tapping foot before finally looking up at you and saying, “What about Sonnet 18?”
You froze for a second.
“You read poetry?”
Eddie didn’t cross you as the poetry reading type. He liked loud music and played the guitar in a metal band, and smoked marijuana. He wasn’t soft. He was hard and a little rough around the edges. Yet, he was suggesting a Shakespeare poem for your project. Eddie scratched his head and nodded.
“Yeah,” he began, “my uncle he, um, he has a few…poetry books?”
You raised your eyebrows in question.
“Poetry books?”
Eddie shook his head.
“Just, never mind. What do you think? Sonnet 18? You know, ‘shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’?”
You couldn’t help the way your heart swelled just slightly as you examined the boy in front of you. His head was dipped down a little, his messy curls covering most of the blush that graced his cheeks. He looked at you with eyes as innocent as a child, and all you could do was smile.
“Okay,” you said softly. “We can meet up today at my house if you want.”
You could almost visibly see Eddie relax at your suggestion. A wide grin spread across his face as he sat up a little straighter.
“Sounds perfect.”
It was cute how nervous he was around you. You wanted to make him blush almost as much as you wanted to hear him laugh again. Anything to see his bright brown eyes light up. So, you wrote down your address on a piece of paper, ripped it from your notebook, and handed it to Eddie. Your fingers just barely brushed over his as you gave him the paper. You could feel your heart jolt a little in your chest, and when you looked at Eddie, that beautiful blush was back on his cheeks, and you chuckled. The bell rang, and you gathered your things before turning to Eddie.
“I’ll see you later,” you said with a wink, then showed yourself out of the classroom.
The rest of the day went by in a blur. All you could think about was how later that day, you’d be alone with Eddie. There wouldn’t be a teacher or a class full of bored teenagers to act as a buffer. It would just be the two of you and the nagging urge to kiss is very plump lips. When the final bell of the day rang, you were nearly running to your car. Nervous energy was running through you like blood pumping through your veins. When you reached your car, you got in, turned it on, and turned up the radio. AC/DC’s “Shoot to Thrill” began blasting through the speakers just as you started to back out. People turned toward the sound of the music, and you managed to ignore most of their gawking until you turned and locked eyes with Eddie from across the parking lot. He was standing next to his van, and even from where you were, you could see his jaw a little slack as he stared at you while AC/DC thundered through your speakers. A smile tugged at your lips, and you just turned away before driving off toward your house.
By the time you reached your house, your anxiety was almost eating you alive. Despite your best efforts at relaxing on your drive home, nothing worked. So, you did the only other thing you could do. You changed into a pair of gym shorts, opened up your garage, flicked on your radio, and began lifting your weights. It was the only mind-numbing activity you could think to do to stop yourself from going crazy while you waited. After the first set of reps, you ended up pulling your top over your head, leaving you in just your shorts. Sweat glistened on your bare chest as you continued your workout. “The Number of the Beast” by Iron Maiden began to blare through the tiny speakers on your boombox, pushing you even harder than before. You went rep after rep until suddenly you heard the sound of a car door shutting. When you turned toward the sound, you were greeted by Eddie’s wide eyes. You grabbed a towel and wiped off your torso as you approached him.
“Holy fuck,” Eddie whispered a little too loudly, earning a light chuckle from you.
A smirk pulled at your lips. What you would do to hear him whisper that very same phrase into your ear over and over again. You wrapped the towel around your neck and held an end with each hand.
“What was that?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.
Eddie’s eyes snapped up to meet yours. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally said, “Nothing.”
He shook his head and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I, uh, I didn’t say anything.”
You stood in front of Eddie for another moment, letting the late afternoon sun and sweat on your chest create a shimmer effect on your skin. Eddie’s eyes traveled down the length of your body again, taking their time as they carefully examined every inch of exposed skin. You smiled as he deliberately checked you out.
“You want to head inside?” You asked, gaining Eddie’s full attention again.
He nodded before you turned and led him to your room. When you reached your small space, you walked straight to your dresser, leaving Eddie to gawk in the doorway.
“You can sit wherever,” you said, but Eddie didn’t make a move to sit. Instead, he did tiny circles as he took in his surroundings.
You didn’t lead on at school that you were anything but a good student. You didn’t advertise your music taste or show off your body, so by just looking at you, no one would know that you were a metalhead who took pride in his appearance. But once they walked into your bedroom, it would become evident. Hanging on your walls were posters ranging from Motley Crüe to Judas Priest, and sitting on your desk was a paper detailing a pretty strict workout regimen. After you grabbed a shirt from your dresser and your textbook from your desk, you turned and found Eddie sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I didn’t know you were into this kind of music,” he said, turning to watch you pull the shirt over your head. “Or that you were like,” he gestured toward you, “in great shape.”
You laughed, took a seat next to him, and leaned in a little.
“You also never asked.”
Eddie dipped his head, and that cute blush crept back onto his cheeks, making you smile. You so badly wanted to just grab him and kiss every inch of his red face, but you didn’t. Instead, you opened your textbook to Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18.
“Okay,” you began reaching down into your backpack for your notebook and pencil, “so I went ahead and began the analysis of the poem. I figured I’d just do the analysis, and maybe you could worry about the poster board? Or whatever way we’re going to present the poem.”
You put your pencil between your teeth and began flipping through your notes when Eddie chuckled.
“What?” You said, the word barely coming out audible with your pencil still in your mouth.
Eddie reached forward and placed a cautious hand on yours, and your breath caught in your throat, the pencil falling between you two. It was as if time stopped altogether as a series of shocks ran through your body. His hand was warm, and his fingers were rough, but he was soft and gentle. Every nerve ending in your body was on high alert as you stared into his eyes, brown like the sunlit bark of an oak tree. You could have stayed that way forever. Just sitting there in a comfortable silence with Eddie’s thumb drawing lazy circles on your hand. It didn’t matter that you had a project to do. All you wanted was to be with Eddie in every way imaginable. Eddie’s thumb stilled, and he gave your hand a light squeeze.
“I know you’re used to doing all the work by yourself, but I actually did some of the analysis too.”
You couldn’t remove your eyes from his face. He was so close. All you wanted to do was trace his every feature from the arch of his brow to the curve of his lips. Eddie never let go of your hand as he reached into his bag and pulled out a ratty notebook. He flipped a few pages before finally releasing his light hold on you and picked up the notebook with both hands. Eddie cleared his throat, and you could feel a shift in the air. His throat bobbled as he swallowed several times, and his hands looked as if they were shaking just slightly. He looked at you briefly before returning his eyes to his notebook.
“Sonnet 18 compares a young man to a summer day,” he said before swallowing again and looking up at you.
Your eyebrows raised, and a playful smirk pulled at your lips.
“You don’t say.”
Eddie gave you a knowing look.
“I wasn’t done.”
You chuckled and put your hands up in defense.
“Sorry,” you said, crossing your arms, “by all means, please continue.”
Eddie gripped his notebook a little tighter and squared his shoulders.
“Shakespeare wrote this poem to describe this, uh, this guy he likes. It was kind of like a,” he tilted his head back and forth, “confession of sorts. He doesn’t just say this guy he likes is handsome because that would be too boring. So, he says he’s beautiful like a summer day.”
Eddie shook his head, his curls bouncing around his face.
“No,” he said firmly before placing his notebook down and looking directly at you. “This guy is more beautiful than that. He glows brighter than the sun and lights up any room. He hides from everyone even though he’s actually really cool and hardcore. This guy, he doesn’t let things or people strip him of his beauty despite what they may say.”
Your lips parted as your heart began to beat so rapidly that you were almost certain it was going to beat right out of your chest. But you couldn’t say anything because Eddie huffed a sigh and continued.
“This guy is someone you can watch from afar for years because you’re too scared to make your move. You’re too scared to even say two words to him, but you secretly hope every day that he’ll look your way. He’s someone you can fall in love with before you even know a single thread of information about him.”
Your stomach was doing somersaults as you stared at Eddie. He was fidgeting with a frayed edge of his denim vest. You couldn’t help yourself as you reached forward and placed your hand over his to still his busy fingers.
“May I interject?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Eddie nodded.
“He’s also incredibly adorable, especially when he’s nervous. You know, this guy that Shakespeare is talking about.”
You gave a playful smile that Eddie reciprocated.
“Right, of course.”
You leaned in a little.
“He’s also creative and funny and smarter than he gives himself credit for.”
A hint of red blanketed Eddie’s face, and he looked down. You placed a finger under his chin and forced him to look up at you. The two of you just held the other’s gaze. You moved your hand to brush his hair behind his ear and let your hand linger for a split second longer than necessary. Your eyes darted down to look at his perfectly rounded lips. His tongue slid over the bottom one, and a tiny rush of electricity zinged through you.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” Eddie asked, causing you to look back into his eyes.
“Because,” Eddie began, scooting a smidgen closer, making the gap between you two almost nonexistent, “if you’re second guessing yourself, just know I really want to kiss you right now.”
Your body felt numb at his words. For years you had dreamt of being in this exact position. Your hand on his and his face mere inches from yours. It was surreal, and you didn’t want to wait any longer. So, you leaned down and pressed your lips onto Eddie’s. He froze, body going rigid with surprise before melting into the kiss. Your lips moved against Eddie’s slow, but the kiss progressively grew urgent. Your hands traveled down the length of Eddie’s back until you were pulling him onto your lap. His legs straddled you, and his hands gripped your toned shoulders. Eddie’s arms snaked their way around your neck, deepening the kiss.
Every part of you was buzzing, and every place Eddie’s fingers grazed was lit aflame. You wrapped your arms around Eddie’s torso and, without breaking the kiss, fell back onto your bed. Eddie let out a small yelp and released your lips. You moved your hands to cup the back of his thighs, and he hovered over you on his elbows.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” you said, a little out of breath.
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed, “that makes two of us.”
A burst of confidence zipped through you, and you squeezed his legs.
“Oh, really?”
Eddie dropped his head into the crook of your neck, chuckling lightly before lifting it again to look at you.
“Uh, yeah. I’ve had a crush on you for a long time. I always thought you were cute, but today when,” he motioned to your walls, “I realized we have a lot more in common than I thought, the feelings only grew.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you.
“I’m glad you only like me because of my music taste.”
A smile spread across Eddie’s face.
“Hey,” he said, poking your chest playfully, “music has a lot more pull than you think.”
The two of you started to laugh again. The sight of Eddie straddling you and the low rumble of his laugh against your chest was that of a dream. You could stay in that position for a thousand lifetimes if possible. But you knew you had a project to do. So, you nodded toward your discarded notebooks.
“Should we get back to work?”
“Actually,” Eddie said, drawing the word out, “I was hoping we could go get dinner.” He tilted his head to the side. “Like on a date.”
“Oh!” You exclaimed.
Within a matter of a day, you were kissing the boy you had a crush on and getting asked out on a date by him. Eddie bit his bottom lip and shrugged nonchalantly.
“If you want, you know?”
You knew that he was trying to play off his anxiety, and you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your lips. You brushed his hair behind his ear again and cupped his cheek.
“I’d love to, Eddie.”
You planted a sweet kiss on his nose before he peeled himself off you. Neither of you bothered to clean up your notebooks, leaving them strewn on the floor. Instead, you followed Eddie out to his van and jumped into the passenger seat. Eddie got behind the wheel and started digging through his pockets for his keys. You looked over at him and furrowed your eyebrows.
“So, do you actually read poetry, or was this whole thing planned?”
Eddie pulled his keys out and shoved them into the ignition with a laugh.
“Oh, yeah, no. I don’t know shit about Shakespeare. I was just trying to be romantic.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled, nonetheless. Eddie leaned toward you with a smirk.
“Did it work?”
You tilted your head back and forth with an “Ehhh.”
Eddie threw his arms up but joined you when you started to laugh. You cupped his cheek and forced him to look at you again.
“I was joking. It was definitely very romantic.”
Eddie smiled so wide his eyes crinkled, and your heart jumped in your chest. You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his for a long kiss before pulling back and allowing Eddie to drive off. Neither of you knew where you were going, but you didn’t care. As long as you were with Eddie, that’s all that mattered.  
Tag List: @violetrainbow412-blog @tellmehows @pastel-abyss-x @lilliandanelle @ilovereadingfanfics​ @thatnerdana​
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Hi mothmom! I’ve been super excited waiting for your ask box to open, after finding your stuff in like, October? Your writing is awesome! It helps I’m a sucker for BG3 content.
Admittedly I’m a bit nervous asking (I’ve gone over your rules list like 15 times), and hopefully no one has asked this yet!
I wanted to make a request for the BG3 male companions (especially Wyll) supporting tav as they come out as Trans? Specifically trans masc if you don’t mind. Thank you so much! Super excited to see what you come up with ❤️
A/N: Oh my gosh! It warms my heart to hear you’ve been waiting that long for something I’d write. Oh wow, I feel so honored! And what a great question! It fits within the rules just fine, don’t worry! Here’s how I think the main three male companions would respond. BTW, I used he/him pronouns for Tav here, hope that’s okay!
TW: Gender Mention, Gender Identity, Gender Dysphoria 
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Male BG3 Companions Reacting to a TransMasc! Tav
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Astarion is completely on board with the idea, so long as he gets to go shopping with Tav/give them the occasional bit of fashion advice. After all, Astarion thinks himself the best-dressed guy in camp, so, of course, it makes sense for Tav to take style advice from him. 
Astarion’s not very reactive. He was a high elf, born into the upper social classes of elf society in Baldur’s Gate. Certain high elves have been known to be blessed by Corellon, the androgynous leader of the elven pantheon, and the deity of Magic, Music, Arts, Crafts, Poetry, and Warfare. As the creator and preserver of the eleven race, he’s incredibly powerful. So powerful that in certain, very rare cases, special elves who receive a special blessing from them can change their gender following every long rest. These elves, known as "blessed of Corellon", can choose to be male, female, or 'neither' based on their moods or feelings. So the concept of changing one’s gender or appearance isn’t at all foreign to Astarion. 
Astarion does his best to listen to Tav though, especially if this is a difficult subject for him. Astarion knows what it's like to not be in control of your own body, of your destiny- it’s awful, rotten, and certainly, not something he would want to intentionally inflict on another person, especially someone as important to him as Tav. 
Astarion will listen intently, and take mental notes as to how Tav prefers to be treated. If he asks Asation to give him more credit in physical battles or to maybe lay off pet names like ‘Beautiful’, Astarion will respect Tav’s wishes. It may take Astarion some time to adjust, but he does make an immediate effort to. 
Astarion will also not hesitate to cut a bitch who insults Tav or disrespects his pronouns or appearance. Astarion is basically the living, walking embodiment of that “respect people’s pronouns or I’ll make yours ‘was/were’”.
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Gale may put his hand in his mouth a handful of times when he talks to Tav about it at first, but he really does mean well. Gale’s just very curious about any magic or spells Tav has used, if any, in trying to alter their appearance or gender. Have they tried any transmutation spells? Polymorph? Any alchemy at all? Gale is very much on board with helping Tav achieve their desired look or body via magical means if that’s what he wants. 
Gale offers assistance via magical means of course, but he also offers a sympathetic ear should Tav ever want to talk about it. Gale has met plenty of alchemists who struggled with their own identity, so he knows it can weigh heavy on one’s mind. And when you already have a mind flayer parasite on the mind, well, that’s quite a lot for just one mind to handle!
Gale’s very excited to share shaving and grooming tips, especially when it comes to beard upkeep. That is if Tav is interested in trying out a beard. Gods know Gale’s been dying to talk to someone about it, someone who appreciates a handsome face when they see one. Tara won’t stop bugging him to shave it, and he could use another fellow on his side. Maybe together he and Tav could persuade Tara into liking it. (I mean, probably not, but it’s worth a shot.)
Gale isn’t one to initiate conflict, but should someone disrespect Tav or talk down to him, Gale would certainly have some words for that individual. Granted they may be murmured or said under his breath so as to not start yet another fight on their journey but in the end it’s the thought that counts, right? And if those words just happen to be some sort of mischievous spell as revenge, well, some things just can’t be helped, can they?
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Wyll is extremely kind and understanding when Tav tells him. He’s always very encouraging and does his best to uplift Tav anyway, but now that Wyll knows this, he tries even harder to do so. 
Wyll knows how much other people’s perceptions of yourself can mean. Wyll himself was so used to people seeing him in one light before Mizora cast him into another. Adjusting to the horns has not been easy, but just as Tav stood by him through all of that, Wyll vows to stand by Tav. 
He’s very polite, so he doesn’t ask a lot of questions unless Tav explicitly tells him it's okay to. If it is, Wyll will ask Tav about how they’d like to be addressed, how they’d like to be perceived within the roles of the team, and if there’s anything Wyll can do to make this process any easier for them. 
You know how in the latest patch, there was a fix that said “Duke Ravengaurd will now use the player's correct pronouns when addressing them”? And collectively we were all like, so Wyll sat him down and gave him a talk, huh? Yeah, that. 
Wyll’s very old-fashioned, not in his beliefs in gender roles, oh gods no, but in his belief that everyone should be treated with respect. (Well, sans goblins and like, bad guys, I guess.) So if Tav says they want to be called something, you can bet Wyll is the first one to remind the others if they slip up. 
Wyll thinks Tav is just an incredible person and an all-around amazing guy. He’s so happy to have met them. It’s kind of silly, but in some ways, Wyll still sees himself as this sort of knight-in-shining armor, a hero sworn to protect the people. But what’s amazed Wyll time and time again is how often Tav reminds Wyll and everyone else by extension, just how capable he is, as a leader and a friend. Tav isn’t helpless in need of rescue, he’s very capable in his way. Wyll finds it captivating, all the time Tav has come to his rescue. 
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ashes-writing · 2 years
tim riggins x reader hcs of any kind🫶🏻
Okay, first of all, holy shit, nonnie mouse, I fucking love you to pieces for this. Secondly, I really hope you like random assortments because I looooove this man. I loved the character. And it's been a while since I got to gush about the series itself. I also kinda loved Matt Saracen too but Tim is babe.
tag list babes || req rules + fandoms/characters || got a req? || masterlist
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Tag List ; There isn't anybody on my Friday Nights series taglist BUT BUT... since I do really owe @adampage the next part of Hot for Teacher and we both love Tim, I'll just tag them to this too.
Warnings ; mentions of choking, thigh riding, breeding kink, biting, his childhood (alcohol and the like), and this is it. Minors, find your way outta here and go read a comic.
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-- okay, first of all. He's so much smarter than anybody realizes. He just doesn't apply himself at all times because he hates the pressure and he didn't exactly get the best luck in life when it came to parents. This is why his older brother -who practically raised him, is driven crazy all through his high school days because big brother KNOWS he's the smarter Riggins and big brother just desperately wants Tim to get out and make something of himself. But Tim does not do well in academia and while he enjoys learning, he can't learn by the book via lectures to save his fucking life. Had classes been more hands on, baby would have fucking killed it.
-- He definitely has a type. He likes 'em bossy. Maybe it's the fact that the bossy ones always seem to care just a little more and they'll fight and hold on long after they should've let go. His type does him no favors most of the time though, because the subset of his type is that he likes a lot are the girls with savior complexes (Lyla, ahem.) and these kinds of loves typically do not pan out well in the long run.
--- Serial monogamist. He longs for the stability he didn't get to feel as a child but at the same time, he always gets scared as hell, does something to implode whatever relationship he's in and then he's on to the next one. But he loves the people he chooses, deeply. So its not like you become perfect strangers after a breakup with Tim, he will not allow that. I honestly think that he came real close to being truly happy in the love department two times (Tyra and Lyla) and both times, what'd he do?
--- Alternately, I do feel that after high school, he eventually comes to terms with everything, all of it, and he'll wind up settling down. He'll make somebody a damn fine husband because he's caring, he's the kind of guy who can make you laugh one minute and stay up with you til 2 am having deep conversations, he's very good at all things handy and holy shit, protective. Family means the world to him (he literally burned his own future to the ground ,tried to, at least, to protect his brother IIRC) so if he's with you, just know that you're it for him and the man would literally take a fucking bullet for you if he had to.
-- Cannot fucking cook to save his life. Has caused more than one fire in the kitchen at his old house. The fire department see a call come in from the old Riggins residence and roll their eyes while groaning.
-- Favorite subject was actually English / Creative writing. And he was surprisingly damn good at it too. He likes poetry, but he'd die before telling anybody this aloud.
-- I see him as an amazing girl dad, oh my god. Picture it, he's always willing to cuddle (because he loves that shit) and he decides early on that his little peanut is going to learn to be self reliant. He teaches her how to throw spirals, he tries to do her hair as best as he can but her braids are always crooked, they have a breakfast ritual that includes him carrying her into the kitchen and sitting her on the counter while he attempts to make pancakes (can't cook for shit but he's learned this one recipe for his lil girl) shaped like cactuses.
--- off topic but he is totally the guy to get an outline tattoo just so he can hand his kid markers and let them go to town coloring it in. And he'll leave it on for days, carefully saran wrapping the tattoo/marker each time he goes into the shower.
-- He likes the older country.. Like Merle, Patsy, Johnny.. You get it. Will get drunk off his face and serenade his SO in the bar to some Conway in a heartbeat and have absolutely zero shame for it.
-- Briefly wanted to be a doctor as a kid. But he's a lil squeamish about certain injuries and excess blood. He'll die before he admits it, but yeah. Can't stand bones through skin or excess blood, makes him hurl every time.
-- I feel like his father was kind of a Texan version of Frank Gallagher, so when he and Billy were younger, they had to fend for themselves a lot of the time. I also feel like he spent a lot of time as a kid believing he had no other option than to grow up and become another Walt and this made him bitter. Football probably saved his life, because if he hadn't gotten on the Panthers, I can easily see him as having gone down an entirely different path. I think his drinking and partying a lot stem from the fact that he's not thinking about all of this when he's got a few drinks in him. And he hates reliving the past or thinking about it, so he just kind of never dealt with a lot of the shit until Walt came back in and fucked up again before disappeaering. So the first time Tim actually deals with his past is when his own father shows up and immediately tries to destroy things with his 'family' -the team, by stealing camera equipment.
-- I feel like Tim hates fights but he won't run from them, either. I feel like the reason he hates them is that he knows he has anger and he doesn't want to let it get too far out of pocket.
-- only goes 'hunting' for the naps and the chance to be outside. The sport he really enjoys as far as the above goes is fishing. He could fish all day, easy. But he's not too big on actually hunting, so he'll go but he's probably just doing it to unwind and isn't actively trying to get a buck or anything. He pretends to be bigger into hunting than he actually is because it's how he was raised.
-- he'd literally worship you if you took control in bed. He normally loves to be in control, yes, but.. there's this part of him that wants someone to turn him into a groaning mess beneath their body.
-- that said, he is a soft!dom. He's chill, he's got boundaries, he takes damn good care of you, but. He really enjoys putting you in your place too.
--- STAMINA. He's got it.
-- He's not overly kinky, but he enjoys holding your hands down an pinning you under him. Or tying them.. because yannow, he likes to watch you come undone knowing you can't touch or anything until he allows it.
-- breeding kink, oh my god. tell him you want to have his babies and this man turns into a feral slut.
-- decently equipped. He's girthy and veiny. Average length though but that doesn't matter because holy shit, he knows how to use what he has.
-- he never actually slept around, it was reputation. He slept with a handful of people, tops and he was in relationships with them. This makes me think boy is a romantic. And a huge sappy one at that.
--- BUT BUT... he will rail you, oh my god. His hand at your throat, deep and slow. He likes missionary or cowgirl the best because of this. He likes to watch you come undone.
-- this man will spend hours between your thighs edging you until you're trying to shove his mouth away.
-- Ride his thighs. Fuckin loves it.
-- Will leave handprints all over you, ugh, your honor, I'ma down bad.
-- Likes to pull hair, but does it gentle enough that it wouldn't hurt you.
-- Always has to be touching. And has zero shame in copping a tits or an ass feel right out in front of God and everybody, esp when he's got you molded against him and slow dancing.
-- if you praise him he will fucking melt.
-- anything to do with calling him baby, praising him or kissing him in certain areas / playing with his hair are all it takes to get him going. Or kiss him in the middle of an argument to shut him up.
-- Loves makeup sex.
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firewoodfigs · 5 months
Tagged by the resplendent @roseofbattles :)
1. New York / poetry readings — sometime around September, I got to feed an old, ostensibly impractical dream that’s emerged and lurked around since two decades ago. I wrote a poem and got to read it aloud in a wonderful art studio around Chelsea, teeming with so much talent and heart, thanks to the incredible @mirabile---visu. Thank you, dear friend, for giving my poem a home. I will remember this forever and hold dear to heart all the honest conversations we had over pizza, art and wine <3 you are such an inspiration and I can’t wait to see you again! Thank you too to the insanely talented @go-haywire for putting my words into print and allowing them to rest in a well-bound sanctuary — I carried it with me in New York as a lucky charm, and will always be eternally grateful for your generosity and faith.
2. New Zealand — sometime in April, in between jobs, I got to visit the amazing @tsaritsa in NZ, and it was two weeks of peace and great novelty, including but not limited to riding on a horse, feeding penguins, and donning on a firefighter costume! We also walked a ton and talked a lot and gazed upon a blanket of stars. Thank you for all your hospitality and love which I will never forget (and see you in 2024?!)
3. Other travels — I travelled a lot around Asia this year, for work and for fun! I got to see the cherry blossoms for the first time in my life with Japan with my partner. We also got to celebrate his birthday there, and it was an all around lovely trip; I’m really happy he got to have this break because he’s been truly working so hard in 2023. I also ushered in the new year with a dear friend in South Korea; the fireworks were nothing short of spectacular! We got a strawberry shortcake after and returned to our cute little apartment to just wind down and pen down our hopes for 2023 :) I also got to visit Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia for work, which were really exciting experiences!
4. Job switch — sometime in April, I was confronted with this HUGE dilemma of staying here in my hometown or moving to… a tax-free desert… the latter meant I’d at least be able to stay with my previous firm, but after a lot of coffees and deep consideration I decided it was better to move on to someplace else and stay put so I could spend more time with my partner. In hindsight it was probably the best decision I could’ve made; 2023 has been quite emotionally distressing for us and I would’ve hated to see him ensure all of that alone. I was mildly apprehensive at first about the switch, but I’ve been really blessed to have the most wonderful colleagues and bosses and am really excited to see what’s in store next :)
5. Meeting new friends, and in a similar vein, catching up and reuniting with old ones :) New York was a dream, in large part due to meeting some of the most luminous souls I’ve had the serendipitous pleasure of knowing during the pandemic—first over a screen, and then in person, over karaoke, and bagels, and coffee, and ice cream, and of course fried chicken LOL. @x-rainflame-x @roseofbattles @nightofnyx8 @beware-thegemini @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee @annespelledwithane it was so so precious getting to meet you all in New York and I will cherish our time there together forever!
6. Learning a language—I try to learn at least one new word a day, and I’ve also been working on my Japanese since moving into a Japanese firm. It really helps as well to have colleagues that I can practice with—I took classes briefly in college but it sort of just drifted out of my memory after the pandemic because I didn’t speak it regularly, but now that I do it’s been super fun!
7. Getting into Spy x Family — and consequently, getting back into fic writing :) all of this is @nightofnyx8’s fault btw, now I have to pretend I like this stupid fake family a normal amount (when I’m just obsessed an unhealthy amount lmao)
8. Fraud/investigations work — this basically consumed the entirety of my Nov/Dec and there’s not much I can divulge about it (apart from the fact that it pretty much aged me by a decade) but… I felt like Loid Forger and it was fun being a spy for a month. the end
9. Dealing better with anxiety (?)—question mark because my progress is… questionable. On one hand I think I’ve gotten a lot better at regulating (or perhaps suppressing) a lot of associated feelings, but it still gets frightening on occasion when the dam breaks free without much prior warning. Regardless I think it’s a marked improvement from the countless menty bs back in college lmao. To be very frank, having a stable income of sorts has helped a great deal; in college I was constantly plagued with the fear of not having enough to purchase required materials or at times food, and it was just a lot to deal with. It felt like there was no room for failure because I only had myself to rely upon, and success was the only tenable avenue out of poverty, but being able to now obtain necessities and even additional wants has done wonders for my mental health. It’s true that money doesn’t happiness, and I spend a great deal of time daily mulling over capitalism and consumerism and the like, but I cannot deny the sense of security it affords.
10. And finally, falling deeper in love everyday :) it’s easy to think we know a great deal about someone, except we don’t. People may appear simple, but the truth is we’re all a work in progress, and by extension, a continuing story. I could read a million books and write a million poems, but beloved, believe me—you will always be my favourite.
Goodbye 2023, and hello 2024!
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bokettochild · 9 months
Really hoping for the dvd commentary. From Chapter 2 of Kintsugi.
Another blink, this time with that same flicker of silver hues as they watch him, that hint of a smile that is so often reserved for those younger. It looks like Link’s, like that of the skeleton only hours ago left behind in a world destined for destruction. “The sharpest arrow of the goddess’s quiver does not lack power for its speed and shine,” Dei recites, like some ancient proverb or forgotten verse. It’s unknown to him, but the significance of the word picture doesn’t evade him.  
‘Flen’ the deity calls him. Flen; that which flies straight and true to its target to cast destruction upon either that which harms or that which, by its death, will provide. ‘Flen’ a word foreign to those of Hyrule’s higher classes but known and spoken well in towns bordering the forgotten forests where fairies whisp through trees and linger to share their stories and mischief.  
‘Flen’, a word which means ‘arrow’ to those raised where language turns rough to protect against words rougher from those of higher class.  
“If you seek Hylia’s sharpest, I think you’d best look to your Kit, his tongue by far out does my own, and as for speed-”
The deity does not stir, watching.  
Warriors sighs. A hand ploughs through hair just beginning to curl again at its ends clutching at the roots with a sigh before his gaze returns to that which bears down on him. “FD, I’m no deity.”
Holy crap I forgot Kintsugi even existed! I swear I saw this in my inbox and straight up stalled going....what story is that? What is it about? When did that come out? Did I write it or are...but Kintsugi is my motif....nvm
And then I read it and remembered.
So! DVD commentary (which believe it or not I love listening to!)
The point of kintsugi as a motif is to show the strength of that which has been broken, which of course Warriors personifies to the extreme. Warriors in this story is a broken man who's been torn down, torn apart, and watched everything in his life, including himself, shatter. The use of kintsugi to represent his becoming stronger through his suffering was meant to be a main point of the story and this scene in particular was going to foreshadow that.
"The sharpest arrow of the goddess’s quiver does not lack power for its speed and shine" is implied to be a quote from poetry or something. The Hero of Warriors is, in a way, the sharpest arrow in the quiver of the goddess. The heroes are meant to be the 'arrows of the goddess' which itself is sort of a play on how the holy weapon that all Zelda's use is a Bow of Light. Each hero has his own qualities and strengths, and Warriors, as the soldier of the group, is one of the sharpest and harshest of the group, because he didn't only face monsters, he faced men.
What Dei means by his words though is that even if Warriors' strength lies in his sharpness, in his blade, he's not in any ways limited to that as his only strength. 'Lacking power for speed and shine' means that he's not just fast on the field and pretty to look at, he's also a powerhouse in his own right, he just doesn't know it yet.
The use of the arrow to represent Warriors is something which I included since the beginning of the story. "Flen" is I think the Old Norse(?) word for 'arrow', and is Dei's distinguishing name for the captain since the first time Warriors put on the mask. Using arrow imagery to tell Warriors he is more powerful than he thinks is sort of the theme of the next few paragraphs.
‘Flen’ the deity calls him. Flen; that which flies straight and true to its target to cast destruction upon either that which harms or that which, by its death, will provide
This basically just means arrows cause chaos, prompt chaos or provide where there is a need.
The next bit though, talking about how the word is foreign to the average Castletown dweller, is meant to remind of Warriors' heritage as a man who was raised in the poorer parts of the world. It's a nod to him being something rough and lowly, but crafted and sharpened from a common thing to an arrow for the goddess' use. He references that the language that the nickname comes from is one that his people use to hide themselves and protect themselves from those who only speak Hylian, thus separating themselves and further establishing the contrast between who he once was, what he was raised to be, and what he became.
“If you seek Hylia’s sharpest, I think you’d best look to your Kit, his tongue by far out does my own, and as for speed-”
This is Warriors trying to deflect. He's basically pointing to Legend ('kit' is Dei's distinguishing name for the vet) and saying "you want something great? look there!" and then continuing to try and point the finger to everyone else to point out their strengths. Earlier in the piece, there was a lot of emphasis placed on Warriors' feelings of mediocrity in the face of his extremely powerful brothers and team-mates, and this results in him continuing to look at them rather than looking within as Dei is asking him to.
Dei isn't having it though. Dei knows Warriors is more because he has seen Warriors unlock his own godly strengths. he's not going to stand for Warriors talking himself down, because the more the captain does that, the less Warriors will be able to see what Dei is trying to show him, the fact that Warriors is, in fact, a demi-god.
The thing is, Warriors isn't a deity in the same strain as the others. In the previous fic, First (Dei) and Legend actually have a discussion about something related to this.
(First is speaking here): “A guardian. Your soul,” He motions to the other. “I may not be the goddess, but any good soldier can be perceptive. You and yours all have souls that sing to a tune. Time.” He motions to the armored leader. “The sea, storms and wind.” Wind. “Light.” The goddess’s youngest, (Hyrule) lightning dancing on his finger-tips as his mother watches with faint laughter. “The elements, the building blocks of life.” The Four heroes who are somehow one. “The forest, the wilds of the world, nature herself.” The goddess’s eyes set in the face of a young boy who spins shadows on his fingers (Wild). “The night, the shadows and the lost and wandering.” He motions to the rancher, to Twilight who sits and watches the others with a gaze dark and yet bright, a contradiction, a shadow that is somehow full of light. “War.” The captain who stands polished and pristine yet who’s very spirit seemed to sing on the field, who’s blade swung stronger with every drop of blood fallen. “Life.” He turns to Legend.  
The other takes a moment to catch onto the fact that he’s stopped, that he’s staring at him, and when the lad does see it, his eyes widen slightly. “Life?”  
“The living; the breathing earth, the trees and animals, the people . You live to give life and preserve it.” His smile is crooked, he knows. “It is your calling. Forgive my boldness, but I dare say we are the same on that front; we live to preserve what they bring to fruition.”  
Except that Warriors does not live to bring things into fruition (which I couldn't clarify without derailing that conversation) but rather, he also lives to preserve. Warriors' very existence is to preserve and unite things, thematically speaking. So yeah. Warriors is different from the others, which prevents him seeing his greatness, but Dei, who is basically the same, can recognize it.
The whole scene you selected- the whole chapter in fact! is about Dei trying to provoke Warriors into realizing his power. As we saw though, it failed :(
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