#EDIT: Also don't mean to imply only white people are the ones posting about this or that it's not important
Is it possible for you to have a dialogue with this person please? She appears to be a real Egyptologist and not intentionally transphobic, but denies you can call any ancient Egyptians trans and calls that western and basically seems (to me) to imply it’s racist. She also cited things making it seem like that is the main academic view.
Honey, I don't know how to tell you this, but none of what you've said is factually accurate and I can say that having known @rudjedet personally for over a decade.
a) She is a real Egyptologist. She has been the entire time I've known her.
b) She does not deny that trans people have always existed. She specifically says we cannot use modern western terminology and apply it to an ancient poc civilisation. They didn't have or use these terms. The Ancient Egyptians specifically didn't use any terms, which means using terms outside 'possible queer/gnc/wlw/mlm person' simply doesn't work within the cultural framework to use them. We can't even use cis because they don't know what that is either! It *is* racist to insist that we should shove a white western framework onto a decidedly non white ancient civilisation. You're basically telling ancient poc you know more about their lived experience than they do. Can you see how that's racist? Because it's pretty damn racist.
c) this does not mean that gnc people did not exist, and your extrapolation of that from her posts is incorrect. She does not deny they exist, she simply states that within the cultural framework for Ancient Egyptian understanding of gender the Pharaoh Hatshepsut is very clearly the Ancient Egyptian understanding of female. To our modern eyes, there appears to be gnc stuff, but to the Egyptians this is completely within cultural norms and Hatshepsut isn't even the only female King to do these things. She wasn't even the first or even the second! In fact every female ruler of Ancient Egypt does this, so we can in fact identify this as working within Ancient Egyptian ideas of gender: male when they express their kingship, female literally every other time they speak about themselves.
d) Rudjedet firmly admits that some of the older posts on this were not always worded in the best manner, and has addressed and apologised for this on multiple occasions. Her later additions, and I'm absolutely certain you're coming here from Controversial Truths because we're endlessly dealing with people who only see something from 2018, and assume the worst without reading the newer and better explained additions. She even edited earlier posts so they were worded better, but left them up so it can be seen how she's grown and developed better language for talking about this.
e) I had a 'dialogue' with her privately, wherein I showed her what you sent me and what you accused her of. In doing so, I saw your anons to her where you outright accuse her of being a transphobe, one of which was from a post that she never even added to that was posted, by someone who's agender (and you can take your problem with that post up with the agender person who posted it), so you can come here all 'she's not intentionally transphobic' all you like, but I know what you sent to her where you just directly accused her of being transphobic and you weren't as polite to her as you have been with me. In fact you didn't even attempt to ask her to clarify any of her points and went straight onto the attack, yet you want me personally to engage in 'dialogue' on your behalf when you behave like this? No.
Finally, just anonymously asking someone to 'go have a word' with someone else who they may or may not know is incredibly passive aggressive. You're the person with the problem here, so if you want to talk to her and discuss the issue like adults, then you can go over there and have that conversation. Do not seek to involve me in your disputes.
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horizon-verizon · 8 months
At least, Cersei is the one to refuse to go public with their incestous relationship and isn’t out there proposing to marry Myrcella to Tommen, unlike Saint Jaime who call his sister ‘queen of whores’, treat her as his property, and victim-blame her (I tell you, he [Robert] loves me not/And whose fault is that, sweet sister ?), and never spare a thought for Tysha (or Bran for that matter), but thats normal, its because he’s a feminist and teenage girl-coded. No wonder he has some sympathy for Criston Cole, lmao. Do people genuinely believes Jaime is a victim of patriarchy and that his gender doesn’t favor him over Cersei ?? Insane. Can’t wait for him to die. It’s 2023, Jaime isn’t Adam and Cersei isn’t Eve, dude is a misogynistic, racist and hyperprivileged white man and his father’s golden boy. Funny how you all talk like Green/Criston’s stans when it comes to Cersei and Jaime.
*EDITED POST* (9/21/23)
Probably from this recent post that itself has 3 links to other posts where I talk about Cersei as a character.
Um...when did I ever either imply or directly say that Jaime was "a victim of patriarchy and that his gender doesn’t favor him over Cersei"? Or express that he was better than his sister, morally? Or express that Cersei deserved to die more than he did?
Perhaps you have that impression because I never talked about Jaime exclusively once, or you're just going off of what you recently read and horribly misinterpreted the purpose and argument of that post. If the latter, I advise you to reread. If the first, I don't write about Jaime much simply because he doesn't interest me as much as Cersei or Tyrion, no one asked me my thoughts about him, and I'm not thinking of him apart from his relationship with Cersei or Tyrion. His knighthood and masculinity are...not "easy", but direct enough for me to not dwell as much as his other siblings' issues. (look to this post by blankwhiteshield about Jaime) I generally care more about women, children, and other marginalized people in fiction, even when I do sympathize with some white cis straight men some of the time.
I mean pre-Brienne Jaime. That's just how GRRm wrote his arc.
For me, blankwhiteshield's posts about Jaime HERE and HERE both suffice to give me a picture of who Jaime is bc they fill in some blanks I had in my pre-existing assessment of Jaime. Which actually wasn't favorable, anon. I find Jaime to actually be very annoying, and no, I do not think that he is Cersei's victim. He is deluded in some ways as much as her and is not a good person because of the abuse and emotional neglect they all get from Tywin/Westerosi society. I actually should have, since again, there were blanks. You can take a look at those links as well.
Look, Cersei is evil & abusive AS WELL AS a victim of domestic abuse woman & of misogyny since childhood. These are not mutually exclusive nor does it NOT mean that her domestic abuse only and directly caused her power-hungriness and need to control if not every, most aspect of her life and those she sees will help her get or maintain control and a good image of herself. Neither the abuse nor misogyny against her erases the fact that she develops hatred towards women, going so far as to violently and sexually objectify them like w/Taena. (Her using what she's observed men do to affirm power and copying it). Or that she pinched her baby brother's penis at a very young age, showing her classist and blase willingness to target children/one of the most vulnerable groups for her own sense of control over her husband, family, etc., and political power. She is also very willing to sacrifice/risk the entire city for her own control of power, similar to Aerys II. Cersei is complicated and there is nuance to her character, but she is unmistakably evil simultaneously. What I like about her or what I find compelling about her (if you haven't read the post about it) is that I can understand her motivations, and relate in some ways, and from practically babyhood she's been trying to be essentially "good enough" and perfect through external, social values of competency BUT also as someone has said: her need for perfection and power and total love comes across as pure in its own sort of twisted way. Her emotions are so intense and uncontrolled and she remains totally unaware of her loneliness that she comes across as childlike.
I also find it very funny how you're criticizing show!Rhaenyra for wanting to marry Jace to Helaena (I presume, you don't specify but that is the closest betrothal to the one you make b/t Myrcella and Tommen) when you say: "At least, Cersei is the one to refuse to go public with their incestous relationship and isn’t out there proposing to marry Myrcella to Tommen". Because while this would have done nothing to assuage Alicent--which was what Rhaenyra was trying to do--it was also not that bad of a deal for Helaena or Jace themselves. I personally dislike it bc, again, we're erasing Rhaenyra's relationship w/Laena and how she ever made it so that Jace married Laena's daughter...but I digress. OR you probably were referring to Jaime expressing the desire to go public with their relationship, that conversation? Again, what does this have to do with my argument in the post I recently posted and that I assume you're responding to?
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
A kinkmeme is a prompt challenge: here people can anonymously (or not!) send prompts, and people can pick them up and fill them.
Send 1 prompt = fill 1 prompt. It's rude to expect people to make things tailored specifically for you and not give anything back. Aim for that sweet 1:1 fill/prompt ratio. It's fine if you lag a bit behind, but I will get mad if I catch you sending 5 prompts without filling a single one.
Almost anything is allowed as a prompt. For a list of the few exceptions, see here.
You can also post prompts on our ao3 collection or our dreamwidth. I will cross-post them here regardless.
Any medium is allowed for fills. Fanfics. Fanarts. Edits. Videos. Songs. And anything else I might have forgotten.
Any skill level is allowed for fills. Never written a fanfic before? Only able to draw stick figures? Fucking grand. Get in here, tiger.
Any effort level is allowed for fills. Doodled a thing in five minutes? Wrote a 50 word-long fic? Fucking grand. Get in here, tiger.
Multiple fills for a single prompt are allowed. Multiple prompts in a single fill are also allowed.
If someone fills your prompt, say something nice about it. Comment on that fic. Leave nice tags on that art. Directly message the guy if they're off-anon.
If you don't like a prompt, look the other way. This is a kink meme, not a forum to discourse on whether a prompt was ooc/didn't care for the worldbuilding/offensive to a character/ect
The mod cares much for privacy. Please do not ask me for any personal information or opinion. I will not answer.
I would prefer if you posted your fill somewhere else and then sent me a link to it. Sending a link can be done through: askbox, submit box, DMs, directly tagging me if you posted it on your own tumblr.
We have an ao3 collection. If your fill is on ao3, you can post it there too. This isn't mandatory, it's just helpful for me. If I see a new fill in the collection, I will post it on the blog.
For nsfw artists: we have received fills before hosted on Squidge Image or on google drive.
If you send me a link to a fill and it is not posted after a few days, feel free to send me a message about it. It is possible that I did not see it or forgot about it.
Every prompt is tagged as #prompt. Every fill is tagged as #fill.
Prompts & fills are tagged by: fandom, character, kink/trigger. Use these tags to look up prompts you want to fill, fills you want to read, as well as blacklist anything that might be upsetting to you.
Prompts that do not apply to a specific fandom or character are tagged as "any fandom" or "any character". If none of the prompts in your favorite character tag appeal to you, you can look these up for inspiration.
I am queueing prompts to avoid flooding and keep the blog active over time. That means your prompt can take some time to show up. Do not panic.
I make weekly summaries of the prompts we've gotten/the fills we've received. They're tagged as #weekly roundup."
If you want an old (more than a month old) prompt to get more attention, you can send a request for a prompt reminder. That means that prompt will be included in the weekly roundups.
If your prompt is vague or only implies things, it is possible that the filler will have an interpretation you do not like. I know everyone wants their prompts to sound pretty and poetic, but if your prompt is "and then blorbo meets a mysterious white-haired figure in a red coat," you are equally likely to get a fill with Archer, Amakusa, and Kuroe. I advise prioritizing clarity over poetry, unless you are specifically sending a vague prompt to see how people will interpret it.
Not everyone is familiar with every fandom meme. Especially true since some of our fillers don't use tumblr. If your prompt rely on a fandom specific thing that can't be looked up on the wiki (ie a popular fanservant, a fantheory, ect) you REALLY want to prioritize clarity over poetry, or your filler will completely misinterpret what you're talking about.
For crossovers: please explicitlyl say in your prompt what is the other franchise you're crossovering with. This one is for me. Googling can only get me so far when you're using obscure quotes, and that makes things a nightmare to tag correctly. Plus, see above on misinterpreting prompts that aren't explicit in what they want.
If your prompt is complicated, you are less likely to get an artfill. Not an issue if you're specifically looking for a fic, but something to bear in mind.
If you're okay with artfills, you can say so! I'm told some artists are hesitant to fill prompts because they're afraid the prompter is specifically looking for fics. If you don't mind though (or even prefer artfills) you can always say so.
For fillers: if you want a clarification on a prompt, you can always send me an ask and I will relay the question. That being said, I do not guarantee an answer. General rule of thumb is: if it's not explicitly forbidden in the prompt, then anything goes.
Sometimes, the fill you will get for your prompt will not be what you want. Maybe you wanted an artfill and you got a fic. Maybe they interpreted your prompt in a way you don't like. Maybe the fill just suck. I still expect you to say something nice about it (see rules above). If you want more more control over the kind of fills you get, commission someone.
If you like a fill, let it known! Comment on that fic! Leave nice tags on that art! Directly message the guy! Even if it's not for one of your prompts! Someone who gets compliments is someone who is more likely to do another fill.
That's it! Have fun!
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rubychan228 · 2 months
ETA: I posted this before the show came out. It has now and I've added a few edits. ETA2: Added better pics
So, I've been sitting on this for a while, because I don't particularity like saying negative things about stuff I don't like (like Marvel's Exiles comics, which I'm not at all a fan of #foreshadowing) but I've seen a few things that make me want to talk about this. (Also, I started writing this a while back but wasn't sure if I wanted to post it. But saw stuff more recently that I definitely had to speak about. There's a bit of a shift in tone towards the end as a result).
I decided to post this mostly because certain statements about X-Men '97 (a sequel the 90's X-Men the Animated Series) have gotten bigots up in arms, which can understandably lead to people side-eyeing anyone shitting on the show, but I think their may be legitimate problems that justify some complaints.
Essentially, I think it may an issue similar to that of the Captain Marvel movie. There was huge, fully unjustifiable misogynistic backlash to the movie. But, there were also some quite legitimate critiques of the militaristic messaging in the film. While shutting down the sexist nonsense being hurled at the film was good, there still needed to be space to discuss the actual, real problems the movie had.
And, from what I've seen, there are some real criticisms to be made of X-Men '97. Both about plot stuff and about some ways a bit of intended representation may not be as good as could be hoped.
So, here's the thing. I was obsessed with X-Men the Animated Series as a kid and especially with a (sort-of) show original character named Morph. He was very much my first Blorbo. I know way too much about the character.
And now said character is at the center of some drama, due to the upcoming sequel, and I want to address it.
So, a note on Morph's pronouns. All non-97 versions of Morph go by he/him pronouns. In an older interview, the term "non-binary" was originally used for the X-Men '97 version without further clarification. But there's a more recent interview with the show's creators (which I will discuss more at the end of this post) that implies the character is more specifically gender-fluid (rather than agender or having a non-binary gender identity) and said creator used he/him pronouns to talk about the character, not they/them or any neo-pronouns. So that's what I'm going to go with for now. ETA: Except the show does seem to be using exclusively they/them so IDK what the fuck that article was.
A bit of backstory on the character.
Back in the 60's X-Men comics they fought a villainous mutant shapeshifter named Changeling. Changeling later reformed after discovering that he was terminally ill. He replaced Xavier, who needed to go into hiding for plot reasons and ultimately died in Xavier's place.
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A few months before the Animated Series began in 1992 an issue of She-Hulk saw the villain Black Talon resurrect several deceased characters as zombies (called the X-Humed). Changeling was one of them.
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Originally, the X-Men TAS writers wanted to kill off a character in the second episode and were thinking of using the character of John Proudstar aka Thunderbird. Thunderbird had been a member of the second X-Men team appearing for the first time in Giant Sized X-Men #1. He would later die in #95, the first time an X-man died.
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They eventually realized that giving the show Native rep only to kill him off in ep. 2 was a terrible idea and started looking for a disposable white guy. They eventually found the Changeling character, though at the time the character now known as Beast Boy was going by "Changeling", meaning DC had the rights to the name. And so, "Morph" was born.
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Despite being a throw-away character he was surprisingly popular with fans and the network was also not real happy with the whole killing-of-an-x-man-thing. So a decision was made to reveal he survived the events of the pilot. When he returned in season two he initially had a slightly zombie-like appearance (probably a reference to the She-hulk thing).
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So, the show starts with him as part of the team. He is "killed" by giant robots called Sentinels. He is later revealed to have been saved by a villain known as Mister Sinister. Sinister attempts to brainwash him into being a loyal slave that hates the X-Men. This only partially works. His mind shifts between his true self and the artificial evil slave personality Sinister implanted (because this was the 90's and mental health education was bad, this psudo-DID was sometime referred to as him being "schizophrenic"). He is eventually rescued and sent for treatment at on Muir Island (which is in Scotland). A side from a few half-assed cameos and weird omissions his main appearance after that is in an episode where he tries to return to the X-Men but the Sentinels are back and his PTSD is too severe. He comes through in the end but acknowledges he's not ready yet. He does properly return in the finale referencing his comic origins by briefly imitating Xavier. The show ends with the implication he's on the team for good.
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TAS may have inspired the Age of Apocalypse comics run. The AoA comics introduced a (very different looking) shapeshifter named Morph (who claimed that he had previously called himself "Changeling"). The relevant TAS episodes include both OG Morph and an unnamed character that looks like what the Age of Apocalypse comics Morph would look like.
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Finally, Marvel would start a comic line called Exiles in which a bunch of characters from the Marvel multiverse would get pulled from their timelines to fight inter-dimensional threats. A Morph would be a main character. That Morph would look identical to the Age of Apocalypse one but have a different backstory (obviously).
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X-Men '97 is retconing the show to replace their OG Morph with a take on Exiles Morph. And it has to be a retcon. It's generally held that shapeshifters can't hold alternate forms while unconscious or dead. And we see both! He is knocked out multiple times and flat-lines while Sinister is working on him.
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So this can't have just been a form he always had but was hiding. Also, I don't know if the new show will use it, but Exiles Morph has no scent and thus cannot be tracked, something that is explicitly untrue of 90's Morph. Anyway...
I fucking hate Exiles Morph and always have!
Exiles Morph is an annoying horndog who creeps on women and arguably crosses the line to sex pest at times. Morph in the original show never once, in any episode that he appears, flirts with, leers at, or shows any romantic or sexual interest of any kind in any female character present. You could arguably HC the original character as Ace. Though he did have a lot of...tension with Wolverine, so gay is also a possibility. The aggressively heterosexual reimagining of Exiles has always been boring and annoying to me. I don't know that any of this is going to make it into the new show (I hope none of it) but I hate the idea that it could.
Additionally, while the original Morph was playful and lighthearted, he was hardy incapable of being serious when need be. Exiles Morph is often described as hardly ever serious. And creator comments say that is part of why they're using this Morph in the new show. (Apparently his PTSD was too much of a downer.)
Also, I know it's an extremely toxic fan thing to complain that an adaptation doesn't conform to your personal headcanons, but I always liked imagining the character as more of a light skinned POC, rather than just the white guy they intended. (My usual go-to was that he was Japanese American, possibly with a white parent. This was because he's super close with Wolverine, who lived in Japan for decades. So, like, I would imagine that Morph grew up bilingual and Wolverine was, of course, fluent so they'd chat in Japanese and whatnot. Maybe Morph would go to Japan sometimes to visit family and Wolverine would sometimes come too.)
This could have been done in even a more faithful sequel. Yes, the character was very specifically white in his original conception, but that's only because he was going to die right away. Since he doesn't anymore that no longer applies. And, to be frank, Morph spends 90% of the original show off-model anyway. A new version could effortless have massaged his base-form appearance to have more non-white features.
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Oh you could abso-fucking-lutely pass this character design off as a half-white POC.
Couldn't they still do this in '97? Technically yes. But now he's a snow-white blob with no hair or facial features. You can still say he's POC, but I can see that generating even more discourse.
As for the enby thing.
First off, there's been a lot of (justifiable) discourse about a tendency to hold "diverse" media to excessively high standards and I don't disagree. Even when criticisms aren't unwarranted, I think there's a definite tendency among some to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. But also, genuinely harmful representation does exist (things like the "trans serial killer" thing that is so damaging that no trans rep would arguably have been better).
Ultimately, I think there's a difference between *harmful* representation and representation that's just bad. And there's a also difference between bad representation and representation that's merely flawed. And flawed representation is still representation. It's still a step in the right direction and it's extremely possible for people to still feel seen by less-than-perfect depictions of their thing.
That said good representation is better than flawed representation. And I don't think we get from flawed to good without giving constructive feedback (not vitriol) on the more flawed attempts. We don't have to trash flawed attempts or flame people that like them. Just point out, what worked and what could be improved upon.
So what might be a problem here? Well, because of the (really, really unnecessary!) Exiles thing:
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I just...feel like that could have been thought out better. Especially because, while it's not the same (as mutants are explicitly human), it approaches the "Non-binary Alien" trope. Which is not great.
Basically, everyone else in the main cast except for Beast looks like a normal human and all of them retain their "normal" binary genders from the OG show/comics. Morph and Morph only is simultaneously being changed from being a normal looking dude to a freaky alien-looking thing and is also changed from being a "normal" binary man to having an "unusual" gender. And I don't like it.
I don't think it was intentional, but it would be so much better to have normal-ass humans as NB rep. Since, you know, actual IRL enbies are, in fact, normal fucking human people. (Granted, they could be doing that too, but for now it seems like it's only the character they changed to be all weird looking that is going to serve as the only enby rep.)
Now, it's entirely possible that there are people this won't bother and that's certainly OK. And I don't think doing it like this bad rep, just flawed, which is still better than nothing! But it's quite valid, I think, for enbies/allies to have good faith qualms with how this comes off due to the combination of the two changes.
That said, there is also the problematic™ Non-binary Shapeshifter trope to consider.
So, while some trans/non-binary people may like the idea of shapeshifting powers (for obvious reasons) and thus may strongly identify with/project onto shapeshifter characters there has also been some discourse about it.
In brief, a shapeshifter is essentially genital-fluid, which can make people side-eye the idea of playing with gender when a shapeshifter is involved, as it can imply the idea of a connection between genitals and gender identity. Which isn't a thing that exists. Basically, to use X-Men as an example:
Gambit was born with a penis and, baring surgery or magical transformation, will only ever have a penis. This character is a man and this is never questioned.
Morph was also, presumably, born with a penis (it's possible Exiles!Morph had no genitals at birth). But he/they can change this at will; at any time he/they wants, he/they can have a penis, or a vagina, or both, or neither. But that should have fuck-all to do with gender identity.
But a lot of people have the very cis-normative view that the ability to change physical sex equates to changing gender. And will jump to making shapeshifting characters non-binary, gender-fluid especially. And this is a source of understandable discourse among trans/NB/GNC people. (As a result, you may see bigots reacting to this change with "Ugh they made the shapeshifter non-binary!", but you may also see enbies/allies going "Ugh they made the shapeshifter non-binary!". And that's very different.)
Now, because non-binary gender identities are real, it's certainly possible for a character to just happen to be both NB and a shapeshifter. But it can still rub people the wrong way......especially if there are creator comments that do indicate a mental genital/gender connection is informing the choice.
Which brings us to the trainwreck of an interview I mentioned earlier.
"For me, the word 'nonbinary' is the same as the word 'shapeshifter,'" director Larry Houston told Variety. "Every character that can change from one gender to another, or from human to animal, that’s just another word for 'shapeshifter' for me."
What. And I cannot stress this enough. The fuck?????????
Ok, so. In 2x3 of the original show Wolverine is trying to capture brainwashed, evil Morph and bring him home. Wolverine finds and successfully restrains him, so Morph uses his powers to mess with his head in order to escape. (By which I mean he turns into Wolverine's one-sided love interest and mocks him over how much she loves only Cyclops.)
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In the interview this is described like this:
"He attacks Wolverine, his closest friend, in the most dramatic way by turning into Jean Grey and putting his hand on Wolverine’s neck and leaning in for a kiss," Lewald explained. "That’s as nonbinary as you can get. It’s Morph turning into a woman and coming onto Wolverine to freak him out."
How the fuck is it non-binary?! Is it the genitals? I'm really concerned it's the genitals.
At best it's maybe queer, but "non-binary"? I just...
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Problematic tropes aside, I'm now worried like hell that the these people don't know what the fuck non-binary people actually are and the rep is going to be garbage as a result.
Like, he really seems to think that when Morph shapeshifts into Jean Grey in that scene, he isn't just disguising himself as a woman, but that he's literally becoming a woman gender-wise. And presumably becoming a man when he changes back. And that is what he means when he uses the word "non-binary" to refer to the character.
So yeah, opinions may be mixed on "non-binary" Morph, for reasons that are not bigotry related. And maybe don't get your hopes up for good enby rep in the show, because I'm now very skeptical that this is something we're going to get.
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air--so--sweet · 7 months
So, I already edited and added to this one before and it took two hours and then tumblr glitched and saved none that and instead posted my original messy draft and I didn't realise for several hours and was very annoyed which is why this is coming now rather than sooner.
I've decided to save my full David and Syd analysis until after watching season three, so this is just my stray observations post while watching the last three episodes of season 2.
- If David hadn't been off fucking Future Syd maybe he could have prevented the delusion spreading through Division 3 and maybe Ptonomy could have survived. Also, I know they were limited timewise, and I know they haven't really known what to do with Ptonomy since season 1, but couldn't we get at least one shot of his friends mourning him?! If not David and Syd, at least Melanie? Wasn't it implied they worked together a significant amount of time at Summerland? I know his consciousness is being kept alive in a computer or whatever, but they didn't know that at the time!
- I want to know how Clark and Syd's 'girl talk' moment came to be. Do they meet for tea regularly? Talk about their love lives and exes? I'm not sure how I feel about Clark's story about the boy in the army he loved who kept jumping out of planes to get away from him. I feel like it might have been better to get something more real in that moment than bizarre (especially when we know he had a husband and son that he lost due to his obsession with David). I read a review that treated the army boy story as serious and emotional but like... he parachuted away from him, and then one day his parachute didn't open?! It's just occurred to me thst I might be taking this too literally like the autistic stereotype I am but honestly in a show like Legion that's the sort of thing that would be intended to be taken literally and not as a metaphor so I don't even know anymore...
- Literal or not I did not miss the parallel of Syd jumping out of a plane and parachuting down to get to David. Honestly, parachuting into the desert and immediately kicking your boyfriend in the shins is such a power move.
- In general it feels like the show doesn't know what to do with Clark, and I worry that he'll meet a similar fate to Ptonomy as a result. Hopefully not!
- Admiral Fukuyama was created to keep the secrets safe from the telepaths...now he works with them? I liked seeing some of how he came to be, but it honestly it left me more confused. Also, if all he has is the metalwork around his head, I don't really get why he wears a basket...its probably just a meaningless visual I'm reading too much into... I love the visuals of Legion a lot, but I do feel like sometimes 'this would look cool/weird/strange' is the only reasoning behind things and it doesn't always land with me.
- So this absolutely should have gone in my TUA comparison post, but I remembered writing it, got confused, and thought I'd already posted it rather than stuck it in a stray observations draft...whoops. David choosing to not tell anyone his plan as Farouk would read their mind and instead manipulating them all as an alternative - it's the first time David, as David has acted based on his own thoughts and feelings and I'm questioning if he's doing the right thing. I couldn't help but think of Five Hargreeves line to Viktor in The Umbrella Academy, 'You know what they call a superhero who acts alone and doesn't listen to anybody? A villain.' (Having now reached the end of the season I wasn't wrong)
- Farouk previously talked about David's white father taking over and telling his people what to do (sidenote: who are Farouk's people? I thought he might mean mutants, but the white part of the line then doesn't make sense. It's unclear if Farouk is Moroccan like the comics or Iranian, since he speaks Farsi, but in this universe, did Professor X colonise Morocco/Iran?!?) He also talks about white people being cast as the heroes when speaking with Future Syd, and he's got a point, but the show needs to commit if it truly wants to address this. Yes exoticism has been used as short hand for villainous in the past, yes the writers of Legion didn't create or name Amahl Farouk, they're just (loosely) adapting the comics, and yes David does reveal himself to be a villain rather than a hero. But like...Farouk is still also a villain? So yeah, your blonde blue-eyed white man might be a monster, but that doesn't erase all the things Farouk has done (including helping turn David into a monster). Also, him being free at the end is down to his manipulations and control of others, right? Because the whole of Division 3 isn't so stupid as to let him walk free, right?!?
- 'You're the song they play outside a hostage crisis to keep criminals from thinking clearly.' This is just a great line I wanted to highlight. Syd could have just called Lenny a distraction but went with this beauty instead.
-The show that talked about delusion and moral panic then tries to blame technology for helping create narcissists and not seeing others as real people. It feels like that stupid 2014 video that claimed using our phones meant we'd miss out on meeting the love of our life because we won't ask her for directions. It's such nonsense. I've seen people who watched it when it aired say that technology is just a framing device for discussing narcissism and not meant to be seen as the blame, but if that's the case, sorry, they did a shit job because it absolutely feels like its proselytising about the evils of tech. It feels so incredibly out touch and tactless, and I wish they cut it, especially as the John Hamm narrative segments had reached a natural conclusion just the episode before. Having enjoyed the segments until now, it's disappointing that this is what they were building to.
-I think they were aiming for 'the desolate' or 'desolation' but 'Le désolé' just means 'the sorry' I checked with a French friend to make sure, and they confirmed it. You can use désolé to mean desolate, but only if there's a noun in front of it so this doesn't work.
- I'm not sure if the two David in David's mind are meant to be alters or like a devil and angel on his shoulder (really hope it's the latter because DID has been demonised enough and I don't trust the show to not be another Split honestly) but as someone who watches with subtitles I got the fun insight that their names are apparently Divad and Dvd.
- I've seen some people say Legion is set in the '60s/70s but we're never given a year, right? Considering it's a parallel universe I thought it was just another present day low/no tech AU like The Umbrella Academy or Manic. Especially as a lot if the tech we see feels more steampunk than 1960s . I get why a reviewer called the depiction of an MRI scan in season 1 anachronistic now, since MRI was only invented in 1977 (sidenote: as a student radiographer I will still never get over that scene. I was so ready to just accept it as a made up experimental scan and then they said the words MRI and I had to pause it, I was laughing so hard because it's sooo bad)
- I watched two whole seasons of this show and thought Melanie was played by Kim Cattral, but she isn't, she's played by Jean Smart! TWO SEASONS. I hadn't heard of Jean Smart before now, but honestly her and Kim Cattral are twins.
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thedevilandhisbride · 5 months
White people don't need a positivity post like what alternate universe are you living in
everybody needs positivity in their life, especially over things they cannot control like race. i assume you havent read the other stuff ive posted about this, so let me just explain:
race is a morally neutral thing. nobody, and i mean nobody, should be attacked, put down, or shamed for their race.
now, this is not to say that black and brown people do not experience much much MUCH worse racism than white people. i would never say that, and to imply such a thing is historically and horrifically untrue.
what i am saying is that in the fight for racial equality, people (online and offline) have turned to putting down white people to lift themselves up. historically, yes! white people have been the oppressors, and i dont disagree that they are now, but blaming an entire race and calling the entire race of people names doesnt help anyone.
on top of this, being "white" is a very large category. according to the wikipedia page on "Caucasian Race" (which, is a whole other racist issue), white people (typically) come from "all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa." according to that source, that is 152 countries, to be exact. according to The Global Economy, the average population size of a country in 2022, based on 196 countries, was 40.31 million people.
now, ive seen and experienced racism my entire life. ive been told that its my fault for slavery because i have white skin. ive been thrown around and mocked relentlessly for having white skin. when i was in the church, i prayed every night and every day, and everytime i went to church and asked to be blessed, i begged endlessly to look more like my hispanic dad. to maybe even be able to tan. to not be white. because where i grew up, i was the only white kid. my mom grew up there too, and so did my dad, and my brother, and my sister. i was barely 5 years old when i realized that everyone at my neighbor's quinceañera didnt want to be around me because i was white, despite them literally being there and meeting me when i was born. when my brother was born. knowing my dad and his family their entire life.
i know intimately well that this is not a common experience, and it never will be. but i also know, intimately well, that everytime i heard one of my black friends after i moved states tell me they wish they were white, or light skinned, i didnt understand why they would want to be white. i hated being white. being white could very easily turn into my death where i grew up. but i understood their want, their sad want to be like everyone around them, even if it meant hating themselves for something they couldnt change.
my experience is not universal, and i bet its even a rare one. does that mean i dont deserve positivity? do i not deserve to be told i am allowed to love myself for things i cannot change? we do this with gender, sexuality, disability, and so much more. we do this with race too, but for everyone but white people.
i think there should be an equal amount of positivity for everybody of every race.
i am not in the wrong for thinking that white people deserve some positivity.
the whole should not be at blame for the individal.
and i say all of this as someone who is mixed, and HAS experienced racism for being hispanic, on top of racism for being white.
everyones experiences deserve to be heard. shutting down anyones voices on the topic of experiencing racism of all things, is a straight shot to shutting down EVERYONES voices about experiencing racism.
(small edit, added a link i missed regarding the global economy website!)
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prisonrose · 4 years
If you guys could start tagging things that have to do with the protests, I'd really appreciate it.
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its-afucking-mess · 3 years
A little guide on ao3 (by an ao3 user and writer)
Friendly reminder for mobile users! Ao3 is a website. It doesn't have (as far as im concerned) an official app for mobile, so better get comfy with using crome on your phone.
Some video links ill leave for people who prefer video and audio:
- navigating the fanfiction sites
- popular fandom terminology part 1 and part 2
- shipping etiquette
i really reccomend coley's videos if you want to get to know more fandoms, or get an inside look to how some stuff works. There also might be more vids about fandom's and fan works, so don't hesitate to look through some of her stuff!
the explaining under the 'read more' ao mutuals wont kill me :)
(also tagging @ethanesimp since they asked for this advice )
So, what is Ao3 really?
Ao3 is a website made by fans for fans. There are no ads, and all content is free on Ao3. Anyone can post (with some age restrictions) and they can post anything.
How can I browse Ao3?
Ao3 does not require an account to view stories. You can easily browse as an anonymous user. You just are not able to view certain works, as creators have the ability to show their works to registered users only. Some cases, commenting is possible while anonymous, but again, it's up to the creator of the work.
If you want to be a creator and share works, you need an account.
An account also gives you the ability to bookmark works, so you can re-visit them, mark works for later, keeps a history of the works you've visited and allows you to favourite tags.
How do I get an Ao3 account?
When you first open the site, it gives you the option to "Get Invited". An invitation will be sent to your email anywhere from 24hrs later to a week later, depending on the amount of people in the automated queue.
After the invitation, you are able to set up your account like any other social media account. Pick a username, pseuds (name), description and bio. You can have a profile picture as well.
How do I navigate the site?
There are few ways to do so efficiently, but there's countless of ways you can experiment with to find which is more comfortable.
1st option: As the website loads, you can go to the 'Fandoms' tag.
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Then, after clicking on it, this column appears. Through there, you can pick which media your fandom is from and from there, browse the huge list of different fandoms until you spot your own.
The list is in alphabetical order, so if your fandom begins with an "C", it shouldn't be too far down.
2nd option: At the top right, under your profile, and the options 'Post' and 'Log Out' should be a white oval search bar.
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(im using my own account for demonstration)
When searching, there are many ways to work around it.
Personally, I press search as it is. It will lead you to a page where all the fanworks of the site are listed. (i believe its easiest, but always feel free to experiment)
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From there, you press the 'Edit Your Search' button, located near the top right.
It will then lead you to a page with multiple fields.
Don't panic when you see all the fields. Only half those are of interest when you want to browse works for a fandom.
The most important ones are those under the Field name 'Work Tags'
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Whatever you select under this field will be included in the works the site presents you with.
What are the work tags? What do they do?
Lets go through the options.
Fandom(s): when typing on this option, multiple fandom names will autofill in a list under the white space. If your fandom shows up, you can just click on it.
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From there, you can select the fandom you want to see works from. If your fandom doesn't show up, it can mean one of two things:
-there are no works for it
-it isn't popular enough to be picked up by the algorithm
After selecting one fandom, you can select another fandom, or more, to see works that are crossovers over universes.
Ratings: Ratings are selected by author. It defines the level of maturity it has in the work
- General audiences is the tag you want to use when nothing bad happens in the work. No swearing, no sexual activities, no violence or gore. It wont contain scenes that minors are not allowed to see.
- Teen and up audiences is the tag used for most works on the site. It is what would be used when you have mentions of/vague sexual content or violence. Normally, the most extreme stuff on there is excessive swearing, heavy angst and hurt/comfort with no excessive details
- Mature is the tag that is for 18+. It is mostly filled with one of following : Violence, Sexual Content, Ab*se, R@pe, Death and SH.
Reader descretion is advised by looking at the additional tags the author has provided, especially for those with triggers.
- Explicit is like Mature, but contains more graphic content. Works rated explicit mostly fall under the 'Graphic depictions of sexual content', 'Graphic depictions of Violence and Gore' or 'Graphic depictions of Ab*se, R@pe, or Self H*rm
Reader descretion is advised, stronger than mature, since it can be much more triggering. The works are scarily detailed sometimes.
- Not rated: the author has not given this work a rating because none of the other ratings fit the work. Pay special attention to the tags.
Warnings: Also known as Archive warnings by older users. The trigger warnings of Ao3. There are 6 archive warnings:
-Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings: The author didn't use the warnings, either because none of them fit the work's theme and warnings, or to avoid spoiling the story. Pay attention to the tags for any warnings.
-Graphic Depictions Of Violence: It is pretty self explanatory. Can contain any sort of violence, from wars, to simple fights, to ab*se of any kind. Can and often contain death. The type of violence is in the tags.
-Major Character Death: A main character in the story will die in this work. Pay attention to the tags always. The name of the character will be mentioned, as well as the way they die.
-No Archive Warnings Apply: None of the warnings apply. It is most times a perfectly safe work. Check the tags to make sure though!
-R@pe/Non-Con: The work contains non-consensual activities. Ranges from non-consensua sex to non-consensual use and ab*se of substances. Very close attention to the tags!
-Underage: The main character(s) in this work are underage/minors. This is normally tagged along sexual content so be aware and pay close attention to the tags!
Categories: This regards the relationships in the work:
- M/M, or better known as mlm or a relationship between two non-woment (men mostly, can include characters under the non-binary umbrella)
- M/F, a heterosexual relationship (is inclusive of trans characters too!)
- F/F, or wlw, or a relationship between two non-men (women mostly, can include characters under the non-binary umbrella)
- Gen, no sexual or romantic relationships are in this work, or if there are any, they arent of main focus.
- Multi: Polyamorous relationships, or multiple relationships are included in this work (this is also where threesomes+ are tagged in sometimes)
- Other relationships: One of the two people in the relationship is non-human (mostly), or the relationships are platonic/family.
Characters: The characters you want to be included in the story. This works just like the 'Fandom' filter, so the same things apply. You can tag as many characters as desirable.
Relationships: The relationships that you want present in the work. This includes both major and minor relationships. It can also include ended relationships (tagged Past x/y) and implied/referenced relationships. This works just like the Characters and Fandom filter.
Additional Tags: These are things the author has included to give potential readers an insight to the story. 'Angst', 'Fluff' and 'Smut' are additional tags. Works like the Relationships filter, so all same applies.
Is there anything I have to avoid/ I should avoid?
There is this very infamous tag, 'Dead Dove: Do not eat.' This tag is a warining to readers that the things in the work are really messed up, and can include anything illegal in it. PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE REST OF THE TAGS IF YOU STILL ARE INTERESTED.
How else can I filter works?
You can choose how they are:
sorted (Titles, Authors, Hits, Kudos, Comments, Bookmarks, and Best Match)
the word count (from 1 word to millions)
the language (most are on there)
the amount of chapters
if the work is complete of not
when it last updated/when was posted
and if there are crossovers.
These are all options that author has to include, and therefore you can sort freely. Most are bulletin options you can click on.
What if I want to find a specific work?
If you happen to know one of these: Author, Title, Fandom or Rating, you will find it. If you were reccomended one, it's better to ask for the author or the title, to make looking for it easier.
Can I find a specific author/ user?
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People search is for finding users on the site
Bookmark search helps you look through other people's public bookmarks. Not really used.
Tag search finds works that include this specific tag you searched. Also not used a lot.
People can see my bookmarks?
When bookmarking a work, you are able to do a lot.
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if you do not want your bookmarks to be visible to the public, make sure to check off the Private bookmark box at the bottom left.
Common terms thrown around by Ao3 users:
-tags: the additional tags of the work
-kudos: liking a story
-bookmarks: saving/saved stories. makes it easy to revist. you can see your bookmarks from your profile
-hits: the amount of people that have clicked on a story. Isn't necessary they liked it, but they did click on it.
And those are the basics! If you had to take one thing only, its ALWAYS READ TAGS
I hope this helped the clueless souls even a bit :)
Im open to reply to any other questions, and you can send me them in my asks, messages or comments of this post
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Shadow Young: The Ultimate Heylin Warrior
So I was rereading some old theories about Shadow, and I realized that I completely overlooked such a blatant coincidence!
The Yin-Yang Paradigm | Parallels between the Goddess Jiu Tian Xuan Nu and Shadow
The Yin-Yang Paradigm can take a backseat. It's an interesting read, but the only part we need is the line from the Xiaolin Chronicles Special Edition Preface.
In ancient China,the great Xiaolin Master Dashi unlocked the secrets to supreme martial arts powers.  He became a Xiaolin Dragon–a force of light–defender of good.
Where there is yang, there must be yin.  The evil witch Wuya stole Dashi’s secrets and molded herself into the embodiment of darkness–the Heylin Dragon.
Why is assigning Wuya, the original Heylin Dragon Warrior, as an embodiment of yin energy important? Because the Chinese Goddess, Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, is also known as "The Ultimate Yin." Shadow shares almost all her aspects with this deity. This means that Shadow was (or is?) destined to become The Ultimate Heylin Warrior.
What does that even mean? [Spoilers under the cut]
Dashi was the first Xiaolin Dragon Warrior. Wuya stole his techniques and molded herself into a Heylin Dragon. At the end of XC it is stated that Chase ascends to the level of a Heylin Dragon, quite literally.
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While Wuya doesn't possess the same literal transformation that Chase has associated with the title of "Dragon," it still bears mentioning that both achieved this level of skill.
How Xiaolin Dragon Warriors--warriors of light--differ from Heylin Dragon Warriors--warriors of darkness--is that Xiaolin Warriors ascend to the level of Dragon when they successfully ride and pair with an actual dragon.
Chase was never able to do this, and he despised his fellow Monks (and brother) for moving on without him. In addition, as part of being a Xiaolin Dragon Warrior, one must give up part of their unique abilities and channel them into a mystical item for future generations of Xiaolin Warriors to use--these are the Shen Gong Wu. Chase had worked so hard for what little power he had, that he didn't think it was right for him to suddenly give it up for the sake of posterity.
While not much is known about Wuya, we do know that she craved power. Before Dashi defeated her in the first Xiaolin Showdown, she might have been well on her way to taking power from the whole world. It's purposefully left ambiguous and we are never truly meant to know. What is certain is that Wuya definitely could have done all, or possibly more, than Chase did in this Heylin Dragon Form.
So how does all this yin and yang relate back to Shadow?
As stated in the title of this post, I believe Shadow was destined to become the Ultimate Yin. In this context of "Xiao-yang" and "Hey-yin," this means that Shadow is slated to become the Ultimate Heylin Warrior. But Jiu Tian Xuan Nu is very much a positive, good, and balancing force in the pantheon. How can an ultimate evil be that too?
Throughout XC Shadow is shown checking and attempting to balance Chase's evil acts. The strongest example of the imbalance within Chase & his brand of Evil and how Shadow reacts to that imbalance can be seen in "Chase Lays an Egg." Not only does Shadow roll her eyes at Chase's gluttony early on, insisting that there are better (and more Evil) things to do, but she also shows extreme disgust over Chase's affection for the Egg. After the Egg is stolen, Chase prompts Shadow to go into the Xiaolin Temple and get back his Egg. Shadow refuses, and Chase darts off to get it himself. Shadow cooks up her own plan to destroy the Egg and revert Chase back to his usual, Evil self. Shadow's whole motivations towards Chase after episode 8, "Out of Ping Pong's Mind," can mostly be summed up as her trying to get him to be the most Evil version of himself. Over time she gets annoyed that he doesn't change and that eventually motivates her in part to leave ("Shadow's Role and Abuse" 2017).
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So early on, Shadow already has an ideal of the Evil Chase should be living up to, but isn't. This is likely why Wuya and Shadow quickly and easily bonded--both possess extremely powerful yin energy. It's strange that returning Wuya to a solidly form is all Shadow's idea, but then Shadow seems surprised when her vision leads her back to Wuya an episode later ("Back in the Flesh Again," "Call of the Dragon Spirit"). I think it's only natural that Wuya would want to eliminate Shadow from the competition to be the strongest Heylin force. Wuya might not know that this is even coming, however.
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The only real reason Wuya gives to eliminate Shadow at the end of the series is that Wuya saw Shadow as a tool to lead her to Princess Kaila, who Wuya believes was involved with her wrongful imprisonment by Dashi inside the spring inside the puzzle box for over 1500 years. Wuya doesn't need Shadow any more, since Kaila is right in front of her, so Shadow does something a little out of character. She turns around on Wuya and is last shown running for her life with Princess Kaila. It's implied that the two are at least traveling together, but it's unknown if Shadow is protecting Kaila or not. Since Shadow feels a connection to Kaila, I would argue that she is protecting the princess ("Fly the Dragon!").
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So if Shadow is supposed to become this Ultimate Heylin force, why is she, presumably, going to be trained by Princess Kaila--a force of good--on how to use her powers? Shadow, Kaila, and Loniani-Nui--a dragon lady shapeshifter, Dragon Partner to Chase's older brother, and Chase's Monkhood crush--all have a yin-yang symbol somewhere on their body. Nui's is on her throat chakra, Kaila's is near her heart chakra, and Shadow's is on her third eye chakra. You can read more about the significance of these placements here.
All you really need to know about the significance of these placements is that the highest chakra--and thus enlightenment--is at the top of the head. Shadow, having her yin-yang on her third eye is the one closest to reaching that enlightenment of these three women. Xiaolin is based on Shaolin Buddhism, the main goal of the religion is to attain enlightenment. Since Dragon Warriors are able to fuse and link with their dragon partners, they definitely get very close to entering the state of nirvana. Or since it's a nonsensical kid's show, it might be better described as "an empowered, altered state of being one with the world and its' knowledge." There's not enough to go on at this point unfortunately.
To back up Shadow being secretly super powerful, @p-r-imeday had an exchange with series creator, Christy Hui, on instagram where Hui casually revealed that she just likes characters with really "big hair." Which explains a lot of the design choices in XC. The Heylin characters with the longest hair are Shadow, then Wuya, and then Chase. Chase even gets slightly longer hair when he goes super size and absorbs all the chi he possibly can. Wuya's hair is still slightly longer due to the tight curl at the end.
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So Shadow already has some construct of what Evil is supposed to be in her mind, and she is willing to reinforce that ideal. Wuya, the only other major embodiment of yin, sees Shadow as a threat, albeit by association with Wuya's real target. And Shadow is the closest to enlightenment because of the placement of her yin-yang being so close to the crown chakra, in addition to her having the longest hair in canon, which makes her the most powerful being.
Shadow's role as the Ultimate Heylin Warrior would be to enforce a strict view of Evil onto the Heylin side. While XC did greatly limit the number of visibly active villains, the series as a whole is well known for having a plethora of antagonists who operated in evil areas, but relatively outside the Xiaolin-Heylin conflict. Shadow would essentially be out there saying, "Hey, if you're going to use that Wu you gotta fight the Xiaolin Order. Or Else." She would also be required to show up to fight Evils that don't fit her strict interpretation of what "Evil" is, thus aiding the side of good.
I describe it best here, in that the best way to paint the world grey is to start with pure white and pure black, and constantly have them mixing with each other. Because at the end of the day, the world Dashi has created through his actions is one in which very few dots of black are allowed to exist, while the Xiaolin Order stands blinding in its' light.
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Without Shadow forcing people who want to use Wu to enter the fray, XC leaves us with Jack, Wuya, and... Tiny Sim? Sim isn't interested in Wu at all, and Jack was only in it due to Wuya (Salvadore serves Wuya, so I'm not mentioning him in this list). The Xiaolin Order has five Monks being trained to become Dragon Warriors. It's grossly imbalanced. Shadow is needed to correct that balance. And thus, a proper, balanced world order would be achieved.
Shadow is the most powerful being in all of XC because she has really long hair.
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jesrosewater · 3 years
Are you serious about thinking Semple's feud with Anish Kapoor had racial motivations?
I'm South Asian too, like Kapoor, used to be hyperaware of my race/ethnicity and that post kinda made me feel that people of other races will never see beyond mine, something I haven't felt in a long time and I'm feeling all raw and boxed in, stripped of my individuality and just a bit dehumanized.
Also, I'm colourblind too, red-green. I wasn't good at art but I religiously memorized the information about what things were supposed to be red and what green to be able to colour things correctly. And this time I forgot my crayons and the teacher gave me old, broken ones which had no wrappers and when I turned in my work, the teacher ridiculed me for 5 minutes straight while the whole class laughed. Learning Stuart Semple, a fellow colorblind person could become an artist was.. Well it wasn't exactly inspiring since I don't want to become one too but it's feels awfully good to know that happened and yeah just want to tell you calling him a racist asshole for trolling a rich snob who thinks he should have exclusive rights to a material he didn't make doesn't just because the snob happened to be a "person of color" (how I hate that phrase, that white-centric phrase implying a Japanese and a Maori has more things in common than either of them has with a white person) doesn't mean he is a racist asshole.
first point: i made that post Literal Years ago and only edited it a few months ago because it keeps fucking getting notes, so like, i dont care. i don’t give a shit about either Semple or Kapoor at this point, i don’t know them and i was only interested in the drama for a short time.
and yes, i do believe there was a tinge of racism to the whole debacle. i don’t think Semple is a racist, because fuck if i know. but it’s just kinda weird for a white guy to be painting an artist of color as a selfish greedy snob that’s “gatekeeping color” or whatever. Vantablack was never going to be available to artists because it’s NOT an art supply - Kapoor didn’t keep it from everyone else, the makers of Vantablack graciously let ONE artist use it and it happened to be Kapoor. and then Semple hijacked that whole narrative for marketing for his product, it was a manufactured feud to sell things.
the rest of your ask is all really personal details that i didnt need to know about and your anecdote doesn’t change my opinion whatsoever.
however, i will concede that the Bean is bad and i don’t like it.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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Podcast host/Youtuber/Influencer BTS & OC
WARNINGS:(There’s both some M/F & M/M smuttyness in here so I’ll let you find out which warnings apply to who) Some hand fun,Hella dirty talk, cum play, spit play, light choking, public sex, light mirror kink ,a ton of teasing between all 8 “Characters” All the boy’s are Bi in this BTW . Tatted and Pierced BTS (Not all but most)
In this part Hoseok/Yoongi have a bigger roll in my opinion but again there all in it a ton 
There is a lot of dialog in this one but it’s needed…I’m introducing 8 people sooooo lol
9.7 K
AU SUMMARY : The “CV SQUAD” is made up of Jimin,YN, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Kookie a group of friends who run a podcast called “Candid Vibes” . That was created initially for a media arts project,in college which is actually how they all met! Now fast forward a good 4 years, a YT channel and millions of listeners later..and we have the CVSQUADTOUR.  A four city tour spanning over 16 days, with guest appearances from some of their good friends over at “TEAMJTH” AKA Jin, Taehyung,and Hoseok. Follow along to get the full candid behind the scenes access to everything that takes place over the next 2 weeks, including the moments there definitely going to edit out of the tour vlogs!!!  P.S the full backstory will be linked at the end!
***This is happening in real time, so in some scenes if there’s a [C] in front of the person dialog that means there talking into the camera. Or if it says [FILMING] that means there in shot but not talking directly to the camera***
****Wednesday July 4th, 5:45 AM,Valencia, CA -CV SQUAD HOUSE (Tour starts on the 5th in Miami) ***
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“Ah fuck!!” A loud grumbled leaves Yoongi's chest as he sets the camera on the kitchen counter, ruffling his hands through his faded ice blue locks, readjusting his oversized cat eye glasses on his face before pushing the record button.
[C] “Aye, goodmorning guys, it’s ughhh fuck, 5:45 which is why the lighting probaly sucks in addition to the fact that I’m not Jungkook! Sooo as you guys know we all went out last night with the guys over at TEAMJTH, for a pre-tour dinner thing, which started at 7:30 but Y/N and Jimin didint get there till like 8 which, what the fuck else is new.” Letting out a slow exhale as his body just slouched along the back counter, taking a sip of coffee before continuing his thought.
[C] “ Well, Jin and I were the first to leave around, like 11:30 ish and I had the displeasure of spending the night here, because that’s the only way I’d ensure these asshats woke up on time. And  when I got up this morning my phone said the last time the alarm went off was a little after 3AM..and again it’s 5:45 and I’m about to go wake them up because come look at this shit!“  Turning the camera away from his face to let it lead the way down the hallway and into the PR room, or “Hell” as Yoongi called it .
There was a room on the first floor that was originally meant to be a “parlor” but obviously that's not anything the 4 of you would need or want! So it was turned into the PR closet, as you guys were always being sent items to review, or even paid to post about it. It only took one of you missing an ad that couldve made you an easy 3k to realize this shit needed to be kept out of your bedrooms until the job was done. So inteased you have a room filled with numerous clothing racks and boxes, separated by CV member!  But it was also where all of your luggage was sitting and it barely looked liked you guys were packed, or at least not 16 days worth!
Letting the camera pan the room as he let out an exasperated sigh, even in the dim lighting only fueled by the numerous neon signs along the walls it was still clear this room was a hot ass mess.
[C] “Can we all take a moment to appreciate the site in front of us, that is without a doubt bullshit!” Panning the camera over to the right, zooming in slightly, on all of your half-assed excuse for packing. “Yeah, so on that note, were gonna walk down the hall and wake up Jimin first, and then make our way upstairs to get everyone else.”
Making his way down a long dark hallway before making a right to head to Jimin’s room, until he hears an almost animalistic noise coming from the opposite direction. Heading to the laundry room instead only to find Jungkook, snoring,with his mouth open, on a bean bag chair..with a bag of chocolate covered lays to his right.
There was a very long pause, as the camera pans between Kookie and Yoongi, before his eyes flutter shut, holding the bridge of his nose between his index and thumb.
[C] “Ya know, sometimes...I just really don’t know what my life is….I really, really don't….” reaching down to shake Jungkook “Hey, hey,HEY! Kookie! Dude whyyyyyyy !? What are you doin on the floor in here of all places?” Pausing momentarily honestly hoping for an answer than even made a fragment of sense.  Instead he was greeted with a displeased grumble as kookie attempted to readjust on the oversized bean bag chair .
[C] “Nooo no, no up! Get up, go shower, and finish packing NOW! You got like an hour and 7 minutes. And then your taking this damn camera back because I hate this thing! ”
The tone alone has the younger abiding Yoongi’s orders, far too tired to argue anyway slowly rolling off the floor, grabbing his chips in the process. Managing to get chocolate all over the collar of the white “OFF white” Jacket he slept in. While Kookie slugged his way out of the laundry room, still whining like a bart in the process.
Quickly whipping out his phone to check Jungkooks IG, letting out a relieved sigh at his last 3 posts which all had well over 600k likes. But more importantly Jungkook posted the sponsored post, prior to ruining the jacket...and that’s all that mattered!
[C] “One down..two to go….”
What he actually meant was Yoongi didn't need to wake up was Namjoon, well aware that he was already up and well…..that’s because that's whose room he started and woke up in himself….
Finally heading back to his initial mission, Jimin, turning in the opposite direction, making a right, then walking down four very random stairs that lead to his bedroom . Two black framed french doors sat cracked, the room initially was a sunroom converted to a bedroom because Jimin wanted to be on the first floor and the guest room “wouldn’t even hold my shoes “. So this was the alternative...
Upon opening it he finds the both of you in bed together, but there's nothing even remotely sexual about this if anything it’s comical. Both fully dressed, like shoes and all, how you managed to sleep in that skin tight hot pink body con dress, that barely looked like you had room to breathe is besides me. The upper half of your body was almost hanging half off his california king while Jimin’s foot was damn near in a ballerina point. Evident even through his leather dress boots, neck stretched so far to the side it was almost on his night stand. One hand draped over your hip while the other hung off the bed.
[C] “Why am I not even remotely surprised at this point!?.” A combination of frustration and amusement laced within his voice as he slumped to the ground. Letting a low cackle rupture through his throat, as he still tried to keep his voice at a whisper. Only standing in the door frame at this point. “ I swear I don’t get paid enough for this…..” Walking over to turn on the lights, but unfortunately Jimin only had mood lighting so the dim aesthetic really did nothing to stir the two of you.
Flipping the angle so the camera was facing him again before speaking into it at a hushed tone [C]“Offf course this boy has strip club hoe lighting to go with his damn silk curtains because why wouldn't he! Alright guys’ Imma set this camera on the nightstand, because these two are damn near comatose, and I need two hands for this!  I’m not sure how much footage you will or won't get but I really need to get them up so blame Kookie for also being hungover if this parts shitty!”
At this point because of where the camera was sitting you could only see the bottom of the bed , but it was picking up the conversation taking place above it.
Yoongi reached over readjusting your body on the bed only causing you drape your arms around him in attempts to pull him in “No, no, no..Y/n get up..” Shaking your body until your eyes fluttered, making your roll over closer to Jimin, who welcomed you with no hesitation even in his sleep, always a cuddler even in the platonic sense.
“Alright fuck this..” Hopping on the bed between the two of you, shaking you both until your eyes fluttered open. Jimin’s even puffer than usual from lack of sleep, slipping into complete slits in his face. You weren't doing any better, suddenly your lash extensions felt like bricks hanging on your lids, as you struggled to keep your eyes ajar.  A loud screech comparable to banche left your throat as you stretched,managing to crack a few bones in the process… “Yo, it’s like 5 to 6...you two need to shower and finish packing,private or not we still gotta go through TSA, and you know how LAX is...we need to be outta here by 8! Let’s get movin!!” He was far from yelling but there was no room for debate within the leverage he held as he spoke.
Rolling over to your side, resting your hand on your temple, eyes zoning in on a very faint mark behind Yoongi’s ear making your smirk slightly. “Where did you sleep last night?” Brow quirked at the sudden implied question, the devilish grin on your face transferring to jimins as he ruffled his fingers through his long dark locks. Currently almost jet black, parted messily down the middle with a couple pieces falling in his face framing that lethal jawline of his! Kicking off his shoes and unbuttoning his white dress shirt, leaving his toned caramelized abdomen on display. Giving you a sneak peek at the roses that danced along his ribcage, as he readjusted next to you on the bed.
“Yeah Yoongi where did you sleep last night hmm? Needed a little stress reliever before tour even starts aye?” The playful yet taunting tenor in Jimin's voice eared an eye roll and middle finger from Yoongi.
“Fuck you both, I slept in the guest room thank you very much!” Snapping back with a snarl, while the two of you instantly exchanged glances, eyes meeting and rolling in the same direction simultaneously.
“Really!?” The word left both of your lips in unison, dry as all hell, as you tried to ease off the bed, your hangover knocking you right on your ass. Literally, plopping  back down next to jimin, causing him to smile over at you fondly, stroking the side of your jaw. The contrast of the metal from his rings soothing your skin, nuzzling your face slightly into his palm.
The tone in both of your voices screamed “BULLSHIT”! There were things that happened every once in a while that were kept on the DL, even within the squad ,typically never confirmed or denied, just forever the butt of every, inside joke.
“How the fuck would either of you know different? Your drunk ass couldn't even make it upstairs!” The words slipped from his lips so effortlessly it was like he was already prepared for the two of you to give him that reaction.
“Bitch” Bringing your hand down to meet his ass, as he rolled off the bed smaking it so hard your palm burned from the impact. Earning a low hiss to leave his throat, a noise that was secretly pleasing to both Jimin and yourself if were being honest.
“No, but  I’m serious, you two up! Up!” Shoeing his hands in your direction .
Jimin hopped off the bed first, throwing his shirt on the floor “For once, the little grimiln over there actually has a method to his madness, we need to get moving princess..” Abruptly grabbing you off the bed and throwing you over his shoulder before walking towards the door.
“Hey I heard that! You little shit!” Yoongi aimed a pillow at Jimin but considering he’s not even remotely athletic it landed on your ass instead! Earning a loud squeal from the sudden change of, well shit everything as now you're literally staring at the ground and his ass, in these skin tight leather pants.
The minute the two of you made it into the hallway and he walked up those 4 steps it was game over. All Yoongi could hear from inside Jimin’s bedroom was you literally screaming “Park, down,now put me down I’m literally going to throw up put me down!!”
Picking the camera off the nightstand as he plopped back down on Jimin’s bed , head jerking suddenly from the feeling of something rolling out of the pillowcase. Only to find it’s a bottle of lube, quickly looking at the brand before giving what appeared to be an approving nod, throwing it to the side before bringing the camera up to his face.
[C] “Well ladies and gentlemen..this is gonna be...interesting..to say the least..I’mma go make my rounds, make sure everyone is actually up. Make sure Y/N didn't puke in the damn hallway, I also need to check in with our boys over at TEAMJTH. I’m sure Jin’s the only coherent one, I know they were all over here at some point and I have no idea what time they left!” Pausing to pull his phone out of his pocket, letting his thumb hover over Jin’s contact.
[C] “ Maybe I’ll be somewhat nice and make a starbucks run….meh will see how I feel.But yeah, will check in once Kook’s sober so he can film because I’m sure this was a shit show! So on that note..I’m out! Peace!!”
“How you wanna do this ?” Voice sitting barley above a whisper as he stroked your cheek, while you sat on the ground of the 1st floor guest bathroom. Hair all tousled to the right as your head rested on your arm, which was still braced along the toilet seat. A warm rag coming up to grace the back of your neck “You wanna shower here or go upstair-” cutting him off with a nod before he could even finish his thought. Needing to sit in the humidity before you even tried to walk upstairs. Nodding quickly before walking behind you to turn the shower up,  stepping out into the hallway to grab a towel.
“Someone slept in her makeup…” Tisking lowly as he placed the towel on the counter, before walking back out into the wall.
“Fuck, yeah I know thank god my skin is damn near bullet proof or else I’d be fucked, remind me to never drink on a stomach fuled by soley the dessert menu! “ Rolling your eyes in frustration at no one but yourself as you slowly got off the ground.Feeling slightly light headed in the process, pulling  your dress over your head. Only revealing a nude g-string, the dress was so tight you almost considered not wearing panties at all. As you stepped into the shower you heard the door open again, apparently he went to also grab you makeup wipes, only catching the tail end of your naked body as you disappeared behind the steamed glass.
Not even bothering to apologize because it wasn't the first time he’d seen you like that, sticking your head out the glass, extending your arms for the wipes, as you smiled over in his direction. “Thank you for taking care of my hungover ass…” Shooting him a lazy smile as you rested your head against the tile.
Returning the gesture with a slight bow of the head as he edged towards the door, “No need to thank me, I’mma go hop in the shower myself, I also sat some tylenol on the counter, but come find me if you need me okay?” The genuine care and concern in his voice forced you to give him a legit smile no matter how dead your body felt, Jimin was good people, you don’t meet a lot of them in this industry that’s for damn sure! Nodding in response, another thank you left your lips lightly before letting your body reunite with the steam.
“How’s she feelin?” Jimin heard Namjoon’s voice echo throughout the empty hallway , changing his direction from his bedroom over to the kitchen. Joon was standing behind the island shirtless, mixing together a protein drink, Jimin noticed the tripbod to his right that was holding his phone. Figuring he probably just filmed something, more than likely an instagram video. Shamelessly taking in Namajon’s honey dipped complexion, offset by his dark brows and ice blonde hair.
Joon went through phases were he choose to tone his body, always someone with a strong build so it didn't take much for him to build up muscle mass. In Jimin eyes he was the perfect combination of muscular yet soft all at the same time! A couple small tattoo’s dancing along his body, all quotes written in an old fashioned script. From various books, or artist that caught his attention, not one for random spur or the moment pieces they all held a lot of meaning!
A dimply smile pulled on Joon’s face as he observed the way the younger was damn near drooling “Thanks Chim, I’m glad your enjoying the progress I’m making at the gym” The smile quickly turned into a full blown smirk once he took in how red Jimin got, even though his tanned complexion.
Shaking his head lightly as he chuckled, slightly embarrassed, letting his eyes meet their freshly polished hardwood floors, before brining his gaze back to his elder. Raking his fingers through his hair before slowly letting them slide down his neck “What can I say, I appreciate the hard work that’s all...I know it’s not easy to stay committed!”Ending with a slight nod , that held equal amounts of sass and arrogance.
Strutting over to grab a seat in front of Namjoon “Are these any good, or are they just payin you well?”
A playful tenor rang through his voice as he recognized the very popular protein brand to his right. Finally putting two and two together, as far as his appearance and the tripod, he was clearly filming an AD for the company. Namjoon quirked his brow clearly not as amused as Jimin, while taking a sip, “Don”t try me, last I checked none of us were hungry enough to take a deal just because. We either actually like it or we don’t post about it..or did I miss something?”
Dropping his posture slightly, resting his chin on his knuckles as he locked his eyes with the younger Namjoon’s rebuttal had jimin throwing his hands up, waving his white flag immediately. “Touche, your right, your right! Lemme taste it..” He actually wasn’t asking more so demanding as he grabbed the cup, lacing his tongue around the straw before wrapping his lips around it.
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed into tiny slits at the sight, well aware of what this little shit was doing, making sure the diamond , from his piercing caught the end of the straw “Really? Is that what it is Park?”  Cocking his head to the side slightly, there was an air of amusement that danced along his face while Jimin faked innocence, earning an eye roll from namjoon while he stepped back relaxing against counter. Putting his full abdomen, V line and all on display, while his joggers sat dangerously low...I swear the two of them secretly got off on constantly tempting each other! Though in all honesty it was USUALLY always harmless and just playful, the four of you flirts by nature.
“So what time did you go to bed last night?” Jimin tried to play it cool but Namjon knew he was digging..trying to see if anything happened between him and Yoongi.
“Ugh, around 1, a little after Hoe-seok made an apperance….fuck, you two missed A LOT!”
“What? OH the lapdance!? Fuckkkk I know! That’s the last thing I remember looking at one my phone, just wait until drama channels get a hold of it, Next thing you know there engaged to be married! “ Jimin rolled his eyes annoyed at just the thought of how everything suddenly became an internet headline.Not that it’s ever stopped any of them from doing whatever they want, when they want!
There was suddenly a mischievous glint in Namjoon’s eyes before he shook his head “Nah, there was another lap dance, that hopefully isn't on anybody's snap chat…” .
Jimin’s brows furrowed in slight confusion, and annoyance at the way Namjoon was dragging this out “Just fuckin send it Joonie I don’t have all damn day!”
A snort left namjoon’s body as he dropped his head on the island before continuing “ Alright ,alright, so when  I got home, Kookie, Tae, Ryland, And morgan were chillin’ listening to The Weeknd doing jell-o shots. He was originally giving Morgan a lap dance,and like stripping and shit. Then I come in, we all know Hoseok can’t hold his liquor, I make a comment about his ass in those jeans he was wearing and the next thing I know he’s on my lap…and ugh, yeah...”
The hesitation as his jaw closed, let Jimin known there was more he wanted to say he just choose not too, now how much more is the question.
Jimin gazed back at him completely wide eyed, jaw damn near hanging to the floor, fuck what he would’ve given to be there for that!  “Careful you might catch something…” Joon teased as he took his phone off the tripod…”Fuck, it’s almsot 6:30 you need to get your ass in the shower before Yoongi cut’s your balls off , he just left, and he spent all morning bitching!”
“Ughhh, fine but were texting about this whole ..”dance” situation later because I got questions! Also when is Yoongi NOT bitching, you just love being his little helper huh? Such a good little boy for him aren't you Joonie!!” The taunting almost demeaning tone in Jimin’s voice had his blood boiling, brow quirked, jaw extremely tight. His lethal gaze was daring the younger to even think about saying another word!
Jimin was well aware if they did have sex theres no way in hell Namjoon was bottoming. So he was hoping if he struck a nerve Joon would correct him which would at least confirm if his suspicion of them hooking up in the past was right. But clearly Namjoon was a little too smart for that one…
“Nah, more like I just know how to keep my shit together so I don’t get bitched out, now how about you be a good little boy for your hyung and go take a shower yeah!?” Now it was Joon’s turn to taunt Jimin , his tone alone had jimin shifting in his seat, low, calm yet authoritative all at the same time. All of the boys were Korean-American, so there were obviously some cultural things that just weren’t done as often in america, and referring to your male elder as “Hyung” constantly was one of them. But considering Jimin can find a way to turn anything into a kink he already knew Jimin’s underwear we soaked on command!
Jimin exhaled deeply it was clear as day he was soooo damn annoyed “Sure, anything for you hyung…” Tone dry and snarky as all hell, adding a very condescending enfaces on the honorary as he hopped out the chair, making sure to sway in his skin tight leather pants as he exited the kitchen.
“That’s it, such a good boy for me Jiminie, such a good boy..” Namjoon coaxed with almost cynical smile, earning a very deserved dual middle finger from the younger as he fully exited the space.
“Can you arch for me a little, a little more, a little..yesss just like that...just lean into it a little...perfect now stay like that for me…” If Yoongi didn't know any, he’d probably second guess himself before walking into this room. Actually he’s still second guessing himself, but to his pleasant surprise, it’s a photoshoot not an orgy! . As Jimin, Namjoon, and yourself, laid across your fluffy white couch in an obscene amount of Clavin Klein while Jungkook took pics for an IG post. With all the traveling you guys were about to be doing you just didn't trust yourself to get some of these AD’s up on time so you were trying to cram as much as you could! Forcing yourself to do your infamous “5 minute beat” but begging Kookie to edit the fuck outta these pic’s because you still felt like literal death!
Jimin, opting to go shirtless with the briefs peeked out from under the joggers, namjoon kept on a hoodie  leaving it completely unzipped, while you went for the short’s teasing a red and white thong above the waist band along with the matching bra. All of you going for variations of red, white, and blue due to the day at hand.
Rolling his eyes instantly at the sight in front of him “For your safety I really hope this means your all done packing and when the uber comes in 15 minues you’ll be ready to go!”  Setting down a tray of drinks and bagels, face hidden behind a pair of oversized designer shades. The low rasp in his voice let you know he was just exhausted as the rest of you, but you still had shit to do regardless!
“You reallllly have no faith in us!” You could literally hear the pout in Jimin’s voice without even looking.
“The outfits were sorted on racks, when our stylist and Sara were here yesterday we just ran out of time between that conference call and getting ready for dinner to pack it all. There really wasn't shit to do!” You perked up, with a shrug reaching up to grab the Lavender tea, typically a coffee person but you knew since you were sick this morning, and still felt a little off this one was for you! Reclining your  back into Namjoon’s chest slightly, while to stole your drink out of your hand, inviting himself to taste it.  Brining one hand over to soothe up and down your arm before having the nerve to pass your drink over to Jimin instead of returning it to you.
“Alright, and were sure?! Kookie, all your equipment, is packed, labeled, secured!?” Raising his glasses up to look the youngest in the eyes, that infamous chipmunk smile, meeting Yoongi’s glare.
“Yesss Yoongi, that stuff’s been backed, and double checked, it’s good, were good!!”
Stepping back slowly with a nod of approval, clearing his throat before speaking “Even though the four of you are going to be the cause of my premature aging, wrinkles and receding hairline...I just ugh, want you to know I’m honestly really proud of you guys!This was just some little bullshit project we did to pass trade school, in hopes of one day working in our field. And you guys managed to turn it into a career, we were just hoping to be able to do what we love without struggling now look  …” Pausing suddenly, you could hear his voice wavering, making you all equally teary eyed as this was NOT like Min Yoongi at all.
“For the record it’s the five of us, always has been, always will be, we wouldn’t have made it this far without you, hell we wouldn't have graduated without you honestly!” Jimin pipped in first, feeling the need to stroke his ego a little, even though he was speaking straight facts.
Yoongi was technically the eldest, and was wayyy better at managing the combination of partying and studying while living in LA! When you guys met originally 4 years ago , Yoongi was 21, Joon was turning 21, you were 20, Jimin was 19, and Kookie just turned 18. All at different walks in life, as you enrolled in this program for media arts just trying to turn your hopes into something feasible.
“Don’t ever forget that, Candid Vibes wouldn’t be what it is without you, and we love you too by the way, I think you were dancing around that phrase!” Smiling over fondly in Yoongi’s direction, as he tried to hide the smile moving up his face.
The three of you shared a quick glance before getting up to tackle Yoongi who gave a displeased grumped but you all knew he secretly loved it! Squeezing until his legs gave out and he was rolling around on the floor trying to break free.
“Alrigh, alright get the fuck off me!!!” Swatting in your direction. Face contorted in aggravation while the three of you cackled aimlessly honestly not even phased by him anymore. This was just the way he showed his love and you wouldn’t want it any other way!
“ While I go double check on the Ubers, quickly film your update for the CVSQUADTOUR IG account, and please just do another one over on your bags!”  There was a plea to his tone this time  as opposed to the normal hints of anger!
Jungkook mounted his phone on the tripod so you guys could film and the video could be uploaded directly after. Just a standard update, wishing them a happy and safe 4th of July,letting them know how excited you all were, and to keep following all of your socials for updates, and pop-up events blah blah blah!
2 UberXL pulled up, one solely for your luggage alone, the cars were also sponsored, the four of you used Uber on a weekly basis! The drive to the airport was damn near 40 minutes in traffic thank god you were flying private and the plane wasn't leaving until you got there. The 3 of you almost falling asleep the minute your bodies hit the seats, last night's festivities hitting all at once. While Yoongi made business calls making sure your house and other things were looked over while the four of you traveled. The only other girl on the team was Sara, who had the toughest job in your opinion, being your shared assistant. She left for Miami yesterday,since that’s where her girlfriend is for college, wanting a little personal time before you guys ran her ragged!
Amongst arriving at LAX a couple fans noticed you guys and of course you stopped taking pics outside and in the meantime the guys over at TEAMJTH pulled up!
Clearly they had a brand deal of their own, all of them in Tommy Hilfiger loungewear from head to toe, and they all looked damn good! Hoseok’s long burgundy locs messy pushed out of his face, while pitch black ray bans covered his eyes. His joggers were so damn tight you could damn near see the muscles flex as he walked. If you didn't know any better you’d think you were drooling, his toned arms fully exposed in his loose fitting white tank top, making his tan look even stronger.
“Jung fucking -Hoseok…” A low growl left Jimin’s throat he was standing right next to you as he said it, not even bothering to whisper, the two of you sharing a glance that read the same damn thing..this man  was fine as all hell!
While Taehyung trugged behind him, pulling a Jimin, as his hoodie sat slightly unzipped exposing his chiseled chest and the fact that he wasn't wearing a shirt, a couple thin chains dancing along his collarbone. His dark locks falling in his face from under his hood, this man had on looser fitting sweats, they were gray and he had on, no TYPE of underwear..none in site. Everything just slinging around as you walked.
“Oh fuck off…” You heard Junkgook whisper out to himself from behind the camera in a low almost aggravated tone at the site of Taehyung and you couldn't even blame him!
Last you had Jin in all black, fitted joggers and a pretty tight black tank top, and for the first time you realized how broad Jins shoulders were, and how nice this man’s arms were. His freshly touched up lavender locks bounced in the wind, offsetting the all balck outfit.
“Fuck..” left Nmajoon’s lips almost as if he was winded, at the sight of TEAMJTH approaching...yeah this was gonna ugh, be a fun little trip!!
All of the boys were openly Bi,as were you, there was no preference for any of you, you just liked who you liked. But something you‘ve noticed over the years is the 7 of them were a lot picker when it comes to their male counterparts.  Yet they seemed to fit each others criteria effortlessly
Hug’s and hello’s were exchanged, but it was clear all of you needed a damn nap, the energy level was at a negative 2 right now!
Hoseok draped his arm around your shoulder as you guys made your way through the airport, keeping your body close to his as he made casual conversation. Voice sitting exceptionally husky due to lack of sleep but fuck if it didint sound good.
The two of you waited while the others went into the gift shop for snacks neither of you could be bothered to move. Leisurely laying his arm around your waist pulling you in to snuggle into his chest amongst hearing you yawn, repeatedly. As they say yawns are contagious, the moment his neck reclined, and that sinfully chiseled jawline went ajar, the light reflected on a piece of metal that you‘ve never seen before.
“Holy shit….” Glancing up at him, almost wanting to die as those words physically left your throat instead of staying in your head! Bringing his gaze down to meet yours, brows furrowed in confusion.
“Oh I ugh-I just noticed your tong-” A smirk moved up his face cutting you off mid sentence as he licked his lips before slowly letting the long wet muscle fall from his lips, letting you get a full view. But you couldn’t help notice the shape of it seemed a little..different.
“I got it done almost 3 weeks ago, we've just been video conferencing for all these meetings so you haven’t noticed. This one vibrates when you push it..that’s why it’s a little bigger…” His voice dropped to an octave that made your pussy do the tightest kegal imaginable. The look on his face proved that was kinda what he was aiming for, loving the way your body shuddered against his own.
Your throat felt uncomfortably dry as you gazed up at him, his eyes were locked on yours...dead set on making you fall apart in his arms and it wasn’t taking much. Clearly the universe decide to help you out, as the rest of the group slowly trampled out of the store.  Jungkook leading the way from behind the lense. An almost arrogant smile curled up his face as he pulled back from you, easing back into casual conversation with the rest of the group.
[C] “Were walking through the airport….well fuck clearly you can see that, but were heading twoards the termal and I’m reallyyyy exicted!!” A squeak ruptured through your throat as you smiled over in Jungkook's direction. Jimin and Hoseok walking by in unison, fosseying there way towards the terminal Jazz hands, goofy ass expressions and all!
[C] “Kookie make sure you edit in some really dope Casey Neistat , type music, and editing on this part like I wanna look badd assss, slow - mos and all!” Namjoon hopped into frame out of nowhere earning a snort from kookie.
[C] “All right, let's go give it to me...I'll run ahead, and all of you give me your most badass strut and I’ll slow mo and edit that shit to the gods!!!” Kookie did as he said. Running to the end of the termal, counting down from 5 giving you all the signal to walk, and to be honest it was looking great. Until jimin had to end it with a casual almost  “modest” if you will...slut drop upon reaching the end, and of course you couldn't be out done so you joined. Jimin just stayed in the position for a moment almost as if he were gracing the world with the view of his ass, before sticking out his tongue playfully at the camera to his right!
“Buss it down thotiana buss it downnnn” Hoseok cheered from the side at the site of the two of you, forever the hype man, encouraging you to live you best life. An obnoxiously loud cackle left both him and jin’s throat as they no doubt had that on their snap within seconds!
You can hear Jin and Hoseok in the background jokingly making comments about making it rain on both of you asses or something along those lines as you two strutted down the hall.
[C] I’ve never in my life seen Casey do anything like that…EVER” Yoongi’s tone came through the side stale as hell!!
“I mean, I support it, both the left and the right side of it…” Namjoon smirked back in Yoongi’s direction taking in the site of both asses swaying in front of him!
Jungkook, and Brendan TEAMJTH’s videographer lead the way into the plane first, and it was gorgeous, seating 14 comfortably had a mixture of chairs, couches, and a work space, one bedroom, and bath. In addition to an array of food, drinks and desserts, a special card sitting on the table next to an edible arrangement. Taking a couple pics to quickly upload to your IG account before getting settled .
There was someone from JETTLY waiting as you guys bored, showing you the amenities, introducing you to the pilot and such but there wasn’t a flight attendant present for the trip which was probably in their best interest!
“Strawberry or pineapple?” Taehyung brought his gaze over to Jungkook as he sat the camera on the table..shrugging nonchalantly, trying to hide the smile moving up his face.
“I don’t know surprise me..”
A smirk moving up Tae’s face at that “Close your eyes..” Dropping his voice slightly, as if it didn't already set at a sinful tenor naturally. Walking over to grab a piece of pineapple, biting into it partially to make sure it’s sweet. Flicking his index finger at the youngers bottom lip letting him know to open up, sliding the fruit into his mouth, while letting his finger lingers over his tongue.  Making the younger smile slightly taking the hint, and lapping his tongue gently, fluttering his eyes open with a meek smile.
“You said surprise you…” Taehyung countered letting his lips hover over Jungkook’s before pulling back smugly making his way back over to the edible arrangement. Leaving the younger more than flustered….
“Alright guys, it’s gonna be a minute before we take off, since you're all finally in one place I need you guys to do one more update about tomorrow’s popup shop. Oh and we were able to get some of your merch there as well!! guys” Jackson, TEAMJTH’S manager spoke up, technically Jin,Hoseok, and Tae were just coming for shits and giggles. The plan originally wasn't a shared tour that’s why there only doing two shows.
But since it’s typical for you guys to have an alternating guest host at least once a month  and your audience loves the threesum it just made sense. Of course since they were coming , pay was worked out, they will be compensated accordingly for the New York and LA shows as well as any of there merch that’s sold. Besides them being your friend’s the five of you just didn't do shady business!
The popup shop would be from 5-10 on the 5th, selling merch and a limited supply of brand collabs the 8 of you have done over the years!
It was a little after 10 once the jet actually took off, the video was uploaded and your lives got to go on airplane mode! All of you forever grateful for the extremely dim lighting and the fact there were blinds draping the windows. The flight to Miami was about 5 hours and with the time difference by the time you landed it would be rolling on 8pm, you all had a 9:30 dinner meeting with your sponsors so sleeping was crucial.
All of you bundled up in different areas of the plane, the hum of music buzzed through the speakers, while your head laid alone on the couch kiddie-corner at the very back of the room. To be honest it seemed like you were the only one up, the light from your phone catching Jimin’s attention as he invited himself to snuggle up behind you. Sliding your phone out of your hand , placing it on the floor “You need to get some sleep…” the whisper hummed though your ear, as his hand found its home draping over your hip you knew he was right. Eyes burning like hell yet you couldn’t fall asleep…
Head covered under an oversized Calvin Klein hoodie, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, while his palm massaged your hip. A slow exhale left your body as you relaxed into his touch, “Fuck, I know..I just hate sleeping on flights!” A humm left his lips at that and you swore you could feel him smirking into your skin, as his hand slipped under the blanket, past the band of your shorts, toying with the hem of your calvins...A low chuckle left your throat, already well aware of were this was going, you kinda expected it just not this soon.
It’s been 4 months since anything sexually has happened between the two of you, and for some reason it only happens when your traveling. Maybe there’s just something in the air , it was in the bathroom at a brand event, in Bora Bora you found yourself on your knees in Moschino and he found himself shamelessly on his in Gucci. It was a great night, needless to say, the two of you ended up buying the outfits afterwards because there was no way in hell they could be returned!
“I’m surprised your over here with me actually…” Your words coming out slightly muffled as you tried to be respectful of the current atmosphere around you.
“And why’s that..” Bringing his hand down to soothe under your ass, while his lips left faint airy kisses down the side of your neck. Teeth grazing the thin chain around your neck, toying it between his teeth.
“Well, with the way you've been eyeing Hoseok the past two days I figured you’d jump on the opportunity to cuddle up under him...”. Turning your head slightly with a playful smirk waiting for him to bring his lips up to meet yours.
“Coming from the woman who almost creamed her panties when she realized he had his tongue pierced today?” Even though he phrased it as a question his tone came off very “matter of factly” leaving no room for debate. Tugging your bottom lip between his teeth, before lapping over it with his tongue,letting the tiny diamond ball of his own dance along your flesh.  “How didn't you notice that last night?” Sucking your lip between his teeth, not even really expecting a response as he dug his nails into your ass, rolling his hips into you until your knead out slightly. Eyes fluttering shut, as you arched back into his touch, grinds your ass into him until you ripped a stifled moan from his throat!
 Sinking his teeth into the side of your neck in response until you dug your nails in his thigh “We have a meeting behave….”  A deep sigh left his lips but he abided anyway, using his tongue to assault your neck instead.
“I saw the way you were looking at him all night,I don't blame you, I was starting just as hard as you were baby.”  Bringing his hand up to grab your neck, applying  just the right amount of pressure, as his lips teased up your ear. Tugging your hoops between his teeth before sucking a nice little reminder right beneath your ear.
Sliding his hands past your panties to swipe of your clit, a low moan leaving both of your lips “Fuck, Hobi really did get your little pussy wet didint he? Can you imagine how good it would feel to have both of us smothered between your thighs? Telling you how sweet you taste and how good you look while you come.” His lips were literally buried into your ear as he spoke, trying to keep is voice as low as possible, the feeling of his breathe teasing your skin alone had your body shuddering. “God your always so sweet too, you know Hoseok has his cock pierced in 2 places right?”
That alone ripped another moan from your throat as he eased to two fingers in until the rings on his fingers were submerged with you heat. Walls flexing on command as he molded himself around you, curling his fingers upwards to tease at the roof of your pussy. Biting down on your lip so hard you thought you’d draw blood. Thrusting his fingers in and out at an agonizing pace, the girth between the two of them had you arching within seconds , sliding a third finger in and your walls welcomed the stretch effortlessly, as you coated him in your juices. “God your so fuckin’ tight, I bet I got you thinkin about him bending you over -”
“While I have your dick in my mouth? yeah that’s exactly what I’m thinking about. Me wrapping my lips around you until you come down my throat.” The words hissed from your throat as your heat pulsed around him you could almost hear your juices slushing around as he pumped his fingers in and out. “You always look so good when your begging, you turn into such a little slut it’s so sexy.” Now it’s your turn to tease, grabbing his face in your hands pulling his lips down to meet yours. Sliding your tongue into his mouth when you hear him let out an involuntary cry as you start grinding your hips back even harder. Allowing his tongue to map every area in your mouth, the cool sensation from the diamond ball in contrast to the warmth of his tongue has your biting back moans every second. Both of you kissing each other with the same amount of fever , tongues melding against each other, as he exchanged your hole for your clit. Placing the pad of his  fingers  against it before adding steady pressure, as he moved in swift circles.
“Or how about you fucking me, while Hoseok works you open with his fingers, god his hands are so sexy.Until your just begging for him to fuck you, you know how much you love to beg.” A low whine left his throat as he pulled back to lay his tongue flat against your neck, licking a long slow stride before sucking down lightly beneath your chin. Just enough to make you want more, even though you knew he couldn’t...
“Jiminnnn...” You whined slightly reclining your neck even more humming out against your skin in response, lips vibrating against your pulse as if he was actually curious as to why you were calling his name.
“god yes, making you fall apart up under him while you make me cum for you...making a mess all over you cock before he fucks you open with his.” Bringing his lips back over to yours with a slight growl, panting out against his tongue, not allowing yourself to pull away because your afraid of how loud you’ll become, needing his lips and tongue to muffle your cries, as you feel the heat growing in your stomach.
Sliding his oppiste had into your panites, gliding three fingers in knuckle deep, just keeping them stationary, only adding to the immense pressure building in your stomach.
“Your soo good, your fingers are soo good..” Moaning out against his tongue, as low as possible before sucking it into your mouth, his fingers always filled you perfectly, it never took much for him to get you off. Hoping the fact that his hoodie was draping over both of your faces muted out some of the noise.
The neediness dripping from his tongue aren't helping either as you grind your hips into his hand, helping chase your own orgasm. “Fuck I forget much of a promblem this mouth of yours is, your gonna fuck around and make me come from that alone, god your so fuckin sexy…” You could feel him start to build up momentum his fingers started working even faster, needing to feel you come just as bad as you “Your dripping down my hand right now, fuck I just wanna taste you, make you come all over my face.”
Burying your face in the crook of his neck, sinking your teeth into the base merissily, edging you towards your release. “That’s it, fuck yourself on my fingers baby, I can feel how tight your clit is, come for me, come nice and hard for me….” Panting out gainst his your hair as your muscles started to seeze biting down on his neck disgustly hard as you came…… body shuddaring in his embrase as he contiuned working your clit, easing you through your orgasm “Fuck yes, just like that...keep comming for me baby” No matter how sensetive you were you still kept rocking abck agaisnt him, his dick impposibly hard in his pants until you heard a low growl leave his chest. You knew Jimin well enough to know there was a 99% chance he just came….
A low chuckle left your throat at that ...reaching down in his pants as he swirled his fingers in yours. It was like the two of you worked off of one brain cell, brinings your fingers up to each others mouths, lapping your tongues around the digits effortlessly before bringing your lips together. Moaning out simultaneously the two of you tasted each other, the kiss was slow and lazy, letting his tongue have it’s way you as you were spent at this point. Eyes so heavy you almost couldn't open them once he pulled away “Get some sleep…” the words brushed against your lips with a lazy smile before kissing the tip of your nose. The scent of you rolling off his tongue as he spoke. “My entire bodies pliant right now...I don't have a choice, I’m not moving and neither are you!”
Placing one more kiss along your lips before readjusting the two of you under the blankets, before well needed sleep effortlessly washed over your bodies.
The feeling of someone’s hand roaming through your hair is what had your eyes breaking apart. It wasn’t Jimin though you knew what he felt like. These hands were longer, but equally delicate, eyes flutter up to see it was Taehyung. With a camera. Dead in your face.
[C] “Were hereeeee..” The words left his lips sing song like, back to his normal playful self, clearly sleep did him well. Soothing his palm over you back as you grumbled in dismay burying your face back in the blanket...until you remember the discomfort sitting in your panties from earlier, and you instantly felt the desire to hop up and run to the bathroom!
Stepping into the bathroom too quickly wipe down with a towel swamping out your underwear, putting a soiled ones in a bag and sliding them in your cosmetic bag. Upon walking out of course Hoseok would be the one waiting to use the bathroom.
Resting against the wall, shirt long gone, as his hands sat casually in his pockets, the look on his face just felt like he knew something. Or maybe you just felt awkward because you and Jimin got off to the idea of having a threesom with the man in front of you!
“Did you sleep well?”
“I ugh, yeah, yeah I did ..you?” Hoping to god your voice didn't come out as shaky as it felt.
Another all knowing smirk moved up his face, with a slight shrug “Meh, I mean...it couldve been better….” Easing his back off the wall to talk past you, body dusting against yours slightly as he entered the bathroom.  Allowing you to get a full view of beautifully done back piece, Hosoek had one tattoo, and the thing was HUGE...taking up a good 70 percent of his extremely muscular back. It was an extremely detailed leopard, with a tone of tropical themed flowers around it. He got it done in Thailand..about 2 years ago over the span of 3 day!
The minute you returned to the main area Jimin’s eyes met yours exchanging the same look before randomly bursting out into a fit of laughter causing everyone else to glare in your direction. THIS is why the two of you were able to have sex every once on and while, because once it was over..it was over, the two of you were able to just revert back as if nothing ever happened! Walking over to investigate your damage,  yanking his hoodie to the side, thankfully the brutal mark was low enough on his shoulder that any shirt with sleeves would cover it! But fuck if it wasn;t the deepest shade of purple imagiabele, a hiss left your lips at the site of it.
“Don’t worry about it, you know how much I get off on pain..” The words were barely audible as whispered out into your hair. Pulling back from you with a smirk, walking over to pack his blankets and such back in his luggage.
Once the plane officially settled and the 10 of you made your way to the airbnb it was pushing 8:30, and luckily the sponsors had a feeling this would happen and pushed dinner back to 10. But that still didn't leave MUCH time for getting ready.
Upon pulling up you all recognized the house, it was the “Santorini” very popular amongst influencers as it had 5 bedoroms 4 baths, nine bed all together, a hot tub, pool the full nine. Unfortunately you lot were far too rushed to explore or even pick out rooms, recognizing the car that was waiting outside thankful it was the hair and makeup duo you reached out to weeks ago through IG to do your glam while in Miami.
The house was a mess within seconds, all of you running around throwing clothes everywhere trying to find what you needed, the ten of you had never gotten ready so fast in your lives.
Jungkook and Brenden were ready first, within 20 minutes tops, the least high maintenance of the group, whipping out there cameras as they watched all the casos unfold. Even Though 80% would have to be cut as there were a lot of naked and or half naked bodies running through this house!
It was only a matter of time before Jackson and Yoongi were screaming that the car was outside and you all needed to leave ..NOW!
“Fuck where are my shoes!?
“Who has hairspray, that won’t make my hair look flakey on my hair!?”
“Kim-Tae-fucking-hyung are you wearing my Saint Laurent boots!?”
“NO! My feet are bigger than yours ya dick!”
Everything and everyone was a damn mess, yelling from all ends of the house, no one really sure who the other was actually speaking too!
“Ahhh shit I gotta go I gotta gooo..” You found yourself running away from your glam team as they chased behind you with hairspray and fix plus,trying to spray you down in the process “Someone zip this pleaseee…” The first person you ran by was Namjoon, his silk paisley shirt sitting slightly unbuttoned giving you a sneak peek at his toned chest while reaching behind to zip up your dress.
[FILMING] ‘Shit I don't know if I like thissss..” You knew that whine anywhere it was Jimin giving himself a one over in the mirror.
[FILMING] “Your ass looks delectable Jiminie we gotta gooooo!!!” The praise came from Namjoon making the younger blush slightly as he licked his cherry stained lips, not hesitating to look at his ass in the frame one more time before abiding. Confidence instantly back on a hundred as he smirked, swaying away from the mirror while running his fingers through his hair.
The 10 of you pilled into 3 luxury Ubers arriving to the “Lobster Bar Sea Grille” About 10 minutes late but hey, you tried, Jimin and yourself strutted together, the last two to hop out of the car. Hoseok came over casually draping his hand over Jimin’s shoulder. “I like these pants on you Jimine…” tone calm as ever as his hand gently brushed up Jimin’s thigh, making the older chuckle upon feeling his muscles tense under his hold.
Turning his head upwards slightly to meet Hoseok’s gaze, letting his tongue play at the corner of his mouth “Yea, I can say the same about you,they make your thighs look really good” Jimin’s voice dropped a little, adding that slightly whiny twang that never failed to get him his way! Eye’s shamelessly  trailing up Hoseok’s body
A humm leaving Hosoek’s lips in response as his hand coily trailed down Jimin’s back, the slight whimper that left Jimin’s throat the lower he got didn't go unnoticed. Once Hoseok's hand reached his ass he didn't hesitate to squeeze it firmly in his palm until the younger knead out slightly.  Pulling back with a smirk “Let’s ugh..go knock this meeting out so yeah?” Lips hovering over Jimin’s ear as he whispered into his skin. A low rumble ruptured through his chest at the way the younger was just putty in his hands. Typically Jimin had this effect on everyone else, he’s not used to being knocked on his ass, Hoseok’s a completely different type of creature that’s for damn sure. This time giving his ass a couple playful smacks before jogging over to Jin and Taehyung as the walked through the restaurant's doors.
“What. The. Fuck. Was. That.” Glancing over at Jimin with a smile, honestly you were kinda rooting for this, lord knowns he’s wanted to fuck Hoseok since they met.
“I have no idea, but if that mans dick isn't in my mouth by the end of the night..I’mma lose my shitt!!”
Upon walking in and exchanging hugs there appeared to only be seating left on either side of Hoseok..Jimin and yourself couldn't help but laugh as you took your seats, something tells me this was not a quisedence.
While Tae was next to jungkook Yoongi was sandwiched between Jin and Namjoon, and Jackson, and brenden were sitting in between the two Mike, and Jordan. They were behind the company sponsoring the actual aesthetic of the tour. Meaning they were the ones transforming these venues into the atmosphere all of your fans were walking into. Everything from lighting,seating, the podcast “set” the full nine. Each city was set to have it’s on vibe so none of the ‘set’s would look the same!
The night went well, not that you were surprised, you all knew time and place, and sitting in front of two men who were putting a shit ton of money into your tour was a place to act like professionals. But then midnight rolled around, and that’s when everyone started to get a little laxed Jimin and yourself were one in the same. The familiar smirk that tugged on his pouty lips as he sat in deep conversation with Hoseok told you to look under the table.
Only to find his fingers gently teasing over Hoseok’s cock through his pants, trickling up and down his zipper. Casually bringing his hand down to soothe up his inner thigh, fingers getting dangerously close to his length. Admiring the way Jimin kept gazing at him, the glint in his eyes were the perfect combination of innocent and sin all at the same time. You couldn't even help the smirk that tugged on your cheeks, feeling somewhat proud of you friend for finally going after what he’s wanted.
The sponsors left and graciously covering the bill, while the rest of you shifted outside towards the bar which set right off the water. But you couldn't help but notice Jimin get up to go to the bathroom, only for Hosoek to follow seconds later.
Walking in to find the younger pressed against the counter raking his fingers through his hair, not forgetting to arch slightly with a cheeky grin once his eyes zooned in on Hoseok.
Tsking lowly as he shook his head, one hand in his pocket as he strolled over causally “Such a little cock tease huh?” Smacking his ass so hard, even Hoseok moaned out at the sting, pulling a sharp gasp from Jimin’s body.  Making him fall forward chuckling lightly as he braced his weight on his elbows, grinding back into Hoseok. Turning his head slightly as his tongue flicked the roof of his mouth, locking his eyes with the elder as he felt him, digg his thumbs into his hips before grinding his clothed cock into Jimin ass.
Making Jimin moan out shamelessly sucking his plum bottom lip into his mouth as he zoned in on his own reflection.
“Ohhh, you like watching yourself get fucked? You like seeing how pretty you look while your bent over like a little slut getting fucked into the counter?” Rolling his hips a little deeper with a growl, bringing his hand up to take a firm hold on Jimin’s sinfully thick neck.
Brining Jimin’s body flesh to his, Hoseok’s blunt teeth sunk deep into a pulse point, making the younger strangle out a high breathy moan that bounced off every surface of marble in this bathroom.
“Fuck”. Hosek bit his lip, snaking his tongue down the side of Jimin’s neck to ease the sting, his body shuddering at the feeling of the metal brushing against his skin. “You sound so fuckin good and I haven’t even touched you yet…I wonder what you’ll sound like if IIII…..”
Finally bringing his hand down to cup Jimin’s throbbing cock as he rolled his hips into him electing another needy whine from his throat bringing something almost primal out of Hoseok’s body! “Jiminnnn, baby fuck...” The tone in his voice reflected as if he was in pain, which he was, his dick was ready to fucking explode.
The pet name and sudden hint of neediness in Hoseok’s voice had Jimin turning into complete mush in his hold.
Taking Jimin’s hand in his own, pulling back just enough to let Jimin squeeze his cock in his hands through the almost painfully tight fabric, making it twitch a couple times, and he swore Jimin’s knees went limp.
“You want it…” Phrasing the question more as a statement , as he turned Jimin’s head waving his tongue into his mouth, making the younger respond instantly swirling it around the muscle. Hoseok’s hand made its way back to the front of Jimin’s body , soothing it down his chest,before palming his length again. “Soo sexy…” slurred out against Jimin’s mouth, as he sucked his plum bottom lip between his teeth.
Jimin was the one to break away from the kiss “I’m over having your tongue in my mouth , I need your cock” Tone exceptionally bratty, nipping at the elders chiseled jawline,rolling his hips back even deeper “You want me on my knees here or at home?”
(Since this is the first chapter I kinda forgot that this one would be the longest for obvious reasons! So I decided I didn't wanna make this like 16 k...cut it off at 9.5 and if this is received well, Miami will be done in 2 parts. So if you enjoyed this and want more...show some love and hit up my ask.
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sky-chau · 5 years
Lets get down to business.
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^This is the checklist.^
I will reffer to it frequently.
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Ive understood you the past six times. I understand your frustration but you have to think of it from a broader perspective and understand that there are more variables at play than wheather or not nonbinary people feel like an afterthought.
Just so were on the same page I'm going to make a list of things and people (in no particular order, since tumblr likes to re arrange blocks of text anyway.) I have taken the time to consider and continue to have to think about with every edit.
Nonbinary Folk (anyone who doesn't identify as a male or female)
Color Theory
Color Blindness
Disabled folk
Trans Women
Mainstream Culture
Intersex people
Production cost
Traditional Symbolism
Ease of Understanding
Character icons
Fun edits
Honoring the Dead
Jewish people
Queer history
Making it hard to erase any identity certain people might try to exclude.
The DAD test
So keeping all these things and the checklist in mind lets run shit down and try to fix the flag.
Goal: make nonbinary people feel included.
So NB people don't identify with the fem signs.
That's valid I get that, I gave an all stripe flag for y'all to use as you wish.
But that still makes them an after thought.
You're right I kinda seems that way. How about we just get rid of the fem signs all together!
Here's all the problems getting rid of the fem signs all together:
1: it leaves quite the empty space and feels like a bad composition
2: violates checklist points 2 and 6.
3:the spotlight would be flat out unrecognisable
Well how so?
POC would be unhappy to know that they have been dropped from the flag. Id imagine the same kind of backlash from disabled lesbains aswell.
Why not just make them into stripes too?
1: we all know how much backlash the brown stripes get from white people who think they're ugly.
2: if nonbinary people are represented as a white stripe and disabled people were a white fem sign, what color stripe would we associated with disabled people?
3: too many stripes.
Alright so stripes aren't a great idea, why not change the fem signs into something a bit more nueteral? Like just circles.
1: looses the clever side of the design that has a couple walking down a road or atop a light house, who's sillouhets are the projection for the spotlight.
2: making them into say a circle is rather abstract and would not catch on.
3: would violate checklist points 2 and 4.
4: its just bad design.
Why not add a third sign?
That gets a bit too complicated and starts confusing the message.
So then how do we compromise in a way that is practical and appeals to a mainstream audience but isint racist/albeist?
Well you make the flag more versatile. Give it different forms for different people with different needs.
But why is the one with the fem signs introduced first and one for Enbies introduced second? Why not introduce them all at once? Why have a primary flag at all?
This is what's called boiling the frog.
If you introduce people to the new flag idea starting with 5 flags that can be used interchangeably, they're going to be rather overwhelmed and might find themselves angry at such a preposterous idea.
So what you do is you introduce the flag with the most signage as the "main flag" and for every flag that is a subtraction of signage, introduce it as a resource for editing.
This allows people to use whatever form of the flag makes them most comfortable without making anyone else feel as if though they've been excluded from representation entirely. It also gives the opprotounity to explain to the clueless why you're using the "resource for edits" as the flag. It gives you a chance to explain to the curious the nuances to your identity at a pace that the person questioning would not be overwhelmed by, and might actually have a shot at understanding.
To say one is an after thought when 1.0 also had nonbinary people is truely reading a tad bit too into it and s little foolish considering you've been woven into the fabric of the flag since the very beginning.
Wait, why do we have to appeal to mainstream culture at all? Queer people have never been mainstream?
I think Natalie Wynn (contrapoints) said it best:
"If you want to persuade someone it helps to meet them where they're at"
So what does that mean?
Well it means baby steps. If we wish to educate people on the variety of lesbians we first have to appeal to what they think a lesbian is. Then over time you can slowly slip your more woke and educated points in.
Most people (outside of tumblr) dont know what a nonbinary person is, much less what the signage for them would look like.
But even that is not what lesbians as a whole are mostly concerned about as for us, where people are currently at is still not knowing what fucking flag to use for lesbians. The fem signs give a very difinitve answer to the question "wait what's that new flag suppose to be?" and potentially sparks interest into finding out why a post used this flag instead of the lipstick lesbian flag.
While it's not the wokest flag around it has been made very strategically to make replacing the old flag, easier and make more sence to the clueless onlooker.
Now a little bit about how graphic design and symbols work:
Lets talk about bathrooms for second. More specifically gendered public bathrooms. I know this is a hot topic and a lot of people are on board with having gender neutral bathrooms.
So for the sake of this example working lets get more specific and say were talking about porta potties. Technically all porta potties are gender neuteral, BUT for camping events lasting longer than a few days on grounds with no plumbing they have a womens porta potty.
Womens porta potties are exactly the same as all the others. They even have a urinal pipe for men. The reason that there is a womens porta potty is because some women do occasionally go on their periods and hazardous waste with blood in it has to be treated differently than hazardous waste without.
Now there's alot of different women and not all of them wear dresses. But the sign on the door to the womens portable shitter has a little picture of a person in a dress.
They dont use that signage to alienate people or dictate what women can wear. It simply uses the culture to illustrate what this crapper is.
They could put a biohazard sign on the women's toilet but, all fecal matter is a biohazard, blood or no blood.
Since not everyone is super savvy on what the bio hazard sign would imply about a women's camping toilet, that would be considered hostile design. Its not easy to understand.
Hostile design as a term usually applied to doors, or anti homless spikes but can be applied more broadly.
Now using the fem signs on the lesbian flag is the same as using the little dress person on a bathroom. Its not making a statement about the demographic using the item, it simply serves to make as obviously as possible using the cultural landscape it lives in, what the thing is for/about.
The most common signage used for lesbians is the interlocking fem signs. Using it on a thing simply states that thing that it is printed on is for or about lesbians.
Without the signs, it may be hard to figure out what flag its suppose to be if nobody told you.
Your frustration is valid and I'm not trying to make you an afterthought. Ive put alot more thought, time and, effort into this than I think anyone realizes.
If enough nonbinary people say they really wont use or support the flag I will make a new one, but be warned: I will throw a fit.
I will whine about it not only because I'm a little bitch like that, but also because its actually a fucking challenge that will require starting over from scratch.
But don't get me wrong I am still absolutely HELLBENT on making a flag that works.
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bonearenaofmyskull · 6 years
How does one write meta? I am someone who is terrible at critical analyses and has trouble even finding themes in books (eng lit was hell for me!!) but I would love write meta for shows/movies. I just don't know what to look for and how to break it down. Please help me, if you don't mind! I want to be able to articulate/explain why I like or don't like and what I think about the work, character, relationship or topic. I feel like I need a guideline. Also how do you know if a work has substance?
Welp, if all your years of education including, evidently, college hasn’t taught you how to critically read a text (written or media) and write about it in a way that you feel confident in, then I seriously doubt there’s anything I can say in a single post to instill that confidence. That said, I can say what and how I do it, more or less. 
1. Watch the thing. A lot. And then some more. 
My typical schedule for when Hannibal aired in S2 (I wasn’t posting regularly in S1 and S3 was over summer so my schedule got shot all to hell) was to watch the episode the night it aired (Friday), read the questions I’d get about it in my inbox, watch it again right after, get up in the morning on Saturday and read the next set of questions, watch it AGAIN, start drafting answers, and watch it again at least once more that day and two or three times on Sunday. I would get an Amazon copy of the episode so when I wrote anything about any detail in it, I would go find that spot and rewatch it again, maybe two or three times. So my meta responses, unless it was something super quick and easy, typically had no less than five viewings. After the end of a week, no less than ten or twelve. 
At this point, I’ve watched “Aperitif” 27 times just for my job. Overall I think it’s around 70. Meta is time-consuming.
(A small tangent: This–along with the fact that each ask I answered tended to spawn two or three more asks–is something that informed my occasional testiness when someone would come along, say something inaccurate that would mislead or confuse people, and then, when I would say something to them about it, would say, “This is only my opinion!” or “I’m not writing for school!” or “I’ve only watched it once and I just wanted to share my feelings!” or “All interpretations are valid and equal!” Well, some of us are putting in a lot of time and effort into our interpretations and into helping people understand things before and in the process of publishing meta, and others’ lack of these directly makes my work more difficult and time-consuming. It’s frustrating.)
2. Look for patterns.
Hannibal has fairly obvious patterns because Bryan Fuller is many things, but–generally speaking–subtle he is not. So you see the same lines repeated (”They know”), the same images repeated (eyeballs with reflections), the same strains of music (go go Brian Reitzell), the same general topics (transformation, consumption, the human propensity for violence, God), and so forth. But this is true in all texts: if it bears repeating, it will bear examining. This is where themes (in books or otherwise) come from, along with the kinds of lessons that characters learn (or should have learned) through their experiences. 
3. Back up your opinions with text.
If you can’t back it up with text, you don’t have meta. You have headcanon. And sometimes headcanons are just wrong interpretations not because anything in the text directly counters them them, but because multiple things point toward countering them. Interpretations are fine, but they need to have multiple and/or significant portions of text to support them. 
I occasionally get into “the author is dead” debates with people, but as a rule of thumb, if you want to maintain any respectability in this endeavor, imo it’s worthwhile to look at a thing from the perspective of what you think the authors (including actors, directors, writers, etc) were trying to accomplish, and then look for details that support that. So like the “Bedelia cut off her own leg” argument–in the sense that you can’t definitively argue that she didn’t cut off her own leg, since they don’t show on screen who did, the claim that she cut it off herself is weaker than the claim that Hannibal and/or Will did it for her. There are pieces of evidence that imply that Hannibal and/or Will did it, but there is only conjecture to support that Bedelia herself did (”she could have…” this that, or the other). You cannot argue from an absence of evidence, and the evidence of an author’s thinking will be there, in the details. 
4. Study, look things up, and learn to write and argue. 
If Hannibal decides to quote Nietzsche, it don’t matter that you ain’t read Nietzsche in twenty-odd years and never read that particular piece at all. Go do your research, cuz somebody gonna ask. Not only that, but somebody gonna read that shit that is a fuggin philosophy major, so you better get your goddam ducks in a sweet little tidy row. 
Read what other people write about the topic you want to write about. If you want to write MCU meta, get your ass in the MCU meta tag (or whatever it is that they use) and read what people are saying. Some of them are going to be hella smart and help you understand things you didn’t know you misunderstood.
Same with writing. Learn to do that shit, if you don’t know already, on all levels: we’re dealing with ideas here, but there are also organization, voice, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions. Reread and edit your shit. I recommend being linear in your organization–I’ve known people who wrote beautiful meta that you wouldn’t ever get any sense of what the point is till the absolute end. Don’t do that to people. Make a point, support it, draw a conclusion. Writing 101 stuff.
Learn to recognize logical fallacies so that you don’t do them when you don’t want to, and so that when you do want to, you can hide them so people won’t call you out on them. And so that you can call out others on them. 
Make no mistake: meta is argument. It’s only pretending to be expository.
With that in mind, know what you’re capable of. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. Especially if you’re easily hurt and/or have self-esteem issues. So much of fandom is all about lovey feelings and not leaving unasked-for criticism on people’s fic and all that–and I support that–but meta is an exception to this. It just is. Everyone is going to be jumping for a chance to tell you how wrong you are, even if they don’t write meta themselves and only watched the show once and just have feelings. 
5. Know your audience. 
Here’s an example of what I mean: I received an ask some years ago about whether or not Hannibal ever was in love with Bedelia, maybe even just a little? Even if it wasn’t like how he feels about Will??? 
Look, I’m a Hannigram shipper, and I wasn’t making any bones about that matter at the time I got that ask. But obviously that was from someone who shipped Bedannibal and really just wanted their poor soul to be soothed, and I can guarandamntee you I found some way to answer yes, in a way that was honest and that I could textually support, even though I myself would not call that relationship “in love.”
If you can, be on the side of your readers. They will be the people who are asking you questions. It doesn’t hurt to demonstrate kindness, as much as you can, without sacrificing the integrity of what you have to say as a meta writer. I’ll be the first to say I’ve made a lot of enemies on this blog because of various arguments I’ve gotten into, and I haven’t always known how important this is. But the people who come to you with questions deserve the best you can possibly give them.
How do you know when a work has substance?
It should be able to check several if not all of the following boxes:
Addresses the human condition in a non-trivial way (needs to be arguable and worth arguing about)
Contains complex characterization (no black and white major characters)
Displays text complexity (you gotta put in some effort to get it)
Exercises intertextuality (allusions to the greater world, other texts, history, etc.) 
Displays artistic quality (in all areas: writing, cinematography, acting, etc.)
Utilizes multiple varying artistic tools (metaphor, symbolism in writing, for example, or an appropriate variety of camera angles)
Controls and maintains a tone appropriate to subject and message
Note that being contextually relevant (dealing with important social issues) is not something that I listed here. Many on Tumblr would say that it should be. You should be at least vaguely aware of how your particular venue (Tumblr vs. reddit, for example) is going to affect your audience’s expectations of such things. 
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reviewsbyracine · 4 years
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With everything crazy happening in the world, it is important that we still depend on the little things that make everything feel right. For me, I know that I can always depend on classic episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit to help me feel at home. There's something strangely soothing about Benson and Stabler working together to solve a sex crime. (And yes, I know that Christopher Meloni left the show nine years ago - as far as I'm concerned, the Stabler episodes are the only episodes that matter.) When it comes to rewatchable episodes of SVU, I always come back to “Babes," a season ten episode. So with nothing better to do, let me tell you why it is possibly the best episode of SVU ever created.
"Babes" starts with our usual fake-out cold open: characters just trying to enjoy a night out before stumbling on a gruesome crime scene and then we never see them again. This time, it's the last diners at a restaurant. Despite holding holding up the kitchen staff from going home, the gentleman on the date asks to order desserts (despite the fact that they seem to be eating salads) and suggests flambé because it's "exciting." The irate waiter tells them that "the only thing that's flaming is the maître d'."
Just then, a man on fire can be seen screaming and waving around just outside the restaurant. Yes, that's right: SVU set a man on fire and made a visual gag out of it. A poor bus boy throws pitchers of water on the man as he collapses dead into the restaurant.
Stabler and Munch arrive at the scene (Benson is at a conference for… some reason) and meet up with M.E. Warner, who shows them that our John Doe is not only charred to a crisp but is also missing his private parts. When Munch asks where the victim came from, Warner tells them with a straight face to "Follow the bloody brick road."
Someone give SVU's joke writer a raise because John Doe's not the only one who's on fire tonight.
Back at the station, Warner rehydrates his fingerprints (what?) and discovers his identity is that of a homeless man named John Galli. They visit Galli's father, played by Michael Badalucco, a man who hates cows more than coppers. Mr. Galli informs them that his son had been targeted by "Street Cleaners," a vigilante group that runs around beating up homeless people and posting videos of their exploits online. Planning a sting to catch the Street Cleaners in action, Tutuola suggests they "introduce them to the laziest, filthiest bum they've ever seen."
Smash cut to: Munch pretending to be a homeless wacko screaming conspiracy theories into the night. No joke, this edit is hilarious.
Anyway, the Street Cleaners run out to beat up Munch and are quickly arrested. The detectives take off the perps' ski masks and one of them is a girl. The music treats this reveal like it is the most shocking thing that could ever happen. Obviously, they didn't kill Galli - SVU always throws a red herring at you in the first ten minutes and this episode is no different.
Returning to the station, Stabler and Munch find a blowtorch that was found at the scene and can be traced back to the science lab at Blessed Heart High School. Their guide at the school is Max, the president of the school's chastity club (remember this for later), who informs them that the only student who has access to the lab after hours is senior Alec Bernardi. Stabler and Munch spot Alec, who immediately looks guilty and tries to escape the cafeteria. Munch tells Alec that he looks like someone lit a fire under his ass.
"Fire?" Alec asks, sweating. "I don't know anything about a fire."
Smooth, Alec, real smooth.
He's got a burn on his hand so it's obviously him. They bring him to the station for interrogation, where Benson returns from her conference just in time for Alec's mother Peggy to burst in. Peggy is played by the incredible Debi Mazar, so even though the episode was cruising along at a comfortable seven or eight, the energy level has now been dialed up to eleven. Alec is proud of mutilating and immolating Galli and reveals that he did it because Galli raped his little sister Tina and got her pregnant.
Benson speaks with Tina, who vehemently denies being raped. However, she is pregnant. Turns out, she seduced Galli to get pregnant on purpose because she and her friends are in… you guessed it… a pregnancy pact! That's right, this episode's ripped-from-the-headlines story is the Gloucester High School pregnancy pact, where a bunch of teenaged girls got pregnant on purpose.
Benson tells the girls that they are stupid. "What's the big deal?" one girl asks. "That vice president lady's daughter is gonna have a baby. Why can't we?"
The pact's ringleader is Fidelia Vidal, who is excited that she and her friends are "totally gonna be the hottest MILFs on the block." Her father, Not-Bobby Canavale, wants Benson to leave because she is scaring Fidelia with some truth talk. Suddenly, her boyfriend bursts in, having just heard the news of her pregnancy - and it's Max, the chastity club president. Oops. Fidelia's baby daddy is not Max but is instead a twenty-two-year-old rapper named Dizzer.
Let's talk about Dizzer. In an otherwise perfect episode of SVU, Dizzer is a straight-up garbage character. Dizzer is a white rapper who works at a place called Skribble Skratch Records. His motto, airbrushed on his shirt, is "reckin' decks 'n' gettin' sex" and he attempts to get a fist bump from Tutuola, calling him a "brother." Again, this guy is white and he is trying way too hard.
Stabler hands him a court order for a DNA test and the detectives leave to let Not-Bobby Canavale know that they're actually getting stuff done this episode and everything's going to be alright. Not-Bobby Canavale goes to Fidelia's room so they can go get the amniocentesis done and make a DNA match, but her door is locked. Stabler shoulders the door open because he's an animal and the parents and detectives are met with a disturbing sight:
Fidelia, dead, having hanged herself on her ceiling fan.
Obviously everyone is distraught and it's a genuinely shocking moment. Not-Bobby Canavale comforts Max, and Michael Badalucco is spotted moping in the crowd to remind us that he is still in this episode. Fidelia's mother lets the detectives know that someone online was calling Felida names like "slut" and "whore." The email address leads them back to Dizzer, but he denies having sent the harassing emails. His alibi is that he was taking part in a threesome in Brooklyn and reminds the detectives of his motto/airbrushed shirt. Tutuola looks ready to punch this man. The detectives take his phone into evidence and thankfully we don't have to deal with Dizzer ever again.
Tech agent Morales proves that the IP address actually came from an internet cafe and holy shit the culprit turns out to be none other than Peggy Bernardi, seen in some seriously unflattering ATM camera angles. Peggy proudly shows off a onesie for her new grandbaby that says "My grandma is a GILF" and high-fives Tina. When Stabler and Munch confront her about her harassing emails, Peggy goes off on a warpath about how Fidelia ruined her kids' lives and kicks the detectives out of her house. ADA Greylek suggests that they hit Peggy with criminal impersonation and reckless endangerment, among other charges, and Munch reminds the group that Peggy only used words against Fidelia and to arrest her would go against the first amendment. Good ol’ Munch, always a voice of reason. Before they have time to commit to what exactly they're arresting Peggy for, word comes in that a mob has formed outside Peggy's apartment, led by Not-Bobby Canavale. Stabler and Munch arrive to rescue-arrest Peggy.
On the stand, Peggy says that sending harassing emails to a hormonal teenaged girl was "just a goof." A large television is presented so that Peggy can awkwardly read her fake-teenage bibble-babble to the courtroom. We get to learn what "OMFG" and "STFU" mean. In her last message to Peggy, Fidelia writes that her "fath is knocking," implying that their conversation was ended because Not-Bobby Canavale was at the door. However, Tina suddenly comes to a realization and informs the courtroom that "FATH" actually stands for "first and true husband" in some dumb chastity club lingo.
Stabler and Munch realize that Fidelia's "FATH" was Max, who comes clean: when he realized that Fidelia had cheated on him and didn't love him, he killed her and faked her suicide. Case closed.
Max and Alec are put away for their crimes and Peggy is let go. ADA Greylick gives Peggy some unnecessary attitude and Peggy goes fully ballistic, strangling Greylek and screaming "I'm a good mother!" Greylek tells Stabler to "collar that bitch for assault" but Stabler sees poor Tina in tears, having witnessed everyone she knows and loves fall apart in front of her. Mr. Galli offers to take Tina in, given that she is pregnant with his grandchild, and promises to help her raise the baby. The episode ends on a rare moment of kindness.
So what makes "Babes" the best episode of Law and Order: SVU? The episode features a lot of "ripped-from-the-headlines" moments, from the Gloucester pregnancy pact to the the suicide of Megan Meier. There are some genuinely funny moments in the episode and the performances are pretty great, especially Debi Mazar. And while Benson isn't featured all that much, it's a pretty heavy Munch episode, and he's always great. The episode starts with a homeless man on fire with his penis chopped off and still somehow finds a way to get more crazy by the end. "Babes" is a season ten episode, which means it's SVU in their bonkers prime, a few seasons before Stabler left but long enough into the show's run for them to feel blindly confident in what they were doing. If you are able to stream this episode, I highly recommend checking it out - it will almost definitely improve your day.
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