thesunfyre4446 · 3 days
the parallels between maegor's reign and the dance in f&b are so interesting to me
you have aegon I and jaehaerys, very strong kings followed by weak kings who were overshadowed by their predecessors.
then you have two very strong queens - visenya and alicent, that crowned their own sons over the king's chosen heir - starting a bloody war for succession.
idk i just find it interesting that jaehaerys himself became king after a succession war, planted the seeds for a new conflict and named viserys - a weak man, his heir over rhaenys starting the cycle all over again.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 months
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tarjapearce · 8 months
Need to get this out:
Mafia! Boss Miguel.
Mafia Boss Miguel that has been terrorizing little businesses around the neighborhood.
Mafia Boss Miguel that had told your husband way too many times to stay away from his business.
But of course, the pigheaded man your had married was too proud and stupid to listen.
Mafia Boss Miguel is pissed. Pissed at the audacity your husband has to defy him. He will teach why he is known as 'El Diablo'
A little raid here and there and your husband was beaten up and tied up. Forced to watch as Miguel had fun with you.
The kind of fun that has you panting, mewling, squirming and begging for more before your husband's horrified eyes. The Boss himself seems pleased at your complying.
"Having such a pretty thing neglected..." He'd mumble before unleashing an onslaught of mind blowing and jaw slacking thrusts.
You don't meant to hurt him, but it's been so long since you had your guts properly rearranged or touched even. Your husband too busy with thinking in ways to screw people over that karma knew how to give it back. And it feels good. Painfully good to see your husband beg you to stop as his raging boner shows up at the sight of him getting cucked.
Mafia Boss Miguel makes a wrecking mess out of you. But that's not enough for him. It never is. Even though, you're panting, sweating and full of cum, you're taken to his car by his henchmen.
A little guarantee until your husband pays up. But knowing him, you know he has never had the intention of paying people.
You want to be scared, and you are. But you're also thrilled and confused. Thrilled because you were delivered right in the top demon's claws and had a taste of his power, and confused because you know you shouldn't be thrilled. Yet here you are. handcuffed and manhandled by him in the back of his car.
A gun is brought to your temple as he unzips his pants. Steely and husky voice commanding
"Clean it."
He'd already found a good use for you in the meantime.
(Fic here)
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neuro-psyche · 28 days
I think there would be a major disconnect between the bats and the rest of the JL/super powered folk due to injuries and pain.
Let me explain.
I saw this post and it made me think of the healing factor/invulnerability of most of the JL. Clark is practically impervious, Diana’s worst injury is a paper cut at her day job, and the Green Lanterns have a passive force field, so on and so forth. But Batman bleeds. The only one who’s got any sort of healing factor is Jason, but it’s nothing compared to the flashes.
I can imagine Batman nursing some sort of injury like a broken rib from a punch he took from some super villain of the week, whereas Diana, who took the same punch, just shook it off. Batman isn’t jealous. He’s not bitter or angry. He just notices it. He knows he’s not as unmovable as them. But no one else sees that.
But I think it would really become an issue with his kids. Seeing all of his kids participate in a superhero team at some point, most of which start those teams or lead them at some point, because he trained them harder than anyone else. Because they’re not invulnerable.
And the turning point would be if one of those kids gets hurt. Like if Dick broke a bone or something and needed to have it reset in the field, Batman telling him “Scream if you need to” and it actually happening would really make the supers around them take notice. The bats aren’t invulnerable. But they’re the most dangerous of the JL.
Idk I just thought it would be interesting. I might write something with the concept because I could go on about it.
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ningadudexx · 5 months
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Doodle of @legobowl 's human designs ( *u* )
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my jttw sun wukong doodles
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Doodles i forgot to post
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She monkie on my kid till i lego! 😸 She season 5 on my january till i eureka! 😸
sorry 🙁 homestuck mentioned
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peppermintschnapps · 8 months
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hellbabyfromhell · 1 year
cartoons and movies always made it out like “laundry day” meant only having granny panties left to wear aiiie how embarrassing. well as an adult i now see that laundry day means i ran out of granny panties and only have thongs left
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toshootforthestars · 1 year
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Jack Mirkinson on 27 Jan 2023 posted:
a lot of people will say that these things are very complicated but it’s actually pretty simple: this is who the cops are and this is who they will always be
the cops have been indiscriminately killing and brutalizing black people for approximately their entire existence. at a certain point maybe people might want to accept that this is one of their core functions
Bree Newsome Bass on 27 Jan 2023 posted:
“How can it be racist if the police are Black?” BECAUSE THE INSTITUTION OF POLICING ITSELF  IS RACIST
This is why it never works when people try to deflect from the fact that policing itself is the problem & therefore can not be reformed into a solution
There were Black people who worked on the slave patrols & who were hired to help kidnap Africans too. What is difficult to understand?
Who actually controls the institution of policing? The white elite & the ruling class. Who is most impacted by the violence of policing? Poor people, the working class and Black people. Again, what is not clicking here?
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justletmeramble1701 · 2 months
Do you guys subscribe to the theory that (at least, starting in NuWho) the Doctor can, somewhat, subconsciously control his regenerations?
Like, of course, 8 wanted to be a warrior, so he became the War Doctor (I know that he drank a potion for that, but that might’ve just been lemonade according to the Target Novelization).
War wanted to be the hero, to earn the title, the Doctor, again, so he became 9.
9 wanted to be someone who was the perfect partner to Rose (human), so he became 10.
10, in his vanity, wanted his final regeneration to be young, so he became 11.
11, after all the heartache, wanted to be more distant (and also what they said in series 8), so he became 12.
12 wanted a kind, fresh start, so he became 13.
13 wanted to open up to someone, so she became 14.
14 wanted time to heal, so he split off 15.
This is not an original theory, and I'm not even saying that I buy into it fully it, but it's interesting. It would be interesting if the Doctor had a tiny bit of control over their regeneration (Romana did, somehow) and most of the time his wants either backfire or only half work.
What do you think?
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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papiliomame · 4 months
I searched through the Dp wiki for some references and was then reminded of Danny's body manipulation ability. Just how often does he do something like this
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or this?
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And then I was thinking: Does he even has organs in ghost form? What about the skeleton, where does it disappear to? I mean in the first image he literally has no skull in there. Are all the dissection jokes fake? Questions upon questions...
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findingcrow · 5 months
Hey making my return just for this
Grian told Cleo and Etho “If we turn red today, I’m sticking by you. That’s the deal. It’s not over until it’s over.” Which, first of all, is such a big deal because he’s known for going wherever is continent (“I’ve never seen a man drop a pair of sunglasses so fast” - Scott) and he actually stayed loyal to them and kept his word. Etho and Cleo knew he wasn’t trustworthy and still welcomed him with open arms.
At the end of Secret Life for Etho, he died by saying “I’m going home everybody, I’m dying in my home.” The place that he made with Grian and Cleo, and he called it home.
Now, keeping all of this in mind, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if the roomies had won. I mean all of the odds were against them, but just imagine for a moment. It would be Desert Duo at the sand castle all over again. None of them wanted to win without each other, but there could only be one.
Grian having to relive the cactus circle all over again? Etho finally being present in what he called a family and having to make the decision to die or to kill? Cleo being comfortable and accepting these idiots, and now she has no choice but to do the unspeakable? It’s not like all three of them can win. In their minds it would always be the three of them, but in the Watcher’s minds, there can only be one.
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ssirenah · 5 months
"What am I doing wrong?"
The only problem is assuming you have a problem or that you are doing something wrong. It becomes a cycle of "fixing and restarting" very quickly. Why do you assume that you have a problem, or that you are doing something wrong? Why do you assume that you can't do it? Why do you assume that something is blocking you from having everything of your desires? Ask yourself.
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bookshelfpassageway · 5 months
"tumblr users play with jpgs like dolls" actually jpg filetype does not support transparency which provides most of our shenanigans
we play with PNGs like dolls
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theonlydrewboo · 3 months
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Hmmm 🤔
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that-girl-glader · 2 months
Thomas was in love with Newt. Newt was in love with Thomas. The thing is though, Newt had the flare. So, Newt knew that if he were to tell Thomas, then his death would hurt more. But Newt knew Thomas loved him, or could love him. And Thomas loved him through what he did for him. But couldn't place it. So yes, Thomas loved Newt and Newt loved Thomas. So, they had love..they just didn't have time.
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