#Emiel Regis x Reader
wrr000 · 1 year
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cosmos-coma · 11 months
'Did you know..?"
A/N: A request/suggestion by the ever-lovely @beardedladyqueen! While Regis isn't really my thing personally I'm always more than happy to experiment with characters and see what makes people happy! I also realized while writing this that I... I'm just Reigs. I'm an herbalist who just loves to tell people fun facts and maybe falls a little in love when people use scientific names.
Pairing: Regis x Reader
Words: 727
Birds tweeted eloquently from above, their feather-light songs bouncing off each other and stitching themselves into a fantastic melody. The wind rustled through the delicate grass, tickling your arms as you cut another leaf off the little plant. The large umbrella of shade trees above provided a welcome respite from the wicked heat of the day as well as a comforting sense of protection as it watched over your dutiful work.
“Alright, thank you little plant, that's all…” you said with a quick smile as you stood back up and placed your fistful of leaves into an empty jar. Quietly your feet padded around the well-worn protrusions- headstones dappling the surrounding landscape- as you look for your next plant. Your fingers brushed against a particularly moss-covered wall as you made your way around a moss-covered mausoleum when you were nearly scared out of your own skin.
“Aah!” you exclaimed, jumping about a foot in the hair, your hands immediately clutching your chest as you spotted him, “oh- ah, wow… I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t know anybody else was here..” you explained as you looked over at the figure sitting before a long-gone campfire. He had dark gray hair pushed back and away from his face, matching sideburns that emphasized already prominent cheekbones, and tired eyes that you’re sure made him look far older than he really was. But you found it all rather endearing, he looked as if he spends all night carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, yet still seemed to hold the sunniest disposition.
“Oh, that’s quite alright.” the older man said, standing up from his fire to turn to you. “I wasn’t aware anyone frequented this area- oh, forgive my manners” he held his hand out to you, “I’m Regis… “ he said as he shook your hand.
You introduced yourself in turn with a gentle smile and a shake of his hand. “It's been a while since I've foraged here if I’m being honest, so I doubt I could lay much claim to it.” 
“Hmm, is that lily of the valley and… do I smell lemon balm?” The vampire inquired with curious excitement as your hands came close, now peeking over to look toward your herb-laden basket.
You chuckled with surprise and showed him your collection, “What an amazing nose you have..! Yes, I just gathered some before I came around the corner.”
Regis's lips pulled into a sheepish smile, knowing he was perhaps being a little too telling with his vampiric talents than he would have liked, “yes, well I-I think the scent must still be on your hands,” he said, straightening his posture a bit more, “I actually dabble a bit into herbalism as well… did you know that lemon balm can be used for anxiety, appetite, and even-” 
“-Insomnia,” you two said in unison, causing you both to pause before easy laughter filled the otherwise lonesome cemetery.
You grinned brightly as you shook your head, “Yes, actually that's what I’m gathering it for… I’ve been having absolutely dreadful sleep lately and was hoping Miss Melissa officinalis could help me out a bit with that”, you said with the slightest tinge of blush- no one ever wanted to talk plants with you before. Usually, people just listened for a bit to amuse you, but rarely did they ever want to bring it up again. Yet here this older man stood before you with an almost giddy smile that was barely hidden behind a veil of well-mannered resignation. 
Regis on the other hand thought his immortal heart might just burst out of his chest and onto the floor, then and there. A fellow herbal enthusiast and you can drop a scientific name into conversation like it's nothing? He couldn’t remember the last time he had smiled so broadly at something so seemingly small. 
“I- please, forgive me if this is too forward,” Regis started, nearly tripping over his seat as he stepped forward. He knew it was terribly unlike himself to be so clumsy, but for some reason, he just couldn’t seem to help it. “but would you mind if I accompanied you while you continue to forage?”
Your shy but determined smile captivated him like the first glimpse of morning light as you held your basket out to the love-struck vampire.
 “Only if you promise to carry the basket.”
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @madamemelancholysstuff @dark-academia-slut
Want to be on a Taglist? Did my brain slip and I forgot to tag you? DM me to let me know!
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 4 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons Bonus Chapter: the Lark's Broken Wings
Okay, so as I've said I would, we have a bonus chapter to focus on the Lady of Larks and her trauma. I'll admit I had to go to a pretty dark place to make this chapter a reality, it was not easy to write.
That being said, major content warning with mentions of PTSD and sexual assault and the trauma associated with that. If this makes you uncomfortable, hang in there, I have more chapters planned for the main story line (plus a couple more bonus chapters).
Also I as a writer recognize that r*pe related trauma is not a universal experience, and it affects people in different and varying ways. If you have been through a similar experience, know you are not alone.
The following story also takes place during the Baptism of Fire story line more or less.
Your pleas in your sleep along with your thrashing about in your sleep bag stirred some in the group who made camp for the night.
Among those was Geralt who was quick to get on his feet and approach you. The witcher was followed by Jaskier who took a few seconds more to realize what was happening.
Zoltan Chivay and Cahir were a little slower to wake, Zoltan rubbing his eyes, "what is going on now?" he asks, "are we under attack again?"
"No," was Milva's answer as she approached with concern, "it's happening again."
"Go away....get away..." you continue as your nightmares of the Rogue Prince continue to haunt you.
"(y/n)?" Geralt places a hand on your shoulder and tries to shake it in an attempt to wake you. "(y/n)! You're having a nightmare! Wake up! (y/n)!"
"GET AWAY!" you scream, eyes wide as you bolt up from where you laid. You broke out in cold sweat, panting hard like you had been running for your life. Considering what your nightmare consisted of, you might as well have.
"(y/n)-" Geralt tried to touch you again, but you slap his hand and back away from no one in particular, clearly still in panic mode and hyperventilating. "He's coming, he's coming for me. He's coming for me, he's coming for me..."
"(y/n), you were having a nightmare," Jaskier tries to reason but you didn't listen, only screaming and crying in response. "He's coming for me again."
Geralt and Jaskier only exchange concerned looks, completely at a loss of what to do. "What do we do?" Jaskier whispers to the witcher. "(y/n)," Geralt tries again in a soft voice, slowly approaching, staying at a certain distance to keep you from feeling like you were suffocating. "He's not coming for you again, (y/n)."
You feel your breath return to normal, looking around to see Geralt kneeling in front of you. To his left you see Jaskier and to the right you see Milva and Regis and the others in the group staring at you.
It was just a nightmare, you realize. You were not in King's Landing anymore. You were not being abused at the hands of Daemon Targaryen anymore...you didn't have Aemma in your arms anymore. You had escaped...but at the cost of losing your daughter in the process.
You felt the tears threaten to spill. You place your hand over your mouth to stop yourself from making any weeping sounds. "(y/n)," you hear Geralt say, empathy conveyed in his tone. You lean into Geralt, not caring about the scene you were probably causing before the company, "he took my daughter from me," you whisper as you sob incoherently into Geralt's shoulder, "My Aemma...my little girl." "I know...I know," Geralt rubs your back for comfort, sadness filling inside him for you, and the anger for the man who did this to you rising.
You stayed in Geralt's arms for a bit, willing to stay there all night, maybe forever. But then you saw the rest of the groups staring at you with looks of confusion and pity. You pull away. "What are you all looking at?" you ask, sniffling and wiping your eyes, "it was just a nightmare."
"It seemed more than that," Milva points out. "Well it was," you insist, "I'm fine, really." "Are you certain?" Cahir questions. "Yes, what does it matter to you? Why is he even still here?" you exasperate, "I thought we kicked him out. Aren't still mad at him because of Ciri?" "How about we don't change the subject?" Milva steps in. You lightly push her to the side, "I'm fine," you repeat, "I'm sorry I woke you all. I just want to go back to sleep."
You lay back on your sleep mat, turning around and curling your knees to your chest, trying to ignore the stares from everyone else in the camp. You were not a victim, you say to yourself- the things that happened to you in King's Landing at the hands of...that man did not change you or damage you in any way. All this, despite the fact this wasn't the first time those nightmares haunted your sleep, and it wasn't the first time said nightmares forced you to scream and wake up everyone around you.
After escaping the Lodge, you were reunited with Geralt and Jaskier, whom were just as relieved to see as the last time they saw you, you were at death's door and had disappeared seemingly in the middle of the night. You explained to them what had actually happened, that Yennefer took you to a secret place to save you with the  help of her fellow sorceresses.
At first Geralt had been furious that Yennefer would put you in the position you were in, and not trusting him enough to tell him her plan, but he was glad she did what needed to be done to save your life. You had yet to disclose that the remedy that saved your life also came at the expense of your fertility.
After the reunion, you had been introduced to the others that were part of the company: the vampire Regis, a dwarf Zoltan, Cahir, and a dryad named Milva. All four of them were somewhat familiar with who you were as the Lady of Larks, but didn't know the extent of the events you had endured as of recent.
The company was heading South towards Nilfgaard with the hopes of rescuing Ciri from the hands of the Emperor. You wanted to go back to Westeros to rescue Aemma, but with no mage to open a portal back to that place, it would take an army to lay siege to King's Landing just to save your daughter. It was a long shot, but maybe if you found a way to appeal to the Emperor's more empathetic nature, he might be able to help with that.  Again, you were not sure how that would work, but it was the only plan anyone had.
It was a long journey, and your bouts of panic attacks during the day, and the nightmares that followed weren't exactly helping the company, save for depriving them of a full night's sleep and slowing their trek when you needed to step away to calm yourself.
It was understandable they were all concerned, especially Geralt and Jaskier, but you still insisted you were alright, and this was temporary. It would all go away as soon as you got Aemma back, you convinced yourself to believe. Once she was back in your arms and away from her father, the nightmares would surely cease once and for all.
The following morning, the company departed at first light. You trailed behind for the majority of the trek, wanting to avoid eye contact with anyone in the group, and also with the hopes of avoiding answering any uncomfortable questions. Geralt was leading the group; today, it looked like he was able to cover more ground at a faster pace then he did yesterday. Since that day on Thanedd, when you were still in King's Landing, when that coup took place and Geralt suffered significant damage at the hands of the sorcerer Vilgefortz, the witcher has dealt with occasional bouts and flare ups that were associated with chronic pain. While he could put up with it most days, Geralt also had bad days. Even when Regis was kind enough to create a medicated balm to ease the pain, the witcher would still have days when the pain was too much, and he would either need to take it slow, or stop the trek altogether. You understood, and had no wish to push the man past what he was able to bare on those days. It was going to be a long journey anyway, what was a few extra days to stop and rest?
While you lagged behind, you found yourself lost in thought, thinking about your dream, specifically the part of the dream that wasn't a nightmare. When you heard Aemma crying in her room. You had walked in, seeing her in distress. You didn't know why, but you came to her side, picked her up in your arms, and sang her a soothing lullaby, which calmed her and had her falling asleep against your chest. You thought about how that dreamed reminded you of when you would do similar things with Aemma back in Dragonstone and King's Landing, when she was the one thing that kept you going during those dark times. She was what kept you fighting to survive so you and her could escape that terrible place. You escaped...and she was still behind.
You didn't want to think about how worried she was for you, not knowing where you were or if you were even coming back. Part of you had speculated the things her father was putting inside her head as of right now. What lies was Daemon concocting right now to fill inside your daughter's head. That you died? That you abandoned her? That someone came and took you from her? 
What if it was too late by the time you went back with the proper reinforcements? What if your daughter was so convinced by Daemon's lies, she would end up hating you?
You felt the tears build up, but you don't bother to stop them from spilling as no one in the front would see you crying. Or so you were hoping.
Milva looked behind to see your silent tears. She lagged now to be by your side. "Are you thinking about last night?" the dryad inquires. You shake your head and wipe your tears. "I wasn't thinking about last night," you assure. "Bullshit," Milva scoffs. "I don't want to talk about it," you huff. "Suit yourself," Milva concedes. The two of you walk side by side in awkward silence for a few brief moments before she spoke again, a little more empathy in her voice this time around.
"I used to have nightmares too, you know." You say nothing, continuing to walk in silence. "Most of them were of my stepfather," the dryad continues,  "The man he...well we didn't get along. Well I didn't get along with him, and he tried to get along with me a little too well. He would always unwanted advances towards me even though he was married to my mother. I was barely past adolescence around that time. Even after I stood up for myself and ran away after knocking him out with a rake, he still haunted me one way or another. I used to dream he was coming after me for revenge or something far worse." You turn your head to make eye contact with Milva. 
You didn't know too much about her, save for what little she has disclosed to the company so far; before becoming part of the dryads of Brokelin Forest, Milva was part of a family of hunters in Upper Sodden. Her father taught her everything she knew about the trade, and it was something she maintained well, having made her first kill when she was only 11. You knew her mother had remarried after her father died, and she ran away soon after, but this was the first time you understood why.   You didn't know how much Geralt had disclosed to the dryads when they first brought him to the forest to heal him with the waters of Brokelin Forest, but Milva remembered when Geralt insisted he needed to get to King's Landing to rescue from the family of dragon lords who ruled that place. She was under the impression they kept you in prison there. She was right, though it wasn't a prison like a dungeon. It was a gilded cage, one that seemed nice and luxurious on the outside, but on the inside it had turned into your personal hell.
"I'm sorry you went through that," you told her, meaning it, "but I fail to understand what this has to do with me." "I...I just thought it might help if you knew you are not alone in whatever it is you went through. Whoever it was that hurt you-" "Nobody hurt me!" you insist. Milva only gave a incredulous look in response, to which you took offense. "What you don't believe me?" "I'd have an easier time believing you if you weren't so defensive," Milva explains, "I used to get that way too. I tried to convince others around me, the other dryads, that my past didn't damage me. I would put up a front and act like I was not broken, not after I went through-" "I'm not you, Milva!" you interrupt her, the others up front pretend like they're not listening in.
"I'm sorry that you went through such horrible things, but that wasn't me. Yes, I was...in a less than ideal situation. I endured more shit in the last three years than I ever did in my whole life, I was...I was forced to do things I had no say in, sure that happened, and those things happen everyday. But I'm not damaged." "(y/n)-" "I'm not a victim, Milva," you insist, "I survived and I came out in one piece. Well, one piece was left behind, but I'm fine. I at least know my daughter is in a place where she can't be harmed for the time being. I'll be fine. I'll solider through till we get to Nilfgaard, rescue Ciri, and then rescue Aemma."
You stare daggers at the group, whom you knew were eavesdropping due to the fact they had slowed down, "and you all can stop pretending you were not listening in!" you shout. "(y/n), it was none of our intention to eavesdrop," Jaskier tries to intervene, running over to you, "we're just...you know, concerned."
"Why? Why all this concern?" you exasperate. "(y/n), you were held against your will on some foreign land with no allies or friends, except for your daughter. You were forbidden to leave and he-" You now stare daggers at your brother, almost daring him to finish his sentence, "he did what, Julian? HE did WHAT?"
At this point, the company all but stop moving. Jaskier could see in your eyes you were not going to acknowledge what happened to you anytime soon, and any further pushes would only lead to you clamping down on your unresolved trauma. You would only continue to keep it all in, even when it continue to bubble up to the surface, be it in the form of your nightmares or your daytime panic attacks. So your brother steps and concedes, "...nothing, little sister. Forgive me for doubting you being fine. I believe you."
You didn't believe him, but accepted his apology all the same.
The company continued their trek.
Jaskier walked up ahead to Geralt, "Geralt-" "I know," the witcher whispers to his friend. "She can't keep going like this," Jaskier insists, "if she doesn't let it out soon, it may end up destroying her before we even get to Nilfgaard." "She won't talk about it," Geralt points out. "She can't keep it in," Jaskier points back, "I know she keeps saying she's fine, but I know she's not. I saw that look in her eyes when I came for her in King's Landing. You saw that look too, Geralt, you know she was at the end of her limit."
Geralt had a sad look in his eye when he subtly turned to see you walking behind, putting on a brave face for anyone that would see you. 
The witcher recalled how after the two of you reunited, you would sleep next to him at nights, albeit with some space in between. You often would turn from him, curling up with your knees to your chest, hugging yourself in your sleep as if you were trying to protect yourself from whatever perceived dangers may be coming your way. He thought about the times when you and him shared a kiss, how quick you were to pull away so abruptly; there was even one time when you were making out which ended in you slapping him in misdirected anger, only for you to look at him in shock when you realized what you've done.  He would ask, but he never pressed when you simply answered it was nothing and you were fine. Not at all trying to repress your trauma.
Geralt could only speculate the things Daemon did to you. He already had some idea given the state you were in before the escape. It was telling in the way you flinched and backed off during any attempts you made to be intimate with him.
"Maybe there is a way she can process it...indirectly?" Geralt suggests for a solution?
Jaskier thinks on this, an idea dawning on him when he remembered a little activity you and him used to do years back before your time in Westeros.
--------later that evening-------------
"So...you want to collaborate on an epic?" you tilt your head a little in curiosity, yet feeling skeptical. "Yeah, why not?" Jaskier points out, "come on, little sister, we used to do this all the time, remember? We created some of our best ballads when we worked together, brother and sister, why try that to maybe create an epic this time?"
You were still hesitant, yet it did sound like a good idea. You and your brother had indeed done something like that many years back when the two of you were still socializing in the same circles, something you had been doing since before even meeting Geralt, when you and Jaskier would brainstorm together for coming up with new songs and ballads to perform in taverns and such.
It's been a while, but if it would help take your mind off certain things for just a little while then you were not complaining. "Okay," you nod, taking out a pen and paper, "we did compose some pretty amazing songs when we put our minds together. What do you think this epic should curtail?"
"Well," Jaskier begins the brainstorm, "I was maybe thinking of something along the lines of...a long journey, one filled with strife and struggle, one filled with pain, but it ends with something good, where the heroine in the story comes out of it on top." "Heroine?" you furrow your brows a bit, "interesting. Not many people think of women when they think epic of strife and struggle." "Well, maybe you could have an input on that," Jaskier suggests, "you are a woman after all." "Yeah...I am..." you say softly, taking some deep breaths as you put the pen to paper, trying to focus on some ideas.
It felt like forever as you struggle to come up with ideas. "Take your time, sis," Jaskier encourages, "there's no rush." "I know that," you say through gritted teeth, "I'm just...I can do this. I'm not sure how to feminize this epic." "I wasn't thinking of feminizing- well maybe a little. It's a heroine's struggle after all." "Heroine's struggle," you repeat absentmindedly, thinking of your own strife. The imprisonment, the abuse, the numerous assaults, the unwanted pregnancy that ended in a mutated miscarriage, the near death experience that followed, the physical cost that came to saving your life, the second imprisonment and the second escape that followed....
Everything else that happened in between. Having your daughter pried from your arms at the very last second just as you had tasted freedom once again. The idea that some time may very well pass before you ever see her again, the idea that you may lose seeing many major milestones in her life.
All this-and yet....you could not them into physical words. Why? Why was this not possible? You were able to channel your emotions and life experiences into your work before, why couldn't you do it now?
You feel your writing hand shake as your breaths became uneven- something that didn't go unnoticed by your brother.
"(y/n)? (y/n) are you alright? (y/n)?" Jaskier frantically questions, though you didn't hear him the first time around. "I...I can't do it," you say in a soft voice. "What?" "I can't do it," you say as your voice broke, a tear escaping your eye, wetting the paper. "You can't do what?" Jaskier asks. "I...I...I can't..." you shake your head and look up to see the concerned expression from your brother. "I'm sorry," you try to quickly assure, wiping your eyes, "I'm just exhausted. I should go to bed now." "(y/n), we only just begun, you can't just-" "I can and I will," you say rather snappy.
"(y/n), this is hardly like you to cut something like this so short," Jaskier brings up. "There's a first for everything," you say, trying to sound stoic, "I just need to sleep and it will come to me when I am ready."
"(y/n)-" "I'M FINE JASKIER!" you scream at the man, once again getting the attention of the company, "I know what you're trying to do, Julian, and it's not going to get me to admit anything." "What exactly would I even want you to admit," Jaskier exasperates, having reached his limits in patience, "(y/n), you can't keep this to yourself forever. You were imprisoned in King's Landing for three bloody years. You had your daughter ripped from your arms at the very last minutes, for gods SAKE (Y/N), the father of your child-" "Jaskier-" "He-" "don't. you. dare. finish that sentence-" "He's the reason you were in that situation in the first place, he assaulted you on more than one occasion, (y/n), and I know this, because I saw the effect it was having on you at the Red Keep even when you kept assuring everything was going to be alright in the end," Jaskier continues, "but it's not alright, is it, (y/n)? He hurt you in more ways than one and you can't admit the damaged he caused-"
"...what do you mean he took something physically from you...?" Jaskier asks, eyes slightly wide from that piece of information you unwittingly revealed.
Unable to hide anymore, the dam of tears broke, "I can't have anymore children, Julian," you finally confess, which got Geralt's attention right quick. "What do you mean?" "I...I...I was dying," you further confess in tears, "Yen- she- she took me to the Lodge of Sorceresses and- and they saved my life, but it came at the cost of my womb, the same womb that was already fucking damaged from that...mutation. He caused it. Dae...Aemma's father was the reason that even happened in the first place. He was hoping I would give him a son, and I would've. But now, I'll never have anymore children. Aemma is all I'll ever have, and she was ripped away from me. How much time must I lose before I see her again? What will I miss by the time I see her again? I'll never get to experience all those little milestones with anyone else, and now it seems I won't be able to experience those with her."
You look to see the pitiful looks once again, from Jaskier, from Geralt, and everyone else.
You couldn't stand it anymore.
Choking down more sob you turn and run, wanting for nothing more then solitude to process the grief you should have processed a long time ago.
More to be continued...
Bonus Masterlist
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Today's not your day, Dettlaff 🐺
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Read now! (5)
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witcher-fam · 2 years
Two higher vampires and a young human woman made for quite an unlikely pack, indeed - but you, Dettlaff, and Regis would have it no other way.
As fate would have it, it is that bond of friendship that may end up saving not only Beauclair, but also the two vampires themselves.
The story of how you, Dettlaff, and Regis forge an unbreakable bond of friendship and family - and how this bond is nurtured and tested over time.
Spoilers for "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", its "Blood and Wine DLC", "Regis Journey" in "GWENT: The Witcher Card Game", and "The Witcher" Books. 
Warnings: Injury, accidents, near-death experiences, and other content warnings found at the beginning of each chapter (more tags will be added as the story progresses).
Hi everyone! It slipped my mind to share the second chapter here on Tumblr (my bad!), but here it is now! I have a bit more schoolwork to take care of, but I'm working on the third chapter as we speak, and it'll hopefully be up soon! 😄
This is a reader-insert featuring Regis and Dettlaff. The relationship between the reader and both vampires is purely platonic, with a growing found family dynamic! 😄
I hope you all have a wonderful day!! 😄
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axiina · 7 months
Genshin Impact:
Bennett  (aged up only)
Fischl (aged up and platonic only)
Noelle  (aged up only(?))
Razor  (aged up only)
Chongyun  (aged up only)
Hu Tao
Xiangling  (aged up (?) and platonic)
Xingqiu  (aged up only)
Xinyan  (aged up only)
Arataki Itto
Kaedahara Kazuha
Kamisato Ayaka
Kamisato Ayato
Kujou Sara
Raiden Shogun
Sangonomiya Kokomi (platonic only)
Yae Miko
Yun Jin
Vander (platonic only)
Glamrock Freddy
Glamrock Chica 
Montgomery Gator
Roxanne Wolf
Vanessa (platonic only)
Michael Afton
(I can also write character x character)
Chrome ( A New Era)
Karenn ( A New Era)
Huang Chu
My Candy Love:
(high school era only)
Alexy (platonic only)
Rosalya (platonic only)
Final Fantasy VII:
(I can also write character x character)
Claud Strife
Tifa Lockhart
Aeris Gainsborough
Vinvent Valentine
Zack Fair
Rufus Shinra
Genesis Rhapsodos
Reno Sinclair
Karasuno (aged up, 18>):
Kōshi Sugawara
Yū Nishinoya
Tobio Kageyama
Shōyō Hinata
Kei Tsukishima
Tadashi Yamaguchi
Kiyoko Shimizu
Keishin Ukai
Tetsurō Kuroo
Yaku Morisuke
Kenma Kozume
Lev Haiba
Aoba Johsai:
Tōru Oikawa
Hajime Iwaizumi
Shigeru Yahaba
Yūtarō Kindaichi
Akira Kunimi
Kentarō Kyōtani
Kōtarō Bokuto
Keiji Akaashi
Akinori Konoha
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Eita Semi
Satori Tendō
Tsutomu Goshiki
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kenjirō Shirabu
Kiyoomi Sakusa
Shinsuke Kita
Atsumu Miya
Rintarō Suna
Osamu Miya
Tears of Themis:
Artem Wing
Vyn Richter
Marius Von Hagen
Luke Pearce
The Arcana:
The Witcher:
(I can also write character x character)
Geralt of Rivia (platonic only if x reader)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (platonic only if x reader)
Fringilla Vigo
Emiel Regis
Tissaia de Vries (platonic only)
Milva (sfw only)
Eredin Breacc Glas
Caranthir Ar-Feiniel
Vesemir (platonic)
Hunger Games:
Coriolanus Snow (young Coriolanus only)
Lucy Gray Baird (platonic only)
Sejanus Plinth
Tigris Snow
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Johanna Mason
Finnick Odair
Stardew Valley:
Baldur's Gate 3:
Gale Dekarios
! I do not write works with children characters/characters who are physically children !
I might have forgotten someone, so ask me if you are interested in a character and they are not on the list
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alder-saan · 1 year
I have been looking for someone that wrote for the witcher books as x reader for awhile, who are your favorite characters ( could be game characters to)
Great question, I really like them all. But I think I have some favourite.
Philippa/Filippa Eilhart
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(This is an official visual)
Lord I love her. Badass, lesbian, owl, all the story is literally because of her (I won't spoil for those who haven't read the books). In the games she is perfect, In the books too. I have hopes for the tv show... I wouldn't have choose Cassie Clare (tbf I wanted them to go further in the native theme, because she is so native coded in the games and a bit in the books, and to choose a native american/australian actress), but why not.
Anna Henrietta of Toussaint
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From the books a bit, but more from the games. Blood and Wine is an awesome dlc. Queen step on me. I like her sister a bit too. I love how this story is borderline coded. I wrote a fanfiction of her and a maid (being a higher vampire), but turned it into being a part of my original universe. I really love Toussaint in the game, very southern France alike, it's fun.
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Cerys An Craite
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(Artist : Nikivaszi)
Lord, Cerys... I am a whore for this woman. I want to be her property. Ciri x Cerys is so hot btw. She is the reason why I love the Skellig part so much in the witcher 3.
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzief Godefroy (Regis)
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(Artist : shalizeh)
I don't love him in a romantic way, but he is really cool. I think I prefer him in the books, but I also love him in the game (in which they erased a bit his feminism, pro-lgbt and pro-choice positions and that's why I prefer him in the books). I hope Pedro Pascal will be his actor in the tv show... Same here, I won't spoil, but let's say I relate a lot to his questions about the world.
This man is a greeflag.
Lydia Van Bredevoort
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(The artist isn't written on it, if I remember well it's an official visual but not sure...)
I like this sweetie pie (she is only a sweetie pie in the books... wtf Netflix I don't understand why did you do that). We don't see her a lot but... she is cute.
I love Yennefer too (more in the books than in the game btw, in the game I chose Triss), but I think these five really are my favourite. I really like Ciri. And of course, Geralt is really cool. I love his character, his development, his relationship with Yen and Ciri. Jaskier/Dandelion is cool too... But... eh... He cheated on Anna Henrietta so jail now. You can't cheat on her. She is perfect.
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mellomadness · 3 years
Chapter 4 of Portrait of a Killer is posted!! This one’s a longer one, so I hope you guys enjoy it <3
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crowleyellestair · 4 years
Witcher Masterlist
Also check out my page, I have a multitude of requests that can’t be hyperlinked!!
The Blame
Blurbs pt.1
Blurbs pt.2
The point
Gwent Pt.2
Hide ‘n Seek
Imagine Being Jaskier’s Destiny
Desperate Times Call For Stealing Outfits
Study of Expression- VDay Special
El Tango De Roxanne
Knuckles, Meet Teeth
Just Dealing
For A Swim
More Than OK
Fools In Love
Imagine Comfort
Lie To Me
Find Part 1 on my page
Find Part 2 on my page
Part 3
Sun and Moon
Another Morning
Drunken Confessions
Putting The Plan Into Action
Blurb 1
Geralt’s Problem Pt.2
Bonds Part 1
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Blood and Vengeance - Part 1
A/N: I've had this story saved in my drafts for a while now and i think about it every dang day so here it is! Finally!
Pairing: Dettlaff x Reader
Words: 1332
Summary: You answer an ad for a housekeeping job at the estate of the two new mysterious visitors in town, despite strange rumors circulating around town you know the pay makes it well worth it. However, when you arrive it seems to be part housekeeping and part "nanny" as you're tasked with getting the dark-brooding Dettlaff used to humans. surely this will go smoothly, right?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
Your town had always been a sleepy place as far as you could remember. Small markets, rarely any visitors, and relatively little commotion as far as you were concerned; but maybe that's what attracted the two mysterious men to your tiny town. 
Word of their arrival spread quickly and quietly through the streets of the town, warping the way all rumors do. Some said they just seemed like two standard rich men. One was pleasant, always carrying a bag of herbs and odd-smelling concoctions, and the other didn’t seem to like anyone and was strangely intense for such a quiet man. However, in no time those rumors faded out, instead replaced by speculation of criminal pasts, and fake identities- some even went so far as to swear they had seen them turn into bats when the veil of night fell.
Either direction the rumors went you found yourself growing more and more curious the longer you stared at the posted ad on the noticeboard. 
It said they were looking for a few workers; mostly gardeners and people to help renovate- neither of which you knew how to do well enough, but you did think you could settle into the housekeeping role well. It looked like it paid nicely and you’d get to have a room at the manor as well. It was bound to be long hours and being on call at a moment's notice, but soon enough you should be able to save up a small fortune and live your life quietly on your own time. 
You nodded, determined in your decision, and went straight there to apply, despite the way your nerves grew with each step. 
As you walked up to the estate It’s multiple levels loomed over you and blocked out the low-hanging sun. You pushed open the iron-wrought gate which creaked with age as you closed it behind you and walked through the freshly tilled gardens. The home had been worn by decades of neglect and paint flecked off in patches here and there revealing an older color underneath. 
“I guess they must’ve already found gardeners” you commented as you made your way up to the door. A deep breath steadied your nerves long enough to lift the heavy door knocker, clacking it against the old wood twice. 
It was quiet for a short while before the sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind the door as it was pulled open with ease by an older-looking gentleman. His hair and sideburns were a sooty gray and his eyes held bags beneath them that betrayed the exhaustion his pleasant smile tried to hide. “Ah, you must be here to apply for one of the posted jobs?” He held his hand out for you to shake. “Emiel Regis, it’s a pleasure.” 
You put on your best smile, shaking his hand as you introduced yourself, “Yes, um- I was hoping the housekeeping position was still open..?”
An amusing thought seemed to cross him as he glanced you over once more, barely noticeable if you weren’t watching. He nodded and ushered you in right away, into the darkened entryway. “Of course. Come in, come in- I might as well show you around if you're going to be working here,” he said, leading the way.
Two large staircases curved their way out and upward and met at the next level. Rugs lined each step and the hallway before you, worn to a small degree but mostly dulled with dirt, dust, and age. The wood lining the walls could use a layer of polish, but you were surprised to see what decent shape the interior was in. 
Mostly the interior just showed aging, from the dimmed dirty windows to the cobwebs in the corners. “You’ll have to pardon the mess while we get everything put back to its former glory. The house Is big, but please don’t let it become daunting to you. I-” He paused his steps and his words to listen to the quiet house for a moment before he continued. 
“Well if I have to be frank. This job is in part a regular housekeeping job, I assure you. But it is also because I would like to have someone to keep an eye on my dear friend Dettlaff.” He said, glancing back at you before he continued giving you a tour of the house. “I-I promise it’s nothing strange. Ah- but that probably only made it sound stranger, didn’t it?” 
“Very much so..” you replied, laughing lightly, but still holding your satchel close as you went from room to room. A few of the rooms were more finished than the others- the bedrooms and the kitchens for example- others seemed to be more of storage for extra materials. 
“I apologize… I had no intention of making you feel uncomfortable. It’s just- Well, how do I put this… Dettlaff is not good with people. At all.” Regis huffed in mild annoyance. Because Dettlaff was such a good friend, Regis could only acknowledge his shortcomings for what they were. Dangerous liabilities. “He feels far too much, but I think small introductions could be good for him; someone who can pepper him with how people work socially” He further explained, waving a hand of his with nails that were just a bit longer than normal. 
This was all starting to get a little bit weird… but you still couldn't deny this kind of pay, plus room and board. “So you want me to be a sort of… glorified nanny for your friend?” You asked, increasing your pace to step side by side with the older man.
“Well, when you put it like that…” he began to mumble, but you quickly interjected. 
“I’ll do it. When can I start?” you stepped in front of him and held out your hand to shake on it, causing the older man to stop short and raise his eyebrows in surprise.
“My, my… you certainly seem like a rather tenacious creature, don’t you? Though I think that could prove you well in dealing with him…” He smiled that friendly smile again and shook your hand. “If you’re up to it you can start tomorrow. I’ll create a list of daily duties and It’ll be waiting for you in the room we’ve set aside for you. We can discuss your pay after your first day, does that arrangement work for you miss Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with nothing but an earnest expression and kind eyes. 
You smiled as you nodded, hefting your bag further up on your shoulder as you were led back to the front door and seen off by the older man. 
You were quiet on your walk home, quickly scampering through the streets before the sun fully fell and the more malicious folks came out for the evening. As soon as the door clicked closed you shouted in excitement and did a little dance. You weren’t even a hundred percent sure where all the confidence had come from, but you didn’t care! A huge grin spread across your face as you breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, shit, I’ve got to get packing…” you thought aloud as you sprung yourself up and began pulling things together. For once you were thankful that you had only been renting in this little town. It felt like ages ago that you had walked away from your childhood home to try and make a life for yourself and for once it seemed to actually be working out. You didn’t have too much to pack up, mostly books, clothes, and a few little knickknacks you had picked up over the years, but each one held a small special place with you. 
A small smile painted on your expression as you put the last of your things away in a bag and gave the old place one last look around. 
Tomorrow would change the trajectory of the rest of your life for you, you could feel it. And you had never been more ready. 
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight (thought you might like to be tagged in this!)
Wanna be added to a certian taglist? DM me to Let me know!
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terato-onlyfangs · 4 years
Regis kissing headcanons
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Warnings: Mostly fluff, mentions that some kissing can be sexual but never dived into
Words count: 714
Regis would always be the first to wake up, which includes kissing you awake:
On your back, he'll kiss your forehead and sometimes your collarbone. A bit rarer, he'll kiss your stomach.
Sides he'll kiss up and down your arm and shoulders.
On your stomach, Regis would definitely kiss alongside your spine, sometimes just giving the back of your head kisses too. Sometimes he'll litter kisses on your shoulder and it's blades.
Where he likes to normally kiss you:
Now commonly what I see often for Regis is that he'll kiss your hand.
And frankly, I love that! However, I want to add on, in a complex way.
In a sign of trust, on both sides, since most people have a hard time trusting vampires, Regis would kiss your palms. Then your wrists where you can see the veins. Now you can easily slap him and in a way of testing trust, and Regis shows he wouldn't harm you even showing his self-control too.
Where to kiss Regis:
In public, he'll enjoy simple and soft kisses, if you two are strolling about. Regis would mind peaks to his lips and cheeks. Though prefers if you didn't do that in front of important discussions like business or a need for help.
But if it was some sort of party or a laid back friend get up, then he wouldn't mind much. Though he'll get flustered if you do it a lot.
By yourselves:
A time well spent!
He'll love kisses to his head or even lips when he's been studying or reading for a long time. Less so if he's brewing though, and can get agitated if you do it during his brewing or if you keep from his studies.
Regis loves you, but please give him space. He's a vampire but all individuals need space too. And if he gets agitated, which is his least favorite emotion, he'll just softly remind you he needs space. That he loves you and will be done sometime soon.
He'll make it up to you for sure though.
But 👏spoil👏Regis👏
Back to where to kiss him:
Nothing more does he love to do but to spoil you, but spoil him and he'll melt.
He loves being kissed on lazy days where both of you just want to chill. During that, just pepper him with kisses on thighs, hips, then to his collar bone and neck. Obviously, it doesn't have to be sexual. Oh and loves being pecked on the lips, the nose, his brows and forehead, even his ears.
A dominate or submissive kisser?:
Regis is a mix of both, and it depends on his mood too.
But he is a soft kisser.
Occasionally likes to nibble when in a more dominant mood.
How likely would Regis kiss you?:
I would say a decent amount, he'll kiss you more during the morning and lazy days.
Regis is sweet, ofc he'll kiss your scars. If the tome is right, he'll ask how you got them as he gives you a dusting of kisses or maybe during bath time.
What're his lips like:
Thin but gentle lips, they're not chapped but not incredibly soft.
How experienced is Regis?:
Silly question but he's quite experienced. Almost as if his kisses can tell a story on its own.
Does gender + race matter?:
If he's shipped with Dettloff and or Geralt AND in cannon, he had been with a succubus assist that case.
How much does kissing mean to Regis?:
To him, kissing is an odd concept when he thinks about it. Locking mouths to show love or to raise tension, it's something only humans and other races do- not animals unless it's tusk combat over mates. But people use kissing as a sign of love.
It's something, though it's not needed to show your love and be used as the only sign. Using that sign of love isn't love, is it? Just making it as love.
Yet it is a sweet and additive gesture. And it means a lot more when it's your lips gracing on his. He salvors it when he can, but keeps it at a distance. Love is one hell of a drug if done right.
So in all, it does mean a lot to Regis.
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
You: *on your period*
Regis: yummy time for sexy sauce 
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chizu-makes-art · 6 years
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"Him kissing the back of your hand quite often” 
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
Could I request a fic where the Witcher boys (and cahir) react to ready sleeping in random places instead of a bed or a bedroll.Like what their reaction would be :D
Thankss,hope you had a wonderful day
Wonderful good day,
I had another idea, I don't take the Witcher boys, because they don't really care, where they have to sleep. I take the small group consisting of Cahir, Jaskier, Regis and Geralt. Thanks for your request, I'm a little out of ideas at the moment.
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Characters: Cahir, Regis, Geralt, Jaskier
Warning: None
Words: 952
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"𝔰𝔥𝔲𝔱 𝔲𝔭 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔤𝔬 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔩𝔢𝔢𝔭!"
It was supposed to be a regular route, just going from one place to another, but with Jaskier, every journey was an adventure. He either fell down, sang or screamed, because something frightened him. This time, the small group of men took longer, and it was getting dark. "Jaskier, next time, just change into comfortable pants or go naked," said Regis evenly, Cahir looked up at him and grinned. "What are you thinking, Regis? That I, just walk around like a farmer? I'm a poet."
Geralt grunted and put more wood on the fire, which lit up the small square, where the men had stopped to wait for the next day. "No, of course not," said Regis, rolling his eyes. Jaskier looked around, his eyes locked on Cahir. "What?" Cahir asked without looking at him, out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Jaskier had a question on his lips. "Do you think we can't just keep walking?" - "No" said Geralt curtly and answering for Cahir, he got up and went to his horse to feed him an apple. Cahir grinned again, "We have to stay here for the night" Cahir said and continued carving his little piece of wood.
Jaskier looked around, with a disgusted expression. "But there's grass and dirt and small animals everywhere..." Regis got up and went to a nearby tree to sit down. "Just say...." he said curtly, and lay down on the ground. Jaskier looked at him, for a long time, before returning his gaze to Cahir. "But...but I forgot my Bedroll last time." Cahir raised an eyebrow and for the first time, he looked at Jaskier, the lights from the campfire dancing around his face. "And what do you think I should do now?" Cahir was already annoyed, and then he saw Jaskier's gaze wandering over to his Bedroll.
"Out of the question," he said shortly, pointing the sharpened stick at Jaskier. "But... But I hurt my back, this morning," Jaskier said, putting a hand on his back. "Leave Cahir alone, it's not his fault, that you hurt yourself while running. I mean... you just ran, Jaskier," Geralt said when he came back to the campfire. "No, I looked around for a moment, and then I sprained my back" - "You sprained not only your back, a lot more" Regis spoke now, who was already half asleep. "What do you mean?" Jaskier said indignantly. Cahir grinned again and looked at Geralt, who was about to unfold his Bedroll.
"Lie down here," said Geralt, pointing to the adjusted bedroll. Jaskier put his hands on his knees and shook his head "What now?" asked Geralt, Cahir gave a short laugh, then became serious again, when he noticed Geralt's face. "I can't..., it's much too thin, that's not a bedroll, it's more of a blanket, I'll cover myself with that," said Jaskier and his gaze went back to Cahir's bedroll. "God, then take it..." Cahir said, reaching back and throwing the Bedroll at Jaskier. Geralt sat down on his "blanket" and watched Jaskier and Cahir. A light snore came from Regis.
"Well, thank you, Cahir, you're always so nice to me," Jaskier said as he got up and spread the bedroll up, next to a tree and sat on it. Cahir had looking all this, with a shake of the head. "Let's sleep, we have to be rested for tomorrow" - "Okay" said Cahir, he threw the wood aside and got up. Here there was really only dirt and grass, here and there branches on the ground, which he kicked aside with his foot.
Cahir loosened the ground a bit with his soles before sitting down and looking at his fellow travelers once more. Regis has never had a problem sleeping on the ground, he had even seen him sleep standing up, since Regis is a vampire, he was sure, he could sleep hanging from a bough. Geralt didn't care, where or how he had to sleep, every Witcher probably has that in them, at least you get sleep. Cahir's gaze wandered to Jaskier and at the same moment, he regretted it, Jaskier tossed and sat down suddenly "I can't... I can feel every branch" Geralt groaned "Jaskier...."
Cahir grinned and watched Jaskier getting up and lifting the bedroll to clear the branches, even the very small ones. "Jaskier..." said Geralt again, "I'll be almost done" Cahir looked at the fire, it would burn through the night and give them the warmth they needed. "Now..." Jaskier meanwhile said and lay back down, Cahir shook his head. Jaskier always had trouble sleeping outside, and he was the only one with a bedroll, and even that wasn't enough.
Jaskier lay still and Cahir looked into the fire, one last time, before lying down, and it wasn't comfortable, but it was more comfortable than sleeping on stone in a cell. He was about to close his eyes, when Jaskier made a noise, "Jaskier, what is it now?" Geralt asked in a calm tone, and Cahir was amazed, that he remained so calm. "I'm cold" - "We have a camp fire!" Regis said, he's asleep, but always has an open ear, he's warned the group of dangers at night before. " Yes, but I can't sleep like this without a blanket,"
Jaskier wailed, Cahir sat up briefly and saw how Geralt gave him the blanket, he had just been lying on. "And now rest," he said, and went back to his sleeping place. "Of course, I'm tired," said Jaskier, he covered himself up and lay on his side. Finally, Cahir thought and closed his eyes again. "You know...." - "Shut up, Jaskier and go to sleep!" Cahir said angrily and finally, there was silence....
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captain039 · 3 years
Bite me slowly
Regis x reader
Warnings: Vampire things, sexual, intimate, smut, blood, abo, swearing, biting
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You struggled over the days and nights. You were stuck in your bed, panting and sweating, you hated heats. You prayed this one would be over quickly but it was your third day now. You barely managed to eat or drink, limbs like jelly and mind foggy.
You cursed anything that was effort, you hated this.
You knew nobody would come by, no doubt smelling your heat already, these houses weren’t made for full privacy, the cracks, lack of windows, sorry excuses for doors.
Night time finally came and you laid on your stomach, staring at the moon and sighing at the cool air blowing through. A hesitant knock came to your door and you froze.
“Are you an idiot?” You called in anger and huffed.
“I like to think not” you shuddered at the voice. You cursed the vampire over and over not bothering to get out of bed.
“Regis go away” you sighed.
“In case you haven’t noticed- I’m in heat you-“ you grumbled off closing your eyes.
“Calm thoughts” you muttered.
“Unless you have a magic cure, piss off!” You said a little more firmly not hearing the door open.
“Or some form of medicine” you sighed.
“I’m afraid I don’t dear” you jumped at the closeness of his voice and looked up. He stood by your bedroom entrance, clutching his satchel.
“Regis” you huffed rolling onto your side. You were thankful for the sheet covering your naked body.
“I know you’re difficult but, please, leave me alone and come back, when it’s over” you huffed.
“You can’t help me” you grumbled wondering why the hell he decided to enter your house in the first place.
“Have you eaten? Drank anything?” You cursed him and shook your head covering your eyes with your hand.
“Thought so” he said his footsteps quiet. You heard some rattling and water before he came back with a tray.
You managed to sit up clutching the sheet around you, ready to yell at him. He laid down the tray on your bed side table as you glared.
“Regis, I say this as a friend and respect, get the fuck out” you shuddered slightly catching a hint of his scent. You sagged a bit, head falling forward as you groaned in pain. Cold fingers touched your cheeks and you frowned lifting your head. Regis stood eyes staring into yours, his normal soft gaze gone and replaced by a hard stare. Your eyes were wide, his hands cupping your face and practically holding your head up.
“And I do this out of the most disrespect to our friendship” you frowned at those words, his voice rough. You froze when lips pressed to yours, your hand had shot up to grip his wrist as he kissed you. He tilted your head gently, forcing your mouth open as he deepened the kiss. You let out a needy noise, melting instantly now. He pulled back and you panted resting your heads weight in his hands. You sighed as he tilted your head back slightly again to look at you.
“What are you doing?” You whispered panting.
“Something I should’ve done years ago” he muttered pressing his lips to yours again. The sheet you clutched was a pile by your waist, your top half exposed in the moonlight.
You couldn’t lift your body up on your own, you wanted to stand so he didn’t have to bend. You wanted to wrap your arms around him, feel his skin.
“Regis” you muttered as his lips went down your neck. Though no fear showed, despite his nature, you weren’t afraid if he’d bite you.
“Hush” he muttered and you sighed. His lips pressed against yours briefly before he stood straight again. You stared at him, waiting and wanting. Your body was trembling, covered in sweat and needing. Your sex ached, clenched around nothing, you’d never had anyone help you in this before, no man or woman. He shrugged off his satchel and other bag before unbuttoning his coat. You watched his fingers, he was teasing, seeing how much self control you had. Your fingers twitched wanting to hurry his pace up but didn’t give in as you met his eyes and kept his gaze. His eyes were dark, face light up by the moonlight by your bedroom window. You kept his gaze as he shrugged off his clothes, you could see his toned body through your peripheral vision, you didn’t move your eyes though, kept them on his. His lips twitched upwards slightly in a smirk as he came closer again. He cocked his head slightly gesturing for you to lay down. You managed to find strength and shuffled back to lie down. You stared at the ceiling heart pounding in your chest. The bed dipped but you didn’t dare look as Regis moved a top of you. His face finally came into view and you gulped slightly. You lifted your shaky hands and rested them on his arms, you sighed finally able to hold something sturdy. The sheet was between you both as he settled between your hips and kissed you again. You gripped his arms again, closed your eyes and gladly kissed back. You chased him almost, demanding for a deeper kiss before he parted. You let out a small noise of protest but silenced yourself. He stared at you a moment, going over your features like he’d never seen them before. You squirmed a little under his intense eyes, one of his arms moved from your hold, he lifted himself and removed the sheet between you. You were lying there bare, you looked away biting the back of your free hand. Your mind ran a bit before a hand trailed up your side, you shuddered at the touch of cool against heat. Lips pressed against your exposed neck, he sucked a little harshly leaving a mark no doubt. It made your heart jump and stomach clench at the thought. His hand was gentle as it moved up your side and down, over your hip and to your thigh. He cupped and pulled upwards so your leg bent. He pressed his body against yours again, his hand move down to your knee and lifting it a a bit higher, you moved now, moving your leg so it was around his waist. He bit down a little more on your neck when you did before easing off. His hand went back to your thigh, clenching, his strength almost bruising. You turned your head back and he met your gaze again. You moved your hand to rest it on his cheek, you sighed slightly suddenly wondering if this was a dream.
He frowned at your saddened gaze before moving. You didn’t have full time to register before he slid in. You gasped, hands flying to his shoulders as you clasped them. His head fell to your neck as he panted. Tears welled in your eyes at the feeling. You panted and tried to relax as he finally hushed you gently.
“I’m all too real” he muttered and you nodded letting out a small sob.
“I’m sorry” he added quietly kissing the corner of your eyes.
“Relax” he soothed gently stroking your cheek. You shuddered and sighed finally catching your breath, your body slowed and you finally began to relax.
“That’s it” he mumbled quietly. He kissed you again, gently this time the hand on your cheek wiping away any stray tears. Your hips rocked on their own, you let out another small noise at the feeling. You felt him shiver as you slowly moved your hips. You could feel the sting lessening, you closed your eyes, feeling them roll slightly. You wanted him to move but he didn’t, you tried to move quicker but your body was weak. He finally moved, lifting his hips up before sliding back in. You moaned quietly biting your tongue as you held back your voice and pants. His pace was slow, making sure you got use to him. Your hands had fallen from his shoulders, you gripped the sheets under you instead. You stopped biting your tongue when it was hard to keep up with breathing, you panted softly, his lips dancing around your neck as he set a pace. His free hand grabbed yours, pressed it flat against the bed and intertwined his fingers with yours. You gripped his hand tightly, you couldn’t open your eyes, the feelings were too much. His free hand grabbed your other hand, he pushed them both above your head and snapped his hips. You moaned loudly, broken off with a cry at the end. You gripped his hands tightly, you almost feared you’d break them. He didn’t care though, Regis kept his quick, hard pace and made sure you couldn’t hold your voice back. He snarled and you slowly opened your eyes, his face was morphing between vampire and human, he was loosing his control too. You bared your neck suddenly shuddering as he froze.
“Don’t-“ he muttered trailing off with a soft snarl. You looked to him, eyes telling him it was ok if he needed too. His face morphed again, vampire now eyes black. He snarled this time and you tilted your head once again. His hips snapped as he bit down. You came with a cry clenching his hands above your head, your body tensed and shook. He kept his pace though before warmth filled you, his body shuddered as he let go of your neck. His tongue swiped out over the wound as he panted in your ear.
You moved your head back too look at him, he panted above you eyes closed as he regained his control. He shook his head slightly, his face normal again. He finally opened his eyes and met your gaze, his hands let yours go and you moved to cup his face. He closed his eyes, leaned into one of your hands and sighed gently. His forehead rested against yours and you closed your eyes also basking in this moment. He moved slowly, lifted his head and hips, pulling out. You clenched your jaw letting out a small huff afterwards. You felt the pain gone, your body relaxed and your heat had lessened. Regis laid beside you, you were limp, you didn’t want to move. You did though, forced yourself body to lay on its side and closer to Regis. You heard him chuckle lightly but he gladly accepted your needs to be held. You closed your eyes, ready for sleep again before your heat came back. You tried to stay awake, jumped slightly when you fell too quickly into sleep. You shuffled closer to Regis, tucked yourself under his neck and stuck your knee between his. His arm rested around your waist, his fingers gently tracing your back.
“Tickles” you mumbled squirming slightly.
“Apologise dear” he said softly and stopped.
“Sleep, you need it” he added quietly and you hummed in response.
“Don’t go” you muttered.
“I’m not going anywhere” he said sincerely as you drifted off.
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