#He isn't as fun without his weird proportions
lavandulalurker · 4 months
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[ID in alt]
Fun fact: in the artbook, there's an illustration of Sym as a human (<- me when I spread misinformation)
Jokes aside, this is my attempt at drawing something in iwatex's art style, don't look too closely lmao
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Here's the full image of Sym. Admittedly I just mimicked Sym's whole portrait but I didn't copy and paste anything.
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mehriigss · 2 months
Rottmnt weird drabble/one shot because I have anxiety so Leo has anxiety too.
Based on a headcanon you can find here.
Leo was at the verge of a panic attack. No, he was going into a full anxiety spiral. The best part? He was currently having a family dinner.
Everyone was having fun. Raph was stuffing his face with Mikey's meatballs, April was trying to prevent him from choking, his twin was recording everything with his phone, his father was scolding him for using his phone during a family event, Mikey was still cooking in April's kitchen and Draxum and himself were having a smooth conversation about biology. About literal photosynthesis to be precise. He might hate him but he has to admit Draxum really knew how to get him to talk.
There were oh so many details in every single thing his family was doing right now, but he's brain chose to focus on himself. How selfish.
Draxum was rambling about his favourite photosystem when it hit him. The increased heart rate, the tunnel vision, the distorted hearing, the nausea, the damn choking sensation and that fucking piercing pain in his chest that just won't go away for the rest of the week.
Why did his anxiety have to be such an opportunistis?
He stared at Draxum like he was trying to read his soul out loud. Leo could hear him but he wasn't listening. No words seem to get into his brain but the usual 'you're nothing but your brothers', 'too little too late for redemption', 'you'll never change', 'under that mask is a scared little boy'.
Did Draxum just make him a question? He could tell by Draxum's body language.
"So?" Said Draxum to the turtle that barely registrated anything but the strong static in his ears.
Masking this kind of things was easy for him. He just had to ignore and endure it in equal proportions and play face man. He could do it, he was the face man! The actor! The lier among them! Misleading was his specialty.
He would just put on another layer of paint to his mask and flee forward.
"I'm not sure." Leo said a bit too low but steadily nonetheless.
"Well, if you are not sure, I could suggest a few scientific articles". Draxum replayed, apparently content enough with the poor answer.
Draxum was suddenly silent, already used to Leon's seemingly infinite energy for conversation, waiting for him to say something.
So he said the first thing he could muster, the quickest he could: "I-I'd love to read t-them".
That was clearly not a good plan.
It had begun. The stuttering, because his poor mouth couldn't keep up with his anxious brain. He hated that. He's good hiding his panic in plain sight but his stupid stuttering is something he can't control or cover! He could only go mute and hope he's not asked many questions because of it.
But going mute would be extremely suspicious when he's literally in the middle of a conversation!
Ok, Draxum was a bit confused, he could work with that. That is fixable. As long as he can keep a low profile he's good.
But his breathing was getting more and more erratic and being and acuatic turtle didn't actually help keep the need to just breath at bay.
Could he fix this?
'Of course not, you're useless!'
'You're eyes are watering, you big crybaby!'
'Just flee. They're not gonna miss you anyway '
'They're better off without you'
He took a big, deep, audible, shaky breath and surrendered.
"Are you ok, bro?" Mikey, bless his soul, had just entered to room and immediately noticed his struggle, taking over the conversation. "Barry, mind if I steal my brother from you for a sec?"
Mikey did not wait for an official answer, he grabbed Leo by the wrist and forced him out of the room. That, in all honesty, scared the holy shit out of Leonardo. And everybody else.
He felt a little naked now that he wasn't around his whole family, but at least the living room smelled like April. It was a nice smell to focus his mind on.
"Leo... It might not be anything serious- and I hope it isn't! -but..."
"I-I'm hav-ing a p-panic a-attack".
Another shaky breath was all it took for Leo to become a hyperventilating and sobbing mess.
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That image just fits too well 😙
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 3 months
Oh hello! I see that I was proven right once more...
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Aren't y'all tired of predictable people, posting predictable things when their narrative is being shattered?
Well, let's unpack everything shall we? Gotta put this warning, riiiiight here
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Much better!
Now to the fabulous part of the post that y'all came for!
Isn't it weird that they post two Portugal sightings and pics, just a few minutes apart?
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Even better, Chris' teleportation powers are back 😆 he's so fast he was in LA and suddenly at Albitch's side!!!!
I honestly love these photos, because Chris suddenly looks so different from his more recent pics, where he's actually there...
What am I talking about?
Well, that outfit in the first pic is real OLD! So, technically they aren't lying about the pics being taken, and real. Just the time is definitely not at night, nor recently.
For the second pic, it's just hilarious! And I know y'all are sensitive about the whole "photoshopped/edited" thing but it's too easy, that it's so funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Here's what I mean...
The shirt Albitch is wearing, is the same one from her February 16 France trip.
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And you can repeat outfits, but not with the days this close together... Is she back to being so poor she only has a few outfits for travel?
And also, Albitch's "husband" is a well known ass man.
So, why in the hell is a random guy putting his hand on her ass? A guy who most definitely isn't her husband?!
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I'm not even going to mention the fact that she gave herself, Barbie proportions. She doesn't have the curves, so like everything, she has to fake it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And when did Chris' necklace turn black, and where did his glasses that, he can't live without go? Did he get lasik between Mass, LA, and Portugal?
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Isn't that fun... 😌
Well, I'm tired now. Tired of staring at ANOTHER picture from the same tactic, from people still trying to prove this is legit. So, I'mma go, and enjoy REAL people.
And to prove how predictable they are, watch for the next one, another pap walk with rings in display, and another hand clutching, with a peck in the middle of some random street with the same outfits, that she doesn't have enough originality to make them her own.
Or maybe another blurry photo, with Albitch following them the next day, as if followers mean anything when you're hemorrhaging them every day, and losing money trying to keep up.
Lemme know if I forgot anything else. And like, I said, it's a rant post.
Until the next one!
❤️ Booky
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ceruleanterrapin · 20 days
Fun Leonardo facts
(for anyone stumbling upon this randomly, for context: this blog is run by a 2012 Leonardo fictive. These are fun facts referring to him, not canon)
This is a long list so it's going to be under the cut
Severely lactose intolerant
Despite the internet's claims, he is actually a decent cook
Favorite cake is red velvet
Knows how to swim, but refuses to unless an emergency situation calls for it or if completely alone without anyone watching
Always wearing his wrist and leg bandages. Always.
Sleeps like a corpse at a funeral
Secretly enjoys drag on rare occasions (and would rather get thrown through another window than let his family know)
2nd best in the family at computers and technology. If Donnie is too busy, or if it's something minor, go to Leo
Upset that wearing clothes 99% of the time is impossible due to his shell and weird 2012 turtle arm and leg proportions
Would both curb stomp Rise Leo and also make him his #1 best friend
If Leo isn't busy with his morning routine (meditation, making sure the others are awake, etc) then he'll join Donnie for a coffee in the kitchen. Though, Leo prefers his sweeter while Donnie can have his black
Leo secretly drinks coffee, soda, and energy drinks often for the caffeine. He just doesn't make it obvious like Donnie does
Often carries or escorts his brothers to their rooms when it's time for bed. It's common for one of them to pass out in the living room or stay up too late when they should be asleep
Secretly enjoys singing. It's a beautiful art form
Prefers to eat in private
Jealous that Donnie and Raph have longer mask tails
Chronic pain sufferer, married to ibuprofen
Please monitor his medication he doesn't take it properly (he either stops taking it for months or takes a random amount without reading the label)
Has a cane for mobility aid, will use it to bonk Raph over the head
Likely has autism + adhd
Has a hidden stash of plushies in his closet
Often Leo tries to be lawful good even in video games. But, most games' "good guy" routes end up being boring and he inevitably winds up becoming a criminal instead, to his own dismay
Shameless ACNH and Sims cheater
He cannot process compliments for the life of him. He will either deflect or pretend to be egotistical
Has the bad habit of spending months modding a single game and then playing it for 4 hours before modding some more <- never finishes playthroughs on modded games because of this
Constant Ls. Has only ever won one competition in his entire life
Skin picker. His fingers are covered in bandages for a reason
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Maybe it’s me shipping Donnie and Mona (wheres my IDW fans at !) would it be ok to request Yandere 12 Donnie and rise Donnie falling for mutant lizard reader ? (You can chose what type of lizard she can be ~) love to see what u come up with !
I chose Argentine Black and White Tegu bcs I love Tegus so much-
Tw: 2012 Donnie was being dumb about food and spits it out cuz he hates it-, mention of kidnapping, 2012 Donnie becomes delusional at some point-, Rise Donnie tries to control diet (not like proportions but food groups)
2012 Donald
Honestly, the initial development of obsession isn't much different, other than that he'll try to learn everything about your species' biology and behaviours. (DO NOT SEARCH UP B+W TEGU COURTSHIP HABITS)
From there he'll try to woo you using said courtship habits- except the one thing that's cursed.
He doesn't notice this, but he starts decorating things in a black and white pattern- hell- bro might make his newest inventions tegu-themed rather than turtle-themed.
Fun fact: Tegus are one of the more affectionate reptiles. And he will use it to his advantage. If you show him too much friendliness he'll become delusional and think you like him back a bit.
Since Tegus loves meat and fruits, he'll try to eat more meat/fruits to seem like "a worthy dude to date" type shit. Istg you could literally see him eating those foods way more than he usually does all of the sudden.
The biggest thing is he'll try to use your biology to get you to like him while doing his other yan behaviours ofc.
"Hey, Y/n!" Donnie greets, eating a bowl of some food.
"Hey. What are you eating?" They mutter as they lean over a bit to peer down into the bowl. Their tongue flicks in-and-out a bit, expressing that they're comfortable in their current environment.
"Oh haha-" He chuckles confidently, perhaps even cockily, "Just some chicken and mango." He eats another spoonful of the food, trying his absolute best to look cool in front of his crush.
The lizard mutant raises an eyebrow muscle in confusion, "Isn't that...An odd food combination for you?" They notice he grimaces just the slightest bit when the food touches his mouth.
"Nah~ I'm enjoying this a lot! It's the perfect sweet and salty~" Internally he was gagging, he did not like this combination. But he lived with it, all in hopes the Tegu in front of him would seem him as a more appealing guy.
"Ok, whatever you say, dude." They walk off, heading to where Mikey was to see what crazy ideas he was up to.
As soon as they were out of eyesight, Donnie opened his mouth to let the food that was sitting in his mouth be spat out again. "Ugh...I should have picked a better combination..."
Rise Diana
Again not super different in terms of the initial yan development. But, there are a few differences.
I think the biggest thing is when you're shedding. He is more protective and is careful no one disturbs the process (unless if you actually request help). If he's kidnapped you, then he'll force you to soak in a tub that he's made- (nothing weird ofc).
He's also very strict about you eating foods that are strictly similar to your Tegu diet. Sure he makes a few exceptions, but he's pretty pushy about having you eat food groups pertained to your animal part's biology. (Ex. no dairy)
Similar to 2012 Donnie he'll try to do SOME of the courtship things, but only if he's comfortable with them. Because he is not as desperate as 2012 Donnie is. (Sorry I had to say it) But- he will try his own methods more to get you to like him.
His favourite thing to do is give you small little metalwork gifts with a Tegu theme. And perhaps a turtle and Tegu with hearts around them.
Overall, much tamer in terms of differences compared to 2012 Donnie. He's just strict about following your biology make-up (without it being too weird to the human world ofc. You're not completely feral lmao)
Donnie was in his lab, creating a gift for his beloved with his metalwork skills. He was currently creating a small key chain, with a tegu and turtle sitting by side with a big heart above them as a charm for the key chain. He did the metalwork, and he could probably paint it himself, but he wanted it to be perfect, so he'll ask his brother, Mikey to do it for him.
"Hm...The shape is still not satisfactory." He mumbles to himself as he tweaks the shape of the turtle's head. This was a gift for his dear, and he ensured himself he needed it to be perfect, and that's what he'll serve.
He could already imagine their little tongue flicking in joy when he presents it to them. As his work was nothing short but absolute perfection. He always found their tongue-flicking adorable, not that he would outwardly admit it though.
"Dearest love of mine, I hope you love my admiration for you." He whispers to himself, trying to hype himself up for the time he would gift them the key chain.
And what more couldn't be cuter than a reptile couple?
Yay- I got this done under an hour-
I heart B+W Tegus so much.
- Celina
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Some thoughts about writing Ed and Stede going to ✨therapy✨
One thing I think I see a lot in OFMD fics is therapy being like an instant fix, but I think it's way more fun to think about the new wrinkles and situations therapy can lead to. Sending Ed and Stede to therapy can be a great way to help them heal but I think it works best and is most in-character when you think about why they're going, how it's going to help, and what new issues might arise.
I do not think these two would just decide to go to therapy without a push. In my latest multi-chapter fic, which required me to actually think about this, I figure that it wouldn't occur to Stede and Ed would either think about it on-and-off for years, dismissing at first as something not meant for people like him, or he'd get spooked into thinking it might be a good idea for him. In that fic, the push is Ed realizing after he blows a small incident out of proportion that he's on the verge of a panic attack like constantly and deciding he doesn't want to live like that anymore.
I think couple's therapy is a really good option, it gets a reputation as only for couples in crisis but it works for anyone. It allows them to support each other and talk through their issues with a mediator. Plus, Jackie as their couple's therapist is one of the casting choices I'm proudest of!
I 100% believe Stede will go along with therapy for Ed's sake, and then when they start talking to him he'll be like "wait no." He will begrudingly go along with things, thinking he's just humoring Ed, and will be deeply surprised when some of the techniques to stop self-hating thoughts he learns actually work. You get out of therapy what you put into it, so I think Stede's progress will be slower.
For Ed, I think it'll get worse before it gets better. He's going to have cycles of grieving for what happened to him, feeling angry about it, feeling guilty for feeling angry about it...learning that he's not a monster for having negative emotions will be tough.
Therapy will turn Stede Bonnet into the slipperiest motherfucker alive. If he doesn't want to talk about his feelings he'll just start listing therapy buzzwords. Ed's probably gonna fall for it a couple times before he catches on.
I could see these two becoming competitive about how well they're doing in therapy. Like, "ooh, watch out, babe, I'm being way more vulnerable than you right now." This could be variously encouraging and annoying
Talking things through will still be hard. Real people don't really talk in therapy lingo. It's gonna be awkward and scary and weird.
One of the benefits of therapy is helping you identify triggers and areas to work on. This is scary. Part of good communication with your partner is finding areas where you can communicate better.
There will be times where they'll react to a situation well and times when they react poorly. Therapy isn't magic.
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pillowbugs · 6 months
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a teenage (14-15ish) elesa to go with her fellow baby nimbasa city celebrities here!
(proof of process, notes and hcs under cut)
some notes:
why. why did her ace have to be a zebra of all things. no hate to the animal but fucking hell am i dreading the possibility of having to draw blitzle again, or worse, zebstrika. horse proportions + stripe patterns = a real tough cookie to draw. if i never draw elesa with her pokémon again this is probably why.
(actually while typing the above, i just realised her ace is black and white. really ties her association with unova / submas together which is pretty neat.)
on a more positive note, i had a lot of fun with the design! was going more based on her bw1 appearance (given it's closer on the timeline) but with the preppy popular kid look thrown into the mix.
her original hair colour is black (as in bw2) but here it's dyed blonde with blue streaks.
headcanons time: i was thinking elesa would've come from a rich family, with both her parents being successful businessmen who wanted the perfect daughter to show off. her image is definitely controlled by her parents to some extent - her clothes are fancy and expensive, but fairly normal. even her hair was first dyed blonde to match her father and give her parents the perfect blonde hair blue eyes daughter. fortunately, they aren't at home much, so elesa has some opportunities to make small changes such as the blue streaks and her jacket (more on that later).
despite her parents' expectations, elesa is in fact much more interested in fashion, design and battling. she's an intern gym trainer at the current nimbasa gym (was thinking the gym leader would be a musical actor but nothing concrete) to not only prove that she can strike out on her own without her parents, but also to hopefully secure her future once she turns 18 and can move out and cut contact with her parents. the gym leader has taken a shine to her, encourages her to follow her dreams and is already planning on making her their successor.
by the time of bw1, when elesa talks to bianca and her father to encourage them to let bianca go on her own journey, it's a reflection of her own growth as well - she followed her dream despite her parents and found her own happiness and success, and she wants to inspire other people to do the same.
between the twins, elesa is a lot closer to emmet at this point - in fact, she isn't really close to ingo at all. that comes later after she's known emmet for a longer time. her friendship with emmet surprises a lot of people bc it's literally the popular cool kid befriending the weird kid no one else really cares about (besides his brother).
on the other hand, this is exactly why they're friends - emmet is not only grateful to have any friends at all, but elesa is also someone frequently misunderstood because of her appearance, lonely and the right amount of silly (reminds him a bit of someone...). also she loves electric types which is verrry cool. elesa finds emmet's bluntness and genuineness extremely refreshing compared to how much everyone else works to pretend and fit in. he's also the first person to see her for who she actually is and not her parents or her reputation.
the jacket is a bargain buy she saw in a shop once when she and emmet were out on the streets, and she mentioned her parents wouldn't let her get such clothes as much as she loves the jacket. emmet bought it for her for her birthday.
her closeness to emmet but not ingo is reflected in her design - blue and white feature much more than black and red.
her blitzle's name is chromatic, or chrom for short. she doesn't know about fe awakening for the record.
as a trainer, while she definitely trains mostly electrics, she does have a few off-types for coverage outside work - a lilligant, cinccino, cryogonal and later togekiss.
proof of process
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lee-lucius · 8 months
Satosugu Headcanons
I stayed up way too late last night thinking about these two, so I just wrote down some of my headcanons for them. I hope you enjoy! 💙
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Whenever Satoru annoys him too much, he'll start tickling Suguru, because he thinks he can't scold him while he's laughing (he can).
Satoru loves sneaking up behind Suguru and surprising him by squeezing his sides. He often greets him that way, and it always leads to a fight.
Speaking of tickle fights, they're both major switches and get into tickle fights all the time, like literally over the littlest and pettiest things. No matter what they'll find an excuse to start one (they have never gone a day without starting one when they aren't separated by missions).
Satoru always tries to get their other classmates, including those from Kyoto, and somehow always manages to rope Suguru into his schemes. As it turns out, Shoko is not ticklish and is currently planning murder (Satoru isn't sure this is true and wants to try again; Satoru would prefer to live).
Satoru always finds himself letting his guard down far too easily around Suguru and deactivating Limitless, because he craves his affection too much. Suguru knows this and loves to take advantage of it to surprise him with tickles, which is only fair because Satoru always does it to him.
They're an absolutely insufferable couple. You would never want to be around them. They're literally always so touchy and affectionate and have no concern regarding pda, and it is constant. Satoru is sitting on his lap at every opportunity possible. Suguru will never resist the opportunity to link their hands together or play with Satoru's hair. They will and have made out in Shoko's infirmary and somehow in Yagi's office. It never ends.
When they do get into fights in their relationship (which happens frequently), it's often over something really stupid, but they're always very dramatic and blow it out of proportion. They (Satoru) act(s) like they're going to break up and their relationship is over forever and there's no way to ever fix it. Satoru is prone to hanging around Shoko, where he sulks and monologues for hours about everything wrong in his life, while she suffers. Suguru is equally as embarrassing and sad about it, but he's better at hiding it. He goes to his room to be by himself and watches trashy romance movies, thinking about how he and Satoru would normally be making fun of them together (they also do this frequently), which leads to him reflecting on every moment they spent together. Sometimes, when he's sad enough, he reaches out to Nanami and/or Haibara for comfort. Nanami literally couldn't care less, but Haibara is very supportive and the reason they make up half the time (every other time is because Shoko gets too tired of Satoru's bullshit and calls Suguru to come fix him).
Also obsessively use pet names with each other. Suguru's are traditional and very earnest and sweet, like 'dear,' 'love,' and 'honey,' while Satoru will only very obnoxiously call him 'babe,' some other, worse iteration of it, or what can only be considered an insult but is said so lovingly that Suguru can't really be mad.
When either of them go on faraway missions, they both try to get the other a souvenir. Suguru normally gets him a small trinket, like a keychain or a cute ceramic, or some sort of sweets/candy, which Satoru always prefers. He ends up searching for weird, speciality candies that no one would buy in normal circumstances, because, for whatever reason, that's what his partner likes. Satoru tries to find the weirdest, most obscure thing ever that always puzzles Suguru. Like a hat with a built-in toupee or a frame with a toy zebra head inside. Though Satoru is more prone to forgetting to buy him something, and more often than not, he simply buys Suguru's favorite snack at the convenience store, so Suguru relishes the strange gifts when he does get them.
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wellfine · 2 years
I had a small question for you: I've noticed your body types and details when it comes to characters feel very human. Little traits in body refs come together very well in your designs. Because of how well you can convey these things, I was wondering if there are any OP characters that are more difficult for you to draw? Be it design wise or translating the OP style to your own? Hope this isn't an odd thing to ask haha
Not odd at all, this is a really interesting ask! I always love an opportunity to talk about why I draw things the way I do haha... Also I'm so flattered you feel that way, body variations are something I find really interesting and gratifying to draw so I'm glad people pick up on them and like them too!
HMMmmm... Honestly I find it harder to translate faces to my style than bodies HAHA. There are sooo many interesting body silhouettes in One Piece that I find it more of a fun puzzle trying to translate them! Montblanc Cricket is definitely a challenge for example because his body shape is sooo extreme (dat neck. You know Zoro's jealous) but that's part of why I like his design/drawing him.
I mean okay the hardest Straw Hat for me to draw is Brook LMAO but I feel like that's cheating because you have to be so precise with all those bones. Body-wise... maybe Nami? It took me a long time to decide on what kind of body type vibes she was giving me before I decided she was kind of beanstalk-y but with big boob implants. I try and draw her boobs to look fake on purpose contrasted with, say, Robin or Tashigi, and I hope it comes across. I just think it's in-character that if her boobs got notably bigger after the time skip, well, it's because she wanted big old honkers lmao!
Zoro is also difficult sometimes because I imagine his body changes appearance a lot, not just because he gains muscle steadily over the series, but even on a shorter scale he probably fluctuates between bulking and cutting. I find it enjoyable to draw him at various stages but it does mean he looks inconsistent in my art sometimes and occasionally I worry that people won't understand my intent. Sanji can also be difficult to get the right proportions for because his muscle composition is so unbalanced, like some kind of hyper-cyclist, but I don't want to make him look absurd out of context either.
I'm not a furry artist by nature (despite Everything) so the hardest body types for me to translate are definitely animalistic characters, whether they're Zoan types or Minks! Chopper and Pedro are still hard for me to draw, for example, even if Minks mostly just have humanoid body shapes covered in hair. I have a hard time clicking with them. Interestingly fishmen/mermaids are not as difficult - I think because they're more fantastical, you can be less 'accurate'?
I'm trying to think of non-Straw Hat characters... Honestly I have a much harder time drawing faces than bodies. I'm working on it. I think my headcanon for Law's body type is at odds with a lot of other fans' LOL (same as me seeing Sanji without a shred of ass), I just can't see him as being muscular at all - he strikes me as the type who barely eats enough and doesn't really work out so he's all gaunt and gangly. Kid is WIIIDDEE which is fun to draw but sometimes hard to get the proportions of. One Piece women tend to be harder to translate to my style than men because their canon body types are so much less diverse :/ but I do enjoy it too. Vivi was hard for me to settle on but I like the body type headcanon I have for her now - I just haven't had time to draw it LMAO. Oh, and Yamato can be hard, but for kind of different reasons. His body is so politicised I know I'm going to get weird comments no matter how I draw him. Giving him top surgery makes me personally feel more comfortable in some ways (visibly denouncing transphobes etc) but less comfortable in others (implying that top surgery is necessary to be transmasc etc). But that's a different kind of difficulty. I still enjoy drawing him.
Inorganic shapes are much harder for me to draw so I would say the hardest OP characters for me are characters like Franky or Brook who have bone/cyborg parts! I love Franky's post-timeskip silhouette (sir your A-frame) but I always struggle with his shoulders and forearms because they're not organic shapes so inconsistencies/scale inaccuracies are way more obvious. Sometimes Fishmen designs fit into this category a bit too.
I hope there was something useful or interesting in that answer somewhere! For me personally I would say - based on bodies only - the Straw Hats scale from easiest -> hardest to draw is: Usopp -> Luffy -> Zoro -> Sanji -> Robin -> Nami -> Jinbe -> Franky -> Chopper -> Brook. Usopp is hands-down easiest for me because I take a lot of inspo for him from my boyfriend so it comes surprisingly naturally. (Love u baby)
Thank you again for such an interesting ask and for letting me indulge in talking about myself for so long, I always enjoy asks like this!
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nightfallgame · 2 years
Here to ask the important questions tbh. Like.. body questions.. I have a list! What are their body types? Are any of them more toned?? Do some have hipdips? Or like weird insecurities? OOO HOW THICK IS THEIR HAIR? do they.. get a lot of body hair? That isn't supposed to sound weird I wanna know if they got arm hair or not I promise. Ik a few are supposed to be petite but surely they gotta have SOME differences.. do any have moles? Birthmarks? Not even full moles just the dots too. AAAAAAAAAAAAA
It's not a weird question! :D It's really fun! This is a topic that's just very interesting to think about, so! Body details incoming! There are a few facial details included too, but I tried to keep it to body stuff.
Also, this got, uhhh... long. >.>
. . .
Average boy all over.
There's nothing really remarkable about his proportions or build, except that he's visibly underfed.
If he gains weight, it goes to his stomach and thighs first.
Would probably have a cute butt if he had more body fat.
Surprisingly delicate-looking hands, with neat nails that he keeps trimmed short. The bones/tendons don't stand out much.
Has a few freckles on his cheeks and upper chest, but they're very faint and hard to see.
His hair is pretty fluffy, especially if he doesn't brush it well.
He's built tiny, but solid. Intentionally tries to gain muscle, and it's worked pretty well for him— he's toned, just thin.
If he wasn't so underfed, he'd be pure, compact muscle.
Pretty clear skin, with just a few dark, small moles here and there. Doesn't get much acne or hair grease.
His hands are super bony, but also weirdly strong. Good grip.
Doesn't have a lot of body hair, except for on his calves and around his pubic area. Kind of self-conscious about that.
Always covered in bruises and scrapes of varying intensity, often with some belt lashes on his back too.
Has a thigh gap. Hates how "feminine" it looks.
Tall, lanky, and scrawny.
Long limbs and a long torso, somehow.
The kind of torso where you can see his ribs and hipbones super prominently, but he still has a weird amount of muscle overall.
He's quite a bit stronger than he looks.
Has a few non-raised moles on his body, and a fair amount of body hair— enough that it's noticeable on his forearms and shins.
One of the few of them who grows a bit of scruff on his chin and jaw if he leaves it alone.
Naturally greasy hair, and he's prone to acne if he doesn't take care of his skin.
Very slender build that's just pretty. Not too tall, but still looks long-legged and oddly graceful.
Narrow waist and slightly wider hips. Soft thighs.
His skin is incredibly soft and almost perfectly clear. He doesn't have many moles or freckles at all.
Doesn't grow much body hair, and what's there is also soft.
Thin, long-fingered hands that tend to shake.
The partially-blind eye behind his eyepatch is slightly cloudy. He's gotten used to keeping it closed.
His collarbone and the tendons in his neck noticeably stand out.
Pretty average build. Seems shorter than he is, thanks to slouching and cowering most of the time.
Overall thin, but has a bit of notable stomach pudge.
Since he tends to skip meals in favor of buying alcohol, he looks unhealthy and pale more often than not.
His desk job means he has very little muscle mass.
Straight, fine, greasy hair that he should probably wash more often than he does.
Crooked teeth, especially the upper ones more in front.
A tendency of nervous smiling has started to give him wrinkles/dimples near his mouth.
Fairly tall, but his narrow build kind of kills the effect.
Narrow shoulders and hips, without much of a waistline. He's usually too sick to eat much, so he looks highly undernourished.
Lots of freckles. Most notable on his face, but they're everywhere, including on his arms, chest, hands, and thighs.
His veins are unusually visible through his skin.
Not much body hair overall, but he grows enough facial hair that he has to regularly shave.
His skin is pale in an unhealthy kind of way, the sort of pallid where he looks ready to pass out more often than not.
Dark circles. Notable dark circles, and slight eyebags.
Average build, if a bit petite. Broad shoulders for his size.
Keeps near-perfect posture— partially because he's so nervous and tense, and partially because it makes him feel confident.
Aside from the scar on his cheek, he has a few of them on the insides of his wrists and thighs.
Naturally spiky, fluffy hair that he has to work to contain.
He has a fair amount of body hair, especially on his arms and calves, but it's surprisingly soft.
His hands are small and tremble enough to be inconvenient.
If he was a healthier weight, he'd have an "inverted triangle" body shape, with a wider chest and shoulders, and narrow hips.
Tiny, tiny, tiny. His build is small and just plain cute.
Smooth, clear skin, save for a few notable moles. There are a couple on his stomach and more on his arms.
Small, thin-fingered hands with long-ish nails that he keeps well-filed. Sometimes uses a coat of clear nail polish.
His eyes are a strange, pale, albino-like red.
Usually wears a slight amount of red eye shadow.
Very little body hair anywhere, save for long, dark eyelashes that wouldn't be out of place on a doll.
Small tooth gap between his front two teeth.
Strong build despite his weight. He's tall, and carries more muscle mass than his submissive personality makes you expect.
Long legs, prominent hip bones, and wide shoulders.
Thick hair that grows quickly. It's past his waist because the monk won't let him cut it.
Equally thick body hair, including a trail from his navel to his pubic area that he's quite self-conscious about.
His hands are big and long-fingered, but he bites his nails bloody.
The veins in his forearms and hands stand out a bit.
Has a few freckles scattered around his body, and is prone to dry skin. Also has some small scars from picking at scabs.
Somewhat petite build— he's not exactly short, but he's little, somehow, in his proportions.
Narrow waist and wider hips, and his calves are stronger and more defined than his thighs.
Notably pointed canines, especially the upper ones.
Little hands with naturally sharp nails. Tends to accidentally scratch himself even when they're trimmed.
Very pale skin. He sunburns easily and often.
His skin is mostly clear, with no distinct freckles, and only a couple of moles here and there.
Not a lot of body hair, but it's thickest on his legs.
Bad skin. He doesn't take care of himself, so it's always greasy. Prone to acne and skin-picking.
Fairly thick, dark body hair, especially on his legs, forearms, lower stomach, and pubic area.
Overall thin, underfed build. Average proportions.
If he ate properly, he'd naturally gain muscle tone. Even as scrawny as he is, he's stronger than you'd expect.
Bites his nails bloody, always has healing scabs on his fingers.
There are a few scattered scars on his arms from clawing at himself during panic attacks.
His posture is horrible— he slouches constantly.
Small build, overall, with narrow shoulders and thicker legs.
His hands are small, but strong, with short-clipped nails and a surprisingly good grip.
Prone to acne, especially when he's stressed... which is often.
Keeps near perfect posture, mostly because of how nervous he is. Always making an effort to stand and sit up straight.
Crooked lower teeth, with a couple slightly overlapping.
Has a few freckles on his cheeks and forearms. They get darker with sun exposure and fade over the winter.
His hair is spiky and thick even when it's short— if he grew it out, it would be a nightmare to maintain and keep neat.
Tall and thin, but looks more graceful than awkward.
Long legs, narrow hips, and fairly broad shoulders. His build is masculine, but still somehow pretty.
His hair grows quickly, so he has to keep it regularly trimmed.
He gets some body hair on his legs, but grows next to no facial hair, and doesn't have much anywhere else, either.
Pretty hands. They're not too big, but have long fingers, no stand-out veins or tendons, and well-maintained nails.
He's needed glasses since he was a child. His vision is awful.
Flat affect. His emotions don't really show through on his face... and he tends to look grouchy/bored without meaning to.
Small build that appears slightly stunted for how old he is.
Has more squish than muscle mass, thanks to an overall inactive lifestyle and eating better than most of the others on this list.
Impossibly soft hair that's naturally wavy. Dries in ringlets, but fluffs up when he brushes it.
Tiny, cute hands. Sometimes lets Alistair paint his nails black.
Weirdly clear, almost perfect skin. Has a few freckles here and there, but he has a strange lack of blemishes.
Tends to rock on and off of his tiptoes when he has to stand still. Prone to fidgeting overall.
Blushes easily and darkly— he can't hide it at all.
Small build like his brother. He's only a bit broader/taller overall.
He weighs more than Christian and is slightly thicker in build. Still lacks any kind of body strength, though.
His hair is thick and determined to fall into his face if he doesn't pull it back. The headband is very necessary.
The scar across his nose is thick and didn't heal well.
Keeps his nails sharp and often painted a dark color.
He's careful about his appearance and likes staying clean and presentable. His posture is also excellent.
Also has weirdly clear skin, almost better than his brother's. He has a notable mole on his hip, though.
He has a small, slight build that's unusual for how strong he is. He's tiny enough to struggle keeping up with the larger Blight boys.
Very, very flexible, almost to contortionist levels.
His missing eye has a very unpleasant scar left behind.
Struggles to put on weight, especially anything that's not lean muscle. Even maintaining weight is hard for him.
Doesn't grow much body hair, and what's there is fine and soft. His hair is also fairly thin and sleek.
Tiny as he is, most of his strength is in his arms and core. Visible abs, especially because of his lack of body fat.
His posture is noticeably stiff... except for when he's fighting.
Tall, strong build. He's lanky and thin, but what body mass he does have is pure muscle.
Broad shoulders, strong arms, and big hands.
Has an average amount of body hair, but not much on his face.
The burn over his eye is ugly. The skin is lumpy, off-color, and didn't heal well. It's difficult to properly open and close that eye.
There are plenty more scars all over the rest of his body, ranging from little nicks to nasty wounds.
When he's nervous, his expression goes completely blank.
He's big everywhere (yes, there too), and highly insecure about it. His strength makes him feel dangerous.
Noticeably sharp teeth— and not just his canines.
Has a decent amount of body hair, especially on his forearms, lower stomach, and pubic area.
Cuts his own hair, one chunk at a time, whenever it bothers him.
He's absolutely covered in scars, and most of them look painful. There are enough of them to impede his flexibility.
Has an awful case of resting bitch face. Even when he's trying to look pleasant, his expression seems angry and tense.
Narrow waist, with stronger legs and arms. If he put on weight, it'd go to his thighs and calves first.
Mostly average build with quite a bit of lean muscle tone.
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Blueberries and Cowboys: Chapter 4 (Cowboy Path)
A choose-your-own-adventure style fic. Refer to this Masterlist for previous chapters and alternate paths.
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Chapter 4: The Party (Cowboy Path)
Pairing: Eli x reader
Content: Drinking, some angsty pining
Length: 2.4k
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
The gala was as elaborate and ostentatious as you would expect of a formal event at the Imperial academy. It was like the whole ballroom shimmered as glasses of drinks were passed around and ornate dresses swished about in dance. You'd certainly never been a part of anything so grand from your home world before.
The sight made you pause as soon as you entered through the doors. It was breathtaking.
You let Thrawn guide you around the ballroom, barely registering his path as you took in all the shiny and expensive details around you. You were especially enchanted by the handful of couples circling around the dance floor, seemingly floating along with the music. You hadn't danced in so long... properly, anyway. Shimmying around your room in your underwear after a shower did not count.
"The music is quite pleasant," said Thrawn from beside you. For a moment, you forgot that part of the plan for the night was to substitute the names of your targets for other subjects, so any potential eavesdroppers would be none the wiser to your true intentions. Anything related to music was supposed to symbolize one half of the plan: Eva and Arden. But because you were so caught up in the spectacle around you, and your inner longing to genuinely engage with it all, you didn't immediately pick up on Thrawn's true meaning.
"It is," you said with just a hint of wistfulness. Your eyes happened to be watching one of the more gracefully dancing couples, the only signal to Thrawn that he needed to help you refocus.
He cleared his throat just loud enough to get your attention and then flicked his eyes toward the entrance of the ballroom meaningfully. You followed his gaze to see Eva and Arden had now arrived. Eli would be keeping an eye on them, while you and Thrawn would track Burdick. Your heart sunk as you were reminded, yet again, that you were not here for a good time. Tonight was about Thrawn's mission.
"Do you think Eli has noticed? The music?" you quickly supplied, hoping Thrawn wouldn't doubt your support.
"Yes, he seems to be enjoying it." Thrawn then looked to a different part of the room, where Eli was standing next to his date. Sadie. She was a tiny thing, with perfect proportions and well-styled hair and wearing a dress that left nothing to the imagination. You suddenly realized who she was, not having connected the dots before. She was in a few of your combat classes and had this weird habit of pumping her fist in victory every time she landed a good hit. You and Eli had made fun of her together. Why was he now going out with her?
"Yeah, he does..." you said absentmindedly as you watched your friend. Eli was making a show of casually looking around while really paying extra attention toward the couple by the entrance. But then Sadie linked her arm in his and looked up at him with a sweet smile, and he returned the gesture with a smile of his own. Your previous feelings of awe and fascination over this event were quickly turning into something much more sour.
"Did you also notice we have an assignment due soon?"
The comment from Thrawn made you blink away from the troubling scene in front of you. The Chiss had not been watching Eli, actually sticking to the plan and scanning the crowd for the other person of interest. Commander Burdick, who would be referred to by discussions of homework, another innocent topic. Thrawn had finally spotted him over by an hors d'oeuvre table.
"Thanks for the reminder," you muttered. A tray of drinks passed by, held aloft by a protocol droid, and you took the opportunity to swipe at one and down its contents in one go. You could see Thrawn eyeing you curiously from your peripheral, but you made it a point to not look back.
"Perhaps we should stand out of the way," said Thrawn, taking hold of your elbow and guiding you through the crowd and over to an area where several tall cocktail tables were set up. You set your empty glass on the surface of one of them and leaned restlessly against it. Your eyes kept wandering toward the commander as he munched furiously on some kind of cubed meat, glowering at all who passed by. Eventually you'd have to help make sure he was glowering at Arden long enough to maybe get some ideas, but right now, with the night only just beginning, there didn't seem to be much need for you to linger.
"This is a fun song. Maybe we could dance for a bit? Pass the time?" you asked, swirling your empty glass around in a bored manner.
Thrawn stared at you for a moment, most likely trying to determine if you were using the special code that you were supposed to or if you were actually talking about music and dancing.
"I think we should discuss the assignment that is due," he said, almost in a reprimanding tone. "It is rather important."
You swiped at another tray of drinks passing by, muttering over the rim of the glass, "Who goes to a party to talk about homework?"
You were being salty; you knew that. This mission was important and you cared about it. You cared about your friends and what this meant for them. But it seemed the more alcohol you took in, the more annoyed you grew toward those friends. Thrawn was such a stick in the mud, and Eli was apparently a big flirt. Was this really the best way to fix their problem? Was it really worth missing out on a fun evening?
Thrawn didn't seem too pleased as you downed your second drink in a matter of minutes. He cleared his throat in that way he did when he was about to lecture you. You cut him off before he got the chance.
"So what was that surprise you were talking about earlier?"
He blinked at you. "I never mentioned a surprise."
"Yeah. You said you didn't disappear, you were working on something, and that I'd see soon enough. Well? What should I be seeing?"
He reached across the table and gingerly took your empty glass from you with a frown. "You hadn't noticed? There is only one assignment."
It was your turn to blink at him. He sighed and jerked his head to where Burdick was still standing.
"I made sure his date would be delayed in arriving," he said very quietly; you almost couldn't hear him above the din of the party. "So he wouldn't be distracted."
You looked over at the Commander, not very subtle in your observation of him, so it was no surprise the man noticed your staring and frowned even more deeply.
The sound of your name caused you to snap back to Thrawn, who was circling the table to lean in closer. He seemed upset; or, as upset as Thrawn could ever seem through his calmness.
"If you have other things you wish to be doing, I would much rather you leave for them, instead of staying and causing problems." His voice was low in your ear. You sighed at his words, feeling bad for how you'd been behaving.
Just a little bit.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite student," came the voice of Commander Burdick. The man had apparently decided to come over after discovering you'd been staring at him, however, he was very clearly addressing Thrawn and not you. "I'm surprised you'd even come to an event like this."
"The Academy has provided a generous occasion tonight," Thrawn slipped out of his scolding of you and into his usual demeanor without missing a beat. "It would have been in bad taste for us to not attend."
Though it had been your staring that'd called him over, it was only when Thrawn referred to you collectively that Burdick finally acknowledged you. He gave a grunt as a sort of laugh.
"What about that scruffy little friend of yours? He doesn't care about taste?"
"Eli's here..." you heard yourself saying. You also felt Thrawn tensing beside you. You tried to give him a reassuring look as you turned to point out your friend behind you, moving about on the dance floor with Sadie. And just beside them was Eva and Arden, as you knew they would be. The two couples seemed to be trying to one-up each other with their dance moves. You quickly turned away so you wouldn't have to register how exciting and intimate it all was.
"So I see," Burdick hummed. You couldn't tell if he still had the same frown from before, or if it was a new one in response to seeing his ex with a student. "You're not a dancer, Thrawn?"
"Only when the mood strikes, sir."
"Well if you don't show your woman a good time, someone else will." Burdick took a step forward and held out a hand toward you. Your eyes grew wide, panicking. That was certainly unexpected.
Thrawn quickly, and smoothly, jumped to your defense.
"Sir, I'm afraid she is not feeling well. I have simply been keeping her company."
Burdick looked between the two of you, and then briefly beyond at the dance floor, before giving an odd smirk and retreating.
"Very well. Enjoy your... company."
The Commander turned on his heel and disappeared into the crowd. As you watched the back of his head, you couldn't help but wish you hadn't frozen and had accept his offer to dance. It was probably going to be the only offer you got all night.
"What... were... you... thinking..."
You looked over at Thrawn, surprised he was still upset. He was pinching the bridge of his nose and scrunching his eyes.
"Huh? I made sure he noticed Eva," you defended yourself. "He asked me to dance, probably to make her jealous, but since that's not happening, he'll be able to focus his revenge on Arden now."
"That is quite the assumption, based on absolutely no evidence."
"There is too evidence--"
"And apparently we've abandoned all secrecy and discretion, too. Might as well announce what we're planning to the whole ballroom while we're at it."
Thrawn's piercing eyes looked down on you, looking more like fire than they ever did. You bowed your head for a few seconds, needing to escape the heat and cool down.
"I'm sorry," you said, finally looking back at him. "I didn't mean to... mess up on the homework."
You offered what you hoped was an endearing smile. Thrawn only left you hanging for a second before he relaxed just a little.
"You did not mess up," he stated, returning to his side of the table and finally taking up the drink still left sitting there. "But perhaps you should just observe for the rest of the night."
And observe you did. The rest of the evening seemed to both pass by in a shimmering blur, and crawl forward at an unbearable pace. You observed couples dancing, laughing, even kissing. You observed how the energy of the ballroom shifted from eager liveliness to unhurried intimacy as time drew on. You observed the hors d'oeuvres dwindle and the champagne lose its bubbles and the lights dim ever-so-subtly.
Occasionally you actually observed the "homework," whenever he happened to pop out from the crowd. Thrawn did most of the note-taking, pointing out under muttered breath how the commander was still fixating on his ex, how his frown seemed to change from grumpiness and anger to determination and craftiness. Whatever that meant. You couldn't ever pretend to notice half the signs Thrawn did.
But most importantly, you observed a certain shaggy-haired boy from Wild Space.....
The way he danced, somewhat stiffly, but not as clumsy or awkward as one might expect from someone who couldn't figure out a tie.
The way he seemed to so effortlessly keep an eye on his despised classmate while still paying attention to his date and all her friends.
The way he casually hung out with her friends in between dances, as if he'd always been a part of their group.
The way he held her.
The way he looked at her.
At some point, you'd finished off your fifth glass of champagne, and you were definitely feeling the effects of it. That was what you were feeling, you told yourself. Your stomach was in knots and your brow was feeling warm and your heart was beating in your ears, all because of the alcohol. It didn't have anything to do with your guilt from upsetting Thrawn earlier, or the fact that even though Eli had nodded your way a few times in acknowledgement, he hadn't once come over to make good on his promise to save a dance for you. Nope. It was the alcohol and nothing else.
"Thrawn," you said quietly, breaking the Chiss's concentration on something-or-other across the way. "Do you mind if I call it a night? I'm pretty tired."
His eyes flickered over at the amount of empty glasses you had collected beside you, but he didn't comment on it. Only nodded in understanding and returned back to his mission.
You sighed as you picked your way through the crowd that remained. Quite a few students and teachers had already left for the night, but plenty still remained, and it baffled you just how many were hoping - and fighting - to earn to a place in the Empire.
And then something caught your eye just as you made to push through the doors and out into the night. One last thing to observe.
Eli and Sadie were swaying to the slow song playing, just off the actual dance floor. It was like they were in their own world. Her hands rested against his chest, and his chin laid atop her head, and they turned in slow circles as they rocked back and forth, holding each other close. When Eli's face finally turned toward your view, you swore your insides were threatening to crawl up your throat and spill out all over the shiny floor.
His face was relaxed, content. His lips were turned upward in a pleased sort of smile you'd only seen a few times on him before, usually after he'd told you a nice childhood memory, or after he finished a hearty meal. This wasn't an act; this had nothing to do with the mission or your purpose here at this dance. He was happy, holding her.
Just as his eyes wandered from whatever peaceful place they'd been resting and locked onto yours, you finally pushed through the door and left.
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redsixwing · 2 years
Please tell us about Blorpo from your FMA
This has got to be about Roy, but I can't really do that without also writing about Riza. This is a double feature.
Roy hits a lot of my favorite tropes (chessmaster! fire magic alchemy! small but devoted team!) and Riza hits even more of them (loyalty! cool under pressure! quiet devotion!) The way they repeatedly serve as one another's sense of proportion and ethics makes me very happy.
"Superior officer who clearly loves the team" and "adjutant who clearly loves the officer" isn't a dynamic I see often, and it would be so easy to make it so, so bad. Being weird with the power differential, for instance, or denying it exists - instead we see his authority acknowledged, handled with care not to cross boundaries, and occasionally inverted (Riza's actions to him when he's attacking Envy, and the many times she comes to the rescue after he's gotten wet.)
As interesting as the patterns between them are, I like them best when they're standing side by side and interacting with something else - whether it's trying to take extra care with the Elric brothers, conspiring to take power, or facing an enemy.
Riza holds up Roy's many deceptions, and arguably a few of her own as well. That's fascinating too - as is the choice to write her as tremendously competent, thoughtful, and heartfelt.
Both of them seem like not only fun characters, but people I might like if I had the luck to meet. In any case, it's fun to hang out in their heads for a while.
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Not "autistic anon," but also autistic, (being called maybe ableist made me want to put this out there before go to bed) i thought Zane was depicted that way purposefully by the writers. He has stereotypical traits like taking things literally, and has an actual humor switch. The writers have done things with Zane before like have him lose bodily autonomy (during that one Wu's teas short) and did something with his voice be it making him unable to be understood or talking too loud and the forced pirate voice by Jay. (what you're doing isn't too different from that, right?) I thought it was just a little iffy to distort his body and memory bc that could be interpreted as something not that I'm sure what exactly, it's some kind of disability. I dunno. I'm not good with putting this to words. I hope this makes sense.
Sorry I went to bed but now I’m awake 😭
Also I ended up totally spilling all my thoughts here rather than only specifically replying to you please forgive me context: my scary zane concept design, & my ninjago rewrite i refer to a lot 
Im a little confused but I think I get what you're saying? You're saying the Ninjago writers absolutely DON'T write Zane well (you listed examples of this) and you don't want me to fall into the same trap?
I had the opposite logic earlier. I thought: If Ninjago writers made Zane have stereotypical autisitic traits while also being a dehumanized robot, I may as well embrace it, say he is autistic blatantly, while also making him do funny/cool non-human robot things, so its clear as possible the two aspects of his character are literal and separate and not a metaphor for each other. But you're right! I do have a choice and I dont have to embrace things! :)
Like there were a couple ways I was gonna reject the original, for example, I never wanted Zane to have a funny switch, and I hated how other characters could fuck with Zane and he didn't even care 😬. I want to change that stuff. So youre right, if I am changing shit like that, it would be counterproductive for ME to GIVE him MORE traits along that theme. 😬😬😬 I should try to feel less obligated to portray Zane like he originally is. I still like the concept of "scary zane" (for reasons i explain below the cut) but I might tone it down a bit like with the claws and weird proportions and shit. I’d def make him look more skeletal and undead. That was my original intention, but i didnt execute it as good as I could have.... idk if anyone could tell thats what he was supposed to be like...my bad! But rn I dont wanna redesign him I wanna draw other stuff like normal alive Zane. Sorry LMAO 😳. Like I said in some earlier asks I think, I think Im gonna focus rn on how I should portray season 1 normal not dead Zane so thank you and feel free to share any other Zane thoughts ^_^ SOME OTHER THOUGHTS:
Also I Wanna Argue Some Stuff But I Understand its a Weak Argument Since All of This Context was Just In My Brain (so don't take this as an argument, just as me rambling): I don't want messed up things to happen to Zane and for it to just be ignored. I think if Zane is going to have fucked up things happen to him, as all characters must, its best for it to happen during a season where he actually addresses his feelings about being a robot (learning to accept that he will always be himself, regardless if hes "human" or the "original" or whatever. (thats how I always interpreted his emotions)). But I wouldn't have the other Ninja be very phased by Zane's looks because the whole point is they already love who he is (seasons 1-3 were about getting to know Zane) and now Zane himself just has to learn the physical, robot part of him is okay. Its about person-hood rather than humanity. Because the season focuses around Zane's soul, and because he lost his original body, I feel like I could mess around with his current, temporary body and have fun and make it scary. Because that body should be irrelevant. I understand it possibly being upsetting for an autistic character to be designed like this, but other people I talked to see it the opposite way. They find it comforting for him to look so different but still be himself and be so loved. SO IM ABSOLUTELY NOT saying its wrong to be bothered or to hate it or to feel any way. Just that I personally think it would be cool for Zane to be portrayed with a little spice lol, so thats why I like scary Zane for season 4.
Another Thing I Wannna Say But Is REALLY Hypocritical: (this isnt directed at anyone I just REALLY want to say this) I know I say "this is Zane but scary, he looks like fnaf" so he's obviously dehumanized, but I always felt like "scary" is more of an objective fact. Its an instinct. But what's "not human" is subjective. I think there is a problem with saying anything different from "average" human is dehumanized because that could extend to real people. Lol I know its bad for me to compare FNAF-ass Zane to real people, but I mean he could be real. People can have exposed teeth, and people can be shaped weird. And when someone first sees a person who looks like that they'll probably think "woah those features are scary" by instinct. And that surprise doesn't make someone ableist obviously. But bring that person’s humanity into question is NOT an instinct, and is fucked to shit. This is kinda a bad point for me to make since its about the fictional FNAF Zane I drew, and I am NOT implying ANYONE was thinking like this. [especially not the original asker anon who I am totally forgetting about at this point OOPS]. But I just thought it was an opinion of mine I couldn't go without mentioning when talking about dehumanization and disabilities.
^^^ I think you (anon) understand what I mean and might’ve said the exact same thing as me if you were writing a long ass response? I think this because you started to bring physical disabilities up and you said it was "a little iffy." ^_^ So we agree, but I don't see Zane's relation to real life disabilities as "a little iffy" I see it more like "complicated"? IF THAT DIFFERENCE EVEN MAKES ANY SENSE?????? I feel like a lot of things about Zane are really just complicated and need the right context, rather than the concepts necessarily being wrong -- NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT! THATS THE WHOLE REASON I DO THIS STUPID REWRITE! XD thats why a lot of my rewrite SO FAR has been the same concepts and plot beats, but different dialogue n specifics and such. I like a lot of concepts in Ninjago but I dont think they were presented correctly.....! :( So I guess all we can do is wait and see if I make Zane offensive or not....???
Also something about the memory part - yeah i agree i was surprised no one thought that was weird to make jokes out of his memory issues..... BUT I am like 100% firm on making his memory take longer to come back because I think its stupid how quick Zane was able to recover from literally dying. Like its just dumb to me. Hate it. (also bc memory & soul mechanics is ummm kinda important in my rewrite.... for reasons). Another memory thing btw, I was going to make his original amnesia come from hitting his head in an attack against the Skulkin when they stole his dads corpse, rather than his dad fucking choosing to make him forget. (its a sweet & iconic scene, but Um, WHY?!!!?!?!?!?) He has to follow data recovery instructions he finds in his dads diary. I think in that context it makes moments of memory loss somewhat different for Zane's character? Instead of loss of autonomy associated with disability, its a literal violent loss of autonomy associated with being traumatized by physical force. Idk how to phrase it exactly but I think that makes some vibes different?
Sorry, I think I got really distracted, and I don't know if I responded well to your points. Because uhhhh I think I agree with your stance actually? If I understand correctly? Fuck Ninjago writers for making the robot lose autonomy (a stereotypical robot theme) while also making him seem clearly autistic (NOT A HAPPY THEME FOR AUTISTIC PEOPLE) and not addressing it. And also auuugh Zane with a weird body is a difficult topic - kinda sussy pretty iffy.
Lol anyway idk if this made any sense and I REALLY rambled on you. but this was nice 👉👈 more Zane criticism pls love you and i love zane. i hope u dont feel mad at me because then it would be weird that im saying that lol. if you do feel mad at me tho you can send another ask (ILL TRY TO JUST LISTEN NOT RAMBLE NEXT TIME) but assuming ur chill rn, love you thnx
Take this page, don’t mind cole’s ass.
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goron-king-darunia · 4 years
Annon-Guy: Hope you liked the Symphonia Swimsuit and Swimwear outfits. How would you rank them? P.S. Sorry there isn't official swimwear art for Regal and Kratos and there isn't any swimwear art for Richter and Decus yet.
I do like the swim gear. Also you’re not in charge of character design so don’t apologize that there aren’t swimsuits for some characters. XD That’s Bandai Namco’s fault.  The girls all have better swimsuits than the boys because the boys just have trunks and accessories while the girls have some variation. I think I like Colette’s swimsuit best because it looks like it’s a one-piece/full swimsuit with a little scarf/towel/skirt for decoration and her hair us up in cute braids. Presumably, the little brown skirt part comes off while swimming so you can dry off and put it on again after so it gets a modesty and practicality bonus. After that, it’s probably a tie between Marta and Presea. Both their suits really complement their eyes and they’re cute and sexy without being provocative. Sheena COULD be in this tier if there was a boy in the lineup wearing a speedo to be equally provocative, but sadly, Sheena’s just relegated to being-eye candy so she loses points there. So bottom tier is Sheena (for reasons I stated above) Raine and Alice because while I like Raine’s suit, there’s nothing really remarkable about it. I like the skirt element and how the mature but not too sexy two-piece suit. Shows she has a fun side/ isn’t overly reserved but still doesn’t just flaunt her assets. As for Alice, something about the swimsuit design feels... badly proportioned to me. I like the floral element, but the top looks like it has more substance than the bottoms and that makes her look a bit top-heavy when you add in the hat. If the bottoms were a bit longer, maybe I would like it better? But skirted bathing suits are hard to swim in, so unless Alice’s swimsuit is just for walking by the sea or is made of really light material, it’s kind of impractical for bathing/swimming in.  As for the existing boys: I think I like Emil best. He’s sporty, but not too sporty and the top is a good choice for sunny days when you don’t want to get sunburnt and it’s something easy to take off or put on depending on how warm the weather is. The hood’s a little silly but I guess it would keep the sun off you a bit, and I like the hem and sleeve elements on the top. If Lloyd’s shoes are actually sandals and not flippers, I like his second best, even though he should probably take off the snorkel to play volleyball. His trunks are sensible and have a place to put his swords, obviously. If his footwear is flippers, I hate his suit most because COME ON, those are weird to walk in and he should be falling on his face trying to play volleyball in flippers! That’s like trying to run a marathon in clown shoes! Genis would be my next favorite after that. It’s kind of plain, but the little kitty elements on his shoes are really cute. His orange trunks with blue shoes and details would make him really cute with Presea. And then there’s Zelos. Minimum of two bracelets but it looks like he’s wearing SIX bracelets. Some of the girls are wearing accessories too, but it’s only a couple bangles. Furthermore, what the girls are wearing look like they clasp closed or are solid metal so they probably won’t come off on accident. Most of Zelos’s bracelets look tied on and would probably loosen and come off in the ocean. Maybe the blue band is an elastic hairtie, which is fair enough, and maybe the yellow band is a silicone bracelet, but unless the ties on the rest are also elastics he’s gonna lose them in the sea and I hate that. XD Also that shirt? Gaudy as hell and doesn’t look good with his trunks. Black, red and yellow look ugly next to that light blue and pinkish red! The stripes also seem so... simultaneously old-man vibes and young kid vibes. XD. The sunglasses are kinda cool, but it looks like he either got henna or put on a temporary tattoo just for the beach which MAKES NO SENSE TO ME! If it’s henna, I guess it’s forgivable, because henna doesn’t wash off unless you scrub hard, but like... WHY WOULD YOU PUT ON SOMETHING THAT WILL FADE IN THE SUN OR WASH OFF IN THE SEA TO GO TO THE BEACH?! If I had to speculate on the other boys’ suits. Decus and Regal seem the most likely candidates for a speedo or briefs. Decus would honestly probably have, like some black briefs with yellow and purple elements like what he wears on his normal clothes, a white towel around his neck or something, and he would be carrying like, 6 bags of beach supplies like an umbrella and collapsable tent and a folding beach chair and a picnic basket and stuff. All for Alice of course. Regal would probably wear trunks considering most of the rest of the cast, even the slutty Zelos, wears trunks. But if not, I can imagine him with black or dark blue briefs and maybe an unbuttoned white, short-sleeved shirt. I want to say he wears waterwings to match the handcuff aesthetic, but probably not. XD. Kratos has major old-timey dad vibes so I just imagine him with some weird, too-big trunks with the long drawstrings with some kind of hibiscus pattern and a Hawaiian shirt with some sort of tropical print on it.  Richter is a weird case to think about (and I love him so obviously he gets his own paragraph. Richter would be so funny to see in a Speedo, and I HAVE seen someone draw him in briefs, but I don’t think he would dress that way. We’ve only ever seen official art of him fully covered up, and even though his Lord of flame outfit is slutty as hell because of all that exposed chest skin and that LOW, LOW, SLUTTY SLUTTY dip right near his crotch, he still has everything covered. His nipples probably wouldn’t be drawn, but they would theoretically be covered in the Lord of Flames mode. They give Richter Ken Doll Anatomy in the Lord of Flames mode because if they didn’t it would be... weird. But presumably, we’re meant to interpret that the suit covers everything, even the hair that should probably be down there peeking up above that SLUTTY, SLUTTY dip. But even with Lord of Flame’s sluttiness, the important bits are still (presumably) covered and so is all the rest of him. He even has that billowing coat element. So, I theorize that Richter prefers to be covered up. So while I could see him in a wetsuit, I doubt he’d wear that to the beach, mostly because I don’t think he owns a full wetsuit and partly because while that is in-keeping with his “skin-tight, full-body coverage” aesthetic, it also reads as “surfer” which he probably isn’t and “diver” which I doubt he’d have the other gear for. If he was going spear-fishing, maybe. And he might! But Richter doesn’t strike me as a guy that just has that gear. So what I THINK I can see him wearing is probably a tight rashguard (basically a swimsuit-material “t-shirt” meant to keep the sun off your body while you swim without getting in your way) and some tight trunks instead of loose trunks like the rest of the boys are wearing. They could be in a nice purple like on his usual costume, or maybe a soft blue or teal, perhaps with a fish print to remind us of Aqua? That being said, if Bandai Namco decided he should wear a slutty, slutty speedo with his butt hanging out, I wouldn’t complaiiiin. I’d just be very confused and also if they didn’t deliberately draw him all sexy and sweaty I would be mad because if you’re gonna put him in a slutty bathing-suit, you should at LEAST lean into that. Emil’s drawn sweaty/wet like he’s on a magazine cover. If you draw Richter in a speedo and don’t make him wet, that’s just a wasted opportunity. I would also shit myself laughing if they drew him in short clothes but confirmed Richter’s skintone is just his level of tan and he just has a really weird case of “business man tan.” Like farmers tan but the only part of him that’s tan is his fucking head. XD I doubt that’s the case though. Lord of Flames mode suggests that Richter’s skintone is the same all over his body, because his exposed chest and belly match his face, even though the skin is darker and more purple in Lord of Flames mode.
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