#ftwd s8
meteora-writes · 6 months
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For anyone interested I made a Trick bingo card for the final episodes of Fear The Walking Dead.
I ain't watched in years so I went for crack with a lot of these choices.
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insom-nom-nom-niatic · 5 months
I refuse to take that as canon... k thanks byyyyyyye!
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onefail-at-atime · 11 months
For anyone who has kept up on Fear the Walking Dead, let's discuss that mid-season finale.
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noemitenshi · 11 days
And silently loom the shadows of my past
Summary: Tracy loves to cause mischief - but this time she may have just gone too far
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Troy shouted his daughters name in the way all parents did when they suspected – more than that, were most certainly convinced, at least Troy was, that their kid had done something stupid. And as all kids that most certainly had done something stupid, Tracy did not answer her father's call. "God damn it," Troy muttered. Normally, he'd be charmed by Tracy's antics − but not when it put others in danger. And she most certainly had – put someone in danger.
She knew better than that. He had taught her better than that, god damn it. What the fuck had she been thinking?! Ok, no, that wasn’t any use, getting angry at her, he thought, as he ran restless fingers through his hair. First he needed to know exactly what had happened – though he could guess. Could guess that Tracy had dared Tom (Deborah’s son. Deborah, who was still standing right next to him, equal parts annoyed and worried) to do something dangerous. Because Tom hadn’t been seen for hours. By anyone, if Deborah was to be believed.
It wasn’t the first time those two had done stupid things – to everyone’s sorrow they seemed to have deemed this the most interesting game among themselves; daring one another to do dangerous, forbidden things. Troy had a feeling that Tracy had started it. Their whole dynamic reminded him uncomfortably of himself and Mike—
Russell, unlike Tracy, was quick to follow Troy’s call. Good man. He still wasn’t sure how he’d been lucky enough to find someone like him, but he was glad to. Russell was Troy’s second in command, his most trusted fighter. And he’d earned that title over and over again. Their friendship ran deep – as it tended to do when you’d saved their life and they’d saved yours, over and over again.
Russell came over, his expression telling Troy he was expecting to receive orders. There was a certain tone Troy used when he went into leader mode.
“Any chance you seen Tom?” Troy asked without much hope and Russell shook slowly his head, his eyes sweeping the area. “No,” he said slowly and then, as Troy expected of him, his mind went where Troy’s was, “Tracy…?”
The question didn’t even need asking in its entirety. Troy nodded swiftly.
“We think so. She’s also nowhere to be found.”
Russell didn’t hesitate, radio-ing the rest of their men, urgently.
“We’ll find him,” Troy assured Deborah. She nodded, though didn’t go without a muttered,
“When that boy gets home…”
Troy took this as a good sign. If she could threaten her son, she wasn’t as worried as he’d feared. He, himself, on the other hand, had a very bad feeling about this. Tracy making herself scarce like this meant she knew this one was bad. Or – she was with Tom. On whatever ill-advised adventure they’d cooked up.
And he didn’t know which one to hope for.
They did end up finding Tracy pretty quickly. And it turned out all his instincts had been right and she had done something very stupid. Troy breathed through the urge to grab and shake her, shout at her until she understood what it was their childish games had ended up.
But by the way she looked at him, head tilted towards the ground, her eyes flicking up just for moments at time, looking pointedly away when he caught her gaze, he knew she knew she’d fucked up.
“Where could he have gone?” he pressed out instead, focused on finding Tom, who she’d dared to go outside the fence.
He’d made sure all kids were well-trained – but even so, they were not used to being out on their own. No way to tell they wouldn’t panic or freeze in the face of danger. And though for Troy it was second nature to be outside, he knew it wasn’t for the kids. Even if they’d seen walkers up close, he’d also made sure they knew them, knew how they moved, how to incapacitate them, it was still different when they weren’t chained up. When there weren’t adults around.
“Fucking hell, Trace,” he growled – the only way he allowed himself to show his anger – and she shrank back. “Where do I find him?!”
“I… I don’t know…” she finally whispered her response.
God damn it.
God fucking damn it.
These childish fucking games. He’d known where they led to, he’d fucking known. Why hadn’t he put a stop to it sooner?!
He grimaced, wishing he could hit something. Tracy still looked at him with wide, guilty eyes. If they wouldn’t find Tom in time, it’d be on her conscience. He couldn’t let it.
“Let’s go!” he ground out, turning on his heels and stalking away, expecting both Russell and Tracy to follow.
He went for the dirt bikes. Tom probably didn’t get far, but they still had a lot of area to cover, and most of it wasn’t easily accessible by car – that had been by design. So their camp was well-hid.
“Is… Tom going to die?” his daughter asked, voice timid and almost inaudible. He grit his teeth.
“Not if I’ve got anything to say about it.”
And that was that.
Minutes later they were past the front gates, and they wouldn’t be the only ones, Russell had stayed back to organize a larger search party. But he couldn’t wait around for it, not with such a thing hanging over the conscience of his daughter. They needed to find Tom before something else did.
“Any idea where he could’ve gone?” he shouted over the engine noise over his shoulder. He felt her shake her head against his back. “Think, Trace! Anything you two talked about? Anything he said he was curious about?” He tried to jog her memory – if there even was one – while the world flew past them, his sharp eye sweeping the area, again and again – he wouldn’t want to miss anything.
Then, Tracy’s arms around his middle tightened, and he turned his focus back to her, just before she whispered a hesitant,
“Dad… the stream. I think he went to the stream…”
Troy had already turned the bike around, not waiting for her to finish the question, then relayed the information to Russell. Tracy’s grip on him was still tight, tight.
He started at the closest point to their camp, driving upstream. Tracy was leaning to the side, probably so she could watch their surroundings, too. Could catch sight of Tom, if there was any. Hopefully Tracy was right with her guess. Hopefully Tom hadn’t strayed too far.
“There!” Tracy’s trembling voice rang out – firmer now. Troy had already seen it, too, a little dam made out of stray branches in the stream. Something a kid would do. And a bit further away he could see a fresh path trampled into the undergrowth. He tucked his lips under his teeth, a subconscious gesture of concentration, and sped along that path—only to come to an abrupt stop when he saw two figures – fighting. The smaller one had to be Tom, or at least some other kid, not big enough to be an adult. The other was, though, the one pulling and dragging at Tom, while he tried to kick and bite this unknown figure.
So it wasn’t a walker then. A walker would’ve chomped down already. The unknown figure turned their head, just a quick look backwards, before trying to hurry Tom along even more insistently. And for a second Troy thought he knew that figure. Maybe it was the hair, or the build, or maybe the semblance of her profile…whatever it was, for a second he thought he’d seen a vision of his past. Or a nightmare.
For a second he’d thought this was Madison.
He used to see her in every flash of blonde hair, in every slender figure, in every blue-eyed woman… back then, when he’d barely survived her at the dam. He used to see her everywhere for years. But not for a while now. Not in the last few. Not since… Tracy?
But that couldn’t be. It couldn’t be because she was dead, his mind playing tricks on him again. He must’ve been more apprehensive than he’d thought about Tom vanishing like he had, why else would his mind show him a ghost of his past.
All of that only lasted for a second, a slight hesitation, then the gun was in his hand and a shot rang out.
The figure keeled over and Tom ran. Good boy. Tracy started to run, too, no doubt trying to get to Tom, but Troy caught up with her in long strides, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Stay,” he hissed, and she nodded with wide eyes, chastised. That was why he didn’t want kids out alone, they weren’t yet able to adhere to all the rules, all those things that would keep them alive. Too easily distracted. He pressed a gun into her hand – no way to know if this woman had been alone and he’d be damned if he left his daughter unprotected. Then he ran towards Tom, towards this woman. Whatever she had planned with Tom, he had to know. Had to know if she’d acted alone. If they were in danger.
Tom ran towards him, too, and seconds later was wrapped around Troy’s legs.
“Go to Tracy,” Troy whispered, tone tense. He had no time to soothe him, though Tom looked like he needed it.
Later. There was time for this, later.
The woman was half-crawling, half-dragging herself away from Troy, leaving a bloody trail behind. He was able to block her path only moments later. That stopped her pitiful attempts to get away and she raised her head. His breath caught in his throat and the blood in his veins turned to ice.
“…Madison?” he whispered in a voice that didn’t sound like his.
“You?!” Her voice very much sounded like her. Angry and ready to fight. Though there was a slight tremor in it, too. And when she’d spoken he’d seen her bloody teeth, the blood welling in her mouth. He’d at least damaged the lungs. It wasn’t likely that she’d make it.
He knelt down, to her eye level.
“What the fuck are you doing, stealing kids?” he asked. She glared at him.
“As if… you haven’t done worse.” Her breathing was labored, and she ended up coughing after that sentence. It wracked her body and it looked like she’d lose her balance, fall. He caught her.
“In fact, I haven’t,” he informed her while his arms steadied her. Kids were off limits. Especially when they weren’t doing anything threatening. He couldn’t imagine that Tom had threatened her.
God, this felt unreal. Of course it did. He’d thought her dead. The nightmare of his past. But here she was, alive.
He almost felt like moving to stop the bleeding. It wouldn’t help, though. Not for long.
What was she doing, stealing kids?! Was this the same Madison that had whacked him for… for what, actually? Being a perceived danger to her kids? Out of morality?
“… I thought I killed you.”
Of course she didn’t answer his question. Still playing her games, still trying to have the upper hand. Not this time, though. This time she’d lose. Her shirt was already soaked through.
She knew it, too. It was in her tone, still angry but now, now there was surrender in it, as well.
“Next time you’d best stay to make sure, huh? My ability to survive is unparalleled.”
“I will,” she whispered. He almost didn’t understand her, with how much she was coughing up blood. It wouldn’t take long now.
“Why did you try to take Tom? What do you do with the kids?” That was a guess, that she’d taken more. She hadn’t contradicted him on it before. And she didn’t now, either. Instead some of her fight returned and she hissed,
“Why do you care?!”
Hissed it like she didn’t believe he did, and blamed him for it. His lack of caring. He had no intention of getting drawn into her bullshit.
“Does it matter?” he asked pointedly. She was dying after all. He cared or he didn’t, it would be irrelevant to her in a few short minutes. He couldn’t help himself though and added, “Tell yourself… I’ll save them.”
She laughed, short and ugly and he smirked in return. It didn’t last for long because then she was coughing again. Longer this time. He waited for it to ease.
“What happens to them, Madison?” he asked again, serious now. Commanding. She felt her life drain from her. What would it matter if she told him, indeed. So she did, all the while telling herself he’d save those kids.
He’d saved this one from her, after all, hadn’t he.
-The end-
Or more like, the beginning. Of course Troy now sets his eyes on P.A.D.R.E., mobilizing his entire force to save the kids and their parents. And he gets a neat little compound out of it, too. The people from his past he'd run into doing that (e.g. Luciana, Daniel, ..?) could still be assholes to him, but this time most would get around to seeing he has changed. And/or they operate on the principle of 'better the devil you know'.
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lady-nightmare · 8 months
Madison is messing with Troy` s eyes since 2017.
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thewalkingdeadband · 1 year
Me after all the good news and hope renewed for Carol
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Me after the Morgan news:
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minimoefoe · 9 months
until we actually see troy's vibes in 8b I don't think the fact he (apparently) has a daughter is gonna compute in my mind at all bc like wtfdym troy got with someone, potentially was in a full on relationship, and had a child??????
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couldawouldashouldaa · 6 months
Not Everything Is As It Seems | closed | Luciana x Nick
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Years had passed, and though Nick hadn't forgotten about what had happened, he'd also learned of the terrible fate of Texas. He'd heard about the explosions and the radiation, and that it was a wasteland to avoid, and he knew that what was left of his family was gone. Alicia, Luciana, they were gone. There was no way anyone survived that. And so Nick just had to keep going the best he could.
He felt guilty that he hadn't made it back for them in time. He wanted to. As soon as he was healed, he wanted to. Searches had been sent, but nobody had been found, and he was angry with himself for a while that he hadn't just gone himself. Maybe he would have found them. Or maybe Charlie had fucking killed them, like she had tried to kill him.
But he'd learned to forgive himself. He made a difference where he was now. He contributed how he could, and it was a safe place. The best part was that whenever he needed to be alone, he was free to do so. He kept most of his runs local to New Orleans, but every now and then, he branched north into Mississippi and Arkansas, or east, to Alabama. He'd spent about half a year in Missouri, setting up a backup shelter, and now that was being worked on, so he was scouting for yet another. With the way things were, backups were the best plan anyone could have. The stadium had taught him that. The dam, and the ranch, and La Colonia, and Celia's had all taught him that. And setting up these backup places was probably his favorite part of the job. It meant that no matter what happened, there was somewhere to go.
This time, he was hitting Georgia. The land was likely perfect for farming, and it was only a day's drive. If they ever had to flee New Orleans, that was close enough to save a majority of their people.
When he heard the radio chatter, he had to pull over. It didn't make sense. Not only did he hear Luciana, but he heard Troy. And Victor. But Troy was dead! His mother had killed him! He'd seen that!
His heart skipped a beat, and he floored it without a second thought, to the gas station he'd heard mentioned. When he pulled up to it, there had been signs of a pretty devestating battle. There were flames, and dead, and injured. Fuck.
He pulled the truck to a stop and climbed out, looking frantically for Luciana.
"Luci?!" he called out, stopping only to kill the Dead. Anyone that needed medical attention seemed to already be getting it by their own people.
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aquarian-queen · 6 months
Warning spoilers for the next episode under the cut and also: me transcribing this scene that made me yell. Mute the “ftwd spoiler tag” or scroll past this if you don’t want to see all this of want to watch the episodes. Hope my fave gif makers will share asap cause I am not as talented as you guys are. With subtitles and raw preferably.
Scene 1: why Troy so desperately wants a safe place
“It’s your kid.” “Why’d you think we wanted Padre?” “Why didn’t you tell us what you wanted instead of trying to take it?” “Oh, so you could take my daughter from me too?” “I didn’t take anyone from you!” “That’s not true.” Troy shakes his head, “her mother’s dead because of you.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I don’t have time for this Madison!”
Scene 2: Troy vs Madison: Troy’s revelation
“Who did you think I took from you?” ”The woman who rescued me from the dam. The woman who gave me a second chance. ” Troy struggles and pleadingly begs Madison through strenuous grunts, “Please, I need to find my girl.” “No! Now you’re gonna know what it feels like wondering where your kid is!” “Mine could still be alive.”
So Troy was rescued at the Dam!!! That’s where he met his lady. So for 12-13 years he had someone and then Madison killed her. It strikes me as odd that she doesn’t remember it though. Anyway these two wandered around together for years. Had something. Fell in love. WHO IS THIS LUCKY LADY? But also, she tended to his wound? She likely knew about Troy’s past too and Troy admits in his moment of vulnerability and love for someone that she gave him a 2nd chance and now he only has their daughter, Tracy. So I wonder did Troy turn ‘evil’ as the show is trying to portray or were he and his lady just in tune with each other and she was equally a ruthless badass as him.
I personally prefer for the 2nd to be true, yeah he had growth, but also Troy is MADE for the apocalypse. He admits in this same episode that he (and Nick) “were better suited in this world than the last one”. I need more. I need a Troy Otto spinoff where we have this 12-13 year gap filled and if not, my ASS will be writing something in relation to my Troy Otto series I’m writing, which will follow canon S3 up until S8.
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shana-silver-fox · 6 months
I am now in season 7 of my hubby prompted rewatch…. I feel like I’ve been assigned homework. 🫠S7 & S8 are my least rewatched of all seasons. But it has helped me remember how heavy the religious symbolism were in those seasons. Especially around Carol. Gimple has been dying to do this forever. He never really tied up all those loose ends.
Also all the heavy parallels between Dwight/Sherry and Daryl/Carol. Again, never really tied up. Hopefully the last FTWD with Dwight means he is the one who came back and we can get some loose ends tied up there. I’m hoping for a convo with Dwight & Carol.
If anyone has old meta about the religious themes around Carol from these seasons and the D/S stuff please repost them here! 😁
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twdmusicboxmystery · 10 months
FTWD 8x06 Mysterious Coda Discussion Continued
I just watched the episode!! AH. There’s some stuff I wanna look up. I am extremely intrigued by the “coda” and idk how clear it is to you all what we’re seeing but it’s pretty clear to me. Also for now, I’ll just leave you with my most salient take-away, which is the music at the end of the episode, in the scene with Morgan and Mo. Listen to it, then go back to the Coda coda. It’s the same exact music!
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Yeah, I noticed the music too. I can't wait for lethal to watch so we can really dive into the whole episode but especially the "tease." Did you have the same impression that it was a tease for TD?
I think it has implications for TD. Like I said I need to look some stuff up to be certain of my prediction!!
It definitely gave me similar feelings as I had with the red machete. I'm not saying that this will be what we might hope it is, but I think it is a taste definitely.
Morning, Gals! I finally watched both episodes.
I think it's super cool that Morgan is now looking for Rick. Clearly, he'll be part of the CRM storyline. Though, based on his role in S8, I could have told you that. Anyway, I guess I didn't realize he would leave half way through the season and not be in the rest of it.
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I'm honestly not as excited about the rest of the season if he's not in it. I mean, I guess what it really is is that I'm more interested in Morgan's return to Alexandria and search for Rick. The last time Morgan saw Judith, she was a baby, so a reunion between them would be fun. I can see Judith and Mo becoming pals.
I assumed the tease at the end was about Alicia. We saw her put her severed, desiccated arm into the bag. But it definitely would be cool, given all the Alicia/Beth and Alicia/Madison stuff, if the two of them reunited, and we got more concrete information about Alicia's state of health.
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I mean, I was surprised they killed off Finch. As I said at the beginning, I really thought they would find some way to cure him. But they also definitely planted the seed that if they could find the right ratio of radiation--enough to kill the walker virus but not him--they might have saved him. And of course Alicia's--and even Charlie's--exposure was much different than Finch's. So maybe we aren't done with that storyline yet.
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I didn't like the Dwight/Sherry thing. I thought it was kind of dumb. I get that he's clearly going to be part of the CRM storyline, heading back to Georgia and everything, and either they just don't have a role for Sherry or the actress has opted to leave the show in lieu of other projects. But still. After he travelled cross country to find her, it's Dwight that says they should call it quits? I kinda had to roll my eyes at that. Anyway, I do have some errands and such to run today, but I'm all for it. Let's discuss! ;D
I'm so happy for us to talk about the scene. @twdmusicboxmystery, unless Alicia had a arm transplant than this is not her. Her arm was cut off from the elbow, it can't be Alicia. Supposedly the voice on the radio is Madison, so not Madison. We see all the fingers on both hands so it can't be June. This person is blonde. Yes, BLONDE!!!
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Look at her hands and up to the very top they have a little bit of blonde hair showing. Did I hear gasp! I did not immediately see the hair but once I did oh my gosh. This is what I meant by the tease. They're making they're making sure we can see both hands both all fingers there is a water bottle right next to her and of course the radio I'm going to call that flashlight color (blonde) the map, the bag and of course Alicia's replacement arm.
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The second one was the original shot and I enlarged it so we can see that this person is caring a large knife (?).
I'm not sure what that object is in the center could that be a compass?
I am not saying that this is Beth. I'm just saying that this is a tease. It is placed after Morgan's final scene in Fear which has the music that we heard from his coda in Coda. You guys know how I believe that in his first episode in Fear they teased him coming upon a car with an injured person laying on a pink blanket, I've always thought that was a hint towards Beth and so now we get a scene in his last episode of Fear where we immediately see a blonde, I'm assuming this is a woman, I just think that this was meant for TD.
I've been trying to rack my brain as to who this could be. I mentioned the other day that it reminded me of the Red Machete, because we never was able to see who took the Red Machete, they did not show the face. Here again we're seeing this person and yet not the face.
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I was trying to mark off all of the blonde actresses that we have seen in Fear and I am so open to any that you guys can think of that I'm missing.
How did this person get Alicia's (I'm going to call it) mechanical arm? And here's the other thing, Alicia we know the last time we saw her, she had gone through the fever and she was okay, really more than okay. We believe that Beth survived a bite and was given treatment so these are the only two people that we know of that survived a bite. And here we have a blonde female who is holding Alicia's mechanical arm. ????
I love your observations. There are parts of this coda that really bug me. Not in a bad way, but in a “wtf” sort of way. I will explain. I think that, regardless of whether it’s Beth, they are being sneaky. They want us to think it could be. The lock of blond hair throws me off.
Also, I am struggling with whether these are female hands. In the beginning, they look mostly female, as the bones are fine. But then as the scene progresses, I’m not sure. They look borderline masculine to me, when they pick up the map, the sunglasses, and the arm. There is an androgenous effect here, as far as I’m concerned. The blond lock of hair looks not super long, but it’s really apparent. That throws me off the most.
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The actor is moving their hands so deliberately, almost lizard-like. I think they’re trying to achieve an effect of “this could be a man or woman."
I understand you're back and forth about the hands. I've had the same thoughts but in the end I think they look more feminine than male hands. Even if this is supposedly Beth it's not necessarily Emily. I also think that the reason they are being very artsy with the hand movement is that people will go back and just as I did start looking at the hands in terms of all the fingers are there so that eliminates June there's two hands, arms, that eliminates it being Alicia. Madison is supposedly on the radio broadcasting, it's not Madison. I think they are feminine hands. These look like a younger woman's hands, not someone Carol or Madison's age because your hands age quite differently as a woman gets older.
If the tease is about Beth than I just want to think about that for a moment. One of the other reasons they would be showing the hands like they are with this person writing would be that in s4e1, Daryl comes upon Beth in her cell and she's writing in her journal, the last time we see Beth with Daryl she is also writing a thank you note, there is a definite connection they want us to make with Beth and writing, imo.
To Be Continued...
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 5 months
usually I would believe that unless there is a corpse we're shown, the character is not dead. but considering the show is on s8 now and we still have no chris in sight, I'm not convinced this time that he'll be back. even though his death scene really was sketchy. the dream flashback was in all twdu fashion a death fake out. but when those wanderes walked past his corpse... I was heartbroken. that said, they could still bring him back and I wouldn't even think of it as a retcon. I just don't think he'd be able to add to the story now without travis or nick around. ugh. I could have accepted it if lorenz' had wanted to leave the show and they had simply written him out by his request, but he's the total opposite; willing to continue chris' story and even play him as a villain 😭
I would have loved to see Chris come back and have a whole villain & redemption arc. But Season 8 just ended and that was the final season of FTWD, so we sadly did not even get a chance to get him back😭
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insom-nom-nom-niatic · 8 months
And currently don't have a brain power to actually write this into a story so I'm going with this for the moment.
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What is Troy has a lady friend? Romantically involved lady friend?
What is that lady friend has a daughter?
And that daughter was only a few years old back when the dam was blown up, but that daughter was the one who found Troy unconscious?
That daughter was the one that told her mom about the man needing help and was the saving grace for Troy's life? 
What if the mom brought Troy back and helped him heal?
What if she was another scientifically inclined individual? In someways like himself.  so after so many years of him helping to build a safe haven for her and her daughter, which is now like his own, she has now been able to create a vaccination of sorts. Not a "cure" but some thing to help not get the disease from the undead.
And what if that was part of the cause of how P.A.D.R.E found and took her daughter? The daughter that Troy sees as his own as well.
When Troy finds out that it's Madison now controlling P.A.D.R.E , he has multiple vendettas that can be fixed by dealing with one person. He could have revenge for what she did to him and what he has taken from himself and the woman he loves.  
 This and that happens and the woman tends to keep her distance from Madison. She knows that if Madison says anything that she might snap. She despises Madison for what she did to Troy but most of all for what she is harboring and keeping her child from her. 
But on their track through the swamps in the woods to get to the supposed P.A.D.R.E encampment, Madison starts up. 
The woman ignores it for a minute or two. The militia didn't notice that everyone was headed forward quicker than she and Madison, leaving the two of them in the back of the herd.
The woman swivels on her heels and lands a full fist into Madisons jaw. Stepping away as Madison falls to the ground and the rest of the group begins to circle around.
Madison's plan pays off as she runs her mouth and sees the woman getting more and more anger in her eyes. And watches as Troy stay silent, watching the scene unfold. 
The woman grabs a knife from one of the militia men's belt and throws it in Madisons direction as it lands in the dirt. She tells her if she wants to fight then it'll be a fair fight as she cuts Madison's binding on her hands and waits for Madison to make the first move.
As she does the woman dodges, lands striking blow to the back of Madisons skull and flips her on her back. Her own blade digging into Madisons skin of her neck as she straddles above her.
"You try to think we're the same but I am nothing like you. You look at us like we're the monsters, the bad guys. While you stole everything from us."
The woman's hands shake as she wants more than anything to end Madison right where she lays. She gets up quickly bouncing to her feet and yells back as she passes through the crowd of militia and the outsiders, not looking up to see Troy's face as she passes him.
"I wouldn't test my morality, Madison. But I'm not gonna do the favor of silencing your Deathwish just because you can't do it your fucking self."
The entire crowd is silent as the woman heads off down the road they were heading. One of the militia men standing next to Troy asks if he should join the woman and Troy finally speaks up.
"No. Make sure Madison gets locked up again and start heading south. We'll be a few steps ahead of you."
Troy jogs to catch up with the woman as she heads south. He knew better than to say anything and let her open up first. He looked over to her every few seconds and saw her anger turn to pain and then what looks like sadness.
"I wanted to kill her. I wanted to feel like I did something and I stopped the person that has hurt so many, that hurt you. I wanted revenge."
"Then why didn't you?"
She stayed quiet for a few moments. Falling back the tears that were ready to barrel from her eyes.
"I thought about how you would look at me after. You don't really want her dead Troy. I know you would end up hating me if I did it. You would never look at me the same and I thought of what that look would do to me."
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neatfrog · 10 months
-occasional 18+ content
-queer faggot
-current things that I can’t shut the fuck up about: fallout (tv show & games), baldur’s gate 3, hazbin hotel/helluva boss (mostly stolitz & huskerdust, + some alastor)
-you can call me kitchie (pronounced like ‘kicsi’ in Hungarian - it’s a joke bc kicsi means small and I’m 4’11”)
-30 years old 🥳
-I enjoy cats and languages
-I write and draw (if the brain worms let me)
-I’m autistic and have adhd so if I do something weird pls just blame it on that
-I’m not kidding when I say I’m obsessed with languages, it’s my special interest since I was like 7
-fluent: english and french ; advanced: hungarian
-also OK: Norwegian, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin)
-can’t speak/write but can read: Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish (sorta)
The rest is just my likes and shit, no obligation to read
video games
favs: Fallout, Baldur’s Gate 3, The Outer Worlds, Rule of Rose, Clocktower, ReMothered, Visage, The Evil Within, Resident Evil, the Dark Pictures series - most survival horror/horror in general.
I’ll admit that I often don’t have the patience for the horror games where you have to be all sneaky and try to find things & escape while constantly being chased, but I still really love those kinds of games and wish I had the patience to play them, so I’ll usually just watch a let’s play
I’m also a slut for some Mario Party, and my adhd ass can sit and play shit like Powerwash Simulator or House Flipper for hours
horror/thriller/mystery mostly, but if it sounds interesting I’ll read whatever. we have like four shelves of Stephen King books
favs: The Walking Dead, Venom, GoT, A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Hunger Games
I still read manga occasionally (FMA will always be my #1 favorite)
horror (any kind), foreign films, indie, comedy - again, if it sounds interesting and I’m in the mood then anything is cool. if you like horror and haven’t watched any Asian horror films, you definitely should do that
series/franchises that could be releasing their 20-quillionth remake/sequel and I would still be going to see it: saw, the purge, friday the 13th, scream, nightmare on elm st, VHS, Killjoy, Terrifier
ok I’d probably watch any Hunger Games movie too tbh
and literally anything ari aster does, I know that man’s some kinda fucked up but damn does he make some Movies
also Tubi has some really awesome shit on there, definitely worth checking out
tv shows
favs: Fallout, The Walking Dead/FTWD, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Resident Alien, Hannibal, Ted Lasso, The Boys, Disenchantment, Paradise PD/Farzar, WWDITS, GoT (minus s8), Supernatural (stopped around s14 and then they did That Thing at the end so it’s more of an old fav now)
I love Scandinavian crime thrillers/dramas 🤣
when starting a series it’s honestly whatever my spouse and I decide we feel like watching at the time. I usually prefer comedy or horror, but we’ve been known to watch other things
I’ll admit I’m also a sucker for crime shows like CSI, I had season 3 on dvd as a kid and rewatched it all the time. I used to watch it and Criminal Minds with my parents so it’s kind of nostalgic cause it’s like one of the few things we all did together
(I used to be into anime but I haven’t really been feeling it for a while. My first anime was InuYasha (still holds a special place in my ❤️). My all-time favorite is Fullmetal Alchemist, and I enjoyed Death Note and JJBA a feral normal amount. Black Butler was also 👌🏻 and I still need to finish the manga)
90% of the music I listen to isn’t in English. I don’t really need to understand the lyrics, I just like how it sounds. Like Finnish music is so catchy I can’t explain it but the way it rolls off the tongue is so nice. It does end up being funny sometimes though when you find out you’ve been bopping it to a song that’s repeatedly calling someone’s mom a whore
Most Listened: Antti Tuisku, Apulanta, Evelina, Szakács Gergő, ByeAlex, Intim Torna Illegál, Leander Kills, Dubioza, KYO, Stromae - etc (Linkin Park is still an all-time favorite as far as American music goes)
I admit I’ve been obsessed with the hazbin hotel soundtrack lately
ok I won’t say no to the occasional k-pop or j-rock song (I used to be Obsessed lol)
that said I’ll listen to literally anything if it sounds good (nice beats make brain go brrr). only genre I actively dislike is post-9/11 country music
spiders (i’m sorry lil dudes ur rly cool y’all just scare me), making phone calls
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noemitenshi · 3 months
unpopular opinion but i do think making Alicia Troy's wife and Tracy's mom would've elevated s8 into something half-way coherent... (and I have to apologize bc this post is anything but coheren...)
First of all that's a whole lot more interesting (also the mystery about his wife makes so much more sense, his unwillingness to talk about her ("It doesn't matter what you took from me") etc... it's because he wants Madison to believe he killed Alicia (purely to hurt her). Also, when he has Madison where he wants her, about to be eaten by his wife, he can reveal that it's alicia... or well. madison will see. anyway, you get it
Second of all, having the wife be Alicia makes everything more personal. His hate towards Madison for 'making his wife believe in that bullshit of saving people' is a lot more closer now that the wife is Alicia. A direct link (I also imagine they actually had a lot of fights about this. About how they view Madison (Alicia sees her as good and kind whereas Troy sees her as hm worse than himself haha) and also the whole saving people thing. And I imagine Alicia may have dug into this philosophy even more just to spite Troy (oh yes, their relationship wasn't too healthy, I don't think so). Tracy having Alicia's necklase hits much harder. Troy being so hell-bent on revenge even after all this time (towards Madison, who canonically never met Serena) also is much more understandable.
Third of all, this makes it more personal for Madison too. Like before she kinda was "what do I care that your wife got killed by that philosophy?" right, but now, that it's her child, she's sure to have (conflicting) feelings about it! Even her wanting Troy dead so single-mindedly could make more sense especially once she knows about Alicia (it's not the most rational thing, but she attempted to kill Troy once before, and she said she did it to save Nick, so in a weird sense this could be the similar (except, she's too late to save Alicia from Troy. but well, she'll still kill him... oh, and maybe, she could even rationalize it with saving TRACY from Troy....)
Would it solve everything about s8? NOT EVEN CLOSE. But it would make for a far more compelling story (also some flashbacks would be needed, so we actually can halfway believe that alicia and troy are a couple - again not the healthiest one but still. I think their shared grief for Nick could've brought them closer... and also I do think Alicia was always attracted to Troy, physically. very much not into him as a person...)
I'm also not sure how this story would end (yet?) and when exactly Madison would learn that Alicia is the dead wife... maybe in ep10 when Tracy brings her to her walker!mom and this time it IS alicia but maybe tracy slips up all "get her, mom!" and off canon we go
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problematiquefics · 1 year
It really seems like the rumors about Daniel Sharman returning for s8 of FTWD are true.
AMC how much money are you paying these people because they're not returning because it's a quality show.
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