#I could go on and on about my headcanons for this little amigo
op15-moonwaltz · 1 year
I don't care what Marty's said about Ned Nederlander being a narcissist, that's my emotional support little guy right there and I'll die on this hill
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ch3rryfunk · 1 year
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I just wanted to say that I just found your account, and I'm OBSESSED. I love everything about it!
Personally, I'm in love with Leon, but I can't help but get butterflies about Luis. Could you write some headcanons about having a strong relationship with Leon but getting along with Luis? Maybe Leon being jealous? I would just die if those two fought over me.
Thank you so so much! Sending love.
Jealousy (ft Luis Serra)
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oh my god THANK YOU SO MUCH MY LOVE!!! I appreciate it so so much, i’m so glad you like it! 😭 i feel u theyre so cute i just wanna kiss them both assjdk;hadk
afab reader for this one!
★ Working with your boyfriend, Leon, was amazing. You were the perfect team. Nothing ever got past you.
★ Both of you got assigned a mission to save the president's daughter. You just had to go to a small town in Spain, rescue her and come back. Easy-peasy, right?
★ God forbid a funny, gorgeous, silly little man unexpectedly teamed up with you.
★ Because that’s precisely what happened.
★ “Hey, who’s this lovely señorita? Trying to steal the ladies’ man title from me, amigo. I see.” Luis Serra was a charming man, he was funny and a little too chatty. “Hadn’t seen you before, encantado.”
★ Luis knew how to attract a lady, that’s for sure. He was very attentive. Sometimes, he’d disappear for a few minutes and come back with more ammo just for you.
★ “Hola señorita, look at what I- aaah! don’t shoot! It’s just me, the handsome one!”
★ He’s a master at telling corny jokes. It was already hard enough keeping a low profile in that forsaken village, but he still had you giggling every two minutes.
★ Perhaps his presence was starting to irk Leon a little. Luis was helpful, but did he really have to get so close to you?
★ Leon was a great boyfriend. The perfect one, even. He was loving, protective, and not the type of man to get jealous, you both knew that.
★ But maybe the chatty man had been too flirty to you, or so Leon thought.
★ Luis loved to flirt, it’s in his nature. He flirted with everyone. (Even Leon but he was too annoyed to notice.)
★ “Alright, that’s enough. We need to find the key to this door.” It was so easy to tell when something (or someone) annoyed Leon, and Luis’ flirting started to get on his nerves.
★ Leon had also been painfully quiet for the last forty minutes.
★ He was mentally rolling his eyes at Luis’ jokes though.
★ You felt the tension rise when Luis left to find the key, and you were left alone with your boyfriend inside a cabin.
★ “I’m surprised Luis didn’t ask you to go with him. Can’t stand being away from you for a minute, can he?” And suddenly, it all clicked. Leon was jealous.
★ It caught you off guard. As mentioned before, you had never seen him get jealous or even slightly annoyed at someone for stealing your attention. But boy, oh boy, was it cute.
★ “Guess so, why? Are you...jealous, Kennedy?”
★ “Yes- No. What? Of course not. We don’t have time for this! We-We need to find Ashley! I’m not-” He was a mess. He was jealous. He was so jealous.
★“Right, let’s clear that up.”
★ Luckily, you knew one of Leon's weaknesses was unexpected kisses. So you pulled him in and gave him a nice, long kiss to reassure him he had nothing to worry about. You loved him and only him.
★ oh, how that worked. He got flustered as his cheeks turned red and avoided your gaze for a few seconds.
★ “Clear enough? Let’s go, amigo.”
i’m sorry for taking so long!! And for making it short 😭 i hope you like it!
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hina-hina · 1 year
Omg could u write headcanons of how alejandro takes care of an injured reader during battle/a mission?
Just him being so worried and reader trying to calm him down even though they're literally bleeding out?
Thanks in advance, if not, thanks for ur time tho!! Have a lovely day/night :))
This was such a cute request, I hope you like it!! Thank you for requesting!! o(^▽^)o
Thanks to everyone for understanding about not uploading yesterday and for anyone that cares to know, I have passed all my finals/classes! I wish all of those the best of luck with their exams and to enjoy their time off! Love you all ❤
Also, big thanks for 300 followers! I'm so thankful you all like what I write and thank you for all your support!
|| Alejandro With an Injured Reader ||
Warnings: Some gore and blood, a little angst, non-graphic dipictions of injuries
Gender-Neutral!Reader // Romantic
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For this request, I imagine your a relatively new member to Los Vaqueros
He was quite hard on you but that was because he actually did find you very attractive but he didn't want a situation like with Valeria to happen again
So he was often very cold and distant with you but that was just because he didn't want to get attached
So, when the two of you get seperated from the other Vaqueros, he knows he's completely screwed
The two of you duck into an old, abandoned house to hide from the enemy troops closing in
He was quickly trying to get back into contact with the rest of your team when he noticed your slow, sluggish movements and hand wrapped tightly around your middle
He knows the two of you are infinitely more fucked
"Are you hurt? Show me."
He is immediately at your side, supporting your weight as he lowers you down to lean against a nearby wall
With his urging, you pull your bloody hand away from the gunshot wound in your abdomen
You glance down at the wound then back up at Alejandro, muttering with half-lidded eyes, "Colonel, you need to go and find the others before they find us."
"No," he says it immediately, pressing his hand onto the bleeding wound and trying to ignore your pained hiss, "No one gets left behind, vaquera/vaquero."
He quickly rifles through his vest, pulling out a stim shot
The voices of the enemy troops was getting louder and he knew they didn't have much time left
He drops his voice to a whisper, "This is going to hurt like a bitch, but you need to keep quiet. Here-"
He offers up his gloved hand, encouraging you to bite down before he gives you the stim shot
He uses a bit of cloth to pack into the wound and hauls you up off the ground
After the stim shot, your much more awake and aware, helping him take out enemy troops when he can
Eventually you make it back to the others, him immediately shouting out to them that you needed a medic
Others on your team began swarming you, pulling you away and he can't help the way his hands linger on your injured form
He watches as your helped into the helo to get further medical assistance from the medics
Rudy comes up and clasped a comforting hand onto Alejandro's shoulder, "They're going to be ok, amigo."
All he can do is nod as his gaze lingers on you while he loads into the helo as well
When they get back to base, he is immediately going to the medical ward to see you
Your sitting in one of the beds, rid of your tactical gear and in civvies
He tries to keep it professional, he really does
He strolls into the room, hands clasped politely behind his back as he watches the medic finish up bandaging your stitches
You perk up when you notice him standing by the door, "Colonel."
For once in his life, he doesn't know what to say as his eyes fixate on your bandaged wound
He settles for a respectful nod
The medic, noticing the obvious tension, looks between the two of you before excusing themselves
The two of you sit in awkward silence for a moment before you motion to the empty space on the bed, "You could... Sit? If you wanted..."
It frightens him how he doesn't think he would refuse anything you asked of him in that moment
He sits after a moment, quietly admitting, "I'm glad your ok."
"Thank you," You stare at him for a moment before biting your lip, slowly grabbing his hand in yours, "Thank you for not leaving me behind."
He is shocked
He doesn't understand because he had been so awful to you before
He likes it nonetheless
He looks at you and the two of you make eye contact
and he just doesn't care anymore
All the things that had been holding him back before crumble as he moves in slowly, one large hand coming up to rest against your cheek as he give you plenty of time to stop him
You don't, leaning up to meet him halfway as the two of you kiss softly
It was a small kiss but when he pulls away, he presses his forehead to yours and admits quietly to being scared of losing you
The two of you sit like that for a while before you eventually have to seperate
He promises to take you on an actual date and woo the fuck outta you when you feeling better = ̄ω ̄=
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Another Sonic and Tails headcanon thingie: these two have their unique ways of greeting each other whenever they come home, whether they were gone for a day or only 20 minutes. One of them is what Tails tends to use since it’s his absolute favorite one, the infamous koala hug attack.
For this one, in story form!
Word count: ...idk I literally wrote this in my drafts on here so I have no idea other than it went longer than originally intended 🙃 😅
Sonic clutched the bags tightly in his arms as he felt his shoes skid hard against the ground as he got near the porch of the living quarters of the workshop, nearly losing his balance in the process. A fresh coat of slightly, wet dirt now covered the bottom of his sneakers from heel to toe as he walked up the steps.
He hastily wiped his feet on the mat in front of the door, already picturing the complaints he was going to receive about tracking dirt across the floorboards again if he didn't...again.
It's not like Tails wasn’t guilty of it either, he just got at him because he tends to do it the most. Though it didn’t mean that he himself wasn’t fed up with it.
Managing to open the door with his elbow, he shuffled into the living room and dropped the bags onto the kitchen island, quickly catching some of the cans that spilled out of the bag.
"Geez, I swear that bagger was just stuffing all this stuff in here." He grumbled out loud, stacking the cans in the cabinet and putting the rest of the groceries away in a few seconds.
He brushed off his hands and glanced around the room. "Tails? You here, bud?"
There wasn’t any sound of thudding footsteps coming closer to him, or a voice calling out in response, or just any answer at all. That wasn't much of a surprise since he tended to leave the workshop more and more recently to just take a walk and explore the area.
As long as he wasn’t cooped up in his lab all day, that was good enough for him.
He moved to speak into his wrist comm to check in with Tails when his ears perked and heard some shuffling coming from behind him. Turning around, he was mildly surprised to see that nothing was there.
It mildly surprised him due to the fact barely anything could sneak up on him due to the years of training exercises he carried out, though it didn't explain why he was still hearing the shuffling all around him.
Sonic paused and let out a groan. "Oh boy, I hope it isn't another mouse that snuck inside the lab again. That was another whole week of stress that I won't get back." He mumbled softly to himself, rubbing a hand over his face.
What he did hear next definitely surprised him, considering it had been a while since he's even heard it, a few short giggles broke through the silence causing him to freeze and look around the room confused.
"Uh, Tails?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a quick flash of yellow disappears from view near one of the rafters on the ceiling, with that same shuffling noise following suit before it went silent again.
He didn't acknowledge that he saw the kit being bad at hiding, but he knew full well who it was, and the little tradition that they haven't done in a couple of years.
Sonic smirked to himself. 'Oh wow. We're playing this game again, huh? It's definitely been a while. But if it's what the kid wants to do...'
He played along, placing his hands on his hips, and feigned a worried voice. "Oh dear, I wonder where my little buddy Tails is. I just can't seem to find him anywhere!"
Sonic walked around the room, looking around dramatically under the table, around the couch, and into the kitchen cabinets. He audibly let out a sigh and leaned against the kitchen island, placing the back of his hand on his forehead.
"Tails? Oh, where for art thou Tails? My brother? Mi amigo? My honorary pride and joy. Lost forever to where I can never follow him." He kept his voice light and teasing, grinning when it earned him more giggling.
He moseyed on over directly under the one rafter where he knew Tails was hiding and put his arms up in defeat. "Hmm, he doesn't seem to be in here. I guess I was just imagining hearing him this whole time."
A slight creak was heard above him as he waited and braced himself for the attack. "3, 2, 1...."
"Nooo!….not the...koala hug trap…the cuteness…it’s too much for my body to handle..." He fell to his knees and hunched over, wrapping an arm around Tails and purposely squeezing closer to him in the process.
"Koala attack!" Tails yelled and dropped down, flying right into Sonic and wrapping his arms and legs around his torso.
Both of his tails wagged as he nuzzled his head under Sonic’s chin. The hedgehog lets out a groan from the impact, both to add to the part and to that the kid was a bit heavier than he remembered. He decided to suck it up and take it like a man...er, hedgehog.
"I can feel...all my energy depleting....I think I see a light. Mom, is that you?" Sonic fell over on his side, Tails snickered as he continued to hang onto him. "Goodbye cruel world....I'll miss you."
He finishes by rolling over on his back, closing his eyes, and lolled his head to the side, finalizing his "ultimate death." He stayed silent for a moment before he felt Tails shift around on his chest and felt a finger poking at his cheek. He peeked an eye open and saw him beaming a wide smile at him.
"Well, hi to you too." He poked a finger to Tails' nose, switching to giving a scratch behind the kit's ear. "So, mind explaining why you decided to ambush me like a crazy maniac today?
Tails laid his head back down, deeply enjoying the ear scritches. "Nope."
Sonic chuckled. "OK then." He placed his head down in turn and stared up at the ceiling.
After a few moments, Sonic cleared his throat, making Tails look up at him. "You uh, gonna let me up anytime soon? I gotta get dinner started soon."
Tails shook his head, the playful gleam shining in his eyes. "You know the rule in order to escape the hug trap, Sonic, unless you wanna be stuck here forever you gotta pay the toll."
Sonic gave out a little hum. "Actually, I change my mind, I kinda want to be stuck here. The floor is pretty comfy."
"But what if you need to use the bathroom?"
"I'll just crawl on the floor and take you along with me."
He heard Tails give a snort in amusement. "Yeah sure, you barely go in there to take a shower."
Sonic gave a hard flick to his ear, "Says alot for the guy hugging me in a death grip right now."
"Shut up, I know my limits to your body odor and this is a mere exception. Besides, you still need to pay the release toll."
"Oh right, the toll," Sonic pauses, pretending to be clueless. "Uh, what was it again?"
"You already know what it is."
"Do I now?"
Tails sighed lightly, trying to sound like he was annoyed. "Yes!"
"I do? Huh, I don’t seem to recall what it is-."
"OK, Alright. One toll payment coming up." He sat up and wrapped his arms around Tails, resting his cheek on top of his head. The kit in turn squeezed his hug tighter, letting out a laugh as Sonic began to quickly rock their bodies side to side.
"Was that a good payment for ya?"
"Oh yeah, totally worth all those overdue bills you've been ignoring." Tails said lightly.
"Ah, speaking of which, I still have one more from this morning I haven't paid for. Better late than never!" He finishes by pulling him closer and wrapping him in a even tighter hug, a one where Tails could barely move his arms.
"Ow! Okay, you paid your debt! That's too tight!" Sonic released him and watched as Tails held his sides seemingly in pain.
Sonic got up and looked at him, slight panic rushing in upon seeing him. "You good?"
"I think you nearly broke my ribs." Tails croaked out.
"Sorry." He gave him a sheepish smile as he helped him up the floor, giving him quick, side hug, a gentle one this time and ruffling the fur on his head. "You wanna help me get dinner started?"
"Sure," Tails went to stand up, stopping midway and a deep frown suddenly masked his face. "...Sonic?"
Sonic flinched at his sudden change in tone. "Yeah?"
"You didn’t wipe your feet when you came in, didn't you?"
"Oh my gosh-, don't start with that again please." Sonic groaned as Tails began his annoying tangent. "I actually did it this time."
"I can see the tracks of water leading from the grass outside to here! I keep telling you, just wipe your feet at the doormat!"
"I was carrying the groceries in!"
"That's no excuse Sonic! You know how hard it is to mop up these floors!"
Sonic began to back away, holding his hands up. "Well I did, and just for the false accusation you're not getting the dessert I bought tonight."
Tails' eyes widened, his mouth open agape. "What?!? That's not fair!"
"Neither is falsly accusing your brother for a crime he didn’t commit."
"It's not false accusation if the proof is right in front of your dumb-dumb face." Tails deadpanned.
"Annnd, now that's no mint candy of any kind for a week."
"Do you want me to make it a full month?" He tried to have his "serious" face on while saying it but the sour look on Tails' face made it rather difficult and cracked up rather quickly. Tails stood there flabbergasted upon seeing him suddenly burst out laughing, a faint blushed warmed up his face once he realized what was going on. Typical Sonic, he should have seen that coming.
"You're the worst, you know that?"
"Love you too bro."
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thekoicupid · 4 months
Hey! Can I request some angst headcanons for Bloodhound? I like the funky enby guy! :) It can be platonic or romantic, your choice! :) I don't care if there is pain/no comfort, or if there is a happy ending, but maybe it could be about the reader being a legend and hating Bloodhound for continually beating them, since the reader admired them before getting into the games ? I imagine this could be resolved by them talking things out, or the reader admitting to them that they were a big fan and then discussing :)
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Hello, I know you asked for HC but when I read your request I could only think of doing a fanfic because this idea is so perfect
It was already the seventh time in a row that this had happened, only your team was left and Bloodhound's team, his teammates had been eliminated, and there was a problem to get to the beacon you would have to go through Bloodhound.
Stealthily walking to the beacon was the best idea however it didn't have the expected result, before reaching it everything went out, when your eyes were opened the blank ceiling embraced your vision.
'Shit, again' I thought as I stood up and looked around the room for my team, it wouldn't be hard just to find a green blur that won't stop and a robot looking for a high-five.
Looking close to the door it was possible to see the two of them talking, getting up was the easiest thing, the hard part was going to be getting to them both.
-Hey buddy, let me help you -Pathfinder commented when he saw me walking towards them.
-lo hiciste muy bien amigo - Octane commented while probably smiling from behind his mask.
- I turned to the side to see Pathfinder with his hand outstretched for a high-five, I sealed the two "hands" and walked over and said goodbye to both of them and started to leave the medical area.
It couldn't be worse, I thought to myself as I walked on without paying attention to my surroundings.
I looked again at where I was going when I reached the corridors of the rooms, looked for my name and quickly entered.
Without looking too much I started to take off my equipment, the only thing I wanted now was to lie in bed and forget that I kept losing to the legend that I admire the most.
It was frustrating, no doubt about it, but that wasn't they fault, they just gave the best they could if I train harder I will get past them I can be better than this, I need to be better, the team I fall to is sure to win.
I look in my closet and see my sweatshirt and jogger pants, I better start training now when the sooner the better.
I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it was 6:00 PM, the shooting range should be open and I had never seen that place closed, and if everything goes right I will be back in time for dinner.
Walking towards the range I managed to find Fuse who greeted me and went on his way, the arsenal of weapons was at my disposal looking at the R-301, and now the hour of truth or I get better.
It should be long past time by now the sky was dark with stars, but I don't care about that now I will only stop when I feel I have improved a little if I don't feel it I won't stop.
I could feel my body starting to want to shut down, it was warning me that it couldn't anymore but I couldn't care less I can deal with the consequences of this later.
Another gunshot noise was heard, one that didn't come from my gun, I look to the side and see the one I try to outrun what is he doing here?
-Good night, warrior - Bloodhound spoke as they looked in my direction.
-Good evening - I replied as I walked to get more ammunition, there was no further interaction between us.
An hour of silence must have passed, until I faltered and dropped the gun, tiredness was taking over, Hound had noticed so much that when I picked up the gun and took aim again the vision in front of me was blurred with black dots, in the distance I heard someone calling me but I couldn't answer as I felt my body give way and my vision finally turn black.
When I woke up, I was neither in my usual room nor in the medical ward, I looked to the side and could see a crow, and what looked like the skull of an animal hanging on the wall.
-How are you feeling?-the voice came from in front of me, the Hound mask was looking at me they were sitting in front of me.
-Well, thank you," I said as I stood up, I had no idea what time it was supposed to be but something was certain I had lost yet again to the raven breeder.
I wanted to cry, not of sadness but of anger, no matter how hard I try I will always fall behind.
-Are you sure? You don't sound very good- they voice was calm but distant she was distant I couldn't hold back the tears, I didn't want to have to admit this I didn't want to show my weakness.
My thoughts were too loud, nothing in my reality made sense anymore, not even some of the thoughts did.
But something cleared the thoughts, the very reason for the thoughts Bloodhound was standing in front of me not looking at me but giving me a hug.
-Elskan what ails you? - they voice managed to come out calmer than before.
-I can't, no matter how hard I try I'm always going to fall behind -my best isn't good enough.
-Elskan, it's okay, you do very well no matter what others say, and almost dying of exhaustion is not going to solve this, it will only get worse. - Hound said this and began to make circles with his hand on my back.
- Thank you Hound," I answered as I returned the hug and I could feel my eyes heavy again, "Hound I." I barely finished my sentence as Bloodhound interrupted me.
-you'll sleep here and tomorrow we'll go to the infirmary, I'll keep an eye on you Elskan, go get some rest - was the last thing Bloodhound said before letting go and putting me on the bed.
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mod3rnwarh3ro · 2 years
The Doctor Is In...
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A/N: Hi! First fic! So I've had this in my head for a while and I was inspired by @a-edgar-allan-hoe headcanons of a doctor for 141 and I put my own spin on it. This fic was kinda the reason I made a side-blog for MW because I wanted a dedicated blog for this oc/reader. Also a Recce is the colloquial term for the South African Special Forces. Their Selection is one of the hardest in the world to get into. It consists of a week of sitting in a room, not eating, drinking, or sleeping. Nowadays there's only 1 or two people out of 120 that get through the Selection process nevermind the school training. Pretty brutal. If you guys want to know more about this character/reader please let me know! I'm dropping subtle hints that I want to continue on this tangent.
Summary: Task Force 141 is finally blessed by getting an actual physician on their team. But something's off when Price throws down a file on the guy...
Warnings: Discussions of violence; Suicide ideation (only briefly)
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“A doctor? For 141?” came the gruff grumble from under Ghost’s balaclava. “One from South Africa, no less?”
   “What’s the matter with a South African?” asked Soap in his Scottish accent.
   “Nothin’. It’s this one’s track record I’m scrutinizin’. Says they’re SASFA, and a psychologist. This one can’t make up its mind,” Ghost explained as he paged through the docket thrown down by Price.
   “Can’t they go together?” Gaz piped up, leaning over to take a paper.
   “A Recce and a sound mind never go together…” Price stated, folding his arms when his team grabbed papers from the file.
   “Steamin’ bloody Jesus…” Soap muttered with a deep frown etched into his brows. 
   “You sure you want this one, amigo? It says they need ‘to be kept on a tight leash’... We sure they’re a doctor?” Alejandro looked back at the Captain. His face did not show anything besides the seemingly angry furrow that permanently resided on his face.
   “What do they look like? Where’s the photo?” Gaz questioned, paging through the pages for the little photo that comes with most of the soldiers’ files.
   “There’s only one… And they wear a mask in it…” Alejandro sighed with the photo in hand. 
   “Don’t tell me we got another Ghost…” Soap griped, looking over his comrade’s shoulder.
He assumed it had been the doctor after seeing every other face redacted. But he almost wanted to laugh. The man was short, hilariously so. They carried an AK-47 and it looked like they were smiling from under the green balaclava. It almost would’ve looked cute if their pant legs weren’t stained in what looked to be blood.
   “They’re an asset. A great one at that. I’ve seen ‘em stitch up a soldier in thirty seconds while under fire. And they still killed the bastards that did the shooting as they were bandagin’ the soldier up,” Price bragged, as if he was talking about his own child. An information piece they can push on later.
   “So just a really good field medic?” Soap concluded with a shrug, not able to keep the  question from his voice.
   “Nope. A doctor…” Ghost sighed, throwing the PhD in front of the Sergeant. He would’ve poked fun at Soap’s flinching if it weren’t for the Captain speaking up.
   “They’re coming tomorrow at 0700, I expect you lot to be on your best behaviour. And to wipe your assumptions on them. The docket was only meant to familiarise yourselves with what they can do, not their personality.”
Murmurs of affirmation rung through the group, no one speaking up on their reservations on the new guy coming into their ranks. For all they knew, this dude could still prove his worth here. They could really use a doctor for the missions where they couldn’t patch themselves up and they could use another experienced fighter on the field.
They did their daily rounds after the Captain dismissed them, still with questions on their minds about the doctor. From the pages talking about their career as a doctor, it seemed like they were well-liked by both their fellow officers and civilians alike. Not that that means anything, they could be a really good actor. 
Soap slumped down into a chair, holding his MRE packet close to him. Not a minute later and Gaz sat next to him with Alejandro following. They gave each other knowing looks before digging into their meals.
   “What do you think he’ll be like?” Gaz asked, looking over at Alejandro.
   “I don’t know, but from his files, he looks like a mad man. I don’t want to be near that cabrón if he’s gonna be on the field with us,” Alejandro responded, shaking his head and pursing his lips.
   “You should’ve seen the operation photos. He’s ruthless from what I can tell. I’m with Alejandro on this one,” Soap agreed as he packed away for the night.
   “And Ghost is better?” Gaz retaliated with a raised brow.
   “We know Ghost. We don’t know him,” Alejandro said simply, effectively ending the discussion on the doctor.
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Her nerves shot through her fingers, every bone in her body telling her to ‘stop this now, go back home’. The Captain made it clear to her that this was her choice, that she could always refuse if she didn’t feel like she could do it. 
Her heart didn’t allow her to refuse. She knew she can’t stay away from this type of life, no matter how hard she tried to. 
She’s tried filling it with a void of helping paediatrics and the elderly. She’s tried filling it by helping her family’s business grow. She’s tried filling it with more and more ways to make money to leave for her family should she ever be KIA. Morbid dreams visited her at night telling her that it would be for the health of her family if she’s gone. 
A dry chuckle escaped her and rang through the empty cabin of the helicopter she agreed to take. That dream had scared her into trying to understand her own twisted mind. She bitterly remembered being overjoyed at the fact that she had, for the first time since that Selection test, been afraid. Those five years opened up many doors for her. She didn’t take any of them.
Her eyes landed on the briefing package next to her, taunting her of her new life. Casting a glance at her phone made her realise she had more than enough time to catch up on every one of her teammates. A growl. Snatching up the files and telling her mind to shut up, she got to work on reading. Task Force 141 awaited her.
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The landing woke her up, as she would vehemently claim when Captain Price went into the aircraft to welcome her to the base. And for someone that had the sleep of the dead, she woke up pretty quickly, jumping up and greeting her future Commander. 
   “Captain! It’s good to see you again,” she smiled, hoping he wouldn’t see the strain of trying to pull such an expression.
   “Likewise Badger. Thought I’d never be able to convince ya to come out here,” he retorted with a chuckle.
   “Y’know me sir. I like to stay away,” she said with a shrug.
   “But you still came ‘round.”
   “Can’t leave some missions to just a couple of men, can I?”
   “You’ll find them quite capable…”
   “I know, sir. You do have a knack for things like this. Or people.”
She almost froze when she saw the hangar approaching them. Her heart leapt at her chest, giving way to an almost silent gasp. Price looked back at her. His moustache moved into an upward curve, reassuring her that none of them will judge her, that he will handle the negativity if they dare show it to her.
She grimaced back, taking a deep breath as she trailed behind him. A similar scene to this played out in her head. It was just after she got taken into the SAS, her little frame following Price like a very lost and scared puppy. She would have brought it up to him if it weren’t for the group of men standing in front of the door to the hangar.
They were focused on the Captain, which bought her lungs a few vital seconds to bring oxygen back to her brain again. She stood behind him, cemented into her mind where she tried to calm down. She couldn’t tell you where the onslaught of nerves comes from. But her logical brain piped up and stated that she is still grappling and accepting the fact that her future is changing. At a rapid pace.
   “Come on out, little one,” Price coaxed, moving out the way to give his team a visual on their new doctor. 
Her eyes widened, caught in headlights as she surveyed them all and trying her best not to swallow so hard when her eyes landed on who she assumed to be Simon “Ghost” Riley. He was a giant. One of the first she’s ever cowered before. She took another breath to prepare her voice to project.
   “He’s a woman?!” came a bellow in a Scottish accent.
   “A woman?!” They all synchronised, except for the giant that hung at the back.
That punched her in the gut. Now she lost her train of thought and was left floundering in the deep end. Unfortunately, her way of keeping her head above the water was to crack a few jokes. 
   “U-uh… yes. I do have breasts and l-last time I checked I… I do still have the traits of a woman…” she breathed, glancing down at her chest and the now flustered expressions of the men. “I a-assume you read my file so um. I’m uh. I’m just gonna answer what I can assume y-you all would like to a-ask… Um, yes, I did rip a man’s head off with my hands, no I can't recommend it because it makes a–um, a big mess and considering that at the area of where I fought at the time, I-I could’ve contracted the blood-borne disease, HIV.
   “N-No I don’t sleepwalk and no I-I can’t kill in my sleep. No I… I am not so unhinged that I will slice the, the throat of any person that looks at me w-weirdly. I only became a psychologist for my well-being and found out I enjoyed helping people… I… I uhm. F-for right now, I will only be a practising physician and psychologist for Task Force 141. Sh-Should the need ever arise that I c-come onto the field, I-I take orders seriously and will act on them with no remorse because… Because I have been trained to do so. That w-would explain the phrase, ‘must be kept on a tight leash’. O-okay. Did I answer everything or is there more?” She finished with a sigh, releasing her shoulders from their tense posture. 
Price wordlessly nodded at her to put her mind at ease. She responded with a ghost of a nod and looked back at the team. She would have laughed at their wide eyes and closed off stances. She could have sworn she saw the man she assumed to have the name Gaz gape his mouth only to shut it again. 
   “I’m guessing you’ve had to answer those questions before, chiquita?” The man she assumed to be Alejandro Vargas asked with a frown.
   “Quite a few times,” she gave a dry chuckle and shrugged. “Mostly from the younger soldiers.”
   “Sorry ma’am…” the man with the Scottish accent apologised, looking down at his feet as if his mother just scolded him for being rude
   “Yeah, sorry for makin’ assumptions ma’am,” Gaz echoed the man’s sentiment. 
   “There’s no need for that, I’m sure you’re all wonderful folks once I know you better,” she laughed, waving her hand to dismiss their guilty looks. Wait… she laughed?
   “Right then. Physical exams will start at 0900 once the Doctor’s set up,” Price stepped in, clapping his hands to get the men’s attention. “That’s fine right, kid?” 
She gave a curt nod to her Captain and then to the rest of the team. With that, the debriefing of their new doctor ended, leaving them with more than just embarrassment. Her posture and mannerisms did not reflect her statistics in her file. Nor did her seemingly normal explanation give way to what she was—is like as an operative on the field.
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Can you tell more about Lalka plots but in eoa, the royal amigos and Victor czemu?
Gladly XD
"Lalka plots but in eoa" has actually evolved so much it doesn't have much in common with Lalka anymore, but doesn't matter. The idea sparked from the fact that Rzecki and Esteban are basically the same person and I was talking with my friend about how this might do for some interesting plots. This specific one was supposed to be based on how hard Rzecki wanted Wokulski to get with Mrs Stawska, and was completely oblivious to being in love with her himself, so to translate it into eoa, it would go something like this:
Esteban decides that Elena is the right age to start looking for a consort and when he sees that she is in love with some guy (or so he thinks) he joins forces with the guy's single mother to get them together. In a comedic turn of events though, Elena and the guy end up getting him and the mother together.
As you can see it really doesn't have much in common with the original plot, but I think it could make for a good comedy. (Also Rafa and Mateo are perfect to be cast as the guy and his single mother, but I'm not sure I'd be able to write about Esterafa in any serious manner XD)
Now "Royal Amigos" is a little different kind of story. Basically Chloe decides that after how fun birthday party Elena had thrown for her, she should do the same for her. So she gathers her new friends and those royals that she knows Elena is friends with - which gives us Alonso, Marzel and Marisa added to the squad - and goes on to prepare Elena her best birthday yet! ...except it turns out they all have quite different characters and temperaments, and without Elena mediating between them, the preparations don't go quite as she planned (everyone disagrees on what kind of party Elena would like, Valentina claims to know Elena the longest, to which Alonso opposes, as he met her first out of all of them, except his ideas are absolutely impossible and Rebecca, the local voice of reason, doesn;t agree on any of them, Marisa claims that she had already planned a party with Elena once, so she knows best, meanwhile Chloe is trying to keep everyone in check without seeming bossy, and without being distracted by her crush on Marzel, who has all the best intentions but is too guilible and easily swayed by Alonso to be on his side of the arguments.) In the end of course the party works out, even though it's not perfect, and Elena is happy her friends really are friends with each other and not just because she's their common friend, and of course the surprise party is very nice. I also planned to add some of my headcanons, like for example that Norberg is an electoral monarchy so Chloe has basically no views on the throne, etc. The only thing stopping me from writing it is... I have no idea how to lead the plot XD
And I've already talked about "Victor czemu" in the last ask, so feel free to choose another one to ask me about :> And thank you for this ask!
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crimsonbluemoon · 2 years
number 28, fic: liibahunt (bbs or original, up to you), pairing: Krii7y or Kyra x Jaiden
28.In [x fic], what is a happy, post-fic headcanon you have about [pairing]?
ah I love answering LH questions!! Thank you so much ^.^
Okay, sooooo this one is a little more challenging because Kyra and Jaiden don't have a romantic relationship in LH. I've realized that while letting the characters become themselves away from their BBS counterparts, Kyra and Jaiden are platonic soulmates. I think showcasing different types of love is important to me, and the one that I tend to forget about is healthy friendships between male and female characters. I do have the three amigos, but they're a little off center due to power dynamics and age differences.
I love the idea of Kyra and Jaiden finding each other as a safe space not because of some romantic gesture or need to have intimate relations, but because they recognize each other's souls and see what parts they can help heal and soothe. Kyra needs Jaiden just as much as Jaiden needs Kyra. While in the beginning of the storyline of LH, Kyra does a lot of the physical defense stuff, Jaiden is a place for her not to feel judged or used. Jaiden is the only character that never thinks of using Kyra for her powers because he doesnt care about them.
Okay, sorry, I wanted to get that out before I answered this. So my favorite head canon for these two, even if its not romantic, is that when one of them gets really depressed/in their own heads, the other will speak about their 'dream house' that the two of them are going to live together in. Jaiden talks more, will ask her what color she wants her room or why they need a certain type of showerhead for the bathroom, things like that. Kyra is more of an artists, so she will looks for images on pintrest or will draw stuff out and show him when he's having a really bad episode.
So when Jaiden loses his memory after getting his body back, one of the things that tends to stay true is that he never, not once, lied to Kyra about what he wanted in the dream house, because he still says the same answers after getting his body back as he did before. So Kyra knows he was telling her the truth about the things he wanted to share with her. So at times when she fears he'll never remember her or that she gets on a self-loathing trip and thinks she could leave him, she'll draw/look up something he previously said, maybe a smidge different (different shape, color, size, design) and listen to him complain about what he wanted to change about it just to remind her that he shared those thoughts with Kyra because he wanted to share the house with her.
Phew, okay, hope that wasn't too much. They're a lot of fun <3
Send me a writer ask!
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radbutsafe · 3 years
7, 10, 12, 22, 29 for SoRina?
ship headcanon meme
Who? What? When? Where? Why?
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
It depends on who’s planning, but if they aren’t going to go to a food festival during certain times in the year, Soma takes Erina to places like roller skating rinks or to themed restaurants. He finds them fun, and he likes to see Erina’s reactions to the “stupid gimmicks” as she likes to call them.
I also like to think they just enjoy going on walks together, cause no one is going to bother them much at night. No one is expecting things from them, so they just walk around and relax I guess?
10. What two songs, two books and two luxury items do they take to a desert island?
Yukihira Soma’s desert island list:
Songs - BRAND NEW WORLD by D-51 and Amigo by Chef’Special
soma said getting a scar was cool as a kid, and the images that he thought of were shounen characters, one of them being luffy! so Brand New World is a bop of an opening and a nostalgia trip, also just talks about traveling haha. i was debating it or We Are but decided on this instead. he could just sing We Are instead of listening to it!
Amigo is a fun song about making friends with people as you travel, how folks are only strangers until they meet. so i think soma would like the song, also the band name Chef’Special would give him a chuckle.
Books - the first one piece omnibus and the second one would be omnibus ace first shows up in. (yes I’m turning soma into a one piece fan but honestly it fits in my opinion and think he’d like ace)
Luxury Items - a super fancy solar cooker and a luxury camping tent.
all of it is practical, but if soma was camping normally, he wouldn’t have these things cause camping is fun without all the glamor. he’s on a desert island though and he needs something fancy? these are good.
Nakiri Erina’s desert island list:
Songs - sorry this is a ??? for now, LMAO I was thinking she’d like jazz cause her grandfather used to listen to some / a couple of classical pieces out of the many she was forced to listen to etc. she grew appreciation for the stuff but like idk about favorites. I think she’ll enjoy romantic songs too haha but currently nothing specific.
Books - Difficult Women by Roxane Gay because i think she’d enjoy the different stories of all these different women and their experiences. also i definitely see someone painting erina as a ‘difficult woman’ as she’s hard to please. i want to cheat and wish there is an even BIGGER omnibus that had the entirety of the manga Orange by Ichigo Takano but if i can’t, she’ll have a shoujo manga anthology omnibus.
Luxury Items - scuba gear and a crate / keg of super expensive wine that she doesn’t like to share with soma
erina would also be somewhat practical, but her whole life is luxurious she wouldn’t really know what to even bring but she would try to do fun things somewhat, cause she knows soma will be taking care of things.
12. What first changes when it starts getting serious?
the last of erina’s (flimsy) walls fall around soma. asking for things like comfort and intimacy starts to become easier for her after they get serious. for soma he’s learns to do actions of love without waiting for her to ask, picking up what she likes and also learning what he likes too.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
haha it depends on the au / fic im writing but I guess if im thinking in the canon nebulous it’s probably in the yukihira diner after erina finally says soma’s food is delicious
29. Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
going back to my answer for 12 soma already loves the force of nature erina but he falls for her softer shyer self that she finally shows him too.
erina seeing soma with children, cause we see he gets along with them well in canon but she’s never witnessed it herself i’m pretty sure. so she definitely thinks to herself that he’d be a lovely father and gets embarrassed by the thought of him in that context.
“I could feel you burning holes into my head, what’s up?”
“I didn’t know you were good with children.”
“Just used to them, is all, especially cause they came around the shop with their parents. It’s fun how they always want to play or are super curious about things, ya know?”
“....You’d make a good father.”
“Hmm? You wanna have a kid?”
“W-what?! Wipe that smile off of your face, what does you being a good father have to do with me having a child?!”
“Who else would be the mother of the child?”
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neon-junkie · 3 years
You posted recently about what it's like to smoke with some of the gang, could you do the same request but for Flaco?
ugh I’d do anything to share a joint with that man. Here’s some headcanons for you, gender-neutral reader, mostly sfw but a lil sprinkle of nsfw at the very end. Everything’s under the cut because of the obvious drug use lol
I’ve said it before, but Flaco is a big cuddler, and an even bigger one when he’s high.
He’s not a man who has much self-confidence any more, but he still has a lot of general confidence. And he’ll catch himself outrightly asking you “Hey, you wanna cuddle?” then instantly regret it, because ‘why would you want to cuddle with an old man like me?’
Speaking of his age, he’s definitely going to turn to you out of the blue and ask “Am... am I old?”
Cue speech where Flaco opens up to you about how he considers himself to be a lot older than he actually is, and how everybody forgetting about him has affected his confidence more than he’s willing to admit.
But once you’ve got past his sudden outburst where he fully opens up to you, he’s back to his normal, funny self.
“Ah, I’m sorry about that! I don’t know what came over me... It’s wrong of me to drop all that on you, amigo. I didn’t mean to bore you with my nonsense, now you can bore me with yours instead!!”
Time for cosy cuddles, and if you’re already dating, he can’t help but cover you in lots of little kisses.
His favourite places to kiss are your cheeks and temples, he’ll just roam around that area, covering you in little kisses until you start to laugh.
“What’s so funny?? Are you laughing at my affection??”
Don’t worry, he’s only joking, and continues to do it.
He doesn’t get the munchies too bad, but he somehow has the motivation whenever he’s high to cook a perfect meal.
Like, one that he’s usually too lazy to cook but really enjoys it. He just gets that sudden burst, and before you know it, he’s serving you his favourite food.
Modern Flaco will get the urge to show you his favourite movie, and you only know it’s his favourite because he mumbles all the lines under his breath. He thinks he’s being quiet, but he’s clearly not.
(NSFW) Flaco does get horny when he’s high, but he’s not one to push it. He’ll relax with you: talk, eat, sleep, whatever. But the second you come onto him, or when his patience finally runs out, he’s all over you.
He’s happy to admit that he’s been hard almost the whole time, he just wanted to enjoy some other things with you before doing this.
1% of the time he wants to just raw the hell out of you, and the other 99% he wants to have passionate sex.
He loves to tease, he’ll go as slow as he allows himself to, and the sound of you protesting and whining is music to his ears.
“Keep complaining, and I’ll go even slower!”
He’s covering you in kisses whilst this is happening. It’s his mission to kiss every inch of you, and he’s not gonna speed up his thrusts until he’s completed it.
Flaco’s always a sucker for a dimly lit, romantic setting, and he goes out of his way to set that mood when he’s high. Like I said earlier, he gets sudden bursts of motivation.
And once the deed is done, it’s back to snug cuddles until you both fall asleep together :)
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sparrowmoth · 4 years
ive been watching these posts all day trying to think of a word. and i DID finally. carvie + lullaby
@inertiazz This was such a blessed prompt, the headcanon went feral and became something more of a drabble, so... I offer you some soft!Carvie? ♥
Before the banishment, when Evie and Carlos were quite little and their mothers used to ignore them send them off to play while they sat down for drinks and gossip, the two of them would often end up alone in Evie’s bedroom. She had a queen-sized bed big enough for them both to drown in and high enough that they needed a stool just to get up on it, so they would clamber up and lay there with a bunch of Evie’s books to pass the time.
Sometimes so much time passed that they would start to get tired, and either they would realize their mothers intended to talk well into the night, or they would look out the window and see all the lights of Hell Hall had come on, but Cruella’s voice had faded out.
“We can have a sleepover!” Evie would whisper excitedly, and Carlos would agree to it because it was worth the trouble he’d get into the next day to sleep on a real bed with the only person who ever made him feel warm in those days. He’d hide beneath Evie’s bed until Grimhilde came to check on her before she went to sleep, and then he’d crawl out and back beneath the covers next to Evie.
She’d sigh and complain sometimes how his clothes were dirty and he “obviously” hadn’t had a shower, but that never stopped her from cuddling against him. Sometimes, she’d even sing to him when he couldn’t sleep or he’d woken them both up from a nightmare. It was always the same song, the lyrics whispered like a secret between them: “Apenas las estrellas comienzan a salir, Pin Pon se va a la cama y se acuesta a dormir. Pin Pon dame la mano con un fuerte apretón, pues quiero ser tu amigo…” [1]
Evie stopped singing it as they got older, and Carlos didn’t think he minded since he didn’t want her treating him like a baby who couldn’t fall asleep without a lullaby. They couldn’t be that soft in the world they lived in, so…
It wasn’t until several months after they had been in Auradon that Carlos found himself thinking about the song one night as he was holding an inconsolable Evie, stroking her hair gently after she’d woken from a nightmare. He only half-remembered the tune and his Spanish wasn’t as good as hers, but he started to sing his broken version of the lullaby to her, earning strange looks from Mal and Jay. He ignored them and continued to sing until Evie started to giggle, tears still streaming down her face when she raised her head to look at him.
“Arepas los estela?” [2] (Her voice was rough, but warm with humour.) “U-un fuego apretó… pues que?” [3] She broke down laughing, shaking her head as she wrapped her arms tight around Carlos, who blushed awkwardly at the same time as he tried in vain to glare down Mal and Jay’s smirks.
Finally, with the lamp switched off again and the four of them piled into bed, Evie curled her arm around Carlos’ waist, snuggled closer, and whispered so only he could hear, “Te amo, Pin Pon.” [4]
“Te amo, princesa…” [5]
[Spanish translations, notes, and my excuses a disclaimer under the cut.]
TRANSLATED TEXT (with the disclaimer that although I’m Mestizx/Latinx, it’s been a long, long time since I spoke Spanish fluently, so I apologize to any of my people who actually do speak Spanish if these translations are hot garbage lol).
[1] “As soon as the stars start to come out, Pin Pon goes to bed and goes to sleep. Pin Pon give me your hand with a strong grip, because I want to be your friend...” (Note: This is a Spanish lullaby, but the exact translation varies; the song is about a cute little cardboard doll named Pin Pon going about his day.)
[2] “Arepas los estela?” / “Arepas the wake?” (Note: This is intended to be a silly garble of words. Btw! Arepas are a traditional food that are pretty much a staple for Colombians. Don’t ever use tortilla as a synonym or I will die a little inside.)
[3] ““U-un fuego apretó… pues que?” / “A fire squeezed... so what?” (Note: Even more nonsense because Carlos is bad at Spanish and Evie is amused.)
[4] “Te amo, Pin Pon.” / “I love you, Pin Pon.” (Note: Evie’s jokingly using “Pin Pon” as a nickname for Carlos because the song starts out with the little doll washing his face with soap and water, which is something she always tried to make him do on the Isle since he always showed up with dirt on his cheeks from all his chores and tinkering and how long he’d have to go between baths.)
[5] “Te amo, princesa…” / “I love you, Princess.” (Note: They’re soft. The end.)
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Humon + all the questions 👀👀👀👀👀👀
*Cracks her knuckles* My time has come
100 Otp Questions (✨Humon edition✨)
1. Who loves flower crowns more? Simon. I think that during most of his childhood and teen years he tried to repress a lot of his more "feminine" interests so when he became an adult and a little more confident, he started to kinda obsess over them 2. Who is the one who likes to cuddle? Hugh 3. Who has awful taste in music? Hugh (? HE JUST SEEMS LIKE HE HAS SHITTY MUSICAL TASTE, OK????? 4. Who is the meme lover? Simon, and Hugh always goes like "I don't get it" 5. How did their second date go? Better than the first one:) 6. How many children do they want/have? They always wanted to have a lot of kids 7. Who hides the weapons? Simon 8. Who is the better dancer? Hugh. Simon's super clumsy, but it’s kinda adorable:) 9. Do/Did they have a theme wedding? No, they went to the courthouse after a few weeks after they defeated Ace Anarchy and had a small ceremony with friends (they were still mourning Georgia u.u) 10. What do their parents think of them dating? Well, according to my headcanons (? Hugh didn't actually meet his parents (because Mr. Everhart didn't want t prodigy son) but Simon lived with this dad! Mr. Westwood didn’t like Hugh that much because he thought he may be a bad influence:) But after they started dating he started to notice Simon was so happy with him, and at the end of the day, it was all that mattered. But yeah he still didn't like Hugh that much lol his son was too good for him (? 11. Are they a super sappy couple? When they're drunk, yes (? 12. How did they get together? Simon was the introvert Hugh, an extrovert, adopted 13. Who asked the other to get married? They asked each other at the same time:) 14. Who stays up too late and makes stupid jokes? Simon. 15. Who is the nerd? B O T H 16. Who knows the most obscure facts? Hugh: *drinks water* Simon: you know... drinking too much water can actually kill you. Hugh: *nervously drinks water* 17. Who makes the other a flower crown? Simon, but one day Hugh tried to make one for him (it was a little bit... ugly, but Simon liked it) 18. Who likes to read? Simon. 19. Who bothers the other person while the other person reads? Hugh 20. Who tutors the other? Hugh 21. Do they have similar taste in movies? Yeah, for some reason I think they both like Marvel movies lol 22. How do their personalities complement each other? Simon is more sensitive, calm, and proactive, while Hugh is more dense, social, and reactive 23. How do they tell everyone that they are going to be having a kid/adopting a child soon? If you've read my fic Catch Me if I Should Fall, you know I believe Georgia asked Hugh to take care of Adrian if something happened to her. So when something did happen to her lol I think Hugh told Simon about the conversation they had, and Simon accepted without hesitation. Simon was the one who told the rest of the team, and honestly, nobody objected, because they knew they were the most capable of taking care of a child. 24. Who has better fashion sense? Hugh:) 25. Who will punch someone out if they are rude to their partner? Both 26. What songs do they sing together in the vehicle? OKAY SDAJFASFJD hahaha just imagine (? Adrian's on the car with them and Simon just starts singing at the top of his lungs "Stacy's Dad" but instead of saying "Stacy" he sings "Adrian". Adrian is super embarrassed because omg the cringe and he goes "dad tell pops to stop" while Simon is "ADRIAN'S DAD IS ACTUALLY PRETTY RAD HE'S ALL I WANT AND I'M OBSESSED JUST A TAD". So Hugh looks at him dead in the eye and says: "OH ADRIAN CAN'T YOU SEE YOUR DAD JUST THE GUY FOR ME" and then they both go "I KNOW IT MAY BE BAD BUT I'M IN LOVE WITH ADRIAN'S DAD" and Adrian jumps out of the car 27. What other couple would your otp get along with? I think they would get along with Tamaya and her husband:) 28. Who likes to prank the other? Okay so dskbsajfdjsd I think Simon, but like, he would make sexual jokes (? and Hugh would be like "I don't know how to respond to that". But he likes them xd 29. Who is the one who loves to take pictures? Both. 30. How would they react if they found out they were soul mates? Sweetie, they already know it 31. Where would they live? It's not like they don't like living in their mansion, but they would be more than happy if they lived in a small house:) As long as they're together 32. What type of dragon would they own, if they could have one? *googles types of dragons* so apparently Quetzalcoatl is considered a dragon... yeah, they would own a Quetzalcoatl :))) 33. If they were both vampires, what type of vampires would they be? Okay there are too many types of vampires what the actual fuck askdhsjakfdj but yeah, I think they would be your standard vampire lol 34. What would they dress up as, for Halloween? THEY WOULD DRESS UP AS EACH OTHER SDFBSHFBJ The Dread Captain and Chromium Warden (? 35. Can they name each other’s favorite food? Yes!!! Hugh knows Simon favorite food is pupusas (a traditional Salvadorian dish) (yes I headcanon Simon as half Salvadorian fight me) and one time he tried to cook them for him but he almost set the kitchen on fire. Ah, and Simon knows Hugh's favorite food is apple pie:) 36. Do they have pet names for one another? Hugh: *calls his husband dear/hun* Simon: *call his husband dude, amigo, bro, captain, and sometimes love, when he's in a good mood* 37. How do they cheer each other up? "I love you" "I know" "And I know you know. I just wanted to make sure you remember. Do you wanna talk about it?" "No" "It's okay. I'm here for you tho." "I know. And thank you" 38. Do they show a lot of PDA? At first, Simon had problems with PDA because fucking homophobes are everywhere, but now he hugs Hugh in public every time he can. And Hugh doesn't have a problem with it:) 39. How old were they when they got together? My headcanon is that they were 16, almost 17:) 40. Who is the one that would bring the puppy home? SIMON ASAJDBJSD and Hugh would be the one who's like "i don't want animals in this house Simon you have to find him another home i'm the patriarch and I've spoken" but then two months later he's like "Simon the dog sleeps in the bed tonight he's a puppy and there's a thunderstorm he will get scared:(((" 41. Can they do yoga couple’s poses? Some of them 42. What is their song? YOU FELL ASLEEP IN MY CAR I DROVE THE WHOLE TIME BUT THAT'S OKAY I'LL JUST AVOID THE HOLES SO YOU SLEEP FINE Tear in my Heart, by TOP 43. What does their room look like? LIKE A PINTEREST MOM ROOM LOL 44. Who would be the one to kill zombies while the other keeps them grounded? Hugh kills the zombies, Simon keeps him grounded 45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Añis, I think both of them:) 46. Who loves kids more? Simon. Hugh likes his kids and kids sometimes like him, but they're sticky and loud and just... no:) 47. Do either of them have a crazy ex? Does Ace count? 48. What are their favourite colours? Simon's favorite colour is purple and Hugh's is blue 49. Who likes to cook? Both, but Simon cooks better:) 50. Who is the forgetful one? I think Simon lol 51. Does either of them know how to fight? They do!! Like you cannot be a superhero without knowing how to fight lol. But I think Simon is more of thinking before every movent and Hugh tends more to using brute force 52. What do they do for Valentine's Day? They send each other flowers to work and have a romantic dinner at their house, is a tradition. 53. Who swears more? When they were younger Hugh used to curse more, but when they got older, Simon started doing it more than him 54. Who has the better comebacks? Simon. Sometimes Hugh is just... mean with his comebacks 55. Who would start a fight with another parent at a bake sale? H U G H (he's a soccer mom trapped in the body of a gay superhero) (Hugh: FIGHT ME TINA!) 56. Who reads buzzfeed? Both, but Simon does it ironically, Hugh doesn't (? 57. Who is the hopeless romantic? Both:) 58. Do either of them know how to do a handstand? Yes, Simon. 59. Who can rap better? S I M O N (One time Hugh was having a rap battle with Tamaya and Simon went “GO WHITE BOY GO”) 60. Do either of them want to go sky diving? No, they're too old for that 61. What do they usually text about? The kids, work, "i'm gonna order pizza" "all right" "but hurry up u r paying and i'm hungry", and "love ya" 62. Who is the dramatic one? It depends xd but I think Hugh lol 63. Is either one confrontational? Have you seen Hugh in Supernova?? the guy is batshit crazy i see why yall don't like him tbh 64. What is their favourite cuddle position? Spoon!!! (those basic bitches) 65. Who are their favourite musical artist(s)? JUAN GABRIEL AND SELENA QUINTANILLA 66. What are their parenting styles? Well, for what I saw in the books, they're not really super strict, but I think Hugh is more strict than Simon:) 67. Who would be the more laid back one? Simon. He would sneak his kids a cookie after Hugh told him not 68. Who listens to more vulgar music? I think Simon, but he just listens to it when Hugh’s around because he goes like the lady from this vine and is hilarious 69. Do either of them have secrets even the other doesn’t know? Hugh doesn't like papusas that much:) 70. Who is their go to couple for a double date? Tamaya and his husband! 71. Do they tip the waiter/waitress on their date? Yes, they're nice:) 72. How do they work out a fight? I think they give the other their space to think and calm down, and then they talk about it. 73. Who brings home an illegal pet? SIMON BUT BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW THE PET IS ILLEGAL UNTIL HUGH TELLS HIM 74. What side of the bed do each of them sleep on? Hugh sleeps on the right side and Simon on the left side 75. What is their favorite photo of them two together? A candid photo Georgia took a few weeks after they started dating. They are at Simon's basement, shyly holding hands and looking at each other completely smitten 76. Who takes longer in the bathroom? Hugh lol 77. Who has more songs on their ipod? Simon!! 78. What movie did they first see together? Matilda xd 79. What do they like to see each other in? Their supersuits (? 80. Who makes jokes during inappropriate times? Simon skdfhjsdjhs 81. At what age do they discuss the possibility of children? Right after Adrian was born they started to think about it, but never really talked of it until they were like 24-25. 82. What do they love about each other the most? They both think of each other as the bravest person they have ever met. 83. Who is the one that sees the big picture, while the other focuses on the small details? Hugh sees the big picture and Simon focus on the small details 84. What would they write on their partner’s social media for their anniversary? Something really cheesy lol 85. Who is bad at math? Simon 86. Who googles everything? Hugh to win arguments, Simon out of anxiety 87. Who does stuff on impulse? Hugh (fucking obviously) 88. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation? I think they just... hold hands. Like “maybe we cannot do anything about this situation, but if the worst happens, we’ll be together and that’s the only right thing in this world right now.” 89. What is an inside joke they have? "rEnEgAdEs???? More like RENEGAYS" 90. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all? Hugh 91. What is their favourite holiday? Christmas!! 92. Who is the one that is calm and collected while the other is angry and destructive? *Supernova flashbacks* 93. What is their favourite board game to play? Pachisi  94. Who accidental sets something on fire? Hugh 95. Who has the car ready while the other is robbing the store? Hugh has the car ready and Simon robs the store 96. What artist/group did they go to for their first concert? SELENA QUINTANILLA 97. Who sleep talks? Simon 98. Who is the more social one? Hugh 99. What are their karaoke songs? Don't Go Breaking My Heart, Dreaming of You, and Te Quiero Tanto (but Simon is the only one who can sing it; he's been taking Spanish classes because after his mother died, he forgot all his Spanish. He does what he can) 100. Who would get up on stage and make a fool of themselves just to make the other laugh? Hugh
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cranehusbands · 4 years
for a charming guy, you suck at date nights
mirage | elliott witt/octane | octavio silva; established relationship; fluff; movie nights; adhd headcanons; 1388 words
a/n: 3 FOR 3! these just keep getting posted later and later, im so sorry about that, but i was trying out crossplay on apex today (!!!) and having a blast, i forgot how much fun this game can be with friends, hehe
anyways, day 3 for @apex-rarepairweek, movie night! featuring my very specific octane hcs about his hyperfixations where i am (we irritating) we Projecting. thank you again for these prompts guys, these were super fun!
likes < reblogs, any comments in the tags are appreciated
ao3 mirror in the reblogs!
Preview: “Uh, knock knock, comin’ through.” Octavio looked up, only just realising how badly he was chewing at his fingers as he saw Elliott struggling into the room, two drinks in hand and a bowl under his arm. “Oh, shit- sorry, didn’t hear you askin’ for help.” “You’re fine, babe, but thanks.” He gave a small smile of relief as the runner took the bowl from him, only for that to turn into a light scowl as he watched him scoop a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “C’mon, at least save it.” “S’good.” “Too hot?” Octavio didn’t reply, only slightly winced and turned away to put the bowl on the coffee table, and that was enough for the trickster to soften again, joining him on the loveseat (fitting, for a date night) as he slid the soda over to Octavio’s side, and kept the coffee for himself.
“You can sit down, you know that, right?”
The voice from the kitchen made Octavio look up from his shoes, kicking at the linoleum of the apartment’s entrance. He’d been standing there since Elliott had let him in a few minutes before, before he’d left to go make them drinks. “Uh, sí, just… waiting for you.”
“You, the Octane? Waiting? Thought hell’d freeze over before that happened.”
Though the legend scowled momentarily, hearing his boyfriend chuckle to himself from a distance was enough for him to relax the shoulders he didn’t know he was tensing, pulling his hands out of the pockets of his jacket to wring his hands. So he was a little nervous, sure. And he wasn’t coping well with it, yeah. But it was Elliott - just Elliott, not charming funny guy Mirage - and him here… though even that seemed like it was going to be a little too much.
 Like a lost and bewildered dog, he wandered into the living room, putting his bag down by the side of the sofa tossing his leather jacket across the back of it, fiddling with his gloves as he looked around. He’d been in this front room many times before, especially since they’d gotten together, though more often than not it had just been a segway to go out on a date, or further into the apartment, either option leading to a great time… but not tonight. Elliott wanted to stay in, do something cute (‘like normal couples do’ he’d said, as if they were anything close to normal), and had suggested watching a movie together. “You have a lot of those.” he’d chipped in, but he didn’t even know the half of it. 
 For a long time, Octavio had wasted his money on any old earth horror movie he could find. He had enough of it, seeing how as soon as he burned a hole in his pocket he earned back almost twice as much, but it made him happy - almost as happy as risking his life. He was sure Ajay was happy with the alternative, though impulsive spending was hardly an improvement. But for Octavio, the rush of happiness that came with another order or just watching the same movie over and over again was what he always needed, a tie over until the game the next day, or the stunt live on stream in the afternoon. 
 Maybe that’s why he was so wound up - he was baring his heart out here, and that wasn’t something he liked to do. He was the kind of guy to keep his cards close to his chest, and locked behind threads of chains, and the persona of a man who didn’t care what people thought of him, but still had no interests outside of what he did. And though, yes, the adrenaline rush and the cheer of the crowds was enough for him… movies like these kept him company on lonely nights with a nanny he didn’t care for, when his father had his nose too deep in work or another set of divorce papers.
 “Uh, knock knock, comin’ through.”
Octavio looked up, only just realising how badly he was chewing at his fingers as he saw Elliott struggling into the room, two drinks in hand and a bowl under his arm. “Oh, shit- sorry, didn’t hear you askin’ for help.”
“You’re fine, babe, but thanks.” He gave a small smile of relief as the runner took the bowl from him, only for that to turn into a light scowl as he watched him scoop a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “C’mon, at least save it.”
“Too hot?”
Octavio didn’t reply, only slightly winced and turned away to put the bowl on the coffee table, and that was enough for the trickster to soften again, joining him on the loveseat (fitting, for a date night) as he slid the soda over to Octavio’s side, and kept the coffee for himself.
“So, you wanted to be in charge of picking, right?”
“Uh, heh… yeah.” He twiddled his thumbs a little, before reaching over the side of the arm to grab his backpack, self-branded and decorated with merchandise of himself and his fellow legends, zipping it open and showing the contents, almost entirely packed with old DVDs.
“Oh, uh… woah.”
“I… couldn’t decide.”
“Yeah, clearly.” Elliott chuckled a little, looking up at Octavio’s slight frown, which really didn’t sit right on his face. “N-not that that’s bad, it’s just very… fitting, for you. Well, let’s see ‘em and then come to a decm- decrom- ...we can pick together.”
 He did as he was told, slowly giving a basic synopsis of each movie he found, recalling odd details and memories he associated with each one, almost forgetting that when it came to these things, he always revealed his full hand and heart in his excitement.
“Oh, this one is a three-parter, kinda like Saw in that it got criticised a lot for being ‘torture porn’ - it’s not… actually porn, it’s just a term for movies with a lot of graphic violence - b-but the endorsement of the first one from this director dude really carried it to cult status with some people. Oh, this one’s a Wes Craven classic- he did, uh-”
“Uhhhh, Elm Street, and Scream, yeah?”
“Sí, sí! This one kinda flopped, though. I still think it’s neat. Little boring sometimes.” He shuffled in his seat a little, carrying on digging through his bag. “Ah, this is a good one! Aliens in the school faculty tryin’ to kill everyone. Oh, oh, and this one’s got alien’s too, but it’s like… British, so there’s that - think it was important back then, ‘cos of stereotypes and- ah, shit, I brought Saw 6 but not Saw 7, I didn’t bring ‘em all ‘cos the first one is boring-”
“Tav, Tav, relax, buddy. Catch a breath.” Elliott laughed, watching Octavio’s expression shift to one of embarrassment as he deflated a little, movies still in his hands, leg bouncing.
“...Sorry, mi amor, you probably don’t-”
“Hey, of course I care. C’mere.” He wrapped his arms around the runner before he could finish, leaning in to pepper his cheek with kisses, making the man giggle a little, though still somewhat sheepish from his unhinged ramblings. “You’re so cute when you get excited, you know that, right?”
“You remind me every day, amigo.”
“I better. Just look at you.” Giving Octavio a playful cheek pinch, Elliott only laughed when the gesture was returned in kind by a soft shove. “Listen, we have all the time in the world. Just you and me tonight, remember? Pick your favourite, and let’s go from there, for as long as we can go. Sound good?”
Octavio slowly nodded, leaning into his boyfriend’s touch, the tension in his body relaxing a little at the comfort, sifting through the rest of the DVDs that he could barely fit into his backpack before he pulled one out from the back, a small grin on his face, showing the pumpkin on the cover to Elliott. “This one?”
“Gotta love the classics. You know where the player is.”
He practically shot off the sofa, almost dragging Elliott with him with the force as he launched himself towards the TV cabinet, pulling open the glass door where the old DVD player sat and prying open the case, barely able to contain himself as he put the disc inside and watched the machine eat it up. He’d seen this movie thousands of times before, he practically knew it by heart at this point, and his impression of the final girl was top-notch, but somehow, he knew watching it with Elliott would be so much better.
 Octavio crawled his way back onto the trickster’s arms, resting himself against his chest with his knees curled up, brought closer by an arm around his shoulder. He felt a gentle kiss on the top of his head and grinned to himself, focused on the moving image on the screen, any worries he had before seeming to drain away. Elliott has that effect, it seemed - enough that in the fourth movie in, they fell asleep in each other’s arms, even the sounds of snuff film murder and screams down the phone not enough to wake them from a lover’s embrace.
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museland · 3 years
⭐️, ☎, ✔️, 💋, 😍, 🎼, 😙 for lolica, thank u
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
• Lola cooks for Erica whenever she has the chance. Her attempts aren't always successful, and she ends up with burnt or cut fingers far too often, but Lola still does it because she loves to watch how Erica reacts to it;
• Erica is #1 on Lola's speed dial;
• Lola will always think Erica is selling herself short, and she won't hesitate saying it as often as she possibly can.
Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: Nina
Ringtone: Cuando Nadie Ve - Morat
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Last text sent:
Lola: I'm sorry, I know it's super late, and... I didn't want to bother you but... Wanna maybe go have a few drinks? I could use some. And company. Only if you're still up and all. If not, we can leave it another moment, it's okay.
Send ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours.
Lola's daydreams, as well as most things about her and her life, are actually quite simple. So, whenever she's caught in her head thinking about Erica, it's always the little things. Just being able to have a picnic the three of them. Holding hands. Kissing as if their actions didn't have any consequences. She daydreams about a domestic life.
Send 💋 for how my muse would seduce/flirt with yours.
It's canon Lola is a horrible flirt, especially because she thinks everyone is literally just nice. So, she's a more physical person than she's vocal. She's going to touch her arm, she will brush the stray tendrils of her hair behind her ear, she will caress her cheekbone, she will kiss her cheek too close to her mouth for it to be just a friend thing, and she will linger for slightly longer than it would have been appropriate, too.
Send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them.
• Erica's bravery and overall willingness to stand up for herself;
• Erica's fiery personality;
• Erica's supportiveness of her, especially when Lola insists it's entirely unnecessary.
Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses.
"Si me preguntan por ti Diré que es mentira Que toda una vida he soñado contigo Yo sueño contigo
Si me preguntan por ti Diré que no es cierto Que duele por dentro que no estés conmigo Te quiero conmigo
Te miro, me miras Y el mundo no gira Todo parece mentira
Tú sigues, yo sigo Es nuestro castigo Fingir que somos amigos..."
Send 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate.
Lola had always loved to be in Erica's presence. Erica had always presented such a strong version of herself to the world, but Lola knew how tender she could be away from the public eye. And this was one of those occasions where it could just be the two of them. The two of them were having a few drinks and laughing off the latest happenings in Thailand. Not a care in the world.
Lola let out a hearty laugh when Erica pointed out something ludicrous. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes from it, even. "Oh, god, I needed this," she pointed out, smiling as she moved to wipe her eyes, but Erica beat her to it, and they stared deep into one another's gaze for the longest time. Erica smoothed out Lola's hair and cradled her face affectionately between her hands as they touched their foreheads, the tips of their noses brushing against one another as the touch slowly turned into an embrace.
"You don't know what you're starting cariño," Lola warned gently, although the anticipation made her head spin. "And I don't know if I can stop it."
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rrasado · 4 years
• Yesterday's Captain, today's Admiral •
(Headcanon with an Immortal MC who used to be a pirate and a former Captain Levi cause ya'll can't convince me that the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy didn't became a pirate at one point. Ft. Spain Romano and America from Hetalia)
Grand admiral Leviathan, the most feared and respected of the Hellish seas.
But it wasn't always that way, in fact, he used to stir so much trouble for others who share the seven seas with him. Recalling one event in particular...
"OY Bastard Captain! Our food stock's running out, at this rate the whole crew will starve"
Captain Carriedo looked up from the old map in his hands to be met with olive green eyes of his first mate.
"It's fine Lovino, we're set to arrive on the island in a few hours, by then we're meeting with Captain (L/N) for the trade"
The Italian left the captain's cabin after muttering a few curse words under his breathe. Carriedo could only laugh in amusement at the boy's antics before diverting his attention back to the map.
'I herd theres another ship that sails around these parts...'The Royal Hydra' they call it, led by a man of royal purple hair who's name is comparable to the nightmare of the seas. I really do hope we don't run into them, It'd be a hassle to fend off territorial Pirates.'
He stood up and grabbed his familiar red coat, putting on his large hat in the process. Walking up to the deck he saw his whole crew scurrying at the sight of their captain.
"Listen up! We'll be docking on the island in an hour so I suggest you all prepare mi amigos! Make sure to have your weapons ready at any given time!"
The confused glances among the crew garnered the spanish captain to continue.
"There's a chance we'd...run into territorial waters. I wouldn't want mi crew to be helpless if that happens noh?"
And with that the diverse crew dispersed to get ready.
"Captain (L/N)! We're almost near the island. The crew already prepped the luggage and armory"
Said captain nodded at the blonde as they loaded their pistols with ammo, latching them to the sides of their pants making sure they're hidden under their (F/C) coat,
"Thank you Alfred, Let's gather the crew on deck, A little birdie told me that 'The Castilla' and 'The Alexandrite' aren't the only ships in these waters"
The boy only nodded before sprinting towards the deck leaving the Captain to their thoughts.
"I wonder how's Carriedo doing..."
The young first mate rushed through the ship panting once he reached the spaniard.
"Oy Bastard Captain! The Island's in sight!"
Carriedo's eyes shined with delight as he stood from his chair.
"Gracias Lovi! Now go tell the-"
The sound of canon fire shot through the air as the spanish captain and Italian sprinted towards the deck, only to be met with absolute chaos.
"Well, well, well.. So you're the intruders my dear Lotan told me about, who do you think you are?"
That's when Carriedo noticed the grand ship a few distance away from 'The Castilla". There on the crow's nest stood a young man with regal purple hair grinning menacingly at the spaniard.
'That must be The Royal Hydra... and that must be The great Captain Leviathan'
Without even realizing Lovino pushed Carriedo in the nick of time as a cannonball flew to where the captain was previously standing, the duo standing up as quickly as possible when Levi's crew began swinging towards The Castilla.
The two crews whipped out their weapons swinging at their enemy with precision.
'Gah! At this rate the ship might sink! We didn't even see his ship coming! It's as if it emerged from water!'
At the corner of Lovino's eyes he saw Capatin Leviathan landing on their deck ready to aim his sword at their captain's back. The Italian's eyes saw it yet his body didn't react quickly.
'Sh*t the bastard's gonna-
"W-what the"
The spaniard felt someone leaning against his back as he slowly turned his head
"My my, to attack someone from behind in such a manner, a dirty move for the rumored great Leviathan don't you think?"
Levi gritted his teeth as his sword met a platinum blade. The one wielding the blade shot a cheeky smile at Carriedo as they push Levi away from them.
"Good thing we made it in time Toni am I right?"
The spaniard chuckled as he flashed a cheerful smile at his savior
"Gracias (L/N)!"
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Leviathan pointed his sword threateningly at (Y/N) as said captain raised their brow at his choice of words but answering nonetheless.
"The Alexandrite's Captain, at your service"
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God the sickeningly sweet grin on (Y/N)' face was enough to infuriate Levi as he traded blows with them. (Y/N) kept dodging his sword as they danced a fierce battle nearly running out of breath with the speed they're going.
"Oi Carriedo! Save your spanish ass and go on board The Alexandrite! I'll meet my crew and yours on the Island!"
Carriedo nodded reluctantly as he and his crew slowly retreated to his friend's ship.
Levi cound only feel envious of the friendship between the two intruding Pirates as he gripped his blade tighter.
'Tsk they really are a pain'
(YA'LL I'M NOT EVEN A LEVI STAN BUT LEVI WITH A PONYTAIL CAN STEP ON ME AND I'D SAY THANK YOU. For real tho I didn't have time to finish the sketches so deal with the half baked drawings)
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Medieval/ending AU: Knight!Mirio as childhood friends with F!Sorcceer s/o?
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Top tier encouraging buddies!
Yes. I'm 100% here for this.
Similar to how you and Mirio are 100% there for eachother eyyyyyy
I should not be writing these while sleepy oof
You two met one day in the forest surrounding your small village; mirio was looking for animals to save and assist, and you were working on your water transmutation spells by the creek!
You'd been having trouble getting the spell just right, only able to levitate the water instead of transmuting it into another material.
You were getting more and more frustrated by the moment when a cheerful voice interrupted the soft forest ambience.
"Wowie!! I've never seen anyone levitate water up close before"
As you tense up, the water transmutes into iron momentarily before splashing into the creek, water once again.
"Gosh, I'm sorry miss! I didnt mean to break your concentration!"
You turn and there's Mirio, scraps of metal tied on him like some makeshift armor, smiling like a beam of sunlight.
"Uh.....that's alright, I had it for a second there! I'll get it again if I keep trying."
"Ooooh are you a magicky user?"
"Heheh, I think sorceress-in-training would suit me better. What about you? Are you training to be a knight?"
"Mhm! I wanna grow up and help keep people safe!! Oh oh! And maybe save a princess or prince! Or uh....somebody in a tower that needs help, because-
He looks around and whispers, as if he's giving you a very coveted piece of information
"I'm a preeeeetty good climber!"
And so begins your very sweet friendship!
Everyone in the village thinks you two are adorable, always walking around trying to help people, Mirio helping you find things for spells, both of you proudly telling the other adults about how amazing and talented the other is.
"Y/n is the coolest magicky user I know!"
"Uh- Mirio.."
"Hm? Oh sorry y/n!"
"Y/n is the coolest sorceress-in-training that I know!"
"And Mirio is the bravest knight I know!!"
Nobody and nothing could get between you and Mirio's friendship, well except one thing-
Your ding dang feelings for eachother.
Fast forward and You are the apprentice to your kingdoms wizard, and Mirio is second in command to the head knight of the kingdom's royal guard.
It was around this time you both started realizing your love for the other might have grown into something a bit more than platonic.
You both enjoyed eachothers company, felt the others absence when apart, and there was this weird.....want.....to kiss???smooch?? HHUUUUUUHHHH!?
But of course, in true anime fashion, neither of you want to confess at first, opting to go the "haha no we're just best buds! Amigos! Pals! Totally not in love!" Route.
Mirio especially is worried about ruining your friendship, he adores you! He loves your honesty, the immense knowledge you have about magical history and terminology, and well.....everything about you!
He didnt wanna lose you, but on the other hand.
This felt like torture.
Lovey dovey, sugary, syrupy, and tremendous torture.
Decides if he's going down? He's gonna go down in the most romantic ad over-the-top way possible.
You wake up to flowers at your doorstep.
A lot of flowers.
No seriously it's a bit concerning how many flowers there are, who in their right mind would send this many???
Shortly after thinking this a cluster of the children in your village gather and each take a bunch of flowers in their arms
What in the world??
It takes a second, but the children start gently taking the petals and making a path, and as you slowly follow them, you start to recognize the area?? It looks the same as the rest of the forest, trees, bushes, more trees....why does this feel so-
"Keep moving forward miss! He's waiting for you!"
One of the children whispers, as they scamper away with the rest of their group.
"He? Wait do you mean Miriaaaaaand they're gone, right then"
You wander through the forest, still confused about what's happening, and hope you're going the right way.
And you are, which you realize when you notice another path of petals, and begin to follow.
It's driving you crazy, why is this place familiar? Why do you feel so calm here? Why.......oh......ohgoodness....
"Hello y/n, glad you the kiddos didn't accidentally set you in the wrong direction!"
"Mirio what's going on?"
He smiles as he walks over, softly taking your hand in his, speaking in a tone much quieter than his usual loud, energetic voice.
"Do you remember y/n? This place?"
".....yes......I believe I do....."
This......this was where you two met for the first time, though it looked a bit different, the trees were taller and the creek had grown a bit wider, kinda cool how this spot had in a way grown with you and Mirio over the years.
"...............yeaaah Mirio?"
"I did all this and brought you here to ask you something super important"
Still caressing your hands he steps closer.
"Y/n l/n, you've been my closest friend, confidant, comforter, and general.....uh.... best...person- gosh I should've written this down uhm-"
Wait.....are his hands shaking??......
Why...does he look flustered? Mirio never looks flustered why is he nervous why....
Oh...OH......OH GOODNESS.....
"Y-yes y/n?"
You did it! Heck yes
now, his reaction is delayed, but after a few moments of scilence he's pulling you close and laughing
"Darn it y/n, that was adorable but you really stole my thunder there!"
"Heh, sorry! Once I realized what you were trying to do it kinda just...happened"
"It's alright love I don't mind"
Hes smiling and hugging you
".........did you just call me "love" "
"Yup! I cant tell ya how long I've been wanting to do that, I am so siked to just-
He lovingly pulls a strand of hair away from your face.
"To just shower and spoil you with so much love, babe you're gonna get cavities from all the sugar I'll be giving!"
Did it take me this long to get to some actual general headcanons? Yes.
Was it worth it? I'd like to think so!
Now, it goes without saying Mirio is immensly supportive of your sorcery.
He really loves watching you work on plant spells especially.
Really enjoys watching you manipulate how ivy grows up a wall, or making sure all the morning glories open each day at dawn, he just finds it interesting!
Talks about you all the time at work
His knight friends find it both sweet and kinda frustrating, because as much as they admire Mirio, he will literally talk about how the light hits your hair for half an hour, and patient as they are everyone has a limit 😂
Pffft a lot of interactions like this:
"Oh oh! Babe do the thing!"
*you make a flower grow from your hand and put it in Mirio's hair*
Mirio: "so cooool!" :D
Even though you're both older, Mirio never seems to lose that sense of awe and wonder when he watches you do the magics
Takes you on picnic dates whenever he can, loves spending the after noon cuddling on a blanket in the sunshine! Also it's ion these picnic dates that he's the little spoon!!
He actually asks and it doesnt matter if it's the 1st or 59th time, he looks so shy just quietly going "y/n.....could you hold me please?"
His job has him dealing with tough people, and even tougher situations most of the time, so being able to just spend time with you? Reminds him of why he wanted to be a knight in the first place: to save and protect the good in this world.
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