#I had to pause the last episode because it was getting late and I have work and I didn’t know the last one would be so long
daniel-with-an-l · 1 year
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angelic-sturniolos111 · 7 months
The Right Words 🧸
Chris begins to question his opinions on commitment and relationships after being close friends with you for months. Chris’s feelings for you have grown stronger, but he can’t quite articulate his affection for you. Instead of using his words he makes a romantic gesture to show you how he feels.
chris sturniolo x fem! reader
warnings: none, just chris being super shy and fluffy
author’s note: kinda inspired by stuff he’s said ab relationships and how “too much love” kinda scares/intimidates him
not proofread lmao
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Chris’s POV:
Matt had invited Y/N to come hang at our house while we record our podcast episode for the week. It wasn’t unusual for Y/N to always be around, she was our friend, but I hadn’t opened up to my brothers about how I truly feel about her.
She moved to LA a few months back and we all met her at some influencer party, and she hit it off with us immediately. First, it started with the four of us going out to record content, going bowling, thrifting, things like that. Eventually, we all grew closer with her and she started hanging out at our house a lot more, and often sleeping over. The first time she had slept over was after Nick and Matt had already gone to bed, and since she didn’t want to wake them she slept in my room with me. After that night I guess my room became the unofficial-Y/N-sleepover room because she has always spelt in my room every time since.
I immediately found Y/N attractive when we met— she’s a very pretty girl. I’ve always had closer girl friends in my circle, and even if I think any of them are pretty, my feelings never go beyond that— it’s always platonic. I know part of that is because they just weren’t the right girl for me, but another part of me knows it’s because I don’t let myself sit in those feelings. I’m scared of commitment, relationships, things of that sort. Sure I’ve hooked up with a few girls in my day, but I’ve never had any serious romantic feelings for anyone.
Until Y/N.
That first night she slept in my room we stayed up for hours talking about everything from our favorite hockey teams to deeper emotional stuff. That became our routine when she would sleepover… always the last ones awake, and always having long in-depth conversations with one another. What started off as friendly, platonic feelings for her quickly changed after many nights spent late night talking.
As much as I loved our late night talks I honestly wanted more. I wanted early morning talks, afternoon talks, and to just be with her every second of every day. I wanted to hold her, spoil her, kiss her, and call her mine. I thought I would never feel this way about anyone before, but she makes me feel things I’ve never felt— she’s everything to me.
I recently came to the conclusion that keeping these feelings buried was starting to drive me insane, and I had to open up to someone about it.
Matt and I were currently getting in his car on the way to pick up Y/N. Before Matt put the car in drive, I spoke up;
“Hey, can I talk to you about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately? I just really need someone to talk to about it.” I say sheepishly. Matt’s eyes leave his phone to meet mine, and he instantly put his phone down giving me his full attention.
“Yeah bro of course. You can tell me anything. What’s up?” He says concerned because usually this is the other way around. Matt opening up to me about his issues. It was rare that I ever had anything on my end to discuss.
“Well it’s just,” I pause, hesitating if I should even continue. Matt puts a hand on my shoulder comforting me enough to move on.
“I have serious, and I mean serious feelings for Y/N.”
I’m not sure what I was expecting in response, but it wasn’t this…
He started laughing. LAUGHING. In my fucking face.
“Okay why are you laughing? Is something funny about any of this?” I say now a little pissed off that he wasn’t taking this seriously.
“Oh man, no no I’m sorry I’m not trying to be rude. It’s just… SO obvious.” He says and continues to laugh.
“WHAT?! IS IT REALLY?” I yell. Oh god, I hope Y/N doesn’t know and I’m not making a complete ass out of myself.
“Yes! Nick and I talk about it all the time. You may not realize it but you NEVER stop talking about her. “Y/N said this funny thing last night,” “Y/N really likes this movie,” “You know one time Y/N” Y/N Y/N Y/N. I swear every god damn sentence you utter her name leaves your mouth.” Matt mocks, but before I can interject he continues;
“Jesus not to mention the way you stare her down whenever she’s in the room. Nick and I are always laughing about it— like when he’s editing our videos and we can see that you looking at her constantly whenever she steps behind the camera? Or when we went to the beach that one time!? You saw Y/N in a bikini for the first time, and we saw you grab the towel to cover your lap because—”
“Okay OKAY! Alright, I get it! I’m not as good as hiding my feelings for her as I thought…” I cut him off before he can continue to blabber about it any more. Matt comes down from his laughing fit.
“Hey, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be mean. My point is is that we’ve never seen you like this with anyone before, and it’s really sweet.” Matt rests his hand on my arm reassuringly. “Well, we told her we were on our way to pick her up. If you want to I can text Nick and we can come up with some sort of excuse to leave so you guys can have some alone time together and maybe you’ll be able to talk with her about it?” He suggests.
“Yeah… it’s the talking that I’m scared of.” I look down and play with my hands in my lap. “That’s the problem. Like you said, I’ve never been like this with anyone before, and I don’t know how to put my feelings into words. If you haven’t noticed I’m not necessarily the most romantic person ever.” I say with a sigh.
Matt looks around the car seeing if anything might give him an idea. He sees the gummy worms in the center console from the last time we filmed a car video and picks them up to show me.
“Okay, candy? What about candy?” He says as if he just made some sort of scientific breakthrough.
“Kid, what the fuck are you talking about? Candy?” I laugh, completely confused.
“Yeah! We can swing by the store and you can get her her favorite candies and snacks, and you guys can watch a cute movie together or something? If you can’t tell her how you feel maybe you can show her through your actions.”
I thought about it for a second, and it honestly wasn’t a bad idea. I knew her favorite candy, snacks, movies, all that stuff. I know she loves comfy blankets for movie time. She also complains about not having a stuffed animal for her to cuddle when she sleeps over, and she usually steals one of Matt’s. All these thoughts came flooding into my head at once, and suddenly I had the best idea.
“Okay, I got it!. We’re going to need to stop at the store before we get her. You and Nick distract her when we get back to our place, and then find some excuse to leave. I have the perfect plan.” I say excitedly.
An enormous smile grows on Matt’s face. He clicks his seatbelt, and before he can back the car out of the driveway we see Nick striding out the door to the car. Matt rolls his window down.
“What the fuck are you two still doing in the driveway? I thought you were getting Y/N?” Nick says.
“Bro get in the car you’re coming with us we’ve gotta update you on Chris’s love affair!” Matt says jokingly making me laugh. Nick just rolls his eyes, and climbs in the backseat.
Y/N’s POV:
Chris had given me a call earlier to tell me that their manager, Laura, needed Nick and Matt for something at her house tonight so it would just be the two of us. She had apparently given them a call on their way out to pick me up so they were running late. Honestly, I was a little nervous that Chris and I would have the house to ourselves. I was always comfortable being alone with him in his room, and I’ve always hoping he’d take one of these nights to make a move. In my head I tried to convince myself he hasn’t made a move yet because his brothers were always home— worried they’d barge in and interrupt or something. I’ve had a HUGE crush on Chris, and I wasn’t super hopeful that he felt the same way because he’s never been a relationship type of guy. Plus, he always has girl friends, and I’m worried I probably just fall under the friend category in his eyes.
Finally, I see headlights shine through my front window and look to see Matt’s car in the driveway. I grab my purse and head out the door and open the car door to climb in the backseat. I was surprised to be met with Chris in the backseat, and Nick in the front with Matt.
“Fancy seeing you in the back. You’re never back here.” I say getting in my seat and clicking the seatbelt.
“Umm yeah, I— um.” Chris starts before Nick cuts him off.
“He was taking too long in the store so I hopped in the front.” I see Chris raise his eyebrows slightly at Nick, giving him a weird look.
“I didn’t know you guys went out. What were you getting?” I ask.
“Um just toiletries and stuff. Needed some, uh, shampoo.” Chris says shrugging his shoulders and breaking out eye contact. He seemed tense, but I brushed it off.
We pull into the driveway and I get out of the car making my way over to the trunk. The three boys get out and stand awkwardly behind the car with me.
“Did you want help bringing the stuff in?” I say and there was silence as the boys just awkwardly stared at each other, and then at me. “…From the store?” I continue.
“Oh no Chris’s got it. Matt and I wanna show you the updates we made to the podcast studio, come on!” Nick says grabbing my arm and leading me up the driveway to their front door leaving Chris behind to get stuff out of the trunk.
Matt, Nick, and I go inside and they immediately go upstairs to their studio, and I stop to hesitate at the bottom of the stairs.
“Should we wait for Chris?” I say. Matt turns around to look at me, and then shoots a glance to Nick.
“No he’s slow as fuck. Come on!” Nick yells. I laugh and make my way upstairs.
Matt and Nick start showing me decor and stuff around the studio. It honestly wasn’t anything that I haven’t already seen before, but I kept my mouth shut because it seemed very important for them to show me again. As they blabber on I see Chris run swiftly past the door, carrying a bunch of shopping bags, and going into his bedroom slamming the door. I became even more suspicious to his weird behavior.
Matt and Nick went on to me about the podcast episodes they were planning to film, but I was barely even listening since my thoughts were elsewhere. I’m snapped out of my daydreaming when Chris comes in and stands in the doorway.
“Okaaaay! You guys have to go to Laura’s, yeah?” Chris asks his brothers.
“Yes! Yes we do. Matt let’s get going!” Nick says to Matt and they eagerly start walking out of the room. Matt turns back and gives me a smile, “Have fun!” He says. Matt then gives Chris a pat on the shoulder before him and Nick make their way downstairs and out the door.
Why the hell were they all acting so weird?
I take a step towards Chris as he remains blocking the doorway.
“So, what do you wanna do?” I question, and a smirk creeps up on his face.
“I actually have a special movie night planned for us.” He says with that sweet smile of his I love so much.
“What makes it special?” I ask. He grabs my hand, making my breath hitch in my throat slightly at our touch. He leads me to his bedroom. Was this it? Was he making his move? I didn’t necessarily think he’d be so bold as to bed me right away, but I also wasn’t complaining. I thought to myself before he proves me wrong. He opens his bedroom door and leads me inside, and I smile big once I see what he’s done.
His bed is full of pillows from both his room and the spare bedroom, and they’re covered in a huge blanket. There’s another sherpa blanket on the bed with a cute teddy bear on my side where I usually sleep. On his nightstand is a bowl of popcorn, and bags of my favorite candies. He had turned his ceiling lights off and had fairy lights draped over his headboard illuminating the room. Also lighting the room was his TV which had one of my favorite Disney movies cued up ready to watch.
Chris steps back as I walk around the room taking it all on.
“Chris! This is so sweet!” I gawk as I jump into his bed and wrap myself in the softest blanket and he follows suit. We lay in his bed together in silence for a moment before he grabs the teddy bear and handing it to me with a smile. I take the bear from his hands and wrap it tight in my arms.
Chris’s POV:
“Chris, what’s all this for?” Y/N asks looking at me with her beautiful eyes.
I knew that she’d ask why I went all out. I had ran a couple scenarios of her possible questions in my head, and embarrassingly enough I may or may not have practiced what I was going to say with Nick in the car earlier…
“Well, it’s for you.” Duh? Chris I think that’s kinda obvious you dumb fuck. I don’t think any amount of practicing could’ve prepared me to face the prettiest, sweetest girl I’ve ever met in my life. I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing moment. She smiles, her eyes softening, and she scootches closer to me.
“You did all this for me? Why?” She asks sweetly. I knew she’d love the surprise, but also knew she’d be confused.
I really tried my best to prepare for this talk, but I was still so nervous. I didn’t know what to say.
I take a deep inhale before starting the conversation.
“I— I did this for you because I wanted to. Well I mean obviously I wanted to or else I wouldn’t have done this. What I mean is I want to show you what I think of you. Or, I mean, how I feel… and I— ugh.” I sigh and burry my face in my hands now completely embarrassed from my nervous rambling. “I don’t know how to use my words.” I mumble into my hands.
I feel a soft, gentle hand on mine pulling it slowly from my face, and I’m met with Y/N as her eyes lock on mine. When my hands are back down in my lap she reaches her hand up to gently cup my cheek, not breaking eye contact. Her eyes flicker from mine down to my lips, and back up to mine before speaking;
“Then don’t use your words…”
I bring my hand up to lay on top of hers cupping my cheek, and I lean in to her touch. I bring my other hand gently to the nape of her neck and pull her closer. Her face is mere inches away from mine. Our eyes breaking contact and moving to our lips. She slowly closes her eyes, and I pull her in fully and plant my lips on hers.
Her lips were soft. Sweet, even. They molded perfectly with mine as we kiss. The kiss is gentle and eager at the same time. I’ve only ever dreamed of this moment, and I can’t believe it’s finally happening.
We pull away from our kiss, our foreheads still touching. I open my eyes first to look at her, and when she opens hers a sweet smile creeps on her lips making me laugh softly.
“Hi.” I say in a whisper.
“Hi Chris.”
“I really like you, Y/N.”
“I really like you too.”
She pulls me in, this time with more force, and plants a passionate kiss on my lips.
We continue to kiss for a moment before I pull back.
“Will you be my girl?” I ask.
She smiles, nodding her head feverishly before bringing her lips back to mine and throwing her hands around my neck.
I’m in heaven.
I honestly didn’t know how to end this and I’m kinda cringing but oh well.
Happy Thanksgiving y’all! 🦃
— Kay 🖤
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vctrvn-ls · 8 months
You cuddled into Sharky's sweater, smelling the faint and almost faded signs of the cologne he always used in the morning.
You had a cup of warm tea in your hand, waiting for it to cool down before you could drink it.
It was pouring outside, your windows were covered in a thin layer of fog that built up because you had turned the heater on.
Typical London weather.
Just this morning it was bright and sunny, now it's dull and grey.
You were on the couch, watching a Kdrama called Blind.
Honestly, you were surprised by your own self, considering the fact that you'd always called all the shows "cheesy, corny and annoyingly similar to almost each kdrama that existed".
All of that quickly disappeared after Sharky finally convinced you to watch Blind.
It was a drama, but a thriller and detective story as well. And after getting a taste, you couldn't get enough of the plot. You liked it so much that you happily rewatched the episodes you and Sharky had already seen together, not wanting to watch anything without him.
You sighed, as the last episode, you both had already watched finished, picking up the remote and pausing the tv. You glanced at the window, seeing the sky light up.
Where the hell was he?
You picked up your phone.
No calls, no texts, no nothing. He said he'd be back late, but he didn't say how late. You wanted to call him, find out if he was ok and make sure he's on his way home.
But, on the other hand, you didn't want to come off as clingy or needy. You'd only been dating for half a year…Didn't really make sense since you moved in together. And you knew that it didn't make sense, but you'd rather not risk anything that might push him away.
Like being too clingy, so with another sigh, you put your phone down and clicked on a different show to kill the time.
Soon, after finishing your tea, you dozed off and fell asleep with Big Mouth playing in the background.
Your eyes opened to the sound of your front door squeaking open, followed by a series of ruffles that sounded like a coat being taken off.
"Baby?" You heard a whisper "You asleep?"
You blinked a few times before sitting up and seeing the hallway of your apartment lit up behind the living room wall.
"Sharky?" You groaned, getting up and making your way to the door.
"Heeyy," you were greeted by a big grin and smiling eyes "Did I wake you up?"
You looked him up and down, seeing a a wet umbrella on the floor and a puddle on the mat beneath Sharky. He was soaked.
You let out a tired chuckle.
"What?" He murmured with a smile, leaning down to take off his boots.
"You look like you've just got out of the pool."
"Have you seen the weather? It's been raining since noon!"
"What was the point of your umbrella then?"
He put his shoes on the rack and looked up at you, shrugging innocently. You shook your head before tiptoeing over to him, making sure not to step on the puddle, and pull him into a lazy hug.
"Oh I missed you too," he snickers, closing his eyes and resting his chin on your head for a couple of seconds. "I'm a bit offended you didn't call." He says as you step back, letting him finish undressing. "It's almost midnight and I've just come home."
You remembered your previous thoughts from today "I didn't wanna..." you paused "I mean I knew you were gonna come home. I didn't wanna like," you shrugged.
"Distract me?" He jokes sarcastically.
He saw the uneasy expression on your face.
"You know," Sharky began "I like it when you call me out of nowhere." He pulled off his hoodie.
Your eyes widened hearing his words "Really?"
He smirked "Yeah. It makes me feel wanted."
Wanted? Not annoyed?
"Oh." You felt a small smile tug at the corners of your lips as you realized something. Maybe Sharky didn't mind you being a little...clingy.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." He says, picking up his bag off the floor "We gon watch another episode? Or are you tired-"
"No!" You replied quickly "I really wanna know what happens next."
"Aha, alright. Don't fall asleep though."
"I won't."
That was the liest of the lie lies.
You went back to the couch, and while waiting you stared at the window, droplets of water hypnotizing you as they trickled down the outside of the glass.
"Hey, ba-" Sharky cut himself off as he stepped into the living room, seeing your eyes closed and head rested against a cushion.
"Oh, girl," he whispered, taking the blanket from beside you and covering you with it. He switched off the hallway lights and the tv, before sitting down beside you, closing his eyes and drawing small swirlies on your arm as he dozed off after you.
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lvrsparadise · 9 months
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Synopsis - “But… why do you hate that you like it?” "Because I'm supposed to hate you! And I can't do that when I'm in love with you!"
Warnings! - Profanity, kissing, arguing, Nick and Chris r kinda asses, use of Y/N, crying, name calling (not directly though), crying.
A/N - I was listening to 'After Dark' and I thought about something I had written down but lost but I still remember the plot. This is so long😭 Although, please enjoy ! ♡
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You and Matt had been at each other's throats since you guys met.
He'd say one thing and it would lead to either a small banter or an actual yelling match. But with you two, it was unpredictable what was going to happen.
Lately you two have been a little more smiley with each other, still bantering a lot, but sometimes playfully.
Matt was in his room, and I'm sitting in the living room, watching the same show I had on when Nick and Chris went out to eat with Madi and Laura.
Soon enough, I got bored and paused the episode and walk to Matt's room.
He doesn't look up from his phone but sighs.
"Get out."
I just shake my head and plop down in his chair at his desk, drumming my fingers on the arms of it lightly.
"Nah. I'm bored."
He groans. “Why are you in my room?”
"Entertainment? I guess." I sigh and shrug.
"I got bored in the living room by myself. Nick and Chris went out to dinner with Madi and Laura and left me here."
“So, they just… left you here?” His eyes widen a little. He puts his phone down on his bed next to him.
I shrug and look down at his desk at the keyboard and little pieces of candy wrapper trash. 
"I guess. "
"Well, why didn't you with them?"
I shrug again and cross my arms on the desk, avoiding messing up his keyboard.
"Just, wasn't in the social mood."
I'm thankful he can't see me right now. Even when I walked in, he never looked at me. Thank God. I feel like I look absolutely terrible. I feel exhausted and drained. I have no real reason to feel this way, but I guess emotions are just difficult.
I hear him sigh and hear the small 'thunk' of his head pressing against the headboard.
"Whay are you still here? You need something?"
I just shrug again, knowing he can't see me.
"Not really. Just don't want to be alone I guess."
I lay my head on my arms, closing my eyes. Laying my head down like you would on a desk at school.
"Well, what do you want me to do? Entertain you?" Matt's voice rings from behind the chair.
"I'm not expecting anything. I just didn't want to be alone. Is that such a hard thing to understand?" My voice firm and muffled by the way my face is buried in my arms.
I know I can't see him, but I can hear the eye roll in his voice.
"Why can't you just get out? Find something else to do other than be a fucking bug." He grumbles the last part, but I can hear it clearly.
I sigh frustratedly and stand up from the chair walking to his door. 
"Fine. I'll just go fuck myself then." I grumble as I swing the door open and walk out of it, out of his room. Just like he wanted.
He puts up his hands in disbelief and just stares after you. Once you leave, he sits up, and buries his head back into his hands. He sighs a little louder, and his voice is more strained.
“Stupid…” he mutters.
I walk back into the living room, plopping down on the chase and curling up in one of the many blankets that are strewn across the length of the couch and grab my phone.
I open up Instagram and start to go through everyone's stories, just to get everything out of the way. I click onto Nick's story and see a picture of not just him, Chris, Madi and Laura. But of all of my friends. And that hits deep.
I scrub a hand over my face with a sigh before clicking off of the story and closing out Instagram entirely.
For some reason, I feel sad knowing that I'm not there.
I feel my breathing pick up slightly and tears well in my eyes. I tighten my grip on my phone, my knuckles white, and close my eyes for a second, making the tears fall down my face.
My mind drifts back to the only other person in the house. The same person I have a love/hate relationship with.
After a few minutes of playing some weird iOS game, I hear footsteps coming from Matt's room. Then I feel the couch behind me sink.
He doesn't say a word. Just sits there.
I immediately notice his presence but decide to ignore it until I can't. My back is turned to him.
"What do you want?" I grumble, not turning around or turning my head to look at him.
He puts his head on the back of the couch. His shoulders are slouched, and his expression is… blank.
“I don’t know, I felt bad.”
I snort softly at his words.
"Since when do you feel bad for me? Yeah right." I mumble the last part to myself.
His eyes narrow a little. I can tell he heard me, but it's all silent for a few moments.
"It was rude that they just left you here." He shrugs, and his tone is... a little less rude than his normal snarky and sharp one.
"Yeah, well it's fine. I don't mind." I mutter and sniffle to clear my stuffy nose from crying.
He tilts his head to the side, looking at the back of your head.
“Do you have a cold, or something?”
"Oh, yeah. No, I'm fine." I keep my back turned to him, but I drop my phone and use the sleeve of my zip-up to wipe my nose and cheeks.
“Are you sure? Cause it kinda looks like you’re crying.” His voice is a little gentler than I'm used to hearing.
"I'm fine, Matt." My voice firmer and a bit louder than I was speaking.
He notices the change in tone, and he sounds a little sterner.
“You know, this is exactly why we can't be friends. You won't tell me what's going on when I ask, and then you get all defensive and mean when I do notice that something's wrong.” He crosses his arms tight, and he looks forward again.
"Well, maybe I don't tell you because you're usually the reason why." I sniffle again and try to breathe through the upcoming wave of emotions. My voice cracking slightly.
His eyes widening a little and he looks at you, his expression soft with regret.
"Am I the one who made you cry?"
His eyes stay soft, and he looks really concerned.
I sigh and shake my head, picking up my phone and pulling up the photo of Nick and the others.
"Not this time." I exhale sharply. My voice quieter than my previous tone and strained from me trying not to cry again.
He looks at you for a few more moments, and his face softens even more.
“What happened..?” He speaks as gently as he can.
I reach my phone out with a photo from Nick's story of him, Chris, Madi, Laura, Sab, Ari, and Oliver sitting at a table with big smiles on their faces.
I feel him grab the phone from my hand and presumably try to look at it better.
He looks at the phone screen, then looks back at you.
“They didn’t invite you?..”
I sit up on the couch, moving to a sitting position instead of laying and kick the blanket off me.
I chuckle dryly.
"And what's worse... is that it's my birthday today. I mean, I don't usually celebrate it but, it's my birthday and all of my friends are out without me." I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs and rest my chin on my kneecaps.
His head snaps up to my face, his brows low.
"Wait, it's your birthday...? And you're alone?"
I sniffle and rub my eyes. 
"Like I said, I don't mind anymore. But I just go so overwhelmed earlier when you told me to leave your room, I just started crying and my mind drifted back to that whole fact and I just-" I just sigh and put my forehead on my knees while closing my eyes, shaking my head softly.
His eyebrows raise.
“You don’t… mind being alone on your birthday?” His expression softens a bit when he watches you put your head on your knees.
I just shrug again and breathe in through my nose sharply.
"Wouldn't be the first time." I mumble to myself but instantly realizing Matt heard it.
His voice is a little softer, and he sounds concerned?
“Why are you so okay with being alone? Is it a defense mechanism or…?” He just looks at me, waiting for an answer.
"I never really got much attention as a kid. I was basically forced into isolation most of my childhood."
I lift my head and rest my cheek on my knee, my head turned to Matt.
His expression softens and he looks at the ground, listening carefully.
“Was it… hard? Being alone like that?”
His eyes move up to meet mine. The eye contact being genuine and not as snarky as usual.
"Sometimes. My older sister, Izzy, was the only person who ever paid attention to me and made sure I had everything I needed for like school and stuff." I straighten my legs out and lean my head on his shoulder.
He looks at you for a moment, but when he sees where you put your head, his entire expression softens. His eyes glance at you before he looks down at his own lap.
“I don’t like you being alone on your birthday… you deserve to be celebrated.”
"Well, I'm not alone. I mean, you're here, aren't you?" My voice calm and filled with an emotion not even I can identify.
“I mean… yes. I am here. But I… I don’t feel like that’s enough.”
His voice is soft and gentle. Whatever emotion is filling the air right now, he must feel it too.
"To me, one person is better than nobody. So, to me, as a person who has spent quite a few birthdays alone, that is more than enough." I slightly nuzzle my head onto his shoulder more comfortably.
His eyes stay focused on your face. He hesitates for a moment, then shifts a little closer to you.
I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders, and smiles when I nuzzle into his shoulder.
After a few moments of silence, I speak up.
"This is comfortable." I mumble as I shift around to drape my legs over his and rest my head on his shoulder, closer to his chest.
"This is comfortable…." He mumbles.
He hums quietly, the action vibrating his chest and calming me down even more. I feel him rub his hand up and down my arm, and his other one draped across my waist, holding my body close to his.
I slowly let my eyes drift shut. I bring my hand to rest on his chest next to my head. I bend my knees a little and move closer to him, if possible. Suddenly feeling even more exhausted than before.
He smiles when he feels one of your hands on his chest, and he holds you even closer to him. He lets a few seconds pass, but his brain is moving a mile a minute.
"Can I… do something?" he whispers, his voice a little strained.
I nod once against his chest, the movement slowed from my fatigue.
A beat later I feel the hand that's wrapped around my shoulders lightly carding through my hair, gently massaging my scalp.
I hum in content and snuggle closer to his body, yearning for his warmth.
After a while of just lying there, I feel myself lulling into a very inviting rest. The motion of his hands in my hair, and his warmth and the way his arms are wrapped around me are enough to make me drift off into a restful sleep, my breathing evening out.
-Matt's POV-
I lay there holding her in my arms, listening to her breathing. Feeling her chest rise and fall.
"You fell asleep on me..." I mumble and run my fingers through her hair one last time before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
I keep glancing down to see if she's woken up yet, but she looks s peaceful... I hope she's comfortable.
I lay there for a few more minutes doing nothing in particular, just looking at her in this peaceful state. I can't believe I could hate her. I think I only didn't like her because I've never seen this side of her before.
After a few more minutes, I shift around so I'm holding her bridal style, her head not moving from where it's rested on my collarbone.
Slowly I make it to my room and set her down on my bed, putting the comforter over her body and then sliding in behind her, slinging my arm around her waist and holding her to me.
I breathe in her scent and feel myself lulling off.
I wake up, instantly feeling arms around me, holding me tightly, and breathing on the back of my neck.
At first, I'm alarmed but then I open my eyes and see I'm in Matt's bed.
'How did I end up in his bed??'
"Mm..." I hear from behind me.
I look around the bed for one of our phones, but neither are in sight.
"What time is it...??" I mumble to myself before giving up my search, concluding I had left mine on the couch last night.
"Shh... It's still early.." Wow tired sounds good on him.
He doesn't sound that awake yet, his voice a bit strained. I feel him nuzzle farther into the back of my neck, gently pressing a small kiss to the base of it.
I feel my cheeks heat up from the feeling of his lips on the back of my neck. I shift around to where I'm facing him. I brush a few strands of his hair from his eyes. 
"Sleepy looks good on you..." I mumble to no one in particular. Just stating a fact.
He slowly begins to open his eyes, his expression still sleepy and calm. He looks into my eyes, the little bit of sun peeking from the cracks in his blinds shining on his eyes in just the right way. His eyebrows raise a little bit, and I can see a small blush make its way across his cheeks.
"Morning..." His voice sounding softer than I've ever heard from him. Is he... smiling? It's hard to tell.
I allow myself to gaze at his entire face, inspecting every little thing. My gaze lingers on his lips for a moment before I meet his eyes again. 
"Morning." I smile softly, not minding this kind of contact or interaction.
He just stares at me for a second, his eyes still looking tired and a smile finding its way to his face.
After a minute or two of us looking at each other, I feel the warmth of his hands leaving my sides, making me frown lightly. He sits up, leaning against the headboard, and rubs his eyes.
"D'You sleep well? You probably weren't comfortable using me as a pillow." He chuckles quietly. His voice still quiet and laced with sleepiness still, the blush not as visible, but still there.
"I was, very comfortable. But may I ask how I ended up in the bed? I fell asleep on the couch... I think." I roll onto my back and sit up a little bit, laying my upper back on the pillows, putting a bit of distance in between us.
"Yeah, I um... I carried you to my bed..." His smile disappears and his cheeks flush, changing color from the blush. He looks at his hands in his lap, seemingly avoiding my eyes.
"I thought you'd be more comfortable? I don't know..." His voice trailing off, shaking his head softly.
I clear my throat and move to a sitting position, like him, leaning against the headboard also.
"Well, uh... either way thanks for... y'know, being there last night. I kind of liked the side of Matt I saw last night." I send him a small grin, despite him not looking at me for a few more moments.
He seems to perk up at my words, once finally registering what I had said.
"You.... liked seeing me last night...?" His face flushes again and he turns his head to me, a smile on his face.
I don't think I've ever seen his smile directed towards me. Always to his brothers, family, and friends. But having him smile at me feels... special. Like it's all for me.
"Yeah." I smile softly, looking down at my lap where my hands are folded together.
"That was probably one of the only times you didn't call my annoying or a bitch." I look back at him.
"So, yeah. I liked seeing the nice Matt." My smile drops a little.
"And I am sorry for being such a pain in the ass. I guess I can be kind of... persistent at times. And nagging." I slightly shrug one shoulder and pick at some of the fuzzies on my sweatpants.
His eyebrows raise again, and he looks straight at me.
"You really are something else... I didn't think you knew how to apologize!" He smiles playfully at me, but his comment hurts.
I swear I feel my heart break a little. I feel the tips of my ears warm up, and my face gets warm from the overcoming feeling of wanting to cry.
I clench my jaw and ball my left fist up, my nails digging into my palms. I move to sit on the edge of his bed and stare down at the hardwood floor.
"I think I'm going to head back to my place."
I can feel the smile drop from his face when he speaks, sounding shocked.
"Wait, what? It's still kind of early, why would you want to go already?"
I clear my throat and stand up.
"I've been over here for a week already; I should go back so I could clean up anything my roommates might've messed up." I zip my hoodie up all the way and walk to his door, not sparing him a glance, his comment hurting more than it should. I open the door and step out into the kitchen.
I hear him slide off of his bed and follow me out to the kitchen.
"Wait, don't leave. We have to talk about...." He trails of lightly. I can feel his gaze on me as I shuffle around looking for my wallet, keys and shoes.
"You and I.... We have to talk. About us..."
That makes me stop in my tracks, in the middle of the living room. I turn around to ace him.
"What is there to talk about?!" My voice strained and high pitched. Almost whiny in a 'I'm about to cry' way.
"So what? I had a moment of weakness, and you were there! Why does that have to change anything?" I throw my arms up and feel my throat starting to tighten.
"And- And just because I 'know how to apologize', doesn't mean shit! So, please tell me. I'm all ears. What is there to talk about?" I put the words in air quotes, because the way he said it, hurt my feelings. And especially after I tried to be the better person and own up to what I do and apologize for it.
His eyes narrow a little, and his voice sounds annoyed.
"Just because you had a moment of weakness doesn't mean you can just suddenly leave! There is more for us to talk about! Especially after last night."
It's obvious he's trying to keep his cool. Like he doesn't want to snap. But honestly, if he did snap, I wouldn't care. His eyes are sharp and focused as usual, but a hint of that softness from when we woke up is still faintly there.
"Nothing happened Matt! I was alone, so I went to your room, then you kicked me out of your room, and I got sad and started crying and you were the only one around! Plus, if you really fucking wanted to, which I wouldn't put it past you, you could've left me to cry alone! Laughed in my face! Called me another insult! You could've done anything! But you didn't. You stayed. And you comforted me until I fell asleep! That's all the fucking happened!" I moved closer to him. Every word I speak is accentuated by a jab of my finger to his chest.
My voice has raised a little and I'm getting angry now. My breathing has started to get a little bit faster because of the immense amount of frustration and anger I feel.
He lets out small grunts at every jab of my finger.
"Stop it! Just... stop it. You are so impossible to work with." He takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm down, but it's clear I've plucked a nerve. And good, not what I was going for, but a win is a win.
"You don't want to talk about last night because deep down, you know that you liked what you saw, but you don't want to admit it." He goes quiet and steps back, putting distance between us.
"Maybe I do like it! Maybe that's why I'm choosing to ignore it! Because I liked it! And I hate that I liked it. I hate that I let it happen. I hate that I allowed myself to cry in front of you. I hate how perfect you look, even when you're yelling at me. I hate how blue your eyes are and how much they remind me of the ocean. I hate how you can do what you want in my life, and I allow it! Because I like it!" I can feel tears of frustration spilling down my face. My eyes are wide and firm with anger and frustration. My lips twisted in a flat line, nostrils flared, and face flushed from anger and crying.
He seems to be caught off guard. His mouth slightly agape, watching my emotions switch back and forth all at the same time, looking speechless.
"O-oh..." I faintly hear him mumble. He looks...confused?
He takes a few small steps towards me, his voice so inviting.
"But... why do you hate that you like it?" His words come out in a whisper, his tone gentle, his eyes soft and calm, his face kind and inviting. He looks slightly nervous.
"Because I'm supposed to hate you! And I can't do that when I'm in love with you!" I accidently shout the words, and then immediately regret that. My eyes get impossibly wider, and my hands fly over my mouth.
He takes another step back, his jaw dropping lower. He stares at me for a few seconds, not saying anything, which makes worry churn in my stomach.
He blinks a couple times before he clears his throat and closes his mouth.
"Did- Did I hear you correctly...?"
"Fuck!" I ball my hands into fists and press the heels of my hands against my forehead and push my back against the closest wall, sliding down it to where I'm sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest.
I let out a few choked sobs and mumbles of curses before nodding.
"Yeah." My voice quiet and hoarse. I sniffle and squeeze my eyes shut for a second and open them again, dropping my hands to my sides.
I watch as he walks over to me, dropping to his knees next to me and pushes my knees away from my chest. He pulls me into his chest, wrapping his arms around my shoulders gently.
"Hey, hey... shh. Slow down. I'm not... I'm not going to judge. Just slow down. I'm right here." I hear him whisper. And feel him press a kiss to the top of my head.
"Don't panic. Just take a deep breath, let it all out. I'm right here."
That's all it takes for me to completely break down. Sobbing, and mumbling in between with hiccupped breaths. All the while he's stroking my hair and occasionally running his fingers through it.
"I'm so sorry." I manage to choke out between short breaths and sobs.
He presses another kiss to the top of my head and grabs one of my hands, his other hand rubbing my back in comforting patterns.
"You have no reason to be sorry... You're allowed to... to feel this way, okay? I'm not mad at you, and you shouldn't be mad at yourself either. Just... breathe with me, okay?" I feel his hold tighten, reminding me he's there.
I attempt to match his deep, calm breaths, but I can't. No matter how hard I try, I always end up hyperventilating after I cry.
My breathing starts to come out uneven, raggedly, too fast and choppy, making me lightheaded.
"Hey. Hey, look at me." He puts two fingers under my chin turning my head to face his.
"Breathe. Just breathe. Slowly in through the nose." He inhales slowly through his nose.
"Then slowly out through your mouth." He exhales slowly through his mouth.
"Do it with me. In."
Inhale slowly.
Exhale slowly.
It's too difficult to match. But after many attempts, my breathing has slowed down and my head is no longer dizzy.
He watches as I control my breathing and return it to normal. Once it has returned to a normal pace, he lets go of my chin, leaving the area cold from where his fingers were.
"Good.... Deep breaths, that's right."
He lets out a small sigh and presses a kiss to my forehead before wiping my cheeks free of tears and tear stains.
"Can you tell me why you feel so bad about this?" He asks quietly.
"I don't even know. It just feels wrong, feeling this way. It feels like I'm supposed to see you as an annoying older brother but instead I developed feelings for you."
He hums gently, seeming to wrap his head around my words. He closes his eyes for a moment, taking one deep breath then opening them and looking into my eyes.
"Look, just because you're supposed to see me as a brother doesn't mean you can't have feelings for me. It just changes the dynamic. And you can't blame yourself either." He shakes his head once.
"Because it's not your fault. Not one bit." He cups my cheek and wipes away a few stray tears with his thumb.
"How did you... How did you know you were in love with me...? I mean, how- what made you realize it?"
I sniffle and clear my throat, not wanting my voice to give out. I take another deep breath before speaking.
"Last night. When you stayed and comforted me in my so called 'moment of weakness'. When you didn't push my head of your shoulder. Or even just the fact that you listened to me last night. And the way you held me was..." I trail off, not knowing how to describe it. It was so comforting and calm the way he held me, it put me to sleep. Literally.
He beams that sweet smile out, lifting my spirits a little.
"Did- did you like being comforted last night?" His voice becoming soft, and delicate.
I nod and lick my suddenly dry lips.
"Yeah. Hearing you talk that softly was really nice. And I liked being in your arms." My voice a little nervous from having to admit this out loud.
He looks as though he's processing my words, like I can see the little loading circle above his head, and then when it clicks, his entire face lights up.
He stands up, holding his arms out.
"Come here." His voice a little firm and commanding, but still soft and sweet.
I slowly climb to my feet and just about throw myself into Matt's arms, wrapping my arms around his torso and his arms wrap around my neck and shoulders.
"About fucking time you two stopped denying shit."
We break away from the hug quickly and turn to the kitchen where Chris is standing rubbing his eyes.
"God, are you two blind? You guys have been ogling each other when the other wasn't looking. It's been driving me insane. And now Nick owes me 400 bucks."
Matt groans and I roll my eyes and plop down on the couch with a small smile on my face as I feel the cushion next to me sink and then an arm is being draped across my shoulders and pulling close to him.
After a while, we make it back into his room.
We're laying on his bed, both of us on our phones, not really talking.
Out of nowhere, he drops his phone and turns to me.
"You want to go to dinner sometime?"
I lay my hands in my lap, turning my head to look at him.
"Are you asking me on a date?"
"Are you going to say no?"
"Then yeah, I'm asking you on a date."
I smile at the dorky tactics and roll my eyes playfully.
I grab the part where the strings of a hoodie are on his hoodie and pull him to me, our lips colliding in the middle.
"I'd love to go on a date with you."
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And I hope you all have a wonderful day and / or night ✮
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mins-fins · 22 days
EPISODE 15 : ❛ froyo works every time ❜
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Mark has to be completely honest, he is insanely nervous.
Why did he give into Johnny's incessant demands to ask you to get frozen yogurt Friday? He should've kicked the giant out of his room the moment he even tried to bring up you, texting you, or talking to you face to face once more.
Does he have enough time to run away before you show up? Maybe he can make an excuse about Yuta calling him for something, the older always covers for him, but he can't just bail out on you! He's been trying to do this for months, he gets to see you today and he immediately wants to chicken out? That's low..
He grits his teeth and shoves his hand into his pockets, seeing the weird look the employee at the counter is giving him through his peripheral vision. Oh he must look so pathetic right now, waiting around outside for what seems like forever, he's almost convinced your not going to show up.
But of course, you kept your word.
"Oh god I'm sorry I'm late! Practice went on for much longer than usual and when I realized the time Dejun purposefully held me up—"
Mark immediately snickers when you begin your ramble, and you pause, blinking at him. You caress the material of your sweater, suddenly feeling your cheeks grow hot. Why's he looking at you like that? Why is he smiling like that? Why is he being Mark Lee?
You're going to kill him, literally.
"Why'd you stop?"
"I don't want to sound like I'm making an excuse, did I make you wait too long?"
Mark is baffled that you'd even think so, he knows you care a lot about your time management, he knows you well enough to know you'd never make anyone wait on purpose. "No, no! I was just.. I don't know what I was doing if I'm being honest I was sort of just standing around".
You laugh at the words, still not looking at Mark directly. "Was the guy at the counter giving you dirty looks?"
"More like pitiful looks".
You let another laugh slip at the words, and Mark's lips turn up at the sight. "I'm stalling, aren't I? You came here for froyo, let me treat you".
He doesn't have to say anything more, you pretend your cheeks don't go red at the basic words. Maybe it's simply the way he said them, or maybe because it's Mark, it's always Mark, he just has always had this affect on you.
Mark glances back at you, catching you midway through your little zoning out session, he nudges you lightly with his shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asks, voice hushed, as if indirectly saying you didn't really have to answer the question verbally.
"Hm? Yeah, yeah sorry" You shake your head, pushing Mark forward as a way to beckon him to go in. He simply gives you one last glance before following your silent demand, walking into the shop as you slowly followed behind him.
You allow for your eyes to scan the place, it's recognizable, and the nostalgia hits you much harder than you thought it would. You two, you and Mark that is, used to come here all the time back when you were dating, it was your regular spot, you loved the place's strawberry frozen yogurt, and Mark would indulge in your addiction all the time, of course making sure to judge your overuse of sprinkles.
You went there so often, in fact, that the employees behind the counter began recognizing you. Mark isn't as big a fan of froyo as you are, but he still followed you out whenever you wanted to go get frozen yogurt.
Your stomach begins to hurt, it hurts you in just the slightest.
Mark narrows his eyes at the many flavors displayed before him, humming. "You want strawberry right?"
You nod.
"Extra sprinkles?"
You simply smile, he does still know you. Mark hums again, biting his inner cheek. You then stop him from getting his wallet with your hand. "You're not actually paying, are you?" You inquire, and Mark rolls his eyes.
"Yn, I literally offered to pay".
"You don't have to, I was joking".
"Yn" He gently lowers your hand, but you can't focus on that with the way he's staring at you. Oh you're about to fall for him all over again, you want so badly to slip back into that lovesick fool you were before you broke up with Mark. "Don't argue with me, I'm paying".
You open your mouth to argue again, but Mark gives you a look, and it falls shut. Mark grins at his victory, snickering as a frown crosses your face. "That's so unfair.."
Mark hears your mutter, but he doesn't respond to it.
You really do love strawberry frozen yogurt, Mark doesn't really get it, but he finds your love for the treat cute either way (everything about you is cute, that's what Mark has decided). He can't even focus on his basic vanilla froyo, because he's too busy trying to figure out how to bring up what he so badly wants to bring up.
"How do you eat all of those sprinkles?" Mark wrinkles his nose, and you giggle around your spoon, eyeing Mark's melting frozen yogurt. "Seriously, it's too—"
"Sweet" You fill in the sentence for him, but you smile again as you scoop up another batch of sprinkles. "I know they are, Mark, but I like it like that".
Mark stares at you, and you finally seem to catch the mental argument he's having with himself, because you leave your froyo alone, dropping your spoon. "Mark" You whisper, scratching your arm underneath your sweater.
"I'm sorry".
Mark wants to punch himself in the face, why the fuck are you apologizing? What are you apologizing for? He wants to ask why you're apologizing, but you keep going before he can open his mouth.
"I ended things because.. I felt like I was holding you back, your album was a hit and you became so busy and I didn't want to get in the way of that—"
"But you weren't" Mark doesn't care if he interrupted you, he had to get his point across. "I shouldn't have been so avoidant, you were clearly not doing your best and all I cared about was music".
"Don't give me that, none of it was your fault".
Mark's lips turn downward at your claim. "Still, I could've tried to consider your whole side of things".
You scoff, it's a playful one though. "I was being petty, I don't blame you for breaking up with me".
Mark is still frowning, and you relax your shoulders as you chuckle. "Stop frowning, stupid, I forgive you" He seems to want to resist his smile, but he can't, because his lips turn up, against his will, of course. "Your froyo is melting".
"I didn't really want it, anyway".
"Aww, you don't like frozen yogurt?" You raise an eyebrow, a teasing tone in your voice reminiscent of the tone you used back in that phone call.
"Not really, I just tolerate it because you like it" He states much too honestly for his own comfort. Mark has no idea why he said that, but he doesn't regret it, because you snicker, looking down at the floor. "What's so funny?"
"I don't know.. it's just— it's just how you say things, your words make me giggle".
"At least I still have that affect".
You giggle again, your giggles are addicting, Mark missed this, Mark missed you, he feels like he might go insane if he doesn't hold your hand or something.
But he doesn't give into such desires.
Mark has a good time out with you, he guesses Johnny was right, froyo does work every time. Thank goodness he barged into Mark's room earlier this week, thank goodness he decided to go through with this stupid frozen yogurt meetup thing.
And seeing you smile so wide just makes Mark feel giddy, he doesn't remember the last time he saw such a smile from you. He's not going to make the same mistake again, he promises.
Mark won't let you slip so easily from his fingertips this time.
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severalforraelee · 11 months
The Girls Part 11: Charles Leclerc x Reader
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Photo credit to si.com
Word count: 3,091
Written by raelee / Posted July 22
Formula 1 Masterlist
The Girls Masterlist
“Good job, Ada,” I compliment as she kicks the ball across the room, we watch as it bounces against the kitchen cabinet. “Nice job, Lucy.”
The blonde girl is the one to kick the ball this time, but it only rolls a few feet away. She huffs, tiny arms crossed over her chest as tears begin to fill her eyes.
“Okay, come here. Can you feel? What emotions can you feel?” I open my arms and she collapses into them, tiny sobs shaking her body as I rub her back comfortingly. “I thought I had at least two months until the terrible twos hit.”
A knock sounds at the door and I rise to my feet, Lucy still clutched in my arms.
“No,” Ada shouts, arms winding around my leg as she drops to her bottom.
“Really? How am I supposed to get to the door, you guys?” I whine. Ada giggles and Lucy sniffles.
I make it to the door in twice the amount of time that it would normally take, swinging it open to reveal Charles on the other side.
“Dada,” Ada hollers, hopping up to reach her hands up towards him.
He grins at her, pulling her up and into his arms as Lucy raises her head at her sister’s words, face lighting up at the sight of the familiar man. She reaches out for him as well and he pulls her into the crook of his other arm, stepping over the threshold into the apartment as I close the door behind him.
“You should really just give me a key to your apartment at this point,” Charles tells me, lightly throwing the two girls on the couch and sending them into a fit of giggles.
“What, you want a drawer, too?” I motion towards his backpack.
“Well, if you’re offering.”
I roll my eyes, throwing a few stray toys into the toy box.
“Why the red eyes, Lucy?” He traces the toddler’s puffy eyes with a frown.
“A little sisterly jealousy,” I explain. After glancing at the clock I add, “And tiredness.”
“Did you stay up after your bedtime just to see me?” Charles questions enthusiastically, tickling the two girls' bellies. They’re full of laughter tonight, because they think that was the funniest thing. “I think it’s time for bed now, then.”
“No,” Ada whines.
“You’re already up past your bedtime-”Lucy erupts into another set of tears, interrupting her dad.
He pauses, glancing at me to see my reaction. I raise my eyebrows at him. He knows what the action says.
If you’re the one responsible for having them stay up even later than they already are, you’re dealing with the bedtime routine and cranky tantrums tomorrow.
But, as always, he cracks.
“Okay, fine, one episode of Bluey wouldn’t hurt.”
“One episode of Bluey won’t hurt,” I mock Charles’ words.
He doesn’t respond, reaching forward to place the giraffe pacifier back inside Lucy’s mouth and the penguin pacifier back inside Ada’s mouth to soothe their cries. I can still see him roll his eyes out of the corner of my eye.
I even warned him this morning that we should have a lowkey day because of how late he let them stay up, but once I returned home from class he announced that he placed a reservation at a nearby ball pit so the girls could have a fun activity to do.
Charles checks us in for our reservation once we arrive, and as soon as we place Ada and Lucy in the ball pit, it’s like the tantrums that occurred not even an hour ago never occurred at all.
“Are you going to answer that?” Charles questions after my smart watch buzzes for the third time in a row, altering me to a text.
I already know that it’s Lando. We had that conversation last week in hopes of repairing our relationship, but it’s still a bit tense. I guess it hurts more than I care to admit that my family just cast me aside once I got pregnant, and that Lando remained oblivious to it all this entire time.
Sure, I didn’t tell him at the time, but I think it was noticeable by me missing from photos that they sent of weekly family dinners or texts in the group chat. It’s just difficult to move past the resurgence of bad memories.
“No,” I shake my head, watching as Lucy throws a red ball a foot away from her with a wide grin.
Now it’s Charles' watch that buzzes.
“Are you going to answer that?” I repeat his question.
“No,” he answers. “I want to enjoy this time with my three girls.”
I roll my eyes at his response, but look down to hide my blush.
Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly because of how late they stayed up, the girls are tired out and fall asleep as soon as we put them in their stroller to head back to my apartment.
“Charles,” I pause on the sidewalk, watching as he pushes the stroller towards a looming apartment building. “What are you doing?”
“I have a friend that lives here,” he answers.
“But the girls are sleeping, we need to get them home before they wake up,” I remind him. They’re not the best sleepers in their stroller.
“It won’t take long, I promise,” he responds. I reluctantly follow him. It’s not like I have much choice, he does have our kids with him.
He smiles at the doorhop as we pass him, then the receptionist behind the front desk as we make our way towards the elevator. Of course he has a friend that lives in this building- it has amenities like a doorhop, receptionist, gym, spa, and pool by the signs plastered in the elevator, along with elegant chandeliers and marble floors.
To put it bluntly, it’s in the rich part of town, the area that Charles is familiar and comfortable with.
I, on the other hand, am completely uncomfortable by this. Although I was raised in a wealthy family, we were never taught to flaunt our wealth in such a public manner, like in the things that we own. We lived in a nice house in rural England and the thing that probably showed our money the most was the fact that Lando was karting.
Besides, family money is something that I haven’t experienced for years. Even before becoming pregnant with the girls and distancing myself from my family, I rarely let my family pay for my things. Of course, I let Lando pay for my tickets to the grand prixs, but that was mainly because I was working for him. And being away from Formula 1 for so many years, I sometimes forget how these guys are so used to a luxurious lifestyle.
The elevator doors open on one of the top floors and he pushes the stroller out and down the hall with confidence. I follow after him closely, not wanting to get caught in the hallway by anyone who might see us.
“Your friend gave you his key?” I question, confused as he presses the fob to the lock.
“Yeah,” he grins back at me, pushing the door open.
He steps inside the apartment and I follow close behind. We enter a small entryway, intricate detailing on the doorway welcoming us into a larger space. There’s an area straight ahead with big glass windows and doors that lead to a balcony, clearly meant for a living area. Between that area and the entryway is an empty space, for what I assume is a dining table. Off to the left is a decent sized kitchen with white cabinets and white marble countertops, a small island in front of stainless steel appliances.
“Did your friend just move in?” I ask, taking note of the obvious lack of furniture.
“Yeah. Why don’t you take a look around?”
“Take a look around your friend’s new apartment?” I raise my eyebrows at him skeptically.
“Yeah,” he shrugs.
I give him another look, trying to understand where this is coming from. Why would I want to look around his friend’s apartment? Of course I want to- it’s always fascinating to see how the other half lives, but why would Charles encourage me to?
I don’t argue with him on it, though, not wanting to start another fight.
I start on the right side of the apartment, finding a nice sized bedroom, full bathroom, and laundry room. Then I head to the left side of the apartment, finding two more nice sized bedrooms and another bathroom.
“It’s nice,” I comment once I rejoin Charles and the girls, looking around the main space of the apartment once again.
“Yeah, you think so?”
“Could do with more color,” I suggest.
“Well, you can add the color.”
I turn back to him in confusion, resting one hand on the handle of the stroller casually. “What do you mean?”
“You’re my friend!”
I pause, staring at him. “What?”
He stutters. “I mean, I bought this flat for you.”
My mouth gapes open a bit in surprise as I gaze at him. “Why did you do that?”
“Your apartment now is so small, and it’s not on the safe side of town,” he explains.
“I like it being so small,” I defend, “It makes it easier to hear and see Ada and Lucy, and I can get to them quickly. And, I don’t know why you and Lando keep saying that, I feel safe where I live.”
“There was just a murder in your neighborhood last week!”
“On the other side of the neighborhood!”
“You’re going to put your ego over the safety of you and our daughters?”
I stare at him in shock. “I’m putting our daughters’ well-being in front of my ego, if anything. Don’t you think I would love to stay in this apartment and show it off?”
Charles can’t help but crack a grin, knowing that’s incredibly unlike me.
“The girls love saying hello to our neighbors every day, they love walking down the street to the park, hell, they love sharing a room, Charles,” I motion to the three bedroom doors.
“And they can share a room here,” he responds.
“Then what is the third- oh.” I stare at him in confusion until my face blanks.
“Why ‘oh?’” He questions.
“Charles, we just talked about this,” I sigh, crossing my arms over my chest before looking off to the side.
“Talked about what?”
“We’re not having another baby.”
It’s quiet- which is understandable, I’m sure it’s hard for him to really get it through his head that I don’t want another baby right now- and it’s not just with him, it’s with anyone. Currently, the girls are more than enough for me to handle.
Although, I do think it’s weird that he is still pushing for another baby since that pregnancy scare caused an argument and more tension between us.
It remains quiet. Too quiet.
I look back over at him, expecting a shattered expression, just to see a smug smirk on his face. My annoyed expression deflates at the look on his face but I quickly put it back on, not wanting him to think he has the upperhand in this scenario.
I feel like I’m missing something.
“What?” I ask him.
“The third bedroom isn’t so that the girls can have separate rooms, or so that we can have another baby. The third bedroom is so that we can all live together. That way we can have separate rooms, so I can be with the girls all of the time while in London and have somewhere to keep my stuff,” he explains.
I feel all the blood in my face drain at his explanation, and embarrassment creeps throughout my body.
“Oh?” He raises his eyebrows at me suggestively.
I stare out the wall of windows at the bustling London street below, avoiding eye contact with Charles while feeling his gaze on the side of my face. I don’t respond, just wanting to get out of this humiliating situation.
“You want another baby?”
“No,” I whip my head towards him, narrowing my eyes. “You want another baby.”
“You’re the one who just brought it up,” he responds defensively.
“Yeah, because you just bought an apartment with three bedrooms after we had a pregnancy scare,” I roll my eyes.
“You know I’d have another baby whenever you’re ready,” he offers.
I don’t respond, instead rolling the stroller to the front door of the apartment.
“So I contacted a moving company and they can move you in as early as next week, they told me since you have such a small amount of stuff we can be moved in within a day and we can shop for the rest of the furniture together,” he says, following after me.
My feet stop in the hallway, causing Charles to almost run into my back. I turn around slowly to face him.
“What about that did you not understand?” He wrinkles his eyebrows in confusion.
“What about what I said did you not understand?”
“Oh, I understood you alright,” he smirks at me.
I take a deep breath, fighting back the eyeroll. “I’m not moving into this apartment, Charles.”
“Why not?”
“Do we need to go through this again?” I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Clearly we do.”
“The girls are happy where they are now,” I assert.
“The girls are not even two years old, they don’t even know where they are half of the time.
“Charles,” I stare at him in disbelief.
“You’re not even with them half of the time, how would you know that?”
I know that it’s a low blow, but my blood is boiling. I understand that he’s not here because of his job, one that he’s really passionate about, but it feels like when Charles wants something, he does whatever he wants to make it possible.
It used to be a character trait that I really admired about him. I loved watching him overtake on the track and advocate for certain strategies with his team, admiring all of the passion that he puts into everything he does.
But when you have kids, that personality trait has to be thrown out the window.
It’s no longer about what you want and what you think is best- it’s what’s best for the kids. And I know my kids, and although someday I’d like to move into a bigger place, while I’m in school and working and the girls are still young, it’s best to stay where we are.
“I could be with them more if we moved into this apartment,” he waves his arm, as if to make his point.
I can’t hide my eyeroll this time, turning around to push the stroller back to the elevator.
“No response?” Smugness sneaks into his tone.
“It’s not even worth a response,” I tell him, pressing the button to go down. “Tell your realtor that you changed your mind.”
“After hiding the existence of my daughters for almost two years, you can’t do this one thing for me?”
My feet whip me around to face him before I can control my movements, and I begin to speak before I can stop myself. “Are you serious?”
His jaw drops open, as if he can’t believe he said those words himself.
“We had this whole conversation before, Charles, and I thought we figured out how to get over it. And, you’re not going to try to guilt me into doing something that I don’t think is the best option for our daughters, that’s not how cooperating between us is going to work,” I protest. “I will put our daughters' well-being in front of your emotions, and my own, time and time again because that’s what you do as a parent. And I’ll do everything that I can to get along with you because of them as well, as difficult as that may be.”
I step inside the elevator, pulling the stroller with me. Charles just stands in the hallway, staring back at me with a blank expression.
“Are you coming? I need to press the button.”
Ada and Lucy begin to squeal at the familiar sight of Ms. Berry, the elderly neighbor who always gives them lollipops whenever she sees them.
“Oh, you sweet darlings, it’s been too long since I last saw you,” the woman coos, pulling a strawberry flavored lollipop and cotton candy flavored lollipop out of her purse. Like clockwork, Ada reaches for the strawberry one and Lucy reaches for the cotton candy one.
“And who is this young man?” Ms. Berry smiles at Charles who stands holding Lucy’s hand.
“This is Charles, the girls’ dad,” I inform her.
“I hope that means that I’ll be seeing a lot more of you.”
“Say thank you to Ms. Berry,” I instruct the girls, who say the words around a mouthful of sucker.
“Anytime, girls. You’re the highlight of my week.” “Who was that woman that we ran into in the hallway earlier?” Charles asks later at dinner.
“Oh, Ms. Berry?” I reach over to wipe the ketchup off of Ada’s face. “She lives a couple doors down. She loves to see Ada and Lucy.”
“I’ve just never seen her before.”
“It’s because you’re usually gone on the weekend when she returns from her daughter’s house in the country. She stays there during the week to take care of her grandchildren, that’s why she loves the girls so much.”
Charles is quiet after that.
I know that he’s thinking about the apartment that he bought for us to share without my permission. It’s been a couple of days since we visited and fought about it. From the way his gaze lingers on me and flits around the apartment, I can tell that he wants to apologize for making such a rash decision without me and expecting me to go along with it, then guilting me when I refused.
But for some reason, he refuses to apologize.
Whether it’s pride, still partially believing that he’s correct, or something else, I don’t know.
All I know is that I’m sick of fighting with him.
Despite the fact that we fight about literally everything, I’m ready to move on and get along with him for the sake of our daughters. But it seems like everytime we take a step forward, we take two steps back.
And I’m just wondering how much of this back and forth we can both take.
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cassiefromhell · 7 months
Bats and Fire 04
"The Calendar Situation"
Last time on bats and fire... 01 02 03
a/n: it turns out that i have bad writing motivation and love bouncing between projects, lol (also you can blame late updates on my current bg3 phase and jjk hyperfixation). so expect BAF 1-2x monthly. once again, i am very open to suggestions/themes for future chapters/episodes, so leave them in comments or my inbox!! and my requests are always open <3 enjoy!
warnings: smut, mdni/18+. p in v, oral (f receiving) morning sex, character watches while y/n is eaten out, interruptions, slight overstimulation, etc...
wc: 3.4k
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Things were thoroughly out of hand.
Your mates were incapable of not fighting over every single second of your free time. And that turned into tug of war games where you get the lovely privilege of being the rope, and you know what you also weren’t getting? 
You had not had sex in two weeks.
But you have five mates? How’s that possible?
Because you are almost never left alone with any of them long enough to get someone’s shirt off, nevermind a hand in your pants.
And a girl will get fed up after a while.
But luckily, on your first expedition after your cycle ended, you found the perfect solution…
You stumble into the old shop, wiping your dirtied hands off on your pants. The scent of magic immediately hits your nose, and you bite your tongue to distract yourself from it.
“You look like you’ve been to hell and back,” the female behind the counter says, her sunken gray eyes tracing over your tattered clothing.
You clear your throat, approaching the counter. “Do you carry any blade polish, or leather cleaner?”
She pauses, then opens and closes her mouth. “Say… are you the hunter that our mayor is paying to clear our woods of those damned Puca?”
“How could you tell?”
“I had a feeling.”
The female hobbles her way around the counter, and leads you to the left. She opens a cabinet door, and pulls out two glass containers, one with a clear liquid and the other a slight brown. She hands them both to you. “Your polish and cleanser.”
“Thank you,” you say, turning to head back to the counter. But something shimmers in the corner of your eye, and you pause, turning to face it.
It’s a pile of calendars, the edges glimmering with the sparkle of spells. But who would need a magical calendar? 
“Eyeing the Mrythat Calendar?” the shopkeeper asks, coming up beside you. “No one ever buys ‘em.”
“What do they do?” you ask, reaching out to take one and examine it.
“You buy a few, sign ‘em with blood, and then they’re connected to you. Write something on one, it appears on all the others. Useless, if you ask me, but a merchant came through ‘ere with an offer I couldn’t refuse,” she explains, then starts back towards the counter.
You take six of the magical calendars, tucking them under your arm.
“You’re sure ‘bout that, hon?” the female raises a brow at you. “Don’t know what you’d use ‘em for.”
“You don’t even know,” you grin, dropping the calendars on the counter. “You don’t even know.”
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The next time you were at each of your mates’ residences, you spread the calendars. Of course, you happened to be with Azriel and Cassian in the House of Wind next, so you got to work...
The sound of the hammer nailing the calendar into the wall echoes down the hall. You step back, satisfied, admiring the shimmering calendar mounted over the soft blue paint.
Cassian rounds the corner, slacks hanging low on his waist, rubbing his eyes. “Love… what’cha doing at four a.m…?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” you beam up him, gesturing to the glorious calendar — the solution to all of your problems. “Too excited. Look at it!”
“That’s… that's nice, love,” Cassian mutters, walking up behind you and putting his hands on your waist. “But let’s go back to bed, hmm?”
“No, no,�� you gesture to the calendar once more. “I’ve gotta explain to you both how this works— hey— Azriel! Azriel, are you up?”
In response, a shadow comes to your side, winding around your leg.
You frown. “Did your master send you?”
The shadow tightens its grip.
“Is he just avoiding getting up?”
Even tighter.
You huff, poking Cassian’s shoulder. “Go get Azzie. This is important. And now I know he’s awake.”
The Illyrian nods and trudges off, cursing under his breath and running a hand over his face.
You almost feel a little bad, but then you’re distracted by your calendar again.
You did research on how these work. They were invented specifically for managing one person’s schedule, like a boss giving them to his employees to find time for meetings with them. Whoever’s schedule was being managed, just had to mark the calendar with a bloody fingerprint, and then all the calendars they marked would sync up. 
You grin, sticking your thumb into your mouth and piercing the skin, then you press it to the back of one of the pages. Instantly, the calendar glows, and then stops, but when you flip it to the current month, you find that it’s been filled in with all of your missions and plans — the magic has even sorted out what days you’re in which court, with which mates.
You grin maniacally.
Shadows slide around the corner, and out come your two Illyrian mates, bleary-eyed and wings damn near dragging.
You grin and clap your hands, pointing at the calendar. “Lookit! Look at what I did!”
“What did you do?” Azriel asks, coming to stand at your side and placing a hand on your lower back. It’s obvious that he’s trying his hardest to sound interested.
“Cass, c’mere,” you grin, tugging him to your other side. “Okay, okay, so, how this works. I have six of these calendars. They’re all enchanted, and they’ll soon all be connected to me by blood. When someone marks one, the others get the same marking, and I simply have to think it in order to add something. Each of my mates will get one, and so my schedule can be fairly organized.”
Cassian nods slowly. “Okay… but I thought normal scheduling was working fine.”
You bark a laugh. “No, no, no. You all are rather fond of interrupting each other’s dates and alone time, claiming to have ‘forgotten’ that I was already scheduled. This fixes that.”
“I do not,” Azriel grumbles, wings twitching.
“Well, see, the main inspiration here was my sex life,” you explain, perfectly calm as both your mates’ eyebrows shoot up. “I haven’t had actual sex in a week and a half, did you both know that?”
Cassian narrows his eyes. “No, no— how is that possible?”
You point to last Friday on the calendar, when you were marked to be on a date with Rhys. “Look, here; at this time, I was on the riverbank of the Sidra, about to be fucked against a tree, until Cassian came in and stayed for the rest of the date— and was completely oblivious to the mood and the arousal drenching the air.” You point to two days ago, when you were supposed to be sleeping at Eris’s palace. “At eleven p.m. that night, I was fully prepared to be ravished and yet Lucien needed me for something. And that’s not an issue, right, because two is better than one! But no, Eris and Lucien refuse to be naked in the same room at the same time.”
“…I see why you want the calendar,” Azriel murmurs, walking away and coming back with a pen and approaching the calendar. 
“What are you doing?” Cassian asks, tilting his head to the side.
“We’re the first ones to have this, right?” Azriel looks at you, and you nod in confirmation. “We have all the empty slots. I’m filling them all in with me.”
Cassian blanches, and then steps forward, promptly shoving Azriel to the side and stealing the pen. “Give me that! You can’t take all the slots!”
“You were just too slow,” Azriel grumbles, gesturing to the calendar, which is now half-filled with dates… all with Azriel.
You snort, and then turn on your heel, heading back down the hall. “I’m going back to bed. Whose bed am I getting in?”
“Mine,” they both say at the same time, and you can feel the glare they give each other. 
You grin, and turn the corner, knowing one — or both — of them is bound to come running after you.
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All goes well with your visit to Rhysand, and he was very happy with his new calendar. However, things get a little bumpy when you’re at the Autumn Court…
“Fuck—” you whimper, gripping Lucien’s hair as his tongue works at your clit, fingers pumping in and out of you steadily. You’ve already come twice, and he’s damn close to working you up to a third.
The bliss is nearly lighting you on fire, legs shaking as you finally approach that cliff again, climbing higher and higher and—
“Cum for me,” Lucien murmurs against your clit, the vibrations nearly tipping you over the edge. He looks up at you with those eyes from between your legs, and you whimper as you reach that—
A knock comes on the door.
Lucien pauses, and you whimper, desperately bucking your hips into his hand and lips.
“Shit, what time is it?” he asks, sitting up and looking at the clock, mouth glistening with your slick. 
“Lucien,” you grit out, “please.”
“Times up,” a familiar voice calls from behind the door. “Your slot is only from seven to eight, I have her for the full night from eight p.m. to sunrise.”
You hiss in frustration, gently tugging at Lucien’s hair. “Ignore him.”
Eris slips into the bond immediately. Ignore me?
Eris, give me five minutes. Please.
That’s not what the calendar says.
Does it sound like I give a shit about what the calendar says? You growl down the bond, frustration only building.
Lucien has obediently gone back to working your cunt, sliding two fingers back in. His mouth latches around your clit immediately, and the wondrous sensations start to build up again.
Two minutes later, Eris is speaking down the bond again.
I’d have already gotten you off by now.
Your only reply is an audible whine, surely loud enough for Eris to hear on the other side of the door.
And clearly he does hear it, because he’s winnowed to your side within seconds.
“Add a finger, it’ll make her come faster,” Eris idly comments, taking a seat next to you on the bed. “And harder. That’s important.”
You’re now completely naked and vulnerable in a room with two fully clothed males. Because apparently you’re the only one getting their clothes taken off today.
“What are you—”
“Shush,” Eris hushes you with a gentle kiss, stroking a hand down the center of your torso, rubbing circles on the sensitive skin of your belly. “Let us take care of you.”
Before you can reply, his head dips down to your left nipple, licking a circle around it. His thumb runs circles around your other breast, all while Lucien increases his pace.
With very little warning, your climax creeps up on you, pleasure suddenly spiking. You cry out, gripping Eris’s shoulder for support as you tip over the edge, stars and flames filling your vision as the waves of your orgasm crash over you again and again and again and—
“What does that make?” Eris asks, stroking your hair.
“Three,” replies Lucien, who is gently rubbing circles over your clit, coaxing you through the last waves of pleasure with gentle kisses along your thighs.
The High Lord clicks his tongue. “That won’t do. She needs at least five, else apparently she’ll get needy at an ungodly hour.”
You try to protest. “Will not—”
He stops you with a quirked brow. “Two weeks ago. You woke me up before sunrise by humping me. Like a puppy in heat.”
You open your mouth, and then close it. He’s right. You did do that. But he looked so damn sexy like that, features relaxed and mouth parted and—
Lucien licks a stripe up your folds, and all your thoughts screech to a halt.
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“Love,” Rhysand whispers in your ear, pressing kisses over your cheek and hair. “Love, time to get up.”
You blink awake, squinting in the early morning light. “Mm... what time is it?”
“Seven,” he murmurs, slipping his hands up and under the shirt you’re wearing — his shirt — and rubbing your skin.
You groan. “Cass isn’t picking me up ‘till seven-thirty. Why’d you wake me?”
“Because I was thinking we could squeeze a little something in,” Rhys kisses your neck, pressing his hips to yours, letting you feel his bulge beneath his pants. “If you so please.”
Your heart skips a beat, and you bite your lip. You run your hand down his chest, finding his bulge and palming him through his pants. “Needy, are we?”
“Please,” he groans, rutting against your hand once, twice, then pressing more kisses across your collarbones.
You smirk and nod, spreading your legs for him. His reaction is instant, making quick work of your panties and discarding his pants. 
He presses a finger into your entrance slowly, hissing as it comes back soaked. “Fuck. So wet for me, love.”
You tilt your hips up for him, and he strokes himself twice, then slowly slides in, stretching you wide. You whimper, gripping his shoulders and chewing your lip to stay quiet. “Fuck…”
Rhys picks up a slow pace, gentle and loving as the kisses he’s pressing along your collar and neck. He rubs your hips in time with his thrusts, each time hitting just a little deeper, each push a little more pleasurable than the last.
“Please,” you moan, desperate for more, deeper, harder, faster… and he doesn’t give it to you.
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips, shaking his head. “Impatient little thing. It’s bright and early, and you want to have the shit fucked out of you?”
You nod, and he merely chuckles. The sound is low and deep and effectively makes you even wetter around him. 
He pulls out, and you open your mouth to whine, but he sweeps you up into his arms, picking you up out of the bed. Before you know it, your bare back is against a wall, and he’s entered you once more, this angle deeper than before.
He picks up a bruising pace immediately, and you moan, capturing his lips in yours to swallow both of your noises. You can’t help but tilt your hips with each thrust, desperately matching his pace as that coil in your abdomen begins to grow tauter.
“Fuck— fuckfuckfuckk—” you hiss against his mouth, clutching at his biceps, his neck, his shoulders — anything to ground you as you’re pulled higher and higher.
“I’ve got you, love,” he groans, slamming into you harder, brushing that spot so deep inside of you—
You come immediately, clenching around him and squeezing your eyes shut, moaning loudly as the pleasure drags you down, down, nearly into unconsciousness as your thighs cramp. Rhys has to hold you up to keep you from falling out of his arms, and he follows you with three sharp thrusts and a low growl, spilling into you.
He kisses you, gently, and you run your hands through his hair, rolling your hips against his once. 
“God, I love you,” you murmur, between gasps for air.
“I love you too, darling. I love waking up to you next to me,” he murmurs back, nosing your neck. “I love fucking you first thing in the morning.”
“Round two?” You run a hand down his abdomen, licking your lips. You can’t help it; you want to taste him.
He grins deviously, opening his mouth to reply — but then footsteps sound down the hall, accompanied with what is obviously Cassian whistling. He’s definitely giving you a warning that he’s coming — he could be quieter than that.
“Fuck,” you grumble. “Just a sec.”
Cassian, you speak down the bond. Not done here. Give me half an hour. 
What? No. He whines, but his footsteps halt. I’m scheduled to pick you up at seven thirty. It’s my time.
I’m aware. The schedule isn’t supposed to be exact. You guys seem to have an issue with that.
…Isn’t exact reserved time the point of the schedule?
You sigh, shaking your head. “Change of plans. I’m calling a mates’ meeting.”
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Half an hour later, all of your mates are gathered at Rhys’s dining table, their calendars sitting in front of them. You sit at the head of the table, decidedly unhappy…
“Alright,” Azriel starts, leaning forward on his elbows. “I’ll break the ice. What’s got you upset, love?”
“What do you think has me upset?” you grit out, glaring over at him.
Azriel suppresses a flinch, leaning back in his seat.
“I’m assuming it has to do with the calendar?” Eris says, gesturing to the calendars in front of them all. 
“Uh huh. And why, exactly, did I enact the calendar rule?”
There’s a short pause, and then Lucien responds. “To organize your schedule?”
“Because you wanted more sex,” Cassian corrects him, rubbing his chin. Lucien, Eris, and Rhys whip their heads to look at him, having not been there for that conversation. “But hasn’t that succeeded?”
“More sex, yes. But short sex. Painfully short. You know why? Because I start having sex with one of you. We do the deed. I want more. You want more. Then what happens? Knock knock, someone else comes along and refuses to give up precious time from their slot.”
Cassian looks down and away, making a face. Eris doesn’t look pleased either.
“You guys,” you sigh. “The calendar is flexible. You can deal with having half an hour taken off of your slots. It’s supposed to be a guide, not a strict schedule.”
The males before you begrudgingly grumble in agreement, and you gesture to the calendars. 
“Okay, thank you. Now that that’s understood, it’s time to schedule next month’s times. Please open your calendars,” you instruct, opening your own. Everybody follows your lead, so you continue. “I’ve marked in all the slots available, and when I’ll be gone. I have two missions next month; a dragon study and a job for the Winter court clearing out a pair of Banshees. The dragon study I have to do alone, but one of you can tag along on the clearing.”
Azriel immediately reaches for a pen, but not before Eris has already winnowed one into his hand, already writing his name.
“Ah!” you hiss, grabbing Eris’s wrist. “We’re drawing sticks.” 
Eris snarls at you on pure instinct, then his face goes slack. “Sorry, sorry— I didn’t mean to—”
Immediately, your four other mates are up out of their seats, teeth bared and ready to attack Eris.
“Dear mother,” you groan. “It was instinct. Everybody down.”
Everyone sits. 
“That’s the other thing,” you sigh, waving your hand to winnow in a cup with five sticks in it, all marked with a name. “You all need to work on the hostility. I know it’s difficult. But mistakes will be made, fights will be had, and instinct is instinct.”
Lucien mumbles a ‘sorry’ to Eris, and the rest follow, some less apologetic than others.
You carry on with the meeting, and you draw sticks, deciding the order of who gets to pick first. Cassian, much to his joy, gets first, then Azriel, then Lucien, followed by Rhysand, and in dead last — which you’d bet money was influenced by someone’s magic — is a very salty Eris.
Nevertheless, the dates are set, and you dismiss everyone—
“Hold on,” Azriel cuts in, holding up a finger. “There was a prearranged date with Rhys on here. Why only him?”
“Because he’s set to meet my parents,” the words fly out of your mouth before you realize what you’re saying, and you immediately clamp your jaw shut.
Damn your mouth.
All five heads turn to look at you, shocked faces adorning all but one — Rhys, who knew about this and didn’t question it.
“Why only him?” Eris asks, raising a brow. 
“I want to meet your parents!” Cassian pouts, leaning forward against the table.
“I do as well,” Lucien adds, scratching the back of his neck.
“Agreed,” Azriel finishes. “I’m free that time. We could just all meet them at once.”
Agreement runs through the circle, leaving you opening and closing your mouth.
Because there’s one issue.
One little, tiny issue…
“Cauldron boil me,” Eris murmurs, slowly leaning back in his seat. “They don’t know you have more than one mate, do they?”
Ah, yes.
To be continued…
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tags: @awoa1 @llovelydove @bookishbroadwaybish @maddietheshoe @eerievixen @ghostofnightcrawlerpast @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hyemishii @caro-lightwood-blog @the-sweet-psycho @myheartfollower @bubybubsters @luvmoo @foreverrandomwritings @ummmmmchillanywaysso @spongehappy @fell-in-luvs
comment to be added to the tag list!
(not tagged? either tumblr was a jerk, you changed your username, or i missed your comment! go ahead and ask again, and I'll make sure you're on there.)
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destinygoldenstar · 1 month
Ninjago Dragons Rising Season 2 - Is It Good Or Nah?
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So, I'm late to the party, aren't I?
Well I've had so much work that I think I'm having an existential crisis. So I had to wait till I had a free day to watch this season because I wanted to watch it with my GF.
We got to Episode 6, and then what did my boss do?
Slap me in the face with long work hours several days of the week.
I feel like I'm in a spiral of work after work after work with no purpose to life besides failure cause I can't trust myself to be capable at anything-
ANYWAY. We finished it now.
You know what the insane part about the season is? That it got the show trending on Tumblr.
That's an INSANE level of hype right there.
So I seriously had to ask myself "What the actual f**k happened in the show that caused THIS much hype?!"
So... here are my thoughts on the season.
Okay, so this may be a factor of my judgement, but due to my schedule, I was forced to watch only 6 Episodes one day, and then the last 4 Episodes today. Keep that in mind.
When it came to the first half of the season, was it good?
Yes. Obviously.
Was it living up to the insane level of hype?
Uh... not really for me??
Now, don't take that as a negative. This season is still REALLY good.
After the first season took awhile to get started as it needed to set up its characters and this new world, it makes sense for this season to throw the punches immediately.
The season gets started with its main plot right away with Ras immediately putting his plan into action, and by Episode 2, it's very clear the threat level he opposes and it's believable that we should be intimidated by what he wants.
Even though in Episode 2's fight, while AMAZINGLY choreographed, I was just screaming at the screen "HIT THE PERSON HOLDING THE GONG."
Like seriously, more than one of the characters in this fight can use projectiles with their powers AND they have a blaster in the Bounty, and the show never says that Ras has some sort of armor defense preventing him from getting blasted. He's literally standing out in the open. And the gong is clearly what's giving Cinder power. So HIT THE PERSON WITH THE GONG.
Anyway, that's not important. What's important is that this season's fight choreo is genuinely AMAZING. I am obsessed with the way the camera moves with the characters in these fights you have no idea. I was genuinely blown away by the last episode's fight in particular. But more on the ending later.
What also shocked me was how BRUTAL some of the stuff that happens here is, which caught me off guard.
I mean, Episode 2 has Euphrasia getting ambushed and crashed off the Cloud Kingdom with clear injuries, and Wyldfyre getting her leg SHATTERED. Like, WHAT?! HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN?!! (Even though the latter's healing was unrealistic. Like, it would realistically take months for an injury like that to heal. Not a critique, just saying.)
Ras body slams Jordanna at one point. He puts Arin in a CHOKEHOLD. And also beats him up so brutally... like OMG this guy does not mess around.
The Fear Cave Trial also REALLY got me tripping. Not only was it such a visually appealing moment, but it also, as the same suggests, showed several character psyches that were insane.
Except Kai for some reason. That's gonna drive me NUTS until I get an answer. WHAT DID HE SEE-?!
Then we get to the dragon mentors, and...
Yeah the season kinda loses me in the middle.
Don't get me wrong, I love the character bits here as much as anyone. But with how dyer they made the threat of Ras before, Ras and his forces take a backseat in the middle portion of the season and we're mostly just sitting at these training grounds talking. And for four episodes of it? It's a little grating, even if it is important.
The middle is mostly where most of my issues with the season stand. And here's where I get all my negatives out of the way:
Like I said, because this season is so long, there's an awkward pause in the conflict on the dragons plotline to learn this Rising Dragon Technique. Which I wouldn't mind if it wasn't FOUR EPISODES of it.
With the exception of the attack at the Land of Lost Things ONCE, Ras's army doesn't go after the ninja at all. I can kinda get the dragons group since they didn't have Bonzle, but he has to know that they ARE a threat, right? They're obviously trying to figure out how to stop you.
And even with the group that has Bonzle, what they NEED, the forces that go after that group is the Administration and the one off magician man villain, the former really didn't need to be in this season even if it was for a compelling Jay cameo, and the latter has overstayed his welcome at this point and I just rolled my eyes when he showed up on screen.
I'm all for Cole being a badass as much as the next guy, but WHY this magician man, who at this point, is so disconnected with the main antagonistic forces that he serves no purpose?
Why not, I don't know, use this screen time instead to explain what in the world happened with Cole when he left?
Seriously, the first season had this huge cliffhanger with Cole's character and him going after Wu's ghost. I wonder what's gonna happen to him and what he's gonna find out-
Oh. He's just back.
That to me is a huge disappointment. What was the point of him leaving the Lost Family in the first place if this journey was basically nothing? He doesn't even talk about it! COME ON NOW.
Also I think Zane should get slay pass on the Administration guy that called him equipment. What do y'all think?
I don't like Egot. Or whatever his name was. He's very condescending and cryptic and talks down to his only hope of the world being saved. But I think I'm supposed to dislike him for it, and there's gonna be more of his characterization revealed later, so don't take this one as a critique. The female one is great though.
The sorceress lady was... a choice in the narrative. My one critique for the ending was the potion shenanigans. Not because they were bad, but because they just felt so out of place among everything else. Like, "Oh, this finale is too dark and intense! We need to occasionally cut to wacky shenanigans with this sorceress's magic to prevent kids from feeling too much dread!"
I don't know, for me, I would've placed this stuff with the Administration instead, and instead have the group fight Jordanna, lose, and have her get away and flow that to Arin getting to her. Especially since the Administration posed such little threat to them and they even say such.
(I also have a theory that this sorceress is Wyldfyre's birth mom. I have no evidence to back this up besides "They both have red hair and similar facial structure")
With Cloud Kingdom getting taken over and Euphrasia captured, I thought she would have more of a role to play in this since this is, you know, her HOME and she's their guardian.
But nope. She does next to nothing up until the very end and plays prisoner and waits for the ninja to save her.
For gosh sake girl, you're the master of wind. FLY.
And finally, my last critique, Cinder.
Yeah I'm sorry, I'm not buying this character so far. Not that I don't think he'll have anything to do in the second part, but for how threatening he was in Episode 2, that threat level kinda vanishes in the middle and only comes back at the end. He does next to nothing and we learn nothing about him other than "He likes power". Jordanna is probably more unlikeable, but at least she has conflict going on with Ras and her magic, and she still serves more of a role in the plan besides being a foot soldier.
And... yep. That's all my critiques for this season. Which all seem pretty minor.
You know what this season is real good at? Characters.
As though that wasn't obvious already.
I did NOT expect Bonzle to play any major role at all, I thought she was just gonna be the dry and cynical side character. But no. She has a history. She has a life. She has emotions. All of which REALLY shine through at the end when you hear her voice have more range in it. The VA killed it. I ended up feeling so bad for her.
Especially considering what happens to her.
They're also not even hiding it anymore with Geo x Cole. They're just NOT. I love them and I hope we see more of their relationship in the future.
I genuinely don't understand the critique of "Geo is so selfish referring to him as Cole's family when it's obvious Cole has other people in his life."
Well no shit, you ever heard of a character flaw?
But it's also a completely understandable flaw. You guys aren't forgetting the part where Geo was abandoned for being a mixed race, right? Of course he's gonna cling to someone as compassionate and encouraging as Cole.
The Jay cameo was nice. I expect him to play no role in this season, but it's really compelling what they showed and I was satisfied with it.
Lloyd's conflict was handled very well in my opinion.
What's it called when it's PTSD, but it's about future events rather than past events? Foresight Traumatic Stress Disorder? FTSD? Yeah let's go with that.
For a kids show that glosses over trauma, (That's not a Ninjago problem, that's a kids show problem), it was really refreshing for them to not do that for once. It's actually explored and talked about and Lloyd is given advice on how to cope with it, and he freezes up in panic attacks when these visions happen and-THANK YOU. THANK YOU FOR NOT IGNORING HOW HARD SOMETHING LIKE THIS IS.
Seriously, as someone who is going through stuff like this, minus the magic element, it spoke to me a lot. It really shows that this show grew up with me, and I both love and hate that.
I do think this sort of arc is going to hit hard for adults much more than kids.
Are kids constantly terrified of the future and getting paralyzed with these fears and finding it difficult to cope with the traumas that is time and human life?
Kai is also a standout in this, especially towards the end. This is by far the best Kai has been in a long time in terms of quality. I love how one of his most significant flaws gets addressed here, that being his overreliance on himself and his own abilities over the others, who he feels responsible to protect.
And the way he grasps with that and learns to let loose like he did as a child back in the old days through what he loves the most, that being his family. And the flashbacks with him and his sister. And the whole sequence of him learning Rising Dragon - AUGH ITS SO GOOD.
How poetic is it that the character most devoted to family since childhood is only cocky and angry because of his own desire to be the one with power to keep them safe, gets power by letting that go, being a kid again, and joining the same roots as his own family?
And finally, Arin.
Oh you poor sweet, sweet child.
First of all, yes, I am completely subscribed to the theory that the show is building up Arin turning on the ninja and becoming a villain. It's all there. It all fits. The amount of times they say how sweet he is as though that's gonna get lost. The dragons, the creators of the world, the gods basically, telling him he's not good enough. Ras confronting him. Sora's stunt even after she's been the most encouraging of him, like the BETRAYAL there. It's all there. And I will be posting my theory scenario on this don't you worry.
BUT, I don't think that's the route they're gonna go. Kids show and all of that. They wouldn't do that to one of their main characters. Unless you're Star Wars. At most I think Arin will be tempted by Ras's master's power in an episode and even do it, but then with the power of love and friendship, it'll get fixed.
So instead I'd rather say that Arin, by far, has the BEST power crisis arc of the entire show so far.
I LOVE that he doesn't get powers. That's something the original show would've done. I LOVE that he doesn't figure anything out in the end and his inner doubts get proven correct. That's something the original show would not have the guts to do.
I liked Arin in the first season, but he didn't interest me too much. Mostly because Sora had the lion share of focus in the first season. Here though? He might just take the crown for THE most relatable character. And I both love and hate it so much.
Like, seeing everyone else succeed in mastery while you can't even figure out your own thing. You get told you have a natural talent and a lot of potential and that you're good at a lot of things, only for that to be put to the test in the real world and you end up letting everyone down. Even when your loved ones encourage you that you are good enough and you're special in your own way, you can't get those voices out of your head and you mess up again and again and again to try and meet the world's expectations. Then those in charge tell you you're not good enough and wasted potential. Then you try everything out in the real world anyway and you FAIL, and those that doubt you and your own insecurities get proven correct as you're left a broken mess of a young child who doesn't know what the hell they're doing-
I probably love Sora more as a character, but I will admit I grasp towards Arin more right now. Sora's a great trans allegory in a world that hates trans people. But I'm not trans so I relate to it a bit less. Arin's a great autistic allegory in a world that doesn't know how to help autistic people. And I am autistic so I relate to it more. That's just a me situation.
I am so invested in where Arin's story goes from here. Evil or not.
So yeah, the season was good, but didn't completely live up to the insane hype, which, to be fair, is a high bar.
And then all of a sudden, I AM SHOCKED AND SHAKEN TO MY CORE.
These last four episodes are an absolute emotional roller coaster that left me shaking and screaming the whole time.
I actually SCREAMED at multiple occasions.
I actually screamed so many times watching this that I am now HOARSE.
THAT'S how hard it hit me.
The story goes from 0 to 100 the moment the Blood Moon shows up. Which was what the whole season was building up to. And it did NOT disappoint.
The race to try and protect Bonzle. The intense visions and paralysis Lloyd suffers from. Ras and the army coming back to the plot to be absolute powerhouses. The last episode of DREAD the entire time to desperately try to stop this ritual.
I was begging for Arin to succeed at getting Bonzle to safety, even though I knew he stood no chance against Ras. "Come on Arin! You got this!! YOU GOT THIS, SWEETIE!!"
And then Ras just goes to TOWN on the poor boy and taunts his utter failure, which HURTS SO BAD MAN.
The entire fight with the army, Cinder, and Ras. The destruction of the mechs which knocks them unconscious for a bit. Kai figuring out Rising Dragon again when his family gets put in danger. The way Nya avenges her brother afterwards.
When Bonzle was getting morphed back into spell form, BEGGING, I was begging too.
But they still do it!
And KAI?!?!
I couldn't even process what happened other than me screaming. From the moment Ras alluded to sacrificing Kai against his consent, I was screaming "NO. DON'T DO IT."
I predicted a while back, in the first season actually, that Kai was gonna get sacrificed at some point. Who's laughing now? I DID NOT WANT TO BE RIGHT.
Like, usually in Ninjago the character would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the others. But here? This is without Kai's consent at all. Ras might as well have killed him right here.
It definitely felt that way with the way the others react and BEG for his safety. The way Nya avenges him.
And Kai giving up his shot at escape for the sake of his family? BRO. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
It hurts even more when you realize that when the Merge happened, Lloyd was ALONE thinking only he survived. He only gained hope again because of his reunion with Kai. His beloved surrogate brother!
And then Sora?! Why you gotta betray Arin like that?!
The most encouraging friend towards Arin, the person who held onto hope and praises for him the most, betrays that hope and doesn't trust him enough to get the winning blow himself. Then LIES about it.
That's going to be SO compelling once that gets outed. Like, morally, that was messed up and she was definitely in the wrong, BUT it led to the best possible outcome for them at the moment. They WON because she did NOT believe in Arin's abilities. Which only proves that the doubts about Arin's said abilities are correct.
And I have a gut feeling she's gonna learn Spinjitsu on top of that. And once that happens... double ouch.
Again, Evil Arin Theory.
I really hate to say it, but this reminds way too much of Arcane. If you know what I'm talking about.
I am totally imagining a situation similar to that in my head, that being a rescue mission for Kai, they decide to leave Arin out of it because of the lack of faith in him, he tags along anyway and he ruins their plan and Kai stays trapped there, Lloyd and Sora lash out on him for it, and before they can apologize they get thrusted back by something and Ras and Ras's master find Arin and take him in-
Again, I'll make a post about that.
The finale was by far the best part of this season. It has been a long time since Ninjago has made me HOARSE from being too invested.
That has not happened to me since Sons of Garmadon.
Because, yeah, I actually have NO IDEA where any of this is headed. How are they gonna save Kai and Bonzle? Why did some of Lloyd's visions not come true? What in the world is going on with Ras? Will the Administration help with that? Will the source dragons help with that?
What I probably do know is that Part 2 of this season is going to turn this into the best Ninjago Product since Tournament of Elements. Maybe even top it depending on my rewatches if my problems are still problems.
So... yeah. Good or Nah? Good. Obviously.
The hype is a little overblown to me, but it still deserves the hype.
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revelwrittenscenes · 8 months
Reaction: Red Velvet - You Can't Fall Asleep Without Them
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Idol: Red Velvet
{ Fluff }
Requested: Yes!
- - -
Note: Thank you to the anon that requested this! And to other people that requested, I'll write as many as I can. Enjoy~
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When she came home after a long practice session with the girls, she found you curled up on the bed, humming mindlessly to yourself.
Her heart warmed at the sight and warmed even more once you spotted her, inviting her into your now open arms.
“I’m home.” She murmured softly, settling herself against you.
“Mmm, finally, I can sleep.” You mumbled into her shoulder, before closing your eyes and tightening your hold on her.
Irene felt her heart fill with joy (no pun intended) and she drifted off to sleep herself, secretly loving the fact that you needed her.
. . .
Seulgi sat on the couch, basically on the edge of her seat and mussing her hair constantly as she watched the last few episodes of her favorite drama.
“No no no! He was dead, wasn’t he?!”
“Seulgi, pleaseee.” You whined for the third time. “Let’s go to sleep, I’m exhausted! Work was horrible today.”
“One second, Y/N. There’s just 2 more episodes to go.”
“But I’ve told you, it’s really hard for me to fall asleep without you there.” You yawned. Seulgi quickly paused the episode.
“Wait, really? You can’t sleep without me?” Seulgi cooed.
“Okay, then. Let’s go to bed. I don’t want you to be too sleepy tomorrow.”
. . .
It was 11pm and Wendy still hadn’t returned from the kitchen. You sighed, deciding to go see what your girlfriend had gotten herself into at this late hour.
You couldn’t say you were surprised to find her mixing a bowl of some kind of pastry dough. Wendy usually made sweets whenever she was under stress.
Wendy took one look at your tired face and confessed her worries.
“Our new choreo is so complicated. Which is a good thing because our Luvies have always wanted better for us!” She rambled on. “But at the same time, I’m worried I can’t keep up with the members. They’re just such good dancers and our comeback is in 2 weeks and-“
She was interrupted by the feeling of your arms hugging her from behind.
“Wendy, I’m sure whatever you’re making is delicious and normally I’d help you finish it. But I’m really, really tired and…I have trouble sleeping without you.”
“Your best is enough, Wendy. I know you’re gonna kill this choreo. And all the fancy vocals.” Wendy leaned back into you, before letting out a sigh of relief.
“I know you’re right, Y/N. Here, let’s put this in the fridge and go back to bed, since you know, you can’t sleep without me.” She gave you a cheeky smile.
. . .
“I’m home!”
You looked up from the book you were trying to read, smiling at your girlfriend. She seemed bouncier than usual, and you suspected it was because of the numerous shopping bags she had in each arm.
“I see you went shopping. Did you go with the girls?” You asked, trying to suppress a yawn. The sun had gone down hours ago, and you’d had a long shift at work.
“I did! But you shouldn’t have waited up for me if you’re this tired. Didn’t you work overtime today?”
“Yeah, but..” you yawned. “I kinda have a hard time going to sleep without you.”
Joy was quiet for a moment, before tossing all the bags onto the couch and speedwalking her way to you.
“Let’s get you to bed then.” She cooed, her arms around your waist and her head on your shoulder. “I can’t let my love be too sleepy for our date tomorrow.”
. . .
“To be or not to be, that is the question!”
“What…I thought we were rehearsing for your drama?” You laughed, and soon Yeri began to laugh with you. You’d been up helping her for her latest drama, which would begin to shoot the following day.
“I know, I know! I just wanted to see if you were paying attention.” Yeri gave you a cheeky smile. “You seem pretty tired.”
You yawned. “A bit, but the more I help you rehearse, the faster we can get to bed.”
“That’s very sweet, but if you’re this tired I can practice by myself?” Yeri put an arm around your shoulders, stroking a finger against your arm.
“I could try, but I can’t really fall asleep without you there with me.”
Yeri’s face lit up.
“Really? That is so cute.” She pinched your cheek. She stood up, taking the script from your hands and putting it aside, along with hers.
“There, I think I’ve rehearsed enough. Besides, I’m really craving some cuddles right now.”
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sillywittleprincess · 5 months
Suguru Geto x Depressed Reader
Warnings: gn reader, probably ooc geto
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You've just been feeling so tired lately. Everything seems to require so much effort and even getting out of bed to use the bathroom is a struggle. Your boyfriend Geto has definitely noticed your change in energy but hasn't brought it up. Until now.
Geto sighs softly when he enters your shared bedroom one afternoon. "Angel, I know you're tired but you need to get up. I made you some soup and you need to come to the kitchen to eat it". You look in his direction and hum in acknowledgement at his statement. You appreciate his effort, you really do, but your body just doesn't want to move.
"I might get some later Geto. I'm not really hungry right now," you say. You roll over in bed and snuggle underneath the covers, no longer looking at him. You hear the door close so you assume that he left you alone but then you hear footsteps coming in your direction and eventually feel the mattress dip under the weight of him sitting down.
You look back at him for a moment and see him looking down at you. 'He looks so beautiful' you think to yourself. He's wearing a loose fitted navy blue sweater with some black sweatpants. His dark locks resting a little below his shoulders. You wish you had the energy to reach up and tread your fingers through his hair.
"Baby, I need you to be honest with me," Geto starts but then pauses for a few moments. "Never mind that, please listen to me. I know how you're feeling. You're feeling depressed. You feel like you've been drained completely of energy and joy. Am I right?" He brings one of his large hands to rest on to of your head that is lying on your satin pillowcase. "You can just shake your head, I don't need a verbal answer."
Once he feels you nod he starts stroking your hair. "I felt that way once too. I remember in high school I had a depressive episode that lasted for many months. I felt overwhelmed and underwhelmed by everything. I felt as if I could not tell anyone because I did not want to be a burden".
Geto stops playing with your hair so that he can lean down to kiss your forehead gently. You feel yourself smile at the soft act of affection. He starts stroking your hair again before he continues, "I don't want you to think you're a burden baby. You'll never be a burden to me. You brought me out of that dark place and I want to do the same for you. You don't have to open up to me if you don't want to, but know that I will do anything to help you overcome this. You are my everything sweetheart."
You feel yourself start to tear up at his words. You try to subtly wipe at your eyes with the blanket on top of you, but your boyfriend sees right through you. He shifts closer to you and softly turns your body towards his own so that he can face you.
His heart aches seeing you cry. He wishes he could take on the burden of your feelings so that you could be happy again. But he knows he cannot do he will do the best that he can to help you feel relief. He begins to stroke your hair again and coos sweet things into the air. "It's okay love, everything will be alright," he says. And you believe it.
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saezurumurmurs · 2 months
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A BL Platform For Everyone
NB: Please reblog this for visibility!
A little over two years ago, me and my BL crew were in our little chat sharing recommendations. 
Cat had an impressive spread sheet, Marcie and I had iCloud Notes, and it was pretty much chaos.
I looked at it and said out loud, "There has to be a better way for us to keep track of our reads and share recommendations. There has to be right?"
Cat said she wished someone would build a BL app with everything already there. Me, a developer of almost thirty years, paused while a floodlight (not a light bulb) went off in my head.
“Well I could maybe build one… cause like, I build stuff. How would that be?”
By the end of the conversation Cat had invited me to build an app for BL. 
Four weeks later, in late February of 2022, digitaljuicy.com was online. 
In the last couple of years, I’ve been listening to the fandom, paying attention to feedback, poured over analytics, read your responses to the Reader’s Survey and continued to craft a platform with all this in mind.
What I have been building is 100% for us... there is nothing but BL and it is an attempt to encompass ALL of BL. Not just the bits and pieces.
But for two years I've been struggling. Struggling in many ways, but specifically to get what I wanted out of the platform. I tried and failed so many times.
In September of 2022 I tried to raise venture capital to build the platform I wanted for us. I pitched it to accelerators and true blue venture capital.
Juicy is what is called 'pre-seed'. Which means were still so new and evolving, under-resourced and while there was interest, there was no joy. No funding was raised.
In December 2023, I realised it was time to rethink Juicy. i have been on the deepest dive for months rebuilding Juicy from the ground up and preparing the framework for the mobile app.
I’ve built something I want to use… and wild, I’m building it and using it as a fan at the same time. I'm at the point where it's impossible not to want to share.
And what kind of platform do I mean? At its most basic level:
You can track your reads, watches and plays
You can review and recommend the titles to the community, your friends, strangers on Twitter, your friend you're trying to corrupt outside the fandom. Your poison.
Timelines for you, for titles, for episodes, chapters… just about everything. I mean everything: The creators, the publishers, the studios, the actors... you can leave reviews and status posts on EVERYTHING. No algorithms, no force feeding... just discovery, recommendations and honest reviews by this community about our community and the industry we feed.
Collections! Lists of stuff you're reading, dropped, want to read, want to buy, love or hate, all pretty and organised and shareable..
A growing database resource of titles, tagged up to its eyeballs with a minutiae of data.. with reading an streaming links and anything else we find that we think is relevant.
But it is also a lot more than this.
I wanted it to be more than what it was. I want to turn Juicy into a mobile app, add some more functionality and more specifically, platform all of BL for its non-Asian fandom.
We get left out of so much, I feel like we need our own thing. 
I don’t know about ya’ll, but I was tired of being banned on social media for sharing content. How you gonna ban me for saying a 2D fictional character needs to be shot with shite and strung with cobweb? But they did… and I know it’s not just me.
What about the creators? How do they interface with the non-Japanese or non-Korean fandoms? On which misogynistic hell site?
What about the publishers and merchandisers? What about the little Etsy sellers? Why does BL have to hidden away in the databases of mangaupdates, anisearch and anilist? Why does every single manga tracker out there seem to have pitiful listings for BL? 
Is it because we’re a female or queer audience? 
Look at this lil video I made:
Either way, I’ve long felt it’s time for us to do our own thing. So I’ve been building it. Pixel by pixel. Feature by feature on my own.
Juicy has been a small chat group, but I’m the only developer. We’ve always been clear about what we wanted to build: A platform for the fandom, the creators, the publishers, the merchandisers… my goal is a one-stop platform for BL and I am damn close to presenting this new iteration.
This was and remains the core of what I’m building: The largest English platform for BL on the planet. The functionality is one thing, but building a database like that is not a one-person job.
So now I need your help.
First to keep the servers online, so I can continue to build and develop and finally, finally release the mobile app. I can't tell you how much I want that.
I’m close to pushing the new Juicy 3.0 out, and I’m very in love with the work I’ve done since December. It’s a new look, and it works 1000 times better than the previous iterations of Juicy.
I just have hit a wall financially, and need your help and support to get it over the line.
Juicy's ass is fat and I been carrying her mostly alone for two solid years. 
I’m going to launch a Kickstarter for this project in a bit so I can hire another developer  to help with the trickier bits and fine tune the mobile app, but for now, I felt a Patreon would at least help us keep the servers up and maybe, just maybe allow us to afford a few crucial bits that will elevate your experience as a user.
And because I’m a developer, and I can do some pretty kinky shit with APIs and such, if you support this Patreon campaign, you will get some nice feature perks on the platform automagically. You won’t have to pay again to access these perks in-app later.
As many perks as I can cook up anyway, not the least of which will be access to some of the nicer functions and features I’ve already built into the platform.
When the mobile app launches, you will get it first and for free! Plus we’ve been talking about a lot of other ways we can make the platform fun beyond what I've done already.
I plan to monetise the platform in various ways, but in a profit sharing model. You contribute to the database, you contribute content, you get a share of whatever the platform makes. This is already built into the system. This will be open to anyone willing, but to Patrons first.
Finally, I'm limiting the number of people who can subscribe via Patreon to 1000 people. Once we hit that number, the rolls will be closed to new membership, and everyone directed to the platform to pay for any services or merchandise.
My goal for this group of Patrons is that you become an exclusive and tightly knit inner circle.
My hope is that you will help me actively shape what Juicy will become. Your votes and say will carry weight. Your feature requests considered and if possible implemented first.
You will get access to exclusive merchandise, exclusive giveaways and promos (like free stuff), and exclusive programming from the team.
With your help we will produce an exclusive podcast for Patrons only discussing all things BL and Juicy (honestly our conversations are generally wild and hilarious... it will be a rollick for sure), along with other content for Patrons only. We've even planned watch parties and other fun shit... I swear, we want you all to be our greatest ambassadors so we are planning as many treats as we can.
Your access on the platform will be specific to your Patreon subscription and your treatment will be VIP for the life of your subscription.
Finally, the way my auADHD are set up, I have no interest in the dramas of the BL fandom, so this is never going to be about gatekeeping access to anything. It’s about making more access possible. You can help bring us all together and make us stronger as a group.
So do you think Digital Juicy sounds like something you’d like in on?
Okute Sea
Saezuru Murmurs
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bi-bard · 2 years
Selfishness - Dream of the Endless Imagine (The Sandman)
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Title: Selfishness
Pairing: Dream of the Endless X Reader
Word Count: 1,172 words
Warning(s): feelings of jealousy, mention of child death, involves part two of episode 11
Summary: The time has come for Morpheus and Calliope to finally meet again. To confront the loss that they faced. (Y/n) tries to only be supportive of their partner during a clearly challenging time, but not everything is so easily achieved.
Author's Note: This is only so late because I had to wait to watch the bonus episode until the dogs went for a walk because they kept barking at all the animated cats.
Maybe it was the way they were standing when I first saw Morpheus and Calliope that day.
She had been a mere few steps from him as they spoke.
It's not a position that anyone wants to see their partner in.
Yeah. That was a logical reason to feel jealous. Someone just gets a few steps too close to the person that was only meant to be that close to you. It was reasonable for that to tickle me the wrong way.
Morpheus walked away from her as soon as he saw me. It should've comforted me more than it did.
"(Y/n)," he said. "How are you?"
"I'm okay," I replied before looking over his shoulder. "Who is that?"
"Come with me," he held out his hand. I grabbed it and let him lead me back over to where she stood. "This is Calliope. Calliope, this is (Y/n). My partner."
"Hello," she nodded her head at me.
"Hi," I replied. "How do you know each other?"
"I was Morpheus's wife."
I almost felt dumb for asking. Like it was something that I should've known.
"We lost our son."
I felt like a punch was landed to my gut. He hadn't gone into detail about his past partners. I hadn't asked.
"This is the first time we have spoken in a very long time," Morpheus explained.
Her eyes seemed to linger on him. I tried to ignore that idea. I was just learning about their history. I wanted to believe that this was just my brain trying to
"I... I should give you both some privacy," I said quietly.
"It's fine," I promised. "I'll spend some time in the dreams that are meant for me."
He nodded before leaning over to kiss my forehead. "Sleep well, my love."
I just grinned before walking away.
I didn't stay in the dream realm. I decided to wake up instead.
I stayed awake for the rest of the night. I stared out my window at the stars. It seemed to only let my stupid feelings fester.
I spent my day worried.
I busied myself with small tasks. Vacuuming, dusting, laundry, dishes. I did everything I could to take my mind off of what happened in the dream realm.
I felt like an idiot more than I felt angry. Jealousy had never been a normal trait in me. I knew that Morpheus had been with people before me. His stories were always secret.
And here I was, upset over him meeting his ex-wife and grieving his son. How selfish did I have to be to truly think like that?
I was still focused on the event as I got ready for bed.
I would've given anything to not be stuck in that headspace. But I couldn't shake it. And I absolutely despised that.
There was a knock on my door just as I was ready to curl under my covers and pretend that I was trying to fall asleep.
I paused for a moment before quickly walking over and pulling the door open.
"(Y/n)," Morpheus said. "Can I come in?"
I nodded, stepping to the side.
I slowly shut the door behind him. I crossed my arms over my chest awkwardly.
"You left very suddenly," he pointed out. "Are you okay?"
I nodded again. "Yeah. I just wanted to give you both some privacy."
There was a pause before he spoke again. "You are not a very good liar."
I sighed and shook my head.
"(Y/n)," Morpheus stepped forward. "All I want is the truth."
I looked away from him, ashamed of myself.
"I was... jealous."
I whispered the last word. Like it was some kind of forbidden thing. The feeling that must not be named. Morpheus furrowed his eyebrows. I bit my tongue for a second. What could he have been confused about?
"I knew that you had been with other people," I said, looking down at the floor. "Logically, it would be childish of me to believe that you remained completely alone until you found me. And I know that nothing was happening. I just can't... I can't stop it."
It couldn't stop that pit in my stomach that felt like it was baring its teeth. It was ready to tear me apart as soon as I turned my back to it. It was infecting me. My heart and my mind. It offered more nightmares than the dreaming realm ever could imagine.
I continued looking down at the floor.
"My love, look at me, please," he mumbled.
My love. What a sweet name. One that I didn't deserve.
His hand cupped the side of my face, carefully forcing me to meet his gaze.
"How can I bring you comfort," he asked. "Tell me and I'll do it."
"It's not your fault," I shook my head, causing his hand to fall from my face. "I trust you. I know that I can."
"And that means that I cannot help you?"
"What are you going to do? My mind is playing tricks on me. I can do nothing but wait it out. It is not your responsibility to deal with my selfishness."
"You are not selfish."
"No," he stopped me. "I will not listen to this. If anyone here is to blame, it's me. I should have told you about Calliope coming. I betrayed your trust by not."
I let out a sigh.
"I'm so sorry, my love," his hands cupped the sides of my face. A grin crawled onto my face, which seemed to trigger Morpheus to form a small grin of his own. "I love you. More than I could describe with words."
"I love you too, Morpheus."
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. My hands reached up to cover his as I kissed him back. I had always known him to be passionate, but this felt more like desperation. A search for reassurance. He needed to know that I was not upset with him. In the hopes of providing that comfort, my hands moved to the front of the fabric on his clothes, pulling him closer to me.
He pulled away slowly, pressing a few more slow kisses to my lips before he spoke up, "You are my everything. And I will spend eternity showing you that."
"Then go see her," I begged.
"We've discussed all we can," he explained. "The grieving may never truly end, but the two of us are at peace with each other. It's why it took me so long to find you."
I let out a relieved sigh. All those hours that I spent thinking that he was upset with me. All those hours that I had been dreading this interaction. I was fine with them now. I could accept that they were essential.
"Will you stay here tonight," I asked quietly.
"As long as you'll have me."
I smiled and kissed him again.
I wonder if he knew that I would have him there for all eternity if he let me.
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rd0265667 · 1 year
Minji x Reader: The Chance
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TW!: Abuse
You were sitting on the couch at the dorm with your sister, Haerin as the two of you watched "Brooklyn 99" on Netflix. "Y/N!" You jumped in your seat a little, Haerin looking at you in confusion over your reaction. "Coming Minji!" You shouted back, a slight shake in your voice as Haerin's eyebrow furrowed. Was that fear she heard, lingering on your tone?
Shooting Haerin an apologetic smile, you grabbed the remote, pausing the episode before running to the room. "Hey Minji, Wha-" You could barely finish your sentence before your hand bolted up to your face, catching your phone mid air "Nice reflexes Cheater." Minji said mockingly, as you were still stuck in shock. What the fuck just happened? "What are you talking about Min?" You quickly spoke up, as Minji scoffed at your reaction, rolling her eyes. "You know what I mean cheater. I read your texts with Eunchae." She said, an icy tone on her voice as you sighed. You moved to Minji's side, gently trying to grab her hand, but she kept pulling her hand away. You hung your head in defeat, sadly this was a Minji you had grown accustomed to. "Minji-ah, please, Eunchae and I are just friends. Please trust me." You lightly tugged at her sleeve, as her eyes slowly turned to you, softening a little. "I just don't like it..." She slowly muttered, as she pulled you towards her, holding you close.
Truth is, Minji was always like this. When you met Minji, she was broken, fresh off a relationship one would be unlikely to categorise as healthy. The wounds of her old relationship always caused Minji to be more, needy, you would say. Her last partner would never text first, Minji would always have to put in the effort. So now, she dislikes texting first, saying that if you loved her, you'd text first. Her last partner cheated on her, so now she insisted on having your phone's password, checking your chats and socials. You always saw it as a sort of defence mechanism, Minji's heart was broken, so she made herself less attached to a romantic relationship. That, coupled with her always using her past relationships as an excuse, made it such that you were always on the back foot, always apologising. She could have not texted you for a day, or left you on read for hours, but the moment you guys argued, she'd hit you with a "I guess you don't love me anymore, let's just break up",  or talk about how hard things were for her because of her old relationship, and that alone made you just break down, wanting at all cost to repair the relationship. After all, you loved Minji, and she'd get better. Right?
"I'm heading out now Minji!" You shouted out, grabbing your bag and heading to the door to see an unhappy Minji, leaning on the door frame. "Where are you going?" She questioned, looking you up and down "To Le Sserafim's dorm? I thought I told you about this awhile ago, Eunchae asked me to grab dinner with her and her Unnies. What's wrong?" You nervously gripped the handle of your bag, looking at her as she scoffed. "Eunchae again. Whatever." She narrowed her eyes, glaring at you before walking away, slamming her room door behind her, the lock clicking moments later. Your shoulders dropped, not sure what to do at the moment, eyes switching between the door, and Minji's room. With a sigh, you slowly opened the door, heading towards Le Sserafim's dorm. You had rescheduled this dinner 8 times because of Minji already, you just wanted to spend some time with the Le Sserafim Unnies.
Later, near midnight, You slowly opened the door to the NewJeans dorm, careful not to cause any loud creaking sounds and disturb anyone. As you walked through the dark living room, a light suddenly popped on, Minji sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, face stormy as she stared at you. This is gonna be fun... "How was dinner with Eunchae? You must have really enjoyed it considering you're coming home so late huh?" She said mockingly, getting up from her seat and inching towards you menacingly. "Please Minji...Like I told you, I was having dinner with the Le Sserafim Unnies. You can ask Yunjin-Unnie, I just went there, had dinner and talked. We just lost track of time." You tried to explain, as you slowly backed away from her, her figure only illuminated by the light at her back made her look terrifying. "Don't lie to me." She growled through gritted teeth, as you continued backing up, finally colliding with the door. "Why are you even back here anyways? Just go stay the night with your beloved Eunchae!" You tried to lift your bag up, as if that was going to stop Minji from coming uncomfortably close. Seeing your actions, she scoffed, hitting your bag away and to the ground, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you toward her "You love Eunchae more than me right? Just go find her then!" She roughly dragged you to the ground, shoving you to the ground as you landed harshly, head crashing into the door, tears slowly trickling from your face.  Seeing your tears cascade down your face, Minji seemingly snapped to her senses, moving towards you, a look of guilt flashing across her face as she saw you flinch at her movement. "Get away!" You heard a yell from the rooms, the two of you turning to see the other 4 NewJeans members looking on in horror, three of them looking in shock at Haerin. They had never heard Haerin so loud before, or seen such rage in her before. Haerin stormed at Minji, getting right up into Minji's face, who shrunk in Haerin's presence, guilty at what she had just done to you. "Touch her again, harm her again, and I promise you, I will make sure you see the inside of a jail cell." Haerin's expression softened as she turned to you, quickly helping you up as the two of you left the dorm. "How could you?" Danielle could barely whisper, a look of anger painted on her face as she looked at Minji, disappointment evident.
"Are you okay?" Haerin asked, applying ointment on your forehead as you sat there, still stunned. How could she do this to you? You knew Minji was always a Jealous person, that just showed that she cared for you, albeit too much, you always thought. But to go this far? To harm you? Was this really the girl you fell in love with? You were exhausted, physically and mentally, as you lightly tapped Haerin on the shoulder, leaning on her shoulder.
You took a deep breath as you slowly opened the door, locking eyes with the distraught girl sitting at the table "Y/N" She could barely croak out, as you clenched your fist "Minji" You could only monotonously reply, knowing a hint of emotion would break you Minji nervously fidgeted in her seat as you took yours, her hands fiddling with an imaginary toy, slowly mustering the courage to look you in the eye "Are you okay?" Minji asked, as you scoffed at the question "What do you think?" You spat, a hint of venom, Minji flinching at the harsh tone "What did you call me over for anyways?" You rolled your eyes in annoyance, Minji still stunned in her seat. She had never seen you this angry before. "I wanted to apologise, Y/N. I'm sorry for being so Jealous, I know you and Eunchae are just friends, but it's just, with my past re-" "Enough!" You slammed the table in frustration. "Enough with your past relationships! Why is it that I have to shoulder the sins of your exes! Why is it that everything that happens is my fault! Why am I apologising for things I didn't do! Why!" You screamed, tears falling uncontrollably from your face, your pent up anger and frustration overflowing and exploding, before you fell to your seat. As you sobbed into your hands, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder, looking up to see Minji on one knee, in front of your chair as she looked both sad and guilty. "I'm sorry my love. Could we take a break?" Minji muttered, as you slowly calmed down, while still confused at what she meant "I know I'm flawed, Y/N, and I know that I haven't been the best Girlfriend to you. As much as I want to be with you forever, I don't want to be with you if it means I'm going to harm you. I promise that I'll grow and learn from what I've done wrong so far, be a good girlfriend to you. Will you wait for me?" Minji asked, tears streaming down her face, a sincere and genuine look on her face. Looking at Minji now, you saw her again. Not the jealous, bitter, angry person you were in a relationship with all this time, but the Minji you fell in love with, the kind and gentle soul. You slowly nodded, as Minji smiled in response "How will I know when you're ready?" You whispered "You'll know, my love." Minji lightly caressed your face, before walking from the room, sad but hopeful
A year later
You stretched as you slowly walked towards your door, planning to go to the supermarket, but as you walked out of your door, you noticed something at your shoerack. A white dahlia, your favourite, with a small ribbon tied on it's stem. Picking it up, you smiled, looking around before you spotted her, her face semi-obscured by a tree as she looked at you. Walking over to the tree, the two of you looked at each other, the silence doing all the talking as you both smiled.
"Hello, my love."
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daisynik7 · 1 year
This is a long one, sorry babe, the socks and feet fetish just gave me such a funny idea for a gag gift for Nanami. Here where I live we have these things called "nakurnjak", it would translate to willy warmer (men wear it in winter to keep their willy's warm) 😭😭😭😭 and the idea of reader buying, even better knitting or crocheting it them self for Nanami is so funny in my head (she could make several to match with his ties!). I did bit of research and to my surprise this fits Nanami's Danish roots BECAUSE they had a tradition where a girl would present her boyfriend with a willy warmer to see how seriously he took their relationship. If the gift was rejected, this was seen as evidence that he was not yet ready for marriage. Reader may or may not be hinting something @ Kento. (References: wiki and reddit)
Pairing: boyfriend!Nanami x f!reader
cw: established relationship, language, suggestive dialogue, fluff
Author’s Notes: Hi anon! Thank you for the request, this was a fun one! I hope you like it and get a good laugh out of it like I did. 😊
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With the weather getting colder lately, you decide to put your knitting skills to use. It starts with easy projects, like scarves and bonnets. One day, you go online, searching for different ideas on what to make. Several minutes of browsing, you finally find your next creation: a willy warmer. It’s the last item listed on this website, more of a throwaway as a joke. But you’re absolutely serious about making it. Just thinking about it has you giggling. Upon further research, you discover that in certain traditions, a willy warmer is gifted to a boyfriend to see if they are ready for marriage. This motivates you even further to take on this ambitious project in hopes that Nanami, your boyfriend of several years now, will finally take a hint. 
It takes a while to knit it, but eventually, your hard work pays off and the results are outstanding. You manage to recreate his signature spotted tie pattern exactly, so now he’s matching, assuming he accepts this ridiculous gift. 
After dinner, the two of you digest your meal on the couch while watching a show you’re following. At the end of the episode, you pause it, reaching into the drawer beside you to retrieve your creation. He eyes you nervously. “What’s going on?”
You grin, holding it out to him. “Surprise!”
He gives you a confused look, waiting for you to explain. When you continue to stare at him, beaming, he asks, “What is this?”
“Babe, you’re Danish, you should know what this is!” You pinch at the tip and the balls, stretching it as if that makes it any clearer. 
His brows are furrowed in uncertainty. “It looks like a penis.”
Laughing, you say, “That’s because it’s for your penis. It’s a willy warmer. I knitted it myself. And it matches your tie!”
He chuckles, his expression relaxing. “What on earth am I going to use this for?”
“It’s pretty self-explanatory, honey. You use it to warm your willy.”
“I don’t need to warm my willy.”
You frown at him. “So you don’t want it?”
“I appreciate the gesture, sweetheart, but I don’t think I’m going to use it.”
Crossing your arms, you toss the willy warmer back into the drawer, slamming it shut with a bit of aggression. “Fine. If you don’t want it, I’m sure somebody else will.” You stand up, stomping towards your bedroom, kicking it closed.
Nanami fucked up. 
He knew it as soon as the smile dropped from her face. It would have been so easy to accept the silly gift like a good boyfriend should, but, of course, he had to mess it up in a royal fashion. 
Immediately, he follows her to the bedroom, finding that it’s locked. With a small knock, he says, “Honey, I’m sorry. I’ll use it, okay? If it makes you happy.” He leans against the frame, pressing his ear to the surface to hear any response. When none comes, he sighs, returning to the couch. 
He remembers what she mentioned earlier, about him being Danish, and he wonders what that has to do with it. Phone in hand, he goes to a private browser to do a quick search. After a few minutes, he finds out that hereally fucked up. The tradition says that a man must accept the willy warmer as a gift whenever it is presented to him to indicate that he is ready for marriage. 
He buries his face in his hands, groaning at his mistake. Of course he’s ready for marriage. He’s been in love with her for years. And while they’ve discussed it in detail, imagining with fondness about their future together, he’s never actually given her a straight answer about when it will happen. She’s always been patient, never one to pressure him about timelines or threaten him with ultimatums. This is the closest she’s gotten to it, in the form of some crude penile covering. He chuckles to himself at the absurd situation they find themselves in. Still, he has to find a way to make it up to her, and fast. 
You’re actually upset Nanami didn’t accept your gift. Not only did he reject what you spent hours working on, he essentially told you he wasn’t ready for marriage. And sure, maybe he doesn’t know that hidden meaning behind it, but still! You’re annoyed with him.
There’s another gentle knock on the door. This time, you don’t ignore it, swinging it open to give him a piece of your mind. However, the sight you find instead has you speechless. 
Nanami is completely naked from head to toe, except for the willy warmer wrapped snugly around his cock. He smirks at you, holding his arms out, presenting himself. Before you can respond, he says, “I’m sorry, sweetie. I accept this gift with all my heart. And, I guess, my penis.”
You burst into laughter, stepping towards him to slide your arms around his waist, face nuzzling his chest. “So, does this mean you want to marry me then?”
He squeezes you in a loving embrace. “You know I do. I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you. And I can’t wait to officially call you my wife.”
You grin, peering up at him to give him a kiss. “So,” you tease, palming his cock through the yarned fabric, “Shall we test how warm your willy is?”
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 1 Initial Reactions
I didn't get to post these reactions so I'm posting them late as I needed time to edit all my 3am typos (cry) from Thursday.
Bless Francesca for being the funniest lowkey Bridgerton with that piano playing scene.
I swear I paused the Colin glow up reveal scene to analyze everyone's reaction. My top choices are Anthony and Kate and Bennedict.
ABC reunion + Gregory being adorable. I love when they show the sibling interactions.
Backs up, did I just see ASL from a debutant! That is so cool!
Queen Charlotte is having none of these people lmfao
Not Eloise getting dragged by Colin by her fashion choices (peak brother-sister vibes)
Stop- Francesca: “y'all are chaotic yappers the lord cannot present me a harder challenge”
Featherington's! I almost forgot both of Pen's sisters were married here! I keep remembering the book (romancing Mr. Bridgerton) and that the show has arranged things differently.
Prudence's man (I cannot/ do not remember his name) is giving such strong Kenergy.
Would it be the Featherington household without financial drama?
Eloise - Pen meet up, omg the heart break in their eyes!!
Cressida, when I get you!! It has been 0.5 seconds since this girl got to this garden party and she's already bullying Pen. Girl breathe.
Cressida-Eloise is intriguing as a dynamic I’m afraid. Also, Pen’s sad little face (cry)
I'm a bit confused with Francesca's interest in the marriage mart right now as she seems to prefer being around small groups of people and does not have much interest in being around guys. It feels as if this is a chore she must fulfil.
Kate -Violet solidarity is so cute to see after the angst of last season
Lady Danbury in the white ensemble with the top hat is looking magnificent I want her to poke someone with her cane!!
I'm liking the make up on Kate much more this season??? She seems a lot more glowy and rosy, maybe it's the lighting or something but her make up looks different.
I'm so sorry but Colin getting all this attention after having a literal hot girl summer is vv funny. Like he's in his early 20s lmao, but he is not giving confidence he is giving slightly awkward line reading with no chemistry. In the books him being more rakish was believable because it was set 10 years later.
Colin meeting and talking to Pen, side eye my boy. I'm loving the costuming choices to visibly show they are both uncomfortable/ do not fit their clothes well and it’s so starkly done. Poor Pen in this yellow dress makes her look a lot more juvenile (which isn't bad but it is unflattering). And Colin with what I am assuming are Anthony hand me downs since that jacket looks frumpy. The parallels!
Omg "Go home and get to work" Mrs.Featherington is so unserious
One sentence horror story "I take comfort in knowing you will always be there to take care of me". Get out miss Penelope runnn
Colin had one slutty slutty summer and the fact they keep trying to frame it as mostly intellectual is sending me.
Eloise reading Jane Austen! Is this character development?
Every scene so far where Pen and Eloise see each other gives the vibe of two exes meeting after the most devastating break up, I appreciate this framing so much because losing your childhood girl best friend is one of the most painful types of breakups.
ABC hang out?? Bennedict responsibility arc?
"She is colder now I am afraid" is a wild way to say someone is dead.
Damn! We're getting steamy af scenes already in the first episode! Anthony needing to go down on his wife to start off the day is certainly something I can get behind.
OOh this outfit reveal! Yessssss bb Pen eat them up! Penelope having a *debut* moment.
Aww the Featherinton spouses are sweet.
I see you Colin with that side eye
Omg Penelope being a bombshell and being socially awkward is so cute. You’ll figure it out soon bb don’t give up, they’re just jelous!
Ooh these girls are not liking Eloise they're sus
I'm a little uninterested in the queen charlotte diamond drama atm
Francesca: Live Laugh Love the piano forte
These guys are being so rude to Fran like let the poor girl speak! You’re traumatizing her.
Kanthony dancing and Kate's dress to reference the Bridgerton blue?? Oh the costume department has served.
Aww walflower solidarity with Francesca and Penelope. They're both the more reserved of their family, it's sweet moment between the two and the encouragement!
I know we won't love lord Debling but he's looking so sweetly at Pen and being so welcoming compared to everyone else.
CRESSIDA they can never make me like you, you little brat.
Yes, Pen eat him up give it to him tell him!!! "You miss me but you would never court me". GET HIS ASSS!!
 I fear our girl will be writing some scathing lady Whistledown.
This man threatening the Featheringtons is a gremlin, and I am getting bad vibes.
This conversation about the pitting of women against each other is valid social commentary but I cannot focus on it as it appears Cressida has murdered a flock of flamingoes to make her outfit.
Self-awareness, Cressida, does not free you from your crimes!
Kanthony is serving this episode. I appreciate this blissfully married life on them! Also Kate’s outfits are so intricate and beautiful. She has come so far.
Francesca so far feels like an external character, and it was similar in the novels until we got to her book. I really hope we get more context for her outlook soon.
Colin, what are YOU doing here. The way that Luke N is serving this season, whew. I really can buy his clueless innocence at his friendship with Pen, but finally the plot is plotting!
I'm very confused by this Baron Kent plot line and its introduction in the first episode.
OOH the drama for Colin's Whistledown dress down.
She really said he ain't shit, it's a facade, a ruse, he's a sad little attention whore
Colin: FUCK lady whistle down all my homies hate lady whistle down.
I'll keep it short. It was simply exhilarating. I love being back it's like slipping into a comfy worn hoodie. It's good to be back!
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pedrito-friskito · 1 year
three…two…one… - dieter bravo x fem!reader
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❄️’tis the season❄️
summary: you and dieter throw a new year’s party.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: MY BLOG IS 18+, MINORS DNI, smut, fluff, unprotected p-in-v, dieter’s dirty mouth, mentions of drinking/drugs/classic dieter things, this is SUPER SELF-INDULGENT AND I DON’T CARE BUT I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH AND JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY OKAY THAT’S IT THAT’S ALL
a/n: the beginning of this fic genuinely made me laugh out loud when I wrote it. thank you all for the love and support always (I’ll make a sappy new years post separately) and I know I’m a day late, but enjoy! (also special props to @mandoblowmybackout for giving me the pizza idea 😏)
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“I wanna throw a party.”
Well, that’s definitely not what you were expecting.
“What did you just say?”
Dieter pauses, head snapping up, eyes flicking from where they’d been trained on your bare tits up to your face. His eyes are bloodshot, pupils blown wide, and his cheeks are rosy, a slick of sweat at his temple. “Huh?”
He’s stoned. You both are, truthfully. The last few weeks have been a blur of cardboard, tinsel, and red wine, flitting from one house to the next. You were Dieter’s plus one to a slew of holiday parties (which went much better than your Halloween escapades had, mainly because it was time spent with Dieter’s actual friends, people he trusted, not a bunch of strangers trying to get on his good side) and, in a not-so-shocking twist, a Christmas party thrown by your closest pals. 
They had been more than shocked when you announced you were bringing Dieter fucking Bravo along with you, doubly shocked when you told them you were moving in together. It was something to get used to, the talking about him, the calling him your…boyfriend? Partner? Something like that. But up until now, you’ve been so used to keeping it hush hush, reducing your relationship to what it had been, not what it’s turning into. And your closest friend had a keen eye on Dieter, knowing exactly what had gone down at Halloween.
“You’re sure moving in with him is the right thing?”
“There’s nothing I’m more sure of, trust me.”
She’d tilted her head to the side, stared at you a long moment. “You seem happy. Almost too happy.”
“I am,” you said, barking a laugh. “I’m really fucking happy.”
Parties, friends, a quick appearance by your parents — which Dieter had handled with such composure you had to restrain yourself from sticking your tongue down his throat in front of your mother — and the end of the era that was your apartment. You were officially moved out as of Boxing Day, the 27th of December was spent at a work party, and now…you’re officially living together.
The end of a long few weeks, both of you dead on your feet and desperate for a little reprieve, Dieter had declared it a night for celebrating. A healthy-sized joint had been shared on the balcony, reminiscent of the first time you’d set foot in his condo, and you’d swapped smoke, shotgunning between heavy giggles and tired smiles.
“I’m really happy you’re here, baby.”
“Me, too.”
Realizing this would be the first official meal in your now shared space, you spent nearly half an hour trying to decide what to order. Dieter had pouted at that, telling you he wanted to cook you something, but he’d nearly tripped over his own feet coming in from the balcony and almost ripped the curtains down in the process, and the last thing you want to do your first official night is have to call the fire department or an ambulance.
You settled on a giant meat lover’s pizza with extra cheese, bottles of root beer, garlic sticks, the works. You ate sprawled on the rug in front of his fireplace, licking grease from your fingers, watching old episodes of Family Guy, and Dieter’s Stewie impression made you laugh so hard you nearly spewed root beer out of your nose.
It was perfect.
After the pizza had been demolished, things took a turn. It had started innocent enough, the pair of you cuddled up on the couch, your head tucked under Dieter’s chin, his arm wrapped securely around your waist. Something else came on tv, but you were barely paying attention at that point, Dieter having tipped your chin in his direction, hungry kisses that tasted vaguely of pizza pressed to your mouth.
One thing led to another, and before you knew it, you were sprawled on the chaise end of the sofa, stripped of all your clothes. He’d started with your knees hooked over his shoulders, face buried between your legs. He’d pumped you full of three fingers, lips sealed around your clit, mumbling into you the whole while.
“Pussy tastes so fucking good, baby,” he rasped, curling his knuckles, making you keen. “God, you’re so good for me, aren’t you? Taste like a fucking dream.”
You’d cum so hard you saw stars the first time, your head thrown back on the couch, hands buried in his wayward curls. He’d worked you through it, lapping around where his fingers were splitting you open, pulling them out only to replace them with his tongue.
Dieter growled when you yanked at his shoulders, clawing at his t-shirt until he scrambled up the couch, shoving his lounge shorts down over his ass, pulling the hem of his shirt up and over his head. He dropped onto his elbows a second later, covering your mouth with his as he slid into you, both of you stark naked, thrusting so hard the couch slid across the hardwood. You were lost in it, chasing Dieter’s mouth, arms hooked around his shoulders, keeping him close to you.
And then—
“I wanna throw a party.”
He starts laughing, clearly realizing that he said the words out loud, but his pace doesn’t falter. He grins broadly, leaning up on his knees slightly, letting his hands skim along your shoulders and down over his chest, squeezing at your breasts, thumbs swiping your nipples.
“A party, baby,” he continues, glassy eyes raking down your body, trained on the spot where you’re joined together. “New Year’s, yeah? Wanna celebrate this.” He punctuates the word with the drop of his thumb, a slow drag over your clit. 
You make a choked sound, back arching slightly. “My pussy?”
The corner of his mouth quirks. “Something this good should be celebrated,” he says, swiping at your clit again. “God, you feel amazing, you know that? Fuck, I love you.”
“The New Year, baby,” he says, eyes flicking back up to yours. “Your friends, my friends, the people we actually give a shit about. Let’s celebrate it. This. Us.” He runs his other hand up your side, curls his fingers around your ribs, rubs a harder circle around your nerves. “Get all dressed up, drink champagne, the whole thing.”
You laugh despite it all, sliding your hand up his arm, squeezing at his bicep. “I’m used to New Years in my sweatpants.”
“Wear whatever you want, baby girl,” he purrs, leaning down and nipping at your lips. “I’m just gonna peel it off you at midnight anyway.”
You think he’ll forget, that you’ll wake up the next morning and his sudden desperate need to throw a party would have subsided, but you instead wake up to an empty bed. At eleven in the morning. Supremely uncharacteristic of Dieter, who usually lays in bed until the last possible moment, trying to keep you hostage every single morning.
Snagging one of his t-shirts off the bed, you pad out of the bedroom to find him perched at one of the barstools. He’s got his laptop open in front of him, a giant mug of coffee in his hand, and his phone pressed to his ear. “Yeah, hi, do you guys do those little fuckin’ pigs-in-a-blanket things?”
You just burst out laughing.
Two days later, and the condo is full of friendly faces. It’s by far your favourite party you’ve been to with Dieter, made all the more special that you’re throwing it together, in the home you both live in. You make the rounds, play hostess, resist the urge to go hide in the bathroom. You love the holidays, really, but the constant stream of people, the small talk and the drinking and the late nights, it’s weighing on you.
But when you saw the spark in Dieter’s eye as he called caterers and made drink menus and decided on a guest list, you couldn’t say no.
You still haven’t had time to unpack, and all of your boxes are shoved in the guest room, but even that doesn’t stop it from feeling crowded and overwhelming. You’re stopped by a few friends, remnants of your old life mixing with your new one, and you’re grateful, having a quick conversation before someone else is calling your name, pulling you away.
It’s quarter to midnight when you know you need a moment, and you excuse yourself from the people you’d been talking to and head straight for the bedroom. Your dress feels too tight, the necklace you’d worn with it making you want to claw your head off. Heaving a breath, you toss it onto the chest of drawers, reaching for the zipper on your dress as you head into the closet.
Toeing off your shoes, you reach for one Dieter’s t-shirts, the fluffy jacket you’d thrifted for him, a pair of leggings. You’re halfway into the leggings when you glance over and see the Mandalorian armour he’d worn on Halloween. It’s piled on the floor, the jumpsuit wrinkled and pieces of metal scattered. 
The helmet is now sitting beside his Oscar in the living room; your idea.
You already know the closet is going to be a project, a complete reorganization if you are gonna fit anything besides your underwear in with Dieter’s things (something you doubt he would mind). Pulling the leggings on all the way, you reach for the armour, gathering the pieces of metal first, stacking them on the shelves beside a pair of custom Crocs you know you’ve seen Dieter wearing around the apartment. 
The jumpsuit is next, and as you pull the fabric up off the floor, something tumbles out of it. Your eyes track it as it falls to the carpet. A little black box, perfectly square and shiny on top. You cock your head, putting the jump suit to the side as you sink down and reach for it. It must be a watch or something, but you realize as your fingers close around the box that it’s too small to be a watch, that it’s the perfect size for—
“Holy shit.”
Your breath stalls in your throat and for a moment, you pause. 
Should you open it? There’s a chance that it’s not at all what you think it is, but there’s also a chance that it is one thousand fucking percent exactly what you think it is.
What if he has a plan? Wait…then why was it in the Mando suit? Was he planning to ask at Halloween, before everything went down the way that it did? When had he bought the damn thing?
Your mind is a flurry of questions, a tiny voice screaming at you to just open the damn box! until you hear Dieter’s voice, snapping you out of your reverie so hard you have to shake your head.
“Baby? What are you doing back here?”
You nearly drop the box, shrieking as he steps into the closet before you have a chance to drop the box, hide it, put it back in the jumpsuit, anything. “Fuck, D, you scared me!”
He stares at you a long moment, eyes jumping between your face and the box over and over and over again. “Whatcha got there?”
You’re caught red-handed; there’s no getting out of this one. “I was putting your Mando costume away.”
Dieter chuckles, takes a half-step towards you, the closet door swinging shut behind him. “I can see that.”
“I was just putting it away,” you say again, and he takes another step towards you, until he’s close enough to put a hand on your hip, “and this fell out.”
“Oh, it fell,” he repeats, and his free hand moves to cup yours, the box held aloft in your palm. “It’s been there for a while now.”
“Did you forget you had it?” you ask, and there’s a crack in your voice you’re not expecting, a new sort of desperation crawling up the back of your throat. Is this actually fucking happening?
Slowly, Dieter shakes his head. You bottom lip trembles as he leans in and kisses you softly, squeezing his fingers around yours, around the box. “Not for a second.”
Realization sweeps through you, and you wince. “Oh god, you were gonna propose at midnight, weren’t you?” When he doesn’t answer, you take it as a yes, groaning. “Oh fuck, I fucked it all up, didn’t I? Fuck, Dieter, I’m sorry, baby, I’m—”
He kisses you again, cutting off your words as he pulls you against him. He plucks the box from your hands, snapping it open, and all your breath shoots from your lungs in a gush, knees nearly giving out underneath you. It’s beautiful, salt-and-pepper diamond winking back at you. Rose gold, flanked by two tinier diamonds on either side, an interesting octagonal cut that catches the light from every direction.
“Oh my god.”
“After the Halloween party,” he says, his voice dropping low, “I was gonna get McDonald’s on the way home. I was gonna get you a strawberry milkshake and put the ring on the straw, and then I was gonna write my question on a napkin and give it to you.” He gives a little chuckle, and his hand is at the small of your back now, holding you close. “Obviously, that didn’t work out how I planned it.”
There are tears in your eyes, thick and crawling up the back of your throat. Happy tears, the happiest you think you’ve ever felt. “No, it didn’t,” is all you can manage to mumble out.
“Then, I was gonna do it that day when you gave back the keys to your apartment, but you were so sad, and it didn’t feel like the right time. And then you agreed to this stupid fucking party, even though I knew you didn’t want to, and I thought now, but this—” He plucks the ring out of the box, reaches for your left hand. “—this is better.”
Vaguely, you can hear the sounds of the party, people yelling that the ball is about to drop, that it’s almost midnight, that the New Year is almost here.
Dieter smiles, and it’s a smile that’s now familiar to you. It’s love and it’s light and the man is beaming. “You know you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, baby. And I know we’re not easy, or conventional, and maybe people are gonna say this is way too fucking fast, I don’t know. But I know that I love you, and I wanna have a life with you.”
People are counting down now, shouting the numbers as they tick by. Your heartbeat is in your ears, thumping loudly with every second that passes.
“Y’know, I’m supposed to get down on one knee for this,” Dieter murmurs, but you’ve got a death grip on his shoulder, refusing to let him move.
“Ask me.”
He grins.
“Will you marry me, baby?”
Happy New Year!
Dimly, you hear the celebrations in your living room, the whooping and cheering of your friends. Your heartbeat is still thundering, and your hand is shaking as he slides the ring onto your finger.
A perfect fucking fit.
As soon as it hits your knuckle, your arms are around his neck, mouth seeking his, knotting your fingers in his hair. You can feel his smile, a broad grin against your lips as he crushes you to his chest. It’s tight enough to lift you off your feet, your legs automatically lifting around his hips as you kiss him.
His tongue tastes like champagne, and you’re drunk off the feeling of him, the taste of him, the new foreign weight of the ring on your finger. Holy fucking shit. The kiss is just as sweet as it always is, but there’s something about it that feels different now, something more intense, new territory for the two of you to suss out together.
Dieter carries you out of the closet, and it’s only then that you realize you’re only half-dressed, in the leggings you’d thrown on and your bra. He’s got one arm around your waist, other hand pressed between your shoulders, and your lips don’t break as he walks towards the bed and lays you out on the mattress.
“Happy New Year, baby,” he says against your lips, still smiling, and so are you. You’re on Cloud 9, champagne high, over the moon, walking on air, every fucking cliché you’ve ever heard in your life.
You clasp your hands behind his neck, fingers automatically seeking out the ring on your left hand, rubbing you thumb over the diamond. “Happy New Year, Dieter.”
He gives you one last lingering kiss, your whole body tingling with it before he pulls away.
“You wanna go tell your friends?”
You shake your head no. “Not yet. I want us to celebrate it first.”
He nods, an understanding look in his eye. “Wait here,” he whispers, grabbing your left hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips, kissing your ring. “I’m gonna go kick all these fucking people out, and then I’m gonna make love to my fiancée, you hear me?”
“I hear you.”
That beaming smile is back, and it sends a flurry of butterflies through your stomach. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you.”
As soon as the door clicks shut, you can’t hold back anymore. It’s that little girl moment, the kicking feet and the squealing and blushing so hard you think your cheeks are on fire. You can’t stop staring at your ring, and you just hope Dieter moves fast out.
if you’re curious what the ring actually looks like, my inspo is HERE.
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