#Hes sexy and he deserves it
eraelias · 1 year
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Characters are sexy when they are evil
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the-darkestminds · 2 months
“Elain deserves better than Lucien.”
At no point during this entire series are we led to believe that Lucien isn’t a high quality, compassionate, and thoughtful male. ✋😤
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months
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Anyways I made this at the crack of dawn hope it make you chuckle!
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graveyardcuddles · 5 months
Sorry I blew up your steel watch foundry and freed all the political prisoners you were keeping hostage and ruined the grand plan we had been passionately working on together for years thus betraying your ultimate trust in me as the one person you considered a potential equal but hey at least you get the watch me kill you in the Wavemother's Robe.
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honehonn3honey · 6 months
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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toasteaa · 2 months
Horrible, awful habit of running my thumb on my lip when I think. Holding the tip of it between my teeth, letting it rest on the swell of my bottom lip, letting my tongue just barely touch the very tip of it; cannot - will not - stop thinking about Neuvillette fixating on it.
It's nothing significant - it should be nothing significant - but oh. There's something about it. The motion of your thumb running over the deep curve of your bottom lip, up along the crest and pausing on the dip of your cupid's bow, before continuing its path back down to settle back in the middle of your bottom lip; as though it's a pillow for it to rest while you gather your thoughts. The indentation as you push down ever so slightly, just enough to let the tip slide in. It's barely enough to even count as your mouth being open; your lips are too full to let more than the barest hint of teeth show where they're lightly closed around your nail. Your tongue is just barely raised to meet the intrusion. It's almost an invisible action, but he can see the tiniest flicker of movement when your tongue presses against the tip, and it makes something in him ache.
Neuvillette doesn't understand it; how something so innocent, so casual, could send these licks of desire straight through him. How, even though it does not (fully) distract him from the topic at hand, he finds himself following every move with his eyes while you're blissfully unaware. How he wonders if you'd make the same expression if it were his thumb against your lips. Or even, how you'd look if it were something else entirely -
It's not long before he slips up. His hand moves faster than yours, and while he tilts your chin up against his fingers his thumb rests against that curved swell of your lip; he's almost lost in the softness of it. He can feel your surprised gasp through the thin material of his glove along with the startled whisper of his name you let out and - oh, it sends a flame through him. He can't stop himself as he follows that familiar path, feeling the gentle dips that he's traced with his eyes so frequently.
He blinks. His mind catches up with his actions.
"Forgive me," said so calmly, as if Neuvillette's heart wasn't racing in his ears.
Yet he doesn't stop. He lets his thumb continue that path, rest on your cupid's bow, before coming back to rest on your bottom lip. Your lips are already parted, they have been the entire time, but he can't help but gently tug your lips down just a bit further. Just a little hint of that temptation -
"I was simply curious."
Surely you will pull away. Surely you will reprimand him for touching you so freely, so...wantonly.
"Only curious?"
For the first time since he'd moved, Neuvillette's eyes meet yours, and he can't describe the feeling curling through him when he sees that telltale spark in your eyes. Though, perhaps the softly stifled groan he lets out when you open your mouth oh so slightly to let his thumb rest against your teeth tells on his emotions more than he could put into words. You tease him with a bite and watch as his pupils dilate at the action, listen as he sucks in an uncharacteristically sudden breath. Relish in the hint of gravel that lingers on his exhale.
"...only curious." A lie. A blatant lie. But...perhaps it's one you can let him slip away with for now.
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
cocky bastard vibes - zhongli
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ship: zhongli x reader
synopsis: in which reader shares their free thoughts on the liyue statue of seven
notes: standalone snippet part of the bookkeeping!verse
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It was a beautiful day in Liyue. The grass was a luscious green and the birds were singing a beautiful song. After a nice stay at the Emerald Maple Inn, you and Mr. Zhongli decided to have a cup of tea next to the Statue of the Seven before heading on your way to Qingce Village. You were to accompany him to pick up supplies for the next funeral rite, and with the way the morning was going, you knew nothing would ruin this peaceful day.
"So how much do you want to bet that Rex Lapis was hot and knew it?”
You ignored the choked sound that came from your side as you gazed up at the picturesque statue. Though your companion would probably consider your question quite out of the blue, you couldn’t say it was the first time you wondered such a thing. Whenever you passed by one of them in Liyue, the thought always plagued your mind for a few hours after. Judging by Mr. Zhongli’s reaction, though, it seemed he did not share your sentiments.
"Ehem… That… certainly is an interesting thought. I can’t say whether or not previous records touched on such a topic."
You hummed, gazing up at the statue. Really? That couldn’t be true. Why wouldn’t anyone talk about a statue looking like that?
“Well there are many reasons why I’d say I’m right. First off, his outfit. He has a hooded cloak on while also being shirtless. There’s absolutely no logical reason to dress like that unless they’re from the deserts of Sumeru, wouldn’t you say? It obviously was a conscious fashion decision. If you pair that with the seductive way he’s sitting, I’d be inclined to assume he’s quite clearly feeling his look.”
Silence came from your side. Hm, Mr. Zhongli still wasn’t convinced? Then you would go on.
“You do see it, right? His posture is relaxed, yet confident. Not to mention the way he’s looking at that cube in his hand with practically bedroom eyes. His knees are apart too. My friend from Sumeru told me that when a man sits like that, he’s displaying his dominance.”
Still silence.
"You can't sit in a seductive pose like that without on some level being aware you look good doing it. I mean look at him! He's shirtless and everything! I've heard even macho fishermen say that they pray to the statue for a good night before coming home to see their wives. You can’t blame them, right?"
A hesitant cough.
"I-I'm sure it was a younger time when those statues were sculpted."
You groaned.
"Maybe, but you’re not even looking! If you did, you’d agree with me that Rex Lapis is clearly exuding such massive 'cocky bastard' vibes!" You countered.
For some reason, the more you spoke, the more flustered he became.
"C'mon, Mr. Zhongli! Why are you so embarrassed? It's not like I'm slandering his good name! I mean, if Rex Lapis didn't want us talking about him like this, maybe he shouldn't have made a statue with abs clean enough to eat off of!"
Okay, maybe at this point, you were piling it on a bit thick. Could anyone blame you? His face was in his hand as if he had a headache, and were his ears tinged the slightest hint of red? It was an interesting sight. Never had you seen him look so completely flustered. Sure you were rather blunt, but you didn't think your words were that provocative. Mr. Zhongli really was practically a 65 year old man.
"I thought you respected the Geo Archon…" He muttered weakly.
You gasped in offense.
"I do! I’d even consider my words the utmost of pious behavior. In Mondstadt, the sisters of the church consider themselves married to Barbatos, the Anemo Archon. So finding the Geo Archon to be a sex god is pretty much the same thing, right?”
“No, it is not.”
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
I can't stop thinking about the fact that, of all the roles David could have been nominated for over the years, the one that finally got him the BAFTA nom was Crowley. And it's not just that it was camp, or a love story, or the gayest role imaginable (although all three are quite true). It's that the role of Crowley has become so personal for David. It's that playing Crowley brought him closer to Michael, but even more importantly, it's brought David closer to himself. It's that playing Crowley hasn't merely changed him--it has helped him accept who he always was. And that's something he will have forever, regardless of whether the BAFTAs "accept" him or give him the win.
I really love that for David, on so many levels. I just hope he knows how much he deserves it...
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cinnamoth-art · 6 months
“This, this here, could be worship. ‘This—’ Lucifer pressed an innocent kiss to the prince’s sweet, divine mouth. This could be religion.”
― rafael nicolás, Angels Before Man
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I've been reading Angels Before Man again and it has made me cry just as much as the first time. I think about Lucifer pretty often and the fate he's been saddled with, I figured he's due some righteous anger
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Vincent Price as Nicholas Medina/Sebastian Medina
The Pit And The Pendulum (1961) dir. Roger Corman
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sejanusxcoriyo · 5 months
Nurse My Knee- Sejanus Plinth
Warnings: Riding, p in v, creampie, praise, dom!reader, sub!sejanus, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP FUCKERS)
Synopsis: You help Sejanus after he injures his knee running out the arena. While helping him change out clothes to shower, he tells you he wants to be inside you. You decide to help him with his little problem by riding his cock.
A/N: MINORS DON'T INTERACT, 18+, Sorry for going o long without writing! Its been a rough fucking month.
"Oh, thank you!"
I pull Sejanus in for a hug, holding him tight against my chest.
"Thank you Coryo."
I touch his shoulder, smiling at him. He nods his head walking back to the car.
"Baby, my knee."
I let him lean against the arena, and I look down at his knee.
"It's twisted."
He starts limping towards his ma's car but I place his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him and give him a sympathetic smile. We make it to his ma's car and he gets in. I start to shut the door before he grabs me.
"Come with me?"
I look at his ma as she smiles at me and motions for me to get in. I slide into the car, sitting next to Sejanus. He grabs my hand then lays his head on my shoulder. I hold his hand tight as the car starts to drive off. We arrive at his parents house after a few minutes.
"Baby, wake up, we made it."
I squeeze his hand, then touch his face with the other. He stirs and yawns. I open the door sliding out the car. I wait for him to slide out, then help him stand up. He limps to the front door where his father stands shaking his head. We walk past him and Sejanus mutters something under his breath.
We make it to his room and he collapses onto his bed. I let him go and start to walk out his room.
"Why are you leaving me?"
"You went into the arena! You could have been killed! Why?"
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to make sure Marcus had enough food."
"Sej, I get it, but I was so scared. Scared that I was going to lose you and Coryo."
"I didn't mean to scare you."
I sit next to him, careful not to hurt his knee.
"I know, I just don't know what I'd do without you."
He pulled me into his side, resting his head on my shoulder.
"You can't get rid of me that easy. You are stuck with me."
I laugh at his words before laying next to him.
"Get some rest for now, we need the sleep for tomorrow."
He lays down, pulling me close to him.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
I close my eyes, listening to him snore softly. I drift off into sleep wondering what lies ahead for tomorrow.
I jump with startle to Sejanus thrashing and yelling out.
"It's a dream, WAKE UP!"
I shake him hard, waking him up.
"No, no."
"Everything is okay. I'm right here."
I pull him into a tight hug. I feel his wet cheeks against my shirt.
"They were gonna kill me."
"They can't hurt you here."
I hold him against my chest as I lay back down. I run my fingers through his hair, trying to relax his nerves.
"Go back to sleep, I won't let you go."
I kiss his hair and stroke his cheek. He wraps his arm around me and nuzzles his head further into my chest. After a few minutes, his breathing slows and he snores softly. I fall asleep not long after him.
"Good morning, how did he sleep?"
"Okay, he woke up a few times, but besides-"
I feel him start to stir in my lap.
"Don't move to much. You might wiggle right out your bandage."
He laughs before looking at his ma.
"Do you want breakfast?"
"I'm okay ma. I'm going take a shower."
She smiles, touching his cheek and walking out, closing the door. I slide from underneath him and help him.
"Need help Sej?"
"I think I got it."
I watch as he stands up and limps to the bathroom. I get up and help him inside.
"Just because you can do it by yourself, doesn't mean you have too."
I smile starting his shower. I hep him out his clothes and into his tub.
"Be glad you have a bench to sit down on."
"Come in with me. Please?"
I smile and take off my clothes and walk inside after him. I grab his loofah but he pulls me into his lap.
"Baby, please?"
"Sej, you said you wanted to shower."
"I just wanted to be alone with you."
He moves my hips over his semi-erect cock. He groans into my hair, gripping my hips tightly.
"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking hard."
"Baby, please, I need to be inside you."
I get up from his lap and grab his soap. I turn around and start with his chest. He pulls me to straddle his lap.
"I'll beg for you. I'll eat your pussy, finger you, I won't move, I won't touch you. Please, baby?"
"Are you that desperate? Do you want me to ride your cock?"
"Yes, please. I'm desperate to be inside you."
I line his cock with my pussy and let him slide into me. I moan gripping the loofah tightly. God he was so hard. I rock my hips into his slowly. He groans, grabbing my neck and pulling me in for a passionate kiss.
"God, princess your pussy is driving me crazy."
I kiss down his neck, stopping at his collarbone to leave marks. His hands find my breasts as he starts to fuck his hips into me.
"Relax, Sej. I don't want you to hurt yourself any further."
"Make me cum. I wanna empty my fuckin' load in you so bad."
I moan at his words and move my hips faster against his. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I grab his neck with one arm, swallowing his moans. He breaks from our kiss, slamming my hips down onto his.
"Gonna cum, gonna cum so hard in your fuckin' pussy."
He rubs my pussy, twirling my clit between his fingers.
"Fuck, Sej. I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum so hard on your fucking cock!"
"Yes, princess, cum for me."
I tangle my hands in his hair, pulling on his curls. His lips attach to my breasts sucking my nipple hard. He kisses me, muffling my moans before holding my waist down. His hips buck into mine, as we both ride out our orgasms with each other.
"So fuckin' good."
He kisses me again, holding me close to him.
"Come on Sej, let's get you washed and dressed."
I slide him out of me and I continue to wash him. I rinse him off and help him out the shower and help him back to his room.
"Here, lift up for me."
He lifts his hips sliding his shorts up his backside. He pulls me on his lap.
"Thank you, princess. Thank you for taking care of me, for loving me."
"Always Sej. You never have to worry about me leaving you. You always said we are forever."
I kiss him and lay my head on his shoulder.
"I love you, Sej."
"I love you more, princess."
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momotonescreaming · 5 months
STWG Daily Drabble
Prompt: Creation
If the spare room was Eddie’s — filled with amps and guitars and DnD books, desk piled high with half painted miniatures, and notebook upon notebook of his scratchy handwriting — then the garage was Steve’s. One half for the beemer, still in good condition, meticulously kept. The other half for his home workshop. A large workbench, a pegboard filled with tools hung in place, cupboard upon cupboard filled with anything he might need.
When they first moved to the city — into a shitty apartment with Robin — Steve said the freedom made him feel lost. For the first time he had the time and space to do whatever he wanted. No parents telling him what to do, hanging over his shoulder. No people who knew him, no people with preconceived notions. So Steve tried things out.
Joined a casual basketball team, took some night classes at the local Y and at the high school. Said the cooking classes were fun, but he liked cooking at home better. Wasn’t a fan of the knitting, but said it was fun to give it a go. The woodworking class however? Steve took to like a duck to water.
He was fixing cupboards and the loose board on their back deck. Made a birdhouse for that large tree in their backyard. Replaced both their bedside tables with his own handmade ones. Eddie could see how happy it was making him.
And then Steve started getting weird with it. Making odd little things he thought were funny, just because he could. Because they made Eddie laugh.
“Will you and Chips be alright if I lock you in here for a second?” Steve asks, leaning on the doorway  to the spare room, gesturing to the ginger cat currently plastered to Eddie’s side. “I’ve got a surprise.”
“A surprise huh,” Eddie replies, raising an eyebrow, as he turns to face his boyfriend. He’s still wearing his workshop apron, goggles pushed up onto his head, and he looks like he’s buzzing. Steve’s made something. He’s been holing himself in his workshop all week, spending hours there in the evenings, and decidedly not telling Eddie was he was doing in there. And now, Eddie’s assuming, it’s finally done. He’s also sort of buzzing about it. “Me and Chips will be fine.”
“Cool,” Steve says, already starting to close the door. He’s biting back a smile. “I’ll be back.”
“We’ll be here,” Eddie calls, shouting so Steve can hear him. He swears he can hear his boyfriend laugh, ever so faintly.
It doesn’t take long for Steve to come back — without his apron and goggles this time, looking entirely too pleased with himself.
“Get up and close your eyes,” he says. Holding out his hand for Eddie to take. “Come on.”
“Okay, okay,” Eddie laughs, easing Chips off of his lap and getting up from his spot at the desk. He takes Steve’s hand, calloused and warm. It’s comforting as he closes his eyes, and trusts Steve to lead him to wherever this surprise is without running him into walls. Chips meows at them as they walk, the bell on his collar jingling as he trots along side them.
Steve lets go of his hand, leaving Eddie in the dark, but he can hear his socked feet pad on the floor.
“Open your eyes, Baby,” Steve says, joy leaking through into his voice. He sounds like he’s bouncing in place. So Eddie does, blinking against the light, and sees Steve standing next to one of the most cursed things he’s ever seen.
“Ta da!” Steve exclaims, holding his hands out to show off his newest work. “My creation!”
His creation is a long wooden pole, square and sleek, with a round base painted black. The part Eddie can’t stop looking at, however. Are the hands. Wooden hands with adjustable fingers, affixed to all sides, littering the top half of the pole. Some have the fingers laying flat, one or two are flipping him off, one in the standard ‘rock on’ symbol.
“Oh my god,” Eddie exclaims, understanding exactly why Steve was sounding so giddy. This is hilarious. It’s everything. He wants it in their house forever. “What is it.”
“A coat rack made of hands.” Steve says simply, shrugging casually, as if that was a normal thing to say.
Inspired by this video by Evan and Katelyn on Youtube
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cerealiii · 1 year
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Promo art for Yours Eternally; a Kavetham Wedding Zine~ Contributor apps closing basically as I post this (1hr left), but if you're interested give us a follow ^^
--- Cerealiii
2023-06-05 posted (drawn 06-01)
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yourleftpinkytoe-blog · 3 months
Andrew Minyard would fucking demolish one of those gas station slushes.
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iwozlegit · 1 year
|| 🍍• I’m probably not the first to say it, but imma gonna say it anyway…
…we were robbed with the Orion Pax arc in Transformers: Prime.
The fact that the 3 episodes supposedly spanned over a time period of months, is crazy.
Did Megatron make a conscious effort to actually “catch-up” with Orion when he said there’d be “plenty of time” for it?
If they did, what did they talk about? Was it awkward and short? Was it lighthearted and whimsical? Did it bizarrely feel as though the war had never been? Did Megatron lose himself in the illusion of a former friend?
If they didn’t, did Orion attempt to pursue a catch-up with the former gladiator, himself?
Did Orion forget to call Megatron his name, instead uttering Megatronus? How did the tyrant react to this? Was he insulted? Did he not mind in the privacy of their off-shifts?
What had been Orion’s final memory?
Did Orion ever inquire about Alpha Trion?
What did Orion get up to on his off-shift hours aboard the warship?
Did he have his rations in the company of others, or did Orion eat alone? Did he eat with Megatron?
Did Orion ever ask to venture to the Earth’s surface to see its beauty up close? Did Megatron go with him if permitted and show him?
Did Orion, inquisitive as ever, inquire why everyone looked so different - why Soundwave appeared so thin, why he, himself, felt so heavy, why Megatron seemed so distant and cold and angry?
What were his other interactions with Knock Out like, if there were any? Did he and Breakdown steer clear of him like the others? Or did Breakdown’s un-Decepticon and odd consideration for others spread and extend itself to the timid clerk with ease? Would Knock Out follow suit given his coy interest in the mech Orion became, or because of his partner’s kinder spark? Did Knock Out ever offer Orion a cool new paint touch-up?
What had Megatron worried Starscream would do or say to Orion when the warlord said “he did not…do or say anything troubling to you?” …despite the obvious, obviously. Why was Megatron so determined to live a lie?
Did Soundwave privately raise his concerns of allowing the amnesiac Prime so close to Megatron again, to the Decepticon leader himself? How would Megatron have reacted to it?
Did any of the rest of the crew hint at their concerns of having an amnesiac Prime aboard?
What unfolded after Orion slipped away?
What were Megatron’s real intentions of having Orion on board if Soundwave was capable enough to do the same thing?
Did Megatron think Orion, if provided another chance, would still want to be beside him after everything he’d done? Is that why the mistruths he told were so elaborate that he ended up getting caught in them and when Orion stirred to see their error, Megatron resorted to violence knowing that he could not save his fantasy???
…you know…just a few thoughts really :)
Ideas/headcanons ®️of @legitconcrusher
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