chiquilines · 4 months
i love love the costume redesign you gave midnight! have you thought about a winter version or a You're-Teaching-Minors-So-Can-You-Be-PG-For-Once-Nemuri-Please version?
i kinda like the idea that she just puts on a coverup while teaching like she puts on the costume as normal but just pulls on a sundress or something so it's more appropriate for school
but that might not work for actual hero stuff but i thought it was cute
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Yeah in my canon (and everyones canon if horikoshi would just PICK UP THE PHONE) she throws on a pair of pants over her costume and bam. Instant PG tank top outfit
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @dreatine - thanks so much!! ♡
Spencer Reid x she/her!reader
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Secret Admirer
He really doesnt know how you dont notice. The way he laughs at any joke you make, how his eyes follow you around the room wherever you go, how nothing can possibly distract him from you because he’s distracted by you constantly. Doctor Spencer Reid, 99% of the time the highest IQ in any room he walks into, and you have him completely baffled.
He doesnt even need to look up to know it’s you that’s just walked in. It could be you or Derek since you are the only two not yet at work, but some part of Spencer has a sixth sense for you, and his eyes immediately abandon the pages of the book in front of him. There you are, strolling in like a goddess, that same gorgeous smile on your face that you greet all your coworkers with. He waits just a few seconds, and that very smile falls on him.
“Good morning Spencie!” You call out.
He grins back at you and lets go of his book with one hand to wave at you. Spencie. People have referred to him as Spence before, but Spencie? That was something entirely unique to you. For a while, Derek and Rossi made fun of it and referred to him as “Spencie”, too. It was no discredit to you, it was purely because Spencer was never embarrassed to hear you call him that, which all his professional profiling friends knew meant one thing: he liked it, and that was cause for some light bullying. At first, Spencer was mildy irritated by it, but they never made the jokes when you were around, and because you were never given the chance to potentially take offence, it didnt take long for him to discard all negative reactions, and his friends realised his positive feelings towards you were stronger than they thought.
Of course the entire team knew. Did he really think a room filled with profilers wasnt going to pickup on his big fat whopping crush? Spencer knew they’d figure it out eventually. What shocked him most was your obliviousness. He made no real effort to hide his feelings towards you, he couldnt. He gave you at least one compliment a day, whether it related to something you said on a case, remembering someone’s coffee order when they didnt even ask you to get them a coffee, or regarding a new hairstyle you’d tried out. He got very protective of you whenever a case turned dangerous and you were at risk. Spencer knows you are trained and can take care of yourself, but that doesnt mean he wont fear for your safety. The only way he could make his feelings more obvious would be to walk up to you and tell you he’s in love with you, which he couldnt possibly do. He’d rather get shot. Again.
“You should do something for her on Valentine’s Day.” A quiet voice speaks from behind him, Emily.
Spencer tears his gaze from you and clears his throat, staring back down at his book. Even though the entire team knew, he wasnt just going to admit it.
“I dont know what you’re talking about.” He says.
Emily sighs. “Sure you dont. All Im saying is, the tradition of being something synonymous with confidential adorer, might be your best shot at figuring out if she’s interested without just asking her out.”
Emily walks away from Spencer before he has the chance to reply, even though he probably wouldnt have, given that his mind has been blown by what she just told him. Something synonymous with confidential adorer...secret admirer! That might not be a bad idea! And with a week until Valentine’s, he has plenty of time to plan this one out.
Despite Spencer Reid’s brain being a working miracle, he decided to note down his plans, just to make sure he didnt forget anything. Even though it is literally impossible for him to forget anything, unless it traumatises him to the extent of needing a hypnotist to unlock memories for him. But that was years ago.
Red roses. Those were on the list, but he couldnt buy them in bulk. He would have to buy the first ones individually for his first idea, the final dozen were the last part of the plan.
For the next week, everyday when you walked into work, there was a single red rose waiting on your desk. On the first day, you laughed and picked up the rose, looking around and asking who was pranking you. When nobody joined in your laughter, you realised that someone had left you a rose with intent, and that everyone on the team knew that. Spencer analysed the reason behind your laugh, and based on previous conversations with you in which you admitted you’d never been anyone’s Valentine, he concluded that you didnt believe anyone could have enough of an interest in you to treat you that way, because it had never happened. On the second day, you were shocked and silent, blushing and quietly sitting down at your desk, twirling the rose gently around your fingers. On the third day, you walked in and just grinned from ear to ear the moment you saw another rose waiting at your desk. On the fourth day, the team was called in at 4am, and you ran in, hoping to catch out the mysterious rose-deliverer, but even then there was a rose waiting. Your tired eyes teared up at that. On the fifth day, you squealed and jumped around everyone’s desks, clutching the rose and running to Penelope’s office to show it to her. On the sixth day, your entire being lit up at the sight of the small piece of paper sitting next to the rose. Spencer studied how you immediately attached yourself to his words, the fact you hadnt received a note with any of the previous roses put so much weight on the few words.
You are the most beautiful person in the world, to me, and to everyone that has ever met you.
Your back was to him when you read the note, but he heard you sniffle, then take a deep breath and hold the note to your chest, before you tucked it away carefully in your bag. Though you got plenty of work done that day, your eyes drifted to the rose beside you every minute or so.
On the seventh day, Valentine’s Day, you walk into the office slowly, almost hesitantly. When you see the rose there waiting, you smile sadly. Spencer frowns as you pick it up and hold it to your chest.
“The last one.” You chuckle, and Spencer understands. You think that‘s it, it‘s over. He smiles to himself and glances back down at the files on his desk, reassuring himself that later on today, that sadness will disappear. Or in fact, in a few seconds.
This time, the note is in an envelope, which you gently tear open, as though even the envelope is precious because it’s from the rose-sender.
Happy Valentine’s Day, gorgeous.
Instead of making everybody else a coffee, why dont you just make yourself one?
You freeze, and Spencer can practically hear the cogs turning in your head. In seconds, you speed over to the coffee machine, and sure enough there’s another note.
We’ve worked on many cases, some were a botch, but if you really want to know who I am, maybe you should ask…
“HOTCH! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!” You shout as you sprint to his office door.
Aaron laughs and opens his door, handing you another note with a smile.
Although you’re only finding out about this now, my affections for you have lived far longer than a year. If you want to find out more, visit the person whose surname rhymes with “year” (but only if you pronounce “year” with a British accent).
He admits those poems are not of the highest quality, but he was nervous! Not to mention, he wasnt exactly worried about iambic pentameter, more so making sure you could figure out what he was saying.
You burst out laughing. “PENELOPE GARCIA I AM ON MY WAY!” And then you’re running to her office.
Spencer cant see your reaction to his next note from where he’s sitting, he cant make it obvious that he’s the culprit so he has to stay in his seat. However, when you return to your desk with a pouty face, Rossi asks what’s wrong before Spencer gets the chance to. You show him the note you got from Penelope.
Im afraid that when it comes to being confronted by you in the daylight, Im a vampire. But trust that you will see me soon. In fact, you’ve already seen me, countless times.
“How can I trust them when I dont know who they are?” You ask the group as they form a circle around you.
JJ wraps an arm around you reassuringly. “Whoever it is, you know them and you trust them, you know that, you just havent linked their personality to these events.”
You nod slowly. “I guess you’re right, it just sucks. I want to know who it is so bad, it’s keeping me up at night!”
Thankfully, the rest of that day is spent writing up reports and filing, nobody has called the team and demanded they get on a flight to wherever. These days arent common, but they’re possible, and Spencer couldnt be happier that one of them has arrived today. He cant help thinking luck might be on his side, or maybe Hotch has somehow scheduled this perfectly for him. Either way, he’s very grateful.
But the end of the day comes sooner than expected, and he finds himself packing up his stuff with shaking hands. You’re distracted, in the middle of a conversation with Rossi, thank goodness. Spencer darts out of the building, getting everything in place in exactly the amount of time he’d predicted he could do this in. 23 seconds. By the time he’s hidden himself, you’re just pushing the building doors open.
You approach your car, eyes immediately locking onto the envelope on your windshield. Now your hands are shaking just like his. You reach for it, opening it so slowly it’s painful for Spencer to watch. Once it’s open, you unfold the page in your hands and start to read.
You captured my heart from the moment you first smiled at me. You introduced yourself with bubbliness that I was so sure wouldnt survive in this job, but you proved me so wrong. Every single day, you walk into work with the brightest smile on your face. You make it your mission to improve the lives of every person you meet, I dont even think you try, it comes naturally to you. Trying to resist falling for you was futile, and so instead, I revel in it. My feelings for you are not hidden, everybody else can see them. You wouldnt believe the amount of people we’ve met on cases who have pulled me aside and told me to just ask you out. You are the sunshine of the BAU, not the crown jewel, but the crown itself, because without you none of us would make it. And seeing you light up everyday this week because of a simple gesture like a rose, it brings me more joy and pride than anything else ever could. Though you arent aware that my heart is yours, you handle it with such care, and if my only way of returning that favour is to make you smile with roses, I’ll deliver them everyday, until my last breath.
I didnt want to come up with rhymes for Derek, David, JJ or Emily, and send you on an unnecessarily long goose chase, so I suppose all that’s left to say is...hello, it’s me, your secret admirer.
“A-Are you here?” You ask without turning around.
“Yes.” Spencer replies, and he notices your body beginning to tremble as you slowly turn to face him.
“Spencer.” You breathe, your hands immediately covering your mouth as though his name is new to your lips. You had never suspected it was him, but now you see it couldnt have been anyone else.
Spencer steps out of the shadows, a bouquet of a dozen red roses in his hands. He holds them out to you, and you slowly take them, before launching yourself at him. To avoid crushing the flowers, you hold them in one hand and keep that hand at his back as you hug him, crying into his shirt. Spencer wraps his arms around you in a state of shock, feeling his heart swell in his chest.
“Th-Thank you!” You sob, and Spencer shushes you quietly.
“You dont need to thank me, you deserve romantic gestures like this and so much more.” He coos.
You pull away from him to wipe your eyes with your free hand, and Spencer cant help noticing how adorable you look, smiling through your happy tears.
“You’re the sweetest person I’ve ever known, Spencie.” You tell him, and he beams at you.
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
Your eyes widen. “I have something for you!”
Spencer’s eyebrows furrow in confusion as you awkwardly fish through your bag with your free hand, until you retrieve a piece of paper of your own. You pass it to him, and he’s about to open it, but your phone beeps.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding.” You groan in frustration, throwing your head back dramatically.
“What is it?” Spencer asks.
You shake your head and put your phone away. “I love Hotch, but Im about to disembowl him for this timing. Wheels up in 30, come on!” You grab Spencer’s arm and drag him back into the building.
As much as Aaron may have tried to avoid a case on Valentine’s Day, this one couldnt be avoided. It was one of those “this is so urgent I’ll brief you on the jet” cases. By the time the brief is over, the team all but collapse from exhaustion. The flight is a few hours, people can afford to have a nap. Spencer, though, is wide awake. You’re curled up in the seat beside him, the blanket you always bring on the jet is shielding the entirety of you, apart from your head, which is resting on Spencer’s shoulder as you sleep soundly. Not wasting another second, he takes your note from his pocket and unfolds it, his curiosity has been eating him alive for so long he feels like a skeleton.
I honestly dont even know where to begin with this. I have no idea who you are, but I hope. Because if it isnt who I hope it is, this cant go anywhere, I’ll have to let down anyone that isnt him. And it cant be him, can it? The impossible man, the genius with a heart of gold, the encyclopaedia of endlessly fascinating facts that I could listen to forever. I dont make a habit of putting people on pedestals, but him? How could I not? He’s an angel of a man. And as much as I dont think Im worthy of his affection, it would be an honour to be loved by him, and for that, I hope. I hope, because Spencer, if it isnt you, I wont know what to do. But hey, just in case it is, maybe I should keep this with me if you ever reveal yourself? Jeez, look at me, living on nothing but hopes. But for you? If hope’s all I’ve got, even that is a dream.
Spencer blinks away the tears in his eyes. Of all people, you only hoped for him. And the way you described him, you adore him in the same way he adores you. He looks down at your face, sleeping peacefully on his shoulder with a delicate smile. Without tearing his gaze from you, he folds the note back up and slides it in his pocket. Spencer smiles down at you, lifting his hand to ever so gently tuck some stray strands of hair behind your ear, before leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“Thank you for letting me be your secret admirer.”
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Only One Rule
A/N- a little bit late but I still have some valentine's Day one shots I wanted to do 🙈
Can you tell big, manly, dominant men are my kink? ✨ 🥵🥵
Summary- You and your best guy friend are single and decide to have an Anti-Valentines day night together watching horror movies, there's only one rule - NO mention of ANYTHING romantic. You get scared and one things leads to another...
Pairing- Thor x you
Word count- 2,260
Warnings- Swearing, smut
18+ only
Posted: 18th February 2021
Valentine's One-Shot Masterlist
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"If you're coming over tonight, there's only one rule - NO romance what so ever and I know that's going to be so hard for you because you're all chivalrous and old fashioned but that's the deal, ok?" You said to Thor through the phone, trying to make plans for the night. It was Valentine's Day and you were pathetically single, luckily for you, so was Thor. It had been your idea to have an Anti-Valentines night with your best friend, the last thing you needed was to be reminded that people are actually in love. 
"What are you talking about Y/N?"
"Like no romance at all, no romantic movies, no describing women in a poetic way and even no holding doors open for me. Basically just don't be you for the night."
"You want me to be somebody else?" You're confusing his poor ditzy brain.
"Right, you know that show we watched together - Sons of Anarchy?" You ask.
"Yes, the one with the bikers" you can practically hear the cogs turning in his brain.
"Yeah... be like him, the main guy" 
"You want me to treat you like a whore and call you bitch?" Wow! Why did those words coming from Thor's lips, make your pussy flutter?
"Well not exactly but that's better than being all mushy" you were thankful he was on the other end of the phone because you were sure your cheeks were glowing, bright red.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about but I'll see you tonight" he hung up the phone before you could protest anymore.
Now all you had to do was spend the day avoiding anything love related, which meant you couldn't leave the house. If you did you'd be surrounded by couples, kissing and holding hands. Bleugh, thinking about it was enough to make you sick.
You spent the day picking out horror movies you could watch, preparing snacks and getting yourself ready. Just because you were anti-love didn't mean you couldn't look your best. You convinced yourself you were dressing up because you had nothing better to do, it's not like it's a date or anything, is it? You pondered the thought, he's your best friend, no definitely not a date.
Shaking the curls loose from your head and running your fingers through them, you stood up to check yourself out in the mirror.
The high-waisted leather look trousers, with a deep plunge, black cami top didn't look too much did it? You turned around in the mirror, checking yourself at a different angle and completed the look with some red lipstick. Just as you began to doubt your outfit choice you heard the doorbell ring, too late now.
You couldn't help feeling nervous as you made your way to the door, to let Thor in. What the hell is going on with me?
Thor's jaw fell to the floor as you opened the door, looking you up and down as you stood in the doorway.
"Is there a change of plan? Are we going out?" He asked, still unable to pull his eyes away from your chest. You couldn't help feeling sexy as hell when he couldn't take his eyes off of you. Seriously, what the fuck is going on? He's your best friend, been your best friend since he came back to earth and you'd never had these sort of feelings for him before?
"Erm no. I just... Erm. We're watching horror movies I thought I'd dress as the queen of darkness" shrugging your shoulders sarcastically.
"If you wanted to be queen you..." Thor started before you cut him off mid-sentence.
"Ah Thor, stop! I know you was just about to say something romantic and you've barely walked through the door"
"Right sorry, whores and bitches. Got it... Is that the look you were going for?"
"Are you saying I look like a whore? I don't know whether to be proud or offended" you scoffed, pushing his tall frame into the room.
"No, no... I..."
"Relax I'm just fucking with ya" poor Thor, doesn't know if he's coming or going, you laugh under your breath, putting your hand over your mouth when he glares at you.
"Why don't you pick a movie while I order pizza?" You pass Thor the remote while you search through your phone for the number.
After a couple of minutes he turns to you, smiling widely "Right, I've chosen the movie"
You look up from your phone to see he'd chosen a forbidden chick flick.
"No way!'
"Relax, I'm just fucking with you" he laughs, proudly.
"Ohhh, touche." You say, laughing along with him.
The movie you'd chosen was ridiculously scary, you'd had to grab a cushion from behind you to use as a shield on the really jumpy parts. Thor had gotten himself comfy on the couch with his long legs stretched out and feet resting on the coffee table in front, along with the snacks and pizza. His arm was stretched around the back of the couch, behind your head, his tall, thick physique making your couch look tiny and giving you no option but to snuggle up closely to him.
"Argh!" You scream at another jump scare, throwing yourself into Thor's side and hiding your face into his chest. Wow does he always smell this good? You sneaked a peek at him through your eyelashes and found him contently watching you, making your stomach flip when you look into his deep, blue eyes.
You move away from him, trying to put as much distance between you as you can on this small couch. Your thighs are still touching and you can feel physical sparks from the contact, Thor smirks at you when he realises what you're doing.
"Y/N - "
"Nope, stop" you cut him off, knowing he's going to say something that's going to melt your heart and make you lose all your restraint.
"But - " He continues.
"Shh" you say pointing at the screen in front of you, pretending to watch but you can't stop your mind from racing. He's your best friend, you can't feel this way? Can you?
He puts his big hand on your thigh, shocking you when it makes your heart stop. You look down, staring at it, unsure of what to say. You can see he's watching you, more than he's watching the movie and it makes you squirm in your spot.
Oh fuck, why is he looking at me like that? Your heart is racing so fast.
From the corner of your eye, you can see he's moved so he's facing you and he's now making his way towards you.
"What are you - " his lips make contact with yours, stopping you mid-sentence, pushing you back so your laid on your couch and he's hovering above you.
"Thor I said no rom -"
"Just shut up for once, will you?" Oh fuck me! Your pussy clenches. You're weak, so fucking weak. You release a inhuman noise, somewhere between a whine and moan and it stirs an animalistic nature in Thor. You can actually see the switch in his eyes as they swirl with hunger.
"Open your legs" yes fucking sir! You do as you're told and he settles himself in-between them, eating you up with his eyes.
"Thor - "
"Seriously, shh. You've been such a brat all day and then I find you wearing this, I can't take much more" his words and deep tone of voice make you welp. He smiles darkly, knowing what he's doing to you. Is this really the Thor you know?
What have you created? Whatever it is, you fucking want it!
"Take off your trousers - " you start peeling them down immediately but he stops your hands midway " - No. slowly" he groans. Oh fuck!
Thor bites his bottom lip and groans loudly when he sees your black, lacey panties. Unable to keep up the slow pace, he hungrily grasps your mound in the palm of his hand.
"Mmm, so wet" he smirks. How is this even happening?
"Wait, Thor - " you stop him, just before he pulled down your panties, his fingers hooked into either side.
"What now?" He sighs, exasperated.
"Only one rule -" he cuts you off, too eager to get started.
"Yes, yes, yes. No romance, I get it. I can fuck you without being romantic" he says gruffly. oh my dear fucking lord! Yes please! He rips your panties as he's pulling them down and flings them off to the side with a grunt, his strength and eagerness betraying him.
He kneels up inbetween your thighs, circling your clit with his thumb while he watches you intently, squirming beneath him. When he sees your stomach clench, he stops rubbing, making you moan loudly.
"If you don't like it, then why are you moaning?" He whispers into your ear. Oh god! You want to grab him but he's pinning you in place with his thick thighs.
"I didn't say I didnt like - " he didn't wait for you to finish before he buried his face between your legs " - ah fuck Thor" lapping at your wetness with his thick fucking tongue. Your body jerks as he repeatedly circles your clit with the tip of his tongue. It's truly agonisingly pleasurable, desperately pushing yourself up into his mouth.
"Fuck, you taste so fucking good" he says stopping to look up at you, his mouth glistening with your juices before he dives straight back in, making you writhe and moan.
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"Oh god Thor, I can't take anymore" you scream as your legs begin shaking uncontrollably and your body turns ridgid as you gush all over his mouth.
"Mmm" he says while still pressing his lips to you, the sound vibrating your already swollen, aching clit making you release another orgasm. You still haven't recovered from the first and the whole room spins around you as you come down from the high, a ringing reverberating in your ears. Thor still sucking your clit into his mouth while his tongue flicks up and down relentlessly.
"I can't... Ah fuck. Pleaseee" you plead, unable to take much more of the unforgiving pleasure coursing through your core.
He moves his mouth away but replaces his lips with his thick fingers, so you only have seconds to breathe before your holding your breath again. Desperately grasping at the sofa cushions to brace yourself.
"Tell me" he says breathlessly, his hair tousled from your fingers.
"I... I -" you can't speak, you don't even know what day it is. Locked in a neverending loop of pure hedonism.
"I won't stop until you tell me what you want" he curls his fingers up to meet your spot, gazing in your eyes as he continually finger bangs you until you're gushing over his fingers. Melting into the couch with the euphoric rapture of yet another orgasm. Mewling beneath him as you unspeakably beg him for his cock without actually being able to speak out loud.
"Fuck... Me" you force out between breaths making him smile wickedly. All you can do is lay there and watch as he pulls his trousers over his cheeks, just until his cock is free. Before you can even take in the sight of his huge cock, he's slamming you into oblivion.
You instinctively wrap your legs around his back, pushing him impossibly deeper into you, with your feet. You watch his face screw as your walls clamp around his cock like a vice, groaning in your ear as he slams into you over and over again.
You've never felt pleasure like this before, the whole thing has felt like one giant orgasm from start to finish. You don't ever want it to end, his narcotic power over you. The way he can make you feel like a goddess but weak at the same time.
You roll your hips, bringing them up to meet his thrusts at a unbelievable pace. You can feel the gripping sensation rising through your veins again as you come harder than ever before, screaming at the same time. Thor looks at you, checking you're ok before he carries on the onslaught. You're an absolute quivering wreck and you don't know how you can take much more without shattering into a million pieces.
"You good?" He whispers in your ear, slowing down the pace ever so slightly.
"Hmm, kiss me." he smiles before kissing you tenderly, opening your mouth with his lips so he can find your tongue. You hold on to his back while he fucks you gently, a much softer, forgiving pace.
"I thought you said no romance?" You feel him smile on your lips, while you roll your hips into his, matching his pace.
He moves the hair from your face and holds your head in his hands, his forehead resting on yours.
"Look at me" he continues thrusting in to you while you gaze into each others eyes. The look of lust you see there, making your orgasm build again. You can feel his cock twitching when he's almost ready, grunting with the last of his thrusts. You can feel the power of his come as he pumps into you, then falls limply on your chest. You're both panting loudly as you wait for your climaxes to pass, your chests rising and falling so fast. He rests himself between your legs, trying not to put all of his weight on to you, waiting for you to recover in a comfortable silence.
"Well that escalated quickly" you say, laughing nervously, hoping that this wasn't going to make things awkward between you now.
"I'm not finished with you yet" or maybe it's just the start of a whole new relationship dynamic, one you were more than happy to pursue after that performance.
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gege · 3 years
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES: When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
I was tagged by Pat @aheartfullofjolllly for this yaoyang valentines day video (I may also do the gifset one too, I’ve deleted everything though with that set, so i’ll have to try and recreate it if I do).
I have the episodes saved on a hard drive so I didnt need a screen recorder, and I used Adobe Premier Rush 1.5. If I had more time I would’ve used Premier Pro because I need the practice, but because I don’t have to find a tutorial for every step find premier rush more intuitive I stuck with that! I used 4k video downloader to extract the mp3 from a youtube video.
1. Planning
There was no plan. I got this heads up the day before valentines day
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and before I realised I had already opened the software.
2. Creation
I started by skimming through the episodes to find any scenes of them and imported the episode to premier rush
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Then trimming the frames I wanted to keep and deleting the rest while trying to think of a song to use. Rinse and repeat with many episodes.
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After collecting lots of clips, I needed to know how much footage I was going to need to match up with the song length. At this point I muted the sound on the clips so it wouldn’t be heard with the music.
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After importing the mp3 and trimming down to the part I wanted, it was just a case of dragging the scene order around and changing the speed of each clip until it kind of matched up with the song.
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If you wanted to get fancy, this is where you could choose different transitions to use/colouring/overlays etc but I didn’t have much time for that their love is so pure they don’t need fancy effects. To export, go to share and choose what settings you want. And that’s it!
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3. Posting
I always, always save to drafts from my pc and check on my phone before posting anything now. I may even plug my laptop into my tv to check colouring on there too. It’s usually wildly different on each of my devices, but as long as it looks okay on all 3, then I’m happy. I used this text gradient maker, and copy the code to notepad first. Ctrl+H brings up the replacer (on pc), I change every instance of ‘color:#’ to ‘color: #’ (adding a space) and find every semi-colon and remove it. Copy the new code into html post editor, check the preview to see if it worked, add my tags and post. I don’t wait for a specific time to post things, when it’s done, it gets posted!
Since so many have already been tagged I’m having trouble with this next part. I’ve also been tagged for a gifset, so I’ll leave the tagging for that post. If anyone wants to be tagged for this, don’t be shy, let me know and I’ll tag you on my next post! Please don’t be shy you will be helping me out!
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cupidko · 4 years
this is a little delayed but thats all okay❣️ tagged by @jaenmoreau and on valentines day too! love this for us
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
name: courtney
nickname: . all i can say is do not call me court . not a fan
zodiac sign: sun leo, rising aquarius, moon virgo
height: 166cm
languages: english only :/ sad
nationality: australian !! if u didnt see my bushfire posts, where were u
favourite season: summer baby ! minus, of course, the new and worse than ever fire season
favourite flower: right now its proteas ..any type i think
favourite scent: citrus, peach, raspberry, fire smoke, damp bush, vanilla, & lavender
favourite colour: pink! all shades, no peaches or roses left behind
favourite animal: cats . every cat. big, small , others. just fuckin .. a great species
favourite fictional characters: ronan (shocker), neil, gansey, howl, blue, baz, sophie, renee, etc etc etc etc
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate unless iced tea is in the room
average sleep hours: 6-7 😐 in fact i should be sleeping right now
dog or cat person: [refer to answer 11]
number of blankets u sleep with: 1 unless its winter then 1000
dream trip: oh fuck yes, i want to go to new zealand, maybe hike, maybe roadtrip around a bit, stand on the edge of a mountainous cliff overlooking the rough seas, but more than anything i wanna see the first sunrise in the world of the day in a hot air balloon . thats my fuckin dream. otherwise, of course europe..omg eating a macaron in france ,,,,,,,hold on
followers: um ? 250. random guess
blog established: late 2014 but i Have rebranded.. my spencer smith tags still linger though
random fact: i make little checklists in my head of things ill eventually achieve, like getting a big almond croissant from a bakery (done, as of last week). im realising how many of them are food related only now
tagging: if u think i even follow 20 people ....i dont :/ :( if u always see me in ur notifs this is why . . yes, ill admit, its very sad . going through rebrandings takes it out of u but i set an intention to make friends i cant finish writing the sentence im falling asleep goodnight 🤢🖤
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I said I can make this post and I’m a woman of my word so here it is. Honestly, I wasnt going to say anything about Alec’s ending and why that’s total nonsense but Dis the Time for Pettiness(TM) and also Trying to Find the Logic in This Mess(TM).
Under the cut for an extremely unfavourable view of Alec’s character.
So Alec becoming Inquisitor and being credited as the one that’s changing the Clave is... not ideal, shall we say, given how little Alec has actually done to deserve this praise. Let’s look at those things.
Firstly though, I want to clarify something - I’m talking only about the SH’s racism and anti-DW prejudices and not about homophobia within the SH society because the show has completely and utterly failed to portray any. There are no examples of characters being homophobic towards Alec (or anyone really), only shadowhunters being their usual asshole anti-DW selves (taking after their angel daddy apparently).
So what has Alec done to improve SH/DW relations so far? 1) Stood up to Imogen about the tracking chips and 2) Started the cabinet meetings. That’s it. Like literally. People rave constantly about how amazing Alec is and what a great leader and how he’s changing things and making progress and like... it’s cool if you wanna headcanon these things but the fact of the matter is, we saw almost none (and I’m being generous by saying almost tbh) of it in the actual canon of the show. No implications or hints that Alec was even doing anythng off screen or behind the scenes or anything.
1) was good. I’ll give him that. The aftermath with Magnus was... not good but this is not about that.
2) The cabinet meetings. Good idea. Terrible execution. The big thing is, of course, after Alec fucks up with the SS he never tries to restart the meetings again or to make up for his “mistake” and gain the other DW leaders’ trust again. It’s just completely dropped and what’s worse, the two times it is mentioned in s03? It’s a lie Alec tells Lorenzo - a DW representative - to get him to agree to a meeting so he can then manipulate and blackmail Lorenzo into helping Alec - a shadowhunter - with his personal problems.
The cabinet meetings are a bust. Alec’s promise of transperancy and compromise means nothing. At the first challenge from the Clave Alec falls right back into step and does so without any remorse even when he has to look Magnus in the eye and lie to him because he thinks Magnus shouldnt know about a weapon of mass destruction against his people and himself. And he never takes a step away again.
S03 comes and not only do we forget about the meetings, as I said, we have multiple instances of Alec using his position as a shadowhunter, as a member of the Clave to get DWs to do what he wants - namely Lorenzo (and no, the fact that Lorenzo was an ass to Magnus doesnt make Alec right).
He acts like he’s doing some huge favour to Maia by not arresting her for killing Heidi although Maia was completely within her rights and shows no compassion or understanding for her situation. The look on his face that entire scene screams how unhappy he is about having to let her go on a technicality.
Alec also does the same thing with Luke in s02 when he lets him go after attacking Valentine not because he sympathizes or anything but because he wants to look good in  front of the other leaders.
He’s completely unsupportive of Isabelle’s attempts to look into Heavenly Fire and has no desire to actually investigate these rumours. The first time she brings it up he acts like the Clave doesnt even know the meaning of the word torture even though he himself is a first-hand witness to the opposite.
The second time she brings it up with Jia, Alec makes an annoyed face (or rolls his eyes, I cant remember exactly) and it’s clear he had absolutely no intention of asking Jia himself.
The third time Isabelle is about to go meet that Clave guard he only goes with her not because he actually cares about potential DWs being tortured but because Magnus tells him about Isabelle and Simon’s situation and he’s worries she might relapse.
The fourth time Isabelle brings it up he immediately cuts her off and goes “what did mom say about this” showing once again that he himself had no intention of actually doing anything and was perfectly content to listen to Maryse and stay out of it.
This goes all the way to the literal last episode where he once again tries to blackmail Lorenzo into helping by leveraging what he did for Lorenzo as if that was some huge favour and not the decent and right thing to do.
And the writers want me to believe that this guy became Inquisitor and changed the Clave within a year? This guy wanted to have his wedding at the Institute to “send a message”?
There s many other things that I’m not even mentioning but this got long enough and I think I got my point across as to why Alec as a character doesnt work for me and why his ending feels a lot like the writers patting themselves on the back for a job they didnt actually do.
Let me go back to the point about Imogen for a second.
Alec realising thanks to his connection to Magnus that what Imogen was doing wasnt ok and telling her so and fighting for the right thing was what we should have seen more of. That’s what his character development should have been about. Getting to see the other side, connecting with DWs, with Magnus as his doorway into this new world and realising that hey, the Clave might just be full of shit and that aint cool. Breaking away, trying to be better, trying to get others to be better, facing the consequences of his choices and sticking to them because it’s the Right Thing(TM) and because the love of his life is a DW and Alec will not see him or his people treated poorly any longer.
That’s what would have sold his character to me. That’s what would have made him a compelling character and a good boyfriend worthy of someone as amazing as Magnus Bane. That’s what I wanted to see from him That’s what he could have been. He could have earned his place as Inquisitor. He could have truly made a difference beyond a forced scene with Underhill once a season. He could have been amazing. But he’s not. Not for me anyway. And it saddens me as much as it angers me because show!Alec had incredible potential and it was all wasted.
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City of Bones Thoughts
So full disclosure, I came into this with hella low expectations and prepared for the worst thing I’ve ever read basically. Many of that is because of the comments I’ve seen from other people and if I’m being completely honest? I disagree with about 90% of the things I’ve seen them say about this book. So there’s that. My thoughts in no particular order are below, I’ll try to keep it brief since otherwise it’s gonna get sooo long (my notes ended up being 14 pages which I debated whether I should just post them or not but decided to just give a summed up version instead).
Overall, I enjoyed this book a whole lot more than I ever thought I would and I love that. I absolutely loved many things from world-building elements to character interactions and conflicts and resolutions and I’m definitely looking forward to the next ones.
1) I like the writing style; one thing I’ve always liked about CC’s books is that it’s easy to read them because the writing isnt some pretentious attempt at sounding smart, it’s simple and easy to understand and I very much enjoy that. And it’s actually a bit better than TID? which I didnt expect but in TID there were a lot - and I mean a lot - of repetitions and the same descriptions used a million times in like a page-two pages max which was kind of annoying and I thought it would be the same here but it wasnt which again, I enjoyed very much.
2) I like the basic idea of the plot, there was nothing super shocking about it, of course, since I’ve already watched the show but I like the idea of the whole hidden world, angels vs demons, warlocks, magic, vampires and werewolves and all that; I’ve said before and I’ll say again, one of my favourite - if not the favourite - things about these series is the universe that it created. It has some of my all time favourite tropes and world-building elements and it’s the first thing I fell in love with.
3) I like Hodge being the guy backstabbing the heroes and the foreshadowing of that; it was subtle enough that if I didnt know I wouldnt immediately realise it but if I reread the book or read it already knowing what he’ll do it’s super fun to pick up on the little clues.
4) I loved that we actually got a resolution to the Clary/Alec conflict - and a satisfactory one at that! I absolutely didnt expect there to be one but I adore that their big fight was properly addressed and they both handled it in a mature responsible way.
5) Speaking of the big fight - one of my favourite scenes of the book! And one of the things I strongly disgaree that it was So PrObLeMaTiC; I mean yes, both of them were wrong to act the way they did, absolutely, but like people arent always fucking perfect? Sometimes they do bad things, they lash out and hurt other people in a moment of high emotions, etc. It doesnt make them terrible people forever more (especially if they apologize and realise their mistakes, which both  Clary and Alec did). So in that repsect I fucking loved that scene - it was emotional, it was ugly but incredibly true to both characters and what they’ve been bottling up since the start of the story. And like I said, it had an actual resolution which makes it even better.
6) Another favourite scene - MAGNUS (is anyone surprised anymore). Every time Magnus was in a scene or was mentioned I might have definitely screamed. It be my brand. The scene where the gang goes to him for help is just amazing - everything about it; some many things going on, Magnus’s reluctance to help shadowhunters vs his fondness for Clary, Jace trying to blackmail him with the treath of the Clave like a typical shadowhunter, Alec’s quiet observations of Magnus and how he was the first and only one to not get upset with him and to assure him his past isnt his fault (also speaking of that, if Magnus shared his past with his step-father in this scene then doesnt that create a slight plot hole with TRSOM where he shares the same story with Alec? Although I assumed this was the first time Alec was hearing it but I dont think anything indicated this int he scene itself? Also Magnus was very brief here and didnt go into details so that could also be a reason). Magnus’s struggle to express to Clary that different doesnt always mean better and also how upset he got with the implication that he might have done something to “break” her when all he’s ever wanted was to help - I love him so damn much. Also I love love how utterly unimpressed he is with shadowhunters still and how badass bossy he is and how he still managed to slip in some knock-downs on the Clave and shadowhunters by reminding Clary she isnt better than the rest of them.
7) “Keep it in your pants, shadowhunter” only a true King(TM) can open his introduction scene like this.
Also “Not for free, darling, and you cant afford me” -  BEST LINE OF THE WHOLE BOOK
8) Magnus throwing a birthday party for his cat - ❤️❤️❤️
9) Another scene I love and I think it did a great job of setting up both characters is the convo bw Alec and Isabelle while Clary is unconscious - I made a seperate post just about that because I liked it that much but basically I love that we see Isabelle being rather judgemental while Alec - the gay shadowhunter living in a unaccepting society is the one that seems to be missing that quality and comes to the defence of people more often than not.
10) Speaking of Alec, I really really like him so far; he’s sweet and clever and sarcastic in a different way than Jace and apparently has the one brain cell of the whole Institute 99% of the time (the other 1% is when  Church has it) which is just a perfect recipe for a favourite character in my dictionary. I hope I keep liking him because after three seasons of wanting to punch show!Alec in the face, I really need this. Another agrument I disagree with comes with Alec’s fighting skills and people saying CC made her gay character deliberately weak... but like the narrative explicitly points out several times that Alec hasnt killed a demon yet not because he’s weak but because he focused on watching Jace and Izzy’s backs and using more defensive tactics rather than offensive. And then in the fight with Abbadon all of them are shown to be shaking in fear and basically useless against the demon, not only Alec. Jace - the golden hero - cant do anything either so I fail to see this as a slight against Alec. The fact that Isabelle and Jace arent dead yet should be proof enough that Alec is good at his job.
11) people getting called out for doing/saying shitty things at various points - I love that song
12) there’s a lot more self-awareness than I originally anticipated.
13) “You need to know someone to love them” - book!Alec be speaking from my soul
14) I liked rat!Simon 100% more than human!Simon and that should tell you all you need to know about my feelings about him.
15) the finale scene between Clary, Luke, Jace and Valentine - I loved that. Although I knew what would happen it still gripped me in a way I didnt expect and I was practically on the edge of my seat. The way Jace struggled with his feeling for his father, Clary trying to break him out of it, Luke and Valentine facing off - there was so much emotion going on and characters pushing each other and interacting in meaningful ways and arh, I loved it.
16) Jace’s portrayl as an abuse victim makes so much sense like every word and action makes sense given his backstory and it really makes me feel for him... except that one scene where he manipulates Alec into coming with them when he didnt want to by hitting on his insecurities. That was one thing I wished had also been addressed in the end.
17) Things I didnt enjoy - the girl hate between Clary and Isabelle and Simon’s nice guy bullshit. Both can kindly fuck off. Those are probably my biggest complains in this book which I hope with that ending we’re going to fix at least the first issue.
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