#I can't wait to write the season 4 review
This is reviews and ratings for the narrative/ fiction podcasts I have/ am listening to. This is mostly for me but if you want to use this as a recommendation go for it but be warned I'm not talking about plot or giving a description, there's no mentions of potentially triggering material so do your own research first if that's something your concerned about.
Welcome to Night Vale
-Night Vale owns my entire ass, no one does it better. I've been listening since the beginning and while I do think the quality has dipped a bit in the last few years its still really good. 9/10
The Magnus Archives
-Nearly perfect. Holds up and even improves with subsequent listens. The final season drags a bit imo but worth it in the end. 9/10
Old Gods of Appalachia
-really good story, gives you a lot to keep track of character wise but is written well enough that its not too hard and you can still follow the story if you forget some. 8/10
Moonbase Theta Out
-I can't wait for this to be over. Unfortunately, the storyline has a chokehold on me, and i need to know how it ends. Otherwise, i wouldn't be listening anymore. While there are several pretty good voice actors, there's enough bad ones that it's hard to listen to. Took the idea that characters should be flawed a little too far and made nearly every character completely insufferable. Nearly everytime a character is being given critical and emotional information it cuts away, in what I assume is an attempt to save the audience from listening to the same information over and over again, but instead it deprives the audience that look at how the character reacts to the information, which could go a long way in making them seem more fleshed out, instead you only see them emote in angry outbursts or melodramatic soliloquies (which is not helped by the subpar acting). 2/10
Death By Dying
-pretty funny but I don't think there's been enough episodes to make a educated review or rating
Hello from the Hallowoods
- very good overall. Good story, heartfelt and well written. Percy's story hits close to home for me, which sometimes makes me mad because he comes across as very weak and insecure and it gets on my nerves. But honestly that's less of a problem with the Percy or the writing and more of a problem of him being one of the very very few trans masc characters in existence so its extra disappointing when i find him irritating. Polly owns my ass, I would die for him. 8/10
Where the Stars Fell
-I binge listened up to the current season which I feel wasn't the way to go but it's still pretty enjoyable. 6/10
Midnight Burger
-Very funny. I love the characters and their dynamic and just the idea of a time a space traveling diner, it's beautiful. The beginning of this new arc confused me a bit but it's starting to come together. 7/10
We Fix Space Junk
- Very funny but with the underlying terror of what's going on with automnicon. Looking forward to new episodes. 6/10
The Sheridan Tapes
-started really strong but has been spending too much time on the characters agnst and not enough time actually progressing the story. At this point I'm just looking forward to a conclusion. 4/10
Camp Here and There
- it was pretty good, nothing exceptional but not bad but then I took a single glance at what was going on in the fandom and it was so obnoxious that it immediately ruined it for me. I feel bad lowering the rating due to the fandom but like, yikes. 2/10
SCP Readings
-very entertaining, easy to follow even if you don't have any prior knowledge about scp, which I do not. 7/10
The Amelia Project
-I think I'm to early in this one to make a solid judgement but I enjoy it so far. Venerio haunts me.
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infinitestarsdev · 4 months
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Hay, Hoy, It's Friday! That means devlog time!
This week has been much of the same– we're working super hard on the next content release!
All the planned main story line content for this batch has been coded. Most of the expressions have been done. I'm still working on the lore items for the game, which is coming together nicely! We're planning on having a total of 20 unlockable lore entries on release, with many more to come.
Talking about the lore items, here is a preview of what they'll look like once unlocked.
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Just look at that gorgeous artwork by Grace! <3
Tae is working on two surprise player portraits for all of you.
Stoffies is busy finishing up the last of the old backgrounds.
Crowbie is still on a well deserved break for the next 2-3 months.
Trix was invaluable in helping with the story controller for the system navigation screen!
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This isn't a mockup, this is the actual, in-game system navigation screen that we'll be using more and more for future content. If you were a Captain or Admiral patron during the planning phase, you'll notice a play on your name somewhere on the screen! <3
I'm writing and coding like a madman, and I'm slowly shifting gears to focus on the launch preparations.
We've got 6 new tracks in the making, and I received the first track's draft earlier today. It's looking promising.
If you want to be considered as a Beta Tester for the upcoming content release, please apply over here! We have limited spots available, so don't wait too long!
In other news, some of you might recall our Spooktober 2023 Visual Novel Jam entry, and as it turns out we finished in the top 2% (4th place!) The jam entry was coded as a HRM (one of the player made mods that Tabitha can run as a simulation) and we'll integrate it into the full game as a triggerable seasonal event during October/Halloween.
As you can see, it's been a busy week, made possible by all of our amazing fans and patrons! We love you all to bits!
Have a fantastic weekend, stay safe and I can't wait to share the new content with all of you!
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morallyinept · 8 months
Howdy y'all! How have you been this week?
My week, despite flying by, has been so busy! But now I have a whole 10 days off of work - wahoo!
Aaannnd, its a certain someone's birthday on the 29th, 😏 so stay tuned for a lil' somethin' somethin' to celebrate. 🎈
Okay Jack, you ready to crack that whip, cowboy? Yee-haw! 🤠
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Catch up on last week here, sugar
☆ Things I've posted this week
Chapter 4 of Five Days - I am so thankful for everyone's comments, re-blogs and general feedback on this story. It warms my heart to know you're all excited for each chapter as it drops.
H I M - A Marcus Pike one shot. My submission into the Pike Puddle and I gotta say, I have a few more delicious ideas brewing around in the ol' noggin for this handsome Agent. 🥰
My Protector - A Joel Miller GIFLET
Sent a hug from Frankie, Marucs Pike & Javi G to @avastrasposts on the first day of her new job. Hope it well, lovely! I am sure you smashed it!🖤
This week's Self Care With Dieter & Jett focused on identifying the signs of oncoming depression. Poor Dieter was sick from the rollercoasters.... and I spoke about everyone being welcome at Jett's place too this week.
Tuesday saw the first release of a new weekly feature called Jett's Writer Wow, where I'll feature a writer each week in the fandom who I think you'll fall in love with. Debuting on the first feature was the lovely El, otherwise known as @secretelephanttattoo and you can check that post out here with links to my favourite works of hers, and her full masterlist. Go give her a follow and show her some love. She is absolutely amazing and so creative. 🖤
☆ Things I'm currently working on
So much! Just know that there's a whole bunch of GIFLETS, one shots and further chapters of Five Days being queued up.
I also have another series I've been working on in the background ready for when Five Days wraps up (although, we've a while to go yet). It features a different Pedro Boy...
☆ Things I've read this week
I've updated my Pedro Character Fic Rec List this week with so many new stories that I can't wait to sink my teeth into now that I've got some vacation time.
Admittedly my reading dropped off this week due to a busy work week. But I'm excited to catch up on all your works.
Shout out to lovely @chronically-ghosted who recommended my fic rec lists this week. Thanks to the anon who recommended my work to sweet @planet-marz1 to read, and also to the awesome @suzdin who wrote this awesome Javi P drabble inspired by the concept of my GIFLETS. And a big thank you to @elvinaa who was inspired to start her own Writer Wow.
I am so humbled and grateful that you've been inspired by me in any way. I love how sharing and loving this community is. People supporting and shouting for one another, and it's just divine. Really feeling the love.
I did squeeze in a couple of amazing fics on my lunch breaks this week:
Joel Is Such A Sap After Sex by @inklore A lovely, smutty drabble that left me wanting more of some sappy, post-coital Joel.
Scar Tissue by @wannab-urs The next instalment of her fantastic Dave York series Starving Season. Honestly, you need to read this - all of it. Stop looking at me and go and read it. You can come back to this weekly whip round after. Go on, shoo.
Very much enjoying reading @for-a-longlongtime's Pena & Rockford WIP and I can't wait to read the finished thing. I just know this is going to be legendary!
☆ What have I been watching/listening to this week?
Finally watched Strange Way Of Life! Oh my gosh, I am totally in love with Silva 😍 (ssh, don't tell Ezra!). What an amazing little film. You can read a full review of my thoughts on it here.
Earworms this week:
Mostly work, it's been a real busy week for me wrapping up things before my vacation (I am now off until the 31st - woo!), so admittedly it's been difficult for me to write and post as much as I've wanted to, but now I have a week off planned with some hiking, some writing and a whole bunch of R&R. 🧘‍♀️
👆🏻This is a great song to workout to, if like me, your workout playlist consists of nothing but headbanging, screechy metalcore... 🤘🏻
I'm a big fan of Depeche Mode, have been since my mom played them on repeat constantly, when growing up. This is probably my fav Depeche Mode song.
☆ What have I been up to this week?
Well, that wraps it up for this week, lovelies. Thanks so much to everyone who sent Asks and DM's. And it's been real fun joining in on Discord with some of you too! 🤘🏻
Until next week, this is Jett & Jack cracking the whip on this week's whip round.
Stay kind & stay creamy 🖤
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Just because I got few similar asks asking about that
The issue with "Fixing" a writing of a show is that you are naturally assuming you are only fixing specific "season" and that there will be a point in the show when the writing "goes back" to being coherent and proper.
So for example, if you are trying to fix Volume 4 as Volume 5 is airing, you might, consciously or subconsciously, hope that V5 ending is where everything once again "clicks" and thus you just need to alter what doesn't work in V4 and what doesn't in V5.
So you think up of which parts should be changed. And sure that might mean entirety of Menagerie location needs to go (because real world implications of that whole arc are just...NO and you can probably think up a better WF storyline in half a hour with how bad that was) and Port needs to disappear off the face of this fictional story and pointless empty scenes of Ruby and Co walking through exact same forest textures need to be changed, but the structure might still work right? They are still traveling towards a specific goal right? So you just have to change HOW they get to that goal, because there is a goal right??? And then You just need to tweak the elements that don't work in V5 up to the ending where you hope things might get shaken up a bit more and go back on track.
But then V5 ends and the writing's still a mess. And before you manage to quite think through what to do, V6 starts and the writing is STILL a mess and what's more, it has a whole new set of problems and by this point you realize that for example, the entire structure of Kingdom of Mistral doesn't quite make sense, as if "someone" just plopped bunch of town locations in a straight line and then used Google's translation feature to just make up bunch of names for them, because entire continent is ultimately just an irrelevant detour.
Whoops, now you have to review what you did with fixing earlier parts and see if new problems arose, change up the geography of the story a bit, etc. You just realized that there's not really "a point" to the adventure of traveling through Mistral anymore so you need to think something up as you realize that the main character of the entire story has absolutely zero character growth from V3. The show is back to status quo yet again and its like V4 through V5 are completely pointless.
You realize, that Ruby Rose, the character that went through some of the most lifechanging events ever, just spent two seasons just ambiguously walking through bunch of forest areas and towns.
What's more, the team is back together but literally nothing that happened has been addressed in anyway and there's no actual growth of the characters at all. That can't be right. Right? Surely at least Yang and Blake w-... Oh no...
Resigned, you go back to your thoughts about what would need to change in V4 and a lot has to change once again to make Mistral anything but one huge pointless detour.
But its okay you th-...wait what's that sound? Its as if, somewhere just outside, a train just went off the rails as it was crossing a bridge and then somehow managed to jump over a shark and then exploded as it hit the ground...Whoopsie daisy.
In this exact moment, the writing throws you the infamous "Salem Flashback Episode", "The Lost Fable", and accidentally entire lore is now broken completely and it might be one of the worst written things in the entire show till that point, that kind of trivializes multiple mysteries people were waiting for and makes the writing for lead villain extremely tropey and honestly (yet again, as you start to notice a pattern in how the show writes women) misogynistic and if you want to make things work you might as well redo that too. Wait..."that" as in what??? As in the entire core of why the show is happening in the first place? THAT's broken? Well F-...
So now you barely started sorting out the mess of V5 (because its entire volume of basically literally nothing happening and whatever interesting happens always gets off-screened) and the show-proper just basically NUKED almost all of it's set-up and more than half of it's mysteries.
You realize you are staring at an episode that honestly can compete with worst seasons of Voltron in how bad it is. You actually start to think it might compete with the second genLOCK season in awfulness, but end up not thinking it can be THAT bad. I mean the show will never go bad as genLOCK S2, riiight?
Its okay, its okay - you have been theorycrafting RWBY stuff since the first trailers hit. You've read all the song lyrics which are filled with all these immaculate hints at the intent behind the show, thoughts of various characters and where things are going, you can maybe piece together something other than another "disgruntled manipulative woman" storyline. The songs having actual lore is great. I mean they wouldn't just suddenly throw that away, right? As that thought hits you, a sense of dread starts to overcome you.
And thus as another disaster closes in. at this point, little does your past self know that in the future, few years latter, the show will deliver a whole season of nothing but train crashes, but this time the sharks being jumped will talk like humans do.
So yeah... you can't really "Fix RWBY". Sure parts like Ren and Nora's backstory episode are nice and there are moments that felt good otherwise, but at that point, pretty much majority of post-V3 stuff is outright unusable. At this point to Fix RWBY means to redo literal core reasons on why the story is happening, how the world and it's lore works, motivations of the characters and, well, everything...
And that's how you end up with a file over hundred pages long that quietly has chronicled both your efforts to make sense of what the show even wants to be, as well as the show's descent into just complete randomness...
After all, when a writing team writes EVERY volume as one huge pointless detour that in no way actually enhances the characterization or story, at some point the whole train is bound to derail and crash...over and over again.
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ofliterarynature · 5 months
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[loved liked ok no thanks (reread) book club*]
Mixed Magics • Chalice • To Shape a Dragon's Breath • The Haunting Season • Hither Page • The Henchmen of Zenda • System Collapse • The Phantom of the Opera • An Unexpected Peril • A Minor Chorus* • The September House • (The Dream Thieves) • The Fragile Threads of Power • The Pinhoe Egg • (Network Effect) • Some Desperate Glory
total: 16 (audiobook: 12 / ebook: 4)
Happy New Year booklr! Here's to actually getting my last monthly wrap-up post of 2023 out in decent time for once.
Some Desperate Glory - I'm getting myself off to a bad start here because I don't actually remember much from the book and I didn't write a review at the time. oops. But I do remember that once things got going I was hooked, and I couldn't wait to pick the audiobook back up. Definitely some content warnings to look out for, but an incredible read. I definitely need to go back and check out the author's other work.
Network Effect - the last book of my Murderbot reread, still great, glad to have finally read this in a text format! Also better suited to be read *after* Fugitive Telemetry, I wish I'd known to read them in chronological order the first time.
The Pinhoe Egg - a nice wrap up to the main Chrestomanci series! Though if anyone can tell me why on eARTH the 'recommended' reading order is like *that*, please explain it to me. I'd forgotten so many things by the time we got back to Cat, if I ever reread I'm going chronologically.
The Fragile Threads of Power - lord help me, I could do a whole rant. A quick summary of my relationship to this series: loved Shades of Magic when it first came out, did not love/was very annoyed by most of it when I reread them in 2023. Also have not really liked any of Schwab's other work. BUT. I was under the impression that this spinoff would have new main characters, and the old ones would be present but not in the center. If I didn't just make this up, it was LIES. The original MC's still dominate probably at least 60% of the book, and you'd think 7 years in-book and more experience on behalf of the writer would mature them, but a) no, and b) so many goddamn flashbacks. And Kel's assasin-sona was so cringe I wanted to cry. I did actually like the new main character which really is the biggest shame of all. If you see me contemplating the next book please stop me.
The Dream Thieves - I don't know that I have much to add yet to my thoughts about TRB in my Nov post, but I've been having a very strange experience where when I'm actively reading these, I'm having an incredibly good time; when I'm not I completely forget I was reading it. lol?
The September House - this is possibly the closest to my ideal horror book that I've ever found??!!? I have a weird relationship with horror, wherein I am not uninterested, but I almost never enjoy the ones I read (I think it has to do with my irl anxiety, idk). But THIS one. It's such an INCREDIBLE blend of like, mundane horrors and dark humor? I loved it. The "you can live with the horrors if you just follow the rules" is very much my vibe, and the way the author chose to have it integrate with the main character's experiences of domestic abuse was very smart. Deeply enjoyed, but probably won't be a favorite.
A Minor Chorus - this month's book club pick! I really really wish I'd liked this, and I'm torn between "thank god it was short," and "oh I wish this was longer." It's about a queer Indigenous doctoral student in Canada who's somewhat lost his way on his dissertation and is instead writing a novel (maybe), inspired by the stories of people in his community. On one hand, the writing was sometimes very beautiful and the different stories were interesting! On the other, my academic-speak abilities are limited, and the narrator did not hold back. He even explicitly states at one point, oh I can't describe my book this way to [character] because he won't understand my academic language. And...yeah. My brain got a little overwhelmed and I skimmed a lot of those parts. The hopeful part of me thinks if that if the book had been longer maybe I would have had time to "get it," but idk.
An Unexpected Peril - Veronica Speedwell is as Veronica Speedwell does. Had a good time with this even though it's proving to not be the most memorable. Mostly I remember intensely panicking over whether or not V had practiced forging the princess's signature, lol.
The Phantom of the Opera - this was a last minute sub for my classics challenge; I've never seen any of the adaptations, but I happened to see the book on tumblr when I was scrambling for a replacement and thought it might be fun. And it was! Quite ridiculous and dramatic, and I had a good time reading it. I was surprised by the outsider POV on the story, but it was good, just a shame that it didn't allow Christine to tell her own story. If anyone has a Christine-centered retelling I should read, let me know! And are there any adaptations I should watch?
System Collapse - new Murderbot! I was so excited for this, I'm irritated that my brain and work schedule didn't want to cooperate and let me read my nice pretty hardcover; I ended up getting the audiobook from the library instead. I had an incredible time, because it's Murderbot, how could I not? But it's also interesting, because Network Effect felt quite cohesive and contained on its own, but this feels very much like an in-between story (almost like Fugitive Telemetry), rather than a continuation of the same thread. I'll be interested to see where Martha takes us from here.
The Henchmen of Zenda - my last KJ Charles of the year! I did mean to get through all of her books, but things slipped by me these last few months so I still have a couple, but managed to fit this standalone in! It's not the only time she's pulled characters from works of classic fiction, and I admit, I'm now very curious and kind of want to read the original Prisoner of Zenda? Definitely this version had an exciting plot that was fun to read, though I don't think it'll be my favorite of her works (yay for a non-traditional relationship structure tho :)
Hither, Page - I don't think I've read Cat Sebastian before, but I've had this one recommended and it sounds right up my ally - historical/cozy myster/spy shenanigans/gay romance! And it was an incredibly pleasant read, would recommend, but I do think it could have been better as both a mystery and a romance.
The Haunting Season - I almost picked this up in October for spooky season, but put if off for Dec since it's meant to be wintery ghost stories - and only just remembered it in time! I almost wish I hadn't. The first two stories were so meh for me that I almost DNF'd it, I just didn't want the fuss of having to find a new audiobook for work the last day before Christmas break. Luckily Natasha Pulley showed up next with a good story (I really ought to read her books) and there was a good run of 4 stories with another 2 meh to round things out. It wasn't a total loss, but I wouldn't really recommend.
To Shape a Dragon's Breath - If you've seen people singing the praises of this book, they're not wrong! It's a very good if sometimes heavy read, and this is definitely the closest I've gotten to liking a boarding school story since Protector of the Small (I got burned out on them very quickly, lol). It does sometimes read like the debut it is, it's not perfect (lots of infodump speeches, lord save me from the technicalities of alchemy/chemistry, and I would have liked to see more done in her relationship with her dragon), but it's also doing some incredible and unique things that really make me want to see more books in this series and whatever else the author writes.
Chalice - I've read Robin Mckinley before and I've found her work ok, but this one has been repeatedly recommended in the HOTE discord server - I figured it would be a good one to wrap up the year with! And surprise surprise, the fealty-coded discord loves a book about... fealty XD and good stewardship, and magic bees, etc. It's incredibly on brand, and I had a lovely time with this fairy-tale of a book.
Mixed Magics - a collection of Chrestomanci short stories; I actually read one of the stories a few months ago due to the recommended reading order (bleh), and thought it would be fairly simple to finish it off before the end of the year, now that I'd finished the rest of the series. All fun, if not equally interesting, and a nice end to the year. Now I just need to find a new Diana Wynne Jones series to try (not on audiobook, alas, my library is all out of those).
(I did almost consider then binging the Hither, Page sequel on new year's eve, just so I wouldn't split the series, but decided against it :D)
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vro0m · 6 months
vro0m's rewatch - 172/332
2016 Spanish GP
(Hindsight note : ooooh boy.)
Okay round 5. So far not so good for Lewis. Can’t believe he hasn’t won once yet.
Oh ho, but this time around he's on pole! For some reason it's Will Buxton on the drivers truck and he asks if he likes to keep to himself before a race. Lewis says he's just here to do one thing. It's a great feeling being back on pole. He's grateful for the team working so hard and he hopes he can convert it. At some point he also interrupted the interview to wave to a little girl in the crowd. 
Anyway the top 10 spots of the grid go as such : Lewis, Nico, Ricciardo, Verstappen oh wait. Oh. Verstappen has been promoted to RedBull. Mhmh. Anyway. Raikkonen, Seb, Valtteri, Sainz, Perez, Alonso. 
Apparently Nico was quick to point out Lewis hasn't had the best starts this year so. I guess he's not too happy about Lewis being ahead of him on that grid. Max is veeery confident and relaxed about being in a RedBull obviously. Remember when I talked about his debuts VS Lewis' at the end of the 2015 season? It resonates. And everybody is excited for the merc fight. 
On the other hand I'm not a Kvyat fan obvi but the way he didn't see the blow coming is kinda pitiful. Of course they set up the press conference so he'd be sitting next to Max. Of course it has factually nothing to do with it but you could write fics about Kvyat colliding with Seb in two races, Seb going to Horner to complain, and Kvyat getting suddenly sacked before the next race comes. 
Anyway. Time for the race. Formation lap.
And they're racing! 
Lewis keeps the lead but Nico is close and aggressive. And he overtakes him! Easily! Meanwhile Seb is ahead of Max in P4 but Max overtakes him back shortly after. OH MY GOD. OH. MY. GOD. OHHHHH. MYYYYY. GOOOOOD. 
I knew it was coming. 
But still. 
I'm just. Rewinding and watching it over and over again. Right at the exit of the corner, we’re facing the cars. Lewis is trying to take the inside of Nico, but Nico defends. Aggressively. Until Lewis is on the grass.
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You can tell he was flooring it. The car bounces rapidly and goes sideways. Right into Nico.
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Taking them both out into the gravel trap on the other side of the next corner.
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As his car comes to a stop, Lewis is hiding his face behind his hands. And that’s it. That’s the end of the race for them both. On the replays, we see Lewis throwing away his steering wheel. 
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As the safety car comes in, we start lap 4 with the following order : Ricciardo, Verstappen, Sainz, Seb, Raikkonen, Valtteri, Perez, Jenson, Alonso, Grosjean. 
Niki calls it completely unnecessary, a disaster, and unacceptable. He takes Nico's side, when pushed. Lewis was too aggressive, and why should Nico have given him room, he was in the lead? He says he blames Lewis more than Nico. Crofty agrees with Niki, Brundle doesn't. 
Meanwhile nothing has happened but now Seb attacks Sainz for P3 and overtakes him. Of course. Raikkonen tries to follow him a bit later but he has to cut a corner and can't make it. 
It's lap 10. Ricciardo, Verstappen, Seb, Raikkonen, Sainz, Valtteri, Jenson, Alonso, Grosjean, Hulkenberg. Ricciardo pits. It's honestly boring and it's not even because the Mercs aren't there. There's just nothing happening. We watch Lewis and Nico make it into the Merc paddock with their helmets still on. That's not gonna be a good time. Verstappen pits. Anthony Davidson has reviewed the start and agrees with Brundle that Nico is more at fault. He says Nico moved without looking to the inside and was "all over his steering wheel". Now we see Paddy and Toto get up the stairs as well. Seb pits. Niki is heading to the yelling room as well. Brundle is saying he thinks it's a defining moment like it's not fucking glaringly obvious. 
In the meantime it's lap 20 and things are getting more complicated than I initially thought. Ricciardo is still in the lead ahead of Max and Seb, but Seb is closing quickly on the RedBulls. He's only a second away. Behind them it's Raikkonen, about 5 seconds down, then Valtteri, 7 seconds further, Sainz, Perez, Jenson, Alonso and Massa. And Hulkenberg reports a smoking engine. He's told to stop near a fire marshal. And so he does. 
Toto Wolff is out of the office. And apparently, Crofty now reports, the big boss of Mercedes confirmed to a magazine that Nico would stay with them in 2017……….. Jesus. This whole race. I'm screaming. Toto speaks to the press. He says they spoke with both drivers and it's not clear cut. It's difficult because they lost 43 points after putting in so much work in the last couple of weeks. He says they let their drivers race and sometimes it happens. The stewards will make their own decision, but from their point of view it's not one specific driver's fault. Ted is always sharp : "Niki was blaming Lewis though, Toto." Toto says Niki is speaking from his driver's perspective and his instinct. How's the mood between the drivers? Everybody is bringing up Spa 2014. Toto reiterates it's a difficult situation and they're both upset. They'll need to talk to them again and look at the images and the data to make sure it doesn't happen again. 
Back to the race, Max is closing on Ricciardo now. Ricciardo pits. He's out in P4. Seb pits, while Max stays out, which makes him the youngest driver to ever lead a race. 
It's lap 30. Max in the lead then, followed by Raikkonen, Ricciardo, Seb, Valtteri, Sainz, Perez, Jenson, Alonso, and idk who's P10 because someone pits and I can't see the rest. We're halfway through the race. Seb is closing on Ricciardo. Verstappen pits. He's out in P4, behind Seb. Then Raikkonen pits. Oh… And Seb? No. They're going back in. We thought for a moment they might pit Seb again. Oh he does! He does! Huh. Daring strategy. He only did 8 laps on his tyres. He's out in P4, behind Raikkonen. Ted thinks it doesn't make sense. 
It's lap 40. Daniel is back in the lead, followed by Max, who's 10 seconds behind, then Raikkonen, 2.3 behind. And Seb, 5.7 behind but on faster new tyres at this point. Behind them it's Valtteri, Massa, Alonso, Sainz, Perez and Gutierrez in the points. Valtteri pits. Massa pits. Ricciardo pits. Careful now… He's out in P4. Can Ferrari win this on strategy? That would be unheard of… 
20 laps to go. Raikkonen is not far from Max. Oh and Alonso is out. He's stopped by the side, reporting a loss of power. Oh and Ricciardo is closing very very fast on Seb… And Raikkonen has DRS over Max! It's lap 50, Max is in the lead for now, just ahead of Raikkonen, 8 seconds safe from Seb, Ricciardo now 2 seconds away from the podium. Valtteri is still P5, ahead of Sainz, Perez, Gutierrez, Kvyat, and Massa. Raikkonen can't seem to make it past Max. He gets close but not close enough. But he gets closer and closer every lap. And Ricciardo gets DRS over Seb! Seb gained 2 seconds on Raikkonen as well. On top of it, lapped Kvyat is essentially on Ricciardo's heels as well.
10 laps to go. Ricciardo is now half a second away from Seb. It's tense! OH MY GOD HE ATTACKS HE ALMOST TOUCHED HIM BUT HE'S GOING TOO FAST AND HE HAS TO GO WIDE AND REJOIN. Seb keeps position! Seb is yelling on radio again. Grosjean retires but who cares. It's lap 60. Max, Raikkonen +0.7, Seb +5.4, Ricciardo +0.5. Then Valtteri, Sainz, Perez, Massa, Gutierrez and Jenson. Ricciardo tries again but locks up. 
5 laps to go. Seb is still closing on Raikkonen. Oh no! Seb made a mistake and Ricciardo is right on him while they're stuck in traffic! But Seb gets away and gets ahead of the backmarker that slows Ricciardo down a bit. BUT HE ATTACKS AGAIN! But it still doesn't work. And Kvyat is looking at him as well. Finally Ricciardo lets him ahead. It's true he's also fighting for points, being P10. It looks like team orders, the commentators say, but then Daniel is slow… He has a puncture! 
It's the end of the race! 
Max is the youngest GP winner in history! He wins ahead of Raikkonen and Seb! 
In the cool down room, he's just a boy. Raikkonen shakes his hand, touches his shoulder. "Congratulations," he says. "Thank you," Max answers with a humble voice. Seb's isn't that solemn, they lock hands, he hugs him. Max chuckles. They're speaking German, unfortunately. All of them.
Seriously. Max on the podium. It's a CHILD. It's almost shocking. 
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Listen before we get into the post race. There's so many Narratives™ moments here :
Obviously the Nico-Lewis situation : how it happened just as Lewis is on pole again after it was Nico twice and Lewis had such bad races? Also the whole thing about Toto switching the mechanics around! 
The fact that Kvyat rammed into Seb 3 times in 2 races, and then golden boy Seb went to daddy horner to complain, and Kvyat was sacked? Yeah yeah it's supposedly not related but you know? 
The fact that Max's first podium was a win. The fact it happened when Lewis and Nico took each other out. The fact it happened during his first grown up race aka first race in RedBull. 
The fact that he overpowered Daniel in his first race. And symbolically I mean. He got there and Daniel got a puncture. 
The fact that he stood on the podium with OG golden boy Seb as Akira calls him. Insane. The fact that Daniel thought he'd be the new Seb and then Max arrived and stood on that podium with Seb and he wasn't there! 
Oh my god. So Daniel is unhappy obvi and then we cut from his interview straight to Jos and Horner and they talk about max max max and then Horner says like an afterthought it's a shame for RiCHIardo like. He forgot his name. 
We're told Lewis and Nico won't talk to the media until they're done with the stewards. In the meantime, Anthony Davidson talks us through the start, step by step. Nico gets the better start. He gets the slipstream and goes around the outside and takes the lead. But then, Anthony claims, something goes wrong. He shows us from Lewis on-board Nico's red light flashing : harvesting mode. On Nico's on-board, we see him fidgeting with the steering wheel, in answer to the light being on. When he looks in the mirror to see where Lewis is, he's already making his move, front wheels next to his rear wheels. He's still going towards the right side of the track and that's how Lewis ends up on the grass. From Anthony's point of view, by the time he starts closing the space on Lewis, it's too late. From Daniel's on-board, we can see that Lewis' car isn't on harvest mode, as there's no red light flashing. That's why Lewis was able to come up on him so fast. Anthony thinks Lewis reacted to the red light. He hadn't planned to try a move at that point but he saw the light, knew that meant Nico would be slower, and went for it at the last second. Indeed when you look at it from the start, Lewis was holding the outside line, nice and smooth, and made the move towards the inside when he saw the light and then the gap. He didn't make a move towards the outside, he was just holding the line, and when the moment came to choose, he went for the inside. But by the time he catches up with Nico, there's already nowhere to go anymore, and his front right is on the grass. 
But as Anthony points out, the question then is : why was Nico's car harvesting energy right then and there, and Lewis' wasn't? I like him because he's thorough. He went back to Russia and looked at the ANGLE at which the strategy mode wheels (like, the knobs on the steering wheels) were set on both cars. That's my type of nosy. Lewis' is pointing to the right and Nico's to the left. What it shows is that they aren't in the same modes. And Nico's might be wrong. Remember that at that point, the engineers aren't allowed to tell them what mode to use for the start anymore. The driver has to do that on his own. Then right here in Spain, it's the opposite : Lewis' is pointing to the left and Nico's to the right. That's what Nico was changing while he was fidgeting with the steering wheel. Afterwards, it's pointing at the same angle as Lewis'. Anthony thinks he was distracted and lost spatial awareness. 
I just wanna suggest something while I’m at it. The modes seem to be related to the starting position rather than being a mistake on Nico's part. Both in Russia and Spain, the driver on pole had his wheel pointing towards the left. The one chasing had his wheel pointing towards the right. If I were to talk a wild guess given I'm not quite sure that's how it works, I'd say the one chasing is using the additional power from the battery at the start to try to keep up with the one on pole. That's what allowed Nico to overtake Lewis. But then the battery is drained so the car goes into harvesting mode, and because Nico then was ahead, he had to change back to something that didn't reduce his speed too much, aka the mode that the one on pole is usually using? Anyway that doesn't change anything to the incident itself and it’s just a hypothesis from me.
We see from replays how they avoided each other and didn't talk in the gravel trap, and the stern faces in the garage. We can also see Niki and Spinz talking in a corner of the pitlane. Hill emits a similar hypothesis to mine, that Nico's initial mode was intended for chasing and he didn't expect to find himself ahead of Lewis and that's why he had to switch it. He also points out that if that's the case and he knows he's having issues at that point with his mode, then he's in no position to defend the way he did. We hear what Niki and Toto had to say about it earlier again. 
The commentators are reading articles from the regs trying to speculate what the outcome is gonna be. During Jenson's interview we see Nico heading to the stewards. 
There's rumours as well about Lewis taking a sabbatical during the next year. That Lewis denied obviously but why would they listen to him right? 
Sir Jackie Stewart thinks Lewis was too hot headed and could have waited to make his move. Brundle thinks it was motivated by the anger of being overtaken first. I think the move only looks hot headed because as he was doing it Nico unexpectedly closed the door on him. I do also think Lewis took the chance because he wouldn't let Nico be ahead of him one more corner than necessary. 
Now we see images of Lewis going to the stewards as well. 
In the meantime we hear Max reminding the journalists that Raikkonen raced with his father lol. Crazy tbh. 
During Ted's notebook, there's a ribbon at the bottom of the screen like these breaking news type things saying Nico and Lewis are still with the stewards. Also Ted says in the press con Max was asked what he owed his success to, and he apparently said "between the ages of 4 to 16, really my dad" and Seb asked what about from 0 to 4 and he answered "well my mom, obviously" which is kinda cute tbh. 
And as we watch Max take photos with his team, we hear the stewards made their decision : no penalties. Which. They really decided they didn't wanna touch that hornets’ nest with a ten foot pole. More seriously it really was difficult to decide who was at fault there. Just like everything else between them it just seems like the unavoidable result of a hundred small mundane things. 
But here's Lewis. He apologises to the team. The entire team. He says his heart sank thinking about them when he stopped. He got a good start, got overtaken, coming through turn 3 he saw Nico was in the wrong engine mode as we thought, he lost 180 brake horsepower (don't ask me what that is).
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He says Nico wasn't exactly on the race line but one step to the right of it so the gap to the left was smaller than the one to the right  "There was a gap there and as a racing driver when you're going 17k (?) faster you go for the gap, which I did." big inhale
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"I got my wing and wheel alongside but I had to avoid collision." The journalist tells him about Anthony's on-board analysis and Nico correcting his mode mistake and not looking where he was until it was too late. "So do you lay any blame anywhere?" Another, shorter inhale. He looks away. He shrugs and shakes his head slightly. "I'm not gonna get into it," he smiles.
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"As I said huge apologies to the team I'm just gonna try and move forward and try and uh… Let the team know that I'll do everything again to make sure it doesn't happen again." She says he had a good weekend until then does he feel good going into Monaco? (Oh no… Next GP is Monaco :( ) He says naturally he can't feel good right now, but they'll recover. She asks about Max as well. Big congratulations, he answers decisively. "Amazing drive, didn't make any mistake while he was in the lead. Hat off to him. He had an opportunity and grabbed it with both hands and that's what we all should do."
Pretty crazy how much he's grown since Belgium 2014. Didn't see that coming tbh. However his explanation makes no sense because if Nico was one step to the right from the racing line that would put him closer to the right than usual and that would leave LESS space to the right than the left, as opposed to what he said?
Nico denies he was distracted. He says he was aware of the situation. He saw Lewis coming and went for the "usual racing driver action of closing the inside line", "as early as he could". He says he was very surprised to see him go for the gap anyway. (Uh? He was going for the gap before you started closing my guy? Like I agree the blame is shared for sure but you're not using the correct arguments to defend yourself there.) About the stewards ruling it a racing incident he says "you know, we have to accept like that" which makes me think he thought it wasn't a racing incident which I believe is bold because I'm pretty sure he'd have received the penalty if there had been one but hey. He says overall he's just extremely gutted, "it was my race to win out there–" then he corrects himself "OUR race to win, for all of us, I'm very very gutted also for all my colleagues," he adds to the camera, "all of you watching, I'm well aware of all the work, all the hard work that you've put into these two cars and for us to end in the sand trap like that is, that's as bad as it gets." The journalist smartly picks up on the fact he doesn't seem to agree with the stewards. (He's managed this in a less clever way than Lewis did this time.) She asks if he wasn't in the wrong mode and not doing something with the steering wheel, and he saw Lewis with plenty of time? "Uh, the stewards' decision uh, is the stewards decision," he says with his usual flat tone. "And we will just leave it at that, that's the verdict." He says he was definitely in the incorrect mode. They still need to figure out why that was the case. She says Lewis said there was more space to the right so he went for it because he had more power, "you lay the blame to his door basically." (He really set the trap for himself in this interview. I'm surprised. I feel like all this time he's usually been more able to control his emotions than Lewis in these interviews but he's derailing now.) Pause. "I didn't say that." He's annoyed. He's studying her face, frowning, his own face closed up. "So what are you saying, that it was a racing incident, from your point of view?" Pause. He's so annoyed. "I'm saying that I will go with the verdict of the stewards." He lightens his tone towards the end of the sentence. But it's too late. Lewis won this one. She says he still has a 43 points advantage over Lewis going to Monaco so it could have been worse. He says he's not thinking about that, he came to win, he was ecstatic about overtaking Lewis who was on pole and he's gutted. She asks how his relationship to Lewis is now. "Same as usual." No hint of any change in his face or tone. 
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ambeauty · 1 year
I know we did not get enough but I enjoy your opinion on the show here and I just wanted to know before their date/kiss scene, what have been your favourite DickKory Season 4 scenes, and overall from the other episodes?
Aww first off, thank you so much for saying that. 🫶🏾🥹Sometimes I feel like I am screaming into the void except for with a select few but I appreciate you saying that you value my reviews. I only wish they could be more glowing and exciting.
My first favorite was of course at the bowling alley! God I had been aching for a private conversation between the two of them and the light banter and subtle flirting, the closeness of their body language was just what I wanted from them.🥰
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Similar in 402 every time Kory managed to calm Dick down when he was starting to get angry. As well as "I wish" and him telling her to be safe. That entire sequence telegraphed their partnership and the care that they had developed for each other over time.🤭
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And then unfortunately, after that we lost all forward momentum with them in my humblest opinion. Kory's vision of Mar'i's birthday was definitely everything I needed it to be but also it was just a dream... I loved that Kory addressed him about their shared vision, but the way he continued to dismiss her, and still not verbalize how he felt, it hurt. (I guess it's supposed to right?) And then we get to Part 2 and it's no longer a topic of conversation or seemingly an issue but you asked what I liked so let me not go there...🙃
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Dick making sure Kory was okay in 407/408 was everything to me. Although I can poke holes all through DCTK, I was happy to have it made plain that Dick has been in love with Kory the whole time. Although we Dickkorian Historians were well aware of that! 🤭
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The callback in 411 was very sweet, but it wasn't lost on me that we are at the end of the show and Dick is still beating around the bush with Kory. Simple tweaks in the writing of that episode could've made it my favorite. "Here *with you* is nice." "Kory I can't lose you so we need to find another way." "I'm sorry but you could've been killed and I can't let that happen." All of the things Dick was saying just felt incomplete. Again you didn't ask for this lmao
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However, we seem to be on track for some type of confession of "feelings" so I can't wait to see what angsty Dick, nervous Dick, and smitten Dick all look like in the span of 51 minutes.
Thank you again for asking me this! I think it was a good exercise in me feeling less pessimistic at every missed opportunity for them and focus on the good. I'll always long for more but I am appreciative over what's been given. 💙💜💙💜💙💜
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ravendruidreads · 3 months
A Shadow Crown - Review
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Author: Melissa Blair Saga: The Halfling Saga (#2) Date Read: February 15, 2024 - February 19, 2024 Format: Physical Pages: 480
Characters: 9/10 Atmosphere: 8/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 9/10 Intrigue: 9/10 Logic: 8/10 Enjoyment: 9/10 Rating: 8.5/10 (4 stars) Spice Level: 3/5
The review is hidden below due to spoilers.
What changed/improved from the first book:
I enjoyed the writing in this book a bit more, and the plot thickened very well with a few twists and turns I wasn't expecting, but also a few that I was already foreshadowing.
In terms of world building, I feel like there was big improvement, especially with the explanation of the story of the Light and Dark Fae towards the middle/end of the book.
Where the first book had my favorite tropes, this book disappointed me slightly with the potential love triangle between Killian, Keera and Riven. I'm not a fan of love triangles, so when I started to notice one forming, I almost wanted to skip those parts (the kiss made me roll my eyes).
I wasn't surprised when the author introduced the concept of miskwithir as I was already expecting some form of 'fated mates' bond between Keera and Riven, but I was excited to read that miskwithir can chose to become friends, lovers or enemies, which is a breath of fresh air in the Fantasy genre, where fated mates are almost always lovers.
I loved the suspense of Keera figuring out the only way to unlock the power of the Fae is if she kills the Aemon with her blade, only for him to be killed by Damien. I can't wait to see where this goes in the third book, although I have a theory that perhaps the lock on the power is connected to the King of Elverath, not necessarily Aemon himself.
I gasped and did a little happy dance when it was confirmed that Keera was older than 60. Although I don't feel like it has been totally explained, I think she was put into a sleep for the years after the Light Fae disappeared until she was found on the rift. I still want to learn more about that. Did she woke up because the magic was draining?
Throughout the book I started noticing some foreshadowing. For example, from the first mention of a mole, I immediately thought it would be Tarvelle or Collin, especially after Keera confessed to having killed Collin's family.
Another foreshadow was Keera mentioning an Elf that had been in the dungeons with her. I was expecting it to be Riven's mother, but it turning out to be Nikolai's was so much better.
A quote that stayed:
Trees, like grief, go through seasons. Their leaves change colors just as our feelings continue to churn and change. Sometimes the leaves fall to the ground entirely, leaving us cold and bare, draining us of hope that the warmth of summer will ever come. But it will.
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efangamez · 6 months
Okay, I've been sick, so I've had time to watch three things! Lemme give you a rating and a short, rushed (kinda) review.
Invincible Season 2: 9.5/10
While only being 4 (?) to episodes to start of season 4, it really did a great job of not only adapting the comic, but also by telling an amazing story of grief in only 4 episodes. The writing is amazing, the acting is stellar, and the action is super dope. The only thing is that I wish they released the whole series or did a week by week episodic release. Everything else is great.
Sonic the Hedgehog 1: 7/10
A very serviceable movie for kids. I hear that the second will have a lot more references, callbacks, and action, and thank goodness, because if I wasn't a Sonic fan, this movie would have probably been a 5. +2 points for Sonic and the effort put into the final release.
The Boys Season 2 & 3: 9/10
Pretty stellar superhero series. See, what makes it so good is that the characters carry this show for me. Season s 2 and 3 really flesh out the characters here, and the characters felt organic despite their normal and superhuman traits. I can see why, though, teens like Homelander so much. Very much the Joker effect happening here, and I do think that's not a symptom of bad writing, but rather a symptom of boys and men being lost. I can't wait when Homelander eats it already.
Anddddd that's it! Gonna watch Sonic 2 tomorrow....annnnddddddddddddddd
Love y'all <3
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, February 9
BUFFY: Oh, that would be tragic, taking the fun out of slaying, stabbing, beheading. FAITH: Oh, like you don't dig it. BUFFY: (shrugs) I don't. FAITH: You're a liar. I've *seen* you. Tell me staking a vamp doesn't get you a little bit juiced. Come on, say it. (She stops and folds her arms, waiting for Buffy's answer. Buffy can't help but smile, and looks down to hide it.) FAITH: (laughs) You can't fool me. The look in your eyes right after a kill? You just get hungry for more. Buffy: (shakes her head) You're way off base.
~~Bad Girls~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Philologist by firemanwhenthefloodsrollback (Buffy/Spike, T)
A New Leaf by Pinkperson (Angel, Lindsey, T)
Mom's Taste by Pinkperson (Buffy, Joyce, G)
Rupert and Ripper by JenLRossman (Giles/Reader, Giles/OFC, Not Rated)
Bury My Heart in the Valley of Your Affection by CoffeeHunt (Angel/Spike, Spike/various others, E)
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Buffyverse Flashfiction by NotASlayer (Anya, Buffy, unrated)
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Bite Mark by Maxineeden (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion - Ch. 411 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T)
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Xander the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked - Ch. 9 by v_o_x (Xander/Larry, T)
Aspect of Lust - Ch. 3 by Skylark62 (Buffy/Giles, E) COMPLETE!
Transmogrification - Ch. 3 by MamaBewear (Angel/Spike, T) COMPLETE!
Strings - Ch. 17 by aliceinwonderbra (Buffy/Faith, E) COMPLETE!
Back undead and little again - Ch. 4 by AnkiKind (Angel, Spike, Fred, M) COMPLETE!
Straight to the Heart - Ch. 4 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
For The Dark - Ch. 6/7 by CharcoalTeeth (Buffy/Faith, E)
but this love is ours - Ch. 11/17 by ripslayer (Buffy/Faith, M)
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Your deepest fears - Ch. 3 by JSBirsa (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Amara Time - Ch. 19 by Joan963z (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Goodbye to Everything That I Knew - Ch. 20 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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When Ethan Rayne made Rambo - Ch. 8 by SplitEnz (Ethan, Xander, Rambo xover, FR15)
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Your deepest fears - Ch. 3 by JSBirsa (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Icons: #4 by twirlingcons (Buffy, Anya, worksafe)
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Banner: Sweet and Short - Ch. 5 [only BTVS chapter] by captainamergirl (Buffy, worksafe)
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Artwork: Watercolour painting of Xander Harris, from the Buffy episode The Pack. by ghostrabbit87 (Xander, worksafe)
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Artwork: Dawn! Where are you? [Scooby Doo xover] by RemrysIIV (Scoobies, Giles, Buffy, worksafe)
Lego: "... We survived." by buffy_the_lego_brick_layer (ensemble, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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BtVS rewatch S7 - Lies My Parents Told Me pt 1 - by debbicles
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February 9, 1999 - Bad Girls aired... by on-this-day-btvs
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PODDCAST: 1.6 The Pack by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Fandom Discussions]
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enemies is such a bonkers hour of television what am I even supposed to do with myself... by lightsaroundyourvanity
OK, some final belated thoughts on Season 3... [Faith's role and murders] by coraniaid
... man, even in season 5 Spike and Buffy is so problematic to me. by kat--writes
BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | incorrect quotes by andremichaux
POLL: [best one episode to introduce someone to BTVS] by sulphur-and-honey
POLL: Vampire Media Guys Round 1: Edward Cullen or Spike by vampirewrestlinglover
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Do you love Anya? updated by NoShip
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[discussion of fandom's opinions of Xander] by jackBattlin
Who do you think was best for Willow and why? by RemrysIIV
Unpopular opinion (?): Angel was just fine [and not bad] on Buffy by sadhungryandvirgin
What are your favourite oneliners that you still use to this day? by RegisterAfraid
Wesley [kidnapping in ATS] by No-Dig-4658
What's Your Best BTVS or ATS Minor or One-Off Character(s)? by Big-Restaurant-2766
[About] Sunday in Season 4 (Freshman) by Dappich
Day 2: [9 square game] ... morally grey but is presented as a hero by OhWowMan22
POLL: Do you prefer Buffy as a big sister or an only child? by SafiraAshai
POLL: Who had the best looking apartment in Sunnydale? by jdpm1991
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Wolf Pack [SMG show] Canceled at Paramount+ by The Hollywood Reporter
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
15 Questions
Thank you @ladyofthestayingpower @mochie85 and @littlespaceyelf for the tags! 💖💛
1. Are you named after anyone?
My first name (a variation of Stephanie)…no. But my 2nd name and also my preferred name, Allison, was actually originally my mother's name (only hers was spelled Allyson) and she hated it on her so she passed it on to me…? That's a whole lot of shit I gotta unpack one of these days 🥴🫡
2. When was the last time you cried?
I chose violence last week and decided to flesh out what the Season 2B finale of 'relinquish the crown' would look like, decided to title it 'relinquish the crown: you're losing me', and yep…that had me crying for a few good minutes. Whelp--
3. Do you have kids?
Lol no. My aspiration is to be cool rich aunt to my friends' kids.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes and IRLs despise me for it
5. What sports do you play / have you played?
🤣🤣🤣 …ohh wait, you're serious aight well…shit… I had a trainer for table tennis when I was in my late teens purely for fitness purposes and so my father had someone to do drills with.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Their eyes.
7. What's your eye color?
Brown. Hence the username "muddyorbs" 🤣🤣
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Anyone who knows me from my horror narration days will probably choke on air at this but…happy endings, all the way.
9. Any special talents?
I'd like to think writing…and then after that I dunno, calligraphy, I guess? 😳👀
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
Diamond painting, coloring apps, voiceover (once in a blue moon), writing, making moodboards (when inspiration strikes), watching YouTube and retaining a whole library of random information I like to whip out when the time is right.
12. Do you have any pets?
Building doesn't allow any pets sadly (which might be a good thing because I have no idea if I'm capable of keeping another living thing alive when I'm struggling taking care of myself lol), but I have a lot of stuffed toys that I have to share with y'all one of these days
13. How tall are you?
5'4", and it's ridiculous that despite being this smol, I look like I'm tol when I go outside because most people I come across are 5'1" and under. (Just can't stand beside my father because he's 5'10" and suddenly I am smol again)
14. Favorite subject in school?
English. Honestly wasn't a big fan of the books we had for required reading, but during my Junior year in High School, we had a few weeks just dedicated to Edgar Allan Poe and that's probably my favorite memory from those 4 forsaken years lol…ohh, and that one week where we learned about sonnets and I had to write one. Good times, goooooood times.
15. Dream job?
Book reviewer. If there's a way for me to make some "sit back and relax in my humble lil mansion/penthouse" money from just reading books and hyping it up on the internet for everyone to see, then that's what I want. All my friends putting out books and lil ol' me in my reading nook, hyping them up. And then occasionally I'll come out with something of my own…maybe. When the mood strikes.
tags (if you've done it, pls disregard 😅): @holdmytesseract @infinitystoner @give-me-a-moose @maple-seed @alexakeyloveloki @liminalpebble @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @fictive-sl0th @smolvenger @wheredafandomat @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @joyful-enchantress @coldnique
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ash-and-books · 8 months
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: When you get told to run, you get up and don’t look back. We had one shot to get out of the Sinister Minister’s grasp, and we took it. Hand in hand, Kansas and I fled in the middle of the night, with a promise that we’d never tell a soul about what happened at that house, and how Constantine died. Eisley has spent the last decade looking over her shoulder while trying to forget the horrors The Minister and ‘The Family’ inflicted upon her and others. However, something continues to call to her. In the deepest roots of her psyche, she can’t escape the nightmares of her time trapped in the cult. All of her fears come to a head when she finds a letter taped to her door, informing her that a documentary is being made about The Minister and the events that took place ten years ago. When she politely declines, she can’t help but wonder why they didn’t fight her more to talk. It isn’t until she turns on the TV that she sees that they didn’t need her to talk because they had someone else to captivate their audience. They found Constantine. He’s alive. He remembers that we left him. Slash or Pass is a MFM horror romance. If you like slasher horror, spicy romance, and a little schmink in your books, you’re going to enjoy this novel.
Scream. with a dash of Michael Meyers as a survivor of a deadly cult finds herself facing off against her past as her friends are being killed off... and the boys who were involved in her survival are suddenly back in her life. Eisley had escaped the Sinister Minister's grasp, she ran from the cult leaving behind her beloved Constantine, who sacrificed himself to let her and their best friend Kansas escape... she grieves him and feels guilt over his sacrifice. A decade later she's still close to Kansas but she's tried to build a life for herself after the incident... yet when a documentary crew comes into town seeking her out for their documentary about The Minister and the events that took ten years ago her life is turned upside when she finds out that Constantine is very much alive... and he remembers that she left him. Now there's a new killer in town killing off people close to Eisley... but she doesn't know who it is, why they're doing this, and what Constantine being alive means for her complicated feelings for the boy who sacrificed himself for her and for Kansas, the boy who took care of her. What she doesn't realize is that Constantine and Kansas know each other very well and want her for themselves. This is a MFM slasher dark romance story and it gave off all the fun vibes of Scream. It's a fun one if you're a fan of slasher horror spicy romances and it works as a standalone. I can't wait to read the next book in the standalone series and see what Tyler Paige writes next! It's a great book for spooky season!
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xian1na · 1 year
buncha words 'bout some spring animes #3
Still here, still watching, still writing. Can't believe it's May already. I remember having this weird feeling last time I was watching seasonal anime - that I can't wait for the next episode to come out but once it does, I realise how time flies. It's almost scary! Many of the series that have only just come out are already at the halfway point. ...But let's not think about the inevitablility of time passing and instad talk about them animes. Enjoy!
Hell's Paradise (ep. 5) - After episode 4 I was a bit wary of where Sagiri's plot was going but episode 5 assuaged my worries somewhat. I used to get very annoyed whenever an action show would introduce A Sexist character. Why aren't the female characters just allowed to be badass without anyone putting them down, I was thinking to myself. Why can't I just have a nice escapist fantasy? But somehow I don't mind it here. I'm not sure why - whether it's because I changed or because (so far) Jigokuraku handled this subject better, or at least differently than other series I've watched. We'll see what comes next. As for the rest of the episode, I feel like the series is still at the phase of setting things up and I really hope the plot moves forward next time. Nurugai is Very Good.
Oshi No Ko (ep. 4) - I won't be a stinker this time, I quite liked this episode. We got to see Aqua acting and I got this great idea for battle-shounen like manga about acting, where the main character has to analyse their surroundings and gather data about their fellow actors to know how to rile them in front of the camera, so that they act well. (I'm going to pitch this to President of Anime whenever I get the chance.) I'm curious how will that reality TV show that Aqua got hired to act in go. As for the school plot... I don't watch many idol shows but I recall 'school of idols' is a recurring theme. Will Oshi No Ko subvert it somehow or play it straight? No idea. I'd assume the former if not for plethora of colour-coded female characters we've met already. I appreciate this series' commentary on show-business harsh truths a lot but it somehow doesn't feel grounded in reality because of the visuals, particularly character designs. And I REALLY hope there'll be more male characters in the main cast, although judging by the opening, that might not be the case.
Tengoku-Daimakyou (ep. 5) - We focus more on Maru and Kiruko this time, which is good because They Are Great. By the way, I've been reading a little about this series' production and I was surprised to learn that it's really speeding through the manga - but does it so well that it doesn't feel rushed or anything like that. It doesn't happen often in anime, I think. I'll probably read the manga once the series ends just to see how does the story unfold there (and to see all the quality K&M content that's been cut from anime). Also I absolutely need to cite one sentence from ANN's weekly review of T-D because it was simultaneously the best and the worst sentence I've read in a review in a while: "And while Maru's boner gets in the way of their hug, we can see that it's not getting in the way of their friendship." Absolute perfection.
Skip and Loafer (ep. 5) - I've already written how I appreciate what they do with Egashira in this series and episode 5 fleshes her out even more. I think my favourite moment was after Egashira's and Mitsumi's clash with the third-years in the gym - how Egashira made sure to remember the names of the students who were rude to them, while Mitsumi remembered the name of the one who helped them. It's a very telling character moment for them both. Skip and Loafer is really growing on me, it might even end up as my favourite series of this season. I'm literally feeling happier after watching every episode, it's that powerful.
My Love Story with Yamada-kun ar Lv999! (ep. 5-6) - As I thought, the matter with Runa is solved pretty quickly and she's already Akane's bestie in episode 6. That's pretty good in my opinion. Even if Runa's change of heart may be a bit sudden, I don't think she'd make a compelling long-term antagonist. That 'gamer guy' from episode 5 gave me massive creeps and there was some great direction in that scene in the toilet. I like that even though ultimately nothing bad happened, the guys from the guild immediately went to the rescue because they knew the potential danger. Then episode 6 is back to usual shenanigans and I thought it was very funny. And one important note: Kouki Uchiyama's acting when Yamada was talking to Eita right after waking up was Extremely Good.
And in the backlog section:
The Witch from Mercury (season 1, ep. 7-9) - You know guys... maybe it's because the Internet was screaming about Prospera lately (I didn't catch any spoilers, thankfully) but I'm starting to get a feeling she might be a bad guy! On a serious note, it's very interesting how Prospera is contrasted with Delling and papa Jeturk (whatever his name is, I don't even care). All three of them are shitty parents but whereas Delling and Jeturk are very openly shitty in how demanding, strict and cold they are towards their children, the way Prospera treats Suletta is just chilling. Only three episodes left in season 1, I have no idea what might happen in the finale but I'm definitely looking forward to find out.
Spy x Family (ep. 6-7) - As I knew that The Face was coming, I actually appreciated The Punch more - that was a real good piece of animation. Damian's developing crush on Anya (including the special romanticised version of her in his eyes) and Loid suspecting that Becky obviously must be plotting a political sabotage or something because he just doesn't get kids were hilarious. Also, I totally forgot about Yor's and Anya's time together (or maybe it wasn't in the manga, though I think it was). It was great! I'm not going to be original by saying that Yor often feels a bit secondary in this family, so it was real nice seeing her getting more screentime. Next episode Yuri will show up - I think his visit was the last thing I've read in the manga, so I have no idea what happens next.
Aaand that'd be the end of this week's musings and ramblings. I start a new job on Monday but I think I should be able to keep up with all the shows. At least I must find some time for more Skip and Loafer. Hope you enjoyed reading and see ya!
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🦇 Harley Quinn: The Animated Series: Legion of Bats! v. 2 Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD Who is your favorite anti-hero? ❓ 🦇 Following the events of Harley Quinn: The Animated Series Season 3, Harley Quinn is swapping her quick tendency to kill for a more level-headed approach as a (kinda, sorta, honorary) member of the Bat Family. Meanwhile, Poison Ivy is now taking over as leader of the Legion of Doom. Can these two adjust to their respective new roles while maintaining their blossoming relationship?
💜 Harley Quinn: The Animated Series is everything DC Comics has neglected, lacked, and strived for on-screen. To bring these complex, messy characters from screen to page (or rather, from page to screen and back again) only adds more depth to their motivations, internal struggles, and conflicting perspectives. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are both INTENSE characters, not because their villains, but because they're constantly striving to be more for EACH OTHER. No ghost from the past or big baddie in the present can break this couple apart. The internal exposition revealed in the comics only adds layers to the show. I can't wait for it to come back for season 4 (gimme those Gotham City Sirens!).
🦇 Too often, I read comics that can't balance stunning, vivid art with compelling, entertaining writing. The artists who contribute their talents to this series never falter in honoring classic characters while bringing their own unique flare to the imagery. I love switching between stories to see those nuances.
🦇 Recommended for fans of badass female ships, DC comics, and crazy antics you can only expect from THE Harley Quinn.
✨ The Vibes ✨ ❤️ DC Comics ♣ Sapphic Ship ♠️ Anti-Hero ♦ TV Tie-In 🃏 Diverse Cast
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thesparringpanther · 2 years
The Dragon Prince Book 4 Review:
Just writing down my longer thoughts. It's not like this show will be back this year anyway so.
Janaya. My crops were watered. I love delving into Janai's character a bit and showcasing her trials and tribulations as the Sunfire Queen, along with the social dynamic of marrying a human. It's cute seeing Amaya support Janai through her troubles too. I was really hoping the show would showcase the troubles of humans and Elves integrating on a larger scale and not just end with "humans and Sunfire Elves are cool now, let's focus on the 5 other tribes that hate humans" and I'm glad they delivered.
Magefam, but more importantly, Claudia, stole the show. She has stepped up in her villainy and while (thankfully) kept her immaturity and, it's fun to see her slowly become crueler as well. The new spells she used were really good and really made her a threat to the cast and a joy to watch. Also they gave her a different outlook outside of trying to keep her family together (because daddy issues can only take you so far) with her actually believing Aaravos, whereas Viren was always just using him for power.
Terry, full stop. My fear was that Terry would have nothing to him and be an obvious Soren replacement, but, Terry has no real need to impress Viren and somewhat impresses Viren by just being himself. It's a breath of fresh air for the Magefam dynamic, because Soren couldn't impress Viren without becoming someone he's not, and Claudia is his spitting image as a mage, albeit sillier, so even at her worst he'll still love her. Its both heartwarming and heartbreaking that Terry has a closer bond with Viren than Season 1 Soren did (I don't think he likes either BUT he's groaning less with Terry).
It's fun seeing Viren essentially go "Are we the baddies?" to Claudia, who at the very least has murdered people by now.
Ezran has grown so much its unreal. Its very prominent in the 2nd episode with Ezran really wanting to have a whole "and then we all held hands and forgot we've been trying to murder each other for centuries" energy for Zubeia & Zym, it amounts to what a 10-year old's expectation of resolving such a deep-seated conflict, but then stepping up and acknowledging that what he was doing was unrealistic, you cannot just forget about the pain and the damage and the loss and pretend nothing bad happened to strive for peace, you have to remember all of those negative emotions and still strive for peace anyways because you will inevitably just keep causing that same pain for future generations. That boy was raised right.
Rex Igneous is so good. Love the way he was bored of visitors and tore down Avizandum. To me he feels like he's indifferent to humans, whereas Avizandum, Sol Regem, and Zubeia probably were anti-human. Makes me wonder how the Tideblood & Moonshadow Archdragon will act.
Sad that Aaravos had to leave the show for a while to hype his return but him making fun of all the heroes before smashing his own mirror is soooooooo worth it. He knows how important presentation is for villains. I do wonder if that means that Aaravos' consciousness was transferred to Sir Sparklepuff and he didn't want the heroes to wonder why he's braindead in that mirror.
I mean I could go on an episode-to-episode basis but uh:
The entire season feels like a first draft, which is disappointing after waiting for 3 years. Overall it's a downgrade compared to Seasons 2 and 3, and at times even worse than Season 1. There are still things I enjoyed but honestly this is the show's worst outing.
The pacing, particularly the Drakewood episodes, are cramped. It doesn't breathe. Character interactions that SHOULD have happened here (Callum & Rayla, Soren & Viren) but didn't because we had other things to address. I get it, but you can't repeat the emotions that could follow Soren after being abandoned by Rayla and captured, stripped of his armor, berated by Claudia that everyone else is treating him like a joke, meeting his dad that makes him feel small and unwanted. Especially when this will be the nicest Viren will ever be in all 7 seasons. I can only hope it was a deleted scene and moved later on so the words can sink in.
Soren being missing and possibly dead or gravely hurt should have raised the stakes and tension for the original Dragang. Instead it feels like a complete afterthought by the start of the next episode.
Rayla.....oof. Disappointing on all accounts. For such a setup of her going on a revenge quest (in a show where revenge quests just cause even more damage) by abandoning her newfound family it's anti-climactic. It's a good thing that they didn't have Rayla come back with info, since that would justify that it was a good thing Rayla left. Most of this season felt like Rayla tagging along for the ride rather than Rayla being one of the main characters.
Maybe it didn't click for me, but, like, alot of the Rayllum scenes didn't have the bite that comes with your ex coming back into your life after ghosting you. There was no emotional catharsis for both. Ultimately their breakup and reunion did not fix any flaw either of them had, so it is functionally meaningless.
Culturally insensitive Amaya works. Culturally insensitive Amaya that is the fiance of the Sunfire Queen does not. The plot makes more sense coming from an Amaya that's either recently dating Janai or pining for her and has recently begun living in the Lux Aurea camps, but it looks like she's been living with Sunfire Elves since the end of Season 3? Not knowing their mourning ritual when this was done en masse following the Fall of Lux Aurea when she was quite literally there? Engaged to the Sunfire Queen? Make it make sense. I'm also not expecting that Amaya should be well-researched into Sunfire culture eithrr, but there needs to be a balance in what Amaya should know and what she shouldn't.
Really disappointed that the other human kingdoms didn't exist this season. Both in the case that Ezran can now do what he wants instead of having to balance between leading a Kingdom and adventuring with Callum & Rayla (which was cool to spin in Book 2 and 3), but also that I think it would be important to highlight that there are just as many factions of humans as there are of elves. Just because 1 kingdom is cool with Elves and Dragons doesn't mean the rest are. Granted the humans seem to be more unified than the Elves, as no other Elves are helping the Sunfire Elves rebuild, so maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. But I still think Ezran should be making policies ALONG with the rest of the Kingdoms rather than just Katollis like how Viren was doing it, even if the end result will just be Ezran running off again.
The season finale is both anticlimactic and confusing, and neither are in a good way. Are the Dragang supposed to end the season without the map so they have to chase the Magefam first? Is that why Rex threw a huge temper tantrum last minute? Why does his trust of the Dragang stay at 0 even after Zubeia calms him down? Is the plot of the show (fate of the world) hinging on the cast not wanting to disturb Rex again? HUH?
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
My NVMe Needs - Part 4: Another Trial & Error (w/ my paper dolls) [Recorded on Apr 21st, 2023]
So, here’s Part 4 of “My NVMe Needs“ (featuring my paper dolls). 😁 Actually, this is Part 2 of 2 videos that I've recorded, yesterday (April 21st, 2023).
For this continuation, I'm attempting another try & hopefully will succeed in the migration. Plus, I'll reveal the benchmarks using helpful software (which, I won't mention the name until the end). No, not the "Samsung Magician"; not yet though, I'll save it, but rather something else. You'll see. 😉
If you haven't seen my previous part & other ones (that related), then I'll provide some links down below: ↓
• Part 1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD (1TB) Review [Apr 7th, 2023]
• Part 2: Thermalright M.2 2280 Pro Review [Apr 11th, 2023]
*• Part 3: Installation and trial & error [Recorded on Apr 21st, 2023] (published: Apr 22nd, 2023)*
So, without further ado, let's continue we left of:
• Okay so before I discuss my experience, let's discuss my recording process. I have 17 recorded videos 🎦📲on my smartphone (the Honor 8C), one of which is from the VLC media player 🎦🖥️. However, squeezing 17 videos in one package wouldn't fit in my (Tumblr) post 😕, so I decided to slice it in half to make a minimum of 500 MB per video post 🪓, not to mention, the adjustments, speeding up the process, and adding subtitles. 🎦✏️🖥️ And thus, I made two videos. It took 7 hours to finish these videos between 7 PM to 2 AM (Apr 21st to 22nd). And man, I'm all relieved after editing. So much so, I want a take a break after this, but I can't because I want to end my ambitious topic sooner before celebrating my birthday, next month (May 6th). Regardless, at least I'm all done with editing, and all was left is to type in with my thoughts. And uhh, if you see me shirtless, then my apologies for that, I completely forgot to wear a shirt before recording. lol 😅 Plus, it's damn heat season in my country (The Philippines), so it's hard enough to sweat my glands while progressing (, both daylight & night), you know. 🥵☀️ Anyways, let's get over with...
My Recorded & Edited Video (using Filmora 9): (pls watch) ↑ 🎦✏️🖥️
• So, in second attempt, you noticed the total memory size was decreased by 789 bytes than before. Here, I have some photos, right here. ↓ [pls see my 12th & 13th image(s)]
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• Sadly, the third attempt was another failure despite the 250+ GB won't handle the migration. And uh, did I mention the writing rate is slow from the physical drive? Yeah, I could see that. However, there's a solution to that. So, let's proceed to these images. ↓ [pls see 14th & 15th image(s)]
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• Alright, third attempt time! And you noticed I reduced the memory size to 150+ GB because I uninstalled larger files/apps. But wait, what are the larger files/apps that I've uninstalled? Well, 2 PC games. One is what I actively played [CLICK ME! #1], while the other is not [CLICK ME! #2] because I suck at playing it. But, is still a great game though (you should check it out at #2). Nonetheless, after it reach 99%, it was a success! And I immediately click the button to shut down the PC! *sigh* Yes! Rejoice!
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16th & 17th Image(s): ↑
• Next, I turn on the PC once more & press F12 to access the boot menu. There, I swap my old physical drive to my NVMe M.2 drive as my new main boot before I save & click the new main boot from the "Boot Override" list. Then it restarts my PC, but there's a problem... It did not work well! I'm not sure what happened, so I have another round of manual troubleshooting (Round 2). After a couple of minutes, I fire up my PC & it finally worked! It boost very quickly than before until another problem came out to smash my monitor's face, it blacked out! (no pun intended) Round 3 for manual troubleshooting! I'm starting to get frustrated, but I won't give up on my PC. With blood, sweat & tears in my body, my PC has finally worked! And it was worth the hard for me!
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18th & 19th Image(s): ↑
• Now, I was gonna install a leftover cooling fan from a brand called "DeepCool", but I'm having trouble my PC, a couple of times. Installing a cooling fan (whether 4 fans or more) is an essential requirement to keep our internal board (CPU, Graphics Card, NVMe) from overheating for a long period. And it sucks without it. *sigh* But don't worry, I'll be targeting & browsing a new spanking PC tower case, very soon. As well as a brand new power supply, too. My paper dolls approves my idea.
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My Benchmarks: ↑
• Let's proceed with another test (that I've promised). This is the so-called "helpful software" that I was talking about. I would like to introduce the "CrystalDiskMark", a read/write memory testing software. Some of you may familiar with it, but others not so much. Nonetheless, these are the four benchmarks that I've tested, including my recent Samsung 970 EVO Plus NVMe, which has the most readable & writable rated speeds of the four memory-based drives, with the bottom right being the least, and that's the Seagate Barracuda 7200 HD. That's the reason why I struggle with playing games or waiting to boot using an old & slow physical drive. Not only that but the multiple windows & tasks that sometimes can't handle. I could relate to that situation though. But thanks to the supreme performance of the NVMe M.2 drives, it can handle pretty much anything, including PC games that are larger files (particularly AAA game titles). However, running large-size PC games means overheating the NVMe's processing unit & other chips, making it stressful on your gaming PC, and that brings it with the introduction of the heat sink for NVMe, which can dissipate the heat & prevent overheating the NVMe's processor & chips. Sure, it may not need it for your NVMe sticks, but we need to keep our memory-based drives & our PC itself top-shaped without any signs of error, not to mention longer period. And that make sense, you know.
Side Note: It said, that the Samsung 970 EVO Plus delivers a sequential read & writes of 3,500 MB/s & 3,300 MB/s respectively. And according to my benchmark test, I would say a solid promise. Even though, the write rate was almost 3,300 MB/s-ish but still a solid promise to me.
• I have to say, it was satisfying & a bit frustrating, at the same time. I've shared a lot of mistakes & plenty of undo processes, with a ton of sweaty & face-rubbing from my body because of the dry season, but that doesn't stop me until I'm done. But in the end, I accomplished the installation of the SSD NVMe M.2 drive with my first owned NVMe stick from Samsung (970 EVO Plus) & the heat sink by Thermalright. Hopefully, these two we're safe & sound, forever without second thoughts about removing them. But, should I buy another NVMe with additional items to operate? Maybe. If I buy another NVMe M.2 drive, then I could use it for my file storage instead of the mechanical counterpart. But Nah, I guess one NVMe stick is good enough for me (I suppose). One thing I'm concerned about is not touching any internal components when I try to install a cooling fan or a heat sink with another NVMe stick on it because if I do with a slight touch my PC won't run at all, and that scares me... *sigh* But in the end, it was a worth it & satisfied my computer upgrade. My ambitious computer upgrade was a success!
I have more tests to come until the end, so I'll be planning to make another part for the finale (before my birthday countdown starts), so stay tuned.
Well, that's all for now.
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @paektu, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301
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