#He’s probably the only human they truly respect lol
rakiah · 2 years
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Bitching and meeting~ (feat. Faure, cutest catboy’s @ohhicas )
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levyfiles · 2 months
watcher love time: what’s your favourite thing about each of the founders?
What a sexually-attractive question, em; thanks for asking
Steven Lim: He's so resilient. His experiences socially have made him so that even his trauma responses to being bullied and pranked as a kid are compassionate and reflective. He is always endeavouring to be better than he was the year before. He is loyal beyond belief and honestly, if I had known more people whose faith guided them into kindness, acceptance and self-sacrifice the way it does for him, I'd have a whole different perspective on religious belief as a whole. He's also funny in a way you can't train into someone and I also like how he navigates social situations in the most relatable way. He makes PodWatcher the most fun for me.
Ryan Bergara: He's forever curious in a way that makes me believe youth in anyone can be preserved in the spirit. I don't know how to make it clear to the world that I might just let this man get away with murder. He probably would have a good reason idk lol but facetiousness aside, he's a damn hard worker. Like I find work ethic in a person to be such an attractive thing. His hyperfixations are unapologetic and it makes me genuinely respect him. He's beautiful both on the inside and out and his form of comedy is so unique that sometimes it's like a car crash I can't look away from. He aspires to do good by others and he has such a strong principled perspective on his relationships with his family, spouse and friends that he has what I truly believe, is a hero's heart. He's brave in a way that defies logic and all his pathological barriers.
Shane Madej: He aspires so much be kind that I can sometimes see how the effort paralyses him to be more proactive socially. His curiosity is only paralleled in Ryan but he has such a very visible love for the world, for humanity, for stories that I can understand why people find him charming and soothing and I can understand that that is the reason he doesn't mind spending a quarter of his career hunting for ghosts because it's more about the experience of traveling and being with friends and doing a job that brings joy to other people than it is about being right. He feels like someone you could trust with a secret whether low stakes or high. I like that he has a unique voice when he sings and he's leaned into it to the point where 30% of his career is now singing.
Thank you again for asking this, Em. It gave me a nice opportunity to detangle myself from my own threads of hurt and upset to remember the reason I'm here and why I have been since 2018.
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yanderes-galore · 18 days
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar concept?????
Honestly, He's definitely one of my favorites in the series. He's probably one of the least dangerous Joestar yanderes imo. Very tame gentleman, lol.
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Slight manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Slight jealousy, Slight violence, Slight submissive yandere, Delusional behavior, Blood mention, Brief mentions of marriage, Dubious companionship/relationship
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I honestly feel like Jonathan would be one of the tamer yanderes in his bloodline.
He wouldn't want to force his darling into anything and is always very polite.
I can also see him being very affectionate and protective of the one he adores.
After all, one of his goals is to be a "true gentleman".
He aspires to be that with his darling.
Jonathan actually doesn't have many friends in his youth.
His fellow boys ostracized him because of his wealthy status which often left him isolated.
So he no doubt met you in his youth and befriended you, like a childhood friend.
He's kind and full of courage, often wanting to support you and make you happy.
Honestly, If Jonathan could give you the world, he probably would.
Jonathan lives for the happiness of his obsession.
No matter the cost.
He's always respectful and often considered the epitome of good and honorable
Even his darker side is rather subtle and not that intense.
He may come off as manipulative by accident, but quickly corrects himself.
His own obsessive desires confuse him and he isn't sure if he likes it.
He's not possessive but he finds himself slightly jealous when you have other friends.
However, Jonathan knows he must suffocate such emotions for you.
After all, if he truly cares for you and loves you, you should have your space.
Jonathan is another yandere who you could get into a relationship with and not see any of his darker tendencies.
He isn't like Dio, the definition of cunning and trickery, but he does have some darkness in him.
No one's truly pure, right?
His dark behavior is usually things like being clingy and slightly jealous.
But for the most part he seems fine.
Barely any red flags.
He seems like the perfect boyfriend material, that's how hidden his obsessive behavior is.
Although, like most yanderes, you're always on his mind.
Jonathan would want everything between you to be perfect.
Everything from little hangouts, to his confession, to even dates.
His obsession would start platonic, but transition to romantic.
He notices his feelings change when he wants to impress you and protect you more often.
Speaking of protection, Jonathan would beat up those who messed with you.
He's both a protective guardian for you yet also an affectionate teddy bear.
He's a gentle giant, essentially.
He just wants to make you happy in every way.
As I said before, he'd even make his confession perfect.
Things like flowers and in your favorite spot, all with formal clothing and a smile on his face.
You don't make a fuss about his status and treat him as a human being.
Now, he wants to be yours, now and forever.
I feel Jonathan could fit into the submissive yandere category.
You could ask him to get you anything and he'd do it.
Any gift or action, he just wants you happy and in his arms.
It could confuse him greatly if you said you didn't like him or were scared of him.
He isn't trying to hurt you, if he did hurt anyone, it was no doubt to protect you!
If you expressed some sort of discomfort towards him, he'd do his best to correct himself.
You can bet Dio isn't getting anywhere near you.
Jonathan is somewhat judging of those around you.
He wants to make sure no one harms you, if anyone did then he wants you to come running to him.
The only reason Jonathan bloodies his knuckles and clothes is to protect you.
It isn't for any nefarious reason, he genuinely just wants you safe and happy.
He won't beat up others out of jealousy.
No, if he's jealous he finds a healthier way to vent.
You deserve to have friends, he should be happy anyways.
Once he has the position of your boyfriend, then he won't have to worry.
When you're together he may show a bit more of his darker behavior.
Such as his clingy nature when giving you affection.
He tries his best to be gentle, but he could squish you with his hugs.
He's very gentle when it comes to handling you, kissing you softly and always asking if you're okay.
He isn't one to force you into anything.
If you reject his confession, he's fine with just being your best friend until you're ready.
If you aren't up to kissing or hugs, that's okay too!
Point is, he'd never be a yandere to kidnap you.
He may manipulate you into marriage and keep you in the house, but even then it's relying on your consent.
He wouldn't even murder unless he was back into a corner.
He prefers to just teach people a lesson and let them live their life.
So, compared to most yanderes, he's a keeper.
He listens to your consent and protects you from harm.
He'd spoil you and be forever loyal.
He'd marry you, make you his forever partner, and keep you happy.
Sure, sometimes he's jealous and may nudge you in the right direction.
But Jonathan would never want to hurt you or make you upset.
Eventually he'll have you in his arms, he just has to be patient and you'll come to him.
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emmitaaa4 · 4 months
I want to preface this little rant by saying that I am all for ship and let ship—at the end of the day none of this has any significance, and we should all get to enjoy our silly little ships to our heart’s content. Me personally I just want Elain to do whatever the hell she wants and be happy in the end. That being said, rn I just felt like getting something off my chest.
From what I have seen and understood, most of The Other Side believes that Azriel feels entitled to Elain. That he sees her as a sexual object, or at the very most as a rebound he doesn’t truly care for, nor respect; he does not think of her beyond what he can get from her sexually. They say his attitude towards her is toxic in its ‘possessiveness’; he doesn’t consider her an equal, for he sees her as a perpetual damsel in distress he must save; his attraction to her / feelings for her are a symptom of some twisted trauma response.
We know that they believe that. We’ve heard it. Over and over and over. Since 2021. Hell, everybody’s momma probably knows it, too, with the way that rhetoric is spread. But Elriels have made it plenty clear that we have a very different interpretation of the text and do NOT agree with those assessments of Azriel (nor half the things the poor man is diagnosed with, bless his fictional soul), considering what we do know of Azriel’s character and his relationship with Elain, based on the books--and yes, the bonus (see this, this, and this post). Otherwise—i.e. if we believed him an incel x fuckboy hybrid (probs the first of his kind!) who is only interested in getting her in is bed—we would obviously not be shipping them together: most of us (99% I’d say lol) care about Elain more than we do Az, or care about them both just as much.
So it is getting pretty tiring to see us shippers—the actual humans behind the screen—labelled as having a toxic/immature view of what love is, of being “too young/naive” to see the supposed red flags, of mistaking lust for love because we have not experienced a healthy relationship (?), of actually promoting toxic relationships & advocating for toxic masculinity (which someone told me on tiktok just now)(stay away from tiktok, folks). Those generalizations are wild to me, not only because they are wildly untrue and condescending, but because Elriels are a colorful bunch, you know—when you’re speaking of the fandom Villain™, you’re speaking of people of every demographic, speaking of daughters mothers grandmothers, depressed uni students (pardon the self-insert), etc... I need to get thicker skin, but those statements can get pretty hurtful in the long run. And I’m tired of feeling the need to justify myself as if we’re wrong for shipping two people who MUTUALLY want one another and lets be serious, no its not “just lust”.
I know I know, I am probably being dramatic. But it’s just weird to see a ship being so demonized and its shippers along with it, all because louder portions of the fandom disagree with our opinions and insist on toxifying ours. Just to be clear, I know that many have had unpleasant experiences/interactions with Elriels, just like many Elriels have had the same with Gwynriels and/or Eluciens. I condone none of the disgusting behaviour I’ve seen from some shippers, and in fact I abhor it. As everyone should.
To end this on a good note.
Elriels, I say we run with it. Az wants Elain for himself. He is jealous and his mind is plagued by thoughts of her. Her presence is too much to bear, for he can’t stand to be in the same room as her and pretend like he feels nothing. He is ready to beg on his knees for a chance to worship her, and it took Nesta one look to see it.
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mageofseven · 1 year
The Boys' Opinions on MC's Cat
I'm doing it!!! And the cat in question is specifically my little kitty man Beanie 🥰
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Imma write how all of the Boys react to MC bringing him as her emotional support animal (and honest, after the first school year alone, they totally need one)
Who likes him, or loves him, or really really wishes they could kick this cute little asshole out of the house hehe~
So please enjoy reading and leaning about my sweet baby boy through the Boys' eyes~
But first! His history with me:
Beanie was a stray in my neighborhood who always seemed interested in me and my dog. Whenever I'd take Elsa on a walk, Beanie would sometimes follow us and occasionally lay right in front of us on the side walk just to drive my dog crazy (my dog isn't a fan of cats, something we believe is from her own time on the streets, but more on that in her own post!)
Eventually, he started coming up to our house to ask for food so we'd feed him. I even made a small house for him on my front porch to shelter him from the rain.
Eventually, it started to get cold as winter started to come and Beanie would try to sneak into our home.
My grandma, who is allergic to cats, was unsure about letting him inside at first, but as it got colder she couldn't help being okay with the sweet boy coming in "for the winter season only".
Flash forward about 4 years later and this cat is still chilling in the house with us 🥰
Beanie's other names: Beans, Baby Boy, Beanie-baby, Cat!!!! (Whenever he scratches the couch lol), The Vicious Scoundrel Unfit For Society (whenever he brings a poor dead mouse or baby bunny to the front door)
And lastly
Lord Beanards the First hehe 🥰
Oh devil, this man tried for so long to keep cats out of his house.
Cats could not truly be trained the way dogs can so he didn't want the unpredictable creatures in his house.
His brothers are chaotic enough; he didn't need this furry animal adding to it.
However, Diavolo has said this cat must be respected for legal reasons
And in truth...if any person truly needs an 'emotional support' animal (a human realm term he only now discovered), it would be the human that literally died to help his family once.
And so...he reluctantly accepts the arrogant creature into his home.
It's not always so bad; the cat sleeps more than Belphie does after all and that says a lot.
Once awake though, he is such menace.
Scratches at every couch and chair in the house
And whenever Lucifer tries lifting him up to unhook Beanie's claws from the couch, the cat makes a screeching sound more like a child opera star than an actual animal and jumps from his hands.
Despite his frustration with the cat, Beanie never seemed scared of the pride demon...
But made it his mission to see just how much he could get away with this new man.
Lucifer hides in his office more than ever
And even when his door is locked, some how the feline still finds a way inside.
How does he even do that??
(He slipped passed Luce when he stepped out to get coffee. Beanie is a little freaking ninja hehe)
Over all, does not like Beanie and prefers the cat to be outside.
Mammon is desperate for Beanie to like him.
But this dude is too loud for the cat's liking.
Plus, the greed demon has a little difficulty reading the cat's body language
And in result, has gotten bit and scratched many times.
Says he doesn't care about that 'stupid furball'
But in truth, this man's feelings are just hurt
And he keeps trying to get Beanie's approval regardless.
Despite all of this, Mammon is probably the brother most worried about Beanie going outside.
I mean yeah, the Devildom has their own stray cats, but they grew up here; those furballs were more aware of the dangers here and knew where not to wander to for the most part.
But the cat grew up a stray in the Human realm and refused to be confined so even if he tried to keep Beanie in, the sneaky boy still manages to slip out
And he's still okay so that's good at least.
Overall, likes the cat but struggles to bond with him.
Out of the room!! Go!! Shoo!
Beanie is always sneaking into his room and he hates it.
This cat jumps onto the shelves, will look Levi straight in his eyes as he gently paws at the figurines till they slid off the shelf.
And that wasn't even the worst offense!!!!
Beanie would paw at the glass tank, wanting to get to Henry the fish so badly!
Has literally tossed the cat out of his room
Just to sulk directly after, worried that he was too rough with Beanie.
You weren't! It's okay, Levi~
Overall, finds Beanie to be a nuisance, even if he is cute.
Worships this cat harder than the Ancient Egyptians did.
Loves Beanie to death and enjoys the chaos he causes.
Probably the brother Beanie bonds with the most.
This man will literally put his book down or get out of bed in the middle of the night just to give this cat the attention he screams for at night.
Practically dies from happiness every time Beanie headbutts him.
Is very hurt that Beanie won't let him carry him, but respects the cat's boundaries.
Will even help MC makes sure the cat gets the meds for his breathing issues every day.
Poor Beanie sounds like he's choking without them and it scares the blonde 😥
Overall, loves Beanie to death, even outside of the cat annoying Lucifer~
Oh my devil!! He's too precious!!!
Takes daily pictures of Beanie to post online
And doesn't miss a single day without kissing the cat's head.
Finds the shedding Beanie does to be a bit annoying and dislikes when he uses his capped lipstick as a rolly toy
But overall, thinks Beanie is an adorable little addition to the family!
However, this man is scared of cat claws so he prefers Beanie not to sit on his lap or anything like that.
Along with Satan and MC, he is one of the brothers that spends time brushing the cat to limit the shedding
And luckily, Beanie finds being brushed more or less pleasant so this becomes the two's bonding time.
Overall, loves the cat but hates his claws.
Is neither a cat or dog person, but thinks both animals can be very sweet.
Doesn't have a lot to do with Beanie unless the cat jumps to sit next to him and then he'll scratch under his chin, just as the good boy likes.
Beel knows how to pet Beanie so good that the cat starts drooling and gives him love nips, which the gluttony demon doesn't mind.
This has Satan so jealous lol
Other than that, will try to help with Beanie's meals
And discovered that cat food isn't half bad 😅🤭
He also is usually the first person to let Beanie out when he's screaming at the front door in his demanding baby voice 💕
Overall, likes the cat pretty well, but never tries crowding the little guy like Satan, Asmo, and Mammon.
Eh he's cute, I guess.
What? What else were you expecting?
Belphie does enjoy the cat's company though.
Loves when he wakes up to find Beanie in his arms or on his chest.
Honestly, this man has been looking for a new napping buddy.
Still, he prefers to let the cat come to him.
Knows that if Beanie wants his attention, the cat will not hesitate to make it very obvious.
Easily makes Mammon and Satan jealous with how much Beanie likes him and how effortless his relationship with the cat is.
Thinks those two make things more complicated than they need to be.
Just chill out and be good to the cat and the furry dude will handle the rest; it's really not that deep guys.
Overall, likes the little guy and likes having him as a nap buddy. Also loves seeing the cat drive Lucifer and Levi crazy.
Loves when little Beanie visits!
In truth, Dia is more of a dog person just like Lucifer, but is far from immune to a cat's charm.
Doesn't fully understand how to properly interact with a cat, but enjoys the process of learning
No matter how many scratches or bites he gets 😅
Beanie shows him the ropes in no time though and the two become good friends!
Diavolo is very respectful to the feline and even keeps a jar of treats in his office for the cat's visits.
Eventually buys a little cat bed and sits it on his desk in hope it will entice the furbaby into sleeping next to him as he works.
And he does!!!
The prince couldn't stop smiling the entire day~
Unfortunately (for Barb), this man finds out about catnip and covers his entire office floor with the herb
Beanie was incredibly happy; Barb however, was not 😅
MC jokes that the prince is their cat's favorite drug dealer which honestly makes Dia really happy and proud.
Barb and Luce beg this man not to repeat this joke around others, but he fails to do so.
Overall, loves Beanie incredibly so and starts a new project to help the stray cats of the Devildom.
All because of the new furry friend that constantly breaks into his office 🥰
Enjoys the cat's visits very much.
Beanie makes the butler's job much more enjoyable when he follows Barb around and keeps him company.
Only tried one time to scratch the furniture and the look in Barbatos's eyes was enough for the cat to carefully unhook himself from the thousand year old fabric of the chair and slowly back away from it.
Lucifer is almost tempted to beg the butler to show him his ways hehe.
Honestly, this cat listens to Barb to a degree that even shocks MC
'Cause like I thought you loved me, you little shit hehe
The cat is often right at the butler's heels and even when Beanie walks through the butler's legs as he walks, the man never trips.
The two are weirdly in sync and it's quite impressive to see.
He is also very, very happy when he discovers that the cat took down any mice or rats.
Beanie is a true kindred spirit indeed 🤭
Though he's not a fan of using his future vision, he occasionally does so he can look out for the cat and make sure he doesn't stray anywhere dangerous.
Overall, likes Beanie and does his part to make sure Baby Boy stays safe 🥰
Appreciates the little man and often finds him out on his nightly strolls
Sometimes he finds the poor cat in a fight with one of the Devildom's strays and gently separates them with his magick.
Has healed little bite marks on Beanie's ears so MC won't worry.
Soli is also the one who quietly cleans up the 'gifts' Beanie leaves in front of House of Lamentation so poor Asmo won't be upset in the morning.
Over all is good with the cat, but doesn't really interact or intervene unless Beanie or one of the HoL members needs him too.
Simeon & Luke:
Simeon finds the cat very sweet and enjoys watching Beanie sleep or wander around.
Luke's eyes went wide the moment he saw the black cat in HoL, but he made no move to touch or interact with him at first.
It takes a while for the child ease himself towards the rather aloof cat.
Eventually when Beanie is asleep on the couch, Luke quietly reached out and petted his fur.
He's so soft!
The little boy was so happy
Till Beanie woke up and swatted his hand away, causing a scratch on the little angel's hand.
It wasn't bleeding though and the act wasn't out of aggression; it was Beanie's way of giving a polite warning.
Simeon comforts the little boy (who is trying so hard to pretend his feelings weren't hurt, but his guardian knew better) and teaches Luke little things about a cat's body language.
Honestly, Luke learns a lot quicker than Mammon.
The child is still a bit hesitant with the cat, but thinks Beanie is still so cute.
The latter his guardian agrees with.
Simeon will sometimes buy treats for Luke to give to Beanie just to see the boy's eyes light up when the cat eats it from his hand.
Beanie is not just cute, but provides a bonding experience for the two angels.
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bluelightning16 · 11 months
Parallels Within the Vanrouge Family
In light of the recent update, Lilia and Silver are far more similar than I initially thought. Beyond the obvious comparisons of being orphans and possessing some modicum of an adopted family, their actions and mindsets have some curious parallels.
Though the exact details behind why Lilia assumed the position of general are still unclear, it's undeniable that his work comprises serving his guardian, Maleficia—just as Silver's work entails serving him and Malleus. The question is, was this a choice he made himself, or had it been foisted upon him? Does he play his part out of genuine devotion or guilt and obligation? Either way, it would be very interesting if this loyalty and filial piety were values he—consciously or not—imparted to his son.
Furthermore, both tend to work towards peace before anything else. This, I can more confidently say, is a direct byproduct of Lilia's experiences and a staple of his subsequent teachings. Still, even in the midst of a war, as we've seen in his dream/memory, he only truly attacks the known enemy. The Dream Quartet, arguably, could be viewed as a liability and a nuisance (perhaps spies at worst, considering that half of the group is human). However, he allows them to tag along regardless, even going so far as to save Silver when he doesn't have to. Thus, maybe some of that peacemaking nature is innate.
I'd also like to point out that Lilia and Silver are caregivers in their own rights. Whereas Lilia tends to take children (especially those without parents around to guide them... hmmm...) under his wing, Silver is constantly caring for some assortment of animals. While both are serious and strict when the time calls for it, that isn't necessarily their default demeanor. They often are the ones shown to be looking out for those around them, as well.
There are probably a ton of points that I've missed—such as their tendencies to keep quiet about their respective feelings and personal problems COUGH—but overall, I think that this covers the current brainrot I wanted to share, lol ^^ I can't wait to see how their relationship further develops in the Book 7 updates to come!
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evenmoreofadisaster · 5 months
the last chapter was my favorite in the whole fic so far! I'm very invested and very pleased to see how fleshed out this has become- I absolutely love the dynamics. I'm so intrigued to see how this story plays out, thank you for the wonderful writing!
Apologies if this has been asked before, but regarding Two not getting enough praise and feeling lesser than in comparison to One, is there a particular vulnerability that hurts more than the others? I'm assuming the list is fairly long but the ones I can think of are their names, his softshell, his tech malfunctioning, and his lost arm.
(I think this was in reference to Smart Lair, I just took a while to respond, sorry about that)
Thank you! I don't think this has been asked before actually
I think those are the main things so I'll just dig into them a bit more ehe
yeah, the names are a big one, mostly because of the ranks associated with them.
Two's tech is another important one since he thinks it's the only thing that makes him truly valuable (as an extension of his intellect). So, when One insults his tech or it malfunctions he gets defensive and takes criticism personally.
I would say the lost arm and softshell are insecurities to a lesser extent. Two's more sensitive about the experiment he conducted than the lost arm itself. That's mostly because Draxum uses it as a reason not to trust Two to work unsupervised, which justifies Two's lower rank, while One uses it to take Two's credibility away when he needs to (I feel like that's mostly for the events in the fic, though, since he's actively trying to deceive Draxum AND Two). Two personally sees the actual amputation as proof that he can not only come back from anything but come back even better than before, in this case with the enhanced prosthetic. So, it's a bit of a complicated subject for him since Draxum only sees it as a reason to distrust him. I don't really think Two would be insecure about losing an arm, since we figured Draxum would be able and willing to train him to fight without it (I can't remember if we mentioned Two more directly removing himself from training than Draxum, who just avoided him for a bit.) So it's more the accident itself and the way it changed his reputation that he's insecure about. The arm is a sensitive subject as a reminder of his personal and professional failure. I tried to sort of hint at that in this comic.
I haven't actually thought of Two's softshell being an insecurity in depth before but now that I am I'd say it's a sort of similar situation. Two, like canon Donnie, is aware that his softshell is a weak spot that his brother does not have to worry about, which is why it's a comparative disadvantage. As far as I understand, softshell carapaces aren't SUPER fragile on their own, they're just more fragile than other turtles. So Two would have the same kind of durability as a normal yokai or human child. Perhaps when he was younger he was more insecure about it because Draxum would probably warn Two and One to be careful which would just be an early example of One stepping up as the 'oldest' which Two isn't super happy about (I've talked about Two struggling with feeling respected in the household). But when he's older, probably after he lost his arm and after One's accident he ends up just erasing the weak point by giving it defensive capabilities. I wouldn't be surprised if he installed them after giving himself the arm as if to overcompensate for losing the arm in the first place. Like, in stead of just fixing his mistake so he's as he was before, he's showing he'll make himself even better, both by adding enhanced systems and tools to his prosthetic and by giving himself the spines. But i'm not 100% sure so that may change lol. But anyway, the shell is a vulnerability by being something people can use to prove that One is better than Two, and by being a literal weak spot as a turtle. Two installs the spines in his shell so that his enemies can't take advantage of his soft shell, and so that he has a way to make himself equal to and even surpass the tactile advantage that One gets from his shell. "Take that, mother nature" --Two, probably.
Aside from those, another vulnerability would be Two's temperament. He's got a lot of anger and aggression that he doesn't have much control over, which can make him a liability for One and Draxum, and thus makes him anxious because the more emotional he gets the more of a problem he is. It's just another reason Draxum can't fully trust Two, and he knows it. Two's unpredictable, temperamental, and pretty uncontrollable when he wants to be. I love these qualities because it really shows how passionate Two is, and is a good tell for when Two is really hurting or adamant about something, but One and Draxum will shut Two up by telling him he's forgetting himself or being overemotional, and it's one of the things that Two is not proud of so it usually works. Two tries to remain unaffected and composed and usually succeeds except when it comes to his anger, which is usually born from anxiety or hurt.
That one ties into the vulnerability that hurts the most, which is the notion that Two is a "loose cannon," as One puts it in Smart Lair. It's what ties back to most of the stuff that is on this list and is a big topic in Mind Meld and Smart Lair. In Mind Meld, Two snaps at Splinter when he calls his experiments crazy ("'I am not crazy!'"). He gets worked up when One messes with his technology because, of course, it's his job and he takes it very seriously, but it's also because every haywire experiment is just another docked point against his credibility, and the same goes for his emotional outbursts. He got the label when he did the experiments that got himself and One hurt, and being a high profile criminal in the Hidden City just proves the point and further threatens Draxum's mission. Draxum doesn't trust Two because he is afraid of what he's capable of, but instead of respecting Two's commitment he calls his unpredictable behavior a flaw that keeps him in the second rank. Two's furious because his ambition and passion are labelled as unpredictable and erratic, and that leaves Two constantly trying to fight against behavior that he believes makes him an invaluable asset to Draxum. So that's why Two fluctuates between following orders without question and working on really dangerous projects on his own
Great ask! thank you! I hope this all makes sense :)
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thesilverlock · 1 month
What 96 got a redemption arc, what would it be?
Ooo, good question!
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I think realistically, if that was a goal they’d had in mind for Mist - they wouldn’t have shoved him into the pendant and forgotten about him for 51 episodes.😭 So Idk if it was ever in the cards for him, intention-wise.
Either the show would’ve had to squeeze in more Astral centric episodes (of which there are shockingly few) to give more time and depth to his enemyship with 96, which would have made room for 96’s skewered ideals to be challenged.
We’d have needed a ZEXAL III, where 96 could back with a fresh agenda, a fresh new storyline, and he could have the slow burn, carefully thought-out redemption he deserves.
now... I will say, if we’re talking about the 96 we all know As Per how he is in the show.... with CANON-as-possible accuracy;
[and ik the fellow shippy peeps will hate this, and trust i don’t like and am resigned about it too hgfg]
... I do not believe that a ‘new character’ or other person could have gotten through to Mist. Not in million years. Especially not a human.
96 never saw anyone else (especially and specifically humans) as equal to himself, and only deemed them in the worst regard. And everything we know about 96 would suggest he’d never give the time of day to someone he deemed inferior.
Think of how Mist treated Yuma. He did not even directly speak to the boy 90% of the time. Yuma was like a bug to him, and 96 was not about to listen to no bug lol.
Astral he at least begrudgingly had to admit was his equal. So if NOTHING else, Astral’d likely need to be the one who somehow starts 96 on the redemption trajectory. Say or prove something that shook the foundation of what Mist believed.
And EVEN THEn it’d probably take something really significant. Because even though Astral was the closest thing to a person Mist respected --- he still hated Astral Lol. Respect doesn’t mean he’d start just Listening to him.
But, other than that; I think there’s different ways people could spin it, and go into details with it! And I know different fandom peeps have posed certain ways or ideas in the past (myself included lol), and all have had their own merits!
But yeah, I think the above-mentioned staples would have to be considered, for it to truly like... work work. Lol
BUT THAT”S JUST my take and my perspective. And what’s that worth at the end of the day, eh? xDD
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doostyaudi · 25 days
My employer headcanons? Real?
So, what do i make of the employers in general? Well i think i should start at their purpose! Id like to think of them as being likened to angels in way, granted they aren't, but i think that's the closest words i can use for them. Their general purpose is to make sure the world is in check, as well as the "plot", they're assistants of The Higher Powers in this way as the Higher Powers r busy doing their own things.
Employers do not care for humanity, they honestly quite dislike humanity, finding them "barbaric", "emotional", and any other word u can find to describe humanity, i guess.
Employers are siblings, they are one hell of a messy family
They follow a "code", it doesn't have an official name, but most refer to it simply as the "Employer Code". I wish i had a full list of what these are, all i really have a vague idea what they would be. I have a few that are solid codes: don't hurt/kill another employer, don't go against the higher powers (questioning them n such), and attempting to "run away" (not doing your job in an act of defiance, faking ur death, ect). If an employer breaks any of the codes, they will be given massive restrictions, if its bad enough they will be straight up exiled/killed.
The employers have their own realm they hang out in, it's really just a chill zone for them. They all have their own sections for their respective employers, basically their own house in a way lol. Usually retired employers live here
Yes, employers can be retired, it depends on what their purpose was
Employers are considered souls in a way since they aren't physical and can only interact with people/objects cuz of weird dimensional logic n stuff.
Okay! Individual employers! Right!
Auditor - the employer ever, honestly, we love auditor, dni if u don't /j. Auditor is probably gonna have the biggest write-up out of any of the other employers, not only because we know the most abt her, but also because she's my fave AHSHSHDHD. Oh. Yea. I hc Auditor as genderfluid and npd haver, i am a genderfluid auditor truther, so if u see me using fluctuating pronouns for her, that's why! Ill try and make it as comprehensive as possible tho lol. Uhm. Anyways! Auditor is the second youngest employer, her purpose is to "keep things in check" in short terms. Ironically enough, she has had a hand in not doing this, fucking up Nevada cuz she felt like it. This is NOT her job and the other employers are MAD at her for it, they do not like auditor and try to distance themselves from her. Fortunately for auditor, she doesn't like them either! She's Nevada's biggest hater and hates anyone who hates her, ur either with her or against her. She's impulsive, quick to anger, rash, unprofessional, and does everything in her power to make sure everyone knows she's cool and awsome and amazing and not to be messed with!!!! Then she trips over herself. Despite this, she's good at making plans, is very organized, best on the battlefield than any other employer, and is extremely protective of the ones she cares abt (it's. Very few but it's obvious who her favorites are). She has some control over hell, being able to have little minions of the sorts that keep an eye on things in there for her. People do not fear her, but they rather not deal with her. Oh also she loves sugar-filled food/drinks, she has a sweet-tooth lol.
Deliberator - the youngest employer. Despite his age, he is the smartest out of the employer, constantly doing research into different topics, making sure he's 10 steps ahead of everyone. He's the complete opposite of auditor in a way as he thinks more on logic than emotion. Ironically, hes very empathetic and tends to care for others he logically knows he shouldn't. He most definitely cares for humanity more than the others because of this, also he can't ever get himself to truly hate Auditor like the others do. He was most likely made to keep auditor "in check", being able to predict what auditor can and will do and using that against her, making sure she doesn't do more damage than she already has. Id like to think he has an interest in birds tho, nothing makes me think that, he just seems like a bird lover to me!
Conductor - the 3rd eldest employer. Her job is quite straightforward, she makes sure everything is perfect and in tip-top shape, cleaning up any mess others make. Because of this she is quite bossy and a complete perfectionist, freaking out whenever something goes against her perfectly made plans, even if it's completely insignificant. She can sometimes get in over her head about plans and how everyone is going to manage it, obsessing over small details. She tends to be more backhanded than the other employees, very passive-aggressive if u will, rarely letting others know how she truly feels about something. Also id like to think she likes to gossip with Stygian and Deliberator alot.
Stygian - the eldest employer. His job is to maintain the spirit realm and help lost souls to the others side. He maintains purgatory and the parts of hell Auditor doesn't have control over. Its a quite simple job compared to the others as it doesn't need as much thought and 4D chess playing to do, though who says guiding lost souls and making sure they don't get fucked up is an easy job? Knowing how Nevada is today, Stygian must be one hell of a busy guy. He's quite emotionally distant and tends to just do what he needs to do. Like. If you tell him a joke he'll just. *look* at you, he may have found it humorous but he doesn't laugh. People find him quite cold and distant because of this, though he's just am old man who wants to be left alone, but doesn't mind the company of his siblings every once in a while.
Uhhh yea i think that's everything.... It was nice to let that out of my system... I might have missed a few things/misinterpreted something... Sorry if i have! It's been a while since I've re-watched anything.. I honestly tried playing mpn2 again but i remembered why i stopped playing it! It set my computer on fire! O.o (not literally!! It was just so incredibly hot after only 20 minutes!! Sigh...)
U may not agree with everything ive said, and that's okay! Just don't be a jerk abt it, ok?
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I haven't found the original post about whiteness yet. However about "void where culture should be" I can sum up what's there trying and failing the fill the void.
Primarily, religion, specifically Western Evangelical Christianity. Purity culture, heaven and hell, the idea of sin, the idea of God.
Family is family and we must be true to that first and foremost. Following from this it's also marriage and the CisHet norms and as an extension of that having kids. (Which ties back to 1. in many ways.)
Being morally superior in every way we can. Totally not because white people are better, but we're the good normal CisHet Christians and we set the standards. (Sarcasm there.)
Exploitation of natural resources, especially those of non American countries. Vacations and Cruises. Going out into nature verg disrespectfully. Having the biggest life possible and having as much excess as possible. So, so many educational field trips where colonization was evident looking back. Never visiting pr disturbing a settler graveyard, but native burial mounds were fair game and not even in a respectful manner.
Nationalism. Military and Cops being the best thing ever. Just everything associated with American nationalism.
Food, the only not terrible thing on this list. Even that though is really a mix of so many cultures and honestly there's probably something fucked up if I looked into it deeper.
TLDR: Christian Nationalism. Which I am working to reject now. I definitely ain't perfect but I'm gonna work on it til I die.
Unfortunately though, that does leave me with very little culture. There's nothing to even try to fill that void anymore. I have to try and create it for myself. Just like I have to create family for myself. Sorry for the rambling I just had some thoughts.
I agree and think some other things should be there but yes.
And I mean as long as you're growing, that's all I care about ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ we love to see it 💖🌿
And maybe it's very rainbows and unicorns of me but we should be creating an American identity we can all share. Reject the current reliance on race all together.
Because there Should be more than christian ideology, white supremacy fascism, and capitalism.
Russel Means said it best when he said "Caucasians have a more positive vision to offer humanity than European culture. I believe this. But in order to attain this vision it is necessary for Caucasians to step outside European culture—alongside the rest of humanity—to see Europe for what it is and what it does."
Yes you have to create your own but it can be shared too. Community is crucial to any culture and people at all. Because there is so much more than what you've been given, you can create too just like your long ago ancestors before you.
And on a real note that needs to be the first step like yesterday (provided you want my opinion lol):
If white people ever want to belong here and feel like they're a part of everyone else; like we all share an identity then you have to start being more active allies to all the communities here.
You need to act like it, you know? Start actively being a part of dismantling the systems that the many diverse communities here have been critiquing for decades and centuries. Enough conditional support.
Show that you're Truly with us, thick or thin. That you wont fall back to supporting state violence because you think we misstepped in our fight for human rights and more human treatment.
Show us that you think our futures are worth fighting for. That they're a priority and the bigger picture is worth a few property damages that can/will be repaired anyway.
That you stand with us first, not the police or buildings or your political leanings. With us. With the human people that are your neighbors and bakers and bus drivers and business owners. That our human lives matter more than your politics or ideologies. That you stand for the rights of your neighbors and community like we have stood for each other.
We'd be way more of a melting pot if white ppl collectively stopped constantly looking for people to pick out of the pot. Because idk about other people, but that's how I feel as a native when liberals are trying to pick apart Landback or abolishing police or protesters causing damages for pride and ending police brutality but won't question a white imperialist for president because it's a "lesser evil" than the progressive who'd help me.
Way more of a community if other white people collectively stepped up came and stopped those kind of people from spreading their nonsense. Collectively don't take that bullshit.
Consider it your first community value. Solidarity with Everyone, not the whiteness that protects/benefits you.
And I don't mean you personally, but on a grander scale you know? Y'all should be doing whatever you can in that regard. Prove you mean it. That you want that future of belonging here and feeling safe and having an identity as much as we do.
Cuz we've Always been the first to fight, you know? With slow and conditional support...if any. But white people have the power of privilege that people in power pay attention to. More than ours. They try to suppress and repress ours systematically like we're seeing in Florida and across the country with book bans, banning CRT, and passing don't say gay bills.
We need support and it needs to be loud and visible and everywhere all the time. It can be.
The rest of us know what white people as a collective are capable of and what solidarity with one another can do.
The people in charge need to know the time for racism and fascism and individualism is behind us. That it's no longer a value that Us-Americans put up with. That you stand with us, not them.
I think we have a long way to go before the trauma of our shared history can be completely forgiven but I think unconditional allyship and support in the name of human rights and ending war crimes against marginalized communities would be a good first step at attempting to repair trust.
If you want unity we need to know you wont keep aligning with our oppressors first and foremost, you know?
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profanepurity · 1 year
“Date Night” & Ghoul Doodles
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So this started out as just a super self indulgent TerzOmega blurb to try and get some happy chemicals flowing in my brain... and then it became over 1600 words lol. 
So here’s a little fic I’m calling “Date Night” 😈 I’m throwing these super old ghoul sketches here too just for a little extra 👹
CW: This fic is within my Praeteritum AU! I really like the idea of TerzOmega when Terzo is still a Cardinal and Omega is one of Papa Secondo’s ghouls (Infestissumam era masks 👀) There is also blood, death, and some suggestive content, but it never gets into explicit sex. I only did one pass through this, so there’s probably spelling mistakes in here too lol
Enjoy 🖤
There were very few things that Omega would not do for Terzo.
He still remembers, of course, when Terzo’s oldest brother, Papa Emeritus Primo, summoned him and Alpha as part of his coronation. Omega was an infernal beast, his age hailing in comparison to any human’s. While the powerful fire ghoul was definitely worthy of praise, Alpha was not the true spectacle of the ritual. A quintessence ghoul is, and has always been in the church’s history, a sacred element out of all the ghoulish creatures that lurked in the pits. A new quintessence ghoul had not entered the ministry in nearly a century. Nihil’s own having been passed down from his father, and his father’s father , and his father’s father’s father, and his father’s father’s-
Primo’s ritual was not only flawless, but exceptionally fruitful. However, Omega’s initiation into the church was not his most fond memory. Despite his service under Primo being comparatively miniscule to the span of his life so far, he had grown a deep respect for the old man. Even his current service under the second, Papa Emeritus Secondo, he has grown to appreciate. But it was the moment the ghoul was introduced to Cardinal Emeritus Terzo, His Dark Excellency’s youngest brother, that will perhaps forever be scorched into his mind like a brand glowing white from the fires of hell itself. The adorned high clergymen stood defore the demon, hands folded neatly behind him, and met his gaze directly. A direct challenge towards Omega. Those mismatched eyes that Omega can sometimes feel staring at him even when Terzo is out of his line of sight, were undeniably hungry. 
To no surprise, that tension snapped not long after. Lust was not something Omega nor Terzo strained themselves from indulging in. What the ghoul was surprised by, was that hunger in the Cardinal’s eyes revealing itself to be more than carnal. One night, Omega found himself seated in Terzo’s office at some unholy hour, while Cardinal Emeritus sat across from him.
Terzo enjoys talking, that is simply common knowledge. So you can image how the devilish creature was some what stunned by small, fragil human holding one of his claws in his hands in a comfortable silence. His thumb traced over scars and lines in Omega’s palm, felt the way his muscles flexed as he so gently moved his hand as if he could somehow hurt the ghoul, and dared to lightly press his thumb against the sharp ends of his nails that could tear through his flesh with ease.
Terzo looked up at Omega with a foolish amount of trust. He was still holding that large claw that usually was wrapped around his throat, gripping his hips brusingly, or fisting his black hair mercilessly. One of his Papa’s two little shadows, as him and Cardinal Copia have been commonly referred to as, was completely unaware of how he captivated the infernal creature so tremendously. Or perhaps he was aware, as Terzo loved allowing himself to be perceived as more innocent than he truly was.
Maybe that is why Omega is drawn to him so. Something wicked constantly boiled under both of their skins, threatening to burst through and engulf them both.
“Want to go see a movie with me?” Terzo’s lips curled up in that handsome curve, looking up at Omega past his lashes.
An ancient demonic creature, capable of mentally breaking the man infront of him with but a few words, leaving him a broken, hallow shell; a screaming, tormented, pitiful husk begging to be put out of his misery, just asked him out on a date. The Quintessence Ghouls were made exquisitely by Lucifer himself. He gifted them with the ability to torture man flawlessly, with divine perfection in their sheer brutality upon man’s mind and soul- shatting it completely. Omega simply blinked slowly at the question.
Again, there are very few things that Omega would not do for Terzo.
The ghoul had excused himself the next day, politely informing Papa Secondo that he was being summoned by some of the high members of the church to attend a meeting involving worhsip of the Old One, as having ghouls present always improved the connection. Thankfully Papa seemed to approve and dismissed him with no inquires, too deep within his studies. A small infant was tucked into his lap as he sat at his desk. He could only finding time to hold his new born daughter during moments like this at his desk.
Omega bowed to his excellency and his heir gratefully. Only an hour later was he fully glamoured and driving Terzo’s own car, with Cardinal Emeritus, still sharply dressed as always, sitting in the passenger seat. Omega supposed he should take advantage of moments like this. It would not be long before Terzo would inevitably become Papa, and his face would be far too known for them to go out without at least several fan interruptions. At least for now they could enjoy whatever cheesy horror movie Terzo had bought them tickets for in peace.
Perhaps that was the true realization that should be considered here. Peace is never going to be something that is permanent in their lives. Omega is, and always will be, a creature of Hell.
Looking back on it, Terzo really couldn’t be upset. He never really was, even as he watched Omega lunge and grab the man with barely glamoured claws. Even as he gazed upon blood and flesh tearing from the man’s throat, he never grew disgusted, he only watched his beloved’s teeth sink into the man’s jugular unnervingly fast. The inhuman snarl that errupted from somewhere in the demon’s chest had made his blood run cold… and all his blood rush down.
Maybe Terzo just hadn’t fully processed that he was watching Omega maul someone. Only a few minutes ago they had parked out on the street and bought a hand full of hours from the parking meter, before beginning the walk through the alley way that would lead then towards the entrance of the theatre. Terzo’s decision to take that route was just a convenient short cut. It had been a while sine Omega had been in public with Secondo’s next tour still being a ways off. Terzo had figured the less open route would give the ghoul as little exposure as possible, and avoid a potential incident like this.
The man had been most likely drugged out of his mind, approaching them out of the shadows of the alley with an uneven saunter and mumbling incoherent noises that only vaguely sounded like words. Admittedly, Terzo hadn’t seen the sharpened object in the man’s hand immediately, and was shocked by the sight in a brief moment of vulnerability. Terzo would have been capable of regaining control and handling the situation by his own means, but his reaction time was nothing compared to Omega.
It was an instinctual reaction in self defense. In his mind, Terzo helplessly attempted not to read it as Omega protecting him. He desperately rationalized it, letting it ring as a harsh reminder that Omega was not human. That this behavior was simply a part of his nature.
No, the demon that not three days ago Terzo had caught holding the bundle that was his new born niece so gently within his great arms while Sister Diana focused on an urgent task, looking at the baby with a strikingly soft gaze behind that black mask, could not have just stepped in front of Terzo to guard him. He wasn’t ready to believe that.
Satan below, the way Omega’s eyes blazed as black smoke puffed from him with every exhale. The way his claws threatened to reveal themselves as his fingers noticeably blackened, twitchiing and flexing as they trembled from adrenaline.
But when Omega looked back at him, blood streaking across his mouth, he must have noticed the look of astonishment on his face. Terzo almost missed the way Omega’s ears would move back like a cat when he was stressed, since he couldn’t see it now with the glamour. The Cardinal could still somehow see the ghoul doing it. He didn’t know what made him want to drop to his knees more, the primal, horrific rage he had just witnessed, or the way Omega’s eyes expanded like two black orbs in his head and tail accidentally slipped from his glamour to nervously swat behind him.
“Shit- I-”
Terzo had grabbed the front of his shirt and practically dragged Omega down into a kiss. He was only successful in doing so because of how it stunned the demon. The metallic flavor of blood mixed with that sweet taste that Cardinal Emeritus could only place on a ghoul’s tongue was intoxicating. Terzo’s hands moved through Omega’s hair, slid down his broad chest, down his waist, kissing him with a feverish haste, as they reached his belt loops and-
Terzo only broke for air after he was sure his own mouth was streaked with the blood. Another low growl rumbled quietly from Omega at the sight of Terzo taking a few steps away from him. Now Omega was panting for an entirely different reason. Tiny fangs flashing behind the crimson smirk he infuriating gifted Omega.
“Grazie, mio diavolo. Let’s go, I don’t want to miss the movie.”
Fucking hell. It was all Omega could do not to slam him against the wall of the alley way when Terzo batted those pretty lashes at him, like he hadn’t just been about to grab his-
Another growl reverberated through him as his tail thumped on the ground hard once, twice, and then disappeared after the third. His full glamour returning.
“..... Fine. I want a fucking icee- a blue one.” he grumbles.
“Of course, amore. Oh- and remember to wipe that blood off before we go in.”
For some reason, no one questioned the concerning red stains on their sleeves while they were ordering that icee.
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kidflashimpulse · 2 months
(Hi, it's me, the overexcited rambler dambler)
Because listen, just like you wrote, him appearing to not have scars sells the story of future tourist so well, BUT LITTLE DO THEY KNOW THAT THERE IS ONE HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT
I do kinda wish that Jay told someone, or managed to come through to Bart and have a real heart to heart with him instead of being roasted for being concerned (Bart "livestock get branded, it's literally common knowledge, I was about as important as a pig" Allen I'm looking at you, maybe you haven't acknowledged/realised it but there is SOMETHING hiding behind that titanium wall of yours)
It doesn't even need to be Jay, but maybe some day Bart will feel comfortable sharing this scar with Ed or Jaime (though Jaime would probably, like, want to fling himself to the sun if Bart ever told him) and just get some form of comfort out of it
(A funky addition would be that Ed found out by exploring if ya know what I mean🤭)
But that also leaves me wondering, like, since that brand is pretty unique in his time, how would Bart have passed in the camps after/if he escaped the Scientists? Did he draw a fake brand on his neck? Did the Scientists send him there after being satisfied with their tests and just knowing where he was/being able to pull him back whenever they desired?
Also his connections with the prostitutes was really clever, they're the ones who can coax information out of important people after all, allowing Bart to gather some necessary tech for his time machine. Genius genius genius. I'm just imagining a 12-year-old Bart casually vibing/downing booze with these people and nobody suspecting a thing when in reality he's plotting to break their reality down
omg it’s the return of an icon ❤️
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honestly (hes unaware of it though) Jay seems to be respecting Barts very much unsaid wishes (bart doesn’t think he cares about who knows, but he seems to prefer the fewer the better approach in this case) by not telling anyone. I don’t think it’s intentional on his part, but u knw sometimes u do (or don’t) do things without realising
genuinely, it’s the funniest thing ever to me how everyone read that scene as bart roasting jay like 😭 he was just keeping it real but with his unshakeable attitude 😂 which honestly yeah that is basically sass, love it when characters and scenes take on a life of their own sometimes truly it’s so entertaining and such typical bart behaviour lol
idk if Jaime knows 👀 if he does i feel like itd be cause of Bart for some reason thinking it would be funny to show it to him and then Jaimes just like
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yeah Ed 100% knows and for the exact reasons u mentioned 😂 i mean besides being at the dentists that’s pretty much the only other socially acceptable reason for someone to look into barts mouth at this point
i won’t go too much into the timeline of bart’s captivity as a lab rat vs him being in the camps as a slave, but they’re two very different stages of his life (he’s much younger as a lab rat whereas being a slave was closer to him leaving his timeline, a lot of stuff went down in between). I should’ve probably elaborated a bit more on it in the chapter, but whilst it was unique it wasn’t completely unheard of to not be branded on the neck, especially since a lot of their subjects were meta humans, there’s bound to be some variety of people that have it elsewhere. all that mattered was that u had the brand
“when in reality he’s plotting to break their reality down” that line goes incredibly hard, i’m obsessed ! love how that’s genuinely what he did though, like he’s crazy for real
thank u for sharing ur thoughts with us and for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i appreciate it so much 😘
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astarionsbeloved · 5 months
Meet Nephrite Adamantem
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@tealfling I should have probably gone to bed, but instead, your chanting swayed me and I wound up writing this far-too-long-post about Nephrite, my very first and longest running DND character, now imported to BG3.
Nephy is based on my dungeons and dragons character that I've been playing since....2019?, She is a dual classed wizard/bard. In BG3 she's an Asmodeus Tiefling, in D+D she was born as the 13th of 14 children in a human family, so she's just kinda....Tiefling lol.
Name: Nephrite Adamantem
Background: Noble
Class: Wizard
Age: 35
From: Moonshae, then Candlekeep, then Waterdeep, then...well, a Nautiloid
Family: Wealthy human nobles from Moonshae, they found a rich vein of mithrill in the orcskull mountains generations ago. Her parents and older siblings leverage their wealth to manipulate politics all over Faerûn, meddling where they truly have no right to but taking a keen interest in Baldur's Gate, Waterdeep, and Candlekeep.
(Nephrite kind of started as a Tyrian Lannister type of character when we were working on her at first. She became something else as I worked on her; though she is still very "Wow this is def a player character you have here! not heavy handed at all! look at the subtlety on this one!" as MANY first dnd characters are, but I love her all the same)
Regarding Nephrite's infernal appearance: There are rumors that her Mother, newly pregnant with her 13th child, had begun to worry for the family's money and sold the very babe she was carrying in a deal with a devil to insure the family name and fortunes. Still others, including her own siblings, say that it was her father dabbling in forbidden arts. Some say her mother was poisoned, others that she had a "shameful affair"
Origin story (lol): Nephrite's family is, by all accounts, human. A great-great-great-great grandmother was Eladrin. Generations of humans, and then came Nephrite. Her mother nearly died in childbirth and rejected her on sight, handed immediately to a nanny. Her father didn't reject her, but he did keep his distance once she hit her teenage years and her infernal appearance became more overt (her horns, once cute little blunt things that grew backwards and close to her head, turned into violent looking spikes). While her father tried to plead for the family to embrace her, only few complied. Her eldest brother (Kunzite*) and eldest sister (Ruby*), brother born a year before she was (Jadeite*) and younger sibling (Sterling*) and grandmother on her father's side all adore her. The others, though. Well, let's just say there were more than a few attempts on her life.
Her mother kicked her out of the house when she came of age (it was the first time they'd spoken in years) and she given the "full dowry they would have paid a respectable suitor for a marrying a human daughter" and her entire inheritance in advance. Jadeite and Sterling travelled with her to Candlekeep to meet up with their eldest sibling Kunzite, also disowned for being "too bookish and of no use in politics or business".
Apart from the typical education befitting a noble, Nephy had been schooled in violin and some light wizarding, but when she got to Candlekeep, she through herself whole heartedly into her studies and could rarely be found outside of a lecture hall, library, or music room. After wrapping up her schooling , Kunzite decided it was "time to put his education to good use" and took a job at a small university in Waterdeep teaching ancient Torilian history. Nephy hung about Waterdeep for a while, but was eventually called to a life of adventure. Which, truly, she didn't love ("I'm an indoor cat" she declared in a letter to Sterling). She was on her way back to Waterdeep to accompany her brother on a scholarly mission to Barovia when she was snatched by the Nautiloid.
(*=her siblings are all NPCs in our campaign, and Nephy and her siblings also appear as NPCs in other campaigns my brother/DM runs! I think she's gotten more use as an NPC than anything else lol but that also means that occasionally I get to write New Material for her unrelated to our campaign, which is super fun!)
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tuzesdays · 1 year
15 sounds fun!
i couldn't agree more
Prompt: "you must be pretty down if me juggling your oranges doesn't even get a laugh out of you :( should I light them on fire?"
WORDCOUNT: 1274 | Domestic, Post-Fic | Spoilers for the (still being workshopped lol) end of Dayshift Go Figure
You wake up alone, without your alarm, knowing in your bones that you’ve somehow slept in. All other days this happens, you’re able to ride a wave of panic into wakefulness and get ready for the day in record (though some would call it inhumane) time – cold showers that last the five minutes it takes for the water to heat and only taking the paltry breakfast that’s shoved at you on your way out, then forgetting to eat it, much to the frustration of your housemates.
Today though, something’s different. You lay in bed trying to puzzle it out.
… What day is it? Yesterday was… ah.
It’s the anniversary.
That explains why the alarm was turned off.
You groan and hoist yourself out of bed. You’ve got some sort of itinerary today, but nothing truly starts until noon when you can go and pick up the resident child without sacrificing his education – guh, coparenting. Damn your soft heart for volunteering for that responsibility, there’s no way to feasibly take it back now.
(As if you’d ever want to; Gregory is a little terror of a child with a mean streak that reminds you of yourself. But, far from being put off by these… tendencies… most of the humans and animatronics that make up your inner circle find it either charming or insightful. Except Sun and Moon. They’re sane and you love them for it.)
(Doesn’t stop all three of you from getting attached, however.)
The day won’t wait for noon, so you drag yourself through a morning routine anyway. It’s winter, so warm clothes are your friend even if you’re only throwing on one layer for going around the house. Jeans and an undershirt. You hum at your bathroom mirror as you pass by, looking over the form that makes up you. You didn’t have mirrors in the old apartment – or, well, you did, but you barely used them for anything other than fixing your hair in the mornings – but over the last few months you’ve found yourself taking a moment in front of one.
It's odd. Every time, it’s so odd to look in a mirror and think that not only does it reflect you (asshole, murderous, grit your teeth and don’t let go you) but the reflection looks… normal. Clean, sometimes tired but never weary. You don’t meet your own eyes with distaste anymore.
After a few seconds you continue on. It’s too fucking early for digging into that feeling, you haven’t even seen your boys yet.
Into the hall, seeing all the bedroom doors open, then down the stairs. Sun’s voice drifts through the air as he hums the morning away, likely in the kitchen by the accompanying sounds of washing dishes.
You tread into his domain carefully and take a seat at the table, where your favorite mug is already waiting. “Morning.”
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” Sun keeps his voice down out of respect for your notoriously low patience this time of day, but he’s still chipper as ever. “I didn’t think we’d be seeing you for at least another thirty minutes!”
“Wonder why that is,” you say blandly, sipping at the tea in your mug. Mmm, earl gray. “My alarm didn’t go off. Should probably look it over, see if it’s glitching out.”
“Very serious, alarm glitches,” he nods understandingly, both of you fully aware that either he or Moon turned off your alarms for the day. “But it’ll have to wait until tomorrow! We’ll be very busy today.”
You set your mug down. “How are you feeling?”
Though his back is still turned to you, you can tell when his faceplate twists. “I feel like I’m washing dishes!”
“And Moon?” You ask, letting the distraction slide.
“Not washing dishes!”
He stops to turn and look at you, expression soft and off-white eyes glinting in the early morning sunlight.
(Riley is truly a miracle worker. Living legend Riley Greene.)
“We’re perfectly alright, dear,” he assures you. “Today’s a day for celebration! There’s no need to get caught on silly things like details when it’s so beautiful outside.”
There’s an unspoken, gentle reminder there: this is also the anniversary of their first foray into the outside world, after all. You’ll never be able to forget the picture they made, the first time Sun was able to truly see the sunrise through the window of a vehicle speeding down the interstate, still covered in soot and ash, eyes fixed on the horizon. You didn’t have it in you to cry for him in that moment, but you’ve taken plenty of opportunities since. It never fails to make both of them sappy.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I slept in,” you mutter, taking another sip of tea. “I don’t know. Mood’s around a five or six, I’d say.”
“Five!” He immediately turns away from his busywork to face you fully. “Five out of ten? No no, that’s far too low for how well this day is going to be. We need to get that number up to a seven, at least! What can I get you for breakfast? Pancakes? Waffles? Maybe a fruit bowl?”
“Didn’t you buy all that fruit for baking?”
“Yes, but it’s our fruit so we can decide what it contributes to,” he wags a finger at you, “and we’re perfectly alright with it being used for breakfast. So, what’ll it be?”
You make a face at him. “I’m not hungry.”
His smile stretches. “That’s not what I asked. How about we start out with some orange slices?”
“You’re an absolute tyrant.”
“You decided to come into my kitchen to visit me,” he muses, picking up an orange from the nearby bowl of fruit when you don’t object, then picking up three more and tossing them in a simple arc between his hands, juggling them effortlessly. “How’s your coordination this morning?”
“Not good enough for juggling.” You hold out a hand to catch an orange, however, and he tosses you the beginnings of breakfast without so much as a stutter in his movements. “Thanks.”
“Anytime, dear.” The arc of oranges shifts so one falls behind his head – again, easily caught by practiced hands. You arch an eyebrow at him as you peel your snack and he hums, thinking. “Not even a laugh for juggling, hm? Should I light them on fire next?”
That gets a snort out of you. Sun’s rays spin in victory, insufferably pleased with himself. You’re so fed up with this boy. “I don’t think setting off the fire alarm today is a good plan.”
“Implying you’re perfectly alright with some pyrotechnics tomorrow.” He shakes his head at you. “You, Sunbite, are my favorite menace.”
“I’m overcome with gratefulness.” Your tone may be flat, but Sun knows you well enough by now to know you never lie about your feelings toward him. So much time in denial has warded you away from stupidly wasting that time with untruths ever again.
In fact, laying it on thick has become a favorite pastime of yours ever since you realized cute petnames made them flustered.
“Poppy,” you begin, and he immediately rolls his eyes at your antics. “Sunnypop, Pumpkin, darling dearest, light of my life, half of my heart. My love. My loves,” you say, knowing double the names means double the boys getting so very fond and so very, very put up with you. “Sweetness, Sugar, Starstuff. Sunny, Moon.”
Sun turns away with a giddy smile, shaking his head before meeting your eyes again. “Yes, Sunbite?”
“You two are also my favorites,” you say primly. “Also I would like pancakes for breakfast after this.”
“Of course, love.”
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scribe-of-hael · 11 months
Which Star is Which?
a lore breakdown !
First up Prime Starscream!
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In my story Prime Starscream is there. He just doesn't go by Starscream, because having multiple starscreams and adressing them all as such can be confusing in writing and even speaking about them in the content of the story.
Because of that I have given him a different name. He goes by StormChaser (for his very grey appearance mostly but just sounds cool and looks like it could also fit him). He is still very much himself , the same prime starscream kind of attitude. With the acception now he's a "father". He's a mentor to Riot!Starscream (see below for him) this also includes Thundercracker and Skywarp by proxy.
His "son" Starscream being 2nd in command and StormChaser is Starscream’s personal advisor (aka dad follows me to work) and active commander of the seekers when he's not around. Stormchaser has taught Starscream everything he knows. Even the more...less diserable traits. But he does care for his seekers. He is less scheming for his own sake (sorta kinda) and more the sake of riot Starscream. Which lands them both in alot of trouble.
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This is Stormchaser's Vessel. I also refer to StormChaser/Prime Starscream by his human alias i gave him. Sterling! He can have a more white sclera,but prefers the black when around other bots in vessels and not out and about.
All my vessel/human formers have tattoos like this to resemble their alt mode/bot mode. Some can be in chunks some can be more thin lineded
He also has a Conjunx who is a flyer like him, who's name is Fulminato. A younger very shamless bot who loves this goofy old man alot. No worries he is taken care of ♡
Next up! Riot Starscream!
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Now my Starscream, who I dub Riot! Starscream because of the context of my story and just to remind ppl WHICH Starscream I'm referring to.
Now you're probably also wondering "that's just IDW Starscream" you are correct! However riot Starscream only LOOKS like IDW Starscream, his personality is completely different (some what). While Starscream is a schemer and a liar, he reassembled alot for Armada Starscream. This Starscream has never truly betrayed or attempted to kill Megatron at all. He is Acutally very loyal.
His schemes however has been more so to buster his own position and make him look good to Megatron. (Because we all want dad Megs attention in this army for better or worse). The biggest thing Starscream wants is respect from Megs and well , Megs isn't handing out respect like candy. So he does get upset and yes he has boosted maybe he could be more powerful than Megs. But never has he still tried to over throw him.
Certain events happen where Starscream is left perplexed about the Decpeticons as a whole. I won't go i to super detail but that how he ends up with the organic alien Ula!
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this is Starscream's vessel! His alias name is Erza ! For the most ironic reasons. I kept a bit of G1 style in this despite being based on IWD. I have him a hairstyle more leaning towards that.
Both Riot Starscream and StormChaser exist in the same au world!
Last but least, TFA Starscream
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First thing first. Tfa Starscream is not in my au with RiotStarscream or StormChaser. He exists purely on a TFA au I have (unamed) and he is just Excatly how he is normally almost 0 changes. Besides having a Techni Organic as a partner (it's complicated lol)
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His vessel is aquire differently than my main story. But he goes by Cyrus for a human alias! This mfer has no chill when having this form. He is a extremely tall looking human about 6'4 to 6'6. Megs would be almost 7ft if he had one.
And that's it! Thats all the starscreams I have for now! Aks questions if ya want :3
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mageofseven · 11 months
When Heat Cools: A MephistoMC Love Story
Chapter 8
Taglist: @astroseuss @fcxyviixen @jar-of-moondust @marvelous-maniac @ghost-mint @darkflowerav @missloserqueen
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"I know you are going through a lot, my friend."
Mephisto shook his head.
"It's MC who is going through a lot; in comparison, I am simply along for the ride."
"Still, you are undoubtedly stressed."
The nobleman gave a small nod.
"However," Dia continued. "I would still appreciate it if you would answer a certain question of mine."
Just when Mephisto thought he feeling his worst, the prince's words made his body tense.
Somehow, he could just sense he wasn't going to like this question of his.
"What is it, my lord?"
Dia pursed his lips.
"Is...your leg getting worse or has MC simply helped you put less focus on your act?"
Mephisto freezed. He knows?? Has he truly made it that obvious? The nobleman knows he was stumbling earlier but surely that was not enough for his old friend to know his secret?
"This is not some new discovery for me, I assure you." The prince explained, knowing well what his friend must be thinking. "I...In truth, I've known since we were barely adolescents, back when you first received your cane. You always put so much effort into concealing your leg issue so I did my best to respect your feelings and hoped you would confide in me about it some day."
Mephisto was physically about thirteen when he had to start using his cane. Diavolo has literally known about his disability for hundreds of years and never spoke about a word about it simply because he could see how hard his friend was trying to hide it and wanted the other boy to confide in him about it instead of prying into what was obviously a sensitive issue.
That never happened though and here the two men are, hundreds of years later, finally addressing it.
The nobleman turned away from the prince.
"My lord, I'd rather not talk about this."
"You have always been so protective when it comes to others knowing about your leg's weakness." Dia frowned, worried. "What is it about your injury that that makes you so determined to hide it?"
Some would probably think it was a pride issue, but that couldn't be further from the truth. With the way Mephisto acts now of days, such a theory would be believable, but this has truly gone on since they were young, since before Mephisto adopted such an attitude.
Diavolo knew his old friend, knew that their must be an important reason why he did not want others knowing about his disability.
The nobleman's heart was pounding in his chest.
"Forgive me, but I have already said that I will not speak of it." He repeated.
This was a topic that no one could know, that Mephisto himself must take to his grave. Even in their closer days, he could not tell his friend about the incident and nothing has changed since then.
The prince released a sigh.
"I suppose some aspects of you still have not changed." He gave a sad smile. "Will you at least let me know if I or Barbatos can do anything to help?"
The nobleman shook his head.
"Nothing can help it, but I do appreciate the thought, my lord."
Dia stared at his old friend in worry. There really wasn't much in his life that the prince could help with, was there?
Eventually, MC was done with her medicinal bath and was ready to go home. The phantom cold was now gone, but the poor woman was now left mentally exhausted.
The tired human even fell asleep with her head in her boyfriend's lap on the way back to House of Lamentation. She slept hard and poor Mephisto couldn't wake her up.
Luckily, Beel had just come home from somewhere (Mep got so lucky it was a kind brother who showed up lol) and had the big guy take his sweet corazón inside to her room.
Of course, Beely did it without a fuss and was very gentle with the sleeping human.
...Okay, so one of the brothers is alright, he has decided. The Avatar of Gluttony has unknowingly passed a test even Mephisto didn't realize he made.
It only took two days after that for Diavolo's message hit Mephisto's parents and hit them hard. Whatever form it took, the son was unsure, but his parents knew it was his doing.
His mother slapped him across the face with enough force to make him stumble back.
"I raised you better than this!" His mother shrieked. "Do you even know what you've done? Do you have a single brain cell that thick head of yours?"
Mephisto steadied himself and avoided his mother's gaze. Yes, by doing this he betrayed his family, something that was he was taught to be incredibly taboo.
He did it to protect MC therefore he did not regret it--however, that didn't mean it didn't hurt to do so. His loyalty towards his family has always been a defining pillar of who this man was as a person; one he was willing to feel the pain of cracking it for the sake of his corazón and children though.
His father step between the two of them--not out of protection, but to take hold of the situation.
"Listen, we need to remedy this situation and quickly." The older man spoke coolly. "I need you to bring your human pet in to--"
"MC is coming no where near here." Mephisto raised his head and met his father's matching green eyes.
The husband simply raised his hand towards his wife.
"Lamia, you wanted me to handle this so I'm handling it." He scolded her before looking back to his son. "Your prince has already made it very clear the lives of that human and her child are off limits; you have turned our threat idle."
"Then what to do you want with her?"
"For the time being? A conversation, one that you shall be present for too." The older man explained. "The rest will be explained then."
Mephisto went silent.
"I expect you both in this house tomorrow afternoon. I will have the butler give you the details in the morning."
And with that, his parents left him standing there, fists at his sides.
What the hell are they planning? And worse, what do they have planned if he doesn't comply?
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