dailyanarchistposts · 10 days
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A.2.4 Are anarchists in favour of “absolute” liberty?
No. Anarchists do not believe that everyone should be able to “do whatever they like,” because some actions invariably involve the denial of the liberty of others.
For example, anarchists do not support the “freedom” to rape, to exploit, or to coerce others. Neither do we tolerate authority. On the contrary, since authority is a threat to liberty, equality, and solidarity (not to mention human dignity), anarchists recognise the need to resist and overthrow it.
The exercise of authority is not freedom. No one has a “right” to rule others. As Malatesta points out, anarchism supports “freedom for everybody … with the only limit of the equal freedom for others; which does not mean … that we recognise, and wish to respect, the ‘freedom’ to exploit, to oppress, to command, which is oppression and certainly not freedom.” [Errico Malatesta: His Life and Ideas, p. 53]
In a capitalist society, resistance to all forms of hierarchical authority is the mark of a free person — be it private (the boss) or public (the state). As Henry David Thoreau pointed out in his essay on “Civil Disobedience” (1847)
“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”
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Hello there, I am messaging to ask you to promote an initiative that directly saves Palestinian lives. It is called Operation Olive Branch, which is a collective effort that verifies and compiles the funding campaigns of Palestinians in Gaza who need funds to support their wellbeing. Many of these involve needing money to cross the Egyptian border, afford living necessities and to get urgent healthcare for vulnerable family members. There are families with pregnant women, infants, elderly, sick, and Gazan heroes who are all in dire need of assistance. Since these efforts rely entirely on donations, spreading awareness to the Pro-Palestinian community is invaluable to this initiative. This is incredibly urgent given the possibility of the Egypt border closing and Israel threatening to cut Palestinians off from global banking. Please act immediately. More information and the spreadsheet for all the families in need of help can be found on operationolivebranch.org Thank you so much for your time, and all of your hard work in this movement.
They have links to all their social media accounts on their website, which is currently being built. This is their instagram page:
I have stumbled across Operation Olive Branch a few times here. For folks who are able to support and share please do -this can help immensely. This is an incredibly extensive spreadsheet you can access on their page with donation/gofundme and respective social media links for the families/people organizing:
I will post as many donation links as I can from now on from Operation Olive Branch. Thank you, again, for sharing this here. And as always, Free Palestine.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 7 months
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“We are just two months away from our 25th birthday. That’s right: twenty-five freaking YEARS of creating and providing queer, radical, inclusive, accurate, and accessible sex ed, which we hope to continue doing for many years into the future!
With that in mind, we're delighted to introduce you to our epic raffle! Thanks to a collection of truly awesome people, and 60+ prizes they’ve generously donated, we are able to offer a raffle quadruple the size of last year’s. 
Each week has a different theme based on the prizes being offered that week. Ticket sales open when prizes are announced each Monday at 8 AM PST and close when winners are drawn each following Sunday at 8 PM PST. This first week’s theme is: sexy!
Tickets start at just $5 for prizes worth up to $300, in weeks one to three. In our fourth - and fanciest - week, tickets start at $10, for big ticket items worth up to $750 and beyond. Prizes include national or international shipping unless the listing states otherwise.
We also have deals on multi-ticket purchases open to everyone, and a ‘buy one get one’ deal on up to 5 tickets, open to all new and existing recurring donors.
A generous donor has agreed to match any funds we raise over the course of the next for weeks for up to $5,000
Read on to see the prizes for this week! Or check out the whole list here!
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lena-rosey · 2 years
Mainstream news is barely covering this, but Borikén (puerto rico by its colonial name) was hard hit by hurricane Fiona yesterday.
As my friends reach out despite widespread power outages, they’re sharing that flooding is happening where water didn’t even reach during Maria.
Grass roots organizations need our support right now, but for those of us showing solidarity from overseas it can be hard to find the right places to donate. During Maria in 2017 literally thousands died, not just as a result to unequal exposure to the natural disasters of climate crisis and instability, but even more so due to the US government’s colonialism and negligence and the incompetency and corruption of the Puerto Rican government.
DO NOT give money to the government or organizations closely working with it unless you want aid materials to rot in a shipping container. Or to buy people KitKat bars. Here are some alternatives I and my close friends trust:
Taller Salud
Comedores Sociales de Puerto Rico
Brigada Solidaria del Oeste
La Code, Parceleras AfroCaribeñas
Proyecto Agroecológico Campesino
El Hangar en Santurce
Finally here is La Colmena Cimarrona, an Agro ecological farm working towards food sovereignty and collective land ownership in Vieques. They need some resources and financial support after the hurricane, so feel free to pitch in to their work, which will address both short term relief and long term survival strategies. https://www.hasercambio.org/colmena-cimarrona/
Hope this helps some of you direct your support. Y Fuerza Borikén
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a news article.
This is a shitty, shitty situation, and unfortunately we're in a position where all we can do is make it less shitty. BUT. WE HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT.
Grab that phone and your unlimited data plan, because we're about to flood some phone lines, babes. Start by texting "Sign PZPAKG" to 50409 to sign the action letter written by Resistbot. Once you've done that, reblog this post (if I see more likes than reblogs on this post I'm gonna shit lead) because there are links in here and Tumblr search will eat it, and this will only work if we get a ton of eyeballs on it.
First, you'll want this link, which lists all 100 State Senators. (If you live in Massachussetts or Rhode Island, skip down to "Ready to do more?" Don't call your Senators yet.) Yes, I'm aware this webpage looks like it was made in 2006, I'm extremely sorry (your tax dollars at work), but you do what you gotta. You're going to start by looking up the Senators from your state. This site will direct you to their official webpages. Look for "locations," not "contact," because most of them use email contact forms as a first line of contact these days. You want phone numbers. You should find at least two--one in Washington, DC and one in your state's capitol. (Some may have more than one in-state. I know here in AZ Kelly and Sinema have both a Phoenix and Tucscon office, and Kelly also has one on the Navajo Nation.)
Pick one, it doesn't matter which. Call it. You may get either a staffer or a voicemail. (If it's voicemail, listen carefully to the prompts. If it says voicemail is full, go back and try the other phone number.) Staffers are pretty friendly, but can occasionally seem a little disconnected or brusque. If that's the case, it is not you--your call's probably been routed through a switchboard and they're experiencing lag. Don't worry about it, just say your bit.
HERE IS THE SCRIPT I USED THIS MORNING: "My name is [legal name] and I'm a constituent of Senator [name]'s from [my town]. I'm calling in support of the railway unions in light of this frankly extremely bad deal they're being asked to accept. If railway workers are so important to our economy that Congress can get involved, then they're important enough to deserve paid sick time. I'd like to encourage the Senator to vote NO on any bill that doesn't provide railway union workers with at least seven days of paid sick time."
Total time elapsed for me doing this: about five minutes.
OKAY. READY TO DO MORE? Some Senators have already signed an open letter saying they're in support of providing sick time to railway union members. Those Senators are Bernie Sanders from Vermont, Kirsten Gillibrand from New York, Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin, Cory Booker from New Jersey, Sherrod Brown from Ohio, Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, Jeff Merkley from Oregon, Alex Padilla from Callifornia, and Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. Give them a call next. HERE'S THE SCRIPT I'VE BEEN USING: "My name is [legal name]. I'm actually an Arizona resident, but I wanted to thank Senator [name] for supporting sick time for railway union members. I was really disappointed to hear President Biden basically decided to get involved in union-busting and I'm glad to hear the Senator is on labor's side. Please encourage them to stay the course and get that sick leave pushed through." If you're from Massachusetts or Rhode Island, feel free to say something about how you're glad your state is standing up for labor when you're calling your own Senators on that list. You can say that to any Senator on this list if they happen to be yours, obviously, it's just definitely got even more of an impact if you're already a constituent.
I've got one more assignment for you. This is the list of committee members for the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. There are ten of them and some of them overlap with phone calls you've already made, so you're almost done. If you look at the script below and then look at the committee members and go "you think Republicans give a shit about this?," I am begging you to at least call Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney. Yes, the majority of the Republican Party is a nuclear trashfire. Yes, they're Republicans. But if you said "Nina, you have to go to dinner with six Senate members and three of them have to be Republicans," my picks would be Murkowski, Romney, and Liz Cheney. We might actually be able to make a dent in Murkowski and Romney if we try hard enough, and yes, "try" is important here. Fuck Yoda and his do-or-do-not bullshit, if activists in this country only went for sure things we'd still have chattel slavery and no votes for women. YOU GOTTA GET UP AND TRY.
"My name is [name]. I'm calling because Senator [name] is a member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. I'd like to encourage him/her as a Committee member to lead by example in this current situation with the railway unions, and vote NO on any bill that does not provide railway workers with at least seven days of paid sick leave. I'm sure Senator [name]'s position on this committee has given them plenty of examples to know a healthy and organized labor force is far better for our economy than a sick and demoralized one."
GO BLOW UP THE PHONE LINES LIKE YOU'RE GUY FAWKES UNDER PARLIAMENT. The railway workers have had our backs all through Covid. It's high time we had theirs.
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noballoonsinspace · 5 months
There are a lot of celebrities I love that I slowly lose respect for every day that goes by that they continue to (publicly) act oblivious to the weight they could hold against countless humanitarian atrocities going on all around us.
I’ve never been subject to mass public scrutiny the way famous people are but I know full well that the absolutely obscene amounts of money should more than make up for this occupational stress.
Bc it really gets to me that I can’t even hold a steady income or afford adequate healthcare/treatment for disability & chronic illness, yet I still feel sick-to-my-stomach guilt every 5-10 minutes just wishing I could do more.
Meanwhile rich people are like….exploring space and the deep sea for fun. launching cute new product lines and doing silly fun promos. traveling across the world and back real quick in their private jets. Certainly NOT feeling sick 24/7 wishing they could do more. Because they can absolutely do so much more but they don’t. And if it meant enough to them, they would. Period.
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arwenkenobi48 · 5 months
*dramatic trailer announcement voice* in a world of capitalism…and consumerist side hustles…one man thinks outside the box…
*record needle scratch*
alrighty ima start knitting *cutesy slice of life music followed by a montage of a knitting machine working*
Fr tho I’m so hyped about this
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club-touge · 2 months
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love a coupe
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nickdewolfarchive · 10 months
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Aspen, Colorado 1982
Grass-Roots Telethon (Community Television, Channel 12)
Photograph by Nick DeWolf https://www.flickr.com/photos/dboo/23205482403
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dailyanarchistposts · 11 days
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I am currently detained in an Israeli jail, the result of refusing to attend or cooperate with criminal charges laid against me and two others for joining Palestinian protests in the West Bank against Israel’s colonial rule. Because I am an Israeli citizen, the proceedings in the case are held in an Israeli court in Jerusalem and not at the military court, where Palestinians are tried.
It has been almost nine years since the last time I was incarcerated for more than a day or two. Much has changed since. Politically, reality does not even resemble that of a decade ago, and none of the changes were for the better.
Politically, the world seems to have lost much of its interest in the Palestinian struggle for liberation, placing Israel at one of the historical peaks of its political strength. I am in no position to discuss the profound changes within Israeli society and how even farther to the right it has drifted. Israeli liberals are much better suited for such a task, because they hold their country dear and feel a sense of belonging that I cannot feel and do not want to feel.
Personally, I am older, more tired and, mostly, not as healthy as I was. Of course, the price I have paid for my part in the struggle is a fraction of that paid by Palestinian comrades, but I cannot deny its subjective weight on me: from physical injuries, some irreversible, through sporadic despair, anxiety and sense of helplessness, to the encumbering sensation of loss and the presence of death – and the grip all these have on my day-to-day life. And yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Right now, just as it was back then, sitting in prison is better than any other alternative available to me.
The legal fallacies that riddle the case against us are of little significance. While it is fair to assume that had I agreed to cooperate, the trial would have ended up with an acquittal, my refusal to recognize the court’s legitimacy is based on two main grounds.
The first is that my Palestinian comrades do not enjoy the luxury of being tried in the relatively comfortable conditions of the Israeli courts. Rather, they are tried as subjects in the parody of a legal system that are Israel’s military courts. Unlike me, Palestinians do not have the option of refusing to cooperate with their captors, since the vast majority of them are tried while remanded into custody for the duration of their proceedings.
Additionally, the punishment Palestinians are faced with is significantly harsher than that specified in Israeli law. Thus, in this regard as well, despite refusing to recognize the court’s legitimacy, the price I am likely to pay is significantly lower than that paid by my comrades.
The second, more fundamental ground to refuse to cooperate is that all Israeli courts, military or otherwise, lack any legitimacy to preside over matters of resisting Israeli colonial rule, which employs a hybrid regime, ranging between a distorted and racially discriminatory democracy in its sovereign territory and a flat-out military dictatorship in the occupied territories.
Faced with the tremendous shift to the right in Israeli politics, the shrinking remnants of the Zionist left – once the country’s dominant elite group – are consumed by lamenting the decline of Israeli democracy. But what democracy is it they wish to defend? The one that has dispossessed its Palestinian citizens of their lands and their rights? The one that, at best, views these Palestinian citizens as second-class? Perhaps it is the democracy that governs the Gaza Strip through vicious siege while it reigns as a military dictatorship in the West Bank?
Despite the obvious nature of the Israeli regime, Israeli liberals are not willing to contest the fundamental premise of internal Israeli discourse and acknowledge that the State of Israel simply is not a democracy. Never was.
To join the fight to topple Israeli apartheid, the few Jewish citizens of Israel willing to do so will first have to recognize that they are overprivileged and be willing to pay the price of relinquishing that status. An open rebellion against the regime has been taking place for decades, carried out by the Palestinian resistance movement. The price paid by those involved in it is immense. Jewish citizens of Israel must cross over and walk in their footsteps.
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simpehl · 8 months
Hey everyone !! please read
I am breaking my tumblr hiatus to bring attention to something really important to my family. A family friend is in need of a kidney transplant, and Lebanon is facing its worst economic crisis and their hospitals aren't the most affordable either..
It is costing 11,000USD / 17,000 AUD for a kidney transplant
Any help is appreciated, any amount, even a reblog. I really hope this post reaches some kind souls and makes a difference to Hussein's life.
Thank youu <3
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praxis-newsletter · 6 days
Please share far and wide.
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shrcker · 4 months
the real question is could the Grassroots be able to solve a math problem amongst themselves or would they still get it wrong
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cinemafromcinema · 59 minutes
“…It tastes and smells of a revolution, it’s grassroots resistance, it’s a globalize intifada…”
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In today’s episode, Ariel chats with Heather MacKenzie, Executive Director of Solar Alberta, about transitioning to renewable energy deep in the heart of oil and gas country - in a just and sustainable way. Join us to learn about the history of the Solar Alberta organization, from its grassroots beginnings in neighbourhood solar projects, to dealing with (government-funded!) trolls online, all the way up to being the leading non-profit solar organization in Alberta and providing worker upskilling in a unique market.
You can go to https://solaralberta.ca to learn more, or connect with and follow them on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Connect with Solarpunk Magazine at solarpunkmagazine.com and on Twitter @solarpunklitmag
Connect with Solarpunk Presents Podcast on Twitter @SolarpunkP, Mastodon @[email protected], or at our blog https://solarpunkpresents.com/
Connect with Ariel at her blog, on Twitter at @arielletje, and on Mastodon @[email protected]
Connect with Christina at her blog, on Twitter @xtinadlr, and on Mastodon @[email protected]
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bookaddict05 · 10 days
My body has never felt more damaged after a rugby game like it has today.
But kicked a little cheeky conversion and came away with a 65-10 win 🏆😄
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