#Darth Vader Dark Lord of the Sith
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PIC INFO: Mega spotlight on concept art of Darth Vader without life support suit, in his Bacta tank on Mustafar, artwork by London, UK-based concept deigner/ sculptor, Luke Fisher, from "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" (2016). Lucasfilm Ltd.
"He’s really a burns victim, and it’s not going to be fun for him when he’s not in the suit – he’s going to be uncomfortable. I love the idea of showing that he’s vulnerable as well. Just seeing those scars and realising that he’s… an amputee…it just [reminds] you of that [trauma] before he does all his stuff, it makes you torn."
-- "Rogue One" director GARETH EDWARDS on seeing Lord Vader in a bacta tank
Source: www.artstation.com/lukefisherart.
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vadertyrannus · 1 year
Debunking Misconceptions about Darth Vader's Power Level
This is a continuation of my main post proving that Darth Vader is the most powerful Sith in Star Wars Canon. Please check out my original post before reading.
“Darth Vader’s being a cyborg prevented him from reaching his Force potential”
Incorrect. Darth Vader’s suit was not a hindrance to his power. If anything, it made him stronger in the dark side.
These quotes from Lords of the Sith say so.
The armour separated him from the galaxy, from everyone, made him singular, freed him from the needs of the flesh, the concerns of the body that once had plagued him, and allowed him to focus solely on his relationship to the Force.
He stared at his reflection a long time. His injuries had deformed his body, left it broken, but they’d perfected his spirit, strengthening his connection to the Force.
The loss of his limbs causing him to lose potential doesn't even make any sense. Midichlorians are measured per cell, not per body. Vader may have lost his limbs, but the rest of the body is still just as powerful.
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If you go by the logic that more biomass means means more powerful, Yoda should be the weakest Jedi on the Jedi Council since he has the least biomass of any of them. It doesn't make sense.
Additionally, when his suit was shut of by its creator, Cylo in the Darth Vader (2015) comic series, Vader used the Force to move his body so he could kill him.
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Even with his suit deactivated, Darth Vader is still a lethal opponent.
So no, Vader's suit was not a hindrance to his Force power.
“Vader’s suit was intentionally designed by Sidious to make him weaker and to be painful”
This is another thing that is often assumed by people because it was true in Legends, but it simply isn’t true in Canon.
In Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (2017), immediately after Vader gets his suit, Sidious asks Vader what he thinks of his suit. He doesn’t begrudgingly say he hates it. Instead, he just says:
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Later in the series, after completing the creation of his new red lightsaber, which he had to kill a Jedi to do, its shown that Vader fixes his own suit to his liking, and Sidious even approves and encourages this.
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Vader even gets pissed off at the idea of anyone else fixing his armor. Unlike in Legends, he has to repair his armor himself.
In Canon, Sidious didn’t want Vader to be held back. He never intentionally handicaps him, and is always disappointed whenever Vader shows any sign of loss in power. This is congruent with his line in Revenge of the Sith when he boasts to Yoda that Vader will be more powerful then either of them: he says it in pride, not as if it will be a problem.
This makes sense. He wants an incredibly strong apprentice to be his enforcer, and has complete confidence Vader won't betray him, both because he has emotionally manipulated him to be psychologically dependent on him, as well as having several contingencies.
This also makes sense since we’re talking about a character to was able to build a protocol droid at the age of 9. He shouldn’t have a problem fixing his suit himself.
“Vader’s suit made him a slow/clunky/inept saber duelist”
Not only is this contradicted by this Top 5 list...
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...but it also contradicts the movies itself.
I mean, look at him go (it's time-coded).
There's also this moment, in the comics...
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...and this moment in the Lords of the Sith novel.
With preternatural speed the Emperor drew, ignited, and slashed at the girl with his lightsaber, but Vader had sensed his Master’s intent and moved with greater speed, igniting his own blade and intercepting his Master’s blow before it could land.
This debunks the notion that Vader didn’t have the speed to keep up with Sidious (or other fast moving lightsaber duelists like Yoda).
If Vader was such a slow and terrible duelist who was a shadow of his former self, how would he have enforced Sidious’ will? How would he “hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights” as Obi-Wan says in A New Hope? And why would Yoda and Obi-Wan need to hide in exile?
"Vader lost to Obi-Wan in Obi-Wan Kenobi so you're wrong"
Vader was conflicted, as Sidious outright states in the next scene.
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Initially, Vader was stronger and was beating Obi-Wan...
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..but he was caught off guard by Obi-Wan's newfound confidence and power boost. His emotional conflict also weakened him, and once Obi-Wan damaged his suit enough so he couldn't breath properly anymore, it was basically over.
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Credit to @david-talks-sw for the gifs; check out his blog.
While I do have my issues with Vader losing to Obi-Wan in the series, I'm glad they at least gave an in-universe explanation so Obi-Wan isn't more powerful then Vader, and thus also Sidious, by default, thus destroying the entire original trilogy.
"Sidious wrecked Vader in Issue #6 of the 2020 comics so you’re wrong"
Yes, in this instance, Sidious was more powerful then Vader. However, saying this proves Sidious is generally more powerful is to completely ignore the context in which this happens.
Vader's quest to find who raised his son after The Empire Strikes Back brought back memories of his mother and Padme, including Vader watching a recording showing Padme still believed there to be good in him.
This created a lot of conflict in Vader, and he began wallowing in sadness and grief instead of being fueled by anger and hatred.
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Sidious outright says this.
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Here, he tells his apprentice that he needs to return to the former power, even acknowledging Vader’s once “unimaginable strength”.
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The whole point of this is that Sidious was trying to get old Vader back, and that he shouldn't be able to do this to him.
Sidious easily beats Vader here because he lost himself. This does not prove he was always weaker then him.
“Sidious wrecked Vader in Issue #11 of the 2020 comics so you’re wrong”
I'll definitely concede that in this case, it's more debatable as to whether Sidious is more powerful then Vader.
Sidious avoids a direct confrontation with Vader, instead choosing to lure him into a series of enemies, including an army of Sith cultists and a literal weaponized kyber crystal.
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It's worth noting that Vader still isn't in his prime here. After going through many difficult opponents, from a bounty hunter to a giant monster, without the aid of the Force, Vader is tired and literally held together by scraps. And yet he still keeps going, fueled by his rage.
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When Sidious activates the kyber crystal, Vader is being harmed, while Sidious feels... nothing. He just stands in front of it.
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Is Sidious now more powerful then Vader? Or is this just because Vader is weak because of everything he's been through and still has some conflict within him?
We can't really say for sure. At this point, it's up to interpretation.
The artist of the comic series did say that Vader is more powerful...
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...but this is less of a Word of God statement and more of a Word of Saint Paul statement.
Regardless, it does not preclude Vader being more powerful prior to this comic series. Which is why I always say that Vader from ROTS up to ESB is the most powerful Sith, because after ESB, whether he's actually more powerful then Sidious is debatable.
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aj-artjunkyard · 7 months
NOT to cheapen a beautiful and very emotional scene but I love that Vader just tossed Sidious over a safety railing. You’re so right king he DOSEN’T deserve a climactic 10-minute lightsaber-force-lava-showdown-duel like Obi-Wan did
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evawritesstuff · 3 months
Anakin was crying when he told Padme that he genocided the Tuskens. He told her he hated them but he also hated himself.
Star wars is a tragedy because every time you watch it, you think maybe in the back of your mind " it could have been otherwise".Anakin was brilliant and had the potential to be a great person but ended up being one of the worst ones. And he knew it too deep down in his heart but suppressed it as Darth Vader.
Yoda said once you go down the dark path, it will forever dominate your destiny. Anakin believed that there was no coming back. Of course, both omitted the power of love, a power both predictable and unpredictable at the same time.
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gretchenzellerbarnes · 2 months
"anakin would've never turned to the dark side had qui gon lived." utter. bullshit. not only is this particular hot take an insult to obi-wan it completely robs anakin of his agency, because at the end of the day it was anakin's decision to pledge his loyalty to palpatine and to destroy everything that the people he loved held dear. that's what makes anakin skywalker such a compelling character, and as darth vader a tragic and iconic villian... because he did this to himself.
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instarwars · 6 days
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juancastrotx · 2 months
Darth Vader 🖤🌑🔴
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pbandjeveryday · 10 months
Would Anakin have killed the younglings if Palpatine hadn’t told him to? No.
Would he have been in the screwed-up mental state required to obey Palpatine without the other messed up things that had happened to him in his childhood and during the Clone Wars? No.
Should he have killed the younglings, given Palpatine’s years of manipulation and all the other problems people had caused for him? Still no! Murder is never okay!
All this to say that there are MULTIPLE causes for Anakin’s fall (moving past just the youngling example). I mean even in real life, since when has any major historical event had just one cause? There’s always like eighty-seven reasons that bleed into each other. Saying Vader was created by One Specific Thing isn’t what the prequels showed us.
Anakin did have long-standing issues with anger and aggression and extreme attachment, and he is responsible for his actions. At the same time, Anakin was not some devil child who was beyond help and 100% destined for evil from the beginning. The Council’s actions/inactions played a role. Shmi’s unfair death played a role. Palpatine’s manipulations, which started at age nine for Anakin, played a role. Anakin’s personal accountability for his fall doesn’t take away from the external causes, nor do the external causes justify Anakin’s crimes.
Anakin’s story isn’t clear cut black-and-white, never has been. And that’s ok :)
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on suitless Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith, artwork by notable American comic-book artist/illustrator, Bill Sienkiewicz.
Resolution at 792x1215 & 736x1140.
Sources: www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/awbbnz & Pinterest.
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nun-draws · 1 year
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every dark side aligned character
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ari-leah-arts · 1 year
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I wonder if I can still draw Vader….
Survey says: oh yes I can
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redcell6 · 1 year
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The Power of the Dark Side
by Victor Garcia
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alphacomicsvol2 · 11 months
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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #5 Cover Art by Dave Wilkins
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