#I had this discussion with my sister and she kept insisting that I live in the suburbs
thecatandthemoon · 11 months
so my car got hit and the people were nice enough to actually stay and tell me that they hit my car
anyway my car is being claimed as a total loss now and I’m just so upset, stressed, and frustrated at everything
everything from why I live in car-dystopia, to my family’s unhelpful suggestions, to the delay this has caused in everything else in my life... and yes, of course the financial burden
so you know what I go and do? I shut down go to sleep and cry a fuck ton because that solves problems
tomorrow I’m going to have to drag myself up by the bootstraps and actually deal with it because I have to be an adult
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geekgirles · 1 month
Aurora's Claim: a Chapter 3 Analysis
Okay, so I read the chapter and, as expected, I'm fuming. However, it does give me the perfect chance to mention how, no matter what the Osamodas said, it still doesn't contradict my thoughts on Armand and Aurora's relationship and her lack of agency outside her father's thrall. Thoughts I discussed in length here.
On the contrary, I'd say it actually proves my suspicions right. So let's dive in, shall we? (Spoilers for the chapter under the cut).
First of all, I still don't trust a word that leaves Aurora's mouth, so I refuse to believe Armand knew about the pregnancy and told her to flee until we get more tangible evidence. After all, what good would it have done? If the Sadida and Eliatrope fell, the rest of the world would follow soon. And even if he did, I maintain that he didn't want her to rule his kingdom alone, because he still told Amalia it was up to her to take up the mantle.
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(I finally got to take that screenshot)
But see? Not once did Armand mention Aurora or tell Amalia to please help her rule or anything like that. He didn't even take advantage of those precious few seconds he had left to let his sister in on such major news, to tell her she was gonna be an aunt. Nothing. He instead makes it pretty clear his sister is the Sadidas' next queen, not his wife. Which I'm convinced is because he knew all along his in-laws couldn't be trusted.
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See, not even after these frames did Armand mention Aurora's supposed state or what it would mean for the kingdom. Not even then did he think she should ascend to the throne if he wasn't there by her side. Armand never wanted Aurora to rule on her own, child or no child.
Again, because he most likely suspected what the Osamodas would try as soon as they got the chance. Their people might have been joined by marriage, but they were never allies.
Which is something that is immediately proven as soon as Aurora reveals she's pregnant. Her family has no intention of honouring Sadida traditions. They don't even mention the very real possibility that the child might end up being an Osamodas and, therefore, unfit to rule the tree people inhabiting the World of Twelve, in which case I'd say her claim on the throne would be void.
No, as soon as they arrive and drop the bomb, Aurora makes it clear she has no intention of allowing Amalia anywhere near power. Just like she makes it clear she is nothing but her father's pawn, seeing as in no point in time she intends to part from him, even if she were to ascend to the throne.
And the Osamodas intentions of controlling Sadida politics become crytal clear from that point forward. Because Aurora never tries to include Amalia in any of this, despite her being the last Sheran Sharm and, thefore, having received training on how to rule (as seen in season 2 when she was busy with her duties and kept sending Yugo and Ad to help) or sharing the strongest connection to the Tree of Life. You know, the very same thing Aurora and her child would be in charge of guarding with their lives should she become queen? With that in mind, it would only make sense to keep Amalia close in order to help her rule.
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But what does Aurora do instead?
She insists her father will help her until the baby is born, and from that point onwards, he will still be around to raise the kid. In other words, that child has been doomed to become the Osamodas King's puppet even before they're even born! They intend to raise the next Sadida ruler to have their people's best interests in mind, not the Sadidas'.
And where does Amalia fit in all this?
She doesn't, because Aurora's very last line about how Amalia should do what she does best and travel the world could not be any more of an abvious way to tell her she doesn't want her anywhere near the kingdom, where she could get in the way of her family's scheming.
Before I finish this rant, I feel morally obligated to point out the sheer disrespect everyone seems to feel for Amalia. Yes, she's always been very free-spirited and spent long periods of time away, but if it weren't for her, her people and the World of Twelve would have died three times over (not counting the Nécromes attack because that was during the only time she remained in her kingdom).
Amalia's adventures have allowed her to grow and mature in ways no other ruler has had to go through. It's thanks to her and her friends that her kingdom and the rest of the world are still standing. And no one knows of the sacrifices required to save the world like she does.
She couldn't be there when her father died because she was saving the world from Oropo, for fuck's sake!
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But sure, the Osamodas can keep calling her selfish and spoiled. After all, it takes one to know one. Because let's not forget how Aurora being pregnant or not is still no excuse for her father not sending help, meaning they're still very much a bunch of cowards and traitors insteads of the martyrs they're trying to present themselves as.
Literally the only way I can ever see myself coming to like Aurora is if she actually matured and developed beyond being her father's pawn and turned against him, realising Amalia is indeed the rightful ruler.
Until then, I'm going to be cheering for Amalia to wipe the floor with her.
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@cocogum @vinillain @onyichii I hope you don't mind another analysis on the same topic.
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lelitachay · 4 months
Frozen fanfiction: Søsken
Summary: An accident in the North Mountain forces Elsa to spend several weeks in her brother’s apartment under Anna’s care. During that time, Anna realises there is more to Elsa than meets the eye. The truth about Elsa’s past comes to light after an unexpected family reunion, and both girls’ lives begin to fall apart when they realise Elsa wasn’t the only one with a big secret and a turbulent past.
Anna/Kristoff - Elsa - Family - Family drama - hurt/comfort - Modern AU - Elsa & Kristoff are adoptive brother and sister - Ice bros - Found family - Serious injuries - Mental health issues - Health issues - Frohana
Fanfiction.net - HERE AO3 - HERE
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Chapters 1 to 10 - Here Chapters 11 to 20 - Here Chapters 21 to 30 - Here Chapters 31 to 40 - Here Chapter 41 - Here Chapter 42 - Here Chapter 43 -Here Chapter 44- Here Chapter 45 - Here Chapter 46 - Here Chapter 47 - Here Chapter 48 - Here
It don't matter to the sun
“My family and I will find a way to pay you back.”
For the first time in the last twenty four hours, Anna felt something akin to optimism growing inside of her as she watched her father and Kai coming to an agreement. Even if it was only a small glimmer of hope, she was delighted to know her sister could count on their father when she most needed it.
She felt proud her father had given her his undivided attention the previous day, when she had asked to talk to him in private. Anna then explained Elsa needed his help and, following Kristoff’s suggestion, she kept all the small details for him to discuss with Kai. It had only taken a few minutes to convince her father that the clinic needed a down payment to continue with Elsa’s treatment —given her delicate health condition. And to her good luck, Agdar hadn't asked too many questions, promising to go talk to Kai as soon as he informed the board about the family emergency and got a partial approval. True to his word, the next day he was at the clinic in the early afternoon, discussing Elsa’s health with Kai and coming to what she believed was a favourable agreement. He’d pay for Elsa’s treatment, taking the load off Kai and Gerda’s shoulders.
“No need to give anything back,” Agdar said with a small tight smile. Regardless of their agreement and knowing he could finally start helping his daughter, he knew there was nothing to be truly happy about. Elsa was still unresponsive.
“It’s a lot of money…” reminded Kai, uncomfortable about the enormous favour he was asking.
“We'll have to delay a few projects and make some cuts,” Agdar explained. “ArenCo will manage nonetheless. It's nothing we haven't done in the past.” Placing his hand on Kai’s shoulder, he reassured him the money was Elsa’s, no need to pay it back. “I've denied my daughter the help she needs for far too long. Don't worry about the money.”
Smiling in return, Kai nodded with a faint, “Thank you.”
Smiling at the scene unfolding in front of her, Anna hoped Elsa could see them at that moment as well. Sure, her sister still had her reservations about her biological parents —about their father in particular— but thankfully he was proving how much he did care.
“There's only one thing I don’t understand,” Agdar said, pulling Anna back to their conversation. “Why is the payment so urgent? Anna insisted it couldn’t wait.” Looking over his shoulder, her father found her gaze expecting her to confirm what he was saying.
Anna opened her mouth to explain the situation better, but Kai beat her to it.
“It's a delicate matter. I was hoping we could discuss it in private. With Dr Nielsen, as well as Kristoff and Anna.” Kai then turned to Idunn who had been standing by Anna’s side in silence ever since the two families had met. “You’re welcome to join us too, Idunn.”
Idunn glanced up and took a second to think about his offer. “Umm… Kai, I was hoping–” She looked down, wringing her hands, unsure of what to say. “Anna has told me they’re being quite restrictive with the visits but… Would it be possible for me to see her?”
From the moment Elsa had been admitted to the hospital, Idunn had been dying to get the chance to see her. Always asking Anna if there existed the possibility of her being allowed inside the ICU. All she wanted was to sit by Elsa’s side and talk to her at least once. Finally getting the chance to say everything she had ever wanted, even when Elsa couldn’t hear her. The idea of waking up one day, only to realise it was too late to make amends terrified her mother. And with every passing day, Anna knew she was becoming more and more afraid of never getting one that last chance. So, the moment Anna saw her mother walk into the clinic that day, she knew it was only a matter of time until she asked Kai or Nielsen to see Elsa. Yet, now that she had the chance, Anna could see the doubt and uncertainty consuming her.
“We'll need to ask Nielsen,” Kai said. “Perhaps he’ll allow you to.”
Idunn nodded as she anxiously tried to smooth the invisible wrinkles of her dress. “Is she all alone in there?”
“No.” A small smile formed on Kai’s lips as he paid a quick look to the door that led to the wards. “My wife’s been by her side from the very beginning.”
A watery smile drew on Idunn’s face. “I’m glad.”
Turning his attention back to their main conversation, Kai addressed Agdar once again. “Anna mentioned something about a good legal team working for you, is that correct?”
“There's one working for us at the company, yes.” Her father’s seriousness told Anna he was more than willing to ask the legal team to start working on anything that was needed. “What’s going on, Kai?”
“Dr Nielsen will be here any minute now. He's checking on Elsa as we speak. I'll explain everything as soon as we can discuss things with him.”
Her father agreed, and she knew there wasn’t much to do than wait for Nielsen after that. Deciding it was best to go for a short stroll before their meeting, Anna walked to where Kristoff was sitting and gently informed him she was going out to get some fresh air. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t have minded staying. She would have talked to her mother or found excuses for both families to bond. But this time, the situation was anything but normal and staying still only made her more anxious.
Looking up in concern, he asked, “Is everything okay?”
She smiled and nodded. “I just need to move my legs.” She kissed his cheek reassuringly and left the room in silence.
Truth be told, she could barely tolerate being inside the small room. It was where they had stayed after receiving the news about Elsa a week before, and the place they had awaited every medical report they’ve got ever since. It was more comfortable than the hall leading straight to the unit, but it didn’t mean Anna liked it any better. More than once they had shared the room with other families, who just like them, were sleep deprived and hoping for positive medical reports. The only thing she saw inside that damn room were long faces and hopelessness. Not wanting to think about that anymore, she hurried down the hallway and into the main waiting room.
“No, you listen to me.”
Anna heard an angry man say as she walked into the now crowded place. The voice was coming from Andrea’s desk, and Anna didn’t need to see the face of the man to know it was no other than Marshall. She had gotten used to his frustrated tone of voice by now, and she was certain the receptionist had too. This time, however, he sounded hostile and more aggressive than he had in the last week. Wanting to make sure things didn’t spiral out of control, she decided to go see what was going on.
“I've been coming here for the past week, day after day, asking time and time again to see her. You can't tell me no when I clearly saw the two of them walk in.” Marshall had both hands on the receptionist’s desk, leaning forward and making the poor receptionist deeply uncomfortable. Andrea tried in vain to put some distance between them and Anna knew it was only a matter of time until she called security to escort Marshall out.
Anna was curious as to what had finally driven him over the edge, though it was best to put a stop to it and then ask than to see a disaster unfold in front of her. Grabbing Marshall’s good arm, Anna forced him away from the desk.
“Marshall, what do you think you're doing?” Glancing in Andrea’s direction, she offered her an apologetic smile. “Excuse him, Andrea.”
Frowning at her for a split second, Marshall tried to pull his arm from Anna’s grasp. “Get away, Anna.”
She was able to hold his wrist firmly and called his name again. When he didn’t pay attention, she tried once more, this time, appealing to his emotional side. “Marshmallow, please.”
“Don’t– Don’t call me that,” he said, clearly displeased.
Anna took a step back, startled by his reaction, letting go of his arm. This seemed to bring Marshall back to his senses, finally taking a step back and turning in Anna’s direction.
“They keep telling me I can't see her.” He was trying to stay calm, but Anna could see he was failing miserably, making the people around them uncomfortable. “Always the same excuse!”
“I know you're frustrated,” Anna said in a lower tone of voice, expecting him to listen and understand they could discuss whatever was going on more quietly. “But this isn’t the receptionist's fault. Only family members are allowed inside. You know that.”
Part of her was confident he’d calm down once he was reminded of that fact. She had been expecting him to say he already knew, like he had done a few times before. However, what she hadn’t been expecting was for him to look daggers at her as she was the one to blame.
“I saw your parents walk in.” He spat, surprising Anna.
Anna gaped at him unsure of what to say. She couldn’t really understand why her parents being there was reason enough for him to get so mad. “They're family,” she muttered.
“No, Anna,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “They are not.”
The way he towered over her, glowering, made Anna realise how truly intimidating he could be. But she wouldn’t let that stop her from talking some sense into him. “I thought Elsa told you about us. My family is—”
“She did,” he said, interrupting her. “I know the two of you are related. I know you're sisters. That doesn't mean your parents are part of her family.”
Not understanding the logic behind his words, Anna couldn't help but crack a smile. “That's exactly what it means. They're family.”
“No, that's what you want them to be.” He took a step closer and Anna couldn’t stop herself from taking one backwards. “Your parents have no right to call themselves family all of a sudden.”
The way he kept glaring at her gave Anna the impression that no matter what she said, he wouldn’t change his mind. Her best bet was trying to show him she understood what he was going through. “Marshall, look, I know you've been coming here everyday. Trust me, I know how frustrating it is, but—”
Marshall groaned, exasperated. “Elsa wouldn't want them visiting.”
“You don't know that.” Now Anna was getting irritated. Marshall was entitled to his own opinion, it didn’t mean it was the right one.
“Yes, I do,” he said, lowering his voice. Anna guessed he had finally noticed the rest of the people in the waiting room, all staring at them. “She doesn't trust your parents.” He took another step closer and poked her shoulder. “The only reason she ever gave them a chance is you.” 
Anna glared back and slapped his hand away. “My parents are helping her right now. They've got the right to see her.”
“She's told them time and time again she doesn't want to see them,” Marshall scoffed. “As soon as she's unconscious they walk all over her wishes, I see.”
“I can't believe Kai and Gerda agreed to this,” he continued, ignoring what she had to say. “I can't believe you agreed to this. Elsa trusts you!”
“I— You’re getting it all wrong.” Anna was at loss for words. What he was saying was getting to her, and she wasn’t sure how to explain everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. “You talk as if I'm doing something terrible to her.”
“It baffles me you don’t see it!” Marshall shouted, startling Anna and everyone around.
Unable to hold his gaze, she looked around. A man, a couple of years older than her father, wouldn't take his eyes off Marshall, ready to intervene in case it was needed. Anna then noticed Andrea had already stood up from her desk and she was holding a phone’s headset to her ear. It was a matter of time until someone came to walk them both out of the building and Anna couldn't let that happen. She knew he was probably just taking his frustration out on her and he would regret being blacklisted.
“The least you could do now is respect her wishes,” Marshall kept talking, ignoring everything that was going on around them. “She loves you so much she chose to ignore the pain your parents have caused her just to make you happy. But that wasn’t enough for you, was it?”
She felt a sudden pang of guilt and she tried to speak up, but no words came out as she felt her throat tightening. Was he truly talking out of frustration, or was he finally speaking his mind? ‘Or Elsa's mind?’  she wondered, the uncertainty making her shudder.
Marshall took her silence as an answer and a new wave of anger ripped through him. “You kept pushing. And pushing. And pushing. All you wanted was for Elsa to forgive them, to make your family happy, even when you knew she was miserable.”
Anna’s eyes brimmed with unshed tears and she instinctively took another step back.
“I know Elsa’s never been truly happy,” he admitted with bitter sadness. “I’m not going to pretend that’s the case. But she wasn’t this miserable until your parents walked into her life.”
“She said that?” Anna managed to ask in a quavering voice.
“I may not have known about her po—” Marshall stopped abruptly, finally aware they were surrounded by strangers. Most of whom were paying close attention to their conversation and whatever he chose to do next. He looked around and after making up his mind, he took one more step and leaned in closer to Anna, whispering, “I may not have known about her powers, but it doesn't mean I don't know her.”
By the time he finished speaking, the man who had previously been staring stood up and gently asked Marshall to give Anna some space. To Anna’s surprise, Marshall did take a few steps back, even when he glared at the meddling man. Only a moment later, a man wearing a white shirt with the clinic's emblem approached them as well. He ignored Marshall and made sure Anna was okay before he asked if she needed him to escort Marshall outside.
Ignoring the staff-member and the old man, Marshall found her gaze once again and said, “You and your parents are crossing the line, Anna.”
Anna ignored the men as well. She didn’t need them to stand up for her. All she needed was for Marshall to listen and perhaps talk things through in a less crowded place. “Marshall, you don't understand—”
“No.” He shook his head, stopping whatever she had to say. “You don't understand. It's sickening to think I've been in Elsa's life far longer than her biological parents have ever had; yet, somehow, I'm the one who’s not allowed to see her. Not allowed to say goodbye.”
Although he mumbled the last part, Anna and the men standing between them heard him clearly. What he said, combined with the raw pain in his eyes, finally helped Anna understand his anger and resentment. Marshall was not only mad at her family and the rules in place. He was afraid. He was starting to lose hope and Anna couldn’t take it. Anna’s stomach was in knots and, once again, try as she might, there was nothing she could say to lessen his heartache as the anxiety and fear for her sister’s life consumed her.
Placing a comforting hand on Marshall’s shoulder, the man in the white shirt said, “Sir, perhaps it’d be better for you to get some fresh air.” His cautious look now morphing into a compassionate one.
“Let go— “ Marshall said, annoyed at the man, moving his arm away from him. Anna knew he couldn't stand the pity look the men were giving him, making him over react once again.
Just as the staff-member was about to talk, a familiar voice called their names. “Is there a problem?” Kristoff said as he approached them.
“No, there isn't,” Marshall said loud enough for everyone who had been interested in the scene to hear.
Anna watched him walk away, and once again the pang of guilt constricted her throat, barely allowing her to breathe. Before she realised, the tears she'd been holding back began streaming down her face.
“Hey,” Kristoff said, engulfing her in his arms. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” She nodded against his chest and in vain tried to dry her tears. “Don't worry.”
Kristoff took a hard look at her, then the people around them and finally at the door through which Marshall had disappeared. “Whenever I think he's finally learning how to behave around people, he shows the kind of moron he is. I don't understand what Elsa sees in him.”
“He loves her,” Anna mumbled, as she hugged Kristoff tight, feeling thankful for his presence.
“So do you and I,” he said with contempt.
Anna nodded, but didn't say anything. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t completely agree with Kristoff this time. Marshall had successfully planted the seed of doubt in Anna, and she couldn’t help but feel as if she was in fact breaking Elsa's trust.
Kristoff thanked the men for stepping in, and then apologised to Andrea for the inconvenience. To Anna's surprise, instead of blaming Marshall like he'd have done in the past, Kristoff explained the last few days were finally catching up with all of them and begged Andrea not to kick Marshall out next time.
With things calmer around them, Kristoff walked Anna outside and asked her about their argument. Anna shook her head, not wanting to discuss it with anyone. The last thing she needed was for Kristoff to find reason behind Marshall's words like she did, and for him to realise they were making a terrible mistake. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does. I’ll talk to him if you need me to.”
“No, Kristoff. It doesn’t matter.” Before he could insist, Anna decided it was best to change the topic. “Has Nielsen met our parents?” 
Kristoff stayed silent for a short moment, debating what to do. After a minute, he breathed out and nodded. “Kai told me to get you and wait for them at the café. They don’t want to discuss things in the hospital.”
The door leading to the ICU closed behind Idunn and only then she breathed out with relief. Until then, she had been afraid the medical staff would suddenly change their mind and she wouldn’t be allowed to see Elsa after all.
She had been told to wait for a nurse to come get her and she didn’t plan to move from that spot until they did. The last thing she needed was entering a room or area she wasn’t supposed to, when Nielsen had been clear about the staff making an expectation for her to visit — given the circumstances.
As she waited, she wondered what she’d find once she walked into Elsa's room. The last time she had seen her daughter, Elsa looked thin and fragile. Like she hadn’t been taking proper care of herself. It made Idunn wonder how many things she had been dealing with, only for Agdar and herself to make things worse the day they met. No matter how hard she tried, Idunn couldn’t get rid of Elsa’s words during their last conversation. Elsa had not only admitted needing her mother more than anything, she had also confessed suffering more than they could imagine. Her words were on repeat in Idunn’s mind. Taunting her and showing her she was responsible for everything that had ever gone wrong in Elsa’s life.
Even this, she realised regretfully. If she had only stopped Agdar on time. If she had only taken Elsa to the ER instead of trying to get Elsa to like her; then, perhaps, her daughter wouldn’t be on the brink of death now.
She was so absorbed in her own thoughts, it took a moment for Idunn to realise a nurse had been standing in front of her for half a minute, waiting for a reply. She apologised and nodded her head when the young woman checked her name on the clipboard in her hands. When everything was set, they began walking down the hall at a faster pace than Idunn would have liked. There were so many questions she wanted to ask about her daughter and so little time. But as they moved past the doors in the unit, Idunn became more afraid of the answers she could get, desisting finally of her idea. The nurse continued walking until they got to the end of the hall.
The last room in the unit. Away from everyone else. Forgotten.
The thought alone made Idunn’s chest feel heavy and she had a hard time trying to understand what the young woman was explaining.
The young woman explained she was only allowed to remain inside the room during visiting hours and she was to leave the room if a family member requested her to do so. Idunn nodded in agreement, hiding the pain of not being allowed to see her daughter for as long as she wanted. But then again, she had lost the privilege years before.
When the nurse left, Idunn drew in one more deep shaky breath, gathering her thoughts before she grabbed the handle. Slowly, trying to bother the people inside, she opened the door just a crack. The first thing she saw was Gerda, sitting by Elsa's bedside. Eyes closed, the older woman rested her forehead on her clasped hands which were holding onto Elsa's. Opening the door a bit wider, Elsa's face came into view and only then she realised it didn’t matter how long she had to wrap her mind around the idea. Finally seeing Elsa’s pale form, connected to more machines and wires than she had imagined, made her stomach turn. Her heart constricted painfully and for a moment she couldn’t breath nor move.
Gerda raised her head slowly, opening her eyes and looking at Elsa, unaware of Idunn’s presence. She caressed Elsa’s hand with her thumb and a sad smile drew on her face.
“You know, there'll still be a tomorrow even if you choose to leave.” Gerda’s voice, barely over a whisper, got Idunn’s attention. “It ain’t gonna stop the world… but I think it'll be the end of mine.”
The sorrow in Gerda's voice made the situation too painful, too real. And for the first time since that night, when she abandoned Elsa, Idunn felt as if someone was ripping her heart out. She imagined she’d never feel the way she felt back then, until now.
“I know it’s unfair —selfish of me— to ask you this, but…” Gerda said, as one of her hands let go of Elsa’s to dry a lonesome tear running down her cheek. “Please, dear. Don't go.” The hand returned to its original position and she held Elsa’s hand a bit tighter. “I know you're tired and I understand why it'd be easier to just let yourself go. But I need you. I'm not as strong as you are. I—” She breathed out, tiredly. “What would I say to Kristoff?”
Unable to deal with the aching pain in her chest, Idunn tried to hold back a sob and close the door, hoping to give Gerda some privacy, but the sudden movement caught the old woman’s attention and she turned to look at the door, their gazes finally meeting.
“I didn't mean to interrupt,” Idunn blurted out as best as she could. “It's— I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry.”
“It's okay,” Gerda murmured. “Kai told me your husband or you might stop by.” She let go of Elsa’s hand and looked at her watch, surprised to see it was already time for visiting hours. She tried in vain to blink away the tears and stood up. “Is Agdar waiting outside?”
“No.” Idunn shook her head and silently hoped Gerda didn’t feel pressured to leave. “He's in a meeting with Kai and Elsa's doctor… Uhm—”
“Yes.” She regretted not paying more attention to the names of the people who were doing everything to help Elsa.
“What about Anna and Kristoff?” Gerda asked, sitting once again by Elsa’s side, unsure of what else to do.
“They're with them as well. I don't understand what's going on, but it seemed urgent.”
Gerda nodded. “I don't have all the details yet. They said it’d be best for me to look after Elsa instead of worrying about it. Come in,” she offered at last, inviting Idunn into the room with a hand gesture.
Idunn did as told and she walked until she was standing at the foot of the bed, keeping her distance from the machines. “She looks so pale,” she murmured, unable to keep her voice from shaking.
Both women stayed quiet for several minutes after that. The heavy silence that fell between them was only interrupted by the beeping noises of the machines. The minutes stretched and Idunn felt as if they were running out of air inside the small room.
After twenty minutes, which felt like an hour, Idunn decided it was best to break the silence. The only thing Gerda had done during that time was hold onto Elsa’s hand, and something told her she’d like a distraction or the opportunity to move her legs.
“Please don't take this the wrong way, Gerda.” Idunn said, hoping she wouldn’t be overstepping. “I could stay with her for the next hour if you need. You look awfully tired.”
“I'm not leaving her,” Gerda answered with a frown.
Only then, Idunn realised how stupid what she had just said truly was. The woman had been looking after Elsa for over a week. It was more than obvious she already knew how she looked and how tired she was. But even then, Idunn felt bad and wished she would take a moment. Breathe some fresh air at least.
“I don't think she'd mind you taking a short break.”
“I can't selfishly beg her to stay.” Tired eyes looking up to meet Idunn’s gaze. “Only to leave her alone a moment after, Idunn.”
Choosing it was best to drop the subject, Idunn looked at Elsa’s left hand. It was slightly raised and covered in bandages. It seemed surreal that that small injury could be the cause of her current state. “Her hand's getting better from what I heard.” Kai had told her so before Nielsen met them in the waiting room. “Why isn't she recovering?”
“Her body is fighting more than just her hand’s infection. She has a hard time breathing and now her kidneys are failing. Her blood pressure needs to go up before we can even think of pulling her out of the coma.”
“Will she have permanent damage?” Idunn was terrified of the answer. Elsa had struggled her whole life with her powers getting in the way. Dealing with physical or mental damage on top of that would certainly be more than she could handle.
“Only time can tell,” Gerda said, her eyes filling up with tears. “It all depends on her.”
“She's strong,” Idunn said with conviction. “She'll make it.”
As Gerda shook her head, Idunn felt her throat constricting. “I fear she might see no reason to keep fighting…”
“What do you mean?”
“Elsa's soul is older than mine. She's endured too much and…” Taking a deep breath, Gerda tried to make up her mind. “Lately she's been losing—” She stopped again, unsure if it was right to share what she was about to say with Idunn. “She’s started to wonder if it's all worth it.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Gerda realised trusting Idunn with the way Elsa felt about life had been a mistake. From the moment Idunn had walked into the room, Gerda could tell it was hard for her to face the truth of what was happening to Elsa. Gerda couldn’t blame her for it, everyone in the family had had a difficult time coming to terms with it, but she did wonder why she’d put herself through it when she could barely look at the girl in the bed. It was no surprise then, that with every new piece of information she began to crumble until the weight of it all was too much for her to handle. Idunn was nothing but a crying mess now that she knew the truth and despite the way she felt about the Arendelles, Gerda considered it was necessary for her to do or say something that could help the younger woman. Though, before she could make up her mind on what to say, Idunn surprised her by suddenly pulling herself together.
“I wanted to thank you for loving and caring for Elsa the way you do.” Idun’s voice cracked and she pressed the heel of her hands to her eyes to stop her tears. “I understand seeing her like this must be as difficult for you as it is for me, still you manage to stay strong. I don’t know how you do it.”
“No,” she said firmly. “You may think it’s the same, but no.” Gerda tried to focus on the good side, the positive thing Idunn was trying to say; but try as she may, she couldn’t do it.
Idunn blinked a few times, unsure of what she meant, and once again Gerda tried to make an effort to remain calm, hoping to find the right words before she spoke. “Seeing Elsa like this is not—” She took a deep breath, and started over. “When I see Elsa, all I see is the malnourished little girl I met over ten years ago. The little girl who somehow found comfort in my arms and begged me to stay… who still to this day begs me to. I see the daughter life once took from me, and the one I fear will be taken from me again. So, no, Idunn, I don’t think it is.”
Idunn’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened, unsure of what to say.
“I’m not saying you feel no pain,” Gerda clarified. The fact she was feeling heartbroken didn’t erase whatever Idunn was feeling. “I’m sure the guilt and regret must be eating you up alive in moments like this, but when night comes and the day is done, you go back home and I’m the one who stays to try and put back together what's left of her.”
Just as Gerda finished speaking, Frida, one of the nurses who worked in Elsa’s recovery, opened the door, calling their attention. “Gerda, I’m sorry to interrupt,” she said with an apologetic smile. “Mr Bjorgman and Dr Nielsen are asking for you.”
“Tell Kai I’ll meet them later,” Gerda said, not turning to look at her. Her eyes fixed on nothing but Elsa.
“They said it’s urgent,” the nurse insisted, knowing Nielsen would send her back to get her if Gerda didn’t come out.
“More urgent than Elsa?” Gerda scoffed, not believing there was something more important at that moment. She was aware how serious their current situation was. She couldn’t blame her husband for needing her to meet them. After all, they were discussing the next step to take. But her role was to look after Elsa, make sure she didn’t become a test subject to those bastards in charge.
“I– I don’t know what to say,” said Frida. “They just asked me to—”
Gerda knew the girl wouldn’t stop insisting. She had worked under Nielsen’s instructions during her time at the hospital, and she knew he could be a pain when things didn’t go his way.
“This better be important,” she murmured and stood up with a weary sigh. She looked at her daughter and then where Idunn was still standing. The woman’s head was hanging low and she didn’t seem to be aware of the nurse’s presence. “I know now doesn’t seem like the right time to ask you a favour,” Gerda said, calling her attention. “But… Could you stay with her until visiting hours are over, please? I promised I wouldn't leave her alone.”
“Of course,” Idunn said, her voice barely over a whisper.
With a heavy feeling in her stomach, Gerda brushed a few strands away from Elsa’s face. “I’ll be back soon, dear.” She smiled sadly at her and gave her a short kiss on her forehead before she followed the nurse out of the room.
Gerda’s words and the chapter’s title were inspired by the homonymous song: It don’t matter to the sun by Rosie Thomas.
I want to apologise for not answering your reviews sooner. I’ve read them all and I loved each one of them, but I didn’t have too much time in my hands to reply. Now that the new chapter is out, I’ll take the time to get back to all of you. Rest assured I really appreciate every word, comment and reaction you guys have sent my way.
Originally, this chapter was going to have two (or three) scenes more. I changed my mind yesterday when I realised that would push the update for at least another week. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Take care. --
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woodblxssomcrowned · 17 days
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Outfit sketches I did for the Royalty AU that was stuck on my mind for a minute.
Definitely went for an aesthetic based on a stylized mid 1400 to mid 1500s look, with a few fantasy and less than historically accurate elements worked in. Drawing this kind of stuff always makes me very happy~ And because she's a princess, the daughter of the king, I can really let myself go all out with colors, materials and fancy cuts~~
Below the cut are some basic HCs for the kids. I will however spare you the extensive worldbuilding I made regarding the details of the fashion I had in mind for this AU. I live for details and consistency in the fashion of a setting.
- 19 years old (default)
- Second in line to the throne, after her brother Danma.
- There was an attempt on her life when she was seven years old, with the targets being all of Hashirama's family. The would-be- assassin was captured but took his own life before he could be questioned. She got the scar on her cheek from the ordeal and even as a young adult she is unable to sleep in complete darkness, always insisting on having a lit candle along with spares near her bedside.
- Wears dresses/gowns and breeches and jerkins about an equal amount, likes both and will wear whatever she feels like depending on mood and chosen activity or occasion.
- Has been in an on-off friend with benefits relationship with an up and coming (no pun intended) guard for three years. She likes him enough. He knows what she likes and she knows what he likes. It works well. It's a poorly kept secret, but if confronted they are both remarkably capable of acting utterly oblivious. 
She's had other brief lovers as well. 
- Kaname have made it clear that she is willing to marry if it means securing prosperity for her kingdom, her one condition have been that she wants to be included in the discussion and not be left in the dark about it until it's already been decided.
- Tends to be described as being a passionate young woman, full of desire and drive. A combination of sensitive and savage.
- Favorite activity is relaxing in a warm, scented bath after a day of being physically active
- 20 years old (default)
- Crown prince, Heir apparent.
- Has a natural daughter, who he loves very much. Two years old. She's acknowledged, but not legitimized, and raised at court with Hashirama's approval. 
- Used to have lovers, but not since the birth of Tsunade. Some say it was one of the conditions from Hashirama in response to the request of letting her be raised at court.
- There's rumors that Danma or his younger sister are being set up to marry in order to strengthen the Senju/Uchiha alliance. Neither can disclose if there's substance to these rumors. 
- Smart but easily bored 
- Favorite activity is riding
- 9 years old
- Third in line to the throne after his older brother and sister.
- smart and promising, but makes people uneasy as he has a tendency to be manipulative 
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Destiny & Deliverance: Chapter 13
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC New as of 8/07/2023
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: "Please be patient with him.” 
In the weeks that followed, things were more chaste between Dieter and I, however, we were spending significantly more time together. We had even started spending time with his sister and her family on the weekends. She and I were becoming close. Even exchanging numbers and chatting on occasion. 
Ever since Lauren had mentioned the wine and paint night, Dieter kept talking about doing it. He thought his sister might enjoy it and that it would be a fun activity for the kids (minus the wine for them of course). We decided to have it during one of our Friday night gatherings at my place since I had a lot of supplies on hand. What I didn’t have, Lauren provided. 
Dieter and I got started setting everything up in the back yard to avoid any major messes. Rather than cooking, we planned to order pizza, just to make our lives easier. Lauren came early to help set up since she was bringing additional supplies. To my surprise, Alex showed up early too. I had a feeling that was Dieter’s doing, but he didn’t mention it. Alex was quick to help Lauren with the extra folding tables and the tabletop easels that she brought from her shop classroom. She had also brought some smocks for the kids. Dieter and I hung back, getting things set up for the food so Lauren and Alex could have a few minutes to themselves. 
As far as we knew, neither one had pulled the trigger and asked for the other's number yet. However, Alex was definitely inquiring about her when the opportunity presented itself. Dieter said that Alex tried to be casual about it and would only ask questions when the topic came up. He would never directly ask about her. Lauren took the same approach with Dieter, never directly asking him anything about his brother. However, she had made it very clear to me that she was interested but didn’t want to make things weird with Dieter in case it didn’t work out. She valued the friendship they had built and didn’t want to mess it up.
Shaun dropped Gabby and the kids off soon after we had everything ready to go. Shaun, unfortunately, couldn’t stay due to a prior commitment, so he was missing out on the festivities. We got started as soon as we helped the kids pick out their paint colors. Each of them fought over who was going to sit by Uncle Dieter and Uncle Alex. The guys ended up pushing two tables together so that they could sit in the middle of the three kids. Gabby and I got one to ourselves, where Lauren later joined us. Lauren did take a few minutes to show us some techniques using different types of brushes and painting knives. 
Dieter and Alex were both helping the kids with their “masterpieces”. Sara insisted that Dieter paint a unicorn to match hers, and he obliged by painting a rather realistic looking one. Samuel and Luke begged Alex to paint one of their favorite cartoon characters. He agreed and they tried to do it exactly as he did on their own canvases, though they were not quite as successful. Alex ended up having to make two of the same things to give to each of them. 
The ladies were already a few glasses of wine in when Gabby momentarily got up to run to the bathroom. Lauren took the opportunity to lean over to me to say that she was pretty sure her ovaries just exploded as she watched Dieter and Alex with the kids. Dieter had smeared paint on Sara’s nose and Alex was leaning over in concentration explaining how he was doing something to Luke and Samuel. I was not expecting that sort of comment from her. It took me a moment to realize what she had said before I burst out laughing, which drew some interesting looks from the neighboring table. I apologized for my outburst. Not that I didn’t agree with her assessment.
When Gabby came back, Lauren decided she was going to join the kids table and show them how to make some fun paintings with their hands because they seemed to be finishing up what they had been working on. Though, I’m pretty sure she was just using it as an excuse to be near Alex. That left Gabby and I alone to chat. 
Dieter briefly left his station to get everyone something to drink, stopping to ask us if we needed anything as he went. As he did so, he ran his hand down the back of my hair, leaning down to give a brief smile as he spoke. He looked like he was having a good time. He was genuinely happy, showing no signs of the sadness that often plagued him. His boyish charm was on full display as his eyes crinkled from his smile. When he came back with an arm full of cold bottles of water from the cooler, he took one and stuck it to the side of my neck, causing me to jump from the contact, which incited a burst of laughter from him and Gabby. I gave him a dirty look as I took the water from him. He leaned down and kissed the top of my head and apologized, but muttered, “Worth it!” as he walked off. He was looking back in my direction with a sly grin on his face as he went. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his antics.       
“You know,” Gabby started, but paused briefly as she watched her brother. She seemed to weigh her words before continuing. 
“I’ve noticed a big change in him since he’s been on his break. He seems different…with you.” 
“What do you mean?” I could feel the confused look forming on my face. 
She shrugged, “He seems happier. I mean, I know he has his bad days, but they seem to be happening less.” 
I wasn’t sure how to respond. I knew what she was insinuating. 
“Gabby, we aren’t together like that. We’re just friends...” 
She held up her hand to silence me while she gave a doubtful look. “I’m still hopeful he’ll finally open up and let someone in. I really do hope that someone is you. You fit into this family so well. I feel like it’s meant to be.” 
Her eyes turned glassy as she looked down at the drink in her hand. I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat. I hoped it would be me too, but I was afraid to admit that, even to myself. I looked at her with my brows drawn down together. Fighting the emotion that was trying to spill out. She looked back up at me, continuing to speak. 
“I don’t know the details of what happened to you in the past, but I can see how you hurt sometimes, a lot like he does. It’s not obvious to everyone else, but I see how you two silently communicate with each other. You both know when the other needs…” she briefly waved her hands around as she struggled for the words. 
“I don’t know what it is, reassurance maybe? It’s interesting to see that dynamic and how it’s changing him. He isn’t as closed off as he used to be. He’s opened up to me some, but I know there’s things that he hasn’t told anyone about his trauma, that he needs to say. I just hope you won’t give up on him before he makes it to that point. Please be patient with him.”   
I always knew there was some type of trauma that troubled him, but hearing it confirmed out loud was hard. I felt a tear sliding down my cheek. I turned in my seat so that my back was to everyone else. All I could do was shake my head in agreement. I didn’t trust myself with words at that moment. Gabby leaned in close, reaching over to squeeze my arm that was propped on the table. I took a steadying breath and wiped my face. 
She smiled, “Clearly, I don’t need to drink. It makes my mouth a little too loose.”
We both chuckled at her statement. Sara appeared beside me with her unicorn painting that Dieter had made for her. She wanted to show it off. I looked it over. There is no way this was his first-time painting. There was too much detail. Gabby must have noticed me studying the painting.
“You know, Dieter used to paint. He was really good at it too, but he stopped when his acting career started to take off.”
Why did I always feel like she was reading my mind? She was just as perceptive as her brother.
“Really? He hadn’t mentioned that.” I looked over at him. He was laughing out loud about something Lauren had said to them.
I had wondered why he was so eager to have the paint night. Maybe he missed it? Maybe he would pick it up again after this? He seemed to be enjoying it. Or maybe he was just enjoying spending time with his family. This evening was certainly giving me a lot to think about. 
A commotion drew me out of my thoughts. Dieter, Alex, and the boys were now chasing each other around the yard with paint on their hands, smearing it on each other’s faces and arms when the opportunity presented itself. Lauren was quick to get away from the fray and join us girls. We sat laughing at their antics. Once they had finally worn themselves out, I had to get out the water hose and spray all of them off the best I could. There was no other option. Luckily, Gabby had brought extra clothes for the kids. Dieter had to lend his brother some of his clothes from his gym bag, which I silently hoped were clean. 
As everyone was getting settled, I put in the pizza order. It didn’t take long for it to arrive, and everyone immediately dug in. The kids started getting tired soon after they ate. We all sat around talking for another hour or so, giving the wine a chance to get out of our systems. Once Gabby announced Shaun was on his way to pick them up, Dieter and Alex helped the kids pack up and walked them out to the car when Shaun arrived. Alex and Lauren hung around to help us clean up and he also helped her load the tables back into her vehicle. They both left soon after that. 
At this point, it was around ten thirty. Dieter and I both came inside and collapsed onto the sectional, exhausted from the day's events. He started telling me about some of the funny things the kids had said while they were painting. The boyish grin had returned to his face, and he had a glimmer in his eye as he talked through it. Both of us laughed during certain parts. When he finished, I spoke up. 
“Can I ask you something? Without you getting upset or offended?” 
“Of course,” he looked taken aback by my question. 
“And you don't have to answer me, just so we’re clear.”
“Ok, you’re making me nervous. Out with it already,” he said as he made a waving motion with his hand. 
I chuckled before I continued, “Did you not ever want to have kids? I only ask because you said you had a vasectomy. It surprises me, especially after seeing you with Gabby’s kids.”     
He was quiet for a moment, thinking about his response. His face tensed. 
“That’s a complicated answer.” He took a deep breath before continuing. 
“I would love to have kids, I mean the procedure is reversible, so it’s still a possibility. I just…never felt like I was in the right place for that. I’m too afraid of everything that could possibly come with it.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m too afraid of loss. So, I avoid it. That’s why I haven’t really done the whole relationship thing. At one point in my life, I was hopeful that someone would come along that I’d be willing to fix myself for, but I’ve realized I need to do it for myself before I can take that next step, or else it’s never gonna work out. I’m just afraid it’ll be too late by the time I finally get there.” 
He paused for a moment with a pensive look on his face as he stared off into the distance at nothing. Again, I felt like he had an underlying meaning to his words. 
“What about you, did you ever want kids?”
I sighed. I brought the topic up, so I might as well be honest and open. 
“Initially, yes. When I first got married, we tried. It just never happened. We never went to the doctor or anything, so I’m not sure what the issue was. Though, looking back now, I’m happy it didn’t happen or else I’d be tied to that asshole for life. At this point, I’ve accepted the fact that it’ll probably never happen. I’m not sure that it can or ever could.”  
He reached over to grab my hand that was at my side, giving it a small squeeze. We sat in silence for a few minutes, seemingly mourning the lives that we could have had if only things had gone differently. I briefly wondered how things would have turned out if we had known each other back before things went so wrong. Maybe we wouldn’t have wasted so much of our lives on meaningless pursuits. I realized I was still wasting it, insisting we stick to the “just friends” agreement. I know he keeps saying that’s where he’s at too, but some days, I feel like he wants more. Especially after hearing the comments from Gabby earlier in the day. 
Dieter broke me out of my thoughts when he released my hand, indicating that it was getting late and he better head home because we had plans for the following day. We were finally going to go look at furniture for his house and look at some paint colors. He had been talking about it for weeks. He was insistent that he would like anything I came up with, but I wanted a better idea of his likes and dislikes. 
I walked him to the door. Rather than the loose hug and chaste kiss on the cheek that he usually gave me, he pulled me in for a tight hug, completely engulfing me with his body. We held each other for a moment before he kissed me on the top of the head and told me good night. He released me reluctantly and kept his head down. He wouldn’t meet my eyes as he opened the door and walked out to his car.
I tried not to think too hard about his change in mood as I got ready for bed. We had left on a heavy topic that had most likely started to weigh on his mind. It had definitely weighed on mine as I laid in bed, trying to sleep.  
I woke up the next morning to a text from Dieter asking me what time I wanted to leave, noting that there was no rush, of course. He sent it at 6 AM. I looked at the time and it was almost nine. He had been such an early riser here lately. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of it. When I closed my messenger app, I noticed I had an alert on my security camera app. I opened it to check, figuring it was an opossum or something. To my surprise, it was a clip of Dieter entering through the basement door a little over an hour ago. He must have come over to workout, which was odd. He didn’t usually do that on the weekend. 
I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen to make us some coffee. Once it was ready, I filled up two travel mugs. I made sure to make his cup the way he liked it, then headed downstairs. As I walked into the room, he was walking out of the bathroom, buttoning up his jeans. His hair was still wet from the shower he had just taken, and he hadn’t yet put a shirt on. I paused briefly, taking in the sight before me. My eyes roaming up and down his body. He gave me a lopsided grin and raised an eyebrow.
“See something you like, cariño?”
His morning voice was husky and low. His words went straight to my core. I could feel my face getting hot.  
“I’m just surprised to find you here this early on a Saturday to work out, is all.” 
He narrowed his eyes at me before he continued, I didn’t think he was buying my response.  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep and was feeling a little keyed up. I thought it might be good to get rid of the excess energy. I was coming to pick you up anyway. So why not?” 
“Maybe I should have made you decaf then,” I said as I handed him his coffee. He gave me a look of disgust, shaking his head from side to side as he took a sip.
“Well, I’m gonna go shower. I’ll be ready in like forty-five minutes.”
He nodded and said he would be up in a minute to watch some tv or something.  
The entire time I was in the shower, I kept thinking about Dieter with his wet hair and shirtless torso and his hands as they worked to button his pants. He looked fucking amazing, and it was dredging up memories from New York. Memories of being in the shower with him, what his hands felt like on my body. I could feel my reservations about a relationship with him slowly slipping away. I needed to get it together. 
After I showered, I rubbed some products through my hair, opting to let it air dry. I went light on the makeup for a more natural look. I changed into a floral print wrap skirt, a white tank, and threw a jean jacket on. I rolled up the sleeves of the jacket. I grabbed my white sneakers and sunglasses out of the closet, then walked out toward the living room. As I went, I realized I didn’t even give my outfit a second thought. I just grabbed something and went with it. I was really starting to embrace the more casual looks and realized that I felt more like myself in them. I felt oddly proud of myself for the progress.
I walked into the living room to find Dieter dozing on the sectional. He had his right arm folded behind his head, while the left rested across his stomach. A sliver of his abdomen was peeking out from under his tan short-sleeve Henley. A small area of his chest was showing where he left his shirt unbuttoned. He looked so relaxed and comfortable, I hated to wake him. Especially since he said he couldn’t sleep last night. 
I walked over and stood next to him, reaching down to grab the remote that was lying on the couch, against his hip, and turned off the tv. The movement seemed to stir him. He moved his right arm down over his face and groaned. He reached out with his left hand, sliding it around to the back of my thigh, just above the knee and gave it a squeeze. Then he just left it there. I looked down at his hand, slightly confused and also enjoying the heat of his touch a little too much. I reached down and removed it from my leg, giving it a tug to wake him up. He groaned again before he finally uncovered his face and sat up sleepily. He looked up, giving me a lopsided smile as he rubbed the bare skin of his stomach underneath his shirt. 
“Are you ready to go, or would you rather nap some more?” I gave him a playful smile. 
“Ugh, whose idea was this anyway. It’s terrible,” he mumbled as he got off the couch. 
“Pretty sure it was yours,” I said through a chuckle. 
He came over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders for a tight embrace. He put his face to my hair and inhaled deeply. I was surprised by his actions but hugged him back. 
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry,” he said into my hair.
He didn’t even let me answer before he released me and walked off to go in search of his phone, wallet, and keys. I watched him for a moment, he was acting a little off.
I grabbed my purse and phone and followed behind him as we walked downstairs to go out the basement door next to where his car was parked.   
As we got in the car, he reached for his sunglasses. I felt like he was avoiding my eyes. I reached out and lightly touched his arm, leaning my head forward to look directly at him.
“Are you ok?”
He finally looked up at me, seeming startled by my question. His eyes looked sad and tired. 
“Yeah, I just haven’t been sleeping well. I guess it’s making me a little moody.” 
He gave me a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes, then he put his sunglasses on. By this point, it was getting close to lunch time. He mentioned a cafe that he liked going to on occasion and asked if I had been there. I hadn’t but was open to trying it. He put the car in reverse and started to head that way. 
It was about a thirty-minute drive, and it took several more minutes to find a parking spot. As we were walking in, he looked me up and down for the first time since waking up. He put his hand on the middle of my back, running it up the center underneath my hair to rest on the back of my neck, where he started rubbing with his thumb. I immediately got goosebumps all over my body from the contact. He leaned in closely, laying the side of his face on my head to tell me that I look nice today. I gave him a half smile as I glanced up at him. 
I thought back to what Gabby had said, about giving each other reassurance. Is that what we were doing? He dropped his hand from my neck, and I reached over to link my arm with his. He visibly relaxed as he smiled over at me. He must have been having one of his bad days I thought to myself. I felt like he was seeking comfort, but I didn’t know why. As we reached the front of the cafe, I held back while he went to reserve a table for us. It was a little crowded around the hostess stand and I didn’t want to get in the middle of it. I aimlessly paced around as I waited. When I turned toward the direction we had just come from, I was met with a familiar face I had hoped I would never see again.
Next Chapter
A/N: Are you all ready to see snarky protective Dieter? Cause it's coming...
Tag List: @rhoorl, @bitchwitch1981, @readingiskeepingmegoing, @runningmom94, @for-a-longlongtime, @hisandsnakes
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chillykitty · 11 months
Sander Sides vampire & werewolves au >:3
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twas on my list of things to do for art fight but didnt get to until teams were announced and i like had to (especially cause im team werewolf with a handful of vampire/vampire like OCs and no werewolves)
uhh story stuff below cut
Loceit, prinxiety, & intruality
Janus - mentally/physically 26-27ish - turned in the 1900s/1910s as a child - was gifted a Victorian house from his adopted vampire family that he now lives in as a bit of a recluse. He allowed Virgil to stay after he was turned and together they keep up the act of being Normal Humans. He allows a werewolf pack to rent part of the property since it has a large yard and forest that he doesn't use. It's only because he has no use for the land and he thinks the supposed rivalry between vampires and werewolves that some like to play up is absurd. it has nothing to do with how charming he thinks one of the wolves is, nothing at all. (I do realize it's dumb as hell to make Janus a landlord but 'rent' is usually 'buy me dinner' or 'be my chess opponent, Virgil keeps refusing to be'). He’s got a port wine stain birthmark.
Virgil - mentally/physically 25 - turned in the early 00's as a teenager - he was attacked by a rogue vampire and struggled to adjust until he met Janus, and then continued to struggle to adjust, but he eventually learned to appreciate that turning got him a friend, which is more than what he used to have. Never outgrew his emo phase and never will.
Ember - Mentally/physically 28 - actually a couple hundred - Janus' adoptive sister, she lives a while away but likes visiting her baby brother. She acts like she's way older than Janus but as far as vampires go she's not that much older. Has a light hearted rivalry going on with Roman and Virgil, her rivalry with Roman is over the top silly and dramatic, her rivalry with Virgil is casually flipping each other off as a greeting. she's albino, dyes her hair for goth reasons, and you decide if her brows are dyed/colored in/shaved and drawn on. her eyes do that thing some albino ppls eyes do where it look red/purple in some lightning when its actually blue, moreso than normal because vampire red tint (she is the dragon witch. dragon witch my beloved)
Roman - mentally/physically 24 - just turned - himbo <3 he was dating Virgil, and it had just been long enough that Virgil was actually going to make it serious and tell Roman about his vampire-ness, though he kept getting nervous and putting it off. Something (car crash? Mugging? idk??) happens and leaves Roman mortally wounded and Virgil is certain that Roman won’t live long enough for an ambulance to arrive so he turns him and then feels awful about turning someone without their permission. Roman adjusts as best he can and forces himself not to dwell because he understands why Virgil did it and frankly he would've done the same if roles were reversed. But if he does think about it too long he dreads the fact that he might outlive his twin. His shirt is Totally Not Bunnicula cause i think its funny
Logan - mentally/physically 25, actually 30 - Born a werewolf - he met Janus by happenstance and when he brought up him and his cousin were looking for a place to live, Janus offered up his yard and Logan had insisted on compensating him for it. Neither Janus or Logan are truly in denial about their feelings for each other but they don’t really discuss it and mildly dodge questions when asked even though it’s like very clear they like each other. They definitely are dating but I don't think they've had a non-emotionally constipated conversation about this. Patton - mentally/physically 25, actually 25 - born a werewolf - when he was young most of his cousins and siblings found him annoying, they were never outright mean, but usually didn’t seem to want to include him, Patton could never be sure if they were actually being nice or if they just didnt want to get in trouble with their parents. His cousin, Logan tolerated him fine though, clearly stating when he was doing something that bothered him and worked through a compromise (autistic besties using direct communication ftw). So Patton would always spend all his time following Logan around at extended pack gatherings. When he got a bit older, he got more confident in his socializing and stopped caring so much about what others thought, his love for pups often made him a defacto babysitter which he didn’t mind, but he was still always closest with Logan. It was only natural that they’d move out as a pack together.
Remus - mentally/physically 24 - just turned - Remus was smart and also stupid.. Smart enough to realize something was off about his brother and stupid enough to not write off the impossible, good thing too, because he was right. He was already suspicious but got his confirmation when he literally walked in on his brother drinking some drunk person’s blood. He of course helped hide the (still very alive, just passed out) body before really asking questions, but when he did ask questions, he kept insisting until he got the basic gist. Including that his brother would outlive him. Naturally he asks to be turned right there and then but all 3 vampires repeatedly refuse. He doesn’t let it go though and when he finds out there are two immortal werewolves who could turn him living in the backyard, he doesnt think twice to find them and ask them. Patton is weak for sob stories so he (with Logan’s begrudging approval) turns Remus and Remus joins their pack.
werewolf packs are like little groups that live together, made up of actual bio families, close friend group and/or polycules, sometimes a mix of those 3, sometimes not. Werewolf vibes idk. Extended packs are any packs that are any degree biologically connected, which means they get massive. (like a unrelated pack of 3 each have the packs they came from, which then come with packs of their cousins/piblings/grandparents/ect which then come with more packs of cousins/piblings/grandparents/ect from the other side of the family and so on)
vampires and werewolves are functionally immortal, people born as or turned into vampires and werewolves before the age of 25 keep aging as normal until then, and then it slows down significantly, pretty much no one knows how long their lifespan is because they get killed or die from something else long before they make it to old age. They're resistant to being killed but it can happen (see cliche vamp/were killing methods. Crosses don't do anything to them tho.)
Werewolves find it easier to stay as wolves around the time of the full moon and as humans around the time of the new moon, and are often lethargic when trying to go against this. They will typically start to wolf out at any strong emotion, while they can resist this (though it's harder near a full moon) plenty of werewolves (Patton+Remus) just let it happen and deal with getting tangled in their clothing as dogs. (Remus, of course, doesn't care if he's seen nude after shifting but most wolves shift back to human in privacy and try to keep clothes nearby. In werewolf only areas it's p common to half strip and shift, but that's about it)
Vampires' eyes have a red tint to them but not enough to be pointed out by mortals as they'd think it's a trick of the light (insert something scifi-y about reflecting off of blood vessels here)
Both are naturally very protective/possessive(though not toxically so, unless they're like, bad people) but werewolves are extremely social creatures and go into instinct mode when they get too worried about someone in their pack/they consider to be their pack, so much so that they might unreasonably lash out at another packmate because they don't want anyone to touch the one they're worried about. (angst angst angst)
Vampires struggle to control themselves around blood. They can and should eat normal food sometimes but actually need blood frequently to live, can make it a long while on animal blood but still need a human's every so often.
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bookoflibrary · 5 months
Famitsu Dec 28th Issue Summary
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Coverage for the Dec 28th Famitsu, which has a special feature on SINoALICE JP's ending. It includes an interview with Shogo Maeda, Fujimoto, and Yoko Taro. YOU ARE AT THE POINT OF NO RETURN. THIS INCLUDES SPOILERS FOR THE FINALE. Summary only since I am too busy for a word-by-word translation. And yes, I got a jump scare by my little sister in the user collage spread. Highlights only.
'How has your life changed in the last six years?' Yoko Taro says SINo came out around the time of Automata and both were widely well received and became a hit. Before them, he didn't have a lot of production lined up for awhile, and he wasn't confident in selling titles using his name as a brand so he just kept grinding through it. After these two titles, he found some success and felt like a celebrity, and he has been growing since.
Maeda says his life hasn't changed much since, saying he hasn't gotten married yet but at least he got a salary raise. He's working on his happiness.
Fujimoto: What? You got an increase in money, and you're still not happy?
Yoko: You saying that money is happiness shows your true human nature. But true happiness cannot be bought with money. Fujimoto: "True, but money is important" They all laugh.
Yoko Taro has mentioned several times before that Pokelabo and it's writing staff is in charge event scenarios, weapon stories, and job stories, but that he oversees main story with a second writer. The ending to the game was actually the first thing he wrote when creating SINoALICE's story.
He was especially excited, creating the final boss which is the result of the player's desire and gacha pulling all of these years. Taro has said in several interviews before that the dolls and a 'creature we have not yet seen' as of 5th anniversary were his favorite characters, and he confirms the Desire Mass is it.
Maeda, on the other hand, does things on a whim sometimes. They bring up the covid lockdown, and how Maeda decided to do a live in a bathrobe with wine spur of the moment. He spilled some of the wine on himself. Taro: "You decided, 'let's do a live that will make Maeda-san's mother sad.' Maeda insists she enjoyed it.
Maeda said planning events has always been a bit of a hassle because he wants to do something no one has ever seen before, and reminiscences about the mini van from 5th anniv. He says he doesn't wanna do the same things more than once which Taro agrees with. Fujimoto was just genuinely impressed Maeda pulled off the van stunt. When it was time for 6th anniv to come, they knew EoS was coming and they were pushed to their limit, so they wanted to go all out. It was also one of the most expensive anniversary to date, with only Fourth ANniv/Death Metal coming in first. They talk about how strained and out of ideas they were, while trying to oversee the writing to the final edition of Reality, the final batch to Act of SINoALICE and working full time on Desire.
They said due to Gishin & Anki's bizarre behavior, it was fun and also easy to blame all the crazy things they came up with to fit the game's uniqueness on them.
Interviewer: 'This is a farfetched question I know, but what are the odds to a sequel to SINoALICE?' Yoko Taro says that usually he'd answer these questions with, 'Give me money and I will do anything', but says it's been a long time, and so much work has been put in 'til now and couldn't accept money as he feels SINoALICE is complete. Fujimoto agrees.
Maeda on the other hand says that in regards to a SINoALICE sequel, he cannot discuss this due to his company's policy.
Yoko Taro goes on a bit saying he didn't want to make a social game that had no value after it died, and hopes SINoALICE and it's contents and memories are carried in the users' hearts forever. Then complains that the service was a hit from what they were expected and he had to keep coming up with new arc ideas. 'SINoALICE was created with a definite end written, though.' He still brings up his 'Shut it down after one year, collect the money, then start a sequel up and repeat' idea Pokelabo laughed off. Maeda wanted to keep the game going as long as possible. They came to the conclusion that if sales were going down into red, and they properly conclude the story, SINoALICE can be shut down. Maeda says JP was not quite in that red zone, but it's better to end the game on it's own terms now that the story has been completed. A lot of budget also had to go into the Desire arc for all the gimmicks it does as well as post clearing it with your guild.
'… In addition to clearing that finale with your guildmates, we used a lot of our budget to store the data of players who cleared the ending. Along with this, we have to figure out how much data can be stored offline.' [Blood note: An offline version of the game has been announced. Clearing the Desire arc changes the game dramatically, and you can still login to the app after Jan 15th to view weapon, job and main story. Collab stuff had to be removed. Data transfer is not possible after the servers go down, and if you clear your cache after clearing the finale make sure to login again before the EoS date. If you do not clear the finale in Desire, your data will NOT be stored. Please note your tombstone and your profile will be publicly available on this version of the game]
'What was your favorite arc?' Maeda says the reality arc was the most memorable for him. Yoko Taro made the pitch first, and Maeda was confused. When it came to releasing it, Maeda was at a loss, saying the game was meant to be about fairytales but suddenly he is being asked to do a modern one. He felt a sense of awkwardness explaining this arc to the company, considering 'a lot of dangerous bridges were crossed in it.' They were also relieved they were able to get Matchie and Hameln out, despite Maeno's time-crunched schedule. To them, despite the story progressing without them until now, it was part of 'seeing the full story through.' Pokelabo staff at first were horrified by the Reality arc.
Taro interjects here, going on a long explanation about UI and how he wanted the story to be shorter since it was a social/mobile game, and designed it where you can skip over it with a tap or two, so players could easily choose to skip over everything.
User polls for players who did the Famitsu survery suggested Act of Reality by an overwhelming amount. Many comments were made about Piggy, Hameln, and Pinocchio and Snow's reality. Gretel's Act of Reality job stayed a player favorite start to end, but then the three laugh at how overwhelmingly popular Gretel's Story of Authors job became. 'It won the wallpaper poll, y'know?'
Act of SINoALICE came in behind it as favorites by the user. The comments for it showed that players liked the feeling of the characters coming together to stop an ominous force. Of all the chapters, Aladdin & Hameln's was the best recieved. Yoko says good. He was also pretty ecstatic about showing up in the main story and how he was potrayed. [Blood note: Yoko is in the first chapter of Dorothy and Piggies]
Statistics: 60% of players who did the Famitsu survery were female. Only 1% of players logged in the game for 2,000+ days. A majority have only been playing a yearish. [61.37%]
Famitsu did their own popularity poll; results look pretty similar give or take to our usual ones. Interestingly, Hameln went up by several slots. Maybe the extra story and events showing better sides to him helped? Here are the results. I'm happy to see Gretel continuing to get love.
Alice & Snow were too close to call, so both got second place.
Ibarahime/Sleeping Beauty
Akazukin/Red Riding Hood
Little Mermaid
Kaguya Hime 13. Match Gir 14. Rapunzel 15. Three Little Pig 16. Nutcracker In addition to clearing the finale, your loading screen will now turn into a tombstone with the number of player you were to clear the finale. You can see the tombstone of other players who also have in the game. Yoko Taro hopes players enjoy the finale.
And that concludes the takeaways! This is the last Famitsu I am buying. It feels incredibly bittersweet.
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venusjeon · 2 years
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a joglar de gèsta drabble
a nightmare wakes you up, and taehyung helps you back to sleep.
♔ PAIRING: jongleur!taehyung x princess!reader
♔ GENRE: historical au, angst, fluff
♔ WORD COUNT: 0.8k
♔ WARNINGS: minor characters death, ptsd i'd say?, aNd ThEre wAs OnLy oNe Bed
♔ AUTHOR'S NOTE: i weirdly dreamed this last night and since it's so short decided to write it down immediately lol so there ya go
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You stood in a corner, hugging your trembling body as your family discussed whether to die there in the throne room like cornered cowards, or trying to escape a castle infested with French soldiers. Either way, death was assured. It dawned on you just then.
“There is hope as long as we fight!” one of your brothers insisted, but the king shook his head.
“You’d have your mother and sister fight when they’ve never held a sword in their lives? Don’t be ridiculous,” he said from the throne, the queen beside him. “If you want to save yourself, go ahead, you might escape with some luck. But I won’t leave them to die alone.”
Your brother’s head turned to see guilt push the tears out of your eyes. At once, he rushed over and embraced you tightly, letting you know he wasn’t going anywhere and didn’t blame you for whatever was to happen.
“Lord of Aquitaine!” echoed a shout from somewhere in the castle. It was the voice of a young man, whom you assumed was Prince Jungkook. “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”
Another of your brothers gripped the helm of his sword. “That bastard!”
“Mother…” you cried, scared like a child, and she stood up from her throne to make haste to your side and hold your hands. “I don’t want to die.”
An idea came to her. “You won’t, my darling. You’ll hide.” She made you move behind one of the curtains that was so long it reached the floor.
“What about the rest of you? Only I–”
Your sentence was cut short by the door opening abruptly. There he was, the prince. Shrouded from his sight, you could however see from your hiding place the lack of hesitation on his face right before he ran your family with his sword, a grin on his face even when their blood splattered all over him. As you held your breath, forced to ignore the final screams of your mother, one of Prince Jungkook’s men called him. He was going to leave.
But a sob betrayed you, and his eyes landed on yours.
There the nightmare ended, for that was all it was. You woke up in a cold sweat, heart going so fast you were sure it was trying to beat its way through your chest. Your breathing was no better, but that you could remedy with slow, deep breaths, which you had to sit up to take. With each of them, reason returned to your mind.
You weren’t in BORDÈUS, but at an inn near ORLÉANS. With Taehyung.
“They will pass.”
Startled, you turned around to see the jongleur at the other side of the bed, hands behind his head and gaze fixed on the opposite wall.
“The nightmares, they will pass. The crying in your sleep too.”
Your fingertips flew to your cheeks, where they became wet instantly. Goodness’ sake... “Did I wake you?”
“No, but you did make noise,” Taehyung sighed as though the conversation bored him—it might have been that he was annoyed he couldn’t fall asleep, but being a prick sounded more like him. “I almost had to shush you, lest anyone came to complain.”
“I’m sorry…” As you lied down again, facing him, a thought slipped into your mind. Should you? No… But maybe, “Taehyung?”
You played with a loose thread on the sheets as you reminisced, “When I was a child and I had a nightmare, my parents would let me climb into their beds, and they'd hold me until I fell asleep again.” Eyes now on you, he listened carefully, was even patient when a silence followed, consequence of your having to tie up your pride and lock it in a chamber inside your mind. “Can you... Can you hold me?"
The embarrassment of requesting something as silly kept you from meeting Taehyung’s gaze, but you could nonetheless feel it. He was probably trying to come up with the most humiliating comment, such as asking you to remind him of your age, and the wait for it was unbearable. You regretted speaking at all, so emotional at the moment that you knew anything he said would make you cry. Stupid, stupid.
A gentle tone surprised you. “Turn around.”
Slowly, you lifted your face to see no trace of mockery or even indifference on Taehyung’s. As you looked into his eyes, bright even in the dark, it was compassion what instead you discerned. Relief thus made you sigh away the anxiety choking you, and with a small nod, you turned around.
Taehyung’s arm embraced you from behind, warmer than you expected—likely because you thought of him as a cold person. Regardless, his touch was comforting around your torso, even his breathing against your back made you feel safe there, in a godforsaken inn near enemy territory.
“When will the nightmares pass?” you suddenly asked, realising if he’d told you that, it was because he’d suffered from them as well, and therefore knew how tormenting they could be. Without stopping to think about it, you held his hand close.
“I don’t know,” he whispered, so low you almost missed it. “I was just told someday they will.”
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joe9cool · 1 year
Collide-Justin Herbert-35
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A/N : This is fanfiction, I do not know the Chargers or affiliate with anyone who knows the Chargers. You also don’t have my permission to post my stories anywhere else. Thank You
Things were going well.
Ever since that day where they left the hospital Sara was more receptive to Justin. She would come downstairs to help make him breakfast, they would talk about his therapy, and then they would go their separate ways. Once he was done with therapy he would run some errands that Sara asked,such as grocery shopping and other things. 
Some days he would come up and drop off lunch for her and her family, who would talk to him. If Willa was there she would glare at him from her corner which pissed him off, but as long as she wasn't saying anything. He kept asking Sara to tell him if she said anything bad to her, but she kept insisting that she had been quiet. He didn't believe that but didn't want to press the issue. He had also met Alyssa's husband Brent, who was the coolest person he'd met. They'd spent an hour talking about sports and they had a lot in common since he was a fellow professional athlete. It was also clear why Sara liked him so much.
A couple of times she got home from the hospital early, and they would watch a movie in the living room, on separate sides of the couch, which he hated. Sometimes they would talk and he absorbed everything she told him about the place she grew up in. Justin had never so blind in his entire life, there was still so much to discover about the amazing woman in front of him. He also noticed she was more receptive to his touches. She didn't pull away when he would grab her hand or pull her in for a hug.
He had been in touch with his team and whenever they would bring up Sara he would shut them down. "It's none of your business." He would tell them. He had to admit, it felt good being carefree. Sara was right, people were going to talk, no matter what.
He had just gotten back from therapy, when Sara came down the stairs smiling. He was confused. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?"
"I got home early, but I have some really good news." She was genuinely smiling for the first time in a while. He matched her face. "What's that?"
"They took my dad off the breathing tube." He let the words sink in before he spoke. "You mean he's breathing on his own?" She nodded, and without thinking, he grabbed her and skinned her around the foyer. "That's fantastic!" He set her down. "Are they assessing if there are any long term effects?"
He had been keeping Mitch updated and getting insight into the medical aspects of Mike's case. Justin supposed he could have googled it, but that usually went to the worst case scenario and he didn't want to think about that unless there was something to think about. He knew Sara had a meeting with her mom and sisters earlier in the week to discuss long term care options. (He wasn't stupid, it meant taking him off life support) Sara had come home that night in tears. Justin stayed up all night comforting her and they fell asleep in her bed. He woke up the next morning in a panic, thinking he overstepped his boundaries. But she didn't say anything, just carried on like normal.
It was killing him, he wanted clarification. She said she needed time, so that's what he was giving her. But one night they were strangers, other friends, then lovers the next.  He was on the phone with AnnSophie the night before explaining all of this when she told him.
"Now being her friend, imagine what she felt when you were acting like this."
It was another harsh wakeup call. All that time he made Sara feel unsure. He was experiencing that now, and he didn't like that one bit. He wanted to ask Sara, but he didn't want to upset her while she was dealing with family issues.
Hearing this news brought hope for him as well as doubt. Maybe they could move forward, maybe they couldn't. What if she decided she didn't need him and told him to take a hike?
He couldn't think about that now, right now his only priority was Sara. Ashley had been calling, expecting him back in Los Angeles to discuss contracts and the team wanted him back for proper assessment of his shoulder. He had been out here for two weeks, longer than the organization thought he'd be. He told them that it had been a family emergency (technically it wasn't a lie) but now that it was out and open in the papers that Justin was with Sara for her dad the team didn't count that as family.
All he said was that he would be back when he would be back. Worst case scenario he would just go back to California for a week, then come back. However he was worried that he would be greeted with a fuck you from his love.
"Justin!" He broke from his thoughts and looked down at Sara. "Yes love?"
He smiled at the feeling of her shuddering at him calling her the pet name. "He isn't one hundred percent out of the woods yet. They won't really know anything unless he wakes up. There is still a chance he won't." He set her down and grabbed her face. "Let's not focus on that okay?" She nodded, and he pressed a kiss to her head.
"I also wanted to ask you something." He waited. "I'm going to the local dive bar in the area. My friends will be there, catching up on their lives. It's a private place, everyone is super respectful. Would you like to come with me?" Sara braced herself for the no but Justin was already one step ahead of her. "I would love to."
"Really?" He nodded. "Just let me know what time so I can get ready."
"Umm it's not until 7. I figured we could order food, eat and then get ready. It will be casual with a few drinks." He nodded.
Sara got the takeout menus from a kitchen drawer and spread them out. "Since you've been amazing making me dinner and being a big help, I'll let you decide tonight." He chuckled. "Wow, I'm so honored." She jokingly narrowed her eyes at him. "You should be."
He laughed and looked through them. It was all options he shouldn't be eating. But he'd been doing good on his diet and workouts, and he didn't need the cast anymore, so it was a night to treat himself. "What about this pizza place?" He pointed to the menu with the stuffed slices on there. Sara's eyes lit up. "Oh my god I love this place! It's the closest to Chicago style pizza! Have you ever been to that city?"
Justin smiled. "No, I haven't heard it's beautiful though." Her smile was contagious. "When Brent was drafted there I would always try to tag along when she visited on winter and spring break. We haven't told mom, but I would go out and explore the city by myself. Oh it's so beautiful at night!"
Justin was shocked. "Sara! She let you do that! That's so dangerous." She rolled her eyes. "Chicago is not bad. You just got to know what areas to stay away from. It's no more dangerous than certain areas of Pittsburgh or Los Angeles
He raised his eyebrows. Was she insinuating something? "I would love to go with you."
"Oh the food is great. You got Portillos,Giordano, Mario's Italian Ice. When I was getting any acting gigs. I almost thought about transferring to UIC." She sighed. "Sometimes, I think about settling down over there. Live in a nice condo overlooking the skyline. Maybe once I retire from acting."
"I would think you want to settle here. This place is gorgeous." She smiled. "Oh I sleep here, my soul is at peace. But I would like to test our living in different areas, you know?"
It made him think, was this future with him? "So I've been dealing with contract talks."
"Yeah?" He sighed. "They want me on a six year deal."
"Well that's nice. It will give you stability, and Los Angeles is close to Oregon." She started to write down the order before she called. "Do you want an appetizer or something?"
Justin smiled. "I'll take a Cannoli." Sara smiled and he knew what she was thinking. She had teased him the night she brought home cannolis from a local bakery in the Irvine area after their win against the Cardinals. He would never admit it, but it became one of his favorite guilty pleasures, other than his mom's chocolate cake and ice cream. Once she placed their order for delivery Justin decided to bring up the contract again. "Well I was thinking about the future, and where we could end up."
She looked at him puzzled. "We?" He nodded and walked over to her. "Sara, you are a part of my future, you know that?"
There was a moment of silence before she responded. "Let's talk about this another time." and walked away, leaving him mad. He wanted to talk about this now, but he decided against it. He didn't want to make her mad and start an argument. So again he pushed it off.
Sara was ready to go out. She felt ready.
The last time she was out, it didn't end good. But now that there was hope about her dad, there was no guilt about a night out with her old drama crew. Before she got ready she was on the phone with Erika, filling her in on all that happened. However, there had been a moment in the phone call that had her puzzled.
"Why is Justin with you?" Sara had just finished updating Erika on the status of her father and how her family was handling it.
"Excuse me?"
"I saw the photos of you two leaving the hospital all cozy, and then Heidi tells me you said not to confirm or deny anything."
She had her best friend on speaker as she was applying her makeup in her bathroom. "Since when do you speak with Heidi?"
"That's not the point Sara, I can't believe you took him back that easily." There was a frenzy in Erika's voice. "Erika, I didn't take him back."
There was a pause. "What has he said to you?" 
"He wants me back, I kinda ripped into him about Taylor and all that."
Her friend sighed. "I don't know Sara, I think you shouldn't give him another chance. That's your problem, you're too weak." She was taken back
"Excuse me?" 
"You're weak. You're gonna let him walk all over you again, and I'm gonna have to pick up the pieces."
"I'm not asking you to pick up pieces. You're supposed to be my best friend, that's what we do. Lord knows I have done it for you a million times." Erika was silent, and Sara knew she made a good point. "Whatever, just don't believe what he says. He's lying."
Her eyebrows furrowed. "What are you talking about?"
"When he's not around you call me and I'll tell you everything. Look, I got to go." She hung up. Leaving Sara confused.
As she was putting the finishing touch ups on her hair it was all she was thinking about. What did she mean by that? Deciding to postpone her thoughts until the next day, she finished getting ready. She looked casual in a nice long summer dress and heeled sandals since Justin was so tall.
She met him downstairs and laughed when she saw him in a form fitting Nike shirt and shorts. He smiled. "This is all I have that is considered nice. All the clothes you bought me are at home."
"I'm surprised you kept them." He frowned. "I couldn't throw them out. It'd be a waste of money, and you bought them. Deep down I always knew I couldn't lose you."
She smiled, but it was sad. "Too bad it took you three months to realize that." Justin grabbed her hand "I know."
Before he could say anything else, she grabbed her purse and said she would meet him in the car.
It was a small bar, a little hole in the wall filled with regulars. All who knew Sara, or at least pretended they did.
Justin felt out of place as Sara introduced him to her group of friends. They were from the drama club of her high school. All of them were the stereotypical drama club, with some having different colored hair, and piercings in spots he didn't know you could get. Truth be told, this was a group he couldn't see himself hanging out with in high school.
But as he got to know the group of six more, he was more relaxed around a group of strangers than some people he worked with. Her friend Ben was a huge Steelers fan, and gave him friendly shit which Justin laughed at. Her friend Hannah was fascinated by Hollywood, and was considering  moving to Los Angeles.
"So Erika says hi." Sara said at one point. Justin didn't miss the way her friends negatively reacted. "I don't know why you hang out with her. Much less have her as your assistant."
"She's been my best friend since high school. You guys remember." One of the other guys, known as Ryder, snorted. "Yeah and there was a reason we cut her off."
Justin was curious. "What was the reason?"
Hannah rolled her eyes. "Erika was boy crazy. Tried to sleep with all the guys in our friend group, started major fights. Almost split us up. She screwed Sara over a lot too." Justin looked at Sara. "Really?"
"I don't like to talk about it. She dated a bully of mine. But we talked it out and that was a while ago." Now Justin may have been bad at romantic relationships, but friendships he knew that it was a code you shouldn't break. Plus he knew how she was, she wore her heart on her sleeve. The bullying that she faced plus with her family issues put her in the hospital and on antidepressants. This wasn't a write off for him. He grabbed her hand underneath the table and squeezed it. Sara leaned into him.
The group moved on to other topics. Justin found out that Sara was quite the opposite of his goody two shoes childhood. She snuck out to concerts, talked back to her teachers (Only when she felt an injustice) and even got into a fight. Justin's eyes widened at that one. "Wait, you got into a fight?"
Her friends laughed and she nodded proud of herself. Ben cut in. "I'm surprised you don't know about it. There were articles on interviews that the other girl, Monica gave to every publication framing herself as a victim. She bullied us all through high school till Junior year when Sara had enough, Monica 'accidentally' spilled her milk on her at breakfast." He looked at Sara who smiled.
"It was no accident, so when she walked away after making fun of my outfit I grabbed her hair and pulled her to the ground. Was worth the two day suspension." Justin laughed. He was embarrassed to admit that he was getting turned on at the thought of Sara getting mad and into a fight.
Once they had a few drinks the group split up. Justin and Sara were cozy in a booth in the corner. "Your friends are awesome." He kissed the top of her head and she hummed. "They are amazing."
"Why are you friends with Erika?" He had to ask. She looked up at him. "Because she's amazing. I know she did some shady shit in the past, but she dropped everything for me. She came to Los Angeles to work under me. We had a rocky start, but she's great now."
Justin was silent. He wanted to tell her about what happened when he ran Into Erika and what AnnSophie said. However, now wasn't the time. He and AnnSophie were going back and forth texting, and it was decided he would tell her when her dad got better.
They stayed like that in the booth, sorta rocking side by side with the music. Sara smiled as a song Justin didn't recognize came on and she began to sing
Isn't love so fragile and the heart so shallow Shatter with words, impossible to follow. You're saying I'm fragile, I try not to be I search only for something I can't see
I have my own life And I am stronger than you know
But I carry this feeling When you walked into my house That you won't be walking out the door.
"This song came on my phone when you left." He looked at her confused. So she explained. "After you left, the first night you came over. I was singing it, and I thought it was perfect."
"You really love Fleetwood Mac don't you?" Justin knew she did, but he didn't know how much. She nodded. "It was always me and my dad's thing growing up. When I took him to meet her I swear to God he told me how proud of me he was. First time he ever told me."
Justin shook his head. He hoped when her dad woke up that he would get a new chance to truly appreciate his youngest daughter. Sara adjusted her body to where she was looking directly at him. "I'm sorry." She stated. He was confused. "For what?"
"Looking through your phone, taking screenshots of messages with other girls."
She was ridiculous. He shook his head and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her to him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I gave you every reason not to trust me." He grabbed her chin to force her to look at him and even then, he didn't speak until her brown eyes met his. "Sara, I have never had a thing with Taylor after we became exclusive. I should have told you everything. I thought I was handling the situation when really I wasn't be honest." He felt her hand rubbing up and down his side. "I love you Sara."
She hummed, and before he could say anything else, she kissed him. He wasn't expecting it at all. She wasn't drunk, she only had one drink so far, and was nursing the other one. Justin decided to relax into it. Letting off a soft moan that shot electricity straight below his belt. She broke the kiss after a few moments. He was sure both of their lips were swollen by now. Sara took a deep breath. "I think I need some water." She laughed and he joined her. "I would join you, but I uuh." She looked down and laughed as he referred to his erection. "I'll bring you back some more." While he wasn't wearing the cast he still had painkillers.
He watched as she got up and went to the bar area where her friends were at. He smiled and touched his lips, savoring the feel of her lips for the first time in a while.
The door of the bar opened, and a group of douchebags came in. Justin could tell by their attire and how they carried themselves. The blonde, who was tall, immediately made a beeline towards the bar and sat next to Sara.
Justin was on high alert as Sara tensed. She knew him, and it wasn't in a pleasant way.
"Miss me sare bear?" Ryder smirked, and Sara's stomach turned.
He was one of the bullies in high school that would torture her, push her into things. When the drama section won the state championship and she announced her plans to attend UCLA Ryder made a Facebook poll asking if she was hot enough to make it out in LA. It was mostly their shitty friend group that included Monica. "Yes, I thought of you when I was working with Sydney Sweeney." She was his celebrity crush.
He smirked. "Cute. But I wish you would get your tits out. I bet they still look just as good in high school as they do know. You got a better face and lost some weight."
She rolled her eyes. "How did you know I was here? You always made fun of this place."
He smirked and when her water came he took a sip of it. "I have my secrets. Also when do you just drink water? Pandemic slow you down sizzler sister?"
Grabbing the water for Justin she just glared at him before heading back to the table where Justin was also staring at him. "Who is he?"
"An asshole jock who used to bully me but now wants to sleep with me." She didn't miss how his face scowled when she mentioned that. "Asshole." He wrapped his arm around her. Sara immediately felt better being engulfed in his large arms. They sat there for a while, enjoying the atmosphere and just people watching. Finally Sara spoke. "I missed this. I missed you."
Justin hummed. "I missed you more. As much as I tried to deny it, I need you. There is no one else for me."
As much as she wanted to enjoy those sweet words it got Sara thinking. Being in a bar made her think about the video he was tagged in on instagram. Where he was dancing with someone else. Also about the photos of him with Taylor, all of those things she said to Sara when they ran into each other at SoFi.
She tried to push that out of her mind as Justin kissed her. "Wanna get out of here?" She nodded. "I can't party the way I used to." Justin laughed. "I've reached my social limit." Feeling brave, Sara looked at him. "Do you want to go home and maybe watch a movie in my room?" She traced her finger along his chest and he shuddered, knowing a movie mostly led to earth shattering sex. It got him excited, not just because of the sex but the fact it was another step in the right direction.
He got up and told her to wait while he grabbed the car. As soon as he left the building she felt someone slip in next to her. She didn't need to look to see who it was. "Leave me alone Ryder."
"I just wanna talk. Catch up." He smiled. "Is that your man?"
"What's it to you?" He shrugged. "I'm surprised. You guys don't make a good couple."
She rolled her eyes. "Good thing I don't care what you think."
He laughed. "Come on, you know your friends agree too. In fact everyone knows he dumped you because of fame. "
"Well we worked things out, thank you for your concern." What the hell was taking so long for him to get the car?
"Also Biscotti, the girl he was seeing. Is way hotter than you." That stung, Sara looked away, just confirming that he hit a sore spot Ryder smiled. "Let's face it Sarebear all you have to you is money and tits. Blondie is tall, skinny, and knows her sports. She's the American dream, Herbert will marry someone like her. Where you are just a good fuck. That's all you are, someone to fuck."
Her phone dinged, and she looked at it.
Justin: I'm outside
Ryder saw his message and smiled. "Let's face it, no matter how hard you try. You will never be good enough. Taylor will always look better on his arm. Plus imagine she will be around him all of the time. Dude is gonna see that he made the wrong choice in choosing you" She got up and walked towards the door. Tears in her eyes she heard him yell. "Tell Erika to call me!"
"Are you okay?" Justin was Startled when she abruptly got into the car and slammed the door shut, rattling the whole vehicle.
"Good, why do you ask?" She switched to innocent in the span of seconds. Justin knew better and saw past her acting. "Hun, you were happy when I left to get the car a few minutes ago. Sorry that it took so long, I had a call with my agent."
She looked straight ahead. What agent calls at 11pm? Justin stared at her. "Are you sure-"
"Yes I am fine, let's just get back to my house." He didn't miss the word change. Instead of arguing he put the car in drive and drove off. The whole ride, he tried to make conversation, but Sara was engrossed in her phone. The mood changed from the bar just a few minutes prior. "What's wrong?"
She looked up briefly. "It's my sisters updating me on my dad."
He frowned, keeping his eyes on the road and following the GPS. "We can stop at your mom's house, or the hospital if you like."
She shook her head. "No, I'm fine." The rest of the ride was silent. Once he parked the car in her driveway he looked over at her and was about to ask what was wrong, but she jumped out and was in the house in a flash. Cursing, he tried to get to her but she was already in her room with the door closed by the time he got in the house. He knocked. "Hey, did you still want to watch a movie? We could put it on in the living room." He didn't even care where it was, he just wanted to be close to her.
After a minute she replied through the door. "No I'm fine, I have a headache, that one drink really got to me. I'll see you in the morning."
Justin couldn't give up. "Sara, please talk to me. What's going on?"
The shower was turned on, and Justin knew he was going to be shut out. That was okay, they made progress. He would give her some space. In the morning he would talk to her.
Unfortunately when his alarm woke him up at 6am she was already gone.
Fuck. How the hell did she get up and get ready without waking him? He was a light sleeper, so he was sure she would wake him up. Sighing, he got ready to go to therapy. He was still getting calls from Ashley and Tom urging him to come back to Los Angeles for assessment. The Spanos family wasn't too happy that their star Quarterback was seeking treatment outside of the organization, especially since the team grades came out with a poor review of their trainers.
He kept putting it off. He didn't want to go back. He and Sara were seemingly making progress, even though right now it seemed like they took a few steps back.
After Justin got out of Therapy, he decided to head to the grocery store. It was only 11am so he figured she was at the hospital. As much as he wanted to go up there, Sara had told them it was high security because of her status. It was decided after fans and paps were outside the hospital that they needed to put more protective measures in place.
When he was at the grocery store he was getting more stares. Now people knew who he was and who he was involved with. He wore his mask, but his height easily gave him away. Justin knew people were recording him and looking at what was in his cart. He grabbed what he thought was a good dinner choice and quickly went through the checkout. The cashier was a middle aged man.
"You know I'm a huge Steelers fan, so I should be charging you extra tax." He was smiling so Justin knew he was teasing. He laughed. The guy continued. "You are a good player. Got a bright future in the league. Maybe you'll come over here since you got ties?" He knew the guy meant Sara
Justin smiled. He didn't want to say too much about his personal life. He also didn't want this guy going to a reporter and giving him "inside scoop" "Naw I'm used to Los Angeles."
Once the transaction was over and the man went to hand Justin his receipt he spoke again. This time it was low so know one else would hear. "Listen, we may not know Sara here personally. But she has done a lot for the city of Pittsburgh. Does a lot for the poverty here. Started a fund to pay for the struggling for food. We all love her and are very protective of her."
Justin nodded. He knew Sara did a lot of charity work and she didn't really like to talk about it. "It's not a good deed if you brag about it." She told him.
Once he got home and put all of the groceries away he decided to call his family. He'd been preoccupied the past few weeks since he left and hadn't kept his family updated.
He called his mom. "Justin! We saw the photos! Are you guys back together? People are asking and I don't know what to say. When are you coming home?"
Justin laughed. "Mom, slow down. I'm just helping her through this time. I mean," he didn't know how to explain this to his mom. "I'm still working on it.
"Oh. You two looked pretty cozy at some place last night?"
"It's all over social media. You guys look so cute!" Justin would have to deal with that later. After explaining to his mom the situation at hand, he hung up. While he went to the garage to grab some extra cleaning supplies he saw Sara's car there. Weird, since she was gone. Her bedroom was empty.
Justin sighed. Deciding to shoot her a text
Are you at the hospital?
After a minute
Let me pick you up in a few hours. It's important.
Well it was a start. He sat down on the couch and began looking at videos of exercises his trainers wanted him to go over.
As he looked through the videos, a suggested popped up out of the corner of his side
Watch Sara Wozniak's Savage×Fenty debut!
Curious, he clicked on it. It was a compilation of clips from her sets. She looked gorgeous. He saw her in Chargers lingerie and he was turned on.
The comments were disgusting. Assholes described what they would do to her and he wanted to comment back the threats he had in his mind.
There was one comment that stood out
Too bad Herbert stood her up. My sister worked the show and said she was a mess when her man didn't show. Was said to believe he was coming.
His heart broke..
He needed to fix this.
A/N: Bit of a filler, but Happy 25th Birthday King!
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catladywriter · 1 year
Inotan Fanfic: Kisses For An Idiot - Chapter 2
Emergency Family Meeting
Synopsis: Since that time when Tanjirou first held his hand, Inosuke seemed to have become addicted to hand-holding. He would find any opportunity to hold Tanjirou’s hand as long as it was available. Tanjirou thought he was just nervous without his mask and being constantly around people. But… why’d he start kissing him too?
Main Pairing: Inotan (Inosuke x Tanjirou)
Secondary Pairing: ZenNezu (Zenitsu x Nezuko)
Setting: Canon AU, 2 years after the main story ends
Wordcount: 9,497 across 4 chapters
Chapters: 1 2 3 4
Status: Complete. 2nd story in the Series: Where the Wisteria Always Bloom.
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One early morning while Inosuke was out to visit his old home in the mountains, Tanjirou called for an emergency family meeting. He hoped Zenitsu and Nezuko had further insights into Inosuke’s bizarre behaviour.
The three of them sat around the kotatsu in their living room. Tanjirou was about to explain the purpose of their discussion, but Zenitsu beat him to it.
“Just in time! I’d have called for one myself if you didn’t!”
Taking Nezuko’s hands by the wrists, Zenitsu held them up to Tanjirou with her palms facing upwards.
“Look at poor Nezuko-chan’s hands!”
Tanjirou looked. He blinked his eyes. Taking her hands with care, he brought them nearer to his face. Nezuko’s palms and fingers bore numerous scald marks and cut scars. Many of them looked recent. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen them before. What kind of elder brother was he?
Nezuko pulled her hands out of his grip. “It’s nothing! Don’t look so anxious, nii-chan. Cooking accidents are very common.”
“No, they’re not!” Zenitsu snapped. “Nezuko-chan is always very careful. But lately, she’s had to rush so many orders on her own because you kept disappearing on her. This is all your fault, Tanjirou!”
“It isn’t,” Nezuko insisted. “I was careless. Besides, nii-chan always does more dangerous and difficult chores. I should pull my weight.”
Tanjirou felt wracked with guilt. As the eldest son, it was his duty to protect his sister. Yet his negligence had put her in danger and left her with scars to show for it. She’s even defending him for it.
“I’m sorry Nezuko.” Tanjirou wrapped his fingers around her hands and bowed his head. “It’s my fault. I won’t let it happen again.”
“That’s not all!” Zenitsu wailed. “My suffering is nowhere near as bad as poor Nezuko-chan’s, but I’ve got huge blisters on my feet and it hurts to walk! Inosuke kept disappearing on me too so I’m handling all the orders in the dining area and the deliveries! You both are terrible! The worst!”
Zenitsu’s voice crescendoed as he became increasingly agitated. Nezuko had to pat him on the back repeatedly to calm him down.
Tanjirou wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide. Clearly, his lack of responsibility had rubbed off on Inosuke. To think he had accused Zenitsu of being a bad influence when he was no better himself.
“I’m really sorry, Zenitsu, truly, I am. I’ll speak to Inosuke about this.”
“You’d better! You promised Kobayashi-san that you’d do a good job with Wisteria Garden! It’s been barely a few months and you’re already losing steam!”
“You’re right. I’m ashamed of myself.” Tanjirou sighed.
“Nii-chan, don’t feel bad! Zenitsu and I are really happy for you and Inosuke! I suppose it’ll take time for you to adjust, but I’m sure you’ll work out a balance between work and dating. I believe in you!” She clenched her fists and nodded encouragingly at him.
Nezuko’s cheerful voice made him feel a little better about himself. Still, he couldn’t help feeling sorry that their roles had reversed. Nezuko was always a sensible sibling. But she shouldn't have to worry about his feelings while reminding him in the subtlest and nicest way possible that he had failed at priorities. In the first place, how could he even neglect work for dating?
Wait a minute. Dating?
“Dating?” Tanjirou echoed his own confused thoughts.
Zenitsu squinted at him. “Do you not know what dating is? It’s like, a boy and a girl in a romantic relationship doing lovey-dovey things together. Well, two boys, in your case, but I think the principle is the same.”
“I know what dating is. Inosuke and I are not dating.”
“You are not dating,” Zenitsu repeated each word slowly, his eyebrows raised.
“No! What gave you the idea?”
“What’s all that kissing for then? Practice?”
“I don’t know!” Tanjirou ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “I’ve tried talking to him but I’m not getting through. That’s why I called this meeting. I’m at my wit’s end.”
Nezuko pressed her lips together. “Hmm… are you sure you’re not dating? Zenitsu and I thought you were. It’s not just the kissing. You've been going around holding hands and you always seem happy together.”
“That’s because we’re best friends. Of course, we’re happy together.”
“If you say so.” Zenitsu rolled his eyes. “There’s a simple solution to your problem. We know he doesn’t like people to tell him what he should or shouldn’t do. So be direct and tell him you don’t want to kiss him. Or hold his hand. Or whatever else.”
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Tanjirou stammered. It hadn’t been easy for Inosuke to warm up to people, or the idea of physical closeness with people. A wrong word or action and they might undo all his progress.
“If you have trouble telling him, I can help you.”
“No! You mustn’t!”
When Zenitsu was in the mood to inflict as much pain as possible, he never minced his words. The last thing Tanjirou wanted was to hurt Inosuke’s feelings.
“You wanted a solution, and I’m offering one.”
“You don’t get it… that's not the main problem, is it? I mean, I don’t dislike it. Really, I don’t. I just think it’s awful if he went around kissing people at random. They won’t be as understanding towards him, you know?” Tanjirou hemmed and hawed.
Nezuko sighed. “Nii-chan, I don’t think Inosuke’s going to go around kissing people at random. Has it not occurred to you that maybe he kisses you because he likes you?”
“Exactly, buddy.” Zenitsu chimed in. “He only holds your hand, he only kisses you, and he tells you to your face that he likes kissing you. Anyone with half a brain cell can tell that he’s into you. I know you're slow when it comes to these things, but I can't believe you're this stupid!"
As he thought, Zenitsu never minced his words. Tanjirou was starting to regret initiating this discussion with them. He needed answers, not insults.
“I do know that! I’m very fond of him too. Like I said, we are best friends.”
Zenitsu and Nezuko exchanged pained looks.
“No, idiot. He wants to couple up with you. Like me and Nezuko-chan.”
“How is that possible? We have always been friends.”
Zenitsu, on the other hand, had made it clear right from the start that he had a crush on Nezuko.
“Nii-chan, do you remember how he took care of you and fussed over you when we first moved home?”
“Of course. How could I not?”
Two years ago, when it had seemed evident that Tanjirou’s battle injuries might not make a full recovery, Inosuke took it worse than anyone else. He cursed and swore at Muzan several times a day, wishing him a painful existence in eternal Hell. He eventually got over it by making it his mission to support Tanjirou in any way possible. 
He fought with Tanjirou over the smallest of tasks. To Tanjirou’s amusement, he even tried to help him button his shirt. Since he didn’t wear shirts himself, he wasn’t good at it and would always miss a couple of button holes. Tanjirou would have to redo them when Inosuke wasn’t looking.
“You’re my underling. Of course I should help you,” Inosuke would say, when Tanjirou insisted that he was perfectly capable of doing things by himself.
“You should get a wife soon, Tanjirou. Then she will be the one fussing over you instead,” Zenitsu said one day. Inosuke had piled all the tempura on Tanjirou’s bowl before anyone else could help themselves to it.
“He doesn’t need a wife. I will look after him!” Inosuke declared.
He turned to Tanjirou and pointed an assertive finger at him. “Don’t you go get a wife. We’re a family, the four of us. You said so yourself.“
“What’s he supposed to do then? Marry you?” Zenitsu quipped.
“Of course! Who can protect him better than me?” Inosuke puffed up his chest.
They had all laughed, amidst Inosuke’s angry demands to know what was so funny. Tanjirou thought it was cute in the way kids would say they wanted to marry their favourite older sibling when they grew up. But now, it occurred to him that Inosuke might have been serious. Even if he didn't know what marriage was, he had the right idea of what it entailed, more or less.
Looking back, Inosuke had made known his wish for Tanjirou to rely on him in many ways. Not one to wallow in self-doubt, he made up for any lack of ability with sheer determination and optimism. Inosuke’s unwavering confidence in him was his driving force to push himself to recovery. Even when Nezuko and Zenitsu had all but given up.
From their demon-slaying days, Inosuke presented contrasting sides of himself to different people. He was standoffish and impertinent to those he wasn’t friendly with. He would mock them for their ignorance and inabilities. But if it was Tanjirou who needed motivation, he would dish out encouragement in his own brusque manner.
Tanjirou loved all his friends with equal amounts of generosity and compassion. He thought Inosuke’s hostile behaviour towards some was simply him being less socially inclined. But perhaps this was his way of setting social boundaries, differentiating between those he cared for, and those he could care less about.
Inosuke kept his protective, sweet and caring nature well-hidden from most under a thorny exterior. But Tanjirou was all too familiar with it, even if Inosuke pretended not to care, or claimed that he was just being a good boss to his underling number one. The puzzles fell into place, as he came to see Inosuke in a new light.
“Nii-chan , you’re always worrying about other people. But you don’t seem to realise that you deserve to be cared for and loved by others.” Nezuko’s stern voice brought him back to the present. “When people do nice things for you, you worry about troubling them and ignore their sentiments. Even now, you’re only concerned about Inosuke getting into trouble, but you don’t think about what his actions mean for you. How about you spend some time putting yourself in your own shoes?”
“But… I’ve always thought of him as my best friend and brother.” In a small voice, Tanjirou repeated the idea that he had long conditioned himself to believe in.
Zenitsu shook his head. “I don’t mean to pry or tell you what to think, but my hearing tells me a different story.”
“Hey underlings, your boss is back!” Inosuke’s booming voice rang out from the entrance, putting an abrupt end to their discussion. “You have a letter, underling number one!”
Chapter 3
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Author Notes: Thank you for reading! If my fic made you smile, it’d really make my day if you could drop a like, reblog, and/or comment to let me know! This story is also on AO3 where you can comment anonymously!
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
See a post about hearing Sole confesse to person C and companions overheard then give me the idea
Couldn’t help but think about the way the companions may confess to Silver and how she could react
Non-Canon of the game AND the fanfiction
Cait : Cait has spent the last few months around Silver. The Sole Survivor helped her get through some tough situations, but Cait isn’t comfortable with that.
One evening, after drinking whisky, Cait may have mumbled something about having feelings for her savior. Nora stared at her for what seemed like an eternity and then leaned forward to kiss her. It was a passionate one-night stand.
The next morning, Nora got out of bed while Cait was still sleeping and never talked about it again. If Cait insisted, Nora would apologize and say it was good, but she doesn’t feel the same way. Although, they can do it whenever Cait want but didn’t think it will lead to something else. Cait swallowed her disappointment and eventually found something more precious with Piper
Curie : This little, cute kitten is just a babbling mess. She talks about everything and anything. Silver and she are on a mission. Silver aims for some feral ghoul low below, and then Curie says it: "and all this, I think it's mean I love you."
Nora is taken aback and misses her shot. After that, she stays frozen, and it's hard to say if it's because of what Curie told her or her missed shot. After they save their sorry asses from the bad situation, Nora slowly explains, like we often do with kids, that love is a precious feeling.
She is flattered, but it's impossible between the two of them.
Curie accepts it with a couple of tears, unable to understand the mix of feelings. Somewhere, Nora patiently helps Curie pass through that and maybe find someone worthy of Curie, maybe this nurse who flushed every time Curie is around
Piper : Piper giggled and talked all evening while Nora took care of finding a secure place, installing the equipment, and burning some mirelurk steak.
Suddenly, Piper said, "And... and that's when I realized I-I-I have deep feelings for you." Nora jerked her head up, the steaks burned a little more, and Piper came to the rescue. After they had hardly swallowed some bites of their steak and Nora had kept a heavy silence, just looking Piper straight in the eyes, the reporter giggled nervously and asked, "What?" Nora replied, "You're like a sister to me, and however I try to think about doing more, I can't. Sorry."
Piper sighed at that, stopped trying to eat the food, and then picked up a bottle of whisky. "Cheers then." Nora asked, "Are you sure you're alright with that?" Piper replied, "If you let me give you a hug from time to time."
Again, Nora stared at Piper in a long and heavy silence. "Hm. I suppose it won't kill me."
Piper threw herself into Nora's arms, cried hard but shortly, and then they drank themselves to bed. From time to time, Piper came around again and Nora just stared silently until Piper retreated. Eventually, Piper found Cait almost more interesting
Preston : Preston knew from the start. The moment he saw her, from their first combat side by side, he knew. But he had long lacked the courage to tell her the truth.
One evening, they were in Nora's office and had just finished discussing everything important, including strategies and plans for settlements. Nora then took out her bottle of whisky and Preston sighed heavily. "General, I have something important to say."
"I know," replied Nora.
Preston glanced in her direction, but she was rummaging for a glass in her bag.
"What I mean, General," he continued.
"Is that you love me."
Taken aback, Preston stuttered and mumbled, trying to understand what had just happened. Nora put two glasses on the desk and raised her eyes to her friend. "Sorry, I don't feel the same. You are precious to me, one of my very best friends, but I don't love you in that way. Can you live with that?"
He will scratch the back of his neck, shudder, then let him fall in the chair of Valentine.
“Okay. I mean, it’s not as if I can … wake something more in you. Maybe one day?”
He will take the shock and the shot. And the other shot. And drunk himself to the bed where Nora will lead him. The next morning, he take the time to think longely about it before get up and all in all, he is not sad. Nora is a precious friend and à hell of good ally
MacCready : He slept by her side, fought by her side, shared goals with her, went through hell by her side, and rebelled by her side. They were now lying next to each other under the stars, and he had been turning his thoughts over in his head for at least an hour. Then, gently and very quietly, he whispered the three words to the sleeping form beside him. The sleepy form beside him answered, "I, too, bro."
MacCready remained awake for another hour, unable to sleep or react. Then his thoughts returned to their previous track. "Bro," he thought. "Yeah, that's exactly it." Nora is like a big sister to him, and it fits so well that he'll never go back again
Deacon : In the beginning, he was sometimes so taken with this woman that he believed he was in love with her. He hesitated for a long time to confess his feelings to her, and as time passed, his thoughts continued to evolve. No, he wasn't in love with Nora like that. Yes, he was in love with her, but not in a romantic way.
Months passed, and they became inseparable, like two fingers in one hand, bound so tightly that they sometimes folded together. However, the thought of kissing her or doing more seemed profoundly incorrect to him.
Despite this, he decided to play a prank on her one morning while they were heading for a dead drop. He looked at her and said, "I'm in love with you over my head!"
She immediately laughed and asked, "Is it my ass or my feet that make you feel that way?" He replied, "It's your ears. If you start moving them, I'm not sure I'll be able to resist picking you up right here on the road." She joked back, "I'm glad I don't have that skill," to which he responded, "I'm sure you do, but I'll let you take your time. I'll keep the bed warm until then."
Nora looked at him, amused but unsure. She shook her head. Deacon is Deacon, and she is Nora. The’re like two fingers in one hand, entangled so tightly that they sometimes fold together
Danse : The big doggie, who tries to show his teeth but is as tender as a filet mignon, is no match for Nora. The look she sometimes gives him over the flames of their encampment leaves no doubt about that. In those moments, he withdraws behind his power-armor, remembering that it needs an adjustment.
As weeks and months pass, a fatal day arrives when she stands before him to defend him from Maxson. And then he realizes something: she might as well eat him raw, he's so defenseless. He's ready to wrap himself in rice and cover himself with sauce...
But he quickly shakes his head, knowing that's the most incorrect thought he's ever had. Shame on him for even thinking it! He's a machine, not a human. Maybe not an abomination as he once thought, but certainly not human. And so, he could never accept...
One evening, after she had taken down the Institute, she drank a concoction that could boast of taking down three super-mutants before stumbling to his bed at Red Rocket where he had settled. She collapsed onto him, and he was surprised but caught her.
"I loved you so much, it was visceral," she stammered.
"Knight, are you okay?" he asked.
"Nooo! You’re my grandson!" she cried.
She burst into tears, and he held her, hardly understanding what she meant but wanting to console her at all costs. The next morning, she disappeared. When he crossed the bridge to find out what happened, he met Nick.
"She went to Goodneighbor for the week. She's not mad at you. She just needs some time," Nick said.
"I don't blame her, I just don't understand," Danse replied.
"She had feelings for you. A lot. But she learned that all Gen3 Synths were designed using Shaun's DNA," Nick explained.
"Oh," Danse said, as the information slowly registered in his brain. He felt completely overwhelmed.
"Now, I'm the one who could use a drink," he state.
X6-88 : No. He will never ever confess anything. Neither will Silver. He may struggle with strong feelings for her, but he puts it down to the fact that she is his everything. Then Nick throws him a knowing look. "Oh, that's the feeling? Love?" he says. But no, and never will "Mother" know.
Hancock : She's hot. She's attractive. Every opportunity he gets to be by her side, he takes it. Every time he can lay a hand on her, he does. She just gives him a serious look. But as time passes, sometimes she sinks under his arm. Sometimes she forgets herself in his caress. And then he understands. She's not just hot, she lights the fire. She doesn't just light the fire in his crotch, she ignites the passion in his heart.
Jokes become more serious, caresses more insistent, and the need more pressing. And she brings him to his bed. He knows pure pleasure, and she remains in his arms, all against his torso, listening to the beating of his heart, which is right for her. But no matter how intense their connection is, he sees it in her sad eyes. He will never be enough. He will never hold her soul, even if her body and a part of her heart say yes.
So they are there for each other, meeting each other's needs. But he knows he will never be the one for her, the HE of HER
Maxson : That woman! He would so like to lower her arrogance, make her lose her superiority, tear off her gown from her body, bend her on her knees in front of him, make her submit to his will and make her say his name in a plea, then smother her with his...
This woman haunts him at night, leaving him panting and soiling his sheets with fantasies. No woman can compare to her, and no woman is his equal. He must have her, obtain her, and make her submit.
It was that day when she stood before him, telling him her conditions for continuing to collaborate with the Brotherhoods, after she stood straight in front of Danse and finally returned to him, as he ordered. She stands before him, straight and defiant.
He grabs her by the neck, closes his hand in her long white hair, pulls her head back to look down on her and dominate her, once and for all.
"Be mine," he ordors. Her gaze is radioactive, and she maintains her superiority despite her position. She weighs the scales and then, with an ironic smile, she simply blows: "No."
He releases her as if she had just burned him. He growls as he walks briskly towards the immense bay overlooking the Commonwealth. Without looking back at her, he orders her to leave. With a smile, she answers, "As your orders, Elder."
He already knows that that night, when he joins Morpheus, he will fantasize about the only thing he can never have.
Nick : They are already considered an old couple by everyone. It bothers him sometimes, but it amuses her. "Anyway, let them talk."
No thought seems complete until they have discussed it. It's like she's all the pieces he's missing, and he's somewhere connecting her to the rest of the world. He's her landmark, and she's his all. But that's the way it is, isn't it? He's her best friend...
"...and more," Ellie smiles kindly, almost innocently.
"You're not going to get into it too," he says as he gathers the file. "Anyway, it's not like I can pretend to be anything for her."
Ellie makes a little derisive sound, and he gives her a glance, but her eyes are on her paperwork. He adjusts his fedora, hangs the file under his arm, and leaves the agency.
Ellie has the gift!
But as he walks to the Home Plate to find his partner, he can't help but think. Thinks about if only he were a real man. If only...
The door opens as he prepares to knock, and he does not know what she reads in his tormented face, but what he reads on hers is something desperate.
He takes a step, not a step in place like she's stepping back to let him pass, but a step towards her without thinking. And she looks at him, to the bottom of his soul.
The Home Plate engulfs them in the security of its walls for what happens next. But one thing is certain, when the detective reopens the door to retrieve the file falling there, he would need to adjust his tie and his fedora.
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cas-backwards-tie · 2 years
Chapter One: The Dreaded Wedding
The Darkling's Secret Weapon
General Kirigan x Samantha Vercozki
Summary: Fulfilling a promise to your father --the king-- on his deathbed, your older brother Ivanoff arranges a deal with The Darkling for your safety and well-being.
Words: 2.1k
Warnings: Politics, Arranged Marriage, Religion, Classism,
A/N: Truthfully, I haven't read the books, and while I've done some research, I just hope that someone likes the take I have on this world and its characters, and I'm glad to be able to get these scenarios out of my mind. I've also never written for an OC, let alone my OC, so... I guess we'll see how it goes!
"min lille trassel" = my little troublemaker
"ja bror" = yes, brother
"pe gjorde bra" = you did good
"fadder skulle vara stolt" = father would be proud
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It wasn’t entirely unexpected she’d wind up in this position, yet that didn’t mean she liked it. Marrying someone you’ve only heard of through tortured ghost stories and rumors isn’t anywhere near what she’d hoped her life would amount to. And yet here she is. It was a quick deal, one that ended in a swift matter considering that time was of the essence. At least, that’s not what Fjerda wanted the Ravkans to think. Her older brother Ivanoff kept incessantly pushing for it, insisting that it need be done… but he would never mention why other than the fact that it was your father’s deathbed wish.
“It’s a matter of safety, min lille trassel,” he quipped. “You know this, and it’s not up for discussion any further.”
“Ja, bror.” Though Nathalye–her older sister–is headed toward coronation in a week’s time, Ivanoff is still under authority in light of your father’s ailment.
All the fancy embroidery in the veil makes it hard to see through the lace in various given points, the world a blur of colors as she walks down the aisle to the matrimonial music the orchestra provides. Yet the blur of black at the end of the aisle, she knows, is her soon-to-be husband: The Darkling. A political arrangement at best, her life sentence at its worst. Though she's tried desperately to rid her mind of any preconceived judgments, attitudes, or prejudice, it proves far more difficult than she’d imagined. Without moving her head from anywhere other than directly in front of her, an embroidered flower in the veil makes it hard to get a good look at said, soon-to-be-husband.
“She’s nervous,” Ivan whispers to The Darkling. Everyone’s eyes in the Grand Palace are laid upon the veiled bride being escorted by her older brother down the aisle. “Maybe she’ll turn around before it’s too late.” Feydor bites the inside of his cheeks as he attempts to conceal the smile tempting to draw itself across his lips. Hands clasped behind his back, Kirigan reruns the agreement through his mind over and over as he debates how he’ll get himself out of this one.
“If anything, it should be no problem for you, considering you’ll live twice the length of her life, if not more. All we ask is that you marry her. A guarantee that her life will be protected and prosperous as she lives in your home by your side.” He’d prepared his speech time and time again for countless days on end after sending his letter to Ravka. They are enemies, but perhaps, with a little coaxing and an agreeable exchange on their part, his little sister will be safe from the fate his father seems inexplicably certain will unfold.
While he knows her ambassadorial skills will come in handy, Kirigan isn’t sure the benefits of this exchange are worth his hand in marriage. Nonetheless, the Grand Marshall–her brother–wasn’t wrong in deeming her mortality something of unimportance to him. He’d never had anyone by his side before, and neither will he in the future. Not truly, anyhow. She may present at his side as his ‘wife’, but it’s nothing simpler than any other title. A title. Regardless of their inner life, he’s no more than elated it will elevate his status to Prince on her behalf. As she approaches the altar, his eyes shift down to try and catch her own. Even through the lace, he can tell that she’s staring back at him with, no doubt, a fearful expression he imagines.
Standing upon the altar, Samantha doesn’t falter as Ivanoff’s arm leaves hers. She clutches at her bouquet tighter, hazel eyes raising to meet the dark eyes of General Kirigan. Despite the veil, she swears he can see straight into her soul. It doesn’t register in her mind that the music comes to a dwindle as they seemingly stare at one another through the thin piece of cloth between them.
“We are gathered here today before your Royal Highnesses, your witnesses, and above all, the Saints, to witness the holy matrimony of Princess Samantha Vercozki and our very own, General Kirigan.
We thank the Saints for all the blessings that brought us here today, and those that brought Samantha and Kirigan together to make this day possible. We are thankful for the blessings of another day with our loved ones and grateful for this day where we can be joined by friends and family, some of whom traveled great distances to be here today.
Love and marriage are truly one of the Saint's greatest gifts and accomplishments. It fills us all with love and allows that love to grow exponentially by sharing it with someone else. By giving selflessly to another, we make ourselves stronger and our lives that much richer. It’s truly one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given.”
It proves difficult to stand still and listen as the Apparat raves on about the wonders of love and all that it seemingly has to offer. He knows, she knows, and he’s sure they all know this will be a loveless marriage that ensues. While the Tsarita may be Fjerdan, that does not excuse the criminal sins the other side has committed during the ongoing war. While an ambassador may prove to change the standing of their country's relationship, it will not erase what prejudiced and insolent behavior the drüskelle commit.
“Now I ask that the couple stand facing one another with their hands intertwined. You may lift the veil,” the Apparat gently suggests, seeing as the General has made no move to do so yet.
Samantha sucks in a quiet but sharp breath, not having expected this part to come so soon. Turning to face her enemy, someone takes the bouquet away, in turn leaving her hands free.
Without warning, he carefully lifts the delicate fabric of her veil up and over her head, pushing it back over her shoulders. Able to look one another in the eye now, Samantha finds her breath lost under his dark gaze. Kirigan holds his breath, eye twitching as he takes her in. There have been rumors of the beauty and grace she’d held, how seemingly most of the Fjerdan people took love in their beloved Ambassador. He hadn’t believed them. There’s no possible explanation for one person wooing an entire country simply by looks unless they held some sort of power… and yet, he finds himself speechless as he stands before her. Quickly resuming action, he grasps her hands loosely.
The chill of his eerie touch does nothing to quell the anxiety stirring within her. Wasting no time, as he’d cherish nothing more than getting this over with, he takes her much smaller hands into his own. Something shifts within him at the warm touch of her fingers grazing his wrists. Though Fjerdan, her touch isn’t cold like he’d expected.
“Samantha, do you promise to love, honor, cherish and respect Kirigan above all others, from this day forward until your very last breath?”
Tummy swirling with anxiety, hope, and fear, she feels dizzy at the thought of giving her life away to him… The Darkling. But there’s no going back now. With a thick swallow, she slowly nods her head. “I do.”
“And do you, Kirigan, promise to love, honor, cherish, and respect Samantha above all others, from this day forward until your very last breath?” The Apparat raises an eyebrow in wait, an obvious unspoken energy held between the pair before him. Eyes remain locked on the target they stand across from.
“I do.”
The Apparat gestures for the rings, The Darkling’s Oprichniki Ivan securing them from his pocket and handing them over.
“These rings represent love, pure and simple. The love the Saints have for all creatures great and small and the love you two have for one another. When you place this ring on your partner’s finger, know that you are giving them not just the gift of a ring, but also the gift of love our creator has filled you with.”
“Kirigan, please repeat after me.” the Apparat hands him the ring. Words softly spoken, the General turns his gaze from the Apparat back down toward the bride. Turning the ring over in his palm so it’ll be face up, he gently takes her left hand and starts to slide it on.
“Samantha, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give to you my heart and soul. They are yours forevermore.”
Eyes shifting from the onyx stones encased within a golden band sliding onto her ring finger, she looks up to meet an unreadable gaze. Heart flip-flopping in her chest, she’d give anything to tell how he feels in this moment, right now. Reading people has always been a talent of hers, and yet… it seems with him she can’t grasp an inkling toward what’s really going on in his mind.
“Samantha, please repeat after me.”
With the thick black band placed in her hand, she turns it over until she spots a symbol. A black circle eclipsed by gold. It must be the front, she thinks, so she takes his much larger, chilly hand into her own as she begins to carefully slide it on.
“Kirigan, please accept this ring as a token of my true, pure love for you. With this, I give to you my heart and soul. They are yours forevermore.” Lingering on the last two words, Samantha suddenly decides that whatever her life will be, will be. At this moment in time, there is no use worrying over something that may or may not come to pass.
“By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Determined not to show any fear, she instead lets herself be present, hopeful, and open to surprises. He, on the other hand, feels an uncomfortable pit in his stomach. Though there are only a few people present, it makes him no less unpleased that two of the people witnessing this are the Tsar and Tsarita. With expectation, he doesn’t let his emotions overcome his duty as he leans down and cups her tender cheek in his hand. Firmly placing his lips against hers, he closes his eyes and leans into it, embraced by the softness he meets.
It’s sudden and stable, the way his plush-looking lips press against her own. A spark courses through her body, starting at her toes and by the time it reaches her lips she finds him gone. Ended too soon, she can see in his eyes now that there’s an inkling of surprise and uncomfortability as he attempts to straighten his kefta. The chatter amongst the witnesses begins as they ‘aww’ and ‘ooh’ at the various wedding aspects, conversing about the pivotal moment they’d all just seen.
“Pe gjorde bra,” Ivanoff compliments, “fadder skulle vara stolt.” With a pat on the back, he looks over her shoulder at the General before meeting her eye again. “Unfortunately, I cannot stay.” He uncomfortably shifts the belt on his waist, waiting for a response. When all he’s met with is a surprised and saddened look, his face softens slightly. Ivanoff leans down, making sure no one else is able to see the softened shift in expression. “You’re safe now. Nathalye will make things difficult, but… we can, perhaps, write.”
With a nod, your brother hugs you tightly before offering his goodbyes to the other people present. A groan tears you away from his retreating figure as you find the source. Your husband. The Heartrender beside him chuckles, eyes flicking from his General over to you. “I’ll see you there,” he responds to whatever his General had said before the red-jacketed man steps down from the altar and begins his exit of the chapel.
“I suppose you’d like to head to the reception?” The Darkling offers his arm, a gesture you appreciate, though aren’t sure you should take. In your moment of deliberation, you’re saved by an entirely new presence.
“Actually, she’s coming with me. She needs to change before the reception. We’ll see you there?” A red-headed woman stands chipper by your side, her blue eyes expectant as she stands in a very formal manner.
“Unfortunately,” he responds, an irritated look on his face, while his body seems to relax. Skipping down the altar steps, he strides after his friend who’d left.
“I’m Genya. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I can’t say we’ve had an Ambassador from Fjerda before. Let’s go get you ready for your reception, shall we?” Extending her arm in a similar manner to the General, you readily take it, much more enthused to be around her pleasant attitude than the grisly one your husband had shown.
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @jynzandtonic , @safarigirlsp
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Movie Chronicles
Mama Mia!, written by Catherine Johnson and directed by Phyllida Lloyd starring Amanda Seyfried, Meryl Streep, and Pierce Brosnan just to name a few. The film incorporates popular Swedish 70’s band ABBA’s music while following the journey of Sophie, a bride to be as she tries to pin down just who her father is. The film was released in 2008 and was the fifth highest grossing film of the year, coming in at 609.8 million USD. 
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Growing up this film was a fundamental part of my childhood, and even into my adult life it has left its mark. My mother was big into musicals so when the film was released she immediately watched it with my sister and I. Although we were too young to comprehend much of what was happening, the soundtrack was what kept us hooked. We continued watching the film for the music, but became infatuated with the plot. We saw my younger sister in the main character Sophie, so to this day when I hear “Thank You For The Music”, I always remember Mama Mia!. 
Although I don’t watch the film quite as often as I once did when I was a young child, it still holds a special place in my childhood. I plan on keeping the tradition going one day when I’m a mother, and hope my kids will find comfort and love the movie quite as much as I did. 
When my mom and I discussed how this film impacted my childhood she had very similar recollections of the same memories I shared. Singing along to the soundtrack in the car, dancing to the movie in the living room, and always seeing my sister in the character Sophie.
The Hunger Games, first a novel written by Suzanne Collins, and turned into a film and directed by Gary Ross, was released in 2012, and starred Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutchinson, Liam Hemswoth and others. The film grossed 694.4 million USD and was followed by three more films in the franchise. The disturbing backstory behind the film follows Katniss Everdeen, as she is forced to kill 23 other tributes in order to save herself, but things get complicated when she takes a liking toward the other half of her district team, Peeta Mellark. 
For reference I was eight years old when the film premiered. My mom who had read all the available books in the series at the time insisted on taking me, her first grade aged daughter to see the movie in theaters. I had no idea what I was walking into, and as most young kids would probably be disturbed by 24 kids killing each other on the big screen, I found it to be fascinating, and even to this day it is my favorite movie. 
The whole franchise had me captivated for years to come, and I became invested in the on and off screen lives of the actors. Jennifer Lawrence is my favorite actress because of The Hunger Games and I now see any film she stars in. I probably binge the franchise at least three times a year, so I definitely still like viewing the movie and haven’t moved past it. 
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Lady Bird, written and directed by Greta Gerwig, is an angsty, coming of age film, following “Lady Bird”, a 17 year-old girl growing up in Sacramento, CA, in 2002. This film premiered in 2017 and grossed 79 million USD. The film stars actors such as Saoirse Ronan and Timothee Chalamet. 
I began viewing this film in my early teenage years, and found parts of the story to be very relatable. At this time I had just transferred to catholic school and wasn’t fond of it. Lady Bird also attends a catholic school that she doesn’t particularly enjoy. She is also a somewhat awkward character who feels behind in her teenage experiences, and that's what I found most relatable. She also butts heads with her mother throughout the entire movie, especially over college, and during my junior/senior year of high school, tensions were high between me and my parents for the same reason. 
Although I don’t watch the film as often as I once did I still appreciate the importance it had at one point in my life, and although I’m no longer the person I was when I once related to the film, I still enjoy watching it remembering the point in my life I was when I loved the movie. 
This was a movie I watched alone most times, so when I talked to my mom about it she didn't have much to say, but I decided to get my sisters point of view on it and she remembered the point in my life where I would watch it on repeat. She agreed when I told her how I felt like many of the experiences Lady Bird goes through directly related to my life. She got a better understanding of why I enjoyed watching the film so often.
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The Hangover written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, and filmed by Todd Phillips is a comedy that follows five best friends on a bachelor party trip to Vegas. A lot of crazy turns of events lead to the groom getting lost, and as the wedding approaches the rest of the guys are forced to try to remember the night they last had. The 2009 film starring Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifanackis, Ed Helms and more grossed 469.3 million USD. 
This movie has become a comfort movie for me and is a go to for my boyfriend and I. We watch this movie probably once a month and never get sick of it. Although the movie itself doesn't hold a ton of meaning to me, the memories associated with it certainly do. My family and I also enjoy watching it so the film just reminds me of laughs with my loved ones. 
When chatting with my boyfriend about the film, he immediately agreed this was our movie. He noted that sharing the love for a funny movie like this one made easing into our relationship a lot easier as we shared a similar humor.
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bumbleclan · 1 year
BumbleClan: Moons 25-27
There's been quite the happenings in BumbleClan! lets get right to it
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Thoughts before the New Moon:
Outside of BumbleClan territory, Whisker wonders if Clan life is the only way to live with others. pspspsppss ooooo u wanna join bumbleclan SO bad ooooooo
Haventail wishes to spend time alone, Quarter worries for the young molly :(
Stoatstalk STILL feeling that since of dread. honey whats going on
Flowerkit hides away deep in the nursery from other cats, their parent struggled to find them under the moss bedding.
Away from Fawnroot's dreadful visions, Moonthistle and Runnelkit are conversing, looking to visit one of the medicine cats soon
Moon 25:
Stoatstalk's claw wound has finally healed, alongside Brokenspots tail, although the former cat ended up with a thorn in her paw after falling to a prank.
Gracklegorse complains that Flowerkit doesn't do enough around camp. Kokichi finds this behavior uncomfortable and so do I grackle he is Just a Little Boy
After scolding Flowerkit for attempting to play in the medicine den, Mudfur helps the cats sort herbs. The raspberries have gone bad, they'll have to replace them soon.
Howlpaw checks on Stoatstalk after he exits the medcine den, properly healed. He appreciates his little sisters concern.
Kokichi confines in Sunstar, worrying about being the only cat who kept their original name. Sunstar assures him that he's a respected member of the Clan, regardless of name. The two become closer after this discussion.
Flowerkit spends time at the fresh kill pile with Haventail and Buzzardpoppy, listening to the warrior siblings tell him all kinds of tales.
Yewpaw began a trivial bicker with his sister. Howlpaw asks whats wrong and discovers her brother's recent depression regarding getting sick so soon after becoming an apprentice. She promises Yewpaw that he'll become a fine warrior once he recovers.
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Quartermoon assists Brokenspots in bonding with Flowerkit, the latter hoping they'll get chosen to mentor this kit instead.
Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Runnelkit doesn't fully understand what being in StarClan means. okay. wails
Sunstar continues to insist she deserves ten lives instead of nine. love u bbgrl
Gracklegorse must speak with his mate soon about something he found on patrol??? oh???
Flowerkit is shaken by a nightmare, Plumshine does their best to soothe the kit.
Hazelbloom rests his head on his mate's back, daydreaming blissfully. Stoatskip doesn't react, only hoping that Gracklegorse doesn't send him out on next patrol.
Brokenspots hopes Sunstar has noticed her improvement this moon. It's ok i notice u Brokenspots
The medicine cats were able to gather moss, daisy, burdock, betony, poppy, and wild garlic this moon. Yewpaw is given a treatment of plantain for his whitecough.
Outside of Clan territories, Whisker debates finding housefolk to care for her in his old age :(
From StarClan, Fawnroot is looking to visit Howlpaw in a dream soon.... is this about the Yewpaw demise you keep forseeing.
Sunstar and Gracklegorse take Howlpaw out into the woods to practice her climbing skills. Their daughter listens carefully, and is able to practice proper tree climbing technique with no trouble. Gracklegorse praises her for being a natural learner.
The medicine cats embark on an herb gathering patrol. While padding through BumbleClan territory, Squirrelface tells Featherfoot of a dream she had where she was visited by Moonthistle, who told her visitors were coming from the sea to grow the Clan's numbers, bringing strong mists and heavy rain. Featherfoot shakes his head, unable to make sense of the dream.
Stoatstalk takes Plumshine. Stoatstalk, and Hazelbloom out on border patrol. As they approach border lines, they hear a sound coming from a nearby bush. Before Stoatskip can approach to check in, a loner emerges, 3 kits following in toe. They explain that they used to live out on something called a "boat" with Twolegs, but left after realizing they were going to have kits. She says she wishes to join BumbleClan, and the patrol leads them back to camp to talk with Sunstar, who happily agrees.
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Kokichi takes her kits and Brokenspots out hunting. the patrol locates a fox scavenging a large deer fawn carcass. Kokichi leads the charge, the other three cats harrassing the fox long enough for her to deal a devastating blow to it's hindlegs, causing it to run away, it's not likely to live long after such an injury. The hunting party triumphantly brings back their spoils, this will keep the Clan fed for the rest of the moon. (the leg injury was explained a bit more squeamishly in-game kokichi what the HELL) (edited)
Thoughts before the new moon:
From StarClan, Runnelkit is imagining what it would be like to be medicine cat. MAN..............WAILS
Fawnroot is also curious abt what Haventail's doin. She is purring loudly, hanging out in the clearing with her brother and Stoatskip, who are gossiping about Squirrelface's latest prophecy that lead to their newest Clan members.
Flowerkit is running like a whirlwind around camp, After getting her tailed pounced the other day, Quartermoon wishes the kit would play a bit more quietly.
After Yewpaw was caught almost sneaking out while sick and without a warrior, Howlpaw is spending a considerate amount of time grooming herself, embarrassed but sympathetic towards her brother's actions.
Shenzibat watches Brokenspots escort the medicine cats. Curious about the fellow ex-kittypet.
luckey number moments lets go-Buzzard and Haven and also both 22 moons old! almost 2 years,,,they grow up so fast
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Moon 26:
Yewpaw has recovered from whitecough! His sister, however, twisted her paw on some rocks. the ol' switcharoo...
Gracklegorse finds a feather he thinks of keeping for himself, but Poppykit sees it and attempts to claim it for themself, the feather ends up destroyed.
Haventail mock spars with Poppykit....haventail u are my everything
Brokenspots small cut has healed! yahoo!!!
Haventail is actually miss popular today- Listening to her father's troubles, Swapping prey with Featherfoot, Plumshine asking how shes doin... everyone loves her finally :3
Poppykit stands tall when Yewpaw exists the medicine den. I like this kid
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Poppykit and Mistykit both receive a nip on the rump after troublemaking. Rainkit only wishes to snuggle with their mother for today.
The medicine cats are able to successfully gather moss, wild garlic, poppy, mallow, raspberries and cobwebs, greatly restocking their herb supply.
Sunstar is finding leadership to be a very heavy burden to carry. Meanwhile Gracklegorse wonders who will give him his nine lives when he becomes leader. I once again remind u mx that ur wife still has all nine lives and is not that old.
Haventail is rethinking her life choices...whats wrong bbgrl.
Outside of Clan territories, Whiskers wonders where they'll go when they die. okay. ouch
Razzle is hiding form a dog...stay safe out there king.
From StarClan, Runnelkit is following Moonthistle around, whos silently missing his brother :(((
Howlpaw had a strange dream... wonder what it was about
Before patrols start, Featherfoot considers taking on an apprentice 👀well we got 3 new goo gagas and Flower's apprentice ceremony is ever approaching, keep ur head up king
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Haventail is put on kitten-sitting duty for the day while Plumshine and Shenzibat go to stretch their legs. The young she-cat struggled to prevent Flowerkit from pouncing Buzzardpoppy's tail, but the younger three are a little easier for her to manage, Poppykit talking her's ear off about how excited she is for her apprentice ceremony, despite being many moons away, and Rainkit playing with a lone stick by himself while their brother, Mistykit, refuses to eat some herbs for a minor tummyache.
With Yewpaw out of the medicine den, Kokichi takes him to catch up on training, Buzzardpoppy and Haventail tag along. The three focus on training the young tom on current hunting techniques. Yewpaw gets really into it, and Haventail praises him for his enthusiasm.
Stoatskip and Hazelbloom head out on a patrol together. While passing underneth the canopy, Hazelbloom notices some pawprints in the mud. The two cats find a trespassing rogue, and work together to chase the intruder off BumbleClan Territory.
The medicine cats embark to restock their herb supplies. As they walk along the Clan's territory, Golddawn tells of a dream she had the previous nice, curious if it could be a vision from StarClan. Featherfoot shakes his head, and Squirrelface can think of no proper sense in the potential vision. No herbs were found.
Sunstar and Gracklegorse head out to hunt together, as they stretch their legs with a good run and tear through the forest, Gracklegorse spots momvent out of the corner of his eye. They gleefully bounce off a tree to redirect themselves and tackle a surprised mouse. Sunstar skids to a halt, eyes shining at the catch. The two share a few laughs on their way back to camp. (edited)[3:16 PM]
The final border patrol of the moon is lead by Stoatstalk, he takes Brokenspots and Plumshine with him. As they check out border lines, the trio hear a traispe of pawsteps through the territory. They discover a kittypet sniffing around, the cat hissies and bristles when they notice the patrol. Stoatstalk however calmly introduces himself, and manages to relax the kittypet with conversation. She introduces herself as Valentino, and when Stoatstalk asks if she'd like to join the clan, she agrees! Brokenspots smiles at the thought of another kittypet joining the Clan.
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When Quartermoon hears of Valentino's life at sea, she happily introduces her to Shenzibat. The queen is still tired from caring for kits, but the two seem to have a good time getting to know each other.
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Thoughts before the new moon:
Runnelkit is judging Poppykit from StarClan hello????
Squirrelface hears the voices of StarClan cats... is it runnelkit talking shit mayhaps
Stoatskip watches as Kokichi puts Yewpaw through a rather rigorous training session, and wonders if the young tom is alright.
Stoatstalk and Hazelbloom spend the day chatting and sharing jokes together, Hazelbloom claiming to be the funniest cat in the Clan.
Brokenspots wonders how Haventail is doing, who wonders how Stoatstalk is doing. the girls are Thinkin. Pondering even
Howlpaw asks her mother how she can best help around camp depsite her injury. Sunstar, currently fighting her own battle of doubting her leadership, simply urges her daughter to keep resting until the wound heals.
While Haventail helps Mudfur practice her balance, Poppykit bounds over to the older cats and asks where kittens come from. the two simply share an awkward glance to one another.
Outside the Clan, Whisker was chased out of the shelter she was staying in :( pspspsppsps ohhh you want to join the clan ohhhhhh
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Rainkit sneaks into the medicine den, quietly pondering who his mentor will be. young man u have a habit of sneaking out of the nursery and sniffing around the starclan-connected dens. i love you so much
Moon 27:
Hazelbloom and Stoatskip return from a hunt, but with something else instead of fresh kill. The golden tom places down a small tortieshell, while his mate explains the situation. "She was near by the Twoleg place" Stoatskip starts, "But she was pretty far from the fence, and too young to be out there on her own..." he begins to grimace. "They must have left her there.". The three medicine cats check her over, and let the warrior take her to the nursery to care for her after giving her a clean bill of health. Hazelbloom has named her Claykit.
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Quartermoon...tries to convince Rainkit to run away with her???? anyway
Lungwort, thyme, and daisy is gathered the first week of this moon. As Squirrelface inspects the herb stores, she notes to her companions that they will need to gather more goldenrod soon, as the current supply has gone bad. Howlpaw is given elder leaves for her sprain.
Kokichi has gotten a stomachache :(
Rainkit was apparently worried by Quartermoon's words, and goes to let out his frustrations to Buzzardpoppy, who lends an ear to the kit
Haventail wants to spend more time with Mistykit! Haventail mentor arc pending
With his stomachache, Kokichi is having extra difficulty reaching a spot to groom, Quartermoon offers to help, and the tom happily agrees and gives them his earnest thanks.
Plumshine has TWO sunbaths, the first at the start of the week with Howlpaw and Stoatskip, the second a few days later with Yewpaw and Squirrelface.
While in the nursery for a routine check-up on the kits, Squirrelface tells Shenzibat a little more about medicine cat life, and the queen learns it's much harder than they had thought initially.
Valentino wants to spend more time with Stoatstalk!! :D
Bonus: screams and wails and screams and wails
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Thoughts and In-Camp actions:
Quartermoon wants to get to know Rainkit better. Golddawn, meanwhile, wishes the kit would play a bit more quietly. (... is kidnapping possible im so scared quarter bbgrl this isnt like you) After checking with the official tumblr, kitnapping is not possible so Quartermoon evil arc is cancelled. thank god
Plumshine excitedly plays games with their son, and lets him win every time 🥺💜
Yewpaw wants to know Brokenspots better! Friendship for her...
Mudfur wishes the other's would quit pitying her, she lost her tail moons ago, she's fine!
From StarClan, Moonthistle is worried about the Clan, Fawnroot is judging Featherfoot, and Runnelkit hopes they'll be remembered... okay so asplodes
Gracklegorce entrusts the first patrol to Plumshine, who decides to take Valentino with them to show around the territory, Kokichi and Yewpaw tag along. While on their trip to the far corners of the forest, Plumshine tries to tell the others a story to keep everyone entertained, but bushes and undergrowth block the noise of their meows, so they give up.
The three medicine cats embark to restock their herbs, Stoatstalk decides to go with them. They head to their usual elder tree to gather more leaves, it's tiring and risky work, but the leaves are gathered with little trouble and the patrol returns to store their new bounty and rest.
Brokenspots, Buzzardpoppy, and Haventail go out to train together, but before they can begin the two sibling warriors begin arguing amoungst themselves over their recent kit-sitting duties. Buzzardpoppy thinks it's pointless, that the queens should be the ones watching the kits, while his sister thinks the queen deserve a break from time to time. When they can't come to an agreement, they turn their disgruntled gaze towards Brokenspots, as if asking for her to settle things. The younger molly nods her head, agreeing that the kits can be a pawful, but asks Buzzardpoppy to imagine handling them every day like the queens do. The tom sits there for a minute, and nods his head, admiting wrong this time.
Sunstar and Gracklegorse invite Hazelbloom and Stoatskip to hunt with them, the toms happily agree. Stoatskip is the first to make a catch, but the warrior is almost tempted to eat it now, not having eaten much since caring for Claykit. While the rest of the patrol isn't looking, he gives in. After all, it sounds like the other's are catching plenty already, he even sees Gracklegorse drag two large rabbits into small clearing, another mouse would over-encumber the group, so he has his quick snack and the group return to camp, none the wiser.
Final thoughts/actions
Howlpaw begs her mother to be made a warrior early, Sunstar almost considers, but it's Gracklegorse that reminds her that even if Howlpaw was to be made warrior now, she's still resting her sprain, and that combined with her lack of skill would be a recipe for disaster for their daughter. Yewpaw promises his sister to train with her every day when she's all better.
Valentino wants to get to know Golddawn better!
wh. what do you Mean. Shenzibat hasn't been seen for a while. you mean she's just been holed up in the nursery right. shes just with her babies right.
Mudfur tells scary stories to the kits, starting with a dramatisized version of how she lost her tail, Rainkit snuggles up to her for comfort, while his brother plays brave, calling her bluff with stuttered mews. Poppykit hasn't been pating attention, instead leaving to go chase Kokichi's tail.
Flowerkit bats a pebble around the nursery, careful not to wake a sleeping Claykit. He knows his apprentice ceremony is coming up. He's both excited and nervous to who his mentor could be.
Outside the clan, Whisker watches Razzle through a window, jealous of the protection and food the Twolegs give him.
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Imagine being Azula’s friend but secretly dating Zuko behind her back
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One of the first things you and Azula bonded over was your annoying brothers. Azula told you how her brother had stolen one of her best friends away from her and you related to that. Your twin brother was none other than Sokka of the water tribe, who was also very popular with women. Most of the women you knew liked him, from Yue to Toph to Suki to Ty lee! It sometimes felt like you were the second attraction in a friendship and so you and Azula quickly became close over your shared frustrations.
Then....you betrayed her.
Well, betrayal is a bit dramatic but maybe not given how upset she'd been when Mai and Zuko started dating. You knew that had been hard for Azula to process.  How difficult it had been wondering if her friends really liked her or just wanted access to her brother. So when you started liking Zuko you didn’t plan on acting on it at all. Then Mai broke up with him. 
Zuko was around at yours quite often, whenever he visited the water tribe he stayed in your home and when you visited the fire nation he extended the same hospitality. So throughout the years, you just naturally got closer and closer until....it happened. You started hanging out just the two of you and these occasions felt very date-like until Zuko just outright asked you out. You liked him and told yourself one date was fine, what harm could a single date do? But then as you kept seeing each other and one date soon progressed into many many more you knew your time to do the right thing and tell Azula you were dating her brother was approaching. 
However the idea of doing that idea terrified you. You guessed Azula wouldn’t take it well and didn’t want to lose your friendship with her because of your relationship with Zuko. You wouldn’t break up with Zuko just to make her happy but you also didn’t want to lose Azula’s friendship, so when Katara’s birthday arose you were fairly nervous. There was going to be a large party and all of Katara’s friends were coming...which included Zuko and Azula. You hadn’t been together with everyone since you and Zuko started dating so you had no idea how it would feel. The whole time you and Zuko would have to convincingly act like you weren’t a couple and not make anyone at the party suspicious of the two of you. So when Zuko’s ship got in you fixed your eyes on Azula and tried not to stare at him any more than usual. You greeted him formally and didn’t admire him as you usually would. You fell in step with Azula and decided just to focus on her. It wasn’t hard, you were best friends and very close...however fate was not on your side. You got seated across from him at dinner which felt like some sick punishment and struggled not to get lulled into conversation with him. It didn’t help that Zuko was in a playful mood. He kept making comments about the things you’d done on your date and then sending you sly looks across the table. When you met his eye he smirked blatantly and you lightly kicked him under the table. That only made Zuko chuckled and look adorable so you sighed and decided to just keep your eyes down the whole time to survive dinner. 
However, Zuko had no intention of stopping his teasing. After dinner you set about preparing the party for Katara tomorrow and having sent Sokka, Aang, Suki, Azula and Toph on their assigned jobs turned to your job of decorating. You were hanging streamers in the living room when you felt a hand curl around your waist. “Need some help there?” Zuko asked moving closer and he leaned up over you to hang it. “I could have done that myself” you smiled turning to face him and Zuko shrugged “I know you could’ve, but then I wouldn’t have been able to do this”. Zuko gently kissed your neck trailing down to your collar bone making you sigh. “Zuko...stop” you said faint heartedly and Zuko sensed that smirking "I don’t want to and you don’t want me to either, I can tell by how softly you said my name" he smiled "it’s been so long since we’ve had any time together". Your skin erupted in goosebumps and a shiver went down your spine as Zuko pressed closer against you. But you knew how badly this could end if literally anyone walked in. So swiftly you grabbed Zuko’s hands and twisted your way out of them. You held them tightly in one hand so he couldn’t try and slink around you again and used the other to make him look at you "Zuko we can’t okay, not on this trip. God knows i want to, i’ve missed you too but there’s too much that could go wrong i’m sorry". Zuko sighed but nodded his head "don’t worry i understand". Zuko’s shoulders sagged and you knew your insistance on keeping this quiet was difficult for him. "Thank you for understanding" you said hugging him quickly "i know it can’t be easy for you and I appreciate the effort you're going to for me". Zuko smiled resting his head on top of yours "it’s fine, i’d do a lot more for you if you asked but promise me it won’t always be like this....we will tell everyone soon?". You gulped but nodded pulling away "i promise, i will tell Azula...soon!". Zuko nodded “I believe you” and let his hands drop away from you. Not a moment later Sokka and Aang appeared in the room making the two of you jump. “Zuko just the man we need! We were thinking of making an ice sculpture, fancy some fire bending?”. Zuko nodded “sure” and with a last glance to you left the room. 
Hours later the party preparations finished you returned to your room which you were sharing with Azula for her visit. “Sokka made me blow up balloons” she said angrily “something about fire benders being full of hot air”. You smirked at your brother’s nerve when Azula’s next sentence wiped it off your face.  "Also I think Zuko’s dating someone again" Azula said softly and you paused. "Ow really?" you asked and she nodded "he’s been spending a suspicious amount of time in the southern water tribe lately. Lots of visits which he claims are diplomatic but I can’t work out what he actually does here! He doesn’t know that many people and so it got me thinking, y/n do you think your brother and mine....". "No Sokka's still with Suki" you said shaking your head. Azula sighed “and it’s obviously not Katara, she and Aang are basically married, have you seen him hanging around anyone else? He doesn’t know many people so it should be easy to spot". You paused pretending to think but were really just trying to buy yourself time. "Honestly i don’t pay much attention to him when he visits" you said cleverly covering your back "but i will from now on and let you know". "Thank you y/n" Azula smiled. You smiled back relieved Azula didn’t suspect anything and let out a large breath you’d been holding for this entire conversation. You were now more than ready for sleep and got into bed hurriedly. You laid your head on your pillow and closed your eyes utterly exhausted. 
"Goodnight y/n" Azula called and you nodded. You were very sleepy and after a long yawn smiled "good night Zuko".
You realised the name you’d said seconds after it came out of your mouth. 
You froze
As did azula.
"Did you just call me Zuko...". You blinked "did i? I’m sure i said Azula". Azula was quiet for 2 seconds before she shot up "it’s you!" she cried "you're the one my brother’s dating!". "No Azula that’s crazy!!! We'd just been discussing Zuko, that’s why he was on my mind!". Azula shook her head "you're lying! I can tell by the tone of your voice! You’re the new girlfriend aren’t you?". You sighed "Azula i’m sorry i was going to tell you...". "I can’t believe you" Azula yelled and suddenly the door opened. "What’s wrong?" Sokka and Zuko asked bursting in “we heard yelling” and Azula glared. "You! Couldn't just have Mai huh? Had to take another one of my friends? How about when you’re done with y/n you try things with Ty lee?". "Ow she told you...." Zuko frowned awkwardly. "No i worked it out!” Azula spat “Y/n accidentally uttered your name because she’s so lovesick" Azula cried "you both make me sick" and she strode away slamming the front door hard as she exited the house.
After Azula left you all looked at one another unsure what to do or say next. "So...you two are a thing?" Sokka asked and Zuko paused "yes...is your reaction going to be as bad as Azula’s or can i go deal with her?". Sokka shook his head "go deal with her before she burns the village down”. Zuko went to move past Sokka when your brother put a hand to his chest "but come back and see me after, me and Katara will want to talk to you about dating our sister". Zuko surprisingly looked intimidated and nodded "I'll be right back". "Zuko wait i should come too" you called "this is as much my fault as yours". Zuko nodded "let’s go" and led you outside into the cold night after Azula.
You found Azula trekking in the snow and as she wasn’t in proper shoes you gained on her quickly. “Azula!” you called and she jumped. She looked around and glared “ow look the happy couple, how nice of you to grace me with your presence”. Zuko rolled his eyes “only you’d be so attention-seeking to make this about you”. “Attention seeking? Who’s the person who can’t form his own friendships or respect boundaries? No always have to date my friends, is it some weird way for you to gain power over me? A sad way to boost your ego?”. As Zuko and Azula went to square up to each other you stepped between them. “Alright enough the both of you! Zuko please go back to the house, i’ll handle this”. “But she...”. “Zuko please” you said sharply and he nodded “fine” and with a glare left. You watched him go before turning back to Azula. You’d been about to suggest you go home given that Azula was surely freezing out here in the middle of the night but Azula broke into a rant. "Everyone leaves me for him" she cried "Mai! My uncle! Mother! Even my father...after i was smarter, a better fire bender, more loyal and younger he still gave Zuko every little chance and only crowned me after Zuko literally ran away! When will i be good enough people don’t just choose him without a second thought for me?". "Azula i didn’t choose Zuko over you! Just because i like Zuko doesn’t mean i don’t like you still". "That may be true but this changes our friendship completely, it did with Mai! People always prioritise their partners over their friends so i’ll be second best once again". "Are you kidding?" you asked "Azula now i need you more than ever! Relationships aren’t when you ditch your friends, they’re when you need them the most! Who else are you going to go to for a break or a nice getaway? Who else is going to support and love you in only the platonic way a friend can? Who else can i complain about Zuko to when he annoys me or we fight?" you asked "they’re all things you need your friends for! Desperately and that’s going to be the same for me". "But when Mai dated him...". "But i’m not Mai" you smiled softly "Azula we are good friends, i won’t sideline you because of this. You mean just as much to me now as before i started dating Zuko". Azula huffed but you could see her melting. "So...how about we go inside, get some warm milk and talk a bit more about this huh?". You offered Azula your hand and she took it but she didn’t stop there. Azula threw her arms around you and hugged you tightly. "I’m partly doing this for the cold but thank you" she said softly "nobodies ever tried to make me feel supported when they've chosen Zuko, they just tell me to deal with it but you’re the first to try and reassure me and so i know you mean it, to still be my friend". "Of course" you smiled "you're my best friend!". Azula smiled and linked her arm through yours "i like that!”. 
Zuko stared in awe as you and Azula returned grinning. "How did it go is everything okay?". You nodded "your extremely cool sister is fine with it". "Yes i thought this would be a great way to have an inside scoop on you zuzu". "She’s kidding i won’t talk to her about you...a lot". Zuko blinked "okay if everything's okay then i should go speak to Sokka and Katara, they’re waiting for me in the kitchen". Azula smiled "that’s a good idea, when you come back zuzu find me, i have some threats about what will happen if you hurt my best friend". You smiled at Azula and stepped to Zuko "good luck but don’t worry Sokka’s all bite, Katara’s the one to look out for but she has a big heart, just tell her how good a time we’ve had and you’ll be fine". "Good tips, any for my sister?". You smiled "Azula is one i have not worked out yet" you grinned "but i’m sure you’ll manage, you are the firelord after all". Zuko smirked and you patted his shoulder "after your appointment with my brother and sister and then your sister....you could always come find me in your room?". Zuko smiled "is that my motivation for surviving this?". You shrugged "you can think of it as that" and stepped away from him. Zuko watched you before sighing "alright let’s get this over with” he said loudly and strode towards the kitchen.
You turned back to Azula who raised an eyebrow at Zuko’s sudden confidence and she frowned. "Do i even want to know?" Azula asked and you shook your head "no". “Ow and don’t worry if I’m not in our room tonight”. “Euch Y/n!” Azula cried and you shrugged “what? I didn’t say why”. “I know why” she sighed before she smiled “at least I can have your bigger bed”. “Be my guest” you smiled, you had a firelord to get reacquainted with. 
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ginnyweatherby · 2 years
Bit of a different one from my usual style, but I was inspired by a conversation between @magicalmadrigals and I, where we discussed the triplets having a special place for just the three of them.
Word Count: Roughly 1400
Warnings: Brief mentions of miscarriage, but nothing major nor graphic.
They were six years old when the town carpenter gifted them with their beautiful treehouse.  It sat high in the branches, a light beige color with a bright red roof.  It had pictures of a bowl and spoon, a sunburst, and an hourglass carefully hand-painted onto the side.
A birthday present, the carpenter had insisted, refusing Mamá's offer for payment.  Just a little thank you for all the wonderful things the kids had given them.
It quickly became the triplets' favorite spot.  A space where the three of them could relax, and simply enjoy each other's company.
Maybe it was silly to think, but Pepa could have sworn she thundered less under that wooden roof, Bruno's visions seemed less frequent, and Julieta's baking tasted even sweeter than usual.  It was as if the treehouse itself had a magic of its own.
Every afternoon, when their chores were done, the siblings would meet in their special treehouse.  Whether they were rambling about their days, or quietly reading in three separate corners, it didn't matter.
More often than not, they would stay in their fort until the sun went down, or Mamá called them in for dinner.  Whichever came first.
They were twelve years old when Pepa climbed the ladder with tears in her eyes, relieved to see her siblings waiting for her.
They didn't know what had happened - they didn't need to - all they knew was that they'd sensed their sister was upset, and how she'd meet them in their special spot.
They held her as she cried and wailed about a boy who'd kissed her the week before (who she was so certain she was going to marry someday), but who suddenly didn't want anything to do with her.
Thunder and lightning crashed and flashed in the sky around them, but their little treehouse kept the three of them safe and dry while they called the boy names their mamá would have punished them for, had she been around to hear them.
They were fifteen years old when Julieta laid alone in the treehouse, breathing in the comforting scents of wood and tree pollen, waiting for her siblings to join her.
She'd had a particularly rough day, facing some of the most gruesome injuries she'd ever seen, praying her cooking was strong enough.
Every time she closed her eyes, she saw bloodshed, and the sound of pained moans rushed in her ears.  It was as if she couldn't move past the horrible day she'd gone through, and she hated it.
She'd nearly dozed off when she felt two warm bodies curl up on either side of her.
They were twenty five years old when Bruno followed his sisters into the treehouse, wondering how many more times they'd be willing to join him up there.
Julieta was getting married the very next evening, and Pepa was set to follow in just a few months' time.
They sat on the floor and ate cookies until they were sick, just like when they were kids.
His sisters assured him that no matter what, they'd always make time for him - the first and most important man in their lives.
They were twenty eight years old when Julieta and Pepa held two little squirmy bundles in their laps, while Bruno made funny faces for them.
It was different now, so many new people intertwined within their lives.  First spouses, now children.
It was a little overwhelming at times, but Bruno knew his sisters would never fail to be there to hang out and catch up in their special little spot - no matter how many babies they had.
Even if he now also listened to Isabela's babbles or Dolores' cries, it was still his favorite in the world place to be.
They were thirty three years old when it was Julieta's turn to cry.
Except while Pepa had lost a boy all those years ago, Julieta had lost her baby.
She'd been seldom seen for days, only leaving her bedroom to feed her girls breakfast, and to occasionally relieve herself.
She was taking it hard - very hard - and her siblings hated seeing her so broken.
She hadn't needed to speak a single word when she finally emerged from her room.  One look, and both Pepa and Bruno immediately knew where to go.
They held her tightly as she wept, until she could cry no more.
Until all that was left were three aching figures with tear stains drying on their cheeks.
They were forty years old when there were only two bodies in the treehouse.
Pepa and Julieta looked at each other, knees hugged tightly to their chests.  They had spent the last few hours looking for their brother, scared beyond belief.
The moon was high and neither of them knew what time it was, other than long past when they'd usually gone to bed.
It was their final resort, certain if he'd be anywhere, it would be there.  Whenever one of them needed a break, they were always there.
The two women sat in silence, keeping an ear out for any sign of life… any sign of their missing brother.
Neither of them moved until Agustín poked his head in, stating Mirabel was asking for her mother.
They were forty one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine years old when the treehouse sat stagnant. Unused.
Antonio had asked about it once, as he had never seen anyone use it.
No one had the heart to tell him what a special place it really was, only that it wasn't for him to play in.
They were fifty years old when they climbed up the rickety ladder again, reveling in the fact that while Casita had been reduced to rubble, their treehouse remained standing tall.
It was as if time had stopped.  The same knots in the wood, the same shelves against the wall.
There was a grape juice stain still barely visible in the corner that Bruno had spilled many moons ago, if you knew where to look.
The little table and chairs they would taste test Julieta's new recipes on, the homemade rain gauges they'd use to see how much Pepa had stormed that week.
They were different now, that was for certain.  Their knees clicked when they ascended the ladder, their backs ached as they stooped beneath the shallow roof.
But it was… nice, all the same.
The three of them.  Together again.
No one had the heart to say it, but the three of them had long-since given up hope of ever being reunited like this, or to ever step another foot in their fort.
They cuddled together just like the old days.  The days before husbands.  Before children.  Before Bruno's disappearance.
Before the Miracle fell.
When it was just the three of them, against the world.
They stayed up there all night.  Surrounded by blankets and pillows (their middle aged bodies no longer as forgiving to lay flat on the floor), and just caught up.
There was so much Bruno had missed, and so much his sisters wanted to hear from him.
So much lost time to make up for.
Just the sound of each other's voices, cracking little inside jokes here or there.  Jokes so obscure they knew if anyone had overheard, would have thought they'd lost their minds.
And maybe they had, but that was okay.  They had each other, and their spot.
They didn't wake until early rays of sunlight poked through the slatted walls.  They heard noises and voices beneath them, and knew their family were looking for them.
Mamá sounded like a basket case, muttering about how she'd already lost Bruno once, she couldn't lose them all now. They heard Mirabel comforting her, assuring her that they wouldn't have left without warning.  Not this time.
Just as Julieta sat up and rubbed her eyes, intent on climbing down and putting their worries to rest, a tiny head poked in the door.
Antonio.  Sweet little Toñito - whose face broke out into the widest grin at the sight of his mother - called back down to the ground that all three of their missing members had been found and accounted for.  Safe and sound.
As the three of them followed the boy back to the safety of the grass below, they smiled.
No matter how many years passed between them, they would always have their treehouse waiting for them when they returned.
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