#HE HAS BEEN GONE FOR M O N T H S and you bet your ass if i can make it I WILL BE POSTING IT
svtskneecaps · 5 months
lukewarm take of the evening: y'all care too much about being ""outdated"". fellas this smp moves inhumanly fast. it is ok to CHILL holy shit CHILL. y'all are like "(posts BANGER ART) super late guys sorry" friend i am hitting you with a blanket i am snapping you with my metaphorical towel WHAT DO YOU MEAN SORRY. "(posts BANGER FIC) rip this is outdated now" WHO CARES???? I LOVE YOU, OK. ohhhh woe is us as the fandom at large for having MORE HAPPY PILLS ARC CONTENT oh no how outdated!! how could you be writing speculative fiction about how forever felt during happy pills :( slash SARCASM!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!! THERE ARE SO MANY BANGER ARCS, WHAT, YOU THINK WE'RE COMPLAINING????? FOR GETTING MORE OF THE CONTENT WE LOVED????? oh no we're past the period where everyone thought green gay ninjas were like Dead Dead, my work is now outdated and noncanon :( WDYM. GIMME. A BANGER IS A BANGER IDC IF IT TAKES THREE MONTHS. you think rome was built in a day?? fuck you, baltimore, GIMME. my ass has been cooking a goddamn backflipo family fic since july when it was ALREADY outdated do you think i fear god??? "oh no, you're making an edit of slime's (attempted) egg murdering spree?? how could you, that was months ago it's irrelevant" SAID NO ONE EVER.
save your wrists kidlings ok carpal tunnel is no joke. CHILL!!!!! CHILL!!!!!!!! TAKE YOUR TIME SHEEEEEESH OK LOVE YOU <3
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Mon[day] 10 October 1836
7 35/..
11 1/2
No kiss ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - ready in 3/4 h[ou]r - as long as if I h[a]d regul[arl]y undress[e]d and dress[e]d ag[ai]n – b[u]t I mere[l]y wash[e]d
and made mys[elf] comf[orta]ble as well as I c[oul]d and chang[e]d my pelisse – w[e]nt to my a[un]t at 8 20/.. - the h[ou]sem[ai]d h[a]d sat
up till 4 a.m. and Oddy h[a]d h[a]d no sleep - my a[un]t h[a]d been restless all the night and h[a]d been up 3 ti[me]s s[in]ce
I h[a]d left h[e]r - still restless, and w[oul]d be g[o]t up 3 ti[me]s fr[om] my go[in]g to h[e]r at 8 20/.. to my go[in]g d[o]wn to br[eak]f[a]st at 9 10/..  - I h[a]d lift[e]d
h[e]r int[o] bed ag[ai]n the 1st of the 3 ti[me]s w[i]thout her seem[in]g incommod[e]d - the 2[n]d and 3[r]d ti[me] Oddy th[ou]ght it best for me to lift h[e]r
should[e]rs whi[le] the oth[e]r rais[e]d her legs – aft[e]r the 3[r]d ti[me] of gett[in]g up she seem[e]d so exhaust[e]d I th[ou]ght she w[a]s gone
b[u]t she rall[ie]d bef[ore] I w[e]nt to br[eak]f[a]st – perh[aps] I w[a]s so m[u]ch as 20 min[utes] at br[eak]f[a]st - Firth the glaz[ie]r br[ou]ght his bill –
Let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart]
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 . Surely, my d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, you are still w[i]th
‘Vere, and, I hope, m[u]ch the bet[ter] for all h[e]r k[i]nd attent[io]ns, and for the change of air –
‘I trust the weath[e]r h[a]s been bet[ter] w[i]th you than w[i]th us, and that you, at least, and those ar[oun]d
‘you, ha[ve] n[o]t suff[ere]d fr[om] this sickly season - you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear that my
‘poor dear a[un]t is no mo[re] - For the last week her suff[erin]gs ha[ve] seem[e]d to
‘decrease w[i]th her str[en]gth, and she expir[e]d, at five min[ute]s past one this aft[ernoo]n, so
‘quiet[l]y that I w[a]s hardly aware of it at the mom[en]t - my gr[eate]st anx[iet]y is remov[e]d  - its
‘remov[a]l is a bless[in]g to her, b[u]t w[i]th me it leaves a strange feel[in]g of bereavem[en]t –
‘Vere will excuse my writ[in]g just now - you will tell h[e]r that I am well, and
‘alw[a]ys, d[ea]r[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] truly and ver[y] affect[ionatel]y yours A. [Anne] Lister’
for the lead pip[in]g (the 2[n]d batch) and A- [Ann] p[ai]d h[i]m £59.11.0 in gold exc[ept] one £5 count[r]y note –
I h[a]d s[e]nt John Booth at nine for Mr. Jubb and he ca[me] ab[ou]t 10 or 10 10/.. - my a[un]t h[a]d been up wh[ile]
I w[a]s at br[eak]f[a]st and w[a]s gett[in]g up ag[ai]n as I w[e]nt b[a]ck int[o] the r[oo]m at 9 1/2 b[u]t Oddy and I lift[e]d h[e]r gent[l]y
b[a]ck int[o] bed, and she soon beca[me] mo[re] settl[e]d - by 10 she seem[e]d quiet and compos[e]d, and Mr.
Jubb as he sat by her bedside s[ai]d (at 10 20/..) that her pulse w[a]s gone – h[e]r f[ee]t were gett[in]g
cold - I told h[i]m she w[a]s warm all ov[e]r an h[ou]r bef[ore] - she nev[e]r attempt[e]d to get out of
bed aft[e]r 10 - Mr. Jubb sat by h[e]r 1/4 h[ou]r or 20 min[ute]s – tri[e]d to gi[ve] her brandy and wat[e]r b[u]t
she c[oul]d n[o]t swal[low] it - he s[ai]d if we c[oul]d keep her m[ou]th moist, it w[oul]d be a relief to her
b[u]t wh[a]t c[oul]d we do - the last th[in]g she took (and that w[i]th diffic[ult]y) w[a]s a jelly ab[ou]t noon yest[erda]y
I took Mr. Jubb d[o]wn to see A- [Ann] m[u]ch bet[ter] - now wants good nourish[in]g th[in]gs to get up her
str[en]gth - Cookson bet[ter] – go[in]g on well – m[u]st ta[ke] bark (quinine) - Sarah the kitchen m[ai]d
n[o]t so well this morn[in]g – m[u]ch fev[e]r – ver[y] lucky we s[e]nt h[e]r ho[me] - at 10 50/.. Oddy call[e]d me
(Matty h[a]d been w[i]th my a[un]t s[in]ce 9 1/2 a.m.) she and Matty th[ou]ght my a[un]t go[in]g - Mr. Jubb w[e]nt
up w[i]th me and st[ai]d till 10 55/.. when I s[ai]d that as he c[oul]d do no good I w[oul]d n[o]t detain him - he
th[ou]ght my poor a[un]t c[oul]d n[o]t contin[ue] ver[y] long - she breath[e]d ag[ai]n and contin[ue]d breath[in]g rath[e]r short
b[u]t pret[ty] eq[uall]y and n[o]t ver[y] loud - A- [Ann] call[e]d me d[o]wn ab[ou]t 12 1/2 to sp[ea]k to Mr. Husb[an]d - the hall clos[e]t door
h[a]d co[me] op[e]n and left the wine to the mercy of the workmen - Mr. Husb[an]d help[e]d me to move the
19 bot[tle]s left there of the York port w[hi]ch I put in the store-r[oo]m - I h[a]d just done when A- [Ann] ca[me] for
me, and I w[a]s just in ti[me] to see my poor a[un]t in her last mom[en]t of life in this world –
it w[a]s just 5 min[ute]s fr[om] my ret[ur]n upst[ai]rs to her breath[in]g h[e]r last at 1 5/.. p.m. - for an inst[an]t
her mouth h[a]d an express[io]n of pain, b[u]t that express[io]n w[a]s gone ere the last breath escap[e]d –
there w[a]s a slight catch b[u]t no groan or sigh - the last intellig[i]ble words were (last night)
‘I dont kno[w] wh[a]t to do’ and this morn[in]g (I th[in]k it w[a]s) ‘I m[u]st go out’ - my a[un]t h[a]d spoken
 my a[un]t’s d[ea]th
sev[era]l ti[me]s yes[terda]y ev[enin]g and this morn[in]g b[u]t n[o]t intellig[i]bly - I sh[oul]d suppo[se] she h[a]d n[o]t mo[re] pain than m[o]st
necess[ar]y accomp[an]y the increas[in]g of breath[in]g as d[ea]th appr[oa]ches - her count[enan]ce w[a]s tranq[ui]l when
the vital spark w[a]s gone - Matty w[a]s at din[ner] and on[l]y Oddy and I pres[en]t - my a[un]t remind[e]d me of my
a[un]t Martha - I w[e]nt int[o] the r[oo]m at 6 50/.. p.m. w[i]th Matty - the knees were n[o]t qui[te] str[ai]ght nor the lips
clos[e]d - the latt[e]r c[oul]d n[o]t close for the upp[e]r teeth - it w[a]s the sa[me] w[i]th my a[un]t Martha - A- [Ann] h[a]d sat by me
so[me] ti[me] this morn[in]g in my a[un]t’s r[oo]m b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t stay whi[le] Mr. Jubb w[a]s there - she h[a]s exert[e]d hers[elf]
and done ver[y] well - took h[e]r out and we walk[e]d on the flags 1/4 h[ou]r till 2 - then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
ga[ve] ord[e]rs for the hall to be board[e]d up and made decent by Sat[urday] aft[ernoo]n - the fun[era]l to be on Mon[day] –
then h[a]d Rob[er]t Mann (Rob[er]t + 4 today) (in the gard[e]n) and ga[ve] h[i]m ord[e]rs for tomor[row] - the gard[ene]r and Hemingway the Wyke gard[ene]r who ca[me] to sp[ea]k to me yest[erday] morn[in]g – h[a]d beg[u]n this morn[in]g tak[in]g off the sod fr[om] the intended back Lodge road –
told Rob[er]t to look aft[e]r them - to see that the road w[a]s right set out, etc etc – Ingh[a]m and his man
and boy at topp[in]g up the dry arch walls - Mark Hepw[or]th and Binns 2 one h[or]se carts cart[in]g stuff
addit[iona]l fr[om] the hall floor and fr[om] n[ea]r the west tow[e]r – fr[om] 2 50/.. to 4 walk[e]d (up and d[o]wn fr[om] the hut
to the rustic chair many ti[me]s) in the walk, mus[in]g - I rem[em]b[e]r my feel[in]gs on the loss of my unc[le] –
the d[ea]th of my fath[e]r is qui[te] recent – b[u]t my a[un]t is the last of the last generat[io]n - she w[a]s alw[a]ys
good and k[i]nd to me - none will ev[e]r th[in]k so high[l]y of me - none w[a]s mo[re] interest[e]d in my interest –
none ............. I th[ou]ght till the tears start[e]d - my head beg[a]n to ache, and I ca[me] in to wr[ite] let[ter]s –
chang[e]d my pelisse etc - a few min[ute]s w[i]th A- [Ann] at my desk at 4 40/..  and wr[ote] quick[l]y the let[ter]
to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] (vid[e] line 4 et seq. of the last p[age]) - then w[e]nt and sat by A- [Ann] and wr[ote] the oth[e]r 3 let[ter]s
w[i]th less ease bec[ause] she talk[e]d to me - ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836. I th[in]k,
‘my d[ea]r[e]st Mary, I ha[ve] n[o]t yet thank[e]d you for your kind, useful let[ter] of the 22[n]d of last m[on]th - I
‘rem[em]b[e]r you told me, you were go[in]g int[o] Devonsh[ire] on the 27th ult[imo], and w[oul]d n[o]t be ver[y]
‘long away - I sh[oul]d, at any rate, ha[ve] giv[e]n you a fortn[i]ght – Perh[aps] you ha[ve] at this mom[en]t your
‘h[ou]se full of comp[an]y - ours is ag[ai]n in mourn[in]g - my a[un]t’s suff[erin]gs seem to ha[ve] decreas[e]d w[i]th
‘h[e]r str[en]gth for the last week, yet the fatal change d[i]d n[o]t pos[itivel]y app[ea]r to be tak[in]g place
‘till ab[ou]t noon yest[erday], fr[om] w[hi]ch ti[me] to ab[ou]t nine this morn[in]g she w[a]s restless, w[i]thout, howev[e]r,
‘seem[in]g to be in g[rea]t pain – Fr[om] ab[ou]t 10, she w[a]s ver[y] quiet, and, at five min[ute]s aft[e]r one, breath[e]d
‘last so gent[l]y, that I w[a]s n[o]t, at the mom[en]t, qui[te] cert[ai]n she w[a]s gone, and that h[e]r place sh[oul]d kno[w]
‘her no mo[re] - the last of the last generat[io]n is now swept away - Mary! you, and I, and those we
‘love, m[u]st now st[a]nd forem[o]st in the gap - you kno[w] how good and k[i]nd my poor a[un]t alw[a]ys w[a]s to
‘me - she h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to profit by the alterat[io]ns be[g]an so soon, on h[e]r acc[oun]t and at h[e]r own req[ue]st –
‘the h[ou]se is in sad uproar - this ma[ke]s it look mo[re] lorn, and casts a deeper shade over our
‘bereavem[en]t - we shall exp[ec]t you at the end of the m[on]th – sure[l]y we shall then be mo[re] ab[le] to gi[ve] you
‘the comm[o]n comf[or]ts of home - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone away ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r
‘we h[a]d hir[e]d, died, d[i]d I n[o]t tell you? very sudd[enl]y, a few days bef[ore] she ought to ha[ve] co[me] - God
‘bless you, Mary – alw[a]ys ver[y] espec[iall]y and aff[ectionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n - you w[oul]d supp[ose], fr[om] my n[o]t writ[in]g ag[ai]n,
‘that my a[un]t contin[ue]d m[u]ch of the sa[me] state as when I wr[ote] to you last – H[e]r suff[erin]gs app[eare]d to
‘decrease w[i]th h[e]r str[en]gth, b[u]t we h[a]d no reas[o]n to suppo[se] she m[i]ght n[o]t ha[ve] contin[ue]d long[e]r, till ab[ou]t
‘yest[erday] noon, or afternoon, when h[e]r str[en]gth seem[e]d fail[in]g fast[e]r than it h[a]d done bef[ore] - she took
‘a jelly at noon w[i]th diff[icult]y, the last th[in]g she d[i]d take - she h[a]d  a rest[le]ss night, b[u]t d[i]d n[o]t seem to
‘be in gr[ea]t pain – Fr[om] 8 to 10 this morn[in]g, she w[oul]d be g[o]t out of bed half a doz[e]n ti[me]s – aft[e]r this, she
‘beca[me] more quiet, and breath[e]d h[e]r last at 5 min[ute]s past one, so gent[l]y that I w[a]s n[o]t qui[te] cert[ai]n, at
‘the mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad state of confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y –
‘our rem[em]b[ran]ces to your fr[ie]nd, and love to yours[elf], and bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n, alw[a]ys affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ –
‘Shibd[e]n hall – Mon[day] ev[enin]g 10 Oct[obe]r 1836 - My d[ea]r[e]st Isabella – aft[e]r my a[un]t’s long and severe
‘suff[eri]ngs, you will n[o]t be surpris[e]d to hear of h[e]r release - she h[a]s been rapid[l]y losing str[en]gth for the
‘last w[ee]k, and this aft[ernoo]n, at five min[ute]s p[a]st one, expir[e]d so gent[l]y, I w[a]s scarce[l]y aware, at the
‘mom[en]t, that all w[a]s ov[e]r - the sad confus[io]n the h[ou]se is in, on[l]y adds to our melanch[ol]y - alas!
‘she for wh[o]m the alterat[io]ns were so hurr[ie]d on, h[a]s n[o]t liv[e]d to benefit by them! we sh[oul]d ha[ve]
‘ask[e]d you to co[me] now, b[u]t we ha[ve] hard[l]y r[oo]m for ours[elves], or peop[le] to do the work we are in absol[u]te
‘need of - Cookson is laid up - the kitchen m[ai]d is gone ho[me] ill - the h[ou]sekeep[e]r is dead –
‘we ha[ve] on[l]y the strange that is, the newly-co[me] h[ou]sem[ai]d and char wom[a]n - we are expect[in]g
‘Mrs. Lawt[o]n at the end of the m[on]th, if we can manage it - can you tell us of any
‘trusty pers[o]n to co[me] and help us – Gi[ve] my love to Mr. and Mrs. Duffin, and tell them of our trouble –
‘my gr[ea]t anx[iet]y is gone; b[u]t it is a gr[ea]t bereavem[en]t - Love to Charlotte – Ev[e]r ver[y] faith[full]y
‘and affect[ionatel]y yours AL [Anne Lister]’ - at 6 50/.. and h[a]d seal[e]d and giv[e]n A-  [Ann] for the Let[ter] bag my let[ter] to ‘the honourable
‘Lady Stuart Brafield h[ou]se Oulney Bucks’ - to ‘Mrs. Lawton, Lawton hall, Lawton,
Cheshire’ to ‘Miss Marian Lister M[arke]t Weighton’ and to ‘Miss Norcliffe, Petergate, York’
w[e]nt w[i]th Matty Pollard int[o] my a[un]t’s r[oo]m for 10 min[ute]s - How chang[e]d s[in]ce this morn[in]g! – s[ai]d Matty
‘a more respectab[le] Lady d[i]d n[o]t live anywhere here’ - all look[e]d solemn - I m[i]ght
ha[ve] s[ai]d ‘It is good for us to be here’ - It is a relief to me to ha[ve] writ[te]n my journ[a]l –
din[ner] at 7 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – fr[om] 8 1/2 to 9 55/.. wr[ote] all b[u]t the cop[y] of the let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] w[hi]ch I wr[ote]
bef[ore] 6 3/4 – ver[y] rainy morn[in]g - fair b[u]t damp by 10 – ver[y] heavy show[e]r bet[ween] 11 and 12
or ab[ou]t 12 – ver[y] show[er]y morn[in]g - fine in aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 1 p.m. a lit[tl]e rain in the ev[enin]g
ab[ou]t 7 p.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds – F[ahrenheit] 49° at 10 p.m. – No[te] last night (print[e]d circular) fr[om] Mr. Ja[me]s Highley
by order of the committee to ann[oun]ce a meet[in]g on the 14th of the subscribers in aid of the ch[ur]ch rate
to determ[ine] as to the dispos[a]l of the Bal[an]ce of the subs[criptio]n –
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360iris · 3 years
NSFW Alphabets: Sirius Black (Poly!Marauders Edition)
In which Sirius is in a polyamorous relationship with James, Remus, yourself and Lily.
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A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s the type that almost immediately launches into your specific after-sex routine. He’ll leave the holding and kissing part to the others while he gets warm rags and a pitcher of water.
Makes sure you’re all cleaned up and having a clean set of sleeping clothes on; might even fix your hair so it’s not all over your head depending on how crazy the night was.
Very much the quietly caring type.
B - Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite aspect of himself is his hair, he devotes so much time, money and care into keeping it soft and long. He loves when you or the others play in it (despite how many times he might grumble, it’s an act). Not to mention when he’s giving oral and you pull at his roots? He’ll work even harder to please you.
His favorite aspect of you are your hands. He loves that you’re almost all hands, always subconsciously grabbing for him; it makes him feel wanted, needed even. Enjoys when your hands are in his hair, holding his own, or mischievously drifting over his thighs.
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum)
He loves seeing you swallow, there’s just something hot about it that gets him going? He also gets a kick out of coming on your chest, thighs or butt? It’s probably a marking territory type of thing.
D - Dirty Secret
Extreme throat fucking is probably his favorite way to get off. Forcing himself down your throat until your lips are touching his base and then holding you there by the hair at the base of your neck until you’re crying from the strain? Most definitely his thing.
When he has to pull out for a second to let you cough and try to catch your breath, he’d 100% spend the time degrading you.
“It wasn’t even that long, stop you sniveling and get back over here. Didn’t you say you wanted to be good for me?”
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Very! Probably the most experienced out of all the Marauders.
The man is downright gorgeous, with the darkest onyx locks that fall past his shoulders; not to mention a tongue and wit that’s sharper than a sword. Interested partners flocked to him and he got plenty of physical use out of those encounters, but he never paid mind to them emotionally. His heart was set on particular group of dummies.
He knows what he’s doing and knows how to pinpoint what you like by watching your reactions. He’s very adaptable and changes his approach around your needs. A very sexually intelligent and intuitive partner.
F - Favorite Position
Doggy style for when you’re being punished, it’s a way to distance the intimacy and focus on the act. Also allows for easy spankings.
The Ballet Dancer and the Upstanding Citizen are his usual go-to positions bc they allow for face-to-face interaction.
He loves getting to see your reactions during sex, not only does it allow him to gauge how to best please you, but also gives him a sense of satisfaction to see you come undone up close.
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc?)
His during sex humor is usually derived from him degrading you. He’ll laugh at you for how whiny and needy you’re being or for how quickly you came. He enjoys being a sarcastic asshole.
H - Hot Spots (A place that drives them crazy when touched)
Massaging his scalp really gets him going regardless of if he’d directly admit it or not. The second your fingers begin caressing gentle circles in his hair, he’s melting into a puddle. Very puppy of him to be honest.
Rubbing the back of his ears probably gets him too, I have a feeling they’re quite sensitive to touch.
I - Intimacy (How are they in the moment, romantically?)
His intimacy is very serious, all lingering steely stares, face-to-face closeness and caressing of your hips. His love is quietly passionate and searing.
Because of his childhood and being disowned at sixteen, he’s been very weary of caring about others. He had Remus and James and that was enough for him. He could love them freely and know it wouldn’t burn him.
With you however, he couldn’t begin to control his love. The way you seemed to understand who he was at his core. The way he could love you no matter the weather or the consequences. The way your opinion of him never swayed, even when he was hurting the most.
His love for you is the unsung and unspoken kind, no need for the words because you can feel his adoration through his actions. Through his unwavering stares and tender caresses.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He’s not obsessed with it, but if he’s feeling particularly overstimulated in the mornings or after a Quidditch match, he just might stroke himself in the showers. He could also be into the idea of mutual masturbation.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Impact play + sadism
He enjoys seeing the aftermath of sex. The bruises on your thighs, love-bites on your neck and the lingering redness on your butt.
Corruption kink
Remus was the first partner you’d had before he’d introduced you to his friends. Sirius loved seeing how they slowly trained you into becoming more confident and sexually aware.
The process of getting you to point where all your inhibitions are abandoned and the only thing you can even think of wanting is him, thrills him like no other. All shame, embarrassment or guilt gone.
Whether it’s in an abandoned classroom, the library or an empty hallway, he loves the anticipation; the paranoia and pleasure in your eyes.
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere but his favorite has to be abandoned classrooms. Your button-up wrinkled, skirt hiked up and figure bent over a desk. What can be better than that?
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
His love for you motivates him like no other. The need to see you under him with watery eyes and puffy lips begging him to do something, anything.
N - No (Something they won’t do, turn offs)
Big no to bodily fluids that aren’t spit. Doesn’t do CNC, he wants his partners to be eager and willing so even the act of genuinely not wanting it turns him off.
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He’s fine with either because they give him a different sense of pleasure. He’s very observant so once he’s assessed what pleases you the most, he leans into that hard until you’re shaking.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Slow but impacting, allowing you both to savor the way he slides into you. The pain of the stretch but also the pleasure of the veins and ridges of his length.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
He’s definitely not the type to say no to a quickie unless he’s intentionally playing a long game. Usually he has no problem pulling you away from to group to fuck in a random broom closet.
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks, etc?)
He’s all for trying new positions or fucking in different locations. By no means is he vanilla.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Three rounds at most on a good day! He could probably last an hour or two, with foreplay and all.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or on themselves?)
He has dildo for himself when he wants to masturbate or for when he lets you peg him. The rest of the toys are for the sole purpose of overstimulation either you or himself.
U - Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
A teaser one hundred percent! The power edging gives him over you is intoxicating. Denying you release until you’re sobbing makes him overly giddy. Definitely the time when he’s smiling the widest.
V - Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
Grunts, curses and sighs are the most you can get from him regularly. Introducing vibrators can easily change that however.
W - Wild Card (Random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He’s secretly into pet play? Loves reminding you that bunnies don’t make noise. You can bet on pastel collars, lingerie and tail butt plugs (if you’re into of course.)
X - X-Ray (What’s going on under those clothes)
A very lean torso, he’s not insanely built but definitely has firm muscles. Very nice abs from all those years of obsessively playing Quidditch.
His penis is about 6-7 inches hard, a few veins along the length of it with a protruding, pink tip.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Average, he’s not always thinking about sex but he’d never turn down an advance from you or the others. I’d say a healthy amount.
Z - ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Pretty quickly? He’s not one to stay up chatting so I’d drift off after making sure you’re all comfy and properly taken care of.
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
Jiraiya N-S-F-W/Smutty Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jiraiya is very sweet with aftercare. He’ll clean you up gently, but sometimes this makes him even more horny when he sees his seed leaking from your cunt. It takes a lot of willpower for him not to take you once again. That being said, he’ll ask you if you’d like to shower, or maybe have something to eat to refuel so you can go a few more rounds before the night is over. Jiraiya is sweet, but he is very horny. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jiraiya doesn’t really have a favorite part of his body...wait, scratch that. There is one part of his body that he really does think is his best asset. It’s his cock! It’s huge, veiny and makes women scream in pleasure. There’s nothing better than having a magnum cock.
On you, it’s definitely your tight little cunt or your tits! He can’t get enough of either of those, and he loves that no other man or woman can have access to them. He loves filling your pussy up with cum, and your tits are so soft and sweet, he loves to kiss them and lay his head on them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Jiraiya loves cumming deep with you, and he enjoys fucking his cum deep inside you. He’ll pump load after load inside you, telling you what a good girl you are. You take his cock so fucking good, it makes him hard just thinking about it. He also enjoys cumming all over your face and tits, and he just drenches you in his seed.
With you, Jiraiya will make you cum until you’re literally crying for him to stop. You don’t have to worry about Jiraiya, he’ll take such good care of you. He needs to, because he adores you so much.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
This man has no dirty secrets. He writes glorified smut for a living, so all of his fantasies are out in the open. They are open for display, and he doesn’t care who reads them. He enjoys how nasty he is, and he will let you know about any of his sexual fantasies.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Jiraiya is very experienced. He knows all the ways to make a woman squirm and squeal in pleasure, and he’ll have you cumming in no time. He’s been with lots of women, and though he seems sleazy and perverted, that does generally help him discover all kinds of new techniques in bed.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
This is a tough one, because Jiraiya actually loves almost all positions. He does enjoy doggy style for when you’re being a brat and he wants to dominate you and fuck you hard. Missionary and spooning is when he’s feeling more loving and wants to be near you as close as possible. The mating press is for when you awaken his breeding kink. Jiraiya also enjoys having his dick between your tits, and your mouth around his cock.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Jiraiya loves to have fun and be funny during sex a lot of the time. He’ll say some pretty perverted things about your body, but you are more than used to it by now. He enjoys saying dirty things, and he’ll degrade you a little if you let him. It makes him rock hard if he gets to enjoy your body and compliment you or call you his little cumslut. If the situation is more romantic, he’ll be very sweet and serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He is quite well groomed, but the hair he does have is white and wild. It’s fluffy and soft more so than coarse, but he enjoys trimming it and keeping it clean down there for you. He doesn’t want you to swallow any hairs, but you don’t give him a hard time if there is a bit of landscaping to be done.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Jiraiya can be so romantic if you allow him. He’ll hold you close, kiss you sweetly and make you so wet. He’ll tell you how beautiful you are, and he’ll make sure you know how wanted you are. He enjoys the intimacy just as much as anyone else, despite his perverted nature. But, if he’s feeling particularly horny, he might be a little less romantic and a little more nasty. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
It’s well known that Jiraiya likes to take care of business when he can’t be with a woman. There’s no exceptions there when he’s with you, and if you are gone for a long period of time, Jiraiya has some toys that can help him get over the edge. His mind is always filled with thoughts of you riding him as he fucks himself into the fleshlight and he’ll moan and groan as he cums hard.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Jiraiya literally enjoys so many kinks, it’d be easier to write down what he’s not super into. He loves having your consent for all of them, otherwise he won’t do them. Jiraiya adores you, so he is only willing to practice his kink if you are alright with it. His favorites might include BDSM, titty fucking, thigh riding, whipping, collaring, slight ageplay, face riding and face fucking...
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Jiraiya adores doing it at home. He likes to be able to fuck you in peace of his home, and he’ll be able to fuck you better and for longer if he knows no one will interrupt. That being said, the man is definitely not opposed to fucking you anywhere he can. He loves the thrill of getting caught, and it’s definitely never stopped him before. Catch him in the onsen, and you’re definitely going to get fucked if you’re the only two there.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, it doesn’t take a whole lot to get Jiraiya going. He’s mostly always horny, but he is a good man. If you really want him to fuck you, just rub his thigh and bat your eyelashes at him. Then you lean in to whisper “fuck me, please, Jiraiya-sama.” in his ear and he is as good as yours. You don’t have to do much to get Jiraiya in the mood, and that’s honestly one of the best things about having Jiraiya as a lover.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Jiraiya will not do anything involving faeces or urine, and he’s not really into anything that’s really going to hurt you. He loves you, and he will do nothing to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. He’s willing to try almost anything with you, but he will always get consent first. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Ohhhh boy, Jiraiya will lose his absolute mind if you kneel in front of him and deep throat him. He’ll tug on your hair and praise you, while fucking your pretty mouth. He loves thrusting into your mouth and watching you gag and drool all over his huge cock. It turns him on to see you this way.
On the flip side, Jiraiya adores going down on you. Just the smell of your aroused pussy sets him off. He’ll lap at your cunt for hours if you’d let him. He loves the feel of your thighs squeezing around his face, and if you tug on his hair, well he’ll be so happy for that as well.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
That all depends on what kind of mood you are in. If you need him to be sensual and slow, you better believe that he’ll fuck you so nice and proper, and he’ll be so caring and loving, it’s very romantic.
If you need him to fuck you hard and get out some frustrations, he’ll dominate you and degrade you a little. You’ll be his little sex kitten that night, and he’ll spank you and grab your hips hard enough to bruise you. Whatever you need, Jiraiya can be that person. He’s very versatile.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Oh ho ho! Jiraiya is a big fan of quickies. Any chance he can get to fuck, he’s not going to deny it. He loves quickies when you’re somewhere where you can both get caught fucking. He loves pinning you up against a wall and pumping into you, making you whimper and making your cunt clench around his huge cock.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Jiraiya is a huge risk taker, and he’ll definitely tease you any chance he gets. If he feels like commenting on your body in front of people and making you blush, he’ll do it. If he feels like rubbing your wet little pussy while you’re in public somewhere, you better bet that he’s going to do it. He’s not going to stop himself, unless it’s going to get you hurt or killed, which is never the goal.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
For an old man, Jiraiya can last quite a long time. He does need quite a bit of time between rounds to recover, but he’s more than willing to finger you or eat your pussy to make up for it. If you feel like going for a shower or food in between rounds, this makes him very happy. He’s into refueling to fuck again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Jiraiya has lots of toys. He’ll use some of them on you if you’d like, and he’ll use some on himself as well. He enjoys vibrators a lot, since they can give pleasure to the both of you. Lots of times he’ll get you to put on vibrating panties and he’ll take you shopping. If he can make you cum without you causing too much of a ruckus while you’re shopping, he’ll buy you whatever you like.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jiraiya is a huge tease, and he loves to fluster you as much as he possibly can. He’ll slide his fingers up and down your wet folds, only to pull away when you think he’s going to penetrate you. He loves using his cockhead to tease you, whether it be around your lips or around your pussy, it’s one of his favorite things to do. He enjoys watching you squirm and wiggle to get the pleasure you so hope to receive. He’ll call you desperate and a cumslut, but you love when he’s like this with you.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Jiraiya is very loud. He grunts, groans and moans. He’s not afraid to make sounds to let you know he’s enjoying himself. He also loves to talk dirty, and he’ll call you all kinds of pet names while you’re riding his thick cock. It feels so good, so he needs to let you know.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Jiraiya is a huge fan of titty fucking. He loves seeing his cock between your tits, and he’s a fan of every size and shape of titties. He’s not picky when it comes to that, but he loves the feeling of you squeezing your breasts around his thick and meaty cock, and he’ll cum so fast if you lick the head while he fucks your tits.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Jiraiya has a HUGE cock. It’s a good 10 inches, very very girthy, and it’s got a lot of nice veins that rub nicely on your walls. Despite having a huge cock, he does not cum quickly. He’s literally been so gifted by the gods or chance to have such a wonderful appendage. Other than that, he’s beefy, huge, muscly and so well toned, you’re surprised that he is actually that much older than you first perceived.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Jiraiya literally has the sex drive of a teenage boy discovering Playboy for the first time. He always wants to fuck, and you can literally get him rock hard in seconds if you play your cards right. He’s always willing to fuck if the time is right and you’re willing to as well.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jiraiya enjoys making sure you’re well and comfortable before he spoons you and falls asleep decently quickly. He needs the reassurance that you’re all taken care of before he can even shut his eyes.
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miyanom · 3 years
A-Z FLUFF ALPHABET (j.kirstein)
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A CTIVITIES - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Jean loves spending time with you, no matter what you two happen to be doing. Though his favourite thing to do with you is just watch a movie and relax, especially because he loves resting his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair.
B EAUTY - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Jean, being the person he is, would say everything.
He loves your laugh, your smile, the way you look at him when he says a stupid joke that no one else enjoyed.
C OMFORT - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you’re feeling down, he’ll buy/cook your favourite food and just stay by your side till your ready to talk. And if you just want time alone, he’ll give that to you but will always make sure you know he’s there when you’re ready.
D REAMS - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’s been dreaming about a future with you from really early on. Similar to the dream he has in canon, he sees you both moving in together one day and maybe starting a family together.
He wants kids, but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker honestly. He loves you so much, and if you don’t want kids, he’s fine with settling for a dog or cat.
E QUAL - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Things would be super equal for the two of you. If there’s something concerning the both of you, he would never make a decision without trying to get your opinion on it first.
He values communication in the relationship, so you both come to decisions together unless it’s an on the spot thing.
F IGHT - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
While Jean hates fighting with you, he’s also pretty stubborn, and it makes the fight worse than how it originally started out.
Due to how much he hates fighting with you, Jean separates himself from the argument, either going to a different room or leaving the apartment altogether to give you both the time to cool down.
G RATITUDE - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s very grateful! He loves doing things for you, but when you do things for him? He’ll hug you and tell you how much he loves you, even if the thing you did was something super small.
H ONESTY - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Jean tends to share everything with you. In general, he’s just a very honest person.
I NSPIRATION - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Before meeting you, Jean was constantly in a crappy mood, usually taking it on Eren more than anybody. He was also quite a flirt, not a serious player but like annoyingly flirty.
After meeting you, he calmed down a little. He swears it wasn’t because of you or anything, but his friends say otherwise.
J EALOUSY - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I wouldn’t say it’s often, but when people neither of you know start getting a little too close, he does get jealous.
He’d probably try keeping it to himself, but communication is a big thing in your relationship so he does let you know. At least after he intimidates the person by wrapping his arms around you and kissing you in front of them.
K ISS - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jean is a great kisser, at least he is when you both get past the shyness and awkwardness of the first stage in the relationship.
Despite how much of a flirt he was before meeting you, you were probably his first kiss. So you can guarantee he was a stuttering, blushing mess when you pulled away after the first kiss.
L OVE CONFESSION - How would they confess to their s/o?
I talked about this in another post!!
M ARRIAGE - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Jean definitely wants to marry you, and he would know that from pretty early on in the relationship. Waking up by your side after you stay the night just isn’t the same, he wants to wake up and call you his wife/husband/partner.
He would want to plan the most cliche date, a fancy dinner, maybe a movie, before going someplace important to the both of you where he would pop the question. However, he just can’t wait. He’ll probably wake up beside you on one of those mornings, and just ask you out of nowhere.
N ICKNAMES - What do they call their s/o?
Of course he calls you the common ones like babe/baby, mostly in a joking manner. When he’s seriously being all lovey-dovey, it’s nicknames like sweetheart, princess/prince, angel.
O N CLOUD NINE - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Jean, when in love, is so obvious about his feelings. He’s always blushing around you, he has a hard time speaking to you clearly, and he stares at you in such a loving manner.
He expresses his feelings through actions, as he’s a believer that actions speak louder than words! However, that doesn’t stop him from also reassuring you with words too, as he understands that some people need to actually hear it.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
At the start he’s fairly shy, not doing much when others are around. But when you two grow comfortable with each other, and he knows whether or not you also enjoy pda, there is no stopping him from straight up kissing you in front of other people.
He’s also the type to always be holding your hand when you’re out and about. He’s such a touchy boyfriend, always wanting to be touching part of you in some way.
Q UIRK - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
This dude can cook. Having spent a lot of time with his mother growing up, he picked up on a few things from her.
A lot of your dates are just staying home, enjoying meals that Jean makes for the two of you.
R OMANCE - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jean is a huge romantic. But he’s constantly torn between cliche dates and creative ones. You go from dates where you draw each other at the park, to fancy dinner dates and a movie.
S UPPORT - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Jean calls himself your no.1 supporter for a reason! Whether it’s staying up till 2am to help you study, or running errands for you in his free time so you don’t have to worry about anything other than your goal. He’s there for you every step of the way!
T HRILL - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I personally feel like when you fall into comfortable routine, Jean loves it the most. But if you want to spice things up, it’s not like he’ll stop you.
U NDERSTANDING - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Jean knows you pretty well, he’s good at reading people. When you’re getting to know each other, he takes notes in his head about things you like and dislike, and probably never forgot them.
If you’re in a bad mood, he can tell just from a simple text, and you can bet he’s already on his way to pick up your favourite sweet food.
V ALUE - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Like I said earlier, Jean is absolutely in love with you. So the relationship means a lot to him, especially since you both were friends before anything began to take a romantic turn.
If Jean listed the people in his life, it would be his family at the very top of the list, followed by his friends: lucky for you, he counts you as his family.
W ILD CARD - A random fluff headcanon.
Jean rides a motorcycle. He has a car too, sure, but whenever he picks you up he takes the motorcycle. He knows it’s dangerous in comparison to a car, but he likes the security that comes with having your arms around him when riding.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Jean is very very affectionate. If you’re together at either of your apartments, there’s no way you’re not cuddling. He’ll be complaining about having to let you go even if you only need him to so you can go to the bathroom.
Y EARNING - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Jean hates it when you’re not around, whether you’re super busy or you’ve just gone away for a little, he hates it.
He likes being around you even if it’s in utter silence, so you two often FaceTime while just going about your daily night time routines. He probably watches you for a minute or two if you fall asleep on call, and he doesn’t hang up until the next morning.
Z EAL - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
I think Jean would go to great lengths for the relationship in terms that he would branch out of his comfort zone just to understand you a little better.
If a bad fight broke out between the two of you, and he realises that he’s being just a little too stubborn, he would let go his pride and be the first to apologise in fear of losing you. It says a lot, because he’s not usually like that. Typically he lets things cool down a little before trying to apologise.
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@haiqnation @dai-tsukki-desu @may-machin @answer-the-sirens @ley-writes @sashaisangel @french-girl-online @megumiisee @wonhyuksstuff @milk-n-cuwukies @jeanbabygirl
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hi idk if i asked but can i get bakugou, todoroki,tamiki ,shinsou, with a s/o who get distracted easily? Like maybe they are out on a date at a garden or art museum and all of a sudden they just disappear? Onky to find they're s/o looking at a painting or a butterfly that caught they're eye. Thank you if you do write this !!! :)
a/n: this is so cute! thank you for the request love! i hope you enjoy it
headcanon: them with a s/o that gets distracted easily
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
The date was Bakugou’s idea. He’d wanted to take you somewhere nice, and well despite wanting to go see some all-out arena battle, he settled for an art museum.
You were excited, and happy to be going with Bakugou. You didn’t get the chance to go out off-campus very often, and being away from the class’ prying eyes had its advantages.
Such as holding hands.
With Bakugou’s hand in your own, the two of you walked around the art museum. With paintings and sculptures spewed along the walls and the floor, it was mesmerizing.
Bakugou hadn’t noticed when you slipped away, walking down the pro-hero hall.
However, Bakugou did notice the lack of your hand in his own after a few seconds. That and the look of a few people when he realized he was talking to himself.
Bakugou whipped his head around searching for you. But you were nowhere in sight.
As Bakugou looked for you, you stood in awe of a beautiful All Might painting.
It was truly a work of art, it seemed so cheesy, but it was gorgeous.
It was almost minimalistic, with no details, just color in the shape of All Might holding his fist up.
The background was a beautiful sunset sky, stars seemingly jumping off the canvas.
The words ‘Our Symbol Lives On’ was printed at the bottom in cursive white letters.
Bakugou finally turned the corner, his eyes spotting you. But he didn’t charge at you, yelling at you for wandering off. Instead, he just looked at you, basking in your beauty.
Bakugou’s expression ultimately softened as he approached you, his eyes turning toward the painting that had caught your attention.
He rested a hand on your shoulder and smiled.
“Holy shit.” You said, jumping out of your daze. You smiled and looked at Bakugou.
“I didn’t mean to scare you.” Bakugou said softly, admiring the artwork.
“I got distracted, sorry if you had trouble looking for me. It’s just, I saw this and well...”
Bakugou knew your feelings. It was hard for everyone, and you knew his. Bakugou didn’t need you to say what you wanted too, he understood completely why you’d take a minute to admire the painting.
“He’s amazing.” Bakugou whispered, taking your hand back in his.
“Yeah. I don’t know how we got so lucky to have been blessed with such an amazing Symbol.” You sighed happily. You looked at Bakugou and cracked a laugh.
“I can’t wait to see your picture in here one day.” You nudged him.
“Oh, you better believe it will.” Bakugou grinned. You wrapped your arms around him and gave him a hug.
“You’re gonna be the best hero anyone’s ever seen.” You kissed his cheek, causing him to blush.
“Well, you better be standing right next to me when I am dipshit.” Bakugou had to admit that he was aiming for the top, but he wanted more than anything to reach, with you standing right next to him. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Todoroki wanted to take you somewhere special. He would’ve taken you to a museum of soba, if it existed. There was truly no better place than that, but because of circumstances, he settled on a garden.
The garden was beautiful, every walkway seemingly lined with flowers and gorgeous plants.
You walked hand in hand with Shoto, each of you pointing out little things that caught your eye. 
Todoroki didn’t notice when you stayed behind, watching a group of birds fly by. One of which landed on your shoulder.
A few people stopped to take photos of how the bird rested on your shoulder, and eventually, you just went with it, admiring how the scenery made it look like something out of a fairytale book.
A little kid pushed past Todoroki, pointing at you.
“Look, mommy! Look at the pretty fairy!” He exclaimed. Todoroki turned to see what the commotion was, now noticing you weren’t beside him.
His eyes widened at the sight of you.
The sunlight made you sparkle, your eyes shining as you smiled. You were beautiful.
Todoroki approached the small crowd that was now dispersing after taking a few pictures.
“O-Oh hey.” You spoke to Todoroki.
“I got distracted by some birds, and I guess one got distracted by me.” You motioned to the little bird on your shoulder. You lifted your arm, extending your pointer finger. The bird cautiously moved to rest on your finger.
Todoroki moved closer, his cheeks turning red.
Every second he fell more and more in love with you.
“It’s alright.” Todoroki smiled. It was nice to see him smile. You wished more than anything that you could see him smile more, but sometimes just a smile every now and again was enough.
The bird sat on your finger for a few more seconds before it flew away, catching up with its friends.
“You look like an angel.” Todoroki complimented you. You blushed. 
“Thanks. You look like an angel too.” You compliment him back making his chuckle.
“Did the Shoto Todoroki just laugh?” You question. Todoroki hums happily, placing his hand back in your own.
“Let’s get going, angel.” Todoroki guided you along, heading to look at more of the garden.
»»————- ★ ————-««
tamaki amajiki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Tamaki wasn’t big on social gatherings. That was a given. But he wanted to take you somewhere nice for a date.
The two of you took a train to the next town over, heading to a garden.
Tamaki was immediately a little taken back by the number of people, but he was brave.
He had you after all.
With your hand in his, he was stronger.
“Look, Tamaki!” You smiled, pointing at a beautiful patch of dark purple flowers that matched the color of his hair.
“T-They’re beautiful, like you.” Tamaki stuttered. You blushed and smiled.
“They remind me of your hair, and your pretty eyes.” You turn and look and look at him. Tamaki’s cheeks burn red at the thought of you thinking about him.
You two were together, but he still got so flustered by you.
You leaned in a placed a kiss on his cheek, pulling him along.
Tamaki stopped to look at some koi fish in a pond. You watched for a few seconds before getting distracted by a butterfly exhibit. 
You walked into the room, surrounded by large flowers and plants, butterflies fluttering around.
One landed on your nose.
Tamaki was searching for you. He couldn’t find you, until he saw the light pink sweater you were wearing. He followed the blob of color peeking through plants into a butterfly exhibit.
As he got closer, he was taken aback by the beauty that was you.
A light purple butterfly rested on the tip of your nose. He quickly snapped a picture of it on his phone, reminding himself to set it as his background later.
“H-hey,” Tamaki said, getting your attention.
“Meet Tamaki!” You said softly. Tamaki tilted his head.
“I named him after the best person I know.” You blush, pointing to the little butterfly on your nose.
“I love you.” Tamaki blurted out. The tips of his ears turned pink as blush flooded across his face.
“I love you too.” You replied, eventually watching as the butterfly flew away.
“Sorry for running off, It looked so pretty in here.” You apologized for leaving him alone.
“It’s alright. It is pretty, but not a-as pretty as you.” Tamaki complimented you again.
You gave Tamaki a hug, his arms wrapping around you.
“You’re the best boyfriend I could’ve asked for.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
hitoshi shinsou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Shinsou would rather stay in and cuddle and watch terrible horror movies with you but he does admit that taking you would be nice too.
After somewhat avoiding dadzawa’s questions of where the two of you were going, you and Shinsou begin your trip to an art museum.
The place was a little ways away, but you made it there before lunch, Shinsou being the man that he is, bought the two of you some food before heading in.
The museum was more modern and definitely had some rather questionable pieces. It wasn’t your typical painting and art museum. It was almost creepy, but it fascinated the two of you.
“I think they should give you a spot here for not sleeping for four days.” You joked, your hand resting in Shinsou’s.
“Ha, I think that would be a great idea.” Shinsou smiled. This boy really only slept because you had fallen asleep next to him.
While Shinsou was distracted by a modern cat sculpture, you slipped away to look at a painting.
Shinsou eventually turned to make a comment about the art piece when he noticed you were gone. He whipped his head around, lavender locks whipping around.
He searched for you until his eyes landed on what he assumed to be you. As he made his way closer, he recognized more of your features.
Your (h/c) locks, and his dark sweater that rested on your shoulders.
He stopped to look at the painting that you were looking at.
Shinsou was almost certain it was a picture of him. A black and white painting of a male with dark circles under his eyes, spikey hair that framed his face. Beside the man was a painted woman her arms resting over his shoulders.
Shinsou would’ve bet money that it was a picture of you two now that he looked at it closer.
“I thought I lost you for a second, kitten.” Shinsou smiled, putting his arm around your waist.
“It looks like you.” You smiled, looking at the picture.
“I was going to say the same about you.” He grinned. You let out a small giggle and eyes the painted man.
“You’re a work of art, Hitoshi.” You complimented him. Shinsou blushed, his eyes widened for a few seconds before resting again.
“I love you so much, kitten.” Shinsou planted a kiss on your forehead, smiling as he pulled away.
“I love you too.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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isthisthingeven0n · 3 years
it’s always been you : i.f
brief summary: ilya has always known that david is a womaniser, and he’s just in the background, a second choice. but when you turn up and capture the pairs attention, will it be the same case? 
word count: 1.6k requested: yes by an anon! i hope you love it  warnings: nope, it’s fluffy and all cuteness up in here
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
m y  e t s y  s h o p
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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“No, I’m serious dude, she’d go for you easily.” Ilya laughs into the microphone whilst David shakes his head in disbelief. “She would trust me. You’re so good and smooth-talking with girls and I’m just well,” Ilya trails off as Jason interrupts, mentioning the last time David flirted with a girl.
“I doubt that, Ilya. But if it ever happens, I guess we’ll find out.” David jokes, unaware of how soon that would end up happening.
Sitting across from the pair, you were deep in thought as your laptop remained on your lap, oblivious to the glances from David and Ilya.
Natalie beside you rolled her eyes, picking up on the looks. “She’s into you, dude.” Ilya mutters to David, nodding as David simply raises a brow. “It’s obvious, really.” He quickly adds, trying to hide the feeling of his heart sinking as he forces a smile, noticing a genuine one forming on David’s face.
“I don’t know, Ilya.” David remarks as he glances up, seeing you lifting your gaze up at the same time. “She’s just a friend, that’s all.”
Ilya shakes his head, knowing that is far from the truth based on what happened the night before.
“I’m serious, Dave, get off me!” You giggle as David continues to tickle you, your laughter echoing throughout the house as Ilya walks in with the pizza’s David ordered.
As he places the pizza’s on the counter, his smile begins to drop as he finds you in David’s arms, your face flushed as tears fall from your eyes. “You’re not getting outta this that easy.” David laughs.
“I got pizza.” Ilya speaks up, and immediately you fall from the sofa, landing on the rug with a soft thud.
Quickly, rising to your feet you clear your throat. “About time, I’m starving!” You avert your gaze from Ilya as you walk over to the pizza boxes, leaving Ilya oblivious to the fact you’re trying to calm your heart rate.
“What about that guy, he’s kinda cute?” Natalie nudges you as she hands you her phone, catching the attention of both boys as you shuffle in your seat.
Humming to yourself, you pass Natalie her phone back. “He’s not my type,” You say with a shrug. “I prefer brunettes.”
“Of course I had to go bleach my hair.” Ilya mutters under his breath whilst David smirks to Natalie, wondering if his thoughts could be accurate.
“Well, most of the time at least.” You quickly add before moving your laptop from your lap and heading to the bathroom, hiding your hands in the sleeves of your hoodie to stop them from visibly shaking.
Once out of sight and earshot, Natalie groans loudly. “Guys, can you give her a break, seriously.” Natalie points to the pair, Ilya holding his hands up in defence whilst David merely chuckles to himself.
“It’s just a bit of fun, Nat.” David excuses it as he looks down to his phone and answers a phone call. “What’s up, Zane?” David asks, walking out and into his bedroom, the door closing behind him.
Yet, despite it being just Natalie and Ilya, the matter isn’t being that dropped that easily. “Like David said, Nat, just a bit of fun.” Ilya comments half heartedly.
“I don’t think so,” Natalie sings playfully as she nudges herself to the edge of the sofa, resting her hands on her lap. “just, talk to her, yeah?” Natalie adds just before you walk back into the room, running your fingers through your hair as you glance over at David’s absent spot.
“Is it just me or is it freezing in here?” You ask, wrapping your arms around yourself as Natalie shakes her head whilst Ilya remains quiet.
Looking at the absent spot beside Ilya, a light bulb flashes above Natalie’s head. “Why don’t you take David’s spot? He’ll be gone for hours now that Zane’s on the phone.” Natalie suggests to you whilst Ilya’s eyes widen.
Turning around, you smile shyly to Ilya. “Is that okay with you, Ilya? I don’t wanna invade your personal space.” You chuckle.
“Oh no, not at all.” Ilya rambles, moving David’s things aside as he pats the spot beside him. “I’m hot, I mean, I’m warm so hopefully you’ll get hotter, I mean,” Sighing to himself, Ilya stops as he closes his eyes, listening to your quiet laughter as the sofa dips.
“Thanks, Ils.” You mutter as you curl up beside him, resting your head on his shoulder as your eyes start to droop whilst you scroll through your phone.
A few hours pass by, and you’re fast asleep with Ilya on the sofa. It started off with a quick power nap, but when Ilya lifted his arm up and you moved to rest your head on his chest, he was a goner.
“You won’t believe what Zane’s done now-” David cuts himself off as he walks into the living room, Natalie shushing him as she motions to you and Ilya on the sofa.
David pauses, looking down as your face is buried in Ilya’s chest whilst his arms are wrapped around you securely, your legs tangled together.
“Oh,” David smiles at the sight, quickly taking his phone and recording you both.
Moving aside, something changes in David’s thoughts as Natalie follows him into the kitchen. “How cute do they look,” Natalie sighs happily, but David remains silent. “wait, are you okay?”
Resting her hand on David’s arm, Natalie can see a look of sadness in his gaze.
“Yeah,” Snapping out of his thoughts, David forces a smile. “I just, I didn’t think about it until now really,” David mumbles as Natalie quirks a brow. “how, how good they look together that is.” David adds. “And I think I’m being selfish, trying to take that away from him.” David adds. “And I think I’m being selfish, trying to take that away from him.”
“There’s someone out there for you, Dave.” Natalie quietly states. “But I’m proud of you for admitting that, they just have to tell each other now.” Natalie huffs, knowing it’ll be a while before she hears either of you admit how you feel.
“Wanna make a bet?” David smirks and Natalie rolls her eyes. “$100 says Y/n will admit before the end of the week.”
Natalie scoffs before holding her hand out as David shakes it. “We’ll see about that.”
* It was almost the end of the week, and neither you nor Ilya had mentioned what happened the other night.
Sitting in the garden, you were busy reading through a contract that you were emailed by your manager when Ilya wandered out.
“Oh, hey Y/n.” Ilya waves, but you remain quiet for a moment until you look over your contract, seeing the blonde standing before you.
Fumbling with the contract, you rest it by your side and sit upright. “Ilya, hey, sorry I was lost in my own thoughts there.” You admit, tucking your hair behind your ears as you smile up to him.
“That’s alright,” Ilya mutters as he sits down beside you. “I haven’t seen you much this week, guess you’ve been occupied with the sponsorship you’ve been working on?”
You nod in response. “Yeah, I mean I love it and I’m so grateful, but it’s kept me busy and as a result unable to spend time with you.” You pause, realising what you just said aloud. “And everyone that is.” You add, a nervous chortle leaving your lips whilst Ilya is unable to process what you just admitted.
“They’re hopeless.” David sighs as he leans back in from spying on you both. “I didn’t think it would be this difficult.”
Natalie tuts. “It’s Y/n and Ilya, what did you expect? They’re so alike it hurts.” She remarks. “Just give them time, and then I’ll be $100 richer.” Natalie says smugly before turning on her heels, heading back to her room.
“I’m sorry,” You eventually break the silence, turning to face Ilya as your knee brushes against his. “I, I’m not really good at talking about feelings and shit, but I think, no I know I have to say this.”
“Okay, I mean, only if you want to.” Ilya comments, reaching out as he rests his hand on your knee, causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin.
“I like you, Ilya.” You admit, focusing on his eyes as they widen, and then a small laugh leaves his lips, causing your heart to simultaneously break.
“Wait, no I didn’t mean it like that!” He quickly reassures you. “I just, are you sure?”
Slightly stunned, you nod slowly. “Yeah, but if you don’t feel the same that’s totally fine!” You tell him, but Ilya shakes his head, his hand tightening on your knee for a moment.
“No I, I do. I’m just, just surprised.” He half laughs. “I always thought you liked David.” He admits and listens as you laugh lightly.
“Wait seriously?” You ask, slightly dumbfounded as Ilya nods.
“I just thought, I mean, why wouldn’t you?” Ilya questions, looking up to you as your eyes remain locked on his and a smile crosses your lips.
“Ilya, I like you, it’s always been you, you dummy.” You chuckle, shuffling closer as your hand rests on his. “That okay?” You mutter as his face edges towards yours.
His lips brush against yours as he breathes out a yes before kissing you softly.
“And with that, you owe me $100.” David laughs to Natalie who groans before taking out the cash and passing it to David.
“I hope you’re happy.” Natalie comments, looking back at you and Ilya in each other’s embrace.
“Couldn’t be happier.” David mutters as he counts out his cash, glad to have won the bet and have his best friend get the girl.
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senseitiddy · 4 years
Robb Stark NSFW Alphabet
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A - Aftercare (how they are after sex)  The man is very touchy when you two are done. He loves to have his arms wrapped around you and your face in the crook of his neck. Robb just likes to hold you in his arms. Which is so fucking cute
B - Body part (their favorite body part on their partner)
He adores when he can run his hands up your chest. Not even to cop a feel, he likes how soft your boobs can be. He’ll kiss, bite, and pinch. Your boobs are just one of his favorite spots.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum) 
Robb cant aim properly. Like at all, he gets cum everything. On the pillows, on your stomach, on your chest, one time it got on your face. You weren't very fond of it, but it only turned him on more.
D - Dom (are the dominant, submissive, switch?)
Is that even a question? He is dominant almost 90% of the time. He likes when he can have control over you, make you beg for me afterwards. There is very few times where he’ll allow you to be the top.
E - Experiment (what they want to try)
He’s pretty much done everything. But one thing he would like to experiment is doing it out in open. Hes always had the fantasy of fucking you over the dinning room table, having the risk that someone would talk in on it.
F - Fantasy (what they fantasize about)
Robb is one to fantasy while you’re away. He cant help but think about everything he wants to do to you when he sees you. It spikes confidence in him, he loves to imagine you moaning his name.
G - Good girl - (praising) 
LORDDD this man praises you even if its not during sex. He loves whispering in your ear how good you are, if you’ve been naughty, he loves all of it. He tells you how wet and tight you are. Even if you are just walking in the room, he’ll praise how you ass looks so nice.
H - Hotspot (a place that gets them going. ex: neck) 
Robb adores when you run your hands up his bare chest. He doesn't know why it happens, but it gets him turned on to the max. Robb likes seeing your nails scrape against him, its a sight that he could replay over and over again.
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are before/during/after sex)
Hes an absolute sweetheart when there is no dirty stuff going on. He gives you hugs from behind just to hear you yelp in surprise. During sex, hes not the best at being romantic with how hard he goes, but there are times where he just wants to be slow and sweet. After sex is what he looks forward to, he loves running his hands through your hair.
J - Journey (ideal way of leading up to sex)
It could be simple teasing, Robb isn't one to hate teasing. If you're teasing, it takes him forever to snap. If its him teasing, god you cant help but be the one to first start it.
K - Kinks
Spanking- He likes slapping your ass when you are fucking. Doggy style is his favorite for this position.
Choking- He likes his hands on your throat, of course he doesn't wanna hurt you when his hands are there, so he makes sure to loosen them.
Degrading- God this man loves calling you a dirty whore or slut. Of course, he would ask if you wouldn't mind, he would hate to upset you.
L - Location (their favorite place(s) to do it)
Robb loves doing it everywhere. On the couch, on the bed, on the floor, in the shower, he loves it all. Hell, he loves doing it against the wall too.
M - Masturbation (anything to do with masturbation)
The man gets lonely if you're gone and hes got a boner. He’ll jerk off with maybe one of your bras in his other hand, maybe your panties
N - No (something they won’t do)
He doesn't wanna do anything that you wouldn't wanna do. Its all up to you when you wanna do something because he doesn't wanna upset you.
O - Oral (anything to do with oral)
When receiving, he wont ask for it. But when he does get oral, he loves when he can jut look down and see you bobbing his head. He’ll have his hands tangled in your hair, tugging a little.
If its him giving, this man has a way with his mouth. The sensation of humming while pumping two fingers in you, he loves giving oral.
P - Position (favorite position(s))
He likes missionary. Robb loves seeing your facial expressions as hes pounding into you, he loves being able to bite at your neck and look you in the eyes.
Q - Quickie (do they like/prefer them?)
He likes to take his time, but hes up for them. Maybe you guys are in a meeting, he’ll lie and say he has to go to the bathroom and just do a quickie in the stall.
R - Rest (how long they let you rest between rounds)
He gives you all the time you need, cause he can go for hours after time. He’ll give you time to calm down and get ready for another round. Hes NEVER tired.
S - Steamy (how worked up they get before they break)
When he breaks its bad. You tease him for hours and hours, he can wait but if you something like sit in his lap and rub your ass on him, hes stripping your clothes off before you get another chance to tease.
T - Tying up (do they enjoy the act?)
Hes tied you up a few times, Robb likes when you cant scratch at his back, so it leave you in a pile of whimpers. If it gets to be too much he’ll take them off of you.
U - Unfair (teasing)
Like I’ve said, he doesn't bother with the teasing. But with YOU, he goes a long way. He’ll rub his hand up your ass, scratch your arms playfully, hes horrible.
V - Virgin (how they react to you/them being one)
If you were a virgin he would make sure to go really slow with you. He would want that night to be special, he would kiss you everywhere and rub his hands up and down your waist.
W - Wildcard (random headcanon)
Even if you don’t ask for it, he loves getting you gifts. Even if its just a simple wing or a bottle of wine, he loves being able to get you stuff and see your face light up.
X - X-rated (dirty talk)
Oh my lord, this man is fucking nasty when it comes to talking dirty. Under the lines of, “’Yeah I bet you like this dick” to “Cum for me baby”. Hes one to get you turned on even more by it.
Y - Yell (how loud they are)
Hell, hes the one that would be screaming YOUR name sometimes. He does it on purpose, because the walls are so thin everyone could hear. He finds it hilarious.
Z - Zzzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Robb will stay up with you for a little while until he sees that you are getting tired. If you fall asleep before him, he’ll nuzzle up right next to you and put his head on your chest. He wont admit it, but he likes when he can be the little spoon.
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ADA: Songs the BSD characters remind me of (even though no one asked)
I’ve recently watched all 3 seasons of the Anime, the movie and the OVA and have started reading the Manga from the beginning. Right now I am only at chapter 40 because I started reading like 2 days ago, so idk stuff that would happen after the Anime storyline (if it goes that much further than season 3 ending, I wouldn’t know). I based this off on either specific lyrics that made me think it would fit the character or a certain vibe I was getting from a character. For some characters it was easier, for some not so much lol It is why some characters have multiple songs that make me think of them while others only have one (if they even do have one, that is – but the ADA does, except for Katai). So please do not rip into me because you think a song might not fit them as well as I do, because I just have not gotten to the latest chapter of the Manga yet, so there are some characters I do not know that well yet but I wanted to do this for fun. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this list~ Also, feel free to add to my list if you have songs that I haven’t mentioned but think would fit the characters, if you want to~
My taste in music is also pretty broad and not limited to certain languages or genres (though I do have my preferences), so I will provide translations of the lyrics in different languages from English. The German ones (like Kontra K, Elif, etc.) were translated by myself (on the spot), for other languages like Romanian or Korean, etc. I had to look up translations on the internet.
Disclaimer: For the songs for Dazai, one might want to consider a TW, for one of his songs has extremely open-no-room-for-speculation suicidal lyrics. If this affects you, please skip that one, I will put that song last on his list.
And, well, because this is 12 pages long in the document, I will be making a cut here…
𝔸𝔻𝔸 𝕚𝕟 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝
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💙 Wölfe (Wolves) by Kontra K 💙
It’s about so much more than just strength, it’s about solidarity and virtue / It runs so much deeper than your wounds could ever get / We’re walking through the fire together until the day we die […] /
And we are so infinitely far away from being perfect / But what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger / And hope dies last / It dies last /
A lot of the members have been through quite some shit, but they hold it together all the time and always pull through and manage to keep moving forward sooo (some random arsehole I talked to spoilered me about Yosano and Mori  -_-)
💙 Born For This by The Score 💙
A force that they can’t stop / They just don’t get it, I think they forget / I’m not done until I’m on top / I know I was born for this / I know I was born for this […] /
We are the warriors, who learned to love the pain / We come from different places but have the same name / ‘Cause we were born for this / We are the broken ones, who chose to spark a flame / Watch as our fire rages, our hearts are never tame /
ℕ𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕛𝕚𝕞𝕒 𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚
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💙 Believe by Hollywood Undead 💙
I can’t believe / That when I breathe / That there’s something good inside of me / Just one good thing inside of me / So close to me / That memory / Of that one good thing inside of me / Just one good thing inside of me /
If I went out the back door, nobody would stop me / But, where would I go? / ‘Cause I ain’t never had a real home / So, what do I know? / So, I could keep runnin’, hide until they find me / But, what would that do? /
That he really hates himself that much and how insecure he is in his right to be alive not just simply because he is a living being really hurts to see.
💙 Face it by NF 💙
Don’t know how to face it / Let’s go back to basics / Yes, say what you mean, do what you say, but man I hate this / I just don’t know what I’m chasing, don’t know what I’m chasing / Yes, somebody told me / Life is something you don’t wanna play with / But I just keep on playing like life is just a playground […] / I look at myself and I ask what the goal is / Yeah, tell me what your goal is / I’m just so lost in emotions, I don’t even notice / I just slip into a place and I don’t think straight / Devil in my ear tryna tell me everything’s great / And in a year realize I’m in the same place / Running in the same race, same pace […] /
Get that sickness out my mouth / I feel like my train is derailing / I can feel it / Yo these words are only words until they actions / Words until they actions, strive on empty satisfactions / Yeah, the fact is I don’t know, fact is I don’t know /
💙 월식  (My Tragedy) by Taeyeon 💙
At the end of an empty day / Everyone busily returns from somewhere / In the red night sky / I disappear into the darkness little by litte / These many sparkling lights / There isn’t a single light that’s mine / Under the cold shade by myself / Like it wasn’t there from the start /
💙 Oceans by Jacob Lee 💙
I learnt to let go when I was younger / Scared of growing old / I would swim far into the ocean / And try to stay afloat / Until my lungs would cough up water […] /
I don't want love no more / Though it's the one thing I've been searching for / Though it's the one thing that I miss the most / Now I'm afraid to be alone / I learnt to grow old when I was younger / Scared of staying young / Afraid of the thoughts that I had conjured / That sat atop my tongue / Knowing I'd change the worlds opinion / If they would just, listen up / But they won't, now /
I feel worthless / Maybe I should open the drawer / Burn the pages / Write poems with the ash on the floor / Pour the ink, into the sink / And watch it drain from the shore /
𝔻𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕚 𝕆𝕤𝕒𝕞𝕦
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I know Dazai has a looooot of songs, but tbh I could’ve added at least another 15 because. There. Were. Just.  S O .  M A N Y .  T H A T  F I T  H I M  S O  W E L L ‼‼ (Well, at least the ones I could think of off of the top of my head right away.)
💙 Believe by Hollywood Undead 💙
Don’t you know, little boy, they’ll lay you to waste, man / Little do they know, every song is a lifespan / Yeah, they’ve taken one, but I’m takin’ my last chance / To hold all we know and let go with both hands / Though, don’t you know that plots are made from concrete / Right through the stone, can you hear my heart beat? / Beats through my bone, like no memory left me / Not for a second or a minute when I dream […] / My heart beats heavy in an open chest / And, I wanna say goodbye, but there’s nobody left /
I broke it all, and I put to the test / Put your hands in mine, and feel this emptiness / There’s no beat in my chest / ‘Cause there’s nothin’ left / No, it ain’t goodbye, its a last caress  / What’s another dream? / You could hardly sleep /
Makes me think of Oda aka the bond they had aka the admiration Dazai had for him.
💙 Face it by NF 💙
I ain’t sleeping lately / I ain’t sleeping lately / Yes, I know that I’m the only person that can change me / Maybe, that’s why I ain’t changing / That’s why I ain’t changing / I got too much on my mind, I guess I don’t know how to face it /
He obviously has a lot of issues, and I bet he still doesn’t think of himself as a good person. It strikes me as if he’s thinking that Agency Dazai is not much different from Mafia Dazai. “Your hands are black. Mafia black,” as Higuchi said. I think he did not deny it when she said that, so he doesn’t disagree with her.
💙 Rain by Hollywood Undead 💙
I don’t mind, no I don’t mind, I don’t mind the rain / Simple things and subtleties, they always stay the same / I don’t mind, that I don’t mind, no I don’t mind the rain / Like a widow’s heart, we fall apart, but never fade away (fade away) /
Run like a child, do you know where I came from? / No, I don’t, but I’m singing all the same songs / I’m alone, and you’re looking for your anyone / Does it hurt just to know that it’s all gone? / I can feel the pain in the words that you say / Hidden in the letters that were written to no name […] / Buried in red, white, and a side of some blue / Some will die too late, and somebody too soon / If he could come back, we’ll see what it cost him / We had to lose it all, just to know that we lost one /
💙 Lass mich lieber allein (better just leave me alone) by Kontra K 💙
Man, don’t explain the world to me, it isn’t perfect / And just as imperfect are also you, her and me / All of that isn’t a problem to me / But tell me, since when does hatred laugh so audaciously into my face? / But it’s somehow alright for me […] / Man, I wish for a minuscule part of naivety back / But it seems it’s somehow too late for me / Somehow already too late for me […] /
Already been wandering for so long, you forget / Who is worthy of sacrificing yourself for and for whom you better not do it / You run along the street of success without any luck (on your side) / But she walks out of hell into heaven only once and then right back / If you end up where you started then where is the meaning? /
Because I also have my baggage to carry all on my own / Just like all of the fuckers that think I’m living in heaven all by myself / But the fire and the flames in which I’ve been standing in for so long already / Man, they refuse to see them / But it’s somehow alright for me /
You better just leave me alone / Because when they carry you on their hands, they will (eventually) let you drop / I’d rather fall alone/by myself / Rather alone/by myself /
💙 Lies by Will Jay 💙
I'd rather tell myself if I ignore / These thoughts they'll go away / And my toxic friends have changed / Truth is I hate confrontation / Deal with it tomorrow / 'Cause there's nothing I can do / That's my favourite excuse / Feeding my procrastination […] /
And I think I just realised I would do anything / To keep hiding the pain I've been burying / That's why I tell / Lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lies /
💙 Du willst es (You want it) by Kontra K 💙
Only the good ones die young, and not long after the best ones follow / No idea, ask death why he thinks that I am so damn bad / Still here, we’re almost not worthy of heaven / Working day for day, only the hatred kills the pain / Life will shoot you in the chest but only ever hit your heart / Thank God that place in my chest has been emptied a long time ago […] /
We asked God, “why” / But the devil said, “doesn’t matter” / We’re swimming in a pool full of misery / But bring us another glass of it /
💙 Wie gemacht dafür (like we were made for it) by Kontra K 💙
Pretty normal, normal / Because you can’t get me, get me further down (the hole/ditch) / Than I’ve already been, you get it? […] / I’m going one-on-one with my inner demons, and I’ve been doing that for the past 13 years / I’ve been there, no matter what happened / Ask your gangsters, they know my voice / Have respect, respect for the realness / But fucking piss me off, and I’ll be sending you to heaven […] /
What pressure are you talking about, I inhale this city deep into my lungs / Put it on the beat and I’ll be giving you a new reason for your hatred /
Like we were made for it, we’re running through hell barefooted / We’re living rent-free in their heads, with the real ones, with the real ones / Like we were made for it, always loyal to my people / Swapping none of my friends for money, for the real ones, for the real ones […] /
If you’re my enemy, I’ll give you lead (bullets) / If you’re my friend, I’ll give you love / Because a wolf stays fucking loyal only to his family /
💙 Lonely by Nathan Wagner 💙
Is everybody lonely? / Is everybody scared? / Is everybody worried / That no one really cares? / See I'm afraid to love, but afraid to be alone / Still I wonder why my heart is always broke / What a way to live, let the fear take all control / Oh, this ain't life, no / I'm not alive […] /
'Cause I'm afraid to show the people who I am / I'm not special, I'm just a simple broken man / So I will hide my face with my picture perfect mask / Oh, this ain't life, no / It's just a lie […] /
If I looked you in the eye / And showed the broken things inside / Would you run away? / Would you run away? / If you saw my darkest parts / The wicked things inside my heart / Would you run away? / Or are you the same? /
The following one makes me think of Mafia Dazai
💙 Body Count by Grey ft. Thutmose 💙
I got a hunger, I got a fever / And it just won't quit / I got a temper, I got a bullet / With your name on it / Everybody wonders what it's like on top / I don't gotta wonder 'cause I call the shots […] /
My blood runs cold and my feet run faster / I still got heart, I hear a heart don't matter / Say what you want and it'll be your last words / It ain't a secret, I got a hit list / And baby, you're up next /
Stack 'em up, stack 'em up / Teach 'em not to fuck with me / Bag 'em up, bag 'em up / Let 'em know who runs these streets / Take 'em down, take 'em down / Count 'em out like one, two, three / Add a-na-na-na-na-na-na-nother one  / To the body count /
T r i g g e r   W a r n i n g  !
💙 Bullet by Hollywood Undead 💙
Gone too far and yeah I'm gone again / It's gone on too long, tell you how it ends / I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends / One’s a bottle of pills, one’s a bottle of Gin / I'm twenty stories up, yeah I'm up at the top / I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off / Asphalt to me has never looked so soft / I bet my momma found my letter, now she’s calling the cops / I gotta take this opportunity before I miss it / 'Cause now I hear the sirens and they're off in the distance / Believe me when I tell you that I've been persistent / 'Cause I'm more scarred, more scarred than my wrist is / I've been trying too long, with too dull of a knife / But tonight I made sure that I sharpened it twice / I never bought a suit before in my life / But when you go to meet god, you know you wanna look nice /
We hit the sky, there goes the light / No more sun, why's it always night / When you can't sleep, well, you can't dream / When you can't dream, well, what’s life mean? / We feel a little pity, but don't empathize / The old are getting older, watch a young man die […] /
When you were young, you never thought you'd die / Found that you could but too scared to try / You looked in the mirror and you said goodbye / Climb to the roof to see if you could fly /
So if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow / Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow
𝕐𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕠 𝔸𝕜𝕚𝕜𝕠
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💙 Brunette Ambition by Qveen Herby 💙
'Cause it's been three weeks and four days / No days off, just runways / I’m fucked up, I'll throw shade / Outwork you on a bad day […] /
On a mission, got no competition / It's hard to sleep with brunette ambition / Revenge is sweet, pussy: my religion / They say slow down, but I never listen /
Old me forsaken, these rules are for breaking / I get lonely with no new friends / Associate, but they can't relate / When you want the world, they’re uncomfortable /
This one is 50% lyrics, 50% overall energy of the song. Yosano is a bad bitch, and I love her.
💙 STFD by TeZATalks 💙    [Flash Warning for epilepsy]
I'm not here to take no names or reservations / I'm the devil telling Satan I'm just wild / Sit the fuck down / Imma kill it let me live just how I'm livin' / Ghetto heart with good intentions / I'm just wild / Sit the fuck down /
I'm chasing freedom for the fearless / I gotta do it 'cause I can't chase fear myself / I'm 'bout as broken as I confess / But better than most that lay cower / Proud of who they crowd / You don't know me / Coming to take your crown / Bow down / You know that I can do better, better / I don't need you to come in and show me how / Settle down / Cause you know that I can do better, better /
This song is mostly just the vibe for me. Quite…. unapologetic. Like the badass bitch vibe Yosano gives off, despite (or probably especially because of) her past.
💙 Nur mir (only to myself) by Elif 💙
Can’t believe what’s happening to me / Your words have manipulated me / I shouldn’t lose the connection to myself / Because otherwise your words will always stay with me / At first, you were there for me / But then you wanted me as your property […] / This city is big enough for the two of us / I have to share it with 4 million others anyway / I get onto the same train, stand on the same platform / Oh, everything’s profit (to you), everything’s yours /
But I only belong to myself, only to myself / Belong to myself, only to myself / Not to her, not to him, not to you /
💙 Disease by Hollywood Undead 💙
Our words are broken but they’re spoken aloud / So come together, come together again / The time is now, let Armageddon begin / They say beginnings always start with the ends / I say forever and forever, Amen /
Forget what you are / Forget what you feel / We stand apart but fall together / Nothing ever lasts forever /
We’re born to live, we’re born to die / We’re forced to swallow these pills and to never ask why / What I’ve become, why can’t you see / That everybody, everybody, everybody’s got this disease? /
𝔼𝕕𝕠𝕘𝕒𝕨𝕒 ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕡𝕠
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💙 The Wolf by SIAMÉS 💙
Each and every day / Hiding from the sunshine / Wandering in the shade / Not too old, not too young / Every night again / Dancing with the moonlight / Somewhere far away / I can hear your call […] / Ain’t no fairytale / What I see in your eyes / Awaiting your mistake / Not too close, not too far /
Honestly, finding a song for Ranpo somehow was harder than it should’ve been lmao Originally, this song is about addiction, but if you read them in the sense of it being about a criminal, whom Ranpo is about to catch, it makes more sense. I am sorry I can’t provide a better song for him right now djhfksjlhdfujhhgkfc
𝕂𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕚𝕕𝕒 𝔻𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠
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💙 Fuck You by Silent Child 💙
Am I wasting my breath on you / Feels like my words are never getting through, yeah / I never said I hate you to someone so much before / I'm light headed when we talk and then you shut the door, god damn / Like what are we still talking for, yeah /
I really hope you don’t see tomorrow  / I tried to play nice with you / 'Cause all you ever do is try to fuck up my day / And you were successful / (But I know the truth) / No you don't have anything better to do / Everything you ever loved has tried to escape you / So why would I want anything to do with you /
Fuck you /
Don’t lie, he would blast this at full volume when Dazai fucks up his schedule again HAHAHA (I love their dynamic)
💙 Waiting by Zhavia Ward 💙
The truth is you don't even / Know what the hell you believe / But you should believe / Lions don't lose sleep / Over the opinions of sheep /
So if you're waitin' / To watch me fall / Watch me fall / Watch me fall / I'ma keep you waitin' / To watch me fall / Watch me fall / Watch me fall / I'ma keep you waitin' /
Empire State kinda view / And I'm up here with the crew / I got the feelin' that you wishin' / You could be up here too / Maybe I should feel bad for you / Be a little sentimental / But I don't, no I won't / Make excuses for you to hide behind /
This one makes me think of the time Fyodor tried to break him mentally by making that little girl sacrifice herself (Season 3), but he got back up pretty quickly again after having his ideals get shaken like that.
𝔽𝕦𝕜𝕦𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕐𝕦𝕜𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚
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💙 S.C.A.V.A. by Hollywood Undead 💙
Here's the massacre, a mausoleum fit for me / Lived a hundred years, a hundred years I didn't see / Gave all my hope away, isn't any left for me? / Bombs are splitting atoms, what can the future bring? / We can fill a million choirs and wait till children sing / We can walk a million miles and end up in the sea / And our lungs just keep filling and lying when we breathe / The world's filled with liars, liars like me / And I look at my child, it's finite, this feeling / Eyes blue like the sky, I see all of this meaning / I reach up to God and I ask if I'm dreaming […] /
Everybody says greetings and goodbyes / Everybody pays, no one knows the price / We know the price of sin, the sin of sacrifice / I know I'll sin again, but who can save me twice? / How much can we ask? You'll get the answer first / How much can we kneel with the air that chills the earth? / The air keeps getting colder, my knees keep hitting dirt / The innocent can cry without the guilty getting hurt / You ask who you love and you don't know, no, do you? / The spirit of God just passes right through you / You gave away heaven, handed right to you / And I can see it all, tell me, is it true? /
Fukuzawa is that anime character that’s visibly been through a lot of shit (and has done a lot of shit as well, even morally grey or black), which could be why he’s so stern and not a man of many words. Marked by life, if you will. He also gives off a very “wise man” kinda vibe right from the beginning, so I think that this song somewhat fits him because it is wondering about the state of the world and human nature.
💙 Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch 💙
This is your last warning / A courtesy call / I am not afraid / Of the storm that comes my way / When it hits it shakes me to the core / And makes me stronger than before / It’s not a question about trust / But will you stand with us? […] /
There’s a rumble in the floor / So get prepared for war / When it hits it’ll knock you to the ground / When it shakes up everything around / But survivial is a must / So will you stand with us? /  
This song just has that badass vibe. And no one can deny that Fukuzawa has a badass and intimidating vibe as well as he seems so stern and stoic most of the time.
𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠𝕦
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💙 Nesimtit by Mark Stam 💙
I don't have lots of cash / But enough for me to buy you an ice cream / For us to go on a walk / And for you to whisper to me in the waves of the ocean / I've taken some days from the border / And I put some behind the door, on ice / For cloudy weather / So that we can have them when the movie of life passes […] /
Let me be your lifeline / When your world is in the process of demolition / Let your dreams fly / I promise, we'll catch them somewhere around the sun /
Oddly enough, the Tanizaki siblings were just as hard for me as Ranpo… There aren’t really that many songs that would make me think of them. But this Romanian one made me (partly) think of him, I also think it’s cute and would probably fit him lol Especially the last four lines make me think of him and Naomi. After all, he’d even burn down the whole world if it was for her sake. All in all, this just sounds like him in the sense of a really supporting person/friend/brother.
𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕜𝕚 ℕ𝕒𝕠𝕞𝕚
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💙 You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish 💙
You say, "Come over, baby / I think you're pretty" / I'm okay, I'm not your baby / If you think I'm pretty /
You should see me in a crown / I'm gonna run this nothing town / Watch me make 'em bow / One by one by one / One by one by / You should see me in a crown / Your silence is my favorite sound / Watch me make 'em bow / One by one by one / One by one by one /
Naomi isn’t giving me the same “badass bitch” vibe as Yosano does, but she does have that “badass princess” vibe. Is that making any kind of sense? Like, she does not have an ability, but she is neither dumb nor completely helpless in all situations. So, there is a slight badass vibe, but not the “I can and I. W i l l . Kick your stupid. Bitch. Ass.” – so a…. “badass princess”? Because she also has that elegant aura about her. I hope I am making sense…?
ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕠
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💙 2! 3! by BTS 💙
We know that you are happy right now / That you're slaying right now / You have all what you deserve / And we are so damn proud / But you're people, like us / You have spars, you get hurt / You get tired of the pressure / You get tired of the rush / God, thank you so much! / For giving us the chance / To tell you that we're here for you / And this will never change /
Lay on us / When dark times come and surround you / Our light will help you to get through / Our love is gonna heal you / Lay on us / The ones who would go to space to / Steal some stars just to give you 'cause it would make you feel good / We're gonna stay with you forever, until the end / We swear that we're not going anywhere / Yeah we're not going anywhere / We know the road can be so tough / But with holding hands / Together we take a nice deep breath /
Haruno strikes me as the kind of person, who’d be a really supportive friend, so I thought this might fit her. I have not seen much of her and her character neither in the anime nor in the manga yet, so I don’t really know whether this is any good or if it does her any justice.
On the other hand, I feel this song would also fit the Tanizaki siblings well.
𝕄𝕚𝕪𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕚
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💙 Puste sie weg (blow them away) by Kontra K 💙
Love in the air – blow it away / 9mm on the chest – then blow it away / 3g on the mirror – better blow it away / And the wind will do the rest / Hate in the air – blow it away / Pressure on the chest again – then blow it away / Seven sins in my head – better blow it away / And the wind will do the rest […] /
Because everyone’s talking, talking, talking too much / But unfortunately never do it, do it, do it / And I don’t hate, hate, hate the player / But I’d rather kill a whole team by myself /
I’d rather have three, four warriors than one thousand “brothers” / I’d rather pick up cents from the ground than break bread with liars / I’d rather be broke like I used to be than be a part time dealer / I’d rather have a heart of gold than sharing with no one at all (no one) /
Hatred in the air – blow it away / Pressure on the chest again – then blow it away / Seven sins in my head – better blow it away / And the wind will do the rest /
Take the lyrics quite literally, “blow them away”. The feeling of this song fits him, I think, because of his sheer strength. He just blows away hatred, malice, etc. and is unaffected by any of it as his heart and his head stay innocent and pure, even if naive.
I have to say though, it can be a pun, especially the part of “9mm (gun) on the chest” would be most obvious for it (especially considering that the “on the chest” part does not specify in German whether it’s your own chest or you are holding a gun to someone’s else’s chest lol). In general “puste xy weg” means to blow it away with the air out of your mouth, but colloquially it can also mean gunning down something or someone. And if you apply that meaning to every single line with “blow it away”, the meaning turns around from not letting it bother you to killing it, which I find interesting with this character. (Because he definitely has great potential to actually kill someone with his ability alone.) Though what I thought when I heard this song was that it might fit him with the meaning of him letting nothing bother him.
𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕚 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕜𝕒
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💙 Alaska by Elif 💙
Sometimes I’m thinking, I’m going insane like everyone else / They said I’d be going nuts and yeah, I’m starting to believe them / -7°C, I’m walking through the city park by myself / The down jacket is keeping me warm, but in my heart, there’s Alaska /
I don’t know what love is / No matter how much of it I get, I need more of it / It’s tearing me apart on the inside / When I, once again, don’t know where I’ll be getting it from / Even my therapist says, he doesn’t know any further / My dark side, it’s stronger than the good one / My youth was poisened, the future is uncertain / It is how it is yeah, it is how it is /
💙 Godsent by Smash Into Pieces 💙
I used to share, I used to care / The good in me is gone I'm bad / I used to give, I used to feel / The things you did will never heal / Take a look at me now / See what I've become / I will no longer feed the machine / Can't control the monster in me, no / The way that I feel / Makes it harder to breathe / When I'm thinking about you / The monster is real /
This makes me think of her in the Port Mafia.
💙 Boomerang by Smash Into Pieces 💙
I've been gone for a while now / But only to gain my power / I've been fighting my demons / And I'm back up on my feet (and now) / The harder you fall down / The stronger you come back later / Now I feel like an army / And I've only just begun /
This one in turn makes me think of her in the Agency.
💙 Circles (제자리) by G.Soul 💙
Oh, we know the ending / No matter how you escape / Here again / Always come back to me / Back again / Eventually / Here again / Why is it so hard to leave? / Here again / We always stay here […] / Answer me, I don’t know, no / Just don’t know / You’re getting stuck / Forever / Oh, we know the ending / No matter how you escape / Here again /
This makes me think of what Kouyou (I hope I am remembering her name correctly) was saying about her as a flower of darkness, as she was kind of turning in circles (no pun intended)–between wanting to be in the light and “accepting” that she only belongs into the darkness–at the beginning before she finally joined the Agency.
💙 Excuses (변명) by G.Soul 💙
I told you not to be too good to me / That it would make it too hard on you / No matter what you say now / I don’t hear a word of it […] / Even though I may be making a mistake / Even though I may regret this as time goes on / Baby, I think that we should just end it here now /
Even though the song in total has a different vibe (and story lmao), these parts of the lyrics makes me think of Kyouka telling Atsushi that there is no saving her, and that the light is no place for her (directly after saving her from the Port Mafia). It kinda makes me think of the part, specifically, where Atsushi suggests going on a “date” and at the end of it, Kyouka wants the last place they go to to be the police station.
𝔻𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕚 & 𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚
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💙 Sing To Me by Missio 💙
Somehow I got nominated as a king of sadness / Got so much I know that I could even feed the birds / And that's why / I prayed, I prayed, God sent me right to voicemail / It's like, all day my vanity is for sale / Take it away, my head is in my own hell /
Sing to me, I am not doing well / Getting tired of my own words / Sing to me 'cause I can't hear myself / Through the loudness of my own hurts / Call me selfish when I say this, say this / I'm kinda helpless, and I need you / Sing to me 'cause I'm not doing well /
Somebody told me that there's two sides to this life / I think I might've chosen darkness over light /
These two are two sides of the same coin, but no side is brighter than the other. I feel like they are kind of mirroring each other in the way they feel about themselves, which is why these lyrics mirror both of them towards each other as both are in need of salvation as they’re drowning in their own minds. Dazai is just better at hiding it from Atsushi.
💙 Namae wo yobu yo (Call A Name) by Luck Life (Season 1 Ending) 💙
I was searching / For the reason I’m able to remain as myself / If there’s a version of me / That exists within your heart / That even amid the darkness on this long, hilly road / I feel I can become a new me / Able to make my way through / So that each of us, walking our individual moments, can keep on smiling / So that we can keep moving forward, exploring the meaning of life together / I’ll call out a name / Your name / So that you can remain who you are /
Technically, lyrically it’s the entirety of the song, but I will not write down all of it lmao And it’s the Atsushi and Dazai parallels here again. It’s not just the ending with the animation that shows it for me, but the lyrics reflect both of them in them as well. I absolutely loved this ending. I never ship characters as I do not care about that, but I really love these two (separately)~ (What they mean for each other aka what they might mean for each other in the future [peace of mind/finding worth for Atsushi, and a reason to live for Dazai, etc.], how they’re already helping each other [Dazai helping Atsushi with feeling worthless, and Dazai finding a bit of piece of mind], etc. etc. etc.) I haven’t loved 2 characters in an anime as much as this in quite a long time (The last time was Kougami and Akane in Psycho Pass) as I find making up characters as complex as them and make them fit together as well as them/make them complement each other/balance each other out is actually pretty hard to do really well.
Making up this list took waaaaay longer than it should’ve. (I did not include Katai because I couldn’t think of a single song for him, sorry.)
22 notes · View notes
whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Sunday 15 April 1832: SH:7/ML/E/15/0052
8 5
12 ¾
-  Let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y St[uar]t inclos[in]g     half sheets fr[om] Mrs. Hamilt[o]n to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay] and let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y G- [Gordon] 1 half sh[ee]t full - fine morn[in]g F[ahrenheit] 61° at 9 1/2 in my r[oo]m and 67° at 9 3/4 in the balc[on]y - Mr. West preach[e]d 33 min[ute]s fr[om] 1 Tim[oth]y 1.15 - queer Evangel[ica]l serm[o]n awake all the time w[e]nt out at 1 1/2 for 1 1/2 h[ou]r - met Captain Cameron she asked him to dinner the murder is out  we talked it over she will not say no so ‘tis done ca[me] to my r[oo]m soon aft[e]r 4 - wr[ote] the foll[owin]g to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] ‘Hast[in]gs Sun[day] 15 Ap[ril] 1832. Th[an]k you ver[y] m[u]ch my d[eare]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, for all y[ou]r k[i]nd anx[iet]y ab[ou]t me, and for Mrs. Hamilton’s excell[en]t let[ter] - we will talk ab[ou]t all this - I shall n[o]t fix an[y]th[in]g till my arriv[a]l in Lond[on] - I fear there is no chance of my see[in]g L[ad]y St[uar]t de Rothesay - I h[a]d a let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y Gordon this morn[in]g who is alarm[e]d already - I kno[w] n[o]th wheth[e]r Vere will, or can for fear of overweight, wr[Ite] at all today - poor dear girl! I really feel for and pity her excessive shyness and incredulity   on going out to take our little walk we un expectedly met a friend whom between ourselves I rather coutned upon seeing again rather sooner at last poor Vere has found herself almost forced into entering upon the subject with me and I have really thought it right   assured as I am of your approbation to express my gladness to see our friend who is to dine with us this evening   as I find he stays tomorrow I conclude he will call in the morning  when it will be so natural for me to be out that even Vere’s fastidiousness can find not fault  the mere being asked to dinner might be taken as enough  I hope and think it will       we ha[ve] h[a]d a good deal of n[or]th east wind till today; b[u]t Vere h[a]s borne it bet[ter] then I expect[e]d; and I am in bet[ter] sp[iri]ts ab[ou]t h[e]r than I w[a]s - ever, dear[e]st L[ad]y St[uar]t, ver[y] affect[ionatel]y y[ou]rs A. [Anne] Lister’ at 5 20/: took d[o]wn my no[te] 3 p[ages] of 1/4 sh[ee]t to ‘the Hon[oura]ble Lady St[uar]t Whitehall’ to Miss H- [Hobart] to enclose w[i]th Mrs. Hamilton’s let[ter] to L[ad]y S- [Stuart] twenty minutes with Miss H- [Hobart] laughing and joking but found the tears sstarting as I kissed her forehad and ran away   what are you going said she but I was off
saying oh I dare not look behind me     a few tears are falling but away with them ‘For hum[a]n weal
heav[e]n husb[a]nds all events’   I am satisfied  I can keep uo the friendship try to arrange  with Lady Gordon and be better off than with Miss H- [Hobart] ‘tis strik[in]g 6 - dress[e]d - din[ner] at 6 3/4 - on going down saw them on the sofa to[ge]ther and both looking so satisfied I suspected how it was  the moment we left the dining room about eight he staying behind  quarter hour she told me it was all over he made his offer
in a very flattering manner to her done it very well and she had accepted him I said it was much better I was very glad of it she gave me her two cheeks to kiss  I kisse[d] the first one then the other but said nothing   she morelized a little said how a moment changed our whole  lives but she thought she should not repent  he stays tomorrow I asked if he would dine with us yes she did not care now what was ssaid I gently suggested that it would be more consistent with her former  primminess to tell him that now they could not mistake each other she thought he had better not dine here two days together  they could see more of each other at the Lodge  and perhaps he would not be the less pleased with  her for this  I was not prudish but now perhaps I even felt more particular than she did   she seemed satisfied with what I said said Italy had already been mentioned for the winter he came in   we soon had coffee I poured it out ordered tea in half an hour and soon came upstairs   a little before nine  and left them to their happiness  what a sudden change for us alll  for me too she will go to Italy but not with me  well tho’ I made my eyes very yed [red] with crying before dinner I already begin to think it is better she would  have left me in the lurch when I could have managed less well than now odd enough we had scarcely  gone out to the house this afternoon when we a long small man at a distance before us and she said  how very far that man’s arms are for his ssides (one saw the light between the uper arm and side)  I don’t like that  when who should it be but Captain Cameron   he shook hands with us both we walked  up High street and past the nursery garden and then took several turns in the croft  I thought she walked up and down very satisfiedly  in returning along George street I heard her ask him if he would eat his mutton chop with us  ‘I shall be very glad to see you’ ‘will you really’ said he in a low voice  oh oh thought I then it’s all over  and we talked it over on our return  she owned that aunt and she had agreed it  would be very foolish to refuse him but still she refused to believe he really would offer till he had absoultely  done it  she will soon be sufficiently in love   well my prospects are changed  it was only this morning at  
breakfast I had spoken of my father and mother as having been unhappy together  an ill assorted match and spoke of Marian as   if I wanted to make a thing better always pulling it down again  she liked to everybody be cock of the dunghill etc etc in fact I have gradually of late become more confidential luckily I have never told her my fortune or income and on the whole said nothing I am very sorry for  I do not feel uncomfortably committed tho’ I did laugh and say befor[e] church this morning  well if it was not for the petticoats the thing would be clear enough  yes that it would said she  perhaps ssaid I laughingly it is pretty much the same thing in spite of them (the petticoats)  how little dream what so few hours would bring forth while doubting of Captain C- [Cameron]  she liked to keep me within reach better have me than neither or nobody  le jeu vaut la chandelle  I am satisfied perhaps I shall do tolerably yet  at all rates I feel more comfortable after having  written the above - fr[om] 8 55/.. to 9 1/2 wr[ote] the last 33 lines in Miss H-‘s [Hobart] room my own full of smoke  w[e]nt d[o]wn to tea at 9 35/.. - talked away agreeably enough he staid till eleven and a quarter  she then ate an orange and when she had done it I asked for my orangeade  oh said she I had forgot it  I made no ob[servation]s but kept  up very well ca[me] upst[ai]rs at 11 1/2 and to my r[oo]m at 11 35/.. - kissed her forehead as usual and glad to be  off rang my bell immediately to get rid of Cameron and have no fear of interruption feeling  that I should make a fool of myself as ssoon as alone  why do I do it   she never cared for me well she even think for one moment of what I may or may not really feel on this occasion?  well flow on my useless miserable foolish tears  but they have flowed before perhaps  even more uncomfortably than now there is less mortification  the thing is at least  intelligible I shall get the better of it and at least be thankful that my fate is fixed  shall I see much of her hereafter or not   how odd will seem our meeting in Italy! but I shall be better then  how thankful I am this business did not happen sooner  I shall at least  escape the lovemaking  she says I behave beautifully she little guesses the misery of this tearful moment as I write but no more surely it will be over by morning  Finish mild sunless day - F[ahrenheit] 63° at 11 3/4 in my r[oo]m and 49 1/2° at 12 3/4 in the balc[on]y
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ververa · 5 years
Okay, so I didn’t plan on writing it. It happened spontaneously. I’d say it was an accident, but here it is - the continuation of my previous work Better love
Also, sorry if this is bad 
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Xandra x Fem!reader
You fell for her, because she was different. She wasn't like every other woman you met in your life. She was nothing like your mother's friends or your best friend's older sister on whom you used to had a crush. She was special to you and you fell in love for real for the first time in your life.
Since the night you spent together. After she told you that it's you who had all her love, you were sure it's a promise of something more. A promise for your future - together.
But that didn't come. A few moths passed and you're still nobody. Well, she kept on saying that's not true, though you felt like that.
You couldn't stand her behaviour. One time she wanted you and then she didn't. It hurt and you couldn't take any more pain.
The decision to move out and go to your mother was hard, but that's your only option. So, when your father and Xandra were out you simply packed your things. You were about leaving, when they came back - earlier than you had expected.
"Y/N?" your father started surprised
But you could barely heard him. All you noticed was Xandra's questioning look. Her eyes were moving from your suitcases to you.
"What are you doing?"
"Mom came back. I'm... I don't want to disturb you, so I figured out that may be an option"
The blonde stared at you. Her eyes were full of concern and if you're there alone she would most likely yell at you. You knew what she would say - that you hate your mother, but you had made up your mind. It took you a week. You thought it carefully and made a decision. You're not a child any more. You knew she would never choose you and you're tired of her games.
"I'm really happy for you two, dad" you said hugging him
"Y/N" Xandra started "You're not disturbing us..."
"I'm sure you'll be happy" you couldn't hug her, so you offered your hand "Take care of yourself" you tried to smile, but couldn't do that
It's hard for you to believe that you're actually doing that. You're leaving her for real. For a moment you hoped that maybe, just maybe she would go after you. But she did not. You laughed bitterly at how naive you were. Of course, she didn't go after you. Who did you think you are?
Xandra didn't really understand what happened. She's too surprised and shocked to think of doing anything. The had just come back from a boring dinner to which your father had practically dragged her, cause he wanted to make a good impression on his new client. By that time Xandra was done with his shit. All the time she had been thinking of what the two of you could do, when your father left again. But then there you were with your suitcase and everything ready to leave. She didn't have enough time to process it, but later at night she did.
She couldn't sleep at all. She was thinking about you and all that had happened. Your father was long asleep, so Xandra slowly got up and instead of going downstairs or smoking, she went to your room.
Your bed was still unmade and she could remember why. You had spent that night together and like every morning you're in hurry and didn't care to make the bed. The next thing that she noticed was one of your T-shirts. She took it and stared at it for a while. It smelled like you. Xandra couldn't help, but hugged the soft material and lay down on your bed. Only then - thinking about you and feeling your scent - did she manage to fall asleep.
You couldn't sleep either. You hated that place - your mother's house. And since you found one if Xandra's blouses while unpacking you were unable to stop thinking about her. You're so much in love. You were ready to do anything for her, though apparently, despite everything that had been said she didn't feel the same.
A few weeks passed. The time of your graduation and the prom was coming. You focused on school, so as not to think about Xandra. And that worked for a while, until one of your schoolmates asked you out. He's a captain of football team and you had known each other for some time. Though, you still didn't really want him. You didn't want anyone, because none of them was her.
You're so childish. She doesn't love you. Get over it. You told yourself as you're walking home late in the evening. You stopped at the door, but you didn't want to get in. So you sat down on the pavement and lit a cigarette. You had no idea that someone was watching you.
It's Xandra. She had been doing it for a few days. At first she had wanted to talk to you, but as she saw you all her courage was gone. But she kept on watching you from afar. Almost every evening she was there sitting in her car, admiring her little girl and leaving only when you entered the house. She missed you more than she had thought she could. She missed your smile, your cute laugh and your conversation. She missed your touch and having you close. Yet, she did nothing about it. She didn't know what to do, so as not to make things worse. But she knew for sure that she wanted, needed you back.
That's why she was over the moon, when she saw your name on her phone's screen. It's already past midnight, but she couldn't care less.
"Y/N, sweetheart?"
"P-please  take m-me from h-here" you sobbed
"Where are you?" she asked worried hearing loud music in the background
"I-I... In the club. The o-one near the college"
"Stay where you are. I'll be right there, okay?"
When Xandra arrived your brother was already there. He's carrying you - half-conscious to the car.
"What happened?" Xandra asked
"They added some drugs or something to her drink. I'm taking her to my apartment. You can go too"
"Okay. I'll follow you"
You had gone to the part, because you couldn't stand constant thoughts about Xandra. You're done with all of it. So when the football team captain invited you to the party, you were sure that's gonna help you. Though the situation had slipped out of control.
"Look" your brother addressed Xandra "I don't know what has happened between you two. But I can say she's in love with you. I don't know how do you feel about it either, but I can tell you that she's worth more than our father"
Xandra looked at him a bit surprised.
"You don't need to explain anything. Really. I know my sister, that's how I know about you two. She's so happy. You made her happy..."
The woman didn't know how to act. She began to feel things that she hadn't really felt before. With you everything was different. It wasn't just desire or sex. It was something deeper. A kind of connection that she had had with nobody before.
"I'll inject her. This medicine should neutralize the toxins, but someone has to keep an eye on her, cause I need to go back to the hospital"
"I'll stay with her"
"Good. She may throw up, so make sure she drinks water. I'll see you in the morning"
Your brother left and once again there were only the two of you.
Xandra looked at you. You're asleep. Your face and body were covered with sweat, so she took a towel and carefully wiped it. She smiled as you frowned your brows
"Don't worry, darling" she stroked your hair "Everything will be alright. I'll take care of it" she said kissing your forehead
When you woke up you weren't sure whether all that was just a dream or happened for real. Your head hurt and you felt nauseous, though despite it you got up and slowly went to the kitchen.
"Good morning, sweetheart" she said smiling "I made you a breakfast"
"You... I... What?"
Xandra looked at you and slowly approached you.
"I made a breakfast" she said again "And I've missed you" she added kissing you
"You... No! We can't"
"You can't do that..."
"What? A breakfast?"
"No. Not a... breakfast! You... You're doing it to me again..."
"Y/N, I really don't know what do you mean"
"I'll tell you! You're indecisive. First you want me, then you don't"
"I already told you that I love you"
"Yeah... But do you do anything to show it? I don't mean sex... Love isn't only about sex"
"I think about you all the time. What are you doing. Where are you. With whom. Are you happy. Upset. Even when I'm with him, I'm not really with him... But it's not that simple"
"It is. Just made a final decision. You wanted to wait until I graduate. I fucking did! We're always doing everything the way you want it, but I'm tired. I'm done with hiding all the time. I'm done with you being unable to make up your mind. I'm just done... I did everything you wanted. Now it's your turn. There're no excuses any more..."
"Grow up, Y/N! Life is not a fairytale!"
You took a step back.
"No! Wait. That's not what I..."
"Well, I guess that makes things pretty clear"
"No, no, no, no. Wait"
"I don't have time. If you want to know I have a prom today. I bet your fiance is worried, so you should go back home too. Take care..." you moved towards the door, but stopped "And leave the key under the doormat"
With that you left your brother's apartment. Luckily or not, for you it was raining. So, it wasn't visible that you're actually crying. Your tears were soon matched with the raindrops. And when you finally came back home you're completely rain-soaked. Though instead of changing you just sat on your bed and were blankly starring at the wall. It's hard to accept that it was over for real.
Xandra came back to your father's luxurious house. She could still see that hurt look that you had had in your eyes. She entered the bedroom and looked at the bed. Was it what she wanted? Be with a man she didn't even like any more. Fall asleep and wake up next to him...
She had been always like that. Always taking and never giving anything for exchange. But then you appeared in her life. You changed her. You made her soft. Xandra looked at her reflection in the mirror. Then at all the expensive perfumes and cosmetics. Was that what she needed? No.
She threw all the bottles off of the dressing table and watched them shattering on the floor.
Your prom was a flop. So you ended up sitting outside. Far away from people listening to the muffled music and humming quietly. The worst day ever. You thought to yourself.
You heard a click of shoes. Somebody was approaching you, but at that point you didn't even care any more. You're ready to tell the arsehole to fuck off, but she was the first one to spoke up.
"May I have this dance?"
You stood up and turned back immediately
"Xandra? W-what are you doing here?"
"Well, I guess I'm your date"
You looked at her confused. Was she playing again?
"Look. I know I'm not a prince. And I don't have a white horse either. But I do have a white car, a room in a nice hotel and a lot of spare time to spend with you. What I'm trying to say is... that if you haven't changed your mind, I would be honoured to be a part of your fairytale"
You didn't know what to do. You're froze. Your mind was so empty that you needed to remind yourself to breath.
"So, Y/N Y/L/N will you be my princess?"
You nodded quickly and before she knew you're in her arms.
"I love you, darling" she said kissing your forehead "But you know, I'm not going to let you go any soon, right?"
"Why do you think I'd want to?" she kissed you deeply not leaving a place for any doubts
She chose you. She loved you. And for the first time you weren't scared that she's going to change her mind.
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NSFW Alphabet: Law
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Hello anons! Since you both asked for Law I combined the asks. Normally I probably wouldn’t do the whole thing at once, but I figured it was fair since I’ve been gone a couple days (plus Law is my boy and I’m beyond happy to write anything with him haha) I hope you enjoy! It’s under the cut (that should actually work this time haha)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
    He’s not particularly affectionate in any kind of setting, and after sex is no different. He’ll make sure they’re ok, and maybe give them a kiss or two, but unless his partner asks for more that’s about all he’ll really do
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
    On him: His hands. They’re a surgeon’s hands; long, methodical, precise. He does all his most important work with those hands, and they’re very skilled ;)
    On his partner: Thighs. He really loves squeezing them, running his hands over them, and especially loves having them around his ears ;)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
    Being a doctor, bodily fluids don’t necessarily bother him per se, but he’s still not a huge fan of having any on him and will try to clean up ASAP after sex
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
    He gets really horny when he’s drunk, and has gotten into some embarrassing situations because of it. Because of this he’ll typically limit himself to one or two light drinks over the course of an evening, and it takes a lot of convincing to get him to drink more than that.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
    It really could go either way on whether he has much practical experience in the act, but the man definitely knows what he’s doing. He knows exactly what points to stimulate and that more than makes up for any lack of actual experience he may have
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
    Doggy style, simply because it gives him the best control over the situation from that angle, and he can reach more sensitive spots from that angle
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
    He’s not a goofy person in general, and while he understands situations can happen that might cause a giggle or two, being too goofy and silly during sex is a bit of a turn off for him, and if you’re laughing too much he actually takes it a little personally, whether that’s warranted or not
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
    He’s well groomed, though not clean shaven as he understands the important of having hair there
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
    If he’s with someone he really cares about (as opposed to just letting off some steam with a stranger) he’ll be more likely to pull them close to him in the act, as well as lay more kisses on them rather than just going through the motions. If he doesn’t care he’s very clinical about his ministrations, and while it’s still pleasurable it can often come across as forced. When he’s with someone he cares about though, each touch means something and you can really tell the difference
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
    He doesn’t masturbate too often, usually only if they’ve been at sea for a while without docking and his stress levels are rather high. He can typically go a while without feeling any urges
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
    This man is very much so into bondage, whether on himself or his partner, as well as begging, teasing, edging, all that fun stuff. He’s a man who likes to be in control
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
    He typically sticks to the bedroom, but another fun place is actually in his lab in the medbay. It kinda fulfills a doctor sex fantasy he doesn’t realize he has until he does it
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
    He wants someone that challenges him in some way, whether intellectually or just by being a smartass in conversation with him, being slightly irritated with someone turns him on. It goes back to the whole control thing, and wanting to exert dominance in some way over somebody
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
    While he’s not opposed to getting bodily fluids on him during surgery or something medical related, he flat out will not do anything involving bodily waste during sex. The health risks are too high for him, and he doesn’t like being dirty like that
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
    He enjoys receiving but he loves loves loves giving, and you can bet your ass he’s good at it. He enjoys watching his partner squirm as he changes his pace and force behind his tongue in just the right moments to drive them crazy
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
    He’ll change it up depending on his mood and who he’s with, sometimes even during the same session just to keep his partner guessing. Usually he tends to be rougher during foreplay, then switches to more sensual during actual intercourse to prolong the act
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
    In a pinch he’s not opposed to a quickie, but he definitely prefers to actually have the time to do the deed. He likes to take his time with his partner, and a quickie doesn’t allow for that
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
    He’s not too risky, to be honest, especially when it comes to anything health related. Basically he always wears a condom. Always. Good luck convincing him to go without one.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
    He’s got ok stamina during intercourse, but he makes up for any shortcomings (ha) with prolonged foreplay
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
    He doesn’t have any himself (unless you count like handcuffs/rope/blindfold type things as toys?) but he’s not opposed to using them on a partner if they have one. He’s just not into it for himself
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
    He is relentless. I’m so sorry to any partners this man has had (but then again, I don’t feel that bad haha)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
    Other than a few grunts and groans he doesn’t make too much noise, he’s more focused on what he’s doing
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
    His head is really sensitive, pulling his hair one way can turn him on, but another way or too hard can cause quite a bit of pain, so proceed with caution (that being said he does love having his partner run their fingers through his hair, not even just sexually, it’s just really relaxing for him)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
    He’s a little above average size (xl condom size), and a grower not a shower
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
    As I said before he can handle going quite a while without having any sexual urges, and typically unless he’s in a relationship sex for him is a form of stress relief. This doesn’t change too much when he’s in a relationship, but he is more likely to engage in sex for fun, and will initiate it more himself
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
    Sex is one of the few things that actually does tire him out enough to sleep, so when he’s with his partner he falls asleep pretty quickly (though he’s not asleep for very long unfortunately). If he’s with a stranger though he’ll wait until he’s back to his sub before passing out for a good nap
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bezgoesboo · 4 years
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––  m i c   t a p !    “ an’... ohp !  we’re live ! ”    
               r u s t l e   r u s t l e . . .   
“ well, if you’re listenin’, welcome to another episode of witchin’ hour, in which i’ll do a real valiant job of wastin’ your precious time. 
                             we got the tunes, we got the loons, and the night’s fresher                              than a pack of fuckin’ mini mart twinkies. yep. i’m bez.                                                              whaddya say we get jinkie with it ? ”
or, alternatively:  my name is linc, this is bez holmes, and i hope you brought your schnazziest seatbelts ‘cause, oh bud... you’re in for quite the trip.
( timothee chalamet, ghost, he/him & cismale ) is that ( another one bites the dust ) by ( queen ) playing? guess ( killian beelzebub holmes)’s comin’ in hot! heard folks say the ( twenty three ) year old ( local radio host ) was at the thanksgiving fair, ( throwin’ darts at the balloon wall with his buds ) when chaos ensued. during the glitch, ( he was killed by one of his best supernatural pals he was tryin’ to talk down while everyone else was bookin’ it to the woods, but ain’t the faintest clue he’s dead… yikes ).
b a c k g r o u n d    .  .  .
the autumn of 1959 brought the youngest holmes sibling into existence and knocked out their mother in one fell swoop. killian beelzebub holmes was born to mr. holmes and his late wife at precisely 3:33am just before an uncharacteristically frosty dusk.
mrs. holmes chose the name killian long before her second-born ever killed her, so... heh !  joke’s on her !  bez’s pops didn’t have the heart to call him *cough* er, killian, so the family settled for the next best thing so they could still honor his mother’s wishes: beelzebub. except... well. that still was a lil problematic, given the timing of his birth. and callin’ beelzebub on class attendance? not exactly the best look. hence, the nickname bez was born, and he’s been goin’ by it ever since.
bez has an older sister lee and the two are as thick as thieves. growin’ up, they always kept their father on his toes –– wherever the holmes kids go, trouble follows.
mr. holmes served as county sheriff until he was killed by his second wife when bez was 13 and lee was 14. lee went back to art school after the local police department covered up the bear out as a fuckin’ armed robbery gone wrong. lee ‘n bez were sworn to secrecy, but nothin’, not even authoritative men in police badges, can erase the image of stepmonster slashin’ dad to bits and lettin’ him fall face first into a plate of spaghetti.
bez never liked stepmonster to begin with, but killin’ their dad was the kicker. lee returned to art school and bez struggled to keep the peace in the household. the bitch stepped up the loving stepma act until a year later, when she wigged out again ‘n landed him in the hospital for a couple days. after that, lee returned home, ‘n it was officially holmes vs. mama bear.
movin’ out was the dream, but unfortunately, mr. holmes overextended when he bought this nice shiny new house for his new wife ‘n kids; most of his insurance money went to getting the house out from underwater, ‘n the rest went to funeral expenses. so... the kids were kinda stuck with her. still are.
bez never let himself be stupid enough to dream ‘bout leavin’ letum falls. he likes it here. he’s got his people. throughout school, he romped ‘round with the cool kids. hung out with all the supernaturals. in fact, you’d be hard pressed to find bez holmes chillin’ ‘round anyone who’s actually human. contrary to his sister, his father’s death didn’t turn him off from supernaturals –– if anythin’, it made him desperate to prove to himself just what a wildcard stepmonster was.
after high school graduation, bez pestered his way into workin’ at the local radio station. what started as a simple soundboarding gig morphed into hostin’ his very own show, the witchin’ hour, on which he talks about letum falls’ spooky happenings and engages with live callers. he’s got a sleep with me bit –– callers name celebrities, fictional characters, or even existing locals bez has to seduce via song and cheesy pickup lines. basically, the whole show’s a hangout with bez –– more often ‘n not, he’s high as a bird. so the witchin’ hour’s got itself a steady cult of listeners. bez loves every second of it.
he’s got a reputation for bein’ sexually ambiguous. he was outcasted pretty young as bein’ a lil... off? never into sports. liked to paint his nails colors sometimes. borrow lee’s shirts. his dad never raised issue with it, but stepmonster definitely had her reservations. still does. bez holmes is a kid some fathers told their sons to steer clear of. for fear of, bez’ll laugh as he tells ya, spreadin’ it around.
labels are for chumps, he’ll tell ya, mid-cigarette drag. size y’up real good. odds are, if you’re attractive ‘n mysterious in some way, he’ll fuck ya. ( not countin’  six months of abstinence in 1980 when he was convinced everyone he fucked wound up dyin’ two weeks later... there were a string of incidental deaths. but honestly, sometimes ?  he thinks ‘bout it. )
fuckin’ klutz. yeah, he skateboards. yeah, he looks cool doin’ it. yeah, he’ll even wear his shades while he’s doin’ it at night. but surprise him? make him laugh? he’ll trip over his own two feet.
addicted to cinnamon waffles, enough syrup to drown atlantis a second time. he always haunts the local diner. when he’s not there, he’s likely playin’ pinball or skeeball at the local arcade, or slurpin’ down a rootbeer float and annoyin’ the living shit outta earl at the mini mart.
if it’s illegal? sign him up.
he owns a shit ton of thrifted clothes. lots of chunky jackets, v-necks, rings, necklaces. funky pants. he’s recognized around town by his crazy curls. they’re never tame. he’s always lookin’ artfully disheveled. smirkin’. stealin’ looks.
t h e    f a i r     .  .  .
bez was hangin’ out with his supernatural buds ( wanted connections )when all hell broke loose. he was actually makin’ a fool of himself with balloon darts, but he made a ten buck bet he could win a stupid hat.
while everyone else ran, bez tried to talk down one particular friend ( wanted connection ) who was tryna keep themselves from attackin’ him. he got so far as to get ‘em calm, place a hand on their shoulder. lean in to look ‘em in the eye real close. 
“ hey man, hey now. listen. y’don’t gotta do this. killin’ ain’t punk, ‘kay? y’hate blood, hear me? i believe in you, ‘n even though you serve killer looks –– you’re not a killer. ”
even in the face of death, this kid fuckin’ joked around, and... basically this friend slashes his throat and ripped his heart out right after bez managed a hopeful smile. talk ‘bout a magical fuckin’ friendship.
lee and dean hollis took bez’s body with them when they fled the scene.
bez woke up a few days later in the woods near the fairgrounds. he wandered ‘n wandered, almost in a sleep-like trance, ‘til he reached dean’s house. walked in, blinked right at the guy. they exchanged words, albeit bitter ones, before bez left and walked on over to the radio station. did his show like normal, like he’d never even died. no memory of the glitch. no nothin’. 
heads on over to earl’s mini mart like usual. but earl won’t check him out. earl isn’t hearin’ him. so he fuckin’ leaves with a bag of doritos and a big bottle of mountain dew. runs into his boyfriend, xander chapell. all’s fine ‘n well. he’s overjoyed to see the other male. everythin’s normal.
the next mornin’, he slinks home. finds lee cryin’ in her room. pieces it together and thinks it must be dean hollis. must be ‘cause of that asshole.
c u r r e n t l y    .  .  .
ain’t nobody got the heart to tell this poor kid he died. he’s dead. and since he doesn’t know he’s a ghost ?  he thinks wakin’ up near hose weird ass woods, near the fairgrounds ? it’s all a dream. he thinks the worsened insomnia ? ah. that’s just the weather. ‘n when his hand sometimes goes through things ? when people sometimes don’t see him ? some witch is probably havin’ trouble controllin’ their abilities.
stepmomma has a hunch bez’s spirit might be hauntin’ the house. she keeps tryna sage it. tryna figure out what’s gonna help get her stepson to the beyond. ‘cept bez doesn’t know this, and lee’s playin’ damage control.
he’s still so hopelessly in love with xander, but neither of these two goons have actually shared that with one another. it’s all in the looks. the touches. and now... there’s an added bonus that bez is dead –– technically a goner, unless he never resolves whatever’s keepin’ him here. which, y’know. he won’t. ‘cause he’s got no clue.
can he please get a waffle ?  now some of the waitstaff won’t serve him at the diner ! the fuckin’ nerve !  it’s really okay because he’s got duffy ‘n georgia there to help him out. but damn. no one’s ever been this cold ‘cause of his off-color humor before. what’d he do ?  lord knows.
weird shit’s happenin’. people in town are actin’ strange. something’s up. but then again, somethin’ always is. so bez doesn’t mind it. keeps on hummin’ his stupid tunes. carries on with his show. the radio station producers are scared shitless ‘cause like... this dead kid keeps goin’ on the air. what kinda cruel joke is this, huh ?
c u r r e n t     c o n n e c t i o n s  .  .  .
older sister – lee holmes.  the holmes kids are revered and feared. always up to somethin’... tragic, what happened to ‘em, but lordie. that dead sheriff raised some weird kids.
low key love of his life – xander chapelle.  they started dating a few months ago and bez... never... expected... this. he ain’t the feelings type, no sir. but xander lights somethin’ in him. somethin’ new. yeesh. now you’ve got him all fluttery.
chaos crew – maya shen.  partners in crime, in an endless pacman and pinball war. they’ll beat one another’s scores back ‘n forth and back ‘n forth, never ending. bez is fascinated by maya’s family line ‘n all. she’s great to have ‘round, too, when he’s got a hankering for a cig but needs a decent light.
row, row, row your boat the fuck away from me – dean hollis.  dude was pretty cool, ‘til y’know... he fuckin’ dumped his feelin’s on lee and skipped town. yeah, football. yeah, nfl. cool beans, huh? what’d he have to go and fuck with his sister’s heart for? and now that he’s back and lee’s actin’ weird... bez knows he’s the cause of it for sure. and he doesn’t like it one bit.
grew up together – georgia duchannes.  bez, lee, ‘n georgia all grew up peas in a pod. mr. duchannes took over the role as sheriff because he sniffed somethin’ fishy goin’ on in the department and wanted to protect bez ‘n lee. bez gets a real kick outta georgia, ‘n folks even thought he had a crush on her back in the day. which is hilarious. ‘cause everyone ‘n their mother always knew georgia’d end up with vanetten.
the case he’s gonna crack – teejay vanetten.  bez always liked vanetten, thought he was a chill guy, y’know? a lil’ vanilla, but hey. not everyone can be as ace as him. the dude’s always been a lil’ defensive around bez though, ‘cause of georgia. bez thinks it’s funny. plays into it sometimes, just to get a rise outta him. after the glitch, it becomes clear teejay’s goin’ through something not human, so bez is tryna get lee on board to help this guy figure out his shit.
w a n t e d    c o n n e c t i o n s    .
the best supernatural friend who killed him.  bonus points if things get, like. real fuckin’ angsty.
past hookups.  bez has gotten around. guys, gals, non-binary pals. sex is sex.
supernatural kool krew.  this squad has a runs with wolves kinda vibe. bez might be the glue that holds it together. keepin’ up with supernaturals as a human, though? fuckin’ full time job.
avid radio listeners / callers.   i... would love for some routine callers? maybe some peeps he knows from around town who he has ongoin’ banter with on the air?
goofy gays.  all the gay vibes, just... we need a power gay squad mmkay?
enemies.  i’m sure bez is on a lot of people’s shit lists. he speaks his mind. he goes outta his way to be a nuisance. but he’d just find this whole thing abso-fuckin-lutely hilarious.
music jam peeps.  music is a huge part of bez’s everyday life. he listens to bands more than he listens to people. ‘n he dabbles in some musical shit himself. piano, some songwritin’ here ‘n there. nothin’ too major, but it’d be cool to have some pals who also feel as connected to music as him. he does, after all, run a radio show.
post-glitch connections.   dude roams ‘round letum falls a lot now. he did before, too, but maybe there are some people who knew of him but didn’t know him before who’re now startin’ to talk with him? ‘cause they can see he’s a ghost, ‘n they feel bad? i dunno. at this point, bez is startin’ to yammer on ‘n on to whoever’s gonna listen. maybe they just see one another in odd ass places. like earl’s mini mart. or the arcade. or maybe this person’s willin’ to speak to someone for him when they’re doin’ that stupid ass ignorin’ game again.
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