#Episode 6 opened so much potential with these three!
artist-fan146 · 4 months
After rewatching episode 6 of Hazbin simply for it’s B-plot since I adore it more, I’ve got an idea for a season 2 episode!
What if we get an episode in season 2 where Charlie makes an activity where residents of the hotel are assigned in groups and those people in said groups are meant to “roleplay” as a family for a day! Angel, Husk and Nifty get put into a group and family shenanigans ensue but it’s also wholesome!!
Im honestly hoping for possibly something similar to this idea in Season 2 when we get it but yeah!
[Edit: Another idea that I got for this idea is so because these people in groups are meant to act like a family for a day, Charlie’s goal with this activity was to make the whole family bonding seems more realistic and believable which would leave an impact after the day ends and the residents leaving the activity at the end possible with some newly formed connections, so OFC she would have props to make it believable! AND ONE OF THOSE PROPS WERE FAKE WEDDING RINGS FOR THE “PARENTS” OF THE “FAMILY”! So imagine Angel’s and Husk’s reactions when they were given the rings! 🤣
If I finish my work early, maybe I’ll draw this!]
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t23asdfrerv · 2 months
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I have been seeing a lot of predictions based on the new episode and i figured i would throw my hand in.
for the most part, i have been seeing a lot of people say that Omega will leave the batch and join up in train with Ventress to learn the force.
i just don't see it. the episode leaves it semi-open as to whether Omega even has the potential to wield the force, so while Omega does have a high M count, she still might not be able to wield the force. the episode even makes this point in two of Ventress' lines: "Those with a high M count were believed to be more capable of wielding the force" and " if she did have that potential she would need to be trained". both lines leave it semi-open. now I don't believe fully in her having it or not. I personally do not mind either way.
however, I do mind the complete character massacre that would occur if she does choose to leave the batch. the reason I say that is because of who Omega is presented to be and how she acts. Omega loves her brothers and doesn't want to leave them, the series makes it clear that Omega sees the 6 of them as a family, and even this season presents Omega as wanting them to stay together. the show itself carries heavy themes of family. plus the whole you need to be away from attachments is something that the main villain of the season supports, and something that Omega clearly disagrees with. Omega wouldn't leave them just to learn the force, it would go against everything she is as a character.
some people also have brought up the possible ending where the entire Batch dies, minus Omega because we pretty much know she isn't dying she's a kid. and again I just don't see it happening. thinking about it logically it would be a terrible ending to the show. three seasons of fans watching the show falling in love with the characters and the relationships between them just for them all to die. in that case, why even watch or make the show at all, we could all just theorize it ourselves. it just doesn't make sense to me why they would do that, because it doesn't make the show fun to revisit.
lastly the show mainly shows themes of family and belonging. Omega has her family and she feels she belongs with them. and maybe it's just me but I wouldn't really enjoy an ending wear Omega is left "alone with nobody". while the rest of the batch either die or live without her. and I have hope that I'm not the only one routing for our space siblings.
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the-other-art-blog · 9 days
How can anyone honestly believe Cressida changed???
Sorry, but I do not buy the whole "my dad is mean and my mom pressures me so much and society puts me against women. so that's why I have been the biggest bitch for the last three years."
And it's very telling how some people are ready to forgive her, but they treat Pen as if she murdered someone and is beyond redemption.
May I remind you that Cressida was one of the people who judged Eloise and called her a "radical ruffian" after LW published her column about her.
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Are we to believe that weeks later, she had an epiphany and decided to be kind to Eloise? No! She noticed the rift between Pen and Eloise and decided to go after El. She gets a Bton connection and leaves Pen alone and defenseless. Cressida has a direct beef with Pen, like all bullies she has a fixation against one person.
What's interesting is that despite their supposed tight friendship, El hasn't invited Cressida to have tea with the family every Sunday. It's like El knows that this is not a real friendship and Cressida will never replace Pen or at least whatever they have is not even close to what she had with Pen (I realize that this sounds like I'm talking about a romantic relationship, but so what, they're the second love story of s3). Also, the fact that the rest of the family hates Cressida doesn't help this relationship.
In 3x01 she bullied Pen TWICE. If El hadn't distracted her, Cressida would have said something mean to Pen. In fact, that's why El called her because she knew she was going to bully Pen. Then, obviously, during the ball, even El apologized to her.
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Even in this gif below, and any other time, El looks embarrassed and regretful to be with Cressida. She is miserable and deep down (or maybe not so deep), she knows what she is doing is wrong.
I'm convinced that the only reason why Cressida did not spread Pen and Colin's deal was because El had already called her out on her bullying in ep1. When El tells her that Pen may have a chance with Debling, she laughs! Why Cressida, why is it so far-fetched that Pen may attract the attention of a wealthy lord?
Oh, but my favorite is when Cressida said she tried to befriend El in s2. Like hell she did! First, she mocked her when it seemed El had screwed up her meeting with the Queen. But when El charmed the Queen (ten seconds later), suddenly she's offering her "a spot "an opening" in her circle, as if friendship with her was a selected club where only the worthy ones had access (Blair Waldorf who? And yes, it's an insult).
Cressida also complains about her lack of proposals as if she were a poor debutante who never got the chance to attract a suitor. The reality is that as the beautiful and popular single daughter of a lord, Cressida could have gotten married quickly. She didn't because even the horrible men of the ton could not stand her. Madame Delacroix said it in s1:
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But to me, the biggest clue that she is still the ton's biggest bitch is her promo video. This last bit tells me that she's still the same.
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Now, I'll be discussing spoilers for episodes 5 and 6 (because there's no way to avoid them unless you go offline). So, if you don't want to know, stop reading.
I will also be discussing potential spoilers that relate to s4.
You're reading this at your own risk!
So according to the ss that I've seen of ep 5 and 6 and the teaser, they are following the storyline from RMB where Cressida lies and tells everyone she is LW. In the book Lady D offers a reward, in the show, it will be the Queen. We know that Lord Cowper is practicing some economic violence by restricting Lady Cowper and Cressida's allowance until C marries someone wealthy. 5000 pounds is a huge amount of money in Regency England, so C will want it, plus all the attention from it. I don't know much else because I did not watch the recap videos. But this shows she's still an awful person.
Onto Benophie rumors.
It is widely believed that the Cowpers are Sophie's family. Why? Because Lady Cowper's given name is Araminta. There were also mentions in s2 that Lady Cowper stole a servant from another house, something the Araminta of AOFAG did. That and a few comments on ig posts that mention Sophie were liked by the actresses. I'm very confident with this theory, especially with the amount of screen time the Cowpers have this season, including their domestic life. I'm sure Sophie is there working as a maid. I don't know if she is Lord Cowper's illegitimate daughter, but somehow she ended up there.
Behind the scenes, this is a recurring change adaptations use to economize in characters. The Cowpers and the Gunningworths can blend into one easily. Plus, imo, the Featheringtons already give the evil step-sisters vibe that would seem repetitive to people who haven't watched the show. They would seem to be mere replacements for the Featheringtons after they leave the show in s3.
If so, then Cressida fits the Rosamund character perfectly. Both are ultra-mean women, both spinsters, both capable of being cruel to someone like Sophie.
What about Posy? Here's where things get complicated, some believe that Cressida's redemption arc will make her a combination of Rosamund AND Posy. I think that is an absurd idea since as this post argues, there's no such redemption arc. Posy is a beautiful character who suffered domestic abuse from the very people who should have loved her. And I do not trust anyone who villanizes her for not speaking up earlier. She was the bravest person in the book for stepping up and defending Sophie, even at the risk of suffering Araminta's wrath. If Violet hadn't adopted her, who knows what would have happened to her.
I'm open to changing my mind after watching part 2, but right now, I would rather lose Posy completely in the show than give Cressida traits of her personality. Let her live in the books with her vicar! If Sophie has to lose her sole source of kindness in her house (aside from the servants), like Pen lost Felicity, then so be it.
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twig-tea · 4 months
Last Twilight Finale Thoughts
Had to go back to my clown checkpoint from ep 10, which I originally wrote in response to a conversation between @lurkingshan and @my-rose-tinted-glasses! How did the Last Twilight finale stack against my wishlist?
We got 6/8:
Mork opens that $@#&&#&# glove compartment (ie finally process his grief around Rung)
Mork speaks to Rung at her grave
Mork has workplace satisfaction and stability (ie we get something on canon to show that he's not afraid of being fired at any moment, and enjoys his new career) ['m counting the way he's shown trying out new recipes after the second timeskip towards this]
Day making plans for his future and acting towards them (enrolling in university or courses of some kind, most likely)--this is necessary whether or not he can see in future
Day's mom unclenches (we see her proactively stepping away from controlling Day's life)
We get Day's mom's perspective on what happened with Day's dad [honestly at this point this is a nice to have]
Night is perceived and happy (by Porjai most likely but I'm flexible)
Porjai feels safe and cared for (by Night most likely but I'm flexible)
And yet I was unsatisfied by this episode. Why? Because it did so many other things that I didn't even think I'd have to guard against in my wishlist, and the execution of what we did get was muddled!
I'm so mad about the glove compartment. They mentioned that thing at least three times, it was teased that Rung used it a lot and kept all kinds of stuff in there, and the last time it was mentioned, we heard that it had been fixed, and yet. AND YET. The glove compartment stayed closed and unseen.
This is how I feel about all of the important growth that happened for these characters. Mork's processing his grief for Rung, Day's building his life as a blind person (including using his cane), Day's mom moving past her internalized ableism, Mork learning how to be a partner rather than a caretaker, Day's father realizing he needs to be a better dad, Day and Mork learning how to navigate their social class difference in their relationship; we didn't really get to see any of that. We were just told it had been fixed now, off screen, like the glove compartment.
We did get to see the brothers reconcile and work on being brothers again, I will give the show that.
Also just to say, wow this aged poorly (from the same post linked above, written after ep10):
Mork, in contrast to Day's mother, has always been interested in encouraging Day to learn independence from him, even though Mork's situation in Day's life is potentially so much more precarious than Day's mom is.
I'll say the same thing I said after the ep 11 fight--it isn't the plot points themselves in the latter part of this series I have a problem with, it's how they've been executed. Characters don't feel consistent, what the show tells us happened doesn't seem to reflect what we saw in the show itself, and what the show says is important is then retconned or not addressed.
TL;DR even though the finale hit the bulk of my wishlist it still fumbled the execution and so I found it unsatisfying despite giving me most of what I asked for.
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citrus-cactus · 1 month
There are NOT!!!!! enough posts on this webbed site talking about Antiope and Alesand. FRIENDSHIP OF THE MILLENNIUM, I am LIVING!!!!!!!!
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Dark Ages issues 5 and 6 highlights (plus some very narrowly-focused musings and speculation) under the cut.
I did NOT expect two new characters (who are really only fleshed out in the last three issues) to be my favorite part of this miniseries, but here we are. This series scratched a very specific itch I’ve always had about Gargoyles regarding the “on-screen” relationships between female characters, and between these two kiddos and Sacrifice’s mentorship of Desdemona, we FINALLY made some headway into where I always wanted to be!
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First of all, SHE GOT TO FLY FOR REAL!!! Congrats, Alesand, you did it. You’re living 10yo Citrus’s ultimate fantasy and I’m SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY FOR YOU! Out there living the 10th century dream, fr fr 💛💛💛
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Antiope’s FACE!! Sorry, Brooklyn and Broadway, but you aren’t getting any credit apparently, bahahaha XD
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Antiope always being the one to tell Alesand how to be careful in the cave (around a bunch of stuff Alesand doesn’t understand) and just generally looking out for her safety and well-being, with Alesand trusting and heeding her friend’s warnings without question 🥺 Plus, the way she tries to shield Alesand from the dragon’s view for just an instant longer with her wings to give Alesand as much of a head start as she can is such a fantastic detail 🥺🥺🥺
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The way that both Brooklyn and Antiope remain (relatively) calm under pressure and are the ones to have the most common sense when trying to reason with Wyvern, plus them being the ones who shape the quintet’s exit strategy from the cave 🥺
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“I swear I’ll let no harm come to, friend Alesand!” GIRL!!!!!!!!! 🥺💖😭💯
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The last speaking lines they have, second to last panel of the miniseries. I love Alesand’s exhuberance, it’s clearly not something that Antiope is used to. Their relationship dynamic is gold, A+ no notes.
Ok, so Watsonian speculation time! I know it’s foolish to hold out hope that the friendship between these two will last, as-is, until 994 (or beyond… hey, I can dream, can’t I?!?!!). Even if they were the same biological age at the time of the miniseries, this is just a snapshot in time for them, since they age at different rates (absolutely heartbreaking information that I’ve been keeping in the back of my brain this whole time, thanks I hate it). Even more heartbreaking is that we know what Robert will do, how disillusioned he is with the inhabitants of the castle by 994, and of the cracks and fissures in the human-human relationships and human-gargoyle alliance that began forming long before the day of the massacre. I have to think that Alesand’s death at some point before Episode 1 would be a huge catalyst, if not the primary motivation, for Robert’s betrayal of the castle, under the right circumstances. Assuming that is what happens, I would predict that the gargoyles do what they can to help/save her, which is why he really digs in to the “humans are not my kind” sentiment, but my latest hypothesis is that the sympathy(/lack thereof) he receives from either Prince Malcolm or Catherine/the Magus is such that the man he once was, the man who was so unwaveringly loyal to the crown, dies at the same time she does.
It’s even possible that the Archmage is directly/indirectly responsible for her death, and part of the reason he’s banished. Maybe Robbie wanted to execute him for his crimes, but Prince Malcolm refused? I don’t want that story to be told because I would be emotionally wrecked if true, but it also seems incredibly possible… not to mention a potential path for the villagers to arrive at the point where they call the gargoyles beasts and monsters to their faces. What better reason for open hatred, fear, and bigotry than the death of one of your own? :(
That, or Alesand and Antiope really do disappear to join the theater troupe Illuminati, and everyone just thinks they died. I would prefer that by a mile, but I won’t explicitly count on it (surprise me, Greg. Let them survive somehow, I double-dog dare you) ;)
A couple more wrap-up thoughts:
- I’m absolutely gobsmacked that Lex knows how to read already. Whom did he learn from?? I had previously assumed Demona was going to be the literacy vector for everyone in the clan who was interested in learning (since, iirc, word-of-God stated she taught Goliath) but clearly that’s not true! I still love that Alesand is going to learn from Lex, though. Did Brooklyn learn from him as well? 🤔
- I am absolutely not normal about widower Hudson. The last two-page spread stabbed me right in the heart.
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- I feel like there’s a lot more to say about Verity, since her attitude was so very, very different from the stated origins of her clan, and none of the other gargoyles really even acknowledged Wyvern’s opinion of humans as they fended him off. Is “human problems become gargoyle problems” a philosophy that the clan had adopted decades before the alliance with Prince Malcolm that Verity was merely reminding Hudson of in Issue 1, or was it a belief that was primarily only held by herself, which became part of Hudson’s guiding principles as he was forced to carry on without her, and thus he made a conscious effort to make it part of the clan’s common culture only recently? What did “protecting the castle” mean to Hudson before there was an actual castle to protect? Their home along the cliffs? Wyvern’s cave? The rookery? Did he literally make up the saying “a gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air” as the castle was being built? There are SO many little Wyvern-gargoyle-culture questions to chew on here. 🤔🤔🤔
- Looking back at the TV series, I find it interesting that Demona places such a significant amount of blame on Goliath’s leadership/philosophy specifically, when their clan throwing their lot in with humans was a decision made by Hudson during his leadership tenure. You’d think she’d have way, way more to say to him about that in hindsight… but maybe it’s yet another example of how incredibly short-sighted she can be.
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Hello, again :D
I recently saw an add-on for DnD that included guides on a bunch of domestic activities, such as buying a house or store, getting married and having a family. I really liked the idea of a game where you still go on adventures but with that element of domesticity. I guess my question was, can you think of any ttrpgs (or add-ons) that include domestic pursuits within an adventure game?
THEME: Domestic Games
Hello there! I've got a few games for you to check out that might give you what you're looking for!
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Merchants and Monsters, by Andie Sanade.
In a world of magic, monsters, and brave intrepid adventurers, you are a merchant! An ordinary honest, as far as everyone knows, merchant. Life’s hard out there for the Non-Perilous Crowd, but you live in this world just as much as any sellsword or sorcerer. So grab your wares, straighten your clothes, and open up shop because you’re gonna make it big or die trying!
Merchants and Monsters is a roleplaying game that can be played by 2 or more people and uses a set of the following dice: 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided, 12-sided, and 20-sided.
This is a stand-alone game that you could probably also insert into another fantasy game of your choice! Because other players have the option of roleplaying customers, they could potentially embody their own characters going shopping, or perhaps this game happens after a long campaign, and you want to role-play a retired character doing their best to make a sale! While much of the art in this book indicates a fantasy world, there’s nothing stopping you from turning those gold pieces into credits, bits of salvage, or whatever currency you use in your game. 
MELWAFF - My Exciting Life with a Fantasy Foreigner!, by Julian Kay.
They came from another world, but it's not an invasion, it's an immigration.
Dragons, devils, and druids live among us, just trying to get by. Holy swords are put to use chopping carrots instead of slicing skeletons. The Mystery Integration Bureau oversees the the newcomers' introduction to modern Earth society, while ordinary people acclimate to the strangers. And not everything is going to go smoothly... where does a witch park her walking hut? What's it like having an unicorn for a roommate?
MELWAFF: My Exciting Life With a Fantasy Foreigner is a tabletop storytelling RPG dramedy where everyday people meet fantasy folk and anime-styled hijinks result. Play an Earth native, a fantasy "newcomer", or a M.I.B. agent and tell a story of what happens when the magical and bombastic meets the modern world. Seek your dreams either mystical or mundane, as your friends join in with shenanigans. Enjoy legitimate surprise mechanics as the "Fate Deck" introduces new twists and hopes throughout every episode of play!
This game uses a Tarot Deck, split into three groups, used to establish connections, determine who will become the central character of an episode, introduce twists, and more. Players will take turns occupying the spotlight over a number of episodes, attempting to achieve goals such as getting a job, throwing a party, hiding a pet monster from the landlord, etc. 
If you want to combine this game with others, you might bring characters from past games into this world as inter-dimensional travellers struggling to make sense of a modern world. This is a great option if your friends have favourite characters from a bunch of different games! The game itself a beautiful mix of the fantastic and the mundane, and I heavily recommend that you go and check it out! 
Lesbians Built This Farm, by che.
LESBIANS BUILT THIS FARM is a gmless table top role-playing game about queer joy and resistance for 2-4 players,  written by che for the TRANS JOY JAM. 
this is a game about the places we build and the things we need to build them. it uses a simple two-part system which ties a joyful "no dice no masters"-style homelife to the grueling game of odds and effort that is ""being queer in the work place.""
this pdf contains all the rules you need to play this game, including four playbooks. if you'd like, any of the playbooks from stargazersasha's girlfriend of my girlfriend is my friend should also be (mostly) compatible. 
This game uses inspiration from Belonging Outside Belonging in that it sets up moves for each playbook that your characters can always do. There are two phases of play. The first is a home phase that allows you to cultivate the home you’ve always wanted. The second is a work phase that uses a deck of cards and d10s to determine what kind of day you had at work, and how much stress it gives you. As you play, you will check boxes attached to your character sheet - fill all of them and you get to decide how your character grows into themself.
If you want to combine this game with a game that carries more adventure and excitement, you might be able to do that with Thirsty Sword Lesbians! I'd recommend picking a playbook from each and adjusting the jobs from Lesbians Built This Farm to match the kinds of jobs your characters might have in-universe. Perhaps those jobs are things your characters pick up in between adventures, perhaps this game works as a prequel to something bigger, or maybe your Thirsty Sword Lesbian campaign happens on in-universe weekends!
The best part is that both of these games are available in the TTRPGs for Trans Rights in Florida bundle, so you can get both of them (and many many more) for only $5! Both games can be used for a multitude of genres so the possibilities are endless!
Games I’ve recommended in the past 
(All sci-fi, to make up for the lack of it above!)
Xenopolitan, by Willy Elektrix.
The Long Shift, by Caro Asercion.
Poutine: Deep Dish Nine, by The Kinematic Cafe.
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thatgirl4815 · 8 months
The thing is yes Sand has the ability to be messy and do things wrong as we see in episode 6 and partaking in cheating (if we can truly even call it that but I digress because yes I know it was morally wrong either way) but it doesn’t come naturally to him. He lets his emotions get the best of him sometimes (giving into Ray and getting revenge on Top not really thinking about anyone that could get hurt around him but also not really caring that much because if Ray doesn’t care about him why should he care about Ray like Jojo said was part of his thought process in that tweet he made after ep 6). The thing is he’s remorseful and has been constantly atoning for and apologizing and feeling bad about what he did in ep 6 for 3 episodes straight now. Him feeling bad or doing something to make up for it has been brought up every ep since. And with partaking in helping Mew cheat he understood it was wrong and wanted to stop it but his emotions got the best of him and he gave into Ray. Was it wrong? Yes but he is human and I think they’ve shown that he has flaws but is still a good person who takes responsibility for his actions pretty well. And for example if he agreed to look after Ray or try to help get him into rehab it’s not him doing that out of any ill intentions. He would have done it regardless if he didn’t talk to the dad because he loves Ray and wants him to get help. But of course I would understand Ray feeling betrayed by this especially with his feeling of no one actually caring about him and to him he would be so blinded by rage that he would think Sand never truly cared or was in it for money even if deep down he knows how untrue that is.
So in regards to him doing something wrong in the last 3 eps I just hope it makes sense for his character (the dad deal does) and isn’t the writers trying to throw in drama that I think isn’t needed or doesn’t make sense. If he sleeps with Boeing in the present like I and others have said I can see it being after their apartment fight because of him feeling a lot of high emotions since like I said he is emotionally driven a lot of the times even if he is level headed most of the time. I just need it to make sense if they go with Sand sleeping with someone else and them not doing it in a way that doesn’t make sense to me or is just for more drama.
With sandray being endgame or not I completely agree with First I don’t think they could be just friends. If they tried it would either destroy them or end with them just back in bed together lol….
But like you said them not being endgame would mean they would just never be in contact with each other again which is just…..I guess in a way realistic but also just not something I want to see. Yes maybe it is just that Ray will remember Sand as someone that was in his life he appreciates for being there and helping him on his road to recovery and that’s what their relationship meant in the end and for Sand he thinks of Ray as someone he hopes is doing well but I just wouldn’t be satisfied with that personally. I know there’s a whole bunch of people especially on here that don’t want them together or don’t think they could work and fair enough but that’s not me.
I will say I do think there’s a high chance we get a positive open ending for them that’s them starting over. Possibly in a time jump?
I agree with all of this, especially your point about how Sand is emotionally driven. I think one of the most important parts of this show is characters realizing that they’re in the wrong. Like you said, Sand has been atoning for what he did in Ep6 for the past three episodes. I don’t think Sand has ever had any intention of hurting Mew; in fact, he probably thinks Mew is the most put-together person in this whole friend group. But Ray is his weakness, as we’ve been shown multiple times before.
Also agree that a Sand/Boeing hookup in the present has the potential to be played up for dramatics instead of making sense for Sand’s character. But with how bitter Sand seems to be about that whole situation, I just still have a hard time picturing that it will come to pass. It’s very likely I’m so resistant to it because of my own biases and hopes for the story, but it still feels like Boeing is more involved in TopMew’s storyline anyway.
I think Sand and Ray can work, but Ray obviously has a lot of individual work to do. I don’t think Ray has to have completed rehab in order for them to be together. That’s like saying no one can be with anybody who has any sort of mental health issue until they get it all sorted out. Which just…isn’t (and shouldn’t be) how it works. Sand is very aware of Ray’s issues, but I think he’ll be made even more aware of them next episode; I imagine he’ll go into full caretaker mode. First has also made a point of mentioning Sand’s patience, and I think that’ll come into play most with Ray’s alcoholism.
So it won’t be the perfect relationship for SandRay (but is any relationship really perfect?). But so long as they are committed to each other and offer support to one another, I think it’s very likely they’ll end up in a happy place.
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taigertea · 1 year
spoilers for the new additional 6 pages of Tiger and Bunny 2 (which you can access through this post (big thanks to TLF and @tnbdirectory), i wrote a less coherent rant about this on twitter but like omg
I believe now this is the 3rd (?) time Barnaby has explicitly shown/said he wants to be with Kotetsu, with it being of his own volition
(The three times I can think of 1. when Barnaby comes out of retirement with Kotetsu end of S1 2. episode 21 of S2, in cour 2 when he wants to be partners with Kotetsu for the last time 3. the new TL'd 6 pages for post S2 ending where he really makes it clear he wants to support Kotetsu by Kotetsu's side, without any snark about it, just really requests that he stay and help even when Kotetsu tells him he doesn't need to stick around)
(I don't really count the elevator scene from S2 ep 18 and the final scene from The Rising because though it's obvious to the audience what Barnaby is thinking, I don't think it's clear enough for Kotetsu to REALLY get it. Though you could debate more with the elevator scene, I'm open to conversation lol.)
But I'm just pulling my hair out at how Kotetsu still just really wants what's best for Barnaby, when he looks at Barnaby's bangle it's feels like he's just about to say something along the lines of "can you really be here?" when he could be doing something "more important" or actual hero work.
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But Barnaby doesn't even dignify Kotetsu's attempt to push him away just giving that line (that makes me insane) of how he wants to be Kotetsu's support. Also just the way Barnaby KNEW what Kotetsu was going to say.
It's so wild that it's like a mini version of their Rising situation, but this shows how far they've come. Like Barnaby does not stay silent here. I'm sure he remembers how that went down, and at least this time Kotetsu asks Barnaby instead of making the executive decision to leave him in the dust on his own. Barnaby's just so honest here? No bullshit, little snark, just here it is, all on the table. It does make me wonder if the past couple months not working with Kotetsu has made him not want to not cloak things as much and say it straight. Though this might have been something even spurred on as early as S2 ep 21 when there was real risk of their partnership being over, after his super ernest confession.
But this made me think, Barnaby's made it pretty clear to Kotetsu he wants to be partners, even in non-hero situations, but it made me realize that I don't think Kotetsu has ever reciprocated verbally? Not because Barnaby isn't important to him or that he doesn't want partners, but more because of how Kotetsu views himself as a burden/problem to Barnaby? And also because I don't think Kotetsu's love language is really through words (though I think it's important that Barnaby DOES show love through words occasionally without snark, because Kotetsu's a pretty insecure and dense guy, he needs it spelled out for him plainly).
Like Kotetsu seems more to me as an act of service love language guy, which we've seen (and @abluescarfonwaston has made a great post about here). Which makes sense how he reacts in seeing him being a potential problem for Barnaby and trying to remove himself as the problem. Which would be great... if that actually wasn't causing MORE of a problem in Barnaby's life (in that Kotetsu's not a problem at all AND PLEASE STAY FFS).
The big moments that indicate Kotetsu appreciates his partnership with Barnaby directly are basically just in ep24 of S1. Every other time he's just kinda... gone with the flow? Like it's usually Barnaby initiating or asking Kotetsu, except in the elevator scene which was a question and not really an affirmation. WE as the audience can see how clearly Kotetsu adores Barnaby, but I wonder how it comes off to Barnaby in the show when he can't see how torn up Kotetsu gets at the thought of or actually having lost Barnaby as a partner (Rising and hospitalization).
And yes, we see they can "know what each other is thinking without saying anything" but I don't think that's 24/7, as shown by a couple moments throughout S2.
Despite being the more "tsun" one, Barnaby has been more explicit and straightforward about what he wants from Kotetsu (Kotetsu in his life, whatever form it may take).
Which makes me wonder, man would Barnaby just snap, like all the safeties are off, and just kiss Kotetsu if he ever explicitly told him that he wants Barnaby in his life? The other option is acting tsun but I think the previous option would be infinitely more fun.
also bonus thing I noticed:
Barnaby says "WHY" for the word game and Kotetsu asks if he couldn't choose another word. Barnaby refuses, but the next thing Kotetsu says is "YOU" which works out in this situation lol (dunno if this is a English TL version only thing but thought it was funny how it worked out)
also wondering why Barnaby was so stuck on keeping "WHY" 😆
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
Eclipse in progress part 2
Okay so I've only seen two more episodes and I kind of had in my head I'd watch till the end of 8 before writing anymore because I have the time but episode 7 just one two suckerpunched my feelings so I need to go regulate.
For the record while I'm a sucker for crying I get WAY MORE OVERWHELMED when things are bitter sweet and this episode is whoooooooaaaaaa
@wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @grapejuicegay also @thegalwhorants I'm basically gonna @ you cause you interacted with my eclipse stuff, let me know if you'd rather I didn't
So some thoughts
I had forgotten about Namo he could also have stolen the diary and I think logistically this makes mroe sense because he is in a different year level so not expected to be in class BUT where did he get the key? Whereas Thua being class president potentially gives him key acces idk and I still feel like there's more layers
We still really haven't gotten background on anyone which is why I wasn't going to post yet so my theories havent changed much except
Did both Ayan and his uncle have a necklace? I'm really unsure about whether or not Ayan legit saw his suicide or has just vividally imagined it but n the dreams they're both wearing it whereas I had previously assumed Ayan was wearing his uncles necklace.
Namo also seems to genuinely believe in the curse so where did this rumour come from, I don't feel like it's NEW, did Akk hear it and just capitalise on it? or has someone else being doing this in the past? Is it passed down from the head prefect
also Khan and Wat are prefects were they indoctrinatinated by candelight??
1984 stuff was WAY LESS SUBTLE than I was expecting when Akk first found that book
Ayan convincing Akk he needs to 'tell the truth' and Akk being woried about his family and his reputation is obviously legit but also feels like a coming out metaphor ngl
Khan thinking Ayan is playing with Akk and Thua but gently confronting it rather than getting jealous made me appreciate him even more
ALSO THE POWER DYNAMICS in the framing of Ayan and Neo’s convo on the stairs, Neo is SO MUCH HIGHER and yet from the loew position Ayan managed to be confident and understanding.
The three prefects convo was interesting when you consider the queer metaphor of the fact that Wat (so far) ISNT queer and is the one most openly empathetic to the protests, because he doesn't have the same personal stake as our gay boys
I want to know what wanna-be-prefect Nom and Aye think of the three prefects clearly non-prefect behaviour.
FUCK Firsts Goofy Smile is nearly as good as his doe eyes
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Akk is way to relatable help me
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god they're so proud this is gonna hurt
As a person who silently cries VERY SIMILARLY to Ayan (and just Khao in general because he cried like this on TC as well) I feel VERY SEEN by the way his tears just fall
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I spent way to long examining the order of the boys and realising that Aye and Namo had swapped places
and that arguably you're more vulnerable when you're sleeping
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the interchanging eye opening
they both think each other was asleep
he's never really sleeping is one of my FAVOURITE tropes for forwarding a relationship and they doube whammied it but this one was CRAZY BECAUSE ITS NOT GOING TO FORWARD IT
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I have taken way to many screenshots and I can't believe episode 6 was a dream kiss and then episode 7 left us hanging but I'm still stopping for a bit. Have a few more moments that punched me in the gut
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bye for now.
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot on prime rewatch: 1x6 the flame of tar valon (part 1)
spoilers through the end of season one of the wheel of time. I will do a reblog of this soon after I post it, with additional book-related spoilers. This is only for the first half of the episode, because my brain was getting overwhelmed with the idea of doing all of it, so I broke it in half. It splits right around the 30min mark.
1. We open this episode with BABY SIUAN (and Tear). I love the set design for the Sanche house and that Siuan is sleeping in a hammock. The relationship between Siuan and her dad (Berden, the subtitles say) is very sweet as well. I love all the fishing-related terms of conversation used here as well (so true to Siuan in the books lol). We learn that her dad does fully know that she can channel but that they have a rule that she doesn’t do it in sight of the village. “A wise woman knows the breaking point of her line”.
2. We have been slowly building up “what people think about Aes Sedai” over the course of the season -- there’s some wariness in the Two Rivers, the Whitecloaks call them witches and actively hunt and kill them, when Moiraine was capsizing the ferry the ferryman said that the Whitecloaks “were right” about Aes Sedai, Thom expressed over concern over Aes Sedai potentially targeting Mat in episode four, and now we get the Sanche house being burned down because someone saw that baby!Siuan could channel. We also get our first deliberate Dragon’s Fang drawn on someone’s property, illustrated rather than verbally explained.
3. They’ve been found out, so Berden sends Siuan off to Tar Valon with their boat and some advice - practice her network manually, don’t solely rely on the Power. She asks when she can come home and he answers, “When it’s safe in Tear for girls like you.” This scene grips my heart. He loves his daughter and is so proud of her! And he sends her away both to keep her safe but also so that she is able to reach her full potential. “daughter of the river, clever as a pike, strong as the tides.” <3 And we get some very important information here that Tear is NOT a safe place to channel/be Aes Sedai. Love the music here too.
4. The episode proper starts with Siuan Being Announced and the intense look in Moiraine’s eyes. We get to see everyone dressed up in their fancy wear! I love how we can see all the different cultures’ fashions reflected in the different clothing choices. They’re all formal but in different ways. Siuan’s entrance is VERY majestic and I love the Seat itself. Love the big overhead shot that pulls back and back to show us how tall the Tower is. I have to admit, I understand zero (0) of the aesthetic-based critique of this show, because I just think it looks SO gorgeous. What about any of this looks cheap? I am baffled, I swear.
5. Notes about the Sisters! Okay, they are arranged like so, clockwise out from the Amyrlin Seat - Red Ajah, an ajah we don’t know yet, Yellow Ajah, Blue Ajah, two more that we haven’t been introduced to yet, ending on Green. We can see that each set of Sisters comes in three but the middle seat for the Green Ajah is empty (was Kerene a Sitter?). This is the first time that show-only viewers would get to see all the different types of Ajah. The framing here on Moiraine is so good because though she has her current companions (Liandrin & Alanna) framing her in the foreground, she’s framed by two of the Blue Sisters in the background. The visual depth! What we’re being told about the characters simply via blocking! I feel like part of the reason that the Ajahs are in the order around the room that they are is so that we can have that great blocking with Moiraine.
6. I love how overwhelmed Moiraine looks to be facing Siuan. On a first watch, it can be read just the way the other Aes Sedai are reading it but Once You Know, then it’s just so much more delicious.
7. Haha, the stole is kinda odd -- I think in the books it’s more like a big scarf or something? idk fashion don’t judge me. It’s very pastel here. But her fancy clothes are so fancy! It’s such a good contrast for what we will see her wearing later on in the episode.
8. The first event of the episode is Logain being brought in for Siuan’s judgement. (and here is where my rewatch paused for several weeks as my brain tried to tell me that I needed to be Very Thoughtful and Very Incisive when that is not, in fact, actually a requirement for rewatching episodes of TV. So from this point on in the rewatch, I am trying to be less hard on myself! The problem is that I do find the episodes very rich and there’s a lot to talk about... and then I’ve accidentally overwhelmed myself lol)
9. After Logain is brought in, Siuan has his chains removed because, “gentled as he is, he poses no threat” which I imagine only made everything sting even more for Logain, tbh. He’s not even a threat anymore. Still, Siuan starts into what I assume are the traditional forms of the trial, asking Logain if he knows why he’s here. Logain goes on the (verbal) attack, telling Siuan that the world is beginning to see the Aes Sedai as weak, the further you are from the Tower. In addition to the acting (which is great), I also really like this section because we do some closer shots on all the Sitters, which is great for pausing and checking out their outfits and vibes. We have at least another couple of Aes Sedai wearing pants, which I still find exciting. I do think (though I would have to check the wiki to be sure) that the show shook up the composition of the Sitters to make them less weighted towards Andorans and that we get a wider set of cultural backgrounds.
10. Logain is, of course, also trying to incite Siuan into killing him so that he doesn’t have to live with being gentled. Siuan does realize what he’s trying to do and tells him that he is going to have to live out a long life. Interestingly, she seems to believe that the madness will continue to progress. I’m not sure if we know one way or another from the books? Logain tried to get under Siuan’s skin and make her react publicly and failed, while she DOES succeed in getting to him and he begs her to kill him. Though he’s definitely emotionally vulnerable in a way that she is not, given that he’s been gentled.
11. After Logain has been judged, it is now time to judge Liandrin, Alanna, and Moiraine for their extrajudicial gentling of Logain (as the three strongest channelers among the surviving Aes Sedai). Here, Siuan takes a stand for the law and for holding to a certain standard when in times of fighting/war, while Liandrin argues, essentially, that there are no rules in war. Because Logain killed one of their companions, he deserved harsher consequences than their rules more normally allow, she argues.
12. When Siuan says that, as the person in charge, Liandrin must face the consequences for her decision, Liandrin then goes in for a major distraction tactic - she throws Moiraine under the bus to get the attention off of what Liandrin did in breaking the rules and trying to get everyone to focus onto the fact that, omg, Moiraine has a secret, everyone! Come and learn about Moiraine’s secret that she should have told the rest of the class about! And, in doing so, she throws Nynaeve out for the wolves as well, by letting all the Sitters know that a very powerful potential is currently in the Tower and not a novice. Also, Liandrin calls Moiraine “Sis” here which I find DELIGHTFUL and HILARIOUS and I want more.
13. Siuan continues to do a good job at not getting distracted away from her purpose, just as she did when Logain tried to rattle her, and asks Liandrin what the point of her tangent is. Unfortunately, Liandrin was prepared for this too and she has an entire speech -- directed at the Sitters and not at the Amrylin -- about how Moiraine is a loose cannon who needs to be taken back under the firm hand of the White Tower. And Liandrin is able to twist the situation into being such that Siuan HAS to ask Moiraine her purpose in order not to be accused of overly favoring the Blue Ajah. And Moiraine has to say that she is unwilling to say, because she can’t actually be honest about what she’s doing because it’s such a delicate situation (and, right now, complicated by the fact that she lost all four potential Dragons and hasn’t found them again). So Liandrin is able to take a situation where the main punishment was firmly directed at her, the person who exacted “battlefield justice” on Logain, and instead redirect that punishment towards Moiraine. And she’s able to do that because she breaks the social norms of the Tower --  gentling Logain and saying that she believes Siuan still sympathizes with the Blue Ajah over the others are both examples of this same kind of behavior, though different in degree.
14. In general, the politics in this episode just- light my brain on fire, I really loved them. We also get a helpful timeline drop, in finding out that Moiraine last left the Tower two years ago. There’s also a great interplay between Moiraine and Siuan here (of course) as they try to communicate between the lines even as they’re re-inforcing the general belief in the Tower that they have had a falling out (by the line of attack Siuan uses, I think they implied they’re ‘falling out’ was over class-related differences, about Moiraine using her family name against Siuan at some point). I do love how we can see the Sitters react to Moiraine’s noble rank being brought up. Like, you kinda get the feeling that the Moiraine-Siuan breakup was basically like the White Tower’s soap opera. Also! This seems like an early hint from Rafe & co that we will possibly get more focus on Moiraine’s relatives and her connection to them, since we also got that line about her being from a ‘fallen house’ earlier in the season. But, yeah, Liandrin was able to swerve the punishment from being focused on her to being focused on Moiraine.
15. After the meeting ends, Alanna recommends to Moiraine that she publicly apologize to Siuan to soothe her anger, and Moiraine says it’s pointless. Also, one of Alanna’s Warders is Right There to hand her a post-judgement fruit. What a great boyfriend/husband/bodyguard. Lan is right there too but where is Moiraine’s post-judgement fruit? She does not get one!
16. Liandrin has already hooked back up with her Mean Girls Clique of fellow Reds. Moiraine and Siuan HAVE definitely fooled Liandrin with their playacting, tho, which was probably a relief for Moiraine to realise. Liandrin does NOT know her anywhere near as well as she thinks. SO intrigued by Liandrin calling her ‘old friend’. Love me some implied history.
17. And now we are out in the city of Tar Valon! Moiraine is taking tea on a lovely circular stone balcony. Very pretty. I love the flooring and how it looks classic and weathered. The stools are neat too, and the shape of the tables. And I like how her dress drapes along the floor. And the lanterns! It’s just very pretty to me and pleases my sense of aesthetics. We see, over her shoulder, that she Has Discovered where Rand and Mat are, as we see Nynaeve and Loial leaving the room. Ah, the detail of the vines creeping up the wall of the window! That’s so pretty! Love the open air vibe of the balconies and it implies a lot about the normal climate of Tar Valon too. Anyway, now that Nynaeve and Loial have left (and Lan confirms this by coming in -- presumably he’s the one who tracked Nynaeve to the room originally as well), Moiraine and Lan head over to collect a pair of wayward potential dragons. Lan has already been able to get a sense of how badly Mat is doing as well.
18. Ah, this is the moment that made me start shipping Cauthor and just brought a whole new dimension to my understanding of Wheel of Time! Rand doesn’t know how to channel (and is in denial that he even can) and doesn’t know how to use a sword, but he tells Moiraine and Lan that he won’t let them hurt Mat. He doesn’t have any clue what he’s doing! Moiraine and Lan can (and do) handle him like a kitten at this point! But he TRIES because Mat matters to him and so he’s going to try to protect him, even if he has the protection power of wet cardboard at the moment. So, of course, I was just hilariously gutted when Mat stayed behind at the end of the episode. I’d only just started shipping it! (luckily, Rand would manage to provide plenty of additional material in episode 7, bless him). And Mat’s exasperated fondness over Rand’s ineffective protectiveness here kinda sealed the deal. He also knows that it’s useless and pointless, but it matters to him that Rand tried anyway (even when he’s deep in his most paranoid mindset! It matters to him and he notices it!). This sort of dynamic is exactly why I tend to ship Friends-to-Lovers more than any other kind of ship.
19. Moiraine and Lan are definite Bosses in this scene, but I am too busy having stars in my eyes over how completely useless Rand is, lol. I just love it so much. This is my catnip. This is my kryptonite. Rafe Judkins reached into my soul and plucked out cauthor and put it on screen. And I didn’t even know I wanted it! And now here it is!
20. Moiraine and Mat are actually united here on agreeing that Mat Cauthon would make for a terrible Dragon Reborn, but then when Mat draws the dagger on her, she realizes that it’s not the madness affecting him but the taint of Shadar Logoth instead and we get a very cool (and icky) scene of her drawing it out of him (temporarily? permanently? I guess we’ll find out in S2). I think the show did a really good job showing us why Mat would have such a low opinion of his own character and also showing us that that’s not who he is. Oh, I am going to miss Barney as Mat. Looking forward to seeing what Donal does, but wow, Barney was fantastic in this role.
21. Rand looks very angelic and also a bit like a confused sheep, in the shot after Mat has had the corruption drawn out of him. Love the way the light is coming through the windows here. Gorgeous. And we can see that doing that for Mat took a LOT out of Moiraine, really drained her. We have this great moment of connection between Rand and Moiraine, because of what he saw her do for Mat. Back when she healed his dad, it was in the wake of their home being attacked and Rand learning that he was... adopted, kinda, so he was not in a receptive place towards Moiraine. He’s more receptive now to looking at things from her perspective and giving her the benefit of the doubt, because he was able to see her struggle with this and to risk herself to help Mat. Rand’s very sincere ‘thank you’ to Moiraine here is really nice, and it feels earned.
22. I do find it fascinating how Rand and Moiraine are STILL talking past each other, even in this scene where Rand is being genuinely grateful. Rand personalizes what Moiraine did -- she took on that evil for Mat -- but for Moiraine it’s greater good based -- she would have done it for any of her potential dragons, because wow it would SUCK for the world if the Dragon Reborn was corrupted by Shadar Logoth. Moiraine is Big Picture here and Rand is still very Small Picture. Rand does also check with Moiraine that if all that was Mat being affected by the dagger, then he isn’t... but Moiraine still says that she doesn’t know. “He’s stronger than he has any right to be. If he weren’t, that dagger would have consumed him weeks ago,” she notes about Mat, post-dagger, and it makes her think that Mat still might be the Dragon. I am 100% on the “Rand was unintentionally healing Mat with the Power during their journey” bandwagon for the show version. It just Makes Sense, and it lines up with the story Nynaeve told about Egwene ~getting better~ from her bone-breaking disease (which she attributed to Egwene being strong but, of course, while Egwene IS strong, Nynaeve also most likely healed her with the Power). She warns Rand to keep a careful watch on Mat, because if he touches the dagger again, “he might be lost forever”.
23. When Nynaeve and Loial return, Moiraine briefly shames Nynaeve for being too prideful to ask for help. So, uh, that relationship is going well.
24. I love this show’s use of non-sexual nudity. The whole scene in the bath-house is great; we get to see Moiraine relaxing while she chats with Maigan. Also, Moiraine trying to avoid the Tower as much as possible. Maigan gives us some tantalizing future plot hooks -- “Ships are disappearing off the West Coast; “Aiel have been spotted this side of the Spine”. Maigan asks Moiraine if she knows how Trollocs got to the Two Rivers undetected but Moiraine doesn’t have an answer. Maigan says that she might go west to track the disappearing ships. Oh, dear. Anyway, Maigan plans to try to convince Siuan to forgive Moiraine, and Maigan wants Moiraine to stay in the Tower on a more permanent basis while she’s gone. Obviously, this goes hard against Moiraine’s own plans.
25. Moiraine is now alerted that her other two potential dragons have been found! She has the whole set. Much like poor Mat was a wreck, poor Perrin is a wreck, but the Yellow Ajah Aes Sedai are healing him. So, Moiraine has contacts among the Yellow Aes Sedai who gave her info here. Hmmm.
26. Egwene shows Moiraine the rings that she took from Valda and tells her that Valda isn’t going to hurt any more Sisters. Oh. Oh, honey. Pretty sure you didn’t kill him. You stabbed him in the shoulder, bb. Love you tho. Egwene tells Moiraine about Perrin’s eyes going golden and Moiraine compares the color to a wolves’ eyes, so Egwene tells her about the wolves attacking the Whitecloaks and Perrin not being afraid about them. Egwene asks if the eyes could mean that Perrin is the Dragon, and Moiraine is basically *shrug emoji*. Moiraine must be so relieved to have Egwene back tbh. Egwene listens to her so much more easily than any of the rest of the Two Rivers’ folk. Also! Loved how green the Yellow Ajah’s healing room is. But it’s another change that... okay, the rest is going in the spoiler reblog.
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papabearbobbynash · 1 year
9-1-1: Season 6 Death Theme.
So did anyone even thought about why this season is focusing so much on death?"
I mean, it's not something that started with season 6B. The show is beating on this theme quite strongly since the beginning of season actually.
We had in 6A:
6x02: The guy at the happiness convention dying and this had an impact on Buck
6x03: Tanya's murder being solved Bobby's first dead body of the season
6x06: Karen also had a death experience too as her heart stopped and Hen had to do compressions
6x09: Wendall's death Bobby's second experience with a dead body in the season
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Then in S6B:
6x10: Buck's death experience as he got hit by a lightning Bobby's third and hopefully last experience with a dead body in this season
6x11: Buck's respiratory distress once he learned that Bobby was dead (Coma Dream)
6x13: Denny's worry for Nathaniel as he was bothered neither Hen or Karen ever thought on the possibility Nathaniel could die after the car accident
6x14: Chimney's struggle with leadership having roots on Kevin's death
6x14: Ravi mentioning he is haunted he couldn't save one of the kids and what bothered him the most was that he was thinking the dad didn't deserve to be saved
6x15: Eddie and Chris having a picnic in the cemetery as they visit Shannon's grave
6x15: A funeral going wrong.
6x15: A Death doula.
6x15: Domenic guy faking his death and then actually dying.
6x15: The death of the lady who's the funeral was being done.
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With that pointed and very obvious, why is death so strong in this season? What are the writers intention here?
I saw someone on Reddit worried this might mean a MCD is coming, specially for Chim (because it's confirmed he will get heavily injured), Eddie (because of the ominous signals his scenes had lately together with Chris) and Bobby (because he was setting Chimney as leader almost like it was preparing the audience)
Particularly, I don't think the writers have balls to kill anyone of the main cast also they're no allowed. If an actor ever wanted to leave, I believe the writers would probably chose the "retire", "leave voluntarily" or at maximum "character is incapacitated of doing his duties" routes before killing their character. They did that with Marcanthonee Reis (Harry Grant) who suddenly is not around and they came up with the excuse he is living with Michael, who btw, is still mentioned from times to times, even though Rockmond Dunbar left the show due not following vaccine protocols and then sued. They had plenty of opportunities to kill off someone and didn't.
Also I believe the build up of these events makes it unlikely any character death:
In Eddie's case, he just recovered from a trauma, so it wouldn't make sense to give him another trauma, what also includes not putting Chris in severe danger (that would be traumatic not only for Chris, but for Eddie too), so the ominous tones of their scenes most likely are a foreshadow to a relative death (even because the latest episode was focusing slightly in his grief for Shannon).
In Chimney's case the writers just set up a Madney marriage potential, they wouldn't do that only to kill him off, so it's not likely they have intention at all, this might serve as the "I almost lost you, life is too short" realization to kick both of them (mostly Maddie, as the one insecure about it) to actually marry.
In Bobby's case, if we think about it, in this season he basically opened way for three characters path on leadership. He pointed Hen to be interim captain while he was on Florida, He reassured Buck that he was great leader potential and could turn out into a great captain with some really needed personal growth at first and last but not less important, he gave a kick on Chimney to overcome his inner fear of leading. Bobby's actions might be more about him being a good leader (as he incentive his subordinates growth) than a sign he is leaving, even because he already had a major story line this season (putting him almost on a safe place together with Buck who just died).
With that said, I have to yet figure out why are the writers focusing so much on death in this season that was supposed to be season sex fun and playful.
Any guesses on why?
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cf56 · 1 year
My thoughts on episode 6
SPOILERS for season 3, episode 6 of the Animaniacs reboot
My goodness, this episode was a well-needed pick-me-up! I loved everything about it!
Watching this episode will greatly reduce my potential of being spoiled further, since this is where like 70% of the unmarked spoiler screenshots I've seen come from. People just love posting their out-of-context Warner abominations.
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Even from the first moment I saw it, I thought the mini tongue Wakko was kind of cute.
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And Yakko heeling his siblings, just like it's supposed to be! I loved the twist of them actually being kind of friendly, just needing an older brother to keep them in check. That's what the Warners should be about.
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LOOK AT THE TINY WAKKO HEAD! *melts of cuteness*
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And a clever way for them to come back, with the mention of jelly donuts.
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Great cold opening. The alien Warners are cute in a terrifying kind of way. But that could also describe the regular Warners just as well, couldn't it?
Let me talk about all of Murder Pals right now.
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The first segment had me dying laughing because of how random it was and how it just happened in like 20 seconds. I liked the unobtrusive randomness of all three segments. And the animation.
Groundmouse Day Again was very good. I was genuinely engrossed in the entire plot, which, I'll be honest, doesn't usually happen for me with Pinky and the Brain segments.
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I laughed pretty hard when Brain pulled out the calculations for how much wood a woodchuck can chuck. It's definitely a joke that's been done before in other media, but it was such an unexpected trope breaker that Brain would respond to Pinky's "I think so, Brain" with an actual, serious explanation. And just the fact that he also cared about this and already had the calculations put together. A rare moment where Pinky and The Brain are genuinely on the same page.
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I had a good chuckle when The Brain went through 20,000,000 attempts to take over the US, and then said he just had to do the same thing for every other country. Say what you will, but the guy is dedicated.
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I like how this episode broke down Brain's desire to rule the world. He gets the one thing he wanted, over and over again, but he can't enjoy the benefits. He gets so good at it that he succeeds every time. It just looses all meaning for him, and I believe that's what led to him valuing Pinky more as a friend by the end of the segment.
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Although I do wish they had built up to this moment more directly throughout the episode to make it feel more earned.
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I thought the thing Brain would need to do to break the loop might be valuing Pinky's friendship or getting a kiss from him or something. It turns out that was indirectly the case, as focusing on Pinky allowed him to uncover the true cause of the time loop, which he would have found right away if he just bothered to participate in Pinky's nighttime routine.
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It does seem like Brain should now be well-equipped to take over the world for real outside of the time loop, but I guess most of his plans were time-dependent and had to take place at certain moments on that day to work.
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It was an entertaining segment.
And now, my favorite segment of the episode. One of my favorite Animaniacs segments of all time. I had been looking forward to "The Island of Dr. Warneau" since the previews, and this one actually met and far exceeded my expectations.
I like that Wakko's first reaction to being hit with a coconut is to ram the tree with his own head.
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Hatless boy
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Ratto, Saffo, and Ditto were SUPER CUTE! I know the point was that they're off-brand Warners who are probably supposed to contrast with the regular Warners in a negative way, but I don't care. Hearing the Warner voices be so mild-mannered and cute melted my heart. Hearing them sound so timid in regards to their "brother" also broke my heart.
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I liked that the Warners were genuinely nice to them despite probably feeling distaste over their opposite personalities.
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"Yep, and get revenge on anybody who hurts your family." Now THAT'S more like the Warners I know.
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I LOVED that Yakko keeps a picture of Scratchy in his wallet, and he seemed embarrassed when asked the reason, and the reason is never explained, so it probably does mean what I think it means! He really does care!
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And Wakko, of course, has a special love for Scratchansniff and so keeps many pictures of him on-hand. Or, on-belly.
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You know I love seeing some Warner history/lore being directly touched on. This is all very accurate to how it actually went down, right down to the detail of Scratchansniff having hair and ripping it out once the Warners showed up.
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Imagine fleeing to an island to obsessively make nicer copies of the creatures you think ruined your life, and then those very same original creatures happen to randomly show up on your island because they got flung off a whale watching ship.
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I thought it was clever how Yakko got out of the situation by mimicking Ratto's voice.
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I loved seeing the Warners and pseudo-Warners unite as a family at the end!
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I was terrified that there'd be some twist right at the very end that the Warners would just leave them on the island and reject them as true family, but I'm so very happy they didn't actually do that. Such a heartwarming ending!
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The Warners actually killed Scratchy's brother! At least he'll have a valid reason to hate them now.
This segment was so much more than I was expecting. I thought it would just be a parody segment with Scratchansniff standing in as the in-story villain. But, no. It was actually directly connected to the Warners' real backstory and weaved really nicely into their history. I never expected that out of this segment or any segment in the reboot. I'm super pleased with it.
I have no idea how this episode can exist in the same season as episode 8. I don't want to bring in the negativity of yesterday, but I just have to say how much of a shame it is that this season has so much good in it, but I will always have a hard time looking back on it completely positively because of that one moment. You can call that unfair, and it is, but I really can't understate the impact that episode had on me, and I can't ignore my genuine emotions. I don't know how they could make so much genuinely good Warner content and then sour it all with that. It shows that they do understand the characters, but only sometimes? How does that work?
My one major complaint with this episode is, once again, no musical numbers. I've seen 7 out of 10 of the episodes in this season, and in those I've only seen, I think, 2 songs from the Warners. I know the three episodes I haven't watched all have major songs in them, but that's still unacceptable for Animaniacs. Music is such an important part of the spirit of this show, and when there's a truly good song in an episode, it really brightens my mood and leaves me happy singing it over and over again in my head. Last season did so well mixing in great songs on history and geography and science, just like the original did, but season 3 hasn't really done that at all. Did they just forget? I think it's part of why the mood of this season as a whole feels off to me. They should be making use of these legendary voice actors while they have them.
It's going to be hard for me to decide between episode 3 and episode 6 for the top spot in my ranking of episodes for the season so far. Episode 3 had a fantastic song, which episode 6 lacks, and probably better humor. Episode 6 has a more memorable Pinky and the Brain segment, and they really went for my heart by giving us a healthy dose of Warner lore, and some really fun and wholesome moments with the sibs. I think episode 6 just edges out episode 3 for me, but it's a really hard call.
My current ranking of season 3 episodes:
Episode 6
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
Episode 5
I really encourage you to add to the discussion of this episode if you want, but don't say anything about any of the episodes that come after. Thanks for caring about my thoughts on things!
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Yeet the Wakko
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construingseacats · 8 months
Umireread: Legend of the Golden Witch - Chapter 10: The Six Chosen by the Key   
Sun, Oct 5 1986 - 6:00AM
The following contains spoilers for the entirety of Umineko. Please do not read if you are yet to finish it.
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I’m so excited for this chapter, you have no idea.
Extremely funny mental image of Yasu going to Natsuhi’s room, seeing the charm, then deciding “well if she’s off the table then I’m killing that asshole who gave me night duty while he did his crossword”. Of course, she probably had to kill Gohda to help avoid any incriminating testimony from her changing her assigned position last night, but it’s still funny to think about.
Since the rest are the adults, it’s easy to think about Gohda being an odd one out and the obvious replacement for Natsuhi, but given the above I wonder who the unfortunate backup was. Maybe Rosa? Or potentially one of either Rudolf or Kyrie, originally intending to only kill one of the adults per pair?
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I love how Genji goes “Sorry. The Telephones are down” then “By the way Gohda is missing”, and completely neglects to mention that Natsuhi’s door is coated in bloodstains. Just leave the most obvious detail as something for her to find out for herself, you know.
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“Natsuhi had a pretty good idea” is SUCH a funny line. Not even concerned by the horror movie trope, she already suspects which family member did it. I wonder who her mind immediately jumps to - although let’s be real, it’s probably Eva.
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Eva tries to check on Kinzo and Natsuhi immediately shoots her down. It’s really funny how blatant the cover up is. Like, you’re unlikely to question it, since we keep getting fantasy scenes of Kinzo in his study, but it sure is there if you go looking for it.
Speaking of - the moment we see Kinzo in the office here, we’ve accounted for 17 of our 18 (with 5 known missing). Good game Shannon, we have our six chosen by the key.
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Natsuhi, alone in the study, worries about how much Eva is going to tear into her, and then immediately makes up a pep talk to make herself feel good. I’m telling you, these study scenes are a goldmine.
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Yeah, Eva absolutely would have been the one to leave bloody scratch marks all over Natsuhi’s door.
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Here we go
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…Okay, you can have that one. Saying it’s a sigh of relief right as they uncover the bodies is very cheeky, but the irony balances out how tense the scene is. It’s a breather for the reader as well.
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We actually get a breather with the kids as well. Final moments of innocent Battler caught on tape.
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Chills. Full chills.
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And here it is. 
Allow me to indulge for a moment.
When I was a kid, my first anime was The Haruhi of Melancholy Suzumiya. I watched it through low-resolution fansubs that had been posted on a YouTube that was still in its youth, with each episode awkwardly split into three parts since you couldn’t upload videos longer than ten minutes. I probably watched that at an age that was slightly too young for it, but as a kid who only knew the world of animation through the veneer of kids cartoons and Matt Groening shows (except maybe that one time I watched Spirited Away when I was 5 - which also left a stark impression on me), it really opened my eyes to a world of new media that I hadn’t even conceived of before. I really wanted to see what else there was.
Anyway, my second anime was Higurashi no naku koro ni.
If I was slightly too young for Haruhi, I was definitely too young for Higurashi. But that was part of the appeal, I suppose - the prepubescent desire to cast away the shackles of childhood and prove your maturity. That you’ve grown up. I legitimately remember 10 or 11 year old me showing a friend the scene of Rika stabbing herself in the head while going “look at what I’m watching now! Look how mature I am!” - admittedly, this was to a friend who had allegedly already seen all manner of films rated 15 or 18, so it arguably would have been relatively tame to them, and boasting about your maturity is undoubtedly the most immature thing a person can do.
While the initial appeal there was that Higurashi was “mature”, it was still really interesting. There was good intrigue there, the plot had me hooked, and from start to finish it was a really good piece of media. I’m pretty sure my younger self saw the scene where the sound of gunshots are covered up by fireworks at the local festival and thought it was the smartest plot point in any piece of media ever. Anyway, a short while later, I heard that there was going to be a sequel anime to Higurashi - a new show, called Umineko.
Now, I had a fine time with the Umineko anime. I would have been 12-13 as it was airing - still eager to consume media I was too young for - and, with no bar for quality, I enjoyed it. There was cool gore! The mystery was exciting! The red truth was such a neat concept and the witch fights were badass! Sure, it may not have had as much of a lasting impact on me as Higurashi, but it was still good, right?
Well, it wasn’t good. In fact, pretty much all the anime reviews I saw for it were negative. There were still a few fools like myself who had enjoyed it, but there was one thing I kept seeing - a sentiment that was effectively universal. A simple statement.
“The Visual Novel is so much better.”
I held onto those words for a few years.
I don’t know what the instigator for it was, but somewhere down the line, I decided to act on it. I bought the original japanese version of Episodes 1-4 and 5-8 through what I believe was the old Witch Hunt site - quite possibly one of the dodgiest deals I’ve ever made, as anyone who procured Umineko back in the old days can attest to - and applied the fanmade english patch. The PS3 sprite mod looked so much better than the original sprites, so I installed that as well. And, 10 years ago, I started playing.
It was… fine. I wasn’t a huge fan of how the text covered the whole screen, rather than appearing in text boxes, like it did in the other VNs I’d played. I say that as if I’d actually played any VN other than Katawa Shoujo at that time. But, I remembered liking Umineko, so I pressed on. I pressed on through the boring introductions, through the boring discussions of the inheritance, waiting to get to the cool parts where Beatrice showed up and the magic fights started happening.
But then, we got to this scene.
There I was, sitting with my laptop on holiday, with my cheap earphones plugged in, as the cousins approached the gardening shed. As the adults told them not to get any closer. As they did so anyway.
What followed is some of the most unrelentingly raw reactions to a visceral scene like this that I’d ever seen in any piece of media, ever. This wasn’t the dulled impact that the anime had hit me with - this was a full, unfiltered, uncensored dive into the immutable affliction of being human. They’ve got no faces - you could feel Battler’s unmitigated despair oozing from it all. These weren’t just characters reacting to a scene in a book. This was something more.
This was the moment that I fell in love with Umineko.
Perhaps I gave too much background to that statement - perhaps I’ve fallen afoot of the same criticisms I levied against the earlier parts of the tale for not getting to the point quicker. But that is the play-by-play of how, 10 years ago, this scene went straight for the jugular and bled me dry. This is where I knew I wasn’t just reading another version of that anime I’d seen the years prior, I was reading something special.
I would be remiss to say this is entirely down to the writing - a lot of this is also heavily driven by the blaring tones of goldenslaughterer. If Umineko was simply a series of 8 books, it wouldn’t have had the same effect on me as it has done for the past decade. If this scene wasn’t equipped with one of the most perfect aural accompaniments imaginable, I don’t think it would have stuck with me as much as it did. But the palpable emotion dripping from each word - the killer performances from each of the VAs (Jessica’s screams are INCREDIBLE) - and the musical storytelling doing just as much heavy lifting as the writing is… it’s an inimitable experience. This is what everyone was telling me that I was missing out on back in the halcyon days of 2009. They were right.
Perhaps it was for the best that I did give it those few extra years, so that I could truly appreciate the masterwork being crafted before me. I can’t imagine even beginning to comprehend the themes or the mystery of this tale at age 13, when I scarcely did so at 17. But regardless of the what ifs, this is the path that led me to what I consider, with no exaggeration, a pivotal moment in my life. It’s hard to describe the emotions that were stirred as I approached this scene for the reread - if I had to approximate it, then it would be unbound excitement mixed with trepidation, a great interest in re-experiencing such an important scene tempered by a fear that it may not have been as good as I remembered.
Of course, it wasn’t going to hit me in the exact same way that it did the first time round - you cannot recreate the sensation of a sucker punch when you know that it’s coming. But I can say, with certainty, that this scene was just as good as I remembered. That it still hit all the points that made me fall in love with the story originally.
I cannot wait to keep reading the rest.
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Honestly, after what I’ve just said (and my feelings at large), it feels sacreligious to stop and dissect this scene. It’s something you want to just let play out, to absorb the experience - part of me wants to just skip straight to the end.
But still, I’d feel remiss not to mention Nanjo’s acting here - he goes into doctor mode and then realises “wait, I need to be more emotional” before dropping it immediately. One of those moments that doesn’t arouse suspicion on a first read but feels super blatant afterwards.
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In for a penny, in for a pound. Hideyoshi looks and sounds so pained having to perpetuate the crucial lie over here. You can really feel the thoughts running through his head of “do I expose it? Is it worth it?”
AND THEN WE GET HIT WITH WORLD END. I cannot stress how much music matters to me and accentuates the experience; a sound novel utilised to the full extent of the medium can truly produce a story that no traditional paper novel ever can.
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Phenomenal work from the VA here - they clearly got the memo that this is a panicked “no” of not wanting the lie to be unveiled, rather than one of sincere desire to protect George. Again, you can still interpret it as the latter, so you’re unlikely to pick it up on a first read, but absolutely there on the reread.
There’s an incredible parallel made here of George holding onto Shannon’s smile, while Battler is doomed to remember the gored faces of his parents. Not only is this great by itself, it’s yet another example of fantasy versus reality, with George being able to hold onto happy memories by being ignorant to the truth (even if that truth isn’t a real truth in this case).
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“Proved beyond doubt”, the narrative says, about the one body that we should doubt.
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No commentary - this is just a great line and I wanted to highlight it.
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And so all the associates chime in to cover it up.
I feel like it’s fairly easy to miss how well Eva is taking the whole thing in this scene. Everyone else is traumatised, and she’s holding up remarkably well.
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Interesting how it’s the associates setting up the howdunnit as well! I suppose Yasu wants to make sure that element isn’t missed by the would-be detectives.
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And so Umineko tells you to your face that this is the story about a serial killer who wants to be discovered. I suppose there’s already elements of that in the letter to solve the Epitaph, but it’s really made explicit here.
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I’m still riding the high of the first twilight. I’m not sure if there’s any other scene in Umineko that I’ll gush about to that extent, but I know there’s plenty of moments yet to come that won’t fail to blow me away.
I know it’s integral to the story, and it wouldn’t work otherwise, but I do have to say that the howdunnit hook adds so much to Umineko that wouldn’t be there otherwise. Some of my fondest memories from the first readthrough was trying to figure out how it was all done (without ever considering the scenes that were lying to us, oops). I’m really looking forward to going through that all again, with the lens of love.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 113
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And now we come to the best part of the whole series. 
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The opening of this episode is just the last few minutes of the previous episode, with Caulifla rescuing Goku just so she can fight him herself.  So let me jump to the new part.
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Caulifla’s had a chance to recover her strength since she and Kale beat all those Pride Troopers a while back, and now she wants to take on Goku, but not just because he’s an opponent.  Goku’s the one who showed her how to become a Super Saiyan 2, and he told her about Super Saiyan 3, so she needs him to show her how to reach that form.  With Cabba and Hit eliminated, Universe 6 is counting on her now, and she can’t wait around to figure out SSJ3 later.  She needs to get stronger immediately. 
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And Goku agrees to help her, but he can’t transform himself because he’s still worn down from fighting Jiren.  He assures Caulifla that he’ll catch up later, but he’s ready to fight her in base form.
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So I fucking love this whole fight, because it’s a side of Goku we don’t get to see much of.  Vegeta bonding with Cabba isn’t very special to me, because they’re Saiyans who lived their whole lives among other Saiyans.  It’s nothing special to them.  But for Goku, it’s rare to see him socializing with other Saiyans like this, without Vegeta being involved.  So it’s awesome to see him mentoring two younger Saiyans like this who aren’t his kids.  And so Goku can be this Saiyan version of what Master Roshi is on Earth: an older guy who understands how this stuff works.  I mean, he’s taught people before, but he had the whole “alien warrior from the stars thing” on the side. 
And this is a big deal for Caulifla, because she and the other U6 Saiyans never had the Super Saiyan Legend to inspire them.  My take on these three is that they’re the strongest Saiyans of their universe, probably at least as strong as base form Goku was in Resurrection F.  Remember, Cabba and Vegeta fought evenly in the Destroyer Tournament before Vegeta asked him to transform.  So they’re plenty strong in their own right, but they’ve been missing this important piece of the puzzle, and now, at last, Caulifla can get her own instruction from the Legendary Super Saiyan himself, Goku.
In a perfect world, where Planet Vegeta wasn’t destroyed and Goku could have risen to his true potential and liberated his people from Frieza, this could have been his life.  Teaching other Saiyans how to achieve his transformation, and how to go even further.  I don’t think that’s something Goku has ever considered, and he might not even want such a thing.  The life of a Saiyan messiah probably sounds boring to him.  But I think about it a lot, and here, just this once, he gets a taste of that kind of thing.  And he seems to be having a good time, even if it wasn’t his idea.
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As for the fight itself, the story here is that Caulifla can’t beat Goku, even though she’s fighting as SSJ2 and Goku’s still in base form.  Whis explains it simply: Goku’s a skilled martial artist, and so he can use those skills and experience to out-finesse Caulifla’s brawling. 
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To her credit, she does manage to hit him a few times, but Goku can still stymie her with old gimcracks like the Afterimage Technique.  Caulifla accuses him of playing tricks, but Goku warns her that if she can’t handle things like Afterimages, then she’s going to have a hard time getting to SSJ3. 
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So she tries again, and gradually, Caulifla starts to adapt to Goku’s fighting style. 
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This sort of puts lie to what Whis said about Caulifla being a mere street brawler, but so what?  She learns quickly.  Goku didn’t expect her to master SSJ2 so quickly, and here we are.  That’s why he’s taken an interest in her. 
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Soon enough, Caulifla has closed the gap, and she warns Goku that he’d better transform soon or he’ll be outmatched.  Goku obliges.
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Super Saiyan 2 Goku fgighting Super Saiyan 2 Caulifla.  2 Super 2 Saiyan.  You love to see it. 
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So this puts some more pressure on Caulifla, so she whips out her signature ki blast, the Crusher Cannon.   Goku’s surprised to see that she has a move like that in her arsenal, and he’s suitably impressed.
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Look at this guy.  He’s great.
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Oh, wow, this episode’s only halfway through?  This is how you can tell it rules.  So much happens and we’ve still got a lot of cool shit left to cover.
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So these two just put on a clinic.  I love this fight so much.  He’s like a papa tiger teaching his baby tigers how to hunt.  Caulifla starts to get accustomed to fighting at this level, and Kale’s on the sidelines enjoying how much her gal is loving all of this.
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So Goku invites Kale to join them, and Caulifla’s totally on board.  They can learn Super Saiyan 3 together.  Kale’s reluctant at first, but she can’t say no to the idea of fighting side-by-side with her true love. 
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So hell yeah, Kale is on board for this.  Goku’s like “Okay, girls, start beating the crap out of me!”
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Around here, the gods in the U7 camp start to question the wisdom of Goku fighting two Super Saiyans at the same time when he still hasn’t gotten his strength back.  Krillin’s like “Sirs, have you even watched this show before?”
Seriously, Goku’s literally getting his power back as he fights.  It’s beautiful. The problem the gods have is that they can’t see past the Saiyans’ team affiliations.  Beerus doesn’t want Goku to get doubled-teamed by U6, and Champa doesn’t want Caulifla and Kale to get hustled by U7.  What they fail to understand is that all three fighters get something out of this, so everyone wins. 
Vegeta could explain it to them, but he’s busy and they wouldn’t listen to him anyway.  But you’ll listen, so I’ll explain it to you. Is winning this tournament their only goal?  They should all be thinking about the next tournament, and whatever else follows.  If you’re Champa, you should be thinking about how cool it’ll be to roll up for the next competition with three Super Saiyan Blues on the team.  And if you’re Beerus, you should be thinking that Goku’s a fucking miracle, because he got his ass kicked a few minutes ago, and he’s already getting back in the groove while he fights.  Instead of constantly questioning the Saiyans and insulting them for their ways, maybe they should appreciate their talents. 
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So the girls start to pressure Goku, and then they bring out their heavy artillery: The POWER OF CHRISTMAS.  Crusher Cannon plus that Green Shit. 
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And Goku can hold it off, but he’s gonna need a little something extra to get out of this spot, which was kind of the point of this battle.  Because how are you going to advance beyond Super Saiyan 2 power unless you fight at a Super Saiyan 2 level?
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Of course, this is Dragon Ball Super, so we don’t have the cool music for this, but I think our live band can accommodate us...
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Caulifla and Kale are blown away. 
“That’s metal as fuck!”
“Honestly, I was just going along with this to be supportive, but yeah, this is cool as hell!”
“I love you, Kale.”
“I love you too.”
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Of course, Goku’s still not in the proper shape to maintain the form, so he drops back to SSJ2.  But at least the girls got to see it.  Satisfied, they plan to beat Goku and reach that level on their own. 
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But this gets Kale all amped up herself, so she tries to do her own epic transformation...
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And now we’ve got full-on Berzerker Kale in this fight.
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And Goku sure ain’t complaining.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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episode 6, here we go again... lmao i literally... had this post open, was writing up my final thoughts and my cat jumped up on my laptop and i fuckin lost everything. no ctrl-z to help me i have no idea what happened gdi lmao
so i will try to remember what it was i wrote initially
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cowardly belmeria winston. i do wish she'd received some punishment for being literally in charge of human experimentation at peil. i'm so glad prospera uses her guilt against her
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so like this is the line that made everyone go what the fuckkkkkk right? assuming they werent speedwatching and just ignored the fact suletta is 17 and belmeria is referring to the vanadis incident here
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all the double take lines in this show are so amazing. like yea this doenst mean anything on first watch because of course suletta is her daugher but hohoho
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honestly love the idea that suletta went to earth house for comfort after they found out what happened with el4n and his unknown (to them) 180 towards suletta. and part of that group of people comforting suletta includes miorine even if she does have to be all tsundere about it
i do wonder how angry she must have been that el4n was a dick to suletta though. imagine if shes playing her little shooty game on her phone to blow off steam here just like she did in ep 2 in the bathroom
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random note: once chuchu calms down a few episodes back, miorine just is a staple at earth house just like suletta
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god fuck you tumblr for ruining my og post. i had written a whole thing about this frame and how i appreciated that gwitch never let miscommunication/misunderstanding tropes get in the way of anything (i know some people would argue otherwise because of the break up arc but i dont agree with them).
miorine couldve stayed quiet about this but she brings it up so suletta knows it doesnt only concern her. theyre a team.
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also like how even though shes a little socially awkward goober, she knows el4n's about face is weird and doesnt make sense and pretty much immediately begins questioning if there was anything she might have done
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we never really got to find out much about el0n did we? like what does he do? does he still learn the school things that el4n and his predecessors would have presumably been learning at asticassia? where does even come from? iirc we only learn about the whole peil AI used to pick the next ceo but where does the selection pool come from?
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i really really hope that by this point in the story people werent still mean to suletta at school. she just sounds so fuckin dejected over her potential new friend turning on her so suddenly that it's hard not to imagine that people would pretend to be nice and then just make fun of her like those 3 girls did in episode 1
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our tsundere bride won't be having any of that though
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bless you nika for calling out this dumbassery
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interesting to think about how shaddiq is the only one of the big three guys that doesn't just project their weird insecurities on suletta. both guel and el4n immediately think that her genuine honest-to-goodness kindness is some sort of backhandedness
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this got me thinking back on sophie basically saying the same thing to suletta during their fight. and yea, makes sense considering sophie and whoever el4n originally was are part of the oppresed class in this universe
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she was probably freaking out a little bit just like the rest of earth house right here huh?
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i've seen enough posts calling the permet score gay thing an asspull but if we go back to this episode, it's literally the same thing but on a smaller scale since aerial hadnt even hit permet score 6 here yet
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all of us where el4n when this happened
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i can't really do this scene justice because when the replichildren silhouettes are on screen its only one at a time, but i just love how it transitions out from the silhouettes to the gund bits with their laugh as the only thing we hear
its weird and confusing on first watch but man is it great once you know whats up
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smug bride
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how did people deny the eri/aerial theory?????
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i know this is kinda played up for laughs because it isnt really until you rewatch that you realize that miorine's definitely smitten with suletta at this point. but i'm glad nika exists for being the sole person who saw past miorine's cold facade and noticed it too
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i'm also happy zeonic is translating the light novels in full now instead of the LN only chapters because everything ive read up on about LN2 regarding this whole el4n arc sounds so good. yeah she was jealous as hell, but here she is being supportive while mistakenly thinking this is a romantic interest
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such a fucked up callback lmao
i can't believe there were people who outright refused to watch the prologue. imagine just missing the emotional gut punch this scene is supposed to mean without that context
also god fuck belmeria for trying to argue with the peil hags over keeping el4n alive after failing. you know what you were getting yourself into. you shouldn't have done it at all in the first place
right so, i hope i managed to write up more or less what i had originally written before losing my post
episode 6 definitely marks a turning point for the series i think where we finally start leaving behind the slice of life school stuff we've been seeing and all the mysteries begin to pile up reminding you that the beginning of this whole story was a tragedy
excited for episode 7 because miorine rembran girlbossing is just great
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miredinmiddleearth · 2 years
Rings of Power, Ep. 3 Review
*Detailed rant ahead*
The madness continues. Buckle up. Here are my thoughts for episode three.
1. Good grief, Galadriel’s hair only gets worse. It’s like they’re mocking me.
2. It’s weirdly jarring to see Galadriel eager for food. So non elf-like. This is the same race that nibbles lembas, yes? 
Absolutely nothing separates the men from the elves in this show. In appearance, in mannerisms, or in wisdom, and that’s just criminally lazy.
3. Elendil!!! I could listen to this man talk all episode. Just scrap everything else. Sit this guy down and have him read The Silmarillion.
4. Numenor is really awesome. See? I can give compliments.
5. Oh BOY that council room scene. Whole section just for that:
ONE: I am so lost why an entire government would put everything on hold to interrogate two castaways. 
TWO: The scene where Galadriel introduces herself fills me with RAGE. Throughout the episode, Galadriel keeps talking about how impressive she is and how much more she knows than anyone else. NONE of her actions speak to this, and in a person of true nobility, actions are EVERYTHING. 
Compare to how Aragorn gets introduced. He NEVER introduces himself, not even as Strider. Others say his name, and awe follows. Heck, same with movie Galadriel. Her name is whispered with reverence and myth whirls around her like mist. But RoP Galadriel? Apparently the woman thousands of years older than literally everybody in the room has to list her resume in the clunkiest way possible (again, defining her own importance in relation to MEN). When I tell you how poorly this show is written, this is what I mean. Compare it to anything competent, and it falls ridiculously short. 
THREE: I hope Halbrand is Sauron, because I do like the way they are setting him up as a charmer and potential manipulator. Though it’s annoying he has to be a voice of reason when two women apparently can’t talk things out rationally.
FOUR: “I would sooner knee-cap a stallion.” What does that mean?!?!?! 
FIVE: Umm, what self-respecting military man as smart as Elendil would let himself be hugged by a random guy he picked up on the open water? And Halbrand is going to steal and return the dagger in front of all those people?!
SIX: Why is Galadriel always in a rush? In a time of relative peace, she can’t even wait three days?! When are elves ever in a rush to do anything?!
6. The scene that introduces Isildur does absolutely nothing but show us Isildur knows how to pull a rope.
7. Elendil’s voice is still beautiful.
8. “The sea is always right.” A motto that’s setting up for when Numenor gets swallowed into the sea, I assume. My problem is, it just sounds dumb.
9. Water drinking scene takes sooooooooo long. 
10. Oh no. Don’t kill THAT elf who I only just remembered we’ve actually met before. And he gets a choir to sing him into death? What about this feels earned?!
11. WHY DOES GALADRIEL TALK LIKE AN ANGSTY TEENAGER?! WHY DOES A MORTAL MAN HAVE INFINITELY MORE GRAVITAS AND WISDOM THAN HER?! I don’t know if the actress just can’t do passionate without sounding like a YA heroine or if it’s the writing. I think it’s both.
Regardless, I love Elendil and I want to punch Galadriel in the face. 
12. Where did Halbrand get money? I do like how they are setting up his character.
13. Halbrand fight scene is brutal.
14. The mark of Sauron is idiotic. Drawing a rough sketch of Mordor on random objects? What the freak is the point?
15. Cotton clumps in the Harfoots’ hair? Weird choice.
16.  The stupid “past is dead” line from the trailer is even dumber in the show. They’ve established Elendil as a man who values and honors the past. He knows how to speak Elven, he is an elf-friend, and he speaks up for old traditions. Then they give him this line? Writers, do you not see the contradiction in this?!
17. One: Impressive statue for a prison. Two: How is Galadriel allowed to wander down into the prison?
18. They better be setting Halbrand up to be Sauron, because if they’re trying to make him into this made-up knockoff Aragorn type, I am NOT here for it. 
19. Seriously, I do not understand Harfoot culture. They are all about community and sticking together. But they are also about if someone falls behind, screw them. They fall behind and we leave them. WHAT ABOUT THIS MAKES SENSE?! A guy has a hurt ankle. No one can help him? No one bands together to assist? This is so infuriatingly nonsensical, I’m going to go mad. 
20. Oh no. Don’t kill THAT elf whose name I never learned. (Side note: warg CGI was rough)
Okay, I am more intrigued. I have trouble looking away from this car crash. I’m curious what they’re going to do with Halbrand and this shadowy elf figure, and it might be enough to keep me going. Unless they return to more boring stuff. 
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