#I found almost 0 info on this one
Do you know this queer character?
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Nuch is Transgender and uses she/her pronouns!
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damn-stark · 11 months
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Geto Suguru x Gojo!fem-reader & Choso x Gojo!fem-reader
Summary- Love is a fickle thing isn’t it? Life isn’t so sweet. People are meant to love, lose, and love again; sorcerers like you more than most. You endure pains that non-sorcerers will never experience a speck of in their lifetimes. So much is expected of you not only because you’re a Gojo; a sorcerer from one of the prestigious sorcerer families, but because you were lucky or unlucky to be born special grade as well. All your life you were taught to be one way and follow a path, but remember that pain you get to experience in order to protect the lives of non-sorcerers? Well, that pain gets to you and deviates you down a dark path with Suguru Geto, a man you love, your hope, and the one who stays. Yet that path is dark and twisty, full of surprises that bring life, and loss most of all. When will enough be enough, and will you be able to find that light in a lifetime of darkness you so crave? Will you change your ways after years of defection and thinking you’re right? Do you believe in second chances after what you’ve done?
Moodboard, fighting outfits concepts
Suguru geto x y/n Gojo moodboard, Satoru Gojo x y/n Gojo moodboard, Kento Nanami x y/n Gojo, Choso x Y/N
Chapter 1 Angelfish
Chapter 2 Just a girl
Chapter 3 The first one
Chapter 4 Live for the hope of it all
Chapter 5 Appeasing
Season 2 (Hidden inventory arc)
Chapter 6 Where you are
Chapter 7 The Ballad of a Jujutsu sorcerer
Chapter 8 The world’s a little blurry
Chapter 9 Hearing damage
Chapter 10 I’ll know, I’ll know
Jjk 0 Movie
Chapter 11 It almost worked
Chapter 12 Fallen Angel
Chapter 13 It’s over isn’t it?
Chapter 14 Lost in the darkness
Season 2 (Shibuya Arc)
Chapter 15 The start of something new
Chapter 16 The last supper
Chapter 17 Kill of the night
Chapter 18 Happy birthday, by the way
Chapter 19 I’m sorry for your loss
Chapter 20 Intergalactic
Itadori Execution Arc
Chapter 21 But then I found you
Chapter 22 What never was
Tengen arc
Chapter 23 You’re an angel, I’m a dog
Chapter 24 By saying something stupid like…
Chapter 25 Blood, dragons, curses and black holes
Sukuna v Satoru
Chapter 26 Sweet Gojo
Chapter 27 The sun will shine on us again
Chapter 28 A song for us
Chapter 29 Birthday surprises
Chapter 30 Two can be as bad as one
Chapter 31 All through the night
Chapter 32 Our last goodbye
Chapter 33 Haven’t I given enough?
Chapter 34 Two birds on a wire…
Chapter 35 …One says c’mon and the other says I’m tired
Chapter 36 Be the One Fallen from Grace, be Death
Chapter 37 Strong heart
Chapter 38 Les
Chapter 39 Heart on fire
Chapter 40 once there was a way to get back home
Chapter 41 Thus with a kiss I die
Chapter 42 IFHY
Side stories
Wedding bells (takes place in between chapter 10) takes place in 2008 & 2009
Colors of the wind (takes place in between chapter 10) takes place in 2012
Fun trend not so great (before season 2 starts)
The soul (takes place in ch.17)
Satori info page
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crepes-suzette-373 · 5 months
One Piece Magazine Reiju short story
I recently bought One Piece Magazine to read the Reiju short story. I don't know how to share this experience other than just straight up translating the whole thing, but it was utterly hilarious chaos with the brothers trying to cook and it just ended up being a disastrous mess.
I'll give a summary, I guess...
Reiju and her brothers went to another kingdom for a diplomatic discussion, but once they were done, the Germa ships that were supposed to pick them up got delayed by the weather. The bros can't wait so they demand the locals to be given a ship.
Niji/Yonji: "Oh good, they understand. So we don't have to steal a ship."
Well, they did tell the people that Germa will compensate them, but still.
And yeah, the guys were so hungry that they were like "Even though royals shouldn't do menial things like cooking, we're dying of hunger here so it can't be helped."
All writers apparently agree that Niji misses Sanji like an utter dumbass because in the kitchen he out of nowhere says "Didn't we used to have a younger brother called Sanji who likes to cook?"
Yonji says "Yeah, he was kind of lame" and Ichiji says there's been wanted posters of him being spread around.
(Edit: I saw another post saying that the one who brought up Sanji first is Ichiji. To be fair, in the actual text there's no dialogue tags indicating who was talking. It's definitely not Yonji, because it specified "younger" brother. I personally read this as Niji because the sentence was more informal-sounding)
Based on the info they got, Reiju is aware of Sanji's history with Baratie and the Straw Hat crew, and thinks that because he's listed as just a cook on the wanted posters and not "fighter/combatant", he's probably still not much stronger than before.
Ichiji found some pork, labelled to be from Broc Coli. Reiju mentioned that Broc Coli specialises in pig farming and the pigs have been selectively bred to improve the meat quality. Ichiji commented "Oh, it's similar to our lineage factor modification, then", but then the next second he suddenly gets mad about it himself, throws the meat to the ground and was like "How could pigs compare to our Vinsmoke royal family."
Reiju: "You brought it up yourself out of nowhere though? :/"
Ichiji is grumpy and wants to go fishing instead. With the Raid Suit. Don't know how, wasn't explained, maybe he Sparking Valkyrie'd the fishes.
Niji wants to make chocolates, but had a meltdown because the recipe calls for cooking/confectioner's chocolate. He was like "Why?? do you?? need chocolate?? to make chocolate??? If the chocolate is already there I'll just eat that directly???"
(Note: It's not making cake or brownies or anything, it's making something along the lines of chocolate truffles or milk chocolates or other forms of chocolate that isn't just straight up dark chocolate/confectioner's chocolate. He's confused because the final product is still just "chocolate")
Yonji wants to make bread because it looks easy. Reiju decided to try to make something too, and wanted to make tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omelettes) because she remembered reading about it in a story book with Sora before.
Reiju's logic: "If a penguin (in the story book) can cook, then even a beginning like me can do it." (so much for Reiju being the rational one)
Yonji starts shouting for help. His bread is a goopy mess and is a total failure. Apparently he didn't add the yeast because the recipe says 3g of yeast, and that's almost 0, so he didn't add any. Reiju tells him to make sure to follow the steps properly.
Ichiji comes back with a giant fish, and is asking for poison check. No poison, so Reiju left him to cut the fish.
Yonji is still having trouble, and he says he had added the ingredients properly this time. The dough is still gloopy and will not firm up even after kneading. Reiju said that maybe because of the exoskeleton, their skin are too cold for the fermentation process to start activating.
Yonji is grumpy and asks if this means he can't make bread. Reiju suggest using hot water to warm his skin, but he's already really disgruntled and says that it's so lame that they have to rely on microorganisms to make bread (well, at least he knows yeast is microorganisms, not just another type of flour).
(Note: This part really does not sound right to me, honestly. Maybe this was just meant to show that Reiju and Yonji have zero knowledge in cooking, but bread dough not firming up and gloopy is usually not related to yeast or fermentation, but the gluten. Most cases that I know of are either caused by adding too much water, not enough kneading, the flour itself is not suitable for bread, or even the dough being over fermented. I've never heard of sticky dough problems being caused by hand temperature.)
(Edit: I've discovered that Japanese bread making guides do mention temperature affecting the dough, but it's nevertheless because of the gluten and not the yeast. This one might a goof on the author's side.)
Ichiji gave up fileting the fish because there's bones everywhere. he dumped all the dead fishes he caught back to the sea. Yonji gave up trying to make bread and tossed the failed dough away (and also threw away Reiju's egg attempt even though it was fine :/). Niji can't find any chocolate, so he has nothing.
They can't do anything except wait until they reach Germa and then just go "AAAAAAA FOOODD" (well, they act cool in front of the servants, but still).
Reiju herself showered and got cleaned up first before going to eat. Seeing the poisoned stonefish served, she wondered how normal chefs handle the poisonous ingredients and so she went to the kitchen to ask.
There was a young cook on cleaning duty that immediately panics, but then a senior cook named Beryl came out to answer her questions. Reiju says old lady Beryl has been there for a very long time, even before the kids were born.
Beryl explains that to treat the armoured stonefish to make it safe to eat is to let it swim in a tank with Ruby Wakame seaweed. The seaweed will absorb the toxins and after 3 weeks, the fish will change from purple to blue, and this indicates that the toxins is completely gone and it will be safe to eat.
An easier method would be to just skin the fish and take out the poisonous organs, but fish skin is a delicacy, and so the chefs would do this so they can serve cuts of the fish with the skin attached.
Reiju makes a comment that cooking must be very hard because her brothers are all picky eaters (not just Niji, apparently), but Beryl says she and the other chefs are happy to adjust the prep to make the food palatable to the boys.
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"Ichiji-sama dislikes green vegetables, but if you chop it up finely and mix it with meat dishes such as hamburg steaks, he will eat it without noticing."
Reiju: Is he a toddler?
(Note: Dunno if this is a universal thing, but it's a Japanese thing that when toddlers hate vegetables, the parents would chop up vegetables and put it in meatballs or the toddler's other favourite food so that they can get the vegetable nutrients even though the child dislikes the vegetable's taste)
"Niji-sama dislikes things with complex seasonings, so things like the sauces and such has to be made to be very simple to the utmost extent."
Reiju: That's dumb.
"Yonji-sama doesn't like food with dry texture, but if it's served to him when he gets hungry between meal times, he'll usually eat it."
Reiju: Is he a dog?
(Note: There is a section where Reiju muses that the cooks "safeguards" their meals just like how "Germa 66 protect peace". What peace? In the main series they're fine with siding with whoever, as long as they get paid. This comment doesn't make sense unless maybe she was being ironic/sarcastic here.)
Reiju apologised for bothering the cooks at this time, and Beryl then lets slip that Sanji has been to the kitchens often. When Reiju presses further, eventually Beryl reveals that Sora likes to make desserts often. Sora would say that she hoped to someday be able to cook together with her kids.
Hearing this Reiju briefly fantasised baking together with her mother and Sanji. Knowing it's just idle fantasy, though, she thanks Beryl for telling her all these and helping her appreciate cooking more.
Reiju thinks of Sanji and reevaluates her opinions on him. He's not "just" a cook. People's lives are basically in the hands of the cook, especially on long voyages at sea. She is glad that him having a place as a ship's cook means that he's found good friends who rely on him and trust him.
She then transforms, and uses her ability to suck out the poison from the fish, saying that the cooks are welcome to ask her for help to take out the poison if they need to cook with the stonefish.
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verosvault · 4 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 3 "Not All Who Wanda Are Lost"
Timestamp: 1:23:42
Video Length: 4min. & 29sec.
Jawbone & Riz talk (Pt.1 | ‣Pt.2)
Riz "Rogue stuff!"
Riz asks Jawbone about Kipperlilly :p
Jawbone asks Riz if he's seeing something that he recognizes in himself in Kipperlilly! 😭😭✋✋ That's such a hard blow fr! 😭✋
👀👀 The rogue professor found Kipperlilly???? Why-? Is the rogue professor on Kipperlilly's side?! ;0
I love how Jawbone and Riz just casually realize that they don't talk that often just one-on-one! 😂🤣💀
Jawbone bluntly asking what Riz has going on! 😂✋ Riz! Don't you see! Jawbone is telling you that you need therapy! 🤣 Don't deny it! 😂💀✋
Brennan just LAUGHS when Murph as Riz says "It's all OUT there!" 😂😂
Bruh... Riz needs sleep!! 😭
Jawbone telling Riz that he's coming for him! 😭✋ Bro! If we get a whole scene of a therapy session between Riz and Jawbone! That would be so amazing for real and I'd be replaying that scene for the rest of my life! 😭✋
Kristen "Do I put my first AND last name?"
😂😂 It's been so long and Kristen hasn't even gone past the "name" part! 😂🤣💀
What's Kristen's middle name? 😂
"Kristen Chili's Applebee's" 😂😂🤣🤣
(Ally just dancing and vibing to that full name immediately after it being said! 🤣😂💀)
Jawbone doesn't want Riz to tell anyone about what he shared with him.
Kipperlilly asked some questions about Kristen and so Jawbone thought that it was only fair that he give some info too.
Riz: "You can't just drop that"
💀💀💀 yeah Jawbone! You can't do that! 💀💀💀 Not to the detective boy! 😭✋
Kipperlilly overheard the info about Kristen's god dying 🥲🥲🥲
I LOVE how Jawbone just told Kipperlilly almost the entire lifestory of Kristen's deities! 💀 *Crying*
Riz is feeling so paranoid now! 💀 (When is he not paranoid fr though! 😭✋)
Riz has access to the "message" cantrip! 😆 Guess they're gonna be using "message" again a WHOLE LOT this season! 💀💀✋✋🥲🥲
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bonefall · 5 months
Hearing Loss Research Dump
Heyo!! You probably reached through the footnote at the end of the Hearing Loss Guide for Warrior Cats! I often get asked questions like, "How do you make these guides?" and "Do you have sources?" So this time, I tried to keep a bit of a loose "journal."
Unfortunately it got disorganized after a few sessions (since this project ended up taking about 2 - 3 weeks to do) but, hey, hopefully it helps.
I have dumped all of my sources here and explained my thought process as I went along, so that you have a good foundation to go forth and do your own research.
I may update this post with more information and links, or remove sources if, for some reason, it is revealed that the source was harmful or not credible. SO, PLEASE feel free to recommend good educational organizations, documentaries, and blogs here on Tumblr willing to take questions.
This post is set to "no one can reblog" so that you're always seeing the most current version of this post. Just in case a source gets challenged, or one of the sensitivity readers wants their name removed, or I end up adding important corrections, etc.
This is Version 1.0, and it was updated on 1/2/2024.
The research "dump" post is messy, because it's a Bonus Thing that's supposed to go along with the very pretty and ~concise~ Herb Guide that I created.
Session 0
I had wanted to do this for a while, but this RIDICULOUS thing that was said to an Anon and then shared with me almost gave me an aneurysm. I asked if my followers wanted this boosted to the top of my priorities, they said yes, and here we are.
In the process I also looked for input, especially from deaf/HOH followers. I made a note to include tinnitus, unilateral (one ear) hearing loss, and I'm considering doing a second guide just for how to TREAT the ear infections I mentioned would lead to a lot of hearing loss in RiverClan.
An outline of the Herb Guide post was written just before I did any real research, so I had a general idea of the aspects of hearing loss I wanted to talk and learn about.
Sat down to start my research the next day.
SESSION 1: The Basics
My first step is always just a basic internet search, including a pit stop at Wikipedia to read the article, and then follow the sources or find a place that explains the concept more deeply.
Because my project's about anthropomorphic cats, I always start with humans first, then swing over to a search on felines. I'm usually alternating between them because that is how my mind works, hearing something in one and then linking that to some sort of question about how that would look in cats.
From Wikipedia, the World Health Organization, and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, I learned that "Hearing Loss" is the blanket term for all lack of hearing, and "Deafness" is when it totally prevents you from understanding speech.
Like blindness, most deaf people can hear a little. Stressed that.
It's also here that I started with cat hearing. First I looked at Purina, but it wasn't a great find, besides a link to common signs of ear infections which I put in my back pocket lmao. I came across Dr. Pippa Elliot's article for Petful.com, and this one is MUCH more informative.
I started thinking critically about a lot of that info. Cats have a much higher range of hearing than humans, a feline society would actually catch hearing loss loooong before humans would catch it in a pet cat. Plus the whiskers. The article actually mentions that when you check a cat for hearing loss, you have to avoid blowing wind on the whiskers or even vibrating the ground.
Very sensitive animals, fascinating. Anyway, back on humans,
There's also FOUR TYPES of hearing loss. Conducive, Sensorineural, Mixed, and Auditory Neuropathy. I also went and found a good explanation from the CDC to double-check Wikipedia.
And it's a good thing I did! Wikipedia did not mention Type 4 at the time of my research, and the CDC's article is VERY straightforward and informative.
Conducive: Sound can't get through the canal. Usually a blockage.
Sensorineural: A problem with the hearing organs or the auditory nerve.
Mixed: Both of these at once
Auditory Neuropathy: The ear detects the sound, but doesn't send the signals to the brain properly.
From what I can tell from the National Institute for Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, Auditory Neuropathy is less well defined and can have overlap with Sensorineural. Sometimes it has to do with damage or malformation of the inner ear hairs, other times it's completely unknown and just assumed to be a brain issue.
So according to that definition, Auditory Processing Disorder is a type of auditory neuropathic hearing loss.
Then I started watching Christmas movies and forgot I was doing research oops. Time waits for no man, nor muppet. Very important that once a year you watch movies that make you cry and also Gonzo is there.
BUT. Throughout this project, I was constantly finding new sources on "the basics" that explained things in different ways. I didn't find all of these in that one session, but I will dump them in a straight list here.
Straight statistics of prevalence of hearing loss in the UK
Two types of inner ear infections (got cut from the guide because I was trying to stay focused on the disability itself, not causes and ear ailments)
Congenital deafness (Helpful, but again, was trying to keep the guide focused on general disability writing advice, not explain every single reason why a person could be deaf. That's for one's own research!)
Degrees of hearing loss (But notably I've also seen these thresholds shift around. This one says deafness starts at 95 DB, but I did also see 81 elsewhere.)
A guide on soundproofing which put the affects of noise on your ears into perspective (helpful with comparisons to degrees of hearing loss)
REALLY GOOD GUIDE ON HERTZ AND DECIBELS (And also comparisons of different decibel levels, in relation to the thresholds of hearing loss)
SESSION 2: Comparing human and cat hearing
I felt like I had a good understanding of the basics here. The four types, some considerations for cat biology, some tidbits to mention like most people with hearing loss still being able to hear a little, etc.
NOW I'm going to finish reading any sources I opened up in side tabs, and learn about the side effects of hearing loss that I've seen so far. Tinnitus was requested specifically.
But, I felt pretty confident at this point, so I started actually working on the guide itself. It's good because that's when I start getting really specific questions like, "Just how sensitive IS a cat's hearing next to a humans?"
Found this article comparing human and feline hearing, and also went for a source on common causes of ear infections in cats, and compared them to common causes of ear infections in humans. Basically everything WE get, and more. I also remembered a vet that I worked with explaining that humans don't get ear mites because our ear canals are shorter, but honestly I don't really want to hunt down a source on that.
Bottom line is that it seems that cats get ear infections significantly easier than humans.
SESSION 3: Paying attention to deaf and HOH experiences
Started loading up some videos on Youtube, and follow along with presentations from deaf speakers, awareness charities, and so on.
ADHD protip: If you're like me and often feel the need to get up and walk around when you're trying to focus on something, playing flash games on Neopets or a similar petsite while keeping a video popped out is a great way to help with executive function impulse stuff. Firefox and the program Freetube both allow for you to pop open a small window that you can move around your screen.
I absolutely adored this video from Montfort University, which collected experiences from people who were actively losing their hearing. I'm feeling that a lot of folks are probably anticipating the Herb Guide with the expectation it'll talk about fully deaf warriors like Snowkit (And BB!Whitewing, who is deaf in Better Bones), but one of the most important things I'm learning is that partial and unilateral hearing loss is both common, and important to talk about.
That section on people forgoing hearing aids is so bitter. The way that they were reluctant to even "admit" they had a disability (feeling as if it "doesn't count"), felt like hearing aids were for "old people" so they resisted getting a device that would really help, and that one woman who finally realized what her own mother must have been going through when she was in her shoes...
Jeez, man. Ableism really hits us all, doesn't it? You'll reject the small bits of help that were SHAKEN out of the pockets of an uncaring world, just so you don't have to admit you might need it.
I am vaguely aware that there's buzz within the deaf community about hearing aids, with some deaf people actually having extremely negative feelings on them. I didn't manage to find those people though, besides what I remembered from Tumblr posts explaining that cochlear implants tend to destroy what little hearing remains. I also didn't know what sorts of hearing aids exist, just basics.
In any case, it's not what my guide's about. Clan cats wouldn't be able to make devices like that-- so to compensate, I tried to stress that forcing warriors to "assimilate" to able-bodied society is bad compared to "accommodating" them. But I did make a little aside note on the guide itself as a PSA.
ANYWAY I'm keeping that pinned in my mind as I go through this. A LOT of these speakers are talking about their implants and how much they changed their lives, so I'm taking things with a teeny grain of salt, knowing I'm probably not getting the entire hearing-impaired community's feelings on this.
Rachel Kolb's Tedx talk was DEEPLY insightful, she is an absolutely fantastic presenter and her statistics are gutwrenching. I'm also paying close attention to how she described her speech therapy classes, how tactile the lessons are, how she had to hold her hand to her teacher's throat and learned that the trick to an N and an M was to speak it through the nose...
The theme of this part of my research has really been "heartbreaking," honestly. Next I watched this one from a BBC interview, where the speaker talks about how much EFFORT they have to make to listen to others. The casual cruelty of hearing people just not caring enough to reach out and make sure she can follow along in the conversation.
I know it's maybe not the same thing, but I teared up a bit at some parts, because that's something I've also felt as someone who's ADHD/Autistic. How much it hurts when people won't even take the goddamn time to clue you in. Like you're not worth it
Even if it's just for a silly cat community, I really hope the weeks of effort and hours of reading I put into this guide and journal makes someone feel seen. You're worth the time. I promise I mean it
Like The Basics, I kept finding more things as I went through my research, outside of this session.
Struggles of deaf people in life and the workplace
Social struggles, particularly in the digital age
Cochlear implants: Pros and Cons (It was really not relevant to my project here, BUT, I figured it was important enough to even mention in an aside on the main guide.)
Really interesting passage from a married couple losing their hearing
"What is it like to be deaf?" Mentions the link to memory loss in people who are hard of hearing due to the brain "discarding" misheard sentences.
SESSION 4: Relevant questions.
This is the point I was asking more targeted questions, as I was actively writing the bulk of the guide, because in spite of everything this remains a cat project. If I was about to write something and then realized I didn't actually know like... WHAT causes it, HOW it happens, How COMMON a thing is, I would go and find out.
For example I knew that Snowkit had a higher chance of being born deaf, but didn't exactly know why, or how it happens, or how much higher of a chance that was. So, I looked up white cats with blue eyes, and looked up the percentages associated with deafness in them.
Apparently it's rapid degeneration, instead of the inner ear just not forming properly. I could go down that rabbit hole and learn more about why, but at this point, I'm far enough along that I need to start deciding when something isn't really helpful but just interesting. It's REALLY easy to get distracted at this point in making these guides.
That lead to to look at how people tend to handle their deaf cats and make their lives better, which also lead me to a good source on how to clean a cat's ears. That's another thing I had to halt at; because this guide is about DISABILITY, not about treating ear ailments.
When you're doing research this way, I find it helpful to "limit my scope." I've mentioned this technique/skill/advice in the past with some of my cultural expansions for the Clans too. You can see how maaaaassive the guide I wrote got even while staying on topic; it easily could have gotten bloated by even MORE tangential knowledge.
But I do plan to make an ear treatment guide at some point, as well.
I then started trying to learn more about rodent squeaks. How high in hertz they are, when different animals make them, how loud in decibels, etc. I couldn't find very much, because sound/hearing in general is actually WILDLY understudied, especially in terms of non-human animals.
But I did find this article on mouse vocalizations, specifically, and this webpage on various animal hearing ranges.
(though the webpage begs ppl to be careful about making comparisons between the numbers on the page, because they come from different studies with different parameters. But like. somehow i think this is good enough for funny cat project)
Lastly on this topic, I tried to find a good source on whiskers and how well they can "replace" hearing, and ended up finding this EXCELLENT article on allllll sorts of hearing loss related things in cats. It's got it all. Whiskers, common causes, tests. It's great.
SESSION 5: Sensitivity readers
I'm trying to be extra careful with this guide, with the knowledge in mind that this one was highly requested and likely will get decent reach. So, I figured it was more important than usual to speak to disabled individuals who could advise me, to my face, instead of only relying on what I'd seen in my research and secondhand information.
(especially since my style in writing these guides tries to be "simple," trying to limit how much medical speak I use and explaining terms in-depth when I need to use them.)
I spoke to @sylsoddsandends, @s0ulfulsapph1cf, and one more. While talking to them, they brought up even more to me that I hadn't considered.
For example, I did not know that unilateral hearing loss (affects one ear more than the other) actually resulted in a loss of "distance perception," the same way that I don't have depth perception because I've got low vision in one eye. I grabbed a scientific paper to read about it and went forth.
I also got a ton of good feedback about how much I stressed that lipreading is difficult, added some advice on a unilateral HL cat would stand, brought in some notes about chronic pain, so on. I then went to preview it to a bunch of personal friends to give it a couple more once-overs for typos and flow and such.
The last thing I did was reach out to those sensitivity readers again, and ask their permission to link them here. I don't have permission from the last reader yet (which is on me, I should have asked sooner). So there will be an update here if/when they get back to me.
Nothing here yet! I will make an attempt to collect any follow-up questions and such down here.
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day6source · 2 months
hello my loves <33333333 happy spring! i hope you've all been enjoying it so far, and especially enjoying it with the new album hehe!!🫶 so! first things first:
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the welcome to the show concert is next week! as always i'll be recording, and i've since figured out recording with firefox, so there should be 0 to little stuttering this time in the VOD! i apologize heavily for that, and i actually have a gift to make up for it, but stay with me until the end! second: since kcon was...virtually unwatchable to most of us, i went on a little hunt for it! you may or may not be able to find the meet & greet here and the performance cut of the boys here. not sure. you might just have to check out the links to double check ;)
third: masterpost for 'fourever' is basically all updated! you can find it here! i was...unaware of the link limit, so if you want the shopping and streaming and performance links, those'll be in the first read more, watching things and articles are in the second one (which is the one linked for ease)! promo is basically over (i say cautiously) minus the concert, so feel free dive in if you missed anything! speaking of masterposts!
fourth: i got to thinking about it, and i found it a little unfair to only include jae in the pinned, so you can now find links/some updated info about what junhyeok is doing! i figured if i'm gonna have one former member, i should also have the other, even if he was there for only a short amount of time. so if you've been wondering what he's been up to, check him out on youtube and streaming! i'll be keeping it...semi-updated in the way i do jae's part, checking in every like, three months to see if anything's changed. on the flip side, if none of you care to know what those two are up to, i might just take their sections out entirely, but for now i thought it'd be courteous to have them there at the very least!
and last but not least: so, you guys know that watching old concert content is...entirely impossible really, and i thought...that was pretty wack, actually. so! the other day i went on a little deep dive on some sites, and i found some old concerts including the youth tour, the streams from pilmography, an old fanmeet, and the final every day6 concert. this site is uhhh basically impossible to see without a vpn and...well i also thought that was super wack, especially granted this content is...impossible to find elsewhere, and you can't even buy it. so i...took the liberty of gathering it and maybe...just maybe...you can find it here along with all of the other shows of recent, including a better stream of the christmas show for you guys. this is just me personally, but i think especially in comparison to other fandoms, ours is...a bit smaller and older, so gatekeeping content is just...not cool, and i wanna make sure that if you guys wanna see things, i can bring them to you to watch! it's not everything probably by a long shot, but if it's somewhere, i want you guys to be able to see it, even if those people don't think so, and especially if we can't just go out and buy it somewhere! so please enjoy! it should all be uploading as of me typing this post up, but should be up within a couple of hours, but there's some things in there like the kcon stuff and some other shows already, so that should keep you busy in the meantime.
okay, that's it! i love you guys, and i hope you're all staying so so so healthy and so so so so happy and enjoying fourever! we're actually almost at 300 followers which is INSANE, especially because the blog is almost a year old!!!!! what!!!!!!!! time truly flies, and i have loved every second with you all, i've got some potential things planned, so...stay tuned ;) stay happy and healthy, study well, take long breaks when you need, enjoy the weather! i love you guys so much <33333 tay💕💕💕🫶🫶🫶
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azapofinspiration · 2 months
So I keep seeing people saying certain things regarding the events of Stormbringer, so I’ve written up a basic outline of what happened.
The timeline in SB seems to be:
Day 0/Prelude (before Chuuya knew what's going on)
- Verlaine broke into the PM, stealing back the hat
- Probably at the same time (and one day before the main plot starts) he seemed to try to go after Dazai and Mori (since Mori was apparently originally at the top of the list) but found Dazai first who bargained to buy time, promising info from the PM’s internal files (meaning files the PM has, not necessarily ones about the PM as we learn later)
- Verlaine tried to eliminate Adam who'd followed him to Japan (didn’t work)
Day 1 (Chuuya's involvement starts)
- Verlaine moves onto his next targets, the ones close to Chuuya, the Flags and attacks them
- Chuuya is not there due to Adam's arrival and despite being some of the Mafia’s elite up-and-coming members, the Flags die
- Verlaine then attacks Chuuya, revealing himself
- Verlaine pokes at the Gate and opens it for a few seconds
- Dazai, who'd probably been keeping track of Verlaine's actions while preparing contingencies and a plan to ultimately defeat him, now knows about the Gate's power that Chuuya and presumably Verlaine have and ensures that it's stopped
- Dazai drops Chuuya off at Old World to try to get some final goodbyes
Day 2 (Super busy)
- Flags' funeral
- Adam and Chuuya team up and suspect Shirase is a target (which is odd because Verlaine obviously did want to meet Shirase but he didn't try to kill him so... Was that a red herring all along?) and go to help him
- Verlaine meets Dazai at the storage container for the promised info (that was promised 2 days previous) that's the entire reason he spared Dazai (later revealed to be about N and the lab) and Dazai does so to buy more time
- Showdown at the police station; Detective Murase is killed (and seems to have been a target all along, not Shirase)
- Chuuya takes a breather after the detective dies, but N contacts them
- The lab stuff, including N, revelations, Dazai's arrival in an active plot role, etc.
- Verlaine gravity bombs his exit out, revealing he can crack his own Gate open, and kidnaps N
Day 3 (2 Days after Chuuya encountered Verlaine and had his Gate cracked open)
- Chuuya punishes Dazai for leaking info about N that resulted in Murase’s death (and his torture) while Dazai explains what will probably happen with his plan
- Verlaine has his own confrontation with N that once again shows N is a lying liar who lies
- Dazai's many staged plans and contingencies is fully revealed as action continues (tons of parts where Verlaine was almost stopped but had to move forward with the next plan - it’s very convoluted but it works, almost justifying the time he bought)
- They manage to win
- N ruins everything
- Dazai gives Chuuya two minutes to decide between his own wants and the needs of Yokohama
- Final fight: Guivre vs Corrupted Chuuya
- The day is saved thanks to Chuuya
And then of course the epilogue skips around in terms of time, place, character, and which of the book’s themes need to be wrapped up, but this is the basic gist of what happened overall.
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ughgoaway · 3 months
- 🦀
okay so... a lot!
tw; mentions of murder and inappropriate tagging...
speedy rundown; tia didn't tag a fic appropriately, stranded pt 2, where matty was revealed to have been plotting to kill reader. there was 0 mention of dark themes in the tags. and that's fucked.
multiple people DMd tia, and I know that anons also had the same issue, idk who those were! tia freaked out, refused to believe she was in the wrong, and didn't tag it. then, when people were vulnerable with her about why she should, she still didn't care.
she tagged it days later, still with an inappropriate tag but whatever. still refused to believe she could ever be in the wrong, and acted like she was being personally attacked.
(more things happened but I don't remember everything)
also, I posted that teaser for the Vegas fic, then found out tia had also done a married in vegas thing, but I honestly didn't care because its not a unique plot.
but then tia messaged me, "Wild." with my post attached. I asked for clarification on what she meant (I knew what she meant, but I wanted her to say it) she claimed it was "autocorrect," which... isn't how it works. I was nice, and apologised for the "misunderstanding" (in hindsight, too fucking nice.)
the same thing happened to molly, but 100x worse. molly used 3 words in a fic of hers, genuinely 3 words, that tia had used those words as a fic title. And molly thought it was a cute little reference. tia did not take it that way.
she then went on a tirade claiming that molly "copied her" and "didn't give her credit"... OVER 3 WORDS THAT ARE A COMMON PHRASE. she was so horrible, and it really affected molly. Thank god she ignored tia and blessed us with more of her work. but she almost didn't because tia couldn't get her head out of her ass.
the things she said to molly were horrible. and she never let it go and started claiming that everything molly did was a copy.
she did it with tropes too. no one could dare write a fic with a vaguely similar plot. god forbid we have fun fucking hell.
anyway, back to the tags thing;
Tia still was being childish about the tagging thing and deactivated because she couldn't fathom that she was wrong and people didnt just bow at her feet when she "apologised" (didnt actually apologise but i digress).
then lily, her little puppet, came on and started it all back up. and accused people of things that were in no way true.
but guess what- she ran away too!
and let's just say tia had a fucking history.
oh well, over now and we can all be happy and write fics with APPROPRIATE WARNINGS. and can share tropes.
I hope they're both happier away from tumblr, because I am without them here lmao
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interlacrimas · 5 months
hm, i guess its time for headcanons!! (Since its been a while since ive been here or on tiktok, i thought maybe it would be fun!
Hajime is allergic to peanuts, he never tell anyone because he just assume that it was unnecessary info, till when he ate something kazuichi made to him and he fell on the ground, almost dying
Fuyuhiko HATES yakult, as lactose intorelant, he had to drink it very often, mostly as a child and he absolute hates it
Hajime hates physical touch, but he pretend to like it, Fuyuhiko loves physical touch, but he pretend to hate it
Fuyuhiko can tell if izuru is the one talking easily, sometimes people go and say things like "hajime is acting so different today", he stares and just say "probably because it isnt fucking hajime"
hajime smells just like those baby soaps, he rarely uses perfurme, fuyuhiko like those expensive perfumes, he really likes those, specially the strong ones, but he rarely uses them either, because he is embarassed to
Both have shitty families on different ways (btw, this isnt fully headcanon, most of this topic is in fact canon) fuyuhiko's family is violent, they often fight, to the point of death threats between his parents, he had to grow up in an extremely hostile enviroment. Hajime on the other hand had parents who were neglectful, they probably just didnt care about him, his urge for feeling special probably came from this, hajime's parents wanted a trophy, not a child, and they probably let hajime do a LOBOTOMY because, 1 - he would finally be useful, and 2 - his presence wont be missed
Hajime and fuyuhiko both have a hard time sleeping, they spend the night awake talking to each other, sometimes they fall asleep in the middle of the chat, other times they just spend the whole night awake
hajime loves talking about his interests, but never got the chance to do that, once fuyuhiko found out about this he made hajime talk to him about it for hours, fuyuhiko actually make good commentary about it and seem to actually care and get his excitement, which makes hajime happy
Hajime and fuyuhiko are both overworkers, and always call out for each other, even thought they do the same mistake
Fuyuhiko is totally Japanese, hajime isnt, as thought as he is Japanese descendant, he is also latin American, specifically brazillian, he was on brazil between the age of 0 to 10, he then moved to japan, even if it was pretty early on his life, hajime likes the dishes from his homeland and make fuyuhiko try them, fuyuhiko fell in love with the brigadeiro, which was sweet just like he likes, hajime makes them often for him, sometimes when fuyuhiko is alone at his Office he eats them
Just like fuyuhiko like sweet things, hajime doesnt mind food, but he like bitter and spicy food, like REALLY MUCH, fuyuhiko thinks he is insane to drink Juice without sugar or to eat so many spicy things without a cup of water, i guess hajime's favorite bitter thing is...fuyuhiko! I love this analogy, like hajime is a sweetheart and fuyuhiko like sweets, its only far for the opposite to happen!
hajime when he gets mad he often stop talking and just ignore the person he is mad about, fuyuhiko not only mock him and his angry mood, but he often treat the person equally bad, he didnt even care about the motive, he just did, fuyuhiko didnt ask why he was mad thought, he knew it was frustrating hearing this type of question, but still he says things like "just say how much of a bastard this piece of shit fucking is! I have no idea what this mother fucker done but if youre mad it must been pretty mess up"
They like to watch EVERYTHING togueter, hajime is the type to say "no...please dont do it *character* dont do it youre gonna to die dont do it" for the TV, fuyuhiko is the type to "STOP GOING THERE ASSHOLE YOURE GOING TO DIE, COME BACK. COME BACK." In the end the character die and they both stop talking, but probably thinking the Same thing, that it was the most obvious thing ever
Fuyuhiko relationship with izuru is...weird, they often dont talk, they spend their time in silence, which is often more comforting then scary, fuyuhiko sometimes Braid izuru hair, fuyuhiko is aware izuru is just a repressed version of hajime, even if people try to make them different persons
And for the final headcanon, izuru wakes up early at 9:00 to watch mikudayo show, for some reason he likes it, he watched it in the past, and had a few memories that he didnt remember, so he started to watch those episodes everyday, the first time fuyuhiko saw him doing it was like "huh, hajime what are you doing awake right now" to realize it was izuru, he then see the mikudayo program and gets confused, how could izuru like it, he just silent watched too, fuyuhiko now likes the mikudayo program, he just dont admit to anyone
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capitalstargirl · 17 days
★ . . . . iko in shhh era
more info on her solo song or bye my neverland
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highlights !!
oh this girl had the time of her life
ko was convinced she was literally going to die before their media showcase
the last time she had performed live publicly was gp999 so she was a bit extremley nervous
she almost forgot just how much she loved performing on a stage
alot of kissys said you could see just how much she genuinely loves performing
she used a hand mic for their dancEAR performance and vowed to never do that again
miss extrovert got to work on tiktok collabs. skz leeknow, oec jinsoul and nmixx haewon to name a few.
she tried to do one with ningselle but their schedules just didn't line up
the lino collab is how fans found out ko and him are related
the it's live video was probably one of her favorite schedules
it is some of her fave content to watch herself so being able to do one was a full circle moment for her
she and natty went semi viral for doing zoe baptiste's barbie world choreo
the amount of love ko got was a bit overwhelming
during their first video call event, a fan read her a letter, telling her how they had been supporting her since the first round of gp999 voting and how proud they are that she had finally debuted
the poor thing was a mess lol
overall 10/10 debut experience
time to get to work preparing for the next cb
mv styling !!
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outfits for the audition + the roller rink
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red, white and black vers
lines !!
0:11 - 0:17 (original: belle) ★넌 원하게 될 거야 that girl like me 꿈에서 깨 we’re just here to vibe 0:32-0:34 (original: haneul) ★ 너만 알고 있음 된 거야 1:34 -1:39(original: belle) ★ 잊지마 you’re so special one thing i know about you 1:50 -1:53 (original: belle) ★ i wake u up up up up 1:58 -2:02 (original: belle) ★ it’s so sweet 날 따라 당당하게 네가 상상한 대로
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©︎ capitalstargirl, all rights reserved. pls, do not copy or repost my work.
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sunshinebarbie · 2 years
glimpse of us (angst)
characters: Eddie Munson x Female Reader x Steve Harrington warnings: angst, sad eddie :( words: 2,892 parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | final part  taglist: @imasimptoowth​
info: You used to date Steve Harrington until the Byers moved away and Nancy and Steve reconciled. Heartbroken you find love in the least likely person anyone would have imagined, however, Steve still holds on to feelings that he can’t seem to shake and deep down maybe y/n does too?
a/n: Here it is!! the return of my baby. I was so sad and discouraged when my blog was deleted and i lost the original post, but I am the original writer and am almost done with part 3. Enjoy.
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“i should be getting home.” Nancy groggily explained as she woke up from her nap.
“but you just got here.” Steve joked, he chuckled at his own joke and stopped after not getting a reaction from Nancy.
“What time is it?” she sat up, unwrapping her arms from his waist.
“almost 7:30” Steve explained,
“i gotta go.” Nancy stretched, “i wish I could stay longer, I like being in your arms.” she smiled.
Steve smiled back, “then lay in them a little bit longer.” he pulled her back down to him.
“I can’t” she giggled. “I gotta get home before my mom starts calling around the entire town of Hawkins.” Nancy teased.
“fine.” Steve let his arm down Nancy propped herself on her hands and knees and leaned into his lips as he kissed her forehead. She pulled her head away and looked at Steve catching his gaze.
Steve stared into her gaze, his smile slowly faded as memories soon flooded back into his brain. In Nancy’s eyes he found himself in your bedroom, your hair pulled to one side exposing your neck, making a tempting offer for neck kisses, as you studied for your history test.
Steve smiled at the memory of him pressing a kiss to your neck and making you gasp in surprise. He remembered you turning around to playfully slap his shoulder.
Your eyes sparkled from the spontaneous gesture of affection and your cheeks burned red.
“Steve Harrington!” your voice echoed in his thoughts. “you behave yourself.” you covered your neck with your hair.
“is something wrong?” Nancy’s voice pulled him from his thought.
“huh?” Steve came back to reality.  
“you kind of just spaced off looking at me.” Nancy chuckled nervously.
“just getting lost in your eyes.” Steve lied.  
Nancy blushed and hid her eyes away, she wrapped her arm around Steve’s chest and cuddled in once again.
Steve lifted his hand to her hair and stroked the back of her head softly, he nuzzled his cheek onto the top of her head and sighed.
Across town, you were tangled up in the bedsheets with “the freak” as everyone knew him, but to you, he was Eddie the current resident of your heart.
Your fingers tips gently brushed the rings on his fingers as he taught you to play his guitar. It was quite the honor, during the first few months of dating he wouldn’t even let you so much as stand near his prized guitar but after the exchange of the first “I love you’s” he wanted you to play.
“and that is the G cord.” Eddie smiled at you. “now here you try” he pulled the strap over his head and handed the guitar over to you.
“and here.” He pulled off his chain with a pick on the end. “my lucky pick.”
You placed your fingers over the frets on the neck, and inhaled a deep breath.  
e|------------------|-----------------|------------------|-------------0----|   B|------------------|-----1-----3-3---|------------------|------------0-0---|   G|-----0------0---0-|----0-0----2-2---|-----0------0---0-|-2-0-------0---0--| x2   D|----2-2----0---0--|---2---2---0-0---|----2-2----0---0--|----42----------2-|   A|---2---2----------|-3---------------|---2---2----------|------------------|   E|-0-------2---3----|-----------------|-0-------2---3----|------------------|
You strummed the cords messing up a few notes but the smile that spread across Eddie’s lips proved that it wasn’t that bad.
“that’s MY Girl!” Eddie smiled widely.
“Sing me a song you’re a singer” Eddie started to mumble the lyrics.  
“Do me a wrong you’re a bringer of evil” you joined in earning another smile from Eddie.
“I swear I must have dreamt you up!” Eddie exclaimed as he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“where have you been hiding?” he smiled against your lips. “oh I forgot” he leaned back. “you were trapped in Harrington’s ivory tower.” he joked.
“saved by a true knight” you teased him back.  
“I’m no hero” Eddie leaned back after putting his guitar next to the bed.  
“so, my uncle won’t be back until tomorrow.” Eddie winked making you blush as you stood up off the bed.
“nice try Munson” you rolled your eyes, “but I have to get home, I'm still on my curfew” you reminded him.
“come on, can’t we have one sleep over?” he sat the edge of the bed and pulled you between his legs.
“not even in the dreams where you conjured me up.” you teased as you wrapped your arms around his neck.  
“i’ll see you tomorrow?” you looked into his eyes.
“first thing in the morning, I'm going to be standing by your front door, asking your dad for your hand in marriage.” he teased.
“you’re so dumb.” you giggled and pressed a kiss to his lips.  
“oh here, your pick” you dangled the pick at the end of chain in front of him.  
“you keep it.” he pushed the necklace back towards you, “you earned it.”
“i’ll wear it close to my heart” you smiled and clasped it around your neck. You leaned in a pressed another quick kiss to his lips. “good night.” you sighed.
“good night.” he pressed another kiss to your parted lips and finally let you go.
You turned around by the bedroom door and pressed a kiss to your fingertips before blowing it in Eddie’s direction.  
After exiting the Munson trailer you started your journey home, it was quite a ways to walk, but even despite the unexplainable phenomenon's happening in the town lately you never felt safer wearing a piece of Eddie on your person.
Your neighborhood actually wasn’t too far, you just had to cut through the woods, and pass the Harrington’s fortress and your house was just three houses down.
You clutched Eddie’s pick tightly as you continued your journey through the woods. You could see the lights to Steve’s house and that oddly comforted you as well.  
You started to think of Eddie again, his jokes, his ability to make you smile no matter what words passed his lips, it reminded you so much of... well, of Steve.  
As the lights to the Harrington’s home grew brighter you couldn’t help but think of Steve, many a times you would find yourself in these same woods for a quick make-out session with Steve when he would talk you into sneaking out of your house.
You could remember his cheesy lines, and his charming demeanor that made you smile and blush every time like it was the first time you met him.
Instantly you began to feel sorry for Eddie, he didn’t deserve to be at the end of these feelings. It’s true you felt a deep love for Eddie, he introduced you to a new world that everyone seemed to misunderstand. Yet, as the Harrington’s home was a few feet away you couldn’t help but feel that sorrow of how Steve chose Nancy over you.  
You remembered how you felt when you would catch him staring at Nancy even when he was on a date with you, or how his small comments he would whisper under his breath, such as “she is perfect” or “definitely too good for me.” would make you feel queasy.  
You clutched Eddie’s pick more tightly until you heard a ‘SNAP’, “no” your eyes widen as you felt the chain around your neck give away.  
You opened your fist and sighed as the pick was okay but the clasp broke.
“shit.” you cursed under your breath.
“hey, hey language.” a familiar voice made you freeze. You turned and saw Steve coming out of his gate into the darkness of the forest.
“Harrington” you scoffed and turned to walk away.
“hey, don’t go.” Steve called out after you. “come on.” he sighed.
“what do you want Steve?” you turned to face him again. “i have to go home.” you gestured.
Steve looked at the broken chain in your hand and furrowed his eyebrows.
“hey my mom has like extra jewelry junk in a box in her closet, if you want to fix that.” he pointed to your hand.
“it’s okay, I can buy some stuff tomorrow.” you rolled your eyes.
“come on Y/N,” Steve called out as you turned away again, “i mean, pay money to fix that or get it done for free.” he shrugged.
Steve had a point, even if you went to town, the chances of being able to pay for it was slim after you spent the last of your money on buying a new string for Eddie’s guitar.
“I’ll wait in the living room, you can bring the box downstairs.” you sighed and walked into the gate that Steve pushed open.
Steve was down with the box after a few minutes. “here ya go.” Steve opened the lid.
“are you kidding me?” you groaned seeing it was literally a cluster of chains and pendants that needed to be untangled. “i would be better off finding the parts at the store.” you lifted the ball of metal chains up to Steve’s view.
“but would you gain the ability of patience at the store?” Steve teased.
You smiled and rolled your eyes at his joke. Your fingers started to pull at the chains as you began to untangle them.
Steve looked at the necklace in question and furrowed his eyebrows.  
“I never seen that one?” he pointed at the pick necklace on the table.
“because I barely got it today.” you placed one freed necklace on the table. “from my BOYFRIEND." you emphasized.  
Steve winced at the word and rolled his eyes. “you mean my replacement?” he scoffed.
“like how Nancy was mine? Oh, wait she didn’t replace me, she just reclaimed the seat I was keeping warm for her, so I guess technically I was hers?” you rolled your eyes and pulled another necklace free.
“That’s not what happened” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“look it doesn’t matter anyway Steve, because you finally got your little Miss. Perfect.” you pulled another chain free. “living in your little perfect relationship bubble, just being the perfect couple that graced us peasants with your presence.” you started to violently tug at the chains. “i’m sure you’re both very happy that everything worked out.” you tugged hard at a chain one last time freeing it from its binds.  
“look, just because we are “perfect” doesn’t mean it’s working out.” Steve blurted out.  
You stopped and looked over at Steve, who now had his eyes closed, regretting what he just said out loud.
“what?” your tone soften, feeling a little bit sorry for Steve.
“it’s nothing-it's-it's stupid.” Steve threw down the ball of chains he had in his hand.
The silent was deafening, as you carefully searched for the right thing to say.  
“I thought, with Byers gone...” Steve mumbled. “I thought this was what I wanted it.” he sighed.
“When did this start?” you asked timidly.
“When I saw you and “the freak” Munson-” Steve looked at you as you shot him the meanest stare. “I meant Eddie” he corrected himself. “When I saw you both in front of your house, and I heard your laugh, not the fake one that you give the rest of the world, but the real one, the one where your eyes shut completely and you hold your stomach as if it’s hard to breathe.” he smiled.
“the one that I thought I was the only one who could make you do that.” he picked up the chains again.
“oh.” you started to pick the chains again.
“can I be honest with you y/n?” Steve turned to you.  
You didn’t respond, just continued to pick at the chains.
“Ever since that day, it felt like Nancy was the one keeping YOUR spot warm, for when you come back to me.” he stepped close to you.  
“I swear, every time I am with Nancy, it feels like...like I step into a dream world when we were together, in her eyes I see you, I see-” Steve stepped closer to you again. “I see us.” he lifted a necklace chain that had the same clasp of the one that Eddie originally had.
You looked at Steve who was now inches from you, the chain dangling from his fingertips.  
“Thanks” you practically whispered and pulled the chain from his grasp.
“Tell me that you don’t feel that way too y/n” Steve continued. You turned and used the tiny pliers in the box to unclasp the broken hook.  
“do you ever think of us? What we had when you’re with him?” Steve continued.
“I-” you stammered as you tried to quickly fix the hook so you could leave.
“I mean, we did have a great thing.” Steve continued this time you could feel the warmth of his body against your arm, and your hands began to shake but somehow you managed to change the hook and seal the link shut.
“Thanks” you turned to face him as you clutched the necklace in your hand.
You looked up at Steve his warm eyes making your knees tremble. You could swear you would fall to the floor if Steve hadn’t been there to catch you.
Without a second thought your eyes were closed and your lips pressed against Steve’s, your arms wrapped around his neck as you anchored him down, deepening your kiss.
Your hands opened as your ran your fingers through his hair and slowly moved them to cup his face.
“No-” you huffed and pushed him away. “I- I have to go.” you turned on your heels and hurried out the back door.
You quickly exited the gate and as fast as your feet could carry you, you hurried home.
“Hey Sweetie.” your mom greeted you as you hurried up the stairs.
You closed your room door behind you and cursed under your breath. “shit shit shit.” your breath was shaking.
You looked out your window, you could see the warm yellow of the trailer park peeking through the thickness of the trees, and you could see Steve’s house, his room light still on. You knew he was regretting the kiss as much as you were.
“shit.” you sighed and fell into your bed, pulling your stuffed rabbit close to your chest you felt the tears welling up in your eyes.
The next morning just like planned Eddie was standing on your front porch.  
“My lady.” he smiled as you opened the front door.
“Hey,” you smiled weakly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “are you ready to head to the shit show that we call school?”
“yeah.” you nodded weakly.
“is something wrong?” he frowned seeing your upset.  
“it’s-it’s nothing” you assured him.  
“are you sure-” Eddie’s eyes lit up, “i see, you lost the pick didn’t you?” he smiled proudly that he figured it out.
“huh?” you touched your neck feeling just your skin, “shit” you whispered and closed your eyes.
In the heat of your and Steve’s make-out session you dropped the necklace to run your fingers through Steve’s hair.  
“it’s okay babe.” Eddie assured you, “together we will search each square inch of this Earth until we find it and put it back on that pretty little neck of yours.”
“Eddie-” you sighed
“Y/N.” Steve called your name, both you and Eddie turned to see him walking up your driveway.
“What is “the hair” Harrington doing here?” Eddie whispered in your ear.
“I don’t know, just let me handle this okay?” you patted Eddie’s arm and walked towards Steve.
“This couldn’t be the worst time Steve.” you scolded.
“I just wanted to talk about last night.” Steve replied.
“what about last night?” Eddie interrupted as he walked over hearing the end of Steve’s sentence.
“it’s nothing.” you replied looking at Eddie, you turned to Steve, “please go.” you begged.
“wait.” Eddie approached the both of you. “that’s MY pick.” he pointed at the necklace dangling from Steve’s clenched fist.
“how did you fi-” Eddie looked at you and at Steve. “you didn’t find it.” Eddie’s shoulders slumped. “she left it there.” he nodded. Eddie turned around and cut across the yard heading into the woods.
“Eddie,” you sniffled feeling your eyes well up. “Wait, please.” you begged.  
“letting you play my guitar, was the biggest mistake I ever made.” he turned to face you, “the biggest.” he huffed and turned back around.
“Eddie, please listen to me.” you took a few steps to attempt to follow him.
Eddie didn’t bother to turn around he kept walking forward pretending to not hear your cries of his name.  
“Eddie” your voice cracked.  
“What do you want Steve?!” you choked back your tears remembering he was still there.
“I was just giving this back,” Steve put the pick into your hand. “and wanted to explain last nig-” Steve tried to reply.
“will you just GO AWAY!” you demanded, and turned to run back into your house.
You slammed the door shut, and hurried back into your room, wanting nothing more than to take back last night, to leave immediately after fixing the necklace, or to go back further, to keep walking and take your chances at the store, or to even just stay at Eddies’ when he offered last night.
You hugged your rabbit closely, but nothing could heal the pain you felt in your heart, the pain of the void that Eddie left when he walked away without another word.
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Do you know this queer character?
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Oribe is WLW and uses she/her pronouns!
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longsightmyth · 1 year
I know this isn't your usual stuff you post about, but I have a friend coming to visit me next year and they'll need to stay in a hotel. Do you have any tips or advice for when the best time to book or get the best deal?
The best time is going to be variable, but it's best to start looking early (IN INCOGNITO MODE)(ON THE ACTUAL HOTEL SITES OR APPS) and keep comparing. Jump if you see a special or something. Generally you'll get better prices earlier, but they can also be nonrefundable so be sure to triple check. If you DO make a nonrefundable reservation and suddenly can't make it, do not despair: that's where NOT BOOKING THROUGH THIRD PARTY SITES comes in. See below.
Incognito: because many sites will notice you are looking at the same flights/stays and start upping the prices accordingly. I didn't actually learn that through my job but through my degree. Not every site/company does this, but it's worth being careful about.
On the actual hotel sites or apps: it is tempting to look through third party apps like expedia or priceline or their many subsidiaries because they appear to have cheaper prices. Sometimes they even do! But if you have trouble at a hotel or want to adjust dates or make special requests or ask about better prices, you WILL be shit out of luck. At a property level third party reservations are stuck. We don't have YOUR money so we can't return it (9/10, you pay the third party. Then they give us THEIR virtual card. We can't even give you a receipt, because we don't have your card or your money), and except in some very specific circumstances you don't get credit with any memberships you have. We can't adjust your reservation for the same reason, so if you have to cancel after the cut off date you are Out Of Luck. If you've made your reservation directly through a hotel's specific site/reservation line and contact the property directly and are polite you will usually find a clerk willing to at least check if, say, triple A or student or hospital discounts are available. As humans we can and often do take 'oh shit there's a hurricane and people can't travel' or 'death in the family' etc as reasonable explanations for cancelling after the cut off date, and generally someone on property will be a compassionate human and manually change the charge to $0 or something, which, say it with me: We Cannot Do If The Reservation Is Booked Through A Third Party Site (or I suppose in theory we could 0 it out, but that would only benefit the third party site and not you).
Also I really do suggest joining a rewards program or three. They are almost always free to join, you can make sure your info is on there for easier reserving, there are member-specific discounts (not always large, but even ten bucks counts, right?) and most brands are willing to go to some extra effort for members. I do NOT suggest saving your credit card to this rewards profile: while database security is pretty good these days and most places DO fire anyone found giving ANY guest info out, the starwood breach a few years ago made me wary and this will ALSO prevent someone from fraudulently using your rewards account/credit card to check in via mobile, which is where most fraud happens these days. One weekend I caught seven people. It was A Time.
I hope this was helpful to you, even if it got really long.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Arkham!Riddler x Female!Reader, word count: 2k commission: thank you to @0-rosestorm-0 for requesting this one from the giveaway commissions 💚 i love the secretary fantasy so much commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fingering, kinda exhibitionism and risky stuff
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“Back again, Mister Nigma?”
Edward scowled at you across your desk, slumping down into the sofa against the wall across from you with a sigh.
“I really should be treated better than this. You’re all aware of who I am.”
“Very, unfortunately. But you have to wait like everyone else. Mister Cobblepot has other business to attend to.”
The standard Riddler attitude had managed to shake three of your predecessors from their job as Oswald’s secretary, but you found that you enjoyed his company. He was ridiculous, almost unbelievable, and he made a nice change from the comparatively humdrum criminals that usually sat in your waiting room. For one thing, he was able to hold an intelligent conversation, something you didn’t get to participate in a lot with Oswald’s usual clientele and business connections.
A shrill tone rang out, and you jumped, startled as though you had been caught thinking those flattering thoughts about the dishevelled man sitting across from you. It was just the phone on your desk though, and picking it up, you addressed the man on the other line.
“Mister Cobblepot, sir?”
Before you could process his movements, Edward had leapt from the seat, slamming his finger down quickly on the speaker button.
“I’m gonna be a few minutes longer, love. Tell that riddling prick he’ll have to wait a bit for me. Give him a cuppa, not the good stuff mind.”
“Y-yes, Mister Cobblepot.”
You placed the phone down on the receiver, quickly snapping your attention to Edward.
“That was very rude, Mister Nigma.”
“But very necessary. So how long will he be?”
“You heard as much as I did.”
“I don’t appreciate your tone, but fair point.” Edward thumbed through a few of the magazines that sat on the coffee table. “Do you have any reading material here that isn’t laden with opinion pieces from idiots with three braincells or copious amounts of swimsuit reviews?”
“We don’t really have a call for anything but that.”
He sighed, laying on his back across the sofa with his feet, dirt-clad boots worn on them, on the arm, dirtying the lilac crushed velvet.
“Put your feet down!”
“Make me.”
Tossing your head back, distraught that it was down to you to take on babysitting duties, you tried to think of something to distract him with.
“A riddle!”
He turned to you with a confused look, finding you typing furiously at the computer as you frantically searched for something to tease him with, something that might stump him.
“Ok, Mister Nigma. I’ve got some riddles for you.”
“Yep! What gets wetter as it dries?”
His disappointed face met your gaze as you looked up from the screen.
“Really? You thought those meagre, toddler level conundrums were going to entertain me?”
“Ok, what about this one…  I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?”
“An echo. Next.”
“Yeah, these are pathetically easy, huh? I knew that one straight away.”
He raised an eyebrow, scoffing at the notion you might be intelligent enough to have figured the riddle out slightly quicker than he did.
“Let’s test that intelligence of yours then.”
Edward rattled off several riddles in quick succession, irritated at first when you were quick to solve them, threatening to have one of his short temper tantrums in the waiting room. But soon enough, he was marvelling at your intellect, taken by surprise at how easily you could almost match him. An impressive specimen, in more ways than one. He walked slowly over to the desk, perching himself on the edge awkwardly, leaning into you. “You’ll have to try a lot harder than that to match my wit and intelligence.”
You watched him, his gaze drifting over your body, lowering to the top of your blouse. He seemed completely incapable of being nonchalant about it. The leer was sleazy, but likely due to lack of practice, or the fact he was so unfamiliar with women. He was never usually this close to you, you wondered if he was ever this close to anyone on a regular basis. At the very least, he was finally distracted, and you found the attention oddly flattering. Most of the men who came through weren’t interested in you. The sexy secretary myth hadn’t reached them yet. You were part of the furniture. It was nice to be appreciated, even in these circumstances. And you enjoyed Edward’s company, finding him oddly endearing, and strangely handsome.
So you gave him a little more to look at, pressing your arms together, cleavage more visible as you let your fingers slip down the front of your shirt, drawing his gaze down as you surreptitiously undid a button. His mouth was open ever so slightly, breathing louder as he stared. With one finger under his chin, you lifted his eyes to meet yours. As you opened your mouth to speak, something teasing and flirtatious, he interrupted you.
“There’s a riddle I’m struggling with, actually.”
“Why would someone like you…” his eyes fell again, taking you in, before he strained to bring them back up “… be working for someone like him, when you could be working for me?”
“Mister Nigma, do you really think we’d get much work done?”
“I suppose not.”
Giggling at his smirk, you tried to hide your blush. There wasn’t much use though, as you face flushed with the same heat that burned through your stomach and under your flesh, prickling at your burning arousal. This kind of teasing, the half-lidded stares and soft hums of laughter, was your weakness, and Edward Nigma exploited that expertly each time you were in his presence.
He placed his hand on your cheek, taking you by complete surprise as the playful back and forth became far more physical than you intended. You were pulled into a kiss, deep and intense, a surprisingly bold move from someone you had previously thought was either not inclined that way, or was too insecure to be faced with rejection from such a proposition.
Leaning into him, your lips clinging to his, you parted your lips, moaning as you wrapped your arms around his neck. With your fingertips brushing through his greasy hair, you tensed, tugging at them. In response, Edward made a soft groaning hum of approval. Taking his mouth from yours, he kissed down your neck, his hands finding your upper arms as he lifted you from your chair. Standing in front of him, he let his fingers drift to the hem of your skirt, lifting it up slowly as you breathed into his ear.
Falling backwards to the wall behind you, Edward crawled over the desk to join you. Pinning you to it, he shifted your shirt up, running his rough hands against your stomach, cupping under your breasts before sliding underneath your bra. Teasing at the nipple, rolling it between his calloused fingertips, saliva dripping from his lips over your skin. His free hand drifted down your abdomen, lifting up the front of your skirt.
Sinking lower, his hands rubbed the front of your panties, fingers spreading your lips apart through the fabric, soaked in your arousal. He dipped his thumb under the band, teasing them down, uncovering you before he pressed two fingers to your clit. Wet with your slick, he brought them to his mouth, sucking your taste from them before he pressed them back between your legs, stroking in small circles. His mouth on your shoulder still kissed, interspersed with gentle biting as he kept pulling at your nipple, gripping your breast, before moving his arm round your back to hold you close to him.
Just as you adjusted yourself to the sudden bout of passion that had overcome Edward, driving him to ravage you in the very public waiting room, with Oswald just beyond the door, you were shocked once more. Edward’s fingers slid inside you, deft in their movements as he spread them apart, stretching you as he pushed two of them deeper.
As you moaned, tugging at his shirt to bring him closer to you. With two fingers inside of you, he let his thumb find your clit, stroking over it, putting the exact right amount of pressure to the nub as he flitted over it, back and forth.
“Ed… Edward…”
It was over the minute you muttered his name, so quiet, but loud enough that he noticed.
“In your place of work? You’re delightfully filthy, I must admit. But I’d prefer we keep this formal.”
Confused by his words, you opened your eyes, catching his intense gaze.
“Mister Nigma, if you please.”
With a coy smile, you stroked his cheek, kissing his lips softly before you through your head back against the wall.
“Oh, Mister Nigma.”
Diving into your neck he bit the sensitive skin, licking at it, kissing it fervently, your skin soaked in his saliva as he devoured you. You could feel yourself, wet with your slick, his fingers covered in it as he thrust them between your legs.
Nothing mattered anymore, the risk, the exhibitionism. It was adding to the already monumental pleasure. You were dedicated to going through with this, whatever he wanted, and there was very little you imagined might be able to stop you.
The sudden ringing of the phone on your desk made you jump, a squeal emanating from your open mouth that made Edward giggle. He removed the hand that gripped your waist and picked up the handset, passing it to you with a self-satisfied grin.
“I can’t… you can’t… not when you’re doing…”
He shook the phone at you, smiling wide, wider when you took it from him.
“M-mister Cobblepot?”
Edward stifled a laugh as you mumbled over the words, slowly pressing his fingers against your insides as you tried to speak.
“Yes-sss, Suh-huh-ir.”
You held your hand over the receiver, panting as you spoke. Looking into Edward’s eyes, trying to ask him silently not to make this any more difficult. And he understood your request, but he had no intentions of doing anything to make this easier. He wanted to see you squirm.
“Mister Cobblepot’s ready to see you now, Mister Nigma… are you… ready to go in?”
Eddie smiled, his lips curling into a mischievous grin as he let his fingers trail over your body.
“I’m a bit busy here. We’re going to be a few minutes longer, love. Tell him to make his own tea and take a seat for a bit.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you uncovered the phone and tried to speak. Edward’s hands covered you, gripping at your ass and thighs, nipping at your skin as he tried, and succeeded in making you squeal as you spoke.
“Uh… Mister ah Cobblepot! Mister Nigma is hm uh, he’s… uh… occu-ah-pied.”
A few more mumbled words, almost gaining your composure as you tried to come up with an excuse, attempting to focus on what Oswald was saying. But your mouth formed little more than whines as Edward fell to his knees in front of you, pressing his face to your thighs before kissing up your thigh, higher and higher as your voice trembled. And as Edward slipped his tongue between your legs, you let the phone drop from your hand, clattering on the desk. Taking a quick glance at it when you could pry your attention away from how he looked with his nose buried in your cunt, you wondered if Oswald was going to come out of his office to see what happened, or to chastise you. You found that you really didn’t care if he did. In fact, secretly, you hoped that he might come out and see you, clenching around Edward Nigma’s fingers as you tugged at his hair. If he fired you, you could take up Edward’s offer. The idea of doing this every day was enticing, more than enough to make up for the lack of compensation.
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lustale · 9 months
Hello everyone! Thank you all for almost 50 followers!! :3c All activity has been on my main account @morguemaw, so if you want more direct content of Lusttale shoot me a ask about it!!!!
So, abit has changed over the few months and i have a update, coupled with info for all you new guys who found this blog!
1) AU is decided to be 16+. Its suggestive, no NSFW will be posted/shown as i want whatever content i MYSELF to post to be accessible to everyone within a comfortable range! There will be light sexual jokes, however if at any point it reaches too much, please tell me! I know the AU itself should obviously be considered a Explicit Rated AU, however i know there are people who enjoy the AU without the sexual aspects.
2) This AU is not a fan AU OR variant: This AU was made with the plan to 100% rewrite Underlust, i will explain below!!
Why the rewrite?:
I've loved Underlust since i joined the Undertale community, and others have too! However, the owner WAS involved and DID create content involving fontcest, a nazi Chara, Frans content, and was friends/mutuals with others who also created gross content like BlogTheGreatRogue and Lizherubones. This disgusted me and made alot of others feel the same. The AU was left off on a confusing as shit note, from the disgusting writing of Lust MTT to the messed up relationship between the brothers. I want to erase this the best i can. Alot of characters have also 0 content (Such as Lust Alphys) and although i will mostly focus on Sans/Papyrus/Frisk still, i WILL be creating content for mostly every character to again ensure the AU is fully fleshed out for as much enjoyment as possible.
Wheres the creator/owner?:
Awhile back, the owner, NSFWshamecave/Niel, left the internet and the AU for personal and mental reasons and bounced between owning and not owning the Au. They have since been MIA(Missing In Action) from the internet and AU, i doubt they will return or be involved at this point. The AU is considered fandom owned, which if you prefer that i support it, but do not interact with my blog as im basing everything on a rewritten POV with the entire intent to overhaul the AU without being too different or too similar.
What about the Underlust domain name?:
Lusttale CAN be called Underlust, BUT i prefer Lusttale to separate it as its alot easier, HOWEVER i have no issue with it being called Underlust! (Just still please credit/tag me, id love to see any content!)
What about fan AUs or others who make their own Variants?:
Keep going! I support these ten fold. Ive seen so many creative AUs overall, including a recent aroace one that has such adorable designs and is why i want to refresh myself and explain this blog to anyone new who might mistake me as a fan account. If you want to consider your variant a version/variant of my Rewritten AU, please tag me! Id love to see your AUs, your Varaints, EVERYTHING!!
HOWEVER. I do NOT support a single soul who ever uses my AU for Frans, Fontcest, or akin. Dont tag me OR interact with me, its public knowledge how the community feels about those, and im one of the many who don't like that content and wish for my AU to not be used in it. Self inserts, OC/Y/N x Lusttale, or etc is the same, id love to see it!!
What about Swaplust/Lustfell/AUs?:
Swaplust is also inactive: I have had my own interpretation of Swaplust since i found the AU when it was first made, Lustfell however i dont know, if its requested i will create something but i dont want to just claim every Lust AU out there. Not saying im claiming ownership of Swaplust, im saying that the Swaplust i want to make will be considered canon AU and it will be the ONLY Underlust AU i will ever claim, Swaplust has the same exact permissions. (Swaplust too had a very close Frans suggested ship, that is my reason for it)
To clarify if needed, im not forcing the view of me owning the AU onto every Underlust created content, im just saying if you yourself, the community, support what i do, i will continue, hence why i say tag me! I love to see it!
What about headcanons/outdated info like Sans being shorter?:
RN, Sans is the same size as Gaster Sans (i think 5' something?) however im fine with people drawing him short! ^^
Head-canons are also fully fine!!! Tell me any you think of, id love to hear. As long as you respect that i have my own plans, id be overjoyed to read whatever you guys think of or have.
So, to sum it up, Underlust has had a MIA owner since 2019/2020. Because of the history, and the way its loved, its a massive honor if i could step up and help give the community a AU with a solid backstory, solid characters with fleshed out personalities, and a structured plot that will replace something that was/is beloved. The best i can explain it, is my goal is to structure the AU but still keep support for the community as the AU was indeed considered Fandom Owned, again, you do not have to support me wanting to claim it, just do not bash me for it, as im absolutely not considering Lusttale a variant or AU, im considering Lusttale canon.
Questions are welcomed, if you have any concerns i can also explain! (Anon/Off Anon preferred so i can have it be public accessible incase others have the same questions)
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clownprince · 1 year
Batjokes Timeline
This is based in Rebirth/Infinite Frontier but it overlaps with other eras cause yk. Comics. Where possible I tried to put the original comic/arc instead of the Rebirth comic where it was referenced or shown in a flashback, since most of the Rebirth timeline prior to like Year 16-17 is shown via flashbacks or references. Cause again. Comics.
Also this is almost entirely based on info from the Batman Chronology Project I just pulled out the Batjokes bits.
Please correct me if any of this is wrong because I am Not going through every single one of these to double-check. Also lmk if there are any other comics that can fit in a certain place on this timeline.
Zero Year: Secret City
Zero Year: Dark City
Bruce adopts Dick as his ward (Nightwing Vol. 4 #32, Nightwing Vol. 4 #69, Batman Vol. 3 #54, Strange Love Adventures #1 Part 6)
Dick begins training, which lasts six months (Detective Comics #1000 Part 9)
Batman: The Man Who Laughs
First instance of the monthly birthday present ritual occurs in early December (Detective Comics #1027 Part 3)
Bruce visits Arkham to meet with Joker and shows him the playing card he found in the Batcave, revealing his identity to Joker (Batman Vol. 2 #17)
Note: Dr. Harleen Quinzel has been Joker's therapist since his first stay at Arkham Asylum
Dick debuts as Robin (Batman Chronicles: The Gauntlet and Batman and Robin Vol. 2 Annual #2)
Batman saves Joker from Deathstroke (Batman Vol. 3 #122-123)
War of Jokes and Riddles
Dr. Harleen Quinzel, having fallen in love with the Joker (gotta love the horrifying medical malpractice), breaks him out of Arkham Asylum, becoming his girlfriend and sidekick Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn Vol. 3 #17, Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1 Part 4, Batman Vol. 3 #42)
In March, for Batman’s monthly “birthday present,” Joker sends a crudely drawn picture of himself and Batman with the words “Best Friends” written on it (Detective Comics #1027 Part 3)
I Am a Gun
Note: Batman admitted he underwent those sensory deprivation tests in an isolation chamber so he could experience hallucinations and psychotic states to see a glimpse of how Joker's mind worked (Batman Vol. 1 #673)
Barbara debuts as Batgirl (Batgirl Vol. 4 #0)
Batman chases Joker down to Blüdhaven, Gordon and the GCPD shoot their way through their former co-workers into a warehouse filled with piñatas. Inside each piñata is a corpse (Joker Vol. 2 2021 Annual)
Note: for the past year, Joker had only been pulling pop-crime pranks and small time heists
An escaped Joker decides not to commit any crimes for once, instead following Batman around, simply trying to get the grim Dark Knight to laugh (referenced in Event Leviathan #2)
In February, an escaped Joker defeats the Teen Titans (Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven), leaving them bound, unconscious, and underwater as Batman’s monthly “birthday gift" (Detective Comics #1027 Part 3)
Dick turns 18 and quits as Robin (Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Spectacular Part 1)
Bruce meets Jason Todd and starts training him (Batman #408-409)
Dick debuts as Nightwing
Joker unveils his "Laughing Fish" gag (Detective Comics #475-476)
Jason Todd debuts as Robin (Truth and Justice #10)
Batman: The Killing Joke
A Death in the Family
Tim begins training as Robin (A Lonely Place of Dying)
Tim debuts as Robin
Rock of Ages
Batman fights Onomatopoeia and saves Joker's life (Batman: Cacophony #3)
No Man’s Land
Tower of Babel
Note: Batman appoints Cass Cain as Batgirl during No Man's Land
Under the Hood
Tim stops being Robin, Stephanie Brown takes over temporarily before she is fired and Tim is reinstated (Robin Vol. 2 #124-130)
Batman R.I.P.
Bruce meets Damian for the first time (Batman and Son)
Harley breaks up with Joker for good (Gotham City Sirens #1)
Bruce makes Damian his full-time official partner (Batman & Robin Vol. 2 #1-8)
Joker buries Simon Hurt alive, which is the same way Hurt tried to kill Batman. Hm (Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6 and Batman & Robin #13-16)
Joker removes his face and goes into hiding (Detective Comics Vol. 2 #1)
Death of the Family
Duke joins the Batfamily (Batman: Rebirth #1)
Batman locates Joker (presumably still amnesiac at this point) and apprehends him, incarcerating him in Sub-Cave Alpha. in exchange for information about Dionesium, Batman tells Joker about his “dark energy” investigation and covert use of the Outsiders and “Black Sites.” He even shows Joker his cloning machine and the “Meta-File” on the Bat-computer (Dark Days: The Casting)
Batman proposes to Catwoman, presumably while Joker is still in his basement (Batman Vol. 3 #24)
Hal and Duke find Joker in the Batcave cell (Dark Days: The Forge)
Batman teams up with Joker to defeat the Batman Who Laughs (Dark Nights: Metal #4-6)
Joker finds out about Batman’s engagement (Batman: Prelude to the Wedding Part 2 Nightwing vs Hush #1)
The Best Man
Batman and Catwoman call off the wedding but stay engaged (Batman Vol. 3 #50)
The Batman Who Laughs #1-7
Their Dark Designs
Joker War
The Man Who Stopped Laughing #1-4
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