#Hyde: I hate kids! Can’t stand them!
thedarkone121 · 2 months
You know, I just realized that giving my OC Anne-Marie eyes that were similar in color to Hyde before her accident leads to a whole conspiracy theory by Rachel and the Lodgers that she is Hyde’s biological daughter, and I am brimming with the idea 😈
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localgremlinboy · 2 years
some more silly rogues’ headcannons I thought of! Thank you everyone for the validation on the last ones, it made me smile! :D
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6]
- they all have a Minecraft server together that's utter madness! Riddler has perfected redstone and he makes puzzle riddle traps in game, it drives Joker INSANE. Ivy goes around planting giant trees and flowers without asking. And Bane has a nice little house and no one dares ruin it, it brings him so much joy.
- Scarecrow always has chapstick on him, it's mango flavored
- Riddler has a tamagotchi, he will cry if it dies. If you're the goon that has to watch it while he's in Arkham, be scared.
- Harvey still posts on his Twitter, Twoface has an invite only after dark account. He just reposts memes everyone else has already seen and overshares random personal information and middle school level poetry. Also Harvey & Twoface are currently in a four year long tweet war about an episode of Law and order
- Out of all the rogues, Joker owns the most shoes. He has a storage unit full of racks of different tailored costumes, shoes, and makeup. He wears an expensive french brand of makeup he has to ship to Gotham, and he doesn't do any crimes without wearing his lucky lipstick brand
- Scarecrow loves animal crossing, his island is decked out and Halloween themed. He hosts parties with the rogues on his island
- Riddler set up a VPN & free cable/wifi for all the rogues to use so they can stream whatever, but you have to answer a riddle to get the password. Joker hates it but he also needs to watch the new criminal minds reboot before Harley spoils it
- one time during a party, the rogues managed to convince a very drunk Harvey & Twoface to sing/reinact songs from phantom of the opera and later jekyll and hyde (Twoface is emotionally a theater kid)
- Harley and Twoface get really into murder podcasts together one time while in Arkham. Even after they all break out, they video call after new episodes drop to talk about it. One time they tried to do a podcast but it turned out Joker did the crime so like it wasn't much of a plot twist
- Harley streams her crimes sometimes & actually makes some sick side cash off it! Half the time her chat is just obsessing over her interactions with Ivy. Also Ivy is one of her top donors
- Catwoman is TikTok famous, she posts story times, how to do simple parkour and pick locks, and hauls from crimes. All of her money from sponsorships and stuff goes to charity (she gets sent a bunch of free cat food for her cats, it's awesome!)
- Joker scrapbooks, he did it for a gag originally but low key got into it and now he may or may not have a scrapbooking room. He tries to go to Michael’s incognito but like, everyone knows.. The employees are like “yo, the Joker is at the help desk asking about if we have batman scrapbooking decals? Do.. Do I ask if he wants to sign up for the rewards program? Is he allowed to sign up?” Yes he signed up for the rewards program
- Joker also often signs up for various rewards programs but when he doesn’t want their emails, he gives them scarecrow’s email. Scarecrow has a bounty for whoever stops the man signing up ALL his emails for the Chilies newsletter
- the rogues throw Harley a roller skating lasertag party, where they also learn Harvey can't skate to save his life. He's the dedicated party mom that's standing at the railing about to fall down while he cheers on the others doing tricks and he's in charge of everyone's coat at the table. Joker uses all of his tickets to buy bouncy balls and sticky hands. Catwoman is a god at laser tag, she nearly gave Scarecrow a heart attack when she dropped form the vents to snip him. At the end of the party, they all steal Harley the go kart that's worth like 10,000 tickets. Batman shows up to Harley doing donuts in the parking lot while all the other villains are fighting with sticky hands and bouncy balls
- Bane likes camping and takes all the rogues in hopes to get camping buddies, they all almost die out in the woods because it's a disaster but also he had a great time! The Joker brings a camera and the whole time is making dated Blair Witch jokes with Scarecrow, which Harvey doesn't find funny and not because he's scared of the Blair witch.. Riddler screams running off into the woods because of a bee "chasing" him, no one sees him until three weeks later when they remember that they forgot him in the woods. Clayface uses a survivalist persona/character the whole time they're out there but he knows nothing about survivalism, eating poisonous berries and telling them poison ivy is a healing herb. Ivy is probably the only one suited for camping and she has to make sure most of them don't die
- Harley collects pins! She has a pin board in her hideout. The other rogues give her pins they find/obtain around Gotham
- The Joker has spent 3 years trying to perfect confetti smoke bombs
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gwaeddblaidd · 11 months
Feed the Wolf Chapter 6: Colours (Excerpt)
“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you,” he says almost excitedly, prompting me to turn back to face him. “A little birdie told me the Nightshades are meeting tonight.”
He stands from his chair and walks a few steps towards me. As he does he grows taller and just a little squarer at the shoulders, his arms and legs becoming longer and his clothes adjusting seemingly by themselves to conform to his new body type. His hair grows longer and his face becomes almost blurry, his features indistinct. He appears human, yes, but my eyes can’t seem to focus on his face. It only lasts a moment, though, before suddenly everything becomes clear once again. His face has changed. His cheekbones are a little higher, his brow more pronounced, his nose ever-so-slightly crooked and his jawline bearing the slightest hint of a stubble. I hate it when he does this.
“Want me to listen in for you?” he asks, sweeping his now longer fringe from his face and to the side. The red skin on his knuckles catches my eye, letting me know that he did indeed notice the state of my hands this past week, despite him not mentioning it.
I stare at the reflection of myself, feeling just as uncomfortable as ever seeing him in this state. Back when I first started at Nevermore, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I heard I’d be boarding with a shapeshifter, but I definitely didn’t anticipate a roommate that would learn to mimic my every feature within a day of meeting me. I try my best not to let my discomfort show. I’m not giving him that satisfaction.
“I didn’t get an invite,” I say, sounding almost offended. Of course, I haven’t been invited to any of their gatherings since halfway through second year, if I remember correctly. Still, they never officially kicked me out…
My father was a Nightshade during his time at Nevermore; there’s a picture of him and my aunt up on the wall of their library somewhere. He told me about the secret society when I was young, but I never really realised the importance of the information until he was gone. I retained certain important details – how to get into the library, the existence of a safe behind the portrait of Ignatius Itt – but things like ‘how to join’ evaded me. Still, getting in by myself and proving myself a legacy was enough to convince the Nightshades to allow me to pledge. Looking back, I can’t believe how careless I was in revealing who my father was; it’s a good thing no one there recognised him or my aunt as Hydes. It didn’t take long for me to become disappointed by the group, though. It was clear after just a few gatherings that the once prestigious society had fallen so very far, becoming little more than an elitist social club full of spoiled rich kids. I stopped attending their meetings upon that realisation.
“Do you ever?” Alex asks, bringing me back to the present. “If you did, I wouldn’t have to keep my ear to the ground about this stuff.”
“It’s not as great as it’s made out to be,” I say in return. The group may be secretive, but they honestly don’t offer all that much beyond overly-serious meetings about trivial matters and the occasional private party. 
“Speak for yourself!” Alex exclaims. “I for one have greatly enjoyed the gatherings I’ve attended.”
I hesitate before speaking, my mind taking a moment to understand the implication. “Alex… Please don’t tell me you’ve been going to more of them without asking me first.”
He stiffens slightly, his eyes widening just a little as he stifles a reaction. That’s a yes, then.
“At least tell me you weren’t too… out of character.” My mind runs through so many possibilities. “I don’t need more people angry at me for reasons I don’t understand.”
“Oh no! Nothing like that!” His reassurance does little to lessen my concern. “Some of them might just think you’re… Well, let’s just say that Nightshade you is a bit less depressed, y’know?”
“Oh, well that’s fine then,” I say sarcastically. “I’m a Hyde anyway, so why not add mood swings to my repertoire?”
“Come on, it’s not that bad. You never go anyway, and you’re not exactly friends with any of them.” He crosses his arms defensively, betraying his knowing that what he did was wrong. “I needed stories, alright? How else is my blog meant to compete with Enid’s?”
It’s always about the blog… I guess that could probably be one of the reasons I stopped getting invites. I mean, me not showing up is reason enough to stop asking me to come, but it’s public knowledge that Alex and I are roommates. If someone was leaking information from Nightshade meetings, I’d obviously be the most likely suspect.
I sigh wearily. “Well, to answer your question: no, I don’t want you to listen in on the meeting.”
In the blink of an eye, his disguise fades and he becomes himself again. He doesn’t hide his disappointment. “Fine.”
“I might go myself, though. Tell me, when is the meeting?”
He looks shocked at that, his disappointment quickly giving way to something close to fear. “Nine o’clock,” he blurts out. “But if you’re really going to go, perhaps we should discuss your persona.”
“My persona?” I don’t like where this is going.
“Yeah, there’s a few things you should be aware of. Gotta keep consistent, right?”
I find myself pinching the bridge of my nose, the beginnings of a headache creeping up on me. It’s bad enough that Alex has been impersonating me without my consent, but for him to be doing so badly? I shouldn’t have to alter my behaviour to make up for his mistakes. Why do I even want to go to the meeting? Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe my newfound positive outlook has me more willing to engage with others, or maybe seeing so many others preparing for evening activities has me searching for a distraction of my own. Or, maybe the relatively impromptu nature of this meeting has me intrigued. Most Nightshade meetings follow a regular schedule – once every fortnight on the weekend – but this doesn’t fit that schedule. It’s probably nothing of note, but I’d regret missing out if I’m wrong.
I breathe out slowly and steadily, recentering myself in preparation for what I’m sure is about to be a painful briefing. I look at Alex for a moment then drop my gaze, shaking my head along with a slight chuckle. No use in being annoyed, if I have a choice in the matter. I raise my head to offer him my full attention along with a tired, conceding smile.
“Fine. What do I need to know?”
Title: Feed the Wolf
Fandom: Wednesday
Rating: T
Chapters: 7 of 12
Links: AO3, FF.net
Summary: As the dust settles on the Hyde incident, Nevermore is slowly but surely returning to a calmer, safer state. But for those involved, the scars may take a while longer to fully heal. Gelert Davies, a half-werewolf student, has always kept himself out of trouble as best he could, but a chance encounter will test his resolve and force him to face parts of himself long abandoned.
Tags: Enid Sinclair, Wednesday Addams, Original Character(s), Enid Sinclair/Original Male Character(s), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Wolf Instincts, Loss of Control, Injury Recovery, Self-Hatred, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Courting Rituals, Werewolf Courting, Werewolf Culture, Eventual Romance, Family Issues, POV First Person
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day! :)
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theliterateape · 1 year
Bullies Are a Crucial Part of Our Development
by Don Hall
One of the interesting pieces of information from the Free Press podcast The Witch Trials of JK Rowling is early on when Rowling, long before being branded a TERF and attacked en masse by the bizarre misogyny of the trans activists online, joins an early chat room for fans of her books.
She joins anonymously. She discovers that these young fans of her books that espouse the horrors of bullying and exclusionary behavior are bullies within their own ranks. If someone joins as a newbie and doesn't quite know the specifics of the books, they are shamed out of the chat room as posers or false fans. Ask the wrong question, get the order of the houses wrong, and the piranhas came out to tear bone from flesh in a digital sense.
"I got teased my entire school life. What they were picking on I don't even understand. It was my skin color. Then when I got older, it was about my breasts." — Rihanna
"Being teased for being ugly, having a big nose, being annoying.'Your laugh is funny, you're weird, why do you always sing, why are you so into theater, why do you do your make-up like that?'
"I used to be called a slut, be called this, be called that, I didn't even want to go to school sometimes." — Lady Gaga
Comedian Chris Rock calls being bullied "the defining moment of my life. . . it made me who I am." He told BET in 2014 that his experience as the only Black kid in his grade "for most of the time" contributed to the abuse. On Inside the Actor's Studio in 2007, Rock thanked the boys that “kicked my ass, spit in my face, and kicked me down the stairs” for making him the man he is today. He doesn't specifically thanks the kids who threw "water balloons with poo" at him, but that happened, too. He later turned his experiences into the sitcom Everybody Hates Chris, which he says is all true: "I got beat up just about every day. I got called [the word that can't even written out it's so reviled but starts with an 'n' so now you just said it in your head] every single day."
"I was bullied quite a lot when I was growing up in my Peking Opera School. I allowed myself to be bullied because I was scared and didn't know how to defend myself. I was bullied until I prevented a new student from being bullied. By standing up for him, I learned to stand up for myself." — Jackie Chan
What we fail to recognize (or admit) is that we are all bullies depending on the circumstances and our personal rationale of righteousness. To be human is to use whatever power you can gather to put down your perceived enemies. The more enemies you see, the greater potential you will unlock that bully superpower and reign hell upon as many of them as possible.
The reason Robert Louis Stevenson's Jekyll/Hyde tale (or Stan Lee's Hulk take on the same story) resonates is that each of us knows intuitively that we have that Hyde part of our brains. Like poverty, wherein it would only take two or three bad decisions to lead most of us to be living inside a box under an overpass, the inner cruelty within each one of us only takes two or three misfortunes to lead us into joining a mob to destroy someone we hate or, like Michael Douglas in Falling Down, find ourselves too far down the Hyde road to ever turn back.
When I was a kid the only thing worse than being bullied was tattling on the bully—seeking authority to deal with the problem. Appealing to a teacher was an admission of weakness.
Given that I was the perpetual new kid at every school I attended until eighth grade, there was always that kid for whom I felt a burning envy. It was the cool kid. The kid with a lot of friends who could hold court. The kid with a really cute girlfriend. The kid with newer clothes and better shoes.
When we landed in Peoria, AZ, there was a huge presence in our neighborhood of Cub Scouts. I used to troll around my neighborhood and beat up Cub Scouts regularly.
It wasn’t that I hated the Scouts. I admired them. I wanted to be them. They were a group to which I couldn’t belong because, in order to be a Cub Scout, your mom had to be able to buy you the required uniform. No uniform, no admission to the club. They would gather together in those uniforms and laugh and do activities together. They compared merit badges and were thrilled when someone received a new one.
At the time my mother was working several jobs and had had her only vehicle repossessed by her ex-husband. She wouldn’t allow us to refer to our tiny family of three as poor. We were broke but never poor, she would tell my sister and I. But the sting of exclusion due solely because of our brokeness felt bad. It felt unfair, unjust. This exclusion pissed me off in ways I was unprepared to understand.
So I used to walk around the neighborhood and start fights with Cub Scouts. Sometimes there were a couple together and my unbound rage would still pick the fight and I’d come home beaten but not deterred. More often than not, I’d encounter one of them blithely headed home or to school or to a Cub Scout meeting and just beat the living shit out of this blameless kid whose parents had the cash to shell out for something beyond my reach.
It was the poison of envy, the venomous result of jealousy, the baneful consequence of comparison.
I can only imagine what a horror it must be to be a chubby kid looking at countless pictures of bodies in better shape, lit for maximum appeal, on beaches, and in forests. Beautiful, thin people enjoying a hunk of cheese in Paris or a plate of pasta in Rome. As if advertising wasn't a noxious enough monster, social media is designed to foment envy.
I've told the story of beating up Cub Scouts onstage and the resulting opinion is usually that I was a real cunt as a kid. That pummeling other kids because their parents had more money than my mother was the move of a true cocksucker, a jackass of nearly epic proportions. "Maybe you shouldn't tell that story," mentioned the producer of The Moth. "It makes you seem like such a bully."
He was right. It does.
Bullies exist for a myriad of reasons but our response to them is the lockstep of self improvement. Without those bullies, we don't learn in our bones to stand up for ourselves, to refine our sense of right and wrong, to build the emotional muscle to handle the pressure.
Why decide to improve yourself when you can go online and shit all over anyone with a Cub Scout uniform? Who has the time to drop a few pounds, get a haircut, learn something new, create something unique when you're spending five or six hours a day looking at people you deem better than you in comparison and deserving of some sort of punishment for no other reason than your butt-hurt feelings?
I was a bitter little asshole beating up those whom I suffered in comparison. I allowed, at eight years old, my station in life to determine a path of feeling that life was just so goddamned unfair that I would let my unrestrained anger at those I deemed culpable for the injustice run wild. At the time I was told by school counselors and my beleaguered mother that it was simply unacceptable that I take out my malevolence upon kids with (what I saw as) rich parents. I was told and ultimately taught to channel that anger into bettering my situation, taking responsibility for my station in life, and leaving the other kids alone.
I was taught that those who let poverty and deprivation define them would always feel maligned by life and that there would always be people who had more than I did. Learn to make the most of what you have rather than punish those with more. Poverty was not a liability but merely an obstacle to circumvent and that rage was like taking a hammer to a wall that couldn’t be broken, only climbed over.
As I grew older, I held onto these lessons yet I still had the anger.
By the time I got to seventh grade my sense of injustice became a bit more refined, though it still resembled a bludgeon rather than a scalpel. I found in my tendency to be a genuine smartass to a group of Latino kids who decided the band nerd with the big mouth was deserving of his own beat down. One fall day, when Victor Rodriguez (who was a small seventh grader but who held great influence on a grouping of much larger boys) was terrorizing a couple of other band kids, I crudely made fun of his size.
Later that day, two of his bigger comrades beat me in the hallway and, in a bizarre stereotype of a nerd versus bullies scenario, stuffed me in my locker. I cried for help for twenty minutes until a teacher let me out.
Thus began a months-long campaign between Victor and his allies to find opportunities to beat me up routinely. Every week I came home with another injury and every week my poor mother was furious. She went to the vice principal a number of times to complain but he was already so overloaded with similar situations, mine became just one more skirmish on the pile.
He often explained that Victor came from a broken home and that his mother was working several jobs. His brother was in prison and he was “acting out” as if this all comprised a solid excuse for he and his buddies pummeling me. My mother never explained that she was divorced, also working several jobs, and that I wasn’t beating anyone up (anymore...). I had, apparently, learned some sort of lesson from my days as the Cub Scout Bully and my mom was not in the habit of making excuses for me. She was raised by a man who told her “Even a good excuse is still just a fucking excuse.”
One day, Victor and his gang chased me home from school and I ran into the house. Mom was so angry, she chased the boys away in her nightgown, brandishing a chrome vacuum extender. After, she gave me the metal tube and told me to defend myself.
I kept it in my locker. It was more a reminder that I could use it not that I would. Then, a few weeks later, when Victor stole my science textbook and started ripping pages out of it for fun, I did use it.
Victor’s mother was, of course, furious and explained that he was poor and brown and didn’t deserve to be hit with a pipe. His bullying wasn’t his fault, she snarled. It was society’s. When the vice principal furiously asked my mother what she was going to do about this (holding up a slightly bent chrome tube with a bit of blood on it) my mother defiantly replied “I’m gonna get him another sweeper piece.”
Still years later, as a young middle school teacher, I was positioned in a school on the west side of Chicago surrounded by kids like Victor. The overwhelming stories of fathers, uncles, and brothers in prison, of single mothers working multiple jobs, of clothes handed down for three sets of children were coupled by a split population in response. Most of the kids seemed to do their best at school and in their lives, learning what they could, engaging in the social experiment of American school. Others were just like me when I was terrorizing Cub Scouts except now they were in gangs.
These kids I understood.
Later, in high school, I had slowly developed into the role of the biggest nerd on the campus. I was in debate, hung with three other boys who were the smartest kids in school, did theater, band, and choir. I was, on the other hand, as big as many of the athletes so it was my duty to protect my nerd friends from the bullies. If high school was filled with random versions of Chris Makepeace, I was a more chatty Adam Baldwin in an odd version of 1980's My Bodyguard.
Without having been a bully to the Cub Scouts and being bulled by Victor, I wouldn't have had the experience of understanding my Hyde in relationship to my Jekyll.
Bullies are not only the obstacles that force us to live with that duality, they are necessary. If a kid crumbles from being mobbed upon while on the strange horrorshow known as social media, he hasn't built up the emotional resilience required to live in the world of human beings, all equally Jekyll and Hyde in turns.
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paragonrobits · 3 years
more hulk crossover ideas: Bruce somehow gets stuck on the island of Total Drama Island with the contestants, possibly not in the context of the in-universe show but because they were marooned there and the producers haven’t bothered to save them, and things rapidly get darker as Bruce, attempting to conceal what he is from a relatively mundane world and take care of what he thinks of as a bunch of teenagers in need of a responsible adult, rapidly starts losing his cool as the supernatural actions of the Hulk’s presence start manifesting and freaking everyone out as it becomes more rapidly apparent that something is WRONG with Mister Banner
things like glass shards erupting and exploding against the wall, after a long time of Bruce accidentally revealing he knows a lot more about messed up stuff than he wants to admit (with his shadow moving independently and being FAR larger than it should be, and the voices of the Hulks aduibly heard as night gets closer), and the glass spells out THE MONSTER IS HERE just as Bruce enters the scene
his eyes glow green, or gray, as the sun sets and the illusion of the man can’t be maintained longer. he KNOWS stuff he shouldn’t, and he constantly gives everyone extremely distressed vibes. not that he’s a bad person, but... that he is dangerous. they hear ticking noises, coming from him.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. And the smell like what they must have seen in Chernobyl before everything was gone.
Night falls, and Chris is there for REASONS and Bruce hauls him a way to have a talk with him, and his eyes are grey, and he says he’s NOT Bruce. He’s something Bruce needed, a long time ago; back when Bruce thought being a man was about being worse than the other guy. About being hard and rough, and hurting people worse than they could ever hurt you. He looks like a corpse.
He laughs; Bruce has told these kids he almost died once, when he was a kid. “There’s no almost about it,” he says, and a wound on the side of his head throbs with the unearthly green energy of something... wrong. He picks up a hacksaw and drags Chris into a locked room. IT doesn’t go anywhere, but. BUT.
this Mister Fixit, as he calls himself, could have done something.
The night comes, again and again, and something worse is coming, a bigger monster by far. Bruce sees the signs that, in its way, this world is just as sick and corrupted as the one he knew; he learns of the show, and he is so filled with rage and fury as he learns of the things they were put through, for the amusement of an audience.
(He thinks, a world like this is the same as a world that makes men like Brian Banner. It breeds abominations, and would-be leaders that dominate humanity and strangle it.
A voice inside demands, never stop making them pay.)
His eyes turn green. Something inside comes roaring out.
And it is imperative that Jekyll and Hyde is brought up, or a suitable stand-in; the lesson there, is not that Jekyll had an evil side hiding inside him. Jekyll just had a way to let the real him shine through.
And the Hulk comes out, and in a world like this, he is played for horror incarnate.
(I should also note that a big vibe is that, by the standards of total drama and its creature design, the Hulk’s design isn’t TOO inherently spooky or weird. He’s a big green guy. What’s so off putting about that? Mutant dakota was more weird looking.
But something about him feels... off.
Basically i’d play HARD on the idea of the Hulk hammering the uncanny valley, that his rage and hate and misery pervades the world around him, and while the Hulk doesn’t appear physically too strange, he constantly exudes downright eldritch aspects of horror and his mere existence is basically a promise that humanity can, and MUST, end.)
and as a final thought:
there’s a storm brewing, whenever he gets really stressed out. Like the storm is following him.
The thunder won’t let him be alone with his misery.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
“Sharky” *Part 11*
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Oh yeah, this series is going to be THE longest series to date. I’ve still got a decent amount of plot I want to get through. 
Note: Yes, this is “Undiscovered Country” territory. But let me assure you, the ONLY things that this story will have in common with that episode is what Barba actually did, and the verdict. How we get there, that’s gonna be a very different and VERY bumpy ride.
And away we go!
Chapter List  Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10 
Part 12
Tag List:
You walked into the small courtroom made for hearings/pleas, your head held high. It wasn’t very full, some of the yahoo’s from the SVU, the kid’s parents you assumed, some reporters who had heard about the “Fallen ADA”. Vultures.
“Your honor my client would like to change his plea,” You walked right up to the judge’s stand without so much as looking over at the State’s side.
“Excuse me?” The judge asked, looking at Rafael who was standing behind you at the desk. “Is this true, Mr. Barba?”
“Yes your honor, I’d also like to change counsel to Miss Y/L/N here,” Barba nodded.
“Objection your honor,” Stone argued, walking up to the judge’s stand. 
“Oh what grounds?” The judge raised an eyebrow.
“Miss Y/L/N and Mr. Barba have been in a relationship, it’s a conflict of interest,” He snarked.
“Your honor, I can assure you 100% that Mr. Barba and I have NEVER been in a ‘relationship’ of any kind, even Detective Benson can attest to that, can’t you?” You glanced back to her.
“It’s true your honor, they’ve never been in a relationship,” Olivia agreed while ignoring Stone’s glare.
“We had ONE very unfortunate sexual experience, if anything we hate each other your honor,” You added with a smirk. You could just feel the glare coming from Rafael into the back of your neck.
“Well, if that’s true then why are you choosing to represent him?” The judge asked suspiciously.
“Because it’s the right thing to do, your honor,” You said earnestly. “I may be an aggressive bitch, but I’m not a monster. Mr. Barba didn’t do anything wrong and--”
“Oh shut up, you Pro Life Piss Ant!” You spun around and yelled at the father.
“Mr. Barba, control your counsel,” The judge warned.
“Right,” Barba came up next to you and pulled your arm leading you to the desk.
“As I was saying,” You huffed, throwing daggers with your eyes at the disrupter.  “Mr. Barba did nothing wrong and--” 
“Actually Miss Y/L/N,” The judge interrupted you.
“Can I not finish a sentence?!” You muttered to yourself, Barba nudged you to shut up.
“As far as whether or not he did anything ‘wrong’ is for a jury to decide,”
“Exactly, your honor,” You nodded. “With a TRIAL, which my client would like,”
“He can’t do that! He already admitted to killing my son. He can't take it back!!!” The man was yelling again.
“Sir, I have zero qualms of sitting overnight in a jail cell for beating the absolute SHIT out of you,” You snapped, causing several people to gasp and chatter, the judge banged his gavel. 
“MISS Y/L/N, I will hold you in contempt!”
“He started it!!!”
“Yeah and it looks like I finished it,” You heard him chuckle. You started to make a break for it over to him to make good on your promise,  but Barba grabbed you by the waist.
“Alright I’m ending this madness before it gets out of hand,” The judge sighed. “Court will convene next Friday at 9 am,” He slammed his gavel and the man’s wife quickly hurried the man out of the room before you could duke it out. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Barba hissed at you.
“Me? That prick called you a murderer, Raf--Barba,” You tried to keep it business, no emotion, Keep calm. That was going to be hard with Olivia stomping up to the two of you.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” She barked.
“I’m sorry, did you not HEAR that bastard--?” You started a quip but were cut off by the detective.
“He’s the VICTIM!!!” It took a few seconds for it to register, but Olivia quickly realized what she said, looking at a shock and hurt Rafael. “I mean, he’s--” 
“...And then the sky opened up and God said ‘Blessed be, Y/N,” You grinned, causing both of them to look at you in confusion.
“Now what are you on about?” Olivia asked, afraid of the answer. 
“Well Olivia, for the VERY first time, I can say-- you’re not just my enemy anymore, you’re Rafael’s enemy too,” You smirked, using his first name to really rub it in. 
“What? No, I’m not--”
“Really?” You scoffed with a laugh. “Would you like to repeat what you just said? Because I’m sure he is right now, over and over,” You nodded to Rafael who was still standing there with a hurt expression.
“Rafa you know I didn’t mean it like--” She went to put a hand on his shoulder but he moved back from her.
“Yeah, Liv,” He chuckled snidely. “I think you did,”
“And,” You added as you stepped in between  them, protecting Rafael from her. “Regardless of your ‘feelings’,” You used air quotes with a sarcastic tone. “Your department is handling this case, is it not?
“....Maybe…” Olivia mumbled, looking over at Stone who was clearly waiting on her.
“Right,” You nodded. “So please, believe me when I say this” You got up in her face. “If you so much as even explain pleasantries with my client, I’ll have you arrested for trying to tamper with my case,” 
“I...You...Rafa…?”  Oliva stammered.
“Just...go, Olivia. Please,” Barba muttered sadly.
“Okay...I’m so sorry,” Olivia whispered with tears in her eyes as she walked away. You held back the urge to vomit in your mouth right there. You turned to give Barba a triumphant smile, but his pained expression almost looked worse than it had.
“Oh what now, droopy dog?” You crossed your arms.
“Thanks a lot,” He scoffed.
“You know you’re saying the right thing but not in the right tone,”  You raised an eyebrow. “You should be thanking me for sticking up for you!”
“Sticking up for me?” He chuckled dryly. “By making an ass out of yourself? How do you think that makes me look?!”
“Oh come on Barba there were no jurors there--”
“But there were reporters! And what’s it gonna look like when the headline reads ‘Baby Killer’s Lawyer Calls Grieving Father a ‘ProLife PissAnt,’?”
“It doesn’t matter what I say, people don't have to like me, they have to like you!” You argued.
“Bullshit!” He scoffed with a sarcastic laugh. “Bullshit and you KNOW that!”
“Look I am the ONLY one here who knows you did nothing wrong--”
“Maybe I did!” He blurted rather loudly, then hushed his tone. “Maybe I did do something wrong,”
“Oh, uh uh, nope,” You wagged a finger and took him by the arm, into a corner of the courthouse. 
“Look, Ba--Rafael,” You put both of your hands on his face and used his first name in a softer tone. “It doesn’t matter what Liv thinks, or what her labradoodle Stone thinks, it CERTAINLY doesn’t matter what that dad thinks,” You looked into his green eyes. “They can all think you’re the devil, and it wouldn’t matter. But the SECOND you start questioning your own innocence, this whole thing is going to fall apart,” 
“Which is why I just wanted to take a punishment,” He looked down at the floor.
“Punish--for WHAT?!” You exclaimed with a confused look. “For unplugging a machine? Barba if that was illegal we’d ALL be in prison right now,” 
“Look I know you may not care about human life but--” Rafael started but you cut him off. 
“Uh uh. Nope. We’re not getting into this, but that ‘thing’?” You rolled your eyes. “That ‘thing’ was not a human being. And I’m gonna prove it,” 
“How are you--”
“Spoilers, darling,” You smirked.
“Look...whatever ‘technicality’ you’re planning on using in court doesn’t make me feel any less guilty, okay? And you just took away the very LITTLE comforting support I have, so just--”
“Comforting support?!” You laughed sarcastically. “Oh right, because Olivia Benson calling you a murderer must have been SO comforting,”
“Look, Y/N. She’s still my friend. She would hold me and hug me and tell me it was okay, even if she did have a momentary lapse,”
“Oh that is SUCH--” You scoffed angrily. You grabbed his hand and stormed off towards the other end of the courthouse with him lagging behind you.
“What the hell?” He muttered, trying to keep up with you. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Well I am not about to do this with all those reporters just waiting for a juicy story,” You rolled your eyes as you spotted your destination. A sign read RESTROOMS-- It was a long dark corridor to the actual restrooms, and first up was a huge “room” labelled “FAMILY BATHROOM.”
“Get in,” You instructed him as you gave him a shove. You looked around to make sure no one had followed you and no one had seen you as you locked the door and turned to see a very confused Rafael.
Finally, when you were absolutely sure that you were safe from any sort of prying eyes, you dropped your act. Tears stung your eyes as you practically jumped into Rafael’s arms and kissed him, HARD. Caught off guard he stumbled for a moment, but then wrapped his arms around you so tight you could barely breathe; but you didn’t care. This was the first time you had kissed him, or any guy really, with actual feelings behind it. Real, true, deep feelings for each other. And it was blissful, just for that brief moment.
After several moments of you just standing there in his arms and crying into his shoulders, you pulled back and hit him on the chest. 
“How could you be so STUPID?!”
“I’m sorry, what is happening here Mrs. Hyde?” Rafael asked.
“How could you let that bitch manipulate you to do her dirty work?” 
“Wha--” Rafael’s eyes darted from you to the door to the distance, trying to figure out what was going on. “I’m sorry, were you trying to comfort me or punish me?”
“I don’t want you to go to prison for something someone ELSE should have done!” You started crying again. Rafael’s eyes softened as he realized your rage was masking your fear and sadness. 
“Carino, I…” He put a hand to your face. “I’m sorry,”
“You don’t have to be sorry about it, that’s my point,” You rolled your eyes with a sniffle.
“I mean, I’m sorry for everything else,” He looked into your eyes with sincerity. “I mean, I can’t believe after everything I’ve done to you, or that we’ve done to each other, that you still came down here and want to fight for me!” 
“Yeah well….” You looked at the floor with a small smile. “I guess I do have a heart,”
“And it’s mine,” He took your face by the chin to look back up at him.
“Excuse me?” You half laughed.
“Say it,” He smiled.
“Ok fine I lo---no, you know what? No,” You shook your head.
“No, I think I have told you how I felt MORE than enough since we’ve known each other, you haven’t said anything!” You threw your hands up.
“Wha-- I saved you from suffocating in that alleyway!” He argued. “I broke up with Liv for you, I-I-I BEGGED you to stay with me! On my KNEES,” He scoffed with a laugh. “You ever hear the phrase ‘actions speak louder than words?” 
“Yeah no that saying is bullshit,” you shook your head.. “Words are louder than words. And if I’m going to hear those words for the first time I want to hear them from you,”
“Wait…” he blinked. “For the first time? EVER?” 
“Oh God...here we go,” You scoffed, breaking from his embrace.
“Here we go, what?” 
“I can just see the look in your eyes,”
“And what look is that?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Like you’ve just solved a riddle,” You shook your head with a small sad smile. “Like now you’re thinking ‘oh THAT’S why she is the way she is! Because nobody loved her as a kid!’,”
“No that’s not--”
“It totally is! You’re probably so relieved that’s there an actual reason that I’m so broken inside, that I wasn’t just BORN evil,”
“Hey,” This time he took your head in his hands. “You are not evil and you are NOT broken,” 
“Yeah, I am,” You muttered softly as you looked at the floor again.
“Well then I will make it my mission to put you back together, Sharky,” He moved your face back up and kissed you gently. Your soul lit up at the sound of your previously resentful nickname. Now it sounded like the highest compliment coming out of his mouth so playfully.
“Yeah well first I have to fix this,”  You gestured back towards the courthouse. 
“Well, I’m sorry about that too,” He apologized sadly.
“You don’t have to be sorry, Rafael! You didn’t--”
“Look, baby I get that you don’t think so, and maybe technically it’s true, but I still feel guilty,” He shrugged.
“I just…” You sighed and pulled him back into your body. “I don’t want to watch you hurt like this,” 
Rafael had no idea what to say to that kind expression, so he just pulled back into him and kissed your forehead. You let him hold you for just a moment, and then started to unlock the door. But something inside made you pause, and you let go of the door handle to face Rafael.
“...What is it, Sharky?”
“Look, Rafa,” You told him seriously. “We need to establish boundaries, right here and now,” 
“Boundaries?” He asked.
“Distinction,” you clarified. “This girl,” You gestured to yourself. “This girl right here in this bathroom, is ‘Sharky’,” 
“Which is why I just said that,” He joked.
“Yeah but,” You put a hand on his chest. “When we walk out of here, I’ll be just the shark defending you,”
“Meaning,” You took a deep breath. “You’re not going to like what I do in court, I already know that,”
“Y/N come on don’t lie for me--”
“I’m not going to lie,” You assured him. “But I am going to be aggressive with facts, and probably mock all emotion involved in it,”
“...I already don’t like this,” He had a worried look on his face.
“Yeah, baby I know but…” You took his hands in yours. “Do you want to be NICE, or do you want to go HOME, and not to prison?”
“Home, I suppose,” He mumbled sadly.
“Exactly,” you kissed his cheek. “Look the parents brought this on themselves, if they can’t deal with the shame that’s not on me, or you,” 
“What? Y/N you’re not going to go after the--” He tried to argue with you, but you put a finger to his lips. 
“No, I’M not going to do anything,” You reminded him. “But the shark will do anything to keep you from going to prison,” You pulled him into one last passionate kiss, knowing it would have to last you for a bit. You unlocked the door and turned to him one last time and added:
“By any means necessary,” Before sauntering out the door.
This trial should be fun….  
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melonsmessymusings · 3 years
More S7 ideas...
You may remember eons ago I had a marvellous exchange with @rachaeljurassic discussing potential ways of writing Giles out or putting him to better use in S7. I have another one and like 20 minutes before I have to road trip home after spending all day being yelled at by my parents (storytime when I get home), so buckle up because I’m feeling feral:  
What if the First could use his image even though Giles isn’t dead? Say Giles technically died for a hot second but is now very much alive and kicking. The First would utilise the hell out of that and could you imagine the angsty drama that would emerge?
Giles rocks up with his apocalypse and potentials. He’s all doom and gloom and stress, as he was, but then Buffy has a late night conversation with him when neither can sleep. They just talk. She pours her heart out to him and tells him how much she misses him, how she's doing the best she can but she’s scared it won’t be enough. He’s then a total dickhead to her in return because she has no idea what he sacrificed for her and all she ever did was hurt him and he always managed to deal with it and get the job done without complaint.
The next day, Buffy is weird and feeling really bad but she doesn’t want to talk about it with Giles when he asks. We tick on and it’s like a slow build Jekyll and Hyde deal. One minute Giles is completely ‘normal’ the next he’s a total arsehole. And Giles doesn’t understand why everyone is so weird around him and puts it down to him ruining their lives with the apocalypse. And you think he’s just having a breakdown or something. Maybe his year away turned him into a husk (not that he wasn’t already by this point), who knows?
Xander eventually confronts him like “I heard you talking to Willow last night and you were bang out of order. You don’t get to say things like that.” To which Giles is the Error 404 message like “wtf I didn’t talk to Willow last night, I was in here researching.” Confusion but Xander doesn’t back down and threatens to throw hands.
Anyways, time passes, then one night, Giles is patrolling with Buffy and says something really out of pocket and Buffy’s like “wtf” and goes to reach for him only to have her hand go straight through him. Oh my god, he’s the First! The First capitalises on this and tells Buffy how Giles died in agony all alone thinking he deserved it and she’d be happier without him. She rushed home absolutely distraught. OOOHHH imagine if it made her believe that he killed himself because of her? AAHH
Bursting in the door, everyone is scared and confused and Giles is standing there like “why are you looking at me like that?” And Buffy tells him to get the hell out and stop messing with them. And that he never gets to use that face and it’s all bullshit etc. Meanwhile poor Giles is so confused but everyone else seems to be on Buffy’s side because he’s been so weird with them all for ages. Failing to convince them, Buffy throws something at him, only for it to hit him.
Then it’s the whole “I don’t understand!” moment. Giles explains that he’s very much alive, lots of awkward poking and hugging. Buffy explains everything, as do the others and Giles is really fucking hurt that they all were so ready to believe he was evil. But the cat’s out of the bag now so it’s fine, right?
Wrong! Because the first keeps messing with them as Giles. They develop rules like, before you talk to Giles, you have to poke him or watch him pick something up (which he hates). Doesn’t always work because if Giles is like in the kitchen and you can hear him puttering about for a bit then ten seconds later he’s standing in front of you, the assumption is it’s him. It just works. So the first is messing with them all still and it’s taking a toll on the actual Giles. Because nobody wants him around because whenever they see him, they freak out and panic until he proves he’s real.
Take a second to admire the utter evil genius behind having everyone doubting Giles is real... 
But when did he die? They’re going to bring that up and try and figure it out. And there’s endless possibilities as to when that happened and whether Giles had a clue about it. Also there’s so many ways of having a “when did Giles die?” moment. Like is it from years ago when he was a kid, or maybe he and Ethan partied a little too hard, or the night with Angelus resulted in him coding at the hospital, or what if Willow killed him when she ripped his magic out? There’s endless ways of doing it. Did he even know? If he did, why didn’t he warn them? Was it because he knew that nobody would listen to him?
We never see what happened, whichever way it went. He explains that he doesn’t know but then they talk and he thinks about it, comes to the conclusion that it must’ve been one of the reasons above. Then Buffy gets really sad and guilt ridden because she had no idea.
But it wouldn’t matter because the damage is done. The group is splintered and the First’s plan has succeeded. Like they could make adjustments if Giles appeared, someone has to make sure he’s corporeal but eventually everyone would get so sick of it and just ignore him. And he’d just be so defeated by that and frustrated because everyone’s treading on eggshells around him and not discussing anything important because what if the First can tap into his consciousness? Obviously it can’t but they don’t necessarily know that. How can they differentiate the broken Giles from S7 from the First?
I just think it’s such an interesting concept. It would add loads of drama to the group and we could’ve spent more time focusing on that and it’d be really cathartic for the group to work out tensions. Like imagine Buffy discovering that Willow killed Giles, even if only temporarily. And how Willow would feel about that. Then Xander having to choose sides because Buffy is so angry at Willow but he can’t bring himself to be. Giles getting completely frustrated because nobody will just listen to him and he feels completely useless. Ugh the angst would be glorious. 
And you’d never know what was Giles and what was the First because S7 Giles did just lose it at times, he would say something very ‘ooc’ so you couldn’t tell even if he was standing in front of you. And with all the bad things he said/did before they knew, you’d never know!!!!!
It’s just an idea tbh. Like I said, crackhead energy at this point but I had to get this out there.
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the horror ~ ben hargreeves;the umbrella academy
word count: 1454
request?: yes!
“Hi I was wondering if I could request a Ben Hargreeves imagine from Umbrella Academy. I love that show and ben but I feel like he needs more love. Could you please do something that's just really cute and sweet. I need more imagines of that boy. Thank you ❤”
description: after another mission, ben comes to see you to confide in you his hatred of his powers
pairing: ben hargreeves x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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You were watching the news as they reported of yet another crime that was thwarted by the Umbrella Academy. The six siblings that you knew well stood behind their adopted father as he spoke to the press about his “incredibly gifted children”, each of them wearing their uniforms and their white eyed masks. You couldn’t help but scowl at the vile man who had the audacity to call himself a “father” to those kids.
You had known the Umbrella Academy since you were all kids. You had met Klaus first during one of his multiple attempts at running away from home, which led you to slowly meet the rest of the group. You became their only friend outside the walls of the Academy, a secret friend for a long time since they weren’t really allowed to even leave the house unsupervised.
The world saw the Umbrella Academy as a family of gifted heroes that were going to save the world. You saw them for what they really were, sad, scared, abused kids that just wanted to live normal lives and to escape from their father.
As the news report was coming to an end, there was a knock at your door. You went to answer it to find Ben standing there, dressed in all black with his hood pulled up and his head hung.
“Hey,” you said.
“Hey. Can I come in?” he asked.
“Of course!”
You stepped aside, allowing Ben to enter your home. Another secret that the two of you held, except this one was held from both his father and his siblings, was that the two of you had been in a relationship for some time. When the siblings were allowed to get more freedom, Ben started to come visit you more often than the others. You spent more time together than you did with the others. Before you knew it, the two of you were stealing kisses when his siblings weren’t looking, and he was sneaking out to spend the night at your place.
He also snuck out to see you after missions. As of late, it was becoming harder and harder for him to participate in the missions with his siblings. He hated to have to use his powers, and often tried fighting against going on missions, but there was no use in fighting it. Eventually, he was made to go and made to use them anyways.
Ben walked past you and sat down on your couch. He pulled his hands from his pockets and you could see that they were still a bit red, whether it was from the blood of whoever it was he had to fight or from scrubbing them raw to get the blood off you weren’t sure. You moved to sit next to him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“I really can’t do this anymore,” he sighed. “But I have no way out. Everyone knows who I am, they’ll recognize me in the street. If I run away it’ll only be a matter of time before I’m back again. And no one will listen to me, not even my siblings who insist that they’ve had enough with what we’re doing, too. They keep saying that I have to go with them because they can’t complete their missions without me, I’m the winning weapon or some shit. No one listened to me.”
He buried his head in his hands. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him to you, allowing him to let his frustration and sadness out.
“It’s okay,” you said as you ran your hands through his hair, soothingly. “I know, it doesn’t seem like you have an out. But you’re an adult, all your siblings are, you’re able to get away from Hargreeves if you truly want to, you all just have to band together and finally walk away from him.”
“That’s just it, I don’t know if any of them want to,” Ben said, raising his head to look at you. You could see his eyes were pink from tears. “Luther definitely doesn’t, he’s dad’s number one. He does everything dad asks, if dad asked him to jump off of a bridge he’d have it done before the sentence was out of his mouth. Alison wants to leave but wants Luther to go with her, which will never happen, Diego doesn't seem to be ready to take on the real world yet, Klaus is always so fucked up that none of us want him to leave in case he ODs by himself and he doesn’t make it, and Vanya...well...she’s the only one brave enough to leave, but none of us really seemed to care.”
“They have to see how this is taking a toll on you. Your powers aren’t like theirs, you’re literally harbouring actual monsters inside of you that come out when you’re on missions. That’s not something that’s easy to deal with.”
Ben shook his head. “They don’t care. Whatever gets us to end a mission sooner, which usually is by me unleashing the monsters and attacking the bad guys. But they don’t experience that. They don’t see how fucking harrowing it is to watch these people, even if they’re bad people, die because the only solution they have to finishing a mission is to unleash some monsters on them.”
You didn’t really know what to say. It wasn’t the first time Ben had come to you to talk about his powers and his family, and every time it seemed like he was getting worse and worse.
Of course, to you, the best solution was to just leave. You had offered him a place to stay on many occasions, and promised not to tell anyone that he was there, until he could find other arrangements. But you knew it wasn’t that easy. Not while the other siblings were still under Hargreeves’ thumb. As long as he still had control over the other five siblings, he was going to have a reason to go after Ben. Ben was, arguably, his most powerful child. He wouldn’t let him go without a fight.
“The press has names for all of us,” Ben said, looking down at his lap again. “They call me The Horror. Imagine being called that, The Horror. They even make me sound like a fucking monster. People have been speculating what my powers really are online, what kind of monster I become, and how dangerous I am in real life. They all think that I’m some sort of Jekyll and Hyde type of person, that I can go from being myself to being a monster like a flick of a switch. Maybe they’re right, maybe I am a monster.”
“No!” you said, startling Ben with the seriousness of your tone. “No, you are not a monster. No matter what your powers are, they don’t make you a monster. You’re a kind, caring person. You don’t want to do the things you do, but you’re forced to do so by your family. You feel like you’re trapped there, and I understand that. I’m not about to force you to leave your family if you don’t think it’ll be best, or you don’t feel safe doing so. But don’t ever call yourself a monster, Ben Hargreeves. Because you are far from it.”
Ben smiled at you, just a small smile but it was enough to warm your heart. He gently cupped your face and brought you to him, kissing your just as gently. You held him tightly, never wanting to let him go. You just wanted to keep him there for a long time, to never let him return to his terrible father and that awful Academy. It was a nice dream, but you knew it would never become a reality. Not anytime soon, anyways.
“You’re way too good to me,” he sighed as he rested his forehead against yours. “How did I ever come to deserve such an amazing person like you?”
“You always deserved me,” you told him. “You deserve to be happy, Ben.”
He nodded, although you could tell he still wasn’t believing you too much. You kissed him again before asking, “Why don’t you stay over for the night? Just to get away from the others for a while. You can call them and tell them you won’t be home tonight if you don’t want to tell them exactly where you are.”
Ben smiled, this time it reached his eyes. He kissed your nose and hugged you again.
“I’d love that, baby.”
You pulled away and took his face in your hands, making him look at you. “I love you more than anything.”
“I know, and I love you, too, (Y/N).”
Kinda short, but I hope you still like it!
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jefferoni-quotes · 4 years
things that go bump in the night
Posting this for a second time, cause I deleted the first one oops! I'm an idiot who messed up the first time.
This is Jamilmads! Just some pure fluffy Jamilmads for Halloween. There is nothing scary, just BAD puns
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Full fic under the cut!
Jefferson hates Halloween. He despises it. He hates the stupid costumes, the dumb obsession with horror movies, the kids that ring his doorbell all evening and into the night begging for sweets. 
But most importantly, he absolutely despises how jumpy he is. How easily scared he is. How simple it is to get a ridiculously girly scream out of him, just someone jumping out on him rips a terrified shout from him.
Even more than that, perhaps the most, he hates how the office takes advantage of that.
He knows it's Halloween, not based on the calendar, nor the sudden influx of party-sized bags of Snickers in every Walmart store, but by the dumb fucking 'scary' decorations littering every square inch of his office.
Goddamn it, everyone in the building is above thirty! How are they all so damn childish-? He'll never know.
Thomas physically winces at all the horrendous puns hanging in the office.
"Resting witch face" actually made him groan with dismay as he passed it, the puns got worse every damn year. 
There was a shiny, orange plastic banner hung in almost every room, made to look like pumpkins. They were often accompanied by black streamers, and when he stopped off in the break room, he found the coffee machine covered in fake cobwebs and plastic spiders.
Thomas sighs as he pushes the decorations off to pour himself a coffee, "that must be some sort of safety hazard," he mutters, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He watches his coffee pour, the air around him cool and quiet. His humming, usually silenced by the buzzing atmosphere, is a clear tune for once. It doesn't hit him until he's sipping from his mug while walking down the hall towards his office how… quiet it is.
It's so impossibly eerie…
Thomas takes a louder sip, hoping to alert the bat-eared Alexander. The man's biggest pet peeve was always people slurping their drinks, could always seem to hear it from offices away and would come storming in to insist they stop.
But one of his boyfriend’s does not come. Not even a whip of the man's emerald green coat tails fly down the hall. It's beginning to- not scare him. No, he's not scared, he's… apprehensive. Worried. On edge. It unnerves him, even as he pushes into his office. Still silent. Madison doesn’t appear with Alexander, the both of them are nowhere to be found. Neither of them. 
Thomas takes another drink from his mug, slurping again and burning his tongue. "Ouch," he hisses through his teeth and places the mug down on his desk, leans on it and peers around. 
Were the lights always off in the hallway?  
It feels ridiculous, a horror movie move, but he narrows his eyes. It's so quiet. Like the office has been deserted. Is it a day off and he merely hasn't been alerted? Surely Washington would've sent an email, and Thomas would've seen it! He reads his emails religiously every morning, an hour after he wakes as he scrolls through the news reported on through the night. 
"Hello-?" He finally calls, suspicious. "Is- is anyone there?" He swallows thickly. A slow creeping eerie feeling grows in his chest, a little swelling bubble of anxiety. His office door is ajar, showing off the dark hallways.
There's nothing. 
Thomas sticks his head out the doorway and suddenly there's something and it's jumping at him and he stumbles backwards with a yelp until he loses his footing as the thing screams.
Then the lights flicker on. 
Thomas groans, rubbing his forehead. He had landed on the ground, thankfully his office was carpeted. There's laughter, and a hand on his shoulder.
"Gotcha," the voice is smug as Thomas opens his eyes. Fucking Hamilton. Of course it's Hamilton dammit. "We tried to scare you in the break room but you moved-!"
"We-?" Thomas stares back at the doorway and of course- James is standing there, laughing to himself. He has a wide grin, eyes clustering with tears in the corners that occasionally drip down his cheeks. He wipes under his eyes with his thumbs. “I should’ve guessed-” Thomas scowled, getting ready to push himself to his feet, but Alexander sets a hand on his shoulder, sitting down on the floor beside him, crossing his legs to sit criss-cross (apple sauce). 
“You moved out of the break room, so we had to rethink our entire plan! We had to convince everyone to come in late just to pull this off! You know the things we have to do?” Alexander keeps speaking, as James collects himself in the background. Thomas can practically hear the cogs whizzing in his mind, clunking together to think up his next words very carefully. With whatever James is about to say next, no one can tell. There’s a fifty-fifty chance that it’ll be something either - gorgeously philosophical or a blatant, awful awful attempt at a ‘dad joke.’ A bad pun, a terrible hilarity. Whatever you may call it, when it comes to James Madison, truth be told no one knows what he’ll say next. 
“I have to do Angelica’s paperwork for the next month and Jem agreed to sign Lee’s next vacation leave for him!” Alex finally finishes his ramble, huffing and crossing his arms. “Your reaction was so worth it though-” he snickers, hand over his mouth as he laughs through his fingers.
James clears his throat, and suddenly the attention is on him. Alexander expects a poetic comment, a silk thread of words, sewn together by an expert hand. However - Thomas knows better. He knows fine well that the next comment is going to be some awful, cringeworthy pun. He waits. And then James’ smiles, eyes devilishly focused on Thomas. “Oh, yeah. You tried to run away,” he laughs before he even says the next thing, clearly pleased with himself. “You could be Jekyll but you still couldn’t Hyde.” 
Thomas groans at him and finally reaches into his pocket, tossing a pen in James’s general direction. It hits him in the stomach, but James casts it aside and keeps laughing, not bothering to hold it back. “That was scarier than you jumping out on me.”
“You love us really!” Alex cuts in, nudging Thomas on the side with a snide looking smirk. James still bares his beaming smile, and Jefferson can’t help but melt a little. His frown fades into a sheepish smile, a little sliver of teeth until he’s spouting small giggles. Alexander joins in until all three of them are laughing together in Thomas’ office. 
“You’re damn lucky I do,” Thomas ruffles Alex’s hair until he scowls and bats at his hands. “C’mere, James.” He gestures, beckoning him over until they’re all huddled on the floor together, crossed-legged and occasionally falling into little fits of laughter.
It’s silent for a long moment, just smiling as they scramble to collect their trains of thought until James’ lights up again.
“Let’s creep it real,” James starts and Thomas’ smile almost automatically falls. “We’re three gourd-geous men,” he snickers, as does Alexander.
“Who’re all Hallow-queens,” Alexander snorts, listening to Thomas’ noise of complete and utter dismay.
“Shut up,” he drawls, placing his hands over his ears with a screwed up face. James and Alexander laugh, cackling like witches.
“Don’t be a jerk-o-lantern!”
“James, I’m going to kill you.”
Yayy! Hope yall liked it 👉👈
PLEASE leave feedback I THRIVE on comments. I read the tags on every single reblog, it means a lot to me!!
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Altar Boys Altered Boys (We’re The Thing Love Destroys) - WooSan
Aurora - 2Ho
Baby Baby You’re A Carmel Macchiato - San
Because I Met You I Draw A Bigger Picture - ATEEZ
(Don’t You Know I’m A) Boss That Leads You - WooSanSang
But You Won’t Do The Same - San
Dancing Like Butterfly Wings - WooSanSang
Do You Wanna Run Away Too? (All I Really Want Is You) - Hongjoong
Forever Fight As One - Seonghwa
I Will Become The Spring To Your Smiles - Mingi
Lonely Hearts - Mingi
Maybe You’ll Love Yourself (Like I Love You) - Hongjoong
Moments Like This - SanGi
One Day at a Time - ATEEZ
Pirate King - SeongJoong
Soon May The Wellerman Come -Yeosang
Spare Me What You Think (Tell Me A Lie) - SeongJoong
Star 1117 - SeongJoong
Sunrise - WooSanHwa
Think You’re Ready For The Monster Monster - JongSan
This Is Our Fate, I’m Yours - SanGi
Twilight - WooSan
Wave - YunGi
We Will Make This Love Together - San
Where’d You Wanna Go? How Much You Wanna Risk? - WooSanHwa
Wonderland - SanGi
(Roger That) Yes Sir I’ll Protect Them - Jongho
Your Red Lipstick - Wooyoung
You’re Not A Constant Star - SeongJoong
Monster - G-Dragon
We’re Classic Together (Like Egyptian Gold) - G-Dragon
Agust D - Suga
Angel or Devil (What Should I Choose?) - Jimin
Best Years - TaeGiKook
Blood, Sweat & Tears - TaeJin
Don’t Leave - TaeGi
Dynamite - VMinKook
Euphoria - Jungkook
Filter - Jimin
Get The Ink, Get The Pen (Let’s Sign It) - J-Hope
Home - RM
How Did We End Up Here? - TaeGi
I Just Wanna Give You Love - VKook
I Want To Write You A Song - YoonKook
It’s Where My Demons Hide - BTS
Just One Day - YoonKook
Lights - TaeJin
Magic Shop - NamJin
Mikrokosmos -KookMin
My Feet Don’t Dance Like They Did With You - JinKook
My Heart’s Already Breaking (Go On Twist The Knife) - TaeGi
Play Pretend - Suga
Plz Don’t Be Sad - Suga
Pretty Words (On The Tip Of My Tongue) - VMinKook
Save ME - VKook
Speed Demon - VKook
That Should Be Me (Holding Your Hand) - YoonKook
The Truth Untold - Taegi
They Say Love Is Pain (Let’s Hurt Tonight) - V
Too Bad (But It’s Too Sweet) - V
We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal - BTS
Welcome To The House of Fun - TaeJin
What Can I Do? - VMin
Yo Ho Ahoy and Avast - KookMin
You and I (We Don’t Wanna Be Like Me) - VMinKook
Zero O’Clock - HopeKook
2nd Grade (Maths Problems) - Baekhyun
Baby Don’t Cry - Chanyeol
Be Combative or Be Sweet Cherry Pie - BaekYeol
Blooming Day - Chen
Don’t Go - Tao
Heaven Knows I’m Falling (I Can Never Be The Same) - Kai
I Can’t Stand The Rain - XiuBaek
I Just Hit The Lotto - Kai
It Will Wet Your Wings - KaiBaek
Lost In Reality -Tao
Lotto - Lay
Moonlight - LuChen
My Answer - XiuChen
Peter Pan - Tao
Ring-a-Ring O Rosie (Whoever Gets The Closest) - Kai
She’s In A Long Black Coat Tonight - Chen
The Moonlight Fills Your Eyes - ChanKai
The One - Xiumin
Twenty Four - ChanKai
Unfair - Baekhyun
Wolf - Lay
I Wish I Was (Beside You) - Jackson
Just Right - BamBam
Miracle - Jinyoung
School Life (Again Today) - BamBam
Take A Sip From My Secret Potion - JB
(Remember All The Memories) The Fireflies and Make Believe - BamBam
Prince Charming (Ridicule Is Nothing To Be Scared Of) - Gikwang
I Feel So Right Doing The Wrong Thing - Bobby Monsta X: I Will Borrow The Skies - Jooheon. This Way, That Way, Forwards, Backwards (Over The Irish Sea) - Wonho
All My Moments Want You - MarkHyuck
And I Still Want You - LuMark
Assemble - Lucas
Baby Don’t Like It - MarkHyuck
Baby Don’t Stop - Tae Ten
Baby We Two Distant Strangers - Yuta
Born To Be Wild - Haechan
BOSS - LuWoo
But My Heart Goes - Lucas
Candle Light - MarkSung
Can’t Even Talk, Still Stuttering - LuWoo
Complete - LuWin
Daisy Daisy (Give Me Your Answer Do) - Jaemin
Dance Around The Living Room (Lose Me In The Sight Of You) - JohnTenKun
Dream A Little Dream Of Me - LuWoo
Dream Glow - Yangyang
Drifting, Drifting, Drifting - Jungwoo
Everything Has Changed - Ten
Everything I Didn’t Say - NCT
Fireflies - NoMin
Fly Away With Me - MarkHyuck
Fool’s Gold - YuWinIl
Goodnight Sweetheart - Jeno
Grow Up - TaeTen
Hakuna Matata - LuWin
Hello Future - Renjun
Hold Me In Your Arms Tonight - MarkYong
Home - WayV
Howling At The Moon - JohnTen
Hugs and Kisses - Johnny
I Can’t Stop My Hand From Shaking - Jungwoo
(I’m Waking Up) I Feel It In My Bones - Taeyong
I Hate This After Dark - Mark
I Have Loved You Since We Were 18 - JaeYong
I Hear Them Coming For You - Jaemin
I Tend To Glow When You Are By My Side - NCT
I Want To Write You A Song - RenLe
If I Ask You If You Love Me (Lie To Me) - Jaemin
If I Could Fly - TaeTen
I’ll Be Right Here Beside You For Life - ChenJi
I’ll Be Your Genie - NoMin
I’ll Make This Feel Like Home - Shotaro
I’m A Wolf and You’re A Beauty - Jaehyun
I’m Giving Up On You (Say Something) - NoRenMin
I’ve Never Seen You In The Daylight - Jungwoo
Kick It - Taeyong
Killing Me - Yuta
La La Love - RenHyuck
Long Way Home - MarkHyuckWoo
Lost - Yangyang
Love Talk - TenWin
Lover of Mine - Winwin
Make A Wish - Shotaro
Misfit - Sungchan
Most Nights I Hardly Sleep When I’m Alone - Haechan
Music, Dance - Sungchan
My First and Last - MarkNo
My Flower - Haechan
My Heart Is Blind (But I Don’t Care) - MinSung
New Heroes - Ten
No Longer - Taeil
Not Alone - JohnMark
Of Guns and Roses - Renjun
Perche Tu Stasera Sei Perfetta Per Me - Mark
Punch - JohnJae
Puzzle Piece - NCT DREAM
Remember When I Broke You Down To Tears - RenMarkHyuck
Requiem - Jisung
Ridin - NoMinSung
Smooth Like A, Like A Snake - Doyoung
Stop. Rewind. Turn Back Time - Winwin
Superhuman - YuMark
Take Off - LuWin
The Internet Is Great - TenWin
The Sun Will Shine Through - Ten
This Is Halloween - Taeyong
Till The Love Runs Out - Shotaro
TOUCH - MarkYong
Touch Me When The Sun Goes Down - NoRenMin
Wait For Me To Come Home - LuWooMark
Waited For Your Reply (Here In The Pouring Rain) - SungTaro
We Almost Rolled The Dice - Winwin
We Got That (Power) - Jaehyun
What Can I Do? - Jisung
Whatever It Take - JaeYong
Wildflower - Haechan
With Great Power - Winwin
With You - Mark
You and I Go Hard At Each Other (Like We Going To War) - Chenle
You Are My Soulmate(s) - MarkHyuckHei
(This Is Our Sanctuary) You Are Safe With Me - ChenJi
You Became My Crown - MarkYong
You’ll Find Me In The Region Of The Summer Stars - Jaehyun
You’re My Everything - Kun
You’re The One I Want For Christmas - Xiaojun
You’re Unfair - TenWin
Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle All The Way - Hwanwoong
Princely Duties - Hwanwoong
Spooky Scary Skeletons - Ravn
Stay Oh (Baby Touch Me) - Hwanwoong
A Tiger Inside - SoonHoon
Call Call Call! - Hoshi
Extreme Musical Statues - JiGyu
Fallin Flower - JunHao
Fear - Meanie
Giving All My Secrets Away - MingSoon
Home - Dino
How Can I Love You? (If You Don’t Talk To Me) - SoonHoon
Hug - SoonHoon
I’m A Lost Boy - Woozi
Lay You Head On Me - Joshua
Love Letter - JiGyu
My My - Woozi
Smile Flower - Woozi
Snap Shoot - 2JiCheol
Splish Splash - Hoshi
Titanium - Meanie
Cafe Latte - Taemin
Good Evening - Onew
I Growl At You - Taemin
I Will Fight, I Will Fight For You - Taemin
Lucifer - JongTae
Our Page - Jonghyun
Witch - Taemin
Welcome To The Circus - Sungmin
Stray Kids:
A Sign of the Times - Felix
Astronaut - Bang Chan
Authorized Personnel Only (Back Door) - ChanLix
BEWARE - Bang Chan
Burger and Sandwich, Coffee and Tea - ChangLix
District 9 - Lee Know
Finders Keepers Losers Weepers - Bang Chan
I Need Someone - Seungmin
I Want To Breathe You In Like A Vapour - I.N
I’m Sorry (My Handwriting Isn’t Pretty) - ChangLix
Insomnia - ChanLix
I’ve Been To The Year 3000 - 2Chan
Levanter - Han
Little Steps - Han
My Side - Felix
Never Ending Story - JiLix
Please Baby Get Away From Me (I’m Poison) - Changbin
Spaces Between Us - Lee Know
The Story of My Life - 3RACHA
We’re Not Alright But I’ll Pretend - Felix
Better Days - KaiMark
Big Chance - TaemTen
(When I’m With You) Danger Seems Like A Good Thing - TaeKai
Even When I Lose I’m Winning - TaeKai
Please Excuse My Writing - TaemTen
The Only Heaven I’ll Be Sent To - KaiMark
Tiger Inside - SuperM
To You In The Distant Future - SuperM
Who Do You Love? (Is It Him or Me?) - KaiMark
Yeah Superhuman! - TaemTen
0x1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You) - Yeonjun
Blue Hour - Yeonjun Dubaddu Wari Wari - Taehyun
Flip It On Me Say I Think Too Much - Huening Kai I Know I Could Lie (But I’m Telling The Truth) - Taehyun I Know I Love You - Yeonjun I Know You Don’t Give Two Fucks - Beomgyu (Sorry) I’m An Antiromantic - TaeGyu I’m A Loser - Soobin Loving You Is A Losing Game - Yeonjun
Magic - TXT
Oh My God (He’s A Really Bad Boy) - Yeonjun PUMA - TXT
Run Away - Huening Kai
Running Down To The Riptide - Huening Kai Small Town Boy (In A Big Arcade) - YeonBin
Fantasy - Neo
Hyde - LR
On and On - Leo
Thank You For My Love - Leo
The Power Within - Baekyeol
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
how would you rank the seasons from least to most favourite?
alright okay right off the bat worst season season 7. for starters i think this season has no staying power i mean like since i’ve been running this blog 4 so long now my knowledge of charmed is encyclopedic and insanely vast more than like it ever need be but for the longest time. i could not remember season 7. like wtf even happened there?? evidently leo became human??? cole returned? the avatars??? like all of it was just. it’s not even necessarily forgettable it’s just i straight up could not remember it for the longest time. and i’ve said it before the concept of utopia was way to advanced for a show like charmed to tackle i am not watching charmed for moral philosophy i am watching bc i love these girls ♥ hee hee hoo hoo magic adventure ✨ tho if i am to offer a single comment on utopia: it’s awfully rich for a show to go on about destiny and fate and then take a stand against utopia in the name of free will. but w/e. i don’t like leo in the avatars i don’t like his dynamic with piper in this season i don’t like whatever phoebe’s doing this season there’s like leslie?? maybe there’s someone else? boring & flavorless they should have been setting up her endgame instead of puttering around. and kyle. zoo wee mama. could have been a great antihero. morally gray. duplicitous. self serving. but no. they gave him all those traits and called him hero/love interest. s7 left a lot to be desired out of the characters and their relationships also gave us phat L’s such as the charmed ones are werewolves don’t worry about it and feminism peaked with naked women. shout out to zankou: demon, dilf, dub & the noir episode.
you know what? fuck it i’ll say it second worse season 5 genuinely fuck season five. this is probably a Very Specific beef 2 me But. i hate what they did to the charmed universe. this was the season that marked the transition of charmed from supernatural drama to campy soap which like. i love camp! i do! but fr. fuck this season and what it did to the worldbuilding. the early season have Such A Vibe to them man with warlocks and witches and just a couple niche monsters from assorted lore that the show took and made their own. season five opens with mermaids goes directly into fairytales then gives us superheros whatever the fuck was going on in that mummy episode the sandman leprechauns and nymphs. and i hate it for that. it takes away from this urban fantasy things that go bump in the night what lurks in the shadows of the back alleys of san francisco in favor of the ugliest cinderella dress ever put to television and an onslaught of horrible irish accents for a full episode. other issues with season five: cole’s still here? why? they don’t know and neither will you! we’re not redeeming him! phoebe’s not getting back together with him! yes he died we just refuse to let him go! the cherry on top of course being a cole-centric 100th episode. shout out to. hmm. lemme think about what i actually liked about this season. i like jason dean as a love interest i don’t remember what he did in s5 but i know he was there. the season finale i’ve talked about how stupid & shitty it was but idc i still love that episode and then shout out to bacarra the only original villain this season that was a proper serve. the crone gets second place.
next on this come on we all saw it coming season 8. it’s a bad season! and i get bts there was a whole lot happening budget cuts missing actor etc. but it goes beyond that. it was a bad season. billie and christie were bad. and i’ve said this before but billie in herself is not an inherently bad character. she was just the literal worst for the show. she was a dollar store buffy blonde confident cocky skilled and ready 2 fight evil But. we are not following her like we followed buffy we are following her mentors. it’s like if we had a show called giles that aired for seven seasons And Then buffy showed up. billie was insanely irritating to watch from our perspective and in general wasn’t like. well written. attempts to humanize her / give her more depth often fell flat. and then christy. oh nelly. oh my god. barely a character. not well acted but hey it would have been a miracle if she was. negatives include dumain who was a mess omg bringing back the triad bringing back the source billie & christy obvi and also involving homeland security. which is season 7′s fault which is why it’s the worst. dubs on the other hand include both coop and henry i really liked them the shoehorned love interests weren’t great but i like their characters i though the way the got rid of leo to save on the budget was really creative and gave us a great piper episode and of course the sugary sweet finale i love it i do what can i say.
yet another controversial choice aptly coming in fourth is season 4. i respect what season 4 set out to do. i think it was a good idea. long form narratives, keeping a darker tone, focusing on character-driven drama and growth. too bad it fucking failed miserably at all of this. cole as the source and phoebe as the queen of hell was just so so botched. they had a very unique opportunity following the death of prue to explore these characters and what it means to them to be charmed, to be witches. they saved the world but the cost is insanely high. they’ve lost an older sister. they’ve gained a new sister. how do you even begin to cope with all this? episodes such as hell hath no fury and brain drain fuck so hard because they work with exactly that. had the whole season been like those episode season four would sit at number one with flying colors absolutely no competition. but alas. we can’t have nice things. the show got so bogged down with phoebe & cole, in a way that was just so, so messy. for starters, whether you loved cole or hated him before, we can all agree source!cole sucked. he was such a strong 180 from what we had seen that the show had to make the source some type of possession to justify half the shit they were trying to pull. and then to pit phoebe and paige against one another over a man was just. disgusting. and the ending of course felt rushed because it was! they wrapped up that entire issue in a nice little bow much faster than they reasonably should have been able to. it could have been a great season. it was definitely not. shout out to the seer an iconic mastermind on barbas levels, as previously stated brain drain and hell hath no fury Specific shout out to piper’s scene at prue’s grave shout out to paige as a character i like what they did with her and um. yeah that’s it.
okay we’re exiting the shit tier in favorite of the good tier welcome to the upper half. kicking us off is season 6. season 6 did what season 4 could not in that it gave us a long form plot that still left plenty of room for like. normal demon of the week episodes. i love phoebe early in this season with her faboo haircut her brand new empathy power and her relationship with jason dean. obvious strikes against for whatever the fuck that baby crazy stint was and also the mata hari episode. yikes. i love paige’s hair color in this season nothing paige as a character necessarily stands out to me however i like how they seem to have hit the blend of work-magic with paige where she wants a life and career outside of magic however she still loves the craft and embraces is with an open heart and mind. season six also gives us chris who was a very fun male lead imo we really didn’t have many like him he’s bitchy. he whines and bitches a lot he’s got an agenda he’s a bit secretive but at the end of the day he just wants a family i like him. i like the character growth we see out of piper i like seeing her try to move on from leo i love seeing her get back together with leo i like her dynamic with chris and her fears about motherhood. i also liked richard but that one takes a lot of justification. L’s are witchstock hyde school reunion used karma off the top of my head also the paige/richard/addiction plotline was so tone deaf. also the girls were mean to darryl : ( he deserved so much better. dubs were chris as a character, tbh the episode little monsters, phoebe with empathy specifically saying i love you too to jason i could write a dissertation on that line alone also the courtship of wyatt’s father and i thought the reveals of evil wyatt and chris being piper and leo’s son were both fun and interesting plot twists.
coming in third is actually season 2 a season i really do love it’s just. it lacks structure. imo there is a lot to love about season 2 morality bites and pardon my past are both delightful time travel episodes we get jack sheridan and bane jessup two of my personal favorite prue love interests we get p3 h2o and a great prue plotline regarding the death of patty we get the super cute cupid episode it’s a great. collection of episodes. it’s not a great season. there’s just imo not a strong enough thread connecting the stories together it’s mainly held together by having the same characters in it over and over again i really liked dan personally but like. i knew we were wasting time there. he was just an obstacle. a super cute loving and caring obstacle who’s great with kids but lbr piper and leo were always endgame. wasting our time on dan was stupid. i do love the sister dynamics in season two “gotta hand it to those pesky little demons they sure have brought us closer together” but again. this season could have benefitted from a rex and hannah type or even like a cole or zankou. this season is less of a season and more of just like a handful of episodes, and while there are some fat dubs, there are also some definite swings & misses. shout out to the time travel episodes the prue centric episodes phoebe’s character growth and maturity throughout this season (e.g. her going back to college) and i also think the fashion got a lot more fun this season.
second place i’m saying season one season one was a really strong start and gave us these really compelling characters with interesting relationships between one another But. a lot of it just kinda falls flat. and credit where credit is due it was a brand new show getting its feet under it but the fourth sister feats of clay which prue is it anyway they just simply aren’t dubs imo. also i don’t like that 70′s episode bc again i am an asshole concerned about The Lore i can’t believe one bitch ass warlock caused the Charmed Ones to grow up without powers. it just really bugs me. all in all the plots as a whole like aren’t great imo they’re nothing to write home about (save for from fear to eternity) it’s really the characters that make this season so goddamn good.
first place congratulations to the one the only season three. this is just because it kinda hits all my requirements in that it has some banger one offs (e.g. all halliwell’s eve, the good, the bad, and the cursed) it has an overarching plot at the exact same time as the source becomes more prominent and obvi cole is also there with murderous intent i like the character growth we see especially from prue i like piper and leo finally get married overall i really like the aesthetic of this season that blends a darker urban fantasy tone with still some charmed fashion and whimsy. strikes against tbh phoebe and cole’s relationship i am insanely picky with my enemies to lovers and the do not come remotely close to cutting the mustard in fact they are almost immediately disqualified however from afar i can see and respect The Drama. shout out to recasting victor prue with pistols death as a character and shannen directing episodes
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pocket-luv101 · 3 years
Happiness || Chapter 12
Fandom: Servamp Characters: Mahiru, Kuro, Licht, Hyde Pairings: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side)
Summary:  Mahiru found a baby in front of his orphanage and he thought that it belonged to Kuro. But the infant could be the key to finding his lost mother. {Historical Romance// Family AU}
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || Ch.9 || Ch.10 || Ch.11 || (Ch.12) ||
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Hyde and Licht pressed closely together to hide in the shadow of the stable’s stall. He could barely hear the men’s discussion over the sound of Hyde’s heart beating beneath his cheek. They had mentioned Machi and he intended to confront them. He pinched the hand covering his mouth and he tried to break away from him. “Easy there, Angel Cakes. Let’s listen for now.”
He shoved his hand away but he didn’t break free from his arms. Licht whispered harshly back to him. “Wouldn’t it be quicker to capture one of them and force them to give us answers? There’s two of us so we can beat them easily.”
“I admire confident and direct men like you but this isn’t the time. Interrogating them won’t be effective because they’ll simply lie. There will also be a scandal if we do anything violent. This is our best chance to hear what they know.” Hyde told him. Since he was a child, he was taught that he needed to be wary of people and approach them cautiously.
“Mahiru said a scandal would be bad for Machi.” Licht nodded stiffly. From his hard eyes, Hyde knew that he would rather demand answers from the men yet he held himself back. After watching him at the orphanage, he knew how he truly cared for others and he would put their happiness first. He loosened his arms around his waist so he could move closer to the stall’s door.
Careful not to make a sound, Hyde eased the door open to peer into the stable. He couldn’t see the men speaking due to the darkness and the distance. He felt Licht’s heat next to him as he leaned against his back to look outside as well. They strained their ears to hear the conversation. The first man asked, “Do you know which Servamp has the child?”
“No. I tried to follow Lawless because he was the one I saw in the orphanage. He always finds a way to evade me when I follow him. Lawless doesn’t have a townhouse nor is he staying at an inn.” Hyde recognized that man’s voice as the person who visited the orphanage to adopt Machi. “The Servamps are a powerful family and it’ll be difficult to take back the child now that they’ve adopted her.”
“We need to find a way. The mother had hired us to recover the child after she was kidnapped.” At the mention of his mother, Hyde gasped sharply. He had searched for her for years after she disappeared but he had been uncertain whether she was still alive. His mother had hired men to search for Machi yet she never attempted to see her other children. He tightened his hands into fists and they trembled in anger.
Hyde was shocked when Licht’s arms slid over his shoulders. He sat behind him and his warmth blanketed him. The embrace was a loose hug but it smothered his anger. Licht’s breath brushed over his hair as he whispered, “Don’t think anything strange about this, Shit Rat. I can’t let you run out and yell at them for answers. Weren’t you the one who said we shouldn’t cause a scandal?”
“I hate the restrictions that come with my title.” He sighed. “I don’t recognize the two men. They’re not a part of high society. They must be mercenaries that my mother hired.”
Hyde and Licht fell silent again to listen to the men’s conversation. “I went into town this evening and I saw a man with the baby. The Servamps must’ve hired him to care for the child. I don’t know who he is because I couldn’t see his face. I thought I could follow him to his home but I lost him after a while. The winter weather makes our job more difficult.”
“I doubt we’ll find anything more from the orphanage so we should focus our investigation on the Servamps. Perhaps we’ll be able to take the child at night and return to the mother before they realize she’s missing,” He said. “The Seravmps are a powerful family but the girl’s father is also a lord. They should be able to take back the child after speaking with the Servamps. I’ll never understand these people. Let’s go.”
Licht heard the men leave the stable and he rushed out of the stall to catch a glimpse of who they could be. He was only faced with an empty entryway and he bit his lip in frustration. On one hand, he was relieved the men wouldn’t target the orphans. His friend could be in danger though. He turned around and he almost crashed into Hyde standing close behind.
Licht instinctively placed his hands in front of him for balance and he held onto Hyde’s shoulders. “We need to warn Mahiru and Kuro. It might be better if I returned to the orphanage though. They said they won’t visit the orphanage anymore but they could change their mind. I need to be there for them. You should go to Kuro’s home while I return to the orphanage.”
“Those men don’t know where my brother lives or who Mahiru is. For now, your friend is safe. We can warn him in the morning.” While Licht didn’t show his worry on his face, Hyde was able to read his thoughts. He wanted to reassure him and rubbed Licht’s arms. “Kuro is with Mahiru as well. He won’t let anything happen to him or Machi. It’s late and we should go to the orphanage. We can tell my brother about everything we heard tomorrow.”
Licht was surprised when Hyde started to walk towards the orphanage instead of Kuro’s home. The reason he started to sleep at the orphanage was due to the threat of the man targeting the children. He didn’t need to stay with them anymore. “Are you worried that those men are still nearby and they’ll see you walk to your family’s townhouse?”
“No.” Hyde shook his head. “I want to be there to protect the kids if anything happens.”
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Mahiru slowly opened his eyes and he found Kuro’s face close to him. They were laying in an unfamiliar bed and, with sleep clouding his head, he thought he was in a dream. He allowed himself to savour the warmth that he missed each night and nestled against his large body. He reached towards him and gently touched his cheek. The other times Mahiru had dreamed of Kuro, he never felt so real.
His touch woke Kuro and their gaze met. Mahiru had always loved his red eyes and the subtle way they changed from rubies to fire in the morning light. He raised himself up and their lips touched in a soft kiss. Kuro traced his finger along the racing pulse in his neck and then he tipped his head back. His lips parted with a heated whisper. “Good morning, Kuro.”
Mahiru was pulled out of the moment by his own words and he broke away from Kuro. In his rush, he started to fall off the bed until Kuro caught his wrist. He gently pulled him back onto the mattress but he let him go to sit on the other side of the bed. He was grateful that he gave him space after the awkward moment. Yet, he also felt a little lonely.
“I didn’t mean to kiss you, Kuro. It must’ve been something I did out of habit. Waking up next to you like when were lovers—” Mahiru stumbled over his words. He didn’t know if he was trying to excuse the kiss to Kuro or himself. He bit his lip and then said: “That won’t happen again. Thinking simply, it’s best that we put aside our past for Machi’s sake. I’m going to ask the kitchen to make warm milk for her.”
He hastily took a jacket from the hanger and rushed out of the room. Mahiru heard Kuro call his name but he shut the door between them. In the hall, he slipped the jacket on. He wore his clothes from the previous day and they were wrinkled. He didn’t want anyone to question his disordered clothes and wore the jacket to hide them. There would be a scandal if someone thought they had been intimate. A relationship with a common man would be beneath a duke.
He thought of the elegant ballroom he saw through the window. Kuro had a relaxed and nonchalant personality so Mahiru would often forget that he was a duke. When they were together, they were simply two men in love. He believed they were both happy so he was confused after it was over. Kuro never told him why he wanted to end their relationship and Mahiru could speculate.
“Stop right there, thief!” Mahiru heard the shrill demand and he turned around to scan the hall for the thief. He intended to help catch the thief before the person could escape. He didn’t expect a woman to march towards him and stabbed her finger into his chest. “That’s the Servamp’s crest on your jacket. I know it doesn’t belong to you. I am taking you to the constable!”
“Wait, Miss. Reika.” Mahiru recognized the Servamp’s former nanny. He was confused by her accusation until he saw that he was wearing Kuro’s jacket. He had taken it by mistake when he left their room. “I am a friend of Kuro. We met when you had an interview with him. My name is Mahiru Shirota. Do you remember me?”
“Oh, you’re the commoner that Ash hired to take care of Machi.” She said but she still regarded him with suspicion. “I heard the Servamps held a ball in this hotel. I wish they had asked me for advice. Those poor children can’t do anything without their nanny’s help. I worry about them. Are they here? I decided to stay a few days until the snow clears up.”
“Kuro returned to his townhouse last night.” Mahiru lied. He worried that the man who followed him last night could be nearby. It was unlikely but he didn’t want to risk anyone discovering Machi. He fiddled with the edge of the jacket and said, “Machi threw up on my coat and Kuro was kind enough to lend me his. I will return it later.”
“Make certain that you wash it before you do.” She told him sternly. She didn’t let go of him until he nodded to her. Mahiru let out a sigh as she left and returned on his journey to the kitchen. He was certain that she had scared years off his life with the accusation that he stole Kuro’s jacket. Hopefully, she didn’t suspect that there was a deeper reason he had it.
Mahiru pulled the jacket tighter around him for comfort. The fabric held Kuro’s scent and he breathed it in softly. He had worn his jacket in the past and it was still slightly big on him after a year. Wearing his past lover’s clothes had a strangely soothing effect on him. It felt as if Kuro was holding him.
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“I’m back,” Mahiru announced once he returned to the room he shared with Kuro. He balanced the platter of food against his hip as he opened the door. His face softened into a smile when he saw Kuro playing with Machi on the bed. They had a book between them and Kuro pointed to a colourful illustration. He noticed Mahiru enter and he looked towards him.
They both recalled the kiss and Mahiru turned away from him. Kuro had ended their relationship for the sake of Mahiru’s happiness. He didn’t want to see him sad yet that was what he caused. “Mahiru, this morning—”
“We don’t need to talk about it, Kuro. It’s better if we discuss the man who tried to adopt Machi and what we should do next.” Mahiru said. “He hasn’t arrived at your house so I don’t think he knows where we live. Machi’s safest there but we can’t keep her inside forever. We’ll have to leave your home and investigate your mother’s disappearance.”
“Hyde can babysit Machi while we’re gone.” Kuro suggested.
Machi was unaware of their awkward feelings since her focus was on the book. She babbled happily and patted the paper as if she were the one reading to him. Mahiru set the tray onto the table and then went to join them. She smiled widely after she saw him and stretched her arms towards him. When he sat on the bed, the mattress shifted and caused her to pitch forward. She caught herself as she fell.
Suddenly, Machi let out an excited squeal. She launched herself forward and she made her way towards Mahiru sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes widened and he realized that she had learned how to crawl. Her movements resembled a leaping frog more than a baby crawling but he grinned with pride. He clapped his hand and encouraged her to continue moving forward.
She reached his side and placed her hand on his shirt. He smiled down at her and said: “You’re crawling, Machi! I knew you would start crawling soon. You’re such a smart and strong girl. Soon, you’ll be walking and running too.”
Mahiru lifted Machi into his arms and kissed her forehead. The praise and warm embrace made Machi’s face beam with a smile. She hugged him in return and pride filled his heart. He worked at the orphanage and he helped raise the children so he had seen babies learn to crawl many times. He looked down at Machi and he realized why the moment felt so eventful to him. Machi was like a daughter to him.
“I’m glad you made me buy all those rugs. She’ll be more comfortable crawling on rugs than a cold floor. Though, I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep knowing she can crawl now. She might crawl into trouble.” Kuro said and sat next to them. He placed his hand on her tiny head and tousled her hair. “What do you think she’ll learn next?”
“I don’t know but I can’t wait to see.” Mahiru said and tickled her cheek. For the first time, he allowed himself to think of a future with Kuro again. “She’s very talkative so maybe she’ll speak her first word soon.”
19 notes · View notes
But You Can Never Leave [Chapter 12: The Mirror]
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A/N: Hi y’all!! Please enjoy, this is a long one. We’re getting into the exciting stuff now, so I’ll be putting all my creative energy into BYCNL and will hopefully finish up the series within the next month. Thank you so much for your love and support! Each and every reblog/message/comment makes me smile and means the absolute world to me! 💜
Chapter summary: John gets a rap sheet, Roger gets defensive, Y/N gets suspicious, News Of The World gets a headline.
This series is a work of fiction, and is (very) loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
Song inspiration: Hotel California by The Eagles.
Chapter warnings: Language, drugs, babies, drama, angst.
Chapter list (and all my writing) available HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii​ @loveandbeloved29​ @killer-queen-xo​ @maggieroseevans​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @queenlover05​ @someforeigntragedy​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​ @joemazzmatazz​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @namelesslosers​ @inthegardensofourminds​ @deacyblues​ @youngpastafanmug​ @sleepretreat​ @hardyshoe​ @bramblesforbreakfast​ @sevenseasofcats​ @tensecondvacation​ @queen-crue​ @jennyggggrrr​ @madeinheavxn​ @whatgoeson-itslate​ @brianssixpence​ @simonedk​ @herewegoagainniall​ @stardust-killer-queen​ @anotheronewritesthedust1​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! :)
You’re not late. You’re never late.
And at first that’s okay, it’s more than okay, it’s a relief; because it was too soon to have a baby anyway, less than a year into a supposedly meaningless marriage, a marriage you and Roger never even speak of, a marriage that might have never happened at all—might only exist as a particularly vivid and pleasant dream—if it wasn’t for your freshly-minted British citizenship. At first you greeted each dark, fruitless stain of blood with a casual ruefulness—oh well, one more month of freedom, you would think, smiling a little, worrying not very much at all—content to let that milestone trophy of womanhood, of life, lay undusted and unclaimed in the cluttered pit of your mental oak trunk with a tarnished gold latch shaped like a lion’s jaw.
After four months, you start to notice things. You notice the way Chrissie’s twins have small willow-green eyes that turn down in the corners, just like Brian does; you notice how John’s children have his downy hair and that innate sort of reticence that some people mistake for banality; you notice all those pretty, anonymous young women pushing strollers through the blossoming summer foliage of Hyde Park. You notice the way Roger grins and waves at babies when you see them in airports or hotel lobbies, dazzles them like he dazzles very nearly everybody, like he still dazzles you. You notice a longing buried in your bones that you hadn’t known existed.
After six months, you are no longer casually rueful. You start ignoring the calendar, as if not noticing you’re due could stop the bleeding from coming at all, like how you’re not supposed to stare at the clock if you want time to pass faster. You start watching what you’re eating, trying to get more sleep, opening all the windows when Roger smokes as he flips through fashion and music magazines with crafty little snickers, flashing those pointy canine teeth you once assumed your children would have.
And now, after nine months—as the world hurtles towards the conclusion of the brisk October of 1977—you have begun to worry; because maybe this thing, this thing that everyone accepts as a guaranteed feature of the all-inclusive package of the human experience, isn’t something you get to have at all. Roger doesn’t say anything, doesn’t ask you about it. He is as he always is: sunlight and joy and heat and raw kinetic energy. But sometimes Roger’s huge blue eyes—those eyes you fell in love with, those eyes that convinced you to follow Queen to London, to stardom, to thunderous stadiums all over the world—go vacant as he gazes out into the horizon, as the sun sets over the garden of the Surrey house, as his face is lit up in gold and amber and celestial fury like the wildfire his soul is made of.
And you’ve begun to worry about him, too.
The phone rings from the nightstand. The shrill clanging, like hail on glass, makes you wince beneath the tangle of blankets. Your hand fumbles out into cool night air, which pours in from the open bedroom window.
Where’s Roger?
Then you remember his hushed voice, his bleached hair tickling your cheek, his lips pressed to your temple: Hey baby. I gotta go jam with some people. Grab a drink or two. You sleep, I’ll be back by morning.
Sure, okay, fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. One of those infinite casualties of fame.
You haul the phone to your ear. “Hello...?”
“Hello darling, are you busy?”
“Well, it’s 2:39 a.m., Fred. So not very.”
“Perfect. I need you to go post bail for John.”
You wrench yourself upright, rubbing your eyes with your free hand. “What?!”
“He was drunk driving and backed into a cop car, pure genius. I’m rather indisposed myself at the moment, and of course Veronica can’t know. And you’re so good with him, dear.”
Your feet have already swung off the bed and onto the plush white carpet. You wonder what Freddie is ‘indisposed’ with; there are so many possibilities these days. “And you know about this...because...?”
“He used his phone call on me, darling. I don’t think he wanted to bother you. I suspect he’s a bit mortified.”
“Yeah, well, he should be.” You sigh and start pawing through the safe in the bedroom closet, the spiraled phone cord pulled taunt. Hundred-pound notes shuffle weightlessly between your fingers. You remember when Queen had no money at all, when you and Roger shared a pitiful—dodgy, you amend—one-bedroom flat, when you had to assemble each bouquet and tie each ribbon for John’s wedding by hand; and you’re shocked by the nostalgia that hits you in the gut like brass knuckles. “Sure, I’ll go get him. Just tell me where he is and how much he’ll owe me.”
John is slumped on the floor of the jail cell, alone and sweated and miserable. His hair is in complete disarray. He peers up at you through the iron bars with red, swollen, unfocused eyes.
“Hey,” you say quietly, smiling although you know you shouldn’t be.
He covers his face with both hands and moans. “I didn’t want you to see me like this.”
“Too late. Freddie asked me to come get you, he was drunk or high or in the middle of an orgy or something. You are the worst drunk driver in the world, just so you’re aware. You are obviously not cut out for a life of crime.”
“So I’ve gathered.” He swipes at the strands of hair stuck to his forehead with the back of his hand, bites his lower lip, shakes his head with that thousand-yard stare that says: How the fuck did I get here?
You drop down to your knees to meet him at his level. The concrete floor is filthy, spotted with grime and dust and crushed insects and smears of what might be blood. “What’s going on, John?” you ask gently.
“I can’t keep doing this,” he murmurs. “It’s okay when we’re on tour. When we’re on tour I’m preoccupied and exhausted and too high on the rush to think about it too much. I’m numb. Mostly. But then I come home and it’s...” He glowers, balls his hands into fists, beats them clumsily against his thighs. “It’s this relentless fucking cycle of feeling dissatisfied and guilty and inadequate. A disappointment of a husband. A failure of a father. And it’s inescapable.”
“Well, the constant pregnancy situation probably doesn’t help.” Veronica is expecting their third child in February.
He waves a hand dismissively, rolls his eyes. “It’s part of the thing. The ‘being a good husband’ thing. I can’t fix that. Birth control is a sin or whatever. Jesus is too busy pissing himself over that to care about starving kids in the Soviet Union, I guess.”
“That’s a cheerful prospect.”
“No, please, by all means. Throw off all your baggage, I can take it.”
Now he smirks, just faintly. “That’s what we’ve always done for each other, right?”
“We’ll be back on tour in a few weeks, John.” And that was true; the News Of The World Tour was scheduled to begin on November 11th in Portland, Maine. The band would spend the 12th in Boston and join your parents for dinner at the Queen Anne-style house at the intersection of Apple and Arcadia that you grew up in.
He whispers forlornly: “I can’t run from this forever.”
“You might have to. I’d love to know what Slavic Jesus has to say about divorce.”
John coughs out a surprised laugh. “Thank you. I needed that.”
“Come on. I posted your bail. I won’t tell Roger if you won’t. You can put the extra five thousand pounds in your ‘fake my own death and go live on a tropical island’ fund instead of paying us back.” You’re not serious, and John knows that; he would never abandon his children, even if they weren’t old enough to really remember him yet. But it has the desired effect, which of course is lifting the mood, making John divulge that rare and beautiful smile.
“I’m a wreck. I can’t go home like this. It’d be worse than not coming home at all.”
“I’m happy to offer you one of our five superfluous bedrooms.”
“Okay,” John sighs, clutching the bars of his jail cell and dragging himself to his feet. “I’m so sorry. I owe you for this, I really do.”
“No,” you reply, grinning. “Just find a way to send me the coordinates so I can visit you on your secret tropical island once in a while.”
You drive John home to the Surrey house, get him set up in the spare bedroom with the blue-grey wallpaper and blankets patterned with seahorses, give him a stack of Roger’s clean clothes, lay out fresh towels and a tray of water and cookies—biscuits, you reprimand yourself—for him. He’s mostly sober now, which makes you feel somewhat better; still, you are aware that you hate the thought of leaving him alone, even if he’s only a few walls away.
“Thank you,” he says as you stand in the doorway, his face meditative, his hands in the pockets of his leather coat.
“Of course.”
“You’re a good friend. The best, actually.”
“You’re a good man. You don’t always know it, but you are.”
John just stares at you with an expression you can’t read. Like the ocean: always mysterious, always profound. “Goodnight,” he says after a while.
“Goodnight, John.”
As you pull the bedroom door shut, you hear erratic thumps coming up the staircase. Roger stumbles into the upstairs hallway, singing under his breath and drumming the air with invisible drumsticks, and holds out his arms when he sees you. He’s wearing his dark green suit, an unraveling tie, one sparkling pink Converse, his prescription sunglasses tangled in his hair and forgotten. His eyes are effervescent, flighty, almost manic.
“Hey, love of my life!” he cries, comically loud. “What are you doing up?!”
“Shhhhh! Your bassist partied a little too hard and needed a place to crash that wasn’t overrun with kids. He’s in the blue room.”
“Deaks? Deaks is sleeping over?!” Roger exclaims, beaming. “All my favorite people are here!”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t bother him. He’s pretty messed up, he needs the rest. I’ll make everyone pancakes in the morning or something. Come over here, let’s get you—” But the words die in your throat as you try to tug off Roger’s suit jacket. Fine white powder sheds off the emerald velvet fabric and onto your palm. You blink at it, at the residue like crushed aspirin, like the salt they scatter on Boston roads the night before a snowfall. “What is this?”
He rips his sleeve away, conjures up a smile to throw you off the trail. To dazzle his way out of this. “Nothing.” But he knows. And he knows you know too.
“You were...snorting coke...?”
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that...” He tries to embrace you; you shove him back.
“Roger, no, this is...this is...” You shake your head, shrugging off the shock, searching for the words. You’re confused, you’re exhausted, your mind is whirling. “We’re home, Roger,” you plead, like it means something.
Has he done this before? When? How often? With who?
You should know the answers. It’s not a good sign that you don’t.
“So?” Now he’s indignant.
“So it’s not like being on tour, you’re supposed to take it easy at home, you’re supposed to be, I don’t know, relaxed and recovering and, and, and content...”
You’re not supposed to have an excuse to do all those things that destroy people.
He laughs bitterly. “What, ‘happy at home’?! When has that ever been me?”
“Rog, please, I’m not saying you can’t work all the time or drink or smoke, I’m not even saying you can’t get wasted, I’m just drawing the line at cocaine and I don’t think that’s a terribly despotic place to draw a line.”
“Oh I’m sorry, I must have missed it, when did you become too moralistic for drugs?”
“Acid is different than coke and you know it. Acid doesn’t kill people.”
He glares at you, savage, almost hateful. “You don’t get to put me in a cage.”
“I’m not being controlling or self-righteous, I’m being concerned—”
“You’re being a fucking cop, that’s what you’re being,” Roger snaps.
“What do you want me to say?! I’m a registered nurse, Roger, I’m a medical professional, it’s literally my job to keep you alive—”
“No, it’s your job to make sure we can record and tour and I need it, I can’t play without it, don’t you get that?! I fucking need it!”
Instantly, John is between you, still fully dressed and sweating Manhattans out of his pores and seething. He’s taller than Roger; surely you must have noticed that before. But if you had, you’ve since forgotten. “Roger,” he threatens in a low, unyielding voice. “Go to bed.”
Roger recoils, disoriented, then opens his mouth to protest.
“Go!” John roars, pointing towards the main bedroom. He wants to say more, you can tell, he has rage burning in him like dragonfire; and if it had been Brian or even Freddie, John would have said it. But this is Roger. And you can’t remember a time John has ever raised his voice to Roger before now.
Roger can’t wrap his brain around it either, particularly in his present condition. His eyelids flutter a few times, then he scoffs—a dismissive, derisive sound, a sound that says I don’t know what to do with this information—and staggers away. He slams the bedroom door behind him as he disappears inside.
You collapse against the nearest wall and hiss in ragged breaths through your teeth, your eyes wet and stinging, your hands trembling as you press your knuckles to your lips.
“I-I-I’m so sorry about that,” you whisper, avoiding John’s eyes.
He’s going to say something, something harsh and terrible but true. He’s finally going to tell me how stupid I was for ever thinking this could work, just like Chrissie and Freddie and Brian. He’s going to tell me I deserve it.
Instead, John offers only this, his words flat and hollow: “Yeah. I’m sorry everyone is disappointing you tonight.”
And then he’s gone.
In the morning—early afternoon, really—Roger doesn’t remember; or at least he feigns convincingly that he doesn’t. He props his feet up on the kitchen table and shovels down six pancakes and theatrically relays to you all the scandalous celebrity gossip in the News Of The World magazine with his prescription sunglasses perched bookishly on his nose. He asks you three times if you’re alright, trying to read the hesitance in your eyes, to unearth all those questions that are taking up a permanent residence there. You smile and nod, sip your tea, watch the sharp autumn sunshine as it streams in through the windows and bathes Roger in luminescence that seems so benignly interminable in the light of day. And when you peer into the bedroom with seahorse-patterned blankets and walls the color of cold rain, John has vanished; but the air is heavy with the scent of a litany of cigarettes and there’s a handwritten note left on one pillow.
Thanks for everything. Hang tough, as the Yanks say. An island getaway awaits you.
~ World’s Worst Drunk Driver
At 3 p.m., John calls and asks if the Taylors would be interested in an outing to the park while he gives Veronica a few hours alone to catch up on housework without the kids. His tone is light, casual, harmless; but you suspect he’s checking in on you.
“Of course we’re interested!” Roger says, snatching his ostentatious fur coat off the back of his chair. “Baby, love of my life, go get some cash from the safe so we can buy the kids ice cream.”
Incidentally, there’s not much cash left in the safe; but you find a ten-pound note in your wallet for the ice cream man and make a mental note to run to the bank on Monday.
Hyde Park in October isn’t so different than Boston. The leaves above are a kaleidoscope of sunstone and rubies and jasper and jade, crisping and curling around their serrated edges, drifting listlessly onto pavement paths to be crushed beneath rushing feet; the roots of the trees are centuries deep. Chrissie is walking laps around the pond as she pushes the twins’ stroller; Evelyn is a fairly good sleeper, but Theodore—Teddy to his closest confidants, of which you are one—is an anxious baby and prone to whining. He’s definitely Brian’s son, you often find yourself thinking with an affectionate smirk. John’s ten-month-old daughter Anna is nestled in your arms in a semi-conscious state, having thoroughly exhausted herself by painting her face with chocolate ice cream and thereafter enduring an impromptu bath and wardrobe change in a public restroom.
Laszlo, two years old and with a mop of auburn curls, trots by the edge of the pond as Roger grips his tiny hand, periodically crouches down beside him, grins hugely and points out swans and fish darting through the dark rippling water. Laszlo shrieks with laughter and tries to steal Roger’s sunglasses, which glint in the sunlight like black mirrors.
“So your kid’s a convict too,” you say to John.
“Gotta train them when they’re still small and good for shimmying through dog doors and such.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Extremely hungover, but I’m trying not to show it.”
“You’re doing a good job, I wouldn’t have known.”
“Excellent. I don’t think Veronica noticed. She was very curious about how I ended up in a pair of Roger’s skintight leopard-print pants, though.”
You chuckle, glimpsing down at Anna, rocking her a little as her eyes flitter open and then close again. You and John are on opposite ends of a wooden park bench, your ankles crossed and resting in his lap, your hair rustling in the breeze. John peers over at you periodically, studies you like an ancient statue of Aphrodite or Perseus under a spotlight in an echoing museum, then resumes his sketching. Your smile dies as you watch Roger giggle with Laszlo, lift him high into the cool autumn air, trumpet mock airplane noises in that high, raspy voice.
“Come on,” John prompts, nudging your boots. “I’ll take the baggage if you’ll let me.”
No, I think I’ll keep this one to myself. But you don’t. “It’s my fault,” you say softly. It’s my fault we can’t have children.
John lifts his pencil from the page, his greyish eyes gentle. “You don’t know that.”
“Statistically, it is most likely my fault.”
“It hasn’t been that long, has it? Definitely less than a year. Sometimes these things take time.”
“They didn’t for you and Veronica.”
“Yes, well...” John frowns uneasily. “That’s not always such a blessing.”
“How helpful. You should write newspaper columns for depressed housewives. ‘Don’t worry about that infertility dear, you could have it worse, you could have a life sentence with someone you can’t fucking stand.’”
That was unkind, you think, immediately regretting it. That might have been too far.
But John doesn’t seem offended. His pencil flies over the paper as he glances over at you again. “Is that all? Please continue. I’m riveted to learn more about my alternative career path.”
“No, I think I’m done.”
“Okay. What’s your favorite flower?”
You consider that. “Roger always gets me carnations or roses...and I like them, don’t get me wrong...but I don’t know if I’d call either of those my favorite.”
“It’s not that deep a question, Miss Nightingale.”
“I’ll defer to the artist’s expertise. Surprise me.”
“I’m no artist,” John warns, but he returns to his sketching nonetheless. “I’m really sorry about last night, by the way. I was being stupid and dramatic and immature and self-pitying. ‘Midway on our life's journey, I found myself in dark woods, the right road lost,’ etcetera etcetera.”
You’re no great connoisseur of Italian literature, but you recognize those famous opening lines of the Inferno. “Can I ask you something?”
“Please do.”
“What is this fascination you have with Dante?”
He smiles pensively with his eyes cast out over the pond. “I like that his story has a happy ending. That someone can start in hell and sweat out all their sins in purgatory and end up among the stars.”
You raise your eyebrows, taken back, impressed. “That’s awfully poetic.”
“It’s strange, probably,” John says, scrutinizing his drawing.
“No, really. I love it.”
“Yeah?” He’s doubtful, but he’ll allow himself to believe you if you insist.
“Yeah. And no more drunk driving or other acts of self-destruction, okay? Queen would crumble without you, John. And so would I.”
In reply, he rips the page out of his notebook and hands it over. The image is of you: so infinitely more lovely and at peace than you feel, eyes wise and contented and reflecting halos of sunlight, John’s daughter dozing in your arms.
Tucked behind your ear, etched in graphite shadows, is a calla lily.
“Darling, what do I look like?” Freddie bats his eyelashes flirtatiously.
“A raccoon.”
His face screws into a grimace. “I’m supposed to be a cat.”
“Yes, I’m cognizant of that. But you look like a raccoon. Which is why people keep assuming you’re a raccoon, which is why you’re asking me now if you look like one.”
“Bloody hell,” he groans, puffs on a cigarette, fluffs his hair irritably, slurps a drink that is fizzy and sapphire blue.
“The problem is that you went with black and white. You should have dressed as a calico or something. Or a grey cat, oh, I love the chubby grey ones!”
“I’m a musician, darling, not a fucking zoologist.” He exhales a ring of smoke and meanders away.
Queen, the band’s associates, and various music industry figures are all milling around the night-draped mansion. It’s half a Halloween celebration and half a launch party for News Of The World, an album named for the tabloid that Roger both loathes and yet refuses to stop having delivered to the Surrey house. He can’t stand the thought of not being clued into the latest gossip, trends, fashion, awards, of missing any piece of what stardom has to offer. In the spirit of Halloween, Roger is dressed as a tiger, his sleeveless sequined shirt striped with orange and black. You are a veterinarian (not so far a cry from a nurse that you can’t repurpose your old uniform), John a shark (he’s taped a cardboard triangle to his back like a fin), Veronica a sea turtle in a teal dress and with a shell painted over her sizable baby bump, Brian and Chrissie both bright green aliens with antennae bobbing from their headbands. Mary is here as well—outfitted (quite appropriately) like an Enlightenment-era queen—but so is Freddie’s new boyfriend, a shy man named Anthony who is young and handsome and compliant and dressed as a mouse. Mary beams dutifully whenever Freddie is speaking to her, but her expression clouds over when he turns away. She no longer has a gold ring gleaming on her wedding finger, although she did gain an athletic blond date whom she seems largely indifferent to.
As Roger wanders through the crowd shaking hands and howling at jokes, you sip champagne by the snack table and devour an obscene amount of crab puffs. John and Veronica are chatting—unenthusiastically, from what you can tell—nearby with lamb kabobs in their grasps. John passes you a smirk every once in a while, an I’m so over this party and I know you are too smirk of commiseration, and nurses a Manhattan. Chrissie nibbles on disks of cucumber and baby carrots and not much else, which is very unlike her.
“You alright?” you ask worriedly. “You aren’t sick, are you? These crab puff things are incredible, I can’t stop eating them. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve had three dinners so far tonight, I’ve become a monster.”
Chrissie’s lips are a tight, humorless line. “I’m perfectly healthy, I’m just a cow.”
“Chris, honey, don’t!” You pat her shoulder reassuringly with one hand, pop another crab puff into your mouth with the other. “You’re gorgeous, and most women’s bodies change once they have babies, it’s natural!”
“Yeah, well most women aren’t married to men with infinite opportunities to upgrade.”
“Chrissie, no,” you murmur, pained; but you aren’t sure what else to say. She’s not wrong. I wish she was, but she isn’t. And she already knows that.
Dreams by Fleetwood Mac is playing from the reverberating stereo, Stevie Nicks’ sensuous, nasally voice climbing through air choked with strangers and cigarette smoke.
“Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well, who am I to keep you down?”
Brian bids farewell to some record company executive he was talking to across the room and slips out onto the back porch of the house, and after a moment Chrissie follows him. You resist the temptation to eavesdrop until you can clearly hear their voices, raised and combative, through the sliding glass door. You glance to John, apprehensive.
You better go out there, he mouths, and so you do.
“Thunder only happens when it's rainin'
Players only love you when they're playin'
Say women, they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know...”
Under cold October stars, Chrissie has trapped her horrified-looking husband, backed him into a fountain of a dolphin spewing an endless stream of water from its snout. “Did you think I wouldn’t listen to your own fucking album, Brian?!” She shrieks. “Who is she, huh? Who the fuck is she?!”
You grip her arm and try to lead her away. “Chrissie, babe, not here—”
“It’s Late, Brian? Yeah, it’s real fucking late in your life to still be chasing whores over in America while I’m building your family here, isn’t it?!”
“Love, please, it’s not true,” Brian attempts anemically, reaching for her.
“It is!” Chrissie rages. “It is and it always has been and I was too busy being some blind stupid idiot who loved you to see it!”
She breaks down in tears and you shove Brian away, shoo him back inside. You pitch him a fierce glare as he leaves, retreating like a kicked dog. There’s nothing you can do to fix this, you coward. Because everything she’s saying is true. Chrissie clings to you like a life raft, sobbing into your shoulder, asking what she did wrong.
“I’m sorry,” you tell her, over and over again; because that’s all there is to say.
Eventually Chrissie quiets, goes still and resigned and numb, and you help her fix her makeup and lead her back inside. You stand with her beside the snack table and swear not to leave her side until the party’s over, until the men are done celebrating yet another triumph that will take them further and further from home. Brian is nowhere to be found.
“That goddamn broodmare,” Chrissie hisses, gulping straight vodka, staring venomously at Veronica.
“Why do you hate her so much? I mean she can be dull, yeah. She’s sanctimonious and naïve and dresses like a freaking Mennonite. But she’s not horrible or anything.” And her life isn’t so perfect either.
“It’s not obvious?” Chrissie asks, her voice like a blade.
Chrissie’s eyes are scorching, although you’re not the person she’s furious with. You just happen to be standing in the path of the storm. “Because she’s the only one of us who’s never going to have to find out what this feels like.”
Oh, I don’t like that. I don’t like that at all.
You try to spot Roger in the teeming room. He’s over by a crackling fireplace, telling stories with dramatic sweeps of his hands, bleeding charisma like sweat, and none of that is unusual at all. One of the people he’s talking to is Dominique Beyrand, and that’s not so unusual either; Richard Branson ends up at a lot of industry events, and Dom trails him around like a shadow, nodding politely and contributing little chirps of conversation in that posh French accent.
But here’s the strange part; here’s the part you’ve never seen before.
When Roger flashes that dazzling smile of his, Dominique smiles back.
Three days later, you’re steeping in a sweltering bubble bath as the phone rings downstairs. You ignore it at first, because the hot water is unraveling all the tension in your muscles and the lurking shadows in your mind, and also because the calendar is hanging right beside the phone in the kitchen and you’re quite committed to ignoring it this morning. But the phone rings again, and again, and you’re aware that it could be something serious; Roger is working on some non-Queen collaboration at a studio in downtown London, and something could have happened to him.
Especially considering his recreational preferences lately.
You scramble out of the tub, pull on a robe that sticks uncomfortably to your dripping skin, leave a path of bathwater footprints down the hallway and steps—slipping twice and clinging to the banister for dear life—before finally careening into the kitchen to snatch the phone off the wall.
“Hello?” you gasp, winded.
It’s not Roger, nor someone calling to inform you that Roger has overdosed or disappeared or vaulted down a staircase or been hit by a bus. It’s Chrissie.
“Have you seen the News Of The World yet?” she demands.
“Ummm, the album...?” Of course I’ve listened to the album. About a million times. You have a particular affinity for Spread Your Wings.
“No, not the album,” she snaps impatiently, although she kindly leaves out the you idiot addition that her tone implicates. “The magazine. Have you seen it today?”
“I was mid-bubble bath and almost broke my neck sprinting for the phone. So no.”
“Good. Don’t read a word. Don’t talk to anyone. I’m coming over. I’m gonna grab John and come right over.”
“Chris, what—?”
“Do not touch that fucking magazine!” she screams, and hangs up.
Naturally, you don’t listen.
You go to the main door of the Surrey mansion and open it. Sure enough, the new issue of News Of The World is waiting on the porch for you. You pluck it up with damp hands; the whirlpools of your fingerprints stick to the parchment.
On the front page is a photo of Roger, but he’s not alone. He’s scowling at the paparazzo snapping the picture, his face lit up by the flash, painfully and unmistakably stunning. He’s in some sort of alley or side entrance to a restaurant or club. He’s somewhere he’s trying not to be seen, which anyone could tell you is remarkable for Roger Taylor. Beside him is a woman you recognize; and although she’s looking down and trying to hide behind her shock of lustrous black hair, you can see her lips are smiling.
The headline reads: “Queen Drummer Spends Royally on London Love Nest for French Mistress.”
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theglitchywriterboi · 3 years
The Adventures of Neo Hyde
Chapter One
Then one day, the original owner of the Orphanage died when the boys were 4. Her daughter and husband took charge of the orphanage and they were both awful, the daughter, arguably worse. The husband was often out of town and when he was in he did show some care to the children by playing soccer with the children and singing, and teaching, but he would berate the children over the littlest things. Things such as untied shoes, hair not done the way he thought it should be done, kids that goofed around too much, kids that never goofed around. Kids that ate too fast or too slow, and several other things. Her daughter was worse though. She hated to play with the kids or even talk to them, and she would hit anyone she thought stepped out of line, or she would get a group of kids to vote if the other kid did something wrong. The group of kids knowing that they would end up in trouble if they said no, would end up saying yes, even though said kid was perfectly innocent.
After the women left, Neo and the child didn’t have the best life, but despite that, they became the best of friends. The child was born a girl but identified as a boy which, unfortunately, got him treated worse. The child decided to call himself “Winter-Shade” but most people that said his name, called him Winter and not both (though there were one or two that called him Shade, or switched between the two). While they were there, before things got bad, they acted like they were pirates undercover in the Orphanage and the other kids were the enemies. They would try to sneak attack them to protect their hidden treasure (and their friends), much to the dismay of the other kids who didn’t want to participate and didn’t like getting smacked in the back of the head with a wooden sword by a 3 year old during breakfast.
She hated Neo and Winter-Shade (and their friend, Pj when they were 5 and he was 4) no one really knew why she hated Neo. He was mostly a good kid. Yes, he messed around sometimes but not nearly as much as others, and he was pretty organized and quiet compared to other kids there (though not perfect and he did have moments where he was loud but overall he was a quiet kid). Everyone knew why she hated Winter-Shade. He was an odd looking boy, who was born with two different eye colors you couldn’t have, and he was born a girl but insisted he was a boy. Plus he was loud, messy, and would fight her on every little thing. She hated all of that. She hated Pj because he was their friend, and she hated them. Well, that’s not entirely true. He wasn’t very well behaved so she already didn’t like him for that, as well as the fact that he followed Winter-Shades’ lead and not Neos’ because even though she hated him, Neo wasn’t as bad as Winter-Shade.
One cold morning in autumn, a small man and woman walked in. While this was happening the boys were up to their usual mischievousness; hitting people with swords, stealing from Ms. Nancy, hiding and misplacing things, etc. but then they got a call down stairs. Well, more like Neo did, but when one of them got called, all of them did.
“They wanted to come too,” Neo stated matter of factly, “who are those people?”
“Ah yes, Mr. Hyde. And you brought your little gang with you?” Ms. Nancy groaned trying to seem like a normal human being that could get through a sentence without yelling or hitting someone.
“Oh this, lovely couple? They wanted to come and adopt you! Isn’t that wonderful!” She said with a slight smile but it was hard for any of the children to tell because she has a permanent scowl.
Winter-Shade and Pj were my first family, Neo thought. I wanted to go but… What about them? Would I ever see them again?
“WHAT?!” All three of the boys yelled. Of course, if he left, he’d be kind of happy. He wouldn’t have to deal with horrible bullies, the smell, or Ms. Nancy and her father. But he wouldn’t get to see his friends again would he? No one ever came back to visit, that is, unless their adoptive parents were bringing them back or adopting another kid (though, it was usually the first option) and he doubted they’d come get another. Maybe he could annoy them into bringing him back.
“Can my friends come too?” Neo asked hopefully. The man and woman laughed a little. Not in a mocking way, more in a ‘uh-oh what do we do’ kind of way.
The man bent down to look at Neo “I’m… I’m sorry sweetheart but… No… We can’t really afford to have three more kids in the house right now, trust me, if we could we would take them home in a heartbeat but we can’t.” Neos’ eyes started to water. The man and woman looked at each other, then the woman bent down and spoke to Neo.
“We can bring you here a couple times a month so you can play with your friends? I know it won’t be the same but you’ll get to see them still. If you come home with us you’ll get to go to a school with different kids and make new friends! How does that sound?”
“I don’t need any more friends, I only need them,” Neo said quietly. His eyes started to water. Winter-Shade pulled his friend to the side a little to where the adults could see them but not really hear them.
“Neo, go with them! We’ve been dreaming of leaving this place for as long as I can remember, just go. We’ll be fine.” Winter-Shade whispered. Pj nodded in agreement. Neo still didn’t feel 100% convinced that they were okay with this nor that they’d be okay but he didn’t want to miss his opportunity either.
“Promise Neo. I got Winter to protect me. I’ll make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble” Pj stated before adding “well, I’ll try to make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble but, you know how he is.” The boys all laughed a little and Winter-Shade looked a little offended before also laughing as well.
“You promise me you guys will be fine?” Neo asked. He glanced at the adults. Ms. Nancy looked annoyed but the man and woman just looked calm and patient.
“I Promise we’ll be safe and all that stuff. I can’t promise I’ll stay out of trouble, you know how I am.” He said the last bit while jokingly glaring at Pj.
“Yeah I know... I guess I better go talk with them,” Neo said. Winter-Shade and Pj nodded and they all walked back over to the adults.
“Took you long enough” Ms. Nancy grumbled under her breath.
“Oh be nice, this must be hard for a kid of his age to think about” the woman said. Ms. Nancy glared at her but shut up about it.
“So ‘Mister Hyde’ would you like you like to come with us?” The man asked, attempting, but kind of failing at mocking Ms. Nancy for never calling the kids by their first names, but only their last names. “How about I introduce myself. I’m Gerard and this is my wife Louise.”
“Neeeeeoooo????” Winter-Shade said in a questioning tone.
“Hi Gerard. Hi Louise. It’s… Um… Nice to meet you. And I… Uh, yes I’d like to go with you two” Gerard laughed a little.
“It’s nice to meet you too Neo, and that’s lovely! Why don’t you go get your things and say bye to everyone and then we can go, does that sound good?” Gerard said standing up.
“Okay…” Neo began his way upstairs to pack his things as Gerard and Louise waited for him.
“Yes, Winter?” Neo said when he got to their room.
“Do you want my purple eye as a goodbye present?” Winter-Shade questioned in a completely serious tone.
“I- W-what? Winter I can’t take your eye” Neo said in a panicked voice. He rushed over to him and checked that both his eyes were indeed where they should be as he was slightly worried Winter-Shade had already taken his eye out. Pj was just sitting there, watching this unfold.
“Winter, promise me you won’t take out either of your eyes for any reason?” Neo asked, more like told Winter-Shade after checking both his eyes were in.
“I,” Winter-Shade started while pointing to both of his eyes “promise not to take out either of my eyes for any reason”
“Good… Or your limbs. Or your teeth. Just… Just stay safe and don’t hurt yourself Winter, okay?” Neo said. Winter-Shade just sort of nodded along.
“Don’t forget to make them bring you here to see us!” Pj said finally butting in.
“I’ll come as much as I can! Now can you guys help me pack my things?” Neo asked as he began putting his things in his suitcase. The other two just nodded and started grabbing his things. He didn’t have much, only a few items of clothing, toys, and some other stuff. While they were packing and kind of slacking off and joking around, Winter-Shade whispered to Pj that he’d be right back and walked away, but Neo didn’t seem to notice.
Winter-Shade walked down to Ms. Nancy's office. Locked, obviously. Winter-Shade started looking for a key to the office. He felt around and finally he found one under a rather hot lamp on a desk to the left of her door. He unlocked the door and walked in, less carefully than he should’ve, he practically burst in, and he closed the door behind him. He started searching around, he found cool things that he carefully put in his pocket without really thinking about it until he found what he was looking for: The files. Well, his, Pjs, and Neos files. They were tucked away somewhere, along with a few other files he didn’t want to look at, not in the file cabinet with the other kids files. He took theirs and ran out of the room and back to his room.
“Oh! I was looking for rats” Winter-Shade said. While Gerard and Louise seemed shocked and weirded out at this statement, the others seemed more annoyed.
“Winter! I thought I was going to have to leave without saying goodbye to you! Where did you run off to?” Neo said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere with Ms. Nancy, his new parents, and Pj.
“Winter-Shade, for the last time, you may NOT keep any rodents as pets” Ms. Nancy said in a frustrated, but tired voice.
“I didn’t find any unfortunately…” Winter-Shade whispered more so to himself.
“But we’re leaving now Winter so… This is goodbye” Neo’s voice cracked. Even though he knew he’d get to come and visit them, deep down he knew it wouldn’t be the same. It couldn’t be the same. Seeing them once a month and only part of the day? Him and Winter-Shade had known each other since… Since forever. They were like family, and Pj was too even though they hadn’t known him as long.
So, at age 8, Neo Hyde got adopted and, as he feels like he lost his first family, he gained a new one and became Neo Hyde-Skyle.
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boleyn-falcon · 4 years
‘wouldn’t it be nice?’
okay so ever since i made my Joan and Jane fic (here) I've decided i wanted to make a oneshot for all the ladies and their queens! this one is a lot more happy because my heart can’t handle a sad Maggie rn like i’ll die.
this is also me just being a wannabe soccer jock because i finished my first season this school year :> of yea and if i accidentally refer to it as soccer and not football i’m sorry i’m a dumbass american
synopsis - Anne thinks today would be the perfect day to kidnap her closest friend and sports-related hijinks ensue! with maybe a slight side of bruises and concussions..
Words - 2593
Trigger warnings - none that i know of but tell me if you think i should add one!
     Maggie loved the early summer. It was the perfect time of the year, not too hot nor cold. She could leave her window open to let in natural sunlight during the day, she’s always hated artificial lights, they give her headaches. It was the best time to just hone her skills and relax, she could let all of her stress just melt away. The brunette started learning a new song she heard so she could play it to the ladies and queens. “Wouldn't it be nice”, by some old american group called ‘The Beach Boys’, it was a nice feel good song the guitarist just felt amazing hearing. The old song’s lyrics remind her how good her second chance at life really was, “And wouldn't it be nice to live together,In the kind of world where we belong?”, it was perfect.
  Her hands gracefully floated over the strings, eyes locked on the chords displayed on her computer screen. It felt like the world had stopped moving for a moment, like everything was calm. Well that feeling didn’t last that long. Maggie’s hands suddenly gripped the neck of the instamet as a large crash came from down stairs, ‘oh no what is it this time’. The musician laid her guitar down on her bed right as a slew of very creative and colorful curses came from what she could only presume was Bessie. With a quick trot down the stairs she was soon to find a very peeved bassist, a started pianist, a confused drummer. She made haste to the living room where they were standing to also find one very apologetic tudor queen and one rambunctious gremlin on the floor, oh and a slightly broken window.
    “Gosh Bess I’m so sorry about her, we just got back from pret and i let her buy a large chocolate frappe, i'll pay for the new window..”, the blue clad queen said with a sorry smile. Maria spoke up with a curious tone, “Wait why are you guys here anyway? Atleast give a reason Miss Kermit the Hulk over here came crashing through our window?”, the green eyed woman finally stood up from her place on the floor and shuffled shyly. “Well Cathy wanted to come over and get some piano lessons from Joan and I tagged along to hopefully get some time with my favorite ferret!”, Maggie gave an amused chuckle and stepped forward. “Well okay you sugared up raccoon, what did you wanna do?”, Anne made her way to the couch and plopped down, “Well before we do anything, you need to go change into some shorts and a tank top oh and put your hair up. Cathy then grabbed one of the two drawstring bags she had been holding and handed it to Anne, who was already in some black running shorts and a neon green muscle tank. “Well me and Joan are gonna go hit the keys, you two have fun with whatever trouble Anne will get you both in”, and with that the two shorter girls made their way across the room and began to talk quietly.
  The band member made her way back up to her room and began to pick out an outfit. ‘ Huh, I wonder why Anne is having me wear sports gear..the only kind of sport she watches is hockey and that's because she thinks it's funny to see them beat the shit out of each other’. She opened her closet and picked out some white athletic shorts(with pockets because all pants need them in her opinion), and a pastel cyan dri fit shirt with a black double note on the front. Lastly, she ties her hair back in her normal high ponytail she wears for shows.
      Finally they were ready and made their way out of the house and onto the London streets. Anne still had her green bag, without giving a single hint to what could be inside. They made their way down into the nearest tube station on the Piccadilly Line. Maggie could now slightly narrow down the places they could be heading,but just a little. They stayed on the hot tube for a good few minutes before the hyper woman pulled her off and gave her a little time to look at where they had gotten off, Hyde Park Corner. This had just gotten even more puzzling as they made their way up to the surface. They were so close to leaving the station, till they had to scan their oyster cards. Anne had gotten through the gate easily with a quick swipe of her card. Maggie walked forward and scanned her card, but as she was walking through she felt a pressure on her waist. The Confused woman looked down to find out.. The gate had closed on her and she was stuck in between the two sides of the machine. “...Well shit… that's a problem”, the two rudor women laughed and Anne waved down a worker to let her friend out of her plastic-mechanical prison.
       They finally made it out of the station, at least they already had a funny story to tell the others. They ambled their way down the stone sidewalk, smiling and laughing like school kids. “So I tell Joey about the whole pasta-wall test and she actually does it! Wait it gets better, she grabs a handful of angel hair spaghetti and chucks it at the kitchen wall! In front of Maria and Bessie! Let’s just say she wasn't allowed to be near any kind of noodle for a while”, Anne bursts out in laughter even stronger than back at the station, wiping tears from her eyes.  Suddenly the green queen stopped and grabbed her friend’s hand and pulled her over to the other side of the road. “Tadah! We are gonna hang out here and try something new!”,the enthusiastic woman points to the stone arch like structure above them. “Hyde Park? What could we possibly learn here?”, Anne gives no answer as she continues to drag the poor musician into the park and off to a flat clearing.
    The Boleyn girl stops right in the middle of the small grassy area and finally pulls out what has been hiding in her bag, a basic football and a small bluetooth speaker. “I thought it would be fun if we learned how to play Football! It seems easy enough and it would be fun bonding for us!”, she put the speaker down next to her bag and put the ball at her feet. Maggie was beyond confused, neither woman had ever tried sports, she knows Cleves runs and does boxing with Kathrine but that's about it. The guitarist gave a nod to the woman in front of her, she was about three meters away. Anne pulls her foot back like a bow and slams the front of her foot into the ball and sends it flying towards the other burnette. The ball hits Maggie’s right shin, she stumbles back and trips over the object at her feet and falls on her backside. “Ow shit!”, both women say loudly, Anne holding her foot and Maggie on the ground clutching her shin.
     “Okay so bad idea, maybe we should..I dunno, learn how to play the damn game before we start kicking shit?”, the tudor queen gave a shy nod as she walked over and helped the injured girl to her feet. Maggie pulls out her phone from the pocket of her shorts and goes to her trusty friend, Google. “Okay Mags we should start with how to kick the damned thing without breaking all of your toes”, the guitarist gave a small chuckle and searched what Anne had suggested. After about thirty seconds of looking she finds a short Youtube video titled, ‘How to properly kick a soccer ball’, huh made by an American i guess. She clicked the video and turned her phone so both inept reincarnates could watch. The woman in the video showed her foot parallel to the ball, lightly kicking it with the inner side of her foot, unlike Anne who ‘toed’ the ball from what the woman said. The demonstrator showed how to open your hips wide to pass forward and how to angle your foot to make sure the ball goes in the right direction. After the tutorial ended Maggie turned her phone off and returned it to her pocket. “Okay Anne go back to your spot with the demon-sphere so we can try this again”.
      So it was take two and they widened their stances slightly like the player in the video did, “Okay Mags remember to stop it with the side like she said so i don't break your foot! God the other Ladies would kill me..”. Anne got ready and tilted her foot outwards slightly and pulled back, she hit the ball correctly, well sort of. She used the right part  of her foot but hit the very bottom of the ball and it flew upwards and towards the poor ferret-like woman in front of her, hitting her square in the face. Maggie stepped back and made a low grunt noise and held her face. “Christ Annie what did you do wrong this time? You did exactly what she said and it was still fucked up!”,Anne gave a confused look with a tilt of her head, “I dunno ‘M, maybe it was wind?”.  Both gave a frustrated sigh as they sat down on a nearby bench and started to think. Before they could conjure up a coherent thought, Maggie spotted 3 teenage looking girls with matching gold and red sports uniforms with low and behold, a football. The younger girl shot up from the bench and gave her queen a confident smirk, “Anne i think i have a good but also maybe terrible idea”, she sped up to the girls and stopped them in their tracks.
           “Hey sorry to bother you girls but erm… you play Football right..?”, the three girls looked at each other confusingly, “Um”, the tall brunette girl starts, “Yea we are on our school’s team..why?”. Anne catches up to Maggie right as the conversation continues, “Well I’m Maggie and my friend Anne and I want to learn how to play but we are kinda…”, Maggie trails off for Anne to finish, “Bad at it, like really bad”. The tanner girl with gloves on stepped forward with an amused look, “Well okay then, we were just about to go for a short practice so we could totally help you out!”, she put her gloved hand out for Maggie to shake, “I’m Samina, I’m the team’s goalie and these are two out of three of my defenders, Piper”, she points to the girl from brefor who gave a small wave, “And brooke”, a shorter brunette looked up and gave a small nod. “So I see you're already kinda set up here so let's get to it!”, the goalie led her girls over and gave the older pair an encouraging smile, “Show us whatcha got ladies!”.        All five of the girls got in a wide spread circle with Anne’s ball at her feet. “Okay so first things first, do you know how to kick it without hurting yourself or sending it to the moon?”, Anne looked over and answered for Maggie, “Kinda, we can do it without harming our precious feet buuut it went flying and ‘bout gave Mags a broken sniffer..”. The shortest girl gave a small nod and gazed over at the pair, “Well then you hit the bottom of the ball, next time hit the middle or top, but i say middle because you might trip if you hit the top”, she said in a monotone voice. Anne decides to give it a go and turns to face Maggie, giving her a look that says, ‘be prepared because this might end horribly’. Giving her queen a quick nod she gets ready to receive the weapon of death, aka the ball. Anne pulls back and hits the ball just like she was told and it zooms towards Maggie on the ground and the brown eyed woman manages to catch it with somewhat ease. “Nice job Bo!”, she says as she rushes to give her green clad friend a high-five who gladly returns. “Now”, Piper starts, “time to learn how to dribble with the ball!”. Both girls groan in response.
       After about an hour and a half of learning the simple methods of the sport the girls had to leave so it just left Maggie and Anne to figure it all out from there. Maggie spots an opportunity to turn up the fun and jogs over to Anne’s speaker and connects her phone. An upbeat guitar melody begins to play and just a few seconds later words start to emit from the speaker, “Wouldn't it be nice if we were older? Then we wouldn't have to wait so long?”. The musician gives a bright smile as the cheerful song plays, she now could really understand how grateful she really was for this new life. She sauntered over to the smiling Boleyn girl and they began to pass the ball around and laugh. They practiced thier passess and dribbleing, even tripping a good few times which made their smiles even brighter as they became covered in dirt,grass, and small bruises.
     “Annie! Heads up!”, the ball flew past the queen’s head and into a tree behind her, getting stuck up in some branches. “Shit sorry, i'll go up and get it dont worry!”, Anne gave a worried glance, “Are you sure Maggie? We could just throw stuff at it to knock it down..”, Maggie had already started scaling the tree. It was anything but graceful, she looked like a blind cat with a missing tail,left leg, and whiskers, she couldn't balance at all. After making her way up about 5 or so branches she finally got to their beloved horri-ball. She grabbed it with her left hand, leaving her right, non-dominant hand, to be the one holding onto the flimsy branch above her, it was a recipe for disaster. “Hey Anne, I got the bAL-”, where her last words before the branch gave way and she went tumbling to the ground. Luckily or not so luckily, her dearest queen was there to break her fall. “I told you so”, is all Anne could croak out from under Maggie before she pushed her off. After that fiasco they moved a tad bit farther from the trees so they didn’t have to go home in full body casts.
After a few more hours it was starting to get dark and they thought it best for them to head back to their respective homes. They parted ways and started the trek back to their humble abodes. “See you later Mag! I'll text you later!”, and with that Anne was gone, Maggie has always wondered how she just vanishes right when you take her eyes off her. After a very cautious tube station trip and ride, she was finally home. The guitarist, happy to be home and rest, opens the door, ready to have some quiet time. Her dreams are slightly crushed as she sees a small brown blur scurry across the hall with a very distressed Maria rushing after it. The drummer stops in her tracks to make eye contact with her bandmate, “Bessie,Cathy, and Joey went out for dinner, don't say a word about this Margret”, today just got even more exhausting.
Okay well that was an absolute acid trip-
i hope yall enjoy some cute bonding shit becuase the last one was so edgy n shit, and before any of you ask, yes the three girls on my team who are all really amazing players and friends and i love them so so much-
the next one will probably be with Maria and Lina and them dealing with Maria’s.... new little predicament haha
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Okay so I had a real wack idea and that is: Jekyll and Hyde but in Danny Phantom AU. Basically it would be like an episode where Dr. Henry Jekyll becomes a new teacher at Casper High and right after he arrives a new ghostly menace (Hyde) shows up to terrorize Amity Park. I’ll put more info under this if you’re interested in my ramblings. 
Okay so basically, when Henry Jekyll was in college he got in an accident that  involved a homemade/really shitty ghost portal that he and (Hastie? Robert? Maybe something else?) Lanyon built. Lanyon and him had a fight over it and after Lanyon leaves the room to calm down Jekyll says “fuck it yolo” and decides to start up the machine himself. It blows up in his face giving him a scar on his right cheek and turns him into a half ghost. His halfa form appears younger than Henry and seems to have a bit of a mind of its own (due to the shoddy construction of the ghost portal). He calls himself Hyde because his first instinct was “HIDE” when security, medical personnel, and other assorted people on campus run to the wrecked lab. The name Edward comes later mostly as a personal “Ooo I like that name” kinda thing (if anyone has a better idea for this please share because im a dummy and can’t think of anything). Jekyll comes back and since he has the scar on his face Lanyon thinks he caused the explosion on purpose and whoop there goes their friendship. They end up both getting the blame but it’s less of a “you tried to blow up the school” thing and more of a “you really fucked up on your experiment and must have really miscalculated” thing. The school has their families pay for most of the damages (which is a-okay because they both come from wealthy families) and it just ends up becoming sort of an on campus joke. 
Years go by and Hyde ends up getting more and more of his own personality. At first he was almost completely influenced by Jekyll but now it’s become more like Hyde is a separate ghost possessing Jekyll. This becomes a problem when, as Jekyll is working in his lab, Hyde decides he’s bored and takes over. Jekyll ends up developing a chemical to control the transformations (HJ7) and put him back in charge of the situation. It works for a while but then Henry starts seeming black out for times, and what he hears about his actions as he’s blacked out makes him realize that Hyde is taking control/possessing his human form (basically green eyed Jekyll type scenario). This freaks Henry out, so he decides he’s going to find professional help. Low and behold, Amity Park, the town where some of the most famous ghost hunters live in, has a job opening for a new chemistry teacher at the local high school. Jekyll easily gets the job and starts working immediately. 
Henry soon becomes the teacher everyone either totally loves or totally hates. He’s very passionate about chemistry but knows a lot about other scientific fields and will talk to students about their favorite studies. Because of his passion for chemistry though, he grades very harshly and does not tolerate disruptions such as talking during lectures and arriving tardy (without a good excuse). This is what causes the great divide on the students opinions of him. Everyone stands on one side or the other. Everyone except Danny Fenton. Danny is the child of scientists, the local ghost hunters Jack and Maddie Fenton, and is very passionate about astronomy and wants to work for NASA when he grows up. The problem is he’s always either missing, tardy to, or sleeping in class. He also doesn’t really seem to grasp the material. Dr. Jekyll is torn because he can tell that Danny loves science and he has had really great conversations with him about astronomy but he’s just upset at how Danny is in his class. He ends up deciding that he will take the boy under his wing and tutor him to help him pass. This will also get him closer to Danny’s parents who he thinks can help him with his Hyde problem. 
Danny goes after school for tutoring (surprisingly there were no rogue ghosts attacking today) and waits for Dr. Jekyll to show up. And waits. And waits. Then his ghost sense goes off and he just can’t wait anymore. Danny grabs his bag and runs into down the hall to the boys room where, with a quick “I’m going ghost!” he’s off to fight the ghostly menace of the day. When he spots the spirit, he sees this is one that he’s never fought before. He’s tall and quite lean with bluish skin, venomous green eyes, green hair pulled into a flaming ponytail, and a nasty scar across the right side of his face. The ghost takes notice that Danny’s there and a fight ensues. And then it ends when Danny gets yeeted through a wall and the ghost disappears. At least Danny was able to pick up that the new ghost’s name is Edward Hyde during the fight. He goes home to work on his homework go to sleep. He just crashes right into bed and sleeps till the next day. 
When he gets to school, Dr. Jekyll comes up to him and apologizes that he couldn’t make it to the tutoring session and that an emergency had come up that he had to attend to. Danny was like no biggie and continued on with the day. He talked with Sam and Tucker about this new ghost. They go over where he may have come from, if he’s working for Vlad, and all the other possibilities including that it could be that Dr. Jekyll may be a halfa like Danny and Vlad, but that got brushed off as wrong (”That ghost did not seem like the kind of guy who’d have a PHD. He’s a MR. Hyde at best, not a Dr. like Jekyll”). The school day ends and Danny’s off to learn the ways of chemistry. This time Dr. Jekyll is there and the lesson goes according to plan. At least right up until Danny’s lesson is about over. When the topic of talking to Danny’s parents about his tutoring (and the possibility of them helping out with Jekyll’s halfa problem) is brought up, all of a sudden a change comes over the good doctor. He starts saying nasty things and acting like real bitch. That’s when Danny notices that Dr. Jekyll’s eyes are a vibrant shade of green. Seeing this as a sign that Jekyll has been possessed (hopefully by that Edward Hyde ghost from yesterday, Danny wants a round two with him) Danny goes ghost (because it’s not like Dr. Jekyll will remember anyway he’s possessed. 
This freaks the shit out of Hyde because a. he thought he was the only halfa there was b. holy shit this little scrawny kid is that ghost that nearly kicked his ass yesterday c. he thinks he’s been found out and d. holy shit this little scrawny kid is that ghost that nearly kicked his ass yesterday. Since he’s so freaked out, he slips a little and Jekyll comes to for just long enough to be punched in the face by the kid he thought would be his favorite student. This “little” punch shakes up Jekyll but acts as a snap back to reality for Hyde who makes them go ghost. When Danny sees the rings go around Dr. Jekyll turning him into Edward Hyde, he realizes he fucked up. A fight ensues which ends with an agreement between the two (three???). Basically Danny will leave them alone and not tell his parents as long as a. Hyde doesn’t forcibly take over Jekyll and when he’s out he doesn’t cause problems and b. Jekyll doesn’t try to destroy Hyde.
(when Danny tells Sam and Tucker about all this Tucker yells “HAH! I told you!”)
I think Hyde still gets up to mischief but he’s not a real villain just more of a pest. The real villain is Jekyll who goes to Vlad Masters for a side job (cause teaching don’t pay nearly enough as it should) where he ends up helping to develop ghost weapons. I’d actually see him being able to get close enough to Vlad that he learns a lot of his little secrets, just not the one about Vlad being a halfa. (I think Jekyll might be brought in to help with cloning Danny.)
And that’s pretty much all I got. I might make a fic if anyone wants it but there’s no real guarantee on the quality since I haven’t taken a creative writing class in over 4 years.
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