#FTWD fandom
mirapril · 3 months
Hot take Ik I’m gonna get bashed for
Please don’t get me wrong I love me some Daryl
What abt literally anyone else
Is it just me? I love Daryl but I think he’s hyped up a little TOO much. I was looking at twd fics and 29/30 of them were JUST. DARYL.
Am I crazy or something? Idk maybe I’m tripping💀
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He look real cute in this pic tho
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aquarian-queen · 10 months
Another Troy reveal clip
credit to clashedpr
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allthegothihopgirls · 2 years
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the walking dead 7x01 "the day will come when you won't be"
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thebiggerbear · 4 months
Alicia Clark Masterlist
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multiple works in progress
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topazy · 2 years
Under my skin
Pairing: Troy Otto x oc
Warnings: Mentions of blood and swearing
Chapter: 1.10
“You don’t need to do this, right?”
Walking towards the canteen I smiled at Jake while he stared at me with a concerned look on his face.
“My family is complicated,” he continued. “I love Troy, and he’s my brother, but he can be very protective. I just wanted to let you know that, because once you're with him, he’ll become a lot more intense than he already is.”
I thought it was sweet that Jake was concerned, but I trusted Troy. I shrug, “It was only a kiss. Besides, he might not even be that interested in me.”
The older Otto rolled his eyes and said, “We both know that’s not true.”
“I thought more people would be here,” I say, changing the subject. To my surprise, the canteen was almost empty, aside from a few militia having a break. Although the sun was shining, the heat was a lot cooler than the days prior, and I thought more people would be taking advantage of that.
“People are grieving.”
He had a point. Jeremiah’s uplifting speech on looking out for one another was overshadowed by Troy's explanation that he and his men were outnumbered by the dead.
I sat down on one of the empty benches and happily shoved some oatmeal into my mouth. “I’ve no idea how you can eat that,” a guy called Mike Trimbol says, scrunching his face up. “It’s disgusting. Having to eat that horse food is one of the worst things about the apocalypse.”
I look at him for a second with my eyebrows raised to see if he's joking or being serious. Mike didn’t understand that there were people who would literally kill for a small bag of oats outside the ranch. “I love oatmeal. I used to use it in different recipes before the dead came knocking, and all of them were delicious.”
I noticed one of the women who was serving food was staring at me. I give her an awkward smile, and her cheeks flush red at being caught. Maybe my light-hearted comment about the dead offended her.
“That’s new,” Jake said, motioning to the gold cross hanging around my neck.
“It belonged to my mother. I stopped wearing it because I was afraid I’d lose it.”
We ate in comfortable silence until I noticed Troy walking towards us. After the memorial, he went to his dad's office to talk to him in private. However, Jeremiah’s voice echoed and from what I heard, he was placing the blame for the four militia men who died on his son.
Troy sat without saying a word and reached for the apple on his brother's tray. Jake gave me a look that telepathically told me not to mention their dad. I watched as Troy sliced the skin off the apple with a miserable look on his face.
I watched as he ate the apple but left the skin. He must have noticed the confused look on my face because he pushed the apple skins in front of me.
A peaceful meal was disturbed when Leo walked by with a couple of guys on either side of him and mumbled something under his breath.
I didn’t hear what Leo said aside from the words “whipped” and “bitch,” but Troy did. I reached for his hand, squeezing it tightly as he started to stand up, glaring at the blond. “Troy, just leave it. All that asshole wants is a reaction.”
That was easy.
“I will on one condition.” He cocks his head to the side, smirking.
“And what’s that?”
“You have to give me a kiss.”
“Fine,” I say, leaning in so close to him that my lips ghosted his. “But I’m not putting on a show for an audience later.”
He follows my trail of sight to the table Mike and his friends were sitting at, all of them were staring directly in our direction. He smirks at me, “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Hi,” I say, and my smile falls when I see the look on Jake's face as he approaches me. “What’s wrong?”
“Uh-listen, all work assignments have been updated.”
A knot twists in my stomach. I wipe the back of my hands with a cloth before starting to put the tools I’d just used back into the toolbox. I sighed, “What am I doing?”
“Kitchen duty.”
I maintained calm on the outside, but on the inside I was screaming. It was very disappointing that, despite being good at what I did, I wouldn’t get to do it for very long because, in the words of Jeremiah Otto, it was an “unladylike” job.
“Whatever, at least it gets me out of the sun.”
“You’re taking it surprisingly well. I thought you would have chewed my ear off,” he laughed. “Thank god you didn’t. I’ve already had an earful from my brother.”
I try my best to keep the smile off my face. I've only spoken to a few of them so far. “When do I start?”
I froze outside the small wooden cabin I was now staying in when I noticed the door was ajar. Strange, I was so sure I’d locked it behind me. I pushed the door open and was greeted by Troy, who was laying on the bed reading a book.
He was laying on his back with his shoes and jacket removed. I was actually jealous of how comfortable he looked. Well, until I noticed the dirt on his trousers.
“You're staring,” he said in a matter of folk tone.
“I’m judging.”
He held the book to his chest and looked up at me with an amused expression on his face. “Judging what exactly?”
“You’re got muddy clothes on my clean sheets.”
His eyes trailed down his clothes until I noticed the small mess and sat up, his eyes widening in realisation. “I can get you some new ones.”
“Since it’s already a mess…” I plopped down on the bed beside him, much to his surprise. “So, you tend to chill in here while I’m somewhere else?”
“No, just thought I’d wait on you here since you owe me.”
“I owe you?”
Troy nodded before pressing his lips against mine. You have to give me a kiss. Troy most definitely held me to my word. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away for air.
Troy began to trail his finger up my neck and along my jawline while telling me how he would be leaving in a couple of days to search for an abandoned warehouse. I noticed the back of his knuckles were cut. I gently grabbed hold of his wrist so I could get a better look, “What did you do?”
He stared at me, emotionless. At first glance, I thought he’d hurt it by accident, but the more I looked at it, the less I believed it was just a simple accident.
“Troy, how did you hurt your hand?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
I frowned, “Of course I’m worried. Your knuckles are brushing and have dried blood on them.”
He leaned onto his elbows and looked down at his knuckles with a weird expression on his face, almost as if he was pondering whether to tell me the truth or not. “I got into an argument with Leo. Instead of punching the fucker in the head, I punched the wall beside him instead.”
“Good, I’m sure he got frightened.”
Laughing, he shakes his head. “I’m glad I got your seal of approval.”
I looked up at him as he rambled on about how much he despised Leo ever since he moved into the ranch.I reached up and put my hand on the back of his neck, “Troy?”
I pulled his head towards mine to kiss him again.
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problematiquefics · 1 year
It really seems like the rumors about Daniel Sharman returning for s8 of FTWD are true.
AMC how much money are you paying these people because they're not returning because it's a quality show.
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(Fear The Walking Dead S8E6 spoilers below cut)
Here I was, feeling like a failure for not writing the fic or just idea of what I had with Troy coming back in time for us to see the character on the final season.... guess I don't have to feel like that big of a failure and I could still work on it since we got JACK SHIT as far as you can tell me.
Yes, I know we got a glimpse of what we got and I'm not gonna go into detail in case that's even more of spoilers than I've already said... and everything else that we saw... but I could still be disappointed and slightly infuriated.
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 year
John Dorie from Fear The Walking Dead
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Is a caregiver!
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johnmurphysgirl · 1 year
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Chris AU Oneshot: Alive
Please don't use or share my work without credit.
You could at least let your appetite reflect it.
The words ring around Chris' brain in a cacophony of sound. The seventeen year old could only stare down his father blankly, equally surprised and afraid, but the words wouldn't come. He can't admit it. He can't admit that he does feel it, but this is the world now. They have to adapt and overcome. If Travis couldn't understand… Chris knows well enough to not delude himself into thinking Brandon and Derek wouldn't kill him just because Chris asked them. They'd kill Travis, and then Chris would be alone. Without approval. And without a father. 
He couldn't – no, he won't let that happen. If Chris hadn't shot James, then they could have all been killed. He did what he had to do. Yet, that doesn't keep his mind from spinning in circles when Chris decided to ditch his father. If his mother would have known Travis would only bring him down, then he has no doubts that she'd side with him now. Right? 
Goddamn you, Chris!! 
The last words his father said to him almost made him jump out of the truck. Almost. Instead, they scream at him, and beg him, but Chris couldn't allow himself to care. They're better off without him. Now, Travis has no excuse but to run back to Madison, gis perfect girlfriend, and forget he ever had a biological son. They could focus on Nick's drama, and perfect Alicia instead of looking at him like he's some kind of monster destined to destroy their lives. 
Chris stares off into the distance, replaying the look of betrayal in Travis' eyes, before he shakes them off. The look of disgust, the disappointment. None of it matters now. Besides, he can't turn back now. He's been gone for an hour, and Travis probably wouldn't be there if he went back. 
"Hey, buddy. You gonna keep staring off at your old man like a sad little puppy, or do you wanna drive?" Brandon shouts over the loud music blasting from the radio.  
Chris turns to face him with a wide grin, long gone were the thoughts about his father, and if he had made the right choice. 
"Hell yeah, I wanna drive." 
Chris tries not to let his anxiety show; after all, he's only ever driven once. In fact, it was just a few days ago with Travis. Not now, he thinks, and instead slips into the driver's seat. Derek, having been kicked to the back by the tailgate, sits with a grumpy looking face, but Chris blocks that out, too. He can barely focus as is with the music. It's too distracting; it takes his mind off Travis, yes, but it also takes his mind away from the road.
It's exhilarating. Speeding down the seemingly empty countryside. Mexico is beautiful, Chris decides. It's too bad his only memories here are of death and destruction. 
"So," Chris calls over the music, glancing over at Brandon out of the corner of his eye. "What happens when we get to your safe haven in San Diego?" 
Brandon turns to look at Chris with a mischievous grin, although that was lost on Chris; if he had just taken his eyes off the road, he would have seen the scheming look in Brandon's eyes. If, if, if, but he hadn't. 
"Just drive man." Brandon chuckles. "You'll see it when we get there." 
Chris nods. It is plausible. Besides, Chris doesn't really wanna push his luck. If something were to go wrong, he'd be alone. He'd have nothing and nobody. He has to trust in this. To believe it will all work out, and to have faith. The result if it isn't is too catastrophic to dwell on. 
He takes his eyes off the road for only a second. Just a second. It's amazing how long a second could feel like, as if Chris is an outsider looking in. The second was all it took for everything to go to hell, when Brandon grabs the wheel, jerking it out of Chris' hand; grabbing Chris' head and slamming it into the steering wheel. Blood pours from his now broken nose, when Brandon lets go of the wheel altogether. 
One second. 
His surprised yell gets lost in the wind. 
One second. 
The truck's brakes squeal as he slams on them, but it's too late. He can't control it. 
One second. 
Chris watches helplessly, screaming, as the truck wraps itself around a tree; it doesn't stop. It flips and rolls, bringing Chris' body to fly out of his seat and back in it again, and again, each time the truck rolls. He can't hear anything. He knows he's screaming, but it sounds foreign even to his own ears. 
One second. 
That was all it took for Chris' world to crash down around him. Time seemingly stands still, as shock courses through his veins as he's thrown out of his seat again, collapsing through the windshield, bloody and broken. His eyes close involuntarily, blinking continuously to stay awake, but it's no use. 
Dad was right. 
— — — — — 
Chris comes to in a blaze of fire. The horrendous smoke fills his lungs and nostrils, and a strong sweet smell he can't exactly identify. Antifreeze, his muddled brain thinks, but he can't focus. Ash covers his body where he lay only ten feet away from the burning inferno; the truck. 
Brandon and Derek are gone. 
They left him. Defenseless. With nothing but the soot covered clothing on his back and a bruised and battered body. He blinks back the tears filling his eyes as he struggles to his feet, pain surrounding him like a fence of determination. Desperation had never felt so angry. 
They will pay. 
From the ashes, I rise. 
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mylifeiskindacrazy · 1 year
does anyone maybe have a picture of alycia debnam-carey's handwriting? specifically one that reads "life is about more than just surviving"??? i wanna get it tattooed with her handwriting
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simpsdiary · 2 years
Do yall associate your comfort characters with colors or is that just me?
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topazy · 2 years
Under my skin
Pairing: Troy Otto x OC
Warnings: None
Chapter: 1.09
I watched from a distance as the parents of the men who never made it back were informed of their deaths. One of the men's moms marched over to Troy, “I heard the dead got them? Is that correct?”
When he nodded, she didn't hesitate to spit in his face, her actions followed by a cold glare. Troy did nothing as the grieving woman began slapping at his face and chest. She was eventually pulled away by her husband.
Troy apologised to the families again before going home. A sickly feeling swirled inside my stomach. I hadn’t known him long, but I knew Troy would be beating himself for the deaths of his men. I watched as Jeremiah and Jake led the grieving partners and parents towards the canteen area. Jeremiah would most likely give some speech praising how they sacrificed themselves for the cause and saved their fellow men.
I pulled off the gardening gloves and sat them on a bench before making my way to the Ottos' house. When I reached the house, the door wasn’t closed right over. I pushed it open and called out, “Troy, it’s Wylie. Can I come?”
The house was in darkness aside from one room, Troy’s bedroom. I stood outside, not wanting to intrude. I was contemplating coming back at a different time when he called out to me. “Are you just going to stand there or come in?”
I pushed the door open and was surprised to see Troy naked, aside from a towel wrapped around his waist. His bloodied clothes were flung onto a pile on the ground. I knelt in front of him as he sat on the edge of the bed. He brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “They all think I’m a monster, that I’m responsible for their sons' deaths.”
“I’ve seen what monsters do, Troy. Trust me when I say you're not one.”
His jaw clenched slightly, “What happened?”
I chewed on my bottom lip as my eyes trailed along his bare chest that was covered in dirt and blood. “I tell you, but you should really have a shower first.”
I almost dropped the small basin in my hands when I turned to see Troy standing right behind me. He’d just come out of a shower, and the water was dripping from his hair and body onto the wooden floorboards.
He had an amused look on his face and said, “What are you doing?”
“I didn’t think you’d want your uniform to be stained.”
A smile found its way onto his lips, “thanks.” He turned and started to walk back to his room. He motioned for me to follow. “Better bring them in here to soak. I don’t want others to see how bloody they are.”
Inside his room, I placed the basin with his clothes in the corner. My eyes were glued to him as he put on a clean top. Troy’s back was covered in scratches and bruises from whatever happened outside the ranch. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I knew Troy wouldn’t tell me anything unless I gave him something first.
He flopped down onto his bed with a grin on his face. I almost laughed when he pulled a notepad out from underneath his pillow and said, “Now, what did you want to tell me?”
His eyes widened when I fumbled with the zipper on my jeans, which caused an amused expression to cross his face. “Don’t get any ideas. It’s just easier to show you than tell you.”
“You want to show me…”
I push the top of jeans and underwear down enough to reveal my bikini line, “this.”
Troy practically jumped out of bed and knelt in front of me to get a better look. “What happened?”
“Adam, the second man we met on the road. He did this to me. He did it with an army knife.”
“Does it hurt?”
With a soft chuckle, I said, “Not anymore. At least I’ve got a badass war wound.”
Troy's eyes had so much curiosity behind them. I usually felt self conscious about my scar, but for some reason I didn’t in front of Troy. He lightly ran his finger across it, “the man who did this, is he dead?”
“I don’t know. I got away from the barn before it burned down.”
Troy placed a soft kiss on my scar before standing up and towering over me. “Would you recognise the man who did this to you if you saw him again?”
I nodded. I looked from his lips to his eyes again, “can I ask you something, Troy?”
“Anything you want.”
“Why do the people on this ranch think I get special treatment from you?”
Troy’s face twisted as he spoke in a serious tone. “When we found you, you were chained to a pole like a rabid dog. You continually scratched and punched me and my men when we tried to help you. You're special because you're still alive, anyone else would have been left for dead.”
“Thank you.”
He cocked his head in confusion, “what?”
“You rescued me when you didn’t need to, and you didn’t need to blacken Leo’s eye and force him to apologise. You don’t need to protect me.”
“Well, maybe I wanted to protect you.”
I leaned forward and pressed my lips against Troy’s. He seemed taken aback but quickly kissed me back. His fingers tangled in my hair before he deepened the kiss. We only pulled apart when another person entered the room.
Jake cleared his voice, “uh sorry - I just wanted to let you know that there is going to be a memorial in ten minutes for the men who didn’t make it back. Also, dad is looking for you. He wants to know what happened out there.”
“Okay thanks, I’ll just be a minute,” Troy said, with a smug look on his face. When his brother left, he turned back to face, “We can talk about this later.”
Troy gave me one last kiss before we joined Jake, who was waiting outside for us. I just hoped Jeremiah would go easy on his son.
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trialsofolympusads · 1 year
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❝  located along the sparkling waters of the chesapeake bay, bay creek is a gated community which keeps those within it safe from the dead. the ads for this place before the fall once boasted a deep appreciation of family and nature, and well... we're still living those values. whether you're a farmer, a medic or a guard, your role in bay creek is vital. everyone keeps the place running. without the farmers our crops would die, without our medic our people would die, and without our guards? well... let's just say there are enough threats out there to keep them busy for their shifts. in bay creek, our walls keep us safe from the dead... but many of us are learning that the real threat comes from the living.
𝚆𝙸𝙻𝙳𝙵𝙸𝚁𝙴𝙵𝙼 is a discord based roleplay focused on the lives of original characters / zombie apocalypse survivors as they live inside a sustainable community in virginia. while we use the lore of the walking dead, our original character cast means that no former knowledge of the world of the walking dead is required; however, canon characters are welcome as newcomers and ambassadors.
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sickly-sapphic · 2 years
me about to respark my twd era
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mercurysgarden · 1 month
trying to find mutuals ❀˖°
so hey, this is a little post for me to find some mutuals. if you read the following and you think we'd like eachother feel free to follow!
first off i just wanted to say i'm primarily active on two blogs, the first one is this one (sort of a life blog, sort of a poetry blog, sort of an everything blog...) and the second one is @pandorlily aka my fandom side blog.
basics: she/they | 18 | autistic | aroace | taurus | isfp
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my special interests are music, the walking dead & the marauders. i think you'll see that a lot on my fandom account! one of my fixations that keeps coming back is trick (troy x nick from ftwd) so that is also something i'll post abt :)
media i'm into: stardew valley, percy jackson, chucky the series, dhmis, the owl house, osermanverse, the quarry (slightly), ofmd, some rhythm games (i don't play them regularly but i enjoy pjsk and bandori!), minecraft (not dsmp/qsmp), stranger things, monster high, oh god oh fuck what else am i into i forgot....... i'll probably repost a lot of other fandoms as well.
misc stuff i'm into: reading, photography, art, poetry, music, guitar/bass (i play it VERY badly) (i also forgot the rest of the stuff im into....)
music i'm into: adrianne lenker, big thief, naethan apollo, frank dillane's projects, jeff buckley, twenty one pilots, black box recorder, avatar metal, arctic monkeys, delta rae, daniel johnston, amigo the devil, mother mother, aurora, slipknot, mazzy star, dandelion hands, mook, maya hawke, god help the girl ETC ETC ETC.....
please dni if you're lgbtqphobic in any way, ableist, zionist etc, support jkr. also i'd prefer you to be 15+ and -24 if u want to be my friend and talk! i can make some exceptions though :)
thanks for reading, let's be friends <33
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insom-nom-nom-niatic · 11 months
PROMPT: #47“Were you dreaming about me again?”
PAIRING: Troy Otto X Fem. Reader (FTWD)
WARNINGS: Fluff with suggestive themes
The other sides of this experiment fic can be found in the masterlist
The Experiment: Me being me, I cannot just exist being in one single fandom. But I feel bad writing only one fandom because at the moment that is what my little, broken heart wants. So for a little bit, I am challenging myself by having a prompt that I write for 1 fandom... and only changing it slightly to then make it work into another.
Will it work? Probably not.
Will I get bored of doing this? Most likely.
Will I still try? Fuck yes.
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Your legs began quaking, a shiver running down your spine as you awoke from a deep slumber sitting up straight with a heavy pant. The sheets beneath where you had layed are damp from the sweat beading down the back of your neck, hairs slickened to your skin. 
The door to the cabin squealed as the door carefully opened. The smell of fresh tea wafted through your senses, calming the rush of fear and adrenaline that had woken you up. 
Troy greeted you with a mischievous grin, the mug in his hand steaming against the perfect bone structure of his features as he peered back, the morning light steaming trough the cracks in the door over his skin. 
“Were you dreaming about me again?” Troy had yet to read the room, especially the woman before him. He had heard your moans as he was getting ready to start a fire. Not wanting to wake his lady from a wet dream, he decided to fix you a perfect cup of your favorite tea for when you awoke instead. 
He hadn’t know about what happened after he left the small, wooden cabin. Your moans turned into cries. Your breathing faultered and your body shook in agony as you lived out your perfect nightmare. 
It seemed so real. 
It felt so real. 
You gave a tired smile. your eyes searched the room, grounding yourself back into reality. Troy didn’t miss this, seeing a single bead of moisture fall from your brow, he rushed over to your side. His hands caressing your own as his warmth helped ease your nightmare further and further. With him there, you were safe. 
You were safe.
Troy pulled you into his chest, his arms wrapping around your frame tight. You could feel his heart beating against your skin and his breath tickling the still slick skin of your expose neck. your head layed in the crook of his own were you could inhale his musty scent, something that would easily turn you off with any other man, but with him is was inviting. 
His hands kept you in place for a while, both sitting in silence wrapped in each other's arms, legs, and anything else they could possibly touch. When your breathing regulated and your mind shook off the pain of what you had seen and felt, you whispered into the soft skin of Troy’s neck. 
“I would have rathered to be dreaming about you.” 
His body shook with a chuckle. Moving his hands slowly down your back, one landed on the exposed skin just above your green panties. His fingertips ghosting the edge of the lace. Feeling your warm skin raise into goosebumps beneath his touch. 
“I would have rathered you had dreaming of me too,” His voice began to turn more rugged. You didn’t have to see his face to know that Troy’s pupils were beginning to dilate, or know he had that mischievous little grin on his lips. Swallowing hard, you tried to hide your own nervous giggle. 
“But I would rather act out that dream instead, if I’m being honest.” 
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