#Episode: s03e04 push
guardian-angle22 · 10 months
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911: Lone Star | Tarlos + their in-laws
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angeltk · 1 year
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Season 3 Tarlos
(Tarlos Series, Part 3 of 4 🥰)
Season 2
Season 1
Close ups under the cut!
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tailoredshirt · 2 years
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1x08 / 3x04 For @ronensass, who pointed this out
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tomkeirblyth · 2 years
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SEASON 3 APPRECIATION WEEK - EPISODES EDITION Day 2 - favourite tearjerker moment: S03E04 | "Push"
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sugdenlovesdingle · 8 months
Tarlos @flufftober day 3 (yes, finally)
"Wait, you love me?" "Always have."
Push (AO3)
Some missing moments from Push (S03E04) between TK waking up in the hospital to him coming home to the loft with Carlos.
(after every --- it's a new day)
“Hey.” TK said softly to a sleeping Carlos next to his bed. He gave his hand a squeeze. “Carlos.”
Carlos’ eyes flew open and he looked panicked for a moment before finding TK and a sleepy smile spread over his face.
“Hey.” TK said again.
“Hey yourself.” Carlos replied and moved his chair a little closer to the bed, pressing a kiss to TK’s knuckles when he settled down again. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired. Kind of cold. Still.”
It had been a rough 24 hours. From TK almost dying and Carlos trying to get himself to say goodbye, to him miraculously waking up and getting stronger by the hour.
They were back together but they both knew there were still some difficult conversations to be had. Later. For now though Carlos just sat by TK’s bed and held his hand, fingers lingering on his pulse point, just to remind himself he was there, he was ok, and most importantly, he was his again.
“The doctor said that’s to be expected. It’ll take your body some time to recover from everything.”
TK gave him an amused look.
“Have you been talking to my doctor about me?”
“No, no, no. She came to talk to your dad earlier. He was here. And I just… heard it too. I wasn’t digging or anything.”
“Babe, relax, it’s ok. I don’t mind.” TK assured him and Carlos seemed to relax a little at that.
“Do you want me to go find a nurse and ask for another blanket? Or maybe a hot water bottle? I don’t know if they have that but I can ask.”
“No, I’m ok. I just want you.”
Carlos smiled.
“You have me.”
“Aren’t you uncomfortable in that chair?” TK asked. He’d woken up from a nap and Carlos was right there in the chair next to his bed. Right where he’d been the past 48 hours, only leaving the room when the medical staff forced him to, or for quick bathroom breaks.
“I’m fine.” Carlos insisted. He sat up a little straighter and cracked his neck and rolled the stiffness from his shoulders. “Your dad went to get some food and call your mom. I think she’s planning on flying out as soon as the storm lets up.”
“Is it still going?” TK glanced at the window but the blinds were closed.
“I don’t know. I haven’t been outside in two days.” Carlos admitted reluctantly. “My mom dropped off a change of clothes for me and some food while you were asleep.” He explained.
TK nodded and they sat in silence for a while. He hated how awkward things still were between them. He’d never had a problem talking to Carlos, not even when he was still in denial he was falling in love with him.
“Don’t you have a shift?” he asked after a while.
Carlos shook his head.
“I had some time off scheduled. To… work on the loft... They made me take the days.”
“I only got called in because of the storm. And because Marj was back at it again. I didn’t want anyone else picking her up.”
“Wait you arrested Marjan?” TK asked, carefully steering the conversation away from painful topics.
“Yeah. A few times actually. Didn’t she tell you?”
“I haven’t seen much of her lately. Fire got moved to other houses in the city and with the three of us working for Paragon… We just don’t really get to hang like we used to.”
Carlos nodded.
“Do you still hate working for Paragon?”
“So much.” TK groaned. “They only care about money and profits. If I take too long helping someone, I get called into the office to explain myself. But… it’s the only way I can keep working with Cap and Nancy, so I don’t have a choice.”
“Well… I’m here if you want to vent.”
“Hey, I found an episode of grand designs. It's probably a rerun though, so you’ve probably already seen it.” TK told Carlos when he came back into the room after a shower.
The nurses had started to take pity on him and his back, and had worked their magic to get a second bed put into TK's room as well as given him a towel and some soap so he could freshen up.
It had been four days since TK had all but come back from the dead and Carlos was slowly starting to accept he wasn't going to disappear or die on him if he left the room for more than five minutes.
“I haven't watched much TV lately. I picked up a lot of extra shifts. I uh… didn't want to be in the loft on my own. I mostly just went to bed the minute I got back after work.” Carlos told him and sat down in the chair next to TK's bed again.
“Let's watch it together then. I think it's just started.” TK scooted over and patted the mattress. Plenty of room for both of us.
“No, no, I don't want to hurt you.”
“You won't. Come on, I want to cuddle with my boyfriend.”
Carlos hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and giving in.
“You play dirty.” He said as he carefully got on the bed next to TK, wrapping his arms around him.
“Maybe. But it works.” TK replied, slipping an arm around Carlos' waist and getting comfortable in his embrace.
They watched the show without really paying attention to it, just happy to be close to each other again.
“And then Paul got stuck inside the ice house with the girl, but we got them out. And her dad was so happy, he wanted to buy us a Ferrari.” Mateo excitedly told them.
Mateo, Judd, Paul, and Marjan had stopped by to see how he was doing and catch him up on everything that had happened the past few days.
“Uh no, he offered to buy me anything I wanted, you two just tried to talk him into buying you expensive cars.” Paul cut in.
“Hey, I’m a new dad, I deserve to celebrate.” Judd replied.
“Celebrate by having someone buy you a sports car?” TK asked laughingly. “Anyway, show me a picture of my goddaughter.”
“Who says you get to be her godfather?” Marjan asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “Almost dying does not automatically give you godparent rights.”
“Oh and being a social media star does?”
“No but being a kickass firefighter might.”
“So that makes me her godfather.” Paul said, daring the others to disagree. “Since you are no longer a firefighter.” He pointed at TK. “And out of the two of us, I’m the one who saved the girl.”
“Technically you didn’t save anyone. The rest of the crew saved you both.” Marjan pointed out.
“Alright quit your fighting. We haven’t decided on godparents yet. But my brothers and Grace’s sisters are higher on the list than y’all.” Judd told them. “But you’re all more than welcome to babysit.”
“Sure. I’ll be happy to.” Marjan said, a little too loudly. “Auntie Marjan will teach her how to deal with all the stupid boys in her life.”
TK laughed.
“She’s only a few days old, Marj.”
“So we’ll start early so when she gets to an age where boys become annoying, she’ll know how to deal with them.” Marjan replied. “Like when they’re obviously still in love with the guy they broke up with and won’t tell you why but just mope around for months.”
“Well you won’t have to deal with that anymore.” TK told her and looked at Carlos who was sitting next to him on the bed, quietly observing and letting the madness wash over him. “Right babe?”
Carlos just smiled and met him halfway when he leaned in for a kiss.
“TK will you please tell your mother I am not lying or trying to placate her when I say you’re doing better?” Owen said, exasperated, walking into TK’s hospital room, holding his phone away from his ear.
TK had been moved out of the ICU and onto a regular ward that morning, but thankfully still had a room to himself.
He took the phone from his dad.
“Hey mom, dad is not lying. This time.�� He joked and laughed at Owen’s reaction. “I’m ok.”
“What does your doctor say about that?” Gwyn asked. “I know what you and your dad are like.”
“Mom, I really am ok. The doctors actually think I can go home soon.” TK lied. He was desperate to get out of hospital but none of the doctors had said anything about discharging him yet.
“As soon as the weather improves and Jonah’s ear infection clears up, we’re on the next flight out.” Gwyn promised. “I hate the thought of you on your own in that hospital because your dad has to single handedly save Austin from a blizzard.”
“I'm not on my own. Carlos is here.” TK said, ignoring his mom’s dig at his father and reaching out for Carlos’ hand.
“Oh Carlos is huh, does that mean the romance is back on?”
TK laughed.
“Don’t pretend dad hasn’t told you.”
“He might have mentioned him being at the hospital a lot.” Gwyn admitted. “But you know what your father is like, he never tells me anything important and leaves out all of the details.”
“There are no details. Carlos is here, we talked, I love him, he loves me… and we’re back together. We know what not to do now. We want to make it work. We are going to make it work.” TK said determined and looked at Carlos who squeezed his hand in confirmation.
Suddenly he heard a loud wailing in the background and Gwyn sighed.
“Jonah just woke up. I have to go honey, I’ll see you soon. Give Carlos my love.”
“I will. Give Jonah a kiss from me. Bye mom.” TK replied and ended the call.
“Wait, you love me?” Carlos asked, mischievous smile tugging at his lips.
TK had missed that smile.
He put a hand on Carlos’ cheek and leaned in.
“Always have.” He murmured right before kissing him to show him exactly how much.
Next to them Owen said something about giving them some privacy but neither of them noticed.
“Hello TK, good to see you again.” Andrea Reyes walked into TK’s hospital room, making both him and Carlos sit up straighter.
“Mama, what are you doing here?” Carlos asked her.
“Coming to see how TK is doing of course.” She said matter-of-factly. “I ran into Owen yesterday and he mentioned how the two of you have been camping out here, so I thought I’d come visit and check on you both.”
“I’m sorry for not keeping you updated. I was going to come over but things have been a little hectic here, especially the first few days and - ”
“It’s ok.” Andrea interrupted and looked at the two men for a moment and smiled. “Carlos, will you go get me a coffee from the restaurant downstairs?”
“There is a machine down the hall… The coffee isn’t great but it’s drinkable, or I could try getting you something from the nurse’s lounge. They won’t mind. They know me by now.” Carlos rambled.
“Carlitos.” Andrea started. “Por favor.” She just said and waited.
Carlos sighed and got up.
“Si mama.”
She waited until Carlos had left the room and then sat down next to TK’s bed.
“If you’re coming to give me the shovel talk and tell me not to hurt Carlos again, you won’t have to. I love him and I won’t ever hurt him again, I promise.”
Andrea smiled.
“That’s good to know sweetheart.”
“I’m really sorry I hurt him.”
“I know. He does too.”
TK nodded.
“I know I’ll have to earn your trust again after everything, but I promise I will do anything to convince you I’m serious about Carlos. I love him and I want to be with him. Forever. If that’s how long he’ll have me. And that’s probably not what you want to hear but…” TK trailed off, not really knowing what it was he wanted to say.
“Carlos is a big boy, he can make his own decisions about his love life.” Andrea told him. “If he’s happy, I’m happy. And if you boys want to be together again, then I’m the first to welcome you back into the Reyes family.”
“Of course. All I’ve ever wanted is for my kids to be happy. And you make Carlos happy, anyone can see that.”
“He makes me happy too.”
“That’s all that matters.” Andrea patted his hand. “Now when you get out of here, you boys should come over for dinner sometime. Gabriel would love to see you again too and I’ll make ropa vieja the way Carlos’ grandmother makes it. It’s his favourite.”
“I’m going stir crazy in here.” TK complained. “I haven’t been outside in almost two weeks.”
“The last time you were outside you nearly died.” Carlos reminded him.
“Yeah but I didn’t. And now I feel like I might die of boredom.”
“Oh I’m boring you am I? I’ve been in this hospital just as long as you, sleeping in these uncomfortable chairs, and this is the thanks I get?” Carlos said, trying to sound serious and angry but the smile on his face gave him away. “Give me five minutes.” He got up and quickly kissed TK before leaving the room.
“Where are you going?”
“Five minutes!”
“I’ll be right back!”
True to his word, Carlos did come back within five minutes, but TK wasn’t thrilled with what he’d brought with him.
“What’s that?”
“Someone who has spent as much time in hospitals as you have should know what this is.”
TK rolled his eyes.
“I’m not getting in that thing.”
“Why not? It’s the perfect solution to your boredom problem.”
“I can walk.”
“You’ve barely walked more than 10 steps the past two weeks. Come on, get in.”
“Why do I have to get in a wheelchair? How is this a solution?”
“Because..” Carlos started, grabbing a blanket from the bed and draping it over the chair. “We’re going out.”
“Out? Out where? I can’t just leave this place. My mom will fly over here and drag me back herself.”
Carlos chuckled, knowing Gwyn would probably at least try to do exactly that.
“Just downstairs. To the hospital garden. The weather is nice.”
“How do you know, you’ve been stuck in here with me the whole time.”
“One of the nurses just told me.” Carlos said laughingly. “Come on, let’s get some fresh air and maybe some ice cream.”
“Are you seriously bribing me with ice cream?”
“That depends… is it working?”
After a few minutes of back and forth, TK reluctantly got in the wheelchair and let Carlos wheel him to the hospital garden where they sat down on a bench.
“This is nice.” TK admitted, closing him eyes and tilting his face up to the sun.
“You mean I was right? This was a good idea.” Carlos teased.
“Shut up.” TK shot back, happily accepting the kiss Carlos pressed to his temple.
They stayed on the bench for a while, sitting close together to keep warm because TK refused to cover up with the blanket and choosing to wrap himself in Carlos’ jacket instead.
“I can’t wait to get out of here. I feel fine and I’m just taking up a bed when there’s someone out there who might really need it.”
“I’m sure they won’t keep you here longer than necessary.”
“I know…” TK sighed. “I’m just bored. And I miss my own bed.”
“Yeah, is that so strange? It’s a hospital, not a hotel. The beds aren’t that comfortable. And I’m fed up with the blood tests and the IVs and the wires they keep attaching to me.”
“I know. I get that. I just… there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Ok… Sounds serious…”
“No. Yes. I mean. Yes it’s serious. But nothing bad, I promise.”
“That does nothing to reassure me.”
Carlos shook his head. The conversation was not going the way he’d planned.
“I was hoping... That when you can get out of here... You would want to come back to the loft. With me. Permanently.”
“Are you asking me to move in with you? Again?” TK asked, a smile spreading over his face.
“Yes. Again. I don’t want you to go back to your dad’s house, I want you to come home with me. The loft was always supposed to be ours… but I understand if you think it’s too soon or you’re not ready or something but -”
TK shut him up with a kiss.
“There’s nothing I want more.” He vowed. “But you’re helping me tell my dad.”
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adultswim2021 · 10 months
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The Venture Bros. #31: “Home Is Where the Hate Is” | June 22, 2008 - 11:30PM | S03E04
In “Home Is Where the Hate Is”, Sgt. Hatred makes his presence known as Dr. Venture’s arch enemy. But before that, we get a cold open where the first joke is a reference to the Farrah Fawcett TV movie The Burning Bed. That’s because he’s burning Phantom Limb’s stuff on his former bed. He and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch are moving into his former home in a gated community for super villains. His house looks the one from Maniac Mansion. I guess I should just say it looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright house, but I really wanted to squeeze a Maniac Mansion reference into this write-up. Sue me! 
Next door to the Monarch is Sgt. Hatred, who shows up to Venture compound to announce himself as Venture’s new arch. A big brawl breaks out, but we don’t see it; instead we cut to the opening sequence and then when we come back from it we see the bloody aftermath of Brock having taken on dozens of Hatred’s goons single-handedly. Hatred even brings a basket of okra as a gift and administers a tolerance test to Dr. Venture to make sure he doesn’t cross a line of brutality. Later in the episode we find out he’s going easy on Venture just to spite the Monarch, whom he has beef with because him and his henchmen used to regularly rip-off his stuff.
Hatred has a party where the Ventures are invited. This is where the meat of the episode is, as Hatred’s entrance feels like more table-setting for the season more than anything else. The Monarch comes to the party too, so he can get close to Venture and plant a micro-explosive device on Venture’s person in order to spite Sgt. Hatred. 
There’s also a subplot about Hank and Dean staying with the Monarch’s henchmen at the cocoon after Hatred kicks them out for being underage. That’s one of the squirmier aspects of this show; Hatred is a sex-offender pedophile, and there’s dialogue in a previous episode that Hank and Dean were actually molested by him. Later in the series, Hatred becomes even closer to the Venture family, and we’re sorta supposed to just push that fact aside.
Lots of people have an issue with that bit, and it’s not unmerited, of course. The world of the Venture Bros. depicts a reality where people can attempt murder on one another (or in the case of cloned characters, successfully murder) and be cool with one another. It’s all in the name of dangerous adventuring being such a part of this world that there are numerous legal loopholes in which heinous acts can be committed. Does pederasty fit the spirit of that? Not really. But I really don’t think it’s anything other than the two writers of the show just think it’s an interesting and funnily dark thing to explore. It never really bothered me, but I get why some people are too bothered by to enjoy the show. The show could do without it and be better for it.
That subplot, of Hank and Dean staying with the Henchmen, feels a little tacked on, but I appreciate any time the series has the Venture kids and 21 and 24 interact with each other. They absolutely belong at the same table in the lunchroom and their dynamic is great. They wind up butting heads with Dr. Mrs. the Monarch’s murderous moppets, who are mostly despised by the Venture Bros. fanbase. I never hated them outright, but they aren’t my favorites either.
Lotta the humor from this one comes from the party scenes they play corny party games and make awkward small-talk and Brock finds a room to go watch a crossbow special on TV. I like bad parties in movies and TV shows! As for continuity nods, there's one scene where Monarch is leafing through a book of available good guys to arch; we catch a glimpse of both Dr. Quymn and Dr. Dugong, both of whom will appear later in the season in different episodes. We also see Dr. Quentin Ball, who appeared throughout the series as a background character. I don’t think he has a speaking role in any episode, though I could be wrong. 
And that’s this one. Perfectly fine Venture Bros. episode, but nothing incredible either humor or action-wise.
Shut up!
How would you rank each show you've watched so far?
You wanna know something? I usually do that when I complete a calendar year of Adult Swim programming, but I guess I didn't do that when I finished 2007? At least, I couldn't find it if I did. But I'm definitely going to save it for when I finish 2008. Please remind me when we get close.
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shameless-aquarius · 1 year
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tarlos shaking and shivering please. i love tk whump!
Hi Anon, I don't even know if you still follow me or are even on tumblr. But thank you for waiting so patiently for this. I didn't mean to take so long to write this, but well life. I hope you enjoy this. (note-this is post 304)
The snow storm had left a coldness in TK that he couldn’t shake. Even in the hot Texas weather he would still get a chill down his spine.
But it’s different in the rain. It’s not snow, it’s not fluffy and white and blinding. It’s not a frozen pond out in the middle of Texas with a kid stuck underneath, but it still pulls him back to that moment. When he was dripping wet and freezing.
“You okay, babe?” Carlos asks.
TK turns, “Fine, why?”
“You were zoned out.”
“Yeah, just...thinking,” TK lamely says.
He has to go out in the rain to get to his car. He has to go to work and drive in the rain. It’s not like it’s something he hasn’t done before. Hell, it’s not even that bad. But it still makes him think about before. Being hypothermic and then in a coma.
Read on Ao3
17 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Title: 'Cause I loved you then and I love you now
Pairing: TK/Carlos
Rating: G
Tags: Episode: s03e04 Push (9-1-1 Lone Star), Injury Recovery, Post-Break Up, Getting Back Together, Canon Compliant, Fluff, Gap Filler, Happy Ending
Summary: Some gap filler for 304. Carlos' reaction after TK wakes up through going to Carlos and TK's new loft.
17 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
It took them 3 seasons, but the writers for 911 Lone Star are finally letting Rafael shine. Like, every week I'm amazed at his talent.
24 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
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25 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
if we're going to get TK coma dreams/flashbacks...they could just pop in the tamale scene. Just saying.
51 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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911lonestarsource · 3 years
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BREAKING: Season 3 episode titles and airdates
transcription below the cut
Disclaimer: This is according to SpoilerTV and I cannot find an official source for any of this information. Please take the information with a grain of salt.
January 3 2022 S03E01 - Shock and Thaw (Previously called “The Big Chill”)
January 10 2022 S03E02 - TBA
January 17 2022 S03E03 - Push
January 24 2022 S03E04 - Child Care
January 31 2022 S03E05 - TBA
February 7 2022 S03E06 - TBA
February 14 2022 S03E07 - TBA
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chaoticornot · 2 years
These are my rants about the first half of season 3. Or the first 9 episodes. This is way too long, I’m sorry.
Why did they break up?? I'm curious. I love the Nancy and Tk friendship. This is not gonna end well. Marjan you can't be stupid enough to drive in this weather that is just waiting on an accident. Tell him Buttercup. I get why Owen won't sign but cmon. The awkwardness in their exchange, help. Who goes walking in this weather??? Awesome Mateo. Oh no, Paul. That baby room looks fantastic. Grace and Judd bring me happiness. S03e01
The absolute adorableness of grace saying, that's your father to their child. They are so cute. How many people are gonna end up in the hospital? I think 4. Paul, TK, Owen, and Grace. Owen why would you go out in the snow. Oh god TK. Not what I was expecting to see but omg. But did no one keep an eye on him like you saw how he was shivering? Carlos's face when Tommy said they needed to find Owen. And poor Nancy, someone hug her, please. Of course, Owen stumbles onto this. And there is a Gun, fun. Are Paul and TK at the same hospital? S03e02
Yess, Marjan. Did not expect the cop to be in on it but don't know what I expected. Not the jam session. Tell him, Gracie. Okay, I get it but you can't drive yourself to the hospital in these conditions, and I'm sorry that you stuck with Billy. TK and his mom, those scenes ars adorable. Who knows about TK, Nancy, Tommy, and Grace, right? The rest are gonna be shocked. Also, someone gets Judd so he can take Grace and doesn't miss the birth of his daughter. Billy has some balls, unbelievable. And then he has the audacity to make it about himself. I hate him. Poor Carlos. Someone does make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid. I got 3/4. Everyone except Owen, but that was only because Marjan intervened. S03e03
Yeah Grace, kill him. She is amazing. Stop dying, easier said than done. You know when I said that Billy makes everything about himself, yeah I was right. Grace is in labor, and this man collapses. Carlos's mom was like I love him, but I love you more, and j will beat his ass. And yes you do need to let it out. Btw, those nurses should be handled because that was incredibly unprofessional.  TK is such a cutie. I love what did they did with making him and Gwynn do the same things. Tk is right it was an incredibly sweet power move, and I get Carlos's intentions, but you knew he didn't have to money, and TK had all the right to be upset. But breaking up is maybe not the solution. The hug between Carlos and Owen though. Worried Judd. He made it, whoop. I am not surprised they did TK waking up and Grace giving birth at the same time. TKs, hey baby, breath. Awwwwwwww. How Carlos collapsed omg. They moved in the loft looks amazing. They're so cute. something that has me weak is talking while kissing, it's always the cutest and how they fell awe. charlie, that's zo sweet. In the scene where they are walking in like a formation, Nancy looks hot as fuck. They made it, whoop. How are they pushing the trucks or is someone driving and they are just pretending? They all look amazing in their uniform. And Carlos in his suit. Gwynn, has TK met his brother before, I don't think so. They still should not have forgiven Billy, still, hate his guts. Owen and Carlos friendship j love it. Can you imagine how special it was for Tk to see his mom? Carlos and tk dancing and holding a baby, omg. I'm dead. S03e04
A couple of things I am already glad about didn't happen because I have seen before and it fucks up character. 1. Judd not keeping it a secret from Grace. 2. Keeping in contact. 3. Considering it. 4. No money asked just curiosity. Carlos is not gonna let this go. Talk about healthy communication, no blaming just sad. Good on Judd for doing a paternity test. He loves Grace. TK falling asleep on top of Carlos's arm is the cutest thing, especially with what is playing in the background. And Carlos with glasses, excuse me, who gave you the right to be that hot? Of course, he figured it out. Owen, of course, has to go after it. My father-in-law, more or less. Why is that so funny. She wants to continue the date help. Detective Carlos Reyes has a ring to it. Good on them to have dinner with each other and talk. S03e05
Dinner was awkward to watch, and he is trying but oh god. 1,4,3 could mean I love you if it's from Charles. Grace is the best. How they just came in with their suits was hilarious. Aww, that dinner was so cute, and I thought it was gonna be the candles. S03e06
The slow blinks from Owen like he has to process that this man can be that stupid. The silence was so loud. Tommy's exasperated, this is going to be great. This rescue reminded me of the one on 911. Poor Carlos, trying to warn these fuckers, and they don't take it seriously. Yeah, there are gonna be consequences. How TK looked at Carlos, like fond but also calculating because I think he realised how serious Carlos was. That cop is a dick though. They are right it could have been dangerous. That is why he is a dick. He puts people in danger for his ego. The banter between Grace and Judd is awesome. My hand on your ass, good one Owen, that doesn't sound weird at all, in this context. Carlos is sitting trying to be supportive but is just a ball of anxiety. Tk with a backwards hat and sunglasses is everything. I knew TK was gonna be good at this. Not surprised that Paul is too. Show them, Nancy. Look at them cheering. Cheater. Someone punch this man in the face, please for me. THANK YOU OWEN. Carlos face had me holleman. How you saw him go, oh sit. The running, the arms help, hahaha. Well, at least he has some brain. I love that he made it up about his dad dying. Aww, there so sweet putting her in the spotlight. She's so cute. The horror on both their face when TK says it out loud, omg. S03e07
Oh, we are getting a look at TK's past. Poor baby. How Paul and Mateo are looking at Judd like, you figure it out. Oh no, and thank you, Owen, your timing is impeccable today. TK with the earring is awesome. Babe, sorry to break it to you, but you're not fine. His eyes kill me. Badass paramedic TK. Great teamwork. He looks so broken, omg. Nancy and Mateo moment, aww. Carlos desperation, omg. This episode made me cry. I love seeing more of TKs past, but it often makes me sad. The last scene, aww. I wish he still would go to NY and take Carlos with him, even if it's just to see Jonah. S03e08
Good one Gwyn she definitely flipped him the bird. Aww Tommy and TK are so sweet, and the growth on TK side is amazing. How honest is he?? Oh god, we are going from one crisis to another. Fuck, thank you, Marjan for being there and being honest. I'm sorry Paul, but if this motherfucker doesn't take the surgery I am gonna be pissed. This is Buck arc 2.0, god help me. Pauls appartement, i like it. Oh no, Marjan, you should not have said even though he does need to get surgery. You have always wanted to apologise but couldn't do that when she was living with you for months. Did he just snap the spaghetti? Oh no, Marjan go. Thank you, Marjan. Marjan is right, she did not make that choice and is not guilty of anything that happened. Aww, I love the bird now. Aww baby TK. The bird is dead, omg. Not what I was expecting. Don't the rest of the 126 know about the surgery?? That seems something that you can't keep quiet. I would have expected Marjan to call someone. S03e09
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disfordevineaux · 4 years
Character Parallels: Chase vs Julia
First off, let me start with:
This is somewhat a continuation from my original Chase Devineaux Case Study I did a while back. Feel free to read it to fully understand the context behind my opinions and thoughts on Chase, Julia and such discussed below. Let’s begin.
Although Season 3 was short, it was still a season that provided us with a new potential story catalyst to propel the plot in the form of major character development.
A bit of context:
Throughout the series, Chase Devineaux was always sceptical and often outright against the idea that Carmen Sandiego could have ulterior motives (due to his ill-fated meetings with the said person driving that home and on the surface she literally is stealing), an idea his previous partner, Julia Argent, was the spokesperson for. To quote a long story short, Chase was not too pleased or in agreement with the idea proposed by Julia: Carmen Sandiego isn’t the real enemy. Others shunned this idea too (Zari & Chief) and consistently was never outright ‘proved’ from a physical evidence standpoint. Both stood on opposite ends of the ‘who really is Carmen Sandiego’ spectrum. This was the major theme of division between Chase and Julia, a plot point further driven by the unlucky streak he suffered when dealing with Team Red, and VILE. Mostly he, and ACME, could not separate the entities completely, even up until the end of Season 3.
In the S03E04, ‘The Masks of Venice Caper’, after 3 seasons of being moments away from Carmen Sandiego at every step, Chase succeeds. After a long and clearly exhausting chase throughout the streets of Venice, he is able to finally catch up.
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He leaps aboard after making the jump and officially bears witness to the handing over of goods, something which Julia was only ever afforded. Chase is blindsided at her easy surrender, simple innocent explanation and instantly clean escape. He does not go after her, instead stands bewildered at what she said, leaving him with the important line of: ‘Jules would understand’, (because she would with her prior knowledge and experience), to digest what just occurred.
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This was not what he was expecting, as on other occasions they met him with hostility or evasion without explanation. Instead, he is treated as if he were Julia, filling the role as a substitute, as she is no longer on the scene to be the recipient of the ‘handoff’. At this moment, thanks to Carmen’s finale line, it all clicks. Previous conversations run through his mind, visibly questioning, as he makes the connection before being interrupted by Agent Zari, congratulating him on stopping the robbery.
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The confirmation that he finally gets it is reaffirmed by a theme of a ‘silent partner’ which he now uses himself with commenting, awkwardly, that ‘I did not do it alone’ (A call back to S01E09, see below). This is the formal affirmation that he now understands that Carmen is not the enemy. There was no way he would have ever connected the dots without visual verification, experiencing it for himself first hand, a situation Julia experienced multiple times by fortune, something people forget when watching him grapple with his inability to detain the ‘thief’. Julia was provided with many chances throughout season 1-2 to work with or in situational coincidence with Carmen and aid in the protection of potential goods in harm’s way. (Most notably S02E04)
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Julia’s departure, though disappointing to fans (and myself), was a crucial plot device to enable Chase to be finally exposed to the events which would lead him to change his mind for the better. Unless by some miracle he was chosen as the recipient of Team Red’s well wishes with Julia on the scene and/or in tow, it would have taken far longer for the realisation to be made. An understanding that is only able to be fully recognised by Julia and Chase. The only two people around long enough and familiar enough with Carmen Sandiego and the entire case to be in any position to come to the right conclusion about her intentions.
As many may say, seeing is believing. And seeing was what he needed to believe, both Chase and Julia needing that direct witnessing to understand. Seems the red lining of his original coat meant something after all.
(Do note: Julia was more inclined and susceptible to a conflicting opinion due to her heightened observation skills from the get-go but still needed visual confirmation, which she got, to stand strong with her diverging opinion on Carmen Sandiego.)
The Parallels:
In the next and final episode of S03E05, "The Jolly Good Show Caper", we are greeted with a callback to S01E03’s episode "The Sticky Rice Caper". Instead of Chase and Julia being on their way to interrogate Gray in the Paris Interpol office, Agent Zari and Chase are walking through the halls of the Italian Interpol office to interrogate their latest captured VILE operative, Neal the Eel. From a clearly visual standpoint (see below), the makeup of the scene and placement of characters is a direct callback to the dynamic between both Chase and Julia, and now between Chase and Zari.
S01E03 VS S03E05
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Chase now takes the place of Julia, physically and mentally, who listens to a rundown of the situation, proposes a vague counter-argument which is disregarded by Zari. Chase is now wanting to look beneath the surface of the robbery or incident (like Julia always did), unlike before. Similar to the situation in S01E03, Zari is unwavering in her opinion that Carmen and the new detainee are in cahoots, Chase stating that his previous statement was merely ‘entertaining all possible angles’, a comment he further elaborates on to Chief at the end of the episode.
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After coming to the interrogation room, Zari dramatically pushes it open in the same style as Chase did seasons earlier, halting her statement to reveal the suspect has ‘escaped’. Zari is stumped, Chase not too phased at this revelation and quickly checks the documents to understand what has occurred, once again.
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Chase again, takes the stance of the ‘Julia’, all-knowing and proceeds to correctly recount the possible scenario that they have found themselves in, having experienced this once before. This ‘recounting of events’ is confirmed to the audience by Chase’s voice monologuing of sorts over an escaping by boat, Neal.
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This scene is interesting for obvious reasons: it’s a direct call back to a later episode and the dynamic within. It is also a pivotal moment we see that Chase was always fully aware of what is happening around him, and really only required the correct pieces to fall into his lap at all the right times to now be the new ‘Julia’ in the dynamic. That style of a sequence of events is what helped Julia see the truth in Carmen’s actions in the first place. Chase has always been cognizant of the events around him, even if they could be contradictory to his main beliefs. Actively choosing not to present it to the audience, in favor of the popular opinion presented by and through ACME, their agents their leader that Carmen Sandiego is the enemy. Half of this being pressure, wanting to succeed in his work, gain praise for it and lack thereof witnessing first hand some sort of ‘positive’ reaffirmation of Carmen’s good intentions and that he really thought he was right. We see this through his sheer self disappointment and embarrassment when facing Chief after mistakes he had no true control over.
Towards the end of the same episode. Carmen is ‘captured’ in London. Agent Zari and Chase receive this development while travelling, Chase jumping out of his seat surprised, shocked, concerned that she was detained saying ‘that is terrible!’. Zari is notable taken aback, Chase quickly tries to collect himself and adjusts his statement and ends with ‘that. we were not the ones to make the arrest.’ Time has passed since the escape of Neal, Chase left to stew with his changing opinions and it clearly appears as if he no longer wishes for Carmen’s capture in the traditional sense, knowing that what she has been doing, is not criminally based. It’s unsure what his plans are when facing Carmen once again, but it at the very least no longer her capture.
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Not only are Chase and Julia’s mindsets on the same path, but Chase is also no longer the driver between the pair. A fun nod to how Chase always drove, if dangerously at times.
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After events unfold, Chase and Zari soon discover the planted crown jewels in Roundabouts office after a tip off, they run to retrieve them and Chase stops to glance out the window, witnessing Carmen Sandiego flying away from the scene. This is important, if a small detail, in once again showing us he has changed. He is far more observant and is the new candidate to witness the usual things Julia would if she were there. He stopped, was in the right place at the right time, recognised first hand the role Carmen plays in the grand scene of things, as a protector who runs interference.
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When things have seemingly been resolved, Chase and Zari are in conference with Chief who details how she deems that it was all an elaborate plan where Roundabout and Carmen were in cahoots. In what is shown to be his first moment ever displaying his new and differing opinions to Chief on the events prior, he details how, maybe, Carmen left the items here for them to discover purposefully. Chief glares at him silently, Chase displaying an awkward reluctant smile, then ignores his opinion moving on. She informs him that it is his job to interrogate Roundabout for answers on how Carmen is connected to him, disregarding his prior though they are not united until Zari receives a phone call. They are informed that Roundabout never reached the destination and has escaped.
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A Sum Up:
In conclusion, Chase has officially changed opinions on Carmen Sandiego and has fallen into the role Julia left for him when she departed from ACME. Even with the pre-existing knowledge of the hacking by Player and all other indiscretions against him perpetrated by Team Red. He has been through a journey and come out the end with a new perspective
Agent Zari has now acted as both Julia’s and now Chase’s, well ‘Chase’, when it comes to the dynamic of the pairing. In many instances when consulting Chief, Julia has been informed to essentially ‘do her job’ or is only half-listen too, in a subtle way, instead of coming up with theories that don’t necessarily correlate with the majority. This all comes ahead in S03E02 ‘The Day of the Dead Caper’, where Chief is finally blunt with Julia (see below). The same thing has now befallen Chase (see below), except with little to no lead up to instant rejection. All of Chief’s patience for differing opinions was used up, all on Julia it appears.
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The summation of all this produces a new defender of Carmen Sandiego; Chase Devineaux. The likely future outcome will be Chase attempting to contact, seek an audience with Carmen as Julia once attempted, and would succeeded in part from time to time. It is unlikely how well this will go considering Chase and is usually outwardly expressive with his determination to arrest her. One can only hope he is given a chance to rectify his past miscalculations and is able to further support these new set beliefs to ACME, Carmen Sandiego and himself. 
One can also hope Julia returns, maybe by a proposition from Chase, who will no doubt have trouble enacting his new purpose of true justice, and seeking answers/help from Carmen Sandiego. This would also promote a chance for an adult discussion, an apology, one sorely lacking in Season 3 between them. With this new air of familiarity between their opinions on Carmen, a rare opinion it appears, a chance for a reformation of a proper team dynamic is possible.
They lacked a connection throughout season 1 and 2 which aided in their bitter union, both full-heartedly, if not realised or intentional, determined to have their opinion victorious over the other to themselves and to those around them. Chase far more openly critical and cynical, Julia keeping such comments more hidden and modest, but also far more willing to stand up for herself to and in front of Chief. (Prominent examples seen in S02E02,4 & 8, S03E02) Chase was aware of his poor behaviour but found it justified in a sense that he truly believed she was misguided, that he was correct about Carmen Sandiego, now knowing she clearly was right all along. (This does not excuse/justify his rudeness in any sense, but can explain it.)
They would be a great team, now finally on the same page but unfortunately separated. Julia has the nohow and Chase possess the drive to make it happen. They do share those traits, each more natural at one over the other. Neither are willing to give up without a fair fight, and proudly declare and justify themselves at every turn, both proud individuals. (Julia far more modest in comparison). If they worked together, who knows the possibilities, if they can change ACME’s stance on Carmen Sandiego or if they decide to abandon it altogether and aid the other fighter of VILE, Team Red. Either way, it was clear Julia could not do it all on her own and I’m sure we will see Chase realise and suffer the same fate. Hopefully reasoning that he needs help, not getting it to form anyone else, remembering Julia, seeking her out and bringing her back to ACME.
Her reason for leaving ACME was that her heart was no longer in it, her passion snubbed out. Her work now directly contradicts her beliefs which are doubted by all those around her at every turn.
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A sad but visibly true thing as no one else in ACME was willing to consider her way any longer, her opinion not shared by anyone else, a very demoralising thing to go through. She was always fighting and standing up on her own.
With Chase now sharing this opinion, the burden of seeing and knowing the truth, it will be easier to stand behind with full conviction, to attempt to highlight the innocence Carmen Sandiego has hidden in plain sight, together. Only time will tell how it all plays out.
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guardian-angle22 · 11 months
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911: Lone Star | TK & Carlos + various greetings ↳ for @ladytessa74
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angeltk · 2 years
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requested by @bubblesandroses8
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usstrekart · 3 years
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I love how “Equilibrium” (S03E04 Stardate Unknown) explored Dax's backstory, Jadzia's backstory, the Trill society, and give us some political intrigue and a bit of a mystery all wrapped up in one tidy episode. The ending is a little quick, but it is open, and Jadzia will have to work through this.
For the poster I knew what I wanted before the episode was halfway through. I really wanted to push the idea of Jadzia's spiraling with the title being out of joint.
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the-gay-intern · 4 years
Im not popular on tumblr. I still dont fully understand how is it working but Im writing this to the whole 3 people that's going to read it. Enjoy my frustration. Im so done with all this toxic fandom. You guys are such bitches bc destiel didn't begin (and ended) like you wanted to. You read too many fanfics to tell apart what's happening in the shows and what's not. You wanted Dean to what? confess his undying love? to start yelling that he was too scared of being gay? like whaat...? Are we still discussing the same Dean Winchester? The same Dean that is scared to show his own emotions?  The same Dean who has daddy issues, mommy issues, abandonment issues, etc.? The real Dean Winchester who was wearing brave mask for his lil' bro even when he was also scared? His best friend just told him he was the reason he changed. He was the reason he cared about earth. His best friend just told him he loved him but it was also a goodbye.  Dean was so shocked that it was goodbye. He would rather them both dying. He didn't consider that Cass would sacrifice for him. That's why Dean (Jensen)'s face showed practically nothing. One second he was thinking ' that's it we are BOTH dying here' and next Castiel is sacrificing himself. When Castiel said 'I love you' Dean is holding tears. He swallowed lump in his throat. He said 'Don't do this Cass' bc if he would confess too it would mean that this is goodbye. Forever. That he is accepting that fate. He didn't want to accept it. (for reference im sending you to Torchwood s03e04). They didn't have much time. Then Empty was there. When Dean turned around HE HAD FUCKING TEARS IN HIS EYES FOR FUCKS SAKE. YOU CANNOT SAY THAT HE WAS EMOTIONLESS. Then Death was there too. He wanted to say something but Cass just pushed him out of the way. And for those people that aren't satisfied with the whole scene and stubbornly think that Dean was cussing Castiel in his head for having hOmOsExUxAl feeling for him. When Sammy was calling him he didn't pick up. His little brother was calling during apocalypse he didnt pick up bc he was devastated. He was crying there. I know that a lot of episodes are dark that you barely see anything whats happening. But you can see him crying there. You can hear it too. If that doesn't mean he cares then i dont know what do you want. And for those saying that Jensen and Misha are homophobic. Bitch wtf? Like literally wtf? They are supporting LGBT+ community. When do you say that Jensen isn't shipping Cas and Dean like... from when people don't get to choose who they want to ship? And I think destiel would be canon a long time ago if it wasn't for those toxic destiel shippers. Jensen got those threats bc he didn't want to ship destiel. Like wtf people? What is wrong with you? No wonder Jensen wanted to back off. To sum up. If you wanted Dean and Cass kiss and fuck there just go watch some porn. You people calling the entire scene 'homophobic' are yourselves homophobic. Bc that's hella stereotypical. Like... if guys are confessing to each other (or only one of them is confessing) there should be gallons of tears and happy jumping or some other cute thing? Or you are just triggered that Cass died few seconds later after confessing and that's homophobic. That's the least homophobic thing i have ever seen in my entire life. He just understood that being truly happy doesnt mean what you have but what you feel. He was happy to sacrifice himself for Dean. He was happy to die for his love. And if that's not beautiful that I dont know whats beautiful.   I think that destiel isn't about physical love. I dont care that they will never kiss or hug or even hold hands (even if i wanted them to). Bc this love is truly for person itself. For their personality. That even with their flaws they are loving each other. Bc not everyone is good with words and feelings. And that's okay. Sometimes unnamed things are better than naming them bc everyone else is doing that. Bc in the end the only thing that matters is that the other person is happy.
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leighlim · 3 years
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We're with you Nyla! That is some serious chemistry going on there. Of all the pairings so far? Seems like the strongest onscreen chemistry belongs to these two!
Hopefully by this point you’ve finished all two seasons of ‘The Rookie’ (I mistakenly jumped straight to S03E04), the kind of person who isn’t bothered by spoilers, or are just deciding if you still want to keep watching.
Has Brandon Routh found his niche? Playing an antagonist (though I think Gray is the antagonist --- not as a baddie...but more the guy that forces John to be more of who he is)? Or playing someone that viewers just want to jump in the screen and tackle?
I'm not sure what happened during the break (and the production halt due to the pandemic) but I am impressed with the improved quality of the episode. The previous two seasons felt a bit...well...I'm not sure I would say all episodes were as watchable as this. Whatever they are doing right (or consultants they've brought in)...fingers crossed it would continue.
PS: Looking at Luna and Wade....it seemed like there was a significant age difference there. And...I checked (1972 & 1980)...not as much as I would have expected! Glad that they got someone age appropriate to play his wife.
PPS: Since the episodes were arranged in ascending order in Season 2 on 7 Plus...I mistakenly did not realise that I jumped to the 4th rather than head straight to #1. At least now I have an explanation why there seemed like a chunk of story missing from the Season 2 finale (John finding the cash in his house) towards the Season 3 premier. It's because I skipped three episodes!
You would have thought that I would double check the episode I was viewing...but maybe Vince Gilligan's story strategy (trusting the viewer would just go with it) was at the back of my mind and I'm trusting Alexi Hawley has my back.
JOHN and NYLA are seated at one of the tables on a break. NYLA is glued to her phone, grinning from ear-to-ear. JOHN is in observation mode, arms crossed.
Her phone receives a message and she giggles.
JOHN I didn't know you could do that.
She looks up...the smile still on her face. JOHN's eyebrow is up.
NYLA Do what?
JOHN Giggle.
The smile dissapears on her face. The stone cold TO is 80% back.
NYLA I don't giggle.
JOHN Uh-huh.
JOHN leans forward. Not breaking eye contact. Very amused with this new development.
JOHN Who are you texting?
NYLA No one.
He doesn't back down. Eyes crickling. Enjoying one of the rare moments of glimpsing his TO unguarded. More maybe trying to cover that he witnessed a very vunerable moment.
NYLA glances back at her screen, loosing the staring war.
NYLA It's just --- It's another one of the parents..
She nervously scratches a spot behind her ear.
NYLA ...that's trying to get his kid into the Academy.
JOHN lights up. Information obtained!
JOHN (enunciating) His kid. (singsong) Oh, is he single? Is he nice?
NYLA avoids eye contact.
NYLA Nope. We are not doing this.
My verdict of the episode: 6/10 --- I feel like it’s one of the best from the 3 Seasons so far.
Link to the timestamp commentary: TBA
More of my thoughts about the show: I am thinking of doing a ‘The Comedy Of...’ kind of piece. Let me know if you’d like that to be pushed right at the top of my to-do list. :)
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