#Father of Cups The Wild Unknown Tarot
tarot-in-verse · 4 months
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healing is a choice you make for yourself know that it radiates outward
-temperance/daughter of cups/father of cups wild unknown tarot
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thatspanishwitch · 5 months
What's coming up this December? ★ ☆
This reading is for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates leave what doesn't.
I'll be using The Labyrinth and The Wild Unknown Tarot decks, abreviated to L and WU for this post.
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Pile I ---------- Pile II ---------- Pile III
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Pile I
L Tarot: 2 Cups RV
WU Tarot: Temperance & 2 Coins RV
The two of cups can talk about two things mainly, self love or a relationship (be it romantic or otherwise) in this case, and due to later cards, I'm inclined to think it's the first. At the beginning of this month you're going to have struggles with your own self worth and how it's tied to work and your own productivity, how much money you can get (2 Coins Reversed).
The 2 of Coins in its reversed state tells me you're overcommitted to what you deem as work, it's starting to eat at you, others might not notice yet but you know this. Mind you, work is there for a reason, pay your bills, do what you need to do, but also take time to relax, have in mind your production is not all you are.
The Temperance card does tell that you'll be able to balance yourself, maybe getting further into your own spirituality, maybe just taking time for self care after the hard work, it advises to practice balance and moderation.
L Tarot: Knight Swords RV
WU Tarot: Son Cups RV & 4 Sword
The combination of the Knight of Sword reversed and the Son of Cups reversed points out how you'll likely start getting your motivation back, that you'll get a new idea that motivates you to continue moving forward, something that gives you energy and makes you happy. That being said you'll feel like something is holding you back.
Maybe you feel like you'll go back to the burn out state, maybe there's a rivalry in the background, someone who's actively, or not, telling you not to do this idea. While you shouldn't be doubting your intuition you should actively ask yourself what could you realistically lose from this endeavor.
In this time you should consider that question, relaxing and contemplating how to actually put into action that project, meditation comes to mind as a good idea. Take time to fully recharge while you plan ahead.
L Tarot: 2 Wands
WU Tarot: 5 Swords RV & Father Cups
Some news may come by the end of the month, tho what the two of wands most likely means in this reading is how you're continuing to plan this project, this time in a more concrete way. That being said, you're not ready to launch it just yet. There will be risks and I'm getting that you haven't planned for those yet or that you will be doing so in this time.
During this last part of the month you'll most deffinetly get into arguments, maybe it's someone from the past, but what's most likely is that it's someone that didn't notice you getting burnout and got upset at your previous inactivity to recover, this is a recent enough argument but a past one nontheless.
Both the Five of Swords reversed and the King of Cups however indicate that you need to resolve this, it's an argument that you're both fighting to win at the other's expense, or at least one of the parties is.
Embody the Kind of Cups and be the bigger person, don't let this get to you and choose diplomacy, it's for the better. An argument it's only an argument if two are fighting, remain stubborn on this if it's needed and don't give the other person any chance at thinking this is something that's going to continue, mend the bond and move on.
Bottom of the deck: Tower (Labyrinth) & 5 Coins RV (Wild Unknown)
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Pile II
L Tarot: 10 Wands RV
WU Tarot: Emperor & Hermit
The begging of this month may come with increased responsibilities you're not prepared for, although most likely it's an increase in number of things rather than difficulty. Maybe holding onto a burden that you don't need to, or those new responsibilities turning into that.
Most of you might be in a position of leadership within this situation, maybe you have your own business or are a manager of some sort. You shouldn't be scared to say no to this new "burdens" if you feel like you aren't able to meet the expectations.
Either way, you should be firm about it, embody the Emperor as best as you can and when in doubt follow your inner guidance, meditation is once again on my mind even if not as prominently as Pile I. The Hermit also points to this being a pivotal point in your life, a new direction being considered maybe.
L Tarot: 5 Swords
WU Tarot: 4 Swords & Father Coins RV
The previous situation may have ended badly, even if you won you both lost, maybe in your case there was the reputation from taking it all and finally saying no. There's a sense that there will be bad blood, the 5 of Swords indicates that you should search for a common ground to mend this relationship.
All this will leave you exhausted and you might get a cold or something of the like, nothing worrisome, just stress catching up to you. You are encouraged to rest in this time and to contemplate the previous situation, specially because of the Father of Coins Reversed apearing.
Don't obsess with what could have been monetarily nor with your wealth, don't fall into the Father of Coins in it's reversed energy, I'm unsure why but gambling comes to mind, so if you do have an issue with it don't fall into that.
L Tarot: Strength
WU Tarot: High Priestess RV & Star
The end of your month cards tell you to be strong and have courage in front of this adversities, you might fall into a bad state of mind in which you'll be disconnected from your intuition if you don't stay strong.
The Star however, being the last card of the reading, does tell of an optimistic outcome, that you'll be able to get through it all as difficult as it may be.
There may be new possibilities opening in that near future of inspiration might come down on you in this trying times, end of the day, you'll still shine in the sky.
Bottom of the deck: 5 Cups RV (Labyrinth) & Temperance (Wild Unknown)
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Pile III
L Tarot: 6 Coins RV
WU Tarot: Daughter Swords & 5 Wands
This pile has an emphasis on charity work, be it emotional or monetary, but having in account the fact that the 6 of Coins comes up again in the middle of the month it's probably monetary.
All this is said because you'll find yourself in a spot in which you'll have to stop doing this charity work, self care is a message that I'm getting along with investigating new ideas, maybe buying yourself a new book that you have been wanting.
This however will not be well received, people who feel entitled to your donations will make comments, that as much as you both have a common goal there is opposition. This is likely due to that entitlement or them not having a good balance in their life with this aspect, which you'll be trying to achieve.
L Tarot: 2 Swords RV
WU Tarot: 6 Coins & 2 Coins RV
The previous conflict will make you feel like you're trapped between the sword and the wall, thinking that there's no fully good option in which direction to take. Probably it'll be indecisiveness over continuing charity or not.
In this reading I do get that you'll go back to charity and that, while fruitful as always, this time people will try to scam you out of your generosity.
The Two of Coins reversed talks of not only over commitment to compensate for your "time lost" but also a fake ness and manipulation of a certain situation, whether it's coming from you is unclear but as previously stated it's probably from those who were telling you to continue donating.
L Tarot: Page Coins RV
WU Tarot: Ace Swords & The Lovers
This will all culminate in a loss of money and a lack of progress and even steps backwards, you may want to conduct your work in a different manner, brainstorming new ideas but nothing more at the beginning.
Eventually the cards do tell of a breakthrough with the Ace of Swords, you may want to keep your cards close to your chest until you've fully realized your plan tho. Surely, seek for council if needed, but don't listen to the chatter in the background.
All in all you'll come to a decision, two paths clearly laid out, maybe a partnership of some sort will come up too, but i think that the Lovers here is more of an indication of this decision.
Bottom of the deck: Fool RV (Labyrinth) & Mother Cups (Wild Unknown)
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Separators are mine
Tiles are from Pinterest 1 - 2 - 3
If you have any constructive criticism feel free to comment on it
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strang-news · 1 year
Front Desk Horoscope / December 2022
by Stephanie Maltez
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The cards drawn up this month are from The Wild Unknown Tarot Guidebook by Kim Krans
Steph’s Amateur Front Desk Intuitive Interpretation of Energy in December: It’s a bit of a rough transition in December.  Winter brings death and hibernation. Even when you’re happy or relieved to see something go you can surprise yourself with grief. There’s a down the rabbit hole Alice in Wonderland kind of energy to everything. It’ll pass but don’t lose yourself in the chaos. 
Sagittarius, Happy Birthday!!
The Hanged Man / Sacrifice & Letting Go
Many people talk about the art of ‘letting go.’ But what does it really mean? How do you achieve it? The hanged man has all the answers; he’s the master of non-attachment. This card implies there’s a sacrifice or a difficult or painful situation coming up in your life. Though you naturally want to resist and struggle through it, be more like the hanged man. Find stillness, open your eyes, and use this new perspective to learn something. You’re stuck here either way. 
…and Happy Early Birthday Capricorn!
Father of Pentacles / Steady & Entrepreneurial
The Father of Pentacles is a steady, gentle man. Upon first meeting, he can almost seem dull because of his extremely calm temperament. But underneath is an incredibly passionate man who prioritizes the stability of his job, family, and home. He is entrepreneurial and diligent at work. A true pleasure to know.
9 of Cups / Bliss & Harmony
At last, the card of wishes come true. When the Nine of Cups appears, worries and fears will be cast away. A new phase of peace and harmony awaits. The world seems to be granting your every wish. Good health, happiness, and even material gains are heading your way. Enjoy.
Father of Wands / Charismatic & Creative
The Father of Wands is a man of mystique and charisma. Others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. Usually you’ll find him involved in the healing arts, as he’s deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. He is able to hold steady and still during conflict. 
Temperance / Healing & Renewal
The great blue heron remains calm and peaceful as she blends the opposing elements of fire and water. The temperance card asks you to be a moderator much like the heron. Focus on cooperation and compromise. If you’ve been excessive in one aspect of your life, practice self-restraint and moderation now. You’ll find a new sense of healing and balance from bringing a little hamony back into your life. 
10 of Wands / Burdens & Blockage & Difficulty
The 10 of Wands is a difficult card to face. Mental or physical burdens have been weighing on your spirit. Over time this leads to hopelessness and depression. You simply can’t ‘get through’ to what you want. You cannot see the way if this card appears in response to a person or situation, it may be best to simply walk away. But if this card comes up frequently, it indicates you are attracted to negativity. You choose to walk the hard road. 
8 of Wands / Sudden Movement or Change
The 8 of Wands strikes like lightning. It’s a card of news, change, or clarity in an unresolved situation. You might hear from an old friend out of the blue or receive some surprising news that shifts the direction of your course. This card sometimes means literal movement is on the horizon, so be ready to travel if the opportunity arises. 
Ace of Pentacles / Prosperous Beginnings
In the center of even the giant redwood trees...a tiny seedling once stood. Such is the energy of the Ace of Pentacles – it’s the seed that takes root, grounding you for the future. You’re in the beginning phases of a prosperous venture. Stay grounded. Go outside and take time to appreciate nature. You may also find a windfall of wealth headed your way. 
Strength / Mastery of Emotions
It’s common to think of this card as the rearing, devouring side of the lion. But look again – the ‘strength’ this card suggests is a much deeper force that’s fraud within. The lion represents our most patient, composed self. He’s a master of focus, compassion, and self-control. When this card comes up, you’re in need of harnessing this power for yourself. All the courage you need can be found in the muscle known as the heart. 
8 of Swords / Trapped & Powerless
Surrounded by obstacles and threats on all sides, you find yourself the victim. You see no way out, no available choices. Your perceptions keep you from opening your wings and taking flight. What keeps you suspended here? Yourself or others? The 8 of Swords demands an answer.  You cannot hang here much longer. 
Daughter of Swords / Honest & Insightful 
The Daughter of Swords is a young woman whose honesty and insights take her far in life. People truly value her frankness. She learns from keen observation...it almost seems as though she never stops ‘watching.’ Sometimes this becomes a burden for her, as she can’t help noticing this or that small detail that could've been done better. There’s a potential for her to hold on to those experiences and become spiteful and judgmental.
3 of Cups / Friendship & Joy & Bounty
The 3 of Cups is a lovely card. It foresees you in the company of amazing friends, creating memories together that you’ll forever hold dear. These are not any ol’ friends; they are people with whom you feel a rare connection. With them you feel truly ‘yourself.’ Enjoy each minute of their company. This card can also indicate an upcoming celebration. Love abounds!
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carolineslife · 5 months
Witchy Stuff: Wheel of the Year Tarot Spread for My Birthday (originally published 10-31-23)
It's been awhile since I made a post, so I decided to do a more witchy post in honor of my birthday on the 30th!! The post is a little late given that it's now Halloween, but that's okay. Every year for my birthday I do a Wheel of the Year tarot spread to see what my next year of life has in store for me. So here's to year 26!! 
NOTE:I do not own any of the rights to the deck or guidebook. Each description of each card is taken directly from the guidebook for my tarot deck, which is The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook on Amazon written by Kim Krans. 
Looking at the spread as a whole, it seems that the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 will be rough, but I'll be able to get through it because better things come in February through October 2024. Overall, it will be a year of strengthening my mental power and eventual peace.
November 2023: Five of Cups
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Grief, Disappointment
The Five of Cups indicates a time of sorrow. A relationship may fall apart or an old friend could slip away. There will be disappointment and even regret. When this card appears, it's important to not make any hasty decisions. It may also be helpful to look at the type of expectations you place on others. Perhaps they can never do enough to please you.
December 2023: Seven of Cups
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Illusion, Deceit
The Seven of Cups is not the most welcome card. It indicates you'll face temptation in many aspects of your life. Whether it's cheating for pleasure or for money, you'll soon realize you've been building a house of cards. You may feel as though you can't see clearly, can't judge right from wrong or up from down. This is the spell of the Seven of Cups. It's best to remove yourself for a while, step back until you can see straight again. 
January 2024: Eight of Cups
Stagnation, Ill Health
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The Eight of Cups sends an urgent message to pack your bags and move on. There is no hope of rekindling what's been lost. You must start anew. This card also points to phases of illness and physical stagnation. The message could not be more clear: nothing good remains for you here. Life your eyes to the horizon, and let your feet lead you forward. 
February 2024: Two of Cups
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Connection, Love, Romance
        Say hello to the much adored Two of Cups. When this card appears, you can anticipate new love to be heading your way. And yes, this usually means romance...but sometimes it points to the birth of a dear and lasting friendship. Either way, the connection between you will be pure, honest, and solid. Open your heart and get ready. 
March 2024: Justice
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Decisions, Karma
With tails entwined, two cats look directly at you...waiting for you to choose between them. Which is right and which is wrong? The Justice card implies a weight or heaviness surrounding a choice you have to make. Now is not the time to shun the concept of divine balance, or karma. All of your choices affect your life, and sometimes the lives of those around you, both now and in the future. 
April 2024: Son of Swords
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Forceful, Determined
A dynamic creature, the Son of Swords is a man of action, not of grace. He pushes forward toward his goal with urgency and determination. To top it off, he's very well educated, making him a force to be reckoned with. Usually he's seeking approval from the patient and just Father of Swords, who cast quite a shadow onto his son. Working with this stimulating and exhausting young man can prove to be a challenge. 
May 2024: The Sun
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Vitality, Enlightenment
Imagine for a moment that you're soaking in the warm rays of the sun. It feels nourishing and healing; all your aches and pains just fade away. The Sun card brings this amazing energy into your life. Vitality and health abound, while you feel assurance and clarity in all you do. Spend some extra time outside today, be grateful for the radiance of the sun and the life force it gives all creatures.
June 2024: Eight of Wands
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Sudden Movement or Change
The Eight of Wands strikes like lightning. It's a card of news, change, or clarity in an unresolved situation. You might hear from an old friend out of the blue or receive some surprising news that shifts the direction of your course. This card sometimes means literal movement is on the horizon, so be ready to travel if the opportunity arises.
July 2024: Mother of Swords
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Sharp, Perceptive
You'll often find the Mother of Swords putting her sharp perceptions to use as a therapist, doctor, or teacher. She's extremely experienced and knowledgeable in her field. Some think of her as all-seeing. This card can sometimes represent a woman going through a difficult time. She may be recently widowed or divorced, and usually without children. During this time, there's potential for her criticism to soar.
August 2024: The Moon
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Vivid Dreams and Fears
In many ways the Moon card encompasses the idea of The Wild Unknown. It is the shadow realm, the place where dreams, fears, and mysteries are born. Much darkness can linger here, and if you aren't careful, this can lead to periods of anxiety and self-doubt...almost as though you've lost your way in a house of mirrors. Many great artists have roamed this inner landscape. It's where imagination and creativity drift freely upon the midnight air. 
September 2024: Son of Pentacles
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Loyal, Quiet, Dedicated
The good side of the Son of Pentacles is that he's loyal and determined. He's inventive and can be trusted wholeheartedly. But sometimes this figure becomes stubborn and persistent to a fault. This, combined with his quiet nature, result in his being hard to get to know and socially awkward at times. He commonly has only one or two close friends rather than many.
October 2024: Father of Cups
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Diplomatic, Open-Minded
The Father of Cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. He's the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. He's a dignified man who supports his family and community. The only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways.
My 26th Year as a Whole
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Stillness, Mental Power
Though threatening swords loom above, the lamb sits in stillness without fear. The Four of Swords says it's time to look inward and find the mental power to cope with the pressures. It's important to rest. Seek meditation or find literature that focuses on ways to quiet the mind. Take this time to recuperate and move inward before those swords strike. 
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kayhazelwood-blog · 5 years
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✨Some recent spreads 🔮
🔥 🌎💨🌊
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xcailleachx · 6 years
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Seven of wands- courage and strength. You will not find support with anyone other then yourself. It’s time to be as brave as you know you are! Good luck!
Father of Cups- Diplomatic and Open-Minded. A positive and feminine card. Nothing holds you back except for rooted insecurities which are vast and different.
Death - Closure and Transformation. A positive card. Something will change soon and it could be voluntary or involuntary and it’ll be good after small amounts of pain.
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saucysunflora · 6 years
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12.5.17 : Four of Wands : Six of Wands : Father of Cups
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ursaminortarot · 3 years
Inner-child Pick-a-card
How can you heal your inner-child?
When I decided to do this reading, I expected it to be like those articles that tell you to go dance in the rain or something. That’s not what I got, so I’d just like to say that working through childhood trauma can be extremely difficult and I would strongly recommend not doing so on your own. If you have the resources to seek therapy, please do. It's not super in-depth or detailed, but if you have any hesitations about reading this one, then don’t.
Each pile has 3 paragraphs, the first is how this inner-child wound affects you in the present. The second is the root cause of it. And, the third is the steps you can take to begin healing.
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Piles to choose from:
1 - Scorpion 2 - Butterfly 3 - Turtle 4 - Mouse 5 - Oyster
These readings are done for a general audience and therefore are not applicable to everyone. I also can’t go in very in-depth because the specifics of everyone’s life and situation are different. If you would like a personalized, in-depth reading consider purchasing one from my shop.
My Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/UrsaMinorTarot CashApp: @UrsaMinorTarot
[Decks Used: Modern Witch Tarot, Wild Unknown Tarot, Wild Unknown Animal Spirit oracle, Tarot Cats, Rider-Waite Tarot, standard playing cards, Wisdom of The Oracle, and a homemade oracle deck]
1 - Scorpion To the sea, Knight of Wands, 2 of Pentacles, The Hermit r, 9 of Hearts Blessed, 4 of Cups, Page of Wands r, 2 of Wands, Queen of Hearts Chop wood, 8 of Wands r, 8 of Pentacles, Temperance r, Jack of Diamonds Thinker r, 10 of Wands, 5 of Wands, 2 of Cups, 7 of Spades The Fates, 3 of Swords r, 6 of Wands, Father of Swords, 9 of Spades, 10 of Spades (162). Jealous (99). July (4). You are not seeing clearly
You are someone who feels as though you have to choose between your own comfort and  the comfort of those around you. You struggle with prioritizing yourself and don’t allow yourself the time you need to rest and recharge. This can affect you to the point of passing up or ignoring opportunities that would benefit you because you think someone else could do it better.
This stems from never getting the recognition you deserve for the amount of work you put in. When you were younger, you tried to live up to other people’s expectations of you, but never felt like you could. You likely never received any praise from your teachers or guardians because good grades and behavior was something that was always expected, but never rewarded.    
To begin to heal, you need to start letting go of your people-pleasing tendencies. It’s also important that you stop reflecting on and overthinking the mistakes you’ve made in the past. Take time to really sit and contemplate everything you’ve succeeded at. It may be difficult at first for you to actually recognize what you’ve done right, because you’re the kind of person who sees every flaw in what they’ve done. So, if you need to, talk to close friends and ask for their opinions. I’m sure they’ve noticed the fact that you’re too hard on yourself and will be happy and willing to help.
On the back of each deck: Happy Happy, 10 of Swords, 6 of Pentacles r, Ace of Wands, 4 of Clubs, (12). You can’t help everyone
For your own peace and happiness, you need to realize that you can’t please everyone. Focus on what actually matters in your life and try to let go of the rest. The people that really care about you are proud of what you can do and have done.
2 - Butterfly Building Blocks r, 6 of Pentacles r, Ace of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, Death, Queen of Spades Chaos and Conflict r, The Magician, Queen of Pentacles r, 8 of Pentacles r, Jack of Hearts Not for You, Ace of Swords r, 5 of Swords r, 5 of Cups, Father of Cups r, 7 of Hearts Time to go r, 5 of Swords, 4 of Wands r, Ace of Wands, 4 of Swords r, Father of Pentacles, 6 of Hearts Tick-Tock r, 9 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles r, Mother of Wands, 4 of Wands r, Jack of Clubs (188). First Quarter (137). Humiliated (2). Don’t make yourself smaller for other people’s comfort
You were likely taught that emotions as a whole are a weakness. This was enforced by your family, specifically by a maternal figure (mother, grandmother, older sister). It’s made it difficult for you to not only identify your feelings, but also to open up to other people. Now that you’re older you want to be close with people, but don’t know how. You probably feel like you need to be useful in some way or your loved ones won’t want anything to do with you. So you go around solving everyone else’s problems, hoping that it will keep them around.
I’m seeing some kind of divide in your family that stems from a lack of communication. It was very painful and emotionally draining to navigate. You were made to pick a side and were likely heavily guilted (and possibly ridiculed) by whichever one you didn’t pick.
You need to begin allowing yourself the time and space to breathe without being productive, especially when it comes to your need to do things on the behalf of other people. You also need to take a close look at your relationships and filter out the ones that aren’t good for you. There needs to be an equal give and take, you shouldn’t be the only one providing or reaching out. I think you’ll find that once you do that you’ll be much more satisfied by the company you keep. You’ll also have more space to reach your full potential and accomplish your ambitions without those energy vampires hanging around.  
On the back of each deck: Flexible r, 4 of Pentacles, Empress r, The Hanged Man r, 7 of Diamonds, (155). 4th House: Family & Home
You need to examine all of the ways your home life has affected your perception of yourself. Sit and really think about whether or not that image you have in your mind is truly an accurate portrayal of who you are as a person.If it’s not (which I suspect is the case), it will take time and patience to reconstruct the way you see yourself, be patient and kind with yourself while you go through that process.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 - Turtle Message in a Bottle r, Queen of Wands, 3 of Swords r, 4 of Swords, Jack of Spades Breathe, Queen of Pentacles, 10 of Cups r, The Fool, 3 of Spades Soulmates + Page of Sword r, Yin + 8 of Cups r, King of Swords + The Hanged Man r, The Lovers + The Devil, Mother of Wands + 10 of Swords, 2 of Diamonds + The Empress r, Ace of Swords r, Death r Between Worlds r, 7 of Swords, 4 of Wands, Father of Pentacles, 3 of Swords, 10 of Clubs Chop Wood, Page of Wands r, Queen of Cups, 9 of Wands r,  7 of Pentacles, 7 of Diamonds (82). Mad (45). Scorpio (150). 9-12 Months
You have a very strong fear of being hurt/rejected. To compensate for this you don’t let anyone know who you truly are. You let others think that you’re more put together than you actually are and don’t show any weaknesses. You’d also rather do things on your own than ask for help. You’re incredibly ambitious, but don’t let anyone see what you have up your sleeve.  Other people tend to underestimate you because of this.
At first glance your family life as a child probably didn’t look that bad, but if someone were to dig deeper they’d probably find a complete mess. I’m not sure how much is appropriate to include in a public reading, so I’ll just summarize very briefly. Behind closed doors there was a lot of pain, back-stabbing, and financial struggles. It all looks very traumatic.
Considering the amount of pain you’ve gone through, there’s no quick fix. The main message of this part of the reading is patience and letting yourself heal at a pace that’s healthy for you. You need to deconstruct all of the unhealthy habits that are left over from the past, as such, it’s going to involve facing your more “shadowy” aspects. If I were in your position, I would consider seeing a therapist - although I do recognize that therapy isn’t accessible to everyone.
On the back of each deck: Time to go, King of Cups, Page of Pentacles, Judgment r, The Hermit, 8 of Hearts, (246). Insecure
Take your time and be mindful of the work that you do. Not everything needs to (or can be) worked through at once. Don’t force yourself to process things that you can’t mentally or emotionally handle at this point in time.
4 - Mouse A Leg Up r, Page of Wands r, 4 of Wands r, Justice r, 4 of Spades r Round and Round r, 5 of Pentacles r, Page of Cups, 6 of Wands r, King of Clubs All That Glitters, 10 of Swords r, Hanged Man r, Daughter of Pentacles r, Ace of Hearts Yin, The World r, Ace of Cups, 3 of Wands, Jack of Clubs Milk and Honey, Queen of Wands r, Strength r, The Lovers, 7 of Spades, Queen of Clubs (237). Reserved (18). Remember your potential (130). Long-term relationship
You have a hard time relying on people, but you thrive when they rely on you. When you form a close bond with someone - which is relatively rare - there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for them. You struggle with accepting the fact that other people want to be there for you the way you are for them.
The reason for this is that someone close you trusted went out of their way to make you feel worthless or like you weren’t enough for them. You felt like you had to keep providing them with gifts or doing things for them in order to keep them around.
I’d normally interpret the Lovers and long-term relationship cards as some kind of romantic connection, but in this case I think it’s more about learning to love yourself. You need to direct as much compassion and care towards yourself as you do other people. You should also start enforcing healthy boundaries with the people in your life.
On the back of each deck: Time for a nap r, The Hermit, 8 of Pentacles, 4 of Pentacles r, 10 of Diamonds, (134). 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
It’s time for you to start putting work into your long-term happiness. Contemplate what it is that you truly want and begin making your way to it.
5 - Oyster Serendipity r, Ace of Pentacles r, Knight of Cups, The Star r, The World, 5 of Clubs Loyal Heart r, 10 of Wands, 5 of Cups r, The High Priestess, 2 of Hearts Time to go, The Sun, Knight of Swords, Justice, 2 of Diamonds Soulmates, The Hermit r, Queen of Cups, 8 of Cups, King of Spades Chaos and conflict, 2 of Pentacles r, The Sun, The Hierophant r, Son of Pentacles, 9 of Spades (46). Sagittarius (169). 5th house (221). Likes to travel
You have a deep longing for romantic love, and would give anything and everything to a partner. However, you have trust issues and won’t let anyone close enough to get to know you beyond a superficial level. Whatever faith you had with the prospects of love and soulmates dwindled a while ago. You have a lot going on at work, so even if you could trust someone you’d be too busy to have time for them. That doesn't mean that you don’t like to have fun, you just don’t stick around long enough for anything to become serious.
It looks like you had a fairly ungrounded childhood and probably moved around a lot. I can’t tell if it was because one of your parents had to move for work or if they couldn’t seem to settle into one place. Whatever the reason, you couldn’t make any long-term friends and dealt with a lot of loneliness as a result.  
You have a lightness to you that attracts other people, even if they aren’t aware of it. If you could work on letting go of whatever anxieties keep you from properly engaging with people, you would find no shortage of suitors. Unfortunately with people there’s no guarantee that they won’t take advantage of that light for their own personal gain. But, if you really want to find love, that’s a risk you’re going to have to take.
On the back of each deck: Happy happy, The Chariot,  4 of Swords, The Tower, 10 of Spades, (122). There must be something in the water.
You seem to have dual aspects of yourself that are in direct conflict. On the one hand, you’re very optimistic and not afraid to go after your ambitions. But on the other hand, you can be paranoid and are constantly waiting for everything to go wrong.
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skylinesnsunshines · 3 years
got7 reading: hyung line ideal type + as a boyfriend
hi friends! today i’m doing a reading for got7 hyung line’s ideal type and what they’d be like as boyfriends. no one requested this but i wanted to do it cause i love them and miss them <3 as usual feel free to send me requests (but read the guidelines first) let’s gooooo! 
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
decks used: light seers tarot for jjp and ethereal visions tarot for markson, archetype cards by caroline myss, heavenly bodies astrology, the wild unknown animal by kim krans
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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7 of swords, 3 of wands, ace of cups rx, the star | monk/nun, judge, camel, saturn: feel restricted, experience struggle, learn hard work and patience
7 of swords immediately tell me jaebeom’s into someone who has a mysterious/secretive aura, could possibly be into someone who is more of a lone wolf type and doesn’t like being in the centre of attention since he’s into someone he can’t figure out. the 3 of wands talks about a well-respected leader who’s unafraid to be innovative and bold in addition to being curious with new environments/cultures, again very strong lone wolf energy. with the two cards together i definitely get someone who’s more reserved and often let their actions do the talking cause their aura often intimidates people and that’s why people respect them, i get the feeling that jaebeom finds intrigue in mystery (cause of his scorpio moon) and would love to be seen with someone who seems “unachievable” since his venus in capricorn and they’re known to be drawn to those with status. with the ace of cups rx it definitely reiterates the points i made earlier, but it also says that beom wants someone who’s “unreadable” and doesn’t wear their heart on their sleeve since beom is definitely the type to like if his person gives him a hard time since he likes it when he’s being “made to work” as this person could also have a lot of their walls up and rarely let people in, capricorn venus’ love the push and pull dynamic since they’re notorious for taking their time when pursuing their love interest and are likely to be dissatisfied if they’re partner is too “predictable”. the star on the bottom card though tells me that under all that secretive demeanor he wants someone who’s willing to be emotionally vulnerable with him and understand his sensitivity, although beom has a capricorn stellium his scorpio moon causes him to be someone who’s very emotional but he hides it since his capricorn placements cause him to be more stern, he wants someone to be vulnerable with and won’t judge him and his emotions. overall, he wants someone who comes off very reserved but has a level of vulnerability that they show to those they trust.  
the monk/nun card definitely reinforce someone who’s more reserved and very wise, could possibly someone who’s very selfless too and isn’t too flashy when it comes to their style. the judge card talks about someone who balances justice and compassion, i also get the vibe someone who’s able to make decisive decisions and is able to face consequences if there are any is very attractive to beom. the camel card talks about someone who’s able to stay level headed in difficult situations and are very patient when it comes to themselves and other people. the saturn card definitely reiterates the points i made earlier and is very funny since beom has a capricorn stellium and saturn’s ruler is capricorn, he definitely wants someone who’s very practical/rational and is willing to put in the hard work and have patience when it comes to themselves and dealing with others, i also get the feeling jaebeom is really drawn to people who are very humble and able to ground themselves and him. 
knight of cups, queen of pentacles rx, 8 of wands, 4 of cups | storyteller, messiah, beaver, jupiter: grow and expand
as a boyfriend jaebeom will definitely show more of his romantic side, his capricorn venus definitely causes him to be more action-oriented with love languages and his scorpio moon could make him be more into physical touch but i did get the image that he possibly expresses his love through music so it’s unsurprising to me if he ends up making songs for his s.o as there’s a possibility he struggles with verbalising it so he’d rather show it. queen of pentacles rx indicates someone who’s very independent with regards to their finances so i think the reason why he wants an s.o who’s very individualistic as well is so he doesn’t have to explain much of what he’s doing since his s.o is doing the same, when talking about this card with the 8 of wands though this can indicate someone who struggles to balance their work/home life as the 8 of wands talks about constant movement so i feel that’s why jaebeom wants someone who is able to ground themselves and him so that he always has his person to rely on. 8 of wands talks about someone who’s very restless and always keen on moving on to the next challenge, this can relates to beom cause he’s very work-driven and probably struggles when he feels he’s not doing anything productive so that’s why i think he may struggle when it comes to relationships if he doesn’t feel like he’s able to commit to his work, but the 8 of wands can also mean someone who loves travelling and is always keen on exploring so beom might be the type to take his s.o out to travel whenever the opportunity arises. the 4 of cups talks about someone who is contemplative and at times can be withdrawn as they often think very deeply before acting on a situation, i think due to his scorpio moon he occasionally needs time alone to “recharge” and he wouldn’t like it when his s.o takes it personally as it’s nothing against his partner cause that’s just how he is, this can also mean that jaebeom could be oblivious whenever his partner shows him love which is why him and his partner need to either be open to communication or have similar love languages to minimise the chance of miscommunication. i feel beom’s romantic side will definitely show in more non-verbal ways so his partner needs to be very understanding in that aspect as he’s very stubborn so it’s hard to compromise whenever an argument happens.
storyteller tells me beom is very enthusiastic when it comes to talking with his s.o, i definitely can see him writing a song for his s.o as a love language as he’s very skilled with words and i can totally see him rambling the whole night when he’s comfortable with someone. the messiah card describes someone who serves humanity with humility but the downside is that they believe they’re the only cause for it can succeed, i think as a boyfriend beom has very genuine intentions and he doesn’t hide behind a facade when he cares about someone due to his scorpio moon but his capricorn stellium can be a tad controlling and dominating as they are ruled by saturn after all and saturn is the planet of restriction. jaebeom is definitely very loyal and hard-working when it comes to providing for his family, he’s extremely dependable and puts others first before himself, you can bet his effort will never fluctuate and in the long-term if he’s with someone he will prioritise them. the jupiter card is interesting as it’s the planet of luck, abundance and expansion, jaebeom is definitely a forward-thinker and plans his actions which tells me that when he’s in a committed relationship with someone he’ll be the type that wants to provide for his s.o financially and build something tangible wether that’d be moving in together, travelling together or even starting a family, jaebeom is definitely husband material (jupiter can represent the husband) and always wants to provides the best for his loved ones. 
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9 of cups, the emperor, 6 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles rx | addict, father, owl, the moon: satisfy emotional needs, nurture self and others
9 of cups immediately tell me mark wants someone who’s very emotionally intelligent and mature but are also very positive and optimistic, i feel pessimism isn’t a trait mark is attracted to since his leo venus + aries moon has a tendency to be more optimistic. with the emperor card, mark wants someone independent and unafraid to take the lead as the emperor card is represented by aries (which is his moon) so mark wants someone who is able to understand and match his intensity regardless if they’d express that outwardly or inwardly, mark wants someone well-respected and abundant as i did get the vibe that he wants other people to see him and his partner as a “power couple”. the 6 of pentacles talks about someone who’s selfless cause i feel mark wants someone who’s as family oriented as he is and is sometimes able to put the need of others before themselves, with the 9 of cups and this card together this can describe someone who’s unafraid to splurge on luxurious items but also gives back to others whenever they can. with the combination of these 3 cards, it definitely describes someone who’s very abundant financially, spiritually, emotionally and is well-respected by others but can also be very selfless and giving to those they love. with the 5 of pentacles rx, this can indicate someone who’s not necessarily attached to their financial possessions and wants to help others as they know what it feels like to struggle, i kept hearing the word underdog when i was thinking of this card so mark could possibly be attracted to the “underdogs” who eventually gain success thanks to their hard work, but i also did get the feeling that mark would want to be with someone who has gone through difficult situations as i think he can relate to them in a way. 
addict card can talk about someone who overexerts themselves and in this case i feel his ideal type could be someone who has ended up with the short-end of the stick in a multitude of different situations but has made a name for themselves thanks to their determination and natural leadership abilities, i did get the feeling that his person should be careful of entering codependent relationships as people like this often want to feel “needed”. the father card appearing is unsurprising as we did get the emperor card earlier, both these cards essentially mean the same thing where this person is often looked up to as they’re a very stable force and a leader, as i feel mark wants someone he can rely and depend on in the relationship, also i feel like he would also want his person to "ground” him in relationships as there’s a chance his fire placements make him a tad individualistic at times. the owl card talks about someone who’s abundant, generous and secure which reiterates my points about the 9 of cups card earlier, the owl card also describes someone who’s very wise and their success could be because of their ability to be able to see pathways that other people can’t see, this card also illustrates someone who’s very wealthy, beautiful and has a lot of good fortune because of their intentions/actions. could not have picked a better card for mark’s final card as this card talks about nurturing energy as it’s the moon card, i feel his ideal person is someone who has an equal amount of feminine & masculine energy and is very protective of their loved ones and on top of being the leader they’re also a very good nurturer, from the cards it tells me that mark really wants someone who resembles a parental figure with equal amounts of nurturing and leadership. 
ace of swords rx, the sun, 8 of wands, judgement rx | rescuer, king, horse, house eleven: friends, like-minded groups and humanitarian beliefs
with the ace of swords rx mark is more action-oriented and could possibly keep a lot of his thoughts to himself, this means that his love language is geared more towards non-verbal forms (physical touch, quality time, acts of service,etc.) in mark’s case i do feel he tends to feel a lot when he’s committed to someone so that’s why he finds it difficult to verbalise emotions, this card also tells me that mark is a tad impulsive in relationships and very stubborn so independence and freedom of expression is very important to mark. unsurprising as we got the sun card for him as he is a leo venus after all (leo rules the sun), this tells me mark is like a big kid in relationships which means he’s very into lighthearted fun, making jokes and overall a very positive and fun boyfriend which makes me think that’s why he wants someone who’s more emotionally mature than him as he wants to learn from his partner, i also get the feeling that mark often isn’t able to assert himself the way he wants to as he tends to get too wrapped up in his own positivity and tries to always see the “best” in other people even if that person’s intentions aren’t genuine, so i feel his partner will be able to help with that too. with the 8 of wands, it reiterates the points i made about impulsivity, independence and wanting someone who will be able to “ground him” as this card is the definition of fast paced actions, mark could also be the type to fall in love really quickly which makes sense since he has a fire venus and moon and i feel whenever he enters a relationship it’s really easy for him to be swept off his feet and be infatuated with them, he could also love travelling with his partner as this card talks about this too. the judgement reversed i feel whenever mark enters a relationship he kind of dives in headfirst without warning, i feel his virgo sun and libra mars will still try to remain calm and rational but eventually his emotions get the better of him which is why he’s a bit rash when it comes to relationships, this can also mean mark can be hypercritical of himself in relationships and he spends a lot of time analysing his and his partner’s actions. 
rescuer means that mark provides strength and support to others in crisis and acts out of love without any expectation of reward, as a boyfriend i definitely see his love language being acts of service and he’ll genuinely be willing to do anything his partner needs him to do wether they ask him or not. the king card tells me mark is someone who thinks of others’ needs before himself, he’s very selfless and tries his best to accomodate others and this also tells me mark  could potentially love being pampered and having the attention on him as this card reminds me of his leo venus. the horse card describes someone who is persistent and determined with their goals, this is unsurprising thanks to his aries moon as mark’s someone who’s not only physically strong but he’s also mentally resilient. house eleven is represented by aquarius and this talks about the energy of the collective, i feel as a boyfriend mark treats his partner as his best friend and will possibly want to achieve goals together and plan about what greater good they can accomplish for themselves and others’ future as easy communication is crucial for mark. 
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queen of swords, the lovers, 9 of wands, death rx | lover, visionary, hummingbird, pluto: transform
jackson wants someone who’s intelligent, independent and outspoken as the queen of wands describes an individual who is assertive and well-respected due to their ability in communicating, i feel his type would also be quite witty and have a good sense of humour as well, this can also mean that he wants someone who’s very upfront with him regarding their feelings cause his aries sun + venus can make him impatient if someone continuously plays games with him. with the lovers card jackson wants someone who’s genuine and is authentic with themselves and others since this card describes someone who has a high moral compass and is in tune with their own emotions, this card also tells me that jackson wants someone to be able to love him for him and has no ill will when they encounter the sides of him he’s not proud of and someone with unwavering loyalty, since jackson’s venus is in his 3rd house (using whole signs) communication is extremely important for him and this is emphasised due to this card representing gemini and the element of swords representing communication. the 9 of wands talks about someone who’s resilient, self-assured and courageous, when combined with the queen of swords independence is a huge turn on for jackson and it’s unsurprising since his aries venus definitely is attracted to the boss types but this could also be that jackson wants to be with someone who in his eyes is as successful as him as that can motivate him to be his best self (aries’ love some healthy competition). from the queen of swords + 9 of wands i get the vibe that he definitely wants someone who can hold it down for themselves but also a romantic when it comes to him as described by the lovers, he basically wants to be the only person that his s.o is romantic to. with the death rx card on the bottom, i feel jacks wants someone who understands the deepest, darkest parts of themselves and isn’t afraid to share that with him, his person could appear very unassuming but have a very intense side to them that they keep behind closed doors. i definitely believe he wants someone to be vulnerable with and fully show all parts of themselves to him since he’s the type of person to love someone fully regardless of “flaws” once committed (thanks to his libra moon).
again jackson wants a hopeless romantic who he can be cheesy with as the lover card describes someone with great passion and devotion alongside an unbridled appreciation of someone or something. the visionary card definitely emphasises the points i made regarding the queen of swords + 9 of wands as it illustrates someone who’s willing to proclaim a vision without thinking of personal gain, there’s also a large emphasis on intelligence with his ideal type. the hummingbird talks about someone who’s always curious to learn and a bit of an optimist, i think this is due to jackson having a pisces stellium (mercury, mars, saturn) and sometimes pisces placements tend to be pessimistic and he wants someone who’s able to help him see the positivity and even teach him certain things as the hummingbird energy is also associated with nature, creativity and exploring spirituality. the pluto card is unsurprising as we got the death card earlier as they are both represented by scorpio and in this context i definitely think jackson wants someone who can “merge” with him due to his pisces stellium again, jacks really wants a “transformative” relationship and is incredibly committed once he falls for them so i think his ideal type is someone who can match his level of intensity (makes sense since scorpio + aries rule mars).
3 of wands, the devil, king of wands, 5 of pentacles rx | victim, trickster, firefly, libra: consideration, fairness, harmony
3 of wands talks about a highly respected leader who loves to travel and often brings other people along on their journey (which describes jackson perfectly) so as a boyfriend it’s unsurprising to me if he’ll be the type to spoil his s.o or take his s.o on trips if their schedules align, this can also talk about someone who’s constantly thinking about the future. the devil tells me that jackson could have codependency tendencies in relationships as this card deals with excess, jackson could easily feel dependent in relationships as he can struggle with a push and pull in relationships due to his sun + venus being in the opposite sign of his moon (aries sun + venus with a libra moon), as independent as he is there’s still a part of jackson that likes to depend on people cause it gives him a sense of comfort however, this can also mean that jackson is often easily taken advantage of since he always sees the best in people and is willing to sacrifice himself for others, jackson’s a really sensitive soul and as a boyfriend it’s really easy for him to be infatuated with the person he’s with and put them on a pedestal (due to his pisces stellium again). the king of wands is possibly the best card to describe jackson as this card talks about someone who is a natural -born leader and entrepreneur due to his charisma and positivity, people naturally are drawn to him as he’s well-respected and has good relationships with those around him. i feel he naturally takes the lead in relationships due to his leo descendant and aries placements so you can expect him to be quite dominant in the relationship but not overly so cause his libra moon loves being equals. with the 5 of pentacles rx, i feel jackson is a perfectionist and is very hypercritical of himself since he has his chiron in virgo and it deals with issues like unrelenting standards, this tells me that jackson needs a lot of reassurance and comforting in the relationship as he is prone to finding his own faults and being down because of them but, this can also mean jackson wants to be the source of strength for his s.o and will always try his best to be there for his partner, he naturally has a very giving personality so it’s unsurprising he wants to nurture others. 
i briefly touched on codepedency with the devil card and this victim card basically reiterates my point but this can go two ways, either jackson refusing to open up about his problems because he doesn’t wanna burden others or if he struggles with boundaries he can act like the victim whenever disagreements occur. on a more positive note, this trickster card talks about someone who is quite humorous and loves to playfully tease his partner as a form of affection which definitely sounds like the jackson we know and love. in my opinion the firefly card really represents jackson as he reminds me of a light of a thousand stars in a dark night as his positivity really lights up a room and this card describes someone who’s light illuminates wherever they go and are very creative and inspiring. the libra card for my favourite libra moon <3 jackson strives for equality in relationships, he doesn’t really believe in one being the breadwinner over the other and sees his partner as his equal, he definitely is a romantic at heart and strives for a harmonious relationship. 
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6 of wands, page of wands, temperance, 10 of pentacles | child: divine, poet, bee, water: spirituality, emotion, intuition and compassion
jinyoung wants someone with lots of fire energy cause 3 of his cards all represent the fire element. firstly, he wants someone who’s successful/well respected in their field as the 6 of wands describes someone who’s very successful and praised for their work, could also be a public figure. page of wands tells me jinyoung potentially wants someone younger as he wants to “guide” them, this can also mean someone who’s unafraid to go the more unorthodox route to pursue their passions as their determination is their greatest driving force, this can also describe someone who is incredibly loyal to their partner. with these two cards, jinyoung possibly looks for someone who is very dedicated to their work and he wants someone who has a lot of passion and enthusiasm when it comes to the work they do and always thinks of new ways to improve themselves/their work, i also pick up on someone with highly creative energy. the temperance card however, brings a sense of balance as it deals with moderation, although jinyoung wants someone who’s very passionate i think someone who’s very patient is also very important to him as i don’t think he wants someone to overpower him, i think outwardly he wants someone who seems very calm but is a bit chaotic behind closed doors (like himself). 10 of pentacles tells me he’s always looking to build a future with his s.o and is likely that he’s the type to already think about marriage and children, i feel whenever he enters a relationship he always thinks about the long-term since short-term flings don’t interest him and he’s only interested in relationships that will last. 
the child divine card describes someone who exudes innocence and purity, could also be someone who’s very intuitive and have a special connection with the divine. the poet card talks about someone who’s very smart with their words and is very influential due to it, i have a feeling jinyoung likes someone who expresses their love through words of affirmations cause even though his water placements make him very intuitive he likes when he’s told how much his partner loves him. the bee card talks about someone who’s very hardworking with a vibrant personality, i think he likes when his partner is creative like him. lastly, this card doesn’t surprise me as jinyoung’s a scorpio venus with a cancer mars, jinyoung really wants to bond with someone emotionally and spiritually and he wants a love that goes deep beneath the surface level, he definitely feels very deeply in relationships and he wants someone who feels the same way. 
ace of swords rx, 7 of wands, queen of pentacles rx, 9 of pentacles | gambler, avenger, black egg, chiron: hurt and heal
the two virgo suns with an aries moon AND fixed venuses got the ace of swords rx lmao how fitting
the first two cards tell me jinyoung rarely express or verbalise his love for his s.o but acts on it more often (whatever i wrote for mark’s first card apply it for jinyoung too). jinyoung’s aries moon and libra mercury is perfectly embodied by this 7 of wands card cause this card describes someone who doesn’t let anyone push them around (aries moon) and someone who’s very good with words and a great debater (libra mercury), with this card i can see jinyoung being the type to keep his problems to himself and might keep his walls up but i can also see jinyoung being the type to be ultra protective to those he loves as this card does talk about someone who stands up for themselves and others need be, could totally see jinyoung putting a lot of effort in his relationships as well even though he may not verbalise it. queen of pentacles rx tells me that jinyoung can sometimes be overly giving in relationships in the sense that he always likes to feel “needed” and is willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves, when this card is with the 7 of wands card it definitely tells me that jinyoung is extremely loyal and dependable in relationships, could also be a tad controlling at times but he really does have the purest intentions. the 9 of pentacles on the bottom describes someone who will love sharing their resources wealth with his loved ones, so gift-giving or acts of service will probably be one of his go-to love languages, as i said jinyoung is definitely more action-oriented (he’s said it himself) so as a boyfriend i could totally see him buying gifts or experiences for his s.o.
with the gambler card jinyoung could be the type to rely on intuition more than anything, so if he’s involved with someone he loves very deeply and he won’t care if others around him don’t agree to it, i think he could also be the type of person to put blind faith in his partner as in relationships i feel he navigates with his heart rather than his head. the avenger card describes someone’s desire to balance the scales of justice and righteousness on behalf of society or oneself, jinyoung’s a very fair boyfriend and will definitely do all he can to ease the burden of those he loves, if someone takes advantage of his partner he definitely will be the type to confront the person and will be unafraid to stand up for them no matter the circumstance. the black egg card talks about someone who has a strong throat chakra and will speak their truth no matter the circumstance, although jinyoung is known to not say much people will always feel a certain gravitas with his words as he’s very upfront with his feelings and wouldn’t be the type to beat around the bush if he wants to say something, he’s also very good with his words and will always know what to say to charm someone. the chiron card tells me that there’s a possibility jinyoung has been hurt before in relationships, instead of ruminating with this hurt though jinyoung’s turned it into a strength as he’s able to use his experience of hurt to heal others, jinyoung’s a very genuine soul and has a very healing presence to those he loves. 
that is all! if you have any feedback, comments, queries or requests please don’t hesitate to reach out to me my ask box is always open. sending you all love, light, positivity and abundance <3 much love
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serenheist · 3 years
What Jin is like in a relationship/ Jin as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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I just realized I describe some things in this reading that won’t make sense to you guys cause I used my angel tarot deck in the picture but I’m using my other tarot deck to look at the pictures and describe what I get because the angel deck isn’t as visually expressive compared to my other one lol whatever.
How long does it take Jin to get into a relationship? & Does he prefer long or short term relationships The sun reversed, ace of cups, page of wands knight of cups, judgement reversed
Jin seems to get into relationships so what quickly but moreso having a problem of being too intense. There’s a lot of showing off, over bearing energy. When he meets new partners he can come across as too egotistical and the partner can feel outshone. He could be caught up in the excitement of new relationships. He might have gotten into a good amount of relationships quickly because the Princess of wands is younger immature energy and gets caught up in the idealized worship of someone. I think he likes that purity aspect in someone in a new relationship whether that literally means he likes virgins👀 or he just likes someone who appears pure but has a fiery passionate side. But still this has made him more arrogant like “I can get anyone” energy and at the same time left him burnt out. There’s always a burnt out energy with these guys.
Now it looks like he wants something more long term. It looks like he’s starting to slowly move away from that party everyday lifestyle and jumping into a new relationship quickly. Very slowly though. I get the image of him now ignoring calls of past hookups cause it’s no longer fulfilling. It’s somewhat lonely though because he lost some people he used to hang out with in that lifestyle and decided to go off on his own and find fulfillment on his own. There’s also no longer being invited to places with friends that you used to go to to possibly meet people.
Past & present love life past: 4 of swords, avenoir 1 present: 7 of wands, queen of cups
In the past a lot of people flocked to Jin and I think he enjoyed having so many options and all the fun of it but having more and more and people being attracted to superficial things left him taking a break from dating stuff. This reminds me of some dumb shit like when you’re the cool one cause you bring all the booze to the party but it’s fleeting popularity and no one actually likes you as a person but they like the fact that you got the alcohol. When people meet you they’re expecting the life of the party and after awhile you just wanna avoid everyone and everything.
Present: it looks like Jin is being defensive in his love life right now that he’s blocking a great connection someone that isn’t even far away. He could be too much in his head and rejecting a lot of people who just wanna fuck around. I wonder if he actually has a specific person in mind because this queen of cups is literally telling the 7 of wands dude to come here while he’s too busy trying to fight off these unseen “enemies”. Idk it doesn’t look like he’s with this person represented by the queen though but if he wanted to they’re seriously right there, there’s water flowing from the queen of cups to 7 of wands on the ground he could just keep walking instead of wasting his time on past stuff.
What is he like in a relationship samadhi 29, the keeper of whispers, dolphin, sad embrace 54, G. hobyah 61 reversed, 6 of wands
When he’s in a relationship he isn’t distracted by all the people trying to cozy up next to him. He doesn’t care how hot someone is he only has eyes for his person even when so many people like him. I think he’s become more open minded in the sense that he accepts his partner more as they are and won’t try to make them into something they’re not. He likes to play around and have fun and be social and all that but he’s also protective and caring for someone he’s in a relationship with.
Though it seems like he can go through a lot of stages of ego problems and feeling sorry for himself I’m not sure why. He has a lot of confidence but his desire to be center of attention can bring conflict. I gotta say though I think he’s not the best at communicating when conflict arises like he can’t articulate himself in a way without resorting to trying to be playful when it’s not needed. The keeper of whispers really reminds me of the because even I can’t articulate it. It’s about having access to all this vast knowledge and not being able to express it at all.
What is his ideal type Abaddon, 33 translucence, Penelope dreamweaver 28 reversed, queen of pentacles, 39 protecting treasure, cat, 5 of wands reversed
Okay his type is what we pretty much already know, with the Queen of pentacles being a great homemaker and nurturing sensual etc but I’m getting there’s sort of an energy of being successful or maybe from a wealthy family but having to keep up appearances and being bored out of your mind. This person works way too hard and their inner self wants to go off and leave the mundane world and go off and actually enjoy their own fantasies and dreams. They could be from a family where they weren’t allowed to pursue a more creative path and had to stay in the family business but this person is very creative and has a lot of anger towards not being able to do what they want. Their father especially is probably the head of the family and very controlling and strict on them because they could be the heir to the family fortune or oldest child etc.
There could be internal conflict or outer conflict with their family about what they want to do but I think they’ll ultimately choose what they want to do because they have too much of an independent spirit and it’s inevitable. This person is highly selective about who they become friends with I think because they have a lot of trust issues with people just wanting to be their friend because they’re well off. But I see them having a mysterious air, elegant and confident or that could be what they project to the outer world the real them is having a more wild child attitude. They feel like they’ve been living in a superficial world for too long and ready to go into the unknown and hang out with different kinds of people not just from their social background. They love the night and are very affectionate when they get used to you. There’s a certain ruggedness to them Idk if they’ll actually dress more free and wild but they might have longer hair and let it go free and I feel like they’d love big outdoor concert venues and underground shows a lot. Like huge edm festivals where you dress up in wild outfits. Jin would love that type of free spirit energy that’s bold in the face of adversity. But I still think he wants them to look “presentable” for lack of a better word, in front of family at least for show but they’re actually a freak tbh.
What is his love language the dark lady reversed 20, epoch 7
Since he spends a lot of time occupying himself with his career and the outer world, his love language is quality time but moreso a nice meal at home with someone he loves, soft blankets nice music, phones on silent and away from the stresses of life
Random Ramblings: Bruh I am not satisfied with this reading lol My mind went blank idk why. With the other readings it was easy af and flowed. But I think I was overthinking for this one, it took me several days to do this shit like I could not relax at all. But then again I’m probably too hard on myself cause I’m never satisfied with my readings.
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strang-news · 2 years
//Front Desk Astrology//
by Stephanie Maltez
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The cards drawn up this month are from The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck & Guidebook by Kim Krans
Steph’s Amateur Front Desk Intuitive Interpretation of the Energy in August: Strong guidance to do everything the right way. Don’t take shortcuts. Follow the instructions. Follow the rules. Etc. This is because, should something uncomfortable pop up, your guides need you to not blame yourself or feel shame or guilt that you could have done something different - especially when you did/said everything right.
Leo, Happy Birthday!! Your card for the month: Father of Cups Diplomatic, Open-Minded The Father of Cups has a truly unique and dynamic personality. He’s the most feminine of all the fathers within the tarot and usually a patron of the arts. He’s a dignified man who supports his family and community. The only thing holding this man back are his deeply rooted insecurities; they are vast and affect his personality in many unpredictable ways.
…and Happy Early Birthday Virgo! Your card for the month: 6 of Pentacles Prosperity, Growth, Generosity The Six of Pentacles indicates that your long-awaited fruits are ready for harvesting, bringing more wealth than anticipated. Make sure you are generous during this bountiful time. This card can also signify generosity coming from someone else. If this is the case, accent the help with grace and put the resources to good use.
Libra Your card for the month: Wheel of Fortune Destiny, Change of Course Whether day or night, the Wheel of Fortune is always in motion. Some call it fate; others, destiny. It’s possible to go for months or years without feeling its presence…but when this card appears, the eye of the wheel is fixed upon you. Don’t be surprised if there’s a change of course heading your way, something you’d least expect. Whatever happens to you during this time, know that it is bringing you closer to your life’s purpose.
Scorpio Your card for the month: Father of Wands
Charismatic, Creative The Father of Wands is a man of mystique and charisma. Others are drawn to him naturally, and he welcomes them with an open and loving heart. Usually you’ll find him involved in the healing arts, as he’s deeply compassionate and in tune with life and nature. He is able to hold steady and still during conflict.
Sagittarius Your card for the month: The Hierophant Mentor, Seeking Knowledge In its simplest form, the Hierophant represents a mentor or teacher. This card signifies a hunger for knowledge, whether it is in the practical or the spiritual realm. You’ve come as far as you can on your own; now it’s time to deepen your practice. Don’t hesitate – join a class, go to a workshop, don’t be afraid of new experiences. A new ceremony or ritual may prove to be both comforting and rewarding. Open your heart, and your teacher will soon appear.
Capricorn Your card for the month: The Chariot Strong Will, Triumph The Chariot is your confidence, your will, and your inner warrior. At points in your life when you felt the bliss of achievement or triumph, you were riding on his back. Build a relationship with this part of yourself. Try to “see” the chariot inside you. The more focused your mind, the easier it will be to sense his presence and stay mounted on his back. With a fixed gaze and sure floating, you’ll be headed toward all you dream of.
Aquarius Your card for the month: 8 of Pentacles Craftmanship, Skill The spider is a true master of her craft. She weaves against all odds with skill, intricacy, and confidence. The Eight of Pentacles requires a similar approach. Hone your skills. You are close to finding mastery at your craft, so strive for it. Pay attention to all the details. In some cases, this card means you need to find a new hobby, something you truly enjoy. Start a project. Become good at it.
Pisces Your card for the month: Mother of Cups Insightful, Psychic
The Mother of Cups rivals the High Priestess with her natural psychic abilities. She’s a gentle, tranquil woman whose insights bring healing to those around her. She thrives when amidst her family, the arts, and music or beauty of any kind. Like a true swan, when the Mother of Cups is pushed, she becomes aggressive and defensive. She’ll commonly see herself as the victim when distressed in a situation.
Aries Your card for the month: The Tower Unexpected Upheaval When The Tower card appears, it’s time to brace yourself for a change. The well-rooted tree that’s been growing strong for decades is crashing down around you. Your world may feel as though it’s literally falling apart – and you didn’t see it coming. Even though this phase is painful and confusing, it will be over soon. You’ll look back and feel grateful things changed course. You might even see it as a personal “breakthrough” in the end.
Taurus Your card for the month: Justice Decisions, Karma With tails entwined, two cats look directly at you…waiting for you to choose between them. Which is right and which is wrong? The justice card implies a weight or heaviness surrounding a choice you have to make. Now is not the time to shun the concept of divine balance, or karma. All of your choices affect your life, and sometimes the lives of those around you, both now and in the future.
Gemini Your card for the month: 3 of Swords Betrayal, Heartbreak, Turmoil A dark complex card, the 3 of Swords is rarely a welcome sight. Its wrath may come in the form of lies, betrayal, cheating, or heartbreak. There will be emotional entanglement and confusion. Do not try to make any decisions while in this state. Wait for your heart and spirit to mend.
Cancer Your card for the month: 8 of Swords Trapped, Powerless Surrounded by obstacles and threats on all sides, you find yourself the victim. You see no way out, no available choices. Your perceptions keep you from opening your wings and taking flight. What keeps you suspended here? Yourself or others? The Eight of Swords demands an answer. You cannot hang here much longer.
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actiaslunaris · 2 years
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A new tarot deck, my first bought and in my possession. I use tarot as a gateway to inner spiritual awareness and understanding of emotions.
This deck -- The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot by Kim Krans -- attracted me with the art of the Six of Wands, pictured on the far left, and the not-pictured Daughter of Swords, which features an owl. On opening it and reading the guidebook, it seemed to me to be a very grounded deck, with its emphasis on nature and animals in the artwork. I like the small nature of the cards, and chose it over the larger version purposefully. My first observations in how it differs from other tarot decks is that it uses a ‘family’ in place of the court cards. Those are usually designated as Page, Knight, Queen, and King, but here are called Daughter, Son, Mother, and Father. It also hews closer to pagan symbols in its usage of moons and pentacles, the first in additional imagery, and the second for the suit. This deck also does not provide reversed meanings, instead providing cards that come with negative connotations built in to their reading.
The spread you see here, which I laid down right to left instinctively, is the Fool’s Journey, a spread for interviewing and getting to know the deck. Each card has its own question to be asked.
Ten of Pentacles
1. Tell me about yourself. What is your most important characteristic?
The Ten of Pentacles signifies material and spiritual abundance in nearly every area of your life.
As I thought, a grounded deck, one that wants to bring a sense of wholeness to my life. Also, very confident of showing me what I will need to know.
Four of Pentacles
2. What are your strengths as a deck?
Yet underneath the surface this is a card of warning: do not become possessive or controlling.
I must be open-minded and accepting of how I take the information that is given to me, otherwise it could turn against me.
The Magician
3. What are your limits as a deck?
The Magician is a card of boundless, expansive energy.
No limits, then. A very promising and surprising answer, since I’ve never drawn this card before, to the best of my knowledge.
Six of Cups
4. What are you here to teach me?
The roots of years past are alight with color and vibrancy...look back upon them, get lost in your memories.
I must rely on myself and my experience, to be guided by it, but also remain hopeful, because this card refers to the years of childhood. This means a lot to me right now, because of how I’ve felt I’ve lost a lot of that specific type of hope.
The World
5. How can I best learn and collaborate with you?
So when this card appears, contemplate for a moment the idea of “being whole.”
To me, wholeness means healing and integration, so I should approach readings with an eye to information that is contained in one, not divided into separateness. A deck that seeks to help me be whole is overall one that I can rely on.
Six of Wands
6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
The Six of Wands is a card of victory, of rising up against the odds ... Where will you go with your new set of wings?
Successful victorious change is another good promise. I’ve never had a spread be this positive before, or so bold. I like it.
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madidailytarot · 7 years
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Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Spread
Q: What part of myself have I been holding back? A: Father of Pentacles Key Ideas: Enterprising, adept, reliable, supportive, stable, abundance, power, security, success, attracts wealth, natural manager and business person, leader, makes ideas work, informed about practical matters, wide range of natural abilities, skillful, Midas touch, quick reflexes, assumes responsibility, keeps all commitments and promises, dependable, unfailing, readily jumps in to help, philanthropic, generous, sponsors worthwhile projects, works towards goals with firm resolve, regular habits and activities, maintains a calm and even approach, stable mood and temperament, has a stabilizing influence
Q: What assumption or social norm is getting in my way? A: Son of Pentacles Key Ideas: Efficiency, hard work, routine, unwavering, stubborn, cautious, unadventurous, thorough, obsessive, realistic, pessimistic, hardworking, overly serious
Q: What new attitude will propel me bravely forward? A: Ten of Wands Key Ideas: Overextending, struggle, burden, lack of relaxation, experiencing resistance, laboring, trying to do too much, assuming another’s debt, taking the blame, working overtime, shouldering all the work, extra responsibility/tasks/duties, hamster wheel, breaking point, feeling taxed to the limit
Q: How can I begin to express myself more fully? A: Mother of Cups Key Ideas: Loving, tender-hearted, psychic, intuitive, spiritual, empathetic, caring, unconditionally accepting, dispelling hatred or anger, sensitive, patient, easily moved, compassion, kind, gentle, feels what others are feeling, tuned into emotional undercurrents, guided by the heart, inner sense of truth, understanding, open, well-developed sixth sense, telepathic, natural medium, feels oneness with the universe, reverence for all life, joyful communion, calm, comfort
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lunaleetarot · 3 years
Valentine 2021 Tarot Spread- Leo ♌
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I used the wild unknown tarot deck for this reading.
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Leo: Someone doesn’t want to grow up!
Father of Pentacles- This Valentine’s your spending time with a partner who can provide for you emotionally, financially and physically. If you haven’t found it yet that’s your end game goal. If settling down with a family is something your after, this is a great card to receive. You want marriage and a traditional lifestyle. Your partner will achieve a lot, and you will benefit from it because they will bring you up the ladder of success with them. So perhaps a proposal or talk of serious commitment is on your mind this Valentine’s day.
Six of Pentacles- Your partner is willing to support you for the foreseeable future. If single this can be someone coming into your life later. This partner will be generous with you and always consider your feelings. However, your partner won’t be feeling so charitable forever. That’s not to say they don’t want a long-term relationship with you. You should just enjoy this special treatment while it lasts. If you are already committed I think your partner will shower you with gifts this Valentines.
The Hierophant- If you're looking for marriage or a long term commitment, this is a good sign. However you will need to adapt to your partner’s culture and way of doing things if you want it to last.
Daughter of Cups- Although there is a lot of love here, one of you in this relationship is acting immature and needy. This person often thinks of themselves and their own needs. If you are this type of person, Leo, then you will need to fix these traits before they start to mess with your relationship. If it’s not you acting this way, you may want to consider if your partner is emotionally mature enough to be in a relationship with you or vice versa.
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Tarot and how I use it
Figured it was finally time for a tarot master post
What is tarot?
Tarot cards are a divination tool, often used by pagans, wiccans, and other people who practice witchcraft. Tarot cards are (usually) used by asking a question/thinking about a situation, and laying out cards in a layout appropriate to the situation (you can use ones other people have made, but you can make your own spreads too), and every position in the layout represents a different aspect of the question or situation. For example:
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This is a spread in which the first card represents the past, the second card represents the present, and the third card represents the future. There are many different layouts. I'll post some in the future!
The Arcana: Major and Minor
Tarot cards are split into Major and Minor Arcana. The Major arcana are numbered 0 - 21, and the cards all have a meaning that correlates directly to the name of the card. For example, the Death card means the end of a cycle and change. The Minor Arcana are split into suits. The most common suits in the Minor Arcana are Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands. Within the suits, the cards are numbered from Ace - 10 and there are four court cards per suit, generally labelled Page, Knight, Queen, and King, although in the Wild Unknown tarot deck, the court cards are Daughter, Son, Mother, and Father. The Cups represent feelings, emotion, intuition, and creativity. Pentacles represent finances, work, and material possessions. Swords represent thoughts words, and actions. Wands represent energy, motivation, and passion.
Cleansing tarot decks
Theres loads of different ways to cleanse a tarot deck. There's plenty of cleansing rituals, but I would recommend doing your own research on that, because I don't tend to do full rituals to cleanse my deck, so I don't know much about them. My favourite ways to cleanse a deck are by using white sage or white sage incense, or deck knocking. To cleanse with sage, just run the cards through the smoke. To knock on the deck, all you have to do it put the deck down on a surface (table, floor, etc...) and knock on it like the deck is a door. Knocking just knocks out bad vibes and spirits and all of that, it's the easiest and quickest way to cleanse a deck. If you're only going to use knocking as your cleansing method, I'd recommend doing it before every reading.
I'll add more to this post when I have time but I just wanted to get this posted today because I've had in my drafts for months
Decks I have:
The Wild Unknown tarot by Kim Krans
The Rider-Waite tarot
The Bastards Tarot by Emerson Barrett and Emery Elizabeth
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