#I cry if I think too much about Bobby or Jaiden
royalarchivist · 29 days
Bobby: Bye Jaiden great to have you here as always :)
Jaiden: AWW!!! 🥺💕
Roier: Oh, but when it's ME? But when it's ROIER—?!
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Happy Mother's Day to q!Jaiden. I miss her, and our favorite little Mama's boy. 🥲
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youphoriaot7 · 9 months
just saw a heart-wrenching edit on tiktok (sad music and all) about q!cellbit and the way he interacts with the eggs and i just...
i remember when i was still getting into the qsmp (which i did from cellbit's pov) and was scrolling the wiki on the daily, trying to figure out past lore and relationships and everything
and every single time i clicked on an egg's page i would end up seeing cellbit's face somewhere in the relationship box. and it always made me grin so wide because it was just...cute. and then i realized a lot of them had even mentioned things like him being one of their favorite tios or whatever and i'm just so. fucking. soft. about the idea of just-
this guy. comes to this island. in the middle of nowhere—doesn't really know how he ended up there, doesn't remember much about where he came from, nothing. and, like, it's natural to be a bit skittish or at least defensive, especially when there's already so many people here, because you don't know what they will do to you, how they'll react to anything: they are essentially unknown entities.
and if you really think about it, that completely includes the eggs. because although they're just kids, q!cellbit was canonically in a war at, like, age 15. he's definitely not one to underestimate someone because of their age—he is damn well aware of how scary people can be, regardless of what their age is.
but then they start interacting, and, like—tallulah gives him flowers, and ramon picks him for a partner in the boat race, and he's able to joke and play around with chayanne and bobby, and...in a way, it's like seeing himself, or rather, what he could have been.
because he never got that; he never got to do that. he can see the relationships they have with their parents—tallulah and chayanne with phil, ramon with fit, dapper with bbh, bobby with roier and jaiden—and he sort of comes to realize, like, "these kids don't know." they don't know what it's like to be at war. they don't know what it's like to end up in jail. they don't know what it's like to not be able to live because you're too focused on surviving. whether it's been that way in the past and they don't remember or not, they don't know.
and, inwardly, he decides he's going to make damn fucking sure it stays that way.
so he starts collecting flowers, to give some to tallulah the next time they meet, and the way she beams assures him he'll continue. and when ramon makes a mistake in the boat race and starts beating himself up about it, he empathizes and reassures him. (practically makes the poor kid cry.)
he sees the way chayanne takes the lead around the younger eggs and takes note, making sure to joke around and play with him whenever he can—because he may be the oldest, and the most responsible, but he deserves to have fun, too.
all of this includes richas, of course. in fact, it's even more exaggerated, to the extent that (in some ways similarly to fit) he mostly lets richas do what he wants, only growing concerned or stern if the kid's life is in danger. (because he saw what happened to bobby, and he's not going to let it happen on his watch.)
because there's enough pain in the world. chaos runs rampant on the island, from the federation to the codes, from the kidnappings to the tasks, from the bombs to the capybaras. there is death at every turn, and this island can be deceiving, because it doesn't seem like it. it seems perfectly fine.
but he knows.
he's been in this position before, where everyone and everything is trying to kill him. he's familiar with the concept of survival. and this island is survival.
but these are kids. they don't need that. hell, he had that as a kid, and look how he turned out. no, if he has anything to say about it, nothing will seem out of the ordinary. as much as he can help it. he will gives flowers to tallulah, he will make jokes with chayanne, he will explore with richas, he will spend time with ramon and dapper—all to offer even a semblance of normalcy.
so uh the fluff part of this train of thought is over so click off now if you don't want the hurt <3
but then things start to change. bobby dies, and the federation teases them about it, dangling the child above their heads. the codes ramp up their attacks. the kidnappings start to increase. people die and respawn more frequently. and the more he tries to get free, to get away from the island, the worse things get for the current inhabitants.
he meets pomme. this terrified egg that's been trapped behind a wall since before he even got there. and he realizes that he won't be able to shelter them forever.
things are going to happen, one way or another, to shatter the fragile illusion of reality the islanders are trying to create for these kids. in some way, the curtain is going to fall, and it is going to hurt. it's going to hurt as badly as it hurt him when he was thrown into battle. it's going to hurt as badly as it hurt him when he ended up in a top-security prison when he was barely an adult. it's going to hurt as badly as it hurt him when the wool was yanked away from his own eyes by that white bear not a week after his arrival on the island.
so whatever you do, don't think about what it must've felt like to find that book. don't think about what he must've been thinking as he flipped through those old, yellowed journal pages. don't think about him reading that lost egg's words, and just thinking, "god, this could've been me."
because it very well could've been.
the book literally talks about not wanting to survive, but wanting to live, and all he can think about for the rest of the day is how it was abandoned. same as him—only one was on a battlefield, and one was in this tiny-ass room. and there was no warrior in shining armor, no police officer taking pity to pull this egg out of there. he had someone. this egg had no one.
so of course he switches out the keychain on his backpack. because carrying that egg with him is like carrying a piece of himself, in just the same way that all the eggs feel like a piece of himself.
he can't protect the eggs forever. he knows that. but that doesn't mean he can't try.
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mouriros · 6 months
Roier being shaken from his Brooding and being in Misery session during a downpour by someone pounding on his door and once he opens it he's met with a Soaked, Freezing jaiden holding a little egg with a pancake hat. He does an up and a down and jaiden smiles awkwardly and asks 'Hey roier, could you please help me' and he stands there a little shocked before shifting back, letting her and the new baby in.
He gets them both a blanket (which the egg, named Empenada, only uses for a moment before looking fresh and dry) and sits down with jaiden and a cup on tea. As the water was heating up an even smaller egg poked an edge around the corner of the room and stole Empenada from their company.
Jaiden and Roier sit in silence for a minute, watching as the eggs share news and stories with way more emotion than someone whose entire being is just but an oval shell should be able to.
"So, you got one too?" Roier breaks the silence mid-Jaiden-sip and she responds, "Apparently."
"She's cute. Her hats so adorable," and Jaiden replies "yeah," with a laugh. There's a beat before she adds "yours seems... um,"
"I don't know actually. I love Pepitos shirt, the stripes are super silly. Um, thanks for taking me in by the way." Jaiden's words come out mumbled, kind of pushed together and rushed, like she's horrified of taking up too much space. Like she isn't used to it.
Roier can't really add any more descriptive words. "Yeah, Pepito's.. fine, I guess." And he says, "I don't think I'm ready to- be a parent, you know. Again. To someone new."
There's a small silence, where Jaiden picks up her cup and sips from it, and holds it up to her nose to warm it up. "Me neither."
The silence prevails. Jaiden picks her eyes up from her tea and joins Roier in people-(egg)-watching the two kids chat and play and run. They watch as Pepito takes a fall and Empenada goes and helps Pepito up, and then they run off again.
"I really tried to love her." Jaiden starts, "At first it just sounded scary, and then I thought, 'well it can't be that difficult, I mean, everyone else already loves her', and so I told Tina that 'sure I'd Love to spend an entire day with Empenada alone together, sounds lovely, and then- it just-" Jaiden waves her hand about a bit, doing circles with her wrist and trying to put something she can't speak into a language that doesn't use words.
A language Roier understands. He sighs, his entire body expanding and then collapsing as he does. "I think I hated Pepito at first."
"Pepito's great, don't get me wrong. The egg did nothing wrong. It's just, like- all of Pepito's other parents eggs are Dead. Dead Dead. Like funeral dead, like code dead. Bobby- he's- ... he's still right here, sometimes."
Roier let's his words hang, gives Jaiden an exit, but he doesn't even have to look her way to know she's looking his way, eyes full of understanding.
"I'm basically Pepito's only parent right now, so he's also living with me. You know how weird it is to live with an egg again? How weird it is teaching an egg how to hold a sword properly, hearing tiny footsteps and tinier sniffles, doing daily tasks, and how weird it is to do it all Again?"
"Bobby was my only one. I know saying Pepito isn't my son is as cruel as I can be, but it's just not fair that anyone thought I could ever be a Father again. No one else should be calling me Papa. I don't think I want anyone else to call me Papa"
Roier can't even tell he's crying until Jaiden gets up to receive paper towels for him. When she returns, she pulls her own chair next to Roiers, holding out the roll of paper towels intended for a kitchen and running her scarred hand over his back.
He sniffs his nose and wipes his cheeks off with the back of his sleeve.
"Sometimes I wish it had been anyone but Bobby."
Roier whips his head up, looking at Jaiden who's looking at the eggs again.
"Like- okay, I don't wish anyone else had gone through what we did. I don't think it was humane, but I just wish that- you know. I wish that anyone else went through that instead of us. I miss him every day, and some days it's like just a fact, you know. I just look at an egg running around and think 'I miss Bobby' like I'd call the sky blue
but some days it's so much. Some days I watch Fit and Ramon building something together or Sunny and Tubbo bickering and I have to go home because all I want to do is scream and cry and tear down everything I see."
Jaiden gulps. Her eyes are still dry, but her hands are shaking and she feels as breathing becomes a task to focus on.
"I miss our family so much, Roier. And some days I think if Cucurucho told me if I killed every single egg on quesadilla island for the Chance to be teleported back and have 12 hours with Bobby and you and a field of flowers and birds and sunshine I'd do it. I'd learn Spanish until it became a second mother tongue, I'd sell every organ I have, I'd do anything at all for a chance."
Roier has to wipe his eyes again.
"I don't want to be a mother Roier. I can't do this, not without you. Not for anyone but Bobby."
They sit in a silence surrounded by small laughs and the patting of running feet. Roier's eyes stay fixed on Jaiden as she looks straight ahead, her entire body shaking and lip quivering. Roier puts his hand on her knee.
"I love you."
And she leans her head on his, and her wings fall limp behind her, and the light in the room starts shifting to a soft orange.
"I miss you, Roier."
"I'll always be here."
"But I think I miss a you that died when Bobby did."
"I do too, Jaiden."
"I love you too."
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lily-art-n-talks · 4 months
What I know about QSMP (i learned all of this from tumblr and slimecicle)
-english speaking and spanish speaking youtubers (pog)
-there are eggs
-the eggs are co parented by english and spanish youtubers
-juanaflippa is trans (pog)
-slimecicle is there
-quakity is there
-philza is there
-jaiden animations is there
-theres a wall
-there is a bear (???)
-jaiden sang a fnaf (?) song once I think the bear was there too
-there is a code thing. I do not know what it does but I dont think people like it that much
-bobby is an egg
-what is happening why is there a boat
-the eggs keep dying
-juannafliipa dies (not pog) and slimecicle goes crazy and is going to kill all the eggs for some reason but he's super incompetent and I think kills juannaflipa again somehow
-french people???
-juanaflipa gets resurrected at some point
-how do you spell Jaunafippa
-tubbo is here now
-tubbo really likes qsmp and screams and crys when the server is closed for even a day I think he should seek professional help
-qsmp was ddosed? Idk what that means
-technoblade memorial during Dia de Los Muertos that made me cry
-oh I think bbh is there too I think he's evil
-slimecicle became an egg ???????
-slomecicle is code now and everyone finds that very weird why is he code
-there is a plane ?
-slimecicle sang a song about juanafipa how can he sing so high he should start singing professionally
-there was a purgatory event thing (?) and aimsey was there
-i pushed a button becuase the internet told me too
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svtskneecaps · 24 days
see i forgot how swiftly everyone got attached to the eggs bc i've been here since lullah first showed and i'm like well OBVIOUSLY i cried so much this week when the eggs did their heartfelt goodbyes i've been getting to know them parasocially for a whole year, but like. i've been going back thru the tiktok collection i've been keeping since basically the server started (bc that was how i found it and why i started watching to begin with) and. jesus christ. everyone gets so attached so fast. like, jaiden crying when bobby's nightmare happened and philza comparing chayanne and lullah's nightmare to the feeling of losing his five year hardcore world. and those were 17 DAYS AFTER THE EGGS WERE FIRST ADOPTED. mike was devastated when richas died on his watch and i think that was like their second time interacting. mouse cried when empanada was downed falling off the bridge at cellbit's castle and i think that was like their second or third interaction. like we definitely all fell HARD that much is obvious, but i keep forgetting the SPEED. i slid in after the first three eggs had already passed on, and then cried for hours when bobby joined them. i'm not sure what the vibe was for those deaths but i know i've seen a clip of mariana after flippa died for the third and final time where he expresses that he's actually genuinely upset, and she'd only been alive for like 9 days, (april 3-14; she was dead on 10&11 and revived on 12)
i don't know what it is about them that just activated the entire internet's PROTECT instinct like a fucking sleeper agent. honestly, i think we were doomed to inevitable anguish the moment they started talking but god we were doomed to have so many wonderful moments too, huh? fucking wild how shit shakes out
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keirawantstocry · 4 months
🐦‍⬛ Salut! Sorry I saw fanart and got an idea lmao
qJaiden getting drunk, Baghera helping her home. In her drunk state she just starts rambling, about anything and everything till she says something about Em and Bobby. Thats when the tears start and wont stop. Baghera pulling her into a side hug, murmuring soft reassurances, guiding her into the house. Jaiden collapsing to the floor, Baghera pulling her into a real hug gently rubbing above her wings letting her cry. Jaiden asking where Em is, Baghera shushing her quietly telling her Em is okay and quickly sends a text to Bagi and Tina to come over with Em and that Jaiden is drunk.
don't apologize I love seeing you, little bird. Gently kissing you on the forehead 
This got a bit off track as well, apologies <3
Jaiden's head was spinning. She knew she had been drinking but she wasn't sure how much. The memories had become too loud. All she wanted to do was sink into the warm fuzzy feeling overwhelming her mind and her limbs. 
Something cold was grounding her. She opened her eyes blearily to see Bagher kneeling over her with an extremely cold wash cloth pressed to her forehead. 
“Shh,” she soothed as soon as Jaiden tried to speak. “Relax, amor.” 
Distantly Jaiden realized that tears had started to stream down her cheeks. Her face felt warm and wet. “Baghera. I don’t know why I’m crying. Everything is okay right?” Her mind blurred. “Where’s Bobby?” 
Baghera’s eyebrows dropped. “Bobby is dead, mon chou.” 
The tears continued to stream down her face. “Oh. He is, isn’t he? Where…” her face crumpled. “Why am I… why am I thinking about a child? There’s a child in my brain.” 
Baghera stroked her back, right above her wings in gentle circles. “Empanada. Your daughter remember?” 
Jaiden felt delirious. She still could barely see through her tears. “My… my daughter?” She couldn’t remember meeting her daughter so she cried harder. Baghera gently pressed a kiss to the top of Jaiden’s head. 
“Hey, cheri. How about we get you settled on the couch? I’ll message the other moms and get them over here. We’ll take care of you.” 
Jaiden continued to sob but she nodded. 
Before she knew it, she was being lifted by strong hands and carried to a soft couch. When the next morning came and she woke up in the tangled arms of three different girls despite the pounding headache, she felt safe. 
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twobirdsflytogether · 4 months
Okay, so I keep forgetting to rework this to be an actual fic (I still will, but y'all get to have the rough draft✨). Originally discord messages back in November.
I figured this sorta fits day 4 grief. @mcyt-yuri-week
Ships; qBagi/qJaiden (polycule between teaduo/lovebirds)
Word count; 1025. Fic below ⬇️
Jaiden actually starts crying the first time Em chirps/meows at her. Like to the point she quickly messages one of the other moms to come over. She shuffles back putting distance between herself and her daughter, hand over her mouth trying not to sob cause it's all too much,,,Tina and Bagi showing up, Bagi immediately goes to console their confused daughter while Tina goes to Jaiden to help her calm down
Tina helping Jaiden settle down, Tina sitting beside her and keeping an arm around her. Little Em softly approaches, ready to apologize for upsetting her mama. Jaiden takes a deep breath, shakily letting it out, patting next to her for Em to sit. She tries to hand Jaiden the apology, but Jaiden just ruffles her hair and tells her it's okay that she has nothing to be sorry for. "You're okay Em, I'm the one that should apologize...it's just" taking another deep breath, "you just reminded me of someone,,,I know you're mama Bagi told you of my son Bobby right?" Getting a little nod from Empanada. "Well,,,, you're little chirps reminded me of when he first chirped to me too. I- it just tugged at my heart a bit y'know?"
She leans over and gently kisses Em's head. Tina rubs at her shoulder, and Bagi sits with them with a thoughtful look. "I promise you Em, I'll work on my reactions,,,I know it must hurt for one of your moms to react like that. But I do love you"
Em looks up into Jaiden's eyes, there's still a stray tear, with a head tilt and a grabby hand Jaiden lowers her head. Em wipes the tear and mrrps, drawing a sad little laugh from Jaiden. Em quickly writes "its okay mama, I can tell you miss him alot...Could you tell me stories of him? I think that'd be good for both of us!" Jaiden smiling softly as she reads it and nods "yeah,,i think that'd be a good idea"
She stands and offers her arms to Em, who quickly climbs into her hold. Tina and Bagi look at each other than at Jaiden, not knowing what to do, if she wants to be with Em alone or not. Jaiden looks over to them silently asking them to stay, Tina jumps up and is by her side immediately wrapping her arm back around her, Bagi nods still with a thoughtful look and takes Tina's hand. Walking to Jaiden's couch. Jaiden with Em sit in the middle, Tina and Bagi sit on either side of her. Bagi hesitantly puts an arm around Jaiden in a comforting manner, getting a very quiet chirp of gratitude in response. With another deep breath, Jaiden starts telling tales of Bobby for the 3 of them to hear
in the middles of a story, with sleep heavy eyes Em looks up to her mama, seeing the proud yet sad smile. Messily writing "he sounds so cool, i wish i coulda met him".
Jaiden chuckles a bit "yeah,,i wish you could've met him too, even if he would've thrown a fit about having another sibling", she looks at the sleepy dragonling "hmm, I think that's enough stories for today sweetheart, bed time?"
She scratches Em's chin making her purr slightly and Em nods. Tina and Bagi stand, stretching from sitting for so long, yet again not really knowing what to do. Jaiden softly asking if they want to spend the night. Getting a stammered "sure" from them both, both thinking she meant just like. Sleeping on the couch or something. But when Jaiden looks at them from the stairs, chirping something that they know means 'follow?' they do. Jaiden bringing them all to her nest, which shocks Bagi,,,not even 4 weeks ago she and Jaiden did not trust each other at all,,,and now the avian is inviting her into her nest. Nest are like sacred for avians, a safe place you'd never allow those you don't love in some form into. Jaiden laying Em down, Tina lays down too looking up to Bagi yet again hesitating. Jaiden stands and moves close to Bagi, clearly very emotionally exhausted, Jaiden nudging her and purring lightly. Bagi turning to her whispering "are you sure?,,,that you want me in your nest?”
Jaiden just grabs her hand and drags the woman into the nest. Jaiden curling around Bagi, arm over her waist reaching over and holding Em's tiny hand, spreading her wing over Bagi Em and Tina. Tina giggling quietly at the bewildered look on Bagi's face, especially when Jaiden cuddles closer and starts purring and clearly already asleep, Tina reaching over Em to take one of Bagi's hand smiling softly at her girlfriend and tells her to sleep. Bagi lays awake for a little while, thinking of the event that lead to her being held by the avian in her nest,,muttering under her breath before falling asleep herself "maybe,,maybe I'll hear her out about that bear,,,we could put our differences aside" unconsciously her tail wraps around Jaiden's,,,,,then in her head "shit- fuck. I am too gay for this, i. Do i have a crush on Jaiden too??????" But falls asleep being held by the avian, holding her girlfriends hand, and between them is their daughter
Bagi waking up first despite being the last to sleep. Panicking internally at how Jaiden is still cuddled against her, holding her somehow closer and purring in her sleep, and subconsciously she too was purring. Looking up, seeing Baghera at the table, sipping on a drink. Baghera looks over and sees the panicked Bagi, who is now even more panicked because 'that's Jaiden's girlfriend, I'm in her girlfriend's nest and cuddling her wtf. I'm dead', stammering out “i- i am sor-”
Baghera cuts her off with a shush and soft laughter. Whispering at her quietly "yeah, mon oiseau is quite a heavy sleeper and really likes cuddles, especially if she's emotionally exhausted. You're stuck there till she wakes. She will whine if you try to leave."
Bagi gulps. Accepting her fate, but is just, so confused
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soars22 · 28 days
Jumping was easy, in the end.
Pac was used to being alone, to losing everyone he loved. Standing on his own was difficult, but he had managed it. He can’t regret the hours he spent searching for his chaos bow, not when holding it serves as a necessary reminder that he can do things on his own. He’s his own person.
Just him; just Pac. He’s strong enough to stand on his own.
But losing Richas feels like a bridge too far for him to cross after everything. He’s already lost Fit and Ramón. He’ll always have Mike, but his best friend is moving on, growing up. It’s a loss of a different kind and hurts all the more for having no definitive end. He only just got Richas back and now-
And now.
His Richas-his nene-is leaving again. It’s on his own terms, but it’s still leaving, and Pac-
He’s so tired of people leaving him.
So he jumps. He’s not proud of it, exactly, but he does it anyway. And it’s not like it’s his decision alone, which almost makes it easier. Pac may be on his own, but he won’t die that way. He’s never wanted to be the last man standing.
Jumping is easy, in the end. So is falling, as long as Pac doesn’t think too hard about what comes after. It’s over quickly, at least; there’s a short, blinding streak of pain as his body hits the ground and then there’s nothing at all. He floats in a dark nothingness that’s more reminiscent of the space between dreaming and being awake than death. It turns out there’s not so much difference between the two of them.
“You dumbass.”
The voice is deep, rough, familiar. Pac turns-and that movement is dreamlike too, soft and static at the edges-and sees a face he never thought to meet again.
“Fitch,” he breathes, and the other man smiles. There’s a sadness that lingers in the corners of his eyes. “Hey, Pac. Fancy meeting you here.”
There’s no judgement in his voice, but Pac finds it anyway. “I don’t regret it,” he says, drawing himself up to meet Fit’s gaze. “I don’t, not when you’re here too.” “I know,” Fit says softly. “I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
“Sim… but I’m here now.” Fit nods. “You’re here now,” he echoes. “So let’s go meet the other dumbasses, yeah?” Pac nods jerkily. “Ok.” Fit reaches out to take Pac’s hand and leads them to their family.
They’re all there:
Jaiden sits in a field of flowers, making a crown for Bobby’s hair; Trumpet, Dan, and Max are chasing each other, throwing bombs that never hit; Juanaflippa is curled up next to Tilín, soft smiles on their faces.
Dapper and Pomme are playing a game of keep-away with Chayanne as Baghera laughs from the sidelines; beside her, Lullah comforts an unfamiliar girl with flowers in her hair.
And there, finally, is-
“RICHINHAS-“ Pac cries, throwing himself at his son. The boy looks up, startled, from where he’s painting next to Ramón. When he sees Pac his eyes go wide and he flings his paintbrush to the side with a wild cry. “PAI!!” The two collide in a crushing hug; for a moment, nothing else matters in the world.
“It took you long enough,” Mike’s teasing voice cuts through Pac’s whirling thoughts. “Did you get lost?” Pac glares up at his friend who only grins in return. “Shut up. I got here in the end, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” grumbles a small voice. “But more importantly-I’m going to kill Richas.” Pac looks over to see Ramón glaring at Richas. There’s a bright streak of orange paint across his face. Richas sticks his tongue out. “You can’t kill me-I’m already dead!” “I’ll figure something out,” Ramón threatens. “Dapper will help me!” His eyes slide over to Pac’s and he smiles. “Hi, pai. It’s good to see you again.” Pac’s smile wobbles a bit and he opens his arms. “It’s good to see you too, filho.”
Ramón grins and jumps into Pac’s arms. He laughs, a bright, joyful sound. His family is here again, with all the time in the world.
Finally-finally-Pac doesn’t have to be alone.
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ritsu618 · 4 months
Q! Jaiden x KNY
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Part 1 // Lastest // Next
Welcome back to my weird section called: "K!xQSMPxDSMPxKNY"
Also known as my biggest schizophrenic moments in my life hahahaah
Jaiden manages the breath of flowers, she is a pillar.
She always carries two nichirin, also known as Wakizashi, the reason, her second weapon is for the stance she invented.
He likes the sleeves of his haori to be long, as enemies often get confused about which hand he is holding his weapon.
She met Bobby while she was secretly following Roier, because she wanted to ask him something, since it had to do with a mission they would do together for a long time.
She really likes doing the missions with Roier, she really likes to spend time with Bobby, she loves him like he was a little brother.
When she met Bobby she was too surprised by his great "self-control" not to eat humans, also that he bore some resemblance to his older brother.
He met Quackity through a mission he did with Luzu. He likes him because he is very expressive even if he doesn't show his face.
On a mission with Vegetta, Quackity, Mariana, Roier, and Bobby, while eliminating an upper moon 5 and 4, the secret comes to light that their brother is a demon who can now resist sunlight.
While he was taking care of Bobby, his crow brought him the news that they were attacking a group of hunters, which is the upper moon 1, when he arrives alone he sees Roier with Mariana crying; Quackity is being tended to by Luzu even though he himself is injured. And other members are very afraid. No one wants to talk about what happened.
At the meeting to discuss the moon attack, they came to the conclusion that it is time to increase the pillars. Jaiden is excited, as she wants to encourage Roier to become a pillar, but he refuses. The subject of Roier having a demon brother was lightly touched. Everyone wanted to expel him and kill the demon, but they managed to persuade the rest of the pillars (thanks to Vegetta's help).
He has a very good relationship with all the pillars, but he gets along better with Vegetta and another.
When it was time to choose the next pillar, he didn't know who to vote for, he wanted Luzu to win as much as Quackity, in the end he chose Luzu because he considers him more capable for the time he takes and for being able to survive the attack of moon number 1. Plus he never lied to them like Quackity about his friend.
Although he never met Spreen in person, he knows that he is a very bad person for making Roier cry.
Quackity's betrayal of the organization took her by surprise.
He likes Cellbit very much, because thanks to him, Roier is happy again.
While attacking the Infinite Fortress, encounter the Upper Moon 1.
Well, I feel that with it, the "plot/ideas" finally some events have chronological order!
God, love writing down your information! Also, I think important information: your outfit is your first version, that is, it will be your outfit for most arcs until a particular arc arrives and your outfit is going to change!
The next ones will be… Vegetta!? Rubius!? Or maybe Cellbit!? Or maybe it's a demon!?
I don't know!
(Brief reminder that English is not my main language, I don't speak it well either, sorry if you find anything poorly worded!)
* * * * * * * * * ¡Traducción!
Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi sección llamada: "K!xQSMPxDSMPxKNY"
También conocida, como mis mayores momentos esquizofrénicos en lo que llevo de vida hahahahahaah
Comencemos con la preciosa de Jaiden!
Jaiden maneja la respiración de las flores, es una pilar.
Siempre lleva dos nichirin, también conocidas como Wakizashi, la razón, su segunda arma es para la postura que se inventó.
Le gusta que las mangas de su haori le queden largas, ya que, los enemigos suelen confundirse en qué mano lleva su arma.
Conoció a Bobby mientras seguía a escondidas a Roier, pues le quería preguntar algo, ya que tenía que ver con una misión que harían juntos durante un largo tiempo.
Le agrada mucho hacer las misiones con Roier, le gusta mucho pasar el tiempo con Bobby, lo quiere como si fuera un hermanito.
Cuando a conoció a Bobby se sorprendió demasiado por su gran “autocontrol” para no comer humanos, también que tenía cierto parecido con su hermano mayor.
Conoció a Quackity mediante una misión que hizo con Luzu. Le agrado porque es muy expresivo aunque no muestre su rostro.
En una misión con Vegetta, Quackity, Roier y Bobby, mientras eliminan a una luna superior 5 y 4, sale a la luz el secreto de que su hermano es un demonio que ahora puede resistir la luz del sol.
Mientras cuidaba a Bobby su cuervo le llevo la noticia que estaban atacando a un grupo de cazadores, que es la luna superior 1, cuando llega solo ve a Roier junto a Mariana llorando; Quackity está siendo atendido por Luzu aunque este mismo este herido. Y a otros miembros más con mucho miedo. Nadie quiere hablar sobre lo que sucedió.
En la reunión para discutir sobre el ataque de luna, llegaron a la conclusión de que es momento de aumentar a los pilares. Jaiden está emocionada, pues quiere animar a Roier a que se convierta a pilar, pero este se niega. Se tocó levemente el tema de que Roier tiene un hermano demonio. Todos lo querían expulsar y asesinar al demonio, pero lograron persuadir al resto de los pilares (gracias a la ayuda de Vegetta).
Tiene una muy buena relación con todos los pilares, pero se lleva mejor con Vegetta y otro.
Cuando fue el momento de elegir al siguiente pilar, no supo por quién votar, quería tanto que Luzu ganara como Quackity, al final eligió a Luzu porque lo considera más capacitado por el tiempo que lleva y por ser capaz de sobrevivir al ataque de la luna número 1. Además de que nunca les mintió como Quackity acerca de su amigo.
Aunque nunca conoció a Spreen en persona, sabe que es una persona muy mala por haber hecho llorar a Roier.
La traición de Quackity a la organización la tomó por sorpresa.
Le agrada mucho Cellbit, pues gracias a él, Roier está volviendo a ser feliz.
Mientras atacan la fortaleza infinita, se encuentra con la luna superior 1.
Bien, siento que con ella, la “trama/ideas” finalmente algunos eventos tienen orden cronológico!
Dios, ame escribiendo su información! También, información creo que importante: su atuendo es su primera versión, es decir, será su atuendo durante la mayoría de los arcos hasta que llegue un arco en particular y su atuendo va a cambiar!
Los siguientes serán… ¿¡Vegetta!? ¿¡Rubius!? ¿¡O quizás Cellbit!? ¿¡O puede que sea un demonio!? ¡No lo sé!
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
I love when my English just fails
It was supposed to be "laugh to not cry"
In my defense, I wasn't feeling well when I was writing this (was just a sore throat but let me use that as a excuse)
I think it fits her
I think I saw a drawing of Ramon as a chinese dragon(long boi hehe) if Ramon was to be a full dragon, I can't help but see him like
I'm pretty sure the type of dragon Dapper wanted to be was similar but I can't exactly remember the name
"When asked about what kind of dragon they'll be when he grows up, Dapper said he'd want to hatch into a Quetzacoatl or a Crysopel."
(I lookwd for images and a crysopel apparently is those noodle dragons too)
I really like the idea of Chayanne being a mostly purple dragon, purple makes anything looks cool, change my mind. I view him as kinda feathered dragon or the scales on his wings really looking like feathers because of Phil, but he his horns and tail are more bone-like because of Missa
(I'm not sure about Leo because I don't see much about her)
I think Bobby would've be... Like, blue, purple and red? I think I saw once Jaiden liked purple, and she's often despicted as a blue bird and Roier is associated with red(SPIDER ROIER-) so I think he would be a mix of these two. No one will take the headcanon of Bobby having those fangs that would reassemble a spider off me
- 🍽️
dapper and ramon are twins to me so them both wanting to be noodle dragons is perfect <33
ooo chayanne and bobby both have feather wings because their parents are avians... omg......
i think leo would look a lot like foolish as a dragon with some purple because it's her fav color and also because Vegetta is purple
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