#Hisoka slander
salteyyy · 1 year
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I refuse to believe some people find this man hot like yall forget this mf is a p*do? 💀
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nartml · 3 months
"I don't like wolfstar—"
"Sasusaku are my otp—"
"THW was the perfect ending—"
"Hisoka is so hot—"
"TPW was exploitative and incredibly harmful—"
"Coho is such a great writer—"
"Taylor Swift could write Shakespeare but Shakespeare couldn't write folklore—"
"Opinions can't be wrong—"
"[insert every other horrendous take I've ever heard]"
Shhhh shh shhhh, nobody asked for your irrelevant thoughts go away
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arakn0 · 2 years
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Local artist can't stop drawing Kurapika as a McDonalds employee.
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note-boom · 1 year
I found this in one of the places I scribble notes on and almost died laughing...
Karma and Adrien - voiced by Bryce Papenbrook, trapped in awful situations by a creepy rich guy with light hair and a shady persona, has an admiration for a dark, short-haired stranger with a powerful ability, precious boy. Karma is dead, though
Lucy and Marinette - voiced by Cristina Vee, has a thing(?) for a cat boy, creative and determined, part of a secret society that the government can't touch, but one is a lowkey former terrorist
Mori and Gabriel - voiced by Keith Silverstein, midde aged creeps with an obsession with a dark haired minor with powerful abilities, bonus for both being connected to butterflies in some way, also sentimonsters/avatars and having a female subordinate that's way more competent, Gabriel isn't as smart as Mori, though
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v-vina · 1 year
HxH Character’s Search History
-Ging maps
-Green outfits
-Ging location
-What is 3+7?
-slime videos
-killugon fanart
-How to murder your family (with pictures)
-Hot Topic
-how to be a good big brother
-romance anime
-how to be cool
-how to build a nuclear bomb
-fast money making
-how to make money fast
-billionaires secrets
-how to get on someone's will
-ballad health
-doctor application
-how to look younger
-Chrollo slander
-phantom troupe location
-Kurta eyes
-how to become a part of the Mafia
-phantom troupe slander
-hisogon fanart
-bungee gum
-how to gain custody of a minor
-deck of cards Amazon
-how to keep a snatched waist
-clown makeup tutorial
-how do I use this device 
-Killua location
-Killua google maps
-how to get your brother to get home
-gacha life videos 
-how to become strong
-nen explanation
-how to get free robux
-I'm holy
-holy bible
-chain user
-find my child - Uvogin
-I can't use my nen. What do I do?
-JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
-How to take care of kids
-Greed Island
-training ideas
-am I an old hag quiz
-how to get a 12 year late abortion
-McDonald's hamburger
-chicken wings
-Walmart meat section
-Uber Eats
-am I fat?
-Are humans incompetent?
-How long can a human function without sleep, water, or food?
-My body guards are being weird. What do I do?
-What does blind mean?
-What is love like?
Please don't repost.
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kiteslover · 2 years
HxH Headcanons I Believe Very Strongly
Here’s another batch of my feral takes i hope you enjoy
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* Killua has spent HOURS trying to figure out every single girly thing in the world just so he can take good care of Alluka. He’ll paint his nails with her and let her do makeup on his face just to make her happy (because killua is the best brother in the entire universe and nothing will ever come close to hi
* Killua also never sits properly in chairs. He’s always doin some weird ass contortionist stuff while he’s sitting and if anyone asks if that’s comfortable he’ll be like “what? Why would you even ask that”
* Illumi, despite being the emotionless stick that he is, has a really extensive hair cair routine. He was probably chilling with Hisoka and some point and noticed some bougie hair products on his bathroom counter. Needless to say Hisoka witnessed his fascination got him hooked shortly.
* Anytime Gon and Ging see Leorio after Gon’s decision to follow Ging, Leorio is the most passive aggressive mfer you’ve ever seen to Ging but he’s like over the top nice to Gon. He makes sure Ging recognizes this.
* “Gon!! I got you this PRESENT for your BIRTHDAY. I tried REALLY hard to make sure you’d actually LIKE it because I know EVERYTHING that you like!” *queue side eye to Ging to which Ging is staring off into space with his regular scowl*
* Ging definitely got Gon a pair of socks for his birthday that he couldn’t even wear bc they were too small for him. Gon was equally happy with both Leorio and Ging’s present. Nothing either of them do will make Gon love them more or less
* Kurapika has really, Really nice handwriting. I would like to think he enjoys writing letters from time to time (definitely not just for a chance to show off his handwriting)
* On the other hand, Leorio writes literal chicken scratch. He’s working to be a doctor okay he can’t afford to have nice handwriting as long as he understands it it’s fine
* Morel has a really bad tan line under those sunglasses.
* Speaking of which, knov gets the most GOD awful sunburns in the history of sunburns ever. I mean have you seen this man he pasty as heel
* Hisoka goes to the nail salon regularly and always gets compliments on how long and sharp his nails are.
* Alluka seems like a littlest pet shop girl idk i just wont be taking criticism on this
* She definitely begs Killua to use his hunter license to find the rare ones, he complies per usual
* Knuckle takes very good care of his appearance/hygiene (if you couldn’t already tell from his stupid pompadour) and definitely wears cologne. thankfully, it’s not too strong cause He’s not one of those axe body spray people
* You know who IS an axe body spray person? Ging
* Ging probably doesn’t even bother with axe body spray either
* That man smells rank i stg
Okay thats it for these I’m sorry for my incessant Ging slander in all my Headcanons but i just cant help myself🤭🤭🤭
let me know if you want any other characters!
Other headcanons from me:
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hxhhasmysoul · 8 months
I also love u bringing up Killua's strategical prowess, intelligence, a good ability to read other people, etc. And how ride and die and loyal he is/can be. And other stuff too ofc. I also love the comparison u made with Killua and onions. And the Gojou and coconut comparison was interesting.
Anyways, that was a really interesting (and good) post u made!
I hadn't been too bothered by the Killua and Kakashi with each other or the comparisons with them and Gojo, mainly because I feel like it came from a huge place of love for Killua and Kakashi (so people thinking they were alike is just them loving both characters. Or people thinking of these characters when it comes to Gojo. Thinks comes mainly from a place that they love these characters, so they would want them to see them again in some other form. Like in Gojo).
Though, I can why you and other people in the tags think the comparisons between Killua and Gojou would be slanderous to Killua (I could see the same argument being made that it is slanderous to Kakashi too). And why people wouldn't like it and/or be annoyed by it. (I think even said to a friend of mine, that Gojou was like a ripoff of Killua and Kakashi, but not anywhere near as good. Which, might have been a bit harsh on my part. But like I have said; I like Killua and Kakashi more than Gojou. And I don't hate him, from the bits and pieces I have seen of him). Killua and Gojo and Kakashi and Gojou are very characters after all.
U bring up Leorio and Gojou comparisons and/or reactions to those comparisons, and those seem to skew both more positive and negative, same with the Gon and Geto comparisons and/or reactions to that.
Still amazes me people were trying to compare Killugon to Geto x Gojou. Like, u could think there was something going on between Geto and Gojou all u want, but from what I have seen of them, I don't really see the similarities between them and Killugon.
(Also, I just think Killugon is just the better relationship and ship personally. Even though I don't have anything people liking Geto and Gojou and shipping them).
Last of all, I know u are annoyed by like Gojou, Geto, and/or Gojou x Geto fans, and them invading ur comfort HxH fandom tag(s), which, I get. I am not too into the JJK or the fandom, so I don't completely get it, but I get u feeling like that.
I will say though, on the SPOILERS:
Gojou death thing, I was reading and watching some stuff about that, and while yes, while some people are upset a "sexyman" died or I character they loved and/or etc. of theirs' died (which, I think people being upset that a character they loved died is a [pretty] normal reaction. Though sometimes reactions to this kind of thing; talking generally here, can be weird and/or bad. For both good and/or bad reasons), honestly, I saw a lot of people saying that they didn't mind and/or expected Gojo to die; they just didn't like how it happened and some of the implications of the fight and for characters and even stuff going into the future. I saw even people who wanted Sukuna to win, not really liking how it was done either. To be fair for some of the people who didn't like how Gojo died.
I also saw people basically saying that Geje's hate for Gojo got in the way of certain things, and I could see that too. Sometimes loving or even hating a character can cause great writing and stuff, but sometimes it can cause not-always-the-greatest and/or more mid writing, to even bad(-ish) writing. Also, I saw someone bring up how Gojo and Sukana's fight should have been more like Netero and Meruem, instead of what they got (honestly, maybe the fight should have been more like Chrollo and Hisoka, hmmmm??). Reading and watching stuff about the Sukana and Gojou fight and Gojou's death, has been a, trip and interesting, I guess, to say the least.
Alright, finally done w/ these asks. I got really long and rambly w/ these. I just had a lot of thoughts about (all) this.
I don't know anything about Kakashi, so I can't comment on that. But I sympathise with his fans who have to deal with Gojou allegations.
The problem with some of the Gojou fans is that they have been making the JJK tags insufferable since long before I've even started looking at those tags. I've mentioned it before but you will regularly find posts with manga caps/ screen caps of other characters, with other character tags, scenes that are important for those other characters, and some deranged Gojou/Getou fan twisting that scene and making it about Gojou, Getou or the both of them. It's honestly kinda scary to read text posts in this fandom because there's just so much of that. And Gojou and Getou exist so much as fanon. People completely pretending that Getou wasn't a fascist, that he was justified in murdering his whole family, that it's somehow wholesome that he took in two abused girls and indoctrinated them into his genocidal cult. Or people pretending Gojou was somehow a caring person, and his relationships with his students weren't utilitarian. That he also didn't flirt with supremacy and might makes right, he just didn't go as far as Getou. That Megumi doesn't react to Gojou like traumatised kids react to their toxic parents. And much much more, I've written extensively what I think of what Gojou was really like. But I still like him as a character, though not at as a person. (I talk about him more in-depth in several places but here's an ask discussion where I actually go into detail on what I think of him: here, here, here.)
Kinda like what you talked about with the Zoldycks. People can't like these characters until the sanitise them into something they aren't. Gojou can't have cool fights and an awful personality. He needs to be cool and good in every way.
It's also a problem with people wanting to see similarities so badly. Like reaching desperately to compare characters and for what? Is like like that in those people's minds, if certain aspects of character design are similar, the totality of the characters needs to be similar too. The appearance can't be just a surface level nod, it has to mean something, blah blah. I don't get it personally. There's a shit ton of white haired manga characters but not all of them are similar. And surface level similarity means nothing when if you dive even a bit underneath the surface you see that their whole backstory, personality and arcs are different, that the themes surrounding them are different.
As to the Gojou and Sukuna fight, I've written in many places that I'd rather it had never happened. And I do have gripes with how Gojou was presented in the fight, etc. That being said Sukuna's win is very well justified and it had been very well set up. And for Sukuna fans, like me that fight is decent because it really fleshes Sukuna out a bit.
I really disagree with the "Gege hates Gojou" fandom belief. I find it completely baseless. Gege is very self deprecating in how they speak about themself and their characters. There aren't many characters that Gege speaks about in some super positive way. They usually play down all their characters. But they also flesh a lot of them out a lot and that's how writers show love to their characters. The characters you can say a writer dislikes are those which get little to no consideration. And Gojou gets a lot of consideration. He gets several fights where he gets to do cool stuff, people even call him Goatjou and like it's not because the author neglects him, quite the opposite actually. He is very well fleshed out, he's just an irresponsible, selfish asshole with a god complex. Creating a character to be an asshole is not hating that character, it's just creating a certain type of character because they are needed in the story. Gojou's ideals from the start have been shaky, his plan to change the jujutsu society is shit from the start. He treats everyone around him like trash and then whines about feeling lonely. Nothing about what happens with his death hasn't been set up.
Sukuna vs Gojou could never have been like Meruem and Netero because there was no clash of ideals between them. No emotional investment on either side. Just vanity and arrogance, and practicality. Sukuna vs Gojou actually is a little like Hisoka vs Chrollo in that respect. Because Hisoka went into that fight arrogant and vain, though for him it's more set up because that his whole life mission to fight and kill strong opponents. And Chrollo, like Sukuna took that fight because he had to, otherwise Hisoka wouldn't have fucked off. And well after death he still hasn't. And like Sukuna, Chrollo devised a plan and prepared exactly for the opponent he was facing. He fought smart, just like Sukuna. They aren't exactly the same. Sukuna doesn't really feel like he's streaching the limitations of the power system and Chrollo kinda does to me. Also I personally can't stand Chrollo as a person, I'm with Killua on this one, he's fake deep. But yeah, if this fight must be compared to something in HxH, the Hisoka vs Chrollo can be that.
If people want to compare someone to Killua then here, I will throw them a bone. I present to you Gabimaru the Hollow or as I like to call him Killuamaru. He's the protag of JigokuRaku (Hell's Paradise) and omg this ace assassin who was tortured into what he is and has sever programming to overcome and just wants a normal life feels quite often like Killua being on loan in a different manga because Togashi isn't using him rn. Hell's Paradise is a neat but rather gory and creepy shounen, with a lot of canonical queerness. And a lot of flowers.
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∘ ₊✧₊ ₊✧₊ ∘ Translation Directory ∘ ₊✧₊ ₊✧₊ ∘
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☁️ If you're looking for a specific character, please look up their name in the tags. I only tag characters that appear or mentioned in the audio. ☁️ Need help translating Japanese-English? Here's my rate. ☁️ Feel free to send in an ask / DM if you have any inquiries.
Phantom Troupe Drama CD English Translation Track list:
CD: HUNTER×HUNTER~Next Episode Scene 3 幻影旅団
✦Track 2 (Restaurant scene) ✧Track 3 ✦Track 4 ✧Track 5 ✦Track 7 & 8 ✧Track 9 ✦Track 10 & 11 ✧Track 12 (Mooncake Trio) ✦Track 13 (Chrollo's infamous pudding scene) ✧Track 14 (Illumi as Hisoka)
Not translating track 6 because it's just Nobunaga running around trying to cut a fly with his katana.
✯Is the Drama CD official?
Yes. They're official recordings with the same voice actors as the 1999 Hunter x Hunter anime.
✮Is the Drama CD canon?
They're not. I personally only consider the manga to be canon. But I still keep the cute traits of some characters in my heart. Such as Chrollo being a sweet tooth and Kortopi's cheekiness. Tbh this whole CD is a big slander party for Chrollo's character (Paku too lmao), so it shouldn't really be taken seriously. Don't stress too hard on what's "canon", just enjoy it as it is ✿
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✧ ˚ · ✧ ˚ Thank you for reading! I hope my translation puts a smile on your face✧ ˚ · ✧ ˚ Love, Sera from Sleepless Translation ♡ My Ko-fi
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anotherworldash · 1 year
(TW : SLANDER ...towards me awww ouch 😞🥺😭😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂)
A chronically online loser out there is defaming me for my ships , she wrote it all while STILL posting MY drawings in her profile 😌 (all because I ship a 18 x 27 yo. How do I know this? a friend told me turned out her NOTP is one of my OTPs... )
People who have followed me knew I liked other ships too, not always problematic ones. I'm just having fun with character dynamics and create possible scenarios between them. So let's see what's this about:
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It's true that
✅I support "fictional-is-not-reality" tumblr
✅I confessed to have interest in FICTIONAL pedo contents (KILLUA X ILLUMI. KILLUA X MACHI and GON X HISOKA anyone? )
But, it's not true that:
❌ I support MAPS or REAL-LIFE pedophilia (I detest any kind of cruelty, especially pedophilia. And as you can see, "fiction-is-not-reality": Cartoons characters are just drawings lol. And we're in subfandom anyway. Subfandom was never meant to be consumed by mainstream audiences. DLDR Don't like don't read.)
❌ I wrote pedo fics. No. I didn't write one. I haven't yet written a Killumachi or Illukillu fics yet! Unfortunately, this person was referring to KuroNeo, which isn't pedophilia at all (Neon was 17-18 and this person was supposed to say Ephebophilia... Which, again,I support when it's portrayed in fictional subfandom works. Age gaps yay!
Sorry hun, but you gotta improve your vocabulary before stating blantant lie about someone)
We're in a fandom so consume your fictional contents responsibly. I could create 10.000 fucked up fics and art, and I would not be affected by it in a slighest. But you? If you feel swayed to support pedo ships(WHEN IT'S NOT EVEN PEDO) after seeing fanworks of them, you are fucking delusional. I suggest you to see a psychologist, go out more and make some friends!!!
In conclusion. Girl if you read this, you better stop being chronically online. Get a life, life is not cartoon!
I'm so dissapointed because after all the defamation she wrote, she still use MY DRAWINGS. If she wanna stop being associated with me, then fucking delete them. I really don't give a fuck if she's a antis or mantis or whatever bugs are out there. Do your own thing, mind your own headcanons. Stop being hypocrite and spreading blantant lies about me!!!!
ISTG How can you hate me while still admiring my beauty(ful drawing) ??? I know my arts are beautiful, but what a fucking hypocrite 😞. Anyway I might message her one day, but I don't have an ig profile, and it's too much work to create one. Plus she's not important lol so I'm just gonna defend myself here.
(BTW don't try to calm me. I know this person doesn't care at all about real children. She just hate my OTP, so she's looking for excuses to defame me and KuroNeo, aaaaah so classic )
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PS: I did say to all my friends I don't mind repost but this??????seriously????? A repost just to defame the artist herself????
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saetoshis · 2 years
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blue lock slander😻😻
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alkalinefrog · 3 years
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LMAO I'll start a "Hisoka slander" tag for anyone who wants to block out my hate 😂😂😂 I also wanna clarify that none of it's directed at any fans or the creators of the show, it's 100% I hate clown man and will bully him on sight
@buzzykrueger I think I'm on episode 27 ish? I had to take a break from watching because work got busy lately, but Hisoka just won in his fight against Kastro in the tower and when I TELL YA I was ROOTING for Kastro to curb stomp him even though I knew it wouldn't play out 😭 fuckin clown man and his clown magic making a clown outta ME.
But yeah I'm enjoying the show!
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Omg happy 10 years! The boys are all here <3
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thehomothings · 3 years
Rewatched the hxh musical and two thing occured to me:
1. Gon IS light he's a literal actual ray of sunshine and no longer do i need therapy /hj
2. Canon Hisoka is disgusting i can't believe i keep forgetting that
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dukina · 3 years
Today, is the day I become a Hisoka & Gojo slander!
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charming-2d-boys · 3 years
Gonna unscrew Chrollos light bulb ears, that's where he stores his intelligence, watch him turn dumb like Hisoka on a sunday afternoon 🥴
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Okay, but like, why are you mean to Hisoka as well? The hell did he do?
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Also, hell no. My man is smart even without the Christmas globe earrings. Remember when he was making plans in Meteor City? He didn’t have his earrings or forehead tattoo, so...
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spicysoftsweet · 4 years
hisoka’s hands are canonically sticky at all times
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