sosaysdean · 2 years
i don’t know a single mcr song but i do know that they’re meeting the minimum vibe check. normally when my mutuals start to switch fandoms i have to start filtering out most of what they post. but when i see this gerard way i just think “ok this guy can stay”
PLEASE THEYRE JUST SO. every time I post something about mcr im like oh god I’m abandoning spn tumblr and then reblog like three spn posts
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that-one-ao3-writer · 11 months
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Basically what's happening, right?
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destiel-wings · 1 year
Jensen said there would be other voices narrating alongside Dean's in The Winchesters and still we haven't heard any.
When in the very last minute of the season finale of the Winchesters we hear Dean's V.O. and then it turns into what seems like a conversation and we HEAR CASTIEL'S VOICE REPLYING TO HIM AND UNDERSTAND THEY'RE TOGETHER AND ACTUALLY SPEAKING I--
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littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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Looking at the creamy surface of the liquid, Castiel wonders why he never thought of doing that, then at Dean's pleased smile, wondering why he did. Map of the World, Chapter 7 / What Love Can Do- Bruce Springsteen
ID: A series of seven digital drawings of Dean and Cas from Supernatural, showing Dean making Cas coffee, along with lyrics from What Love Can Do by Bruce Springsteen. The drawings are all rough sketches in black on a white background, with mid tones in pink in every second image. The lyrics areas follows. 1: "There's a pillar in the temple where I carved your name, there's a soul sitting sad and blue", with Cas sitting at a kitchen table and Dean leaning on the same table looking at him. 2: "Now the remedies you've taken are all in vain", with an image of bottles piled up around a trash can, viewed through the legs of Cas' chair. 3: "Let me show you what love can do, let me show you what love can do", with Dean facing away and pouring coffee into a cup at the kitchen counter. 4: "Darling I can't stop the rain", with a birds-eye-view of a coffee mug as Dean adds sugar to it. 5: "Or turn your black sky blue", with a close up of the coffee mug as Dean passes it to Cas. 6: "Well let me show you what love can do", with Cas taking a drink. 7: "Let me show you what love can do", with Dean and Cas sitting facing each other at the table and smiling. End ID.
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maakeba · 1 year
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"The time we had together, we stole. I cheated fate to be with you. And we shouldn't have had that time together, but we did, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I don't wanna say goodbye, but I will say: I love you son." (Fringe, 5x13)
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samsrosary · 1 year
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why him? why not me?
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kr-uwu-ssy · 8 months
It's not enough I need one or both of them to watch as the other dies and comes back leaving a permanent, life altering scar in their mind and on their soul
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lizstiel · 1 year
Dean’s sitting at the kitchen table eating meatloaf when it all sort of hits – and he’s desperate to remember it exactly how it happened.
With his fork raised halfway to his mouth, a dollop of meat and sauce perched precariously on the tines, his eyes wandered over to where Cas stood by the sink in a pair of ratty pajama bottoms and one of Dean’s old t-shirts. (One of Dean’s old t-shirts, because once Cas gets his shoulders into them they never really sit the same way.)
He’s got soap up to his elbows, scrubbing methodically at the dishes Dean just dirtied, his brow a taught, concentrated line. He’s bringing the same kind of meticulous focus to the dishes that he used to bring to leading the armies of Heaven; that singular kind of attention, both unnerving and admirable. (Dean had once tried to explain that he didn’t need to wash them quite so vigorously, to which Cas had deadpanned, “Do you know how many food particles remain on the dishes you wash, Dean?” It quickly became his job, after that.)
It’s early July. About 6:30pm. The window over the sink is cracked, and the front door is wide open, letting the sound of cicadas and crickets drift in with the summer breeze. The sun’s starting to set behind the field, casting the world in that particular orange glow that has always made something in Dean ache. In the other room, the record player Sam got them for Christmas plays a beat up Janis Joplin record he’d found at a secondhand store in town. The opening chords of Me and Bobby McGee have just started, and the cicadas are humming, and the crickets are singing, and the sun is setting, and Cas is standing in old pajamas washing dishes Dean just used to make them dinner and –
Cas tilts his head.
This isn’t revolutionary. He does it a lot. A very ingrained behavior, some might say. But he isn’t confused, he’s reacting. To the song. He doesn’t react to music the way Dean wants him to, never has, but in his own way, it’s almost like he’s leaning closer to hear it. An infinitesimal thing. The smallest gesture. The corner of his mouth twitches, and Dean has never loved him more than he does at this moment: backlit by a summer sunset in their house in the middle of nowhere, hand washing dishes and listening to Janis Joplin.
Cas turns when the sound of Dean’s fork clattering on the plate sounds, but Dean just scoops him into his arms, chases any worries away with a kiss, and then another, and then one more for good measure. Cas laughs against his mouth, desperately trying to keep his soapy arms away from Dean’s dry clothes. “Dean,” he chides, squirming and chuckling, trying to extract himself from Dean’s grip. “I’m not finished.”
“I’ll get ‘em tomorrow,” Dean promises, peppering sweet little kisses down the line of Cas' throat. He hasn’t shaved in a couple of days. It tickles all the way down. “Love you so much,” he says, because he wants to. Because he’s so full with it he’s overflowing. Because if he doesn’t tell him right now, in this moment, and every moment after this one, he might die. He needs him to know. It’s vital that he knows.
Cas’ laughter warms, and he slides one soapy hand to the back of Dean’s neck, eyebrows raised in challenge when he shudders at the sensation. When Dean doesn’t immediately shoo him away, he slides the other soapy hand up Dean’s arm. “Dean?” He’s not worried, the timber of his voice is honey-smooth and light, but he’s confused. Not that Dean doesn’t tell him often, and loudly, how much he loves him, but to be fair this did kind of come from nowhere, so he understands. It’s just much too much. It’s not enough and it’s everything. It’s everything in the world Dean has ever wanted.
Janis Joplin is singing freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose, and Dean’s arms are loose around Cas’ waist, and he loves him, god he loves him so much, so he kisses him on one corner of the mouth, and then the other. Janis says, nothin’, don’t mean nothin’ hon’ if it ain’t free, no, no – and he rocks their bodies together, slow, to the beat of the music. Cas’ arms come to wind around his neck automatically, and his smile starts to sprawl into something reserved for only the really good moments. Wide and gummy and for Dean – and feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues. He presses his forehead to Cas’ and they just sort of sway there like that, smiling at each other like this might be the last chance they ever get.
Cas says – “I love you, Dean,” just as Janis is singing, you know feelin’ good was good enough for me – and it occurs to Dean that he’s dancing in the kitchen with the love of his life. He thinks back to the longest, loneliest nights he spent staring up at the night sky, believing wholly he’d die bloody and alone on the backend of some random hunt, and how the smallest (but loudest) part of him had wished for exactly this. For someone to hold him and see him and dance in the kitchen with him, barefoot and covered in soap.
He kisses the tip of Cas’ nose, the lines under his eyes. Doesn’t realize he’s crying until Cas is wiping tears away with the pads of his thumbs and soothing hands through his hair. He’s crying, too. Laughing and crying and telling Dean he loves him, he loves him so much, he’s loved him from the first moment he saw him.
It settles in Dean then – really settles deep, and true, and good – that he was meant for this. He wasn’t born to be a weapon. Wasn’t born to be a son, or a father, or a brother. Wasn’t born to save the world or to end it – was just meant to dance. His arms were meant to hold. To sway them both around the cheap linoleum floor, to sling low around Cas’ waist and spin them both ‘til they were dizzy with it.
They laugh and kiss and Janis is saying – good enough for me and Bobby McGee – and Dean is thinking – Yeah. Yeah, it really is.
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deancaskiss · 1 year
waiting for you is like waiting for the sun to rise;
and yet standing on that hill,
watching the moon slip behind the clouds
as the warmth peeks out to replace the silver glow,
I feel like i’m waiting alone.
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isaacthedruid · 3 months
just broke the news to my Mama that Crowley doesn’t come back after season 12 and then we started talking about destiel and she is very interested in what Jack is gonna be like… mmm
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felixiskandar · 11 months
im with the shippers on this one tbqh. like why are they doing all that if carmen and syd arent meant to be
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midnight-coll · 1 month
I take one vacation and i come back to the spn fandom in SHAMBLES i was originally planning on posting about how good a time i had, first time I've ever felt a sense of belonging, being home, whatever. Now i am endlessly fascinated by misha collins and his unhinged behavior
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fromthegraveyard · 6 months
why didn't anyone make a destiel meme about spn possibly coming back i can't believe i had to find out about this the normal way
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disasterpenguin · 7 months
Anyways Dean loved Cas too, the song Watchin' Over Me proves it 😤
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winter-jay-official · 3 months
Dean and Cas were never even dating to me Cas pulled this dumb bitch out of hell married him and promptly fucked off until his husband called and they just never tell you
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When one of the friends you talk to about supernatural is on an exchange trip
*quiet sobbing in the corner*
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