#I hope it helps
lyralit · 2 years
[healthy] secret relationship prompts
they try keep it a secret but everyone else knows
it's the rush of a secret that they both cherish
run an anonymous social media account
exchanging knowing looks in public -> words without saying them
sneaking out between breaks to say hello
their friends tried to set them up once before—it went terribly and now they keep up the facade to mess with them
they're shy
they like to mess with people.
a relationship then break-up for convenience reasons, though they fall in love behind the scenes just when one of them is introduced to someone new
friends who are part of opposing friend groups, but they don't want the attention if they're noticed hanging out together
someone in the centre of attention + someone hanging on the sidelines: they're fine as they are
one of them accidentally reaches out and now they're texting all the time
well-known Hollywood stars, who just so happen to be very private people
they unintentionally keep it secret
requested by anon
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they're/their, you're/your and it's/its
Idk suddenly remembered that a lot of you maggots aren't native English speakers and even native speakers sometimes struggle with this so I thought I'd try and help:
They're and their are both extremely common words, pronounced the same way, spelt differently, and with different meanings. Same with you're and your, and with it's and its.
Fun fact, pairs or groups like that are called homophones. Why? Because they hate gay people (I'm kidding, that's homophobes, with a b).
Okay, so THEY'RE is just a contraction (short form) of they are. When a letter (or more) is removed from a word, an apostrophe (the ' symbol) takes its place.
So they are becomes they're.
Which is how you can differentiate it from THEIR, which is a separate word, without any contraction, that's a possessive pronoun (transphobes everywhere faint at the mention of pronouns).
Possessive pronouns = words that indicate something belongs to something else, to put it as simply as I can.
Do not picture 2010 Wattpad bad boy kind of possessiveness. Don't do it.
The same thing happens with you are, it becomes YOU'RE. Which is why it's different from YOUR, which is a possessive pronoun again.
Similarly, it is becomes IT'S by removing the i of the is. Different from ITS, which is a possessive pronoun.
If you have difficulty choosing which one to use, the simple way would be to expand the contraction to see if the sentence still makes sense.
For example, They're going to yeet that out of the window. Is they're the correct word? They are going to yeet that out of the window. Yes, it makes sense.
What about, They're relatives are coming home tonight?
Expand the contraction. They are relatives are coming home tonight. It doesn't make sense, does it? You're trying to say the relatives belong to whoever the mysterious 'they' is.
The belonging implies a possessive pronoun, so the actual correct sentence would be: Their relatives are coming home tonight.
It's Wednesday (It is Wednesday), but The Tumblr sexyman ran into its hole (not it is hole, but its hole, as in the hole belongs to it).
You're reading this post (you are reading this post), but Your sanity is being ruined by this hellsite (not you are sanity, but your sanity, as in the sanity belongs to you).
(not for long, though, no one retains their sanity on this stupid site)
ANYWAY I hope I helped a bit with my weird ramble and if you're struggling with English, don't worry, homie, native English speakers around the world literally have fucking international competitions where the only challenge is to spell words.
(They're called Spelling Bees, look them up.)
(Everyone is struggling with English.)
(English is to languages what Tumblr is to social media.)
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waterlogged-detective · 6 months
Can we get a run down on what exactly is up with Boots?
he’s a 1y.o. Kitten who likes kitten things like crime and treats and pets and arson. Also he is very round and very soft.
He’s banned from Polythreme for tax evasion and will be arrested on sight, and he’s been arrested several dozen times in London because he keeps forgetting hes small enough to go through the prison’s bars.
Currently he is finishing up the name signed with a flourish quests in order to become a posi, and he’s slowly chipping away at hunting the Vake (who he’s sure is just a really weird cat)
I hope I didn’t misunderstand your question, and I hope it helps but if you have any specific questions about him i actually have a whole backstory to him which i keep putting off on drawing because am lazy !!!
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OK. I promised a head modification tutorial to @rijinks, but maybe other people can benefit from this lifehack, too. Please excuse my English – it's not my first language, and I struggled a lot while writing this. Also, it's my first doll-related tutorial ever, so please forgive me if it's lame.
First things first. If you ever decide to do this modification, please keep in mind that things may go wrong and you may destroy the head. I ruined a few heads while trying to make it work. I explained how to avoid this the best I can, however, it's better to have some spare heads for learning, just in case. Also, things can go wrong in a way I can't predict. If in doubt, please don't do it.
If you still feel like proceeding, you need a curved modeling stack with a ball-shaped tip (as on the photo below) and a pot of boiling water. You might need reuseable tea bags – I don't know if this is strictly necessary, but they help to avoid direct contact between the pot and the head (and I have a feeling this should be avoided), also this way you can retrieve the head from the pot without trouble. You might also need something to protect your hands while dealing with a head recently taken out from boiling water. On the photos I am doing everything with my bare hands, but different people have different resistance to high temperatures. I recently learned some people's hands have less resistance to heat than mine.
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For demonstration, I am using a head which was already modified previously. This mold is called Sean, that's the mold I used for my Lestat doll, and I have a few spare heads left. So, I'll start with returning the head to its original shape (yes, this is possible), and then I'll remodify it again.
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Step 1. The head should go into the boiling water and be there for a while. I can't define the time period, it differs from head to head. Maybe 5 minutes would be fine? It's not sufficient to put the head inside and remove it at once. The head should remain in the boiling water for awhile, it should warm up sufficiently to become less rigid and more flexible. Once you make it with a few heads, you'll learn to recognise this state. If in doubt, keep the head there for a longer period – in my experience, keeping the head in boiling water for a longer time didn't do any damage.
Also, if you put an already modified head into boiling water, it will regain the original shape. This way you can undo your modification if you don't like the results. You can even do it after a few months, as I just did – it will work anyway. Once again, the head should be in the boiling water for some time to regain the original shape. If you use boiling water to style a doll's head after rerooting (as I sometimes do), a modified head is likely to maintain its shape through a very short exposion to high temperature which is sufficient to fix the hairstyle. (But still, anytime I do it I am ready to lose the result of modification altogether. Maybe I am just lucky it never happened.)
So, we can see the head regained its original shape.
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Step 2. Now, it's time to put the round tip of the stack into the head and press at the nose from the inside. You can apply pressure to any part of the nose, I chose the middle, but it's possible to apply pressure to the bridge of the nose and try to give your doll one of these beautiful Greek profiles. (I tried it several times, sometimes it doesn't work with a specific mold because the head material has limited flexibility, but sometimes it does.) This is THE DANGEROUS PART where things may go wrong. To achieve a noticeable result, you need to apply a lot of pressure, like, to make the face super deformed. (It won't remain this way, the actual level of deformation will be, like, a half or a third part of it.) But to ensure the modification persists, you should apply significant pressure for some time. That's the part where you may ruin a head altogether.
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My advice on this:
1. Keep your eyes on the spot where you put the pressure. (I got distracted once, this was a mistake.) If you see that the layer of vinyl in the part of the head where you press is becoming too thin or is changing colour (in my case, it changed colour to white), STOP IMMEDIATELY, because you may tear the head. If the head wasn't torn but there's a spot that is badly deformed or changed colour – put the head back into boiling water, let it boil for a while, this may fix the damage.
2. Please try this method on a spare head before applying it to any doll head which is precious to you. I spoiled a few doll heads until I realized what amount of pressure is relatively safe. It also differs from head to head, even if they are from the same manufacturer. Be careful anytime you do it, I'm serious. And once again – do it at your own risk or don't, if in doubt.
Step 3. At this point, you just need some patience. As you continue to apply the pressure, the head cools down, and that's where the magic begins. I can't say how long it will take because it differs, my strategy is to remove the stack from time to time and see if the nose maintains its new shape. If it changes back to the original shape, the temperature of the head isn't low enough, and I proceed.
So, that's the result:
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I more or less went back to where I was with this head (which was my intention all along).
Now let's put the photos together and take a closer look. We can see that the change affected more than just the nose. The shape of the whole head is different now: the face became longer, the eyes' shape also changed (in my experience, original makeup survives this transformation, but sometimes it really looks wrong with the new head shape), and the eyes are not as deep-set as they used to be. So, I am not sure if this face changed for the better or otherwise, but it's certainly different now. (Hopefully, one day I'll find the time to reroot this head and give him a body.)
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Finishing notes. I can say the modification is more or less stable under room temperature – I started this in the beginning of 2023, so, my first modified heads maintained their new shape for almost a year. In my experience, everything can be undone if you put the head into boiling water even after a few months (I can't say “years” because I don't know it yet). I don't know whether it affects the head's longevity – it's too early to say anything. I can say that modified heads can be rerooted and repainted like any other heads, there's no need to handle these with extra care or something, and the hair can be styled with boiling water if it's brief. I don't advise to use the same pots for cooking and boiling doll heads, but I don't know if it's really dangerous. It's just... I'd rather not.
There's one more thing I can't say. As far as now, I only practiced this modification with the heads which can be disassembled from the body and placed back without any temperature impact, and it worked well. However, neck anchors of some dolls won't allow to remove the head or put it back if you don't warm the head up this way or other. If that's the case for your doll, I can't say whether the head will maintain its modified shape through the process. Again, if in doubt, don't do it.
Good luck and I hope it helps.
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papirouge · 2 years
pretty much every abortionist take can be debunked by this simple statement of fact:
your suffering or trauma doesn't justify causing someone else's death
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justcallme-ange · 3 months
Techno hugs have been very nice. Thank you. It’s made me feel a lot better
I'm glad! ^^ Techno hugs make everything better. I know Tumblr's kind of been on fire, and while I can't physically hug you, know that my art is there to do so if you need it <3
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youwannadance · 1 year
if anybody’s thinking what i’m thinking i just wanted to say that there are a lot of different reasons why he could be crying including gabriel giving a speech
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maxemilianver · 1 year
Very much needed spoilers about dts to Max fans who are sceptical about watching the new season due to how netflix portrayed him in the seasons before, if you are not sure about watching it you might get some idea overall,
Good for us, there isn't a lot of Max in dts season 5 and he mainly appears from time to time in interviews, times when he is talking with other drivers or Christian before races & when the episode is around red bull. All the other scenes of Max is taken from the race footages and press conferences. There is no Max episode, although we can kinda say that he gets mentioned a lot in the cost cap focused episode. But you are not missing something special generally.
There is a cute bit of Max in Mick's episode, I would say that that is the only personal part of Max in dts. He gets mentioned & shown around Checo's episode about his Monaco win. The cost cap episode is combined with Max's success, winning both drivers and constractors championship, passing away of Didi, but it is mainly focused on Horner's reaction to the cost cap and all that cheating comments. Singapore/Suzuka/Austin is also shown but honestly, watching the race is much more better, it adds nothing special other than some bts conversations and bits of Max's small interview with netflix. Oh, Max is hilarious though.
There is nothing about Brazil drama, it doesn't get mentioned once (i expected this since netflix did not go to brazil to film). There isn't all that forced villain character on Max (but we can argue about Christian lol), even though other fans (such as Merc fans) will still argue with you about that because Netflix just mentions him having a good season.
Also Checo's episode is just him lowkey admitting the pressure of having Max as a teammate and i found that hilarious. Overall dts focused a lot on Christian and not Max specially. Not a bad season, but again, watching races is just better. Also please add if i missed something, since I skimmed through some episodes because it was boring other team drama 💀
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hafwen · 4 months
My mom has her first really bad reaction to chemo, neuropathy in her hands and feet
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countingstars-17 · 12 days
When making the gifs that feature race footage/ post race interviews do you screen record your screen as the thing is going on? Or do you wait for the footage to be uploaded somewhere? I wanna start to dabble in giffing again but I have no idea how to obtain footage.
Hi, i usually record from chrome (i used to only be able to record from firefox but nowadays it's the other way around 🙃) via WINDOWS + G button. the game bar will open and you can record from there.
to get better quality clips i have a subscription to f1tv pro and i record directly from there (i live in a country where f1tv is not available so i also have to turn on a VPN 😅)
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Hello, may I ask what is the alternative you found to z library? :'( I'm still looking for some replacement
It's called Anna's Archive.
"Search engine of shadow libraries: books, papers, comics, magazines. ⭐️ Z-Library, Library Genesis, Sci-Hub. ⚙️ Fully resiliant through open source code and data. ❤️ Spread the word: everyone is welcome here!"
You may have to try a couple of times when you try to download something but it works decently.
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littlestellababy27 · 22 days
When men flirt with me on here, I flirt back. I act genuine and kind, because it's the kind of girl I was raised to be. I've had a couple guys I've gotten friendly with, flirted with, only for them to say they love me. But I can only love them as friends. Because of that, I've lost some really good people in my life. Is it impossible for guys and gals to be friends without sex or flirting?
Can you give me some advice please?
The first thing I want to ask you is whether you actually want to be flirting with these people, or if you do it because you’re a people-pleaser. I was raised to believe that a nice girl always gives anyone who is interested in her a chance, whether she’s interested back or not. It took a lot of self-reflection to realize that I was placing myself in situations I didn’t want with people I wasn’t interested in simply because the men who raised me felt entitled to female attention.
It can be a *very* difficult habit to break, especially if the idea of disappointing someone seems like a nightmare to you. But my first bit of advice to you is to establish boundaries early with people you aren’t interested in. Even if you want to continue to casually flirt back with people who flirt with you, try to make sure you and they know early on what to expect from the interaction.
It is absolutely possible for anyone of any gender(s) to be friends without sex or flirting. Friendship does not require a lack of attraction. Even two people deeply in love with each other can remain “just friends”. All it takes is a bit of self-regulation and boundary setting from both parties. Remember, we may not be able to control our feelings, but we can absolutely learn to control our actions.
It can be very sad to lose someone because you were not able to give them everything they wanted. But do keep in mind that this will not always be the case with everyone who truly cares about you. Some will choose to stay in your life because they value you enough to accept your limits. This is the type of person you want to have around. These are the people who truly care about *who you are* and not just what you can offer them. My advice is to seek out these quality people and allow those who cannot adapt to your circumstances to fall to the wayside.
The people who truly want you in their lives will make themselves known by sticking around.
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sleepymccoy · 1 year
hey u mentioned u bring the waist in on your shirts. how do u do that??? i have a big chest too and that sounds really useful
I have a sewing machine, so it's not the most useful advice if you don't. I just resew both side hems to fit me
You can do it with darts too if youre going by hand tho, less sewing w that. I'll explain the dart thing more cos I think the first option is self explanatory
I'm in bed already so this tutorial will be shit! Sorry and good luck
I've bolded the bits I think are very important
Put the shirt on inside out, while wearing a bra.
Find the smallest bit of you (waist) and pin it there. Don't make it super tight, it's still a t shirt not a scuba top
Chuck a couple pins from armpit to that point
Take the shirt off and put it on right way around to make sure it's not totally silly looking (esp important for shirts w a design, sometimes you don't want to take evenly from the sides but actually take from the back and leave the front smooth)
Sew from armpit to waist
Do not cut any fabric, you now have a little ruffle type thing at your hips. I have some really cute singlets with this design, they look quite fem. If you don't like this, repin and do it again all the way down the side. If you do that, you can cut the fabric, you've committed now. It's a new shirt
If you do like it, well done! It should only be a few inches of stitching on both sides and if the stitches fail no stress cos you didn't any fabric anyway
Like this
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Can you tell I'm an artist?
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do2faj · 10 months
Hello silly tumblr person that feeds me yummy art, i am aware that you’re fond of the band Ghost, and i, (your devoted worshipper), thinks that they look very cool!! And wants to know more!! 
But unfortunately, i have no idea where to start off. I am very confuzzled about these little “papa” guys, and other stuffs. 
Do you have any song recommendations for where to start off? Or just any overall information i need to know?
Ok firstly, that was ,the best, nickname someone ever dared to call me so thank you for that and I also love you for asking me about my interest that srs made my day🥹
Tbh Ghost's lore is not complicated like people say at ALL. They're nothing but a silly little autistic rock band
I would explain it to you but it would be too long and painful for me to write so I suggest you to watch those short essay videos that explains it on YouTube first(there's a lot so I don't think you'll have problem with finding one) so that you can understand what is going on in the chapters and their songs meanings.After that you can then learn about the band members (aka the nameless ghouls) I'm sure there's also videos that explains it.
(This is how I started off btw! I just think reading summaries or watching essays before you get into the thing that you want to get into saves you from wasted time and confusion because when you start this way, you have some basic knowledge going on about the topic, so you actually know what you are doing.)
It may look a little too much now,but it's really not when you get inside I'm sure you'll have so much fun!!( I should warn you that the fandom is a little too horny but you are a Tumblr user so I don't think you'd mind that)
My favorite song is Idolatrine but the album Infestisumam itself is just so damn amazing so yeah,give it a shot. Your ears won't be disappointed 🦇
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shirbird · 5 months
Thinking about how Crowley was so wide-eyed and bushy-tailed when we created his nebula, how he was so full of life and love and happiness- and then he started to ask questions/no longer blindly follow authority and was rejected, cast out. How it hardened him, how all that life and love is still inside him but he doesn’t let himself-much less anyone else- access it.
How so many of us, too, were full of life and love and happiness, once upon a time. How we dared to be different- or even just be ourselves. How we were rejected, told that we were wrong- bad. How we hid who we were inside ourselves.
How the people who told us we were wrong were wrong themselves. How it’s not black and white. How they weren’t the “good guys”, even though they were supposed to be. How we’re NOT bad.
How even though we might know that now, it hasn’t necessarily sunk in. How we’ve internalized it, how that critical voice in our heads isn’t actually our own. How we’ve learned to suppress the voice that is ours- that voice filled with life, and love, and happiness, and hope.
How we’re learning to take ourselves back, to love ourselves and the world again. How it’s hard. How it’s possible.
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papirouge · 4 months
adding "White" before making mean comments about women doesn't hide your misogyny uwu
Yeah and hiding behind "misogyny" to deflect the discourse addressing the typical toxicity of racist White women while trying to censor the people they victimize from speaking about it isn't feminism
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