#Holy Magic
dracoangel · 7 months
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galderthefuzzy · 1 year
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Reprieve The large Draenei relaxed into a chair beside the bed. He mindlessly scratched at his bare chest, fingers brushing over the thin scars in places. Pulling the book over, he marveled again at the weight of it. Which in turn caused him to chuckle inwardly at the the circumstances that had delivered it to him. Hours earlier, Niquisse had knocked on his door, a large bundled held to her chest. When he answered, his brows raised to meet his crest. “Sutrakarre was not expecting Niqi today. No session was scheduled.” He gestured for her to step in and closed the heavy wooden door behind her. “I know. But I did want to thank you for all you have done for me over the past few years. And I came across this,” she offered quietly. Stepping into the small area at the front of the house, she set it down on the desk with an audible thunk. The Ren’dorei woman moved to the chair she typically rested in when they spoke at his home. Her dark curls fell in front of her face and a glowing tendril curled outward to move them back into place. He stepped to the desk, his expression only growing more curious. “This is unnecessary. Sutrakarre does not do this for Niqi’s payment. Sutrakarre is already paid by the House.” He carefully tugged at the red silk ribbon that had been tied in a large bow over the embroidered fabric that wrapped the unknown contents. “Consider it a gift then, rather than renumeration,” she offered. He nodded and lifted the ribbon away, then carefully unfolded the fabric. Once done, a large, thick tome bound in time worn leather revealed itself to him. The cover bore only a single rune in gold leaf. Light. “What is this Niqi has brought to Sutrakarre?” “It is a copy of a text we had in our family home when I was a young girl. That one was destroyed. Sort of a…guidebook? I am not quite sure how to explain it. It has all of the traditions, manners of worship, proper decorum of the followers of the Light as practiced by the people of Quel’thalas.” She shifted slightly in her seat, peering at him. “Sutrakarre thinks this is a fine gift.” He opened the cover, the beautiful runes on the pages immediately filling his vision. “This will be a new challenge for Sutrakarre. Learning how to read Niqi’s native tongue.” “Oh, I hadn’t considered that. I… damn…” She sighed, hanging her head. Rising from the chair, she reached for the book. “I will find a more appropriate gift.” The Draenei closed it and laid a massive hand on its cover. “There is no better gift than a way to understand Niqi better. Sutrakarre will learn the runes and learn about Niqi from the text.” He smiled gently and bowed to her. “Sutrakarre thanks Niqi for this. It will be a worthy adventure.” Niqi met his bow with a low curtsey, her skirt pooling on the floor around her. “You have been a great help to me and to our family. I hope you know how much it has meant.” “The better question is, does Niqi know? Does family know? Will Alassë grow to know?” His last question was spoken with much tenderness, the golden light in his eyes meeting the blue and violet of hers. The man’s hand came to rest across the back of both of her shoulders. He gave a gentle squeeze. “Most important thing is that one knows of one’s own strength. Sutrakarre didn’t help Niqi. Niqi helped Niqi. Sutrakarre only listened and asked questions.” Niqi rose and smiled, shaking her head a little. “And that was how you helped. Enjoy the rest of your day, Sutrakarre.” He inclined his head, smiling again. “Niqi as well. Give hugs to Alassë from Sutrakarre.” “I will.” As the memory faded, he looked down once again at the page. It had been months, but the runes were finally coming to him with far more ease. Turning to the next page, he began to read again, old feelings of the warmth that was found in the Light beginning to stir. As they built up within in him, the runes themselves seemed to shimmer, then glow before his eyes. As they did so, they almost took on a life of their own, rising from the page and flowing into his mind with less and less effort. Perhaps the Light could still hold the same love for him after all. A Christmas commission I had the pleasure to work on for the wonderful @tindomielsilverthorn. Thank you for commissioning me!
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ludvikskp · 11 months
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This old painting, from like 2018 maybe, I still like a lot. I was going for a very Magic: The Gathering vibe then. Still hoping today that one day maybe I'll end up doing some magic cards. When I initially posted this somewhere I had this really hostile guy commenting that it's stolen Magic art and I should take it down. He was dead sure he had seen it on a card at some point. I told him to fuck off, but in reality I've never felt more flattered by a comment lol
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maru-x-idrew · 1 year
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draconic-ichor · 2 years
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GodLord Art WIP~
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cyallowitz · 7 months
Revisiting Origins: Aedyn Karwyn
By Kayla Matt Aedyn began like Fritz and Nimby as another player’s character in the game.  There was a big difference between him and them.  The guy playing Aedyn was more into the mechanics of the game than the character.  So, Aedyn wasn’t much of a personality or factor.  He was the half-elven priest who healed us when we were in trouble.  His name was also Aiden Quinn, which is also the name…
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revjss · 8 months
Evening Prayer - 20 Oct 2023
I witnessed magic today. Holy Magic. In the midst of wonderfully affirming music and moving music, I witnessed two masters of their instruments (who met each other for the first time literally minutes earlier) improvise together, riffing off each other, weaving together and creating sheer beauty, acoustic beauty, spirit nourishing, holy beauty.
Thank you, Holy One, for gifting these two musicians with talents they have honed, for the beauty they created, and for the opportunity you gave me to be a witness to it. Amen!
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egophiliac · 25 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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tacticaltaxonomist · 1 year
I love the rainbow checkmarks but the colors could be improved. Maybe something like this?
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i am thinking how much poorer, how much less colorful the world would be if art was only made by "professionals." if all the music, all the stories, all the sketches & paintings & craftwork of the world was created only by the small category of people able to make a decent living from their art. imagine if the only people allowed to create were the experts & the renowned & those aspiring to the top. what a grey world that would be. how much joy would be bleached away! i love you people who create for the sake of creating, i love you artists who do art for tiny audiences, i love you people who make things even just for one person, even just for themselves, even if no one's watching, thank you thank you thank you for decorating the world in which we all exist
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dracoangel · 7 months
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With you, I forget my goddess. I love you.
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rendevok · 5 months
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step into the light
what do you see?
my sun,
my stars
shining on me
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ludvikskp · 1 year
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A full set of cards I painted for Radiant: Offline Battle Arena a few years back. The character’s name is Aurelia.
Patreon Prints
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Orokana Makoto, L’Idiot.
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aurosoulart · 5 months
alright. that's it. technology has gone too far
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mortellanarts · 6 months
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I've found the path my heart will walk today
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