#Fox Gods' WIfe
grapeagata · 7 months
jesus christ god in heaven oh my god you seeing this????????
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It's Red Fox Agate, juses chorist my gog wow
holy fuck that is gorgeous, it's red because iron oxide, it's bubbly because gas bubbles that happened when lava was cooling, holy fuck, and then the gases are destroyed and it leaves holes, then some liquid with lots of silica in it deposits quartz and chalcedony inside tge holes
it'a like mid on the hardness scale, denser than water, trigonal crystal system, no cleavage, also it's gorgeous and beautiful and I'm getting married to this agate the marriage is today, right now, you're all invited
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best-enemies · 2 months
I've reached season 5 on my CSI rewatch and I'm a few episodes past "Swap Meet", where a woman is murdered after attending a swing party with other couples from the neighbourhood. Near the end of the episode there's a moment that made me jump from my seat:
(Grissom walks up to Sara and takes the seat next to her. He's holding two cups. He hands her a cup of tea.)
Erin Brady: Everybody fantasizes about other people. (She glances at Grissom.)
Even you, Mr. Grissom. A neighbor, a friend ... girl at the office.
(The door opens. Paul Brady walks out of the hallway. Erin Brady walks out into the hallway. Sara is sitting in the hallway chair watching them. She watches as they meet and kiss.)
(Grissom walks up to Sara and takes the seat next to her. He's holding two culps. He hands her a cup of tea.)
Right after Erin ends her sentence with 'girl at the office', the first time Sara and Grissom meet again, he brings her tea. This might be an innocent interaction but to me it seemed like a nod to this relationship they have where both are into each other, know about the other's feelings, but can't/won't do anything about it (although Sara has kind of given Grissom an ultimatum). I don't know if it was intentional - I'm guessing it is, because I picked it up immediately. I might or might not have squealed in delight.
#csi#gsr#i'm very Normal about them btw i don't think about them 50 times per day or anything#need to talk more about these two here#because im obsessed about them in a Normal way#sara is like. my dream wife. i totally get grissom being in love with her for years and barely holding it together#i would not though#i'm 1000% sure she's bi. but the writers have been cowards so far#also she and i dress THE SAME. yes i love 2000s clothes so what#i could talk about her forever she's everything to me#and grissom. oh grissom. i also get why she's been in love with him forever#i mean what the FUCK went down in san francisco did they hook up and sex was so good it scared them#and now they have to live with that tension and they're scared of crossing that line#nah i'm guessing with these two they just REALLY clicked. like. they were an instant match and they knew it#but grissom didnt want to lose focus on work or whatever and they lived in separate states you know#but oh my god i totally get sara. grissom is such a silver fox. he's like one of the hottest old men i've ever seen in my life#you know what i 100% get tumblr sexualizing old men it's completely valid i'm in this now too#he has this LOOK. whenever he's angry at a suspect. and he looks angrily at them. i'm chewing on my keyboard just remembering it#and his smirks#AND THE WAY HE LOOKS AT SARA#im losing my mind#i love all of gil grissom but seasons 4-5 jesus fucking christ#ok enough with the sexualizing i love him as a character SO MUCH. he's absolutely fantastic#one of the things i love the most about him is that he doesn't judge people. whenever the team is confused about someone#or this persons' lifestyle#he's always trying to understand them and not judge them#like a true scientist he wants to understand the nature of things and people#and he's such a sweetheart i love him so much#like there are so many things i love about him i can't fit them all in the tags. same for sara#they're a perfect match for me
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opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
#man ive never seen an eating disorder kill someone else besides a parent infecting a child but my nana is really trying#shes like 1000% orthotexic. will not eat anything not filled with vegetables or fat. and my grandpa is 87yo with a heart condition currentl#in the hospital for covid bc thry went to Christmas church and dont believe in being vaccinated and my dad is so frustrated#bc he knows his mom is not gonna give his dad hearty foods. he needs to eat like protein shakes and meat and ice cream. anything thats not#her cooking which sucks on top of being extremely healthy. except its not healthy bc they dont eat a balanced diet#so its my nanas eating disorder killing her husband and shes so fucking frustrating. im like 99% sure she has obsessive compulsive#personally disorder bc she fits to a T and has zero insight. she may have full on 0cd bc talking to my dad he has more obvious 0cd#compulsions than i do. he used to say phrases before going to bed and would take 2 steps across the floor to prevent bad things from#happening. so like im pretty sure my nana is where i get my perfectionism and 0cd. god. i wish i could express how fucked up she is#like my dad said at least he had a stable home to grow up in but like she has zero sympathy for other people. cannot look past herself. wil#not wear a mask bc she doesnt care enough abt other ppl. my dad was like: u would not have survived in that house. which is fair bc i am#barely keeping it together coming from a stable home with two sympathetic parents who i know love me#and like its sad that they're suffering the effects of buying into the fox news bullshit and its killing them#but also. genuinely. i think theyre not very good ppl. theyre the type of people who think they're better bc they're religious. white. and#thin. and theyre not better thsn anyone. their grandchildren cant stand them. well cant stand her at least. papa is just quite so its hard#to say what hes thinking. apparently he was confused last night and saying something about eating dinner on the golf course. which sounds#nicer thsn being in the hospital lol. ugh. he seems not long for this world tbh. may he pass peacefully to b with his 1st wife who died of#brain cancer at age like 20 or something. so it goes. bleh. how many funerals are intended for me in the next 5 years? hopefully none but#that seems improbable with the unspoken drain circling that seems to b going on in this family. old age and like almost 10 years of cancer#defying the stats but for how much longer?#i dunno. its just so weird to watch these things happen and not talk about it directly to the other ppl who see it#i worry that ill come off as too callose or inappropriate bc i have that tendency when something bad is happening but thats everyone else#excuse? idk i just feel like its better to talk abt things#unrelated#ed mention#i tell u this so i can say these things to someone and also bc if i were u. i would like to hear the drama#bc im nosey and i assume other r too ;-]
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lordgodjehovahsway · 2 months
Judges 15: Samson's Wife Is Given Away, Which Starts A War With The Philistines
1 Later on, at the time of wheat harvest, Samson took a young goat and went to visit his wife. He said, “I’m going to my wife’s room.” But her father would not let him go in.
2 “I was so sure you hated her,” he said, “that I gave her to your companion. Isn’t her younger sister more attractive? Take her instead.”
3 Samson said to them, “This time I have a right to get even with the Philistines; I will really harm them.” 
4 So he went out and caught three hundred foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs. He then fastened a torch to every pair of tails, 
5 lit the torches and let the foxes loose in the standing grain of the Philistines. He burned up the shocks and standing grain, together with the vineyards and olive groves.
6 When the Philistines asked, “Who did this?” they were told, “Samson, the Timnite’s son-in-law, because his wife was given to his companion.”
So the Philistines went up and burned her and her father to death. 
7 Samson said to them, “Since you’ve acted like this, I swear that I won’t stop until I get my revenge on you.” 
8 He attacked them viciously and slaughtered many of them. Then he went down and stayed in a cave in the rock of Etam.
9 The Philistines went up and camped in Judah, spreading out near Lehi. 
10 The people of Judah asked, “Why have you come to fight us?”
“We have come to take Samson prisoner,” they answered, “to do to him as he did to us.”
11 Then three thousand men from Judah went down to the cave in the rock of Etam and said to Samson, “Don’t you realize that the Philistines are rulers over us? What have you done to us?”
He answered, “I merely did to them what they did to me.”
12 They said to him, “We’ve come to tie you up and hand you over to the Philistines.”
Samson said, “Swear to me that you won’t kill me yourselves.”
13 “Agreed,” they answered. “We will only tie you up and hand you over to them. We will not kill you.” So they bound him with two new ropes and led him up from the rock. 
14 As he approached Lehi, the Philistines came toward him shouting. The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings dropped from his hands. 
15 Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men.
16 Then Samson said,
“With a donkey’s jawbone     I have made donkeys of them. With a donkey’s jawbone     I have killed a thousand men.”
17 When he finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone; and the place was called Ramath Lehi.
18 Because he was very thirsty, he cried out to the Lord, “You have given your servant this great victory. Must I now die of thirst and fall into the hands of the uncircumcised?” 
19 Then God opened up the hollow place in Lehi, and water came out of it. When Samson drank, his strength returned and he revived. So the spring was called En Hakkore, and it is still there in Lehi.
20 Samson led Israel for twenty years in the days of the Philistines.
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Hey! For the Actor AU:
In the last interview Eros was bitching around and tried to humiliate Gil. How about in the same interview the host decide to play a little game. Do you know these electronic boxing punch maschines to test out your strength? It’s a little fun game and Eros is trying extra hard because he is very sure Gil is too old or too weak to hit it very hard. So everybody hits and Eros gets pretty arrogant because in this moment he has the highest point hoping to impress Thena. until it’s time for Gil. He is a bit shy but Thena challenges him to use his full strength and he does because it’s Thena duh! Pretty sure Eros shut his mouth very quickly :D
"I hate these things," Thena murmured as they prepared to start airing again on the live talk show.
She rarely participated in silly little games like this.
"Me too," Gil sighed back to her, the two of them hovering in a little unit of their own during the commercial break. His hands were stuffed deep into his jeans pockets, "y'know, you don't have to participate if you don't want to. I'll take your turn for whatever stupid thing we're about to do."
Thena beamed at him, tilting her head and letting her hair drift over her shoulder as she did, "you're too sweet."
Gil blushed.
He shrugged his shoulders, still hunched in on himself as if trying to hide himself away, "just volunteer to judge for us. That'll get you out of whatever bullshit is about to happen."
Thena laughed lightly with Gil until the audience was seated again. She sighed as they were called back to their marks.
"So, it's no secret that this cast has no slouches in the stunt department!"
Thena tried to keep her wince off her face, although she was already imagining what they were about to be put up to.
"So why not test it?"
All heads turned as a carnival game was wheeled out on stage, already lit up, displaying the possible scores to be obtained while punching the lever controlled punching bag in its centre.
"We're all gonna line up, and see who's got the best swing! Who's up first?"
"I'll go!"
Both Thena and Gil breathed a faint sigh of relief as Eros proudly and too-eagerly strolled right up to the brightly lit machine.
"Okay, great!" the host beamed, carrying along the necessary energy to keep the segment entertaining. He held out a hand, "Thena, would you care to keep an eye on things--make sure he's not pulling a fast one or anything?"
"Gladly," she smiled graciously, stepping into the appropriate spot for camera. She met Gil's eyes, who gave her a little bounce of his eyebrows, congratulating her on being able to skip out organically.
"I've been getting pretty good at boxing, while I was training for this," Eros grinned, shrugging off his suit jacket, which got some screams from the audience in and off itself. By the time his sleeves were rolled up they were frothing at the mouth.
But he kept his eyes on Thena.
"Any time," she prompted him, hoping to hurry him along (and cut down on the amount of intense eye contact he was making).
"This is for you," he winked, giving his knuckle a kiss before taking his best swing at the fake punching bag. It was a decent score, certainly, and he celebrated it. "Yeah!"
The crowd cheered for him, and Thena clapped obligingly, wearing a perfectly polite smile on her face. "Seems decent."
"Not bad, not bad," the host nodded along.
Most of them took their turns, some giving it a light tap and some giving it a full swing. Surprisingly, Eros' score was still just barely at the top.
"It seems I have youth on my side," he teased his castmates, who took the joke in stride (mostly). He leaned forward to look at Thena down the line from him, "what's my prize, m'lady?"
"Is youth not enough?" Thena teased him right back, earning a laugh from the crowd (even his loyal fans). "Gil still hasn't gone."
The audience erupted into screams, possibly even loud enough to rival Eros' reaction.
"Oh, I-I don't have to," Gil waved his hand, trying to squirm out of it. He had continuously let people ahead of him in the line for this exact reason.
"Oh come on, old man," Eros grinned at him, just barely attempting to make it sound lighthearted. "Don't tell me that shoulder's still bothering you!"
Thena's glare was not well concealed, but at least the cameras weren't on her in that particular moment.
"Fine," Gil sighed, mostly as the host himself pushed him to it. He looked at Thena, somewhat asking what he should do.
She smiled at him, though, "give it your best shot. Don't let the young blood talk about you like you're retired."
Gil chuckled. What she meant was that she wanted to shut him up, and she was asking Gil to do it. He nodded.
Gil pulled off his bomber jacket, which Thena took from him, watching much more closely for his turn than she had for the others. Gil shook out his shoulders first before inhaling, "here we go."
It happened so fast! His fist raised, it made contact with the speedbag, and then it was up and lodged back into place, the machine beeping and flashing high score. The whole thing took about four seconds.
"Wh-" the host blinked, "I-I didn't even see that! Do we have playback?"
It took a second, but the screen behind them displayed the camera's recording slowed down, showing that Gil had indeed hit the punching bag so hard that it was immediately swung back into its locked position from the force of it.
"That is an indisputable win from the Tyrant King himself!" the host cheered, raising Gil's hand for the audience's applause.
Thena also clapped for him, although once he turned back to her she cupped his chin with her hand, leaning him down to kiss his cheek.
Gil blinked in surprise, but he grinned at her the next second, "now that's a hell of a prize. I would've gone first if I'd known."
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felicityphoenix5 · 9 months
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moodboard for when the omens are good amirite folks
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bro-in-training · 1 year
Having to watch Fox news cause my mom does
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thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
kendall roman and tom all deserve to die.
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year
I do have to impress on anyone who wasn't around for it how batshit the reality boom of the 2000s could be. Especially on Fox.
Here are some 100% real 2000s reality shows:
Who's Your Daddy? A woman has to guess which of eight men is her biological father. One of them really is, and if she guesses right she wins $100,000. If one of the seven fake dads convinces her to guess them, he wins $100,000.
Black. White. A white family learns about racism by living a month in blackface, while a black family spends a month in whiteface. The black family was a real family, but the white family was just some actors hired to put on blackface to prove racism exists
Without Prejudice? Five strangers decide which of five strangers gets a cash prize based off clips and their answers to political questions. Cancelled when one of the choosers openly said he'd eliminate all black contestants
Welcome to the Neighborhood. Three conservative white families in a Austin subdivision decide which diverse family gets to move in. Unaired due to being literal housing discrimination
Seriously, Dude, I'm Gay. Two straight men try to pass themselves off as gay and whoever seems more gay gets $50,000. Unaired due to. Due to. Due to
Playing It Straight. A woman tries to find love among fourteen men, half of whom are straight and half of whom are gay, and she must eliminate two men she believes are gay each week. If she ended up picking a straight man in the end, they'd split a million dollars; if she picked a gay man, he'd win a million dollars
Boy Meets Boy. This was Playing It Straight but starring a gay man and he had to eliminate straight people
Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire? He wasn't a multimillionaire. He didn't even have a million dollars in liquid assets. He had a battery conviction Fox claims they didn't see. Because it was the 2000s, somehow this ended up with the woman he won being widely vilified and turned into a national punchline. How dare she complain about a massive corporation tricking her into marrying a lying abuser, good thing Matt Lauer's there to take her down a peg
The Swan. A "ugly" woman is given plastic surgery and wins a prize if she's the hottest at the end of the season. If she's not hot enough by the show's standards she's eliminated and called ugly on national TV
The Biggest Loser. Overweight people engage in competitive crash weight loss that often led to awful health complications. Studies showed basically everyone on the show regained any weight they lost once it was over and they didn't have abusive trainers demanding they take huge health risks to win a competitive weight loss competition. Like the others, this one was cancel-oh, it was a massive hit that ran for 18 seasons? Yikes!
Wife Swap and Trading Spouses. These were the same show and had a wife from one family go to another family that was different politically, racially, culturally, religiously etc. Most famous for the God Warrior
At the time people focused on the likes of Fear Factor but looking back it's wild how many of the worst shows toyed with politics. So many of these shows have a premise that's like "what if we exposed these conservatives to these people they hate?" or hyping themselves up as Important Experiments. Then they'd freak out when they got the kind of viral bigoted freakout they were trying to construct the whole time.
There were also a bunch of horrible reality shows, thankfully this time mostly unpopular, in the 2010s that based themselves around economic themes as a response to the market crash, but that's a story for another time
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serpentandlily · 4 months
Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny III
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Sly Fox, Dumb Bunny - Eris x Archeron!Reader
Summary: You find yourself ensnared by a sly, cunning fox. A very handsome, irritating one.
Warnings: none
a/n: hope you enjoy this one just as much as the others!
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II
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Part III
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“That was…weird,” Mor remarked.
You agreed. You had no idea what to make of Eris’s behavior. Feyre and Rhys seemed to be locked in a mental conversation, leaving the rest of you to silence. You rubbed at your arm, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. You didn’t want to create any problems for your sister but you also didn’t want to leave. 
“He had a point,” Rhys finally said before looking at you with those violet eyes that reminded you far too much of a certain pair of amber ones. They both held too many secrets. “But I don’t think Beron will prove to be much of a problem as long as we keep his focus on other things.”
Feyre nodded along. “Besides, what is Beron going to do about it, anyways? Short of killing us, there is nothing to be done.”
You felt a flicker of fear but pushed it down. Rhys was the most powerful High Lord. Surely he would defend you and your sister if it came down to it. Feyre was also powerful in her own right and could fight for herself but you…
“We won’t let any harm come to you,” Rhys promised, his voice softening. “And what did I say about keeping those mental shields up?”
You turned red and quickly slammed the gates to your mind closed. 
“I would like to stay,” you mumbled, sheepishly. “But I don’t want to cause problems.”
Mor waved a dismissive hand. “Nonsense. Eris talks out of his ass most of the time. He probably just wanted to put us on edge. You being here is not a problem, doll.” 
You didn’t feel comforted in the slightest.
“Well, if that's settled,” Rhys said, standing up. “I believe it is time for us to make our way towards the meeting room.”
You let out a breath, trying to settle your nerves from Eris’s display. Feyre gave you a small smile, linking her arm through yours. “Don’t look so nervous. There’s going to be some friendly faces in the crowd.”
You nodded, still feeling anxious about the whole thing. Although you hardly considered Vassa and Jurian your friends, at least you were familiar with them. Unfortunately, you were also familiar enough with Lord Nolan and his son.
Feyre placed her other hand in Rhys’s extended elbow and the two of them led you out of the chambers and into the wide corridor. Your breaths were still shaky once your group got to the staircase that would lead you to the meeting room with the reflection pool. 
Feyre unwrapped her arm from yours and Azriel stepped forward instead. 
“Azriel is going to escort you in,” she explained. “If you feel nervous, just stay by his side. Okay?”
You gave her a small nod and let them lead the way forward. When your group finally reached the top of the staircase, you were a bit relieved to see that the Autumn Court wasn’t present yet. Your eyes darted around the room, landing on all the various High Lords and their entourages, trying to place them in their respective courts. 
“That right there is Tarquin,” Azriel whispered from beside you, following your eyesight. “High Lord of Summer.” 
“And him?”
“Kallias, High Lord of Winter. His wife and mate, Vivianne, is the female next to him.” 
“Another High Lady?”
“Not quite,” Azriel answered. He inclined his head towards a different group. “That’s Helion, High Lord of the Day Court.” 
The male he nodded to was quickly approaching your group, a serpentine smile on his face. Gods, you were still not quite used to how beautiful the fae were. Helion looked like a God in his own right. His eyes passed over your group until they landed on you and lingered for a second longer. 
You watched as he greeted Feyre, Rhysand and Mor before turning his head towards you and Azriel. 
“Shadowsinger,” he nearly purred, “Always happy to see you.”
Azriel didn’t smile, didn’t move. In fact, he shot the High Lord an exasperated look as if this flirtatious behavior was all too common. That didn’t stop you from blushing when the High Lord looked at you and smiled coyly. 
“And who might you be?”
He reached out a hand but before you could open your mouth, the High Lord was suddenly knocked to the side, stumbling over himself. 
“My apologies, High Lord,” Eris sneered at Helion. “Perhaps you shouldn’t stand in the middle of a walkway.” 
Eris strode away before Helion could even respond, his brothers trailing after him, glaring around the room. Your jaw nearly dropped at his audacity but you quickly schooled your face, watching Helion glare at their backs. He seemed to shake off the encounter quickly, his charming persona snapping back into place as your sister came up on your side.
“Helion,” she said, “this is my sister, Y/n. She’s here to help us discuss the peace treaty with the humans.” 
Your introduction with Helion was short lived as Thesan called for the start of the meeting now that everyone was here. The first half of the meeting was just with the fae before the human leaders were to be brought in. Since you were primarily there for the humans, your thoughts drifted away as the fae leaders began their discussions. 
Your eyes trailed over all the courts—taking interest in how different each fae looked depending on where they came from. But your gaze kept falling on one fae in particular. The red headed male sat behind his daunting father. He hadn’t once looked in your direction. Part of you was glad for it, because it would be embarrassing to be caught blatantly staring at him as you were. Another part of you longed for him to look your way… You had no idea where that feeling came from. 
Eris was dressed far more formally than he had been the last two times you had seen him. He wore a dark green vest stitched with golden thread, tiny leaves embroidered along the seams, on top of a cream button up. A golden fox brooch was pinned at the neck of his collar, probably the Vanserra family’s emblem. His pants were an even darker green, almost appearing black and neatly tucked into his boots. Around his shoulders was a matching green cape coat embellished in gold detailing much like his vest. 
His red hair looked like a raging fire next to all the green, his pale skin glistening in the soft lighting of the room. He was so distractingly beautiful, even with that familiar haughty smirk on his face. It didn’t matter that there were far more powerful, commanding fae in the room. Your eyes could not keep off him. 
Like a moth to flame. 
Eris’s honey amber eyes finally met yours and you felt something snapped inside of you. You gasped as a golden thread unraveled within you and shot out across the room—all the way to the male seated across from you….all the way to Eris. 
The word clanged through your head, drowning all other thoughts.
Eris was your mate. 
In your shock, you missed the warning look Eris shot your way. You gasped, loudly, drawing the attention of the room as you stood so suddenly, your chair was knocked to the ground behind you. Your heart was pounding in your chest, that golden thread thrumming with sparks of flame.
Your sister quickly rose from her seat, placing a hand on your upper arm to steady you. Azriel too had jumped up, his hand ghosting over Truth-teller, as if ready for whatever invisible threat was occuring.
Eris stood abruptly, almost panting. Your eyes never left those amber ones. Not even as they seemed to plead with you to sit, to hide, to disappear from this room entirely. 
“What’s wrong?” Feyre asked, her voice hurried and filled with concern. Her eyes followed your line of sight and darted back to you and down to the hand you held to your chest. 
Rhysand seemed to catch on to what was happening quicker. 
“Azriel, get her out of here,” he ordered the shadowsinger. 
A scarred hand wrapped around yours and a second later, you were engulfed in a wave of shadows.
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“Rhysand,” Thesan said, “Please answer for that display. What antics have occurred in your court to disrupt such a meeting?” 
Feyre’s hands were shaking as Rhysand latched onto them, guiding her back to her chair softly. “Apologies, Y/n is still a bit sensitive to magic since coming out of the cauldron. You’ll have to forgive her sudden departure.” 
“And here I thought you had moved on from your lying and deceiving ways, Rhysand,” Beron jumped in, his voice filled with wicked amusement. “It appears a congratulation is in order.” He turned to face his son. “It seems to me that a mating bond has just snapped into place.” 
Eris’s face was unreadable as he sat back down, fists clenched at his sides. 
“Explain yourselves,” Tarquin interjected, looking bemused. “How do you have another Made female in your court, Rhysand?”
“She is my sister,” Feyre declared. “And she was there the day Hybern forced all of them into the cauldron.”
“Why was she not included in the reports from that day?” Thesan asked, sitting up straighter.
“She was under our protection,” Rhysand answered. “She was hardly more than a child at the time.” 
“Liar. She never came out of the cauldron,” Tamlin said, sharply, eyes narrowing. “Your reports never included her because she never came out of the cauldron that day.”
“Well, considering you all just saw her alive and in person,” Rhysand shrugged, picking a piece of lint from his coat. “Obviously, she did. Perhaps your head was too far up Hybern’s ass to see.”
Tamlin growled but was cut off by Beron. 
“Where have you taken my son’s mate?” Beron demanded. 
“That is none of your concern.”
“Rhysand, you cannot possibly keep her away from her mate,” Thesan said. “He is entitled—”
“He is entitled to nothing,” Feyre snapped. “The Night Court does not force females to accept mating bonds. As she falls under our jurisdiction, she has our full protection against any of your antiquated beliefs.” 
“Leave it to the Night Court to spit on traditions,” Beron hissed. “A mating bond works both ways. As the other half falls under my jurisdiction, my son has all the right to invoke a blood duel if you wish to keep her from him.” 
The Lady of Autumn looked alarmed at her husband’s words but said nothing. Neither did Eris, who seemed to be choosing his next moves very carefully. 
“Wouldn’t be the first time the Night Court stole a female away,” Tamlin said, sarcastically, rolling his eyes. 
“Oh please, spare us from revisiting your despair,” Helion chuckled, humorlessly. 
“Have we all forgotten why we are here today?” Kallias cut in, his tone cold. “Must we argue over something that does not involve the rest of our courts? This meeting has already been derailed and some of us have better things to do with our time then listen to squabbles.” 
“This is not over, Rhysand,” Beron hissed. Eris still sat stoically behind his father, not faltering in the slightest. “You and I have much to discuss after we deal with the humans lest you wish to start a conflict between our courts.” 
“Fine,” Rhysand growled. “But prepare yourself and your son for disappointment.” 
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You paced in the sitting room in the River House, your heart still beating rapidly, your thoughts out of control. A mating bond. A godsdamn mating bond had snapped between you and Eris of all people. Eris, the male whose reputation followed him like darkened clouds. Eris, the male who had left Mor to die in the woods all those years ago. Eris, the Heir of Autumn, the son of one of the most ruthless fae in all of Prythian. 
Surely it was a mistake. It had to be. 
“Why don’t you sit down?” Elain suggested, gently, patting the cushion beside her on the couch. “Feyre will get it all sorted out. You needn’t worry so much.” 
“How can I not worry? How can I not worry when Eris of all people is my mate, Elain?” You rubbed at your chest, already feeling an emptiness there now that you had been separated from him. “This must be a mistake. A trick, perhaps?” 
“Perhaps,” Elain agreed, though she didn’t sound like she believed it for one second. “But there’s not much you can do about it now. Not until they return from the meeting.” 
You let out a long breath and plopped onto the couch next to her. Elain brushed a hand through your hair, guiding you to lay down on her lap. “It’ll be okay, Y/n. A mating bond isn’t the end of all things. Feyre would never let that male get his hands on you.” 
But that was the problem, wasn’t it? Some part of you wanted that male. Not the Eris that the others saw. But the one you had seen in those secret moments between the two of you. The alluring fox behind the mask. 
Your heart sang for him now that the mating bond had snapped into place. He hadn’t seemed surprised in the slightest….like he had already known about it. Had it snapped for him? Had he known this whole time that you were his mate? Why wouldn’t he tell you? Maybe…
maybe he didn’t want you…
Hours went by. The whole night passed. You didn’t stray from the couch, neither did Elain. You appreciated your sister comforting you. You wished Nesta wasn’t on her mating vacation and was here to help you as well…maybe she would know what to do.
The door to the house opening had you sitting up, rubbing at your red rimmed eyes. Elain woke abruptly as well, wiping the drool that was dribbling from the corner of her mouth. Feyre, Rhysand and Mor strode in, all looking just as exhausted as you.
“Well, I’m glad that shitshow is over,” Mor said, falling on one of the settees dramatically. 
A second later, Amren and Azriel came into the room, both wearing unreadable expressions. Amren’s silver eyes studied you for a moment before moving to Feyre and Rhysand.
“How’d it go?”
“Awful,” Rhysand sighed. “No one could come to an agreement.”
“Did the humans not want to sign?” You asked, purposefully avoiding the other topic. 
Feyre shook her head. “No, they were…even less receptive than we thought they’d be.” 
“What happens now?” Elain asked.
“We go through that again and again, I suppose,” Rhys answered. “Until a peace treaty is signed.” 
The room fell into a heavy silence until you broke it, minutes later.
“And…and what of…” You trailed off, unable to say the words, unable to ask about the male that had been on your mind since you had been whisked away from the meeting. 
“Beron will be visiting the Court of Nightmares tomorrow,” Rhys said, hesitantly, gauging your emotions. “To discuss what is to be done. It is unfortunate that he knows about the bond now because there is little Eris can do as long as his father is in power.”
“He can finally kill the bastard,” Mor grumbled into a pillow. 
“We must tread carefully,” Amren said. “If Eris is forced to call for a blood duel against Rhysand, he will die and one of his brutish brothers will be next in line for the throne.” 
“What!” You exclaimed. “A blood duel? Would he…would he really do that? Fight Rhysand even if it means certain death?” 
Eris was powerful, sure. But he was still only an heir, not a full blown High Lord like Rhysand. He would be misted in seconds. Just that thought of it sent you into a panic.
“I’ll fight him in your place,” Azriel said, darkly, looking at Rhys but he shook his head.
“We cannot risk that,” Rhys said. 
“Do you really think Beron would have his own son fight and die in a blood duel?” Feyre asked. 
“Of course he would. One less person he has to keep off his throne,” Amren said.
“He’s a monster,” Elain whispered, staring at you with concern. 
“Yes, he is,” Rhys sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “So we must do as Amren said and tread very carefully.” 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
The next day, you stood in the foyer of the River House, dressed in a simple dark blue, silk dress. Your stomach was tossing and turning with nerves, scared of what would happen during this meeting with Beron. You hated that you were causing your sister and Rhysand so much stress, hated that you were in the middle of this conflict. 
You wished you could turn back time. Wished you could go back to that moment the mating bond snapped so you could hide the realization better. You had always worn your heart on your sleeve and it had finally bit you in the ass. 
You had no idea how today was going to play out.
You were certain of one thing, though. You ached to see Eris again. The mating bond had nearly kept you up all night. Feyre had tried teaching you how to block if off, but it was hard. Eris seemed to have no problem keeping his side of the bond locked down. It infuriated you to know he was probably feeling every single emotion from you. 
“Are you ready?” Rhys asked as Feyre, Mor and Azriel slid into view. 
Rhys and Feyre were dressed like they always were when making trips to Hewn City. Mor wore a scandalous red dress that clung to her beautiful curves and Azriel wore his Illyrian leathers, as per usual, all seven siphons on display. 
You nodded, unable to even speak.
The next hour seemed to happen while you were stuck in a daze. Rhys winnowed you all to Hewn City and led you into the throne room where everyone was waiting. Word must’ve spread quickly of what had occurred. Keir escorted Beron and Eris into the throne room after the formalities were done.
You couldn’t find the nerve to look at Eris now that you were in the same room. You had shown your hand during that meeting and had caused an avalanche to fall in its wake. You felt guilty, ashamed and scared…so scared. 
A dumb bunny, indeed. 
Rhys and Feyre led you all to a private meeting room, shutting the door in Keir’s face as he tried to join. You sat, hiding your shaking hands in your lap, keeping your eyes on the floor. 
“Well, I assume you have come to your senses by now,” Beron said, leaning back in his chair as if he commanded the room. “The girl comes with us. The Night Court owes Autumn a bride as it is.”
His glare focused on Mor for a moment and she scoffed in his direction. 
“Not so fast, Beron,” Rhysand tsked, pouring himself a glass of wine. “We don’t owe you anything. It was your court that ultimately broke the marriage agreement all those years ago.” 
Beron sat up with a sneer. “I believe it was broken the moment that girl decided to whore herself out to an Illyrian bastard of all people.”
You tensed in your seat, gripping the dress in your fists.
“Father, please,” Eris sighed, making you look up at him finally. 
Beron glanced at his son before turning back to Rhysand. “You should be overjoyed that we’re willing to take the girl as it is, considering the beasts in your court have probably ran through her already.”
“Watch your mouth,” Feyre snapped.
The smell of burning wood filled the room and Eris flexed his hands, new scorch marks on the table underneath them. “Don’t speak of her like that.”
Beron laughed. It was an awful sound. “Right, my apologies, son. Don’t worry, those mating instincts will go away once you’ve fucked her for a near century.”
Your face turned bright red at the crude words. Eris growled. The sound was so primitive, so animalistic. It sent chills down your spine. Even Beron looked unnerved for a moment.
“You are not winning yourself any favors,” Rhysand purred, smirking at the older male. “Have you any dignity?”
“Have you?” Beron bit back. “You all but spit on the face of the Mother by keeping her away from her mate. This is more of a blessing for you then it is us. A marriage alliance with Autumn, one you do not deserve that we are graciously offering.”
“Let me make myself clear, Beron, since you refuse to listen,” Rhysand snapped. “Our court has no laws that require a female to accept a bond. You would really go to war over something like this? While our courts are still recovering from the last one?”
Rhys and Feyre had theorized that Beron was so adamant about forcing you into the bond not because he cared for his son, but for two other reasons. One, you were Made. They had all seen how powerful Nesta was because of it and Beron craved power above all else.
Two, it was another way to keep Eris in check. To dangle you over his head as a threat. 
“Perhaps we should ask what she wants,” Mor interjected.
“What she wants does not matter,” Beron snarled. “She is mated to an Autumn male, by our laws she must accept.”
“She is a resident of our court,” Feyre argued back. “She does not have to accept it.”
“Then you leave us no choice,” Beron said, rising from his seat. He planted his palms on the table, staring at you all of a sudden. You crumbled into yourself. “Is that what you want, girl? You want us to declare a blood duel against your family?”
You shook your head as Rhysand stood, slamming his own hands on the table. “You would have your son fight in a blood duel against me, a High Lord?”
“Oh, it wouldn’t be against you,” Beron laughed, cruelly. His eyes fell on Feyre. “And it wouldn’t be my son. I will demand a blood duel against your mate. A mate for a mate. Very fitting, don’t you agree?”
Feyre versus Beron…. That bastard had planned this. You’d all been so concerned with Eris declaring a blood duel you didn’t even realize this would be a way Beron could kill Feyre as he wished in a legal way—as barbaric as it was.
And most of the other courts held the mating bond in such regard, you wondered if you’d find any allies against him for doing this beside Helion. 
Rhysand growled, darkness leaking off of him,
“And I will just fight you in her place.”
Beron smiled. “Oh, but you see, you can’t. Once a blood duel has been declared you either surrender to the terms or fight. I don’t know where you got your information from but there are no place holders allowed.” 
Your heart was racing in your chest. 
Silence fell so heavy in the room your ears were ringing. All of this was all your fault. You felt tears line your eyes. You couldn’t let Feyre fight for you. You wouldn’t. Even though she could probably hold her own against him, he was ages older than her—more battle worn. She’d be at a huge disadvantage.
And Eris couldn’t do anything about this, not if it was his father who wished to fight a blood duel. He couldn’t order his father not to. 
You couldn’t let her do this. You owed your life to her, you owed everything to her. It was time to start fighting your own battles. 
“I’ll go,” you whispered, so quietly you wondered if you had even said the words out loud. “I’ll go.”
Feyre’s head whipped to you. “No, absolutely not.”
But you shook your head. “I do not want anyone fighting on my behalf. I will go with them.”
Beron’s grin grew into one that could rival the devil himself.
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
“We will find a way out of this,” Feyre whispered into your ear as she hugged you. “I promise. Just hold out for us, okay? We’ll get you out of there.”
You nodded, pulling away to brush the tears off her cheek. You weren’t even going to be able to say goodbye to Elain and Nesta. Beron was demanding that you leave right away. 
“I’ll be okay, Fey,” you murmured to her. 
“Enough of the dramatics,” Beron called out. “We’re leaving. Now.”
Eris didn’t look at you as he held out a hand. You swallowed audibly and walked to his side, grasping it softly. You spared one last glance at your sister before you were winnowed out of Hewn City and into the den of foxes.
“Come here, girl,” Beron barked, now standing before his throne. “Let me get a look at you.”
You glanced at Eris but he just stood there, stoically, not meeting your gaze. You walked towards Beron, trying not to shake in fear. 
The older male grasped your chin in his hand, turning your face from side to side as he examined you. Eris’s other brothers stood at the bottom of the dais, their wolfish grins doing little to make you less nervous. The Lady of Autumn was seated in a small chair to the side of the throne, her eyes not lifting from the floor. 
“You look just like my other son’s mate,” he remarked. “Smaller, though. The runt of the family, I’m assuming. Pity. Were you not fed properly as a child?” 
You weren’t even sure how to reply to that. You decided not to respond and Beron’s eyes narrowed. 
“Hmm,” he mused, finally letting go of you. “Have you sullied yourself with those beasts?” 
“Father,” Eris growled, stepping up next to you. “That is enough.” 
Beron chuckled, mirthlessly, waving a dismissive hand. “Fine, take her away and get her out of those whorish clothes.”
Eris grabbed you by your upper arm and dragged you out of the throne room. You had to walk quickly, trying to keep up with his long legs as he led you down corridor after corridor. The Forest House was magnificent, beautiful. It was a shame that someone like Beron ran this court, you thought, as you studied the place. 
Eris finally stopped in front of a room, yanking the door open and pushing you inside. You glared at him as he slammed the door shut behind him, crossing your arms. You were inside of a huge suite, it seemed. A lavish sitting room, with two doors on either side, likely leading to a bedroom and bathing chamber. 
“These are my quarters,” Eris explained as he shrugged off his cape coat and tossed it on the red, velvet couch. He began to unbutton his vest as he faced you. “You are to stay here. Do not leave without an escort. Tomorrow, I will assign you two handmaidens to help you.” 
Your eyes widened. “I’m…I’m meant to stay here…in your room?” 
Eris let out a long sigh. “It is the safest place for you and I do not want to risk rumors.” 
“B-but surely this is improper,” you stuttered. “We are not properly mated.” 
Eris let out a cruel laugh. “We wouldn’t be in this situation if you hadn’t made such a spectacle at the High Lords’ meeting so don’t start complaining to me.” 
You felt a flare of anger. 
“You knew,” you grumbled. “You knew about the mating bond between us and you didn’t tell me! Perhaps if you had told me, I wouldn’t have even been in that room! I would’ve stayed home.” 
“Unlikely,” Eris sneered, pouring himself a glass of whiskey from a decanter on a bar cart behind the couch. He chugged the drink down, loosening his collar with his other hand. “You don’t seem to have a lot going on in that pretty little head of yours, bunny. Did you ever stop to think about why I might be hiding it?”
“You are such a prick,” you snapped. “I am not one of your little pawns. I am not a part of your stupid games! You should have told me!”
You went to whirl around but Eris grabbed your wrist, dragging you closer to him. You glared up at him, ignoring the way his heat enveloped you in its embrace. 
“This is not a game to me,” Eris growled. “Have you any idea what you’ve cost me? Have you any idea what he will do to you if I so much as take a single step out of line now?”
You yanked your wrist out of his grip. “Have you any idea what this has cost me? I’m the one who's been forced out of my home—forced to come here!” 
“And who’s fault is that?” 
Eris slammed the empty glass down on the cart. 
“Gods, sorry I couldn’t read your oh-so-clever mind! Sorry I couldn’t act like an emotionless shell of a person like you!” 
“Watch how you speak to me,” Eris snarled. “I can make your life here a living hell, bunny.”
“I’m not scared of you, Eris,” you snapped. “You don’t fool me. I see the real you under that mask and you know what I think—I think it is you who is scared.”
Eris ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. “You know nothing. Do you understand? Nothing.”
“Then tell me! Tell me so I can help you! I know you do not wish to see your father in power much longer. Let me help!”
Eris grabbed your chin in his hand, forcing you to look up at him. You hated how cold his amber eyes looked.
“No. Absolutely not. I will not involve you in the slightest,” he snarled before his eyes softened and his hand slipped to cup your cheek instead. “I cannot…I cannot bear to see this place make you cruel. Stay here, where you’ll be safe, bunny. Leave everything else to me. You were not made for this place. But me…You have no idea what kind of monster I can be.”
Eris’s hand dropped back to his side and he stepped away from you, heading towards the door. You were breathing so heavily, your lungs constricting your ribs against the dress you wore. 
“Can we talk about this? Please!”
He said nothing, reaching for the handle of the door. 
“Eris, please!”
His hand fell against the doorframe, flame licking at the wood—scorching it again. A growl rumbled through his chest and his head hung between his shoulders but he didn’t turn around, didn’t look at you.
“Do not,” he groaned. “Do not say my name like that.” 
And then he was gone, leaving you completely alone. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
When you woke up later that night, you found yourself in an unfamiliar room. You sat up, realizing you were laying in a bed. You were certain you had fallen asleep on the couch, not wanting to even go into Eris’s bedroom.
The silk, dark orange sheets next to you were undisturbed. You rubbed at your eyes, getting up from under the covers. You were still in the dress you had fallen asleep in.
You padded over to the door, opening it slowly. You took two steps into the sitting room before you froze in your spot. 
There, on the couch, was Eris. The fireplace was roaring in front of him as he slept, a lump on the floor by his feet. You blinked away the blurriness in your eyes to see what it was.
Ashera was curled up there, the dog you had met that day you had accidentally winnowed into the forest here. She slept soundly on the floor next to him. 
You stepped back into the bedroom and closed the door behind you, quietly, not wanting to disturb them. 
· · ─────── ·♡· ─────── · ·
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holybibly · 4 months
Heyy if your dark hours are still open…👀👀 would you mind sharing your thoughts about yandere Ateez concubine harem…? Or perhaps any harem that you can think of because I’m very much into this topic🤭🤭🤭
You know what? Today I wanted to be affectionate with you, damn bunnies, and spoil you with tenderness and sweets, but you just provoked my dark side with all these requests, didn't you?
So change of plan, bunnies; we're going down the dark and rough road. I love yandere's concubines, Ateez. God, can we think of anything more seductive and more dangerous than that? From now on, you should send me such requests more often, bunnies. Feed this demon within me.
You entered the palace as the wife of the new emperor. His fourth wife. His glittering war trophy.
When war came, your world was changed beyond recognition. Flames and ashes consumed the luxury and grandeur of the palaces, and the jewels turned to dust, leaving only you, the Ice Princess of the Northern Mountains.
Your life was made of crystal and your heart was made of ice stronger than diamonds, and it was this cold and lunar beauty that caused you to be forcibly married.
Yes, you may have entered the palace as the Emperor's wife. But you were a nobody within the high walls of the palace, just a sad reflection of past your greatness.
Everyone knew that the Emperor had a large harem, not counting the three older wives, but what really surprised you was that it was not only made up of girls, but of young men as well. There were eight of them. Each one more beautiful than the last, each one unique and unrepeatable.
Until one fateful night, you had never met them or seen them in person. It was a lunar festival, and you were its queen. Dressed in silk and the finest translucent tulle, as if kissed by the moon goddess herself, you sparkled and attracted the attention of everyone around you. Everybody, but not your husband. He didn't even look at you, brushed you aside as if you were an annoying mosquito, and sent you off to talk and smile at the guests while he went off to fuck another beautiful concubine.
And then, for the first time in your life, you had a meeting with the concubines of his other harem. And your world was turned upside down for the second time in your life.
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It was love at first sight, a fire that burned through his veins and poisoned his mind. And it was all because of you. It was your fault that Wooyoung couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't laugh, and couldn't live. All of a sudden, his whole world was reduced to you and your heavenly, icy beauty. He passionately wanted to melt that ice, make you beg, squirm, and moan as he fucked you unconscious and painfully, filling you with his sperm and marking you as his property.
The only thing Wooyoung ever had in his life was his beauty. He grew up in poverty, living on scraps of food and the small amount of money he was able to pick up from the dirt. That is, until the day the current emperor, who was still a prince at the time, came upon him in one of the alleys, on the run from his guards. Wooyoung's dark fox eyes captivated him at once, and as if he had fallen under his spell, the emperor brought him back to the palace to be his concubine.
Wooyoung was a greedy concubine; there was always something that was not enough for him. He wanted to swim in luxury, to drown in gold and silk, to have diamonds, and to own the whole damn world. The best should be his, and so it was; the emperor gave him everything and more that Wooyoung had a desire for. And now you were in his sights. He wanted you so much that it ate him up from within and almost drove him mad, greedily and viciously, in the most horrible way in the world.
Yes, Wooyoung was greedy, and if he had to kill the Emperor to get you, he wasn't going to think twice about doing it.
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One look at you could bring him to his knees. He would crawl to you like a pet if you commanded him to, and that desire was stronger than the hatred he felt for the whole of the world. You could tame his wild temper, and Mingi would want nothing more than for you to straddle him and ride his cock day and night, tearing the skin from his back and shoulders, choking him, and biting him until his will was broken. Mingi was uncontrollable and capricious, passion and fire raging in him, burning everything in his path, but your element was ice, burning him harder than hell itself.
Once upon a time, Mingi was a warrior, one of the great generals of his country, until the war came and destroyed his entire life. It took everything from him—his will, his family, his home. Yes, the war had taken everything from him except for the poisonous rage and the dark, vicious passion that was boiling in his veins. He was brought to the palace in chains like a slave, and that very night the Emperor took him by force and made him one of his concubines. This only made him bitterer.
Mingi was venomous and aggressive, biting and scratching until he bled, but you, you did something to him—you forced him into submission by your very presence, without him even knowing it. The wild, unbridled storm inside of him became the icy surface of the lake, soothing and healing. And Mingi wanted peace. He wanted the touch of your icy hands on his heated skin and cold kisses on his lips. He wanted you.
What is passion if not a flame that is a destroyer of all things on its way to its goal? And Mingi was full of fire to burn this damn palace to the ground to take possession of you.
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He was sin clothed in a human body, debauchery and lust embodied in an image of heavenly beauty. The whole of Seonghwa's life had been nothing more than a constant stream of sex and an endless series of lovers. He could not get rid of this feeling; it was like frost on his skin. This constant, painful need was scratching him from the inside out. But when he saw you, all his thoughts were focused on you—on your pure, untouched skin that he wanted to lick and bite, on your slim waist that he wanted to squeeze as he fucked you continuously. On those red, seductive lips that would be simply amazing when wrapped around his dick. It was you he wanted, and for the first time in his life, Seonghwa wanted you to be the one. He didn't want anyone else, only you. 
Before he entered the palace, he was one of the most sought-after whores in the brothel, famous for his devilish beauty and his languid, cat-like gaze. There was a line of people waiting for him, and Seonghwa was more than happy to accept them all. He was insatiable, wanting to fuck anywhere and anytime, trying the most sinful and unusual things. He was a real slut. But when the emperor heard about Seonghwa and visited his brothel one day, everything changed. Suddenly, he was no longer just a whore; he became Imeretar's concubine.
Seonghwa's hunger could not be quenched, and one partner would never be able to cope with it. But here you are, pure and radiant like an angel, beckoning him with your immaculate beauty. You were stronger than his dark, insatiable demon of lust. He wanted to corrupt you, to make you like him, and to make you dependent on him, just as he had become dependent on thinking about you.
It is said that whores don't know how to love, but they know how to desire. And there was enough darkness in Seonghwa to consume and destroy the world; to possess your purity and chastity. Then let the world be plunged into darkness until you are alone with him.
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Yeosang had never been interested in anything at all. The world was too boring and dangerous for him. He could never care less about it. If he could, he would stay safe and comfortable in his bed for the rest of his life. You were different—distant and cold, but with an inexplicable thirst to live. You wanted to see all the things around you, to experience the cultures and the art. The world was interesting to you, and that was a source of irritation to Yeosang.
Everything about you was fragile and exquisite, and the fact that you didn't see it was what made Yeosang so angry. Don't you see, little butterfly, the world is terrible and dangerous. You would be much better off with him in his bed, far away from anything that could harm you in any way. Perhaps you would finally understand that you shouldn't run away from the safety and comfort of his bed if he were to break you. If that helped, Yeosang would want to destroy you and fuck your little curious brain until you thought only of him. He would spend hours warming you with his dick, days kissing your cold lips, and smothering you with his attention and love.
Yeosang was always aware that one day he would be part of the emperor's household. He had been prepared for this since he was a child, pampered and protected from the whole world, so that there would not be a trace of dirt on his silky, snow-white skin. Always waiting for the Emperor to visit his chambers and warm his soft bed, albeit temporarily. Yeosang almost never left his room, but like all concubines, he had to attend the Moon Festival. And that's when he saw his fragile butterfly. And like everything beautiful in this world, you were too easy to break. Yeosang wanted to protect you, hide you between his sheets, and shower you with care.
Yes, beautiful things broke easily, sometimes too easily—delicate butterfly wings, flower petals, crystal jewelry. But Yeosang wanted to see how the most beautiful thing in the world—human life—broke.
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He wanted to eat you alive. Sinking his teeth into you and never letting you go, you awakened in him this wild, all-consuming hunger that he could not satisfy with anything else. You were the most delicious dish of all, and your taste was his only desire. San had always been a little insatiable, wanting more attention, wanting to love more, wanting to more sex, wanting everything this world had to offer him. It was never enough. You walked past him without even looking in his direction, the trail of your perfume settling on his skin and seeping into his body, poisoning him as you went. He wanted you to pay attention to him, to smile at him, to love him, to touch him. Oh, he would never let you go, he would fill you with his cum over and over again, and it wouldn't be enough for his taste. If he could, his dick would be in your pretty pussy all the time, so warm and delicious. He was in desperate need of you, he was hungry for you, and this hunger was all-encompassing.
Ever since he was a child, San had had a voracious appetite, always in need of a bigger and sweeter bite to temporarily fill the emptiness inside him that was growing with him. He had everything he could ever wish for; he had grown up in a loving and wealthy family with titles, but the dark hunger that plagued him was terrible. No matter what it was, he was always in need of more. So one day, when the emperor asked if he wanted to join his harem, San didn't hesitate to accept, but the hunger didn't go away.
You were the most delicious forbidden fruit of them all, and San was desperate to sink his teeth into you. He could almost feel the heavenly sweetness of you on his tongue, and it was driving him wild.
The sky could crash and burn all around him, and he wouldn't care, as long as you could fill him up and satisfy him.
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There was no one in this world who could ever be like him. There was no one like Hongjoong. There was no limit to his pride and his greatness, and any praise You never praised him, you never sought his attention, and you were never enchanted by his sharp mind, his sweet voice, or his beauty, which could only be rivalled by the devil himself. And Hongjoong hated it. He hated how much he wanted your attention and your love. He wanted you to worship him, idolise him, and devote your whole life to him. He had to have you in all ways, even if those ways were darker than the night itself.Hongjoong wanted to see you in his golden bed, stretched out on the silk, while he was ravaging your body. He wanted to hear the endless moaning of his name as his cock tore apart the little cunt that was yours. He was in need of it, so much so that his whole body ached.
Hongjoong was a trophy of war, just like you. He was a real prince, who was supposed to be a king one day. His ego knew no bounds, and he was cruel and daring. Of course, the whole of the palace was conquered by the magnificent prince dressed in gold - all of them, except for you.
Yes, Hongjoong was a true prince, and one day he would overthrow the emperor and take his rightful throne, and like every emperor, he had to have his empress. You may not see him now, but the day will come when Hongjoong will be the only sunshine that illuminates your life. And he couldn't wait for it.
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Yunho has never been the victim of jealousy. He has always been the recipient of praise and adoration, a constant reminder of how much he is loved. Yunho had no idea how jealousy could be. Or so he thought, at least.
That night, when he saw you in the light of the moon, he had hatred for the whole damn world. How dare he look at what belonged to him? He envied all those who could speak to you so freely; he envied all those who could pronounce your name; he envied his emperor, who did not appreciate your beauty and who humiliated you. Damn it, Yunho was jealous of the very air you were breathing. He desperately wanted to be him—to live inside you and melt into your skin. He wanted to melt into you without a trace.He would have loved to take you to his bed, to kiss every inch of your skin, to fuck you long and slow, and to shower you with compliments and praise. He would like to have you in his arms all the time, writhing and moaning with desire and need. For him, you are the only thing he needs in his life.
Yunho used to be just a servant in the palace. But he caught the Emperor's eye. That very night, he entered the emperor's chambers as his new concubine. Yunho knew about the others; he knew that he was not the only one, but that never bothered him; he was able to share the attention of the emperor. Except you. You were his own, and even the world was not worthy of seeing you.
It would be so easy to have the entire palace blinded, so that no one else but Yunho would have to see your celestial beauty.
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Jongho was a man too proud for his own good. In his mind, it was beneath his dignity to pay attention to others and smile sweetly at them. Jongho was the spoiled, arrogant son of one of the most important palace officials, and when his father had the chance to get close to the emperor, he naturally gave him to the harem. But even so, he still considered himself to be better than everyone else, even Hongjoong, who was a prince in his own right.
Jongho was the one who first saw you, quite by chance, when he visited his father on the night you were appointed as the emperor's fourth wife. The Emperor was a real fool not to see how brilliant and magnificent you were—a real crown jewel. You were a symbol of power, strength, and might, an enslaved princess of a once great country, and a black flame of desire flared up in Jongho—he wanted to own you completely.
He wanted you for himself—your thoughts, your will, your body, and your life. He wanted you to sit by his side, to be covered with jewels, and to bear his children. It was easy for him to imagine his hand wrapped around your fragile throat as he fucked you into the mattress, you begging and moaning for him, wanting to be filled with his cum.
Fueled by his selfish desires, his fixation on you became increasingly harmful and dangerous.
Out of all the trophies in the world, there was nothing that was more attractive to Jongho than you. And on the way to what he wanted, murder was never a serious matter for him.
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evilminji · 9 months
Was Krypto Jor-El's dog? Or did their family have another pet?
Because think about it. Thanks to Cujo, we KNOW animals with unfinished business or strong attachments stay behind. We ALSO know from nigh COUNTLESS videos on the internet that pets get REALLY attached to pregnant moms and by extention, the new pack members.
Krpton was an Alien planet. Just because SOME of the animals there looked similar to earth animals, doesn't mean ALL of them do. Nor does it mean they ONLY domesticated dog like creatures or cat like creatures. They could have anything from vaguely bear-like to fox-ish to small moose but with more teeth.
It was a completely different ecology.
And Jor-El? Him and his wife had a CHOICE to make. They had A pod. Singular. Tiny. Not a ship, not an escape pod, not even a refurbished shipping container. Just a pod with life support and all the information about Krypton they could fit. A guidance system that, gods willing, would see their son to a safe and sympathetic planet to be raised by kind people.
THEY couldn't even fit.
How in the gods name would a large pet? Even a mid sized pet. Let us assume, for this prompt, that being scientists of high position? Pays or allocates pretty well. They have the room. The resources. When they got married, Jor-El's wife REALLY wanted a cub or pup or what have you, of some large-ish animal breed.
The equivalent of an earth mastiff dog. Just an Absolute UNIT. Used to be gaurds and working beasts, now more athletic pets then anything. Known to be great protecters of Their People.
And well... Jor-El WAS already starting to notice some things that were making him Less Than Popular... probably nothing (he had naively hoped, at the time.) But better to have a Just In Case. Sure, honey. Let's get one!
And they LOVED Snookums.
Snookums ADORED them AND the baby! Kal-El basically NEVER left Snookums sight. He slept beneath Kal's crib. Followed them everywhere they went, when they were holding Kal. Planted himself like Kal's Sworn Protector as the baby drooled all over his fur. It was the cutest thing EVER.
But then?
No. Dear Gods No. Please... Please let him be wrong!
He's not. He never is. He is too careful with his calculations. To the point of near paranoia. Maybe they can stop it. If they DO something. Act IMMEDIATELY...
Well, we all now how that story ends. Two people, standing on a launch pad, tears streaming down their smiling faces, trying to memorize the last moment they'll ever see their son. Praying this will be ENOUGH.
That they aren't trading one terrible death for another.
Watching their son disappear into the sky. Flying home as the ground groan as shakes, trees toppling and people screaming. Panicking. Dying pointless deaths that could have been stopped.
Walking into the home that should have been where they spent their whole live. Where, in a way, they WILL.
Knowing they won't grow old.
Sitting on the floor with their confused, frantic, pet as fire starts to light up the horizon. As the ground shakes violently on last, terrible time. Knowing the lethal heat will hit them before their ears ever register the sound.
It's Over.
But! Where is Snookum's Baby Kal!?
They are scared, confused, and everything is LOUD AND RUMBLY. Very Bad. Don't like that. Their ADULTS come back home. BUT NOT THEIR BABY. Where is Baby Kal?! Snookums is a GOOD Boy and a GREAT Protector. It is in his blood.
Something BAD is happening.
Has? Happened?
Everything is GREEN.
But that does not MATTER. Snookums can not REST. Can not stay here! They must Sniff and search and hunt! Look for Kal! Who is SMALL and needs to be protected! What if he is HURT? How will he SLEEP!? With no Snookums to cuddle for nap time!?
But the universe is large. And there is no smell in space. (Well, there ARE. But they are Stinky Gasses and those do not help Snookums.) So it takes lots and lots of time. Until! He meets a glowing blue dog!
A hopeful corgi? What is a corgi? Irrelevant! The hopeful one knows of Snookums' Kal! Oh, thank you small friend! You indeed DO give hope! We shall go at once and Kal shall be safe and with family once more!
Meanwhile? Danny? Wakes up to a sticky note on his forehead from Clockwork. "Bring Cujo with you to meet the Justic League"? What? WHY? He loves the pup, but Cujo has never behaved himself in a formal setting ONCE in his doggy LIFE. Danny is trying to make a good first impression!
But... Clockwork doesn't Post-It lightly...
Guess he's breaking out the doggy bow ties. Great. Wonder what THIS is about...
Four and a half hours later? Watching Cujo playfully wrestle with the ghost of what HAS to be a Kryptonian... gonna saaaaay.... Bear-fox? Which nearly TACKLED Superman, freaked the ENTIRE Justice League out, and nearly got him STABBED by Etrigon. Yeah. That was a good call.
Congratulations on your new ghost pet, Superman. No, he's not leaving. It just kinda happens sometimes. It's how Danny got Cujo. Wanna do pet playdates?
@hdgnj @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @dcxdpdabbles @nerdpoe
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vbecker10 · 2 months
You Are My Home
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: Loki leaves you for a month to visit Asgard with Thor and you are more then excited to welcome him home.
A/N: This is not what I'm supposed to be working on right now but I listened to the song linked below on the way home and the damn thing just wrote itself... enjoy 💚
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In the two and a half years you and Loki have been together, this is by far the longest you have ever been apart. Loki would often spend a few days or even a week away on missions but today is day thirty without him. He and Thor returned to Asgard to take care of a political matter and you were both devastated to find out you would not be able to go with him. You had cried yourself to sleep in his arms the night before he left and you haven't slept a full night since.
You spent the whole day anxiously awaiting this moment, he is finally going to arrive any minute. Looking at yourself in the window, you check your makeup and hair for the hundredth time, wanting to look perfect for him. You smooth out the fabric on your favorite dress and smile, Loki bought it for you to wear for your first anniversary. It is a deep emerald green and fits your body as if it was made for you.
The wind picks up suddenly and your heart beats faster, you know instantly the Bifrost is opening. You turn away from the building and walk across the grass to wait closer to the open area where they will arrive. You can barely contain your excitement as the air around you buzzes. Lightning and streaks of bright colored lights pierce the thick clouds and burn into the dried grass behind the Avengers Compound.
You force yourself to stay where you are until the wind ties down and the lights fade. You see two tall figures standing in the center of a charred spiral.
"Loki!" your legs immediately carry you towards him.
"Y/N!" he answers, his voice full of joy as he quickly moves to meet you. He pulls you into a tight hug, lifting you easily off the ground as he spins, making you giggle. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his desperately, as if you are trying to make up for all of the kisses you two have missed out on in the last month.
"Gods, how I've missed you," he says when you break the kiss, he puts you down and keeps his arms around you.
"I missed you every second you were gone," you tell him honestly. "Promise me if you ever go home again, you'll take me with you."
He raises one hand to stroke your cheek lightly, "Asgard is many things, my dear, but I don't call it home anymore."
You look at him curiously and he smiles, "I was going to wait to do this until tonight but I don't want to wait another moment."
He looks over his shoulder at his older brother who smiles at you both and takes a few steps away.
You cover your mouth with your left hand as your heart pounds quickly in your chest. "Loki?" you barely whisper in disbelief as he take a small step away from you and gets down on one knee.
A small ring box appears in one hand with a green flash and he takes your right hand in his other hand.
"Y/N, home is where you are and every night I spent alone on Asgard was worth it to come back to you. You are my home, you are my everything when I feel alone. You are my shelter when all my hope is gone. You are my heart, you are the one I want to spend every minute of every day with. I love you with every fiber of my being," he says as he looks up at you. "Y/N, my love, my queen. Will you make me the happiest man in the nine realms by becoming my wife?"
"Yes! Yes," you say excitedly as Loki stands. "I love you," you tell him as he slips the most beautiful ring you have ever seen onto your finger.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
@soubi001 @michelleleewise @harlequin-hangout @ace-of-gay @xorpsbane @mochie85 @sheris532 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @kkdvkyya @animnerd @peaches1958 @peachyjinx @lokiandbuckysdoll @winterfrostlovetriangle @high-functioning-lokipath @winniewings @pics-and-fanfics @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @crimson25 @goblingirlsarah @janineb86 @simone818283 @tonystank8 @im-briana-stan @foxherder @chantsdemarins @catsladen @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @dragonmurray @honeydew3064 @malfoycassimalfoy @kneelingformyloki @newtomofgods @jiyascepter @eleniblue
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
It Is Time (Daemon x Reader)
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This is probably the softest imagine I have written and it was so much fun. I was listening to line without a hook so you get the vibe I was going for.
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To be married into the Targaryen was considered a chance of a lifetime for most, however a marriage with the princess of the Summer Islands was a miracle, when (y/n)s father send the raven of her being open to wedlock Jahaerys was the first to respond, offering Daemon as a suitable husband, to align such foreign force was a must for the Targaryens, Daemon at first had retaliated, denying to part take in a loveless marriage with a woman he had never seen to just be a pawn of the king.
That quickly changed when (y/n) visited kings landing, “The diamond of the Summer islands” she was known for her bewitching nature, as she walked next to her father like she owned the place Daemon swallowed thickly at what his eyes were experiencing, it looked like she was a mystical fairy merely flowing instead of using her feet, she was a different type of beauty, a thicker frame with tanned dark skin from the place of endless summer, tall frame and curly hair, her eyes resembled that of a fox, full of mischief and secrets. The daughter of house Truefyre had brought Daemon to his knees with a single glance, once he greeted her and got a hold of her hand he felt shivers down his spine.
“It was the first time I felt like the Gods smiled down at me”
Their wedding was the talk of Westeros, (y/n) and Daemon danced the night away, whispers a of a the union growing strong took over as Daemon was seen tending to his lady wife in every way, shape and form, he was put under a spell that he never wanted to break free from.
“What is it my diamond?”
“I haven’t… bled”
“Oh…. Oh!”
Realisation hit daemon like a stone in the head, Daemon and (y/n) had been every affectionate with one another, Daemon would always have a hand touching (y/n) and there have been rumours of Daemon letting his hand slip in more inappropriate parts, how could he resist? His lady wife was the most perfect creature, his precious diamond that he held close in hopes to protect her forever.
Daemon was not a man of exaggerating declares of happiness, at the news of his wife being with his child he simply smiled and placed a kissed on her forehead before kneeling to be in the same height as her belly.
“I cannot wait to meet you little one”
(Y/n) had wished to reside to the Summer islands, away from duties and pointless dinner with backstabbing lords that would arse kiss in front of her face, her father was gracious enough to offer a castle right next to the sea shore as her wedding gift, Daemon could not deny his love such joy, he also secretly wanted to have a quiet life with his family.
As the morrows came and went (y/n) was changing by the hour, her lady nature kicked in with impeccable strength, compelling the princess to shed tears at the sight of a cat playing with her kittens, her hand was always caressing her growing belly as she sang to the babe while sitting in a swing located in a beautiful orange tree, the breeze passing through her as she rested in the shade and enjoyed the sounds of nature.
“The princess requested for deer meat with… peach jam”
Daemon found himself giving her strange requests to the cooks more than he liked to admit, it was almost a daily ritual for her to wake up in all hours of the night and beg her husband for stuff like plum juice and oysters, strawberry cake and beef meat, he would sometimes think her cravings were the reason of her sickness, although he was smarter than uttering his concern, he would simply nod and go searching for whatever she had asked for.
“I have gotten fat”
“You are with child”
“I am fat with child”
Daemon took in the scene of his wife standing as she watched herself in the mirror, she had gotten bigger as time went on but that was normal for her journey in motherhood. He had been reading a book in his bed when he puffed out a breath and stood up to approach her, (y/n) quickly went to wrap herself with her silk rob yet Daemon stopped her, on her vanity she had an open jar of cream that she would often run her belly with, it soothed her from the itching. Daemon took a small amount and gently went over the stretched skin with care.
“You are a mother, a beautiful woman that is strong enough to carry a child in her with such grace that you make it seem easy, I look at you and I see the world in those dark hues of yours”
“You are going to make me cry”
“I am going to make you happy and when the time comes and our baby is born I will be sure to let them know how infuriatingly gorgeous their mother was when you were carrying them”
“I hope it is a girl”
“I pray that it is healthy, now it is time you rest and no more talking down on your figure, the mother of my child will never be disrespected like that”
Daemon had been (y/n)s shadow, making sure she had everything her heart desires and was happy until she laid next to him with a grin, it was the only way Daemon could drift off, he wouldn’t be able to even sleep for an hour if he wasn’t certain his wife was unwell, especially now that she was risking her life for the birth of their child.
“Daemon, Daemon wake up”
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“It is time”
“Oh seven hells, I’ll summon the maester”
“No, no, take me to the ocean”
“(Y/n) it is not the time to swim”
“Daemon for the love of everything that is holy, take me to the fucking ocean”
Daemon was smart enough to understand there was no room for him to protest and not to even negotiate about it, he simply took his dear wife gently in his arms as she grunted and moaned and safely let her feel the coldness of the ocean waves. (Y/n) was overcome by a sense of relief from her muscles as the water soothed the ache, washing it away with each wave, her back resting against a rock with her legs spread wide open to give the babe access.
“Now may I call the maester?”
“No, I don’t want them here”
“I want you to be the first one to hold it, not a bunch of people who will let me know the gender before the status of the babes health”
Daemon empathised with his love, wet nurses and maesters were known for not quite caring of anyone’s health, only to deliver the next heir of the Targaryen bloodline.
Daemon nodded mostly to himself before he kneeled so he can take a proper look and guide his wife as much as he could.
“Now I am not trained for this but I’ll do my best”
“It’s alright my sweet, I just need you to hold it when it gets here”
(Y/n) was doing a wonderful job during the entire labour, if Daemon did not know any better he would say (y/n) had gotten through labour a thousand of times, the sound of the ocean calmed her nerves and the cold water seemed to come in to use as beats of sweat appeared on her forehead, she would often ask Daemon to splash her in the face or her chest.
“Here we go my diamond, just a little more”
It had been the wee hours of the morning until the babe was released from her, relief washed over her as her legs could finally spread flat and rest. Daemon caught the babe that was greeted by the ocean first before it was finally secure in their fathers arms, the beautiful little star cried while Daemon cut the cord with his dagger.
“Is the babe alright?”
“The dragon is as strong as her mother”
“Her? A girl?”
“Give her to me”
Daemon silently complied, passing the fragile little girl in her mothers arms. (Y/n) had never felt more accomplished before, she delivered her daughter right as she wished, with her husband and with the strength of the ocean.
In her land the sea goddess was also the goddess of fertility, frequently plenty of couples would bring their babes to the shore and let the water caress the babes skin as a thank you to the goddess for allowing them to expand their families, to be able to give birth right in the goddesses home was a dream for a plethora of women.
“How about Ariel?”
“An unusual name for a Targaryen, what will your dear family say?”
“I couldn’t give two shits about them, you and our precious Ariel are the beginning and the end for me”
“you have become such a poet my prince”
“How could I not? dear (y/n) you have turned my life to a living fairytale”
“Help me up please”
Daemon allowed his wife to carry the small child while he carried her, the maester along with the servants were waiting for the couples arrival back to the castle, they were aware of how sacred this moment had been for them and watched from the sidelines, praying that everything would go smoothly.
“Behold (y/n) of House Truefyre and our first born, Ariel Targaryen”
(Y/n) only giggled as Daemon puffed out his chest with pride and carried her to their chamber while all the servants beamed with joy.
“I believe we should take the babe for a bath”
“No maester Gerald I will do it”
“As you wish princess”
“My love, you should rest”
“I would rather be Caraxes next meal than allow someone else experience her first milestones instead of us”
Daemon only leaned to peck his wives lips with the utmost adoration, his diamond was meant to become a mother and he felt a certain sense of honour that she chose him to share her future with.
The servants prepared the bath for little Ariel while (y/n) and Daemon kneeled, the babes first sensation was the ocean so Ariel was peaceful as the warm water was gently washing away the salt of the waves.
“She will be a strong dragon rider, like you”
“Or a graceful princess of the summer islands, like you”
(Y/n) leaned closer to her husband as a way to express her emotions to him. It was Daemons turn to smile at her, (y/n) was everything Daemon never thought he deserved in life, sometimes he would think what would his life be if he had not married her, and the result was just grim and cold.
“We should call the wet nurses my sweet, Ariel will need to feed in a while”
“Wet nurses? Daemon this is not kings landing, we feed our babes here”
He would never imagine he could love his wife more, that is until he was part of the moment (y/n) fed Ariel, such a sacred ritual and bond with mother and daughter. (Y/n) laid comfortably in their bed after she had a scorching hot bath with her favourite scented soap which was lily flowers, Daemon had even braided her wet hair so it will be out of her face and make her feel pretty.
(Y/n) hummed a tune to their little princess, light beaming through the windows on this glorious day and their babe healthy and already loved tremendously suckling on its mothers breast, (y/n) could almost feel the women of her bloodline gather around them and bless the babe with their hands on her shoulders, resilient women who suffered through months of pain, swelling, restless nights, broke their hips for the birth, even produced milk for their children to feed, Daemon had been a warrior who had taken plenty of life’s, his wife was a warrior who created a life.
“It is time for you to rest”
“No, I don’t want to take my eyes off of her, I want to watch her breathe”
“Alright, I’ll sit right by you with Ariel as you sleep, I will watch her for you. Do you trust me with that?”
“I suppose”
Daemon did as such, sitting up in their bed holding the princess while (y/n) got comfortable with her pillow, her eyelids were already heavy but she still fought, Daemon rocking the babe without even realising how bright he was smiling at his daughter was such a gorgeous sight to miss, they were not just husband and wife now, nor prince and princess of anything, they were mother and father, parents that would offer their life for their daughter, a bond made by passion and kept by devotion and love.
She drifted off to sleep with the sound of her daughter cooing at her father, praying that her body won’t be in need of countless hours of sleep, since she looked forward to waking up and be fully capable of holding her daughter again.
Requests are open
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overtrred28 · 5 months
Something out of a rom com | Steph Catley x reader
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Summary; The night of Steph’s 30th birthday party leads to the telling of your romantic love story that really should be made into a rom com. 
Words; 2.5k
Pairing; Steph Catley x reader
Warnings; none really, pure fluff
A/N; This is in honour of her birthday and I wrote it because I had the idea during a shower and I just had to write it. It might not be the best but hopefully it's cute and decently written. I’ve also got two blurbs for other players in the process atm so stay tuned for that!
The 26th of January. A seemingly normal day to most people, but it was in fact one of your favourites. It not only marks the day you met the love of your life and future wife, but it coincidentally happened to be her birthday as well. It also happened to be today's date once again. 
So here you sat in your shared living room, Steph snuggled up to you on the couch surrounded by some of the people who loved her the most after a very successful 30th birthday party. 
A lot of other party goers had left as it was getting late, except for almost half of her Arsenal teammates who always seemed to linger after events such as these, not that you minded. 
Different conversations littered the room, most didn’t make sense because of the alcohol that was still flowing. But it was the newest team member Emily Fox who brought the group back together. 
“So, how long have you guys been together?” Emily asked, sitting directly across the room from you and Steph. 
“Almost 3 years now.” Steph smiled at her and the rest of the group listened in. 
“Oh my god, their relationship story is like something out of a rom com!” Jen talked excitingly whilst looking at Emily. 
“What do you mean?” You looked at Jen first and then down to Steph who looked just as confused. 
“Wait, I’ve never heard the full story.” Kyra piped up from her place on the floor beside Alessia. 
“Me either.” Alessia raised a finger while looking between you and Steph.
“It’s not that exciting.” Steph let out a laugh which caused Kyra and Alessia to pout. 
“Yes it is. Now listen up children…” Beth cleared her throat from the other edge of the couch next to Viv who was rolling her eyes as Beth began to tell your love story. 
6 years ago, January 26th 2018
“Oh come on, just let us go out one last time before you leave me forever!” Your best friend was standing in your room as you laid on your bed and stared up at her. 
“Do I have to?” You tried giving her puppy eyes but it wasn’t working, she walked closer to your bed, sitting down and taking your hands in hers.
“You, my best friend of 10 plus years, are leaving me for London for who knows how long.” She pouted at you. “Of course you have to go out with me one last time. So get up, look hot and start drinking.” She pulled your covers off you and dragged you to your vanity, placing a drink in front of you and leaving to go get ready herself. 
Over an hour later you were both ready and a little tipsy, ready to leave and adventure into the Melbourne nightlife. 
It took a while for you to find a club that was half decent and didn’t have ridiculously overpriced drinks but you secured a place in the corner and were finishing your like 10th drink of the night. 
“I’m going to get another, you want one?” You shouted over the music to your friend and pointed to the bar. She shook her head before talking into your ear.
“I’m gonna go on the dance floor, come find me when you're done?” She pointed to where most people congregated and you sent her a thumbs up before weaving through way too many drunk people. 
You accidently bumped into someone as you tried to reach the bar, someone else pushing you in the crowd causing you to fall into her. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” You apologised as she began to turn around and you suddenly found yourself staring at the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen. 
“Don’t even, it’s so fine.” She replied with a sweet smile and placed a hand on your arm sending chills up it. 
“I’m going to take a wild guess and say it’s your birthday?” You laughed as your eyes drifted down the sash she was currently wearing. 
“My friends made me wear it, hoping I could score us a few free drinks.” She shook her head and laughed with you. 
“Well, let’s not disappoint and let me buy you a drink.” You smiled at her and if it weren't for the dark lighting, you would have seen the blush that accompanied her beautiful smile. 
“You don’t have to.” She immediately rejected but this time you reached down and held her arm. 
“I insist, birthday girl.” You winked before leading her through the crowd again and finally reaching the bar. “Order whatever you want.” You leant down to her ear as you waited for a bartender. 
She politely asked the bartender for her drink of choice before he looked over to you.
“Make it two, please.” You smiled before pulling your card out to pay. You both thanked the bartender before walking away and standing against a wall out of the way. 
“Thank you.” She looked up at you with a smile again. 
“My pleasure.” You couldn't stop staring at her, she was the most beautiful person ever and she was talking to you. “Wanna go dance? I told my friend I would meet her when I was done.” You asked after finishing your drinks in silence.
“I would love to, but…” She looked down at her watch and you could feel the smile falling off your face. “I’ve got an early morning and my cut off was supposed to be 12.” She made a pout at you.
“That’s okay, I get it.” You nodded and sent her a tight lipped smile.
“There is something I have to do before I go though.” She sent you a smirk and you creased your eyebrows in confusion. 
“What?” You looked down at her, barely having any time to think before she reached up and kissed you hard, placing a hand on your face. Immediately your hand fell to her waist and you fell into a rhythm.
The kiss was very nice and a little long but it ended and you parted with big smiles. 
“I really have to go now.” She smiled and let out a little laugh. 
“Okay cinderella.” You bit your lip before letting her go and she ran off through the crowd to find her friends. You stood in a daze for a second before a hand clasped your shoulder, shaking you out of your trance.
“Oh my god, who was that?” Your best friend had spotted the end of the kiss as she came to find you but didn’t see her face. 
“Um,” You blinked before turning to her. “I… don’t… know.” You realised she never shared her name and neither did you. And now she was gone; a mystery kiss from the mystery birthday girl. 
3 years later, May 19th 2021
You have been in London for 3 years now, working for an event planning company, establishing a close group of friends and having the time of your life. 
Some of the friends you made had managed to drag you along to a women's football match now that people were allowed back to the matches after the covid lockdown last year, despite your lack of interest in or awareness of the sport, either male or female.
So here you were at Meadow Park on a Wednesday evening, watching a sport you’ve never taken interest in but were enjoying to some degree in the fading spring sun.
“I told you. I knew you would enjoy it eventually.” Your friend shoved your shoulder after seeing you get up when it was thought a shot might finally go in for the home side and her team of choice, Arsenal. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You brushed her off, eyes focused on the game at play and becoming more and more invested with each pass. 
It wasn’t till halfway through the second half that a certain defender caught your eye as she ran past and towards the opposite end of the field. There was something about her that seemed so familiar but you couldn’t place it. 
The game ended in a 0-0 draw and left you with a new interest that would soon turn into a regular outing on Sundays and Wednesdays, instead of your regular dinner and drinks throughout the week. 
The players began to do their rounds and you stuck around, waiting to spot a certain defender once again and figure out the mystery that was the jersey with ‘Catley’ plastered over her back.
She had been talking with another player as they walked, eyes scanning the crowd for any fans with signs or hopeful smiles when she found your eyes further up, you resting along the barrier. The words fell from her lips and the player beside her was tapping her shoulder in an attempt to gain her focus once again but it was no use. 
“One sec.” She gently spoke before running over to where you were standing, now looking down at your phone and missing her completely until a familiar accent fell on your ears. 
“Hi.” She gave you a smile and your head whipped up from your screen, finding that beautiful face from all those years ago in your sights again. 
“Hi.” You breathed out as you assessed her features and reassured yourself you weren’t once again imagining those eyes that plagued your dreams every few months. 
“Fancy seeing you here, halfway across the world.” She spoke again, noticing that you were in a sort of daze still. 
“Uh yeah. Sorry, this is just so weird.” You shook your head, letting out a laugh. “Not in a bad way,” You spoke quickly. “I just never thought I would see you again. Especially not halfway across the world.” She smiled at your shyness, the opposite to the confident you she remembers; though you are quite confident with alcohol in your system. 
“Yeah.” Steph laughed and continued to analyse your features, every part of that night coming back to her in full view rather than scattered pieces of memory like she has for the last three years. 
“So,” You tried to keep the conversation flowing, realising you would have to wrap up soon so she could get back to her team and you to your friends. “Do you think I could finally get the name and number that's not on the back of your shirt? I think that’s something you forgot all those years ago.” You smiled at her and began pulling your phone from its place in your pocket. 
She let out a laugh, a real one before nodding. “Oh yeah. I guess so.” She held your phone in her hands and began adding a contact in, handing it back quickly. “There you go.”
“Thank you.” You took a look at your phone before returning eye contact with her, feeling once again that same thing inside your chest from the night you first met. “I’ll call you, Steph.” You nodded, beginning to retreat from the barrier and up the stairs. 
“And who should I be expecting said call from?” She called out to you, stopping you in your tracks to turn your head back around. 
“Y/N.” You smiled before being the one walking away this time and leaving her with a dazed expression and confused friends. 
“Who was that?” Beth appeared beside her, looking at the retreating girl Steph had just interacted with but couldn’t see the face. 
“Um,” Steph shook her head. “An…old…friend.” She turned her face to Beth who was more confused than ever but began walking towards the changerooms with the rest of the team. 
Over the next few weeks it seemed like you and Steph were texting every spare second you each had when she wasn’t training and you weren't working, even before you could finally arrange a time to meet up and have your official first date. 
She suggested you go out for dinner one night before she was set to go off and play in the delayed 2020 Tokyo Olympics over the summer. You had the best time together, chatting for hours and catching up on everything over the past few years, talking as if you had known each other forever. The night ended and she walked you back to your apartment which happened to be just down the street from hers, once again leaving you with a kiss that left you feeling dazed; but this time she couldn’t run and hide from you. 
After watching and cheering on Steph and the national team at the Olympics from home, you knew that this was the person you wanted to pursue a future with. 
So when she came back you made it official with one another, a private time for the two of you to continue to learn everything about one another until you were ready to share it with your friends and the world. 
After a few months of secretly dating, realising this is how the rest of your life was going to look like, you began to share with friends, family and eventually the media which caused a flurry in the football world because of Steph’s public status. It turned out to be even better for your relationship now that you could express your love for one another to other people. 
“And then last year, Steph decided to pop the question the day before Y/N wanted to do it.” Beth concluded the story, somehow managing to keep everyone invested despite the late hour and disappearing energy from tonight's events. 
“Thank you Beth, that was quite an accurate retelling.” You smiled over at the blonde, reaching out for a high whilst trying not to disturb Steph who had actually fallen asleep. “But I think you bored Stephy here to sleep.” You brushed the hair on her head and her eyes snapped open with a sharp inhale. 
“Huh?” Steph began to sit up, looking around the room in confusion, all of her teammates letting out small giggles, you simply looking down at her with admiration. 
“I think you’re too old now for all this partying darling.” You laughed at her watching her face form into a scowl. 
“I am 3 months older than you!” She pointed a finger at you, now pouting while looking up into your eyes. 
���Well this looks like fun, we’ll leave you two to it then.” Lia spoke for the group as they all began standing from their places, yourself and Steph rising from the couch too so you could say goodbye at the door. 
“Bye!” You both waved at the last people before you closed the door, Stephs arms securely wrapped around your waist, head against your chest. 
“Let’s get you to bed, cinderella.” You laughed, picking her up by her thighs and carrying her like a koala to your bedroom. 
“Thank you, my princess charming.” Steph mumbled into your neck, placing a soft kiss there while you let out a small laugh. Maybe this was like something out of a rom com.
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mrwavellswaps · 11 months
To be closer
(Inspired by a conversation with @verus-veritas/@verus-animus)
“Have fun partying with your friends kiddo.” Brian said to his stepson with a smile. “Just don’t get yourself into any trouble alright.” He warned before turning his attention back to the TV.
Sam rolled his eyes a little. “Yes Brian I know. I’m 21 now you know.” He groaned, trying to avert his gaze from his stepdad’s almost naked body. Brain had gotten very comfortable around the house in recent years and seeing his stepdad frequently walk around in nothing but a pair of tight briefs had been the cause of many erections and jerk offs for Sam. He just couldn’t help it. After all, Brian was the walking definition of a Dilf! A hot silver fox daddy with some impressive muscle on his frame and a great bulge to top it off. Sam had been crushing on the older man ever since he’d married Sam’s mom and even still now after she passed away. He knew it was wrong but… can you blame him!? The guy was a total hunk!
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“I’m well aware. You just never know with these college parties.” The silver haired stud replied. “Now go. Get out there and enjoy yourself.” He shooed Sam off with a chuckle.
As his stepson left through the front door, Brian couldn’t help but sigh. He loved the kid like he was his own but for some reason he could just never find a way to properly bond with Sam. He always tried to involve Sam in his interests like fishing and archery but the kid never seemed that into it even if he didn’t say it. And of course Brian would try to get into Sam’s interests as well but most of that included online games and what not, stuff Brian never found much interest in. Sure they sat down and watched tv or movies from time to time but Brian just wished they had more in common so he could really connect with Sam. After all, his stepson was the only real connection he had left to his late wife. Yet he was starting to wonder if the two of them were just too different from one another.
He paused the show he was watching and pushed himself off up from the couch. After a quick stretch he made his way out of the living room and trudged up the stairs towards the bathroom. Once there he switched on the tap and splashed his face with some cool water before glancing up at the mirror before him. He lent on the sink a little as he gazed into his reflection and as he did it triggered a memory about something his colleagues at work had been chatting about. Some kind of urban legend about a man with strange magical powers that’s capable of granting any wish and that he was capable of being summoned just by muttering his name three times before a mirror.
He didn’t know why exactly he did it. It’s not as if he actually believed in myths or superstitions like that. Yet he couldn’t help letting his curiosity get the better of him. “Wavell, Wavell… Wavell” he muttered towards the glass and… nothing. Of course. He hung his head in embarrassment for even trying something so silly. He was 55 years old for god sake!
“You know… usually when people do that they say ‘Mr Wavell’. It’s a little more polite.”
Brian’s head snapped back up and now he wasn’t the only man in the reflection. Behind him stood a man who looked to be a similar age to him. Silver hair, salt and pepper beard, piercing… purple eyes? Immediately Brian whipped around, trying not to freak out as he came face to face with the man he’d just summoned. “A-are you… the wizard?” His heart was beating a mile a minute with both fear and astonishment, not quite believing the words that’d just come out of his mouth.
The man nodded his head. “Well Warlock would be more accurate but yes I suppose so.” He answered with a hint of playfulness. “So. Is there any particular reason you decided to chant my name? I was just about to sit down for a meal with my boyfriend so whatever this is, it needs to be snappy.”
Brian had no idea how to respond. He wasn’t usually one to get nervous but now his mouth was getting dry as he could barely say a word. He could only gaze upon the handsome, well dressed man before him in utter disbelief that he actually existed.
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Wavell shook his head. “Alright I get it. This is a lot for some people but I don’t have time for this so…” he reached out and placed his hands gently on the temples of Brian’s head before pushing into his mind searching through his memories and desires. “Ah. There we go.” He said happily as he let go of Brian. “Seems one of your greatest desires right now is to be closer to your stepson. Compared to other people, that's actually kinda sweet.” He complimented. “And you know, I have a sneaking suspicion that your stepson wants to be closer to you as well.” He added, the implications on which were lost on Brian in the moment.
“But how am I gonna make a desire like that come true?” Wavell thought for a moment as he looked Brian up and down, taking in his bulky build and manly chest hair among other attributes that stuck out to him. This man was a Dilf, he knew that much. “Ahhhh I know…” Wavell stated somewhat ominously.
The warlock reaches out yet again but this time Brian pulls back a little. “W-what’re you gonna do? You’re not gonna hurt me right?”
“Hurt you? Wherever did you get that idea?” Wavell chuckled and held out his arms. “A gorgeous man such as yourself? I wouldn’t dream of hurting you. Now come here and give me a hug, big guy.”
Brian’s anxiety of the situation was quickly overwhelmed by Wavell’s intoxicating aura. A wave of invisible energy the warlock naturally exuded flowing over Brian’s body and quelled his fears. Brian didn’t even realise he was moving closer to Wavell until the suited man had already wrapped his arms around him in a calming embrace. It was the greatest huge he’d ever felt. One that filled his body with such warmth that he didn’t want to pull away, instead opting to embrace the hug and wrap his own thick arms around Wavell as well. His meaty build pressing tightly against the warlock’s pristine suit.
As the pair embraced, Wavell slowly inched his hands down Brian’s wide back. Going past his impressive lats and towards his lower back until his hands rested just above Brian’s ass. “I think I just figured out the perfect way for you and your son to be closer.” Wavell’s hands drifted further down until they rested on Brian’s thick ass. He made sure to give it a good squeeze through the tight briefs he was wearing. “Are you ready?”
“Y-yes…” Brian mumbled, enjoying the feeling of another man groping his ass far more than he ever thought he would.
Then, without another word, Wavell squeezed Brian’s ass one last time upon activating his spell. Immediately they were surrounded in a bright violet light that caused Brian to moan out in ecstasy. He felt as though somehow his body was shrinking down in a way as he lost control of his limbs. It was an indescribable feeling that he had no idea how to process. All he knew was that whatever was happening to him felt amazing.
When the light faded, Wavell was left standing by himself and holding nothing but the pair of briefs Brian had been wearing mere moments ago. “See? That didn’t hurt one bit did it?” Wavell said to the briefs before bringing them up to his face and giving the crotch a quick sniff. “Mmmm you smell good Brian. I just know that stepson of yours is gonna love you.” From an outside perspective Wavell would’ve looked insane talking to a pair of briefs. However in reality the soul and essence of Brian had been compressed down into the briefs he’d been wearing. In short, Wavell turned Brian into his own briefs!
“Now. Let’s put you somewhere that stepson of yours is sure to find you…”
Sam arrived home some hours later. The party had gone on rather late and he didn’t get home until 4:30am. Naturally he assumed his stepdad was already in bed so he closed the front door as quietly as possible before tiptoeing through the house. He made his way up the stairs when he noticed something strange. The door to his stepdad's bedroom was open a jar. He knew Brian always closed it when he went to bed so Sam couldn’t help finding this a little odd. Despite that though, he couldn’t help but see this as an opportunity to perv on his stepdad a little…
When he pushed open the door however, Sam was confused to find that his stepdad was nowhere to be seen. The bed was completely empty. In fact it didn’t even look as though it’d been slept in at all. It was odd for sure. He couldn’t think where his stepdad would’ve gone at this time in the morning…
“Brian?? You here?” Sam whispered through the hallways just in case his stepdad was lurking around somewhere but alas he got no response. Eventually he resigned to just head to bed. Whatever Brian was up to, Sam was sure he was probably fine. Right now all he wanted was to get a good night's sleep.
He made his way back to his own bedroom and flicked on the light. Naturally everything was as he left it… except for one thing. A pair of familiar briefs laid on his bed. But they weren’t his briefs. Sam always wore boxer briefs, not to mention the ones on the bed looked a size too big for him. “Are those?…” He moved closer to the bed before picking up the briefs. His suspicion was right. These were the exact briefs Brian had been wearing earlier today before Sam left! But why were they in his room and why did they feel strangely heavy in a way…
It was then that a sly grin grew across Sam’s face. He had no idea why his stepdad had left these here but he certainly wasn’t about to pass up an opportunity to get a whiff of Brian’s scent. Without another thought, Sam dug his nose into the briefs and inhaled deeply. The smell of his hot stepdad’s cock and balls filling his nose and infiltrating his senses. He’d pulled some of Brian’s clothes out of the hamper before but the scent was never as fresh as this. It was almost as if Brian was still wearing them!
Sam went to town sniffing away at his stepdad’s underwear like they’d been gifted to him from the heavens. That was until an even better idea crossed his mind. Pretty soon the young gay college boy was stripping off his clothes and tossing them in a pile in the corner of his room. Once he was totally naked he licked his lips with anticipation before stepping into the very same pair of briefs Brian had been wearing not long ago. Feeling the soft, inviting fabric slid up his legs and over his ass until they were secure in position. Sam’s cock now sat exactly where Brian’s would. Just the thought had him hard as fuck and stretching out the pouch.
Moments after however, Sam felt a strange weight filling his body. As if something were filling him up from the inside. Something like that sounds as though it would be painful and yet Sam couldn’t help but find the feeling pleasurable. Little did he know that what he was feeling was the soul and essence of his stepdad being merged into his body!
In a mix of pleasure and drowsiness, Sam shuffled back towards his bed before falling face first onto the bed sheets. He allowed whatever sensation he was feeling to simply overtake his body as he began drifting off to sleep. As he did the faint voice of Brain could be heard shouting “Sam! It’s me! Can you hear me?? Sam!?” But of course it was already far too late as Sam’s eyes slowly shut…
As Sam slept he found himself in a strange dreamlike world. The ground beneath him was covered by golden mist that flowed across an endless void where the sky above was a pastel violet. It was both beautiful and eerie at the same time. Of course he knew this must’ve been a dream but it didn’t make it feel any less real. He wondered if it was some kind of lucid dream?
Just as he was about to try and test that by attempting to fly, he heard a voice coming from behind. Calling out to him. Sam turned and he saw what looked to be stepdad in the distance. He couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. Without even thinking about it, Sam began walking towards Brian slowly, watching as the figure of the man that’d looked after him for so many years grew closer. As he did, what Brian was saying slowly began to get clearer and clearer until…
“Sam! A crazy warlock guy trapped me in my briefs! He told me what’s gonna happen! You gotta take them off before we become one!” He shouted hysterically. Yet despite this Sam kept walking closer and closer. Become one? With his hot stepdad? That didn’t sound so bad! It might’ve just been a dream but if he had the chance to be one with Brian then he was gonna pounce on it!
Before long Sam was only a couple meters away from the man he’d desired for years. Brian seemed stuck in place, unable to move except for his face. He pleaded with Sam to get away. To wake up and stop this. To find a way to fix what that warlock had done. But Sam only grinned lustfully as he looked his stepdad's body up and down.
“Sorry Brian, I know this is just a dream but if I’ve got the chance to fondle your hot daddy body then I’m gonna take it!” With a mischievous look crossing his face, Sam reached out to touch Brian’s furry pecs. The second his hand made contact however, he felt himself being pulled inside his stepdad's body! His hand swiftly disappeared into Brian’s body, soon followed by the rest of his arm. It was like the thick muscled body of his stepdad had become an inescapable vacuum. Before long Sam found himself being pulled inside Brian’s body headfirst, almost as if he’d been absorbed somehow.
The next thing Sam remembered was looking out across the void once again. Only now when he glanced down he saw his stepdad’s big furry pecs and powerful body. Almost like he was… inside Brian’s body… but before he had any time to comprehend it, everything faded out.
Sam awoke with a jolt the next morning. He grumbled a little, rubbing his eyes as he found himself laid on his front and sprawled across his bed. But as he stretched his arms, something felt off. His arms… his hands… They looked different. Larger and more weathered than before. His biceps seemed to have more of a bulge to them while his hands seemed meatier almost. “What going- Whoa! What the fuck!” He shouted in disbelief at the sound of his voice. It was deep and gravely. Nothing like the smooth voice he once had. It almost sounded like…
Sam looked up and glanced across the room at his bedroom mirror and saw the impossible. Reflected back at him wasn’t his usual lean 21 year old self but instead his 58 year old stepdad!! For a moment he was in shock. Not knowing at all how to react. Most people would probably scream and freak out. Some would likely faint at the mere sight of seeing a body in the mirror that wasn’t their own. But when Sam regained his composure he did neither of those things. Instead, he grinned…
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“Why hello handsome.” Was the first thing he said before immediately sitting up to get a better look at his body. Sure enough it wasn’t just his arms and hands but his entire body was thick and beefy now. He immediately ran his hands along the familiar hairy pecs he’d gotten used to seeing most days. Only now he owned them! He had no idea how it’d happen but… “Holy shit. I’m in my stepdads body!”
Right away Sam leap out of bed in excitement and starting feeling up every inch of his new form. Groping his new biceps, flexing his pecs before running a hand through the dense hair they adorned, poking and prodding at his new facial features. Before long he was even pawing at his stepdad’s thick ass. The ass Sam had imagined touching so many times before, and now it belonged to him! He could grope it much as he damn well pleased! Of course doing so had stirred quite the reaction in his crotch as a tent appeared to stretch out his briefs. The same briefs he’d found on his bed last night and had slipped on before falling asleep…
As Sam rubbed his new dad boner, he suddenly felt a rush of new memories hitting him over the head. But they weren’t his, they were Brian’s. Memories of a life he never lived with parents and family that weren’t his own. Everything his stepfather had ever done or experienced was now right at his fingertips. He must’ve been standing there slack jawed and rubbing his erection absentmindedly for a good 5 minutes or so as the memories surfaced. Only once they’d settled did Sam shake his head and realise he’d wet the front of his briefs with his Brian’s precum.
Just as he was trying to comprehend all the new memories and feelings he was experiencing, Sam heard the voice of his stepdad echoing in his mind, practically screaming Sam’s name. “Brian? Is that you? How are you… in my head!?” Sam wondered as he clutched the sides of his head, trying his best to listen to his stepfather's faint voice.
“I’ve been trying to tell you!! I was trapped in my underwear by a warlock! And now I’m trapped inside your head! We’ve got to fix this!” Brian cried out
Sam looked down at the briefs he was wearing. “You were trapped in these when I put them on?… And now you’re inside me?” The cogs in his brain began to turn. “Then I haven’t just transformed into you. I AM YOU!” Sam claimed with excitement. “W-we must’ve merged somehow! Oh fuck, oh fuck! This is… THIS IS AMAZING!!”
“What!? What’re you saying Sam!? We need to fix this! Don’t you want to go back to normal!?” Brain pleaded with his stepson but it was no use.
“Go back? Why the hell would I ever want to go back?? I’ve fantasised about being with you for as long as I can remember!” Sam admitted as he stepped out of the bedroom and into the hallway before making his way towards the bathroom. “Only I never realised what I really wanted was to BE you!”
Brian was beyond shocked to hear all this though he should’ve been expecting it after having watched Sam grope himself mere moments ago while being nothing but a passenger. As soon as Sam stepped into the bathroom, Brian begged him to try and summon Wavell again but Sam wasn’t having any of it. “No fucking way! I’m Brian now and it’s gonna stay that way! These big pecs, these huge arms, and most of all this fat cock are all mine now!” Sam claimed with a devilish smirk.
Without another second to spare, Sam kicks off his briefs and whips out his new rod. He got instant chills the moment he wrapped his hand around the thick shaft. Touching his stepfather's cock wasn’t something he ever thought he’d have the chance to do and yet here he was now with that very cock hanging between his legs. As soon as he started jerking, Brain began to protest but Sam took no notice. His stepdad was powerless to stop him as he was. At this point he might as well have been a figment of Sam’s imagination.
“No! I treated you like a son and this is how you repay me! I gave you everything!”
“You certainly did. Absolutely everything.” Sam curled up one of his arms into a flex, showing off one of new biceps. “Fuck I’m glad you kept in such good shape. I’m gonna be such a hit with dudes looking like a buff silver fox daddy!”
Hearing all of this was like torture to Brian but there was nothing he could do. Only watching through Sam’s eyes as he continued to jerk off Brain’s thick cock. He knew it was his fault for summoning that warlock but he never imagined something as crazy as this would be the outcome!
Just then an idea popped into Sam’s mind. As they were merged, Brian knew exactly what Sam was thinking and protested against it but Sam paid him no mind as he ran back into his bedroom to grab something from a box under his bed. Raw anticipation flowed through him as he pulled out a small trusty butt plug. One he’d had for many years now and had kept well hidden from his stepdad until now. With that in hand he ran back into the bathroom and switched on the shower.
“Now this is gonna be good.” He mumbled to himself as he stepped under the warm water. He started by lather his body up with soap and making sure to dig his fingers into every crevice of his new body. Once that was done however, he lubed up the butt plug and lined it up with his dad hole. Of course Brain was shouts all sorts of threats and pleas at this point but it didn’t nothing to stop Sam from slowly pressing the butt plug into his hole. “OoooooOOoohhh wow! Fuuuuck I’m so tight now.” He commented as his anus pulsed around the plug. “You really never played with your ass before did you Brian? Don’t worry I’ll fix that.” And without another word Sam reached down and pressed a small button on the butt plug…
Moments later the bathroom was filled with loud deep moans. “AAOOOOHHH FUUUUCKKKKK UUHHHHOOOOO!” As it turned out the butt plug had a pretty intense vibration setting that was doing wonders to Sam’s now tight hole. Filling his body with nothing but euphoria while his ass clenched uncontrollably. Right away he’d grabbed his cock again and was jerking furiously under the shower. Brian wanted to protest but he was feeling the exact same pleasure as Sam and soon enough even his protests turned to internal groans of pleasure.
Soon enough the sheer pleasure of the vibrating butt plug was enough on its own as Sam let go of his cock and fell to his knees under the water. His daddy dick was pulsing eagerly as it dripped precum uncontrollably now. Sam even found himself reaching back once again and holding down the button on the butt plug for a couple seconds, increasing its intensity even further until it was at max vibrate. By that point he was kneeling over in ecstasy, arching his back and bucking his cock. All the while groaning about how he was his stepdad now and that nobody would ever know he wasn’t the real Brian.
After a good couple of minutes he could feel himself getting unbelievably close to shooting his first dad load. “I… wanna… stay… FOREVER!!” Sam bellowed as finally his cock erupted with a hands free orgasm, shooting thick cum all over the shower floor. With the butt plug vibrating aggressively in his ass, it caused just keep shooting and shooting until his fat balls were completely drained down to the last drop.
With a grunt, Sam turned off the plug and carefully pulled it out of his ass with a satisfied smile. Slowly but surely he pushed himself back up onto his feet and continued rinsing himself off under the shower as if he hadn’t just busted the biggest nut of his life. But then he noticed something.
“Brian? You there?” Sam said to himself as he realised he could no longer hear Brian’s voice in his head. He’d heard him a few moments ago groaning as Sam was about to orgasm but immediately his voice seemed to have disappeared completely. “Wait… there’s no way I…” Sam looked down at the shower drain as the last of his cum was washed away. “Did I… cum him out or something?” Sam huffed, assuming this to be the case. “Well at least he won’t be in my head annoying me. And with him out the way I really can be the real Brian!” A sinister look spread across Sam’s face knowing that whatever he’d just done had seemingly locked in his fate with this body.
With that, Sam stepped out of the shower and starting drying off. He didn’t think he’d ever get over how amazing it felt to touch this body in any way he pleased and he’d have plenty of time to do so. As it looked now Sam couldn’t see any possible way of going back to normal besides summoning that warlock Brian had been going on about and he sure as hell wasn’t gonna do that. After all why the hell would he voluntarily give up his dream body!? No he was gonna make the absolute most of this…
He gave himself one last wink in the bathroom mirror before stepping out to live his new life as his hunky stepdaddy and nobody would ever know what had transpired…
It’d been a few days already since Sam took over Brian’s life. Initially he’d been a little worried about playing the part. After all he might’ve had all his stepdads memories but it wasn’t like he had all of Brian’s mannerisms and personality right? Well as it turned out the real Brian had been ejaculated at all but rather absorbed fully into Sam’s consciousness at the peak of the pleasure they’d been experiencing. Because of this Sam found himself able to mimic the way Brian talks and acts perfectly. He even found himself becoming more interested in Brian’s hobbies such as fishing and archery while still retaining his old interests in games. Because of this he was able to completely trick his family into believing that he truly was Brian!
The biggest worry he’d had was explaining the disappearance of his former self. Well it seemed like the universe had already fixed that for him as nobody even seemed to remember Sam. Infact as soon as he stepped out of that shower, his old bedroom had completely changed into a guest room. It was like his former self never existed to begin with! Naturally this was weird but Sam couldn’t help taking it as a sign that this was always meant to be. That he was always supposed to become one with Brian and take form.
He made sure to enjoy his body as much as possible by worshipping it and taking good care of it by working out and eating properly. Due to this he had no problem getting all sorts of hunks to hook up with as they were all eager for some of daddy’s milk. And he was more than happy to provide by flooding their asses with his cum. He was hoping he’d be able to find a few vers guys as well that’d want to help him loosen up his hole a little.
Now he was laid on the couch waiting for his next hook up to arrive. A young hairy stud who was very eager to suck on Sam’s nipples. Not that Sam could blame the guy with these huge daddy tits he had now. He groped them a little with a smile on his face knowing that this was everything he could’ve ever wished for in life. Brian had always wanted to be closer to Sam and now he was as close as he could possibly get.
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