#George Garzone
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#UnDiscoPerLaPausaPranzo - #1357 - 26 Dicembre 2022 - Carlo Conti Trio - Restrizioni ingiustificate - 2013
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guitarguitarworld · 2 years
GEORGE GARZONE -"Triadic Chromatic Approach" Principles Explained
GEORGE GARZONE -"Triadic Chromatic Approach" Principles
 CLICK SUBSCRIBE! GEORGE GARZONE -“Triadic Chromatic Approach” PLEASE WATCH VIDEO FOR IN DEPTH ANALYSIS: Before starting it is important to note that these principles are to be applied to major, minor, diminished and augmented: In this overview we will use “Major”only. PART 1: Triadic First we will take a simple C major root position triad. We can move DOWN a 1/2 step or UP a half step from…
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spiralhouseshop · 11 months
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New in the Portland Button Works Spiral House catalog!
Grimoire Silvanus Zine Issue 8
Immerse yourself in the captivating realm of nature, folklore, magic, and the land with Grimoire Silvanus, a spellbinding zine dedicated to these mystical pursuits. In Issue 8, embark on a journey that takes you through an array of captivating topics, including Gogmagog, Llyn y Fan Fach, Plough Monday, Stanage Edge, Magical Anarchy, and much more.
This edition showcases the profound words and mesmerizing works of esteemed contributors such as Henricus Vlaam, Joe Winstanley, Tesni Clare, Nerva Caro Brigantes, George Parr, Natalya Garzon, Maisie Storrie, and Sir Evil Mango. Immerse yourself in their compelling essays, captivating stories, evocative art, enchanting poetry, mesmerizing photography, and enthralling mysteries.
With 60 pages brimming with thought-provoking content, Grimoire Silvanus transports you to a world of wonder, all beautifully printed in full color on recycled paper. Join us as we delve into the rich tapestry of nature's secrets and magical lore.
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ Diceva Eschilo che «la prima vittima della guerra è la verità». Ma la seconda è la logica. Putin affermava di voler «denazificare l’Ucraina», ma usava le bombe e i carri armati, cioè gli stessi metodi con cui Hitler nazificava l’Europa. Gli atlantisti ribattevano che «non si tratta col nemico»: semmai si tratta con l’amico, ma su cosa? Boh. Joe Biden dava del «macellaio» e del «genocida» a Putin, epiteti decisamente appropriati, soprattutto il primo. Ma un tantino indeboliti dal pulpito da cui provenivano: quello del padrone della macelleria (che ha fatto molte più guerre e molti più morti di Putin e al massimo potrebbe assumerlo come garzone). Bill Clinton coglieva l’occasione della guerra di Putin per vantarsi di aver allargato la Nato a Est «pur consapevole che i rapporti con la Russia potevano tornare conflittuali», perché «l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina dimostra che era necessario». Che è un po’ come dire: l’ho preso a calci in culo e lui mi ha spaccato la faccia, quindi avevo ragione io a prenderlo a calci in culo. I trombettieri delle Sturmtruppen ripetevano due mantra. 1. «La Nato è un’alleanza difensiva» (ma non spiegavano come mai nella sua storia abbia aggredito mezzo mondo). 2. «La Nato difende i valori della democrazia» (ma non spiegavano perché vanti tra i suoi soci la Turchia di Erdoğan e abbia appena fomentato un golpettino in Pakistan per cacciare un premier non gradito). Il presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky intimava all’Ue di rinunciare al gas russo «sporco di sangue», «finanziando il genocidio»: lui però continuava ad acquistarlo tramite Paesi vicini e società svizzere, pagandolo profumatamente, «finanziando il genocidio» e per di più incassando da Putin 1,4 miliardi l’anno «sporchi di sangue» per i diritti di transito del gasdotto russo sotto il suolo ucraino.
L’Onu espelleva la Russia dal Consiglio per i Diritti Umani, presieduto dall’Arabia Saudita (nota culla dei diritti umani, apprezzata da Matteo Renzi, ma soprattutto da Jamal Khashoggi, da ottanta giustiziati nel mese di marzo, nonché dai 370mila morti e dai venti milioni di affamati nello Yemen). Per non dipendere dal gas e dal petrolio dell’autocrate Putin, Draghi firmava contratti per far dipendere l’Italia dall’autocrate algerino Abdelmadjid Tebboune (che reprime partiti di opposizione e sindacati, fa arrestare attivisti per i diritti umani ed è fra i migliori partner militari di Mosca) e di altri regimi autocratici che hanno rifiutato di condannare la Russia all’Onu: Qatar, Egitto (vedi alle voci Regeni e Zaki), Congo (vedi alla voce Attanasio), Angola e Mozambico. E continuava a vendere armi all’Arabia Saudita e agli Emirati Arabi Uniti (i macellai dello Yemen), all’Egitto e al Qatar. A supporto del ribaltamento della logica, si provvedeva a ribaltare anche il vocabolario, secondo i dettami del ministero della Verità in 1984 di George Orwell: «La guerra è pace», «La libertà è schiavitù», «L’ignoranza è forza». Putin vietava di parlare di «guerra» perché la sua era solo un’«operazione militare speciale». E chi diceva il contrario finiva in galera. Ma in passato anche i buoni occidentali, quando aggredivano militarmente questo e quello, la guerra non la nominavano mai: meglio “missione umanitaria”, “esportazione della democrazia”, “peacekeeping”. A ogni strage di civili – regolarmente attribuita ai russi, anche nei casi in cui era opera delle truppe ucraine o dei loro fiancheggiatori neonazisti del Battaglione “Azov” – si ricorreva a termini impropri come “genocidio” (distruzione sistematica di un popolo, di un’etnia, di un gruppo religioso) e a paragoni blasfemi con l’Olocausto, la Shoah, la Soluzione Finale (termini finora usati da tutti, fuorché dai negazionisti, esclusivamente per quell’unicum storico che fu lo sterminio nazista degli ebrei). Ma bastava leggere i libri di Gino Strada per sapere che le stragi di civili sono una costante di ogni conflitto e si chiamano precisamente “guerra”, visto che in ciascuna il rapporto fra vittime civili e militari è invariabilmente di 9 a 1. E quella in Ucraina purtroppo non faceva eccezione, malgrado l’indignazione selettiva dei fanatici atlantisti che – per bloccare sul nascere qualunque tentativo di portare Putin al tavolo del negoziato – si affannavano a dipingere quel conflitto come diverso da tutti gli altri per le vittime civili, le fosse comuni, le torture, le violenze gratuite e le armi proibite (anch’esse caratteristiche costanti di tutti i conflitti, inclusi quelli scatenati dai “buoni”). “
Dalla prefazione di Marco Travaglio a:
Franco Cardini, Fabio Mini, Ucraina. La guerra e la storia, Paper First, Maggio 2022 [Libro elettronico]
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hassibah · 5 months
It turned out the secret bombing of Cambodia and Laos, which lasted years, represented a template. When Nixon in 1970 revealed the secret bombings, it was a step too far even for Thomas Schelling, one of the Pentagon’s favorite defense academics, who called them “sickening.” As Grandin writes in Kissinger’s Shadow, the Cambridge-to-Washington set was not prepared in 1970 to accept that the U.S. had the right to destroy an enemy “safe haven” in a country it was not at war with and to do it all in secret, thereby shielding a war from basic public scrutiny. After 9/11, those assertions became accepted, foundational pillars of a War on Terror permitting four presidents to bomb, for 20 years, Pakistanis, Yemenis, Somalis, Libyans, Syrians, and others.  
In 1999, Pinochet was arrested in London through an effort by Baltazar Garzon, a Spanish judge investigating Operation Condor. Kissinger urged the British not to extradite the general. “​​I would be very happy if Pinochet was allowed home,” he told an interviewer. “This episode has gone on long enough and all my sympathies are with him.” Two years later, the administration of George W. Bush responded contemptuously to the Chilean Supreme Court’s efforts to compel Kissinger to testify. “It is unjust and ridiculous that a distinguished servant of this country should be harassed by foreign courts in this way,” an official told the Daily Telegraph. The paper noted that Kissinger was an “informal adviser” to Bush, as he was to many presidents.
Bush’s declaration of protection for Kissinger, coupled with his rejection of the Rome Treaty on the International Criminal Court, extinguished a glimmer of hope that Kissinger would someday join Pinochet under arrest. It was always a fantasy. The international architecture that the U.S. and its allies established after World War II, shorthanded today as the “rules-based international order,” somehow never gets around to applying the same pressure on a hegemonic United States as it applies to U.S.-hostile or defiant powers. It reflects the organizing principle of American exceptionalism: America acts; it is not acted upon. Henry Kissinger was a supreme architect of the rules-based international order. 
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theloniousbach · 1 year
COUCH TOUR: STEVE CARRINGTON with Boris Kozlov and Uros Markovic, 15 FEBRUARY 2023
ALMOST COUCH TOUR: THE FRINGE (George Garzone, Jon Lockwood, and Ben Perowsky), 3 FEBRUARY 2023
The STEVE CARRINGTON date was advertised as a tribute to John Coltrane, Sonny Rollins, and Dexter Gordon so my curiosity was piqued. GEORGE GARZONE had been booked for a prime weekend run, so that too was an endorsement which I took up having seen Carrington. Plus I had the Julieta Eugenio/Melissa Aldana/Nicole Glover run to explore this ensemble which was itself on top of an Aldana and Crash Trio exploration of Mark Turner’s work in Fly Trio and Warne Marsh with Red Mitchell.
CARRINGTON explicitly invited us back to the Village Vanguard where the Rollins album was recorded but also, I think, Chasin’ the Trane for which McCoy Tyner sat out. I don’t recall a Dexter Gordon trio date, but Carrington’s lush playing and approach to standards (Nostalgia and My One and Only Love) covered that base. He opened with Coltrane’s Lonnie’s Lament and included Rollins’ Pent Up House. While I think of those two giants as having big sounds (and they do), it is Gordon who is more lush. Carrington is more in the middle while sharing the melodicism of each of them. He was rarely in a furious sheets of sound mode and he bounced happily to the music.
Such trios pose equal challenges for the rhythm sections and, while all four players delivered, with Carrington it was Boris Kozolov’s bass that filled up the space with very tasty accompaniment and inventive solos. With THE FRINGE, drummer Ben Perowsky was the big presence while Jon Lockwood helped ground things and mellowed a sometimes frantic tone. Garzone played to Perowsky, locking in with his back half turned to the audience to up the temperature.
My homework with George Garzone didn’t lead me to expect such a free set. His tone is dryer and the recordings I heard were standards. But THE FRINGE came out of the gates fast and furious, listening to one another intently but responding idiosyncratically. The tunes almost seemed to be medleys with Lockwood’s solos serving as resets suggesting new possibilities for Garzone in round two. Again, it was Perowsky who opened the throttle while finding flavors and commentary, melodic as well as rhythmic, at volume locked in with Garzone and sensitively behind Lockwood.
This was an interesting juxtaposition and a chance to see what players do without a piano. And it’s good to visit this ensemble, so of course I will again and again.
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discoverdurhamnc · 1 year
Things to do in Durham this weekend (Feb 16-19)
Check out our full Durham events calendar.
If you'd like to add an event to our calendar, submit an event here. Please check with the event owners to see if events change due to weather. Have a great weekend!
Multi-Day Events
The Book of Mormon at DPAC
This outrageous musical comedy follows the adventures of a mismatched pair of missionaries, sent halfway across the world to spread the Good Word. Contains explicit language.
Thu, Feb 16 at 7:30 p.m. | Fri, Feb 17 at 8 p.m. | Sat, Feb 18 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. | Sun, Feb 19 at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.
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My Name Is Asher Lev at Levin Jewish Community Center
Adapted by Aaron Posner from the book by Chaim Potok, My Name Is Asher Lev follows the journey of a young Jewish painter torn between his Hasidic upbringing and his desperate need to fulfill his artistic promise.
Thu, Feb 16 at 7:30 p.m. | Sat, Feb 18 at 7:30 p.m. | Sun, Feb 19 at 2 p.m.
2023 Oscar Shorts at The Carolina Theatre
With all three categories offered — Animated, Live Action and Documentary — this is your annual chance to predict the winners (and have the edge in your Oscar pool)!
Fri, Feb 17 at 4:00 p.m., 4:10 p.m., 7:10 p.m., and 9:30 p.m.
Sat, Feb 18 at 2:00 p.m., 2:10 p.m., 4:10 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:10 p.m., 9:20 p.m., and 9:30 p.m.
Sun, Feb 19 at 2:00 p.m., 2:10 p.m., 2:20 p.m., 4:10 p.m., and 4:30 p.m.
Live Music at Sharp 9 Gallery
George Garzone w/Steve Haines, Ernest Turner & Brevan Hampden on Fri, Feb 17 at 8 p.m. | $25+
Scott Sawyer/Keith Waters Duo on Sat, Feb 18 at 8 p.m. | $25
Live Music at Beyú Caffè
Tha Materials on Fri, Feb 17 at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. | $12-25
Heather Hayes on Sat, Feb 18 at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. | $12-25
Improv Comedy at Mettlesome
Friday, Feb 17 at 7:30 p.m. | Wit: An Improv Comedy Game Show - Buckle up for this no holds barred comedic boxing match. Two players go head to head, pushing their comedic abilities to the limit for the title of Wit Champion.
Fri, Feb 17 at 9 p.m. | Hush Hush - Improv inspired by anonymous secrets from the audience.
Sat, Feb 18 at 7 p.m. | Golden Age - Improv inspired by an interview with a local artist.
Sat, Feb 18 at 8 p.m. | Improv 101 Graduation Showcase - This class show is the culmination of six weeks of improv lessons.
Sat, Feb 18 at 9 p.m. | House Party - A mix of short-form (similar to Who's Line is it Anyway?) and long-form inspired by an audience interview.
Sat, Feb 18 at 10 p.m | The Jam - Everybody in the audience gets a chance to perform. Great for students, beginners, and veterans.
Thursday, Feb 16
Vinyl Night with DJ Deckades at Gizmo Brew Works
Enjoy fresh vibes on the patio with DJ Deckades. Bring your own vinyl to share or just listen to what the DJ is spinning.
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Free admission
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Boulders & Brews Meetup at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
Show up and climb at TRC Durham, then head over to Hi-Wire for some brews. Don't worry if it's your first time or haven't bouldered before; everyone's welcome.
Your first visit to the gym with the Meetup includes free admission and gear rental, and subsequent visits with the meetup are $15 and include harness rental (outside of meetups, day pass rates of $19 apply and do not include rentals).
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Live Music in the Taproom at The Glass Jug Beer Lab - Downtown Durham
Glass Jug offers local live music EVERY Thursday in their Downtown Durham taproom.
7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Free admission
Trivia Night w/Big Slow Tom at Clouds Brewing Brightleaf Square
Join Clouds Durham for Big Slow Tom's Trivia Night, every Thursday. Win some prizes, drink some beer, and show your smarts.
Enjoy $4 select draft and $5 rotating bartender's choice all night.
7:30 p.m.
Free admission
FUTURE TERROR returns to NC with local support from SCARECROW and ROVAGUG (first show)!
8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
$8 cash only
Friday, Feb 17
Tasting at Ten at Counter Culture Coffee
Every Friday morning at 10 am, Counter Culture Coffee opens their Training Centers to coffee lovers who want to learn more about Counter Culture Coffee’s high-quality, sustainably sourced menu.
10 a.m.
Free, but donations accepted
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Community Artist AU Show at Golden Belt Campus
Golden Belt Campus' first annual community exhibition. There will be over 100 local artists from Raleigh, Cary, Hillsborough, Pittsboro, and of course, Durham for a specially curated show in the front room gallery. Please join the celebration of the local art community this Third Friday.
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Free admission
Yolo Karaoke! at The Pinhook
Yolo Karaoke is the best. The INDY says so and people who do and don’t read the INDY say so.
Doors at 7 p.m. | Show at 8 p.m.
The COT Signature Series: The Baroque Concerto at the PSI Theatre - Durham Arts Council
The COT's Signature Series concerts feature the full chamber orchestra performing a variety of classical music under the direction of maestro Niccolo Muti.
7:30 p.m.
Open Mic Stand-Up Comedy at Durty Bull Brewing Company
This weekly event takes place indoors in the Barrel Room, with seating available for nearly 100 people. There's no better way to unwind after a long week than a night of laughter with Ashley & Ebony. Interested in performing? Please contact Ashley and Ebony.
8 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Free admission
Saturday, Feb 18
Shana Tucker, ChamberSoul™ Cello & Songs at The Carolina Theatre
Lyrical storyteller. Soulful cellist. Dynamic singer-songwriter. Fun teaching artist. That’s Shana Tucker! Her unique genre of ChamberSoul™ weaves together jazz, roots folk, acoustic pop, and a touch of R&B into melodies that echo in your head for days.
11:00 a.m.
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Field & Factory: A Look at Tobacco’s Laborers at Duke Homestead
Tours will highlight the contributions that each group of people working in tobacco made to North Carolina’s culture and powerful economy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, while addressing the inequalities in tobacco’s labor forces.
11:15 a.m.
Free, but pre-registration required
Call (919) 627-6990 to reserve a spot
Cupid's Undie Run at Motorco Music Hall
Every February, thousands of undie runners in cities all across the U.S. come together, whether it be in-person or virtually, to support those affected by NF, a genetic disorder that causes tumors to grow on nerves throughout the body and affects 1 in every 3,000 births.
Cupid’s Undie Run kicks off with drinking and dancing, then we jog it out with a mile(ish) run and end it all with an epic dance party!
12 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Daytime Mardi Gras at Durham Central Park
Set aside your worries about a cold and wet Mardi Gras night at a free daytime celebration the Saturday before. Dance, celebrate, and be creative outdoors under the Durham Central Park Pavilion with the Bulltown Strutters brass band, Cajun music from the Cajammers, on-site parading, Glass Jug beer tent, and food trucks.
1:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Free admission
The Monti GrandSLAM at The Carolina Theatre
An event nine months in the making, The Monti GrandSLAM pits our regular season StorySLAM champions against each other with brand-new stories on an entirely new theme.
8 p.m.
Carnaval of All Rhythms at Motorco Music Hall
A celebration of Brazilian music featuring Caique Vidal, Junior Guedes, Wesley Noog, and Oxente.
8 p.m.
$20 advance | $60 for 4 tickets
Mall Will Tear Us Apart at Rubies on Five Points
NC’s favorite mallgoth DJs are back! It’s sad, it’s mopey, and so.much.fun. Join Fifi Hi-Fi and FKA Scary Dude on the edge of the mall’s decorative fountain, pensively tossing pennies into the wishing well of our discontent. Ruminate over a slice of Sbarro on all the loves we’ve had and lost, all the unrequited crushes that sent us to Hot Topic and back, penning those *amazing* (imho) poems, and had us rewinding Joy Division cassettes every 40 minutes to play it again – and again – and again – MALL WILL TEAR US APART.
Doors at 9 p.m. | Show at 10 p.m.
JAM.BAE NIGHTS at Gojo Hookah Lounge
Hookah, small bites, crafted cocktails, heated outdoor patio, and Afro-centric vibes.
10 p.m. - 2:30 a.m.
$10, pay at the door
Sunday, Feb 19
Al Strong Presents Jazz Brunch Sundays at Alley Twenty Six
Al Strong, the Grammy-nominated jazz trumpeter, composer and recording artist, will bring a rotating lineup of musicians to perform during Sunday brunch at Durham's Alley Twenty Six.
Brunch is served from 10:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Music will be from 12 p.m. - 2 p.m.
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Public Tour at Duke University Chapel
Learn about the history, architecture, and life of Duke Chapel in this tour. The tour begins at 12:15 p.m., or immediately following the conclusion of the Sunday morning service, and lasts approximately 45 minutes. No reservation is required but if you plan to bring a large group please contact [email protected]. Meet the docent on the front steps of the Chapel.
12:15 p.m.
Free admission
Durham Wedding Showcase at 21c Museum Hotel
Mix and mingle with florists, photographers, DJs, and more in the historic Main Gallery space to start making your ultimate wedding vision come to life.
1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
MEGABITCH and Debbie the Artist Live at The Fitting Room
Local musicians MEGABITCH and Debbie the Artist perform live at The Fitting Room - a stage nestled in the back of Gibson Girl Vintage.
Doors at 7 p.m.| Show at 7:30 p.m.
$10-15 sliding scale
Comedy and Music Open Mic at Moon Dog Meadery
Presented with ComedyDurham. Sign ups begin at 6:30 p.m.
Comedy, music, poetry, any artistic performance you'd like to share are welcome.
7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Free admission
Running Art Exhibits
Beverly McIver’s PASSAGE: Paintings 1983-2022 at Craven Allen Gallery
Beverly McIver is among North Carolina’s most noted artists, with work in major public and private collections. Following McIver through the most pivotal moments in her life, the exhibition reflects the passage of time and its effects on Beverly as an artist, a sister, a daughter, and a friend.
Mon–Fri from 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Sat from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Runs through Mar 4
Free admission
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Selections from the Archive: Bill Seaman Print Retrospective at the Rubenstein Arts Center At Duke University
A print retrospective of the work of media artist, researcher, and Duke faculty member Bill Seaman.
Runs through Mar 12
Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. | Sat-Sun from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Free admission
Corrientes Latinas / Latin Currents at The Durham Arts Council
Corrientes Latinas / Latin Currents, highlights the work of artists belonging to the Inter-Latin American Artist Collective (ILAAC), a group of professional artists working in the Triangle Area: Cornelio Campos, Luis MacKinney, Lety Álvarez, Pepe Caudillo, José Manuel Cruz, Antonio Alanís and Peter Marín.
Runs through Mar 10
Mon-Sat from 9 a.m. – 9 a.m. | Sun from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Free admission
The Mind’s Eye: Gallery Members Exhibition at 5 Points Gallery
5 Points Gallery celebrates cleverness in the Year of the Rabbit with their new exhibit called “The Mind’s Eye”.
Runs through Apr 15
Free admission
Beyond the Surface: Collage, Mixed Media and Textile Works from the Collection at the Nasher
This exhibition includes approximately 40 works, primarily from the Nasher Museum’s collection. With a focus on collage, mixed media and textile works, Beyond the Surface explores how artists bring together disparate materials and ideas to create artworks that engage with all audiences.
Tue-Fri from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sun from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Runs through May 14
Free admission
Patrimonio | Heritage at John Hope Franklin Center Gallery
A series of drawing interventions on “Llanchama” (Amazonian tree bark) by Peruvian/American artist Renzo Ortega.
Mon-Fri from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Runs through May 18
Free admission
Exhibits at 21c Museum Hotel
Whitney Stanley: We Just Be in the Vault Gallery
This We Believe in the Main Gallery
Runs through May 2023
Open 24 hours
Free admission
Spirit in the Land at the Nasher
Spirit in the Land is a contemporary art exhibition that examines today’s urgent ecological concerns from a cultural perspective, demonstrating how intricately our identities and natural environments are intertwined. Through their artwork, 30 artists show us how rooted in the earth our most cherished cultural traditions are, how our relationship to land and water shapes us as individuals and communities
Tue-Fri from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sun from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Runs through Jul 9
Free admission
Art of Peru at the Nasher
This gallery features ceramics, textiles, metalwork and carvings produced by ancient cultures across what is known as present-day Peru.
Tue-Fri from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sun from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Runs through Dec 2
Free admission
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truststandard · 2 years
Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans
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#Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans professional#
During this period, he studied privately with Dennis Sandole, Charlie Banacos, George Garzone, Bob Moses, Joe Morris, John Thomas, Ben Sher, Jack Pezanelli, and John Wilkins, attended masterclasses and clinics with Mick Goodrick, Dave Liebman, Chuck Loeb, Frank Tibeiri, Charlie Kohlhase, Chad Smith, Laszlo Gardony, Jamey Haddad and Alex Skolnick, and took single lessons with Ran Blake, Ben Monder, Ron Thomas, and Tony Marino. While attending CMS for three years, he studied guitar and music theory with Eric Sessler, Don Reese, and James Kinney.Īfter graduating high school from Perkiomen Valley in 1998, he attended the Berklee College of Music receiving a B.A. Ryan Leaver started his journey in music education at the Community Music School (Trappe, Pa) in 1996 at the age of 16. Drum and Bugle Corps, Lansdowne Symphony, Chester County Concert Band, Turke’s Head Brass, Atlantic Brass Band, North Penn Symphony, Southeastern Pennsylvania Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia German Brass Band, Tuba 4’s, Ringgold Band, Immaculate Symphony, The Quakertown Band, The All American Brass Band, Upper Darby Sousa Band, Bushwhackers Drum Corps, The VAMM Band and many, many other groups that needed a tuba player. I am returning to the post of Low Brass Instructor with the Community Music School in Trappe which I previously held from 2005 – 2008. I have performed with The Golden Rams Marching Band (West Chester University), Reading Buccaneers Sr. Chuck Neidhardt to play music and share it with the public, because it truly is a gift we can all share in. Mostly, I really love to play the tuba, and it is more fun with many friends. I was one of many local musicians that came together under the very capable leadership of Mr. My name is Randy MacIver and I have been a tuba playing member of the Montgomery County Concert Band in Lansdale Pa. If you ask Rob, he will tell you that he himself is a constant student of the trumpet, and enjoys passing along his findings to students and colleagues alike. Diener likes to use his vast experience to make learning the trumpet a fun, and positive experience for his students. He has also appeared at the Berks Jazz Fest, The Rehobeth Jazz Fest, the Point Pleasant Jazz and Blues Festival, The Central Pennsylvania Friends of Jazz festival, and Bethlehem Musikfest. He has also Played the National tour of the Broadway musical 42nd Street, as well as subbing on the North American tour of The Producers. Rob has performed with such artists as Greg Karukas, Gerald Veasley, Rick Braun, Chuck Loeb, Jeff Kashiwa, Richard Elliot, Joe McBride, The LA Chillharmonic, Brian Bromberg, The Heads Up Superband, and Chieli Minucci and Special EFX. Diener formed his own band Anomaly, which has 2 cds to its credit that were reviewed nationally. He has played in classical ensembles, jazz groups, rock groups, theater productions, and has even performed for major sporting events such as Nascar. Diener has performed all over the country in every genre of music imaginable.
#Exploring theory with practica musica jeffrey evans professional#
Rob has spent the past 20 years as a professional Trumpet player and educator.
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asianamsmakingmusic · 5 years
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donospl · 4 years
George Garzone/Peter Erskine/Alan Pasqua/Darek Oles "3 Nights in L.A."
George Garzone/Peter Erskine/Alan Pasqua/Darek Oles “3 Nights in L.A.”
Fuzzy Music , 2019
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Cztery muzyczne znakomitości. Trzy wieczory w Los Angeles. Niewielki klub nieopodal lotniska. Dwadzieścia utworów (choć tylko siedemnaście kompozycji, bowiem „Have You Met Miss Jones?” powtarza się trzykrotnie, a „The Honeymoon” dwa razy). Precyzyjnie wyliczone czasy trwania poszczególnych setów – każdy oscylujący w granicach godziny i dziesięciu minut.
Pozazdrościć moż…
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cidraman · 4 years
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Guerra nas Estrelas: O Império Contra-Ataca.
O Incrível Hulk #25 (Editora Abril - 1985). The Empire Strikes Back Weekly #118 (Marvel UK - 1980). Marvel Super Special Magazine #16 (Marvel - 1980). The Empire Strikes Back - The Marvel Comics Version (Marvel - 1980).
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#UnDiscoPerLaPausaPranzo - #696 - 15 Giugno 2020 - Carlo Conti Trio - La grande beffa - 2016
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thebristolboard · 5 years
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Original page by Al Williamson (pencils), Dave Stevens, and Carlos Garzon (inks) from Return of the Jedi #3, published by Marvel Comics, 1983.
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odedmusic · 3 years
Free · Ornette Coleman · the Schulldogs · George Schuller · Tony Malaby · George Garzone · Ed Schuller · Dave Ballou
Today's Avant Garde Corner is... palpable, and short, so give it a try! :)
#OdedFriedGaon #OdedMusic #OdedTodaysAvantCorner
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newstfionline · 3 years
Monday, October 4, 2021
Governing by crisis (AP) Washington’s tempestuous week of walking, chewing gum, juggling balls and spinning plates at the same time is giving rise to apocalyptic rhetoric about the state and future of the country. Four big things are happening at once, all attended by hyperventilation. The White House talks of a “cataclysmic economic threat” if Republicans don’t start cooperating. Republicans assail Democrats for unleashing a “big-government socialist nation.” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says: “Insanity and disaster are now the Republican Party line.” It’s a contest to see which side can bash back better. This is what governing by crisis looks like. The government has essential housekeeping to do this time of year. Yet no deal comes until it absolutely must. Why act at the 11th hour when you’ve got 59 minutes left? There are a couple of must-do’s. The government needed a law to keep itself open in the budget year that began Friday morning. That happened, with a few hours to spare. It also needs to raise or suspend its borrowing ceiling to cover current expenses and avoid a default on its debt payments over the next two weeks. Then there are the want-to-do’s. President Joe Biden, many Democrats and a sizable number of Republicans want to build or restore roads, bridges, broadband and more in an ambitious public works package. Biden and many Democrats, but no Republicans, also want to supercharge social and climate spending, potentially costing upward of three times more than the infrastructure one. All the plates are still spinning.
Military Bases Turn Into Small Cities as Afghans Wait Months for Homes in U.S. (NYT) In late August, evacuees from Afghanistan began arriving by the busload to the Fort McCoy Army base in the Midwest, carrying little more than cellphones and harrowing tales of their narrow escapes from a country they may never see again. They were greeted by soldiers, assigned rooms in white barracks and advised not to stray into the surrounding forest, lest they get lost. More than a month later, the remote base some 170 miles from Milwaukee is home to 12,600 Afghan evacuees, almost half of them children, now bigger than any city in western Wisconsin’s Monroe County. The story is much the same on seven other military installations from Texas to New Jersey. Overall, roughly 53,000 Afghans have been living at these bases since the chaotic evacuation from Kabul this summer that marked the end of 20 years of war. While many Americans have turned their attention away from the largest evacuation of war refugees since Vietnam, the operation is very much a work in progress here, overseen by a host of federal agencies and thousands of U.S. troops. While an initial group of about 2,600 people—largely former military translators and others who helped allied forces during the war—moved quickly into American communities, a vast majority remain stranded on these sprawling military way stations, uncertain of when they will be able to start the new American lives they were expecting. An additional 14,000 people are still on bases abroad, waiting for transfer to the United States.
Dwindling Alaska salmon leave Yukon River tribes in crisis (AP) In a normal year, the smokehouses and drying racks that Alaska Natives use to prepare salmon to tide them through the winter would be heavy with fish meat, the fruits of a summer spent fishing on the Yukon River like generations before them. This year, there are no fish. For the first time in memory, both king and chum salmon have dwindled to almost nothing and the state has banned salmon fishing on the Yukon, even the subsistence harvests that Alaska Natives rely on to fill their freezers and pantries for winter. The remote communities that dot the river and live off its bounty—far from road systems and easy, affordable shopping—are desperate and doubling down on moose and caribou hunts in the waning days of fall. “Nobody has fish in their freezer right now. Nobody,” said Giovanna Stevens, 38, a member of the Stevens Village tribe who grew up harvesting salmon at her family’s fish camp. “We have to fill that void quickly before winter gets here.” Opinions on what led to the catastrophe vary, but those studying it generally agree climate change is playing a role as the river and the Bering Sea warm, altering the food chain in ways that aren’t yet fully understood. Many believe commercial trawling operations that scoop up wild salmon along with their intended catch, as well as competition from hatchery-raised salmon in the ocean, have compounded global warming’s effects on one of North America’s longest rivers.
Crossing the Darien Gap (NYT) Migrants are surging at the Mexican border. Tens of thousands are passing through a deadly South American jungle to get there. The Darién Gap, a roadless, lawless land bridge connecting Colombia and Panama, was considered so dangerous that only a few thousand people a year tried to cross it. But the economic devastation wrought by the pandemic in South America has been such that 95,000 migrants, most of them Haitian, attempted the crossing in the first nine months of the year. “We very well could be on the precipice of a historic displacement of people in the Americas toward the United States,” a former national security adviser said. “When one of the most impenetrable stretches of jungle in the world is no longer stopping people, it underscores that political borders, however enforced, won’t either.”
Puerto Ricans fume as outages threaten health, work, school (AP) Not a single hurricane has hit Puerto Rico this year, but hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. territory feel like they’re living in the aftermath of a major storm: Students do homework by the light of dying cellphones, people who depend on insulin or respiratory therapies struggle to find power sources and the elderly are fleeing sweltering homes amid record high temperatures. Power outages across the island have surged in recent weeks, with some lasting several days. Officials have blamed everything from seaweed to mechanical failures as the government calls the situation a “crass failure” that urgently needs to be fixed. The daily outages are snarling traffic, frying costly appliances, forcing doctors to cancel appointments, causing restaurants, shopping malls and schools to temporarily close and even prompting one university to suspend classes and another to declare a moratorium on exams. Puerto Rico’s Electric Power Authority, which is responsible for the generation of electricity, and Luma, a private company that handles transmission and distribution of power, have blamed mechanical failures at various plants involving components such as boilers and condensers. In one recent incident, seaweed clogged filters and a narrow pipe.
Thousands in Brazil protest Bolsonaro, seek his impeachment (AP) With Brazil’s presidential election one year away, tens of thousands of demonstrators marched Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and dozens of other cities around the country to protest President Jair Bolsonaro and call for his impeachment. Saturday’s protest targeted the president for his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Bolsonaro, who is not vaccinated and doesn’t usually wear a mask, has underestimated the severity of the virus and promoted crowds during the pandemic. Some 597,000 have died of COVID-19 in Brazil, a country of 212 million people. Demonstrators also protested surging inflation in mainstays like food and electricity. Over 130 impeachment requests have been filed since the start of Bolsonaro’s administration, but the lower house’s speaker, Arthur Lira, and his predecessor have declined to open proceedings. Division among the opposition is the key reason analysts consider it unlikely there will be enough pressure on Lira to open impeachment process.
Ecuador to pardon thousands of inmates after deadly prison riot (CNN) Ecuador plans to pardon and commute thousands of sentences in order to free up space in the country’s prisons following a deadly riot at a penitentiary in the coastal city of Guayaquil this week. The Director of Ecuador’s prison agency SNAI, Bolivar Garzon, said on Friday that up to 2,000 inmates, including elderly people, women and those with disabilities and terminal illnesses, would be prioritized on the pardon list for release and foreign nationals will be deported. Investigations are still ongoing at the Litoral penitentiary in Guayaquil, after violent clashes between rival gangs at the high-security facility left 118 inmates dead and dozens wounded on Tuesday. Those killed suffered from injuries resulting from bullets and grenades, according to regional police commander Fausto Buenaño. Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso said in a televised address on Wednesday that the prison was not yet entirely secured, and urged inmates’ relatives and families to stay away from the area.
After a century of waiting, Russians witness a royal wedding once more (NPR) Descendants of the czarist Romanov dynasty were married in the country’s first royal wedding in over a century—kicking off a weekend of lavish events that sparked public curiosity, awe and derision in seemingly equal measure. Under the dome of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in Russia’s former imperial capital city, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov, 40, married his Italian bride, Victoria Romanovna Bettarini, 39, in an Orthodox ceremony on Friday before priests and several hundred guests. Czarist trappings included an engagement ring “traditionally exchanged in the House of Romanov,” according to a press release. The Russian Orthodox Church’s top official in St. Petersburg, Metropolitan Varsonofy, blessed the ceremony. “It’s a kind of imperial wedding. A remembrance of eternal Russia—of sacred czars and patriarchs and (the) church,” philosopher Alexander Dugin said in an interview with NPR.
China tightens political control of internet giants (AP) The ruling Communist Party is tightening political control over China’s internet giants and tapping their wealth to pay for its ambitions to reduce reliance on U.S. and European technology. Anti-monopoly and data security crackdowns starting in late 2020 have shaken the industry, which flourished for two decades with little regulation. Investor jitters have knocked more than $1.3 trillion off the total market value of e-commerce platform Alibaba, games and social media operator Tencent and other tech giants. The party says anti-monopoly enforcement will be a priority through 2025. It says competition will help create jobs and raise living standards. President Xi Jinping’s government seems likely to stay the course even if economic growth suffers, say businesspeople, lawyers and economists. “These companies are world leaders in their sectors in innovation, and yet the leadership is willing to squash them all,” said Mark Williams, chief Asia economist for Capital Economics. Chinese leaders don’t want to reimpose direct control of the economy but want private sector companies to align with ruling party plans, said Lester Ross, head of the Beijing office of law firm WilmerHale. “What they are worried about is companies getting too big and too independent of the party,” said Ross.
China sends 77 warplanes into Taiwan defense zone over two days, Taipei says (CNN) Taiwan has reported a record number of incursions by Chinese warplanes into its air defense identification zone (ADIZ) for the second day in a row, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said on Saturday night. The self-governing island said a total of 39 Chinese military aircraft entered the ADIZ on Saturday, one more than the 38 planes it spotted on Friday. The 38 and 39 planes respectively are the highest number of incursions Taiwan has reported in a day since it began publicly reporting such activities last year. The incursions on Friday came as Beijing celebrated 72 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Taiwan and mainland China have been governed separately since the end of a civil war more than seven decades ago, in which the defeated Nationalists fled to Taipei. However, Beijing views Taiwan as an inseparable part of its territory—even though the Chinese Communist Party has never governed the democratic island of about 24 million people.
Leaked records open a ‘Pandora’ box of financial secrets (AP) Hundreds of world leaders, powerful politicians, billionaires, celebrities, religious leaders and drug dealers have been hiding their investments in mansions, exclusive beachfront property, yachts and other assets for the past quarter-century, according to a review of nearly 12 million files obtained from 14 firms located around the world. The report released Sunday by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists involved 600 journalists from 150 media outlets in 117 countries. It’s being dubbed the “Pandora Papers” because the findings shed light on the previously hidden dealings of the elite and the corrupt, and how they have used offshore accounts to shield assets collectively worth trillions of dollars. The more than 330 current and former politicians identified as beneficiaries of the secret accounts include Jordan’s King Abdullah II, former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, Czech Republic Prime Minister Andrej Babis, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso, and associates of both Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The new data leak must be a wake-up call,” said Sven Giegold, a Green party lawmaker in the European Parliament. “Global tax evasion fuels global inequality. We need to expand and sharpen the countermeasures now.”
Cities rethinking transit (NYT) Trams, cable cars, ferries: Cities are rethinking transit. Berlin is reviving electric tram lines that were ripped out when the Berlin Wall went up. Bogotá, Colombia, is building cable cars to serve working-class communities. Bergen, Norway, is running battery-powered ferries and buses. Where cities are succeeding in these and similar efforts, they’re also finding benefits in cleaner air.
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kanye--westeros · 3 years
Top Albums of 2020
1. After Hours - The Weeknd (Favorite Track: After Hours)
2. grae - Moses Sumney (Favorite Track: Me In 20 Years)
3. RTJ4 - Run The Jewels (Favorite Track: Walking In The Snow)
4. Descendants of Cain - Ka (Favorite Track: Sins Of The Father)
5. Black Habits - D Smoke (Favorite Track: Seasons Pass)
6. Untitled (Rise) - Sault (Favorite Track: Free)
7. Circles - Mac Miller (Favorite Track: Everybody)
8. Ordinary Man - Ozzy Osbourne (Favorite Track: All My Life)
9. Lianne La Havas - Lianne La Havas (Favorite Track: Bittersweet)
10. Andy - Raleigh Ritchie (Favorite Track: Aristocrats)
11. Heaven To A Tortured Mind - Yves Tumor (Favorite Track: Kerosene!)
12. Untitled (Black Is) - Sault (Favorite Track: Eternal Life)
13. BETTER - Deante’ Hitchcock (Favorite Track: I Remember)
14. Spilligion - Spillage Village (Favorite Track: Baptize)
15. A Written Testimony - Jay Electronica (Favorite Track: A.P.I.D.T.A)
16. The Slow Rush - Tame Impala (Favorite Track: Borderline)
17. Starting Over - Chris Stapleton (Favorite Track: Cold)
18. Hey u x - BENEE (Favorite Track: Happen To Me)
19. Mordechai - Khruangbin (Favorite Track: Pelota)
20. Sin Miedo (del Amor y Otros Demonios) ∞ - Kali Uchis (Favorite Track: Fue Mejor)
21. Ohms - Deftones (Favorite Track: The Spell Of Mathematics)
22. Anime, Trauma & Divorce - Open Mike Eagle (Favorite Track: Death Parade)
23. 3.15.20 - Childish Gambino (Favorite Track: 53.49)
24. From King To A GOD - Conway The Machine (Favorite Track: Juvenile Hell)
25. New Beginnings - REASON (Favorite Track: Stories I Forget)
26. The New Abnormal - The Strokes (Favorite Track: At The Door)
27. Alfredo - Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist (Favorite Track: Frank Lucas)
28. Limbo - Aminé (Favorite Track: My Reality)
29. Modern Dread - Denai Moore (Favorite Track: Motherless Child)
30. Sawayama - Rina Sawayama (Favorite Track: XS)
Honorable Mention:
I Disagree - Poppy, Modus Vivendi - 070 Shake, Heaven Or Hell - Don Toliver, In Another Life - Active Child, Underneath - Code Orange, Cape God - Allie X, how i’m feeling now - Charli XCX, BRAT - NNAMDI, Innocent Country 2 - Quelle Chris, It Was Divine - Alina Baraz, Good To Know - Jojo, Superstar - Caroline Rose, We Were Sent Here By History - Shabaka and the Ancestors, Set My Heart On Fire Immediately - Perfume Genius, Petals For Armor - Hayley Williams, Consummation - Katie Von Schleicher, Ungodly Hour - Chloe x Halle, Love, Death & Dancing - Jack Garratt, A Muse In Her Feelings - dvsn, It Was Good Until It Wasn’t - Kehlani, Punisher - Phoebe Bridgers, Women In Music Pt. III - Haim, WILL THIS MAKE ME GOOD - Nick Hakim, It Is What It Is - Thundercat, Odd Cure - Oddisee, New Me, Same Us - Little Dragon, No Pressure - Logic, folklore - Taylor Swift, Eddie - Busty and the Bass, SuperGood - DUCKWRTH, Cool Tapes Vol 3 - Jaden, Celia - Tiwa Savage, Renaissance Boy - Galimatias, ENERGY - Disclosure, The Ascension - Sufjan Stevens, Aguita - Gabriel Garzon-Montano, ANNIVERSARY - Bryson Tiller, Fake It Flowers - beabadoobee, Burden Of Proof - Benny The Butcher, As Long As You Are - Future Islands, Man Alive! - King Krule, Detroit 2 - Big Sean, Nectar - Joji, ELE 2: The Wrath Of God - Busta Rhymes, Chip Chrome & The Mono-Tones - The Neighbourhood, Wake Up! - Hazel English, Song Machine, Season One: Strange Timez - Gorillaz, Shabrang - Sevdaliza, Ultra Mono - IDLES, Future Nostalgia - Dua Lipa, Man On The Moon III: The Chosen - Kid Cudi, Three Mile Ditch - The Wytches, That’s What They All Say - Jack Harlow, Hiding - Michael Christmas, CINCORIGINALS - Tobe Nwigwe
Notable EPs/Mixtapes:
The Circus - Mick Jenkins, OTHER WAYS TO VENT - iyla, Unlocked - Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats, Meet The Woo 2 - Pop Smoke, Take Time - Giveon, Lulu - Conway The Machine & The Alchemist, GANG - Headie One & Fred Again, Dark Lane Demo Tapes - Drake, She Already Decided - Smino, 6pc Hot EP - 6LACK, Sis. - KIRBY, Dinner Party - Terrace Martin, Robert Glasper, 9th Wonder & Kamasi Washington, Lewis Street - J.Cole, The Light Pack - Joey Bada$$, V TAPE - Vic Mensa, Floor Seats II - A$AP Ferg, Self:Care EP - Lil Røcket, When It’s All Said And Done - Giveon, Before - James Blake, ALIAS - Shygirl, QUARANTINE PACK EP - Meek Mill, Hues - Fana Hues, EP! - JPEGMAFIA, I can’t go outside - Channel Tres
Good/Great Songs on Decent or Bad Albums:
“Today” by Mura Masa x Tirzah “Whiplash” by Theophilus London “Affluenza” by Conan Grey “Darkness” by Eminem “Mahogany” by Lil Wayne “Out Of The Blue” by Katie Pruitt “Bit Of Rain” by Empress Of “That’s What Love Is” by Justin Bieber “New Gods” by Grimes “Wash & Sets” by Princess Nokia “Practice” by Princess Nokia “Prices” by Lil Uzi Vert “Yessirskiii” by Lil Uzi Vert x 21 Savage “One Way St.” by Jhene Aiko x Ab Soul “Fried For The Night” by Tokimonsta x Earthgang “I Lied” by Joyner Lucas “The News” by PARTYNEXTDOOR “itkanbe[sonice]” by Knxwledge x Anderson .Paak “I like the devil” by Purity Ring “Speaking Of The End” by Lapsey “George Bondo” by Westside Gunn x Conway The Machine x Benny The Butcher “Figures” by Jessie Reyez “CAN’T STOP” by DaBaby “Chattin Shit” by Kari Faux “Snitchin” by Pop Smoke x Quavo x Future “Nu World Burdens” by KeiyaA “Life Is Good” by Future x Drake “Things Change” by Asher Roth “T.D.” by Lil Yachty x A$AP Rocky x Tyler, The Creator x Tierra Whack “This Is What They Say” by Carly Rae Jepsen “If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” by The 1975 “Rubber Sky” by LA Priest “Toxic Eye” by Choir Boy “Let Us Rave” by Naeem x Velvet Negroni “Babylon” by Lady Gaga “Ooh Laa” by John Legend “Still” by Teyana Taylor “Free Porn Cheap Drugs” by G-Eazy “The Sun” by KYLE x Bryson Tiller x Raphael Saadiq “Borderline” by Brandy “Karma” by Kaash Paige “Love Never Dies” by Kiesza “Deep End” by Lecrae “Double Negative (Skeleton Milkshake)” by Dominic Fike “When Dreams Run Dry” by The Killers “Blue Benz” by Nas “ZZZ’s” by B.o.B. “Latin Grammys” by Action Bronson “Jealous” by YG “Runnin” by 21 Savage & Metro Boomin “Ishkabibble’s” by Westside Gunn x Black Thought “Run & Hide” by Jay Electronica x The Bullitts “Chemicals” by The Vamps “Diagnosis” by Alanis Morissette “BLQLYTE” by Zeroh “Deep Down” by Sen Morimoto x AAAMYYY “Like A River” by Joyner Lucas x Elijah James “The Moment” by THEY. “WOODGRAIN” by Asha Imuno “Vampire” by 2 Chainz “Circles” by Megan Thee Stallion “Track 6″ by Ty Dolla $ign x Kanye West x Thundercat “Shut Up” by Ariana Grande “Let It Out” by Rico Nasty “Everybody’s Mother” by Kacy Hill “Paranoia” by Shamir “Fallin” by Common “1993″ by Oliver Tree x Little Ricky ZR3
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