#I don’t even know who you are hahaa
chaosduckies · 29 days
Dude. Dude. Is your birthday on may 12th? If so, we share a birth day!
AGHHH we share a birthday!!! Happy early birthday Anon! 🎂 🥳
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rebouks · 16 days
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Hiiiii Robin aka Bird Boy!
Sorry I took a bit longer than usual to reply but dad suddenly decided he’d had enough of the forest and we went back home! I thought maybe it’d be fun to wait a bit longer and show you our house and stuff. I don’t really like moving around all the time but I guess it kinda gives you lots of new stuff to talk about so that’s something.
This is our house! It’s not as big as yours looks but there’s only two of us and we’re not always here so it makes sense that it’s not massive. Dad usually rents it out whilst we’re not here cos he says it’s better for the house that it’s looked after but I know he means it’s better for his bank too lol!! I guess it works out for me though cos he says I can put as many plants as I want in my room as long as I keep them alive so they’d die if we left it empty every time we left. He says it’s like I brought the jungle inside hahaaha, I like it though!
The last person who rented the house was one of dad’s old work friends and he left this cool telescope for me to play with since I’m “so keen about the stars and shit” HIS WORDS! I know you’re supposed to use it at night but it’s kinda fun to spy on people during the day too. Like I’m pretty sure our neighbours are getting a divorce cos I overheard the guy moaning about the lady to my dad once and sometimes you can hear them yelling and see them waving their arms at each other through the window or on the balcony (don’t tell anyone though hahaa!)
I think dad’s kinda happy to be back (look how bushy his eyebrows are though ahahhhahah) he spends a lot of time fishing but I know it’s only a matter of time until he gets itchy and runs out of money again. Half of me wishes he’d get a good job here so we wouldn’t have to move around all the time but the other half is glad to leave. I guess it’s kinda nice here AND I was born here but I don’t even like swimming and there’s water and beaches EVERYWHERE ugh..
I guess I don’t really think Sulani feels like home anymore, not since mom died. It’s pretty and it’s nice but something is always missing so it’s kinda lame too if that makes sense. Maybe that’s why dad likes to leave sometimes too, I’d ask him but he’d probably get upset so maybe not! I was gonna leave that part out cos it’s a bummer but we don’t really keep many secrets from each other so I said it…
Anyway, dad’s a pig and never cleans ANYTHING and I think he got bored of me complaining about how big and heavy the vacuum is cos he got me a cool mini one (it’s a “sorry we move around so much but here’s a present so shh” present but I’ll take it hahaa) he took it off me for a few days after I hoovered some crumbs out of his bed and sucked up his headphones by accident but that’s his fault for eating cookies in bed when he should be sleeping.
Oh and since there’s not many fun rocks to find or dig up here I decided to start up my shell collection again. I found a few nice ones I guess but I really want to find a conch! Dad said they’re pretty rare but you’d think with all the stupid sand and beaches around here that I’d be able to find at least ONE even if it was a tiny one but not yet! I’ll let you know if I do though!
Anyway, I’m kinda sad we left Granite Falls in the end cos it was so close to the holidays I hoped maybe your family would go camping again and we’d be able to explore together again. Hopefully next time we move we’ll move even closer to where you live so there’s more chance we’ll get to see each other! A bird pooped on me the other day though which dad said is supposed to be lucky so I decided to believe him and hope we get to hang out again one day SOON (after I had a shower anyway because EUGH!)
Hope you’re okay and glad to be done with school for the summer!
Love Alex :)
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lollipopliccer · 5 months
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ꫂ ၴႅၴ cock warming , big cocky hahaa , praise , pet names ꫂ ၴႅၴ
lollipopliccer drabble babbles ❦ hehehe first drabblleeeee, im gonna call em my drabble babbles , cuz in these they’re just gonna be straight waffle. this post was meant to b short but i still ended up making it too fucking long UGH + barely anytime went into this soo yea.
in need of some proper pampering ૮꒰˶•⤙•˶ ꒱ა
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kento taking care of his baby after you feel so fucking exhausted and irritable from doing uni assignments allll day (yes fucking plssss!)
kento who just says “come here, my love” as you grumble and stomp, but once you hear nanami’s soft, deep voice it immediately gets to you, having you already feeling pouty. u walk up from ur desk to the couch to where kento’s sat. walking up to him you feign indifference from the way his voice affects you, even though his voice has your mind going placesss
although you still feel a little stubborn, instead of taking your rightful place on his lap, you rather defiantly snark a
nanami already knows how his baby gets so he ignores your little attitude for now. he takes your hand kissing it before guiding you onto him so you can straddle him. he pulls you close to him while he spreads his legs so you can sit on him comfy, just how you like.
“mmm there you go baby” kento soothes, you snuggle into him sum more. feeling too frustrated by the day u don’t wanna talk u don’t wanna think, u just want kento to hold u.
kento runs his fingers through your braids, lightly tracing along the nape of your neck, making you feel tingly all over. he then rubs your back with his other hand under your oversized hoodie, and you almost purr from the sensations
feeling so tender, u want him in you
“ken can i please…” you whisper, wanting him inside you. it would make you feel so placid, so nice and gooey
nanami knowing what you needed from the way you’ve been rocking on him from time to time, your purrs and little gasps weren’t helping him stay focused on calming you
“mmm, i’m not sure honey, that’ll take some prep” kento unsure of what you could take right now, didn’t want to hurt you
“m’good kennie, i just wanna sit on it” you tell kento raising ur head a bit so he can see u better
“mmmm” kento hums as he puts his forefinger under your chin guiding you up to him. before your lips touch he ghosts his thumb over your bottom lip. he practically salivates at how soft and plush they are. you bring your hands around his neck and pull him to you
oooo n the way he kisses is just so good, his lips so soft, you can taste your cocoa butter lip balm on his lips, the way he holds you in place. he would let you grind your hips on him for a little bit before you got whiny and he’d pulled out his hardening cock.
his cock in his hand, growing n throbbing, thankfully he was still a little soft so itd be easier for you to work in. kento’s cock was always struggle to take. no matter how many times you’ve slobbered and cum all over it. no matter where you were taking it, nanami took his time to work you up, thoroughly.
whether it was on his tongue or his fingers, or both, he’d make you cum for him over and over before he’d let you touch him. no matter how much he whined, he was a patient man, a man with discipline. it made you go fucking crazy.
“we’ll go slow and then you can sit on it, that okay baby?” kento conditions.
“k” you smirk, feeling elated that he’s gonna let you have your way.
he gently kisses your forehead before whispering down to you
“spit on it”
nanami still worried that you weren’t prepped enough, he didn’t want to hurt his princess. he wanted to make sure you were just so relaxed. so he makes sure to have you gather your spit and watch as you.
as your spit slides down his cock, you watch it twitch, and kento’s breath hitches. he uses your spit to help lubricate himself so it’ll be easier for you to take.
you hold onto his shoulders and let him guide his dick into your wet pussy. the stretch from just the tip has you suck in your breath,
“aaangh” you whine
nanami immediately soothes you pulling you into him so your head rests on his shoulder into his neck
“sshhh baby, i know, i know, i’ve got you, just gonna be a little more promise”
“mmm m’kay” you moan from feeling kento flex his hips into you more, making you take inch by inch. the stretch is unbelievable.
he’s so fucking thick and heavy, the way his dick throbs in you is just what you needed. the way he slowly glides his into you, so you can feel the veins of his cock melting you on him until you feel him bottom out in you.
your hips on his, the way he grips them, you can see the veins on his hands. his hands clutching the curves of your hips, helping you sit pretty on his dick, his gorgeous princess.
“good girl” he praises, so proud of you for being able to take him
you give a mix of a hum giggle as a response, too tired to talk. but loving the feel of him, loving all he was doing for you, you felt completely full, prettily stuffed and satisfied
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herofics · 2 months
Knight in Shining Armor
A/N: Hahaa, guess who’s going to use their whole day writing fanfiction instead of doing school stuff? Meeeeeeeee. Guess who’s also actually going to finish only one of the WIPs they’ve started? Meeee. Procrastination for the win babyyy. Geto it is, once again… non curse au I guess
It was one of those days again, not a good one, but not really a bad one either, just bland, just nothing. You had worked on your university assignments for hours last evening, and now all your motivation was gone. You felt like it was going to be another day of procrastination.
Maybe you should text Geto to see if you could go over to his place, at least that would give you something to do. The walk would help clear your head too.
“Can I come over?” you texted Geto.
“Right now?” came an answer.
“Yeah. Or is it not a good time?”
“It’s fine, I was just about to start making dinner. I’ll make enough for two :)”
“Thanks, I’ll be there soon” you messaged back.
You put on some proper clothes, instead of the stuff you wore when you were alone. Leaving the apartment in your pajama pants and a tank top didn’t really seem like a good idea. Even though Geto probably wouldn’t mind. You gathered your things, threw on a jacket and put on your shoes, before leaving for Geto’s place.
It was a nice walk, the day was cloudy, but the sun peeked out from behind the clouds every now and then. You were listening to music on your headphones while you walked, so you didn’t immediately notice the guy that was yelling at you from across the street. You finally saw him in your peripheral vision when he started to approach you. You tried to ignore him, since it never did any good to entertain these types of people. Geto’s place was around the corner, so you were just hoping he would leave you alone. When he grabbed your shoulder, you flinched and backed away, but even then you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“What’s up sweet tits? Come on, have some fun with me” he suggested with a raspy voice.
“No-no thanks, I’m in a hurry” you said shakily, trying to walk away from him.
He grabbed you by your wrist, stopping you from leaving the situation: “I wasn’t really askin, bitch”
You tried to pull away, but he had a tight grip on you. You were looking around frantically, but there weren’t many people around and those who were, didn’t seem to care. Then you heard a smack sound, something crunching, and the grip on your wrist went away.
“You really shouldn’t grab people like that” you heard a familiar voice say from beside you to the guy that was now on the ground, holding his nose.
“Suguru?” you asked with a clear tremble in your voice.
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Geto asked, scanning you with his eyes, making sure you were okay.
“Just a little shook up, I’ll be fine. Thank you” you muttered.
“Let’s go” Geto said, taking your hand, still glaring at the man that had dared to put his hands on you.
You were almost at Geto’s apartment, when the realization hit you. How did he know you were in trouble and where you were?
“How did you know to come help me?” you inquired.
“I was coming out of the store when I noticed you. I was just getting some groceries, because I was missing some things to make the dinner and happened to be there at the right time” he shrugged.
“So you don’t have some weird supernatural ability to know when I’m in trouble, and to just materialize there?” you joked.
“Not that I know of, at least, I just have excellent timing” he smiled.
“And what good timing you have, I thought I was about to get hurt” you shuddered, thinking about what could’ve happened.
“People like that should really learn to keep their hands to themselves” Geto huffed.
“Couldn’t agree more” you groaned, rubbing your wrist where the guy had grabbed you.
Geto noticed you rubbing your wrist, and it just made his blood boil. He didn’t let it show, but he was really angry at the guy that had put his hands on you. He probably would have hit him until his knuckles bled if he had a little less self-control. He didn’t like people putting their hands on someone without an invitation, but with you, he was even angrier about it than he would normally be, you were his partner after all.
You were at Geto’s door when he asked: “Are you sure you’re okay, love?”
“Like I said, just a bit shook up, and it’s not like this hasn’t happened before”
“It sucks that you have to deal with people like that” Geto groaned as he opened the door to his apartment, clearly annoyed.
“Yeah, but there’s not really anything I can do about it. Some people are just idiots” you sighed.
“Don’t I know it” he said as the two of you entered his apartment.
“Thanks for saving my butt, Suguru. I appreciate it” you said while taking off your shoes.
“Of course, love. I’ll save your ass any time you need it” he smiled that gentle, close eyed smile of his.
“Thank you” you smiled, looking at him adoringly.
“You’re welcome” he smirked and leaned in to kiss you.
You closed the distance between you and kissed him. Every time you kissed, it made your heart flutter. He just had that effect on you. You were so thankful that he was there to save your ass. Your knight in shining armor.
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jiminsinterlude · 1 year
Just One Kiss | JK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: You and your best friend gets extremely drunk. While on your way to sobriety, a certain question comes up and erupts actions.
“Have you ever thought about kissing me?”
->Smut; Best friends
-> Warnings: drunk(slightly) sex, protected sex, oral sex(b.), multiple orgasms, explicit language
You sat on the couch with your head thrown back. You were utterly drunk and so was your best friend, Jungkook. You looked over at him as he had the bottle of soju in his hand, pouring you both another shot. He passed you the shot glass as you both drunk up at the same time. He went to pour another but the soju bottle was empty and that was the last bottle you two had.
“Ugh, Fuck. There is no more.” He placed the shot glass and the bottle down on the coffee table, taking your shot glass and doing the same. You laughed a little seeing him upset about there being no more.
“We’ve been drinking for the longest, lets just put a end to it now.” You put your legs up on the couch, now cuddling a random pillow.
Jungkook looked over at you with low eyes. “Im bored, Y/N.”
“I know you are. Wanna play a game? Like 20 questions?” He shook his head.
“We know everything about each other. What is there to ask?” You shrugged your shoulders and reached over to the remote, turning on the tv and going to a random channel.
You guys just sat there in silence, watching the television. Time passed and you began to get thirsty.
“Can you get me some ice tea?” He nodded his head and got up, walking to the kitchen.
He came back with two cups, drinking one and handing you the other. You sipped on the ice tea thinking about what you and Jungkook could do to pass time.
“What are thinking about?” You took another sip of your ice tea before settling it on the coffee table.
“Wanna play Jenga?” He laughed at your suggestion.
“I don’t even own Jenga.”
“Oh. Right.” You began to ponder again.
Your legs were getting a cramp from being balled up like they were. You stretched them out, your foot hitting the side of Jungkook’s leg. He looked at your foot, grabbing it which only led to him beginning to tickle it. Jungkook knew very well how ticklish you were and took advantage at any given chance.
“Jungkook! Stop, Hahaa.” Laughs left your mouth uncontrollably as he had both of your feet in a hold ticking them. You couldn’t even fight against him, he was stupidly strong. You began to hit him with the pillow you had in your arms. He laughed as well but then stopped with the tickling when your pillow hits got too hard.
You began to catch your breath, continuing to lay on your back with your feet in his lap. Jungkook knew how much you hated to be tickled but he still does it each time.
“Ugh, I hate you Jungkook.” He gave you his bunny smile.
“You know you love me.” You rolled your eyes at his cockiness. You kept your eyes on him though, he seemed bored again. That was until you watched his eyebrows rise and his gaze turning to you. Maybe he thought of something you guys could do.
“Have you ever thought about kissing me?” Your eyes slightly widened. You were slowly sobering up and this definitely helped.
“What?” You aren’t deaf, just in shock.
“Have you? like ever?” You stared at him, sitting up from your position and keeping your feet in his lap. You shamelessly admitted, nodding your head.
“Of course I have. Do you look in the mirror at yourself?” He laughed a little at your response.
“So I guess we don’t know everything about each other.” This guy. Who wouldn’t want to kiss him. “I’ve thought about kissing you too, many times.” Your head slanted. That was very surprising to you.
“Mhm, I’ve always wondered if you were a good kisser. I wonder if your lips are as soft as they look.” This has to be the alcohol speaking right? But drunk words are sober thoughts. In plus, you guys were hardly drunk anymore. About an hour had passed since your last shot.
“Why wonder if you can just do it.” He licked his lips, eager.
“So if I kiss you, you won’t back away?” You shook your head no. He just watched your next moves.
You began to take your legs off his lap, crossing them. He slightly mimicked your position, sitting on top of one of his legs, the other hung off the couch.
“Just one kiss Jungkook.”He ran his tatted hand through his long black hair. Nodding his head, he began to bring his right hand to your face. He held it gently, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip.
Jungkook leaned in and you did the same. His warm lips met yours, slowly. They were wet,soft and brought wetness to not only your upper lips but your lower lips too. You were getting too excited with just kissing him. You pulled away from the kiss, looking him in his eyes. Bad idea. This only made Jungkook want more. He smashed his lips into yours, kissing you hard but slow. Your lips moved against his as you felt his lip ring brush against your skin. His hand still held your face, the opposite was rested on your lower back, caressing it slowly. You leaned your head to the side, pushing your face more onto his. You tasted the alcohol that still lingered his lips, the taste was intriguing
He was such a good kisser, his tongue brushed against your lips repeatedly. Jungkook wanted access inside, to tounge kiss you. God, you wanted him to tongue kiss the inside of you. You pulled away once again. You looked at him with a pounding chest.
“Jungkook… Give me more.” A smirk was placed on his lips as he leaned back in to kiss you. But stopped right before he did.
“I thought you said just one kiss?”
“We both know we want more than just a kiss.” He snickered before pressing his soft lips back onto yours. The hand that was placed on your back was now making its way up your shirt to unclip your bra. You also began to move your hand towards his sweatpants.
As you placed your hand onto his lap, you immediately felt his bulging dick. It was hard as you squeezed it. All the sexual thoughts you pushed away for him was slowly coming back. Fuck, you wanted to suck him off. Yes, you wanted to suck off your best friend. You had your sexual fantasies too. You went into his sweatpants and boxers, pulling out his throbbing dick.
“Can I suck your dick?” He wasted no time to nod his head. You lowered your head and your mouth was around his tip in seconds.
“Fuck, wait Y/N.” It was too late, you were already taking him deeper into your mouth. Your head bobbed up and down his length. Each time you came up, you slid your tongue over the tip and sucked a bit harder.
Jungkook’s tattooed hand was wrapped in your hair, gripping it tightly. He threw his head back at the pleasure, thinking about how quick you were to suck his dick. His hips buckled up, thrusting himself into your mouth. Tears left your eyes as you choked on his huge dick. You enjoyed the taste of him, enjoying the sound of his moans in your ears. You heard him say he was soon to cum, causing you to suck just on the tip. Your hands wrapped around his length and began to pump him. He moaned your name as he came in your mouth.
You could hear how heavy he was breathing as you sucked the cum out of him. He pulled your head away by your hair, bring you into a kiss. He was quick to lay you on your back. Jungkook kept your lips attached to his as he took of your leggings. His lips made its way to your neck as he kissed it and sucked at it lightly. He reached for the bottom of your shirt, pulling it over your head. You were left in your unclipped bra and soaked underwear. Jungkook took off his clothing as well, him being completely naked.
He eyed your body as he slowly removed your panties. He rubbed at your clit, smiling. “I’ve thought about fucking you many times too.“
You only responded in moans, it was music to Jungkook’s ears. “Fuck Jungkook. Wont you fuck me already?”
“So impatient,” was all he said before he lowered his head to your core. He dived right into you, as if you were the sea. Jungkook’s tongue lapped around your clit, followed by the intense licking. He kept his tongue pressed against you with pressure while he flicked at your throbbing bud. You moaned out his name, something you haven’t imagined in a long time. Your bra fell down your arms, eventually you just threw it across the room. Jungkook had his arms wrapped around your thighs keeping you into a firm position. Your hand latched at his hair, pulling and rubbing. You were already close.
“So good Jungkook, gonna cum.” His tongue slid downwards as he tongue fucked you, his thumb rubbing at your clit to keep a steady stimulation. Your eyes rolled back as you came on his tongue. Jungkook sucked the cum out of your hole before sitting up and looking at your now completely naked body. His mouth was covered in your juices. He looked at your body in awe.
“You’re so beautiful baby. Can I fuck you?” He didn’t even have to ask.
“Yes Jungkook.” He immediately reached over to the coffee table and grabbed his wallet, searching for the golden ticket. He pulled out the condom, tossing his wallet back onto the table. You watched as he ripped the packet open with his teeth, it was a hot sight to see. Jungkook was already pre-cumming, he wanted to be inside of you so bad. He maintained eye contact as he rolled the condom onto his rock solid dick. There were a few pumps given to it before he grabbed your hips and dragged you closer to him. Your legs were wide open for him. You were welcoming him with open everything.
Jungkook aligned himself with your throbbing hole, tears rolled down your eyes from desperation. You craved him, badly. The desperation ended when he pressed his tip into your hole. Your eyes rolled back as you took him whole immediately. Jungkook didn’t even give you a chance to adjust as he was already pounding into you. Your legs wrapped around him, hands placed on his forearms as he caged you in with them. He held eye contact with you as he fucked into your cunt.
“So good, so tight.” You walls swallowed Jungkook up, it was the best feeling to every to him. On your end, you were reaching your second orgasm. Moans filled the room. You couldn’t help but scream out for him, your best friend can surely fuck good.
“Jungkook…” Your attempt of trying to speak ended with only his name. But he wanted to know what you were trying to say.
“Yes love? Use your words.” So encouraging.
“Don’t stop, ok? Fuck me just like that.” His body lowered as his chest hit yours. Your hot bodies met, skin to skin. He brung his mouth to your neck, kissing it. Then to your ear.
“I will fuck you all night if you ask, baby.” Your moans increased louder as Jungkook slammed into you with harder thrusts.
He held onto your body and you held onto his. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and your legs still wrapped around his torso. His thrust were hard and fast, amazing and pleasing. Your walls clenched around him, fuck you wished that it was his bare dick inside of you. To feel him whole, for him to feel you completely too.
“Kookie, gonna cum again. God, you’re so fucking good. Fucking me so well.” He grunted as he began to go harder.
“You’re gonna drive me crazy Y/N.” Your insides snapped as you were now cumming all over the condom. You whined as you felt him pull out of you. But he was back in before you knew it. You were also in a new position.
You sat on top of him as he held your waist. From missionary to cow girl. “Want me to be your rider Kookie?” He gave you that bunny grin.
“Mhm, ride me baby.” You nodded as you began to bounce on his dick. Your pace was fast, wasting no time to reach your third orgasm. Jungkook had his head thrown back on the couch, placing a pillow behind his head so he could still look you deep into your eyes.
Not only was he killing your pussy, he was killing your nerves too. The eye contact took a great toll on you, it was breaking you from the inside.
“Stop looking at me like that, you’re killing me.”
“Or what? What will you do if I don’t stop?” You didn’t respond, just continued to bounce up and down on him. That was until you stopped and just began to grind on him. “Oh? You’re gonna stop huh?” You nodded your head but he only chuckled. “Even if you’re on top, I still have control.”
Jungkook had his hand placed tightly on your waist as he began to thrust upwards into you. Maybe you should’ve thought your actions through a little more. Your head fell into his neck, officially giving up. Your body began to react to him once again. Clenching around him and followed with your cum spilling all over the condom. The thrusts he gave you began to get sloppy. You heard Jungkook let out a deep moan.
“Y/N, baby. Fuck Im cumming.” His thrust began to slow down as he filled the condom with his cum. He rubbed your head while he rode you out.
“Kiss me love.” His words made you bring your head up to face him. Your eyes met his before they met his lips. His lips attacked yours. The kiss was heated, the both of your hearts were beating fast. They were trying there best to calm down but this kiss wasn’t helping. You broke away, now looking at your best friends beautiful face.
“This was supposed to be just one kiss.” He laughed at the irony, leaning in to give you a small peck on your lips.
“We both know we wanted more than a kiss.” He smiled at you before licking his lips. “I hope you know we aren’t going back to best friends after this Y/N.”
“And I have no problem with that.” He remained inside of you as you leaned in to kiss him again. You can catch your breath later.
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myblogystuff · 1 year
Tiny cuddling partner
Papa Emeritus IV x Fem!Reader, mentions of Plushia (in an innocent toy story way)
warnings : none really, just a cute moment w/ our sweet popia.
word count : 1,026 words.
Hi ghesties, this is my first ever fanfic, i’m really glad that it’s a ghost one. i don’t know if anyone is gonna read this. I had fun writing it, honestly I giggled so much. here goes nothing.
Reader’s POV : 
I missed him, I missed my papa.
He’s been working his gorgeous ass off planning future rituals, merch and box sets.
It’s been a few weeks now since we’ve had a proper romantic moment together. Most of the time we manage to find time for a date, movie night, even if it’s just cuddles before falling asleep.
Today, he called to let me know that he could take some time to have lunch together in his office. So, this is me walking there with lunch in one hand and a box of desserts in the other.
Thank Satan the door is open when I get there, I would have knocked with my foot otherwise.
When I finally get in he is (he’s the shining and the light...sorry, not sorry) nose deep in his papers, fully focused, didn’t even hear me come in.
“Knock, knock” I say.
That makes him lift his head and smiled at me.
“Hello my love, I’ll be yours in just a moment” he said and gestured me to sit on the couch near the fire.
Then he went right back to finishing his task. I decided to take that time to unpack lunch.
After a while he finally joined me, put his hand on one of mine, I smile at him, he gently kisses my forehead.
I was melting at his touch. I instinctively hug him and nuzzle deeper in his neck leaving a couple of innocent kisses there. He hummed quietly and started rubbing my back.  He pulls back looking me in the eyes.
“Thank you for lunch, amore, I’ve been looking forward to it, I miss spending time with you” he says kissing my hand.
“I miss you too, papa” I kiss him on the cheek and he hums again.
“I am really sorry, I’m trying to do a good job with this album, I want everything to be perfect”.
“You are, you’re doing amazing. Now let’s eat”.
“Yess, I am starving, I’ve been living on sandwiches and juice boxes for too long” that makes me realise that I’ve been busy myself; too busy to make sure he doesn’t miss his meals. That ought to change.
“Don’t worry your wifey is here to make sure you eat healthy, or not so much since I brought desserts” pointing at the box.
“I swear to Satan, you’re a fallen angel!” he says before starting to eat, and I do the same.
“How’s your day so far” he asks, mouth full.
“A bit slow”
“You sleep well?”
“Yeah, I got me a new tiny cuddling partner” I say with a smile, thinking of that plush version of my hubby that one of the ghouls gave me when coming back from tour once, they said a fan threw it at them.
“You do? Well...um...” Copia chokes on his food. Not knowing what to say or what to think he just kept eating.
After we finished our lunch and had our desserts, I noticed his eyes darting to his desk, probably time to get back to work.
“We should do this more often, papa. I enjoyed it.” I say while cleaning the small table. He nodded. “You should get back before sister imperator scolds me for distracting you“I say with a hint of seriousness. That woman is gonna work him to death.
“hahaa, yes I should, thanks again, my precious” he goes back to his place behind his desk and picks up where he left off.
Before leaving, I went over to him, put my hand on his shoulder to get his attention, then leaning to him, I give him a soft yet firm kiss. Then I’m gone.
3rd person POV :
Papa Emeritus IV had a hard time focusing for the rest of the day. Thoughts clouded his mind: who the fuck was cuddling his wife at night?
He never saw anybody when going to bed at night -then again he was so exhausted.
Maybe they leave before he gets there?
She said tiny...Sodo!? Noooo way!
I was so consumed by work that I made her seek comfort elsewhere.
“Stop that” he says to himself, “get back to work”.
Usually, at night he spends extra hours working and planning tomorrow’s work, but today all that thinking made him want to get off work a bit early to give his lady the cuddling they both missed.
Once he arrived, he opened the door extra quietly and got in, walking on his tippy toes, trying to summon the ninja in him.
Poking his head through the doorframe, he saw his lady’s back was turned to him, the lights were off except for the one on his bedside –she always leaves that one on for him.
He rounds the bed, and what he sees leaves him speechless.
In his beloved wife’s arms a tiny, ugly he thought, plush that looked like him in his cardinal days.
“You!” he whisper-yells at it.
As if possessed the plush slowly turned its head and winked at him.
Eyebrows to the sky, mouth open, Copia didn’t know if what he saw was real or if he was hallucinating. Pointing at it, he said : “I am not having no Annabelle near my precious wife”.
Reader’s POV :
 I woke to papa taking Plushia from my arms and putting it on one of the top shelves where he keeps his boring (his words not mine) books.
“Papa, what are you doing? Are you back from work already?” I ask confused.
“Don’t worry amore. I’m all yours in a moment” and with that he picked some comfy clothes and got ready for bed.
“hi” he says getting under the covers and positioning himself in the middle, he takes me in his arms and I instinctively rest my head on his chest. “That’s better, no?”.
“Yes it is, I have to say that even though I enjoyed having Plushia with me, I definitely prefer the original”. That earns me a confused look.
“What did you call that thing? You know what, nevermind, I’m here now” he tilts my head so I’m looking at him”I love you”.
“And I love you, Copia”.
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saerins · 3 months
What is this thing about Sae not being able to help himself?? Bestie is down bad (and so are we all)
Also idk but I just imagined something angsty? Like imagine we're not first choice to Sae (or whoever it may be). Like we were the childhood friend or the one that stuck around after all the ups and downs only to lose to someone who just met him. And none of us are toxic in a way? Like no one is being a trash bag or anything. It's just unfortunate circumstances.
AND we do fight for it, we try to win his affection but we lose competing with the other person. AND we break 4th wall (or use other characters) where we find out that we are hated by other people for "getting in the way" of the "main couple". But feelings just happen and no one is guilty for loving someone and trying to pursue it.
Like do we as 2nd lead, be perceived as trashy and essentially deserving to be punished (like a lot of the time with 2nd leads) or what? Idk just a thought after hearing a lot from Bianca. I mean she's not a good/reasonably sound person but what if she was normal. She was someone who wasn't toxic or wasn't anything bad. She just wanted to be loved.
(Lmao I disappear and then come back to dump this. Uni is still kicking me but I hope you're doing well!!)
- 💫 anon
hahaha sae did help himself 😋 all the while thinking of yn lmao he’s really down bad </3
and as for that; i would say right now bianca is doing a little bit more than normal (going by her nature and what she did to other girls who got close to sae) but still would be kind of normal all the same, in a way ? i think a lot of the dislike is just playful hahaa as for whether she ends up being a trash bag, i’ll have to keep you in the dark for it but let’s say it’s yn—putting a readmore for this haha
okay if roles were reversed and yn was in bianca’s shoes and bianca is the new girl sae got to know; if we tried to still make him fall for us—i think that’s going to be perceived as normal. we’re just trying, no harm. but there’s also what most people are theorising that bianca is trying to do now (in the actual story) which is to sabotage and in a way “play unfairly” (think mirin haha) which, if i wrote it as yn (roles reversed), i think yn would be hated on too haha especially if the other girl has done absolutely nothing and exhibited no hostility or even bad intent to us. i would think it’s mostly about the intentions behind their actions and right now bianca’s is unclear haha so we have supporters and also non-supporters. we only know she wants sae to herself and have been proven to enact intimidation tactics to other girls to push them away from him. which is not so normal haha so there’s already doubt there. but if she wasn’t that way, if she didn’t do that, i don’t think the hate for her would be as much tbh haha but in some ways, whenever anybody tries to cut into what we want, most of us would hate it so there will be that animosity towards her anyway. and that, i think, is what’s actually normal.
she wants to be loved, but so does yn. heck, so does eita haha but there’s a distinct difference in how they go about doing it which, if more people related/agreed to the way bianca was doing it, then i have no doubt people would start going against my yn too hahaha it’s just that it’s mostly typical for the second lead to be more toxic, i think, and so they naturally garner the hate :’)
again, like you said, if bianca was completely normal and did none of those toxic things, people probably wouldn’t hate but most of them can probably see that sae doesn’t feel the same (because of the huge difference in how he treats bianca vs yn) and naturally would want bianca to back off because it’s really no good to her to keep clinging on to something that has proven time and again is not for her, as harsh as it sounds (it’s a life lesson i learned personally too so i guess i relate and feel strongly for it hahahah).
anyway !! if this doesn’t make sense (because i’m so so bad at phrasing this 😭) hopefully you guys will understand more once i drop more of that sae/bianca lore hahaha sobs sorry this got long i was just thinking and typing as i went :’) i love how you made me think though :p
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Hii! Congrats on 600!! ✨
I recently discovered ur acc and I LOOVE your work!! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡ Could I please request a drunk confession fic where it takes place at p4 where reader and jotaro reunite but he finds reader drunk and all thatt, and then care of them, aand the rest is up to youuu (totally not because im uncreative hahaa, ) anywayzz I hope it isn't too complicated, thank youuu sm! ( ╹▽╹ )
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ɴᴇᴠ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ’ᴍ ɢʟᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰɪᴄꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴡʀᴏᴛᴇ! ʜɪɢʜʟʏ ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ɪᴛ! ꜱᴏʀʀʏ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴛᴏᴏᴋ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ꜱᴜʀɢᴇʀʏ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀʙʟʏ!! ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴅʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ ᴄᴏɴꜰᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴꜱ ʙᴇᴛᴡᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ!! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ~!
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴄᴏɴꜱᴜᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ, ᴍɪʟᴅ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴛᴇᴅ, ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ
ᴡᴏʀᴅᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.2ᴋ
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Normally people look forward to Friday’s as it segues into the weekend. But this Friday you were flat out drunk, hiccuping as you asked the bartender for another drink. In your state of being they should’ve stopped, yet given how shitty your day was..a couple more wouldn’t hurt…right?
Your dream job was being a news reporter. It was something you always wanted to be, thinking you’ll help contribute to the world. And with the help of your stands ability, checks would be rolling in no time. To your dismay your expectations let you down, you were just a mere errand girl barely making ends meet. 
This position is only temporary; It’s what you often tell yourself whenever you try to look at the positive side of things. But no matter, the universe, or whomever was controlling your fate, showed you countless times..don’t be optimistic. Today was like your usual but magnified times infinity. First, you were late to work due to your alarm clock not ringing. How typical. You used your phone as your alarm and the reason behind it not functioning properly was because it wasn’t charged. Maybe because it was hanging on its last wire or because you didn’t push it all the way into the electrical socket. Who knows.
Secondly, you head to the local coffee shop ordering 6 medium coffees, one cupholder in each hand. It was like a circus performance as you attempted to stabilize the two trays. Though, your gut feeling was telling you otherwise. 
“Umm, uh, do you have the ones with a handle?”
“One what?”
“The cupholders...with a handle at the top..”
“Do they even make those???”
“Nevermind,” You huffed, storming off slightly not wanting to spill anything on your work attire. But, due to a pebble greeting you with your next step; you lost your balance. The coffee that you were trying to preserve, splattered! Less than a foot away from you, what was once a perfectly white car, now reeked with coffee. 
“My car!!” Running out from the cafe stood a woman with a worrying expression. Back and forth you two argued..(well mostly on her end, you tried to deescalate the situation) with the result being you getting sued, supposedly. By the look of her car its appearance seemed like it cost more than a pretty penny. Therefore, suing you for the hell of it, will be a case easy enough for her lawyer to win. An agreement was made, so she wouldn't sue you, you paid her half of your rent money for the “damages”.
 “Something is better than nothing,” You sighed, feeling even more defeated.
Lastly, a quarter past twelve was the time once you arrived. You thought everyone was on lunch break, which in your mind was the perfect opportunity to come in late. If everyone was occupied then there would be no questions as to where you were as long as they had their fresh cup of coffee. Logically speaking, you were late because you spent time getting them coffee! They couldn't be upset with you, it's not like you control those long lines..
In the middle of the office building everyone crowded, sounds of batter and laughter was heard. Which caught you off guard considering how brooding this place can be. Then you remembered, the CEO’s daughter would be visiting today. How could you forget?? This would be the perfect chance to network and possibly gain a new position and yet given the predicament you were in, quite unprofessional to say the least. Shaken in your own skin you attempted to plan your next move and once you came to a conclusion it was far too late. All eyes were on you..
You felt like a strike of lightning hit you as you felt as all comprehension was zapped away. It was awkward to say the least, and yet dumbfoundead, you continue to stay there. Until what seemed like a voice streaking, made you come to your senses again. 
“You’re the same person who spilled coffee on my brand new car!!” The same woman from earlier called you out in front of everyone and considered that she was in the center of attention. She was in fact the CEOs daughter.
Isn’t that just dandy!!
One shot turned into three, then three turned into man fucking it, its been an arduous day. Drinking isn't your typical style, sitting on the couch eating ice cream usually solves your problems. But, here you were completely buzzed trying to forget your issues. 
“What are you drinking?”
“I think its…its a lemon drop shot,” You slurred while circling the salt on the rim of your glass, clearly not looking at who's speaking with you. 
“Heard those were bitter,”
“Heh I guess so hic maybe that's why it taste like that,”
“Long day huh,”
“Almost got fired today..it's not like..like I even care though. Glad I accidentally poured hot boiling coffee on my bosses, boss car, she had it comin’,”
“See you haven’t changed, still malicious as ever. Probably it's the reason why it kept us alive back in Egypt,” 
“I actually visited that hot place once when I was seventeen,”
“Oh..really? What was it like?”
“Well, hic I traveled in a group. We called ourselves the stardust crusaders, cheesy I’m aware. We had a mixture of the good and bad times but we prevailed, I will never take those moments for granted as they were people whom I considered family. Like anything in life it came to an end and our journey was over. We all promised to stay in touch but never did,”
“Anyone in particular you miss?”
“Yeah..well sorta. He was an asshole with a smart mouth.. but I grew to like him. He always made sure I was well when things become dangerous. Heh, there was one time he showed me this cool cigarette trick. Made me think he was the coolest person alive,” 
“What if you had the chance to see him again? Seems like he was very special to you,”
“What are you implying-” Turning to see who you were talking to is what you should've done ages ago. But still, no matter how you prolonged in seeing his face, the mere sight of him would easily put you in a state of shock. 
“When did you become so..skinny,” You muttered bluntly. The realization that you said something stuipd cause you to blush terribly. As for your long lost friend, he sat there chuckling as you hid your face in embarrassment. “Sorry, I think I might be drunk,” You snickered.
“Might be?” He asked in a teasing matter.
“Ok ok..maybe a whole lot..” 
A moment of laughter the two of you shared before things became silent. Now that you fully comprehended who you were sitting next to you; your emotions came to the surface. How long has it been? 9, maybe 10 years, since you last saw him? Why did he never call you? Clearly, you remembered giving him your house number.
“I missed you..Jotaro,” You said, ending the reticence.
“Me too y/n,” He replied no second later after you spoke. That fast of a response told you he actually meant it, as he’s not one to put his emotions on display. “Knowing you, a half ass apology isnt going to cut it,”
“We were kids, hell, sometimes I forget to call my mom,” 
“You sure do have a way with words,”
“Call me modern day shakespeare but without the speare,” You joked, earning a playful eye roll from Jotaro. Forgetting about your unfinished drink you grabbed it, while something else grabbed your wrist. 
“I think that's enough..”Jotaro stated, looking earnestly in your eyes. Again he meant it. You didn’t rebuttal or snatched away from him. You were tired of fighting; tired of having all odds against you. You wanted to fall knowing you had a giant fluffy pillow that would cushion your landing. To embrace your body as the sense of comfortability eased into your heart.  Jotaro was that giant fluffy pillow. It just took a while.
“Watch your step..you know what-” In one scoop Jotaro picked you up bridal style, he grew rather impatient helping you to not fall flat on your face. So as for plan B carrying you was the best option.
“You know..throwing me over your back will inflict those days back in Egypt,” You jeered, dimming your eyes slightly. “Those pointy shoulders, constantly poking at my sides. I'm pretty sure you did that on purpose-”
“Whatever it took to keep you from babbling in my ear,” 
Despite driving you home Jotaro brought you back to his hotel room, where he was staying for a while. He thought it was best bringing you here, taking in consideration how drunk you were. The couldn’t just leave you unattended in your state of being, that wasn’t like him. One thing was for certain he was happy you didn't throw up-
Well..on him, to be exact.
A bath, changeable clothes, and medicine he provided. Your comfort was crucial, the less you moved, reduced your likelihood to throw up again. You sat up right against the headboard wondering what was occupying Jotaro. He said he was going to take a shower..he would be back right. Pushing the door open you were greeted with Jotaro laying on the couch with a dim light beside him. There he read himself a book with a blanket covering the bottom of his torso.
“So you’re camping out here?” 
“You know we shared a bed once before..,” Meeting you with his gaze, Jotaro paused. All things considered Jotaro knew you’d say something outlandish and speak your mind. But this one made his brain short circuit, you knew that without a doubt. Obviously, you knew what you were doing, you just only needed liquid courage to do so. 
“How did you know where I was? Because I don't believe in fate..scratch that, I do! But what are the chances..”
“Then you won’t like my answer,”
“I meant what I said back there,”
“Which part? How part when you relished in the fact you accidentally poured coffee on your boss-” 
“Ohmygodjotarostopp,” You begged him, striving to cover up that smart mouth of his. Wobbling from losing your balance once more you landed on Jotaro’s chest. Up close and personal you were able to see all the little details of his face. Still the same person, but rather beautified with age. 
“Oh..uhh sorry,” You awkwardly laughed it off, regaining the ability to stand on your feet. In a jerking motion your body flew forward to its previous position. Hands cross Jotaro’s broad chest, noses inches apart and most importantly, maintaining a zealous gaze. His eyes were terribly enhancing, as they had a grip on your soul. Wanting to look away, and hide from him, is what you wanted to do. Afterall, that's what you were accustomed to whenever the two of you were close. 
“Stop trying to run away from me,” Without a word spoken, he tried to communicate with you. For so long, the both of you played this cat and mouse like game. Tied between two choices, be transparent or disregard everything you kept bottled up. Apparently, the choice you both made last time didn’t quite work out. Because now the two of you are closer than you’ve ever been..
“I thought he was the coolest person alive,” You repeated your vulnerability. Underneath your palms you felt his heartbeat quicken, giving you the green light to continue. “With his jacket in the wind, I viewed him like a superhero. One that I admired, in hopes that eventually, I two, could do the same. At the time, I thought it wasn't more than curiosity. But it was put to the test once I saw you again,”
“What are you saying?”
“I love you Jotaro,” You blurted out, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. Who knew three simplistic words had an immense meaning attached. For a second you hesitated whether or not to continue, but by feeling Jotaro’s sudden embrace, you held back no more. “I always did, just never knew how to voice it properly. I was scared of what you would think of me, scared that I might lose you forever like Iggy, Avdol and Kakyoin but rather knowing you were alive on the other side of the world, with everyday you not being there reminding me, I could never have you,” The last bit of your sentence caused you to choke up a bit. Jotaro noticed this almost immediately thus he sat you both up, in order to comfort you efficiently.
“Shhh,” He shushed you, rubbing his hand up your back then down again, repeatedly. “I’m not going anywhere I promise you,” That was his own way of saying I love you too. Jotaro isn't the type of guy who’d outright say his emotions but rather act on them. And right now he certainly was. 
“Can you sleep next to me tonight?” You asked, not sugar coating not another feeling you’ve felt. 
“Good grief, you better not throw up on me,” Again he teased, but this time Jotaro pressed a small kiss on your forehead. “But then again..I won't complain if you do,”
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harringtonstilinski · 3 months
hiii ur requests are open??? i read few of your st fics and they’re so incredible and so beautifully written 😍🤭 would u write a steve harrington! x munson!reader fic where eddie dies in the uspide down and if you feel comfortable to write his death scene but also include yn there as she rushes there but it’s too late? and she’d be like no no no no, eddie, don’t leave me here alone…and you have to graduate, remember? eddie please don’t…and it would be just kinda angsty in the beginning but more fluffy in the end? alao if she’d started dating steve during the time like in s4…but she’d drifted away from him and became distant and built big walls all around her so no one could ever get in? not even steve? or dustin who eddie told to look after his sister? she also told wayne to not to let anyone in and she’d keep crying in bed in be in his room for even more weeks until she’d had to go to school. also yn would be in same year as eddie was? but she’d be 2 years younger. also same year as nancy and robin. so she does graduate, eddie didn’t…bc he died. when she’s being called out on the stage she’s shocked and kinda surprised and confused but her friends and steve will push her? this was supposed to be a happy day but actually it isn’t bc eddie is not here and she doesn’t know how to this without him. she’s still grieving. she doesn’t know how to move on. she doesn’t even want to move on? and she’d like break down in tears on the stage as she’d go for her diploma imagining eddie sitting beside dustin and their uncle mouthing well done (or something like that) but then he’d disappear and that’s when she’d broke down in tears. steve would rushes to her and try to comfort her. she tries to tell l steve she saw eddie here, everyone is concerned and wayne is worried so is steve. they’re try to explain her it was just her mind playing tricks on her but she doesn’t want to believe it and she runs away? steve goes after her. he finds her finally sitting in front of eddie’s grief talking to him. she’d jump when she feels someone’s hand on her shoulder, realising it’s steve kneeling down. she’d snuggle closer to him seeking for his love and comfort she’d finally get? steve would also reassure her eddie will always be here with her like not in same way but in her heart? steve knows she needs him more than ever and he’s willing to be here for her? day or night? whenever she needs?
awwww! 🥹 thank you so much!!
babe, i think you wrote this request yourself, lol! BUT, i hope i got everything you asked for! as i was writing this for you, i kept coming back here to add some thoughts, hahaa.
i didn't run away this time, right?
writing thoughts below the cut;
i had it be reader's arm that he dies in, not dustin's because i felt like it would make it angsty.
i gave her dustin's little speech with wayne to make it more angsty and show their relationship.
i changed a couple things in your request, and kinda switch them around.
this might be more angsty than fluffy, hahaa
i kind of forgot about her walls for like half a second, so my apologies.
i didn't mean for this to be as long as it turned out, hahaa!
i had her move in with steve after coming from upside down hawkins, so the end of your request falls into that.
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bots-and-cons · 2 years
RATCHET PLEEEEASE 🥺 or soundwave
I just did some stuff for Ratchet that I felt like I needed, since you didn’t mention anything specific
“Hey Ratch?” you asked, laying on the couch with your arm draped over your head
“Hmm?” he mumbled back.
“Could we go outside for a while? I don’t really feel like going alone and I kinda wanna talk with someone”
“Is something wrong?” Ratchet asked, turning away from the computer.
“No, not really, I could just use a bit of fresh air and some company would be nice” you shrugged.
“I could use a break as well, the computer is doing the work right now anyway, and I can just check up on it later”
“You? Taking a break? Wow, miracles do happen” you joked, with a smirk.
“Shall we go?” Ratchet asked, rolling his optics at your comment.
You hopped off the couch and started walking towards the lift, Ratchet following behind you.
The lift took you to the top of the base and you sat down on one of the bigger rocks. Ratchet sat down next to you on the ground.
The sun has already set. It was nice being away from all the light pollution and being able to see the stars and the sliver of a moon that was rising. You leaned your head back to look up at the sky and took a deep breath. It wasn’t exactly cold outside, but it wasn’t really warm either. You zipped up your hoodie, so you wouldn’t get cold
“So, what would you like to discuss?” Ratchet asked, breaking the silence.
“I’ve been a bit worried about you Ratch. You haven’t really been sleeping and I haven’t seen you consume any energon in a while either. So I guess I just wanted to ask if you were feeling okay?”
“I’m fine” Ratchet said, looking up at the night sky.
“I know you’re not. I’ve noticed you getting dizzy lately too, losing your balance sometimes and having to lean on something”
“Is it that obvious?” Ratchet sighed.
“Yep, the others have noticed too and I know you won’t listen to them, so I thought I’d try my luck”
“The others need more energon than me, you know. They are the ones who are fighting all the time, risking their lives and it’s much more dangerous for them to not get enough energon than it is for me”
“I’m gonna be fair with you Ratch. That’s some of the stupidest crap I’ve ever heard. What are you gonna do if one of the team gets injured and you pass out because you haven’t gotten enough energon. You’re just as important as everyone else on the team, and on top of that you’re the only medic they’ve got. How about all of you just take care of yourselves properly?” you said.
Ratchet was pretty much stunned to silence. He hadn’t really even thought that what he was doing might affect the others negatively.
“And you really should get some rest, I’m pretty sure you’ve been up for a week straight. I know you guys don’t need as much sleep as us humans, but still, a week is too much even for you”
“You’re probably right” Ratchet sighed.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise and said: “It’s a day of miracles” with a smirk.
“Hahaa (Name), very funny” Ratchet rolled his optics, but he was smiling. “You have to promise me to take care of yourself too” he added.
“It’s a deal” you said.
You and Ratchet sat outside for a while more, before going back into the base. You basically made him consume energon while you watched, just to make sure he wouldn’t try to slip from your deal. He did it without complaint and you could see him perk up almost immediately. Sometimes people just needed someone else to push them to take care of themselves.
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randomveyn · 2 years
so how do you think Shuhei would deal with having a crush (who is this cute, gorgeous, little lady) who is asked who they find the most handsome in appearence? (Probably by Rangiku tbh xD. I imagine Shuhei, Izuru and Rangiku and crush hanging out). And crush is like “Kenpachi and Renji, it’s the scars and tattoo’s to be honest… i’ve spoken to other women and they talk about how handsome Byakuya is, but I just don’t see it”. (You wrote shuhei worries about his scars and tattoos)?
“does she see me or just my tattoos?” HAHAA shuhei is insecure in every little thing! i think his scars bring back some sad, nostalgic memories. it reminds him of his peaceful student days, of his fellow comrades who sacrificed in the battlefield, of his defected taicho who taught him the philosophy of battle for justice. he also thinks the scar is there to push him to be stronger, for the sake of his loved ones. (hugs for u shuhei 🥺)
✨ another long rambles under the cut ✨
as for the 69 tattoo, he's getting flushed cheeks after learning what it means in the modern world of living. but a part of him was still grateful for that incident bc he got to meet his muguruma-taicho. (got his ass saved and threateningly cheered him up too lol) so yeah, he got it tattooed out of respect. no regrets.
now, we can't say the same for the other tattoo. (i first thought it's a stripe/bandage or an accessory?? like it's just there for fashion?? lolol) i mean…i wouldn't have known why he got it. nobody knows. kubo-sensei needs to do some explanation here pls. but i can imagine shuhei looking into the mirror daily and be like “what tf were you thinking back then??” pat his back and tell him it's okay. everyone went through that phase. 😌
if his crush complimented kenpachi and renji for their tattoos and scars, shuhei would feel a bit conscious around these two. he might even stalk them out of curiosity. like “what do they have that i don't?”
rangiku would be laughing her ass off bc he got fired up over the smallest things his crush commented on. “he's a simp! that's what the youngsters in the world of living would call him!” she cackled while elbowing the facepalming kira beside her.
shuhei might go to the squad 11, using training as an excuse but he won't stop eyeing their spiky haired taicho the entire time. eventually, kenpachi would notice that and confront him about it. poor shuhei is shaking under this 6ft tall man, spilling the beans about his crush.
kenpachi just…doesn't understand. and he doesn't care i guess. he have no interest in dating and stuff, he's all about instinct and fight. but since shuhei brought this to his attention, he figured he can do whatever he wants about it. he's straightforward so he came up with the dumbest idea ever. “your woman like scars? then, fight me and get more scars!” rip shuhei 💀
okay now we've come to renji. i vaguely remember he got his tattoo after he graduated from the shinigami school. i also remember shuhei once lead his class on a field training and the trio (kira, renji and hinamori) was gushing about him.
my theory is, renji got inspired by shuhei about tattooing. (imagine kira trying to talk him out of it but renji was all “but hisagi-san is so badass with those! i want it too!!!”) so if shuhei ever voiced his concern about it, i think renji would know how to reassure him.
but don't trust his suggestion though. his fashion sense can be as bad as shuhei's guitar playing. “hisagi-san! you should get this glasses! you'd look cool with it!!” (it's so bad that ichigo want to pretend he dk these two on the street)
this is an off topic but lemme rant about byakuya a bit HAHA i rmb the first time i saw him i'm like “okay not the type of guy i'd like. thank you, next.” then i got into past arc and TEEN BYAKUYA!! HES A TSUNDERE 😍 HES SO CUTE I CAN'T!! 😫 but yeah that was pretty short-lived and we never see his tsundere tendencies again. (maybe there is…but he's more of a kuudere now) and i'm kinda torn in between “i only like him in his teenage!!” and “should i just love him as a whole??” basically i just refused to admit i like him 💀
okay thanks for listening to my crazy rambles. 🫶🏻
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ashdash2417 · 2 years
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POV: you’re about to fight Michelangelo Mortal Kombat style and you don’t even know it.
This was actually inspired by a post that someone made (I have no idea who, but if anyone does know please lemme know hahaa), and I felt the need to draw it out. 😅😅😅
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sanguine-salvation · 4 months
For Mx. Zsasz: How would you feel if you encountered someone who you could "free of their suffering" one day, and by the weekend see them again walking around in town again as if perfectly fine?
“Ah, I think I understand this? You’re asking if it looks different to me, is that it? I’ll admit, no one’s been curious since my last doctor at Arkham! Poor thing.”
“… it has happened. Ha, how could it not! I might have been given purpose, but I’m… fallible. Broken, still. I’m a zombie, after all, the same as any other! The blood, the rot. The Emptiness in their eyes, the pain on their faces that they try to hide, the monotony wearing them down like a chain through their neck. Even in me. I know it’s there.”
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“But I— my mind wants what it was before, and it… tricks me… plays pretend that it’s all the same as it was. That the city isn’t rotten and people don’t hurt. It tries to make it harder for me. But I know… it can’t be. That fragile naïveté was taken from me, for better and worse, hahaa…”
They flinch sharply, but they don’t really notice. Knife at their face, warm sea breeze, the weight of the rope still on their neck as every ounce of dignity they still had was robbed of them until there was nothing left to keep them together—
“So I already know what it feels like. And it aches. Because I know it’s not true. I watch them, and… I know they still need me. The still yearn for salvation, and I will give it to them. Because that’s what I am.” Allyouareallyoucanbe.
So why was there a splinter in their chest, still?
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 18
Chapter 18: “Prepared”
Why.. why must everyone leave out Ray?? After my boy has done so much for you, ya’ll just don’t wanna include him in your little thoughts, despite saying “them” twice? RUDE, but THEM aka the fullscore TRIO aka Emma, Norman and RAY would not have been sneaking around mom’s secret room the first place.
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Hahaa.. oh honey, you got a big storm coming.
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Again, they’re damn lucky Phil showed the books to Emma instead of Isabella. Still believe mom would’ve got rid of those books once she realized the different morse codes.
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Ray poking fun at Emma will always be one of my favorite things. Shame the anime cut this conversation a bit too short so we never got to see that snarky grin of his.
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Say it louder Ray! Not that it really matters, since the possible threat of security in the secret room fell on deaf ears the first time two chapters ago.
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The anime definitely handled this one moment better by showing how much lying and not having faith in Don and Gilda really affected Emma, whereas the manga showed her a little angry, which wouldn’t make sense all things considered.
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I know Don’s feeling real sad and frustrated right now, but I like to believe he punched Norman for the lies and Ray for keeping the secret this whole time, especially on Conny’s shipment day. Emma is spared of a hard punch because.. main character. Or poor Don gets too emotional to continue. Or because he respects women. Take your pick. (Regardless, random head-canon that Don would make an excellent boxing partner for Barbara once they arrive in the human world.)
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Kinda funny (in a sad way) that in the ch13 flashback, Emma stated she wanted to believe in her siblings no matter what, and now she’s sorta getting called out for not doing so? I know there were many reasons for telling them the fake story but sweetie, how could you forget something that’s so near and dear to your heart?
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But I love her. I love her so much and how she doesn’t even hesitate to own up to her mistake and apologize to them.
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Anyways, I dunno which version of Krone spying on the five I like more? but the manga version sorta takes a bit of the surprise factor away when she confronts the four of them (take a guess on who got left out) in the woods the following day just because you’re already aware she was watching them in this chapter.
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The anime keeps us in suspense since we have no idea who is watching them, or some people (aka: me) might not even catch onto it at first. We get Ray looking back towards the house and being suspicious of something but we don’t learn what about until later in the episode. Also, I love how it’s him who realizes this because.. well, he always notices everything. 
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The anime kinda threw me through a loop just now as I was trying to confirm some things. When Krone reveals she was spying on them towards the end of ep6, she says: “I saw it. I was watching the whole thing! Talking in the dinning hall last night, all of you!” but they’re clearly outside here in the scene above. I thought the anime’s take didn’t make munch of sense because of how Krone’s comment contradicts with where she saw them talking, but turns out I just had to back up a little bit in the episode. There is a brief moment we see the five kids inside the dinning hall from outside the house which could very well be from her eyes, so her statement is still valid here. (HOWEVER, why are they even outside?? Doesn’t Isabella lock the doors at night? Or is that only during shipments? I’m already forgetting.)
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So I essentially rambled on for nothing right there, but what else is new. I also noticed these posts are becoming quite long these past few days and I sorta not really apologize for it. (I say “past few days” but in reality I’ve been writing these out at least five days ahead this entire time so far, hahaa...)
Favorite panel/moment:
*clenching my fist with tears in my eyes* OH so giving head pats to family is definitely a “like mother, like son” kind of gesture huh? Brilliant. I’m gonna go cry about it.
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littleoddwriter · 2 years
Hi! I was the one who asked about Frenchie :) You obviously don’t have to write this if you’re struggling with it! Just tell me, it’s totally okay!
Male!reader is a part of Blackbeard’s crew and very chaotic. Likes to blow shit up and stuff, just like Frenchie :3. During the weeks where the crews share the Revenge they grow really close in this stupid, silly little way where they wreak havoc together. Frenchie teaches reader how to sing and play and reader teaches him how to dance or something. Maybe they share a little smooch under the moonlight while waltzing 🥹.
And when Blackbeard strands the crew on the island but keeps Frenchie and Jim, he threatens the reader’s life because of their little bond. Either the reader has to kill Frenchie or abandon ship so he abandons ship, naturally. Gives him a goodbye kiss and whispers goodbye. Didn’t mean to make this so angsty I apologize hahaa 😅. This is quite long so I’d be okay with you only writing a part of this, if that makes it easier!
Love your writing MWAH :3
For You | Frenchie x Male!Reader
Aaahhh, hello there! I'm so sorry this took me so long to write. Things have been,,, Not Good and so busy, ugh. Anyway! I hope you like what I've done with your request. I changed a few tiny things (or just one, now-), sorry. Loved it, though! So no worries about it getting angsty or long, it's more than fine. :') Thank you for everything!!! Mwah! <3 <3 <3
summary; See above.
notes; Male!Reader; Angst with an Open Ending; Falling in Love; Getting Together; Being Forced to Leave.
When you all boarded the Revenge, you certainly hadn’t expected to find yourself completely enamoured with one of her members, Frenchie. He was tall, handsome, weirdly funny, charming, incredibly kind and forthcoming, and generally a really wonderful guy to be around. Oh, you never stood a chance. 
You were so far gone when he pulled out his lute and played a song, singing along to a melody he seemed to be making up on the spot. All you could do was watch him in awe. 
Frenchie was pretty much the opposite of you and yet you felt yourself so drawn to him. After all, you were one who caused a lot of trouble and lived for the chaos that usually ensued. He wasn’t like that. Or so you thought. You heard that he helped Captain Bonnet turn all those rich fucks against each other and accidentally burn down their ship. That was exactly the kind of shit you loved to get yourself into and you were in dismay over missing it. 
Knowing this, though, you took your chance and blew up some useless stuff with Frenchie one day. You were both having fun and were able to relax, then. You only had eyes for him during that time. Luckily, he didn’t seem to mind. Maybe he didn’t even notice your gaze on him. He was sometimes oblivious like that, you found. 
Shortly after that, Frenchie asked you if he could teach you how to sing, play and/or dance. He seemed incredibly eager to do it and you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend more time with him and get closer to him. So, of course you agreed. Although you really weren’t the biggest fan of these things yourself. It looked like he effectively brought out your softer side.
On one day, you two spent your time singing and playing his lute; although he did most of it. After a while, you let loose and enjoyed yourself while joining in. When he showed you how to play the lute, though, you could barely control the way your fingers started shaking. His hands were on yours, guiding them to find the right notes, and he spoke ever so softly to you to give you instructions. It was beyond you how you didn’t end up kissing him right then and there, but somehow you held onto every last bit of self-control you had not to do it.
But then he showed you how to dance under the soft moonlight, while everyone else was asleep because you didn’t want them to see you like this and Frenchie respected that. You truly never stood a chance against his charms.
Laughing quietly together, you finally got the hang of how to waltz. He praised you softly and shot you such a big smile that you couldn’t hold yourself back anymore. You just needed to kiss those beautiful lips. And so you did. You leaned in to close the last couple of inches of distance between you and captured his lips in a chaste kiss.
Frenchie kissed you back. He pushed against you and kissed you. It felt more passionate, but soft and uncertain. A weird mix, but so Frenchie that it made you laugh into it. 
“I’m glad we’re apparently on the same page,” you whispered, pecking his lips once more.
He simply nodded with a dopey smile on his face, “Me, too.”
Weeks later, everything has gone to shit from one day to the other it seemed. Edward and Stede demanded the Act of Grace and left, only for Ed to come back by himself, acting strange. You had no idea what had happened at first, until you figured that something must have been going on with Stede. Did they have a fight? Did they break up? Had they even been together in the first place? You didn’t know anything for sure, you simply knew that, yes, it was definitely Stede’s fault that Edward was so off. 
You also didn’t know what to expect from Edward. Apparently Blackbeard was back and he was worse than ever. You could understand him to some extent. If you were to lose Frenchie in any way, you’d also wreak havoc on the world and make everyone else pay for it. Still, Blackbeard was far more terrifying than your own fantasy of what you would have been capable of in his situation. 
That became abundantly clear when he called you into his study room, where Frenchie was already waiting. He didn’t look amused in the slightest. 
“Captain?” you inquired, standing close to Frenchie, but not quite touching him yet; although everything in your body screamed for you to intertwine your hands at the very least. 
“I thought I was gonna keep Frenchie, y’know?” Blackbeard murmured, looking at you darkly, “But I don’t like the little thing you two have going on. So. Either you kill him right now to save your place in my crew, or you abandon ship.”
Inhaling sharply, you could barely believe what you were hearing. 
“Y/N,” Frenchie gasped, looking at you with frantic eyes.
“I’ll leave,” you stated, averting your gaze from your love to direct it at Ed, hardening your eyes and setting your jaw. “Will you promise me not to hurt him if I do?”
“You have my word,” Blackbeard told you, sneering at you. 
Nodding curtly, you knew not to test him now, or else you and Frenchie would both be dead men. 
“I had a really great time with you. Thank you for everything,” you whispered to Frenchie, giving him a quick kiss as you shortly took his hand into yours and squeezed it, “Goodbye.”
“Goodbye,” he whispered back, looking so distraught. You wanted to assure him that this wasn't the end. But the truth was that you didn't know that. How could you?
With that, you left the room, readied a boat for yourself and left as quickly as you possibly could to ensure Frenchie’s safety. 
All alone on that boat, you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore. Sobbing and sniffling, you looked at the way the ship became smaller and smaller, until it was gone from your view entirely. 
You only hoped you would see Frenchie again someday.
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
I know that anon and other readers probs want you to include smut in My Very Soul and I'm over here with my fingers crossed in asexual turmoil hoping for no smut hahahaa
I'm obviously not a fan of smut in general but still at least to me there's some characters that for want of a better word are like almost 'holy' and when I see that smut exists for them even the notion is like viscerally offensive like any jedi character especially ani, or ffs bilbo baggins oh i want to cry about that one, clark kent no no these characters are beloved revered we are beneath them they're too good for us and getting smutty about them is like illegal 😂
Sometimes I feel like an elderly woman from old movies whose gasping and clutching her pearls at the slightest thing , when scrolling through tumblr and I see 'beloved character' smut the urge to smack the screen with a fly swatter is strong hahaa tbh I wouldn't be surprised if freakin yoda smut existed 😂
No shade or hate meant towards anyone who writes or reads smut like have at it if you must, it's just does anyone else get that thing where you see a certain character and smut and your brain is like oh no a great atrocity has been committed here or am I just a prude 😅
you’re not a prude!! everyone just has their own preferences and boundaries and all are totally fine 🙃 like, i like to read smut when i’m in a certain mood, but i don’t like to write it or post it, and since it’s my blog and my fic, i make the rules 🤪 content appropriate for all, i hope
also, i think you explained well why i don’t ever like to read Anakin smut—for me he is kind of a holy character, just in the sense that he was my first crush and i felt, at one point (still do honestly) real feelings for him, even though he’s fictional…so while i can fantasize i don’t want to read anything explicit about him. obi-wan, however….😅
anyway, i hope you enjoy the direction i take in My Very Soul—it will be tailored to my preferences, obviously, so there’ll be a lot of romantic content, flirting, pining, and eventually a physical relationship, but it won’t ever get graphic (rated T for Teen, like they used to say in those video game commercials 😂) and i really have no judgement for anyone and their own individual preferences. you do you, is my motto!!
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